blob: bac45e9351ebd855c01ef7502099512d9929934f [file] [log] [blame]
* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 8003280
* @summary Add lambda tests
* check case of ambiguous method call with lambda whose body cannot
complete normally
* @compile/fail/ref=TargetType23.out -XDrawDiagnostics
class TargetType23 {
interface Sam0 {
void m();
interface Sam1 {
int m();
interface Sam2 {
String m();
interface Sam3<A> {
A m();
void call(Sam0 s) { }
void call(Sam1 s) { }
void call(Sam2 s) { }
<Z> void call(Sam3<Z> s) { }
void call2(Sam0 s) { }
void call2(Sam2 s) { }
<Z> void call2(Sam3<Z> s) { }
void test() {
call(()-> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); // ambiguous - call(Sam1) vs. call(Sam2)
call2(()-> { throw new RuntimeException(); }); // ok