blob: 1ccd13412a64496c17fd9d1476e92abb0fff71c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <objbase.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/profiler/native_stack_sampler.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/win/pe_image.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
namespace base {
namespace {
// Walks the stack represented by |context| from the current frame downwards,
// recording the instruction pointers for each frame in |instruction_pointers|.
int RecordStack(CONTEXT* context,
int max_stack_size,
const void* instruction_pointers[],
bool* last_frame_is_unknown_function) {
#ifdef _WIN64
*last_frame_is_unknown_function = false;
int i = 0;
for (; (i < max_stack_size) && context->Rip; ++i) {
// Try to look up unwind metadata for the current function.
ULONG64 image_base;
PRUNTIME_FUNCTION runtime_function =
RtlLookupFunctionEntry(context->Rip, &image_base, nullptr);
instruction_pointers[i] = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(context->Rip);
if (runtime_function) {
void* handler_data;
ULONG64 establisher_frame;
RtlVirtualUnwind(0, image_base, context->Rip, runtime_function, context,
&handler_data, &establisher_frame, &nvcontext);
} else {
// If we don't have a RUNTIME_FUNCTION, then in theory this should be a
// leaf function whose frame contains only a return address, at
// RSP. However, crash data also indicates that some third party libraries
// do not provide RUNTIME_FUNCTION information for non-leaf functions. We
// could manually unwind the stack in the former case, but attempting to
// do so in the latter case would produce wrong results and likely crash,
// so just bail out.
// Ad hoc runs with instrumentation show that ~5% of stack traces end with
// a valid leaf function. To avoid selectively omitting these traces it
// makes sense to ultimately try to distinguish these two cases and
// selectively unwind the stack for legitimate leaf functions. For the
// purposes of avoiding crashes though, just ignore them all for now.
return i;
return i;
return 0;
// Fills in |module_handles| corresponding to the pointers to code in
// |addresses|. The module handles are returned with reference counts
// incremented and should be freed with FreeModuleHandles. See note in
// SuspendThreadAndRecordStack for why |addresses| and |module_handles| are
// arrays.
void FindModuleHandlesForAddresses(const void* const addresses[],
HMODULE module_handles[], int stack_depth,
bool last_frame_is_unknown_function) {
const int module_frames =
last_frame_is_unknown_function ? stack_depth - 1 : stack_depth;
for (int i = 0; i < module_frames; ++i) {
HMODULE module_handle = NULL;
&module_handle)) {
// HMODULE actually represents the base address of the module, so we can
// use it directly as an address.
DCHECK_LE(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(module_handle), addresses[i]);
module_handles[i] = module_handle;
// Frees the modules handles returned by FindModuleHandlesForAddresses. See note
// in SuspendThreadAndRecordStack for why |module_handles| is an array.
void FreeModuleHandles(int stack_depth, HMODULE module_handles[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < stack_depth; ++i) {
if (module_handles[i])
// Gets the unique build ID for a module. Windows build IDs are created by a
// concatenation of a GUID and AGE fields found in the headers of a module. The
// GUID is stored in the first 16 bytes and the AGE is stored in the last 4
// bytes. Returns the empty string if the function fails to get the build ID.
// Example:
// dumpbin chrome.exe /headers | find "Format:"
// ... Format: RSDS, {16B2A428-1DED-442E-9A36-FCE8CBD29726}, 10, ...
// The resulting buildID string of this instance of chrome.exe is
// "16B2A4281DED442E9A36FCE8CBD2972610".
// Note that the AGE field is encoded in decimal, not hex.
std::string GetBuildIDForModule(HMODULE module_handle) {
GUID guid;
DWORD age;
win::PEImage(module_handle).GetDebugId(&guid, &age);
const int kGUIDSize = 39;
std::wstring build_id;
int result =
::StringFromGUID2(guid, WriteInto(&build_id, kGUIDSize), kGUIDSize);
if (result != kGUIDSize)
return std::string();
RemoveChars(build_id, L"{}-", &build_id);
build_id += StringPrintf(L"%d", age);
return WideToUTF8(build_id);
// Disables priority boost on a thread for the lifetime of the object.
class ScopedDisablePriorityBoost {
ScopedDisablePriorityBoost(HANDLE thread_handle);
HANDLE thread_handle_;
BOOL got_previous_boost_state_;
BOOL boost_state_was_disabled_;
ScopedDisablePriorityBoost::ScopedDisablePriorityBoost(HANDLE thread_handle)
: thread_handle_(thread_handle),
boost_state_was_disabled_(false) {
got_previous_boost_state_ =
::GetThreadPriorityBoost(thread_handle_, &boost_state_was_disabled_);
if (got_previous_boost_state_) {
// Confusingly, TRUE disables priority boost.
::SetThreadPriorityBoost(thread_handle_, TRUE);
ScopedDisablePriorityBoost::~ScopedDisablePriorityBoost() {
if (got_previous_boost_state_)
::SetThreadPriorityBoost(thread_handle_, boost_state_was_disabled_);
// Suspends the thread with |thread_handle|, records the stack into
// |instruction_pointers|, then resumes the thread. Returns the size of the
// stack.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: No heap allocations may occur between SuspendThread and
// ResumeThread. Otherwise this code can deadlock on heap locks acquired by the
// target thread before it was suspended. This is why we pass instruction
// pointers and module handles as preallocated arrays rather than vectors, since
// vectors make it too easy to subtly allocate memory.
int SuspendThreadAndRecordStack(HANDLE thread_handle, int max_stack_size,
const void* instruction_pointers[],
bool* last_frame_is_unknown_function) {
if (::SuspendThread(thread_handle) == -1)
return 0;
int stack_depth = 0;
CONTEXT thread_context = {0};
thread_context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
if (::GetThreadContext(thread_handle, &thread_context)) {
stack_depth = RecordStack(&thread_context, max_stack_size,
// Disable the priority boost that the thread would otherwise receive on
// resume. We do this to avoid artificially altering the dynamics of the
// executing application any more than we already are by suspending and
// resuming the thread.
// Note that this can racily disable a priority boost that otherwise would
// have been given to the thread, if the thread is waiting on other wait
// conditions at the time of SuspendThread and those conditions are satisfied
// before priority boost is reenabled. The measured length of this window is
// ~100us, so this should occur fairly rarely.
ScopedDisablePriorityBoost disable_priority_boost(thread_handle);
bool resume_thread_succeeded = ::ResumeThread(thread_handle) != -1;
CHECK(resume_thread_succeeded) << "ResumeThread failed: " << GetLastError();
return stack_depth;
class NativeStackSamplerWin : public NativeStackSampler {
explicit NativeStackSamplerWin(win::ScopedHandle thread_handle);
~NativeStackSamplerWin() override;
// StackSamplingProfiler::NativeStackSampler:
void ProfileRecordingStarting(
std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>* modules) override;
void RecordStackSample(StackSamplingProfiler::Sample* sample) override;
void ProfileRecordingStopped() override;
// Attempts to query the module filename, base address, and id for
// |module_handle|, and store them in |module|. Returns true if it succeeded.
static bool GetModuleForHandle(HMODULE module_handle,
StackSamplingProfiler::Module* module);
// Gets the index for the Module corresponding to |module_handle| in
// |modules|, adding it if it's not already present. Returns
// StackSamplingProfiler::Frame::kUnknownModuleIndex if no Module can be
// determined for |module|.
size_t GetModuleIndex(HMODULE module_handle,
std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>* modules);
// Copies the stack information represented by |instruction_pointers| into
// |sample| and |modules|.
void CopyToSample(const void* const instruction_pointers[],
const HMODULE module_handles[],
int stack_depth,
StackSamplingProfiler::Sample* sample,
std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>* modules);
win::ScopedHandle thread_handle_;
// Weak. Points to the modules associated with the profile being recorded
// between ProfileRecordingStarting() and ProfileRecordingStopped().
std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>* current_modules_;
// Maps a module handle to the corresponding Module's index within
// current_modules_.
std::map<HMODULE, size_t> profile_module_index_;
NativeStackSamplerWin::NativeStackSamplerWin(win::ScopedHandle thread_handle)
: thread_handle_(thread_handle.Take()) {
NativeStackSamplerWin::~NativeStackSamplerWin() {
void NativeStackSamplerWin::ProfileRecordingStarting(
std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>* modules) {
current_modules_ = modules;
void NativeStackSamplerWin::RecordStackSample(
StackSamplingProfiler::Sample* sample) {
const int max_stack_size = 64;
const void* instruction_pointers[max_stack_size] = {0};
HMODULE module_handles[max_stack_size] = {0};
bool last_frame_is_unknown_function = false;
int stack_depth = SuspendThreadAndRecordStack(
thread_handle_.Get(), max_stack_size, instruction_pointers,
FindModuleHandlesForAddresses(instruction_pointers, module_handles,
stack_depth, last_frame_is_unknown_function);
CopyToSample(instruction_pointers, module_handles, stack_depth, sample,
FreeModuleHandles(stack_depth, module_handles);
void NativeStackSamplerWin::ProfileRecordingStopped() {
current_modules_ = nullptr;
// static
bool NativeStackSamplerWin::GetModuleForHandle(
HMODULE module_handle,
StackSamplingProfiler::Module* module) {
wchar_t module_name[MAX_PATH];
DWORD result_length =
GetModuleFileName(module_handle, module_name, arraysize(module_name));
if (result_length == 0)
return false;
module->filename = base::FilePath(module_name);
module->base_address = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(module_handle);
module->id = GetBuildIDForModule(module_handle);
if (module->id.empty())
return false;
return true;
size_t NativeStackSamplerWin::GetModuleIndex(
HMODULE module_handle,
std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>* modules) {
if (!module_handle)
return StackSamplingProfiler::Frame::kUnknownModuleIndex;
auto loc = profile_module_index_.find(module_handle);
if (loc == profile_module_index_.end()) {
StackSamplingProfiler::Module module;
if (!GetModuleForHandle(module_handle, &module))
return StackSamplingProfiler::Frame::kUnknownModuleIndex;
loc = profile_module_index_.insert(std::make_pair(
module_handle, modules->size() - 1)).first;
return loc->second;
void NativeStackSamplerWin::CopyToSample(
const void* const instruction_pointers[],
const HMODULE module_handles[],
int stack_depth,
StackSamplingProfiler::Sample* sample,
std::vector<StackSamplingProfiler::Module>* module) {
for (int i = 0; i < stack_depth; ++i) {
GetModuleIndex(module_handles[i], module)));
} // namespace
scoped_ptr<NativeStackSampler> NativeStackSampler::Create(
PlatformThreadId thread_id) {
#if _WIN64
// Get the thread's handle.
HANDLE thread_handle = ::OpenThread(
if (thread_handle) {
return scoped_ptr<NativeStackSampler>(new NativeStackSamplerWin(
return scoped_ptr<NativeStackSampler>();
} // namespace base