blob: 51adcff8f67375a4bf0507fedfeecf72daa07396 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base;
import android.content.Context;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
* This class provides Android Context utility methods.
public class ContextUtils {
private static Context sApplicationContext;
* Get the Android application context.
* Under normal circumstances there is only one application context in a process, so it's safe
* to treat this as a global. In WebView it's possible for more than one app using WebView to be
* running in a single process, but this mechanism is rarely used and this is not the only
* problem in that scenario, so we don't currently forbid using it as a global.
* Do not downcast the context returned by this method to Application (or any subclass). It may
* not be an Application object; it may be wrapped in a ContextWrapper. The only assumption you
* may make is that it is a Context whose lifetime is the same as the lifetime of the process.
public static Context getApplicationContext() {
assert sApplicationContext != null;
return sApplicationContext;
* Initialize the Android application context.
* Either this or the native equivalent base::android::InitApplicationContext must be called
* once during startup. JNI bindings must have been initialized, as the context is stored on
* both sides.
public static void initApplicationContext(Context appContext) {
assert appContext != null;
assert sApplicationContext == null || sApplicationContext == appContext;
* JUnit Robolectric tests run without native code; allow them to set just the Java-side
* context. Do not use in configurations that actually run on Android!
public static void initApplicationContextForJUnitTests(Context appContext) {
private static void initJavaSideApplicationContext(Context appContext) {
sApplicationContext = appContext;
private static native void nativeInitNativeSideApplicationContext(Context appContext);