blob: 8b61bca25485649883c6fd917ba00cca57d4e2f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.library_loader;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import org.chromium.base.CommandLine;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.PackageUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* This class provides functionality to load and register the native libraries.
* Callers are allowed to separate loading the libraries from initializing them.
* This may be an advantage for Android Webview, where the libraries can be loaded
* by the zygote process, but then needs per process initialization after the
* application processes are forked from the zygote process.
* The libraries may be loaded and initialized from any thread. Synchronization
* primitives are used to ensure that overlapping requests from different
* threads are handled sequentially.
* See also base/android/library_loader/, which contains
* the native counterpart to this class.
public class LibraryLoader {
private static final String TAG = "LibraryLoader";
// Set to true to enable debug logs.
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// Guards all access to the libraries
private static final Object sLock = new Object();
// The singleton instance of LibraryLoader.
private static volatile LibraryLoader sInstance;
// One-way switch becomes true when the libraries are loaded.
private boolean mLoaded;
// One-way switch becomes true when the Java command line is switched to
// native.
private boolean mCommandLineSwitched;
// One-way switch becomes true when the libraries are initialized (
// by calling nativeLibraryLoaded, which forwards to LibraryLoaded(...) in
// Note that this member should remain a one-way switch, since it accessed from multiple
// threads without a lock.
private volatile boolean mInitialized;
// One-way switches recording attempts to use Relro sharing in the browser.
// The flags are used to report UMA stats later.
private boolean mIsUsingBrowserSharedRelros;
private boolean mLoadAtFixedAddressFailed;
// One-way switch becomes true if the Chromium library was loaded from the
// APK file directly.
private boolean mLibraryWasLoadedFromApk;
// The type of process the shared library is loaded in.
// This member can be accessed from multiple threads simultaneously, so it have to be
// final (like now) or be protected in some way (volatile of synchronized).
private final int mLibraryProcessType;
// One-way switch that becomes true once
// {@link asyncPrefetchLibrariesToMemory} has been called.
private final AtomicBoolean mPrefetchLibraryHasBeenCalled;
// The number of milliseconds it took to load all the native libraries, which
// will be reported via UMA. Set once when the libraries are done loading.
private long mLibraryLoadTimeMs;
* @param libraryProcessType the process the shared library is loaded in. refer to
* LibraryProcessType for possible values.
* @return LibraryLoader if existing, otherwise create a new one.
public static LibraryLoader get(int libraryProcessType) throws ProcessInitException {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (sInstance != null) {
if (sInstance.mLibraryProcessType == libraryProcessType) return sInstance;
throw new ProcessInitException(
sInstance = new LibraryLoader(libraryProcessType);
return sInstance;
private LibraryLoader(int libraryProcessType) {
mLibraryProcessType = libraryProcessType;
mPrefetchLibraryHasBeenCalled = new AtomicBoolean();
* This method blocks until the library is fully loaded and initialized.
* @param context The context in which the method is called.
public void ensureInitialized(Context context) throws ProcessInitException {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (mInitialized) {
// Already initialized, nothing to do.
* Checks if library is fully loaded and initialized.
public static boolean isInitialized() {
return sInstance != null && sInstance.mInitialized;
* Loads the library and blocks until the load completes. The caller is responsible
* for subsequently calling ensureInitialized().
* May be called on any thread, but should only be called once. Note the thread
* this is called on will be the thread that runs the native code's static initializers.
* See the comment in doInBackground() for more considerations on this.
* @param context The context the code is running.
* @throws ProcessInitException if the native library failed to load.
public void loadNow(Context context) throws ProcessInitException {
synchronized (sLock) {
* initializes the library here and now: must be called on the thread that the
* native will call its "main" thread. The library must have previously been
* loaded with loadNow.
public void initialize() throws ProcessInitException {
synchronized (sLock) {
/** Prefetches the native libraries in a background thread.
* Launches an AsyncTask that, through a short-lived forked process, reads a
* part of each page of the native library. This is done to warm up the
* page cache, turning hard page faults into soft ones.
* This is done this way, as testing shows that fadvise(FADV_WILLNEED) is
* detrimental to the startup time.
public void asyncPrefetchLibrariesToMemory() {
if (!mPrefetchLibraryHasBeenCalled.compareAndSet(false, true)) return;
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
boolean success = nativeForkAndPrefetchNativeLibrary();
if (!success) {
Log.w(TAG, "Forking a process to prefetch the native library failed.");
RecordHistogram.recordBooleanHistogram("LibraryLoader.PrefetchStatus", success);
return null;
// Helper for loadAlreadyLocked(). Load a native shared library with the Chromium linker.
// Sets UMA flags depending on the results of loading.
private void loadLibrary(Linker linker, @Nullable String zipFilePath, String libFilePath) {
if (linker.isUsingBrowserSharedRelros()) {
// If the browser is set to attempt shared RELROs then we try first with shared
// RELROs enabled, and if that fails then retry without.
mIsUsingBrowserSharedRelros = true;
try {
linker.loadLibrary(zipFilePath, libFilePath);
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to load native library with shared RELRO, retrying without");
mLoadAtFixedAddressFailed = true;
linker.loadLibraryNoFixedAddress(zipFilePath, libFilePath);
} else {
// No attempt to use shared RELROs in the browser, so load as normal.
linker.loadLibrary(zipFilePath, libFilePath);
// Loaded successfully, so record if we loaded directly from an APK.
if (zipFilePath != null) {
mLibraryWasLoadedFromApk = true;
// Invoke either Linker.loadLibrary(...) or System.loadLibrary(...), triggering
// JNI_OnLoad in native code
private void loadAlreadyLocked(Context context) throws ProcessInitException {
try {
if (!mLoaded) {
assert !mInitialized;
long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
if (Linker.isUsed()) {
// Load libraries using the Chromium linker.
Linker linker = Linker.getInstance();
for (String library : NativeLibraries.LIBRARIES) {
// Don't self-load the linker. This is because the build system is
// not clever enough to understand that all the libraries packaged
// in the final .apk don't need to be explicitly loaded.
if (linker.isChromiumLinkerLibrary(library)) {
if (DEBUG) Log.i(TAG, "ignoring self-linker load");
// Determine where the library should be loaded from.
String zipFilePath = null;
String libFilePath = System.mapLibraryName(library);
if (Linker.isInZipFile()) {
// Load directly from the APK.
zipFilePath = getLibraryApkPath(context);
Log.i(TAG, "Loading " + library + " from within " + zipFilePath);
} else {
// The library is in its own file.
Log.i(TAG, "Loading " + library);
// Load the library using this Linker. May throw UnsatisfiedLinkError.
loadLibrary(linker, zipFilePath, libFilePath);
} else {
// Load libraries using the system linker.
for (String library : NativeLibraries.LIBRARIES) {
long stopTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mLibraryLoadTimeMs = stopTime - startTime;
Log.i(TAG, String.format("Time to load native libraries: %d ms (timestamps %d-%d)",
startTime % 10000,
stopTime % 10000));
mLoaded = true;
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
throw new ProcessInitException(LoaderErrors.LOADER_ERROR_NATIVE_LIBRARY_LOAD_FAILED, e);
// Check that the version of the library we have loaded matches the version we expect
Log.i(TAG, String.format(
"Expected native library version number \"%s\", "
+ "actual native library version number \"%s\"",
if (!NativeLibraries.sVersionNumber.equals(nativeGetVersionNumber())) {
throw new ProcessInitException(LoaderErrors.LOADER_ERROR_NATIVE_LIBRARY_WRONG_VERSION);
// Returns whether the given split name is that of the ABI split.
private static boolean isAbiSplit(String splitName) {
// The split name for the ABI split is manually set in the build rules.
return splitName.startsWith("abi_");
// Returns the path to the .apk that holds the native libraries.
// This is either the main .apk, or the abi split apk.
private static String getLibraryApkPath(Context context) {
ApplicationInfo appInfo = context.getApplicationInfo();
return appInfo.sourceDir;
PackageInfo packageInfo = PackageUtils.getOwnPackageInfo(context);
if (packageInfo.splitNames != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < packageInfo.splitNames.length; ++i) {
if (isAbiSplit(packageInfo.splitNames[i])) {
return appInfo.splitSourceDirs[i];
return appInfo.sourceDir;
// The WebView requires the Command Line to be switched over before
// initialization is done. This is okay in the WebView's case since the
// JNI is already loaded by this point.
public void switchCommandLineForWebView() {
synchronized (sLock) {
// Switch the CommandLine over from Java to native if it hasn't already been done.
// This must happen after the code is loaded and after JNI is ready (since after the
// switch the Java CommandLine will delegate all calls the native CommandLine).
private void ensureCommandLineSwitchedAlreadyLocked() {
assert mLoaded;
if (mCommandLineSwitched) {
mCommandLineSwitched = true;
// Invoke base::android::LibraryLoaded in
private void initializeAlreadyLocked() throws ProcessInitException {
if (mInitialized) {
// Setup the native command line if necessary.
if (!mCommandLineSwitched) {
if (!nativeLibraryLoaded()) {
Log.e(TAG, "error calling nativeLibraryLoaded");
throw new ProcessInitException(LoaderErrors.LOADER_ERROR_FAILED_TO_REGISTER_JNI);
// The Chrome JNI is registered by now so we can switch the Java
// command line over to delegating to native if it's necessary.
if (!mCommandLineSwitched) {
mCommandLineSwitched = true;
// From now on, keep tracing in sync with native.
// From this point on, native code is ready to use and checkIsReady()
// shouldn't complain from now on (and in fact, it's used by the
// following calls).
// Note that this flag can be accessed asynchronously, so any initialization
// must be performed before.
mInitialized = true;
// Called after all native initializations are complete.
public void onNativeInitializationComplete(Context context) {
// Record Chromium linker histogram state for the main browser process. Called from
// onNativeInitializationComplete().
private void recordBrowserProcessHistogram(Context context) {
if (Linker.getInstance().isUsed()) {
// Returns the device's status for loading a library directly from the APK file.
// This method can only be called when the Chromium linker is used.
private int getLibraryLoadFromApkStatus(Context context) {
assert Linker.getInstance().isUsed();
if (mLibraryWasLoadedFromApk) {
return LibraryLoadFromApkStatusCodes.SUCCESSFUL;
// There were no libraries to be loaded directly from the APK file.
return LibraryLoadFromApkStatusCodes.UNKNOWN;
// Register pending Chromium linker histogram state for renderer processes. This cannot be
// recorded as a histogram immediately because histograms and IPC are not ready at the
// time it are captured. This function stores a pending value, so that a later call to
// RecordChromiumAndroidLinkerRendererHistogram() will record it correctly.
public void registerRendererProcessHistogram(boolean requestedSharedRelro,
boolean loadAtFixedAddressFailed) {
if (Linker.getInstance().isUsed()) {
* @return the process the shared library is loaded in, see the LibraryProcessType
* for possible values.
public static int getLibraryProcessType() {
if (sInstance == null) return LibraryProcessType.PROCESS_UNINITIALIZED;
return sInstance.mLibraryProcessType;
private native void nativeInitCommandLine(String[] initCommandLine);
// Only methods needed before or during normal JNI registration are during System.OnLoad.
// nativeLibraryLoaded is then called to register everything else. This process is called
// "initialization". This method will be mapped (by generated code) to the LibraryLoaded
// definition in base/android/library_loader/
// Return true on success and false on failure.
private native boolean nativeLibraryLoaded();
// Method called to record statistics about the Chromium linker operation for the main
// browser process. Indicates whether the linker attempted relro sharing for the browser,
// and if it did, whether the library failed to load at a fixed address. Also records
// support for loading a library directly from the APK file, and the number of milliseconds
// it took to load the libraries.
private native void nativeRecordChromiumAndroidLinkerBrowserHistogram(
boolean isUsingBrowserSharedRelros,
boolean loadAtFixedAddressFailed,
int libraryLoadFromApkStatus,
long libraryLoadTime);
// Method called to register (for later recording) statistics about the Chromium linker
// operation for a renderer process. Indicates whether the linker attempted relro sharing,
// and if it did, whether the library failed to load at a fixed address. Also records the
// number of milliseconds it took to load the libraries.
private native void nativeRegisterChromiumAndroidLinkerRendererHistogram(
boolean requestedSharedRelro,
boolean loadAtFixedAddressFailed,
long libraryLoadTime);
// Get the version of the native library. This is needed so that we can check we
// have the right version before initializing the (rest of the) JNI.
private native String nativeGetVersionNumber();
// Finds the ranges corresponding to the native library pages, forks a new
// process to prefetch these pages and waits for it. The new process then
// terminates. This is blocking.
private static native boolean nativeForkAndPrefetchNativeLibrary();