blob: 8152beadcd9297d4b40d15fa09c04b7ee2b51552 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Dispatches tests, either sharding or replicating them.
Performs the following steps:
* Create a test collection factory, using the given tests
- If sharding: test collection factory returns the same shared test collection
to all test runners
- If replciating: test collection factory returns a unique test collection to
each test runner, with the same set of tests in each.
* Create a test runner for each device.
* Run each test runner in its own thread, grabbing tests from the test
collection until there are no tests left.
# TODO(jbudorick) Deprecate and remove this class after any relevant parts have
# been ported to the new environment / test instance model.
import logging
import threading
from import device_errors
from devil.utils import reraiser_thread
from devil.utils import watchdog_timer
from pylib import constants
from pylib.base import base_test_result
from pylib.base import test_collection
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 7 * 60 # seven minutes
class _ThreadSafeCounter(object):
"""A threadsafe counter."""
def __init__(self):
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._value = 0
def GetAndIncrement(self):
"""Get the current value and increment it atomically.
The value before incrementing.
with self._lock:
pre_increment = self._value
self._value += 1
return pre_increment
class _Test(object):
"""Holds a test with additional metadata."""
def __init__(self, test, tries=0):
"""Initializes the _Test object.
test: The test.
tries: Number of tries so far.
self.test = test
self.tries = tries
def _RunTestsFromQueue(runner, collection, out_results, watcher,
num_retries, tag_results_with_device=False):
"""Runs tests from the collection until empty using the given runner.
Adds TestRunResults objects to the out_results list and may add tests to the
out_retry list.
runner: A TestRunner object used to run the tests.
collection: A TestCollection from which to get _Test objects to run.
out_results: A list to add TestRunResults to.
watcher: A watchdog_timer.WatchdogTimer object, used as a shared timeout.
num_retries: Number of retries for a test.
tag_results_with_device: If True, appends the name of the device on which
the test was run to the test name. Used when replicating to identify
which device ran each copy of the test, and to ensure each copy of the
test is recorded separately.
def TagTestRunResults(test_run_results):
"""Tags all results with the last 4 digits of the device id.
Used when replicating tests to distinguish the same tests run on different
devices. We use a set to store test results, so the hash (generated from
name and tag) must be unique to be considered different results.
new_test_run_results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
for test_result in test_run_results.GetAll():
test_result.SetName('%s_%s' % (runner.device_serial[-4:],
return new_test_run_results
for test in collection:
if not runner.device.IsOnline():
# Device is unresponsive, stop handling tests on this device.
msg = 'Device %s is unresponsive.' % runner.device_serial
raise device_errors.DeviceUnreachableError(msg)
result, retry = runner.RunTest(test.test)
if tag_results_with_device:
result = TagTestRunResults(result)
test.tries += 1
if retry and test.tries <= num_retries:
# Retry non-passing results, only record passing results.
pass_results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
logging.warning('Will retry test %s, try #%s.', retry, test.tries)
collection.add(_Test(test=retry, tries=test.tries))
# All tests passed or retry limit reached. Either way, record results.
# An unhandleable exception, ensure tests get run by another device and
# reraise this exception on the main thread.
# Retries count as separate tasks so always mark the popped test as done.
def _SetUp(runner_factory, device, out_runners, threadsafe_counter):
"""Creates a test runner for each device and calls SetUp() in parallel.
Note: if a device is unresponsive the corresponding TestRunner will not be
added to out_runners.
runner_factory: Callable that takes a device and index and returns a
TestRunner object.
device: The device serial number to set up.
out_runners: List to add the successfully set up TestRunner object.
threadsafe_counter: A _ThreadSafeCounter object used to get shard indices.
index = threadsafe_counter.GetAndIncrement()
logging.warning('Creating shard %s for device %s.', index, device)
runner = runner_factory(device, index)
except device_errors.DeviceUnreachableError as e:
logging.warning('Failed to create shard for %s: [%s]', device, e)
def _RunAllTests(runners, test_collection_factory, num_retries, timeout=None,
"""Run all tests using the given TestRunners.
runners: A list of TestRunner objects.
test_collection_factory: A callable to generate a TestCollection object for
each test runner.
num_retries: Number of retries for a test.
timeout: Watchdog timeout in seconds.
tag_results_with_device: If True, appends the name of the device on which
the test was run to the test name. Used when replicating to identify
which device ran each copy of the test, and to ensure each copy of the
test is recorded separately.
A tuple of (TestRunResults object, exit code)
logging.warning('Running tests with %s test %s.',
len(runners), 'runners' if len(runners) != 1 else 'runner')
results = []
exit_code = 0
run_results = base_test_result.TestRunResults()
watcher = watchdog_timer.WatchdogTimer(timeout)
test_collections = [test_collection_factory() for _ in runners]
threads = [
[r, tc, results, watcher, num_retries, tag_results_with_device],
for r, tc in zip(runners, test_collections)]
workers = reraiser_thread.ReraiserThreadGroup(threads)
except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
logging.exception('Command failed on device.')
except device_errors.CommandFailedError:
logging.exception('Command timed out on device.')
except device_errors.DeviceUnreachableError:
logging.exception('Device became unreachable.')
if not all((len(tc) == 0 for tc in test_collections)):
logging.error('Only ran %d tests (all devices are likely offline).',
for tc in test_collections:
t, base_test_result.ResultType.UNKNOWN) for t in tc.test_names())
for r in results:
if not run_results.DidRunPass():
exit_code = constants.ERROR_EXIT_CODE
return (run_results, exit_code)
def _CreateRunners(runner_factory, devices, timeout=None):
"""Creates a test runner for each device and calls SetUp() in parallel.
Note: if a device is unresponsive the corresponding TestRunner will not be
included in the returned list.
runner_factory: Callable that takes a device and index and returns a
TestRunner object.
devices: List of device serial numbers as strings.
timeout: Watchdog timeout in seconds, defaults to the default timeout.
A list of TestRunner objects.
logging.warning('Creating %s test %s.', len(devices),
'runners' if len(devices) != 1 else 'runner')
runners = []
counter = _ThreadSafeCounter()
threads = reraiser_thread.ReraiserThreadGroup(
[runner_factory, d, runners, counter],
for d in devices])
return runners
def _TearDownRunners(runners, timeout=None):
"""Calls TearDown() for each test runner in parallel.
runners: A list of TestRunner objects.
timeout: Watchdog timeout in seconds, defaults to the default timeout.
threads = reraiser_thread.ReraiserThreadGroup(
[reraiser_thread.ReraiserThread(r.TearDown, name=r.device_serial[-4:])
for r in runners])
def ApplyMaxPerRun(tests, max_per_run):
"""Rearrange the tests so that no group contains more than max_per_run tests.
A list of tests with no more than max_per_run per run.
tests_expanded = []
for test_group in tests:
if type(test_group) != str:
# Do not split test objects which are not strings.
test_split = test_group.split(':')
for i in range(0, len(test_split), max_per_run):
return tests_expanded
def RunTests(tests, runner_factory, devices, shard=True,
test_timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, setup_timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
num_retries=2, max_per_run=256):
"""Run all tests on attached devices, retrying tests that don't pass.
tests: List of tests to run.
runner_factory: Callable that takes a device and index and returns a
TestRunner object.
devices: List of attached devices.
shard: True if we should shard, False if we should replicate tests.
- Sharding tests will distribute tests across all test runners through a
shared test collection.
- Replicating tests will copy all tests to each test runner through a
unique test collection for each test runner.
test_timeout: Watchdog timeout in seconds for running tests.
setup_timeout: Watchdog timeout in seconds for creating and cleaning up
test runners.
num_retries: Number of retries for a test.
max_per_run: Maximum number of tests to run in any group.
A tuple of (base_test_result.TestRunResults object, exit code).
if not tests:
logging.critical('No tests to run.')
return (base_test_result.TestRunResults(), constants.ERROR_EXIT_CODE)
tests_expanded = ApplyMaxPerRun(tests, max_per_run)
if shard:
# Generate a shared TestCollection object for all test runners, so they
# draw from a common pool of tests.
shared_test_collection = test_collection.TestCollection(
[_Test(t) for t in tests_expanded])
test_collection_factory = lambda: shared_test_collection
tag_results_with_device = False
log_string = 'sharded across devices'
# Generate a unique TestCollection object for each test runner, but use
# the same set of tests.
test_collection_factory = lambda: test_collection.TestCollection(
[_Test(t) for t in tests_expanded])
tag_results_with_device = True
log_string = 'replicated on each device''Will run %d tests (%s): %s',
len(tests_expanded), log_string, str(tests_expanded))
runners = _CreateRunners(runner_factory, devices, setup_timeout)
return _RunAllTests(runners, test_collection_factory,
num_retries, test_timeout, tag_results_with_device)
_TearDownRunners(runners, setup_timeout)
except device_errors.DeviceUnreachableError as e:
logging.warning('Device unresponsive during TearDown: [%s]', e)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
logging.exception('Unexpected exception caught during TearDown')