blob: fa24eb10e26df4eb3a537d457d23c0146da32283 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from pylib import valgrind_tools
from pylib.base import base_test_result
from pylib.base import test_run
from pylib.base import test_collection
class LocalDeviceTestRun(test_run.TestRun):
def __init__(self, env, test_instance):
super(LocalDeviceTestRun, self).__init__(env, test_instance)
self._tools = {}
def RunTests(self):
tests = self._GetTests()
def run_tests_on_device(dev, tests):
r = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
for test in tests:
result = self._RunTest(dev, test)
if isinstance(result, base_test_result.BaseTestResult):
elif isinstance(result, list):
raise Exception('Unexpected result type: %s' % type(result).__name__)
if isinstance(tests, test_collection.TestCollection):
return r
tries = 0
results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
all_fail_results = {}
while tries < self._env.max_tries and tests:
logging.debug('try %d, will run %d tests:', tries, len(tests))
for t in tests:
logging.debug(' %s', t)
if self._ShouldShard():
tc = test_collection.TestCollection(self._CreateShards(tests))
try_results = self._env.parallel_devices.pMap(
run_tests_on_device, tc).pGet(None)
try_results = self._env.parallel_devices.pMap(
run_tests_on_device, tests).pGet(None)
for try_result in try_results:
for result in try_result.GetAll():
if result.GetType() in (base_test_result.ResultType.PASS,
all_fail_results[result.GetName()] = result
results_names = set(r.GetName() for r in results.GetAll())
tests = [t for t in tests if self._GetTestName(t) not in results_names]
tries += 1
all_unknown_test_names = set(self._GetTestName(t) for t in tests)
all_failed_test_names = set(all_fail_results.iterkeys())
unknown_tests = all_unknown_test_names.difference(all_failed_test_names)
failed_tests = all_failed_test_names.intersection(all_unknown_test_names)
if unknown_tests:
u, base_test_result.ResultType.UNKNOWN)
for u in unknown_tests)
if failed_tests:
results.AddResults(all_fail_results[f] for f in failed_tests)
return results
def GetTool(self, device):
if not str(device) in self._tools:
self._tools[str(device)] = valgrind_tools.CreateTool(
self._env.tool, device)
return self._tools[str(device)]
def _CreateShards(self, tests):
raise NotImplementedError
def _GetTestName(self, test):
return test
def _GetTests(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def _RunTest(self, device, test):
raise NotImplementedError
def _ShouldShard(self):
raise NotImplementedError