blob: db704fd3a6fddba5189d2080e01e8c91e09779c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 8009131
* @summary Overload: javac should discard methods that lead to errors in lambdas with implicit parameter types
* @compile/fail/ref=TargetType66.out -XDrawDiagnostics
class TargetType66 {
interface SAM1 {
void m(String s);
interface SAM2 {
void m(Integer s);
void g(SAM1 s1) { }
void g(SAM2 s2) { }
void test() {
g(x->{ String s = x; }); //ambiguous
g(x->{ Integer i = x; }); //ambiguous
g(x->{ Object o = x; }); //ambiguous
g(x->{ Character c = x; }); //error: inapplicable methods
g(x->{ Character c = ""; }); //error: incompatible types