blob: f22845295ba2cfbb5665d97a68ec4be602f0b632 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is used to manage the dependencies of the Chromium src repo. It is
# used by gclient to determine what version of each dependency to check out, and
# where.
# For more information, please refer to the official documentation:
# When adding a new dependency, please update the top-level .gitignore file
# to list the dependency's destination directory.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rolling deps
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# All repositories in this file are git-based, using Chromium git mirrors where
# necessary (e.g., a git mirror is used when the source project is SVN-based).
# To update the revision that Chromium pulls for a given dependency:
# # Create and switch to a new branch
# git new-branch depsroll
# # Run roll-dep (provided by depot_tools) giving the dep's path and the
# # desired SVN revision number (e.g., third_party/foo/bar and a revision such
# # number from Subversion)
# roll-dep third_party/foo/bar REVISION_NUMBER
# # You should now have a modified DEPS file; commit and upload as normal
# git commit -a
# git cl upload
vars = {
# Use this googlecode_url variable only if there is an internal mirror for it.
# If you do not know, use the full path while defining your new deps entry.
'googlecode_url': '',
'sourceforge_url': '',
'llvm_url': '',
'llvm_git': '',
'webkit_trunk': '',
'webkit_revision': 'ff93a8671a046304f8dfeeed6f7a366432d30f8b', # from svn revision 195201
'chromium_git': '',
'chromiumos_git': '',
'pdfium_git': '',
'skia_git': '',
'boringssl_git': '',
'libvpx_revision': 'e9830e14ed6d3422c803bf45e0f6ffec341d8666',
'sfntly_revision': '1bdaae8fc788a5ac8936d68bf24f37d977a13dac',
'skia_revision': '8e5c177c8589e00f630ac6fae763c65cb9cae896',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling Skia
# and V8 without interference from each other.
'v8_branch': 'trunk',
'v8_revision': '2e4c5505e85d94b520e853dda3f0cc3f2769e5f0',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling WebRTC
# and V8 without interference from each other.
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling swarming_client
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'swarming_revision': 'f222001cc23c7cdb574bf4cfb447f65c94bc6da3',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling ANGLE
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'angle_revision': 'b11e2483742db884bd0af41f78f528240577356b',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling build tools
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'buildtools_revision': 'b0ede9c89f9d5fbe5387d961ad4c0ec665b6c821',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling PDFium
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'pdfium_revision': 'ad2a822ce5c320c61510ffdc309f766ab1056ef5',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling openmax_dl
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'openmax_dl_revision': '0b238cb62c32b6f45680cf577eddb1b051ae0219',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling BoringSSL
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'boringssl_revision': '68de407b5fc746c0fa82706dd897288d01c32930',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling nss
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'nss_revision': '95068068df410e398ac221a9195c999b22bd63e9', # from svn revision 294785
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling google-toolbox-for-mac
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'google_toolbox_for_mac_revision': 'ce47a231ea0b238fbe95538e86cc61d74c234be6', # from svn revision 705
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling lighttpd
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'lighttpd_revision': '9dfa55d15937a688a92cbf2b7a8621b0927d06eb',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling lss
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'lss_revision': '6f97298fe3794e92c8c896a6bc06e0b36e4c3de3',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling NaCl
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'nacl_revision': 'c3aa3421888b5e69932e2389658969ac181b83f7',
# Only these hosts are allowed for dependencies in this DEPS file.
# If you need to add a new host, contact chrome infrastracture team.
allowed_hosts = [
deps = {
Var('chromium_git') + '/external/googletest.git' + '@' + 'be1868139ffe0ccd0e8e3b37292b84c821d9c8ad', # from svn revision 704
deps_os = {
'unix': {
# Linux, really.
Var('chromium_git') + '/external/linux-syscall-support/lss.git' + '@' + Var('lss_revision'),
hooks = [
# Pull clang if needed or requested via GYP_DEFINES.
# Note: On Win, this should run after win_toolchain, as it may use it.
'name': 'clang',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python', 'src/tools/clang/scripts/', '--if-needed'],
'name': 'gn_linux64',
'pattern': '.',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
'--bucket', 'chromium-gn',
'-s', 'src/buildtools/linux64/gn.sha1',