blob: b74041a4cef4f82656569f37d616dbed478aeb83 [file] [log] [blame]
Remaining work
- Look at the relation between TaggedComponents and Codecs.
- Add TaggedComponentFactories to ORB init
- look at PI and codecs
- Implement PoliciesComponent
Tagged Components: (DONE)
- Constructed data can be retrieved
- read and written correctly as part of IOR
(test this first in IdEncapsulationContainerBase test)
- can correctly write out TCP port >32K
- none additional
- none additional
- none additional
- none additional
IdentifiableContainerBase (DONE)
- Test iteratorById on Identifiables (DONE)
- Iterator on id not present is empty (hasNext() == false)
- Iterator on id present returns all ids in sequence
IdEncapsulationContainerBase (DONE)
- Test read sequence of TaggedComponents
- Test writing sequence of TaggedComponents
GenericIdEncapsulation (DONE)
- Test by using for tagged profile and tagged component
- write out and read back test
IIOPAddress (DONE)
- Constructed object returns correct values
- equals:
- false for non-IIOPAddress value
- true iff ports and hosts match
IIOPProfile (DONE)
- construct from id, template; check that correct values are returned
- write out and read back
- no components for 1.0
- components for >1.0
- getObjectKey returns value constructed correctly
- isEquivalent iff ids equal and templates equivalent
IIOPProfileTemplate (DONE)
- Constructed object contains correct values
- isEquivalent iff address and template are equal
- cannot have new components added after makeImmutable call
- Constructed object contains correct values
- IOR() has null typeid and no profiles (DONE)
- IOR( String ) has given typeid and no profiles (DONE)
- IOR( String, IIOPProfileTemplate, ObjectId ) has given typeid and
one IIOPProfile corresponding to template and objectid
- IOR( String, IORTemplate, ObjectId ) has profiles corresponding to
IORTemplate and ObjectIds. (DONE)
- IORTemplate( String, IORTemplate, ObjectIds ) has profiles
corresponding to IORTemplate and ObjectIds (DONE)
- IOR( IORTemplate, ObjectIds ) usual test (DONE)
- write out/read back test (DONE)
- Construct IOR with 2 IIOPProfiles, each with several components,
and 2 GenericIdEncapsulation profiles, write out, read back,
check for equals directly and by calling equals
- cannot have new profiles added after makeImmutable call (DONE)
- contained IIOPProfiles cannot have added components after
makeImmutable call. (DONE)
IORTemplate (DONE)
- Constructed object contains correct value
JIDLObjectKeyTemplate (DONE)
- test that IDs match expected values when created from
byte[] in ObjectKeyFactory.create
- Constructed object contains correct values
- write out and read back test
- getId correctly extract id from key
FreezableList (DONE)
- ASSUME that it acts like a linked list: don't test entire interface
- all modification operations throw UnsupportedOperationException
after makeImmutable call
- all iterators (whether created before or after makeImmutable call)
throw U.O.E. after makeImmutable
ObjectId (DONE)
- constructed object returns same id
- test cases in equals
ObjectKey (DONE)
- constructed object returns same id, template
- write/read test
- getBytes returns correct value (test by using factory and
ObjectKeyFactory (DONE)
- test create with hand created keys
- key length < 4
- key length >= 4
- magic is JAVAMAGIC
- scid is POA scid
- scid is JIDL scid
- other scid
- magic is not JAVAMAGIC
- test with error cases on length
POAObjectKeyTemplate (DONE)
- test that IDs match expected values when created from
byte[] in ObjectKeyFactory.create
- test that IDs match when created with explicit values
- write out and read back test
- getId correctly extracts id from key
TaggedComponentFactories (DONE)
- only tested inditectly by reading and writing IIOPProfileTemplate
that contains all components
TaggedComponentFactoryFinder (DONE)
- registered factory can be looked up
- lookup of unregistered factory returns null
- reads tagged component from stream as correct type if registered
- reads tagged component from stream as generic if not registered
TaggedProfileFactoryFinder (DONE)
- reads IIOP profile as IIOPProfile
- reads others as Generic
WireObjectTemplate (DONE)
- getId returns entire key as id
- serverId is -1
- write out and read back test
Interfaces (no tests):
Trivial classes: