blob: 566d0360bcfa72daa89e8c9bcbd5abd438564388 [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "streethawk",
"version": "1.4.2",
"summary": "StreetHawk provides capability to improve relationship between marketing and final customers.",
"description": " The first goal of StreetHawk is give App owners, product managers and marketers the ability to increase customer retention in their apps. That is done by giving them tools to reach their customers in a one-to-one real-time context.\n\n The second goal is to let YOU, the App developers do this in just a few hours and then get back to coding the cool stuff. The following sections give developers a “quick start” for enabling existing IOS apps with the StreetHawk SDK, specifically the StreetHawk drop-in Library for IOS.\n\n Within a few minutes or hours you empower your marketing people to simply build sophisticated “set-and-forget” marketing campaigns that reach users at the “right-time” based on their App usage of around geofences (like venues, retail shops etc).\n",
"homepage": "",
"screenshots": [
"license": {
"type": "Apache Public License",
"file": "ios/streethawk/LICENSE"
"authors": {
"Christine": "",
"Supporter": ""
"docset_url": "",
"documentation_url": "",
"source": {
"hg": "",
"revision": "16"
"platforms": {
"ios": "6.0"
"requires_arc": true,
"frameworks": [
"libraries": "sqlite3",
"xcconfig": {
"vendored_frameworks": "ios/streethawk/Pod/Frameworks/StreetHawkCore.framework",
"resources": "ios/streethawk/Pod/Frameworks/StreetHawkCore.framework/StreetHawkCoreRes.bundle"