blob: d3913151fcb2ac0b17dd0652170bd0ce1d3600af [file] [log] [blame]
* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 8003280
* @summary Add lambda tests
* failure to infer exception thrown types from lambda body causes checked exception to be skipped
* @author Maurizio Cimadamore
* @compile/fail/ref=TargetType13.out -XDlambdaInferenceDiags=false -XDrawDiagnostics
class TargetType13 {
interface SAM<E extends Throwable> {
void m(Integer x) throws E;
static <E extends Throwable> void call(SAM<E> s) throws E { }
void test() {
call(i -> { if (i == 2) throw new Exception(); return; });