Merge branch 'ds/feature-macros'

The codepath that reads the index.version configuration was broken
with a recent update, which has been corrected.

* ds/feature-macros:
  repo-settings: read an int for index.version
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e096e0a..89b3b79 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
@@ -215,6 +216,7 @@
@@ -230,6 +232,9 @@
diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap
index 82cd056..14fa041 100644
--- a/.mailmap
+++ b/.mailmap
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 Alexey Shumkin <> <>
 Anders Kaseorg <andersk@MIT.EDU> <>
 Anders Kaseorg <andersk@MIT.EDU> <>
+Andrey Mazo <> Mazo, Andrey <>
 Aneesh Kumar K.V <>
 Amos Waterland <> <>
 Amos Waterland <> <>
@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@
 Petr Baudis <> <xpasky@machine>
 Phil Hord <> <>
 Philip Jägenstedt <> <>
+Philip Oakley <> <> # secondary <>
 Philipp A. Hartmann <> <>
 Philippe Bruhat <>
 Ralf Thielow <> <>
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index ffb1bc4..fc5730b 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
+    - env: jobname=linux-gcc-4.8
+      os: linux
+      dist: trusty
+      compiler:
     - env: jobname=Linux32
       os: linux
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc4645d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# Git Code of Conduct
+This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within
+the Git community, as well as steps for reporting unacceptable behavior.
+We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for
+all and expect our code of conduct to be honored. Anyone who violates
+this code of conduct may be banned from the community.
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age,
+body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and
+expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
+nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
+  advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
+  address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
+  professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
+behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
+response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
+reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
+that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
+permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
+threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces, and it also applies
+when an individual is representing the project or its community in public
+spaces. Examples of representing a project or community include using an
+official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account,
+or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
+Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the project team at All
+complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response
+that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project
+team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of
+an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
+faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
+members of the project's leadership.
+The project leadership team can be contacted by email as a whole at, or individually:
+  - Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>
+  - Christian Couder <>
+  - Jeff King <>
+  - Junio C Hamano <>
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
+version 1.4, available at
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see
diff --git a/Documentation/CodingGuidelines b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
index 1169ff6..f45db5b 100644
--- a/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
+++ b/Documentation/CodingGuidelines
@@ -195,10 +195,30 @@
    by e.g. "echo DEVELOPER=1 >>config.mak".
  - We try to support a wide range of C compilers to compile Git with,
-   including old ones. That means that you should not use C99
-   initializers, even if a lot of compilers grok it.
+   including old ones.  You should not use features from newer C
+   standard, even if your compiler groks them.
- - Variables have to be declared at the beginning of the block.
+   There are a few exceptions to this guideline:
+   . since early 2012 with e1327023ea, we have been using an enum
+     definition whose last element is followed by a comma.  This, like
+     an array initializer that ends with a trailing comma, can be used
+     to reduce the patch noise when adding a new identifer at the end.
+   . since mid 2017 with cbc0f81d, we have been using designated
+     initializers for struct (e.g. "struct t v = { .val = 'a' };").
+   . since mid 2017 with 512f41cf, we have been using designated
+     initializers for array (e.g. "int array[10] = { [5] = 2 }").
+   These used to be forbidden, but we have not heard any breakage
+   report, and they are assumed to be safe.
+ - Variables have to be declared at the beginning of the block, before
+   the first statement (i.e. -Wdeclaration-after-statement).
+ - Declaring a variable in the for loop "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)"
+   is still not allowed in this codebase.
  - NULL pointers shall be written as NULL, not as 0.
diff --git a/Documentation/Makefile b/Documentation/Makefile
index 76f2ecf..06d85ad 100644
--- a/Documentation/Makefile
+++ b/Documentation/Makefile
@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@
 ASCIIDOC_CONF = -f asciidoc.conf
-		-agit_version=$(GIT_VERSION)
+		-amanversion=$(GIT_VERSION) \
+		-amanmanual='Git Manual' -amansource='Git'
 MANPAGE_XSL = manpage-normal.xsl
@@ -197,11 +198,13 @@
 ASCIIDOC = asciidoctor
 ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -acompat-mode -atabsize=8
 ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -I. -rasciidoctor-extensions
 ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -alitdd='&\#x2d;&\#x2d;'
+XMLTO_EXTRA += --skip-validation
+XMLTO_EXTRA += -x manpage.xsl
diff --git a/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt
index f867037..5e9b808 100644
--- a/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt
+++ b/Documentation/MyFirstContribution.txt
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
 We'll also need to add the declaration of psuh; open up `builtin.h`, find the
-declaration for `cmd_push`, and add a new line for `psuh` immediately before it,
-in order to keep the declarations sorted:
+declaration for `cmd_pull`, and add a new line for `psuh` immediately before it,
+in order to keep the declarations alphabetically sorted:
 int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
-Let's try to build it.  Open `Makefile`, find where `builtin/push.o` is added
+Let's try to build it.  Open `Makefile`, find where `builtin/pull.o` is added
 to `BUILTIN_OBJS`, and add `builtin/psuh.o` in the same way next to it in
 alphabetical order. Once you've done so, move to the top-level directory and
 build simply with `make`. Also add the `DEVELOPER=1` variable to turn on
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 with the command name, a function pointer to the command implementation, and a
 setup option flag. For now, let's keep mimicking `push`. Find the line where
 `cmd_push` is registered, copy it, and modify it for `cmd_psuh`, placing the new
-line in alphabetical order.
+line in alphabetical order (immediately before `cmd_pull`).
 The options are documented in `builtin.h` under "Adding a new built-in." Since
 we hope to print some data about the user's current workspace context later,
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 `git status` reveals modified `Makefile`, `builtin.h`, and `git.c` as well as
 untracked `builtin/psuh.c` and `git-psuh`. First, let's take care of the binary,
-which should be ignored. Open `.gitignore` in your editor, find `/git-push`, and
+which should be ignored. Open `.gitignore` in your editor, find `/git-pull`, and
 add an entry for your new command in alphabetical order:
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432762f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.22.1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+Git 2.22.1 Release Notes
+Fixes since v2.22
+ * A relative pathname given to "git init --template=<path> <repo>"
+   ought to be relative to the directory "git init" gets invoked in,
+   but it instead was made relative to the repository, which has been
+   corrected.
+ * "git worktree add" used to fail when another worktree connected to
+   the same repository was corrupt, which has been corrected.
+ * The ownership rule for the file descriptor to fast-import remote
+   backend was mixed up, leading to unrelated file descriptor getting
+   closed, which has been fixed.
+ * "git update-server-info" used to leave stale packfiles in its
+   output, which has been corrected.
+ * The server side support for "git fetch" used to show incorrect
+   value for the HEAD symbolic ref when the namespace feature is in
+   use, which has been corrected.
+ * "git am -i --resolved" segfaulted after trying to see a commit as
+   if it were a tree, which has been corrected.
+ * "git bundle verify" needs to see if prerequisite objects exist in
+   the receiving repository, but the command did not check if we are
+   in a repository upfront, which has been corrected.
+ * "git merge --squash" is designed to update the working tree and the
+   index without creating the commit, and this cannot be countermanded
+   by adding the "--commit" option; the command now refuses to work
+   when both options are given.
+ * The data collected by fsmonitor was not properly written back to
+   the on-disk index file, breaking t7519 tests occasionally, which
+   has been corrected.
+ * Update to Unicode 12.1 width table.
+ * The command line to invoke a "git cat-file" command from inside
+   "git p4" was not properly quoted to protect a caret and running a
+   broken command on Windows, which has been corrected.
+ * "git request-pull" learned to warn when the ref we ask them to pull
+   from in the local repository and in the published repository are
+   different.
+ * When creating a partial clone, the object filtering criteria is
+   recorded for the origin of the clone, but this incorrectly used a
+   hardcoded name "origin" to name that remote; it has been corrected
+   to honor the "--origin <name>" option.
+ * "git fetch" into a lazy clone forgot to fetch base objects that are
+   necessary to complete delta in a thin packfile, which has been
+   corrected.
+ * The filter_data used in the list-objects-filter (which manages a
+   lazily sparse clone repository) did not use the dynamic array API
+   correctly---'nr' is supposed to point at one past the last element
+   of the array in use.  This has been corrected.
+ * The description about slashes in gitignore patterns (used to
+   indicate things like "anchored to this level only" and "only
+   matches directories") has been revamped.
+ * The URL decoding code has been updated to avoid going past the end
+   of the string while parsing %-<hex>-<hex> sequence.
+ * The list of for-each like macros used by clang-format has been
+   updated.
+ * "git push --atomic" that goes over the transport-helper (namely,
+   the smart http transport) failed to prevent refs to be pushed when
+   it can locally tell that one of the ref update will fail without
+   having to consult the other end, which has been corrected.
+ * "git clean" silently skipped a path when it cannot lstat() it; now
+   it gives a warning.
+ * A codepath that reads from GPG for signed object verification read
+   past the end of allocated buffer, which has been fixed.
+ * "git rm" to resolve a conflicted path leaked an internal message
+   "needs merge" before actually removing the path, which was
+   confusing.  This has been corrected.
+ * The "git clone" documentation refers to command line options in its
+   description in the short form; they have been replaced with long
+   forms to make them more recognisable.
+ * The configuration variable rebase.rescheduleFailedExec should be
+   effective only while running an interactive rebase and should not
+   affect anything when running a non-interactive one, which was not
+   the case.  This has been corrected.
+ * "git submodule foreach" did not protect command line options passed
+   to the command to be run in each submodule correctly, when the
+   "--recursive" option was in use.
+ * Use "Erase in Line" CSI sequence that is already used in the editor
+   support to clear cruft in the progress output.
+ * The codepath to compute delta islands used to spew progress output
+   without giving the callers any way to squelch it, which has been
+   fixed.
+ * The code to parse scaled numbers out of configuration files has
+   been made more robust and also easier to follow.
+ * An incorrect list of options was cached after command line
+   completion failed (e.g. trying to complete a command that requires
+   a repository outside one), which has been corrected.
+ * "git rebase --abort" used to leave refs/rewritten/ when concluding
+   "git rebase -r", which has been corrected.
+ * "git stash show 23" used to work, but no more after getting
+   rewritten in C; this regression has been corrected.
+ * "git interpret-trailers" always treated '#' as the comment
+   character, regardless of core.commentChar setting, which has been
+   corrected.
+ * Code clean-up to avoid signed integer overlaps during binary search.
+ * "git checkout -p" needs to selectively apply a patch in reverse,
+   which did not work well.
+ * The commit-graph file is now part of the "files that the runtime
+   may keep open file descriptors on, all of which would need to be
+   closed when done with the object store", and the file descriptor to
+   an existing commit-graph file now is closed before "gc" finalizes a
+   new instance to replace it.
+ * Code restructuring during 2.20 period broke fetching tags via
+   "import" based transports.
+ * We have been trying out a few language features outside c89; the
+   coding guidelines document did not talk about them and instead had
+   a blanket ban against them.
+ * The internal diff machinery can be made to read out of bounds while
+   looking for --funcion-context line in a corner case, which has been
+   corrected.
+Also contains various documentation updates, code clean-ups and minor fixups.
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.0.txt
index 8268355..e3c4e78 100644
--- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.0.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.23.0.txt
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
    prerequisite patches in an unstable way, which has been updated to
    compute in a way that is compatible with "git patch-id --stable".
+ * The "git log" command by default behaves as if the --mailmap option
+   was given.
 UI, Workflows & Features
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@
  * "git fetch" and "git pull" reports when a fetch results in
    non-fast-forward updates to let the user notice unusual situation.
-   The commands learned "--no-shown-forced-updates" option to disable
+   The commands learned "--no-show-forced-updates" option to disable
    this safety feature.
  * Two new commands "git switch" and "git restore" are introduced to
@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@
  * The conditional inclusion mechanism learned to base the choice on
    the branch the HEAD currently is on.
- * "git rev-list --objects" learned with "--no-object-names" option to
+ * "git rev-list --objects" learned the "--no-object-names" option to
    squelch the path to the object that is used as a grouping hint for
@@ -91,6 +94,9 @@
    commit-graph files now, which allows the commit-graph files to be
    updated incrementally.
+ * "git range-diff" output has been tweaked for easier identification
+   of which part of what file the patch shown is about.
 Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc.
@@ -98,7 +104,7 @@
    no longer be used.
  * Developer support to emulate unsatisfied prerequisites in tests to
-   ensure that the remainer of the tests still succeeds when tests
+   ensure that the remainder of the tests still succeeds when tests
    with prerequisites are skipped.
  * "git update-server-info" learned not to rewrite the file with the
@@ -113,7 +119,7 @@
  * Prepare use of reachability index in topological walker that works
    on a range (A..B).
- * A new tutorial targetting specifically aspiring git-core
+ * A new tutorial targeting specifically aspiring git-core
    developers has been added.
  * Auto-detect how to tell HP-UX aCC where to use dynamically linked
@@ -143,6 +149,23 @@
    committed, the command line prompt script failed to notice the
    current status, which has been improved.
+ * Many GIT_TEST_* environment variables control various aspects of
+   how our tests are run, but a few followed "non-empty is true, empty
+   or unset is false" while others followed the usual "there are a few
+   ways to spell true, like yes, on, etc., and also ways to spell
+   false, like no, off, etc." convention.
+ * Adjust the dir-iterator API and apply it to the local clone
+   optimization codepath.
+ * We have been trying out a few language features outside c89; the
+   coding guidelines document did not talk about them and instead had
+   a blanket ban against them.
+ * A test helper has been introduced to optimize preparation of test
+   repositories with many simple commits, and a handful of test
+   scripts have been updated to use it.
 Fixes since v2.22
@@ -151,16 +174,13 @@
    ought to be relative to the directory "git init" gets invoked in,
    but it instead was made relative to the repository, which has been
-   (merge e1df7fe43f nd/init-relative-template-fix later to maint).
  * "git worktree add" used to fail when another worktree connected to
    the same repository was corrupt, which has been corrected.
-   (merge 105df73e71 nd/corrupt-worktrees later to maint).
  * The ownership rule for the file descriptor to fast-import remote
-   backend was mixed up, leading to unrelated file descriptor getting
+   backend was mixed up, leading to an unrelated file descriptor getting
    closed, which has been fixed.
-   (merge 3203566a71 mh/import-transport-fd-fix later to maint).
  * A "merge -c" instruction during "git rebase --rebase-merges" should
    give the user a chance to edit the log message, even when there is
@@ -169,82 +189,65 @@
  * Code cleanup and futureproof.
-   (merge 31f5256c82 ds/object-info-for-prefetch-fix later to maint).
  * More parameter validation.
-   (merge de99eb0c24 es/grep-require-name-when-needed later to maint).
  * "git update-server-info" used to leave stale packfiles in its
    output, which has been corrected.
-   (merge e941c48d49 ew/server-info-remove-crufts later to maint).
  * The server side support for "git fetch" used to show incorrect
    value for the HEAD symbolic ref when the namespace feature is in
    use, which has been corrected.
-   (merge 533e088250 jk/HEAD-symref-in-xfer-namespaces later to maint).
  * "git am -i --resolved" segfaulted after trying to see a commit as
    if it were a tree, which has been corrected.
-   (merge 7663e438c5 jk/am-i-resolved-fix later to maint).
  * "git bundle verify" needs to see if prerequisite objects exist in
    the receiving repository, but the command did not check if we are
    in a repository upfront, which has been corrected.
-   (merge 3bbbe467f2 js/bundle-verify-require-object-store later to maint).
  * "git merge --squash" is designed to update the working tree and the
    index without creating the commit, and this cannot be countermanded
    by adding the "--commit" option; the command now refuses to work
    when both options are given.
-   (merge 1d14d0c994 vv/merge-squash-with-explicit-commit later to maint).
  * The data collected by fsmonitor was not properly written back to
    the on-disk index file, breaking t7519 tests occasionally, which
    has been corrected.
-   (merge b5a8169752 js/fsmonitor-unflake later to maint).
  * Update to Unicode 12.1 width table.
-   (merge 5817f9caa3 bb/unicode-12.1-reiwa later to maint).
  * The command line to invoke a "git cat-file" command from inside
    "git p4" was not properly quoted to protect a caret and running a
    broken command on Windows, which has been corrected.
-   (merge c3f2358de3 mm/p4-unshelve-windows-fix later to maint).
  * "git request-pull" learned to warn when the ref we ask them to pull
    from in the local repository and in the published repository are
-   (merge 0454220d66 pb/request-pull-verify-remote-ref later to maint).
  * When creating a partial clone, the object filtering criteria is
    recorded for the origin of the clone, but this incorrectly used a
    hardcoded name "origin" to name that remote; it has been corrected
    to honor the "--origin <name>" option.
-   (merge 1c4a9f9114 xl/record-partial-clone-origin later to maint).
  * "git fetch" into a lazy clone forgot to fetch base objects that are
    necessary to complete delta in a thin packfile, which has been
-   (merge 810e19322d jt/partial-clone-missing-ref-delta-base later to maint).
  * The filter_data used in the list-objects-filter (which manages a
    lazily sparse clone repository) did not use the dynamic array API
    correctly---'nr' is supposed to point at one past the last element
    of the array in use.  This has been corrected.
-   (merge 7140600e2e md/list-objects-filter-memfix later to maint).
  * The description about slashes in gitignore patterns (used to
    indicate things like "anchored to this level only" and "only
    matches directories") has been revamped.
-   (merge 1a58bad014 an/ignore-doc-update later to maint).
  * The URL decoding code has been updated to avoid going past the end
    of the string while parsing %-<hex>-<hex> sequence.
-   (merge d37dc239a4 md/url-parse-harden later to maint).
  * The list of for-each like macros used by clang-format has been
-   (merge fc7e03aace mo/clang-format-for-each-update later to maint).
  * "git branch --list" learned to show branches that are checked out
    in other worktrees connected to the same repository prefixed with
@@ -254,48 +257,38 @@
  * Code restructuring during 2.20 period broke fetching tags via
    "import" based transports.
-   (merge f80d922355 fc/fetch-with-import-fix later to maint).
  * The commit-graph file is now part of the "files that the runtime
    may keep open file descriptors on, all of which would need to be
    closed when done with the object store", and the file descriptor to
    an existing commit-graph file now is closed before "gc" finalizes a
    new instance to replace it.
-   (merge 2d511cfc0b ds/close-object-store later to maint).
  * "git checkout -p" needs to selectively apply a patch in reverse,
    which did not work well.
-   (merge 2bd69b9024 pw/add-p-recount later to maint).
  * Code clean-up to avoid signed integer wraparounds during binary search.
-   (merge 568a05c5ec rs/avoid-overflow-in-midpoint-computation later to maint).
  * "git interpret-trailers" always treated '#' as the comment
    character, regardless of core.commentChar setting, which has been
-   (merge 29c83fc23f jk/trailers-use-config later to maint).
  * "git stash show 23" used to work, but no more after getting
    rewritten in C; this regression has been corrected.
-   (merge 63b50c8ffe tg/stash-ref-by-index-fix later to maint).
  * "git rebase --abort" used to leave refs/rewritten/ when concluding
    "git rebase -r", which has been corrected.
-   (merge d559f502c5 pw/rebase-abort-clean-rewritten later to maint).
  * An incorrect list of options was cached after command line
    completion failed (e.g. trying to complete a command that requires
    a repository outside one), which has been corrected.
-   (merge 69702523af nd/completion-no-cache-failure later to maint).
  * The code to parse scaled numbers out of configuration files has
    been made more robust and also easier to follow.
-   (merge 39c575c969 rs/config-unit-parsing later to maint).
  * The codepath to compute delta islands used to spew progress output
    without giving the callers any way to squelch it, which has been
-   (merge bdbdf42f8a jk/delta-islands-progress-fix later to maint).
  * Protocol capabilities that go over wire should never be translated,
    but it was incorrectly marked for translation, which has been
@@ -304,46 +297,52 @@
  * Use "Erase in Line" CSI sequence that is already used in the editor
    support to clear cruft in the progress output.
-   (merge 5b12e3123b sg/rebase-progress later to maint).
  * "git submodule foreach" did not protect command line options passed
    to the command to be run in each submodule correctly, when the
    "--recursive" option was in use.
-   (merge 30db18b148 ms/submodule-foreach-fix later to maint).
  * The configuration variable rebase.rescheduleFailedExec should be
    effective only while running an interactive rebase and should not
-   affect anything when running an non-interactive one, which was not
+   affect anything when running a non-interactive one, which was not
    the case.  This has been corrected.
-   (merge 906b63942a js/rebase-reschedule-applies-only-to-interactive later to maint).
  * The "git clone" documentation refers to command line options in its
    description in the short form; they have been replaced with long
    forms to make them more recognisable.
-   (merge bfc8c84ed5 qn/clone-doc-use-long-form later to maint).
  * Generation of pack bitmaps are now disabled when .keep files exist,
    as these are mutually exclusive features.
    (merge 7328482253 ew/repack-with-bitmaps-by-default later to maint).
+ * "git rm" to resolve a conflicted path leaked an internal message
+   "needs merge" before actually removing the path, which was
+   confusing.  This has been corrected.
+ * "git stash --keep-index" did not work correctly on paths that have
+   been removed, which has been fixed.
+   (merge b932f6a5e8 tg/stash-keep-index-with-removed-paths later to maint).
+ * Window 7 update ;-)
+ * A codepath that reads from GPG for signed object verification read
+   past the end of allocated buffer, which has been fixed.
+ * "git clean" silently skipped a path when it cannot lstat() it; now
+   it gives a warning.
+ * "git push --atomic" that goes over the transport-helper (namely,
+   the smart http transport) failed to prevent refs to be pushed when
+   it can locally tell that one of the ref update will fail without
+   having to consult the other end, which has been corrected.
+ * The internal diff machinery can be made to read out of bounds while
+   looking for --function-context line in a corner case, which has been
+   corrected.
+   (merge b777f3fd61 jk/xdiff-clamp-funcname-context-index later to maint).
  * Other code cleanup, docfix, build fix, etc.
-   (merge f547101b26 es/git-debugger-doc later to maint).
-   (merge 7877ac3d7b js/bisect-helper-check-get-oid-return-value later to maint).
-   (merge 0108f47eb3 sw/git-p4-unshelve-branched-files later to maint).
-   (merge 9df8f734fd cm/send-email-document-req-modules later to maint).
-   (merge afc3bf6eb1 ab/hash-object-doc later to maint).
-   (merge 1fde99cfc7 po/doc-branch later to maint).
-   (merge 459842e1c2 dl/config-alias-doc later to maint).
-   (merge 5d137fc2c7 cb/fsmonitor-intfix later to maint).
-   (merge 921d49be86 rs/copy-array later to maint).
-   (merge cc8d872e69 js/t3404-typofix later to maint).
-   (merge 729a9b558b cb/mkstemps-uint-type-fix later to maint).
-   (merge 9dae4fe79f js/gcc-8-and-9 later to maint).
-   (merge ed33bd8f30 js/t0001-case-insensitive later to maint).
-   (merge dfa880e336 jw/gitweb-sample-update later to maint).
-   (merge e532a90a9f sg/t5551-fetch-smart-error-is-translated later to maint).
-   (merge 8d45ad8c29 jt/t5551-test-chunked later to maint).
-   (merge 1a64e07d23 sg/git-C-empty-doc later to maint).
-   (merge 37a2e35395 sg/ci-brew-gcc-workaround later to maint).
-   (merge 24df0d49c4 js/trace2-signo-typofix later to maint).
    (merge fbec05c210 cc/test-oidmap later to maint).
+   (merge 7a06fb038c jk/no-system-includes-in-dot-c later to maint).
+   (merge 81ed2b405c cb/xdiff-no-system-includes-in-dot-c later to maint).
+   (merge d61e6ce1dd sg/fsck-config-in-doc later to maint).
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..125169d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.24.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+Git 2.24 Release Notes
+Updates since v2.23
+Backward compatibility note
+ * Although it is not officially deprecated, "filter-branch" is
+   showing its age and alternatives are available.  From this release,
+   we started to discourage its uses and hint people about
+   filter-repo.
+UI, Workflows & Features
+ * We now have an active interim maintainer for the Git-Gui part of
+   the system.  Praise and thank Pratyush Yadav for volunteering.
+ * The command line parser learned "--end-of-options" notation; the
+   standard convention for scripters to have hardcoded set of options
+   first on the command line, and force the command to treat end-user
+   input as non-options, has been to use "--" as the delimiter, but
+   that would not work for commands that use "--" as a delimiter
+   between revs and pathspec.
+ * A mechanism to affect the default setting for a (related) group of
+   configuration variables is introduced.
+ * "git fetch" learned "--set-upstream" option to help those who first
+   clone from their private fork they intend to push to, add the true
+   upstream via "git remote add" and then "git fetch" from it.
+ * Device-tree files learned their own userdiff patterns.
+   (merge 3c81760bc6 sb/userdiff-dts later to maint).
+ * "git rebase --rebase-merges" learned to drive different merge
+   strategies and pass strategy specific options to them.
+ * A new "pre-merge-commit" hook has been introduced.
+ * Command line completion updates for "git -c" have been
+   added.
+ * The lazy clone machinery has been taught that there can be more
+   than one promisor remote and consult them in order when downloading
+   missing objects on demand.
+ * The list-objects-filter API (used to create a sparse/lazy clone)
+   learned to take a combined filter specification.
+ * The documentation and tests for "git format-patch" have been
+   cleaned up.
+ * On Windows, the root level of UNC share is now allowed to be used
+   just like any other directory.
+ * The command line completion support (in contrib/) learned about the
+   "--skip" option of "git revert" and "git cherry-pick".
+ * "git rebase --keep-base <upstream>" tries to find the original base
+   of the topic being rebased and rebase on top of that same base,
+   which is useful when running the "git rebase -i" (and its limited
+   variant "git rebase -x").
+   The command also has learned to fast-forward in more cases where it
+   can instead of replaying to recreate identical commits.
+ * A configuration variable tells "git fetch" to write the commit
+   graph after finishing.
+ * "git add -i" has been taught to show the total number of hunks and
+   the hunks that has been processed so far when showing prompts.
+ * "git fetch --jobs=<n>" allowed <n> parallel jobs when fetching
+   submodules, but this did not apply to "git fetch --multiple" that
+   fetches from multiple remote repositories.  It now does.
+ * The installation instruction for zsh completion script (in
+   contrib/) has been a bit improved.
+Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc.
+ * The code to write commit-graph over given commit object names has
+   been made a bit more robust.
+ * The first line of verbose output from each test piece now carries
+   the test name and number to help scanning with eyeballs.
+ * Further clean-up of the initialization code.
+ * xmalloc() used to have a mechanism to ditch memory and address
+   space resources as the last resort upon seeing an allocation
+   failure from the underlying malloc(), which made the code complex
+   and thread-unsafe with dubious benefit, as major memory resource
+   users already do limit their uses with various other mechanisms.
+   It has been simplified away.
+ * Unnecessary full-tree diff in "git log -L" machinery has been
+   optimized away.
+ * The http transport lacked some optimization the native transports
+   learned to avoid unnecessary ref advertisement, which has been
+   corrected.
+ * Preparation for SHA-256 upgrade continues in the test department.
+   (merge 0c37c41d13 bc/hash-independent-tests-part-5 later to maint).
+ * The memory ownership model of the "git fast-import" got
+   straightened out.
+ * Output from trace2 subsystem is formatted more prettily now.
+ * The internal code originally invented for ".gitignore" processing
+   got reshuffled and renamed to make it less tied to "excluding" and
+   stress more that it is about "matching", as it has been reused for
+   things like sparse checkout specification that want to check if a
+   path is "included".
+ * "git stash" learned to write refreshed index back to disk.
+ * Coccinelle checks are done on more source files than before now.
+ * The cache-tree code has been taught to be less aggressive in
+   attempting to see if a tree object it computed already exists in
+   the repository.
+ * The code to parse and use the commit-graph file has been made more
+   robust against corrupted input.
+ * The hg-to-git script (in contrib/) has been updated to work with
+   Python 3.
+ * Update the way build artifacts in t/helper/ directory are ignored.
+ * Preparation for SHA-256 upgrade continues.
+ * "git log --graph" for an octopus merge is sometimes colored
+   incorrectly, which is demonstrated and documented but not yet
+   fixed.
+ * The trace2 output, when sending them to files in a designated
+   directory, can populate the directory with too many files; a
+   mechanism is introduced to set the maximum number of files and
+   discard further logs when the maximum is reached.
+ * We have adopted a Code-of-conduct document.
+   (merge 3f9ef874a7 jk/coc later to maint).
+Fixes since v2.23
+ * "git grep --recurse-submodules" that looks at the working tree
+   files looked at the contents in the index in submodules, instead of
+   files in the working tree.
+   (merge 6a289d45c0 mt/grep-submodules-working-tree later to maint).
+ * Codepaths to walk tree objects have been audited for integer
+   overflows and hardened.
+   (merge 5aa02f9868 jk/tree-walk-overflow later to maint).
+ * "git pack-refs" can lose refs that are created while running, which
+   is getting corrected.
+   (merge a613d4f817 sc/pack-refs-deletion-racefix later to maint).
+ * "git checkout" and "git restore" to re-populate the index from a
+   tree-ish (typically HEAD) did not work correctly for a path that
+   was removed and then added again with the intent-to-add bit, when
+   the corresponding working tree file was empty.  This has been
+   corrected.
+ * Compilation fix.
+   (merge 70597e8386 rs/nedalloc-fixlets later to maint).
+ * "git gui" learned to call the clean-up procedure before exiting.
+   (merge 0d88f3d2c5 py/git-gui-do-quit later to maint).
+ * We promoted the "indent heuristics" that decides where to split
+   diff hunks from experimental to the default a few years ago, but
+   some stale documentation still marked it as experimental, which has
+   been corrected.
+   (merge 64e5e1fba1 sg/diff-indent-heuristic-non-experimental later to maint).
+ * Fix a mismerge that happened in 2.22 timeframe.
+   (merge acb7da05ac en/checkout-mismerge-fix later to maint).
+ * "git archive" recorded incorrect length in extended pax header in
+   some corner cases, which has been corrected.
+   (merge 71d41ff651 rs/pax-extended-header-length-fix later to maint).
+ * On-demand object fetching in lazy clone incorrectly tried to fetch
+   commits from submodule projects, while still working in the
+   superproject, which has been corrected.
+   (merge a63694f523 jt/diff-lazy-fetch-submodule-fix later to maint).
+ * Prepare get_short_oid() codepath to be thread-safe.
+   (merge 7cfcb16b0e rs/sort-oid-array-thread-safe later to maint).
+ * "for-each-ref" and friends that show refs did not protect themselves
+   against ancient tags that did not record tagger names when asked to
+   show "%(taggername)", which have been corrected.
+   (merge 8b3f33ef11 mp/for-each-ref-missing-name-or-email later to maint).
+ * The "git am" based backend of "git rebase" ignored the result of
+   updating ".gitattributes" done in one step when replaying
+   subsequent steps.
+   (merge 2c65d90f75 bc/reread-attributes-during-rebase later to maint).
+ * Tell cURL library to use the same malloc() implementation, with the
+   xmalloc() wrapper, as the rest of the system, for consistency.
+   (merge 93b980e58f cb/curl-use-xmalloc later to maint).
+ * Build fix to adjust .gitignore to unignore a path that we started to track.
+   (merge aac6ff7b5b js/visual-studio later to maint).
+ * A few implementation fixes in the notes API.
+   (merge 60fe477a0b mh/notes-duplicate-entries later to maint).
+ * Fix an earlier regression to "git push --all" which should have
+   been forbidden when the target remote repository is set to be a
+   mirror.
+   (merge 8e4c8af058 tg/push-all-in-mirror-forbidden later to maint).
+ * Fix an earlier regression in the test suite, which mistakenly
+   stopped running HTTPD tests.
+   (merge 3960290675 sg/git-test-boolean later to maint).
+ * "git rebase --autostash <upstream> <branch>", when <branch> is
+   different from the current branch, incorrectly moved the tip of the
+   current branch, which has been corrected.
+   (merge bf1e28e0ad bw/rebase-autostash-keep-current-branch later to maint).
+ * Update support for Asciidoctor documentation toolchain.
+   (merge 83b0b8953e ma/asciidoctor-refmiscinfo later to maint).
+ * Start using DocBook 5 (instead of DocBook 4.5) as Asciidoctor 2.0
+   no longer works with the older one.
+   (merge f6461b82b9 bc/doc-use-docbook-5 later to maint).
+ * The markup used in user-manual has been updated to work better with
+   asciidoctor.
+   (merge c4d2f6143a ma/user-manual-markup-update later to maint).
+ * Make sure the grep machinery does not abort when seeing a payload
+   that is not UTF-8 even when JIT is not in use with PCRE1.
+   (merge ad7c543e3b cb/skip-utf8-check-with-pcre1 later to maint).
+ * The name of the blob object that stores the filter specification
+   for sparse cloning/fetching was interpreted in a wrong place in the
+   code, causing Git to abort.
+ * "git log --decorate-refs-exclude=<pattern>" was incorrectly
+   overruled when the "--simplify-by-decoration" option is used, which
+   has been corrected.
+   (merge 0cc7380d88 rs/simplify-by-deco-with-deco-refs-exclude later to maint).
+ * The "upload-pack" (the counterpart of "git fetch") needs to disable
+   commit-graph when responding to a shallow clone/fetch request, but
+   the way this was done made Git panic, which has been corrected.
+ * The object traversal machinery has been optimized not to load tree
+   objects when we are only interested in commit history.
+   (merge 72ed80c784 jk/list-objects-optim-wo-trees later to maint).
+ * The object name parser for "Nth parent" syntax has been made more
+   robust against integer overflows.
+   (merge 59fa5f5a25 rs/nth-parent-parse later to maint).
+ * The code used in following tags in "git fetch" has been optimized.
+   (merge b7e2d8bca5 ms/fetch-follow-tag-optim later to maint).
+ * Regression fix for progress output.
+   (merge 2bb74b53a4 sg/progress-fix later to maint).
+ * A bug in merge-recursive code that triggers when a branch with a
+   symbolic link is merged with a branch that replaces it with a
+   directory has been fixed.
+   (merge 83e3ad3b12 jt/merge-recursive-symlink-is-not-a-dir-in-way later to maint).
+ * The rename detection logic sorts a list of rename source candidates
+   by similarity to pick the best candidate, which means that a tie
+   between sources with the same similarity is broken by the original
+   location in the original candidate list (which is sorted by path).
+   Force the sorting by similarity done with a stable sort, which is
+   not promised by system supplied qsort(3), to ensure consistent
+   results across platforms.
+   (merge 2049b8dc65 js/diff-rename-force-stable-sort later to maint).
+ * The code to skip "UTF" and "UTF-" prefix, when computing an advice
+   message, did not work correctly when the prefix was "UTF", which
+   has been fixed.
+   (merge b181676ce9 rs/convert-fix-utf-without-dash later to maint).
+ * The author names taken from SVN repositories may have extra leading
+   or trailing whitespaces, which are now munged away.
+   (merge 4ddd4bddb1 tk/git-svn-trim-author-name later to maint).
+ * "git rebase -i" showed a wrong HEAD while "reword" open the editor.
+   (merge b0a3186140 pw/rebase-i-show-HEAD-to-reword later to maint).
+ * A few simplification and bugfixes to PCRE interface.
+   (merge c581e4a749 ab/pcre-jit-fixes later to maint).
+ * PCRE fixes.
+   (merge ff61681b46 cb/pcre1-cleanup later to maint).
+ * "git range-diff" segfaulted when diff.noprefix configuration was
+   used, as it blindly expected the patch it internally generates to
+   have the standard a/ and b/ prefixes.  The command now forces the
+   internal patch to be built without any prefix, not to be affected
+   by any end-user configuration.
+   (merge 937b76ed49 js/range-diff-noprefix later to maint).
+ * "git stash apply" in a subdirectory of a secondary worktree failed
+   to access the worktree correctly, which has been corrected.
+   (merge dfd557c978 js/stash-apply-in-secondary-worktree later to maint).
+ * The merge-recursive machiery is one of the most complex parts of
+   the system that accumulated cruft over time.  This large series
+   cleans up the implementation quite a bit.
+   (merge b657047719 en/merge-recursive-cleanup later to maint).
+ * Pretty-printed command line formatter (used in e.g. reporting the
+   command being run by the tracing API) had a bug that lost an
+   argument that is an empty string, which has been corrected.
+   (merge ce2d7ed2fd gs/sq-quote-buf-pretty later to maint).
+ * "git range-diff" failed to handle mode-only change, which has been
+   corrected.
+   (merge 2b6a9b13ca tg/range-diff-output-update later to maint).
+ * Dev support update.
+   (merge 4f3c1dc5d6 dl/allow-running-cocci-verbosely later to maint).
+ * "git format-patch -o <outdir>" did an equivalent of "mkdir <outdir>"
+   not "mkdir -p <outdir>", which was corrected.
+ * "git stash save" lost local changes to submodules, which has been
+   corrected.
+   (merge 556895d0c8 jj/stash-reset-only-toplevel later to maint).
+ * The atomic push over smart HTTP transport did not work, which has
+   been corrected.
+   (merge 6f1194246a bc/smart-http-atomic-push later to maint).
+ * Other code cleanup, docfix, build fix, etc.
+   (merge d1387d3895 en/fast-import-merge-doc later to maint).
+   (merge 1c24a54ea4 bm/repository-layout-typofix later to maint).
+   (merge 415b770b88 ds/midx-expire-repack later to maint).
+   (merge 19800bdc3f nd/diff-parseopt later to maint).
+   (merge 58166c2e9d tg/t0021-racefix later to maint).
+   (merge 7027f508c7 dl/compat-cleanup later to maint).
+   (merge e770fbfeff jc/test-cleanup later to maint).
+   (merge 1fd881d404 rs/trace2-dst-warning later to maint).
+   (merge 7e92756751 mh/http-urlmatch-cleanup later to maint).
+   (merge 9784f97321 mh/release-commit-memory-fix later to maint).
+   (merge 60d198d022 tb/banned-vsprintf-namefix later to maint).
+   (merge 80e3658647 rs/help-unknown-ref-does-not-return later to maint).
+   (merge 0a8bc7068f dt/remote-helper-doc-re-lock-option later to maint).
+   (merge 27fd1e4ea7 en/merge-options-ff-and-friends later to maint).
+   (merge 502c386ff9 sg/clean-nested-repo-with-ignored later to maint).
+   (merge 26e3d1cbea am/mailmap-andrey-mazo later to maint).
+   (merge 47b27c96fa ss/get-time-cleanup later to maint).
+   (merge dd2e50a84e jk/commit-graph-cleanup later to maint).
+   (merge 4fd39c76e6 cs/pretty-formats-doc-typofix later to maint).
+   (merge 40e747e89d dl/submodule-set-branch later to maint).
+   (merge 689a146c91 rs/commit-graph-use-list-count later to maint).
+   (merge 0eb7c37a8a js/doc-patch-text later to maint).
+   (merge 4b3aa170d1 rs/nth-switch-code-simplification later to maint).
+   (merge 0d4304c124 ah/doc-submodule-ignore-submodules later to maint).
+   (merge af78249463 cc/svn-fe-py-shebang later to maint).
+   (merge 7bd97d6dff rs/alias-use-copy-array later to maint).
+   (merge c46ebc2496 sg/travis-help-debug later to maint).
+   (merge 24c681794f ps/my-first-contribution-alphasort later to maint).
+   (merge 75b2c15435 cb/do-not-use-test-cmp-with-a later to maint).
+   (merge cda0d497e3 bw/submodule-helper-usage-fix later to maint).
+   (merge fe0ed5d5e9 am/visual-studio-config-fix later to maint).
+   (merge 2e09c01232 sg/name-rev-cutoff-underflow-fix later to maint).
+   (merge ddb3c856f3 as/shallow-slab-use-fix later to maint).
+   (merge 71f4960b91 js/mingw-spawn-with-spaces-in-path later to maint).
+   (merge 53d687bf5f ah/cleanups later to maint).
+   (merge f537485fa5 rs/test-remove-useless-debugging-cat later to maint).
+   (merge 11a3d3aadd dl/rev-list-doc-cleanup later to maint).
+   (merge d928a8388a am/t0028-utf16-tests later to maint).
+   (merge b05b40930e dl/t0000-skip-test-test later to maint).
+   (merge 03d3b1297c js/xdiffi-comment-updates later to maint).
+   (merge 57d8f4b4c7 js/doc-stash-save later to maint).
+   (merge 8c1cfd58e3 ta/t1308-typofix later to maint).
+   (merge fa364ad790 bb/utf8-wcwidth-cleanup later to maint).
+   (merge 68b69211b2 bb/compat-util-comment-fix later to maint).
+   (merge 5cc6a4be11 rs/http-push-simplify later to maint).
+   (merge a81e42d235 rs/column-use-utf8-strnwidth later to maint).
+   (merge 062a309d36 rs/remote-curl-use-argv-array later to maint).
+   (merge 3b3c79f6c9 nr/diff-highlight-indent-fix later to maint).
+   (merge 3444ec2eb2 wb/fsmonitor-bitmap-fix later to maint).
+   (merge 10da030ab7 cb/pcre2-chartables-leakfix later to maint).
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt
index 6553d69..6323fea 100644
--- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.7.1.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    setting GIT_WORK_TREE environment themselves.
  * The "exclude_list" structure has the usual "alloc, nr" pair of
-   fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_exclude_list() forgot
+   fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_pattern_list() forgot
    to reset 'alloc' to 0 when it cleared 'nr' to discard the managed
diff --git a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt
index 2507971..5fbe1b8 100644
--- a/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt
+++ b/Documentation/RelNotes/2.8.0.txt
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
    setting GIT_WORK_TREE environment themselves.
  * The "exclude_list" structure has the usual "alloc, nr" pair of
-   fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_exclude_list() forgot
+   fields to be used by ALLOC_GROW(), but clear_pattern_list() forgot
    to reset 'alloc' to 0 when it cleared 'nr' to discard the managed
diff --git a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
index 6d589e1..1a60cc1 100644
--- a/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
+++ b/Documentation/SubmittingPatches
@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@
 Some parts of the system have dedicated maintainers with their own
-- `git-gui/` comes from git-gui project, maintained by Pat Thoyts:
+- `git-gui/` comes from git-gui project, maintained by Pratyush Yadav:
-	git://
 - `gitk-git/` comes from Paul Mackerras's gitk project:
diff --git a/Documentation/asciidoc.conf b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf
index 2c16c53..8fc4b67 100644
--- a/Documentation/asciidoc.conf
+++ b/Documentation/asciidoc.conf
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
-<refmiscinfo class="source">Git</refmiscinfo>
-<refmiscinfo class="version">{git_version}</refmiscinfo>
-<refmiscinfo class="manual">Git Manual</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo class="source">{mansource}</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo class="version">{manversion}</refmiscinfo>
+<refmiscinfo class="manual">{manmanual}</refmiscinfo>
diff --git a/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb b/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb
index 0089e0c..d906a00 100644
--- a/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb
+++ b/Documentation/asciidoctor-extensions.rb
@@ -9,8 +9,11 @@
       named :chrome
       def process(parent, target, attrs)
-        if parent.document.basebackend? 'html'
-          prefix = parent.document.attr('git-relative-html-prefix')
+        prefix = parent.document.attr('git-relative-html-prefix')
+        if parent.document.doctype == 'book'
+          "<ulink url=\"#{prefix}#{target}.html\">" \
+          "#{target}(#{attrs[1]})</ulink>"
+        elsif parent.document.basebackend? 'html'
           %(<a href="#{prefix}#{target}.html">#{target}(#{attrs[1]})</a>)
         elsif parent.document.basebackend? 'docbook'
           "<citerefentry>\n" \
@@ -20,9 +23,26 @@
+    class DocumentPostProcessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Postprocessor
+      def process document, output
+        if document.basebackend? 'docbook'
+          mansource = document.attributes['mansource']
+          manversion = document.attributes['manversion']
+          manmanual = document.attributes['manmanual']
+          new_tags = "" \
+            "<refmiscinfo class=\"source\">#{mansource}</refmiscinfo>\n" \
+            "<refmiscinfo class=\"version\">#{manversion}</refmiscinfo>\n" \
+            "<refmiscinfo class=\"manual\">#{manmanual}</refmiscinfo>\n"
+          output = output.sub(/<\/refmeta>/, new_tags + "</refmeta>")
+        end
+        output
+      end
+    end
 Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do
   inline_macro Git::Documentation::LinkGitProcessor, :linkgit
+  postprocessor Git::Documentation::DocumentPostProcessor
diff --git a/Documentation/config.txt b/Documentation/config.txt
index 77f3b14..f50f1b4 100644
--- a/Documentation/config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config.txt
@@ -178,47 +178,49 @@
-	# Core variables
-	[core]
-		; Don't trust file modes
-		filemode = false
+# Core variables
+	; Don't trust file modes
+	filemode = false
-	# Our diff algorithm
-	[diff]
-		external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper
-		renames = true
+# Our diff algorithm
+	external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper
+	renames = true
-	[branch "devel"]
-		remote = origin
-		merge = refs/heads/devel
+[branch "devel"]
+	remote = origin
+	merge = refs/heads/devel
-	# Proxy settings
-	[core]
-		gitProxy="ssh" for ""
-		gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest
+# Proxy settings
+	gitProxy="ssh" for ""
+	gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest
-	[include]
-		path = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path
-		path = ; find "" relative to the current file
-		path = ~/ ; find "" in your `$HOME` directory
+	path = /path/to/ ; include by absolute path
+	path = ; find "" relative to the current file
+	path = ~/ ; find "" in your `$HOME` directory
-	; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git
-	[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"]
-		path = /path/to/
+; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git
+[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"]
+	path = /path/to/
-	; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group
-	[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
-		path = /path/to/
+; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group
+[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
+	path = /path/to/
-	; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group
-	[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"]
-		path = /path/to/
+; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group
+[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"]
+	path = /path/to/
-	; relative paths are always relative to the including
-	; file (if the condition is true); their location is not
-	; affected by the condition
-	[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
-		path =
+; relative paths are always relative to the including
+; file (if the condition is true); their location is not
+; affected by the condition
+[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
+	path =
 	; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is
 	; currently checked out
diff --git a/Documentation/config/color.txt b/Documentation/config/color.txt
index 8375596..d5daacb 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/color.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/color.txt
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 This setting should be set to a comma-separated list of color and date settings,
 starting and ending with a color, the dates should be set from oldest to newest.
-The metadata will be colored given the colors if the the line was introduced
+The metadata will be colored given the colors if the line was introduced
 before the given timestamp, overwriting older timestamped colors.
 Instead of an absolute timestamp relative timestamps work as well, e.g.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/diff.txt b/Documentation/config/diff.txt
index 5afb5a2..ff09f1c 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/diff.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/diff.txt
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
-	Set this option to `true` to enable experimental heuristics
+	Set this option to `false` to disable the default heuristics
 	that shift diff hunk boundaries to make patches easier to read.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/feature.txt b/Documentation/config/feature.txt
index 545522f..875f8c8 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/feature.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/feature.txt
@@ -17,6 +17,14 @@
 * `fetch.negotiationAlgorithm=skipping` may improve fetch negotiation times by
 skipping more commits at a time, reducing the number of round trips.
+* `fetch.writeCommitGraph=true` writes a commit-graph after every `git fetch`
+command that downloads a pack-file from a remote. Using the `--split` option,
+most executions will create a very small commit-graph file on top of the
+existing commit-graph file(s). Occasionally, these files will merge and the
+write may take longer. Having an updated commit-graph file helps performance
+of many Git commands, including `git merge-base`, `git push -f`, and
+`git log --graph`.
 	Enable config options that optimize for repos with many files in the
diff --git a/Documentation/config/fetch.txt b/Documentation/config/fetch.txt
index d402110..f119402 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/fetch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/fetch.txt
@@ -69,3 +69,23 @@
 	Set to false to enable `--no-show-forced-updates` in
 	linkgit:git-fetch[1] and linkgit:git-pull[1] commands.
 	Defaults to true.
+	Specifies the maximal number of fetch operations to be run in parallel
+	at a time (submodules, or remotes when the `--multiple` option of
+	linkgit:git-fetch[1] is in effect).
+A value of 0 will give some reasonable default. If unset, it defaults to 1.
+For submodules, this setting can be overridden using the `submodule.fetchJobs`
+config setting.
+	Set to true to write a commit-graph after every `git fetch` command
+	that downloads a pack-file from a remote. Using the `--split` option,
+	most executions will create a very small commit-graph file on top of
+	the existing commit-graph file(s). Occasionally, these files will
+	merge and the write may take longer. Having an updated commit-graph
+	file helps performance of many Git commands, including `git merge-base`,
+	`git push -f`, and `git log --graph`. Defaults to false, unless
+	`feature.experimental` is true.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/format.txt b/Documentation/config/format.txt
index 414a5a8..40cad92 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/format.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/format.txt
@@ -77,10 +77,11 @@
 	A boolean that controls whether to generate a cover-letter when
 	format-patch is invoked, but in addition can be set to "auto", to
 	generate a cover-letter only when there's more than one patch.
+	Default is false.
 	Set a custom directory to store the resulting files instead of the
-	current working directory.
+	current working directory. All directory components will be created.
 	A boolean value which lets you enable the `--base=auto` option of
diff --git a/Documentation/config/gpg.txt b/Documentation/config/gpg.txt
index f999f8e..cce2c89 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/gpg.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/gpg.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	Use this custom program instead of "`gpg`" found on `$PATH` when
 	making or verifying a PGP signature. The program must support the
 	same command-line interface as GPG, namely, to verify a detached
-	signature, "`gpg --verify $file - <$signature`" is run, and the
+	signature, "`gpg --verify $signature - <$file`" is run, and the
 	program is expected to signal a good signature by exiting with
 	code 0, and to generate an ASCII-armored detached signature, the
 	standard input of "`gpg -bsau $key`" is fed with the contents to be
diff --git a/Documentation/config/log.txt b/Documentation/config/log.txt
index 78d9e44..e9e1e39 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/log.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/log.txt
@@ -40,4 +40,5 @@
 	If true, makes linkgit:git-log[1], linkgit:git-show[1], and
-	linkgit:git-whatchanged[1] assume `--use-mailmap`.
+	linkgit:git-whatchanged[1] assume `--use-mailmap`, otherwise
+	assume `--no-use-mailmap`. True by default.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/remote.txt b/Documentation/config/remote.txt
index 6c4cad8..a8e6437 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/remote.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/remote.txt
@@ -76,3 +76,11 @@
 See also `remote.<name>.prune` and the PRUNING section of
+	When set to true, this remote will be used to fetch promisor
+	objects.
+	The filter that will be applied when fetching from this
+	promisor remote.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/stash.txt b/Documentation/config/stash.txt
index 7710758..abc7ef4 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/stash.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/stash.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
        the built-in rewrite of it in C.
 The C rewrite is first included with Git version 2.22 (and Git for Windows
-version 2.19). This option serves an an escape hatch to re-enable the
+version 2.19). This option serves as an escape hatch to re-enable the
 legacy version in case any bugs are found in the rewrite. This option and
 the shell script version of linkgit:git-stash[1] will be removed in some
 future release.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt
index 2edbfb0..4ce0b9a 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/trace2.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/trace2.txt
@@ -54,3 +54,9 @@
 	By default, these errors are suppressed and tracing is
 	silently disabled.  May be overridden by the
 	`GIT_TRACE2_DST_DEBUG` environment variable.
+	Integer.  When writing trace files to a target directory, do not
+	write additional traces if we would exceed this many files. Instead,
+	write a sentinel file that will block further tracing to this
+	directory. Defaults to 0, which disables this check.
diff --git a/Documentation/config/transfer.txt b/Documentation/config/transfer.txt
index 4a5dfe2..f5b6245 100644
--- a/Documentation/config/transfer.txt
+++ b/Documentation/config/transfer.txt
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 instead be left unreferenced in the repository.
 Due to the non-quarantine nature of the `fetch.fsckObjects`
-implementation it can not be relied upon to leave the object store
+implementation it cannot be relied upon to leave the object store
 clean like `receive.fsckObjects` can.
 As objects are unpacked they're written to the object store, so there
diff --git a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt
index f10ca41..e8ed647 100644
--- a/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/diff-generate-patch.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
-Generating patches with -p
+Generating patch text with -p
-When "git-diff-index", "git-diff-tree", or "git-diff-files" are run
-with a `-p` option, "git diff" without the `--raw` option, or
-"git log" with the "-p" option, they
-do not produce the output described above; instead they produce a
-patch file.  You can customize the creation of such patches via the
+linkgit:git-diff-tree[1], or
+with the `-p` option produces patch text.
+You can customize the creation of patch text via the
 `GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF` and the `GIT_DIFF_OPTS` environment variables.
 What the -p option produces is slightly different from the traditional
@@ -49,7 +53,7 @@
 files, while 100% dissimilarity means that no line from the old
 file made it into the new one.
-The index line includes the SHA-1 checksum before and after the change.
+The index line includes the blob object names before and after the change.
 The <mode> is included if the file mode does not change; otherwise,
 separate lines indicate the old and the new mode.
@@ -70,7 +74,7 @@
       rename to a
-combined diff format
+Combined diff format
 Any diff-generating command can take the `-c` or `--cc` option to
@@ -80,7 +84,7 @@
 of these commands to force generation of diffs with individual parents
 of a merge.
-A 'combined diff' format looks like this:
+A "combined diff" format looks like this:
 diff --combined describe.c
@@ -113,11 +117,11 @@
 1.   It is preceded with a "git diff" header, that looks like
-     this (when `-c` option is used):
+     this (when the `-c` option is used):
        diff --combined file
-or like this (when `--cc` option is used):
+or like this (when the `--cc` option is used):
        diff --cc file
@@ -160,7 +164,7 @@
 4.   Chunk header format is modified to prevent people from
      accidentally feeding it to `patch -p1`. Combined diff format
      was created for review of merge commit changes, and was not
-     meant for apply. The change is similar to the change in the
+     meant to be applied. The change is similar to the change in the
      extended 'index' header:
        @@@ <from-file-range> <from-file-range> <to-file-range> @@@
diff --git a/Documentation/doc-diff b/Documentation/doc-diff
index 3355be4..88a9b20 100755
--- a/Documentation/doc-diff
+++ b/Documentation/doc-diff
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 to-asciidoc		use asciidoc with the 'to'-commit
 to-asciidoctor		use asciidoctor with the 'to'-commit
 asciidoctor		use asciidoctor with both commits
-cut-header-footer	cut away header and footer
+cut-footer		cut away footer
 . "$(git --exec-path)/git-sh-setup"
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 while test $# -gt 0
 	case "$1" in
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
 		to_program=-asciidoc ;;
-	--cut-header-footer)
-		cut_header_footer=-cut-header-footer ;;
+	--cut-footer)
+		cut_footer=-cut-footer ;;
 		shift; break ;;
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
 from_makemanflags=$(construct_makemanflags "$from_program") &&
 to_makemanflags=$(construct_makemanflags "$to_program") &&
-from_dir=$from_oid$from_program$cut_header_footer &&
-to_dir=$to_oid$to_program$cut_header_footer &&
+from_dir=$from_oid$from_program$cut_footer &&
+to_dir=$to_oid$to_program$cut_footer &&
 # generate_render_makefile <srcdir> <dstdir>
 generate_render_makefile () {
@@ -169,12 +169,11 @@
 		make -j$parallel -f - &&
 		mv "$tmp/rendered/$dname+" "$tmp/rendered/$dname"
-		if test "$cut_header_footer" = "-cut-header-footer"
+		if test "$cut_footer" = "-cut-footer"
 			for f in $(find "$tmp/rendered/$dname" -type f)
-				tail -n +3 "$f" | head -n -2 |
-				sed -e '1{/^$/d}' -e '${/^$/d}' >"$f+" &&
+				head -n -2 "$f" | sed -e '${/^$/d}' >"$f+" &&
 				mv "$f+" "$f" ||
 				return 1
diff --git a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt
index 3c9b4f9..43b9ff3 100644
--- a/Documentation/fetch-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/fetch-options.txt
@@ -160,15 +160,27 @@
-	Number of parallel children to be used for fetching submodules.
-	Each will fetch from different submodules, such that fetching many
-	submodules will be faster. By default submodules will be fetched
-	one at a time.
+	Number of parallel children to be used for all forms of fetching.
+If the `--multiple` option was specified, the different remotes will be fetched
+in parallel. If multiple submodules are fetched, they will be fetched in
+parallel. To control them independently, use the config settings
+`fetch.parallel` and `submodule.fetchJobs` (see linkgit:git-config[1]).
+Typically, parallel recursive and multi-remote fetches will be faster. By
+default fetches are performed sequentially, not in parallel.
 	Disable recursive fetching of submodules (this has the same effect as
 	using the `--recurse-submodules=no` option).
+	If the remote is fetched successfully, pull and add upstream
+	(tracking) reference, used by argument-less
+	linkgit:git-pull[1] and other commands. For more information,
+	see `branch.<name>.merge` and `branch.<name>.remote` in
+	linkgit:git-config[1].
 	Prepend <path> to paths printed in informative messages
 	such as "Fetching submodule foo".  This option is used
diff --git a/Documentation/git-clean.txt b/Documentation/git-clean.txt
index 0028ff1..a7f309d 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-clean.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-clean.txt
@@ -26,18 +26,20 @@
-	Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files.
-	If an untracked directory is managed by a different Git
-	repository, it is not removed by default.  Use -f option twice
-	if you really want to remove such a directory.
+	Normally, when no <path> is specified, git clean will not
+	recurse into untracked directories to avoid removing too much.
+	Specify -d to have it recurse into such directories as well.
+	If any paths are specified, -d is irrelevant; all untracked
+	files matching the specified paths (with exceptions for nested
+	git directories mentioned under `--force`) will be removed.
 	If the Git configuration variable clean.requireForce is not set
 	to false, 'git clean' will refuse to delete files or directories
-	unless given -f, -n or -i. Git will refuse to delete directories
-	with .git sub directory or file unless a second -f
-	is given.
+	unless given -f or -i.  Git will refuse to modify untracked
+	nested git repositories (directories with a .git subdirectory)
+	unless a second -f is given.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt b/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt
index eb5e786..8c708a7 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-commit-graph.txt
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 'git commit-graph read' [--object-dir <dir>]
-'git commit-graph verify' [--object-dir <dir>] [--shallow]
-'git commit-graph write' <options> [--object-dir <dir>]
+'git commit-graph verify' [--object-dir <dir>] [--shallow] [--[no-]progress]
+'git commit-graph write' <options> [--object-dir <dir>] [--[no-]progress]
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
 	commit-graph file is expected to be in the `<dir>/info` directory and
 	the packfiles are expected to be in `<dir>/pack`.
+	Turn progress on/off explicitly. If neither is specified, progress is
+	shown if standard error is connected to a terminal.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-commit.txt b/Documentation/git-commit.txt
index 7628193..afa7b75 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-commit.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-commit.txt
@@ -282,18 +282,20 @@
 	Show untracked files.
 The mode parameter is optional (defaults to 'all'), and is used to
 specify the handling of untracked files; when -u is not used, the
 default is 'normal', i.e. show untracked files and directories.
 The possible options are:
 	- 'no'     - Show no untracked files
 	- 'normal' - Shows untracked files and directories
 	- 'all'    - Also shows individual files in untracked directories.
 The default can be changed using the status.showUntrackedFiles
 configuration variable documented in linkgit:git-config[1].
diff --git a/Documentation/git-config.txt b/Documentation/git-config.txt
index ff9310f..899e92a 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-config.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-config.txt
@@ -339,33 +339,35 @@
 Given a .git/config like this:
-	#
-	# This is the config file, and
-	# a '#' or ';' character indicates
-	# a comment
-	#
+# This is the config file, and
+# a '#' or ';' character indicates
+# a comment
-	; core variables
-	[core]
-		; Don't trust file modes
-		filemode = false
+; core variables
+	; Don't trust file modes
+	filemode = false
-	; Our diff algorithm
-	[diff]
-		external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper
-		renames = true
+; Our diff algorithm
+	external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper
+	renames = true
-	; Proxy settings
-	[core]
-		gitproxy=proxy-command for
-		gitproxy=default-proxy ; for all the rest
+; Proxy settings
+	gitproxy=proxy-command for
+	gitproxy=default-proxy ; for all the rest
-	; HTTP
-	[http]
-		sslVerify
-	[http ""]
-		sslVerify = false
-		cookieFile = /tmp/cookie.txt
+	sslVerify
+[http ""]
+	sslVerify = false
+	cookieFile = /tmp/cookie.txt
 you can set the filemode to true with
diff --git a/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt b/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt
index f98b7c6..79e22b1 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-cvsserver.txt
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 'git-cvsserver' write access to the database file without granting
 them write access to the directory, too.
-The database can not be reliably regenerated in a
+The database cannot be reliably regenerated in a
 consistent form after the branch it is tracking has changed.
 Example: For merged branches, 'git-cvsserver' only tracks
 one branch of development, and after a 'git merge' an
diff --git a/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt b/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt
index 11427ac..37634bf 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-fast-export.txt
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 into 'git fast-import'.
 You can use it as a human-readable bundle replacement (see
-linkgit:git-bundle[1]), or as a kind of an interactive
-'git filter-branch'.
+linkgit:git-bundle[1]), or as a format that can be edited before being
+fed to 'git fast-import' in order to do history rewrites (an ability
+relied on by tools like 'git filter-repo').
@@ -75,11 +75,20 @@
 	Before processing any input, load the marks specified in
 	<file>.  The input file must exist, must be readable, and
 	must use the same format as produced by --export-marks.
+	In addition to labelling blobs and commits with mark ids, also
+	label tags.  This is useful in conjunction with
+	`--export-marks` and `--import-marks`, and is also useful (and
+	necessary) for exporting of nested tags.  It does not hurt
+	other cases and would be the default, but many fast-import
+	frontends are not prepared to accept tags with mark
+	identifiers.
-Any commits that have already been marked will not be exported again.
-If the backend uses a similar --import-marks file, this allows for
-incremental bidirectional exporting of the repository by keeping the
-marks the same across runs.
+Any commits (or tags) that have already been marked will not be
+exported again.  If the backend uses a similar --import-marks file,
+this allows for incremental bidirectional exporting of the repository
+by keeping the marks the same across runs.
 	Some old repositories have tags without a tagger.  The
@@ -116,7 +125,7 @@
 	and will make master{tilde}4 no longer have master{tilde}5 as
 	a parent (though both the old master{tilde}4 and new
 	master{tilde}4 will have all the same files).  Use
-	--reference-excluded-parents to instead have the the stream
+	--reference-excluded-parents to instead have the stream
 	refer to commits in the excluded range of history by their
 	sha1sum.  Note that the resulting stream can only be used by a
 	repository which already contains the necessary parent
diff --git a/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt b/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt
index 7baf9e4..a3f1e0c 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-fast-import.txt
@@ -337,6 +337,13 @@
 	`commit` command.  This command is optional and is not
 	needed to perform an import.
+	Record that a mark refers to a given object without first
+	creating any new object.  Using --import-marks and referring
+	to missing marks will cause fast-import to fail, so aliases
+	can provide a way to set otherwise pruned commits to a valid
+	value (e.g. the nearest non-pruned ancestor).
 	Forces fast-import to close the current packfile, generate its
 	unique SHA-1 checksum and index, and start a new packfile.
@@ -391,7 +398,7 @@
 	('encoding' SP <encoding>)?
 	('from' SP <commit-ish> LF)?
-	('merge' SP <commit-ish> LF)?
+	('merge' SP <commit-ish> LF)*
 	(filemodify | filedelete | filecopy | filerename | filedeleteall | notemodify)*
@@ -425,7 +432,7 @@
 The `LF` after the command is optional (it used to be required).  Note
 that for reasons of backward compatibility, if the commit ends with a
-`data` command (i.e. it has has no `from`, `merge`, `filemodify`,
+`data` command (i.e. it has no `from`, `merge`, `filemodify`,
 `filedelete`, `filecopy`, `filerename`, `filedeleteall` or
 `notemodify` commands) then two `LF` commands may appear at the end of
 the command instead of just one.
@@ -774,6 +781,7 @@
 	'tag' SP <name> LF
+	mark?
 	'from' SP <commit-ish> LF
 	'tagger' (SP <name>)? SP LT <email> GT SP <when> LF
@@ -913,6 +921,21 @@
 The `LF` after `<delim> LF` is optional (it used to be required).
+Record that a mark refers to a given object without first creating any
+new object.
+	'alias' LF
+	mark
+	'to' SP <commit-ish> LF
+	LF?
+For a detailed description of `<commit-ish>` see above under `from`.
 Forces fast-import to close the current packfile, start a new one, and to
diff --git a/Documentation/git-fetch.txt b/Documentation/git-fetch.txt
index 266d63c..5b1909f 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-fetch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-fetch.txt
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 the local repository by fetching from the branches (respectively)
 `pu` and `maint` from the remote repository.
-The `pu` branch will be updated even if it is does not fast-forward,
+The `pu` branch will be updated even if it does not fast-forward,
 because it is prefixed with a plus sign; `tmp` will not be.
 * Peek at a remote's branch, without configuring the remote in your local
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
 Using --recurse-submodules can only fetch new commits in already checked
 out submodules right now. When e.g. upstream added a new submodule in the
-just fetched commits of the superproject the submodule itself can not be
+just fetched commits of the superproject the submodule itself cannot be
 fetched, making it impossible to check out that submodule later without
 having to do a fetch again. This is expected to be fixed in a future Git
diff --git a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
index 6b53dd7..5876598 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-filter-branch.txt
@@ -16,6 +16,19 @@
 	[--original <namespace>] [-d <directory>] [-f | --force]
 	[--state-branch <branch>] [--] [<rev-list options>...]
+'git filter-branch' has a plethora of pitfalls that can produce non-obvious
+manglings of the intended history rewrite (and can leave you with little
+time to investigate such problems since it has such abysmal performance).
+These safety and performance issues cannot be backward compatibly fixed and
+as such, its use is not recommended.  Please use an alternative history
+filtering tool such as[git
+filter-repo].  If you still need to use 'git filter-branch', please
+carefully read <<SAFETY>> (and <<PERFORMANCE>>) to learn about the land
+mines of filter-branch, and then vigilantly avoid as many of the hazards
+listed there as reasonably possible.
 Lets you rewrite Git revision history by rewriting the branches mentioned
@@ -445,36 +458,236 @@
   (or if your git-gc is not new enough to support arguments to
   `--prune`, use `git repack -ad; git prune` instead).
-git-filter-branch allows you to make complex shell-scripted rewrites
-of your Git history, but you probably don't need this flexibility if
-you're simply _removing unwanted data_ like large files or passwords.
-For those operations you may want to consider
-[The BFG Repo-Cleaner],
-a JVM-based alternative to git-filter-branch, typically at least
-10-50x faster for those use-cases, and with quite different
+The performance of git-filter-branch is glacially slow; its design makes it
+impossible for a backward-compatible implementation to ever be fast:
-* Any particular version of a file is cleaned exactly _once_. The BFG,
-  unlike git-filter-branch, does not give you the opportunity to
-  handle a file differently based on where or when it was committed
-  within your history. This constraint gives the core performance
-  benefit of The BFG, and is well-suited to the task of cleansing bad
-  data - you don't care _where_ the bad data is, you just want it
-  _gone_.
+* In editing files, git-filter-branch by design checks out each and
+every commit as it existed in the original repo.  If your repo has 10\^5
+files and 10\^5 commits, but each commit only modifies 5 files, then
+git-filter-branch will make you do 10\^10 modifications, despite only
+having (at most) 5*10^5 unique blobs.
-* By default The BFG takes full advantage of multi-core machines,
-  cleansing commit file-trees in parallel. git-filter-branch cleans
-  commits sequentially (i.e. in a single-threaded manner), though it
-  _is_ possible to write filters that include their own parallelism,
-  in the scripts executed against each commit.
+* If you try and cheat and try to make git-filter-branch only work on
+files modified in a commit, then two things happen
-* The[command options]
-  are much more restrictive than git-filter branch, and dedicated just
-  to the tasks of removing unwanted data- e.g:
-  `--strip-blobs-bigger-than 1M`.
+  ** you run into problems with deletions whenever the user is simply
+     trying to rename files (because attempting to delete files that
+     don't exist looks like a no-op; it takes some chicanery to remap
+     deletes across file renames when the renames happen via arbitrary
+     user-provided shell)
+  ** even if you succeed at the map-deletes-for-renames chicanery, you
+     still technically violate backward compatibility because users are
+     allowed to filter files in ways that depend upon topology of
+     commits instead of filtering solely based on file contents or names
+     (though this has not been observed in the wild).
+* Even if you don't need to edit files but only want to e.g. rename or
+remove some and thus can avoid checking out each file (i.e. you can use
+--index-filter), you still are passing shell snippets for your filters.
+This means that for every commit, you have to have a prepared git repo
+where those filters can be run.  That's a significant setup.
+* Further, several additional files are created or updated per commit by
+git-filter-branch.  Some of these are for supporting the convenience
+functions provided by git-filter-branch (such as map()), while others
+are for keeping track of internal state (but could have also been
+accessed by user filters; one of git-filter-branch's regression tests
+does so).  This essentially amounts to using the filesystem as an IPC
+mechanism between git-filter-branch and the user-provided filters.
+Disks tend to be a slow IPC mechanism, and writing these files also
+effectively represents a forced synchronization point between separate
+processes that we hit with every commit.
+* The user-provided shell commands will likely involve a pipeline of
+commands, resulting in the creation of many processes per commit.
+Creating and running another process takes a widely varying amount of
+time between operating systems, but on any platform it is very slow
+relative to invoking a function.
+* git-filter-branch itself is written in shell, which is kind of slow.
+This is the one performance issue that could be backward-compatibly
+fixed, but compared to the above problems that are intrinsic to the
+design of git-filter-branch, the language of the tool itself is a
+relatively minor issue.
+  ** Side note: Unfortunately, people tend to fixate on the
+     written-in-shell aspect and periodically ask if git-filter-branch
+     could be rewritten in another language to fix the performance
+     issues.  Not only does that ignore the bigger intrinsic problems
+     with the design, it'd help less than you'd expect: if
+     git-filter-branch itself were not shell, then the convenience
+     functions (map(), skip_commit(), etc) and the `--setup` argument
+     could no longer be executed once at the beginning of the program
+     but would instead need to be prepended to every user filter (and
+     thus re-executed with every commit).
+The[git filter-repo] tool is
+an alternative to git-filter-branch which does not suffer from these
+performance problems or the safety problems (mentioned below). For those
+with existing tooling which relies upon git-filter-branch, 'git
+repo-filter' also provides
+a drop-in git-filter-branch replacement (with a few caveats).  While
+filter-lamely suffers from all the same safety issues as
+git-filter-branch, it at least ameloriates the performance issues a
+git-filter-branch is riddled with gotchas resulting in various ways to
+easily corrupt repos or end up with a mess worse than what you started
+* Someone can have a set of "working and tested filters" which they
+document or provide to a coworker, who then runs them on a different OS
+where the same commands are not working/tested (some examples in the
+git-filter-branch manpage are also affected by this).  BSD vs. GNU
+userland differences can really bite.  If lucky, error messages are
+spewed.  But just as likely, the commands either don't do the filtering
+requested, or silently corrupt by making some unwanted change.  The
+unwanted change may only affect a few commits, so it's not necessarily
+obvious either.  (The fact that problems won't necessarily be obvious
+means they are likely to go unnoticed until the rewritten history is in
+use for quite a while, at which point it's really hard to justify
+another flag-day for another rewrite.)
+* Filenames with spaces are often mishandled by shell snippets since
+they cause problems for shell pipelines.  Not everyone is familiar with
+find -print0, xargs -0, git-ls-files -z, etc.  Even people who are
+familiar with these may assume such flags are not relevant because
+someone else renamed any such files in their repo back before the person
+doing the filtering joined the project.  And often, even those familiar
+with handling arguments with spaces may not do so just because they
+aren't in the mindset of thinking about everything that could possibly
+go wrong.
+* Non-ascii filenames can be silently removed despite being in a desired
+directory.  Keeping only wanted paths is often done using pipelines like
+`git ls-files | grep -v ^WANTED_DIR/ | xargs git rm`.  ls-files will
+only quote filenames if needed, so folks may not notice that one of the
+files didn't match the regex (at least not until it's much too late).
+Yes, someone who knows about core.quotePath can avoid this (unless they
+have other special characters like \t, \n, or "), and people who use
+ls-files -z with something other than grep can avoid this, but that
+doesn't mean they will.
+* Similarly, when moving files around, one can find that filenames with
+non-ascii or special characters end up in a different directory, one
+that includes a double quote character.  (This is technically the same
+issue as above with quoting, but perhaps an interesting different way
+that it can and has manifested as a problem.)
+* It's far too easy to accidentally mix up old and new history.  It's
+still possible with any tool, but git-filter-branch almost invites it.
+If lucky, the only downside is users getting frustrated that they don't
+know how to shrink their repo and remove the old stuff.  If unlucky,
+they merge old and new history and end up with multiple "copies" of each
+commit, some of which have unwanted or sensitive files and others which
+don't.  This comes about in multiple different ways:
+  ** the default to only doing a partial history rewrite ('--all' is not
+     the default and few examples show it)
+  ** the fact that there's no automatic post-run cleanup
+  ** the fact that --tag-name-filter (when used to rename tags) doesn't
+     remove the old tags but just adds new ones with the new name
+  ** the fact that little educational information is provided to inform
+     users of the ramifications of a rewrite and how to avoid mixing old
+     and new history.  For example, this man page discusses how users
+     need to understand that they need to rebase their changes for all
+     their branches on top of new history (or delete and reclone), but
+     that's only one of multiple concerns to consider.  See the
+     "DISCUSSION" section of the git filter-repo manual page for more
+     details.
+* Annotated tags can be accidentally converted to lightweight tags, due
+to either of two issues:
+  ** Someone can do a history rewrite, realize they messed up, restore
+     from the backups in refs/original/, and then redo their
+     git-filter-branch command.  (The backup in refs/original/ is not a
+     real backup; it dereferences tags first.)
+  ** Running git-filter-branch with either --tags or --all in your
+     <rev-list options>.  In order to retain annotated tags as
+     annotated, you must use --tag-name-filter (and must not have
+     restored from refs/original/ in a previously botched rewrite).
+* Any commit messages that specify an encoding will become corrupted
+by the rewrite; git-filter-branch ignores the encoding, takes the original
+bytes, and feeds it to commit-tree without telling it the proper
+encoding.  (This happens whether or not --msg-filter is used.)
+* Commit messages (even if they are all UTF-8) by default become
+corrupted due to not being updated -- any references to other commit
+hashes in commit messages will now refer to no-longer-extant commits.
+* There are no facilities for helping users find what unwanted crud they
+should delete, which means they are much more likely to have incomplete
+or partial cleanups that sometimes result in confusion and people
+wasting time trying to understand.  (For example, folks tend to just
+look for big files to delete instead of big directories or extensions,
+and once they do so, then sometime later folks using the new repository
+who are going through history will notice a build artifact directory
+that has some files but not others, or a cache of dependencies
+(node_modules or similar) which couldn't have ever been functional since
+it's missing some files.)
+* If --prune-empty isn't specified, then the filtering process can
+create hoards of confusing empty commits
+* If --prune-empty is specified, then intentionally placed empty
+commits from before the filtering operation are also pruned instead of
+just pruning commits that became empty due to filtering rules.
+* If --prune empty is specified, sometimes empty commits are missed
+and left around anyway (a somewhat rare bug, but it happens...)
+* A minor issue, but users who have a goal to update all names and
+emails in a repository may be led to --env-filter which will only update
+authors and committers, missing taggers.
+* If the user provides a --tag-name-filter that maps multiple tags to
+the same name, no warning or error is provided; git-filter-branch simply
+overwrites each tag in some undocumented pre-defined order resulting in
+only one tag at the end.  (A git-filter-branch regression test requires
+this surprising behavior.)
+Also, the poor performance of git-filter-branch often leads to safety
+* Coming up with the correct shell snippet to do the filtering you want
+is sometimes difficult unless you're just doing a trivial modification
+such as deleting a couple files.  Unfortunately, people often learn if
+the snippet is right or wrong by trying it out, but the rightness or
+wrongness can vary depending on special circumstances (spaces in
+filenames, non-ascii filenames, funny author names or emails, invalid
+timezones, presence of grafts or replace objects, etc.), meaning they
+may have to wait a long time, hit an error, then restart.  The
+performance of git-filter-branch is so bad that this cycle is painful,
+reducing the time available to carefully re-check (to say nothing about
+what it does to the patience of the person doing the rewrite even if
+they do technically have more time available).  This problem is extra
+compounded because errors from broken filters may not be shown for a
+long time and/or get lost in a sea of output.  Even worse, broken
+filters often just result in silent incorrect rewrites.
+* To top it all off, even when users finally find working commands, they
+naturally want to share them.  But they may be unaware that their repo
+didn't have some special cases that someone else's does.  So, when
+someone else with a different repository runs the same commands, they
+get hit by the problems above.  Or, the user just runs commands that
+really were vetted for special cases, but they run it on a different OS
+where it doesn't work, as noted above.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt b/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
index b9b97e6..2035d4d 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-format-patch.txt
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 		   [-n | --numbered | -N | --no-numbered]
 		   [--start-number <n>] [--numbered-files]
-		   [--in-reply-to=Message-Id] [--suffix=.<sfx>]
+		   [--in-reply-to=<message id>] [--suffix=.<sfx>]
-		   [--rfc] [--subject-prefix=Subject-Prefix]
+		   [--rfc] [--subject-prefix=<subject prefix>]
 		   [(--reroll-count|-v) <n>]
 		   [--to=<email>] [--cc=<email>]
 		   [--[no-]cover-letter] [--quiet]
@@ -66,7 +66,8 @@
 can be set with the `format.outputDirectory` configuration option.
 The `-o` option takes precedence over `format.outputDirectory`.
 To store patches in the current working directory even when
-`format.outputDirectory` points elsewhere, use `-o .`.
+`format.outputDirectory` points elsewhere, use `-o .`. All directory
+components will be created.
 By default, the subject of a single patch is "[PATCH] " followed by
 the concatenation of lines from the commit message up to the first blank
@@ -159,9 +160,9 @@
 itself.  If you want `git format-patch` to take care of threading, you
 will want to ensure that threading is disabled for `git send-email`.
+--in-reply-to=<message id>::
 	Make the first mail (or all the mails with `--no-thread`) appear as a
-	reply to the given Message-Id, which avoids breaking threads to
+	reply to the given <message id>, which avoids breaking threads to
 	provide a new patch series.
@@ -171,9 +172,9 @@
 	patches being generated, and any patch that matches is
+--subject-prefix=<subject prefix>::
 	Instead of the standard '[PATCH]' prefix in the subject
-	line, instead use '[<Subject-Prefix>]'. This
+	line, instead use '[<subject prefix>]'. This
 	allows for useful naming of a patch series, and can be
 	combined with the `--numbered` option.
@@ -314,7 +315,8 @@
 	Record the base tree information to identify the state the
 	patch series applies to.  See the BASE TREE INFORMATION section
-	below for details.
+	below for details. If <commit> is "auto", a base commit is
+	automatically chosen.
 	Treat the revision argument as a <revision range>, even if it
@@ -330,8 +332,9 @@
 You can specify extra mail header lines to be added to each message,
 defaults for the subject prefix and file suffix, number patches when
-outputting more than one patch, add "To" or "Cc:" headers, configure
-attachments, and sign off patches with configuration variables.
+outputting more than one patch, add "To:" or "Cc:" headers, configure
+attachments, change the patch output directory, and sign off patches
+with configuration variables.
@@ -343,7 +346,8 @@
 	cc = <email>
 	attach [ = mime-boundary-string ]
 	signOff = true
-	coverletter = auto
+	outputDirectory = <directory>
+	coverLetter = auto
diff --git a/Documentation/git-fsck.txt b/Documentation/git-fsck.txt
index e0eae64..d72d15b 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-fsck.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-fsck.txt
@@ -104,6 +104,11 @@
 	progress status even if the standard error stream is not
 	directed to a terminal.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-gc.txt b/Documentation/git-gc.txt
index 247f765..0c114ad 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-gc.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-gc.txt
@@ -115,15 +115,14 @@
 'git gc' tries very hard not to delete objects that are referenced
-anywhere in your repository. In
-particular, it will keep not only objects referenced by your current set
-of branches and tags, but also objects referenced by the index,
-remote-tracking branches, refs saved by 'git filter-branch' in
-refs/original/, reflogs (which may reference commits in branches
-that were later amended or rewound), and anything else in the refs/* namespace.
-If you are expecting some objects to be deleted and they aren't, check
-all of those locations and decide whether it makes sense in your case to
-remove those references.
+anywhere in your repository. In particular, it will keep not only
+objects referenced by your current set of branches and tags, but also
+objects referenced by the index, remote-tracking branches, notes saved
+by 'git notes' under refs/notes/, reflogs (which may reference commits
+in branches that were later amended or rewound), and anything else in
+the refs/* namespace.  If you are expecting some objects to be deleted
+and they aren't, check all of those locations and decide whether it
+makes sense in your case to remove those references.
 On the other hand, when 'git gc' runs concurrently with another process,
 there is a risk of it deleting an object that the other process is using
diff --git a/Documentation/git-grep.txt b/Documentation/git-grep.txt
index 2d27969..c89fb56 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-grep.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-grep.txt
@@ -271,6 +271,23 @@
 -f <file>::
 	Read patterns from <file>, one per line.
+Passing the pattern via <file> allows for providing a search pattern
+containing a \0.
+Not all pattern types support patterns containing \0. Git will error
+out if a given pattern type can't support such a pattern. The
+`--perl-regexp` pattern type when compiled against the PCRE v2 backend
+has the widest support for these types of patterns.
+In versions of Git before 2.23.0 patterns containing \0 would be
+silently considered fixed. This was never documented, there were also
+odd and undocumented interactions between e.g. non-ASCII patterns
+containing \0 and `--ignore-case`.
+In future versions we may learn to support patterns containing \0 for
+more search backends, until then we'll die when the pattern type in
+question doesn't support them.
 	The next parameter is the pattern. This option has to be
diff --git a/Documentation/git-gui.txt b/Documentation/git-gui.txt
index 5f93f80..c9d7e96 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-gui.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-gui.txt
@@ -112,15 +112,9 @@
 versions are distributed as part of the Git suite for the convenience
 of end users.
-A 'git gui' development repository can be obtained from:
+The official repository of the 'git gui' project can be found at:
-  git clone git://
-  git clone
-or browsed online at[].
diff --git a/Documentation/git-log.txt b/Documentation/git-log.txt
index b02e922..b406bc4 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-log.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-log.txt
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	Print out the ref name given on the command line by which each
 	commit was reached.
 	Use mailmap file to map author and committer names and email
 	addresses to canonical real names and email addresses. See
diff --git a/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt b/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt
index 0b057cb..a2ea1fd 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-ls-remote.txt
@@ -92,21 +92,23 @@
-	$ git ls-remote --tags ./.
-	d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a	refs/tags/v0.99
-	f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41	refs/tags/v0.99.1
-	7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e	refs/tags/v0.99.3
-	c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441	refs/tags/v0.99.2
-	0918385dbd9656cab0d1d81ba7453d49bbc16250	refs/tags/junio-gpg-pub
-	$ git ls-remote master pu rc
-	5fe978a5381f1fbad26a80e682ddd2a401966740	refs/heads/master
-	c781a84b5204fb294c9ccc79f8b3baceeb32c061	refs/heads/pu
-	$ git remote add korg
-	$ git ls-remote --tags korg v\*
-	d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a	refs/tags/v0.99
-	f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41	refs/tags/v0.99.1
-	c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441	refs/tags/v0.99.2
-	7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e	refs/tags/v0.99.3
+$ git ls-remote --tags ./.
+d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a	refs/tags/v0.99
+f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41	refs/tags/v0.99.1
+7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e	refs/tags/v0.99.3
+c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441	refs/tags/v0.99.2
+0918385dbd9656cab0d1d81ba7453d49bbc16250	refs/tags/junio-gpg-pub
+$ git ls-remote master pu rc
+5fe978a5381f1fbad26a80e682ddd2a401966740	refs/heads/master
+c781a84b5204fb294c9ccc79f8b3baceeb32c061	refs/heads/pu
+$ git remote add korg
+$ git ls-remote --tags korg v\*
+d6602ec5194c87b0fc87103ca4d67251c76f233a	refs/tags/v0.99
+f25a265a342aed6041ab0cc484224d9ca54b6f41	refs/tags/v0.99.1
+c5db5456ae3b0873fc659c19fafdde22313cc441	refs/tags/v0.99.2
+7ceca275d047c90c0c7d5afb13ab97efdf51bd6e	refs/tags/v0.99.3
diff --git a/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt b/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt
index 261d5c1..2d944e0 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-merge-base.txt
@@ -80,9 +80,11 @@
 For example, with this topology:
-	         o---o---o---B
-	        /
-	---o---1---o---o---o---A
+	 o---o---o---B
+	/
 the merge base between 'A' and 'B' is '1'.
@@ -90,21 +92,25 @@
 merge base between 'A' and a hypothetical commit 'M', which is a merge
 between 'B' and 'C'.  For example, with this topology:
-	       o---o---o---o---C
-	      /
-	     /   o---o---o---B
-	    /   /
-	---2---1---o---o---o---A
+       o---o---o---o---C
+      /
+     /   o---o---o---B
+    /   /
 the result of `git merge-base A B C` is '1'.  This is because the
 equivalent topology with a merge commit 'M' between 'B' and 'C' is:
-	       o---o---o---o---o
-	      /                 \
-	     /   o---o---o---o---M
-	    /   /
-	---2---1---o---o---o---A
+       o---o---o---o---o
+      /                 \
+     /   o---o---o---o---M
+    /   /
 and the result of `git merge-base A M` is '1'.  Commit '2' is also a
 common ancestor between 'A' and 'M', but '1' is a better common ancestor,
@@ -116,11 +122,13 @@
 When the history involves criss-cross merges, there can be more than one
 'best' common ancestor for two commits.  For example, with this topology:
-	---1---o---A
-	    \ /
-	     X
-	    / \
-	---2---o---o---B
+    \ /
+     X
+    / \
 both '1' and '2' are merge-bases of A and B.  Neither one is better than
 the other (both are 'best' merge bases).  When the `--all` option is not given,
@@ -131,18 +139,22 @@
 A and B, and check if it is the same as A, in which case, A is an
 ancestor of B.  You will see this idiom used often in older scripts.
-	A=$(git rev-parse --verify A)
-	if test "$A" = "$(git merge-base A B)"
-	then
-		... A is an ancestor of B ...
-	fi
+A=$(git rev-parse --verify A)
+if test "$A" = "$(git merge-base A B)"
+	... A is an ancestor of B ...
 In modern git, you can say this in a more direct way:
-	if git merge-base --is-ancestor A B
-	then
-		... A is an ancestor of B ...
-	fi
+if git merge-base --is-ancestor A B
+	... A is an ancestor of B ...
@@ -154,13 +166,15 @@
 `origin/master` may have been rewound and rebuilt, leading to a
 history of this shape:
-	                 o---B2
-	                /
-	---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master)
-	        \
-	         B0
-	          \
-	           D0---D1---D (topic)
+		 o---B2
+		/
+---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master)
+	\
+	 B0
+	  \
+	   D0---D1---D (topic)
 where `origin/master` used to point at commits B0, B1, B2 and now it
 points at B, and your `topic` branch was started on top of it back
@@ -193,13 +207,15 @@
 will replay D0, D1 and D on top of B to create a new history of this
-			 o---B2
-			/
-	---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master)
-		\                   \
-		 B0                  D0'--D1'--D' (topic - updated)
-		  \
-		   D0---D1---D (topic - old)
+		 o---B2
+		/
+---o---o---B1--o---o---o---B (origin/master)
+	\                   \
+	 B0                  D0'--D1'--D' (topic - updated)
+	  \
+	   D0---D1---D (topic - old)
 A caveat is that older reflog entries in your repository may be
 expired by `git gc`.  If B0 no longer appears in the reflog of the
diff --git a/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt b/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt
index 02676fb..2ab84a9 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-merge-index.txt
@@ -54,20 +54,24 @@
-  torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat MM
-  This is MM from the original tree.			# original
-  This is modified MM in the branch A.			# merge1
-  This is modified MM in the branch B.			# merge2
-  This is modified MM in the branch B.			# current contents
+torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat MM
+This is MM from the original tree.		# original
+This is modified MM in the branch A.		# merge1
+This is modified MM in the branch B.		# merge2
+This is modified MM in the branch B.		# current contents
-  torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat AA MM
-  cat: : No such file or directory
-  This is added AA in the branch A.
-  This is added AA in the branch B.
-  This is added AA in the branch B.
-  fatal: merge program failed
+torvalds@ppc970:~/merge-test> git merge-index cat AA MM
+cat: : No such file or directory
+This is added AA in the branch A.
+This is added AA in the branch B.
+This is added AA in the branch B.
+fatal: merge program failed
 where the latter example shows how 'git merge-index' will stop trying to
 merge once anything has returned an error (i.e., `cat` returned an error
diff --git a/Documentation/git-merge.txt b/Documentation/git-merge.txt
index 01fd52d..092529c 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-merge.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-merge.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 'git merge' [-n] [--stat] [--no-commit] [--squash] [--[no-]edit]
-	[-s <strategy>] [-X <strategy-option>] [-S[<keyid>]]
+	[--no-verify] [-s <strategy>] [-X <strategy-option>] [-S[<keyid>]]
 	[--[no-]rerere-autoupdate] [-m <msg>] [-F <file>] [<commit>...]
 'git merge' (--continue | --abort | --quit)
diff --git a/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt b/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
index e45f3e6..fecdf26 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-pack-objects.txt
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 	This flag causes an object already in the given pack to be
 	ignored, even if it would have otherwise been
-	packed. `<pack-name>` is the the pack file name without
+	packed. `<pack-name>` is the pack file name without
 	leading directory (e.g. `pack-123.pack`). The option could be
 	specified multiple times to keep multiple packs.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-pull.txt b/Documentation/git-pull.txt
index a5e9501..dfb901f 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-pull.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-pull.txt
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
 Using --recurse-submodules can only fetch new commits in already checked
 out submodules right now. When e.g. upstream added a new submodule in the
-just fetched commits of the superproject the submodule itself can not be
+just fetched commits of the superproject the submodule itself cannot be
 fetched, making it impossible to check out that submodule later without
 having to do a fetch again. This is expected to be fixed in a future Git
diff --git a/Documentation/git-push.txt b/Documentation/git-push.txt
index 6a8a0d9..3b80534 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-push.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-push.txt
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 If <dst> doesn't start with `refs/` (e.g. `refs/heads/master`) we will
 try to infer where in `refs/*` on the destination <repository> it
-belongs based on the the type of <src> being pushed and whether <dst>
+belongs based on the type of <src> being pushed and whether <dst>
 is ambiguous.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rebase.txt b/Documentation/git-rebase.txt
index 6156609..639a417 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rebase.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rebase.txt
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
-'git rebase' [-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>]
-	[<upstream> [<branch>]]
+'git rebase' [-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>]
+	[--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] [<upstream> [<branch>]]
 'git rebase' [-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>]
 	--root [<branch>]
 'git rebase' (--continue | --skip | --abort | --quit | --edit-todo | --show-current-patch)
@@ -217,6 +217,24 @@
 merge base of A and B if there is exactly one merge base. You can
 leave out at most one of A and B, in which case it defaults to HEAD.
+	Set the starting point at which to create the new commits to the
+	merge base of <upstream> <branch>. Running
+	'git rebase --keep-base <upstream> <branch>' is equivalent to
+	running 'git rebase --onto <upstream>... <upstream>'.
+This option is useful in the case where one is developing a feature on
+top of an upstream branch. While the feature is being worked on, the
+upstream branch may advance and it may not be the best idea to keep
+rebasing on top of the upstream but to keep the base commit as-is.
+Although both this option and --fork-point find the merge base between
+<upstream> and <branch>, this option uses the merge base as the _starting
+point_ on which new commits will be created, whereas --fork-point uses
+the merge base to determine the _set of commits_ which will be rebased.
 	Upstream branch to compare against.  May be any valid commit,
 	not just an existing branch name. Defaults to the configured
@@ -369,6 +387,10 @@
 If either <upstream> or --root is given on the command line, then the
 default is `--no-fork-point`, otherwise the default is `--fork-point`.
+If your branch was based on <upstream> but <upstream> was rewound and
+your branch contains commits which were dropped, this option can be used
+with `--keep-base` in order to drop those commits from your branch.
@@ -543,8 +565,8 @@
  * --preserve-merges and --interactive
  * --preserve-merges and --signoff
  * --preserve-merges and --rebase-merges
- * --rebase-merges and --strategy
- * --rebase-merges and --strategy-option
+ * --keep-base and --onto
+ * --keep-base and --root
@@ -832,7 +854,8 @@
 	This happens if the 'subsystem' rebase had conflicts, or used
 	`--interactive` to omit, edit, squash, or fixup commits; or
 	if the upstream used one of `commit --amend`, `reset`, or
-	`filter-branch`.
+	a full history rewriting command like
 The easy case
@@ -870,7 +893,7 @@
       --interactive` will be **resurrected**!
 The idea is to manually tell 'git rebase' "where the old 'subsystem'
-ended and your 'topic' began", that is, what the old merge-base
+ended and your 'topic' began", that is, what the old merge base
 between them was.  You will have to find a way to name the last commit
 of the old 'subsystem', for example:
diff --git a/Documentation/git-receive-pack.txt b/Documentation/git-receive-pack.txt
index dedf97e..25702ed 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-receive-pack.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-receive-pack.txt
@@ -165,29 +165,31 @@
 certificates of signed pushes with good signatures to a logger
-	#!/bin/sh
-	# mail out commit update information.
-	while read oval nval ref
-	do
-		if expr "$oval" : '0*$' >/dev/null
-		then
-			echo "Created a new ref, with the following commits:"
-			git rev-list --pretty "$nval"
-		else
-			echo "New commits:"
-			git rev-list --pretty "$nval" "^$oval"
-		fi |
-		mail -s "Changes to ref $ref" commit-list@mydomain
-	done
-	# log signed push certificate, if any
-	if test -n "${GIT_PUSH_CERT-}" && test ${GIT_PUSH_CERT_STATUS} = G
+# mail out commit update information.
+while read oval nval ref
+	if expr "$oval" : '0*$' >/dev/null
-		(
-			echo expected nonce is ${GIT_PUSH_NONCE}
-			git cat-file blob ${GIT_PUSH_CERT}
-		) | mail -s "push certificate from $GIT_PUSH_CERT_SIGNER" push-log@mydomain
-	fi
-	exit 0
+		echo "Created a new ref, with the following commits:"
+		git rev-list --pretty "$nval"
+	else
+		echo "New commits:"
+		git rev-list --pretty "$nval" "^$oval"
+	fi |
+	mail -s "Changes to ref $ref" commit-list@mydomain
+# log signed push certificate, if any
+if test -n "${GIT_PUSH_CERT-}" && test ${GIT_PUSH_CERT_STATUS} = G
+	(
+		echo expected nonce is ${GIT_PUSH_NONCE}
+		git cat-file blob ${GIT_PUSH_CERT}
+	) | mail -s "push certificate from $GIT_PUSH_CERT_SIGNER" push-log@mydomain
+exit 0
 The exit code from this hook invocation is ignored, however a
 non-zero exit code will generate an error message.
@@ -212,8 +214,10 @@
 This hook can be used, for example, to run `git update-server-info`
 if the repository is packed and is served via a dumb transport.
-	#!/bin/sh
-	exec git update-server-info
+exec git update-server-info
diff --git a/Documentation/git-repack.txt b/Documentation/git-repack.txt
index aa0cc8b..92f146d 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-repack.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-repack.txt
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 	Exclude the given pack from repacking. This is the equivalent
-	of having `.keep` file on the pack. `<pack-name>` is the the
+	of having `.keep` file on the pack. `<pack-name>` is the
 	pack file name without leading directory (e.g. `pack-123.pack`).
 	The option could be specified multiple times to keep multiple
diff --git a/Documentation/git-replace.txt b/Documentation/git-replace.txt
index 246dc99..f271d75 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-replace.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-replace.txt
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@
-linkgit:git-filter-branch[1], linkgit:git-hash-object[1] and
-linkgit:git-rebase[1], among other git commands, can be used to create
-replacement objects from existing objects. The `--edit` option can
-also be used with 'git replace' to create a replacement object by
+linkgit:git-hash-object[1], linkgit:git-rebase[1], and
+[git-filter-repo], among other git commands, can be used to
+create replacement objects from existing objects. The `--edit` option
+can also be used with 'git replace' to create a replacement object by
 editing an existing object.
 If you want to replace many blobs, trees or commits that are part of a
@@ -148,13 +148,13 @@
diff --git a/Documentation/git-restore.txt b/Documentation/git-restore.txt
index d90093f..1ab2e40 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-restore.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-restore.txt
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 	commit, branch or tag associated with it.
 If not specified, the default restore source for the working tree is
-the index, and the default restore source for the index index is
+the index, and the default restore source for the index is
 `HEAD`. When both `--staged` and `--worktree` are specified,
 `--source` must also be specified.
diff --git a/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt b/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt
index 9392760..025c911 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-rev-list.txt
@@ -9,59 +9,7 @@
-'git rev-list' [ --max-count=<number> ]
-	     [ --skip=<number> ]
-	     [ --max-age=<timestamp> ]
-	     [ --min-age=<timestamp> ]
-	     [ --sparse ]
-	     [ --merges ]
-	     [ --no-merges ]
-	     [ --min-parents=<number> ]
-	     [ --no-min-parents ]
-	     [ --max-parents=<number> ]
-	     [ --no-max-parents ]
-	     [ --first-parent ]
-	     [ --remove-empty ]
-	     [ --full-history ]
-	     [ --not ]
-	     [ --all ]
-	     [ --branches[=<pattern>] ]
-	     [ --tags[=<pattern>] ]
-	     [ --remotes[=<pattern>] ]
-	     [ --glob=<glob-pattern> ]
-	     [ --ignore-missing ]
-	     [ --stdin ]
-	     [ --quiet ]
-	     [ --topo-order ]
-	     [ --parents ]
-	     [ --timestamp ]
-	     [ --left-right ]
-	     [ --left-only ]
-	     [ --right-only ]
-	     [ --cherry-mark ]
-	     [ --cherry-pick ]
-	     [ --encoding=<encoding> ]
-	     [ --(author|committer|grep)=<pattern> ]
-	     [ --regexp-ignore-case | -i ]
-	     [ --extended-regexp | -E ]
-	     [ --fixed-strings | -F ]
-	     [ --date=<format>]
-	     [ [ --objects | --objects-edge | --objects-edge-aggressive ]
-	       [ --unpacked ]
-	       [ --object-names | --no-object-names ]
-	       [ --filter=<filter-spec> [ --filter-print-omitted ] ] ]
-	     [ --missing=<missing-action> ]
-	     [ --pretty | --header ]
-	     [ --bisect ]
-	     [ --bisect-vars ]
-	     [ --bisect-all ]
-	     [ --merge ]
-	     [ --reverse ]
-	     [ --walk-reflogs ]
-	     [ --no-walk ] [ --do-walk ]
-	     [ --count ]
-	     [ --use-bitmap-index ]
-	     <commit>... [ \-- <paths>... ]
+'git rev-list' [<options>] <commit>... [[--] <path>...]
diff --git a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
index d93e5d0..0a69810 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-send-email.txt
@@ -486,11 +486,13 @@
 To use 'git send-email' to send your patches through the GMail SMTP server,
 edit ~/.gitconfig to specify your account settings:
-	[sendemail]
-		smtpEncryption = tls
-		smtpServer =
-		smtpUser =
-		smtpServerPort = 587
+	smtpEncryption = tls
+	smtpServer =
+	smtpUser =
+	smtpServerPort = 587
 If you have multifactor authentication setup on your gmail account, you will
 need to generate an app-specific password for use with 'git send-email'. Visit
diff --git a/Documentation/git-stash.txt b/Documentation/git-stash.txt
index 8fbe12c..53e1a12 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-stash.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-stash.txt
@@ -87,8 +87,9 @@
 save [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-q|--quiet] [<message>]::
 	This option is deprecated in favour of 'git stash push'.  It
-	differs from "stash push" in that it cannot take pathspecs,
-	and any non-option arguments form the message.
+	differs from "stash push" in that it cannot take pathspecs.
+	Instead, all non-option arguments are concatenated to form the stash
+	message.
 list [<options>]::
diff --git a/Documentation/git-status.txt b/Documentation/git-status.txt
index d4e8f24..7731b45 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-status.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-status.txt
@@ -59,16 +59,17 @@
 	Show untracked files.
 The mode parameter is used to specify the handling of untracked files.
 It is optional: it defaults to 'all', and if specified, it must be
 stuck to the option (e.g. `-uno`, but not `-u no`).
 The possible options are:
 	- 'no'     - Show no untracked files.
 	- 'normal' - Shows untracked files and directories.
 	- 'all'    - Also shows individual files in untracked directories.
 When `-u` option is not used, untracked files and directories are
 shown (i.e. the same as specifying `normal`), to help you avoid
 forgetting to add newly created files.  Because it takes extra work
@@ -78,9 +79,10 @@
 `git update-index --untracked-cache` and `git update-index
 --split-index`), Otherwise you can use `no` to have `git status`
 return more quickly without showing untracked files.
 The default can be changed using the status.showUntrackedFiles
 configuration variable documented in linkgit:git-config[1].
 	Ignore changes to submodules when looking for changes. <when> can be
@@ -100,11 +102,12 @@
 	Show ignored files as well.
 The mode parameter is used to specify the handling of ignored files.
 It is optional: it defaults to 'traditional'.
 The possible options are:
 	- 'traditional' - Shows ignored files and directories, unless
 			  --untracked-files=all is specified, in which case
 			  individual files in ignored directories are
@@ -112,12 +115,13 @@
 	- 'no'	        - Show no ignored files.
 	- 'matching'    - Shows ignored files and directories matching an
 			  ignore pattern.
 When 'matching' mode is specified, paths that explicitly match an
 ignored pattern are shown. If a directory matches an ignore pattern,
 then it is shown, but not paths contained in the ignored directory. If
 a directory does not match an ignore pattern, but all contents are
 ignored, then the directory is not shown, but all contents are shown.
 	Terminate entries with NUL, instead of LF.  This implies
diff --git a/Documentation/git-submodule.txt b/Documentation/git-submodule.txt
index 0ed5c24..1f46380 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-submodule.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-submodule.txt
@@ -173,7 +173,8 @@
 If `--recursive` is specified, this command will recurse into the
 registered submodules, and update any nested submodules within.
-set-branch ((-d|--default)|(-b|--branch <branch>)) [--] <path>::
+set-branch (-b|--branch) <branch> [--] <path>::
+set-branch (-d|--default) [--] <path>::
 	Sets the default remote tracking branch for the submodule. The
 	`--branch` option allows the remote branch to be specified. The
 	`--default` option removes the submodule.<name>.branch configuration
diff --git a/Documentation/git-svn.txt b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
index 3071162..53774f5 100644
--- a/Documentation/git-svn.txt
+++ b/Documentation/git-svn.txt
@@ -769,11 +769,11 @@
 This option is NOT recommended as it makes it difficult to track down
 old references to SVN revision numbers in existing documentation, bug
-reports and archives.  If you plan to eventually migrate from SVN to Git
-and are certain about dropping SVN history, consider
-linkgit:git-filter-branch[1] instead.  filter-branch also allows
-reformatting of metadata for ease-of-reading and rewriting authorship
-info for non-"svn.authorsFile" users.
+reports, and archives.  If you plan to eventually migrate from SVN to
+Git and are certain about dropping SVN history, consider
+[git-filter-repo] instead.
+filter-repo also allows reformatting of metadata for ease-of-reading
+and rewriting authorship info for non-"svn.authorsFile" users.
diff --git a/Documentation/gitattributes.txt b/Documentation/gitattributes.txt
index fb1d188..c5a528c 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitattributes.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitattributes.txt
@@ -810,6 +810,8 @@
 - `css` suitable for cascading style sheets.
+- `dts` suitable for devicetree (DTS) files.
 - `fortran` suitable for source code in the Fortran language.
 - `fountain` suitable for Fountain documents.
diff --git a/Documentation/gitcli.txt b/Documentation/gitcli.txt
index 1ed3ca3..4b32876 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitcli.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitcli.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@
    file called HEAD in your work tree, `git diff HEAD` is ambiguous, and
    you have to say either `git diff HEAD --` or `git diff -- HEAD` to
+ * Because `--` disambiguates revisions and paths in some commands, it
+   cannot be used for those commands to separate options and revisions.
+   You can use `--end-of-options` for this (it also works for commands
+   that do not distinguish between revisions in paths, in which case it
+   is simply an alias for `--`).
 When writing a script that is expected to handle random user-input, it is
 a good practice to make it explicit which arguments are which by placing
diff --git a/Documentation/githooks.txt b/Documentation/githooks.txt
index 82cd573..50365f2 100644
--- a/Documentation/githooks.txt
+++ b/Documentation/githooks.txt
@@ -103,6 +103,28 @@
 `hooks.allownonascii` config option unset or set to false--prevents
 the use of non-ASCII filenames.
+This hook is invoked by linkgit:git-merge[1], and can be bypassed
+with the `--no-verify` option.  It takes no parameters, and is
+invoked after the merge has been carried out successfully and before
+obtaining the proposed commit log message to
+make a commit.  Exiting with a non-zero status from this script
+causes the `git merge` command to abort before creating a commit.
+The default 'pre-merge-commit' hook, when enabled, runs the
+'pre-commit' hook, if the latter is enabled.
+This hook is invoked with the environment variable
+`GIT_EDITOR=:` if the command will not bring up an editor
+to modify the commit message.
+If the merge cannot be carried out automatically, the conflicts
+need to be resolved and the result committed separately (see
+linkgit:git-merge[1]). At that point, this hook will not be executed,
+but the 'pre-commit' hook will, if it is enabled.
@@ -425,10 +447,12 @@
 This hook is invoked by commands that rewrite commits
 (linkgit:git-commit[1] when called with `--amend` and
-linkgit:git-rebase[1]; currently `git filter-branch` does 'not' call
-it!).  Its first argument denotes the command it was invoked by:
-currently one of `amend` or `rebase`.  Further command-dependent
-arguments may be passed in the future.
+linkgit:git-rebase[1]; however, full-history (re)writing tools like
+linkgit:git-fast-import[1] or
+[git-filter-repo] typically
+do not call it!).  Its first argument denotes the command it was
+invoked by: currently one of `amend` or `rebase`.  Further
+command-dependent arguments may be passed in the future.
 The hook receives a list of the rewritten commits on stdin, in the
diff --git a/Documentation/gitmodules.txt b/Documentation/gitmodules.txt
index a66e95b..f2a65ba 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitmodules.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitmodules.txt
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 Both settings can be overridden on the command line by using the
-"--ignore-submodule" option. The 'git submodule' commands are not
+"--ignore-submodules" option. The 'git submodule' commands are not
 affected by this setting.
@@ -105,14 +105,15 @@
 Consider the following .gitmodules file:
-	[submodule "libfoo"]
-		path = include/foo
-		url = git://
+[submodule "libfoo"]
+	path = include/foo
+	url = git://
-	[submodule "libbar"]
-		path = include/bar
-		url = git://
+[submodule "libbar"]
+	path = include/bar
+	url = git://
 This defines two submodules, `libfoo` and `libbar`. These are expected to
 be checked out in the paths `include/foo` and `include/bar`, and for both
diff --git a/Documentation/gitremote-helpers.txt b/Documentation/gitremote-helpers.txt
index 43f80c8..f48a031 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitremote-helpers.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitremote-helpers.txt
@@ -297,9 +297,13 @@
 	same batch are complete. Only objects which were reported
 	in the output of 'list' with a sha1 may be fetched this way.
-Optionally may output a 'lock <file>' line indicating a file under
-GIT_DIR/objects/pack which is keeping a pack until refs can be
-suitably updated.
+Optionally may output a 'lock <file>' line indicating the full path of
+a file under `$GIT_DIR/objects/pack` which is keeping a pack until
+refs can be suitably updated.  The path must end with `.keep`. This is
+a mechanism to name a <pack,idx,keep> tuple by giving only the keep
+component.  The kept pack will not be deleted by a concurrent repack,
+even though its objects may not be referenced until the fetch completes.
+The `.keep` file will be deleted at the conclusion of the fetch.
 If option 'check-connectivity' is requested, the helper must output
 'connectivity-ok' if the clone is self-contained and connected.
@@ -505,6 +509,11 @@
 	Indicate that only the objects wanted need to be fetched, not
 	their dependents.
+'option atomic' {'true'|'false'}::
+	When pushing, request the remote server to update refs in a single atomic
+	transaction.  If successful, all refs will be updated, or none will.  If the
+	remote side does not support this capability, the push will fail.
diff --git a/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt b/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt
index 216b11e..d6388f1 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitrepository-layout.txt
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	here are often called 'unpacked' (or 'loose') objects.
-	Packs (files that store many object in compressed form,
+	Packs (files that store many objects in compressed form,
 	along with index files to allow them to be randomly
 	accessed) are found in this directory.
diff --git a/Documentation/gitweb.conf.txt b/Documentation/gitweb.conf.txt
index 35317e7..7963a79 100644
--- a/Documentation/gitweb.conf.txt
+++ b/Documentation/gitweb.conf.txt
@@ -786,9 +786,9 @@
 	subdirectories of project root (basename) to be forks of existing
 	projects.  For each project +$projname.git+, projects in the
 	+$projname/+ directory and its subdirectories will not be
-	shown in the main projects list.  Instead, a \'\+' mark is shown
-	next to +$projname+, which links to a "forks" view that lists all
-	the forks (all projects in +$projname/+ subdirectory).  Additionally
+	shown in the main projects list.  Instead, a \'+' mark is shown
+	next to `$projname`, which links to a "forks" view that lists all
+	the forks (all projects in `$projname/` subdirectory).  Additionally
 	a "forks" view for a project is linked from project summary page.
 If the project list is taken from a file (+$projects_list+ points to a
diff --git a/Documentation/glossary-content.txt b/Documentation/glossary-content.txt
index 8d38ae6..090c888 100644
--- a/Documentation/glossary-content.txt
+++ b/Documentation/glossary-content.txt
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
 	The unit of storage in Git. It is uniquely identified by the
 	<<def_SHA1,SHA-1>> of its contents. Consequently, an
-	object can not be changed.
+	object cannot be changed.
 [[def_object_database]]object database::
 	Stores a set of "objects", and an individual <<def_object,object>> is
diff --git a/Documentation/manpage.xsl b/Documentation/manpage.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef64bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/manpage.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
+	<xsl:import href="" />
diff --git a/Documentation/merge-options.txt b/Documentation/merge-options.txt
index 79a00d2..59b8ff1 100644
--- a/Documentation/merge-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/merge-options.txt
@@ -40,20 +40,24 @@
 	case of a merge conflict.
-	When the merge resolves as a fast-forward, only update the branch
-	pointer, without creating a merge commit.  This is the default
-	behavior.
-	Create a merge commit even when the merge resolves as a
-	fast-forward.  This is the default behaviour when merging an
-	annotated (and possibly signed) tag that is not stored in
-	its natural place in 'refs/tags/' hierarchy.
-	Refuse to merge and exit with a non-zero status unless the
-	current `HEAD` is already up to date or the merge can be
-	resolved as a fast-forward.
+	Specifies how a merge is handled when the merged-in history is
+	already a descendant of the current history.  `--ff` is the
+	default unless merging an annotated (and possibly signed) tag
+	that is not stored in its natural place in the `refs/tags/`
+	hierarchy, in which case `--no-ff` is assumed.
+With `--ff`, when possible resolve the merge as a fast-forward (only
+update the branch pointer to match the merged branch; do not create a
+merge commit).  When not possible (when the merged-in history is not a
+descendant of the current history), create a merge commit.
+With `--no-ff`, create a merge commit in all cases, even when the merge
+could instead be resolved as a fast-forward.
+With `--ff-only`, resolve the merge as a fast-forward when possible.
+When not possible, refuse to merge and exit with a non-zero status.
@@ -105,6 +109,10 @@
 With --squash, --commit is not allowed, and will fail.
+	This option bypasses the pre-merge and commit-msg hooks.
+	See also linkgit:githooks[5].
 -s <strategy>::
 	Use the given merge strategy; can be supplied more than
diff --git a/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt b/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt
index 0795983..b87e2e8 100644
--- a/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt
+++ b/Documentation/pretty-formats.txt
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 '%GP':: show the fingerprint of the primary key whose subkey was used
 	to sign a signed commit
 '%gD':: reflog selector, e.g., `refs/stash@{1}` or `refs/stash@{2
-	minutes ago`}; the format follows the rules described for the
+	minutes ago}`; the format follows the rules described for the
 	`-g` option. The portion before the `@` is the refname as
 	given on the command line (so `git log -g refs/heads/master`
 	would yield `refs/heads/master@{0}`).
diff --git a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
index bb1251c..90ff9e2 100644
--- a/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
+++ b/Documentation/rev-list-options.txt
@@ -756,6 +756,22 @@
 Note that the form '--filter=sparse:path=<path>' that wants to read
 from an arbitrary path on the filesystem has been dropped for security
+Multiple '--filter=' flags can be specified to combine filters. Only
+objects which are accepted by every filter are included.
+The form '--filter=combine:<filter1>+<filter2>+...<filterN>' can also be
+used to combined several filters, but this is harder than just repeating
+the '--filter' flag and is usually not necessary. Filters are joined by
+'{plus}' and individual filters are %-encoded (i.e. URL-encoded).
+Besides the '{plus}' and '%' characters, the following characters are
+reserved and also must be encoded: `~!@#$^&*()[]{}\;",<>?`+&#39;&#96;+
+as well as all characters with ASCII code &lt;= `0x20`, which includes
+space and newline.
+Other arbitrary characters can also be encoded. For instance,
+'combine:tree:3+blob:none' and 'combine:tree%3A3+blob%3Anone' are
 	Turn off any previous `--filter=` argument.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-directory-listing.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-directory-listing.txt
index 5abb8e8..76b6e4f 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-directory-listing.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-directory-listing.txt
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
 * Prepare `struct dir_struct dir` and clear it with `memset(&dir, 0,
-* To add single exclude pattern, call `add_exclude_list()` and then
-  `add_exclude()`.
+* To add single exclude pattern, call `add_pattern_list()` and then
+  `add_pattern()`.
 * To add patterns from a file (e.g. `.git/info/exclude`), call
-  `add_excludes_from_file()` , and/or set `dir.exclude_per_dir`.  A
+  `add_patterns_from_file()` , and/or set `dir.exclude_per_dir`.  A
   short-hand function `setup_standard_excludes()` can be used to set
   up the standard set of exclude settings.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt
index 46c3d5c..ad9d019 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-ref-iteration.txt
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 do not do this you will get an error for each ref that it does not point
 to a valid object.
-Note: As a side-effect of this you can not safely assume that all
+Note: As a side-effect of this you cannot safely assume that all
 objects you lookup are available in superproject. All submodule objects
 will be available the same way as the superprojects objects.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-trace2.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-trace2.txt
index 71eb081..a045dbe 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-trace2.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-trace2.txt
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 $ cat ~/log.event
@@ -142,10 +142,9 @@
-If the target already exists and is a directory, the traces will be
-written to files (one per process) underneath the given directory. They
-will be named according to the last component of the SID (optionally
-followed by a counter to avoid filename collisions).
+When trace files are written to a target directory, they will be named according
+to the last component of the SID (optionally followed by a counter to avoid
+filename collisions).
 == Trace2 API
@@ -605,17 +604,35 @@
 ==== Event-Specific Key/Value Pairs
-	This event gives the version of the executable and the EVENT format.
+	This event gives the version of the executable and the EVENT format. It
+	should always be the first event in a trace session. The EVENT format
+	version will be incremented if new event types are added, if existing
+	fields are removed, or if there are significant changes in
+	interpretation of existing events or fields. Smaller changes, such as
+	adding a new field to an existing event, will not require an increment
+	to the EVENT format version.
-	"evt":"1",		       # EVENT format version
+	"evt":"2",		       # EVENT format version
 	"exe":"" # git version
+	This event is written to the git-trace2-discard sentinel file if there
+	are too many files in the target trace directory (see the
+	trace2.maxFiles config option).
+	"event":"discard",
+	...
 	This event contains the complete argv received by main().
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt b/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt
index bde1862..7962e32 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/api-tree-walking.txt
@@ -62,9 +62,7 @@
 	Initialize a `traverse_info` given the pathname of the tree to start
-	traversing from. The `base` argument is assumed to be the `path`
-	member of the `name_entry` being recursed into unless the tree is a
-	top-level tree in which case the empty string ("") is used.
+	traversing from.
@@ -140,6 +138,10 @@
 	This utilizes the memory structure of a tree entry to avoid the
 	overhead of using a generic strlen().
+	Convenience wrapper to `make_traverse_path` into a strbuf.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/hash-function-transition.txt b/Documentation/technical/hash-function-transition.txt
index bc2ace2..2ae8fa4 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/hash-function-transition.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/hash-function-transition.txt
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
 below). To avoid the race when writing new objects referring to an
 about-to-be-deleted object, code paths that write new objects will
 need to copy any objects from UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE packs that they
-refer to to new, non-UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE packs (or loose objects).
+refer to new, non-UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE packs (or loose objects).
 UNREACHABLE_GARBAGE are then safe to delete if their creation time (as
 indicated by the file's mtime) is long enough ago.
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/partial-clone.txt b/Documentation/technical/partial-clone.txt
index 896c7b3..210373e 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/partial-clone.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/partial-clone.txt
@@ -30,12 +30,20 @@
 times and disk usage.  Missing objects can later be "demand fetched"
 if/when needed.
+A remote that can later provide the missing objects is called a
+promisor remote, as it promises to send the objects when
+requested. Initialy Git supported only one promisor remote, the origin
+remote from which the user cloned and that was configured in the
+"extensions.partialClone" config option. Later support for more than
+one promisor remote has been implemented.
 Use of partial clone requires that the user be online and the origin
-remote be available for on-demand fetching of missing objects.  This may
-or may not be problematic for the user.  For example, if the user can
-stay within the pre-selected subset of the source tree, they may not
-encounter any missing objects.  Alternatively, the user could try to
-pre-fetch various objects if they know that they are going offline.
+remote or other promisor remotes be available for on-demand fetching
+of missing objects.  This may or may not be problematic for the user.
+For example, if the user can stay within the pre-selected subset of
+the source tree, they may not encounter any missing objects.
+Alternatively, the user could try to pre-fetch various objects if they
+know that they are going offline.
@@ -100,18 +108,18 @@
 Handling Missing Objects
-- An object may be missing due to a partial clone or fetch, or missing due
-  to repository corruption.  To differentiate these cases, the local
-  repository specially indicates such filtered packfiles obtained from the
-  promisor remote as "promisor packfiles".
+- An object may be missing due to a partial clone or fetch, or missing
+  due to repository corruption.  To differentiate these cases, the
+  local repository specially indicates such filtered packfiles
+  obtained from promisor remotes as "promisor packfiles".
 These promisor packfiles consist of a "<name>.promisor" file with
 arbitrary contents (like the "<name>.keep" files), in addition to
 their "<name>.pack" and "<name>.idx" files.
 - The local repository considers a "promisor object" to be an object that
-  it knows (to the best of its ability) that the promisor remote has promised
-  that it has, either because the local repository has that object in one of
+  it knows (to the best of its ability) that promisor remotes have promised
+  that they have, either because the local repository has that object in one of
   its promisor packfiles, or because another promisor object refers to it.
 When Git encounters a missing object, Git can see if it is a promisor object
@@ -123,12 +131,12 @@
 - Since almost all Git code currently expects any referenced object to be
   present locally and because we do not want to force every command to do
   a dry-run first, a fallback mechanism is added to allow Git to attempt
-  to dynamically fetch missing objects from the promisor remote.
+  to dynamically fetch missing objects from promisor remotes.
 When the normal object lookup fails to find an object, Git invokes
-fetch-object to try to get the object from the server and then retry
-the object lookup.  This allows objects to be "faulted in" without
-complicated prediction algorithms.
+promisor_remote_get_direct() to try to get the object from a promisor
+remote and then retry the object lookup.  This allows objects to be
+"faulted in" without complicated prediction algorithms.
 For efficiency reasons, no check as to whether the missing object is
 actually a promisor object is performed.
@@ -157,8 +165,7 @@
 We are not happy with this global variable and would like to remove it,
 but that requires significant refactoring of the object code to pass an
-additional flag.  We hope that concurrent efforts to add an ODB API can
-encompass this.
+additional flag.
 Fetching Missing Objects
@@ -182,21 +189,63 @@
   though they are not necessary.
+Using many promisor remotes
+Many promisor remotes can be configured and used.
+This allows for example a user to have multiple geographically-close
+cache servers for fetching missing blobs while continuing to do
+filtered `git-fetch` commands from the central server.
+When fetching objects, promisor remotes are tried one after the other
+until all the objects have been fetched.
+Remotes that are considered "promisor" remotes are those specified by
+the following configuration variables:
+- `extensions.partialClone = <name>`
+- `remote.<name>.promisor = true`
+- `remote.<name>.partialCloneFilter = ...`
+Only one promisor remote can be configured using the
+`extensions.partialClone` config variable. This promisor remote will
+be the last one tried when fetching objects.
+We decided to make it the last one we try, because it is likely that
+someone using many promisor remotes is doing so because the other
+promisor remotes are better for some reason (maybe they are closer or
+faster for some kind of objects) than the origin, and the origin is
+likely to be the remote specified by extensions.partialClone.
+This justification is not very strong, but one choice had to be made,
+and anyway the long term plan should be to make the order somehow
+fully configurable.
+For now though the other promisor remotes will be tried in the order
+they appear in the config file.
 Current Limitations
-- The remote used for a partial clone (or the first partial fetch
-  following a regular clone) is marked as the "promisor remote".
+- It is not possible to specify the order in which the promisor
+  remotes are tried in other ways than the order in which they appear
+  in the config file.
-We are currently limited to a single promisor remote and only that
-remote may be used for subsequent partial fetches.
-We accept this limitation because we believe initial users of this
-feature will be using it on repositories with a strong single central
+It is also not possible to specify an order to be used when fetching
+from one remote and a different order when fetching from another
-- Dynamic object fetching will only ask the promisor remote for missing
-  objects.  We assume that the promisor remote has a complete view of the
+- It is not possible to push only specific objects to a promisor
+  remote.
+It is not possible to push at the same time to multiple promisor
+remote in a specific order.
+- Dynamic object fetching will only ask promisor remotes for missing
+  objects.  We assume that promisor remotes have a complete view of the
   repository and can satisfy all such requests.
 - Repack essentially treats promisor and non-promisor packfiles as 2
@@ -218,15 +267,17 @@
 Future Work
-- Allow more than one promisor remote and define a strategy for fetching
-  missing objects from specific promisor remotes or of iterating over the
-  set of promisor remotes until a missing object is found.
+- Improve the way to specify the order in which promisor remotes are
+  tried.
-A user might want to have multiple geographically-close cache servers
-for fetching missing blobs while continuing to do filtered `git-fetch`
-commands from the central server, for example.
+For example this could allow to specify explicitly something like:
+"When fetching from this remote, I want to use these promisor remotes
+in this order, though, when pushing or fetching to that remote, I want
+to use those promisor remotes in that order."
+- Allow pushing to promisor remotes.
-Or the user might want to work in a triangular work flow with multiple
+The user might want to work in a triangular work flow with multiple
 promisor remotes that each have an incomplete view of the repository.
 - Allow repack to work on promisor packfiles (while keeping them distinct
diff --git a/Documentation/technical/protocol-v2.txt b/Documentation/technical/protocol-v2.txt
index 03264c7..40f91f6 100644
--- a/Documentation/technical/protocol-v2.txt
+++ b/Documentation/technical/protocol-v2.txt
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 There are two different types of capabilities: normal capabilities,
-which can be used to to convey information or alter the behavior of a
+which can be used to convey information or alter the behavior of a
 request, and commands, which are the core actions that a client wants to
 perform (fetch, push, etc).
diff --git a/Documentation/trace2-target-values.txt b/Documentation/trace2-target-values.txt
index 27d3c64..3985b6d 100644
--- a/Documentation/trace2-target-values.txt
+++ b/Documentation/trace2-target-values.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 * `0` or `false` - Disables the target.
 * `1` or `true` - Writes to `STDERR`.
 * `[2-9]` - Writes to the already opened file descriptor.
-* `<absolute-pathname>` - Writes to the file in append mode.
+* `<absolute-pathname>` - Writes to the file in append mode. If the target
+already exists and is a directory, the traces will be written to files (one
+per process) underneath the given directory.
 * `af_unix:[<socket_type>:]<absolute-pathname>` - Write to a
 Unix DomainSocket (on platforms that support them).  Socket
 type can be either `stream` or `dgram`; if omitted Git will
diff --git a/Documentation/user-manual.txt b/Documentation/user-manual.txt
index 8bce75b..06bd899 100644
--- a/Documentation/user-manual.txt
+++ b/Documentation/user-manual.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-Git User Manual
+= Git User Manual
 Git is a fast distributed revision control system.
@@ -41,12 +40,10 @@
-Repositories and Branches
+== Repositories and Branches
-How to get a Git repository
+=== How to get a Git repository
 It will be useful to have a Git repository to experiment with as you
 read this manual.
@@ -73,8 +70,7 @@
 about the history of the project.
-How to check out a different version of a project
+=== How to check out a different version of a project
 Git is best thought of as a tool for storing the history of a collection
 of files.  It stores the history as a compressed collection of
@@ -151,8 +147,7 @@
-Understanding History: Commits
+=== Understanding History: Commits
 Every change in the history of a project is represented by a commit.
 The linkgit:git-show[1] command shows the most recent commit on the
@@ -202,8 +197,7 @@
 with a name that is a hash of its contents.
-Understanding history: commits, parents, and reachability
+==== Understanding history: commits, parents, and reachability
 Every commit (except the very first commit in a project) also has a
 parent commit which shows what happened before this commit.
@@ -227,8 +221,7 @@
 leading from commit Y to commit X.
-Understanding history: History diagrams
+==== Understanding history: History diagrams
 We will sometimes represent Git history using diagrams like the one
 below.  Commits are shown as "o", and the links between them with
@@ -247,8 +240,7 @@
 be replaced with another letter or number.
-Understanding history: What is a branch?
+==== Understanding history: What is a branch?
 When we need to be precise, we will use the word "branch" to mean a line
 of development, and "branch head" (or just "head") to mean a reference
@@ -261,8 +253,7 @@
 "branch" both for branches and for branch heads.
-Manipulating branches
+=== Manipulating branches
 Creating, deleting, and modifying branches is quick and easy; here's
 a summary of the commands:
@@ -299,8 +290,7 @@
-Examining an old version without creating a new branch
+=== Examining an old version without creating a new branch
 The `git switch` command normally expects a branch head, but will also
 accept an arbitrary commit when invoked with --detach; for example,
@@ -340,8 +330,7 @@
 (or tag) for this version later if you decide to.
-Examining branches from a remote repository
+=== Examining branches from a remote repository
 The "master" branch that was created at the time you cloned is a copy
 of the HEAD in the repository that you cloned from.  That repository
@@ -383,8 +372,7 @@
 to refer to the repository that you cloned from.
-Naming branches, tags, and other references
+=== Naming branches, tags, and other references
 Branches, remote-tracking branches, and tags are all references to
 commits.  All references are named with a slash-separated path name
@@ -413,8 +401,7 @@
 REVISIONS" section of linkgit:gitrevisions[7].
-Updating a repository with git fetch
+=== Updating a repository with git fetch
 After you clone a repository and commit a few changes of your own, you
 may wish to check the original repository for updates.
@@ -425,8 +412,7 @@
 "master" branch that was created for you on clone.
-Fetching branches from other repositories
+=== Fetching branches from other repositories
 You can also track branches from repositories other than the one you
 cloned from, using linkgit:git-remote[1]:
@@ -474,8 +460,7 @@
 linkgit:git-config[1] for details.)
-Exploring Git history
+== Exploring Git history
 Git is best thought of as a tool for storing the history of a
 collection of files.  It does this by storing compressed snapshots of
@@ -489,8 +474,7 @@
 commit that introduced a bug into a project.
-How to use bisect to find a regression
+=== How to use bisect to find a regression
 Suppose version 2.6.18 of your project worked, but the version at
 "master" crashes.  Sometimes the best way to find the cause of such a
@@ -572,8 +556,7 @@
 bisect` features.
-Naming commits
+=== Naming commits
 We have seen several ways of naming commits already:
@@ -637,8 +620,7 @@
-Creating tags
+=== Creating tags
 We can also create a tag to refer to a particular commit; after
@@ -655,8 +637,7 @@
 for details.
-Browsing revisions
+=== Browsing revisions
 The linkgit:git-log[1] command can show lists of commits.  On its
 own, it shows all commits reachable from the parent commit; but you
@@ -697,8 +678,7 @@
 commits are listed in may be somewhat arbitrary.
-Generating diffs
+=== Generating diffs
 You can generate diffs between any two versions using
@@ -726,8 +706,7 @@
 but not from master.
-Viewing old file versions
+=== Viewing old file versions
 You can always view an old version of a file by just checking out the
 correct revision first.  But sometimes it is more convenient to be
@@ -742,12 +721,10 @@
 may be any path to a file tracked by Git.
+=== Examples
-Counting the number of commits on a branch
+==== Counting the number of commits on a branch
 Suppose you want to know how many commits you've made on `mybranch`
 since it diverged from `origin`:
@@ -765,8 +742,7 @@
-Check whether two branches point at the same history
+==== Check whether two branches point at the same history
 Suppose you want to check whether two branches point at the same point
 in history.
@@ -798,8 +774,7 @@
 will return no commits when the two branches are equal.
-Find first tagged version including a given fix
+==== Find first tagged version including a given fix
 Suppose you know that the commit e05db0fd fixed a certain problem.
 You'd like to find the earliest tagged release that contains that
@@ -883,8 +858,7 @@
 and from v1.5.0-rc2, and not from v1.5.0-rc0.
-Showing commits unique to a given branch
+==== Showing commits unique to a given branch
 Suppose you would like to see all the commits reachable from the branch
 head named `master` but not from any other head in your repository.
@@ -931,8 +905,7 @@
 syntax such as `--not`.)
-Creating a changelog and tarball for a software release
+==== Creating a changelog and tarball for a software release
 The linkgit:git-archive[1] command can create a tar or zip archive from
 any version of a project; for example:
@@ -983,8 +956,7 @@
 they look OK.
-Finding commits referencing a file with given content
+==== Finding commits referencing a file with given content
 Somebody hands you a copy of a file, and asks which commits modified a
 file such that it contained the given content either before or after the
@@ -1000,12 +972,10 @@
 linkgit:git-hash-object[1] man pages may prove helpful.
-Developing with Git
+== Developing with Git
-Telling Git your name
+=== Telling Git your name
 Before creating any commits, you should introduce yourself to Git.
 The easiest way to do so is to use linkgit:git-config[1]:
@@ -1030,8 +1000,7 @@
-Creating a new repository
+=== Creating a new repository
 Creating a new repository from scratch is very easy:
@@ -1052,8 +1021,7 @@
-How to make a commit
+=== How to make a commit
 Creating a new commit takes three steps:
@@ -1148,8 +1116,7 @@
 choosing "Stage Hunk For Commit").
-Creating good commit messages
+=== Creating good commit messages
 Though not required, it's a good idea to begin the commit message
 with a single short (less than 50 character) line summarizing the
@@ -1162,8 +1129,7 @@
-Ignoring files
+=== Ignoring files
 A project will often generate files that you do 'not' want to track with Git.
 This typically includes files generated by a build process or temporary
@@ -1205,8 +1171,7 @@
 command line.  See linkgit:gitignore[5] for the details.
-How to merge
+=== How to merge
 You can rejoin two diverging branches of development using
@@ -1254,8 +1219,7 @@
 one to the top of the other branch.
-Resolving a merge
+=== Resolving a merge
 When a merge isn't resolved automatically, Git leaves the index and
 the working tree in a special state that gives you all the
@@ -1297,8 +1261,7 @@
 also provides more information to help resolve conflicts:
-Getting conflict-resolution help during a merge
+==== Getting conflict-resolution help during a merge
 All of the changes that Git was able to merge automatically are
 already added to the index file, so linkgit:git-diff[1] shows only
@@ -1401,8 +1364,7 @@
 `git diff` will (by default) no longer show diffs for that file.
-Undoing a merge
+=== Undoing a merge
 If you get stuck and decide to just give up and throw the whole mess
 away, you can always return to the pre-merge state with
@@ -1423,8 +1385,7 @@
 further merges.
-Fast-forward merges
+=== Fast-forward merges
 There is one special case not mentioned above, which is treated
 differently.  Normally, a merge results in a merge commit, with two
@@ -1438,8 +1399,7 @@
-Fixing mistakes
+=== Fixing mistakes
 If you've messed up the working tree, but haven't yet committed your
 mistake, you can return the entire working tree to the last committed
@@ -1463,8 +1423,7 @@
 	a branch that has had its history changed.
-Fixing a mistake with a new commit
+==== Fixing a mistake with a new commit
 Creating a new commit that reverts an earlier change is very easy;
 just pass the linkgit:git-revert[1] command a reference to the bad
@@ -1490,8 +1449,7 @@
 resolving a merge>>.
-Fixing a mistake by rewriting history
+==== Fixing a mistake by rewriting history
 If the problematic commit is the most recent commit, and you have not
 yet made that commit public, then you may just
@@ -1518,8 +1476,7 @@
 <<cleaning-up-history,another chapter>>.
-Checking out an old version of a file
+==== Checking out an old version of a file
 In the process of undoing a previous bad change, you may find it
 useful to check out an older version of a particular file using
@@ -1543,8 +1500,7 @@
 which will display the given version of the file.
-Temporarily setting aside work in progress
+==== Temporarily setting aside work in progress
 While you are in the middle of working on something complicated, you
 find an unrelated but obvious and trivial bug.  You would like to fix it
@@ -1575,8 +1531,7 @@
-Ensuring good performance
+=== Ensuring good performance
 On large repositories, Git depends on compression to keep the history
 information from taking up too much space on disk or in memory.  Some
@@ -1587,12 +1542,10 @@
-Ensuring reliability
+=== Ensuring reliability
-Checking the repository for corruption
+==== Checking the repository for corruption
 The linkgit:git-fsck[1] command runs a number of self-consistency checks
 on the repository, and reports on any problems.  This may take some
@@ -1618,12 +1571,10 @@
 view real errors.
-Recovering lost changes
+==== Recovering lost changes
+===== Reflogs
 Say you modify a branch with <<fixing-mistakes,`git reset --hard`>>,
 and then realize that the branch was the only reference you had to
@@ -1670,8 +1621,7 @@
 how the branches in your local repository have changed over time.
-Examining dangling objects
+===== Examining dangling objects
 In some situations the reflog may not be able to save you.  For example,
 suppose you delete a branch, then realize you need the history it
@@ -1715,12 +1665,10 @@
-Sharing development with others
+== Sharing development with others
-Getting updates with git pull
+=== Getting updates with git pull
 After you clone a repository and commit a few changes of your own, you
 may wish to check the original repository for updates and merge them
@@ -1783,8 +1731,7 @@
 are roughly equivalent.
-Submitting patches to a project
+=== Submitting patches to a project
 If you just have a few changes, the simplest way to submit them may
 just be to send them as patches in email:
@@ -1812,8 +1759,7 @@
 their requirements for submitting patches.
-Importing patches to a project
+=== Importing patches to a project
 Git also provides a tool called linkgit:git-am[1] (am stands for
 "apply mailbox"), for importing such an emailed series of patches.
@@ -1845,8 +1791,7 @@
 taken from the message containing each patch.
-Public Git repositories
+=== Public Git repositories
 Another way to submit changes to a project is to tell the maintainer
 of that project to pull the changes from your repository using
@@ -1886,21 +1831,22 @@
 where there is one other developer with a public repository, looks
 like this:
-                        you push
-  your personal repo ------------------> your public repo
-	^                                     |
-	|                                     |
-	| you pull                            | they pull
-	|                                     |
-	|                                     |
-        |               they push             V
-  their public repo <------------------- their repo
+		      you push
+your personal repo ------------------> your public repo
+      ^                                     |
+      |                                     |
+      | you pull                            | they pull
+      |                                     |
+      |                                     |
+      |               they push             V
+their public repo <------------------- their repo
 We explain how to do this in the following sections.
-Setting up a public repository
+==== Setting up a public repository
 Assume your personal repository is in the directory `~/proj`.  We
 first create a new clone of the repository and tell `git daemon` that it
@@ -1920,8 +1866,7 @@
-Exporting a Git repository via the Git protocol
+==== Exporting a Git repository via the Git protocol
 This is the preferred method.
@@ -1942,8 +1887,7 @@
 examples section.)
-Exporting a git repository via HTTP
+==== Exporting a git repository via HTTP
 The Git protocol gives better performance and reliability, but on a
 host with a web server set up, HTTP exports may be simpler to set up.
@@ -1975,8 +1919,7 @@
 allows pushing over HTTP.)
-Pushing changes to a public repository
+==== Pushing changes to a public repository
 Note that the two techniques outlined above (exporting via
 <<exporting-via-http,http>> or <<exporting-via-git,git>>) allow other
@@ -2035,8 +1978,7 @@
 linkgit:git-config[1] for details.
-What to do when a push fails
+==== What to do when a push fails
 If a push would not result in a <<fast-forwards,fast-forward>> of the
 remote branch, then it will fail with an error like:
@@ -2090,8 +2032,7 @@
 linkgit:gitcvs-migration[7] for more.
-Setting up a shared repository
+==== Setting up a shared repository
 Another way to collaborate is by using a model similar to that
 commonly used in CVS, where several developers with special rights
@@ -2121,8 +2062,7 @@
-Allowing web browsing of a repository
+==== Allowing web browsing of a repository
 The gitweb cgi script provides users an easy way to browse your
 project's revisions, file contents and logs without having to install
@@ -2138,8 +2078,7 @@
 installation with a CGI or Perl capable server.
-How to get a Git repository with minimal history
+=== How to get a Git repository with minimal history
 A <<def_shallow_clone,shallow clone>>, with its truncated
 history, is useful when one is interested only in recent history
@@ -2158,12 +2097,10 @@
 a repository unsuitable to be used in merge based workflows.
+=== Examples
-Maintaining topic branches for a Linux subsystem maintainer
+==== Maintaining topic branches for a Linux subsystem maintainer
 This describes how Tony Luck uses Git in his role as maintainer of the
 IA64 architecture for the Linux kernel.
@@ -2459,8 +2396,7 @@
-Rewriting history and maintaining patch series
+== Rewriting history and maintaining patch series
 Normally commits are only added to a project, never taken away or
 replaced.  Git is designed with this assumption, and violating it will
@@ -2470,8 +2406,7 @@
-Creating the perfect patch series
+=== Creating the perfect patch series
 Suppose you are a contributor to a large project, and you want to add a
 complicated feature, and to present it to the other developers in a way
@@ -2503,8 +2438,7 @@
 you are rewriting history.
-Keeping a patch series up to date using git rebase
+=== Keeping a patch series up to date using git rebase
 Suppose that you create a branch `mywork` on a remote-tracking branch
 `origin`, and create some commits on top of it:
@@ -2591,8 +2525,7 @@
 <<reordering-patch-series>> for alternatives.
-Rewriting a single commit
+=== Rewriting a single commit
 We saw in <<fixing-a-mistake-by-rewriting-history>> that you can replace the
 most recent commit using
@@ -2610,8 +2543,7 @@
 use <<interactive-rebase,interactive rebase's `edit` instruction>>.
-Reordering or selecting from a patch series
+=== Reordering or selecting from a patch series
 Sometimes you want to edit a commit deeper in your history.  One
 approach is to use `git format-patch` to create a series of patches
@@ -2630,8 +2562,7 @@
-Using interactive rebases
+=== Using interactive rebases
 You can also edit a patch series with an interactive rebase.  This is
 the same as <<reordering-patch-series,reordering a patch series using
@@ -2688,16 +2619,14 @@
 see the "INTERACTIVE MODE" section of linkgit:git-rebase[1].
-Other tools
+=== Other tools
 There are numerous other tools, such as StGit, which exist for the
 purpose of maintaining a patch series.  These are outside of the scope of
 this manual.
-Problems with rewriting history
+=== Problems with rewriting history
 The primary problem with rewriting the history of a branch has to do
 with merging.  Suppose somebody fetches your branch and merges it into
@@ -2745,8 +2674,7 @@
 published branches should never be rewritten.
-Why bisecting merge commits can be harder than bisecting linear history
+=== Why bisecting merge commits can be harder than bisecting linear history
 The linkgit:git-bisect[1] command correctly handles history that
 includes merge commits.  However, when the commit that it finds is a
@@ -2811,12 +2739,10 @@
-Advanced branch management
+== Advanced branch management
-Fetching individual branches
+=== Fetching individual branches
 Instead of using linkgit:git-remote[1], you can also choose just
 to update one branch at a time, and to store it locally under an
@@ -2844,8 +2770,7 @@
 master branch.  In more detail:
-git fetch and fast-forwards
+=== git fetch and fast-forwards
 In the previous example, when updating an existing branch, `git fetch`
 checks to make sure that the most recent commit on the remote
@@ -2882,8 +2807,7 @@
-Forcing git fetch to do non-fast-forward updates
+=== Forcing git fetch to do non-fast-forward updates
 If git fetch fails because the new head of a branch is not a
 descendant of the old head, you may force the update with:
@@ -2903,8 +2827,7 @@
 may be lost, as we saw in the previous section.
-Configuring remote-tracking branches
+=== Configuring remote-tracking branches
 We saw above that `origin` is just a shortcut to refer to the
 repository that you originally cloned from.  This information is
@@ -2955,8 +2878,7 @@
-Git concepts
+== Git concepts
 Git is built on a small number of simple but powerful ideas.  While it
 is possible to get things done without understanding them, you will find
@@ -2966,8 +2888,7 @@
 database>> and the <<def_index,index>>.
-The Object Database
+=== The Object Database
 We already saw in <<understanding-commits>> that all commits are stored
@@ -3011,8 +2932,7 @@
 The object types in some more detail:
-Commit Object
+==== Commit Object
 The "commit" object links a physical state of a tree with a description
 of how we got there and why.  Use the `--pretty=raw` option to
@@ -3064,8 +2984,7 @@
 taken from the content currently stored in the index.
-Tree Object
+==== Tree Object
 The ever-versatile linkgit:git-show[1] command can also be used to
 examine tree objects, but linkgit:git-ls-tree[1] will give you more
@@ -3104,8 +3023,7 @@
 attention to the executable bit.
-Blob Object
+==== Blob Object
 You can use linkgit:git-show[1] to examine the contents of a blob; take,
 for example, the blob in the entry for `COPYING` from the tree above:
@@ -3134,8 +3052,7 @@
 currently checked out.
+==== Trust
 If you receive the SHA-1 name of a blob from one source, and its contents
 from another (possibly untrusted) source, you can still trust that those
@@ -3164,8 +3081,7 @@
 To assist in this, Git also provides the tag object...
-Tag Object
+==== Tag Object
 A tag object contains an object, object type, tag name, the name of the
 person ("tagger") who created the tag, and a message, which may contain
@@ -3194,8 +3110,7 @@
 references whose names begin with `refs/tags/`).
-How Git stores objects efficiently: pack files
+==== How Git stores objects efficiently: pack files
 Newly created objects are initially created in a file named after the
 object's SHA-1 hash (stored in `.git/objects`).
@@ -3253,8 +3168,7 @@
 you, so is normally the only high-level command you need.
-Dangling objects
+==== Dangling objects
 The linkgit:git-fsck[1] command will sometimes complain about dangling
 objects.  They are not a problem.
@@ -3334,8 +3248,7 @@
 accesses to a repository but you might receive confusing or scary messages.)
-Recovering from repository corruption
+==== Recovering from repository corruption
 By design, Git treats data trusted to it with caution.  However, even in
 the absence of bugs in Git itself, it is still possible that hardware or
@@ -3452,8 +3365,7 @@
 just missing one particular blob version.
-The index
+=== The index
 The index is a binary file (generally kept in `.git/index`) containing a
 sorted list of path names, each with permissions and the SHA-1 of a blob
@@ -3511,8 +3423,7 @@
 information as long as you have the name of the tree that it described.
+== Submodules
 Large projects are often composed of smaller, self-contained modules.  For
 example, an embedded Linux distribution's source tree would include every
@@ -3698,8 +3609,8 @@
 You have to run `git submodule update` after `git pull` if you want to update
 submodules, too.
-Pitfalls with submodules
+=== Pitfalls with submodules
 Always publish the submodule change before publishing the change to the
 superproject that references it. If you forget to publish the submodule change,
@@ -3768,8 +3679,7 @@
 warning about not being able switch from a dirty branch.
-Low-level Git operations
+== Low-level Git operations
 Many of the higher-level commands were originally implemented as shell
 scripts using a smaller core of low-level Git commands.  These can still
@@ -3777,8 +3687,7 @@
 understand its inner workings.
-Object access and manipulation
+=== Object access and manipulation
 The linkgit:git-cat-file[1] command can show the contents of any object,
 though the higher-level linkgit:git-show[1] is usually more useful.
@@ -3795,8 +3704,7 @@
 use linkgit:git-tag[1] for both.
-The Workflow
+=== The Workflow
 High-level operations such as linkgit:git-commit[1] and
 linkgit:git-restore[1] work by moving data
@@ -3811,8 +3719,7 @@
-working directory -> index
+==== working directory -> index
 The linkgit:git-update-index[1] command updates the index with
 information from the working directory.  You generally update the
@@ -3848,8 +3755,7 @@
-index -> object database
+==== index -> object database
 You write your current index file to a "tree" object with the program
@@ -3864,8 +3770,7 @@
 other direction:
-object database -> index
+==== object database -> index
 You read a "tree" file from the object database, and use that to
 populate (and overwrite--don't do this if your index contains any
@@ -3881,8 +3786,7 @@
 directory contents have not been modified.
-index -> working directory
+==== index -> working directory
 You update your working directory from the index by "checking out"
 files. This is not a very common operation, since normally you'd just
@@ -3911,8 +3815,7 @@
 from one representation to the other:
-Tying it all together
+==== Tying it all together
 To commit a tree you have instantiated with `git write-tree`, you'd
 create a "commit" object that refers to that tree and the history
@@ -3986,8 +3889,7 @@
-Examining the data
+=== Examining the data
 You can examine the data represented in the object database and the
 index with various helper tools. For every object, you can use
@@ -4022,8 +3924,7 @@
 to see what the top commit was.
-Merging multiple trees
+=== Merging multiple trees
 Git can help you perform a three-way merge, which can in turn be
 used for a many-way merge by repeating the merge procedure several
@@ -4073,8 +3974,7 @@
-Merging multiple trees, continued
+=== Merging multiple trees, continued
 Sadly, many merges aren't trivial. If there are files that have
 been added, moved or removed, or if both branches have modified the
@@ -4144,15 +4044,13 @@
 and that is what higher level `git merge -s resolve` is implemented with.
-Hacking Git
+== Hacking Git
 This chapter covers internal details of the Git implementation which
 probably only Git developers need to understand.
-Object storage format
+=== Object storage format
 All objects have a statically determined "type" which identifies the
 format of the object (i.e. how it is used, and how it can refer to other
@@ -4182,8 +4080,7 @@
 to just verifying their superficial consistency through the hash).
-A birds-eye view of Git's source code
+=== A birds-eye view of Git's source code
 It is not always easy for new developers to find their way through Git's
 source code.  This section gives you a little guidance to show where to
@@ -4392,25 +4289,22 @@
-Git Glossary
+== Git Glossary
-Git explained
+=== Git explained
-Appendix A: Git Quick Reference
+== Git Quick Reference
 This is a quick summary of the major commands; the previous chapters
 explain how these work in more detail.
-Creating a new repository
+=== Creating a new repository
 From a tarball:
@@ -4431,8 +4325,7 @@
-Managing branches
+=== Managing branches
 $ git branch			# list all local branches in this repo
@@ -4496,8 +4389,7 @@
-Exploring history
+=== Exploring history
 $ gitk			    # visualize and browse history
@@ -4532,8 +4424,7 @@
-Making changes
+=== Making changes
 Make sure Git knows who to blame:
@@ -4563,8 +4454,7 @@
+=== Merging
 $ git merge test   # merge branch "test" into the current branch
@@ -4574,8 +4464,7 @@
-Sharing your changes
+=== Sharing your changes
 Importing or exporting patches:
@@ -4620,8 +4509,7 @@
-Repository maintenance
+=== Repository maintenance
 Check for corruption:
@@ -4637,12 +4525,11 @@
-Appendix B: Notes and todo list for this manual
+== Notes and todo list for this manual
-Todo list
+=== Todo list
 This is a work in progress.
index 122f647..64543ed 100755
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 032fe9b..58b92af 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -34,13 +34,8 @@
 # library. Support for version 1 will likely be removed in some future
 # release of Git, as upstream has all but abandoned it.
-# When using USE_LIBPCRE1, define NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT if the PCRE v1
-# library is compiled without --enable-jit. We will auto-detect
-# whether the version of the PCRE v1 library in use has JIT support at
-# all, but we unfortunately can't auto-detect whether JIT support
-# hasn't been compiled in in an otherwise JIT-supporting version. If
-# you have link-time errors about a missing `pcre_jit_exec` define
-# this, or recompile PCRE v1 with --enable-jit.
+# When using USE_LIBPCRE1, define NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT if you want to
+# disable JIT even if supported by your library.
 # Define LIBPCREDIR=/foo/bar if your PCRE header and library files are
 # in /foo/bar/include and /foo/bar/lib directories. Which version of
@@ -598,6 +593,7 @@
 # Having this variable in your environment would break pipelines because
 # you cause "cd" to echo its destination to stdout.  It can also take
@@ -704,6 +700,7 @@
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-ctype.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-date.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-delta.o
+TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-dir-iterator.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-drop-caches.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-dump-cache-tree.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-dump-fsmonitor.o
@@ -727,6 +724,7 @@
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-path-utils.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-pkt-line.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-prio-queue.o
+TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-progress.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-reach.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-read-cache.o
 TEST_BUILTINS_OBJS += test-read-midx.o
@@ -817,12 +815,12 @@
 GENERATED_H += command-list.h
-LIB_H := $(sort $(shell git ls-files '*.h' ':!t/' ':!Documentation/' 2>/dev/null || \
+LIB_H := $(sort $(patsubst ./%,%,$(shell git ls-files '*.h' ':!t/' ':!Documentation/' 2>/dev/null || \
 	$(FIND) . \
 	-name .git -prune -o \
 	-name t -prune -o \
 	-name Documentation -prune -o \
-	-name '*.h' -print))
+	-name '*.h' -print)))
 LIB_OBJS += abspath.o
 LIB_OBJS += advice.o
@@ -883,7 +881,6 @@
 LIB_OBJS += ewah/ewah_rlw.o
 LIB_OBJS += exec-cmd.o
 LIB_OBJS += fetch-negotiator.o
-LIB_OBJS += fetch-object.o
 LIB_OBJS += fetch-pack.o
 LIB_OBJS += fsck.o
 LIB_OBJS += fsmonitor.o
@@ -947,6 +944,7 @@
 LIB_OBJS += pretty.o
 LIB_OBJS += prio-queue.o
 LIB_OBJS += progress.o
+LIB_OBJS += promisor-remote.o
 LIB_OBJS += prompt.o
 LIB_OBJS += protocol.o
 LIB_OBJS += quote.o
@@ -983,6 +981,7 @@
 LIB_OBJS += sideband.o
 LIB_OBJS += sigchain.o
 LIB_OBJS += split-index.o
+LIB_OBJS += stable-qsort.o
 LIB_OBJS += strbuf.o
 LIB_OBJS += streaming.o
 LIB_OBJS += string-list.o
@@ -1063,6 +1062,7 @@
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/diff-tree.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/diff.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/difftool.o
+BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/env--helper.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/fast-export.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/fetch-pack.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/fetch.o
@@ -1144,6 +1144,20 @@
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/worktree.o
 BUILTIN_OBJS += builtin/write-tree.o
+# THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES is a list of patterns compatible with the
+# $(filter) and $(filter-out) family of functions. They specify source
+# files which are taken from some third-party source where we want to be
+# less strict about issues such as coding style so we don't diverge from
+# upstream unnecessarily (making merging in future changes easier).
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/inet_ntop.c
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/inet_pton.c
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/nedmalloc/%
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/obstack.%
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/poll/%
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += compat/regex/%
+THIRD_PARTY_SOURCES += sha1collisiondetection/%
 GITLIBS = common-main.o $(LIB_FILE) $(XDIFF_LIB)
@@ -1713,7 +1727,6 @@
-	COMPAT_OBJS += compat/qsort.o
@@ -1870,8 +1883,9 @@
 	QUIET_MSGFMT   = @echo '   ' MSGFMT $@;
 	QUIET_GCOV     = @echo '   ' GCOV $@;
 	QUIET_SP       = @echo '   ' SP $<;
-	QUIET_HDR      = @echo '   ' HDR $<;
+	QUIET_HDR      = @echo '   ' HDR $(<:hcc=h);
 	QUIET_RC       = @echo '   ' RC $@;
+	QUIET_SPATCH   = @echo '   ' SPATCH $<;
 	QUIET_SUBDIR0  = +@subdir=
 	QUIET_SUBDIR1  = ;$(NO_SUBDIR) echo '   ' SUBDIR $$subdir; \
 			 $(MAKE) $(PRINT_DIR) -C $$subdir
@@ -2598,6 +2612,7 @@
 		-o \( -name 'trash*' -type d -prune \) \
 		-o \( -name '*.[hcS]' -type f -print \) \
 		-o \( -name '*.sh' -type f -print \) \
+		| sed -e 's|^\./||' \
@@ -2719,7 +2734,7 @@
 	@mkdir -p bin-wrappers
 	$(QUIET_GEN)sed -e '1s|#!.*/sh|#!$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)|' \
 	     -e 's|@@BUILD_DIR@@|$(shell pwd)|' \
-	     -e 's|@@PROG@@|$(patsubst test-%,t/helper/test-%,$(@F))|' < $< > $@ && \
+	     -e 's|@@PROG@@|$(patsubst test-%,t/helper/test-%$(X),$(@F))$(patsubst git%,$(X),$(filter $(@F),$(BINDIR_PROGRAMS_NEED_X)))|' < $< > $@ && \
 	chmod +x $@
 # GNU make supports exporting all variables by "export" without parameters.
@@ -2767,11 +2782,16 @@
 ifndef GCRYPT_SHA256
 	EXCEPT_HDRS += sha256/gcrypt.h
-CHK_HDRS = $(filter-out $(EXCEPT_HDRS),$(patsubst ./%,%,$(LIB_H)))
+CHK_HDRS = $(filter-out $(EXCEPT_HDRS),$(LIB_H))
 HCO = $(patsubst %.h,%.hco,$(CHK_HDRS))
+HCC = $(HCO:hco=hcc)
-$(HCO): %.hco: %.h FORCE
-	$(QUIET_HDR)$(CC) -include git-compat-util.h -I. -o /dev/null -c -xc $<
+%.hcc: %.h
+	@echo '#include "git-compat-util.h"' >$@
+	@echo '#include "$<"' >>$@
+$(HCO): %.hco: %.hcc FORCE
+	$(QUIET_HDR)$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o /dev/null -c -xc $<
 .PHONY: hdr-check $(HCO)
 hdr-check: $(HCO)
@@ -2790,15 +2810,11 @@
 		exit 1; \
-C_SOURCES = $(patsubst %.o,%.c,$(C_OBJ))
-COCCI_SOURCES = $(filter-out sha1collisiondetection/%,$(C_SOURCES))
-COCCI_SOURCES = $(filter-out sha1dc/%,$(C_SOURCES))
+FOUND_C_SOURCES = $(filter %.c,$(shell $(FIND_SOURCE_FILES)))
 %.cocci.patch: %.cocci $(COCCI_SOURCES)
-	@echo '    ' SPATCH $<; \
 	if test $(SPATCH_BATCH_SIZE) = 0; then \
 		limit=; \
 	else \
@@ -3027,6 +3043,10 @@
 .PHONY: rpm
+OTHER_PROGRAMS += $(shell echo *.dll t/helper/*.dll)
 		GIT-BUILD-OPTIONS $(TEST_PROGRAMS) $(test_bindir_programs) \
@@ -3080,6 +3100,7 @@
+	$(RM) $(HCC)
 	$(RM) -r bin-wrappers $(dep_dirs)
 	$(RM) -r po/build/
 	$(RM) *.pyc *.pyo */*.pyc */*.pyo command-list.h $(ETAGS_TARGET) tags cscope*
diff --git a/ b/
index 88f1261..e1d2b82 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 See [Documentation/gittutorial.txt][] to get started, then see
 [Documentation/giteveryday.txt][] for a useful minimum set of commands, and
-Documentation/git-<commandname>.txt for documentation of each command.
+`Documentation/git-<commandname>.txt` for documentation of each command.
 If git has been correctly installed, then the tutorial can also be
 read with `man gittutorial` or `git help tutorial`, and the
 documentation of each command with `man git-<commandname>` or `git help
diff --git a/RelNotes b/RelNotes
index 248d137..fc657e7 120000
--- a/RelNotes
+++ b/RelNotes
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apply.c b/apply.c
index 4992eca..f8a046a 100644
--- a/apply.c
+++ b/apply.c
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
 #include "rerere.h"
 #include "apply.h"
+struct gitdiff_data {
+	struct strbuf *root;
+	int linenr;
+	int p_value;
 static void git_apply_config(void)
 	git_config_get_string_const("apply.whitespace", &apply_default_whitespace);
@@ -201,40 +207,6 @@
- * This represents a "patch" to a file, both metainfo changes
- * such as creation/deletion, filemode and content changes represented
- * as a series of fragments.
- */
-struct patch {
-	char *new_name, *old_name, *def_name;
-	unsigned int old_mode, new_mode;
-	int is_new, is_delete;	/* -1 = unknown, 0 = false, 1 = true */
-	int rejected;
-	unsigned ws_rule;
-	int lines_added, lines_deleted;
-	int score;
-	int extension_linenr; /* first line specifying delete/new/rename/copy */
-	unsigned int is_toplevel_relative:1;
-	unsigned int inaccurate_eof:1;
-	unsigned int is_binary:1;
-	unsigned int is_copy:1;
-	unsigned int is_rename:1;
-	unsigned int recount:1;
-	unsigned int conflicted_threeway:1;
-	unsigned int direct_to_threeway:1;
-	unsigned int crlf_in_old:1;
-	struct fragment *fragments;
-	char *result;
-	size_t resultsize;
-	char old_oid_prefix[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
-	char new_oid_prefix[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
-	struct patch *next;
-	/* three-way fallback result */
-	struct object_id threeway_stage[3];
 static void free_fragment_list(struct fragment *list)
 	while (list) {
@@ -469,7 +441,7 @@
 	return name;
-static char *find_name_gnu(struct apply_state *state,
+static char *find_name_gnu(struct strbuf *root,
 			   const char *line,
 			   int p_value)
@@ -478,7 +450,7 @@
 	 * Proposed "new-style" GNU patch/diff format; see
-	 *
+	 *
 	if (unquote_c_style(&name, line, NULL)) {
@@ -495,8 +467,8 @@
 	strbuf_remove(&name, 0, cp - name.buf);
-	if (state->root.len)
-		strbuf_insert(&name, 0, state->root.buf, state->root.len);
+	if (root->len)
+		strbuf_insert(&name, 0, root->buf, root->len);
 	return squash_slash(strbuf_detach(&name, NULL));
@@ -659,7 +631,7 @@
 	return line + len - end;
-static char *find_name_common(struct apply_state *state,
+static char *find_name_common(struct strbuf *root,
 			      const char *line,
 			      const char *def,
 			      int p_value,
@@ -702,30 +674,30 @@
 			return squash_slash(xstrdup(def));
-	if (state->root.len) {
-		char *ret = xstrfmt("%s%.*s", state->root.buf, len, start);
+	if (root->len) {
+		char *ret = xstrfmt("%s%.*s", root->buf, len, start);
 		return squash_slash(ret);
 	return squash_slash(xmemdupz(start, len));
-static char *find_name(struct apply_state *state,
+static char *find_name(struct strbuf *root,
 		       const char *line,
 		       char *def,
 		       int p_value,
 		       int terminate)
 	if (*line == '"') {
-		char *name = find_name_gnu(state, line, p_value);
+		char *name = find_name_gnu(root, line, p_value);
 		if (name)
 			return name;
-	return find_name_common(state, line, def, p_value, NULL, terminate);
+	return find_name_common(root, line, def, p_value, NULL, terminate);
-static char *find_name_traditional(struct apply_state *state,
+static char *find_name_traditional(struct strbuf *root,
 				   const char *line,
 				   char *def,
 				   int p_value)
@@ -734,7 +706,7 @@
 	size_t date_len;
 	if (*line == '"') {
-		char *name = find_name_gnu(state, line, p_value);
+		char *name = find_name_gnu(root, line, p_value);
 		if (name)
 			return name;
@@ -742,10 +714,10 @@
 	len = strchrnul(line, '\n') - line;
 	date_len = diff_timestamp_len(line, len);
 	if (!date_len)
-		return find_name_common(state, line, def, p_value, NULL, TERM_TAB);
+		return find_name_common(root, line, def, p_value, NULL, TERM_TAB);
 	len -= date_len;
-	return find_name_common(state, line, def, p_value, line + len, 0);
+	return find_name_common(root, line, def, p_value, line + len, 0);
@@ -759,7 +731,7 @@
 	if (is_dev_null(nameline))
 		return -1;
-	name = find_name_traditional(state, nameline, NULL, 0);
+	name = find_name_traditional(&state->root, nameline, NULL, 0);
 	if (!name)
 		return -1;
 	cp = strchr(name, '/');
@@ -883,17 +855,17 @@
 	if (is_dev_null(first)) {
 		patch->is_new = 1;
 		patch->is_delete = 0;
-		name = find_name_traditional(state, second, NULL, state->p_value);
+		name = find_name_traditional(&state->root, second, NULL, state->p_value);
 		patch->new_name = name;
 	} else if (is_dev_null(second)) {
 		patch->is_new = 0;
 		patch->is_delete = 1;
-		name = find_name_traditional(state, first, NULL, state->p_value);
+		name = find_name_traditional(&state->root, first, NULL, state->p_value);
 		patch->old_name = name;
 	} else {
 		char *first_name;
-		first_name = find_name_traditional(state, first, NULL, state->p_value);
-		name = find_name_traditional(state, second, first_name, state->p_value);
+		first_name = find_name_traditional(&state->root, first, NULL, state->p_value);
+		name = find_name_traditional(&state->root, second, first_name, state->p_value);
 		if (has_epoch_timestamp(first)) {
 			patch->is_new = 1;
@@ -914,7 +886,7 @@
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_hdrend(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_hdrend(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			  const char *line,
 			  struct patch *patch)
@@ -933,14 +905,14 @@
 #define DIFF_OLD_NAME 0
 #define DIFF_NEW_NAME 1
-static int gitdiff_verify_name(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_verify_name(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			       const char *line,
 			       int isnull,
 			       char **name,
 			       int side)
 	if (!*name && !isnull) {
-		*name = find_name(state, line, NULL, state->p_value, TERM_TAB);
+		*name = find_name(state->root, line, NULL, state->p_value, TERM_TAB);
 		return 0;
@@ -949,7 +921,7 @@
 		if (isnull)
 			return error(_("git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"),
 				     *name, state->linenr);
-		another = find_name(state, line, NULL, state->p_value, TERM_TAB);
+		another = find_name(state->root, line, NULL, state->p_value, TERM_TAB);
 		if (!another || strcmp(another, *name)) {
 			return error((side == DIFF_NEW_NAME) ?
@@ -965,7 +937,7 @@
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_oldname(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_oldname(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			   const char *line,
 			   struct patch *patch)
@@ -974,7 +946,7 @@
-static int gitdiff_newname(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_newname(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			   const char *line,
 			   struct patch *patch)
@@ -992,21 +964,21 @@
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_oldmode(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_oldmode(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			   const char *line,
 			   struct patch *patch)
 	return parse_mode_line(line, state->linenr, &patch->old_mode);
-static int gitdiff_newmode(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_newmode(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			   const char *line,
 			   struct patch *patch)
 	return parse_mode_line(line, state->linenr, &patch->new_mode);
-static int gitdiff_delete(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_delete(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			  const char *line,
 			  struct patch *patch)
@@ -1016,7 +988,7 @@
 	return gitdiff_oldmode(state, line, patch);
-static int gitdiff_newfile(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_newfile(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			   const char *line,
 			   struct patch *patch)
@@ -1026,47 +998,47 @@
 	return gitdiff_newmode(state, line, patch);
-static int gitdiff_copysrc(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_copysrc(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			   const char *line,
 			   struct patch *patch)
 	patch->is_copy = 1;
-	patch->old_name = find_name(state, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
+	patch->old_name = find_name(state->root, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_copydst(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_copydst(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			   const char *line,
 			   struct patch *patch)
 	patch->is_copy = 1;
-	patch->new_name = find_name(state, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
+	patch->new_name = find_name(state->root, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_renamesrc(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_renamesrc(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			     const char *line,
 			     struct patch *patch)
 	patch->is_rename = 1;
-	patch->old_name = find_name(state, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
+	patch->old_name = find_name(state->root, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_renamedst(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_renamedst(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			     const char *line,
 			     struct patch *patch)
 	patch->is_rename = 1;
-	patch->new_name = find_name(state, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
+	patch->new_name = find_name(state->root, line, NULL, state->p_value ? state->p_value - 1 : 0, 0);
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_similarity(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_similarity(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			      const char *line,
 			      struct patch *patch)
@@ -1076,7 +1048,7 @@
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_dissimilarity(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_dissimilarity(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 				 const char *line,
 				 struct patch *patch)
@@ -1086,7 +1058,7 @@
 	return 0;
-static int gitdiff_index(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_index(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 			 const char *line,
 			 struct patch *patch)
@@ -1126,7 +1098,7 @@
  * This is normal for a diff that doesn't change anything: we'll fall through
  * into the next diff. Tell the parser to break out.
-static int gitdiff_unrecognized(struct apply_state *state,
+static int gitdiff_unrecognized(struct gitdiff_data *state,
 				const char *line,
 				struct patch *patch)
@@ -1137,17 +1109,17 @@
  * Skip p_value leading components from "line"; as we do not accept
  * absolute paths, return NULL in that case.
-static const char *skip_tree_prefix(struct apply_state *state,
+static const char *skip_tree_prefix(int p_value,
 				    const char *line,
 				    int llen)
 	int nslash;
 	int i;
-	if (!state->p_value)
+	if (!p_value)
 		return (llen && line[0] == '/') ? NULL : line;
-	nslash = state->p_value;
+	nslash = p_value;
 	for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) {
 		int ch = line[i];
 		if (ch == '/' && --nslash <= 0)
@@ -1164,7 +1136,7 @@
  * creation or deletion of an empty file.  In any of these cases,
  * both sides are the same name under a/ and b/ respectively.
-static char *git_header_name(struct apply_state *state,
+static char *git_header_name(int p_value,
 			     const char *line,
 			     int llen)
@@ -1184,7 +1156,7 @@
 			goto free_and_fail1;
 		/* strip the a/b prefix including trailing slash */
-		cp = skip_tree_prefix(state, first.buf, first.len);
+		cp = skip_tree_prefix(p_value, first.buf, first.len);
 		if (!cp)
 			goto free_and_fail1;
 		strbuf_remove(&first, 0, cp - first.buf);
@@ -1201,7 +1173,7 @@
 		if (*second == '"') {
 			if (unquote_c_style(&sp, second, NULL))
 				goto free_and_fail1;
-			cp = skip_tree_prefix(state, sp.buf, sp.len);
+			cp = skip_tree_prefix(p_value, sp.buf, sp.len);
 			if (!cp)
 				goto free_and_fail1;
 			/* They must match, otherwise ignore */
@@ -1212,7 +1184,7 @@
 		/* unquoted second */
-		cp = skip_tree_prefix(state, second, line + llen - second);
+		cp = skip_tree_prefix(p_value, second, line + llen - second);
 		if (!cp)
 			goto free_and_fail1;
 		if (line + llen - cp != first.len ||
@@ -1227,7 +1199,7 @@
 	/* unquoted first name */
-	name = skip_tree_prefix(state, line, llen);
+	name = skip_tree_prefix(p_value, line, llen);
 	if (!name)
 		return NULL;
@@ -1243,7 +1215,7 @@
 			if (unquote_c_style(&sp, second, NULL))
 				goto free_and_fail2;
-			np = skip_tree_prefix(state, sp.buf, sp.len);
+			np = skip_tree_prefix(p_value, sp.buf, sp.len);
 			if (!np)
 				goto free_and_fail2;
@@ -1287,7 +1259,7 @@
 			if (!name[len + 1])
 				return NULL; /* no postimage name */
-			second = skip_tree_prefix(state, name + len + 1,
+			second = skip_tree_prefix(p_value, name + len + 1,
 						  line_len - (len + 1));
 			if (!second)
 				return NULL;
@@ -1302,26 +1274,28 @@
-static int check_header_line(struct apply_state *state, struct patch *patch)
+static int check_header_line(int linenr, struct patch *patch)
 	int extensions = (patch->is_delete == 1) + (patch->is_new == 1) +
 			 (patch->is_rename == 1) + (patch->is_copy == 1);
 	if (extensions > 1)
 		return error(_("inconsistent header lines %d and %d"),
-			     patch->extension_linenr, state->linenr);
+			     patch->extension_linenr, linenr);
 	if (extensions && !patch->extension_linenr)
-		patch->extension_linenr = state->linenr;
+		patch->extension_linenr = linenr;
 	return 0;
-/* Verify that we recognize the lines following a git header */
-static int parse_git_header(struct apply_state *state,
-			    const char *line,
-			    int len,
-			    unsigned int size,
-			    struct patch *patch)
+int parse_git_diff_header(struct strbuf *root,
+			  int *linenr,
+			  int p_value,
+			  const char *line,
+			  int len,
+			  unsigned int size,
+			  struct patch *patch)
 	unsigned long offset;
+	struct gitdiff_data parse_hdr_state;
 	/* A git diff has explicit new/delete information, so we don't guess */
 	patch->is_new = 0;
@@ -1333,20 +1307,24 @@
 	 * or removing or adding empty files), so we get
 	 * the default name from the header.
-	patch->def_name = git_header_name(state, line, len);
-	if (patch->def_name && state->root.len) {
-		char *s = xstrfmt("%s%s", state->root.buf, patch->def_name);
+	patch->def_name = git_header_name(p_value, line, len);
+	if (patch->def_name && root->len) {
+		char *s = xstrfmt("%s%s", root->buf, patch->def_name);
 		patch->def_name = s;
 	line += len;
 	size -= len;
-	state->linenr++;
-	for (offset = len ; size > 0 ; offset += len, size -= len, line += len, state->linenr++) {
+	(*linenr)++;
+	parse_hdr_state.root = root;
+	parse_hdr_state.linenr = *linenr;
+	parse_hdr_state.p_value = p_value;
+	for (offset = len ; size > 0 ; offset += len, size -= len, line += len, (*linenr)++) {
 		static const struct opentry {
 			const char *str;
-			int (*fn)(struct apply_state *, const char *, struct patch *);
+			int (*fn)(struct gitdiff_data *, const char *, struct patch *);
 		} optable[] = {
 			{ "@@ -", gitdiff_hdrend },
 			{ "--- ", gitdiff_oldname },
@@ -1377,17 +1355,38 @@
 			int res;
 			if (len < oplen || memcmp(p->str, line, oplen))
-			res = p->fn(state, line + oplen, patch);
+			res = p->fn(&parse_hdr_state, line + oplen, patch);
 			if (res < 0)
 				return -1;
-			if (check_header_line(state, patch))
+			if (check_header_line(*linenr, patch))
 				return -1;
 			if (res > 0)
-				return offset;
+				goto done;
+	if (!patch->old_name && !patch->new_name) {
+		if (!patch->def_name) {
+			error(Q_("git diff header lacks filename information when removing "
+				 "%d leading pathname component (line %d)",
+				 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing "
+				 "%d leading pathname components (line %d)",
+				 parse_hdr_state.p_value),
+			      parse_hdr_state.p_value, *linenr);
+			return -128;
+		}
+		patch->old_name = xstrdup(patch->def_name);
+		patch->new_name = xstrdup(patch->def_name);
+	}
+	if ((!patch->new_name && !patch->is_delete) ||
+	    (!patch->old_name && !patch->is_new)) {
+		error(_("git diff header lacks filename information "
+			"(line %d)"), *linenr);
+		return -128;
+	}
+	patch->is_toplevel_relative = 1;
 	return offset;
@@ -1561,31 +1560,13 @@
 		 * or mode change, so we handle that specially
 		if (!memcmp("diff --git ", line, 11)) {
-			int git_hdr_len = parse_git_header(state, line, len, size, patch);
+			int git_hdr_len = parse_git_diff_header(&state->root, &state->linenr,
+								state->p_value, line, len,
+								size, patch);
 			if (git_hdr_len < 0)
 				return -128;
 			if (git_hdr_len <= len)
-			if (!patch->old_name && !patch->new_name) {
-				if (!patch->def_name) {
-					error(Q_("git diff header lacks filename information when removing "
-							"%d leading pathname component (line %d)",
-							"git diff header lacks filename information when removing "
-							"%d leading pathname components (line %d)",
-							state->p_value),
-						     state->p_value, state->linenr);
-					return -128;
-				}
-				patch->old_name = xstrdup(patch->def_name);
-				patch->new_name = xstrdup(patch->def_name);
-			}
-			if ((!patch->new_name && !patch->is_delete) ||
-			    (!patch->old_name && !patch->is_new)) {
-				error(_("git diff header lacks filename information "
-					     "(line %d)"), state->linenr);
-				return -128;
-			}
-			patch->is_toplevel_relative = 1;
 			*hdrsize = git_hdr_len;
 			return offset;
@@ -4663,6 +4644,7 @@
 	struct patch *list = NULL, **listp = &list;
 	int skipped_patch = 0;
 	int res = 0;
+	int flush_attributes = 0;
 	state->patch_input_file = filename;
 	if (read_patch_file(&buf, fd) < 0)
@@ -4690,6 +4672,14 @@
 			patch_stats(state, patch);
 			*listp = patch;
 			listp = &patch->next;
+			if ((patch->new_name &&
+			     ends_with_path_components(patch->new_name,
+						       GITATTRIBUTES_FILE)) ||
+			    (patch->old_name &&
+			     ends_with_path_components(patch->old_name,
+						       GITATTRIBUTES_FILE)))
+				flush_attributes = 1;
 		else {
 			if (state->apply_verbosity > verbosity_normal)
@@ -4766,6 +4756,8 @@
 	if (state->summary && state->apply_verbosity > verbosity_silent)
+	if (flush_attributes)
+		reset_parsed_attributes();
diff --git a/apply.h b/apply.h
index 5948348..da3d95f 100644
--- a/apply.h
+++ b/apply.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef APPLY_H
 #define APPLY_H
+#include "hash.h"
 #include "lockfile.h"
 #include "string-list.h"
@@ -117,6 +118,40 @@
 	int applied_after_fixing_ws;
+ * This represents a "patch" to a file, both metainfo changes
+ * such as creation/deletion, filemode and content changes represented
+ * as a series of fragments.
+ */
+struct patch {
+	char *new_name, *old_name, *def_name;
+	unsigned int old_mode, new_mode;
+	int is_new, is_delete;	/* -1 = unknown, 0 = false, 1 = true */
+	int rejected;
+	unsigned ws_rule;
+	int lines_added, lines_deleted;
+	int score;
+	int extension_linenr; /* first line specifying delete/new/rename/copy */
+	unsigned int is_toplevel_relative:1;
+	unsigned int inaccurate_eof:1;
+	unsigned int is_binary:1;
+	unsigned int is_copy:1;
+	unsigned int is_rename:1;
+	unsigned int recount:1;
+	unsigned int conflicted_threeway:1;
+	unsigned int direct_to_threeway:1;
+	unsigned int crlf_in_old:1;
+	struct fragment *fragments;
+	char *result;
+	size_t resultsize;
+	char old_oid_prefix[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
+	char new_oid_prefix[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
+	struct patch *next;
+	/* three-way fallback result */
+	struct object_id threeway_stage[3];
 int apply_parse_options(int argc, const char **argv,
 			struct apply_state *state,
 			int *force_apply, int *options,
@@ -128,6 +163,20 @@
 int check_apply_state(struct apply_state *state, int force_apply);
+ * Parse a git diff header, starting at line.  Fills the relevant
+ * metadata information in 'struct patch'.
+ *
+ * Returns -1 on failure, the length of the parsed header otherwise.
+ */
+int parse_git_diff_header(struct strbuf *root,
+			  int *linenr,
+			  int p_value,
+			  const char *line,
+			  int len,
+			  unsigned int size,
+			  struct patch *patch);
  * Some aspects of the apply behavior are controlled by the following
  * bits in the "options" parameter passed to apply_all_patches().
diff --git a/archive-tar.c b/archive-tar.c
index 3e53aac..e16d3f7 100644
--- a/archive-tar.c
+++ b/archive-tar.c
@@ -142,19 +142,25 @@
  * string and appends it to a struct strbuf.
 static void strbuf_append_ext_header(struct strbuf *sb, const char *keyword,
-				     const char *value, unsigned int valuelen)
+				     const char *value, size_t valuelen)
-	int len, tmp;
+	size_t orig_len = sb->len;
+	size_t len, tmp;
 	/* "%u %s=%s\n" */
 	len = 1 + 1 + strlen(keyword) + 1 + valuelen + 1;
-	for (tmp = len; tmp > 9; tmp /= 10)
+	for (tmp = 1; len / 10 >= tmp; tmp *= 10)
 	strbuf_grow(sb, len);
-	strbuf_addf(sb, "%u %s=", len, keyword);
+	strbuf_addf(sb, "%"PRIuMAX" %s=", (uintmax_t)len, keyword);
 	strbuf_add(sb, value, valuelen);
 	strbuf_addch(sb, '\n');
+	if (len != sb->len - orig_len)
+		BUG("pax extended header length miscalculated as %"PRIuMAX
+		    ", should be %"PRIuMAX,
+		    (uintmax_t)len, (uintmax_t)(sb->len - orig_len));
diff --git a/attr.c b/attr.c
index 93dc16b..11f19b5 100644
--- a/attr.c
+++ b/attr.c
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 /* The container for objects stored in "struct attr_hashmap" */
 struct attr_hash_entry {
-	struct hashmap_entry ent; /* must be the first member! */
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	const char *key; /* the key; memory should be owned by value */
 	size_t keylen; /* length of the key */
 	void *value; /* the stored value */
@@ -70,12 +70,14 @@
 /* attr_hashmap comparison function */
 static int attr_hash_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			       const void *entry,
-			       const void *entry_or_key,
+			       const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			       const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			       const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct attr_hash_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct attr_hash_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct attr_hash_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct attr_hash_entry, ent);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct attr_hash_entry, ent);
 	return (a->keylen != b->keylen) || strncmp(a->key, b->key, a->keylen);
@@ -98,10 +100,10 @@
 	if (!map->map.tablesize)
-	hashmap_entry_init(&k, memhash(key, keylen));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&k.ent, memhash(key, keylen));
 	k.key = key;
 	k.keylen = keylen;
-	e = hashmap_get(&map->map, &k, NULL);
+	e = hashmap_get_entry(&map->map, &k, ent, NULL);
 	return e ? e->value : NULL;
@@ -117,12 +119,12 @@
 	e = xmalloc(sizeof(struct attr_hash_entry));
-	hashmap_entry_init(e, memhash(key, keylen));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&e->ent, memhash(key, keylen));
 	e->key = key;
 	e->keylen = keylen;
 	e->value = value;
-	hashmap_add(&map->map, e);
+	hashmap_add(&map->map, &e->ent);
 struct all_attrs_item {
@@ -161,12 +163,12 @@
 	if (size != check->all_attrs_nr) {
 		struct attr_hash_entry *e;
 		struct hashmap_iter iter;
-		hashmap_iter_init(&map->map, &iter);
 		REALLOC_ARRAY(check->all_attrs, size);
 		check->all_attrs_nr = size;
-		while ((e = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+		hashmap_for_each_entry(&map->map, &iter, e,
+					ent /* member name */) {
 			const struct git_attr *a = e->value;
 			check->all_attrs[a->attr_nr].attr = a;
@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@
 	const char *pattern;
 	int patternlen;
 	int nowildcardlen;
-	unsigned flags;		/* EXC_FLAG_* */
+	unsigned flags;		/* PATTERN_FLAG_* */
@@ -400,11 +402,11 @@
 		char *p = (char *)&(res->state[num_attr]);
 		memcpy(p, name, namelen);
 		res->u.pat.pattern = p;
-		parse_exclude_pattern(&res->u.pat.pattern,
+		parse_path_pattern(&res->u.pat.pattern,
-		if (res->u.pat.flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE) {
+		if (res->u.pat.flags & PATTERN_FLAG_NEGATIVE) {
 			warning(_("Negative patterns are ignored in git attributes\n"
 				  "Use '\\!' for literal leading exclamation."));
 			goto fail_return;
@@ -991,10 +993,10 @@
 	int prefix = pat->nowildcardlen;
 	int isdir = (pathlen && pathname[pathlen - 1] == '/');
-	if ((pat->flags & EXC_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR) && !isdir)
+	if ((pat->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR) && !isdir)
 		return 0;
-	if (pat->flags & EXC_FLAG_NODIR) {
+	if (pat->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_NODIR) {
 		return match_basename(pathname + basename_offset,
 				      pathlen - basename_offset - isdir,
 				      pattern, prefix,
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index c329b72..af2a5ea 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-- repo: self
-  fetchDepth: 1
+  Agent.Source.Git.ShallowFetchDepth: 1
 - job: windows_build
@@ -131,6 +130,165 @@
       PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
       ArtifactName: failed-test-artifacts
+- job: vs_build
+  displayName: Visual Studio Build
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool: Hosted VS2017
+  timeoutInMinutes: 240
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
+        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
+      }
+    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - powershell: |
+      $urlbase = ""
+      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=22&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
+      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[1].resource.downloadUrl
+      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl,"")
+      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
+      Remove-Item
+      # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+      "/git-sdk-64-minimal/`n/test-cache/`n" | Out-File -NoNewLine -Encoding ascii -Append "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.git\info\exclude"
+    displayName: 'Download git-sdk-64-minimal'
+  - powershell: |
+      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        make NDEBUG=1 DEVELOPER=1 vcxproj
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: Generate Visual Studio Solution
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      DEVELOPER: 1
+      NO_PERL: 1
+  - powershell: |
+      $urlbase = ""
+      $id = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}?definitions=9&statusFilter=completed&resultFilter=succeeded&`$top=1").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].id
+      $downloadUrl = ((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "${urlbase}/$id/artifacts").content | ConvertFrom-JSON).value[0].resource.downloadUrl
+      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl, "")
+      Expand-Archive -DestinationPath . -Force
+      Remove-Item
+    displayName: 'Download vcpkg artifacts'
+  - task: MSBuild@1
+    inputs:
+      solution: git.sln
+      platform: x64
+      configuration: Release
+      maximumCpuCount: 4
+  - powershell: |
+      & compat\vcbuild\vcpkg_copy_dlls.bat release
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+      & git-sdk-64-minimal\usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        mkdir -p artifacts &&
+        eval \"`$(make -n artifacts-tar INCLUDE_DLLS_IN_ARTIFACTS=YesPlease ARTIFACTS_DIRECTORY=artifacts | grep ^tar)\"
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: Bundle artifact tar
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      DEVELOPER: 1
+      NO_PERL: 1
+      MSVC: 1
+      VCPKG_ROOT: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\compat\vcbuild\vcpkg
+  - powershell: |
+      $tag = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
+      $version = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "").content
+      $url = "${tag}/PortableGit-${version}-64-bit.7z.exe"
+      (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url,"PortableGit.exe")
+      & .\PortableGit.exe -y -oartifacts\PortableGit
+      # Wait until it is unpacked
+      while (-not @(Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue PortableGit.exe; $?)) { sleep 1 }
+    displayName: Download & extract portable Git
+  - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact: MSVC test artifacts'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\artifacts'
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
+      }
+    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
+    condition: true
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+- job: vs_test
+  displayName: Visual Studio Test
+  dependsOn: vs_build
+  condition: succeeded()
+  pool: Hosted
+  timeoutInMinutes: 240
+  strategy:
+    parallel: 10
+  steps:
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        net use s: \\\test-cache "$GITFILESHAREPWD" /user:AZURE\gitfileshare /persistent:no
+        cmd /c mklink /d "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache" S:\
+      }
+    displayName: 'Mount test-cache'
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@0
+    displayName: 'Download Pipeline Artifact: VS test artifacts'
+    inputs:
+      artifactName: 'vs-artifacts'
+      targetPath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
+  - powershell: |
+      & PortableGit\git-cmd.exe --command=usr\bin\bash.exe -lc @"
+        test -f artifacts.tar.gz || {
+          echo No test artifacts found\; skipping >&2
+          exit 0
+        }
+        tar xf artifacts.tar.gz || exit 1
+        # Let Git ignore the SDK and the test-cache
+        printf '%s\n' /PortableGit/ /test-cache/ >>.git/info/exclude
+        cd t &&
+        PATH=\"`$PWD/helper:`$PATH\" &&
+        test-tool.exe run-command testsuite --jobs=10 -V -x --write-junit-xml \
+                `$(test-tool.exe path-utils slice-tests \
+      "@
+      if (!$?) { exit(1) }
+    displayName: 'Test (parallel)'
+    env:
+      HOME: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+      NO_SVN_TESTS: 1
+  - powershell: |
+      if ("$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "" -and "$GITFILESHAREPWD" -ne "`$`(gitfileshare.pwd)") {
+        cmd /c rmdir "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\test-cache"
+      }
+    displayName: 'Unmount test-cache'
+    condition: true
+    env:
+      GITFILESHAREPWD: $(gitfileshare.pwd)
+  - task: PublishTestResults@2
+    displayName: 'Publish Test Results **/TEST-*.xml'
+    inputs:
+      mergeTestResults: true
+      testRunTitle: 'vs'
+      platform: Windows
+      publishRunAttachments: false
+    condition: succeededOrFailed()
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    displayName: 'Publish trash directories of failed tests'
+    condition: failed()
+    inputs:
+      PathtoPublish: t/failed-test-artifacts
+      ArtifactName: failed-vs-test-artifacts
 - job: linux_clang
   displayName: linux-clang
   condition: succeeded()
@@ -354,7 +512,7 @@
        test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get install -y coccinelle &&
+       sudo apt-get install -y coccinelle libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libexpat-dev gettext &&
        export jobname=StaticAnalysis &&
@@ -374,7 +532,7 @@
        test "$GITFILESHAREPWD" = '$(gitfileshare.pwd)' || ci/ // gitfileshare "$GITFILESHAREPWD" "$HOME/test-cache" || exit 1
        sudo apt-get update &&
-       sudo apt-get install -y asciidoc xmlto asciidoctor &&
+       sudo apt-get install -y asciidoc xmlto asciidoctor docbook-xsl-ns &&
        export ALREADY_HAVE_ASCIIDOCTOR=yes. &&
        export jobname=Documentation &&
diff --git a/banned.h b/banned.h
index 447af24..60a18d4 100644
--- a/banned.h
+++ b/banned.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #define vsprintf(...) BANNED(vsprintf)
 #define sprintf(buf,fmt,arg) BANNED(sprintf)
-#define vsprintf(buf,fmt,arg) BANNED(sprintf)
+#define vsprintf(buf,fmt,arg) BANNED(vsprintf)
 #endif /* BANNED_H */
diff --git a/bisect.c b/bisect.c
index e87ac29..e81c91d 100644
--- a/bisect.c
+++ b/bisect.c
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
 	char bisect_rev_hex[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
-	memcpy(bisect_rev_hex, oid_to_hex(bisect_rev), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1);
+	memcpy(bisect_rev_hex, oid_to_hex(bisect_rev), the_hash_algo->hexsz + 1);
 	update_ref(NULL, "BISECT_EXPECTED_REV", bisect_rev, NULL, 0, UPDATE_REFS_DIE_ON_ERR);
 	argv_checkout[2] = bisect_rev_hex;
diff --git a/blame.c b/blame.c
index 36a2e7e..29770e5 100644
--- a/blame.c
+++ b/blame.c
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 	while (!strbuf_getwholeline_fd(&line, merge_head, '\n')) {
 		struct object_id oid;
-		if (line.len < GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ || get_oid_hex(line.buf, &oid))
+		if (get_oid_hex(line.buf, &oid))
 			die("unknown line in '%s': %s",
 			    git_path_merge_head(r), line.buf);
 		tail = append_parent(r, tail, &oid);
@@ -417,14 +417,15 @@
 		/* Ignore whitespace pairs */
 		if (hash == 0)
-		hashmap_entry_init(entry, hash);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&entry->entry, hash);
-		found_entry = hashmap_get(&result->map, entry, NULL);
+		found_entry = hashmap_get_entry(&result->map, entry,
+						/* member name */ entry, NULL);
 		if (found_entry) {
 			found_entry->count += 1;
 		} else {
 			entry->count = 1;
-			hashmap_add(&result->map, entry);
+			hashmap_add(&result->map, &entry->entry);
@@ -432,7 +433,7 @@
 static void free_fingerprint(struct fingerprint *f)
-	hashmap_free(&f->map, 0);
+	hashmap_free(&f->map);
@@ -449,10 +450,10 @@
 	struct hashmap_iter iter;
 	const struct fingerprint_entry *entry_a, *entry_b;
-	hashmap_iter_init(&b->map, &iter);
-	while ((entry_b = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
-		if ((entry_a = hashmap_get(&a->map, entry_b, NULL))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&b->map, &iter, entry_b,
+				entry /* member name */) {
+		entry_a = hashmap_get_entry(&a->map, entry_b, entry, NULL);
+		if (entry_a) {
 			intersection += entry_a->count < entry_b->count ?
 					entry_a->count : entry_b->count;
@@ -470,10 +471,12 @@
 	hashmap_iter_init(&b->map, &iter);
-	while ((entry_b = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
-		if ((entry_a = hashmap_get(&a->map, entry_b, NULL))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&b->map, &iter, entry_b,
+				entry /* member name */) {
+		entry_a = hashmap_get_entry(&a->map, entry_b, entry, NULL);
+		if (entry_a) {
 			if (entry_a->count <= entry_b->count)
-				hashmap_remove(&a->map, entry_b, NULL);
+				hashmap_remove(&a->map, &entry_b->entry, NULL);
 				entry_a->count -= entry_b->count;
diff --git a/builtin.h b/builtin.h
index 3d449a0..5cf5df6 100644
--- a/builtin.h
+++ b/builtin.h
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@
 int cmd_diff(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 int cmd_diff_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 int cmd_difftool(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
+int cmd_env__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 int cmd_fast_export(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 int cmd_fetch(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
 int cmd_fetch_pack(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
diff --git a/builtin/am.c b/builtin/am.c
index 1aea657..8181c2a 100644
--- a/builtin/am.c
+++ b/builtin/am.c
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #include "sequencer.h"
 #include "revision.h"
 #include "merge-recursive.h"
-#include "revision.h"
 #include "log-tree.h"
 #include "notes-utils.h"
 #include "rerere.h"
@@ -1072,19 +1071,6 @@
- * Refresh and write index.
- */
-static void refresh_and_write_cache(void)
-	struct lock_file lock_file = LOCK_INIT;
-	hold_locked_index(&lock_file, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
-	refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET);
-	if (write_locked_index(&the_index, &lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK))
-		die(_("unable to write index file"));
  * Dies with a user-friendly message on how to proceed after resolving the
  * problem. This message can be overridden with state->resolvemsg.
@@ -1272,7 +1258,9 @@
 	buffer = logmsg_reencode(commit, NULL, get_commit_output_encoding());
 	ident_line = find_commit_header(buffer, "author", &ident_len);
+	if (!ident_line)
+		die(_("missing author line in commit %s"),
+		      oid_to_hex(&commit->object.oid));
 	if (split_ident_line(&id, ident_line, ident_len) < 0)
 		die(_("invalid ident line: %.*s"), (int)ident_len, ident_line);
@@ -1538,7 +1526,7 @@
 	o.branch1 = "HEAD";
 	their_tree_name = xstrfmt("%.*s", linelen(state->msg), state->msg);
 	o.branch2 = their_tree_name;
-	o.detect_directory_renames = 0;
+	o.detect_directory_renames = MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_NONE;
 	if (state->quiet)
 		o.verbosity = 0;
@@ -1703,7 +1691,8 @@
 	unlink(am_path(state, "dirtyindex"));
-	refresh_and_write_cache();
+	if (refresh_and_write_cache(REFRESH_QUIET, 0, 0) < 0)
+		die(_("unable to write index file"));
 	if (repo_index_has_changes(the_repository, NULL, &sb)) {
 		write_state_bool(state, "dirtyindex", 1);
diff --git a/builtin/blame.c b/builtin/blame.c
index b6534d4..e946ba6 100644
--- a/builtin/blame.c
+++ b/builtin/blame.c
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include "progress.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
 #include "blame.h"
-#include "string-list.h"
 #include "refs.h"
 static char blame_usage[] = N_("git blame [<options>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <file>");
@@ -460,7 +459,7 @@
 	for (cnt = 0; cnt < ent->num_lines; cnt++) {
 		char ch;
-		int length = (opt & OUTPUT_LONG_OBJECT_NAME) ? GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ : abbrev;
+		int length = (opt & OUTPUT_LONG_OBJECT_NAME) ? the_hash_algo->hexsz : abbrev;
 		if (opt & OUTPUT_COLOR_LINE) {
 			if (cnt > 0) {
@@ -885,6 +884,7 @@
 	struct range_set ranges;
 	unsigned int range_i;
 	long anchor;
+	const int hexsz = the_hash_algo->hexsz;
 	git_config(git_blame_config, &output_option);
@@ -931,11 +931,11 @@
 	} else if (show_progress < 0)
 		show_progress = isatty(2);
-	if (0 < abbrev && abbrev < GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ)
+	if (0 < abbrev && abbrev < hexsz)
 		/* one more abbrev length is needed for the boundary commit */
 	else if (!abbrev)
-		abbrev = GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ;
+		abbrev = hexsz;
 	if (revs_file && read_ancestry(revs_file))
 		die_errno("reading graft file '%s' failed", revs_file);
diff --git a/builtin/cat-file.c b/builtin/cat-file.c
index 995d47c..d6a1aa7 100644
--- a/builtin/cat-file.c
+++ b/builtin/cat-file.c
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "sha1-array.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
 struct batch_options {
 	int enabled;
@@ -524,8 +525,8 @@
 	if (opt->all_objects) {
 		struct object_cb_data cb;
-		if (repository_format_partial_clone)
-			warning("This repository has extensions.partialClone set. Some objects may not be loaded.");
+		if (has_promisor_remote())
+			warning("This repository uses promisor remotes. Some objects may not be loaded.");
 		cb.opt = opt;
 		cb.expand = &data;
diff --git a/builtin/check-ignore.c b/builtin/check-ignore.c
index 5990973..5a4f923 100644
--- a/builtin/check-ignore.c
+++ b/builtin/check-ignore.c
@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@
-static void output_exclude(const char *path, struct exclude *exclude)
+static void output_pattern(const char *path, struct path_pattern *pattern)
-	char *bang  = (exclude && exclude->flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE)  ? "!" : "";
-	char *slash = (exclude && exclude->flags & EXC_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR) ? "/" : "";
+	char *bang  = (pattern && pattern->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_NEGATIVE)  ? "!" : "";
+	char *slash = (pattern && pattern->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR) ? "/" : "";
 	if (!nul_term_line) {
 		if (!verbose) {
 			write_name_quoted(path, stdout, '\n');
 		} else {
-			if (exclude) {
-				quote_c_style(exclude->el->src, NULL, stdout, 0);
+			if (pattern) {
+				quote_c_style(pattern->pl->src, NULL, stdout, 0);
-				       exclude->srcpos,
-				       bang, exclude->pattern, slash);
+				       pattern->srcpos,
+				       bang, pattern->pattern, slash);
 			else {
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
 		if (!verbose) {
 			printf("%s%c", path, '\0');
 		} else {
-			if (exclude)
+			if (pattern)
-				       exclude->el->src, '\0',
-				       exclude->srcpos, '\0',
-				       bang, exclude->pattern, slash, '\0',
+				       pattern->pl->src, '\0',
+				       pattern->srcpos, '\0',
+				       bang, pattern->pattern, slash, '\0',
 				       path, '\0');
 				printf("%c%c%c%s%c", '\0', '\0', '\0', path, '\0');
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 	const char *full_path;
 	char *seen;
 	int num_ignored = 0, i;
-	struct exclude *exclude;
+	struct path_pattern *pattern;
 	struct pathspec pathspec;
 	if (!argc) {
@@ -103,15 +103,15 @@
 	seen = find_pathspecs_matching_against_index(&pathspec, &the_index);
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
 		full_path = pathspec.items[i].match;
-		exclude = NULL;
+		pattern = NULL;
 		if (!seen[i]) {
 			int dtype = DT_UNKNOWN;
-			exclude = last_exclude_matching(dir, &the_index,
+			pattern = last_matching_pattern(dir, &the_index,
 							full_path, &dtype);
-		if (!quiet && (exclude || show_non_matching))
-			output_exclude(pathspec.items[i].original, exclude);
-		if (exclude)
+		if (!quiet && (pattern || show_non_matching))
+			output_pattern(pathspec.items[i].original, pattern);
+		if (pattern)
diff --git a/builtin/checkout.c b/builtin/checkout.c
index 91f8509..3634a3d 100644
--- a/builtin/checkout.c
+++ b/builtin/checkout.c
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
 	if (pos >= 0) {
 		struct cache_entry *old = active_cache[pos];
 		if (ce->ce_mode == old->ce_mode &&
+		    !ce_intent_to_add(old) &&
 		    oideq(&ce->oid, &old->oid)) {
 			old->ce_flags |= CE_UPDATE;
@@ -708,11 +709,11 @@
 			 * give up or do a real merge, depending on
 			 * whether the merge flag was used.
-			struct tree *result;
 			struct tree *work;
 			struct tree *old_tree;
 			struct merge_options o;
 			struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+			struct strbuf old_commit_shortname = STRBUF_INIT;
 			if (!opts->merge)
 				return 1;
@@ -730,13 +731,6 @@
 				      "the following files:\n%s"), sb.buf);
-			if (repo_index_has_changes(the_repository,
-						   get_commit_tree(old_branch_info->commit),
-						   &sb))
-				warning(_("staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"),
-					sb.buf);
-			strbuf_release(&sb);
 			/* Do more real merge */
@@ -760,7 +754,7 @@
 			init_merge_options(&o, the_repository);
 			o.verbosity = 0;
-			work = write_tree_from_memory(&o);
+			work = write_in_core_index_as_tree(the_repository);
 			ret = reset_tree(new_tree,
 					 opts, 1,
@@ -768,19 +762,25 @@
 			if (ret)
 				return ret;
 			o.ancestor = old_branch_info->name;
+			if (old_branch_info->name == NULL) {
+				strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&old_commit_shortname,
+							 &old_branch_info->commit->object.oid,
+				o.ancestor = old_commit_shortname.buf;
+			}
 			o.branch1 = new_branch_info->name;
 			o.branch2 = "local";
 			ret = merge_trees(&o,
-					  old_tree,
-					  &result);
+					  old_tree);
 			if (ret < 0)
 			ret = reset_tree(new_tree,
 					 opts, 0,
+			strbuf_release(&old_commit_shortname);
 			if (ret)
 				return ret;
@@ -1714,6 +1714,15 @@
 	opts.checkout_index = -2;    /* default on */
 	opts.checkout_worktree = -2; /* default on */
+	if (argc == 3 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-b")) {
+		/*
+		 * User ran 'git checkout -b <branch>' and expects
+		 * the same behavior as 'git switch -c <branch>'.
+		 */
+		opts.switch_branch_doing_nothing_is_ok = 0;
+		opts.only_merge_on_switching_branches = 1;
+	}
 	options = parse_options_dup(checkout_options);
 	options = add_common_options(&opts, options);
 	options = add_common_switch_branch_options(&opts, options);
@@ -1769,7 +1778,7 @@
 	struct option *options;
 	struct option restore_options[] = {
 		OPT_STRING('s', "source", &opts.from_treeish, "<tree-ish>",
-			   N_("where the checkout from")),
+			   N_("which tree-ish to checkout from")),
 		OPT_BOOL('S', "staged", &opts.checkout_index,
 			   N_("restore the index")),
 		OPT_BOOL('W', "worktree", &opts.checkout_worktree,
diff --git a/builtin/clean.c b/builtin/clean.c
index aaba4af..5abf087 100644
--- a/builtin/clean.c
+++ b/builtin/clean.c
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 static const char *msg_skip_git_dir = N_("Skipping repository %s\n");
 static const char *msg_would_skip_git_dir = N_("Would skip repository %s\n");
 static const char *msg_warn_remove_failed = N_("failed to remove %s");
+static const char *msg_warn_lstat_failed = N_("could not lstat %s\n");
 enum color_clean {
@@ -157,7 +158,8 @@
 	*dir_gone = 1;
-	if ((force_flag & REMOVE_DIR_KEEP_NESTED_GIT) && is_nonbare_repository_dir(path)) {
+	if ((force_flag & REMOVE_DIR_KEEP_NESTED_GIT) &&
+	    is_nonbare_repository_dir(path)) {
 		if (!quiet) {
 			quote_path_relative(path->buf, prefix, &quoted);
 			printf(dry_run ?  _(msg_would_skip_git_dir) : _(msg_skip_git_dir),
@@ -194,7 +196,7 @@
 		strbuf_setlen(path, len);
 		strbuf_addstr(path, e->d_name);
 		if (lstat(path->buf, &st))
-			; /* fall thru */
+			warning_errno(_(msg_warn_lstat_failed), path->buf);
 		else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
 			if (remove_dirs(path, prefix, force_flag, dry_run, quiet, &gone))
 				ret = 1;
@@ -647,7 +649,7 @@
 	struct strbuf confirm = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct strbuf **ignore_list;
 	struct string_list_item *item;
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	int changed = -1, i;
 	for (;;) {
@@ -670,7 +672,7 @@
 		memset(&dir, 0, sizeof(dir));
-		el = add_exclude_list(&dir, EXC_CMDL, "manual exclude");
+		pl = add_pattern_list(&dir, EXC_CMDL, "manual exclude");
 		ignore_list = strbuf_split_max(&confirm, ' ', 0);
 		for (i = 0; ignore_list[i]; i++) {
@@ -678,7 +680,7 @@
 			if (!ignore_list[i]->len)
-			add_exclude(ignore_list[i]->buf, "", 0, el, -(i+1));
+			add_pattern(ignore_list[i]->buf, "", 0, pl, -(i+1));
 		changed = 0;
@@ -900,7 +902,7 @@
 	struct pathspec pathspec;
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct string_list exclude_list = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	struct string_list_item *item;
 	const char *qname;
 	struct option options[] = {
@@ -945,9 +947,19 @@
 	if (force > 1)
 		rm_flags = 0;
+	else
+		dir.flags |= DIR_SKIP_NESTED_GIT;
+	if (argc) {
+		/*
+		 * Remaining args implies pathspecs specified, and we should
+		 * recurse within those.
+		 */
+		remove_directories = 1;
+	}
 	if (remove_directories)
@@ -957,9 +969,9 @@
 	if (!ignored)
-	el = add_exclude_list(&dir, EXC_CMDL, "--exclude option");
+	pl = add_pattern_list(&dir, EXC_CMDL, "--exclude option");
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++)
-		add_exclude(exclude_list.items[i].string, "", 0, el, -(i+1));
+		add_pattern(exclude_list.items[i].string, "", 0, pl, -(i+1));
 	parse_pathspec(&pathspec, 0,
@@ -1006,6 +1018,7 @@
 	for_each_string_list_item(item, &del_list) {
 		struct stat st;
+		strbuf_reset(&abs_path);
 		if (prefix)
 			strbuf_addstr(&abs_path, prefix);
@@ -1039,7 +1052,6 @@
 				printf(dry_run ? _(msg_would_remove) : _(msg_remove), qname);
-		strbuf_reset(&abs_path);
diff --git a/builtin/clone.c b/builtin/clone.c
index a4fe728..c46ee29 100644
--- a/builtin/clone.c
+++ b/builtin/clone.c
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 #include "transport.h"
 #include "strbuf.h"
 #include "dir.h"
+#include "dir-iterator.h"
+#include "iterator.h"
 #include "sigchain.h"
 #include "branch.h"
 #include "remote.h"
@@ -30,7 +32,6 @@
 #include "connected.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "list-objects-filter-options.h"
-#include "object-store.h"
  * Overall FIXMEs:
@@ -394,50 +395,55 @@
-static void copy_or_link_directory(struct strbuf *src, struct strbuf *dest,
-				   const char *src_repo, int src_baselen)
+static void mkdir_if_missing(const char *pathname, mode_t mode)
-	struct dirent *de;
-	struct stat buf;
+	struct stat st;
+	if (!mkdir(pathname, mode))
+		return;
+	if (errno != EEXIST)
+		die_errno(_("failed to create directory '%s'"), pathname);
+	else if (stat(pathname, &st))
+		die_errno(_("failed to stat '%s'"), pathname);
+	else if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+		die(_("%s exists and is not a directory"), pathname);
+static void copy_or_link_directory(struct strbuf *src, struct strbuf *dest,
+				   const char *src_repo)
 	int src_len, dest_len;
-	DIR *dir;
+	struct dir_iterator *iter;
+	int iter_status;
+	unsigned int flags;
-	dir = opendir(src->buf);
-	if (!dir)
-		die_errno(_("failed to open '%s'"), src->buf);
+	mkdir_if_missing(dest->buf, 0777);
-	if (mkdir(dest->buf, 0777)) {
-		if (errno != EEXIST)
-			die_errno(_("failed to create directory '%s'"), dest->buf);
-		else if (stat(dest->buf, &buf))
-			die_errno(_("failed to stat '%s'"), dest->buf);
-		else if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode))
-			die(_("%s exists and is not a directory"), dest->buf);
-	}
+	iter = dir_iterator_begin(src->buf, flags);
+	if (!iter)
+		die_errno(_("failed to start iterator over '%s'"), src->buf);
 	strbuf_addch(src, '/');
 	src_len = src->len;
 	strbuf_addch(dest, '/');
 	dest_len = dest->len;
-	while ((de = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
+	while ((iter_status = dir_iterator_advance(iter)) == ITER_OK) {
 		strbuf_setlen(src, src_len);
-		strbuf_addstr(src, de->d_name);
+		strbuf_addstr(src, iter->relative_path);
 		strbuf_setlen(dest, dest_len);
-		strbuf_addstr(dest, de->d_name);
-		if (stat(src->buf, &buf)) {
-			warning (_("failed to stat %s\n"), src->buf);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) {
-			if (de->d_name[0] != '.')
-				copy_or_link_directory(src, dest,
-						       src_repo, src_baselen);
+		strbuf_addstr(dest, iter->relative_path);
+		if (S_ISDIR(iter->st.st_mode)) {
+			mkdir_if_missing(dest->buf, 0777);
 		/* Files that cannot be copied bit-for-bit... */
-		if (!strcmp(src->buf + src_baselen, "/info/alternates")) {
+		if (!fspathcmp(iter->relative_path, "info/alternates")) {
 			copy_alternates(src, src_repo);
@@ -445,7 +451,7 @@
 		if (unlink(dest->buf) && errno != ENOENT)
 			die_errno(_("failed to unlink '%s'"), dest->buf);
 		if (!option_no_hardlinks) {
-			if (!link(src->buf, dest->buf))
+			if (!link(real_path(src->buf), dest->buf))
 			if (option_local > 0)
 				die_errno(_("failed to create link '%s'"), dest->buf);
@@ -454,7 +460,11 @@
 		if (copy_file_with_time(dest->buf, src->buf, 0666))
 			die_errno(_("failed to copy file to '%s'"), dest->buf);
-	closedir(dir);
+	if (iter_status != ITER_DONE) {
+		strbuf_setlen(src, src_len);
+		die(_("failed to iterate over '%s'"), src->buf);
+	}
 static void clone_local(const char *src_repo, const char *dest_repo)
@@ -472,7 +482,7 @@
 		get_common_dir(&dest, dest_repo);
 		strbuf_addstr(&src, "/objects");
 		strbuf_addstr(&dest, "/objects");
-		copy_or_link_directory(&src, &dest, src_repo, src.len);
+		copy_or_link_directory(&src, &dest, src_repo);
@@ -774,7 +784,7 @@
 	if (write_locked_index(&the_index, &lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK))
 		die(_("unable to write new index file"));
-	err |= run_hook_le(NULL, "post-checkout", sha1_to_hex(null_sha1),
+	err |= run_hook_le(NULL, "post-checkout", oid_to_hex(&null_oid),
 			   oid_to_hex(&oid), "1", NULL);
 	if (!err && ( > 0)) {
@@ -1149,13 +1159,11 @@
 		transport->server_options = &server_options;
 	if (filter_options.choice) {
-		struct strbuf expanded_filter_spec = STRBUF_INIT;
-		expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&filter_options,
-						&expanded_filter_spec);
+		const char *spec =
+			expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&filter_options);
 		transport_set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_LIST_OBJECTS_FILTER,
-				     expanded_filter_spec.buf);
+				     spec);
 		transport_set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_FROM_PROMISOR, "1");
-		strbuf_release(&expanded_filter_spec);
 	if (transport->smart_options && !deepen && !filter_options.choice)
diff --git a/builtin/commit-graph.c b/builtin/commit-graph.c
index 38027b8..addc8d4 100644
--- a/builtin/commit-graph.c
+++ b/builtin/commit-graph.c
@@ -10,13 +10,13 @@
 static char const * const builtin_commit_graph_usage[] = {
 	N_("git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"),
 	N_("git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"),
-	N_("git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"),
-	N_("git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"),
+	N_("git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow] [--[no-]progress]"),
+	N_("git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] [--[no-]progress] <split options>"),
 static const char * const builtin_commit_graph_verify_usage[] = {
-	N_("git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"),
+	N_("git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow] [--[no-]progress]"),
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 static const char * const builtin_commit_graph_write_usage[] = {
-	N_("git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"),
+	N_("git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] [--[no-]progress] <split options>"),
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 	int append;
 	int split;
 	int shallow;
+	int progress;
 } opts;
 static int graph_verify(int argc, const char **argv)
@@ -55,9 +56,13 @@
 			   N_("The object directory to store the graph")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "shallow", &opts.shallow,
 			 N_("if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &opts.progress, N_("force progress reporting")),
+	trace2_cmd_mode("verify");
+	opts.progress = isatty(2);
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL,
 			     builtin_commit_graph_verify_usage, 0);
@@ -66,6 +71,8 @@
 		opts.obj_dir = get_object_directory();
 	if (opts.shallow)
+	if (opts.progress)
 	graph_name = get_commit_graph_filename(opts.obj_dir);
 	open_ok = open_commit_graph(graph_name, &fd, &st);
@@ -102,6 +109,8 @@
+	trace2_cmd_mode("read");
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL,
 			     builtin_commit_graph_read_usage, 0);
@@ -154,7 +163,7 @@
 	struct string_list *commit_hex = NULL;
 	struct string_list lines;
 	int result = 0;
-	unsigned int flags = COMMIT_GRAPH_PROGRESS;
+	enum commit_graph_write_flags flags = 0;
 	static struct option builtin_commit_graph_write_options[] = {
 		OPT_STRING(0, "object-dir", &opts.obj_dir,
@@ -168,6 +177,7 @@
 			N_("start walk at commits listed by stdin")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "append", &opts.append,
 			N_("include all commits already in the commit-graph file")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "progress", &opts.progress, N_("force progress reporting")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "split", &opts.split,
 			N_("allow writing an incremental commit-graph file")),
 		OPT_INTEGER(0, "max-commits", &split_opts.max_commits,
@@ -179,10 +189,13 @@
+	opts.progress = isatty(2);
 	split_opts.size_multiple = 2;
 	split_opts.max_commits = 0;
 	split_opts.expire_time = 0;
+	trace2_cmd_mode("write");
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL,
 			     builtin_commit_graph_write_usage, 0);
@@ -192,9 +205,11 @@
 	if (!opts.obj_dir)
 		opts.obj_dir = get_object_directory();
 	if (opts.append)
 	if (opts.split)
+	if (opts.progress)
 	read_replace_refs = 0;
@@ -213,8 +228,10 @@
 		if (opts.stdin_packs)
 			pack_indexes = &lines;
-		if (opts.stdin_commits)
+		if (opts.stdin_commits) {
 			commit_hex = &lines;
+		}
@@ -249,6 +266,8 @@
+	save_commit_buffer = 0;
 	if (argc > 0) {
 		if (!strcmp(argv[0], "read"))
 			return graph_read(argc, argv);
diff --git a/builtin/commit.c b/builtin/commit.c
index ae7aaf6..e588bc6 100644
--- a/builtin/commit.c
+++ b/builtin/commit.c
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
 	s->nowarn = nowarn;
 	s->is_initial = get_oid(s->reference, &oid) ? 1 : 0;
 	if (!s->is_initial)
-		hashcpy(s->sha1_commit, oid.hash);
+		oidcpy(&s->oid_commit, &oid);
 	s->status_format = status_format;
 	s->ignore_submodule_arg = ignore_submodule_arg;
@@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
 	s.is_initial = get_oid(s.reference, &oid) ? 1 : 0;
 	if (!s.is_initial)
-		hashcpy(s.sha1_commit, oid.hash);
+		oidcpy(&s.oid_commit, &oid);
 	s.ignore_submodule_arg = ignore_submodule_arg;
 	s.status_format = status_format;
diff --git a/builtin/describe.c b/builtin/describe.c
index 2001542..b6df81d 100644
--- a/builtin/describe.c
+++ b/builtin/describe.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "argv-array.h"
 #include "run-command.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
-#include "revision.h"
 #include "list-objects.h"
 #include "commit-slab.h"
@@ -64,19 +63,22 @@
 static int commit_name_neq(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			   const void *entry,
-			   const void *entry_or_key,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			   const void *peeled)
-	const struct commit_name *cn1 = entry;
-	const struct commit_name *cn2 = entry_or_key;
+	const struct commit_name *cn1, *cn2;
+	cn1 = container_of(eptr, const struct commit_name, entry);
+	cn2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct commit_name, entry);
 	return !oideq(&cn1->peeled, peeled ? peeled : &cn2->peeled);
 static inline struct commit_name *find_commit_name(const struct object_id *peeled)
-	return hashmap_get_from_hash(&names, oidhash(peeled), peeled);
+	return hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(&names, oidhash(peeled), peeled,
+						struct commit_name, entry);
 static int replace_name(struct commit_name *e,
@@ -123,8 +125,8 @@
 		if (!e) {
 			e = xmalloc(sizeof(struct commit_name));
 			oidcpy(&e->peeled, peeled);
-			hashmap_entry_init(e, oidhash(peeled));
-			hashmap_add(&names, e);
+			hashmap_entry_init(&e->entry, oidhash(peeled));
+			hashmap_add(&names, &e->entry);
 			e->path = NULL;
 		e->tag = tag;
@@ -313,7 +315,7 @@
 		append_name(n, dst);
 		if (longformat)
-			append_suffix(0, n->tag ? &n->tag->tagged->oid : oid, dst);
+			append_suffix(0, n->tag ? get_tagged_oid(n->tag) : oid, dst);
 		if (suffix)
 			strbuf_addstr(dst, suffix);
@@ -330,8 +332,8 @@
 		struct commit_name *n;
-		n = hashmap_iter_first(&names, &iter);
-		for (; n; n = hashmap_iter_next(&iter)) {
+		hashmap_for_each_entry(&names, &iter, n,
+					entry /* member name */) {
 			c = lookup_commit_reference_gently(the_repository,
 							   &n->peeled, 1);
 			if (c)
diff --git a/builtin/difftool.c b/builtin/difftool.c
index 16eb8b7..c280e68 100644
--- a/builtin/difftool.c
+++ b/builtin/difftool.c
@@ -125,12 +125,15 @@
 static int working_tree_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-				  const void *entry,
-				  const void *entry_or_key,
+				  const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+				  const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 				  const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct working_tree_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct working_tree_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct working_tree_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct working_tree_entry, entry);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct working_tree_entry, entry);
 	return strcmp(a->path, b->path);
@@ -145,12 +148,14 @@
 static int pair_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-		    const void *entry,
-		    const void *entry_or_key,
+		    const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+		    const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 		    const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct pair_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct pair_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct pair_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct pair_entry, entry);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct pair_entry, entry);
 	return strcmp(a->path, b->path);
@@ -161,14 +166,14 @@
 	struct pair_entry *e, *existing;
 	FLEX_ALLOC_STR(e, path, path);
-	hashmap_entry_init(e, strhash(path));
-	existing = hashmap_get(map, e, NULL);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&e->entry, strhash(path));
+	existing = hashmap_get_entry(map, e, entry, NULL);
 	if (existing) {
 		e = existing;
 	} else {
 		e->left[0] = e->right[0] = '\0';
-		hashmap_add(map, e);
+		hashmap_add(map, &e->entry);
 	strlcpy(is_right ? e->right : e->left, content, PATH_MAX);
@@ -179,12 +184,14 @@
 static int path_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			  const void *entry,
-			  const void *entry_or_key,
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			  const void *key)
-	const struct path_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct path_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct path_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct path_entry, entry);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct path_entry, entry);
 	return strcmp(a->path, key ? key : b->path);
@@ -234,8 +241,8 @@
 	while (!strbuf_getline_nul(&buf, fp)) {
 		struct path_entry *entry;
 		FLEX_ALLOC_STR(entry, path, buf.buf);
-		hashmap_entry_init(entry, strhash(buf.buf));
-		hashmap_add(result, entry);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&entry->entry, strhash(buf.buf));
+		hashmap_add(result, &entry->entry);
 	if (finish_command(&diff_files))
@@ -461,12 +468,13 @@
 			/* Avoid duplicate working_tree entries */
 			FLEX_ALLOC_STR(entry, path, dst_path);
-			hashmap_entry_init(entry, strhash(dst_path));
-			if (hashmap_get(&working_tree_dups, entry, NULL)) {
+			hashmap_entry_init(&entry->entry, strhash(dst_path));
+			if (hashmap_get(&working_tree_dups, &entry->entry,
+					NULL)) {
-			hashmap_add(&working_tree_dups, entry);
+			hashmap_add(&working_tree_dups, &entry->entry);
 			if (!use_wt_file(workdir, dst_path, &roid)) {
 				if (checkout_path(rmode, &roid, dst_path,
@@ -530,8 +538,8 @@
 	 * temporary file to both the left and right directories to show the
 	 * change in the recorded SHA1 for the submodule.
-	hashmap_iter_init(&submodules, &iter);
-	while ((entry = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&submodules, &iter, entry,
+				entry /* member name */) {
 		if (*entry->left) {
 			add_path(&ldir, ldir_len, entry->path);
@@ -549,8 +557,8 @@
 	 * shows only the link itself, not the contents of the link target.
 	 * This loop replicates that behavior.
-	hashmap_iter_init(&symlinks2, &iter);
-	while ((entry = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&symlinks2, &iter, entry,
+				entry /* member name */) {
 		if (*entry->left) {
 			add_path(&ldir, ldir_len, entry->path);
diff --git a/builtin/env--helper.c b/builtin/env--helper.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23c214f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builtin/env--helper.c
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#include "builtin.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
+static char const * const env__helper_usage[] = {
+	N_("git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"),
+static enum {
+} cmdmode = 0;
+static int option_parse_type(const struct option *opt, const char *arg,
+			     int unset)
+	if (!strcmp(arg, "bool"))
+		cmdmode = ENV_HELPER_TYPE_BOOL;
+	else if (!strcmp(arg, "ulong"))
+	else
+		die(_("unrecognized --type argument, %s"), arg);
+	return 0;
+int cmd_env__helper(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
+	int exit_code = 0;
+	const char *env_variable = NULL;
+	const char *env_default = NULL;
+	int ret;
+	int ret_int, default_int;
+	unsigned long ret_ulong, default_ulong;
+	struct option opts[] = {
+		OPT_CALLBACK_F(0, "type", &cmdmode, N_("type"),
+			       N_("value is given this type"), PARSE_OPT_NONEG,
+			       option_parse_type),
+		OPT_STRING(0, "default", &env_default, N_("value"),
+			   N_("default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "exit-code", &exit_code,
+			 N_("be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code")),
+		OPT_END(),
+	};
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, opts, env__helper_usage,
+	if (env_default && !*env_default)
+		usage_with_options(env__helper_usage, opts);
+	if (!cmdmode)
+		usage_with_options(env__helper_usage, opts);
+	if (argc != 1)
+		usage_with_options(env__helper_usage, opts);
+	env_variable = argv[0];
+	switch (cmdmode) {
+		if (env_default) {
+			default_int = git_parse_maybe_bool(env_default);
+			if (default_int == -1) {
+				error(_("option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"),
+				      env_default);
+				usage_with_options(env__helper_usage, opts);
+			}
+		} else {
+			default_int = 0;
+		}
+		ret_int = git_env_bool(env_variable, default_int);
+		if (!exit_code)
+			puts(ret_int ? "true" : "false");
+		ret = ret_int;
+		break;
+		if (env_default) {
+			if (!git_parse_ulong(env_default, &default_ulong)) {
+				error(_("option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `%s`"),
+				      env_default);
+				usage_with_options(env__helper_usage, opts);
+			}
+		} else {
+			default_ulong = 0;
+		}
+		ret_ulong = git_env_ulong(env_variable, default_ulong);
+		if (!exit_code)
+			printf("%lu\n", ret_ulong);
+		ret = ret_ulong;
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG("unknown <type> value");
+		break;
+	}
+	return !ret;
diff --git a/builtin/fast-export.c b/builtin/fast-export.c
index f541f55..dbec4df 100644
--- a/builtin/fast-export.c
+++ b/builtin/fast-export.c
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 static int full_tree;
 static int reference_excluded_commits;
 static int show_original_ids;
+static int mark_tags;
 static struct string_list extra_refs = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 static struct string_list tag_refs = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 static struct refspec refspecs = REFSPEC_INIT_FETCH;
@@ -126,10 +127,15 @@
 static int anonymized_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-				const void *va, const void *vb,
+				const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+				const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 				const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct anonymized_entry *a = va, *b = vb;
+	const struct anonymized_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct anonymized_entry, hash);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct anonymized_entry, hash);
 	return a->orig_len != b->orig_len ||
 		memcmp(a->orig, b->orig, a->orig_len);
@@ -148,10 +154,10 @@
 	if (!map->cmpfn)
 		hashmap_init(map, anonymized_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, memhash(orig, *len));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.hash, memhash(orig, *len));
 	key.orig = orig;
 	key.orig_len = *len;
-	ret = hashmap_get(map, &key, NULL);
+	ret = hashmap_get_entry(map, &key, hash, NULL);
 	if (!ret) {
 		ret = xmalloc(sizeof(*ret));
@@ -160,7 +166,7 @@
 		ret->orig_len = *len;
 		ret->anon = generate(orig, len);
 		ret->anon_len = *len;
-		hashmap_put(map, ret);
+		hashmap_put(map, &ret->hash);
 	*len = ret->anon_len;
@@ -842,25 +848,40 @@
 		case REWRITE:
-			if (tagged->type != OBJ_COMMIT) {
-				die("tag %s tags unexported %s!",
-				    oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid),
-				    type_name(tagged->type));
+			if (tagged->type == OBJ_TAG && !mark_tags) {
+				die(_("Error: Cannot export nested tags unless --mark-tags is specified."));
+			} else if (tagged->type == OBJ_COMMIT) {
+				p = rewrite_commit((struct commit *)tagged);
+				if (!p) {
+					printf("reset %s\nfrom %s\n\n",
+					       name, oid_to_hex(&null_oid));
+					free(buf);
+					return;
+				}
+				tagged_mark = get_object_mark(&p->object);
+			} else {
+				/* tagged->type is either OBJ_BLOB or OBJ_TAG */
+				tagged_mark = get_object_mark(tagged);
-			p = rewrite_commit((struct commit *)tagged);
-			if (!p) {
-				printf("reset %s\nfrom %s\n\n",
-				       name, oid_to_hex(&null_oid));
-				free(buf);
-				return;
-			}
-			tagged_mark = get_object_mark(&p->object);
+	if (tagged->type == OBJ_TAG) {
+		printf("reset %s\nfrom %s\n\n",
+		       name, oid_to_hex(&null_oid));
+	}
 	if (starts_with(name, "refs/tags/"))
 		name += 10;
-	printf("tag %s\nfrom :%d\n", name, tagged_mark);
+	printf("tag %s\n", name);
+	if (mark_tags) {
+		mark_next_object(&tag->object);
+		printf("mark :%"PRIu32"\n", last_idnum);
+	}
+	if (tagged_mark)
+		printf("from :%d\n", tagged_mark);
+	else
+		printf("from %s\n", oid_to_hex(&tagged->oid));
 	if (show_original_ids)
 		printf("original-oid %s\n", oid_to_hex(&tag->object.oid));
 	printf("%.*s%sdata %d\n%.*s\n",
@@ -1047,11 +1068,16 @@
 		error("Unable to write marks file %s.", file);
-static void import_marks(char *input_file)
+static void import_marks(char *input_file, int check_exists)
 	char line[512];
-	FILE *f = xfopen(input_file, "r");
+	FILE *f;
+	struct stat sb;
+	if (check_exists && stat(input_file, &sb))
+		return;
+	f = xfopen(input_file, "r");
 	while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
 		uint32_t mark;
 		char *line_end, *mark_end;
@@ -1115,7 +1141,9 @@
 	struct rev_info revs;
 	struct object_array commits = OBJECT_ARRAY_INIT;
 	struct commit *commit;
-	char *export_filename = NULL, *import_filename = NULL;
+	char *export_filename = NULL,
+	     *import_filename = NULL,
+	     *import_filename_if_exists = NULL;
 	uint32_t lastimportid;
 	struct string_list refspecs_list = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 	struct string_list paths_of_changed_objects = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -1135,6 +1163,10 @@
 			     N_("Dump marks to this file")),
 		OPT_STRING(0, "import-marks", &import_filename, N_("file"),
 			     N_("Import marks from this file")),
+		OPT_STRING(0, "import-marks-if-exists",
+			     &import_filename_if_exists,
+			     N_("file"),
+			     N_("Import marks from this file if it exists")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "fake-missing-tagger", &fake_missing_tagger,
 			 N_("Fake a tagger when tags lack one")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "full-tree", &full_tree,
@@ -1149,6 +1181,8 @@
 			 &reference_excluded_commits, N_("Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "show-original-ids", &show_original_ids,
 			    N_("Show original object ids of blobs/commits")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "mark-tags", &mark_tags,
+			    N_("Label tags with mark ids")),
@@ -1182,8 +1216,12 @@
 	if (use_done_feature)
 		printf("feature done\n");
+	if (import_filename && import_filename_if_exists)
+		die(_("Cannot pass both --import-marks and --import-marks-if-exists"));
 	if (import_filename)
-		import_marks(import_filename);
+		import_marks(import_filename, 0);
+	else if (import_filename_if_exists)
+		import_marks(import_filename_if_exists, 1);
 	lastimportid = last_idnum;
 	if (import_filename &&
diff --git a/builtin/fetch.c b/builtin/fetch.c
index 53ce99d..0c345b5 100644
--- a/builtin/fetch.c
+++ b/builtin/fetch.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "refs.h"
 #include "refspec.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
+#include "oidset.h"
 #include "commit.h"
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "string-list.h"
@@ -23,6 +24,9 @@
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "list-objects-filter-options.h"
 #include "commit-reach.h"
+#include "branch.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
+#include "commit-graph.h"
@@ -50,11 +54,13 @@
 static int prune_tags = -1; /* unspecified */
 #define PRUNE_TAGS_BY_DEFAULT 0 /* do we prune tags by default? */
-static int all, append, dry_run, force, keep, multiple, update_head_ok, verbosity, deepen_relative;
+static int all, append, dry_run, force, keep, multiple, update_head_ok;
+static int verbosity, deepen_relative, set_upstream;
 static int progress = -1;
 static int enable_auto_gc = 1;
 static int tags = TAGS_DEFAULT, unshallow, update_shallow, deepen;
-static int max_children = 1;
+static int max_jobs = -1, submodule_fetch_jobs_config = -1;
+static int fetch_parallel_config = 1;
 static enum transport_family family;
 static const char *depth;
 static const char *deepen_since;
@@ -96,13 +102,20 @@
 	if (!strcmp(k, "submodule.fetchjobs")) {
-		max_children = parse_submodule_fetchjobs(k, v);
+		submodule_fetch_jobs_config = parse_submodule_fetchjobs(k, v);
 		return 0;
 	} else if (!strcmp(k, "fetch.recursesubmodules")) {
 		recurse_submodules = parse_fetch_recurse_submodules_arg(k, v);
 		return 0;
+	if (!strcmp(k, "fetch.parallel")) {
+		fetch_parallel_config = git_config_int(k, v);
+		if (fetch_parallel_config < 0)
+			die(_("fetch.parallel cannot be negative"));
+		return 0;
+	}
 	return git_default_config(k, v, cb);
@@ -123,6 +136,8 @@
 	OPT_BOOL(0, "all", &all,
 		 N_("fetch from all remotes")),
+	OPT_BOOL(0, "set-upstream", &set_upstream,
+		 N_("set upstream for git pull/fetch")),
 	OPT_BOOL('a', "append", &append,
 		 N_("append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting")),
 	OPT_STRING(0, "upload-pack", &upload_pack, N_("path"),
@@ -134,7 +149,7 @@
 		    N_("fetch all tags and associated objects"), TAGS_SET),
 	OPT_SET_INT('n', NULL, &tags,
 		    N_("do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"), TAGS_UNSET),
-	OPT_INTEGER('j', "jobs", &max_children,
+	OPT_INTEGER('j', "jobs", &max_jobs,
 		    N_("number of submodules fetched in parallel")),
 	OPT_BOOL('p', "prune", &prune,
 		 N_("prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote")),
@@ -239,32 +254,31 @@
-static int will_fetch(struct ref **head, const unsigned char *sha1)
+static void create_fetch_oidset(struct ref **head, struct oidset *out)
 	struct ref *rm = *head;
 	while (rm) {
-		if (hasheq(rm->old_oid.hash, sha1))
-			return 1;
+		oidset_insert(out, &rm->old_oid);
 		rm = rm->next;
-	return 0;
 struct refname_hash_entry {
-	struct hashmap_entry ent; /* must be the first member */
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	struct object_id oid;
 	int ignore;
 	char refname[FLEX_ARRAY];
 static int refname_hash_entry_cmp(const void *hashmap_cmp_fn_data,
-				  const void *e1_,
-				  const void *e2_,
+				  const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+				  const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 				  const void *keydata)
-	const struct refname_hash_entry *e1 = e1_;
-	const struct refname_hash_entry *e2 = e2_;
+	const struct refname_hash_entry *e1, *e2;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct refname_hash_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct refname_hash_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(e1->refname, keydata ? keydata : e2->refname);
@@ -276,9 +290,9 @@
 	size_t len = strlen(refname);
 	FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(ent, refname, refname, len);
-	hashmap_entry_init(ent, strhash(refname));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&ent->ent, strhash(refname));
 	oidcpy(&ent->oid, oid);
-	hashmap_add(map, ent);
+	hashmap_add(map, &ent->ent);
 	return ent;
@@ -313,6 +327,7 @@
 	struct hashmap existing_refs;
 	struct hashmap remote_refs;
+	struct oidset fetch_oids = OIDSET_INIT;
 	struct string_list remote_refs_list = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 	struct string_list_item *remote_ref_item;
 	const struct ref *ref;
@@ -320,6 +335,7 @@
+	create_fetch_oidset(head, &fetch_oids);
 	for_each_ref(add_one_refname, &existing_refs);
 	for (ref = refs; ref; ref = ref->next) {
@@ -336,9 +352,9 @@
 			if (item &&
-			    !will_fetch(head, ref->old_oid.hash) &&
+			    !oidset_contains(&fetch_oids, &ref->old_oid) &&
 			    !has_object_file_with_flags(&item->oid, OBJECT_INFO_QUICK) &&
-			    !will_fetch(head, item->oid.hash))
+			    !oidset_contains(&fetch_oids, &item->oid))
 			item = NULL;
@@ -352,7 +368,7 @@
 		if (item &&
 		    !has_object_file_with_flags(&item->oid, OBJECT_INFO_QUICK) &&
-		    !will_fetch(head, item->oid.hash))
+		    !oidset_contains(&fetch_oids, &item->oid))
 		item = NULL;
@@ -365,7 +381,7 @@
 		item = refname_hash_add(&remote_refs, ref->name, &ref->old_oid);
 		string_list_insert(&remote_refs_list, ref->name);
-	hashmap_free(&existing_refs, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&existing_refs, struct refname_hash_entry, ent);
 	 * We may have a final lightweight tag that needs to be
@@ -373,7 +389,7 @@
 	if (item &&
 	    !has_object_file_with_flags(&item->oid, OBJECT_INFO_QUICK) &&
-	    !will_fetch(head, item->oid.hash))
+	    !oidset_contains(&fetch_oids, &item->oid))
@@ -383,8 +399,10 @@
 	for_each_string_list_item(remote_ref_item, &remote_refs_list) {
 		const char *refname = remote_ref_item->string;
 		struct ref *rm;
+		unsigned int hash = strhash(refname);
-		item = hashmap_get_from_hash(&remote_refs, strhash(refname), refname);
+		item = hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(&remote_refs, hash, refname,
+					struct refname_hash_entry, ent);
 		if (!item)
 			BUG("unseen remote ref?");
@@ -398,8 +416,9 @@
 		**tail = rm;
 		*tail = &rm->next;
-	hashmap_free(&remote_refs, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&remote_refs, struct refname_hash_entry, ent);
 	string_list_clear(&remote_refs_list, 0);
+	oidset_clear(&fetch_oids);
 static struct ref *get_ref_map(struct remote *remote,
@@ -516,17 +535,18 @@
 		if (rm->peer_ref) {
 			const char *refname = rm->peer_ref->name;
 			struct refname_hash_entry *peer_item;
+			unsigned int hash = strhash(refname);
-			peer_item = hashmap_get_from_hash(&existing_refs,
-							  strhash(refname),
-							  refname);
+			peer_item = hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(&existing_refs,
+						hash, refname,
+						struct refname_hash_entry, ent);
 			if (peer_item) {
 				struct object_id *old_oid = &peer_item->oid;
 				oidcpy(&rm->peer_ref->old_oid, old_oid);
-	hashmap_free(&existing_refs, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&existing_refs, struct refname_hash_entry, ent);
 	return ref_map;
@@ -850,6 +870,15 @@
 	return 0;
+static const char warn_show_forced_updates[] =
+N_("Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+   "but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+   "flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'.");
+static const char warn_time_show_forced_updates[] =
+N_("It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+   "'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false'\n"
+   " to avoid this check.\n");
 static int store_updated_refs(const char *raw_url, const char *remote_name,
 			      int connectivity_checked, struct ref *ref_map)
@@ -1005,12 +1034,10 @@
 	if (advice_fetch_show_forced_updates) {
 		if (!fetch_show_forced_updates) {
-			warning(_("Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update, but that check has been disabled."));
-			warning(_("To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates' flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."));
+			warning(_(warn_show_forced_updates));
 		} else if (forced_updates_ms > FORCED_UPDATES_DELAY_WARNING_IN_MS) {
-			warning(_("It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use '--no-show-forced-updates'\n"),
+			warning(_(warn_time_show_forced_updates),
 				forced_updates_ms / 1000.0);
-			warning(_("or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' to avoid this check.\n"));
@@ -1058,8 +1085,11 @@
 static int fetch_refs(struct transport *transport, struct ref *ref_map)
 	int ret = check_exist_and_connected(ref_map);
-	if (ret)
+	if (ret) {
+		trace2_region_enter("fetch", "fetch_refs", the_repository);
 		ret = transport_fetch_refs(transport, ref_map);
+		trace2_region_leave("fetch", "fetch_refs", the_repository);
+	}
 	if (!ret)
 		 * Keep the new pack's ".keep" file around to allow the caller
@@ -1075,11 +1105,14 @@
 	int connectivity_checked = transport->smart_options
 		? transport->smart_options->connectivity_checked : 0;
-	int ret = store_updated_refs(transport->url,
-				     transport->remote->name,
-				     connectivity_checked,
-				     ref_map);
+	int ret;
+	trace2_region_enter("fetch", "consume_refs", the_repository);
+	ret = store_updated_refs(transport->url,
+				 transport->remote->name,
+				 connectivity_checked,
+				 ref_map);
+	trace2_region_leave("fetch", "consume_refs", the_repository);
 	return ret;
@@ -1231,13 +1264,10 @@
 	if (update_shallow)
 		set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_UPDATE_SHALLOW, "yes");
 	if (filter_options.choice) {
-		struct strbuf expanded_filter_spec = STRBUF_INIT;
-		expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&filter_options,
-						&expanded_filter_spec);
-		set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_LIST_OBJECTS_FILTER,
-			   expanded_filter_spec.buf);
+		const char *spec =
+			expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&filter_options);
+		set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_LIST_OBJECTS_FILTER, spec);
 		set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_FROM_PROMISOR, "1");
-		strbuf_release(&expanded_filter_spec);
 	if ( {
 		if (transport->smart_options)
@@ -1327,9 +1357,11 @@
 			argv_array_push(&ref_prefixes, "refs/tags/");
-	if (must_list_refs)
+	if (must_list_refs) {
+		trace2_region_enter("fetch", "remote_refs", the_repository);
 		remote_refs = transport_get_remote_refs(transport, &ref_prefixes);
-	else
+		trace2_region_leave("fetch", "remote_refs", the_repository);
+	} else
 		remote_refs = NULL;
@@ -1360,6 +1392,51 @@
 		retcode = 1;
 		goto cleanup;
+	if (set_upstream) {
+		struct branch *branch = branch_get("HEAD");
+		struct ref *rm;
+		struct ref *source_ref = NULL;
+		/*
+		 * We're setting the upstream configuration for the
+		 * current branch. The relevent upstream is the
+		 * fetched branch that is meant to be merged with the
+		 * current one, i.e. the one fetched to FETCH_HEAD.
+		 *
+		 * When there are several such branches, consider the
+		 * request ambiguous and err on the safe side by doing
+		 * nothing and just emit a warning.
+		 */
+		for (rm = ref_map; rm; rm = rm->next) {
+			if (!rm->peer_ref) {
+				if (source_ref) {
+					warning(_("multiple branch detected, incompatible with --set-upstream"));
+					goto skip;
+				} else {
+					source_ref = rm;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (source_ref) {
+			if (!strcmp(source_ref->name, "HEAD") ||
+			    starts_with(source_ref->name, "refs/heads/"))
+				install_branch_config(0,
+						      branch->name,
+						      transport->remote->name,
+						      source_ref->name);
+			else if (starts_with(source_ref->name, "refs/remotes/"))
+				warning(_("not setting upstream for a remote remote-tracking branch"));
+			else if (starts_with(source_ref->name, "refs/tags/"))
+				warning(_("not setting upstream for a remote tag"));
+			else
+				warning(_("unknown branch type"));
+		} else {
+			warning(_("no source branch found.\n"
+				"you need to specify exactly one branch with the --set-upstream option."));
+		}
+	}
+ skip:
 	/* if neither --no-tags nor --tags was specified, do automated tag
@@ -1456,7 +1533,62 @@
-static int fetch_multiple(struct string_list *list)
+/* Fetch multiple remotes in parallel */
+struct parallel_fetch_state {
+	const char **argv;
+	struct string_list *remotes;
+	int next, result;
+static int fetch_next_remote(struct child_process *cp, struct strbuf *out,
+			     void *cb, void **task_cb)
+	struct parallel_fetch_state *state = cb;
+	char *remote;
+	if (state->next < 0 || state->next >= state->remotes->nr)
+		return 0;
+	remote = state->remotes->items[state->next++].string;
+	*task_cb = remote;
+	argv_array_pushv(&cp->args, state->argv);
+	argv_array_push(&cp->args, remote);
+	cp->git_cmd = 1;
+	if (verbosity >= 0)
+		printf(_("Fetching %s\n"), remote);
+	return 1;
+static int fetch_failed_to_start(struct strbuf *out, void *cb, void *task_cb)
+	struct parallel_fetch_state *state = cb;
+	const char *remote = task_cb;
+	state->result = error(_("Could not fetch %s"), remote);
+	return 0;
+static int fetch_finished(int result, struct strbuf *out,
+			  void *cb, void *task_cb)
+	struct parallel_fetch_state *state = cb;
+	const char *remote = task_cb;
+	if (result) {
+		strbuf_addf(out, _("could not fetch '%s' (exit code: %d)\n"),
+			    remote, result);
+		state->result = -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int fetch_multiple(struct string_list *list, int max_children)
 	int i, result = 0;
 	struct argv_array argv = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
@@ -1470,20 +1602,34 @@
 	argv_array_pushl(&argv, "fetch", "--append", "--no-auto-gc", NULL);
-	for (i = 0; i < list->nr; i++) {
-		const char *name = list->items[i].string;
-		argv_array_push(&argv, name);
-		if (verbosity >= 0)
-			printf(_("Fetching %s\n"), name);
-		if (run_command_v_opt(argv.argv, RUN_GIT_CMD)) {
-			error(_("Could not fetch %s"), name);
-			result = 1;
+	if (max_children != 1 && list->nr != 1) {
+		struct parallel_fetch_state state = { argv.argv, list, 0, 0 };
+		argv_array_push(&argv, "--end-of-options");
+		result = run_processes_parallel_tr2(max_children,
+						    &fetch_next_remote,
+						    &fetch_failed_to_start,
+						    &fetch_finished,
+						    &state,
+						    "fetch", "parallel/fetch");
+		if (!result)
+			result = state.result;
+	} else
+		for (i = 0; i < list->nr; i++) {
+			const char *name = list->items[i].string;
+			argv_array_push(&argv, name);
+			if (verbosity >= 0)
+				printf(_("Fetching %s\n"), name);
+			if (run_command_v_opt(argv.argv, RUN_GIT_CMD)) {
+				error(_("Could not fetch %s"), name);
+				result = 1;
+			}
+			argv_array_pop(&argv);
-		argv_array_pop(&argv);
-	}
-	return result;
+	return !!result;
@@ -1503,37 +1649,27 @@
 	 * If no prior partial clone/fetch and the current fetch DID NOT
 	 * request a partial-fetch, do a normal fetch.
-	if (!repository_format_partial_clone && !filter_options.choice)
+	if (!has_promisor_remote() && !filter_options.choice)
-	 * If this is the FIRST partial-fetch request, we enable partial
-	 * on this repo and remember the given filter-spec as the default
-	 * for subsequent fetches to this remote.
+	 * If this is a partial-fetch request, we enable partial on
+	 * this repo if not already enabled and remember the given
+	 * filter-spec as the default for subsequent fetches to this
+	 * remote.
-	if (!repository_format_partial_clone && filter_options.choice) {
+	if (filter_options.choice) {
 		partial_clone_register(remote->name, &filter_options);
-	 * We are currently limited to only ONE promisor remote and only
-	 * allow partial-fetches from the promisor remote.
-	 */
-	if (strcmp(remote->name, repository_format_partial_clone)) {
-		if (filter_options.choice)
-			die(_("--filter can only be used with the remote "
-			      "configured in extensions.partialClone"));
-		return;
-	}
-	/*
 	 * Do a partial-fetch from the promisor remote using either the
 	 * explicitly given filter-spec or inherit the filter-spec from
 	 * the config.
 	if (!filter_options.choice)
-		partial_clone_get_default_filter_spec(&filter_options);
+		partial_clone_get_default_filter_spec(&filter_options, remote->name);
@@ -1626,7 +1762,8 @@
 	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
 		strbuf_addf(&default_rla, " %s", argv[i]);
-	fetch_config_from_gitmodules(&max_children, &recurse_submodules);
+	fetch_config_from_gitmodules(&submodule_fetch_jobs_config,
+				     &recurse_submodules);
 	git_config(git_fetch_config, NULL);
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix,
@@ -1654,7 +1791,7 @@
 	if (depth || deepen_since ||
 		deepen = 1;
-	if (filter_options.choice && !repository_format_partial_clone)
+	if (filter_options.choice && !has_promisor_remote())
 		die("--filter can only be used when extensions.partialClone is set");
 	if (all) {
@@ -1688,19 +1825,31 @@
 	if (remote) {
-		if (filter_options.choice || repository_format_partial_clone)
+		if (filter_options.choice || has_promisor_remote())
 		result = fetch_one(remote, argc, argv, prune_tags_ok);
 	} else {
+		int max_children = max_jobs;
 		if (filter_options.choice)
 			die(_("--filter can only be used with the remote "
 			      "configured in extensions.partialclone"));
+		if (max_children < 0)
+			max_children = fetch_parallel_config;
 		/* TODO should this also die if we have a previous partial-clone? */
-		result = fetch_multiple(&list);
+		result = fetch_multiple(&list, max_children);
 	if (!result && (recurse_submodules != RECURSE_SUBMODULES_OFF)) {
 		struct argv_array options = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
+		int max_children = max_jobs;
+		if (max_children < 0)
+			max_children = submodule_fetch_jobs_config;
+		if (max_children < 0)
+			max_children = fetch_parallel_config;
 		result = fetch_populated_submodules(the_repository,
@@ -1715,6 +1864,20 @@
 	string_list_clear(&list, 0);
+	prepare_repo_settings(the_repository);
+	if (the_repository->settings.fetch_write_commit_graph) {
+		int commit_graph_flags = COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_SPLIT;
+		struct split_commit_graph_opts split_opts;
+		memset(&split_opts, 0, sizeof(struct split_commit_graph_opts));
+		if (progress)
+			commit_graph_flags |= COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_PROGRESS;
+		write_commit_graph_reachable(get_object_directory(),
+					     commit_graph_flags,
+					     &split_opts);
+	}
 	if (enable_auto_gc) {
diff --git a/builtin/gc.c b/builtin/gc.c
index 4b8fbb9..fadb454 100644
--- a/builtin/gc.c
+++ b/builtin/gc.c
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 #include "pack-objects.h"
 #include "blob.h"
 #include "tree.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
 #define FAILED_RUN "failed to run %s"
@@ -659,7 +660,7 @@
 			argv_array_push(&prune, prune_expire);
 			if (quiet)
 				argv_array_push(&prune, "--no-progress");
-			if (repository_format_partial_clone)
+			if (has_promisor_remote())
 			if (run_command_v_opt(prune.argv, RUN_GIT_CMD))
@@ -686,7 +687,7 @@
 	if (the_repository->settings.gc_write_commit_graph == 1)
-					     !quiet && !daemonized ? COMMIT_GRAPH_PROGRESS : 0,
+					     !quiet && !daemonized ? COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_PROGRESS : 0,
 	if (auto_gc && too_many_loose_objects())
diff --git a/builtin/grep.c b/builtin/grep.c
index 5600517..50ce8d9 100644
--- a/builtin/grep.c
+++ b/builtin/grep.c
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
 static int grep_submodule(struct grep_opt *opt,
 			  const struct pathspec *pathspec,
 			  const struct object_id *oid,
-			  const char *filename, const char *path)
+			  const char *filename, const char *path, int cached)
 	struct repository subrepo;
 	struct repository *superproject = opt->repo;
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
 	} else {
-		hit = grep_cache(&subopt, pathspec, 1);
+		hit = grep_cache(&subopt, pathspec, cached);
@@ -523,7 +523,8 @@
 		} else if (recurse_submodules && S_ISGITLINK(ce->ce_mode) &&
 			   submodule_path_match(repo->index, pathspec, name.buf, NULL)) {
-			hit |= grep_submodule(opt, pathspec, NULL, ce->name, ce->name);
+			hit |= grep_submodule(opt, pathspec, NULL, ce->name,
+					      ce->name, cached);
 		} else {
@@ -598,7 +599,8 @@
 		} else if (recurse_submodules && S_ISGITLINK(entry.mode)) {
 			hit |= grep_submodule(opt, pathspec, &entry.oid,
-					      base->buf, base->buf + tn_len);
+					      base->buf, base->buf + tn_len,
+					      1); /* ignored */
 		strbuf_setlen(base, old_baselen);
@@ -1108,8 +1110,8 @@
 			strbuf_addf(&buf, "+/%s%s",
 					strcmp("less", pager) ? "" : "*",
-			string_list_append(&path_list, buf.buf);
-			strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL);
+			string_list_append(&path_list,
+					   strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL));
@@ -1145,5 +1147,6 @@
 		run_pager(&opt, prefix);
+	grep_destroy();
 	return !hit;
diff --git a/builtin/index-pack.c b/builtin/index-pack.c
index 0d55f73..60a5591 100644
--- a/builtin/index-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/index-pack.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include "thread-utils.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
-#include "fetch-object.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
 static const char index_pack_usage[] =
 "git index-pack [-v] [-o <index-file>] [--keep | --keep=<msg>] [--verify] [--strict] (<pack-file> | --stdin [--fix-thin] [<pack-file>])";
@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@
 		sorted_by_pos[i] = &ref_deltas[i];
 	QSORT(sorted_by_pos, nr_ref_deltas, delta_pos_compare);
-	if (repository_format_partial_clone) {
+	if (has_promisor_remote()) {
 		 * Prefetch the delta bases.
@@ -1366,8 +1366,8 @@
 			oid_array_append(&to_fetch, &d->oid);
 		if (
-			fetch_objects(repository_format_partial_clone,
-				      to_fetch.oid,;
+			promisor_remote_get_direct(the_repository,
+						   to_fetch.oid,;
@@ -1490,11 +1490,11 @@
 	if (!from_stdin) {
-		printf("%s\n", sha1_to_hex(hash));
+		printf("%s\n", hash_to_hex(hash));
 	} else {
 		struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-		strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s\t%s\n", report, sha1_to_hex(hash));
+		strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s\t%s\n", report, hash_to_hex(hash));
 		write_or_die(1, buf.buf, buf.len);
diff --git a/builtin/log.c b/builtin/log.c
index 7c8767d..89873d2 100644
--- a/builtin/log.c
+++ b/builtin/log.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 static int default_show_signature;
 static int decoration_style;
 static int decoration_given;
-static int use_mailmap_config;
+static int use_mailmap_config = 1;
 static const char *fmt_patch_subject_prefix = "PATCH";
 static const char *fmt_pretty;
@@ -63,9 +63,14 @@
 	struct string_list args;
+static int session_is_interactive(void)
+	return isatty(1) || pager_in_use();
 static int auto_decoration_style(void)
-	return (isatty(1) || pager_in_use()) ? DECORATE_SHORT_REFS : 0;
+	return session_is_interactive() ? DECORATE_SHORT_REFS : 0;
 static int parse_decoration_style(const char *value)
@@ -155,7 +160,7 @@
 			 struct rev_info *rev, struct setup_revision_opt *opt)
 	struct userformat_want w;
-	int quiet = 0, source = 0, mailmap = 0;
+	int quiet = 0, source = 0, mailmap;
 	static struct line_opt_callback_data line_cb = {NULL, NULL, STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP};
 	static struct string_list decorate_refs_exclude = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 	static struct string_list decorate_refs_include = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
@@ -622,6 +627,7 @@
 		case OBJ_TAG: {
 			struct tag *t = (struct tag *)o;
+			struct object_id *oid = get_tagged_oid(t);
 			if (rev.shown_one)
@@ -633,10 +639,10 @@
 			rev.shown_one = 1;
 			if (ret)
-			o = parse_object(the_repository, &t->tagged->oid);
+			o = parse_object(the_repository, oid);
 			if (!o)
 				ret = error(_("could not read object %s"),
-					    oid_to_hex(&t->tagged->oid));
+					    oid_to_hex(oid));
 			objects[i].item = o;
@@ -1760,10 +1766,26 @@
 	if (output_directory) {
+		int saved;
 		if (rev.diffopt.use_color != GIT_COLOR_ALWAYS)
 			rev.diffopt.use_color = GIT_COLOR_NEVER;
 		if (use_stdout)
 			die(_("standard output, or directory, which one?"));
+		/*
+		 * We consider <outdir> as 'outside of gitdir', therefore avoid
+		 * applying adjust_shared_perm in s-c-l-d.
+		 */
+		saved = get_shared_repository();
+		set_shared_repository(0);
+		switch (safe_create_leading_directories_const(output_directory)) {
+		case SCLD_OK:
+		case SCLD_EXISTS:
+			break;
+		default:
+			die(_("could not create leading directories "
+			      "of '%s'"), output_directory);
+		}
+		set_shared_repository(saved);
 		if (mkdir(output_directory, 0777) < 0 && errno != EEXIST)
 			die_errno(_("could not create directory '%s'"),
diff --git a/builtin/ls-files.c b/builtin/ls-files.c
index 670e8fb..f069a02 100644
--- a/builtin/ls-files.c
+++ b/builtin/ls-files.c
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
 	exc_given = 1;
-	add_excludes_from_file(dir, arg);
+	add_patterns_from_file(dir, arg);
 	return 0;
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
 	int require_work_tree = 0, show_tag = 0, i;
 	const char *max_prefix;
 	struct dir_struct dir;
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	struct string_list exclude_list = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 	struct option builtin_ls_files_options[] = {
 		/* Think twice before adding "--nul" synonym to this */
@@ -594,9 +594,9 @@
 	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, builtin_ls_files_options,
 			ls_files_usage, 0);
-	el = add_exclude_list(&dir, EXC_CMDL, "--exclude option");
+	pl = add_pattern_list(&dir, EXC_CMDL, "--exclude option");
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
-		add_exclude(exclude_list.items[i].string, "", 0, el, --exclude_args);
+		add_pattern(exclude_list.items[i].string, "", 0, pl, --exclude_args);
 	if (show_tag || show_valid_bit || show_fsmonitor_bit) {
 		tag_cached = "H ";
diff --git a/builtin/merge-recursive.c b/builtin/merge-recursive.c
index 5b910e3..a4bfd8f 100644
--- a/builtin/merge-recursive.c
+++ b/builtin/merge-recursive.c
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+#include "cache.h"
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "commit.h"
 #include "tag.h"
@@ -63,6 +64,9 @@
 	if (argc - i != 3) /* "--" "<head>" "<remote>" */
 		die(_("not handling anything other than two heads merge."));
+	if (repo_read_index_unmerged(the_repository))
+		die_resolve_conflict("merge");
 	o.branch1 = argv[++i];
 	o.branch2 = argv[++i];
diff --git a/builtin/merge-tree.c b/builtin/merge-tree.c
index 97b54ca..e72714a 100644
--- a/builtin/merge-tree.c
+++ b/builtin/merge-tree.c
@@ -180,8 +180,9 @@
 static char *traverse_path(const struct traverse_info *info, const struct name_entry *n)
-	char *path = xmallocz(traverse_path_len(info, n) + the_hash_algo->rawsz);
-	return make_traverse_path(path, info, n);
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	strbuf_make_traverse_path(&buf, info, n->path, n->pathlen);
+	return strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL);
 static void resolve(const struct traverse_info *info, struct name_entry *ours, struct name_entry *result)
diff --git a/builtin/merge.c b/builtin/merge.c
index e2ccbc4..062e911 100644
--- a/builtin/merge.c
+++ b/builtin/merge.c
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 static int default_to_upstream = 1;
 static int signoff;
 static const char *sign_commit;
-static int verify_msg = 1;
+static int no_verify;
 static struct strategy all_strategy[] = {
 	{ "recursive",  DEFAULT_TWOHEAD | NO_TRIVIAL },
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
 	  N_("GPG sign commit"), PARSE_OPT_OPTARG, NULL, (intptr_t) "" },
 	OPT_BOOL(0, "overwrite-ignore", &overwrite_ignore, N_("update ignored files (default)")),
 	OPT_BOOL(0, "signoff", &signoff, N_("add Signed-off-by:")),
-	OPT_BOOL(0, "verify", &verify_msg, N_("verify commit-msg hook")),
+	OPT_BOOL(0, "no-verify", &no_verify, N_("bypass pre-merge-commit and commit-msg hooks")),
@@ -688,16 +688,13 @@
 			      struct commit_list *remoteheads,
 			      struct commit *head)
-	struct lock_file lock = LOCK_INIT;
 	const char *head_arg = "HEAD";
-	hold_locked_index(&lock, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
-	refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET);
-	if (write_locked_index(&the_index, &lock,
+	if (refresh_and_write_cache(REFRESH_QUIET, SKIP_IF_UNCHANGED, 0) < 0)
 		return error(_("Unable to write index."));
 	if (!strcmp(strategy, "recursive") || !strcmp(strategy, "subtree")) {
+		struct lock_file lock = LOCK_INIT;
 		int clean, x;
 		struct commit *result;
 		struct commit_list *reversed = NULL;
@@ -816,6 +813,18 @@
 static void prepare_to_commit(struct commit_list *remoteheads)
 	struct strbuf msg = STRBUF_INIT;
+	const char *index_file = get_index_file();
+	if (!no_verify && run_commit_hook(0 < option_edit, index_file, "pre-merge-commit", NULL))
+		abort_commit(remoteheads, NULL);
+	/*
+	 * Re-read the index as pre-merge-commit hook could have updated it,
+	 * and write it out as a tree.  We must do this before we invoke
+	 * the editor and after we invoke run_status above.
+	 */
+	if (find_hook("pre-merge-commit"))
+		discard_cache();
+	read_cache_from(index_file);
 	strbuf_addbuf(&msg, &merge_msg);
 	if (squash)
 		BUG("the control must not reach here under --squash");
@@ -842,7 +851,7 @@
 			abort_commit(remoteheads, NULL);
-	if (verify_msg && run_commit_hook(0 < option_edit, get_index_file(),
+	if (!no_verify && run_commit_hook(0 < option_edit, get_index_file(),
 					  git_path_merge_msg(the_repository), NULL))
 		abort_commit(remoteheads, NULL);
@@ -860,12 +869,8 @@
 	struct object_id result_tree, result_commit;
 	struct commit_list *parents, **pptr = &parents;
-	struct lock_file lock = LOCK_INIT;
-	hold_locked_index(&lock, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
-	refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET);
-	if (write_locked_index(&the_index, &lock,
+	if (refresh_and_write_cache(REFRESH_QUIET, SKIP_IF_UNCHANGED, 0) < 0)
 		return error(_("Unable to write index."));
diff --git a/builtin/name-rev.c b/builtin/name-rev.c
index c785fe1..b0f0776 100644
--- a/builtin/name-rev.c
+++ b/builtin/name-rev.c
@@ -9,7 +9,11 @@
 #include "sha1-lookup.h"
 #include "commit-slab.h"
-#define CUTOFF_DATE_SLOP 86400 /* one day */
+ * One day.  See the 'name a rev shortly after epoch' test in t6120 when
+ * changing this value
+ */
+#define CUTOFF_DATE_SLOP 86400
 typedef struct rev_name {
 	const char *tip_name;
@@ -481,8 +485,13 @@
 		add_object_array(object, *argv, &revs);
-	if (cutoff)
-		cutoff = cutoff - CUTOFF_DATE_SLOP;
+	if (cutoff) {
+		/* check for undeflow */
+		if (cutoff > TIME_MIN + CUTOFF_DATE_SLOP)
+			cutoff = cutoff - CUTOFF_DATE_SLOP;
+		else
+			cutoff = TIME_MIN;
+	}
 	for_each_ref(name_ref, &data);
 	if (transform_stdin) {
diff --git a/builtin/pack-objects.c b/builtin/pack-objects.c
index f9f7181..5876583 100644
--- a/builtin/pack-objects.c
+++ b/builtin/pack-objects.c
@@ -96,7 +96,11 @@
 static int use_bitmap_index_default = 1;
 static int use_bitmap_index = -1;
-static int write_bitmap_index;
+static enum {
+} write_bitmap_index;
 static uint16_t write_bitmap_options = BITMAP_OPT_HASH_CACHE;
 static int exclude_promisor_objects;
@@ -606,12 +610,12 @@
 		       void *cb_data)
 	struct object_id peeled;
-	struct object_entry *entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, oid, NULL);
+	struct object_entry *entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, oid);
 	if (entry)
 		entry->tagged = 1;
 	if (!peel_ref(path, &peeled)) {
-		entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, &peeled, NULL);
+		entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, &peeled);
 		if (entry)
 			entry->tagged = 1;
@@ -892,7 +896,8 @@
 						 nr_written, oid.hash, offset);
 			if (write_bitmap_index) {
-				warning(_(no_split_warning));
+				if (write_bitmap_index != WRITE_BITMAP_QUIET)
+					warning(_(no_split_warning));
 				write_bitmap_index = 0;
@@ -991,12 +996,11 @@
  * few lines later when we want to add the new entry.
 static int have_duplicate_entry(const struct object_id *oid,
-				int exclude,
-				uint32_t *index_pos)
+				int exclude)
 	struct object_entry *entry;
-	entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, oid, index_pos);
+	entry = packlist_find(&to_pack, oid);
 	if (!entry)
 		return 0;
@@ -1136,13 +1140,12 @@
 				uint32_t hash,
 				int exclude,
 				int no_try_delta,
-				uint32_t index_pos,
 				struct packed_git *found_pack,
 				off_t found_offset)
 	struct object_entry *entry;
-	entry = packlist_alloc(&to_pack, oid->hash, index_pos);
+	entry = packlist_alloc(&to_pack, oid);
 	entry->hash = hash;
 	oe_set_type(entry, type);
 	if (exclude)
@@ -1166,17 +1169,17 @@
 	struct packed_git *found_pack = NULL;
 	off_t found_offset = 0;
-	uint32_t index_pos;
 	display_progress(progress_state, ++nr_seen);
-	if (have_duplicate_entry(oid, exclude, &index_pos))
+	if (have_duplicate_entry(oid, exclude))
 		return 0;
 	if (!want_object_in_pack(oid, exclude, &found_pack, &found_offset)) {
 		/* The pack is missing an object, so it will not have closure */
 		if (write_bitmap_index) {
-			warning(_(no_closure_warning));
+			if (write_bitmap_index != WRITE_BITMAP_QUIET)
+				warning(_(no_closure_warning));
 			write_bitmap_index = 0;
 		return 0;
@@ -1184,7 +1187,7 @@
 	create_object_entry(oid, type, pack_name_hash(name),
 			    exclude, name && no_try_delta(name),
-			    index_pos, found_pack, found_offset);
+			    found_pack, found_offset);
 	return 1;
@@ -1193,17 +1196,15 @@
 					int flags, uint32_t name_hash,
 					struct packed_git *pack, off_t offset)
-	uint32_t index_pos;
 	display_progress(progress_state, ++nr_seen);
-	if (have_duplicate_entry(oid, 0, &index_pos))
+	if (have_duplicate_entry(oid, 0))
 		return 0;
 	if (!want_object_in_pack(oid, 0, &pack, &offset))
 		return 0;
-	create_object_entry(oid, type, name_hash, 0, 0, index_pos, pack, offset);
+	create_object_entry(oid, type, name_hash, 0, 0, pack, offset);
 	return 1;
@@ -1501,7 +1502,7 @@
 	 * First see if we're already sending the base (or it's explicitly in
 	 * our "excluded" list).
-	base = packlist_find(&to_pack, &base_oid, NULL);
+	base = packlist_find(&to_pack, &base_oid);
 	if (base) {
 		if (!in_same_island(&delta->idx.oid, &base->idx.oid))
 			return 0;
@@ -2336,15 +2337,6 @@
-static void try_to_free_from_threads(size_t size)
-	packing_data_lock(&to_pack);
-	release_pack_memory(size);
-	packing_data_unlock(&to_pack);
-static try_to_free_t old_try_to_free_routine;
  * The main object list is split into smaller lists, each is handed to
  * one worker.
@@ -2385,12 +2377,10 @@
 	pthread_mutex_init(&cache_mutex, NULL);
 	pthread_mutex_init(&progress_mutex, NULL);
 	pthread_cond_init(&progress_cond, NULL);
-	old_try_to_free_routine = set_try_to_free_routine(try_to_free_from_threads);
 static void cleanup_threaded_search(void)
-	set_try_to_free_routine(old_try_to_free_routine);
@@ -2573,7 +2563,7 @@
 	 * it was included via bitmaps, we would not have parsed it
 	 * previously).
-	if (packlist_find(&to_pack, oid, NULL))
+	if (packlist_find(&to_pack, oid))
 	tag = lookup_tag(the_repository, oid);
@@ -2597,7 +2587,7 @@
 	if (starts_with(path, "refs/tags/") && /* is a tag? */
 	    !peel_ref(path, &peeled)    && /* peelable? */
-	    packlist_find(&to_pack, &peeled, NULL))      /* object packed? */
+	    packlist_find(&to_pack, &peeled))      /* object packed? */
 	return 0;
@@ -2793,7 +2783,7 @@
 		for (p = strchr(name, '/'); p; p = strchr(p + 1, '/'))
-		ent = packlist_find(&to_pack, &obj->oid, NULL);
+		ent = packlist_find(&to_pack, &obj->oid);
 		if (ent && depth > oe_tree_depth(&to_pack, ent))
 			oe_set_tree_depth(&to_pack, ent, depth);
@@ -3024,7 +3014,7 @@
 		for (i = 0; i < p->num_objects; i++) {
 			nth_packed_object_oid(&oid, p, i);
-			if (!packlist_find(&to_pack, &oid, NULL) &&
+			if (!packlist_find(&to_pack, &oid) &&
 			    !has_sha1_pack_kept_or_nonlocal(&oid) &&
 			    !loosened_object_can_be_discarded(&oid, p->mtime))
 				if (force_object_loose(&oid, p->mtime))
@@ -3309,8 +3299,13 @@
 			    N_("do not hide commits by grafts"), 0),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "use-bitmap-index", &use_bitmap_index,
 			 N_("use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects")),
-		OPT_BOOL(0, "write-bitmap-index", &write_bitmap_index,
-			 N_("write a bitmap index together with the pack index")),
+		OPT_SET_INT(0, "write-bitmap-index", &write_bitmap_index,
+			    N_("write a bitmap index together with the pack index"),
+		OPT_SET_INT_F(0, "write-bitmap-index-quiet",
+			      &write_bitmap_index,
+			      N_("write a bitmap index if possible"),
 		{ OPTION_CALLBACK, 0, "missing", NULL, N_("action"),
 		  N_("handling for missing objects"), PARSE_OPT_NONEG,
diff --git a/builtin/patch-id.c b/builtin/patch-id.c
index bd28b80..3059e52 100644
--- a/builtin/patch-id.c
+++ b/builtin/patch-id.c
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
+#include "cache.h"
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "config.h"
 #include "diff.h"
 static void flush_current_id(int patchlen, struct object_id *id, struct object_id *result)
-	char name[50];
+	char name[GIT_MAX_HEXSZ + 1];
 	if (!patchlen)
-	memcpy(name, oid_to_hex(id), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1);
+	memcpy(name, oid_to_hex(id), the_hash_algo->hexsz + 1);
 	printf("%s %s\n", oid_to_hex(result), name);
@@ -60,9 +61,9 @@
 	int patchlen = 0, found_next = 0;
 	int before = -1, after = -1;
-	git_SHA_CTX ctx;
+	git_hash_ctx ctx;
-	git_SHA1_Init(&ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->init_fn(&ctx);
 	while (strbuf_getwholeline(line_buf, stdin, '\n') != EOF) {
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
 		/* Compute the sha without whitespace */
 		len = remove_space(line);
 		patchlen += len;
-		git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, line, len);
+		the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, line, len);
 	if (!found_next)
diff --git a/builtin/pull.c b/builtin/pull.c
index f1eaf6e..d25ff13 100644
--- a/builtin/pull.c
+++ b/builtin/pull.c
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
 static char *opt_ipv4;
 static char *opt_ipv6;
 static int opt_show_forced_updates = -1;
+static char *set_upstream;
 static struct option pull_options[] = {
 	/* Shared options */
@@ -243,6 +244,9 @@
 	OPT_BOOL(0, "show-forced-updates", &opt_show_forced_updates,
 		 N_("check for forced-updates on all updated branches")),
+	OPT_PASSTHRU(0, "set-upstream", &set_upstream, NULL,
+		N_("set upstream for git pull/fetch"),
@@ -556,6 +560,8 @@
 		argv_array_push(&args, "--show-forced-updates");
 	else if (opt_show_forced_updates == 0)
 		argv_array_push(&args, "--no-show-forced-updates");
+	if (set_upstream)
+		argv_array_push(&args, set_upstream);
 	if (repo) {
 		argv_array_push(&args, repo);
diff --git a/builtin/push.c b/builtin/push.c
index 021dd3b..843f5b2 100644
--- a/builtin/push.c
+++ b/builtin/push.c
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@
 	return remote->url_nr;
-static NORETURN int die_push_simple(struct branch *branch,
-				    struct remote *remote)
+static NORETURN void die_push_simple(struct branch *branch,
+				     struct remote *remote)
 	 * There's no point in using shorten_unambiguous_ref here,
@@ -357,8 +357,10 @@
 	if (verbosity > 0)
 		fprintf(stderr, _("Pushing to %s\n"), transport->url);
+	trace2_region_enter("push", "transport_push", the_repository);
 	err = transport_push(the_repository, transport,
 			     rs, flags, &reject_reasons);
+	trace2_region_leave("push", "transport_push", the_repository);
 	if (err != 0) {
 		fprintf(stderr, "%s", push_get_color(PUSH_COLOR_ERROR));
 		error(_("failed to push some refs to '%s'"), transport->url);
@@ -385,30 +387,14 @@
 static int do_push(const char *repo, int flags,
-		   const struct string_list *push_options)
+		   const struct string_list *push_options,
+		   struct remote *remote)
 	int i, errs;
-	struct remote *remote = pushremote_get(repo);
 	const char **url;
 	int url_nr;
 	struct refspec *push_refspec = &rs;
-	if (!remote) {
-		if (repo)
-			die(_("bad repository '%s'"), repo);
-		die(_("No configured push destination.\n"
-		    "Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using\n"
-		    "\n"
-		    "    git remote add <name> <url>\n"
-		    "\n"
-		    "and then push using the remote name\n"
-		    "\n"
-		    "    git push <name>\n"));
-	}
-	if (remote->mirror)
 	if (push_options->nr)
@@ -548,6 +534,7 @@
 	struct string_list push_options_cmdline = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
 	struct string_list *push_options;
 	const struct string_list_item *item;
+	struct remote *remote;
 	struct option options[] = {
@@ -602,20 +589,6 @@
 		die(_("--delete is incompatible with --all, --mirror and --tags"));
 	if (deleterefs && argc < 2)
 		die(_("--delete doesn't make sense without any refs"));
-	if (flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_ALL) {
-		if (tags)
-			die(_("--all and --tags are incompatible"));
-		if (argc >= 2)
-			die(_("--all can't be combined with refspecs"));
-	}
-	if (flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_MIRROR) {
-		if (tags)
-			die(_("--mirror and --tags are incompatible"));
-		if (argc >= 2)
-			die(_("--mirror can't be combined with refspecs"));
-	}
-	if ((flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_ALL) && (flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_MIRROR))
-		die(_("--all and --mirror are incompatible"));
 	if (recurse_submodules == RECURSE_SUBMODULES_CHECK)
@@ -632,11 +605,43 @@
 		set_refspecs(argv + 1, argc - 1, repo);
+	remote = pushremote_get(repo);
+	if (!remote) {
+		if (repo)
+			die(_("bad repository '%s'"), repo);
+		die(_("No configured push destination.\n"
+		    "Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using\n"
+		    "\n"
+		    "    git remote add <name> <url>\n"
+		    "\n"
+		    "and then push using the remote name\n"
+		    "\n"
+		    "    git push <name>\n"));
+	}
+	if (remote->mirror)
+	if (flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_ALL) {
+		if (tags)
+			die(_("--all and --tags are incompatible"));
+		if (argc >= 2)
+			die(_("--all can't be combined with refspecs"));
+	}
+	if (flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_MIRROR) {
+		if (tags)
+			die(_("--mirror and --tags are incompatible"));
+		if (argc >= 2)
+			die(_("--mirror can't be combined with refspecs"));
+	}
+	if ((flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_ALL) && (flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_MIRROR))
+		die(_("--all and --mirror are incompatible"));
 	for_each_string_list_item(item, push_options)
 		if (strchr(item->string, '\n'))
 			die(_("push options must not have new line characters"));
-	rc = do_push(repo, flags, push_options);
+	rc = do_push(repo, flags, push_options, remote);
 	string_list_clear(&push_options_cmdline, 0);
 	string_list_clear(&push_options_config, 0);
 	if (rc == -1)
diff --git a/builtin/rebase.c b/builtin/rebase.c
index 95d3422..4a20582 100644
--- a/builtin/rebase.c
+++ b/builtin/rebase.c
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 #include "rebase-interactive.h"
 static char const * const builtin_rebase_usage[] = {
-	N_("git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] "
-		"[<upstream>] [<branch>]"),
+	N_("git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] "
+		"[--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] [<upstream> [<branch>]]"),
 	N_("git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] "
 		"--root [<branch>]"),
 	N_("git rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo"),
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 	const char *onto_name;
 	const char *revisions;
 	const char *switch_to;
-	int root;
+	int root, root_with_onto;
 	struct object_id *squash_onto;
 	struct commit *restrict_revision;
 	int dont_finish_rebase;
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@
 	flags |= abbreviate_commands ? TODO_LIST_ABBREVIATE_CMDS : 0;
 	flags |= opts->rebase_merges ? TODO_LIST_REBASE_MERGES : 0;
 	flags |= opts->rebase_cousins > 0 ? TODO_LIST_REBASE_COUSINS : 0;
+	flags |= opts->root_with_onto ? TODO_LIST_ROOT_WITH_ONTO : 0;
 	flags |= command == ACTION_SHORTEN_OIDS ? TODO_LIST_SHORTEN_IDS : 0;
 	switch (command) {
@@ -1260,24 +1261,44 @@
 	return 1;
-static int can_fast_forward(struct commit *onto, struct object_id *head_oid,
-			    struct object_id *merge_base)
+static int can_fast_forward(struct commit *onto, struct commit *upstream,
+			    struct commit *restrict_revision,
+			    struct object_id *head_oid, struct object_id *merge_base)
 	struct commit *head = lookup_commit(the_repository, head_oid);
-	struct commit_list *merge_bases;
-	int res;
+	struct commit_list *merge_bases = NULL;
+	int res = 0;
 	if (!head)
-		return 0;
+		goto done;
 	merge_bases = get_merge_bases(onto, head);
-	if (merge_bases && !merge_bases->next) {
-		oidcpy(merge_base, &merge_bases->item->object.oid);
-		res = oideq(merge_base, &onto->object.oid);
-	} else {
+	if (!merge_bases || merge_bases->next) {
 		oidcpy(merge_base, &null_oid);
-		res = 0;
+		goto done;
+	oidcpy(merge_base, &merge_bases->item->object.oid);
+	if (!oideq(merge_base, &onto->object.oid))
+		goto done;
+	if (restrict_revision && !oideq(&restrict_revision->object.oid, merge_base))
+		goto done;
+	if (!upstream)
+		goto done;
+	free_commit_list(merge_bases);
+	merge_bases = get_merge_bases(upstream, head);
+	if (!merge_bases || merge_bases->next)
+		goto done;
+	if (!oideq(&onto->object.oid, &merge_bases->item->object.oid))
+		goto done;
+	res = 1;
 	return res && is_linear_history(onto, head);
@@ -1376,6 +1397,7 @@
 	struct rebase_options options = REBASE_OPTIONS_INIT;
 	const char *branch_name;
 	int ret, flags, total_argc, in_progress = 0;
+	int keep_base = 0;
 	int ok_to_skip_pre_rebase = 0;
 	struct strbuf msg = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct strbuf revisions = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -1394,6 +1416,8 @@
 		OPT_STRING(0, "onto", &options.onto_name,
 			   N_("rebase onto given branch instead of upstream")),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "keep-base", &keep_base,
+			 N_("use the merge-base of upstream and branch as the current base")),
 		OPT_BOOL(0, "no-verify", &ok_to_skip_pre_rebase,
 			 N_("allow pre-rebase hook to run")),
 		OPT_NEGBIT('q', "quiet", &options.flags,
@@ -1492,10 +1516,6 @@
-	prefix = setup_git_directory();
-	trace_repo_setup(prefix);
-	setup_work_tree();
 	options.allow_empty_message = 1;
 	git_config(rebase_config, &options);
@@ -1551,6 +1571,13 @@
 		warning(_("git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. "
 			  "Use --rebase-merges instead."));
+	if (keep_base) {
+		if (options.onto_name)
+			die(_("cannot combine '--keep-base' with '--onto'"));
+		if (options.root)
+			die(_("cannot combine '--keep-base' with '--root'"));
+	}
 	if (action != ACTION_NONE && !in_progress)
 		die(_("No rebase in progress?"));
 	setenv(GIT_REFLOG_ACTION_ENVIRONMENT, "rebase", 0);
@@ -1837,15 +1864,6 @@
-	if (options.rebase_merges) {
-		if (
-			die(_("cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with "
-			      "'--strategy-option'"));
-		if (options.strategy)
-			die(_("cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with "
-			      "'--strategy'"));
-	}
 	if (!options.root) {
 		if (argc < 1) {
 			struct branch *branch;
@@ -1876,7 +1894,9 @@
 			options.squash_onto = &squash_onto;
 			options.onto_name = squash_onto_name =
-		}
+		} else
+			options.root_with_onto = 1;
 		options.upstream_name = NULL;
 		options.upstream = NULL;
 		if (argc > 1)
@@ -1886,12 +1906,22 @@
 	/* Make sure the branch to rebase onto is valid. */
-	if (!options.onto_name)
+	if (keep_base) {
+		strbuf_reset(&buf);
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf, options.upstream_name);
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf, "...");
+		options.onto_name = xstrdup(buf.buf);
+	} else if (!options.onto_name)
 		options.onto_name = options.upstream_name;
 	if (strstr(options.onto_name, "...")) {
-		if (get_oid_mb(options.onto_name, &merge_base) < 0)
-			die(_("'%s': need exactly one merge base"),
-			    options.onto_name);
+		if (get_oid_mb(options.onto_name, &merge_base) < 0) {
+			if (keep_base)
+				die(_("'%s': need exactly one merge base with branch"),
+				    options.upstream_name);
+			else
+				die(_("'%s': need exactly one merge base"),
+				    options.onto_name);
+		}
 		options.onto = lookup_commit_or_die(&merge_base,
 	} else {
@@ -1972,9 +2002,6 @@
 				state_dir_path("autostash", &options);
 			struct child_process stash = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
 			struct object_id oid;
-			struct commit *head =
-				lookup_commit_reference(the_repository,
-							&options.orig_head);
 					 "stash", "create", "autostash", NULL);
@@ -1995,17 +2022,9 @@
 			write_file(autostash, "%s", oid_to_hex(&oid));
 			printf(_("Created autostash: %s\n"), buf.buf);
-			if (reset_head(&head->object.oid, "reset --hard",
+			if (reset_head(NULL, "reset --hard",
 				       NULL, RESET_HEAD_HARD, NULL, NULL) < 0)
 				die(_("could not reset --hard"));
-			printf(_("HEAD is now at %s"),
-			       find_unique_abbrev(&head->object.oid,
-						  DEFAULT_ABBREV));
-			strbuf_reset(&buf);
-			pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, head, &buf);
-			if (buf.len > 0)
-				printf(" %s", buf.buf);
-			putchar('\n');
 			if (discard_index(the_repository->index) < 0 ||
 				repo_read_index(the_repository) < 0)
@@ -2026,13 +2045,13 @@
 	 * Check if we are already based on onto with linear history,
-	 * but this should be done only when upstream and onto are the same
-	 * and if this is not an interactive rebase.
+	 * in which case we could fast-forward without replacing the commits
+	 * with new commits recreated by replaying their changes. This
+	 * optimization must not be done if this is an interactive rebase.
-	if (can_fast_forward(options.onto, &options.orig_head, &merge_base) &&
-	    !is_interactive(&options) && !options.restrict_revision &&
-	    options.upstream &&
-	    !oidcmp(&options.upstream->object.oid, &options.onto->object.oid)) {
+	if (can_fast_forward(options.onto, options.upstream, options.restrict_revision,
+		    &options.orig_head, &merge_base) &&
+	    !is_interactive(&options)) {
 		int flag;
 		if (!(options.flags & REBASE_FORCE)) {
@@ -2126,7 +2145,7 @@
 	strbuf_addf(&msg, "%s: checkout %s",
 		    getenv(GIT_REFLOG_ACTION_ENVIRONMENT), options.onto_name);
 	if (reset_head(&options.onto->object.oid, "checkout", NULL,
 		       NULL, msg.buf))
 		die(_("Could not detach HEAD"));
diff --git a/builtin/receive-pack.c b/builtin/receive-pack.c
index dcf3855..411e0b4 100644
--- a/builtin/receive-pack.c
+++ b/builtin/receive-pack.c
@@ -417,24 +417,22 @@
 	return 0;
-#define HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE 64
-static void hmac_sha1(unsigned char *out,
+static void hmac(unsigned char *out,
 		      const char *key_in, size_t key_len,
 		      const char *text, size_t text_len)
-	unsigned char key[HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE];
-	unsigned char k_ipad[HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE];
-	unsigned char k_opad[HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE];
+	unsigned char key[GIT_MAX_BLKSZ];
+	unsigned char k_ipad[GIT_MAX_BLKSZ];
+	unsigned char k_opad[GIT_MAX_BLKSZ];
 	int i;
-	git_SHA_CTX ctx;
+	git_hash_ctx ctx;
 	/* RFC 2104 2. (1) */
-	memset(key, '\0', HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE);
-	if (HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE < key_len) {
-		git_SHA1_Init(&ctx);
-		git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, key_in, key_len);
-		git_SHA1_Final(key, &ctx);
+	memset(key, '\0', GIT_MAX_BLKSZ);
+	if (the_hash_algo->blksz < key_len) {
+		the_hash_algo->init_fn(&ctx);
+		the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, key_in, key_len);
+		the_hash_algo->final_fn(key, &ctx);
 	} else {
 		memcpy(key, key_in, key_len);
@@ -446,29 +444,29 @@
 	/* RFC 2104 2. (3) & (4) */
-	git_SHA1_Init(&ctx);
-	git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, k_ipad, sizeof(k_ipad));
-	git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, text, text_len);
-	git_SHA1_Final(out, &ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->init_fn(&ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, k_ipad, sizeof(k_ipad));
+	the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, text, text_len);
+	the_hash_algo->final_fn(out, &ctx);
 	/* RFC 2104 2. (6) & (7) */
-	git_SHA1_Init(&ctx);
-	git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, k_opad, sizeof(k_opad));
-	git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, out, GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ);
-	git_SHA1_Final(out, &ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->init_fn(&ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, k_opad, sizeof(k_opad));
+	the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, out, the_hash_algo->rawsz);
+	the_hash_algo->final_fn(out, &ctx);
 static char *prepare_push_cert_nonce(const char *path, timestamp_t stamp)
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	unsigned char sha1[GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ];
+	unsigned char hash[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
 	strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s:%"PRItime, path, stamp);
-	hmac_sha1(sha1, buf.buf, buf.len, cert_nonce_seed, strlen(cert_nonce_seed));
+	hmac(hash, buf.buf, buf.len, cert_nonce_seed, strlen(cert_nonce_seed));
 	/* RFC 2104 5. HMAC-SHA1-80 */
-	strbuf_addf(&buf, "%"PRItime"-%.*s", stamp, GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ, sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+	strbuf_addf(&buf, "%"PRItime"-%.*s", stamp, (int)the_hash_algo->hexsz, hash_to_hex(hash));
 	return strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL);
@@ -970,7 +968,7 @@
 	if (run_command(&child))
 		return "Working directory has staged changes";
-	read_tree[3] = sha1_to_hex(sha1);
+	read_tree[3] = hash_to_hex(sha1);
 	child.argv = read_tree;
 	child.env = env->argv;
@@ -987,13 +985,13 @@
 static const char *push_to_checkout_hook = "push-to-checkout";
-static const char *push_to_checkout(unsigned char *sha1,
+static const char *push_to_checkout(unsigned char *hash,
 				    struct argv_array *env,
 				    const char *work_tree)
 	argv_array_pushf(env, "GIT_WORK_TREE=%s", absolute_path(work_tree));
 	if (run_hook_le(env->argv, push_to_checkout_hook,
-			sha1_to_hex(sha1), NULL))
+			hash_to_hex(hash), NULL))
 		return "push-to-checkout hook declined";
 		return NULL;
diff --git a/builtin/repack.c b/builtin/repack.c
index 30982ed..094c2f8 100644
--- a/builtin/repack.c
+++ b/builtin/repack.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "midx.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
 static int delta_base_offset = 1;
 static int pack_kept_objects = -1;
@@ -89,17 +90,6 @@
-static int has_pack_keep_file(void)
-	struct packed_git *p;
-	for (p = get_all_packs(the_repository); p; p = p->next) {
-		if (p->pack_keep)
-			return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
  * Adds all packs hex strings to the fname list, which do not
  * have a corresponding .keep file. These packs are not to
@@ -201,7 +191,7 @@
 			die(_("could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"));
-	xwrite(cmd->in, oid_to_hex(oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
+	xwrite(cmd->in, oid_to_hex(oid), the_hash_algo->hexsz);
 	xwrite(cmd->in, "\n", 1);
 	return 0;
@@ -345,13 +335,12 @@
 		die(_("--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"));
 	if (write_bitmaps < 0) {
-		write_bitmaps = (pack_everything & ALL_INTO_ONE) &&
-				 is_bare_repository() &&
- == 0 &&
-				 !has_pack_keep_file();
+		if (!(pack_everything & ALL_INTO_ONE) ||
+		    !is_bare_repository())
+			write_bitmaps = 0;
 	if (pack_kept_objects < 0)
-		pack_kept_objects = write_bitmaps;
+		pack_kept_objects = write_bitmaps > 0;
 	if (write_bitmaps && !(pack_everything & ALL_INTO_ONE))
@@ -373,10 +362,12 @@
 	argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--all");
 	argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--reflog");
 	argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--indexed-objects");
-	if (repository_format_partial_clone)
+	if (has_promisor_remote())
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--exclude-promisor-objects");
-	if (write_bitmaps)
+	if (write_bitmaps > 0)
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--write-bitmap-index");
+	else if (write_bitmaps < 0)
+		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--write-bitmap-index-quiet");
 	if (use_delta_islands)
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--delta-islands");
diff --git a/builtin/replace.c b/builtin/replace.c
index 644b21c..bd92dc6 100644
--- a/builtin/replace.c
+++ b/builtin/replace.c
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
 			return error(_("unable to spawn mktree"));
-		if (strbuf_read(&result, cmd.out, 41) < 0) {
+		if (strbuf_read(&result, cmd.out, the_hash_algo->hexsz + 1) < 0) {
 			error_errno(_("unable to read from mktree"));
@@ -358,14 +358,15 @@
 	struct strbuf new_parents = STRBUF_INIT;
 	const char *parent_start, *parent_end;
 	int i;
+	const unsigned hexsz = the_hash_algo->hexsz;
 	/* find existing parents */
 	parent_start = buf->buf;
-	parent_start += GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 6; /* "tree " + "hex sha1" + "\n" */
+	parent_start += hexsz + 6; /* "tree " + "hex sha1" + "\n" */
 	parent_end = parent_start;
 	while (starts_with(parent_end, "parent "))
-		parent_end += 48; /* "parent " + "hex sha1" + "\n" */
+		parent_end += hexsz + 8; /* "parent " + "hex sha1" + "\n" */
 	/* prepare new parents */
 	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
@@ -421,7 +422,7 @@
 		if (get_oid(mergetag_data->argv[i], &oid) < 0)
 			return error(_("not a valid object name: '%s'"),
-		if (oideq(&tag->tagged->oid, &oid))
+		if (oideq(get_tagged_oid(tag), &oid))
 			return 0; /* found */
diff --git a/builtin/rev-list.c b/builtin/rev-list.c
index 301ccb9..e28d62e 100644
--- a/builtin/rev-list.c
+++ b/builtin/rev-list.c
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 #include "reflog-walk.h"
 #include "oidset.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
-#include "object-store.h"
 static const char rev_list_usage[] =
 "git rev-list [OPTION] <commit-id>... [ -- paths... ]\n"
@@ -471,10 +470,6 @@
 			parse_list_objects_filter(&filter_options, arg);
 			if (filter_options.choice && !revs.blob_objects)
 				die(_("object filtering requires --objects"));
-			if (filter_options.choice == LOFC_SPARSE_OID &&
-			    !filter_options.sparse_oid_value)
-				die(_("invalid sparse value '%s'"),
-				    filter_options.filter_spec);
 		if (!strcmp(arg, ("--no-" CL_ARG__FILTER))) {
diff --git a/builtin/rev-parse.c b/builtin/rev-parse.c
index f8bbe6d..308c67e 100644
--- a/builtin/rev-parse.c
+++ b/builtin/rev-parse.c
@@ -593,6 +593,7 @@
 	const char *name = NULL;
 	struct object_context unused;
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	const int hexsz = the_hash_algo->hexsz;
 	if (argc > 1 && !strcmp("--parseopt", argv[1]))
 		return cmd_parseopt(argc - 1, argv + 1, prefix);
@@ -730,8 +731,8 @@
 				abbrev = strtoul(arg, NULL, 10);
 				if (abbrev < MINIMUM_ABBREV)
 					abbrev = MINIMUM_ABBREV;
-				else if (40 <= abbrev)
-					abbrev = 40;
+				else if (hexsz <= abbrev)
+					abbrev = hexsz;
 			if (!strcmp(arg, "--sq")) {
diff --git a/builtin/rm.c b/builtin/rm.c
index 2eacda4..19ce95a 100644
--- a/builtin/rm.c
+++ b/builtin/rm.c
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 	parse_pathspec(&pathspec, 0,
 		       prefix, argv);
-	refresh_index(&the_index, REFRESH_QUIET, &pathspec, NULL, NULL);
+	refresh_index(&the_index, REFRESH_QUIET|REFRESH_UNMERGED, &pathspec, NULL, NULL);
 	seen = xcalloc(, 1);
diff --git a/builtin/show-index.c b/builtin/show-index.c
index a6e6788..0826f6a 100644
--- a/builtin/show-index.c
+++ b/builtin/show-index.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 	unsigned nr;
 	unsigned int version;
 	static unsigned int top_index[256];
+	const unsigned hashsz = the_hash_algo->rawsz;
 	if (argc != 1)
@@ -36,23 +37,23 @@
 	if (version == 1) {
 		for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
-			unsigned int offset, entry[6];
+			unsigned int offset, entry[(GIT_MAX_RAWSZ + 4) / sizeof(unsigned int)];
-			if (fread(entry, 4 + 20, 1, stdin) != 1)
+			if (fread(entry, 4 + hashsz, 1, stdin) != 1)
 				die("unable to read entry %u/%u", i, nr);
 			offset = ntohl(entry[0]);
-			printf("%u %s\n", offset, sha1_to_hex((void *)(entry+1)));
+			printf("%u %s\n", offset, hash_to_hex((void *)(entry+1)));
 	} else {
 		unsigned off64_nr = 0;
 		struct {
-			unsigned char sha1[20];
+			struct object_id oid;
 			uint32_t crc;
 			uint32_t off;
 		} *entries;
 		ALLOC_ARRAY(entries, nr);
 		for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
-			if (fread(entries[i].sha1, 20, 1, stdin) != 1)
+			if (fread(entries[i].oid.hash, hashsz, 1, stdin) != 1)
 				die("unable to read sha1 %u/%u", i, nr);
 		for (i = 0; i < nr; i++)
 			if (fread(&entries[i].crc, 4, 1, stdin) != 1)
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@
 			printf("%" PRIuMAX " %s (%08"PRIx32")\n",
 			       (uintmax_t) offset,
-			       sha1_to_hex(entries[i].sha1),
+			       oid_to_hex(&entries[i].oid),
diff --git a/builtin/stash.c b/builtin/stash.c
index fde6397..4e80617 100644
--- a/builtin/stash.c
+++ b/builtin/stash.c
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
 	const struct object_id *bases[1];
-	if (refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET))
+	if (refresh_and_write_cache(REFRESH_QUIET, 0, 0))
 		return -1;
 	if (write_cache_as_tree(&c_tree, 0, NULL))
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@
 				return error(_("could not save index tree"));
+			discard_cache();
+			read_cache();
@@ -485,7 +487,7 @@
 	if (quiet) {
-		if (refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET))
+		if (refresh_and_write_cache(REFRESH_QUIET, 0, 0))
 			warning("could not refresh index");
 	} else {
 		struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
@@ -497,6 +499,10 @@
 		cp.git_cmd = 1;
 		cp.dir = prefix;
+		argv_array_pushf(&cp.env_array, GIT_WORK_TREE_ENVIRONMENT"=%s",
+				 absolute_path(get_git_work_tree()));
+		argv_array_pushf(&cp.env_array, GIT_DIR_ENVIRONMENT"=%s",
+				 absolute_path(get_git_dir()));
 		argv_array_push(&cp.args, "status");
@@ -1129,7 +1135,10 @@
 	prepare_fallback_ident("git stash", "git@stash");
-	refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET);
+	if (refresh_and_write_cache(REFRESH_QUIET, 0, 0) < 0) {
+		ret = -1;
+		goto done;
+	}
 	if (get_oid("HEAD", &info->b_commit)) {
 		if (!quiet)
@@ -1290,7 +1299,7 @@
-	if (refresh_cache(REFRESH_QUIET)) {
+	if (refresh_and_write_cache(REFRESH_QUIET, 0, 0)) {
 		ret = -1;
 		goto done;
@@ -1383,7 +1392,7 @@
 			struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
 			cp.git_cmd = 1;
 			argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "reset", "--hard", "-q",
-					 NULL);
+					 "--no-recurse-submodules", NULL);
 			if (run_command(&cp)) {
 				ret = -1;
 				goto done;
@@ -1391,30 +1400,16 @@
 		if (keep_index == 1 && !is_null_oid(&info.i_tree)) {
-			struct child_process cp_ls = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
-			struct child_process cp_checkout = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
-			struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
+			struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
-			if (reset_tree(&info.i_tree, 0, 1)) {
-				ret = -1;
-				goto done;
-			}
-			cp_ls.git_cmd = 1;
-			argv_array_pushl(&cp_ls.args, "ls-files", "-z",
-					 "--modified", "--", NULL);
-			add_pathspecs(&cp_ls.args, ps);
-			if (pipe_command(&cp_ls, NULL, 0, &out, 0, NULL, 0)) {
-				ret = -1;
-				goto done;
-			}
-			cp_checkout.git_cmd = 1;
-			argv_array_pushl(&cp_checkout.args, "checkout-index",
-					 "-z", "--force", "--stdin", NULL);
-			if (pipe_command(&cp_checkout, out.buf, out.len, NULL,
-					 0, NULL, 0)) {
+			cp.git_cmd = 1;
+			argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "checkout", "--no-overlay",
+					 oid_to_hex(&info.i_tree), "--", NULL);
+			if (!ps->nr)
+				argv_array_push(&cp.args, ":/");
+			else
+				add_pathspecs(&cp.args, ps);
+			if (run_command(&cp)) {
 				ret = -1;
 				goto done;
diff --git a/builtin/submodule--helper.c b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
index 909e77e..2c2395a 100644
--- a/builtin/submodule--helper.c
+++ b/builtin/submodule--helper.c
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 		const struct cache_entry *ce = list.entries[i];
 		if (ce_stage(ce))
-			printf("%06o %s U\t", ce->ce_mode, sha1_to_hex(null_sha1));
+			printf("%06o %s U\t", ce->ce_mode, oid_to_hex(&null_oid));
 			printf("%06o %s %d\t", ce->ce_mode,
 			       oid_to_hex(&ce->oid), ce_stage(ce));
@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@
 	const char *const git_submodule_helper_usage[] = {
-		N_("git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"),
+		N_("git submodule--helper update-clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"),
 	suc.prefix = prefix;
diff --git a/builtin/verify-commit.c b/builtin/verify-commit.c
index 4b9e823..40c69a0 100644
--- a/builtin/verify-commit.c
+++ b/builtin/verify-commit.c
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #include "repository.h"
 #include "commit.h"
 #include "run-command.h"
-#include <signal.h>
 #include "parse-options.h"
 #include "gpg-interface.h"
diff --git a/builtin/verify-tag.c b/builtin/verify-tag.c
index 6fa04b7..f45136a 100644
--- a/builtin/verify-tag.c
+++ b/builtin/verify-tag.c
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include "builtin.h"
 #include "tag.h"
 #include "run-command.h"
-#include <signal.h>
 #include "parse-options.h"
 #include "gpg-interface.h"
 #include "ref-filter.h"
diff --git a/builtin/worktree.c b/builtin/worktree.c
index a5bb02b..4de44f5 100644
--- a/builtin/worktree.c
+++ b/builtin/worktree.c
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 #include "run-command.h"
 #include "sigchain.h"
 #include "submodule.h"
-#include "refs.h"
 #include "utf8.h"
 #include "worktree.h"
@@ -350,7 +349,7 @@
 	strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/HEAD", sb_repo.buf);
-	write_file(sb.buf, "%s", sha1_to_hex(null_sha1));
+	write_file(sb.buf, "%s", oid_to_hex(&null_oid));
 	strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/commondir", sb_repo.buf);
 	write_file(sb.buf, "../..");
@@ -880,7 +879,7 @@
 	ret = xread(cp.out, buf, sizeof(buf));
 	if (ret)
-		die(_("'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"),
+		die(_("'%s' contains modified or untracked files, use --force to delete it"),
 	ret = finish_command(&cp);
diff --git a/bulk-checkin.c b/bulk-checkin.c
index 39ee7d6..583aacb 100644
--- a/bulk-checkin.c
+++ b/bulk-checkin.c
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
 	git_hash_ctx ctx;
 	unsigned char obuf[16384];
 	unsigned header_len;
-	struct hashfile_checkpoint checkpoint;
+	struct hashfile_checkpoint checkpoint = {0};
 	struct pack_idx_entry *idx = NULL;
 	seekback = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
diff --git a/bundle.c b/bundle.c
index b5d21cd..a85ed3f 100644
--- a/bundle.c
+++ b/bundle.c
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
 		struct object *object = revs->pending.objects[i].item;
 		if (object->flags & UNINTERESTING)
 			write_or_die(, "^", 1);
-		write_or_die(, oid_to_hex(&object->oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
+		write_or_die(, oid_to_hex(&object->oid), the_hash_algo->hexsz);
 		write_or_die(, "\n", 1);
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
-		write_or_die(bundle_fd, oid_to_hex(&e->item->oid), 40);
+		write_or_die(bundle_fd, oid_to_hex(&e->item->oid), the_hash_algo->hexsz);
 		write_or_die(bundle_fd, " ", 1);
 		write_or_die(bundle_fd, display_ref, strlen(display_ref));
 		write_or_die(bundle_fd, "\n", 1);
diff --git a/cache-tree.c b/cache-tree.c
index 706ffcf..1bd1b23 100644
--- a/cache-tree.c
+++ b/cache-tree.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "cache-tree.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
 #include "replace-object.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
@@ -357,7 +358,7 @@
 		ce_missing_ok = mode == S_IFGITLINK || missing_ok ||
-			(repository_format_partial_clone &&
+			(has_promisor_remote() &&
 		if (is_null_oid(oid) ||
 		    (!ce_missing_ok && !has_object_file(oid))) {
@@ -407,7 +408,7 @@
 	if (repair) {
 		struct object_id oid;
 		hash_object_file(buffer.buf, buffer.len, tree_type, &oid);
-		if (has_object_file(&oid))
+		if (has_object_file_with_flags(&oid, OBJECT_INFO_SKIP_FETCH_OBJECT))
 			oidcpy(&it->oid, &oid);
 			to_invalidate = 1;
@@ -608,11 +609,66 @@
 	return it;
+static int write_index_as_tree_internal(struct object_id *oid,
+					struct index_state *index_state,
+					int cache_tree_valid,
+					int flags,
+					const char *prefix)
+		cache_tree_free(&index_state->cache_tree);
+		cache_tree_valid = 0;
+	}
+	if (!index_state->cache_tree)
+		index_state->cache_tree = cache_tree();
+	if (!cache_tree_valid && cache_tree_update(index_state, flags) < 0)
+	if (prefix) {
+		struct cache_tree *subtree;
+		subtree = cache_tree_find(index_state->cache_tree, prefix);
+		if (!subtree)
+		oidcpy(oid, &subtree->oid);
+	}
+	else
+		oidcpy(oid, &index_state->cache_tree->oid);
+	return 0;
+struct tree* write_in_core_index_as_tree(struct repository *repo) {
+	struct object_id o;
+	int was_valid, ret;
+	struct index_state *index_state	= repo->index;
+	was_valid = index_state->cache_tree &&
+		    cache_tree_fully_valid(index_state->cache_tree);
+	ret = write_index_as_tree_internal(&o, index_state, was_valid, 0, NULL);
+		int i;
+		fprintf(stderr, "BUG: There are unmerged index entries:\n");
+		for (i = 0; i < index_state->cache_nr; i++) {
+			const struct cache_entry *ce = index_state->cache[i];
+			if (ce_stage(ce))
+				fprintf(stderr, "BUG: %d %.*s\n", ce_stage(ce),
+					(int)ce_namelen(ce), ce->name);
+		}
+		BUG("unmerged index entries when writing inmemory index");
+	}
+	return lookup_tree(repo, &index_state->cache_tree->oid);
 int write_index_as_tree(struct object_id *oid, struct index_state *index_state, const char *index_path, int flags, const char *prefix)
 	int entries, was_valid;
 	struct lock_file lock_file = LOCK_INIT;
-	int ret = 0;
+	int ret;
 	hold_lock_file_for_update(&lock_file, index_path, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
@@ -621,18 +677,14 @@
 		goto out;
-		cache_tree_free(&index_state->cache_tree);
-	if (!index_state->cache_tree)
-		index_state->cache_tree = cache_tree();
+	was_valid = !(flags & WRITE_TREE_IGNORE_CACHE_TREE) &&
+		    index_state->cache_tree &&
+		    cache_tree_fully_valid(index_state->cache_tree);
-	was_valid = cache_tree_fully_valid(index_state->cache_tree);
-	if (!was_valid) {
-		if (cache_tree_update(index_state, flags) < 0) {
-			goto out;
-		}
+	ret = write_index_as_tree_internal(oid, index_state, was_valid, flags,
+					   prefix);
+	if (!ret && !was_valid) {
 		write_locked_index(index_state, &lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK);
 		/* Not being able to write is fine -- we are only interested
 		 * in updating the cache-tree part, and if the next caller
@@ -642,18 +694,6 @@
-	if (prefix) {
-		struct cache_tree *subtree;
-		subtree = cache_tree_find(index_state->cache_tree, prefix);
-		if (!subtree) {
-			goto out;
-		}
-		oidcpy(oid, &subtree->oid);
-	}
-	else
-		oidcpy(oid, &index_state->cache_tree->oid);
 	return ret;
@@ -713,7 +753,7 @@
 	if (!info->prev)
 		return root;
 	our_parent = find_cache_tree_from_traversal(root, info->prev);
-	return cache_tree_find(our_parent, info->name.path);
+	return cache_tree_find(our_parent, info->name);
 int cache_tree_matches_traversal(struct cache_tree *root,
diff --git a/cache-tree.h b/cache-tree.h
index 757bbc4..639bfa5 100644
--- a/cache-tree.h
+++ b/cache-tree.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 int cache_tree_update(struct index_state *, int);
 void cache_tree_verify(struct repository *, struct index_state *);
-/* bitmasks to write_cache_as_tree flags */
+/* bitmasks to write_index_as_tree flags */
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
+struct tree* write_in_core_index_as_tree(struct repository *repo);
 int write_index_as_tree(struct object_id *oid, struct index_state *index_state, const char *index_path, int flags, const char *prefix);
 void prime_cache_tree(struct repository *, struct index_state *, struct tree *);
diff --git a/cache.h b/cache.h
index b1da1ab..04cabaa 100644
--- a/cache.h
+++ b/cache.h
@@ -414,6 +414,7 @@
 #define add_file_to_cache(path, flags) add_file_to_index(&the_index, (path), (flags))
 #define chmod_cache_entry(ce, flip) chmod_index_entry(&the_index, (ce), (flip))
 #define refresh_cache(flags) refresh_index(&the_index, (flags), NULL, NULL, NULL)
+#define refresh_and_write_cache(refresh_flags, write_flags, gentle) repo_refresh_and_write_index(the_repository, (refresh_flags), (write_flags), (gentle), NULL, NULL, NULL)
 #define ce_match_stat(ce, st, options) ie_match_stat(&the_index, (ce), (st), (options))
 #define ce_modified(ce, st, options) ie_modified(&the_index, (ce), (st), (options))
 #define cache_dir_exists(name, namelen) index_dir_exists(&the_index, (name), (namelen))
@@ -636,6 +637,9 @@
  * at least 'nr' entries; the number of entries currently allocated
  * is 'alloc', using the standard growing factor alloc_nr() macro.
+ * Consider using ALLOC_GROW_BY instead of ALLOC_GROW as it has some
+ * added niceties.
+ *
  * DO NOT USE any expression with side-effect for 'x', 'nr', or 'alloc'.
 #define ALLOC_GROW(x, nr, alloc) \
@@ -649,6 +653,25 @@
 		} \
 	} while (0)
+ * Similar to ALLOC_GROW but handles updating of the nr value and
+ * zeroing the bytes of the newly-grown array elements.
+ *
+ * DO NOT USE any expression with side-effect for any of the
+ * arguments.
+ */
+#define ALLOC_GROW_BY(x, nr, increase, alloc) \
+	do { \
+		if (increase) { \
+			size_t new_nr = nr + (increase); \
+			if (new_nr < nr) \
+				BUG("negative growth in ALLOC_GROW_BY"); \
+			ALLOC_GROW(x, new_nr, alloc); \
+			memset((x) + nr, 0, sizeof(*(x)) * (increase)); \
+			nr = new_nr; \
+		} \
+	} while (0)
 /* Initialize and use the cache information */
 struct lock_file;
 void preload_index(struct index_state *index,
@@ -725,6 +748,19 @@
 int index_name_pos(const struct index_state *, const char *name, int namelen);
+ * Some functions return the negative complement of an insert position when a
+ * precise match was not found but a position was found where the entry would
+ * need to be inserted. This helper protects that logic from any integer
+ * underflow.
+ */
+static inline int index_pos_to_insert_pos(uintmax_t pos)
+	if (pos > INT_MAX)
+		die("overflow: -1 - %"PRIuMAX, pos);
+	return -1 - (int)pos;
 #define ADD_CACHE_OK_TO_ADD 1		/* Ok to add */
 #define ADD_CACHE_OK_TO_REPLACE 2	/* Ok to replace file/directory */
 #define ADD_CACHE_SKIP_DFCHECK 4	/* Ok to skip DF conflict checks */
@@ -812,6 +848,23 @@
 #define REFRESH_IN_PORCELAIN	0x0020	/* user friendly output, not "needs update" */
 #define REFRESH_PROGRESS	0x0040  /* show progress bar if stderr is tty */
 int refresh_index(struct index_state *, unsigned int flags, const struct pathspec *pathspec, char *seen, const char *header_msg);
+ * Refresh the index and write it to disk.
+ *
+ * 'refresh_flags' is passed directly to 'refresh_index()', while
+ * 'COMMIT_LOCK | write_flags' is passed to 'write_locked_index()', so
+ * the lockfile is always either committed or rolled back.
+ *
+ * If 'gentle' is passed, errors locking the index are ignored.
+ *
+ * Return 1 if refreshing the index returns an error, -1 if writing
+ * the index to disk fails, 0 on success.
+ *
+ * Note that if refreshing the index returns an error, we still write
+ * out the index (unless locking fails).
+ */
+int repo_refresh_and_write_index(struct repository*, unsigned int refresh_flags, unsigned int write_flags, int gentle, const struct pathspec *, char *seen, const char *header_msg);
 struct cache_entry *refresh_cache_entry(struct index_state *, struct cache_entry *, unsigned int);
 void set_alternate_index_output(const char *);
@@ -937,8 +990,6 @@
 extern int repository_format_precious_objects;
-extern char *repository_format_partial_clone;
-extern const char *core_partial_clone_filter_default;
 extern int repository_format_worktree_config;
@@ -1029,7 +1080,6 @@
 int repo_find_unique_abbrev_r(struct repository *r, char *hex, const struct object_id *oid, int len);
 #define find_unique_abbrev_r(hex, oid, len) repo_find_unique_abbrev_r(the_repository, hex, oid, len)
-extern const unsigned char null_sha1[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
 extern const struct object_id null_oid;
 static inline int hashcmp(const unsigned char *sha1, const unsigned char *sha2)
@@ -1064,14 +1114,9 @@
 	return hasheq(oid1->hash, oid2->hash);
-static inline int is_null_sha1(const unsigned char *sha1)
-	return hasheq(sha1, null_sha1);
 static inline int is_null_oid(const struct object_id *oid)
-	return hasheq(oid->hash, null_sha1);
+	return oideq(oid, &null_oid);
 static inline void hashcpy(unsigned char *sha_dst, const unsigned char *sha_src)
@@ -1516,8 +1561,7 @@
 struct date_mode *date_mode_from_type(enum date_mode_type type);
 const char *show_date(timestamp_t time, int timezone, const struct date_mode *mode);
-void show_date_relative(timestamp_t time, const struct timeval *now,
-			struct strbuf *timebuf);
+void show_date_relative(timestamp_t time, struct strbuf *timebuf);
 void show_date_human(timestamp_t time, int tz, const struct timeval *now,
 			struct strbuf *timebuf);
 int parse_date(const char *date, struct strbuf *out);
@@ -1526,7 +1570,7 @@
 void datestamp(struct strbuf *out);
 #define approxidate(s) approxidate_careful((s), NULL)
 timestamp_t approxidate_careful(const char *, int *);
-timestamp_t approxidate_relative(const char *date, const struct timeval *now);
+timestamp_t approxidate_relative(const char *date);
 void parse_date_format(const char *format, struct date_mode *mode);
 int date_overflows(timestamp_t date);
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 8cc7250..ce149ed 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@
 	brew link --force gettext
+	brew cask install perforce || {
+		# Update the definitions and try again
+		git -C "$(brew --repository)"/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask pull &&
+		brew cask install perforce
+	} ||
 	brew install caskroom/cask/perforce
 	case "$jobname" in
@@ -49,11 +54,12 @@
 	sudo apt-get -q update
-	sudo apt-get -q -y install coccinelle
+	sudo apt-get -q -y install coccinelle libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev \
+		libexpat-dev gettext
 	sudo apt-get -q update
-	sudo apt-get -q -y install asciidoc xmlto
+	sudo apt-get -q -y install asciidoc xmlto docbook-xsl-ns
 	gem install --version 1.5.8 asciidoctor
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 0c7171a..c8c2c38 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@
 # successfully before (e.g. because the branch got rebased, changing only
 # the commit messages).
 skip_good_tree () {
+	if test "$TRAVIS_DEBUG_MODE" = true
+	then
+		return
+	fi
 	if ! good_tree_info="$(grep "^$(git rev-parse $CI_COMMIT^{tree}) " "$good_trees_file")"
 		# Haven't seen this tree yet, or no cached good trees file yet.
@@ -160,7 +165,7 @@
 		export CC=gcc-8
-	export GIT_TEST_HTTPD=YesPlease
+	export GIT_TEST_HTTPD=true
 	# The Linux build installs the defined dependency versions below.
 	# The OS X build installs much more recent versions, whichever
@@ -186,7 +191,7 @@
 	export GIT_SKIP_TESTS="t9810 t9816"
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index cdd2913..ff0ef7f 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
-make test
-if test "$jobname" = "linux-gcc"
+case "$jobname" in
+	make test
 	export GIT_TEST_OE_SIZE=10
@@ -21,7 +21,16 @@
 	make test
+	;;
+	# Don't run the tests; we only care about whether Git can be
+	# built with GCC 4.8, as it errors out on some undesired (C99)
+	# constructs that newer compilers seem to quietly accept.
+	;;
+	make test
+	;;
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index a19aa7e..65bcebd 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -26,4 +26,7 @@
 	exit 1
+make hdr-check ||
+exit 1
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index d490898..b3e76ef 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 filter_log () {
 	sed -e '/^GIT_VERSION = /d' \
 	    -e '/^    \* new asciidoc flags$/d' \
+	    -e '/stripped namespace before processing/d' \
+	    -e '/Attributed.*IDs for element/d' \
diff --git a/column.c b/column.c
index 7a17c14..4a38eed 100644
--- a/column.c
+++ b/column.c
@@ -23,18 +23,7 @@
 /* return length of 's' in letters, ANSI escapes stripped */
 static int item_length(const char *s)
-	int len, i = 0;
-	struct strbuf str = STRBUF_INIT;
-	strbuf_addstr(&str, s);
-	while ((s = strstr(str.buf + i, "\033[")) != NULL) {
-		int len = strspn(s + 2, "0123456789;");
-		i = s - str.buf;
-		strbuf_remove(&str, i, len + 3); /* \033[<len><func char> */
-	}
-	len = utf8_strwidth(str.buf);
-	strbuf_release(&str);
-	return len;
+	return utf8_strnwidth(s, -1, 1);
diff --git a/combine-diff.c b/combine-diff.c
index 3e49f3b..d5c4d83 100644
--- a/combine-diff.c
+++ b/combine-diff.c
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@
 				 int show_file_header)
 	struct diff_options *opt = &rev->diffopt;
-	int abbrev = opt->flags.full_index ? GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ : DEFAULT_ABBREV;
+	int abbrev = opt->flags.full_index ? the_hash_algo->hexsz : DEFAULT_ABBREV;
 	const char *a_prefix = opt->a_prefix ? opt->a_prefix : "a/";
 	const char *b_prefix = opt->b_prefix ? opt->b_prefix : "b/";
 	const char *c_meta = diff_get_color_opt(opt, DIFF_METAINFO);
diff --git a/commit-graph.c b/commit-graph.c
index 7854e49..fc4a43b 100644
--- a/commit-graph.c
+++ b/commit-graph.c
@@ -434,6 +434,7 @@
+	strbuf_release(&line);
 	return graph_chain;
@@ -467,14 +468,21 @@
 	struct object_directory *odb;
-	if (git_env_bool(GIT_TEST_COMMIT_GRAPH_DIE_ON_LOAD, 0))
-		die("dying as requested by the '%s' variable on commit-graph load!",
+	/*
+	 * This must come before the "already attempted?" check below, because
+	 * we want to disable even an already-loaded graph file.
+	 */
+	if (r->commit_graph_disabled)
+		return 0;
 	if (r->objects->commit_graph_attempted)
 		return !!r->objects->commit_graph;
 	r->objects->commit_graph_attempted = 1;
+	if (git_env_bool(GIT_TEST_COMMIT_GRAPH_DIE_ON_LOAD, 0))
+		die("dying as requested by the '%s' variable on commit-graph load!",
 	if (!git_env_bool(GIT_TEST_COMMIT_GRAPH, 0) &&
@@ -782,7 +790,8 @@
 	unsigned append:1,
-		 split:1;
+		 split:1,
+		 check_oids:1;
 	const struct split_commit_graph_opts *split_opts;
@@ -837,12 +846,19 @@
 	while (list < last) {
 		struct commit_list *parent;
+		struct object_id *tree;
 		int edge_value;
 		uint32_t packedDate[2];
 		display_progress(ctx->progress, ++ctx->progress_cnt);
-		parse_commit_no_graph(*list);
-		hashwrite(f, get_commit_tree_oid(*list)->hash, hash_len);
+		if (parse_commit_no_graph(*list))
+			die(_("unable to parse commit %s"),
+				oid_to_hex(&(*list)->object.oid));
+		tree = get_commit_tree_oid(*list);
+		if (!tree)
+			die(_("unable to get tree for %s"),
+				oid_to_hex(&(*list)->object.oid));
+		hashwrite(f, tree->hash, hash_len);
 		parent = (*list)->parents;
@@ -1048,7 +1064,7 @@
 	if (ctx->report_progress)
 		ctx->progress = start_delayed_progress(
 					_("Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"),
-					ctx->;
+					0);
 	for (i = 0; i < ctx->; i++) {
 		display_progress(ctx->progress, i + 1);
 		commit = lookup_commit(ctx->r, &ctx->oids.list[i]);
@@ -1133,7 +1149,8 @@
 	return 0;
-int write_commit_graph_reachable(const char *obj_dir, unsigned int flags,
+int write_commit_graph_reachable(const char *obj_dir,
+				 enum commit_graph_write_flags flags,
 				 const struct split_commit_graph_opts *split_opts)
 	struct string_list list = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -1186,14 +1203,14 @@
-	strbuf_reset(&progress_title);
+	strbuf_release(&progress_title);
 	return 0;
-static void fill_oids_from_commit_hex(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx,
-				      struct string_list *commit_hex)
+static int fill_oids_from_commit_hex(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx,
+				     struct string_list *commit_hex)
 	uint32_t i;
 	struct strbuf progress_title = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -1214,20 +1231,21 @@
 		struct commit *result;
 		display_progress(ctx->progress, i + 1);
-		if (commit_hex->items[i].string &&
-		    parse_oid_hex(commit_hex->items[i].string, &oid, &end))
-			continue;
-		result = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ctx->r, &oid, 1);
-		if (result) {
+		if (!parse_oid_hex(commit_hex->items[i].string, &oid, &end) &&
+		    (result = lookup_commit_reference_gently(ctx->r, &oid, 1))) {
 			ALLOC_GROW(ctx->oids.list, ctx-> + 1, ctx->oids.alloc);
 			oidcpy(&ctx->oids.list[ctx->], &(result->object.oid));
+		} else if (ctx->check_oids) {
+			error(_("invalid commit object id: %s"),
+			    commit_hex->items[i].string);
+			return -1;
+	return 0;
 static void fill_oids_from_all_packs(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx)
@@ -1275,7 +1293,6 @@
 static void copy_oids_to_commits(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx)
 	uint32_t i;
-	struct commit_list *parent;
 	ctx->num_extra_edges = 0;
 	if (ctx->report_progress)
@@ -1283,7 +1300,8 @@
 			_("Finding extra edges in commit graph"),
 	for (i = 0; i < ctx->; i++) {
-		int num_parents = 0;
+		unsigned int num_parents;
 		display_progress(ctx->progress, i + 1);
 		if (i > 0 && oideq(&ctx->oids.list[i - 1], &ctx->oids.list[i]))
@@ -1297,10 +1315,7 @@
-		for (parent = ctx->commits.list[ctx->]->parents;
-		     parent; parent = parent->next)
-			num_parents++;
+		num_parents = commit_list_count(ctx->commits.list[ctx->]->parents);
 		if (num_parents > 2)
 			ctx->num_extra_edges += num_parents - 1;
@@ -1518,8 +1533,8 @@
 static void split_graph_merge_strategy(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx)
-	struct commit_graph *g = ctx->r->objects->commit_graph;
-	uint32_t num_commits = ctx->;
+	struct commit_graph *g;
+	uint32_t num_commits;
 	uint32_t i;
 	int max_commits = 0;
@@ -1531,6 +1546,7 @@
 	g = ctx->r->objects->commit_graph;
+	num_commits = ctx->;
 	ctx->num_commit_graphs_after = ctx->num_commit_graphs_before + 1;
 	while (g && (g->num_commits <= size_mult * num_commits ||
@@ -1612,8 +1628,7 @@
 static void sort_and_scan_merged_commits(struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx)
-	uint32_t i, num_parents;
-	struct commit_list *parent;
+	uint32_t i;
 	if (ctx->report_progress)
 		ctx->progress = start_delayed_progress(
@@ -1631,12 +1646,11 @@
 			die(_("unexpected duplicate commit id %s"),
 		} else {
-			num_parents = 0;
-			for (parent = ctx->commits.list[i]->parents; parent; parent = parent->next)
-				num_parents++;
+			unsigned int num_parents;
+			num_parents = commit_list_count(ctx->commits.list[i]->parents);
 			if (num_parents > 2)
-				ctx->num_extra_edges += num_parents - 2;
+				ctx->num_extra_edges += num_parents - 1;
@@ -1713,10 +1727,8 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(&path, "/info/commit-graphs");
 	dir = opendir(path.buf);
-	if (!dir) {
-		strbuf_release(&path);
-		return;
-	}
+	if (!dir)
+		goto out;
 	strbuf_addch(&path, '/');
 	dirnamelen = path.len;
@@ -1745,12 +1757,15 @@
 		if (!found)
+	strbuf_release(&path);
 int write_commit_graph(const char *obj_dir,
 		       struct string_list *pack_indexes,
 		       struct string_list *commit_hex,
-		       unsigned int flags,
+		       enum commit_graph_write_flags flags,
 		       const struct split_commit_graph_opts *split_opts)
 	struct write_commit_graph_context *ctx;
@@ -1771,9 +1786,10 @@
 	if (len && ctx->obj_dir[len - 1] == '/')
 		ctx->obj_dir[len - 1] = 0;
-	ctx->append = flags & COMMIT_GRAPH_APPEND ? 1 : 0;
-	ctx->report_progress = flags & COMMIT_GRAPH_PROGRESS ? 1 : 0;
-	ctx->split = flags & COMMIT_GRAPH_SPLIT ? 1 : 0;
+	ctx->append = flags & COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_APPEND ? 1 : 0;
+	ctx->report_progress = flags & COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_PROGRESS ? 1 : 0;
+	ctx->split = flags & COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_SPLIT ? 1 : 0;
+	ctx->check_oids = flags & COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_CHECK_OIDS ? 1 : 0;
 	ctx->split_opts = split_opts;
 	if (ctx->split) {
@@ -1828,8 +1844,10 @@
 			goto cleanup;
-	if (commit_hex)
-		fill_oids_from_commit_hex(ctx, commit_hex);
+	if (commit_hex) {
+		if ((res = fill_oids_from_commit_hex(ctx, commit_hex)))
+			goto cleanup;
+	}
 	if (!pack_indexes && !commit_hex)
@@ -1984,8 +2002,10 @@
 	if (verify_commit_graph_error & ~VERIFY_COMMIT_GRAPH_ERROR_HASH)
 		return verify_commit_graph_error;
-	progress = start_progress(_("Verifying commits in commit graph"),
-				  g->num_commits);
+		progress = start_progress(_("Verifying commits in commit graph"),
+					g->num_commits);
 	for (i = 0; i < g->num_commits; i++) {
 		struct commit *graph_commit, *odb_commit;
 		struct commit_list *graph_parents, *odb_parents;
@@ -2093,3 +2113,8 @@
+void disable_commit_graph(struct repository *r)
+	r->commit_graph_disabled = 1;
diff --git a/commit-graph.h b/commit-graph.h
index df9a3b2..7f5c933 100644
--- a/commit-graph.h
+++ b/commit-graph.h
@@ -71,9 +71,13 @@
 int generation_numbers_enabled(struct repository *r);
-#define COMMIT_GRAPH_APPEND     (1 << 0)
-#define COMMIT_GRAPH_PROGRESS   (1 << 1)
-#define COMMIT_GRAPH_SPLIT      (1 << 2)
+enum commit_graph_write_flags {
+	COMMIT_GRAPH_WRITE_SPLIT      = (1 << 2),
+	/* Make sure that each OID in the input is a valid commit OID. */
 struct split_commit_graph_opts {
 	int size_multiple;
@@ -87,12 +91,13 @@
  * is not compatible with the commit-graph feature, then the
  * methods will return 0 without writing a commit-graph.
-int write_commit_graph_reachable(const char *obj_dir, unsigned int flags,
+int write_commit_graph_reachable(const char *obj_dir,
+				 enum commit_graph_write_flags flags,
 				 const struct split_commit_graph_opts *split_opts);
 int write_commit_graph(const char *obj_dir,
 		       struct string_list *pack_indexes,
 		       struct string_list *commit_hex,
-		       unsigned int flags,
+		       enum commit_graph_write_flags flags,
 		       const struct split_commit_graph_opts *split_opts);
@@ -102,4 +107,10 @@
 void close_commit_graph(struct raw_object_store *);
 void free_commit_graph(struct commit_graph *);
+ * Disable further use of the commit graph in this process when parsing a
+ * "struct commit".
+ */
+void disable_commit_graph(struct repository *r);
diff --git a/commit.c b/commit.c
index a98de16..40890ae 100644
--- a/commit.c
+++ b/commit.c
@@ -358,14 +358,15 @@
 struct object_id *get_commit_tree_oid(const struct commit *commit)
-	return &get_commit_tree(commit)->object.oid;
+	struct tree *tree = get_commit_tree(commit);
+	return tree ? &tree->object.oid : NULL;
 void release_commit_memory(struct parsed_object_pool *pool, struct commit *c)
 	set_commit_tree(c, NULL);
-	c->index = 0;
 	free_commit_buffer(pool, c);
+	c->index = 0;
 	c->object.parsed = 0;
diff --git a/common-main.c b/common-main.c
index 582a7b1..71e21dd 100644
--- a/common-main.c
+++ b/common-main.c
@@ -39,16 +39,16 @@
-	trace2_initialize();
-	trace2_cmd_start(argv);
-	trace2_collect_process_info(TRACE2_PROCESS_INFO_STARTUP);
+	trace2_initialize();
+	trace2_cmd_start(argv);
+	trace2_collect_process_info(TRACE2_PROCESS_INFO_STARTUP);
 	result = cmd_main(argc, argv);
diff --git a/compat/mingw.c b/compat/mingw.c
index d991346..6b765d9 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.c
+++ b/compat/mingw.c
@@ -1161,14 +1161,21 @@
 			 int isexe, int exe_only)
 	char path[MAX_PATH];
+	wchar_t wpath[MAX_PATH];
 	snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%.*s\\%s.exe", dirlen, dir, cmd);
-	if (!isexe && access(path, F_OK) == 0)
+	if (xutftowcs_path(wpath, path) < 0)
+		return NULL;
+	if (!isexe && _waccess(wpath, F_OK) == 0)
 		return xstrdup(path);
-	path[strlen(path)-4] = '\0';
-	if ((!exe_only || isexe) && access(path, F_OK) == 0)
-		if (!(GetFileAttributes(path) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
+	wpath[wcslen(wpath)-4] = '\0';
+	if ((!exe_only || isexe) && _waccess(wpath, F_OK) == 0) {
+		if (!(GetFileAttributesW(wpath) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
+			path[strlen(path)-4] = '\0';
 			return xstrdup(path);
+		}
+	}
 	return NULL;
@@ -1229,11 +1236,6 @@
 	return _wcsnicmp(p, q, p_len);
-/* We need a stable sort to convert the environment between UTF-16 <-> UTF-8 */
-#include "qsort.c"
  * Build an environment block combining the inherited environment
  * merged with the given list of settings.
@@ -1265,15 +1267,15 @@
 		ALLOC_ARRAY(result, size);
-		memcpy(result, wenv, size * sizeof(*wenv));
+		COPY_ARRAY(result, wenv, size);
 		return result;
 	 * If there is a deltaenv, let's accumulate all keys into `array`,
-	 * sort them using the stable git_qsort() and then copy, skipping
-	 * duplicate keys
+	 * sort them using the stable git_stable_qsort() and then copy,
+	 * skipping duplicate keys
 	for (p = wenv; p && *p; ) {
 		ALLOC_GROW(array, nr + 1, alloc);
@@ -1296,7 +1298,7 @@
 		p += wlen + 1;
-	git_qsort(array, nr, sizeof(*array), wenvcmp);
+	git_stable_qsort(array, nr, sizeof(*array), wenvcmp);
 	ALLOC_ARRAY(result, size + delta_size);
 	for (p = result, i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
@@ -1309,7 +1311,7 @@
 		size = wcslen(array[i]) + 1;
-		memcpy(p, array[i], size * sizeof(*p));
+		COPY_ARRAY(p, array[i], size);
 		p += size;
 	*p = L'\0';
@@ -1437,7 +1439,9 @@
 	si.hStdOutput = winansi_get_osfhandle(fhout);
 	si.hStdError = winansi_get_osfhandle(fherr);
-	if (xutftowcs_path(wcmd, cmd) < 0)
+	if (*argv && !strcmp(cmd, *argv))
+		wcmd[0] = L'\0';
+	else if (xutftowcs_path(wcmd, cmd) < 0)
 		return -1;
 	if (dir && xutftowcs_path(wdir, dir) < 0)
 		return -1;
@@ -1466,8 +1470,8 @@
 	wenvblk = make_environment_block(deltaenv);
 	memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
-	ret = CreateProcessW(wcmd, wargs, NULL, NULL, TRUE, flags,
-		wenvblk, dir ? wdir : NULL, &si, &pi);
+	ret = CreateProcessW(*wcmd ? wcmd : NULL, wargs, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
+		flags, wenvblk, dir ? wdir : NULL, &si, &pi);
@@ -1661,6 +1665,8 @@
 	if (!w_key)
 		die("Out of memory, (tried to allocate %u wchar_t's)", len_key);
 	xutftowcs(w_key, name, len_key);
+	/* GetEnvironmentVariableW() only sets the last error upon failure */
+	SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS);
 	len_value = GetEnvironmentVariableW(w_key, w_value, ARRAY_SIZE(w_value));
 	if (!len_value && GetLastError() == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) {
diff --git a/compat/mingw.h b/compat/mingw.h
index a03e40e..9ad204c 100644
--- a/compat/mingw.h
+++ b/compat/mingw.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-extern int mingw_core_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb);
+int mingw_core_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb);
 #define platform_core_config mingw_core_config
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
 			*path = '/';
 #define PATH_SEP ';'
-extern char *mingw_query_user_email(void);
+char *mingw_query_user_email(void);
 #define query_user_email mingw_query_user_email
 #if !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) && (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1800)
 #define PRIuMAX "I64u"
@@ -580,4 +580,4 @@
  * Used by Pthread API implementation for Windows
-extern int err_win_to_posix(DWORD winerr);
+int err_win_to_posix(DWORD winerr);
diff --git a/compat/nedmalloc/malloc.c.h b/compat/nedmalloc/malloc.c.h
index b833ff9..9134349 100644
--- a/compat/nedmalloc/malloc.c.h
+++ b/compat/nedmalloc/malloc.c.h
@@ -1755,10 +1755,10 @@
   assert(sl->l != 0);
   assert(sl->threadid == CURRENT_THREAD);
   if (--sl->c == 0) {
-    sl->threadid = 0;
     volatile unsigned int* lp = &sl->l;
     int prev = 0;
     int ret;
+    sl->threadid = 0;
     __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; xchgl %0, %1"
 			  : "=r" (ret)
 			  : "m" (*(lp)), "0"(prev)
@@ -3066,7 +3066,7 @@
     /* Set up lock for main malloc area */
     gm->mflags = mparams.default_mflags;
-    INITIAL_LOCK(&gm->mutex);
+    (void)INITIAL_LOCK(&gm->mutex);
@@ -5017,7 +5017,7 @@
   mchunkptr msp = align_as_chunk(tbase);
   mstate m = (mstate)(chunk2mem(msp));
   memset(m, 0, msize);
-  INITIAL_LOCK(&m->mutex);
+  (void)INITIAL_LOCK(&m->mutex);
   msp->head = (msize|PINUSE_BIT|CINUSE_BIT);
   m->seg.base = m->least_addr = tbase;
   m->seg.size = m->footprint = m->max_footprint = tsize;
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/README b/compat/vcbuild/README
index b633e7d..1b6dabf 100644
--- a/compat/vcbuild/README
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/README
@@ -37,6 +37,29 @@
+Alternatively, run `make vcxproj` and then load the generated `git.sln` in
+Visual Studio. The initial build will install the vcpkg system and build the
+dependencies automatically. This will take a while.
+Instead of generating the `git.sln` file yourself (which requires a full Git
+for Windows SDK), you may want to consider fetching the `vs/master` branch of
+ instead (which is updated automatically
+via CI running `make vcxproj`). The `vs/master` branch does not require a Git
+for Windows to build, but you can run the test scripts in a regular Git Bash.
+Note that `make vcxproj` will automatically add and commit the generated `.sln`
+and `.vcxproj` files to the repo. This is necessary to allow building a
+fully-testable Git in Visual Studio, where a regular Git Bash can be used to
+run the test scripts (as opposed to a full Git for Windows SDK): a number of
+build targets, such as Git commands implemented as Unix shell scripts (where
+`@@SHELL_PATH@@` and other placeholders are interpolated) require a full-blown
+Git for Windows SDK (which is about 10x the size of a regular Git for Windows
+If your plan is to open a Pull Request with Git for Windows, it is a good idea
+to drop this commit before submitting.
 The Steps of Build Git with VS2008
 1. You need the build environment, which contains the Git dependencies
diff --git a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
index c7b021b..ec95a3b 100755
--- a/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
+++ b/compat/vcbuild/scripts/
@@ -68,8 +68,54 @@
 	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-L/ && "$arg" ne "-LTCG") {
 		$arg =~ s/^-L/-LIBPATH:/;
 		push(@lflags, $arg);
-	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-R/) {
+	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-[Rl]/) {
 		# eat
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-Werror") {
+		push(@cflags, "-WX");
+	} elsif ("$arg" eq "-Wall") {
+		# cl.exe understands -Wall, but it is really overzealous
+		push(@cflags, "-W4");
+		# disable the "signed/unsigned mismatch" warnings; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4018");
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4245");
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4389");
+		# disable the "unreferenced formal parameter" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4100");
+		# disable the "conditional expression is constant" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4127");
+		# disable the "const object should be initialized" warning; these warnings affect only objects that are `static`
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4132");
+		# disable the "function/data pointer conversion in expression" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4152");
+		# disable the "non-constant aggregate initializer" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4204");
+		# disable the "cannot be initialized using address of automatic variable" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4221");
+		# disable the "possible loss of data" warnings; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4244");
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4267");
+		# disable the "array is too small to include a terminating null character" warning; we ab-use strings to initialize OIDs
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4295");
+		# disable the "'<<': result of 32-bit shift implicitly converted to 64 bits" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4334");
+		# disable the "declaration hides previous local declaration" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4456");
+		# disable the "declaration hides function parameter" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4457");
+		# disable the "declaration hides global declaration" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4459");
+		# disable the "potentially uninitialized local variable '<name>' used" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4701");
+		# disable the "unreachable code" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4702");
+		# disable the "potentially uninitialized local pointer variable used" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4703");
+		# disable the "assignment within conditional expression" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4706");
+		# disable the "'inet_ntoa': Use inet_ntop() or InetNtop() instead" warning; our source code violates that
+		push(@cflags, "-wd4996");
+	} elsif ("$arg" =~ /^-W[a-z]/) {
+		# let's ignore those
 	} else {
 		push(@args, $arg);
diff --git a/compat/win32/path-utils.h b/compat/win32/path-utils.h
index 0f70d43..8ed062a 100644
--- a/compat/win32/path-utils.h
+++ b/compat/win32/path-utils.h
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+#ifndef WIN32_PATH_UTILS_H
+#define WIN32_PATH_UTILS_H
 #define has_dos_drive_prefix(path) \
 	(isalpha(*(path)) && (path)[1] == ':' ? 2 : 0)
 int win32_skip_dos_drive_prefix(char **path);
@@ -18,3 +21,5 @@
 #define find_last_dir_sep win32_find_last_dir_sep
 int win32_offset_1st_component(const char *path);
 #define offset_1st_component win32_offset_1st_component
diff --git a/compat/win32/pthread.h b/compat/win32/pthread.h
index c6cb8dd..737983d 100644
--- a/compat/win32/pthread.h
+++ b/compat/win32/pthread.h
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 	DWORD tid;
 } pthread_t;
-extern int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const void *unused,
-			  void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg);
+int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const void *unused,
+		   void *(*start_routine)(void*), void *arg);
  * To avoid the need of copying a struct, we use small macro wrapper to pass
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@
 #define pthread_join(a, b) win32_pthread_join(&(a), (b))
-extern int win32_pthread_join(pthread_t *thread, void **value_ptr);
+int win32_pthread_join(pthread_t *thread, void **value_ptr);
 #define pthread_equal(t1, t2) ((t1).tid == (t2).tid)
-extern pthread_t pthread_self(void);
+pthread_t pthread_self(void);
 static inline void NORETURN pthread_exit(void *ret)
diff --git a/compat/winansi.c b/compat/winansi.c
index cacd82c..54fd701 100644
--- a/compat/winansi.c
+++ b/compat/winansi.c
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
-	WCHAR NameBuffer[0];
 #define ObjectNameInformation 1
diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
index 3241dbc..e7052b3 100644
--- a/config.c
+++ b/config.c
@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@
 	int flags;
 	int ret;
 	struct strbuf pattern = STRBUF_INIT;
-	const char *refname = resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, &flags);
+	const char *refname = !the_repository->gitdir ?
+		NULL : resolve_ref_unsafe("HEAD", 0, NULL, &flags);
 	const char *shortname;
 	if (!refname || !(flags & REF_ISSYMREF)	||
@@ -973,34 +974,44 @@
 static void die_bad_number(const char *name, const char *value)
-	const char * error_type = (errno == ERANGE)? _("out of range"):_("invalid unit");
+	const char *error_type = (errno == ERANGE) ?
+		N_("out of range") : N_("invalid unit");
+	const char *bad_numeric = N_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s");
 	if (!value)
 		value = "";
+	if (!strcmp(name, "GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON"))
+		/*
+		 * We explicitly *don't* use _() here since it would
+		 * cause an infinite loop with _() needing to call
+		 * use_gettext_poison(). This is why marked up
+		 * translations with N_() above.
+		 */
+		die(bad_numeric, value, name, error_type);
 	if (!(cf && cf->name))
-		die(_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"),
-		    value, name, error_type);
+		die(_(bad_numeric), value, name, _(error_type));
 	switch (cf->origin_type) {
 		die(_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"),
-		    value, name, cf->name, error_type);
+		    value, name, cf->name, _(error_type));
 		die(_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"),
-		    value, name, cf->name, error_type);
+		    value, name, cf->name, _(error_type));
 		die(_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"),
-		    value, name, error_type);
+		    value, name, _(error_type));
 		die(_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"),
-		    value, name, cf->name, error_type);
+		    value, name, cf->name, _(error_type));
 		die(_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"),
-		    value, name, cf->name, error_type);
+		    value, name, cf->name, _(error_type));
 		die(_("bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"),
-		    value, name, cf->name, error_type);
+		    value, name, cf->name, _(error_type));
@@ -1193,7 +1204,7 @@
 			default_abbrev = -1;
 		else {
 			int abbrev = git_config_int(var, value);
-			if (abbrev < minimum_abbrev || abbrev > 40)
+			if (abbrev < minimum_abbrev || abbrev > the_hash_algo->hexsz)
 				return error(_("abbrev length out of range: %d"), abbrev);
 			default_abbrev = abbrev;
@@ -1368,11 +1379,6 @@
 		return 0;
-	if (!strcmp(var, "core.partialclonefilter")) {
-		return git_config_string(&core_partial_clone_filter_default,
-					 var, value);
-	}
 	if (!strcmp(var, "core.usereplacerefs")) {
 		read_replace_refs = git_config_bool(var, value);
 		return 0;
@@ -1850,9 +1856,9 @@
 	if (git_config_parse_key(key, &normalized_key, NULL))
 		return NULL;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&k, strhash(normalized_key));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&k.ent, strhash(normalized_key));
 	k.key = normalized_key;
-	found_entry = hashmap_get(&cs->config_hash, &k, NULL);
+	found_entry = hashmap_get_entry(&cs->config_hash, &k, ent, NULL);
 	return found_entry;
@@ -1871,10 +1877,10 @@
 	if (!e) {
 		e = xmalloc(sizeof(*e));
-		hashmap_entry_init(e, strhash(key));
+		hashmap_entry_init(&e->ent, strhash(key));
 		e->key = xstrdup(key);
 		string_list_init(&e->value_list, 1);
-		hashmap_add(&cs->config_hash, e);
+		hashmap_add(&cs->config_hash, &e->ent);
 	si = string_list_append_nodup(&e->value_list, xstrdup_or_null(value));
@@ -1902,12 +1908,14 @@
 static int config_set_element_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-				  const void *entry,
-				  const void *entry_or_key,
+				  const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+				  const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 				  const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct config_set_element *e1 = entry;
-	const struct config_set_element *e2 = entry_or_key;
+	const struct config_set_element *e1, *e2;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct config_set_element, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct config_set_element, ent);
 	return strcmp(e1->key, e2->key);
@@ -1928,12 +1936,12 @@
 	if (!cs->hash_initialized)
-	hashmap_iter_init(&cs->config_hash, &iter);
-	while ((entry = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&cs->config_hash, &iter, entry,
+				ent /* member name */) {
 		string_list_clear(&entry->value_list, 1);
-	hashmap_free(&cs->config_hash, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&cs->config_hash, struct config_set_element, ent);
 	cs->hash_initialized = 0;
 	cs-> = 0;
diff --git a/config.mak.uname b/config.mak.uname
index 48a6723..cc8efd9 100644
--- a/config.mak.uname
+++ b/config.mak.uname
@@ -25,10 +25,12 @@
 	# See if vcpkg and the vcpkg-build versions of the third-party
 	# libraries that we use are installed.  We include the result
 	# to get $(vcpkg_*) variables defined for the Makefile.
+ifeq (,$(SKIP_VCPKG))
 compat/vcbuild/VCPKG-DEFS: compat/vcbuild/vcpkg_install.bat
 include compat/vcbuild/VCPKG-DEFS
 # We choose to avoid "if .. else if .. else .. endif endif"
 # because maintaining the nesting to match is a pain.  If
@@ -689,3 +691,84 @@
 	NO_STRLCPY = YesPlease
+	# Require clean work tree
+	git update-index -q --refresh && \
+	git diff-files --quiet && \
+	git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --
+	# Make .vcxproj files and add them
+	perl contrib/buildsystems/generate -g Vcxproj
+	git add -f git.sln {*,*/lib,t/helper/*}/*.vcxproj
+	# Generate the LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets and LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets file
+	(echo '<Project xmlns="">' && \
+	 echo '  <Target Name="CopyBuiltins_AfterBuild" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">' && \
+	 for name in $(BUILT_INS);\
+	 do \
+	   echo '    <Copy SourceFiles="$$(OutDir)\git.exe" DestinationFiles="$$(OutDir)\'"$$name"'" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" UseHardlinksIfPossible="true" />'; \
+	 done && \
+	 echo '  </Target>' && \
+	 echo '</Project>') >git/LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets
+	(echo '<Project xmlns="">' && \
+	 echo '  <Target Name="CopyBuiltins_AfterBuild" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">' && \
+	 for name in $(REMOTE_CURL_ALIASES); \
+	 do \
+	   echo '    <Copy SourceFiles="$$(OutDir)\'"$(REMOTE_CURL_PRIMARY)"'" DestinationFiles="$$(OutDir)\'"$$name"'" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" UseHardlinksIfPossible="true" />'; \
+	 done && \
+	 echo '  </Target>' && \
+	 echo '</Project>') >git-remote-http/LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets
+	git add -f git/LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets git-remote-http/LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets
+	# Add command-list.h
+	$(MAKE) MSVC=1 SKIP_VCPKG=1 prefix=/mingw64 command-list.h
+	git add -f command-list.h
+	# Add scripts
+	rm -f perl/perl.mak
+	$(MAKE) MSVC=1 SKIP_VCPKG=1 prefix=/mingw64 $(SCRIPT_LIB) $(SCRIPTS)
+	# Strip out the sane tool path, needed only for building
+	sed -i '/^git_broken_path_fix ".*/d' git-sh-setup
+	git add -f $(SCRIPT_LIB) $(SCRIPTS)
+	# Add Perl module
+	git add -f perl/build
+	# Add bin-wrappers, for testing
+	rm -rf bin-wrappers/
+	$(MAKE) MSVC=1 SKIP_VCPKG=1 prefix=/mingw64 $(test_bindir_programs)
+	# Ensure that the GIT_EXEC_PATH is a Unix-y one, and that the absolute
+	# path of the repository is not hard-coded (GIT_EXEC_PATH will be set
+	# by according to the current setup)
+	sed -i -e 's/^\(GIT_EXEC_PATH\)=.*/test -n "$${\1##*:*}" ||\
+			\1="$$(cygpath -u "$$\1")"/' \
+		-e "s|'$$(pwd)|\"\$$GIT_EXEC_PATH\"'|g" bin-wrappers/*
+	# Ensure that test-* helpers find the .dll files copied to top-level
+	sed -i 's|^PATH=.*|&:"$$GIT_EXEC_PATH"|' bin-wrappers/test-*
+	# We do not want to force hard-linking builtins
+	sed -i 's|\(git\)-\([-a-z]*\)\.exe"|\1.exe" \2|g' \
+		bin-wrappers/git-{receive-pack,upload-archive}
+	git add -f $(test_bindir_programs)
+	# remote-ext is a builtin, but invoked as if it were external
+	sed 's|receive-pack|remote-ext|g' \
+		<bin-wrappers/git-receive-pack >bin-wrappers/git-remote-ext
+	git add -f bin-wrappers/git-remote-ext
+	# Add templates
+	$(MAKE) -C templates
+	git add -f templates/boilerplates.made templates/blt/
+	# Add the translated messages
+	make MSVC=1 SKIP_VCPKG=1 prefix=/mingw64 $(MOFILES)
+	git add -f $(MOFILES)
+	# Add build options
+	git add -f GIT-BUILD-OPTIONS
+	# Commit the whole shebang
+	git commit -m "Generate Visual Studio solution" \
+		-m "Auto-generated by \`$(MAKE)$(MAKEFLAGS) $@\`"
diff --git a/connect.c b/connect.c
index 2778481..da7daa2 100644
--- a/connect.c
+++ b/connect.c
@@ -915,6 +915,10 @@
 	if (protocol == PROTO_LOCAL)
 		path = end;
+	else if (protocol == PROTO_FILE && *host != '/' &&
+		 !has_dos_drive_prefix(host) &&
+		 offset_1st_component(host - 2) > 1)
+		path = host - 2; /* include the leading "//" */
 	else if (protocol == PROTO_FILE && has_dos_drive_prefix(end))
 		path = end; /* "file://$(pwd)" may be "file://C:/projects/repo" */
diff --git a/connected.c b/connected.c
index cd9b324..36c4e5d 100644
--- a/connected.c
+++ b/connected.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "connected.h"
 #include "transport.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
  * If we feed all the commits we want to verify to this command
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
 	struct packed_git *new_pack = NULL;
 	struct transport *transport;
 	size_t base_len;
+	const unsigned hexsz = the_hash_algo->hexsz;
 	if (!opt)
 		opt = &defaults;
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@
 	argv_array_push(&rev_list.args, "--objects");
 	argv_array_push(&rev_list.args, "--stdin");
-	if (repository_format_partial_clone)
+	if (has_promisor_remote())
 		argv_array_push(&rev_list.args, "--exclude-promisor-objects");
 	if (!opt->is_deepening_fetch) {
 		argv_array_push(&rev_list.args, "--not");
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@
 	sigchain_push(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
-	commit[GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ] = '\n';
+	commit[hexsz] = '\n';
 	do {
 		 * If index-pack already checked that:
@@ -112,8 +114,8 @@
 		if (new_pack && find_pack_entry_one(oid.hash, new_pack))
-		memcpy(commit, oid_to_hex(&oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
-		if (write_in_full(, commit, GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ + 1) < 0) {
+		memcpy(commit, oid_to_hex(&oid), hexsz);
+		if (write_in_full(, commit, hexsz + 1) < 0) {
 			if (errno != EPIPE && errno != EINVAL)
 				error_errno(_("failed write to rev-list"));
 			err = -1;
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/ b/contrib/buildsystems/
index 408ef71..aa4cbaa 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     $me = dirname($me);
     if (opendir(D,"$me/Generators")) {
         foreach my $gen (readdir(D)) {
-            next if ($gen  =~ /^\.\.?$/);
+            next unless ($gen  =~ /\.pm$/);
             require "${me}/Generators/$gen";
             $gen =~ s,\.pm,,;
             push(@AVAILABLE, $gen);
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
index cfa74ad..737647e 100644
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 use strict;
 use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
 our $VERSION = '1.00';
@@ -12,59 +13,12 @@
     push @EXPORT_OK, qw(generate);
-my $guid_index = 0;
-my @GUIDS = (
-    "{E07B9989-2BF7-4F21-8918-BE22BA467AC3}",
-    "{278FFB51-0296-4A44-A81A-22B87B7C3592}",
-    "{7346A2C4-F0FD-444F-9EBE-1AF23B2B5650}",
-    "{67F421AC-EB34-4D49-820B-3196807B423F}",
-    "{385DCFE1-CC8C-4211-A451-80FCFC31CA51}",
-    "{97CC46C5-D2CC-4D26-B634-E75792B79916}",
-    "{C7CE21FE-6EF8-4012-A5C7-A22BCEDFBA11}",
-    "{51575134-3FDF-42D1-BABD-3FB12669C6C9}",
-    "{0AE195E4-9823-4B87-8E6F-20C5614AF2FF}",
-    "{4B918255-67CA-43BB-A46C-26704B666E6B}",
-    "{18CCFEEF-C8EE-4CC1-A265-26F95C9F4649}",
-    "{5D5D90FA-01B7-4973-AFE5-CA88C53AC197}",
-    "{1F054320-036D-49E1-B384-FB5DF0BC8AC0}",
-    "{7CED65EE-F2D9-4171-825B-C7D561FE5786}",
-    "{8D341679-0F07-4664-9A56-3BA0DE88B9BC}",
-    "{C189FEDC-2957-4BD7-9FA4-7622241EA145}",
-    "{66844203-1B9F-4C53-9274-164FFF95B847}",
-    "{E4FEA145-DECC-440D-AEEA-598CF381FD43}",
-    "{73300A8E-C8AC-41B0-B555-4F596B681BA7}",
-    "{873FDEB1-D01D-40BF-A1BF-8BBC58EC0F51}",
-    "{7922C8BE-76C5-4AC6-8BF7-885C0F93B782}",
-    "{E245D370-308B-4A49-BFC1-1E527827975F}",
-    "{F6FA957B-66FC-4ED7-B260-E59BBE4FE813}",
-    "{E6055070-0198-431A-BC49-8DB6CEE770AE}",
-    "{54159234-C3EB-43DA-906B-CE5DA5C74654}",
-    "{594CFC35-0B60-46F6-B8EF-9983ACC1187D}",
-    "{D93FCAB7-1F01-48D2-B832-F761B83231A5}",
-    "{DBA5E6AC-E7BE-42D3-8703-4E787141526E}",
-    "{6171953F-DD26-44C7-A3BE-CC45F86FC11F}",
-    "{9E19DDBE-F5E4-4A26-A2FE-0616E04879B8}",
-    "{AE81A615-99E3-4885-9CE0-D9CAA193E867}",
-    "{FBF4067E-1855-4F6C-8BCD-4D62E801A04D}",
-    "{17007948-6593-4AEB-8106-F7884B4F2C19}",
-    "{199D4C8D-8639-4DA6-82EF-08668C35DEE0}",
-    "{E085E50E-C140-4CF3-BE4B-094B14F0DDD6}",
-    "{00785268-A9CC-4E40-AC29-BAC0019159CE}",
-    "{4C06F56A-DCDB-46A6-B67C-02339935CF12}",
-    "{3A62D3FD-519E-4EC9-8171-D2C1BFEA022F}",
-    "{3A62D3FD-519E-4EC9-8171-D2C1BFEA022F}",
-    "{9392EB58-D7BA-410B-B1F0-B2FAA6BC89A7}",
-    "{2ACAB2D5-E0CE-4027-BCA0-D78B2D7A6C66}",
-    "{86E216C3-43CE-481A-BCB2-BE5E62850635}",
-    "{FB631291-7923-4B91-9A57-7B18FDBB7A42}",
-    "{0A176EC9-E934-45B8-B87F-16C7F4C80039}",
-    "{DF55CA80-46E8-4C53-B65B-4990A23DD444}",
-    "{3A0F9895-55D2-4710-BE5E-AD7498B5BF44}",
-    "{294BDC5A-F448-48B6-8110-DD0A81820F8C}",
-    "{4B9F66E9-FAC9-47AB-B1EF-C16756FBFD06}",
-    "{72EA49C6-2806-48BD-B81B-D4905102E19C}",
-    "{5728EB7E-8929-486C-8CD5-3238D060E768}"
+sub generate_guid ($) {
+    my $hex = sha256_hex($_[0]);
+    $hex =~ s/^(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12}).*/{$1-$2-$3-$4-$5}/;
+    $hex =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+    return $hex;
 sub generate {
     my ($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure) = @_;
@@ -92,9 +46,8 @@
     $target =~ s/\//_/g;
     $target =~ s/\.a//;
-    my $uuid = $GUIDS[$guid_index];
+    my $uuid = generate_guid($libname);
     $$build_structure{"LIBS_${target}_GUID"} = $uuid;
-    $guid_index += 1;
     my @srcs = sort(map("$rel_dir\\$_", @{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_SOURCES"}}));
     my @sources;
@@ -106,6 +59,8 @@
     my $includes= join(";", sort(map("&quot;$rel_dir\\$_&quot;", @{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_INCLUDES"}})));
     my $cflags  = join(" ", sort(@{$$build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_CFLAGS"}}));
     $cflags =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
+    $cflags =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+    $cflags =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
     my $cflags_debug = $cflags;
     $cflags_debug =~ s/-MT/-MTd/;
@@ -127,6 +82,8 @@
     $defines =~ s/-D//g;
     $defines =~ s/\"/\\&quot;/g;
+    $defines =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+    $defines =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
     $defines =~ s/\'//g;
     $includes =~ s/-I//g;
     mkdir "$target" || die "Could not create the directory $target for lib project!\n";
@@ -163,9 +120,6 @@
-				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
@@ -229,9 +183,6 @@
-				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
@@ -311,9 +262,8 @@
     $target =~ s/\//_/g;
     $target =~ s/\.exe//;
-    my $uuid = $GUIDS[$guid_index];
+    my $uuid = generate_guid($appname);
     $$build_structure{"APPS_${target}_GUID"} = $uuid;
-    $guid_index += 1;
     my @srcs = sort(map("$rel_dir\\$_", @{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_SOURCES"}}));
     my @sources;
@@ -325,6 +275,8 @@
     my $includes= join(";", sort(map("&quot;$rel_dir\\$_&quot;", @{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_INCLUDES"}})));
     my $cflags  = join(" ", sort(@{$$build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_CFLAGS"}}));
     $cflags =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
+    $cflags =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+    $cflags =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
     my $cflags_debug = $cflags;
     $cflags_debug =~ s/-MT/-MTd/;
@@ -351,6 +303,8 @@
     $defines =~ s/-D//g;
     $defines =~ s/\"/\\&quot;/g;
+    $defines =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+    $defines =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
     $defines =~ s/\'//g;
     $defines =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
     $includes =~ s/-I//g;
@@ -388,9 +342,6 @@
-				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
@@ -459,9 +410,6 @@
-				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
-			/>
-			<Tool
@@ -561,20 +509,18 @@
     foreach (@apps) {
         $_ =~ s/\//_/g;
         $_ =~ s/\.exe//;
-        push(@tmp, $_);
+        if ($_ eq "git" ) {
+            unshift(@tmp, $_);
+        } else {
+            push(@tmp, $_);
+        }
     @apps = @tmp;
     open F, ">git.sln" || die "Could not open git.sln for writing!\n";
     binmode F, ":crlf";
     print F "$SLN_HEAD";
-    foreach (@libs) {
-        my $libname = $_;
-        my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"};
-        print F "$SLN_PRE";
-        print F "\"${libname}\", \"${libname}\\${libname}.vcproj\", \"${uuid}\"";
-        print F "$SLN_POST";
-    }
     my $uuid_libgit = $build_structure{"LIBS_libgit_GUID"};
     my $uuid_xdiff_lib = $build_structure{"LIBS_xdiff_lib_GUID"};
     foreach (@apps) {
@@ -588,6 +534,13 @@
         print F "	EndProjectSection";
         print F "$SLN_POST";
+    foreach (@libs) {
+        my $libname = $_;
+        my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"};
+        print F "$SLN_PRE";
+        print F "\"${libname}\", \"${libname}\\${libname}.vcproj\", \"${uuid}\"";
+        print F "$SLN_POST";
+    }
     print F << "EOM";
@@ -599,17 +552,17 @@
     print F << "EOM";
 	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
-    foreach (@libs) {
-        my $libname = $_;
-        my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"};
+    foreach (@apps) {
+        my $appname = $_;
+        my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"};
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n";
-    foreach (@apps) {
-        my $appname = $_;
-        my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"};
+    foreach (@libs) {
+        my $libname = $_;
+        my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"};
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n";
         print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n";
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c666f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/Generators/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+package Generators::Vcxproj;
+require Exporter;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
+our $VERSION = '1.00';
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+    push @EXPORT_OK, qw(generate);
+sub generate_guid ($) {
+	my $hex = sha256_hex($_[0]);
+	$hex =~ s/^(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12}).*/{$1-$2-$3-$4-$5}/;
+	$hex =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+	return $hex;
+sub generate {
+    my ($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure) = @_;
+    my @libs = @{$build_structure{"LIBS"}};
+    foreach (@libs) {
+        createProject($_, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, \%build_structure, 1);
+    }
+    my @apps = @{$build_structure{"APPS"}};
+    foreach (@apps) {
+        createProject($_, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, \%build_structure, 0);
+    }
+    createGlueProject($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure);
+    return 0;
+sub createProject {
+    my ($name, $git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, $build_structure, $static_library) = @_;
+    my $label = $static_library ? "lib" : "app";
+    my $prefix = $static_library ? "LIBS_" : "APPS_";
+    my $config_type = $static_library ? "StaticLibrary" : "Application";
+    print "Generate $name vcxproj $label project\n";
+    my $cdup = $name;
+    $cdup =~ s/[^\/]+/../g;
+    $cdup =~ s/\//\\/g;
+    $rel_dir = $rel_dir eq "." ? $cdup : "$cdup\\$rel_dir";
+    $rel_dir =~ s/\//\\/g;
+    my $target = $name;
+    if ($static_library) {
+      $target =~ s/\.a//;
+    } else {
+      $target =~ s/\.exe//;
+    }
+    my $uuid = generate_guid($name);
+    $$build_structure{"$prefix${target}_GUID"} = $uuid;
+    my $vcxproj = $target;
+    $vcxproj =~ s/(.*\/)?(.*)/$&\/$2.vcxproj/;
+    $vcxproj =~ s/([^\/]*)(\/lib)\/(lib.vcxproj)/$1$2\/$1_$3/;
+    $$build_structure{"$prefix${target}_VCXPROJ"} = $vcxproj;
+    my @srcs = sort(map("$rel_dir\\$_", @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_SOURCES"}}));
+    my @sources;
+    foreach (@srcs) {
+        $_ =~ s/\//\\/g;
+        push(@sources, $_);
+    }
+    my $defines = join(";", sort(@{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_DEFINES"}}));
+    my $includes= join(";", sort(map { s/^-I//; s/\//\\/g; File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_) ? $_ : "$rel_dir\\$_" } @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_INCLUDES"}}));
+    my $cflags = join(" ", sort(map { s/^-[GLMOWZ].*//; s/.* .*/"$&"/; $_; } @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_CFLAGS"}}));
+    $cflags =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+    $cflags =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+    my $libs_release = "\n    ";
+    my $libs_debug = "\n    ";
+    if (!$static_library) {
+      $libs_release = join(";", sort(grep /^(?!libgit\.lib|xdiff\/lib\.lib|vcs-svn\/lib\.lib)/, @{$$build_structure{"$prefix${name}_LIBS"}}));
+      $libs_debug = $libs_release;
+      $libs_debug =~ s/zlib\.lib/zlibd\.lib/g;
+      $libs_debug =~ s/libcurl\.lib/libcurl-d\.lib/g;
+    }
+    $defines =~ s/-D//g;
+    $defines =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+    $defines =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+    $defines =~ s/\'//g;
+    die "Could not create the directory $target for $label project!\n" unless (-d "$target" || mkdir "$target");
+    open F, ">$vcxproj" or die "Could not open $vcxproj for writing!\n";
+    binmode F, ":crlf :utf8";
+    print F chr(0xFEFF);
+    print F << "EOM";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="">
+  <ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">
+    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|Win32">
+      <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
+      <Platform>Win32</Platform>
+    </ProjectConfiguration>
+    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|Win32">
+      <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
+      <Platform>Win32</Platform>
+    </ProjectConfiguration>
+    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|x64">
+      <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>
+      <Platform>x64</Platform>
+    </ProjectConfiguration>
+    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Release|x64">
+      <Configuration>Release</Configuration>
+      <Platform>x64</Platform>
+    </ProjectConfiguration>
+  </ItemGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">
+    <ProjectGuid>$uuid</ProjectGuid>
+    <Keyword>Win32Proj</Keyword>
+    <VCPKGArch Condition="'\$(Platform)'=='Win32'">x86-windows</VCPKGArch>
+    <VCPKGArch Condition="'\$(Platform)'!='Win32'">x64-windows</VCPKGArch>
+    <VCPKGArchDirectory>$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg\\installed\\\$(VCPKGArch)</VCPKGArchDirectory>
+    <VCPKGBinDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\debug\\bin</VCPKGBinDirectory>
+    <VCPKGLibDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\debug\\lib</VCPKGLibDirectory>
+    <VCPKGBinDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\bin</VCPKGBinDirectory>
+    <VCPKGLibDirectory Condition="'\$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\lib</VCPKGLibDirectory>
+    <VCPKGIncludeDirectory>\$(VCPKGArchDirectory)\\include</VCPKGIncludeDirectory>
+    <VCPKGLibs Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">$libs_debug</VCPKGLibs>
+    <VCPKGLibs Condition="'\$(Configuration)'!='Debug'">$libs_release</VCPKGLibs>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <Import Project="\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'" Label="Configuration">
+    <UseDebugLibraries>true</UseDebugLibraries>
+    <LinkIncremental>true</LinkIncremental>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Release'" Label="Configuration">
+    <UseDebugLibraries>false</UseDebugLibraries>
+    <WholeProgramOptimization>true</WholeProgramOptimization>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup>
+    <ConfigurationType>$config_type</ConfigurationType>
+    <PlatformToolset>v140</PlatformToolset>
+    <!-- <CharacterSet>UTF-8</CharacterSet> -->
+    <OutDir>..\\</OutDir>
+    <!-- <IntDir>\$(ProjectDir)\$(Configuration)\\</IntDir> -->
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <Import Project="\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
+  <ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
+  </ImportGroup>
+  <ImportGroup Label="Shared">
+  </ImportGroup>
+  <ImportGroup Label="PropertySheets">
+    <Import Project="\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props" Condition="exists('\$(UserRootDir)\\Microsoft.Cpp.\$(Platform).user.props')" Label="LocalAppDataPlatform" />
+  </ImportGroup>
+  <PropertyGroup Label="UserMacros" />
+  <PropertyGroup>
+    <GenerateManifest>false</GenerateManifest>
+    <EnableManagedIncrementalBuild>true</EnableManagedIncrementalBuild>
+  </PropertyGroup>
+  <ItemDefinitionGroup>
+    <ClCompile>
+      <AdditionalOptions>$cflags %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
+      <AdditionalIncludeDirectories>$cdup;$cdup\\compat;$cdup\\compat\\regex;$cdup\\compat\\win32;$cdup\\compat\\poll;$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\include;\$(VCPKGIncludeDirectory);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>
+      <EnableParallelCodeGeneration />
+      <InlineFunctionExpansion>OnlyExplicitInline</InlineFunctionExpansion>
+      <PrecompiledHeader />
+      <DebugInformationFormat>ProgramDatabase</DebugInformationFormat>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <Lib>
+      <SuppressStartupBanner>true</SuppressStartupBanner>
+    </Lib>
+    <Link>
+      <AdditionalLibraryDirectories>\$(VCPKGLibDirectory);%(AdditionalLibraryDirectories)</AdditionalLibraryDirectories>
+      <AdditionalDependencies>\$(VCPKGLibs);\$(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>
+      <AdditionalOptions>invalidcontinue.obj %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
+      <EntryPointSymbol>wmainCRTStartup</EntryPointSymbol>
+      <ManifestFile>$cdup\\compat\\win32\\git.manifest</ManifestFile>
+      <SubSystem>Console</SubSystem>
+    </Link>
+    if ($target eq 'libgit') {
+        print F << "EOM";
+    <PreBuildEvent Condition="!Exists('$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg\\installed\\\$(VCPKGArch)\\include\\openssl\\ssl.h')">
+      <Message>Initialize VCPKG</Message>
+      <Command>del "$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg"</Command>
+      <Command>call "$cdup\\compat\\vcbuild\\vcpkg_install.bat"</Command>
+    </PreBuildEvent>
+    }
+    print F << "EOM";
+  </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+  <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'\$(Platform)'=='Win32'">
+    <Link>
+      <TargetMachine>MachineX86</TargetMachine>
+    </Link>
+  </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+  <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">
+    <ClCompile>
+      <Optimization>Disabled</Optimization>
+      <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;_DEBUG;$defines;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+      <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDebugDLL</RuntimeLibrary>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <Link>
+      <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>
+    </Link>
+  </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+  <ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'\$(Configuration)'=='Release'">
+    <ClCompile>
+      <Optimization>MaxSpeed</Optimization>
+      <IntrinsicFunctions>true</IntrinsicFunctions>
+      <PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;NDEBUG;$defines;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>
+      <RuntimeLibrary>MultiThreadedDLL</RuntimeLibrary>
+      <FunctionLevelLinking>true</FunctionLevelLinking>
+      <FavorSizeOrSpeed>Speed</FavorSizeOrSpeed>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <Link>
+      <GenerateDebugInformation>true</GenerateDebugInformation>
+      <EnableCOMDATFolding>true</EnableCOMDATFolding>
+      <OptimizeReferences>true</OptimizeReferences>
+    </Link>
+  </ItemDefinitionGroup>
+  <ItemGroup>
+    foreach(@sources) {
+        print F << "EOM";
+    <ClCompile Include="$_" />
+    }
+    print F << "EOM";
+  </ItemGroup>
+    if (!$static_library || $target =~ 'vcs-svn' || $target =~ 'xdiff') {
+      my $uuid_libgit = $$build_structure{"LIBS_libgit_GUID"};
+      my $uuid_xdiff_lib = $$build_structure{"LIBS_xdiff/lib_GUID"};
+      print F << "EOM";
+  <ItemGroup>
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\libgit\\libgit.vcxproj">
+      <Project>$uuid_libgit</Project>
+      <ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly>
+    </ProjectReference>
+      if (!($name =~ 'xdiff')) {
+        print F << "EOM";
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\xdiff\\lib\\xdiff_lib.vcxproj">
+      <Project>$uuid_xdiff_lib</Project>
+      <ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly>
+    </ProjectReference>
+      }
+      if ($name =~ /(test-(line-buffer|svn-fe)|^git-remote-testsvn)\.exe$/) {
+        my $uuid_vcs_svn_lib = $$build_structure{"LIBS_vcs-svn/lib_GUID"};
+        print F << "EOM";
+    <ProjectReference Include="$cdup\\vcs-svn\\lib\\vcs-svn_lib.vcxproj">
+      <Project>$uuid_vcs_svn_lib</Project>
+      <ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly>
+    </ProjectReference>
+      }
+      print F << "EOM";
+  </ItemGroup>
+    }
+    print F << "EOM";
+  <Import Project="\$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
+    if (!$static_library) {
+      print F << "EOM";
+  <Target Name="${target}_AfterBuild" AfterTargets="AfterBuild">
+    <ItemGroup>
+      <DLLsAndPDBs Include="\$(VCPKGBinDirectory)\\*.dll;\$(VCPKGBinDirectory)\\*.pdb" />
+    </ItemGroup>
+    <Copy SourceFiles="@(DLLsAndPDBs)" DestinationFolder="\$(OutDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" UseHardlinksIfPossible="true" />
+    <MakeDir Directories="..\\templates\\blt\\branches" />
+  </Target>
+    }
+    if ($target eq 'git') {
+      print F "  <Import Project=\"LinkOrCopyBuiltins.targets\" />\n";
+    }
+    if ($target eq 'git-remote-http') {
+      print F "  <Import Project=\"LinkOrCopyRemoteHttp.targets\" />\n";
+    }
+    print F << "EOM";
+    close F;
+sub createGlueProject {
+    my ($git_dir, $out_dir, $rel_dir, %build_structure) = @_;
+    print "Generate solutions file\n";
+    $rel_dir = "..\\$rel_dir";
+    $rel_dir =~ s/\//\\/g;
+    my $SLN_HEAD = "Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00\n# Visual Studio 2010\n";
+    my $SLN_PRE  = "Project(\"{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}\") = ";
+    my $SLN_POST = "\nEndProject\n";
+    my @libs = @{$build_structure{"LIBS"}};
+    my @tmp;
+    foreach (@libs) {
+        $_ =~ s/\.a//;
+        push(@tmp, $_);
+    }
+    @libs = @tmp;
+    my @apps = @{$build_structure{"APPS"}};
+    @tmp = ();
+    foreach (@apps) {
+        $_ =~ s/\.exe//;
+        if ($_ eq "git" ) {
+            unshift(@tmp, $_);
+        } else {
+            push(@tmp, $_);
+        }
+    }
+    @apps = @tmp;
+    open F, ">git.sln" || die "Could not open git.sln for writing!\n";
+    binmode F, ":crlf :utf8";
+    print F chr(0xFEFF);
+    print F "$SLN_HEAD";
+    foreach (@apps) {
+        my $appname = $_;
+        my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"};
+        print F "$SLN_PRE";
+	my $vcxproj = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_VCXPROJ"};
+	$vcxproj =~ s/\//\\/g;
+        $appname =~ s/.*\///;
+        print F "\"${appname}\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\"";
+        print F "$SLN_POST";
+    }
+    foreach (@libs) {
+        my $libname = $_;
+        my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"};
+        print F "$SLN_PRE";
+        my $vcxproj = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_VCXPROJ"};
+	$vcxproj =~ s/\//\\/g;
+        $libname =~ s/\//_/g;
+        print F "\"${libname}\", \"${vcxproj}\", \"${uuid}\"";
+        print F "$SLN_POST";
+    }
+    print F << "EOM";
+	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+		Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
+		Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
+		Release|x64 = Release|x64
+		Release|x86 = Release|x86
+	EndGlobalSection
+    print F << "EOM";
+	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+    foreach (@apps) {
+        my $appname = $_;
+        my $uuid = $build_structure{"APPS_${appname}_GUID"};
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n";
+    }
+    foreach (@libs) {
+        my $libname = $_;
+        my $uuid = $build_structure{"LIBS_${libname}_GUID"};
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\n";
+        print F "\t\t${uuid}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32\n";
+    }
+    print F << "EOM";
+	EndGlobalSection
+	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+	EndGlobalSection
+    close F;
diff --git a/contrib/buildsystems/ b/contrib/buildsystems/
index 23da787..fba8a3f 100755
--- a/contrib/buildsystems/
+++ b/contrib/buildsystems/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 use File::Spec;
 use Cwd;
 use Generators;
+use Text::ParseWords;
 my (%build_structure, %compile_options, @makedry);
 my $out_dir = getcwd();
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
   -g <GENERATOR>  --gen <GENERATOR> Specify the buildsystem generator    (default: $gen)
                                     Available: $genlist
   -o <PATH>       --out <PATH>      Specify output directory generation  (default: .)
+                  --make-out <PATH> Write the output of GNU Make into a file
   -i <FILE>       --in <FILE>       Specify input file, instead of running GNU Make
   -h,-?           --help            This help
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
 # Parse command-line options
+my $make_out;
 while (@ARGV) {
     my $arg = shift @ARGV;
     if ("$arg" eq "-h" || "$arg" eq "--help" || "$arg" eq "-?") {
@@ -45,6 +48,8 @@
     } elsif("$arg" eq "--out" || "$arg" eq "-o") {
 	$out_dir = shift @ARGV;
+    } elsif("$arg" eq "--make-out") {
+	$make_out = shift @ARGV;
     } elsif("$arg" eq "--gen" || "$arg" eq "-g") {
 	$gen = shift @ARGV;
     } elsif("$arg" eq "--in" || "$arg" eq "-i") {
@@ -52,6 +57,8 @@
         open(F, "<$infile") || die "Couldn't open file $infile";
         @makedry = <F>;
+    } else {
+        die "Unknown option: " . $arg;
@@ -72,7 +79,19 @@
 # Pipe a make --dry-run into a variable, if not already loaded from file
-@makedry = `cd $git_dir && make -n MSVC=1 V=1 2>/dev/null` if !@makedry;
+# Capture the make dry stderr to file for review (will be empty for a release build).
+my $ErrsFile = "msvc-build-makedryerrors.txt";
+@makedry = `make -C $git_dir -n MSVC=1 SKIP_VCPKG=1 V=1 2>$ErrsFile`
+if !@makedry;
+# test for an empty Errors file and remove it
+unlink $ErrsFile if -f -z $ErrsFile;
+if (defined $make_out) {
+    open OUT, ">" . $make_out;
+    print OUT @makedry;
+    close OUT;
 # Parse the make output into usable info
@@ -140,6 +159,12 @@
+        if ($text =~ /^(mkdir|msgfmt) /) {
+            # options to the Portable Object translations
+            # the line "mkdir ... && msgfmt ..." contains no linker options
+            next;
+        }
         if($text =~ / -c /) {
             # compilation
             handleCompileLine($text, $line);
@@ -231,7 +256,7 @@
 sub handleCompileLine
     my ($line, $lineno) = @_;
-    my @parts = split(' ', $line);
+    my @parts = shellwords($line);
     my $sourcefile;
     shift(@parts); # ignore cmd
     while (my $part = shift @parts) {
@@ -265,7 +290,7 @@
     my (@objfiles, @lflags, $libout, $part);
     # kill cmd and rm 'prefix'
     $line =~ s/^rm -f .* && .* rcs //;
-    my @parts = split(' ', $line);
+    my @parts = shellwords($line);
     while ($part = shift @parts) {
         if ($part =~ /^-/) {
             push(@lflags, $part);
@@ -282,7 +307,7 @@
 #    exit(1);
     foreach (@objfiles) {
         my $sourcefile = $_;
-        $sourcefile =~ s/\.o/.c/;
+        $sourcefile =~ s/\.o$/.c/;
         push(@sources, $sourcefile);
         push(@cflags, @{$compile_options{"${sourcefile}_CFLAGS"}});
         push(@defines, @{$compile_options{"${sourcefile}_DEFINES"}});
@@ -306,7 +331,7 @@
     my ($line, $lineno) = @_;
     my (@objfiles, @lflags, @libs, $appout, $part);
-    my @parts = split(' ', $line);
+    my @parts = shellwords($line);
     shift(@parts); # ignore cmd
     while ($part = shift @parts) {
         if ($part =~ /^-IGNORE/) {
@@ -317,26 +342,36 @@
             $appout = shift @parts;
         } elsif ("$part" eq "-lz") {
             push(@libs, "zlib.lib");
-	} elsif ("$part" eq "-lcrypto") {
+        } elsif ("$part" eq "-lcrypto") {
             push(@libs, "libeay32.lib");
         } elsif ("$part" eq "-lssl") {
             push(@libs, "ssleay32.lib");
-        } elsif ($part =~ /^-/) {
+        } elsif ("$part" eq "-lcurl") {
+            push(@libs, "libcurl.lib");
+        } elsif ("$part" eq "-lexpat") {
+            push(@libs, "expat.lib");
+        } elsif ("$part" eq "-liconv") {
+            push(@libs, "libiconv.lib");
+        } elsif ($part =~ /^[-\/]/) {
             push(@lflags, $part);
         } elsif ($part =~ /\.(a|lib)$/) {
             $part =~ s/\.a$/.lib/;
             push(@libs, $part);
-        } elsif ($part =~ /\.(o|obj)$/) {
+        } elsif ($part eq 'invalidcontinue.obj') {
+            # ignore - known to MSVC
+        } elsif ($part =~ /\.o$/) {
             push(@objfiles, $part);
+        } elsif ($part =~ /\.obj$/) {
+            # do nothing, 'make' should not be producing .obj, only .o files
         } else {
-            die "Unhandled lib option @ line $lineno: $part";
+            die "Unhandled link option @ line $lineno: $part";
 #    print "AppOut: '$appout'\nLFlags: @lflags\nLibs  : @libs\nOfiles: @objfiles\n";
 #    exit(1);
     foreach (@objfiles) {
         my $sourcefile = $_;
-        $sourcefile =~ s/\.o/.c/;
+        $sourcefile =~ s/\.o$/.c/;
         push(@sources, $sourcefile);
         push(@cflags, @{$compile_options{"${sourcefile}_CFLAGS"}});
         push(@defines, @{$compile_options{"${sourcefile}_DEFINES"}});
diff --git a/contrib/coccinelle/hashmap.cocci b/contrib/coccinelle/hashmap.cocci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d69e120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/coccinelle/hashmap.cocci
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+@ hashmap_entry_init_usage @
+expression E;
+struct hashmap_entry HME;
+- HME.hash = E;
++ hashmap_entry_init(&HME, E);
+identifier f !~ "^hashmap_entry_init$";
+expression E;
+struct hashmap_entry *HMEP;
+  f(...) {<...
+- HMEP->hash = E;
++ hashmap_entry_init(HMEP, E);
+  ...>}
diff --git a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
index e087c4b..00fbe6c 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
+++ b/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
 			if [[ $c == "$cur_"* ]]; then
 				case $c in
-				--*=*|*.) ;;
+				--*=|*.) ;;
 				*) c="$c " ;;
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
 			if [[ $c == "$cur_"* ]]; then
 				case $c in
-				--*=*|*.) ;;
+				*=|*.) ;;
 				*) c="$c " ;;
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@
 			# Even when a directory name itself does not contain
 			# any special characters, it will still be quoted if
 			# any of its (stripped) trailing path components do.
-			# Because of this we may have seen the same direcory
+			# Because of this we may have seen the same directory
 			# both quoted and unquoted.
 			if (p in paths)
 				# We have seen the same directory unquoted,
@@ -1250,10 +1250,7 @@
-		__gitcomp "
-			--format= --list --verbose
-			--prefix= --remote= --exec= --output
-			"
+		__gitcomp_builtin archive "--format= --list --verbose --prefix= --worktree-attributes"
@@ -1361,7 +1358,9 @@
-__git_cherry_pick_inprogress_options="--continue --quit --abort"
+__git_sequencer_inprogress_options="--continue --quit --abort --skip"
 _git_cherry_pick ()
@@ -1399,7 +1398,18 @@
 _git_clone ()
+	case "$prev" in
+	-c|--config)
+		__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value
+		return
+		;;
+	esac
 	case "$cur" in
+	--config=*)
+		__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value \
+			--cur="${cur##--config=}"
+		return
+		;;
 		__gitcomp_builtin clone
@@ -1476,6 +1486,8 @@
 			--dirstat-by-file= --cumulative
 			--submodule --submodule= --ignore-submodules
+			--indent-heuristic --no-indent-heuristic
+			--textconv --no-textconv
 _git_diff ()
@@ -1784,6 +1796,10 @@
 		__gitcomp "$__git_diff_submodule_formats" "" "${cur##--submodule=}"
+	--no-walk=*)
+		__gitcomp "sorted unsorted" "" "${cur##--no-walk=}"
+		return
+		;;
 		__gitcomp "
@@ -1791,16 +1807,19 @@
 			--root --topo-order --date-order --reverse
 			--follow --full-diff
-			--abbrev-commit --abbrev=
+			--abbrev-commit --no-abbrev-commit --abbrev=
 			--relative-date --date=
 			--pretty= --format= --oneline
-			--decorate --decorate=
+			--decorate --decorate= --no-decorate
+			--no-walk --no-walk= --do-walk
 			--parents --children
+			--expand-tabs --expand-tabs= --no-expand-tabs
+			--patch
 			--pickaxe-all --pickaxe-regex
@@ -2004,15 +2023,18 @@
+__git_rebase_inprogress_options="--continue --skip --abort --quit --show-current-patch"
+__git_rebase_interactive_inprogress_options="$__git_rebase_inprogress_options --edit-todo"
 _git_rebase ()
 	if [ -f "$__git_repo_path"/rebase-merge/interactive ]; then
-		__gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort --quit --edit-todo --show-current-patch"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_rebase_interactive_inprogress_options"
 	elif [ -d "$__git_repo_path"/rebase-apply ] || \
 	     [ -d "$__git_repo_path"/rebase-merge ]; then
-		__gitcomp "--continue --skip --abort --quit --show-current-patch"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_rebase_inprogress_options"
 	__git_complete_strategy && return
@@ -2022,19 +2044,8 @@
-		__gitcomp "
-			--onto --merge --strategy --interactive
-			--rebase-merges --preserve-merges --stat --no-stat
-			--committer-date-is-author-date --ignore-date
-			--ignore-whitespace --whitespace=
-			--autosquash --no-autosquash
-			--fork-point --no-fork-point
-			--autostash --no-autostash
-			--verify --no-verify
-			--keep-empty --root --force-rebase --no-ff
-			--rerere-autoupdate
-			--exec
-			"
+		__gitcomp_builtin rebase "" \
+			"$__git_rebase_interactive_inprogress_options"
@@ -2225,181 +2236,282 @@
 __git_compute_config_vars ()
 	test -n "$__git_config_vars" ||
-	__git_config_vars="$(git help --config-for-completion | sort | uniq)"
+	__git_config_vars="$(git help --config-for-completion | sort -u)"
-_git_config ()
+# Completes possible values of various configuration variables.
+# Usage: __git_complete_config_variable_value [<option>]...
+# --varname=<word>: The name of the configuration variable whose value is
+#                   to be completed.  Defaults to the previous word on the
+#                   command line.
+# --cur=<word>: The current value to be completed.  Defaults to the current
+#               word to be completed.
+__git_complete_config_variable_value ()
-	local varname
+	local varname="$prev" cur_="$cur"
+	while test $# != 0; do
+		case "$1" in
+		--varname=*)	varname="${1##--varname=}" ;;
+		--cur=*)	cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;;
+		*)		return 1 ;;
+		esac
+		shift
+	done
 	if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]:-0}" -ge 4 ]; then
-		varname="${prev,,}"
+		varname="${varname,,}"
-		varname="$(echo "$prev" |tr A-Z a-z)"
+		varname="$(echo "$varname" |tr A-Z a-z)"
 	case "$varname" in
-		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
+		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "$cur_"
-		__git_complete_refs
+		__git_complete_refs --cur="$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "false true merges preserve interactive"
+		__gitcomp "false true merges preserve interactive" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)"
+		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "" "$cur_"
-		local remote="${prev#remote.}"
+		local remote="${varname#remote.}"
-		if [ -z "$cur" ]; then
+		if [ -z "$cur_" ]; then
 			__gitcomp_nl "refs/heads/" "" "" ""
-		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs_remotes "$remote")"
+		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs_remotes "$remote")" "" "$cur_"
-		local remote="${prev#remote.}"
+		local remote="${varname#remote.}"
 		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git for-each-ref \
-			--format='%(refname):%(refname)' refs/heads)"
+			--format='%(refname):%(refname)' refs/heads)" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies"
-		return
-		;;
-	color.branch|color.diff|color.interactive|\
-	color.showbranch|color.status|color.ui)
-		__gitcomp "always never auto"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_merge_strategies" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "false true"
+		__gitcomp "false true" "" "$cur_"
 		__gitcomp "
 			normal black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
 			bold dim ul blink reverse
-			"
+			" "" "$cur_"
+		return
+		;;
+	color.*)
+		__gitcomp "false true always never auto" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "$__git_diff_submodule_formats"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_diff_submodule_formats" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "man info web html"
+		__gitcomp "man info web html" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_log_date_formats" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "mutt mailrc pine elm gnus"
+		__gitcomp "mutt mailrc pine elm gnus" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_confirm_options"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_confirm_options" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_suppresscc_options"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_send_email_suppresscc_options" "" "$cur_"
-		__gitcomp "7bit 8bit quoted-printable base64"
-		return
-		;;
-	--get|--get-all|--unset|--unset-all)
-		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_config_get_set_variables)"
+		__gitcomp "7bit 8bit quoted-printable base64" "" "$cur_"
-	case "$cur" in
-	--*)
-		__gitcomp_builtin config
-		return
-		;;
+# Completes configuration sections, subsections, variable names.
+# Usage: __git_complete_config_variable_name [<option>]...
+# --cur=<word>: The current configuration section/variable name to be
+#               completed.  Defaults to the current word to be completed.
+# --sfx=<suffix>: A suffix to be appended to each fully completed
+#                 configuration variable name (but not to sections or
+#                 subsections) instead of the default space.
+__git_complete_config_variable_name ()
+	local cur_="$cur" sfx
+	while test $# != 0; do
+		case "$1" in
+		--cur=*)	cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;;
+		--sfx=*)	sfx="${1##--sfx=}" ;;
+		*)		return 1 ;;
+		esac
+		shift
+	done
+	case "$cur_" in
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
-		__gitcomp "remote pushRemote merge mergeOptions rebase" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_##*.}"
+		__gitcomp "remote pushRemote merge mergeOptions rebase" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur#*.}"
+		local pfx="${cur%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur#*.}"
 		__gitcomp_direct "$(__git_heads "$pfx" "$cur_" ".")"
-		__gitcomp_nl_append $'autoSetupMerge\nautoSetupRebase\n' "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		__gitcomp_nl_append $'autoSetupMerge\nautoSetupRebase\n' "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_##*.}"
 		__gitcomp "
 			argPrompt cmd confirm needsFile noConsole noRescan
 			prompt revPrompt revUnmerged title
-			" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+			" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
-		__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_##*.}"
+		__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
-		__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_##*.}"
+		__gitcomp "cmd path" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
-		__gitcomp "cmd path trustExitCode" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_##*.}"
+		__gitcomp "cmd path trustExitCode" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur#*.}"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_#*.}"
-		__gitcomp_nl "$__git_all_commands" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		__gitcomp_nl "$__git_all_commands" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_##*.}"
 		__gitcomp "
 			url proxy fetch push mirror skipDefaultUpdate
 			receivepack uploadpack tagOpt pushurl
-			" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+			" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur#*.}"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_#*.}"
 		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_remotes)" "$pfx" "$cur_" "."
-		__gitcomp_nl_append "pushDefault" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		__gitcomp_nl_append "pushDefault" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		local pfx="${cur%.*}." cur_="${cur##*.}"
-		__gitcomp "insteadOf pushInsteadOf" "$pfx" "$cur_"
+		local pfx="${cur_%.*}."
+		cur_="${cur_##*.}"
+		__gitcomp "insteadOf pushInsteadOf" "$pfx" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		__gitcomp "$__git_config_vars"
+		__gitcomp "$__git_config_vars" "" "$cur_" "$sfx"
-		__gitcomp "$(echo "$__git_config_vars" | sed 's/\.[^ ]*/./g')"
+		__gitcomp "$(echo "$__git_config_vars" |
+				awk -F . '{
+					sections[$1] = 1
+				}
+				END {
+					for (s in sections)
+						print s "."
+				}
+				')" "" "$cur_"
+		;;
+	esac
+# Completes '='-separated configuration sections/variable names and values
+# for 'git -c'.
+# Usage: __git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value [<option>]...
+# --cur=<word>: The current configuration section/variable name/value to be
+#               completed. Defaults to the current word to be completed.
+__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value ()
+	local cur_="$cur"
+	while test $# != 0; do
+		case "$1" in
+		--cur=*)	cur_="${1##--cur=}" ;;
+		*)		return 1 ;;
+		esac
+		shift
+	done
+	case "$cur_" in
+	*=*)
+		__git_complete_config_variable_value \
+			--varname="${cur_%%=*}" --cur="${cur_#*=}"
+		;;
+	*)
+		__git_complete_config_variable_name --cur="$cur_" --sfx='='
+		;;
+	esac
+_git_config ()
+	case "$prev" in
+	--get|--get-all|--unset|--unset-all)
+		__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_config_get_set_variables)"
+		return
+		;;
+	*.*)
+		__git_complete_config_variable_value
+		return
+		;;
+	esac
+	case "$cur" in
+	--*)
+		__gitcomp_builtin config
+		;;
+	*)
+		__git_complete_config_variable_name
+		;;
@@ -2512,7 +2624,7 @@
-__git_revert_inprogress_options="--continue --quit --abort"
 _git_revert ()
@@ -2580,8 +2692,9 @@
-		__gitcomp "--pretty= --format= --abbrev-commit --oneline
-			--show-signature
+		__gitcomp "--pretty= --format= --abbrev-commit --no-abbrev-commit
+			--oneline --show-signature --patch
+			--expand-tabs --expand-tabs= --no-expand-tabs
@@ -2956,7 +3069,11 @@
 			# Bash filename completion
-		-c|--namespace)
+		-c)
+			__git_complete_config_variable_name_and_value
+			return
+			;;
+		--namespace)
 			# we don't support completing these options' arguments
diff --git a/contrib/completion/git-completion.zsh b/contrib/completion/git-completion.zsh
index 886bf95..eef4eff 100644
--- a/contrib/completion/git-completion.zsh
+++ b/contrib/completion/git-completion.zsh
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
 #  zstyle ':completion:*:*:git:*' script ~/.git-completion.zsh
-# The recommended way to install this script is to copy to '~/.zsh/_git', and
-# then add the following to your ~/.zshrc file:
+# The recommended way to install this script is to make a copy of it in
+# ~/.zsh/ directory as ~/.zsh/git-completion.zsh and then add the following
+# to your ~/.zshrc file:
 #  fpath=(~/.zsh $fpath)
diff --git a/contrib/diff-highlight/ b/contrib/diff-highlight/
index 7440aa1..e258992 100644
--- a/contrib/diff-highlight/
+++ b/contrib/diff-highlight/
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 	      (?:$COLOR?\|$COLOR?[ ])* # zero or more trailing "|"
 	                         [ ]*  # trailing whitespace for merges
 	    /x) {
-	        my $graph_prefix = $&;
+		my $graph_prefix = $&;
 		# We must flush before setting graph indent, since the
 		# new commit may be indented differently from what we
diff --git a/contrib/hg-to-git/ b/contrib/hg-to-git/
index de3f816..7eb1b24 100755
--- a/contrib/hg-to-git/
+++ b/contrib/hg-to-git/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 def usage():
-        print """\
+        print("""\
 %s: [OPTIONS] <hgprj>
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
     hgprj:  name of the HG project to import (directory)
-""" % sys.argv[0]
+""" % sys.argv[0])
@@ -104,22 +104,22 @@
 if state:
     if os.path.exists(state):
         if verbose:
-            print 'State does exist, reading'
+            print('State does exist, reading')
         f = open(state, 'r')
         hgvers = pickle.load(f)
-        print 'State does not exist, first run'
+        print('State does not exist, first run')
 sock = os.popen('hg tip --template "{rev}"')
 tip =
 if sock.close():
 if verbose:
-    print 'tip is', tip
+    print('tip is', tip)
 # Calculate the branches
 if verbose:
-    print 'analysing the branches...'
+    print('analysing the branches...')
 hgchildren["0"] = ()
 hgparents["0"] = (None, None)
 hgbranch["0"] = "master"
@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@
             hgbranch[str(cset)] = "branch-" + str(cset)
-if not hgvers.has_key("0"):
-    print 'creating repository'
+if "0" not in hgvers:
+    print('creating repository')
     os.system('git init')
 # loop through every hg changeset
 for cset in range(int(tip) + 1):
     # incremental, already seen
-    if hgvers.has_key(str(cset)):
+    if str(cset) in hgvers:
     hgnewcsets += 1
@@ -180,27 +180,27 @@
     os.write(fdcomment, csetcomment)
-    print '-----------------------------------------'
-    print 'cset:', cset
-    print 'branch:', hgbranch[str(cset)]
-    print 'user:', user
-    print 'date:', date
-    print 'comment:', csetcomment
+    print('-----------------------------------------')
+    print('cset:', cset)
+    print('branch:', hgbranch[str(cset)])
+    print('user:', user)
+    print('date:', date)
+    print('comment:', csetcomment)
     if parent:
-	print 'parent:', parent
+        print('parent:', parent)
     if mparent:
-        print 'mparent:', mparent
+        print('mparent:', mparent)
     if tag:
-        print 'tag:', tag
-    print '-----------------------------------------'
+        print('tag:', tag)
+    print('-----------------------------------------')
     # checkout the parent if necessary
     if cset != 0:
         if hgbranch[str(cset)] == "branch-" + str(cset):
-            print 'creating new branch', hgbranch[str(cset)]
+            print('creating new branch', hgbranch[str(cset)])
             os.system('git checkout -b %s %s' % (hgbranch[str(cset)], hgvers[parent]))
-            print 'checking out branch', hgbranch[str(cset)]
+            print('checking out branch', hgbranch[str(cset)])
             os.system('git checkout %s' % hgbranch[str(cset)])
     # merge
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
             otherbranch = hgbranch[mparent]
             otherbranch = hgbranch[parent]
-        print 'merging', otherbranch, 'into', hgbranch[str(cset)]
+        print('merging', otherbranch, 'into', hgbranch[str(cset)])
         os.system(getgitenv(user, date) + 'git merge --no-commit -s ours "" %s %s' % (hgbranch[str(cset)], otherbranch))
     # remove everything except .git and .hg directories
@@ -233,12 +233,12 @@
     # delete branch if not used anymore...
     if mparent and len(hgchildren[str(cset)]):
-        print "Deleting unused branch:", otherbranch
+        print("Deleting unused branch:", otherbranch)
         os.system('git branch -d %s' % otherbranch)
     # retrieve and record the version
     vvv = os.popen('git show --quiet --pretty=format:%H').read()
-    print 'record', cset, '->', vvv
+    print('record', cset, '->', vvv)
     hgvers[str(cset)] = vvv
 if hgnewcsets >= opt_nrepack and opt_nrepack != -1:
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 # write the state for incrementals
 if state:
     if verbose:
-        print 'Writing state'
+        print('Writing state')
     f = open(state, 'w')
     pickle.dump(hgvers, f)
diff --git a/contrib/svn-fe/svn-fe.txt b/contrib/svn-fe/svn-fe.txt
index a3425f4..19333fc 100644
--- a/contrib/svn-fe/svn-fe.txt
+++ b/contrib/svn-fe/svn-fe.txt
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 The resulting repository will generally require further processing
 to put each project in its own repository and to separate the history
-of each branch.  The 'git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter' command
+of each branch.  The 'git filter-repo --subdirectory-filter' command
 may be useful for this purpose.
@@ -67,5 +67,5 @@
-git-svn(1), svn2git(1), svk(1), git-filter-branch(1), git-fast-import(1),
+git-svn(1), svn2git(1), svk(1), git-filter-repo(1), git-fast-import(1),
diff --git a/contrib/svn-fe/ b/contrib/svn-fe/
index 11ac6f6..50c6a4f 100755
--- a/contrib/svn-fe/
+++ b/contrib/svn-fe/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
 Simulates svnrdump by replaying an existing dump from a file, taking care
 of the specified revision range.
diff --git a/convert.c b/convert.c
index 94ff837..25ac525 100644
--- a/convert.c
+++ b/convert.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "pkt-line.h"
 #include "sub-process.h"
 #include "utf8.h"
+#include "ll-merge.h"
  * convert.c - convert a file when checking it out and checking it in.
@@ -289,8 +290,8 @@
 			const char *stripped = NULL;
 			char *upper = xstrdup_toupper(enc);
 			upper[strlen(upper)-2] = '\0';
-			if (!skip_prefix(upper, "UTF-", &stripped))
-				skip_prefix(stripped, "UTF", &stripped);
+			if (skip_prefix(upper, "UTF", &stripped))
+				skip_prefix(stripped, "-", &stripped);
 			advise(advise_msg, path, stripped);
 			if (die_on_error)
@@ -309,8 +310,8 @@
 			const char *stripped = NULL;
 			char *upper = xstrdup_toupper(enc);
-			if (!skip_prefix(upper, "UTF-", &stripped))
-				skip_prefix(stripped, "UTF", &stripped);
+			if (skip_prefix(upper, "UTF", &stripped))
+				skip_prefix(stripped, "-", &stripped);
 			advise(advise_msg, path, stripped, stripped);
 			if (die_on_error)
@@ -1293,10 +1294,11 @@
 	const char *working_tree_encoding; /* Supported encoding or default encoding if NULL */
+static struct attr_check *check;
 static void convert_attrs(const struct index_state *istate,
 			  struct conv_attrs *ca, const char *path)
-	static struct attr_check *check;
 	struct attr_check_item *ccheck = NULL;
 	if (!check) {
@@ -1339,6 +1341,23 @@
 		ca->crlf_action = CRLF_AUTO_INPUT;
+void reset_parsed_attributes(void)
+	struct convert_driver *drv, *next;
+	attr_check_free(check);
+	check = NULL;
+	reset_merge_attributes();
+	for (drv = user_convert; drv; drv = next) {
+		next = drv->next;
+		free((void *)drv->name);
+		free(drv);
+	}
+	user_convert = NULL;
+	user_convert_tail = NULL;
 int would_convert_to_git_filter_fd(const struct index_state *istate, const char *path)
 	struct conv_attrs ca;
diff --git a/convert.h b/convert.h
index 831559f..3710969 100644
--- a/convert.h
+++ b/convert.h
@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@
 int would_convert_to_git_filter_fd(const struct index_state *istate,
 				   const char *path);
+ * Reset the internal list of attributes used by convert_to_git and
+ * convert_to_working_tree.
+ */
+void reset_parsed_attributes(void);
  * Streaming conversion support
diff --git a/credential-store.c b/credential-store.c
index ac29542..c010497 100644
--- a/credential-store.c
+++ b/credential-store.c
@@ -72,15 +72,16 @@
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s://", c->protocol);
-	strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->username, 1);
+	strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->username, is_rfc3986_unreserved);
 	strbuf_addch(&buf, ':');
-	strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->password, 1);
+	strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->password, is_rfc3986_unreserved);
 	strbuf_addch(&buf, '@');
 	if (c->host)
-		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->host, 1);
+		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->host, is_rfc3986_unreserved);
 	if (c->path) {
 		strbuf_addch(&buf, '/');
-		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->path, 0);
+		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, c->path,
+					is_rfc3986_reserved_or_unreserved);
 	rewrite_credential_file(fn, c, &buf);
diff --git a/date.c b/date.c
index 8126146..041db7d 100644
--- a/date.c
+++ b/date.c
@@ -128,16 +128,17 @@
 		gettimeofday(now, NULL);
-void show_date_relative(timestamp_t time,
-			const struct timeval *now,
-			struct strbuf *timebuf)
+void show_date_relative(timestamp_t time, struct strbuf *timebuf)
+	struct timeval now;
 	timestamp_t diff;
-	if (now->tv_sec < time) {
+	get_time(&now);
+	if (now.tv_sec < time) {
 		strbuf_addstr(timebuf, _("in the future"));
-	diff = now->tv_sec - time;
+	diff = now.tv_sec - time;
 	if (diff < 90) {
 			 Q_("%"PRItime" second ago", "%"PRItime" seconds ago", diff), diff);
@@ -240,9 +241,7 @@
 	/* Show "today" times as just relative times */
 	if (hide.wday) {
-		struct timeval now;
-		get_time(&now);
-		show_date_relative(time, &now, buf);
+		show_date_relative(time, buf);
@@ -313,11 +312,8 @@
 	if (mode->type == DATE_RELATIVE) {
-		struct timeval now;
-		get_time(&now);
-		show_date_relative(time, &now, &timebuf);
+		show_date_relative(time, &timebuf);
 		return timebuf.buf;
@@ -1288,15 +1284,18 @@
 	return (timestamp_t)update_tm(&tm, &now, 0);
-timestamp_t approxidate_relative(const char *date, const struct timeval *tv)
+timestamp_t approxidate_relative(const char *date)
+	struct timeval tv;
 	timestamp_t timestamp;
 	int offset;
 	int errors = 0;
 	if (!parse_date_basic(date, &timestamp, &offset))
 		return timestamp;
-	return approxidate_str(date, tv, &errors);
+	get_time(&tv);
+	return approxidate_str(date, (const struct timeval *) &tv, &errors);
 timestamp_t approxidate_careful(const char *date, int *error_ret)
diff --git a/diff-delta.c b/diff-delta.c
index e496433..77fea08 100644
--- a/diff-delta.c
+++ b/diff-delta.c
@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@
 	const unsigned char *ref_data, *ref_top, *data, *top;
 	unsigned char *out;
+	*delta_size = 0;
 	if (!trg_buf || !trg_size)
 		return NULL;
diff --git a/diff.c b/diff.c
index 1ee04e3..afe4400 100644
--- a/diff.c
+++ b/diff.c
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "parse-options.h"
 #include "help.h"
-#include "fetch-object.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
@@ -933,16 +933,18 @@
 static int moved_entry_cmp(const void *hashmap_cmp_fn_data,
-			   const void *entry,
-			   const void *entry_or_key,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			   const void *keydata)
 	const struct diff_options *diffopt = hashmap_cmp_fn_data;
-	const struct moved_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct moved_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct moved_entry *a, *b;
 	unsigned flags = diffopt->color_moved_ws_handling
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct moved_entry, ent);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct moved_entry, ent);
 	if (diffopt->color_moved_ws_handling &
@@ -964,8 +966,9 @@
 	struct moved_entry *ret = xmalloc(sizeof(*ret));
 	struct emitted_diff_symbol *l = &o->emitted_symbols->buf[line_no];
 	unsigned flags = o->color_moved_ws_handling & XDF_WHITESPACE_FLAGS;
+	unsigned int hash = xdiff_hash_string(l->line, l->len, flags);
-	ret->ent.hash = xdiff_hash_string(l->line, l->len, flags);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&ret->ent, hash);
 	ret->es = l;
 	ret->next_line = NULL;
@@ -1002,7 +1005,7 @@
 		if (prev_line && prev_line->es->s == o->emitted_symbols->buf[n].s)
 			prev_line->next_line = key;
-		hashmap_add(hm, key);
+		hashmap_add(hm, &key->ent);
 		prev_line = key;
@@ -1018,7 +1021,7 @@
 		struct moved_entry *prev = pmb[i].match;
 		struct moved_entry *cur = (prev && prev->next_line) ?
 				prev->next_line : NULL;
-		if (cur && !hm->cmpfn(o, cur, match, NULL)) {
+		if (cur && !hm->cmpfn(o, &cur->ent, &match->ent, NULL)) {
 			pmb[i].match = cur;
 		} else {
 			pmb[i].match = NULL;
@@ -1035,7 +1038,7 @@
 	int i;
 	char *got_match = xcalloc(1, pmb_nr);
-	for (; match; match = hashmap_get_next(hm, match)) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry_from(hm, match, ent) {
 		for (i = 0; i < pmb_nr; i++) {
 			struct moved_entry *prev = pmb[i].match;
 			struct moved_entry *cur = (prev && prev->next_line) ?
@@ -1143,13 +1146,13 @@
 			hm = del_lines;
 			key = prepare_entry(o, n);
-			match = hashmap_get(hm, key, NULL);
+			match = hashmap_get_entry(hm, key, ent, NULL);
 			hm = add_lines;
 			key = prepare_entry(o, n);
-			match = hashmap_get(hm, key, NULL);
+			match = hashmap_get_entry(hm, key, ent, NULL);
@@ -1188,7 +1191,7 @@
 			 * The current line is the start of a new block.
 			 * Setup the set of potential blocks.
-			for (; match; match = hashmap_get_next(hm, match)) {
+			hashmap_for_each_entry_from(hm, match, ent) {
 				ALLOC_GROW(pmb, pmb_nr + 1, pmb_alloc);
 				if (o->color_moved_ws_handling &
@@ -1673,7 +1676,10 @@
 	if (ecbdata->opt->flags.dual_color_diffed_diffs)
 		strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, reverse);
 	strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, frag);
-	strbuf_add(&msgbuf, line, ep - line);
+	if (ecbdata->opt->flags.suppress_hunk_header_line_count)
+		strbuf_add(&msgbuf, atat, sizeof(atat));
+	else
+		strbuf_add(&msgbuf, line, ep - line);
 	strbuf_addstr(&msgbuf, reset);
@@ -4206,6 +4212,8 @@
 	argv_array_pushf(&env, "GIT_DIFF_PATH_COUNTER=%d", ++o->diff_path_counter);
 	argv_array_pushf(&env, "GIT_DIFF_PATH_TOTAL=%d", q->nr);
+	diff_free_filespec_data(one);
+	diff_free_filespec_data(two);
 	if (run_command_v_opt_cd_env(argv.argv, RUN_USING_SHELL, NULL, env.argv))
 		die(_("external diff died, stopping at %s"), name);
@@ -5973,7 +5981,7 @@
 struct patch_id_t {
-	git_SHA_CTX *ctx;
+	git_hash_ctx *ctx;
 	int patchlen;
@@ -5990,16 +5998,16 @@
 	return dst - line;
-void flush_one_hunk(struct object_id *result, git_SHA_CTX *ctx)
+void flush_one_hunk(struct object_id *result, git_hash_ctx *ctx)
 	unsigned char hash[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
 	unsigned short carry = 0;
 	int i;
-	git_SHA1_Final(hash, ctx);
-	git_SHA1_Init(ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->final_fn(hash, ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->init_fn(ctx);
 	/* 20-byte sum, with carry */
-	for (i = 0; i < GIT_SHA1_RAWSZ; ++i) {
+	for (i = 0; i < the_hash_algo->rawsz; ++i) {
 		carry += result->hash[i] + hash[i];
 		result->hash[i] = carry;
 		carry >>= 8;
@@ -6013,21 +6021,21 @@
 	new_len = remove_space(line, len);
-	git_SHA1_Update(data->ctx, line, new_len);
+	the_hash_algo->update_fn(data->ctx, line, new_len);
 	data->patchlen += new_len;
-static void patch_id_add_string(git_SHA_CTX *ctx, const char *str)
+static void patch_id_add_string(git_hash_ctx *ctx, const char *str)
-	git_SHA1_Update(ctx, str, strlen(str));
+	the_hash_algo->update_fn(ctx, str, strlen(str));
-static void patch_id_add_mode(git_SHA_CTX *ctx, unsigned mode)
+static void patch_id_add_mode(git_hash_ctx *ctx, unsigned mode)
 	/* large enough for 2^32 in octal */
 	char buf[12];
 	int len = xsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%06o", mode);
-	git_SHA1_Update(ctx, buf, len);
+	the_hash_algo->update_fn(ctx, buf, len);
 /* returns 0 upon success, and writes result into oid */
@@ -6035,10 +6043,10 @@
 	struct diff_queue_struct *q = &diff_queued_diff;
 	int i;
-	git_SHA_CTX ctx;
+	git_hash_ctx ctx;
 	struct patch_id_t data;
-	git_SHA1_Init(&ctx);
+	the_hash_algo->init_fn(&ctx);
 	memset(&data, 0, sizeof(struct patch_id_t));
 	data.ctx = &ctx;
@@ -6071,27 +6079,27 @@
 		len2 = remove_space(p->two->path, strlen(p->two->path));
 		patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "diff--git");
 		patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "a/");
-		git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, p->one->path, len1);
+		the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, p->one->path, len1);
 		patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "b/");
-		git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, p->two->path, len2);
+		the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, p->two->path, len2);
 		if (p->one->mode == 0) {
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "newfilemode");
 			patch_id_add_mode(&ctx, p->two->mode);
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "---/dev/null");
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "+++b/");
-			git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, p->two->path, len2);
+			the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, p->two->path, len2);
 		} else if (p->two->mode == 0) {
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "deletedfilemode");
 			patch_id_add_mode(&ctx, p->one->mode);
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "---a/");
-			git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, p->one->path, len1);
+			the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, p->one->path, len1);
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "+++/dev/null");
 		} else {
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "---a/");
-			git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, p->one->path, len1);
+			the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, p->one->path, len1);
 			patch_id_add_string(&ctx, "+++b/");
-			git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, p->two->path, len2);
+			the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, p->two->path, len2);
 		if (diff_header_only)
@@ -6103,10 +6111,10 @@
 		if (diff_filespec_is_binary(options->repo, p->one) ||
 		    diff_filespec_is_binary(options->repo, p->two)) {
-			git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, oid_to_hex(&p->one->oid),
-					GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
-			git_SHA1_Update(&ctx, oid_to_hex(&p->two->oid),
-					GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
+			the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, oid_to_hex(&p->one->oid),
+					the_hash_algo->hexsz);
+			the_hash_algo->update_fn(&ctx, oid_to_hex(&p->two->oid),
+					the_hash_algo->hexsz);
@@ -6123,7 +6131,7 @@
 	if (!stable)
-		git_SHA1_Final(oid->hash, &ctx);
+		the_hash_algo->final_fn(oid->hash, &ctx);
 	return 0;
@@ -6225,8 +6233,10 @@
 			if (o->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_ZEBRA_DIM)
-			hashmap_free(&add_lines, 1);
-			hashmap_free(&del_lines, 1);
+			hashmap_free_entries(&add_lines, struct moved_entry,
+						ent);
+			hashmap_free_entries(&del_lines, struct moved_entry,
+						ent);
 		for (i = 0; i <; i++)
@@ -6507,6 +6517,7 @@
 			   const struct diff_filespec *filespec)
 	if (filespec && filespec->oid_valid &&
+	    !S_ISGITLINK(filespec->mode) &&
 	    oid_object_info_extended(r, &filespec->oid, NULL,
 		oid_array_append(to_fetch, &filespec->oid);
@@ -6514,8 +6525,7 @@
 void diffcore_std(struct diff_options *options)
-	if (options->repo == the_repository &&
-	    repository_format_partial_clone) {
+	if (options->repo == the_repository && has_promisor_remote()) {
 		 * Prefetch the diff pairs that are about to be flushed.
@@ -6532,8 +6542,8 @@
 			 * NEEDSWORK: Consider deduplicating the OIDs sent.
-			fetch_objects(repository_format_partial_clone,
-				      to_fetch.oid,;
+			promisor_remote_get_direct(options->repo,
+						   to_fetch.oid,;
diff --git a/diff.h b/diff.h
index b680b37..7f8f024 100644
--- a/diff.h
+++ b/diff.h
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
 	unsigned stat_with_summary;
 	unsigned suppress_diff_headers;
 	unsigned dual_color_diffed_diffs;
+	unsigned suppress_hunk_header_line_count;
 static inline void diff_flags_or(struct diff_flags *a,
@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@
 int do_diff_cache(const struct object_id *, struct diff_options *);
 int diff_flush_patch_id(struct diff_options *, struct object_id *, int, int);
-void flush_one_hunk(struct object_id *, git_SHA_CTX *);
+void flush_one_hunk(struct object_id *result, git_hash_ctx *ctx);
 int diff_result_code(struct diff_options *, int);
diff --git a/diffcore-break.c b/diffcore-break.c
index 875aefd..9d20a6a 100644
--- a/diffcore-break.c
+++ b/diffcore-break.c
@@ -286,17 +286,17 @@
 					/* Peer survived.  Merge them */
 					merge_broken(p, pp, &outq);
 					q->queue[j] = NULL;
-					break;
+					goto next;
-			if (q->nr <= j)
-				/* The peer did not survive, so we keep
-				 * it in the output.
-				 */
-				diff_q(&outq, p);
+			/* The peer did not survive, so we keep
+			 * it in the output.
+			 */
+			diff_q(&outq, p);
 			diff_q(&outq, p);
 	*q = outq;
diff --git a/diffcore-rename.c b/diffcore-rename.c
index 9624864..531d7ad 100644
--- a/diffcore-rename.c
+++ b/diffcore-rename.c
@@ -274,18 +274,17 @@
 				struct diff_options *options)
 	int renames = 0;
 	struct diff_filespec *target = rename_dst[dst_index].two;
 	struct file_similarity *p, *best = NULL;
 	int i = 100, best_score = -1;
+	unsigned int hash = hash_filespec(options->repo, target);
 	 * Find the best source match for specified destination.
-	p = hashmap_get_from_hash(srcs,
-				  hash_filespec(options->repo, target),
-				  NULL);
-	for (; p; p = hashmap_get_next(srcs, p)) {
+	p = hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(srcs, hash, NULL,
+					struct file_similarity, entry);
+	hashmap_for_each_entry_from(srcs, p, entry) {
 		int score;
 		struct diff_filespec *source = p->filespec;
@@ -329,8 +328,8 @@
 	entry->index = index;
 	entry->filespec = filespec;
-	hashmap_entry_init(entry, hash_filespec(r, filespec));
-	hashmap_add(table, entry);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&entry->entry, hash_filespec(r, filespec));
+	hashmap_add(table, &entry->entry);
@@ -359,7 +358,7 @@
 		renames += find_identical_files(&file_table, i, options);
 	/* Free the hash data structure and entries */
-	hashmap_free(&file_table, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&file_table, struct file_similarity, entry);
 	return renames;
@@ -585,7 +584,7 @@
 	/* cost matrix sorted by most to least similar pair */
-	QSORT(mx, dst_cnt * NUM_CANDIDATE_PER_DST, score_compare);
+	STABLE_QSORT(mx, dst_cnt * NUM_CANDIDATE_PER_DST, score_compare);
 	rename_count += find_renames(mx, dst_cnt, minimum_score, 0);
 	if (detect_rename == DIFF_DETECT_COPY)
diff --git a/dir-iterator.c b/dir-iterator.c
index f2dcd82..b17e9f9 100644
--- a/dir-iterator.c
+++ b/dir-iterator.c
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 #include "dir-iterator.h"
 struct dir_iterator_level {
-	int initialized;
 	DIR *dir;
@@ -13,16 +11,6 @@
 	 * (including a trailing '/'):
 	size_t prefix_len;
-	/*
-	 * The last action that has been taken with the current entry
-	 * (needed for directories, which have to be included in the
-	 * iteration and also iterated into):
-	 */
-	enum {
-	} dir_state;
@@ -34,9 +22,11 @@
 	struct dir_iterator base;
-	 * The number of levels currently on the stack. This is always
-	 * at least 1, because when it becomes zero the iteration is
-	 * ended and this struct is freed.
+	 * The number of levels currently on the stack. After the first
+	 * call to dir_iterator_begin(), if it succeeds to open the
+	 * first level's dir, this will always be at least 1. Then,
+	 * when it comes to zero the iteration is ended and this
+	 * struct is freed.
 	size_t levels_nr;
@@ -48,117 +38,142 @@
 	 * that will be included in this iteration.
 	struct dir_iterator_level *levels;
+	/* Combination of flags for this dir-iterator */
+	unsigned int flags;
+ * Push a level in the iter stack and initialize it with information from
+ * the directory pointed by iter->base->path. It is assumed that this
+ * strbuf points to a valid directory path. Return 0 on success and -1
+ * otherwise, setting errno accordingly and leaving the stack unchanged.
+ */
+static int push_level(struct dir_iterator_int *iter)
+	struct dir_iterator_level *level;
+	ALLOC_GROW(iter->levels, iter->levels_nr + 1, iter->levels_alloc);
+	level = &iter->levels[iter->levels_nr++];
+	if (!is_dir_sep(iter->base.path.buf[iter->base.path.len - 1]))
+		strbuf_addch(&iter->base.path, '/');
+	level->prefix_len = iter->base.path.len;
+	level->dir = opendir(iter->base.path.buf);
+	if (!level->dir) {
+		int saved_errno = errno;
+		if (errno != ENOENT) {
+			warning_errno("error opening directory '%s'",
+				      iter->base.path.buf);
+		}
+		iter->levels_nr--;
+		errno = saved_errno;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ * Pop the top level on the iter stack, releasing any resources associated
+ * with it. Return the new value of iter->levels_nr.
+ */
+static int pop_level(struct dir_iterator_int *iter)
+	struct dir_iterator_level *level =
+		&iter->levels[iter->levels_nr - 1];
+	if (level->dir && closedir(level->dir))
+		warning_errno("error closing directory '%s'",
+			      iter->base.path.buf);
+	level->dir = NULL;
+	return --iter->levels_nr;
+ * Populate iter->base with the necessary information on the next iteration
+ * entry, represented by the given dirent de. Return 0 on success and -1
+ * otherwise, setting errno accordingly.
+ */
+static int prepare_next_entry_data(struct dir_iterator_int *iter,
+				   struct dirent *de)
+	int err, saved_errno;
+	strbuf_addstr(&iter->base.path, de->d_name);
+	/*
+	 * We have to reset these because the path strbuf might have
+	 * been realloc()ed at the previous strbuf_addstr().
+	 */
+	iter->base.relative_path = iter->base.path.buf +
+				   iter->levels[0].prefix_len;
+	iter->base.basename = iter->base.path.buf +
+			      iter->levels[iter->levels_nr - 1].prefix_len;
+		err = stat(iter->base.path.buf, &iter->;
+	else
+		err = lstat(iter->base.path.buf, &iter->;
+	saved_errno = errno;
+	if (err && errno != ENOENT)
+		warning_errno("failed to stat '%s'", iter->base.path.buf);
+	errno = saved_errno;
+	return err;
 int dir_iterator_advance(struct dir_iterator *dir_iterator)
 	struct dir_iterator_int *iter =
 		(struct dir_iterator_int *)dir_iterator;
+	if (S_ISDIR(iter-> && push_level(iter)) {
+		if (errno != ENOENT && iter->flags & DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC)
+			goto error_out;
+		if (iter->levels_nr == 0)
+			goto error_out;
+	}
+	/* Loop until we find an entry that we can give back to the caller. */
 	while (1) {
+		struct dirent *de;
 		struct dir_iterator_level *level =
 			&iter->levels[iter->levels_nr - 1];
-		struct dirent *de;
-		if (!level->initialized) {
-			/*
-			 * Note: dir_iterator_begin() ensures that
-			 * path is not the empty string.
-			 */
-			if (!is_dir_sep(iter->base.path.buf[iter->base.path.len - 1]))
-				strbuf_addch(&iter->base.path, '/');
-			level->prefix_len = iter->base.path.len;
+		strbuf_setlen(&iter->base.path, level->prefix_len);
+		errno = 0;
+		de = readdir(level->dir);
-			level->dir = opendir(iter->base.path.buf);
-			if (!level->dir && errno != ENOENT) {
-				warning("error opening directory %s: %s",
-					iter->base.path.buf, strerror(errno));
-				/* Popping the level is handled below */
-			}
-			level->initialized = 1;
-		} else if (S_ISDIR(iter-> {
-			if (level->dir_state == DIR_STATE_ITER) {
-				/*
-				 * The directory was just iterated
-				 * over; now prepare to iterate into
-				 * it.
-				 */
-				level->dir_state = DIR_STATE_RECURSE;
-				ALLOC_GROW(iter->levels, iter->levels_nr + 1,
-					   iter->levels_alloc);
-				level = &iter->levels[iter->levels_nr++];
-				level->initialized = 0;
-				continue;
-			} else {
-				/*
-				 * The directory has already been
-				 * iterated over and iterated into;
-				 * we're done with it.
-				 */
-			}
-		}
-		if (!level->dir) {
-			/*
-			 * This level is exhausted (or wasn't opened
-			 * successfully); pop up a level.
-			 */
-			if (--iter->levels_nr == 0)
+		if (!de) {
+			if (errno) {
+				warning_errno("error reading directory '%s'",
+					      iter->base.path.buf);
+				if (iter->flags & DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC)
+					goto error_out;
+			} else if (pop_level(iter) == 0) {
 				return dir_iterator_abort(dir_iterator);
+			}
-		/*
-		 * Loop until we find an entry that we can give back
-		 * to the caller:
-		 */
-		while (1) {
-			strbuf_setlen(&iter->base.path, level->prefix_len);
-			errno = 0;
-			de = readdir(level->dir);
+		if (is_dot_or_dotdot(de->d_name))
+			continue;
-			if (!de) {
-				/* This level is exhausted; pop up a level. */
-				if (errno) {
-					warning("error reading directory %s: %s",
-						iter->base.path.buf, strerror(errno));
-				} else if (closedir(level->dir))
-					warning("error closing directory %s: %s",
-						iter->base.path.buf, strerror(errno));
-				level->dir = NULL;
-				if (--iter->levels_nr == 0)
-					return dir_iterator_abort(dir_iterator);
-				break;
-			}
-			if (is_dot_or_dotdot(de->d_name))
-				continue;
-			strbuf_addstr(&iter->base.path, de->d_name);
-			if (lstat(iter->base.path.buf, &iter-> < 0) {
-				if (errno != ENOENT)
-					warning("error reading path '%s': %s",
-						iter->base.path.buf,
-						strerror(errno));
-				continue;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * We have to set these each time because
-			 * the path strbuf might have been realloc()ed.
-			 */
-			iter->base.relative_path =
-				iter->base.path.buf + iter->levels[0].prefix_len;
-			iter->base.basename =
-				iter->base.path.buf + level->prefix_len;
-			level->dir_state = DIR_STATE_ITER;
-			return ITER_OK;
+		if (prepare_next_entry_data(iter, de)) {
+			if (errno != ENOENT && iter->flags & DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC)
+				goto error_out;
+			continue;
+		return ITER_OK;
+	dir_iterator_abort(dir_iterator);
+	return ITER_ERROR;
 int dir_iterator_abort(struct dir_iterator *dir_iterator)
@@ -170,9 +185,11 @@
 			&iter->levels[iter->levels_nr - 1];
 		if (level->dir && closedir(level->dir)) {
+			int saved_errno = errno;
 			strbuf_setlen(&iter->base.path, level->prefix_len);
-			warning("error closing directory %s: %s",
-				iter->base.path.buf, strerror(errno));
+			errno = saved_errno;
+			warning_errno("error closing directory '%s'",
+				      iter->base.path.buf);
@@ -182,21 +199,37 @@
 	return ITER_DONE;
-struct dir_iterator *dir_iterator_begin(const char *path)
+struct dir_iterator *dir_iterator_begin(const char *path, unsigned int flags)
 	struct dir_iterator_int *iter = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*iter));
 	struct dir_iterator *dir_iterator = &iter->base;
-	if (!path || !*path)
-		BUG("empty path passed to dir_iterator_begin()");
+	int saved_errno;
 	strbuf_init(&iter->base.path, PATH_MAX);
 	strbuf_addstr(&iter->base.path, path);
 	ALLOC_GROW(iter->levels, 10, iter->levels_alloc);
+	iter->levels_nr = 0;
+	iter->flags = flags;
-	iter->levels_nr = 1;
-	iter->levels[0].initialized = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Note: stat already checks for NULL or empty strings and
+	 * inexistent paths.
+	 */
+	if (stat(iter->base.path.buf, &iter-> < 0) {
+		saved_errno = errno;
+		goto error_out;
+	}
+	if (!S_ISDIR(iter-> {
+		saved_errno = ENOTDIR;
+		goto error_out;
+	}
 	return dir_iterator;
+	dir_iterator_abort(dir_iterator);
+	errno = saved_errno;
+	return NULL;
diff --git a/dir-iterator.h b/dir-iterator.h
index 970793d..0822915 100644
--- a/dir-iterator.h
+++ b/dir-iterator.h
@@ -8,18 +8,23 @@
  * Iterate over a directory tree, recursively, including paths of all
  * types and hidden paths. Skip "." and ".." entries and don't follow
- * symlinks except for the original path.
+ * symlinks except for the original path. Note that the original path
+ * is not included in the iteration.
  * Every time dir_iterator_advance() is called, update the members of
  * the dir_iterator structure to reflect the next path in the
  * iteration. The order that paths are iterated over within a
- * directory is undefined, but directory paths are always iterated
- * over before the subdirectory contents.
+ * directory is undefined, directory paths are always given before
+ * their contents.
  * A typical iteration looks like this:
  *     int ok;
- *     struct iterator *iter = dir_iterator_begin(path);
+ *     unsigned int flags = DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC;
+ *     struct dir_iterator *iter = dir_iterator_begin(path, flags);
+ *
+ *     if (!iter)
+ *             goto error_handler;
  *     while ((ok = dir_iterator_advance(iter)) == ITER_OK) {
  *             if (want_to_stop_iteration()) {
@@ -40,6 +45,29 @@
  * dir_iterator_advance() again.
+ * Flags for dir_iterator_begin:
+ *
+ * - DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC: override dir-iterator's default behavior
+ *   in case of an error at dir_iterator_advance(), which is to keep
+ *   looking for a next valid entry. With this flag, resources are freed
+ *   and ITER_ERROR is returned immediately. In both cases, a meaningful
+ *   warning is emitted. Note: ENOENT errors are always ignored so that
+ *   the API users may remove files during iteration.
+ *
+ * - DIR_ITERATOR_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS: make dir-iterator follow symlinks.
+ *   i.e., linked directories' contents will be iterated over and
+ *   iter-> will contain information on the referred files,
+ *   not the symlinks themselves, which is the default behavior. Broken
+ *   symlinks are ignored.
+ *
+ * Warning: circular symlinks are also followed when
+ * DIR_ITERATOR_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS is set. The iteration may end up with
+ * an ELOOP if they happen and DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC is set.
+ */
+#define DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC (1 << 0)
 struct dir_iterator {
 	/* The current path: */
 	struct strbuf path;
@@ -54,28 +82,38 @@
 	/* The current basename: */
 	const char *basename;
-	/* The result of calling lstat() on path: */
+	/*
+	 * The result of calling lstat() on path; or stat(), if the
+	 * dir_iterator's initialization.
+	 */
 	struct stat st;
- * Start a directory iteration over path. Return a dir_iterator that
- * holds the internal state of the iteration.
+ * Start a directory iteration over path with the combination of
+ * options specified by flags. On success, return a dir_iterator
+ * that holds the internal state of the iteration. In case of
+ * failure, return NULL and set errno accordingly.
  * The iteration includes all paths under path, not including path
  * itself and not including "." or ".." entries.
- * path is the starting directory. An internal copy will be made.
+ * Parameters are:
+ *  - path is the starting directory. An internal copy will be made.
+ *  - flags is a combination of the possible flags to initialize a
+ *    dir-iterator or 0 for default behavior.
-struct dir_iterator *dir_iterator_begin(const char *path);
+struct dir_iterator *dir_iterator_begin(const char *path, unsigned int flags);
  * Advance the iterator to the first or next item and return ITER_OK.
  * If the iteration is exhausted, free the dir_iterator and any
- * resources associated with it and return ITER_DONE. On error, free
- * dir_iterator and associated resources and return ITER_ERROR. It is
- * a bug to use iterator or call this function again after it has
- * returned ITER_DONE or ITER_ERROR.
+ * resources associated with it and return ITER_DONE.
+ *
+ * It is a bug to use iterator or call this function again after it
+ * has returned ITER_DONE or ITER_ERROR (which may be returned iff
+ * the DIR_ITERATOR_PEDANTIC flag was set).
 int dir_iterator_advance(struct dir_iterator *iterator);
diff --git a/dir.c b/dir.c
index d021c90..61f559f9 100644
--- a/dir.c
+++ b/dir.c
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 	 * ":(icase)path" is treated as a pathspec full of
 	 * wildcard. In other words, only prefix is considered common
 	 * prefix. If the pathspec is abc/foo abc/bar, running in
-	 * subdir xyz, the common prefix is still xyz, not xuz/abc as
+	 * subdir xyz, the common prefix is still xyz, not xyz/abc as
 	 * in non-:(icase).
@@ -273,19 +273,30 @@
 #define DO_MATCH_EXCLUDE   (1<<0)
 #define DO_MATCH_DIRECTORY (1<<1)
-#define DO_MATCH_SUBMODULE (1<<2)
- * Does 'match' match the given name?
- * A match is found if
+ * Does the given pathspec match the given name?  A match is found if
- * (1) the 'match' string is leading directory of 'name', or
- * (2) the 'match' string is a wildcard and matches 'name', or
- * (3) the 'match' string is exactly the same as 'name'.
+ * (1) the pathspec string is leading directory of 'name' ("RECURSIVELY"), or
+ * (2) the pathspec string has a leading part matching 'name' ("LEADING"), or
+ * (3) the pathspec string is a wildcard and matches 'name' ("WILDCARD"), or
+ * (4) the pathspec string is exactly the same as 'name' ("EXACT").
- * and the return value tells which case it was.
+ * Return value tells which case it was (1-4), or 0 when there is no match.
- * It returns 0 when there is no match.
+ * It may be instructive to look at a small table of concrete examples
+ * to understand the differences between 1, 2, and 4:
+ *
+ *                              Pathspecs
+ *                |    a/b    |   a/b/    |   a/b/c
+ *          ------+-----------+-----------+------------
+ *          a/b   |  EXACT    |  EXACT[1] | LEADING[2]
+ *  Names   a/b/  | RECURSIVE |   EXACT   | LEADING[2]
+ *          a/b/c | RECURSIVE | RECURSIVE |   EXACT
+ *
+ * [1] Only if DO_MATCH_DIRECTORY is passed; otherwise, this is NOT a match.
+ * [2] Only if DO_MATCH_LEADING_PATHSPEC is passed; otherwise, not a match.
 static int match_pathspec_item(const struct index_state *istate,
 			       const struct pathspec_item *item, int prefix,
@@ -353,13 +364,14 @@
 			 item->nowildcard_len - prefix))
-	/* Perform checks to see if "name" is a super set of the pathspec */
-	if (flags & DO_MATCH_SUBMODULE) {
+	/* Perform checks to see if "name" is a leading string of the pathspec */
 		/* name is a literal prefix of the pathspec */
+		int offset = name[namelen-1] == '/' ? 1 : 0;
 		if ((namelen < matchlen) &&
-		    (match[namelen] == '/') &&
+		    (match[namelen-offset] == '/') &&
 		    !ps_strncmp(item, match, name, namelen))
 		/* name" doesn't match up to the first wild character */
 		if (item->nowildcard_len < item->len &&
@@ -376,7 +388,7 @@
 		 * The submodules themselves will be able to perform more
 		 * accurate matching to determine if the pathspec matches.
 	return 0;
@@ -497,7 +509,7 @@
 					0, seen,
 	return matched;
@@ -561,7 +573,7 @@
 	return string[simple_length(string)] == '\0';
-void parse_exclude_pattern(const char **pattern,
+void parse_path_pattern(const char **pattern,
 			   int *patternlen,
 			   unsigned *flags,
 			   int *nowildcardlen)
@@ -571,20 +583,20 @@
 	*flags = 0;
 	if (*p == '!') {
-		*flags |= EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE;
 	len = strlen(p);
 	if (len && p[len - 1] == '/') {
-		*flags |= EXC_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR;
 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 		if (p[i] == '/')
 	if (i == len)
-		*flags |= EXC_FLAG_NODIR;
+		*flags |= PATTERN_FLAG_NODIR;
 	*nowildcardlen = simple_length(p);
 	 * we should have excluded the trailing slash from 'p' too,
@@ -594,35 +606,35 @@
 	if (*nowildcardlen > len)
 		*nowildcardlen = len;
 	if (*p == '*' && no_wildcard(p + 1))
-		*flags |= EXC_FLAG_ENDSWITH;
 	*pattern = p;
 	*patternlen = len;
-void add_exclude(const char *string, const char *base,
-		 int baselen, struct exclude_list *el, int srcpos)
+void add_pattern(const char *string, const char *base,
+		 int baselen, struct pattern_list *pl, int srcpos)
-	struct exclude *x;
+	struct path_pattern *pattern;
 	int patternlen;
 	unsigned flags;
 	int nowildcardlen;
-	parse_exclude_pattern(&string, &patternlen, &flags, &nowildcardlen);
-	if (flags & EXC_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR) {
-		FLEXPTR_ALLOC_MEM(x, pattern, string, patternlen);
+	parse_path_pattern(&string, &patternlen, &flags, &nowildcardlen);
+		FLEXPTR_ALLOC_MEM(pattern, pattern, string, patternlen);
 	} else {
-		x = xmalloc(sizeof(*x));
-		x->pattern = string;
+		pattern = xmalloc(sizeof(*pattern));
+		pattern->pattern = string;
-	x->patternlen = patternlen;
-	x->nowildcardlen = nowildcardlen;
-	x->base = base;
-	x->baselen = baselen;
-	x->flags = flags;
-	x->srcpos = srcpos;
-	ALLOC_GROW(el->excludes, el->nr + 1, el->alloc);
-	el->excludes[el->nr++] = x;
-	x->el = el;
+	pattern->patternlen = patternlen;
+	pattern->nowildcardlen = nowildcardlen;
+	pattern->base = base;
+	pattern->baselen = baselen;
+	pattern->flags = flags;
+	pattern->srcpos = srcpos;
+	ALLOC_GROW(pl->patterns, pl->nr + 1, pl->alloc);
+	pl->patterns[pl->nr++] = pattern;
+	pattern->pl = pl;
 static int read_skip_worktree_file_from_index(const struct index_state *istate,
@@ -643,19 +655,19 @@
- * Frees memory within el which was allocated for exclude patterns and
- * the file buffer.  Does not free el itself.
+ * Frees memory within pl which was allocated for exclude patterns and
+ * the file buffer.  Does not free pl itself.
-void clear_exclude_list(struct exclude_list *el)
+void clear_pattern_list(struct pattern_list *pl)
 	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < el->nr; i++)
-		free(el->excludes[i]);
-	free(el->excludes);
-	free(el->filebuf);
+	for (i = 0; i < pl->nr; i++)
+		free(pl->patterns[i]);
+	free(pl->patterns);
+	free(pl->filebuf);
-	memset(el, 0, sizeof(*el));
+	memset(pl, 0, sizeof(*pl));
 static void trim_trailing_spaces(char *buf)
@@ -762,21 +774,21 @@
 		dir->dirs[i]->recurse = 0;
-static int add_excludes_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
+static int add_patterns_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
 				    const char *base, int baselen,
-				    struct exclude_list *el);
+				    struct pattern_list *pl);
  * Given a file with name "fname", read it (either from disk, or from
  * an index if 'istate' is non-null), parse it and store the
- * exclude rules in "el".
+ * exclude rules in "pl".
  * If "ss" is not NULL, compute SHA-1 of the exclude file and fill
- * stat data from disk (only valid if add_excludes returns zero). If
+ * stat data from disk (only valid if add_patterns returns zero). If
  * ss_valid is non-zero, "ss" must contain good value as input.
-static int add_excludes(const char *fname, const char *base, int baselen,
-			struct exclude_list *el, struct index_state *istate,
+static int add_patterns(const char *fname, const char *base, int baselen,
+			struct pattern_list *pl, struct index_state *istate,
 			struct oid_stat *oid_stat)
 	struct stat st;
@@ -837,21 +849,21 @@
-	add_excludes_from_buffer(buf, size, base, baselen, el);
+	add_patterns_from_buffer(buf, size, base, baselen, pl);
 	return 0;
-static int add_excludes_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
+static int add_patterns_from_buffer(char *buf, size_t size,
 				    const char *base, int baselen,
-				    struct exclude_list *el)
+				    struct pattern_list *pl)
 	int i, lineno = 1;
 	char *entry;
-	el->filebuf = buf;
+	pl->filebuf = buf;
 	if (skip_utf8_bom(&buf, size))
-		size -= buf - el->filebuf;
+		size -= buf - pl->filebuf;
 	entry = buf;
@@ -860,7 +872,7 @@
 			if (entry != buf + i && entry[0] != '#') {
 				buf[i - (i && buf[i-1] == '\r')] = 0;
-				add_exclude(entry, base, baselen, el, lineno);
+				add_pattern(entry, base, baselen, pl, lineno);
 			entry = buf + i + 1;
@@ -869,17 +881,17 @@
 	return 0;
-int add_excludes_from_file_to_list(const char *fname, const char *base,
-				   int baselen, struct exclude_list *el,
+int add_patterns_from_file_to_list(const char *fname, const char *base,
+				   int baselen, struct pattern_list *pl,
 				   struct index_state *istate)
-	return add_excludes(fname, base, baselen, el, istate, NULL);
+	return add_patterns(fname, base, baselen, pl, istate, NULL);
-int add_excludes_from_blob_to_list(
+int add_patterns_from_blob_to_list(
 	struct object_id *oid,
 	const char *base, int baselen,
-	struct exclude_list *el)
+	struct pattern_list *pl)
 	char *buf;
 	size_t size;
@@ -889,31 +901,31 @@
 	if (r != 1)
 		return r;
-	add_excludes_from_buffer(buf, size, base, baselen, el);
+	add_patterns_from_buffer(buf, size, base, baselen, pl);
 	return 0;
-struct exclude_list *add_exclude_list(struct dir_struct *dir,
+struct pattern_list *add_pattern_list(struct dir_struct *dir,
 				      int group_type, const char *src)
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	struct exclude_list_group *group;
 	group = &dir->exclude_list_group[group_type];
-	ALLOC_GROW(group->el, group->nr + 1, group->alloc);
-	el = &group->el[group->nr++];
-	memset(el, 0, sizeof(*el));
-	el->src = src;
-	return el;
+	ALLOC_GROW(group->pl, group->nr + 1, group->alloc);
+	pl = &group->pl[group->nr++];
+	memset(pl, 0, sizeof(*pl));
+	pl->src = src;
+	return pl;
  * Used to set up core.excludesfile and .git/info/exclude lists.
-static void add_excludes_from_file_1(struct dir_struct *dir, const char *fname,
+static void add_patterns_from_file_1(struct dir_struct *dir, const char *fname,
 				     struct oid_stat *oid_stat)
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	 * catch setup_standard_excludes() that's called before
 	 * dir->untracked is assigned. That function behaves
@@ -921,15 +933,15 @@
 	if (!dir->untracked)
-	el = add_exclude_list(dir, EXC_FILE, fname);
-	if (add_excludes(fname, "", 0, el, NULL, oid_stat) < 0)
+	pl = add_pattern_list(dir, EXC_FILE, fname);
+	if (add_patterns(fname, "", 0, pl, NULL, oid_stat) < 0)
 		die(_("cannot use %s as an exclude file"), fname);
-void add_excludes_from_file(struct dir_struct *dir, const char *fname)
+void add_patterns_from_file(struct dir_struct *dir, const char *fname)
 	dir->unmanaged_exclude_files++; /* see validate_untracked_cache() */
-	add_excludes_from_file_1(dir, fname, NULL);
+	add_patterns_from_file_1(dir, fname, NULL);
 int match_basename(const char *basename, int basenamelen,
@@ -940,7 +952,7 @@
 		if (patternlen == basenamelen &&
 		    !fspathncmp(pattern, basename, basenamelen))
 			return 1;
-	} else if (flags & EXC_FLAG_ENDSWITH) {
+	} else if (flags & PATTERN_FLAG_ENDSWITH) {
 		/* "*literal" matching against "fooliteral" */
 		if (patternlen - 1 <= basenamelen &&
 		    !fspathncmp(pattern + 1,
@@ -1021,85 +1033,97 @@
  * any, determines the fate.  Returns the exclude_list element which
  * matched, or NULL for undecided.
-static struct exclude *last_exclude_matching_from_list(const char *pathname,
+static struct path_pattern *last_matching_pattern_from_list(const char *pathname,
 						       int pathlen,
 						       const char *basename,
 						       int *dtype,
-						       struct exclude_list *el,
+						       struct pattern_list *pl,
 						       struct index_state *istate)
-	struct exclude *exc = NULL; /* undecided */
+	struct path_pattern *res = NULL; /* undecided */
 	int i;
-	if (!el->nr)
+	if (!pl->nr)
 		return NULL;	/* undefined */
-	for (i = el->nr - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
-		struct exclude *x = el->excludes[i];
-		const char *exclude = x->pattern;
-		int prefix = x->nowildcardlen;
+	for (i = pl->nr - 1; 0 <= i; i--) {
+		struct path_pattern *pattern = pl->patterns[i];
+		const char *exclude = pattern->pattern;
+		int prefix = pattern->nowildcardlen;
-		if (x->flags & EXC_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR) {
+		if (pattern->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_MUSTBEDIR) {
 			if (*dtype == DT_UNKNOWN)
 				*dtype = get_dtype(NULL, istate, pathname, pathlen);
 			if (*dtype != DT_DIR)
-		if (x->flags & EXC_FLAG_NODIR) {
+		if (pattern->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_NODIR) {
 			if (match_basename(basename,
 					   pathlen - (basename - pathname),
-					   exclude, prefix, x->patternlen,
-					   x->flags)) {
-				exc = x;
+					   exclude, prefix, pattern->patternlen,
+					   pattern->flags)) {
+				res = pattern;
-		assert(x->baselen == 0 || x->base[x->baselen - 1] == '/');
+		assert(pattern->baselen == 0 ||
+		       pattern->base[pattern->baselen - 1] == '/');
 		if (match_pathname(pathname, pathlen,
-				   x->base, x->baselen ? x->baselen - 1 : 0,
-				   exclude, prefix, x->patternlen, x->flags)) {
-			exc = x;
+				   pattern->base,
+				   pattern->baselen ? pattern->baselen - 1 : 0,
+				   exclude, prefix, pattern->patternlen,
+				   pattern->flags)) {
+			res = pattern;
-	return exc;
+	return res;
- * Scan the list and let the last match determine the fate.
- * Return 1 for exclude, 0 for include and -1 for undecided.
+ * Scan the list of patterns to determine if the ordered list
+ * of patterns matches on 'pathname'.
+ *
+ * Return 1 for a match, 0 for not matched and -1 for undecided.
-int is_excluded_from_list(const char *pathname,
-			  int pathlen, const char *basename, int *dtype,
-			  struct exclude_list *el, struct index_state *istate)
+enum pattern_match_result path_matches_pattern_list(
+				const char *pathname, int pathlen,
+				const char *basename, int *dtype,
+				struct pattern_list *pl,
+				struct index_state *istate)
-	struct exclude *exclude;
-	exclude = last_exclude_matching_from_list(pathname, pathlen, basename,
-						  dtype, el, istate);
-	if (exclude)
-		return exclude->flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE ? 0 : 1;
-	return -1; /* undecided */
+	struct path_pattern *pattern;
+	pattern = last_matching_pattern_from_list(pathname, pathlen, basename,
+						  dtype, pl, istate);
+	if (pattern) {
+		if (pattern->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_NEGATIVE)
+			return NOT_MATCHED;
+		else
+			return MATCHED;
+	}
+	return UNDECIDED;
-static struct exclude *last_exclude_matching_from_lists(struct dir_struct *dir,
-							struct index_state *istate,
-		const char *pathname, int pathlen, const char *basename,
-		int *dtype_p)
+static struct path_pattern *last_matching_pattern_from_lists(
+		struct dir_struct *dir, struct index_state *istate,
+		const char *pathname, int pathlen,
+		const char *basename, int *dtype_p)
 	int i, j;
 	struct exclude_list_group *group;
-	struct exclude *exclude;
+	struct path_pattern *pattern;
 	for (i = EXC_CMDL; i <= EXC_FILE; i++) {
 		group = &dir->exclude_list_group[i];
 		for (j = group->nr - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
-			exclude = last_exclude_matching_from_list(
+			pattern = last_matching_pattern_from_list(
 				pathname, pathlen, basename, dtype_p,
-				&group->el[j], istate);
-			if (exclude)
-				return exclude;
+				&group->pl[j], istate);
+			if (pattern)
+				return pattern;
 	return NULL;
@@ -1114,7 +1138,7 @@
 			 const char *base, int baselen)
 	struct exclude_list_group *group;
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	struct exclude_stack *stk = NULL;
 	struct untracked_cache_dir *untracked;
 	int current;
@@ -1130,17 +1154,17 @@
 		if (stk->baselen <= baselen &&
 		    !strncmp(dir->basebuf.buf, base, stk->baselen))
-		el = &group->el[dir->exclude_stack->exclude_ix];
+		pl = &group->pl[dir->exclude_stack->exclude_ix];
 		dir->exclude_stack = stk->prev;
-		dir->exclude = NULL;
-		free((char *)el->src); /* see strbuf_detach() below */
-		clear_exclude_list(el);
+		dir->pattern = NULL;
+		free((char *)pl->src); /* see strbuf_detach() below */
+		clear_pattern_list(pl);
 	/* Skip traversing into sub directories if the parent is excluded */
-	if (dir->exclude)
+	if (dir->pattern)
@@ -1181,7 +1205,7 @@
 		stk->baselen = cp - base;
 		stk->exclude_ix = group->nr;
 		stk->ucd = untracked;
-		el = add_exclude_list(dir, EXC_DIRS, NULL);
+		pl = add_pattern_list(dir, EXC_DIRS, NULL);
 		strbuf_add(&dir->basebuf, base + current, stk->baselen - current);
 		assert(stk->baselen == dir->basebuf.len);
@@ -1189,15 +1213,15 @@
 		if (stk->baselen) {
 			int dt = DT_DIR;
 			dir->basebuf.buf[stk->baselen - 1] = 0;
-			dir->exclude = last_exclude_matching_from_lists(dir,
+			dir->pattern = last_matching_pattern_from_lists(dir,
 				dir->basebuf.buf, stk->baselen - 1,
 				dir->basebuf.buf + current, &dt);
 			dir->basebuf.buf[stk->baselen - 1] = '/';
-			if (dir->exclude &&
-			    dir->exclude->flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE)
-				dir->exclude = NULL;
-			if (dir->exclude) {
+			if (dir->pattern &&
+			    dir->pattern->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_NEGATIVE)
+				dir->pattern = NULL;
+			if (dir->pattern) {
 				dir->exclude_stack = stk;
@@ -1223,30 +1247,30 @@
 			 * dir->basebuf gets reused by the traversal, but we
 			 * need fname to remain unchanged to ensure the src
-			 * member of each struct exclude correctly
+			 * member of each struct path_pattern correctly
 			 * back-references its source file.  Other invocations
-			 * of add_exclude_list provide stable strings, so we
+			 * of add_pattern_list provide stable strings, so we
 			 * strbuf_detach() and free() here in the caller.
 			struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
 			strbuf_addbuf(&sb, &dir->basebuf);
 			strbuf_addstr(&sb, dir->exclude_per_dir);
-			el->src = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
-			add_excludes(el->src, el->src, stk->baselen, el, istate,
+			pl->src = strbuf_detach(&sb, NULL);
+			add_patterns(pl->src, pl->src, stk->baselen, pl, istate,
 				     untracked ? &oid_stat : NULL);
 		 * NEEDSWORK: when untracked cache is enabled, prep_exclude()
 		 * will first be called in valid_cached_dir() then maybe many
-		 * times more in last_exclude_matching(). When the cache is
-		 * used, last_exclude_matching() will not be called and
+		 * times more in last_matching_pattern(). When the cache is
+		 * used, last_matching_pattern() will not be called and
 		 * reading .gitignore content will be a waste.
 		 * So when it's called by valid_cached_dir() and we can get
 		 * .gitignore SHA-1 from the index (i.e. .gitignore is not
 		 * modified on work tree), we could delay reading the
 		 * .gitignore content until we absolutely need it in
-		 * last_exclude_matching(). Be careful about ignore rule
+		 * last_matching_pattern(). Be careful about ignore rule
 		 * order, though, if you do that.
 		if (untracked &&
@@ -1266,7 +1290,7 @@
  * Returns the exclude_list element which matched, or NULL for
  * undecided.
-struct exclude *last_exclude_matching(struct dir_struct *dir,
+struct path_pattern *last_matching_pattern(struct dir_struct *dir,
 				      struct index_state *istate,
 				      const char *pathname,
 				      int *dtype_p)
@@ -1277,10 +1301,10 @@
 	prep_exclude(dir, istate, pathname, basename-pathname);
-	if (dir->exclude)
-		return dir->exclude;
+	if (dir->pattern)
+		return dir->pattern;
-	return last_exclude_matching_from_lists(dir, istate, pathname, pathlen,
+	return last_matching_pattern_from_lists(dir, istate, pathname, pathlen,
 			basename, dtype_p);
@@ -1292,10 +1316,10 @@
 int is_excluded(struct dir_struct *dir, struct index_state *istate,
 		const char *pathname, int *dtype_p)
-	struct exclude *exclude =
-		last_exclude_matching(dir, istate, pathname, dtype_p);
-	if (exclude)
-		return exclude->flags & EXC_FLAG_NEGATIVE ? 0 : 1;
+	struct path_pattern *pattern =
+		last_matching_pattern(dir, istate, pathname, dtype_p);
+	if (pattern)
+		return pattern->flags & PATTERN_FLAG_NEGATIVE ? 0 : 1;
 	return 0;
@@ -1439,6 +1463,16 @@
 		return path_none;
 	case index_nonexistent:
+		if (dir->flags & DIR_SKIP_NESTED_GIT) {
+			int nested_repo;
+			struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+			strbuf_addstr(&sb, dirname);
+			nested_repo = is_nonbare_repository_dir(&sb);
+			strbuf_release(&sb);
+			if (nested_repo)
+				return path_none;
+		}
 		if (dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_OTHER_DIRECTORIES)
 		if (exclude &&
@@ -1808,7 +1842,7 @@
 	 * prep_exclude will be called eventually on this directory,
-	 * but it's called much later in last_exclude_matching(). We
+	 * but it's called much later in last_matching_pattern(). We
 	 * need it now to determine the validity of the cache for this
 	 * path. The next calls will be nearly no-op, the way
 	 * prep_exclude() is designed.
@@ -1938,8 +1972,11 @@
 		/* recurse into subdir if instructed by treat_path */
 		if ((state == path_recurse) ||
 			((state == path_untracked) &&
-			 (dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED_TOO) &&
-			 (get_dtype(, istate, path.buf, path.len) == DT_DIR))) {
+			 (get_dtype(, istate, path.buf, path.len) == DT_DIR) &&
+			 ((dir->flags & DIR_SHOW_IGNORED_TOO) ||
+			  (pathspec &&
+			   do_match_pathspec(istate, pathspec, path.buf, path.len,
 			struct untracked_cache_dir *ud;
 			ud = lookup_untracked(dir->untracked, untracked,
 					      path.buf + baselen,
@@ -1950,6 +1987,12 @@
 							 check_only, stop_at_first_file, pathspec);
 			if (subdir_state > dir_state)
 				dir_state = subdir_state;
+			if (pathspec &&
+			    !match_pathspec(istate, pathspec, path.buf, path.len,
+					    0 /* prefix */, NULL,
+					    0 /* do NOT special case dirs */))
+				state = path_none;
 		if (check_only) {
@@ -2488,14 +2531,14 @@
 	if (!excludes_file)
 		excludes_file = xdg_config_home("ignore");
 	if (excludes_file && !access_or_warn(excludes_file, R_OK, 0))
-		add_excludes_from_file_1(dir, excludes_file,
+		add_patterns_from_file_1(dir, excludes_file,
 					 dir->untracked ? &dir->ss_excludes_file : NULL);
 	/* per repository user preference */
 	if (startup_info->have_repository) {
 		const char *path = git_path_info_exclude();
 		if (!access_or_warn(path, R_OK, 0))
-			add_excludes_from_file_1(dir, path,
+			add_patterns_from_file_1(dir, path,
 						 dir->untracked ? &dir->ss_info_exclude : NULL);
@@ -2527,18 +2570,18 @@
 	int i, j;
 	struct exclude_list_group *group;
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	struct exclude_stack *stk;
 	for (i = EXC_CMDL; i <= EXC_FILE; i++) {
 		group = &dir->exclude_list_group[i];
 		for (j = 0; j < group->nr; j++) {
-			el = &group->el[j];
+			pl = &group->pl[j];
 			if (i == EXC_DIRS)
-				free((char *)el->src);
-			clear_exclude_list(el);
+				free((char *)pl->src);
+			clear_pattern_list(pl);
-		free(group->el);
+		free(group->pl);
 	stk = dir->exclude_stack;
diff --git a/dir.h b/dir.h
index 680079b..2fbdef0 100644
--- a/dir.h
+++ b/dir.h
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@
 	char name[FLEX_ARRAY]; /* more */
-#define EXC_FLAG_NODIR 1
-struct exclude {
+struct path_pattern {
-	 * This allows callers of last_exclude_matching() etc.
+	 * This allows callers of last_matching_pattern() etc.
 	 * to determine the origin of the matching pattern.
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 	const char *pattern;
 	int patternlen;
 	int nowildcardlen;
 	const char *base;
 	int baselen;
-	unsigned flags;		/* EXC_FLAG_* */
+	unsigned flags;		/* PATTERN_FLAG_* */
 	 * Counting starts from 1 for line numbers in ignore files,
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
  * can also be used to represent the list of --exclude values passed
  * via CLI args.
-struct exclude_list {
+struct pattern_list {
 	int nr;
 	int alloc;
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 	/* origin of list, e.g. path to filename, or descriptive string */
 	const char *src;
-	struct exclude **excludes;
+	struct path_pattern **patterns;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 struct exclude_list_group {
 	int nr, alloc;
-	struct exclude_list *el;
+	struct pattern_list *pl;
 struct oid_stat {
@@ -156,7 +156,8 @@
 	} flags;
 	struct dir_entry **entries;
 	struct dir_entry **ignored;
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@
 	 * matching exclude struct if the directory is excluded.
 	struct exclude_stack *exclude_stack;
-	struct exclude *exclude;
+	struct path_pattern *pattern;
 	struct strbuf basebuf;
 	/* Enable untracked file cache if set */
@@ -211,8 +212,9 @@
  * when populating the seen[] array.
 int simple_length(const char *match);
 int no_wildcard(const char *string);
 char *common_prefix(const struct pathspec *pathspec);
@@ -230,10 +232,23 @@
 		   const char *path, int len,
 		   const struct pathspec *pathspec);
-int is_excluded_from_list(const char *pathname, int pathlen,
-			  const char *basename, int *dtype,
-			  struct exclude_list *el,
-			  struct index_state *istate);
+enum pattern_match_result {
+	MATCHED = 1,
+ * Scan the list of patterns to determine if the ordered list
+ * of patterns matches on 'pathname'.
+ *
+ * Return 1 for a match, 0 for not matched and -1 for undecided.
+ */
+enum pattern_match_result path_matches_pattern_list(const char *pathname,
+				int pathlen,
+				const char *basename, int *dtype,
+				struct pattern_list *pl,
+				struct index_state *istate);
 struct dir_entry *dir_add_ignored(struct dir_struct *dir,
 				  struct index_state *istate,
 				  const char *pathname, int len);
@@ -248,26 +263,26 @@
 		   const char *, int,
 		   const char *, int, int, unsigned);
-struct exclude *last_exclude_matching(struct dir_struct *dir,
-				      struct index_state *istate,
-				      const char *name, int *dtype);
+struct path_pattern *last_matching_pattern(struct dir_struct *dir,
+					   struct index_state *istate,
+					   const char *name, int *dtype);
 int is_excluded(struct dir_struct *dir,
 		struct index_state *istate,
 		const char *name, int *dtype);
-struct exclude_list *add_exclude_list(struct dir_struct *dir,
+struct pattern_list *add_pattern_list(struct dir_struct *dir,
 				      int group_type, const char *src);
-int add_excludes_from_file_to_list(const char *fname, const char *base, int baselen,
-				   struct exclude_list *el, struct  index_state *istate);
-void add_excludes_from_file(struct dir_struct *, const char *fname);
-int add_excludes_from_blob_to_list(struct object_id *oid,
+int add_patterns_from_file_to_list(const char *fname, const char *base, int baselen,
+				   struct pattern_list *pl, struct  index_state *istate);
+void add_patterns_from_file(struct dir_struct *, const char *fname);
+int add_patterns_from_blob_to_list(struct object_id *oid,
 				   const char *base, int baselen,
-				   struct exclude_list *el);
-void parse_exclude_pattern(const char **string, int *patternlen, unsigned *flags, int *nowildcardlen);
-void add_exclude(const char *string, const char *base,
-		 int baselen, struct exclude_list *el, int srcpos);
-void clear_exclude_list(struct exclude_list *el);
+				   struct pattern_list *pl);
+void parse_path_pattern(const char **string, int *patternlen, unsigned *flags, int *nowildcardlen);
+void add_pattern(const char *string, const char *base,
+		 int baselen, struct pattern_list *pl, int srcpos);
+void clear_pattern_list(struct pattern_list *pl);
 void clear_directory(struct dir_struct *dir);
 int repo_file_exists(struct repository *repo, const char *path);
diff --git a/environment.c b/environment.c
index 89af47c..efa0726 100644
--- a/environment.c
+++ b/environment.c
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
 int warn_on_object_refname_ambiguity = 1;
 int ref_paranoia = -1;
 int repository_format_precious_objects;
-char *repository_format_partial_clone;
-const char *core_partial_clone_filter_default;
 int repository_format_worktree_config;
 const char *git_commit_encoding;
 const char *git_log_output_encoding;
diff --git a/fast-import.c b/fast-import.c
index b44d6a4..9503d08 100644
--- a/fast-import.c
+++ b/fast-import.c
@@ -1763,7 +1763,6 @@
 		} else {
 			struct recent_command *rc;
-			strbuf_detach(&command_buf, NULL);
 			stdin_eof = strbuf_getline_lf(&command_buf, stdin);
 			if (stdin_eof)
 				return EOF;
@@ -1784,7 +1783,7 @@
-			rc->buf = command_buf.buf;
+			rc->buf = xstrdup(command_buf.buf);
 			rc->prev = cmd_tail;
 			rc->next = cmd_hist.prev;
 			rc->prev->next = rc;
@@ -1833,7 +1832,6 @@
 		char *term = xstrdup(data);
 		size_t term_len = command_buf.len - (data - command_buf.buf);
-		strbuf_detach(&command_buf, NULL);
 		for (;;) {
 			if (strbuf_getline_lf(&command_buf, stdin) == EOF)
 				die("EOF in data (terminator '%s' not found)", term);
@@ -2491,18 +2489,14 @@
-static int parse_from(struct branch *b)
+static int parse_objectish(struct branch *b, const char *objectish)
-	const char *from;
 	struct branch *s;
 	struct object_id oid;
-	if (!skip_prefix(command_buf.buf, "from ", &from))
-		return 0;
 	oidcpy(&oid, &b->branch_tree.versions[1].oid);
-	s = lookup_branch(from);
+	s = lookup_branch(objectish);
 	if (b == s)
 		die("Can't create a branch from itself: %s", b->name);
 	else if (s) {
@@ -2510,8 +2504,8 @@
 		oidcpy(&b->oid, &s->oid);
 		oidcpy(&b->branch_tree.versions[0].oid, t);
 		oidcpy(&b->branch_tree.versions[1].oid, t);
-	} else if (*from == ':') {
-		uintmax_t idnum = parse_mark_ref_eol(from);
+	} else if (*objectish == ':') {
+		uintmax_t idnum = parse_mark_ref_eol(objectish);
 		struct object_entry *oe = find_mark(idnum);
 		if (oe->type != OBJ_COMMIT)
 			die("Mark :%" PRIuMAX " not a commit", idnum);
@@ -2525,13 +2519,13 @@
 			} else
-	} else if (!get_oid(from, &b->oid)) {
+	} else if (!get_oid(objectish, &b->oid)) {
 		if (is_null_oid(&b->oid))
 			b->delete = 1;
-		die("Invalid ref name or SHA1 expression: %s", from);
+		die("Invalid ref name or SHA1 expression: %s", objectish);
 	if (b->branch_tree.tree && !oideq(&oid, &b->branch_tree.versions[1].oid)) {
@@ -2542,6 +2536,26 @@
 	return 1;
+static int parse_from(struct branch *b)
+	const char *from;
+	if (!skip_prefix(command_buf.buf, "from ", &from))
+		return 0;
+	return parse_objectish(b, from);
+static int parse_objectish_with_prefix(struct branch *b, const char *prefix)
+	const char *base;
+	if (!skip_prefix(command_buf.buf, prefix, &base))
+		return 0;
+	return parse_objectish(b, base);
 static struct hash_list *parse_merge(unsigned int *count)
 	struct hash_list *list = NULL, **tail = &list, *n;
@@ -2588,7 +2602,7 @@
 	struct branch *b;
 	char *author = NULL;
 	char *committer = NULL;
-	const char *encoding = NULL;
+	char *encoding = NULL;
 	struct hash_list *merge_list = NULL;
 	unsigned int merge_count;
 	unsigned char prev_fanout, new_fanout;
@@ -2611,8 +2625,10 @@
 	if (!committer)
 		die("Expected committer but didn't get one");
-	if (skip_prefix(command_buf.buf, "encoding ", &encoding))
+	if (skip_prefix(command_buf.buf, "encoding ", &v)) {
+		encoding = xstrdup(v);
+	}
 	parse_data(&msg, 0, NULL);
@@ -2686,6 +2702,7 @@
 	strbuf_addbuf(&new_data, &msg);
+	free(encoding);
 	if (!store_object(OBJ_COMMIT, &new_data, NULL, &b->oid, next_mark))
 		b->pack_id = pack_id;
@@ -2713,6 +2730,7 @@
 		first_tag = t;
 	last_tag = t;
+	parse_mark();
 	/* from ... */
 	if (!skip_prefix(command_buf.buf, "from ", &from))
@@ -2769,7 +2787,7 @@
 	strbuf_addbuf(&new_data, &msg);
-	if (store_object(OBJ_TAG, &new_data, NULL, &t->oid, 0))
+	if (store_object(OBJ_TAG, &new_data, NULL, &t->oid, next_mark))
 		t->pack_id = MAX_PACK_ID;
 		t->pack_id = pack_id;
@@ -2778,6 +2796,7 @@
 static void parse_reset_branch(const char *arg)
 	struct branch *b;
+	const char *tag_name;
 	b = lookup_branch(arg);
 	if (b) {
@@ -2793,6 +2812,32 @@
 		b = new_branch(arg);
+	if (b->delete && skip_prefix(b->name, "refs/tags/", &tag_name)) {
+		/*
+		 * Elsewhere, we call dump_branches() before dump_tags(),
+		 * and dump_branches() will handle ref deletions first, so
+		 * in order to make sure the deletion actually takes effect,
+		 * we need to remove the tag from our list of tags to update.
+		 *
+		 * NEEDSWORK: replace list of tags with hashmap for faster
+		 * deletion?
+		 */
+		struct tag *t, *prev = NULL;
+		for (t = first_tag; t; t = t->next_tag) {
+			if (!strcmp(t->name, tag_name))
+				break;
+			prev = t;
+		}
+		if (t) {
+			if (prev)
+				prev->next_tag = t->next_tag;
+			else
+				first_tag = t->next_tag;
+			if (!t->next_tag)
+				last_tag = prev;
+			/* There is no mem_pool_free(t) function to call. */
+		}
+	}
 	if (command_buf.len > 0)
 		unread_command_buf = 1;
@@ -3059,6 +3104,28 @@
+static void parse_alias(void)
+	struct object_entry *e;
+	struct branch b;
+	skip_optional_lf();
+	read_next_command();
+	/* mark ... */
+	parse_mark();
+	if (!next_mark)
+		die(_("Expected 'mark' command, got %s"), command_buf.buf);
+	/* to ... */
+	memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b));
+	if (!parse_objectish_with_prefix(&b, "to "))
+		die(_("Expected 'to' command, got %s"), command_buf.buf);
+	e = find_object(&b.oid);
+	assert(e);
+	insert_mark(next_mark, e);
 static char* make_fast_import_path(const char *path)
 	if (!relative_marks_paths || is_absolute_path(path))
@@ -3186,6 +3253,8 @@
 		option_import_marks(arg, from_stream, 1);
 	} else if (skip_prefix(feature, "export-marks=", &arg)) {
+	} else if (!strcmp(feature, "alias")) {
+		; /* Don't die - this feature is supported */
 	} else if (!strcmp(feature, "get-mark")) {
 		; /* Don't die - this feature is supported */
 	} else if (!strcmp(feature, "cat-blob")) {
@@ -3342,6 +3411,8 @@
 		else if (!strcmp("done", command_buf.buf))
+		else if (!strcmp("alias", command_buf.buf))
+			parse_alias();
 		else if (starts_with(command_buf.buf, "progress "))
 		else if (skip_prefix(command_buf.buf, "feature ", &v))
diff --git a/fetch-object.c b/fetch-object.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4266548..0000000
--- a/fetch-object.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include "cache.h"
-#include "packfile.h"
-#include "pkt-line.h"
-#include "strbuf.h"
-#include "transport.h"
-#include "fetch-object.h"
-static void fetch_refs(const char *remote_name, struct ref *ref)
-	struct remote *remote;
-	struct transport *transport;
-	int original_fetch_if_missing = fetch_if_missing;
-	fetch_if_missing = 0;
-	remote = remote_get(remote_name);
-	if (!remote->url[0])
-		die(_("Remote with no URL"));
-	transport = transport_get(remote, remote->url[0]);
-	transport_set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_FROM_PROMISOR, "1");
-	transport_set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_NO_DEPENDENTS, "1");
-	transport_fetch_refs(transport, ref);
-	fetch_if_missing = original_fetch_if_missing;
-void fetch_objects(const char *remote_name, const struct object_id *oids,
-		   int oid_nr)
-	struct ref *ref = NULL;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < oid_nr; i++) {
-		struct ref *new_ref = alloc_ref(oid_to_hex(&oids[i]));
-		oidcpy(&new_ref->old_oid, &oids[i]);
-		new_ref->exact_oid = 1;
-		new_ref->next = ref;
-		ref = new_ref;
-	}
-	fetch_refs(remote_name, ref);
diff --git a/fetch-object.h b/fetch-object.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d6444ca..0000000
--- a/fetch-object.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-struct object_id;
-void fetch_objects(const char *remote_name, const struct object_id *oids,
-		   int oid_nr);
diff --git a/fetch-pack.c b/fetch-pack.c
index d81f47c..0130b44 100644
--- a/fetch-pack.c
+++ b/fetch-pack.c
@@ -167,16 +167,16 @@
 	if (!strcmp(reader->line, "NAK"))
 		return NAK;
 	if (skip_prefix(reader->line, "ACK ", &arg)) {
-		if (!get_oid_hex(arg, result_oid)) {
-			arg += 40;
-			len -= arg - reader->line;
+		const char *p;
+		if (!parse_oid_hex(arg, result_oid, &p)) {
+			len -= p - reader->line;
 			if (len < 1)
 				return ACK;
-			if (strstr(arg, "continue"))
+			if (strstr(p, "continue"))
 				return ACK_continue;
-			if (strstr(arg, "common"))
+			if (strstr(p, "common"))
 				return ACK_common;
-			if (strstr(arg, "ready"))
+			if (strstr(p, "ready"))
 				return ACK_ready;
 			return ACK;
@@ -338,12 +338,9 @@
 	if (server_supports_filtering && args->filter_options.choice) {
-		struct strbuf expanded_filter_spec = STRBUF_INIT;
-		expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&args->filter_options,
-						&expanded_filter_spec);
-		packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "filter %s",
-				 expanded_filter_spec.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&expanded_filter_spec);
+		const char *spec =
+			expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&args->filter_options);
+		packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "filter %s", spec);
 	state_len = req_buf.len;
@@ -385,6 +382,7 @@
 		state_len = 0;
+	trace2_region_enter("fetch-pack", "negotiation_v0_v1", the_repository);
 	flushes = 0;
 	retval = -1;
 	if (args->no_dependents)
@@ -469,6 +467,7 @@
+	trace2_region_leave("fetch-pack", "negotiation_v0_v1", the_repository);
 	if (!got_ready || !no_done) {
 		packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "done\n");
 		send_request(args, fd[1], &req_buf);
@@ -1112,7 +1111,7 @@
 static int send_fetch_request(struct fetch_negotiator *negotiator, int fd_out,
-			      const struct fetch_pack_args *args,
+			      struct fetch_pack_args *args,
 			      const struct ref *wants, struct oidset *common,
 			      int *haves_to_send, int *in_vain,
 			      int sideband_all)
@@ -1153,13 +1152,10 @@
 	/* Add filter */
 	if (server_supports_feature("fetch", "filter", 0) &&
 	    args->filter_options.choice) {
-		struct strbuf expanded_filter_spec = STRBUF_INIT;
+		const char *spec =
+			expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&args->filter_options);
 		print_verbose(args, _("Server supports filter"));
-		expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&args->filter_options,
-						&expanded_filter_spec);
-		packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "filter %s",
-				 expanded_filter_spec.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&expanded_filter_spec);
+		packet_buf_write(&req_buf, "filter %s", spec);
 	} else if (args->filter_options.choice) {
 		warning("filtering not recognized by server, ignoring");
@@ -1384,7 +1380,7 @@
 	enum fetch_state state = FETCH_CHECK_LOCAL;
 	struct oidset common = OIDSET_INIT;
 	struct packet_reader reader;
-	int in_vain = 0;
+	int in_vain = 0, negotiation_started = 0;
 	int haves_to_send = INITIAL_FLUSH;
 	struct fetch_negotiator negotiator;
 	fetch_negotiator_init(r, &negotiator);
@@ -1427,6 +1423,12 @@
+			if (!negotiation_started) {
+				negotiation_started = 1;
+				trace2_region_enter("fetch-pack",
+						    "negotiation_v2",
+						    the_repository);
+			}
 			if (send_fetch_request(&negotiator, fd[1], args, ref,
 					       &haves_to_send, &in_vain,
@@ -1450,6 +1452,9 @@
+			trace2_region_leave("fetch-pack",
+					    "negotiation_v2",
+					    the_repository);
 			/* Check for shallow-info section */
 			if (process_section_header(&reader, "shallow-info", 1))
 				receive_shallow_info(args, &reader, shallows, si);
diff --git a/fsmonitor.c b/fsmonitor.c
index 231e83a..1f4aa1b 100644
--- a/fsmonitor.c
+++ b/fsmonitor.c
@@ -14,8 +14,13 @@
 static void fsmonitor_ewah_callback(size_t pos, void *is)
 	struct index_state *istate = (struct index_state *)is;
-	struct cache_entry *ce = istate->cache[pos];
+	struct cache_entry *ce;
+	if (pos >= istate->cache_nr)
+		BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" >= %u)",
+		    (uintmax_t)pos, istate->cache_nr);
+	ce = istate->cache[pos];
 	ce->ce_flags &= ~CE_FSMONITOR_VALID;
@@ -50,17 +55,24 @@
 	istate->fsmonitor_dirty = fsmonitor_dirty;
+	if (istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size > istate->cache_nr)
+		BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" > %u)",
+		    (uintmax_t)istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size, istate->cache_nr);
 	trace_printf_key(&trace_fsmonitor, "read fsmonitor extension successful");
 	return 0;
 void fill_fsmonitor_bitmap(struct index_state *istate)
-	unsigned int i;
+	unsigned int i, skipped = 0;
 	istate->fsmonitor_dirty = ewah_new();
-	for (i = 0; i < istate->cache_nr; i++)
-		if (!(istate->cache[i]->ce_flags & CE_FSMONITOR_VALID))
-			ewah_set(istate->fsmonitor_dirty, i);
+	for (i = 0; i < istate->cache_nr; i++) {
+		if (istate->cache[i]->ce_flags & CE_REMOVE)
+			skipped++;
+		else if (!(istate->cache[i]->ce_flags & CE_FSMONITOR_VALID))
+			ewah_set(istate->fsmonitor_dirty, i - skipped);
+	}
 void write_fsmonitor_extension(struct strbuf *sb, struct index_state *istate)
@@ -71,6 +83,10 @@
 	uint32_t ewah_size = 0;
 	int fixup = 0;
+	if (istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size > istate->cache_nr)
+		BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" > %u)",
+		    (uintmax_t)istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size, istate->cache_nr);
 	put_be32(&hdr_version, INDEX_EXTENSION_VERSION);
 	strbuf_add(sb, &hdr_version, sizeof(uint32_t));
@@ -236,6 +252,9 @@
 			/* Mark all previously saved entries as dirty */
+			if (istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size > istate->cache_nr)
+				BUG("fsmonitor_dirty has more entries than the index (%"PRIuMAX" > %u)",
+				    (uintmax_t)istate->fsmonitor_dirty->bit_size, istate->cache_nr);
 			ewah_each_bit(istate->fsmonitor_dirty, fsmonitor_ewah_callback, istate);
 			/* Now mark the untracked cache for fsmonitor usage */
diff --git a/gettext.c b/gettext.c
index 3f2aca5..35d2c12 100644
--- a/gettext.c
+++ b/gettext.c
@@ -68,10 +68,8 @@
 int use_gettext_poison(void)
 	static int poison_requested = -1;
-	if (poison_requested == -1) {
-		const char *v = getenv("GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON");
-		poison_requested = v && strlen(v) ? 1 : 0;
-	}
+	if (poison_requested == -1)
+		poison_requested = git_env_bool("GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON", 0);
 	return poison_requested;
diff --git a/git-add--interactive.perl b/git-add--interactive.perl
index c20ae9e..52659bb 100755
--- a/git-add--interactive.perl
+++ b/git-add--interactive.perl
@@ -1541,7 +1541,7 @@
 		for (@{$hunk[$ix]{DISPLAY}}) {
-		print colored $prompt_color,
+		print colored $prompt_color, "(", ($ix+1), "/$num) ",
 			sprintf(__($patch_update_prompt_modes{$patch_mode}{$hunk[$ix]{TYPE}}), $other);
 		my $line = prompt_single_character;
diff --git a/git-compat-util.h b/git-compat-util.h
index 83be89d..607dca7 100644
--- a/git-compat-util.h
+++ b/git-compat-util.h
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
  * ARRAY_SIZE - get the number of elements in a visible array
- *  <at> x: the array whose size you want.
+ * @x: the array whose size you want.
  * This does not work on pointers, or arrays declared as [], or
  * function parameters.  With correct compiler support, such usage
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@
 #define PRItime PRIuMAX
 #define parse_timestamp strtoumax
+#define TIME_MIN 0
 #ifndef PATH_SEP
 #define PATH_SEP ':'
@@ -818,9 +819,6 @@
 int git_atexit(void (*handler)(void));
-typedef void (*try_to_free_t)(size_t);
-try_to_free_t set_try_to_free_routine(try_to_free_t);
 static inline size_t st_add(size_t a, size_t b)
 	if (unsigned_add_overflows(a, b))
@@ -1094,10 +1092,10 @@
 	return 0;
+void git_stable_qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
+		      int(*compar)(const void *, const void *));
-void git_qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
-	       int(*compar)(const void *, const void *));
-#define qsort git_qsort
+#define qsort git_stable_qsort
 #define QSORT(base, n, compar) sane_qsort((base), (n), sizeof(*(base)), compar)
@@ -1108,6 +1106,9 @@
 		qsort(base, nmemb, size, compar);
+#define STABLE_QSORT(base, n, compar) \
+	git_stable_qsort((base), (n), sizeof(*(base)), compar)
 int git_qsort_s(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
 		int (*compar)(const void *, const void *, void *), void *ctx);
@@ -1312,4 +1313,42 @@
 #include "banned.h"
+ * container_of - Get the address of an object containing a field.
+ *
+ * @ptr: pointer to the field.
+ * @type: type of the object.
+ * @member: name of the field within the object.
+ */
+#define container_of(ptr, type, member) \
+	((type *) ((char *)(ptr) - offsetof(type, member)))
+ * helper function for `container_of_or_null' to avoid multiple
+ * evaluation of @ptr
+ */
+static inline void *container_of_or_null_offset(void *ptr, size_t offset)
+	return ptr ? (char *)ptr - offset : NULL;
+ * like `container_of', but allows returned value to be NULL
+ */
+#define container_of_or_null(ptr, type, member) \
+	(type *)container_of_or_null_offset(ptr, offsetof(type, member))
+ * like offsetof(), but takes a pointer to a a variable of type which
+ * contains @member, instead of a specified type.
+ * @ptr is subject to multiple evaluation since we can't rely on __typeof__
+ * everywhere.
+ */
+#if defined(__GNUC__) /* clang sets this, too */
+#define OFFSETOF_VAR(ptr, member) offsetof(__typeof__(*ptr), member)
+#else /* !__GNUC__ */
+#define OFFSETOF_VAR(ptr, member) \
+	((uintptr_t)&(ptr)->member - (uintptr_t)(ptr))
+#endif /* !__GNUC__ */
diff --git a/ b/
index 5c5afa2..fea7964 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -83,6 +83,20 @@
 	finish_ident COMMITTER
+	cat <<EOF
+WARNING: git-filter-branch has a glut of gotchas generating mangled history
+	 rewrites.  Hit Ctrl-C before proceeding to abort, then use an
+	 alternative filtering tool such as 'git filter-repo'
+	 ( instead.  See the
+	 filter-branch manual page for more details; to squelch this warning,
+	sleep 10
+	printf "Proceeding with filter-branch...\n\n"
 USAGE="[--setup <command>] [--subdirectory-filter <directory>] [--env-filter <command>]
 	[--tree-filter <command>] [--index-filter <command>]
 	[--parent-filter <command>] [--msg-filter <command>]
diff --git a/git-gui/ b/git-gui/
index 6de74ce..fd476b6 100755
--- a/git-gui/
+++ b/git-gui/
@@ -1340,6 +1340,7 @@
 set PARENT {}
 set MERGE_HEAD [list]
 set commit_type {}
+set commit_type_is_amend 0
 set empty_tree {}
 set current_branch {}
 set is_detached 0
@@ -1347,8 +1348,9 @@
 set is_3way_diff 0
 set is_submodule_diff 0
 set is_conflict_diff 0
-set selected_commit_type new
 set diff_empty_count 0
+set last_revert {}
+set last_revert_enc {}
 set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
 set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
@@ -1434,7 +1436,7 @@
 proc force_amend {} {
-	global selected_commit_type
+	global commit_type_is_amend
 	global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
 	repository_state newType newHEAD newMERGE_HEAD
@@ -1443,7 +1445,7 @@
 	set commit_type $newType
-	set selected_commit_type amend
+	set commit_type_is_amend 1
@@ -2494,7 +2496,7 @@
 proc toggle_or_diff {mode w args} {
 	global file_states file_lists current_diff_path ui_index ui_workdir
-	global last_clicked selected_paths
+	global last_clicked selected_paths file_lists_last_clicked
 	if {$mode eq "click"} {
 		foreach {x y} $args break
@@ -2551,6 +2553,8 @@
 	$ui_index tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
 	$ui_workdir tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
+	set file_lists_last_clicked($w) $path
 	# Determine the state of the file
 	if {[info exists file_states($path)]} {
 		set state [lindex $file_states($path) 0]
@@ -2664,6 +2668,32 @@
+proc focus_widget {widget} {
+	global file_lists last_clicked selected_paths
+	global file_lists_last_clicked
+	if {[llength $file_lists($widget)] > 0} {
+		set path $file_lists_last_clicked($widget)
+		set index [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($widget) $path]
+		if {$index < 0} {
+			set index 0
+			set path [lindex $file_lists($widget) $index]
+		}
+		focus $widget
+		set last_clicked [list $widget [expr $index + 1]]
+		array unset selected_paths
+		set selected_paths($path) 1
+		show_diff $path $widget
+	}
+proc toggle_commit_type {} {
+	global commit_type_is_amend
+	set commit_type_is_amend [expr !$commit_type_is_amend]
+	do_select_commit_type
 ## ui construction
@@ -2852,19 +2882,11 @@
 	menu .mbar.commit
 	if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
-		.mbar.commit add radiobutton \
-			-label [mc "New Commit"] \
-			-command do_select_commit_type \
-			-variable selected_commit_type \
-			-value new
-		lappend disable_on_lock \
-			[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
-		.mbar.commit add radiobutton \
+		.mbar.commit add checkbutton \
 			-label [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
-			-command do_select_commit_type \
-			-variable selected_commit_type \
-			-value amend
+			-accelerator $M1T-E \
+			-variable commit_type_is_amend \
+			-command do_select_commit_type
 		lappend disable_on_lock \
 			[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
@@ -3030,8 +3052,23 @@
 wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW do_quit
 bind all <$M1B-Key-q> do_quit
 bind all <$M1B-Key-Q> do_quit
-bind all <$M1B-Key-w> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]}
-bind all <$M1B-Key-W> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]}
+set m1b_w_script {
+	set toplvl_win [winfo toplevel %W]
+	# If we are destroying the main window, we should call do_quit to take
+	# care of cleanup before exiting the program.
+	if {$toplvl_win eq "."} {
+		do_quit
+	} else {
+		destroy $toplvl_win
+	}
+bind all <$M1B-Key-w> $m1b_w_script
+bind all <$M1B-Key-W> $m1b_w_script
+unset m1b_w_script
 set subcommand_args {}
 proc usage {} {
@@ -3337,18 +3374,10 @@
 set ui_coml .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.l
 if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
-	${NS}::radiobutton \
-		-text [mc "New Commit"] \
-		-command do_select_commit_type \
-		-variable selected_commit_type \
-		-value new
-	lappend disable_on_lock \
-		[list conf -state]
-	${NS}::radiobutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
+	${NS}::checkbutton .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend \
 		-text [mc "Amend Last Commit"] \
-		-command do_select_commit_type \
-		-variable selected_commit_type \
-		-value amend
+		-variable commit_type_is_amend \
+		-command do_select_commit_type
 	lappend disable_on_lock \
 		[list .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend conf -state]
@@ -3373,7 +3402,6 @@
 if {![is_enabled nocommit]} {
 	pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header.amend -side right
-	pack -side right
 textframe .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame
@@ -3387,10 +3415,16 @@
 	-relief sunken \
 	-width $repo_config(gui.commitmsgwidth) -height 9 -wrap none \
 	-font font_diff \
+	-xscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sbx set} \
 	-yscrollcommand {.vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sby set}
+${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sbx \
+	-orient horizontal \
+	-command [list $ui_comm xview]
 ${NS}::scrollbar .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sby \
+	-orient vertical \
 	-command [list $ui_comm yview]
+pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sbx -side bottom -fill x
 pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.frame.sby -side right -fill y
 pack $ui_comm -side left -fill y
 pack .vpane.lower.commarea.buffer.header -side top -fill x
@@ -3606,16 +3640,32 @@
 menu $ctxm -tearoff 0
 $ctxm add command \
 	-label [mc "Apply/Reverse Hunk"] \
-	-command {apply_hunk $cursorX $cursorY}
+	-command {apply_or_revert_hunk $cursorX $cursorY 0}
 set ui_diff_applyhunk [$ctxm index last]
 lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_applyhunk -state]
 $ctxm add command \
 	-label [mc "Apply/Reverse Line"] \
-	-command {apply_range_or_line $cursorX $cursorY; do_rescan}
+	-command {apply_or_revert_range_or_line $cursorX $cursorY 0; do_rescan}
 set ui_diff_applyline [$ctxm index last]
 lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_applyline -state]
 $ctxm add separator
 $ctxm add command \
+	-label [mc "Revert Hunk"] \
+	-command {apply_or_revert_hunk $cursorX $cursorY 1}
+set ui_diff_reverthunk [$ctxm index last]
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_reverthunk -state]
+$ctxm add command \
+	-label [mc "Revert Line"] \
+	-command {apply_or_revert_range_or_line $cursorX $cursorY 1; do_rescan}
+set ui_diff_revertline [$ctxm index last]
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_revertline -state]
+$ctxm add command \
+	-label [mc "Undo Last Revert"] \
+	-command {undo_last_revert; do_rescan}
+set ui_diff_undorevert [$ctxm index last]
+lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf $ui_diff_undorevert -state]
+$ctxm add separator
+$ctxm add command \
 	-label [mc "Show Less Context"] \
 	-command show_less_context
 lappend diff_actions [list $ctxm entryconf [$ctxm index last] -state]
@@ -3693,7 +3743,7 @@
 proc popup_diff_menu {ctxm ctxmmg ctxmsm x y X Y} {
-	global current_diff_path file_states
+	global current_diff_path file_states last_revert
 	set ::cursorX $x
 	set ::cursorY $y
 	if {[info exists file_states($current_diff_path)]} {
@@ -3707,19 +3757,28 @@
 		tk_popup $ctxmsm $X $Y
 	} else {
 		set has_range [expr {[$::ui_diff tag nextrange sel 0.0] != {}}]
+		set u [mc "Undo Last Revert"]
 		if {$::ui_index eq $::current_diff_side} {
 			set l [mc "Unstage Hunk From Commit"]
+			set h [mc "Revert Hunk"]
 			if {$has_range} {
 				set t [mc "Unstage Lines From Commit"]
+				set r [mc "Revert Lines"]
 			} else {
 				set t [mc "Unstage Line From Commit"]
+				set r [mc "Revert Line"]
 		} else {
 			set l [mc "Stage Hunk For Commit"]
+			set h [mc "Revert Hunk"]
 			if {$has_range} {
 				set t [mc "Stage Lines For Commit"]
+				set r [mc "Revert Lines"]
 			} else {
 				set t [mc "Stage Line For Commit"]
+				set r [mc "Revert Line"]
 		if {$::is_3way_diff
@@ -3730,11 +3789,35 @@
 			|| [string match {T?} $state]
 			|| [has_textconv $current_diff_path]} {
 			set s disabled
+			set revert_state disabled
 		} else {
 			set s normal
+			# Only allow reverting changes in the working tree. If
+			# the user wants to revert changes in the index, they
+			# need to unstage those first.
+			if {$::ui_workdir eq $::current_diff_side} {
+				set revert_state normal
+			} else {
+				set revert_state disabled
+			}
+		if {$last_revert eq {}} {
+			set undo_state disabled
+		} else {
+			set undo_state normal
+		}
 		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyhunk -state $s -label $l
 		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_applyline -state $s -label $t
+		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_revertline -state $revert_state \
+			-label $r
+		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_reverthunk -state $revert_state \
+			-label $h
+		$ctxm entryconf $::ui_diff_undorevert -state $undo_state \
+			-label $u
 		tk_popup $ctxm $X $Y
@@ -3861,6 +3944,8 @@
 bind .   <$M1B-Key-J> do_revert_selection
 bind .   <$M1B-Key-i> do_add_all
 bind .   <$M1B-Key-I> do_add_all
+bind .   <$M1B-Key-e> toggle_commit_type
+bind .   <$M1B-Key-E> toggle_commit_type
 bind .   <$M1B-Key-minus> {show_less_context;break}
 bind .   <$M1B-Key-KP_Subtract> {show_less_context;break}
 bind .   <$M1B-Key-equal> {show_more_context;break}
@@ -3877,6 +3962,14 @@
 unset i
+bind .   <Alt-Key-1> {focus_widget $::ui_workdir}
+bind .   <Alt-Key-2> {focus_widget $::ui_index}
+bind .   <Alt-Key-3> {focus $::ui_diff}
+bind .   <Alt-Key-4> {focus $::ui_comm}
+set file_lists_last_clicked($ui_index) {}
+set file_lists_last_clicked($ui_workdir) {}
 set file_lists($ui_index) [list]
 set file_lists($ui_workdir) [list]
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/checkout_op.tcl b/git-gui/lib/checkout_op.tcl
index 9e7412c..a522829 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/checkout_op.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/checkout_op.tcl
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 method _after_readtree {} {
-	global selected_commit_type commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD PARENT
+	global commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD PARENT
 	global current_branch is_detached
 	global ui_comm
@@ -490,12 +490,12 @@
 	#    amend mode our file lists are accurate and we can avoid
 	#    the rescan.
-	global selected_commit_type commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD PARENT
+	global commit_type_is_amend commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD PARENT
 	global ui_comm
 	set name [_name $this]
-	set selected_commit_type new
+	set commit_type_is_amend 0
 	if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
 		$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
 		$ui_comm edit reset
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl b/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
index 75ea965..b516aa2 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
 proc commit_committree {fd_wt curHEAD msg_p} {
 	global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type commit_author
 	global current_branch
-	global ui_comm selected_commit_type
+	global ui_comm commit_type_is_amend
 	global file_states selected_paths rescan_active
 	global repo_config
 	global env
@@ -467,8 +467,8 @@
 	# -- Update in memory status
-	set selected_commit_type new
 	set commit_type normal
+	set commit_type_is_amend 0
 	set HEAD $cmt_id
 	set PARENT $cmt_id
 	set MERGE_HEAD [list]
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl b/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
index 68c4a6c..958a0fa 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 proc force_diff_encoding {enc} {
 	global current_diff_path
 	if {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
 		force_path_encoding $current_diff_path $enc
@@ -567,24 +567,31 @@
-proc apply_hunk {x y} {
+proc apply_or_revert_hunk {x y revert} {
 	global current_diff_path current_diff_header current_diff_side
-	global ui_diff ui_index file_states
+	global ui_diff ui_index file_states last_revert last_revert_enc
 	if {$current_diff_path eq {} || $current_diff_header eq {}} return
 	if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
-	set apply_cmd {apply --cached --whitespace=nowarn}
+	set apply_cmd {apply --whitespace=nowarn}
 	set mi [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
 	if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
 		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected hunk."]
-		lappend apply_cmd --reverse
+		lappend apply_cmd --reverse --cached
 		if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
 	} else {
-		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected hunk."]
+		if {$revert} {
+			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to revert selected hunk."]
+			lappend apply_cmd --reverse
+		} else {
+			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected hunk."]
+			lappend apply_cmd --cached
+		}
 		if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
@@ -603,29 +610,40 @@
 		set e_lno end
+	set wholepatch "$current_diff_header[$ui_diff get $s_lno $e_lno]"
 	if {[catch {
 		set enc [get_path_encoding $current_diff_path]
 		set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
 		fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding $enc
-		puts -nonewline $p $current_diff_header
-		puts -nonewline $p [$ui_diff get $s_lno $e_lno]
+		puts -nonewline $p $wholepatch
 		close $p} err]} {
 		error_popup "$failed_msg\n\n$err"
+	if {$revert} {
+		# Save a copy of this patch for undoing reverts.
+		set last_revert $wholepatch
+		set last_revert_enc $enc
+	}
 	$ui_diff conf -state normal
 	$ui_diff delete $s_lno $e_lno
 	$ui_diff conf -state disabled
+	# Check if the hunk was the last one in the file.
 	if {[$ui_diff get 1.0 end] eq "\n"} {
 		set o _
 	} else {
 		set o ?
-	if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
+	# Update the status flags.
+	if {$revert} {
+		set mi [string index $mi 0]$o
+	} elseif {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
 		set mi ${o}M
 	} elseif {[string index $mi 0] eq {_}} {
 		set mi M$o
@@ -640,9 +658,9 @@
-proc apply_range_or_line {x y} {
+proc apply_or_revert_range_or_line {x y revert} {
 	global current_diff_path current_diff_header current_diff_side
-	global ui_diff ui_index file_states
+	global ui_diff ui_index file_states last_revert
 	set selected [$ui_diff tag nextrange sel 0.0]
@@ -660,19 +678,27 @@
 	if {$current_diff_path eq {} || $current_diff_header eq {}} return
 	if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
-	set apply_cmd {apply --cached --whitespace=nowarn}
+	set apply_cmd {apply --whitespace=nowarn}
 	set mi [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
 	if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
 		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected line."]
 		set to_context {+}
-		lappend apply_cmd --reverse
+		lappend apply_cmd --reverse --cached
 		if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
 	} else {
-		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected line."]
-		set to_context {-}
+		if {$revert} {
+			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to revert selected line."]
+			set to_context {+}
+			lappend apply_cmd --reverse
+		} else {
+			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected line."]
+			set to_context {-}
+			lappend apply_cmd --cached
+		}
 		if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
@@ -830,7 +856,47 @@
 		puts -nonewline $p $wholepatch
 		close $p} err]} {
 		error_popup "$failed_msg\n\n$err"
+		unlock_index
+		return
+	if {$revert} {
+		# Save a copy of this patch for undoing reverts.
+		set last_revert $current_diff_header$wholepatch
+		set last_revert_enc $enc
+	}
+	unlock_index
+# Undo the last line/hunk reverted. When hunks and lines are reverted, a copy
+# of the diff applied is saved. Re-apply that diff to undo the revert.
+# Right now, we only use a single variable to hold the copy, and not a
+# stack/deque for simplicity, so multiple undos are not possible. Maybe this
+# can be added if the need for something like this is felt in the future.
+proc undo_last_revert {} {
+	global last_revert current_diff_path current_diff_header
+	global last_revert_enc
+	if {$last_revert eq {}} return
+	if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
+	set apply_cmd {apply --whitespace=nowarn}
+	set failed_msg [mc "Failed to undo last revert."]
+	if {[catch {
+		set enc $last_revert_enc
+		set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
+		fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding $enc
+		puts -nonewline $p $last_revert
+		close $p} err]} {
+		error_popup "$failed_msg\n\n$err"
+		unlock_index
+		return
+	}
+	set last_revert {}
diff --git a/git-gui/lib/index.tcl b/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
index b588db1..e07b7a3 100644
--- a/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
+++ b/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
@@ -466,19 +466,19 @@
 proc do_select_commit_type {} {
-	global commit_type selected_commit_type
+	global commit_type commit_type_is_amend
-	if {$selected_commit_type eq {new}
+	if {$commit_type_is_amend == 0
 		&& [string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-	} elseif {$selected_commit_type eq {amend}
+	} elseif {$commit_type_is_amend == 1
 		&& ![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
 		# The amend request was rejected...
 		if {![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-			set selected_commit_type new
+			set commit_type_is_amend 0
diff --git a/ b/
index f60e9b3..07ad4a5 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
 			git diff-index -p --cached --binary HEAD -- "$@" |
 			git apply --index -R
-			git reset --hard -q
+			git reset --hard -q --no-recurse-submodules
 		if test "$keep_index" = "t" && test -n "$i_tree"
diff --git a/ b/
index 3991e7d..60c73b6 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1160,13 +1160,11 @@
             if contentsSize <= gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'):
                 return False
             contentTempFile = self.generateTempFile(contents)
-            compressedContentFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='git-p4-large-file', delete=False)
-            zf = zipfile.ZipFile(, mode='w')
-            zf.write(contentTempFile, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
-            zf.close()
-            compressedContentsSize = zf.infolist()[0].compress_size
+            compressedContentFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='git-p4-large-file', delete=True)
+            with zipfile.ZipFile(compressedContentFile, mode='w') as zf:
+                zf.write(contentTempFile, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
+                compressedContentsSize = zf.infolist()[0].compress_size
-            os.remove(
             if compressedContentsSize > gitConfigInt('git-p4.largeFileCompressedThreshold'):
                 return True
         return False
@@ -3525,8 +3523,9 @@
             self.commit(details, self.extractFilesFromCommit(details), self.branch)
-        except IOError:
+        except IOError as err:
             print("IO error with git fast-import. Is your git version recent enough?")
+            print("IO error details: {}".format(err))
     def openStreams(self):
diff --git a/ b/
index e1d917f..8eef60b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@
 # First decide what scheme to use...
+if test -n "$GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON" &&
+	    git env--helper --type=bool --default=0 --exit-code \
 elif test -n "@@USE_GETTEXT_SCHEME@@"
diff --git a/git.c b/git.c
index f4c0478..ce6ab0e 100644
--- a/git.c
+++ b/git.c
@@ -369,8 +369,7 @@
 			die(_("alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
 			      "You can use '!git' in the alias to do this"),
-		memmove(new_argv - option_count, new_argv,
-				count * sizeof(char *));
+		MOVE_ARRAY(new_argv - option_count, new_argv, count);
 		new_argv -= option_count;
 		if (count < 1)
@@ -385,7 +384,7 @@
 		REALLOC_ARRAY(new_argv, count + *argcp);
 		/* insert after command name */
-		memcpy(new_argv + count, *argv + 1, sizeof(char *) * *argcp);
+		COPY_ARRAY(new_argv + count, *argv + 1, *argcp);
 		trace2_cmd_alias(alias_command, new_argv);
@@ -500,6 +499,7 @@
 	{ "diff-index", cmd_diff_index, RUN_SETUP | NO_PARSEOPT },
 	{ "diff-tree", cmd_diff_tree, RUN_SETUP | NO_PARSEOPT },
 	{ "difftool", cmd_difftool, RUN_SETUP_GENTLY },
+	{ "env--helper", cmd_env__helper },
 	{ "fast-export", cmd_fast_export, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "fetch", cmd_fetch, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "fetch-pack", cmd_fetch_pack, RUN_SETUP | NO_PARSEOPT },
@@ -550,12 +550,7 @@
 	{ "push", cmd_push, RUN_SETUP },
 	{ "range-diff", cmd_range_diff, RUN_SETUP | USE_PAGER },
 	{ "read-tree", cmd_read_tree, RUN_SETUP | SUPPORT_SUPER_PREFIX},
-	/*
-	 * NEEDSWORK: Until the rebase is independent and needs no redirection
-	 * to rebase shell script this is kept as is, then should be changed to
-	 */
-	{ "rebase", cmd_rebase },
+	{ "rebase", cmd_rebase, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
 	{ "rebase--interactive", cmd_rebase__interactive, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
 	{ "receive-pack", cmd_receive_pack },
 	{ "reflog", cmd_reflog, RUN_SETUP },
@@ -743,8 +738,6 @@
 		if (!done_alias)
 			handle_builtin(*argcp, *argv);
-#if 0 // TODO In GFW, need to amend a7924b655e940b06cb547c235d6bed9767929673 to include trace2_ and _tr2 lines.
 		else if (get_builtin(**argv)) {
 			struct argv_array args = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
 			int i;
@@ -779,7 +772,6 @@
 			die("could not execute builtin %s", **argv);
-#endif // a7924b655e940b06cb547c235d6bed9767929673
 		/* .. then try the external ones */
diff --git a/gitk-git/gitk b/gitk-git/gitk
index a14d7a1..abe4805 100755
--- a/gitk-git/gitk
+++ b/gitk-git/gitk
@@ -3404,6 +3404,8 @@
 image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground "#00ff00" \
     -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
+image create bitmap reficon-R -background black -foreground "#ffddaa" \
+    -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
 image create bitmap reficon-o -background black -foreground "#ddddff" \
     -data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
@@ -7016,6 +7018,7 @@
 # append some text to the ctext widget, and make any SHA1 ID
 # that we know about be a clickable link.
+# Also look for URLs of the form "http[s]://..." and make them web links.
 proc appendwithlinks {text tags} {
     global ctext linknum curview
@@ -7032,6 +7035,18 @@
 	setlink $linkid link$linknum
 	incr linknum
+    set wlinks [regexp -indices -all -inline -line \
+		    {https?://[^[:space:]]+} $text]
+    foreach l $wlinks {
+	set s2 [lindex $l 0]
+	set e2 [lindex $l 1]
+	set url [string range $text $s2 $e2]
+	incr e2
+	$ctext tag delete link$linknum
+	$ctext tag add link$linknum "$start + $s2 c" "$start + $e2 c"
+	setwlink $url link$linknum
+	incr linknum
+    }
 proc setlink {id lk} {
@@ -7064,6 +7079,18 @@
+proc setwlink {url lk} {
+    global ctext
+    global linkfgcolor
+    global web_browser
+    if {$web_browser eq {}} return
+    $ctext tag conf $lk -foreground $linkfgcolor -underline 1
+    $ctext tag bind $lk <1> [list browseweb $url]
+    $ctext tag bind $lk <Enter> {linkcursor %W 1}
+    $ctext tag bind $lk <Leave> {linkcursor %W -1}
 proc appendshortlink {id {pre {}} {post {}}} {
     global ctext linknum
@@ -7098,6 +7125,16 @@
+proc browseweb {url} {
+    global web_browser
+    if {$web_browser eq {}} return
+    # Use eval here in case $web_browser is a command plus some arguments
+    if {[catch {eval exec $web_browser [list $url] &} err]} {
+	error_popup "[mc "Error starting web browser:"] $err"
+    }
 proc viewnextline {dir} {
     global canv linespc
@@ -8191,11 +8228,11 @@
 	} else {
 	    $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
-    } elseif {![string compare -length 3 "  >" $line]} {
+    } elseif {$currdiffsubmod != "" && ![string compare -length 3 "  >" $line]} {
 	set $currdiffsubmod ""
 	set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
 	$ctext insert end "$line\n" dresult
-    } elseif {![string compare -length 3 "  <" $line]} {
+    } elseif {$currdiffsubmod != "" && ![string compare -length 3 "  <" $line]} {
 	set $currdiffsubmod ""
 	set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
 	$ctext insert end "$line\n" d0
@@ -10022,6 +10059,7 @@
     set n [lindex $ref 0]
     switch -- [lindex $ref 1] {
 	"H" {selbyid $headids($n)}
+	"R" {selbyid $headids($n)}
 	"T" {selbyid $tagids($n)}
 	"o" {selbyid $otherrefids($n)}
@@ -10051,7 +10089,11 @@
     foreach n [array names headids] {
 	if {[string match $reflistfilter $n]} {
 	    if {[commitinview $headids($n) $curview]} {
-		lappend refs [list $n H]
+		if {[string match "remotes/*" $n]} {
+		    lappend refs [list $n R]
+		} else {
+		    lappend refs [list $n H]
+		}
 	    } else {
 		interestedin $headids($n) {run refill_reflist}
@@ -11488,7 +11530,7 @@
 proc prefspage_general {notebook} {
     global NS maxwidth maxgraphpct showneartags showlocalchanges
     global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs
-    global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk maxrefs
+    global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk maxrefs web_browser
     set page [create_prefs_page $notebook.general]
@@ -11539,6 +11581,13 @@
     pack configure $page.extdifff.l -padx 10
     grid x $page.extdifff $page.extdifft -sticky ew
+    ${NS}::entry $page.webbrowser -textvariable web_browser
+    ${NS}::frame $page.webbrowserf
+    ${NS}::label $page.webbrowserf.l -text [mc "Web browser" ]
+    pack $page.webbrowserf.l -side left
+    pack configure $page.webbrowserf.l -padx 10
+    grid x $page.webbrowserf $page.webbrowser -sticky ew
     ${NS}::label $page.lgen -text [mc "General options"]
     grid $page.lgen - -sticky w -pady 10
     ${NS}::checkbutton $page.want_ttk -variable want_ttk \
@@ -12310,6 +12359,7 @@
     set bgcolor SystemWindow
     set fgcolor SystemWindowText
     set selectbgcolor SystemHighlight
+    set web_browser "cmd /c start"
 } else {
     set uicolor grey85
     set uifgcolor black
@@ -12317,6 +12367,11 @@
     set bgcolor white
     set fgcolor black
     set selectbgcolor gray85
+    if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+	set web_browser "open"
+    } else {
+	set web_browser "xdg-open"
+    }
 set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
 set diffcontext 3
@@ -12390,6 +12445,7 @@
     filesepbgcolor filesepfgcolor linehoverbgcolor linehoverfgcolor
     linehoveroutlinecolor mainheadcirclecolor workingfilescirclecolor
     indexcirclecolor circlecolors linkfgcolor circleoutlinecolor
+    web_browser
 foreach var $config_variables {
     config_init_trace $var
diff --git a/gitk-git/po/zh_cn.po b/gitk-git/po/zh_cn.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17b7f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gitk-git/po/zh_cn.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1367 @@
+# Translation of gitk to Simplified Chinese.
+# Translators:
+# YanKe <>, 2017
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Git Chinese Localization Project\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-28 23:11+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-03-11 02:27+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: YanKe <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Chinese\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: zh_CN\n"
+#: gitk:140
+msgid "Couldn't get list of unmerged files:"
+msgstr "不能获取未合并文件列表:"
+#: gitk:212 gitk:2403
+msgid "Color words"
+msgstr "着色显示差异"
+#: gitk:217 gitk:2403 gitk:8249 gitk:8282
+msgid "Markup words"
+msgstr "标记显示差异"
+#: gitk:324
+msgid "Error parsing revisions:"
+msgstr "解析版本错误:"
+#: gitk:380
+msgid "Error executing --argscmd command:"
+msgstr "运行 --argscmd命令出错"
+#: gitk:393
+msgid "No files selected: --merge specified but no files are unmerged."
+msgstr "没有选中文件:--指定merge参数但没有未合并的文件。"
+#: gitk:396
+msgid ""
+"No files selected: --merge specified but no unmerged files are within file "
+msgstr "没有选中文件:--指定merge参数但没有未合并的文件在文件中"
+#: gitk:418 gitk:566
+msgid "Error executing git log:"
+msgstr "执行git log命令出错:"
+#: gitk:436 gitk:582
+msgid "Reading"
+msgstr "读取中"
+#: gitk:496 gitk:4549
+msgid "Reading commits..."
+msgstr "提交记录读取中..."
+#: gitk:499 gitk:1641 gitk:4552
+msgid "No commits selected"
+msgstr "未选中任何提交"
+#: gitk:1449 gitk:4069 gitk:12583
+msgid "Command line"
+msgstr "命令行"
+#: gitk:1515
+msgid "Can't parse git log output:"
+msgstr "不能解析git log输出:"
+#: gitk:1744
+msgid "No commit information available"
+msgstr "无可用提交信息"
+#: gitk:1907 gitk:1936 gitk:4339 gitk:9789 gitk:11388 gitk:11668
+msgid "OK"
+msgstr "确定"
+#: gitk:1938 gitk:4341 gitk:9225 gitk:9304 gitk:9434 gitk:9520 gitk:9791
+#: gitk:11389 gitk:11669
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "取消"
+#: gitk:2087
+msgid "&Update"
+msgstr "更新"
+#: gitk:2088
+msgid "&Reload"
+msgstr "重新加载"
+#: gitk:2089
+msgid "Reread re&ferences"
+msgstr "重新读取引用"
+#: gitk:2090
+msgid "&List references"
+msgstr "列出引用(分支以及tag)"
+#: gitk:2092
+msgid "Start git &gui"
+msgstr "启动git gui客户端"
+#: gitk:2094
+msgid "&Quit"
+msgstr "退出"
+#: gitk:2086
+msgid "&File"
+msgstr "文件"
+#: gitk:2098
+msgid "&Preferences"
+msgstr "偏好设置"
+#: gitk:2097
+msgid "&Edit"
+msgstr "编辑"
+#: gitk:2102
+msgid "&New view..."
+msgstr "新视图..."
+#: gitk:2103
+msgid "&Edit view..."
+msgstr "编辑视图..."
+#: gitk:2104
+msgid "&Delete view"
+msgstr "删除视图"
+#: gitk:2106
+msgid "&All files"
+msgstr "所有文件"
+#: gitk:2101
+msgid "&View"
+msgstr "视图"
+#: gitk:2111 gitk:2121
+msgid "&About gitk"
+msgstr "关于gitk"
+#: gitk:2112 gitk:2126
+msgid "&Key bindings"
+msgstr "快捷键"
+#: gitk:2110 gitk:2125
+msgid "&Help"
+msgstr "帮助"
+#: gitk:2203 gitk:8681
+msgid "SHA1 ID:"
+msgstr "SHA1 ID:"
+#: gitk:2247
+msgid "Row"
+msgstr "行"
+#: gitk:2285
+msgid "Find"
+msgstr "查找"
+#: gitk:2313
+msgid "commit"
+msgstr "提交"
+#: gitk:2317 gitk:2319 gitk:4711 gitk:4734 gitk:4758 gitk:6779 gitk:6851
+#: gitk:6936
+msgid "containing:"
+msgstr "包含:"
+#: gitk:2320 gitk:3550 gitk:3555 gitk:4787
+msgid "touching paths:"
+msgstr "影响路径:"
+#: gitk:2321 gitk:4801
+msgid "adding/removing string:"
+msgstr "增加/删除字符串:"
+#: gitk:2322 gitk:4803
+msgid "changing lines matching:"
+msgstr "改变行匹配:"
+#: gitk:2331 gitk:2333 gitk:4790
+msgid "Exact"
+msgstr "精确匹配"
+#: gitk:2333 gitk:4878 gitk:6747
+msgid "IgnCase"
+msgstr "忽略大小写"
+#: gitk:2333 gitk:4760 gitk:4876 gitk:6743
+msgid "Regexp"
+msgstr "正则"
+#: gitk:2335 gitk:2336 gitk:4898 gitk:4928 gitk:4935 gitk:6872 gitk:6940
+msgid "All fields"
+msgstr "所有字段"
+#: gitk:2336 gitk:4895 gitk:4928 gitk:6810
+msgid "Headline"
+msgstr "标题"
+#: gitk:2337 gitk:4895 gitk:6810 gitk:6940 gitk:7413
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "提交注释"
+#: gitk:2337 gitk:4895 gitk:4900 gitk:4935 gitk:6810 gitk:7348 gitk:8859
+#: gitk:8874
+msgid "Author"
+msgstr "作者"
+#: gitk:2337 gitk:4895 gitk:6810 gitk:7350
+msgid "Committer"
+msgstr "提交者"
+#: gitk:2371
+msgid "Search"
+msgstr "搜索"
+#: gitk:2379
+msgid "Diff"
+msgstr "差异"
+#: gitk:2381
+msgid "Old version"
+msgstr "老版本"
+#: gitk:2383
+msgid "New version"
+msgstr "新版本"
+#: gitk:2386
+msgid "Lines of context"
+msgstr "Diff上下文显示行数"
+#: gitk:2396
+msgid "Ignore space change"
+msgstr "忽略空格修改"
+#: gitk:2400 gitk:2402 gitk:7983 gitk:8235
+msgid "Line diff"
+msgstr "按行显示差异"
+#: gitk:2467
+msgid "Patch"
+msgstr "补丁"
+#: gitk:2469
+msgid "Tree"
+msgstr "树"
+#: gitk:2639 gitk:2660
+msgid "Diff this -> selected"
+msgstr "比较从当前提交到选中提交的差异"
+#: gitk:2640 gitk:2661
+msgid "Diff selected -> this"
+msgstr "比较从选中提交到当前提交的差异"
+#: gitk:2641 gitk:2662
+msgid "Make patch"
+msgstr "制作补丁"
+#: gitk:2642 gitk:9283
+msgid "Create tag"
+msgstr "创建tag"
+#: gitk:2643
+msgid "Copy commit summary"
+msgstr "复制提交摘要"
+#: gitk:2644 gitk:9414
+msgid "Write commit to file"
+msgstr "写入提交到文件"
+#: gitk:2645
+msgid "Create new branch"
+msgstr "创建新分支"
+#: gitk:2646
+msgid "Cherry-pick this commit"
+msgstr "在此提交运用补丁(cherry-pick)命令"
+#: gitk:2647
+msgid "Reset HEAD branch to here"
+msgstr "将分支头(HEAD)重置到此处"
+#: gitk:2648
+msgid "Mark this commit"
+msgstr "标记此提交"
+#: gitk:2649
+msgid "Return to mark"
+msgstr "返回到标记"
+#: gitk:2650
+msgid "Find descendant of this and mark"
+msgstr "查找本次提交的子提交并标记"
+#: gitk:2651
+msgid "Compare with marked commit"
+msgstr "和已标记的提交作比较"
+#: gitk:2652 gitk:2663
+msgid "Diff this -> marked commit"
+msgstr "比较从当前提交到已标记提交的差异"
+#: gitk:2653 gitk:2664
+msgid "Diff marked commit -> this"
+msgstr "比较从已标记提交到当前提交的差异"
+#: gitk:2654
+msgid "Revert this commit"
+msgstr "撤销(revert)此提交"
+#: gitk:2670
+msgid "Check out this branch"
+msgstr "检出(checkout)此分支"
+#: gitk:2671
+msgid "Rename this branch"
+msgstr "重命名(Rename)此分支"
+#: gitk:2672
+msgid "Remove this branch"
+msgstr "删除(Remove)此分支"
+#: gitk:2673
+msgid "Copy branch name"
+msgstr "复制分支名称"
+#: gitk:2680
+msgid "Highlight this too"
+msgstr "高亮此处"
+#: gitk:2681
+msgid "Highlight this only"
+msgstr "只高亮此处"
+#: gitk:2682
+msgid "External diff"
+msgstr "外部diff"
+#: gitk:2683
+msgid "Blame parent commit"
+msgstr "Blame父提交"
+#: gitk:2684
+msgid "Copy path"
+msgstr "复制路径"
+#: gitk:2691
+msgid "Show origin of this line"
+msgstr "显示此行原始提交"
+#: gitk:2692
+msgid "Run git gui blame on this line"
+msgstr "在此行运行git gui客户端的blame"
+#: gitk:3036
+msgid "About gitk"
+msgstr "关于gitk"
+#: gitk:3038
+msgid ""
+"Gitk - a commit viewer for git\n"
+"Copyright © 2005-2016 Paul Mackerras\n"
+"Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"
+msgstr "\nGitk — 一个git的提交查看器\n\n© 2005-2016 Paul Mackerras\n\n在GNU许可证下使用以及分发"
+#: gitk:3046 gitk:3113 gitk:10004
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "关闭"
+#: gitk:3067
+msgid "Gitk key bindings"
+msgstr "Gitk快捷键"
+#: gitk:3070
+msgid "Gitk key bindings:"
+msgstr "Gitk快捷键:"
+#: gitk:3072
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-Q>\t\tQuit"
+msgstr "<%s-Q>\t\t退出"
+#: gitk:3073
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-W>\t\tClose window"
+msgstr "<%s-W>\t\t关闭窗口"
+#: gitk:3074
+msgid "<Home>\t\tMove to first commit"
+msgstr "<Home>\t\t移动到第一次提交"
+#: gitk:3075
+msgid "<End>\t\tMove to last commit"
+msgstr "<End>\t\t移动到最后一次提交"
+#: gitk:3076
+msgid "<Up>, p, k\tMove up one commit"
+msgstr "<Up>, p, k\t移动到上一次提交"
+#: gitk:3077
+msgid "<Down>, n, j\tMove down one commit"
+msgstr "<Down>, n, j\t移动到下一次提交"
+#: gitk:3078
+msgid "<Left>, z, h\tGo back in history list"
+msgstr "<Left>, z, h\t历史列表的上一项"
+#: gitk:3079
+msgid "<Right>, x, l\tGo forward in history list"
+msgstr "<Right>, x, l\t历史列表的下一项"
+#: gitk:3080
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-n>\tGo to n-th parent of current commit in history list"
+msgstr "<%s-n>\t在历史列表中前往本次提交的第n个父提交"
+#: gitk:3081
+msgid "<PageUp>\tMove up one page in commit list"
+msgstr "<PageUp>\t上一页提交列表"
+#: gitk:3082
+msgid "<PageDown>\tMove down one page in commit list"
+msgstr "<PageDown>\t下一页提交列表"
+#: gitk:3083
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-Home>\tScroll to top of commit list"
+msgstr "<%s-Home>\t滚动到提交列表顶部"
+#: gitk:3084
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-End>\tScroll to bottom of commit list"
+msgstr "<%s-End>\t滚动到提交列表底部"
+#: gitk:3085
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-Up>\tScroll commit list up one line"
+msgstr "<%s-Up>\t向上滚动一行提交列表"
+#: gitk:3086
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-Down>\tScroll commit list down one line"
+msgstr "<%s-Down>\t向下滚动一行提交列表"
+#: gitk:3087
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-PageUp>\tScroll commit list up one page"
+msgstr "<%s-PageUp>\t向上滚动一页提交列表"
+#: gitk:3088
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-PageDown>\tScroll commit list down one page"
+msgstr "<%s-PageDown>\t向下滚动一页提交列表"
+#: gitk:3089
+msgid "<Shift-Up>\tFind backwards (upwards, later commits)"
+msgstr "<Shift-Up>\t向后查找(向上的,更晚的提交)"
+#: gitk:3090
+msgid "<Shift-Down>\tFind forwards (downwards, earlier commits)"
+msgstr "<Shift-Down>\t向前查找(向下的,更早的提交)"
+#: gitk:3091
+msgid "<Delete>, b\tScroll diff view up one page"
+msgstr "<Delete>, b\t向上滚动diff视图一页"
+#: gitk:3092
+msgid "<Backspace>\tScroll diff view up one page"
+msgstr "<Backspace>\t向上滚动diff视图一页"
+#: gitk:3093
+msgid "<Space>\t\tScroll diff view down one page"
+msgstr "<Space>\t\t向下滚动diff视图一页"
+#: gitk:3094
+msgid "u\t\tScroll diff view up 18 lines"
+msgstr "u\t\t向上滚动diff视图18行"
+#: gitk:3095
+msgid "d\t\tScroll diff view down 18 lines"
+msgstr "d\t\t向下滚动diff视图18行"
+#: gitk:3096
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-F>\t\tFind"
+msgstr "<%s-F>\t\t查找"
+#: gitk:3097
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-G>\t\tMove to next find hit"
+msgstr "<%s-G>\t\t移动到下一次查找命中"
+#: gitk:3098
+msgid "<Return>\tMove to next find hit"
+msgstr "<Return>\t\t移动到下一次查找命中"
+#: gitk:3099
+msgid "g\t\tGo to commit"
+msgstr "g\t\t转到提交"
+#: gitk:3100
+msgid "/\t\tFocus the search box"
+msgstr "/\t\t选中搜索框"
+#: gitk:3101
+msgid "?\t\tMove to previous find hit"
+msgstr "?\t\t移动到上一次查找命中"
+#: gitk:3102
+msgid "f\t\tScroll diff view to next file"
+msgstr "f\t\t滚动diff视图到下一个文件"
+#: gitk:3103
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-S>\t\tSearch for next hit in diff view"
+msgstr "<%s-S>\t\t在diff视图中查找下一此命中"
+#: gitk:3104
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-R>\t\tSearch for previous hit in diff view"
+msgstr "<%s-R>\t\t在diff视图中查找上一次命中"
+#: gitk:3105
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-KP+>\tIncrease font size"
+msgstr "<%s-KP+>\t增大字体大小"
+#: gitk:3106
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-plus>\tIncrease font size"
+msgstr "<%s-plus>\t增大字体大小"
+#: gitk:3107
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-KP->\tDecrease font size"
+msgstr "<%s-KP->\t减小字体大小"
+#: gitk:3108
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "<%s-minus>\tDecrease font size"
+msgstr "<%s-minus>\t减小字体大小"
+#: gitk:3109
+msgid "<F5>\t\tUpdate"
+msgstr "<F5>\t\t更新"
+#: gitk:3574 gitk:3583
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Error creating temporary directory %s:"
+msgstr "创建临时目录出错%s:"
+#: gitk:3596
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Error getting \"%s\" from %s:"
+msgstr "从%s获取\"%s\"出错:"
+#: gitk:3659
+msgid "command failed:"
+msgstr "执行命令失败:"
+#: gitk:3808
+msgid "No such commit"
+msgstr "无此提交"
+#: gitk:3822
+msgid "git gui blame: command failed:"
+msgstr "git gui blame:执行命令失败:"
+#: gitk:3853
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Couldn't read merge head: %s"
+msgstr "不能读取合并头(merge head):%s"
+#: gitk:3861
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Error reading index: %s"
+msgstr "读取索引出错:%s"
+#: gitk:3886
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Couldn't start git blame: %s"
+msgstr "不能执行git blame:%s"
+#: gitk:3889 gitk:6778
+msgid "Searching"
+msgstr "搜索中"
+#: gitk:3921
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Error running git blame: %s"
+msgstr "运行git blame出错:%s"
+#: gitk:3949
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "That line comes from commit %s,  which is not in this view"
+msgstr "此行来自提交%s,不在此视图中"
+#: gitk:3963
+msgid "External diff viewer failed:"
+msgstr "外部diff查看器失败:"
+#: gitk:4067
+msgid "All files"
+msgstr "所有文件"
+#: gitk:4091
+msgid "View"
+msgstr "视图"
+#: gitk:4094
+msgid "Gitk view definition"
+msgstr "Gitk视图定义"
+#: gitk:4098
+msgid "Remember this view"
+msgstr "记住此视图"
+#: gitk:4099
+msgid "References (space separated list):"
+msgstr "引用(空格切分的列表):"
+#: gitk:4100
+msgid "Branches & tags:"
+msgstr "分支和tags"
+#: gitk:4101
+msgid "All refs"
+msgstr "所有引用"
+#: gitk:4102
+msgid "All (local) branches"
+msgstr "所有(本地)分支"
+#: gitk:4103
+msgid "All tags"
+msgstr "所有tag"
+#: gitk:4104
+msgid "All remote-tracking branches"
+msgstr "所有远程跟踪分支"
+#: gitk:4105
+msgid "Commit Info (regular expressions):"
+msgstr "提交信息 (正则表达式):"
+#: gitk:4106
+msgid "Author:"
+msgstr "作者:"
+#: gitk:4107
+msgid "Committer:"
+msgstr "提交者:"
+#: gitk:4108
+msgid "Commit Message:"
+msgstr "提交信息:"
+#: gitk:4109
+msgid "Matches all Commit Info criteria"
+msgstr "匹配所有提交信息标准"
+#: gitk:4110
+msgid "Matches no Commit Info criteria"
+msgstr "匹配无提交信息标准"
+#: gitk:4111
+msgid "Changes to Files:"
+msgstr "文件修改列表:"
+#: gitk:4112
+msgid "Fixed String"
+msgstr "固定字符串"
+#: gitk:4113
+msgid "Regular Expression"
+msgstr "正则表达式:"
+#: gitk:4114
+msgid "Search string:"
+msgstr "搜索字符串:"
+#: gitk:4115
+msgid ""
+"Commit Dates (\"2 weeks ago\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"March 17, 2009 "
+msgstr "提交日期 (\"2星期之前\", \"2009-03-17 15:27:38\", \"5月 17, 2009 15:27:38\"):"
+#: gitk:4116
+msgid "Since:"
+msgstr "自:"
+#: gitk:4117
+msgid "Until:"
+msgstr "到:"
+#: gitk:4118
+msgid "Limit and/or skip a number of revisions (positive integer):"
+msgstr "限制 且/或 跳过一定数量的版本(正整数):"
+#: gitk:4119
+msgid "Number to show:"
+msgstr "显示数量:"
+#: gitk:4120
+msgid "Number to skip:"
+msgstr "跳过数量:"
+#: gitk:4121
+msgid "Miscellaneous options:"
+msgstr "其他选项:"
+#: gitk:4122
+msgid "Strictly sort by date"
+msgstr "严格按日期整理"
+#: gitk:4123
+msgid "Mark branch sides"
+msgstr "标记分支边界"
+#: gitk:4124
+msgid "Limit to first parent"
+msgstr "限制到第一个父提交"
+#: gitk:4125
+msgid "Simple history"
+msgstr "简易历史"
+#: gitk:4126
+msgid "Additional arguments to git log:"
+msgstr "git log命令的额外参数:"
+#: gitk:4127
+msgid "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"
+msgstr "输入文件和文件夹来引用,每行一个:"
+#: gitk:4128
+msgid "Command to generate more commits to include:"
+msgstr "命令产生更多的提交来引用:"
+#: gitk:4252
+msgid "Gitk: edit view"
+msgstr "Gitk: 编辑视图"
+#: gitk:4260
+msgid "-- criteria for selecting revisions"
+msgstr "-- 用来选择版本的规则"
+#: gitk:4265
+msgid "View Name"
+msgstr "视图名称"
+#: gitk:4340
+msgid "Apply (F5)"
+msgstr "应用(F5)"
+#: gitk:4378
+msgid "Error in commit selection arguments:"
+msgstr "提交选择参数错误:"
+#: gitk:4433 gitk:4486 gitk:4948 gitk:4962 gitk:6232 gitk:12524 gitk:12525
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "无"
+#: gitk:5045 gitk:5050
+msgid "Descendant"
+msgstr "子提交"
+#: gitk:5046
+msgid "Not descendant"
+msgstr "非子提交"
+#: gitk:5053 gitk:5058
+msgid "Ancestor"
+msgstr "父提交"
+#: gitk:5054
+msgid "Not ancestor"
+msgstr "非父提交"
+#: gitk:5348
+msgid "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
+msgstr "已添加到索引但未提交的修改"
+#: gitk:5384
+msgid "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
+msgstr "未添加到索引且未提交的修改"
+#: gitk:7158
+msgid "and many more"
+msgstr "更多"
+#: gitk:7161
+msgid "many"
+msgstr "很多"
+#: gitk:7352
+msgid "Tags:"
+msgstr "Tags:"
+#: gitk:7369 gitk:7375 gitk:8854
+msgid "Parent"
+msgstr "父节点"
+#: gitk:7380
+msgid "Child"
+msgstr "子节点"
+#: gitk:7389
+msgid "Branch"
+msgstr "分支"
+#: gitk:7392
+msgid "Follows"
+msgstr "之后的tag"
+#: gitk:7395
+msgid "Precedes"
+msgstr "之前的tag"
+#: gitk:7990
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Error getting diffs: %s"
+msgstr "获取差异错误:%s"
+#: gitk:8679
+msgid "Goto:"
+msgstr "转到:"
+#: gitk:8700
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Short SHA1 id %s is ambiguous"
+msgstr "短格式的SHA1提交号%s不明确、有歧义"
+#: gitk:8707
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Revision %s is not known"
+msgstr "版本%s未知"
+#: gitk:8717
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "SHA1 id %s is not known"
+msgstr "提交号(SHA1 id)%s未知"
+#: gitk:8719
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Revision %s is not in the current view"
+msgstr "版本%s不在当前视图中"
+#: gitk:8861 gitk:8876
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "日期"
+#: gitk:8864
+msgid "Children"
+msgstr "子节点"
+#: gitk:8927
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reset %s branch to here"
+msgstr "重置分支%s到此处"
+#: gitk:8929
+msgid "Detached head: can't reset"
+msgstr "分离的头(head):不能重置(reset)"
+#: gitk:9034 gitk:9040
+msgid "Skipping merge commit "
+msgstr "跳过合并提交"
+#: gitk:9049 gitk:9054
+msgid "Error getting patch ID for "
+msgstr "获取补丁ID出错"
+#: gitk:9050 gitk:9055
+msgid " - stopping\n"
+msgstr " — 停止中\n"
+#: gitk:9060 gitk:9063 gitk:9071 gitk:9085 gitk:9094
+msgid "Commit "
+msgstr "提交"
+#: gitk:9064
+msgid ""
+" is the same patch as\n"
+"       "
+msgstr " 是相同的补丁(patch)\n       "
+#: gitk:9072
+msgid ""
+" differs from\n"
+"       "
+msgstr " 差异来自\n       "
+#: gitk:9074
+msgid ""
+"Diff of commits:\n"
+msgstr "提交的差异(Diff):\n\n"
+#: gitk:9086 gitk:9095
+#, tcl-format
+msgid " has %s children - stopping\n"
+msgstr "有%s子节点 — 停止中\n"
+#: gitk:9114
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Error writing commit to file: %s"
+msgstr "写入提交到文件出错:%s"
+#: gitk:9120
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Error diffing commits: %s"
+msgstr "比较提交差异出错:%s"
+#: gitk:9166
+msgid "Top"
+msgstr "顶部"
+#: gitk:9167
+msgid "From"
+msgstr "从"
+#: gitk:9172
+msgid "To"
+msgstr "到"
+#: gitk:9196
+msgid "Generate patch"
+msgstr "生成补丁(patch)"
+#: gitk:9198
+msgid "From:"
+msgstr "从:"
+#: gitk:9207
+msgid "To:"
+msgstr "到:"
+#: gitk:9216
+msgid "Reverse"
+msgstr "反向(Reverse)"
+#: gitk:9218 gitk:9428
+msgid "Output file:"
+msgstr "输出文件:"
+#: gitk:9224
+msgid "Generate"
+msgstr "生成"
+#: gitk:9262
+msgid "Error creating patch:"
+msgstr "创建补丁(patch)出错:"
+#: gitk:9285 gitk:9416 gitk:9504
+msgid "ID:"
+msgstr "ID:"
+#: gitk:9294
+msgid "Tag name:"
+msgstr "Tag名称:"
+#: gitk:9297
+msgid "Tag message is optional"
+msgstr "Tag信息是可选的"
+#: gitk:9299
+msgid "Tag message:"
+msgstr "Tag信息:"
+#: gitk:9303 gitk:9474
+msgid "Create"
+msgstr "创建"
+#: gitk:9321
+msgid "No tag name specified"
+msgstr "未指定tag名称"
+#: gitk:9325
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tag \"%s\" already exists"
+msgstr "Tag\"%s\"已经存在"
+#: gitk:9335
+msgid "Error creating tag:"
+msgstr "创建tag出错:"
+#: gitk:9425
+msgid "Command:"
+msgstr "命令:"
+#: gitk:9433
+msgid "Write"
+msgstr "写入"
+#: gitk:9451
+msgid "Error writing commit:"
+msgstr "写入提交出错:"
+#: gitk:9473
+msgid "Create branch"
+msgstr "创建分支"
+#: gitk:9489
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Rename branch %s"
+msgstr "重命名分支%s"
+#: gitk:9490
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "重命名"
+#: gitk:9514
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "名称:"
+#: gitk:9538
+msgid "Please specify a name for the new branch"
+msgstr "请指定新分支的名称"
+#: gitk:9543
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Branch '%s' already exists. Overwrite?"
+msgstr "分支\"%s\"已经存在。覆盖它?"
+#: gitk:9587
+msgid "Please specify a new name for the branch"
+msgstr "请重新指定新分支的名称"
+#: gitk:9650
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Commit %s is already included in branch %s -- really re-apply it?"
+msgstr "提交%s已经存在于分支%s。确定重新应用它?"
+#: gitk:9655
+msgid "Cherry-picking"
+msgstr "打补丁中(Cherry-picking)"
+#: gitk:9664
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Cherry-pick failed because of local changes to file '%s'.\n"
+"Please commit, reset or stash your changes and try again."
+msgstr "打补丁(Cherry-pick)失败,因为本地修改了文件\"%s\"。\n请提交(commit)、重置(reset)或暂存(stash)修改后重试。"
+#: gitk:9670
+msgid ""
+"Cherry-pick failed because of merge conflict.\n"
+"Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
+msgstr "打补丁(Cherry-pick)失败因为合并冲突。\n你是否希望运行git citool 来解决冲突?"
+#: gitk:9686 gitk:9744
+msgid "No changes committed"
+msgstr "无已经提交的修改"
+#: gitk:9713
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Commit %s is not included in branch %s -- really revert it?"
+msgstr "提交%s不包含在分支%s中,确认回滚(revert)它?"
+#: gitk:9718
+msgid "Reverting"
+msgstr "回滚中(Reverting)"
+#: gitk:9726
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"Revert failed because of local changes to the following files:%s Please "
+"commit, reset or stash  your changes and try again."
+msgstr "回滚(revert)失败,因为如下的本地文件修改:%s\n请提交(commit)、重置(reset)或者暂存(stash)改变后重试。"
+#: gitk:9730
+msgid ""
+"Revert failed because of merge conflict.\n"
+" Do you wish to run git citool to resolve it?"
+msgstr "回滚(revert)失败,因为合并冲突。\n你是否希望运行git citool来解决冲突?"
+#: gitk:9773
+msgid "Confirm reset"
+msgstr "确认重置(reset)"
+#: gitk:9775
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Reset branch %s to %s?"
+msgstr "重置(reset)分支%s到%s?"
+#: gitk:9777
+msgid "Reset type:"
+msgstr "重置(reset)类型:"
+#: gitk:9780
+msgid "Soft: Leave working tree and index untouched"
+msgstr "软性:离开工作树,索引未改变"
+#: gitk:9783
+msgid "Mixed: Leave working tree untouched, reset index"
+msgstr "混合:离开工作树(未改变),索引重置"
+#: gitk:9786
+msgid ""
+"Hard: Reset working tree and index\n"
+"(discard ALL local changes)"
+msgstr "硬性:重置工作树和索引\n(丢弃所有的本地修改)"
+#: gitk:9803
+msgid "Resetting"
+msgstr "重置中(Resetting)"
+#: gitk:9876
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "A local branch named %s exists already"
+msgstr "本地分支%s已经存在"
+#: gitk:9884
+msgid "Checking out"
+msgstr "检出中(Checking out)"
+#: gitk:9943
+msgid "Cannot delete the currently checked-out branch"
+msgstr "不能删除当前检出(checkout)分支"
+#: gitk:9949
+#, tcl-format
+msgid ""
+"The commits on branch %s aren't on any other branch.\n"
+"Really delete branch %s?"
+msgstr "在分支%s上的提交不在其他任何分支上。\n确认删除分支%s?"
+#: gitk:9980
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Tags and heads: %s"
+msgstr "Tags和头指针(heads):%s"
+#: gitk:9997
+msgid "Filter"
+msgstr "过滤器"
+#: gitk:10293
+msgid ""
+"Error reading commit topology information; branch and preceding/following "
+"tag information will be incomplete."
+msgstr "读取提交拓扑信息出错;分支和之前/之后的tag信息将不能完成。"
+#: gitk:11270
+msgid "Tag"
+msgstr "标签(Tag)"
+#: gitk:11274
+msgid "Id"
+msgstr "Id"
+#: gitk:11357
+msgid "Gitk font chooser"
+msgstr "Gitk字体选择"
+#: gitk:11374
+msgid "B"
+msgstr "粗体"
+#: gitk:11377
+msgid "I"
+msgstr "斜体"
+#: gitk:11495
+msgid "Commit list display options"
+msgstr "提交列表展示选项"
+#: gitk:11498
+msgid "Maximum graph width (lines)"
+msgstr "最大图宽度(行数)"
+#: gitk:11502
+#, no-tcl-format
+msgid "Maximum graph width (% of pane)"
+msgstr "最大图宽度(%窗口百分比)"
+#: gitk:11505
+msgid "Show local changes"
+msgstr "显示本地修改"
+#: gitk:11508
+msgid "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"
+msgstr "自动选择SHA1(长度)"
+#: gitk:11512
+msgid "Hide remote refs"
+msgstr "隐藏远程引用"
+#: gitk:11516
+msgid "Diff display options"
+msgstr "差异(Diff)展示选项"
+#: gitk:11518
+msgid "Tab spacing"
+msgstr "制表符宽度"
+#: gitk:11521
+msgid "Display nearby tags/heads"
+msgstr "显示临近的tags/heads"
+#: gitk:11524
+msgid "Maximum # tags/heads to show"
+msgstr "最大tags/heads展示数量"
+#: gitk:11527
+msgid "Limit diffs to listed paths"
+msgstr "diff中列出文件限制"
+#: gitk:11530
+msgid "Support per-file encodings"
+msgstr "单独文件编码支持"
+#: gitk:11536 gitk:11683
+msgid "External diff tool"
+msgstr "外部差异(diff)工具"
+#: gitk:11537
+msgid "Choose..."
+msgstr "选择..."
+#: gitk:11542
+msgid "General options"
+msgstr "常规选项"
+#: gitk:11545
+msgid "Use themed widgets"
+msgstr "使用主题小部件"
+#: gitk:11547
+msgid "(change requires restart)"
+msgstr "(需重启生效)"
+#: gitk:11549
+msgid "(currently unavailable)"
+msgstr "(当前不可用)"
+#: gitk:11560
+msgid "Colors: press to choose"
+msgstr "颜色:点击来选择"
+#: gitk:11563
+msgid "Interface"
+msgstr "界面"
+#: gitk:11564
+msgid "interface"
+msgstr "界面"
+#: gitk:11567
+msgid "Background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: gitk:11568 gitk:11598
+msgid "background"
+msgstr "背景"
+#: gitk:11571
+msgid "Foreground"
+msgstr "前景"
+#: gitk:11572
+msgid "foreground"
+msgstr "前景"
+#: gitk:11575
+msgid "Diff: old lines"
+msgstr "差异(Diff):老代码行"
+#: gitk:11576
+msgid "diff old lines"
+msgstr "差异(diff)老代码行"
+#: gitk:11580
+msgid "Diff: new lines"
+msgstr "差异(Diff):新代码行"
+#: gitk:11581
+msgid "diff new lines"
+msgstr "差异(diff)新代码行"
+#: gitk:11585
+msgid "Diff: hunk header"
+msgstr "差异(Diff):补丁片段头信息"
+#: gitk:11587
+msgid "diff hunk header"
+msgstr "差异(diff)补丁片段头信息"
+#: gitk:11591
+msgid "Marked line bg"
+msgstr "已标记代码行背景"
+#: gitk:11593
+msgid "marked line background"
+msgstr "已标记代码行背景"
+#: gitk:11597
+msgid "Select bg"
+msgstr "选择背景"
+#: gitk:11606
+msgid "Fonts: press to choose"
+msgstr "字体:点击来选择"
+#: gitk:11608
+msgid "Main font"
+msgstr "主字体"
+#: gitk:11609
+msgid "Diff display font"
+msgstr "差异(Diff)显示字体"
+#: gitk:11610
+msgid "User interface font"
+msgstr "用户界面字体"
+#: gitk:11632
+msgid "Gitk preferences"
+msgstr "Gitk偏好设置"
+#: gitk:11641
+msgid "General"
+msgstr "常规"
+#: gitk:11642
+msgid "Colors"
+msgstr "颜色"
+#: gitk:11643
+msgid "Fonts"
+msgstr "字体"
+#: gitk:11693
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Gitk: choose color for %s"
+msgstr "Gitk:选择颜色用于%s"
+#: gitk:12206
+msgid ""
+"Sorry, gitk cannot run with this version of Tcl/Tk.\n"
+" Gitk requires at least Tcl/Tk 8.4."
+msgstr "对不起,gitk不能运行在当前版本的Tcl/Tk中。\nGitk运行需要最低版本为Tcl/Tk8.4。"
+#: gitk:12416
+msgid "Cannot find a git repository here."
+msgstr "在此位置未发现git仓库。"
+#: gitk:12463
+#, tcl-format
+msgid "Ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename"
+msgstr "不明确有歧义的参数\"%s\":版本和文件名称"
+#: gitk:12475
+msgid "Bad arguments to gitk:"
+msgstr "运行gitk参数错误:"
diff --git a/gpg-interface.c b/gpg-interface.c
index 8ed2745..d60115c 100644
--- a/gpg-interface.c
+++ b/gpg-interface.c
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@
 	for (line = buf; *line; line = strchrnul(line+1, '\n')) {
 		while (*line == '\n')
+		if (!*line)
+			break;
 		/* Skip lines that don't start with GNUPG status */
 		if (!skip_prefix(line, "[GNUPG:] ", &line))
diff --git a/grep.c b/grep.c
index f7c3a58..b7ae5a4 100644
--- a/grep.c
+++ b/grep.c
@@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
 static struct grep_opt grep_defaults;
+#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE2
+static pcre2_general_context *pcre2_global_context;
+static void *pcre2_malloc(PCRE2_SIZE size, MAYBE_UNUSED void *memory_data)
+	return malloc(size);
+static void pcre2_free(void *pointer, MAYBE_UNUSED void *memory_data)
+	return free(pointer);
 static const char *color_grep_slots[] = {
 	[GREP_COLOR_CONTEXT]	    = "context",
 	[GREP_COLOR_FILENAME]	    = "filename",
@@ -150,12 +164,28 @@
  * Initialize one instance of grep_opt and copy the
  * default values from the template we read the configuration
  * information in an earlier call to git_config(grep_config).
+ *
+ * If using PCRE, make sure that the library is configured
+ * to use the same allocator as Git (e.g. nedmalloc on Windows).
+ *
+ * Any allocated memory needs to be released in grep_destroy().
 void grep_init(struct grep_opt *opt, struct repository *repo, const char *prefix)
 	struct grep_opt *def = &grep_defaults;
 	int i;
+#if defined(USE_LIBPCRE2)
+	if (!pcre2_global_context)
+		pcre2_global_context = pcre2_general_context_create(
+					pcre2_malloc, pcre2_free, NULL);
+#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE1
+	pcre_malloc = malloc;
+	pcre_free = free;
 	memset(opt, 0, sizeof(*opt));
 	opt->repo = repo;
 	opt->prefix = prefix;
@@ -178,6 +208,13 @@
 		color_set(opt->colors[i], def->colors[i]);
+void grep_destroy(void)
+#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE2
+	pcre2_general_context_free(pcre2_global_context);
 static void grep_set_pattern_type_option(enum grep_pattern_type pattern_type, struct grep_opt *opt)
@@ -368,31 +405,20 @@
 	return 1;
-static int has_null(const char *s, size_t len)
-	/*
-	 * regcomp cannot accept patterns with NULs so when using it
-	 * we consider any pattern containing a NUL fixed.
-	 */
-	if (memchr(s, 0, len))
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
 #ifdef USE_LIBPCRE1
 static void compile_pcre1_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
 	const char *error;
 	int erroffset;
 	int options = PCRE_MULTILINE;
+	int study_options = 0;
 	if (opt->ignore_case) {
-		if (has_non_ascii(p->pattern))
+		if (!opt->ignore_locale && has_non_ascii(p->pattern))
 			p->pcre1_tables = pcre_maketables();
 		options |= PCRE_CASELESS;
-	if (is_utf8_locale() && has_non_ascii(p->pattern))
+	if (!opt->ignore_locale && is_utf8_locale() && has_non_ascii(p->pattern))
 		options |= PCRE_UTF8;
 	p->pcre1_regexp = pcre_compile(p->pattern, options, &error, &erroffset,
@@ -400,44 +426,31 @@
 	if (!p->pcre1_regexp)
 		compile_regexp_failed(p, error);
-	p->pcre1_extra_info = pcre_study(p->pcre1_regexp, GIT_PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE, &error);
+#if defined(PCRE_CONFIG_JIT) && !defined(NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT)
+	pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_JIT, &p->pcre1_jit_on);
+	if (opt->debug)
+		fprintf(stderr, "pcre1_jit_on=%d\n", p->pcre1_jit_on);
+	if (p->pcre1_jit_on)
+		study_options = PCRE_STUDY_JIT_COMPILE;
+	p->pcre1_extra_info = pcre_study(p->pcre1_regexp, study_options, &error);
 	if (!p->pcre1_extra_info && error)
 		die("%s", error);
-	pcre_config(PCRE_CONFIG_JIT, &p->pcre1_jit_on);
-	if (p->pcre1_jit_on == 1) {
-		p->pcre1_jit_stack = pcre_jit_stack_alloc(1, 1024 * 1024);
-		if (!p->pcre1_jit_stack)
-			die("Couldn't allocate PCRE JIT stack");
-		pcre_assign_jit_stack(p->pcre1_extra_info, NULL, p->pcre1_jit_stack);
-	} else if (p->pcre1_jit_on != 0) {
-		BUG("The pcre1_jit_on variable should be 0 or 1, not %d",
-		    p->pcre1_jit_on);
-	}
 static int pcre1match(struct grep_pat *p, const char *line, const char *eol,
 		regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
-	int ovector[30], ret, flags = 0;
+	int ovector[30], ret, flags = PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK;
 	if (eflags & REG_NOTBOL)
 		flags |= PCRE_NOTBOL;
-	if (p->pcre1_jit_on) {
-		ret = pcre_jit_exec(p->pcre1_regexp, p->pcre1_extra_info, line,
-				    eol - line, 0, flags, ovector,
-				    ARRAY_SIZE(ovector), p->pcre1_jit_stack);
-	} else
-	{
-		ret = pcre_exec(p->pcre1_regexp, p->pcre1_extra_info, line,
-				eol - line, 0, flags, ovector,
-				ARRAY_SIZE(ovector));
-	}
+	ret = pcre_exec(p->pcre1_regexp, p->pcre1_extra_info, line,
+			eol - line, 0, flags, ovector,
+			ARRAY_SIZE(ovector));
 	if (ret < 0 && ret != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
 		die("pcre_exec failed with error code %d", ret);
@@ -453,15 +466,12 @@
 static void free_pcre1_regexp(struct grep_pat *p)
-	if (p->pcre1_jit_on) {
+	if (p->pcre1_jit_on)
-		pcre_jit_stack_free(p->pcre1_jit_stack);
-	} else
+	else
-	{
-	}
 	pcre_free((void *)p->pcre1_tables);
 #else /* !USE_LIBPCRE1 */
@@ -488,7 +498,6 @@
 	PCRE2_UCHAR errbuf[256];
 	PCRE2_SIZE erroffset;
 	int options = PCRE2_MULTILINE;
-	const uint8_t *character_tables = NULL;
 	int jitret;
 	int patinforet;
 	size_t jitsizearg;
@@ -497,15 +506,20 @@
 	p->pcre2_compile_context = NULL;
+	/* pcre2_global_context is initialized in append_grep_pattern */
 	if (opt->ignore_case) {
-		if (has_non_ascii(p->pattern)) {
-			character_tables = pcre2_maketables(NULL);
+		if (!opt->ignore_locale && has_non_ascii(p->pattern)) {
+			if (!pcre2_global_context)
+				BUG("pcre2_global_context uninitialized");
+			p->pcre2_tables = pcre2_maketables(pcre2_global_context);
 			p->pcre2_compile_context = pcre2_compile_context_create(NULL);
-			pcre2_set_character_tables(p->pcre2_compile_context, character_tables);
+			pcre2_set_character_tables(p->pcre2_compile_context,
+							p->pcre2_tables);
 		options |= PCRE2_CASELESS;
-	if (is_utf8_locale() && has_non_ascii(p->pattern))
+	if (!opt->ignore_locale && is_utf8_locale() && has_non_ascii(p->pattern) &&
+	    !(!opt->ignore_case && (p->fixed || p->is_fixed)))
 		options |= PCRE2_UTF;
 	p->pcre2_pattern = pcre2_compile((PCRE2_SPTR)p->pattern,
@@ -522,7 +536,9 @@
 	pcre2_config(PCRE2_CONFIG_JIT, &p->pcre2_jit_on);
-	if (p->pcre2_jit_on == 1) {
+	if (opt->debug)
+		fprintf(stderr, "pcre2_jit_on=%d\n", p->pcre2_jit_on);
+	if (p->pcre2_jit_on) {
 		jitret = pcre2_jit_compile(p->pcre2_pattern, PCRE2_JIT_COMPLETE);
 		if (jitret)
 			die("Couldn't JIT the PCRE2 pattern '%s', got '%d'\n", p->pattern, jitret);
@@ -547,19 +563,11 @@
 			BUG("pcre2_pattern_info() failed: %d", patinforet);
 		if (jitsizearg == 0) {
 			p->pcre2_jit_on = 0;
+			if (opt->debug)
+				fprintf(stderr, "pcre2_jit_on=%d: (*NO_JIT) in regex\n",
+					p->pcre2_jit_on);
-		p->pcre2_jit_stack = pcre2_jit_stack_create(1, 1024 * 1024, NULL);
-		if (!p->pcre2_jit_stack)
-			die("Couldn't allocate PCRE2 JIT stack");
-		p->pcre2_match_context = pcre2_match_context_create(NULL);
-		if (!p->pcre2_match_context)
-			die("Couldn't allocate PCRE2 match context");
-		pcre2_jit_stack_assign(p->pcre2_match_context, NULL, p->pcre2_jit_stack);
-	} else if (p->pcre2_jit_on != 0) {
-		BUG("The pcre2_jit_on variable should be 0 or 1, not %d",
-		    p->pcre1_jit_on);
@@ -603,8 +611,7 @@
-	pcre2_jit_stack_free(p->pcre2_jit_stack);
-	pcre2_match_context_free(p->pcre2_match_context);
+	free((void *)p->pcre2_tables);
 #else /* !USE_LIBPCRE2 */
 static void compile_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
@@ -626,7 +633,6 @@
 static void free_pcre2_pattern(struct grep_pat *p)
-#endif /* !USE_LIBPCRE2 */
 static void compile_fixed_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, struct grep_opt *opt)
@@ -647,46 +653,66 @@
 		compile_regexp_failed(p, errbuf);
+#endif /* !USE_LIBPCRE2 */
 static void compile_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, struct grep_opt *opt)
-	int ascii_only;
 	int err;
 	int regflags = REG_NEWLINE;
 	p->word_regexp = opt->word_regexp;
 	p->ignore_case = opt->ignore_case;
-	ascii_only     = !has_non_ascii(p->pattern);
+	p->fixed = opt->fixed;
-	/*
-	 * Even when -F (fixed) asks us to do a non-regexp search, we
-	 * may not be able to correctly case-fold when -i
-	 * (ignore-case) is asked (in which case, we'll synthesize a
-	 * regexp to match the pattern that matches regexp special
-	 * characters literally, while ignoring case differences).  On
-	 * the other hand, even without -F, if the pattern does not
-	 * have any regexp special characters and there is no need for
-	 * case-folding search, we can internally turn it into a
-	 * simple string match using kws.  p->fixed tells us if we
-	 * want to use kws.
-	 */
-	if (opt->fixed ||
-	    has_null(p->pattern, p->patternlen) ||
-	    is_fixed(p->pattern, p->patternlen))
-		p->fixed = !p->ignore_case || ascii_only;
+	if (memchr(p->pattern, 0, p->patternlen) && !opt->pcre2)
+		die(_("given pattern contains NULL byte (via -f <file>). This is only supported with -P under PCRE v2"));
-	if (p->fixed) {
-		p->kws = kwsalloc(p->ignore_case ? tolower_trans_tbl : NULL);
-		kwsincr(p->kws, p->pattern, p->patternlen);
-		kwsprep(p->kws);
-		return;
-	} else if (opt->fixed) {
-		/*
-		 * We come here when the pattern has the non-ascii
-		 * characters we cannot case-fold, and asked to
-		 * ignore-case.
-		 */
+	p->is_fixed = is_fixed(p->pattern, p->patternlen);
+#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE2
+       if (!p->fixed && !p->is_fixed) {
+	       const char *no_jit = "(*NO_JIT)";
+	       const int no_jit_len = strlen(no_jit);
+	       if (starts_with(p->pattern, no_jit) &&
+		   is_fixed(p->pattern + no_jit_len,
+			    p->patternlen - no_jit_len))
+		       p->is_fixed = 1;
+       }
+	if (p->fixed || p->is_fixed) {
+#ifdef USE_LIBPCRE2
+		opt->pcre2 = 1;
+		if (p->is_fixed) {
+			compile_pcre2_pattern(p, opt);
+		} else {
+			/*
+			 * E.g. relies on the
+			 * pattern being restored.
+			 */
+			char *old_pattern = p->pattern;
+			size_t old_patternlen = p->patternlen;
+			struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+			/*
+			 * There is the PCRE2_LITERAL flag, but it's
+			 * only in PCRE v2 10.30 and later. Needing to
+			 * ifdef our way around that and dealing with
+			 * it + PCRE2_MULTILINE being an error is more
+			 * complex than just quoting this ourselves.
+			*/
+			strbuf_add(&sb, "\\Q", 2);
+			strbuf_add(&sb, p->pattern, p->patternlen);
+			strbuf_add(&sb, "\\E", 2);
+			p->pattern = sb.buf;
+			p->patternlen = sb.len;
+			compile_pcre2_pattern(p, opt);
+			p->pattern = old_pattern;
+			p->patternlen = old_patternlen;
+			strbuf_release(&sb);
+		}
+#else /* !USE_LIBPCRE2 */
 		compile_fixed_regexp(p, opt);
+#endif /* !USE_LIBPCRE2 */
@@ -1053,9 +1079,7 @@
 		case GREP_PATTERN: /* atom */
-			if (p->kws)
-				kwsfree(p->kws);
-			else if (p->pcre1_regexp)
+			if (p->pcre1_regexp)
 			else if (p->pcre2_pattern)
@@ -1115,29 +1139,12 @@
 	opt->output(opt, opt->null_following_name ? "\0" : "\n", 1);
-static int fixmatch(struct grep_pat *p, char *line, char *eol,
-		    regmatch_t *match)
-	struct kwsmatch kwsm;
-	size_t offset = kwsexec(p->kws, line, eol - line, &kwsm);
-	if (offset == -1) {
-		match->rm_so = match->rm_eo = -1;
-		return REG_NOMATCH;
-	} else {
-		match->rm_so = offset;
-		match->rm_eo = match->rm_so + kwsm.size[0];
-		return 0;
-	}
 static int patmatch(struct grep_pat *p, char *line, char *eol,
 		    regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
 	int hit;
-	if (p->fixed)
-		hit = !fixmatch(p, line, eol, match);
-	else if (p->pcre1_regexp)
+	if (p->pcre1_regexp)
 		hit = !pcre1match(p, line, eol, match, eflags);
 	else if (p->pcre2_pattern)
 		hit = !pcre2match(p, line, eol, match, eflags);
diff --git a/grep.h b/grep.h
index 1875880..811fd27 100644
--- a/grep.h
+++ b/grep.h
@@ -3,24 +3,12 @@
 #include "color.h"
 #ifdef USE_LIBPCRE1
 #include <pcre.h>
-#if PCRE_MAJOR >= 8 && PCRE_MINOR >= 32
-#ifndef NO_LIBPCRE1_JIT
-#define GIT_PCRE1_USE_JIT
-#if PCRE_MAJOR <= 8 && PCRE_MINOR < 20
-typedef int pcre_jit_stack;
+#define PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK 0
 typedef int pcre;
 typedef int pcre_extra;
-typedef int pcre_jit_stack;
 #ifdef USE_LIBPCRE2
@@ -29,10 +17,7 @@
 typedef int pcre2_code;
 typedef int pcre2_match_data;
 typedef int pcre2_compile_context;
-typedef int pcre2_match_context;
-typedef int pcre2_jit_stack;
-#include "kwset.h"
 #include "thread-utils.h"
 #include "userdiff.h"
@@ -88,17 +73,15 @@
 	regex_t regexp;
 	pcre *pcre1_regexp;
 	pcre_extra *pcre1_extra_info;
-	pcre_jit_stack *pcre1_jit_stack;
 	const unsigned char *pcre1_tables;
 	int pcre1_jit_on;
 	pcre2_code *pcre2_pattern;
 	pcre2_match_data *pcre2_match_data;
 	pcre2_compile_context *pcre2_compile_context;
-	pcre2_match_context *pcre2_match_context;
-	pcre2_jit_stack *pcre2_jit_stack;
+	const uint8_t *pcre2_tables;
 	uint32_t pcre2_jit_on;
-	kwset_t kws;
 	unsigned fixed:1;
+	unsigned is_fixed:1;
 	unsigned ignore_case:1;
 	unsigned word_regexp:1;
@@ -173,6 +156,7 @@
 	int funcbody;
 	int extended_regexp_option;
 	int pattern_type_option;
+	int ignore_locale;
 	unsigned pre_context;
 	unsigned post_context;
@@ -189,6 +173,7 @@
 void init_grep_defaults(struct repository *);
 int grep_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *);
 void grep_init(struct grep_opt *, struct repository *repo, const char *prefix);
+void grep_destroy(void);
 void grep_commit_pattern_type(enum grep_pattern_type, struct grep_opt *opt);
 void append_grep_pat(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *pat, size_t patlen, const char *origin, int no, enum grep_pat_token t);
diff --git a/hashmap.c b/hashmap.c
index d42f01f..39c1311 100644
--- a/hashmap.c
+++ b/hashmap.c
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
 static int always_equal(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			const void *unused1,
-			const void *unused2,
+			const struct hashmap_entry *unused1,
+			const struct hashmap_entry *unused2,
 			const void *unused_keydata)
 	return 0;
@@ -171,41 +171,49 @@
 	map->do_count_items = 1;
-void hashmap_free(struct hashmap *map, int free_entries)
+void hashmap_free_(struct hashmap *map, ssize_t entry_offset)
 	if (!map || !map->table)
-	if (free_entries) {
+	if (entry_offset >= 0) { /* called by hashmap_free_entries */
 		struct hashmap_iter iter;
 		struct hashmap_entry *e;
 		hashmap_iter_init(map, &iter);
 		while ((e = hashmap_iter_next(&iter)))
-			free(e);
+			/*
+			 * like container_of, but using caller-calculated
+			 * offset (caller being hashmap_free_entries)
+			 */
+			free((char *)e - entry_offset);
 	memset(map, 0, sizeof(*map));
-void *hashmap_get(const struct hashmap *map, const void *key, const void *keydata)
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_get(const struct hashmap *map,
+				const struct hashmap_entry *key,
+				const void *keydata)
 	return *find_entry_ptr(map, key, keydata);
-void *hashmap_get_next(const struct hashmap *map, const void *entry)
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_get_next(const struct hashmap *map,
+			const struct hashmap_entry *entry)
-	struct hashmap_entry *e = ((struct hashmap_entry *) entry)->next;
+	struct hashmap_entry *e = entry->next;
 	for (; e; e = e->next)
 		if (entry_equals(map, entry, e, NULL))
 			return e;
 	return NULL;
-void hashmap_add(struct hashmap *map, void *entry)
+void hashmap_add(struct hashmap *map, struct hashmap_entry *entry)
 	unsigned int b = bucket(map, entry);
 	/* add entry */
-	((struct hashmap_entry *) entry)->next = map->table[b];
+	entry->next = map->table[b];
 	map->table[b] = entry;
 	/* fix size and rehash if appropriate */
@@ -216,7 +224,9 @@
-void *hashmap_remove(struct hashmap *map, const void *key, const void *keydata)
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_remove(struct hashmap *map,
+					const struct hashmap_entry *key,
+					const void *keydata)
 	struct hashmap_entry *old;
 	struct hashmap_entry **e = find_entry_ptr(map, key, keydata);
@@ -238,7 +248,8 @@
 	return old;
-void *hashmap_put(struct hashmap *map, void *entry)
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_put(struct hashmap *map,
+				struct hashmap_entry *entry)
 	struct hashmap_entry *old = hashmap_remove(map, entry, NULL);
 	hashmap_add(map, entry);
@@ -252,7 +263,7 @@
 	iter->next = NULL;
-void *hashmap_iter_next(struct hashmap_iter *iter)
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_iter_next(struct hashmap_iter *iter)
 	struct hashmap_entry *current = iter->next;
 	for (;;) {
@@ -275,10 +286,15 @@
 static int pool_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			  const struct pool_entry *e1,
-			  const struct pool_entry *e2,
-			  const unsigned char *keydata)
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
+			  const void *keydata)
+	const struct pool_entry *e1, *e2;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct pool_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct pool_entry, ent);
 	return e1->data != keydata &&
 	       (e1->len != e2->len || memcmp(e1->data, keydata, e1->len));
@@ -290,18 +306,18 @@
 	/* initialize string pool hashmap */
 	if (!map.tablesize)
-		hashmap_init(&map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) pool_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
+		hashmap_init(&map, pool_entry_cmp, NULL, 0);
 	/* lookup interned string in pool */
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, memhash(data, len));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, memhash(data, len));
 	key.len = len;
-	e = hashmap_get(&map, &key, data);
+	e = hashmap_get_entry(&map, &key, ent, data);
 	if (!e) {
 		/* not found: create it */
 		FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(e, data, data, len);
-		hashmap_entry_init(e, key.ent.hash);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&e->ent, key.ent.hash);
 		e->len = len;
-		hashmap_add(&map, e);
+		hashmap_add(&map, &e->ent);
 	return e->data;
diff --git a/hashmap.h b/hashmap.h
index 8424911..bd27015 100644
--- a/hashmap.h
+++ b/hashmap.h
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
  * struct hashmap map;
  * struct long2string {
- *     struct hashmap_entry ent; // must be the first member!
+ *     struct hashmap_entry ent;
  *     long key;
  *     char value[FLEX_ARRAY];   // be careful with allocating on stack!
  * };
@@ -21,12 +21,16 @@
  * #define COMPARE_VALUE 1
  * static int long2string_cmp(const void *hashmap_cmp_fn_data,
- *                            const struct long2string *e1,
- *                            const struct long2string *e2,
+ *                            const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+ *                            const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
  *                            const void *keydata)
  * {
  *     const char *string = keydata;
  *     unsigned flags = *(unsigned *)hashmap_cmp_fn_data;
+ *     const struct long2string *e1, *e2;
+ *
+ *     e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct long2string, ent);
+ *     e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct long2string, ent);
  *     if (flags & COMPARE_VALUE)
  *         return e1->key != e2->key ||
@@ -41,54 +45,58 @@
  *     char value[255], action[32];
  *     unsigned flags = 0;
- *     hashmap_init(&map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) long2string_cmp, &flags, 0);
+ *     hashmap_init(&map, long2string_cmp, &flags, 0);
  *     while (scanf("%s %ld %s", action, &key, value)) {
  *         if (!strcmp("add", action)) {
  *             struct long2string *e;
  *             FLEX_ALLOC_STR(e, value, value);
- *             hashmap_entry_init(e, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
+ *             hashmap_entry_init(&e->ent, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
  *             e->key = key;
- *             hashmap_add(&map, e);
+ *             hashmap_add(&map, &e->ent);
  *         }
  *         if (!strcmp("print_all_by_key", action)) {
  *             struct long2string k, *e;
- *             hashmap_entry_init(&k, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
+ *             hashmap_entry_init(&k->ent, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
  *             k.key = key;
  *             flags &= ~COMPARE_VALUE;
- *             e = hashmap_get(&map, &k, NULL);
+ *             e = hashmap_get_entry(&map, &k, ent, NULL);
  *             if (e) {
  *                 printf("first: %ld %s\n", e->key, e->value);
- *                 while ((e = hashmap_get_next(&map, e)))
+ *                 while ((e = hashmap_get_next_entry(&map, e,
+ *                                              struct long2string, ent))) {
  *                     printf("found more: %ld %s\n", e->key, e->value);
+ *                 }
  *             }
  *         }
  *         if (!strcmp("has_exact_match", action)) {
  *             struct long2string *e;
  *             FLEX_ALLOC_STR(e, value, value);
- *             hashmap_entry_init(e, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
+ *             hashmap_entry_init(&e->ent, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
  *             e->key = key;
  *             flags |= COMPARE_VALUE;
- *             printf("%sfound\n", hashmap_get(&map, e, NULL) ? "" : "not ");
+ *             printf("%sfound\n",
+ *                    hashmap_get(&map, &e->ent, NULL) ? "" : "not ");
  *             free(e);
  *         }
  *         if (!strcmp("has_exact_match_no_heap_alloc", action)) {
  *             struct long2string k;
- *             hashmap_entry_init(&k, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
+ *             hashmap_entry_init(&k->ent, memhash(&key, sizeof(long)));
  *             k.key = key;
  *             flags |= COMPARE_VALUE;
- *             printf("%sfound\n", hashmap_get(&map, &k, value) ? "" : "not ");
+ *             printf("%sfound\n",
+ *                    hashmap_get(&map, &k->ent, value) ? "" : "not ");
  *         }
  *         if (!strcmp("end", action)) {
- *             hashmap_free(&map, 1);
+ *             hashmap_free_entries(&map, struct long2string, ent);
  *             break;
  *         }
  *     }
@@ -133,7 +141,7 @@
  * struct hashmap_entry is an opaque structure representing an entry in the
- * hash table, which must be used as first member of user data structures.
+ * hash table.
  * Ideally it should be followed by an int-sized member to prevent unused
  * memory on 64-bit systems due to alignment.
@@ -168,7 +176,8 @@
  * The `hashmap_cmp_fn_data` entry is the pointer given in the init function.
 typedef int (*hashmap_cmp_fn)(const void *hashmap_cmp_fn_data,
-			      const void *entry, const void *entry_or_key,
+			      const struct hashmap_entry *entry,
+			      const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			      const void *keydata);
@@ -223,13 +232,20 @@
 			 const void *equals_function_data,
 			 size_t initial_size);
+/* internal function for freeing hashmap */
+void hashmap_free_(struct hashmap *map, ssize_t offset);
- * Frees a hashmap structure and allocated memory.
- *
- * If `free_entries` is true, each hashmap_entry in the map is freed as well
- * using stdlibs free().
+ * Frees a hashmap structure and allocated memory, leaves entries undisturbed
-void hashmap_free(struct hashmap *map, int free_entries);
+#define hashmap_free(map) hashmap_free_(map, -1)
+ * Frees @map and all entries.  @type is the struct type of the entry
+ * where @member is the hashmap_entry struct used to associate with @map
+ */
+#define hashmap_free_entries(map, type, member) \
+	hashmap_free_(map, offsetof(type, member));
 /* hashmap_entry functions */
@@ -244,9 +260,9 @@
  * your structure was allocated with xmalloc(), you can just free(3) it,
  * and if it is on stack, you can just let it go out of scope).
-static inline void hashmap_entry_init(void *entry, unsigned int hash)
+static inline void hashmap_entry_init(struct hashmap_entry *e,
+					unsigned int hash)
-	struct hashmap_entry *e = entry;
 	e->hash = hash;
 	e->next = NULL;
@@ -286,8 +302,9 @@
  * If an entry with matching hash code is found, `key` and `keydata` are passed
  * to `hashmap_cmp_fn` to decide whether the entry matches the key.
-void *hashmap_get(const struct hashmap *map, const void *key,
-			 const void *keydata);
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_get(const struct hashmap *map,
+				const struct hashmap_entry *key,
+				const void *keydata);
  * Returns the hashmap entry for the specified hash code and key data,
@@ -301,9 +318,10 @@
  * `entry_or_key` parameter of `hashmap_cmp_fn` points to a hashmap_entry
  * structure that should not be used in the comparison.
-static inline void *hashmap_get_from_hash(const struct hashmap *map,
-					  unsigned int hash,
-					  const void *keydata)
+static inline struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_get_from_hash(
+					const struct hashmap *map,
+					unsigned int hash,
+					const void *keydata)
 	struct hashmap_entry key;
 	hashmap_entry_init(&key, hash);
@@ -318,7 +336,8 @@
  * `entry` is the hashmap_entry to start the search from, obtained via a previous
  * call to `hashmap_get` or `hashmap_get_next`.
-void *hashmap_get_next(const struct hashmap *map, const void *entry);
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_get_next(const struct hashmap *map,
+			const struct hashmap_entry *entry);
  * Adds a hashmap entry. This allows to add duplicate entries (i.e.
@@ -327,7 +346,7 @@
  * `map` is the hashmap structure.
  * `entry` is the entry to add.
-void hashmap_add(struct hashmap *map, void *entry);
+void hashmap_add(struct hashmap *map, struct hashmap_entry *entry);
  * Adds or replaces a hashmap entry. If the hashmap contains duplicate
@@ -337,7 +356,20 @@
  * `entry` is the entry to add or replace.
  * Returns the replaced entry, or NULL if not found (i.e. the entry was added).
-void *hashmap_put(struct hashmap *map, void *entry);
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_put(struct hashmap *map,
+				struct hashmap_entry *entry);
+ * Adds or replaces a hashmap entry contained within @keyvar,
+ * where @keyvar is a pointer to a struct containing a
+ * "struct hashmap_entry" @member.
+ *
+ * Returns the replaced pointer which is of the same type as @keyvar,
+ * or NULL if not found.
+ */
+#define hashmap_put_entry(map, keyvar, member) \
+	container_of_or_null_offset(hashmap_put(map, &(keyvar)->member), \
+				OFFSETOF_VAR(keyvar, member))
  * Removes a hashmap entry matching the specified key. If the hashmap contains
@@ -346,8 +378,24 @@
  * Argument explanation is the same as in `hashmap_get`.
-void *hashmap_remove(struct hashmap *map, const void *key,
-		const void *keydata);
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_remove(struct hashmap *map,
+					const struct hashmap_entry *key,
+					const void *keydata);
+ * Removes a hashmap entry contained within @keyvar,
+ * where @keyvar is a pointer to a struct containing a
+ * "struct hashmap_entry" @member.
+ *
+ * See `hashmap_get` for an explanation of @keydata
+ *
+ * Returns the replaced pointer which is of the same type as @keyvar,
+ * or NULL if not found.
+ */
+#define hashmap_remove_entry(map, keyvar, member, keydata) \
+	container_of_or_null_offset( \
+			hashmap_remove(map, &(keyvar)->member, keydata), \
+			OFFSETOF_VAR(keyvar, member))
  * Returns the `bucket` an entry is stored in.
@@ -370,10 +418,10 @@
 void hashmap_iter_init(struct hashmap *map, struct hashmap_iter *iter);
 /* Returns the next hashmap_entry, or NULL if there are no more entries. */
-void *hashmap_iter_next(struct hashmap_iter *iter);
+struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_iter_next(struct hashmap_iter *iter);
 /* Initializes the iterator and returns the first entry, if any. */
-static inline void *hashmap_iter_first(struct hashmap *map,
+static inline struct hashmap_entry *hashmap_iter_first(struct hashmap *map,
 		struct hashmap_iter *iter)
 	hashmap_iter_init(map, iter);
@@ -381,6 +429,64 @@
+ * returns the first entry in @map using @iter, where the entry is of
+ * @type (e.g. "struct foo") and @member is the name of the
+ * "struct hashmap_entry" in @type
+ */
+#define hashmap_iter_first_entry(map, iter, type, member) \
+	container_of_or_null(hashmap_iter_first(map, iter), type, member)
+/* internal macro for hashmap_for_each_entry */
+#define hashmap_iter_next_entry_offset(iter, offset) \
+	container_of_or_null_offset(hashmap_iter_next(iter), offset)
+/* internal macro for hashmap_for_each_entry */
+#define hashmap_iter_first_entry_offset(map, iter, offset) \
+	container_of_or_null_offset(hashmap_iter_first(map, iter), offset)
+ * iterate through @map using @iter, @var is a pointer to a type
+ * containing a @member which is a "struct hashmap_entry"
+ */
+#define hashmap_for_each_entry(map, iter, var, member) \
+	for (var = hashmap_iter_first_entry_offset(map, iter, \
+						OFFSETOF_VAR(var, member)); \
+		var; \
+		var = hashmap_iter_next_entry_offset(iter, \
+						OFFSETOF_VAR(var, member)))
+ * returns a pointer of type matching @keyvar, or NULL if nothing found.
+ * @keyvar is a pointer to a struct containing a
+ * "struct hashmap_entry" @member.
+ */
+#define hashmap_get_entry(map, keyvar, member, keydata) \
+	container_of_or_null_offset( \
+				hashmap_get(map, &(keyvar)->member, keydata), \
+				OFFSETOF_VAR(keyvar, member))
+#define hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(map, hash, keydata, type, member) \
+	container_of_or_null(hashmap_get_from_hash(map, hash, keydata), \
+				type, member)
+ * returns the next equal pointer to @var, or NULL if not found.
+ * @var is a pointer of any type containing "struct hashmap_entry"
+ * @member is the name of the "struct hashmap_entry" field
+ */
+#define hashmap_get_next_entry(map, var, member) \
+	container_of_or_null_offset(hashmap_get_next(map, &(var)->member), \
+				OFFSETOF_VAR(var, member))
+ * iterate @map starting from @var, where @var is a pointer of @type
+ * and @member is the name of the "struct hashmap_entry" field in @type
+ */
+#define hashmap_for_each_entry_from(map, var, member) \
+	for (; \
+		var; \
+		var = hashmap_get_next_entry(map, var, member))
  * Disable item counting and automatic rehashing when adding/removing items.
  * Normally, the hashmap keeps track of the number of items in the map
diff --git a/help.c b/help.c
index 5261d83..9ff2be6 100644
--- a/help.c
+++ b/help.c
@@ -774,7 +774,8 @@
 	return similar_refs;
-void help_unknown_ref(const char *ref, const char *cmd, const char *error)
+NORETURN void help_unknown_ref(const char *ref, const char *cmd,
+			       const char *error)
 	int i;
 	struct string_list suggested_refs = guess_refs(ref);
diff --git a/help.h b/help.h
index b8780fb..7a455be 100644
--- a/help.h
+++ b/help.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
  * call this to die(), when it is suspected that the user mistyped a
  * ref to the command, to give suggested "correct" refs.
-void help_unknown_ref(const char *ref, const char *cmd, const char *error);
+NORETURN void help_unknown_ref(const char *ref, const char *cmd, const char *error);
 static inline void list_config_item(struct string_list *list,
 				    const char *prefix,
diff --git a/http-push.c b/http-push.c
index 0353f9f..822f326 100644
--- a/http-push.c
+++ b/http-push.c
@@ -501,10 +501,10 @@
 	if (request == request_queue_head) {
 		request_queue_head = request->next;
 	} else {
-		while (entry->next != NULL && entry->next != request)
+		while (entry && entry->next != request)
 			entry = entry->next;
-		if (entry->next == request)
-			entry->next = entry->next->next;
+		if (entry)
+			entry->next = request->next;
@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@
 		while (prev && prev->next != lock)
 			prev = prev->next;
 		if (prev)
-			prev->next = prev->next->next;
+			prev->next = lock->next;
diff --git a/http.c b/http.c
index 27aa0a3..027a86d 100644
--- a/http.c
+++ b/http.c
@@ -513,9 +513,11 @@
 		struct strbuf s = STRBUF_INIT;
-		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&s, proxy_auth.username, 1);
+		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&s, proxy_auth.username,
+					is_rfc3986_unreserved);
 		strbuf_addch(&s, ':');
-		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&s, proxy_auth.password, 1);
+		strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&s, proxy_auth.password,
+					is_rfc3986_unreserved);
 		curl_proxyuserpwd = strbuf_detach(&s, NULL);
 		curl_easy_setopt(result, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, curl_proxyuserpwd);
@@ -1073,6 +1075,7 @@
 	git_config(urlmatch_config_entry, &config);
+	string_list_clear(&config.vars, 1);
 #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x073800
 	if (http_ssl_backend) {
diff --git a/http.h b/http.h
index b429f1c..5e0ad72 100644
--- a/http.h
+++ b/http.h
@@ -25,8 +25,12 @@
 #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM < 0x070704
 #define curl_global_cleanup() do { /* nothing */ } while (0)
 #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM < 0x070800
 #define curl_global_init(a) do { /* nothing */ } while (0)
+#elif LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070c00
+#define curl_global_init(a) curl_global_init_mem(a, xmalloc, free, \
+						xrealloc, xstrdup, xcalloc)
 #if (LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM < 0x070c04) || (LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM == 0x071000)
diff --git a/line-log.c b/line-log.c
index 3aff184..9010e00 100644
--- a/line-log.c
+++ b/line-log.c
@@ -737,6 +737,38 @@
 	return ret;
+static int same_paths_in_pathspec_and_range(struct pathspec *pathspec,
+					    struct line_log_data *range)
+	int i;
+	struct line_log_data *r;
+	for (i = 0, r = range; i < pathspec->nr && r; i++, r = r->next)
+		if (strcmp(pathspec->items[i].match, r->path))
+			return 0;
+	if (i < pathspec->nr || r)
+		/* different number of pathspec items and ranges */
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
+static void parse_pathspec_from_ranges(struct pathspec *pathspec,
+				       struct line_log_data *range)
+	struct line_log_data *r;
+	struct argv_array array = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
+	const char **paths;
+	for (r = range; r; r = r->next)
+		argv_array_push(&array, r->path);
+	paths = argv_array_detach(&array);
+	parse_pathspec(pathspec, 0, PATHSPEC_PREFER_FULL, "", paths);
+	/* strings are now owned by pathspec */
+	free(paths);
 void line_log_init(struct rev_info *rev, const char *prefix, struct string_list *args)
 	struct commit *commit = NULL;
@@ -746,20 +778,7 @@
 	range = parse_lines(rev->diffopt.repo, commit, prefix, args);
 	add_line_range(rev, commit, range);
-	if (!rev->diffopt.detect_rename) {
-		struct line_log_data *r;
-		struct argv_array array = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
-		const char **paths;
-		for (r = range; r; r = r->next)
-			argv_array_push(&array, r->path);
-		paths = argv_array_detach(&array);
-		parse_pathspec(&rev->diffopt.pathspec, 0,
-			       PATHSPEC_PREFER_FULL, "", paths);
-		/* strings are now owned by pathspec */
-		free(paths);
-	}
+	parse_pathspec_from_ranges(&rev->diffopt.pathspec, range);
 static void move_diff_queue(struct diff_queue_struct *dst,
@@ -817,15 +836,29 @@
 			struct diff_queue_struct *queue,
 			struct commit *commit, struct commit *parent)
+	struct object_id *tree_oid, *parent_tree_oid;
+	tree_oid = get_commit_tree_oid(commit);
+	parent_tree_oid = parent ? get_commit_tree_oid(parent) : NULL;
+	if (opt->detect_rename &&
+	    !same_paths_in_pathspec_and_range(&opt->pathspec, range)) {
+		clear_pathspec(&opt->pathspec);
+		parse_pathspec_from_ranges(&opt->pathspec, range);
+	}
-	diff_tree_oid(parent ? get_commit_tree_oid(parent) : NULL,
-		      get_commit_tree_oid(commit), "", opt);
-	if (opt->detect_rename) {
+	diff_tree_oid(parent_tree_oid, tree_oid, "", opt);
+	if (opt->detect_rename && diff_might_be_rename()) {
+		/* must look at the full tree diff to detect renames */
+		clear_pathspec(&opt->pathspec);
+		DIFF_QUEUE_CLEAR(&diff_queued_diff);
+		diff_tree_oid(parent_tree_oid, tree_oid, "", opt);
 		filter_diffs_for_paths(range, 1);
-		if (diff_might_be_rename())
-			diffcore_std(opt);
+		diffcore_std(opt);
 		filter_diffs_for_paths(range, 0);
 	move_diff_queue(queue, &diff_queued_diff);
diff --git a/list-objects-filter-options.c b/list-objects-filter-options.c
index 1cb20c6..256bcfb 100644
--- a/list-objects-filter-options.c
+++ b/list-objects-filter-options.c
@@ -6,6 +6,14 @@
 #include "list-objects.h"
 #include "list-objects-filter.h"
 #include "list-objects-filter-options.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
+#include "trace.h"
+#include "url.h"
+static int parse_combine_filter(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
+	const char *arg,
+	struct strbuf *errbuf);
  * Parse value of the argument to the "filter" keyword.
@@ -29,16 +37,11 @@
 	const char *v0;
-	if (filter_options->choice) {
-		if (errbuf) {
-			strbuf_addstr(
-				errbuf,
-				_("multiple filter-specs cannot be combined"));
-		}
-		return 1;
-	}
+	if (!arg)
+		return 0;
-	filter_options->filter_spec = strdup(arg);
+	if (filter_options->choice)
+		BUG("filter_options already populated");
 	if (!strcmp(arg, "blob:none")) {
 		filter_options->choice = LOFC_BLOB_NONE;
@@ -52,28 +55,14 @@
 	} else if (skip_prefix(arg, "tree:", &v0)) {
 		if (!git_parse_ulong(v0, &filter_options->tree_exclude_depth)) {
-			if (errbuf) {
-				strbuf_addstr(
-					errbuf,
-					_("expected 'tree:<depth>'"));
-			}
+			strbuf_addstr(errbuf, _("expected 'tree:<depth>'"));
 			return 1;
 		filter_options->choice = LOFC_TREE_DEPTH;
 		return 0;
 	} else if (skip_prefix(arg, "sparse:oid=", &v0)) {
-		struct object_context oc;
-		struct object_id sparse_oid;
-		/*
-		 * Try to parse <oid-expression> into an OID for the current
-		 * command, but DO NOT complain if we don't have the blob or
-		 * ref locally.
-		 */
-		if (!get_oid_with_context(the_repository, v0, GET_OID_BLOB,
-					  &sparse_oid, &oc))
-			filter_options->sparse_oid_value = oiddup(&sparse_oid);
+		filter_options->sparse_oid_name = xstrdup(v0);
 		filter_options->choice = LOFC_SPARSE_OID;
 		return 0;
@@ -84,26 +73,189 @@
 				_("sparse:path filters support has been dropped"));
 		return 1;
+	} else if (skip_prefix(arg, "combine:", &v0)) {
+		return parse_combine_filter(filter_options, v0, errbuf);
 	 * Please update _git_fetch() in git-completion.bash when you
 	 * add new filters
-	if (errbuf)
-		strbuf_addf(errbuf, _("invalid filter-spec '%s'"), arg);
+	strbuf_addf(errbuf, _("invalid filter-spec '%s'"), arg);
 	memset(filter_options, 0, sizeof(*filter_options));
 	return 1;
-int parse_list_objects_filter(struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-			      const char *arg)
+static const char *RESERVED_NON_WS = "~`!@#$^&*()[]{}\\;'\",<>?";
+static int has_reserved_character(
+	struct strbuf *sub_spec, struct strbuf *errbuf)
+	const char *c = sub_spec->buf;
+	while (*c) {
+		if (*c <= ' ' || strchr(RESERVED_NON_WS, *c)) {
+			strbuf_addf(
+				errbuf,
+				_("must escape char in sub-filter-spec: '%c'"),
+				*c);
+			return 1;
+		}
+		c++;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int parse_combine_subfilter(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
+	struct strbuf *subspec,
+	struct strbuf *errbuf)
+	size_t new_index = filter_options->sub_nr;
+	char *decoded;
+	int result;
+	ALLOC_GROW_BY(filter_options->sub, filter_options->sub_nr, 1,
+		      filter_options->sub_alloc);
+	decoded = url_percent_decode(subspec->buf);
+	result = has_reserved_character(subspec, errbuf) ||
+		gently_parse_list_objects_filter(
+			&filter_options->sub[new_index], decoded, errbuf);
+	free(decoded);
+	return result;
+static int parse_combine_filter(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
+	const char *arg,
+	struct strbuf *errbuf)
+	struct strbuf **subspecs = strbuf_split_str(arg, '+', 0);
+	size_t sub;
+	int result = 0;
+	if (!subspecs[0]) {
+		strbuf_addstr(errbuf, _("expected something after combine:"));
+		result = 1;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	for (sub = 0; subspecs[sub] && !result; sub++) {
+		if (subspecs[sub + 1]) {
+			/*
+			 * This is not the last subspec. Remove trailing "+" so
+			 * we can parse it.
+			 */
+			size_t last = subspecs[sub]->len - 1;
+			assert(subspecs[sub]->buf[last] == '+');
+			strbuf_remove(subspecs[sub], last, 1);
+		}
+		result = parse_combine_subfilter(
+			filter_options, subspecs[sub], errbuf);
+	}
+	filter_options->choice = LOFC_COMBINE;
+	strbuf_list_free(subspecs);
+	if (result) {
+		list_objects_filter_release(filter_options);
+		memset(filter_options, 0, sizeof(*filter_options));
+	}
+	return result;
+static int allow_unencoded(char ch)
+	if (ch <= ' ' || ch == '%' || ch == '+')
+		return 0;
+	return !strchr(RESERVED_NON_WS, ch);
+static void filter_spec_append_urlencode(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter, const char *raw)
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	if (gently_parse_list_objects_filter(filter_options, arg, &buf))
-		die("%s", buf.buf);
-	return 0;
+	strbuf_addstr_urlencode(&buf, raw, allow_unencoded);
+	trace_printf("Add to combine filter-spec: %s\n", buf.buf);
+	string_list_append(&filter->filter_spec, strbuf_detach(&buf, NULL));
+ * Changes filter_options into an equivalent LOFC_COMBINE filter options
+ * instance. Does not do anything if filter_options is already LOFC_COMBINE.
+ */
+static void transform_to_combine_type(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options)
+	assert(filter_options->choice);
+	if (filter_options->choice == LOFC_COMBINE)
+		return;
+	{
+		const int initial_sub_alloc = 2;
+		struct list_objects_filter_options *sub_array =
+			xcalloc(initial_sub_alloc, sizeof(*sub_array));
+		sub_array[0] = *filter_options;
+		memset(filter_options, 0, sizeof(*filter_options));
+		filter_options->sub = sub_array;
+		filter_options->sub_alloc = initial_sub_alloc;
+	}
+	filter_options->sub_nr = 1;
+	filter_options->choice = LOFC_COMBINE;
+	string_list_append(&filter_options->filter_spec, xstrdup("combine:"));
+	filter_spec_append_urlencode(
+		filter_options,
+		list_objects_filter_spec(&filter_options->sub[0]));
+	/*
+	 * We don't need the filter_spec strings for subfilter specs, only the
+	 * top level.
+	 */
+	string_list_clear(&filter_options->sub[0].filter_spec, /*free_util=*/0);
+void list_objects_filter_die_if_populated(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options)
+	if (filter_options->choice)
+		die(_("multiple filter-specs cannot be combined"));
+void parse_list_objects_filter(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
+	const char *arg)
+	struct strbuf errbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	int parse_error;
+	if (!filter_options->choice) {
+		string_list_append(&filter_options->filter_spec, xstrdup(arg));
+		parse_error = gently_parse_list_objects_filter(
+			filter_options, arg, &errbuf);
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * Make filter_options an LOFC_COMBINE spec so we can trivially
+		 * add subspecs to it.
+		 */
+		transform_to_combine_type(filter_options);
+		string_list_append(&filter_options->filter_spec, xstrdup("+"));
+		filter_spec_append_urlencode(filter_options, arg);
+		ALLOC_GROW_BY(filter_options->sub, filter_options->sub_nr, 1,
+			      filter_options->sub_alloc);
+		parse_error = gently_parse_list_objects_filter(
+			&filter_options->sub[filter_options->sub_nr - 1], arg,
+			&errbuf);
+	}
+	if (parse_error)
+		die("%s", errbuf.buf);
 int opt_parse_list_objects_filter(const struct option *opt,
@@ -111,76 +263,108 @@
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options = opt->value;
-	if (unset || !arg) {
+	if (unset || !arg)
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return parse_list_objects_filter(filter_options, arg);
+	else
+		parse_list_objects_filter(filter_options, arg);
+	return 0;
-void expand_list_objects_filter_spec(
-	const struct list_objects_filter_options *filter,
-	struct strbuf *expanded_spec)
+const char *list_objects_filter_spec(struct list_objects_filter_options *filter)
-	strbuf_init(expanded_spec, strlen(filter->filter_spec));
-	if (filter->choice == LOFC_BLOB_LIMIT)
-		strbuf_addf(expanded_spec, "blob:limit=%lu",
+	if (!filter->
+		BUG("no filter_spec available for this filter");
+	if (filter-> != 1) {
+		struct strbuf concatted = STRBUF_INIT;
+		strbuf_add_separated_string_list(
+			&concatted, "", &filter->filter_spec);
+		string_list_clear(&filter->filter_spec, /*free_util=*/0);
+		string_list_append(
+			&filter->filter_spec, strbuf_detach(&concatted, NULL));
+	}
+	return filter->filter_spec.items[0].string;
+const char *expand_list_objects_filter_spec(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter)
+	if (filter->choice == LOFC_BLOB_LIMIT) {
+		struct strbuf expanded_spec = STRBUF_INIT;
+		strbuf_addf(&expanded_spec, "blob:limit=%lu",
-	else if (filter->choice == LOFC_TREE_DEPTH)
-		strbuf_addf(expanded_spec, "tree:%lu",
-			    filter->tree_exclude_depth);
-	else
-		strbuf_addstr(expanded_spec, filter->filter_spec);
+		string_list_clear(&filter->filter_spec, /*free_util=*/0);
+		string_list_append(
+			&filter->filter_spec,
+			strbuf_detach(&expanded_spec, NULL));
+	}
+	return list_objects_filter_spec(filter);
 void list_objects_filter_release(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options)
-	free(filter_options->filter_spec);
-	free(filter_options->sparse_oid_value);
+	size_t sub;
+	if (!filter_options)
+		return;
+	string_list_clear(&filter_options->filter_spec, /*free_util=*/0);
+	free(filter_options->sparse_oid_name);
+	for (sub = 0; sub < filter_options->sub_nr; sub++)
+		list_objects_filter_release(&filter_options->sub[sub]);
+	free(filter_options->sub);
 	memset(filter_options, 0, sizeof(*filter_options));
 void partial_clone_register(
 	const char *remote,
-	const struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options)
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options)
-	/*
-	 * Record the name of the partial clone remote in the
-	 * config and in the global variable -- the latter is
-	 * used throughout to indicate that partial clone is
-	 * enabled and to expect missing objects.
-	 */
-	if (repository_format_partial_clone &&
-	    *repository_format_partial_clone &&
-	    strcmp(remote, repository_format_partial_clone))
-		die(_("cannot change partial clone promisor remote"));
+	char *cfg_name;
+	char *filter_name;
-	git_config_set("core.repositoryformatversion", "1");
-	git_config_set("extensions.partialclone", remote);
+	/* Check if it is already registered */
+	if (!promisor_remote_find(remote)) {
+		git_config_set("core.repositoryformatversion", "1");
-	repository_format_partial_clone = xstrdup(remote);
+		/* Add promisor config for the remote */
+		cfg_name = xstrfmt("remote.%s.promisor", remote);
+		git_config_set(cfg_name, "true");
+		free(cfg_name);
+	}
 	 * Record the initial filter-spec in the config as
 	 * the default for subsequent fetches from this remote.
-	core_partial_clone_filter_default =
-		xstrdup(filter_options->filter_spec);
-	git_config_set("core.partialclonefilter",
-		       core_partial_clone_filter_default);
+	filter_name = xstrfmt("remote.%s.partialclonefilter", remote);
+	/* NEEDSWORK: 'expand' result leaking??? */
+	git_config_set(filter_name,
+		       expand_list_objects_filter_spec(filter_options));
+	free(filter_name);
+	/* Make sure the config info are reset */
+	promisor_remote_reinit();
 void partial_clone_get_default_filter_spec(
-	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options)
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
+	const char *remote)
+	struct promisor_remote *promisor = promisor_remote_find(remote);
+	struct strbuf errbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	 * Parse default value, but silently ignore it if it is invalid.
-	if (!core_partial_clone_filter_default)
+	if (!promisor)
+	string_list_append(&filter_options->filter_spec,
+			   promisor->partial_clone_filter);
-					 core_partial_clone_filter_default,
-					 NULL);
+					 promisor->partial_clone_filter,
+					 &errbuf);
+	strbuf_release(&errbuf);
diff --git a/list-objects-filter-options.h b/list-objects-filter-options.h
index c54f000..2ffb392 100644
--- a/list-objects-filter-options.h
+++ b/list-objects-filter-options.h
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #include "parse-options.h"
-#include "strbuf.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
  * The list of defined filters for list-objects.
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 	LOFC__COUNT /* must be last */
@@ -23,8 +24,10 @@
 	 * commands that launch filtering sub-processes, or for communication
 	 * over the network, don't use this value; use the result of
 	 * expand_list_objects_filter_spec() instead.
+	 * To get the raw filter spec given by the user, use the result of
+	 * list_objects_filter_spec().
-	char *filter_spec;
+	struct string_list filter_spec;
 	 * 'choice' is determined by parsing the filter-spec.  This indicates
@@ -38,19 +41,40 @@
 	unsigned int no_filter : 1;
-	 * Parsed values (fields) from within the filter-spec.  These are
-	 * choice-specific; not all values will be defined for any given
-	 * choice.
+	 * BEGIN choice-specific parsed values from within the filter-spec. Only
+	 * some values will be defined for any given choice.
-	struct object_id *sparse_oid_value;
+	char *sparse_oid_name;
 	unsigned long blob_limit_value;
 	unsigned long tree_exclude_depth;
+	/* LOFC_COMBINE values */
+	/* This array contains all the subfilters which this filter combines. */
+	size_t sub_nr, sub_alloc;
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *sub;
+	/*
+	 * END choice-specific parsed values.
+	 */
 /* Normalized command line arguments */
 #define CL_ARG__FILTER "filter"
-int parse_list_objects_filter(
+void list_objects_filter_die_if_populated(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options);
+ * Parses the filter spec string given by arg and either (1) simply places the
+ * result in filter_options if it is not yet populated or (2) combines it with
+ * the filter already in filter_options if it is already populated. In the case
+ * of (2), the filter specs are combined as if specified with 'combine:'.
+ *
+ * Dies and prints a user-facing message if an error occurs.
+ */
+void parse_list_objects_filter(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
 	const char *arg);
@@ -65,13 +89,22 @@
  * Translates abbreviated numbers in the filter's filter_spec into their
  * fully-expanded forms (e.g., "limit:blob=1k" becomes "limit:blob=1024").
+ * Returns a string owned by the list_objects_filter_options object.
- * This form should be used instead of the raw filter_spec field when
- * communicating with a remote process or subprocess.
+ * This form should be used instead of the raw list_objects_filter_spec()
+ * value when communicating with a remote process or subprocess.
-void expand_list_objects_filter_spec(
-	const struct list_objects_filter_options *filter,
-	struct strbuf *expanded_spec);
+const char *expand_list_objects_filter_spec(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter);
+ * Returns the filter spec string more or less in the form as the user
+ * entered it. This form of the filter_spec can be used in user-facing
+ * messages.  Returns a string owned by the list_objects_filter_options
+ * object.
+ */
+const char *list_objects_filter_spec(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter);
 void list_objects_filter_release(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options);
@@ -85,8 +118,9 @@
 void partial_clone_register(
 	const char *remote,
-	const struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options);
-void partial_clone_get_default_filter_spec(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options);
+void partial_clone_get_default_filter_spec(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
+	const char *remote);
diff --git a/list-objects-filter.c b/list-objects-filter.c
index 36e1f77..1e8d4e7 100644
--- a/list-objects-filter.c
+++ b/list-objects-filter.c
@@ -26,11 +26,46 @@
- * A filter for list-objects to omit ALL blobs from the traversal.
- * And to OPTIONALLY collect a list of the omitted OIDs.
- */
-struct filter_blobs_none_data {
+struct subfilter {
+	struct filter *filter;
+	struct oidset seen;
+	struct oidset omits;
+	struct object_id skip_tree;
+	unsigned is_skipping_tree : 1;
+struct filter {
+	enum list_objects_filter_result (*filter_object_fn)(
+		struct repository *r,
+		enum list_objects_filter_situation filter_situation,
+		struct object *obj,
+		const char *pathname,
+		const char *filename,
+		struct oidset *omits,
+		void *filter_data);
+	/*
+	 * Optional. If this function is supplied and the filter needs
+	 * to collect omits, then this function is called once before
+	 * free_fn is called.
+	 *
+	 * This is required because the following two conditions hold:
+	 *
+	 *   a. A tree filter can add and remove objects as an object
+	 *      graph is traversed.
+	 *   b. A combine filter's omit set is the union of all its
+	 *      subfilters, which may include tree: filters.
+	 *
+	 * As such, the omits sets must be separate sets, and can only
+	 * be unioned after the traversal is completed.
+	 */
+	void (*finalize_omits_fn)(struct oidset *omits, void *filter_data);
+	void (*free_fn)(void *filter_data);
+	void *filter_data;
+	/* If non-NULL, the filter collects a list of the omitted OIDs here. */
 	struct oidset *omits;
@@ -40,10 +75,9 @@
 	struct object *obj,
 	const char *pathname,
 	const char *filename,
+	struct oidset *omits,
 	void *filter_data_)
-	struct filter_blobs_none_data *filter_data = filter_data_;
 	switch (filter_situation) {
 		BUG("unknown filter_situation: %d", filter_situation);
@@ -61,24 +95,18 @@
 		assert(obj->type == OBJ_BLOB);
 		assert((obj->flags & SEEN) == 0);
-		if (filter_data->omits)
-			oidset_insert(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
+		if (omits)
+			oidset_insert(omits, &obj->oid);
 		return LOFR_MARK_SEEN; /* but not LOFR_DO_SHOW (hard omit) */
-static void *filter_blobs_none__init(
-	struct oidset *omitted,
+static void filter_blobs_none__init(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-	filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
-	filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn)
+	struct filter *filter)
-	struct filter_blobs_none_data *d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*d));
-	d->omits = omitted;
-	*filter_fn = filter_blobs_none;
-	*filter_free_fn = free;
-	return d;
+	filter->filter_object_fn = filter_blobs_none;
+	filter->free_fn = free;
@@ -86,8 +114,6 @@
  * Can OPTIONALLY collect a list of the omitted OIDs.
 struct filter_trees_depth_data {
-	struct oidset *omits;
 	 * Maps trees to the minimum depth at which they were seen. It is not
 	 * necessary to re-traverse a tree at deeper or equal depths than it has
@@ -110,16 +136,16 @@
 /* Returns 1 if the oid was in the omits set before it was invoked. */
 static int filter_trees_update_omits(
 	struct object *obj,
-	struct filter_trees_depth_data *filter_data,
+	struct oidset *omits,
 	int include_it)
-	if (!filter_data->omits)
+	if (!omits)
 		return 0;
 	if (include_it)
-		return oidset_remove(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
+		return oidset_remove(omits, &obj->oid);
-		return oidset_insert(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
+		return oidset_insert(omits, &obj->oid);
 static enum list_objects_filter_result filter_trees_depth(
@@ -128,6 +154,7 @@
 	struct object *obj,
 	const char *pathname,
 	const char *filename,
+	struct oidset *omits,
 	void *filter_data_)
 	struct filter_trees_depth_data *filter_data = filter_data_;
@@ -152,7 +179,7 @@
 		return LOFR_ZERO;
 	case LOFS_BLOB:
-		filter_trees_update_omits(obj, filter_data, include_it);
+		filter_trees_update_omits(obj, omits, include_it);
 		return include_it ? LOFR_MARK_SEEN | LOFR_DO_SHOW : LOFR_ZERO;
@@ -173,12 +200,12 @@
 			filter_res = LOFR_SKIP_TREE;
 		} else {
 			int been_omitted = filter_trees_update_omits(
-				obj, filter_data, include_it);
+				obj, omits, include_it);
 			seen_info->depth = filter_data->current_depth;
 			if (include_it)
 				filter_res = LOFR_DO_SHOW;
-			else if (filter_data->omits && !been_omitted)
+			else if (omits && !been_omitted)
 				 * Must update omit information of children
 				 * recursively; they have not been omitted yet.
@@ -201,21 +228,18 @@
-static void *filter_trees_depth__init(
-	struct oidset *omitted,
+static void filter_trees_depth__init(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-	filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
-	filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn)
+	struct filter *filter)
 	struct filter_trees_depth_data *d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*d));
-	d->omits = omitted;
 	oidmap_init(&d->seen_at_depth, 0);
 	d->exclude_depth = filter_options->tree_exclude_depth;
 	d->current_depth = 0;
-	*filter_fn = filter_trees_depth;
-	*filter_free_fn = filter_trees_free;
-	return d;
+	filter->filter_data = d;
+	filter->filter_object_fn = filter_trees_depth;
+	filter->free_fn = filter_trees_free;
@@ -223,7 +247,6 @@
  * And to OPTIONALLY collect a list of the omitted OIDs.
 struct filter_blobs_limit_data {
-	struct oidset *omits;
 	unsigned long max_bytes;
@@ -233,6 +256,7 @@
 	struct object *obj,
 	const char *pathname,
 	const char *filename,
+	struct oidset *omits,
 	void *filter_data_)
 	struct filter_blobs_limit_data *filter_data = filter_data_;
@@ -270,30 +294,27 @@
 		if (object_length < filter_data->max_bytes)
 			goto include_it;
-		if (filter_data->omits)
-			oidset_insert(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
+		if (omits)
+			oidset_insert(omits, &obj->oid);
 		return LOFR_MARK_SEEN; /* but not LOFR_DO_SHOW (hard omit) */
-	if (filter_data->omits)
-		oidset_remove(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
+	if (omits)
+		oidset_remove(omits, &obj->oid);
-static void *filter_blobs_limit__init(
-	struct oidset *omitted,
+static void filter_blobs_limit__init(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-	filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
-	filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn)
+	struct filter *filter)
 	struct filter_blobs_limit_data *d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*d));
-	d->omits = omitted;
 	d->max_bytes = filter_options->blob_limit_value;
-	*filter_fn = filter_blobs_limit;
-	*filter_free_fn = free;
-	return d;
+	filter->filter_data = d;
+	filter->filter_object_fn = filter_blobs_limit;
+	filter->free_fn = free;
@@ -307,12 +328,12 @@
 struct frame {
-	 * defval is the usual default include/exclude value that
+	 * default_match is the usual default include/exclude value that
 	 * should be inherited as we recurse into directories based
 	 * upon pattern matching of the directory itself or of a
 	 * containing directory.
-	int defval;
+	enum pattern_match_result default_match;
 	 * 1 if the directory (recursively) contains any provisionally
@@ -326,8 +347,7 @@
 struct filter_sparse_data {
-	struct oidset *omits;
-	struct exclude_list el;
+	struct pattern_list pl;
 	size_t nr, alloc;
 	struct frame *array_frame;
@@ -339,11 +359,13 @@
 	struct object *obj,
 	const char *pathname,
 	const char *filename,
+	struct oidset *omits,
 	void *filter_data_)
 	struct filter_sparse_data *filter_data = filter_data_;
-	int val, dtype;
+	int dtype;
 	struct frame *frame;
+	enum pattern_match_result match;
 	switch (filter_situation) {
@@ -352,15 +374,15 @@
 		assert(obj->type == OBJ_TREE);
 		dtype = DT_DIR;
-		val = is_excluded_from_list(pathname, strlen(pathname),
-					    filename, &dtype, &filter_data->el,
-					    r->index);
-		if (val < 0)
-			val = filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr - 1].defval;
+		match = path_matches_pattern_list(pathname, strlen(pathname),
+						  filename, &dtype, &filter_data->pl,
+						  r->index);
+		if (match == UNDECIDED)
+			match = filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr - 1].default_match;
 		ALLOC_GROW(filter_data->array_frame, filter_data->nr + 1,
-		filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr].defval = val;
+		filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr].default_match = match;
 		filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr].child_prov_omit = 0;
@@ -414,14 +436,14 @@
 		frame = &filter_data->array_frame[filter_data->nr - 1];
 		dtype = DT_REG;
-		val = is_excluded_from_list(pathname, strlen(pathname),
-					    filename, &dtype, &filter_data->el,
+		match = path_matches_pattern_list(pathname, strlen(pathname),
+					    filename, &dtype, &filter_data->pl,
-		if (val < 0)
-			val = frame->defval;
-		if (val > 0) {
-			if (filter_data->omits)
-				oidset_remove(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
+		if (match == UNDECIDED)
+			match = frame->default_match;
+		if (match == MATCHED) {
+			if (omits)
+				oidset_remove(omits, &obj->oid);
@@ -435,8 +457,8 @@
 		 * Leave the LOFR_ bits unset so that if the blob appears
 		 * again in the traversal, we will be asked again.
-		if (filter_data->omits)
-			oidset_insert(filter_data->omits, &obj->oid);
+		if (omits)
+			oidset_insert(omits, &obj->oid);
 		 * Remember that at least 1 blob in this tree was
@@ -456,33 +478,169 @@
-static void *filter_sparse_oid__init(
-	struct oidset *omitted,
+static void filter_sparse_oid__init(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-	filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
-	filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn)
+	struct filter *filter)
 	struct filter_sparse_data *d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*d));
-	d->omits = omitted;
-	if (add_excludes_from_blob_to_list(filter_options->sparse_oid_value,
-					   NULL, 0, &d->el) < 0)
-		die("could not load filter specification");
+	struct object_context oc;
+	struct object_id sparse_oid;
+	if (get_oid_with_context(the_repository,
+				 filter_options->sparse_oid_name,
+				 GET_OID_BLOB, &sparse_oid, &oc))
+		die(_("unable to access sparse blob in '%s'"),
+		    filter_options->sparse_oid_name);
+	if (add_patterns_from_blob_to_list(&sparse_oid, "", 0, &d->pl) < 0)
+		die(_("unable to parse sparse filter data in %s"),
+		    oid_to_hex(&sparse_oid));
 	ALLOC_GROW(d->array_frame, d->nr + 1, d->alloc);
-	d->array_frame[d->nr].defval = 0; /* default to include */
+	d->array_frame[d->nr].default_match = 0; /* default to include */
 	d->array_frame[d->nr].child_prov_omit = 0;
-	*filter_fn = filter_sparse;
-	*filter_free_fn = filter_sparse_free;
-	return d;
+	filter->filter_data = d;
+	filter->filter_object_fn = filter_sparse;
+	filter->free_fn = filter_sparse_free;
-typedef void *(*filter_init_fn)(
-	struct oidset *omitted,
+/* A filter which only shows objects shown by all sub-filters. */
+struct combine_filter_data {
+	struct subfilter *sub;
+	size_t nr;
+static enum list_objects_filter_result process_subfilter(
+	struct repository *r,
+	enum list_objects_filter_situation filter_situation,
+	struct object *obj,
+	const char *pathname,
+	const char *filename,
+	struct subfilter *sub)
+	enum list_objects_filter_result result;
+	/*
+	 * Check and update is_skipping_tree before oidset_contains so
+	 * that is_skipping_tree gets unset even when the object is
+	 * marked as seen.  As of this writing, no filter uses
+	 * LOFR_MARK_SEEN on trees that also uses LOFR_SKIP_TREE, so the
+	 * ordering is only theoretically important. Be cautious if you
+	 * change the order of the below checks and more filters have
+	 * been added!
+	 */
+	if (sub->is_skipping_tree) {
+		if (filter_situation == LOFS_END_TREE &&
+		    oideq(&obj->oid, &sub->skip_tree))
+			sub->is_skipping_tree = 0;
+		else
+			return LOFR_ZERO;
+	}
+	if (oidset_contains(&sub->seen, &obj->oid))
+		return LOFR_ZERO;
+	result = list_objects_filter__filter_object(
+		r, filter_situation, obj, pathname, filename, sub->filter);
+	if (result & LOFR_MARK_SEEN)
+		oidset_insert(&sub->seen, &obj->oid);
+	if (result & LOFR_SKIP_TREE) {
+		sub->is_skipping_tree = 1;
+		sub->skip_tree = obj->oid;
+	}
+	return result;
+static enum list_objects_filter_result filter_combine(
+	struct repository *r,
+	enum list_objects_filter_situation filter_situation,
+	struct object *obj,
+	const char *pathname,
+	const char *filename,
+	struct oidset *omits,
+	void *filter_data)
+	struct combine_filter_data *d = filter_data;
+	enum list_objects_filter_result combined_result =
+	size_t sub;
+	for (sub = 0; sub < d->nr; sub++) {
+		enum list_objects_filter_result sub_result = process_subfilter(
+			r, filter_situation, obj, pathname, filename,
+			&d->sub[sub]);
+		if (!(sub_result & LOFR_DO_SHOW))
+			combined_result &= ~LOFR_DO_SHOW;
+		if (!(sub_result & LOFR_MARK_SEEN))
+			combined_result &= ~LOFR_MARK_SEEN;
+		if (!d->sub[sub].is_skipping_tree)
+			combined_result &= ~LOFR_SKIP_TREE;
+	}
+	return combined_result;
+static void filter_combine__free(void *filter_data)
+	struct combine_filter_data *d = filter_data;
+	size_t sub;
+	for (sub = 0; sub < d->nr; sub++) {
+		list_objects_filter__free(d->sub[sub].filter);
+		oidset_clear(&d->sub[sub].seen);
+		if (d->sub[sub].omits.set.size)
+			BUG("expected oidset to be cleared already");
+	}
+	free(d->sub);
+static void add_all(struct oidset *dest, struct oidset *src) {
+	struct oidset_iter iter;
+	struct object_id *src_oid;
+	oidset_iter_init(src, &iter);
+	while ((src_oid = oidset_iter_next(&iter)) != NULL)
+		oidset_insert(dest, src_oid);
+static void filter_combine__finalize_omits(
+	struct oidset *omits,
+	void *filter_data)
+	struct combine_filter_data *d = filter_data;
+	size_t sub;
+	for (sub = 0; sub < d->nr; sub++) {
+		add_all(omits, &d->sub[sub].omits);
+		oidset_clear(&d->sub[sub].omits);
+	}
+static void filter_combine__init(
 	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-	filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
-	filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn);
+	struct filter* filter)
+	struct combine_filter_data *d = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*d));
+	size_t sub;
+	d->nr = filter_options->sub_nr;
+	d->sub = xcalloc(d->nr, sizeof(*d->sub));
+	for (sub = 0; sub < d->nr; sub++)
+		d->sub[sub].filter = list_objects_filter__init(
+			filter->omits ? &d->sub[sub].omits : NULL,
+			&filter_options->sub[sub]);
+	filter->filter_data = d;
+	filter->filter_object_fn = filter_combine;
+	filter->free_fn = filter_combine__free;
+	filter->finalize_omits_fn = filter_combine__finalize_omits;
+typedef void (*filter_init_fn)(
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
+	struct filter *filter);
  * Must match "enum list_objects_filter_choice".
@@ -493,14 +651,14 @@
+	filter_combine__init,
-void *list_objects_filter__init(
+struct filter *list_objects_filter__init(
 	struct oidset *omitted,
-	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-	filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
-	filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn)
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options)
+	struct filter *filter;
 	filter_init_fn init_fn;
 	assert((sizeof(s_filters) / sizeof(s_filters[0])) == LOFC__COUNT);
@@ -510,10 +668,44 @@
 	init_fn = s_filters[filter_options->choice];
-	if (init_fn)
-		return init_fn(omitted, filter_options,
-			       filter_fn, filter_free_fn);
-	*filter_fn = NULL;
-	*filter_free_fn = NULL;
-	return NULL;
+	if (!init_fn)
+		return NULL;
+	filter = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*filter));
+	filter->omits = omitted;
+	init_fn(filter_options, filter);
+	return filter;
+enum list_objects_filter_result list_objects_filter__filter_object(
+	struct repository *r,
+	enum list_objects_filter_situation filter_situation,
+	struct object *obj,
+	const char *pathname,
+	const char *filename,
+	struct filter *filter)
+	if (filter && (obj->flags & NOT_USER_GIVEN))
+		return filter->filter_object_fn(r, filter_situation, obj,
+						pathname, filename,
+						filter->omits,
+						filter->filter_data);
+	/*
+	 * No filter is active or user gave object explicitly. In this case,
+	 * always show the object (except when LOFS_END_TREE, since this tree
+	 * had already been shown when LOFS_BEGIN_TREE).
+	 */
+	if (filter_situation == LOFS_END_TREE)
+		return 0;
+void list_objects_filter__free(struct filter *filter)
+	if (!filter)
+		return;
+	if (filter->finalize_omits_fn && filter->omits)
+		filter->finalize_omits_fn(filter->omits, filter->filter_data);
+	filter->free_fn(filter->filter_data);
+	free(filter);
diff --git a/list-objects-filter.h b/list-objects-filter.h
index 1d45a4a..cfd784e 100644
--- a/list-objects-filter.h
+++ b/list-objects-filter.h
@@ -60,30 +60,36 @@
-typedef enum list_objects_filter_result (*filter_object_fn)(
+struct filter;
+ * Constructor for the set of defined list-objects filters.
+ * The `omitted` set is optional. It is populated with objects that the
+ * filter excludes. This set should not be considered finalized until
+ * after list_objects_filter__free is called on the returned `struct
+ * filter *`.
+ */
+struct filter *list_objects_filter__init(
+	struct oidset *omitted,
+	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options);
+ * Lets `filter` decide how to handle the `obj`. If `filter` is NULL, this
+ * function behaves as expected if no filter is configured: all objects are
+ * included.
+ */
+enum list_objects_filter_result list_objects_filter__filter_object(
 	struct repository *r,
 	enum list_objects_filter_situation filter_situation,
 	struct object *obj,
 	const char *pathname,
 	const char *filename,
-	void *filter_data);
-typedef void (*filter_free_fn)(void *filter_data);
+	struct filter *filter);
- * Constructor for the set of defined list-objects filters.
- * Returns a generic "void *filter_data".
- *
- * The returned "filter_fn" will be used by traverse_commit_list()
- * to filter the results.
- *
- * The returned "filter_free_fn" is a destructor for the
- * filter_data.
+ * Destroys `filter` and finalizes the `omitted` set, if present. Does
+ * nothing if `filter` is null.
-void *list_objects_filter__init(
-	struct oidset *omitted,
-	struct list_objects_filter_options *filter_options,
-	filter_object_fn *filter_fn,
-	filter_free_fn *filter_free_fn);
+void list_objects_filter__free(struct filter *filter);
diff --git a/list-objects.c b/list-objects.c
index b5651dd..e19589b 100644
--- a/list-objects.c
+++ b/list-objects.c
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
 	show_object_fn show_object;
 	show_commit_fn show_commit;
 	void *show_data;
-	filter_object_fn filter_fn;
-	void *filter_data;
+	struct filter *filter;
 static void process_blob(struct traversal_context *ctx,
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@
 	struct object *obj = &blob->object;
 	size_t pathlen;
-	enum list_objects_filter_result r = LOFR_MARK_SEEN | LOFR_DO_SHOW;
+	enum list_objects_filter_result r;
 	if (!ctx->revs->blob_objects)
@@ -54,11 +53,10 @@
 	pathlen = path->len;
 	strbuf_addstr(path, name);
-	if ((obj->flags & NOT_USER_GIVEN) && ctx->filter_fn)
-		r = ctx->filter_fn(ctx->revs->repo,
-				   LOFS_BLOB, obj,
-				   path->buf, &path->buf[pathlen],
-				   ctx->filter_data);
+	r = list_objects_filter__filter_object(ctx->revs->repo,
+					       LOFS_BLOB, obj,
+					       path->buf, &path->buf[pathlen],
+					       ctx->filter);
 	if (r & LOFR_MARK_SEEN)
 		obj->flags |= SEEN;
 	if (r & LOFR_DO_SHOW)
@@ -157,7 +155,7 @@
 	struct object *obj = &tree->object;
 	struct rev_info *revs = ctx->revs;
 	int baselen = base->len;
-	enum list_objects_filter_result r = LOFR_MARK_SEEN | LOFR_DO_SHOW;
+	enum list_objects_filter_result r;
 	int failed_parse;
 	if (!revs->tree_objects)
@@ -186,11 +184,10 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(base, name);
-	if ((obj->flags & NOT_USER_GIVEN) && ctx->filter_fn)
-		r = ctx->filter_fn(ctx->revs->repo,
-				   LOFS_BEGIN_TREE, obj,
-				   base->buf, &base->buf[baselen],
-				   ctx->filter_data);
+	r = list_objects_filter__filter_object(ctx->revs->repo,
+					       LOFS_BEGIN_TREE, obj,
+					       base->buf, &base->buf[baselen],
+					       ctx->filter);
 	if (r & LOFR_MARK_SEEN)
 		obj->flags |= SEEN;
 	if (r & LOFR_DO_SHOW)
@@ -203,16 +200,14 @@
 	else if (!failed_parse)
 		process_tree_contents(ctx, tree, base);
-	if ((obj->flags & NOT_USER_GIVEN) && ctx->filter_fn) {
-		r = ctx->filter_fn(ctx->revs->repo,
-				   LOFS_END_TREE, obj,
-				   base->buf, &base->buf[baselen],
-				   ctx->filter_data);
-		if (r & LOFR_MARK_SEEN)
-			obj->flags |= SEEN;
-		if (r & LOFR_DO_SHOW)
-			ctx->show_object(obj, base->buf, ctx->show_data);
-	}
+	r = list_objects_filter__filter_object(ctx->revs->repo,
+					       LOFS_END_TREE, obj,
+					       base->buf, &base->buf[baselen],
+					       ctx->filter);
+	if (r & LOFR_MARK_SEEN)
+		obj->flags |= SEEN;
+	if (r & LOFR_DO_SHOW)
+		ctx->show_object(obj, base->buf, ctx->show_data);
 	strbuf_setlen(base, baselen);
@@ -370,7 +365,9 @@
 		 * an uninteresting boundary commit may not have its tree
 		 * parsed yet, but we are not going to show them anyway
-		if (get_commit_tree(commit)) {
+		if (!ctx->revs->tree_objects)
+			; /* do not bother loading tree */
+		else if (get_commit_tree(commit)) {
 			struct tree *tree = get_commit_tree(commit);
 			tree->object.flags |= NOT_USER_GIVEN;
 			add_pending_tree(ctx->revs, tree);
@@ -402,8 +399,7 @@
 	ctx.show_commit = show_commit;
 	ctx.show_object = show_object;
 	ctx.show_data = show_data;
-	ctx.filter_fn = NULL;
-	ctx.filter_data = NULL;
+	ctx.filter = NULL;
@@ -416,17 +412,12 @@
 	struct oidset *omitted)
 	struct traversal_context ctx;
-	filter_free_fn filter_free_fn = NULL;
 	ctx.revs = revs;
 	ctx.show_object = show_object;
 	ctx.show_commit = show_commit;
 	ctx.show_data = show_data;
-	ctx.filter_fn = NULL;
-	ctx.filter_data = list_objects_filter__init(omitted, filter_options,
-						    &ctx.filter_fn, &filter_free_fn);
+	ctx.filter = list_objects_filter__init(omitted, filter_options);
-	if (ctx.filter_data && filter_free_fn)
-		filter_free_fn(ctx.filter_data);
+	list_objects_filter__free(ctx.filter);
diff --git a/ll-merge.c b/ll-merge.c
index 5b8d46a..d65a897 100644
--- a/ll-merge.c
+++ b/ll-merge.c
@@ -32,6 +32,20 @@
 	char *cmdline;
+static struct attr_check *merge_attributes;
+static struct attr_check *load_merge_attributes(void)
+	if (!merge_attributes)
+		merge_attributes = attr_check_initl("merge", "conflict-marker-size", NULL);
+	return merge_attributes;
+void reset_merge_attributes(void)
+	attr_check_free(merge_attributes);
+	merge_attributes = NULL;
  * Built-in low-levels
@@ -354,7 +368,7 @@
 	     struct index_state *istate,
 	     const struct ll_merge_options *opts)
-	static struct attr_check *check;
+	struct attr_check *check = load_merge_attributes();
 	static const struct ll_merge_options default_opts;
 	const char *ll_driver_name = NULL;
@@ -369,9 +383,6 @@
 		normalize_file(theirs, path, istate);
-	if (!check)
-		check = attr_check_initl("merge", "conflict-marker-size", NULL);
 	git_check_attr(istate, path, check);
 	ll_driver_name = check->items[0].value;
 	if (check->items[1].value) {
diff --git a/ll-merge.h b/ll-merge.h
index b9e2af1..e78973d 100644
--- a/ll-merge.h
+++ b/ll-merge.h
@@ -26,5 +26,6 @@
 	     const struct ll_merge_options *opts);
 int ll_merge_marker_size(struct index_state *istate, const char *path);
+void reset_merge_attributes(void);
diff --git a/log-tree.c b/log-tree.c
index 1e56df6..923a299 100644
--- a/log-tree.c
+++ b/log-tree.c
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 const struct name_decoration *get_name_decoration(const struct object *obj)
+	load_ref_decorations(NULL, DECORATE_SHORT_REFS);
 	return lookup_decoration(&name_decoration, obj);
@@ -677,9 +678,7 @@
 		raw = (opt->commit_format == CMIT_FMT_USERFORMAT);
 		format_display_notes(&commit->object.oid, &notebuf,
 				     get_log_output_encoding(), raw);
-		ctx.notes_message = notebuf.len
-			? strbuf_detach(&notebuf, NULL)
-			: xcalloc(1, 1);
+		ctx.notes_message = strbuf_detach(&notebuf, NULL);
diff --git a/merge-recursive.c b/merge-recursive.c
index 1230013..42be7c9 100644
--- a/merge-recursive.c
+++ b/merge-recursive.c
@@ -4,30 +4,40 @@
  * The thieves were Alex Riesen and Johannes Schindelin, in June/July 2006
 #include "cache.h"
-#include "config.h"
+#include "merge-recursive.h"
 #include "advice.h"
-#include "lockfile.h"
-#include "cache-tree.h"
-#include "object-store.h"
-#include "repository.h"
-#include "commit.h"
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "attr.h"
 #include "blob.h"
 #include "builtin.h"
-#include "tree-walk.h"
+#include "cache-tree.h"
+#include "commit.h"
+#include "commit-reach.h"
+#include "config.h"
 #include "diff.h"
 #include "diffcore.h"
-#include "tag.h"
-#include "alloc.h"
-#include "unpack-trees.h"
-#include "string-list.h"
-#include "xdiff-interface.h"
-#include "ll-merge.h"
-#include "attr.h"
-#include "merge-recursive.h"
 #include "dir.h"
-#include "submodule.h"
+#include "ll-merge.h"
+#include "lockfile.h"
+#include "object-store.h"
+#include "repository.h"
 #include "revision.h"
-#include "commit-reach.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
+#include "submodule.h"
+#include "tag.h"
+#include "tree-walk.h"
+#include "unpack-trees.h"
+#include "xdiff-interface.h"
+struct merge_options_internal {
+	int call_depth;
+	int needed_rename_limit;
+	struct hashmap current_file_dir_set;
+	struct string_list df_conflict_file_set;
+	struct unpack_trees_options unpack_opts;
+	struct index_state orig_index;
 struct path_hashmap_entry {
 	struct hashmap_entry e;
@@ -35,14 +45,16 @@
 static int path_hashmap_cmp(const void *cmp_data,
-			    const void *entry,
-			    const void *entry_or_key,
+			    const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			    const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			    const void *keydata)
-	const struct path_hashmap_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct path_hashmap_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct path_hashmap_entry *a, *b;
 	const char *key = keydata;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct path_hashmap_entry, e);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct path_hashmap_entry, e);
 	if (ignore_case)
 		return strcasecmp(a->path, key ? key : b->path);
@@ -54,6 +66,24 @@
 	return ignore_case ? strihash(path) : strhash(path);
+ * For dir_rename_entry, directory names are stored as a full path from the
+ * toplevel of the repository and do not include a trailing '/'.  Also:
+ *
+ *   dir:                original name of directory being renamed
+ *   non_unique_new_dir: if true, could not determine new_dir
+ *   new_dir:            final name of directory being renamed
+ *   possible_new_dirs:  temporary used to help determine new_dir; see comments
+ *                       in get_directory_renames() for details
+ */
+struct dir_rename_entry {
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
+	char *dir;
+	unsigned non_unique_new_dir:1;
+	struct strbuf new_dir;
+	struct string_list possible_new_dirs;
 static struct dir_rename_entry *dir_rename_find_entry(struct hashmap *hashmap,
 						      char *dir)
@@ -61,18 +91,20 @@
 	if (dir == NULL)
 		return NULL;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, strhash(dir));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, strhash(dir));
 	key.dir = dir;
-	return hashmap_get(hashmap, &key, NULL);
+	return hashmap_get_entry(hashmap, &key, ent, NULL);
 static int dir_rename_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			  const void *entry,
-			  const void *entry_or_key,
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			  const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct dir_rename_entry *e1 = entry;
-	const struct dir_rename_entry *e2 = entry_or_key;
+	const struct dir_rename_entry *e1, *e2;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct dir_rename_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct dir_rename_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(e1->dir, e2->dir);
@@ -85,34 +117,46 @@
 static void dir_rename_entry_init(struct dir_rename_entry *entry,
 				  char *directory)
-	hashmap_entry_init(entry, strhash(directory));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&entry->ent, strhash(directory));
 	entry->dir = directory;
 	entry->non_unique_new_dir = 0;
 	strbuf_init(&entry->new_dir, 0);
 	string_list_init(&entry->possible_new_dirs, 0);
+struct collision_entry {
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
+	char *target_file;
+	struct string_list source_files;
+	unsigned reported_already:1;
 static struct collision_entry *collision_find_entry(struct hashmap *hashmap,
 						    char *target_file)
 	struct collision_entry key;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, strhash(target_file));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, strhash(target_file));
 	key.target_file = target_file;
-	return hashmap_get(hashmap, &key, NULL);
+	return hashmap_get_entry(hashmap, &key, ent, NULL);
-static int collision_cmp(void *unused_cmp_data,
-			 const struct collision_entry *e1,
-			 const struct collision_entry *e2,
+static int collision_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
+			 const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			 const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			 const void *unused_keydata)
+	const struct collision_entry *e1, *e2;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct collision_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct collision_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(e1->target_file, e2->target_file);
 static void collision_init(struct hashmap *map)
-	hashmap_init(map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) collision_cmp, NULL, 0);
+	hashmap_init(map, collision_cmp, NULL, 0);
 static void flush_output(struct merge_options *opt)
@@ -284,7 +328,8 @@
 static int show(struct merge_options *opt, int v)
-	return (!opt->call_depth && opt->verbosity >= v) || opt->verbosity >= 5;
+	return (!opt->priv->call_depth && opt->verbosity >= v) ||
+		opt->verbosity >= 5;
 __attribute__((format (printf, 3, 4)))
@@ -295,7 +340,7 @@
 	if (!show(opt, v))
-	strbuf_addchars(&opt->obuf, ' ', opt->call_depth * 2);
+	strbuf_addchars(&opt->obuf, ' ', opt->priv->call_depth * 2);
 	va_start(ap, fmt);
 	strbuf_vaddf(&opt->obuf, fmt, ap);
@@ -310,7 +355,7 @@
 	struct merge_remote_desc *desc;
-	strbuf_addchars(&opt->obuf, ' ', opt->call_depth * 2);
+	strbuf_addchars(&opt->obuf, ' ', opt->priv->call_depth * 2);
 	desc = merge_remote_util(commit);
 	if (desc)
 		strbuf_addf(&opt->obuf, "virtual %s\n", desc->name);
@@ -358,6 +403,11 @@
 	return ret;
+static inline int merge_detect_rename(struct merge_options *opt)
+	return (opt->detect_renames >= 0) ? opt->detect_renames : 1;
 static void init_tree_desc_from_tree(struct tree_desc *desc, struct tree *tree)
@@ -373,74 +423,43 @@
 	struct tree_desc t[3];
 	struct index_state tmp_index = { NULL };
-	memset(&opt->unpack_opts, 0, sizeof(opt->unpack_opts));
-	if (opt->call_depth)
-		opt->unpack_opts.index_only = 1;
+	memset(&opt->priv->unpack_opts, 0, sizeof(opt->priv->unpack_opts));
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth)
+		opt->priv->unpack_opts.index_only = 1;
-		opt->unpack_opts.update = 1;
-	opt->unpack_opts.merge = 1;
-	opt->unpack_opts.head_idx = 2;
-	opt->unpack_opts.fn = threeway_merge;
-	opt->unpack_opts.src_index = opt->repo->index;
-	opt->unpack_opts.dst_index = &tmp_index;
-	opt->unpack_opts.aggressive = !merge_detect_rename(opt);
-	setup_unpack_trees_porcelain(&opt->unpack_opts, "merge");
+		opt->priv->unpack_opts.update = 1;
+	opt->priv->unpack_opts.merge = 1;
+	opt->priv->unpack_opts.head_idx = 2;
+	opt->priv->unpack_opts.fn = threeway_merge;
+	opt->priv->unpack_opts.src_index = opt->repo->index;
+	opt->priv->unpack_opts.dst_index = &tmp_index;
+	opt->priv->unpack_opts.aggressive = !merge_detect_rename(opt);
+	setup_unpack_trees_porcelain(&opt->priv->unpack_opts, "merge");
 	init_tree_desc_from_tree(t+0, common);
 	init_tree_desc_from_tree(t+1, head);
 	init_tree_desc_from_tree(t+2, merge);
-	rc = unpack_trees(3, t, &opt->unpack_opts);
+	rc = unpack_trees(3, t, &opt->priv->unpack_opts);
-	 * Update opt->repo->index to match the new results, AFTER saving a copy
-	 * in opt->orig_index.  Update src_index to point to the saved copy.
-	 * (verify_uptodate() checks src_index, and the original index is
-	 * the one that had the necessary modification timestamps.)
+	 * Update opt->repo->index to match the new results, AFTER saving a
+	 * copy in opt->priv->orig_index.  Update src_index to point to the
+	 * saved copy.  (verify_uptodate() checks src_index, and the original
+	 * index is the one that had the necessary modification timestamps.)
-	opt->orig_index = *opt->repo->index;
+	opt->priv->orig_index = *opt->repo->index;
 	*opt->repo->index = tmp_index;
-	opt->unpack_opts.src_index = &opt->orig_index;
+	opt->priv->unpack_opts.src_index = &opt->priv->orig_index;
 	return rc;
 static void unpack_trees_finish(struct merge_options *opt)
-	discard_index(&opt->orig_index);
-	clear_unpack_trees_porcelain(&opt->unpack_opts);
-struct tree *write_tree_from_memory(struct merge_options *opt)
-	struct tree *result = NULL;
-	struct index_state *istate = opt->repo->index;
-	if (unmerged_index(istate)) {
-		int i;
-		fprintf(stderr, "BUG: There are unmerged index entries:\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < istate->cache_nr; i++) {
-			const struct cache_entry *ce = istate->cache[i];
-			if (ce_stage(ce))
-				fprintf(stderr, "BUG: %d %.*s\n", ce_stage(ce),
-					(int)ce_namelen(ce), ce->name);
-		}
-		BUG("unmerged index entries in merge-recursive.c");
-	}
-	if (!istate->cache_tree)
-		istate->cache_tree = cache_tree();
-	if (!cache_tree_fully_valid(istate->cache_tree) &&
-	    cache_tree_update(istate, 0) < 0) {
-		err(opt, _("error building trees"));
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	result = lookup_tree(opt->repo, &istate->cache_tree->oid);
-	return result;
+	discard_index(&opt->priv->orig_index);
+	clear_unpack_trees_porcelain(&opt->priv->unpack_opts);
 static int save_files_dirs(const struct object_id *oid,
@@ -454,8 +473,8 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(base, path);
 	FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(entry, path, base->buf, base->len);
-	hashmap_entry_init(entry, path_hash(entry->path));
-	hashmap_add(&opt->current_file_dir_set, entry);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&entry->e, path_hash(entry->path));
+	hashmap_add(&opt->priv->current_file_dir_set, &entry->e);
 	strbuf_setlen(base, baselen);
 	return (S_ISDIR(mode) ? READ_TREE_RECURSIVE : 0);
@@ -586,7 +605,7 @@
 	 * If we're merging merge-bases, we don't want to bother with
 	 * any working directory changes.
-	if (opt->call_depth)
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth)
 	/* Ensure D/F conflicts are adjacent in the entries list. */
@@ -598,7 +617,7 @@
 	df_sorted_entries.cmp = string_list_df_name_compare;
-	string_list_clear(&opt->df_conflict_file_set, 1);
+	string_list_clear(&opt->priv->df_conflict_file_set, 1);
 	for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
 		const char *path = df_sorted_entries.items[i].string;
 		int len = strlen(path);
@@ -614,7 +633,7 @@
 		    len > last_len &&
 		    memcmp(path, last_file, last_len) == 0 &&
 		    path[last_len] == '/') {
-			string_list_insert(&opt->df_conflict_file_set, last_file);
+			string_list_insert(&opt->priv->df_conflict_file_set, last_file);
@@ -681,8 +700,8 @@
 static int remove_file(struct merge_options *opt, int clean,
 		       const char *path, int no_wd)
-	int update_cache = opt->call_depth || clean;
-	int update_working_directory = !opt->call_depth && !no_wd;
+	int update_cache = opt->priv->call_depth || clean;
+	int update_working_directory = !opt->priv->call_depth && !no_wd;
 	if (update_cache) {
 		if (remove_file_from_index(opt->repo->index, path))
@@ -712,7 +731,9 @@
 			out->buf[i] = '_';
-static char *unique_path(struct merge_options *opt, const char *path, const char *branch)
+static char *unique_path(struct merge_options *opt,
+			 const char *path,
+			 const char *branch)
 	struct path_hashmap_entry *entry;
 	struct strbuf newpath = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -723,16 +744,16 @@
 	add_flattened_path(&newpath, branch);
 	base_len = newpath.len;
-	while (hashmap_get_from_hash(&opt->current_file_dir_set,
+	while (hashmap_get_from_hash(&opt->priv->current_file_dir_set,
 				     path_hash(newpath.buf), newpath.buf) ||
-	       (!opt->call_depth && file_exists(newpath.buf))) {
+	       (!opt->priv->call_depth && file_exists(newpath.buf))) {
 		strbuf_setlen(&newpath, base_len);
 		strbuf_addf(&newpath, "_%d", suffix++);
 	FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(entry, path, newpath.buf, newpath.len);
-	hashmap_entry_init(entry, path_hash(entry->path));
-	hashmap_add(&opt->current_file_dir_set, entry);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&entry->e, path_hash(entry->path));
+	hashmap_add(&opt->priv->current_file_dir_set, &entry->e);
 	return strbuf_detach(&newpath, NULL);
@@ -764,7 +785,8 @@
 	return check_working_copy && !lstat(path, &st) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) &&
-		!(empty_ok && is_empty_dir(path));
+		!(empty_ok && is_empty_dir(path)) &&
+		!has_symlink_leading_path(path, strlen(path));
@@ -774,7 +796,7 @@
 static int was_tracked_and_matches(struct merge_options *opt, const char *path,
 				   const struct diff_filespec *blob)
-	int pos = index_name_pos(&opt->orig_index, path, strlen(path));
+	int pos = index_name_pos(&opt->priv->orig_index, path, strlen(path));
 	struct cache_entry *ce;
 	if (0 > pos)
@@ -782,7 +804,7 @@
 		return 0;
 	/* See if the file we were tracking before matches */
-	ce = opt->orig_index.cache[pos];
+	ce = opt->priv->orig_index.cache[pos];
 	return (oid_eq(&ce->oid, &blob->oid) && ce->ce_mode == blob->mode);
@@ -791,7 +813,7 @@
 static int was_tracked(struct merge_options *opt, const char *path)
-	int pos = index_name_pos(&opt->orig_index, path, strlen(path));
+	int pos = index_name_pos(&opt->priv->orig_index, path, strlen(path));
 	if (0 <= pos)
 		/* we were tracking this path before the merge */
@@ -848,12 +870,12 @@
 	struct cache_entry *ce;
 	int dirty = 1;
-	if (opt->call_depth || !was_tracked(opt, path))
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth || !was_tracked(opt, path))
 		return !dirty;
-	ce = index_file_exists(opt->unpack_opts.src_index,
+	ce = index_file_exists(opt->priv->unpack_opts.src_index,
 			       path, strlen(path), ignore_case);
-	dirty = verify_uptodate(ce, &opt->unpack_opts) != 0;
+	dirty = verify_uptodate(ce, &opt->priv->unpack_opts) != 0;
 	return dirty;
@@ -863,8 +885,8 @@
 	const char *msg = _("failed to create path '%s'%s");
 	/* Unlink any D/F conflict files that are in the way */
-	for (i = 0; i < opt->; i++) {
-		const char *df_path = opt->df_conflict_file_set.items[i].string;
+	for (i = 0; i < opt->priv->; i++) {
+		const char *df_path = opt->priv->df_conflict_file_set.items[i].string;
 		size_t pathlen = strlen(path);
 		size_t df_pathlen = strlen(df_path);
 		if (df_pathlen < pathlen &&
@@ -874,7 +896,7 @@
 			       _("Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"),
-			unsorted_string_list_delete_item(&opt->df_conflict_file_set,
+			unsorted_string_list_delete_item(&opt->priv->df_conflict_file_set,
 							 i, 0);
@@ -915,7 +937,7 @@
 	int ret = 0;
-	if (opt->call_depth)
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth)
 		update_wd = 0;
 	if (update_wd) {
@@ -934,9 +956,11 @@
 		buf = read_object_file(&contents->oid, &type, &size);
-		if (!buf)
-			return err(opt, _("cannot read object %s '%s'"),
-				   oid_to_hex(&contents->oid), path);
+		if (!buf) {
+			ret = err(opt, _("cannot read object %s '%s'"),
+				  oid_to_hex(&contents->oid), path);
+			goto free_buf;
+		}
 		if (type != OBJ_BLOB) {
 			ret = err(opt, _("blob expected for %s '%s'"),
 				  oid_to_hex(&contents->oid), path);
@@ -944,7 +968,8 @@
 		if (S_ISREG(contents->mode)) {
 			struct strbuf strbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
-			if (convert_to_working_tree(opt->repo->index, path, buf, size, &strbuf)) {
+			if (convert_to_working_tree(opt->repo->index,
+						    path, buf, size, &strbuf)) {
 				size = strbuf.len;
 				buf = strbuf_detach(&strbuf, NULL);
@@ -997,7 +1022,7 @@
 		       const char *path)
 	return update_file_flags(opt, contents, path,
-				 opt->call_depth || clean, !opt->call_depth);
+				 opt->priv->call_depth || clean, !opt->priv->call_depth);
 /* Low level file merging, update and removal */
@@ -1019,22 +1044,22 @@
 	mmfile_t orig, src1, src2;
 	struct ll_merge_options ll_opts = {0};
-	char *base_name, *name1, *name2;
+	char *base, *name1, *name2;
 	int merge_status;
 	ll_opts.renormalize = opt->renormalize;
 	ll_opts.extra_marker_size = extra_marker_size;
 	ll_opts.xdl_opts = opt->xdl_opts;
-	if (opt->call_depth) {
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
 		ll_opts.virtual_ancestor = 1;
 		ll_opts.variant = 0;
 	} else {
 		switch (opt->recursive_variant) {
 			ll_opts.variant = XDL_MERGE_FAVOR_OURS;
 			ll_opts.variant = XDL_MERGE_FAVOR_THEIRS;
@@ -1043,16 +1068,13 @@
-	assert(a->path && b->path);
-	if (strcmp(a->path, b->path) ||
-	    (opt->ancestor != NULL && strcmp(a->path, o->path) != 0)) {
-		base_name = opt->ancestor == NULL ? NULL :
-			mkpathdup("%s:%s", opt->ancestor, o->path);
+	assert(a->path && b->path && o->path && opt->ancestor);
+	if (strcmp(a->path, b->path) || strcmp(a->path, o->path) != 0) {
+		base  = mkpathdup("%s:%s", opt->ancestor, o->path);
 		name1 = mkpathdup("%s:%s", branch1, a->path);
 		name2 = mkpathdup("%s:%s", branch2, b->path);
 	} else {
-		base_name = opt->ancestor == NULL ? NULL :
-			mkpathdup("%s", opt->ancestor);
+		base  = mkpathdup("%s", opt->ancestor);
 		name1 = mkpathdup("%s", branch1);
 		name2 = mkpathdup("%s", branch2);
@@ -1061,11 +1083,11 @@
 	read_mmblob(&src1, &a->oid);
 	read_mmblob(&src2, &b->oid);
-	merge_status = ll_merge(result_buf, a->path, &orig, base_name,
+	merge_status = ll_merge(result_buf, a->path, &orig, base,
 				&src1, name1, &src2, name2,
 				opt->repo->index, &ll_opts);
-	free(base_name);
+	free(base);
@@ -1160,7 +1182,7 @@
 	struct object_array merges;
 	int i;
-	int search = !opt->call_depth;
+	int search = !opt->priv->call_depth;
 	/* store a in result in case we fail */
 	oidcpy(result, a);
@@ -1344,15 +1366,15 @@
 		} else if (S_ISLNK(a->mode)) {
 			switch (opt->recursive_variant) {
 				oidcpy(&result->blob.oid, &a->oid);
 				if (!oid_eq(&a->oid, &b->oid))
 					result->clean = 0;
 				oidcpy(&result->blob.oid, &a->oid);
 				oidcpy(&result->blob.oid, &b->oid);
@@ -1378,10 +1400,11 @@
 	const struct rename *ren = ci->ren1;
 	const struct diff_filespec *dest = ren->pair->two;
 	char *file_path = dest->path;
-	int mark_conflicted = (opt->detect_directory_renames == 1);
+	int mark_conflicted = (opt->detect_directory_renames ==
-	if (!opt->call_depth && would_lose_untracked(opt, dest->path)) {
+	if (!opt->priv->call_depth && would_lose_untracked(opt, dest->path)) {
 		mark_conflicted = 1;
 		file_path = unique_path(opt, dest->path, ren->branch);
 		output(opt, 1, _("Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; "
@@ -1424,12 +1447,12 @@
 	const char *update_path = path;
 	int ret = 0;
-	if (dir_in_way(opt->repo->index, path, !opt->call_depth, 0) ||
-	    (!opt->call_depth && would_lose_untracked(opt, path))) {
+	if (dir_in_way(opt->repo->index, path, !opt->priv->call_depth, 0) ||
+	    (!opt->priv->call_depth && would_lose_untracked(opt, path))) {
 		update_path = alt_path = unique_path(opt, path, change_branch);
-	if (opt->call_depth) {
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
 		 * We cannot arbitrarily accept either a_sha or b_sha as
 		 * correct; since there is no true "middle point" between
@@ -1504,14 +1527,14 @@
 				     opt->branch2 : opt->branch1);
 	if (handle_change_delete(opt,
-				 opt->call_depth ? orig->path : dest->path,
-				 opt->call_depth ? NULL : orig->path,
+				 opt->priv->call_depth ? orig->path : dest->path,
+				 opt->priv->call_depth ? NULL : orig->path,
 				 orig, dest,
 				 rename_branch, delete_branch,
 				 _("rename"), _("renamed")))
 		return -1;
-	if (opt->call_depth)
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth)
 		return remove_file_from_index(opt->repo->index, dest->path);
 		return update_stages(opt, dest->path, NULL,
@@ -1548,7 +1571,7 @@
 	 * In the recursive case, we just opt to undo renames
-	if (opt->call_depth && (prev_path1 || prev_path2)) {
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth && (prev_path1 || prev_path2)) {
 		/* Put first file (a->oid, a->mode) in its original spot */
 		if (prev_path1) {
 			if (update_file(opt, 1, a, prev_path1))
@@ -1577,10 +1600,10 @@
 	/* Remove rename sources if rename/add or rename/rename(2to1) */
 	if (prev_path1)
 		remove_file(opt, 1, prev_path1,
-			    opt->call_depth || would_lose_untracked(opt, prev_path1));
+			    opt->priv->call_depth || would_lose_untracked(opt, prev_path1));
 	if (prev_path2)
 		remove_file(opt, 1, prev_path2,
-			    opt->call_depth || would_lose_untracked(opt, prev_path2));
+			    opt->priv->call_depth || would_lose_untracked(opt, prev_path2));
 	 * Remove the collision path, if it wouldn't cause dirty contents
@@ -1622,12 +1645,12 @@
 	null.mode = 0;
 	if (merge_mode_and_contents(opt, &null, a, b, collide_path,
-				    branch1, branch2, opt->call_depth * 2, &mfi))
+				    branch1, branch2, opt->priv->call_depth * 2, &mfi))
 		return -1;
 	mfi.clean &= !alt_path;
 	if (update_file(opt, mfi.clean, &mfi.blob, update_path))
 		return -1;
-	if (!mfi.clean && !opt->call_depth &&
+	if (!mfi.clean && !opt->priv->call_depth &&
 	    update_stages(opt, collide_path, NULL, a, b))
 		return -1;
@@ -1667,7 +1690,7 @@
 				    opt->branch1, opt->branch2,
-				    1 + opt->call_depth * 2, &mfi))
+				    1 + opt->priv->call_depth * 2, &mfi))
 		return -1;
@@ -1685,7 +1708,7 @@
 				    const char *branch2)
 	char *new_path = NULL;
-	if (dir_in_way(opt->repo->index, path, !opt->call_depth, 0)) {
+	if (dir_in_way(opt->repo->index, path, !opt->priv->call_depth, 0)) {
 		new_path = unique_path(opt, path, branch1);
 		output(opt, 1, _("%s is a directory in %s adding "
 			       "as %s instead"),
@@ -1716,17 +1739,17 @@
 	       "rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s"),
 	       o->path, a->path, ci->ren1->branch,
 	       o->path, b->path, ci->ren2->branch,
-	       opt->call_depth ? _(" (left unresolved)") : "");
+	       opt->priv->call_depth ? _(" (left unresolved)") : "");
 	path_desc = xstrfmt("%s and %s, both renamed from %s",
 			    a->path, b->path, o->path);
 	if (merge_mode_and_contents(opt, o, a, b, path_desc,
 				    ci->ren1->branch, ci->ren2->branch,
-				    opt->call_depth * 2, &mfi))
+				    opt->priv->call_depth * 2, &mfi))
 		return -1;
-	if (opt->call_depth) {
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
 		 * FIXME: For rename/add-source conflicts (if we could detect
 		 * such), this is wrong.  We should instead find a unique
@@ -1841,12 +1864,12 @@
 				    opt->branch1, opt->branch2,
-				    1 + opt->call_depth * 2, &mfi_c1) ||
+				    1 + opt->priv->call_depth * 2, &mfi_c1) ||
 	    merge_mode_and_contents(opt, b,
 				    c2, path_side_2_desc,
 				    opt->branch1, opt->branch2,
-				    1 + opt->call_depth * 2, &mfi_c2))
+				    1 + opt->priv->call_depth * 2, &mfi_c2))
 		return -1;
@@ -1880,17 +1903,15 @@
 	if (opts.detect_rename > DIFF_DETECT_RENAME)
 		opts.detect_rename = DIFF_DETECT_RENAME;
-	opts.rename_limit = opt->merge_rename_limit >= 0 ? opt->merge_rename_limit :
-			    opt->diff_rename_limit >= 0 ? opt->diff_rename_limit :
-			    1000;
+	opts.rename_limit = (opt->rename_limit >= 0) ? opt->rename_limit : 1000;
 	opts.rename_score = opt->rename_score;
 	opts.show_rename_progress = opt->show_rename_progress;
 	opts.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_NO_OUTPUT;
 	diff_tree_oid(&o_tree->object.oid, &tree->object.oid, "", &opts);
-	if (opts.needed_rename_limit > opt->needed_rename_limit)
-		opt->needed_rename_limit = opts.needed_rename_limit;
+	if (opts.needed_rename_limit > opt->priv->needed_rename_limit)
+		opt->priv->needed_rename_limit = opts.needed_rename_limit;
 	ret = xmalloc(sizeof(*ret));
 	*ret = diff_queued_diff;
@@ -2001,7 +2022,7 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < items_to_remove->nr; i++) {
 		entry = items_to_remove->items[i].util;
-		hashmap_remove(dir_renames, entry, NULL);
+		hashmap_remove(dir_renames, &entry->ent, NULL);
 	string_list_clear(items_to_remove, 0);
@@ -2124,8 +2145,8 @@
 	struct string_list remove_from_head = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
 	struct string_list remove_from_merge = STRING_LIST_INIT_NODUP;
-	hashmap_iter_init(dir_re_head, &iter);
-	while ((head_ent = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(dir_re_head, &iter, head_ent,
+				ent /* member name */) {
 		merge_ent = dir_rename_find_entry(dir_re_merge, head_ent->dir);
 		if (merge_ent &&
 		    !head_ent->non_unique_new_dir &&
@@ -2149,8 +2170,8 @@
 	remove_hashmap_entries(dir_re_head, &remove_from_head);
 	remove_hashmap_entries(dir_re_merge, &remove_from_merge);
-	hashmap_iter_init(dir_re_merge, &iter);
-	while ((merge_ent = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(dir_re_merge, &iter, merge_ent,
+				ent /* member name */) {
 		head_ent = dir_rename_find_entry(dir_re_head, merge_ent->dir);
 		if (tree_has_path(opt->repo, merge, merge_ent->dir)) {
 			/* 2. This wasn't a directory rename after all */
@@ -2229,7 +2250,7 @@
 		if (!entry) {
 			entry = xmalloc(sizeof(*entry));
 			dir_rename_entry_init(entry, old_dir);
-			hashmap_put(dir_renames, entry);
+			hashmap_put(dir_renames, &entry->ent);
 		} else {
@@ -2254,8 +2275,8 @@
 	 * we set non_unique_new_dir.  Once we've determined the winner (or
 	 * that there is no winner), we no longer need possible_new_dirs.
-	hashmap_iter_init(dir_renames, &iter);
-	while ((entry = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(dir_renames, &iter, entry,
+				ent /* member name */) {
 		int max = 0;
 		int bad_max = 0;
 		char *best = NULL;
@@ -2358,8 +2379,9 @@
 		if (!collision_ent) {
 			collision_ent = xcalloc(1,
 						sizeof(struct collision_entry));
-			hashmap_entry_init(collision_ent, strhash(new_path));
-			hashmap_put(collisions, collision_ent);
+			hashmap_entry_init(&collision_ent->ent,
+						strhash(new_path));
+			hashmap_put(collisions, &collision_ent->ent);
 			collision_ent->target_file = new_path;
 		} else {
@@ -2612,12 +2634,12 @@
-	hashmap_iter_init(&collisions, &iter);
-	while ((e = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&collisions, &iter, e,
+				ent /* member name */) {
 		string_list_clear(&e->source_files, 0);
-	hashmap_free(&collisions, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&collisions, struct collision_entry, ent);
 	return renames;
@@ -2830,13 +2852,13 @@
 	struct hashmap_iter iter;
 	struct dir_rename_entry *e;
-	hashmap_iter_init(dir_renames, &iter);
-	while ((e = hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(dir_renames, &iter, e,
+				ent /* member name */) {
 		/* possible_new_dirs already cleared in get_directory_renames */
-	hashmap_free(dir_renames, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(dir_renames, struct dir_rename_entry, ent);
@@ -2863,7 +2885,9 @@
 	head_pairs = get_diffpairs(opt, common, head);
 	merge_pairs = get_diffpairs(opt, common, merge);
-	if (opt->detect_directory_renames) {
+	if ((opt->detect_directory_renames == MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_TRUE) ||
+	    (opt->detect_directory_renames == MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_CONFLICT &&
+	     !opt->priv->call_depth)) {
 		dir_re_head = get_directory_renames(head_pairs);
 		dir_re_merge = get_directory_renames(merge_pairs);
@@ -3020,13 +3044,13 @@
 		reason = _("add/add");
 	assert(o->path && a->path && b->path);
-	if (ci && dir_in_way(opt->repo->index, path, !opt->call_depth,
+	if (ci && dir_in_way(opt->repo->index, path, !opt->priv->call_depth,
 		df_conflict_remains = 1;
 	if (merge_mode_and_contents(opt, o, a, b, path,
 				    opt->branch1, opt->branch2,
-				    opt->call_depth * 2, mfi))
+				    opt->priv->call_depth * 2, mfi))
 		return -1;
@@ -3042,7 +3066,7 @@
 		output(opt, 3, _("Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"), path);
 		if (add_cacheinfo(opt, &mfi->blob, path,
-				  0, (!opt->call_depth && !is_dirty), 0))
+				  0, (!opt->priv->call_depth && !is_dirty), 0))
 			return -1;
 		 * However, add_cacheinfo() will delete the old cache entry
@@ -3050,8 +3074,8 @@
 		 * flag to avoid making the file appear as if it were
 		 * deleted by the user.
-		pos = index_name_pos(&opt->orig_index, path, strlen(path));
-		ce = opt->orig_index.cache[pos];
+		pos = index_name_pos(&opt->priv->orig_index, path, strlen(path));
+		ce = opt->priv->orig_index.cache[pos];
 		if (ce_skip_worktree(ce)) {
 			pos = index_name_pos(opt->repo->index, path, strlen(path));
 			ce = opt->repo->index->cache[pos];
@@ -3072,7 +3096,7 @@
 	if (df_conflict_remains || is_dirty) {
 		char *new_path;
-		if (opt->call_depth) {
+		if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
 			remove_file_from_index(opt->repo->index, path);
 		} else {
 			if (!mfi->clean) {
@@ -3121,7 +3145,8 @@
 	clean = handle_content_merge(&mfi, opt, path, was_dirty(opt, path),
 				     o, a, b, ci);
-	if (clean && opt->detect_directory_renames == 1 &&
+	if (clean &&
+	    opt->detect_directory_renames == MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_CONFLICT &&
 	    ren->dir_rename_original_dest) {
 		if (update_stages(opt, path,
@@ -3166,12 +3191,12 @@
 		return clean;
 	/* Sanity checks */
-	assert(opt->detect_directory_renames > 0);
+	assert(opt->detect_directory_renames > MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_NONE);
 	assert(ren->dir_rename_original_type == 'A' ||
 	       ren->dir_rename_original_type == 'R');
 	/* Check whether to treat directory renames as a conflict */
-	clean = (opt->detect_directory_renames == 2);
+	clean = (opt->detect_directory_renames == MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_TRUE);
 	is_add = (ren->dir_rename_original_type == 'A');
 	if (ren->dir_rename_original_type == 'A' && clean) {
@@ -3330,7 +3355,7 @@
 			conf = _("directory/file");
 		if (dir_in_way(opt->repo->index, path,
-			       !opt->call_depth && !S_ISGITLINK(a->mode),
+			       !opt->priv->call_depth && !S_ISGITLINK(a->mode),
 			       0)) {
 			char *new_path = unique_path(opt, path, add_branch);
 			clean_merge = 0;
@@ -3339,7 +3364,7 @@
 			       conf, path, other_branch, path, new_path);
 			if (update_file(opt, 0, contents, new_path))
 				clean_merge = -1;
-			else if (opt->call_depth)
+			else if (opt->priv->call_depth)
 				remove_file_from_index(opt->repo->index, path);
 		} else {
@@ -3379,37 +3404,32 @@
 	return clean_merge;
-int merge_trees(struct merge_options *opt,
-		struct tree *head,
-		struct tree *merge,
-		struct tree *common,
-		struct tree **result)
+static int merge_trees_internal(struct merge_options *opt,
+				struct tree *head,
+				struct tree *merge,
+				struct tree *merge_base,
+				struct tree **result)
 	struct index_state *istate = opt->repo->index;
 	int code, clean;
-	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	if (!opt->call_depth && repo_index_has_changes(opt->repo, head, &sb)) {
-		err(opt, _("Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n  %s"),
-		    sb.buf);
-		return -1;
-	}
 	if (opt->subtree_shift) {
-		merge = shift_tree_object(opt->repo, head, merge, opt->subtree_shift);
-		common = shift_tree_object(opt->repo, head, common, opt->subtree_shift);
+		merge = shift_tree_object(opt->repo, head, merge,
+					  opt->subtree_shift);
+		merge_base = shift_tree_object(opt->repo, head, merge_base,
+					       opt->subtree_shift);
-	if (oid_eq(&common->object.oid, &merge->object.oid)) {
+	if (oid_eq(&merge_base->object.oid, &merge->object.oid)) {
 		output(opt, 0, _("Already up to date!"));
 		*result = head;
 		return 1;
-	code = unpack_trees_start(opt, common, head, merge);
+	code = unpack_trees_start(opt, merge_base, head, merge);
 	if (code != 0) {
-		if (show(opt, 4) || opt->call_depth)
+		if (show(opt, 4) || opt->priv->call_depth)
 			err(opt, _("merging of trees %s and %s failed"),
@@ -3428,12 +3448,13 @@
 		 * opposed to decaring a local hashmap is for convenience
 		 * so that we don't have to pass it to around.
-		hashmap_init(&opt->current_file_dir_set, path_hashmap_cmp, NULL, 512);
+		hashmap_init(&opt->priv->current_file_dir_set, path_hashmap_cmp,
+			     NULL, 512);
 		get_files_dirs(opt, head);
 		get_files_dirs(opt, merge);
 		entries = get_unmerged(opt->repo->index);
-		clean = detect_and_process_renames(opt, common, head, merge,
+		clean = detect_and_process_renames(opt, merge_base, head, merge,
 						   entries, &re_info);
 		record_df_conflict_files(opt, entries);
 		if (clean < 0)
@@ -3464,7 +3485,8 @@
 		string_list_clear(entries, 1);
-		hashmap_free(&opt->current_file_dir_set, 1);
+		hashmap_free_entries(&opt->priv->current_file_dir_set,
+					struct path_hashmap_entry, e);
 		if (clean < 0) {
@@ -3476,7 +3498,8 @@
-	if (opt->call_depth && !(*result = write_tree_from_memory(opt)))
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth &&
+	    !(*result = write_in_core_index_as_tree(opt->repo)))
 		return -1;
 	return clean;
@@ -3497,16 +3520,18 @@
  * Merge the commits h1 and h2, return the resulting virtual
  * commit object and a flag indicating the cleanness of the merge.
-int merge_recursive(struct merge_options *opt,
-		    struct commit *h1,
-		    struct commit *h2,
-		    struct commit_list *ca,
-		    struct commit **result)
+static int merge_recursive_internal(struct merge_options *opt,
+				    struct commit *h1,
+				    struct commit *h2,
+				    struct commit_list *merge_bases,
+				    struct commit **result)
 	struct commit_list *iter;
-	struct commit *merged_common_ancestors;
-	struct tree *mrtree;
+	struct commit *merged_merge_bases;
+	struct tree *result_tree;
 	int clean;
+	const char *ancestor_name;
+	struct strbuf merge_base_abbrev = STRBUF_INIT;
 	if (show(opt, 4)) {
 		output(opt, 4, _("Merging:"));
@@ -3514,32 +3539,43 @@
 		output_commit_title(opt, h2);
-	if (!ca) {
-		ca = get_merge_bases(h1, h2);
-		ca = reverse_commit_list(ca);
+	if (!merge_bases) {
+		merge_bases = get_merge_bases(h1, h2);
+		merge_bases = reverse_commit_list(merge_bases);
 	if (show(opt, 5)) {
-		unsigned cnt = commit_list_count(ca);
+		unsigned cnt = commit_list_count(merge_bases);
 		output(opt, 5, Q_("found %u common ancestor:",
 				"found %u common ancestors:", cnt), cnt);
-		for (iter = ca; iter; iter = iter->next)
+		for (iter = merge_bases; iter; iter = iter->next)
 			output_commit_title(opt, iter->item);
-	merged_common_ancestors = pop_commit(&ca);
-	if (merged_common_ancestors == NULL) {
+	merged_merge_bases = pop_commit(&merge_bases);
+	if (merged_merge_bases == NULL) {
 		/* if there is no common ancestor, use an empty tree */
 		struct tree *tree;
 		tree = lookup_tree(opt->repo, opt->repo->hash_algo->empty_tree);
-		merged_common_ancestors = make_virtual_commit(opt->repo, tree, "ancestor");
+		merged_merge_bases = make_virtual_commit(opt->repo, tree,
+							 "ancestor");
+		ancestor_name = "empty tree";
+	} else if (opt->ancestor && !opt->priv->call_depth) {
+		ancestor_name = opt->ancestor;
+	} else if (merge_bases) {
+		ancestor_name = "merged common ancestors";
+	} else {
+		strbuf_add_unique_abbrev(&merge_base_abbrev,
+					 &merged_merge_bases->object.oid,
+		ancestor_name = merge_base_abbrev.buf;
-	for (iter = ca; iter; iter = iter->next) {
+	for (iter = merge_bases; iter; iter = iter->next) {
 		const char *saved_b1, *saved_b2;
-		opt->call_depth++;
+		opt->priv->call_depth++;
 		 * When the merge fails, the result contains files
 		 * with conflict markers. The cleanness flag is
@@ -3553,45 +3589,134 @@
 		saved_b2 = opt->branch2;
 		opt->branch1 = "Temporary merge branch 1";
 		opt->branch2 = "Temporary merge branch 2";
-		if (merge_recursive(opt, merged_common_ancestors, iter->item,
-				    NULL, &merged_common_ancestors) < 0)
+		if (merge_recursive_internal(opt, merged_merge_bases, iter->item,
+					     NULL, &merged_merge_bases) < 0)
 			return -1;
 		opt->branch1 = saved_b1;
 		opt->branch2 = saved_b2;
-		opt->call_depth--;
+		opt->priv->call_depth--;
-		if (!merged_common_ancestors)
+		if (!merged_merge_bases)
 			return err(opt, _("merge returned no commit"));
-	if (!opt->call_depth)
+	if (!opt->priv->call_depth)
-	opt->ancestor = "merged common ancestors";
-	clean = merge_trees(opt, get_commit_tree(h1), get_commit_tree(h2),
-			    get_commit_tree(merged_common_ancestors),
-			    &mrtree);
+	opt->ancestor = ancestor_name;
+	clean = merge_trees_internal(opt,
+				     repo_get_commit_tree(opt->repo, h1),
+				     repo_get_commit_tree(opt->repo, h2),
+				     repo_get_commit_tree(opt->repo,
+							  merged_merge_bases),
+				     &result_tree);
+	strbuf_release(&merge_base_abbrev);
+	opt->ancestor = NULL;  /* avoid accidental re-use of opt->ancestor */
 	if (clean < 0) {
 		return clean;
-	if (opt->call_depth) {
-		*result = make_virtual_commit(opt->repo, mrtree, "merged tree");
+	if (opt->priv->call_depth) {
+		*result = make_virtual_commit(opt->repo, result_tree,
+					      "merged tree");
 		commit_list_insert(h1, &(*result)->parents);
 		commit_list_insert(h2, &(*result)->parents->next);
-	flush_output(opt);
-	if (!opt->call_depth && opt->buffer_output < 2)
-		strbuf_release(&opt->obuf);
-	if (show(opt, 2))
-		diff_warn_rename_limit("merge.renamelimit",
-				       opt->needed_rename_limit, 0);
 	return clean;
-static struct commit *get_ref(struct repository *repo, const struct object_id *oid,
+static int merge_start(struct merge_options *opt, struct tree *head)
+	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
+	/* Sanity checks on opt */
+	assert(opt->repo);
+	assert(opt->branch1 && opt->branch2);
+	assert(opt->detect_renames >= -1 &&
+	       opt->detect_renames <= DIFF_DETECT_COPY);
+	assert(opt->detect_directory_renames >= MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_NONE &&
+	       opt->detect_directory_renames <= MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_TRUE);
+	assert(opt->rename_limit >= -1);
+	assert(opt->rename_score >= 0 && opt->rename_score <= MAX_SCORE);
+	assert(opt->show_rename_progress >= 0 && opt->show_rename_progress <= 1);
+	assert(opt->xdl_opts >= 0);
+	assert(opt->recursive_variant >= MERGE_VARIANT_NORMAL &&
+	       opt->recursive_variant <= MERGE_VARIANT_THEIRS);
+	assert(opt->verbosity >= 0 && opt->verbosity <= 5);
+	assert(opt->buffer_output <= 2);
+	assert(opt->obuf.len == 0);
+	assert(opt->priv == NULL);
+	/* Sanity check on repo state; index must match head */
+	if (repo_index_has_changes(opt->repo, head, &sb)) {
+		err(opt, _("Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n  %s"),
+		    sb.buf);
+		strbuf_release(&sb);
+		return -1;
+	}
+	opt->priv = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*opt->priv));
+	string_list_init(&opt->priv->df_conflict_file_set, 1);
+	return 0;
+static void merge_finalize(struct merge_options *opt)
+	flush_output(opt);
+	if (!opt->priv->call_depth && opt->buffer_output < 2)
+		strbuf_release(&opt->obuf);
+	if (show(opt, 2))
+		diff_warn_rename_limit("merge.renamelimit",
+				       opt->priv->needed_rename_limit, 0);
+	FREE_AND_NULL(opt->priv);
+int merge_trees(struct merge_options *opt,
+		struct tree *head,
+		struct tree *merge,
+		struct tree *merge_base)
+	int clean;
+	struct tree *ignored;
+	assert(opt->ancestor != NULL);
+	if (merge_start(opt, head))
+		return -1;
+	clean = merge_trees_internal(opt, head, merge, merge_base, &ignored);
+	merge_finalize(opt);
+	return clean;
+int merge_recursive(struct merge_options *opt,
+		    struct commit *h1,
+		    struct commit *h2,
+		    struct commit_list *merge_bases,
+		    struct commit **result)
+	int clean;
+	assert(opt->ancestor == NULL ||
+	       !strcmp(opt->ancestor, "constructed merge base"));
+	if (merge_start(opt, repo_get_commit_tree(opt->repo, h1)))
+		return -1;
+	clean = merge_recursive_internal(opt, h1, h2, merge_bases, result);
+	merge_finalize(opt);
+	return clean;
+static struct commit *get_ref(struct repository *repo,
+			      const struct object_id *oid,
 			      const char *name)
 	struct object *object;
@@ -3612,8 +3737,8 @@
 int merge_recursive_generic(struct merge_options *opt,
 			    const struct object_id *head,
 			    const struct object_id *merge,
-			    int num_base_list,
-			    const struct object_id **base_list,
+			    int num_merge_bases,
+			    const struct object_id **merge_bases,
 			    struct commit **result)
 	int clean;
@@ -3622,15 +3747,18 @@
 	struct commit *next_commit = get_ref(opt->repo, merge, opt->branch2);
 	struct commit_list *ca = NULL;
-	if (base_list) {
+	if (merge_bases) {
 		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < num_base_list; ++i) {
+		for (i = 0; i < num_merge_bases; ++i) {
 			struct commit *base;
-			if (!(base = get_ref(opt->repo, base_list[i], oid_to_hex(base_list[i]))))
+			if (!(base = get_ref(opt->repo, merge_bases[i],
+					     oid_to_hex(merge_bases[i]))))
 				return err(opt, _("Could not parse object '%s'"),
-					   oid_to_hex(base_list[i]));
+					   oid_to_hex(merge_bases[i]));
 			commit_list_insert(base, &ca);
+		if (num_merge_bases == 1)
+			opt->ancestor = "constructed merge base";
 	repo_hold_locked_index(opt->repo, &lock, LOCK_DIE_ON_ERROR);
@@ -3652,22 +3780,25 @@
 	char *value = NULL;
 	git_config_get_int("merge.verbosity", &opt->verbosity);
-	git_config_get_int("diff.renamelimit", &opt->diff_rename_limit);
-	git_config_get_int("merge.renamelimit", &opt->merge_rename_limit);
+	git_config_get_int("diff.renamelimit", &opt->rename_limit);
+	git_config_get_int("merge.renamelimit", &opt->rename_limit);
 	if (!git_config_get_string("diff.renames", &value)) {
-		opt->diff_detect_rename = git_config_rename("diff.renames", value);
+		opt->detect_renames = git_config_rename("diff.renames", value);
 	if (!git_config_get_string("merge.renames", &value)) {
-		opt->merge_detect_rename = git_config_rename("merge.renames", value);
+		opt->detect_renames = git_config_rename("merge.renames", value);
 	if (!git_config_get_string("merge.directoryrenames", &value)) {
 		int boolval = git_parse_maybe_bool(value);
 		if (0 <= boolval) {
-			opt->detect_directory_renames = boolval ? 2 : 0;
+			opt->detect_directory_renames = boolval ?
 		} else if (!strcasecmp(value, "conflict")) {
-			opt->detect_directory_renames = 1;
+			opt->detect_directory_renames =
 		} /* avoid erroring on values from future versions of git */
@@ -3679,23 +3810,25 @@
 	const char *merge_verbosity;
 	memset(opt, 0, sizeof(struct merge_options));
 	opt->repo = repo;
+	opt->detect_renames = -1;
+	opt->detect_directory_renames = MERGE_DIRECTORY_RENAMES_CONFLICT;
+	opt->rename_limit = -1;
 	opt->verbosity = 2;
 	opt->buffer_output = 1;
-	opt->diff_rename_limit = -1;
-	opt->merge_rename_limit = -1;
+	strbuf_init(&opt->obuf, 0);
 	opt->renormalize = 0;
-	opt->diff_detect_rename = -1;
-	opt->merge_detect_rename = -1;
-	opt->detect_directory_renames = 1;
 	merge_verbosity = getenv("GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY");
 	if (merge_verbosity)
 		opt->verbosity = strtol(merge_verbosity, NULL, 10);
 	if (opt->verbosity >= 5)
 		opt->buffer_output = 0;
-	strbuf_init(&opt->obuf, 0);
-	string_list_init(&opt->df_conflict_file_set, 1);
 int parse_merge_opt(struct merge_options *opt, const char *s)
@@ -3705,9 +3838,9 @@
 	if (!s || !*s)
 		return -1;
 	if (!strcmp(s, "ours"))
-		opt->recursive_variant = MERGE_RECURSIVE_OURS;
+		opt->recursive_variant = MERGE_VARIANT_OURS;
 	else if (!strcmp(s, "theirs"))
-		opt->recursive_variant = MERGE_RECURSIVE_THEIRS;
+		opt->recursive_variant = MERGE_VARIANT_THEIRS;
 	else if (!strcmp(s, "subtree"))
 		opt->subtree_shift = "";
 	else if (skip_prefix(s, "subtree=", &arg))
@@ -3738,16 +3871,16 @@
 	else if (!strcmp(s, "no-renormalize"))
 		opt->renormalize = 0;
 	else if (!strcmp(s, "no-renames"))
-		opt->merge_detect_rename = 0;
+		opt->detect_renames = 0;
 	else if (!strcmp(s, "find-renames")) {
-		opt->merge_detect_rename = 1;
+		opt->detect_renames = 1;
 		opt->rename_score = 0;
 	else if (skip_prefix(s, "find-renames=", &arg) ||
 		 skip_prefix(s, "rename-threshold=", &arg)) {
 		if ((opt->rename_score = parse_rename_score(&arg)) == -1 || *arg != 0)
 			return -1;
-		opt->merge_detect_rename = 1;
+		opt->detect_renames = 1;
 	 * Please update $__git_merge_strategy_options in
diff --git a/merge-recursive.h b/merge-recursive.h
index c2b7bb6..978847e 100644
--- a/merge-recursive.h
+++ b/merge-recursive.h
@@ -1,104 +1,124 @@
-#include "string-list.h"
-#include "unpack-trees.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
 struct commit;
+struct commit_list;
+struct object_id;
 struct repository;
+struct tree;
+struct merge_options_internal;
 struct merge_options {
+	struct repository *repo;
+	/* ref names used in console messages and conflict markers */
 	const char *ancestor;
 	const char *branch1;
 	const char *branch2;
+	/* rename related options */
+	int detect_renames;
 	enum {
-	} recursive_variant;
-	const char *subtree_shift;
-	unsigned buffer_output; /* 1: output at end, 2: keep buffered */
-	unsigned renormalize : 1;
-	long xdl_opts;
-	int verbosity;
-	int detect_directory_renames;
-	int diff_detect_rename;
-	int merge_detect_rename;
-	int diff_rename_limit;
-	int merge_rename_limit;
+	} detect_directory_renames;
+	int rename_limit;
 	int rename_score;
-	int needed_rename_limit;
 	int show_rename_progress;
-	int call_depth;
-	struct strbuf obuf;
-	struct hashmap current_file_dir_set;
-	struct string_list df_conflict_file_set;
-	struct unpack_trees_options unpack_opts;
-	struct index_state orig_index;
-	struct repository *repo;
+	/* xdiff-related options (patience, ignore whitespace, ours/theirs) */
+	long xdl_opts;
+	enum {
+	} recursive_variant;
+	/* console output related options */
+	int verbosity;
+	unsigned buffer_output; /* 1: output at end, 2: keep buffered */
+	struct strbuf obuf;     /* output buffer; if buffer_output == 2, caller
+				 * must handle and call strbuf_release */
+	/* miscellaneous control options */
+	const char *subtree_shift;
+	unsigned renormalize : 1;
+	/* internal fields used by the implementation */
+	struct merge_options_internal *priv;
+void init_merge_options(struct merge_options *opt, struct repository *repo);
+/* parse the option in s and update the relevant field of opt */
+int parse_merge_opt(struct merge_options *opt, const char *s);
- * For dir_rename_entry, directory names are stored as a full path from the
- * toplevel of the repository and do not include a trailing '/'.  Also:
- *
- *   dir:                original name of directory being renamed
- *   non_unique_new_dir: if true, could not determine new_dir
- *   new_dir:            final name of directory being renamed
- *   possible_new_dirs:  temporary used to help determine new_dir; see comments
- *                       in get_directory_renames() for details
+ * RETURN VALUES: All the merge_* functions below return a value as follows:
+ *   > 0     Merge was clean
+ *   = 0     Merge had conflicts
+ *   < 0     Merge hit an unexpected and unrecoverable problem (e.g. disk
+ *             full) and aborted merge part-way through.
-struct dir_rename_entry {
-	struct hashmap_entry ent; /* must be the first member! */
-	char *dir;
-	unsigned non_unique_new_dir:1;
-	struct strbuf new_dir;
-	struct string_list possible_new_dirs;
-struct collision_entry {
-	struct hashmap_entry ent; /* must be the first member! */
-	char *target_file;
-	struct string_list source_files;
-	unsigned reported_already:1;
-static inline int merge_detect_rename(struct merge_options *o)
-	return o->merge_detect_rename >= 0 ? o->merge_detect_rename :
-		o->diff_detect_rename >= 0 ? o->diff_detect_rename : 1;
-/* merge_trees() but with recursive ancestor consolidation */
-int merge_recursive(struct merge_options *o,
-		    struct commit *h1,
-		    struct commit *h2,
-		    struct commit_list *ancestors,
-		    struct commit **result);
-/* rename-detecting three-way merge, no recursion */
-int merge_trees(struct merge_options *o,
+ * rename-detecting three-way merge, no recursion.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ *   - See RETURN VALUES above
+ *   - No commit is created
+ *   - opt->repo->index has the new index
+ *   - $GIT_INDEX_FILE is not updated
+ *   - The working tree is updated with results of the merge
+ */
+int merge_trees(struct merge_options *opt,
 		struct tree *head,
 		struct tree *merge,
-		struct tree *common,
-		struct tree **result);
+		struct tree *merge_base);
- * "git-merge-recursive" can be fed trees; wrap them into
- * virtual commits and call merge_recursive() proper.
+ * merge_recursive is like merge_trees() but with recursive ancestor
+ * consolidation and, if the commit is clean, creation of a commit.
+ *
+ * NOTE: empirically, about a decade ago it was determined that with more
+ *       than two merge bases, optimal behavior was found when the
+ *       merge_bases were passed in the order of oldest commit to newest
+ *       commit.  Also, merge_bases will be consumed (emptied) so make a
+ *       copy if you need it.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ *   - See RETURN VALUES above
+ *   - If merge is clean, a commit is created and its address written to *result
+ *   - opt->repo->index has the new index
+ *   - $GIT_INDEX_FILE is not updated
+ *   - The working tree is updated with results of the merge
-int merge_recursive_generic(struct merge_options *o,
+int merge_recursive(struct merge_options *opt,
+		    struct commit *h1,
+		    struct commit *h2,
+		    struct commit_list *merge_bases,
+		    struct commit **result);
+ * merge_recursive_generic can operate on trees instead of commits, by
+ * wrapping the trees into virtual commits, and calling merge_recursive().
+ * It also writes out the in-memory index to disk if the merge is successful.
+ *
+ * Outputs:
+ *   - See RETURN VALUES above
+ *   - If merge is clean, a commit is created and its address written to *result
+ *   - opt->repo->index has the new index
+ *   - $GIT_INDEX_FILE is updated
+ *   - The working tree is updated with results of the merge
+ */
+int merge_recursive_generic(struct merge_options *opt,
 			    const struct object_id *head,
 			    const struct object_id *merge,
-			    int num_ca,
-			    const struct object_id **ca,
+			    int num_merge_bases,
+			    const struct object_id **merge_bases,
 			    struct commit **result);
-void init_merge_options(struct merge_options *o,
-			struct repository *repo);
-struct tree *write_tree_from_memory(struct merge_options *o);
-int parse_merge_opt(struct merge_options *out, const char *s);
diff --git a/midx.c b/midx.c
index d649644..f29afc0 100644
--- a/midx.c
+++ b/midx.c
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
 #define MIDX_HEADER_SIZE 12
-#define MIDX_HASH_LEN 20
+#define MIDX_MIN_SIZE (MIDX_HEADER_SIZE + the_hash_algo->rawsz)
 #define MIDX_MAX_CHUNKS 5
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@
 	hash_version = m->data[MIDX_BYTE_HASH_VERSION];
 	if (hash_version != MIDX_HASH_VERSION)
 		die(_("hash version %u does not match"), hash_version);
-	m->hash_len = MIDX_HASH_LEN;
+	m->hash_len = the_hash_algo->rawsz;
 	m->num_chunks = m->data[MIDX_BYTE_NUM_CHUNKS];
@@ -234,7 +233,7 @@
 int bsearch_midx(const struct object_id *oid, struct multi_pack_index *m, uint32_t *result)
 	return bsearch_hash(oid->hash, m->chunk_oid_fanout, m->chunk_oid_lookup,
-			    MIDX_HASH_LEN, result);
+			    the_hash_algo->rawsz, result);
 struct object_id *nth_midxed_object_oid(struct object_id *oid,
@@ -928,7 +927,7 @@
 	chunk_ids[cur_chunk] = MIDX_CHUNKID_OBJECTOFFSETS;
-	chunk_offsets[cur_chunk] = chunk_offsets[cur_chunk - 1] + nr_entries * MIDX_HASH_LEN;
+	chunk_offsets[cur_chunk] = chunk_offsets[cur_chunk - 1] + nr_entries * the_hash_algo->rawsz;
 	chunk_offsets[cur_chunk] = chunk_offsets[cur_chunk - 1] + nr_entries * MIDX_CHUNK_OFFSET_WIDTH;
@@ -976,7 +975,7 @@
-				written += write_midx_oid_lookup(f, MIDX_HASH_LEN, entries, nr_entries);
+				written += write_midx_oid_lookup(f, the_hash_algo->rawsz, entries, nr_entries);
diff --git a/name-hash.c b/name-hash.c
index 6959086..ceb1d7b 100644
--- a/name-hash.c
+++ b/name-hash.c
@@ -17,14 +17,16 @@
 static int dir_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			 const void *entry,
-			 const void *entry_or_key,
+			 const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			 const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			 const void *keydata)
-	const struct dir_entry *e1 = entry;
-	const struct dir_entry *e2 = entry_or_key;
+	const struct dir_entry *e1, *e2;
 	const char *name = keydata;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct dir_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct dir_entry, ent);
 	return e1->namelen != e2->namelen || strncasecmp(e1->name,
 			name ? name : e2->name, e1->namelen);
@@ -33,9 +35,9 @@
 		const char *name, unsigned int namelen, unsigned int hash)
 	struct dir_entry key;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, hash);
 	key.namelen = namelen;
-	return hashmap_get(&istate->dir_hash, &key, name);
+	return hashmap_get_entry(&istate->dir_hash, &key, ent, name);
 static struct dir_entry *find_dir_entry(struct index_state *istate,
@@ -68,9 +70,9 @@
 	if (!dir) {
 		/* not found, create it and add to hash table */
 		FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(dir, name, ce->name, namelen);
-		hashmap_entry_init(dir, memihash(ce->name, namelen));
+		hashmap_entry_init(&dir->ent, memihash(ce->name, namelen));
 		dir->namelen = namelen;
-		hashmap_add(&istate->dir_hash, dir);
+		hashmap_add(&istate->dir_hash, &dir->ent);
 		/* recursively add missing parent directories */
 		dir->parent = hash_dir_entry(istate, ce, namelen);
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@
 	struct dir_entry *dir = hash_dir_entry(istate, ce, ce_namelen(ce));
 	while (dir && !(--dir->nr)) {
 		struct dir_entry *parent = dir->parent;
-		hashmap_remove(&istate->dir_hash, dir, NULL);
+		hashmap_remove(&istate->dir_hash, &dir->ent, NULL);
 		dir = parent;
@@ -106,20 +108,23 @@
 	if (ce->ce_flags & CE_HASHED)
 	ce->ce_flags |= CE_HASHED;
-	hashmap_entry_init(ce, memihash(ce->name, ce_namelen(ce)));
-	hashmap_add(&istate->name_hash, ce);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&ce->ent, memihash(ce->name, ce_namelen(ce)));
+	hashmap_add(&istate->name_hash, &ce->ent);
 	if (ignore_case)
 		add_dir_entry(istate, ce);
 static int cache_entry_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			   const void *entry,
-			   const void *entry_or_key,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			   const void *remove)
-	const struct cache_entry *ce1 = entry;
-	const struct cache_entry *ce2 = entry_or_key;
+	const struct cache_entry *ce1, *ce2;
+	ce1 = container_of(eptr, const struct cache_entry, ent);
+	ce2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct cache_entry, ent);
 	 * For remove_name_hash, find the exact entry (pointer equality); for
 	 * index_file_exists, find all entries with matching hash code and
@@ -280,10 +285,10 @@
 	dir = find_dir_entry__hash(istate, prefix->buf, prefix->len, hash);
 	if (!dir) {
 		FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(dir, name, prefix->buf, prefix->len);
-		hashmap_entry_init(dir, hash);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&dir->ent, hash);
 		dir->namelen = prefix->len;
 		dir->parent = parent;
-		hashmap_add(&istate->dir_hash, dir);
+		hashmap_add(&istate->dir_hash, &dir->ent);
 		if (parent) {
@@ -472,8 +477,8 @@
 	for (k = 0; k < d->istate->cache_nr; k++) {
 		struct cache_entry *ce_k = d->istate->cache[k];
 		ce_k->ce_flags |= CE_HASHED;
-		hashmap_entry_init(ce_k, d->lazy_entries[k].hash_name);
-		hashmap_add(&d->istate->name_hash, ce_k);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&ce_k->ent, d->lazy_entries[k].hash_name);
+		hashmap_add(&d->istate->name_hash, &ce_k->ent);
 	return NULL;
@@ -625,7 +630,7 @@
 	if (!istate->name_hash_initialized || !(ce->ce_flags & CE_HASHED))
 	ce->ce_flags &= ~CE_HASHED;
-	hashmap_remove(&istate->name_hash, ce, ce);
+	hashmap_remove(&istate->name_hash, &ce->ent, ce);
 	if (ignore_case)
 		remove_dir_entry(istate, ce);
@@ -702,15 +707,15 @@
 struct cache_entry *index_file_exists(struct index_state *istate, const char *name, int namelen, int icase)
 	struct cache_entry *ce;
+	unsigned int hash = memihash(name, namelen);
-	ce = hashmap_get_from_hash(&istate->name_hash,
-				   memihash(name, namelen), NULL);
-	while (ce) {
+	ce = hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(&istate->name_hash, hash, NULL,
+					 struct cache_entry, ent);
+	hashmap_for_each_entry_from(&istate->name_hash, ce, ent) {
 		if (same_name(ce, name, namelen, icase))
 			return ce;
-		ce = hashmap_get_next(&istate->name_hash, ce);
 	return NULL;
@@ -721,6 +726,6 @@
 	istate->name_hash_initialized = 0;
-	hashmap_free(&istate->name_hash, 0);
-	hashmap_free(&istate->dir_hash, 1);
+	hashmap_free(&istate->name_hash);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&istate->dir_hash, struct dir_entry, ent);
diff --git a/notes.c b/notes.c
index 75c028b..03e7d0c 100644
--- a/notes.c
+++ b/notes.c
@@ -269,8 +269,10 @@
 		case PTR_TYPE_NOTE:
 			if (oideq(&l->key_oid, &entry->key_oid)) {
 				/* skip concatenation if l == entry */
-				if (oideq(&l->val_oid, &entry->val_oid))
+				if (oideq(&l->val_oid, &entry->val_oid)) {
+					free(entry);
 					return 0;
+				}
 				ret = combine_notes(&l->val_oid,
@@ -458,7 +460,7 @@
 			die("Failed to load %s %s into notes tree "
 			    "from %s",
 			    type == PTR_TYPE_NOTE ? "note" : "subtree",
-			    oid_to_hex(&l->key_oid), t->ref);
+			    oid_to_hex(&object_oid), t->ref);
diff --git a/object.c b/object.c
index 07bdd5b..3b8b8c5 100644
--- a/object.c
+++ b/object.c
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 #include "commit.h"
 #include "tag.h"
 #include "alloc.h"
-#include "object-store.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "commit-graph.h"
diff --git a/oidmap.c b/oidmap.c
index 6d6e840..423aa01 100644
--- a/oidmap.c
+++ b/oidmap.c
@@ -2,14 +2,18 @@
 #include "oidmap.h"
 static int oidmap_neq(const void *hashmap_cmp_fn_data,
-		      const void *entry, const void *entry_or_key,
+		      const struct hashmap_entry *e1,
+		      const struct hashmap_entry *e2,
 		      const void *keydata)
-	const struct oidmap_entry *entry_ = entry;
+	const struct oidmap_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(e1, const struct oidmap_entry, internal_entry);
+	b = container_of(e2, const struct oidmap_entry, internal_entry);
 	if (keydata)
-		return !oideq(&entry_->oid, (const struct object_id *) keydata);
-	return !oideq(&entry_->oid,
-		      &((const struct oidmap_entry *) entry_or_key)->oid);
+		return !oideq(&a->oid, (const struct object_id *) keydata);
+	return !oideq(&a->oid, &b->oid);
 void oidmap_init(struct oidmap *map, size_t initial_size)
@@ -21,7 +25,9 @@
 	if (!map)
-	hashmap_free(&map->map, free_entries);
+	/* TODO: make oidmap itself not depend on struct layouts */
+	hashmap_free_(&map->map, free_entries ? 0 : -1);
 void *oidmap_get(const struct oidmap *map, const struct object_id *key)
@@ -51,5 +57,5 @@
 		oidmap_init(map, 0);
 	hashmap_entry_init(&to_put->internal_entry, oidhash(&to_put->oid));
-	return hashmap_put(&map->map, to_put);
+	return hashmap_put(&map->map, &to_put->internal_entry);
diff --git a/oidmap.h b/oidmap.h
index 7a93946..c66a83a 100644
--- a/oidmap.h
+++ b/oidmap.h
@@ -78,14 +78,16 @@
 static inline void *oidmap_iter_next(struct oidmap_iter *iter)
-	return hashmap_iter_next(&iter->h_iter);
+	/* TODO: this API could be reworked to do compile-time type checks */
+	return (void *)hashmap_iter_next(&iter->h_iter);
 static inline void *oidmap_iter_first(struct oidmap *map,
 				      struct oidmap_iter *iter)
 	oidmap_iter_init(map, iter);
-	return oidmap_iter_next(iter);
+	/* TODO: this API could be reworked to do compile-time type checks */
+	return (void *)oidmap_iter_next(iter);
diff --git a/pack-bitmap-write.c b/pack-bitmap-write.c
index fa78a46..a7a4964 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap-write.c
+++ b/pack-bitmap-write.c
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 static uint32_t find_object_pos(const struct object_id *oid)
-	struct object_entry *entry = packlist_find(writer.to_pack, oid, NULL);
+	struct object_entry *entry = packlist_find(writer.to_pack, oid);
 	if (!entry) {
 		die("Failed to write bitmap index. Packfile doesn't have full closure "
diff --git a/pack-bitmap.c b/pack-bitmap.c
index ed2befa..e07c798 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap.c
+++ b/pack-bitmap.c
@@ -709,9 +709,7 @@
 				object_list_insert(object, &wants);
-			if (!tag->tagged)
-				die("bad tag");
-			object = parse_object_or_die(&tag->tagged->oid, NULL);
+			object = parse_object_or_die(get_tagged_oid(tag), NULL);
 		if (object->flags & UNINTERESTING)
@@ -1063,7 +1061,7 @@
 		entry = &bitmap_git->pack->revindex[i];
 		nth_packed_object_oid(&oid, bitmap_git->pack, entry->nr);
-		oe = packlist_find(mapping, &oid, NULL);
+		oe = packlist_find(mapping, &oid);
 		if (oe)
 			reposition[i] = oe_in_pack_pos(mapping, oe) + 1;
diff --git a/pack-bitmap.h b/pack-bitmap.h
index 00de3ec..466c5af 100644
--- a/pack-bitmap.h
+++ b/pack-bitmap.h
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
 struct repository;
 struct rev_info;
+static const char BITMAP_IDX_SIGNATURE[] = {'B', 'I', 'T', 'M'};
 struct bitmap_disk_header {
-	char magic[4];
 	uint16_t version;
 	uint16_t options;
 	uint32_t entry_count;
 	unsigned char checksum[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
-static const char BITMAP_IDX_SIGNATURE[] = {'B', 'I', 'T', 'M'};
 #define NEEDS_BITMAP (1u<<22)
 enum pack_bitmap_opts {
diff --git a/pack-objects.c b/pack-objects.c
index 5256029..c6250d7 100644
--- a/pack-objects.c
+++ b/pack-objects.c
@@ -68,8 +68,7 @@
 struct object_entry *packlist_find(struct packing_data *pdata,
-				   const struct object_id *oid,
-				   uint32_t *index_pos)
+				   const struct object_id *oid)
 	uint32_t i;
 	int found;
@@ -79,9 +78,6 @@
 	i = locate_object_entry_hash(pdata, oid, &found);
-	if (index_pos)
-		*index_pos = i;
 	if (!found)
 		return NULL;
@@ -153,8 +149,7 @@
 struct object_entry *packlist_alloc(struct packing_data *pdata,
-				    const unsigned char *sha1,
-				    uint32_t index_pos)
+				    const struct object_id *oid)
 	struct object_entry *new_entry;
@@ -177,12 +172,19 @@
 	new_entry = pdata->objects + pdata->nr_objects++;
 	memset(new_entry, 0, sizeof(*new_entry));
-	hashcpy(new_entry->idx.oid.hash, sha1);
+	oidcpy(&new_entry->idx.oid, oid);
 	if (pdata->index_size * 3 <= pdata->nr_objects * 4)
-	else
-		pdata->index[index_pos] = pdata->nr_objects;
+	else {
+		int found;
+		uint32_t pos = locate_object_entry_hash(pdata,
+							&new_entry->idx.oid,
+							&found);
+		if (found)
+			BUG("duplicate object inserted into hash");
+		pdata->index[pos] = pdata->nr_objects;
+	}
 	if (pdata->in_pack)
 		pdata->in_pack[pdata->nr_objects - 1] = NULL;
diff --git a/pack-objects.h b/pack-objects.h
index 857d438..6fe6ae5 100644
--- a/pack-objects.h
+++ b/pack-objects.h
@@ -183,12 +183,10 @@
 struct object_entry *packlist_alloc(struct packing_data *pdata,
-				    const unsigned char *sha1,
-				    uint32_t index_pos);
+				    const struct object_id *oid);
 struct object_entry *packlist_find(struct packing_data *pdata,
-				   const struct object_id *oid,
-				   uint32_t *index_pos);
+				   const struct object_id *oid);
 static inline uint32_t pack_name_hash(const char *name)
diff --git a/pack-write.c b/pack-write.c
index 29d17a9..f0017be 100644
--- a/pack-write.c
+++ b/pack-write.c
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
 			 struct pack_idx_entry **written_list,
 			 uint32_t nr_written,
 			 struct pack_idx_option *pack_idx_opts,
-			 unsigned char sha1[])
+			 unsigned char hash[])
 	const char *idx_tmp_name;
 	int basename_len = name_buffer->len;
@@ -358,18 +358,18 @@
 		die_errno("unable to make temporary pack file readable");
 	idx_tmp_name = write_idx_file(NULL, written_list, nr_written,
-				      pack_idx_opts, sha1);
+				      pack_idx_opts, hash);
 	if (adjust_shared_perm(idx_tmp_name))
 		die_errno("unable to make temporary index file readable");
-	strbuf_addf(name_buffer, "%s.pack", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+	strbuf_addf(name_buffer, "%s.pack", hash_to_hex(hash));
 	if (rename(pack_tmp_name, name_buffer->buf))
 		die_errno("unable to rename temporary pack file");
 	strbuf_setlen(name_buffer, basename_len);
-	strbuf_addf(name_buffer, "%s.idx", sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+	strbuf_addf(name_buffer, "%s.idx", hash_to_hex(hash));
 	if (rename(idx_tmp_name, name_buffer->buf))
 		die_errno("unable to rename temporary index file");
diff --git a/packfile.c b/packfile.c
index fc43a6c..355066d 100644
--- a/packfile.c
+++ b/packfile.c
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 #include "mergesort.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
 #include "delta.h"
-#include "list.h"
 #include "streaming.h"
 #include "sha1-lookup.h"
 #include "commit.h"
@@ -17,14 +16,15 @@
 #include "object-store.h"
 #include "midx.h"
 #include "commit-graph.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
 char *odb_pack_name(struct strbuf *buf,
-		    const unsigned char *sha1,
+		    const unsigned char *hash,
 		    const char *ext)
 	strbuf_addf(buf, "%s/pack/pack-%s.%s", get_object_directory(),
-		    sha1_to_hex(sha1), ext);
+		    hash_to_hex(hash), ext);
 	return buf->buf;
@@ -287,13 +287,6 @@
 	return 0;
-void release_pack_memory(size_t need)
-	size_t cur = pack_mapped;
-	while (need >= (cur - pack_mapped) && unuse_one_window(NULL))
-		; /* nothing */
 void close_pack_windows(struct packed_git *p)
 	while (p->windows) {
@@ -710,23 +703,12 @@
-static void try_to_free_pack_memory(size_t size)
-	release_pack_memory(size);
 struct packed_git *add_packed_git(const char *path, size_t path_len, int local)
-	static int have_set_try_to_free_routine;
 	struct stat st;
 	size_t alloc;
 	struct packed_git *p;
-	if (!have_set_try_to_free_routine) {
-		have_set_try_to_free_routine = 1;
-		set_try_to_free_routine(try_to_free_pack_memory);
-	}
 	 * Make sure a corresponding .pack file exists and that
 	 * the index looks sane.
@@ -1361,7 +1343,7 @@
 struct delta_base_cache_entry {
-	struct hashmap hash;
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	struct delta_base_cache_key key;
 	struct list_head lru;
 	void *data;
@@ -1381,7 +1363,7 @@
 static struct delta_base_cache_entry *
 get_delta_base_cache_entry(struct packed_git *p, off_t base_offset)
-	struct hashmap_entry entry;
+	struct hashmap_entry entry, *e;
 	struct delta_base_cache_key key;
 	if (!delta_base_cache.cmpfn)
@@ -1390,7 +1372,8 @@
 	hashmap_entry_init(&entry, pack_entry_hash(p, base_offset));
 	key.p = p;
 	key.base_offset = base_offset;
-	return hashmap_get(&delta_base_cache, &entry, &key);
+	e = hashmap_get(&delta_base_cache, &entry, &key);
+	return e ? container_of(e, struct delta_base_cache_entry, ent) : NULL;
 static int delta_base_cache_key_eq(const struct delta_base_cache_key *a,
@@ -1400,11 +1383,16 @@
 static int delta_base_cache_hash_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-				     const void *va, const void *vb,
+				     const struct hashmap_entry *va,
+				     const struct hashmap_entry *vb,
 				     const void *vkey)
-	const struct delta_base_cache_entry *a = va, *b = vb;
+	const struct delta_base_cache_entry *a, *b;
 	const struct delta_base_cache_key *key = vkey;
+	a = container_of(va, const struct delta_base_cache_entry, ent);
+	b = container_of(vb, const struct delta_base_cache_entry, ent);
 	if (key)
 		return !delta_base_cache_key_eq(&a->key, key);
@@ -1423,7 +1411,7 @@
 static void detach_delta_base_cache_entry(struct delta_base_cache_entry *ent)
-	hashmap_remove(&delta_base_cache, ent, &ent->key);
+	hashmap_remove(&delta_base_cache, &ent->ent, &ent->key);
 	delta_base_cached -= ent->size;
@@ -1487,8 +1475,8 @@
 	if (!delta_base_cache.cmpfn)
 		hashmap_init(&delta_base_cache, delta_base_cache_hash_cmp, NULL, 0);
-	hashmap_entry_init(ent, pack_entry_hash(p, base_offset));
-	hashmap_add(&delta_base_cache, ent);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&ent->ent, pack_entry_hash(p, base_offset));
+	hashmap_add(&delta_base_cache, &ent->ent);
 int packed_object_info(struct repository *r, struct packed_git *p,
@@ -2139,7 +2127,7 @@
 			oidset_insert(set, &parents->item->object.oid);
 	} else if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG) {
 		struct tag *tag = (struct tag *) obj;
-		oidset_insert(set, &tag->tagged->oid);
+		oidset_insert(set, get_tagged_oid(tag));
 	return 0;
@@ -2150,7 +2138,7 @@
 	static int promisor_objects_prepared;
 	if (!promisor_objects_prepared) {
-		if (repository_format_partial_clone) {
+		if (has_promisor_remote()) {
diff --git a/packfile.h b/packfile.h
index 3e98910..fc7904e 100644
--- a/packfile.h
+++ b/packfile.h
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
  * Does not unlink if 'force_delete' is false and the pack-file is
  * marked as ".keep".
-extern void unlink_pack_path(const char *pack_name, int force_delete);
+void unlink_pack_path(const char *pack_name, int force_delete);
  * Make sure that a pointer access into an mmap'd index file is within bounds,
diff --git a/parse-options.c b/parse-options.c
index 87b26a1..b42f54d 100644
--- a/parse-options.c
+++ b/parse-options.c
@@ -780,7 +780,8 @@
-		if (!arg[2]) { /* "--" */
+		if (!arg[2] /* "--" */ ||
+		    !strcmp(arg + 2, "end-of-options")) {
 			if (!(ctx->flags & PARSE_OPT_KEEP_DASHDASH)) {
diff --git a/parse-options.h b/parse-options.h
index a4bd40b..38a33a0 100644
--- a/parse-options.h
+++ b/parse-options.h
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@
+enum parse_opt_result {
+	PARSE_OPT_ERROR = -1,	/* must be the same as error() */
+	PARSE_OPT_DONE = 0,	/* fixed so that "return 0" works */
 struct option;
 typedef int parse_opt_cb(const struct option *, const char *arg, int unset);
@@ -241,15 +250,6 @@
 /*----- incremental advanced APIs -----*/
-enum parse_opt_result {
-	PARSE_OPT_ERROR = -1,	/* must be the same as error() */
-	PARSE_OPT_DONE = 0,	/* fixed so that "return 0" works */
  * It's okay for the caller to consume argv/argc in the usual way.
  * Other fields of that structure are private to parse-options and should not
diff --git a/patch-ids.c b/patch-ids.c
index e8c150d..12aa6d4 100644
--- a/patch-ids.c
+++ b/patch-ids.c
@@ -36,14 +36,16 @@
  * any significance; only that it is non-zero matters.
 static int patch_id_neq(const void *cmpfn_data,
-			const void *entry,
-			const void *entry_or_key,
+			const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			const void *unused_keydata)
 	/* NEEDSWORK: const correctness? */
 	struct diff_options *opt = (void *)cmpfn_data;
-	struct patch_id *a = (void *)entry;
-	struct patch_id *b = (void *)entry_or_key;
+	struct patch_id *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, struct patch_id, ent);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, struct patch_id, ent);
 	if (is_null_oid(&a->patch_id) &&
 	    commit_patch_id(a->commit, opt, &a->patch_id, 0, 0))
@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@
 int free_patch_ids(struct patch_ids *ids)
-	hashmap_free(&ids->patches, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&ids->patches, struct patch_id, ent);
 	return 0;
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@
 	if (commit_patch_id(commit, &ids->diffopts, &header_only_patch_id, 1, 0))
 		return -1;
-	hashmap_entry_init(patch, oidhash(&header_only_patch_id));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&patch->ent, oidhash(&header_only_patch_id));
 	return 0;
@@ -99,7 +101,7 @@
 	if (init_patch_id_entry(&patch, commit, ids))
 		return NULL;
-	return hashmap_get(&ids->patches, &patch, NULL);
+	return hashmap_get_entry(&ids->patches, &patch, ent, NULL);
 struct patch_id *add_commit_patch_id(struct commit *commit,
@@ -116,6 +118,6 @@
 		return NULL;
-	hashmap_add(&ids->patches, key);
+	hashmap_add(&ids->patches, &key->ent);
 	return key;
diff --git a/path.c b/path.c
index 25e97b8..e3da1f3 100644
--- a/path.c
+++ b/path.c
@@ -1221,31 +1221,52 @@
+ * If path ends with suffix (complete path components), returns the offset of
+ * the last character in the path before the suffix (sans trailing directory
+ * separators), and -1 otherwise.
+ */
+static ssize_t stripped_path_suffix_offset(const char *path, const char *suffix)
+	int path_len = strlen(path), suffix_len = strlen(suffix);
+	while (suffix_len) {
+		if (!path_len)
+			return -1;
+		if (is_dir_sep(path[path_len - 1])) {
+			if (!is_dir_sep(suffix[suffix_len - 1]))
+				return -1;
+			path_len = chomp_trailing_dir_sep(path, path_len);
+			suffix_len = chomp_trailing_dir_sep(suffix, suffix_len);
+		}
+		else if (path[--path_len] != suffix[--suffix_len])
+			return -1;
+	}
+	if (path_len && !is_dir_sep(path[path_len - 1]))
+		return -1;
+	return chomp_trailing_dir_sep(path, path_len);
+ * Returns true if the path ends with components, considering only complete path
+ * components, and false otherwise.
+ */
+int ends_with_path_components(const char *path, const char *components)
+	return stripped_path_suffix_offset(path, components) != -1;
  * If path ends with suffix (complete path components), returns the
  * part before suffix (sans trailing directory separators).
  * Otherwise returns NULL.
 char *strip_path_suffix(const char *path, const char *suffix)
-	int path_len = strlen(path), suffix_len = strlen(suffix);
+	ssize_t offset = stripped_path_suffix_offset(path, suffix);
-	while (suffix_len) {
-		if (!path_len)
-			return NULL;
-		if (is_dir_sep(path[path_len - 1])) {
-			if (!is_dir_sep(suffix[suffix_len - 1]))
-				return NULL;
-			path_len = chomp_trailing_dir_sep(path, path_len);
-			suffix_len = chomp_trailing_dir_sep(suffix, suffix_len);
-		}
-		else if (path[--path_len] != suffix[--suffix_len])
-			return NULL;
-	}
-	if (path_len && !is_dir_sep(path[path_len - 1]))
-		return NULL;
-	return xstrndup(path, chomp_trailing_dir_sep(path, path_len));
+	return offset == -1 ? NULL : xstrndup(path, offset);
 int daemon_avoid_alias(const char *p)
diff --git a/path.h b/path.h
index 2ba6ca5..14d6dca 100644
--- a/path.h
+++ b/path.h
@@ -193,4 +193,7 @@
 const char *git_path_fetch_head(struct repository *r);
 const char *git_path_shallow(struct repository *r);
+int ends_with_path_components(const char *path, const char *components);
 #endif /* PATH_H */
diff --git a/perl/Git/ b/perl/Git/
index 76b2965..4b28b87 100644
--- a/perl/Git/
+++ b/perl/Git/
@@ -1491,6 +1491,10 @@
 sub check_author {
 	my ($author) = @_;
+	if (defined $author) {
+		$author =~ s/^\s+//g;
+		$author =~ s/\s+$//g;
+	}
 	if (!defined $author || length $author == 0) {
 		$author = '(no author)';
diff --git a/po/README b/po/README
index aa704ff..07595d3 100644
--- a/po/README
+++ b/po/README
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
 emits gibberish on every call to gettext. To use it run the test suite
 with it, e.g.:
-    cd t && GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=YesPlease prove -j 9 ./t[0-9]*.sh
+    cd t && GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=true prove -j 9 ./t[0-9]*.sh
 If tests break with it you should inspect them manually and see if
 what you're translating is sane, i.e. that you're not translating
diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po
index d72d5b5..e1d10db 100644
--- a/po/bg.po
+++ b/po/bg.po
@@ -135,6 +135,10 @@
 # idx - index of pack file, 1 index per 1 packfile
 # midx - multi-pack index, for objects across multiple packfiles
 # overlay mode - припокриващ режим (при изтеглянe)
+# incremental file нарастващ файл
+# split (commit-graphr) раздробен (граф с подавания)
+# clobber (a tag) презаписвам (етикет)
+# blame извеждане на авторство
 # ------------------------
 # „$var“ - може да не сработва за shell има gettext и eval_gettext - проверка - намират се лесно по „$
 # ------------------------
@@ -153,8 +157,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git 2.22\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-05 08:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 12:25+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-10 12:33+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Alexander Shopov <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Bulgarian <>\n"
 "Language: bg\n"
@@ -163,37 +167,37 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%sподсказка: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Отбирането на подавания е блокирано от неслети файлове."
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Подаването е блокирано от неслети файлове."
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Сливането е блокирано от неслети файлове."
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Издърпването е блокирано от неслети файлове."
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Отмяната е блокирана от неслети файлове."
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Действието „%s“ е блокирано от неслети файлове."
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -201,38 +205,45 @@
 "Редактирайте ги в работното дърво, и тогава ползвайте „git add/rm ФАЙЛ“,\n"
 "за да отбележите коригирането им.  След това извършете подаването."
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Изход от програмата заради некоригиран конфликт."
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Не сте завършили сливане.  (Указателят „MERGE_HEAD“ съществува)."
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Промените трябва да се подадат преди сливане."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Изход от програмата заради незавършено сливане."
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
-"Бележка: изтегляне на „%s“.\n"
+"Бележка: преминаване към „%s“.\n"
 "Указателят „HEAD“ не е свързан.  Може да разглеждате, да правите произволни\n"
 "промени и да ги подавате.  Ако изтеглите нещо друго, всички промени ще "
@@ -240,11 +251,18 @@
 "забравени и никой клон няма да се промени.\n"
 "Ако искате да създадете нов клон, за да запазите подаванията си, можете да\n"
-"направите това като зададете име на клон към опцията „-b“ на командата\n"
-"„commit“.  Например:\n"
+"направите това като зададете име на клон към опцията „-c“ на командата\n"
+"„switch“.  Например:\n"
-"  git checkout -b ИМЕ_НА_НОВ_КЛОН\n"
+"    git switch -c ИМЕ_НА_НОВ_КЛОН\n"
+"Може да отмените това действие с командата:\n"
+"    git switch -\n"
+"Може да спрете това съобщение със задаване на настройката „advice."
+"да е „false“.\n"
 #: alias.c:50
 msgid "cmdline ends with \\"
@@ -254,100 +272,100 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr "кавичка без еш"
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "непозната опция за знаците за интервали „%s“"
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "непозната опция за игнориране на знаците за интервали „%s“"
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "опциите „--reject“ и „--3way“ са несъвместими"
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "опциите „--cached“ и „--3way“ са несъвместими"
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "като „--3way“, но извън хранилище"
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "като „--index“, но извън хранилище"
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "като „--cached“, но извън хранилище"
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "Регулярният израз за времето „%s“ не може за бъде компилиран"
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "Регулярният израз върна %d при подадена последователност „%s“ на входа"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "Липсва име на файл на ред %d от кръпката"
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: лош изход от командата „git-diff“ — на ред %2$d се очакваше „/dev/"
 "null“, а бе получен „%1$s“"
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: лош изход от командата „git-diff“ — на ред %d бе получено "
 "неправилно име на нов файл"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: лош изход от командата „git-diff“ — на ред %d бе получено "
 "неправилно име на стар файл"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: лош изход от командата „git-diff“ — на ред %d се очакваше „/dev/"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "грешен режим на ред №%d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "несъвместими заглавни части на редове №%d и №%d"
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "при повторното преброяване бе получен неочакван ред: „%.*s“"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "част от кръпка без заглавна част на ред %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -362,71 +380,71 @@
 "След съкращаването на първите %d части от компонентите на пътя, в заглавната "
 "част на „git diff“ липсва информация за име на файл (ред: %d)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr ""
 "в заглавната част на „git diff“ липсва информация за име на файл (ред: %d)"
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "новият файл зависи от старото съдържание на файла"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "изтритият файл не е празен"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "грешка в кръпката на ред %d"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "новият файл „%s“ зависи от старото съдържание на файла"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "изтритият файл „%s“ не е празен"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "● предупреждение: файлът „%s“ вече е празен, но не е изтрит"
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "грешка в двоичната кръпка на ред %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "неразпозната двоичната кръпка на ред %d"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "кръпката е с изцяло повредени данни на ред %d"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "символната връзка „%s“ не може да бъде прочетена"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде отворен или прочетен"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "неправилно начало на ред: „%c“"
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
@@ -435,13 +453,13 @@
 msgstr[1] ""
 "%d-то парче код бе успешно приложено на ред %d (отместване от %d реда)."
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr ""
 "Контекстът е намален на (%ld/%ld) за прилагането на парчето код на ред %d"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -450,317 +468,317 @@
 "при търсене за:\n"
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "липсват данните за двоичната кръпка за „%s“"
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "двоичната кръпка не може да се приложи в обратна посока, когато обратното "
 "парче за „%s“ липсва"
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr "към „%s“ не може да се приложи двоична кръпка без пълен индекс"
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
 msgstr "кръпката съответства на „%s“ (%s), който не съвпада по съдържание."
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "кръпката съответства на „%s“, който трябва да е празен, но не е"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr ""
 "необходимият резултат след операцията  — „%s“ за „%s“ не може да бъде "
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "двоичната кръпка не може да бъде приложена върху „%s“"
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "двоичната кръпка за „%s“ води до неправилни резултати (очакваше се: „%s“, а "
 "бе получено: „%s“)"
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "неуспешно прилагане на кръпка: „%s:%ld“"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се изтегли"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "изчитане на „%s“ след проследяване на символна връзка"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "обектът с път „%s“ е преименуван или изтрит"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "„%s“ не съществува в индекса"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "„%s“ не съответства на индекса"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "в хранилището липсват необходимите обекти-BLOB, за да се премине към тройно "
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Преминаване към тройно сливане…\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "текущото съдържание на „%s“ не може да бъде прочетено"
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Неуспешно преминаване към тройно сливане…\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Конфликти при прилагането на кръпката към „%s“.\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Кръпката бе приложена чисто към „%s“.\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "изтриващата кръпка оставя файла непразен"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "„%s“: неправилен вид"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "„%s“ е от вид „%o“, а се очакваше „%o“"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилен път: „%s“"
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "„%s“: вече съществува в индекса"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "„%s“: вече съществува в работното дърво"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "новите права за достъп (%o) на „%s“ не съвпадат със старите (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr ""
 "новите права за достъп (%o) на „%s“ не съвпадат със старите (%o) на „%s“"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "засегнатият файл „%s“ е след символна връзка"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "Кръпката „%s“ не може да бъде приложена"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Проверяване на кръпката „%s“…"
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr ""
 "информацията за сумата по SHA1 за подмодула липсва или не е достатъчна (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "смяна на режима на достъпа на „%s“, който не е в текущия връх „HEAD“"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "информацията за сумата по SHA1 липсва или не е достатъчна (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "неуспешно създаване на запис в кеша чрез „make_cache_entry“ за „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се добави към временния индекс"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "временният индекс не може да се запази в „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се извади от индекса"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "повредена кръпка за модула „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "не може да се получи информация чрез „stat“ за новосъздадения файл „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr ""
 "не може да се за създаде мястото за съхранение на новосъздадения файл „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "не може да се добави запис в кеша за „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "в „%s“ не може да се пише"
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "затваряне на файла „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да се запише с режим на достъп „%o“"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Кръпката „%s“ бе приложена чисто."
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "вътрешна грешка"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "Прилагане на кръпката „%%s“ с %d отхвърлено парче…"
 msgstr[1] "Прилагане на кръпката „%%s“ с %d отхвърлени парчета…"
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "съкращаване на името на файла с отхвърлените парчета на „ %.*s.rej“"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "%d-то парче бе успешно приложено."
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "%d-то парче бе отхвърлено."
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Пропусната кръпка: „%s“"
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "непознат вход"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "индексът не може да бъде записан"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "кръпката „%s“ не може да бъде отворена: %s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "пренебрегната е %d грешка в знаците за интервали"
 msgstr[1] "пренебрегнати са %d грешки в знаците за интервали"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d ред добавя грешки в знаците за интервали."
 msgstr[1] "%d реда добавят грешки в знаците за интервали."
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
@@ -769,144 +787,144 @@
 msgstr[1] ""
 "Добавени са %d реда след корекцията на грешките в знаците за интервали."
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Новият индекс не може да бъде записан"
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "път"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "без прилагане на промените напасващи на дадения път"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "прилагане на промените напасващи на дадения път"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "БРОЙ"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "премахване на този БРОЙ водещи елементи от пътищата в разликата"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "игнориране на редовете добавени от тази кръпка"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr "извеждане на статистика на промените без прилагане на кръпката"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr "извеждане на броя на добавените и изтритите редове"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr "извеждане на статистика на входните данни без прилагане на кръпката"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "проверка дали кръпката може да се приложи, без действително прилагане"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "проверка дали кръпката може да бъде приложена към текущия индекс"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "отбелязване на новите файлове с „git add --intent-to-add“"
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "прилагане на кръпката без промяна на работното дърво"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "прилагане на кръпка, която променя и файлове извън работното дърво"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr ""
 "кръпката да бъде приложена.  Опцията се комбинира с „--check“/„--stat“/„--"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "пробване с тройно сливане, ако кръпката не може да се приложи директно"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr ""
 "създаване на временен индекс на база на включената информация за индекса"
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "разделяне на пътищата с нулевия знак „NUL“"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "да се осигури контекст от поне такъв БРОЙ съвпадащи редове"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "действие"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr "засичане на нови или променени редове с грешки в знаците за интервали"
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr ""
 "игнориране на промените в знаците за интервали при откриване на контекста"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "прилагане на кръпката в обратна посока"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "без изискване на дори и един ред контекст"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "оставяне на отхвърлените парчета във файлове с разширение „.rej“"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "позволяване на застъпващи се парчета"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "повече подробности"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr "пренебрегване на неправилно липсващ знак за нов ред в края на файл"
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "без доверяване на номерата на редовете в заглавните части на парчетата"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "добавяне на тази НАЧАЛНА_ДИРЕКТОРИЯ към имената на всички файлове"
@@ -949,98 +967,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "не е обект-дърво: %s"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "текущата работна директория не е следена"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "ФОРМАТ"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "ФОРМАТ на архива"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "ПРЕФИКС"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "добавяне на този ПРЕФИКС към всеки път в архива"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "ФАЙЛ"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "запазване на архива в този ФАЙЛ"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "изчитане на „.gitattributes“ в работната директория"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "извеждане на архивираните файлове на стандартната грешка"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "само съхранение без компресиране"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "бързо компресиране"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "добро компресиране"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "извеждане на списъка с поддържаните формати"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "хранилище"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "изтегляне на архива от отдалеченото ХРАНИЛИЩЕ"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "команда"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "път към отдалечената команда „git-upload-archive“"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Неочаквана опция „--remote“"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "Опцията „--exec“ изисква „--remote“"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Неочаквана опция „--output“"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Непознат формат на архив: „%s“"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Аргументът не се поддържа за форма̀та „%s“: -%d"
@@ -1084,7 +1102,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "твърде дълъг път (%d знака, SHA1: %s): %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "грешка при декомпресиране с „deflate“ (%d)"
@@ -1186,12 +1204,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "необходима е версия „%s“"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде създаден"
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
@@ -1231,41 +1249,41 @@
 msgstr[0] "Двоично търсене: остава %d версия след тази %s\n"
 msgstr[1] "Двоично търсене: остават %d версии след тази %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "Опциите „--contents“ и „--reverse“ са несъвместими"
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "Опцията „--contents“ е несъвместима с име на обект от крайно подаване"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
 "Едновременното задаване на опциите „--reverse“ и „--first-parent“ изисква "
 "указването на крайно подаване"
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно настройване на обхождането на версиите"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
 "Едновременното задаване на опциите „--reverse“ и „--first-parent“ изисква "
 "указването на диапазон по веригата на първите наследници"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "няма път на име „%s“ в „%s“"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "обектът-BLOB „%s“ в пътя %s не може да бъде прочетен"
@@ -1398,12 +1416,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "Неправилно място за начало на клон: „%s“"
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ вече е изтеглен в „%s“"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ на работното дърво „%s“ не е обновен"
@@ -1418,8 +1436,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "непозната заглавна част: %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се отвори"
@@ -1428,61 +1446,65 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "В хранилището липсват следните необходими подавания:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "за проверката на пратка е необходимо хранилище"
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Пратката съдържа следния указател:"
 msgstr[1] "Пратката съдържа следните %d указатели:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "Пратката съдържа пълна история."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Пратката изисква следния указател:"
 msgstr[1] "Пратката изисква следните %d указатели:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "неуспешно дублиране на дескриптора на пратката с „dup“"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "Командата „git pack-objects“ не може да бъде стартирана"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "Командата „git pack-objects“ не завърши успешно"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "Командата „git rev-list“ не завърши успешно"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr ""
 "указателят „%s“ не е бил включен поради опциите зададени на „git rev-list“"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент: %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Създаването на празна пратка е невъзможно."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "Файлът „%s“ не може да бъде създаден"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "Командата „git index-pack“ не завърши успешно"
@@ -1491,8 +1513,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност за цвят: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се анализира"
@@ -1502,7 +1524,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s не е подаване!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1525,29 +1547,29 @@
 "    git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false"
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Подаването „%s“ е с недоверен подпис от GPG, който твърди, че е на „%s“."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Подаването „%s“ е с неправилен подпис от GPG, който твърди, че е на „%s“."
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "Подаването „%s“ е без подпис от GPG."
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "Подаването „%s“ е с коректен подпис от GPG на „%s“.\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1557,180 +1579,237 @@
 "Може да поправите подаването заедно със съобщението или може да\n"
 "зададете ползваното кодиране в настройката „i18n.commitencoding“.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr "файлът с гра̀фа на подаванията е твърде малък"
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr "отпечатъкът на гра̀фа с подаванията %X не съвпада с %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "версията на гра̀фа с подаванията %X не съвпада с %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "версията на контролната сума на гра̀фа с подаванията %X не съвпада с %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
 "записът в таблицата за откъси липсва, файлът за гра̀фа може да е непълен"
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr "неправилно отместване на откъс: %08x%08x"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr "откъсът %08x се явява многократно"
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "базовият откъс липсва в гра̀фа с подаванията"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "веригата на гра̀фа с подаванията не съвпада"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr ""
+"грешка във веригата на гра̀фа с подаванията: ред „%s“ не е контролна сума"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "някои файлове на гра̀фа с подаванията не могат да бъдат открити"
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr ""
+"неправилна позиция на подаването.  Вероятно графът с подаванията е повреден"
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "подаването „%s“ не може да бъде открито"
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "видът на обекта „%s“ не може да бъде определен"
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Зареждане на познатите подавания в гра̀фа с подаванията"
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Разширяване на достижимите подавания в гра̀фа"
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "Изчистване на отбелязванията на подаванията в гра̀фа с подаванията"
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr "Изчисляване на номерата на поколенията в гра̀фа с подаванията"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] "Откриване на подаванията в гра̀фа в %d пакетен файл"
 msgstr[1] "Откриване на подаванията в гра̀фа в %d пакетни файла"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "грешка при добавяне на пакетен файл „%s“"
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "грешка при отваряне на индекса на „%s“"
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] "Откриване на подаванията в гра̀фа измежду %d указател"
 msgstr[1] "Откриване на подаванията в гра̀фа измежду %d указатели"
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr "Откриване на подаванията в гра̀фа измежду пакетираните обекти"
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Преброяване на различните подавания в гра̀фа"
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr "форматът на гра̀фа с подаванията не може да запише %d подавания"
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "Откриване на още върхове в гра̀фа с подаванията"
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "прекалено много подавания за записване на гра̀фа"
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "правилният брой на базовите идентификатори не може да се запише"
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "родителските директории на „%s“ не могат да бъдат създадени"
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "пакетният файл „%s“ не може да бъде създаден"
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "Запазване на гра̀фа с подаванията в %d пас"
 msgstr[1] "Запазване на гра̀фа с подаванията в %d паса"
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "файлът с веригата на гра̀фа с подаванията не може да се отвори"
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "основният файл на гра̀фа с подаванията не може да бъде преименуван"
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "временният файл на гра̀фа с подаванията не може да бъде преименуван"
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "Търсене на подаванията със сливания"
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "неочакван, повтарящ се идентификатор на подаване: %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "Сливане на гра̀фа с подаванията"
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "форматът на гра̀фа с подаванията не може да запише %d подавания"
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "прекалено много подавания за записване на гра̀фа"
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr "графът с подаванията е с грешна сума за проверка — вероятно е повреден"
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr ""
 "неправилна подредба на обектите по идентификатор в гра̀фа с подаванията: „%s“ "
 "е преди „%s“, а не трябва"
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
 "неправилна стойност за откъс в гра̀фа с подаванията: fanout[%d] = %u, а "
 "трябва да е %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr "подаване „%s“ в гра̀фа с подаванията не може да се анализира"
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Проверка на подаванията в гра̀фа"
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
 "подаване „%s“ в базата от данни към гра̀фа с подаванията не може да се "
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr ""
 "идентификаторът на обект за кореновото дърво за подаване „%s“ в гра̀фа с "
 "подаванията е „%s“, а трябва да е „%s“"
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr "списъкът с родители на „%s“ в гра̀фа с подаванията е прекалено дълъг"
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr "родителят на „%s“ в гра̀фа с подаванията е „%s“, а трябва да е „%s“"
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr "списъкът с родители на „%s“ в гра̀фа с подаванията е прекалено къс"
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
@@ -1738,7 +1817,7 @@
 "номерът на поколението на подаване „%s“ в гра̀фа с подаванията е 0, а другаде "
 "не е"
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
@@ -1746,14 +1825,14 @@
 "номерът на поколението на подаване „%s“ в гра̀фа с подаванията не е 0, а "
 "другаде е"
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
 "номерът на поколението на подаване „%s“ в гра̀фа с подаванията е %u, а "
 "другаде е %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1764,7 +1843,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "паметта свърши"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1779,162 +1858,162 @@
 "    %s\n"
 "Това може да се дължи на зацикляне при вмъкването."
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "пътят за вмъкване „%s“не може да бъде разширен"
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "относителните вмъквания на конфигурации трябва да идват от файлове"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr "относителните условни изрази за вмъкване трябва да идват от файлове"
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "ключът не съдържа раздел: „%s“"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "ключът не съдържа име на променлива: „%s“"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен ключ: „%s“"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "неправилен ключ (нов ред): „%s“"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен конфигурационен параметър: „%s“"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "неправилен формат в „%s“"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "неправилен ред за настройки %d в BLOB „%s“"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "неправилен ред за настройки %d във файла „%s“"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "неправилен ред за настройки %d на стандартния вход"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "неправилен ред за настройки %d в BLOB за подмодул „%s“"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "неправилен ред за настройки %d на командния ред „%s“"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "неправилен ред за настройки %d в „%s“"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "извън диапазона"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "неправилна мерна единица"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "неправилна числова стойност „%s“ за „%s“: %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна числова стойност „%s“ за „%s“ в BLOB „%s“: %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна числова стойност „%s“ за „%s“ във файла „%s“: %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна числова стойност „%s“ за „%s“ на стандартния вход: %s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна числова стойност „%s“ за „%s“ в BLOB от подмодул „%s“: %s"
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна числова стойност „%s“ за „%s“ на командния ред „%s“: %s"
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна числова стойност „%s“ за „%s“ в %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "домашната папка на потребителя не може да бъде открита: „%s“"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "„%s“ не е правилна стойност за време за „%s“"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "дължината на съкращаване е извън интервала ([4; 40]): %d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "неправилно ниво на компресиране: %d"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "настройката „core.commentChar“ трябва да е само един знак"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен режим за създаването на обекти: %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност за „%s“"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност за „%s“: „%s“"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr ""
 "трябва да е една от следните стойности: „nothing“ (без изтласкване при липса "
@@ -1942,139 +2021,139 @@
 "„simple“ (клонът със същото име, от който се издърпва), „upstream“ (клонът, "
 "от който се издърпва) или „current“ (клонът със същото име)"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "неправилно ниво на компресиране при пакетиране: %d"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "обектът-BLOB „%s“ с конфигурации не може да се зареди"
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "указателят „%s“ не сочи към обект-BLOB"
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "обектът-BLOB „%s“ с конфигурации не може да бъде открит"
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде анализиран"
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "неправилни настройки от командния ред"
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr "неочаквана грешка при изчитането на конфигурационните файлове"
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправилен %s: „%s“"
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
 "непозната стойност „%s“ за настройката „core.untrackedCache“.  Ще се ползва "
 "стандартната стойност „keep“ (запазване)"
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr ""
 "стойността на „splitIndex.maxPercentChange“ трябва да е между 1 и 100, а не "
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "неразпозната стойност „%s“ от командния ред"
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "неправилна настройка „%s“ във файла „%s“ на ред №%d"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилно име на раздел: „%s“"
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "зададени са няколко стойности за „%s“"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "новият конфигурационен файл „%s“ не може да бъде запазен"
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "конфигурационният файл „%s“ не може да бъде заключен"
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "отваряне на „%s“"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен шаблон: %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "неправилен конфигурационен файл: „%s“"
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на „fstat“ върху „%s“"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на „mmap“ върху „%s“"
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "неуспешна смяна на права с „chmod“ върху „%s“"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "конфигурационният файл „%s“ не може да бъде записан"
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се зададе да е „%s“"
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се премахне"
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "неправилно име на раздел: %s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "липсва стойност за „%s“"
@@ -2243,19 +2322,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "неуспешно създаване на процес"
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Проверка на свързаността"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "Командата „git rev-list“ не може да бъде изпълнена."
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "неуспешен запис на списъка с версиите"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "стандартният вход на списъка с версиите не може да бъде затворен"
@@ -2484,7 +2563,7 @@
 "регулярният израз на групата в конфигурационния файл съдържа повече от "
 "максимално поддържаните (%d) прихващащи групи"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "Отбелязани са %d групи, работата приключи.\n"
@@ -2566,38 +2645,38 @@
 "Грешки в настройката „diff.dirstat“:\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr ""
 "външната програма за разлики завърши неуспешно.  Спиране на работата при „%s“"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
 "Опциите „--name-only“, „--name-status“, „--check“ и „-s“ са несъвместими "
 "една с друга"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Опциите „-G“, „-S“ и „--find-object“ са несъвместими една с друга"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "Опцията „--follow“ изисква точно един път"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност за „--stat“: %s"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "опцията „%s“ очаква число за аргумент"
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2606,44 +2685,44 @@
 "Неразпознат параметър към опцията „--dirstat/-X“:\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "непознат вид промяна: „%c“ в „--diff-filter=%s“"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "непозната стойност след „ws-error-highlight=%.*s“"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се открие"
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „%s“ изисква стойности за МИНИМАЛЕН_%%_ПРОМЯНА_ЗА_ИЗТОЧНИК_/"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "опцията „%s“ изисква знак, а не: „%s“"
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен аргумент за „--color-moved“: „%s“"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "неправилен режим „%s“ за „ --color-moved-ws“"
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
@@ -2652,153 +2731,153 @@
 "Майерс), „minimal“ (минимизиране на разликите), „patience“ (пасианс) и "
 "„histogram“ (хистограмен)"
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "неправилен аргумент към „%s“"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "неразпознат параметър към опцията „--submodule“: „%s“"
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен аргумент към „--word-diff“: „%s“"
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "Формат на изхода за разликите"
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "създаване на кръпки"
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "без извеждане на разликите"
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "БРОЙ"
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "файловете с разлики да са с контекст с такъв БРОЙ редове"
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "файловете с разлики да са в суров формат"
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "псевдоним на „-p --stat“"
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "псевдоним на „-p --stat“"
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "„--stat“ във формат за четене от програма"
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "извеждане само на последния ред на „--stat“"
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "ПАРАМЕТЪР_1, ПАРАМЕТЪР_2, …"
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr "извеждане на разпределението на промените за всяка поддиректория"
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "псевдоним на „--dirstat=cumulative“"
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "псевдоним на „--dirstat=ФАЙЛОВЕ,ПАРАМЕТЪР_1,ПАРАМЕТЪР_2,…“"
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "предупреждаване, ако промените водят до маркери за конфликт или грешки в "
 "празните знаци"
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr ""
 "съкратено резюме на създадените, преименуваните и файловете с промяна на "
 "режима на достъп"
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "извеждане само на имената на променените файлове"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "извеждане само на имената и статистиката за променените файлове"
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "извеждане на статистика за промените"
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "ШИРОЧИНА"
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "статистика с такава ШИРОЧИНА за промените"
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "статистика за промените с такава ШИРОЧИНА на имената"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "статистика за промените с такава ШИРОЧИНА на гра̀фа"
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "БРОЙ"
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "ограничаване на БРОя на редовете в статистиката за промените"
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "кратко резюме в статистиката за промените"
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "извеждане на двоична разлика във вид за прилагане"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr ""
 "показване на пълните имена на обекти в редовете за индекса при вариантите "
 "преди и след промяната"
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "разлики в цвят"
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr "ВИД"
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
@@ -2806,7 +2885,7 @@
 "грешките в празните знаци да се указват в редовете за контекста, вариантите "
 "преди и след разликата,"
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2814,257 +2893,257 @@
 "без преименуване на пътищата.  Да се използват нулеви байтове за разделители "
 "на полета в изхода при ползване на опцията „--raw“ или „--numstat“"
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr "ПРЕФИКС"
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "префикс вместо „a/“ за източник"
-#: diff.c:5357
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
 msgstr "префикс вместо „b/“ за цел"
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "добавяне на допълнителен префикс за всеки ред на изхода"
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "без префикс за източника и целта"
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на контекст между последователните парчета с разлики от указания "
 "БРОЙ редове"
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "ЗНАК"
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "знак вместо „+“ за нов вариант на ред"
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "знак вместо „-“ за стар вариант на ред"
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr "знак вместо „ “ за контекст"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "Настройки за разлики с преименуване"
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr ""
 "заместване на пълните промени с последователност от изтриване и създаване"
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "засичане на преименуванията"
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "без предварителен вариант при изтриване"
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "засичане на копиранията"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr "търсене на копирано и от непроменените файлове"
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "без търсене на преименувания"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "празни обекти като източник при преименувания"
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr ""
 "продължаване на извеждането на историята — без отрязването при преименувания "
 "на файл"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
 msgstr ""
 "без засичане на преименувания/копирания, ако броят им надвишава тази стойност"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "Опции към алгоритъма за разлики"
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "търсене на възможно най-малка разлика"
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "без промени в празните знаци при сравняване на редове"
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "без промени в празните знаци"
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "без промени в празните знаци в края на редовете"
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "без промени в знаците за край на ред"
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "без промени в редовете, които са изцяло от празни знаци"
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr ""
 "евристика за преместване на границите на парчетата за улесняване на четенето"
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "разлика чрез алгоритъм за подредба като пасианс"
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "разлика по хистограмния алгоритъм"
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "АЛГОРИТЪМ"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "избор на АЛГОРИТЪМа за разлики"
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "ТЕКСТ"
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "разлика чрез алгоритъма със закотвяне"
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "РЕЖИМ"
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr ""
 "разлика по думи, като се ползва този РЕЖИМ за отделянето на променените думи"
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "РЕГУЛЯРЕН_ИЗРАЗ за разделяне по думи"
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr "псевдоним на „--word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=РЕГУЛЯРЕН_ИЗРАЗ“"
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "различен цвят за извеждане на преместените редове"
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr ""
 "режим за прескачането на празните знаци при задаването на „--color-moved“"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "Други опции за разлики"
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
 "при изпълнение от поддиректория да се пренебрегват разликите извън нея и да "
 "се ползват относителни пътища"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "обработка на всички файлове като текстови"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "размяна на двата входа — обръщане на разликата"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr ""
 "завършване с код за състояние 1 при наличието на разлики, а в противен "
 "случай — с 0"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "без всякакъв изход от програмата"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "позволяване на изпълнение на външна помощна програма за разлики"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr ""
 "изпълнение на външни програми-филтри при сравнението на двоични файлове"
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "КОГА"
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr "игнориране на промените в подмодулите при извеждането на разликите"
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "ФОРМАТ"
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr "начин за извеждане на промените в подмодулите"
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "без включване в индекса на записите, добавени с „git add -N“"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "включване в индекса на записите, добавени с „git add -N“"
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "НИЗ"
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr "търсене на разлики, които променят броя на поява на указаните низове"
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -3072,57 +3151,57 @@
 "търсене на разлики, които променят броя на поява на низовете, които напасват "
 "на регулярния израз"
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr "извеждане на всички промени с „-G“/„-S“"
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr "НИЗът към „-S“ да се тълкува като разширен регулярен израз по POSIX"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr "управление на подредбата на файловете в изхода"
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr "търсене на разлики, които променят броя на поява на указания обект"
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)…[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "избор на файловете по вид разлика"
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "ФАЙЛ"
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "Изход към указания файл"
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "търсенето на преименувания на обекти съчетани с промени се прескача поради "
 "многото файлове."
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "установени са само точните копия на променените пътища поради многото "
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -3226,32 +3305,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "опцията „--stateless-rpc“ изисква  „multi_ack_detailed“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен плитък ред: „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен неплитък ред: „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ липсва"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "грешка в обекта: „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "не е открит плитък обект: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "очаква се плитък или не обект, а бе получено: „%s“"
@@ -3270,7 +3349,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "преустановяване"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "действието завърши"
@@ -3311,157 +3390,133 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "грешка в демултиплексора"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "Сървърът не поддържа плитки клиенти"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „multi_ack_detailed“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „no-done“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „multi_ack“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „side-band-64k“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „side-band“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „allow-tip-sha1-in-want“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „allow-reachable-sha1-in-want“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „ofs-delta“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "Сървърът поддържа филтри"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "Версията на сървъра е: %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "Сървърът поддържа „%s“"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "Сървърът не поддържа плитки клиенти"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "Сървърът не поддържа опцията „--shallow-since“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "Сървърът не поддържа опцията „--shallow-exclude“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "Сървърът не поддържа опцията „--deepen“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "няма общи подавания"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: неуспешно доставяне."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "Сървърът не поддържа плитки заявки"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "Сървърът поддържа филтри"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "невъзможно писане към отдалечено хранилище"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "грешка при прочитане на заглавната част на раздел „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "очаква се „%s“, а бе получено „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr "неочакван ред за потвърждение: „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "грешка при обработка на потвържденията: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr ""
 "очакваше се пакетният файл да бъде изпратен след отговор за готовност (ready)"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr ""
 "очакваше се след липса на отговор за готовност (ready) да не се се пращат "
 "други раздели"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "грешка при обработка на информация за дълбочината/плиткостта: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "очаква се искан указател, а бе получено: „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "неочакван искан указател: „%s“"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "грешка при обработката на исканите указатели: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "не може да бъде открит подходящ връх от отдалеченото хранилище"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "отдалеченото хранилище не изпрати всички необходими обекти."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "такъв отдалечен указател няма: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
-msgstr "Сървърът не позволява заявка за необявен „%s“"
+msgstr "Сървърът не позволява заявка за необявен обект „%s“"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "Програмата „gpg“ не подписа данните."
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "не може да се създаде временен файл"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "Програмата не успя да запише самостоятелния подпис в „%s“"
@@ -3471,18 +3526,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "прескачане на неправилния цвят „%.*s“ в „log.graphColors“"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "„%s“: файлът сочен от „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "не може да бъде получена информация чрез „stat“ за „%s“"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "„%s“: изчитането върна по-малко байтове от очакваното"
@@ -3552,7 +3607,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Това са най-често използваните команди на Git:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "неподдържан списък от команди „%s“"
@@ -3667,8 +3722,8 @@
-"  git config --global \"ИМЕ\"\n"
-"  git config --global \"ВАШЕТО ИМЕ\"\n"
+"    git config --global \"ИМЕ\"\n"
+"    git config --global \"ВАШЕТО ИМЕ\"\n"
 "и въведете данни за себе си.\n"
 "Ако пропуснете опцията „--global“, самоличността е само за текущото "
@@ -3705,7 +3760,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "името съдържа само непозволени знаци: „%s“"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен формат на дата: %s"
@@ -3737,6 +3792,11 @@
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr "поддръжката на филтри със „sparse:path“ е премахната"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "неправилен филтър: „%s“"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "не може да промените хранилището-гарант на непълно хранилище"
@@ -3769,8 +3829,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "кешът не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "неуспешно записване на новия индекс"
@@ -3797,98 +3857,98 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "грешка при изграждане на дърветата"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "грешка при създаването на пътя „%s“%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Изтриване на „%s“, за да се освободи място за поддиректория\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": възможно е да има конфликт директория/файл."
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "преустановяване на действието, за да не се изтрие неследеният файл „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ (%s) не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ (%s) се очакваше да е BLOB, а не е"
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се отвори: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "неуспешно създаване на символната връзка „%s“: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "не е ясно какво да се прави с обекта „%2$s“ (%3$s) с права за достъп „%1$06o“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Неуспешно сливане на подмодула „%s“ (не е изтеглен)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Неуспешно сливане на подмодула „%s“ (няма подавания)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr ""
 "Подмодулът „%s“ не може да бъде слят (базата за сливане не предшества "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Превъртане на подмодула „%s“ до следното подаване:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Превъртане на подмодула „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Неуспешно сливане на подмодула „%s“ (липсва сливането, което се предшества "
 "от подаванията)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Неуспешно сливане на подмодула „%s“ (не е превъртане)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Открито е сливане, което може да решава проблема със сливането на "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3904,31 +3964,31 @@
 "Това приема предложеното.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "Неуспешно сливане на подмодула „%s“ (открити са множество сливания)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Неуспешно вътрешно сливане"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се добави в базата с данни"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "Автоматично сливане на „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr "Грешка: за да не се изтрие неследеният файл „%s“, се записва в „%s“."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3937,7 +3997,7 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/изтриване): „%s“ е изтрит в %s, а „%s“ в %s.  Версия %s на „%s“ "
 "е оставена в дървото."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3946,7 +4006,7 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/изтриване): „%s“ е изтрит в %s, а „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в "
 "%s.  Версия %s на „%s“ е оставена в дървото."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3955,7 +4015,7 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/изтриване): „%s“ е изтрит в %s, а „%s“ в %s.  Версия %s на „%s“ "
 "е оставена в дървото: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3964,45 +4024,45 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/изтриване): „%s“ е изтрит в %s, а „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в "
 "%s.  Версия %s на „%s“ е оставена в дървото: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "преименуване"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "преименуван"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "Преустановяване на действието, за да не се изгуби промененият „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr ""
 "Отказ да се загуби неследеният файл „%s“, защото е на място, където пречи."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "КОНФЛИКТ (преименуване/добавяне): „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в клон „%s“, а "
 "„%s“ е добавен в „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "„%s“ е директория в „%s“, затова се добавя като „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr ""
 "Преустановяване на действието, за да не се изгуби неследеният файл „%s“.  "
 "Вместо него се добавя „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -4011,18 +4071,18 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (преименуване/преименуване): „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в клон "
 "„%s“, а „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в „%s“/%s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (некоригиран конфликт)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "КОНФЛИКТ (преименуване/преименуване): „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в клон "
 "„%s“, а „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -4033,7 +4093,7 @@
 "постави „%s“, защото няколко нови директории поделят съдържанието на "
 "директория „%s“, като никоя не съдържа мнозинство от файловете ѝ."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -4042,7 +4102,7 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (косвено преименуване на директория): следният файл или директория "
 "„%s“ не позволяват косвеното преименуване на следния път/ища: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -4052,7 +4112,7 @@
 "съответства на „%s“.  Косвено преименуване на директория води до поставянето "
 "на тези пътища там: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -4061,7 +4121,7 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (преименуване/преименуване): „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в клон "
 "„%s“, а „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
@@ -4070,52 +4130,52 @@
 "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: прескачане на преименуването на „%s“ на „%s“ в „%s“, защото "
 "„%s“ също е с променено име."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ не може да се прочете"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ не е BLOB"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "промяна"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "променен"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "съдържание"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "добавяне/добавяне"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "Прескачане на „%s“ (слетият резултат е идентичен със сегашния)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "ПОДМОДУЛ"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (%s): Конфликт при сливане на „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Добавяне като „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -4124,7 +4184,7 @@
 "Обновен път: „%s“ е добавен в „%s“ в директория, която е преименувана в "
 "„%s“.  Обектът се мести в „%s“."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -4133,7 +4193,7 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (места на файлове): „%s“ е добавен в „%s“ в директория, която е "
 "преименувана в „%s“.  Предложението е да преместите обекта в „%s“."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -4142,7 +4202,7 @@
 "Обновен път: „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в „%s“ в директория, която е "
 "преименувана в „%s“.  Обектът се мести в „%s“."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -4151,37 +4211,37 @@
 "КОНФЛИКТ (места на файлове): „%s“ е преименуван на „%s“ в „%s“ в директория, "
 "която е преименувана в „%s“.  Предложението е да преместите обекта в „%s“."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Изтриване на „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "файл/директория"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "директория/файл"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 "КОНФЛИКТ (%s): Съществува директория на име „%s“ в „%s“.  Добавяне на „%s“ "
 "като „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Добавяне на „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (добавяне/добавяне): Конфликт при сливане на „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -4190,135 +4250,140 @@
 "Сливането ще презапише локалните промени на тези файлове:\n"
 "    %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Вече е обновено!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно сливане на дърветата „%s“ и „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Сливане:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "открит е %u общ предшественик:"
 msgstr[1] "открити са %u общи предшественици:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "сливането не върна подаване"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "Неуспешен анализ на обекта „%s“"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Индексът не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "файлът с индекса за множество пакети „%s“ е твърде малък"
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr "отпечатъкът на индекса за множество пакети 0x%08x не съвпада с 0x%08x"
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "непозната версия на индекс за множество пакети — %d"
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "версията на отпечатъка %u не съвпада"
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "неправилно (прекалено голямо) отместване на откъс"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr ""
 "идентификаторът за краен откъс на индекс за множество пакети се явява по-"
 "рано от очакваното"
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "липсва откъс (pack-name) от индекс за множество пакети"
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "липсва откъс (OID fanout) от индекс за множество пакети"
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "липсва откъс (OID lookup) от индекс за множество пакети"
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "липсва откъс за отместванията на обекти от индекс за множество пакети"
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "неправилна подредба на имената в индекс за множество пакети: „%s“ се появи "
 "преди „%s“"
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr ""
 "неправилен идентификатор на пакет (pack-int-id): %u (от общо %u пакети)"
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr ""
 "индексът за множество пакети съдържа 64-битови отмествания, но размерът на "
 "„off_t“ е недостатъчен"
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr ""
 "грешка при създаването на пакетен файл на базата на индекс за множество "
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "пакетният файл „%s“ не може да бъде добавен"
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "индексът за пакети „%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "обект %d в пакетния файл липсва"
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "пакетният файл за триене „%s“ не може да се открие"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "индексът за множество пакети не може да бъде изчистен при „%s“"
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "Търсене на указаните пакетни файлове"
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
@@ -4326,52 +4391,60 @@
 "неправилна подредба на откъси (OID fanout): fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > "
 "%<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr ""
 "Проверка на подредбата на идентификатори на обекти в MIDX (файл с индекс към "
 "множество пакетни файлове)"
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr ""
 "неправилна подредба на откъси (OID lookup): oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "Подредба на обектите по пакетни файлове"
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "Проверка на отместването на обекти"
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "записът в пакета за обекта oid[%d] = %s не може да бъде зареден"
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "индексът на пакета „%s“ не може да бъде зареден"
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr "неправилно отместване на обект за oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "командата „pack-objects“ не може да бъде стартирана"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "командата „pack-objects“ не може да бъде завършена"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "не може да се създаде нишка за директории: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "не може да се създаде нишка за имена: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "не може да се изчака нишка за имена: %s"
@@ -4449,19 +4522,19 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "разлика в контролната сума: „%s“"
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr ""
 "отместване преди края на пакетния файл (възможно е индексът да е повреден)"
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr ""
 "отместване преди началото на индекса на пакетния файл „%s“ (възможно е "
 "индексът да е повреден)"
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4722,25 +4795,30 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "аргументът към опцията „--pretty“ не може да се анализира"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "командата за журнала с подавания „log“ не може да се стартира"
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr ""
 "изходът от командата за журнала с подавания „log“ не може да се прочете"
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "подаването „%s“ не може да бъде анализирано"
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "заглавната част на git „%.*s“ не може да се анализира"
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "неуспешно търсене на разлика"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "журналът с подаванията на „%s“ не може да бъде анализиран"
@@ -4860,11 +4938,10 @@
 msgstr "неподредени записи за „%s“"
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "файлът с индекса е повреден"
@@ -4920,12 +4997,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "грешки в индекса — в „%2$s“ се очаква „%1$s“, а бе получено „%3$s“"
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се затвори"
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на „stat“ върху „%s“"
@@ -5012,7 +5089,7 @@
 msgstr[0] "Пребазиране на „%s“ върху „%s“ (%d команди)"
 msgstr[1] "Пребазиране на „%s“ върху „%s“ (%d команда)"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -5021,7 +5098,7 @@
 "Не изтривайте редове.  Подаванията могат да се прескачат с командата "
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -5029,7 +5106,7 @@
 "Ако изтриете ред, съответстващото му подаване ще бъде ИЗТРИТО.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -5044,7 +5121,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -5054,12 +5131,12 @@
 "Ако изтриете всичко, пребазирането ще бъде преустановено.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "Празните подавания са коментирани"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се запише"
@@ -5095,97 +5172,98 @@
 "или „error“ (считане за грешка).\n"
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "„%s“ не сочи към позволен обект!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "игнориране на указател на обект извън клон „%s“"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "игнориране на повредения указател „%s“"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде отворен за запис: %s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "указателят „%s“ не може да се прочете"
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "указателят „%s“ вече съществува"
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "неочакван идентификатор на обект при записването на „%s“"
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "в „%s“ не може да се пише"
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде отворен за запис"
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "неочакван идентификатор на обект при изтриването на „%s“"
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "има пропуски в журнала с подаванията за указателя „%s“ след „%s“"
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "журналът с подаванията за указателя „%s“ свършва неочаквано след „%s“"
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "журналът с подаванията за указателя „%s“ е празен"
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "указател не може да се обнови с грешно име „%s“"
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "неуспешно обновяване на указателя „%s“: %s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "не са позволени повече от една промени на указателя „%s“"
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "обновяванията на указатели са забранени в среди под карантина"
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ съществува, не може да се създаде „%s“"
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "невъзможно е едновременно да се обработват „%s“ и „%s“"
@@ -5211,267 +5289,251 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилен указател: „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "изтрит"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "напред с %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "назад с %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "напред с %d, назад с %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "очакван формат: %%(color:ЦВЯТ)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "непознат цвят: %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "очаква се цяло число за „refname:lstrip=%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "очаква се цяло число за „refname:rstrip=%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент за „%%(%s)“: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) не приема аргументи"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент за %%(objectsize): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) не приема аргументи"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) не приема аргументи"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) не приема аргументи"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент „%%(trailers)“: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "очаква се положителна стойност за „contents:lines=%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент за %%(contents): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "очаква се положителна стойност за „objectname:short=%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент за %%(objectname): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "очакван формат: %%(align:ШИРОЧИНА,ПОЗИЦИЯ)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "непозната позиция: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "непозната широчина: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент за %%(align): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "очаква се положителна широчина с лексемата „%%(align)“"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент за „%%(if)“: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "неправилно име на обект: „%.*s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "непознато име на обект: „%.*s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr "не е хранилище на git, а полето „%.*s“ изисква достъп данни на обектни"
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(if) е използвана без съответната ѝ %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(then) е използвана без съответната ѝ %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(then) е използвана повече от един път"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(then) е използвана след %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(else) е използвана без съответната ѝ %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(else) е използвана без съответната ѝ %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(else) е използвана повече от един път"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "формат: лексемата %%(end) е използвана без съответната ѝ"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "неправилен форматиращ низ „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(извън клон, пребазиране на „%s“)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "извън клон, пребазиране на „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(извън клон, пребазиране на несвързан указател „HEAD“ при „%s“)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "извън клон, пребазиране на несвързан указател „HEAD“ при „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(извън клон, двоично търсене от „%s“)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "извън клон, двоично търсене от „%s“"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(Указателят „HEAD“ не е свързан и е при „%s“)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "извън клон"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не е свързан и е отделѐн от „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(извън клон)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ липсва за „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "неуспешно анализиране чрез „parse_object_buffer“ на „%s“ за „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "обект със сгрешен формат при „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "игнориране на указателя с грешно име „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "грешка във форма̀та: липсва лексемата %%(end)"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "опциите „%s“ и „--merged“ са несъвместими"
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "опциите „%s“ и „--no-merged“ са несъвместими"
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "неправилно име на обект „%s“"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "опцията „%s“ не сочи към подаване"
@@ -5818,8 +5880,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "Предварителният вариант на „%s“ е запазен"
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "Директорията „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
@@ -5853,20 +5915,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "директорията „rr-cache“ не може да се отвори"
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "Текущият клон е повреден"
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "Текущият клон „%s“ е без подавания "
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "опциите „--first-parent“ и „--bisect“ са несъвместими"
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „-L“ поддържа единствено форматирането на разликите според опциите „-"
@@ -5942,24 +6004,29 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде изтрит"
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде изтрит"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "отмяна"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "отбиране"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "неизвестно действие: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -5967,7 +6034,7 @@
 "след коригирането на конфликтите, отбележете съответните\n"
 "пътища с „git add ПЪТ…“ или „git rm ПЪТ…“."
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -5977,44 +6044,44 @@
 "пътища с „git add ПЪТ…“ или „git rm ПЪТ…“, след което\n"
 "подайте резултата с командата „git commit'“."
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се заключи"
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "краят на ред не може да се запише в „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се завърши"
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "локалните ви промени ще бъдат презаписани при %s."
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "подайте или скатайте промените, за да продължите"
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: превъртане"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "Несъществуващ режим на изчистване „%s“"
@@ -6022,70 +6089,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: новият индекс не може да бъде запазен"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "дървото на кеша не може да бъде обновено"
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "подаването, сочено от указателя „HEAD“, не може да бъде открито"
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "в „%.*s“ няма ключове"
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "цитирането на стойността на „%s“ не може да бъде изчистено"
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "файлът не може да бъде прочетен: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "настройката за автор „GIT_AUTHOR_NAME“ вече е зададена"
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "настройката за е-поща „GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL“ вече е зададена"
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "настройката за дата „GIT_AUTHOR_DATE“ вече е зададена"
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "непозната променлива „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "настройката за автор „GIT_AUTHOR_NAME“ липсва"
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "настройката за е-поща „GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL“ липсва"
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "настройката за дата „GIT_AUTHOR_DATE“ липсва"
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилен формат на дата „%s“ в „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -6114,17 +6181,17 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "запазване на начално подаване"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr ""
 "неуспешно изпълнение на куката при промяна на съобщението при подаване "
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -6153,7 +6220,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -6179,317 +6246,362 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "току що създаденото подаване не може да бъде открито"
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "току що създаденото подаване не може да бъде анализирано"
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr ""
 "състоянието сочено от указателя „HEAD“ не може да бъде открито след "
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "несвързан връх „HEAD“"
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (начално подаване)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "указателят „HEAD“ не може да бъде анализиран"
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "указателят „HEAD“ „%s“ сочи към нещо, което не е подаване!"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "върховото подаване „HEAD“ не може да бъде прочетено"
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "авторът на подаването не може да бъде анализиран"
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "Командата „git write-tree“ не успя да запише обект-дърво"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "съобщението за подаване не може да бъде прочетено от „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "обектът за подаването не може да бъде записан"
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "подаването „%s“ не може да бъде анализирано"
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "родителското подаване „%s“ не може да бъде анализирано"
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "непозната команда: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Това е обединение от %d подавания"
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "За вкарване в предходното подаване ви трябва указател „HEAD“"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "указателят „HEAD“ не може да се прочете"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr ""
 "съобщението за подаване към указателя „HEAD“ не може да бъде прочетено: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се запази"
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Това е 1-то съобщение при подаване:"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "съобщението за подаване към „%s“ не може да бъде прочетено"
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Това е съобщение при подаване №%d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Съобщение при подаване №%d ще бъде прескочено:"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "индексът не е слят."
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "началното подаване не може да се вкара в предходното му"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "подаването „%s“ е сливане, но не е дадена опцията „-m“"
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "подаването „%s“ няма родител %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "неуспешно извличане на съобщението за подаване на „%s“"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: неразпозната стойност за родителското подаване „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се преименува на „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "подаването „%s“… не може да бъде отменено: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "подаването „%s“… не може да бъде приложено: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: неуспешно изчитане на индекса"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: неуспешно обновяване на индекса"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не приема аргументи: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ изисква аргументи"
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "„%.*s“ не може да се анализира"
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "неправилен ред %d: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "Без предишно подаване не може да се изпълни „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "от „%s“ не може да се чете."
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "преустановяване на извършваното в момента отбиране на подавания"
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "преустановяване на извършваното в момента отмяна на подаване"
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "коригирайте това чрез „git rebase --edit-todo“."
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "неизползваем файл с описание на предстоящите действия: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "никое от подаванията не може да се разпознае."
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr ""
 "по време на отмяна на подаване не може да се извърши отбиране на подаване."
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "по време на отбиране не може да се извърши отмяна на подаване."
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност за „%s“: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "подаването, в което другите да се вкарат, не може да се използва"
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилен файл с опции: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "зададено е празно множество от подавания"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr ""
-"в момента вече се извършва отбиране на подавания или пребазиране на клона"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "в момента вече се извършва отмяна на подавания"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "използвайте „git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)“"
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "използвайте „git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)“"
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "в момента вече се извършва отбиране на подавания"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "използвайте „git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)“"
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
-msgstr "директорията за секвенсора „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
+msgstr ""
+"директорията за определянето на последователността „%s“ не може да бъде "
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "указателят „HEAD“ не може да се заключи"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr ""
 "в момента не се извършва отбиране на подавания или пребазиране на клона"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "Подаването сочено от указателя „HEAD“ не може да бъде открито"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr ""
 "действието не може да бъде преустановено, когато сте на клон, който тепърва "
 "предстои да бъде създаден"
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде прочетен: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "неочакван край на файл"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
 "запазеният преди започването на отбирането файл за указателя „HEAD“ — „%s“ е "
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr ""
 "Изглежда указателят „HEAD“ е променен.  Проверете към какво сочи.\n"
 "Не се правят промени."
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "в момента не тече пребазиране"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "в момента не се извършва отбиране на подавания"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "неуспешно прескачане на подаването"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "няма какво да се прескочи"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"подали ли сте вече?  Пробвайте с:\n"
+"    git %s --continue"
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се обнови"
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "указателят „HEAD“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се копира като „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6508,27 +6620,27 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "Подаването „%s“… не може да бъде приложено: „%.*s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "Невъзможно сливане на „%.*s“"
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се копира като „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "индексът не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6543,11 +6655,11 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
-msgstr "и промени индекса и/или работното дърво\n"
+msgstr "и променѝ индекса и/или работното дърво\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6564,76 +6676,76 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "неправилно име на етикет: „%.*s“"
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "запазване на фалшиво начално подаване"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "запазване на подаването, в което другите да се вкарат"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "дървото, сочено от „%s“, не може да бъде открито"
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "индексът не може да бъде записан"
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде открит"
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "без текущо подаване не може да се слива"
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "„%.*s“ не може да се анализира"
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "няма нищо за сливане: „%.*s“"
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr "върху начално подаване не може да се извърши множествено сливане"
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "съобщението за подаване към „%s“ не може да бъде получено"
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "сливането на „%.*s“ не може даже да започне"
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "сливане: новият индекс не може да бъде запазен"
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Автоматично скатаното е приложено.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде запазен"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6644,31 +6756,31 @@
 "надеждно скатани.  Можете да пробвате да ги приложите чрез „git stash pop“\n"
 "или да ги изхвърлите чрез „git stash drop“, когато поискате.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се изтегли"
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "„%s“ е неправилен идентификатор на обект"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "указателят „HEAD“ не може да се отдели"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Бе спряно при „HEAD“\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Бе спряно при „%s“\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6691,48 +6803,48 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Спиране при „%s“…  %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "непозната команда %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "указателят за „orig-head“ не може да се прочете"
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "указателят за „onto“ не може да се прочете"
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "„HEAD“ не може да бъде обновен до „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "не може да пребазирате, защото има промени, които не са в индекса."
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "несъществуващо подаване не може да се поправи"
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилен файл: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилно съдържание: „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6742,42 +6854,42 @@
 "В работното дърво има неподадени промени.  Първо ги подайте, а след това\n"
 "отново изпълнете „git rebase --continue“."
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде записан"
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "указателят „CHERRY_PICK_HEAD“ не може да бъде изтрит"
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "промените в индекса не могат да бъдат подадени."
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s: не може да се отбере „%s“"
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: неправилна версия"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "първоначалното подаване не може да бъде отменено"
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: неподдържани опции"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: грешка при подготовката на версии"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
@@ -6787,15 +6899,15 @@
 "continue“ след това.\n"
 "Може и да преустановите пребазирането с командата „git rebase --abort“.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "няма какво да се прави"
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "излишните команди за отбиране не бяха прескочени"
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "скриптът вече е преподреден."
@@ -7027,199 +7139,204 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "еталонното хранилище „%s“ е с присаждане"
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "неправилен ред при анализа на алтернативните указатели: „%s“"
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
 "неуспешен опит за „mmap“ %<PRIuMAX>, което е над позволеното %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на „mmap“"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "файлът с обектите „%s“ е празен"
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "непакетираният обект „%s“ е повреден"
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "грешни данни в края на непакетирания обект „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "неправилен вид обект"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
 "заглавната част „%s“ не може да се разпакетира с опцията „--allow-unknown-"
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "заглавната част на „%s“ не може да бъде разпакетирана"
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
 "заглавната част „%s“ не може да се анализира с опцията „--allow-unknown-type“"
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "заглавната част на „%s“ не може да бъде анализирана"
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "заместителят „%s“ на „%s“ не може да бъде открит"
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "непакетираният обект „%s“ (в „%s“) е повреден"
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "пакетираният обект „%s“ (в „%s“) е повреден"
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде записан"
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "правата за достъп до „%s“ не могат да бъдат зададени"
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "грешка при запис на файл"
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "грешка при затварянето на файла с непакетиран обект"
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
 "няма права за добавяне на обект към базата от данни на хранилището „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "не може да бъде създаден временен файл"
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "грешка при записа на файла с непакетиран обект"
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "новият обект „%s“ не може да се компресира с „deflate“: %d"
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "неуспешно приключване на „deflate“ върху „%s“: %d"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "грешка поради нестабилния източник данни за обектите „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "неуспешно задаване на време на достъп/създаване чрез „utime“ на „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "обектът за „%s“ не може да се прочете"
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "повредено подаване"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "повреден етикет"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "грешка при четене по време на индексиране на „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "непълно прочитане по време на индексиране на „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се вмъкне в базата от данни"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "неподдържан вид файл: „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "„%s“ е неправилен обект"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "„%s“ е неправилен обект от вид „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "неправилна контролна сума за „%s“ (трябва да е %s)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на „mmap“ върху „%s“"
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "заглавната част на „%s“ не може да бъде разпакетирана"
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "заглавната част на „%s“ не може да бъде анализирана"
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "съдържанието на „%s“ не може да бъде разпакетирано"
@@ -7239,7 +7356,7 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
@@ -7249,13 +7366,66 @@
 "шестнадесетични знака, защото стандартно те ще бъдат прескачани.\n"
 "Възможно е такива указатели да са създадени случайно.  Например:\n"
-"    git checkout -b $BRANCH $(git rev-parse…)\n"
+"    git switch -c $BRANCH $(git rev-parse …)\n"
 "където стойността на променливата на средата BRANCH е празна, при което се\n"
-"създава подобен указател.  Прегледайте тези указатели и ги изтрийте.  Можете "
+"създава подобен указател.  Прегледайте тези указатели и ги изтрийте.  Може "
 "спрете това съобщение като изпълните командата:\n"
-"„git config advice.objectNameWarning false“"
+"    git config advice.objectNameWarning false"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u байт"
+msgstr[1] "%u байта"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u байт/сек."
+msgstr[1] "%u байта/сек."
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
@@ -7292,7 +7462,7 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "записът за подмодула „%s“ (%s) е %s, а не подаване!"
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Не може да се открие към какво сочи указателят „HEAD“"
@@ -7331,7 +7501,7 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "Подмодулът „%s“ не може да се обнови."
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
@@ -7339,12 +7509,12 @@
 "не се поддържа „relocate_gitdir“ за подмодула „%s“, който има повече от едно "
 "работно дърво"
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "името на подмодула „%s“ не може да бъде намерено"
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7355,16 +7525,16 @@
 "„%s“ към\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "неуспешна обработка на поддиректориите в подмодула „%s“"
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "„ls-stat“ не може да се стартира в „..“"
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "„ls-tree“ завърши с неочакван изходен код: %d"
@@ -7537,15 +7707,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "неуспешно изтласкване на всички необходими подмодули"
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "опцията не се поддържа от протокола"
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "неправилен ред при анализа на алтернативните указатели: „%s“"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "неуспешен пълен запис към насрещната помощна програма"
@@ -7594,7 +7759,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "грешка при изпълнението на бързо внасяне"
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "указателят „%s“ не може да се прочете"
@@ -7649,27 +7814,27 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "насрещната помощна програма „%s“ не поддържа опции за изтласкване"
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr ""
 "насрещната помощна програма не поддържа изтласкване.  Необходимо е "
 "изброяване на указателите"
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr ""
 "насрещната помощна програма не поддържа „%s“ поддържа опцията „--force“"
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "не може да се извърши бързо изнасяне"
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "грешка при изпълнението на командата за бързо изнасяне"
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7678,47 +7843,47 @@
 "Няма общи указатели, не са указани никакви указатели — нищо няма да бъде\n"
 "направено.  Пробвайте да укажете клон, напр. “master“.\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен отговор в списъка с указатели: „%s“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно четене на „%s“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "неуспешен запис в „%s“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на нишката „%s“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "завършването на нишката „%s“ не може да се изчака: „%s“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "неуспешно стартиране на нишка за копиране на данните: „%s“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "процесът на „%s“ не успя да изчака чрез „waitpid“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на „%s“"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "неуспешно стартиране на нишка за копиране на данните"
@@ -7734,7 +7899,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "празно име на файл в запис в дърво"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "прекалено кратък файл-дърво"
@@ -7963,8 +8128,8 @@
 msgstr "Преустановяване на действието\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "Изтегляне на файлове"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "Обновяване на файлове"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -8005,33 +8170,33 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "неправилна част от пътя „..“"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr "„%s“ в основното работно дърво не е директорията на хранилището"
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
 "файлът „%s“ не съдържа абсолютния път към местоположението на работното дърво"
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "„%s“ не съществува."
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "„%s“ не е файл на .git, код за грешка: %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не сочи към обратно към „%s“"
@@ -8050,161 +8215,168 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "текущата работна директория е недостъпна"
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Неслети пътища:"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
-msgstr "  (използвайте „git reset %s ФАЙЛ…“, за да извадите ФАЙЛа от индекса)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (използвайте „git restore --staged ФАЙЛ…“, за да извадите ФАЙЛа от индекса)"
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (използвайте „git restore --source=%s --staged ФАЙЛ…“, за да извадите "
+"ФАЙЛа от индекса)"
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git rm --cached %s ФАЙЛ…“, за да извадите ФАЙЛа от индекса)"
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git add ФАЙЛ…“, за да укажете разрешаването на конфликта)"
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git add/rm ФАЙЛ…“, според решението, което избирате за "
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git rm ФАЙЛ…“, за да укажете разрешаването на конфликта)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Промени, които ще бъдат подадени:"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Промени, които не са в индекса за подаване:"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git add ФАЙЛ…“, за да обновите съдържанието за подаване)"
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git add/rm ФАЙЛ…“, за да обновите съдържанието за подаване)"
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (използвайте „git checkout -- ФАЙЛ…“, за да отхвърлите промените в "
-"работното дърво)"
+"  (използвайте „git restore ФАЙЛ…“, за да отхвърлите промените в работната "
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (подайте или отхвърлете неследеното или промененото съдържание в "
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git %s ФАЙЛ…“, за да определите какво включвате в подаването)"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "изтрити в двата случая:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "добавени от вас:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "изтрити от тях:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "добавени от тях:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "изтрити от вас:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "добавени и в двата случая:"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "променени и в двата случая:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "нов файл:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "копиран:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "изтрит:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "променен:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "преименуван:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "смяна на вида:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "непозната промяна:"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "неслят:"
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "нови подавания, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "променено съдържание, "
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "неследено съдържание, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "Има %d скатаване."
 msgstr[1] "Има %d скатавания."
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Подмодулите са променени, но не са обновени:"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Промени в подмодулите за подаване:"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -8212,257 +8384,260 @@
 "Не променяйте и не изтривайте горния ред.\n"
 "Всичко отдолу ще бъде изтрито."
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Изчисляването на броя различаващи се подавания отне %.2f сек.\n"
+"За да избегнете това, ползвайте „--no-ahead-behind“.\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Някои пътища не са слети."
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (коригирайте конфликтите и изпълнете „git commit“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (използвайте „git merge --abort“, за да преустановите сливането)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Всички конфликти са решени, но продължавате сливането."
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (използвайте „git commit“, за да завършите сливането)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "В момента прилагате поредица от кръпки чрез „git am“."
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "Текущата кръпка е празна."
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (коригирайте конфликтите и изпълнете „git am --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (използвайте „git am --skip“, за да пропуснете тази кръпка)"
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git am --abort“, за да възстановите първоначалния клон)"
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "„git-rebase-todo“ липсва."
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "Не са изпълнени команди."
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
-msgstr[0] "Последна изпълнена команда (изпълнена е общо %d команда):"
-msgstr[1] "Последна изпълнена команда (изпълнени са общо %d команди):"
+msgstr[0] "Последно изпълнена команда (изпълнена е общо %d команда):"
+msgstr[1] "Последно изпълнени команди (изпълнени са общо %d команди):"
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
-msgstr "  повече информация има във файла „%s“)"
+msgstr "  (повече информация има във файла „%s“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "Не остават повече команди."
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Следваща команда за изпълнение (остава още %d команда):"
-msgstr[1] "Следваща команда за изпълнение (остават още %d команди):"
+msgstr[1] "Следващи команди за изпълнение (остават още %d команди):"
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git rebase --edit-todo“, за да разгледате и редактирате)"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "В момента пребазирате клона „%s“ върху „%s“."
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "В момента пребазирате."
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (коригирайте конфликтите и използвайте „git rebase --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (използвайте „git rebase --skip“, за да пропуснете тази кръпка)"
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git rebase --abort“, за да възстановите първоначалния клон)"
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (всички конфликти са коригирани: изпълнете „git rebase --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "В момента разделяте подаване докато пребазирате клона „%s“ върху „%s“."
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "В момента разделяте подаване докато пребазирате."
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (След като работното ви дърво стане чисто, използвайте „git rebase --"
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "В момента редактирате подаване докато пребазирате клона „%s“ върху „%s“."
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "В момента редактирате подаване докато пребазирате."
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git commit --amend“, за да редактирате текущото подаване)"
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git rebase --continue“, след като завършите промените си)"
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr "В момента се извършва отбиране на подавания."
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "В момента отбирате подаването „%s“."
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (коригирайте конфликтите и изпълнете „git cherry-pick --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (за да продължите, изпълнете „git cherry-pick --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (всички конфликти са коригирани, изпълнете „git cherry-pick --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git cherry-pick --abort“, за да отмените всички действия с "
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr "В момента тече отмяна на подаване."
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "В момента отменяте подаване „%s“."
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (коригирайте конфликтите и изпълнете „git revert --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (за да продължите, изпълнете „git revert --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (всички конфликти са коригирани, изпълнете „git revert --continue“)"
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git revert --abort“, за да преустановите отмяната на "
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "В момента търсите двоично, като сте стартирали от клон „%s“."
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "В момента търсите двоично."
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (използвайте „git bisect reset“, за да се върнете към първоначалното "
 "състояние и клон)"
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "На клон "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "извършвате интерактивно пребазиране върху "
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "извършвате пребазиране върху "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не е свързан и е при "
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не е свързан и е отделѐн от "
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Извън всички клони."
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Първоначално подаване"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "Все още липсват подавания"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Неследени файлове"
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Игнорирани файлове"
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8471,35 +8646,35 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Бяха необходими %.2f секунди за изброяването на неследените файлове.\n"
 "Добавянето на опцията „-uno“ към командата „git status“, ще ускори\n"
-"изпълнението, но не трябва да забравяте ръчно да добавяте новите файлове.\n"
+"изпълнението, но ще трябва да добавяте новите файлове ръчно.\n"
 "За повече подробности погледнете „git status help“."
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Неследените файлове не са изведени%s"
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (използвайте опцията „-u“, за да изведете неследените файлове)"
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Няма промени"
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
 "към индекса за подаване не са добавени промени (използвайте „git add“ и/или "
 "„git commit -a“)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "към индекса за подаване не са добавени промени\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
@@ -8508,70 +8683,75 @@
 "към индекса за подаване не са добавени промени, но има нови файлове "
 "(използвайте „git add“, за да започне тяхното следене)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr "към индекса за подаване не са добавени промени, но има нови файлове\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "липсват каквито и да е промени (създайте или копирайте файлове и използвайте "
 "„git add“, за да започне тяхното следене)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "липсват каквито и да е промени\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "липсват каквито и да е промени (използвайте опцията „-u“, за да се изведат и "
 "неследените файлове)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "липсват каквито и да е промени, работното дърво е чисто\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "Все още липсват подавания в "
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (извън клон)"
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "различен"
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "назад с "
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "напред с "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "не може да извършите „%s“, защото има промени, които не са в индекса."
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "освен това в индекса има неподадени промени."
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "не може да извършите „%s“, защото в индекса има неподадени промени."
+#: compat/precompose_utf8.c:58 builtin/clone.c:453
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
+msgstr "неуспешно изтриване на „%s“"
 #: builtin/add.c:25
 msgid "git add [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
 msgstr "git add [ОПЦИЯ…] [--] ПЪТ…"
@@ -8581,7 +8761,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "неочакван изходен код при генериране на разлика: %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно обновяване на файловете"
@@ -8630,8 +8810,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Следните пътища ще бъдат игнорирани според някой от файловете „.gitignore“:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "пробно изпълнение"
@@ -8640,7 +8820,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "интерактивно отбиране на промени"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "интерактивен избор на парчета код"
@@ -8814,7 +8994,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Форматът на кръпката не може да бъде определен."
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "директорията „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
@@ -8823,7 +9003,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Кръпките не могат да бъдат разделени."
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "индексът не може да бъде записан"
@@ -8862,17 +9042,17 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "подаването не може да бъде анализирано: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "В хранилището липсват необходимите обекти-BLOB, за да се премине към тройно "
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr "Базовото дърво се реконструира от информацията в индекса…"
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8880,30 +9060,24 @@
 "Кръпката не може да се приложи към обектите-BLOB в индекса.\n"
 "Да не би да сте я редактирали на ръка?"
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "Преминаване към прилагане на кръпка към базата и тройно сливане…"
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Неуспешно сливане на промените."
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "прилагане върху празна история"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "не може да се продължи — „%s“ не съществува."
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr ""
-"За интерактивно изпълнение е необходимо стандартният\n"
-"вход да е свързан с терминал, а в момента не е."
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Тялото на кръпката за прилагане е:"
@@ -8911,39 +9085,40 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr ""
 "Прилагане? „y“ — да/„n“ — не/„e“ — редактиране/„v“ — преглед/„a“ — приемане "
 "на всичко:"
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "Индексът не е чист: кръпките не могат да бъдат приложени (замърсени са: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Прилагане: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Без промени — кръпката вече е приложена."
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "Неуспешно прилагане на кръпка при %s %.*s“"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
 "За да видите неуспешно приложени кръпки, използвайте опцията „git am --show-"
 "current-patch“ to see the failed patch"
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8953,7 +9128,7 @@
 "Ако няма друга промяна за включване в индекса, най-вероятно някоя друга\n"
 "кръпка е довела до същите промени и в такъв случай просто пропуснете тази."
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8964,17 +9139,17 @@
 "След корекция на конфликтите изпълнете „git add“ върху поправените файлове.\n"
 "За да приемете „изтрити от тях“, изпълнете „git rm“ върху изтритите файлове."
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "„%s“ не е разпознат като обект."
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "индексът не може да бъде изчистен"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -8985,149 +9160,149 @@
 "сочи към\n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Неправилна стойност за „--patch-format“: „%s“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [ОПЦИЯ…] [(ФАЙЛ_С_ПОЩА|ДИРЕКТОРИЯ_С_ПОЩА)…]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [ОПЦИЯ…] (--continue | --quit | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "интерактивна работа"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "изоставена опция, съществува по исторически причини, нищо не прави"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "да се преминава към тройно сливане при нужда."
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "без извеждане на информация"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "добавяне на ред за подпис „Signed-off-by“ в съобщението за подаване"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "прекодиране в UTF-8 (стандартно)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "подаване на опцията „-k“ на командата „git-mailinfo“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "подаване на опцията „-b“ на командата „git-mailinfo“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "подаване на опцията „-m“ на командата „git-mailinfo“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr ""
 "подаване на опцията „--keep-cr“ на командата „git-mailsplit“ за формат „mbox“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr ""
 "без подаване на опцията „--keep-cr“ на командата „git-mailsplit“ независимо "
 "от „am.keepcr“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "пропускане на всичко преди реда за отрязване"
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "прекарване през „git-apply“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "БРОЙ"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "ФОРМАТ"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "формат на кръпките"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "избрано от вас съобщение за грешка при прилагане на кръпки"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "продължаване на прилагането на кръпки след коригирането на конфликт"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "псевдоними на „--continue“"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "прескачане на текущата кръпка"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr ""
 "възстановяване на първоначалното състояние на клона и преустановяване на "
 "прилагането на кръпката."
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr ""
 "преустановяване на прилагането на кръпката без промяна към кое сочи „HEAD“."
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "показване на прилаганата кръпка."
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "дата за подаване различна от първоначалната"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "използване на текущото време като това за автор"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "подписване на подаванията с GPG"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(ползва се вътрешно за „git-rebase“)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -9135,18 +9310,18 @@
 "Опциите „-b“/„--binary“ отдавна не правят нищо и\n"
 "ще бъдат премахнати в бъдеще.  Не ги ползвайте."
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "неуспешно изчитане на индекса"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr ""
 "предишната директория за пребазиране „%s“ все още съществува, а е зададен "
 "файл „mbox“."
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -9155,10 +9330,14 @@
 "Открита е излишна директория „%s“.\n"
 "Можете да я изтриете с командата „git am --abort“."
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "В момента не тече операция по коригиране и няма как да се продължи."
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr "интерактивният режим изисква кръпки на командния ред"
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [ОПЦИЯ…] [КРЪПКА…]"
@@ -9390,81 +9569,86 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "Неправилен указател „HEAD“ — необичаен символен указател"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "неправилен указател: „%s“"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "извършване на „git bisect next“"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "запазване на управляващите думи в „“.git/BISECT_TERMS„“"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "изчистване на състоянието на двоичното търсене"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "проверка за очакваните версии"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "изчистване на състоянието на двоичното търсене"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "запис на състоянието на двоичното търсене в „BISECT_LOG“"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr ""
 "проверка и задаване на управляващи думи към състоянието на двоичното търсене"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr "проверка дали съществуват одобряващи/отхвърлящи управляващи думи"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "извеждане на управляващите думи"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "начало на двоично търсене"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr ""
 "обновяване на указателя „BISECT_HEAD“ вместо да се използва текущото подаване"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "липсва запис за „BISECT_WRITE“"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "опцията „--write-terms“ изисква точно 2 аргумента"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "опцията „--bisect-clean-state“ не приема аргументи"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "опцията „--bisect-reset“ изисква или 0 аргументи, или 1 — подаване"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "опцията „--bisect-write“ изисква 4 или 5 аргумента"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "опцията „--check-and-set-terms“ изисква 3 аргумента"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "опцията „--bisect-next-check“ изисква 2 или 3 аргумента"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "опцията „--bisect-terms“ изисква 0 или 1 аргумента"
@@ -9476,152 +9660,169 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "ОПЦИИте_ЗА_ВЕРСИЯТА са документирани в ръководството git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "трябва да е цвят: %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "трябва да завършва с цвят"
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "неправилен цвят „%s“ в „color.blame.repeatedLines“"
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност за „blame.coloring“"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
-msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
-msgstr "Извеждане на анотациите с намирането им, последователно"
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "версията за прескачане „%s“ не може да бъде открита"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
+msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
+msgstr "Извеждане на авторството с намирането му, последователно"
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Извеждане на празни суми по SHA1 за граничните подавания (стандартно опцията "
 "е изключена)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Началните подавания да не се считат за гранични (стандартно опцията е "
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Извеждане на статистика за извършените действия"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Принудително извеждане на напредъка"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
-msgstr "Извеждане на допълнителна информация за определянето на анотациите"
+msgstr "Извеждане на допълнителна информация за определянето на авторството"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr ""
 "Извеждане на първоначалното име на файл (стандартно това е автоматично)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Извеждане на първоначалният номер на ред (стандартно опцията е изключена)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Извеждане във формат за по-нататъшна обработка"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr ""
 "Извеждане във формат за команди от потребителско ниво с информация на всеки "
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Използване на същия формат като „git-annotate“ (стандартно опцията е "
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Извеждане на неформатирани времена (стандартно опцията е изключена)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Извеждане на пълните суми по SHA1 (стандартно опцията е изключена)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Без име на автор и време на промяна (стандартно опцията е изключена)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Извеждане на е-пощата на автора, а не името му (стандартно опцията е "
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Без разлики в знаците за интервали"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "ВЕРС"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "Прескачане на ВЕРСията при извеждане на авторството"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "Прескачане на версиите указани във ФАЙЛа при извеждане на авторството"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr ""
 "оцветяване на повтарящите се метаданни от предишния ред в различен цвят"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr "оцветяване на редовете по възраст"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "Подобряване на разликите чрез експериментална евристика"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Допълнителни изчисления за по-добри резултати"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "Изчитане на версиите от ФАЙЛ, а не чрез изпълнение на „git-rev-list“"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Използване на съдържанието на ФАЙЛа като крайно положение"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "напасване на редовете"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr ""
 "Търсене на копирани редове както в рамките на един файл, така и от един файл "
 "към друг"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr ""
 "Търсене на преместени редове както в рамките на един файл, така и от един "
 "файл към друг"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr ""
 "Информация само за редовете в диапазона от n до m включително.  Броенето "
 "започва от 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--progress“ е несъвместима с „--incremental“ и форма̀та на командите "
@@ -9635,20 +9836,20 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "преди 4 години и 11 месеца"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "има само %2$lu ред във файла „%1$s“"
 msgstr[1] "има само %2$lu реда във файла „%1$s“"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
-msgstr "Анотирани редове"
+msgstr "Редове с авторство"
 #: builtin/branch.c:29
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]"
@@ -9678,7 +9879,7 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [ОПЦИЯ…] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9687,7 +9888,7 @@
 "изтриване на клона „%s“, който е слят към „%s“,\n"
 "    но още не е слят към върха „HEAD“."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9696,12 +9897,12 @@
 "отказване на изтриване на клона „%s“, който не е слят към\n"
 "    „%s“, но е слят към върха „HEAD“."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "Обектът-подаване за „%s“ не може да бъде открит"
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -9710,122 +9911,122 @@
 "Клонът „%s“ не е слят напълно.  Ако сте сигурни, че искате\n"
 "да го изтриете, изпълнете „git branch -D %s“."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Неуспешно обновяване на конфигурационния файл"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "Опцията „-a“ е несъвместима с опцията „-d“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "Обектът-подаване, сочен от указателя „HEAD“, не може да бъде открит"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "Не можете да изтриете клона „%s“, който е изтеглен в пътя „%s“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "следящият клон „%s“ не може да бъде открит."
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "клонът „%s“ не може да бъде открит."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Грешка при изтриването на следящия клон „%s“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Грешка при изтриването на клона „%s“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Изтрит следящ клон „%s“ (той сочеше към „%s“).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Изтрит клон „%s“ (той сочеше към „%s“).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "форматиращият низ не може да бъде анализиран: %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "подаването, сочено от указателя „HEAD“, не може да се установи"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "„HEAD“ (%s) сочи извън директорията „refs/heads“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "Клонът „%s“ се пребазира върху „%s“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "Търси се двоично в клона „%s“ при „%s“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "не можете да копирате текущия клон, защото сте извън който и да е клон"
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
 "не можете да преименувате текущия клон, защото сте извън който и да е клон"
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправилно име на клон: „%s“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Неуспешно преименуване на клон"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Неуспешно копиране на клон"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Клонът с неправилно име „%s“ е копиран"
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "Клонът с неправилно име „%s“ е преименуван"
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "Клонът е преименуван на „%s“, но указателят „HEAD“ не е обновен"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Клонът е преименуван, но конфигурационният файл не е обновен"
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Клонът е копиран, но конфигурационният файл не е обновен"
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9836,183 +10037,183 @@
 "    %s\n"
 "Редовете, които започват с „%c“, ще бъдат пропуснати.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Общи настройки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на контролната сума и темата.  Повтарянето на опцията прибавя "
 "отдалечените клони"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "без информационни съобщения"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "задаване на режима на следене (виж git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "да не се ползва"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "клон-източник"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "смяна на клона-източник"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "без клон-източник"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "цветен изход"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "действие върху следящите клони"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "извеждане само на клоните, които съдържат това ПОДАВАНЕ"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "извеждане само на клоните, които не съдържат това ПОДАВАНЕ"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Специални действия на „git-branch“:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "извеждане както на следящите, така и на локалните клони"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "изтриване на клони, които са напълно слети"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "изтриване и на клони, които не са напълно слети"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr ""
 "преместване/преименуване на клон и принадлежащият му журнал на указателите"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "преместване/преименуване на клон, дори ако има вече клон с такова име"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "копиране на клон и принадлежащия му журнал на указателите"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "копиране на клон, дори ако има вече клон с такова име"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "извеждане на имената на клоните"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "извеждане на името на текущия клон"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "създаване на журнала на указателите на клона"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "редактиране на описанието на клона"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "принудително създаване, преместване, преименуване, изтриване"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "извеждане само на слетите клони"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "извеждане само на неслетите клони"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "извеждане по колони"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "ОБЕКТ"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "извеждане само на клоните на ОБЕКТА"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "подредбата и филтрирането третират еднакво малките и главните букви"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "ФОРМАТ за изхода"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "В директорията „refs/heads“ липсва файл „HEAD“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "Опциите „--column“ и „--verbose“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "Необходимо е име на клон"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "Не може да зададете описание на несвързан „HEAD“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "Не може да редактирате описанието на повече от един клон едновременно"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "В клона „%s“ все още няма подавания."
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "Липсва клон на име „%s“."
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "прекалено много клони за копиране"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "прекалено много аргументи към командата за преименуване"
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "прекалено много аргументи към командата за следене"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
@@ -10020,35 +10221,39 @@
 "Следеното от „HEAD“ не може да се зададе да е „%s“, защото то не сочи към "
 "никой клон."
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Няма клон на име „%s“."
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "Не съществува клон на име „%s“."
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "прекалено много аргументи към командата за спиране на следене"
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
 "Следеното от „HEAD“ не може да махне, защото то не сочи към никой клон."
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "Няма информация клонът „%s“ да следи някой друг"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
-msgstr "Опциите „-a“ и „-r“ на „git branch“ са несъвместими с име на клон"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
+msgstr ""
+"Опциите „-a“ и „-r“ на „git branch“ са несъвместими с име на клон.\n"
+"Пробвайте с: „-a|-r --list ШАБЛОН“"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -10069,7 +10274,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "За приемането на пратка е необходимо хранилище."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -10077,7 +10282,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | ВИД | --textconv --filters) [--path=ПЪТ] ОБЕКТ"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -10085,79 +10290,79 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "може да укажете само една пакетна опция"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr ""
 "ВИДът може да е: „blob“ (BLOB), „tree“ (дърво), „commit“ (подаване), "
 "„tag“ (етикет)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "извеждане на вида на обект"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "извеждане на размера на обект"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "изход с 0, когато няма грешка"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "форматирано извеждане на съдържанието на обекта"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr ""
 "да се стартира програмата зададена в настройката „textconv“ за преобразуване "
 "на съдържанието на обекта-BLOB"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr ""
 "да се стартират програмите за преобразуване на съдържанието на обектите-BLOB"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "обект-BLOB"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "опциите „--textconv“/„--filters“ изискват път"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "позволяване на опциите „-s“ и „-t“ да работят с повредени обекти"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "буфериране на изхода от „--batch“"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на информация и съдържание на обектите подадени на стандартния вход"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "извеждане на информация за обектите подадени на стандартния вход"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr ""
 "следване на символните връзки сочещи в дървото (ползва се с „--batch“ или „--"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "извеждане на всички обекти с „--batch“ или „--batch-check“"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "без подреждане на изхода от „--batch-all-objects“"
@@ -10185,8 +10390,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "разделяне на входните и изходните записи с нулевия знак „NUL“"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "без показване на напредъка"
@@ -10276,9 +10481,9 @@
 msgstr "записване на съдържанието във временни файлове"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "НИЗ"
@@ -10290,92 +10495,115 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "копиране на файловете от това състояние на сливане"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [ОПЦИЯ…] КЛОН"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [ОПЦИЯ…] [КЛОН] -- ФАЙЛ…"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [ОПЦИЯ…] КЛОН"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [ОПЦИЯ…] [--source=КЛОН] ФАЙЛ…"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "вашата версия липсва в пътя „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "чуждата версия липсва в пътя „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "някоя от необходимите версии липсва в пътя „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "някоя от необходимите версии липсва в пътя „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "пътят „%s“ не може да бъде слян"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Резултатът за „%s“ не може да бъде слян"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "Опцията „%s“ е несъвместима с обновяването на пътища"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "Опцията „%s“ е несъвместима с „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Невъзможно е едновременно да обновявате пътища и да преминете към клона „%s“."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "пътят „%s“ не е слят"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "Пресъздаден е %d конфликт при сливане"
 msgstr[1] "Пресъздадени са %d конфликта при сливане"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "Обновен е %d път от „%s“"
 msgstr[1] "Обновени са %d пътя от „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "Обновен е %d път от индекса"
 msgstr[1] "Обновени са %d пътя от индекса"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "опцията „%s“ е несъвместима с обновяването на пътища"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "опцията „%s“ е несъвместима с „%s“"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Невъзможно е едновременно да обновявате пътища и да преминете към клона „%s“."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "не е указано нито „%s“, нито „%s“"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "опцията „%s“ е задължителна, когато „%s“ не е зададена"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "опцията „%3$s“ е несъвместима както с „%1$s“, така и с „%2$s“"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "пътят „%s“ не е слят"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "първо трябва да коригирате индекса си"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -10385,55 +10613,55 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr "локалните промени в тези файлове ще се презапишат: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Журналът на указателите за „%s“ не може да се проследи: %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ в момента сочи към"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не може да бъде обновен"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Зануляване на клона „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Вече сте на „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Преминаване към клона „%s“ и зануляване на промените\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Преминахте към новия клон „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Преминахте към клона „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr "… и още %d.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10455,7 +10683,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10473,190 +10701,249 @@
 "Ако все пак искате да запазите тази промяна чрез създаване на клон,\n"
 "сега е най-подходящият за това чрез командата:\n"
-" git branch ИМЕ_НА_НОВИЯ_КЛОН %s\n"
+"    git branch ИМЕ_НА_НОВИЯ_КЛОН %s\n"
 msgstr[1] ""
 "Ако все пак искате да запазите тези промени чрез създаване на клон,\n"
 "сега е най-подходящият за това чрез командата:\n"
-" git branch ИМЕ_НА_НОВИЯ_КЛОН %s\n"
+"    git branch ИМЕ_НА_НОВИЯ_КЛОН %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "вътрешна грешка при обхождането на версиите"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "Преди това „HEAD“ сочеше към"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
-msgstr "В момента сте на клон, който предстои да бъде създаден"
+msgstr "В момента сте на клон, който все още не е създаден"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "очаква се само един указател"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
-msgstr "очакваше се един указател, а сте подали %d."
+msgstr "очаква се един указател, а сте подали %d."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
 "Please use -- (and optionally --no-guess) to disambiguate"
 msgstr ""
-"„%s“ може да е както локален файл, така и следящ клон.  За доуточвяване\n"
+"„%s“ може да е както локален файл, така и следящ клон.  За уточняване\n"
 "ползвайте разделителя „--“ (и евентуално опцията „--no-guess“)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен указател: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "указателят не сочи към обект-дърво: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "очаква се клон, а не етикет — „%s“"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "очаква се локален, а не отдалечен клон — „%s“"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "очаква се клон, а не „%s“"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "очаква се клон, а не подаване — „%s“"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"по време на сливане не може да преминете към друг клон.\n"
+"Пробвайте с „git merge --quit“ или „git worktree add“."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"по време на прилагане на поредица от кръпки не може да преминете към друг "
+"Пробвайте с „git am --quit“ или „git worktree add“."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"по време на пребазиране не може да преминете към друг клон.\n"
+"Пробвайте с „git rebase --quit“ или „git worktree add“."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"по време на отбиране на подавания не може да преминете към друг клон.\n"
+"Пробвайте с „git cherry-pick --quit“ или „git worktree add“."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"по време на отмяна на подавания не може да преминете към друг клон.\n"
+"Пробвайте с „git revert --quit“ или „git worktree add“."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "преминаване към друг клон по време на двоично търсене"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "задаването на път е несъвместимо с преминаването от един клон към друг"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "опцията „%s“ е несъвместима с преминаването от един клон към друг"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "опцията „%s“ е несъвместима с „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "опцията „%s“ е несъвместима със задаването на НАЧАЛО"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "За да преминете към клон, подайте указател, който сочи към подаване.  „%s“ "
 "не е такъв"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "клон"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "липсва аргумент — клон или подаване"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "създаване и преминаване към нов клон"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "създаване/зануляване на клон и преминаване към него"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "създаване на журнал на указателите за нов клон"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "отделяне на указателя „HEAD“ към указаното подаване"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "задаване на кой клон бива следен при създаването на новия клон"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "НОВ_КЛОН"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "нов клон без родител"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "изтегляне на вашата версия на неслетите файлове"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "изтегляне на чуждата версия на неслетите файлове"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "принудително изтегляне (вашите промени ще бъдат занулени)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr "извършване на тройно сливане с новия клон"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "обновяване на игнорираните файлове (стандартно)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
-msgid "style"
-msgstr "СТИЛ"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr "действие при конфликт (сливане или тройна разлика)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "без ограничаване на изброените пътища само до частично изтеглените"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr ""
-"без опит за отгатване на име на клон след неуспешен опит с „git checkout "
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr "без проверка дали друго работно дърво държи указателя"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "извеждане на напредъка"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "използване на припокриващ режим (стандартно)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
+msgstr "извършване на тройно сливане с новия клон"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr "СТИЛ"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr "действие при конфликт (сливане или тройна разлика)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "отделяне на указателя „HEAD“ към указаното подаване"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "задаване на кой клон бива следен при създаването на новия клон"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "принудително изтегляне (вашите промени ще бъдат занулени)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "НОВ_КЛОН"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "нов клон без родител"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "обновяване на игнорираните файлове (стандартно)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr "без проверка дали друго работно дърво държи указателя"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "изтегляне на вашата версия на неслетите файлове"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "изтегляне на чуждата версия на неслетите файлове"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "без ограничаване на изброените пътища само до частично изтеглените"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Опциите „-b“, „-B“ и „--orphan“ са несъвместими една с друга"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "опциите „-p“ и „--overlay“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "опцията „--track“ изисква име на клон"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "липсва име на клон, използвайте опцията „-b“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде открит"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "трябва да укажете поне един път за възстановяване"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "указан е неправилен път"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr "„%s“ не е подаване, затова от него не може да се създаде клон „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: опцията „--detach“ не приема аргумент-път „%s“"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -10664,7 +10951,7 @@
 "git checkout: опциите „--ours“/„--theirs“, „--force“ и „--merge“\n"
 "са несъвместими с изтегляне от индекса."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10694,6 +10981,72 @@
 "    checkout.defaultRemote=origin"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "клон"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "създаване и преминаване към нов клон"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "създаване/зануляване на клон и преминаване към него"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "създаване на журнал на указателите за нов клон"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr ""
+"опит за отгатване на име на клон след неуспешен опит с „git checkout "
+"НЕСЪЩЕСТВУВАЩ_КЛОН“ (стандартно)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "използване на припокриващ режим (стандартно)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "създаване и преминаване към нов клон"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "създаване/зануляване на клон и преминаване към него"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr ""
+"опит за отгатване на име на клон след неуспешен опит с „git switch "
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "зануляване на локалните промени"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr "към кой указател към дърво да се премине"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "възстановяване на индекса"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "възстановяване на работното дърво (стандартно)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "пренебрегване на неслетите елементи"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "използване на припокриващ режим"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -10724,7 +11077,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде изтрит"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "не може да се получи информация чрез „lstat“ за „%s“\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10737,7 +11095,7 @@
 "ПРЕФИКС    — избор на единствен обект по този уникален префикс\n"
 "           — (празно) нищо да не се избира\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10758,39 +11116,39 @@
 "*          — избиране на всички обекти\n"
 "           — (празно) завършване на избирането\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Неправилен избор (%s).\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Шаблони за игнорирани елементи≫ "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Никой обект не напасва на „%s“"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Избиране на обекти за изтриване"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Да се изтрие ли „%s“? „y“ —  да, „N“ — НЕ"
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Изход.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10808,64 +11166,64 @@
 "help                — този край\n"
 "?                   — подсказка за шаблоните"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "●●● Команди ●●●"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Избор на следващо действие"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Следният обект ще бъде изтрит:"
 msgstr[1] "Следните обекти ще бъдат изтрити:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "Файловете за изчистване свършиха.  Изход от програмата."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "без извеждане на имената на файловете, които ще бъдат изтрити"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "принудително изтриване"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "интерактивно изтриване"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "изтриване на цели директории"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "ШАБЛОН"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "добавяне на ШАБЛОН от файлове, които да не се трият"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "изтриване и на игнорираните файлове"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "изтриване само на игнорирани файлове"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "опциите „-x“ и „-X“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
@@ -10873,7 +11231,7 @@
 "Настройката „clean.requireForce“ е зададена като истина, което изисква някоя "
 "от опциите „-i“, „-n“ или „-f“.  Няма да се извърши изчистване"
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
@@ -10882,160 +11240,164 @@
 "което изисква някоя от опциите „-i“, „-n“ или „-f“.  Няма да се извърши "
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [ОПЦИЯ…] [--] ХРАНИЛИЩЕ [ДИРЕКТОРИЯ]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "без създаване на работно дърво"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "създаване на голо хранилище"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr ""
 "създаване на хранилище-огледало (включва опцията „--bare“ за голо хранилище)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "клониране от локално хранилище"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "без твърди връзки, файловете винаги да се копират"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "настройване за споделено хранилище"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "път"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "инициализиране на подмодулите при това клониране"
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "брой подмодули, клонирани паралелно"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "директория с шаблони"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "директория, която съдържа шаблоните, които да се ползват"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "еталонно хранилище"
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "опцията „--reference“ може да се използва само при клониране"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "ИМЕ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "използване на това ИМЕ вместо „origin“ при проследяване на клони"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "изтегляне на този КЛОН, а не соченият от отдалечения указател „HEAD“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "път към командата „git-upload-pack“ на отдалеченото хранилище"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "ДЪЛБОЧИНА"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "плитко клониране до тази ДЪЛБОЧИНА"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "ВРЕМЕ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "плитко клониране до момент във времето"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
-msgstr "версия"
+msgstr "ВЕРСИЯ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr "задълбочаване на историята на плитко хранилище до изключващ указател"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr ""
 "клониране само на един клон — или сочения от отдалечения „HEAD“, или изрично "
 "зададения с „--branch“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr ""
 "без клониране на етикети, като последващите доставяния няма да ги следят"
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "всички клонирани подмодули ще са плитки"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "отделна СЛУЖЕБНА_ДИРЕКТОРИЯ за git извън работното дърво"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "задаване на настройките на новото хранилище"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "специфични за сървъра"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr "опция за пренос"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "само адреси IPv4"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "само адреси IPv6"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr "всички клонирани подмодули ще ползват следящите си клони"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -11043,151 +11405,148 @@
 "Името на директорията не може да бъде отгатнато.\n"
 "Задайте директорията изрично на командния ред"
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: не може да се добави алтернативен източник на „%s“: %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "директорията „%s“ не може да бъде отворена"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "„%s“ съществува и не е директория"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "не може да бъде получена информация чрез „stat“ за „%s“\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "неуспешно итериране по „%s“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
-msgstr "неуспешно изтриване на „%s“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "връзката „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът не може да бъде копиран като „%s“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "неуспешно итериране по „%s“"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "действието завърши.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Клонирането бе успешно за разлика от подготовката на работното дърво\n"
 "за определен клон.  Все пак можете да проверите кои файлове и от кой\n"
 "клон в момента са изтеглени с командата „git status“.  Можете да\n"
-"завършите изтеглянето на клона с командата „git checkout -f HEAD“.\n"
+"завършите изтеглянето на клона с командата:\n"
+"    git restore --source=HEAD :/\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr ""
 "Клонът „%s“ от отдалеченото хранилище, което клонирате,\n"
 "и който следва да бъде изтеглен, не съществува."
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ не може да бъде обновен"
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "указателят „HEAD“ от отдалеченото хранилище сочи към нещо,\n"
 "което не съществува.  Не може да се изтегли определен клон.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "работното дърво не може да бъде подготвено"
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "настройките не могат да бъдат записани в конфигурационния файл"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "не може да се извърши пакетиране за изчистване на файловете"
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "временният файл за алтернативни обекти не може да бъде изтрит"
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Прекалено много аргументи."
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Трябва да укажете кое хранилище искате да клонирате."
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "опциите „--bare“ и „--origin %s“ са несъвместими."
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "опциите „--bare“ и „--separate-git-dir“ са несъвместими."
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "не съществува хранилище „%s“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "дълбочината трябва да е положително цяло число, а не „%s“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "целевият път „%s“ съществува и не е празна директория."
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "в „%s“ вече съществува работно дърво."
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "родителските директории на „%s“ не могат да бъдат създадени"
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "работното дърво в „%s“ не може да бъде създадено."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Клониране и създаване на голо хранилище в „%s“…\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Клониране и създаване на хранилище в „%s“…\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
@@ -11195,44 +11554,44 @@
 "Опцията „--recursive“ е несъвместима с опциите „--reference“ и „--reference-"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "При локално клониране опцията „--depth“ се прескача.  Ползвайте схемата "
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "При локално клониране опцията „--shallow-since“ се прескача.  Ползвайте "
 "схемата „file://“."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "При локално клониране опцията „--shallow-exclude“ се прескача.  Ползвайте "
 "схемата „file://“."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "При локално клониране опцията „--filter“ се прескача.  Ползвайте схемата "
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "клонираното хранилище е плитко, затова опцията „--local“ се прескача"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "опцията „--local“ се прескача"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "Отдалеченият клон „%s“ липсва в клонираното хранилище „%s“"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Изглежда клонирахте празно хранилище."
@@ -11281,7 +11640,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "прескачане на повтарящ се родител: „%s“"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "неправилно име на обект: „%s“"
@@ -11309,13 +11668,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "ИДЕНТИФИКАТОР на обекта за подаването-родител"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "СЪОБЩЕНИЕ"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "СЪОБЩЕНИЕ при подаване"
@@ -11323,8 +11682,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "изчитане на съобщението за подаване от ФАЙЛ"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "подписване на подаването с GPG"
@@ -11372,80 +11731,89 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "В противен случай използвайте командата „git reset“\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr ""
+"В противен случай използвайте командата:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Ако искате да прескочите това подаване, използвайте командата:\n"
+"след това изпълнете:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
-"Чрез командата „git cherry-pick --continue“ ще продължите отбирането на\n"
-"останалите подавания.\n"
+"и ще продължите да отбирате останалите подавания.\n"
+"За да прескочите това подаване, изпълнете:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "върховото дърво (HEAD tree object) не може да бъде извадено от пакет"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "временният индекс не може да бъде създаден"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно интерактивно добавяне"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "временният индекс не може да бъде обновен"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Дървото на основния кеш не може да бъде обновено"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "новият индекс не може да бъде записан"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "по време на сливане не може да се извърши частично подаване."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "по време на отбиране не може да се извърши частично подаване."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "индексът не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "временният индекс не може да бъде записан"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "заглавната част за автор в подаването „%s“ липсва"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "заглавната част за автор в подаването „%s“ е неправилна"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "неправилен параметър към опцията „--author“"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -11453,38 +11821,38 @@
 "не може да се избере знак за коментар — в текущото съобщение за подаване са "
 "използвани всички подобни знаци"
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "следното подаване не може да бъде открито: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(изчитане на съобщението за подаване от стандартния вход)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "съобщението за подаване не бе прочетено стандартния вход"
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът със съобщението за подаване „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "съобщението за вкарване SQUASH_MSG не може да бъде прочетено"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "съобщението за сливане MERGE_MSG не може да бъде прочетено"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "шаблонът за подаване не може да бъде запазен"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11496,10 +11864,10 @@
 "Изглежда, че подавате сливане.  Ако това не е така, изтрийте файла:\n"
-"  %s\n"
+"    %s\n"
 "и опитайте отново.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11512,10 +11880,10 @@
 "Изглежда, че извършвате отбрано подаване.  Ако това не е така, изтрийте "
-"  %s\n"
+"    %s\n"
 "и опитайте отново.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11524,7 +11892,7 @@
 "Въведете съобщението за подаване на промените.  Редовете, които започват\n"
 "с „%c“, ще бъдат пропуснати, а празно съобщение преустановява подаването.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11535,151 +11903,151 @@
 "с „%c“, също ще бъдат включени — може да ги изтриете вие.  Празно \n"
 "съобщение преустановява подаването.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sАвтор:   %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sДата:    %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sПодаващ: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "Индексът не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Грешка при изграждане на дърветата"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Подайте съобщението с някоя от опциите „-m“ или „-F“.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
 "Опцията „--author '%s'“ не отговаря на форма̀та „Име <е-поща>“ и не съвпада с "
 "никой автор"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправилен режим за игнорираните файлове: „%s“"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправилен режим за неследените файлове: „%s“"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "Опциите „--long“ и „-z“ са несъвместими."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "Опциите „--reset-author“ и „--author“ са несъвместими."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "Няма какво да бъде поправено."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "В момента се извършва сливане, не можете да поправяте."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "В момента се извършва отбиране на подаване, не можете да поправяте."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Опциите „--squash“ и „--fixup“ са несъвместими."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Опциите „-c“, „-C“, „-F“ и „--fixup““ са несъвместими."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "Опцията „-m“ е несъвместима с „-c“, „-C“ и „-F“."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr ""
 "Опцията „--reset-author“ може да се използва само заедно с „-C“, „-c“ или\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
 "Опциите „--include“, „--only“, „--all“, „--interactive“ и „--patch“ са\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "Опциите „--include“ и „--only“ изискват аргументи."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "опцията „-a“ е несъвместима със задаването на пътища: „%s…“"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "кратка информация за състоянието"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "информация за клоните"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "информация за скатаното"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "изчисляване на точните стойности напред/назад"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "версия"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "формат на изхода за четене от програма"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "подробна информация за състоянието (стандартно)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "разделяне на елементите с нулевия знак „NUL“"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "РЕЖИМ"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на неследените файлове.  Възможните РЕЖИМи са „all“ (подробна "
 "информация), „normal“ (кратка информация), „no“ (без неследените файлове).  "
 "Стандартният РЕЖИМ е: „all“."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
@@ -11688,11 +12056,11 @@
 "„traditional“ (традиционен), „matching“ (напасващи), „no“ (без игнорираните "
 "файлове).  Стандартният РЕЖИМ е: „traditional“."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "КОГА"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
@@ -11701,240 +12069,261 @@
 "една от „all“ (всички), „dirty“ (тези с неподадени промени), "
 "„untracked“ (неследени)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "извеждане на неследените файлове в колони"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "без засичане на преименуванията"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "засичане на преименуванията, може да се зададе коефициент на прилика"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr "Неподдържана комбинация от аргументи за игнорирани и неследени файлове"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "без информация след успешно подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "добавяне на разликата към шаблона за съобщението при подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Опции за съобщението при подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "взимане на съобщението от ФАЙЛ"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "АВТОР"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "задаване на АВТОР за подаването"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "ДАТА"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "задаване на ДАТА за подаването"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "ПОДАВАНЕ"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "преизползване и редактиране на съобщението от указаното ПОДАВАНЕ"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "преизползване на съобщението от указаното ПОДАВАНЕ"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "използване на автоматичното съобщение за вкарване на указаното ПОДАВАНЕ в "
 "предходното без следа"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "използване на автоматичното съобщение за вкарване на указаното ПОДАВАНЕ в "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr ""
 "смяна на автора да съвпада с подаващия (използва се с „-C“/„-c“/„--amend“)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "добавяне на поле за подпис — „Signed-off-by:“"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "използване на указания шаблонен ФАЙЛ"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "редактиране на подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "вмъкване на състоянието в шаблона за съобщението при подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Опции за избор на файлове при подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "подаване на всички променени файлове"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "добавяне на указаните файлове към индекса за подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "интерактивно добавяне на файлове"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "интерактивно добавяне на промени"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "подаване само на указаните файлове"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr ""
 "без изпълнение на куките преди подаване и при промяна на съобщението за "
 "подаване (pre-commit и commit-msg)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "отпечатване на това, което би било подадено"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "поправяне на предишното подаване"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "без изпълнение на куката след презаписване (post-rewrite)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "позволяване на празни подавания"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "позволяване на подавания с празни съобщения"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Повреден файл за върха за сливането „MERGE_HEAD“ (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "режимът на сливане „MERGE_MODE“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "съобщението за подаване не може да бъде прочетено: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Неизвършване на подаване поради празно съобщение.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "Неизвършване на подаване поради нередактирано съобщение.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "хранилището е обновено, но новият файл за индекс „new_index“\n"
 "не е записан.  Проверете дали дискът не е препълнен или не сте\n"
-"превишили дисковата си квота.  След това изпълнете „git reset HEAD“."
+"превишили дисковата си квота.  За възстановяване изпълнете:\n"
+"    git restore --staged :/"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir ДИР_ОБЕКТИ]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir ДИР_ОБЕКТИ]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir ДИР_ОБЕКТИ]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
+msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir ДИР_ОБЕКТИ] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir ДИР_ОБЕКТИ] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir ДИР_ОБЕКТИ] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] ОПЦИИ_ЗА_РАЗДЕЛЯНЕ"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "директория"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "ДИРекторията_с_ОБЕКТИ за запазване на гра̀фа"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr ""
+"ако гра̀фа с подаванията е раздробен, да се проверява само файлът на върха"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "Графът с подаванията не може да се отвори: „%s“"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "обхождането да започне от всички указатели"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr ""
 "проверка на подаванията за индексите на пакетите изброени на командния ред"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr "започване на обхождането при подаванията подадени на стандартния вход"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr ""
 "включване на всички подавания, които вече са във файла с гра̀фа на подаванията"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "позволяване на запис на нарастващ файл с гра̀фа на подаванията"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr "максимален брой подавания в небазово ниво на раздробен граф"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+"максимално отношение на броя подавания в две последователни нива в раздробен "
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr ""
 "опциите „--reachable“, „--stdin-commits“ и „--stdin-packs“ са несъвместими"
@@ -11943,7 +12332,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [ОПЦИЯ…]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "непознат аргумент „--type“: %s"
@@ -12053,7 +12442,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Вид"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "стойността е от този вид"
@@ -12099,7 +12488,7 @@
 "извеждане на мястото на задаване на настройката (файл, стандартен вход, "
 "обект-BLOB, команден ред)"
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "СТОЙНОСТ"
@@ -12399,7 +12788,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "да не се търси измежду етикетите напасващи този ШАБЛОН"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "извеждане на съкратено име на обект като резервен вариант"
@@ -12577,159 +12966,196 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "не е зададена команда за „--extcmd=КОМАНДА“"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] ОПЦИИ ПРОМЕНЛИВИ"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "ВИД"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr "стандартна, резервна стойност за „git_env_*(…)“"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr ""
+"без извеждане на информация — стойността на „git_env_*()“ да е изходен код"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+"опцията „--default“ изисква булева стойност при „--type=bool“, а не „%s“"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
+"опцията „--default“ изисква целочислена стойност без знак при „--"
+"type=ulong“, а не „%s“"
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [ОПЦИИ_ЗА_СПИСЪКА_С_ВЕРСИИ]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "Съобщение за напредъка на всеки такъв БРОЙ обекта"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "Как да се обработват подписаните етикети"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "Как да се обработват етикетите на филтрираните обекти"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr ""
+"как да се обработват съобщенията за подаване, които са в друго кодиране"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Запазване на маркерите в този ФАЙЛ"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Внасяне на маркерите от този ФАЙЛ"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "Да се използва изкуствено име на човек при липса на задаващ етикета"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Извеждане на цялото дърво за всяко подаване"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Използване на маркер за завършване на потока"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Без извеждане на съдържанието на обектите-BLOB"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Прилагане на УКАЗАТЕЛя_НА_ВЕРСИЯ към изнесените указатели"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "анонимизиране на извежданата информация"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
 "Указване на родителите, които не са в потока на бързо изнасяне, с "
 "идентификатор на обект"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "Извеждане на първоначалните идентификатори на обектите BLOB/подавяния"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [ОПЦИЯ…] [ХРАНИЛИЩЕ [УКАЗАТЕЛ…]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [ОПЦИЯ…] ГРУПА"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [ОПЦИЯ…] [(ХРАНИЛИЩЕ | ГРУПА)…]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [ОПЦИЯ…]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "доставяне от всички отдалечени хранилища"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "добавяне към „.git/FETCH_HEAD“ вместо замяна"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "отдалечен път, където да се качи пакетът"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "принудително презаписване на локален указател"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "доставяне от множество отдалечени хранилища"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "доставяне на всички етикети и принадлежащи обекти"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "без доставянето на всички етикети „--no-tags“"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "брой подмодули доставени паралелно"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr "окастряне на клоните следящи вече несъществуващи отдалечени клони"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
 "окастряне на локалните етикети, които вече не съществуват в отдалеченото "
-"хранилище и махане на променените"
+"хранилище и презаписване на променените"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "ПРИ НУЖДА"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "управление на рекурсивното доставяне на подмодулите"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "запазване на изтеглените пакети с обекти"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "позволяване на обновяването на указателя „HEAD“"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "задълбочаване на историята на плитко хранилище"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "задълбочаване на историята на плитко хранилище до определено време"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "превръщане в пълно хранилище"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "добавяне на това пред пътя на подмодула"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
@@ -12737,99 +13163,132 @@
 "стандартно рекурсивно изтегляне на подмодулите (файловете с настройки са с "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "приемане на указатели, които обновяват „.git/shallow“"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "указване на КАРТАта_С_УКАЗАТЕЛИ за доставяне"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr "докладване, че всички обекти могат са достижими при започване от този"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "изпълняване на „gc --auto“ след доставяне"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "проверка за принудителни обновявания на всички клони"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ в отдалеченото хранилище не може да бъде открит"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "настройката „fetch.output“ е с неправилна стойност „%s“"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ липсва"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[актуализиран]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[отхвърлен]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "в текущия клон не може да се доставя"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[обновяване на етикетите]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "локален указател не може да бъде обновен"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "съществуващ етикет ще бъде презаписан"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[нов етикет]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[нов клон]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[нов указател]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "принудително обновяване"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "същинско сливане"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"За да я включите еднократно ползвайте опцията „--show-forced-updates“, а за "
+"да я включите за постоянно, изпълнете:\n"
+"    git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Проверката за принудителни изтласквания отне %.2f сек.  Може да я прескочите "
+"еднократно с опцията „--no-show-forced-updates“, а за да я извключите за "
+"постоянно, изпълнете:\n"
+"    git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "хранилището „%s“ не изпрати всички необходими обекти\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr ""
 "отхвърляне на върха „%s“, защото плитките хранилища не могат да бъдат "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "От %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12839,50 +13298,50 @@
 "„git remote prune %s“, за да премахнете остарелите клони, които\n"
 "предизвикват конфликта"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (обектът „%s“ ще се окаже извън клон)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (обектът „%s“ вече е извън клон)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[изтрит]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(нищо)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr "Не може да доставите в текущия клон „%s“ на хранилище, което не е голо"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "Стойността „%2$s“ за опцията „%1$s“ не е съвместима с „%3$s“"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "Опцията „%s“ се прескача при „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Доставяне на „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се достави"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12890,7 +13349,7 @@
 "опцията „--filter“ може да се ползва само с отдалеченото хранилище указано в "
 "настройката „extensions.partialClone“"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -12898,45 +13357,45 @@
 "Не сте указали отдалечено хранилище.  Задайте или адрес, или име\n"
 "на отдалечено хранилище, откъдето да се доставят новите версии."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Трябва да укажете име на етикет."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Отрицателна дълбочина като аргумент на „--deepen“ не се поддържа"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Опциите „--deepen“ и „--depth“ са несъвместими една с друга"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "опциите „--depth“ и „--unshallow“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "не можете да използвате опцията „--unshallow“ върху пълно хранилище"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "към „git fetch --all“ не можете да добавите аргумент — хранилище"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr ""
 "към „git fetch --all“ не можете да добавите аргумент — указател на версия"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "Няма нито отдалечено хранилище, нито група от хранилища на име „%s“"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr "Указването на група и указването на версия са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -13008,7 +13467,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "извеждане само на този БРОЙ напаснати указатели"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "спазване на цветовете на форма̀та"
@@ -13177,7 +13636,7 @@
 msgstr "Проверка на връзките на „%s“"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "неправилен указател „%s“"
@@ -13262,7 +13721,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "показване на подробни имена на достижимите обекти"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Проверка на обектите"
@@ -13295,7 +13754,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "не може да се получи информация чрез „stat“ за директорията „%s“"
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
@@ -13377,7 +13836,7 @@
 "процеса: %<PRIuMAX> (ако сте сигурни, че това не е вярно, това използвайте\n"
 "опцията „--force“)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -13402,272 +13861,272 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "липсва поддръжка за нишки.  „%s“ ще се пренебрегне"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "дървото не може да бъде прочетено (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "не може да се изпълни „grep“ от обект от вида %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "опцията „%c“ очаква число за аргумент"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "търсене в индекса, а не в работното дърво"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "търсене и във файловете, които не са под управлението на git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "търсене и в следените, и в неследените файлове"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "игнориране на файловете указани в „.gitignore“"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "рекурсивно търсене във всички подмодули"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "извеждане на редовете, които не съвпадат"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "без значение на регистъра на буквите (главни/малки)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "напасване на шаблоните само по границите на думите"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "обработване на двоичните файлове като текстови"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "прескачане на двоичните файлове"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr ""
 "обработване на двоичните файлове чрез филтри за преобразуване към текст"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "търсене в поддиректориите (стандартно)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "навлизане максимално на тази ДЪЛБОЧИНА в дървото"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "разширени регулярни изрази по POSIX"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "основни регулярни изрази по POSIX (стандартно)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "шаблоните са дословни низове"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "регулярни изрази на Perl"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "извеждане на номерата на редовете"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "извеждане на номера на колоната на първото напасване"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "без извеждане на имената на файловете"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "извеждане на имената на файловете"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на относителните имена на файловете спрямо основната директория на "
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "извеждане само на имената на файловете без напасващите редове"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "псевдоним на „--files-with-matches“"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане само на имената на файловете, които не съдържат ред, напасващ на "
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "извеждане на нулевия знак „NUL“ след всяко име на файл"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "извеждане само на частите на редовете, които съвпадат"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "извеждане на броя на съвпаденията вместо напасващите редове"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "оцветяване на напасванията"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "извеждане на празен ред между напасванията от различни файлове"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на името на файла само веднъж за всички напасвания от този файл"
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "извеждане на такъв БРОЙ редове преди и след напасванията"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "извеждане на такъв БРОЙ редове преди напасванията"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "извеждане на такъв БРОЙ редове след напасванията"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "използване на такъв БРОЙ работещи нишки"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "псевдоним на „-C БРОЙ“"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "извеждане на ред с името на функцията, в която е напаснат шаблона"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "извеждане на обхващащата функция"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "изчитане на шаблоните от ФАЙЛ"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "напасване на ШАБЛОН"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "комбиниране на шаблоните указани с опцията „-e“"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr ""
 "без извеждане на стандартния изход.  Изходният код указва наличието на "
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на редове само от файловете, които напасват на всички шаблони"
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "извеждане на дървото за анализ на регулярния израз"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "програма за преглед по страници"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "извеждане на съвпадащите файлове в програма за преглед по страници"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr ""
 "позволяване на стартирането на grep(1) (текущият компилат пренебрегва тази "
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "не сте задали шаблон"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "опциите „--cached“ и „--untracked“ са несъвместими с версии."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "версията „%s“ не може бъде открита"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "неправилна комбинация от опции, „--threads“ ще се пренебрегне"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "липсва поддръжка за нишки.  „--threads“ ще се пренебрегне"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "зададен е неправилен брой нишки: %d"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--open-files-in-pager“ е съвместима само с търсене в работното дърво"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "опцията е несъвместима с „--recurse-submodules“"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "опциите „--cached“ и „--untracked“ са несъвместими с „--no-index“"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr ""
 "опциите „--(no-)exclude-standard“ са несъвместими с търсене по следени "
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "опцията „--cached“ е несъвместима със задаване на дърво"
@@ -13684,10 +14143,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "ВИД"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "ВИД на обекта"
@@ -13806,12 +14261,12 @@
 "никоя програма за преглед на информационните страници не успя да обработи "
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ е псевдоним на „%s“"
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен низ за настройката „alias.%s“: „%s“"
@@ -13825,299 +14280,294 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "За повече информация изпълнете „git help config“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "неправилен вид на обекта „%s“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "очакваният обект „%s“ не бе получен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "неправилен вид на обекта „%s“: очакваше се „%s“, а бе получен „%s“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "не може да се запълни %d байт"
 msgstr[1] "не може да се запълнят %d байта"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "неочакван край на файл"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "грешка при четене на входните данни"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "използвани са повече от наличните байтове"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "пакетният файл е прекалено голям за текущата стойност на типа „off_t“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "пакетният файл надвишава максималния възможен размер"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "пакетният файл „%s“ не може да бъде създаден"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "пакетният файл „%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "несъответствие в подписа към пакетния файл"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "не се поддържа пакетиране вeрсия „%<PRIu32>“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "повреден обект в пакетния файл при отместване %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "декомпресирането с „inflate“ върна %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "стойността на отместването за обекта-разлика води до препълване"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "стойността на отместването за обекта-разлика е извън диапазона"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "непознат вид обект %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "пакетният файл не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "неочакван край на файл, липсва %<PRIuMAX> байт"
 msgstr[1] "неочакван край на файл, липсват %<PRIuMAX> байта"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "сериозна грешка при декомпресиране с „inflate“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "съществуващият обект в „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "съществуващият обект „%s“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "неправилен обект-BLOB „%s“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "грешка при проверката на пакетирани обекти"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "Някои обекти, наследници на „%s“, не могат да бъдат достигнати"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "разликата не може да бъде приложена"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Получаване на обекти"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Индексиране на обекти"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "пакетният файл е повреден (нееднакви суми по SHA1)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "не може да се получи информация за пакетния файл с „fstat“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "в края на пакетния файл има повредени данни"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr ""
 "фатална грешка във функцията „parse_pack_objects“.  Това е грешка в Git, "
 "докладвайте я на разработчиците, като пратите е-писмо на адрес: „git@vger."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Откриване на съответните разлики"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "не може да се създаде нишка: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr ""
 "фатална грешка във функцията „conclude_pack“.  Това е грешка в Git, "
 "докладвайте я на разработчиците, като пратите е-писмо на адрес: „git@vger."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "действието завърши с %d локален обект"
 msgstr[1] "действието завърши с %d локални обекта"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr ""
 "Неочаквана последваща сума за грешки за „%s“ (причината може да е грешка в "
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "в пакета има %d ненапасваща разлика"
 msgstr[1] "в пакета има %d ненапасващи разлики"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "добавеният обект не може да се компресира с „deflate“: %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "локалният обект „%s“ е повреден"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "името на пакетния файл „%s“ не завършва на „.pack“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "грешка при запис на файла „%s“ „%s“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "грешка при затварянето на записания файл „%s“ „%s“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "грешка при затварянето на пакетния файл"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "пакетният файл не може да бъде запазен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "файлът за индекса не може да бъде съхранен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "зададена е неправилна версия пакетиране: „pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "Съществуващият пакетен файл „%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "Съществуващият индекс за пакетния файл „%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "%d обект не е разлика"
 msgstr[1] "%d обекта не са разлика"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "дължината на веригата е %d: %lu обект"
 msgstr[1] "дължината на веригата е %d: %lu обекта"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "Процесът не може да се върне към предишната работна директория"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност „%s“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "опцията „--fix-thin“ изисква „--stdin“"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "„--stdin“ изисква хранилище на git"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "опцията „--verify“ изисква име на пакетен файл"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "грешка при проверка с „fsck“ на пакетните обекти"
@@ -14215,17 +14665,17 @@
 "указване, че хранилището на Git ще бъде споделено от повече от един "
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "директорията „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "не може да се влезе в директорията „%s“"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
@@ -14234,12 +14684,12 @@
 "%s (или --work-tree=ДИРЕКТОРИЯ) изисква указването на %s (или --git-"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "Работното дърво в „%s“ е недостъпно"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -14247,59 +14697,59 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "директно редактиране на файловете"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "изчистване на празните епилози"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "къде да се постави новият епилог"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "действие, ако епилог вече съществува"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "действие при липсващ епилог"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "извеждане само на епилозите"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "без прилагане на правилата за настройките"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "сливане на стойностите последване от знаци за интервали"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "опции при анализ"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "„---“ няма специално значение"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "епилог"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "епилози за добавяне"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "опцията „--trailer“ е несъвместима с „--name-only“"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "не е зададен входен файл за редактиране на място"
@@ -14311,117 +14761,117 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [ОПЦИЯ…] ОБЕКТ…"
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "неправилна опция „--decorate“: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "извеждане на изходния код"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr ""
 "Използване на файл за съответствията на имената и адресите на е-поща („."
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "специален формат само на указателите напасващи на ШАБЛОНа"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "без специален формат на указателите напасващи на ШАБЛОНа"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "настройки на форма̀та на извежданата информация"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr ""
 "Обработване само на редовете във файла в диапазона от n до m включително.  "
 "Броенето започва от 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Резултат: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: повреден файл"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "обектът не може да бъде прочетен: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "неизвестен вид: %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "не е зададена стойност на „format.headers“"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "прекалено дълго име на директорията за изходната информация"
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "файлът-кръпка „%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "трябва да зададете точно един диапазон"
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "не е диапазон"
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "придружаващото писмо трябва да е форматирано като е-писмо"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "неуспешно създаване на придружаващо писмо"
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен формат на заглавната част за отговор „in-reply-to“: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [ОПЦИЯ…] [ОТ | ДИАПАЗОН_НА_ВЕРСИИТЕ]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "може да укажете максимум една директория за изход"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "непознато подаване: „%s“"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "„%s“ не е указател или не сочи към нищо"
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "точната база за сливане не може да бъде открита"
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
@@ -14431,285 +14881,281 @@
 "зададете, използвайте „git branch --set-upstream-to“.\n"
 "Можете ръчно да зададете базово подаване чрез „--base=<base-commit-id>“."
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "точната база при сливане не може да бъде открита"
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "базовото подаване трябва да е предшественикът на списъка с версиите"
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "базовото подаване не може да е в списъка с версиите"
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "идентификаторът на кръпката не може да бъде получен"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "неуспешно определяне на диапазоните за разлика"
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "номерация „[PATCH n/m]“ дори и при единствена кръпка"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "номерация „[PATCH]“ дори и при множество кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "извеждане на кръпките на стандартния изход"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "създаване на придружаващо писмо"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "проста числова последователност за имената на файловете-кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "ЗНАЦИ"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "използване на тези ЗНАЦИ за суфикс вместо „.patch“"
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "номерирането на кръпките да започва от този БРОЙ, а не с 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "отбелязване, че това е N-тата поредна редакция на поредицата от кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Използване на „[RFC PATCH]“ вместо „[PATCH]“"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Използване на този „[ПРЕФИКС]“ вместо „[PATCH]“"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "запазване на изходните файлове в тази ДИРЕКТОРИЯ"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "без добавяне/махане на префикса „[PATCH]“"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "без извеждане на разлики между двоични файлове"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "в заглавната част „From:“ (от) контролната сума да е само от нули"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "без кръпки, които присъстват в следения клон"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане във формат за кръпки, а на в стандартния (кръпка и статистика)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "Опции при изпращане"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "добавяне на тази ЗАГЛАВНА_ЧАСТ"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "Е-ПОЩА"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "добавяне на заглавна част „To:“ (до)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "добавяне на заглавна част „Cc:“ (и до)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr ""
 "задаване на адреса в заглавната част „From“ (от) да е тази ИДЕНТИЧНОСТ.  Ако "
 "не е зададена такава, се взима адреса на подаващия"
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr ""
 "първото съобщение да е в отговор на е-писмото с този "
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "граница"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "прикрепяне на кръпката"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "включване на кръпката в текста на писмата"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr ""
 "използване на нишки за съобщенията.  СТИЛът е „shallow“ (плитък) или "
 "„deep“ (дълбок)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "подпис"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "добавяне на поле за подпис"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "добавяне на необходимото БАЗово дърво към поредицата от кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "добавяне на подпис от файл"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "без извеждане на имената на кръпките"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "извеждане на напредъка във фазата на създаване на кръпките"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "ВЕРС"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "показване на промените спрямо ВЕРСията в придружаващото писмо или единствена "
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "показване на промените спрямо указателя на ВЕРСията в придружаващото писмо "
 "или единствена кръпка"
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "процент за претегляне при оценка на създаването"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "грешна идентичност: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "опциите „-n“ и „-k“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "опциите „--subject-prefix“/„-rfc“ и „-k“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "опцията „--name-only“ е несъвместима с генерирането на кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "опцията „--name-status“ е несъвместима с генерирането на кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "опцията „--check“ е несъвместима с генерирането на кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr ""
 "изходът може да или стандартният, или да е в директория, но не и двете."
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--interdiff“ изисква опция „--cover-letter“ или единствена кръпка"
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "Разлика в разликите:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Разлика в разликите спрямо v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "опцията „--creation-factor“ изисква опция „--range-diff“"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--range-diff“ изисква опция „--cover-letter“ или единствена кръпка"
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "Диапазонна разлика:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Диапазонна разлика спрямо v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ с подпис не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Създаване на кръпки"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "неуспешно създаване на изходни файлове"
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [ОТДАЛЕЧЕН_КЛОН [ВРЪХ [ПРЕДЕЛ]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14837,7 +15283,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "без извеждане на адресите на отдалечените хранилища"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "КОМАНДА"
@@ -14912,191 +15358,195 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "празна пощенска кутия mbox: „%s“"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [ОПЦИЯ…] [ПОДАВАНЕ…]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "опцията „-m“ изисква стойност"
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "опцията „%s“ изисква стойност"
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Няма такава стратегия за сливане: „%s“.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Наличните стратегии са:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Допълнителните стратегии са:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "без извеждане на статистиката след завършване на сливане"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "извеждане на статистиката след завършване на сливане"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(псевдоним на „--stat“)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr ""
 "добавяне (на максимум такъв БРОЙ) записи от съкратения журнал в съобщението "
 "за подаване"
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "създаване на едно подаване вместо извършване на сливане"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "извършване на подаване при успешно сливане (стандартно действие)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "редактиране на съобщението преди подаване"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "позволяване на превъртане (стандартно действие)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "преустановяване, ако превъртането е невъзможно"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "проверка, че указаното подаване е с правилен подпис на GPG"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "СТРАТЕГИЯ"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "СТРАТЕГИЯ за сливане, която да се ползва"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "ОПЦИЯ за избраната стратегия за сливане"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr "СЪОБЩЕНИЕ при подаването със сливане (при същински сливания)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "преустановяване на текущото сливане"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "преустановяване без промяна на индекса и работното дърво"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "продължаване на текущото сливане"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "позволяване на сливане на независими истории"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr ""
 "проверка на куката при промяна на съобщението при подаване (commit-msg)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "не може да се извърши скатаване"
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно скатаване"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен обект: „%s“"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно прочитане на обект-дърво"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (няма какво да се вкара)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Вкарано подаване — указателят „HEAD“ няма да бъде обновен\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Липсва съобщение при подаване — указателят „HEAD“ няма да бъде обновен\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "„%s“ не сочи към подаване"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Неправилен низ за настройката „branch.%s.mergeoptions“: „%s“"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "Поддържа се само сливане на точно две истории."
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Непозната опция за рекурсивното сливане „merge-recursive“: „-X%s“"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде записан"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "От „%s“ не може да се чете"
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Сливането няма да бъде подадено.  За завършването му и подаването му "
 "използвайте командата „git commit“.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -15105,11 +15555,11 @@
 "В съобщението при подаване добавете информация за причината за\n"
 "сливането, особено ако сливате обновен отдалечен клон в тематичен клон.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Празно съобщение предотвратява подаването.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
@@ -15118,72 +15568,76 @@
 "Редовете, които започват с „%c“, ще бъдат пропуснати, а празно\n"
 "съобщение преустановява подаването.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Празно съобщение при подаване."
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Първият етап на сливането завърши.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Неуспешно автоматично сливане — коригирайте конфликтите и подайте "
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "Няма текущ клон."
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "Текущият клон не следи никой."
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "Текущият клон не следи никой клон."
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "Никой клон не следи клона „%s“ от хранилището „%s“"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправилна стойност „%s“ в средата „%s“"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "не може да се слее в „%s“: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "не може да се слее"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "опцията „--abort“ не приема аргументи"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr ""
 "Не може да преустановите сливане, защото в момента не се извършва такова "
 "(липсва указател „MERGE_HEAD“)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "опцията „--quit“ не приема аргументи"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "опцията „--continue“ не приема аргументи"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "В момента не се извършва сливане (липсва указател „MERGE_HEAD“)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15191,7 +15645,7 @@
 "Не сте завършили сливане.  (Указателят „MERGE_HEAD“ съществува).\n"
 "Подайте промените си, преди да започнете ново сливане."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15199,99 +15653,103 @@
 "Не сте завършили отбиране на подаване (указателят „CHERRY_PICK_HEAD“\n"
 "съществува).  Подайте промените си, преди да започнете ново сливане."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr ""
 "Не сте завършили отбиране на подаване (указателят „CHERRY_PICK_HEAD“\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "Опцията „--squash“ е несъвместима с „--no-ff“."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "Опцията „--squash“ е несъвместима с „--commit“."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr ""
 "Не е указано подаване и настройката „merge.defaultToUpstream“ не е зададена."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "Вкарване на подаване във връх без история все още не се поддържа"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr ""
 "Понеже върхът е без история, всички сливания са превъртания, не може да се "
 "извърши същинско сливане изисквано от опцията „--no-ff“"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "„%s“ — не е нещо, което може да се слее"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "Можете да слеете точно едно подаване във връх без история"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "независими истории не може да се слеят"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Вече е обновено."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Обновяване „%s..%s“\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Проба със сливане в рамките на индекса…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "Неуспешно сливане.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Вече е обновено!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "Не може да се извърши превъртане, преустановяване на действието."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Привеждане на дървото към първоначалното…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Пробване със стратегията за сливане „%s“…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Никоя стратегия за сливане не може да извърши сливането.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "Неуспешно сливане със стратегия „%s“.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Ползва се стратегията „%s“, която ще подготви дървото за коригиране на "
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15427,23 +15885,39 @@
 msgstr "разрешаване на създаването на повече от едно дърво"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=ДИР_ОБЕКТ] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=ДИР_ОБЕКТ] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr ""
 "ДИРекторията_с_ОБЕКТи съдържа множество двойки пакетни файлове със "
 "съответния им индекс"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+"при препакетиране пакетните файлове, които са с по-малък от този размер, да "
+"се обединяват в пакети с по-голям от този размер"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "прекалено много аргументи"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "опцията „--batch-size“ изисква подкомандата „repack“"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "непознат глагол: %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "непозната подкоманда: %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -15534,54 +16008,54 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Преименуване на „%s“ на „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно преименуване на „%s“"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [ОПЦИЯ…] ПОДАВАНЕ…"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [ОПЦИЯ…] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [ОПЦИЯ…] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "извеждане само на имената (без сумите по SHA1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "използване само на етикетите за именуване на подаванията"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "използване само на указателите напасващи на ШАБЛОНа"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "игнориране на указателите напасващи на ШАБЛОНа"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на всички подавания, които могат да бъдат достигнати от всички "
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "четене от стандартния вход"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "да се извеждат и недефинираните имена (стандартна стойност на опцията)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "извеждане на идентификаторите на обекти-етикети (за вътрешни нужди)"
@@ -15728,7 +16202,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "съдържанието на бележката е във файла „%s“"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде отворен или прочетен"
@@ -15969,7 +16443,7 @@
 "резултата с „git notes merge --commit“ или преустановете сливането с "
 "командата „git notes merge --abort“.\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Не може да се открие към какво сочи „%s“."
@@ -16003,7 +16477,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "да се използва бележката сочена от този УКАЗАТЕЛ_ЗА_БЕЛЕЖКА"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "непозната подкоманда: %s"
@@ -16021,130 +16495,130 @@
 "git pack-objects [ОПЦИЯ…] ПРЕФИКС_НА_ИМЕТО [< СПИСЪК_С_УКАЗАТЕЛИ | < "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "лоша контролна сума за пакетирания обект „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "пакетиран обект с грешки за „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "рекурсивна разлика за обект „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "подредени бяха %u обекта, а се очакваха %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "неправилен пакетен файл: „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "пакетният файл „%s“ не може да бъде повторно отворен"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "неуспешно търсене в преизползван пакетен файл"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "неуспешно четене от преизползван пакетен файл"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr ""
 "изключване на записването на битовата маска, пакетите са разделени поради "
 "стойността на „pack.packSizeLimit“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "Записване на обектите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "не може да бъде получена информация чрез „stat“ за „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "бяха записани %<PRIu32> обекти, а се очакваха %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr ""
 "изключване на записването на битовата маска, защото някои обекти няма да се "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "прекалено далечно начало на отместването за обектите-разлика за „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "недостижимо начало на отместването за обектите-разлика за „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Преброяване на обектите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "размерът на „%s“ не може да бъде получен"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "заглавната част на „%s“ не може да бъде анализирана"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ не може да се прочете"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr "обектът „%s“ е с неправилна дължина (%<PRIuMAX>, а не %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "неоптимизиран пакет — паметта свърши"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "Делта компресията ще използва до %d нишки"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr ""
 "обектите, които могат да бъдат достигнати от етикета „%s“, не може да бъдат "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Компресиране на обектите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "неправилен брой разлики"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -16153,7 +16627,7 @@
 "очаква се идентификатор на краен обект, а не:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -16162,258 +16636,262 @@
 "очаква се идентификатор на обект, а не:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "неправилна стойност за „--missing“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "индексът на пакетния файл не може да бъде отворен"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "непакетираният обект в „%s“ не може да бъде анализиран"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "оставането на обекта непакетиран не може да бъде наложено"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не е версия"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилна версия „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "скорошните обекти не могат да бъдат добавени"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "неподдържана версия на индекса „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилна версия на индекса „%s“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "без извеждане на напредъка"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "извеждане на напредъка"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "извеждане на напредъка във фазата на запазване на обектите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr ""
 "същото действие като опцията „--all-progress“ при извеждането на напредъка"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr ""
 "запазване на индекса на пакетните файлове във форма̀та с указаната версия"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "максимален размер на всеки пакетен файл"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "игнориране на обектите заети от други хранилища на обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "игнориране на пакетираните обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "ограничаване на прозореца за пакетиране по брой обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr ""
 "ограничаване на прозореца за пакетиране и по памет освен по брой обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr ""
 "максимална дължина на веригата от разлики, която е позволена в пакетния файл"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "преизползване на съществуващите разлики"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "преизползване на съществуващите обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "използване на обекти „OFS_DELTA“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr ""
 "стартиране на нишки за претърсване на най-добрите съвпадения на разликите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "без създаване на празен пакетен файл"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "изчитане на версиите от стандартния вход"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "ограничаване до все още непакетираните обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr ""
 "включване на всички обекти, които могат да се достигнат от произволен "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "включване и на обектите сочени от записите в журнала на указателите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "включване и на обектите сочени от индекса"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "извеждане на пакета на стандартния изход"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr ""
 "включване и на обектите-етикети, които сочат към обектите, които ще бъдат "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "запазване на недостижимите обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "пакетиране и на недостижимите обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "разпакетиране на недостижимите обекти, които са по-нови от това ВРЕМЕ"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "използване на алгоритъм за частична достижимост"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "създаване на съкратени пакети"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "пакетиране подходящо за плитко доставяне"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "игнориране на пакетите, които са придружени от файл „.keep“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "пропускане на този пакет"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "ниво на компресиране при пакетиране"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr ""
 "извеждане на всички родители — дори и тези, които нормално са скрити при "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr ""
 "използване на съществуващи индекси на база битови маски за ускоряване на "
 "преброяването на обектите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr ""
 "запазване и на индекс на база побитова маска, заедно с индекса за пакета"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr "записване на индекси на база битови маски при възможност"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "как да се обработват липсващите обекти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "без пакетиране на обекти в гарантиращи пакети"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "без промяна на групите при делта компресия"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "веригата с разлики е прекалено дълбока — %d, ще се ползва %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr ""
 "Стойността на настройката „pack.deltaCacheLimit“ е прекалено голяма.  Ще се "
 "ползва %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--max-pack-size“ не може да се използва за създаване на пакетни "
 "файлове за пренос"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "минималният размер на пакетите е 1 MiB"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--thin“не може да се използва за създаване на пакетни файлове с "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "опциите „--keep-unreachable“ и „--unpack-unreachable“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "опцията „-filter“ изисква „-stdout“"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Изброяване на обектите"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -16469,44 +16947,44 @@
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git push [ОПЦИЯ…] [ХРАНИЛИЩЕ [УКАЗАТЕЛ_НА_ВЕРСИЯ…]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "управление на рекурсивното доставяне на подмодулите"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Опции при сливане"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "внасяне на промените чрез пребазиране, а не чрез сливане"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "позволяване на превъртания"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "автоматично скатаване/прилагане на скатаното преди и след пребазиране"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Опции при доставяне"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "принудително презаписване на локалния клон"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "брой подмодули издърпани паралелно"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Неправилна стойност за „pull.ff“: „%s“"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
@@ -16514,14 +16992,14 @@
 "Между указателите, които току що доставихте, няма подходящ кандидат, върху "
 "който да пребазирате."
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
 "Между указателите, които току що доставихте, няма подходящ кандидат, който "
 "да слеете."
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -16529,7 +17007,7 @@
 "Най вероятно сте подали шаблон за указатели, който не е напаснал с нищо в "
 "отдалеченото хранилище."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -16540,44 +17018,44 @@
 "Понеже това не е хранилището по подразбиране на текущия клон, трябва\n"
 "да укажете отдалечения клон на командния ред."
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Извън всички клони."
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Укажете върху кой клон искате да пребазирате."
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Укажете кой клон искате да слеете."
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "За повече информация погледнете ръководството „git-pull(1)“"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "КЛОН"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "Текущият клон не следи никой."
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr ""
 "Ако искате да зададете информация за следен клон, можете да направите това с "
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -16586,32 +17064,32 @@
 "За сливане е указан отдалеченият указател „%s“,\n"
 "но такъв не е доставен."
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "недостъпно подаване: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "без „--verify-signatures“ при пребазиране"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "опцията „--[no-]autostash“ изисква „--rebase“"
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr "Обновяване на все още несъздаден клон с промените от индекса"
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "издърпване с пребазиране"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "трябва да подадете или скатаете промените."
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -16621,7 +17099,7 @@
 "доставянето обнови върха на текущия клон.  Работното\n"
 "ви копие бе превъртяно от подаване „%s“."
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -16633,20 +17111,20 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Работното ви копие не може да бъде превъртяно.\n"
 "След като запазите всичко необходимо посочено от командата:\n"
-"  $ git diff %s\n"
+"    git diff %s\n"
-"  $ git reset --hard\n"
+"    git reset --hard\n"
 "за връщане към нормално състояние."
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "Не може да сливате множество клони в празен върхов указател."
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "Не може да пребазирате върху повече от един клон."
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr ""
 "пребазирането е невъзможно заради локално записаните промени по подмодулите"
@@ -17125,7 +17603,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "запазване на празните подавания"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "позволяване на празни съобщения при подаване"
@@ -17146,7 +17624,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "подписване на подаванията"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "извеждане на статистика с промените в следения клон"
@@ -17256,7 +17734,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "команда за изпълнение"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr ""
 "автоматично подаване за повторно изпълнение на командите завършили с неуспех"
@@ -17265,7 +17743,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "опциите „--[no-]rebase-cousins“ изискват опцията „--rebase-merges“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "„%s“ изисква интерактивно пребазиране"
@@ -17295,11 +17773,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде запазен"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "не може да се определи към какво да сочи указателят „HEAD“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -17313,7 +17791,7 @@
 "За да откажете пребазирането и да се върнете към първоначалното състояние,\n"
 "изпълнете „git rebase --abort“."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17331,7 +17809,7 @@
 "В резултат те не могат да се пребазират."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17348,7 +17826,7 @@
 "    git rebase КЛОН\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -17361,135 +17839,135 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/КЛОН %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "командите за изпълнение не може да съдържат нови редове"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "празна команда за изпълнение"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "пребазиране върху зададения, а не следения клон"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "позволяване на куката преди пребазиране да се изпълни"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "без извеждане на информация.  Включва опцията „--no-stat“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "без извеждане на статистика с промените в следения клон"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr ""
 "добавяне на ред за подпис „Signed-off-by“ в съобщението на всяко подаване"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "подава се на командата „git am“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "подава се на командата „git apply“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr "отбиране на всички подавания дори да няма промени"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "продължаване"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "прескачане на текущата кръпка и продължаване"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "преустановяване и възстановяване на първоначалния клон"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "преустановяване без промяна към какво сочи „HEAD“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "редактиране на файла с команди при интерактивно пребазиране"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "показване на кръпката, която се прилага или слива"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "при пребазиране да се ползва стратегия за сливане"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr ""
 "позволяване на потребителя да редактира списъка с подавания за пребазиране"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr "(остаряло) пресъздаване на сливанията вместо да се прескачат"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "запазване на празните подавания при пребазиране"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr ""
 "преместване на подаванията, които започват със „squash!“/“fixup!“ при „-i“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "автоматично скатаване/прилагане на скатаното преди и след пребазиране"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr ""
 "добавяне на редове с команди за изпълнение след всяко подаване в "
 "редактирания списък"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "позволяване на пребазиране на подавания с празни съобщения"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr "опит за пребазиране на сливанията вместо те да се прескачат"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "за доуточняването на следения клон, използвайте:\n"
 "    git merge-base --fork-point"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "използване на зададената стратегията на сливане"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "опция"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "аргументът да се подаде на стратегията за сливане"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "пребазиране на всички достижими подавания до началното им подаване"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -17497,33 +17975,33 @@
 "поддръжката на „rebase.useBuiltin“ е премахната.\n"
 "За повече информация вижте „git help config“."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Изглежда, че сега се прилагат кръпки чрез командата „git-am“.  Не може да "
 "пребазирате в момента."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr ""
 "Опцията „--preserve-merges“ е остаряла.  Ползвайте „--rebase-merges“ вместо "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "Изглежда в момента не тече пребазиране"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Опцията „--edit-todo“ е достъпна само по време на интерактивно пребазиране."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не може да бъде прочетен"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -17531,21 +18009,16 @@
 "Трябва да редактирате всички конфликти при сливането.  След това\n"
 "отбележете коригирането им чрез командата „git add“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "промените в работното дърво не могат да бъдат занулени"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "връщането към „%s“ е невъзможно"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде изтрит"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -17566,174 +18039,180 @@
 "да не загубите случайно промени.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "опцията „C“ очаква число за аргумент"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "Неизвестна стратегия: „%s“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--strategy“ изисква някоя от опциите „--merge“ или „--interactive“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr ""
+"опцията „--reschedule-failed-exec“ изисква някоя от опциите „--exec“ или „--"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
 "опциите за „am“ са несъвместими с опциите за сливане или за интерактивна "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "опциите „--preserve-merges“ и „--rebase-merges“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
 "ГРЕШКА: опциите „--preserve-merges“ и „--reschedule-failed-exec“ са "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "опциите „--rebase-merges“ и „--strategy-option“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "опциите „--rebase-merges“ и „--strategy“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилен следен клон: „%s“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "Не може да се създаде ново начално подаване"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "„%s“: изисква се точно една база за пребазиране"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Указателят „%s“ не сочи към подаване"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "ФАТАЛНА ГРЕШКА: не съществува клон „%s“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "Такъв указател няма: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "Подаването, сочено от указателя „HEAD“, не може да бъде открито"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "Не може да се скатае автоматично"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "Неочакван резултат при скатаване: „%s“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "Директорията за „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "Автоматично скатано: „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "неуспешно изпълнение на „git reset --hard“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ сочи към „%s“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Промените трябва или да се подадат, или да се скатаят."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се анализира"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "не може да се премине към „%s“"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ е напълно актуален."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "Текущият клон „%s“ е напълно актуален.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ е напълно актуален — принудително пребазиране"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "Текущият клон „%s“ е напълно актуален — принудително пребазиране\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "Куката за изпълнение преди пребазиране отхвърли пребазирането."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Промените в „%s“:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Промените от „%s“ към „%s“:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Първо, указателят „HEAD“ започва да сочи към базата, върху която "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не може да се отделѝ"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "Превъртане на „%s“ към „%s“.\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack ДИРЕКТОРИЯ_НА_GIT"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17766,7 +18245,7 @@
 "За да заглушите това съобщение, като запазите стандартното поведение,\n"
 "задайте настройката „receive.denyCurrentBranch“ да е „refuse“ (отказ)."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17787,11 +18266,11 @@
 "За да заглушите това съобщение, задайте настройката\n"
 "„receive.denyDeleteCurrent“ да е „refuse“ (отказ)."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "без извеждане на информация"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Трябва да укажете директория."
@@ -18385,126 +18864,126 @@
 "Ползвайте опцията --no-write-bitmap-index или изключете настройката\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "командата „pack-objects“ не може да се стартира за препакетирането на "
 "гарантиращите обекти"
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
 "repack: от „pack-objects“ се очакват редове само с пълни шестнайсетични "
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "командата „pack-objects“ не може да завърши за препакетирането на "
 "гарантиращите обекти"
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "пакетиране на всичко в пакет"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr ""
 "същото като опцията „-a“.  Допълнително — недостижимите обекти да станат "
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr ""
 "премахване на ненужните пакетирани файлове и изпълнение на командата „git-"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "подаване на опцията „--no-reuse-delta“ на командата „git-pack-objects“"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr ""
 "подаване на опцията „--no-reuse-object“ на командата „git-pack-objects“"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "без изпълнение на командата „git-update-server-info“"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "подаване на опцията „--local“ на командата „git-pack-objects“"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "създаване и записване на индекси на база битови маски"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "подаване на опцията „--delta-islands“ на командата „git-pack-objects“"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "евристична дата"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr ""
 "при комбинирането с опцията „-A“ — без разпакетиране на обектите по стари от "
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "с „-a“ — препакетиране на недостижимите обекти"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "размер на прозореца за делта компресията"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "байтове"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr ""
 "същото като горната опция, но ограничението да е по размер на паметта, а не "
 "по броя на обектите"
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "ограничаване на максималната дълбочина на делтата"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "ограничаване на максималния брой нишки"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "максимален размер на всеки пакет"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "препакетиране на обектите в пакети белязани с „.keep“"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "без препакетиране на този пакет"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "пакетите в хранилище с важни обекти не може да се трият"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "Опциите „--keep-unreachable“ и „-A“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "Нищо ново за пакетиране"
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -18522,7 +19001,7 @@
 "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: ѝ — за връщането на първоначалните имена.\n"
 "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Преименувайте файловете в „%s“ ръчно:\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "директорията „%s“ не може да бъде изтрита"
@@ -18931,24 +19410,24 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "Новият индекс не може да бъде записан."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr "опциите „--exclude-promisor-objects“ и „--missing“ и са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "филтрирането на обекти изисква опцията „--objects“"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "неправилна частична стойност: %s"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "командата „rev-list“ не поддържа извеждането на бележки"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "опцията „--use-bitmap-index“ е несъвместима с филтриране на обектите"
@@ -19021,47 +19500,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "отмяна на поредица от отбирания или отмени на подавания"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "прескачане на текущото подаване и продължаване"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "без автоматично подаване"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "редактиране на съобщението при подаване"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "номер на родителя"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "избор на основния родител"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "стратегия на сливане"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "опция за стратегията на сливане"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "добавяне на името на подаването"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "запазване на първоначално празните подавания"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "запазване на излишните, празни подавания"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "неуспешна отмяна"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "неуспешно отбиране"
@@ -19240,117 +19723,117 @@
 msgstr[0] "„%s“ се прескача — не може да се обработят повече от %d указател"
 msgstr[1] "„%s“ се прескача — не може да се обработят повече от %d указатели"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "никой указател не съвпада с „%s“"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "извеждане на следящите и локалните клони"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "извеждане на следящите клони"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "оцветяване на „*!+-“ според клоните"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "извеждане на такъв БРОЙ подавания от общия предшественик"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "псевдоним на „more=-1“"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "без низове за имената на клоните"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "включване и на текущия клон"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "именуване на подаванията с имената им на обекти"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "извеждане на възможните бази за сливания"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "извеждане на недостижимите указатели"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "извеждане на подаванията в топологическа подредба"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "извеждане само на подаванията, които не са от първия клон"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "извеждане на сливанията, които могат да се достигнат само от един връх"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr ""
 "топологическа подредба, при запазване на подредбата по дата, доколкото е\n"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "БРОЙ[,БАЗА]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "показване на най-много БРОЙ журнални записа с начало съответната БАЗА"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
 "опцията „--reflog“ е несъвместима с опциите  „--all“, „--remotes“, „--"
 "independent“ и „--merge-base“"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "не е зададен клон, а указателят „HEAD“ е неправилен"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "опцията „--track“ изисква точно едно име на клон"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "само %d запис може да бъде показан наведнъж."
 msgstr[1] "само %d записа може да бъде показани наведнъж."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "такъв указател няма: %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "не може да се обработи повече от %d указател."
 msgstr[1] "не може да се обработят повече от %d указатели."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "„%s“ е неправилен указател."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "подаването „%s“ (%s) липсва"
@@ -19539,94 +20022,94 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "Не е указано име на клон"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "Указателят „%s“ не може да бъде обновен да сочи към „%s“"
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "съобщение при скатаване"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "командата „git stash store“ изисква точно един аргумент-ПОДАВАНЕ"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "Не са избрани никакви промени"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "Все още липсва първоначално подаване"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "Състоянието на текущия индекс не може да бъде запазено"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "Неследените файлове не могат да се запазят"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "Състоянието на работното дърво не може да бъде запазено"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "Състоянието на работното дърво не може да бъде запазено"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr "Опцията „--patch“ е несъвместима с „--include-untracked“ и „--all“"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr "Пробвайте да използвате „git add“"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "Няма никакви локални промени за скатаване"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "Скатаването не може да стартира"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "Текущото състояние не може да бъде запазено"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "Състоянието на работната директория и индекса e запазено: „%s“"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "Промените в работното дърво не могат да бъдат занулени"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "запазване на индекса"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "скатаване в режим за кръпки"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "без извеждане на информация"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "скатаване и на неследените файлове"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "скатаване и на игнорираните файлове"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се изпълни"
@@ -19647,7 +20130,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "добавяне на „# “ в началото на всеки ред"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Очаква се пълно име на указател, а не „%s“"
@@ -19662,7 +20145,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "не може да се махне компонент от адреса „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "директория за определянето на относителните пътища"
@@ -19670,8 +20153,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=ПЪТ] [ПЪТ…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "Във файла „.gitmodules“ не е открит адрес за пътя към подмодул „%s“"
@@ -19690,7 +20173,7 @@
 "изпълнената команда завърши с ненулев изход за „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -19701,19 +20184,19 @@
 "вложени в „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr "Без извеждане на изход при въвеждането на всяка команда за подмодули"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Рекурсивно обхождане на подмодулите"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] КОМАНДА"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
@@ -19722,55 +20205,55 @@
 "настройката „%s“ липсва.  Приема се, че това хранилище е правилният източник "
 "за себе си."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Неуспешно регистриране на адрес за пътя към подмодул „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Регистриран е подмодул „%s“ (%s) за пътя към подмодул „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: препоръчва се режим на обновяване за подмодула „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Неуспешно регистриране на режима на обновяване за пътя към подмодул „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Без извеждане на информация при инициализирането на подмодул"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [ОПЦИЯ…] [ПЪТ]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr "Във файла „.gitmodules“ липсва информация за пътя „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "указателят сочен от „HEAD“ в подмодула „%s“ не може да бъде открит"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "неуспешно рекурсивно обхождане на подмодула „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "Заглушаване на изхода за състоянието на подмодула"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
@@ -19778,47 +20261,47 @@
 "Използване на подаването указано в индекса, а не това от указателя „HEAD“ на "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "рекурсивно обхождане на подмодулите"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [ПЪТ…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name ПЪТ"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Синхронизиране на адреса на подмодул за „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "неуспешно регистриране на адрес за пътя към подмодул „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "отдалеченият адрес на подмодула „%s“ не може да бъде получен"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "отдалеченият адрес на подмодула „%s“ не може да бъде променен"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr "Без извеждане на информация при синхронизирането на подмодул"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [ПЪТ]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
@@ -19827,7 +20310,7 @@
 "Работното дърво на подмодул „%s“ съдържа директория „.git“.\n"
 "(ако искате да ги изтриете заедно с цялата им история, използвайте „rm -rf“)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
@@ -19836,83 +20319,83 @@
 "Работното дърво на подмодул „%s“ съдържа локални промени.  Можете да ги "
 "отхвърлите с опцията „-f“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Директорията „%s“ е изчистена\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Директорията към работното дърво на подмодула „%s“ не може да бъде изтрита\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "празната директория за подмодула „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Регистрацията на подмодула „%s“ (%s) за пътя „%s“ е премахната\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
 "Изтриване на работните дървета на подмодулите, дори когато те съдържат "
 "локални промени"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "Премахване на регистрациите на всички подмодули"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [ПЪТ…]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr "Използвайте „--all“, за да премахнете всички подмодули"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "към подмодула „%s“ не може да се добави алтернативен източник: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr ""
 "Непозната стойност „%s“ за настройката „submodule.alternateErrorStrategy“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "Непозната стойност „%s“ за настройката „submodule.alternateLocation“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "къде да се клонира новият подмодул"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "име на новия подмодул"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "адрес, от който да се клонира новият подмодул"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "дълбочина на плитките хранилища"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "извеждане на напредъка на клонирането"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
@@ -19920,96 +20403,96 @@
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=ПЪТ] [--quiet] [--reference ХРАНИЛИЩЕ] "
 "[--name ИМЕ] [--depth ДЪЛБОЧИНА] --url АДРЕС --path ПЪТ…"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "Неуспешно клониране на адреса „%s“ в пътя „%s“ като подмодул"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "директорията на подмодула „%s“ не може да бъде получена"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправилен режим на обновяване „%s“ за пътя към подмодул „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Настроен е неправилен режим на обновяване „%s“ за пътя към подмодул „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "Пътят на подмодула „%s“ не е инициализиран"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "Вероятно искахте да използвате „update --init“?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "Прескачане на неслетия подмодул „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Прескачане на подмодула „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "Неуспешен опит за клониране на „%s“.  Насрочен е втори опит"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr ""
 "Втори неуспешен опит за клониране на „%s“.  Действието се преустановява"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "път към работното дърво"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr "път към работното дърво, през границите на вложените подмодули"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr ""
 "„rebase“ (пребазиране), „merge“ (сливане), „checkout“ (изтегляне) или "
 "„none“ (нищо да не се прави)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr "Плитко клониране, отрязано до указания брой версии"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "брой паралелни процеси"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr "дали първоначалното клониране да е плитко, както се препоръчва"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "без извеждане на напредъка на клонирането"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=ПЪТ] [ПЪТ…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "неправилен параметър към опцията „--update“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
@@ -20018,16 +20501,16 @@
 "Клонът на подмодула „%s“ е настроен да наследява клона от обхващащия проект, "
 "но той не е на никой клон"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "не може да се получи връзка към хранилище за подмодула „%s“"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "рекурсивно обхождане подмодулите"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [ОПЦИЯ…] [ПЪТ…]"
@@ -20056,7 +20539,7 @@
 msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
 msgstr "файлът „.gitmodules“ трябва да е в работното дърво"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "„%s“ не поддържа опцията „--super-prefix“"
@@ -20119,17 +20602,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=ФОРМАТ] ЕТИКЕТ…"
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "етикетът „%s“ не е открит."
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Изтрит е етикетът „%s“ (бе „%s“)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -20139,10 +20622,10 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Въведете съобщение за етикета.\n"
-"  %s\n"
+"    %s\n"
 "Редовете, които започват с „%c“, ще бъдат пропуснати.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -20153,19 +20636,19 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Въведете съобщение за етикет.\n"
-"  %s\n"
+"    %s\n"
 "Редовете, които започват с „%c“, също ще бъдат включени — може да ги "
 "изтриете вие.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "етикетът не може да бъде подписан"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "файлът за етикета не може да бъде запазен"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -20179,138 +20662,138 @@
 "    git tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "неправилен вид обект."
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "липсва съобщение за етикета"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "Съобщението за етикета е запазено във файла „%s“\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "извеждане на имената на етикетите"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "извеждане на този БРОЙ редове от всяко съобщение за етикет"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "изтриване на етикети"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "проверка на етикети"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Опции при създаването на етикети"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "анотирането на етикети изисква съобщение"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "СЪОБЩЕНИЕ за етикет"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "принудително редактиране на съобщение за етикет"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "анотиран етикет с подпис по GPG"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "използване на друг ключ за подписването на етикет"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "замяна на етикета, ако съществува"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "създаване на журнал на указателите"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Опции за извеждането на етикети"
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "извеждане на списъка на етикетите по колони"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "извеждане само на етикетите, които съдържат подаването"
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "извеждане само на етикетите, които не съдържат подаването"
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "извеждане само на слетите етикети"
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "извеждане само на неслетите етикети"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "извеждане само на етикетите на ОБЕКТА"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "Опциите „--column“ и „-n“ са несъвместими"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Опцията „-n“ изисква режим на списък."
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Опцията „-contains“ изисква режим на списък."
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Опцията „-contains“ изисква  режим на списък."
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Опцията „-points-at“ изисква режим на списък."
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Опциите „--merged“ и „--no-merged“ изискват режим на списък."
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "Опциите „-F“ и „-m“ са несъвместими."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "Прекалено много аргументи"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "„%s“ е неправилно име за етикет."
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "етикетът „%s“ вече съществува"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Обновен етикет „%s“ (бе „%s“)\n"
@@ -20651,15 +21134,15 @@
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
 msgstr "трансферът да се преустанови след този БРОЙ секунди"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] ПОДАВАНЕ…"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "извеждане на съдържанието на подаването"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "извеждане на необработения изход от състоянието на „gpg“"
@@ -20675,11 +21158,11 @@
 msgid "show statistics only"
 msgstr "извеждане само на статистиката"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
 msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=ФОРМАТ] ЕТИКЕТ…"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr "извеждане на съдържанието на ЕТИКЕТи"
@@ -20711,7 +21194,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock [ПЪТ]"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "неуспешно изтриване на „%s“"
@@ -20791,125 +21274,125 @@
 "За изрично задаване ползвайте „add -f“, а за изчистване — „prune“ или "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "директорията „%s“ не може да бъде създадена"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "Приготвяне на работното дърво (нов клон „%s“)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "Приготвяне на работното дърво (зануляване на клона „%s“, който сочеше към "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "Приготвяне на работното дърво (изтегляне на „%s“)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "Подготвяне на работно дърво (указателят „HEAD“ не свързан: %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr "Изтегляне КЛОНа, дори и да е изтеглен в друго работно дърво"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "създаване на нов клон"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "създаване или зануляване на клони"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "подготвяне на новото работно дърво"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "новото работно дърво да остане заключено"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "задаване на режима на следене (виж git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr "опит за напасване на името на новия клон с това на следящ клон"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Опциите „-b“, „-B“ и „--detach“ са несъвместими една с друга"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr "„--[no-]track“ може да се използва само при създаването на нов клон"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "причина за заключване"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "„%s“ не е работно дърво"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "Основното дърво не може да се отключи или заключи"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ вече е заключено, защото „%s“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "„%s“ вече е заключено"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "„%s“ не е заключено"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
 "не може да местите или изтривате работни дървета, в които има подмодули"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
 "принудително преместване, дори работното дърво да не е чисто или да е "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "„%s“ е основно работно дърво"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "името на целта не може да се определи от „%s“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "целта „%s“ вече съществува"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20918,7 +21401,7 @@
 "не може да преместите заключено работно дърво, причина за заключването: %s\n"
 "или го отключете, или го преместете принудително с „move -f -f“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20926,41 +21409,41 @@
 "не може да преместите заключено работно дърво:\n"
 "или го отключете, или го преместете принудително с „move -f -f“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "проверките са неуспешни, работното дърво не може да бъде преместено: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се премести в „%s“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "не може да изпълни „git status“ върху „%s“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr ""
 "работното дърво „%s“ не е чисто, за принудително изтриване е необходима "
 "опцията „--force“ "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr ""
 "командата „git status“ не може да се изпълни за „%s“, код за грешка: %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
 "принудително изтриване, дори работното дърво да не е чисто или да е заключено"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20969,7 +21452,7 @@
 "не може да изтриете заключено работно дърво, причина за заключването: %s\n"
 "или го отключете, или го изтрийте принудително с „remove -f -f“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20977,7 +21460,7 @@
 "не може да изтриете заключено работно дърво:\n"
 "или го отключете, или го изтрийте принудително с „remove -f -f“"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr "проверките са неуспешни, работното дърво не може да бъде изтрито: %s"
@@ -21053,58 +21536,60 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
 "„git help -a“ извежда наличните подкоманди, а „git help -g“ извежда "
 "въведения.  За помощ за специфична КОМАНДА ползвайте „git help КОМАНДА“, а "
-"някое определено ПОНЯТИЕ използвайте „git help ПОНЯТИЕ“.\n"
+"някое определено ПОНЯТИЕ използвайте „git help ПОНЯТИЕ“.  За преглед на\n"
+"системата за помощ използвайте „git help git“.\n"
 "Български превод на книгата „Pro Git“ от Чакън и Страуб:\n"
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "опцията „--git-dir“ изисква директория\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "опцията „--namespace“ изисква име\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "опцията „--work-tree“ изисква директория\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "опцията „--super-prefix“ изисква префикс\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "опцията „-c“ изисква низ за настройка\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "опцията „-C“ изисква директория\n"
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "непозната опция: „%s“\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr "при заместването на псевдоним „%s“: „%s“"
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
@@ -21113,39 +21598,39 @@
 "псевдонимът „%s“ променя променливи на средата.\n"
 "За това може да ползвате „!git“ в псевдонима"
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr "празен псевдоним за „%s“"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "зациклен псевдоним: „%s“"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "грешка при запис на стандартния изход"
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "неизвестна грешка при запис на стандартния изход"
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "грешка при затваряне на стандартния изход"
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr "зацикляне в псевдонимите: заместванията на „%s“ не приключват:%s"
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се обработи като вградена команда"
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:856
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
@@ -21154,14 +21639,14 @@
 "употреба: %s\n"
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr ""
 "неуспешно заместване на псевдонима „%s“ — резултатът „%s“ не е команда на "
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "командата „%s“ не може да се изпълни: %s\n"
@@ -21352,19 +21837,19 @@
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "нулева операция (за съвместимост с предишни версии)"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "повече подробности"
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "по-малко подробности"
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "да се показват такъв БРОЙ цифри от сумите по SHA1"
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr "кои празни знаци и #коментари да се махат от съобщенията"
@@ -21382,6 +21867,14 @@
 "при възможност преизползване на решението на конфликта за обновяване на "
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не е свързан и е при "
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не е свързан и е отделѐн от "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Добавяне на съдържанието на файла към индекса"
@@ -21392,7 +21885,7 @@
 #: command-list.h:52
 msgid "Annotate file lines with commit information"
-msgstr "Анотиране на редовете на файловете с информация за подаванията"
+msgstr "Добавяне на информация за подаванията към редовете на файловете"
 #: command-list.h:53
 msgid "Apply a patch to files and/or to the index"
@@ -21824,215 +22317,223 @@
 msgstr "Привеждане на указателя „HEAD“ към зададеното състояние"
 #: command-list.h:156
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "Възстановяване на файловете в работното дърво"
+#: command-list.h:157
 msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr "Отменяне на съществуващи подавания"
-#: command-list.h:157
+#: command-list.h:158
 msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr "Извеждане на подаванията в обратна хронологическа подредба"
-#: command-list.h:158
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr "Избор и промяна на параметри"
-#: command-list.h:159
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Изтриване на файлове от работното дърво и индекса"
-#: command-list.h:160
+#: command-list.h:161
 msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr "Изпращане на поредица от кръпки по е-поща"
-#: command-list.h:161
+#: command-list.h:162
 msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr "Изтласкване на обекти по протокола на Git към друго хранилище"
-#: command-list.h:162
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr "Ограничена входна обвивка за достъп през SSH само до Git"
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr "Обобщен изход от „git log“"
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "Извеждане на различните видове обекти в Git"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "Извеждане на клоните и подаванията в тях"
-#: command-list.h:166
+#: command-list.h:167
 msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr "Извеждане на индекса на пакетирания архив"
-#: command-list.h:167
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "Извеждане на указателите в локално хранилище"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr "Настройки на Git за интернационализация на скриптовете на обвивката"
-#: command-list.h:169
+#: command-list.h:170
 msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr "Настройки на Git за скриптовете на обвивката"
-#: command-list.h:170
+#: command-list.h:171
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr "Скатаване на неподадените промени в работното дърво"
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "Добавяне на съдържанието на файла към индекса"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "Извеждане на състоянието на работното дърво"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "Премахване на излишните знаци за интервали"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "Инициализиране, обновяване или разглеждане на подмодули"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr "Двупосочна работа между хранилища под Subversion и Git"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Преминаване към друг клон"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "Извеждане, промяна и изтриване на символни указатели"
-#: command-list.h:177
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr "Извеждане, създаване, изтриване, проверка на етикети подписани с GPG"
-#: command-list.h:178
+#: command-list.h:180
 msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr "Създаване на временен файл със същото съдържание като обектът-BLOB"
-#: command-list.h:179
+#: command-list.h:181
 msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr "Разпакетиране на обекти от пакетиран архив"
-#: command-list.h:180
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "Регистриране на съдържанието на файловете от работното дърво в индекса"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr "Безопасно обновяване на името на обект в указател"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr ""
 "Обновяване на файла с допълнителна информация в помощ на опростените сървъри"
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "Изпращане на архива обратно към „git-archive“"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "Изпращане на пакетираните обекти обратно към „git-fetch-pack“"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "Извеждане на логическа променлива на Git"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "Проверка на подписите GPG върху подаванията"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "Проверка на пакетираните архивни файлове на Git"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "Проверка на подписите GPG върху етикетите"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Уеб интерфейс на Git"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "Извеждане на журнал с разликите, въведени с всяко подаване"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "Управление на множество работни дървета"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "Създаване на обект-дърво от текущия индекс"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "Указване на атрибути към път"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "Команден ред и конвенции на Git"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "Въвеждащ урок в Git за разработчици"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "Git за потребители на CVS"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "Настройване на изгледа на разликите"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr "Полезен минимален набор от команди за ежедневната работа с Git"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "Речник с термините на Git"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "Куки на Git"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Указване на неследени файлове, които да бъдат нарочно пренебрегвани"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "Дефиниране на свойствата на подмодулите"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Пространства от имена на Git"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Устройство на хранилището на Git"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "Указване на версии и диапазони в Git"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "Въвеждащ урок за Git: втора част"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "Въвеждащ урок за Git"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Общ преглед на препоръчваните начини за работа с Git"
@@ -22462,12 +22963,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "За повече информация погледнете ръководството на „git-${cmd}(1)“"
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "Автоматично скатаното е приложено."
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "„$stash_sha1“ не може да бъде запазен"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "Пребазиране ($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -22511,7 +23021,7 @@
 "Може да променяте последователността на редовете — те се изпълняват\n"
 "последователно отгоре-надолу.\n"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -22530,84 +23040,84 @@
 "    git rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1: това не е подаване, което може да бъде отбрано"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "Неправилно име на подаване: „$sha1“"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr ""
 "Заместващата сума по SHA1 за текущото подаване не може да бъде запазена"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Превъртане до „$sha1“"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Не може да се превърти до „$sha1“"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "Указателят „HEAD“ не може да се насочи към „$first_parent“"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "Подаването не може да се смачка: „$sha1“"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "Грешка при повтарянето на сливането на „$sha1“"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "„$sha1“ не може да се отбере."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "Това е съобщение при подаване №${n}:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Съобщение при подаване №${n} ще бъде прескочено."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "Това е обединение от $count подаване."
 msgstr[1] "Това е обединение от $count подавания."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "Новото съобщение при подаване „$fixup_msg“ не може да бъде запазено"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "Това е обединение от 2 подавания"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "Не може да се подаде $sha1… $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -22623,31 +23133,31 @@
 "преди да можете да промените подаването."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "Спиране при „$sha1_abbrev…“ $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "Без предходно подаване не може да се изпълни „$squash_style“"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "В момента се изпълнява: $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "Неуспешно изпълнение: $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "и промени индекса и/или работното дърво"
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -22658,7 +23168,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -22673,25 +23183,25 @@
 "    git rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "Непозната команда: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "Коригирайте това чрез „git rebase --edit-todo“."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "Успешно пребазиране и обновяване на „$head_name“."
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "Указателят „CHERRY_PICK_HEAD“ не може да бъде изтрит"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -22721,11 +23231,11 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr "Не може да бъде открит автор за поправянето на подаването"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
@@ -22733,33 +23243,33 @@
 "В работното дърво има неподадени промени.  Първо ги подайте, а след това\n"
 "отново изпълнете „git rebase --continue“."
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "Промените в индекса не могат да бъдат подадени."
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "Текстовият редактор не може да бъде стартиран"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "„$switch_to“ не може да се изтегли"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "Липсва указател „HEAD“"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "Временната директория „$state_dir“ не може да бъде създадена"
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "Пребазирането не е интерактивно"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
@@ -22768,7 +23278,7 @@
 msgstr[1] ""
 "Пребазиране на $shortrevisions върху $shortonto ($todocount команди)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "Списъкът с презаписаните подавания не може да бъде създаден"
@@ -22840,81 +23350,81 @@
 msgstr "Абсолютният път на работното дърво не може да се определи"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%14s %14s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "в индекса"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "извън индекса"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "двоично"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "нищо"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "няма промени"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d файл добавен\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d файла добавени\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d файл обновен\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d файла обновени\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d файл с отменени промени\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d файла с отменени промени\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d файл засегнат\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d файла засегнати\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Обновяване"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "Отмяна"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "БЕЛЕЖКА: „%s“ вече не се следи.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "Добавяне на неследени"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "Няма неследени файлове.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
@@ -22923,7 +23433,7 @@
 "добавено към индекса"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
@@ -22932,7 +23442,7 @@
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
@@ -22941,7 +23451,8 @@
 "извадено от индекса."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
@@ -22950,7 +23461,8 @@
 "набелязано за прилагане."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
@@ -22959,16 +23471,16 @@
 "набелязано за зануляване."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr "файлът за редактиране на парчето код не може да бъде отворен: „%s“"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr "Ръчно редактиране на парчета код — отдолу има подсказка.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22983,7 +23495,7 @@
 "Редовете, които започват с „%s“ ще бъдат пропуснати.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
@@ -22993,7 +23505,7 @@
 "изтриете всички редове от парчето код, то ще бъде оставено непроменено, а\n"
 "редактирането — отказано.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -23005,7 +23517,7 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
@@ -23013,7 +23525,7 @@
 "редактирането? (текущите редакции ще се отменят при отказ!): „y“ (да)/ "
 "„n“ (не)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -23027,7 +23539,7 @@
 "a — добавяне на това и всички следващи парчета от файла в индекса\n"
 "d — без добавяне на това и всички следващи парчета от файла в индекса"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -23041,7 +23553,7 @@
 "a — скатаване на това и всички следващи парчета от файла\n"
 "d — без скатаване на това и всички следващи парчета от файла"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -23055,7 +23567,7 @@
 "a — изваждане на това и всички следващи парчета от файла от индекса\n"
 "d — без изваждане на това и всички следващи парчета от файла от индекса"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -23069,7 +23581,7 @@
 "a — прилагане на това и всички следващи парчета от файла към индекса\n"
 "d — без прилагане на това и всички следващи парчета от файла към индекса"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -23086,7 +23598,7 @@
 "d — без премахване на това и всички следващи парчета от файла от работното "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -23103,7 +23615,7 @@
 "d — без премахване на това и всички следващи парчета от файла от индекса и "
 "работното дърво"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -23120,7 +23632,21 @@
 "d — без прилагане на това и всички следващи парчета от файла от индекса и "
 "работното дърво"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y — прилагане на парчето към работното дърво\n"
+"n — без прилагане на парчето към работното дърво\n"
+"q — изход, без прилагане на това и всички оставащи парчета\n"
+"a — прилагане на това и всички следващи парчета от файла\n"
+"d — без прилагане на това и всички следващи парчета от файла"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -23142,220 +23668,237 @@
 "e — ръчно редактиране на текущото парче\n"
 "? — извеждане не помощта\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr "Избраните парчета не могат да се добавят в индекса!\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "Да се приложат ли към работното дърво? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "Нищо не е приложено.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "пренебрегване на неслятото: „%s“\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "Само двоични файлове са променени.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "Няма промени.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "Обновяване на кръпка"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Добавяне на промяната на правата за достъп [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Добавяне на изтриването [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Добавяне на това парче [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Скатаване на промяната на правата за достъп [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Скатаване на изтриването [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Скатаване на това парче [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Изваждане на промяната на правата за достъп [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Изваждане на изтриването [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Изваждане на това парче [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Прилагане на промяната на правата за достъп към индекса [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Прилагане на изтриването към индекса [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Прилагане на това парче към индекса [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Премахване на промяната в правата за достъп от работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d"
 "%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Премахване на изтриването от работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Премахване на парчето от работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Премахване на промяната в правата за достъп от индекса и работното дърво [y,"
 "n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Премахване на изтриването от индекса и работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Премахване на парчето от индекса и работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Прилагане на промяната в правата за достъп от индекса и работното дърво [y,n,"
 "q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Прилагане на изтриването от индекса и работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Прилагане на парчето от индекса и работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Прилагане на промяната в правата за достъп към работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d"
+"%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Прилагане на изтриването към работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Прилагане на парчето към работното дърво [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr "Няма други парчета\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
 msgstr "към кое парче да се придвижи (за повече варианти натиснете „enter“)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr "към кое парче да се придвижи? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Неправилен номер: „%s“\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Има само %d парче.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Има само %d парчета.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr "Няма други парчета за търсене\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr "да се търси с регулярен израз? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "Сгрешен регулярен израз „%s“: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr "Никое парче не напасва на регулярния израз\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr "Няма друго парче преди това\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr "Няма друго парче след това\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Това парче не може да бъде разделено\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Разделяне на %d парче.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Разделяне на %d парчета.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Това парче не може да бъде редактирано\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "Преглед на разликата"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -23376,18 +23919,19 @@
 "                и индекса\n"
 "add untracked — добавяне на неследените файлове към промените в индекса\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "„--“ липсва"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "неизвестна стратегия за прилагане на кръпка: „%s“"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "указан е неправилен аргумент „%s“, а се очаква „--“."
@@ -23402,31 +23946,31 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "разликата между местния часовия пояс и GMT е 24 часа или повече\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr ""
 "текстовият редактор приключи работата с грешка, всичко се преустановява"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr "„%s“ съдържа временна версия на подготвяното е-писмо.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "„“ съдържа подготвеното е-писмо.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "опцията „--dump-aliases“ е несъвместима с другите опции\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "Командата „git format-patch“ не може да се изпълни извън хранилище\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
@@ -23434,40 +23978,40 @@
 "„batch-size“ и „relogin“ трябва да се указват заедно (или чрез командния "
 "ред, или чрез настройките)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Непознато поле за опцията „--suppress-cc“: „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Непозната стойност за „--confirm“: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: псевдоними за sendmail съдържащи кавички („\"“) не се "
 "поддържат: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: „:include:“ не се поддържа: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
 "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: пренасочвания „/file“ или „|pipe“ не се поддържат: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: редът за „sendmail“ не е разпознат: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -23482,12 +24026,12 @@
 "    ● укажете „./%s“ за файл;\n"
 "    ● използвате опцията „--format-patch“ за диапазон.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "Директорията „%s“ не може да се отвори: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -23496,7 +24040,7 @@
 "ФАТАЛНА ГРЕШКА: %s: %s\n"
 "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: не са пратени никакви кръпки\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -23506,17 +24050,17 @@
 "Не са указани кръпки!\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "В „%s“ липсва тема"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се отвори за запис: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -23531,27 +24075,27 @@
 "Изтрийте всичко, ако не искате да изпратите обобщаващо писмо.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се отвори: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "„“ не може да се отвори: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "Обобщаващото писмо е празно и се прескача\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да ползвате „%s“ [y/N]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
@@ -23559,11 +24103,11 @@
 "Следните файлове са 8 битови, но не са с обявена заглавна част „Content-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Кое 8 битово кодиране се ползва [стандартно: UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -23576,22 +24120,22 @@
 "все още е с шаблонното заглавие „*** SUBJECT HERE ***“.  Ползвайте опцията\n"
 "„--force“, ако сте сигурни, че точно това искате да изпратите.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "На кой да се пратят е-писмата (незадължително поле)"
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "ФАТАЛНА ГРЕШКА: „%s“ е псевдоним на себе си\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr ""
 "Идентификатор на съобщение „Message-ID“, което да се използва за обявяването "
 "на отговор „In-Reply-To“ (незадължително поле)"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "ГРЕШКА: не може да се извлече адрес от „%s“\n"
@@ -23599,18 +24143,18 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr ""
 "Какво да се направи с този адрес? „q“ (спиране), „d“ (изтриване), "
 "„e“ (редактиране): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "Пътят към сертификат „%s“ не съществува."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -23638,132 +24182,132 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr ""
 "Изпращане на е-писмото? „y“ (да), „n“ (не), „e“ (редактиране), „q“ (изход), "
 "„a“ (всичко): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Изискване на отговор към това е-писмо"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "Сървърът за SMTP не е настроен правилно."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "Сървърът не поддържа „STARTTLS“! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "Неуспешно изпълнение на STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
 "Подсистемата за SMTP не може да се инициализира.  Проверете настройките и "
 "използвайте опцията: „--smtp-debug“."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да бъде изпратен\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Проба за изпращане на „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Изпращане на „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Успех при пробата.  От журнала:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Успех.  От журнала:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Резултат: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Резултат: успех\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "файлът „%s“ не може да бъде отворен"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Добавяне на „як: %s“ от ред „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Добавяне на „до: %s“ от ред „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(не-mbox) Добавяне на „як: %s“ от ред „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(тяло) Добавяне на „як: %s“ от ред „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) Не може да бъде се изпълни „%s“"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) Добавяне на „%s: %s“ от: „%s“\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) програмният канал не може да се затвори за изпълнението на „%s“"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "съобщението не може да се изпрати чрез 7 битови знаци"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "неправилно кодиране за пренос"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "„%s“ не може да се отвори: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "„%s“: кръпката съдържа ред с над 988 знака"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "„%s“ се пропуска, защото е с разширение за архивен файл: „%s“.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Наистина ли искате да изпратите „%s“? [y|N]: "
diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po
index 4866baa..73a0824 100644
--- a/po/ca.po
+++ b/po/ca.po
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-15 10:09+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-03-21 15:24+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-30 09:59+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-30 08:23+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jordi Mas <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Catalan\n"
 "Language: ca\n"
@@ -58,39 +58,39 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 2.1.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n"
-#: advice.c:101
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: advice.c:109
+#, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
-msgstr "pista: %.*s\n"
+msgstr "%spista: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:154
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Fer «cherry pick» no és possible perquè teniu fitxers sense fusionar."
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Cometre no és possible perquè teniu fitxers sense fusionar."
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Fusionar no és possible perquè teniu fitxers sense fusionar."
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Baixar no és possible perquè teniu fitxers sense fusionar."
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Revertir no és possible perquè teniu fitxers sense fusionar."
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "No és possible %s perquè teniu fitxers sense fusionar."
-#: advice.c:172
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -99,35 +99,42 @@
 "'git add/rm <fitxer>' segons sigui apropiat per a marcar la\n"
 "resolució i feu una comissió."
-#: advice.c:180
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "S'està sortint a causa d'un conflicte no resolt."
-#: advice.c:185 builtin/merge.c:1290
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "No heu conclòs la vostra fusió (MERGE_HEAD existeix)."
-#: advice.c:187
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Cometeu els vostres canvis abans de fusionar."
-#: advice.c:188
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "S'està sortint a causa d'una fusió no terminada."
-#: advice.c:194
-#, c-format
+#: advice.c:202
+#, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
 "Avís: s'està agafant «%s».\n"
@@ -150,178 +157,189 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:59
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "opció d'espai en blanc «%s» no reconeguda"
-#: apply.c:75
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "opció ignora l'espai en blanc «%s» no reconeguda"
-#: apply.c:125
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject i --3way no es poden usar junts."
-#: apply.c:127
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached i --3way no es poden usar junts."
-#: apply.c:130
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way fora d'un dipòsit"
-#: apply.c:141
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index fora d'un dipòsit"
-#: apply.c:144
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached fora d'un dipòsit"
-#: apply.c:825
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "No es pot preparar l'expressió regular de marca de temps %s"
-#: apply.c:834
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "regexec ha retornat %d per l'entrada: %s"
-#: apply.c:908
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut trobar el nom de fitxer en el pedaç a la línia %d"
-#: apply.c:946
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
-msgstr "git apply: git-diff incorrecte - s'esperava /dev/null, s'ha rebut %s en la línia %d"
+msgstr ""
+"git apply: git-diff incorrecte - s'esperava /dev/null, s'ha rebut %s en la "
+"línia %d"
-#: apply.c:952
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
-msgstr "git apply: git-diff incorrecte - nom de fitxer nou inconsistent en la línia %d"
+msgstr ""
+"git apply: git-diff incorrecte - nom de fitxer nou inconsistent en la línia "
-#: apply.c:953
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
-msgstr "git apply: git-diff incorrecte - nom de fitxer antic inconsistent en la línia %d"
+msgstr ""
+"git apply: git-diff incorrecte - nom de fitxer antic inconsistent en la "
+"línia %d"
-#: apply.c:958
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: git-diff incorrecte - s'esperava /dev/null en la línia %d"
-#: apply.c:987
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "mode no vàlid en la línia %d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1306
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "línies de capçalera %d i %d inconsistents"
-#: apply.c:1478
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recompte: línia inesperada: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1547
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "fragment de pedaç sense capçalera a la línia %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1567
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
-msgid "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname component (line %d)"
-msgid_plural "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname components (line %d)"
+msgid ""
+"git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
+"component (line %d)"
+msgid_plural ""
+"git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
+"components (line %d)"
 msgstr[0] ""
-"a la capçalera de git diff li manca informació de nom de fitxer en eliminar %d component de nom de camí inicial "
-"(línia %d)"
+"a la capçalera de git diff li manca informació de nom de fitxer en eliminar "
+"%d component de nom de camí inicial (línia %d)"
 msgstr[1] ""
-"a la capçalera de git diff li manca informació de nom de fitxer en eliminar %d components de nom de camí inicial "
-"(línia %d)"
+"a la capçalera de git diff li manca informació de nom de fitxer en eliminar "
+"%d components de nom de camí inicial (línia %d)"
-#: apply.c:1580
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
-msgstr "a la capçalera de git diff li manca informació de nom de fitxer (línia %d)"
+msgstr ""
+"a la capçalera de git diff li manca informació de nom de fitxer (línia %d)"
-#: apply.c:1768
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "el fitxer nou depèn dels continguts antics"
-#: apply.c:1770
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "el fitxer suprimit encara té continguts"
-#: apply.c:1804
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "pedaç malmès a la línia %d"
-#: apply.c:1841
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "el fitxer nou %s depèn dels continguts antics"
-#: apply.c:1843
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "el fitxer suprimit %s encara té continguts"
-#: apply.c:1846
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** advertència: el fitxer %s queda buit però no se suprimeix"
-#: apply.c:1993
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "pedaç binari malmès a la línia %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2030
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "pedaç binari no reconegut a la línia %d"
-#: apply.c:2192
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "pedaç amb només escombraries a la línia %d"
-#: apply.c:2278
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir l'enllaç simbòlic %s"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir o llegir %s"
-#: apply.c:2941
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "inici de línia no vàlid: «%c»"
-#: apply.c:3062
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] "El tros #%d ha tingut èxit a %d (desplaçament d'%d línia)."
 msgstr[1] "El tros #%d ha tingut èxit a %d (desplaçament de %d línies)."
-#: apply.c:3074
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "El context s'ha reduït a (%ld/%ld) per a aplicar el fragment a %d"
-#: apply.c:3080
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -330,439 +348,459 @@
 "tot cercant:\n"
-#: apply.c:3102
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "manquen les dades de pedaç binari de «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3110
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot aplicar al revés un pedaç binari sense el tros revés a «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3157
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
-msgstr "no es pot aplicar un pedaç binari a «%s» sense la línia d'índex completa"
+msgstr ""
+"no es pot aplicar un pedaç binari a «%s» sense la línia d'índex completa"
-#: apply.c:3167
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
-msgid "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
-msgstr "el pedaç s'aplica a «%s» (%s), el qual no coincideix amb els continguts actuals."
+msgid ""
+"the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
+msgstr ""
+"el pedaç s'aplica a «%s» (%s), el qual no coincideix amb els continguts "
-#: apply.c:3175
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "el pedaç s'aplica a un «%s» buit però no és buit"
-#: apply.c:3193
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir la postimatge %s necessària per a «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3206
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "el pedaç binari no s'aplica a «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3212
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
-msgstr "el pedaç binari a «%s» crea un resultat incorrecte (s'esperava %s, s'ha rebut %s)"
+msgstr ""
+"el pedaç binari a «%s» crea un resultat incorrecte (s'esperava %s, s'ha "
+"rebut %s)"
-#: apply.c:3233
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "el pedaç ha fallat: %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3356
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "no es pot agafar %s"
-#: apply.c:3408 apply.c:3419 apply.c:3465 midx.c:58 setup.c:278
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir %s"
-#: apply.c:3416
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "s'està llegint de «%s» més enllà d'un enllaç simbòlic"
-#: apply.c:3445 apply.c:3688
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "el camí %s s'ha canviat de nom / s'ha suprimit"
-#: apply.c:3531 apply.c:3703
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s: no existeix en l'índex"
-#: apply.c:3540 apply.c:3711
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s: no coincideix amb l'índex"
-#: apply.c:3575
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
-msgstr "al dipòsit li manca el blob necessari per a retrocedir a una fusió de 3 vies."
+msgstr ""
+"al dipòsit li manca el blob necessari per a retrocedir a una fusió de 3 vies."
-#: apply.c:3578
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "S'està retrocedint a una fusió de 3 vies...\n"
-#: apply.c:3594 apply.c:3598
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "no es poden llegir els continguts actuals de «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3610
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en retrocedir a una fusió de 3 vies...\n"
-#: apply.c:3624
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "S'ha aplicat el pedaç a «%s» amb conflictes.\n"
-#: apply.c:3629
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "S'ha aplicat el pedaç a «%s» netament.\n"
-#: apply.c:3655
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "el pedaç d'eliminació deixa els continguts dels fitxers"
-#: apply.c:3728
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s: tipus erroni"
-#: apply.c:3730
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s és del tipus %o, s'esperava %o"
-#: apply.c:3881 apply.c:3883 read-cache.c:820 read-cache.c:846 read-cache.c:1299
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "camí no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3939
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s: ja existeix en l'índex"
-#: apply.c:3942
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s: ja existeix en el directori de treball"
-#: apply.c:3962
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "el mode nou (%o) de %s no coincideix amb el mode antic (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3967
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr "el mode nou (%o) de %s no coincideix amb el mode antic (%o) de %s"
-#: apply.c:3987
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "el fitxer afectat «%s» és més enllà d'un enllaç simbòlic"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s: el pedaç no s'aplica"
-#: apply.c:4006
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "S'està comprovant el pedaç %s..."
-#: apply.c:4098
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "falta la informació sha1 o és inútil per al submòdul %s"
-#: apply.c:4105
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "canvi de mode per a %s, el qual no està en la HEAD actual"
-#: apply.c:4108
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "falta informació sha1 o és inútil (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4113 builtin/checkout.c:248 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "make_cache_entry ha fallat per al camí «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4117
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut afegir %s a l'índex temporal"
-#: apply.c:4127
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure l'índex temporal a %s"
-#: apply.c:4265
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut eliminar %s de l'índex"
-#: apply.c:4299
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "pedaç malmès per al submòdul %s"
-#: apply.c:4305
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut fer stat al fitxer novament creat «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4313
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear un magatzem de recolzament per al fitxer novament creat %s"
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha pogut crear un magatzem de recolzament per al fitxer novament creat "
-#: apply.c:4319 apply.c:4464
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut afegir una entrada de cau per a %s"
-#: apply.c:4362
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure a «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "s'està tancant el fitxer «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4436
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer «%s» mode %o"
-#: apply.c:4534
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "El pedaç %s s'ha aplicat netament."
-#: apply.c:4542
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "error intern"
-#: apply.c:4545
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "S'està aplicant el pedaç %%s amb %d rebuig..."
 msgstr[1] "S'està aplicant el pedaç %%s amb %d rebutjos..."
-#: apply.c:4556
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "s'està truncant el nom del fitxer .rej a %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4564 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:869 builtin/fetch.c:1161
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "no es pot obrir %s"
-#: apply.c:4578
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "El tros #%d s'ha aplicat netament."
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "S'ha rebutjat el tros #%d."
-#: apply.c:4692
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "S'ha omès el pedaç «%s»."
-#: apply.c:4700
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "entrada no reconeguda"
-#: apply.c:4720
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir el fitxer d'índex"
-#: apply.c:4875
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "no es pot obrir el pedaç «%s»: %s"
-#: apply.c:4902
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "s'ha silenciat %d error d'espai en blanc"
 msgstr[1] "s'han silenciat %d errors d'espai en blanc"
-#: apply.c:4908 apply.c:4923
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d línia afegeix errors d'espai en blanc."
 msgstr[1] "%d línies afegeixen errors d'espai en blanc."
-#: apply.c:4916
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
-msgstr[0] "S'ha aplicat %d línia després d'arreglar els errors d'espai en blanc."
-msgstr[1] "S'han aplicat %d línies després d'arreglar els errors d'espai en blanc."
+msgstr[0] ""
+"S'ha aplicat %d línia després d'arreglar els errors d'espai en blanc."
+msgstr[1] ""
+"S'han aplicat %d línies després d'arreglar els errors d'espai en blanc."
-#: apply.c:4932 builtin/add.c:539 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut escriure un fitxer d'índex nou"
-#: apply.c:4959 apply.c:4962 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206 builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:118
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:200 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "camí"
-#: apply.c:4960
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "no apliquis els canvis que coincideixin amb el camí donat"
-#: apply.c:4963
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "aplica els canvis que coincideixin amb el camí donat"
-#: apply.c:4965 builtin/am.c:2212
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "número"
-#: apply.c:4966
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
-msgstr "elimina <nombre> barres obliqües inicials dels camins de diferència tradicionals"
+msgstr ""
+"elimina <nombre> barres obliqües inicials dels camins de diferència "
-#: apply.c:4969
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "ignora afegiments fets pel pedaç"
-#: apply.c:4971
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
-msgstr "en lloc d'aplicar el pedaç, emet les estadístiques de diferència de l'entrada"
+msgstr ""
+"en lloc d'aplicar el pedaç, emet les estadístiques de diferència de l'entrada"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr "mostra el nombre de línies afegides i suprimides en notació decimal"
-#: apply.c:4977
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr "en lloc d'aplicar el pedaç, emet un resum de l'entrada"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "en lloc d'aplicar el pedaç, veges si el pedaç és aplicable"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "assegura que el pedaç sigui aplicable a l'índex actual"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "aplica un pedaç sense tocar l'arbre de treball"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "accepta un pedaç que toqui fora de l'àrea de treball"
-#: apply.c:4990
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "aplica el pedaç també (useu amb --stat/--summary/--check)"
-#: apply.c:4992
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "intenta una fusió de tres vies si el pedaç no s'aplica"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr "construeix un índex temporal basat en la informació d'índex incrustada"
-#: apply.c:4997 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "els camins se separen amb el caràcter NUL"
-#: apply.c:4999
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "assegura't que almenys <n> línies de context coincideixin"
-#: apply.c:5000 builtin/am.c:2191 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101 builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/rebase.c:1065
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "acció"
-#: apply.c:5001
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
-msgstr "detecta les línies noves o modificades que tinguin errors d'espai en blanc"
+msgstr ""
+"detecta les línies noves o modificades que tinguin errors d'espai en blanc"
-#: apply.c:5004 apply.c:5007
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "ignora els canvis d'espai en blanc en cercar context"
-#: apply.c:5010
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "aplica el pedaç al revés"
-#: apply.c:5012
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "no esperis almenys una línia de context"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "deixa els trossos rebutjats en fitxers *.rej corresponents"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "permet trossos encavalcants"
-#: apply.c:5017 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22 builtin/commit.c:1312 builtin/count-objects.c:98
-#: builtin/fsck.c:724 builtin/log.c:2037 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128 builtin/rebase--interactive.c:159
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2085 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "sigues detallat"
-#: apply.c:5019
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr "tolera una línia nova incorrectament detectada al final del fitxer"
-#: apply.c:5022
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "no confiïs en els recomptes de línia en les capçaleres dels trossos"
-#: apply.c:5024 builtin/am.c:2200
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "arrel"
-#: apply.c:5025
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "anteposa <arrel> a tots els noms de fitxer"
@@ -775,14 +813,17 @@
 msgstr "git archive --list"
 #: archive.c:16
-msgid "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
-msgstr "git archive --remote <dipòsit> [--exec <ordre>] [<opcions>] <arbre> [<camí>...]"
+msgid ""
+"git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
+msgstr ""
+"git archive --remote <dipòsit> [--exec <ordre>] [<opcions>] <arbre> "
 #: archive.c:17
 msgid "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] --list"
 msgstr "git archive --remote <dipòsit> [--exec <ordre>] --list"
-#: archive.c:372 builtin/add.c:177 builtin/add.c:515 builtin/rm.c:299
+#: archive.c:372 builtin/add.c:177 builtin/add.c:516 builtin/rm.c:299
 #, c-format
 msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any files"
 msgstr "l'especificació de camí «%s» no ha coincidit amb cap fitxer"
@@ -802,95 +843,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "no és un objecte d'arbre: %s"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "no es segueix el directori de treball actual"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "format"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "format d'arxiu"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1549
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1597
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "prefix"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "anteposa el prefix a cada nom de camí en l'arxiu"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:820 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105 builtin/ls-files.c:560
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412 builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:162
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
+#: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "fitxer"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "escriu l'arxiu a aquest fitxer"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "llegeix .gitattributes en el directori de treball"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "informa de fitxers arxivats en stderr"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "només emmagatzema"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "comprimeix més ràpidament"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "comprimeix millor"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "llista els formats d'arxiu admesos"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "dipòsit"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "recupera l'arxiu del dipòsit remot <dipòsit>"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:715 builtin/notes.c:498
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "ordre"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "camí a l'ordre git-upload-archive remota"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Opció inesperada --remote"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "L'opció --exec només es pot usar juntament amb --remote"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Opció inesperada --output"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Format d'arxiu desconegut «%s»"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Paràmetre no admès per al format «%s»: -%d"
@@ -910,16 +954,16 @@
 msgid "cannot read %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir «%s»"
-#: archive-tar.c:458
+#: archive-tar.c:459
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to start '%s' filter"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut iniciar el filtre «%s»"
-#: archive-tar.c:461
+#: archive-tar.c:462
 msgid "unable to redirect descriptor"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut redirigir el descriptor"
-#: archive-tar.c:468
+#: archive-tar.c:469
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' filter reported error"
 msgstr "«%s» error reportat pel filtre"
@@ -934,7 +978,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "el camí és massa llarg (%d caràcters, SHA1: %s): %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:225 builtin/pack-objects.c:228
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "error de deflació (%d)"
@@ -942,7 +986,7 @@
 #: archive-zip.c:609
 #, c-format
 msgid "timestamp too large for this system: %<PRIuMAX>"
-msgstr "marca de temps massa llarga per a aquest sistema: %<PRIuMAX>"
+msgstr "marca de temps massa gran per a aquest sistema: %<PRIuMAX>"
 #: attr.c:211
 #, c-format
@@ -1023,7 +1067,8 @@
 "We continue anyway."
 msgstr ""
 "s'ha d'ometre la base de fusió entre %s i [%s].\n"
-"Llavors, no podem estar segurs que la primera comissió %s sigui entre %s i %s.\n"
+"Llavors, no podem estar segurs que la primera comissió %s sigui entre %s i "
 "Continuem de totes maneres."
 #: bisect.c:822
@@ -1036,26 +1081,26 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "es necessita una revisió %s"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:237
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el fitxer «%s»"
-#: bisect.c:937 builtin/merge.c:139
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer «%s»"
-#: bisect.c:967
+#: bisect.c:958
 msgid "reading bisect refs failed"
 msgstr "la lectura de les referències de bisecció ha fallat"
-#: bisect.c:986
+#: bisect.c:977
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s was both %s and %s\n"
 msgstr "%s era ambdós %s i %s\n"
-#: bisect.c:994
+#: bisect.c:985
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No testable commit found.\n"
@@ -1064,7 +1109,7 @@
 "No s'ha trobat cap comissió comprovable.\n"
 "Potser heu començat amb paràmetres de camí incorrectes?\n"
-#: bisect.c:1013
+#: bisect.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "(roughly %d step)"
 msgid_plural "(roughly %d steps)"
@@ -1074,46 +1119,53 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: the last %s will be replaced with "(roughly %d
 #. steps)" translation.
-#: bisect.c:1019
+#: bisect.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bisecting: %d revision left to test after this %s\n"
 msgid_plural "Bisecting: %d revisions left to test after this %s\n"
 msgstr[0] "Bisecant: manca %d revisió a provar després d'aquesta %s\n"
 msgstr[1] "Bisecant: manquen %d revisions a provar després d'aquesta %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1792
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents i --reverse no funcionen bé juntes."
-#: blame.c:1806
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "no es pot usar --contents amb el nom d'objecte de la comissió final"
-#: blame.c:1827
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
-msgstr "--reverse i --first-parent-together requereixen una última comissió especificada"
+msgstr ""
+"--reverse i --first-parent-together requereixen una última comissió "
-#: blame.c:1836 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2071 remote.c:1948 sequencer.c:1993 sequencer.c:4064 builtin/commit.c:1004
-#: builtin/log.c:378 builtin/log.c:936 builtin/log.c:1420 builtin/log.c:1796 builtin/log.c:2086 builtin/merge.c:407
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3137 builtin/pack-objects.c:3152 builtin/shortlog.c:192
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:404 builtin/log.c:980
+#: builtin/log.c:1468 builtin/log.c:1844 builtin/log.c:2134 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3142 builtin/pack-objects.c:3157
+#: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "la configuració del passeig per revisions ha fallat"
-#: blame.c:1854
-msgid "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
-msgstr "--reverse --first-parent junts requereixen un rang de la cadena de mares primeres"
+#: blame.c:2759
+msgid ""
+"--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
+msgstr ""
+"--reverse --first-parent junts requereixen un rang de la cadena de mares "
-#: blame.c:1865
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "no hi ha tal camí %s en %s"
-#: blame.c:1876
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir el blob %s per al camí %s"
-#: branch.c:52
+#: branch.c:53
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1126,85 +1178,97 @@
 "intentar corregir la informació de seguiment remot\n"
 "invocant \"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\"."
-#: branch.c:66
+#: branch.c:67
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not setting branch %s as its own upstream."
 msgstr "No s'està establint la branca %s com a la seva pròpia font."
-#: branch.c:92
-#, c-format
-msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s' by rebasing."
-msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca remota «%s» de «%s» fent «rebase»."
 #: branch.c:93
 #, c-format
-msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s'."
-msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca remota «%s» de «%s»."
+msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s' by rebasing."
+msgstr ""
+"La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca remota «%s» de «%s» "
+"fent «rebase»."
-#: branch.c:97
+#: branch.c:94
 #, c-format
-msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s' by rebasing."
-msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca local «%s» fent «rebase»."
+msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+"La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca remota «%s» de «%s»."
 #: branch.c:98
 #, c-format
+msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s' by rebasing."
+msgstr ""
+"La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca local «%s» fent "
+#: branch.c:99
+#, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s'."
 msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca local «%s»."
-#: branch.c:103
-#, c-format
-msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s' by rebasing."
-msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la referència remota «%s» fent «rebase»."
 #: branch.c:104
 #, c-format
-msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s'."
-msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la referència remota «%s»."
+msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s' by rebasing."
+msgstr ""
+"La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la referència remota «%s» fent "
-#: branch.c:108
+#: branch.c:105
 #, c-format
-msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s' by rebasing."
-msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la referència local «%s» fent «rebase»."
+msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+"La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la referència remota «%s»."
 #: branch.c:109
 #, c-format
+msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s' by rebasing."
+msgstr ""
+"La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la referència local «%s» fent "
+#: branch.c:110
+#, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s'."
 msgstr "La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la referència local «%s»."
-#: branch.c:118
+#: branch.c:119
 msgid "Unable to write upstream branch configuration"
 msgstr "No es pot escriure la configuració de la branca font"
-#: branch.c:155
+#: branch.c:156
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not tracking: ambiguous information for ref %s"
 msgstr "No seguint: informació ambigua per a la referència %s"
-#: branch.c:188
+#: branch.c:189
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid branch name."
 msgstr "«%s» no és un nom de branca vàlid."
-#: branch.c:207
+#: branch.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "A branch named '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "Una branca amb nom «%s» ja existeix."
-#: branch.c:212
+#: branch.c:213
 msgid "Cannot force update the current branch."
 msgstr "No es pot actualitzar la branca actual a la força."
-#: branch.c:232
+#: branch.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot setup tracking information; starting point '%s' is not a branch."
-msgstr "No es pot configurar la informació de seguiment; el punt inicial «%s» no és una branca."
+msgstr ""
+"No es pot configurar la informació de seguiment; el punt inicial «%s» no és "
+"una branca."
-#: branch.c:234
+#: branch.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "the requested upstream branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "la branca font demanada «%s» no existeix"
-#: branch.c:236
+#: branch.c:237
 msgid ""
 "If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream\n"
@@ -1225,27 +1289,27 @@
 "«git push -u» per a establir la configuració font\n"
 "mentre pugeu."
-#: branch.c:280
+#: branch.c:281
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid object name: '%s'."
 msgstr "No és un nom d'objecte vàlid: «%s»."
-#: branch.c:300
+#: branch.c:301
 #, c-format
 msgid "Ambiguous object name: '%s'."
 msgstr "Nom d'objecte ambigu: «%s»."
-#: branch.c:305
+#: branch.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "No és un punt de ramificació vàlid: «%s»."
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "«%s» ja s'ha agafat a «%s»"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "HEAD de l'arbre de treball %s no està actualitzat"
@@ -1260,7 +1324,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "capçalera no reconeguda: %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2215 sequencer.c:2763 builtin/commit.c:776
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»"
@@ -1269,60 +1334,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "Al dipòsit li manquen aquestes comissions prerequisits:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "cal un dipòsit per verificar un farcell"
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "El farcell conté aquesta referència:"
 msgstr[1] "El farcell conté aquestes %d referències:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "El farcell registra una història completa."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "El farcell requereix aquesta referència:"
 msgstr[1] "El farcell requereix aquestes %d referències:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut duplicar el descriptor del farcell"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut executar el pack-objects"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "El pack-objects s'ha mort"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "El rev-list s'ha mort"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "les opcions de la llista de revisions exclouen la referència «%s»"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:193 builtin/log.c:1701 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:212 builtin/log.c:1749 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre no reconegut: %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "S'està refusant crear un farcell buit."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot crear «%s»"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "L'index-pack s'ha mort"
@@ -1331,8 +1400,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "valor de color no vàlid: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2567 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399 builtin/am.c:1375 builtin/am.c:2019
-#: builtin/replace.c:376 builtin/replace.c:448
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar %s"
@@ -1342,7 +1411,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s no és una comissió!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1354,27 +1423,27 @@
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:1122
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "La comissió %s té una signatura GPG no fiable, suposadament de %s."
-#: commit.c:1125
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "La comissió %s té una signatura GPG incorrecta suposadament de %s."
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "La comissió %s no té signatura GPG."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "La comissió %s té una signatura GPG bona de %s\n"
-#: commit.c:1385
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1385,139 +1454,254 @@
 "la variable de configuració i18n.commitencoding a la codificació que\n"
 "usi el vostre projecte.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:101
+#: commit-graph.c:127
+msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
-msgid "graph file %s is too small"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
+msgstr "la signatura del graf de comissions %X no coincideix amb la signatura %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:136
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
-msgid "graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
+msgstr "la versió del graf de comissions %X no coincideix amb la versió %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:143
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "graph version %X does not match version %X"
-msgstr "el camí «%s» no té la seva versió"
-#: commit-graph.c:150
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "hash version %X does not match version %X"
-msgstr "el camí «%s» no té la seva versió"
-#: commit-graph.c:173
-msgid "chunk lookup table entry missing; graph file may be incomplete"
-msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
-msgid "improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
+msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
+msgstr "la versió del hash del graf de comissions %X no coincideix amb la versió %X"
+#: commit-graph.c:229
+msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:221
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
-msgid "chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
+msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:334
+#: commit-graph.c:283
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "la cadena del graf de comissions no coincideix"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "no es poden trobar tots els fitxers del graf de comissions"
+#: commit-graph.c:553 commit-graph.c:613
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr "posició de la comissió no vàlida. Probablement el graf de comissions està malmès"
+#: commit-graph.c:574
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut trobar la comissió %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:671 builtin/pack-objects.c:2646
+#: commit-graph.c:1001 builtin/pack-objects.c:2651
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obtenir el tipus de l'objecte: %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:704
+#: commit-graph.c:1033
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "S'estan carregant comissions conegudes al graf de comissions"
-#: commit-graph.c:720
+#: commit-graph.c:1050
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "S'estan expandint les comissions abastables al graf de comissions"
-#: commit-graph.c:732
+#: commit-graph.c:1069
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "S'estan netejant les marques de comissions al graf de comissions"
-#: commit-graph.c:752
+#: commit-graph.c:1088
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "S'estan calculant els nombres de generació del graf de comissions"
-#: commit-graph.c:869
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
-msgstr[0] "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
-msgstr[1] "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
+msgstr[0] "S'estan cercant les comissions pel graf de comissions en %d paquet"
+msgstr[1] "S'estan cercant les comissions pel graf de comissions en %d paquets"
-#: commit-graph.c:882
+#: commit-graph.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "error en afegir paquet %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:884
+#: commit-graph.c:1179
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir l'índex per «%s»"
-#: commit-graph.c:898
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: commit-graph.c:1203
+#, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
-msgstr[0] "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
-msgstr[1] "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
+msgstr[0] "S'estan cercant les comissions pel graf de comissions des de %d referència"
+msgstr[1] "S'estan cercant les comissions pel graf de comissions des de %d referències"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
-#, fuzzy
+#: commit-graph.c:1237
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
-msgstr "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
+msgstr "S'estan cercant les comissions pel graf de comissions entre els objectes empaquetats"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
-#, fuzzy
+#: commit-graph.c:1252
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
-msgstr "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
+msgstr "S'estant comptant les comissions diferents al graf de comissions"
-#: commit-graph.c:956
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:965
-#, fuzzy
+#: commit-graph.c:1283
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
-msgstr "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
+msgstr "S'estan cercant les vores addicionals al graf de comissions"
-#: commit-graph.c:989
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "masses comissions per escriure un graf"
+#: commit-graph.c:1331
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en escriure el nombre correcte d'ids base del graf"
-#: commit-graph.c:996 midx.c:769
+#: commit-graph.c:1364 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut crear els directoris inicials de «%s»"
-#: commit-graph.c:1036
+#: commit-graph.c:1376 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear «%s»"
+#: commit-graph.c:1436
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "S'està escrivint el graf de comissions en %d pas"
 msgstr[1] "S'està escrivint el graf de comissions en %d passos"
-#: commit-graph.c:1109
-msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
-msgstr "el fitxer commit-graph (graf de comissions) té una suma de verificació incorrecta i probablement és corrupte"
+#: commit-graph.c:1477
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer d'encadenament del graf de comissions"
-#: commit-graph.c:1153
+#: commit-graph.c:1489
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer base del graf de comissions"
+#: commit-graph.c:1509
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut canviar el nom del fitxer temporal del graf de comissions"
+#: commit-graph.c:1620
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "S'estan escanejant les comissions fusionades"
+#: commit-graph.c:1631
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "id de comissió duplicat %s no esperat"
+#: commit-graph.c:1656
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "S'està fusionant el graf de comissions"
+#: commit-graph.c:1842
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "el format del graf de comissions no pot escriure %d comissions"
+#: commit-graph.c:1853
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "massa comissions per escriure un graf"
+#: commit-graph.c:1943
+msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
+msgstr ""
+"el fitxer commit-graph (graf de comissions) té una suma de verificació "
+"incorrecta i probablement és corrupte"
+#: commit-graph.c:1953
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1963 commit-graph.c:1978
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1970
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en analitzar la comissió %s del graf de comissions"
+#: commit-graph.c:1987
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
-msgstr "S'estan verificant les comissions al graf de comssions"
+msgstr "S'estan verificant les comissions al graf de comissions"
+#: commit-graph.c:2000
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2007
+#, c-format
+msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2017
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2026
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2039
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2044
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2048
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2063
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:2069
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
+msgstr ""
 #: compat/obstack.c:406 compat/obstack.c:408
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "memòria esgotada"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1527,294 +1711,302 @@
 "This might be due to circular includes."
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut expandir el camí d'inclusió «%s»"
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "les inclusions de configuració relatives han de venir de fitxers"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
-msgstr "els condicionals d'inclusió de configuració relatius han de venir de fitxers"
+msgstr ""
+"els condicionals d'inclusió de configuració relatius han de venir de fitxers"
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:375
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "la clau no conté una secció: «%s»"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "la clau no conté un nom de variable: «%s»"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2330
+#: config.c:405 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "clau no vàlida: %s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "clau no vàlida (línea nova): %s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:447 config.c:459
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre de configuració erroni: %s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:494
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "format erroni a %s"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "línia de configuració %d errònia en el blob %s"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "línia de configuració %d errònia en el fitxer %s"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:828
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "línia de configuració %d errònia en l'entrada estàndard"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:832
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "línia de configuració %d errònia en el blob de submòdul %s"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:836
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "línia de configuració %d errònia en la línia d'ordres %s"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:840
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "línia de configuració %d errònia en %s"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:977
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "fora de rang"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:977
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "unitat no vàlida"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:978
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "valor de configuració numèric erroni «%s» per «%s»: %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "valor de configuració numèric erroni «%s» per «%s» en el blob %s: %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1000
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr "valor de configuració numèric «%s» erroni per «%s» en el fitxer %s: %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
-msgstr "valor de configuració numèric «%s» erroni per «%s» en l'entrada estàndard: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"valor de configuració numèric «%s» erroni per «%s» en l'entrada estàndard: %s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1006
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
-msgstr "valor de configuració numèric «%s» erroni' per «%s» en el blob de submòdul %s: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"valor de configuració numèric «%s» erroni' per «%s» en el blob de submòdul "
+"%s: %s"
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1009
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
-msgstr "valor de configuració numèric «%s» erroni per «%s» en la línia d'ordres %s: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"valor de configuració numèric «%s» erroni per «%s» en la línia d'ordres %s: "
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1012
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "valor de configuració numèric incorrecte «%s» per «%s» en %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1107
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en expandir el directori d'usuari en: «%s»"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1116
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "«%s» per a «%s» no és una marca de temps vàlida"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1207
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1221 config.c:1232
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "nivell de compressió de zlib incorrecte %d"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1324
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1357
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "mode de creació d'objecte no vàlid: %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1429
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "valor no vàlid per a %s"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1455
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valor no vàlid per a %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1456
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1481 builtin/pack-objects.c:3394
+#: config.c:1517 builtin/pack-objects.c:3399
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "nivell de compressió de paquet %d Erroni"
-#: config.c:1602
+#: config.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut carregar l'objecte blob de configuració «%s»"
-#: config.c:1605
+#: config.c:1641
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "la referència «%s» no assenyala a un blob"
-#: config.c:1622
+#: config.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre el blob de configuració: «%s»"
-#: config.c:1652
+#: config.c:1688
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en analitzar %s"
-#: config.c:1705
+#: config.c:1744
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la configuració de la línia d'ordres"
-#: config.c:2037
+#: config.c:2093
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr "un error desconegut ha ocorregut en llegir els fitxers de configuració"
-#: config.c:2207
+#: config.c:2263
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: config.c:2250
+#: config.c:2306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
-msgstr "valor «%s» a core.untrackedCache desconegut; utilitzant el valor per defecte «keep»"
+msgstr ""
+"valor «%s» a core.untrackedCache desconegut; utilitzant el valor per defecte "
-#: config.c:2276
+#: config.c:2332
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr "valor «%d» a splitIndex.maxPercentChange ha d'estar entre 0 i 100"
-#: config.c:2322
+#: config.c:2378
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar «%s» de la configuració de la línia d'ordres"
-#: config.c:2324
+#: config.c:2380
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "variable de configuració «%s» errònia en el fitxer «%s» a la línia %d"
-#: config.c:2405
+#: config.c:2461
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "nom de secció no vàlid «%s»"
-#: config.c:2437
+#: config.c:2493
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s té múltiples valors"
-#: config.c:2466
+#: config.c:2522
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "no es pot escriure un nou fitxer de configuració %s"
-#: config.c:2716 config.c:3040
+#: config.c:2774 config.c:3098
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut blocar el fitxer de configuració %s"
-#: config.c:2727
+#: config.c:2785
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "s'està obrint %s"
-#: config.c:2762 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2820 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "patró no vàlid: %s"
-#: config.c:2787
+#: config.c:2845
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "fitxer de configuració no vàlid %s"
-#: config.c:2800 config.c:3053
+#: config.c:2858 config.c:3111
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "ha fallat «fstat» a %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2869
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut fer «mmap» «%s»"
-#: config.c:2820 config.c:3058
+#: config.c:2878 config.c:3116
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "ha fallat chmod a %s"
-#: config.c:2905 config.c:3155
+#: config.c:2963 config.c:3213
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer de configuració «%s»"
-#: config.c:2939
+#: config.c:2997
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut establir «%s» a «%s»"
-#: config.c:2941 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:2999 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut desassignar «%s»"
-#: config.c:3031
+#: config.c:3089
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "nom de secció no vàlida: %s"
-#: config.c:3198
+#: config.c:3256
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "falta el valor per «%s»"
@@ -1861,7 +2053,8 @@
 #: connect.c:273
 #, c-format
 msgid "protocol error: expected shallow sha-1, got '%s'"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error de protocol: s'esperava shallow sha-1, s'ha rebut «%s»"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error de protocol: s'esperava shallow sha-1, s'ha rebut «%s»"
 #: connect.c:275
 msgid "repository on the other end cannot be shallow"
@@ -1877,9 +2070,9 @@
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error de protocol: no s'esperava «%s»"
 #: connect.c:441
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "invalid ls-refs response: %s"
-msgstr "referència no vàlida: %s"
+msgstr "resposta de ls-refs no vàlida: %s"
 #: connect.c:445
 msgid "expected flush after ref listing"
@@ -1941,12 +2134,12 @@
 #: connect.c:845 connect.c:1171
 #, c-format
 msgid "strange hostname '%s' blocked"
-msgstr "s'ha bloquejat el nom extrany d'amfitrió «%s»"
+msgstr "s'ha bloquejat el nom estrany d'amfitrió «%s»"
 #: connect.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "strange port '%s' blocked"
-msgstr "s'ha bloquejat el port extrany «%s»"
+msgstr "s'ha bloquejat el port estrany «%s»"
 #: connect.c:857
 #, c-format
@@ -1955,7 +2148,7 @@
 #: connect.c:924
 msgid "no path specified; see 'git help pull' for valid url syntax"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "no s'ha especificat un camí; vegeu «git help pull» per la sintaxis vàlida per URL"
 #: connect.c:1119
 msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support -4"
@@ -1969,28 +2162,28 @@
 msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support setting port"
 msgstr "la variant «simple» d'ssh no permet definir el port"
-#: connect.c:1259
+#: connect.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "strange pathname '%s' blocked"
 msgstr "s'ha bloquejat el nom de fitxer extrany «%s»"
-#: connect.c:1304
+#: connect.c:1307
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut bifurcar"
-#: connected.c:68 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:146
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "S'està comprovant la connectivitat"
-#: connected.c:80
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut executar 'git rev-list'"
-#: connected.c:100
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "escriptura fallada al rev-list"
-#: connected.c:107
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en tancar l'stdin del rev-list"
@@ -2011,7 +2204,8 @@
 "The file will have its original line endings in your working directory"
 msgstr ""
 "CRLF serà reemplaçat per LF en %s.\n"
-"El fitxer tindrà els seus terminadors de línia originals en el vostre directori de treball."
+"El fitxer tindrà els seus terminadors de línia originals en el vostre "
+"directori de treball."
 #: convert.c:216
 #, c-format
@@ -2025,7 +2219,8 @@
 "The file will have its original line endings in your working directory"
 msgstr ""
 "LF serà reemplaçat per CRLF en %s.\n"
-"El fitxer tindrà els seus terminadors de línia originals en el vostre directori de treball."
+"El fitxer tindrà els seus terminadors de línia originals en el vostre "
+"directori de treball."
 #: convert.c:279
 #, c-format
@@ -2034,7 +2229,9 @@
 #: convert.c:286
 #, c-format
-msgid "The file '%s' contains a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%s as working-tree-encoding."
+msgid ""
+"The file '%s' contains a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%s as working-"
 msgstr ""
 #: convert.c:304
@@ -2045,8 +2242,8 @@
 #: convert.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"The file '%s' is missing a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%sBE or UTF-%sLE (depending on the byte order) as "
+"The file '%s' is missing a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%sBE or UTF-"
+"%sLE (depending on the byte order) as working-tree-encoding."
 msgstr ""
 #: convert.c:424 convert.c:495
@@ -2094,7 +2291,9 @@
 #: convert.c:929
 #, c-format
-msgid "external filter '%s' is not available anymore although not all paths have been filtered"
+msgid ""
+"external filter '%s' is not available anymore although not all paths have "
+"been filtered"
 msgstr ""
 #: convert.c:1228
@@ -2102,9 +2301,9 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: convert.c:1398 convert.c:1432
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "%s: clean filter '%s' failed"
-msgstr "la creació de «%s» ha fallat"
+msgstr "%s: el filtre de netejat «%s» ha fallat"
 #: convert.c:1476
 #, fuzzy, c-format
@@ -2191,14 +2390,17 @@
 #: delta-islands.c:334
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load island regex for '%s': %s"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en carregar l'expressió regular de l'illa per «%s»: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error en carregar l'expressió regular de l'illa per «%s»: %s"
 #: delta-islands.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)"
-msgstr "l'expressió regular de l'illa des de la configuració té massa grups de captura (màx=%d)"
+msgstr ""
+"l'expressió regular de l'illa des de la configuració té massa grups de "
+"captura (màx=%d)"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "Marcades %d illes, fet.\n"
@@ -2212,42 +2414,59 @@
 msgid "Performing inexact rename detection"
 msgstr "S'està realitzant una detecció inexacta de canvis de nom"
-#: diff.c:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "option '%s' requires a value"
-msgstr "l'opció «%s» requereix un valor"
+#: diff-no-index.c:238
+msgid "git diff --no-index [<options>] <path> <path>"
+msgstr "git diff --no-index [<opcions>] <camí> <camí>"
-#: diff.c:158
+#: diff-no-index.c:263
+msgid ""
+"Not a git repository. Use --no-index to compare two paths outside a working "
+msgstr ""
+"No és un dipòsit Git. Useu --no-index per a comparar dos camins fora del "
+"directori de treball"
+#: diff.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Failed to parse dirstat cut-off percentage '%s'\n"
-msgstr "  S'ha produït un error en analitzar el percentatge limitant de dirstat «%s»\n"
+msgstr ""
+"  S'ha produït un error en analitzar el percentatge limitant de dirstat "
-#: diff.c:163
+#: diff.c:160
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Unknown dirstat parameter '%s'\n"
 msgstr "  Paràmetre de dirstat desconegut «%s»\n"
-#: diff.c:291
-msgid "color moved setting must be one of 'no', 'default', 'blocks', 'zebra', 'dimmed-zebra', 'plain'"
-msgstr "el paràmetre de color en moviment ha de ser «no», «default», «blocks», «zebra», «dimmed-zebra» o «plain»"
+#: diff.c:296
+msgid ""
+"color moved setting must be one of 'no', 'default', 'blocks', 'zebra', "
+"'dimmed-zebra', 'plain'"
+msgstr ""
+"el paràmetre de color en moviment ha de ser «no», «default», «blocks», "
+"«zebra», «dimmed-zebra» o «plain»"
-#: diff.c:319
+#: diff.c:324
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s', possible values are 'ignore-space-change', 'ignore-space-at-eol', 'ignore-all-"
-"space', 'allow-indentation-change'"
+"unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s', possible values are 'ignore-space-change', "
+"'ignore-space-at-eol', 'ignore-all-space', 'allow-indentation-change'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:327
-msgid "color-moved-ws: allow-indentation-change cannot be combined with other whitespace modes"
+#: diff.c:332
+msgid ""
+"color-moved-ws: allow-indentation-change cannot be combined with other "
+"whitespace modes"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:400
+#: diff.c:405
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown value for 'diff.submodule' config variable: '%s'"
-msgstr "Valor desconegut de la variable de configuració de 'diff.submodule': «%s»"
+msgstr ""
+"Valor desconegut de la variable de configuració de 'diff.submodule': «%s»"
-#: diff.c:460
+#: diff.c:465
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Found errors in 'diff.dirstat' config variable:\n"
@@ -2256,24 +2475,35 @@
 "S'han trobat errors en la variable de configuració 'diff.dirstat':\n"
-#: diff.c:4211
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "el diff external s'ha mort, s'està aturant a %s"
-#: diff.c:4553
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--name-only, --name-status, --check i -s són mútuament excloents"
-#: diff.c:4556
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-G, -S and --find-object són mútuament excloents"
-#: diff.c:4634
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow requereix exactament una especificació de camí"
-#: diff.c:4800
+#: diff.c:4689
+#,  c-format
+msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
+msgstr "valor --stat no vàlid: %s"
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
+#: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
+msgstr "%s espera un valor numèric"
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2282,58 +2512,542 @@
 "S'ha produït un error en analitzar el paràmetre d'opció de --dirstat/-X:\n"
-#: diff.c:4814
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
-msgid "Failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en analitzar el paràmetre d'opció de --submodule: «%s»"
+msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
+msgstr "classe de canvi «%c» desconeguda a --diff-filter=%s"
-#: diff.c:5900
+#: diff.c:4835
+#, c-format
+msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
+msgstr "valor desconegut després de ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
+#: diff.c:4849
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre «%s»"
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4917
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
+msgstr "%s esperava un caràcter, s'ha rebut «%s»"
+#: diff.c:4938
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
+msgstr "paràmetre --color-moved incorrecte: %s"
+#: diff.c:4957
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
+msgstr "mode «%s» no vàlid en -color-moved-ws"
+#: diff.c:4997
+msgid ""
+"option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
+msgstr ""
+"l'opció diff-algorithm accepta «myers», «minimalminimal», \"patience\" and "
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid argument to %s"
+msgstr "argument no vàlid a %s"
+#: diff.c:5191
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error en analitzar el paràmetre d'opció de --submodule: «%s»"
+#: diff.c:5247
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
+msgstr "paràmetre --word-diff incorrecte: %s"
+#: diff.c:5270
+msgid "Diff output format options"
+msgstr "Opcions del format de sortida del diff"
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
+msgid "generate patch"
+msgstr "generant pedaç"
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:182
+msgid "suppress diff output"
+msgstr "omet la sortida de diferències"
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
+msgid "<n>"
+msgstr "<n>"
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
+msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
+msgstr "genera diffs amb <n> línies de context"
+#: diff.c:5286
+msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
+msgstr "genera el diff en format cru"
+#: diff.c:5289
+msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
+msgstr "sinònim de per a «-p --raw»"
+#: diff.c:5293
+msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
+msgstr "sinònim de per a «-p --stat»"
+#: diff.c:5297
+msgid "machine friendly --stat"
+msgstr "llegible per màquina --stat"
+#: diff.c:5300
+msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
+msgstr "mostra només l'última línia de --stat"
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
+msgid "<param1,param2>..."
+msgstr "<param1,param2>..."
+#: diff.c:5303
+msgid ""
+"output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5307
+msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
+msgstr "sinònim per -dirstat=cumulative"
+#: diff.c:5311
+msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
+msgstr "sinònim per --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
+#: diff.c:5315
+msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5318
+msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5321
+msgid "show only names of changed files"
+msgstr "mostra només els noms de fitxers canviats"
+#: diff.c:5324
+msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
+msgstr "mostra només els noms i l'estat dels fitxers canviats"
+#: diff.c:5326
+msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5327
+msgid "generate diffstat"
+msgstr "genera diffstat"
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
+msgid "<width>"
+msgstr "<amplada>"
+#: diff.c:5330
+msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
+msgstr "genera diffstat amb una amplada donada"
+#: diff.c:5333
+msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
+msgstr "genera diffstat amb un nom d'amplada donat"
+#: diff.c:5336
+msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
+msgstr "genera diffstat amb una amplada de graf donada"
+#: diff.c:5338
+msgid "<count>"
+msgstr "<comptador>"
+#: diff.c:5339
+msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
+msgstr "genera diffstat amb línies limitades"
+#: diff.c:5342
+msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
+msgstr "genera un resum compacte a diffstat"
+#: diff.c:5345
+msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
+msgstr "diff amb sortida binaria que pot ser aplicada"
+#: diff.c:5348
+msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5350
+msgid "show colored diff"
+msgstr "mostra un diff amb colors"
+#: diff.c:5351
+msgid "<kind>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5352
+msgid ""
+"highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5355
+msgid ""
+"do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
+msgid "<prefix>"
+msgstr "<prefix>"
+#: diff.c:5359
+msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5362
+msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5365
+msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
+msgstr "afegir un prefix addicional per a cada línia de sortida"
+#: diff.c:5368
+msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
+msgstr "no mostris cap prefix d'origen o destí"
+#: diff.c:5371
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
+msgstr "Crea un clon superficial truncat al nombre de revisions especificat"
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
+msgid "<char>"
+msgstr "<char>"
+#: diff.c:5376
+msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
+msgstr "especifiqueu el caràcter per a indicar una línia nova en comptes de «+»"
+#: diff.c:5381
+msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
+msgstr "especifiqueu el caràcter per a indicar una línia antiga en comptes de «-»"
+#: diff.c:5386
+msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
+msgstr "especifiqueu el caràcter per a indicar context en comptes de « »"
+#: diff.c:5389
+msgid "Diff rename options"
+msgstr "Opcions de canvi de nom del diff"
+#: diff.c:5390
+msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
+msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
+#: diff.c:5391
+msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
+msgstr "divideix els canvis de reescriptura completa en parells de suprimir i crear"
+#: diff.c:5395
+msgid "detect renames"
+msgstr "detecta els canvis de noms"
+#: diff.c:5399
+msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
+msgstr "omet les preimatges per les supressions"
+#: diff.c:5402
+msgid "detect copies"
+msgstr "detecta còpies"
+#: diff.c:5406
+msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
+msgstr "usa els fitxers no modificats com a font per trobar còpies"
+#: diff.c:5408
+msgid "disable rename detection"
+msgstr "inhabilita la detecció de canvis de nom"
+#: diff.c:5411
+msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
+msgstr "usa els blobs buits com a font de canvi de nom"
+#: diff.c:5413
+msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
+msgstr "continua llistant l'històric d'un un fitxer més enllà dels canvis de nom"
+#: diff.c:5416
+msgid ""
+"prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
+"given limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5418
+msgid "Diff algorithm options"
+msgstr "Opcions d'algorisme Diff"
+#: diff.c:5420
+msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
+msgstr "produeix el diff més petit possible"
+#: diff.c:5423
+msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
+msgstr "ignora els espai en blanc en comparar línies"
+#: diff.c:5426
+msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
+msgstr "ignora els canvis en la quantitat d'espai en blanc"
+#: diff.c:5429
+msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
+msgstr "ignora els canvis d'espai en blanc al final de la línia"
+#: diff.c:5432
+msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
+msgstr "ignora els retorns de línia al final de la línia"
+#: diff.c:5435
+msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
+msgstr "ignora els canvis en línies que estan en blanc"
+#: diff.c:5438
+msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5441
+msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
+msgstr "genera diff usant l'algorisme «patience diff»"
+#: diff.c:5445
+msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
+msgstr "genera diff usant l'algorisme «histogram diff»"
+#: diff.c:5447
+msgid "<algorithm>"
+msgstr "<algorisme>"
+#: diff.c:5448
+msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
+msgstr "escolliu un algorisme pel diff"
+#: diff.c:5450
+msgid "<text>"
+msgstr "<text>"
+#: diff.c:5451
+msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
+msgstr "genera diff usant l'algorisme «anchored diff»"
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
+msgid "<mode>"
+msgstr "<mode>"
+#: diff.c:5454
+msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
+msgid "<regex>"
+msgstr "<regex>"
+#: diff.c:5457
+msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5460
+msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
+msgstr "equivalent a --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
+#: diff.c:5463
+msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5466
+msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Other diff options"
+msgstr "Opcions genèriques"
+#: diff.c:5471
+msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5475
+msgid "treat all files as text"
+msgstr "tracta tots els fitxers com a text"
+#: diff.c:5477
+msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5479
+msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
+msgstr "surt amb 1 si hi ha diferències, 0 en cas contrari"
+#: diff.c:5481
+msgid "disable all output of the program"
+msgstr "inhabilita totes les sortides del programa"
+#: diff.c:5483
+msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5485
+msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5487
+msgid "<when>"
+msgstr "<quan>"
+#: diff.c:5488
+msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
+msgstr "ignora els canvis als submòduls en la generació del diff"
+#: diff.c:5491
+msgid "<format>"
+msgstr "<format>"
+#: diff.c:5492
+msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
+msgstr "especifiqueu com es mostren els canvis als submòduls"
+#: diff.c:5496
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
+msgstr "usa .gitattributes només des de l'índex"
+#: diff.c:5499
+msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5501
+msgid "<string>"
+msgstr "<cadena>"
+#: diff.c:5502
+msgid ""
+"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5505
+msgid ""
+"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5508
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
+msgstr "mostra els fitxers coincidents en el paginador"
+#: diff.c:5511
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
+msgstr "usa les expressions regulars POSIX ampliades"
+#: diff.c:5514
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
+msgstr "mostra en la sortida els altres fitxers"
+#: diff.c:5515
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<object-id>"
+msgstr "objecte"
+#: diff.c:5516
+msgid ""
+"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5518
+msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
+msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
+#: diff.c:5519
+msgid "select files by diff type"
+msgstr "seleccioneu els fitxer per tipus de diff"
+#: diff.c:5521
+msgid "<file>"
+msgstr "<fitxer>"
+#: diff.c:5522
+msgid "Output to a specific file"
+msgstr "Sortida a un fitxer específic"
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
-msgstr "s'ha omès la detecció de canvi de nom a causa de massa fitxers."
+msgstr "s'ha omès la detecció de canvi de nom inexacta a causa de massa fitxers."
-#: diff.c:5903
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
-msgstr "només s'han trobat còpies des de camins modificats a causa de massa fitxers."
+msgstr ""
+"només s'han trobat còpies des de camins modificats a causa de massa fitxers."
-#: diff.c:5906
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
-msgid "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
-msgstr "potser voleu establir la vostra variable %s a almenys %d i tornar a intentar l'ordre."
+msgid ""
+"you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
+msgstr ""
+"potser voleu establir la vostra variable %s a almenys %d i tornar a intentar "
-#: dir.c:538
+#: dir.c:537
 #, c-format
 msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any file(s) known to git"
-msgstr "l'especificació de camí «%s» no ha coincidit amb cap fitxer que git conegui"
+msgstr ""
+"l'especificació de camí «%s» no ha coincidit amb cap fitxer que git conegui"
-#: dir.c:927
+#: dir.c:926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot use %s as an exclude file"
 msgstr "no es pot usar  %s com a fitxer d'exclusió"
-#: dir.c:1842
+#: dir.c:1843
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open directory '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir el directori «%s»"
-#: dir.c:2084
+#: dir.c:2085
 msgid "failed to get kernel name and information"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obtenir el nombre i la informació del nucli"
-#: dir.c:2208
+#: dir.c:2209
 msgid "untracked cache is disabled on this system or location"
-msgstr "la memòria cau no seguida està inhabilitada en aquest sistema o ubicació"
+msgstr ""
+"la memòria cau no seguida està inhabilitada en aquest sistema o ubicació"
-#: dir.c:3009
+#: dir.c:3013
 #, c-format
 msgid "index file corrupt in repo %s"
 msgstr "el fitxer d'índex al dipòsit %s és malmès"
-#: dir.c:3054 dir.c:3059
+#: dir.c:3058 dir.c:3063
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directories for %s"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut crear directoris per %s"
-#: dir.c:3088
+#: dir.c:3092
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not migrate git directory from '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut migrar el directori de «%s» a «%s»"
@@ -2347,7 +3061,7 @@
 msgid "Filtering content"
 msgstr "S'està filtrant el contingut"
-#: entry.c:465
+#: entry.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat file '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut fer «stat» sobre el fitxer «%s»"
@@ -2362,7 +3076,7 @@
 msgid "could not set GIT_DIR to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut establir GIT_DIR a «%s»"
-#: exec-cmd.c:361
+#: exec-cmd.c:363
 #, c-format
 msgid "too many args to run %s"
 msgstr "hi ha massa arguments per a executar %s"
@@ -2389,239 +3103,223 @@
 msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got '%s'"
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: s'esperava ACK/NAK, s'ha rebut «%s»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:256
+#: fetch-pack.c:196
+msgid "unable to write to remote"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure al remot"
+#: fetch-pack.c:258
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc requereix multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:358 fetch-pack.c:1264
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "línia de shallow no vàlida: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:364 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "línia d'unshallow no vàlida: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1273
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "objecte no trobat: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:369 fetch-pack.c:1276
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "error en objecte: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1278
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha trobat cap shallow: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:374 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "s'esperava shallow/unshallow, s'ha rebut %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:415
+#: fetch-pack.c:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "got %s %d %s"
 msgstr "s'ha rebut %s %d %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:432
+#: fetch-pack.c:434
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid commit %s"
 msgstr "comissió no vàlida %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:463
+#: fetch-pack.c:465
 msgid "giving up"
-msgstr "s'està rendint"
+msgstr "s'abandona"
-#: fetch-pack.c:475 progress.c:229
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "fet"
-#: fetch-pack.c:487
+#: fetch-pack.c:489
 #, c-format
 msgid "got %s (%d) %s"
 msgstr "s'ha rebut %s (%d) %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:533
+#: fetch-pack.c:535
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marking %s as complete"
 msgstr "S'està marcant %s com a complet"
-#: fetch-pack.c:740
+#: fetch-pack.c:744
 #, c-format
 msgid "already have %s (%s)"
 msgstr "ja es té %s (%s)"
-#: fetch-pack.c:779
+#: fetch-pack.c:783
 msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "fetch-pack: no s'ha pogut bifurcar del desmultiplexor de banda lateral"
-#: fetch-pack.c:787
+#: fetch-pack.c:791
 msgid "protocol error: bad pack header"
 msgstr "error de protocol: capçalera de paquet errònia"
-#: fetch-pack.c:855
+#: fetch-pack.c:859
 #, c-format
 msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off %s"
 msgstr "fetch-pack: no es pot bifurcar de %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:871
+#: fetch-pack.c:875
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed"
 msgstr "%s ha fallat"
-#: fetch-pack.c:873
+#: fetch-pack.c:877
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "error en desmultiplexor de banda lateral"
-#: fetch-pack.c:902
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "El servidor no permet clients superficials"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:909
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:915
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta banda lateral"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:941
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:947 fetch-pack.c:1140
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "El servidor accepta filtre"
-#: fetch-pack.c:955
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "La versió del servidor és %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:961
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "El servidor accepta %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "El servidor no permet clients superficials"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "El servidor no admet --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "El servidor no admet --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:967
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "El servidor no admet --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:984
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "cap comissió en comú"
-#: fetch-pack.c:996 fetch-pack.c:1419
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: l'obtenció ha fallat."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1134
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "El servidor no permet peticions superficials"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "El servidor accepta filtratge"
 #: fetch-pack.c:1184
+msgid "unable to write request to remote"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure la petició al remot"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "error en llegir la capçalera de la secció «%s»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1190
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "s'esperava «%s», s'ha rebut «%s»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1229
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "línia de confirmació inesperada: «%s»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "error en llegir %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1244
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "s'espera l'enviament del fitxer de paquet després de «ready»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1246
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "s'espera que cap altra seccions s'enviï després de no «ready»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1287
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en processar la informació superficial: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1308
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
+#, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
-msgstr "s'esperava shallow/unshallow, s'ha rebut %s"
+msgstr "s'esperava wanted-ref, s'ha rebut «%s»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1318
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
+#, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
-msgstr "final de fitxer inesperat"
+msgstr "wanted-ref inesperat: «%s»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1322
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en processar les referències desitjades: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1646
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "no hi ha cap HEAD remot coincident"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1664 builtin/clone.c:671
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "el remot no ha enviat tots els objectes necessaris"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1690
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "no existeix la referència remota %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1693
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "El servidor no permet sol·licitar objectes no anunciats %s"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg ha fallat en signar les dades"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el fitxer temporal"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en escriure la signatura separada a «%s»"
@@ -2631,17 +3329,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "ignora el color no vàlid «%.*s» en log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "«%s»: no s'ha pogut llegir %s"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82 builtin/rm.c:135
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en fer stat a «%s»"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "«%s»: lectura curta"
@@ -2684,19 +3383,19 @@
 #: help.c:35
 msgid "Low-level Commands / Manipulators"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordres de baix nivell / Manipuladors"
 #: help.c:36
 msgid "Low-level Commands / Interrogators"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordres de baix nivell / Interrogadors"
 #: help.c:37
 msgid "Low-level Commands / Synching Repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordres de baix nivell / Sincronització de dipòsits"
 #: help.c:38
 msgid "Low-level Commands / Internal Helpers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordres de baix nivell / Ajudants interns"
 #: help.c:298
 #, c-format
@@ -2709,63 +3408,66 @@
 #: help.c:314
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
-msgstr "Aquestes són ordres del Git habitualment usades en diverses situacions:"
+msgstr ""
+"Aquestes són ordres del Git habitualment usades en diverses situacions:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:90
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "tipus de llistat de l'ordre no compatible «%s»"
-#: help.c:410
+#: help.c:403
 msgid "The common Git guides are:"
 msgstr "Les guies de Git comunes són:"
-#: help.c:519
+#: help.c:512
 msgid "See 'git help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vegeu «git help <ordre>» per llegir sobre un subordre específic"
-#: help.c:524
+#: help.c:517
 msgid "External commands"
 msgstr "Ordres externes"
-#: help.c:539
+#: help.c:532
 msgid "Command aliases"
 msgstr "Àlies d'ordres"
-#: help.c:603
+#: help.c:596
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' appears to be a git command, but we were not\n"
 "able to execute it. Maybe git-%s is broken?"
 msgstr ""
-"«%s» sembla una ordre de git, però no hem pogut\n"
+"«%s» sembla un ordre de git, però no hem pogut\n"
 "executar-la. Pot ser que git-%s estigui malmès?"
-#: help.c:662
+#: help.c:655
 msgid "Uh oh. Your system reports no Git commands at all."
 msgstr "Ai. El vostre sistema no informa de cap ordre de Git."
-#: help.c:684
+#: help.c:677
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: You called a Git command named '%s', which does not exist."
-msgstr "ADVERTÈNCIA: Heu invocat una ordre de Git amb nom «%s», la qual no existeix."
+msgstr ""
+"ADVERTÈNCIA: Heu invocat un ordre de Git amb nom «%s», la qual no existeix."
-#: help.c:689
+#: help.c:682
 #, c-format
 msgid "Continuing under the assumption that you meant '%s'."
 msgstr "El procés continuarà, pressuposant que volíeu dir «%s»."
-#: help.c:694
+#: help.c:687
 #, c-format
 msgid "Continuing in %0.1f seconds, assuming that you meant '%s'."
-msgstr "El procés continuarà en %0.1f segons, pressuposant que volíeu dir «%s»."
+msgstr ""
+"El procés continuarà en %0.1f segons, pressuposant que volíeu dir «%s»."
-#: help.c:702
+#: help.c:695
 #, c-format
 msgid "git: '%s' is not a git command. See 'git --help'."
-msgstr "git: «%s» no és una ordre de git. Vegeu 'git --help'."
+msgstr "git: «%s» no és un ordre de git. Vegeu «git --help»."
-#: help.c:706
+#: help.c:699
 msgid ""
 "The most similar command is"
@@ -2777,18 +3479,18 @@
 "L'ordre més similar és"
 msgstr[1] ""
-"Les ordres més similar són"
+"Les ordres més similars són"
-#: help.c:721
+#: help.c:714
 msgid "git version [<options>]"
 msgstr "git version [<opcions>]"
-#: help.c:789
+#: help.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: %s - %s"
 msgstr "%s: %s - %s"
-#: help.c:793
+#: help.c:786
 msgid ""
 "Did you mean this?"
@@ -2802,7 +3504,7 @@
 "Volíeu dir un d'aquests?"
-#: ident.c:345
+#: ident.c:349
 msgid ""
 "*** Please tell me who you are.\n"
@@ -2827,48 +3529,77 @@
 "per a establir la identitat predeterminada del vostre compte.\n"
 "Ometeu --global per a establir la identitat només en aquest dipòsit.\n"
-#: ident.c:369
+#: ident.c:379
 msgid "no email was given and auto-detection is disabled"
-msgstr "no s'ha proporcionat cap adreça electrònica i la detecció automàtica està inhabilitada"
-#: ident.c:374
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to auto-detect email address (got '%s')"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut detectar automàticament una adreça electrònica vàlida (s'ha rebut «%s»)"
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha proporcionat cap adreça electrònica i la detecció automàtica està "
 #: ident.c:384
-msgid "no name was given and auto-detection is disabled"
-msgstr "no s'ha proporcionat cap nom i la detecció automàtica està inhabilitada"
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to auto-detect email address (got '%s')"
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha pogut detectar automàticament una adreça electrònica vàlida (s'ha "
+"rebut «%s»)"
-#: ident.c:390
+#: ident.c:401
+msgid "no name was given and auto-detection is disabled"
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha proporcionat cap nom i la detecció automàtica està inhabilitada"
+#: ident.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to auto-detect name (got '%s')"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut detectar automàticament el nom (s'ha rebut «%s»)"
-#: ident.c:398
+#: ident.c:415
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty ident name (for <%s>) not allowed"
 msgstr "nom d'identitat buit (per <%s>) no és permès"
-#: ident.c:404
+#: ident.c:421
 #, c-format
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "el nom conté només caràcters no permesos: %s"
-#: ident.c:419 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "format de data no vàlid: %s"
+#: list-objects.c:129
+#, c-format
+msgid "entry '%s' in tree %s has tree mode, but is not a tree"
+msgstr "l'entrada «%s» a l'arbre %s té mode d'arbre, però no és un arbre"
+#: list-objects.c:142
+#, c-format
+msgid "entry '%s' in tree %s has blob mode, but is not a blob"
+msgstr "l'entrada «%s» a l'arbre %s té mode blob, però no és un blob"
+#: list-objects.c:378
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to load root tree for commit %s"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut carregar l'arrel de l'arbre per la comissió %s"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:36
 msgid "multiple filter-specs cannot be combined"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "no es poden combinar múltiples especificacions de filtratge"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:58
 msgid "expected 'tree:<depth>'"
+msgstr "s'esperava «tree:<profunditat>»"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:84
+msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr ""
-#: list-objects-filter-options.c:152
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "filtre d'especificació no vàlid: «%s»"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2886,8 +3617,8 @@
 "No s'ha pogut crear '%s.lock': %s.\n"
 "Sembla que un altre procés de git s'està executant en aquest\n"
-"dipòsit, per exemple, un editor obert per 'git commit'. \n"
-"Assegureu-vos que tots els processos s'hagin terminat i\n"
+"dipòsit, per exemple, un editor obert per «git commit». \n"
+"Assegureu-vos que tots els processos s'hagin acabat i\n"
 "llavors proveu de nou. Si encara falla, pot ser que un procés de\n"
 "git ha tingut un error:\n"
 "elimineu el fitxer manualment per a continuar."
@@ -2895,119 +3626,123 @@
 #: lockfile.c:159
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to create '%s.lock': %s"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear '%s.lock': %s"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear «%s.lock»: %s"
 #: merge.c:41
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir la memòria cau"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1884 builtin/am.c:1918 builtin/checkout.c:416 builtin/checkout.c:745
-#: builtin/clone.c:771
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
+#: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure un fitxer d'índex nou"
-#: merge-recursive.c:332
+#: merge-recursive.c:322
 msgid "(bad commit)\n"
 msgstr "(comissió errònia)\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:355
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: merge-recursive.c:345
+#, c-format
 msgid "add_cacheinfo failed for path '%s'; merge aborting."
-msgstr "addinfo_cache ha fallat per al camí «%s»"
+msgstr "addinfo_cache ha fallat per al camí «%s»; interrompent la fusió."
-#: merge-recursive.c:364
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: merge-recursive.c:354
+#, c-format
 msgid "add_cacheinfo failed to refresh for path '%s'; merge aborting."
-msgstr "addinfo_cache ha fallat per al camí «%s»"
+msgstr "addinfo_cache ha fallat al refrescar el camí «%s»; interrompent la fusió."
-#: merge-recursive.c:447
+#: merge-recursive.c:437
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "error en construir arbres"
-#: merge-recursive.c:902
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en crear el camí «%s»%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:913
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "S'està eliminant %s per a fer espai per al subdirectori\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:927 merge-recursive.c:946
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": potser un conflicte D/F?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "s'està refusant perdre el fitxer no seguit a «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:978 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir l'objecte %s «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:980
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "blob esperat per a %s «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1004
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1015
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en fer l'enllaç simbòlic «%s»: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1020
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "no se sap què fer amb %06o %s «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1211
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (no està agafat)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1218
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (no hi ha comissions)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1225
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (les comissions no segueixen merge-base)"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (les comissions no "
+"segueixen merge-base)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1233 merge-recursive.c:1245
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Avançament ràpid del submòdul %s a la següent comissió:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1236 merge-recursive.c:1248
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Avançament ràpid al submòdul %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1271
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1275
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (sense avançament ràpid)"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (sense avançament ràpid)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1276
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "S'ha trobat una possible resolució de fusió pel submòdul:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1279
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3018,205 +3753,268 @@
 "which will accept this suggestion.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1288
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (s'han trobat múltiples fusions)"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha produït un error en fusionar el submòdul %s (s'han trobat múltiples "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1361
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en executar la fusió interna"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1366
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir %s a la base de dades"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1398
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "S'està autofusionant %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1419
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
+#, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
-msgstr "s'està refusant perdre el fitxer no seguit a «%s»"
+msgstr "Error: s'està refusant perdre el fitxer no seguit a %s; en comptes s'ha escrit a %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1486
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left in tree."
-msgstr "CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s en %s. La versió %s de %s s'ha deixat en l'arbre."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1491
-#, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s left in tree."
-msgstr "CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s a %s en %s. La versió %s de %s s'ha deixat en l'arbre."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1498
-#, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left in tree at %s."
-msgstr "CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s en %s. La versió %s de %s s'ha deixat en l'arbre a %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1503
-#, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s left in tree at %s."
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
+"in tree."
 msgstr ""
-"CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s a %s en %s. La versió %s de %s s'ha deixat en l'arbre a %s."
+"CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s en %s. La versió %s de %s "
+"s'ha deixat en l'arbre."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1537
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
+"left in tree."
+msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s a %s en %s. La versió %s "
+"de %s s'ha deixat en l'arbre."
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
+"in tree at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s en %s. La versió %s de %s "
+"s'ha deixat en l'arbre a %s."
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
+"left in tree at %s."
+msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE: (%s/supressió): %s suprimit en %s i %s a %s en %s. La versió %s "
+"de %s s'ha deixat en l'arbre a %s."
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "canvi de nom"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1537
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "canviat de nom"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1633 merge-recursive.c:2481 merge-recursive.c:3213
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3093
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
-msgstr "s'està refusant a perdre el fitxer brut a %s"
+msgstr "S'està refusant a perdre el fitxer brut a %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1643
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
+#, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
-msgstr "s'està refusant perdre el fitxer no seguit a «%s»"
+msgstr "S'està refusant perdre el fitxer no seguit a «%s», malgrat que està en mig de l'operació."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1706
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
+#, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
-msgstr "CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/afegiment): Canvi de nom %s->%s en %s. %s afegit en %s"
+msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/afegiment): Canvi de nom %s->%s a %s.  S'ha afegit %s a "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1734
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s és un directori en %s; s'està afegint com a %s en lloc d'això"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1739
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
-msgstr "s'està refusant perdre el fitxer no seguit a %s; en comptes, s'està afegint com a %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1759
-#, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s"
 msgstr ""
-"CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/canvi de nom): Canvi de nom \"%s\"->\"%s\" en la branca \"%s\" canvi de nom \"%s\"->\"%s\" "
-"en \"%s\"%s"
+"s'està refusant perdre el fitxer no seguit a %s; en comptes, s'està afegint "
+"com a %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1764
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
+"\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s"
+msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/canvi de nom): Canvi de nom «%s»->«%s» en la "
+"branca «%s» canvi de nom «%s»->«%s» en «%s»%s"
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (deixat sense resolució)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1868
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
-msgstr "CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/canvi de nom): Canvi de nom %s->%s en %s. Canvi de nom %s->%s en %s"
+msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/canvi de nom): Canvi de nom %s->%s en %s. Canvi de "
+"nom %s->%s en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2064
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because directory %s was renamed to multiple other "
-"directories, with no destination getting a majority of the files."
+"CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
+"directory %s was renamed to multiple other directories, with no destination "
+"getting a majority of the files."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2096
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of implicit directory rename(s) putting the "
-"following path(s) there: %s."
+"CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
+"implicit directory rename(s) putting the following path(s) there: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2106
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; implicit directory renames tried to put these "
-"paths there: %s"
+"CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
+"implicit directory renames tried to put these paths there: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2198
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s->%s in %s"
-msgstr "CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/canvi de nom): Canvi de nom %s->%s en %s. Canvi de nom %s->%s en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2443
-#, c-format
-msgid "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was renamed."
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
+">%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE (canvi de nom/canvi de nom): Canvi de nom %s->%s en %s. Canvi de "
+"nom %s->%s en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3022
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
+msgstr ""
+"AVÍS: S'està evitant aplicar el canvi de nom %s -> %s a %s, perquè %s ell mateix ja havia canviat de nom."
+#: merge-recursive.c:2937
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir l'objecte %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3025
+#: merge-recursive.c:2940
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "l'objecte %s no és un blob"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3094
+#: merge-recursive.c:3004
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "modificació"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3094
+#: merge-recursive.c:3004
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "modificat"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3105
+#: merge-recursive.c:3016
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "contingut"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3112
+#: merge-recursive.c:3020
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "afegiment/afegiment"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3160
+#: merge-recursive.c:3043
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "S'ha omès %s (el fusionat és igual a l'existent)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3182
+#: merge-recursive.c:3065
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "submòdul"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3183
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "CONFLICTE (%s): Conflicte de fusió en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3216
+#: merge-recursive.c:3096
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "S'està afegint com a %s en lloc d'això"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3319
+#: merge-recursive.c:3178
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
+"moving it to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3181
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
+"in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3185
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
+"%s; moving it to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3188
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
+"was renamed in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3302
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "S'està eliminant %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3345
+#: merge-recursive.c:3325
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "fitxer/directori"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3351
+#: merge-recursive.c:3330
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "directori/fitxer"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3358
+#: merge-recursive.c:3337
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
-msgstr "CONFLICTE (%s): Hi ha un directori amb nom %s en %s. S'està afegint %s com a %s"
+msgstr ""
+"CONFLICTE (%s): Hi ha un directori amb nom %s en %s. S'està afegint %s com a "
-#: merge-recursive.c:3367
+#: merge-recursive.c:3346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "S'està afegint %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3376
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: merge-recursive.c:3355
+#, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
-msgstr "CONFLICTE (%s): Conflicte de fusió en %s"
+msgstr "CONFLICTE (afegiment/afegiment): Conflicte de fusió en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3417
+#: merge-recursive.c:3393
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -3225,162 +4023,187 @@
 "Els canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriuran per la fusió:\n"
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3428
+#: merge-recursive.c:3404
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Ja està al dia!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3437
+#: merge-recursive.c:3413
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "la fusió dels arbres %s i %s ha fallat"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3536
+#: merge-recursive.c:3512
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "S'està fusionant:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3549
+#: merge-recursive.c:3525
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "s'ha trobat %u avantpassat en comú:"
 msgstr[1] "s'han trobat %u avantpassats en comú:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3588
+#: merge-recursive.c:3564
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "la fusió no ha retornat cap comissió"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3654
+#: merge-recursive.c:3630
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3670 builtin/merge.c:692 builtin/merge.c:850
+#: merge-recursive.c:3646 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut escriure l'índex."
-#: midx.c:65
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:81
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:86
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:91
+#: midx.c:95
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "el camí «%s» no té la seva versió"
-#: midx.c:105
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:129
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:142
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:144
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:146
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:148
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:162
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:205
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:246
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:271
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:407
+#: midx.c:470
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir el fitxer d'ordres «%s»"
-#: midx.c:413
+#: midx.c:476
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»"
-#: midx.c:507
+#: midx.c:536
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir l'objecte «%s»."
-#: midx.c:943
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en netejar l'índex"
-#: midx.c:981
+#: midx.c:1091
+msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
+msgstr "S'estan cercant fitxers de paquets referenciats"
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
-msgid "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
+msgid ""
+"oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:992
+#: midx.c:1110
+msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:996
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Verifying object offsets"
-msgstr "S'estan escrivint els objectes"
+#: midx.c:1138
+msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
+msgstr "S'estan ordenant els objectes per fitxer de paquet"
-#: midx.c:1004
+#: midx.c:1144
+msgid "Verifying object offsets"
+msgstr "S'estan verificant els desplaçaments dels objectes"
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut afegir una entrada de cau per a %s"
-#: midx.c:1010
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir el fitxer d'ordres «%s»"
-#: midx.c:1019
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr ""
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar el pack-objects"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut finalitzar el pack-objects"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
@@ -3389,12 +4212,12 @@
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your previous notes merge (%s exists).\n"
-"Please, use 'git notes merge --commit' or 'git notes merge --abort' to commit/abort the previous merge before you "
-"start a new notes merge."
+"Please, use 'git notes merge --commit' or 'git notes merge --abort' to "
+"commit/abort the previous merge before you start a new notes merge."
 msgstr ""
 "No heu acabat la vostra fusió de notes prèvia (%s existeix).\n"
-"Useu «git notes merge --commit» o «git notes merge --abort» per a cometre/avortar la fusió prèvia abans de "
-"començar una fusió de notes nova."
+"Useu «git notes merge --commit» o «git notes merge --abort» per a cometre/"
+"avortar la fusió prèvia abans de començar una fusió de notes nova."
 #: notes-merge.c:284
 #, c-format
@@ -3449,85 +4272,82 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: packfile.c:607
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "desplaçament abans de la fi del fitxer de paquet (.idx trencat?)"
-#: packfile.c:1870
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
-msgstr "desplaçament abans d'inici d'índex de paquet per a %s (índex corromput?)"
+msgstr ""
+"desplaçament abans d'inici d'índex de paquet per a %s (índex corromput?)"
-#: packfile.c:1874
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
-msgstr "desplaçament més enllà de la fi d'índex de paquet per a %s (índex truncat?)"
+msgstr ""
+"desplaçament més enllà de la fi d'índex de paquet per a %s (índex truncat?)"
-#: parse-options.c:35
+#: parse-options.c:38
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires a value"
 msgstr "%s requereix un valor"
-#: parse-options.c:69
+#: parse-options.c:73
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is incompatible with %s"
 msgstr "%s és incompatible amb %s"
-#: parse-options.c:74
+#: parse-options.c:78
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s : incompatible with something else"
 msgstr "%s: és incompatible amb alguna altra cosa"
-#: parse-options.c:88 parse-options.c:92 parse-options.c:260
+#: parse-options.c:92 parse-options.c:96 parse-options.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s takes no value"
 msgstr "%s no accepta cap valor"
-#: parse-options.c:90
+#: parse-options.c:94
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s isn't available"
 msgstr "%s no és disponible"
-#: parse-options.c:178
-#, c-format
-msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
-msgstr "%s espera un valor numèric"
-#: parse-options.c:194
+#: parse-options.c:219
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a non-negative integer value with an optional k/m/g suffix"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options.c:322
+#: parse-options.c:389
 #, c-format
 msgid "ambiguous option: %s (could be --%s%s or --%s%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options.c:356 parse-options.c:364
+#: parse-options.c:423 parse-options.c:431
 #, c-format
 msgid "did you mean `--%s` (with two dashes ?)"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options.c:649
+#: parse-options.c:859
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option `%s'"
 msgstr "opció desconeguda «%s»"
-#: parse-options.c:651
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: parse-options.c:861
+#, c-format
 msgid "unknown switch `%c'"
-msgstr "port desconegut %s"
+msgstr "«switch» «%c» desconegut"
-#: parse-options.c:653
+#: parse-options.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown non-ascii option in string: `%s'"
 msgstr "opció no ascii desconeguda en la cadena: «%s»"
-#: parse-options.c:675
+#: parse-options.c:887
 msgid "..."
 msgstr "..."
-#: parse-options.c:694
+#: parse-options.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "usage: %s"
 msgstr "ús: %s"
@@ -3535,52 +4355,59 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: the colon here should align with the
 #. one in "usage: %s" translation.
-#: parse-options.c:700
+#: parse-options.c:912
 #, c-format
 msgid "   or: %s"
 msgstr " o: %s"
-#: parse-options.c:703
+#: parse-options.c:915
 #, c-format
 msgid "    %s"
 msgstr "    %s"
-#: parse-options.c:742
+#: parse-options.c:954
 msgid "-NUM"
 msgstr "-NUM"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:21
+#: parse-options.c:968
+#, c-format
+msgid "alias of --%s"
+msgstr "àlies de --%s"
+#: parse-options-cb.c:20 parse-options-cb.c:24
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "l'opció «%s» espera un valor numèric"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:38
+#: parse-options-cb.c:41
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed expiration date '%s'"
 msgstr "data de venciment «%s» mal formada"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:51
+#: parse-options-cb.c:54
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' expects \"always\", \"auto\", or \"never\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "l'opció «%s» espera «always», «auto» o «never»"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:110
+#: parse-options-cb.c:130 parse-options-cb.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name '%s'"
 msgstr "nom d'objecte «%s» mal format"
-#: path.c:894
+#: path.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not make %s writable by group"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut fer %s escrivible pel grup"
 #: pathspec.c:128
 msgid "Escape character '\\' not allowed as last character in attr value"
-msgstr "El caràcter d'escapament '\\' no està permès com a últim caràcter en un valor d'un atribut"
+msgstr ""
+"El caràcter d'escapament «\\» no està permès com a últim caràcter en un "
+"valor d'un atribut"
 #: pathspec.c:146
 msgid "Only one 'attr:' specification is allowed."
-msgstr "Només es permet una especificació 'attr:'."
+msgstr "Només es permet una especificació «attr:»."
 #: pathspec.c:149
 msgid "attr spec must not be empty"
@@ -3593,17 +4420,21 @@
 #: pathspec.c:257
 msgid "global 'glob' and 'noglob' pathspec settings are incompatible"
-msgstr "els paràmetres d'especificació de camí 'glob' i 'noglob' globals són incompatibles"
+msgstr ""
+"els paràmetres d'especificació de camí «glob» i «noglob» globals són "
 #: pathspec.c:264
-msgid "global 'literal' pathspec setting is incompatible with all other global pathspec settings"
+msgid ""
+"global 'literal' pathspec setting is incompatible with all other global "
+"pathspec settings"
 msgstr ""
-"el paràmetre d'especificació de camí 'literal' global és incompatible amb tots els altres paràmetres "
-"d'especificació de camí globals"
+"el paràmetre d'especificació de camí «literal» global és incompatible amb "
+"tots els altres paràmetres d'especificació de camí globals"
 #: pathspec.c:304
 msgid "invalid parameter for pathspec magic 'prefix'"
-msgstr "paràmetre no vàlid per a la màgia d'especificació de camí 'prefix'"
+msgstr "paràmetre no vàlid per a la màgia d'especificació de camí «prefix»"
 #: pathspec.c:325
 #, c-format
@@ -3613,7 +4444,7 @@
 #: pathspec.c:330
 #, c-format
 msgid "Missing ')' at the end of pathspec magic in '%s'"
-msgstr "')' mancant al final de la màgia d'especificació de camí en «%s»"
+msgstr "«)» mancant al final de la màgia d'especificació de camí en «%s»"
 #: pathspec.c:368
 #, c-format
@@ -3623,7 +4454,7 @@
 #: pathspec.c:427
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: 'literal' and 'glob' are incompatible"
-msgstr "%s: 'literal' i 'glob' són incompatibles"
+msgstr "%s: «literal» i «glob» són incompatibles"
 #: pathspec.c:440
 #, c-format
@@ -3638,54 +4469,63 @@
 #: pathspec.c:524
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: pathspec magic not supported by this command: %s"
-msgstr "%s: aquesta ordre no està admesa amb la màgia d'especificació de camí: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"%s: aquesta ordre no està admesa amb la màgia d'especificació de camí: %s"
 #: pathspec.c:591
 #, c-format
 msgid "pathspec '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "l'especificació de camí «%s» és més enllà d'un enllaç simbòlic"
-#: pkt-line.c:104
-#, fuzzy
+#: pkt-line.c:92
+msgid "unable to write flush packet"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el paquet de buidatge"
+#: pkt-line.c:99
+msgid "unable to write delim packet"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el paquet delim"
+#: pkt-line.c:106
 msgid "flush packet write failed"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer d'etiqueta"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en escriure el paquet de buidatge"
-#: pkt-line.c:144 pkt-line.c:230
+#: pkt-line.c:146 pkt-line.c:232
 msgid "protocol error: impossibly long line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "error de protocol: longitud de línia impossible"
-#: pkt-line.c:160 pkt-line.c:162
-#, fuzzy
+#: pkt-line.c:162 pkt-line.c:164
 msgid "packet write with format failed"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer d'etiqueta"
+msgstr "ha fallat l'escriptura del paquet amb format"
-#: pkt-line.c:194
+#: pkt-line.c:196
 msgid "packet write failed - data exceeds max packet size"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el paquet - les dades excedeixen la mida màxima del paquet"
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha pogut escriure el paquet - les dades excedeixen la mida màxima del "
-#: pkt-line.c:201 pkt-line.c:208
+#: pkt-line.c:203 pkt-line.c:210
 msgid "packet write failed"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el paquet"
-#: pkt-line.c:293
+#: pkt-line.c:295
 msgid "read error"
 msgstr "error de lectura"
-#: pkt-line.c:301
+#: pkt-line.c:303
 msgid "the remote end hung up unexpectedly"
 msgstr "el remot ha penjat inesperadament"
-#: pkt-line.c:329
+#: pkt-line.c:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "protocol error: bad line length character: %.4s"
 msgstr "error de protocol: caràcter de longitud de línia erroni: %.4s"
-#: pkt-line.c:339 pkt-line.c:344
+#: pkt-line.c:341 pkt-line.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "protocol error: bad line length %d"
 msgstr "error de protocol: longitud de línia errònia %d"
-#: pkt-line.c:353
+#: pkt-line.c:362
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote error: %s"
 msgstr "error remot: %s"
@@ -3699,72 +4539,81 @@
 msgid "unable to create threaded lstat: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: pretty.c:963
+#: pretty.c:966
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar el format --pretty"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut iniciar «log»"
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir la sortida de «log»"
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4828
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió «%s»"
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir la capçalera de la gif «%.*s»"
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en generar el diff"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de registre per «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:673
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: read-cache.c:680
+#, c-format
 msgid "will not add file alias '%s' ('%s' already exists in index)"
-msgstr "%s: ja existeix en l'índex"
+msgstr "no s'afegirà l'àlies «%s»: («%s» ja existeix en l'índex)"
-#: read-cache.c:689
-#, fuzzy
+#: read-cache.c:696
 msgid "cannot create an empty blob in the object database"
-msgstr "escriu l'objecte a la base de dades d'objectes"
+msgstr "no es pot crear un blob buit a la base de dades d'objectes"
-#: read-cache.c:710
+#: read-cache.c:718
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can only add regular files, symbolic links or git-directories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s: només pot afegir fitxers normals, enllaços simbolics o directoris git"
-#: read-cache.c:765
+#: read-cache.c:723
 #, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not have a commit checked out"
+msgstr "«%s» no assenyala una comissió"
+#: read-cache.c:775
+#, c-format
 msgid "unable to index file '%s'"
-msgstr "no es pot llegir el fitxer d'índex"
+msgstr "no es pot llegir indexar el fitxer «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:784
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: read-cache.c:794
+#, c-format
 msgid "unable to add '%s' to index"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir %s a la base de dades"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut afegir «%s» a l'índex"
-#: read-cache.c:795
+#: read-cache.c:805
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar %s"
-#: read-cache.c:1304
+#: read-cache.c:1314
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "'%s' appears as both a file and as a directory"
 msgstr "%s existeix i no és directori"
-#: read-cache.c:1489
+#: read-cache.c:1499
 msgid "Refresh index"
 msgstr "Actualitza l'índex"
-#: read-cache.c:1603
+#: read-cache.c:1613
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "index.version set, but the value is invalid.\n"
@@ -3773,7 +4622,7 @@
 "index.version està establerta, però el valor no és vàlid.\n"
 "S'està usant la versió %i"
-#: read-cache.c:1613
+#: read-cache.c:1623
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GIT_INDEX_VERSION set, but the value is invalid.\n"
@@ -3782,142 +4631,151 @@
 "GIT_INDEX_VERSION està establerta, però el valor no és vàlid.\n"
 "S'està usant la versió %i"
-#: read-cache.c:1684
+#: read-cache.c:1679
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr "signatura malmesa 0x%08x"
-#: read-cache.c:1687
+#: read-cache.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version %d"
 msgstr "versió d'índex incorrecta %d"
-#: read-cache.c:1696
+#: read-cache.c:1691
 msgid "bad index file sha1 signature"
 msgstr "signatura sha1 malmesa al fitxer d'índex"
-#: read-cache.c:1726
+#: read-cache.c:1721
 #, c-format
 msgid "index uses %.4s extension, which we do not understand"
 msgstr "l'índex usa l'extensió %.4s, que no es pot entendre"
-#: read-cache.c:1728
+#: read-cache.c:1723
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring %.4s extension"
 msgstr "s'està ignorant l'extensió %.4s"
-#: read-cache.c:1765
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: read-cache.c:1760
+#, c-format
 msgid "unknown index entry format 0x%08x"
-msgstr "Format d'arxiu desconegut «%s»"
+msgstr "Format d'entrada d'índex desconeguda «0x%08x»"
-#: read-cache.c:1781
+#: read-cache.c:1776
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed name field in the index, near path '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "camp del nom mal formatat l'index, camí a prop «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:1836
+#: read-cache.c:1833
 msgid "unordered stage entries in index"
 msgstr ""
-#: read-cache.c:1839
+#: read-cache.c:1836
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "multiple stage entries for merged file '%s'"
 msgstr "nom d'identitat buit (per <%s>) no és permès"
-#: read-cache.c:1842
+#: read-cache.c:1839
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unordered stage entries for '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut crear directoris per %s"
-#: read-cache.c:1949 read-cache.c:2227 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111 builtin/add.c:459
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:622 builtin/checkout.c:991
-#: builtin/clean.c:955 builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:116 builtin/grep.c:498 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
 #: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "fitxer d'índex malmès"
-#: read-cache.c:2090
+#: read-cache.c:2087
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to create load_cache_entries thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2103
+#: read-cache.c:2100
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to join load_cache_entries thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2136
+#: read-cache.c:2133
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: index file open failed"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en actualitzar els fitxers"
-#: read-cache.c:2140
+#: read-cache.c:2137
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot stat the open index"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir l'índex"
-#: read-cache.c:2144
+#: read-cache.c:2141
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: index file smaller than expected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s: fitxer d'índex més petit que s'esperava"
-#: read-cache.c:2148
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: read-cache.c:2145
+#, c-format
 msgid "%s: unable to map index file"
-msgstr "no es pot llegir el fitxer d'índex"
+msgstr "%s: no es pot mapar el fitxer d'índex"
-#: read-cache.c:2190
+#: read-cache.c:2187
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to create load_index_extensions thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2217
+#: read-cache.c:2214
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to join load_index_extensions thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2239
+#: read-cache.c:2246
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "could not freshen shared index '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:2274
+#: read-cache.c:2293
 #, c-format
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "índex malmès, s'esperava %s a %s, s'ha rebut %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2971 sequencer.c:4791 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1087
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut tancar «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:3044 sequencer.c:2237 sequencer.c:3647
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut fer stat a «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:3057
+#: read-cache.c:3105
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open git dir: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir el directori git: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:3069
+#: read-cache.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unlink: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut desenllaçar: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:3088
+#: read-cache.c:3142
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "cannot fix permission bits on '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la revisió: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:3237
+#: read-cache.c:3291
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot drop to stage #0"
 msgstr "no es pot canviar de directori a %s"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:10
+#: rebase-interactive.c:26
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"unrecognized setting %s for option rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Ignoring."
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha reconegut el paràmetre %s per rebase.missingCommitsCheck. S'està "
+#: rebase-interactive.c:35
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
@@ -3945,21 +4803,31 @@
 " r, reword = usa la comissió, però edita el missatge de comissió\n"
 " e, edit = usa la comissió, però atura't per a esmenar\n"
 " s, squash = usa la comissió, però fusiona'l a la comissió prèvia\n"
-" f, fixup = com \"squash\", però descarta el missatge de registre d'aquesta comissió\n"
-" x, exec = executa l'ordre (la resta de la línia) usant l'intèrpret d'ordres\n"
+" f, fixup = com \"squash\", però descarta el missatge de registre d'aquesta "
+" x, exec = executa l'ordre (la resta de la línia) usant l'intèrpret "
 " d, drop = elimina la comissió\n"
 "Es pot canviar l'ordre d'aquestes línies; s'executen de dalt a baix.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:31
+#: rebase-interactive.c:56
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Rebase %s onto %s (%d command)"
+msgid_plural "Rebase %s onto %s (%d commands)"
+msgstr[0] "Rebasa $shortrevisions sobre $shortonto ($todocount ordre)"
+msgstr[1] "Rebasa $shortrevisions sobre $shortonto ($todocount ordres)"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"No elimineu cap línia. Useu 'drop' explícitament per a eliminar una comissió.\n"
+"No elimineu cap línia. Useu «drop» explícitament per a eliminar una "
-#: rebase-interactive.c:34
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -3967,7 +4835,7 @@
 "Si elimineu una línia aquí, ES PERDRÀ AQUELLA COMISSIÓ.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:40
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -3981,7 +4849,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:45
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -3991,122 +4859,156 @@
 "No obstant, si elimineu tot, s'avortarà el «rebase».\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:51
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
-msgstr "Nota que les comissions buides estan comentades"
+msgstr "Tingueu en compte que les comissions buides estan comentades"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:62 rebase-interactive.c:75 sequencer.c:2219 sequencer.c:4569 sequencer.c:4625
-#: sequencer.c:4900
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
-msgid "could not read '%s'."
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir «%s»."
+msgid "could not write '%s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure «%s»"
-#: refs.c:192
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: rebase-interactive.c:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'."
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut copiar «%s» a «%s»."
+#: rebase-interactive.c:173
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Warning: some commits may have been dropped accidentally.\n"
+"Dropped commits (newer to older):\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Advertència: pot ser que algunes comissions s'hagin descartat "
+"Les comissions descartades (més nova a més vella):\n"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:180
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"To avoid this message, use \"drop\" to explicitly remove a commit.\n"
+"Use 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' to change the level of "
+"The possible behaviours are: ignore, warn, error.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Per a evitar aquest missatge, useu \"drop\" per a eliminar explícitament una "
+"Useu 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' per a canviar el nivell "
+"Els comportaments possibles són: ignore, warn, error.\n"
+#: refs.c:262
+#, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
-msgstr "«%s» no assenyala una comissió"
+msgstr "%s no apunta a un objecte vàlid"
-#: refs.c:583
+#: refs.c:667
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "s'està ignorant la referència trencada %s"
-#: refs.c:585 ref-filter.c:1976
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "s'està ignorant la referència trencada %s"
-#: refs.c:711
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s» per a escriptura: %s"
-#: refs.c:721 refs.c:772
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir la referència %s"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir la referència «%s»"
-#: refs.c:727
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "la referència «%s» ja existeix"
-#: refs.c:732
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "ID d'objecte no esperat en escriure «%s»"
-#: refs.c:740 sequencer.c:396 sequencer.c:2549 sequencer.c:2675 sequencer.c:2689 sequencer.c:2923 sequencer.c:4789
-#: sequencer.c:4852 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure a «%s»"
-#: refs.c:767 sequencer.c:4787 sequencer.c:4846 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:713 builtin/rebase.c:575
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s» per a escriptura"
-#: refs.c:774
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "ID d'objecte no esperat en suprimir «%s»"
-#: refs.c:905
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:911
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:969
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1061
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
-msgstr "s'està refusant la referència amb nom malmès %s"
+msgstr "s'està refusant la referència amb nom malmès «%s»"
-#: refs.c:1137
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»: %s"
-#: refs.c:1911
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "nom d'identitat buit (per <%s>) no és permès"
-#: refs.c:1943
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "no està permès actualitzar les referències en un entorn de quarantena"
-#: refs.c:2039 refs.c:2069
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
+#, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
-msgstr "no es pot crear «%s»"
+msgstr "«%s» existeix; no es pot crear «%s»"
-#: refs.c:2045 refs.c:2080
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
+#, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
-msgstr "No es poden actualitzar els camins i canviar a la branca «%s» a la vegada."
+msgstr "no es poden processar «%s» i «%s» a la vegada"
-#: refs/files-backend.c:1228
+#: refs/files-backend.c:1234
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not remove reference %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut eliminar la referència %s"
-#: refs/files-backend.c:1242 refs/packed-backend.c:1532 refs/packed-backend.c:1542
+#: refs/files-backend.c:1248 refs/packed-backend.c:1532
+#: refs/packed-backend.c:1542
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not delete reference %s: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut suprimir la referència %s: %s"
-#: refs/files-backend.c:1245 refs/packed-backend.c:1545
+#: refs/files-backend.c:1251 refs/packed-backend.c:1545
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not delete references: %s"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut suprimir les referències: %s"
@@ -4116,269 +5018,254 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "fitxer no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1861
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "no hi és"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "davant per %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "darrere per %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "davant per %d, darrere per %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "format esperat: %%(color:<color>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "color no reconegut: %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "valor enter esperat pel nom de referència:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "valor enter esperat pel nom de referència:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre %%(%s) desconegut: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) no accepta paràmetres"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre %%(objectname) no reconegut: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objectsize) no accepta paràmetres"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) no accepta paràmetres"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) no accepta paràmetres"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre %%(trailers) desconegut: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "valor positiu esperat conté:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre %%(contents) no reconegut: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "valor positiu esperat nom d'objecte:curt=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre %%(objectname) no reconegut: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "format esperat: %%(align:<amplada>,<posició>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "posició no reconeguda:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "amplada no reconeguda:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre %%(align) no reconegut: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "amplada positiva esperada amb l'àtom %%(align)"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre %%(if) no reconegut: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:527
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nom de camp mal format: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:554
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nom de camp desconegut: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
-msgid "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
+msgid ""
+"not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:682
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(if) sense un àtom %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:745
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(then) sense un àtom %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:747
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(then) més d'un cop"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(then) després de %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:777
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(else) sense un àtom %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:779
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(else) sense un àtom %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(else) més d'un cop"
-#: ref-filter.c:796
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "format: s'ha usat l'àtom %%(end) sense l'àtom corresponent"
-#: ref-filter.c:853
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "cadena de format mal format %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1447
-#, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
 msgstr "(cap branca, s'està fent «rebase» %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1450
-#, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
 msgstr "(cap branca, s'està fent «rebase» d'un «HEAD» %s no adjuntat)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
 msgstr "(cap branca, bisecció començada en %s)"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1461
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD separat a %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "sense branca"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1468
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD separat de %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1472
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(cap branca)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1506 ref-filter.c:1663
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "manca l'objecte %s per a %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1516
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "parse_object_buffer ha fallat en %s per a %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1882
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "objecte mal format a «%s»"
-#: ref-filter.c:1971
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "s'està ignorant la referència amb nom malmès %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2257
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "format: manca l'àtom %%(end)"
-#: ref-filter.c:2352
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
+#, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
-msgstr "--long és incompatible amb --abbrev=0"
+msgstr "l'opció «%s» és incompatible amb --merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2355
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
+#, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
-msgstr "--long és incompatible amb --abbrev=0"
+msgstr "l'opció «%s» és incompatible amb --no-merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2365
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "nom d'objecte %s mal format"
-#: ref-filter.c:2370
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
+#, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
-msgstr "«%s» no assenyala una comissió"
+msgstr "l'opció «%s» ha d'apuntar a una comissió"
 #: remote.c:363
 #, c-format
@@ -4479,14 +5366,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: remote.c:1091
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#,  c-format
 msgid "%s cannot be resolved to branch"
-msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb canvi de branca"
+msgstr "«%s» no es pot resoldre a una branca"
 #: remote.c:1102
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "unable to delete '%s': remote ref does not exist"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer «%s» mode %o"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut suprimir «%s»: la referència remota no existeix"
 #: remote.c:1114
 #, c-format
@@ -4505,7 +5392,7 @@
 #: remote.c:1633
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch: '%s'"
-msgstr "no hi ha tal branca: «%s»"
+msgstr "no existeix la branca: «%s»"
 #: remote.c:1636
 #, c-format
@@ -4520,7 +5407,8 @@
 #: remote.c:1657
 #, c-format
 msgid "push destination '%s' on remote '%s' has no local tracking branch"
-msgstr "el destí de pujada «%s» en el remot «%s» no té cap branca amb seguiment remot"
+msgstr ""
+"el destí de pujada «%s» en el remot «%s» no té cap branca amb seguiment remot"
 #: remote.c:1669
 #, c-format
@@ -4534,69 +5422,74 @@
 #: remote.c:1692
 msgid "push has no destination (push.default is 'nothing')"
-msgstr "push no té destí (push.default és 'nothing')"
+msgstr "push no té destí (push.default és «nothing)"
 #: remote.c:1714
 msgid "cannot resolve 'simple' push to a single destination"
 msgstr "no es pot resoldre una pujada 'simple' a un sol destí"
 #: remote.c:1840
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "couldn't find remote ref %s"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la referència HEAD remota"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut trobar la referència remota %s"
 #: remote.c:1853
 #, c-format
 msgid "* Ignoring funny ref '%s' locally"
 msgstr ""
-#: remote.c:1990
+#: remote.c:2016
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is based on '%s', but the upstream is gone.\n"
 msgstr "La vostra branca està basada en «%s», però la font no hi és.\n"
-#: remote.c:1994
+#: remote.c:2020
 msgid "  (use \"git branch --unset-upstream\" to fixup)\n"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git branch --unset-upstream\" per a arreglar)\n"
-#: remote.c:1997
+#: remote.c:2023
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is up to date with '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "La vostra branca està al dia amb «%s».\n"
-#: remote.c:2001
+#: remote.c:2027
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch and '%s' refer to different commits.\n"
 msgstr "La vostra branca i «%s» es refereixen a diferents comissions.\n"
-#: remote.c:2004
+#: remote.c:2030
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"%s\" for details)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: remote.c:2008
+#: remote.c:2034
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commit.\n"
 msgid_plural "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commits.\n"
-msgstr[0] "La vostra branca està davant de «%s» per %d comissió.\n"
-msgstr[1] "La vostra branca està davant de «%s» per %d comissions.\n"
+msgstr[0] "La vostra branca està %2$d comissió per davant de «%1$s».\n"
+msgstr[1] "La vostra branca està %2$d comissions per davant de «%1$s».\n"
-#: remote.c:2014
+#: remote.c:2040
 msgid "  (use \"git push\" to publish your local commits)\n"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git push\" per a publicar les vostres comissions locals)\n"
-#: remote.c:2017
+#: remote.c:2043
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commit, and can be fast-forwarded.\n"
-msgid_plural "Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commits, and can be fast-forwarded.\n"
-msgstr[0] "La vostra branca està darrere de «%s» %d comissió, i pot avançar-se ràpidament.\n"
-msgstr[1] "La vostra branca està darrere de «%s» %d comissions, i pot avançar-se ràpidament.\n"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commits, and can be fast-forwarded.\n"
+msgstr[0] ""
+"La vostra branca està %2$d comissió per darrere de «%1$s», i pot avançar-se "
+msgstr[1] ""
+"La vostra branca està %2$d comissions per darrere de «%1$s», i pot avançar-"
+"se ràpidament.\n"
-#: remote.c:2025
+#: remote.c:2051
 msgid "  (use \"git pull\" to update your local branch)\n"
-msgstr " (useu \"git pull\" per a actualitzar la vostra branca local)\n"
+msgstr "  (useu «git pull» per a actualitzar la vostra branca local)\n"
-#: remote.c:2028
+#: remote.c:2054
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your branch and '%s' have diverged,\n"
@@ -4611,14 +5504,14 @@
 "La vostra branca i «%s» han divergit,\n"
 "i tenen %d i %d comissions distintes cada una, respectivament.\n"
-#: remote.c:2038
+#: remote.c:2064
 msgid "  (use \"git pull\" to merge the remote branch into yours)\n"
-msgstr "  (useu \"git pull\" per a fusionar la branca remota a la vostra)\n"
+msgstr "  (useu «git pull» per a fusionar la branca remota a la vostra)\n"
-#: remote.c:2221
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: remote.c:2247
+#, c-format
 msgid "cannot parse expected object name '%s'"
-msgstr "no es pot llegir l'objecte %s «%s»"
+msgstr "no es pot analitzar el nom de l'objecte esperat «%s»"
 #: replace-object.c:21
 #, fuzzy, c-format
@@ -4644,11 +5537,6 @@
 msgid "unable to write rerere record"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure l'objecte de nota"
-#: rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3186 sequencer.c:3212 builtin/fsck.c:314
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "could not write '%s'"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure a «%s»"
 #: rerere.c:495
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "there were errors while writing '%s' (%s)"
@@ -4699,7 +5587,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de registre «%s»"
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2012 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1790
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el directori «%s»"
@@ -4734,29 +5623,33 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar l'arbre cau"
-#: revision.c:2484
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "la vostra branca actual sembla malmesa"
-#: revision.c:2487
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "la branca actual «%s» encara no té cap comissió"
-#: revision.c:2684
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "--first-parent és incompatible amb --bisect"
-#: run-command.c:742
+#: revision.c:2714
+msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
+msgstr ""
+#: run-command.c:763
 msgid "open /dev/null failed"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir /dev/null"
-#: run-command.c:1231
+#: run-command.c:1269
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "cannot create async thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: run-command.c:1295
+#: run-command.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The '%s' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable.\n"
@@ -4765,7 +5658,9 @@
 #: send-pack.c:141
 msgid "unexpected flush packet while reading remote unpack status"
-msgstr "paquet de neteja no esperat quan estava llegint l'estat del desempaquetament remot"
+msgstr ""
+"paquet de neteja no esperat quan estava llegint l'estat del desempaquetament "
 #: send-pack.c:143
 #, c-format
@@ -4786,8 +5681,12 @@
 msgstr "el destí receptor no admet pujar --signed"
 #: send-pack.c:422
-msgid "not sending a push certificate since the receiving end does not support --signed push"
-msgstr "no s'està enviant una certificació de pujada perquè el destí receptor no admet pujar --signed"
+msgid ""
+"not sending a push certificate since the receiving end does not support --"
+"signed push"
+msgstr ""
+"no s'està enviant una certificació de pujada perquè el destí receptor no "
+"admet pujar --signed"
 #: send-pack.c:434
 msgid "the receiving end does not support --atomic push"
@@ -4797,34 +5696,39 @@
 msgid "the receiving end does not support push options"
 msgstr "el destí receptor no admet opcions de pujada"
-#: sequencer.c:184
+#: sequencer.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid commit message cleanup mode '%s'"
 msgstr "mode de neteja «%s» no vàlid en la comissió del missatge"
-#: sequencer.c:288
+#: sequencer.c:292
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut suprimir %s"
-#: sequencer.c:314
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut suprimir «%s»"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "revertir"
-#: sequencer.c:316
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "cherry-pick"
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "Acció desconeguda: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:378
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -4832,7 +5736,7 @@
 "després de resoldre els conflictes, marqueu els camins\n"
 "corregits amb 'git add <camins>' o 'git rm <camins>'"
-#: sequencer.c:381
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -4842,108 +5746,115 @@
 "corregits amb 'git add <camins>' o 'git rm <camins>'\n"
 "i cometeu el resultat amb 'git commit'"
-#: sequencer.c:394 sequencer.c:2671
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut bloquejar «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:401
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el terminador de línia a «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:406 sequencer.c:2554 sequencer.c:2677 sequencer.c:2691 sequencer.c:2931
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en finalitzar «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:429 sequencer.c:931 sequencer.c:1615 sequencer.c:2574 sequencer.c:2913 sequencer.c:3022
-#: builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:748 builtin/merge.c:1085 builtin/rebase.c:154
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:455
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "els vostres canvis locals se sobreescriurien per %s."
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "cometeu els vostres canvis o feu un «stash» per a procedir."
-#: sequencer.c:491
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: avanç ràpid"
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
+msgstr "Mode de neteja no vàlid %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:582
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: No s'ha pogut escriure un fitxer d'índex nou"
-#: sequencer.c:598
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar l'arbre cau"
-#: sequencer.c:612
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la comissió HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:692
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar «%.*s»"
-#: sequencer.c:703
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir el resultat de fusió per a «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:740 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:704 builtin/am.c:796 builtin/merge.c:1082
-#: builtin/rebase.c:617
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s» per a lectura"
-#: sequencer.c:750
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "Ja s'ha donat «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME»"
-#: sequencer.c:755
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "Ja s'ha donat «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL»"
-#: sequencer.c:760
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "Ja s'ha donat «GIT_AUTHOR_DATE»"
-#: sequencer.c:764
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "variable  «%s» desconeguda"
-#: sequencer.c:769
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "falta «GIT_AUTHOR_NAME»"
-#: sequencer.c:771
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "falta «GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL»"
-#: sequencer.c:773
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "falta «GIT_AUTHOR_DATE»"
-#: sequencer.c:833
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "format de data no vàlid: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -4960,7 +5871,8 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
 "teniu canvis «staged» en el vostre arbre de treball\n"
-"Si aquests canvis estan pensats per fer «squash» a la comissió prèvia, executeu:\n"
+"Si aquests canvis estan pensats per fer «squash» a la comissió prèvia, "
 "  git commit --amend %s\n"
@@ -4972,16 +5884,16 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:945
+#: sequencer.c:995
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "no hi ha res a cometre\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1155
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "el lligam «prepare-commit-msg» ha fallat"
-#: sequencer.c:1162
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -4996,19 +5908,19 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
 msgstr ""
 "S'han configurat el vostre nom i adreça electrònica\n"
-"automàticament basats en el vostre nom d'usuari i nom de màquina. \n"
+"automàticament basant-se en el vostre nom d'usuari i nom de màquina. \n"
 "Comproveu que siguin correctes. Podeu suprimir aquest\n"
 "missatge establint-los explícitament. Executeu l'ordre següent i\n"
 "seguiu les instruccions en el vostre editor per editar el vostre\n"
 "fitxer de configuració:\n"
 "    git config --global --edit\n"
-"Després de fer això, podeu arreglar la identitat usada per a aquesta\n"
+"Després de fer això, podeu esmenar la identitat usada per a aquesta\n"
 "comissió amb:\n"
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1175
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5034,294 +5946,354 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1217
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut trobar la comissió novament creada"
-#: sequencer.c:1219
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió novament creada"
-#: sequencer.c:1265
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre HEAD després de crear la comissió"
-#: sequencer.c:1267
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "HEAD separat"
-#: sequencer.c:1271
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (comissió d'arrel)"
-#: sequencer.c:1292
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1294
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s no és una comissió!"
-#: sequencer.c:1298 builtin/commit.c:1546
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1350 sequencer.c:1964
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar l'autor de la comissió"
-#: sequencer.c:1360 builtin/am.c:1570 builtin/merge.c:678
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "git write-tree ha fallat en escriure un arbre"
-#: sequencer.c:1377 sequencer.c:1433
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el missatge de comissió des de «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:1399 builtin/am.c:1591 builtin/commit.c:1649 builtin/merge.c:859 builtin/merge.c:884
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en escriure l'objecte de comissió"
-#: sequencer.c:1460
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1465
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió pare %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1565 sequencer.c:1675
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "ordre desconeguda: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1622 sequencer.c:1647
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Això és una combinació de %d comissions."
-#: sequencer.c:1632 sequencer.c:4808
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "cal un HEAD per reparar-ho"
-#: sequencer.c:1634 sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1636
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el missatge de comissió de HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1642
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot escriure «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:1649
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Aquest és el 1r missatge de comissió:"
-#: sequencer.c:1657
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el missatge de comissió: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1664
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Aquest és el missatge de comissió #%d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1670
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "El missatge de comissió núm. #%d s'ometrà:"
-#: sequencer.c:1758
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "el vostre fitxer d'índex està sense fusionar."
-#: sequencer.c:1765
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "no es pot trobar la comissió %s (%s)"
-#: sequencer.c:1784
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "la comissió %s és una fusió però no s'ha donat cap opció -m."
-#: sequencer.c:1792 sequencer.c:1800
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "la comissió %s no té pare %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1806
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "no es pot obtenir el missatge de comissió de %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1825
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: no es pot analitzar la comissió pare %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1890
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut canviar el nom «%s» a «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:1945
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut revertir %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1946
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut aplicar %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2005
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: s'ha produït un error en llegir l'índex"
-#: sequencer.c:2012
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: s'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'índex"
-#: sequencer.c:2094
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s no accepta paràmetres: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2103
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "falten els arguments per %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2163
+#: sequencer.c:2174
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar «%s»"
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "línia no vàlida %d: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2171
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "No es pot «%s» sense una comissió prèvia"
-#: sequencer.c:2243
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not read '%s'."
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir «%s»."
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "ni hi ha cap «cherry pick» ni cap reversió en curs"
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "ni hi ha cap «cherry pick» ni cap reversió en curs"
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "corregiu-ho usant «git rebase --edit-todo»."
-#: sequencer.c:2245
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "full d'instruccions inusable: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2250
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "no s'ha analitzat cap comissió."
-#: sequencer.c:2261
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "no es pot fer «cherry pick» durant una reversió."
-#: sequencer.c:2263
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "no es pot revertir durant un «cherry pick»."
-#: sequencer.c:2333
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valor no vàlid per a %s: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2420
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2436
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "full d'opcions mal format: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2518 sequencer.c:4067
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "conjunt de comissions buit passat"
-#: sequencer.c:2526
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
 msgstr "un «cherry pick» o una reversió ja està en curs"
-#: sequencer.c:2527
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
 msgstr "intenteu \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2530
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "un «cherry pick» o una reversió ja està en curs"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "intenteu \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el directori de seqüenciador «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2544
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut bloquejar HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2599 sequencer.c:3819
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "ni hi ha cap «cherry pick» ni cap reversió en curs"
-#: sequencer.c:2601
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "no es pot resoldre HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2603 sequencer.c:2638
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "no es pot avortar des d'una branca que encara ha de nàixer"
-#: sequencer.c:2624 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot obrir «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2626
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir «%s»: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2627
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "final de fitxer inesperat"
-#: sequencer.c:2633
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "el fitxer HEAD emmagatzemat abans de fer «cherry pick» «%s» és malmès"
-#: sequencer.c:2644
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr "Sembla que heu mogut HEAD sense rebobinar, comproveu-ho HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2750 sequencer.c:3735
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "No hi ha un «rebase» en curs?"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "ni hi ha cap «cherry pick» ni cap reversió en curs"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en escriure l'objecte de comissió"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2788 sequencer.c:3715
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "No es pot llegir HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2805
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut copiar «%s» a «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2813
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -5340,27 +6312,27 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
-#: sequencer.c:2823
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut aplicar %s... %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2830
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut fusionar %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2844 sequencer.c:2848 builtin/difftool.c:641
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut copiar «%s» a «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2870 sequencer.c:3293 builtin/rebase.c:424 builtin/rebase.c:1230 builtin/rebase.c:1591
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1646
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir l'índex"
-#: sequencer.c:2875
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -5375,11 +6347,11 @@
 " git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2881
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "i ha fet canvis a l'índex i/o l'arbre de treball\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2887
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -5395,79 +6367,79 @@
 " git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2948
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "nom d'etiqueta no permès: «%.*s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3002
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "no hi ha res a cometre\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3007
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3045 builtin/rebase.c:429 builtin/rebase.c:435
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en cercar l'arbre de %s."
-#: sequencer.c:3063 builtin/rebase.c:448
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure l'índex"
-#: sequencer.c:3090
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3118
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "No es pot «%s» sense una comissió prèvia"
-#: sequencer.c:3140
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar «%.*s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3149
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no hi ha res per fusionar «%.*s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3161
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3176
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el missatge de comissió: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3325
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut fusionar «%.*s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3341
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: No s'ha pogut escriure un fitxer d'índex nou"
-#: sequencer.c:3409 builtin/rebase.c:298
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "S'ha aplicat el «stash» automàticament.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3421
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "no es pot emmagatzemar %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3424 builtin/rebase.c:314
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -5478,31 +6450,31 @@
 "Els vostres canvis estan segurs en el «stash».\n"
 "Podeu executar \"git stash pop\" o \"git stash drop\" en qualsevol moment.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "no es pot agafar %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3492
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "«%s» no és un terme vàlid"
-#: sequencer.c:3497
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut separar HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3512
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Aturat a %s...  %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3514
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Aturat a %s...  %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3522
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -5515,48 +6487,48 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3597
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Aturat a %s...  %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3677
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "ordre %d desconeguda"
-#: sequencer.c:3723
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3728 sequencer.c:4805
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir 'onto'"
-#: sequencer.c:3742
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar HEAD a %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3831
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "No es pot fer «rebase»: teniu canvis «unstaged»."
-#: sequencer.c:3840
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "no es pot esmenar una comissió no existent"
-#: sequencer.c:3842
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "fitxer no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3844
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "contingut no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3847
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -5566,107 +6538,59 @@
 "Teniu canvis no comesos en el vostre arbre de treball. \n"
 "Primer cometeu-los i després executeu 'git rebase --continue' de nou."
-#: sequencer.c:3883 sequencer.c:3921
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el fitxer «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3936
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut eliminar CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3943
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "No s'han pogut cometre els canvis «staged»."
-#: sequencer.c:4044
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s: no es pot fer «cherry pick» a %s"
-#: sequencer.c:4048
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: revisió incorrecta"
-#: sequencer.c:4083
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "no es pot revertir com a comissió inicial"
-#: sequencer.c:4529
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: opcions no gestionades"
-#: sequencer.c:4532
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: s'ha produït un error en preparar les revisions"
-#: sequencer.c:4573 sequencer.c:4629 sequencer.c:4904
-#, c-format
-msgid "unusable todo list: '%s'"
-msgstr "llista per a fer inestable: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:4684
-#, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized setting %s for option rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Ignoring."
-msgstr "No s'ha reconegut el paràmetre %s per rebase.missingCommitsCheck. S'està ignorant."
-#: sequencer.c:4754
-#, c-format
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
-"Warning: some commits may have been dropped accidentally.\n"
-"Dropped commits (newer to older):\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Advertència: pot ser que algunes comissions s'hagin descartat accidentalment.\n"
-"Les comissions descartades (més nova a més vella):\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4761
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"To avoid this message, use \"drop\" to explicitly remove a commit.\n"
-"Use 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' to change the level of warnings.\n"
-"The possible behaviours are: ignore, warn, error.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Per a evitar aquest missatge, useu \"drop\" per a eliminar explícitament una comissió.\n"
-"Useu 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' per a canviar el nivell d'advertències.\n"
-"Els comportaments possibles són: ignore, warn, error.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4774
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --continue'.\n"
+"You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
 "Or you can abort the rebase with 'git rebase --abort'.\n"
-msgstr "Podeu arreglar això amb 'git rebase --edit-todo' i després 'git rebase --continue'.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Podeu arreglar això amb 'git rebase --edit-todo' i després 'git rebase --"
-#: sequencer.c:4912 sequencer.c:4950
-#, fuzzy
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
-msgstr "Res a fer"
+msgstr "res a fer"
-#: sequencer.c:4916
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "Rebase %s onto %s (%d command)"
-msgid_plural "Rebase %s onto %s (%d commands)"
-msgstr[0] "Rebasa $shortrevisions sobre $shortonto ($todocount ordre)"
-msgstr[1] "Rebasa $shortrevisions sobre $shortonto ($todocount ordres)"
-#: sequencer.c:4928
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'."
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut copiar «%s» a «%s»."
-#: sequencer.c:4932 sequencer.c:4961
-msgid "could not transform the todo list"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut transformar la llista per a fer"
-#: sequencer.c:4964
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut ometre les ordres «picks» no necessàries"
-#: sequencer.c:5047
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "l'script ja estava endreçat."
@@ -5675,32 +6599,34 @@
 msgid "'%s' is outside repository"
 msgstr "«%s» és fora del dipòsit"
-#: setup.c:172
+#: setup.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s: no such path in the working tree.\n"
 "Use 'git <command> -- <path>...' to specify paths that do not exist locally."
 msgstr ""
 "%s: no hi ha tal camí en l'arbre de treball.\n"
-"Useu 'git <ordre> -- <camí>...' per a especificar camins que no existeixin localment."
+"Useu «git <ordre> -- <camí>...» per a especificar camins que no existeixin "
-#: setup.c:185
+#: setup.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "ambiguous argument '%s': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.\n"
 "Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:\n"
 "'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
 msgstr ""
-"paràmetre ambigu «%s»: revisió no coneguda o el camí no és en l'arbre de treball.\n"
-"Useu '--' per a separar els camins de les revisions, com això:\n"
+"paràmetre ambigu «%s»: revisió no coneguda o el camí no és en l'arbre de "
+"Useu «--» per a separar els camins de les revisions:\n"
 "'git <ordre> [<revisió>...] -- [<fitxer>...]'"
-#: setup.c:234
+#: setup.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "option '%s' must come before non-option arguments"
 msgstr "l'opció «%s» ha de venir abans dels arguments opcionals"
-#: setup.c:253
+#: setup.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename\n"
@@ -5708,399 +6634,411 @@
 "'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
 msgstr ""
 "paràmetre ambigu «%s»: ambdós una revisió i un nom de fitxer\n"
-"Useu '--' per a separar els camins de les revisions, com això:\n"
+"Useu '--' per a separar els camins de les revisions:\n"
 "'git <ordre> [<revisió>...] -- [<fitxer>...]'"
-#: setup.c:389
+#: setup.c:390
 msgid "unable to set up work tree using invalid config"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut configurar un arbre de treball utilitzant una configuració no vàlida"
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha pogut configurar un arbre de treball utilitzant una configuració no "
-#: setup.c:393
+#: setup.c:394
 msgid "this operation must be run in a work tree"
 msgstr "aquesta operació s'ha d'executar en un arbre de treball"
-#: setup.c:527
+#: setup.c:540
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expected git repo version <= %d, found %d"
 msgstr "S'esperava una versió de dipòsit de git <= %d, s'ha trobat %d"
-#: setup.c:535
+#: setup.c:548
 msgid "unknown repository extensions found:"
 msgstr "s'han trobat extensions de dipòsit desconegudes:"
-#: setup.c:554
+#: setup.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»"
-#: setup.c:556
+#: setup.c:569
 #, c-format
 msgid "too large to be a .git file: '%s'"
 msgstr "massa larg per a ser un fitxer .git: «%s»"
-#: setup.c:558
+#: setup.c:571
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading %s"
 msgstr "error en llegir %s"
-#: setup.c:560
+#: setup.c:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid gitfile format: %s"
 msgstr "format gitfile no vàlid: %s"
-#: setup.c:562
+#: setup.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "no path in gitfile: %s"
 msgstr "sense camí al gitfile: %s"
-#: setup.c:564
+#: setup.c:577
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a git repository: %s"
 msgstr "no és un dipòsit de git: %s"
-#: setup.c:663
+#: setup.c:676
 #, c-format
 msgid "'$%s' too big"
 msgstr "«$%s» massa gran"
-#: setup.c:677
+#: setup.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a git repository: '%s'"
 msgstr "no és un dipòsit de git: «%s»"
-#: setup.c:706 setup.c:708 setup.c:739
+#: setup.c:719 setup.c:721 setup.c:752
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot canviar de directori a «%s»"
-#: setup.c:711 setup.c:767 setup.c:777 setup.c:816 setup.c:824
+#: setup.c:724 setup.c:780 setup.c:790 setup.c:829 setup.c:837
 msgid "cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "no es pot tornar al directori de treball actual"
-#: setup.c:838
+#: setup.c:851
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%*s%s%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en fer stat a «%*s%s%s»"
-#: setup.c:1068
+#: setup.c:1083
 msgid "Unable to read current working directory"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir el directori de treball actual"
-#: setup.c:1077 setup.c:1083
+#: setup.c:1092 setup.c:1098
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot change to '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot canviar a «%s»"
-#: setup.c:1088
+#: setup.c:1103
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): %s"
 msgstr "no és un dipòsit de git (ni cap dels directoris pares): %s"
-#: setup.c:1094
+#: setup.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point %s)\n"
 "Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set)."
 msgstr ""
 "no un dipòsit de git (ni cap pare fins al punt de muntatge %s)\n"
-"S'atura a la frontera de sistema de fitxers (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM no està establert)."
+"S'atura a la frontera de sistema de fitxers (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM "
+"no està establert)."
-#: setup.c:1204
+#: setup.c:1220
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "problem with core.sharedRepository filemode value (0%.3o).\n"
 "The owner of files must always have read and write permissions."
 msgstr ""
-"hi ha un problema amb el valor de mode de fitxer core.sharedRepository (0%.3o).\n"
-"El propietari dels fitxers sempre ha de tenir permisos de lectura i escriptura."
+"hi ha un problema amb el valor de mode de fitxer core.sharedRepository "
+"El propietari dels fitxers sempre ha de tenir permisos de lectura i "
-#: setup.c:1247
+#: setup.c:1264
 msgid "open /dev/null or dup failed"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir /dev/null o dup"
-#: setup.c:1262
+#: setup.c:1279
 msgid "fork failed"
 msgstr "el «fork» ha fallat"
-#: setup.c:1267
+#: setup.c:1284
 msgid "setsid failed"
 msgstr "l'«stash» ha fallat"
-#: sha1-file.c:445
+#: sha1-file.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "object directory %s does not exist; check .git/objects/info/alternates"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:496
+#: sha1-file.c:504
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to normalize alternate object path: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte: %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:568
+#: sha1-file.c:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: ignoring alternate object stores, nesting too deep"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:575
+#: sha1-file.c:583
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to normalize object directory: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte: %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:618
+#: sha1-file.c:626
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to fdopen alternates lockfile"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut escriure els paràmetres al fitxer de configuració"
-#: sha1-file.c:636
+#: sha1-file.c:644
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to read alternates file"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir el fitxer d'índex"
-#: sha1-file.c:643
+#: sha1-file.c:651
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to move new alternates file into place"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure un fitxer d'índex nou"
-#: sha1-file.c:678
+#: sha1-file.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "el camí «%s» no existeix"
-#: sha1-file.c:704
+#: sha1-file.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' as a linked checkout is not supported yet."
-msgstr "Encara no se suporta el dipòsit de referència «%s» com a agafament enllaçat."
+msgstr ""
+"Encara no se suporta el dipòsit de referència «%s» com a agafament enllaçat."
-#: sha1-file.c:710
+#: sha1-file.c:718
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is not a local repository."
 msgstr "el dipòsit de referència «%s» no és un dipòsit local."
-#: sha1-file.c:716
+#: sha1-file.c:724
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is shallow"
 msgstr "el dipòsit de referència «%s» és superficial"
-#: sha1-file.c:724
+#: sha1-file.c:732
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "el dipòsit de referència «%s» és empeltat"
-#: sha1-file.c:838
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: sha1-file.c:943
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:863
+#: sha1-file.c:968
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "mmap ha fallat"
-#: sha1-file.c:1027
+#: sha1-file.c:1132
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "el tipus d'objecte %s és buit"
-#: sha1-file.c:1151 sha1-file.c:2288
+#: sha1-file.c:1256 sha1-file.c:2395
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte «%s»"
-#: sha1-file.c:1153 sha1-file.c:2292
+#: sha1-file.c:1258 sha1-file.c:2399
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte: %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1195
+#: sha1-file.c:1300
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "el tipus d'objecte és incorrecte."
-#: sha1-file.c:1279
+#: sha1-file.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1282
+#: sha1-file.c:1387
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1288
+#: sha1-file.c:1393
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1291
+#: sha1-file.c:1396
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1481
+#: sha1-file.c:1587
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir l'objecte «%s»."
-#: sha1-file.c:1485
+#: sha1-file.c:1591
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "no s'han trobat les plantilles %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1489
+#: sha1-file.c:1595
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'objecte local %s és malmès"
-#: sha1-file.c:1493
+#: sha1-file.c:1599
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'objecte local %s és malmès"
-#: sha1-file.c:1595
+#: sha1-file.c:1702
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1602
+#: sha1-file.c:1709
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la revisió: %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1609
+#: sha1-file.c:1716
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "escriptura fallada al rev-list"
-#: sha1-file.c:1628
+#: sha1-file.c:1735
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "error en tancar el fitxer de paquet"
-#: sha1-file.c:1693
+#: sha1-file.c:1800
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1695
+#: sha1-file.c:1802
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear un índex temporal"
-#: sha1-file.c:1719
+#: sha1-file.c:1826
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure l'objecte de nota"
-#: sha1-file.c:1725
+#: sha1-file.c:1832
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut desinflar l'objecte annexat (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1729
+#: sha1-file.c:1836
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "ha fallat fstat a %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1733
+#: sha1-file.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1743 builtin/pack-objects.c:919
+#: sha1-file.c:1850 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»"
-#: sha1-file.c:1818
+#: sha1-file.c:1925
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir l'objecte %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1858
+#: sha1-file.c:1965
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "autor corregit de la comissió"
-#: sha1-file.c:1866
+#: sha1-file.c:1973
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "informa de les etiquetes"
-#: sha1-file.c:1965
+#: sha1-file.c:2072
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "error en llegir %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1968
+#: sha1-file.c:2075
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir l'índex"
-#: sha1-file.c:2041 sha1-file.c:2050
+#: sha1-file.c:2148 sha1-file.c:2157
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "gpg ha fallat en signar les dades"
-#: sha1-file.c:2056
+#: sha1-file.c:2163
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "versió d'índex no compatible %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2080
+#: sha1-file.c:2187
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "«%s» no és una terme vàlid"
-#: sha1-file.c:2082
+#: sha1-file.c:2189
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s no és un objecte de «%s» vàlid"
-#: sha1-file.c:2109 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2216 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2299 sha1-file.c:2351
+#: sha1-file.c:2406 sha1-file.c:2458
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2323
+#: sha1-file.c:2430
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2328
+#: sha1-file.c:2435
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2334
+#: sha1-file.c:2441
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2345
+#: sha1-file.c:2452
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar el contacte: %s"
-#: sha1-name.c:448
+#: sha1-name.c:490
 #, c-format
 msgid "short SHA1 %s is ambiguous"
 msgstr "l'SHA1 %s curt és ambigu"
-#: sha1-name.c:459
+#: sha1-name.c:501
 msgid "The candidates are:"
 msgstr "Els candidats són:"
-#: sha1-name.c:742
+#: sha1-name.c:800
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Git normally never creates a ref that ends with 40 hex characters\n"
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
@@ -6118,9 +7056,63 @@
 "suprimiu-les. Desactiveu aquest missatge executant\n"
 "«git config advice.objectNameWarning false»"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte"
+msgstr[1] "%u bytes"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "octets"
+msgstr[1] "octets"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
-msgstr "No es pot canviar un .gitmodules no fusionat, primer resoleu els conflictes de fusió"
+msgstr ""
+"No es pot canviar un .gitmodules no fusionat, primer resoleu els conflictes "
+"de fusió"
 #: submodule.c:118 submodule.c:147
 #, c-format
@@ -6139,68 +7131,71 @@
 #: submodule.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "in unpopulated submodule '%s'"
-msgstr "al submòdul no populat «%s»"
+msgstr "al submòdul sense popular «%s»"
 #: submodule.c:358
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pathspec '%s' is in submodule '%.*s'"
 msgstr "L'especificació «%s» és en el submòdul «%.*s»"
-#: submodule.c:906
+#: submodule.c:910
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "l'entrada del submòdul «%s» (%s) és a %s, no és una comissió"
-#: submodule.c:1143 builtin/branch.c:656 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en resoldre HEAD com a referència vàlida."
-#: submodule.c:1477
+#: submodule.c:1481
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could not access submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en cercar recursivament al camí de submòdul «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1639
+#: submodule.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' not recognized as a git repository"
 msgstr "«%s» no reconegut com un dipòsit git"
-#: submodule.c:1777
+#: submodule.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not start 'git status' in submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut iniciar «git status» al submòdul «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1790
+#: submodule.c:1802
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not run 'git status' in submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar 'git status' al submòdul «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1805
+#: submodule.c:1817
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could not unset core.worktree setting in submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar 'git status' al submòdul «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1895
+#: submodule.c:1907
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' has dirty index"
 msgstr "el submòdul «%s» té l'índex brut"
-#: submodule.c:1947
+#: submodule.c:1959
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "Submòduls canviats però no actualitzats:"
-#: submodule.c:1996
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
-msgid "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
-msgstr "no està admès relocate_gitdir per al submòdul «%s» amb més d'un arbre de treball"
+msgid ""
+"relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
+msgstr ""
+"no està admès relocate_gitdir per al submòdul «%s» amb més d'un arbre de "
-#: submodule.c:2008 submodule.c:2064
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha trobat el nom pel submòdul «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:2015
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -6211,16 +7206,16 @@
 "«%s» a\n"
-#: submodule.c:2099
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en cercar recursivament al camí de submòdul «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:2143
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut iniciar ls-files a .."
-#: submodule.c:2182
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree ha retornat un codi de retorn %d no esperat"
@@ -6230,21 +7225,21 @@
 msgid "ignoring suspicious submodule name: %s"
 msgstr "s'està ignorant la referència amb nom malmès %s"
-#: submodule-config.c:296
+#: submodule-config.c:299
 msgid "negative values not allowed for submodule.fetchjobs"
 msgstr "no es permeten els valors negatius a submodule.fetchjobs"
-#: submodule-config.c:390
+#: submodule-config.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring '%s' which may be interpreted as a command-line option: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule-config.c:479
+#: submodule-config.c:486
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s"
 msgstr "valor no vàlid per a %s"
-#: submodule-config.c:754
+#: submodule-config.c:755
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not update .gitmodules entry %s"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut actualitzar l'entrada de .gitmodules %s"
@@ -6254,7 +7249,8 @@
 msgid "running trailer command '%s' failed"
 msgstr "l'execució de l'ordre de remolc «%s» ha fallat"
-#: trailer.c:485 trailer.c:490 trailer.c:495 trailer.c:549 trailer.c:553 trailer.c:557
+#: trailer.c:485 trailer.c:490 trailer.c:495 trailer.c:549 trailer.c:553
+#: trailer.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"
 msgstr "valor desconegut «%s» per a la clau «%s»"
@@ -6317,30 +7313,38 @@
 msgid "transport: invalid depth option '%s'"
 msgstr "transport: opció de profunditat no vàlida «%s»"
-#: transport.c:617
+#: transport.c:259
+msgid "see protocol.version in 'git help config' for more details"
+msgstr ""
+#: transport.c:260
+msgid "server options require protocol version 2 or later"
+msgstr ""
+#: transport.c:625
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "could not parse transport.color.* config"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar l'script d'autor"
-#: transport.c:690
+#: transport.c:698
 msgid "support for protocol v2 not implemented yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:817
+#: transport.c:825
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unknown value for config '%s': %s"
 msgstr "valor desconegut «%s» per a la clau «%s»"
-#: transport.c:883
+#: transport.c:891
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "transport '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "no s'ha trobat la branca «%s»."
-#: transport.c:937
+#: transport.c:945
 msgid "git-over-rsync is no longer supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:1032
+#: transport.c:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following submodule paths contain changes that can\n"
@@ -6349,7 +7353,7 @@
 "Els camins de submòdul següents contenen canvis que no\n"
 "es poden trobar en cap remot:\n"
-#: transport.c:1036
+#: transport.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -6375,189 +7379,186 @@
 "per a pujar-los a un remot.\n"
-#: transport.c:1044
+#: transport.c:1052
 msgid "Aborting."
 msgstr "S'està avortant."
-#: transport.c:1184
+#: transport.c:1193
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en cercar recursivament al submòdul «%s»"
-#: transport.c:1317 transport-helper.c:643
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "opció no admesa amb --recurse-submodules."
-#: transport.c:1421
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr ""
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "imprimeix l'estat des de l'ajudant remot"
-#: transport-helper.c:132
+#: transport-helper.c:134
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to find remote helper for '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir el resultat de fusió per a «%s»"
-#: transport-helper.c:148 transport-helper.c:557
+#: transport-helper.c:150 transport-helper.c:559
 msgid "can't dup helper output fd"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:199
+#: transport-helper.c:201
 #, c-format
-msgid "unknown mandatory capability %s; this remote helper probably needs newer version of Git"
+msgid ""
+"unknown mandatory capability %s; this remote helper probably needs newer "
+"version of Git"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:205
+#: transport-helper.c:207
 msgid "this remote helper should implement refspec capability"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:272 transport-helper.c:412
+#: transport-helper.c:274 transport-helper.c:414
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s unexpectedly said: '%s'"
 msgstr "blob esperat per a %s «%s»"
-#: transport-helper.c:401
+#: transport-helper.c:403
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s also locked %s"
 msgstr "%s també ha bloquejat %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:479
+#: transport-helper.c:481
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "couldn't run fast-import"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar «stash»."
-#: transport-helper.c:502
+#: transport-helper.c:504
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "error en tancar el fitxer de paquet"
-#: transport-helper.c:531 transport-helper.c:1097
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir la referència %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:576
+#: transport-helper.c:578
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unknown response to connect: %s"
 msgstr "opció desconeguda: %s\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:598
+#: transport-helper.c:600
 msgid "setting remote service path not supported by protocol"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:600
+#: transport-helper.c:602
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "invalid remote service path"
 msgstr "referència no vàlida: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:646
+#: transport-helper.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't connect to subservice %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:718
+#: transport-helper.c:720
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "expected ok/error, helper said '%s'"
 msgstr "blob esperat per a %s «%s»"
-#: transport-helper.c:771
+#: transport-helper.c:773
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "helper reported unexpected status of %s"
 msgstr "ls-tree ha retornat un codi de retorn %d no esperat"
-#: transport-helper.c:832
+#: transport-helper.c:834
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support dry-run"
 msgstr "El servidor no admet --deepen"
-#: transport-helper.c:835
+#: transport-helper.c:837
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support --signed"
 msgstr "El servidor no admet --shallow-since"
-#: transport-helper.c:838
+#: transport-helper.c:840
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support --signed=if-asked"
 msgstr "el destí receptor no admet pujar --signed"
-#: transport-helper.c:845
+#: transport-helper.c:847
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "el destí receptor no admet opcions de pujada"
-#: transport-helper.c:937
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:942
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "El servidor no admet --deepen"
-#: transport-helper.c:989
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar «stash»."
-#: transport-helper.c:994
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "error en tancar el fitxer de paquet"
-#: transport-helper.c:1019
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
 "Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1083
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "full d'opcions mal format: «%s»"
-#: transport-helper.c:1236
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "%s ha fallat"
-#: transport-helper.c:1263
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "%s ha fallat"
-#: transport-helper.c:1312
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "%s ha fallat"
-#: transport-helper.c:1316
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»"
-#: transport-helper.c:1335 transport-helper.c:1339
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1376
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1380
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "%s ha fallat"
-#: transport-helper.c:1398 transport-helper.c:1407
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6573,7 +7574,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "nom de fitxer buit en una entrada d'arbre"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "fitxer d'arbre massa curt"
@@ -6583,7 +7584,8 @@
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
 "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches."
 msgstr ""
-"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per agafar:\n"
+"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per "
 "%%sCometeu els vostres canvis o feu «stash» abans de canviar de branca."
 #: unpack-trees.c:113
@@ -6592,7 +7594,8 @@
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per agafar:\n"
+"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per "
 #: unpack-trees.c:116
@@ -6601,7 +7604,8 @@
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you merge."
 msgstr ""
-"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per fusionar:\n"
+"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per "
 "%%sCometeu els vostres canvis o feu «stash» abans de fusionar."
 #: unpack-trees.c:118
@@ -6610,7 +7614,8 @@
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per fusionar:\n"
+"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per "
 #: unpack-trees.c:121
@@ -6646,7 +7651,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches."
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per agafar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per "
 "%%sMoveu-los o elimineu-los abans de canviar de branca."
 #: unpack-trees.c:134
@@ -6655,7 +7661,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per agafar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per "
 #: unpack-trees.c:137
@@ -6664,7 +7671,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per fusionar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per "
 "%%sMoveu-los o elimineu-los abans de fusionar."
 #: unpack-trees.c:139
@@ -6673,7 +7681,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per fusionar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per "
 #: unpack-trees.c:142
@@ -6697,19 +7706,23 @@
 #: unpack-trees.c:150
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
+"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by "
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches."
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per agafar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per "
 "%%sMoveu-los o elimineu-los abans de canviar de branca."
 #: unpack-trees.c:152
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
+"The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by "
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per agafar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per "
 #: unpack-trees.c:155
@@ -6718,7 +7731,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per fusionar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per "
 "%%sMoveu-los o elimineu-los abans de fusionar."
 #: unpack-trees.c:157
@@ -6727,7 +7741,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per fusionar:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per "
 #: unpack-trees.c:160
@@ -6736,7 +7751,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you %s."
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per %s:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per "
 "%%sMoveu-los o elimineu-los abans de %s."
 #: unpack-trees.c:162
@@ -6745,7 +7761,8 @@
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per %s:\n"
+"Els següents fitxers no seguits en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per "
 #: unpack-trees.c:170
@@ -6759,25 +7776,30 @@
 "Cannot update sparse checkout: the following entries are not up to date:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"No es pot actualitzar l'agafament parcial: les entrades següents no estan al dia:\n"
+"No es pot actualitzar l'agafament parcial: les entrades següents no estan al "
 #: unpack-trees.c:175
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"The following working tree files would be overwritten by sparse checkout update:\n"
+"The following working tree files would be overwritten by sparse checkout "
 msgstr ""
-"Els fitxers següents en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per actualitzar l'agafament parcial:\n"
+"Els fitxers següents en l'arbre de treball se sobreescriurien per "
+"actualitzar l'agafament parcial:\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:177
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"The following working tree files would be removed by sparse checkout update:\n"
+"The following working tree files would be removed by sparse checkout "
 msgstr ""
-"Els fitxers següents en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per actualitzar l'agafament parcial:\n"
+"Els fitxers següents en l'arbre de treball s'eliminarien per actualitzar "
+"l'agafament parcial:\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:179
@@ -6789,16 +7811,17 @@
 "No es pot actualitzar el submòdul:\n"
-#: unpack-trees.c:253
+#: unpack-trees.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting\n"
 msgstr "S'està avortant\n"
-#: unpack-trees.c:335
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "S'estan agafant fitxers"
+#: unpack-trees.c:318
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "S'està actualitzant %s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:367
+#: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
 "the following paths have collided (e.g. case-sensitive paths\n"
 "on a case-insensitive filesystem) and only one from the same\n"
@@ -6834,32 +7857,32 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "segment de camí '..' no vàlid"
-#: worktree.c:249 builtin/am.c:2094
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir «%s»"
-#: worktree.c:295
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:306
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:318
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "«%s» no existeix"
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "«%s» no és un fitxer .git, codi d'error %d"
-#: worktree.c:332
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "«%s» no assenyala de tornada a «%s»"
@@ -6878,148 +7901,160 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obtenir el directori de treball actual"
-#: wt-status.c:155
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Camins sense fusionar:"
-#: wt-status.c:182 wt-status.c:209
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git reset %s <fitxer>...\" per a fer «unstage»)"
-#: wt-status.c:184 wt-status.c:211
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr "  (useu \"git reset %s <fitxer>...\" per a fer «unstage»)"
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git rm --cached <fitxer>...\" per a fer «unstage»)"
-#: wt-status.c:188
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git add <fitxer>...\" per a senyalar resolució)"
-#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:194
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
-msgstr "  (useu \"git add/rm <fitxer>...\" segons sigui apropiat per a senyalar resolució)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (useu \"git add/rm <fitxer>...\" segons sigui apropiat per a senyalar "
-#: wt-status.c:192
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git rm <fitxer>...\" per a senyalar resolució)"
-#: wt-status.c:203 wt-status.c:1046
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Canvis a cometre:"
-#: wt-status.c:221 wt-status.c:1055
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Canvis no «staged» per a cometre:"
-#: wt-status.c:225
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git add <fitxer>...\" per a actualitzar què es cometrà)"
-#: wt-status.c:227
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git add/rm <fitxer>...\" per a actualitzar què es cometrà)"
-#: wt-status.c:228
-msgid "  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
-msgstr "  (useu \"git checkout -- <fitxer>...\" per a descartar els canvis en el directori de treball)"
+#: wt-status.c:241
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (useu \"git checkout -- <fitxer>...\" per a descartar els canvis en el "
+"directori de treball)"
-#: wt-status.c:230
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
-msgstr "  (cometeu o descarteu el contingut modificat o no seguit en els submòduls)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (cometeu o descarteu el contingut modificat o no seguit en els submòduls)"
-#: wt-status.c:242
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git %s <fitxer>...\" per a incloure-ho en el que es cometrà)"
-#: wt-status.c:257
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "suprimit per ambdós:"
-#: wt-status.c:259
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "afegit per nosaltres:"
-#: wt-status.c:261
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "suprimit per ells:"
-#: wt-status.c:263
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "afegit per ells:"
-#: wt-status.c:265
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "suprimit per nosaltres:"
-#: wt-status.c:267
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "afegit per ambdós:"
-#: wt-status.c:269
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "modificat per ambdós:"
-#: wt-status.c:279
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "fitxer nou:"
-#: wt-status.c:281
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "copiat:"
-#: wt-status.c:283
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "suprimit:"
-#: wt-status.c:285
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "modificat:"
-#: wt-status.c:287
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "canviat de nom:"
-#: wt-status.c:289
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "canviat de tipus:"
-#: wt-status.c:291
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "desconegut:"
-#: wt-status.c:293
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "sense fusionar:"
-#: wt-status.c:373
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "comissions noves, "
-#: wt-status.c:375
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "contingut modificat, "
-#: wt-status.c:377
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "contingut no seguit, "
-#: wt-status.c:884
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "L'«stash» té actualment %d entrada"
 msgstr[1] "L'«stash» té actualment %d entrades"
-#: wt-status.c:916
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Submòduls canviats però no actualitzats:"
-#: wt-status.c:918
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Canvis de submòdul a cometre:"
-#: wt-status.c:1000
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -7027,224 +8062,262 @@
 "No modifiqueu o suprimiu la línia de dalt.\n"
 "Tot el que hi ha a sota s'ignorarà."
-#: wt-status.c:1101
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Teniu camins sense fusionar."
-#: wt-status.c:1104
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (arregleu els conflictes i executeu \"git commit\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1106
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git merge --abort\" per a avortar la fusió)"
-#: wt-status.c:1110
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Tots els conflictes estan arreglats però encara esteu fusionant."
-#: wt-status.c:1113
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git commit\" per a concloure la fusió)"
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Esteu enmig d'una sessió am."
-#: wt-status.c:1125
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "El pedaç actual està buit."
-#: wt-status.c:1129
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (arregleu els conflictes i després executeu \"git am --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git am --skip\" per a ometre aquest pedaç)"
-#: wt-status.c:1133
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git am --abort\" per a restaurar la branca original)"
-#: wt-status.c:1264
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "Manca git-rebase-todo."
-#: wt-status.c:1266
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "No s'ha fet cap ordre."
-#: wt-status.c:1269
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "Última ordre feta (%d ordre feta):"
 msgstr[1] "Últimes ordres fetes (%d ordres fetes):"
-#: wt-status.c:1280
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (vegeu més en el fitxer %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1285
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "No manca cap ordre."
-#: wt-status.c:1288
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Ordre següent a fer (manca %d ordre):"
 msgstr[1] "Ordres següents a fer (manquen %d ordres):"
-#: wt-status.c:1296
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git rebase --edit-todo\" per a veure i editar)"
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu fent «rebase» de la branca «%s» en «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1313
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu fent «rebase»."
-#: wt-status.c:1326
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
-msgstr "  (arregleu els conflictes i després executeu \"git rebase --continue\")"
+msgstr ""
+"  (arregleu els conflictes i després executeu \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git rebase --skip\" per a ometre aquest pedaç)"
-#: wt-status.c:1330
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git rebase --abort\" per a agafar la branca original)"
-#: wt-status.c:1337
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
-msgstr "  (tots els conflictes estan arreglats: executeu \"git rebase --continue\")"
+msgstr ""
+"  (tots els conflictes estan arreglats: executeu \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1341
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
-msgid "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
-msgstr "Actualment esteu dividint una comissió mentre es fa «rebase» de la branca «%s» en «%s»."
+msgid ""
+"You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+"Actualment esteu dividint una comissió mentre es fa «rebase» de la branca "
+"«%s» en «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu dividint una comissió durant un «rebase»."
-#: wt-status.c:1349
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
-msgstr "  (Una vegada que el vostre directori de treball sigui net, executeu \"git rebase --continue\")"
+msgstr ""
+"  (Una vegada que el vostre directori de treball sigui net, executeu \"git "
+"rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1353
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
-msgstr "Actualment esteu editant una comissió mentre es fa «rebase» de la branca «%s» en «%s»."
+msgstr ""
+"Actualment esteu editant una comissió mentre es fa «rebase» de la branca "
+"«%s» en «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1358
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu editant una comissió durant un «rebase»."
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git commit --amend\" per a esmenar la comissió actual)"
-#: wt-status.c:1363
-msgid "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
-msgstr "  (useu \"git rebase --continue\" una vegada que estigueu satisfet amb els vostres canvis)"
+#: wt-status.c:1408
+msgid ""
+"  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (useu \"git rebase --continue\" una vegada que estigueu satisfet amb els "
+"vostres canvis)"
-#: wt-status.c:1372
+#: wt-status.c:1419
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
+msgstr "ni hi ha cap «cherry pick» ni cap reversió en curs"
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu fent «cherry pick» a la comissió %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1377
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (arregleu els conflictes i executeu \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1380
+#: wt-status.c:1432
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
+msgstr "  (arregleu els conflictes i executeu \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-msgstr "  (tots els conflictes estan arreglats: executeu \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
+msgstr ""
+"  (tots els conflictes estan arreglats: executeu \"git cherry-pick --continue"
-#: wt-status.c:1382
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
-msgstr "  (useu \"git cherry-pick --abort\" per a cancel·lar l'operació de «cherry pick»)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (useu \"git cherry-pick --abort\" per a cancel·lar l'operació de «cherry "
-#: wt-status.c:1390
+#: wt-status.c:1447
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Revert currently in progress."
+msgstr "avorta la fusió en curs actual"
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu revertint la comissió %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1395
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (arregleu els conflictes i executeu \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1398
+#: wt-status.c:1459
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
+msgstr "  (arregleu els conflictes i executeu \"git revert --continue\")"
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
-msgstr "  (tots els conflictes estan arreglats: executeu \"git revert --continue\")"
+msgstr ""
+"  (tots els conflictes estan arreglats: executeu \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1400
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
-msgstr "  (useu \"git revert --abort\" per a cancel·lar l'operació de reversió)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (useu \"git revert --abort\" per a cancel·lar l'operació de reversió)"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu bisecant, heu començat des de la branca «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1414
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Actualment esteu bisecant."
-#: wt-status.c:1417
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (useu \"git bisect reset\" per a tornar a la branca original)"
-#: wt-status.c:1617
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "En la branca "
-#: wt-status.c:1624
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "«rebase» interactiu en curs; sobre "
-#: wt-status.c:1626
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "«rebase» en curs; sobre "
-#: wt-status.c:1631
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "HEAD separat a "
-#: wt-status.c:1633
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "HEAD separat de "
-#: wt-status.c:1636
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Actualment no s'és en cap branca."
-#: wt-status.c:1653
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Comissió inicial"
-#: wt-status.c:1654
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "No s'ha fet cap comissió encara."
-#: wt-status.c:1668
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Fitxers no seguits"
-#: wt-status.c:1670
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Fitxers ignorats"
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -7256,90 +8329,98 @@
 "oblidar-vos d'afegir fitxers nous vosaltres mateixos (vegeu\n"
 "'git help status')."
-#: wt-status.c:1680
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Els fitxers no seguits no estan llistats%s"
-#: wt-status.c:1682
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (useu l'opció -u per a mostrar els fitxers no seguits)"
-#: wt-status.c:1688
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Sense canvis"
-#: wt-status.c:1693
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
-msgstr "no hi ha canvis afegits a cometre (useu \"git add\" o \"git commit -a\")\n"
+msgstr ""
+"no hi ha canvis afegits a cometre (useu \"git add\" o \"git commit -a\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1696
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "no hi ha canvis afegits a cometre\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1699
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
-msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to track)\n"
-msgstr "no hi ha res afegit a cometre però hi ha fitxers no seguits (useu \"git add\" per a seguir-los)\n"
+msgid ""
+"nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
+msgstr ""
+"no hi ha res afegit a cometre però hi ha fitxers no seguits (useu \"git add"
+"\" per a seguir-los)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr "no hi ha res afegit a cometre però hi ha fitxers no seguits\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1705
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
-msgstr "no hi ha res a cometre (creeu/copieu fitxers i useu \"git add\" per a seguir-los)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"no hi ha res a cometre (creeu/copieu fitxers i useu \"git add\" per a seguir-"
-#: wt-status.c:1708 wt-status.c:1713
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "no hi ha res a cometre\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1711
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
-msgstr "no hi ha res a cometre (useu -u per a mostrar els fitxers no seguits)\n"
+msgstr ""
+"no hi ha res a cometre (useu -u per a mostrar els fitxers no seguits)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1715
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "no hi ha res a cometre, l'arbre de treball està net\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1828
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "No s'ha fet cap comissió encara a "
-#: wt-status.c:1832
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (sense branca)"
-#: wt-status.c:1863
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "diferent"
-#: wt-status.c:1865 wt-status.c:1873
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "darrere "
-#: wt-status.c:1868 wt-status.c:1871
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "davant per "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2386
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "no es pot %s: Teniu canvis «unstaged»."
-#: wt-status.c:2392
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "addicionalment, el vostre índex conté canvis sense cometre."
-#: wt-status.c:2394
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "no es pot %s: El vostre índex conté canvis sense cometre."
@@ -7353,7 +8434,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "estat de diff inesperat %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en actualitzar els fitxers"
@@ -7399,10 +8480,12 @@
 #: builtin/add.c:270
 msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
-msgstr "Els camins següents s'ignoren per un dels vostres fitxers .gitignore:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Els camins següents s'ignoren per un dels vostres fitxers .gitignore:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124 builtin/prune-packed.c:56
-#: builtin/pull.c:214 builtin/push.c:560 builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "marxa en sec"
@@ -7410,7 +8493,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "recull interactiu"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1304 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "selecciona els trossos interactivament"
@@ -7440,7 +8523,8 @@
 #: builtin/add.c:303
 msgid "ignore paths removed in the working tree (same as --no-all)"
-msgstr "ignora els camins eliminats en l'arbre de treball (el mateix que --no-all)"
+msgstr ""
+"ignora els camins eliminats en l'arbre de treball (el mateix que --no-all)"
 #: builtin/add.c:305
 msgid "don't add, only refresh the index"
@@ -7452,9 +8536,10 @@
 #: builtin/add.c:307
 msgid "check if - even missing - files are ignored in dry run"
-msgstr "comproveu si els fitxers - fins i tot els absents - s'ignoren en marxa en sec"
+msgstr ""
+"comproveu si els fitxers - fins i tot els absents - s'ignoren en marxa en sec"
-#: builtin/add.c:309 builtin/update-index.c:991
+#: builtin/add.c:309 builtin/update-index.c:1001
 msgid "override the executable bit of the listed files"
 msgstr "passa per alt el bit executable dels fitxers llistats"
@@ -7503,29 +8588,29 @@
 msgid "Use -f if you really want to add them.\n"
 msgstr "Useu -f si realment els voleu afegir.\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:380
+#: builtin/add.c:379
 msgid "adding files failed"
 msgstr "l'afegiment de fitxers ha fallat"
-#: builtin/add.c:418
+#: builtin/add.c:419
 msgid "-A and -u are mutually incompatible"
 msgstr "-A i -u són mútuament incompatibles"
-#: builtin/add.c:425
+#: builtin/add.c:426
 msgid "Option --ignore-missing can only be used together with --dry-run"
 msgstr "L'opció --ignore-missing només es pot usar juntament amb --dry-run"
-#: builtin/add.c:429
+#: builtin/add.c:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "--chmod param '%s' must be either -x or +x"
 msgstr "el paràmetre --chmod «%s» ha de ser o -x o +x"
-#: builtin/add.c:444
+#: builtin/add.c:445
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nothing specified, nothing added.\n"
 msgstr "No s'ha especificat res, no s'ha afegit res.\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:445
+#: builtin/add.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Maybe you wanted to say 'git add .'?\n"
 msgstr "Potser volíeu dir «git add .»?\n"
@@ -7539,100 +8624,105 @@
 msgid "'%s' was deleted by the applypatch-msg hook"
 msgstr "s'ha suprimit «%s» pel lligam applypatch-msg"
-#: builtin/am.c:473
+#: builtin/am.c:474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Malformed input line: '%s'."
 msgstr "Línia d'entrada mal formada: «%s»."
-#: builtin/am.c:510
+#: builtin/am.c:512
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to copy notes from '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en copiar les notes de «%s» a «%s»"
-#: builtin/am.c:536
+#: builtin/am.c:538
 msgid "fseek failed"
 msgstr "fseek ha fallat"
-#: builtin/am.c:724
+#: builtin/am.c:726
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse patch '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar el pedaç «%s»"
-#: builtin/am.c:789
+#: builtin/am.c:791
 msgid "Only one StGIT patch series can be applied at once"
 msgstr "Només una sèrie de pedaços StGIT es pot aplicar a la vegada"
-#: builtin/am.c:837
+#: builtin/am.c:839
 msgid "invalid timestamp"
 msgstr "marca de temps no vàlida"
-#: builtin/am.c:842 builtin/am.c:854
+#: builtin/am.c:844 builtin/am.c:856
 msgid "invalid Date line"
 msgstr "línia Date no vàlida"
-#: builtin/am.c:849
+#: builtin/am.c:851
 msgid "invalid timezone offset"
 msgstr "desplaçament de zona de temps no vàlid"
-#: builtin/am.c:942
+#: builtin/am.c:944
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "La detecció de format de pedaç ha fallat."
-#: builtin/am.c:947 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en crear el directori «%s»"
-#: builtin/am.c:952
+#: builtin/am.c:954
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en dividir els pedaços."
-#: builtin/am.c:1082 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer d'índex"
-#: builtin/am.c:1096
+#: builtin/am.c:1098
 #, c-format
 msgid "When you have resolved this problem, run \"%s --continue\"."
 msgstr "Quan hàgiu resolt aquest problema, executeu \"%s --continue\"."
-#: builtin/am.c:1097
+#: builtin/am.c:1099
 #, c-format
 msgid "If you prefer to skip this patch, run \"%s --skip\" instead."
-msgstr "Si preferiu ometre aquest pedaç, executeu \"%s --skip\" en lloc d'això."
+msgstr ""
+"Si preferiu ometre aquest pedaç, executeu \"%s --skip\" en lloc d'això."
-#: builtin/am.c:1098
+#: builtin/am.c:1100
 #, c-format
 msgid "To restore the original branch and stop patching, run \"%s --abort\"."
-msgstr "Per a restaurar la branca original i deixar d'apedaçar, executeu \"%s --abort\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Per a restaurar la branca original i deixar d'apedaçar, executeu \"%s --abort"
-#: builtin/am.c:1181
+#: builtin/am.c:1183
 msgid "Patch sent with format=flowed; space at the end of lines might be lost."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1209
+#: builtin/am.c:1211
 msgid "Patch is empty."
 msgstr "El pedaç està buit."
-#: builtin/am.c:1275
+#: builtin/am.c:1277
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %.*s"
 msgstr "línia d'identitat no vàlida: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1297
+#: builtin/am.c:1299
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1493
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
-msgstr "Al dipòsit li manquen els blobs necessaris per a retrocedir a una fusió de 3 vies."
+msgstr ""
+"Al dipòsit li manquen els blobs necessaris per a retrocedir a una fusió de 3 "
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr "S'està usant la informació d'índex per a reconstruir un arbre base..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1514
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -7640,28 +8730,24 @@
 "Heu editat el vostre pedaç a mà?\n"
 "No s'aplica als blobs recordats en el seu índex."
-#: builtin/am.c:1520
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "S'està retrocedint a apedaçar la base i una fusió de 3 vies..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1546
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en fusionar els canvis."
-#: builtin/am.c:1578
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "s'està aplicant a una història buida"
-#: builtin/am.c:1624 builtin/am.c:1628
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "no es pot reprendre: %s no existeix."
-#: builtin/am.c:1644
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr "no es pot ser interactiu sense que stdin estigui connectada a un terminal."
-#: builtin/am.c:1649
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "El cos de la comissió és:"
@@ -7669,34 +8755,37 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1659
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
-msgstr "Voleu aplicar-lo? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dita/[v]isualitza el pedaç/[a]ccepta'ls tots: "
+msgstr ""
+"Voleu aplicar-lo? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dita/[v]isualitza el pedaç/[a]ccepta'ls "
+"tots: "
-#: builtin/am.c:1709
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "Índex brut: no es poden aplicar pedaços (bruts: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1749 builtin/am.c:1817
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "S'està aplicant: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1766
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Sense canvis -- El pedaç ja s'ha aplicat."
-#: builtin/am.c:1772
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "El pedaç ha fallat a %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1776
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -7706,26 +8795,30 @@
 "Si no hi ha res per fer «stage», probablement alguna altra cosa ja ha\n"
 "introduït els mateixos canvis; potser voleu ometre aquest pedaç."
-#: builtin/am.c:1827
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
-"You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as such.\n"
+"You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
 "You might run `git rm` on a file to accept \"deleted by them\" for it."
 msgstr ""
 "Encara teniu camins sense fusionar a l'índex.\n"
-"Heu de fer 'git add' a cada fitxer amb conflictes resolts per marcar-los com a tal.\n"
-"Podeu executar `git rm` en un fitxer per acceptar \"suprimit per ells\" pel fitxer."
+"Heu de fer 'git add' a cada fitxer amb conflictes resolts per marcar-los com "
+"a tal.\n"
+"Podeu executar `git rm` en un fitxer per acceptar \"suprimit per ells\" pel "
-#: builtin/am.c:1934 builtin/am.c:1938 builtin/am.c:1950 builtin/reset.c:329 builtin/reset.c:337
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte «%s»."
-#: builtin/am.c:1986
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en netejar l'índex"
-#: builtin/am.c:2030
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -7733,138 +8826,144 @@
 "Sembla que heu mogut HEAD després de l'última fallada de 'am'.\n"
 "No s'està rebobinant a ORIG_HEAD"
-#: builtin/am.c:2123
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Valor no vàlid per a --patch-format: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2159
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<opcions>] [(<bústia> | <directori-de-correu>)...]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2160
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<opcions>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "executa interactivament"
-#: builtin/am.c:2168
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "opció històrica -- no-op"
-#: builtin/am.c:2170
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "permet retrocedir a una fusió de 3 vies si és necessari"
-#: builtin/am.c:2171 builtin/init-db.c:486 builtin/prune-packed.c:58 builtin/repack.c:306
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "silenciós"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "afegeix una línia «Signed-off-by» al missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/am.c:2176
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "recodifica en utf8 (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "passa l'indicador -k a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "passa l'indicador -b a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2182
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "passa l'indicador -m a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2184
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "passa l'indicador --keep-cr a git-mailsplit per al format mbox"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
-msgstr "no passis l'indicador --keep-cr a git-mailsplit independent d'am.keepcr"
+msgstr ""
+"no passis l'indicador --keep-cr a git-mailsplit independent d'am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2190
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "elimina tot abans d'una línia de tisores"
-#: builtin/am.c:2192 builtin/am.c:2195 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/am.c:2201 builtin/am.c:2204 builtin/am.c:2207
-#: builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "passa-ho a través de git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/commit.c:1343 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879
-#: builtin/merge.c:240 builtin/pull.c:152 builtin/pull.c:210 builtin/rebase.c:1062 builtin/repack.c:317
-#: builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323 builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:171 builtin/tag.c:386
-#: parse-options.h:144 parse-options.h:146 parse-options.h:266
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:318 builtin/repack.c:322 builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/branch.c:637 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/replace.c:544 builtin/tag.c:422
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "format"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "el format en el qual estan els pedaços"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "passa per alt el missatge d'error si falla l'aplicació del pedaç"
-#: builtin/am.c:2224
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "segueix aplicant pedaços després de resoldre un conflicte"
-#: builtin/am.c:2227
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "sinònims de --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2230
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "omet el pedaç actual"
-#: builtin/am.c:2233
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr "restaura la branca original i avorta l'operació d'apedaçament."
-#: builtin/am.c:2236
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2239
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "mostra el pedaç que s'està aplicant."
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "menteix sobre la data del comitent"
-#: builtin/am.c:2245
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "usa el marc de temps actual per la data d'autor"
-#: builtin/am.c:2247 builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/pull.c:185 builtin/rebase.c:1106
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:185 builtin/revert.c:114 builtin/tag.c:402
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "ID de clau"
-#: builtin/am.c:2248 builtin/rebase.c:1107 builtin/rebase--interactive.c:186
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "signa les comissions amb GPG"
-#: builtin/am.c:2251
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(ús intern per a git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2269
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -7872,16 +8971,18 @@
 "Fa molt que l'opció -b/--binary no ha fet res, i\n"
 "s'eliminarà. No l'useu més."
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en llegir l'índex"
-#: builtin/am.c:2291
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
-msgstr "un directori de «rebase» anterior %s encara existeix però s'ha donat una bústia."
+msgstr ""
+"un directori de «rebase» anterior %s encara existeix però s'ha donat una "
-#: builtin/am.c:2315
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -7890,10 +8991,14 @@
 "S'ha trobat un directori %s extraviat.\n"
 "Useu \"git am --abort\" per a eliminar-lo."
-#: builtin/am.c:2321
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "Una operació de resolució no està en curs; no reprenem."
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [<opcions>] [<pedaç>...]"
@@ -7947,12 +9052,16 @@
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:26
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-write [--no-log] <state> <revision> <good_term> <bad_term>"
+msgid ""
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-write [--no-log] <state> <revision> <good_term> "
 msgstr "git bisect--helper --write-terms <mal_terme> <bon_terme>"
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:27
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-check-and-set-terms <command> <good_term> <bad_term>"
+msgid ""
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-check-and-set-terms <command> <good_term> "
 msgstr "git bisect--helper --write-terms <mal_terme> <bon_terme>"
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:28
@@ -7962,15 +9071,17 @@
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:29
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-terms [--term-good | --term-old | --term-bad | --term-new]"
+msgid ""
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-terms [--term-good | --term-old | --term-bad | --"
 msgstr ""
 "paràmetre no vàlid $arg per a 'git bisect terms'.\n"
 "Les opcions admeses són: --term-good|--term-old i --term-bad|--term-new."
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:30
 msgid ""
-"git bisect--helper --bisect-start [--term-{old,good}=<term> --term-{new,bad}=<term>][--no-checkout] [<bad> "
-"[<good>...]] [--] [<paths>...]"
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-start [--term-{old,good}=<term> --term-{new,bad}"
+"=<term>][--no-checkout] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] [<paths>...]"
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:86
@@ -8008,7 +9119,8 @@
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:174
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "could not check out original HEAD '%s'. Try 'git bisect reset <commit>'."
+msgid ""
+"could not check out original HEAD '%s'. Try 'git bisect reset <commit>'."
 msgstr ""
 "No s'ha pogut agafar la HEAD original '$branch'.\n"
 "Proveu 'git bisect reset <comissió>'."
@@ -8031,7 +9143,8 @@
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:258
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Invalid command: you're currently in a %s/%s bisect"
-msgstr "Ordre no vàlida: actualment esteu en una bisecció $TERM_BAD/$TERM_GOOD."
+msgstr ""
+"Ordre no vàlida: actualment esteu en una bisecció $TERM_BAD/$TERM_GOOD."
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:285
 #, fuzzy, c-format
@@ -8104,7 +9217,9 @@
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:526
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "checking out '%s' failed. Try 'git bisect start <valid-branch>'."
-msgstr "L'agafament de '$start_head' ha fallat. Proveu 'git bisect reset <branca-vàlida>'."
+msgstr ""
+"L'agafament de '$start_head' ha fallat. Proveu 'git bisect reset <branca-"
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:547
 msgid "won't bisect on cg-seek'ed tree"
@@ -8115,229 +9230,260 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "HEAD incorrecte - referència simbòlica estranya"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "fitxer no vàlid: «%s»"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "realitza 'git bisect next'"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "escriu els termes a .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "neteja l'estat de la bisecció"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "comprova les revisions esperades"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "neteja l'estat de la bisecció"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "neteja l'estat de la bisecció"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "neteja l'estat de la bisecció"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les etiquetes de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "actualitza BISECT_HEAD en lloc d'agafar la comissió actual"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms requereix dos paràmetres"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no accepta paràmetres"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no accepta paràmetres"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no accepta paràmetres"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no accepta paràmetres"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no accepta paràmetres"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--write-terms requereix dos paràmetres"
-#: builtin/blame.c:31
+#: builtin/blame.c:32
 msgid "git blame [<options>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <file>"
 msgstr "git blame [<opcions>] [<opcions-de-revisió>] [<revisió>] [--] fitxer"
-#: builtin/blame.c:36
+#: builtin/blame.c:37
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "es documenten les <opcions-de-revisió> en git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:406
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "respecta els colors del format"
-#: builtin/blame.c:413
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:700
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "ignora el color no vàlid «%.*s» en log.graphColors"
-#: builtin/blame.c:718
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "valor no vàlid per a --missing"
-#: builtin/blame.c:793
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la revisió: %s"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr "Mostra les entrades «blame» mentre les trobem, incrementalment"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
-msgstr "Mostra un SHA-1 en blanc per les comissions de frontera (Per defecte: desactivat)"
+msgstr ""
+"Mostra un SHA-1 en blanc per les comissions de frontera (Per defecte: "
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
-msgstr "No tractis les comissions d'arrel com a límits (Per defecte: desactivat)"
+msgstr ""
+"No tractis les comissions d'arrel com a límits (Per defecte: desactivat)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Mostra les estadístiques de preu de treball"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Força l'informe de progrés"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Mostra la puntuació de sortida de les entrades «blame»"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "Mostra el nom de fitxer original (Per defecte: automàtic)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostra el número de línia original (Per defecte: desactivat)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Presenta en un format dissenyat per consumpció per màquina"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr "Mostra el format de porcellana amb informació de comissió per línia"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
-msgstr "Usa el mateix mode de sortida que git-annotate (Per defecte: desactivat)"
+msgstr ""
+"Usa el mateix mode de sortida que git-annotate (Per defecte: desactivat)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostra la marca de temps crua (Per defecte: desactivat)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostra l'SHA1 de comissió llarg (Per defecte: desactivat)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Omet el nom d'autor i la marca de temps (Per defecte: desactivat)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
-msgstr "Mostra l'adreça electrònica de l'autor en lloc del nom (Per defecte: desactivat)"
+msgstr ""
+"Mostra l'adreça electrònica de l'autor en lloc del nom (Per defecte: "
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Ignora les diferències d'espai en blanc"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1646
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "rev"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "ignora l'índex en comprovar"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "llegiu el missatge des d'un fitxer"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:817
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "Usa un heurístic experimental per a millorar les diferències"
-#: builtin/blame.c:819
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Gasta cicles extres per a trobar una coincidència millor"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "Usa les revisions de <fitxer> en lloc d'invocar git-rev-list"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Usa els continguts de <fitxer> com a la imatge final"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822 builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "puntuació"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "Troba còpies de línia dins i a través dels fitxers"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "Troba moviments de línia dins i a través dels fitxers"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Processa només el rang de línies n,m, comptant des d'1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
-msgstr "no es pot usar --progress amb els formats --incremental o de porcellana"
+msgstr ""
+"no es pot usar --progress amb els formats --incremental o de porcellana"
 #. TRANSLATORS: This string is used to tell us the
 #. maximum display width for a relative timestamp in
@@ -8347,18 +9493,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:926
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "fa 4 anys i 11 mesos"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1018
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "el fitxer %s té només %lu línia"
 msgstr[1] "el fitxer %s té només %lu línies"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1064
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "S'està fent un «blame»"
@@ -8390,7 +9536,7 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [<opcions>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -8400,7 +9546,7 @@
 "         fusionat a «%s», però encara no\n"
 "         s'ha fusionat a HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -8410,12 +9556,12 @@
 "         s'ha fusionat a «%s», encara que està\n"
 "         fusionada a HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar l'objecte de comissió de «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -8424,112 +9570,126 @@
 "La branca «%s» no està totalment fusionada.\n"
 "Si esteu segur que la voleu suprimir, executeu 'git branch -D %s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "L'actualització del fitxer de configuració ha fallat"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "no es pot usar -a amb -d"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar l'objecte de comissió de HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "No es pot suprimir la branca «%s» agafada a «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "no s'ha trobat la branca amb seguiment remot «%s»."
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "no s'ha trobat la branca «%s»."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Error en suprimir la branca amb seguiment remot «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Error en suprimir la branca «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "S'ha suprimit la branca amb seguiment remot %s (era %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "S'ha suprimit la branca %s (era %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:59
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la cadena de format"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la comissió HEAD"
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
+msgstr "HEAD no trobat sota refs/heads!"
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "S'està fent «rebase» en la branca %s a %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:462
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "La branca %s s'està bisecant a %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:479
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "no es pot copiar branca actual mentre no s'és a cap."
-#: builtin/branch.c:481
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "no es pot canviar el nom de la branca actual mentre no s'és a cap."
-#: builtin/branch.c:492
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Nom de branca no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:519
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "El canvi de nom de branca ha fallat"
-#: builtin/branch.c:521
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "La còpia de la branca ha fallat"
-#: builtin/branch.c:525
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "S'ha creat una còpia d'una branca mal anomenada «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:528
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "S'ha canviat el nom de la branca mal anomenada «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "S'ha canviat el nom de la branca a %s, però HEAD no està actualitzat!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
-msgstr "La branca està canviada de nom, però l'actualització del fitxer de configuració ha fallat"
+msgstr ""
+"La branca està canviada de nom, però l'actualització del fitxer de "
+"configuració ha fallat"
-#: builtin/branch.c:545
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
-msgstr "La branca està copiada, però l'actualització del fitxer de configuració ha fallat"
+msgstr ""
+"La branca està copiada, però l'actualització del fitxer de configuració ha "
-#: builtin/branch.c:561
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -8540,216 +9700,226 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "S'eliminaran les línies que comencin amb «%c».\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:594
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Opcions genèriques"
-#: builtin/branch.c:596
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr "mostra el hash i l'assumpte, doneu dues vegades per la branca font"
-#: builtin/branch.c:597
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "omet els missatges informatius"
-#: builtin/branch.c:598
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "configura el mode de seguiment (vegeu git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:600
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "no usar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:602 builtin/rebase--interactive.c:182
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "font"
-#: builtin/branch.c:602
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "canvia la informació de font"
-#: builtin/branch.c:603
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Desassigna la informació de font"
-#: builtin/branch.c:604
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "usa sortida colorada"
-#: builtin/branch.c:605
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "actua en branques amb seguiment remot"
-#: builtin/branch.c:607 builtin/branch.c:609
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les branques que continguin la comissió"
-#: builtin/branch.c:608 builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les branques que no continguin la comissió"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Accions de git-branch específiques:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "llista les branques amb seguiment remot i les locals"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "suprimeix la branca si està completament fusionada"
-#: builtin/branch.c:617
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "suprimeix la branca (encara que no estigui fusionada)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "mou/canvia de nom una branca i el seu registre de referència"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "mou/canvia de nom una branca, encara que el destí existeixi"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "copia una branca i el seu registre de referència"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "copia una branca, encara que el destí existeixi"
-#: builtin/branch.c:622
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "llista els noms de branca"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "show current branch name"
+msgstr "No hi ha cap branca actual."
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "crea el registre de referència de la branca"
-#: builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "edita la descripció de la branca"
-#: builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "força creació, moviment/canvi de nom, supressió"
-#: builtin/branch.c:627
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les branques que s'han fusionat"
-#: builtin/branch.c:628
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les branques que no s'han fusionat"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "llista les branques en columnes"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630 builtin/for-each-ref.c:40 builtin/ls-remote.c:70 builtin/tag.c:415
-msgid "key"
-msgstr "clau"
-#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/for-each-ref.c:41 builtin/ls-remote.c:71 builtin/tag.c:416
-msgid "field name to sort on"
-msgstr "nom del camp en el qual ordenar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633 builtin/for-each-ref.c:43 builtin/notes.c:415 builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581
-#: builtin/notes.c:584 builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "objecte"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les branques de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636 builtin/for-each-ref.c:49 builtin/tag.c:425
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "l'ordenació i el filtratge distingeixen entre majúscules i minúscules"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:423 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "format a usar en la sortida"
-#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/clone.c:746
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD no trobat sota refs/heads!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:683
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column i --verbose són incompatibles"
-#: builtin/branch.c:698 builtin/branch.c:749 builtin/branch.c:758
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "cal el nom de branca"
-#: builtin/branch.c:725
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "No es pot donar descripció a un HEAD separat"
-#: builtin/branch.c:730
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "no es pot editar la descripció de més d'una branca"
-#: builtin/branch.c:737
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Encara no hi ha cap comissió en la branca «%s»."
-#: builtin/branch.c:740
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "No hi ha cap branca amb nom «%s»."
-#: builtin/branch.c:755
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "hi ha massa branques per a una operació de còpia"
-#: builtin/branch.c:764
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "hi ha massa arguments per a una operació remota"
-#: builtin/branch.c:769
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "hi ha massa arguments per a establir una nova font"
-#: builtin/branch.c:773
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
-msgid "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut establir la font de HEAD com a %s quan no assenyala cap branca."
+msgid ""
+"could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha pogut establir la font de HEAD com a %s quan no assenyala cap branca."
-#: builtin/branch.c:776 builtin/branch.c:799
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "no existeix la branca «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:780
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "la branca «%s» no existeix"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "hi ha massa arguments per a desassignar la font"
-#: builtin/branch.c:797
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut desassignar la font de HEAD perquè no assenyala cap branca."
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha pogut desassignar la font de HEAD perquè no assenyala cap branca."
-#: builtin/branch.c:803
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "La branca «%s» no té informació de font"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
-msgstr "les opcions -a i -r a 'git branch' no tenen sentit amb un nom de branca"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
+msgstr ""
+"les opcions -a i -r a 'git branch' no tenen sentit amb un nom de branca"
-#: builtin/branch.c:816
-msgid "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or '--set-upstream-to' instead."
-msgstr "L'opció --set-upstream ja no està suportada. Useu en comptes --track o --set-upstream-to."
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
+msgid ""
+"the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
+"'--set-upstream-to' instead."
+msgstr ""
+"L'opció --set-upstream ja no està suportada. Useu en comptes --track o --set-"
 #: builtin/bundle.c:45
 #, c-format
@@ -8764,84 +9934,91 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Cal un dipòsit per a desfer un farcell."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
-msgid ""
-"git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) "
-"[--path=<path>] <object>"
-msgstr ""
-"git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -p | <tipus> | --textconv | --filters "
-"[--path=<camí>]) <objecte>"
 #: builtin/cat-file.c:594
-msgid "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --filters]"
-msgstr "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --filters]"
+msgid ""
+"git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
+"p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
+msgstr ""
+"git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
+"p | <tipus> | --textconv | --filters [--path=<camí>]) <objecte>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
+msgid ""
+"git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
+msgstr ""
+"git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "Cap nom de branca especificat"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<tipus> pot ser un de: blob, tree, commit, tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "mostra el tipus de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "mostra la mida de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "surt amb zero quan no hi ha error"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "imprimeix bellament el contingut de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "en els objectes de blob, executa textconv en el contingut de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
-msgstr "en els objectes de blob, executa els filtres en el contingut de l'objecte"
+msgstr ""
+"en els objectes de blob, executa els filtres en el contingut de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "blob"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "usa un camí específic per a --textconv/--filters"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "permet que -s i -t funcionin amb objectes trencats/malmesos"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "posa la sortida de --batch en memòria intermèdia"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
-msgstr "mostra la informació i contingut dels objectes rebuts de l'entrada estàndard"
+msgstr ""
+"mostra la informació i contingut dels objectes rebuts de l'entrada estàndard"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "mostra informació sobre els objectes rebuts de l'entrada estàndard"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
-msgstr "segueix els enllaços simbòlics en l'arbre (s'usa amb --batch o --batch-check)"
+msgstr ""
+"segueix els enllaços simbòlics en l'arbre (s'usa amb --batch o --batch-check)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "mostra tots els objectes amb --batch o --batch-check"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr ""
@@ -8869,7 +10046,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "acaba els registres d'entrada i de sortida amb un caràcter NUL"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1280 builtin/gc.c:517 builtin/worktree.c:496
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "omet els informes de progrés"
@@ -8940,7 +10118,8 @@
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:167
 msgid "no warning for existing files and files not in index"
-msgstr "cap advertència per a fitxers existents i fitxers que no siguin a l'índex"
+msgstr ""
+"cap advertència per a fitxers existents i fitxers que no siguin a l'índex"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:169
 msgid "don't checkout new files"
@@ -8958,8 +10137,10 @@
 msgid "write the content to temporary files"
 msgstr "escriu el contingut a fitxers temporals"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857 builtin/worktree.c:669
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "cadena"
@@ -8971,133 +10152,174 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "copia els fitxers des de «stage» amb nom"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<opcions>] <branca>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<opcions>] [<branca>] -- <fitxer>..."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:147 builtin/checkout.c:181
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git checkout [<opcions>] <branca>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git checkout [<opcions>] [<branca>] -- <fitxer>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "el camí «%s» no té la nostra versió"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:149 builtin/checkout.c:183
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "el camí «%s» no té la seva versió"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:165
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "el camí «%s» no té totes les versions necessàries"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:210
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "el camí «%s» no té les versions necessàries"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:228
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "camí «%s»: no es pot fusionar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:244
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut afegir el resultat de fusió per a «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:267 builtin/checkout.c:270 builtin/checkout.c:273 builtin/checkout.c:276
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb actualització de camins"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:279 builtin/checkout.c:282
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:285
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr "No es poden actualitzar els camins i canviar a la branca «%s» a la vegada."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:354 builtin/checkout.c:361
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "el camí «%s» està sense fusionar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:397
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "etiqueta de fusió incorrecta en la comissió «%s»"
 msgstr[1] "etiqueta de fusió incorrecta en la comissió «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:402
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "actualitzat %d camí\n"
 msgstr[1] "actualitzats %d camins\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:409
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "S'ha produït un error en llegir l'índex"
 msgstr[1] "S'ha produït un error en llegir l'índex"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:645
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb actualització de camins"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"No es poden actualitzar els camins i canviar a la branca «%s» a la vegada."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb «%s»"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "%s: %s no es pot usar amb %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "el camí «%s» està sense fusionar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "heu de primer resoldre el vostre índex actual"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:782
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per %s:\n"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "No es pot fer reflog per a «%s»: %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:824
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD ara és a"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:828 builtin/clone.c:699
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:832
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Restableix la branca «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:835
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Ja en «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:839
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "S'ha canviat i restablert a la branca «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:841 builtin/checkout.c:1212
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "S'ha canviat a la branca nova «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:843
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "S'ha canviat a la branca «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " ... i %d més.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:900
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -9120,7 +10342,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -9147,166 +10369,234 @@
 " git branch <nom-de-branca-nova> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:951
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "error intern en el passeig per revisions"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:955
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "La posició de HEAD anterior era"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:983 builtin/checkout.c:1207
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Sou en una branca que encara ha de néixer"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1104
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "s'esperava només una referència, s'han donat %d."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "s'esperava només una referència, s'han donat %d."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1140
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
 "Please use -- (and optionally --no-guess) to disambiguate"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1153 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:445
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "referència no vàlida: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1182
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "la referència no és un arbre: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1221
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "no es pot llegir l'objecte %s «%s»"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+"La branca «%s» està configurada per a seguir la branca remota «%s» de «%s»."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "s'esperava shallow/unshallow, s'ha rebut %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "La vostra branca està al dia amb «%s».\n"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "Actualment esteu bisecant."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "els camins no es poden usar amb canvi de branca"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1224 builtin/checkout.c:1228
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb canvi de branca"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1232 builtin/checkout.c:1235 builtin/checkout.c:1240 builtin/checkout.c:1243
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1248
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "«%s» no es pot usar amb actualització de camins"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "No es pot canviar la branca a la no comissió «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1281 builtin/checkout.c:1283 builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171
-#: builtin/worktree.c:489 builtin/worktree.c:491
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "branca"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1282
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "crea i agafa una branca nova"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1284
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "crea/restableix i agafa una branca"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1285
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "crea un registre de referència per a la branca nova"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1286 builtin/worktree.c:493
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "separa HEAD a la comissió anomenada"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1287
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "estableix la informació de font de la branca nova"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1289
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "branca-nova"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1289
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "branca òrfena nova"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1291
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "agafa la versió nostra dels fitxers sense fusionar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1294
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "agafa la versió seva dels fitxers sense fusionar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1296
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "agafa a la força (descarta qualsevol modificació local)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1298
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr "realitza una fusió de 3 vies amb la branca nova"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1300 builtin/merge.c:276
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "actualitza els fitxers ignorats (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1302 builtin/log.c:1586 parse-options.h:272
-msgid "style"
-msgstr "estil"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr "estil de conflicte (fusió o diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1306
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "no limitis les especificacions de camí només a entrades disperses"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1308
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "dubta 'git checkout <cap-branca-així>'"
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "Manca el nom de branca; proveu -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1310
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr "no comprovis si altre arbre de treball té la referència donada"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1314 builtin/clone.c:87 builtin/fetch.c:141 builtin/merge.c:273 builtin/pull.c:130
-#: builtin/push.c:575 builtin/send-pack.c:174
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "força l'informe de progrés"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
+msgstr "realitza una fusió de 3 vies amb la branca nova"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1634 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr "estil"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr "estil de conflicte (fusió o diff3)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "separa HEAD a la comissió anomenada"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "estableix la informació de font de la branca nova"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "agafa a la força (descarta qualsevol modificació local)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "branca-nova"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "branca òrfena nova"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "actualitza els fitxers ignorats (per defecte)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr "no comprovis si altre arbre de treball té la referència donada"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "agafa la versió nostra dels fitxers sense fusionar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "agafa la versió seva dels fitxers sense fusionar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "no limitis les especificacions de camí només a entrades disperses"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B i --orphan són mútuament excloents"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
+msgstr "-n i -k són mútuament excloents."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track necessita un nom de branca"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1367
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "Manca el nom de branca; proveu -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1404
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre «%s»"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "Heu d'especificar un directori."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "especificació de camí no vàlida"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1411
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
-msgstr "«%s» no és una comissió i la branca «%s» no es pot crear a partir d'aquesta comissió"
+msgstr ""
+"«%s» no és una comissió i la branca «%s» no es pot crear a partir d'aquesta "
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach no accepta un paràmetre de camí «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1419
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -9314,7 +10604,7 @@
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force i --merge són incompatibles en\n"
 "agafar de l'índex."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1439
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -9331,9 +10621,83 @@
 "checkout.defaultRemote=origin in your config."
 msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "branca"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "crea i agafa una branca nova"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "crea/restableix i agafa una branca"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "crea un registre de referència per a la branca nova"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr "dubta 'git checkout <cap-branca-així>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "poda les referències soltes (per defecte)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "crea i agafa una branca nova"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "crea/restableix i agafa una branca"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "dubta 'git checkout <cap-branca-així>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "agafa a la força (descarta qualsevol modificació local)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "where the checkout from"
+msgstr "llegeix l'objecte des de stdin"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en llegir l'índex"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "Mostra l'estat de l'arbre de treball"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "s'està ignorant %s no fusionat\n"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
-msgid "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
-msgstr "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <patró>] [-x | -X] [--] <camins>..."
+msgid ""
+"git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
+msgstr ""
+"git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <patró>] [-x | -X] [--] <camins>..."
 #: builtin/clean.c:32
 #, c-format
@@ -9360,7 +10724,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en eliminar %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut fer stat a %s"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -9373,7 +10742,7 @@
 "foo        - selecciona un ítem basat en un prefix únic\n"
 "           - (buit) no seleccionis res\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -9394,37 +10763,38 @@
 "*          - tria tots els ítems\n"
 "           - (buit) finalitza la selecció\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554 git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Perdó (%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Introduïu els patrons a ignorar>> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "ADVERTÈNCIA: No es poden trobar ítems que coincideixin amb: %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Selecciona els ítems a suprimir"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Voleu eliminar %s [y/N]? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Adéu.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -9442,202 +10812,235 @@
 "help                - aquesta pantalla\n"
 "?                   - ajuda de selecció de l'avís"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Ordres ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "I ara què"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Eliminaria l'ítem següent:"
 msgstr[1] "Eliminaria els ítems següents:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "No hi ha més fitxers a netejar; s'està sortint."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "no imprimeixis els noms dels fitxers eliminats"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "força"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "neteja interactiva"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "elimina directoris sencers"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:167
-#: builtin/log.c:169 builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:415 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/show-ref.c:178
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:186 builtin/log.c:188
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "patró"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "afegiu <patró> per a ignorar les regles"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "elimina els fitxers ignorats, també"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "elimina només els fitxers ignorats"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "-x i -X no es poden usar junts"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
-msgid "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to clean"
-msgstr "clean.requireForce està establerta en cert i ni -i, -n ni -f s'han indicat; refusant netejar"
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
+msgid ""
+"clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
+msgstr ""
+"clean.requireForce està establerta en cert i ni -i, -n ni -f s'han indicat; "
+"refusant netejar"
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
-msgid "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to clean"
-msgstr "clean.requireForce és per defecte cert i ni -i, -n ni -f s'han indicat; refusant netejar"
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
+msgid ""
+"clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
+"refusing to clean"
+msgstr ""
+"clean.requireForce és per defecte cert i ni -i, -n ni -f s'han indicat; "
+"refusant netejar"
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<opcions>] [--] <dipòsit> [<directori>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:89
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "no facis cap agafament"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90 builtin/clone.c:92 builtin/init-db.c:481
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "crea un dipòsit nu"
-#: builtin/clone.c:94
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "crea un dipòsit mirall (implica bare)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:96
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "per a clonar des d'un dipòsit local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:98
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "no usis enllaços durs locals, sempre copia"
-#: builtin/clone.c:100
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "configura com a dipòsit compartit"
-#: builtin/clone.c:102 builtin/clone.c:106
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "especificació de camí"
-#: builtin/clone.c:102 builtin/clone.c:106
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "inicialitza els submòduls en el clon"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "nombre de submòduls clonats en paral·lel"
-#: builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/init-db.c:478
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "directori-de-plantilla"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "directori des del qual s'usaran les plantilles"
-#: builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "dipòsit de referència"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "usa --reference només en clonar"
-#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3308 builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "nom"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "usa <nom> en lloc de 'origin' per a seguir la font"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "agafa <branca> en lloc de la HEAD del remot"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "camí a git-upload-pack en el remot"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836 builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "profunditat"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "crea un clon superficial de tal profunditat"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3297
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "hora"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "crea un clon superficial des d'una hora específica"
-#: builtin/clone.c:128 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169 builtin/rebase.c:1039
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "revisió"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr "aprofundeix la història d'un clon superficial, excloent una revisió"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "clona només una branca, HEAD o --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
-msgstr "no cloneu cap etiqueta, i feu que els «fetch» següents no els segueixen"
+msgstr ""
+"no cloneu cap etiqueta, i feu que els «fetch» següents no els segueixen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "qualsevol submòdul clonat serà superficial"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr "directori de git"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:488
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "separa el directori de git de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/clone.c:138
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "clau=valor"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "estableix la configuració dins del dipòsit nou"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:231 builtin/push.c:586
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
+msgid "server-specific"
+msgstr "específic al servidor"
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
+msgid "option to transmit"
+msgstr "opció a transmetre"
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
+#: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "usa només adreces IPv4"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:234 builtin/push.c:588
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
+#: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "usa només adreces IPv6"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr "qualsevol submòdul clonat serà superficial"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -9645,178 +11048,188 @@
 "No s'ha pogut endevinar cap nom de directori.\n"
 "Especifiqueu un directori en la línia d'ordres"
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "info: No s'ha pogut afegir un alternatiu per a «%s»: %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s existeix i no és directori"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en fer stat a '%s'\n"
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure a «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en desenllaçar «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en crear l'enllaç «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en copiar el fitxer a «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en eliminar «%s»"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "fet.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "El clonatge ha tingut èxit, però l'agafament ha\n"
 "fallat. Podeu inspeccionar què s'ha agafat amb\n"
 "'git status' i tornar a intentar l'agafament amb\n"
 "'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la branca remota %s per a clonar."
-#: builtin/clone.c:687
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:737
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
-msgstr "la HEAD remot es refereix a una referència que no existeix; no s'ha pogut agafar.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"la HEAD remot es refereix a una referència que no existeix; no s'ha pogut "
-#: builtin/clone.c:768
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut agafar l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/clone.c:813
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut escriure els paràmetres al fitxer de configuració"
-#: builtin/clone.c:876
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "no es pot reempaquetar per a netejar"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "no es pot desenllaçar el fitxer d'alternatives temporal"
-#: builtin/clone.c:918 builtin/receive-pack.c:1941
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Hi ha massa paràmetres."
-#: builtin/clone.c:922
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Heu d'especificar un dipòsit per a clonar."
-#: builtin/clone.c:935
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "les opcions --bare i --origin %s són incompatibles."
-#: builtin/clone.c:938
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "--bare i --separate-git-dir són incompatibles."
-#: builtin/clone.c:951
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "el dipòsit «%s» no existeix"
-#: builtin/clone.c:957 builtin/fetch.c:1608
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1653
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "la profunditat %s no és nombre positiu"
-#: builtin/clone.c:967
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "el camí destí «%s» ja existeix i no és un directori buit."
-#: builtin/clone.c:977
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "l'arbre de treball «%s» ja existeix."
-#: builtin/clone.c:992 builtin/clone.c:1013 builtin/difftool.c:272 builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:326
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut crear els directoris inicials de «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:997
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el directori d'arbre de treball «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1017
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "S'està clonant al dipòsit nu «%s»...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "S'està clonant a «%s»...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1043
-msgid "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-able"
-msgstr "clone --recursive no és compatible amb ambdós --reference i --reference-if-able"
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
+msgid ""
+"clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
+msgstr ""
+"clone --recursive no és compatible amb ambdós --reference i --reference-if-"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1104
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--depth s'ignora en els clons locals; useu file:// en lloc d'això."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
-msgstr "--shallow-since s'ignora en els clons locals; useu file:// en lloc d'això."
+msgstr ""
+"--shallow-since s'ignora en els clons locals; useu file:// en lloc d'això."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
-msgstr "--shallow-exclude s'ignora en els clons locals; useu file:// en lloc d'això."
+msgstr ""
+"--shallow-exclude s'ignora en els clons locals; useu file:// en lloc d'això."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--filter s'ignora en els clons locals; useu file:// en lloc d'això."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1113
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "el dipòsit font és superficial, s'està ignorant --local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1118
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local s'ignora"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1192 builtin/clone.c:1200
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "La branca remota %s no es troba en la font %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1203
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Sembla que heu clonat un dipòsit buit."
@@ -9852,6 +11265,77 @@
 msgid "--command must be the first argument"
 msgstr "--command ha de ser el primer paràmetre"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:18
+msgid ""
+"git commit-tree [(-p <parent>)...] [-S[<keyid>]] [(-m <message>)...] [(-F "
+"<file>)...] <tree>"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:31
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
+msgstr "suprimeix les referències reemplaçades"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:542
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "not a valid object name %s"
+msgstr "no és un nom d'objecte vàlid: %s"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:93
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to open '%s'"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obrir «%s»"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:96
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to read '%s'"
+msgstr "git write-tree ha fallat en escriure un arbre"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:98
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to close '%s'"
+msgstr "git write-tree ha fallat en escriure un arbre"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "parent"
+msgstr "pare"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:112
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "id of a parent commit object"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en escriure l'objecte de comissió"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
+msgid "message"
+msgstr "missatge"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
+msgid "commit message"
+msgstr "missatge de comissió"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:118
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "read commit log message from file"
+msgstr "llegiu el missatge des d'un fitxer"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
+msgid "GPG sign commit"
+msgstr "signa la comissió amb GPG"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:133
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "must give exactly one tree"
+msgstr "Cal exactament un rang."
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:140
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to read"
+msgstr "git write-tree ha fallat en escriure un arbre"
 #: builtin/commit.c:41
 msgid "git commit [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
 msgstr "git commit [<opcions>] [--] <especificació-de-camí>..."
@@ -9878,87 +11362,86 @@
 "    git commit --allow-empty\n"
 msgstr ""
-"El «cherry pick» previ ja està buit, possiblement a causa de resolució de conflicte.\n"
+"El «cherry pick» previ ja està buit, possiblement a causa de resolució de "
 "Si el voleu cometre de totes maneres, useu:\n"
 "    git commit --allow-empty\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
 msgstr "D'altra manera, useu «git reset»\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Si voleu ometre aquesta comissió, useu:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
-"Llavors \"git cherry-pick --continue\" reprendrà\n"
-"com a «cherry pick» les comissions restants.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en desempaquetar l'objecte d'arbre HEAD"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear un índex temporal"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "l'afegiment interactiu ha fallat"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar l'índex temporal"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'arbre principal de memòria cau"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer new_index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "no es pot fer una comissió parcial durant una fusió."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "no es pot fer una comissió parcial durant un «cherry pick»."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir l'índex"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure un fitxer d'índex temporal"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "a la comissió «%s» li manca la capçalera d'autor"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "la comissió «%s» té una línia d'autor mal formada"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "paràmetre --author mal format"
-#: builtin/commit.c:652
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -9966,38 +11449,38 @@
 "no es pot seleccionar un caràcter de comentari que\n"
 "no sigui usat en el missatge de comissió actual"
-#: builtin/commit.c:689 builtin/commit.c:722 builtin/commit.c:1052
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut trobar la comissió %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:701 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(s'està llegint el missatge de registre des de l'entrada estàndard)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el registre des de l'entrada estàndard"
-#: builtin/commit.c:707
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de registre «%s»"
-#: builtin/commit.c:736 builtin/commit.c:744
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:741
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:795
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure la plantilla de comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:813
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -10012,7 +11495,7 @@
 "i intenteu-ho de nou.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:818
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -10027,17 +11510,17 @@
 "i intenteu-ho de nou.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
 "with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Introduïu el missatge de comissió dels vostres canvis.\n"
-"S'ignoraran les línies començant amb «%c», i un missatge de\n"
+"S'ignoraran les línies que comencin amb «%c», i un missatge de\n"
 "comissió buit avorta la comissió.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:839
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -10045,395 +11528,415 @@
 "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Introduïu el missatge de comissió dels vostres canvis.\n"
-"Es mantindran les línies que comencin amb «%c»; podeu eliminar-les vosaltres\n"
+"Es mantindran les línies que comencin amb «%c»; podeu eliminar-les "
 "mateixos si voleu. Un missatge buit avorta la comissió.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:856
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sAutor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:864
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sData:      %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:871
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sComitent: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:889
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "No es pot llegir l'índex"
-#: builtin/commit.c:956
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Error en construir arbres"
-#: builtin/commit.c:970 builtin/tag.c:258
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Especifiqueu el missatge usant l'opció -m o l'opció -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1014
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
 "--author «%s» no és «Nom <adreça-electrònica>» i no coincideix amb\n"
 "cap autor existent"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1028
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "mode ignorat no vàlid «%s»"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1042 builtin/commit.c:1279
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Mode de fitxers no seguits no vàlid «%s»"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1080
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "--long i -z són incompatibles"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1113
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "Usar ambdós --reset-author i --author no té sentit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1122
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "No teniu res a esmenar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1125
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Esteu enmig d'una fusió -- no es pot esmenar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1127
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Esteu enmig d'un «cherry pick» -- no es pot esmenar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Les opcions --squash i --fixup no es poden usar juntes"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1140
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Només un de -c/-C/-F/--fixup es pot usar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "L'opció -m no es pot combinar amb -c/-C/-F/."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1150
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr "--reset-author només es pot usar amb -C, -c o --amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr "Només un de --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch es pot usar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1169
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "--include/--only no té sentit sense camí."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1183 builtin/tag.c:546
-#, c-format
-msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
-msgstr "Mode de neteja no vàlid %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1188
-msgid "Paths with -a does not make sense."
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "-a no té sentit amb camins."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1314 builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "mostra l'estat concisament"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1316 builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "mostra la informació de branca"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1318
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "mostra la informació de «stash»"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1320 builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1322
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "versió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1322 builtin/commit.c:1504 builtin/push.c:561 builtin/worktree.c:640
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "sortida llegible per màquina"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1506
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "mostra l'estat en format llarg (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1328 builtin/commit.c:1509
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "acaba les entrades amb NUL"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1334 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/fast-export.c:1085
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1118 builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "mode"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1331 builtin/commit.c:1512
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
-msgstr "mostra els fitxers no seguits, modes opcionals: all, normal, no. (Per defecte: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335
-msgid "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: traditional)"
 msgstr ""
-"mostra els fitxers ignorats, modes opcionals: traditional, matching, no. (Per defecte: traditional, matching, no.)"
+"mostra els fitxers no seguits, modes opcionals: all, normal, no. (Per "
+"defecte: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1337 parse-options.h:164
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
+msgid ""
+"show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
+msgstr ""
+"mostra els fitxers ignorats, modes opcionals: traditional, matching, no. "
+"(Per defecte: traditional, matching, no.)"
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "quan"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1338
-msgid "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. (Default: all)"
-msgstr "ignora els canvis als submòduls, opcional quan: all, dirty, untracked. (Per defecte: all)"
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
+msgid ""
+"ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
+"(Default: all)"
+msgstr ""
+"ignora els canvis als submòduls, opcional quan: all, dirty, untracked. (Per "
+"defecte: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "mostra els fitxers no seguits en columnes"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1341
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "no detectis canvis de noms"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "detecta canvis de noms, i opcionalment estableix un índex de semblança"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1363
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1468
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "omet el resum després d'una comissió reeixida"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1469
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "mostra la diferència en la plantilla de missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1471
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Opcions de missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1472 builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/tag.c:397
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "llegiu el missatge des d'un fitxer"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "autor"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "autor corregit de la comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474 builtin/gc.c:518
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "data"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "data corregida de la comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1475 builtin/merge.c:260 builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/tag.c:395
-msgid "message"
-msgstr "missatge"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1475
-msgid "commit message"
-msgstr "missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476 builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/commit.c:1478 builtin/commit.c:1479 parse-options.h:278
-#: ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "reusa i edita el missatge de la comissió especificada"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "reusa el missatge de la comissió especificada"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
-msgstr "usa el missatge formatat de «squash» automàtic per a corregir la comissió especificada"
+msgstr ""
+"usa el missatge formatat de «squash» automàtic per a corregir la comissió "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
-msgstr "usa el missatge formatat de «squash» automàtic per a «squash» a la comissió especificada"
+msgstr ""
+"usa el missatge formatat de «squash» automàtic per a «squash» a la comissió "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr "l'autor de la comissió ja sóc jo (s'usa amb -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/log.c:1533 builtin/merge.c:277 builtin/pull.c:156 builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1581 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "afegeix Signed-off-by:"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "usa el fitxer de plantilla especificat"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "força l'edició de la comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "per defecte"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 builtin/tag.c:401
-msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
-msgstr "com suprimir els espais i #comentaris del missatge"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "inclou l'estat en la plantilla de missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487 builtin/merge.c:275 builtin/pull.c:186 builtin/revert.c:115
-msgid "GPG sign commit"
-msgstr "signa la comissió amb GPG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Opcions dels continguts de les comissions"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1491
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "comet tots els fitxers canviats"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1492
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "afegeix els fitxers especificats a l'índex per a cometre"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1493
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "afegeix els fitxers interactivament"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1494
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "afegeix els canvis interactivament"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "comet només els fitxers especificats"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "evita els lligams de precomissió i missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "mostra què es cometria"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1510
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "esmena la comissió anterior"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "evita el lligam de post escriptura"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "està bé registrar un canvi buit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1518
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "està bé registrar un canvi amb missatge buit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1591
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Fitxer MERGE_HEAD malmès (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1598
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1617
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el missatge de comissió: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1628
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "S'està avortant la comissió a causa d'un missatge de comissió buit.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1633
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "S'està avortant la comissió; no heu editat el missatge.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "s'ha actualitzat el dipòsit, però no es pot escriure el\n"
 "fitxer new_index. Comproveu que el disc no estigui ple i\n"
 "que no s'hagi excedit la quota, i després feu \n"
 "«git reset HEAD» per a recuperar-ho."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
-msgid "git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
+msgid ""
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:48 builtin/commit-graph.c:78 builtin/commit-graph.c:132 builtin/commit-graph.c:190
-#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "directori"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:49 builtin/commit-graph.c:79 builtin/commit-graph.c:133 builtin/commit-graph.c:191
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:135
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió «%s»"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:137
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:139
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:141
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "Escriu i verifica els fitxers commit-graph de Git"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr ""
@@ -10441,7 +11944,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<opcions>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "paràmetre --type no reconegut, %s"
@@ -10504,7 +12007,8 @@
 #: builtin/config.c:136
 msgid "replace all matching variables: name value [value_regex]"
-msgstr "reemplaça totes les variables que coincideixen: nom valor [regex_de_valors]"
+msgstr ""
+"reemplaça totes les variables que coincideixen: nom valor [regex_de_valors]"
 #: builtin/config.c:137
 msgid "add a new variable: name value"
@@ -10546,7 +12050,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Tipus"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "el valor té donat aquest tipus"
@@ -10588,9 +12092,11 @@
 #: builtin/config.c:157
 msgid "show origin of config (file, standard input, blob, command line)"
-msgstr "mostra l'origen de la configuració (fitxer, entrada estàndard, blob, línia d'ordres)"
+msgstr ""
+"mostra l'origen de la configuració (fitxer, entrada estàndard, blob, línia "
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "valor"
@@ -10616,7 +12122,8 @@
 #: builtin/config.c:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to format default config value: %s"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en formatar el valor per defecte de la configuració: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error en formatar el valor per defecte de la configuració: %s"
 #: builtin/config.c:401
 #, c-format
@@ -10657,7 +12164,7 @@
 #: builtin/config.c:611
 msgid "only one config file at a time"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "només un fitxer de configuració cada cop"
 #: builtin/config.c:616
 msgid "--local can only be used inside a git repository"
@@ -10691,8 +12198,11 @@
 msgstr "--name-only només és aplicable a --list o --get-regexp"
 #: builtin/config.c:712
-msgid "--show-origin is only applicable to --get, --get-all, --get-regexp, and --list"
-msgstr "--show-origin només és aplicable a --get, --get-all, --get-regexp, i --list"
+msgid ""
+"--show-origin is only applicable to --get, --get-all, --get-regexp, and --"
+msgstr ""
+"--show-origin només és aplicable a --get, --get-all, --get-regexp, i --list"
 #: builtin/config.c:718
 msgid "--default is only applicable to --get"
@@ -10712,9 +12222,8 @@
 msgstr "no hi ha compatibilitat per a l'edició a stdin"
 #: builtin/config.c:746
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "editing blobs is not supported"
-msgstr "No s'admet una profunditat negativa en --deepen"
+msgstr "no hi ha compatibilitat per l'edició de blobs"
 #: builtin/config.c:760
 #, c-format
@@ -10830,7 +12339,7 @@
 msgid "describe %s\n"
 msgstr "descriu %s\n"
-#: builtin/describe.c:513 builtin/log.c:516
+#: builtin/describe.c:513
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "%s no és un nom d'objecte vàlid"
@@ -10880,7 +12389,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "no consideris les etiquetes que no coincideixen amb <patró>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "mostra l'objecte de comissió abreviat com a sistema alternatiu"
@@ -10922,50 +12431,50 @@
 msgid "invalid option: %s"
 msgstr "opció no vàlida: %s"
-#: builtin/diff.c:364
+#: builtin/diff.c:350
 msgid "Not a git repository"
 msgstr "No és un dipòsit de git"
-#: builtin/diff.c:408
+#: builtin/diff.c:394
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid object '%s' given."
 msgstr "s'ha donat un objecte no vàlid «%s»."
-#: builtin/diff.c:417
+#: builtin/diff.c:403
 #, c-format
 msgid "more than two blobs given: '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha donat més de dos blobs: «%s»"
-#: builtin/diff.c:422
+#: builtin/diff.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "unhandled object '%s' given."
 msgstr "s'ha donat l'objecte no gestionat «%s»."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:31
+#: builtin/difftool.c:30
 msgid "git difftool [<options>] [<commit> [<commit>]] [--] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git difftool [<opcions>] [<commit> [<commit>]] [--] [<camí>...]"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:261
+#: builtin/difftool.c:253
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed: %d"
 msgstr "ha fallat: %d"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:303
+#: builtin/difftool.c:295
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read symlink %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir l'enllaç simbòlic %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:305
+#: builtin/difftool.c:297
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read symlink file %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer d'enllaç simbòlic %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:313
+#: builtin/difftool.c:305
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s for symlink %s"
 msgstr "No es pot llegir l'objecte %s per l'enllaç simbòlic %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:414
+#: builtin/difftool.c:406
 msgid ""
 "combined diff formats('-c' and '--cc') are not supported in\n"
 "directory diff mode('-d' and '--dir-diff')."
@@ -10973,318 +12482,379 @@
 "els formats de diff combinats ('-c' and '--cc') no són admesos \n"
 "en el mode diff per directoris ('-d' and '--dir-diff')."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:634
+#: builtin/difftool.c:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "both files modified: '%s' and '%s'."
 msgstr "s'han modificat ambdós fitxers: «%s» i «%s»."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:636
+#: builtin/difftool.c:628
 msgid "working tree file has been left."
 msgstr "s'ha deixat un fitxer de l'arbre de treball."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:647
+#: builtin/difftool.c:639
 #, c-format
 msgid "temporary files exist in '%s'."
 msgstr "existeix un fitxer temporal a «%s»."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:648
+#: builtin/difftool.c:640
 msgid "you may want to cleanup or recover these."
 msgstr "podeu netejar o recuperar-los."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:697
+#: builtin/difftool.c:689
 msgid "use `diff.guitool` instead of `diff.tool`"
 msgstr "utilitza `diff.guitool` en comptes de `diff.tool`"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:699
+#: builtin/difftool.c:691
 msgid "perform a full-directory diff"
 msgstr "fes un diff de tot el directori"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:701
+#: builtin/difftool.c:693
 msgid "do not prompt before launching a diff tool"
 msgstr "no preguntis abans d'executar l'eina diff"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:706
+#: builtin/difftool.c:698
 msgid "use symlinks in dir-diff mode"
 msgstr "utilitza enllaços simbòlics en mode dir-diff"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: builtin/difftool.c:699
 msgid "tool"
 msgstr "eina"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:708
+#: builtin/difftool.c:700
 msgid "use the specified diff tool"
 msgstr "utilitza l'eina de diff especificada"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:710
+#: builtin/difftool.c:702
 msgid "print a list of diff tools that may be used with `--tool`"
-msgstr "imprimeix una llista de totes les eines diff que podeu usar amb `--tool`"
+msgstr ""
+"imprimeix una llista de totes les eines diff que podeu usar amb `--tool`"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:713
-msgid "make 'git-difftool' exit when an invoked diff tool returns a non - zero exit code"
-msgstr "fes que 'git-difftool' surti quan l'eina de diff invocada torna un codi de sortida diferent de zero"
+#: builtin/difftool.c:705
+msgid ""
+"make 'git-difftool' exit when an invoked diff tool returns a non - zero exit "
+msgstr ""
+"fes que 'git-difftool' surti quan l'eina de diff invocada torna un codi de "
+"sortida diferent de zero"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:716
+#: builtin/difftool.c:708
 msgid "specify a custom command for viewing diffs"
-msgstr "especifiqueu una ordre personalitzada per veure diffs"
+msgstr "especifiqueu un ordre personalitzat per veure diffs"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:740
+#: builtin/difftool.c:709
+msgid "passed to `diff`"
+msgstr "passa-ho a «diff»"
+#: builtin/difftool.c:724
+msgid "difftool requires worktree or --no-index"
+msgstr "difftool requereix worktree o --no-index"
+#: builtin/difftool.c:731
+msgid "--dir-diff is incompatible with --no-index"
+msgstr "--dir-diff és incompatible amb --no-index"
+#: builtin/difftool.c:734
+msgid "--gui, --tool and --extcmd are mutually exclusive"
+msgstr "--gui, --tool and --extcmd són mútuament excloents"
+#: builtin/difftool.c:742
 msgid "no <tool> given for --tool=<tool>"
 msgstr "no s'ha proporcionat <tool> per --tool=<tool>"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:747
+#: builtin/difftool.c:749
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "no s'ha proporcionat <cmd> per --extcmd=<cmd>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <opcions> <env-var>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "tipus"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [opcions-de-llista-de-revisions]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "mostra el progrés després de <n> objectes"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "selecciona la gestió de les etiquetes signades"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "selecciona la gestió de les etiquetes que etiquetin objectes filtrats"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr "selecciona la gestió de les etiquetes que etiquetin objectes filtrats"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Bolca les marques a aquest fitxer"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Importa les marques d'aquest fitxer"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "Fingeix un etiquetador quan els en manca un a les etiquetes"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Imprimeix l'arbre complet de cada comissió"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Usa la característica done per a acabar el corrent"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Omet l'emissió de dades de blob"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1601
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1649
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "especificació de referència"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Aplica l'especificació de referència a les referències exportades"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "anonimitza la sortida"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<opcions>] [<dipòsit> [<especificació-de-referència>...]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<opcions>] <grup>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<opcions>] [(<dipòsit> | <grup>)...]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<opcions>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:195
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "obtén de tots els remots"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:198
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "annexa a .git/FETCH_HEAD en lloc de sobreescriure"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:201
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "camí al qual pujar el paquet al costat remot"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "força la sobreescriptura de la referència local"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "obtén de múltiples remots"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "obtén totes les etiquetes i tots els objectes associats"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "no obtinguis les etiquetes (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "nombre de submòduls obtinguts en paral·lel"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr "poda les branques amb seguiment remot que ja no estiguin en el remot"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:133
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "sota demanda"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "controla l'obtenció recursiva de submòduls"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:216
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "retén el paquet baixat"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "permet l'actualització de la referència HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:219
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "aprofundeix la història d'un clon superficial"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "aprofundeix la història d'un clon superficial basat en temps"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:222
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "converteix en un dipòsit complet"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "anteposa això a la sortida de camí del submòdul"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
-msgid "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config files)"
-msgstr "per defecte per a l'obtenció recursiva de submòduls (prioritat més baixa que els fitxers de configuració)"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
+msgid ""
+"default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
+msgstr ""
+"per defecte per a l'obtenció recursiva de submòduls (prioritat més baixa que "
+"els fitxers de configuració)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "accepta les referències que actualitzin .git/shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:227
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "mapa de referències"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:228
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "mostra el mapa de referències d'obtenció"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:77 builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
-msgid "server-specific"
-msgstr "específic al servidor"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:77 builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
-msgid "option to transmit"
-msgstr "opció a transmetre"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "poda els remots després d'obtenir-los"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la referència HEAD remota"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "la configuració fetch.output conté un valor no vàlid %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "objecte %s no trobat"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[al dia]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[rebutjat]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "no es pot obtenir en la branca actual"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[actualització d'etiqueta]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784 builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar la referència local"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[etiqueta nova]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[branca nova]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[referència nova]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "actualització forçada"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "sense avanç ràpid"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s no ha enviat tots els objectes necessaris\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:900
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
-msgstr "rebutja %s perquè no es permet que les arrels superficials s'actualitzin"
+msgstr ""
+"rebutja %s perquè no es permet que les arrels superficials s'actualitzin"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:991 builtin/fetch.c:1124
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "De %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1002
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -11294,54 +12864,80 @@
 " intenteu executar 'git remote prune %s' per a eliminar\n"
 " qualsevol branca antiga o conflictiva"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1008
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update, but that check "
+"has been disabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1009
+msgid ""
+"To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates' flag or run 'git config fetch."
+"showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use '--no-show-forced-"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1013
+msgid ""
+"or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1094
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s es tornarà penjant)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1095
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s s'ha tornat penjant)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[suprimit]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1128 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(cap)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1151
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr "S'està refusant obtenir en la branca actual %s d'un dipòsit no nu"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1170
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "L'opció «%s» amb valor «%s» no és vàlida per a %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
-msgstr "S'ignora l'opció \"%s\" per a %s\n"
+msgstr "S'ignora l'opció «%s» per a %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "S'està obtenint %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1479 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut obtenir %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
-msgid "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions.partialClone"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1525
+msgid ""
+"--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1549
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -11349,50 +12945,54 @@
 "Cap dipòsit remot especificat. Especifiqueu un URL o\n"
 "un nom remot del qual es deuen obtenir les revisions noves."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1586
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Necessiteu especificar un nom d'etiqueta."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1592
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "No s'admet una profunditat negativa en --deepen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1639
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--deepen i --depth són mútuament excloents"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1599
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "--depth i --unshallow no es poden usar junts"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "--unshallow en un dipòsit complet no té sentit"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1617
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1662
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all no accepta un paràmetre de dipòsit"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1664
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all no té sentit amb especificacions de referència"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1628
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "No existeix un remot ni un grup remot: %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1635
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr "Obtenir un grup i especificar referències no té sentit"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
-msgid "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions.partialclone"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1696
+msgid ""
+"--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:18
-msgid "git fmt-merge-msg [-m <message>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <file>]"
-msgstr "git fmt-merge-msg [-m <missatge>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <fitxer>]"
+msgid ""
+"git fmt-merge-msg [-m <message>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <file>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git fmt-merge-msg [-m <missatge>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <fitxer>]"
 #: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:672
 msgid "populate log with at most <n> entries from shortlog"
@@ -11428,11 +13028,13 @@
 #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:13
 msgid "git for-each-ref [--contains [<commit>]] [--no-contains [<commit>]]"
-msgstr "git for-each-ref [--contains [<comissió>]] [--no-contains [<comissió>]]"
+msgstr ""
+"git for-each-ref [--contains [<comissió>]] [--no-contains [<comissió>]]"
 #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:28
 msgid "quote placeholders suitably for shells"
-msgstr "posa els marcadors de posició de forma adequada per a intèrprets d'ordres"
+msgstr ""
+"posa els marcadors de posició de forma adequada per a intèrprets d'ordres"
 #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:30
 msgid "quote placeholders suitably for perl"
@@ -11450,27 +13052,27 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "mostra només <n> referències coincidents"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "respecta els colors del format"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:43
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:42
 msgid "print only refs which points at the given object"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les referències que assenyalin l'objecte donat"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:45
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:44
 msgid "print only refs that are merged"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les referències que s'han fusionat"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:46
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:45
 msgid "print only refs that are not merged"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les referències que no s'han fusionat"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:47
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:46
 msgid "print only refs which contain the commit"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les referències que continguin la comissió"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:48
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:47
 msgid "print only refs which don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les referències que no continguin la comissió"
@@ -11506,214 +13108,212 @@
 "              to %7s %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fsck.c:253
+#: builtin/fsck.c:295
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing %s %s"
 msgstr "manca %s %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:279
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/fsck.c:321
+#, c-format
 msgid "unreachable %s %s"
-msgstr "ja es té %s (%s)"
+msgstr "inabastable %s %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:298
+#: builtin/fsck.c:340
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "dangling %s %s"
 msgstr "S'estan actualitzant %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:307
+#: builtin/fsck.c:349
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "could not create lost-found"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el fitxer «%s»"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:318
+#: builtin/fsck.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not finish '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut finalitzar «%s»"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:335
+#: builtin/fsck.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking %s"
 msgstr "S'està comprovant %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:353
+#: builtin/fsck.c:415
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking connectivity (%d objects)"
 msgstr "S'està comprovant la connectivitat (%d objectes)"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:372
+#: builtin/fsck.c:434
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking %s %s"
 msgstr "S'està comprovant %s %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:376
+#: builtin/fsck.c:438
 msgid "broken links"
 msgstr "enllaços trencats"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:385
+#: builtin/fsck.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "root %s"
 msgstr "arrel %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:393
+#: builtin/fsck.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "tagged %s %s (%s) in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fsck.c:422
+#: builtin/fsck.c:484
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: object corrupt or missing"
 msgstr "%s: objecte corrupte o no trobat"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:447
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/fsck.c:509
+#, c-format
 msgid "%s: invalid reflog entry %s"
-msgstr "referència no vàlida: %s"
+msgstr " %s: entrada de referència no vàlida %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:461
+#: builtin/fsck.c:523
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Checking reflog %s->%s"
 msgstr "S'està comprovant el canvi de nom de «%s» a «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:495
+#: builtin/fsck.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: invalid sha1 pointer %s"
 msgstr "%s: punter sha1 no vàlid: %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:502
+#: builtin/fsck.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a commit"
 msgstr "%s: no és una comissió"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:557
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/fsck.c:619
 msgid "notice: No default references"
-msgstr "no s'han pogut suprimir les referències: %s"
+msgstr "avís: no hi ha referències per defecte"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:572
+#: builtin/fsck.c:634
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: object corrupt or missing: %s"
 msgstr "%s: objecte corrupte o no trobat: %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:585
+#: builtin/fsck.c:647
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: object could not be parsed: %s"
 msgstr "%s: no s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte: %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:605
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/fsck.c:667
+#, c-format
 msgid "bad sha1 file: %s"
-msgstr "línia de shallow no vàlida: %s"
+msgstr "fitxer sha1 malmès: %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:620
+#: builtin/fsck.c:682
 msgid "Checking object directory"
 msgstr "S'està comprovant el directori d'objecte"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:623
+#: builtin/fsck.c:685
 msgid "Checking object directories"
 msgstr "S'estan comprovant els directoris d'objecte"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:638
+#: builtin/fsck.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "S'està comprovant l'enllaç %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:643 builtin/index-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "%s no vàlid"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:650
+#: builtin/fsck.c:712
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s points to something strange (%s)"
 msgstr "%s - no és una cosa que puguem fusionar"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:656
+#: builtin/fsck.c:718
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: detached HEAD points at nothing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fsck.c:660
+#: builtin/fsck.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "notice: %s points to an unborn branch (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fsck.c:672
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/fsck.c:734
 msgid "Checking cache tree"
-msgstr "S'està comprovant el pedaç %s..."
+msgstr "S'està comprovant l'arbre de la memòria cau"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:677
+#: builtin/fsck.c:739
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: invalid sha1 pointer in cache-tree"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'arbre principal de memòria cau"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:688
+#: builtin/fsck.c:750
 msgid "non-tree in cache-tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fsck.c:719
+#: builtin/fsck.c:781
 msgid "git fsck [<options>] [<object>...]"
 msgstr "git fsck [<opcions>] [<objecte>...]"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:725
+#: builtin/fsck.c:787
 msgid "show unreachable objects"
 msgstr "mostra els objectes inabastables"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:726
+#: builtin/fsck.c:788
 msgid "show dangling objects"
 msgstr "mostra els objectes penjants"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:727
+#: builtin/fsck.c:789
 msgid "report tags"
 msgstr "informa de les etiquetes"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:728
+#: builtin/fsck.c:790
 msgid "report root nodes"
 msgstr "informa dels nodes d'arrel"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:729
+#: builtin/fsck.c:791
 msgid "make index objects head nodes"
 msgstr "fes els objectes d'índex nodes de cap"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:730
+#: builtin/fsck.c:792
 msgid "make reflogs head nodes (default)"
 msgstr "fes que els registres de referències siguin nodes de cap (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:731
+#: builtin/fsck.c:793
 msgid "also consider packs and alternate objects"
 msgstr "també considera els paquets i els objectes alternatius"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:732
+#: builtin/fsck.c:794
 msgid "check only connectivity"
 msgstr "comprova només la connectivitat"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:733
+#: builtin/fsck.c:795
 msgid "enable more strict checking"
 msgstr "habilita la comprovació més estricta"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:735
+#: builtin/fsck.c:797
 msgid "write dangling objects in .git/lost-found"
 msgstr "escriu objectes penjants a .git/lost-found"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:736 builtin/prune.c:110
+#: builtin/fsck.c:798 builtin/prune.c:132
 msgid "show progress"
 msgstr "mostra el progrés"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:737
+#: builtin/fsck.c:799
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "mostra els noms detallats dels objectes abastables"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:797
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "S'estan comprovant els objectes"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:825
+#: builtin/fsck.c:887
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s: object missing"
 msgstr "mostra la mida de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:837
+#: builtin/fsck.c:899
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "invalid parameter: expected sha1, got '%s'"
 msgstr "s'esperava shallow/unshallow, s'ha rebut %s"
@@ -11727,17 +13327,22 @@
 msgid "Failed to fstat %s: %s"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en fer fstat %s: %s"
-#: builtin/gc.c:461 builtin/init-db.c:55
+#: builtin/gc.c:126
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "failed to parse '%s' value '%s'"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en moure «%s» a «%s»"
+#: builtin/gc.c:476 builtin/init-db.c:55
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot fer stat en «%s»"
-#: builtin/gc.c:470 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:510
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir «%s»"
-#: builtin/gc.c:477
+#: builtin/gc.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The last gc run reported the following. Please correct the root cause\n"
@@ -11752,59 +13357,67 @@
-#: builtin/gc.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:540
 msgid "prune unreferenced objects"
 msgstr "poda objectes sense referència"
-#: builtin/gc.c:521
+#: builtin/gc.c:542
 msgid "be more thorough (increased runtime)"
 msgstr "sigues més exhaustiu (el temps d'execució augmenta)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:522
+#: builtin/gc.c:543
 msgid "enable auto-gc mode"
 msgstr "habilita el mode de recollida d'escombraries automàtica"
-#: builtin/gc.c:525
+#: builtin/gc.c:546
 msgid "force running gc even if there may be another gc running"
 msgstr "força l'execució de gc encara que hi pugui haver un altre gc executant"
-#: builtin/gc.c:528
+#: builtin/gc.c:549
 msgid "repack all other packs except the largest pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/gc.c:545
+#: builtin/gc.c:566
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse gc.logexpiry value %s"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut analitzar el valor gc.logexpiry %s"
-#: builtin/gc.c:556
+#: builtin/gc.c:577
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse prune expiry value %s"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut analitzar el valor gc.logexpiry %s"
-#: builtin/gc.c:576
+#: builtin/gc.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance.\n"
-msgstr "S'està empaquetant el dipòsit automàticament en el fons per rendiment òptim.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"S'està empaquetant el dipòsit automàticament en el rerefons per a un "
+"rendiment òptim.\n"
-#: builtin/gc.c:578
+#: builtin/gc.c:599
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto packing the repository for optimum performance.\n"
-msgstr "S'està empaquetant automàticament el dipòsit per rendiment òptim.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"S'està empaquetant automàticament el dipòsit per a un rendiment òptim.\n"
-#: builtin/gc.c:579
+#: builtin/gc.c:600
 #, c-format
 msgid "See \"git help gc\" for manual housekeeping.\n"
-msgstr "Vegeu \"git help gc\" per neteja manual.\n"
+msgstr "Vegeu «git help gc» per a neteja manual.\n"
-#: builtin/gc.c:619
+#: builtin/gc.c:640
 #, c-format
-msgid "gc is already running on machine '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> (use --force if not)"
-msgstr "gc ja s'està executant en la màquina «%s» pid %<PRIuMAX> (useu --force si no)"
+msgid ""
+"gc is already running on machine '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> (use --force if not)"
+msgstr ""
+"gc ja s'està executant en la màquina «%s» pid %<PRIuMAX> (useu --force si no)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:672
-msgid "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
-msgstr "Hi ha massa objectes solts inabastables; executeu 'git prune' per a eliminar-los."
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
+msgid ""
+"There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
+msgstr ""
+"Hi ha massa objectes solts inabastables; executeu 'git prune' per a eliminar-"
 #: builtin/grep.c:29
 msgid "git grep [<options>] [-e] <pattern> [<rev>...] [[--] <path>...]"
@@ -11824,275 +13437,280 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1506 builtin/index-pack.c:1697 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2722
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "no hi ha suport de fils, s'està ignorant %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir l'arbre (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "no es pot fer grep des d'un objecte de tipus %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "l'opció «%c» espera un valor numèric"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "cerca en l'índex en lloc de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "cerca en continguts no gestionats per git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "cerca tant en fitxers seguits com en no seguits"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "ignora els fitxers especificats mitjançant '.gitignore'"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "cerca recursivament a cada submòdul"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "mostra les línies no coincidents"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "coincidència insensible a majúscula i minúscula"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "coincideix amb els patrons només als límits de paraula"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "processa els fitxers binaris com a text"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "no coincideixis amb els patrons en els fitxers binaris"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "processa els fitxers binaris amb filtres de textconv"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "cerca als subdirectories (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "descendeix com a màxim <profunditat> nivells"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "usa les expressions regulars POSIX ampliades"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "usa les expressions regulars POSIX bàsiques (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "interpreta els patrons com a cadenes fixes"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "usa les expressions regulars compatibles amb Perl"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "mostra els números de línia"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "mostra el nombre de columna de la primera coincidència"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "no mostris els noms de fitxer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "mostra els noms de fitxer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "mostra els noms de fitxer relatius al directori superior"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "mostra només els noms de fitxer en lloc de les línies coincidents"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "sinònim de --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "mostra només els noms dels fitxers sense coincidència"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "imprimeix NUL després dels noms de fitxer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "mostra només les parts de coincidents de la línia"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "mostra el nombre de coincidències en lloc de les línies coincidents"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "ressalta les coincidències"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "imprimeix una línia buida entre coincidències de fitxers distints"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
-msgstr "mostra el nom de fitxer només una vegada a dalt de les coincidències del mateix fitxer"
+msgstr ""
+"mostra el nom de fitxer només una vegada a dalt de les coincidències del "
+"mateix fitxer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "mostra <n> línies de context abans i després d'una coincidència"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "mostra <n> línies de context abans d'una coincidència"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "mostra <n> línies de context després d'una coincidència"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "usa <n> fils de treball"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "drecera per -C NUM"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "mostra una línia amb el nom de funció abans de les coincidències"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "mostra la funció circumdant"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "llegeix els patrons des d'un fitxer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "coincideix amb <patró>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "combina els patrons especificats amb -e"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr "indica coincidència amb estat de sortida sense sortida textual"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
-msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
-msgstr "mostra només les coincidències dels fitxers que coincideixin amb tots els patrons"
 #: builtin/grep.c:916
+msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
+msgstr ""
+"mostra només les coincidències dels fitxers que coincideixin amb tots els "
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "mostra l'arbre d'anàlisi de l'expressió grep"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "paginador"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "mostra els fitxers coincidents en el paginador"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "permet la invocació de grep(1) (ignorat per aquesta compilació)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "no s'ha donat cap patró"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index o --untracked no es pot usar amb revisions"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la revisió: %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "combinació d'opcions no vàlida, s'està ignorant --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3400
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3405
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "no hi ha suport de fils, s'està ignorant --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1503 builtin/pack-objects.c:2714
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2719
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "s'ha especificat un nombre de fils no vàlid (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager només funciona en l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "opció no admesa amb --recurse-submodules."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached o --untracked no es pot usar amb --no-index."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard no es pot usar per als continguts seguits."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "s'han donat ambdós --caches i arbres."
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:85
-msgid "git hash-object [-t <type>] [-w] [--path=<file> | --no-filters] [--stdin] [--] <file>..."
-msgstr "git hash-object [-t <tipus>] [-w] [--path=<fitxer> | --no-filters] [--stdin] [--] <fitxer>..."
+msgid ""
+"git hash-object [-t <type>] [-w] [--path=<file> | --no-filters] [--stdin] "
+"[--] <file>..."
+msgstr ""
+"git hash-object [-t <tipus>] [-w] [--path=<fitxer> | --no-filters] [--stdin] "
+"[--] <fitxer>..."
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:86
 msgid "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "tipus"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "tipus d'objecte"
@@ -12109,8 +13727,11 @@
 msgstr "emmagatzema el fitxer tal com és sense filtres"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:104
-msgid "just hash any random garbage to create corrupt objects for debugging Git"
-msgstr "només suma qualsevol brossa aleatòria per a crear objectes malmesos per a depurar al Git"
+msgid ""
+"just hash any random garbage to create corrupt objects for debugging Git"
+msgstr ""
+"només suma qualsevol brossa aleatòria per a crear objectes malmesos per a "
+"depurar al Git"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:105
 msgid "process file as it were from this path"
@@ -12154,30 +13775,30 @@
 msgid "git help [--all] [--guides] [--man | --web | --info] [<command>]"
 msgstr "git help [--all] [--guides] [--man | --web | --info] [<ordre>]"
-#: builtin/help.c:73
+#: builtin/help.c:77
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized help format '%s'"
 msgstr "format d'ajuda no reconegut «%s»"
-#: builtin/help.c:100
+#: builtin/help.c:104
 msgid "Failed to start emacsclient."
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error'ha produït un error en iniciar emacsclient."
-#: builtin/help.c:113
+#: builtin/help.c:117
 msgid "Failed to parse emacsclient version."
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en analitzar la versió d'emacsclient."
-#: builtin/help.c:121
+#: builtin/help.c:125
 #, c-format
 msgid "emacsclient version '%d' too old (< 22)."
 msgstr "la versió d'emacsclient «%d» és massa vella (< 22)."
-#: builtin/help.c:139 builtin/help.c:161 builtin/help.c:171 builtin/help.c:179
+#: builtin/help.c:143 builtin/help.c:165 builtin/help.c:175 builtin/help.c:183
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to exec '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en executar «%s»"
-#: builtin/help.c:217
+#: builtin/help.c:221
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s': path for unsupported man viewer.\n"
@@ -12186,7 +13807,7 @@
 "«%s»: camí a un visualitzador de manuals no compatible.\n"
 "Considereu usar 'man.<eina>.cmd' en lloc d'això."
-#: builtin/help.c:229
+#: builtin/help.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s': cmd for supported man viewer.\n"
@@ -12195,321 +13816,320 @@
 "«%s»: ordre per a un visualitzador de manuals compatible.\n"
 "Considereu usar 'man.<eina>.path' en lloc d'això."
-#: builtin/help.c:346
+#: builtin/help.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unknown man viewer."
 msgstr "«%s»: visualitzador de manuals desconegut."
-#: builtin/help.c:363
+#: builtin/help.c:367
 msgid "no man viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "cap visualitzador de manuals ha gestionat la sol·licitud"
-#: builtin/help.c:371
+#: builtin/help.c:375
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "cap visualitzador d'informació ha gestionat la sol·licitud"
-#: builtin/help.c:430 builtin/help.c:441 git.c:323
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "«%s» és un àlies de «%s»"
-#: builtin/help.c:444 git.c:347
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "Cadena branch.%s.mergeoptions incorrecta: %s"
-#: builtin/help.c:473 builtin/help.c:503
+#: builtin/help.c:477 builtin/help.c:507
 #, c-format
 msgid "usage: %s%s"
 msgstr "ús: %s%s"
-#: builtin/help.c:487
+#: builtin/help.c:491
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "hi ha una discordança de tipus d'objecte a %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha rebut l'objecte esperat %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "objecte %s: s'esperava el tipus %s, s'ha trobat %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:249
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "no es pot omplir %d octet"
 msgstr[1] "no es pot omplir %d octets"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:259
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "EOF prematur"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:260
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "error de lectura d'entrada"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:272
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "s'han usat més octets que hi havia disponibles"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:279 builtin/pack-objects.c:599
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "paquet massa gran per a la definició actual d'off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:282 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "el paquet supera la mida màxima permesa"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:297 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:303
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot obrir el fitxer de paquet «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:317
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "hi ha una discordança de signatura de paquet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:319
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "la versió de paquet %<PRIu32> no és compatible"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:337
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "el paquet té un objecte incorrecte a la posició %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:457
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "la inflació ha retornat %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:506
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
-msgstr "desbordament de valor de desplaçament per a l'objecte base de diferències"
+msgstr ""
+"desbordament de valor de desplaçament per a l'objecte base de diferències"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "el desplaçament de base de diferències està fora de límits"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "tipus d'objecte desconegut %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:553
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
-msgstr "no es pot fer pread en el fitxer de paquet"
+msgstr "no es pot fer pread en el fitxer empaquetat"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:555
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
-msgstr[0] "el final del fitxer de paquet és prematur, manca %<PRIuMAX> octet"
-msgstr[1] "el final del fitxer de paquet és prematur, manquen %<PRIuMAX> octets"
+msgstr[0] "el final del fitxer empaquetat és prematur, manca %<PRIuMAX> octet"
+msgstr[1] ""
+"el final del fitxer empaquetat és prematur, manquen %<PRIuMAX> octets"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:581
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "hi ha una inconsistència seriosa d'inflació"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:726 builtin/index-pack.c:732 builtin/index-pack.c:755 builtin/index-pack.c:794
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:803
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:729 builtin/pack-objects.c:152 builtin/pack-objects.c:212 builtin/pack-objects.c:306
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:792
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir la informació d'objecte existent %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir l'objecte existent %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:814
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "objecte de blob no vàlid %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:817 builtin/index-pack.c:836
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "ignora els objectes empaquetats"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:838
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "No tots els objectes fills de %s són abastables"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:910 builtin/index-pack.c:941
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en aplicar la diferència"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1109
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "S'estan rebent objectes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1109
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "S'estan indexant objectes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1143
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "el paquet és malmès (discordança SHA1)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1148
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "no es pot fer fstat en el fitxer de paquet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "el paquet té brossa al seu final"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1163
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "confusió més enllà de la bogeria en parse_pack_objects()"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1186
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "S'estan resolent les diferències"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1196 builtin/pack-objects.c:2486
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2491
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear fil: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1237
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "confusió més enllà de la bogeria"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1243
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "s'ha completat amb %d objecte local"
 msgstr[1] "s'ha completat amb %d objectes locals"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1255
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "Suma de verificació final no esperada per a %s (corrupció de disc?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1259
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "El paquet té %d diferència no resolta"
 msgstr[1] "El paquet té %d diferències no resoltes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1283
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut desinflar l'objecte annexat (%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1360
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'objecte local %s és malmès"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1374
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "el nom del fitxer de paquet «%s» no acaba amb '.pack'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1399
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot escriure «%s» al fitxer «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot tancar el fitxer escrit a mantenir «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1431
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
-msgstr "error en tancar el fitxer de paquet"
+msgstr "error en tancar el fitxer empaquetat"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1445
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
-msgstr "no es pot emmagatzemar el fitxer de paquet"
+msgstr "no es pot emmagatzemar el fitxer empaquetat"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "no es pot emmagatzemar el fitxer d'índex"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1497 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2730
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32> incorrecte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1565
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
-msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer de paquet existent «%s»"
+msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer empaquetat existent «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1567
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer d'índex de paquets existent de «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1615
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "sense diferències: %d objecte"
 msgstr[1] "sense diferències: %d objectes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1622
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "longitud de cadena = %d: %lu objecte"
 msgstr[1] "longitud de cadena = %d: %lu objectes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1659
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "No es pot tornar al directori de treball actual"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1708 builtin/index-pack.c:1711 builtin/index-pack.c:1727 builtin/index-pack.c:1731
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "%s incorrecte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1747
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin no es pot usar sense --stdin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1749
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin requereix un dipòsit git"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "s'ha donat --verify sense nom de fitxer de paquet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1803 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "error en objecte: %s"
@@ -12554,130 +14174,142 @@
 msgid "not copying templates from '%s': %s"
 msgstr "no s'estan copiant plantilles de «%s»: %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:329
+#: builtin/init-db.c:334
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to handle file type %d"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut gestionar el tipus de fitxer %d"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:332
+#: builtin/init-db.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to move %s to %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut moure %s a %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:349 builtin/init-db.c:352
+#: builtin/init-db.c:354 builtin/init-db.c:357
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s already exists"
 msgstr "%s ja existeix"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:405
+#: builtin/init-db.c:413
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reinitialized existing shared Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "S'ha reinicialitzat el dipòsit compartit existent del Git en %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:406
+#: builtin/init-db.c:414
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reinitialized existing Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "S'ha reinicialitzat el dipòsit existent del Git en %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:410
+#: builtin/init-db.c:418
 #, c-format
 msgid "Initialized empty shared Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "S'ha inicialitzat un dipòsit compartit buit del Git en %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:411
+#: builtin/init-db.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "Initialized empty Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "S'ha inicialitzat un dipòsit buit del Git en %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:460
-msgid "git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>] [--shared[=<permissions>]] [<directory>]"
-msgstr "git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<directori-de-plantilla>] [--shared[=<permisos>]] [<directori>]"
+#: builtin/init-db.c:468
+msgid ""
+"git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>] [--"
+"shared[=<permissions>]] [<directory>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<directori-de-plantilla>] [--"
+"shared[=<permisos>]] [<directori>]"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:483
+#: builtin/init-db.c:491
 msgid "permissions"
 msgstr "permisos"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:484
+#: builtin/init-db.c:492
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "especifica que el dipòsit de git es compartirà entre diversos usuaris"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:518 builtin/init-db.c:523
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "no es pot mkdir %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:527
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "no es pot canviar de directori a %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:548
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
-msgid "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-dir=<directory>)"
-msgstr "no es permet %s (o --work-tree=<directori>) sense especificar %s (o --git-dir=<directori>)"
+msgid ""
+"%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
+msgstr ""
+"no es permet %s (o --work-tree=<directori>) sense especificar %s (o --git-"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:576
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "No es pot accedir a l'arbre de treball «%s»"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
-msgid "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer <token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
-msgstr "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer <testimoni>[(=|:)<valor>])...] [<fitxer>...]"
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
+msgid ""
+"git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
+"<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
+msgstr ""
+"git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
+"<testimoni>[(=|:)<valor>])...] [<fitxer>...]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "edita els fitxers in situ"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "escurça els remolcs buits"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "on ubica"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "acció si el «trailer» ja existeix"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "acció si el «trailer» falta"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "mostra només els «trailer»"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "no apliquis les regles de configuració"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "uneix els valors continus amb espais en blanc"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "estableix les opcions d'anàlisi"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "remolc"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "remolcs a afegir"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer amb --only-input no té sentit"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "no s'ha donat cap fitxer d'entrada per a edició in situ"
@@ -12689,398 +14321,417 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<opcions>] <objecte>..."
-#: builtin/log.c:100
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "opció --decorate no vàlida: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:163
-msgid "suppress diff output"
-msgstr "omet la sortida de diferències"
+#: builtin/log.c:160
+msgid ""
+"log.mailmap is not set; its implicit value will change in an\n"
+"upcoming release. To squelch this message and preserve current\n"
+"behaviour, set the log.mailmap configuration value to false.\n"
+"To squelch this message and adopt the new behaviour now, set the\n"
+"log.mailmap configuration value to true.\n"
+"See 'git help config' and search for 'log.mailmap' for further information."
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:164
+#: builtin/log.c:183
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "mostra la font"
-#: builtin/log.c:165
+#: builtin/log.c:184
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "Usa el fitxer de mapa de correu"
-#: builtin/log.c:167
+#: builtin/log.c:186
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "només decora les referències que coincideixin amb <patró>"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:188
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "no decoris les referències que coincideixen amb <patró>"
-#: builtin/log.c:170
+#: builtin/log.c:189
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "opcions de decoració"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:192
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Processa el rang de línies n,m en el fitxer, comptant des d'1"
-#: builtin/log.c:271
+#: builtin/log.c:297
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Sortida final: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:525
+#: builtin/log.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: fitxer incorrecte"
-#: builtin/log.c:540 builtin/log.c:634
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not read object %s"
+#: builtin/log.c:566 builtin/log.c:660
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "No es pot llegir l'objecte %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:659
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown type: %d"
+#: builtin/log.c:685
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "Tipus desconegut: %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:780
+#: builtin/log.c:808
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "format.headers sense valor"
-#: builtin/log.c:881
+#: builtin/log.c:925
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "el nom del directori de sortida és massa llarg"
-#: builtin/log.c:897
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot open patch file %s"
+#: builtin/log.c:941
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer de pedaç %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:914
-msgid "Need exactly one range."
+#: builtin/log.c:958
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "Cal exactament un rang."
-#: builtin/log.c:924
-msgid "Not a range."
+#: builtin/log.c:968
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "No és un rang."
-#: builtin/log.c:1047
-msgid "Cover letter needs email format"
+#: builtin/log.c:1091
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "La carta de presentació necessita el format de correu electrònic"
-#: builtin/log.c:1132
+#: builtin/log.c:1097
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en crear els fitxers de sortida"
+#: builtin/log.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "in-reply-to boig: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1159
+#: builtin/log.c:1203
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<opcions>] [<des-de> | <rang-de-revisions>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1217
-msgid "Two output directories?"
+#: builtin/log.c:1261
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "Hi ha dos directoris de sortida?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1324 builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/log.c:2070 builtin/log.c:2082
-#, c-format
-msgid "Unknown commit %s"
+#: builtin/log.c:1372 builtin/log.c:2116 builtin/log.c:2118 builtin/log.c:2130
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "Comissió desconeguda %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1334 builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:526
+#: builtin/log.c:1382 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
-msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en resoldre «%s» com a referència vàlida."
+msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
+msgstr "s'ha produït un error en resoldre «%s» com a referència vàlida"
-#: builtin/log.c:1339
-msgid "Could not find exact merge base."
+#: builtin/log.c:1387
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la base exacta de fusió."
-#: builtin/log.c:1343
+#: builtin/log.c:1391
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
-"Failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
+"failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
-"Or you could specify base commit by --base=<base-commit-id> manually."
+"Or you could specify base commit by --base=<base-commit-id> manually"
 msgstr ""
-"S'ha produït un error en obtenir la font. Si voleu registrar la comissió base\n"
+"S'ha produït un error en obtenir la font. Si voleu registrar la comissió "
 "automàticament, useu git branch --set-upstream-to per a\n"
 "seguir una branca remota. O podeu especificar la comissió base manualment\n"
 "amb --base=<id-de-comissió-base>."
-#: builtin/log.c:1363
-msgid "Failed to find exact merge base"
+#: builtin/log.c:1411
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en trobar la base exacta de fusió."
-#: builtin/log.c:1374
+#: builtin/log.c:1422
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "la comissió base ha de ser l'avantpassat de la llista de revisions"
-#: builtin/log.c:1378
+#: builtin/log.c:1426
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "la comissió base no ha de ser en la llista de revisions"
-#: builtin/log.c:1431
+#: builtin/log.c:1479
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "no es pot obtenir l'id del pedaç"
-#: builtin/log.c:1483
+#: builtin/log.c:1531
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en executar «%s»"
-#: builtin/log.c:1528
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "usa [PATCH n/m] fins i tot amb un sol pedaç"
-#: builtin/log.c:1531
+#: builtin/log.c:1579
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "usa [PATCH] fins i tot amb múltiples pedaços"
-#: builtin/log.c:1535
+#: builtin/log.c:1583
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "imprimeix els pedaços a la sortida estàndard"
-#: builtin/log.c:1537
+#: builtin/log.c:1585
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "genera una carta de presentació"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "usa una seqüència de números per als noms dels fitxers de sortida"
-#: builtin/log.c:1540
+#: builtin/log.c:1588
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "sufix"
-#: builtin/log.c:1541
+#: builtin/log.c:1589
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "usa <sufix> en lloc de '.patch'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1591
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "comença numerant els pedaços a <n> en lloc d'1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1593
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "marca la sèrie com a l'enèsima llançada"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1595
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Usa [RFC PATCH] en lloc de [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1550
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Usa [<prefix>] en lloc de [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "emmagatzema els fitxers resultants a <directori>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1556
+#: builtin/log.c:1604
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "no despullis/afegeixis [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1559
+#: builtin/log.c:1607
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "no emetis diferències binàries"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "emet un hash de tots zeros en la capçalera From"
-#: builtin/log.c:1563
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "no incloguis pedaços que coincideixin amb comissions a la font"
-#: builtin/log.c:1565
+#: builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
-msgstr "mostra el format de pedaç en lloc del per defecte (pedaç + estadístiques)"
+msgstr ""
+"mostra el format de pedaç en lloc del per defecte (pedaç + estadístiques)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1615
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "Missatgeria"
-#: builtin/log.c:1568
+#: builtin/log.c:1616
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "capçalera"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1617
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "afegeix una capçalera de correu electrònic"
-#: builtin/log.c:1570 builtin/log.c:1572
+#: builtin/log.c:1618 builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "correu electrònic"
-#: builtin/log.c:1570
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "afegeix la capçalera To:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1572
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "afegeix la capçalera Cc:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1574
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "identitat"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
-msgstr "estableix l'adreça From a <identitat> (o la identitat del comitent si manca)"
+msgstr ""
+"estableix l'adreça From a <identitat> (o la identitat del comitent si manca)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "ID de missatge"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "fes que el primer missatge sigui una resposta a <ID de missatge>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1579 builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1627 builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "límit"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "adjunta el pedaç"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1631
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "posa el pedaç en el cos"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr "habilita l'enfilada de missatges, estils: shallow, deep"
-#: builtin/log.c:1589
+#: builtin/log.c:1637
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "signatura"
-#: builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1638
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "afegeix una signatura"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1639
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "comissió base"
-#: builtin/log.c:1592
+#: builtin/log.c:1640
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "afegeix la informació d'arbre requerida a la sèrie de pedaços"
-#: builtin/log.c:1594
+#: builtin/log.c:1642
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "afegeix una signatura des d'un fitxer"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1643
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "no imprimeixis els noms de fitxer del pedaç"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1645
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "mostra el progrés durant la generació de pedaços"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "rev"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1647
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1650
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1604
+#: builtin/log.c:1652
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1679
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "línia d'identitat no vàlida: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1694
+#: builtin/log.c:1742
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-n i -k són mútuament excloents."
-#: builtin/log.c:1696
+#: builtin/log.c:1744
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc i -k són mútuament excloents."
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1752
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-only no té sentit"
-#: builtin/log.c:1706
+#: builtin/log.c:1754
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-status no té sentit"
-#: builtin/log.c:1708
+#: builtin/log.c:1756
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "--check no té sentit"
-#: builtin/log.c:1740
+#: builtin/log.c:1788
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "sortida estàndard o directori, quin dels dos?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1742
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not create directory '%s'"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el directori «%s»"
-#: builtin/log.c:1829
+#: builtin/log.c:1877
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1833
+#: builtin/log.c:1881
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1834
+#: builtin/log.c:1882
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1840
+#: builtin/log.c:1888
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1844
+#: builtin/log.c:1892
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1900
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1853
+#: builtin/log.c:1901
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1864
+#: builtin/log.c:1912
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de signatura «%s»"
-#: builtin/log.c:1900
+#: builtin/log.c:1948
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "S'estan generant els pedaços"
-#: builtin/log.c:1944
-msgid "Failed to create output files"
+#: builtin/log.c:1992
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en crear els fitxers de sortida"
-#: builtin/log.c:2003
+#: builtin/log.c:2051
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<font> [<cap> [<límit>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2057
+#: builtin/log.c:2105
 #, c-format
-msgid "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar una branca remota seguida. Especifiqueu <font> manualment.\n"
+msgid ""
+"Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut trobar una branca remota seguida. Especifiqueu <font> "
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:470
 msgid "git ls-files [<options>] [<file>...]"
@@ -13100,7 +14751,8 @@
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:532
 msgid "show cached files in the output (default)"
-msgstr "mostra en la sortida els fitxers desats en la memòria cau (per defecte)"
+msgstr ""
+"mostra en la sortida els fitxers desats en la memòria cau (per defecte)"
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:534
 msgid "show deleted files in the output"
@@ -13180,7 +14832,8 @@
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:577
 msgid "pretend that paths removed since <tree-ish> are still present"
-msgstr "pretén que els camins eliminats després de <arbre> encara siguin presents"
+msgstr ""
+"pretén que els camins eliminats després de <arbre> encara siguin presents"
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:579
 msgid "show debugging data"
@@ -13201,7 +14854,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "no imprimeixis l'URL remot"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1111
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "executable"
@@ -13225,11 +14878,11 @@
 msgid "take url.<base>.insteadOf into account"
 msgstr "tingues en compte url.<base>.insteadOf"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:73
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:72
 msgid "exit with exit code 2 if no matching refs are found"
 msgstr "surt amb codi de sortida 2 si no es troba cap referència coincident"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:75
 msgid "show underlying ref in addition to the object pointed by it"
 msgstr "mostra la referència subjacent a més de l'objecte que senyali"
@@ -13267,199 +14920,206 @@
 #: builtin/ls-tree.c:145
 msgid "list entire tree; not just current directory (implies --full-name)"
-msgstr "llista l'arbre sencer; no només el directori actual (implica --full-name)"
+msgstr ""
+"llista l'arbre sencer; no només el directori actual (implica --full-name)"
 #: builtin/mailsplit.c:241
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "mbox buit: «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge.c:53
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<opcions>] [<comissió>...]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:112
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "l'opció «m» requereix un valor"
-#: builtin/merge.c:132
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "l'opció «%s» requereix un valor"
-#: builtin/merge.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar l'estratègia de fusió «%s».\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:179
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Les estratègies disponibles són:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:184
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Les estratègies personalitzades disponibles són:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:235 builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "no mostris les estadístiques de diferència al final de la fusió"
-#: builtin/merge.c:238 builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "mostra les estadístiques de diferència al final de la fusió"
-#: builtin/merge.c:239 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(sinònim de --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:241 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
-msgstr "afegeix (com a màxim <n>) entrades del registre curt al missatge de comissió de fusió"
+msgstr ""
+"afegeix (com a màxim <n>) entrades del registre curt al missatge de comissió "
+"de fusió"
-#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "crea una única comissió en lloc de fusionar"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:162
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "realitza una comissió si la fusió té èxit (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "edita el missatge abans de cometre"
-#: builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "permet l'avanç ràpid (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "avorta si l'avanç ràpid no és possible"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:174
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "verifica que la comissió anomenada tingui una signatura GPG vàlida"
-#: builtin/merge.c:256 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:178 builtin/rebase.c:1124 builtin/rebase--interactive.c:188
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "estratègia"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:179
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "estratègia de fusió a usar"
-#: builtin/merge.c:258 builtin/pull.c:182
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "opció=valor"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:183
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "opció per a l'estratègia de fusió seleccionada"
-#: builtin/merge.c:261
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr "missatge de comissió de fusió (per a una fusió no d'avanç ràpid)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:268
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "avorta la fusió en curs actual"
-#: builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "restableix HEAD, l'índex i l'arbre de treball"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "continua la fusió en curs actual"
-#: builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "permet fusionar històries no relacionades"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "verifica el lligam de missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/merge.c:303
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar «stash»."
-#: builtin/merge.c:308
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "l'«stash» ha fallat"
-#: builtin/merge.c:313
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "no és un objecte vàlid: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:335 builtin/merge.c:352
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "read-tree ha fallat"
-#: builtin/merge.c:382
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (res a fer «squash»)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:393
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Comissió «squash» -- no s'està actualitzant HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:443
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Cap missatge de fusió -- no s'està actualitzant HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:494
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "«%s» no assenyala una comissió"
-#: builtin/merge.c:581
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Cadena branch.%s.mergeoptions incorrecta: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:702
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "No s'està gestionant res a part de la fusió de dos caps."
-#: builtin/merge.c:716
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Opció desconeguda de merge-recursive: -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:731
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:783
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir de «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge.c:792
-#, c-format
-msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
-msgstr "No s'està cometent la fusió; useu 'git commit' per a completar la fusió.\n"
 #: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
+msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"No s'està cometent la fusió; useu 'git commit' per a completar la fusió.\n"
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
+#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
-"Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
-"the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Introduïu un missatge de comissió per a explicar per què\n"
 "aquesta fusió és necessària, especialment si fusiona una font\n"
@@ -13468,68 +15128,90 @@
 "S'ignoraran les línies que comencin amb «%c», i un missatge buit\n"
 "avorta la comissió.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:834
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
+msgstr "edita el missatge abans de cometre"
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
+"the commit.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Introduïu el missatge de comissió dels vostres canvis.\n"
+"S'ignoraran les línies que comencin amb «%c», i un missatge de\n"
+"comissió buit avorta la comissió.\n"
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "El missatge de comissió és buit."
-#: builtin/merge.c:853
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Meravellós.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
-msgstr "La fusió automàtica ha fallat; arregleu els conflictes i després cometeu el resultat.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"La fusió automàtica ha fallat; arregleu els conflictes i després cometeu el "
-#: builtin/merge.c:945
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "No hi ha cap branca actual."
-#: builtin/merge.c:947
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "No hi ha cap remot per a la branca actual."
-#: builtin/merge.c:949
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "No hi ha cap font per defecte definida per a la branca actual."
-#: builtin/merge.c:954
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "No hi ha cap branca amb seguiment remot per a %s de %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1011
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Valor incorrecte «%s» en l'entorn «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1114
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "no és quelcom que puguem fusionar en %s: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1148
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "no és quelcom que puguem fusionar"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1251
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort no accepta paràmetres"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1255
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "No hi ha fusió a avortar (manca MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1267
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--abort no accepta paràmetres"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue no accepta paràmetres"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1271
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "No hi ha cap fusió en curs (manca MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1287
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -13537,7 +15219,7 @@
 "No heu conclòs la vostra fusió (MERGE_HEAD existeix).\n"
 "Cometeu els vostres canvis abans de fusionar."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1294
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -13545,95 +15227,104 @@
 "No heu conclòs el vostre «cherry pick» (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD existeix).\n"
 "Cometeu els vostres canvis abans de fusionar."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "No heu conclòs el vostre «cherry pick» (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD existeix)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1306
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "No podeu combinar --squash amb --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1314
-msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
-msgstr "No hi ha una comissió especificada i merge.defaultToUpstream no està establert."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "No podeu combinar --squash amb --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1331
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
+msgstr ""
+"No hi ha una comissió especificada i merge.defaultToUpstream no està "
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "Una comissió «squash» a un HEAD buit encara no es permet"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1333
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr "Una comissió no d'avanç ràpid no té sentit a un HEAD buit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1338
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - no és una cosa que puguem fusionar"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1340
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "Es pot fusionar només una comissió a un HEAD buit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1422
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "s'està refusant fusionar històries no relacionades"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1431
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Ja està al dia."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1441
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "S'estan actualitzant %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1483
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "S'està intentant una fusió molt trivial en l'índex...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1490
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "No.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Ja està al dia. Estupend!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1521
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "No és possible avançar ràpidament, s'està avortant."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1544 builtin/merge.c:1623
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "S'està rebobinant l'arbre a la pristina...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1548
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "S'està intentant l'estratègia de fusió %s...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1614
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Cap estratègia de fusió ha gestionat la fusió.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1616
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "L'estratègia de fusió %s ha fallat.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1625
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "S'està usant el %s per a preparar la resolució a mà.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1637
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
-msgstr "La fusió automàtica ha sortit bé; s'ha aturat abans de cometre com s'havia demanat\n"
+msgstr ""
+"La fusió automàtica ha sortit bé; s'ha aturat abans de cometre com s'havia "
 #: builtin/merge-base.c:32
 msgid "git merge-base [-a | --all] <commit> <commit>..."
@@ -13673,11 +15364,16 @@
 #: builtin/merge-base.c:161
 msgid "find where <commit> forked from reflog of <ref>"
-msgstr "troba on <comissió> s'ha bifurcat del registre de referències de <referència>"
+msgstr ""
+"troba on <comissió> s'ha bifurcat del registre de referències de <referència>"
 #: builtin/merge-file.c:9
-msgid "git merge-file [<options>] [-L <name1> [-L <orig> [-L <name2>]]] <file1> <orig-file> <file2>"
-msgstr "git merge-file [<opcions>] [-L <nom1> [-L <original> [-L <nom2>]]] <fitxer1> <fitxer-original> <fitxer2>"
+msgid ""
+"git merge-file [<options>] [-L <name1> [-L <orig> [-L <name2>]]] <file1> "
+"<orig-file> <file2>"
+msgstr ""
+"git merge-file [<opcions>] [-L <nom1> [-L <original> [-L <nom2>]]] <fitxer1> "
+"<fitxer-original> <fitxer2>"
 #: builtin/merge-file.c:35
 msgid "send results to standard output"
@@ -13758,22 +15454,34 @@
 msgid "allow creation of more than one tree"
 msgstr "permet la creació de més d'un arbre"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:8
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:21
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:39
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "hi ha massa paràmetres"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:48
-#, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "paràmetre no reconegut: %s"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "subordre desconeguda: %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -13786,7 +15494,9 @@
 #: builtin/mv.c:85
 msgid "Please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed"
-msgstr "Feu «stage» dels vostres canvis a .gitmodules o feu «stash» dels mateixos per a procedir"
+msgstr ""
+"Feu «stage» dels vostres canvis a .gitmodules o feu «stash» dels mateixos "
+"per a procedir"
 #: builtin/mv.c:103
 #, c-format
@@ -13862,52 +15572,52 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "S'està canviant el nom de %s a %s\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:513
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:520
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "el canvi del nom de «%s» ha fallat"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opcions>] <comissió>..."
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opcions>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opcions>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:413
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "imprimeix només els noms (sense SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "només usa les etiquetes per a anomenar les comissions"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "només usa les referències que coincideixin amb <patró>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "ignora les referències que coincideixin amb <patró>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr "llista totes les comissions abastables de totes les referències"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:421
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "llegeix de stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "permet imprimir els noms `undefined` (per defecte)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:428
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "desreferencia les etiquetes en l'entrada (ús intern)"
@@ -13916,32 +15626,41 @@
 msgstr "git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] [llista [<objecte>]]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:29
-msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] add [-f] [--allow-empty] [-m <msg> | -F <file> | (-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]"
+msgid ""
+"git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] add [-f] [--allow-empty] [-m <msg> | -F <file> "
+"| (-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]"
 msgstr ""
-"git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] add [-f] [--allow-empty] [-m <missatge> | -F <fitxer> | (-c | -C) "
-"<objecte>] [<objecte>]"
+"git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] add [-f] [--allow-empty] [-m "
+"<missatge> | -F <fitxer> | (-c | -C) <objecte>] [<objecte>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:30
 msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] copy [-f] <from-object> <to-object>"
-msgstr "git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] copy [-f] <d'objecte> <a-objecte>"
+msgstr ""
+"git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] copy [-f] <d'objecte> <a-objecte>"
 #: builtin/notes.c:31
-msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] append [--allow-empty] [-m <msg> | -F <file> | (-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]"
+msgid ""
+"git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] append [--allow-empty] [-m <msg> | -F <file> | "
+"(-c | -C) <object>] [<object>]"
 msgstr ""
-"git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] append [--allow-empty] [-m <missatge> | -F <fitxer> | (-c | -C) <objecte>] "
+"git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] append [--allow-empty] [-m "
+"<missatge> | -F <fitxer> | (-c | -C) <objecte>] [<objecte>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:32
 msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] edit [--allow-empty] [<object>]"
-msgstr "git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] edit [--allow-empty] [<objecte>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] edit [--allow-empty] [<objecte>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:33
 msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] show [<object>]"
 msgstr "git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] show [<objecte>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:34
-msgid "git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] merge [-v | -q] [-s <strategy>] <notes-ref>"
-msgstr "git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] merge [-v | -q] [-s <estratègia>] <referència-de-notes>"
+msgid ""
+"git notes [--ref <notes-ref>] merge [-v | -q] [-s <strategy>] <notes-ref>"
+msgstr ""
+"git notes [--ref <referència-de-notes>] merge [-v | -q] [-s <estratègia>] "
 #: builtin/notes.c:35
 msgid "git notes merge --commit [-v | -q]"
@@ -14035,7 +15754,8 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:197
 msgid "please supply the note contents using either -m or -F option"
-msgstr "especifiqueu el contingut de la nota fent servir l'opció -m o l'opció -F"
+msgstr ""
+"especifiqueu el contingut de la nota fent servir l'opció -m o l'opció -F"
 #: builtin/notes.c:206
 msgid "unable to write note object"
@@ -14046,13 +15766,14 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "s'han deixat els continguts de la nota en %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir o llegir «%s»"
-#: builtin/notes.c:263 builtin/notes.c:313 builtin/notes.c:315 builtin/notes.c:383 builtin/notes.c:438
-#: builtin/notes.c:526 builtin/notes.c:531 builtin/notes.c:610 builtin/notes.c:672
+#: builtin/notes.c:263 builtin/notes.c:313 builtin/notes.c:315
+#: builtin/notes.c:383 builtin/notes.c:438 builtin/notes.c:526
+#: builtin/notes.c:531 builtin/notes.c:610 builtin/notes.c:672
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en resoldre «%s» com a referència vàlida."
@@ -14085,8 +15806,9 @@
 msgid "refusing to %s notes in %s (outside of refs/notes/)"
 msgstr "s'està refusant %s les notes en %s (fora de refs/notes/)"
-#: builtin/notes.c:376 builtin/notes.c:431 builtin/notes.c:509 builtin/notes.c:521 builtin/notes.c:598
-#: builtin/notes.c:665 builtin/notes.c:815 builtin/notes.c:963 builtin/notes.c:985
+#: builtin/notes.c:376 builtin/notes.c:431 builtin/notes.c:509
+#: builtin/notes.c:521 builtin/notes.c:598 builtin/notes.c:665
+#: builtin/notes.c:815 builtin/notes.c:963 builtin/notes.c:985
 msgid "too many parameters"
 msgstr "massa paràmetres"
@@ -14121,10 +15843,12 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:448
 #, c-format
-msgid "Cannot add notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite existing notes"
+msgid ""
+"Cannot add notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite "
+"existing notes"
 msgstr ""
-"No es poden afegir les notes. S'han trobat notes existents de l'objecte %s. Useu '-f' per a sobreescriure les "
-"notes existents."
+"No es poden afegir les notes. S'han trobat notes existents de l'objecte %s. "
+"Useu '-f' per a sobreescriure les notes existents."
 #: builtin/notes.c:463 builtin/notes.c:544
 #, c-format
@@ -14142,7 +15866,8 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:499
 msgid "load rewriting config for <command> (implies --stdin)"
-msgstr "carrega la configuració de reescriptura per a <ordre> (implica --stdin)"
+msgstr ""
+"carrega la configuració de reescriptura per a <ordre> (implica --stdin)"
 #: builtin/notes.c:517
 msgid "too few parameters"
@@ -14150,10 +15875,12 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:538
 #, c-format
-msgid "Cannot copy notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite existing notes"
+msgid ""
+"Cannot copy notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite "
+"existing notes"
 msgstr ""
-"No es poden copiar les notes. S'han trobat notes existents de l'objecte %s. Useu '-f' per a sobreescriure les "
-"notes existents."
+"No es poden copiar les notes. S'han trobat notes existents de l'objecte %s. "
+"Useu '-f' per a sobreescriure les notes existents."
 #: builtin/notes.c:550
 #, c-format
@@ -14179,7 +15906,8 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:702
 msgid "failed to remove 'git notes merge' worktree"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en eliminar l'arbre de treball de 'git notes merge'"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error en eliminar l'arbre de treball de 'git notes merge'"
 #: builtin/notes.c:722
 msgid "failed to read ref NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL"
@@ -14215,8 +15943,12 @@
 msgstr "Opcions de fusió"
 #: builtin/notes.c:788
-msgid "resolve notes conflicts using the given strategy (manual/ours/theirs/union/cat_sort_uniq)"
-msgstr "resol els conflictes de nota usant l'estratègia donada (manual/ours/theirs/union/cat_sort_uniq)"
+msgid ""
+"resolve notes conflicts using the given strategy (manual/ours/theirs/union/"
+msgstr ""
+"resol els conflictes de nota usant l'estratègia donada (manual/ours/theirs/"
 #: builtin/notes.c:790
 msgid "Committing unmerged notes"
@@ -14255,16 +15987,25 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to store link to current notes ref (%s)"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en emmagatzemar l'enllaç a la referència de notes actual (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error en emmagatzemar l'enllaç a la referència de notes "
+"actual (%s)"
 #: builtin/notes.c:878
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Automatic notes merge failed. Fix conflicts in %s and commit the result with 'git notes merge --commit', or abort "
-"the merge with 'git notes merge --abort'.\n"
+"Automatic notes merge failed. Fix conflicts in %s and commit the result with "
+"'git notes merge --commit', or abort the merge with 'git notes merge --"
 msgstr ""
-"La fusió de notes automàtica ha fallat. Arregleu els conflictes en %s i cometeu el resultat amb 'git notes merge --"
-"commit', o avorteu la fusió amb 'git notes merge --abort'.\n"
+"La fusió de notes automàtica ha fallat. Arregleu els conflictes en %s i "
+"cometeu el resultat amb 'git notes merge --commit', o avorteu la fusió amb "
+"'git notes merge --abort'.\n"
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en resoldre «%s» com a referència vàlida."
 #: builtin/notes.c:900
 #, c-format
@@ -14279,7 +16020,7 @@
 msgid "read object names from the standard input"
 msgstr "llegeix els noms d'objecte des de l'entrada estàndard"
-#: builtin/notes.c:954 builtin/prune.c:108 builtin/worktree.c:165
+#: builtin/notes.c:954 builtin/prune.c:130 builtin/worktree.c:165
 msgid "do not remove, show only"
 msgstr "no eliminis, només mostra"
@@ -14295,403 +16036,425 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "usa les notes de <referència-de-notes>"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "subordre desconeguda: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:51
-msgid "git pack-objects --stdout [<options>...] [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
-msgstr "git pack-objects --stdout [<opcions>...] [< <llista-de-referències> | < <llista-de-objectes>]"
 #: builtin/pack-objects.c:52
-msgid "git pack-objects [<options>...] <base-name> [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
-msgstr "git pack-objects [<opcions>...] <nom-base> [< <llista-de-referències> | < <llista-de-objectes>]"
+msgid ""
+"git pack-objects --stdout [<options>...] [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git pack-objects --stdout [<opcions>...] [< <llista-de-referències> | < "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:53
+msgid ""
+"git pack-objects [<options>...] <base-name> [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git pack-objects [<opcions>...] <nom-base> [< <llista-de-referències> | < "
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "ignora els objectes empaquetats"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:434
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "ignora els objectes empaquetats"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:565
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha rebut l'objecte esperat %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:776
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:789
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "%s no vàlid"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:793
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir o llegir %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:797
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir el fitxer d'índex"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:808
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir el fitxer d'índex"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:836
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
-msgstr "s'està inhabilitant l'escriptura de mapes de bits, es divideixen els paquets a causa de pack.packSizeLimit"
+msgstr ""
+"s'està inhabilitant l'escriptura de mapes de bits, es divideixen els paquets "
+"a causa de pack.packSizeLimit"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:849
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "S'estan escrivint els objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:911 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en fer stat a %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:964
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1158
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
-msgstr "s'està inhabilitant l'escriptura de mapes de bits, perquè alguns objectes no s'empaqueten"
+msgstr ""
+"s'està inhabilitant l'escriptura de mapes de bits, perquè alguns objectes no "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1586
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1591
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "el desplaçament de base de diferències està fora de límits"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1595
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1600
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "el desplaçament de base de diferències està fora de límits"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1864
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1869
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "S'estan comptant els objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1994
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1999
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut moure %s a %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2009
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2014
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar l'objecte: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2079 builtin/pack-objects.c:2095 builtin/pack-objects.c:2105
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2084 builtin/pack-objects.c:2100
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2110
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "objecte %s no trobat"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2109
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2087 builtin/pack-objects.c:2114
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2119
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2124
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2445
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2450
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2577
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2582
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "inclou els objectes abastables de qualsevol referència"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2664
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2669
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "S'estan comprimint els objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2670
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2751
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2756
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
 " %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2757
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
 " %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2855
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2860
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "valor no vàlid per a --missing"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2914 builtin/pack-objects.c:3022
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2919 builtin/pack-objects.c:3027
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "no es pot fer pread en el fitxer de paquet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2945
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2950
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3030
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3035
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure l'objecte de nota"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3127
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot llegir «%s»"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3130
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "revisió incorrecte «%s»"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3150
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut afegir els objectes recents"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3203
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3208
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "versió d'índex no compatible %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3207
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3212
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "versió d'índex incorrecta «%s»"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3237
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "no mostris l'indicador de progrés"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3239
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "mostra l'indicador de progrés"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3241
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3246
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "mostra l'indicador de progrés durant la fase d'escriptura d'objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "similar a --all-progress quan l'indicador de progrés es mostra"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3245
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<versió>[,<desplaçament>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3246
-msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
-msgstr "escriu el fitxer d'índex de paquet en la versió de format d'índex especificada"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
-msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
-msgstr "mida màxima de cada fitxer de paquet de sortida"
 #: builtin/pack-objects.c:3251
+msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
+msgstr ""
+"escriu el fitxer d'índex de paquet en la versió de format d'índex "
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
+msgstr "mida màxima de cada fitxer empaquetat de sortida"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "ignora els objectes prestats d'un emmagatzematge d'objectes alternatiu"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3253
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "ignora els objectes empaquetats"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "limita la finestra d'empaquetament per objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
-msgstr "limita la finestra d'empaquetament per memòria a més del límit d'objectes"
+msgstr ""
+"limita la finestra d'empaquetament per memòria a més del límit d'objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3259
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
-msgstr "longitud màxima de la cadena de diferències permesa en el paquet resultant"
+msgstr ""
+"longitud màxima de la cadena de diferències permesa en el paquet resultant"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3261
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "reusa les diferències existents"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3263
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "reusa els objectes existents"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3265
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "usa objectes OFS_DELTA"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3267
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr "usa fils en cercar les millores coincidències de diferències"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3269
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "no creïs una emissió de paquet buida"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3271
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "llegeix els paràmetres de revisió des de l'entrada estàndard"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3273
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "limita els objectes als quals encara no s'hagin empaquetat"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3281
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "inclou els objectes abastables de qualsevol referència"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
-msgstr "inclou els objectes als quals facin referència les entrades del registre de referències"
+msgstr ""
+"inclou els objectes als quals facin referència les entrades del registre de "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "inclou els objectes als quals faci referència l'índex"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "emet el paquet a stdout"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
-msgstr "inclou els objectes d'etiqueta que facin referència als objectes a empaquetar"
+msgstr ""
+"inclou els objectes d'etiqueta que facin referència als objectes a empaquetar"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3289
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "retén els objectes inabastables"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3291
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "empaqueta els objectes inabastables solts"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "desempaqueta els objectes inabastables més nous que <hora>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "crea paquets prims"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "crea paquets adequats per a les obtencions superficials"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "ignora els paquets que tinguin un fitxer .keep corresponent"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "usa el paquet prim"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "nivell de compressió de paquet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3308
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "no amaguis les comissions per empelt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3310
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
-msgstr "usa un índex de mapa de bits, si està disponible, per a accelerar el recompte d'objectes"
+msgstr ""
+"usa un índex de mapa de bits, si està disponible, per a accelerar el "
+"recompte d'objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3312
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "escriu un índex de mapa de bits juntament amb l'índex de paquet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3320
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "gestió dels objectes absents"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3320
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3325
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "mida de la finestra que s'usa per a compressió de diferències"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3345
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3350
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3350
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3355
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3404
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3406
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3411
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr "--fix-thin no es pot usar sense --stdin"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3419
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable i -A són incompatibles"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3425
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "no es pot usar -a amb -d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3479
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3486
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "S'estan enumerant els objectes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3498
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3516
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
-msgstr "Total %<PRIu32> (diferències %<PRIu32>), reusat %<PRIu32> (diferències %<PRIu32>)"
+msgstr ""
+"Total %<PRIu32> (diferències %<PRIu32>), reusat %<PRIu32> (diferències "
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:7
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:8
 msgid "git pack-refs [<options>]"
 msgstr "git pack-refs [<opcions>]"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:15
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:16
 msgid "pack everything"
 msgstr "empaqueta-ho tot"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:16
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:17
 msgid "prune loose refs (default)"
 msgstr "poda les referències soltes (per defecte)"
@@ -14707,77 +16470,84 @@
 msgid "git prune [-n] [-v] [--progress] [--expire <time>] [--] [<head>...]"
 msgstr "git prune [-n] [-v] [--progress] [--expire <hora>] [--] [<head>...]"
-#: builtin/prune.c:109
+#: builtin/prune.c:131
 msgid "report pruned objects"
 msgstr "informa d'objectes podats"
-#: builtin/prune.c:112
+#: builtin/prune.c:134
 msgid "expire objects older than <time>"
 msgstr "fes caducar els objectes més vells que <hora>"
-#: builtin/prune.c:114
+#: builtin/prune.c:136
 msgid "limit traversal to objects outside promisor packfiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/prune.c:128
+#: builtin/prune.c:150
 msgid "cannot prune in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "no es pot podar en un dipòsit d'objectes preciosos"
-#: builtin/pull.c:61 builtin/pull.c:63
+#: builtin/pull.c:66 builtin/pull.c:68
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "Valor no vàlid per a %s: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:83
+#: builtin/pull.c:88
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git pull [<opcions>] [<dipòsit> [<especificació-de-referència>...]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:134
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "controla l'obtenció recursiva de submòduls"
-#: builtin/pull.c:138
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Opcions relacionades amb fusionar"
-#: builtin/pull.c:141
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "incorpora els canvis fent «rebase» en lloc de fusionar"
-#: builtin/pull.c:168 builtin/rebase--interactive.c:149 builtin/revert.c:123
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "permet l'avanç ràpid"
-#: builtin/pull.c:177
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
-msgstr "fes «stash» i «stash pop» automàticament abans i després de fer «rebase»"
+msgstr ""
+"fes «stash» i «stash pop» automàticament abans i després de fer «rebase»"
-#: builtin/pull.c:193
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Opcions relacionades amb obtenir"
-#: builtin/pull.c:203
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "força la sobreescriptura de la branca local"
-#: builtin/pull.c:211
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "nombre de submòduls baixats en paral·lel"
-#: builtin/pull.c:306
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Valor no vàlid per a pull.ff: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:422
-msgid "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just fetched."
-msgstr "No hi ha cap candidat sobre el qual fer «rebase» entre les referències que acabeu d'obtenir."
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
+msgid ""
+"There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
+msgstr ""
+"No hi ha cap candidat sobre el qual fer «rebase» entre les referències que "
+"acabeu d'obtenir."
-#: builtin/pull.c:424
-msgid "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
-msgstr "No hi ha candidats per a fusionar entre les referències que acabeu d'obtenir."
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
+msgid ""
+"There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
+msgstr ""
+"No hi ha candidats per a fusionar entre les referències que acabeu d'obtenir."
-#: builtin/pull.c:425
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -14785,7 +16555,7 @@
 "Generalment això vol dir que heu proveït una especificació de\n"
 "referència de comodí que no tenia cap coincidència en el costat remot."
-#: builtin/pull.c:428
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -14796,39 +16566,44 @@
 "Perquè aquest no és el remot configurat per defecte per a la vostra\n"
 "branca actual, heu d'especificar una branca en la línia d'ordres."
-#: builtin/pull.c:433 builtin/rebase.c:956
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Actualment no sou en cap branca."
-#: builtin/pull.c:435 builtin/pull.c:450
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Especifiqueu sobre què branca voleu fer «rebase»."
-#: builtin/pull.c:437 builtin/pull.c:452
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Especifiqueu amb quina branca voleu fusionar."
-#: builtin/pull.c:438 builtin/pull.c:453
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Vegeu git-pull(1) per detalls."
-#: builtin/pull.c:440 builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:455 builtin/rebase.c:962
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<remot>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:440 builtin/pull.c:455 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<branca>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/rebase.c:954
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "No hi ha cap informació de seguiment per a la branca actual."
-#: builtin/pull.c:457
-msgid "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
-msgstr "Si voleu establir informació de seguiment per a aquesta branca, podeu fer-ho amb:"
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
+msgid ""
+"If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
+msgstr ""
+"Si voleu establir informació de seguiment per a aquesta branca, podeu fer-ho "
-#: builtin/pull.c:462
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -14837,32 +16612,33 @@
 "La vostra configuració especifica fusionar amb la referència «%s»\n"
 "del remot, però no s'ha obtingut tal referència."
-#: builtin/pull.c:566
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut accedir a la comissió %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:844
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "s'està ignorant --verify-signatures en fer «rebase»"
-#: builtin/pull.c:892
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "l'opció --[no-]-autostash és vàlid només amb --rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:900
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
-msgstr "S'està actualitzant una branca no nascuda amb canvis afegits a l'índex."
+msgstr ""
+"S'està actualitzant una branca no nascuda amb canvis afegits a l'índex."
-#: builtin/pull.c:904
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "baixar fent «rebase»"
-#: builtin/pull.c:905
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "cometeu-los o emmagatzemeu-los."
-#: builtin/pull.c:930
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -14873,7 +16649,7 @@
 "s'està avançant ràpidament el vostre arbre de treball des de\n"
 "la comissió %s."
-#: builtin/pull.c:936
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -14884,23 +16660,26 @@
 "to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "No es pot avançar ràpidament el vostre arbre de treball.\n"
-"Després d'assegurar que hàgiu desat qualsevol cosa preciosa de la sortida de\n"
+"Després d'assegurar que hàgiu desat qualsevol cosa preciosa de la sortida "
 "$ git diff %s\n"
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "per a recuperar."
-#: builtin/pull.c:951
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "No es poden fusionar múltiples branques a un HEAD buit."
-#: builtin/pull.c:955
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "No es pot fer «rebase» sobre múltiples branques."
-#: builtin/pull.c:962
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
-msgstr "no es pot fer «rebase» amb modificacions als submòduls enregistrades localment"
+msgstr ""
+"no es pot fer «rebase» amb modificacions als submòduls enregistrades "
 #: builtin/push.c:19
 msgid "git push [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
@@ -14920,7 +16699,8 @@
 "To choose either option permanently, see push.default in 'git help config'."
 msgstr ""
-"Per a triar qualsevol opció permanentment, vegeu push.default a 'git help config'."
+"Per a triar qualsevol opció permanentment, vegeu push.default a 'git help "
 #: builtin/push.c:170
 #, c-format
@@ -14978,7 +16758,8 @@
 #: builtin/push.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "The current branch %s has multiple upstream branches, refusing to push."
-msgstr "La branca actual %s té múltiples branques fonts, s'està refusant pujar."
+msgstr ""
+"La branca actual %s té múltiples branques fonts, s'està refusant pujar."
 #: builtin/push.c:210
 #, c-format
@@ -14992,8 +16773,11 @@
 "quina branca remota."
 #: builtin/push.c:269
-msgid "You didn't specify any refspecs to push, and push.default is \"nothing\"."
-msgstr "No heu especificat cap especificació de referència a pujar, i push.default és \"nothing\"."
+msgid ""
+"You didn't specify any refspecs to push, and push.default is \"nothing\"."
+msgstr ""
+"No heu especificat cap especificació de referència a pujar, i push.default "
+"és \"nothing\"."
 #: builtin/push.c:276
 msgid ""
@@ -15037,7 +16821,8 @@
 #: builtin/push.c:295
 msgid "Updates were rejected because the tag already exists in the remote."
-msgstr "S'han rebutjat les actualitzacions perquè l'etiqueta ja existeix en el remot."
+msgstr ""
+"S'han rebutjat les actualitzacions perquè l'etiqueta ja existeix en el remot."
 #: builtin/push.c:298
 msgid ""
@@ -15068,7 +16853,8 @@
 #: builtin/push.c:399
 msgid ""
 "No configured push destination.\n"
-"Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using\n"
+"Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote "
+"repository using\n"
 "    git remote add <name> <url>\n"
@@ -15077,7 +16863,8 @@
 "    git push <name>\n"
 msgstr ""
 "No hi ha cap destí de pujada configurat.\n"
-"Especifiqueu l'URL des de la línia d'ordres o bé configureu un dipòsit remot fent servir\n"
+"Especifiqueu l'URL des de la línia d'ordres o bé configureu un dipòsit remot "
+"fent servir\n"
 "    git remote add <nom> <url>\n"
@@ -15125,7 +16912,8 @@
 msgid "use thin pack"
 msgstr "usa el paquet prim"
-#: builtin/push.c:571 builtin/push.c:572 builtin/send-pack.c:161 builtin/send-pack.c:162
+#: builtin/push.c:571 builtin/push.c:572 builtin/send-pack.c:161
+#: builtin/send-pack.c:162
 msgid "receive pack program"
 msgstr "programa que rep els paquets"
@@ -15207,28 +16995,28 @@
 msgid "use simple diff colors"
 msgstr "utilitza colors simples de diff"
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:61 builtin/range-diff.c:65
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:46 builtin/range-diff.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid "no .. in range: '%s'"
 msgstr "cap .. en rang: «%s»"
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:75
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:60
 msgid "single arg format must be symmetric range"
 msgstr "el format de l'argument únic ha de ser de rang simètric"
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:90
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:75
 msgid "need two commit ranges"
 msgstr "calen dos rangs de comissió"
 #: builtin/read-tree.c:41
 msgid ""
-"git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>) [-u [--exclude-per-"
-"directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] [--index-output=<file>] (--empty | <tree-ish1> [<tree-ish2> "
+"git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>) "
+"[-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] [--"
+"index-output=<file>] (--empty | <tree-ish1> [<tree-ish2> [<tree-ish3>]])"
 msgstr ""
-"git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>) [-u [--exclude-per-"
-"directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] [--index-output=<fitxer>] (--empty | <arbre1> [<arbre2> "
+"git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>) "
+"[-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] [--"
+"index-output=<fitxer>] (--empty | <arbre1> [<arbre2> [<arbre3>]])"
 #: builtin/read-tree.c:124
 msgid "write resulting index to <file>"
@@ -15294,66 +17082,265 @@
 msgid "debug unpack-trees"
 msgstr "depura unpack-trees"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:30
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:157
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] [<branch>]"
-msgstr "git archive --remote <dipòsit> [--exec <ordre>] [<opcions>] <arbre> [<camí>...]"
+msgid "suppress feedback messages"
+msgstr "omet els missatges informatius"
 #: builtin/rebase.c:32
-msgid "git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] "
 msgstr ""
+"git archive --remote <dipòsit> [--exec <ordre>] [<opcions>] <arbre> "
 #: builtin/rebase.c:34
+msgid ""
+"git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:36
 msgid "git rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo"
 msgstr "git rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:121 builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:158 builtin/rebase.c:182 builtin/rebase.c:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "unusable todo list: '%s'"
+msgstr "llista per a fer inestable: «%s»"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:167 builtin/rebase.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not write '%s'."
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure a «%s»."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:252
+msgid "no HEAD?"
+msgstr "no hi ha cap HEAD?"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:279
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not create temporary %s"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el fitxer temporal %s"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:285
+msgid "could not mark as interactive"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut marcar com a interactiu"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:343
+msgid "could not generate todo list"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut generar la llista per a fer"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:382
+msgid "a base commit must be provided with --upstream or --onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:437
+msgid "git rebase--interactive [<options>]"
+msgstr "git rebase--interactive [<opcions>]"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:449
+msgid "keep empty commits"
+msgstr "mantén les comissions buides"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
+msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
+msgstr "permet les comissions amb missatges buits"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:452
+msgid "rebase merge commits"
+msgstr "fes «rebase» de les comissions de fusió"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:454
+msgid "keep original branch points of cousins"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:456
+msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup!"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:457
+msgid "sign commits"
+msgstr "signa les comissions"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
+msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:461
+msgid "continue rebase"
+msgstr "continua el «rebase»"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:463
+msgid "skip commit"
+msgstr "omet la comissió"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:464
+msgid "edit the todo list"
+msgstr "edita la llista a fer"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:466
+msgid "show the current patch"
+msgstr "mostra el pedaç actual"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:469
+msgid "shorten commit ids in the todo list"
+msgstr "escurça els ids de les comissions en la llista per a fer"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:471
+msgid "expand commit ids in the todo list"
+msgstr "expandeix els ids de les comissions en la llista per a fer"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:473
+msgid "check the todo list"
+msgstr "comprova la llista a fer"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:475
+msgid "rearrange fixup/squash lines"
+msgstr "reorganitza les línies «fixup/pick»"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:477
+msgid "insert exec commands in todo list"
+msgstr "expandeix les ordres exec en la llista per a fer"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:478
+msgid "onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:481
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "restrict-revision"
+msgstr "revisió"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:481
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "restrict revision"
+msgstr "revisió"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:483
+msgid "squash-onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:484
+msgid "squash onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:486
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "the upstream commit"
+msgstr "Desassigna la informació de font"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:488
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "head-name"
+msgstr "canvi de nom"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:488
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "head name"
+msgstr "davant per "
+#: builtin/rebase.c:493
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "rebase strategy"
+msgstr "estratègia de fusió"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:494
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "strategy-opts"
+msgstr "estratègia"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:495
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "strategy options"
+msgstr "opcions de decoració"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:496
+msgid "switch-to"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:497
+msgid "the branch or commit to checkout"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:498
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "onto-name"
+msgstr "nom"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:498
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "onto name"
+msgstr "nom del remot"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:499
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cmd"
+msgstr "ordre"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:499
+msgid "the command to run"
+msgstr "l'ordre a executar"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
+msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:518
+msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s requereix un «rebase» interactiu"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:173
+#: builtin/rebase.c:586
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "could not get 'onto': '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut establir «%s» a «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:188
+#: builtin/rebase.c:601
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "invalid orig-head: '%s'"
 msgstr "fitxer no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:213
+#: builtin/rebase.c:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring invalid allow_rerere_autoupdate: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:289
+#: builtin/rebase.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:307
+#: builtin/rebase.c:720
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "No es pot emmagatzemar %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:402
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut determinar la revisió de HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:522
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
 "You can instead skip this commit: run \"git rebase --skip\".\n"
-"To abort and get back to the state before \"git rebase\", run \"git rebase --abort\"."
+"To abort and get back to the state before \"git rebase\", run \"git rebase --"
 msgstr ""
 "Resoleu tots els conflictes manualment, marqueu-los com a resolts amb\n"
-"«git add/rm <fitxers amb conflicte>», llavors executeu «git rebase --continue».\n"
+"«git add/rm <fitxers amb conflicte>», llavors executeu «git rebase --"
 "Podeu en comptes ometre aquesta comissió: executeu «git rebase --skip».\n"
-"Per a avortar i tornar a l'estat anterior abans de l'ordre «git rebase», executeu «git rebase --abort»."
+"Per a avortar i tornar a l'estat anterior abans de l'ordre «git rebase», "
+"executeu «git rebase --abort»."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:603
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -15365,7 +17352,7 @@
 "As a result, git cannot rebase them."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:948
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -15382,7 +17369,7 @@
 "    git rebase '<branca>'\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:964
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -15390,173 +17377,171 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Si voleu establir informació de seguiment per a aquesta branca, podeu fer-ho amb:\n"
+"Si voleu establir informació de seguiment per a aquesta branca, podeu fer-ho "
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:994
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "expandeix les ordres exec en la llista per a fer"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:998
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "fes un «rebase» en la branca donada en comptes de la font"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1042
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "permet al lligam pre-rebase executar-se"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1044
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "silenciós. Implica --no-stat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1047
-msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1050
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "no mostris les estadístiques de diferència al final de la fusió"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "afegeix una línia «Signed-off-by» al missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1055 builtin/rebase.c:1059 builtin/rebase.c:1061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "passa-ho a «git am»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1063 builtin/rebase.c:1065
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "passa-ho a «git-apply»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1067 builtin/rebase.c:1070
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr "«cherry pick» totes les comissions, inclús les no canviades"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1072
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "continua"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1075
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "omet el pedaç actual i continua"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1077
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "interromp i agafa la branca original"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1080
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "interromp però manté HEAD on és"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "edita la llista de coses a fer durant un «rebase» interactiu"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1084
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "mostra el pedaç que s'està aplicant o fusionant"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1087
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "estratègia de fusió a usar"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1091
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1095
-msgid "try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr "intenta recrear les "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1099
-msgid "allow rerere to update index with resolved conflict"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1102
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "preserva les comissions inicialment buides"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1104
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1110
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
-msgstr "fes «stash» i «stash pop» automàticament abans i després de fer «rebase»"
+msgstr ""
+"fes «stash» i «stash pop» automàticament abans i després de fer «rebase»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1112
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1116
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "permet les comissions amb missatges buits"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1119
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1122
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr "git merge-base --fork-point <referència> [<comissió>]"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
-msgstr "utiliza l'estratègia de fusió donada"
+msgstr "utilitza l'estratègia de fusió donada"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1126 builtin/revert.c:112
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "opció"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
-msgstr "passa l'argument a l'estratègia de fussió"
+msgstr "passa l'argument a l'estratègia de fusió"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1130
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "fes «rebase» de totes les comissions accessibles fins l'arrel"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1133 builtin/rebase--interactive.c:198
-msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
+msgid ""
+"the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
+"See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1149
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not exec %s"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1167
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr "Sembla que «git am» està en curs. No es pot fer «rebase»."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1208
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
+msgstr "error: no es pot combinar «--preserve-merges» amb «--rebase-merges»"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "No hi ha un «rebase» en curs?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1212
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr "L'acció --edit-todo només es pot usar durant un «rebase» interactiu."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1226
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "No es pot llegir HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1238
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -15564,21 +17549,16 @@
 "Heu d'editar tots els conflictes de fusió i després\n"
 "marcar-los com a resolts fent servir git add"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1257
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "no s'han pogut descartar els canvis de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1276
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut tornar a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1287 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut suprimir «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -15599,349 +17579,180 @@
 "i executeu-me de nou. M'aturo per si encara hi teniu alguna cosa\n"
 "de valor."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
-msgstr "l'opció «c» espera un valor numèric"
+msgstr "«switch» «c» espera un valor numèric"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1375
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "Mode desconegut: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy requereix --merge o --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1446
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--strategy requereix --merge o --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "error: no es pot combinar «--preserve-merges» amb «--rebase-merges»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
+msgid ""
+"error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr "error: no es pot combinar «--preserve-merges» amb «--rebase-merges»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "error: no es pot combinar «--rebase-merges» amb «--strategy-option»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1478
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "error: no es pot combinar «--rebase-merges» amb «--strategy»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1502
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "font no vàlida: «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1508
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear una comissió arrel nova"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1526
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "Cal exactament un rang."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1533
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "No assenyala una comissió vàlida: $onto_name"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1558
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "fatal: no hi ha tal branca: $branch_name"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1566 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "No hi ha tal referència: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la comissió HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1619
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "No es pot emmagatzemar automàticament"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1622
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "final de fitxer inesperat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el directori «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1631
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "S'ha creat un magatzem automàtic: $stash_abbrev"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1634
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir orig-head"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1635 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD ara és a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1651
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Cometeu-los o emmagatzemeu-los."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1678
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1691
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut commutar a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1702
-#, sh-format
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD està al dia."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1704
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "La branca actual %s està al dia.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1712
-#, sh-format
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "La branca actual està al dia, «rebase» forçat."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1714
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "La branca actual %s està al dia; «rebase» forçat.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1722
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "El lligam pre-«rebase» ha refusat a fer «rebase»."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1729
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Canvis a  %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1732
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Canvis de %s a %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
-msgstr "Primer, s'està rebobinant HEAD per a reproduir el vostre treball al damunt...\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Primer, s'està rebobinant HEAD per a reproduir el vostre treball al "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1765
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut separar HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1774
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "Avanç ràpid %s a %s.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:25
-msgid "no HEAD?"
-msgstr "no hi ha cap HEAD?"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:52
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not create temporary %s"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el fitxer temporal %s"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:58
-msgid "could not mark as interactive"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut marcar com a interactiu"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:102
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not open %s"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:115
-msgid "could not generate todo list"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut generar la llista per a fer"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:131
-msgid "git rebase--interactive [<options>]"
-msgstr "git rebase--interactive [<opcions>]"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:150
-msgid "keep empty commits"
-msgstr "mantén les comissions buides"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:152 builtin/revert.c:125
-msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
-msgstr "permet les comissions amb missatges buits"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:153
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "rebase merge commits"
-msgstr "etiqueta de fusió incorrecta en la comissió «%s»"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:155
-msgid "keep original branch points of cousins"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:157
-msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup!"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:158
-msgid "sign commits"
-msgstr "signa les comissions"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:160
-msgid "continue rebase"
-msgstr "continua el «rebase»"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:162
-msgid "skip commit"
-msgstr "omet la comissió"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:163
-msgid "edit the todo list"
-msgstr "edita la llista a fer"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:165
-msgid "show the current patch"
-msgstr "mostra el pedaç actual"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:168
-msgid "shorten commit ids in the todo list"
-msgstr "escurça els ids de les comissions en la llista per a fer"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:170
-msgid "expand commit ids in the todo list"
-msgstr "expandeix els ids de les comissions en la llista per a fer"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:172
-msgid "check the todo list"
-msgstr "comprova la llista a fer"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:174
-msgid "rearrange fixup/squash lines"
-msgstr "reorganitza les línies «fixup/pick»"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:176
-msgid "insert exec commands in todo list"
-msgstr "expandeix les ordres exec en la llista per a fer"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:177
-msgid "onto"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:179
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "restrict-revision"
-msgstr "revisió"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:179
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "restrict revision"
-msgstr "revisió"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:180
-msgid "squash-onto"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:181
-msgid "squash onto"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:183
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "the upstream commit"
-msgstr "Desassigna la informació de font"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:184
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "head-name"
-msgstr "canvi de nom"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:184
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "head name"
-msgstr "davant per "
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:189
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "rebase strategy"
-msgstr "estratègia de fusió"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:190
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "strategy-opts"
-msgstr "estratègia"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:191
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "strategy options"
-msgstr "opcions de decoració"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:192
-msgid "switch-to"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:193
-msgid "the branch or commit to checkout"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:194
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "onto-name"
-msgstr "nom"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:194
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "onto name"
-msgstr "nom del remot"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:195
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "cmd"
-msgstr "ordre"
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:195
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "the command to run"
-msgstr "No s'ha fet cap ordre."
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:224
-msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--interactive.c:230
-msgid "a base commit must be provided with --upstream or --onto"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:830
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -15972,7 +17783,7 @@
 "predeterminat, establiu la variable de configuració\n"
 "'receive.denyCurrentBranch' a 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:850
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -15994,22 +17805,25 @@
 "Per a silenciar aquest missatge, podeu establir-la a 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1929
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "silenciós"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1943
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Heu d'especificar un directori."
 #: builtin/reflog.c:17
 msgid ""
-"git reflog expire [--expire=<time>] [--expire-unreachable=<time>] [--rewrite] [--updateref] [--stale-fix] [--dry-"
-"run | -n] [--verbose] [--all] <refs>..."
+"git reflog expire [--expire=<time>] [--expire-unreachable=<time>] [--"
+"rewrite] [--updateref] [--stale-fix] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] [--all] "
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/reflog.c:22
-msgid "git reflog delete [--rewrite] [--updateref] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] <refs>..."
+msgid ""
+"git reflog delete [--rewrite] [--updateref] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] "
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/reflog.c:25
@@ -16047,9 +17861,9 @@
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de registre per «%s»"
 #: builtin/reflog.c:755
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "invalid ref format: %s"
-msgstr "format de data no vàlid: %s"
+msgstr "format de referència no vàlid: %s"
 #: builtin/reflog.c:764
 msgid "git reflog [ show | expire | delete | exists ]"
@@ -16060,8 +17874,12 @@
 msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose]"
 #: builtin/remote.c:17
-msgid "git remote add [-t <branch>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--mirror=<fetch|push>] <name> <url>"
-msgstr "git remote add [-t <branca>] [-m <mestra>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--mirror=<fetch|push>] <nom> <url>"
+msgid ""
+"git remote add [-t <branch>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--"
+"mirror=<fetch|push>] <name> <url>"
+msgstr ""
+"git remote add [-t <branca>] [-m <mestra>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--"
+"mirror=<fetch|push>] <nom> <url>"
 #: builtin/remote.c:18 builtin/remote.c:38
 msgid "git remote rename <old> <new>"
@@ -16084,8 +17902,10 @@
 msgstr "git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] <nom>"
 #: builtin/remote.c:23
-msgid "git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<group> | <remote>)...]"
-msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<grup> | <remot>)...]"
+msgid ""
+"git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<group> | <remote>)...]"
+msgstr ""
+"git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<grup> | <remot>)...]"
 #: builtin/remote.c:24
 msgid "git remote set-branches [--add] <name> <branch>..."
@@ -16180,7 +18000,8 @@
 #: builtin/remote.c:187
 msgid "specifying branches to track makes sense only with fetch mirrors"
-msgstr "especificar les branques a seguir té sentit només amb miralls d'obtenció"
+msgstr ""
+"especificar les branques a seguir té sentit només amb miralls d'obtenció"
 #: builtin/remote.c:194 builtin/remote.c:636
 #, c-format
@@ -16200,7 +18021,8 @@
 #: builtin/remote.c:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not get fetch map for refspec %s"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut obtenir el mapa d'obtenció de l'especificació de referència %s"
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut obtenir el mapa d'obtenció de l'especificació de referència %s"
 #: builtin/remote.c:443 builtin/remote.c:451
 msgid "(matching)"
@@ -16227,7 +18049,8 @@
 "\tPlease update the configuration manually if necessary."
 msgstr ""
-"No s'està actualitzant l'especificació de referències d'obtenció no per defecte\n"
+"No s'està actualitzant l'especificació de referències d'obtenció no per "
 "\tActualitzeu la configuració manualment si és necessari."
@@ -16252,7 +18075,8 @@
 "Nota: Una branca fora de la jerarquia refs/remotes/ no s'ha eliminat;\n"
 "per a suprimir-la, useu:"
 msgstr[1] ""
-"Nota: Algunes branques fora de la jerarquia refs/remotes/ no s'han eliminat;\n"
+"Nota: Algunes branques fora de la jerarquia refs/remotes/ no s'han "
 "per a suprimir-les, useu:"
 #: builtin/remote.c:816
@@ -16394,8 +18218,10 @@
 #: builtin/remote.c:1183
 #, c-format
-msgid "  HEAD branch (remote HEAD is ambiguous, may be one of the following):\n"
-msgstr "  Branca de HEAD (la HEAD remot és ambigua, pot ser un dels següents):\n"
+msgid ""
+"  HEAD branch (remote HEAD is ambiguous, may be one of the following):\n"
+msgstr ""
+"  Branca de HEAD (la HEAD remot és ambigua, pot ser un dels següents):\n"
 #: builtin/remote.c:1195
 #, c-format
@@ -16548,7 +18374,7 @@
 #: builtin/remote.c:1610
 msgid "be verbose; must be placed before a subcommand"
-msgstr "sigues detallat; s'ha de col·locar abans d'una subordre"
+msgstr "sigues detallat; s'ha de col·locar abans d'un subordre"
 #: builtin/remote.c:1641
 #, c-format
@@ -16564,117 +18390,121 @@
 "Incremental repacks are incompatible with bitmap indexes.  Use\n"
 "--no-write-bitmap-index or disable the pack.writebitmaps configuration."
 msgstr ""
-"Els reempaquetaments incrementals són incompatibles amb els índexs de bitmaps.  Useu\n"
-"--no-write-bitmap-index o inhabiliteu el paràmetre de configuració pack.writebitmaps."
+"Els reempaquetaments incrementals són incompatibles amb els índexs de "
+"bitmaps.  Useu\n"
+"--no-write-bitmap-index o inhabiliteu el paràmetre de configuració pack."
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:201
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:411
+#: builtin/repack.c:240 builtin/repack.c:418
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:257
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "empaqueta-ho tot en un únic paquet"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:297
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "el mateix que -a, i solta els objectes inabastables"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "elimina els paquets redundants, i executeu git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passa --no-reuse-delta a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passa --no-reuse-object a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "no executis git-update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:309
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passa --local a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:311
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "escriu índex de mapa de bits"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:313
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passa --local a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "data aproximada"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "amb -A, no soltis els objectes més vells que aquest"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:317
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "amb -a, reempaqueta els objectes inabastables"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "mida de la finestra que s'usa per a compressió de diferències"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:320 builtin/repack.c:326
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "octets"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:321
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
-msgstr "el mateix que l'anterior, però limita la mida de memòria en lloc del nombre d'entrades"
+msgstr ""
+"el mateix que l'anterior, però limita la mida de memòria en lloc del nombre "
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:323
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "limita la profunditat màxima de les diferències"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:325
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "limita el nombre màxim de fils"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:327
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "mida màxima de cada fitxer de paquet"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:329
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "reempaqueta els objectes en paquets marcats amb .keep"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:331
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "crea paquets prims"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:341
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "no es poden suprimir paquets en un dipòsit d'objectes preciosos"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:345
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable i -A són incompatibles"
-#: builtin/repack.c:420
+#: builtin/repack.c:427
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "usa el paquet prim"
-#: builtin/repack.c:481
+#: builtin/repack.c:488
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -16686,7 +18516,7 @@
 "WARNING: Please rename them in %s manually:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:529
+#: builtin/repack.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en eliminar «%s»"
@@ -16715,39 +18545,34 @@
 msgid "git replace [--format=<format>] [-l [<pattern>]]"
 msgstr "git replace [--format=<format>] [-l [<patró>]]"
-#: builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:203 builtin/replace.c:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en resoldre «%s» com a referència vàlida"
-#: builtin/replace.c:86
+#: builtin/replace.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "invalid replace format '%s'\n"
 "valid formats are 'short', 'medium' and 'long'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:121
+#: builtin/replace.c:125
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "replace ref '%s' not found"
 msgstr "no s'ha trobat la branca «%s»."
-#: builtin/replace.c:137
+#: builtin/replace.c:141
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Deleted replace ref '%s'"
 msgstr "suprimeix les referències reemplaçades"
-#: builtin/replace.c:149
+#: builtin/replace.c:153
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref name"
 msgstr "«%s» no és un nom de remot vàlid"
-#: builtin/replace.c:154
+#: builtin/replace.c:158
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "replace ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "el destí «%s» ja existeix"
-#: builtin/replace.c:174
+#: builtin/replace.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Objects must be of the same type.\n"
@@ -16755,190 +18580,196 @@
 "while '%s' points to a replacement object of type '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:225
+#: builtin/replace.c:229
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s for writing"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir «%s» per a escriptura"
-#: builtin/replace.c:238
+#: builtin/replace.c:242
 msgid "cat-file reported failure"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:254
+#: builtin/replace.c:258
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s for reading"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir o llegir %s"
-#: builtin/replace.c:268
+#: builtin/replace.c:272
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to spawn mktree"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir l'arbre (%s)"
-#: builtin/replace.c:272
+#: builtin/replace.c:276
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to read from mktree"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir l'arbre (%s)"
-#: builtin/replace.c:281
+#: builtin/replace.c:285
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "mktree reported failure"
 msgstr "la reversió ha fallat"
-#: builtin/replace.c:285
+#: builtin/replace.c:289
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "mktree did not return an object name"
 msgstr "el remot no ha enviat tots els objectes necessaris"
-#: builtin/replace.c:294
+#: builtin/replace.c:298
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to fstat %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar %s"
-#: builtin/replace.c:299
+#: builtin/replace.c:303
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "unable to write object to database"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure l'objecte de nota"
-#: builtin/replace.c:318 builtin/replace.c:371 builtin/replace.c:415 builtin/replace.c:445
+#: builtin/replace.c:322 builtin/replace.c:377 builtin/replace.c:422
+#: builtin/replace.c:452
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name: '%s'"
 msgstr "No és un nom d'objecte vàlid: «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:322
+#: builtin/replace.c:326
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "unable to get object type for %s"
 msgstr "no es pot fer grep des d'un objecte de tipus %s"
-#: builtin/replace.c:338
+#: builtin/replace.c:342
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "editing object file failed"
 msgstr "la lectura de les referències de bisecció ha fallat"
-#: builtin/replace.c:347
+#: builtin/replace.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "new object is the same as the old one: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:407
+#: builtin/replace.c:383
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "could not parse %s as a commit"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut analitzar la comissió HEAD"
+#: builtin/replace.c:414
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad mergetag in commit '%s'"
 msgstr "etiqueta de fusió incorrecta en la comissió «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:409
+#: builtin/replace.c:416
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed mergetag in commit '%s'"
 msgstr "etiqueta de fusió mal formada en la comissió «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:421
+#: builtin/replace.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "original commit '%s' contains mergetag '%s' that is discarded; use --edit instead of --graft"
-msgstr "la comissió original «%s» conté l'etiqueta de fusió «%s» que es descarta; useu --edit en lloc de --graft"
+msgid ""
+"original commit '%s' contains mergetag '%s' that is discarded; use --edit "
+"instead of --graft"
+msgstr ""
+"la comissió original «%s» conté l'etiqueta de fusió «%s» que es descarta; "
+"useu --edit en lloc de --graft"
-#: builtin/replace.c:460
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/replace.c:467
+#, c-format
 msgid "the original commit '%s' has a gpg signature"
-msgstr "la comissió original «%s» té una signatura gpg."
+msgstr "la comissió original «%s» té una signatura gpg"
-#: builtin/replace.c:461
+#: builtin/replace.c:468
 msgid "the signature will be removed in the replacement commit!"
 msgstr "s'eliminarà la signatura en la comissió de reemplaçament!"
-#: builtin/replace.c:471
+#: builtin/replace.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write replacement commit for: '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure la comissió de reemplaçament per a: «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:479
+#: builtin/replace.c:486
 #, c-format
 msgid "graft for '%s' unnecessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:482
+#: builtin/replace.c:490
 #, c-format
 msgid "new commit is the same as the old one: '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "la comissió nova és la mateixa que l'antiga: «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:515
+#: builtin/replace.c:525
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not convert the following graft(s):\n"
 msgstr "Eliminaria l'ítem següent:"
-#: builtin/replace.c:536
+#: builtin/replace.c:546
 msgid "list replace refs"
 msgstr "llista les referències reemplaçades"
-#: builtin/replace.c:537
+#: builtin/replace.c:547
 msgid "delete replace refs"
 msgstr "suprimeix les referències reemplaçades"
-#: builtin/replace.c:538
+#: builtin/replace.c:548
 msgid "edit existing object"
 msgstr "edita un objecte existent"
-#: builtin/replace.c:539
+#: builtin/replace.c:549
 msgid "change a commit's parents"
 msgstr "canvia les mares d'una comissió"
-#: builtin/replace.c:540
+#: builtin/replace.c:550
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "convert existing graft file"
 msgstr "força la sobreescriptura de fitxers existents"
-#: builtin/replace.c:541
+#: builtin/replace.c:551
 msgid "replace the ref if it exists"
 msgstr "reemplaça la referència si existeix"
-#: builtin/replace.c:543
+#: builtin/replace.c:553
 msgid "do not pretty-print contents for --edit"
 msgstr "no imprimeixis bellament els continguts per a --edit"
-#: builtin/replace.c:544
+#: builtin/replace.c:554
 msgid "use this format"
 msgstr "usa aquest format"
-#: builtin/replace.c:557
+#: builtin/replace.c:567
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "--format cannot be used when not listing"
 msgstr "--fix-thin no es pot usar sense --stdin"
-#: builtin/replace.c:565
+#: builtin/replace.c:575
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "-f only makes sense when writing a replacement"
 msgstr "-z només té sentit amb --stdin"
-#: builtin/replace.c:569
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/replace.c:579
 msgid "--raw only makes sense with --edit"
-msgstr "-z només té sentit amb --stdin"
+msgstr "--raw només té sentit amb --edit"
-#: builtin/replace.c:575
+#: builtin/replace.c:585
 msgid "-d needs at least one argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:581
+#: builtin/replace.c:591
 msgid "bad number of arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nombre incorrecte d'arguments"
-#: builtin/replace.c:587
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/replace.c:597
 msgid "-e needs exactly one argument"
-msgstr "Cal exactament un rang."
+msgstr "-e necessita exactament un argument"
-#: builtin/replace.c:593
+#: builtin/replace.c:603
 msgid "-g needs at least one argument"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-g necessita almenys un argument"
-#: builtin/replace.c:599
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/replace.c:609
 msgid "--convert-graft-file takes no argument"
-msgstr "--continue no accepta paràmetres"
+msgstr "--convert-graft-file arguments"
-#: builtin/replace.c:605
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/replace.c:615
 msgid "only one pattern can be given with -l"
-msgstr "combina els patrons especificats amb -e"
+msgstr "només es pot especificar un patró amb -l"
 #: builtin/rerere.c:13
 msgid "git rerere [clear | forget <path>... | status | remaining | diff | gc]"
@@ -16953,13 +18784,15 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/rerere.c:113
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "unable to generate diff for '%s'"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en executar «%s»"
+msgstr "s'ha pogut generar el diff per a «%s»"
 #: builtin/reset.c:32
-msgid "git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<commit>]"
-msgstr "git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<comissió>]"
+msgid ""
+"git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<commit>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<comissió>]"
 #: builtin/reset.c:33
 msgid "git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -17007,7 +18840,8 @@
 msgid "Cannot do a %s reset in the middle of a merge."
 msgstr "No es pot fer un restabliment de %s enmig d'una fusió."
-#: builtin/reset.c:293
+#: builtin/reset.c:293 builtin/stash.c:514 builtin/stash.c:589
+#: builtin/stash.c:613
 msgid "be quiet, only report errors"
 msgstr "sigues silenciós, només informa d'errors"
@@ -17045,29 +18879,31 @@
 msgid "--patch is incompatible with --{hard,mixed,soft}"
 msgstr "--patch és incompatible amb --{hard,mixed,soft}"
-#: builtin/reset.c:352
+#: builtin/reset.c:353
 msgid "--mixed with paths is deprecated; use 'git reset -- <paths>' instead."
-msgstr "--mixed amb camins està en desús; useu 'git reset -- <camins>' en lloc d'això."
+msgstr ""
+"--mixed amb camins està en desús; useu 'git reset -- <camins>' en lloc "
-#: builtin/reset.c:354
+#: builtin/reset.c:355
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot do %s reset with paths."
 msgstr "No es pot restablir de %s amb camins."
-#: builtin/reset.c:364
+#: builtin/reset.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s reset is not allowed in a bare repository"
 msgstr "el restabliment de %s no es permet en un dipòsit nu"
-#: builtin/reset.c:368
+#: builtin/reset.c:374
 msgid "-N can only be used with --mixed"
 msgstr "-N només es pot usar amb --mixed"
-#: builtin/reset.c:388
+#: builtin/reset.c:395
 msgid "Unstaged changes after reset:"
 msgstr "Canvis «unstaged» després del restabliment:"
-#: builtin/reset.c:391
+#: builtin/reset.c:398
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17076,33 +18912,33 @@
 "to make this the default.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/reset.c:401
+#: builtin/reset.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not reset index file to revision '%s'."
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut restablir el fitxer d'índex a la revisió «%s»."
-#: builtin/reset.c:405
+#: builtin/reset.c:412
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer d'índex nou."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:406
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "no es pot combinar --exclude-promisor-objects i --missing"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:464
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "el filtratge d'objectes requereix --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:467
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "valor parcial no vàlid: «%s»"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:508
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "el rev-list no permet mostrar notes"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:511
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "no es pot combinar --use-bitmap-index amb el filtratge d'objectes"
@@ -17134,7 +18970,8 @@
 "   or: git rev-parse --sq-quote [<paràmetre>...]\n"
 "   or: git rev-parse [<opcions>] [<paràmetre>...]\n"
-"Executeu \"git rev-parse --parseopt -h\" per més informació sobre l'ús inicial."
+"Executeu \"git rev-parse --parseopt -h\" per més informació sobre l'ús "
 #: builtin/revert.c:24
 msgid "git revert [<options>] <commit-ish>..."
@@ -17162,59 +18999,63 @@
 msgid "%s: %s cannot be used with %s"
 msgstr "%s: %s no es pot usar amb %s"
-#: builtin/revert.c:101
+#: builtin/revert.c:102
 msgid "end revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "acaba la seqüència de reversió o el «cherry pick»"
-#: builtin/revert.c:102
+#: builtin/revert.c:103
 msgid "resume revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "reprèn la seqüència de reversió o el «cherry pick»"
-#: builtin/revert.c:103
+#: builtin/revert.c:104
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "cancel·la la seqüència de reversió o el «cherry pick»"
-#: builtin/revert.c:104
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "omet la comissió actual i continua"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "no cometis automàticament"
-#: builtin/revert.c:105
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "edita el missatge de comissió"
-#: builtin/revert.c:108
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "número del pare"
-#: builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "selecciona la línia principal del pare"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "estratègia de fusió"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "opció d'estratègia de fusió"
-#: builtin/revert.c:122
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "nom de la comissió a annexar"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "preserva les comissions inicialment buides"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "retén les comissions redundants i buides"
-#: builtin/revert.c:220
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "la reversió ha fallat"
-#: builtin/revert.c:233
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "el «cherry pick» ha fallat"
@@ -17287,7 +19128,9 @@
 #: builtin/rm.c:289
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed"
-msgstr "Feu «stage» dels vostres canvis a .gitmodules o feu «stash» dels mateixos per a procedir"
+msgstr ""
+"Feu «stage» dels vostres canvis a .gitmodules o feu «stash» dels mateixos "
+"per a procedir"
 #: builtin/rm.c:307
 #, c-format
@@ -17301,12 +19144,14 @@
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:20
 msgid ""
-"git send-pack [--all | --mirror] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-pack=<git-receive-pack>] [--verbose] [--thin] [--"
-"atomic] [<host>:]<directory> [<ref>...]\n"
+"git send-pack [--all | --mirror] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-pack=<git-"
+"receive-pack>] [--verbose] [--thin] [--atomic] [<host>:]<directory> "
 "  --all and explicit <ref> specification are mutually exclusive."
 msgstr ""
-"git send-pack [--all | --mirror] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-pack=<paquet-del-git-receive>] [--verbose] [--"
-"thin] [--atomic] [<màquina>:]<directori> [<referència>...]\n"
+"git send-pack [--all | --mirror] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-"
+"pack=<paquet-del-git-receive>] [--verbose] [--thin] [--atomic] "
+"[<màquina>:]<directori> [<referència>...]\n"
 "  --all i especificació <referència> explícita són mútuament excloents."
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:163
@@ -17325,19 +19170,6 @@
 msgid "print status from remote helper"
 msgstr "imprimeix l'estat des de l'ajudant remot"
-#: builtin/serve.c:7
-msgid "git serve [<options>]"
-msgstr "git serve [<opcions>]"
-#: builtin/serve.c:17 builtin/upload-pack.c:23
-msgid "quit after a single request/response exchange"
-msgstr "surt després d'un sol intercanvi de sol·licitud/resposta"
-#: builtin/serve.c:19
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "exit immediately after advertising capabilities"
-msgstr "surt immediatament després de l'anunci inicial de referència"
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:14
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "git shortlog [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>...]"
@@ -17358,7 +19190,8 @@
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:268
 msgid "Suppress commit descriptions, only provides commit count"
-msgstr "Omet les descripcions de comissió, només proveeix el recompte de comissions"
+msgstr ""
+"Omet les descripcions de comissió, només proveeix el recompte de comissions"
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:270
 msgid "Show the email address of each author"
@@ -17400,160 +19233,400 @@
 msgstr[0] "s'està ignorant %s; no es pot gestionar més de %d referència"
 msgstr[1] "s'està ignorant %s; no es poden gestionar més de %d referències"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "no hi ha referències coincidents amb %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "mostra les branques amb seguiment remot i les locals"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "mostra les branques amb seguiment remot"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "colora '*!+-' corresponent a la branca"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "mostra <n> comissions després de l'avantpassat comú"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "sinònim de more=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "omet anomenar cadenes"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "inclou la branca actual"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "anomena les comissions amb els seus noms d'objecte"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "mostra les bases de fusió possibles"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "mostra les referències inabastables de qualsevol altra referència"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "mostra les comissions en ordre topològic"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "mostra només les comissions que no siguin en la primera branca"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "mostra les fusions abastables de només una punta"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "ordena topològicament, mantenint l'ordre de dates on sigui possible"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<base>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "mostra les <n> entrades més recents començant a la base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
-msgid "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
-msgstr "--reflog és incompatible amb --all, --remotes, --independent o --merge-base"
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
+msgid ""
+"--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
+msgstr ""
+"--reflog és incompatible amb --all, --remotes, --independent o --merge-base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "no s'ha donat cap branca, i HEAD no és vàlid"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "l'opció --reflog necessita un nom de branca"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "es pot mostrar només %d entrada a la vegada."
 msgstr[1] "es poden mostrar només %d entrades a la vegada."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "no hi ha tal referència %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:830
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "no es pot gestionar més d'%d revisió."
 msgstr[1] "no es poden gestionar més de %d revisions."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:834
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "«%s» no és una referència vàlida."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:837
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "no es pot trobar la comissió %s (%s)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:11
-msgid ""
-"git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] "
-"[--heads] [--] [<pattern>...]"
-msgstr ""
-"git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] "
-"[--heads] [--] [<patró>...]"
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:12
+msgid ""
+"git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --"
+"hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<pattern>...]"
+msgstr ""
+"git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --"
+"hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<patró>...]"
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:13
 msgid "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<pattern>]"
 msgstr "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<patró>]"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:161
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:162
 msgid "only show tags (can be combined with heads)"
 msgstr "mostra només les etiquetes (es pot combinar amb heads)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:162
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:163
 msgid "only show heads (can be combined with tags)"
 msgstr "mostra només els caps (es pot combinar amb tags)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:163
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:164
 msgid "stricter reference checking, requires exact ref path"
-msgstr "comprovació de referència més estricta, requereix el camí de referència exacte"
+msgstr ""
+"comprovació de referència més estricta, requereix el camí de referència "
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:166 builtin/show-ref.c:168
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:167 builtin/show-ref.c:169
 msgid "show the HEAD reference, even if it would be filtered out"
 msgstr "mostra la referència HEAD, encara que es filtrés"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:170
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:171
 msgid "dereference tags into object IDs"
 msgstr "desreferencia les etiquetes a ID d'objecte"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:172
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:173
 msgid "only show SHA1 hash using <n> digits"
 msgstr "mostra el hash SHA1 usant només <n> xifres"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:176
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:177
 msgid "do not print results to stdout (useful with --verify)"
 msgstr "no imprimeixis els resultats a stdout (útil amb --verify)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:178
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "show refs from stdin that aren't in local repository"
 msgstr "mostra les referències de stdin que no siguin en el dipòsit local"
+#: builtin/stash.c:22 builtin/stash.c:37
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git stash list [<options>]"
+msgstr "git worktree list [<opcions>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:23 builtin/stash.c:42
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git stash show [<options>] [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git remote show [<opcions>] <nom>"
+#: builtin/stash.c:24 builtin/stash.c:47
+msgid "git stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:25
+msgid "git stash ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:26 builtin/stash.c:62
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git stash branch <branchname> [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git branch [<opcions>] [-l] [-f] <nom-de-branca> [<punt-inicial>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:27 builtin/stash.c:67
+msgid "git stash clear"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:28 builtin/stash.c:77
+msgid ""
+"git stash [push [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n"
+"          [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-m|--message <message>]\n"
+"          [--] [<pathspec>...]]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:31 builtin/stash.c:84
+msgid ""
+"git stash save [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n"
+"          [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [<message>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:52
+msgid "git stash pop [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:57
+msgid "git stash apply [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:72
+msgid "git stash store [-m|--message <message>] [-q|--quiet] <commit>"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:127
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a stash-like commit"
+msgstr "'$args' no és una comissió de tipus magatzem"
+#: builtin/stash.c:147
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Too many revisions specified:%s"
+msgstr "S'han especificat massa revisions: $REV"
+#: builtin/stash.c:161
+msgid "No stash entries found."
+msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap «stash»."
+#: builtin/stash.c:175
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s is not a valid reference"
+msgstr "«%s» no és un nom de remot vàlid"
+#: builtin/stash.c:224
+msgid "git stash clear with parameters is unimplemented"
+msgstr "git stash clear amb paràmetres no està implementat"
+#: builtin/stash.c:403
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cannot apply a stash in the middle of a merge"
+msgstr "No es pot aplicar un magatzem enmig d'una fusió"
+#: builtin/stash.c:414
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "could not generate diff %s^!."
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut generar la llista per a fer"
+#: builtin/stash.c:421
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "conflicts in index.Try without --index."
+msgstr "Hi ha conflictes en l'índex. Proveu-ho sense --index."
+#: builtin/stash.c:427
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "could not save index tree"
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut desar l'arbre d'índex"
+#: builtin/stash.c:434
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "could not restore untracked files from stash"
+msgstr "No s'han pogut restaurar els fitxers no seguits des del «stash»"
+#: builtin/stash.c:448
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Merging %s with %s"
+msgstr "S'està fusionant %s amb %s\n"
+#: builtin/stash.c:458
+msgid "Index was not unstashed."
+msgstr "L'índex no estava sense emmagatzemar."
+#: builtin/stash.c:516 builtin/stash.c:615
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "attempt to recreate the index"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en llegir l'índex"
+#: builtin/stash.c:549
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Dropped %s (%s)"
+msgstr "${REV} ($s) descartada"
+#: builtin/stash.c:552
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%s: Could not drop stash entry"
+msgstr "${REV}: No s'ha pogut descartar l'entrada de magatzem"
+#: builtin/stash.c:577
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a stash reference"
+msgstr "'$args' no és una referència de magatzem"
+#: builtin/stash.c:627
+msgid "The stash entry is kept in case you need it again."
+msgstr "Es conserva l'entrada «stash» en cas que la necessiteu altra vegada."
+#: builtin/stash.c:650
+msgid "No branch name specified"
+msgstr "Cap nom de branca especificat"
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
+msgstr "No es pot actualitzar $ref_stash amb $w_commit"
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "stash message"
+msgstr "missatge d'etiqueta"
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
+msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no accepta paràmetres"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
+msgid "No changes selected"
+msgstr "No hi ha canvis seleccionats"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
+msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
+msgstr "Encara no teniu la comissió inicial"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
+msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
+msgstr "No es pot desar l'estat d'índex actual"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
+msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
+msgstr "No es poden desar els fitxers no seguits"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
+msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
+msgstr "No es pot desar l'estat d'arbre de treball actual"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
+msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
+msgstr "No es pot registrar l'estat de l'arbre de treball"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
+msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
+msgstr "No es poden usar --patch i --include-untracked o --all a la vegada."
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
+msgstr "Potser volíeu dir «git add .»?\n"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
+msgid "No local changes to save"
+msgstr "No hi ha canvis locals a desar"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
+msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
+msgstr "No es pot inicialitzar el magatzem"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
+msgid "Cannot save the current status"
+msgstr "No es pot desar l'estat actual"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
+msgstr "S'han desat el directori de treball i l'estat d'índex $stash_msg"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
+msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
+msgstr "No es poden eliminar els canvis de l'arbre de treball"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keep index"
+msgstr "Actualitza l'índex"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
+msgid "stash in patch mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "quiet mode"
+msgstr "silenciós"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "include untracked files in stash"
+msgstr "mostra els fitxers no seguits en columnes"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "include ignore files"
+msgstr "elimina només els fitxers ignorats"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not exec %s"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar %s"
 #: builtin/stripspace.c:18
 msgid "git stripspace [-s | --strip-comments]"
 msgstr "git stripspace [-s | --strip-comments]"
@@ -17564,7 +19637,8 @@
 #: builtin/stripspace.c:37
 msgid "skip and remove all lines starting with comment character"
-msgstr "omet i elimina totes les línies que comencin amb el caràcter de comentari"
+msgstr ""
+"omet i elimina totes les línies que comencin amb el caràcter de comentari"
 #: builtin/stripspace.c:40
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
@@ -17584,7 +19658,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "no es pot despullar un component de l'url «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "àncora alternativa per als camins relatius"
@@ -17592,7 +19666,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<camí>] [<camí>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627 builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap url per al camí de submòdul «%s» a .gitmodules"
@@ -17609,259 +19684,282 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested submodules of %s\n"
+"run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
+"submodules of %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr "Omet la sortida en entrar l'ordre de cada submòdul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Inclou recursivament els submòduls imbrincats"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
-msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] <command>"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [<ordre>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
-msgid "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own authoritative upstream."
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut trobar la configuració «%s». S'assumeix que aquest dipòsit és el seu dipòsit font autoritzat."
+msgid ""
+"could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
+"authoritative upstream."
+msgstr ""
+"no s'ha pogut trobar la configuració «%s». S'assumeix que aquest dipòsit és "
+"el seu dipòsit font autoritzat."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en registrar l'url per al camí de submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "S'ha registrat el submòdul «%s» (%s) per al camí «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
-msgstr "advertència: se suggereix el mode d'actualització per ordre per al submòdul «%s»\n"
+msgstr ""
+"advertència: se suggereix el mode d'actualització per ordre per al submòdul "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en registrar el mode d'actualització per al camí de submòdul «%s»"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha produït un error en registrar el mode d'actualització per al camí de "
+"submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Omet la sortida d'inicialitzar un submòdul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
-msgid "git submodule--helper init [<path>]"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<camí>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap mapatge de submòdul a .gitmodules per al camí «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut resoldre la referència a HEAD dins del submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en cercar recursivament al submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "Suprimeix la sortida de l'estat del submòdul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
-msgid "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule HEAD"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+msgid ""
+"Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "inclou recursivament els submòduls imbrincats"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<camí>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name <camí>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "S'està sincronitzant l'url del submòdul per a «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en registrar l'url per al camí del submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
-msgstr "s'ha produït un error en obtenir el remot per defecte pel submòdul «%s»"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error en obtenir el remot per defecte pel submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en actualitzar el remot pel submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr "Omet la sortida de la sincronització de l'url del submòdul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<camí>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you really want to remove it including all of "
-"its history)"
+"Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
+"really want to remove it including all of its history)"
 msgstr ""
 "L'arbre de treball de submòdul «%s» conté un directori .git\n"
 "(useu 'rm -rf' si realment voleu eliminar-lo, incloent tota la seva història)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
-msgid "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard them"
-msgstr "L'arbre de treball del submòdul «%s» conté modificacions locals; useu '-f' per a descartar-les"
+msgid ""
+"Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
+msgstr ""
+"L'arbre de treball del submòdul «%s» conté modificacions locals; useu '-f' "
+"per a descartar-les"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "S'ha netejat el directori «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut eliminar l'arbre de treball de submòdul «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear el directori de submòdul buit %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "S'ha desregistrat el submòdul «%s» (%s) per al camí «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
-msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
-msgstr "Suprimeix els arbres de treball dels submòduls fins i tot si contenen canvis locals"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
+msgstr ""
+"Suprimeix els arbres de treball dels submòduls fins i tot si contenen canvis "
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "Desregistra recursivament tots els submòduls"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
-msgid "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
-msgstr "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<camí>...]]"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
+msgid ""
+"git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
+msgstr ""
+"git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<camí>...]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr "Useu '--all' si realment voleu desinicialitzar tots els submòduls"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "el submòdul «%s» no pot afegir un alternatiu: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr "No es reconeix el valor «%s» per a submodule.alternateErrorStrategy"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "No es reconeix el valor «%s» per a submodule.alternateLocation"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "a on es clonarà el submòdul nou"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "nom del submòdul nou"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "url del qual clonar el submòdul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "profunditat dels clons superficials"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "força el progrés del clonatge"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
-"git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference <repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth "
-"<depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
+"git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
+"<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
 msgstr ""
-"git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<camí>] [--quiet] [--reference <dipòsit>] [--name <nom>] [--depth "
-"<profunditat>] --url <url> --path <camí>"
+"git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<camí>] [--quiet] [--reference "
+"<dipòsit>] [--name <nom>] [--depth <profunditat>] --url <url> --path <camí>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "el clonatge de «%s» al camí de submòdul «%s» ha fallat"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obtenir el directori de submòdul per a «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Mode d'actualització «%s» no vàlid per al camí de submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
-msgstr "Mode d'actualització «%s» configurat no vàlid per al camí de submòdul «%s»"
+msgstr ""
+"Mode d'actualització «%s» configurat no vàlid per al camí de submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "El camí de submòdul «%s» no està inicialitzat"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "Potser voleu usar 'update --init'?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "S'està ometent el submòdul no fusionat %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "S'està ometent el submòdul «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en clonar «%s». S'ha programat un reintent"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error per segon cop en clonar «%s», s'està avortant"
@@ -17905,10 +20003,11 @@
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but the superproject is not on any branch"
+"Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
+"the superproject is not on any branch"
 msgstr ""
-"La branca de submòdul (%s) està configurada per a heretar la branca del superprojecte, però el superprojecte no és "
-"en cap branca"
+"La branca de submòdul (%s) està configurada per a heretar la branca del "
+"superprojecte, però el superprojecte no és en cap branca"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
@@ -17920,35 +20019,49 @@
 msgstr "inclou recursivament als submòduls"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
-msgid "git submodule--helper embed-git-dir [<path>...]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper embed-git-dir [<camí>...]"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2156
 msgid "check if it is safe to write to the .gitmodules file"
 msgstr "comprova si és segur escriure al fitxer .gitmodules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2161
-msgid "git submodule--helper config name [value]"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2159
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "unset the config in the .gitmodules file"
+msgstr "l'allistament del .gitmodules actualitzat ha fallat"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2164
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git submodule--helper config <name> [<value>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper config name [valor]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2162
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git submodule--helper config --unset <name>"
+msgstr "git submodule--helper config name [valor]"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2166
 msgid "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2179
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2185
 #, fuzzy, sh-format
 msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
-msgstr "Feu «stage» dels vostres canvis a .gitmodules o feu «stash» dels mateixos per a procedir"
+msgstr ""
+"Feu «stage» dels vostres canvis a .gitmodules o feu «stash» dels mateixos "
+"per a procedir"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2229 git.c:413 git.c:658
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s no admet --super-prefix"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2241
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid submodule--helper subcommand"
-msgstr "«%s» no és una subordre vàlida de submodule--helper"
+msgstr "«%s» no és un subordre vàlid de submodule--helper"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:8
 msgid "git symbolic-ref [<options>] <name> [<ref>]"
@@ -17979,36 +20092,43 @@
 msgstr "raó de l'actualització"
 #: builtin/tag.c:25
-msgid "git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>] <tagname> [<head>]"
-msgstr "git tag [-a | -s | -u <id-de-clau>] [-f] [-m <missatge> | -F <fitxer>] <nom-d'etiqueta> [<cap>]"
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>]\n"
+"\t\t<tagname> [<head>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git tag [-a | -s | -u <id-de-clau>] [-f] [-m <missatge> | -F <fitxer>] <nom-"
+"d'etiqueta> [<cap>]"
-#: builtin/tag.c:26
+#: builtin/tag.c:27
 msgid "git tag -d <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -d <nom-d'etiqueta>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:27
+#: builtin/tag.c:28
 msgid ""
-"git tag -l [-n[<num>]] [--contains <commit>] [--no-contains <commit>] [--points-at <object>]\n"
+"git tag -l [-n[<num>]] [--contains <commit>] [--no-contains <commit>] [--"
+"points-at <object>]\n"
 "\t\t[--format=<format>] [--[no-]merged [<commit>]] [<pattern>...]"
 msgstr ""
-"git tag -l [-n[<nombre>]] [--contains <comissió>] [--no-contains <comissió>] [--points-at <objecte>]\n"
+"git tag -l [-n[<nombre>]] [--contains <comissió>] [--no-contains <comissió>] "
+"[--points-at <objecte>]\n"
 "\t\t[--format=<format>] [--[no-]merged [<comissió>]] [<patró>...]"
-#: builtin/tag.c:29
+#: builtin/tag.c:30
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <nom-d'etiqueta>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:87
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "no s'ha trobat l'etiqueta «%s»."
-#: builtin/tag.c:103
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "S'ha suprimit l'etiqueta «%s» (era %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:133
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -18021,159 +20141,170 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Les línies que comencin amb «%c» s'ignoraran.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:137
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Write a message for tag:\n"
 "  %s\n"
-"Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you want to.\n"
+"Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you "
+"want to.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Escriviu el missatge de l'etiqueta:\n"
 "  %s\n"
-"Les línies que comencin amb «%c» es retindran; podeu eliminar-les per vós mateix si voleu.\n"
+"Les línies que comencin amb «%c» es retindran; podeu eliminar-les per vós "
+"mateix si voleu.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:191
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut signar l'etiqueta"
-#: builtin/tag.c:193
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer d'etiqueta"
-#: builtin/tag.c:218
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
+"already a tag. If you meant to tag the object that it points to, use:\n"
+"\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "el tipus d'objecte és incorrecte."
-#: builtin/tag.c:267
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "no hi ha cap missatge d'etiqueta?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:274
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "S'ha deixat el missatge de l'etiqueta en %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:385
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "llista els noms d'etiqueta"
-#: builtin/tag.c:387
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "imprimeix <n> línies de cada missatge d'etiqueta"
-#: builtin/tag.c:389
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "suprimeix les etiquetes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:390
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "verifica les etiquetes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:392
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Opcions de creació d'etiquetes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:394
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "etiqueta anotada, necessita un missatge"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "missatge d'etiqueta"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "força l'edició del missatge de l'etiqueta"
-#: builtin/tag.c:399
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "etiqueta anotada i signada per GPG"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "usa una altra clau per a signar l'etiqueta"
-#: builtin/tag.c:404
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "reemplaça l'etiqueta si existeix"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "crea un registre de referències"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Opcions de llistat d'etiquetes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "mostra la llista d'etiquetes en columnes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409 builtin/tag.c:411
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les etiquetes que continguin la comissió"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les etiquetes que no continguin la comissió"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les etiquetes que s'han fusionat"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les etiquetes que no s'han fusionat"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "imprimeix només les etiquetes de l'objecte"
-#: builtin/tag.c:463
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column i -n són incompatibles"
-#: builtin/tag.c:485
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "es permet l'opció -n només amb mode llista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:487
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "es permet l'opció --contains només amb mode llista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:489
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "es permet l'opció --no-contains només amb mode llista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:491
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "es permet --points-at option només amb mode llista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:493
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "es permeten les opcions --merged i --no-merged només amb mode llista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:504
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "només es permet una opció -F o -m."
-#: builtin/tag.c:523
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "massa paràmetres"
-#: builtin/tag.c:529
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "«%s» no és un nom d'etiqueta vàlid."
-#: builtin/tag.c:534
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "l'etiqueta «%s» ja existeix"
-#: builtin/tag.c:565
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Etiqueta «%s» actualitzada (era %s)\n"
@@ -18209,27 +20340,34 @@
 #: builtin/update-index.c:153
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new file"
-msgstr "la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després d'afegir un fitxer nou"
+msgstr ""
+"la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després d'afegir un fitxer nou"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:166
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new directory"
-msgstr "la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després d'afegir un directori nou"
+msgstr ""
+"la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després d'afegir un directori nou"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:179
 msgid "directory stat info changes after updating a file"
-msgstr "la informació d'stat de directori canvia després d'actualitzar un fitxer"
+msgstr ""
+"la informació d'stat de directori canvia després d'actualitzar un fitxer"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:190
 msgid "directory stat info changes after adding a file inside subdirectory"
-msgstr "la informació d'stat de directori canvia després d'afegir un fitxer dins d'un subdirectori"
+msgstr ""
+"la informació d'stat de directori canvia després d'afegir un fitxer dins "
+"d'un subdirectori"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:201
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a file"
-msgstr "la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després de suprimir un fitxer"
+msgstr ""
+"la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després de suprimir un fitxer"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:214
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a directory"
-msgstr "la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després de suprimir un directori"
+msgstr ""
+"la informació d'stat de directori no canvia després de suprimir un directori"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:221
 msgid " OK"
@@ -18239,179 +20377,202 @@
 msgid "git update-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]"
 msgstr "git update-index [<opcions>] [--] [<fitxer>...]"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:962
+#: builtin/update-index.c:971
 msgid "continue refresh even when index needs update"
-msgstr "continua l'actualització encara que l'índex necessiti una actualització"
+msgstr ""
+"continua l'actualització encara que l'índex necessiti una actualització"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:965
+#: builtin/update-index.c:974
 msgid "refresh: ignore submodules"
 msgstr "actualitza: ignora els submòduls"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:968
+#: builtin/update-index.c:977
 msgid "do not ignore new files"
 msgstr "no ignoris els fitxers nous"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:970
+#: builtin/update-index.c:979
 msgid "let files replace directories and vice-versa"
 msgstr "deixa que els fitxers reemplacin els directoris i viceversa"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:972
+#: builtin/update-index.c:981
 msgid "notice files missing from worktree"
 msgstr "tingues en compte els fitxers absents de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:974
+#: builtin/update-index.c:983
 msgid "refresh even if index contains unmerged entries"
 msgstr "actualitza encara que l'índex contingui entrades no fusionades"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:977
+#: builtin/update-index.c:986
 msgid "refresh stat information"
 msgstr "actualitza la informació d'estadístiques"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:981
+#: builtin/update-index.c:990
 msgid "like --refresh, but ignore assume-unchanged setting"
 msgstr "com --refresh, però ignora el paràmetre assume-unchanged"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:985
+#: builtin/update-index.c:994
 msgid "<mode>,<object>,<path>"
 msgstr "<mode>,<objecte>,<camí>"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:986
+#: builtin/update-index.c:995
 msgid "add the specified entry to the index"
 msgstr "afegeix l'entrada especificada a l'índex"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:995
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1005
 msgid "mark files as \"not changing\""
 msgstr "marca els fitxers com a \"no canviant\""
-#: builtin/update-index.c:998
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1008
 msgid "clear assumed-unchanged bit"
 msgstr "neteja el bit assumed-unchanged"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1001
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1011
 msgid "mark files as \"index-only\""
 msgstr "marca els fitxers com a \"només índex\""
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1004
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1014
 msgid "clear skip-worktree bit"
 msgstr "neteja el bit skip-worktree"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1007
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1017
 msgid "add to index only; do not add content to object database"
-msgstr "només afegeix a l'índex; no afegeixis el contingut a la base de dades d'objectes"
+msgstr ""
+"només afegeix a l'índex; no afegeixis el contingut a la base de dades "
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1009
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1019
 msgid "remove named paths even if present in worktree"
-msgstr "elimina els camins anomenats encara que estiguin presents en l'arbre de treball"
+msgstr ""
+"elimina els camins anomenats encara que estiguin presents en l'arbre de "
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1011
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1021
 msgid "with --stdin: input lines are terminated by null bytes"
 msgstr "amb --stdin: les línies d'entrada acaben amb octets nuls"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1013
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1023
 msgid "read list of paths to be updated from standard input"
 msgstr "llegeix la llista de camins a actualitzar des de l'entrada estàndard"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1017
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1027
 msgid "add entries from standard input to the index"
 msgstr "afegeix les entrades de l'entrada estàndard a l'índex"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1021
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1031
 msgid "repopulate stages #2 and #3 for the listed paths"
 msgstr "reemplena les «stage» #2 i #3 per als camins llistats"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1025
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1035
 msgid "only update entries that differ from HEAD"
 msgstr "només actualitza les entrades que difereixin de HEAD"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1029
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1039
 msgid "ignore files missing from worktree"
 msgstr "ignora els fitxers absents de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1032
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1042
 msgid "report actions to standard output"
 msgstr "informa de les accions en la sortida estàndard"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1034
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1044
 msgid "(for porcelains) forget saved unresolved conflicts"
 msgstr "(per a porcellanes) oblida't dels conflictes no resolts ni desats"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1038
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1048
 msgid "write index in this format"
 msgstr "escriu l'índex en aquest format"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1040
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1050
 msgid "enable or disable split index"
 msgstr "habilita o inhabilita l'índex dividit"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1042
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1052
 msgid "enable/disable untracked cache"
 msgstr "habilita/inhabilita la memòria cau no seguida"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1044
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1054
 msgid "test if the filesystem supports untracked cache"
 msgstr "prova si el sistema de fitxers admet la memòria cau no seguida"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1046
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1056
 msgid "enable untracked cache without testing the filesystem"
 msgstr "habilita la memòria cau no seguida sense provar el sistema de fitxers"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1048
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1058
 msgid "write out the index even if is not flagged as changed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1050
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1060
 msgid "enable or disable file system monitor"
 msgstr "habilita o inhabilita el monitor del sistema de fitxers"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1052
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1062
 msgid "mark files as fsmonitor valid"
 msgstr "marca els fitxers com a vàlids pel fsmonitor"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1055
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1065
 msgid "clear fsmonitor valid bit"
 msgstr "neteja el bit de validesa del fsmonitor"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1156
-msgid "core.splitIndex is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want to enable split index"
-msgstr "core.splitIndex està establert a fals; elimineu-lo o canviar-lo, si realment voleu habilitar l'índex dividit"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1165
-msgid "core.splitIndex is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want to disable split index"
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1168
+msgid ""
+"core.splitIndex is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want to "
+"enable split index"
 msgstr ""
-"core.splitIndex està establert a cert; elimineu-lo o canvieu-lo, si realment voleu inhabilitar l'índex dividit"
+"core.splitIndex està establert a fals; elimineu-lo o canviar-lo, si realment "
+"voleu habilitar l'índex dividit"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1176
-msgid "core.untrackedCache is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want to disable the untracked cache"
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1177
+msgid ""
+"core.splitIndex is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want to "
+"disable split index"
 msgstr ""
-"core.untrackedCache està establert a cert; elimineu-lo o canvieu-lo, si realment voleu inhabilitar el cau no seguit"
+"core.splitIndex està establert a cert; elimineu-lo o canvieu-lo, si realment "
+"voleu inhabilitar l'índex dividit"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1180
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1188
+msgid ""
+"core.untrackedCache is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want "
+"to disable the untracked cache"
+msgstr ""
+"core.untrackedCache està establert a cert; elimineu-lo o canvieu-lo, si "
+"realment voleu inhabilitar el cau no seguit"
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1192
 msgid "Untracked cache disabled"
 msgstr "La memòria cau no seguida està inhabilitada"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1188
-msgid "core.untrackedCache is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want to enable the untracked cache"
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1200
+msgid ""
+"core.untrackedCache is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want "
+"to enable the untracked cache"
 msgstr ""
-"core.untrackedCache està establert a fals; elimineu-lo o canviar-lo, si realment voleu habilitar el cau no seguit"
+"core.untrackedCache està establert a fals; elimineu-lo o canviar-lo, si "
+"realment voleu habilitar el cau no seguit"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1192
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked cache enabled for '%s'"
 msgstr "La memòria cau no seguida està habilitada per a «%s»"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1200
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1212
 msgid "core.fsmonitor is unset; set it if you really want to enable fsmonitor"
-msgstr "core.fsmonitor està establert a fals; establiu-lo a cert si realment voleu habilitar fsmonitor"
+msgstr ""
+"core.fsmonitor està establert a fals; establiu-lo a cert si realment voleu "
+"habilitar fsmonitor"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1204
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1216
 msgid "fsmonitor enabled"
 msgstr "fsmonitor habilitat"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1207
-msgid "core.fsmonitor is set; remove it if you really want to disable fsmonitor"
-msgstr "core.fsmonitor està establert a cert; elimineu-lo si realment voleu inhabilitar fsmonitor"
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1219
+msgid ""
+"core.fsmonitor is set; remove it if you really want to disable fsmonitor"
+msgstr ""
+"core.fsmonitor està establert a cert; elimineu-lo si realment voleu "
+"inhabilitar fsmonitor"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1211
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1223
 msgid "fsmonitor disabled"
 msgstr "fsmonitor inhabilitat"
@@ -18421,7 +20582,8 @@
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:11
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>]    <refname> <new-val> [<old-val>]"
-msgstr "git update-ref [<opcions>]    <nom-de-referència> <valor-nou> [<valor-antic>]"
+msgstr ""
+"git update-ref [<opcions>]    <nom-de-referència> <valor-nou> [<valor-antic>]"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:12
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>] --stdin [-z]"
@@ -18433,7 +20595,7 @@
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:366
 msgid "update <refname> not the one it points to"
-msgstr "actualitza <nom de referència>, no la que assenyali"
+msgstr "actualitza <nom de referència>, no la que apunti"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:367
 msgid "stdin has NUL-terminated arguments"
@@ -18455,13 +20617,18 @@
 msgid "git upload-pack [<options>] <dir>"
 msgstr "git upload-pack [<opcions>] <directori>"
+#: builtin/upload-pack.c:23 t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:17
+msgid "quit after a single request/response exchange"
+msgstr "surt després d'un sol intercanvi de sol·licitud/resposta"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:25
 msgid "exit immediately after initial ref advertisement"
 msgstr "surt immediatament després de l'anunci inicial de referència"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:27
 msgid "do not try <directory>/.git/ if <directory> is no Git directory"
-msgstr "no intentis <directori>/.git/ si <directori> no és cap directori del Git"
+msgstr ""
+"no intentis <directori>/.git/ si <directori> no és cap directori del Git"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:29
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
@@ -18471,11 +20638,11 @@
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <comissió>..."
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "imprimeix els continguts de la comissió"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:70 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "imprimeix la sortida crua de l'estat gpg"
@@ -18527,7 +20694,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock <camí>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:888
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en suprimir «%s»"
@@ -18549,8 +20716,12 @@
 #: builtin/worktree.c:110
 #, c-format
-msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: short read (expected %<PRIuMAX> bytes, read %<PRIuMAX>)"
-msgstr "S'estan suprimint els arbres de treball/%s: lectura curta (s'esperaven %<PRIuMAX> bytes, llegits %<PRIuMAX>)"
+msgid ""
+"Removing worktrees/%s: short read (expected %<PRIuMAX> bytes, read "
+msgstr ""
+"S'estan suprimint els arbres de treball/%s: lectura curta (s'esperaven "
+"%<PRIuMAX> bytes, llegits %<PRIuMAX>)"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:118
 #, c-format
@@ -18560,7 +20731,9 @@
 #: builtin/worktree.c:127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: gitdir file points to non-existent location"
-msgstr "Eliminació de worktrees/%s: el fitxer gitdir es refereix a una ubicació no existent"
+msgstr ""
+"Eliminació de worktrees/%s: el fitxer gitdir es refereix a una ubicació no "
 #: builtin/worktree.c:166
 msgid "report pruned working trees"
@@ -18576,9 +20749,9 @@
 msgstr "«%s» ja existeix"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:252
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "unable to re-add worktree '%s'"
-msgstr "no s'ha pogut llegir l'arbre (%s)"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut tornar a afegir a l'arbre de treball «%s»"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:257
 #, c-format
@@ -18594,178 +20767,181 @@
 "use 'add -f' to override, or 'prune' or 'remove' to clear"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:310
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut crear directori de «%s»"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:429 builtin/worktree.c:435
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "S'està preparant l'arbre de treball (branca nova «%s»)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:431
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:440
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "S'està preparant l'arbre de treball (s'està agafant «%s»)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:446
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "S'està preparant l'arbre de treball (HEAD %s separat)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:487
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr "agafa <branca> encara que sigui agafada en altre arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "crea una branca nova"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:492
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "crea o restableix una branca"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "emplena l'arbre de treball nou"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "mantén l'arbre de treball nou bloquejat"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "configura el mode de seguiment (vegeu git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
-msgstr "prova de fer coincidir el nom de la branca nova amb una branca amb seguiment remot"
+msgstr ""
+"prova de fer coincidir el nom de la branca nova amb una branca amb seguiment "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:509
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B i --detach són mútuament excloents"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:570
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr "--[no-]track només es pot usar si es crea una branca nova"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:670
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "raó per bloquejar"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:682 builtin/worktree.c:715 builtin/worktree.c:789 builtin/worktree.c:916
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "«%s» no és un arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:684 builtin/worktree.c:717
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "No es pot bloquejar ni desbloquejar l'arbre de treball principal"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:689
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "«%s» ja està bloquejat, raó: «%s»"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:691
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "«%s» ja està bloquejat"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:719
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "«%s» no està bloquejat"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:760
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:768
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "força el moviment / canvi de nom encara que el destí existeixi"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:791 builtin/worktree.c:918
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "«%s» és un arbre de treball principal"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:796
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut deduir el nom de destí des de «%s»"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:802
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "el destí «%s» ja existeix"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:810
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr "No es poden eliminar els canvis de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:812
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr "No es poden eliminar els canvis de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr "la validació ha fallat, no es pot moure l'arbre de treball: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:820
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en moure «%s» a «%s»"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:868
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar «git status» a «%s»"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:872
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:877
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut executar «git status» a «%s», codi %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:900
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "força el moviment / canvi de nom encara que el destí existeixi"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:923
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr "No es poden eliminar els canvis de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:925
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr "No es poden eliminar els canvis de l'arbre de treball"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18813,11 +20989,22 @@
 msgid "too many commits marked reachable"
 msgstr "masses comission marcades com abastable"
+#: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:7
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "test-tool serve-v2 [<options>]"
+msgstr "git serve [<opcions>]"
+#: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:19
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "exit immediately after advertising capabilities"
+msgstr "surt immediatament després de l'anunci inicial de referència"
 #: git.c:27
 msgid ""
 "git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]\n"
 "           [--exec-path[=<path>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-path]\n"
-"           [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--bare]\n"
+"           [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--"
 "           [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]\n"
 "           <command> [<args>]"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18826,105 +21013,108 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
-"'git help -a' i 'git help -g' llisten subordres disponibles i\n"
-"algunes guies de concepte. Vegeu 'git help <ordre>' o\n"
-"'git help <concepte>' per a llegir sobre una subordre o concepte específic."
+"«git help -a» i «git help -g» llisten subordres disponibles i\n"
+"algunes guies de concepte. Vegeu «git help <ordre>» o\n"
+"«git help <concepte>» per a llegir sobre un subordre o concepte específic.\n"
+"Vegeu «git help git» per a una visió general del sistema."
-#: git.c:174
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "no s'ha especificat un directori per --git-dir\n"
-#: git.c:188
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "no s'ha especificat un nom d'espai per --namespace\n"
-#: git.c:202
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "no s'ha especificat un directori per --work-tree\n"
-#: git.c:216
+#: git.c:228
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "%s no admet --super-prefix"
-#: git.c:238
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "-c espera una cadena de configuració\n"
-#: git.c:276
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "no s'ha especificat un directori per -C\n"
-#: git.c:301
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "opció desconeguda: %s\n"
-#: git.c:342
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:351
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
 "You can use '!git' in the alias to do this"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:362
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "àlies recursiu: %s"
-#: git.c:437
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "fallada d'escriptura en la sortida estàndard"
-#: git.c:439
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "fallada d'escriptura desconeguda en la sortida estàndard"
-#: git.c:441
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "ha fallat el tancament en la sortida estàndard"
-#: git.c:720
+#: git.c:796
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:770
+#: git.c:846
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "no es pot usar  %s com a fitxer d'exclusió"
-#: git.c:783
+#: git.c:859
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "ús: %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+"ús: %s\n"
-#: git.c:803
+#: git.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:815
+#: git.c:891
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en executar l'ordre «%s»: %s\n"
@@ -18967,7 +21157,7 @@
 msgid "Could not set SSL backend to '%s': already set"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut tornar a $head_name"
-#: http.c:1959
+#: http.c:1965
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "unable to update url base from redirection:\n"
@@ -18978,31 +21168,174 @@
 "  petició: %s\n"
 "   redirecció: %s"
-#: remote-curl.c:455
+#: remote-curl.c:157
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "invalid quoting in push-option value: '%s'"
+msgstr "valor parcial no vàlid: «%s»"
+#: remote-curl.c:254
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "%sinfo/refs not valid: is this a git repository?"
+msgstr "«%s» no reconegut com un dipòsit git"
+#: remote-curl.c:355
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "invalid server response; expected service, got flush packet"
+msgstr "git archive: s'esperava ACK/NAK, s'ha rebut un paquet de neteja"
+#: remote-curl.c:386
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "invalid server response; got '%s'"
+msgstr "referència no vàlida: %s"
+#: remote-curl.c:446
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "repository '%s' not found"
+msgstr "no s'ha trobat la branca «%s»."
+#: remote-curl.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "Authentication failed for '%s'"
+msgstr "falta el valor per «%s»"
+#: remote-curl.c:454
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "unable to access '%s': %s"
+msgstr "no s'ha pogut accedir a '%s': %s"
+#: remote-curl.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "redirecting to %s"
 msgstr "s'està redirigint a %s"
-#: parse-options.h:154
+#: remote-curl.c:584
+msgid "shouldn't have EOF when not gentle on EOF"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:664
+msgid "unable to rewind rpc post data - try increasing http.postBuffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:724
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "RPC failed; %s"
+msgstr "STARTTLS ha fallat! %s"
+#: remote-curl.c:764
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cannot handle pushes this big"
+msgstr "no es pot usar  %s com a fitxer d'exclusió"
+#: remote-curl.c:879
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib deflate error %d"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:883
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib end error %d"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1014
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "dumb http transport does not support shallow capabilities"
+msgstr "El servidor no permet clients superficials"
+#: remote-curl.c:1028
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "fetch failed."
+msgstr "l'«stash» ha fallat"
+#: remote-curl.c:1076
+msgid "cannot fetch by sha1 over smart http"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1120 remote-curl.c:1126
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+"s'ha produït un error de protocol: s'esperava shallow sha-1, s'ha rebut «%s»"
+#: remote-curl.c:1138 remote-curl.c:1252
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "http transport does not support %s"
+msgstr "la variant «simple» d'ssh no és compatible amb -4"
+#: remote-curl.c:1174
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "git-http-push failed"
+msgstr "l'«stash» ha fallat"
+#: remote-curl.c:1360
+msgid "remote-curl: usage: git remote-curl <remote> [<url>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1392
+msgid "remote-curl: error reading command stream from git"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1399
+msgid "remote-curl: fetch attempted without a local repo"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1439
+#, c-format
+msgid "remote-curl: unknown command '%s' from git"
+msgstr ""
+#: list-objects-filter-options.h:61
+msgid "args"
+msgstr "args"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.h:62
+msgid "object filtering"
+msgstr "filtratge d'objecte"
+#: parse-options.h:170
 msgid "expiry-date"
 msgstr "data-de-caducitat"
-#: parse-options.h:169
+#: parse-options.h:184
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "operació nul·la (per a compatibilitat amb versions anteriors)"
-#: parse-options.h:259
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "sigues més detallat"
-#: parse-options.h:261
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "sigues més callat"
-#: parse-options.h:267
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "usa <n> xifres per presentar els SHA-1"
+#: parse-options.h:332
+msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
+msgstr "com suprimir els espais i #comentaris del missatge"
+#: ref-filter.h:101
+msgid "key"
+msgstr "clau"
+#: ref-filter.h:101
+msgid "field name to sort on"
+msgstr "nom del camp en el qual ordenar"
+#: rerere.h:44
+msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
+msgstr ""
+"actualitza l'índex amb la resolució de conflicte reusada si és possible"
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "HEAD separat a "
+#: wt-status.h:69
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "HEAD separat de "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Afegeix els continguts dels fitxers a l'índex"
@@ -19033,7 +21366,9 @@
 #: command-list.h:57
 msgid "Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file"
-msgstr "Mostra quina revisió i autor ha modificat per últim cop cada línia d'un fitxer"
+msgstr ""
+"Mostra quina revisió i autor ha modificat per últim cop cada línia d'un "
 #: command-list.h:58
 msgid "List, create, or delete branches"
@@ -19045,7 +21380,8 @@
 #: command-list.h:60
 msgid "Provide content or type and size information for repository objects"
-msgstr "Proveeix contingut o informació del tipus i mida per als objectes del dipòsit"
+msgstr ""
+"Proveeix contingut o informació del tipus i mida per als objectes del dipòsit"
 #: command-list.h:61
 msgid "Display gitattributes information"
@@ -19065,10 +21401,8 @@
 msgstr "Canvia de branca o restaura els fitxers de l'arbre de treball"
 #: command-list.h:65
 msgid "Copy files from the index to the working tree"
-msgstr "camí a l'arbre de treball"
+msgstr "Copia fitxers des de l'índex a l'arbre de treball"
 #: command-list.h:66
 msgid "Ensures that a reference name is well formed"
@@ -19076,11 +21410,11 @@
 #: command-list.h:67
 msgid "Find commits yet to be applied to upstream"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Troba les comissions que encara s'han d'aplicar a la font"
 #: command-list.h:68
 msgid "Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits"
-msgstr "Aplica els canvis introduït per algunes comissions existents"
+msgstr "Aplica els canvis introduïts per algunes comissions existents"
 #: command-list.h:69
 msgid "Graphical alternative to git-commit"
@@ -19128,7 +21462,7 @@
 #: command-list.h:80
 msgid "Helper to store credentials on disk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ajudant per a emmagatzemar credencials a disc"
 #: command-list.h:81
 msgid "Export a single commit to a CVS checkout"
@@ -19140,19 +21474,20 @@
 #: command-list.h:83
 msgid "A CVS server emulator for Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un emulador de servidor CVS per al Git"
 #: command-list.h:84
 msgid "A really simple server for Git repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un servidor realment senzill per a dipòsits Git"
 #: command-list.h:85
 msgid "Give an object a human readable name based on an available ref"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dóna un nom llegible per humans basant-se en les referències disponibles"
 #: command-list.h:86
 msgid "Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc"
-msgstr "Mostra els canvis entre comissions, la comissió i l'arbre de treball, etc."
+msgstr ""
+"Mostra els canvis entre comissions, la comissió i l'arbre de treball, etc."
 #: command-list.h:87
 msgid "Compares files in the working tree and the index"
@@ -19168,7 +21503,7 @@
 #: command-list.h:90
 msgid "Show changes using common diff tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostra els canvis usant eines diff comunes"
 #: command-list.h:91
 msgid "Git data exporter"
@@ -19176,43 +21511,39 @@
 #: command-list.h:92
 msgid "Backend for fast Git data importers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rerefons per a importadors ràpids de dades de Git"
 #: command-list.h:93
 msgid "Download objects and refs from another repository"
 msgstr "Baixa objectes i referències d'un altre dipòsit"
 #: command-list.h:94
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Receive missing objects from another repository"
-msgstr "Baixa objectes i referències d'un altre dipòsit"
+msgstr "Rep els objectes que manquen des d'un altre dipòsit"
 #: command-list.h:95
 msgid "Rewrite branches"
 msgstr "Torna a escriure les branques"
 #: command-list.h:96
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Produce a merge commit message"
-msgstr "edita el missatge de comissió"
+msgstr "Produeix un missatge de comissió de fusió"
 #: command-list.h:97
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Output information on each ref"
-msgstr "actualitza la informació d'estadístiques en el fitxer d'índex"
+msgstr "Mostra la informació en cada referència"
 #: command-list.h:98
 msgid "Prepare patches for e-mail submission"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prepara pedaços per enviar-los per correu electrònic"
 #: command-list.h:99
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database"
-msgstr "escriu l'objecte a la base de dades d'objectes"
+msgstr "Verifica la connectivitat i validesa del objectes a la base de dades"
 #: command-list.h:100
 msgid "Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Neteja els fitxers innecessaris i optimitza el dipòsit local"
 #: command-list.h:101
 msgid "Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive"
@@ -19224,24 +21555,23 @@
 #: command-list.h:103
 msgid "A portable graphical interface to Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Una interfície gràfic portable per al Git"
 #: command-list.h:104
 msgid "Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Calcula l'ID de l'objecte i opcionalment crea un blob des del fitxer"
 #: command-list.h:105
 msgid "Display help information about Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostra informació d'ajuda del Git"
 #: command-list.h:106
 msgid "Server side implementation of Git over HTTP"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:107
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP"
-msgstr "Baixa objectes i referències d'un altre dipòsit"
+msgstr "Baixa des d'un dipòsit Git remot via HTTP"
 #: command-list.h:108
 #, fuzzy
@@ -19265,32 +21595,28 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:113
-msgid "add or parse structured information in commit messages"
+msgid "Add or parse structured information in commit messages"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:114
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "The Git repository browser"
-msgstr "no és un dipòsit de git: %s"
+msgstr "El navegador de dipòsits Git"
 #: command-list.h:115
 msgid "Show commit logs"
 msgstr "Mostra els registres de comissió"
 #: command-list.h:116
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Show information about files in the index and the working tree"
-msgstr "i ha fet canvis a l'índex o l'arbre de treball"
+msgstr "Mostra informació sobre els fitxer a l'índex i a l'arbre de treball"
 #: command-list.h:117
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "List references in a remote repository"
-msgstr "dipòsit de referència"
+msgstr "Mostra les referències d'un dipòsit remot"
 #: command-list.h:118
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "List the contents of a tree object"
-msgstr "imprimeix només les etiquetes de l'objecte"
+msgstr "Mostra els continguts d'un objecte de l'arbre"
 #: command-list.h:119
 msgid "Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message"
@@ -19325,7 +21651,7 @@
 #: command-list.h:126
 msgid "Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Executa eines de resolució de conflictes per a resoldre conflictes de fussió"
 #: command-list.h:127
 msgid "Show three-way merge without touching index"
@@ -19336,9 +21662,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:129
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Creates a tag object"
-msgstr "edita un objecte existent"
+msgstr "Crea un objecte etiqueta"
 #: command-list.h:130
 msgid "Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text"
@@ -19353,23 +21678,20 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:133
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Add or inspect object notes"
-msgstr "no s'ha rebut l'objecte esperat %s"
+msgstr "Afegeix o inspecciona notes de l'objecte"
 #: command-list.h:134
 msgid "Import from and submit to Perforce repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importa des de i envia a dipòsits Perforce"
 #: command-list.h:135
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Create a packed archive of objects"
-msgstr "ignora els objectes empaquetats"
+msgstr "Crea un arxiu empaquetat d'objectes"
 #: command-list.h:136
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Find redundant pack files"
-msgstr "no es pot fer pread en el fitxer de paquet"
+msgstr "Troba fitxers empaquetats redundants"
 #: command-list.h:137
 msgid "Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access"
@@ -19397,7 +21719,8 @@
 #: command-list.h:143
 msgid "Update remote refs along with associated objects"
-msgstr "Actualitza les referències remotes juntament amb els objectes associats"
+msgstr ""
+"Actualitza les referències remotes juntament amb els objectes associats"
 #: command-list.h:144
 #, fuzzy
@@ -19440,7 +21763,8 @@
 #: command-list.h:152
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Create, list, delete refs to replace objects"
-msgstr "Crea, llista, suprimeix o verifica un objecte d'etiqueta signat amb GPG"
+msgstr ""
+"Crea, llista, suprimeix o verifica un objecte d'etiqueta signat amb GPG"
 #: command-list.h:153
 msgid "Generates a summary of pending changes"
@@ -19455,236 +21779,230 @@
 msgstr "Restableix la HEAD actual a l'estat especificat"
 #: command-list.h:156
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Revert some existing commits"
-msgstr "no es pot esmenar una comissió no existent"
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "Restaura els fitxers de l'arbre de treball"
 #: command-list.h:157
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
-msgstr "mostra les comissions en ordre topològic"
+msgid "Revert some existing commits"
+msgstr "Reverteix comissions existents"
 #: command-list.h:158
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
-msgstr "massa paràmetres"
+msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
+msgstr "Mostra les comissions en ordre topològic invers"
 #: command-list.h:159
+msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
+msgstr "Escolleix i personalitza els paràmetres"
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Elimina fitxers de l'arbre de treball i de l'índex"
-#: command-list.h:160
-msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:161
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
-msgstr "Baixa objectes i referències d'un altre dipòsit"
+msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
+msgstr "Envia una col·leció de pedaços com a correus electrònics"
 #: command-list.h:162
+msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
+msgstr "Puja objectes sobre el protocol Git a un altre dipòsit"
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr ""
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr ""
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "Mostra diversos tipus d'objectes"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "Mostra les branques i les seves comissions"
-#: command-list.h:166
-msgid "Show packed archive index"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:167
+msgid "Show packed archive index"
+msgstr "Mostra l'índex d'arxius empaquetat"
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "Llista les referències en un dipòsit local"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr ""
-#: command-list.h:169
-msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:170
+msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
+msgstr "Codi de scripts de configuració comuns pel Git shell"
+#: command-list.h:171
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr "%s: ja existeix en el directori de treball"
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "Afegeix els continguts dels fitxers a l'índex"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "Mostra l'estat de l'arbre de treball"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "Suprimeix l'espai en blanc innecessari"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "Inicialitza, actualitza o inspecciona submòduls"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr "Operació bidireccional entre un dipòsit a Subversion i Git"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Commuta branques"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "Llegeix, modifica i suprimeix referències simbòliques"
-#: command-list.h:177
-msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
-msgstr "Crea, llista, suprimeix o verifica un objecte d'etiqueta signat amb GPG"
-#: command-list.h:178
-msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:179
-msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
+msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr ""
+"Crea, llista, suprimeix o verifica un objecte d'etiqueta signat amb GPG"
 #: command-list.h:180
+msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
+msgstr "Crea un fitxer temporal amb els continguts dels blobs"
+#: command-list.h:181
+msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
+msgstr "Desempaqueta objectes d'un arxiu empaquetat"
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "Registra els continguts del fitxer en l'arbre de treball a l'índex"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
-msgstr "Actualitza el nom de l'objecte emmagatzema en una referència de forma segura"
+msgstr ""
+"Actualitza el nom de l'objecte emmagatzema en una referència de forma segura"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr ""
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "Envia l'arxiu de tornada al git-archive"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "Envia els objectes empaquetats de tornada al git-fetch-pack"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "Mostra una variable lògica del Git"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "Verifica la signatura GPG de les comissions"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "Valida els fitxers d'arxius Git empaquetats"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "Verifica la signatura GPG de les etiquetes"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Interfície web del Git (interfície web pels dipòsits Git)"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "Mostra registres amb la diferència introduïda per cada comissió"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "Gestiona múltiples arbres de treball"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "Crea un objecte arbre des de l'índex actual"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "La definició d'atributs per camí"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "Interfície i convencions de la línia d'ordres del Git"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "Un tutorial bàsic del Git per a desenvolupadors"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "Git per a usuaris del CVS"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "omet la sortida de diferències"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr "Un conjunt mínim útil d'ordres diàries del Git"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "Un glossari de Git"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "Lligams utilitzats pel Git"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Especifica els fitxers intencionalment no seguits a ignorar"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "La definició de les propietats de submòduls"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Espais de noms del Git"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Disposició del dipòsit del Git"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "L'especificació de revisions i rangs per al Git"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "Un tutorial d'introducció al Git: segona part"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "Un tutorial d'introducció al Git"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Una visió de conjunt de fluxos de treball recomanats amb Git"
-#: list-objects-filter-options.h:63
-msgid "args"
-msgstr "args"
-#: list-objects-filter-options.h:64
-msgid "object filtering"
-msgstr "filtratge d'objecte"
-#: rerere.h:44
-msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
-msgstr "actualitza l'índex amb la resolució de conflicte reusada si és possible"
 msgid "You need to start by \"git bisect start\""
 msgstr "Cal començar per \"git bisect start\""
@@ -19769,8 +22087,12 @@
 msgstr "No estem bisecant."
-msgid "Error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge"
-msgstr "Error: Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per fusionar"
+msgid ""
+"Error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by "
+msgstr ""
+"Error: Els vostres canvis locals als fitxers següents se sobreescriurien per "
 msgid "Automated merge did not work."
@@ -19802,279 +22124,118 @@
 msgid "Simple merge did not work, trying automatic merge."
-msgstr "La fusió simple no ha funcionat, s'està intentant una fusió automàtica."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Could not move back to $head_name"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut tornar a $head_name"
-#, sh-format
-msgid ""
-"It seems that there is already a $state_dir_base directory, and\n"
-"I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase.  If that is the\n"
-"case, please try\n"
-"If that is not the case, please\n"
-"and run me again.  I am stopping in case you still have something\n"
-"valuable there."
 msgstr ""
-"Sembla que ja hi ha un directori $state_dir_base, i\n"
-"em pregunto si esteu enmig d'un altre «rebase». Si aquest és el\n"
-"cas, proveu\n"
-"Si no és el cas, \n"
-"i executeu-me de nou. M'aturo per si encara hi teniu alguna cosa\n"
-"de valor."
+"La fusió simple no ha funcionat, s'està intentant una fusió automàtica."
-msgid "fatal: cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--signoff' with '--preserve-merges'"
-msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--signoff» amb «--preserve-merges»"
-msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
-msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--preserve-merges» amb «--rebase-merges»"
-msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
-msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--rebase-merges» amb «--strategy-option»"
-msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
-msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--rebase-merges» amb «--strategy»"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
-msgid "invalid upstream '$upstream_name'"
-msgstr "font no vàlida $upstream_name"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "$onto_name: there are more than one merge bases"
-msgstr "$onto_name: ja hi ha més d'una base de fusió"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "$onto_name: there is no merge base"
-msgstr "$onto_name: no hi ha cap base de fusió"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Does not point to a valid commit: $onto_name"
-msgstr "No assenyala una comissió vàlida: $onto_name"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
-msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '$branch_name'"
-msgstr "fatal: no hi ha tal branca: $branch_name"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Created autostash: $stash_abbrev"
-msgstr "S'ha creat un magatzem automàtic: $stash_abbrev"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Current branch $branch_name is up to date."
-msgstr "La branca actual $branch_name està al dia."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Current branch $branch_name is up to date, rebase forced."
-msgstr "La branca actual $branch_name està al dia; «rebase» forçat."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Changes to $onto:"
-msgstr "Canvis a $onto:"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Changes from $mb to $onto:"
-msgstr "Canvis de $mb a $onto:"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Fast-forwarded $branch_name to $onto_name."
-msgstr "S'ha avançat $branch_name ràpidament a $onto_name."
-msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it..."
-msgstr "Primer, s'està rebobinant HEAD per a reproduir el vostre treball al damunt..."
-msgid "git stash clear with parameters is unimplemented"
-msgstr "git stash clear amb paràmetres no està implementat"
-msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
-msgstr "Encara no teniu la comissió inicial"
-msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
-msgstr "No es pot desar l'estat d'índex actual"
-msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
-msgstr "No es poden desar els fitxers no seguits"
-msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
-msgstr "No es pot desar l'estat d'arbre de treball actual"
-msgid "No changes selected"
-msgstr "No hi ha canvis seleccionats"
 msgid "Cannot remove temporary index (can't happen)"
 msgstr "No es pot eliminar l'índex temporal (això no pot passar)"
-msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
-msgstr "No es pot registrar l'estat de l'arbre de treball"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot update $ref_stash with $w_commit"
 msgstr "No es pot actualitzar $ref_stash amb $w_commit"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "error: unknown option for 'stash push': $option"
 msgstr ""
-msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
-msgstr "No es poden usar --patch i --include-untracked o --all a la vegada."
-msgid "No local changes to save"
-msgstr "No hi ha canvis locals a desar"
-msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
-msgstr "No es pot inicialitzar el magatzem"
-msgid "Cannot save the current status"
-msgstr "No es pot desar l'estat actual"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state $stash_msg"
 msgstr "S'han desat el directori de treball i l'estat d'índex $stash_msg"
-msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
-msgstr "No es poden eliminar els canvis de l'arbre de treball"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "unknown option: $opt"
 msgstr "opció desconeguda: $opt"
-msgid "No stash entries found."
-msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap «stash»."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Too many revisions specified: $REV"
 msgstr "S'han especificat massa revisions: $REV"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$reference is not a valid reference"
 msgstr "$reference no és una referència vàlida"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$args' is not a stash-like commit"
 msgstr "'$args' no és una comissió de tipus magatzem"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$args' is not a stash reference"
 msgstr "'$args' no és una referència de magatzem"
 msgid "unable to refresh index"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut actualitzar l'índex"
 msgid "Cannot apply a stash in the middle of a merge"
 msgstr "No es pot aplicar un magatzem enmig d'una fusió"
 msgid "Conflicts in index. Try without --index."
 msgstr "Hi ha conflictes en l'índex. Proveu-ho sense --index."
 msgid "Could not save index tree"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut desar l'arbre d'índex"
 msgid "Could not restore untracked files from stash entry"
 msgstr "No s'han pogut restaurar els fitxers no seguits des del «stash»"
 msgid "Cannot unstage modified files"
 msgstr "No es pot fer «unstage» dels fitxers modificats"
-msgid "Index was not unstashed."
-msgstr "L'índex no estava sense emmagatzemar."
-msgid "The stash entry is kept in case you need it again."
-msgstr "Es conserva l'entrada «stash» en cas que la necessiteu altra vegada."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Dropped ${REV} ($s)"
 msgstr "${REV} ($s) descartada"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "${REV}: Could not drop stash entry"
 msgstr "${REV}: No s'ha pogut descartar l'entrada de magatzem"
-msgid "No branch name specified"
-msgstr "Cap nom de branca especificat"
 msgid "(To restore them type \"git stash apply\")"
 msgstr "(Per restaurar-les teclegeu \"git stash apply\")"
 msgid "Relative path can only be used from the toplevel of the working tree"
-msgstr "El camí relatiu només es pot usar des del nivell superior de l'arbre de treball"
+msgstr ""
+"El camí relatiu només es pot usar des del nivell superior de l'arbre de "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "repo URL: '$repo' must be absolute or begin with ./|../"
 msgstr "URL de dipòsit: '$repo' ha de ser absolut o començar amb ./|../"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index"
 msgstr "'$sm_path' ja existeix en l'índex"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index and is not a submodule"
 msgstr "'$sm_path' ja existeix en l'índex i no és submòdul"
+#, fuzzy, sh-format
+msgid "'$sm_path' does not have a commit checked out"
+msgstr "el camí «%s» no té la seva versió"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
@@ -20085,147 +22246,166 @@
 "Useu -f si realment voleu afegir-lo."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Adding existing repo at '$sm_path' to the index"
 msgstr "S'està afegint el dipòsit existent a '$sm_path' a l'índex"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists and is not a valid git repo"
 msgstr "'$sm_path' ja existeix i no és un dipòsit de git vàlid"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "A git directory for '$sm_name' is found locally with remote(s):"
-msgstr "Es troba un directori de git per a '$sm_name' localment amb els remots:"
+msgstr ""
+"Es troba un directori de git per a '$sm_name' localment amb els remots:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to reuse this local git directory instead of cloning again from\n"
 "  $realrepo\n"
-"use the '--force' option. If the local git directory is not the correct repo\n"
-"or you are unsure what this means choose another name with the '--name' option."
+"use the '--force' option. If the local git directory is not the correct "
+"or you are unsure what this means choose another name with the '--name' "
 msgstr ""
 "Si voleu reusar aquest directori de git local en lloc de clonar de nou de\n"
 "  $realrepo\n"
-"useu l'opció '--force'. Si el directori de git local no és el dipòsit correcte\n"
-"o no esteu segur de què vol dir això, trieu un altre nom amb l'opció '--name'."
+"useu l'opció '--force'. Si el directori de git local no és el dipòsit "
+"o no esteu segur de què vol dir això, trieu un altre nom amb l'opció '--"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Reactivating local git directory for submodule '$sm_name'."
-msgstr "S'està reactivant el directori de git local per al submòdul '$sm_name'."
+msgstr ""
+"S'està reactivant el directori de git local per al submòdul '$sm_name'."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to checkout submodule '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut agafar el submòdul '$sm_path'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to add submodule '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en afegir el submòdul '$sm_path'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to register submodule '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en registrar el submòdul '$sm_path'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to find current revision in submodule path '$displaypath'"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la revisió actual en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut trobar la revisió actual en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut obtenir en el camí de submòdul '$sm_path'"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Unable to find current ${remote_name}/${branch} revision in submodule path '$sm_path'"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar la revisió actual de ${remote_name}/${branch} en el camí de submòdul '$sm_path'"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$displaypath'"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut obtenir en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
-"Fetched in submodule path '$displaypath', but it did not contain $sha1. Direct fetching of that commit failed."
+"Unable to find current ${remote_name}/${branch} revision in submodule path "
 msgstr ""
-"S'ha obtingut en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath', però no contenia $sha1. L'obtenció directa d'aquella comissió "
-"ha fallat."
+"No s'ha pogut trobar la revisió actual de ${remote_name}/${branch} en el "
+"camí de submòdul '$sm_path'"
+#, fuzzy, sh-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to fetch in submodule path '$displaypath'; trying to directly fetch "
+msgstr "No s'ha pogut obtenir en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
+#, sh-format
+msgid ""
+"Fetched in submodule path '$displaypath', but it did not contain $sha1. "
+"Direct fetching of that commit failed."
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha obtingut en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath', però no contenia $sha1. "
+"L'obtenció directa d'aquella comissió ha fallat."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to checkout '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut agafar '$sha1' en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': checked out '$sha1'"
 msgstr "Camí de submòdul '$displaypath': s'ha agafat '$sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to rebase '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut fer «rebase» '$sha1' en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut fer «rebase» '$sha1' en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': rebased into '$sha1'"
 msgstr "Camí de submòdul '$displaypath': s'ha fet «rebase» en '$sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to merge '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut fusionar '$sha1' en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': merged in '$sha1'"
 msgstr "Camí de submòdul '$displaypath': s'ha fusionat en '$sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution of '$command $sha1' failed in submodule path '$displaypath'"
-msgstr "L'execució de '$command $sha1' ha fallat en el camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
+msgstr ""
+"L'execució de '$command $sha1' ha fallat en el camí de submòdul "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': '$command $sha1'"
 msgstr "Camí de submòdul '$displaypath': '$command $sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to recurse into submodule path '$displaypath'"
-msgstr "S'ha produït un error en recorre recursivament dins del camí de submòdul '$displaypath'"
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha produït un error en recorre recursivament dins del camí de submòdul "
 msgid "The --cached option cannot be used with the --files option"
 msgstr "L'opció --cached no es pot usar amb l'opció --files"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "unexpected mode $mod_dst"
 msgstr "mode inesperat $mod_dst"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commit $sha1_src"
 msgstr "  Avís: $display_name no conté la comissió $sha1_src"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commit $sha1_dst"
 msgstr "  Avís: $display_name no conté la comissió $sha1_dst"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commits $sha1_src and $sha1_dst"
 msgstr "  Avís: $display_name no conté les comissions $sha1_src i $sha1_dst"
@@ -20235,12 +22415,22 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "Vegeu git-${cmd}(1) per detalls."
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "S'ha aplicat el magatzem automàtic."
+#, fuzzy, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "No es pot emmagatzemar $stash_sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "S'està fent «rebase» ($new_count/$total)"
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
@@ -20267,13 +22457,15 @@
 " r, reword = usa la comissió, però edita el missatge de comissió\n"
 " e, edit = usa la comissió, però atura't per a esmenar\n"
 " s, squash = usa la comissió, però fusiona'l a la comissió prèvia\n"
-" f, fixup = com \"squash\", però descarta el missatge de registre d'aquesta comissió\n"
-" x, exec = executa l'ordre (la resta de la línia) usant l'intèrpret d'ordres\n"
+" f, fixup = com \"squash\", però descarta el missatge de registre d'aquesta "
+" x, exec = executa l'ordre (la resta de la línia) usant l'intèrpret "
 " d, drop = elimina la comissió\n"
 "Es pot canviar l'ordre d'aquestes línies; s'executen de dalt a baix.\n"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -20292,120 +22484,123 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1: no és una comissió que es pugui escollir"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "Nom de comissió no vàlid: $sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr "No es pot escriure el sha1 reemplaçant de la comissió actual"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Avanç ràpid a $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "No es pot avançar ràpidament a $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "No es pot moure HEAD a $first_parent"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "S'està refusant fer «squash» a una fusió: $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "Error en refer la fusió $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut escollir $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "Aquest és el missatge de comissió núm. ${n}:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "El missatge de comissió núm. ${n} s'ometrà:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "Això és una combinació de $count comissió."
 msgstr[1] "Això és una combinació de $count comissions."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "No es pot escriure $fixup_msg"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "Això és una combinació de 2 comissions."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut aplicar $sha1... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
 "This is most likely due to an empty commit message, or the pre-commit hook\n"
-"failed. If the pre-commit hook failed, you may need to resolve the issue before\n"
+"failed. If the pre-commit hook failed, you may need to resolve the issue "
 "you are able to reword the commit."
 msgstr ""
-"No s'ha pogut esmenar la comissió després d'escollir amb èxit $sha1... $rest\n"
+"No s'ha pogut esmenar la comissió després d'escollir amb èxit $sha1... "
 "Això és probablement a causa d'un missatge de comissió buit, o el lligam de\n"
 "precomissió ha fallat. Si el lligam de precomissió ha fallat, pot ser que\n"
 "necessiteu resoldre el problema abans que pugueu canviar el missatge de\n"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "S'ha aturat a $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "No es pot '$squash_style' sense una comissió prèvia"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "S'està executant: $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "L'execució ha fallat: $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "i ha fet canvis a l'índex o l'arbre de treball"
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -20416,7 +22611,7 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -20431,25 +22626,25 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "Ordre desconeguda: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "Corregiu-ho usant «git rebase --edit-todo»."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "S'ha fet «rebase» i actualitzat $head_name amb èxit."
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut eliminar CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -20480,11 +22675,13 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
-msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error en intentar trobar la identitat d'autor per a esmenar la comissió"
+msgstr ""
+"Hi ha hagut un error en intentar trobar la identitat d'autor per a esmenar "
+"la comissió"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
@@ -20492,40 +22689,40 @@
 "Teniu canvis no comesos en el vostre arbre de treball. \n"
 "Primer cometeu-los i després executeu «git rebase --continue» de nou."
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "No s'han pogut cometre els canvis «staged»."
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut executar l'editor"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut agafar $switch_to"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "No hi ha cap HEAD?"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el $state_dir temporal"
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut marcar com a interactiu"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] "Rebasa $shortrevisions sobre $shortonto ($todocount ordre)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebasa $shortrevisions sobre $shortonto ($todocount ordres)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "No s'han pogut iniciar les comissions reescrites"
@@ -20534,134 +22731,138 @@
 msgid "usage: $dashless $USAGE"
 msgstr "ús: $dashless $USAGE"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot chdir to $cdup, the toplevel of the working tree"
-msgstr "No es pot canviar de directori a $cdup, el nivell superior de l'arbre de treball"
+msgstr ""
+"No es pot canviar de directori a $cdup, el nivell superior de l'arbre de "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "fatal: $program_name cannot be used without a working tree."
 msgstr "fatal: no es pot usar $program_name sense un arbre de treball."
 msgid "Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "No es pot fer «rebase»: teniu canvis «unstaged»."
 msgid "Cannot rewrite branches: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "No es poden reescriure branques: Teniu canvis «unstaged»."
 msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "No es pot baixar fent «rebase»: Teniu canvis «unstaged»."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot $action: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "No es pot $action: Teniu canvis «unstaged»."
 msgid "Cannot rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "No es pot fer «rebase»: El vostre índex conté canvis sense cometre."
 msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
-msgstr "No es pot baixar fent «rebase»: El vostre índex conté canvis sense cometre."
+msgstr ""
+"No es pot baixar fent «rebase»: El vostre índex conté canvis sense cometre."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot $action: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "No es pot $action: El vostre índex conté canvis sense cometre."
 msgid "Additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "Addicionalment, el vostre índex conté canvis sense cometre."
 msgid "You need to run this command from the toplevel of the working tree."
-msgstr "Heu d'executar aquesta ordre des del nivell superior de l'arbre de treball."
+msgstr ""
+"Heu d'executar aquesta ordre des del nivell superior de l'arbre de treball."
 msgid "Unable to determine absolute path of git directory"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut determinar el camí absolut del directori de git"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%12s %12s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "staged"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "unstaged"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "binari"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "res"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "sense canvis"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "afegit %d camí\n"
 msgstr[1] "afegits %d camins\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "actualitzat %d camí\n"
 msgstr[1] "actualitzats %d camins\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "revertit %d camí\n"
 msgstr[1] "revertits %d camins\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "modificat %d camí\n"
 msgstr[1] "modificat %d camins\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Actualitza"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "Reverteix"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "nota: %s està ara sense seguiment.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "Afegeix sense seguiment"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "Sense fitxers no seguits.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
@@ -20669,7 +22870,7 @@
 "Si el pedaç s'aplica correctament, el tros editat es marcarà immediatament\n"
 "per «staging»."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
@@ -20677,7 +22878,7 @@
 "Si el pedaç s'aplica correctament, el tros editat es marcarà immediatament\n"
 "per «stashing»."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
@@ -20685,7 +22886,8 @@
 "Si el pedaç s'aplica correctament, el tros editat es marcarà immediatament\n"
 "per «unstaging»."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
@@ -20693,7 +22895,8 @@
 "Si el pedaç s'aplica correctament, el tros editat es marcarà immediatament\n"
 "per aplicar-se."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
@@ -20701,16 +22904,17 @@
 "Si el pedaç s'aplica correctament, el tros editat es marcarà immediatament\n"
 "per descartar-se."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en escriure al fitxer d'edició del tros: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
-msgstr "Mode d'edició de trossos manual - vegeu més avall per una guia ràpida.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Mode d'edició de trossos manual - vegeu més avall per una guia ràpida.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -20724,17 +22928,18 @@
 "Les línies que comencin per %s seran suprimides.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
 "aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Si no s'aplica correctament, tindreu una oportunitat per editar-lo\n"
-"de nou. Si totes les línies del tros se suprimeixen, llavors l'edició s'avorta\n"
+"de nou. Si totes les línies del tros se suprimeixen, llavors l'edició "
 "i el tros es deixa sense cap canvi.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr "s'ha produït un error en llegir al fitxer d'edició del tros: %s"
@@ -20745,11 +22950,14 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
-msgid "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
-msgstr "El tros editat no s'aplica. Editeu-lo de nou (si responeu \"no\" es descartarà) [y/n]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
+msgid ""
+"Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
+msgstr ""
+"El tros editat no s'aplica. Editeu-lo de nou (si responeu \"no\" es "
+"descartarà) [y/n]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -20763,7 +22971,7 @@
 "a - fes «stage» d'aquest tros i tota la resta de trossos del fitxer\n"
 "d - no facis «stage» d'aquest tros o de cap altre restant del fitxer"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -20777,7 +22985,7 @@
 "a - fes «stash» d'aquest tros i tota la resta de trossos del fitxer\n"
 "d - no facis «stash» d'aquest tros o de cap altre restant del fitxer"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -20791,7 +22999,7 @@
 "a - fes «unstage» d'aquest tros i tota la resta de trossos del fitxer\n"
 "d - no facis «unstage» d'aquest tros o de cap altre restant del fitxer"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -20805,7 +23013,7 @@
 "a - aplica aquest tros i tots els trossos posteriors en el fitxer\n"
 "d - no apliquis aquest tros ni cap dels trossos posteriors en el fitxer"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -20819,7 +23027,7 @@
 "a - descarta aquest tros i tots els trossos posteriors en el fitxer\n"
 "d - no descartis aquest tros ni cap dels trossos posteriors en el fitxer"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -20833,7 +23041,7 @@
 "a - descarta aquest tros i tots els trossos posteriors en el fitxer\n"
 "d - no descartis aquest tros ni cap dels trossos posteriors en el fitxer"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -20847,7 +23055,22 @@
 "a - aplica aquest tros i tots els trossos posteriors en el fitxer\n"
 "d - no apliquis aquest tros ni cap dels trossos posteriors en el fitxer"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - aplica aquest tros a l'índex i l'arbre de treball\n"
+"n - no apliquis aquest tros des de l'índex i de l'arbre de treball\n"
+"q - surt; no apliquis aquest tros ni cap dels pendents\n"
+"a - aplica aquest tros i tots els trossos posteriors en el fitxer\n"
+"d - no apliquis aquest tros ni cap dels trossos posteriors en el fitxer"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -20869,237 +23092,263 @@
 "e - edita manualment el tros actual\n"
 "? - mostra l'ajuda\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr "Els trossos seleccionats no apliquen a l'índex\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "Voleu aplicar-los igualment a l'arbre de treball? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "No s'ha aplicat res.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "s'està ignorant %s no fusionat\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "Només s'han canviat els fitxers binaris.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "Sense canvis.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "Actualització del pedaç"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Canvia el mode de «stage» [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Suprimeix «stage» [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Fer un «stage» d'aquest tros [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Canvia el mode de «stash» [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Suprimeix «stash» [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Fer un «stash» d'aquest tros [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Canvia el mode de «unstage» [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Suprimeix «Unstage» [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Fer un «unstage» d'aquest tros [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplica el canvi de mode a l'índex [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplica l'esborrat a l'índex [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplica aquest tros a l'índex [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descarta el canvi de mode des de l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descarta l'esborrat des de l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descarta aquest tros des de l'arbre de treball  [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Descarta el canvi de mode des de l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Descarta el canvi de mode des de l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d"
+"%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Descarta la supressió des de l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Descarta la supressió des de l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Descarta aquest tros des de l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Descarta aquest tros des de l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Aplica el canvi de mode a l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Aplica el canvi de mode a l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplica la supressió a l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplica aquest tros a l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, fuzzy, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Aplica el canvi de mode a l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, fuzzy, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Aplica la supressió a l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, fuzzy, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Aplica aquest tros a l'índex i l'arbre de treball [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr "No hi ha altres trossos on anar-hi\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
 msgstr "vés a quin tros (<ret> per veure'n més)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr "vés a quin tros? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Número no vàlid: «%s»\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Només %d tros disponible.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Només %d trossos disponibles.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr "No hi ha cap altre tros a cercar\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr "Cerca per expressió regular? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "Expressió regular de cerca mal formada %s: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr "No hi ha trossos que coincideixin amb el patró donat\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr "Sense tros previ\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr "No hi ha tros següent\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr "No es pot dividir aquest tros\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Divideix en %d tros.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Divideix en %d trossos.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr "No es pot editar aquest tros\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "Reviseu les diferències"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
 "revert        - revert staged set of changes back to the HEAD version\n"
 "patch         - pick hunks and update selectively\n"
 "diff          - view diff between HEAD and index\n"
-"add untracked - add contents of untracked files to the staged set of changes\n"
+"add untracked - add contents of untracked files to the staged set of "
 msgstr ""
 "status        - mostra els camins amb canvis\n"
-"update        - afegeix l'estat de l'arbre de treball al conjunt de canvis «staged»\n"
+"update        - afegeix l'estat de l'arbre de treball al conjunt de canvis "
 "revert        - reverteix el conjunt de canvis de «staged» a la versió HEAD\n"
 "patch         - selecciona trossos i actualitza'ls selectivament\n"
 "diff          - mostra la diferència entre HEAD i l'índex\n"
-"add untracked - afegeix el contingut dels fitxers no seguits al conjunt de canvis «staged»\n"
+"add untracked - afegeix el contingut dels fitxers no seguits al conjunt de "
+"canvis «staged»\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747 git-add--interactive.perl:1750
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1757 git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "manca --"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "desconegut --patch mode: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "argument %s no vàlid, s'esperava --"
@@ -21112,63 +23361,66 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "el desplaçament de la zona local és més gran o igual a 24 hores\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "l'editor no ha sortit correctament, avortant-ho tot"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
-msgid "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
+msgid ""
+"'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr "«%s» conté una versió intermèdia del correu que estàveu redactant.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "'' conté el correu redactat.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-aliases és incompatible amb altres opcions\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:650
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "No es pot executar git format-patch des de fora del dipòsit\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
-msgid "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or configuration option)\n"
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
+msgid ""
+"`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
+"configuration option)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:468
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Camp --suppress-cc desconegut: «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:497
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "--confirm setting desconegut: «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:525
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "avís: el sobrenom de sendmail amb cometes no està suportat: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:527
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "avís: `:include:` no està suportat: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "avís: les redireccions `/file` or `|pipe no són admeses: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:534
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "avís: no es pot reconèixer la línia sendmail: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:616
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -21183,12 +23435,12 @@
 "    * Dient \"./%s\" si volíeu especificar aquest fitxer; o\n"
 "    * Proporcionant l'opció --format-patch si volíeu especificar un rang.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:637
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en obrir el directori %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:661
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -21197,7 +23449,7 @@
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
 "avís: no s'han enviat pedaços\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:672
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -21207,17 +23459,17 @@
 "No s'han especificat fitxers de pedaç\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:685
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "Sense assumpte a %s?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:695
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en obrir per escriptura %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:706
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -21231,59 +23483,68 @@
 "Netegeu el contingut del cos si no voleu enviar un resum.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:730
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en obrir %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:747
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en obrir %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:790
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "El correu electrònic de resum està buit, s'omet\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:825
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu usar <%s> [y/N]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:880
-msgid "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-Encoding.\n"
-msgstr "Els fitxers següents són 8bit, però no declaren un Content-Transfer-Encoding.\n"
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
+msgid ""
+"The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
+msgstr ""
+"Els fitxers següents són 8bit, però no declaren un Content-Transfer-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:885
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Quina codificació de 8 bits hauria de declarar [UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:893
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
-"has the template subject '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Pass --force if you really want to send.\n"
+"has the template subject '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Pass --force if you really "
+"want to send.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "S'ha refusat a enviar perquè el pedaç\n"
-"perquè la plantilla té l'assumpte '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Passeu --force si realment voleu enviar-lo.\n"
+"perquè la plantilla té l'assumpte '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Passeu --force si "
+"realment voleu enviar-lo.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:912
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
-msgstr "A qui s'haurien d'enviar els correus electrònics (si s'han d'enviar a algú)?"
+msgstr ""
+"A qui s'haurien d'enviar els correus electrònics (si s'han d'enviar a algú)?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:930
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "fatal: l'àlies «%s» s'expandeix a si mateix\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:942
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
-msgstr "S'ha d'usar el Message-ID com a In-Reply-To pel primer correu (si n'hi ha cap)? "
+msgstr ""
+"S'ha d'usar el Message-ID com a In-Reply-To pel primer correu (si n'hi ha "
+"cap)? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1000 git-send-email.perl:1008
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "error: no s'ha pogut extreure una adreça vàlida de: %s\n"
@@ -21291,16 +23552,16 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1012
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr "Què cal fer amb aquesta adreça? ([q]surt|[d]escarta|[e]dita): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1329
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "el camí CA «%s» no existeix"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1412
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -21327,128 +23588,282 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1427
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
-msgstr "Voleu enviar aquest correu electrònic? ([y]sí|[n]o|[e]dita|[q]surt|[a]tot): "
+msgstr ""
+"Voleu enviar aquest correu electrònic? ([y]sí|[n]o|[e]dita|[q]surt|[a]tot): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1430
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Requereix resposta en enviar el correu"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1458
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "El servidor SMTP requerit no està correctament definit."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1505
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "El servidor no admet STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1510 git-send-email.perl:1514
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "STARTTLS ha fallat! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1523
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
-msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar SMTP correctament. Comproveu-ho la configuració i useu --smtp-debug."
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut inicialitzar SMTP correctament. Comproveu-ho la configuració i "
+"useu --smtp-debug."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1541
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1544
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Simulació d'enviament %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1544
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Enviat %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1546
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Simulació de correcte. El registre diu:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1546
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Correcte. El registre diu: \n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1558
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Resultat: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1561
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Resultat: correcte\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1579
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "no es pot obrir el fitxer %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1626 git-send-email.perl:1646
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) S'està afegint cc: %s des de la línia «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) S'està afegint a: %s des de la línia «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1685
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(no mbox) S'està afegint cc: %s des de la línia «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1720
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(cos) S'està afegint cc: %s des de la línia «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1831
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) no s'ha pogut executar «%s»"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1838
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) S'està afegint %s: %s des de: «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1842
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) s'ha produït un error en tancar el conducte «%s»"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1872
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "no es pot enviar el missatge en 7 bits"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1880
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "codificació de transferència no vàlida"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1921 git-send-email.perl:1973 git-send-email.perl:1983
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir %s: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1924
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "%s: el pedaç conté una línia més gran de 998 caràcters"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1941
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "S'està ometent %s amb el sufix de còpia de seguretat «%s».\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1945
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu enviar %s? [y|N]: "
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "hash version %X does not match version %X"
+#~ msgstr "el camí «%s» no té la seva versió"
+#~ msgid "option '%s' requires a value"
+#~ msgstr "l'opció «%s» requereix un valor"
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgid "Server supports no-done"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta no-done"
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta multi_ack"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta side-band-64k"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta banda lateral"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor accepta ofs-delta"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD separat a %s)"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD separat de %s)"
+#~ msgid "could not transform the todo list"
+#~ msgstr "no s'ha pogut transformar la llista per a fer"
+#~ msgid "Checking out files"
+#~ msgstr "S'estan agafant fitxers"
+#~ msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "no es pot ser interactiu sense que stdin estigui connectada a un terminal."
+#~ msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
+#~ msgstr "s'ha produït un error en fer stat a '%s'\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
+#~ "the remaining commits.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si voleu ometre aquesta comissió, useu:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Llavors \"git cherry-pick --continue\" reprendrà\n"
+#~ "com a «cherry pick» les comissions restants.\n"
+#~ msgid "default"
+#~ msgstr "per defecte"
+#~ msgid "Could not create directory '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el directori «%s»"
+#~ msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+#~ msgstr "paràmetre no reconegut: %s"
+#~ msgid "could not open %s"
+#~ msgstr "no s'ha pogut obrir «%s»"
+#~ msgid "Could not move back to $head_name"
+#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut tornar a $head_name"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "It seems that there is already a $state_dir_base directory, and\n"
+#~ "I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase.  If that is the\n"
+#~ "case, please try\n"
+#~ "\t$cmd_live_rebase\n"
+#~ "If that is not the case, please\n"
+#~ "\t$cmd_clear_stale_rebase\n"
+#~ "and run me again.  I am stopping in case you still have something\n"
+#~ "valuable there."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Sembla que ja hi ha un directori $state_dir_base, i\n"
+#~ "em pregunto si esteu enmig d'un altre «rebase». Si aquest és el\n"
+#~ "cas, proveu\n"
+#~ "\t$cmd_live_rebase\n"
+#~ "Si no és el cas, \n"
+#~ "\t$cmd_clear_stale_rebase\n"
+#~ "i executeu-me de nou. M'aturo per si encara hi teniu alguna cosa\n"
+#~ "de valor."
+#~ msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--signoff' with '--preserve-merges'"
+#~ msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--signoff» amb «--preserve-merges»"
+#~ msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
+#~ msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--preserve-merges» amb «--rebase-merges»"
+#~ msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
+#~ msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--rebase-merges» amb «--strategy-option»"
+#~ msgid "fatal: cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
+#~ msgstr "fatal: no es pot combinar «--rebase-merges» amb «--strategy»"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "invalid upstream '$upstream_name'"
+#~ msgstr "font no vàlida $upstream_name"
+#~ msgid "$onto_name: there are more than one merge bases"
+#~ msgstr "$onto_name: ja hi ha més d'una base de fusió"
+#~ msgid "$onto_name: there is no merge base"
+#~ msgstr "$onto_name: no hi ha cap base de fusió"
+#~ msgid "Does not point to a valid commit: $onto_name"
+#~ msgstr "No assenyala una comissió vàlida: $onto_name"
+#, fuzzy
+#~ msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '$branch_name'"
+#~ msgstr "fatal: no hi ha tal branca: $branch_name"
+#~ msgid "Created autostash: $stash_abbrev"
+#~ msgstr "S'ha creat un magatzem automàtic: $stash_abbrev"
+#~ msgid "Current branch $branch_name is up to date."
+#~ msgstr "La branca actual $branch_name està al dia."
+#~ msgid "Current branch $branch_name is up to date, rebase forced."
+#~ msgstr "La branca actual $branch_name està al dia; «rebase» forçat."
+#~ msgid "Changes to $onto:"
+#~ msgstr "Canvis a $onto:"
+#~ msgid "Changes from $mb to $onto:"
+#~ msgstr "Canvis de $mb a $onto:"
+#~ msgid "Fast-forwarded $branch_name to $onto_name."
+#~ msgstr "S'ha avançat $branch_name ràpidament a $onto_name."
+#~ msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it..."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Primer, s'està rebobinant HEAD per a reproduir el vostre treball al "
+#~ "damunt..."
diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po
index 696f2c9..6d80cfb 100644
--- a/po/de.po
+++ b/po/de.po
@@ -1,59 +1,60 @@
 # German translations for Git.
-# Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Ralf Thielow <>
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Matthias Rüster <>
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the Git package.
-# Ralf Thielow <>, 2010-2016.
+# Matthias Rüster <>, 2019.
+# Ralf Thielow <>, 2010-2019.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 20:12+0800\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-28 18:10+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Ralf Thielow <>\n"
-"Language-Team: German <>\n"
+"Last-Translator: Matthias Rüster <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Matthias Rüster <>\n"
 "Language: de\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%sHinweis: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Cherry-Picken ist nicht möglich, weil Sie nicht zusammengeführte Dateien "
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Committen ist nicht möglich, weil Sie nicht zusammengeführte Dateien haben."
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Mergen ist nicht möglich, weil Sie nicht zusammengeführte Dateien haben."
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Pullen ist nicht möglich, weil Sie nicht zusammengeführte Dateien haben."
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Reverten ist nicht möglich, weil Sie nicht zusammengeführte Dateien haben."
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "%s ist nicht möglich, weil Sie nicht zusammengeführte Dateien haben."
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -62,51 +63,63 @@
 "dann 'git add/rm <Datei>', um die Auflösung entsprechend zu markieren\n"
 "und zu committen."
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Beende wegen unaufgelöstem Konflikt."
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Sie haben Ihren Merge nicht abgeschlossen (MERGE_HEAD existiert)."
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Bitte committen Sie Ihre Änderungen, bevor Sie mergen."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Beende wegen nicht abgeschlossenem Merge."
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
-"Hinweis: Checke '%s' aus.\n"
+"Hinweis: Wechsle zu '%s'.\n"
 "Sie befinden sich im Zustand eines 'losgelösten HEAD'. Sie können sich\n"
 "umschauen, experimentelle Änderungen vornehmen und diese committen, und\n"
 "Sie können alle möglichen Commits, die Sie in diesem Zustand machen,\n"
-"ohne Auswirkungen auf irgendeinen Branch verwerfen, indem Sie einen\n"
-"weiteren Checkout durchführen.\n"
+"ohne Auswirkungen auf irgendeinen Branch verwerfen, indem Sie zu einem\n"
+"anderen Branch wechseln.\n"
 "Wenn Sie einen neuen Branch erstellen möchten, um Ihre erstellten Commits\n"
-"zu behalten, können Sie das (jetzt oder später) durch einen weiteren "
-"mit der Option -b tun. Beispiel:\n"
+"zu behalten, können Sie das (jetzt oder später) durch Nutzung von\n"
+"'switch' mit der Option -c tun. Beispiel:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <neuer-Branchname>\n"
+"  git switch -c <neuer-Branchname>\n"
+"Oder um diese Operation rückgängig zu machen:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Sie können diesen Hinweis ausschalten, indem Sie die Konfigurationsvariable\n"
+"'advice.detachedHead' auf 'false' setzen.\n"
 #: alias.c:50
@@ -117,99 +130,99 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr "Nicht geschlossene Anführungszeichen."
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "Nicht erkannte Whitespace-Option: '%s'"
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "nicht erkannte Option zum Ignorieren von Whitespace: '%s'"
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject und --3way können nicht gemeinsam verwendet werden."
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached und --3way können nicht gemeinsam verwendet werden."
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Option --3way kann nicht außerhalb eines Repositories verwendet werden."
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Option --index kann nicht außerhalb eines Repositories verwendet werden."
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Option --cached kann nicht außerhalb eines Repositories verwendet werden."
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "Kann regulären Ausdruck für Zeitstempel %s nicht verarbeiten"
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "Ausführung des regulären Ausdrucks gab %d zurück. Eingabe: %s"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "Konnte keinen Dateinamen in Zeile %d des Patches finden."
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: ungültiges 'git-diff' - erwartete /dev/null, erhielt %s in Zeile "
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: ungültiges 'git-diff' - Inkonsistenter neuer Dateiname in Zeile %d"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: ungültiges 'git-diff' - Inkonsistenter alter Dateiname in Zeile %d"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: ungültiges 'git-diff' - erwartete /dev/null in Zeile %d"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Modus in Zeile %d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "Inkonsistente Kopfzeilen %d und %d."
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recount: unerwartete Zeile: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "Patch-Fragment ohne Kopfbereich bei Zeile %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -224,72 +237,72 @@
 "Dem Kopfbereich von \"git diff\" fehlen Informationen zum Dateinamen, wenn "
 "%d vorangestellte Teile des Pfades entfernt werden (Zeile %d)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr ""
 "Dem Kopfbereich von \"git diff\" fehlen Informationen zum Dateinamen (Zeile "
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "neue Datei hängt von alten Inhalten ab"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "entfernte Datei hat noch Inhalte"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "fehlerhafter Patch bei Zeile %d"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "neue Datei %s hängt von alten Inhalten ab"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "entfernte Datei %s hat noch Inhalte"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** Warnung: Datei %s wird leer, aber nicht entfernt."
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "fehlerhafter Binär-Patch bei Zeile %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "nicht erkannter Binär-Patch bei Zeile %d"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "Patch mit nutzlosen Informationen bei Zeile %d"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "konnte symbolische Verknüpfung %s nicht lesen"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "konnte %s nicht öffnen oder lesen"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Zeilenanfang: '%c'"
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
@@ -297,12 +310,12 @@
 msgstr[1] ""
 "Patch-Bereich #%d erfolgreich angewendet bei %d (%d Zeilen versetzt)"
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "Kontext reduziert zu (%ld/%ld), um Patch-Bereich bei %d anzuwenden"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -311,25 +324,25 @@
 "bei der Suche nach:\n"
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "keine Daten in Binär-Patch für '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "kann binären Patch nicht in umgekehrter Reihenfolge anwenden ohne einen\n"
 "umgekehrten Patch-Block auf '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr ""
 "kann binären Patch auf '%s' nicht ohne eine vollständige Index-Zeile anwenden"
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
@@ -337,441 +350,441 @@
 "der Patch wird angewendet auf '%s' (%s), was nicht den aktuellen Inhalten\n"
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "der Patch wird auf ein leeres '%s' angewendet, was aber nicht leer ist"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "das erforderliche Postimage %s für '%s' kann nicht gelesen werden"
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Binär-Patch nicht auf '%s' anwenden"
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "Binär-Patch für '%s' erzeugt falsches Ergebnis (erwartete %s, bekam %s)"
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "Anwendung des Patches fehlgeschlagen: %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "kann %s nicht auschecken"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen von %s"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "'%s' ist hinter einer symbolischen Verknüpfung"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "Pfad %s wurde umbenannt/gelöscht"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s ist nicht im Index"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s entspricht nicht der Version im Index"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "Dem Repository fehlt der notwendige Blob, um auf einen 3-Wege-Merge\n"
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Falle zurück auf 3-Wege-Merge ...\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "kann aktuelle Inhalte von '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Zurückfallen auf 3-Wege-Merge...\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Patch auf '%s' mit Konflikten angewendet.\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Patch auf '%s' sauber angewendet.\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "Lösch-Patch hinterlässt Dateiinhalte"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s: falscher Typ"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s ist vom Typ %o, erwartete %o"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Pfad '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s ist bereits bereitgestellt"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s existiert bereits im Arbeitsverzeichnis"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "neuer Modus (%o) von %s entspricht nicht dem alten Modus (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr "neuer Modus (%o) von %s entspricht nicht dem alten Modus (%o) von %s"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "betroffene Datei '%s' ist hinter einer symbolischen Verknüpfung"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s: Patch konnte nicht angewendet werden"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Prüfe Patch %s ..."
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "SHA-1 Information fehlt oder ist unbrauchbar für Submodul %s"
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "Modusänderung für %s, was sich nicht im aktuellen HEAD befindet"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "SHA-1 Information fehlt oder ist unbrauchbar (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "make_cache_entry für Pfad '%s' fehlgeschlagen"
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "konnte %s nicht zum temporären Index hinzufügen"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "konnte temporären Index nicht nach %s schreiben"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "konnte %s nicht aus dem Index entfernen"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "fehlerhafter Patch für Submodul %s"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "konnte neu erstellte Datei '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr "kann internen Speicher für eben erstellte Datei %s nicht erzeugen"
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "kann für %s keinen Eintrag in den Zwischenspeicher hinzufügen"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben nach '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "schließe Datei '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "konnte Datei '%s' mit Modus %o nicht schreiben"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Patch %s sauber angewendet"
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "interner Fehler"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "Wende Patch %%s mit %d Zurückweisung an..."
 msgstr[1] "Wende Patch %%s mit %d Zurückweisungen an..."
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "Verkürze Name von .rej Datei zu %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "kann '%s' nicht öffnen"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "Patch-Bereich #%d sauber angewendet."
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "Patch-Block #%d zurückgewiesen."
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Patch '%s' ausgelassen."
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "nicht erkannte Eingabe"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "Konnte Index-Datei nicht lesen"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "kann Patch '%s' nicht öffnen: %s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "unterdrückte %d Whitespace-Fehler"
 msgstr[1] "unterdrückte %d Whitespace-Fehler"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d Zeile fügt Whitespace-Fehler hinzu."
 msgstr[1] "%d Zeilen fügen Whitespace-Fehler hinzu."
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d Zeile nach Behebung von Whitespace-Fehlern angewendet."
 msgstr[1] "%d Zeilen nach Behebung von Whitespace-Fehlern angewendet."
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Konnte neue Index-Datei nicht schreiben."
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "Pfad"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "keine Änderungen im angegebenen Pfad anwenden"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "Änderungen nur im angegebenen Pfad anwenden"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "Anzahl"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr ""
 "<Anzahl> vorangestellte Schrägstriche von herkömmlichen Differenzpfaden "
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "hinzugefügte Zeilen des Patches ignorieren"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr ""
 "anstatt der Anwendung des Patches, den \"diffstat\" für die Eingabe "
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr ""
 "die Anzahl von hinzugefügten/entfernten Zeilen in Dezimalnotation anzeigen"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr ""
 "anstatt der Anwendung des Patches, eine Zusammenfassung für die Eingabe "
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr ""
 "anstatt der Anwendung des Patches, zeige ob Patch angewendet werden kann"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr ""
 "sicherstellen, dass der Patch mit dem aktuellen Index angewendet werden kann"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "neue Dateien mit `git add --intent-to-add` markieren"
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "Patch anwenden, ohne Änderungen im Arbeitsverzeichnis vorzunehmen"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr ""
 "Patch anwenden, der Änderungen außerhalb des Arbeitsverzeichnisses vornimmt"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "Patch anwenden (Benutzung mit --stat/--summary/--check)"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "versuche 3-Wege-Merge, wenn der Patch nicht angewendet werden konnte"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr ""
 "einen temporären Index, basierend auf den integrierten Index-Informationen, "
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "Pfade sind getrennt durch NUL Zeichen"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr ""
 "sicher stellen, dass mindestens <n> Zeilen des Kontextes übereinstimmen"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "Aktion"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr "neue oder geänderte Zeilen, die Whitespace-Fehler haben, ermitteln"
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "Änderungen im Whitespace bei der Suche des Kontextes ignorieren"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "den Patch in umgekehrter Reihenfolge anwenden"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "keinen Kontext erwarten"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr ""
 "zurückgewiesene Patch-Blöcke in entsprechenden *.rej Dateien hinterlassen"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "sich überlappende Patch-Blöcke erlauben"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "erweiterte Ausgaben"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr "fehlerhaft erkannten fehlenden Zeilenumbruch am Dateiende tolerieren"
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "den Zeilennummern im Kopf des Patch-Blocks nicht vertrauen"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "Wurzelverzeichnis"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "<Wurzelverzeichnis> vor alle Dateinamen stellen"
@@ -814,98 +827,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "Kein Tree-Objekt: %s"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "Aktuelles Arbeitsverzeichnis ist unversioniert."
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "Format"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "Archivformat"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "Präfix"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "einen Präfix vor jeden Pfadnamen in dem Archiv stellen"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "Datei"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "das Archiv in diese Datei schreiben"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr ".gitattributes aus dem Arbeitsverzeichnis lesen"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "archivierte Dateien in der Standard-Fehlerausgabe ausgeben"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "nur speichern"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "schneller komprimieren"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "besser komprimieren"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "unterstützte Archivformate auflisten"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "Repository"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "Archiv vom Remote-Repository <Repository> abrufen"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "Programm"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "Pfad zum externen \"git-upload-archive\"-Programm"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Unerwartete Option --remote"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "Die Option --exec kann nur zusammen mit --remote verwendet werden."
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Unerwartete Option --output"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Unbekanntes Archivformat '%s'"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Argument für Format '%s' nicht unterstützt: -%d"
@@ -949,7 +962,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "Pfad zu lang (%d Zeichen, SHA1: %s): %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Komprimieren (%d)"
@@ -1052,12 +1065,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "ein %s Commit wird benötigt"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "konnte Datei '%s' nicht erstellen"
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Datei '%s' nicht lesen"
@@ -1097,43 +1110,43 @@
 msgstr[0] "binäre Suche: danach noch %d Commit zum Testen übrig %s\n"
 msgstr[1] "binäre Suche: danach noch %d Commits zum Testen übrig %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents und --reverse funktionieren gemeinsam nicht."
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr ""
 "kann --contents nicht mit endgültigem Namen des Commit-Objektes benutzen"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse und --first-parent zusammen erfordern die Angabe eines "
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "Einrichtung des Revisionsgangs fehlgeschlagen"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse und --first-parent zusammen erfordern einen Bereich entlang der\n"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "Pfad %s nicht in %s"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "kann Blob %s für Pfad '%s' nicht lesen"
@@ -1270,12 +1283,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "Ungültiger Branchpunkt: '%s'"
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ist bereits in '%s' ausgecheckt"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "HEAD des Arbeitsverzeichnisses %s ist nicht aktualisiert."
@@ -1290,8 +1303,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "nicht erkannter Kopfbereich: %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht öffnen"
@@ -1300,60 +1313,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "Dem Repository fehlen folgende vorausgesetzte Commits:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "Um ein Paket zu überprüfen wird ein Repository benötigt."
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Das Paket enthält diese Referenz:"
 msgstr[1] "Das Paket enthält diese %d Referenzen:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "Das Paket speichert eine komplette Historie."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Das Paket benötigt diese Referenz:"
 msgstr[1] "Das Paket benötigt diese %d Referenzen:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "Konnte dup für Descriptor des Pakets nicht ausführen."
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "Konnte Paketobjekte nicht erstellen"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "Erstellung der Paketobjekte abgebrochen"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "\"rev-list\" abgebrochen"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "Referenz '%s' wird durch \"rev-list\" Optionen ausgeschlossen"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes Argument: %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Erstellung eines leeren Pakets zurückgewiesen."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "kann '%s' nicht erstellen"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "Erstellung der Paketindexdatei abgebrochen"
@@ -1362,8 +1379,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Farbwert: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "konnte %s nicht parsen"
@@ -1373,7 +1390,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s ist kein Commit!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1394,28 +1411,28 @@
 "Sie können diese Meldung unterdrücken, indem Sie\n"
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\" ausführen."
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Commit %s hat eine nicht vertrauenswürdige GPG-Signatur, angeblich von %s."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "Commit %s hat eine ungültige GPG-Signatur, angeblich von %s."
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "Commit %s hat keine GPG-Signatur."
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "Commit %s hat eine gültige GPG-Signatur von %s\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1427,177 +1444,232 @@
 "welches von ihrem Projekt verwendet wird.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph-Datei ist zu klein."
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph-Signatur %X stimmt nicht mit Signatur %X überein."
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph-Version %X stimmt nicht mit Version %X überein."
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "Hash-Version des Commit-Graph %X stimmt nicht mit Version %X überein."
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
 "fehlender Tabelleneintrag für Commit-Graph Chunk-Lookup; Datei "
 "möglicherweise unvollständig"
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr "Unzulässiger Commit-Graph Chunk-Offset %08x%08x"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph Chunk-Id %08x kommt mehrfach vor."
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "Commit-Graph hat keinen Basis-Graph-Chunk"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "Commit-Graph Verkettung stimmt nicht überein."
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr "Ungültige Commit-Graph Verkettung: Zeile '%s' ist kein Hash"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "Konnte nicht alle Commit-Graph-Dateien finden."
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr "Ungültige Commit-Position. Commit-Graph ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt."
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit %s nicht finden."
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Art von Objekt '%s' nicht bestimmen."
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Lade bekannte Commits in Commit-Graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Erweitere erreichbare Commits in Commit-Graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "Lösche Commit-Markierungen in Commit-Graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph Generierungsnummern berechnen"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] "Suche Commits für Commit-Graph in %d Paket"
 msgstr[1] "Suche Commits für Commit-Graph in %d Paketen"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von Paket %s."
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen des Index für %s."
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] "Suche Commits für Commit-Graph in %d Referenz"
 msgstr[1] "Suche Commits für Commit-Graph in %d Referenzen"
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr "Suche Commits für Commit-Graph in gepackten Objekten"
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Zähle Commits in Commit-Graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr "Das Commit-Graph Format kann nicht %d Commits schreiben."
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "Suche zusätzliche Ränder in Commit-Graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "Zu viele Commits zum Schreiben des Graphen."
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der korrekten Anzahl von Basis-Graph-IDs."
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "Konnte führende Verzeichnisse von '%s' nicht erstellen."
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "konnte '%s' nicht erstellen"
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "Schreibe Commit-Graph in %d Durchgang"
 msgstr[1] "Schreibe Commit-Graph in %d Durchgängen"
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "Konnte Commit-Graph Chain-Datei nicht öffnen."
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "Konnte Basis-Commit-Graph-Datei nicht umbenennen."
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "Konnte temporäre Commit-Graph-Datei nicht umbenennen."
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "Durchsuche zusammengeführte Commits"
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "Unerwartete doppelte Commit-ID %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "Zusammenführen von Commit-Graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "Das Commit-Graph Format kann nicht %d Commits schreiben."
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "Zu viele Commits zum Schreiben des Graphen."
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Commit-Graph-Datei hat eine falsche Prüfsumme und ist wahrscheinlich "
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph hat fehlerhafte OID-Reihenfolge: %s dann %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph hat fehlerhaften Fanout-Wert: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit %s von Commit-Graph nicht parsen."
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Commit in Commit-Graph überprüfen"
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler beim Parsen des Commits %s von Objekt-Datenbank für Commit-Graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr ""
 "OID des Wurzelverzeichnisses für Commit %s in Commit-Graph ist %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph Vorgänger-Liste für Commit %s ist zu lang"
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph-Vorgänger für %s ist %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph Vorgänger-Liste für Commit %s endet zu früh"
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
@@ -1605,7 +1677,7 @@
 "Commit-Graph hat Generationsnummer null für Commit %s, aber sonst ungleich "
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
@@ -1613,12 +1685,12 @@
 "Commit-Graph hat Generationsnummer ungleich null für Commit %s, aber sonst "
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr "Commit-Graph Erstellung für Commit %s ist %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1628,7 +1700,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "Speicher verbraucht"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1644,312 +1716,312 @@
 "Das könnte durch zirkulare Includes entstanden sein."
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Include-Pfad '%s' nicht erweitern."
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "Relative Includes von Konfigurationen müssen aus Dateien kommen."
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr ""
 "Bedingungen für das Einbinden von Konfigurationen aus relativen Pfaden "
 "aus Dateien kommen."
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "Schlüssel enthält keine Sektion: %s"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "Schlüssel enthält keinen Variablennamen: %s"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Schlüssel: %s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Schlüssel (neue Zeile): %s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter Konfigurationsparameter: %s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "Fehlerhaftes Format in %s"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationszeile %d in Blob %s"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationszeile %d in Datei %s"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationszeile %d in Standard-Eingabe"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationszeile %d in Submodul-Blob %s"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationszeile %d in Kommandozeile %s"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationszeile %d in %s"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "Außerhalb des Bereichs"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "Ungültige Einheit"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger numerischer Wert '%s' für Konfiguration '%s': %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger numerischer Wert '%s' für Konfiguration '%s' in Blob %s: %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Ungültiger numerischer Wert '%s' für Konfiguration '%s' in Datei %s: %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Ungültiger numerischer Wert '%s' für Konfiguration '%s' in Standard-Eingabe: "
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Ungültiger numerischer Wert '%s' für Konfiguration '%s' in Submodul-Blob %s: "
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Ungültiger numerischer Wert '%s' für Konfiguration '%s' in Befehlszeile %s: "
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger numerischer Wert '%s' für Konfiguration '%s' in %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erweitern des Nutzerverzeichnisses in: '%s'"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger Zeitstempel für '%s'"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "Länge für Abkürzung von Commit-IDs außerhalb des Bereichs: %d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "ungültiger zlib Komprimierungsgrad %d"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "core.commentChar sollte nur ein Zeichen sein"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Modus für Objekterstellung: %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für %s."
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr ""
 "Muss einer von diesen sein: nothing, matching, simple, upstream, current"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "ungültiger Komprimierungsgrad (%d) für Paketierung"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Blob-Objekt '%s' für Konfiguration nicht laden."
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "Referenz '%s' zeigt auf keinen Blob."
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Blob '%s' für Konfiguration nicht auflösen."
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Parsen von %s."
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr ""
 "Konnte die über die Befehlszeile angegebene Konfiguration nicht parsen."
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr ""
 "Es trat ein unbekannter Fehler beim Lesen der Konfigurationsdateien auf."
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger %s: '%s'"
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
 "Unbekannter Wert '%s' in core.untrackedCache; benutze Standardwert 'keep'"
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr ""
 "Der Wert '%d' von splitIndex.maxPercentChange sollte zwischen 0 und 100 "
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr ""
 "Konnte Wert '%s' aus der über die Befehlszeile angegebenen Konfiguration\n"
 "nicht parsen."
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "ungültige Konfigurationsvariable '%s' in Datei '%s' bei Zeile %d"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Sektionsname '%s'"
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s hat mehrere Werte"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "Konnte neue Konfigurationsdatei '%s' nicht schreiben."
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Konfigurationsdatei '%s' nicht sperren."
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "Öffne %s"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiges Muster: %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Konfigurationsdatei %s"
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "fstat auf %s fehlgeschlagen"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "mmap für '%s' fehlgeschlagen"
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "chmod auf %s fehlgeschlagen"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Konfigurationsdatei %s nicht schreiben."
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht zu '%s' setzen."
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht aufheben."
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Sektionsname: %s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehlender Wert für '%s'"
@@ -2117,19 +2189,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "Kann Prozess nicht starten."
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Prüfe Konnektivität"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "Konnte 'git rev-list' nicht ausführen"
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben nach rev-list"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schließen von rev-list's Standard-Eingabe"
@@ -2352,7 +2424,7 @@
 "Regulärer Ausdruck des Delta-Island aus Konfiguration hat zu\n"
 "viele Capture-Gruppen (maximal %d)."
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "%d Delta-Islands markiert, fertig.\n"
@@ -2428,36 +2500,36 @@
 "Fehler in 'diff.dirstat' Konfigurationsvariable gefunden:\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "externes Diff-Programm unerwartet beendet, angehalten bei %s"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
 "--name-only, --name-status, --check und -s schließen sich gegenseitig aus"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-G, -S und --find-object schließen sich gegenseitig aus"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow erfordert genau eine Pfadspezifikation"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger --stat Wert: %s"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "%s erwartet einen numerischen Wert."
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2466,42 +2538,42 @@
 "Fehler beim Parsen des --dirstat/-X Optionsparameters:\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "Unbekannte Änderungsklasse '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Wert nach ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "konnte '%s' nicht auflösen"
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr "%s erwartet die Form <n>/<m>"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "%s erwartet ein Zeichen, '%s' bekommen"
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiges --color-moved Argument: %s"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Modus '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
@@ -2509,152 +2581,152 @@
 "Option diff-algorithm akzeptiert: \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiges Argument für %s"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Parsen des --submodule Optionsparameters: '%s'"
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiges --word-diff Argument: %s"
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "Diff-Optionen zu Ausgabeformaten"
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Patch"
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "Ausgabe der Unterschiede unterdrücken"
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "<n>"
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "Erstelle Unterschiede mit <n> Zeilen des Kontextes"
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "Erstelle Unterschiede im Rohformat"
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "Synonym für '-p --raw'"
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "Synonym für '-p --stat'"
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "maschinenlesbare Ausgabe von --stat"
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "nur die letzte Zeile von --stat ausgeben"
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "<Parameter1,Parameter2>..."
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr ""
 "Gebe die Verteilung des relativen Umfangs der Änderungen für jedes "
 "Unterverzeichnis aus"
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "Synonym für --dirstat=cumulative"
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "Synonym für --dirstat=files,Parameter1,Parameter2..."
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "Warnen, wenn Änderungen Konfliktmarker oder Whitespace-Fehler einbringen"
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr ""
 "Gekürzte Zusammenfassung, wie z.B. Erstellungen, Umbenennungen und "
 "Änderungen der Datei-Rechte"
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "nur Dateinamen der geänderten Dateien anzeigen"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "nur Dateinamen und Status der geänderten Dateien anzeigen"
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
 msgstr "<Breite>[,<Namens-Breite>[,<Anzahl>]]"
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "Generiere Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede"
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "<Breite>"
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede mit gegebener Breite"
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede mit gegebener Namens-Breite"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede mit gegebener Graph-Breite"
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "<Anzahl>"
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede mit begrenzten Zeilen"
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "Erzeuge kompakte Zusammenstellung in Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede"
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "Gebe eine binäre Differenz aus, dass angewendet werden kann"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr "Zeige vollständige Objekt-Namen in den \"index\"-Zeilen"
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "Zeige farbige Unterschiede"
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr "<Art>"
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
@@ -2662,7 +2734,7 @@
 "Hebe Whitespace-Fehler in den Zeilen 'context', 'old' oder 'new' bei den "
 "Unterschieden hervor"
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2670,91 +2742,91 @@
 "Verschleiere nicht die Pfadnamen und nutze NUL-Zeichen als Schlusszeichen in "
 "Ausgabefeldern bei --raw oder --numstat"
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr "<Präfix>"
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "Zeige den gegebenen Quell-Präfix statt \"a/\""
-#: diff.c:5357
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
 msgstr "Zeige den gegebenen Ziel-Präfix statt \"b/\""
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "Stelle einen zusätzlichen Präfix bei jeder Ausgabezeile voran"
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "Zeige keine Quell- oder Ziel-Präfixe an"
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr ""
 "Zeige Kontext zwischen Unterschied-Blöcken bis zur angegebenen Anzahl von "
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "<Zeichen>"
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "Das Zeichen festlegen, das eine neue Zeile kennzeichnet (statt '+')"
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "Das Zeichen festlegen, das eine alte Zeile kennzeichnet (statt '-')"
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr "Das Zeichen festlegen, das den Kontext kennzeichnet (statt ' ')"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "Diff-Optionen zur Umbenennung"
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr ""
 "Teile komplette Rewrite-Änderungen in Änderungen mit \"löschen\" und "
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "Umbenennungen erkennen"
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "Preimage für Löschungen weglassen."
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "Kopien erkennen"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr "Nutze ungeänderte Dateien als Quelle zum Finden von Kopien"
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "Erkennung von Umbenennungen deaktivieren"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "Nutze leere Blobs als Quelle von Umbennungen"
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr "Fortführen der Auflistung der Historie einer Datei nach Umbennung"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
@@ -2762,159 +2834,159 @@
 "Verhindere die Erkennung von Umbennungen und Kopien, wenn die Anzahl der "
 "Ziele für Umbennungen und Kopien das gegebene Limit überschreitet"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "Diff Algorithmus-Optionen"
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "Erzeuge die kleinstmöglichen Änderungen"
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "Whitespace-Änderungen beim Vergleich von Zeilen ignorieren"
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "Änderungen bei der Anzahl von Whitespace ignorieren"
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "Whitespace-Änderungen am Zeilenende ignorieren"
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "Ignoriere den Zeilenumbruch am Ende der Zeile"
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "Ignoriere Änderungen in leeren Zeilen"
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr ""
 "Heuristik, um Grenzen der Änderungsblöcke für bessere Lesbarkeit zu "
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Änderungen durch Nutzung des Algorithmus \"Patience Diff\""
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Änderungen durch Nutzung des Algorithmus \"Histogram Diff\""
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "<Algorithmus>"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "Ein Algorithmus für Änderungen wählen"
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "<Text>"
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Änderungen durch Nutzung des Algorithmus \"Anchored Diff\""
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "<Modus>"
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr "Zeige Wort-Änderungen, nutze <Modus>, um Wörter abzugrenzen"
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr "<Regex>"
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "Nutze <Regex>, um zu entscheiden, was ein Wort ist"
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr "Entsprechend wie --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<Regex>"
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "Verschobene Codezeilen sind andersfarbig"
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr "Wie Whitespaces in --color-moved ignoriert werden"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "Andere Diff-Optionen"
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
 "Wenn vom Unterverzeichnis aufgerufen, schließe Änderungen außerhalb aus und "
 "zeige relative Pfade an"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "alle Dateien als Text behandeln"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "Vertausche die beiden Eingaben und drehe die Änderungen um"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr ""
 "Beende mit Exit-Status 1, wenn Änderungen vorhanden sind, andernfalls mit 0"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "Keine Ausgaben vom Programm"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "Erlaube die Ausführung eines externes Programms für Änderungen"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr ""
 "Führe externe Text-Konvertierungsfilter aus, wenn binäre Dateien vergleicht "
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "<wann>"
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr ""
 "Änderungen in Submodulen während der Erstellung der Unterschiede ignorieren"
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "<Format>"
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr "Angeben, wie Unterschiede in Submodulen gezeigt werden"
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "verstecke 'git add -N' Einträge vom Index"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "Behandle 'git add -N' Einträge im Index als echt"
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "<Zeichenkette>"
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2922,7 +2994,7 @@
 "Suche nach Unterschieden, welche die Anzahl des Vorkommens der angegebenen "
 "Zeichenkette verändern"
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2930,25 +3002,25 @@
 "Suche nach Unterschieden, welche die Anzahl des Vorkommens des angegebenen "
 "regulären Ausdrucks verändern"
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr "zeige alle Änderungen im Changeset mit -S oder -G"
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr ""
 "behandle <Zeichenkette> bei -S als erweiterten POSIX regulären Ausdruck"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr ""
 "kontrolliere die Reihenfolge, in der die Dateien in der Ausgabe erscheinen"
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr "<Objekt-ID>"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2956,33 +3028,33 @@
 "Suche nach Unterschieden, welche die Anzahl des Vorkommens des angegebenen "
 "Objektes verändern"
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "Wähle Dateien anhand der Art der Änderung"
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "<Datei>"
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "Ausgabe zu einer bestimmten Datei"
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "Ungenaue Erkennung für Umbenennungen wurde aufgrund zu vieler Dateien\n"
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr "nur Kopien von geänderten Pfaden, aufgrund zu vieler Dateien, gefunden"
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -3089,32 +3161,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc benötigt multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige shallow-Zeile: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige unshallow-Zeile: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "Objekt nicht gefunden: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "Fehler in Objekt: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "Kein shallow-Objekt gefunden: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "shallow/unshallow erwartet, %s bekommen"
@@ -3133,7 +3205,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "Gebe auf"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "Fertig"
@@ -3174,154 +3246,130 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "Fehler in sideband demultiplexer"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt keine shallow-Clients"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt side-band"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "Server unterstützt Filter"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "Server-Version ist %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "Server unterstützt %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "Server unterstützt keine shallow-Clients"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "Server unterstützt kein --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "Server unterstützt kein --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "Server unterstützt kein --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "keine gemeinsamen Commits"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: Abholen fehlgeschlagen."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "Server unterstützt keine shallow-Anfragen."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "Server unterstützt Filter"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "konnte Anfrage nicht zum Remote schreiben"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen von Sektionskopf '%s'."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' erwartet, '%s' empfangen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr "Unerwartete Acknowledgment-Zeile: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Verarbeiten von ACKS: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr "Erwartete Versand einer Packdatei nach 'ready'."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr "Erwartete keinen Versand einer anderen Sektion ohne 'ready'."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Verarbeiten von Shallow-Informationen: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "wanted-ref erwartet, '%s' bekommen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "Unerwartetes wanted-ref: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Verarbeiten von wanted-refs: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "kein übereinstimmender Remote-Branch"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "Remote-Repository hat nicht alle erforderlichen Objekte gesendet."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "keine solche Remote-Referenz %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "Der Server lehnt Anfrage nach nicht angebotenem Objekt %s ab."
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg beim Signieren der Daten fehlgeschlagen"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "konnte temporäre Datei nicht erstellen"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der losgelösten Signatur nach '%s'"
@@ -3331,18 +3379,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "Ignoriere ungültige Farbe '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "'%s': konnte %s nicht lesen"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "'%s': read() zu kurz"
@@ -3412,7 +3460,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Allgemeine Git-Befehle, verwendet in verschiedenen Situationen:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "Nicht unterstützte Art zur Befehlsauflistung '%s'."
@@ -3560,7 +3608,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "Name besteht nur aus nicht erlaubten Zeichen: %s"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiges Datumsformat: %s"
@@ -3593,6 +3641,11 @@
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr "Keine Unterstützung für sparse:path Filter mehr"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "Ungültige filter-spec '%s'"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "Kann Remote-Repository für partielles Klonen nicht ändern."
@@ -3626,8 +3679,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "Lesen des Zwischenspeichers fehlgeschlagen"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Konnte neue Index-Datei nicht schreiben."
@@ -3652,92 +3705,92 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen der \"Tree\"-Objekte"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfades '%s'%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Entferne %s, um Platz für Unterverzeichnis zu schaffen\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": vielleicht ein Verzeichnis/Datei-Konflikt?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "verweigere, da unversionierte Dateien in '%s' verloren gehen würden"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "kann Objekt %s '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "Blob erwartet für %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von '%s': %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen einer symbolischen Verknüpfung für '%s': %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "weiß nicht was mit %06o %s '%s' zu machen ist"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Merge von Submodul %s (nicht ausgecheckt)."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Merge von Submodul %s (Commits nicht vorhanden)."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Merge von Submodul %s (Commits folgen keiner Merge-Basis)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Spule Submodul %s zu dem folgenden Commit vor:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Spule Submodul %s vor"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler beim Merge von Submodule %s (dem Merge nachfolgende Commits nicht "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Merge von Submodul %s (kein Vorspulen)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Mögliche Auflösung des Merges für Submodul gefunden:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3754,33 +3807,33 @@
 "hinzu, um diesen Vorschlag zu akzeptieren.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Merge von Submodul %s (mehrere Merges gefunden)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Fehler bei Ausführung des internen Merges"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "Konnte %s nicht zur Datenbank hinzufügen"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "automatischer Merge von %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler: Verweigere unversionierte Datei bei %s zu verlieren;\n"
 "schreibe stattdessen nach %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3789,7 +3842,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/löschen): %s gelöscht in %s und %s in %s. Stand %s von %s wurde "
 "im Arbeitsbereich gelassen."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3798,7 +3851,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/löschen): %s gelöscht in %s und %s nach %s in %s. Stand %s von "
 "%s wurde im Arbeitsbereich gelassen."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3807,7 +3860,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/löschen): %s gelöscht in %s und %s in %s. Stand %s von %s wurde "
 "im Arbeitsbereich bei %s gelassen."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3816,46 +3869,46 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/löschen): %s gelöscht in %s und %s nach %s in %s. Stand %s von "
 "%s wurde im Arbeitsbereich bei %s gelassen."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "umbenennen"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "umbenannt"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "Verweigere geänderte Datei bei %s zu verlieren."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr ""
 "Verweigere unversionierte Datei bei %s zu verlieren, auch wenn diese im Weg "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "KONFLIKT (umbenennen/hinzufügen): Benenne um %s->%s in %s. %s hinzugefügt in "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s ist ein Verzeichnis in %s, füge es stattdessen als %s hinzu"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr ""
 "Verweigere unversionierte Datei bei %s zu verlieren; füge stattdessen %s "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -3864,18 +3917,18 @@
 "KONFLIKT (umbenennen/umbenennen): Benenne um \"%s\"->\"%s\" in Branch \"%s\" "
 "und \"%s\"->\"%s\" in Branch \"%s\"%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (bleibt unaufgelöst)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "KONFLIKT (umbenennen/umbenennen): Benenne um %s->%s in %s. Benenne um %s->%s "
 "in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3888,7 +3941,7 @@
 "keines dieser Ziele die Mehrheit der Dateien erhielt."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -3899,7 +3952,7 @@
 "Weg von impliziter Verzeichnisumbenennung, die versucht, einen oder mehrere\n"
 "Pfade dahin zu setzen: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -3910,7 +3963,7 @@
 "%s mappen; implizite Verzeichnisumbenennungen versuchten diese Pfade dahin\n"
 "zu setzen: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -3919,7 +3972,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (umbenennen/umbenennen): Benenne Verzeichnis um %s->%s in %s.\n"
 "Benenne Verzeichnis um %s->%s in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
@@ -3928,52 +3981,52 @@
 "WARNUNG: Vermeide Umbenennung %s -> %s von %s, weil %s selbst umbenannt "
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "kann Objekt %s nicht lesen"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "Objekt %s ist kein Blob"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "ändern"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "geändert"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "Inhalt"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "hinzufügen/hinzufügen"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "%s ausgelassen (Ergebnis des Merges existiert bereits)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "Submodul"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "KONFLIKT (%s): Merge-Konflikt in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Füge stattdessen als %s hinzu"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -3982,7 +4035,7 @@
 "Pfad aktualisiert: %s hinzugefügt in %s innerhalb eines Verzeichnisses, das "
 "umbenannt wurde in %s; Verschiebe es nach %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -3991,7 +4044,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (Speicherort): %s hinzugefügt in %s innerhalb eines Verzeichnisses, "
 "das umbenannt wurde in %s, es sollte vielleicht nach %s verschoben werden."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -4000,7 +4053,7 @@
 "Pfad aktualisiert: %s umbenannt nach %s in %s, innerhalb eines "
 "Verzeichnisses, das umbenannt wurde in %s; Verschiebe es nach %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -4010,37 +4063,37 @@
 "Verzeichnisses, das umbenannt wurde in %s, es sollte vielleicht nach %s "
 "verschoben werden."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Entferne %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "Datei/Verzeichnis"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "Verzeichnis/Datei"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 "KONFLIKT (%s): Es existiert bereits ein Verzeichnis %s in %s. Füge %s als %s "
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Füge %s hinzu"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "KONFLIKT (hinzufügen/hinzufügen): Merge-Konflikt in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -4050,128 +4103,133 @@
 "überschrieben werden:\n"
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Bereits aktuell!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "Zusammenführen der \"Tree\"-Objekte %s und %s fehlgeschlagen"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Merge:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "%u gemeinsamen Vorgänger-Commit gefunden"
 msgstr[1] "%u gemeinsame Vorgänger-Commits gefunden"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "Merge hat keinen Commit zurückgegeben"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Objekt '%s' nicht parsen."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Konnte Index nicht schreiben."
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index-Datei %s ist zu klein."
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr ""
 "multi-pack-index-Signatur 0x%08x stimmt nicht mit Signatur 0x%08x überein."
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index-Version %d nicht erkannt."
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "Hash-Version %u stimmt nicht überein."
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Chunk-Offset (zu groß)"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr "Abschließende multi-pack-index Chunk-Id erscheint eher als erwartet."
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index fehlt erforderlicher pack-name Chunk."
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index fehlt erforderlicher OID fanout Chunk."
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index fehlt erforderlicher OID lookup Chunk."
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index fehlt erforderlicher object offset Chunk."
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr "Falsche Reihenfolge bei multi-pack-index Pack-Namen: '%s' vor '%s'"
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr "Ungültige pack-int-id: %u (%u Pakete insgesamt)"
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr ""
 "multi-pack-index speichert einen 64-Bit Offset, aber off_t ist zu klein."
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr "Fehler bei Vorbereitung der Packdatei aus multi-pack-index."
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von Packdatei '%s'."
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von pack-index '%s'"
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Lokalisieren von Objekt %d in Packdatei."
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "Pack-Datei %s zum Weglassen nicht gefunden"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen des multi-pack-index bei %s"
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "Suche nach referenzierten Pack-Dateien"
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
@@ -4179,49 +4237,57 @@
 "Ungültige oid fanout Reihenfolge: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = "
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr "Verifiziere OID-Reihenfolge in MIDX"
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr "Ungültige oid lookup Reihenfolge: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "Sortiere Objekte nach Pack-Datei"
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "Überprüfe Objekt-Offsets"
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Pack-Eintrags für oid[%d] = %s"
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Laden des Pack-Index für Packdatei %s"
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr "Falscher Objekt-Offset für oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "Konnte 'pack-objects' nicht ausführen"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "Konnte 'pack-objects' nicht beenden"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "Kann lazy_dir Thread nicht erzeugen: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "Kann lazy_name Thread nicht erzeugen: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "Kann lazy_name Thread nicht beitreten: %s"
@@ -4296,16 +4362,16 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "Hash stimmt nicht mit %s überein."
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "Offset vor Ende der Packdatei (fehlerhafte Indexdatei?)"
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr "Offset vor Beginn des Pack-Index für %s (beschädigter Index?)"
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr "Offset hinter Ende des Pack-Index für %s (abgeschnittener Index?)"
@@ -4564,24 +4630,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "Konnte --pretty Format nicht parsen."
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "Konnte `log` nicht starten."
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "Konnte Ausgabe von `log` nicht lesen."
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit '%s' nicht parsen."
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "Konnte Git-Header '%.*s' nicht parsen."
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Generieren des Diffs."
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Log für '%s' nicht parsen."
@@ -4699,11 +4770,10 @@
 msgstr "Ungeordnete Stage-Einträge für '%s'."
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "Index-Datei beschädigt"
@@ -4757,12 +4827,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter Index. Erwartete %s in %s, erhielt %s."
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht schließen."
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht lesen."
@@ -4847,7 +4917,7 @@
 msgstr[0] "Rebase von %s auf %s (%d Kommando)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebase von %s auf %s (%d Kommandos)"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -4856,7 +4926,7 @@
 "Keine Zeile entfernen. Benutzen Sie 'drop', um explizit einen Commit zu\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -4864,7 +4934,7 @@
 "Wenn Sie hier eine Zeile entfernen, wird DIESER COMMIT VERLOREN GEHEN.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4878,7 +4948,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -4888,12 +4958,12 @@
 "Wenn Sie jedoch alles löschen, wird der Rebase abgebrochen.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "Leere Commits sind auskommentiert."
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht schreiben."
@@ -4929,99 +4999,100 @@
 "Warnungen zu ändern.\n"
 "Die möglichen Verhaltensweisen sind: ignore, warn, error.\n"
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "%s zeigt auf kein gültiges Objekt!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "Ignoriere unreferenzierte symbolische Referenz %s"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "Ignoriere fehlerhafte Referenz %s"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht zum Schreiben öffnen: %s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Referenz '%s' nicht lesen."
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "Referenz '%s' existiert bereits."
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "Unerwartete Objekt-ID beim Schreiben von '%s'."
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht nach '%s' schreiben."
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht zum Schreiben öffnen."
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "Unerwartete Objekt-ID beim Löschen von '%s'."
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "Log für Referenz %s hat eine Lücke nach %s."
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "Log für Referenz %s unerwartet bei %s beendet."
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "Log für %s ist leer."
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "Verweigere Aktualisierung einer Referenz mit fehlerhaftem Namen '%s'."
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "update_ref für Referenz '%s' fehlgeschlagen: %s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "Mehrere Aktualisierungen für Referenz '%s' nicht erlaubt."
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr ""
 "Aktualisierungen von Referenzen ist innerhalb der Quarantäne-Umgebung "
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' existiert; kann '%s' nicht erstellen"
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "Kann '%s' und '%s' nicht zur selben Zeit verarbeiten."
@@ -5047,268 +5118,252 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültige Refspec '%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "entfernt"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "%d voraus"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "%d hinterher"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "%d voraus, %d hinterher"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "Erwartetes Format: %%(color:<Farbe>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "nicht erkannte Farbe: %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Positiver Wert erwartet refname:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Positiver Wert erwartet refname:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes %%(%s) Argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) akzeptiert keine Argumente"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes %%(objectsize) Argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) akzeptiert keine Argumente"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) akzeptiert keine Argumente"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) akzeptiert keine Argumente"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "unbekanntes %%(trailers) Argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "Positiver Wert erwartet contents:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes %%(contents) Argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "Positiver Wert erwartet objectname:short=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes %%(objectname) Argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "Erwartetes Format: %%(align:<Breite>,<Position>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "nicht erkannte Position:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "nicht erkannte Breite:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes %%(align) Argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "Positive Breitenangabe für %%(align) erwartet"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes %%(if) Argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter Feldname: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Feldname: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr ""
 "Kein Git-Repository, aber das Feld '%.*s' erfordert Zugriff auf Objektdaten."
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "format: %%(if) Atom ohne ein %%(then) Atom verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format: %%(then) Atom ohne ein %%(if) Atom verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "format: %%(then) Atom mehr als einmal verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "format: %%(then) Atom nach %%(else) verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format: %%(else) Atom ohne ein %%(if) Atom verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "Format: %%(else) Atom ohne ein %%(then) Atom verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "Format: %%(end) Atom mehr als einmal verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "Format: %%(end) Atom ohne zugehöriges Atom verwendet"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter Formatierungsstring %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(kein Branch, Rebase von Branch %s im Gange)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "kein Branch, Rebase von %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(kein Branch, Rebase von losgelöstem HEAD %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "kein Branch, Rebase von losgelöstem HEAD %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(kein Branch, binäre Suche begonnen bei %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "kein Branch, binäre Suche begonnen bei %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD losgelöst bei %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "kein Branch"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD losgelöst von %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(kein Branch)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "Objekt %s fehlt für %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "parse_object_buffer bei %s für %s fehlgeschlagen"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "fehlerhaftes Objekt bei '%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "Ignoriere Referenz mit fehlerhaftem Namen %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "Format: %%(end) Atom fehlt"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "Die Option `%s' ist inkompatibel mit --merged."
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "Die Option `%s' ist inkompatibel mit --no-merged."
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "Missgebildeter Objektname %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "Die Option `%s' muss auf einen Commit zeigen."
@@ -5662,8 +5717,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "Preimage für '%s' aufgezeichnet."
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Verzeichnis '%s' nicht erstellen."
@@ -5697,20 +5752,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "Konnte rr-cache Verzeichnis nicht öffnen."
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "Ihr aktueller Branch scheint fehlerhaft zu sein."
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "Ihr aktueller Branch '%s' hat noch keine Commits."
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "Die Optionen --first-parent und --bisect sind inkompatibel."
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr "-L unterstützt noch keine anderen Diff-Formate außer -p und -s"
@@ -5782,24 +5837,29 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht löschen."
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht löschen"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "Revert"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "Cherry-Pick"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "interaktives Rebase"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "Unbekannte Aktion: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -5807,7 +5867,7 @@
 "nach Auflösung der Konflikte markieren Sie die korrigierten Pfade\n"
 "mit 'git add <Pfade>' oder 'git rm <Pfade>'"
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -5817,45 +5877,45 @@
 "mit 'git add <Pfade>' oder 'git rm <Pfade>' und tragen Sie das Ergebnis mit\n"
 "'git commit' ein"
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht sperren"
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte EOL nicht nach '%s' schreiben."
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Fertigstellen von '%s'."
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "Ihre lokalen Änderungen würden durch den %s überschrieben werden."
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr ""
 "Committen Sie Ihre Änderungen oder benutzen Sie \"stash\", um fortzufahren."
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: Vorspulen"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger \"cleanup\" Modus %s"
@@ -5863,70 +5923,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: Konnte neue Index-Datei nicht schreiben"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "Konnte Cache-Verzeichnis nicht aktualisieren."
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD-Commit nicht auflösen."
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "Kein Schlüssel in '%.*s' vorhanden."
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Anführungszeichen von '%s' nicht entfernen."
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht zum Lesen öffnen."
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' bereits angegeben."
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' bereits angegeben."
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' bereits angegeben."
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "Unbekannte Variable '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' fehlt."
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' fehlt."
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' fehlt."
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiges Datumsformat '%s' in '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -5957,15 +6017,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "Root-Commit schreiben"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "'prepare-commit-msg' Hook fehlgeschlagen."
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5993,7 +6053,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -6019,307 +6079,350 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "Konnte neu erstellten Commit nicht nachschlagen."
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "Konnte neu erstellten Commit nicht analysieren."
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht auflösen, nachdem der Commit erstellt wurde."
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "losgelöster HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (Root-Commit)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht parsen."
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s ist kein Commit!"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit von HEAD nicht analysieren."
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Autor nicht parsen."
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "\"git write-tree\" schlug beim Schreiben eines \"Tree\"-Objektes fehl"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Beschreibung von '%s' nicht lesen."
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben des Commit-Objektes."
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit %s nicht parsen."
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Eltern-Commit %s nicht parsen."
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Befehl: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Das ist eine Kombination aus %d Commits."
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "benötige HEAD für fixup"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht lesen"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Beschreibung von HEAD nicht lesen"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "kann '%s' nicht schreiben"
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Das ist die erste Commit-Beschreibung:"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Beschreibung von %s nicht lesen."
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Das ist Commit-Beschreibung #%d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Die Commit-Beschreibung #%d wird ausgelassen:"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "Ihre Index-Datei ist nicht zusammengeführt."
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "kann fixup nicht auf Root-Commit anwenden"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "Commit %s ist ein Merge, aber die Option -m wurde nicht angegeben."
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "Commit %s hat keinen Eltern-Commit %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "Kann keine Commit-Beschreibung für %s bekommen."
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: kann Eltern-Commit %s nicht parsen"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht zu '%s' umbenennen."
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "Konnte \"revert\" nicht auf %s... (%s) ausführen"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "Konnte %s... (%s) nicht anwenden"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: Fehler beim Lesen des Index"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Index"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s akzeptiert keine Argumente: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "Fehlende Argumente für %s."
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%.*s' nicht parsen."
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Zeile %d: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "Kann '%s' nicht ohne vorherigen Commit ausführen"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht lesen."
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "Abbrechen eines laufenden \"cherry-pick\""
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "Abbrechen eines laufenden \"revert\""
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr ""
 "Bitte beheben Sie dieses, indem Sie 'git rebase --edit-todo' ausführen."
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "Unbenutzbares Instruktionsblatt: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "Keine Commits geparst."
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "Kann Cherry-Pick nicht während eines Reverts ausführen."
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "Kann Revert nicht während eines Cherry-Picks ausführen."
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für %s: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "Unbenutzbares squash-onto."
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehlerhaftes Optionsblatt: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "leere Menge von Commits übergeben"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr "\"cherry-pick\" oder \"revert\" ist bereits im Gang"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "\"revert\" ist bereits im Gange"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "versuchen Sie \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "Versuchen Sie \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "\"cherry-pick\" wird bereits durchgeführt"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "Versuchen Sie \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte \"sequencer\"-Verzeichnis '%s' nicht erstellen."
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht sperren"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
-msgstr "kein \"cherry-pick\" oder \"revert\" im Gang"
+msgstr "kein \"cherry-pick\" oder \"revert\" im Gange"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "kann HEAD nicht auflösen"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "kann nicht abbrechen: bin auf einem Branch, der noch nicht geboren ist"
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "kann '%s' nicht öffnen"
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "Kann '%s' nicht lesen: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "Unerwartetes Dateiende"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "gespeicherte \"pre-cherry-pick\" HEAD Datei '%s' ist beschädigt"
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr ""
 "Sie scheinen HEAD verändert zu haben. Keine Rückspulung, prüfen Sie HEAD."
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "Kein Revert im Gange"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "kein \"cherry-pick\" im Gange"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "Überspringen des Commits fehlgeschlagen"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "Nichts zum Überspringen vorhanden"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"Haben Sie bereits committet?\n"
+"Versuchen Sie \"git %s --continue\""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "Konnte %s nicht aktualisieren."
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "Kann HEAD nicht lesen"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht nach '%s' kopieren."
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6338,27 +6441,27 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "Konnte %s... (%.*s) nicht anwenden"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "Konnte \"%.*s\" nicht zusammenführen."
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht nach '%s' kopieren."
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "Konnte den Index nicht lesen."
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6374,11 +6477,11 @@
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "Der Index und/oder das Arbeitsverzeichnis wurde geändert.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6396,77 +6499,77 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "Unerlaubter Beschriftungsname: '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "unechten Root-Commit schreiben"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "squash-onto schreiben"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Finden des \"Tree\"-Objektes von %s."
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "Konnte Index nicht schreiben."
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht auflösen."
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "Kann nicht ohne einen aktuellen Commit mergen."
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%.*s' nicht parsen."
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "Nichts zum Zusammenführen: '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr ""
 "Octupus-Merge kann nicht auf Basis von [neuem Root-Commit] ausgeführt werden."
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte keine Commit-Beschreibung von '%s' bekommen."
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht einmal versuchen '%.*s' zu mergen."
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "merge: Konnte neue Index-Datei nicht schreiben."
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Automatischen Stash angewendet.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "kann %s nicht speichern"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6477,31 +6580,31 @@
 "Ihre Änderungen sind im Stash sicher.\n"
 "Sie können jederzeit \"git stash pop\" oder \"git stash drop\" ausführen.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "Konnte %s nicht auschecken."
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "%s: keine gültige OID"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht loslösen"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Angehalten bei HEAD\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Angehalten bei %s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6523,50 +6626,50 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Angehalten bei %s... %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Befehl %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "Konnte orig-head nicht lesen."
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "Konnte 'onto' nicht lesen."
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht auf %s aktualisieren."
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr ""
 "Rebase nicht möglich: Sie haben Änderungen, die nicht zum Commit\n"
 "vorgemerkt sind."
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "Kann nicht existierenden Commit nicht nachbessern."
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültige Datei: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültige Inhalte: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6577,42 +6680,42 @@
 "committen Sie diese zuerst und führen Sie dann 'git rebase --continue'\n"
 "erneut aus."
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht schreiben: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte CHERRY_PICK_HEAD nicht löschen."
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "Konnte Änderungen aus der Staging-Area nicht committen."
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s: %s kann nicht in \"cherry-pick\" benutzt werden"
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: ungültiger Commit"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "Kann nicht als allerersten Commit einen Revert ausführen."
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: unbehandelte Optionen"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: Fehler beim Vorbereiten der Commits"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
@@ -6622,15 +6725,15 @@
 "'git rebase --continue' aus.\n"
 "Oder Sie können den Rebase mit 'git rebase --abort' abbrechen.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "Nichts zu tun."
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "Konnte unnötige \"pick\"-Befehle nicht auslassen."
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "Das Script wurde bereits umgeordnet."
@@ -6858,196 +6961,201 @@
 "Referenziertes Repository '%s' ist mit künstlichen Vorgängern (\"grafts\") "
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "Ungültige Zeile beim Parsen alternativer Referenzen: %s"
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "Versuche mmap %<PRIuMAX> über Limit %<PRIuMAX>."
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "mmap fehlgeschlagen"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "Objektdatei %s ist leer."
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehlerhaftes loses Objekt '%s'."
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "Nutzlose Daten am Ende von losem Objekt '%s'."
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "ungültiger Objekt-Typ"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "Konnte %s Kopfbereich nicht mit --allow-unknown-type entpacken."
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "Konnte %s Kopfbereich nicht entpacken."
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "Konnte %s Kopfbereich mit --allow-unknown-type nicht parsen."
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "Konnte %s Kopfbereich nicht parsen."
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Objekt %s nicht lesen."
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "Ersetzung %s für %s nicht gefunden."
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "Loses Objekt %s (gespeichert in %s) ist beschädigt."
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "Gepacktes Objekt %s (gespeichert in %s) ist beschädigt."
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Datei %s nicht schreiben."
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Zugriffsberechtigung auf '%s' nicht setzen."
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben einer Datei."
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schließen der Datei für lose Objekte."
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Unzureichende Berechtigung zum Hinzufügen eines Objektes zur Repository-"
 "Datenbank %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "Konnte temporäre Datei nicht erstellen."
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben der Datei für lose Objekte."
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "Konnte neues Objekt %s (%d) nicht komprimieren."
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "deflateEnd auf Objekt %s fehlgeschlagen (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "Fehler wegen instabilen Objektquelldaten für %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Aufruf von utime() auf '%s'."
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "Kann Objekt für %s nicht lesen."
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "fehlerhafter Commit"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "fehlerhaftes Tag"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "Lesefehler beim Indizieren von '%s'."
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "read() zu kurz beim Indizieren von '%s'."
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "%s: Fehler beim Einfügen in die Datenbank"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "%s: nicht unterstützte Dateiart"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "%s ist kein gültiges Objekt"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s ist kein gültiges '%s' Objekt"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "kann %s nicht öffnen"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "Hash für %s stimmt nicht überein (%s erwartet)."
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "Konnte mmap nicht auf %s ausführen."
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Kopfbereich von %s nicht entpacken."
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Kopfbereich von %s nicht parsen."
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Inhalt von %s nicht entpacken."
@@ -7067,7 +7175,7 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
@@ -7078,7 +7186,7 @@
 "Sie diese angeben. Diese Referenzen könnten aus Versehen\n"
 "erzeugt worden sein. Zum Beispiel,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "wobei \"$br\" leer ist und eine 40-Hex-Referenz erzeugt\n"
 "wurde. Bitte prüfen Sie diese Referenzen und löschen\n"
@@ -7086,6 +7194,58 @@
 "indem Sie \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\"\n"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u Byte"
+msgstr[1] "%u Bytes"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u Byte/s"
+msgstr[1] "%u Bytes/s"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7121,7 +7281,7 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "Submodul-Eintrag '%s' (%s) ist ein %s, kein Commit."
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht als gültige Referenz auflösen."
@@ -7160,7 +7320,7 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "Submodule '%s' konnte nicht aktualisiert werden."
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
@@ -7168,12 +7328,12 @@
 "relocate_gitdir für Submodul '%s' mit mehr als einem Arbeitsverzeichnis\n"
 "wird nicht unterstützt"
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "konnte Name für Submodul '%s' nicht nachschlagen"
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7184,16 +7344,16 @@
 "'%s' nach\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler bei Rekursion in Submodul-Pfad '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "Konnte 'ls-files' nicht in .. starten"
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree mit unerwartetem Rückgabewert %d beendet"
@@ -7367,15 +7527,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Versand aller erforderlichen Submodule."
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "Die Operation wird von dem Protokoll nicht unterstützt."
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "Ungültige Zeile beim Parsen alternativer Referenzen: %s"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "Vollständiges Schreiben zu Remote-Helper fehlgeschlagen."
@@ -7422,7 +7577,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von 'fast-import'."
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Referenz %s nicht lesen."
@@ -7476,24 +7631,24 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "Remote-Helper %s unterstützt nicht 'push-option'."
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr "Remote-Helper unterstützt kein Push; Refspec benötigt"
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "Remote-Helper %s unterstützt kein 'force'."
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "Konnte \"fast-export\" nicht ausführen."
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von \"fast-export\"."
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7502,47 +7657,47 @@
 "Keine gemeinsamen Referenzen und nichts spezifiziert; keine Ausführung.\n"
 "Vielleicht sollten Sie einen Branch wie 'master' angeben.\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Antwort in Referenzliste: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "Lesen von %s fehlgeschlagen."
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "Schreiben von %s fehlgeschlagen."
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "Thread %s fehlgeschlagen."
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Beitreten zu Thread %s: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "Kann Thread zum Kopieren von Daten nicht starten: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Warten von Prozess %s."
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "Prozess %s fehlgeschlagen"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "Kann Thread zum Kopieren von Daten nicht starten."
@@ -7558,7 +7713,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "leerer Dateiname in Tree-Eintrag"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "zu kurze Tree-Datei"
@@ -7810,8 +7965,8 @@
 msgstr "Abbruch\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "Checke Dateien aus"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "Aktualisiere Dateien"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -7852,32 +8007,32 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "ungültiges '..' Pfadsegment"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen von '%s'"
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr "'%s' im Hauptarbeitsverzeichnis ist nicht das Repository-Verzeichnis."
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr "'%s' Datei enthält nicht den absoluten Pfad zum Arbeitsverzeichnis."
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "'%s' existiert nicht."
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "'%s' ist keine .git-Datei, Fehlercode %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' zeigt nicht zurück auf '%s'"
@@ -7896,167 +8051,173 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "Konnte aktuelles Arbeitsverzeichnis nicht bekommen."
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Nicht zusammengeführte Pfade:"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (benutzen Sie \"git reset %s <Datei>...\" zum Entfernen aus der Staging-"
+"  (benutzen Sie \"git restore --staged <Datei>...\" zum Entfernen aus der "
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (benutzen Sie \"git restore --source=%s --staged <Datei>...\" zum "
+"Entfernen aus der Staging-Area)"
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git rm --cached <Datei>...\" zum Entfernen aus der Staging-"
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git add/rm <Datei>...\", um die Auflösung zu markieren)"
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git add/rm <Datei>...\", um die Auflösung entsprechend zu "
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git add/rm <Datei>...\", um die Auflösung zu markieren)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Zum Commit vorgemerkte Änderungen:"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Änderungen, die nicht zum Commit vorgemerkt sind:"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git add <Datei>...\", um die Änderungen zum Commit "
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git add/rm <Datei>...\", um die Änderungen zum Commit "
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (benutzen Sie \"git checkout -- <Datei>...\", um die Änderungen im "
+"  (benutzen Sie \"git restore <Datei>...\", um die Änderungen im "
 "Arbeitsverzeichnis zu verwerfen)"
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (committen oder verwerfen Sie den unversionierten oder geänderten Inhalt "
 "in den Submodulen)"
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git %s <Datei>...\", um die Änderungen zum Commit "
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "beide gelöscht:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "von uns hinzugefügt:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "von denen gelöscht:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "von denen hinzugefügt:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "von uns gelöscht:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "von beiden hinzugefügt:"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "von beiden geändert:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "neue Datei:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "kopiert:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "gelöscht:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "geändert:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "umbenannt:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "Typänderung:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "unbekannt:"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "nicht gemerged:"
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "neue Commits, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "geänderter Inhalt, "
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "unversionierter Inhalt, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "Ihr Stash hat gerade %d Eintrag"
 msgstr[1] "Ihr Stash hat gerade %d Einträge"
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Submodule geändert, aber nicht aktualisiert:"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Änderungen in Submodul zum Committen:"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -8064,114 +8225,126 @@
 "Ändern oder entfernen Sie nicht die obige Zeile.\n"
 "Alles unterhalb von ihr wird ignoriert."
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Es wurden %.2f Sekunden benötigt, um die voraus/hinterher-Werte zu "
+"Sie können '--no-ahead-behind' benutzen, um das zu verhindern.\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Sie haben nicht zusammengeführte Pfade."
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr " (beheben Sie die Konflikte und führen Sie \"git commit\" aus)"
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (benutzen Sie \"git merge --abort\", um den Merge abzubrechen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Alle Konflikte sind behoben, aber Sie sind immer noch beim Merge."
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (benutzen Sie \"git commit\", um den Merge abzuschließen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Eine \"am\"-Sitzung ist im Gange."
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "Der aktuelle Patch ist leer."
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (beheben Sie die Konflikte und führen Sie dann \"git am --continue\" aus)"
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (benutzen Sie \"git am --skip\", um diesen Patch auszulassen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git am --abort\", um den ursprünglichen Branch "
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "git-rebase-todo fehlt."
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "Keine Befehle ausgeführt."
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "Zuletzt ausgeführter Befehl (%d Befehl ausgeführt):"
 msgstr[1] "Zuletzt ausgeführte Befehle (%d Befehle ausgeführt):"
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (mehr Informationen in Datei %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "Keine Befehle verbleibend."
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Nächster auszuführender Befehl (%d Befehle verbleibend):"
 msgstr[1] "Nächste auszuführende Befehle (%d Befehle verbleibend):"
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (benutzen Sie \"git rebase --edit-todo\" zum Ansehen und Bearbeiten)"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Sie sind gerade beim Rebase von Branch '%s' auf '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Sie sind gerade beim Rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (beheben Sie die Konflikte und führen Sie dann \"git rebase --continue\" "
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (benutzen Sie \"git rebase --skip\", um diesen Patch auszulassen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git rebase --abort\", um den ursprünglichen Branch "
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (alle Konflikte behoben: führen Sie \"git rebase --continue\" aus)"
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
@@ -8179,154 +8352,146 @@
 "Sie teilen gerade einen Commit auf, während ein Rebase von Branch '%s' auf "
 "'%s' im Gange ist."
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Sie teilen gerade einen Commit während eines Rebase auf."
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (Sobald Ihr Arbeitsverzeichnis unverändert ist, führen Sie \"git rebase --"
 "continue\" aus)"
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "Sie editieren gerade einen Commit während eines Rebase von Branch '%s' auf "
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Sie editieren gerade einen Commit während eines Rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git commit --amend\", um den aktuellen Commit "
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git rebase --continue\" sobald Ihre Änderungen "
 "abgeschlossen sind)"
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr "Cherry-pick zurzeit im Gange."
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Sie führen gerade \"cherry-pick\" von Commit %s aus."
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (beheben Sie die Konflikte und führen Sie dann \"git cherry-pick --continue"
 "\" aus)"
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (Führen Sie \"git cherry-pick --continue\" aus, um weiterzumachen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (alle Konflikte behoben: führen Sie \"git cherry-pick --continue\" aus)"
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git cherry-pick --abort\", um die Cherry-Pick-Operation "
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr "Revert zurzeit im Gange."
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Sie sind gerade beim Revert von Commit '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (beheben Sie die Konflikte und führen Sie dann \"git revert --continue\" "
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (Führen Sie \"git revert --continue\", um weiterzumachen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (alle Konflikte behoben: führen Sie \"git revert --continue\" aus)"
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git revert --abort\", um die Revert-Operation abzubrechen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Sie sind gerade bei einer binären Suche, gestartet von Branch '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Sie sind gerade bei einer binären Suche."
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (benutzen Sie \"git bisect reset\", um zum ursprünglichen Branch "
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "Auf Branch "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "interaktives Rebase im Gange; auf "
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "Rebase im Gange; auf "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "HEAD losgelöst bei "
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "HEAD losgelöst von "
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Im Moment auf keinem Branch."
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Initialer Commit"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "Noch keine Commits"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Unversionierte Dateien"
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Ignorierte Dateien"
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8337,32 +8502,32 @@
 "'status -uno' könnte das beschleunigen, aber Sie müssen darauf achten,\n"
 "neue Dateien selbstständig hinzuzufügen (siehe 'git help status')."
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Unversionierte Dateien nicht aufgelistet%s"
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (benutzen Sie die Option -u, um unversionierte Dateien anzuzeigen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Keine Änderungen"
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
 "keine Änderungen zum Commit vorgemerkt (benutzen Sie \"git add\" und/oder "
 "\"git commit -a\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "keine Änderungen zum Commit vorgemerkt\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
@@ -8371,67 +8536,67 @@
 "nichts zum Commit vorgemerkt, aber es gibt unversionierte Dateien\n"
 "(benutzen Sie \"git add\" zum Versionieren)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr "nichts zum Commit vorgemerkt, aber es gibt unversionierte Dateien\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "nichts zu committen (erstellen/kopieren Sie Dateien und benutzen\n"
 "Sie \"git add\" zum Versionieren)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "nichts zu committen\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "nichts zu committen (benutzen Sie die Option -u, um unversionierte Dateien "
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "nichts zu committen, Arbeitsverzeichnis unverändert\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "Noch keine Commits in "
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (kein Branch)"
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "unterschiedlich"
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "hinterher "
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "voraus "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr ""
 "%s nicht möglich: Sie haben Änderungen, die nicht zum Commit vorgemerkt sind."
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "Zusätzlich enthält die Staging-Area nicht committete Änderungen."
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
@@ -8446,7 +8611,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "unerwarteter Differenz-Status %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "Aktualisierung der Dateien fehlgeschlagen"
@@ -8497,8 +8662,8 @@
 "Die folgenden Pfade werden durch eine Ihrer \".gitignore\" Dateien "
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "Probelauf"
@@ -8507,7 +8672,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "interaktives Auswählen"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "Blöcke interaktiv auswählen"
@@ -8684,7 +8849,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Patch-Formaterkennung fehlgeschlagen."
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen von Verzeichnis '%s'"
@@ -8693,7 +8858,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Fehler beim Aufteilen der Patches."
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "Konnte Index-Datei nicht schreiben."
@@ -8737,19 +8902,19 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit '%s' nicht parsen."
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "Dem Repository fehlen notwendige Blobs um auf einen 3-Wege-Merge "
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr ""
 "Verwende Informationen aus der Staging-Area, um ein Basisverzeichnis "
 "nachzustellen ..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8757,30 +8922,24 @@
 "Haben Sie den Patch per Hand editiert?\n"
 "Er kann nicht auf die Blobs in seiner 'index' Zeile angewendet werden."
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "Falle zurück zum Patchen der Basis und zum 3-Wege-Merge ..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Merge der Änderungen fehlgeschlagen."
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "auf leere Historie anwenden"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "Kann nicht fortsetzen: %s existiert nicht"
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr ""
-"Kann nicht interaktiv sein, ohne dass die Standard-Eingabe mit einem "
-"Terminal verbunden ist."
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Commit-Beschreibung ist:"
@@ -8788,36 +8947,37 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr "Anwenden? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "Geänderter Index: kann Patches nicht anwenden (geändert: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Wende an: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Keine Änderungen -- Patches bereits angewendet."
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "Anwendung des Patches fehlgeschlagen bei %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
 "Benutzen Sie 'git am --show-current-patch', um den\n"
 "fehlgeschlagenen Patch zu sehen."
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8828,7 +8988,7 @@
 "diese bereits anderweitig eingefügt worden sein; Sie könnten diesen Patch\n"
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8841,17 +9001,17 @@
 "Sie können 'git rm' auf Dateien ausführen, um \"von denen gelöscht\" für\n"
 "diese zu akzeptieren."
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "Konnte Objekt '%s' nicht parsen."
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Bereinigen des Index"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -8859,144 +9019,144 @@
 "Sie scheinen seit dem letzten gescheiterten 'am' HEAD geändert zu haben.\n"
 "Keine Zurücksetzung zu ORIG_HEAD."
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für --patch-format: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<Optionen>] [(<mbox> | <E-Mail-Verzeichnis>)...]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<Optionen>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "interaktiv ausführen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "historische Option -- kein Effekt"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "erlaube, falls notwendig, das Zurückfallen auf einen 3-Wege-Merge"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "weniger Ausgaben"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "der Commit-Beschreibung eine Signed-off-by Zeile hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "nach UTF-8 umkodieren (Standard)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "-k an git-mailinfo übergeben"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "-b an git-mailinfo übergeben"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "-m an git-mailinfo übergeben"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "--keep-cr an git-mailsplit für mbox-Format übergeben"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr "kein --keep-cr an git-mailsplit übergeben, unabhängig von am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "alles vor einer Scheren-Zeile entfernen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "an git-apply übergeben"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "Anzahl"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "Format"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "Patch-Format"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "Meldung bei fehlerhafter Patch-Anwendung überschreiben"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "Anwendung der Patches nach Auflösung eines Konfliktes fortsetzen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "Synonyme für --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "den aktuellen Patch auslassen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr ""
 "ursprünglichen Branch wiederherstellen und Anwendung der Patches abbrechen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr "Patch-Operation abbrechen, aber HEAD an aktueller Stelle belassen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "den Patch, der gerade angewendet wird, anzeigen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "Autor-Datum als Commit-Datum verwenden"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "aktuellen Zeitstempel als Autor-Datum verwenden"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "GPG-Schlüsselkennung"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "Commits mit GPG signieren"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(intern für git-rebase verwendet)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -9004,16 +9164,16 @@
 "Die -b/--binary Option hat seit Langem keinen Effekt und wird\n"
 "entfernt. Bitte verwenden Sie diese nicht mehr."
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen des Index"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr "Vorheriges Rebase-Verzeichnis %s existiert noch, aber mbox gegeben."
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -9022,10 +9182,14 @@
 "Stray %s Verzeichnis gefunden.\n"
 "Benutzen Sie \"git am --abort\", um es zu entfernen."
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "Es ist keine Auflösung im Gange, es wird nicht fortgesetzt."
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr "Interaktiver Modus benötigt Patches über die Kommandozeile"
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [<Optionen>] [<Patch>...]"
@@ -9260,79 +9424,84 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "Ungültiger HEAD - merkwürdige symbolische Referenz."
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "Ungültige Referenz: '%s'"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "'git bisect next' ausführen"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "die Begriffe nach .git/BISECT_TERMS schreiben"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "den Zustand der binären Suche aufräumen"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "auf erwartete Commits prüfen"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "den Zustand der binären Suche zurücksetzen"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "den Zustand der binären Suche nach BISECT_LOG schreiben"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "Begriffe innerhalb einer binären Suche prüfen und setzen"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr "prüfen, ob Begriffe für gute und schlechte Commits existieren"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "die Begriffe für die binäre Suche ausgeben"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "Sitzung für binäre Suche starten"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "BISECT_HEAD aktualisieren, anstatt den aktuellen Commit auszuchecken"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "kein Log für BISECT_WRITE"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms benötigt zwei Argumente."
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state erwartet keine Argumente."
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "--bisect-reset benötigt entweder kein Argument oder ein Commit."
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-write benötigt entweder 4 oder 5 Argumente."
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--check-and-set-terms benötigt 3 Argumente."
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-next-check benötigt 2 oder 3 Argumente."
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--bisect-terms benötigt 0 oder 1 Argument."
@@ -9344,138 +9513,155 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "<rev-opts> sind dokumentiert in git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "Erwarte eine Farbe: %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "Muss mit einer Farbe enden."
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "Ungültige Farbe '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines."
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für blame.coloring."
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "Konnte Commit %s zum Ignorieren nicht finden"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr "\"blame\"-Einträge schrittweise anzeigen, während wir sie generieren"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr "leere SHA-1 für Grenz-Commits anzeigen (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Root-Commits nicht als Grenzen behandeln (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Statistiken zum Arbeitsaufwand anzeigen"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige erzwingen"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Ausgabebewertung für \"blame\"-Einträge anzeigen"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "ursprünglichen Dateinamen anzeigen (Standard: auto)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "ursprüngliche Zeilennummer anzeigen (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Anzeige in einem Format für maschinelle Auswertung"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr ""
 "Anzeige in Format für Fremdprogramme mit Commit-Informationen pro Zeile"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Den gleichen Ausgabemodus benutzen wie \"git-annotate\" (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Unbearbeiteten Zeitstempel anzeigen (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Langen Commit-SHA1 anzeigen (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Den Namen des Autors und den Zeitstempel unterdrücken (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Anstatt des Namens die E-Mail-Adresse des Autors anzeigen (Standard: aus)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Unterschiede im Whitespace ignorieren"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "Commit"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "Ignoriere <rev> beim Ausführen von 'blame'"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "Ignoriere Commits aus <Datei>"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr "redundante Metadaten der vorherigen Zeile unterschiedlich einfärben"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr "Zeilen nach Alter einfärben"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr ""
 "eine experimentelle Heuristik zur Verbesserung der Darstellung\n"
 "von Unterschieden verwenden"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Länger arbeiten, um bessere Übereinstimmungen zu finden"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "Commits von <Datei> benutzen, anstatt \"git-rev-list\" aufzurufen"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Inhalte der <Datei>en als endgültiges Abbild benutzen"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "Bewertung"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "kopierte Zeilen innerhalb oder zwischen Dateien finden"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "verschobene Zeilen innerhalb oder zwischen Dateien finden"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "nur Zeilen im Bereich n,m verarbeiten, gezählt von 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr ""
 "--progress kann nicht mit --incremental oder Formaten für Fremdprogramme\n"
@@ -9489,18 +9675,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "vor 4 Jahren und 11 Monaten"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "Datei %s hat nur %lu Zeile"
 msgstr[1] "Datei %s hat nur %lu Zeilen"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "Verarbeite Zeilen"
@@ -9532,7 +9718,7 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [<Optionen>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9541,7 +9727,7 @@
 "entferne Branch '%s', der zusammengeführt wurde mit\n"
 "         '%s', aber noch nicht mit HEAD zusammengeführt wurde."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9550,12 +9736,12 @@
 "entferne Branch '%s' nicht, der noch nicht zusammengeführt wurde mit\n"
 "         '%s', obwohl er mit HEAD zusammengeführt wurde."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Objekt für '%s' nicht nachschlagen."
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -9565,128 +9751,128 @@
 "Wenn Sie sicher sind diesen Branch zu entfernen, führen Sie 'git branch -D "
 "%s' aus."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Aktualisierung der Konfigurationsdatei fehlgeschlagen."
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "kann -a nicht mit -d benutzen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Objekt für HEAD nicht nachschlagen."
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann Branch '%s' nicht entfernen, ausgecheckt in '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "Remote-Tracking-Branch '%s' nicht gefunden"
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "Branch '%s' nicht gefunden."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Entfernen des Remote-Tracking-Branches '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Entfernen des Branches '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Remote-Tracking-Branch %s entfernt (war %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Branch %s entfernt (war %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "Konnte Formatierungsstring nicht parsen."
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD-Commit nicht auflösen."
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "HEAD (%s) wurde nicht unter \"refs/heads/\" gefunden!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "Branch %s wird auf %s umgesetzt"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "Binäre Suche von Branch %s zu %s im Gange"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
 "Kann den aktuellen Branch nicht kopieren, solange Sie sich auf keinem "
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
 "Kann aktuellen Branch nicht umbenennen, solange Sie sich auf keinem befinden."
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Branchname: '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Umbenennung des Branches fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Kopie des Branches fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Kopie eines falsch benannten Branches '%s' erstellt."
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "falsch benannten Branch '%s' umbenannt"
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "Branch umbenannt zu %s, aber HEAD ist nicht aktualisiert!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "Branch ist umbenannt, aber die Aktualisierung der Konfigurationsdatei ist "
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "Branch wurde kopiert, aber die Aktualisierung der Konfigurationsdatei ist\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9697,181 +9883,181 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Zeilen, die mit '%c' beginnen, werden entfernt.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Allgemeine Optionen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr "Hash und Betreff anzeigen; -vv: zusätzlich Upstream-Branch"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "Informationsmeldungen unterdrücken"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "Modus zum Folgen von Branches einstellen (siehe git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "nicht verwenden"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "Upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "Informationen zum Upstream-Branch ändern"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Informationen zum Upstream-Branch entfernen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "farbige Ausgaben verwenden"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "auf Remote-Tracking-Branches wirken"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "nur Branches ausgeben, die diesen Commit enthalten"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "nur Branches ausgeben, die diesen Commit nicht enthalten"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "spezifische Aktionen für \"git-branch\":"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "Remote-Tracking und lokale Branches auflisten"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "vollständig zusammengeführten Branch entfernen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "Branch löschen (auch wenn nicht zusammengeführt)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "einen Branch und dessen Reflog verschieben/umbenennen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr ""
 "einen Branch verschieben/umbenennen, auch wenn das Ziel bereits existiert"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "einen Branch und dessen Reflog kopieren"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "einen Branch kopieren, auch wenn das Ziel bereits existiert"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "Branchnamen auflisten"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "Zeige aktuellen Branch-Namen."
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "das Reflog des Branches erzeugen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "die Beschreibung für den Branch bearbeiten"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "Erstellung, Verschiebung/Umbenennung oder Löschung erzwingen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "nur zusammengeführte Branches ausgeben"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "nur nicht zusammengeführte Branches ausgeben"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "Branches in Spalten auflisten"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "Objekt"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "nur Branches von diesem Objekt ausgeben"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "Sortierung und Filterung sind unabhängig von Groß- und Kleinschreibung"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "für die Ausgabe zu verwendendes Format"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD wurde nicht unter \"refs/heads\" gefunden!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "Die Optionen --column und --verbose sind inkompatibel."
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "Branchname erforderlich"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "zu losgelöstem HEAD kann keine Beschreibung hinterlegt werden"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "Beschreibung von mehr als einem Branch kann nicht bearbeitet werden"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Noch kein Commit in Branch '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "Branch '%s' nicht vorhanden."
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "zu viele Branches für eine Kopieroperation angegeben"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "zu viele Argumente für eine Umbenennen-Operation angegeben"
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "zu viele Argumente angegeben, um Upstream-Branch zu setzen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
@@ -9879,40 +10065,43 @@
 "Konnte keinen neuen Upstream-Branch von HEAD zu %s setzen, da dieser auf\n"
 "keinen Branch zeigt."
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Kein solcher Branch '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "Branch '%s' existiert nicht"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "zu viele Argumente angegeben, um Konfiguration zu Upstream-Branch zu "
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
 "Konnte Konfiguration zu Upstream-Branch von HEAD nicht entfernen, da dieser\n"
 "auf keinen Branch zeigt."
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "Branch '%s' hat keinen Upstream-Branch gesetzt"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
 msgstr ""
-"Die Optionen -a und -r bei 'git branch' können nicht gemeimsam mit einem "
-"Branchnamen verwendet werden."
+"Die Optionen -a und -r bei 'git branch' können nicht mit einem Branchnamen "
+"verwendet werden.\n"
+"Wollten Sie -a|-r --list <Muster> benutzen?"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9933,7 +10122,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Zum Entpacken wird ein Repository benötigt."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -9941,7 +10130,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <Art> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<Pfad>] <Objekt>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -9949,76 +10138,76 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "Nur eine Batch-Option erlaubt."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<Art> kann sein: blob, tree, commit, tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "Objektart anzeigen"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "Objektgröße anzeigen"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "mit Rückgabewert 0 beenden, wenn kein Fehler aufgetreten ist"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "ansprechende Anzeige des Objektinhaltes"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "eine Textkonvertierung auf den Inhalt von Blob-Objekten ausführen"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "für Blob-Objekte, Filter auf Objekt-Inhalte ausführen"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "Blob"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "einen bestimmten Pfad für --textconv/--filters verwenden"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "-s und -t mit beschädigten Objekten erlauben"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "Ausgabe von --batch puffern"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
 "Anzeige von Informationen und Inhalt von Objekten, gelesen von der Standard-"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
 "Anzeige von Informationen über Objekte, gelesen von der Standard-Eingabe"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr ""
 "symbolischen Verknüpfungen innerhalb des Repositories folgen (verwendet mit "
 "--batch oder --batch-check)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "alle Objekte mit --batch oder --batch-check anzeigen"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "Ausgabe von --batch-all-objects nicht ordnen"
@@ -10046,8 +10235,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "Einträge von Ein- und Ausgabe mit NUL-Zeichen abschließen"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige unterdrücken"
@@ -10140,9 +10329,9 @@
 msgstr "den Inhalt in temporäre Dateien schreiben"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "Zeichenkette"
@@ -10155,92 +10344,115 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "Dateien von dem benannten Stand kopieren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<Optionen>] <Branch>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<Optionen>] [<Branch>] -- <Datei>..."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [<Optionen>] [<Branch>]"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [<Optionen>] [--source=<Branch>] <Datei>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "Pfad '%s' hat nicht unsere Version."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "Pfad '%s' hat nicht deren Version."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "Pfad '%s' hat nicht alle notwendigen Versionen."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "Pfad '%s' hat nicht die notwendigen Versionen."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "Pfad '%s': kann nicht zusammenführen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Merge-Ergebnis von '%s' nicht hinzufügen."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "'%s' kann nicht mit der Aktualisierung von Pfaden verwendet werden"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "'%s' kann nicht mit '%s' verwendet werden"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Kann nicht gleichzeitig Pfade aktualisieren und zu Branch '%s' wechseln"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "Pfad '%s' ist nicht zusammengeführt."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "%d Merge-Konflikt wieder erstellt"
 msgstr[1] "%d Merge-Konflikte wieder erstellt"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "%d Pfad von %s aktualisiert"
 msgstr[1] "%d Pfade von %s aktualisiert"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "%d Pfad vom Index aktualisiert"
 msgstr[1] "%d Pfade vom Index aktualisiert"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "'%s' kann nicht mit der Aktualisierung von Pfaden verwendet werden"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' kann nicht mit '%s' verwendet werden"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Kann nicht gleichzeitig Pfade aktualisieren und zu Branch '%s' wechseln"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "Weder '%s' noch '%s' ist angegeben"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "'%s' kann nur genutzt werden, wenn '%s' nicht verwendet wird"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' oder '%s' kann nicht mit %s verwendet werden"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "Pfad '%s' ist nicht zusammengeführt."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "Sie müssen zuerst die Konflikte in Ihrem aktuellen Index auflösen."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -10249,57 +10461,57 @@
 "Kann nicht mit vorgemerkten Änderungen in folgenden Dateien fortsetzen:\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Zum Commit vorgemerkte Änderungen in den folgenden Dateien gehen eventuell "
 "verloren: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Kann \"reflog\" für '%s' nicht durchführen: %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD ist jetzt bei"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht aktualisieren."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Setze Branch '%s' neu\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Bereits auf '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Zu umgesetztem Branch '%s' gewechselt\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Zu neuem Branch '%s' gewechselt\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Zu Branch '%s' gewechselt\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " ... und %d weitere.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10322,7 +10534,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10349,24 +10561,28 @@
 " git branch <neuer-Branchname> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "interner Fehler im Revisionsgang"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "Vorherige Position von HEAD war"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Sie sind auf einem Branch, der noch nicht geboren ist"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "nur eine Referenz erwartet"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "nur eine Referenz erwartet, %d gegeben."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10376,154 +10592,214 @@
 "Bitte benutzen Sie -- (und optional --no-guess), um diese\n"
 "eindeutig voneinander zu unterscheiden."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Referenz: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "Referenz ist kein \"Tree\"-Objekt: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "Ein Branch wird erwartet, Tag '%s' bekommen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "Ein Branch wird erwartet, Remote-Branch '%s' bekommen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "Ein Branch wird erwartet, '%s' bekommen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "Ein Branch wird erwartet, Commit '%s' bekommen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Branch kann nicht während eines Merges gewechselt werden.\n"
+"Ziehen Sie \"git merge --quit\" oder \"git worktree add\" in Betracht."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Branch kann nicht während eines laufenden 'am'-Befehls gewechselt "
+"Ziehen Sie \"git am --quit\" oder \"git worktree add\" in Betracht."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Branch kann nicht während eines laufenden 'revert'-Befehls gewechselt "
+"Ziehen Sie \"git rebase --quit\" oder \"git worktree add\" in Betracht."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Branch kann nicht während eines laufenden 'cherry-pick'-Befehls "
+"gewechselt werden.\n"
+"Ziehen Sie \"git cherry-pick --quit\" oder \"git worktree add\" in Betracht."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Der Branch kann nicht während eines laufenden 'revert'-Befehls gewechselt "
+"Ziehen Sie \"git revert --quit\" oder \"git worktree add\" in Betracht."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "Sie wechseln den Branch während einer binären Suche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "Pfade können nicht beim Wechseln von Branches verwendet werden"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "'%s' kann nicht beim Wechseln von Branches verwendet werden"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' kann nicht mit '%s' verwendet werden"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "'%s' kann nicht <Startpunkt> bekommen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann Branch nicht zu Nicht-Commit '%s' wechseln"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "Branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "Branch- oder Commit-Argument fehlt"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "einen neuen Branch erzeugen und auschecken"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/send-pack.c:174
+msgid "force progress reporting"
+msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige erzwingen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "einen Branch erstellen/umsetzen und auschecken"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "das Reflog für den neuen Branch erzeugen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "HEAD bei benanntem Commit loslösen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "Informationen zum Upstream-Branch für den neuen Branch setzen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "neuer Branch"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "neuer Branch ohne Eltern-Commit"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "unsere Variante für nicht zusammengeführte Dateien auschecken"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "ihre Variante für nicht zusammengeführte Dateien auschecken"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "Auschecken erzwingen (verwirft lokale Änderungen)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
 msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
 msgstr "einen 3-Wege-Merge mit dem neuen Branch ausführen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "ignorierte Dateien aktualisieren (Standard)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
 msgid "style"
 msgstr "Stil"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
 msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
 msgstr "Konfliktstil (merge oder diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "keine Einschränkung bei Pfadspezifikationen zum partiellen Auschecken"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "HEAD bei benanntem Commit loslösen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "kein zweites Erraten bei 'git checkout <kein-solcher-Branch>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "Informationen zum Upstream-Branch für den neuen Branch setzen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "Auschecken erzwingen (verwirft lokale Änderungen)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "neuer Branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "neuer Branch ohne Eltern-Commit"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "ignorierte Dateien aktualisieren (Standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
 msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
 msgstr ""
 "Prüfung, ob die Referenz bereits in einem anderen Arbeitsverzeichnis "
 "ausgecheckt wurde, deaktivieren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
-#: builtin/send-pack.c:174
-msgid "force progress reporting"
-msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige erzwingen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "unsere Variante für nicht zusammengeführte Dateien auschecken"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "benutze Overlay-Modus (Standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "ihre Variante für nicht zusammengeführte Dateien auschecken"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "keine Einschränkung bei Pfadspezifikationen zum partiellen Auschecken"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Die Optionen -b, -B und --orphan schließen sich gegenseitig aus."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-p und --overlay schließen sich gegenseitig aus."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "Bei der Option --track muss ein Branchname angegeben werden."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "Kein Branchname; versuchen Sie -b."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "Konnte %s nicht auflösen."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "Sie müssen Pfad(e) zur Wiederherstellung angeben."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "ungültige Pfadspezifikation"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' ist kein Commit und es kann kein Branch '%s' aus diesem erstellt werden."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach nimmt kein Pfad-Argument '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -10531,7 +10807,7 @@
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force und --merge sind inkompatibel wenn\n"
 "Sie aus dem Index auschecken."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10563,6 +10839,69 @@
 "bevorzugen möchten, z.B. 'origin', könnten Sie die Einstellung\n"
 "checkout.defaultRemote=origin in Ihrer Konfiguration setzen."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "Branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "einen neuen Branch erzeugen und auschecken"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "einen Branch erstellen/umsetzen und auschecken"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "das Reflog für den neuen Branch erzeugen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr ""
+"Zweite Vermutung 'git checkout <kein-solcher-Branch>' (Standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "benutze Overlay-Modus (Standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "einen neuen Branch erzeugen und dahin wechseln"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "einen Branch erstellen/umsetzen und dahin wechseln"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "Zweite Vermutung 'git switch <kein-solcher-Branch>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "lokale Änderungen verwerfen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr "Von welcher Commit-Referenz ausgecheckt werden soll"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "Index wiederherstellen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "das Arbeitsverzeichnis wiederherstellen (Standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "ignoriere nicht zusammengeführte Einträge"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "benutze Overlay-Modus"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -10594,7 +10933,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen von %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "Konnte 'lstat' nicht für %s ausführen\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10607,7 +10951,7 @@
 "foo        - Element anhand eines eindeutigen Präfix auswählen\n"
 "           - (leer) nichts auswählen\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10628,38 +10972,38 @@
 "*          - alle Elemente auswählen\n"
 "           - (leer) Auswahl beenden\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Wie bitte (%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Ignorier-Muster eingeben>> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "WARNUNG: Kann keine Einträge finden die Muster entsprechen: %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Wählen Sie Einträge zum Löschen"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "'%s' löschen [y/N]? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Tschüss.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10677,64 +11021,64 @@
 "help                - diese Meldung anzeigen\n"
 "?                   - Hilfe zur Auswahl mittels Eingabe anzeigen"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Befehle ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Was nun"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Würde das folgende Element entfernen:"
 msgstr[1] "Würde die folgenden Elemente entfernen:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "Keine Dateien mehr zum Löschen, beende."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "keine Namen von gelöschten Dateien ausgeben"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "Aktion erzwingen"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "interaktives Clean"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "ganze Verzeichnisse löschen"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "Muster"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "<Muster> zu den Regeln für ignorierte Pfade hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "auch ignorierte Dateien löschen"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "nur ignorierte Dateien löschen"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Die Optionen -x und -X können nicht gemeinsam verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
@@ -10742,7 +11086,7 @@
 "clean.requireForce auf \"true\" gesetzt und weder -i, -n noch -f gegeben; "
 "\"clean\" verweigert"
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
@@ -10750,162 +11094,166 @@
 "clean.requireForce standardmäßig auf \"true\" gesetzt und weder -i, -n noch -"
 "f gegeben; \"clean\" verweigert"
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<Optionen>] [--] <Repository> [<Verzeichnis>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "kein Auschecken"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "ein Bare-Repository erstellen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "ein Spiegelarchiv erstellen (impliziert --bare)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "von einem lokalen Repository klonen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "lokal keine harten Verweise verwenden, immer Kopien"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "als verteiltes Repository einrichten"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "Pfadspezifikation"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "Submodule im Klon initialisieren"
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "Anzahl der parallel zu klonenden Submodule"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "Vorlagenverzeichnis"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "Verzeichnis, von welchem die Vorlagen verwendet werden"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "Repository referenzieren"
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "--reference nur während des Klonens benutzen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "Name"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "<Name> statt 'origin' für Upstream-Repository verwenden"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "<Branch> auschecken, anstatt HEAD des Remote-Repositories"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "Pfad zu \"git-upload-pack\" auf der Gegenseite"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "Tiefe"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr ""
 "einen Klon mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow) in dieser Tiefe erstellen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "Zeit"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr ""
 "einen Klon mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow) seit einer bestimmten "
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "Commit"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr ""
 "die Historie eines Klons mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow) mittels\n"
 "Ausschluss eines Commits vertiefen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "nur einen Branch klonen, HEAD oder --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr "keine Tags klonen, und auch bei späteren Abrufen nicht beachten"
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "jedes geklonte Submodul mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr ".git-Verzeichnis"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "Git-Verzeichnis vom Arbeitsverzeichnis separieren"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "Schlüssel=Wert"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "Konfiguration innerhalb des neuen Repositories setzen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "serverspezifisch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr "Option übertragen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "nur IPv4-Adressen benutzen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "nur IPv6-Adressen benutzen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr "jedes geklonte Submodul nutzt seinen Remote-Tracking-Branch"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -10913,147 +11261,147 @@
 "Konnte keinen Verzeichnisnamen erraten.\n"
 "Bitte geben Sie ein Verzeichnis auf der Befehlszeile an."
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "info: Konnte Alternative für '%s' nicht hinzufügen: %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s existiert und ist kein Verzeichnis"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "Konnte %s nicht lesen\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Starten der Iteration über '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht entfernen."
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Verweis '%s' nicht erstellen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht nach '%s' kopieren"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "Fehler beim Iterieren über '%s'"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "Fertig.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Klonen erfolgreich, Auschecken ist aber fehlgeschlagen.\n"
 "Sie können mit 'git status' prüfen, was ausgecheckt worden ist\n"
-"und das Auschecken mit 'git checkout -f HEAD' erneut versuchen.\n"
+"und das Auschecken mit 'git restore --source=HEAD :/' erneut versuchen.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "Konnte zu klonenden Remote-Branch %s nicht finden."
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "kann %s nicht aktualisieren"
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Externer HEAD bezieht sich auf eine nicht existierende Referenz und kann "
 "nicht ausgecheckt werden.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "Arbeitsverzeichnis konnte nicht ausgecheckt werden"
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "konnte Parameter nicht in Konfigurationsdatei schreiben"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "Kann \"repack\" zum Aufräumen nicht aufrufen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "Kann temporäre \"alternates\"-Datei nicht entfernen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Zu viele Argumente."
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Sie müssen ein Repository zum Klonen angeben."
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "Die Optionen --bare und --origin %s sind inkompatibel."
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "Die Optionen --bare und --separate-git-dir sind inkompatibel."
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "Repository '%s' existiert nicht."
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "Tiefe %s ist keine positive Zahl"
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "Zielpfad '%s' existiert bereits und ist kein leeres Verzeichnis."
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "Arbeitsverzeichnis '%s' existiert bereits."
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte führende Verzeichnisse von '%s' nicht erstellen."
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Arbeitsverzeichnis '%s' nicht erstellen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Klone in Bare-Repository '%s' ...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Klone nach '%s' ...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
@@ -11061,45 +11409,45 @@
 "'clone --recursive' ist nicht kompatibel mit --reference und --reference-if-"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "Die Option --depth wird in lokalen Klonen ignoriert; benutzen Sie "
 "stattdessen file://"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--shallow-since wird in lokalen Klonen ignoriert; benutzen Sie stattdessen "
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--shallow-exclude wird in lokalen Klonen ignoriert; benutzen Sie stattdessen "
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--filter wird in lokalen Klonen ignoriert; benutzen Sie stattdessen file://"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr ""
 "Quelle ist ein Repository mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow),\n"
 "ignoriere --local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local wird ignoriert"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "Remote-Branch %s nicht im Upstream-Repository %s gefunden"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Sie scheinen ein leeres Repository geklont zu haben."
@@ -11148,7 +11496,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "doppelter Vorgänger %s ignoriert"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "Kein gültiger Objektname: %s"
@@ -11176,13 +11524,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "ID eines Eltern-Commit-Objektes."
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "Beschreibung"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "Commit-Beschreibung"
@@ -11190,8 +11538,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "Commit-Beschreibung von Datei lesen"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "Commit mit GPG signieren"
@@ -11237,81 +11585,87 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "Andernfalls benutzen Sie bitte 'git reset'\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr "Andernfalls benutzen Sie bitte 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Wenn Sie diesen Commit auslassen möchten, benutzen Sie:\n"
+"Und dann nutzen Sie:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
-"Benutzen Sie anschließend \"git cherry-pick --continue\", um die\n"
-"Cherry-Pick-Operation mit den verbleibenden Commits fortzusetzen.\n"
+"um das Cherry-Picking mit den übrigen Commits fortzusetzen.\n"
+"Wenn dieser Commit übersprungen werden soll, nutzen Sie:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Entpacken des Tree-Objektes von HEAD."
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "Konnte temporären Index nicht erstellen."
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "interaktives Hinzufügen fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "Konnte temporären Index nicht aktualisieren."
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Konnte Haupt-Cache-Verzeichnis nicht aktualisieren"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "Konnte new_index Datei nicht schreiben"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "Kann keinen Teil-Commit durchführen, während ein Merge im Gange ist."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr ""
 "Kann keinen Teil-Commit durchführen, während \"cherry-pick\" im Gange ist."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "Kann Index nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "Konnte temporäre Index-Datei nicht schreiben."
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "Commit '%s' fehlt Autor-Kopfbereich"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "Commit '%s' hat fehlerhafte Autor-Zeile"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter --author Parameter"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -11319,38 +11673,38 @@
 "Konnte kein Kommentar-Zeichen auswählen, das nicht in\n"
 "der aktuellen Commit-Beschreibung verwendet wird."
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit %s nicht nachschlagen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(lese Log-Nachricht von Standard-Eingabe)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "Konnte Log nicht von Standard-Eingabe lesen."
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Log-Datei '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "Konnte SQUASH_MSG nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "Konnte MERGE_MSG nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Vorlage nicht schreiben"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11365,7 +11719,7 @@
 "und versuchen Sie es erneut.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11380,7 +11734,7 @@
 "und versuchen Sie es erneut.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11390,7 +11744,7 @@
 "die mit '%c' beginnen, werden ignoriert, und eine leere Beschreibung\n"
 "bricht den Commit ab.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11403,155 +11757,155 @@
 "Eine leere Beschreibung bricht den Commit ab.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sAutor:           %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sDatum:            %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sCommit-Ersteller: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "Kann Index nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen der \"Tree\"-Objekte"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Bitte liefern Sie eine Beschreibung entweder mit der Option -m oder -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
 "--author '%s' ist nicht im Format 'Name <E-Mail>' und stimmt mit keinem "
 "vorhandenen Autor überein"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger ignored-Modus '%s'."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Modus '%s' für unversionierte Dateien"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "Die Optionen --long und -z sind inkompatibel."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Optionen --reset-author und --author können nicht gemeinsam verwendet "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "Sie haben nichts für \"--amend\"."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Ein Merge ist im Gange -- kann \"--amend\" nicht ausführen."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "\"cherry-pick\" ist im Gange -- kann \"--amend\" nicht ausführen."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Optionen --squash und --fixup können nicht gemeinsam verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Es kann nur eine Option von -c/-C/-F/--fixup verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "Die Option -m kann nicht mit -c/-C/-F kombiniert werden."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr ""
 "Die Option --reset--author kann nur mit -C, -c oder --amend verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
 "Es kann nur eine Option von --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch "
 "verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr ""
 "Die Optionen --include und --only können nur mit der Angabe von Pfaden "
 "verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "Pfade '%s ...' mit -a sind nicht sinnvoll"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "Status im Kurzformat anzeigen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "Branchinformationen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "Stashinformationen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "voraus/hinterher-Werte berechnen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "Version"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "maschinenlesbare Ausgabe"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "Status im Langformat anzeigen (Standard)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "Einträge mit NUL-Zeichen abschließen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "Modus"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
 "unversionierte Dateien anzeigen, optionale Modi: all, normal, no. (Standard: "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
@@ -11559,11 +11913,11 @@
 "ignorierte Dateien anzeigen, optionale Modi: traditional, matching, no. "
 "(Standard: traditional)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "wann"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
@@ -11571,239 +11925,258 @@
 "Änderungen in Submodulen ignorieren, optional wenn: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Standard: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "unversionierte Dateien in Spalten auflisten"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "keine Umbenennungen ermitteln"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "Umbenennungen erkennen, optional Index für Gleichheit setzen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr ""
 "Nicht unterstützte Kombination von ignored und untracked-files Argumenten."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "Zusammenfassung nach erfolgreichem Commit unterdrücken"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "Unterschiede in Commit-Beschreibungsvorlage anzeigen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Optionen für Commit-Beschreibung"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "Beschreibung von Datei lesen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "Autor"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "Autor eines Commits überschreiben"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "Datum"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "Datum eines Commits überschreiben"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "Commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "Beschreibung des angegebenen Commits wiederverwenden und editieren"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "Beschreibung des angegebenen Commits wiederverwenden"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "eine automatisch zusammengesetzte Beschreibung zum Nachbessern des "
 "angegebenen Commits verwenden"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "eine automatisch zusammengesetzte Beschreibung beim \"squash\" des "
 "angegebenen Commits verwenden"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr "Sie als Autor des Commits setzen (verwendet mit -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "'Signed-off-by:'-Zeile hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "angegebene Vorlagendatei verwenden"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "Bearbeitung des Commits erzwingen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "Status in die Commit-Beschreibungsvorlage einfügen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Optionen für Commit-Inhalt"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "alle geänderten Dateien committen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "die angegebenen Dateien zusätzlich zum Commit vormerken"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "interaktives Hinzufügen von Dateien"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "interaktives Hinzufügen von Änderungen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "nur die angegebenen Dateien committen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "Hooks pre-commit und commit-msg umgehen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "anzeigen, was committet werden würde"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "vorherigen Commit ändern"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "\"post-rewrite hook\" umgehen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "Aufzeichnung einer leeren Änderung erlauben"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "Aufzeichnung einer Änderung mit einer leeren Beschreibung erlauben"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Beschädigte MERGE_HEAD-Datei (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "Konnte MERGE_MODE nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Beschreibung nicht lesen: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Commit aufgrund leerer Beschreibung abgebrochen.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "Commit abgebrochen; Sie haben die Beschreibung nicht editiert.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "Das Repository wurde aktualisiert, aber die \"new_index\"-Datei\n"
 "konnte nicht geschrieben werden. Prüfen Sie, dass Ihre Festplatte nicht\n"
 "voll und Ihr Kontingent nicht aufgebraucht ist und führen Sie\n"
-"anschließend \"git reset HEAD\" zu Wiederherstellung aus."
+"anschließend \"git restore HEAD --staged :/\" zur Wiederherstellung aus."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir <Objektverzeichnis>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <Objektverzeichnis>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <Objektverzeichnis>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
+msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <Objektverzeichnis>] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <Objektverzeichnis>] [--append] [--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <Objektverzeichnis>] [--append|split] "
+"[--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <Split-Optionen>"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "Verzeichnis"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "Das Objektverzeichnis zum Speichern des Graphen."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr ""
+"Wenn der Commit-Graph aufgeteilt ist, nur die Datei an der Spitze überprüfen"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit-Graph '%s' nicht öffnen."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "Durchlauf auf allen Referenzen beginnen"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr "durch Standard-Eingabe gelistete Pack-Indexe nach Commits scannen"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr "Lauf bei Commits beginnen, die über die Standard-Eingabe gelistet sind"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr ""
 "alle Commits einschließen, die sich bereits in der Commit-Graph-Datei "
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "Erlaube das Schreiben einer inkrementellen Commit-Graph-Datei"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+"Maximale Anzahl von Commits in einem aufgeteilten Commit-Graph ohne Basis"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+"Maximales Verhältnis zwischen zwei Ebenen eines aufgeteilten Commit-Graph"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr ""
 "Benutzen Sie mindestens eins von --reachable, --stdin-commits, oder --stdin-"
@@ -11813,7 +12186,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<Optionen>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "nicht erkanntes --type Argument, %s"
@@ -11918,7 +12291,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Typ"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "Wert ist mit diesem Typ angegeben"
@@ -11964,7 +12337,7 @@
 "Ursprung der Konfiguration anzeigen (Datei, Standard-Eingabe, Blob, "
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "Wert"
@@ -12263,7 +12636,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "keine Tags betrachten, die <Muster> entsprechen"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "gekürztes Commit-Objekt anzeigen, wenn sonst nichts zutrifft"
@@ -12444,165 +12817,202 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "kein <Programm> für --extcmd=<Programm> angegeben"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <Optionen> <Umgebungsvariable>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "Art"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr "Standard für git_env_*(...), um darauf zurückzugreifen"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr "Ausgaben unterdrücken; nur git_env_*() Werte als Exit-Code verwenden"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+"Option `--default' erwartet einen booleschen Wert bei `--type=bool', nicht `"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
+"Option `--default' erwartet einen vorzeichenlosen Long-Wert bei `--"
+"type=ulong`, nicht `%s`"
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "Fortschritt nach <n> Objekten anzeigen"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "Behandlung von signierten Tags wählen"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "Behandlung von Tags wählen, die gefilterte Objekte markieren"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr ""
+"Auswählen der Behandlung von Commit-Beschreibungen bei wechselndem Encoding"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Kennzeichen in diese Datei schreiben"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Kennzeichen von dieser Datei importieren"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "künstlich einen Tag-Ersteller erzeugen, wenn das Tag keinen hat"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "für jeden Commit das gesamte Verzeichnis ausgeben"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "die \"done\"-Funktion benutzen, um den Datenstrom abzuschließen"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Ausgabe von Blob-Daten überspringen"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "Refspec"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Refspec auf exportierte Referenzen anwenden"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "Ausgabe anonymisieren"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
 "Eltern, die nicht im Fast-Export-Stream sind, anhand ihrer Objekt-ID "
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "originale Objekt-IDs von Blobs/Commits anzeigen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<Optionen>] [<Repository> [<Refspec>...]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<Optionen>] <Gruppe>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<Optionen>] [(<Repository> | <Gruppe>)...]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<Optionen>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "fordert von allen Remote-Repositories an"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "an .git/FETCH_HEAD anhängen, anstatt zu überschreiben"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "Pfad des Programms zum Hochladen von Paketen auf der Gegenseite"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "das Überschreiben einer lokalen Referenz erzwingen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "von mehreren Remote-Repositories anfordern"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "alle Tags und verbundene Objekte anfordern"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "nicht alle Tags anfordern (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "Anzahl der parallel anzufordernden Submodule"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr ""
 "Remote-Tracking-Branches entfernen, die sich nicht mehr im Remote-Repository "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
 "lokale Tags entfernen, die sich nicht mehr im Remote-Repository befinden, "
 "und geänderte Tags aktualisieren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "bei-Bedarf"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "rekursive Anforderungen von Submodulen kontrollieren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "heruntergeladenes Paket behalten"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "Aktualisierung der \"HEAD\"-Referenz erlauben"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr ""
 "die Historie eines Klons mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow) vertiefen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr ""
 "die Historie eines Klons mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow) auf "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "zu einem vollständigen Repository konvertieren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "dies an die Ausgabe der Submodul-Pfade voranstellen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
@@ -12610,89 +13020,121 @@
 "Standard für die rekursive Anforderung von Submodulen (geringere Priorität\n"
 "als Konfigurationsdateien)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "Referenzen, die .git/shallow aktualisieren, akzeptieren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "Refmap"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "Refmap für 'fetch' angeben"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr ""
 "ausgeben, dass wir nur Objekte haben, die von diesem Objekt aus erreichbar "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "Führe 'gc --auto' nach \"fetch\" aus"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "Prüfe auf erzwungene Aktualisierungen in allen aktualisierten Branches"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte Remote-Referenz von HEAD nicht finden."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "Konfiguration fetch.output enthält ungültigen Wert %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "Objekt %s nicht gefunden"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[aktuell]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[zurückgewiesen]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "kann \"fetch\" im aktuellen Branch nicht ausführen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[Tag Aktualisierung]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "kann lokale Referenz nicht aktualisieren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "würde bestehende Tags verändern"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[neues Tag]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[neuer Branch]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[neue Referenz]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "Aktualisierung erzwungen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "kein Vorspulen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"Normalerweise zeigt 'fetch' welche Branches eine erzwungene Aktualisierung\n"
+"hatten, aber diese Überprüfung wurde deaktiviert. Um diese wieder zu\n"
+"aktivieren, nutzen Sie die Option '--show-forced-updated' oder führen\n"
+"Sie 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true' aus."
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Es brauchte %.2f Sekunden, um erzwungene Aktualisierungen zu überprüfen.\n"
+"Sie können die Option '--no-show-forced-updates' benutzen oder\n"
+"'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' ausführen, um diese Überprüfung\n"
+"zu umgehen.\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s hat nicht alle erforderlichen Objekte gesendet\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12700,12 +13142,12 @@
 "Historie (shallow) nicht aktualisiert werden dürfen."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Von %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12714,52 +13156,52 @@
 "Einige lokale Referenzen konnten nicht aktualisiert werden; versuchen Sie\n"
 "'git remote prune %s', um jeden älteren, widersprüchlichen Branch zu löschen."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s wird unreferenziert)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s wurde unreferenziert)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[gelöscht]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(nichts)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr ""
 "Der \"fetch\" in den aktuellen Branch %s von einem Nicht-Bare-Repository "
 "wurde verweigert."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "Option \"%s\" Wert \"%s\" ist nicht gültig für %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "Option \"%s\" wird ignoriert für %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Fordere an von %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht von %s anfordern"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12767,7 +13209,7 @@
 "--filter kann nur mit den Remote-Repositories verwendet werden,\n"
 "die in core.partialClone konfiguriert sind."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -12776,49 +13218,49 @@
 "oder den Namen des Remote-Repositories an, von welchem neue\n"
 "Commits angefordert werden sollen."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Sie müssen den Namen des Tags angeben."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Negative Tiefe wird von --deepen nicht unterstützt."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--deepen und --depth schließen sich gegenseitig aus"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Optionen --depth und --unshallow können nicht gemeinsam verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-"Die Option --unshallow kann nicht in einem Repository mit unvollständiger "
+"Die Option --unshallow kann nicht in einem Repository mit vollständiger "
 "Historie verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all akzeptiert kein Repository als Argument"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all kann nicht mit Refspecs verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "Kein Remote-Repository (einzeln oder Gruppe): %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
 "Das Abholen einer Gruppe von Remote-Repositories kann nicht mit der Angabe\n"
 "von Refspecs verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12889,7 +13331,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "nur <n> passende Referenzen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "Formatfarben beachten"
@@ -13057,7 +13499,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "Prüfe %s Verknüpfung"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Objekt-Typ %s"
@@ -13142,7 +13584,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "ausführliche Namen für erreichbare Objekte anzeigen"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Prüfe Objekte"
@@ -13175,7 +13617,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "kann '%s' nicht lesen"
@@ -13255,7 +13697,7 @@
 "\"git gc\" wird bereits auf Maschine '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> ausgeführt\n"
 "(benutzen Sie --force falls nicht)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -13280,266 +13722,266 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "keine Unterstützung von Threads, '%s' wird ignoriert"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "konnte \"Tree\"-Objekt (%s) nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "kann \"grep\" nicht mit Objekten des Typs %s durchführen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "Schalter '%c' erwartet einen numerischen Wert"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "im Index anstatt im Arbeitsverzeichnis suchen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "auch in Inhalten finden, die nicht von Git verwaltet werden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "in versionierten und unversionierten Dateien suchen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "Dateien, die über '.gitignore' angegeben sind, ignorieren"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "rekursive Suche in jedem Submodul"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "Zeilen ohne Übereinstimmungen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "Übereinstimmungen unabhängig von Groß- und Kleinschreibung finden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "nur ganze Wörter suchen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "binäre Dateien als Text verarbeiten"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "keine Muster in Binärdateien finden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "binäre Dateien mit \"textconv\"-Filtern verarbeiten"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "in Unterverzeichnissen suchen (Standard)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "höchstens <Tiefe> Ebenen durchlaufen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "erweiterte reguläre Ausdrücke aus POSIX verwenden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "grundlegende reguläre Ausdrücke aus POSIX verwenden (Standard)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "Muster als feste Zeichenketten interpretieren"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "Perl-kompatible reguläre Ausdrücke verwenden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "Zeilennummern anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "Nummer der Spalte des ersten Treffers anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "keine Dateinamen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "Dateinamen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "Dateinamen relativ zum Projektverzeichnis anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "nur Dateinamen anzeigen anstatt übereinstimmende Zeilen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "Synonym für --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "nur die Dateinamen ohne Übereinstimmungen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "NUL-Zeichen nach Dateinamen ausgeben"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "nur übereinstimmende Teile der Zeile anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "anstatt der Zeilen, die Anzahl der übereinstimmenden Zeilen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "Übereinstimmungen hervorheben"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr ""
 "eine Leerzeile zwischen Übereinstimmungen in verschiedenen Dateien ausgeben"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr ""
 "den Dateinamen nur einmal oberhalb der Übereinstimmungen aus dieser Datei "
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "<n> Zeilen vor und nach den Übereinstimmungen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "<n> Zeilen vor den Übereinstimmungen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "<n> Zeilen nach den Übereinstimmungen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "<n> Threads benutzen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "Kurzform für -C NUM"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "eine Zeile mit dem Funktionsnamen vor Übereinstimmungen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "die umgebende Funktion anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "Muster von einer Datei lesen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "<Muster> finden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "Muster kombinieren, die mit -e angegeben wurden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr "Übereinstimmungen nur durch Beendigungsstatus anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr ""
 "nur Übereinstimmungen von Dateien anzeigen, die allen Mustern entsprechen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "geparstes Verzeichnis für \"grep\"-Ausdruck anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "Anzeigeprogramm"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "Dateien mit Übereinstimmungen im Anzeigeprogramm anzeigen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "den Aufruf von grep(1) erlauben (von dieser Programmversion ignoriert)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "Kein Muster angegeben."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index oder --untracked können nicht mit Commits verwendet werden"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Commit nicht auflösen: %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "Ungültige Kombination von Optionen, --threads wird ignoriert."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "Keine Unterstützung für Threads, --threads wird ignoriert."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "ungültige Anzahl von Threads angegeben (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Option --open-files-in-pager kann nur innerhalb des "
 "Arbeitsverzeichnisses verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "Die Option wird mit --recurse-submodules nicht unterstützt."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached und --untracked können nicht mit --no-index verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr ""
 "--[no-]exclude-standard kann nicht mit versionierten Inhalten verwendet "
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "--cached und \"Tree\"-Objekte angegeben"
@@ -13556,10 +13998,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "Art"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "Art des Objektes"
@@ -13676,12 +14114,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "kein Informations-Betrachter konnte mit dieser Anfrage umgehen"
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "Für '%s' wurde der Alias '%s' angelegt."
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger alias.%s String: %s"
@@ -13695,291 +14133,286 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "'git help config' für weitere Informationen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "Objekt-Typen passen bei %s nicht zusammen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "konnte erwartetes Objekt %s nicht empfangen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "Objekt %s: erwarteter Typ %s, %s gefunden"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "kann %d Byte nicht lesen"
 msgstr[1] "kann %d Bytes nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "zu frühes Dateiende"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen der Eingabe"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "verwendete mehr Bytes als verfügbar waren"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "Paket ist zu groß für die aktuelle Definition von off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "Paket überschreitet die maximal erlaubte Größe"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "konnte '%s' nicht erstellen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann Paketdatei '%s' nicht öffnen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "Paketsignatur stimmt nicht überein"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "Paketversion %<PRIu32> nicht unterstützt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "Paket hat ein ungültiges Objekt bei Versatz %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "Dekomprimierung gab %d zurück"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "Wert für Versatz bei Differenzobjekt übergelaufen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr ""
 "Wert für Versatz bei Differenzobjekt liegt außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Objekt-Typ %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "Kann Paketdatei %s nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "frühzeitiges Ende der Paketdatei, vermisse %<PRIuMAX> Byte"
 msgstr[1] "frühzeitiges Ende der Paketdatei, vermisse %<PRIuMAX> Bytes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "ernsthafte Inkonsistenz nach Dekomprimierung"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "kann %s nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "Kann existierende Informationen zu Objekt %s nicht lesen."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "Kann existierendes Objekt %s nicht lesen."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "ungültiges Blob-Objekt %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "fsck Fehler in gepacktem Objekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "Nicht alle Kind-Objekte von %s sind erreichbar"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "Konnte Dateiunterschied nicht anwenden"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Empfange Objekte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Indiziere Objekte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "Paket ist beschädigt (SHA1 unterschiedlich)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "kann Paketdatei nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "Paketende enthält nicht verwendbaren Inhalt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von \"parse_pack_objects()\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Löse Unterschiede auf"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "kann Thread nicht erzeugen: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Auflösen der Unterschiede"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "abgeschlossen mit %d lokalem Objekt"
 msgstr[1] "abgeschlossen mit %d lokalen Objekten"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "Unerwartete Prüfsumme für %s (Festplattenfehler?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "Paket hat %d unaufgelösten Unterschied"
 msgstr[1] "Paket hat %d unaufgelöste Unterschiede"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "Konnte angehängtes Objekt (%d) nicht komprimieren"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "lokales Objekt %s ist beschädigt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "Name der Paketdatei '%s' endet nicht mit '.pack'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann %s Datei '%s' nicht schreiben."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann eben geschriebene %s Datei '%s' nicht schließen."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schließen der Paketdatei"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "Kann Paketdatei nicht speichern"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "Kann Indexdatei nicht speichern"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "\"pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>\" ist ungültig"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann existierende Paketdatei '%s' nicht öffnen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann existierende Indexdatei für Paket '%s' nicht öffnen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "kein Unterschied: %d Objekt"
 msgstr[1] "kein Unterschied: %d Objekte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "Länge der Objekt-Liste = %d: %lu Objekt"
 msgstr[1] "Länge der Objekt-Liste = %d: %lu Objekte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "Kann nicht zurück zum Arbeitsverzeichnis wechseln"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "%s ist ungültig"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "Die Option --fix-thin kann nicht ohne --stdin verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin erfordert ein Git-Repository"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "Die Option --verify wurde ohne Namen der Paketdatei angegeben."
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "fsck Fehler beim Packen von Objekten"
@@ -14074,17 +14507,17 @@
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "angeben, dass das Git-Repository mit mehreren Benutzern geteilt wird"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "kann Verzeichnis %s nicht erstellen"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "kann nicht in Verzeichnis %s wechseln"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
@@ -14093,12 +14526,12 @@
 "%s (oder --work-tree=<Verzeichnis>) nicht erlaubt ohne Spezifizierung von %s "
 "(oder --git-dir=<Verzeichnis>)"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann nicht auf Arbeitsverzeichnis '%s' zugreifen."
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -14106,61 +14539,61 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<Token>[(=|:)<Wert>])...] [<Datei>...]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "vorhandene Dateien direkt bearbeiten"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "kürzt leere Anhänge"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "wo der neue Anhang platziert wird"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "Aktion, wenn Anhang bereits existiert"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "Aktion, wenn Anhang fehlt"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "nur Anhänge ausgeben"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "Regeln aus Konfiguration nicht anwenden"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "durch Leerzeichen fortgesetzte Werte verbinden"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "Optionen für das Parsen setzen"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "--- nicht speziell behandeln"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "Anhang"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "Anhang/Anhänge hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
 "Die Optionen --trailer und --only-input können nicht gemeinsam verwendet "
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "keine Datei zur direkten Bearbeitung angegeben"
@@ -14172,113 +14605,113 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<Optionen>] <Objekt>..."
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Option für --decorate: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "Quelle anzeigen"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "\"mailmap\"-Datei verwenden"
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "\"decorate\" nur bei Referenzen anwenden, die <Muster> entsprechen"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "\"decorate\" nicht bei Referenzen anwenden, die <Muster> entsprechen"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "decorate-Optionen"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Verarbeitet nur Zeilen im Bereich n,m in der Datei, gezählt von 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "letzte Ausgabe: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: ungültige Datei"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Objekt %s nicht lesen."
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Typ: %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "format.headers ohne Wert"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "Name des Ausgabeverzeichnisses ist zu lang."
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "Kann Patch-Datei %s nicht öffnen"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "Brauche genau einen Commit-Bereich."
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "Kein Commit-Bereich."
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "Anschreiben benötigt E-Mail-Format"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen der Datei für das Anschreiben."
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "ungültiges in-reply-to: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<Optionen>] [<seit> | <Commitbereich>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "Zwei Ausgabeverzeichnisse?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Commit %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht als gültige Referenz auflösen."
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "Konnte keine exakte Merge-Basis finden."
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
@@ -14289,276 +14722,272 @@
 "'git branch --set-upstream-to', um einem Remote-Branch zu folgen.\n"
 "Oder geben Sie den Basis-Commit mit '--base=<Basis-Commit-Id>' manuell an."
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Finden einer exakten Merge-Basis."
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "Basis-Commit sollte der Vorgänger der Revisionsliste sein."
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "Basis-Commit sollte nicht in der Revisionsliste enthalten sein."
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "kann Patch-Id nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Ableiten des range-diff-Bereichs."
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "[PATCH n/m] auch mit einzelnem Patch verwenden"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "[PATCH] auch mit mehreren Patches verwenden"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "Ausgabe der Patches in Standard-Ausgabe"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "ein Deckblatt erzeugen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "einfache Nummernfolge für die Namen der Ausgabedateien verwenden"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "Dateiendung"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "<Dateiendung> anstatt '.patch' verwenden"
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "die Nummerierung der Patches bei <n> anstatt bei 1 beginnen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "die Serie als n-te Fassung kennzeichnen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "[RFC PATCH] anstatt [PATCH] verwenden"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "[<Präfix>] anstatt [PATCH] verwenden"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "erzeugte Dateien in <Verzeichnis> speichern"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "[PATCH] nicht entfernen/hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "keine binären Unterschiede ausgeben"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "Hash mit Nullen in \"From\"-Header ausgeben"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "keine Patches einschließen, die einem Commit im Upstream-Branch entsprechen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr "Patchformat anstatt des Standards anzeigen (Patch + Zusammenfassung)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "E-Mail-Einstellungen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "Header"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "E-Mail-Header hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "E-Mail"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "\"To:\"-Header hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "\"Cc:\"-Header hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "Ident"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr ""
 "\"From\"-Adresse auf <Ident> setzen (oder Ident des Commit-Erstellers, wenn "
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "message-id"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "aus erster E-Mail eine Antwort zu <message-id> machen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "Grenze"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "den Patch anhängen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "den Patch direkt in die Nachricht einfügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr "Nachrichtenverkettung aktivieren, Stile: shallow, deep"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "Signatur"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "eine Signatur hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "Basis-Commit"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "erforderliche Revisions-Informationen der Patch-Serie hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "eine Signatur aus einer Datei hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "keine Dateinamen der Patches anzeigen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "Forschrittsanzeige während der Erzeugung der Patches"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "Commit"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "Änderungen gegenüber <Commit> im Deckblatt oder einzelnem Patch anzeigen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "Änderungen gegenüber <Refspec> im Deckblatt oder einzelnem Patch anzeigen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "Prozentsatz mit welchem Erzeugung gewichtet wird"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültige Identifikationszeile: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-n und -k schließen sich gegenseitig aus."
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc und -k schließen sich gegenseitig aus."
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "Die Option --name-only kann nicht verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "Die Option --name-status kann nicht verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "Die Option --check kann nicht verwendet werden."
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "Standard-Ausgabe oder Verzeichnis, welches von beidem?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--interdiff erfordert --cover-letter oder einzelnen Patch."
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "Interdiff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Interdiff gegen v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "--creation-factor erfordert --range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--range-diff erfordert --cover-letter oder einzelnen Patch."
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "Range-Diff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Range-Diff gegen v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Signatur-Datei '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Erzeuge Patches"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen der Ausgabedateien."
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<Upstream> [<Branch> [<Limit>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14689,7 +15118,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "URL des Remote-Repositories nicht ausgeben"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "Programm"
@@ -14716,7 +15145,7 @@
 #: builtin/ls-remote.c:72
 msgid "exit with exit code 2 if no matching refs are found"
 msgstr ""
-"mit Rückkehrwert 2 beenden, wenn keine übereinstimmenden Referenzen\n"
+"mit Exit-Code 2 beenden, wenn keine übereinstimmenden Referenzen\n"
 "gefunden wurden"
 #: builtin/ls-remote.c:75
@@ -14766,190 +15195,194 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "Leere mbox: '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<Optionen>] [<Commit>...]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "Schalter 'm' erfordert einen Wert."
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "Option `%s' erfordert einen Wert."
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Konnte Merge-Strategie '%s' nicht finden.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Verfügbare Strategien sind:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Verfügbare benutzerdefinierte Strategien sind:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "keine Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede am Schluss des Merges anzeigen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "eine Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede am Schluss des Merges anzeigen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(Synonym für --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr ""
 "(höchstens <n>) Einträge von \"shortlog\" zur Beschreibung des Merge-Commits "
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "einen einzelnen Commit anstatt eines Merges erzeugen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "einen Commit durchführen, wenn der Merge erfolgreich war (Standard)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "Bearbeitung der Beschreibung vor dem Commit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "Vorspulen erlauben (Standard)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "abbrechen, wenn kein Vorspulen möglich ist"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "den genannten Commit auf eine gültige GPG-Signatur überprüfen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "Strategie"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "zu verwendende Merge-Strategie"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "Option=Wert"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "Option für ausgewählte Merge-Strategie"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr ""
 "Commit-Beschreibung zusammenführen (für einen Merge, der kein Vorspulen war)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "den sich im Gange befindlichen Merge abbrechen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "--abort, aber Index und Arbeitsverzeichnis unverändert lassen"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "den sich im Gange befindlichen Merge fortsetzen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "erlaube das Zusammenführen von nicht zusammenhängenden Historien"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "commit-msg Hook überprüfen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "Konnte \"stash\" nicht ausführen."
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "\"stash\" fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "kein gültiges Objekt: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "read-tree fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (nichts zu quetschen)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Quetsche Commit -- HEAD wird nicht aktualisiert\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Keine Merge-Commit-Beschreibung -- HEAD wird nicht aktualisiert\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "'%s' zeigt auf keinen Commit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger branch.%s.mergeoptions String: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "Es wird nur der Merge von zwei Branches behandelt."
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Unbekannte Option für merge-recursive: -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "konnte %s nicht schreiben"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "konnte nicht von '%s' lesen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Merge wurde nicht committet; benutzen Sie 'git commit', um den Merge "
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -14960,11 +15393,11 @@
 "Upstream-Branch mit einem Thema-Branch zusammenführt.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Eine leere Commit-Beschreibung bricht den Commit ab.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
@@ -14973,71 +15406,75 @@
 "Zeilen, die mit '%c' beginnen, werden ignoriert,\n"
 "und eine leere Beschreibung bricht den Commit ab.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Leere Commit-Beschreibung"
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Wunderbar.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Automatischer Merge fehlgeschlagen; beheben Sie die Konflikte und committen "
 "Sie dann das Ergebnis.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "Sie befinden sich auf keinem Branch."
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "Kein Remote-Repository für den aktuellen Branch."
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr ""
 "Es ist kein Standard-Upstream-Branch für den aktuellen Branch definiert."
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "Kein Remote-Tracking-Branch für %s von %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter Wert '%s' in Umgebungsvariable '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "nichts was wir in %s zusammenführen können: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "nichts was wir zusammenführen können"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort akzeptiert keine Argumente"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Es gibt keinen Merge abzubrechen (MERGE_HEAD fehlt)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--quit erwartet keine Argumente"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue erwartet keine Argumente"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Es ist kein Merge im Gange (MERGE_HEAD fehlt)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15045,7 +15482,7 @@
 "Sie haben Ihren Merge nicht abgeschlossen (MERGE_HEAD existiert).\n"
 "Bitte committen Sie Ihre Änderungen, bevor Sie den Merge ausführen."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15053,96 +15490,100 @@
 "Sie haben \"cherry-pick\" nicht abgeschlossen (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD existiert).\n"
 "Bitte committen Sie Ihre Änderungen, bevor Sie den Merge ausführen."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr ""
 "Sie haben \"cherry-pick\" nicht abgeschlossen (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD existiert)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "Sie können --squash nicht mit --no-ff kombinieren."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "Sie können --squash nicht mit --commit kombinieren."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr "Kein Commit angegeben und merge.defaultToUpstream ist nicht gesetzt."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr ""
 "Bin auf einem Commit, der noch geboren wird; kann \"squash\" nicht ausführen."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr ""
 "Nicht vorzuspulender Commit kann nicht in einem leeren Branch verwendet "
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - nichts was wir zusammenführen können"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "Kann nur exakt einen Commit in einem leeren Branch zusammenführen."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "Verweigere den Merge von nicht zusammenhängenden Historien."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Bereits aktuell."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Aktualisiere %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Probiere wirklich trivialen \"in-index\"-Merge ...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "Nein.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Bereits aktuell."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "Vorspulen nicht möglich, breche ab."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Rücklauf des Verzeichnisses bis zum Ursprung ...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Probiere Merge-Strategie %s ...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Keine Merge-Strategie behandelt diesen Merge.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "Merge mit Strategie %s fehlgeschlagen.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "Benutzen Sie \"%s\", um die Auflösung per Hand vorzubereiten.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15276,22 +15717,38 @@
 msgstr "die Erstellung von mehr als einem \"Tree\"-Objekt erlauben"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<Verzeichnis>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<Verzeichnis>] (write|verify|expire|"
+"repack --batch-size=<Größe>)"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr ""
 "Objekt-Verzeichnis, welches Paare von Packdateien und pack-index enthält"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+"Während des Umpackens, sammle Paket-Dateien von geringerer Größe in "
+"einenStapel, welcher größer ist als diese Größe"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "Zu viele Argumente."
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "Option --batch-size ist nur für den Unterbefehl 'repack'"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "Nicht erkanntes Verb: %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "Nicht erkannter Unterbefehl: %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -15383,52 +15840,52 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Benenne %s nach %s um\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "Umbenennung von '%s' fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [<Optionen>] <Commit>..."
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<Optionen>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<Optionen>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "nur Namen anzeigen (keine SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "nur Tags verwenden, um die Commits zu benennen"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "nur Referenzen verwenden, die <Muster> entsprechen"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "ignoriere Referenzen die <Muster> entsprechen"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr "alle Commits auflisten, die von allen Referenzen erreichbar sind"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "von der Standard-Eingabe lesen"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "Ausgabe von `undefinierten` Namen erlauben (Standard)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "Tags in der Eingabe dereferenzieren (interne Verwendung)"
@@ -15576,7 +16033,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "Die Notiz-Inhalte wurden in %s belassen."
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "konnte '%s' nicht öffnen oder lesen"
@@ -15816,7 +16273,7 @@
 "oder brechen Sie den Merge mit 'git notes merge --abort' ab.\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht als gültige Referenz auflösen."
@@ -15850,7 +16307,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "Notizen von <Notiz-Referenz> verwenden"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Unterbefehl: %s"
@@ -15869,129 +16326,129 @@
 "git pack-objects [<Optionen>...] <Basis-Name> [< <Referenzliste> | < "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiges CRC für gepacktes Objekt %s."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "Fehlerhaftes gepacktes Objekt für %s."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "Rekursiver Unterschied für Objekt %s festgestellt."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "%u Objekte geordnet, %<PRIu32> erwartet."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "Packdatei ist ungültig: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Packdatei nicht zur Wiederverwendung öffnen: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "Konnte \"seek\" nicht in wiederverwendeter Packdatei ausführen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht von wiederverwendeter Packdatei lesen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr ""
 "Deaktiviere Schreiben der Bitmap, Pakete wurden durch pack.packSizeLimit\n"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "Schreibe Objekte"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "Schrieb %<PRIu32> Objekte während %<PRIu32> erwartet waren."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr ""
 "Deaktiviere Schreiben der Bitmap, da einige Objekte nicht in eine Pack-"
 "geschrieben wurden."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "\"delta base offset\" Überlauf in Paket für %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "\"delta base offset\" liegt außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs für %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Zähle Objekte"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Größe von %s nicht bestimmen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "Konnte Kopfbereich von Objekt '%s' nicht parsen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "Objekt %s kann nicht gelesen werden."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr "Inkonsistente Objektlänge bei Objekt %s (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "ungünstiges Packet - Speicher voll"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "Delta-Kompression verwendet bis zu %d Threads."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "Konnte keine Objekte packen, die von Tag %s erreichbar sind."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Komprimiere Objekte"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "Inkonsistenz mit der Anzahl von Deltas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -16000,7 +16457,7 @@
 "Erwartete Randobjekt-ID, erhielt nutzlose Daten:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -16009,252 +16466,256 @@
 "Erwartete Objekt-ID, erhielt nutzlose Daten:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für --missing."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "Kann Paketindex nicht öffnen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "Loses Objekt bei %s konnte nicht untersucht werden."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "Konnte loses Objekt nicht erzwingen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein Commit."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Commit '%s'."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "Konnte jüngste Objekte nicht hinzufügen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "Nicht unterstützte Index-Version %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültige Index-Version '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "keine Fortschrittsanzeige anzeigen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige anzeigen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "Forschrittsanzeige während des Schreibens von Objekten anzeigen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "ähnlich zu --all-progress wenn Fortschrittsanzeige darstellt wird"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<Version>[,<Offset>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr ""
 "die Index-Datei des Paketes in der angegebenen Indexformat-Version schreiben"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "maximale Größe für jede ausgegebene Paketdatei"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "geliehene Objekte von alternativem Objektspeicher ignorieren"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "gepackte Objekte ignorieren"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "Paketfenster durch Objekte begrenzen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr ""
 "Paketfenster, zusätzlich zur Objektbegrenzung, durch Speicher begrenzen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr ""
 "maximale Länge der erlaubten Differenzverkettung im resultierenden Paket"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "existierende Unterschiede wiederverwenden"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "existierende Objekte wiederverwenden"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "OFS_DELTA Objekte verwenden"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr ""
 "Threads bei der Suche nach den besten Übereinstimmungen bei Unterschieden "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "keine leeren Pakete erzeugen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "Argumente bezüglich Commits von der Standard-Eingabe lesen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "die Objekte zu solchen, die noch nicht gepackt wurden, begrenzen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "Objekte einschließen, die von jeder Referenz erreichbar sind"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr ""
 "Objekte einschließen, die von Einträgen des Reflogs referenziert werden"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "Objekte einschließen, die vom Index referenziert werden"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "Paket in die Standard-Ausgabe schreiben"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr "Tag-Objekte einschließen, die auf gepackte Objekte referenzieren"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "nicht erreichbare Objekte behalten"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "nicht erreichbare lose Objekte packen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "nicht erreichbare Objekte entpacken, die neuer als <Zeit> sind"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "den \"sparse\" Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Erreichbarkeit benutzen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "dünnere Pakete erzeugen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr ""
 "Pakete geeignet für Abholung mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow) erzeugen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "Pakete ignorieren, die .keep Dateien haben"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "dieses Paket ignorieren"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "Komprimierungsgrad für Paketierung"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "keine künstlichen Vorgänger-Commits (\"grafts\") verbergen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr ""
 "Bitmap-Index (falls verfügbar) zur Optimierung der Objektzählung benutzen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "Bitmap-Index zusammen mit Pack-Index schreiben"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr "Bitmap-Index schreiben, wenn möglich"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "Behandlung für fehlende Objekte"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr ""
 "keine Objekte aus Packdateien von partiell geklonten Remote-Repositories "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "Delta-Islands bei Delta-Kompression beachten"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "Tiefe für Verkettung von Unterschieden %d ist zu tief, erzwinge %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "pack.deltaCacheLimit ist zu hoch, erzwinge %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
 "--max-pack-size kann nicht für die Erstellung eines Pakets für eine "
 "benutzt werden."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "Minimales Limit für die Paketgröße ist 1 MiB."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr ""
 "--thin kann nicht benutzt werden, um ein indizierbares Paket zu erstellen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable und --unpack-unreachable sind inkompatibel"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "Kann --filter nicht ohne --stdout benutzen."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Objekte aufzählen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -16312,44 +16773,44 @@
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git pull [<Optionen>] [<Repository> [<Refspec>...]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "rekursive Anforderungen von Submodulen kontrollieren"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Optionen bezogen auf Merge"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "Integration von Änderungen durch Rebase statt Merge"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "Vorspulen erlauben"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "automatischer Stash/Stash-Pop vor und nach eines Rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Optionen bezogen auf Fetch"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "das Überschreiben von lokalen Branches erzwingen"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "Anzahl der parallel mit 'pull' zu verarbeitenden Submodule"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Wert für pull.ff: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
@@ -16357,14 +16818,14 @@
 "Es gibt keinen Kandidaten für Rebase innerhalb der Referenzen, die eben "
 "angefordert wurden."
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
 "Es gibt keine Kandidaten für Merge innerhalb der Referenzen, die eben "
 "angefordert wurden."
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -16372,7 +16833,7 @@
 "Im Allgemeinen bedeutet das, dass Sie einen Refspec mit Wildcards angegeben\n"
 "haben, der auf der Gegenseite mit keinen Referenzen übereinstimmt."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -16384,39 +16845,39 @@
 "Repository für den aktuellen Branch ist, müssen Sie einen Branch auf\n"
 "der Befehlszeile angeben."
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Im Moment auf keinem Branch."
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr ""
 "Bitte geben Sie den Branch an, gegen welchen Sie \"rebase\" ausführen "
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Branch an, welchen Sie zusammenführen möchten."
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Siehe git-pull(1) für weitere Details."
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<Remote-Repository>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<Branch>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "Es gibt keine Tracking-Informationen für den aktuellen Branch."
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr ""
@@ -16424,7 +16885,7 @@
 "dies tun mit:"
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -16434,34 +16895,34 @@
 "des Remote-Repositories durchzuführen, aber diese Referenz\n"
 "wurde nicht angefordert."
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht auf Commit '%s' zugreifen."
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "Ignoriere --verify-signatures für Rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "--[no-]autostash ist nur mit --rebase zulässig."
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr ""
 "Aktualisiere einen ungeborenen Branch mit Änderungen, die zum Commit "
 "vorgemerkt sind."
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "Pull mit Rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Bitte committen Sie die Änderungen oder benutzen Sie \"stash\"."
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -16471,7 +16932,7 @@
 "\"fetch\" aktualisierte die Spitze des aktuellen Branches.\n"
 "Spule Ihr Arbeitsverzeichnis von Commit %s vor."
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -16488,15 +16949,15 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "zur Wiederherstellung aus."
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "Kann nicht mehrere Branches in einen leeren Branch zusammenführen."
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "Kann Rebase nicht auf mehrere Branches ausführen."
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr ""
 "Kann Rebase nicht mit lokal aufgezeichneten Änderungen in Submodulen "
@@ -16975,7 +17436,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "leere Commits behalten"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "Commits mit leerer Beschreibung erlauben"
@@ -16995,7 +17456,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "Commits signieren"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede gegenüber dem Upstream-Branch anzeigen"
@@ -17104,7 +17565,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "auszuführender Befehl"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr "jeden fehlgeschlagenen `exec`-Befehl neu ansetzen"
@@ -17112,7 +17573,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "--[no-]rebase-cousins hat ohne --rebase-merges keine Auswirkung"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s erfordert ein interaktives Rebase"
@@ -17142,11 +17603,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "Kann %s nicht speichern."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD-Commit nicht bestimmen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -17162,7 +17623,7 @@
 "Um abzubrechen und zurück zum Zustand vor \"git rebase\" zu gelangen,\n"
 "führen Sie \"git rebase --abort\" aus."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17182,7 +17643,7 @@
 "Infolge dessen kann Git auf diesen Revisionen Rebase nicht\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17200,7 +17661,7 @@
 "    git rebase '<Branch>'\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -17214,132 +17675,132 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<Branch> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "\"exec\"-Befehle können keine neuen Zeilen enthalten"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "Leerer \"exec\"-Befehl."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "Rebase auf angegebenen Branch anstelle des Upstream-Branches ausführen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "Ausführung des pre-rebase-Hooks erlauben"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "weniger Ausgaben (impliziert --no-stat)"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "Zusammenfassung der Unterschiede gegenüber dem Upstream-Branch verbergen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "eine \"Signed-off-by:\"-Zeile zu jedem Commit hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "an 'git am' übergeben"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "an 'git apply' übergeben"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr ""
 "Cherry-Pick auf alle Commits ausführen, auch wenn diese unverändert sind"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "fortsetzen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "den aktuellen Patch auslassen und fortfahren"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "abbrechen und den ursprünglichen Branch auschecken"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "abbrechen, aber HEAD an aktueller Stelle belassen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "TODO-Liste während eines interaktiven Rebase bearbeiten"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "den Patch, der gerade angewendet oder zusammengeführt wird, anzeigen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "Merge-Strategien beim Rebase verwenden"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr "den Benutzer die Liste der Commits für den Rebase bearbeiten lassen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr ""
 "(VERALTET) Versuche, Merges wiederherzustellen anstatt sie zu ignorieren"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "leere Commits während des Rebase erhalten"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr "bei -i Commits verschieben, die mit squash!/fixup! beginnen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "automatischer Stash/Stash-Pop davor und danach"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr "exec-Zeilen nach jedem Commit der editierbaren Liste hinzufügen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "Rebase von Commits mit leerer Beschreibung erlauben"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr ""
 "versuchen, Rebase mit Merges auszuführen, anstatt diese zu überspringen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "'git merge-base --fork-point' benutzen, um Upstream-Branch zu bestimmen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "angegebene Merge-Strategie verwenden"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "Option"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "Argument zur Merge-Strategie durchreichen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "Rebase auf alle erreichbaren Commits bis zum Root-Commit ausführen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -17347,32 +17808,32 @@
 "Die Unterstützung für rebase.useBuiltin wurde entfernt!\n"
 "Siehe dessen Eintrag in 'git help config' für Details."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr "'git-am' scheint im Gange zu sein. Kann Rebase nicht durchführen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr ""
 "'git rebase --preserve-merges' ist veraltet. Benutzen Sie stattdessen '--"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "Kein Rebase im Gange?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Die --edit-todo Aktion kann nur während eines interaktiven Rebase verwendet "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "Kann HEAD nicht lesen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -17380,21 +17841,16 @@
 "Sie müssen alle Merge-Konflikte editieren und diese dann\n"
 "mittels \"git add\" als aufgelöst markieren"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "Konnte Änderungen im Arbeitsverzeichnis nicht verwerfen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht zu %s zurückgehen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht löschen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -17415,175 +17871,179 @@
 "und führen Sie diesen Befehl nochmal aus. Es wird angehalten, falls noch\n"
 "etwas Schützenswertes vorhanden ist.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "Schalter `C' erwartet einen numerischen Wert."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Modus: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy erfordert --merge oder --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec erfordert --exec oder --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
 "Optionen für \"am\" können nicht mit Optionen für \"interactive\" oder "
 "\"merge\" kombiniert werden."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr ""
 "'--preserve-merges' kann nicht mit '--rebase-merges' kombiniert werden."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler: '--preserve-merges' kann nicht mit '--reschedule-failed-exec' "
 "kombiniert werden."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr ""
 "'--rebase-merges' kann nicht mit '--strategy-option' kombiniert werden."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "'--rebase-merges' kann nicht mit '--strategy' kombiniert werden."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Upstream '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "Konnte neuen Root-Commit nicht erstellen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "'%s': benötige genau eine Merge-Basis"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' zeigt auf keinen gültigen Commit."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "fatal: Branch/Commit '%s' nicht gefunden"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "Referenz nicht gefunden: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD zu keinem Commit auflösen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "Kann automatischen Stash nicht erzeugen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "Unerwartete 'stash'-Antwort: '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Verzeichnis für '%s' nicht erstellen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "Automatischen Stash erzeugt: %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "Konnte 'reset --hard' nicht ausführen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD ist jetzt bei %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Bitte committen Sie die Änderungen oder benutzen Sie \"stash\"."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte '%s' nicht parsen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht zu %s wechseln."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD ist aktuell."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "Aktueller Branch %s ist auf dem neuesten Stand.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "HEAD ist aktuell, Rebase erzwungen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "Aktueller Branch %s ist auf dem neuesten Stand, Rebase erzwungen.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "Der \"pre-rebase hook\" hat den Rebase zurückgewiesen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Änderungen zu %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Änderungen von %s zu %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Zunächst wird der Branch zurückgespult, um Ihre Änderungen darauf neu "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD nicht loslösen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "Spule %s vor zu %s.\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <Git-Verzeichnis>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17615,7 +18075,7 @@
 "setzen Sie die Konfigurationsvariable 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' auf\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17636,11 +18096,11 @@
 "Um diese Meldung zu unterdrücken, setzen Sie die Variable auf 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "weniger Ausgaben"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Sie müssen ein Repository angeben."
@@ -18236,119 +18696,119 @@
 "--no-write-bitmap-index oder deaktivieren Sie die pack.writebitmaps\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "Konnte 'pack-objects' für das Neupacken von Objekten aus partiell geklonten\n"
 "Remote-Repositories nicht starten."
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
 "repack: Erwarte Zeilen mit vollständiger Hex-Objekt-ID nur von pack-objects."
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "Konnte 'pack-objects' für das Neupacken von Objekten aus partiell geklonten\n"
 "Remote-Repositories nicht abschließen."
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "alles in eine einzige Pack-Datei packen"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "genau wie -a, unerreichbare Objekte werden aber nicht gelöscht"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "redundante Pakete entfernen und \"git-prune-packed\" ausführen"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "--no-reuse-delta an git-pack-objects übergeben"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "--no-reuse-object an git-pack-objects übergeben"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "git-update-server-info nicht ausführen"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "--local an git-pack-objects übergeben"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "Bitmap-Index schreiben"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "--delta-islands an git-pack-objects übergeben"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "Datumsangabe"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "mit -A, keine Objekte älter als dieses Datum löschen"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "mit -a, nicht erreichbare Objekte neu packen"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "Größe des Fensters für die Delta-Kompression"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "Bytes"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr ""
 "gleiches wie oben, aber die Speichergröße anstatt der\n"
 "Anzahl der Einträge limitieren"
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "die maximale Delta-Tiefe limitieren"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "maximale Anzahl von Threads limitieren"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "maximale Größe für jede Paketdatei"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr ""
 "Objekte umpacken, die sich in mit .keep markierten Pack-Dateien befinden"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "dieses Paket nicht neu packen"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "kann Pack-Dateien in precious-objects Repository nicht löschen"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable und -A sind inkompatibel"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "Nichts Neues zum Packen."
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -18367,7 +18827,7 @@
 "WARNUNG: ebenfalls fehl.\n"
 "WARNUNG: Bitte benennen Sie diese manuell nach %s um:\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen von '%s'"
@@ -18776,25 +19236,25 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "Konnte neue Index-Datei nicht schreiben."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr ""
 "--exclude-promisor-objects und --missing können nicht kombiniert werden."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "Das Filtern von Objekten erfordert --objects."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger \"sparse\"-Wert '%s'."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list unterstützt keine Anzeige von Notizen"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr ""
 "--use-bitmap-index kann nicht mit dem Filtern von Objekten kombiniert werden."
@@ -18869,47 +19329,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "\"revert\" oder \"cherry-pick\" Ablauf abbrechen"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "den aktuellen Commit auslassen und fortfahren"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "nicht automatisch committen"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "Commit-Beschreibung bearbeiten"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "Nummer des Elternteils"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "Elternteil der Hauptlinie auswählen"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "Merge-Strategie"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "Option für Merge-Strategie"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "Commit-Namen anhängen"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "ursprüngliche, leere Commits erhalten"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "redundante, leere Commits behalten"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "\"revert\" fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "\"cherry-pick\" fehlgeschlagen"
@@ -19085,116 +19549,116 @@
 msgstr[0] "ignoriere %s; kann nicht mehr als %d Referenz behandeln"
 msgstr[1] "ignoriere %s; kann nicht mehr als %d Referenzen behandeln"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "keine übereinstimmenden Referenzen mit %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "Remote-Tracking und lokale Branches anzeigen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "Remote-Tracking-Branches anzeigen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "'*!+-' entsprechend des Branches einfärben"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "<n> weitere Commits nach dem gemeinsamen Vorgänger-Commit anzeigen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "Synonym für more=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "Namen unterdrücken"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "den aktuellen Branch einbeziehen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "Commits nach ihren Objektnamen benennen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "mögliche Merge-Basen anzeigen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr ""
 "Referenzen, die unerreichbar von allen anderen Referenzen sind, anzeigen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "Commits in topologischer Ordnung anzeigen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "nur Commits anzeigen, die sich nicht im ersten Branch befinden"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "Merges anzeigen, die nur von einem Branch aus erreichbar sind"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "topologische Sortierung, Beibehaltung Datumsordnung wo möglich"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<Basis>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "die <n> jüngsten Einträge im Reflog, beginnend an der Basis, anzeigen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
 "--reflog ist inkompatibel mit --all, --remotes, --independent oder --merge-"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "keine Branches angegeben, und HEAD ist ungültig"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "Die Option --reflog benötigt einen Branchnamen."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "nur %d Eintrag kann zur selben Zeit angezeigt werden"
 msgstr[1] "nur %d Einträge können zur selben Zeit angezeigt werden"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "Referenz nicht gefunden: %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "Kann nicht mehr als %d Commit behandeln."
 msgstr[1] "Kann nicht mehr als %d Commits behandeln."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "'%s' ist keine gültige Referenz."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "kann Commit %s (%s) nicht finden"
@@ -19383,95 +19847,95 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "Kein Branchname spezifiziert"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "Kann nicht %s mit %s aktualisieren."
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "Stash-Beschreibung"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "\"git stash store\" erwartet ein Argument <Commit>"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "Keine Änderungen ausgewählt"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "Sie haben bisher noch keinen initialen Commit"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "Kann den aktuellen Zustand des Index nicht speichern"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "Kann die unversionierten Dateien nicht speichern"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "Kann den aktuellen Zustand des Arbeitsverzeichnisses nicht speichern"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "Kann Zustand des Arbeitsverzeichnisses nicht aufzeichnen"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr ""
 "Kann nicht gleichzeitig --patch und --include-untracked oder --all verwenden"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr "Haben Sie vielleicht 'git add' vergessen?"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "Keine lokalen Änderungen zum Speichern"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "Kann \"stash\" nicht initialisieren"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "Kann den aktuellen Status nicht speichern"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "Arbeitsverzeichnis und Index-Status %s gespeichert."
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "Kann Änderungen im Arbeitsverzeichnis nicht löschen"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "behalte Index"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "Stash in Patch-Modus"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "weniger Ausgaben"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "unversionierte Dateien in Stash einbeziehen"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "ignorierte Dateien einbeziehen"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "Konnte 'exec %s' nicht ausführen."
@@ -19494,7 +19958,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "Kommentarzeichen mit Leerzeichen an jede Zeile voranstellen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Vollständiger Referenzname erwartet, %s erhalten"
@@ -19508,7 +19972,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "Kann eine Komponente von URL '%s' nicht extrahieren"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "Alternativer Anker für relative Pfade"
@@ -19516,8 +19980,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<Pfad>] [<Pfad>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "Keine URL für Submodul-Pfad '%s' in .gitmodules gefunden"
@@ -19536,7 +20000,7 @@
 "run_command gab nicht-Null Status für '%s' zurück.\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -19548,21 +20012,21 @@
 "nicht-Null Status zurück.\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr ""
 "Ausgaben beim Betreten und der Befehlsausführung in einem Submodul "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Rekursion in verschachtelte Submodule durchführen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <Befehl>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
@@ -19571,104 +20035,104 @@
 "Konnte Konfiguration '%s' nicht nachschlagen. Nehme an, dass dieses\n"
 "Repository sein eigenes verbindliches Upstream-Repository ist."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler beim Eintragen der URL für Submodul-Pfad '%s' in die Konfiguration."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Submodul '%s' (%s) für Pfad '%s' in die Konfiguration eingetragen.\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Warnung: 'update'-Modus für Submodul '%s' vorgeschlagen\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler bei Änderung des Aktualisierungsmodus für Submodul-Pfad '%s' in der\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Ausgaben bei Initialisierung eines Submoduls unterdrücken"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<Optionen>] [<Pfad>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr "Keine Submodul-Zuordnung in .gitmodules für Pfad '%s' gefunden"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte HEAD-Referenz nicht innerhalb des Submodul-Pfads '%s' auflösen."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler bei Rekursion in Submodul '%s'."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "Ausgabe über Submodul-Status unterdrücken"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
 msgstr ""
 "Benutze den Commit, der im Index gespeichert ist, statt den im Submodul HEAD"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Rekursion in verschachtelte Submodule durchführen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<Pfad>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name <Pfad>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Synchronisiere Submodul-URL für '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Registrieren der URL für Submodul-Pfad '%s'."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Lesen des Standard-Remote-Repositories für Submodul '%s'."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Remote-Repositories für Submodul '%s'."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr "Ausgaben bei der Synchronisierung der Submodul-URLs unterdrücken"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<Pfad>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
@@ -19678,7 +20142,7 @@
 "(benutzen Sie 'rm -rf', wenn Sie dieses wirklich mitsamt seiner Historie\n"
 "löschen möchten)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
@@ -19687,84 +20151,84 @@
 "Arbeitsverzeichnis von Submodul in '%s' enthält lokale Änderungen;\n"
 "verwenden Sie '-f', um diese zu verwerfen."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Verzeichnis '%s' bereinigt.\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Konnte Arbeitsverzeichnis des Submoduls in '%s' nicht löschen.\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "Konnte kein leeres Verzeichnis für Submodul in '%s' erstellen."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Submodul '%s' (%s) für Pfad '%s' ausgetragen.\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
 "Arbeitsverzeichnisse von Submodulen löschen, auch wenn lokale Änderungen "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "alle Submodule austragen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<Pfad>...]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr ""
 "Verwenden Sie '--all', wenn Sie wirklich alle Submodule deinitialisieren\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "Submodul '%s' kann Alternative nicht hinzufügen: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr "Wert '%s' für submodule.alternateErrorStrategy wird nicht erkannt"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "Wert '%s' für submodule.alternateLocation wird nicht erkannt."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "Pfad für neues Submodul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "Name des neuen Submoduls"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "URL von der das Submodul geklont wird"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "Tiefe des Klons mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige beim Klonen erzwingen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
@@ -19773,99 +20237,99 @@
 "<Repository>] [--name <Name>] [--url <URL>] [--name <Name>] [--depth "
 "<Tiefe>] --url <URL> --path <Pfad>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "Klonen von '%s' in Submodul-Pfad '%s' fehlgeschlagen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Submodul-Verzeichnis '%s' nicht finden."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Aktualisierungsmodus '%s' für Submodul-Pfad '%s'."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Ungültiger Aktualisierungsmodus '%s' für Submodul-Pfad '%s' konfiguriert."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "Submodul-Pfad '%s' nicht initialisiert"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "Meinten Sie vielleicht 'update --init'?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "Überspringe nicht zusammengeführtes Submodul %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Überspringe Submodul '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Klonen von '%s'. Weiterer Versuch geplant"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "Zweiter Versuch '%s' zu klonen fehlgeschlagen, breche ab."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "Pfad zum Arbeitsverzeichnis"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr ""
 "Pfad zum Arbeitsverzeichnis, über verschachtelte Submodul-Grenzen hinweg"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr "rebase, merge, checkout oder none"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr ""
 "Erstellung eines Klons mit unvollständiger Historie (shallow), abgeschnitten "
 "der angegebenen Anzahl von Commits."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "Parallele Ausführungen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr ""
 "ob das initiale Klonen den Empfehlungen für eine unvollständige\n"
 "Historie (shallow) folgen soll"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "keine Fortschrittsanzeige beim Klonen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<Pfad>] [<Pfad>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter Wert für --update Parameter"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
@@ -19874,16 +20338,16 @@
 "Branch von Submodul (%s) ist konfiguriert, den Branch des Hauptprojektes\n"
 "zu erben, aber das Hauptprojekt befindet sich auf keinem Branch."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte kein Repository-Handle für Submodul '%s' erhalten."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "Rekursion in Submodule durchführen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<Optionen>] [<Pfad>...]"
@@ -19914,7 +20378,7 @@
 "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Datei .gitmodules im "
 "Arbeitsverzeichnis befindet."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s unterstützt kein --super-prefix"
@@ -19979,17 +20443,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<Format>] <Tagname>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "Tag '%s' nicht gefunden."
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Tag '%s' gelöscht (war %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -20002,7 +20466,7 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "ein. Zeilen, die mit '%c' beginnen, werden ignoriert.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -20017,15 +20481,15 @@
 "ein. Zeilen, die mit '%c' beginnen, werden behalten; Sie dürfen diese\n"
 "selbst entfernen wenn Sie möchten.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "konnte Tag nicht signieren"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "konnte Tag-Datei nicht schreiben"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -20039,138 +20503,138 @@
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "ungültiger Objekt-Typ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "keine Tag-Beschreibung?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "Die Tag-Beschreibung wurde in %s gelassen\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "Tagnamen auflisten"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "<n> Zeilen jeder Tag-Beschreibung anzeigen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "Tags löschen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "Tags überprüfen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Optionen für Erstellung von Tags"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "annotiertes Tag, benötigt eine Beschreibung"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "Tag-Beschreibung"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "Bearbeitung der Tag-Beschreibung erzwingen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "annotiertes und GPG-signiertes Tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "einen anderen Schlüssel verwenden, um das Tag zu signieren"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "das Tag ersetzen, wenn es existiert"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "Reflog erstellen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Optionen für Auflistung der Tags"
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "Liste der Tags in Spalten anzeigen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "nur Tags ausgeben, die diesen Commit beinhalten"
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "nur Tags ausgeben, die diesen Commit nicht enthalten"
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "nur Tags ausgeben, die gemerged wurden"
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "nur Tags ausgeben, die nicht gemerged wurden"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "nur Tags von dem Objekt ausgeben"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column und -n sind inkompatibel"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Die Option -n ist nur im Listenmodus erlaubt."
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Die Option --contains ist nur im Listenmodus erlaubt."
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Die Option --no-contains ist nur im Listenmodus erlaubt."
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Die Option --points-at ist nur im Listenmodus erlaubt."
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Die Optionen --merged und --no-merged sind nur im Listenmodus erlaubt."
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "nur eine -F oder -m Option ist erlaubt."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "zu viele Parameter"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein gültiger Tagname."
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "Tag '%s' existiert bereits"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Tag '%s' aktualisiert (war %s)\n"
@@ -20511,15 +20975,15 @@
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
 msgstr "Übertragung nach <n> Sekunden Inaktivität unterbrechen"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <Commit>..."
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "Commit-Inhalte ausgeben"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "unbearbeitete Ausgabe des Status von gpg ausgeben"
@@ -20535,11 +20999,11 @@
 msgid "show statistics only"
 msgstr "nur Statistiken anzeigen"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
 msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<Format>] <Tag>..."
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr "Tag-Inhalte ausgeben"
@@ -20571,7 +21035,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock <Pfad>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Löschen von '%s'"
@@ -20648,129 +21112,129 @@
 "Benutzen Sie 'add -f' zum Überschreiben, oder 'prune' oder 'remove' zum\n"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Verzeichnis '%s' nicht erstellen."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "Bereite Arbeitsverzeichnis vor (neuer Branch '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr "Bereite Arbeitsverzeichnis vor (setze Branch '%s' um; war bei %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "Bereite Arbeitsverzeichnis vor (checke '%s' aus)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "Bereite Arbeitsverzeichnis vor (losgelöster HEAD %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr ""
 "<Branch> auschecken, auch wenn dieser bereits in einem anderen "
 "Arbeitsverzeichnis ausgecheckt ist"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "neuen Branch erstellen"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "Branch erstellen oder umsetzen"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "das neue Arbeitsverzeichnis auschecken"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "das neue Arbeitsverzeichnis gesperrt lassen"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "Modus zum Folgen von Branches einstellen (siehe git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr ""
 "versuchen, eine Übereinstimmung des Branch-Namens mit einem\n"
 "Remote-Tracking-Branch herzustellen"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B und --detach schließen sich gegenseitig aus"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr ""
 "--[no]-track kann nur verwendet werden, wenn ein neuer Branch erstellt wird."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "Sperrgrund"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' ist kein Arbeitsverzeichnis"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "Das Hauptarbeitsverzeichnis kann nicht gesperrt oder entsperrt werden."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' ist bereits gesperrt, Grund: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "'%s' ist bereits gesperrt"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "'%s' ist nicht gesperrt"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
 "Arbeitsverzeichnisse, die Submodule enthalten, können nicht verschoben oder\n"
 "entfernt werden."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
 "Verschieben erzwingen, auch wenn das Arbeitsverzeichnis geändert oder "
 "gesperrt ist"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' ist ein Hauptarbeitsverzeichnis"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "Konnte Zielname aus '%s' nicht bestimmen."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "Ziel '%s' existiert bereits."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20780,7 +21244,7 @@
 "Benutzen Sie 'move -f -f' zum Überschreiben oder entsperren Sie zuerst\n"
 "das Arbeitsverzeichnis."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20789,38 +21253,38 @@
 "Benutzen Sie 'move -f -f' zum Überschreiben oder entsperren Sie zuerst\n"
 "das Arbeitsverzeichnis."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr "Validierung fehlgeschlagen, kann Arbeitszeichnis nicht verschieben: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Verschieben von '%s' nach '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von 'git status' auf '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr "'%s' ist verändert, benutzen Sie --force zum Löschen"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von 'git status' auf '%s'. Code: %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
 "Löschen erzwingen, auch wenn das Arbeitsverzeichnis geändert oder gesperrt "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20830,7 +21294,7 @@
 "Benutzen Sie 'remove -f -f' zum Überschreiben oder entsperren Sie zuerst\n"
 "das Arbeitsverzeichnis."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20839,7 +21303,7 @@
 "Benutzen Sie 'remove -f -f' zum Überschreiben oder entsperren Sie zuerst\n"
 "das Arbeitsverzeichnis."
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr "Validierung fehlgeschlagen, kann Arbeitsverzeichnis nicht löschen: %s"
@@ -20917,54 +21381,56 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
 "'git help -a' und 'git help -g' listet verfügbare Unterbefehle und\n"
 "einige Anleitungen zu Git-Konzepten auf. Benutzen Sie 'git help <Befehl>'\n"
 "oder 'git help <Konzept>', um mehr über einen spezifischen Befehl oder\n"
-"Konzept zu erfahren."
+"Konzept zu erfahren.\n"
+"Benutzen Sie 'git help git' für einen Überblick des Systems."
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "Kein Verzeichnis für --git-dir angegeben.\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "Kein Namespace für --namespace angegeben.\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "Kein Verzeichnis für --work-tree angegeben.\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "Kein Präfix für --super-prefix angegeben.\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "-c erwartet einen Konfigurationsstring.\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "Kein Verzeichnis für -C angegeben.\n"
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "Unbekannte Option: %s\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr "beim Erweitern von Alias '%s': '%s'"
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
@@ -20973,39 +21439,39 @@
 "Alias '%s' ändert Umgebungsvariablen.\n"
 "Sie können '!git' im Alias benutzen, um dies zu tun."
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr "leerer Alias für %s"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "rekursiver Alias: %s"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Standard-Ausgabe."
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Fehler beim Schreiben in die Standard-Ausgabe."
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Schließen der Standard-Ausgabe."
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr "Alias-Schleife erkannt: Erweiterung von '%s' schließt nicht ab:%s"
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "Kann %s nicht als eingebauten Befehl behandeln."
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:856
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
@@ -21014,12 +21480,12 @@
 "Verwendung: %s\n"
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr "Erweiterung von Alias '%s' fehlgeschlagen; '%s' ist kein Git-Befehl.\n"
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von Befehl '%s': %s\n"
@@ -21201,19 +21667,19 @@
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "Kein Effekt (Rückwärtskompatibilität)"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "erweiterte Ausgaben"
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "weniger Ausgaben"
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "benutze <n> Ziffern zur Anzeige von SHA-1s"
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr ""
 "wie Leerzeichen und #Kommentare von der Beschreibung getrennt werden sollen"
@@ -21231,6 +21697,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Index, wenn möglich, mit wiederverwendeter Konfliktauflösung aktualisieren"
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "HEAD losgelöst bei "
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "HEAD losgelöst von "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Dateiinhalte zum Commit vormerken"
@@ -21684,219 +22158,227 @@
 msgstr "aktuellen HEAD zu einem spezifizierten Zustand setzen"
 #: command-list.h:156
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "Dateien im Arbeitsverzeichnis wiederherstellen"
+#: command-list.h:157
 msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr "einige bestehende Commits rückgängig machen"
-#: command-list.h:157
+#: command-list.h:158
 msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr "Commit-Objekte in umgekehrter chronologischer Ordnung auflisten"
-#: command-list.h:158
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr "Parameter herauspicken und ändern"
-#: command-list.h:159
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Dateien im Arbeitsverzeichnis und vom Index löschen"
-#: command-list.h:160
+#: command-list.h:161
 msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr "eine Sammlung von Patches als E-Mails versenden"
-#: command-list.h:161
+#: command-list.h:162
 msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr "Objekte über das Git Protokoll zu einem anderen Repository übertragen"
-#: command-list.h:162
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr "Login-Shell beschränkt für Nur-Git SSH-Zugriff"
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr "Ausgabe von 'git log' zusammenfassen"
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "verschiedene Arten von Objekten anzeigen"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "Branches und ihre Commits ausgeben"
-#: command-list.h:166
+#: command-list.h:167
 msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr "gepackten Archiv-Index anzeigen"
-#: command-list.h:167
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "Referenzen in einem lokales Repository auflisten"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr "Git's i18n-Konfigurationscode für Shell-Skripte"
-#: command-list.h:169
+#: command-list.h:170
 msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr "allgemeiner Git Shell-Skript Konfigurationscode"
-#: command-list.h:170
+#: command-list.h:171
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr "Änderungen in einem Arbeitsverzeichnis aufbewahren"
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "Dateiinhalte der Staging-Area hinzufügen"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "den Zustand des Arbeitsverzeichnisses anzeigen"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "nicht erforderlichen Whitespace entfernen"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "Submodule initialisieren, aktualisieren oder inspizieren"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr ""
 "Bidirektionale Operationen zwischen einem Subversion Repository und Git"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Branches wechseln"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "symbolische Referenzen lesen, ändern und löschen"
-#: command-list.h:177
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr ""
 "ein mit GPG signiertes Tag-Objekt erzeugen, auflisten, löschen oder "
-#: command-list.h:178
+#: command-list.h:180
 msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr "eine temporäre Datei mit den Inhalten eines Blobs erstellen"
-#: command-list.h:179
+#: command-list.h:181
 msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr "Objekte von einem gepackten Archiv entpacken"
-#: command-list.h:180
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "Dateiinhalte aus dem Arbeitsverzeichnis im Index registrieren"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr ""
 "den Objektnamen, der in einer Referenz gespeichert ist, sicher aktualisieren"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr "Hilfsinformationsdatei zur Hilfe von einfachen Servern aktualisieren"
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "Archiv zurück zu git-archive senden"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "Objekte gepackt zurück an git-fetch-pack senden"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "eine logische Variable von Git anzeigen"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "die GPG-Signatur von Commits prüfen"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "gepackte Git-Archivdateien validieren"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "die GPG-Signatur von Tags prüfen"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Git Web Interface (Web-Frontend für Git-Repositories)"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "Logs mit dem Unterschied, den jeder Commit einführt, anzeigen"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "mehrere Arbeitsverzeichnisse verwalten"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "Tree-Objekt vom aktuellen Index erstellen"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "Definition von Attributen pro Pfad"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "Git Kommandozeilenschnittstelle und Konventionen"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "eine Git Anleitung für Entwickler"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "Git für CVS Benutzer"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "Diff-Ausgabe optimieren"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr ""
 "ein kleine, nützliche Menge von Befehlen für die tägliche Verwendung von Git"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "ein Git-Glossar"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "von Git verwendete Hooks"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Spezifikation von bewusst ignorierten, unversionierten Dateien"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "Definition von Submodul-Eigenschaften"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Git Namensbereiche"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Git Repository Aufbau"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "Spezifikation von Commits und Bereichen für Git"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "eine einführende Anleitung zu Git: Teil zwei"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "eine einführende Anleitung zu Git"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Eine Übersicht über empfohlene Arbeitsabläufe mit Git"
@@ -21960,7 +22442,7 @@
 "exit code $res from '$command' is < 0 or >= 128"
 msgstr ""
 "'bisect run' fehlgeschlagen:\n"
-"Rückkehrwert $res von '$command' ist < 0 oder >= 128"
+"Exit-Code $res von '$command' ist < 0 oder >= 128"
 msgid "bisect run cannot continue any more"
@@ -22314,12 +22796,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "Siehe git-${cmd}(1) für weitere Details."
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "Automatischen Stash angewendet."
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "Kann $stash_sha1 nicht speichern."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "Führe Rebase aus ($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -22361,7 +22852,7 @@
 "Diese Zeilen können umsortiert werden; Sie werden von oben nach unten\n"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -22380,83 +22871,83 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1: kein Commit der gepickt werden kann"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "Ungültiger Commit-Name: $sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr "Kann ersetzenden SHA-1 des aktuellen Commits nicht schreiben"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Spule vor zu $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Kann nicht zu $sha1 vorspulen"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "Kann HEAD nicht auf $first_parent setzen"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "\"squash\" eines Merges ($sha1) zurückgewiesen."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Wiederholen des Merges von $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "Konnte $sha1 nicht picken"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "Das ist Commit-Beschreibung #${n}:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Commit-Beschreibung #${n} wird ausgelassen:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "Das ist eine Kombination aus $count Commit."
 msgstr[1] "Das ist eine Kombination aus $count Commits."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "Kann $fixup_msg nicht schreiben"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "Das ist eine Kombination aus 2 Commits."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "Konnte $sha1... ($rest) nicht anwenden"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -22473,31 +22964,31 @@
 "sollten Sie das Problem beheben, bevor Sie die Commit-Beschreibung ändern "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "Angehalten bei $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "Kann nicht '$squash_style' ohne vorherigen Commit"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "Führe aus: $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "Ausführung fehlgeschlagen: $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "Der Index und/oder das Arbeitsverzeichnis wurde geändert."
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -22510,7 +23001,7 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -22526,25 +23017,25 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "Unbekannter Befehl: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "Bitte beheben Sie das, indem Sie 'git rebase --edit-todo' ausführen."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "Erfolgreich Rebase ausgeführt und $head_name aktualisiert."
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "Konnte CHERRY_PICK_HEAD nicht löschen"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -22576,13 +23067,13 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler beim Versuch die Identität des Authors zum Verbessern des Commits zu\n"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
@@ -22592,40 +23083,40 @@
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "Konnte Änderungen aus der Staging-Area nicht committen."
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "Konnte Editor nicht ausführen."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "Konnte $switch_to nicht auschecken."
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "Kein HEAD?"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "Konnte temporäres Verzeichnis $state_dir nicht erstellen."
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "Konnte nicht als interaktiven Rebase markieren."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] "Rebase von $shortrevisions auf $shortonto ($todocount Kommando)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebase von $shortrevisions auf $shortonto ($todocount Kommandos)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "Konnte neu geschriebene Commits nicht initialisieren."
@@ -22707,81 +23198,81 @@
 msgstr "Konnte absoluten Pfad des Git-Verzeichnisses nicht bestimmen."
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%28s %25s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "zur Staging-Area hinzugefügt"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "aus Staging-Area entfernt"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "Binär"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "Nichts"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "unverändert"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d Pfad hinzugefügt\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d Pfade hinzugefügt\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d Pfad aktualisiert\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d Pfade aktualisiert\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d Pfad wiederhergestellt\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d Pfade wiederhergestellt\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d Pfad angefasst\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d Pfade angefasst\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Aktualisieren"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "Revert"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "Hinweis: %s ist nun unversioniert.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "unversionierte Dateien hinzufügen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "Keine unversionierten Dateien.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
@@ -22790,7 +23281,7 @@
 "direkt als zum Hinzufügen zur Staging-Area markiert."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
@@ -22799,7 +23290,7 @@
 "direkt als zum Hinzufügen zum Stash markiert."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
@@ -22808,7 +23299,8 @@
 "direkt als zum Entfernen aus der Staging-Area markiert."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
@@ -22817,7 +23309,8 @@
 "direkt als zum Anwenden markiert."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
@@ -22826,19 +23319,19 @@
 "direkt als zum Verwerfen markiert."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Fehler beim Öffnen von Editier-Datei eines Patch-Blocks zum Schreiben: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Manueller Editiermodus für Patch-Blöcke -- siehe nach unten für eine\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22852,7 +23345,7 @@
 "Zeilen, die mit %s beginnen, werden entfernt.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
@@ -22863,7 +23356,7 @@
 "wird die Bearbeitung abgebrochen und der Patch-Block bleibt unverändert.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von Editier-Datei eines Patch-Blocks zum Lesen: %s"
@@ -22874,14 +23367,14 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Ihr bearbeiteter Patch-Block kann nicht angewendet werden.\n"
 "Erneut bearbeiten? (\"n\" verwirft Bearbeitung!) [y/n]?"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -22897,7 +23390,7 @@
 "d - diesen oder alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke in dieser Datei nicht zum Commit "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -22911,7 +23404,7 @@
 "a - diesen und alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke dieser Datei stashen\n"
 "d - diesen oder alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke dieser Datei nicht stashen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -22925,7 +23418,7 @@
 "a - diesen und alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke dieser Datei unstashen\n"
 "d - diesen oder alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke dieser Datei nicht unstashen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -22942,7 +23435,7 @@
 "d - diesen oder alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke dieser Datei nicht auf den Index "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -22959,7 +23452,7 @@
 "d - diesen oder alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke dieser Datei nicht im "
 "Arbeitsverzeichnis verwerfen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -22974,7 +23467,7 @@
 "a - diesen und alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke in der Datei verwerfen\n"
 "d - diesen oder alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke in der Datei nicht verwerfen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -22988,7 +23481,21 @@
 "a - diesen und alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke in der Datei anwenden\n"
 "d - diesen oder alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke in der Datei nicht anwenden"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - diesen Patch-Block auf das Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden\n"
+"n - diesen Patch-Block nicht auf das Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden\n"
+"q - Beenden; diesen und alle verbleibenden Patch-Blöcke nicht anwenden\n"
+"a - diesen und alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke in der Datei anwenden\n"
+"d - diesen und alle weiteren Patch-Blöcke in der Datei nicht anwenden"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -23012,218 +23519,234 @@
 "e - aktuellen Patch-Block manuell editieren\n"
 "? - Hilfe anzeigen\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Die ausgewählten Patch-Blöcke können nicht auf den Index angewendet werden!\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "Trotzdem auf Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "Nichts angewendet.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "ignoriere nicht zusammengeführte Datei: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "Nur Binärdateien geändert.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "Keine Änderungen.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "Patch Aktualisierung"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Modusänderung der Staging-Area hinzufügen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Löschung der Staging-Area hinzufügen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Diesen Patch-Block der Staging-Area hinzufügen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Modusänderung stashen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Löschung stashen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Diesen Patch-Block stashen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Modusänderung aus der Staging-Area entfernen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Löschung aus der Staging-Area entfernen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Diesen Patch-Block aus der Staging-Area entfernen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Modusänderung auf Index anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Löschung auf Index anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Diesen Patch-Block auf Index anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Modusänderung im Arbeitsverzeichnis verwerfen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Löschung im Arbeitsverzeichnis verwerfen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Diesen Patch-Block im Arbeitsverzeichnis verwerfen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Modusänderung vom Index und Arbeitsverzeichnis verwerfen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Löschung vom Index und Arbeitsverzeichnis verwerfen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Diesen Patch-Block vom Index und Arbeitsverzeichnis verwerfen [y,n,q,a,d"
 "%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Modusänderung auf Index und Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Löschung auf Index und Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Diesen Patch-Block auf Index und Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden [y,n,q,a,d"
 "%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Modusänderung auf Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Löschung auf Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Diesen Patch-Block auf das Arbeitsverzeichnis anwenden [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr "Keine anderen Patch-Blöcke verbleibend\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
 msgstr "zu welchem Patch-Block springen (<Enter> für mehr Informationen)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr "zu welchem Patch-Block springen? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Ungültige Nummer: '%s'\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Entschuldigung, nur %d Patch-Block verfügbar.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Entschuldigung, nur %d Patch-Blöcke verfügbar.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr "Keine anderen Patch-Blöcke zum Durchsuchen\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr "Suche nach regulärem Ausdruck? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "Fehlerhafter regulärer Ausdruck für Suche %s: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr "Kein Patch-Block entspricht dem angegebenen Muster\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr "Kein vorheriger Patch-Block\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr "Kein folgender Patch-Block\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Entschuldigung, kann diesen Patch-Block nicht aufteilen.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] "In %d Patch-Block aufgeteilt.\n"
 msgstr[1] "In %d Patch-Blöcke aufgeteilt.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Entschuldigung, kann diesen Patch-Block nicht bearbeiten.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "Diff überprüfen"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -23242,18 +23765,19 @@
 "diff          - Unterschiede zwischen HEAD und Index anzeigen\n"
 "add untracked - Inhalte von unversionierten Dateien zum Commit vormerken\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "-- fehlt"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "Unbekannter --patch Modus: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "ungültiges Argument %s, erwarte --"
@@ -23267,32 +23791,32 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "lokaler Zeit-Offset größer oder gleich 24 Stunden\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "Der Editor wurde unsauber beendet, breche alles ab."
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' enthält eine Zwischenversion der E-Mail, die Sie gerade verfassen.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "'' enthält die verfasste E-Mail.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-aliases ist mit anderen Optionen inkompatibel\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Kann 'git format-patch' nicht außerhalb eines Repositories ausführen.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
@@ -23301,38 +23825,38 @@
 "oder Konfigurationsoption)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Unbekanntes --suppress-cc Feld: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Unbekannte --confirm Einstellung: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Warnung: sendemail-Alias mit Anführungszeichen wird nicht unterstützt: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "Warnung: `:include:` wird nicht unterstützt: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "Warnung: `/file` oder `|pipe` Umleitung wird nicht unterstützt: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "Warnung: sendmail Zeile wird nicht erkannt: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -23349,12 +23873,12 @@
 "    * die Option --format-patch angeben, wenn Sie einen Commit-Bereich "
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -23363,7 +23887,7 @@
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
 "Warnung: Es wurden keine Patches versendet.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -23373,17 +23897,17 @@
 "keine Patch-Dateien angegeben!\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "Keine Betreffzeile in %s?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von '%s' zum Schreiben: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -23398,27 +23922,27 @@
 "Leeren Sie den Inhalt des Bodys, wenn Sie keine Zusammenfassung senden "
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "E-Mail mit Zusammenfassung ist leer, wird ausgelassen\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Sind Sie sich sicher, <%s> zu benutzen [y/N]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
@@ -23426,11 +23950,11 @@
 "Die folgenden Dateien sind 8-Bit, aber deklarieren kein\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Welches 8-Bit-Encoding soll deklariert werden [UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -23444,22 +23968,22 @@
 "wenn Sie den Patch wirklich versenden wollen.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "An wen sollen die E-Mails versendet werden (wenn überhaupt jemand)?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "fatal: Alias '%s' erweitert sich zu sich selbst\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr ""
 "Message-ID zur Verwendung als In-Reply-To für die erste E-Mail (wenn eine "
 "existiert)? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "Fehler: konnte keine gültige Adresse aus %s extrahieren\n"
@@ -23467,18 +23991,18 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr ""
 "Was soll mit dieser Adresse geschehen? (Beenden [q]|Löschen [d]|Bearbeiten "
 "[e]): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "CA Pfad \"%s\" existiert nicht"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -23507,133 +24031,232 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr ""
 "Diese E-Mail versenden? (Ja [y]|Nein [n]|Bearbeiten [e]|Beenden [q]|Alle "
 "[a]): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Zum Versenden dieser E-Mail ist eine Antwort erforderlich."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "Der erforderliche SMTP-Server ist nicht korrekt definiert."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "Server unterstützt kein STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "STARTTLS fehlgeschlagen! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
 "Konnte SMTP nicht korrekt initialisieren. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre "
 "und benutzen Sie --smtp-debug."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "Fehler beim Senden %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Probeversand %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "%s gesendet\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Probeversand OK. Log enthält:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "OK. Log enthält:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Ergebnis: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Ergebnis: OK\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "Kann Datei %s nicht öffnen"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Füge cc: hinzu: %s von Zeile '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Füge to: hinzu: %s von Zeile '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(non-mbox) Füge cc: hinzu: %s von Zeile '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(body) Füge cc: hinzu: %s von Zeile '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) Konnte '%s' nicht ausführen"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) Füge %s: %s hinzu von: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) Fehler beim Schließen der Pipe nach '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "Kann Nachricht nicht als 7bit versenden."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "Ungültiges Transfer-Encoding"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "konnte %s nicht öffnen: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "%s: Patch enthält eine Zeile, die länger als 998 Zeichen ist"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Lasse %s mit Backup-Suffix '%s' aus.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Wollen Sie %s wirklich versenden? [y|N]: "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update, but that "
+#~ "check has been disabled."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "'fetch' zeigt normalerweise, welche Branches eine erzwungene "
+#~ "Aktualisierung hatten, aber diese Überprüfung wurde deaktiviert."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' to avoid this check.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "oder führen Sie 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' aus, um diese "
+#~ "Überprüfung zu umgehen.\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "log.mailmap is not set; its implicit value will change in an\n"
+#~ "upcoming release. To squelch this message and preserve current\n"
+#~ "behaviour, set the log.mailmap configuration value to false.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To squelch this message and adopt the new behaviour now, set the\n"
+#~ "log.mailmap configuration value to true.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "See 'git help config' and search for 'log.mailmap' for further "
+#~ "information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "'log.mailmap' ist nicht gesetzt; der implizite Wert wird sich in einem\n"
+#~ "kommenden Release ändern. Um diese Meldung zu unterdrücken und das "
+#~ "aktuelle\n"
+#~ "Verhalten beizubehalten, setzen Sie den Konfigurationswert von'log."
+#~ "mailmap' auf 'false'.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Um diese Meldung zu unterdrücken und jetzt das neue Verhalten zu\n"
+#~ "übernehmen, setzen Sie den Konfigurationswert von 'log.mailmap' auf "
+#~ "'true'.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Führen Sie 'git help config' aus und suchen Sie nach 'log.mailmap', um\n"
+#~ "weitere Informationen zu erhalten."
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgid "Server supports no-done"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt no-done"
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt multi_ack"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt side-band-64k"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt side-band"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
+#~ msgstr "Server unterstützt ofs-delta"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD losgelöst bei %s)"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD losgelöst von %s)"
+#~ msgid "Checking out files"
+#~ msgstr "Checke Dateien aus"
+#~ msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Kann nicht interaktiv sein, ohne dass die Standard-Eingabe mit einem "
+#~ "Terminal verbunden ist."
+#~ msgid "failed to open '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Öffnen von '%s'"
+#~ msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
+#~ msgstr "Konnte %s nicht lesen\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
+#~ "the remaining commits.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Wenn Sie diesen Commit auslassen möchten, benutzen Sie:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Benutzen Sie anschließend \"git cherry-pick --continue\", um die\n"
+#~ "Cherry-Pick-Operation mit den verbleibenden Commits fortzusetzen.\n"
+#~ msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+#~ msgstr "Nicht erkanntes Verb: %s"
diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po
index edf7b25..87c77ff 100644
--- a/po/es.po
+++ b/po/es.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-04 18:51-0500\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 20:12+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-10 12:55-0500\n"
 "Language-Team: CodeLabora <>\n"
 "Language: es\n"
@@ -18,38 +18,38 @@
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
 "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%sayuda: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "No es posible ejecutar cherry-picking porque tienes archivos sin fusionar."
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "No es posible realizar un commit porque tienes archivos sin fusionar."
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "No es posible hacer merge porque tienes archivos sin fusionar."
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "No es posible hacer pull porque tienes archivos sin fusionar."
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "No es posible revertir porque tienes archivos sin fusionar."
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "No es posible %s porque tienes archivos sin fusionar."
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -57,49 +57,63 @@
 "Corrígelos en el árbol de trabajo y entonces usa 'git add/rm <archivo>',\n"
 "como sea apropiado, para marcar la resolución y realizar un commit."
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Saliendo porque existe un conflicto sin resolver."
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "No has concluido tu fusión (MERGE_HEAD existe)."
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Por favor, realiza un commit antes de fusionar."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Saliendo por una fusión inconclusa."
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
-"Nota: actualizando el árbol de trabajo '%s'.\n"
+"Nota: cambiando a '%s'.\n"
 "Te encuentras en estado 'detached HEAD'. Puedes revisar por aquí, hacer\n"
-"cambios experimentales y confirmarlos, y puedes descartar cualquier\n"
+"cambios experimentales y hacer commits, y puedes descartar cualquier\n"
 "commit que hayas hecho en este estado sin impactar a tu rama realizando\n"
 "otro checkout.\n"
 "Si quieres crear una nueva rama para mantener los commits que has creado,\n"
-"puedes hacerlo (ahora o después) usando -b con el comando checkout. "
+"puedes hacerlo (ahora o después) usando -c con el comando checkout. "
-"  git checkout -b <nombre-de-nueva-rama>\n"
+"  git switch -c <nombre-de-nueva-rama>\n"
+"O deshacer la operación con:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Apaga este aviso mediante la variable de config advice.detachedHead en "
 #: alias.c:50
@@ -110,99 +124,99 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr "comillas incompletas"
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "opción de espacios en blanco no reconocida '%s'"
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "opción de ignorar espacios en blanco no reconocida '%s'"
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject y --3way no se pueden utilizar juntas."
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached y --3way no se pueden utilizar juntas."
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way está fuera de un repositorio"
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index está fuera de un repositorio"
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached está fuera de un repositorio"
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "No se puede preparar una marca de tiempo para la expresión regular %s"
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "regexec devolvió %d para la entrada: %s"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "no se puede encontrar el nombre del archivo en el parche en la línea %d"
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: git-diff erróneo - se esperaba /dev/null, se encontró %s en "
 "lalínea %d"
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: git-diff erróneo - nuevo nombre de archivo inconsistente en "
 "lalínea %d"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: git-diff erróneo - viejo nombre de archivo inconsistente en "
 "lalínea %d"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: git-diff erróneo - se esperaba /dev/null en la línea %d"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "modo inválido en la línea %d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "header inconsistente en las líneas %d y %d"
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recount: línea inesperada: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "fragmento de parche sin header en la línea %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -217,83 +231,83 @@
 "los headers de git diff carecen de información de los nombres de los "
 "archivos %d cuando los eliminan de la ruta principal componentes (línea %d)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr ""
 "el header de git diff carece de información del nombre del archivo (línea %d)"
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "el nuevo archivo depende de contenidos viejos"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "el archivo eliminado todavía tiene contenido"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "parche corrupto en la línea %d"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "nuevo archivo %s depende en contenidos viejos"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "el archivo borrado %s todavía tiene contenido"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** peligro: el archivo %s está vacío pero no es borrado"
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "parche binario corrupto en la línea %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "parche binario no reconocido en la línea %d"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "parche que solo contiene basura en la línea %d"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "no es posible leer el enlace simbólico %s"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "no es posible abrir o leer %s"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "comienzo inválido de línea: '%c'"
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] "Hunk #%d tuvo éxito en %d (%d línea compensada)."
 msgstr[1] "Hunk #%d tuvo éxito en %d (%d líneas compensadas)."
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "Contexto reducido a (%ld/%ld) para aplicar el fragmento en %d"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -302,23 +316,23 @@
 "mientras se busca:\n"
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "data perdida en parche binario para '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "no se puede revertir-aplicar un parche binario sin el hunk revertido a '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr "no se puede aplicar el parche binario a '%s' sin un índice completo"
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
@@ -326,289 +340,289 @@
 "el parche aplica a '%s' (%s), lo cual no concuerda con los contenidos "
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "el parche aplica a un '%s' vacío, pero este no lo esta"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "la postimagen necesaria %s para '%s' no se puede leer"
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "el parche binario no aplica para '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "el parche binario para '%s' crea un resultado incorrecto (saliendo %s, se "
 "obtuvo %s)"
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "el parche falló: %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "no se puede hacer checkout a %s"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer %s"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "leyendo de '%s' tras un enlace simbólico"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "la ruta %s ha sido renombrada/suprimida"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s: no existe en el índice"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s: no concuerda con el índice"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "el repositorio carece del blob necesario para regresar en un merge de tres-"
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Retrocediendo en un merge de tres-vías...\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pueden leer los contenidos actuales de '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Falló el merge en retroceso de tres-vías...\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Parche aplicado a '%s' con conflictos.\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Parche aplicado a '%s' limpiamente\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "parche de remoción deja contenidos en el archivo"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s: tipo incorrecto"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s tiene tipo %o, se esperaba %o"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "ruta inválida '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s: ya existe en el índice"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s: ya existe en el directorio de trabajo"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "nuevo modo (%o) de %s no concuerda con el viejo modo (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr "nuevo modo (%o) de %s no concuerda con el viejo modo (%o) de %s"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "archivo afectado '%s' está tras un enlace simbólico"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s: el parche no aplica"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Revisando el parche %s..."
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "falta información del sha1 o es inútil para el submódulo %s"
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "modo cambiado para %s, el cual no se encuentra en el HEAD actual"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "falta información sha1 o es inútil (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "make_cache_entry falló para la ruta '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "no se pudo añadir %s al índice temporal"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir un índice temporal para %s"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "no se puede eliminar %s del índice"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "parche corrupto para el submódulo %s"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "no es posible establecer el archivo recién creado '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr ""
 "no es posible crear una copia de seguridad para el archivo recién creado %s"
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "no es posible agregar una entrada en el cache para %s"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "falló escribir para '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "cerrando archivo '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir el archivo '%s' modo %o"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Parche %s aplicado limpiamente."
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "error interno"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "Aplicando parche %%s con %d rechazo..."
 msgstr[1] "Aplicando parche %%s con %d rechazos..."
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "truncando el nombre de archivo .rej a %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "no se puede abrir %s"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "Hunk #%d aplicado limpiamente."
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "Hunk #%d rechazado."
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Parche '%s' saltado."
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "input no reconocido"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "no es posible leer el archivo índice"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "no se puede abrir el parche '%s': %s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "%d error de espacios en blanco aplastado"
 msgstr[1] "%d errores de espacios en blanco aplastados"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d línea agrega errores de espacios en blanco."
 msgstr[1] "%d líneas agregan errores de espacios en blanco."
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
@@ -617,146 +631,146 @@
 msgstr[1] ""
 "%d líneas aplicadas después de arreglar los errores de espacios en blanco."
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "No es posible escribir el archivo índice"
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "ruta"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "no aplicar cambios que concuerden con la ruta suministrada"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "aplicar cambios que concuerden con la ruta suministrada"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "num"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "eliminar <num> slashes iniciales de las rutas diff tradicionales"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "ignorar adiciones hechas por el parche"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr "en lugar de aplicar el parche, mostrar diffstat para la entrada"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr "mostrar el numero de líneas agregadas y eliminadas en notación decimal"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr "en lugar de aplicar el parche, mostrar un resumen para la entrada"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "en lugar de aplicar el parche, ver si el parche es aplicable"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "asegurar que el parche es aplicable al índice actual"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "marca los nuevos archivos con `git add --intent-to-add`"
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "aplicar un parche sin tocar el árbol de trabajo"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "aceptar un parche que toca fuera del área de trabajo"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "también aplicar el parche ( usar con --stat/--summary/--check"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "intentar merge de tres-vías si el parche no aplica"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr ""
 "construir un índice temporal basado en la información del índice incrustado"
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "rutas están separadas con un carácter NULL"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "asegure que por lo menos <n> líneas del contexto concuerden"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "acción"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "detectar líneas nuevas o modificadas que contienen errores de espacios en "
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr ""
 "ignorar cambios en los espacios en blanco cuando se encuentra el contexto"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "aplicar el parche en reversa"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "no espera al menos una línea del contexto"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "dejar los hunks rechazados en los archivos *.rej correspontientes"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "permitir solapamiento de hunks"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "ser verboso"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr ""
 "tolerar nuevas líneas faltantes detectadas incorrectamente al final del "
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "no confiar en el conteo de líneas en los headers del hunk"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "raíz"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "anteponer <root> a todos los nombres de archivos"
@@ -799,98 +813,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "no es un objeto tree: %s"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "directorio de trabajo actual no rastreado"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "fmt"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "formato del archivo"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "prefijo"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "anteponer prefijo a cada ruta en el archivo"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "carpeta"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "escribe el archivo en esta carpeta"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "leer .gitattributes en el directorio de trabajo"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "reportar archivos archivados por stderr"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "solo guardar"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
-msgstr "comprimir mas rápido"
+msgstr "comprimir más rápido"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "comprimir mejor"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "listar los formatos de carpeta soportados"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "repo"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "obtener la carpeta del repositorio remoto <repo>"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "comando"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "ruta para el comando git-upload-archivo remoto"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Opción inesperada --remote"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "Opción --exec solo puede ser utilizada con --remote"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Opción inesperada --output"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Formato de carpeta desconocido '%s'"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Argumento no soportado para formato '%s': -%d"
@@ -934,7 +948,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "ruta muy larga (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "error al desinflar (%d)"
@@ -947,7 +961,7 @@
 #: attr.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.*s is not a valid attribute name"
-msgstr "%.*s no es un nombre de atributo valido"
+msgstr "%.*s no es un nombre de atributo válido"
 #: attr.c:368
 #, c-format
@@ -975,7 +989,7 @@
 #: bisect.c:733
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid commit name %s"
-msgstr "No es un nombre de commit valido %s"
+msgstr "No es un nombre de commit válido %s"
 #: bisect.c:758
 #, c-format
@@ -1013,7 +1027,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Algunas %s revisiones no son ancestros de la revisión %s.\n"
 "git bisect no puede trabajar bien en este caso.\n"
-"Tal vez confundió la revisión %s y %s?\n"
+"Tal vez confundiste la revisión %s y %s?\n"
 #: bisect.c:789
 #, c-format
@@ -1036,12 +1050,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "una %s revisión es necesaria"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear el archivo '%s'"
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer el archivo '%s'"
@@ -1081,40 +1095,40 @@
 msgstr[0] "Biseccionando: falta %d revisión por probar después de esto %s\n"
 msgstr[1] "Biseccionando: faltan %d revisiones por probar después de esto %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents y --reverse no se mezclan bien."
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "no se puede usar --contents con el nombre de objeto commit final"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse y --first-parent juntos requieren especificar el último commit"
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "falló la configuración del camino de revisión"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse --first-parent juntos requieren un rango a lo largo de la cadena "
 "del primer padre"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "no hay una ruta %s en %s"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "no se puede leer el blob %s para la ruta %s"
@@ -1199,7 +1213,7 @@
 #: branch.c:189
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid branch name."
-msgstr "'%s' no es un nombre valido de rama."
+msgstr "'%s' no es un nombre válido de rama."
 #: branch.c:208
 #, c-format
@@ -1246,7 +1260,7 @@
 #: branch.c:281
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid object name: '%s'."
-msgstr "Nombre de objeto no valido: '%s'."
+msgstr "Nombre de objeto no válido: '%s'."
 #: branch.c:301
 #, c-format
@@ -1256,14 +1270,14 @@
 #: branch.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
-msgstr "Punto de rama no valido: '%s'."
+msgstr "Punto de rama no válido: '%s'."
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ya ha sido marcado en '%s'"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "HEAD del árbol de trabajo %s no está actualizada"
@@ -1278,8 +1292,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "header no reconocido %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo abrir '%s'"
@@ -1288,60 +1302,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "Al repositorio le falta estos commits prerrequisito:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "se necesita un repositorio para verificar un bundle"
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "El bundle contiene esta referencia:"
 msgstr[1] "El bundle contiene estas %d referencias:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "El bundle registra una historia completa."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "El bundle requiere esta referencia:"
 msgstr[1] "El bundle requiere estas %d referencias:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "incapaz de duplicar bundle descriptor"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "No se pudo crear los pack-objetcts"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "pack-objects murió"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "rev-list murió"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "referencia '%s' es excluida por las opciones de rev-list"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "argumento no reconocido: %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Rechazando crear un bundle vacío."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede crear '%s'"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "index-pack murió"
@@ -1350,8 +1368,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "color inválido: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "no se puede analizar %s"
@@ -1361,7 +1379,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s no es un commit!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1381,227 +1399,282 @@
 "Apapa este mensaje ejecutando\n"
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "Commit %s tiene una firma GPG no confiable, pretendidamente por %s."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "Commit %s tiene una mala firma GPG pretendidamente por %s."
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "Commit %s no tiene una firma GPG."
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "El Commit %s tiene una buena firma GPG por %s\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
 "variable i18n.commitencoding to the encoding your project uses.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Peligro: el mensaje del commit no se ajusta a UTF-8.\n"
-"Tal vez quiera enmendarlo después de arreglar el mensaje, o arreglar la\n"
+"Tal vez quieras enmendarlo después de arreglar el mensaje, o arreglar la\n"
 "variable de configuración i18n.commitencoding para la codificación que usa "
-"su proyecto.\n"
+"tu proyecto.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr "archivo commit-graph es muy pequeño"
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr "firma %X en commit-graph no concuerda con firma %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "versión de commit-graph %X no concuerda con versión %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "versión de hash de commit-graph %X no concuerda con versión %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
 "falta tabla de lookup del chunk en commit-graph; el archivo puede estar "
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr "offset del chunk de commit-graph inapropiado %08x%08x"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr "id de chunk de commit-graph %08x parece tener múltiples tiempos"
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "commit-graph no tiene una chunk base de graphs"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "cadena commit-graph no concuerda"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr "cadena de commit-graph inválida: línea '%s' no es un hash"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "no es posible encontrar los archivos commit-graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr "posición de commit inválida. commit-graph está probablemente corrupto"
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo encontrar commit %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "incapaz de obtener el tipo de objeto: %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Cargando commits conocidos en commit graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Expandiendo commits alcanzables en commit graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "Limpiando marcas de commits en commit graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr "Calculando números de generación de commit graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] "Encontrando commits para commit graph en %d pack"
 msgstr[1] "Encontrando commits para commit graph en %d packs"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "error agregando pack %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "error abriendo index para %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] "Encontrando commits para commit graph de %d ref"
 msgstr[1] "Encontrando commits para commit graph de %d refs"
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr "Encontrando commits para commit graph entre los objetos empaquetados"
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Contando commits distintos en commit graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr "el formato de gráficos de commit no pudede escribir %d commits"
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "Encontrando esquinas extra en commit graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "demasiados commits para escribir el gráfico"
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "falló al escribir el número correcto de ids de base graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear directorios principales para %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "no se puede crear '%s'"
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "Escribiendo commit graph en %d paso"
 msgstr[1] "Escribiendo commit graph en %d pasos"
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "no se pudo abrir la cadena de archivos commit-graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "no se pudo renombrar el archivo base commit-graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "falló al renombrar el archivo temporal commit-graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "Escaneando commits fusionados"
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "id de commit duplicado inesperado %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "Fusionando commit-graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "el formato de gráficos de commit no pudede escribir %d commits"
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "demasiados commits para escribir el gráfico"
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr ""
 "el archivo de commit-graph tiene checksums incorrectos y probablemente está "
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr "commit-graph tiene un orden de OID incorrecto: %s luego %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr "commit-graph tiene un valor fanout incorrecto: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr "falló al analizar commit %s para commit-graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Verificando commits en commit graph"
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
 "falló al analizar el commit %s de la base de datos de objetos para commit-"
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr "árbol raíz OID para commit %s en commit-graph es %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr "lista padre de commit-graph para commit %s es muy larga"
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr "padre de commit-graph para %s es %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr "lista padre de commit-graph para commit %s termina antes"
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
 msgstr ""
 "commit-graph ha generado número cero para %s, pero no-cero para los demás"
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
 msgstr ""
 "commit-graph tiene generación no-cero para %s, pero cero para los demás"
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr "generación commit-graph para commit %s es %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1611,7 +1684,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "memoria agotada"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1626,300 +1699,300 @@
 "Esto puede ser causado por inclusiones circulares."
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo expandir rutas de inclusión '%s'"
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "inclusiones de configuración relativas tienen que venir de archivos"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr ""
 "la configuración relativa incluye condicionales que deben venir de archivos"
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "llave no contiene una sección: %s"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "llave no contiene el nombre de variable: %s"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "llave inválida: %s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "llave inválida (nueva línea): %s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "parámetro de configuración malogrado: %s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "formato malogrado en %s"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "mala línea de config %d en el blob %s"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "mala línea de config %d en el archivo %s"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "mala línea de config %d en la entrada standard"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "mala línea de config %d en el submódulo-blob %s"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "mala línea de config %d en la línea de comando %s"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "mala línea de config %d en %s"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "fuera de rango"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "unidad inválida"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "mal valor de config numérica '%s' para '%s': %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "mal valor de config numérica '%s' para '%s' en el blob %s: %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr "mal valor de config numérica '%s' para '%s' en el archivo %s: %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr "mal valor de config numérica '%s' para '%s' en la entrada standard: %s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "mal valor de config numérica '%s' para '%s' en el submódulo-blob %s: %s"
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "mal valor de config numérica '%s' para '%s' en la línea de comando %s: %s"
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "mal valor de config numérica '%s' para '%s' en %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al expandir el directorio de usuario en: '%s'"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "'%s' para '%s' no es una marca de tiempo válida"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "largo de abreviatura fuera de rango: %d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "nivel de compresión de zlib erróneo %d"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "core.commentChar debería tener solo un caracter"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "modo inválido de creación de objetos: %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "valor malformado para %s"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valor malformado para %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr "debe ser uno de nothing, matching, simple, upstream o current"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "nivel de compresión de pack erróneo %d"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "incapaz de cargar configuración de objeto blob '%s'"
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "referencia '%s' no apunta a un blob"
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "no se posible resolver configuración de blob '%s'"
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo analizar %s"
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "no es posible analizar la configuración de la línea de comando"
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr ""
 "error desconocido ocurrió mientras se leían los archivos de configuración"
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
-msgstr "Invalido %s: '%s'"
+msgstr "Inválido %s: '%s'"
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
 "valor core.untrackedCache '%s' desconocido; usando 'keep' como valor por "
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr "valor splitIndex.maxPercentChange '%d' debe estar entre 0 y 100"
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "no es posible analizar '%s' de la configuración de la línea de comando"
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "mala variable de config '%s' en el archivo '%s' en la línea %d"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "nombre de sección inválido '%s'"
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s tiene múltiples valores"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "falló al escribir nuevo archivo de configuración %s"
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo bloquear archivo de configuración %s"
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "abriendo %s"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "patrón inválido: %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "archivo de configuración inválido: %s"
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "fstat en %s falló"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "no es posible hacer mmap '%s'"
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "chmod en %s falló"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir el archivo de configuración %s"
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo configurar '%s' a '%s'"
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo desactivar '%s'"
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "sección de nombre inválida: %s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "valor faltante para '%s'"
@@ -1937,7 +2010,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "No se pudo leer del repositorio remoto.\n"
-"Por favor asegúrese que tiene los permisos de acceso correctos\n"
+"Por favor asegúrate que tienes los permisos de acceso correctos\n"
 "y que el repositorio existe."
 #: connect.c:81
@@ -2084,19 +2157,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "no es posible hacer fork"
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Verificando conectividad"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "No se pudo correr 'git rev-list'"
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "falló escribir a rev-list"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "falló al cerrar la entrada standard de rev-list"
@@ -2314,7 +2387,7 @@
 msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)"
 msgstr "regex isla de config tiene muchos grupos de captura (max=%d)"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "%d islas marcadas, listo.\n"
@@ -2391,35 +2464,35 @@
 "Errores en la variable de config 'diff.dirstat' encontrados:\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "diff externo murió, deteniendo en %s"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--name-only, --name-status, --check y -s son mutuamente exclusivas"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-G, -S y --find-object son mutuamente exclusivas"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow requiere exactamente un pathspec"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "valor --stat inválido: %s"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "%s espera un valor numérico"
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2428,42 +2501,42 @@
 "Falló al analizar parámetro de opción --dirstat/-X:\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "cambio de clase desconocido '%c' en --diff-filter=%s"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "valor desconocido luego de ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede resolver '%s'"
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr "%s espera forma <n>/<m>"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "%s esperaba un char, se obtuvo '%s'"
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "mal argumento --color-moved: %s"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "modo inválido '%s' en --color-moved-ws"
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
@@ -2471,154 +2544,154 @@
 "opción diff-algorithm acepta \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" e "
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "argumento inválido para %s"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al analizar parámetro de opción --submodule: '%s'"
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "mal argumento --word-diff: %s"
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "Opciones de formato de salida para diff"
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "generar parche"
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "suprimir salida de diff"
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "<n>"
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "genera diffs con <n> líneas de contexto"
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "genera el diff en formato raw"
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "sinónimo para '-p --stat'"
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "sinónimo para '-p --stat'"
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "--stat amigable para máquina"
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "mostrar solo la última línea para --stat"
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "<param1,param2>..."
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr ""
 "muestra la distribución de cantidades de cambios relativa para cada "
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "sinónimo para --dirstat=cumulative"
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "sinonimo para --dirstat=archivos,param1,param2..."
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "advierte si cambios introducen conflictos de markers o errores de espacios "
 "en blanco"
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr ""
 "resumen condensado de creaciones, cambios de nombres y cambios de modos"
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "mostrar solo nombres de archivos cambiados"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "mostrar solo nombres y estados de archivos cambiados"
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
 msgstr "<ancho>[,<nombre-ancho>[,<cantidad>]]"
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "generar diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "<ancho>"
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "genera diffstat con un ancho dado"
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "genera diffstat con un nombre de ancho dado"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "genera diffstat con un ancho de graph dado"
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "<cantidad>"
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "genera diffstat con líneas limitadas"
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "genera un resumen compacto de diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "muestra un diff binario que puede ser aplicado"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr ""
 "mostrar todo un pre- y post-image de nombres de objetos en las líneas \"index"
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "mostrar diff colorido"
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr "<tipo>"
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
@@ -2626,7 +2699,7 @@
 "resaltar errores de espacios en blanco en las líneas 'context', 'old' o "
 "'new' del diff"
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2634,89 +2707,89 @@
 "no consolidar los pathnames y usar NULs como terminadores de campos en --raw "
 "o --numstat"
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr "<prefijo>"
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "mostrar el prefijo de fuente dado en lugar de \"a/\""
-#: diff.c:5357
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
 msgstr "mostrar el prefijo de destino en lugar de \"b/\""
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "anteponer un prefijo adicional a cada línea mostrada"
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "no mostrar ningún prefijo de fuente o destino"
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr ""
 "muestra el contexto entre hunks de diff hasta el número especificado de "
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "<char>"
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "especifica el char para indicar una nueva línea en lugar de '+'"
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "especifica el char para indicar una línea vieja en lugar de '-'"
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr "especifica el char para indicar un contexto en lugar de ' '"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "Opciones de diff rename"
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr "descomponer los cambios de reescritura en pares de borrar y crear"
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "detectar renombrados"
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "omite la preimage para borrados"
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "detectar copias"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr "usa archivos no modificados como fuente para encontrar copias"
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "deshabilita detección de renombres"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "usa blobs vacíos como fuente de renombre"
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr "continua listando el historial de un archivo más allá de renombres"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
@@ -2724,155 +2797,155 @@
 "previene detección de renombre/copias si el número de objetivos para "
 "renombres/copias excede el límite dado"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "Opciones de algoritmos de diff"
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "produce el diff más pequeño posible"
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "ignorar espacios en blanco cuando comparando líneas"
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "ignorar cambios en la cantidad de líneas en blanco"
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "ignorar cambios en espacios en blanco en EOL"
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "ignora carrier-return al final de la línea"
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "ignora cambios cuyas líneas son todas en blanco"
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr "heurística para cambiar los límites de hunk para una fácil lectura"
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "genera un diff usando algoritmo \"patience diff\""
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "genera un diff usando algoritmo \"histogram diff\""
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "<algoritmo>"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "escoge un algoritmo para diff"
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "<texto>"
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "genera un diff usando algoritmo \"anchored diff\""
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "<modo>"
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr ""
 "muestra diff por palabras usando <modo> para delimitar las palabras cambiadas"
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr "<regex>"
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "usa <regex> para decidir que palabra es"
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr "equivalente a --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "líneas movidas de código están coloreadas diferente"
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr "como espacios en blanco son ignorados en --color-moved"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "Otras opciones de diff"
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
 "cuando ejecutado desde un subdir, excluye cambios del exterior y muestra "
 "paths relativos"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "tratar todos los archivos como texto"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "cambia dos inputs, invierte el diff"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr "termina con 1 si hubieron diferencias, de lo contrario con 0"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "deshabilita todo el output del programa"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "permite la ejecución de un diff helper externo"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr ""
 "ejecuta filtros de conversión de texto externos cuando comparando binarios"
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "<cuando>"
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr "ignorar cambios a submódulos en la generación de diff"
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "<formato>"
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr "especifica como son mostradas las diferencias en submódulos"
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "ocultar entradas 'git add -N' del index"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "trata entradas 'git add -N' como reales en el index"
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "<string>"
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2880,7 +2953,7 @@
 "busca por diferencias que cambien el número de ocurrencias para el string "
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2888,23 +2961,23 @@
 "busca por diferencias que cambien el número de ocurrencias para el regex "
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr "mostrar todos los cambios en el changeset con -S o -G"
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr "tratar <string> en -S como una expresión regular extendida de POSIX"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr "controlar el orden en el que los archivos aparecen en la salida"
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr "<id-objeto>"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2912,38 +2985,38 @@
 "busca por diferencias que cambien el número de ocurrencias para el objeto "
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "selecciona archivos por tipo de diff"
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "<archivo>"
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "Output a un archivo específico"
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "detección de cambio de nombre inexacta fue saltada por haber muchos archivos."
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "solo se encontraron copias de rutas modificadas por haber muchos archivos."
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
 msgstr ""
-"tal vez quiera configurar la variable %s para por lo menos %d y volver a "
+"tal vez quieras configurar la variable %s para por lo menos %d y volver a "
 "intentar el comando."
 #: dir.c:537
@@ -3044,32 +3117,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc requiere multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "línea poco profunda inválida: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "línea superficial inválida: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "objeto no encontrado: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "error en objeto: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "superficie no encontrada: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "se esperaba shallow/unshallow, se obtuvo %s"
@@ -3088,7 +3161,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "rindiéndose"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "listo"
@@ -3129,154 +3202,130 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "error en demultiplexor de banda lateral"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "El servidor no soporta clientes superficiales"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta ulti_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta side-band"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "El servidor soporta filtro"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "Versión de servidor es %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "El servidor soporta %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "El servidor no soporta clientes superficiales"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "El servidor no soporta --shalow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "El servidor no soporta --shalow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "El servidor no soporta --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "no hay commits comunes"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: fetch falló."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "El servidor no soporta peticiones superficiales"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "El servidor soporta filtro"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "no se puede escribir request al remoto"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "error leyendo sección header '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "se esperaba '%s', se recibió '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
-msgstr "linea de confirmación inesperada: '%s'"
+msgstr "línea de confirmación inesperada: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "error procesando acks: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr "espere que el packfile sea mandado luego del 'listo'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr "espere que ninguna otra sección sea enviada luego del 'listo'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "error procesando información superficial: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "se esperaba wanted-ref, se obtuvo '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "wanted-ref inesperado: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "error procesando refs deseadas: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "no concuerda el head remoto"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "remoto no mando todos los objetos necesarios"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "no existe ref remota %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "El servidor no permite solicitudes de objetos inadvertidos %s"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg falló al firmar la data"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear archivo temporal"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al escribir la firma separada para '%s'"
@@ -3286,18 +3335,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "ignora color inválido '%.*s' en log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "'%s': no es posible leer %s"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al marcar '%s'"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "'%s': lectura corta"
@@ -3367,7 +3416,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Estos son comandos comunes de Git usados en varias situaciones:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "comando de listado de tipos no soportado '%s'"
@@ -3430,10 +3479,10 @@
 "The most similar commands are"
 msgstr[0] ""
-"El comando mas similar es"
+"El comando más similar es"
 msgstr[1] ""
-"Los comandos mas similares son"
+"Los comandos más similares son"
 #: help.c:714
 msgid "git version [<options>]"
@@ -3512,7 +3561,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "el nombre consiste solo de caracteres no permitidos: %s"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "formato de fecha inválido: %s"
@@ -3544,6 +3593,11 @@
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr "soporte para filtros sparse:path ha sido discontinuado"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "filtro -spec inválido '%s'"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "no se puede cambiar un clon parcial remoto promisor"
@@ -3577,8 +3631,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "falló al leer la cache"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir el archivo índice"
@@ -3601,91 +3655,91 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "error construyendo árboles"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "falló al crear la ruta '%s'%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Removiendo %s para hacer espacio para un subdirectorio\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": tal vez un conflicto D/F?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "rehusando perder el archivo rastreado en '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede leer el objeto %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "se esperaba blob para %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "falló al abrir '%s': %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "falló al crear el enlace simbólico '%s': %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "no se que hacer con %06o %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Falló al fusionar el submódulo %s (no revisado)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Falló al fusionar el submódulo %s (commits no presentes)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr "Falló el fusionar submódulo %s (commits no siguen la fusión base)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Haciendo fast-forward a submódulo %s para el siguiente commit:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Avance rápido en submódulo %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Falló al fusionar submódulo %s (los siguentes commits no fueron encontrados)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Falló al fusionar el submódulo %s (no es posible avance rápido)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Se encontró una posible solución de fusión para el submódulo:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3702,33 +3756,33 @@
 "el cual aceptará esta sugerencia.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "Falló al fusionar el submódulo %s (fusiones múltiples encontradas)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Falló al ejecutar la fusión interna"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "No es posible agregar %s a la base de datos"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "Auto-fusionando %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr ""
 "Error: Rehusando perder el archivo no rastreado en %s; escribiéndolo a %s en "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3737,7 +3791,7 @@
 "CONFLICTO (%s/borrar): %s borrado en %s y %s en %s. Falta versión %s de %s "
 "en el árbol."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3746,7 +3800,7 @@
 "CONFLICTO (%s/borrar): %s borrado en %s y %s para %s en %s. Versión %s de %s "
 "permanece en el árbol."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3755,7 +3809,7 @@
 "CONFLICTO (%s/eliminar): %s eliminado en %s y %s en %s. Versión %s de %s "
 "dejada en el árbol, en %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3764,44 +3818,44 @@
 "CONFLICTO (%s/borrar): %s borrado en %s y %s para %s en %s. Versión %s de %s "
 "permanece en el árbol en %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "renombrar"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "renombrado"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "Rehusando perder el archivo sucio en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr ""
 "Rehusando perder el archivo no rastreado en %s, incluso aunque se está "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLICTO (renombrar/agregar): Renombrar %s->%s en %s.  %s agregado en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s es un directorio en %s agregando como %s más bien"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr ""
 "Rehusando perder el archivo no rastreado en %s; agregándolo como %s en cambio"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -3810,18 +3864,18 @@
 "CONFLICTO (renombrar/renombrar): Renombrar \"%s\"->\"%s\" en la rama \"%s\" "
 "renombrar \"%s\"->\"%s\" en \"%s\"%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (dejado sin resolver)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLICTO (renombrar/renombrar): Renombrar %s->%s en %s. Renombrar %s->%s en "
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3832,7 +3886,7 @@
 "colocar %s porque el directorio %s fue renombrado a otros múltiples "
 "directorios, sin ningún que contenga la mayoría de archivos."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -3842,7 +3896,7 @@
 "existente en %s se interpone con el cambio de nombres implícito, poniendo "
 "la(s) siguiente(s) ruta(s) aquí: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -3851,7 +3905,7 @@
 "CONFLICTO (cambio de nombre implícito): No se puede mapear más de una ruta "
 "para %s; cambio de nombre implícito intentó poner estas rutas: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -3860,7 +3914,7 @@
 "CONFLICTO (renombrar/renombrar): Renombrar directorio %s->%s en %s. "
 "Renombrar directorio %s->%s en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
@@ -3869,52 +3923,52 @@
 "PELIGRO: Evitando aplicar %s -> %s renombrado a %s, porque %s mismo fue "
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer el objeto %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "objeto %s no es un blob"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "modificar"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "modificado"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "contenido"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "agregar/agregar"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "Saltado %s (fusionado como existente)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "submódulo"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "CONFLICTO (%s): Conflicto de fusión en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Agregando más bien como %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -3923,7 +3977,7 @@
 "Path actualizado: %s agregado en %s dentro de un directorio que fue "
 "renombrado en %s; moviéndolo a %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -3932,7 +3986,7 @@
 "CONFLICTO (ubicación de archivo): %s agregado en %s dentro de un directorio "
 "que fue renombrado en %s, sugerimos que debería ser movido a %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -3941,7 +3995,7 @@
 "Path actualizado: %s renombrado a %s en %s, dentro de un directorio que fue "
 "renombrado en %s; moviéndolo a %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -3951,37 +4005,37 @@
 "directorio que fue renombrado en %s, sugiriendo que tal vez debería ser "
 "movido a %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Eliminando %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "archivo/directorio"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "directorio/archivo"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLICTO (%s): Hay un directorio con el nombre %s en %s. Agregando %s como "
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Agregando %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "CONFLICTO (add/add): Conflicto de merge en %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -3991,177 +4045,190 @@
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "¡Ya está actualizado!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "falló la fusión de los árboles %s y %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Fusionando:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "se encontró %u ancestro común:"
 msgstr[1] "se encontraron %u ancestros comunes:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "la fusión no devolvió ningún commit"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "No se pudo analizar el objeto '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Incapaz de escribir el índice."
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "archivo multi-pack-index %s es muy pequeño"
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr "firma de multi-pack-index 0x%08x no concuerda con firma 0x%08x"
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "versión %d de multi-pack-index no reconocida"
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "versión de hash %u no concuerda"
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "offset inválido del conjunto (muy grande)"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr ""
 "terminando multi-pack-index porque el id del conjunto aparece antes de lo "
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index le falta el conjunto pack-name requerido"
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index le falta el conjunto OID fanout requerido"
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index le falta el conjunto OID fanout requerido"
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index le falta el conjunto de offset del objeto requerido"
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index nombres de paquete fuera de orden:'%s' antes '%s'"
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr "mal pack-int-id: %u (%u paquetes totales)"
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index guarda un offset de 64-bit, pero off_t es muy pequeño"
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr "error preparando packfile de multi-pack-index"
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al agregar packfile '%s'"
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al abrir pack-index '%s'"
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "falló al ubicar objeto %d en packfile"
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "no se vió pack-file %s caer"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "falló al limpiar multi-pack-index en %s"
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "Buscando por packfiles referidos"
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
 msgstr ""
 "oid fanout fuera de orden: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr "Verificando orden de OID en MIDX"
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr "oid lookup fuera de orden: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "Ordenando objetos por packfile"
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "Verificando offsets de objetos"
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "fallo al cargar entrada pack para oid[%d] = %s"
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "falló al cargar el pack-index para packfile %s"
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr "offset para objeto incorrecto oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "no se pudo empezar los pack-objetcts"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "no se pudo finalizar pack-objetcts"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "no es posible crear hilo lazy_dir: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "no es posible crear hilo lazy_name: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "no es posible unir hilo lazy_name: %s"
@@ -4233,17 +4300,17 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "hash no concuerda %s"
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "offset antes del final del paquete (broken .idx?)"
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr ""
 "offset antes del comienzo del índice del paquete para %s (índice corrupto?)"
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4302,7 +4369,7 @@
 #: parse-options.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown non-ascii option in string: `%s'"
-msgstr "opcion desconocida en string no ascii: `%s'"
+msgstr "opción desconocida en string no ascii: `%s'"
 #: parse-options.c:887
 msgid "..."
@@ -4499,24 +4566,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "incapaz de analizar el formato --pretty"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "no se pudo comenzar `log`"
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer output de `log`"
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo analizar commit '%s'"
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "no se puede analizar git header '%.*s'"
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "falló al generar diff"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer el log para '%s'"
@@ -4632,11 +4704,10 @@
 msgstr "entradas de stage desordenadas para '%s'"
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "archivo índice corrompido"
@@ -4690,12 +4761,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "index roto, se esperaba %s en %s, se obtuvo %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo cerrar '%s'"
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo definir '%s'"
@@ -4776,7 +4847,7 @@
 msgstr[0] "Rebase %s en %s (%d comando)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebase %s en %s (%d comandos)"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -4784,7 +4855,7 @@
 "No eliminar ninguna línea. Usa 'drop' explícitamente para borrar un commit \n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -4792,7 +4863,7 @@
 "Si remueves una línea aquí EL COMMIT SE PERDERÁ.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4801,12 +4872,12 @@
 msgstr ""
-"Esta editando el archivo TODO de un rebase interactivo.\n"
-"Para continuar el rebase después de editar, ejecute:\n"
+"Estás editando el archivo TODO de un rebase interactivo.\n"
+"Para continuar el rebase después de editar, ejecuta:\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -4816,12 +4887,12 @@
 "Como sea, si quieres borrar todo, el rebase será abortado.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "Tenga en cuenta que los commits vacíos están comentados"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir '%s'"
@@ -4838,7 +4909,7 @@
 "Dropped commits (newer to older):\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Peligro: algunos commits pueden haber sido botados de forma accidental.\n"
-"Commits botados (empezando con el mas nuevo):\n"
+"Commits botados (empezando con el más nuevo):\n"
 #: rebase-interactive.c:180
 #, c-format
@@ -4858,97 +4929,98 @@
 "Los posibles comportamientos son: ignore,warn,error.\n"
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "%s no apunta a ningún objeto válido!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "ignorando referencia rota %s"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "ignorando referencia rota %s"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo abrir '%s' para escritura: %s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer la referencia '%s'"
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "ref '%s' ya existe"
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "ID de objecto inesperado cuando se escribía '%s'"
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir en '%s'"
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "no se pudo abrir '%s' para escritura"
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "ID de objecto inesperado cuando se borraba '%s'"
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "log de ref %s tiene un vacío tras %s"
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "log de ref %s finalizado inesperadamente en %s"
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "log de %s está vacío"
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "rehusando actualizar ref con mal nombre '%s'"
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "update_ref falló para ref '%s': %s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "múltiples actualizaciones para ref '%s' no permitidas"
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "actualizaciones de ref prohibidas dentro de ambiente de cuarentena"
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' existe; no se puede crear '%s'"
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "no se puede procesar '%s' y '%s' al mismo tiempo"
@@ -4974,268 +5046,252 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "refspec inválido: '%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "desaparecido"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "adelante %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "detrás %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "delante %d, detrás %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "formato esperado: %%(color:<color>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "color no reconocido: %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Valor entero esperado refname:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Valor entero esperado refname:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argumento: %s no reconocido %%(%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) no toma ningún argumento"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "%%(objectsize) no reconocido argumento: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) no toma argumentos"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) no toma ningún argumento"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) no toma ningún argumento"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "%%(trailers) desconocidos, argumento: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "valor positivo esperado contents:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argumento %s no reconocido %%(contents)"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "valor positivo esperado objectname:short=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argumento: %s no reconocido %%(objectname)"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "formato esperado: %%(align:<ancho>,<posición>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "posición desconocida: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "ancho desconocido: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argumento no reconocido para %%(align): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "se esperaba un ancho positivo con el átomo %%(align)"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argumento: %s no reconocido %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nombre mal formado de campo: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nombre de campo desconocido: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr ""
 "no es un repositorio git, pero el campo '%.*s' requiere acceso al objeto data"
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "formato: átomo %%(if) usado sin un átomo %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "formato: átomo %%(then) usado sin átomo %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
-msgstr "formato: átomo %%(then) usado mas de una vez"
+msgstr "formato: átomo %%(then) usado más de una vez"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "formato: átomo %%(then) usado después de %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "formato: átomo %%(else) usado sin un átomo %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "formato: átomo %%(else) usado sin un átomo %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
-msgstr "formato: átomo %%(else) usado mas de una vez"
+msgstr "formato: átomo %%(else) usado más de una vez"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "formato: átomo %%(end) usado sin átomo correspondiente"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "formato de cadena mal formado %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(no hay rama, rebasando %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "no hay rama, rebasando %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(no hay rama, rebasando con HEAD desacoplado %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "(o hay rama, rebasando con HEAD desacoplado %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(no hay rama, comenzando biseccón en  %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "no hay rama, comenzando biseccón en  %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD desacoplado en %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "sin rama"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD desacoplado de %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(sin rama)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "falta objeto %s para %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "parse_object_buffer falló en %s para %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "objeto mal formado en '%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "ignorando referencia con nombre roto %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "formato: falta átomo %%(end)"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "opción `%s' es incompatible con --merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "opción `%s' es incompatible con --no-merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "nombre de objeto mal formado %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "opción '%s' debe apuntar a un commit"
@@ -5579,8 +5635,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "Resolución precargada para '%s'"
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear el directorio '%s'"
@@ -5614,20 +5670,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "no es posible abrir directorio rr-cache"
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "tu rama actual parece estar rota"
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "tu rama actual '%s' no tiene ningún commit todavía"
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "--first-parent es incompatible con --bisect"
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr "-L no soporta todavía formatos de diff fuera de -p y -s"
@@ -5699,24 +5755,29 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo borrar '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "no se pudo eliminar'%s'"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "revertir"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "cherry-pick"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "acción desconocida: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -5724,7 +5785,7 @@
 "después de resolver los conflictos, marca las rutas corregidas\n"
 "con 'git add <rutas>' o 'git rm <rutas>'"
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -5734,44 +5795,44 @@
 "con 'git add <rutas>' o 'git rm <rutas>'\n"
 "y haz un commit del resultado con 'git commit'"
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo bloquear '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir EOL en '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al finalizar '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "tus cambios locales serán sobreescritos por %s."
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "realiza un commit con tus cambios o aplica un stash para proceder."
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: avance rápido"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "Modo cleanup inválido %s"
@@ -5779,70 +5840,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: Incapaz de escribir el nuevo archivo índice"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "no es posible actualizar el árbol de la caché"
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "no se pudo resolver el commit de HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no hay llave presente en '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "no es posible dequote para '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "no se pudo abrir '%s' para lectura"
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' ya proporcionado"
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' ya proporcionado"
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' ya proporcionado"
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "variable desconocida '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "falta 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "falta 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "falta 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "formato de fecha inválido '%s' en '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -5872,15 +5933,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "escribiendo commit raíz"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "hook 'prepare-commit-msg' falló"
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5907,7 +5968,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5931,305 +5992,348 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "no se pudo revisar el commit recién creado"
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "no se pudo analizar el commit recién creado"
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "no se pudo resolver HEAD tras crear el commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "HEAD desacoplado"
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (commit-raíz)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "no se pudo analizar HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s no es un commit!"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "no se pudo analizar el commit de HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "no es posible analizar el autor del commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "git write-tree falló al escribir el árbol"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede leer el mensaje del commit de '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "falló al escribir el objeto commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo analizar commit %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo analizar el commit padre %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "comando desconocido: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Esta es una combinación de %d commits."
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "se necesita un HEAD para arreglar"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer el mensaje de commit de HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede escribir '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Este es el mensaje del 1er commit:"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "no se puede leer el mensaje del commit de %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Este es el mensaje del commit #%d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "El mensaje del commit #%d será saltado:"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "tu archivo índice no está fusionado."
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "no se puede arreglar el commit raíz"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "el commit %s es una fusión pero no se proporcionó la opción -m."
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "el commit %s no tiene un padre %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "no se puede obtener el mensaje de commit para %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: no se puede analizar el commit padre %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede renombrar '%s' a '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo revertir %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo aplicar %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: falló al leer el índice"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: falló al refrescar el índice"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s no acepta los argumentos: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "faltan argumentos para para %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no se puede analizar '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "línea inválida %d: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "no se puede  '%s' sin un commit previo"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "no se puede leer '%s'."
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "cancelando cherry-pick en progreso"
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "cancelando revert en progreso"
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "por favor arregle esto usando 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "hoja de instrucciones inutilizable: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "ningún commit analizado."
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "no se puede realizar cherry-pick durante un revert."
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "no se puede realizar un revert durante un cherry-pick."
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valor inválido para %s: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "squash-onto inservible"
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "hoja de opciones mal formada: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "conjunto de commits vacío entregado"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr "un cherry-pick o revert ya está en progreso"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "revert ya está en progreso"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "intenta \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "intenta \"git revert (--continue | --quit | %s --abort)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "cherry-pick ya está en progreso"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "intenta \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | %s --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear un directorio secuenciador '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "no se pudo bloquear HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "ningún cherry-pick o revert en progreso"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "no se puede resolver HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "no se puede abortar de una rama por nacer"
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede abrir '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "no se puede leer '%s': %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "final de archivo inesperado"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "archivo HEAD de pre-cherry-pick guardado '%s' está corrupto"
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
-msgstr "Parece que se ha movido HEAD. No se hace rebobinado, revise su HEAD!"
+msgstr "Parece que se ha movido HEAD. No se hace rebobinado, revisa tu HEAD!"
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "no hay revert en progreso"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "ningún cherry-pick en progreso"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "falló al escribir el commit"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "no hay nada que saltar"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"¿ya has hecho el commit?\n"
+"intenta \"git %s --continue\""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "no se puede actualizar %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "no se puede leer HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo copiar '%s' a '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6240,35 +6344,35 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Puede enmendar el commit ahora, con\n"
+"Puedes enmendar el commit ahora, con\n"
 "\tgit commit --amend %s\n"
-"Una vez que esté satisfecho con los cambios, ejecute\n"
+"Una vez que estés satisfecho con los cambios, ejecuta\n"
 "\tgit rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "No se pudo aplicar %s... %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "No se pudo fusionar %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo copiar '%s' a '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer índice"
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6283,11 +6387,11 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "y se hicieron cambios al índice y/o árbol de trabajo\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6304,76 +6408,76 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "nombre de label ilegal: '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "escribiendo commit raíz falso"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "escribiendo squash-onto"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "falló al encontrar árbol de %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir índice"
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo resolver '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "no se puede fusionar sin una versión actual"
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no se puede analizar '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "nada para fusionar: '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr "fusión octopus no puede ser ejecutada en la punta de un [nuevo root]"
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede leer el mensaje del commit '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo intentar fusionar '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "fusión: No se puede escribir el nuevo archivo índice"
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Autostash aplicado.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "no se puede guardar %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6385,31 +6489,31 @@
 "Puedes ejecutar \"git stash pop\" o \"git stash drop\" en cualquier "
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "no se puede hacer checkout a %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "%s no es OID válido"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "no se puede desacoplar HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Detenido en HEAD\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Detenido en %s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6430,48 +6534,48 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Detenido en %s...  %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "comando desconocido %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "no se puede leer orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "no se puede leer 'onto'"
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "no se puede actualizar HEAD a %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "no se puede realizar rebase: Tienes cambios fuera del área de stage."
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "no se puede arreglar un commit no existente"
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "archivo inválido: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "contenido inválido: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6482,60 +6586,60 @@
 "un commit con estos\n"
 "primero y luego ejecuta 'git rebase --continue' de nuevo."
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir el archivo: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "no se puede eliminar CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "no se pudo realizar el commit con los cambios en el área de stage."
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s: no se puede aplicar cherry-pick a un %s"
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: revisión errónea"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "no se puede revertir como commit inicial"
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: opciones desconocidas"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: error preparando revisiones"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
 "Or you can abort the rebase with 'git rebase --abort'.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Se puede arreglar esto con 'git rebase --edit-todo' y después ejecutar 'git "
+"Se puede arreglar esto con 'git rebase --edit-todo' y después ejecuta 'git "
 "rebase --continue'.\n"
 "O se puede abortar el rebase con 'git rebase --abort'.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "nada que hacer"
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "no se pudo saltar los comandos pick innecesarios"
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "este script ya fue reorganizado."
@@ -6760,196 +6864,201 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "repositorio de referencia '% s' está injertado"
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "línea inválida mientras se analizaban refs alternas: %s"
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "intentando usar mmap %<PRIuMAX> sobre límite %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "mmap falló"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "archivo de objeto %s está vacío"
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "objeto perdido corrupto '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "basura al final del objeto perdido '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "tipo de objeto inválido"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "no es posible desempacar header %s con --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "incapaz de desempaquetar header %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "no es posible analizar header %s con --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "incapaz de analizar header %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "falló al leer objeto %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "reemplazo %s no encontrado para %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "objeto perdido %s (guardado en %s) está corrompido"
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "paquete de objeto %s (guardado en %s) está corrompido"
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir archivo %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo poner permisos a '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "falló de escritura"
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "error cerrando el archivo de objeto suelto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
 "permisos insuficientes para agregar un objeto a la base de datos del "
 "repositorio %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "no es posible crear un archivo temporal"
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir el archivo de objeto suelto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "no es posible desinflar el objeto nuevo %s (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "deflateEnd en objeto %s falló (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "confundido por fuente de data de objetos inestable para %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "falló utime() en %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer el objeto para %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "commit corrupto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "tag corrupto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "error leyendo al indexar %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "lectura corta al indexar %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "%s: falló al insertar en la base de datos"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "%s: tipo de archivo no soportado"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "%s no es objeto válido"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s no es un objeto '%s' válido"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "no es posible abrir %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "hash no concuerda para %s (se esperaba %s)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "no es posible hacer mmap a %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "incapaz de desempaquetar header de %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "incapaz de analizar header de %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "no es posible desempaquetar contenidos de %s"
@@ -6969,7 +7078,7 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
@@ -6979,13 +7088,65 @@
 "porque esto sería ignorado cuando solo se especifiquen 40-hex. Estas refs\n"
 "tal vez sean creadas por error. Por ejemplo,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "donde \"$br\" está de alguna manera vacía y una ref de 40-hex es creada. Por "
-"examine estas refs y tal vez bórrelas. Silencie este mensaje \n"
+"examina estas refs y tal vez bórralas. Silencia este mensaje \n"
 "ejecutando \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte"
+msgstr[1] "%u bytes"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[1] "%u bytes/s"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7020,9 +7181,9 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "entrada de submódulo '%s' (%s) es un %s, no un commit"
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
-msgstr "Falló al resolver HEAD como un ref valido."
+msgstr "Falló al resolver HEAD como un ref válido."
 #: submodule.c:1481
 #, c-format
@@ -7059,7 +7220,7 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "Submódulo '%s' no pudo ser actualizado."
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
@@ -7067,12 +7228,12 @@
 "relocate_gitdir para el submódulo '%s' con más de un árbol de trabajo no "
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo resolver el nombre para el submódulo '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7083,16 +7244,16 @@
 "'%s' hacia\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no pudo recursar en el submódulo '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "no se pudo comenzar ls-files en .."
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree devolvió un código %d inesperado"
@@ -7266,15 +7427,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "falló al hacer push a todos los submódulos necesarios"
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "operación no soportada por protocolo"
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "línea inválida mientras se analizaban refs alternas: %s"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "escritura total al helper remoto falló"
@@ -7319,7 +7475,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "error al ejecutar fast-import"
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer la referencia %s"
@@ -7372,24 +7528,24 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "helper %s no soporta 'push-option'"
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr "remote-helper no soporta push; se necesita refspec"
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "helper %s no soporta 'force'"
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "no se pudo ejecutar fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "error al ejecutar fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7398,47 +7554,47 @@
 "No hay refs comunes y ninguno especificado; no se hace nada.\n"
 "Tal vez deberías especificar un branch como 'master'.\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "respuesta malformada en lista de refs: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "leer(%s) falló"
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "escribir(%s) falló"
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "hilo %s falló"
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "hilo %s falló al unirse: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "no se puede iniciar el hilo para copiar data: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "proceso %s falló al esperar"
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "proceso %s falló"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "no se puede iniciar hilo para copiar data"
@@ -7454,7 +7610,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "nombre de archivo vacío en la entrada de árbol"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "archivo de árbol muy corto"
@@ -7701,8 +7857,8 @@
 msgstr "Abortando\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "Revisando archivos"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "Actualizando archivos"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -7743,35 +7899,35 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "segmento de ruta '..' inválido"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al leer '%s'"
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' en el árbol de trabajo principal no es el directorio del repositorio"
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
 "archivo '%s' no contiene una ruta absoluta a la ubicación del árbol de "
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "'%s' no existe"
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "'%s' no es un archivo .git, código de error %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' no apunta de vuelta a '%s'"
@@ -7790,159 +7946,166 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "no es posible obtener el directorio de trabajo actual"
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Rutas no fusionadas:"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
-msgstr "  (usa \"git reset %s <archivo>...\" para sacar del área de stage)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (usa \"git restore --staged <archivo>...\" para sacar del área de stage)"
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (usa \"git restore --source=%s --staged <archivo>...\" para sacar del área "
+"de stage)"
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git rm --cached <archivo>...\" para sacar del área de stage)"
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git add <archivo>...\" para marcar una resolución)"
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git add/rm <archivo>...\" como una forma apropiada de marcar la "
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git rm <file>...\" para marcar la resolución)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Cambios a ser confirmados:"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Cambios no rastreados para el commit:"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git add <archivo>...\" para actualizar lo que será confirmado)"
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git add/rm <archivo>...\" para actualizar a lo que se le va a hacer "
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (usa \"git checkout -- <archivo>...\" para descartar los cambios en el "
+"  (usa \"git restore <archivo>...\" para descartar los cambios en el "
 "directorio de trabajo)"
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (confirmar o descartar el contenido sin seguimiento o modificado en los "
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git %s <archivo>...\" para incluirlo a lo que se será confirmado)"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "ambos borrados:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "agregado por nosotros:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "borrados por ellos:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "agregado por ellos:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "borrado por nosotros:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "ambos agregados:"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "ambos modificados:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "nuevo archivo:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "copiado:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "borrado:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "modificado:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "renombrado:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "cambio de tipo:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "desconocido:"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "des-fusionado:"
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "nuevos commits, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "contenido modificado, "
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "contenido no rastreado, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "Tu stash actualmente tiene %d entrada"
 msgstr[1] "Tu stash actualmente tiene %d entradas"
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
-msgstr "Submodulos cambiados pero no actualizados:"
+msgstr "Submódulos cambiados pero no actualizados:"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
-msgstr "Submodulos cambiados listos para realizar commit:"
+msgstr "Submódulos cambiados listos para realizar commit:"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -7950,107 +8113,118 @@
 "No modifique o borre la línea de encima.\n"
 "Todo lo que este por abajo será eliminado."
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tomó %.2f segundos para calcular los valores anterior/posterior del branch.\n"
+"Puedes usar '--no-ahead-behind' para evitar esto.\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Tienes rutas no fusionadas."
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (arregla los conflictos y corre \"git commit\""
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git merge --abort\" para abortar la fusion)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Todos los conflictos resueltos pero sigues fusionando."
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git commit\" para concluir la fusión)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Estás en medio de una sesión am."
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "El parche actual está vacío."
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (arregla los conflictos y luego corre \"git am --continue\""
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git am --skip\" para saltar este parche)"
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git am --abort\" para restaurar la rama original)"
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "git-rebase-todo no está presente."
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "No se realizaron los comandos."
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "El último comando realizado (%d comando realizado):"
 msgstr[1] "Los últimos comandos realizados (%d comandos realizados):"
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
-msgstr "  (ver mas en el archivo %s)"
+msgstr "  (ver más en el archivo %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
-msgstr "No quedan mas comandos."
+msgstr "No quedan más comandos."
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Siguiente comando a realizar (%d comando restante):"
 msgstr[1] "Siguiente comandos a realizar (%d comandos faltantes):"
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git rebase --edit-todo\" para ver y editar)"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Estás aplicando un rebase de la rama '%s' en '%s."
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Estás aplicando un rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (corrige los conflictos y ejecuta \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git rebase --skip\" para omitir este parche)"
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git rebase --abort\" para volver a tu rama original)"
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (todos los conflictos corregidos: ejecuta \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
@@ -8058,144 +8232,136 @@
 "Estás dividiendo un commit mientras aplicas un rebase de la rama '%s' en "
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Estás dividiendo un commit durante un rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (Una vez que tu directorio de trabajo esté limpio, ejecuta \"git rebase --"
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "Estás editando un commit mientras se aplica un rebase de la rama '%s' en "
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Estás editando un commit durante un rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git commit --amend\" para enmendar el commit actual)"
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git rebase --continue\" una vez que estés satisfecho con tus "
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
-msgstr "Cherry-pick en progreso actualmente"
+msgstr "Cherry-pick en progreso actualmente."
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Estás realizando un cherry-picking en el commit %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (corrige los conflictos y ejecuta \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (ejecuta \"git cherry-pick --continue\" para continuar)"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (todos los conflictos corregidos: ejecuta \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" para cancelar la operación cherry-pick)"
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
-msgstr "Revierte el estado en progreso actual"
+msgstr "Revierte el estado en progreso actual."
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Estás revirtiendo el commit %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (corrige los conflictos y ejecuta \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (ejecuta \"git revert --continue\" para continuar)"
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (todos los conflictos corregidos: ejecuta \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git revert --abort\" para cancelar la operación de revertir)"
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Estás aplicando un bisect, comenzando en la rama '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Estás aplicando un bisect."
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git bisect reset\" para volver a la rama original)"
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "En la rama "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebase interactivo en progreso; en "
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebase en progreso; en "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "HEAD desacoplada en "
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "HEAD desacoplada de "
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Actualmente no estás en ninguna rama."
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Confirmación inicial"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "No hay commits todavía"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Archivos sin seguimiento"
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Archivos ignorados"
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8203,34 +8369,34 @@
 "new files yourself (see 'git help status')."
 msgstr ""
 "Tomó %.2f segundos enumerar los archivos no rastreados. 'status -uno'\n"
-"puede acelerarlo, pero tiene que ser cuidadoso de no olvidar agregar\n"
-"nuevos archivos usted mismo (vea 'git help status')."
+"puede acelerarlo, pero tienes que ser cuidadoso de no olvidar agregar\n"
+"nuevos archivos tú mismo (vea 'git help status')."
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Archivos no rastreados no son mostrados %s"
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (usa la opción -u para mostrar los archivos sin seguimiento)"
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Sin cambios"
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
 "sin cambios agregados al commit (usa \"git add\" y/o \"git commit -a\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "no se agregaron cambios al commit\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
@@ -8239,67 +8405,67 @@
 "no hay nada agregado al commit pero hay archivos sin seguimiento presentes "
 "(usa \"git add\" para hacerles seguimiento)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr ""
 "no hay nada agregado para confirmar, pero hay archivos sin seguimiento "
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "no hay nada para confirmar (crea/copia archivos y usa \"git add\" para "
 "hacerles seguimiento)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "nada para hacer commit\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "nada para hacer commit (usa -u para mostrar los archivos no rastreados)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "nada para hacer commit, el árbol de trabajo está limpio\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "No hay commits todavía en "
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (sin rama)"
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "diferente"
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "detrás "
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "adelante "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "no se puede %s: Tienes cambios sin marcar."
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "adicionalmente, tu índice contiene cambios que no están en un commit."
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "no se puede %s: Tu índice contiene cambios que no están en un commit."
@@ -8313,7 +8479,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "diff status inesperado %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "falló la actualización de carpetas"
@@ -8362,8 +8528,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Las siguientes rutas son ignoradas por uno de tus archivos .gitignore:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "dry run ( ejecución en seco)"
@@ -8372,7 +8538,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "selección interactiva"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "elegir hunks de forma interactiva"
@@ -8444,16 +8610,16 @@
 "Se ha agregado otro repositorio de git dentro del repositorio actual.\n"
 "Clones del repositorio exterior no tendrán el contenido del \n"
 "repositorio embebido y no sabrán como obtenerla.\n"
-"Si quería agregar un submódulo, use:\n"
+"Si querías agregar un submódulo, usa:\n"
 "\tgit submodule add <url> %s\n"
-"Si se agrego esta ruta por error, puede eliminar desde el índice \n"
+"Si se agrego esta ruta por error, puedes eliminar desde el índice \n"
 "\tgit rm --cached %s\n"
-"Vea \"git help submodule\" para mas información."
+"Vea \"git help submodule\" para más información."
 #: builtin/add.c:354
 #, c-format
@@ -8463,7 +8629,7 @@
 #: builtin/add.c:372
 #, c-format
 msgid "Use -f if you really want to add them.\n"
-msgstr "Use -f si realmente quiere agregarlos.\n"
+msgstr "Usa -f si realmente quieres agregarlos.\n"
 #: builtin/add.c:379
 msgid "adding files failed"
@@ -8540,7 +8706,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Falló al detectar el formato del parche."
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al crear el directorio '%s'"
@@ -8549,14 +8715,14 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Falló al dividir parches."
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir en el archivo índice"
 #: builtin/am.c:1098
 #, c-format
 msgid "When you have resolved this problem, run \"%s --continue\"."
-msgstr "Cuando haya resuelto este problema, ejecute \"%s --continue\"."
+msgstr "Cuando hayas resuelto este problema, ejecuta \"%s --continue\"."
 #: builtin/am.c:1099
 #, c-format
@@ -8590,17 +8756,17 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "no es posible analizar el commit %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "Repositorio carece de los blobs necesarios para retroceder en una fusión de "
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr "Usando la información del índice para reconstruir un árbol base..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8608,28 +8774,24 @@
 "Editaste el parche a mano?\n"
 "No aplica a blobs guardados en su índice."
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "Retrocediendo para parchar base y fusión de 3-vías..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Falló al fusionar en los cambios."
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "aplicando a un historial vacío"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "no se puede continuar: %s no existe."
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr "no se puede ser interactivo sin stdin conectado a un terminal."
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Cuerpo de commit es:"
@@ -8637,34 +8799,35 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr "Aplicar? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "Índice sucio: no se puede aplicar parches (sucio: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Aplicando: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Sin cambios -- parche ya aplicado."
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "El parche falló en %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' para ver el parche fallido"
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8674,30 +8837,30 @@
 "Si no hay nada en el área de stage, las posibilidad es que algo mas\n"
 "ya haya introducido el mismo cambio; tal vez quieras omitir este parche."
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
 "You might run `git rm` on a file to accept \"deleted by them\" for it."
 msgstr ""
-"Todavía tiene rutas sin fusionar en su índice.\n"
-"Debe realizar 'git add' cada archivo con conflictos resueltos y marcarlos "
+"Todavía tienes rutas sin fusionar en tu índice.\n"
+"Debes realizar 'git add' cada archivo con conflictos resueltos y marcarlos "
 "como tal.\n"
-"Tal vez ejecute `git rm` en el archivo para aceptar \"borrado por ellos\" en "
+"Se puede ejecutar `git rm` en el archivo para aceptar \"borrado por ellos\" "
+"en él."
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "No se pudo analizar el objeto '%s'."
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "falló al limpiar el índice"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -8705,144 +8868,144 @@
 "Parece haber movido HEAD desde el último falló 'am'.\n"
 "No rebobinando a ORIG_HEAD"
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Valor inválido para --patch-format: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<opciones>] [(<mbox> | <Directorio-de-correo>)...]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<opciones>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "ejecutar de manera interactiva"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "opción histórica -- no-op"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "permitir retroceso en fusión de 3-vías si es necesario"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "ser silencioso"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "agregar una línea \"Firmado-por\" al mensaje del commit"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "recodificar en utf8 (default)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "pasar flag -k a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "pasar flag -b a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "pasar flag -m a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "pasar flag --keep-cr a git-mailsplit para formato mbox"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr ""
 "no pasar flag --keep-cr a git-mailsplit independientemente de am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "descubrir todo antes de una línea de tijeras"
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "pasarlo a través de git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "formato"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "formatear el parche(s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "sobrescribir mensajes de error cuando fallos de parchado ocurran"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "continuar aplicando los parches tras resolver conflictos"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "sinónimos para --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "saltar el parche actual"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr "restaurar la rama original y abortar la operación de parchado."
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr "abortar la operación de parchado pero mantener HEAD donde está."
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "muestra el parche siendo aplicado."
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "mentir sobre la fecha del committer"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "usar el timestamp actual para la fecha del autor"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "key-id"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "Commits con firma GPG"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(uso interno para git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -8850,16 +9013,16 @@
 "La opción -b/--binary ha estado deshabilitada por mucho tiempo, y\n"
 "será removida. Por favor no la use más."
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "falló al leer el índice"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr "directorio de rebase previo %s todavía existe en el mbox dado."
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -8868,10 +9031,14 @@
 "Directorio extraviado %s encontrado.\n"
 "Use \"git am --abort\" para borrarlo."
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "Operación de resolución no está en progreso, no vamos a continuar."
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr "modo interactivo requiere parches en la línea de comando"
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [<opciones>] [<parche>...]"
@@ -9025,8 +9192,8 @@
 "You need to give me at least one %s and %s revision.\n"
 "You can use \"git bisect %s\" and \"git bisect %s\" for that."
 msgstr ""
-"Tiene que dar al menos un %s y un %s revision.\n"
-"Puede ver \"git bisect %s\" y \"git bisect %s\" para eso."
+"Tienes que dar al menos un %s y un %s revision.\n"
+"Se puede ver \"git bisect %s\" y \"git bisect %s\" para eso."
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:289
 #, c-format
@@ -9035,9 +9202,9 @@
 "You then need to give me at least one %s and %s revision.\n"
 "You can use \"git bisect %s\" and \"git bisect %s\" for that."
 msgstr ""
-"Tiene que comenzar por \"git bisect start\".\n"
-"Después tiene que entregar al menos un %s y una revision %s.\n"
-"Puede usar \"git bisect %s\" y \"git bisect %s\" para eso."
+"Tienes que comenzar por \"git bisect start\".\n"
+"Después tienes que entregar al menos un %s y una revision %s.\n"
+"Puedes usar \"git bisect %s\" y \"git bisect %s\" para eso."
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:321
 #, c-format
@@ -9092,7 +9259,7 @@
 #, c-format
 msgid "checking out '%s' failed. Try 'git bisect start <valid-branch>'."
 msgstr ""
-"Error al hacer checkout '%s'. Intente 'git bisect start <rama-válida>'."
+"error al hacer checkout '%s'. Intente 'git bisect start <rama-válida>'."
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:547
 msgid "won't bisect on cg-seek'ed tree"
@@ -9102,79 +9269,84 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "mal HEAD - ref simbólico extraño"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "ref inválido: '%s'"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "realiza 'git bisect next'"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "escribe los términos a .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "limpiar el estado de bisección"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "revisar por revs esperados"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "reiniciar el estado de bisect"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "escribir el estado de bisect en BISECT_LOG"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "revisar y configurar los terms en el estado de bisect"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr "revisar si existen términos malos o buenos"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "imprimir los terms del bisect"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "comenzar la sesión de bisect"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "actualiza BISECT_HEAD en lugar de revisar el commit actual"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "no hay log para BISECT_WRITE"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms requiere dos argumentos"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no requiere argumentos"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "--bisect-reset requiere un commit o ningún argumento"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-write requiere entre 4 o 5 argumentos"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state no requiere argumentos"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-next-check requiere 2 o 3 argumentos"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--bisect-terms requiere 0 o 1 argumentos"
@@ -9186,133 +9358,150 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "<rev-opts> están documentadas en git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "esperando un color: %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "tiene que terminar con un color"
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "color inválido '%s' en color.blame.repeatedLines"
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "valor inválido para blame.coloring"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "no se pudo encontrar revision %s para ignorar"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr "Mostrar las entradas blame como las encontramos, incrementalmente"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostrar SHA-1 en blanco para commits extremos (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr "No tratar commits raíces como extremos (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Mostrar estadísticas de costo de trabajo"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Forzar el reporte de progreso"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Mostrar la puntuación de salida de las entradas de blame"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "Mostrar nombre original del archivo (Default: auto)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostrar número de línea original (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Mostrar en un formato diseñado para consumo de máquina"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr "Mostrar en formato porcelana con información de commit por línea"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Usar el mismo modo salida como git-annotate (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostrar timestamp en formato raw (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostrar SHA1 del commit en formato largo (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Suprimir nombre del autor y timestamp (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Mostrar en cambio el email del autor (Default: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Ignorar diferencias de espacios en blanco"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "rev"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "ignorar <rev> durante el blame"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "ignorar revisiones de <archivo>"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
-msgstr "colorear metadata redundante de lineas previas de manera diferente"
+msgstr "colorear metadata redundante de líneas previas de manera diferente"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
-msgstr "colorear lineas por edad"
+msgstr "colorear líneas por edad"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "Usar un heurístico experimental para mejorar los diffs"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Ocupo más ciclos para encontrar mejoras resultados"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "Use revisiones desde <archivo> en lugar de llamar git-rev-list"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Usar contenido de <archivo> como imagen final"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "puntaje"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "Encontrar copias de líneas entre y a través de archivos"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "Encontrar movimientos de líneas entre y a través de archivos"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Procesar solo el rango de líneas n,m, contando desde 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr "--progress no puede ser usado con --incremental o formatos porcelana"
@@ -9324,18 +9513,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "hace 4 años, 11 meses"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "archivo %s tiene solo %lu línea"
 msgstr[1] "archivo %s tiene solo %lu líneas"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "Blaming a líneas"
@@ -9367,7 +9556,7 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [<opciones>] [-r | -a] [--formato]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9376,7 +9565,7 @@
 "borrando la rama '%s' que ha sido fusionada en\n"
 "         '%s', pero aún no ha sido fusionada a HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9385,139 +9574,139 @@
 "no borrando rama '%s' que todavía no ha sido fusionada \n"
 "\ta '%s', aunque se fusione con HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "No se pudo encontrar el objeto commit para '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
 "If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D %s'."
 msgstr ""
 "La rama '%s' no ha sido fusionada completamente.\n"
-"Si está seguro de querer borrarla, ejecute 'git branch -D %s'."
+"Si estás seguro de querer borrarla, ejecuta 'git branch -D %s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Falló de actualización de config-file"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "no se puede usar-a con -d"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "No se pudo revisar el objeto commit para HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "No se puede borrar rama '%s' que cuenta con checkout en '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "rama de rastreo remoto '%s' no encontrada."
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "rama '%s' no encontrada."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Error al eliminar la rama de rastreo remota '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Error al eliminar la rama '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Eliminada la rama de rastreo remota %s (era %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Eliminada la rama %s (era %s)..\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "no es posible analizar el string de formato"
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "no se pudo resolver HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "HEAD (%s) apunta fuera de refs/heads/"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "Rama %s está siendo rebasada en %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "Rama %s está siendo bisecada en %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "no se puede copiar la rama actual mientras no se está en ninguna."
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "no se puede renombrar la rama actual mientras no se está en ninguna."
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Nombre de rama inválido: '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Cambio de nombre de rama fallido"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Copiado de rama fallido"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Copia creada de la rama malnombrada '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "Rama mal llamada '%s' renombrada"
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "¡Rama renombrada a %s, pero HEAD no está actualizado!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "La rama está renombrada, pero falló la actualización del archivo de "
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "La rama está copiada, pero falló la actualización del archivo de "
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9528,180 +9717,180 @@
 "Las líneas que comiencen con '%c' serán removidas.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Opciones genéricas"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr "mostrar hash y tema, dar dos veces para rama upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "suprimir mensajes informativos"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "configurando modo tracking (mirar git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "no usar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "cambiar info de upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Desconfigurando la info de upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "usar salida con colores"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "actuar en ramas de traqueo remoto"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "mostrar solo ramas que contienen el commit"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "mostrar solo ramas que no contienen el commit"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Acciones específicas de git-branch:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "listar ramas de remote-tracking y locales"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "borrar ramas totalmente fusionadas"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "borrar rama (incluso si no está fusionada)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "mover/renombrar una rama y su reflog"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "mover/renombrar una rama, incluso si el destino existe"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "copiar una rama y su reflog"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "copiar una rama, incluso si el objetivo existe"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "listar nombres de ramas"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "muestra el nombre de branch actual"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "crea el reflog de la rama"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "edita la descripción de la rama"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "fuerza la creación,movimiento/renombrado,borrado"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "muestra solo ramas que han sido fusionadas"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "muestra solo ramas que no han sido fusionadas"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "muestra las ramas en columnas"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "objeto"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "imprimir sólo las ramas del objeto"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "ordenamiento y filtrado son case-insensitive"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "formato para usar para el output"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD no encontrado abajo de refs/heads!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column y --verbose son incompatibles"
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "se necesita el nombre de la rama"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "No se puede dar descripción al HEAD desacoplado"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "no se puede editar la descripción de más de una rama"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Aún no hay commits en la rama '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "No hay ninguna rama llamada '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "demasiadas ramas para una operación de copiado"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "demasiados argumentos para una operación de renombrado"
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "demasiados argumentos para configurar un nuevo upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
@@ -9709,37 +9898,40 @@
 "no se pudo configurar upstream de HEAD a %s cuando este no apunta a ninguna "
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "no hay tal rama '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "la rama '%s' no existe"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "demasiados argumentos para desconfigurar upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
 "no se puede desconfigurar upstream de HEAD cuando este no apunta a ninguna "
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "Rama '%s' no tiene información de upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
 msgstr ""
-"opciones -a y -r para 'git branch' no tienen sentido con un nombre de rama"
+"Las opciones -a, y -r, de 'git branch' no toman un nombre de rama.\n"
+"¿Quisiste usar: -a|-r --list <patrón>?"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9760,7 +9952,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Se necesita un repositorio para desagrupar."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -9768,7 +9960,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <tipo> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<ruta>] <objeto>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -9776,72 +9968,72 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "solo se puede especificar una opción batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<tipo> puede ser: blob, tree, commit, tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "mostrar el tipo del objeto"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "mostrar el tamaño del objeto"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "salir con cero cuando no haya error"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "realizar pretty-print del contenido del objeto"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "para objetos blob, ejecuta textconv en el contenido del objeto"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "para objetos blob, ejecuta filters en el contenido del objeto"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "blob"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "use una ruta específica para --textconv/--filters"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "permita -s y -t para trabajar con objetos rotos o corruptos"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "salida buffer --batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "mostrar info y content de los objetos alimentados por standard input"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "mostrar info de los objetos alimentados por standard input"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr ""
 "seguir los enlaces simbólicos en el árbol (usado con --batch o --batch-check)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "mostrar todos los objetos con --batch o --batch-check"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "no ordenar el output de --batch-all-objects"
@@ -9869,8 +10061,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "terminar registros de entrada y salida con un carácter NUL"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "suprimir el reporte de progreso"
@@ -9962,9 +10154,9 @@
 msgstr "escribir el contenido en un archivo temporal"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "string"
@@ -9976,91 +10168,114 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "copiar los archivos del stage nombrado"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<opciones>]  <rama>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<opciones>] [<rama>] -- <archivo>..."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [<opciones>] [<rama>]"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [<opciones>] [--source=<rama>] -- <archivo>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "ruta '%s' no tiene nuestra versión"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "ruta '%s' no tiene su versión"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "ruta '%s' no tiene todas las versiones necesarias"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "ruta '%s' no tiene versiones necesarias"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "ruta '%s': no se puede fusionar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Incapaz de agregar resultados de fusión a '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "'%s' no puede ser usada con rutas actualizadas"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "'%s' no puede ser usado con %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr "No se puede actualizar rutas y cambiar a la rama '%s' al mismo tiempo."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "ruta '%s' no esta fusionada"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "Recreado %d conflicto de merge"
 msgstr[1] "Recreados %d conflictos de merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "Actualizada %d ruta para %s"
 msgstr[1] "Actualizadas %d rutas para %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "Actualizada %d ruta desde el index"
 msgstr[1] "Actualizadas %d rutas desde el index"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
-msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
-msgstr "necesita resolver su índice actual primero"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "'%s' no puede ser usada con rutas actualizadas"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' no puede ser usado con %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr "No se puede actualizar rutas y cambiar a la rama '%s' al mismo tiempo."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "ni '%s' o '%s' están especificados"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "'%s' tiene que ser usado cuando '%s' no es especificado"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' o '%s' no puede ser usado con %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "ruta '%s' no esta fusionada"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
+msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
+msgstr "necesitas resolver tu índice actual primero"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -10069,56 +10284,56 @@
 "no se puede continuar con los cambios en stage en los siguientes archivos:\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "cambios en el área de stage en el siguiente archivo pueden ser perdidos: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "No se puede hacer reflog para '%s': %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD está ahora en"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "no es posible actualizar  HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Reiniciar rama '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Ya en '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Rama reiniciada y cambiada a '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Cambiado a nueva rama '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Cambiado a rama '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " ... y %d más.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10131,17 +10346,17 @@
 msgstr[0] ""
-"Peligro: está saliendo %d commit atrás, no está conectado\n"
+"Peligro: estás saliendo %d commit atrás, no está conectado\n"
 "a ninguna rama:\n"
 msgstr[1] ""
-"Peligro: está saliendo %d commits atrás, no está conectado\n"
+"Peligro: estás saliendo %d commits atrás, no está conectado\n"
 "a ninguna rama:\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10156,36 +10371,40 @@
 " git branch <new-branch-name> %s\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
-"Si quiere conservarlo creando una nueva rama, este es un buen momento\n"
+"Si quieres conservarlo creando una nueva rama, este es un buen momento\n"
 "para hacerlo:\n"
 " git branch <nuevo-nombre-de-rama> %s\n"
 msgstr[1] ""
-"Si quiere conservarlos creando una nueva rama, este es un buen momento\n"
+"Si quieres conservarlos creando una nueva rama, este es un buen momento\n"
 "para hacerlo:\n"
 " git branch <nombre-de-rama> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "error interno en camino de revisión"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "La posición previa de HEAD era"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Estás en una rama por nacer"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "solo una referencia esperada"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "solo una referencia esperada, %d entregadas."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10194,151 +10413,207 @@
 "'%s' puede ser tanto un archivo local como una rama de rastreo.\n"
 "Por favor use -- (y opcionalmente --no-guess) para desambiguar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "referencia inválida: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "la referencia no es n árbol: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "se esperaba un branch, se obtuvo tag '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "se espera una rama, se obtuvo una rama remota '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "se esperaba branch, se obuto '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "se espera una rama, se obtuvo commit '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"no se puede cambiar de branch durante un merge\n"
+"Considera \"git merge --quit\" o \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"no se puede cambiar de branch en medio de una sesión de am\n"
+"Considera \"git am --quit\" o \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"no se puede cambiar de branch durante un rebase\n"
+"Considera \"git rebase --quit\" o \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"no se puede cambiar de branch durante un cherry-pick\n"
+"Considera \"git cherry-pick --quit\" o \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"no se puede cambiar de branch durante un revert\n"
+"Considera \"git revert --quit\" o \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "estás cambiando ramas durante un bisect"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "rutas no pueden ser usadas con cambios de rama"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "'%s' no puede ser usado con cambios de ramas"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' no puede ser usado con '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "'%s' no puede tomar <punto de partida>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "No se puede cambiar rama a un '%s' sin commits"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "falta branch o commit como argumento"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "crear y hacer checkout a una nueva rama"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "crear/reiniciar y hacer checkout a una rama"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "crear un reflog para una nueva rama"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "desacoplar HEAD en el commit nombrado"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "configurar info de upstream para una rama nueva"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "nueva-rama"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "nueva rama no emparentada"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "hacer checkout a  nuestra versión para archivos sin fusionar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "hacer checkout a su versión para los archivos sin fusionar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "forzar el checkout (descartar modificaciones locales)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr "realizar una fusión de tres vías con la rama nueva"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "actualizar archivos ignorados (default)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
-msgid "style"
-msgstr "estilo"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr "conflicto de estilos (merge o diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "no limitar pathspecs a dispersar entradas solamente"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "no adivinar segunda opción 'git checkout <no-hay-tal-rama>'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr "no revise si otro árbol de trabajo contiene la ref entregada"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "forzar el reporte de progreso"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "usar modo overlay (default)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
+msgstr "realizar una fusión de tres vías con la rama nueva"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr "estilo"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr "conflicto de estilos (merge o diff3)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "desacoplar HEAD en el commit nombrado"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "configurar info de upstream para una rama nueva"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "forzar el checkout (descartar modificaciones locales)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "nueva-rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "nueva rama no emparentada"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "actualizar archivos ignorados (default)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr "no revise si otro árbol de trabajo contiene la ref entregada"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "hacer checkout a  nuestra versión para archivos sin fusionar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "hacer checkout a su versión para los archivos sin fusionar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "no limitar pathspecs a dispersar entradas solamente"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B y --orphan son mutuamente exclusivas"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-p y --overlay son mutuamente exclusivas"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track necesita el nombre de una rama"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "falta nombre de rama; prueba -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "no se pudo resolver %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "debes especificar path(s) para restaurar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "especificación de ruta inválida"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr "'%s' no es un commit y una rama '%s' no puede ser creada desde este"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach no toma un argumento de ruta '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -10346,7 +10621,7 @@
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force y --merge son incompatibles cuando\n"
 "se revisa fuera del índice."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10376,6 +10651,68 @@
 "de nombre <nombre> remota, como 'origin', considera configurar\n"
 "checkout.defaultRemote=origin en tu configuración."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "crear y hacer checkout a una nueva rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "crear/reiniciar y hacer checkout a una rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "crear un reflog para una nueva rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr "adivinar segunda opción 'git checkout <no-hay-tal-rama>' (default)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "usar modo overlay (default)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "crear y hacer switch a una nueva rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "crear/reiniciar y hacer switch a una rama"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "adivinar segunda opción 'git checkout <no-hay-tal-rama>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "descartar modificaciones locales"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr "de qué árbol hacer el checkout"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "restaurar el index"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "restaurar el árbol de trabajo (default)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "ignorar entradas no fusionadas"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "usar modo overlay"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -10407,7 +10744,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "falló al borrar %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "no se pudo lstat %s\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10420,7 +10762,7 @@
 "foo        - selecciona un objeto basado en un prefijo único\n"
 "           - (vacío) no elegir nada\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10441,38 +10783,38 @@
 "*          - escoger todos los objetos\n"
 "           - (vacío) terminar selección\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Ahh (%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Input ignora los patrones >> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "PELIGRO: No se puede encontrar objetos que concuerden con: %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Seleccionar objetos para borrar"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Borrar %s [y/N]? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Adiós.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10490,64 +10832,64 @@
 "help                - esta ventana\n"
 "?                   - ayuda para selección de opciones"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Comandos ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Ahora que"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Se eliminará el siguiente objeto:"
 msgstr[1] "Se eliminarán los siguientes objetos:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
-msgstr "No hay mas archivos para limpiar, saliendo."
+msgstr "No hay más archivos para limpiar, saliendo."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "no imprimir nombres de archivos borrados"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "forzar"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "limpieza interactiva"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "borrar directorios completos"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "patrón"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "agregar <patrón> para ignorar reglas"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "borrar archivos ignorados, también"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "borrar solo archivos ignorados"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "-x y -X no pueden ser usadas juntas"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
@@ -10555,7 +10897,7 @@
 "clean.requireForce configurado como true y ninguno -i, -n, ni -f entregados; "
 "rehusando el clean"
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
@@ -10563,156 +10905,160 @@
 "clean.requireForce default en true y ninguno -i, -n, ni -f entregados; "
 "rehusando el clean"
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<opciones>] [--] <repo> [<directorio>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "no crear checkout"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "crear un repositorio vacío"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "crear un repositorio espejo (implica vacío)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "clonar de un repositorio local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "no usar hardlinks, siempre copiar"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "configurar como repositorio compartido"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "pathspec"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "inicializar submódulos en el clonado"
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "numero de submódulos clonados en paralelo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "directorio-template"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "directorio del cual los templates serán usados"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "repositorio de referencia"
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "usa--reference  solamente si estás clonado"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "nombre"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "use <nombre> en lugar de 'origin' para rastrear upstream"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "checkout <rama> en lugar de HEAD remota"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "ruta para git-upload-pack en el remoto"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "profundidad"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "crear un clon superficial para esa profundidad"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "tiempo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "crear un clon superficial desde el tiempo específico"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "revision"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr "ahondando historia de clon superficial, excluyendo rev"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "clonar solo una rama,HEAD o --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr "no clonar ningún tag, y hacer que los subsiguientes fetch no los sigan"
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "cualquier submódulo clonado será superficial"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr "gitdir"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "separa git dir del árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "llave=valor"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "configurar config dentro del nuevo repositorio"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "especifico-de-servidor"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr "opción para trasmitir"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "solo usar direcciones IPv4"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "solo usar direcciones IPv6"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr "cualquier submódulo clonado usará su branch de rastreo remoto"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -10720,146 +11066,146 @@
 "No se pudo adivinar ningún nombre de directorio.\n"
 "Por favor especifique un directorio en la línea de comando"
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "info: No se pudo agregar un alterno para '%s': %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "falló al abrir '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s existe pero no es un directorio"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "falló al analizar %s\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "falló al iniciar el iterador sobre '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al desvincular '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al crear link '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al copiar archivo a '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "falló al iterar sobre '%s'"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "hecho.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Clonado exitoso, pero falló el checkout.\n"
-"Puede inspeccionar a qué se hizo checkout con 'git status'\n"
-"y volver a intentarlo con 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"Puedes inspeccionar a qué se hizo checkout con 'git status'\n"
+"y volver a intentarlo con 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "No se pudo encontrar la rama remota %s para clonar."
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "incapaz de actualizar %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "remoto HEAD refiere a un ref inexistente, no se puede hacer checkout.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "no es posible realizar checkout en el árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir parámetros al archivo config"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "no se puede reempaquetar para limpiar"
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "no se puede desvincular archivos alternos temporales"
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Muchos argumentos."
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Tienes que especificar un repositorio para clonar."
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "Las opciones --bare y --origin %s son incompatibles."
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "--bare y --separate-git-dir son incompatibles."
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "repositorio '%s' no existe"
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "profundidad %s no es un numero positivo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "la ruta de destino '%s' ya existe y no es un directorio vacío."
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "directorio de trabajo '%s' ya existe."
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear directorios principales de '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear un árbol de trabajo '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Clonando en un repositorio vacío '%s'...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Clonando en '%s'...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
@@ -10867,36 +11213,36 @@
 "clone --recursive no es compatible con --reference y --reference-if-able al "
 "mismo tiempo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--depth es ignorada en clonaciones locales; usa file:// más bien."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--shallow-since es ignorado en el clon local; use file:// ."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--shallow-exclude es ignorado en clones locales; use file://."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--filter es ignorado en clones locales; usa file:// en su lugar."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "repositorio fuente es superficial, ignorando --local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local es ignorado"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "Rama remota %s no encontrada en upstream %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Pareces haber clonado un repositorio sin contenido."
@@ -10945,7 +11291,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "padre duplicado %s ignorado"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "no es un nombre de objeto válido %s"
@@ -10973,13 +11319,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "id del objeto commit padre"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "mensaje"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "mensaje del commit"
@@ -10987,8 +11333,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "leer mensaje de commit desde un archivo"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "Firmar commit con GPG"
@@ -11014,7 +11360,7 @@
 "it empty. You can repeat your command with --allow-empty, or you can\n"
 "remove the commit entirely with \"git reset HEAD^\".\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Has solicitado un amend en tu commit mas reciente, pero hacerlo lo \n"
+"Has solicitado un amend en tu commit más reciente, pero hacerlo lo \n"
 "vaciaría. Puedes repetir el comando con --alow-empty, o puedes eliminar\n"
 "el commit completamente con \"git reset HEAD^\".\n"
@@ -11028,86 +11374,92 @@
 msgstr ""
 "El cherry-pick anterior ahora está vacío, posiblemente por un conflicto de "
-"Si desea realizar un commit de todas maneras, use:\n"
+"Si deseas realizar un commit de todas maneras, usa:\n"
 "    git commit --allow-empty\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "Caso contrario, por favor usa 'git reset'\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr "Caso contrario, por favor usa 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Si quiere saltar este commit, use:\n"
+"y luego usa:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"   git cherry-pick --continue\n"
-"Luego \"git cherry-pick --continue\" continuara el cherry-picking\n"
-"para los commits restantes.\n"
+"para resumir el cherry-pick con los commits faltantes.\n"
+"Si deseas saltar el commit, usa:\n"
+"     git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "falló al desempaquetar objeto del árbol HEAD"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "no es posible crear un índice temporal"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "adición interactiva fallida"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "no es posible actualizar el índice temporal"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Falló al actualizar el cache principal del árbol"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir archivo new_index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "no se puede realizar un commit parcial durante una fusión."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "no se puede realizar un commit parcial durante un cherry-pick."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "no se puede leer el índice"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir el índice temporal"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "commit '%s' requiere cabecera de autor"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "el commit '%s' tiene una línea de autor mal formada"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "parámetro --author mal formado"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -11115,38 +11467,38 @@
 "no es posible seleccionar un carácter de comentario que no es usado\n"
 "en el mensaje de commit actual"
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo revisar el commit %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(leyendo mensajes de logs desde standard input)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer log desde standard input"
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer el log '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "no se pudo escribir el template del commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11161,7 +11513,7 @@
 "y vuelve a intentar.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11171,174 +11523,174 @@
 "and try again.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Parece que puede estar haciendo un commit a un cherry-pick.\n"
-"Si esto no es correcto, por favor elimine el archivo\n"
+"Parece que puedes estar haciendo un commit a un cherry-pick.\n"
+"Si esto no es correcto, por favor elimina el archivo\n"
-"y vuelva a intentar.\n"
+"y vuelve a intentar.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
 "with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Por favor ingrese el mensaje del commit para sus cambios. Las líneas que "
+"Por favor ingresa el mensaje del commit para tus cambios. Las líneas que "
 "con '%c' serán ignoradas, y un mensaje vacío aborta el commit.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
 "with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you want to.\n"
 "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Por favor ingrese el mensaje del commit para sus cambios. Las líneas que "
+"Por favor ingresa el mensaje del commit para tus cambios. Las líneas que "
 "con '%c' serán guardadas; puede eliminarlas usted mismo si desea.\n"
 "Un mensaje vacío aborta el commit.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sAutor:     %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sFecha:     %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "No se puede leer el índice"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Error al construir los árboles"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Por favor suministra el mensaje usando las opciones -m o -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
 "--author '%s' no está en el formato 'Name <email>' y no concuerda con ningún "
 "autor existente"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Modo ignorado inválido '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Modo inválido de los archivos no rastreados '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "--long y -z son incompatibles"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "Usar ambos --reset-author y --author no tiene sentido"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "No tienes nada que enmendar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Estás en medio de una fusión -- no puedes enmendar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Está en medio de un cherry-pick -- no se puede enmendar."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Opciones --squash y --fixup no pueden ser usadas juntas"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Solo uno de -c/-C/-F/--fixup puede ser usado."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "La opción -m no puede ser combinada con -c/-C/-F."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr "--reset-author sólo puede ser usada con -C, -c o --amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
 "Solo uno de --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch puede ser usado."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "No hay rutas con --include/--only no tiene sentido."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "paths '%s ...' con -a no tiene sentido"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "mostrar status de manera concisa"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "mostrar información de la rama"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "mostrar información del stash"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "calcular todos los valores delante/atrás"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "version"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "output formato-maquina"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "mostrar status en formato largo (default)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "terminar entradas con NUL"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "modo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
 "mostrar archivos sin seguimiento, modos opcionales: all, normal, no. "
 "(Predeterminado: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
@@ -11346,11 +11698,11 @@
 "mostrar archivos ignorados, modos opcionales: traditional, matching, no. "
 "(Predeterminado: traditional)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "cuando"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
@@ -11358,235 +11710,251 @@
 "ignorar cambios en submódulos, opcional cuando: all,dirty,untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "listar en columnas los archivos sin seguimiento"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "no detectar renombrados"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "detectar renombres, opcionalmente configurar similaridad de índice"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr ""
 "Combinación de argumentos de archivos ignorados y no rastreados no soportada"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "suprime summary tras un commit exitoso"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "mostrar diff en el template del mensaje de commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Opciones para el mensaje del commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "leer mensaje desde un archivo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "autor"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "sobrescribe el autor del commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "fecha"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "sobrescribe la fecha del commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "confirmar"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "reusar y editar el mensaje de un commit especifico"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "reusar el mensaje de un commit especifico"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "usar mensaje de formato autosquash para arreglar el commit especificado"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "usar el mensaje de formato autosquash para realizar squash  al commit "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr "el autor del commit soy yo ahora (usado con -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "agregar Signed-off-by: (firmado por)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "usar archivo de template especificado"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "forzar la edición del commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "incluir status en el template del mensaje de commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Opciones para el contenido del commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "confirmar todos los archivos cambiados"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "agregar archivos específicos al índice para confirmar"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "agregar archivos interactivamente"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "agregar cambios interactivamente"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "sólo confirmar archivos específicos"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "evitar los capturadores (hooks) de pre-commit y commit-msg"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "mostrar lo que sería incluido en el commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "enmendar commit previo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "gancho bypass post reescritura"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "ok al grabar un cambio vacío"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "ok al grabar un cambio con un mensaje vacío"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Archivo MERGE_HEAD (%s) corrupto"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer el mensaje de commit: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Abortando commit debido que el mensaje está en blanco.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "Abortando commit; no se ha editado el mensaje\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "el repositorio ha sido actualizado, pero no se pudo escribir el archivo\n"
 "new_index. Verifique que el disco no este lleno y la quota no ha\n"
-"sido superada, y luego \"git reset HEAD\" para recuperar."
+"sido superada, y luego \"git restore --sateged :/\" para recuperar."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
+msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append][--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "dir"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "El directorio de objetos para guardar el gráfico"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr "si el commit-graph está cortado, solo verifica la punta del archivo"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "No se pudo abrir commit-graph '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "comenzar caminata en todas las refs"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr "escanear paquete de índices por stdin por commits"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr "comenzar a caminar a los commits listados por stdin"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr "inclye todos los commits que ya están en el archivo commit-graph"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "permitir escribir un archivo commit-graph incremental"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr "máximo número de commits en un commit-graph sin base cortada"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr "radio máximo entre dos niveles de corte de commit-graph"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr "use como máximo uno de --reachable, --stdin-commits, o --stdin-packs"
@@ -11594,7 +11962,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<opciones>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "argumento --type no reconocido, %s"
@@ -11700,7 +12068,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Tipo"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "al valor se ha dado este tipo"
@@ -11744,7 +12112,7 @@
 msgid "show origin of config (file, standard input, blob, command line)"
 msgstr "mostrar el origen de configuración (archivo, stdin, blob, comando)"
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "valor"
@@ -12040,7 +12408,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "no considerar tags que concuerden con <patrón>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "mostrar el objeto commit abreviado como fallback"
@@ -12149,7 +12517,7 @@
 #: builtin/difftool.c:640
 msgid "you may want to cleanup or recover these."
-msgstr "tal vez desee limpiar o recuperar estos."
+msgstr "tal vez desees limpiar o recuperar estos."
 #: builtin/difftool.c:689
 msgid "use `diff.guitool` instead of `diff.tool`"
@@ -12216,158 +12584,191 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "no se ha entregado <comando> para --extcmd=<comando>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <opciones> <env-var>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "tipo"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr "default para git_env_*(...) es hacer fallback en"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr "ser silencioso solo usar valor git_env_*() como código de salida"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr "opción `--default' espera un valor boolean con `--type=bool`, no `%s`"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
+"opción `--default' espera un valor unsigned long con `--type=ulong`, no `%s`"
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "mostrar progreso después de <n> objetos"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "seleccionar el manejo de tags firmados"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "seleccionar el manejo de tags que son tags de objetos filtrados"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr "seleccionar el manejo de mensajes de commit en un encoding diferente"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Volcar marcas a este archivo"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Importar marcas de este archivo"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "Falsificar un tagger cuando les falta uno"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Mostrar todo el árbol para cada commit"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Use el feature done para terminar el stream"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Saltar el output de data blob"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "refspec"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Aplicar refspec para los refs exportados"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "anonimizar la salida"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
 "Padres de la referencia que no estan en fast-export stream por id de objeto"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "Mostrar ids de objetos originales para blobs/commits"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<opciones>] [<repositorio> [<refspec>...]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<opciones>] <grupo>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<opciones>] [(<repositorio> | <grupo>)...]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<opciones>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "extraer de todos los remotos"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "adjuntar a .git/FETCH_HEAD en lugar de sobrescribir"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "ruta para cargar el paquete al final del remoto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "forzar sobrescritura de referencia local"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "extraer de múltiples remotos"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "extraer todos los tags y objetos asociados"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "no extraer todos los tags (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "número de submódulos extraídos en paralelo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr "limpiar ramas remotas rastreadas que ya no están en el remoto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
 "limpiar tags locales que no se encuentran en el remoto y eliminar tags "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "en demanda"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "controlar extracción recursiva de submódulos"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "mantener el paquete descargado"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "permitir actualizar la ref HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "historia profunda de un clon superficial"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "historia profunda de un repositorio superficial basado en tiempo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "convertir a un repositorio completo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "anteponer esto a salida de la ruta del submódulo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
@@ -12375,97 +12776,129 @@
 "default para extracción recursiva de submódulos (menor prioridad que "
 "archivos de configuración)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "aceptar refs que actualicen .git/shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "refmap"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "especificar extracción de refmap"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr "reporta que solo tenemos objetos alcanzables de este objeto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "ejecutar 'gc --auto' tras el fetch"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "verificar updates forzados en todos los branch actualizados"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "No se puedo encontrar ref remota HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "la configuración fetch.output contiene el valor inválido %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "objeto %s no encontrado"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[actualizado]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[rechazado]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "no se puede traer en la rama actual"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[actualización de tag]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "no se posible actualizar el ref local"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "podría golpear tag existente"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[nuevo tag]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[nueva rama]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[nueva referencia]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "actualización forzada"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "avance lento"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"Fetch normalmente incida qué branches han tenido un update forzado,\n"
+"pero esa validación ha sido deshabilitada. Para activarla de nuevo use '--"
+"o ejecute 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Tomó %.2f segundos validar los updates forzados. Puedes usar\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' o ejecutar 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+"para evitar esta validación.\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s no envió todos los objetos necesarios\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr "rechazado %s porque raíces superficiales no pueden ser actualizadas"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Desde %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12474,50 +12907,50 @@
 "algunos refs locales no pudieron ser actualizados; intente ejecutar\n"
 " 'git remote prune %s' para eliminar cualquier rama vieja o conflictiva"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s se pondrá colgado)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s se ha colgado)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[eliminado]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(nada)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr "Rehusando extraer en la rama actual %s de un repositorio no vacío"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "Opción \"%s\" valor \"%s\" no es válido para %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "Opción \"%s\" es ignorada por %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Extrayendo %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "No se pudo extraer %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12525,7 +12958,7 @@
 "--filter solo puede ser usado con el remoto configurado en extensions."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -12533,44 +12966,44 @@
 "No hay repositorio remoto especificado. Por favor, especifique un URL o un\n"
 "nombre remoto del cual las nuevas revisiones deben ser extraídas."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
-msgstr "Tiene que especificar un nombre de tag."
+msgstr "Tienes que especificar un nombre de tag."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Profundidad negativa en --deepen no soportada"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--deepen y --depth son mutuamente exclusivas"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "--depth y --unshallow no pueden ser usadas juntas"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "--unshallow no tiene sentido en un repositorio completo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all no toma un argumento de repositorio"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all no tiene sentido con refspecs"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "No existe el remoto o grupo remoto: %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr "Extraer un grupo y especificar un refspecs no tiene sentido"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12640,7 +13073,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "mostrar solo <n> refs encontradas"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "respetar el formato de colores"
@@ -12808,7 +13241,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "Revisando link %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "%s inválido"
@@ -12893,7 +13326,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "mostrar nombres verboso para objetos alcanzables"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Revisando objetos"
@@ -12926,7 +13359,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo definir '%s'"
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede leer '%s'"
@@ -13001,7 +13434,7 @@
 "gc ya está ejecutándose en la máquina '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> (use --force so no "
 "es así)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -13026,262 +13459,262 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "no hay soporte para hilos, ignorando %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "no es posible leer el  árbol (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "no es posible realizar grep del objeto de tipo %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "switch `%c' espera un valor numérico"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "buscar en el índice en lugar del árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "encontrar en contenidos no manejados por git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "buscar en archivos rastreados y no rastreados"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "ignorar archivos especificados via '.gitignore'"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "búsqueda recursiva en cada submódulo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "mostrar líneas que no concuerdan"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "búsqueda insensible a mayúsculas"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "concordar patrón solo a los límites de las palabras"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "procesar archivos binarios como texto"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "no concordar patrones en archivos binarios"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "procesar archivos binarios con filtros textconv"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "buscar en subdirectorios (default)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "descender como máximo <valor-de-profundiad>  niveles"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "usar expresiones regulares POSIX extendidas"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "usar expresiones regulares POSIX (default)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "interpretar patrones como strings arreglados"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "usar expresiones regulares compatibles con Perl"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "mostrar números de línea"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "mostrar el número de columna de la primer coincidencia"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "no mostrar nombres de archivo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "mostrar nombres de archivo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "mostrar nombres de archivo relativos al directorio superior"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "mostrar solo nombres de archivos en lugar de líneas encontradas"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "sinónimo para --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "mostrar solo los nombres de archivos sin coincidencias"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "imprimir NUL después del nombre de archivo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "mostrar solo partes que concuerdan de una línea"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "mostrar el número de concordancias en lugar de las líneas concordantes"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "resaltar concordancias"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "imprimir una línea vacía entre coincidencias de diferentes archivos"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr ""
 "mostrar el nombre de archivo solo una vez para concordancias en el mismo "
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "mostrar <n> líneas de contexto antes y después de la concordancia"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "mostrar <n> líneas de contexto antes de las concordancias"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "mostrar <n> líneas de context después de las concordancias"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "usar <n> hilos de trabajo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "atajo para -C NUM"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr ""
 "mostrar una línea con el nombre de la función antes de las concordancias"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "mostrar la función circundante"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "leer patrones del archivo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "concordar <patrón>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "combinar patrones especificados con -e"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr "indicar concordancia con exit status sin output"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr ""
 "mostrar solo concordancias con archivos que concuerdan todos los patrones"
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "mostrar árbol analizado para la expresión grep"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "paginador"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "mostrar archivos concordantes en el paginador"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "permitir el llamado de grep(1) (ignorado por esta build)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "no se ha entregado patrón"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index o --untracked no se puede usar con revs"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "no se posible resolver revisión: %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "combinación de opciones inválida, ignorando --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "no se soportan hilos, ignorando --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "número inválido de hilos especificado (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager solo funciona en el árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "opción no soportada con --recurse-submodules"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached o --untracked no pueden ser usadas con --no-index"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard no puede ser usada para contenido rastreado"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "--cached y árboles han sido entregados"
@@ -13298,10 +13731,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "tipo"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "tipo de objeto"
@@ -13418,12 +13847,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "ningún visor de info manejo la petición"
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' tiene el alias '%s'"
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "mal alias.%s string: %s"
@@ -13437,290 +13866,285 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "'git help config' para más información"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "el tipo del objeto no concuerda en %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "no se recibió el objeto esperado %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "objeto %s: tipo esperado %s, encontrado %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "no se puede llenar %d byte"
 msgstr[1] "no se pueden llenar %d bytes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "EOF temprano"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "leer error en input"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "se usaron más bytes de los disponibles"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "paquete muy grande para la definición actual de off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "paquete excede el máximo tamaño permitido"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "no se puede crear '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede abrir el archivo de paquete '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "firma del paquete no concuerda"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "versión de paquete %<PRIu32> no soportada"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "paquete tiene un mal objeto en el offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "inflate devolvió %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "valor de offset desbordado para el objeto base delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "offset de base delta está fuera de límites"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "tipo de objeto %d desconocido"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "no se puede propagar el paquete"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "final prematuro de archivo de paquete, %<PRIuMAX> byte faltante"
 msgstr[1] "final prematuro de archivo de paquete, %<PRIuMAX> bytes faltantes"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "inconsistencia seria en inflate"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "no se posible leer %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "no se puede leer la información existente del objeto %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "no se puede leer el objeto existente %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "objeto blob %s inválido"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "error de fsck en el objeto empaquetado"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "No todos los objetos hijos de %s son alcanzables"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "falló al aplicar delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Recibiendo objetos"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Indexando objetos"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "paquete está corrompido (SHA1 no concuerda)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "no se puede fstat al archivo de paquete"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "el paquete tiene basura al final"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "confusión más allá de la locura en parse_pack_objects()"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Resolviendo deltas"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "no es posible crear hilo: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "confusión más allá de la locura"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "completado con %d objeto local"
 msgstr[1] "completado con %d objetos locales"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "Tail checksum para %s inesperada (corrupción de disco?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "paquete tiene %d delta sin resolver"
 msgstr[1] "paquete tiene %d deltas sin resolver"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "no es posible desinflar el objeto adjunto (%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "objeto local %s está corrompido"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "nombre '%s' de archivo de paquete no termina con '.pack'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede escribir %s en el archivo '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede cerrar escrito %s en archivo '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "error mientras se cierra el archivo paquete"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "no se puede guardar el archivo paquete"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "no se puede guardar el archivo índice"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "mal pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo paquete existente '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "No se puede abrir el índice del archivo paquete para '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "no delta: %d objeto"
 msgstr[1] "no delta: %d objetos"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "largo de cadena = %d: %lu objeto"
 msgstr[1] "largo de cadena = %d: %lu objetos"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "No se puede regresar a cwd"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "mal %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin no puede ser usada sin --stdin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin requiere un repositorio git"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "--verify no recibió ningún nombre de archivo de paquete"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "error de fsck en objetos paquete"
@@ -13816,17 +14240,17 @@
 msgstr ""
 "especifica que el repositorio de git será compartido entre varios usuarios"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "no se pude crear directorio %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "no se puede aplicar chdir a %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
@@ -13835,12 +14259,12 @@
 "%s (o --work-tree=<directorio>) no se permite sin especificar %s (o --git-"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "No se puede acceder al árbol de trabajo '%s'"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -13848,59 +14272,59 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<valor>])...] [<archivo>...]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "editar archivos en el lugar"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "cortar trailers vacíos"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "donde colocar el nuevo trailer"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "acción if trailer ya existe"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "acción si falta el trailer"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "mostrar solo los trailers"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "no aplicar reglas de configuración"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "juntar valores con espacios en blanco contiguos"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "configurar opciones de análisis"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "no tratar --- especialmente"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "trailer"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "trailer(s) para agregar"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer con --only-input no tiene sentido"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "no se entregó archivo de entrada para edición en lugar"
@@ -13912,393 +14336,389 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<opciones>] <objeto>..."
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "opción --decorate inválida: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "mostrar fuente"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "Usar archivo de mapa de mail"
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "solo decorar refs que concuerden con <patrón>"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "no decorar refs que concuerden con <patrón>"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "opciones de decorado"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Procesar rango de líneas n,m en archivo, contando desde 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Salida final: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: mal archivo"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo leer objeto %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "tipo desconocido: %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "formate.headers. sin valor"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "nombre del directorio de salida es muy largo"
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "no se puede abrir archivo patch %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "necesita exactamente un rango"
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "no es un rango"
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "letras de portada necesita formato email"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "falló al crear los archivos cover-letter"
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "insano in-reply-to: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<opciones>] [<desde> | <rango-de-revisiones>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "dos directorios de salida?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "commit desconocido %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "falló al resolver '%s' como ref válida"
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "no se pudo encontrar una base de fusión exacta"
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
 "Or you could specify base commit by --base=<base-commit-id> manually"
 msgstr ""
-"falló al conseguir upstream, si quiere grabar un commit base de manera "
+"falló al conseguir upstream, si quieres grabar un commit base de manera "
-"por favor use git branch --set-upstream-to para rastrear una rama remota.\n"
-"O puede especificar un commit base mediante --base=<id-commit-base> "
+"por favor usa git branch --set-upstream-to para rastrear una rama remota.\n"
+"O puedes especificar un commit base mediante --base=<id-commit-base> "
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "falló al encontrar una base de fusión exacta"
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "el commit base debe ser el ancestro de la lista de revisión"
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "el commit base no debe estar en la lista de revisión"
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "no se puede obtener id de patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "falló al inferir rangos range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "use [PATCH n/m] incluso con un único parche"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "use [PATCH] incluso con múltiples parches"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "mostrar parches en standard out"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "generar letra de cover"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr ""
 "usar una secuencia simple de números para salida de nombres de archivos"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "sfx"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "use <sfx> en lugar de '.patch'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "comenzar a numerar los parches desde <n> en lugar de 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "marcar las series como Nth re-roll"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Use [RFC PATCH] en lugar de [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Use [<prefijo>] en lugar de [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "guardar archivos resultantes en <dir>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "no cortar/agregar [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "no mostrar diffs binarios"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "salida como hash de todos-ceros en la cabecera From"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "no incluya un parche que coincida con un commit en upstream"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr "mostrar formato de parche en lugar del default (parche + stat)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "Mensajeando"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "cabezal"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "agregar cabecera email"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "email"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "agregar cabecera To:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "agregar cabecera Cc:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "ident"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr ""
 "configurar dirección From a <ident> ( o identidad de committer si está "
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "id de mensaje"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "hacer primer mail una respuesta a <id de mensaje>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "límite"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "adjuntar el parche"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "poner el parche en línea"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr "habilitar hilos de mensajes, estilos: superficial, profundo"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "firma"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "agregar una firma"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "commit-base"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr ""
 "agregar información de árbol de requisitos previos a la serie de parches"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "agregar una firma de un archivo"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "no mostrar los nombres de archivos de los parches"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "mostrar medidor de progreso mientras se generan los parches"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "rev"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr "muestra cambios contra <rev> en cover letter o en un solo parche"
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr "muestra cambios contra <refspec> en cover letter o en un solo parche"
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "porcentaje por el cual la creación es pesada"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "línea de identificación inválida: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-n y -k son mutuamente exclusivas"
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc y -k son mutuamente exclusivos"
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-only no tiene sentido"
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-status no tiene sentido"
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "--check no tiene sentido"
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "salida standard, o directorio, cual?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--interdiff requiere --cover-letter o un parche único"
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "Interdiff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Interdiff contra v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "--creation-factor requiere --range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--range-diff requiere --cover-letter o parche único"
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "Range-diff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Range-diff contra v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede leer la firma del archivo '%s'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Generando parches"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "falló al crear los archivos de salida"
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<límite>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14428,7 +14848,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "no mostrar el URL remoto"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "ejecutar"
@@ -14502,189 +14922,193 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "mbox vacío: '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<opciones>] [<commit>...]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "cambiar `m' requiere un valor"
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "opción `%s' requiere un valor"
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "No se pudo encontrar estrategia de fusión '%s'.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Estrategias disponibles son:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Estrategias personalizadas disponibles son:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "no mostrar un diffstat al final de la fusión"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "mostrar un diffstat al final de la fusión"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(sinónimo para --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr ""
 "agregar (como máximo <n>) entradas del shortlog al mensaje del commit de "
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "crear un commit único en lugar de hacer una fusión"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "realizar un commit si la fusión es exitosa (default)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "editar mensaje antes de realizar commit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "permitir fast-forwars (default)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "abortar si fast-forward no es posible"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "verificar que el commit nombrado tiene una firma GPG válida"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "estrategia"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "estrategia de fusión para usar"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "opción=valor"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "opción para la estrategia de fusión seleccionada"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr "fusionar mensaje de commit (para una fusión no fast-forward)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "abortar la fusión en progreso actual"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "--abort pero deja el índice y el árbol de trabajo solos"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "continuar la fusión en progreso actual"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "permitir fusionar historias no relacionadas"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "verificar el hook commit-msg"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "no se pudo ejecutar stash."
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "stash falló"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "no es un objeto válido: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "lectura de árbol falló"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (nada para hacer squash)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Commit de squash -- no actualizando HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "No hay mensaje de fusión -- no actualizando HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "'%s' no apunta a ningún commit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Mal string branch.%s.mergeoptions: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "No manejando nada más que fusión de dos heads."
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Opción desconocida para merge-recursive: -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "no es posible escribir %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "No se puedo leer de '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "No se realiza commit de la fusión; use 'git commit' para completar la "
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -14696,11 +15120,11 @@
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Un mensaje vacío aborta el commit.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
@@ -14709,172 +15133,180 @@
 "Líneas comenzando con '%c' serán ignoradas, y un mensaje vacío aborta\n"
 " el commit.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Mensaje de commit vacío."
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Maravilloso.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Fusión automática falló; arregle los conflictos y luego realice un commit "
 "con el resultado.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "No rama actual."
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "No hay remoto para la rama actual."
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "Por defecto, no hay un upstream  definido para la rama actual."
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "No hay rama de rastreo remoto para %s de %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Valor erróneo '%s' en el entorno '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "nada que podamos fusionar en %s: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "nada que podamos fusionar"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort no espera argumentos"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "No hay una fusión para abortar (falta MERGE_HEAD)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--quit no espera argumentos"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue no espera argumentos"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "No hay fusión en progreso (falta MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
 msgstr ""
-"No ha concluido la fusión (existe MERGE_HEAD).\n"
-"Por favor, realice un commit con los cambios antes de fusionar."
+"No has concluido la fusión (existe MERGE_HEAD).\n"
+"Por favor, realiza un commit con los cambios antes de fusionar."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
 msgstr ""
-"No ha concluido el cherry-pick (existe CHERRY_PICK_HEAD).\n"
-"Por favor, realice un commit con los cambios antes de fusionar."
+"No has concluido el cherry-pick (existe CHERRY_PICK_HEAD).\n"
+"Por favor, realiza un commit con los cambios antes de fusionar."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
-msgstr "No ha concluido el cherry-pick (existe CHERRY_PICK_HEAD)."
+msgstr "No has concluido el cherry-pick (existe CHERRY_PICK_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "No se puede combinar --squash con --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "No se puede combinar --squash con --commit."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr ""
 "No hay commit especificado y merge.defaultToUpstream no está configurado."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "Commit aplastado dentro de un head vacío no es soportado todavía"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr "Commit no fast-forward no tiene sentido dentro de un head vacío"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - nada que podamos fusionar"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "Solo se puede fusionar exactamente un commit en un head vacío"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "rehusando fusionar historias no relacionadas"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Ya está actualizado."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Actualizando %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Intentando fusión en índice realmente trivial...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "Nop.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Ya está actualizado. ¡Oh, yeaahh!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "No es posible hacer fast-forward, abortando."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Rebobinando el árbol a original...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Intentando estrategia de fusión %s...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Ninguna estrategia de fusión manejó la fusión.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "Fusionar con estrategia %s falló.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "Usando el %s para preparar resolución a mano.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15008,21 +15440,37 @@
 msgstr "permitir la creación de más de un árbol"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr "objeto directorio conteniendo conjuntos de pares packfile y pack-index"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+"durante el repack, recolectar los pack-files de tamaño menor en un batch que "
+"es más grande que este tamaño"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "muchos argumentos"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "opción --batch-size es solo para el subcomando 'repack'"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "verbo no reconocido: %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "subcomando desconocido: %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -15113,52 +15561,52 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Renombrando %s a %s\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "renombrando '%s' falló"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opciones>] <commit>..."
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opciones>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opciones>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "imprimir sólo nombres (sin SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "sólo usar tags para nombrar commits"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "solo usar refs que concuerden con <patrón>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "ignorar refs que concuerden con <patrón>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr "listar todos los commits alcanzables desde todas las referencias"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "leer desde stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "permitir imprimir nombres `undefined` (predeterminado)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "desreferenciar tags en la entrada (uso interno)"
@@ -15307,7 +15755,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "los contenidos de nota han sido dejados en %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo abrir o leer '%s'"
@@ -15540,7 +15988,7 @@
 "commit con el resultado 'git notes merge --commit', o aborte la fusión con "
 "'git notes merge --abort'.\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Falló al resolver '%s' como una ref válida."
@@ -15574,7 +16022,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "usar notas desde <referencia-de-notas>"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "subcomando desconocido: %s"
@@ -15593,129 +16041,129 @@
 "git pack-objects [<opciones>...] <nombre-base> [< <lista-de-refs> | < <lista-"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "mal paquete de objeto CRC para %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "objeto empaquetado corrupto para %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "delta recursivo encontrado para objeto %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "%u objetos ordenados, esperados %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "packfile es inválido: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "no es posible abrir packfile para reusar: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "no es posible buscar en los packfile reusados"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "no es posible leer de packfile reusado"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr ""
 "deshabilitando escritura bitmap, paquetes son divididos debido a pack."
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "Escribiendo objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "falló al iniciar %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "%<PRIu32> objetos escritos mientras se esperaban %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr ""
 "deshabilitando escritura bitmap, ya que algunos objetos no están siendo "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "overflow de offset en la base de delta en paquete para %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "outbound de offset en la base de delta para %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Contando objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo obtener el tamaño de %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "incapaz de analizar header del objeto %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "objeto %s no puede ser leído"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr ""
 "objeto %s inconsistente con el largo del objeto (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "suboptimal pack - fuera de memoria"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "Compresión delta usando hasta %d hilos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "no es posible empaquetar objetos alcanzables desde tag %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Comprimiendo objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "inconsistencia con la cuenta de delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15724,7 +16172,7 @@
 "se espseraba ID de objeto al borde, se obtuvo basura:\n"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15733,242 +16181,246 @@
 "se esperaba ID de objeto, se obtuvo basuta:\n"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "valor inválido para --missing"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "no se puede abrir índice de paquetes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "objeto perdido en %s no pudo ser examinado"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "incapaz de forzar un objeto perdido"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "no es una rev '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "mala revisión '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "incapaz de añadir objetos recientes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "versión de índice no soportada %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "mala versión del índice '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "no mostrar medidor de progreso"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "mostrar medidor de progreso"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "mostrar medidor de progreso durante la fase de escritura de objeto"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "similar a --all-progress cuando medidor de progreso es mostrado"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<versión>[,<offset>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr ""
 "escribir el índice de paquete en la versión de formato idx especificado"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "tamaño máximo de cada paquete resultante"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "ignorar objetos prestados de otros almacenes de objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "ignorar objetos paquete"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "limitar ventana de paquete por objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr "limitar ventana de paquete por memoria en adición a límite de objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr "longitud máxima de cadena delta permitida en el paquete resultante"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "reusar deltas existentes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "reutilizar objetos existentes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "usar objetos OFS_DELTA"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr "usar hilos cuando se busque para mejores concordancias de delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "no crear un paquete resultante vacío"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "leer argumentos de revisión de standard input"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "limitar los objetos a aquellos que no han sido empaquetados todavía"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "incluir objetos alcanzables por cualquier referencia"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "incluir objetos referidos por entradas de reflog"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "incluir objetos referidos por el índice"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "mostrar paquete en stdout"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr "incluir objetos tag que refieren a objetos a ser empaquetados"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "mantener objetos inalcanzables"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "empaquetar objetos sueltos inalcanzables"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "desempaquetar objetos inalcanzables más nuevos que <tiempo>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "usar el algoritmo sparse reachability"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "crear paquetes delgados"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "crear paquetes adecuados para fetches superficiales"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "ignorar paquetes que tienen un archivo .keep acompañante"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "ignorar este paquete"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "nivel de compresión del paquete"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "no ocultar commits por injertos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr ""
 "usar un índice bitmap si está disponible para acelerar la cuenta de objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "escribir un índice de bitmap junto al índice de paquete"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr "escribir un índice de bitmap si es posible"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "manejo de objetos perdidos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "no se puede empaquetar objetos en packfiles promisores"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "respetar islas durante la compresión delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "profundidad de cadena de delta %d es muy profunda, forzando %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "pack.deltaCacheLimit es muy grande, forzando %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
 "--max-pack-size no puede ser usado para construir un paquete para "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "tamaño mínimo del paquete es 1 MiB"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr "--thin no puede ser usado para construir un paquete indexable"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable y --unpack-unreachable son incompatibles"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "no se puede usar--filter sin --stdout"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Enumerando objetos"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reusado %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
@@ -16023,56 +16475,56 @@
 msgstr ""
 "git pull [<opciones>] [<repositorio> [<especificación-de-referencia>...]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "control de fetch recursivo en submódulos"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Opciones relacionadas a fusión"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "incorporar cambios por rebase en lugar de fusión"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "permitir fast-forward"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "ejecutar automáticamente stash/stash pop antes y después de rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Opciones relacionadas a fetch"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "forzar sobrescritura de la rama local"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "número de submódulos que realizan pull en paralelo"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Valor inválido para pull.ff: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
 msgstr "No hay candidato para rebasar entre las refs que has bajado con fetch."
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
 "No hay candidatos para fusionar entre las refs que has bajado con fetch."
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -16081,7 +16533,7 @@
 "concordancia en el final remoto."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -16092,44 +16544,44 @@
 "una rama. Porque este no es el remoto configurado por default\n"
 "para tu rama actual, tienes que especificar una rama en la línea de comando."
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "No te encuentras actualmente en la rama."
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Por favor especifica a qué rama quieres rebasar."
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Por favor especifica a qué rama quieres fusionar."
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Ver git-pull(1) para detalles."
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<remoto>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<rama>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "No hay información de rastreo para la rama actual."
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr ""
 "Si deseas configurar el rastreo de información para esta rama, puedes "
 "hacerlo con:"
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -16138,32 +16590,32 @@
 "Tu configuración especifica fusionar con la ref '%s'\n"
 "de tu remoto, pero no se pudo hacer fetch a esa ref."
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "no es posible acceder al commit %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "ignorando --verify-signatures para rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "La opción --[no-]autostash sólo es válida con --rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr "Actualizando una rama no nata con cambios agregados al índice."
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "pull con rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "por favor realiza un commit o un stash con ellos."
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -16174,7 +16626,7 @@
 "realizando fast-forward al árbol de trabajo\n"
 "desde commit %s."
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -16191,15 +16643,15 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "para recuperar."
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "No se puede fusionar múltiples ramas en un head vacío."
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "No se puede rebasar en múltiples ramas."
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr ""
 "no se puede rebasar con modificaciones de submódulos grabadas localmente"
@@ -16292,8 +16744,8 @@
 "your current branch '%s', without telling me what to push\n"
 "to update which remote branch."
 msgstr ""
-"Está haciendo un push al remoto '%s', el cual no es el upstream de\n"
-"su rama actual '%s', sin decirme qué poner en el push\n"
+"Estás haciendo un push al remoto '%s', el cual no es el upstream de\n"
+"la rama actual '%s', sin decirme qué poner en el push\n"
 "para actualizar en qué rama de remoto."
 #: builtin/push.c:269
@@ -16312,7 +16764,7 @@
 "Actualizaciones fueron rechazadas porque la punta de tu rama actual está\n"
 "detrás de su contraparte remota. Integra los cambios remotos (es decir\n"
 "'git pull ...') antes de hacer push de nuevo.\n"
-"Mira 'Note about fast-forwards' en 'git push --help' para mas detalles."
+"Mira 'Note about fast-forwards' en 'git push --help' para más detalles."
 #: builtin/push.c:282
 msgid ""
@@ -16352,7 +16804,7 @@
 "or update a remote ref to make it point at a non-commit object,\n"
 "without using the '--force' option.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"No puede actualizar un ref remoto que apunta a un objeto no-commit,\n"
+"No se puede actualizar un ref remoto que apunta a un objeto no-commit,\n"
 "o actualizar un ref remoto para hacer que  apunte a un objeto no-commit,\n"
 "sin usar la opción '--force'.\n"
@@ -16665,7 +17117,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "mantener commits vacíos"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "permitir commits con mensajes vacíos"
@@ -16685,7 +17137,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "firmar commits"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "mostrar un diffstat de lo que cambió en upstream"
@@ -16793,7 +17245,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "el comando para ejecutar"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr "reprogramar automaticamente cualquier `exec` que falle"
@@ -16801,7 +17253,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "--[no-]rebase-cousins no tiene efecto sin --rebase-merges"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s requiere un rebase interactivo"
@@ -16831,11 +17283,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "No se puede guardar %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "no se pudo determinar revisión HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -16846,11 +17298,11 @@
 "Resuelva todos los conflictos manualmente ya sea con \n"
 "\"git add/rm <archivo_conflictivo>\", luego ejecute \"git rebase --continue"
-"Si prefiere saltar este parche, ejecute \"git rebase --skip\" .\n"
-"Para abortar y regresar al estado previo al \"git rebase\", ejecute \"git "
+"Si prefieres saltar este parche, ejecuta \"git rebase --skip\" .\n"
+"Para abortar y regresar al estado previo al \"git rebase\", ejecuta \"git "
 "rebase --abort\"."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16869,7 +17321,7 @@
 "Como resultado, git no puede hacer rebase con ellos."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16886,7 +17338,7 @@
 "    git rebase '<rama>'\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -16899,127 +17351,127 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<rama> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "comandos exec no pueden contener newlines"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "comando exec vacío"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "haciendo rebase hacia rama dada en lugar de upstream"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "permitir ejecutar hook pre-rebase"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "ser silencioso implica --no-stat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "no mostrar un diffstat de lo que cambió en upstream"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "agregar una línea \"Firmado-por\" al mensaje de cada commit"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "pasado a 'git am'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "pasado a 'git-apply'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr "cherry-pick todos los commits, incluso si no han cambiado"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "continuar"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "saltar el parche y continuar"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "aborta y revisa la rama original"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "aborta pero mantiene HEAD donde está"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "editar la lista de pendientes durante el rebase interactivo"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "muestra el archivo parche siendo aplicado o fusionado"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "usar estrategias de fusión para el rebase"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr "permitir al usuario editar la lista de commits para rebasar"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr "(DEPRECADO) intentar recrear merges en lugar de ignorarlos"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "preservar commits vacíos durante el rebase"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr "mover commits que comienzan con squash!/fixup! bajo -i"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "ejecutar automáticamente stash/stash pop antes y después"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr "agregar líneas exec tras cada acommit de la lista editable"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "permitir rebase commits con mensajes vacíos"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr "intentar fusiones por rebase en lugar de saltarlas"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr "use 'merge-base --fork-point' para refinar upstream"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "usar la estrategia de merge dada"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "opción"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "pasar el argumento para la estrategia de fusión"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "hacer rebase a todos los commits alcanzables hasta la raíz(raíces)"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -17027,30 +17479,30 @@
 "el soporte para rebase.useBuiltin ha sido removido!\n"
 "Vea su entrada en 'git help config' para detalles."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr "Parece que 'git am' está en progreso. No se puede rebasar."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges está deprecado. Use --rebase-merges en su lugar."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "No hay rebase en progreso?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "La acción --edit-todo sólo puede ser usada al rebasar interactivamente."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "No se puede leer el HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -17058,21 +17510,16 @@
 "Tienes que editar todos los conflictos de fusión y luego\n"
 "marcarlos como resueltos usando git add"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "no se pudo descartar los cambios del árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "no se puede regresar a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "no se pudo eliminar'%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -17085,180 +17532,184 @@
 "valuable there.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Parece que ya hay un directorio %s, y\n"
-"me pregunto si está en medio de otro rebase. Si ese es el \n"
-"caso, por favor intente\n"
+"me pregunto si estás en medio de otro rebase. Si ese es el \n"
+"caso, por favor intenta\n"
 "Si no es el caso, por favor\n"
-"y ejecúteme nuevamente. Me estoy deteniendo en caso de que tenga\n"
+"y ejecútame nuevamente. Me estoy deteniendo en caso de que tengas\n"
 "algo de valor ahí.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "switch `C' espera un valor numérico"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "Modo desconocido: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy requiere --merge o --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec requiere --exec o --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
 "no se pueden combinar opciones de am con opciones interactivas o de merge"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "no se puede combinar '--preserve-merges' con '--rebase-merges'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
 "error: no se puede combinar '--preserve-merges' con '--reschedule-failed-"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "no se puede combinar '--rebase-merges' con '--strategy-option'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "no se puede combinar '--rebase-merges' con '--strategy'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "upstream inválido '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "No se pudo crear commit raíz nuevo"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "'%s': necesita exactamente una base de fusión"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "No apunta a un commit válido '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "fatal: no existe la rama/commit: '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "No existe ref: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "No se pudo resolver HEAD a una revisión"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "No se puede ejecutar autostash"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "Respuesta de stash inesperada: '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "No se pudo crear el directorio para '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "Autostash creado: %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "no se pudo reset --hard"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD está ahora en %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Por favor, confírmalos o guárdalos."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede analizar '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo cambiar a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD está actualizado."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "La rama actual %s está actualizada.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "HEAD está actualizado, rebase forzado."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "Rama actual %s está actualizada, rebase forzado.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "El hook pre-rebase rechazó el rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Cambios a %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Cambios desde %s a %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
 "En primer lugar, rebobinando HEAD para después reproducir tus cambios encima "
 "de ésta...\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "No se puede desacoplar HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "Avance rápido de %s a %s.\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17281,17 +17732,17 @@
 "el árbol de trabajo con HEAD.\n"
-"Puede configurar la variable de configuración 'receive.denyCurrentBranch'\n"
+"Puedes configurar la variable de configuración 'receive.denyCurrentBranch'\n"
 "\"ignore\" o \"warn\" en el repositorio remoto para permitir\n"
-"su rama actual; Sin embargo, esto no se recomienda a menos que usted\n"
-"se haya organizado para actualizar su árbol de trabajo para que coincida con "
+"su rama actual; Sin embargo, esto no se recomienda a menos que tú\n"
+"te hayas organizado para actualizar su árbol de trabajo para que coincida con "
 "lo que\n"
-"enviará con el push de otra manera.\n"
+"enviarás con el push de otra manera.\n"
 "Para suprimir este mensaje y mantener el comportamiento predeterminado,\n"
-"configure 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' a 'refuse'."
+"configura 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' a 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17310,13 +17761,13 @@
 "en el repositorio remoto para permitir borrar la rama actual.\n"
 "con o sin mensaje de advertencia.\n"
-"Para suprimir este mensaje, puede configurarlo en 'refuse'."
+"Para suprimir este mensaje, puedes configurarlo en 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "tranquilo"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Se tiene que especificar un directorio."
@@ -17902,115 +18353,115 @@
 "Re empaquetados incrementales son incompatibles con índices bitmap. Use \n"
 "--no-write-bitmap-index o deshabilite la configuración pack.writebitmaps."
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr "no se puede iniciar pack-objects para reempaquetar objetos promisores"
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
 "repack: Esperando líneas de ID de objeto en full hex solo desde pack-objects."
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "no se puede finalizar pack-objects para reempaquetar objetos promisores"
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "empaquetar todo en un único paquete"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "lo mismo que -a, y pierde objetos inaccesibles"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "eliminar paquetes redundantes, y ejecutar git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "pasar --no-reuse-delta a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "pasar --no-reuse-object a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "no ejecutar git-update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "pasar --local a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "escribir un índice de bitmap"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "pasar --delta-islands a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "aproxime"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "con -A, no perder objetos más antiguos que este"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "con -a, re empaquetar objetos inalcanzables"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "tamaño de la ventana usado para la compresión delta"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "bytes"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr ""
 "lo mismo que arriba, pero limita el tamaño de memoria en lugar de contar "
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "limita la profundidad máxima del delta"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "limita el número máximo de hilos"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "tamaño máximo de cada paquete"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "re-empaquetar objetos en paquetes marcados con .keep"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "no reempaquetar este paquete"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "no se pueden borrar paquetes en un repositorio de objetos-preciosos"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable y -A son incompatibles"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "Nada nuevo para empaquetar."
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -18029,7 +18480,7 @@
 "WARNING: también falló.\n"
 "WARNING: Por favor renombralos en %s manualmente:\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al eliminar'%s'"
@@ -18437,24 +18888,24 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "No se puede escribir un nuevo archivo índice."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr "no se puede combinar --exclude-promisor-objects y --missing"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "filtrado de objetos requiere --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "valor disperso inválido: '%s'"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list no soporta mostrar notas"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "no se puede combinar --use-bitmap-index con objetos de filtrado"
@@ -18527,47 +18978,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "cancelar secuencia revert o cherry-pick"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "saltar el commit actual y continuar"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "no realizar commit de forma automática"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "editar el mensaje de commit"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "número-de-padre"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "seleccionar el padre principal"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "estrategia de fusión"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "opción para estrategia de fusión"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "adjuntar el nombre del commit"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "preservar commits iniciales vacíos"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "mantener commits redundantes, vacíos"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "falló al revertir"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "cherry-pick falló"
@@ -18740,114 +19195,114 @@
 msgstr[0] "ignorando %s; no se puede manejar más de %d ref"
 msgstr[1] "ignorando %s; no se puede manejar más de %d refs"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "no hay refs que concuerden con %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "mostrar ramas locales y de rastreo remoto"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "mostrar ramas de rastreo remoto"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "color '*!+-' correspondiendo a la rama"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "mostrar <n> commits más tras encontrar el ancestro común"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "sinónimo de más=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "suprimir strings de nombre"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "incluir la rama actual"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "nombrar commits con sus nombres de objeto"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "mostrar bases de fusión posibles"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "mostrar refs inalcanzables por ningún otro ref"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "mostrar commits en orden topológico"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "mostrar solo commits que no están en la primera rama"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "mostrar fusiones alcanzables solo por una punta"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "orden topológico, manteniendo el orden de fechas donde sea posible"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<base>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "mostrar <n> entradas más recientes de ref-log comenzando desde la base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
 "--reflog no es compatible con --all, --remotes, --independent o --merge-base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "no se dieron ramas, y el HEAD no es válido"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "opción --reflog necesita un nombre de rama"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "solo %d entrada puede ser mostrada a la vez."
 msgstr[1] "solo %d entradas pueden ser mostradas a la vez."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "no existe el ref %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "no se puede manejar más de %d rev."
 msgstr[1] "no se puede manejar más de %d revs."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "'%s' no es una ref válida."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "no se puede encontrar el commit %s (%s)"
@@ -19030,94 +19485,94 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "No se especificó el nombre de la rama"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "No se puede actualizar %s con %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "mensaje de stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "\"git stash store\" requiere un argumento <commit>"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "Sin cambios seleccionados"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "Aún no tienes un commit inicial"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "No se puede guardar el estado actual del índice"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "No se pueden guardar los archivos no rastreados"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "No se puede guardar el estado actual del árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "No se puede grabar el estado del árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr "No se puede usar --patch y --include-untracked o --all al mismo tiempo"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
-msgstr "Olvidó 'git add'?"
+msgstr "Olvidaste 'git add'?"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "No hay cambios locales para guardar"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "No se puede inicializar stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "No se puede guardar el estado actual"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "Directorio de trabajo guardado y estado de índice %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "No se pueden eliminar cambios del árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "mantener index"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "stash en modo patch"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "modo tranquilo"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "incluir archivos sin seguimiento en stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "incluir archivos ignorados"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo ejecutar %s"
@@ -19139,7 +19594,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "anteponer carácter de comentario y espacio a cada línea"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Se esperaba un nombre de ref completo, se obtuvo %s"
@@ -19153,7 +19608,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "no se puede quitar un componente del url '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "ancho alternativo para rutas relativas"
@@ -19161,8 +19616,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<ruta>] [<ruta>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "No se encontró url para la ruta del submódulo '%s' en .gitmodules"
@@ -19181,7 +19636,7 @@
 "run_command devolvió estado no-cero para %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -19192,19 +19647,19 @@
 "anidados de %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr "Suprime la salida al inicializar cada comando de submódulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Recursar en submódulos anidados"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <comando>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
@@ -19213,57 +19668,57 @@
 "no se pudo encontrar configuración '%s'. Asumiendo que este repositorio es "
 "su propio upstream autoritativo."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Falló al registrar el url para la ruta del submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Submódulo '%s' (%s) registrado para ruta '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "peligro: modo de actualización de comandos sugerido para el submódulo '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Error al registrar el modo de actualización para la ruta del submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Suprime la salida para inicializar un submódulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<opciones>] [<path>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "no se ha encontrado mapeo de submódulos en .gitmodules para la ruta '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no pudo resolver ref de HEAD dentro del submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al recursar en el submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "Suprimir output del estado del submódulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
@@ -19271,56 +19726,56 @@
 "Usar el commit guardado en el índice en lugar del guardado en el submódulo "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "recursar en submódulos anidados"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<ruta>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name <ruta>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Sincronizando url del submódulo para '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al registrar el url para la ruta del submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "error al conseguir el remoto por defecto para el submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "error al actualizar el remoto para el submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr "Suprime la salida del url del submódulo que se sincroniza"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<ruta>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
 "really want to remove it including all of its history)"
 msgstr ""
 "El árbol de trabajo del submódulo '%s' contiene un directorio .git (use 'rm -"
-"rf' si realmente quiere eliminarlo incluyendo todo en su historia)"
+"rf' si realmente quieres eliminarlo incluyendo todo en su historia)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
@@ -19329,81 +19784,81 @@
 "El árbol de trabajo del submódulo '%s' contiene modificaciones locales; usa "
 "'-f' para descartarlas"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Directorio '%s' limpiado\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "No se pudo eliminar el árbol de trabajo del submódulo '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear directorio vacío de submódulo %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Submódulo '%s' (%s) no registrado para ruta '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
-"Remover arboles de trabajo de submódulos incluso si contienen cambios locales"
+"Remover árboles de trabajo de submódulos incluso si contienen cambios locales"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "Quitar todos los submódulos"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<ruta>...]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr "Usa '--all' si realmente quieres des-inicializar todos los submódulos"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "submódulo '%s' no puede agregar alterno: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr "Valor '%s' para submodule.alternateErrorStrategy no es reconocido"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "Valor '%s' para submodule.alternateLocation no es reconocido"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "a donde el nuevo submódulo será clonado"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "nombre del nuevo submódulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "url de dónde clonar el submódulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "profundidad para clones superficiales"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "forzar el proceso de clonado"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
@@ -19412,112 +19867,112 @@
 "<repositorio>] [--name <nombre>] [--depth <profundidad>] --url <url> --path "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "clon de '%s' en la ruta de submódulo '%s' falló"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo obtener el directorio de submódulo para '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
-msgstr "Modo de actualización inválido '%s' para ruta de submodulo '%s'"
+msgstr "Modo de actualización inválido '%s' para ruta de submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-"Modo de actualización inválido '%s' configurado para ruta de submodulo '%s'"
+"Modo de actualización inválido '%s' configurado para ruta de submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "Ruta de submódulo '%s' no inicializada"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
-msgstr "Tal vez quiere usar 'update --init'?"
+msgstr "Tal vez quieres usar 'update --init'?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "Saltando submódulo %s no fusionado"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Saltando submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "Falló al clonar '%s'. Reintento programado"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "Falló al clonar '%s' una segunda vez, abortando"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "ruta hacia el árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr ""
 "ruta hacia el árbol de trabajo, a través de extremos de submódulos anidados"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr "rebase, merge, checkout o none"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr "Crea un clon superficial truncado al número especificado de revisión"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "trabajos paralelos"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr "si el clon inicial debe seguir la recomendación superficial"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "no mostrar el progreso de clonado"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<ruta>] [<ruta>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "mal valor para parámetro update"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
 "the superproject is not on any branch"
 msgstr ""
-"Rama de submódulo (%s)  configurada para heredar rama del superproyecto, "
-"pero el superproyecto no está en ninguna rama"
+"Rama de submódulo (%s) configurada para heredar rama del superproyecto, pero "
+"el superproyecto no está en ninguna rama"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo conseguir un handle para el submódulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "recurrir a submódulos"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<opciones>] [<path>...]"
@@ -19527,7 +19982,7 @@
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2159
 msgid "unset the config in the .gitmodules file"
-msgstr "desconfigura la opcion en elarchivo .gitmodules"
+msgstr "desconfigura la opción en elarchivo .gitmodules"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2164
 msgid "git submodule--helper config <name> [<value>]"
@@ -19547,7 +20002,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "por favor asegúrate que el archivo .gitmodules está en el árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s no soporta --super-prefix"
@@ -19555,7 +20010,7 @@
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2241
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid submodule--helper subcommand"
-msgstr "'%s' no es un comando submodule--helper valido"
+msgstr "'%s' no es un comando submodule--helper válido"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:8
 msgid "git symbolic-ref [<options>] <name> [<ref>]"
@@ -19611,17 +20066,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<formato>] <nombre-de-tag>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "tag '%s' no encontrado."
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Etiqueta '%s' eliminada (era %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19634,7 +20089,7 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Las líneas que comienzan con '%c' serán ignoradas.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19649,15 +20104,15 @@
 "Las líneas que comienzan con '%c' serán conservadas; puedes eliminarlas por "
 "ti mismo si quieres hacerlo.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "incapaz de firmar tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "incapaz de escribir el archivo de tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -19670,138 +20125,138 @@
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "tipo de objeto erróneo."
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "¿Sin mensaje de tag?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "El mensaje del tag ha sido dejado en %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "listar nombres de tags"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "imprimir <n> líneas de cada mensaje de tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "eliminar tags"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "verificar tags"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Opciones de creación de tags"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "tags anotadas necesitan un mensaje"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "mensaje de tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "forzar la edición del mensaje de tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "tag anotado y firmado con GPG"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "usar otra clave para firmar el tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "remplazar tag si existe"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "crear un reflog"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Opciones de listado de tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "mostrar lista de tags en columnas"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "mostrar solo tags que contienen el commit"
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "mostrar solo tags que no contienen el commit"
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "sólo imprimir las tags que están fusionadas"
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "sólo imprimir las tags que no están fusionadas"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "sólo imprimir tags de el objeto"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column y -n son incompatibles"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "opción -n solo es permitida en modo lista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "opción --contains solo es permitido en modo lista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "opción --no-contains solo es permitida en modo lista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "opción --points-at solo es permitida en modo lista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "opciones --merged y --no-merged  solo están permitidas en modo lista"
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "sólo se permite una de las opciones, -m ó -F."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "demasiados parámetros"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "'%s' no es un nombre de tag válido."
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "el tag '%s' ya existe"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Etiqueta '%s' actualizada (era %s)\n"
@@ -19940,7 +20395,7 @@
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1021
 msgid "with --stdin: input lines are terminated by null bytes"
-msgstr "con --stdin: las lineas de entrada son terminadas con bytes nulos"
+msgstr "con --stdin: las líneas de entrada son terminadas con bytes nulos"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1023
 msgid "read list of paths to be updated from standard input"
@@ -20126,15 +20581,15 @@
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
 msgstr "interrumpir transferencia tras <n> segundos de inactividad"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "imprimir contenido del commit"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "muestra la salida de status gpg en formato raw"
@@ -20150,11 +20605,11 @@
 msgid "show statistics only"
 msgstr "solo mostrar estadísticas"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
 msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<formato>] <tag>..."
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr "imprimir contenido del tag"
@@ -20186,7 +20641,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock <ruta>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al borrar '%s'"
@@ -20263,124 +20718,124 @@
 "'%s' es un árbol de trabajo faltante pero ya registrado;\n"
 "usa 'add -f' para sobreescribir, o 'prune' o 'remove' para limpiar"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo crear directorio de '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "Preparando árbol de trabajo (nueva rama '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr "Preparando árbol de trabajo (reiniciando rama '%s'; estaba en %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "Preparando árbol de trabajo (haciendo checkout a '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "Preparando árbol de trabajo (HEAD desacoplado %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr ""
 "hacer checkout a <rama> incluso si ya ha hecho checkout en otro árbol de "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "crear una nueva rama"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "crear o restablecer una rama"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "popular el nuevo árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "mantener el nuevo árbol de trabajo bloqueado"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "configurando modo tracking (mirar git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr ""
 "intentar emparejar el nuevo nombre de rama con una rama de rastreo remoto"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B, y --detach son mutuamente exclusivas"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr "--[no-]track solo puede ser usado si una nueva rama es creada"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "razón para bloquear"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' no es un árbol de trabajo"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "El árbol de trabajo principal no puede ser bloqueado ni desbloqueado"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' ya está bloqueado; razón: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "'%s' ya está bloqueado"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "'%s' no está bloqueado"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
 "árboles de trabajo conteniendo submódulos no puede ser movidos o eliminado"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "forzar move incluso si el árbol de trabajo está sucio o bloqueado"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' es un árbol de trabajo principal"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "no se pudo descubrir el nombre de destino de '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "el objetivo '%s' ya existe"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20389,7 +20844,7 @@
 "no se puede mover un árbol de trabajo bloqueado, motivo del bloqueo: %s\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' para sobreescribir o desbloquear primero"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20397,36 +20852,36 @@
 "no se puede mover un árbol de trabajo bloqueado;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' para sobreescribir o desbloquear primero"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr "falló validación, no se puede mover el árbol de trabajo: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al mover '%s' a '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "falló al ejecutar 'git status' en '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr "'%s' está sucio, use --force para borrarlo"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr "no se pudo ejecutar 'git status' en '%s', código %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "forzar remoción incluso si el árbol de trabajo está sucio o bloqueado"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20435,7 +20890,7 @@
 "no se pueden eliminar árbol de trabajo bloqueado, razón del bloqueo: %s\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' para sobreescribir o desbloquear primero"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20443,7 +20898,7 @@
 "no se pueden eliminar árbol de trabajo bloqueado;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' para sobreescribir o desbloquear primero"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr "falló validación, no se puede eliminar árbol de trabajo: %s"
@@ -20472,8 +20927,8 @@
 "\tchmod 0700 %s"
 msgstr ""
-"Los permisos en su directorio de socket son demasiado flojos; otros\n"
-"usuarios pueden leer sus credenciales almacenadas en caché. Considere "
+"Los permisos en tu directorio de socket son demasiado flojos; otros\n"
+"usuarios pueden leer sus credenciales almacenadas en caché. Considera "
 "\tchmod 0700 %s"
@@ -20519,53 +20974,55 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
 "'git help -a' y 'git help -g' listan los subcomandos disponibles y algunas\n"
 "guías de concepto. Consulte 'git help <command>' o 'git help <concepto>'\n"
-"para leer sobre un subcomando o concepto específico."
+"para leer sobre un subcomando o concepto específico.\n"
+"Mira 'git help git' para una vista general del sistema."
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "no se entregó directorio para --git-dir\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "no se entregó namespace para --namespace\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "no se entregó directorio para --work-tree\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "no se entregó prefijo para --super-prefix\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "-c espera un string de configuración\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "no se entregó directorio para -C\n"
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "opción %s desconocida\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr "al expandir el alias '%s':'%s'"
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
@@ -20574,39 +21031,39 @@
 "alias '%s' cambia las variables de entorno.\n"
 "Puedes usar '!git' en el alias para hacer esto"
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr "alias vacío para %s"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "alias recursivo: %s"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "error de escritura en standard output"
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "error desconocido de escritura en standard output"
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "cierre falló en standard output"
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr "bucle de alias detectado: expansión de '%s' no termina: %s"
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "no se puede manejar %s como un builtin"
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:856
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
@@ -20617,12 +21074,12 @@
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr "expansión del alias '%s' falló; '%s' no es un comando de git\n"
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "falló al ejecutar comando '%s': %s\n"
@@ -20804,19 +21261,19 @@
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "no-op (compatibilidad con versiones anteriores)"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
-msgstr "ser mas verboso"
+msgstr "ser más verboso"
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
-msgstr "ser mas discreto"
+msgstr "ser más discreto"
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "usa <n> dígitos para mostrar SHA-1s"
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr "cómo quitar espacios y #comentarios de mensajes"
@@ -20834,6 +21291,14 @@
 "actualizar el índice con la resolución de conflictos reutilizada si es "
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "HEAD desacoplada en "
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "HEAD desacoplada de "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Agrega contenido de carpetas al índice"
@@ -21127,7 +21592,7 @@
 #: command-list.h:121
 msgid "Join two or more development histories together"
-msgstr "Junta dos o mas historiales de desarrollo juntos"
+msgstr "Junta dos o más historiales de desarrollo juntos"
 #: command-list.h:122
 msgid "Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge"
@@ -21270,219 +21735,227 @@
 msgstr "Reinicia el HEAD actual a un estado especifico"
 #: command-list.h:156
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "Restaurar archivos de árboles de trabajo"
+#: command-list.h:157
 msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr "Revierte algunos commits existentes"
-#: command-list.h:157
+#: command-list.h:158
 msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr "Lista objetos commit en orden cronológico inverso"
-#: command-list.h:158
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr "Seleccionar y masajear los parámetros"
-#: command-list.h:159
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Borra archivos del árbol de trabajo y del índice"
-#: command-list.h:160
+#: command-list.h:161
 msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr "Envía una colección de parches como e-mails"
-#: command-list.h:161
+#: command-list.h:162
 msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr "Empujar objetos por protocolo Git a otro repositorio"
-#: command-list.h:162
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr "Shell de inicio de sesión restringido para acceso SSH exclusivo de Git"
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr "Resumir la salida 'git log'"
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "Muestra varios tipos de objetos"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "Mostrar ramas y sus commits"
-#: command-list.h:166
+#: command-list.h:167
 msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr "Mostrar el índice de archivo empaquetado"
-#: command-list.h:167
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "Listar referencias en el repositorio local"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr "El código de configuración i18n de Git para scripts de shell"
-#: command-list.h:169
+#: command-list.h:170
 msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr "Código de configuración de script de shell común de Git"
-#: command-list.h:170
+#: command-list.h:171
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr ""
 "Poner en un stash los cambios en un directorio de trabajo sucio de todas "
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "Agrega contenidos de un archivo al área de staging"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "Muestra el estado del árbol de trabajo"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "Eliminar el espacio en blanco innecesario"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "Inicializa, actualiza o inspecciona submódulos"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr "Operación bidireccional entre un repositorio Subversion y Git"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Cambiar branches"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "Lee, modifica y borra referencias simbólicas"
-#: command-list.h:177
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr "Crea, lista, borra o verifica un tag de objeto firmado con GPG"
-#: command-list.h:178
+#: command-list.h:180
 msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr "Crea un archivo temporal con contenidos de un blob"
-#: command-list.h:179
+#: command-list.h:181
 msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr "Desempaqueta objetos de un archivo empaquetado"
-#: command-list.h:180
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "Registra contenidos de archivos en el árbol de trabajo al índice"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr ""
 "Actualiza el nombre del objeto almacenado en una referencia de forma segura"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr ""
 "Actualiza el archivo de información auxiliar para ayudar a los servidores "
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "Enviar archivo a git-archive"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "Enviar objetos empaquetados a git-fetch-pack"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "Mostrar una variable lógica de Git"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "Verificar firma GPG de commits"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "Valida archivos Git empaquetados"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "Verifica la firma GPG de etiquetas"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Interfaz web Git (interfaz web para repositorios Git)"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "Muestra logs con las diferencias que cada commit introduce"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "Gestiona múltiples árboles de trabajo"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "Crea un objeto árbol del índice actual"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "Definiendo atributos por ruta"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "Interfaz y convenciones de línea de comandos de Git"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "Un tutorial básico de Git para desarrolladores"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "Git para usuarios CVS"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "Afinar la salida de diff"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr "Un conjunto mínimo útil de comandos diarios de Git"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "Un Glosario de Git"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "Hooks utilizados por Git"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Especifica de forma intencional archivos sin seguimiento a ignorar"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "Definiendo las propiedades del submódulo"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Namespaces de Git"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Disposición del repositorio Git"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "Especificando revisiones y rangos para Git"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "Un tutorial de introducción a Git: parte dos"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "Un tutorial de introducción para Git"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Una visión general de flujos de trabajo recomendados con Git"
@@ -21574,7 +22047,7 @@
 "Error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by "
 msgstr ""
-"Error: Sus cambios locales de los siguientes archivos serán sobrescritos por "
+"Error: Tus cambios locales de los siguientes archivos serán sobrescritos por "
 "la fusión"
@@ -21757,9 +22230,9 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Si quiere reusar este directorio git local en lugar de clonar nuevamente de\n"
 "  $realrepo\n"
-"use la opción '--force'. Si el directorio git local no es el repositorio "
+"usa la opción '--force'. Si el directorio git local no es el repositorio "
-"o no está seguro de lo que esto significa, escoja otro nombre con la opción "
+"o no estás seguro de lo que esto significa, escoge otro nombre con la opción "
@@ -21900,12 +22373,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "Véase git-${cmd}(1) para más detalles."
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "Autostash aplicado."
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "No se puede almacenar $stash_sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "Rebasando ($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -21945,7 +22427,7 @@
 "Estas líneas pueden ser reordenadas; son ejecutadas desde arriba hacia "
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -21956,91 +22438,91 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 msgstr ""
-"Puede enmendar el commit ahora, con\n"
+"Puedes enmendar el commit ahora, con\n"
 "\tgit commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n"
-"Una vez que esté satisfecho con los cambios, ejecute\n"
+"Una vez que estés satisfecho con los cambios, ejecuta\n"
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1: no es un commit que pueda ser cogido"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "Nombre de commit inválido: $sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr "No se puede escribir el remplazo sha1 del commit actual"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Avance rápido a $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "No se puede realizar avance rápido a $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "No se puede mover HEAD a $first_parent"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "Rehusando a ejecutar squash en fusión: $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "Error rehaciendo fusión $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "No se pudo coger $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "Este es el mensaje del commit #${n}:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "El mensaje del commit  #${n} será ignorado:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "Esta es una combinación de $count commit."
 msgstr[1] "Esta es la combinación de $count commits."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "No se puede escribir $fixup_msg"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "Esto es una combinación de 2 commits."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "No se puede aplicar $sha1... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -22053,35 +22535,35 @@
 "Esto es probablemente debido a un mensaje de commit vacío, o el hook pre-"
-"ha fallado. Si el hook pre-commit falló, es posible que deba resolver el "
+"ha fallado. Si el hook pre-commit falló, es posible que debas resolver el "
 "problema antes\n"
 "de que sea capaz de reformular el commit."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "Detenido en $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "No se puede '$squash_style' sin un commit previo"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "Ejecutando: $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "Ejecución fallida: $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "y hizo cambios al índice y/o al árbol de trabajo"
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -22092,7 +22574,7 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -22103,29 +22585,29 @@
 msgstr ""
 "La ejecución tuvo éxito: $rest\n"
 "Pero dejó cambios en el índice y/o en el árbol de trabajo\n"
-"Realice un commit o stash con los cambios y, a continuación, ejecute\n"
+"Realiza un commit o stash con los cambios y, a continuación, ejecuta\n"
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "Comando desconocido: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "Por favor, corrige esto usando 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "$head_name rebasado y actualizado satisfactoriamente."
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "No se pudo eliminar CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -22142,26 +22624,26 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Tiene cambios en el área de stage de su árbol de trabajo.\n"
+"Tienes cambios en el área de stage de tu árbol de trabajo.\n"
 "Si estos cambios están destinados a \n"
-"ser aplastados en el commit previo, ejecute:\n"
+"ser aplastados en el commit previo, ejecuta:\n"
 "  git commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n"
-"Si estos están destinados a ir en un nuevo commit, ejecute:\n"
+"Si estos están destinados a ir en un nuevo commit, ejecuta:\n"
 "  git commit $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n"
-"En ambos casos, cuando termine, continue con:\n"
+"En ambos casos, cuando termines, continue con:\n"
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr ""
 "Error tratando de encontrar la identidad del autor para remediar el commit"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
@@ -22169,40 +22651,40 @@
 "Tienes cambios sin confirmar en tu árbol de trabajo. Por favor, confírmalos\n"
 "primero y entonces ejecuta 'git rebase --continue' de nuevo."
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "No se pudo realizar el commit con los cambios en el área de stage."
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "No se pudo ejecutar el editor"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "No se pudo actualizar el árbol de trabajo a $switch_to"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "¿Sin HEAD?"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "No se pudo crear $state_dir temporalmente"
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "No se pudo marcar como interactivo"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] "Rebase $shortrevisions en $shortonto ($todocount comando)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebase $shortrevisions en $shortonto ($todocount comandos)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "No se puede inicializar los commits reescritos"
@@ -22276,81 +22758,81 @@
 msgstr "Incapaz de determinar la ruta absoluta del directorio git"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%12s %12s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "rastreado"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "no rastreado"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "binario"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "nada"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "sin cambios"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "agregada %d ruta\n"
 msgstr[1] "agregadas %d rutas\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "actualizada %d ruta\n"
 msgstr[1] "actualizadas %d rutas\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "revertida %d ruta\n"
 msgstr[1] "revertidas %d rutas\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "touch hecho a %d ruta\n"
 msgstr[1] "touch hecho a %d rutas\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Actualizar"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "Revertir"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "nota: %s no es rastreado ahora.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "Agregar no rastreados"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "No hay archivos sin rastrear.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
@@ -22358,7 +22840,7 @@
 "Si el parche aplica limpiamente, el hunk editado sera marcado\n"
 "inmediatamente para el área de stage."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
@@ -22366,7 +22848,7 @@
 "Si el parche aplica limpiamente, el hunk editado sera marcado\n"
 "inmediatamente para aplicar stash."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
@@ -22374,7 +22856,8 @@
 "Si el parche aplica limpiamente, el hunk editado sera marcado\n"
 "inmediatamente para sacar del área de stage."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
@@ -22382,7 +22865,8 @@
 "Si el parche aplica de forma limpia, el hunk editado sera marcado \n"
 "inmediatamente para aplicar."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
@@ -22390,16 +22874,16 @@
 "Si el parche aplica de forma limpia, el hunk editado sera marcado\n"
 "inmediatamente para descarte."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr "falló al abrir el archivo de adición del hunk para escritura: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr "Modo de edición manual de hunk -- vea abajo para una guía rápida.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22413,17 +22897,17 @@
 "Lineas comenzando con  %s serán removidas.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
 "aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Si esto no aplica de manera limpia, se le da la oportunidad de \n"
+"Si esto no aplica de manera limpia, se te da la oportunidad de \n"
 "editar nuevamente. Si todas las líneas del hunk son removidas, entonces \n"
 "la edición es abortada y el hunk queda sin cambios.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr "falló al abrir el archivo de edición del hunk para lectura: %s"
@@ -22434,13 +22918,13 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Tu hunk editado no aplica. Editar nuevamente (decir \"no\" descarta!) [y/n]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -22455,7 +22939,7 @@
 "d - no aplicar stage a este hunk o a ninguno de los posteriores en este "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -22469,7 +22953,7 @@
 "a - aplicar stash a este hunk y a todos los posteriores en el archivo\n"
 "d - no aplicar stash a este hunk o ninguno de los posteriores en el archivo"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -22484,7 +22968,7 @@
 "d - no sacar del area de stage este hunk o ninguno de los posteriores en el "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -22498,7 +22982,7 @@
 "a - aplicar este hunk y todos los posteriores en el archivo\n"
 "d - no aplicar este hunko ninguno de los posteriores en el archivo"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -22512,7 +22996,7 @@
 "a - descartar este hunk y todos los posteriores en este archivo\n"
 "d - no descartar este hunk o ninguno de los posteriores en el archivo"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -22526,7 +23010,7 @@
 "a - descartar este hunk y todos los posteriores en este archivo\n"
 "d - no descartar este hunk o ninguno posterior en el archivo"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -22540,7 +23024,21 @@
 "a - aplicar este hunk y todos los posteriores en el archivo\n"
 "d - no aplicar este hunk o ninguno de los siguientes en este archivo"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - aplicar este hunk al índice y al árbol de trabajo\n"
+"n - no aplicar este hunk al índice y al árbol de trabajo\n"
+"q - quit;  no aplicar este hunk o ninguno de los restantes\n"
+"a - aplicar este hunk y todos los posteriores en el archivo\n"
+"d - no aplicar este hunk o ninguno de los siguientes en este archivo"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -22558,217 +23056,232 @@
 "J - dejar este hunk por definir, ver siguiente hunk\n"
 "k - dejar este hunk por definir, ver hunk previo por definir\n"
 "K - dejar este hunk por definir, ver hunk previo\n"
-"s - dividir el  hunk actual en hunks mas pequeños\n"
+"s - dividir el  hunk actual en hunks más pequeños\n"
 "e - editar manualmente el hunk actual\n"
 "? - imprimir ayuda\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr "Los hunks seleccionados no aplican al índice!\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "Aplicarlos al árbol de trabajo de todas maneras? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "Nada fue aplicado.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "ignorando lo no fusionado: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "Solo cambiaron archivos binarios.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "Sin cambios.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "Actualización del parche"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Cambio de modo de stage [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar stage al borrado [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar stage a este hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar stash al cambio de modo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar stash al borrado [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar stash a este hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Sacar cambio de modo del stage [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Sacar borrado del stage [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Sacar este hunk del stage [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar cambio de modo al índice [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar borrado al índice [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar este hunk al índice [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descartar cambio de modo del árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descartar borrado del árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descartar este hunk del árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Descartar cambio de modo del índice y el árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descartar borrado del índice y el árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Descartar este hunk del índice y el árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Aplicar cambio de modo para el índice y el árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar borrado al índice y al árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Aplicar este hunk al índice y árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d,/%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Aplicar cambio de modo para el árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Aplicar borrado al árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Aplicar este hunk al árbol de trabajo [y,n,q,a,d,/%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr "No hay más pedazos para el ir\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
-msgstr "a que hunk ir (<enter> para ver mas)? "
+msgstr "a que hunk ir (<enter> para ver más)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr "a que hunk ir? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Numero inválido: '%s'\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Lo siento, solo %d hunk disponible.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Lo siento, solo %d hunks disponibles.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr "No hay más pedazos para buscar\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr "buscar para regexp? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "Regexp para la búsqueda mal formado %s: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr "No hay hunks que concuerden con el patrón entregado.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr "No el anterior hunk\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr "No el siguiente hunk\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Perdón, no se puede dividir este pedazo\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Cortar en %d hunk.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Cortar en  %d hunks.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Perdón, no se puede editar este pedazo\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "Revisión de  diff"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -22788,18 +23301,19 @@
 "add untracked - agrega contenidos de archivos no rastreados al grupo de "
 "cambios del area de stage\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "falta --"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "modo --patch desconocido: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "argumento inválido %s, se esperaba --"
@@ -22812,31 +23326,31 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "el offset del tiempo local es mayor o igual a 24 horas\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "el editor se cerro inapropiadamente, abortando todo"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' contiene una versión intermedia del correo que se estaba generando.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "'' contiene el email generado.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-aliases no es compatible con otras opciones.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "No se puede ejecutar git format-patch desde fuera del repositorio.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
@@ -22844,37 +23358,37 @@
 "`batch-size` y `relogin` deben ser especificados juntos (via la línea de "
 "comando o por opción de configuración)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Campo --suppress-cc desconocido: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Configuración --confirm desconocida: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "peligro: alias de sendmail  con comillas no es soportado: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "peligro: `:include:` no soportado: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "advertencia: redirección `/file` o `|pipe` no soportada : %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "advertencia: línea sendmail no reconocida: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -22889,12 +23403,12 @@
 "    * Diciendo \"./%s\" si se quiere decir un archivo; o\n"
 "    * Agregando la opción --format-patch si se quiere decir un rango.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "Falló al abrir directorio %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -22903,7 +23417,7 @@
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
 "peligro: no se mandaron parches\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -22913,17 +23427,17 @@
 "No se especificaron parches!\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "No hay línea de subject en %s?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "Falló al abrir para escritura %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -22933,31 +23447,31 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Lineas que comienzan en \"GIT:\" serán removidas.\n"
 "Considere incluir un diffstat global o una tabla de contenidos\n"
-"para el parche que está escribiendo.\n"
+"para el parche que estás escribiendo.\n"
-"Limpiar el contenido de body si usted no desea mandar un resumen.\n"
+"Limpiar el contenido de body si no deseas mandar un resumen.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "Falló al abrir %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "Falló al abrir %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "Archivo de resumen está vacío, saltando al siguiente\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
-msgstr "Esta seguro de que desea usar <%s> [y/N]? "
+msgstr "Estás seguro de que deseas usar <%s> [y/N]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
@@ -22965,11 +23479,11 @@
 "Los siguientes archivos son 8bit, pero no declaran un Content-Transfer-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Que codificación de 8bit debería declarar [UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -22982,39 +23496,39 @@
 "tiene el template  '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Agrega --force si realmente lo "
 "deseas mandar.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "A quien se deben mandar los correos (si existe)?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "fatal: alias '%s' se expande a si mismo\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr ""
 "Qué id de mensaje será usado como En-Respuesta-Para en el primer email (si "
 "existe alguno)? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
-msgstr "error: no es posible extraer una dirección valida de %s\n"
+msgstr "error: no es posible extraer una dirección válida de %s\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr "Que hacer con esta dirección? ([q]salir|[d]botar|[e]ditar): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "Ruta CA \"%s\" no existe"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -23034,7 +23548,7 @@
 "    Este comportamiento is controlado por el valor de configuración "
-"    Para mas información, ejecuta 'git send-email --help'.\n"
+"    Para más información, ejecuta 'git send-email --help'.\n"
 "    Para mantener el comportamiento actual, pero evitar este mensaje,\n"
 "    ejecuta 'git config --global sendemail.confirm auto'.\n"
@@ -23042,134 +23556,194 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr "Mandar este email? ([y]si||[n]o|[e]editar|[q]salir|[a]todo): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Necesitas mandar esta respuesta de email"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "El servidor SMTP no esta definido adecuadamente."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "El servidor no soporta STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "Falló STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
 "No es posible inicializar SMTP adecuadamente. Verificar config y usar ---"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "Falló al enviar %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Dry-Sent %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Enviado %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Dry-OK. Log dice:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "OK. Log dice:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Resultado: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Resultado: OK\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "no se puede abrir el archivo %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Agregando cc: %s de línea '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Agregando para: %s de la línea '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(non-mbox) Agregando cc: %s de la línea '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(body) Agregando cc: %s de la línea '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) no se pudo ejecutar '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) Agregando %s: %s de: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) falló al cerrar el pipe para '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "no se puede mandar mensaje como 7bit"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "codificación de transferencia inválida"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "no es posible abrir %s: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
-msgstr "%s: el parche contiene una línea con mas de 998 caracteres"
+msgstr "%s: el parche contiene una línea con más de 998 caracteres"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Saltando %s con el sufijo de backup '%s'.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Realmente deseas mandar %s?[y|N]: "
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta ulti_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgid "Server supports no-done"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta no-done"
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta multi_ack"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta side-band-64k"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta side-band"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
+#~ msgstr "El servidor soporta ofs-delta"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD desacoplado en %s)"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD desacoplado de %s)"
+#~ msgid "Checking out files"
+#~ msgstr "Revisando archivos"
+#~ msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
+#~ msgstr "no se puede ser interactivo sin stdin conectado a un terminal."
+#~ msgid "failed to open '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "falló al abrir '%s'"
+#~ msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
+#~ msgstr "falló al analizar %s\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
+#~ "the remaining commits.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Si quiere saltar este commit, use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Luego \"git cherry-pick --continue\" continuara el cherry-picking\n"
+#~ "para los commits restantes.\n"
+#~ msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+#~ msgstr "verbo no reconocido: %s"
 #~ msgid "hash version %X does not match version %X"
 #~ msgstr "versión de hash %X no concuerda con versión %X"
@@ -23341,12 +23915,6 @@
 #~ msgid "cannot remove a locked working tree"
 #~ msgstr "no se puede eliminar árbol de trabajo encerrado"
-#~ msgid "Applied autostash."
-#~ msgstr "Autostash aplicado."
-#~ msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
-#~ msgstr "No se puede almacenar $stash_sha1"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "\n"
 #~ "\tHowever, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po
index bc1bd65..55c7db6 100644
--- a/po/fr.po
+++ b/po/fr.po
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: git\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-15 10:09+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-05 11:20+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 20:12+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-10 18:17+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Cédric Malard <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Jean-Noël Avila <>\n"
 "Language: fr\n"
@@ -84,38 +84,39 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n<=1 ?0 : 1;\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.3\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%sastuce: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Impossible de picorer car vous avez des fichiers non fusionnés."
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Impossible de valider car vous avez des fichiers non fusionnés."
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Impossible de fusionner car vous avez des fichiers non fusionnés."
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Impossible de tirer car vous avez des fichiers non fusionnés."
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Impossible d'annuler car vous avez des fichiers non fusionnés."
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "%s n'est pas possible car vous avez des fichiers non fusionnés."
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -123,52 +124,65 @@
 "Corrigez-les puis lancez 'git add/rm <fichier>'\n"
 "si nécessaire pour marquer la résolution et valider."
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Abandon à cause de conflit non résolu."
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Vous n'avez pas terminé votre fusion (MERGE_HEAD existe)."
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Veuillez valider vos changements avant de fusionner."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Abandon à cause d'une fusion non terminée."
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
-"Note : extraction de '%s'.\n"
+"Note : basculement sur '%s'.\n"
 "Vous êtes dans l'état « HEAD détachée ». Vous pouvez visiter, faire des "
-"expérimentales et les valider. Il vous suffit de faire une autre extraction "
+"expérimentales et les valider. Il vous suffit de faire un autre basculement "
 "abandonner les commits que vous faites dans cet état sans impacter les "
 "autres branches\n"
 "Si vous voulez créer une nouvelle branche pour conserver les commits que "
 "vous créez,\n"
-"il vous suffit d'utiliser « checkout -b » (maintenant ou plus tard) comme "
-"ceci :\n"
+"il vous suffit d'utiliser l'option -c de la commande switch comme ceci :\n"
-"  git checkout -b <nom-de-la-nouvelle-branche>\n"
+"  git switch -c <nom-de-la-nouvelle-branche>\n"
+"Ou annuler cette opération avec :\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Désactivez ce conseil en renseignant la variable de configuration advice."
+"detachedHead à false\n"
 #: alias.c:50
@@ -179,99 +193,99 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr "citation non fermée"
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "option d'espace non reconnue '%s'"
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "option d'ignorance d'espace non reconnue '%s'"
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject et --3way ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble."
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached et --3way ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble."
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way hors d'un dépôt"
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index hors d'un dépôt"
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached hors d'un dépôt"
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "Impossible de préparer la regexp d'horodatage %s"
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "regexec a retourné %d pour l'entrée : %s"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "nom de fichier du patch introuvable à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply : mauvais format de git-diff - /dev/null attendu, %s trouvé à la "
 "ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply : mauvais format de git-diff - nouveau nom de fichier inconsistant "
 "à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply : mauvais format de git-diff - ancien nom de fichier inconsistant "
 "à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply : mauvais format de git-diff - /dev/null attendu à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "mode invalide dans la ligne %d : %s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "lignes d'entête inconsistantes %d et %d"
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recomptage : ligne inattendue : %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "fragment de patch sans en-tête à la ligne %d : %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -286,83 +300,83 @@
 "information de nom de fichier manquante dans l'en-tête de git diff lors de "
 "la suppression de %d composants de préfixe de chemin (ligne %d)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr ""
 "information de nom de fichier manquante dans l'en-tête de git diff (ligne %d)"
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "le nouveau fichier dépend de contenus anciens"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "le fichier supprimé a encore du contenu"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "patch corrompu à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "le nouveau fichier %s dépend de contenus anciens"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "le fichier supprimé %s a encore du contenu"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** attention : le fichier %s devient vide mais n'est pas supprimé"
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "patch binaire corrompu à la ligne %d : %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "patch binaire non reconnu à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "patch totalement incompréhensible à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "lecture du lien symbolique %s impossible"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "ouverture ou lecture de %s impossible"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "début de ligne invalide : '%c'"
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] "La section n°%d a réussi à la ligne %d (offset %d ligne)."
 msgstr[1] "La section n°%d a réussi à la ligne %d (offset %d lignes)."
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "Contexte réduit à (%ld/%ld) pour appliquer le fragment à la ligne %d"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -371,463 +385,463 @@
 "pendant la recherche de :\n"
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "données de patch binaire manquantes pour '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "impossible d'appliquer l'inverse d'un patch binaire à '%s' sans la section "
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr ""
 "impossible d'appliquer un patch binaire à '%s' sans la ligne complète d'index"
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
 msgstr ""
 "le patch s'applique à '%s' (%s), ce qui ne correspond pas au contenu actuel."
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "le patch s'applique à un '%s' vide mais ce n'est pas vide"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "l'image postérieure nécessaire %s pour '%s' ne peut pas être lue"
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "le patch binaire ne s'applique par correctement à '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "le patch binaire sur '%s' crée un résultat incorrect (%s attendu, mais %s "
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "le patch a échoué : %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "extraction de %s impossible"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "échec de la lecture de %s"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "lecture depuis '%s' au-delà d'un lien symbolique"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "le chemin %s a été renommé/supprimé"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s : n'existe pas dans l'index"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s : ne correspond pas à l'index"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "le dépôt n'a pas les blobs nécessaires pour un retour à une fusion à 3 "
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Retour à une fusion à 3 points…\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le contenu actuel de '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Échec du retour à une fusion à 3 points…\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Patch %s appliqué avec des conflits.\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Patch %s appliqué proprement.\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "le patch de suppression laisse un contenu dans le fichier"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s : type erroné"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s est de type %o, mais %o attendu"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "chemin invalide '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s : existe déjà dans l'index"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s : existe déjà dans la copie de travail"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "le nouveau mode (%o) de %s ne correspond pas à l'ancien mode (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr ""
 "le nouveau mode (%o) de %s ne correspond pas à l'ancien mode (%o) de %s"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "le fichier affecté '%s' est au-delà d'un lien symbolique"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s : le patch ne s'applique pas"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Vérification du patch %s..."
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr ""
 "l'information sha1 est manquante ou inutilisable pour le sous-module %s"
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "le mode change pour %s, qui n'est pas dans la HEAD actuelle"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "l'information de sha1 est manquante ou inutilisable (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de make_cache_entry pour le chemin '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "impossible d'ajouter %s à l'index temporaire"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire l'index temporaire dans %s"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "suppression de %s dans l'index impossible"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "patch corrompu pour le sous-module %s"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "stat du fichier nouvellement créé '%s' impossible"
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr ""
 "création du magasin de stockage pour le fichier nouvellement créé %s "
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "ajout de l'élément de cache %s impossible"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de l'écriture dans '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "fermeture du fichier '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "écriture du fichier '%s' mode %o impossible"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Patch %s appliqué proprement."
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "erreur interne"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "Application du patch %%s avec %d rejet..."
 msgstr[1] "Application du patch %%s avec %d rejets..."
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "troncature du nom de fichier .rej en %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir %s"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "Section n°%d appliquée proprement."
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "Section n°%d rejetée."
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Chemin '%s' non traité."
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "entrée non reconnue"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "lecture du fichier d'index impossible"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "ouverture impossible du patch '%s' :%s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "%d erreur d'espace ignorée"
 msgstr[1] "%d erreurs d'espace ignorées"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d ligne a ajouté des erreurs d'espace."
 msgstr[1] "%d lignes ont ajouté des erreurs d'espace."
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d ligne ajoutée après correction des erreurs d'espace."
 msgstr[1] "%d lignes ajoutées après correction des erreurs d'espace."
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Impossible d'écrire le nouveau fichier d'index"
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "chemin"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "ne pas appliquer les modifications qui correspondent au chemin donné"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "appliquer les modifications qui correspondent au chemin donné"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "num"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "supprimer <num> barres obliques des chemins traditionnels de diff"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "ignorer les additions réalisées par le patch"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr "au lieu d'appliquer le patch, afficher le diffstat de l'entrée"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher le nombre de lignes ajoutées et supprimées en notation décimale"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr "au lieu d'appliquer le patch, afficher un résumé de l'entrée"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "au lieu d'appliquer le patch, voir si le patch est applicable"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "s'assurer que le patch est applicable sur l'index actuel"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "marquer les nouveaux fichiers `git add --intent-to-add`"
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "appliquer les patch sans toucher à la copie de travail"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "accepter un patch qui touche hors de la copie de travail"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "appliquer aussi le patch (à utiliser avec --stat/--summary/--check)"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "tenter une fusion à 3 points si le patch ne s'applique pas proprement"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr ""
 "construire un index temporaire fondé sur l'information de l'index embarqué"
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "les chemins sont séparés par un caractère NUL"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "s'assurer d'au moins <n> lignes de correspondance de contexte"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "action"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "détecter des lignes nouvelles ou modifiées qui contiennent des erreurs "
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "ignorer des modifications d'espace lors de la recherche de contexte"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "appliquer le patch en sens inverse"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "ne pas s'attendre à au moins une ligne de contexte"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "laisser les sections rejetées dans les fichiers *.rej correspondants"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "accepter les recouvrements de sections"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "mode verbeux"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr ""
 "tolérer des erreurs de détection de retours chariot manquants en fin de "
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "ne pas se fier au compte de lignes dans les en-têtes de section"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "racine"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "préfixer tous les noms de fichier avec <root>"
@@ -870,98 +884,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "objet arbre invalide : %s"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "l'arbre de travail actuel est non-suivi"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "fmt"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "format d'archive"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "préfixe"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "préfixer chaque chemin de fichier dans l'archive"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "fichier"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "écrire l'archive dans ce fichier"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "lire .gitattributes dans le répertoire de travail"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "afficher les fichiers archivés sur stderr"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "stockage seulement"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "compression rapide"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "compression efficace"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "afficher les formats d'archive supportés"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "dépôt"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "récupérer l'archive depuis le dépôt distant <dépôt>"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "commande"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "chemin vers la commande distante git-upload-archive"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Option --remote inattendue"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "L'option --exec ne peut être utilisée qu'en complément de --remote"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Option --output inattendue"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Format d'archive inconnu '%s'"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Argument non supporté pour le format '%s' : -%d"
@@ -1005,7 +1019,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "le chemin est trop long (%d caractères, SHA1 : %s) : %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "erreur de compression (%d)"
@@ -1108,12 +1122,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "une révision %s est nécessaire"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le fichier '%s'"
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le fichier '%s'"
@@ -1153,41 +1167,41 @@
 msgstr[0] "Bissection : %d révision à tester après ceci %s\n"
 msgstr[1] "Bissection : %d révisions à tester après ceci %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents et --reverse ne font pas bon ménage."
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "on ne peut pas utiliser --contents avec un nom d'objet commit final"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse et --first-parent ensemble nécessitent la spécification d'un "
 "dernier commit"
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "échec de la préparation du parcours des révisions"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse --first-parent ensemble nécessitent une portée avec la chaîne de "
 "premier parent"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "pas de chemin %s dans %s"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le blob %s  pour le chemin %s"
@@ -1330,12 +1344,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "Point d'embranchement invalide : '%s'."
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' est déjà extrait dans '%s'"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "la HEAD de la copie de travail %s n'est pas mise à jour"
@@ -1350,8 +1364,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "en-tête non reconnu : %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir '%s'"
@@ -1360,60 +1374,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "Le dépôt ne dispose pas des commits prérequis suivants :"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "la vérification d'un colis requiert un dépôt"
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Le colis contient cette référence :"
 msgstr[1] "Le colis contient ces %d références :"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "Le colis enregistre l'historique complet."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Le colis exige cette référence :"
 msgstr[1] "Le colis exige ces %d références :"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "impossible de dupliquer le descripteur de liasse"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "Impossible de créer des objets groupés"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "les objets groupés ont disparu"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "rev-list a disparu"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "la référence '%s' est exclue par les options de rev-list"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument non reconnu : %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Refus de créer un colis vide."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer '%s'"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "l'index de groupe a disparu"
@@ -1422,8 +1440,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "Valeur invalide de couleur : %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser %s"
@@ -1433,7 +1451,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s n'est pas un commit !"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1453,27 +1471,27 @@
 "Supprimez ce message en lançant\n"
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "La validation %s a une signature GPG non fiable, prétendument par %s."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "La validation %s a une mauvaise signature GPG prétendument par %s."
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "La validation %s n'a pas de signature GPG."
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "La validation %s a une signature GPG correcte par %s\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1485,187 +1503,245 @@
 "variable de configuration i18n.commitencoding à l'encodage utilisé par votre "
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr "le graphe de commit est trop petit"
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr ""
 "la signature du graphe de commit %X ne correspond pas à la signature %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "la version %X du graphe de commit ne correspond pas à la version %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr ""
 "l'empreinte de la version %X du graphe de commit ne correspond pas à la "
 "version %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
 "entrée de table de consultation de morceaux de graphe de commite manquante ; "
 "le fichier est peut être incomplet"
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr "décalage de bloc %08x%08x du graphe de commit inadéquat"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr "l'id de bloc de graphe de commit %08x apparaît des multiples fois"
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "le graphe de commit n'a pas de section de graphes de base"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "la chaîne de graphe de commit ne correspond pas"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr ""
+"chaîne de graphe de commit invalide : la ligne '%s' n'est pas une empreinte"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "impossible de trouver tous les fichiers du graphe de commit"
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr ""
+"position de commit invalide. Le graphe de commit est vraisemblablement "
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "impossible de trouver le commit %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'obtenir le type de l'objet %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Lecture des commits connus dans un graphe de commit"
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Expansion des commits joignables dans un graphe de commit"
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "Suppression les marques de commit dans le graphe de commits"
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr "Calcul des chiffres de génération du graphe de commits"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] "Recherche de commits pour un graphe de commits dans %d paquet"
 msgstr[1] "Recherche de commits pour un graphe de commits dans %d paquets"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "erreur à l'ajout du packet %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "erreur à l'ouverture de l'index pour %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] "Recherche de commits pour un graphe de commits depuis %d réf"
 msgstr[1] "Recherche de commits pour un graphe de commits depuis %d réfs"
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr ""
 "Recherche de commits pour un graphe de commits parmi les objets empaquetés"
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Comptage des commits distincts dans un graphe de commit"
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr "le graphe de commits ne peut pas écrire %d commits"
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "Recherche d'arêtes supplémentaires dans un graphe de commits"
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "trop de commits pour écrire un graphe"
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "échec à l'écriture le nombre correct d'id de base de fusion"
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "impossible de créer les répertoires de premier niveau de %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "impossible de créer '%s'"
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "Écriture le graphe de commits en %d passe"
 msgstr[1] "Écriture le graphe de commits en %d passes"
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de graphe de commit"
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "échec du renommage du fichier de graphe de commits"
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "impossible de renommer le fichier temporaire de graphe de commits"
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "Analyse des commits de fusion"
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "id de commit %s dupliqué inattendu"
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "fusion du graphe de commits"
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "le graphe de commits ne peut pas écrire %d commits"
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "trop de commits pour écrire un graphe"
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr ""
 "le graphe de commit a une somme de contrôle incorrecte et est "
 "vraisemblablement corrompu"
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr "le graphe de commit a un ordre d'OID incorrect : %s puis %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
 "le graphe de commit a une valeur de dispersion incorrecte : dispersion[%d] = "
 "%u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr "échec de l'analyse le commit %s depuis le graphe de commits"
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Verification des commits dans le graphe de commits"
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
 "échec de l'analyse du commit %s depuis la base de données d'objets pour le "
 "graphe de commit"
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr ""
 "l'OID de l'arbre racine pour le commit %s dans le graphe de commit est %s != "
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr ""
 "la liste des parents du graphe de commit pour le commit %s est trop longue"
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr "le parent du graphe de commit pour %s est %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr ""
 "la liste de parents du graphe de commit pour le commit %s se termine trop tôt"
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
@@ -1673,7 +1749,7 @@
 "le graphe de commit a un numéro de génération nul pour le commit %s, mais "
 "non-nul ailleurs"
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
@@ -1681,12 +1757,12 @@
 "le graphe de commit a un numéro de génération non-nul pour le commit %s, "
 "mais nul ailleurs"
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr "la génération du graphe de commit pour le commit %s est %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1697,7 +1773,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "plus de mémoire"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1712,313 +1788,313 @@
 "possibilité d'inclusions multiples."
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "expansion impossible du chemin d'inclusion '%s'"
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "les inclusions de configuration relatives doivent venir de fichiers"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr ""
 "les conditions d'inclusion de configuration relative doivent venir de "
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "la clé ne contient pas de section: %s"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "la clé ne contient pas de nom de variable : %s"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "clé invalide : %s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "clé invalide (retour chariot) : %s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "paramètre de configuration mal formé: %s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "formatage mal formé dans %s"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "ligne %d de config incorrecte dans le blob %s"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "ligne %d de config incorrecte dans le fichier %s"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "ligne %d de config incorrecte dans l'entrée standard"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "ligne %d de config incorrecte dans le blob de sous-module %s"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "ligne %d de config incorrecte dans la ligne de commande %s"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "ligne %d de config incorrecte dans %s"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "hors plage"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "unité invalide"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "valeur numérique de configuration invalide '%s' pour '%s' : %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valeur numérique de configuration incorrecte '%s' pour '%s' dans le blob "
 "%s : %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valeur numérique de configuration incorrecte '%s' pour '%s' dans le fichier "
 "%s : %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valeur numérique de configuration incorrecte '%s' pour '%s' dans l'entrée "
 "standard : %s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valeur numérique de configuration incorrecte '%s' pour '%s' dans le blob de "
 "sous-module %s : %s"
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valeur numérique de configuration incorrecte '%s' pour '%s' dans la ligne de "
 "commande %s : %s"
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valeur numérique de configuration incorrecte '%s' pour '%s' dans %s : %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'étendre le répertoire utilisateur dans : '%s'"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "'%s' pour '%s' n'est pas un horodatage valide"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "longueur d'abbrev hors plage : %d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "niveau de compression zlib incorrect %d"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "core.commentChar ne devrait être qu'un unique caractère"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "mode invalide pour la création d'objet : %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "valeur mal formée pour %s"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valeur mal formée pour %s : %s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr "doit être parmi nothing, matching, simple, upstream ou current"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "niveau de compression du paquet %d"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de charger l'objet blob de config '%s'"
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "la référence '%s' ne pointe pas sur un blob"
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre le blob de config '%s'"
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "échec de l'analyse de %s"
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "lecture de la configuration de ligne de commande impossible"
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr "erreur inconnue pendant la lecture des fichiers de configuration"
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s invalide : '%s'"
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
 "valeur '%s' de core.untrackedCache inconnue ; utilisation de 'keep' par "
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr ""
 "la valeur '%d' de splitIndex.maxPercentChange devrait se situer entre 0 et "
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr ""
 "impossible d'analyser '%s' depuis le configuration en ligne de commande"
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "variable de configuration '%s' incorrecte dans le fichier '%s' à la ligne %d"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "nom de section invalide '%s'"
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s a des valeurs multiples"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier de configuration %s"
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "impossible de verrouiller le fichier de configuration %s"
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "ouverture de %s"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "motif invalide : %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "fichier de configuration invalide %s"
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "échec de fstat sur %s"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de réaliser un map de '%s'"
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "échec de chmod sur %s"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier de configuration %s"
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de régler '%s' à '%s'"
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de désinitialiser '%s'"
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "nom de section invalide : %s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "valeur manquante pour '%s'"
@@ -2184,19 +2260,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "fork impossible"
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Vérification de la connectivité"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "Impossible de lancer 'git rev-list'"
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire dans la rev-list"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "impossible de fermer l'entrée standard du rev-list"
@@ -2419,7 +2495,7 @@
 "l'expression rationnelle depuis la configuration a trop de groupes de "
 "capture (max=%d)"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "Marquage de %d îlots, fait.\n"
@@ -2497,35 +2573,35 @@
 "Erreurs dans la variable de configuration 'diff.dirstat' :\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "l'application de diff externe a disparu, arrêt à %s"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--name-only, --name-status, --check et -s sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-G, -S et --find-object sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow a besoin d'une spécification de chemin unique"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "valeur invalide de --stat : %s"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "%s attend une valeur numérique"
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2534,42 +2610,42 @@
 "Impossible d'analyser le paramètre de l'option --dirstat/-X :\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "classe de modification inconnue '%c' dans --diff-fileter=%s"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "valeur inconnue après ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre '%s'"
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr "forme <n>/<m> attendue par %s"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "caractère attendu par %s, '%s' trouvé"
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "mauvais argument --color-moved : %s"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "mode invalide '%s' dans --color-moved-ws"
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
@@ -2577,155 +2653,155 @@
 "l'option diff-algorithm accept \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" et "
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "argument invalide pour %s"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de l'analyse du paramètre de l'option --submodule : '%s'"
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "mauvais argument pour --word-diff : %s"
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "Options de format de sortie de diff"
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "générer la rustine"
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "supprimer la sortie des différences"
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "<n>"
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "générer les diffs avec <n> lignes de contexte"
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "générer le diff en format brut"
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "synonyme de '-p --raw'"
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "synonyme de '-p --stat'"
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "--stat pour traitement automatique"
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "afficher seulement la dernière ligne de --stat"
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "<param1,param2>..."
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher la distribution des quantités de modifications relatives pour "
 "chaque sous-répertoire"
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "synonyme pour --dirstat=cumulative"
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "synonyme pour --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "avertir si les modifications introduisent des marqueurs de conflit ou des "
 "erreurs d'espace"
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr ""
 "résumé succinct tel que les créations, les renommages et les modifications "
 "de mode"
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "n'afficher que les noms de fichiers modifiés"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "n'afficher que les noms et les status des fichiers modifiés"
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
 msgstr "<largeur>[,<largeur-de-nom>[,<compte>]]"
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "générer un diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "<largeur>"
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "générer un diffstat avec la largeur indiquée"
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "génerer un diffstat avec la largeur de nom indiquée"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "génerer un diffstat avec la largeur de graphe indiquée"
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "<compte>"
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "générer un diffstat avec des lignes limitées"
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "générer une résumé compact dans le diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "produire un diff binaire qui peut être appliqué"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher les noms complets des objets pre- et post-image sur les lignes "
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "afficher un diff coloré"
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr "<sorte>"
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
@@ -2733,7 +2809,7 @@
 "surligner les erreurs d'espace dans les lignes 'contexte', 'ancien', "
 "'nouveau' dans le diff"
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2741,93 +2817,93 @@
 "ne pas compresser les chemins et utiliser des NULs comme terminateurs de "
 "champs dans --raw ou --numstat"
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr "<préfixe>"
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "afficher le préfixe de source indiqué au lieu de \"a/\""
-#: diff.c:5357
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
 msgstr "afficher le préfixe de destination indiqué au lieu de \"b/\""
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "préfixer toutes les lignes en sortie avec la chaîne indiquée"
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "n'afficher aucun préfixe, ni de source, ni de destination"
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher le contexte entre les sections à concurrence du nombre de ligne "
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "<caractère>"
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "spécifier le caractère pour indiquer une nouvelle ligne au lieu de '+'"
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "spécifier le caractère pour indiquer une ancienne ligne au lieu de '-'"
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr ""
 "spécifier le caractère pour indiquer une ligne de contexte au lieu de ' '"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "Options de renommage de diff"
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr ""
 "casser les modifications d'une réécrire complète en paires de suppression et "
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "détecter les renommages"
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "supprimer la pré-image pour les suppressions"
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "détecter les copies"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr ""
 "utiliser les fichiers non-modifiés comme sources pour trouver des copies"
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "désactiver la détection de renommage"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "utiliser des blobs vides comme source de renommage"
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr "continuer à afficher l'historique d'un fichier au delà des renommages"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
@@ -2835,161 +2911,161 @@
 "empêcher la détection de renommage/copie si le nombre de cibles de renommage/"
 "copie excède la limite indiquée"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "Options de l'algorithme de diff"
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "produire le diff le plus petit possible"
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "ignorer les espaces lors de la comparaison de ligne"
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "ignorer des modifications du nombre d'espaces"
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "ignorer des modifications d'espace en fin de ligne"
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "ignore le retour chariot en fin de ligne"
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "ignorer les modifications dont les lignes sont vides"
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr ""
 "heuristique qui déplace les limites de sections de diff pour faciliter la "
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "générer un diff en utilisant l'algorithme de différence \"patience\""
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr ""
 "générer un diff en utilisant l'algorithme de différence \"histogramme\""
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "<algorithme>"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "choisir un algorithme de différence"
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "<texte>"
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "générer un diff en utilisant l'algorithme de différence \"ancré\""
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "<mode>"
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher des différences par mot, en utilisant <mode> pour délimiter les "
 "mots modifiés"
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr "<regex>"
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "utiliser <regex> pour décider ce qu'est un mot"
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr "équivalent à --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "les lignes déplacées sont colorées différemment"
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr "comment les espaces sont ignorés dans --color-moved"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "Autres options diff"
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
 "lancé depuis un sous-répertoire, exclure les modifications en dehors et "
 "afficher les chemins relatifs"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "traiter les fichiers comme texte"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "échanger les entrées, inverser le diff"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr "sortir un code d'erreur 1 s'il y avait de différences, 0 sinon"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "désactiver tous les affichages du programme"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "autoriser l'exécution d'un assistant externe de diff"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr ""
 "lancer les filtres externes de conversion en texte lors de la comparaison de "
 "fichiers binaires"
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "<quand>"
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr ""
 "ignorer les modifications dans les sous-modules lors de la génération de diff"
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "<format>"
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr "spécifier comment les différences dans les sous-modules sont affichées"
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "masquer les entrées 'git add -N' de l'index"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "traiter les entrées 'git add -N' comme réelles dans l'index"
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "<chaîne>"
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2997,7 +3073,7 @@
 "rechercher les différences qui modifient le nombre d'occurrences de la "
 "chaîne spécifiée"
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -3005,26 +3081,26 @@
 "rechercher les différences qui modifient le nombre d'occurrences de la regex "
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher toutes les modifications dans l'ensemble de modifications avec -S "
 "ou -G"
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr ""
 "traiter <chaîne> dans -S comme une expression rationnelle POSIX étendue"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr "contrôler l'ordre dans lequel les fichiers apparaissent dans la sortie"
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr "<id-objet>"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -3032,35 +3108,35 @@
 "rechercher les différences qui modifient le nombre d'occurrences de l'objet "
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "sélectionner les fichiers par types de diff"
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "<fichier>"
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "Sortie vers un fichier spécifié"
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "détection de renommage inexact annulée à cause d'un trop grand nombre de "
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "recherche uniquement des copies par modification de chemin à cause d'un trop "
 "grand nombre de fichiers."
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -3168,32 +3244,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc nécessite multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "ligne de superficiel invalide : %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "ligne de fin de superficiel invalide : %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "objet non trouvé : %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "Erreur dans l'objet : %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "Pas de superficiel trouvé : %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "superficiel/non superficiel attendu, %s trouvé"
@@ -3212,7 +3288,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "abandon"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "fait"
@@ -3253,154 +3329,130 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "erreur dans le démultiplexer latéral"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "Le serveur ne supporte les clients superficiels"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "Le serveur supporte multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "Le serveur support no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "Le serveur supporte multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "Le serveur supporte side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "Le serveru supporte side-band"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Le serveur supporte allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Le serveur supporte allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "Le serveur supporte ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "Le serveur supporte filter"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "La version du serveur est %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "Le serveur supporte %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "Le serveur ne supporte les clients superficiels"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "Le receveur ne gère pas --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "Le receveur ne gère pas --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "Le receveur ne gère pas --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "pas de commit commun"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack : échec de le récupération."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "Le serveur ne supporte les requêtes superficielles"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "Le serveur supporte filter"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire la requête sur le distant"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "erreur à la lecture de l'entête de section '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' attendu, '%s' reçu"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr "ligne d'acquittement inattendue : '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "erreur lors du traitement des acquittements : %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr "fichier paquet attendu à envoyer après 'ready'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr "aucune autre section attendue à envoyer après absence de 'ready'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "erreur lors du traitement de l'information de superficialité : %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "wanted-ref attendu, '%s' trouvé"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "wanted-ref inattendu : '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "erreur lors du traitement des références voulues : %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "pas de HEAD distante correspondante"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "le serveur distant n'a pas envoyé tous les objets nécessaires"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "référence distante inconnue %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "Le serveur n'autorise pas de requête pour l'objet %s non annoncé"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg n'a pas pu signer les données"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "impossible de créer un fichier temporaire"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire la signature détachée dans '%s'"
@@ -3410,18 +3462,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "couleur invalide '%.*s' ignorée dans log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "'%s' : lecture de %s impossible"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "échec du stat de '%s'"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "'%s' : lecture tronquée"
@@ -3492,7 +3544,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Ci-dessous les commandes Git habituelles dans diverses situations :"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "type de liste de commandes non supporté '%s'"
@@ -3641,7 +3693,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "le nom n'est constitué que de caractères interdits : %s"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "format de date invalide : %s"
@@ -3675,6 +3727,11 @@
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr "sparse : le support des filtres de chemin a été abandonné"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "spécificateur de filtre invalide '%s'"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "impossible de modifier le prometteur distant de clone partiel"
@@ -3707,8 +3764,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le cache"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le nouveau fichier d'index"
@@ -3731,93 +3788,93 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "erreur de construction des arbres"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le chemin '%s' %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Suppression de %s pour faire de la place pour le sous-répertoire\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": peut-être un conflit D/F ?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "refus de perdre le fichier non suivi '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'objet %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "blob attendu pour %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "échec à l'ouverture de '%s' : %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "échec à la création du lien symbolique '%s' : %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "ne sait pas traiter %06o %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Échec de la fusion du sous-module %s (non extrait)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Échec de fusion du sous-module %s (commits non présents)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr ""
 "Échec de la fusion du sous-module %s (les commits ne descendent pas de la "
 "base de fusion)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Avance rapide du sous-module %s au commit suivant :"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Avance rapide du sous-module %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Échec de fusion du sous-module %s (fusion suivant les commits non trouvée)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Échec de fusion du sous-module %s (pas en avance rapide)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Résolution possible de fusion trouvée pour le sous-module :\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3834,33 +3891,33 @@
 "qui acceptera cette suggestion.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "Échec de fusion du sous-module %s (plusieurs fusions trouvées)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Échec à l'exécution de la fusion interne"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter %s à la base de données"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "Fusion automatique de %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr ""
 "Erreur : refus de perdre le fichier non suivi %s ; écriture dans %s à la "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3869,7 +3926,7 @@
 "CONFLIT (%s/suppression) : %s supprimé dans %s et %s dans %s. Version %s de "
 "%s laissée dans l'arbre."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3878,7 +3935,7 @@
 "CONFLIT (%s/suppression) : %s supprimé dans %s et %s à %s dans %s. Version "
 "%s de %s laissée dans l'arbre."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3887,7 +3944,7 @@
 "CONFLIT (%s/suppression) : %s supprimé dans %s et %s dans %s. Version %s de "
 "%s laissée dans l'arbre dans le fichier %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3896,41 +3953,41 @@
 "CONFLIT (%s/suppression) : %s supprimé dans %s et %s à %s dans %s. Version "
 "%s de %s laissée dans l'arbre dans le fichier %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "renommage"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "renommé"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "Refus de perdre le fichier modifié %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr "Refus de perdre le fichier non suivi %s, même s'il gêne."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLIT (renommage/ajout) : Renommage de %s->%s dans %s. %s ajouté dans %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s est un répertoire dans %s ajouté plutôt comme %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Refus de perdre le fichier non suivi %s ; ajout comme %s à la place"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -3939,18 +3996,18 @@
 "CONFLIT (renommage/renommage) : Renommage de \"%s\"->\"%s\" dans la branche "
 "\"%s\" et renommage \"%s\"->\"%s\" dans \"%s\"%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (laissé non résolu)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLIT (renommage/renommage) : renommage '%s'->'%s' dans %s. Renommage '%s'-"
 ">'%s' dans %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3961,7 +4018,7 @@
 "parce que le répertoire %s a été renommé en plusieurs autres répertoires, "
 "sans aucune destination récupérant la majorité des fichiers."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -3970,7 +4027,7 @@
 "CONFLIT (renommage implicite de répertoire) : le répertoire/fichier %s gêne "
 "des renommages implicites de répertoire déplaçant les chemins suivants : %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -3979,7 +4036,7 @@
 "CONFLIT (renommage implicite de répertoire) : impossible de transformer "
 "plusieurs chemins sur %s ; les chemins concernés sont : %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -3988,7 +4045,7 @@
 "CONFLIT (renommage/renommage) : renommage du répertoire %s->%s dans %s. "
 "Renommage de répertoire %s->%s dans %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
@@ -3997,52 +4054,52 @@
 "AVERTISSEMENT : ne renomme pas %s->%s dans %s, parce que %s lui-même a été "
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'objet %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "l'objet %s n'est pas un blob"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "modification"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "modifié"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "contenu"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "ajout/ajout"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "%s sauté (fusion identique à l'existant)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "sous-module"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "CONFLIT (%s) : Conflit de fusion dans %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Ajout plutôt comme %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -4051,7 +4108,7 @@
 "Chemin mis à jour : %s ajouté dans %s dans un répertoire qui a été renommé "
 "en %s ; déplacé dans %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -4061,7 +4118,7 @@
 "a été renommé dans %s, ce qui suggère qu'il devrait peut-être être déplacé "
 "vers %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -4070,7 +4127,7 @@
 "Chemin mis à jour : %s renommé en %s dans %s, dans un répertoire qui a été "
 "renommé en %s ; déplacé dans %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -4080,36 +4137,36 @@
 "répertoire qui a été renommé dans %s, ce qui suggère qu'il devrait peut-être "
 "être déplacé vers %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Suppression de %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "fichier/répertoire"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "répertoire/fichier"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLIT (%s) : Il y a un répertoire nommé %s dans %s. Ajout de %s comme %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Ajout de %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "CONFLIT (ajout/ajout) : Conflit de fusion dans %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -4119,132 +4176,137 @@
 "fusion :\n"
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Déjà à jour !"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "échec de fusion des arbres %s et %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Fusion :"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "%u ancêtre commun trouvé :"
 msgstr[1] "%u ancêtres communs trouvés :"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "la fusion n'a pas retourné de commit"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible d'analyser l'objet '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Impossible d'écrire l'index."
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "le fichier d'index multi-paquet %s est trop petit"
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr ""
 "la signature de l'index multi-paquet 0x%08x ne correspond pas à la signature "
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "la version d'index multi-paquet %d n'est pas reconnue"
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "la version %u du condensé ne correspond pas"
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "décalage de section invalide (trop grand)"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr ""
 "identifiant de terminaison de tronçon d'index multi-paquet terminant "
 "apparaît plus tôt qu'attendu"
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "index multi-paquet manque de tronçon de nom de paquet"
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "index multi-paquet manque de tronçon de d'étalement OID requis"
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "index multi-paquet manque de tronçon de recherche OID"
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "index multi-paquet manque de tronçon de décalage d'objet"
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "index multi-paquet les noms de paquets sont en désordre : '%s' avant '%s'"
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr "mauvais pack-int-id : %u (%u paquets au total)"
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr ""
 "multi-pack-index stock un décalage en 64-bit, mais off_t est trop petit"
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr "erreur à la préparation du fichier paquet depuis un index multi-paquet"
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de l'ajout du fichier paquet '%s'"
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "échec à l'ouverture du fichier paquet '%s'"
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "échec de localisation de l'objet %d dans le fichier paquet"
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "fichier paquet à éliminer %s non trouvé"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "échec du nettoyage de l'index de multi-paquet à %s"
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "Recherche de fichiers paquets référencés"
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
@@ -4252,49 +4314,57 @@
 "étalement oid en désordre : étalement[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = "
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr "Vérification de l'ordre des OID dans MIDX"
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr "recherche d'oid en désordre : oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "Classement des objets par fichier paquet"
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "Vérification des décalages des objets"
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "échec de la lecture de l'élément de cache pour oid[%d] = %s"
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le fichier paquet %s"
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr "décalage d'objet incorrect pour oid[%d] = %s : %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "Impossible de démarrer le groupement d'objets"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "Impossible de finir le groupement d'objets"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le fil lazy_dir : %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le fil lazy_name : %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossible de joindre le fil lazy_name : %s"
@@ -4363,16 +4433,16 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "incohérence de hachage %s"
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "offset avant la fin du fichier paquet (.idx cassé ?)"
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr "offset avant le début de l'index de paquet pour %s (index corrompu ?)"
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4634,24 +4704,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le format --pretty"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "impossible de démarrer `log`"
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "impossible de lire la sortie de `log`"
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le commit '%s'"
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'entête git '%.*s'"
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "échec de la génération de diff"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le journal pour '%s'"
@@ -4768,11 +4843,10 @@
 msgstr "entrées de préparation non ordonnées pour '%s'"
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "fichier d'index corrompu"
@@ -4826,12 +4900,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "index cassé, %s attendu dans %s, %s obtenu"
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de fermer '%s'"
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "stat impossible de '%s'"
@@ -4912,7 +4986,7 @@
 msgstr[0] "Rebasage de %s sur %s (%d commande)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebasage de %s sur %s (%d commandes)"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -4921,7 +4995,7 @@
 "Ne supprimez aucune ligne. Utilisez 'drop' explicitement pour supprimer un "
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -4929,7 +5003,7 @@
 "Si vous éliminez une ligne ici, LE COMMIT CORRESPONDANT SERA PERDU.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4944,7 +5018,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -4954,12 +5028,12 @@
 "Cependant, si vous effacez tout, le rebasage sera annulé.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "Veuillez noter que les commits vides sont en commentaire"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire '%s'"
@@ -4996,97 +5070,98 @@
 "Les comportements disponibles sont : ignore, warn, error.\n"
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "%s ne pointe pas sur un objet valide!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "symref pendant %s ignoré"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "réf cassé %s ignoré"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir '%s' en écriture : %s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire la réf '%s'"
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "la référence '%s' existe déjà"
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "id d'objet inattendu pendant l'écriture de '%s'"
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire dans '%s'"
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir '%s' en écriture"
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "id d'objet inattendu pendant la suppression de '%s'"
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "le journal pour la réf %s contient un trou après %s"
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "le journal pour la réf %s s'arrête de manière inattendue sur %s"
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "le journal pour la réf %s est vide"
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "refus de mettre à jour une réf avec un nom cassé '%s'"
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "échec de update_ref pour la réf '%s' : %s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "mises à jour multiples pour la réf '%s' non permises"
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "mises à jour des références interdites en environnement de quarantaine"
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' existe ; impossible de créer '%s'"
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "impossible de traiter '%s' et '%s' en même temps"
@@ -5113,268 +5188,252 @@
 msgstr "spécificateur de réference invalide : '%s'"
 # à priori on parle d'une branche ici
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "disparue"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "en avance de %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "en retard de %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "en avance de %d, en retard de %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "format attendu : %%(color:<couleur>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "couleur non reconnue : %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Valeur entière attendue refname:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Valeur entière attendue refname:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument %%(%s) non reconnu : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) n'accepte pas d'argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument %%(objectsize) non reconnu : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) n'accepte pas d'argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) n'accepte pas d'argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) n'accepte pas d'argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument %%(trailers) inconnu : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "valeur positive attendue contents:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument %%(contents) non reconnu : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "valeur positive attendue objectname:short=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument %%(objectname) non reconnu : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "format attendu : %%(align:<largeur>,<position>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "position non reconnue : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "largeur non reconnue : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument %%(align) non reconnu : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "valeur positive attendue avec l'atome %%(align)"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argument %%(if) non reconnu : %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nom de champ malformé %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nom de champ inconnu : %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr ""
 "pas un dépôt git, mais le champ '%.*s' nécessite l'accès aux données d'objet"
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "format : atome %%(if) utilisé sans un atome %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format : atome %%(then) utilisé sans un atome %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "format : atome %%(then) utilisé plus d'une fois"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "format: atome %%(then) utilisé après %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format : atome %%(else) utilisé sans un atome %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "format : atome %%(else) utilisé sans un atome %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "format : atome %%(else) utilisé plus d'une fois"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "format : atome %%(end) utilisé sans atome correspondant"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "Chaîne de formatage mal formée %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(aucune branche, rebasage de %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "aucune branche, rebasage de %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(aucune branche, rebasage de la HEAD détachée %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "aucune branche, rebasage de la HEAD détachée %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(aucune branche, bisect a démarré sur %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "aucune branche, bisect a démarré sur %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD détachée sur %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "aucune branche"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD détachée depuis %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(aucune branche)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "objet manquant %s pour %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "échec de parse_object_buffer sur %s pour %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "objet malformé à '%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "réf avec un nom cassé %s ignoré"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "format: atome %%(end) manquant"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "l'option « %s » est incompatible avec --merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "l'option « %s » est incompatible avec --no-merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "nom d'objet malformé %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "l'option '%s' doit pointer sur un commit"
@@ -5728,8 +5787,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "Pré-image enregistrée pour '%s'"
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire '%s'"
@@ -5763,20 +5822,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le répertoire rr-cache"
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "votre branche actuelle semble cassée"
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "votre branche actuelle '%s' ne contient encore aucun commit"
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "--first-parent est incompatible avec --bisect"
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr "-L ne supporte pas encore les formats de diff autres que -p et -s"
@@ -5849,24 +5908,29 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible de supprimer '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "impossible de supprimer '%s'"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "revert"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "cherry-pick"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "action inconnue : %d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -5874,7 +5938,7 @@
 "après résolution des conflits, marquez les chemins corrigés\n"
 "avec 'git add <chemins>' ou 'git rm <chemins>'"
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -5884,44 +5948,44 @@
 "avec 'git add <chemins>' ou 'git rm <chemins>'\n"
 "puis validez le résultat avec 'git commit'"
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de verrouiller '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire la fin de ligne dans '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "échec lors de la finalisation de '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "vos modifications locales seraient écrasées par %s."
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "validez vos modifications ou les remiser pour continuer."
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s : avance rapide"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "Mode de nettoyage invalide %s"
@@ -5929,70 +5993,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: Impossible d'écrire le nouveau fichier index"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour l'arbre de cache"
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre le commit HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "aucune clé présente dans '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible de décoter la valeur de '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir '%s' en lecture"
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' déjà fourni"
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' déjà fourni"
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' déjà fourni"
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "variable inconnue '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' manquant"
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' manquant"
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' manquant"
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "format de date invalide '%s' dans '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -6021,15 +6085,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "écriture du commit racine"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "échec du crochet 'prepare-commit-msg'"
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -6058,7 +6122,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -6084,306 +6148,349 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "impossible de retrouver le commit nouvellement créé"
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le commit nouvellement créé"
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre HEAD après création du commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "HEAD détachée"
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (commit racine)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de lire HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s n'est pas un commit !"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le commit HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'auteur du commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "git write-tree a échoué à écrire un arbre"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le message de validation de '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "échec de l'écriture de l'objet commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le commit %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le commit parent %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "commande inconnue : %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Ceci est la combinaison de %d commits."
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "une HEAD est nécessaire à la correction"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossible de lire HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le message de validation de HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Ceci est le premier message de validation :"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le message de validation de %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Ceci est le message de validation numéro %d :"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Le message de validation %d sera ignoré :"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "votre fichier d'index n'est pas fusionné."
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "impossible de réparer le commit racine"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "le commit %s est une fusion mais l'option -m n'a pas été spécifiée."
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "le commit %s n'a pas de parent %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'obtenir un message de validation pour %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s : impossible d'analyser le commit parent %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de renommer '%s' en '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'annuler %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'appliquer %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s : échec à la lecture de l'index"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s : échec du rafraîchissement de l'index"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s n'accepte pas d'argument : '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "argument manquant pour %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "ligne %d invalide : %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "'%s' impossible avec le commit précédent"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "impossible de lire '%s'."
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "annulation d'un picorage en cours"
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "annulation d'un retour en cours"
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "veuillez corriger ceci en utilisant 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "feuille d'instruction inutilisable : '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "aucun commit analysé."
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "impossible de picorer pendant l'annulation d'un commit."
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "impossible d'annuler un commit pendant un picorage."
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valeur invalide pour %s : %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "\"écrase-sur\" inutilisable"
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "feuille d'options malformée : %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "l'ensemble de commits spécifié est vide"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr "un picorage ou un retour est déjà en cours"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "un retour est déjà en cours"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "essayez \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "essayez \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "un picorage est déjà en cours"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "essayez \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire de séquenceur '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de verrouiller HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "aucun picorage ou retour en cours"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "impossible d'abandonner depuis une branche non encore créée"
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire '%s' : %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "fin de fichier inattendue"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "le fichier HEAD de préparation de picorage '%s' est corrompu"
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr ""
 "Vous semblez avoir déplacé la HEAD. Pas de rembobinage, vérifiez votre HEAD !"
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "Pas de retour en cours ?"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "aucun picorage en cours"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "échec du saut de commit"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "il n'y a rien à sauter"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"Avez-vous déjà validé ?\n"
+"essayez \"git %s -continue\""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de lire HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de copier '%s' vers '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6402,27 +6509,27 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "impossible d'appliquer %s... %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "Impossible de fusionner %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de copier '%s' vers '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'index"
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6437,11 +6544,11 @@
 "git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "et a mis à jour l'index ou l'arbre de travail\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6458,77 +6565,77 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "nom de label illégal '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "écriture d'un commit racine bidon"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "écriture de 'écraser-sur'"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "impossible de trouver l'arbre de %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire l'index"
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "impossible de fusionner avec une révision courante"
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "rien à fusionner : '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr ""
 "une fusion octopus ne peut pas être exécutée par dessus une nouvelle racine"
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le message de validation de '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "impossible de seulement essayer de fusionner '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "fusion : Impossible d'écrire le nouveau fichier index"
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Autoremisage appliqué.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "impossible de stocker %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6539,31 +6646,31 @@
 "Vos  modifications sont à l'abri dans la remise.\n"
 "Vous pouvez lancer \"git stash pop\" ou \"git stash drop\" à tout moment.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "extraction de %s impossible"
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "%s n'est pas un OID valide"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossible de détacher HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "arrêt à HEAD\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Arrêté à %s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6584,48 +6691,48 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "arrêt à %s... %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "commande inconnue %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "impossible de lire orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire 'onto'"
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour HEAD sur %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "impossible de rebaser : vous avez des modifications non indexées."
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "impossible de corriger un commit non-existant"
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "fichier invalide : '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "contenu invalide : '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6635,42 +6742,42 @@
 "Vous avez des modifications non validées dans votre copie de travail.\n"
 "Veuillez les valider d'abord, puis relancer 'git rebase --continue'."
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier : '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de supprimer CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "impossible de valider les modifications indexées."
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s : impossible de picorer un %s"
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s : mauvaise révision"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "impossible d'annuler en tant que commit initial"
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script : options non gérées"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script : erreur lors de la préparation des révisions"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
@@ -6680,15 +6787,15 @@
 "rebase --continue'.\n"
 "Ou vous pouvez abandonner le rebasage avec 'git rebase --abort'.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "rien à faire"
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "impossible d'éviter les commandes de picorage non nécessaires"
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "le script a déjà été réarrangé."
@@ -6916,195 +7023,200 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "le dépôt de référence '%s' est greffé"
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "ligne invalide pendant l'analyse des refs alternatives : %s"
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "essai de mmap %<PRIuMAX> au delà de la limite %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "échec de mmap"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "le fichier objet %s est vide"
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "objet libre corrompu '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "données incorrectes à la fin de l'objet libre '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "type d'objet invalide"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "impossible de dépaqueter l'entête %s avec --allow-unknow-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "impossible de dépaqueter l'entête %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'entête %s avec --allow-unknow-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'entête %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'objet %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "remplacement %s non trouvé pour %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'objet libre %s (stocké dans %s) est corrompu"
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'objet empaqueté %s (stocké dans %s) est corrompu"
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de régler les droits de '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "erreur d'écriture d'un fichier"
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "erreur en fermeture du fichier d'objet esseulé"
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
 "droits insuffisants pour ajouter un objet à la base de données %s du dépôt"
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "impossible de créer un fichier temporaire"
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier d'objet esseulé"
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "impossible de compresser le nouvel objet %s (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "échec de deflateEnd sur l'objet %s (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "données de source d'objet instable pour %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "échec de utime() sur %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'objet pour %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "commit corrompu"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "étiquette corrompue"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "erreur de lecture à l'indexation de %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "lecture tronquée pendant l'indexation de %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "%s : échec de l'insertion dans la base de données"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "%s : type de fichier non supporté"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "%s n'est pas un objet valide"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s n'est pas un objet '%s' valide"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "incohérence de hachage pour %s (%s attendu)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "impossible de mmap %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "impossible de dépaqueter l'entête de %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'entête de %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "impossible de dépaqueter le contenu de %s"
@@ -7124,18 +7236,17 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
 "running \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
 msgstr ""
-"Git ne crée normalement jamais de référence qui se termine par 40 caractères "
-"car elle serait ignorée si vous spécifiiez 40-hexa. Ces références\n"
-"peuvent être créées par erreur. Par exemple,\n"
+"Git ne crée normalement jamais de référence qui se termine par 40\n"
+"caractères hexa car elle serait ignorée si vous spécifiez juste\n"
+"40-hexa. Ces références peuvent être créées par erreur. Par exemple,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "où \"$br\" est d'une manière ou d'une autre vide et une référence 40-hexa "
 "est créée.\n"
@@ -7143,6 +7254,58 @@
 "en lançant \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u Gio"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u Gio/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u Mio"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u Mio/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u Kio"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u Kio/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u octet"
+msgstr[1] "%u octets"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u octet/s"
+msgstr[1] "%u octets/s"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7179,7 +7342,7 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "l'entrée de sous-module '%s' (%s) est un %s, pas un commit"
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Échec de résolution de HEAD comme référence valide."
@@ -7218,7 +7381,7 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "le sous-module '%s' n'a pas pu être mis à jour."
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
@@ -7226,12 +7389,12 @@
 "relocate_gitdir pour le sous-module '%s' avec plus d'un arbre de travail "
 "n'est pas supporté"
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de trouve le nom pour le sous-module '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7242,16 +7405,16 @@
 "'%s' sur\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "récursion impossible dans le sous-module '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "impossible de démarrer ls-files dans .."
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree a renvoyé un code de retour inattendu %d"
@@ -7425,15 +7588,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "échec de la poussée de tous les sous-modules nécessaires"
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "option non supportée par le protocole"
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "ligne invalide pendant l'analyse des refs alternatives : %s"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "échec de l'écriture totale sur l'assistant distant"
@@ -7479,7 +7637,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "erreur au lancement de fast-import"
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire la réf %s"
@@ -7534,26 +7692,26 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "l'assistant %s ne gère pas 'push-option'"
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr ""
 "l'assistant %s ne gère pas push ; un spécificateur de référence est "
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "l'assistant %s ne gère pas 'force'"
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "impossible de lancer fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "erreur au lancement de fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7562,47 +7720,47 @@
 "Aucune référence en commun et aucune spécfiée ; rien à faire.\n"
 "Vous devriez peut-être spécifier une branche telle que 'master'.\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "réponse malformée dans le liste de réfs : %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "échec de read(%s)"
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "échec de write(%s)"
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "échec du fil d'exécution %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "échec de jonction du fil d'exécution %s : %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "impossible de démarrer le fil d'exécution pour copier les données : %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "échec du processus %s pour l'attente"
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "échec du processus %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "impossible de démarrer le fil d'exécution pour copier les données"
@@ -7618,7 +7776,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "nom de fichier vide dans une entrée de l'arbre"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "fichier arbre trop court"
@@ -7859,8 +8017,8 @@
 msgstr "Abandon\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "Extraction des fichiers"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "Mise à jour des fichiers"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -7901,35 +8059,35 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "segment de chemin '..' invalide"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de la lecture de '%s'"
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' dans l'arbre de travail principal n'est pas le répertoire de dépôt"
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
 "le fichier '%s' ne contient pas de chemin absolu à l'emplacement de l'arbre "
 "de travail"
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "'%s' n'existe pas"
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un fichier .git, code d'erreur %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ne pointe pas en retour sur '%s'"
@@ -7948,158 +8106,164 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "impossible d'accéder au répertoire de travail courant"
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Chemins non fusionnés :"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
-msgstr "  (utilisez \"git reset %s <fichier>...\" pour désindexer)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr "  (utilisez \"git restore --staged <fichier>...\" pour désindexer)"
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (utilisez \"git restore --source=%s --staged <fichier>...\" pour "
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git rm --cached <fichier>...\" pour désindexer)"
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git add <fichier>...\" pour marquer comme résolu)"
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (utilisez \"git add/rm <fichier>...\" si nécessaire pour marquer comme "
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git rm <fichier>...\" pour marquer comme résolu)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Modifications qui seront validées :"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Modifications qui ne seront pas validées :"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (utilisez \"git add <fichier>...\" pour mettre à jour ce qui sera validé)"
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (utilisez \"git add/rm <fichier>...\" pour mettre à jour ce qui sera "
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (utilisez \"git checkout -- <fichier>...\" pour annuler les modifications "
-"dans la copie de travail)"
+"  (utilisez \"git restore <fichier>...\" pour annuler les modifications dans "
+"le répertoire de travail)"
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (valider ou annuler le contenu non suivi ou modifié dans les sous-modules)"
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (utilisez \"git %s <fichier>...\" pour inclure dans ce qui sera validé)"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "supprimé des deux côtés :"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "ajouté par nous :"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "supprimé par eux :"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "ajouté par eux :"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "supprimé par nous :"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "ajouté de deux côtés :"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "modifié des deux côtés :"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "nouveau fichier :"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "copié :"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "supprimé :"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "modifié :"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "renommé :"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "modif. type :"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "inconnu :"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "non fusionné :"
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "nouveaux commits, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "contenu modifié, "
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "contenu non suivi, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "Votre remisage contient actuellement %d entrée"
 msgstr[1] "Votre remisage contient actuellement %d entrées"
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Sous-modules modifiés mais non mis à jour :"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Changements du sous-module à valider :"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -8107,107 +8271,119 @@
 "Ne touchez pas à la ligne ci-dessus.\n"
 "Tout ce qui suit sera éliminé."
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"%.2f secondes ont été nécessaires pour calculer les valeurs d'avance/retard "
+"de la branche.\n"
+"Vous pouvez utiliser '--no-ahead-behind' pour éviter ceci.\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Vous avez des chemins non fusionnés."
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (réglez les conflits puis lancez \"git commit\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git merge --abort\" pour annuler la fusion)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Tous les conflits sont réglés mais la fusion n'est pas terminée."
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git commit\" pour terminer la fusion)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Vous êtes au milieu d'une session am."
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "Le patch actuel est vide."
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (réglez les conflits puis lancez \"git am --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git am --skip\" pour sauter ce patch)"
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git am --abort\" pour restaurer la branche d'origine)"
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "git-rebase-todo est manquant."
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "Aucune commande réalisée."
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "Dernière commande effectuée (%d commande effectuée) :"
 msgstr[1] "Dernières commandes effectuées (%d commandes effectuées) :"
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (voir plus dans le fichier %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "Aucune commande restante."
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Prochaine commande à effectuer (%d commande restante) :"
 msgstr[1] "Prochaines commandes à effectuer (%d commandes restantes) :"
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git rebase --edit-todo\" pour voir et éditer)"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Vous êtes en train de rebaser la branche '%s' sur '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Vous êtes en train de rebaser."
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (réglez les conflits puis lancez \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git rebase --skip\" pour sauter ce patch)"
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git rebase --abort\" pour extraire la branche d'origine)"
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (tous les conflits sont réglés : lancez \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
@@ -8215,144 +8391,136 @@
 "Vous êtes actuellement en train de fractionner un commit pendant un rebasage "
 "de la branche '%s' sur '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Vous êtes actuellement en train de fractionner un commit pendant un rebasage."
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (Une fois la copie de travail nettoyée, lancez \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "Vous êtes actuellement en train d'éditer un commit pendant un rebasage de la "
 "branche '%s' sur '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Vous êtes actuellement en train d'éditer un commit pendant un rebasage."
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git commit --amend\" pour corriger le commit actuel)"
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (utilisez \"git rebase --continue\" quand vous avez effectué toutes vos "
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr "Picorage en cours."
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Vous êtes actuellement en train de picorer le commit %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (réglez les conflits puis lancez \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (lancez \"git cherry-pick --continue\" pour continuer)"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (tous les conflits sont réglés : lancez \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git cherry-pick --abort\" pour annuler le picorage)"
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr "Rétablissement en cours."
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Vous êtes actuellement en train de rétablir le commit %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (réglez les conflits puis lancez \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (lancez \"git revert --continue\" pour continuer)"
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (tous les conflits sont réglés : lancez \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git revert --abort\" pour annuler le rétablissement)"
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Vous êtes en cours de bissection, depuis la branche '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Vous êtes en cours de bissection."
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (utilisez \"git bisect reset\" pour revenir à la branche d'origine)"
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "Sur la branche "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebasage interactif en cours ; sur "
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebasage en cours ; sur "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "HEAD détachée sur "
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "HEAD détachée depuis "
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Actuellement sur aucun branche."
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Validation initiale"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "Aucun commit"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Fichiers non suivis"
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Fichiers ignorés"
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8364,32 +8532,32 @@
 "oublier d'ajouter les nouveaux fichiers par vous-même (voir 'git help "
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Fichiers non suivis non affichés%s"
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (utilisez -u pour afficher les fichiers non suivis)"
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Aucune modification"
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
 "aucune modification n'a été ajoutée à la validation (utilisez \"git add\" ou "
 "\"git commit -a\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "aucune modification ajoutée à la validation\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
@@ -8398,66 +8566,66 @@
 "aucune modification ajoutée à la validation mais des fichiers non suivis "
 "sont présents (utilisez \"git add\" pour les suivre)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr ""
 "aucune modification ajoutée à la validation mais des fichiers non suivis "
 "sont présents\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "rien à valider (créez/copiez des fichiers et utilisez \"git add\" pour les "
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "rien à valider\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr "rien à valider (utilisez -u pour afficher les fichiers non suivis)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "rien à valider, la copie de travail est propre\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "Encore aucun commit sur "
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (aucune branche)"
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "différent"
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "derrière "
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "devant "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "Impossible de %s : vous avez des modifications non indexées."
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "de plus, votre index contient des modifications non validées."
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "%s impossible : votre index contient des modifications non validées."
@@ -8471,7 +8639,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "état de diff inattendu %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "échec de la mise à jour des fichiers"
@@ -8520,8 +8688,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Les chemins suivants sont ignorés par un de vos fichiers .gitignore :\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "simuler l'action"
@@ -8530,7 +8698,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "sélection interactive"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "sélection interactive des sections"
@@ -8703,7 +8871,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Échec de détection du format du patch."
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de la création du répertoire '%s'"
@@ -8712,7 +8880,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Échec de découpage des patchs."
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier d'index"
@@ -8753,18 +8921,18 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser le commit %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "Le dépôt n'a pas les blobs nécessaires pour un retour à une fusion à 3 "
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr ""
 "Utilisation de l'information de l'index pour reconstruire un arbre de base..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8772,29 +8940,24 @@
 "Avez-vous édité le patch à la main ?\n"
 "Il ne s'applique pas aux blobs enregistrés dans son index."
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "Retour à un patch de la base et fusion à 3 points..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Échec d'intégration des modifications."
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "application à un historique vide"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "impossible de continuer : %s n'existe pas."
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr ""
-"impossible d'être interactif sans entrée standard connectée à un terminal."
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Le corps de la validation est :"
@@ -8802,35 +8965,36 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr "Appliquer ? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all : "
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "Index sale : impossible d'appliquer des patchs (sales : %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Application de  %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Pas de changement -- Patch déjà appliqué."
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "le patch a échoué à %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
 "Utilisez 'git am --show-current-patch' pour visualiser le patch en échec"
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8841,7 +9005,7 @@
 "introduit les mêmes changements ; vous pourriez avoir envie de sauter ce "
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8854,17 +9018,17 @@
 "Vous pouvez lancer 'git rm' sur un fichier \"supprimé par eux\" pour "
 "accepter son état."
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "Impossible d'analyser l'objet '%s'."
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "échec du nettoyage de l'index"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -8872,145 +9036,145 @@
 "Vous semblez avoir déplacé la HEAD depuis le dernier échec de 'am'.\n"
 "Pas de retour à ORIG_HEAD"
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Valeur invalide pour --patch-format : %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "exécution interactive"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "option historique -- no-op"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "permettre de revenir à une fusion à 3 points si nécessaire"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "être silencieux"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "ajouter une ligne Signed-off-by au message de validation"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "recoder en utf-8 (par défaut)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "passer l'option -k à git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "passer l'option -b à git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "passer l'option -m à git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "passer l'option --keep-cr à git-mailsplit fpour le format mbox"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr ""
 "ne pas passer l'option --keep-cr à git-mailsplit indépendamment de am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "retirer tout le contenu avant la ligne des ciseaux"
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "le passer jusqu'à git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "format"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "format de présentation des patchs"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "surcharger le message d'erreur lors d'un échec d'application de patch"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "continuer à appliquer les patchs après résolution d'un conflit"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "synonymes de --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "sauter le patch courant"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr ""
 "restaurer la branche originale et abandonner les applications de patch."
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr "abandonne l'opération de patch mais garde HEAD où il est."
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "afficher le patch en cours d'application."
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "mentir sur la date de validation"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "utiliser l'horodatage actuel pour la date d'auteur"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "id-clé"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "signer les commits avec GPG"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(utilisation interne pour git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -9018,17 +9182,17 @@
 "L'option -b/--binary ne fait plus rien depuis longtemps,\n"
 "et elle sera supprimée. Veuillez ne plus l'utiliser."
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "échec à la lecture de l'index"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr ""
 "le répertoire précédent de rebasage %s existe toujours mais mbox donnée."
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -9037,12 +9201,16 @@
 "Répertoire abandonné %s trouvé.\n"
 "Utilisez \"git am --abort\" pour le supprimer."
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr ""
 "Pas de résolution de l'opération en cours, nous ne sommes pas dans une "
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr "le mode interactif requiert des rustines sur la ligne de commande"
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
@@ -9276,79 +9444,84 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "mauvaise HEAD - référence symbolique douteuse"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "réference invalide : '%s'"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "effectuer 'git bisect next'"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "écrire les termes dans .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "vérifier l'état de la bissection"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "vérifier si des révisions sont attendues"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "réinitialiser l'état de la bissection"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "écrire l'état de la bissection dans BISECT_LOG"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "vérifier et régler les termes dans un état de la bissection"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr "vérifier si les termes bons ou mauvais existent"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "afficher les termes de bissection"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "démarrer une session de bissection"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "mettre à jour BISECT_HEAD au lieu d'extraire le commit actuel"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "pas de journal pour BISECT_WRITE"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms exige deux arguments"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state ne supporte aucun argument"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "--bisect-reset supporte soit aucun argument, soit un commit"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-write supporte soit 4 arguments, soit 5 arguments"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--check-and-set-terms exige 3 arguments"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-next-check exige 2 ou 3 arguments"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--bisect-terms exige 0 ou 1 argument"
@@ -9360,140 +9533,157 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "<options-de-révision> sont documentés dans git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "couleur attendue : %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "doit finir avec une couleur"
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "couleur invalide '%s' dans color.blame.repeatedlines"
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "valeur invalide pour blame.coloring"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "référence à ignorer %s introuvable"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr ""
 "Montrer les éléments de blâme au fur et à mesure de leur découverte, de "
 "manière incrémentale"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Montrer un SHA-1 blanc pour les commits de limite (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Ne pas traiter les commits racine comme des limites (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Montrer les statistiques de coût d'activité"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Forcer l'affichage de l'état d'avancement"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Montrer le score de sortie pour les éléments de blâme"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "Montrer les noms de fichier originaux (Défaut : auto)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Montrer les numéros de lignes originaux (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Afficher dans un format propice à la consommation par machine"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr "Afficher en format porcelaine avec l'information de commit par ligne"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Utiliser le même mode de sortie que git-annotate (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Afficher les horodatages bruts (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Afficher les longs SHA1 de commits (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Supprimer le nom de l'auteur et l'horodatage (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Afficher le courriel de l'auteur au lieu du nom (Défaut : désactivé)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Ignorer les différences d'espace"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "rév"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "ignore <rev> pendant le blâme"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "ignorer les révisions listées dans <fichier>"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr ""
 "colorer différemment les métadonnées redondantes avec la ligne précédente"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr "colorier les lignes par âge"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "Utiliser une heuristique expérimentale pour améliorer les diffs"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr ""
 "Dépenser des cycles supplémentaires pour trouver une meilleure correspondance"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr ""
 "Utiliser les révisions du fichier <fichier> au lieu d'appeler git-rev-list"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Utiliser le contenu de <fichier> comme image finale"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "score"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "Trouver les copies de ligne dans et entre les fichiers"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "Trouver les mouvements de ligne dans et entre les fichiers"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr ""
 "Traiter seulement l'intervalle de ligne n,m en commençant le compte à 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr ""
 "--progress ne peut pas être utilisé avec --incremental ou les formats "
@@ -9507,18 +9697,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "il y a 10 ans et 11 mois"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "le fichier %s n'a qu'%lu ligne"
 msgstr[1] "le fichier %s n'a que %lu lignes"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "Assignation de blâme aux lignes"
@@ -9552,7 +9742,7 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9561,7 +9751,7 @@
 "suppression de la branche '%s' qui a été fusionnée dans\n"
 "         '%s', mais pas dans HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9570,12 +9760,12 @@
 "branche '%s' non supprimée car elle n'a pas été fusionnée dans\n"
 "         '%s', même si elle est fusionnée dans HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible de rechercher l'objet commit pour '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -9584,125 +9774,125 @@
 "La branche '%s' n'est pas totalement fusionnée.\n"
 "Si vous souhaitez réellement la supprimer, lancez 'git branch -D %s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Échec de la mise à jour du fichier de configuration"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "impossible d'utiliser -a avec -d"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossible de rechercher l'objet commit pour HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible de supprimer la branche '%s' extraite dans '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "branche de suivi '%s' non trouvée."
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "branche '%s' non trouvée."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Erreur lors de la suppression de la branche de suivi '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Erreur lors de la suppression de la branche '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Branche de suivi %s supprimée (précédemment %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Branche %s supprimée (précédemment %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser la chaîne de format"
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "HEAD (%s) pointe hors de refs/heads/"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "La branche %s est en cours de rebasage sur %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "La branche %s est en cours de bissection sur %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "impossible de copier la branche actuelle, il n'y en a pas."
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "impossible de renommer la branche actuelle, il n'y en a pas."
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Nom de branche invalide : '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Échec de renommage de la branche"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Échec de copie de la branche"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Création d'une copie d'une branche mal nommée '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "Renommage d'une branche mal nommée '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "La branche a été renommée en %s, mais HEAD n'est pas mise à jour !"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "La branche est renommée, mais la mise à jour du fichier de configuration a "
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "La branche est copiée, mais la mise à jour du fichier de configuration a "
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9713,180 +9903,180 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Les lignes commençant par '%c' seront ignorées.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Options génériques"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr "afficher le hachage et le sujet, doublé pour la branche amont"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "supprimer les messages d'information"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "régler le mode de suivi (voir git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "ne pas utiliser"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "amont"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "modifier l'information amont"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Désactiver l'information amont"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "utiliser la coloration dans la sortie"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "agir sur les branches de suivi distantes"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les branches qui contiennent le commit"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les branches qui ne contiennent pas le commit"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Actions spécifiques à git-branch :"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "afficher à la fois les branches de suivi et les branches locales"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "supprimer une branche totalement fusionnée"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "supprimer une branche (même non fusionnée)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "déplacer/renommer une branche et son reflog"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "déplacer/renommer une branche, même si la cible existe"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "copier une branche et son reflog"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "copier une branche, même si la cible existe"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "afficher les noms des branches"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "afficher le nom de la branche courante"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "créer le reflog de la branche"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "éditer la description de la branche"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "forcer la création, le déplacement/renommage, ou la suppression"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les branches qui sont fusionnées"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les branches qui ne sont pas fusionnées"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "afficher les branches en colonnes"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "objet"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les branches de l'objet"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "le tri et le filtrage sont non-sensibles à la casse"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "format à utiliser pour la sortie"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD non trouvée sous refs/heads !"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column et --verbose sont incompatibles"
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "le nom de branche est requis"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossible de décrire une HEAD détachée"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "impossible d'éditer la description de plus d'une branche"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Aucun commit sur la branche '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "Aucune branche nommée '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "trop de branches pour une opération de copie"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "trop d'arguments pour une opération de renommage"
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "trop d'arguments pour spécifier une branche amont"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
@@ -9894,37 +10084,41 @@
 "impossible de spécifier une branche amont de HEAD par %s qui ne pointe sur "
 "aucune branche."
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "pas de branche '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "la branche '%s' n'existe pas"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "trop d'arguments pour désactiver un amont"
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
 "impossible de désactiver une branche amont de HEAD quand elle ne pointe sur "
 "aucune branche."
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "La branche '%s' n'a aucune information de branche amont"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
 msgstr ""
-"les options -a et -r de 'git branch' n'ont pas de sens avec un nom de branche"
+"Les options -a et -r de 'git branch' n'ont pas de sens avec un nom de "
+"Vouliez-vous plutôt dire -a|-r --list <motif> ?"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9945,7 +10139,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Le dépaquetage d'un colis requiert un dépôt."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -9953,7 +10147,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknow-type] | -s [--allow-unknow-type] | -e | -p "
 "| <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<chemin>] <objet>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -9961,74 +10155,74 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "une seule option de traitement ne peut être spécifiée à la fois"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<type> peut être : blob, tree, commit ou tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "afficher le type de l'objet"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "afficher la taille de l'objet"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "sortir avec un code d'erreur nul quand il n'y a aucune erreur"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "afficher avec mise en forme le contenu de l'objet"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "pour les objets blob, lancer textconv sur le contenu de l'objet"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "pour les objets blob, lancer les filtres sur le contenu de l'objet"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "blob"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "utiliser un chemin spécifique pour --textconv/--filters"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "autoriser -s et -t à travailler sur des objets cassés/corrompus"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "bufferiser la sortie de --batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher l'information et le contenu des objets passés en entrée standard"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "afficher l'information des objets passés en entrée standard"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr ""
 "suivre les liens symbolique internes à la copie de travail (utilisé avec --"
 "batch ou --batch-check)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "montrer tous les objets avec --batch ou --batch-check"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "ne pas ordonner la sortie de --batch-all-objects"
@@ -10057,8 +10251,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "terminer les enregistrements en entrée et en sortie par un caractère NUL"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "supprimer l'état d'avancement"
@@ -10150,9 +10344,9 @@
 msgstr "écrire le contenu dans des fichiers temporaires"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "chaîne"
@@ -10164,93 +10358,116 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "copier les fichiers depuis l'index nommé"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<options>] <branche>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<options>] [<branche>] -- <fichier>..."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [<options>] <branche>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branche>] <fichier>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "le chemin '%s' n'a pas notre version"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "le chemin '%s' n'a pas leur version"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "le chemin '%s' n'a aucune des versions nécessaires"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "le chemin '%s' n'a pas les versions nécessaires"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "chemin '%s' : impossible de fusionner"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter le résultat de fusion pour '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être utilisé avec des mises à jour de chemins"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être utilisé avec %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de mettre à jour les chemins et basculer sur la branche '%s' en "
-"même temps."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "le chemin '%s' n'est pas fusionné"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "%d conflit du fusion recréé"
 msgstr[1] "%d conflits du fusion recréés"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "%d chemin mis à jour depuis %s"
 msgstr[1] "%d chemins mis à jour depuis %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "%d chemin mis à jour depuis l'index"
 msgstr[1] "%d chemins mis à jour depuis l'index"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être utilisé avec des mises à jour de chemins"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être utilisé avec %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossible de mettre à jour les chemins et basculer sur la branche '%s' en "
+"même temps."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "ni '%s', ni '%s' spécifié"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être utilisé quand '%s' n'est pas spécifié"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' ou '%s' ne peut pas être utilisé avec %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "le chemin '%s' n'est pas fusionné"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "vous devez d'abord résoudre votre index courant"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -10260,56 +10477,56 @@
 "suivants :\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "les modifications indexées dans les fichiers suivants seraient perdues : %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de faire un reflog pour '%s' : %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD est maintenant sur"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Remise à zéro de la branche '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Déjà sur '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Basculement et remise à zéro de la branche '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Basculement sur la nouvelle branche '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Basculement sur la branche '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " ... et %d en plus.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10332,7 +10549,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10361,24 +10578,28 @@
 "git branch <nouvelle-branche> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "erreur interne lors du parcours des révisions"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "La position précédente de HEAD était sur"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Vous êtes sur une branche qui doit encore naître"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "une seule référence attendue"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "une seule référence attendue, %d fournies."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10387,153 +10608,209 @@
 "'%s' pourrait être un fichier local ou un branche de suivi.\n"
 "Veuillez utiliser -- (et --no-guess en facultatif) pour les distinguer"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "référence invalide : %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "la référence n'est pas un arbre : %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "branche attendue, mais étiquette '%s' reçue"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "une branche est attendue, mais une branche distante '%s' a été reçue"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "une branche est attendue, mais '%s' a été reçue"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "une branche est attendue, mais un commit '%s' a été reçu"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossible de basculer de branche pendant une fusion\n"
+"Envisagez \"git merge --quit\" ou \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossible de basculer de branche pendant une session am\n"
+"Envisagez \"git am --quit\" ou \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossible de basculer de branche pendant un rebasage\n"
+"Envisagez \"git rebase --quit\" ou \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossible de basculer de branche pendant un picorage\n"
+"Envisagez \"git cherry-pick --quit\" ou \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossible de basculer de branche pendant un retour\n"
+"Envisagez \"git revert --quit\" ou \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "Vous basculez de branche en cours de bissection"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "impossible d'utiliser des chemins avec un basculement de branches"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être utilisé avec un basculement de branches"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' ne peut pas être utilisé avec '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "'%s' n'accepte pas <point-de-départ>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible de basculer de branche vers '%s' qui n'est pas un commit"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "argument de branche ou de commit manquant"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "créer et extraire une nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "créer/réinitialiser et extraire une branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "créer un reflog pour une nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "détacher la HEAD au commit nommé"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "paramétrer les coordonnées de branche amont pour une nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "nouvelle branche sans parent"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "extraire notre version pour les fichiers non fusionnés"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "extraire leur version pour les fichiers non fusionnés"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "forcer l'extraction (laisser tomber les modifications locales)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr "effectuer une fusion à 3 points avec la nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "mettre à jour les fichiers ignorés (par défaut)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
-msgid "style"
-msgstr "style"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr "style de conflit (merge (fusion) ou diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "ne pas limiter les spécificateurs de chemins aux seuls éléments creux"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "ne pas essayer d'interpréter 'git checkout <branche-inexistante>'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr ""
-"ne pas vérifier si une autre copie de travail contient le référence fournie"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "forcer l'affichage de l'état d'avancement"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "utiliser le mode de superposition (défaut)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
+msgstr "effectuer une fusion à 3 points avec la nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr "style"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr "style de conflit (merge (fusion) ou diff3)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "détacher la HEAD au commit nommé"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "paramétrer les coordonnées de branche amont pour une nouvelle branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "forcer l'extraction (laisser tomber les modifications locales)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "nouvelle branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "nouvelle branche sans parent"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "mettre à jour les fichiers ignorés (par défaut)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr ""
+"ne pas vérifier si une autre copie de travail contient le référence fournie"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "extraire notre version pour les fichiers non fusionnés"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "extraire leur version pour les fichiers non fusionnés"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "ne pas limiter les spécificateurs de chemins aux seuls éléments creux"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B et --orphan sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-p et --overlay sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track requiert un nom de branche"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "nom de branche manquant ; essayez -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "impossible de résoudre %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un ou des chemins à restaurer"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "spécification de chemin invalide"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' n'est pas un commit et une branche '%s' ne peut pas en être créée depuis"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach n'accepte pas un argument de chemin '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -10541,7 +10818,7 @@
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force et --merge sont incompatibles lors\n"
 "de l'extraction de l'index."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10570,6 +10847,69 @@
 "ambigu, vous pouvez positionner checkout.defaultRemote=origin dans\n"
 "votre config."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "créer et extraire une nouvelle branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "créer/réinitialiser et extraire une branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "créer un reflog pour une nouvelle branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr ""
+"essayer d'interpréter 'git checkout <branche-inexistante>' (par défaut)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "utiliser le mode de superposition (défaut)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "créer et basculer sur une nouvelle branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "créer/réinitialiser et basculer sur une branche"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "interpréter 'git switch <branche-inexistante>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "laisser tomber les modifications locales"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr "de quel <arbre-esque> faire l'extraction"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "restaurer l'index"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "restaurer l'arbre de travail (par défaut)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "ignorer les entrées non-fusionnées"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "utiliser le mode de superposition"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -10601,7 +10941,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "échec de la suppression de %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "lstat de %s impossible\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10614,7 +10959,7 @@
 "foo         - sélectionner un élément par un préfixe unique\n"
 "            - (vide) ne rien sélectionner\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10635,38 +10980,38 @@
 "*          - choisir tous les éléments\n"
 "           - (vide) terminer la sélection\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Hein (%s) ?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Entrez les motifs à ignorer>> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "ATTENTION : Impossible de trouver les éléments correspondant à : %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Sélectionner les éléments à supprimer"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Supprimer %s [y/N] ? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Au revoir.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10684,64 +11029,64 @@
 "help                - cet écran\n"
 "?                   - aide pour la sélection en ligne"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Commandes ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Et maintenant ?"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Supprimerait l'élément suivant :"
 msgstr[1] "Supprimerait les éléments suivants :"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "Plus de fichier à nettoyer, sortie."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "ne pas afficher les noms des fichiers supprimés"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "forcer"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "nettoyage interactif"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "supprimer les répertoires entiers"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "motif"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "ajouter <motif> aux règles ignore"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "supprimer les fichiers ignorés, aussi"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "supprimer seulement les fichiers ignorés"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "-x et -X ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
@@ -10749,7 +11094,7 @@
 "clean.requireForce positionné à true et ni -i, -n ou -f fourni ; refus de "
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
@@ -10757,159 +11102,164 @@
 "clean.requireForce à true par défaut et ni -i, -n ou -f fourni ; refus de "
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<options>] [--] <dépôt> [<répertoire>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "ne pas créer d'extraction"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "créer un dépôt nu"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "créer un dépôt miroir (implique dépôt nu)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "pour cloner depuis un dépôt local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "ne pas utiliser de liens durs locaux, toujours copier"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "régler comme dépôt partagé"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "spécificateur de chemin"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "initialiser les sous-modules dans le clone"
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "nombre de sous-modules clonés en parallèle"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "répertoire-modèle"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "répertoire depuis lequel les modèles vont être utilisés"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "dépôt de référence"
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "utiliser seulement --reference pour cloner"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "nom"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "utiliser <nom> au lieu de 'origin' pour suivre la branche amont"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "extraire <branche> au lieu de la HEAD du répertoire distant"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "chemin vers git-upload-pack sur le serveur distant"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "profondeur"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "créer un clone superficiel de cette profondeur"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "heure"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "créer un clone superficiel depuis une date spécifique"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "révision"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr ""
 "approfondir l'historique d'un clone superficiel en excluant une révision"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "cloner seulement une branche, HEAD ou --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr ""
 "ne pas cloner les tags et indiquer aux récupérations futures de ne pas le "
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "tous les sous-modules clonés seront superficiels"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr "gitdir"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "séparer le répertoire git de la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "clé=valeur"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "régler la configuration dans le nouveau dépôt"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "spécifique au serveur"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr "option à transmettre"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "n'utiliser que des adresses IPv4"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "n'utiliser que des adresses IPv6"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr ""
+"tous les sous-modules clonés utiliseront leur branche de suivi à distance"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -10917,148 +11267,148 @@
 "Aucun nom de répertoire n'a pu être deviné\n"
 "Veuillez spécifier un répertoire dans la ligne de commande"
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "info : impossible d'ajouter une alternative pour '%s' : %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "échec à l'ouverture de '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s existe et n'est pas un répertoire"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "échec du stat de %s\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "échec du démarrage un itérateur sur '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "échec pour délier '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de la création du lien '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de la copie vers '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "échec de l'itération sur '%s'"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "fait.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Le clone a réussi, mais l'extraction a échoué.\n"
 "Vous pouvez inspecter ce qui a été extrait avec 'git status'\n"
-"et réessayer l'extraction avec 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"et réessayer avec 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "Impossible de trouver la branche distante '%s' à cloner."
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "la HEAD distante réfère à une référence non existante, impossible de "
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "impossible d'extraire la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire les paramètres dans le fichier de configuration"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "impossible de remballer pour nettoyer"
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "impossible de délier le fichier temporaire alternates"
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Trop d'arguments."
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un dépôt à cloner."
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "les options --bare et --origin %s sont incompatibles."
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "--bare et --separate-git-dir sont incompatibles."
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "le dépôt '%s' n'existe pas"
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "la profondeur %s n'est pas un entier positif"
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr ""
 "le chemin de destination '%s' existe déjà et n'est pas un répertoire vide."
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "la copie de travail '%s' existe déjà."
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer les répertoires de premier niveau dans '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire de la copie de travail '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Clonage dans le dépôt nu '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Clonage dans '%s'...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
@@ -11066,41 +11416,41 @@
 "clone --recursive n'est pas compatible avec à la fois --reference et --"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--depth est ignoré dans les clones locaux : utilisez plutôt \"file://\"."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--shallow-since est ignoré dans les clones locaux : utilisez plutôt \"file://"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--shallow-exclude est ignoré dans les clones locaux : utilisez plutôt "
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--filter est ignoré dans les clones locaux ; utilisez plutôt file:// ."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "le dépôt source est superficiel, option --local ignorée"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local est ignoré"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "La branche distante %s n'a pas été trouvée dans le dépôt amont %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Vous semblez avoir cloné un dépôt vide."
@@ -11149,7 +11499,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "le parent dupliqué %s est ignoré"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "nom d'objet invalide %s"
@@ -11177,13 +11527,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "id d'un objet commit parent"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "message"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "message de validation"
@@ -11191,8 +11541,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "lire le message de validation depuis un fichier"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "signer la validation avec GPG"
@@ -11239,80 +11589,86 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "Sinon, veuillez utiliser 'git reset'\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr "Sinon, veuillez utiliser 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Si vous souhaitez sauter ce commit, utilisez :\n"
+"utilisez ensuite :\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
-"Puis \"git cherry-pick --continue\" continuera le picorage \n"
-"des commits restants.\n"
+"pour continuer le picorage des commits restants.\n"
+"Si vous souhaitez sauter ce commit, utilisez :\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skipped\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "échec du dépaquetage de l'objet arbre HEAD"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "impossible de créer l'index temporaire"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "échec de l'ajout interactif"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour l'index temporaire"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour l'arbre de cache principal"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier new_index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "impossible de faire une validation partielle pendant une fusion."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "impossible de faire une validation partielle pendant un picorage."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier d'index temporaire"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "entête d'auteur manquant dans le commit '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "le commit '%s' a une ligne d'auteur malformée"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "paramètre --author mal formé"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -11320,38 +11676,38 @@
 "impossible de sélectionner un caractère de commentaire\n"
 "qui n'est pas utilisé dans le message de validation actuel"
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "impossible de rechercher le commit %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(lecture du message de journal depuis l'entrée standard)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le journal depuis l'entrée standard"
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le fichier de journal '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "impossible de lire SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "impossible de lire MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le modèle de commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11366,7 +11722,7 @@
 "et essayez à nouveau.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11381,7 +11737,7 @@
 "et essayez à nouveau.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11391,7 +11747,7 @@
 "commençant par '%c' seront ignorées, et un message vide abandonne la "
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11402,148 +11758,148 @@
 "commençant par '%c' seront conservées ; vous pouvez les supprimer vous-même\n"
 "si vous le souhaitez. Un message vide abandonne la validation.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sAuteur :     %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sDate :       %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sValidateur : %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "Impossible de lire l'index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Erreur lors de la construction des arbres"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Veuillez fournir le message en utilisant l'option -m ou -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
 "--author '%s' n'est pas de la forme 'Nom <email>' ni ne correspond à aucun "
 "auteur existant"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Mode de fichier ignoré invalide '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Mode de fichier non suivi invalide '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "--long et -z sont incompatibles"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "L'utilisation simultanée de --reset-author et --author n'a pas de sens"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "Il n'y a rien à corriger."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Vous êtes en pleine fusion -- impossible de corriger (amend)."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Vous êtes en plein picorage -- impossible de corriger (amend)."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Les options --squash et --fixup ne peuvent pas être utilisées ensemble"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Une seule option parmi -c/-C/-F/--fixup peut être utilisée."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "L'option -m ne peut pas être combinée avec -c/-C/-F."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr "--reset-author ne peut être utilisé qu'avec -C, -c ou --amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
 "Une seule option parmi --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch peut "
 "être utilisée."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "Aucun chemin avec les options --include/--only n'a pas de sens."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "des chemins '%s ...' avec l'option -a n'a pas de sens"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "afficher l'état avec concision"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "afficher l'information de branche"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "afficher l'information de remisage"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "calcule les valeurs complètes en avance/en retard"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "version"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "sortie pour traitement automatique"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "afficher l'état en format long (par défaut)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "terminer les éléments par NUL"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "mode"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher les fichiers non suivis, \"mode\" facultatif : all (tous), normal, "
 "no. (Défaut : all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
@@ -11551,11 +11907,11 @@
 "afficher les fichiers ignorés, \"mode\" facultatif : traditional "
 "(traditionnel), matching (correspondant), no. (Défaut : traditional)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "quand"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
@@ -11563,238 +11919,256 @@
 "ignorer les modifications dans les sous-modules, \"quand\" facultatif : all "
 "(tous), dirty (sale), untracked (non suivi). (Défaut : all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "afficher les fichiers non suivis en colonnes"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "ne pas détecter les renommages"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr ""
 "détecter les renommages, en spécifiant optionnellement le facteur de "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr ""
 "Combinaison non supportée d'arguments sur les fichiers ignorés et non-suivis"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "supprimer le résumé après une validation réussie"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "afficher les diff dans le modèle de message de validation"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Options du message de validation"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "lire le message depuis un fichier"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "auteur"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "remplacer l'auteur pour la validation"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "date"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "remplacer la date pour la validation"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "réutiliser et éditer le message du commit spécifié"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "réutiliser le message du commit spécifié"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "utiliser un message au format autosquash pour corriger le commit spécifié"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "utiliser un message au format autosquash pour compresser le commit spécifié"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr ""
 "à présent je suis l'auteur de la validation (utilisé avec -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "ajouter une entrée Signed-off-by :"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "utiliser le fichier de modèle spécifié"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "forcer l'édition du commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "inclure l'état dans le modèle de message de validation"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Valider les options des contenus"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "valider tous les fichiers modifiés"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "ajouter les fichiers spécifiés à l'index pour la validation"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "ajouter des fichiers en mode interactif"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "ajouter les modifications en mode interactif"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "valider seulement les fichiers spécifiés"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "éviter d'utiliser les crochets pre-commit et commit-msg"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "afficher ce qui serait validé"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "corriger la validation précédente"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "éviter d'utiliser le crochet post-rewrite"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "accepter d'enregistrer une modification vide"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "accepter d'enregistrer une modification avec un message vide"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Fichier MERGE_HEAD corrompu (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "impossible de lire MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire le message de validation : %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Abandon de la validation dû à un message de validation vide.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "Abandon de la validation ; vous n'avez pas édité le message\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "le dépôt a été mis à jour, mais impossible d'écrire le fichier\n"
 "new_index. Vérifiez que le disque n'est pas plein ou que le quota\n"
-"n'a pas été dépassé, puis lancez \"git reset HEAD\" pour réparer."
+"n'a pas été dépassé, puis lancez \"git restore --staged :/\" pour réparer."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
+msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <options de division>"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "répertoire"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "Le répertoire d'objet où stocker le graphe"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr ""
+"si le graphe de commit est divisé, vérifier seulement le fichier sommet"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le graphe de commit '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "commencer le parcours à toutes les réfs"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr "scanner les index compactés listés sur stdin à la recherche de commits"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr "commencer le parcours aux commits listés sur stdin"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr ""
 "inclure tous les commits déjà présents dans le fichier de graphe de commits"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "permettre d'écrire un fichier incrémental de graphe de commit"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+"le nombre maximum de commits dans un graphe de commit divisé pas de base"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr "rapport maximum entre deux niveaux d'un graphe de commit divisé"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr "utilisez un seul parmi --reachable, --stdin-commits ou --stdin-packs"
@@ -11802,7 +12176,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<options>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "argument --type non reconnu, %s"
@@ -11908,7 +12282,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Type"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "ce type est assigné à la valeur"
@@ -11954,7 +12328,7 @@
 "afficher l'origine de la configuration (fichier, entrée standard, blob, "
 "ligne de commande)"
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "valeur"
@@ -12254,7 +12628,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "ne pas considérer les étiquettes correspondant à <motif>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "afficher les objets commits abrégés en dernier recours"
@@ -12430,162 +12804,201 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "pas de <commande> spécifié pour --extcmd=<commande>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <var d'env>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "type"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr "valeur par défaut pour git_env_*(...) en cas d'absence"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr ""
+"mode silencieux n'utilisant la valeur de git_env_*() que pour le code de "
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+"l'option `--default` attend une valeur booléenne avec `--type=bool`, pas `%s`"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
+"l'option `--default` attend une valeur entier long non signé avec `--"
+"type=ulong`, pas `%s`"
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [options-de-liste-de-révisions]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "afficher la progression après <n> objets"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "sélectionner la gestion des étiquettes signées"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr ""
 "sélectionner la gestion des étiquettes qui pointent sur des objets filtrés"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr ""
+"sélectionner la gestion des messages de validation dans un encodage "
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Enregistrer les marques dans ce fichier"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "importer les marques depuis ce fichier"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "falsifier un auteur d'étiquette si l'étiquette n'en présente pas"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Afficher l'arbre complet pour chaque commit"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Utiliser la fonction \"done\" pour terminer le flux"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Sauter l'affichage de données de blob"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "spécificateur de référence"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Appliquer le spécificateur de référence aux références exportées"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "anonymise la sortie"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
 "les parents références qui ne sont pas dans le flux d'export rapide par id "
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "Afficher les ids d'objet originaux des blobs/commits"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<options>] [<dépôt> [<spécification-de-référence>...]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<options>] <groupe>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<dépôt> | <groupe>)...]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<options>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "récupérer depuis tous les dépôts distants"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "ajouter à .git/FETCH_HEAD au lieu de l'écraser"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "chemin vers lequel télécharger le paquet sur le poste distant"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "forcer l'écrasement de la branche locale"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "récupérer depuis plusieurs dépôts distants"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "récupérer toutes les étiquettes et leurs objets associés"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "ne pas récupérer toutes les étiquettes (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "nombre de sous-modules récupérés en parallèle"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr ""
 "éliminer les branches de suivi distant si la branche n'existe plus dans le "
 "dépôt distant"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
 "éliminer les étiquettes locales qui ont disparu du dépôt distant et qui "
 "encombrent les étiquettes modifiées"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "à la demande"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "contrôler la récupération récursive dans les sous-modules"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "conserver le paquet téléchargé"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "permettre la mise à jour de la référence HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "approfondir l'historique d'un clone superficiel"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "approfondir l'historique d'un clone superficiel en fonction d'une date"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "convertir en un dépôt complet"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "préfixer ceci à la sortie du chemin du sous-module"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
@@ -12593,99 +13006,129 @@
 "par défaut pour la récupération récursive de sous-modules (priorité plus "
 "basse que les fichiers de config)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "accepter les références qui mettent à jour .git/shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "correspondance de référence"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "spécifier une correspondance de référence pour la récupération"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr "rapporte que nous n'avons que des objets joignables depuis cet objet"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "lancer 'gc --auto' après la récupération"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "vérifier les mises à jour forcées sur toutes les branches mises à jour"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "impossible de trouver la référence HEAD distante"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr ""
 "le paramètre de configuration fetch.output contient une valeur invalide %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "objet %s non trouvé"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[à jour]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[rejeté]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "impossible de récupérer dans la branche actuelle"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[mise à jour de l'étiquette]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "impossible de mettre à jour la référence locale"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "écraserait l'étiquette existante"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[nouvelle étiquette]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[nouvelle branche]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[nouvelle référence]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "mise à jour forcée"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "pas en avance rapide"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"Fetch indique normalement quelles branches ont subi une mise à jour forcée,\n"
+"mais ceci a été désactivé. Pour ré-activer, utilisez le drapeau\n"
+"'--show-forced-update' ou lancez 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"%.2f secondes ont été nécessaires pour vérifier les mises à jour forcées.\n"
+"Vous pouvez utiliser '--no-show-forced-update' ou lancer\n"
+"'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' pour éviter ceci.\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s n'a pas envoyé tous les objets nécessaires\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr ""
 "%s rejeté parce que les racines superficielles ne sont pas mises à jour"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Depuis %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12694,50 +13137,50 @@
 "des références locales n'ont pas pu être mises à jour ; essayez de lancer\n"
 " 'git remote prune %s' pour supprimer des branches anciennes en conflit"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s sera en suspens)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s est devenu en suspens)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[supprimé]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(aucun(e))"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr "Refus de récupérer dans la branche courant %s d'un dépôt non nu"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "La valeur \"%2$s\" de l'option \"%1$s\" est invalide pour %3$s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "L'option \"%s\" est ignorée pour %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Récupération de %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "Impossible de récupérer %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12745,7 +13188,7 @@
 "--filter ne peut être utilisé qu'avec le dépôt distant configuré dans "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -12753,46 +13196,46 @@
 "Aucun dépôt distant spécifié. Veuillez spécifier une URL ou un nom\n"
 "distant depuis lesquels les nouvelles révisions devraient être récupérées."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un nom d'étiquette."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Une profondeur négative dans --deepen n'est pas supportée"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--deepen et --depth sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "--depth et --unshallow ne peuvent pas être utilisés ensemble"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "--unshallow sur un dépôt complet n'a pas de sens"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all n'accepte pas d'argument de dépôt"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all n'a pas de sens avec des spécifications de référence"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "distant ou groupe distant inexistant : %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
 "La récupération d'un groupe et les spécifications de référence n'ont pas de "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12862,7 +13305,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "n'afficher que <n> références correspondant"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "respecter les couleurs de formatage"
@@ -13030,7 +13473,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "Vérification du lien %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "%s invalide"
@@ -13116,7 +13559,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "afficher les noms étendus pour les objets inaccessibles"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Vérification des objets"
@@ -13149,7 +13592,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de faire un stat de '%s'"
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de lire '%s'"
@@ -13227,7 +13670,7 @@
 "un ramasse-miettes est déjà en cours sur la machine '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> "
 "(utilisez --force si ce n'est pas le cas)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -13252,266 +13695,266 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "pas de support des fils, ignore %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'arbre (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "impossible de faire un grep sur un objet de type %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "l'option '%c' attend une valeur numérique"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "rechercher dans l'index plutôt que dans la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "rechercher dans les contenus non gérés par git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "rechercher dans les fichiers suivis et non-suivis"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "ignorer les fichiers spécifiés via '.gitignore'"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "rechercher récursivement dans chaque sous-module"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "afficher les lignes qui ne correspondent pas"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "correspondance insensible à la casse"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "rechercher les motifs aux séparateurs de mots"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "traiter les fichiers binaires comme texte"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "ne pas chercher les motifs dans les fichiers binaires"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "traiter les fichiers binaires avec les filtres textconv"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "rechercher dans les sous-répertoires (défaut)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "descendre au plus de <profondeur> dans l'arborescence"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "utiliser des expressions régulières étendues POSIX"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "utiliser des expressions régulières basiques POSIX (par défaut)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "interpréter les motifs comme de chaînes fixes"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "utiliser des expressions régulières compatibles avec Perl"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "afficher les numéros de ligne"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "afficher le numéro de colonne de la première correspondance"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "ne pas pas afficher les noms de fichier"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "afficher les noms de fichier"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "afficher les noms de fichiers relativement au répertoire de base"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "n'afficher que les noms de fichiers au lieu des lignes correspondant"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "synonyme pour --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "n'afficher que les noms des fichiers sans correspondance"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "imprimer une caractère NUL après le noms de fichier"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "n'afficher que les parties correspondantes d'une ligne"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "afficher le nombre de correspondances au lieu des lignes correspondant"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "mettre en évidence les correspondances"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr ""
 "imprimer une ligne vide entre les correspondances de fichiers différents"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher le nom de fichier une fois au dessus des correspondances du même "
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "afficher <n> lignes de contexte avant et après les correspondances"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "afficher <n> lignes de contexte avant les correspondances"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "afficher <n> lignes de contexte après les correspondances"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "utiliser <n> fils de travail"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "raccourci pour -C NUM"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher une ligne avec le nom de la fonction avant les correspondances"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "afficher la fonction contenante"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "lire les motifs depuis fichier"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "rechercher <motif>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "combiner les motifs spécifiés par -e"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr ""
 "indiquer des correspondances avec le code de sortie mais sans rien afficher"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr ""
 "n'afficher que les correspondances de fichiers qui correspondent à tous les "
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "afficher l'arbre d'analyse pour le motif grep"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "pagineur"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "afficher les fichiers correspondant dans le pagineur"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "permettre l'appel de grep(1) (ignoré par ce build)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "aucun motif fourni"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr ""
 "--no-index ou --untracked ne peuvent pas être utilisés avec des révisions"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre la révision : %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "option de combinaison invalide, ignore --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "pas de support des fils, ignore --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "nombre de fils spécifié invalide (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager ne fonctionne que sur la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "option non supportée avec --recurse-submodules"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached ou --untracked ne peuvent pas être utilisés avec --no-index"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard ne peut pas être utilisé avec du contenu suivi"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "--cached et des arbres sont fournis en même temps"
@@ -13528,10 +13971,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "type"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "type d'objet"
@@ -13648,12 +14087,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "aucun visualiseur de 'info' n'a pris en charge la demande"
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' est un alias de '%s'"
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "Mauvais chaîne alias.%s : %s"
@@ -13667,291 +14106,286 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "'git help config' pour plus d'information"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "type d'objet non correspondant à %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "objet attendu non reçu %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "objet %s : type attendu %s, reçu %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "impossible de remplir %d octet"
 msgstr[1] "impossible de remplir %d octets"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "fin de fichier prématurée"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "erreur de lecture sur l'entrée"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "plus d'octets utilisés que disponibles"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "le paquet est trop grand pour la définition actuelle de off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "le paquet dépasse la taille maximale permise"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "impossible de créer '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier paquet '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "la signature du paquet ne correspond pas"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "la version de paquet %<PRIu32> non supportée"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "le paquet a un mauvais objet à l'offset %<PRIuMAX> : %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "la décompression (inflate) a retourné %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "dépassement de la valeur d'offset pour l'objet delta de base"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "l'objet delta de base est hors limite"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "type d'objet inconnu %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "impossible de lire (pread) le fichier paquet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "fin prématurée du fichier paquet, %<PRIuMAX> octet lu"
 msgstr[1] "fin prématurée du fichier paquet, %<PRIuMAX> octets lus"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "grave incohérence dans la décompression (inflate)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'information existante de l'objet %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'objet existant %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "objet blob invalide %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "erreur de fsck dans l'objet empaqueté"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "Tous les objets enfants de %s ne sont pas accessibles"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "échec d'application du delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Réception d'objets"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Indexation d'objets"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "le paquet est corrompu (SHA1 ne correspond pas)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "impossible d'obtenir le statut (fstat) du fichier paquet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "le paquet est invalide à la fin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "confusion extrême dans parse_pack_objects()"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Résolution des deltas"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le fil : %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "confusion extrême"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "complété avec %d objet local"
 msgstr[1] "complété avec %d objets locaux"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr ""
 "Somme de contrôle de fin inattendue pour %s (corruption sur le disque ?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "le paquet a %d delta non résolu"
 msgstr[1] "le paquet a %d deltas non résolus"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "impossible de compresser l'objet ajouté (%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'objet local %s est corrompu"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "le nom de fichier paquet '%s' ne se termine pas par '.pack'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier %s '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de fermer le fichier %s écrit '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "erreur en fermeture du fichier paquet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "impossible de stocker le fichier paquet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "impossible de stocker le fichier d'index"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "mauvais pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier paquet existant '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier paquet d'index existant pour '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "pas un delta : %d objet"
 msgstr[1] "pas un delta : %d objets"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "longueur chaînée = %d : %lu objet"
 msgstr[1] "longueur chaînée = %d : %lu objets"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "Impossible de revenir au répertoire de travail courant"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "mauvais %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin ne peut pas être utilisé sans --stdin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin requiert un dépôt git"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "--verify sans nom de fichier paquet donné"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "erreur de fsck dans les objets paquets"
@@ -14046,17 +14480,17 @@
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "spécifier que le dépôt git sera partagé entre plusieurs utilisateurs"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire (mkdir) %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "impossible de se déplacer vers le répertoire (chdir) %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
@@ -14065,12 +14499,12 @@
 "%s (ou --work-tree=<répertoire>) n'est pas autorisé sans spécifier %s (ou --"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible d'accéder à l'arbre de travail '%s'"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -14078,59 +14512,59 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<symbole>[(=|:)<valeur>])...] [<fichier>...]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "éditer les fichiers sur place"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "éliminer les lignes de fin vides"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "où placer les nouvelles lignes terminales"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "action si les lignes terminales existent déjà"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "action si les lignes terminales manquent"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "éliminer les lignes terminales vides"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "ne pas appliquer les règles de la configuration"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "joindre les valeurs continuées avec des caractères blancs"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "paramètres d'analyse"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "ne pas traiter spécialement ---"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "ligne de fin"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "ligne(s) de fin à ajouter"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer n'a aucune signification avec --only-input"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "aucun fichier en entrée pour l'éditon sur place"
@@ -14142,115 +14576,115 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<options>] <objet>..."
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "option --decorate invalide : %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "afficher la source"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "Utiliser le fichier de correspondance de mail"
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "décorer seulement les références correspondant à <motif>"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "ne pas décorer les références correspondant à <motif>"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "décorer les options"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr ""
 "Traiter seulement l'intervalle de lignes n,m du fichier en commençant le "
 "compte à 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Sortie finale : %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s : fichier incorrect"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "impossible de lire l'objet %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "type inconnu : %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "format.headers sans valeur"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "le nom du répertoire de sortie est trop long"
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier correctif %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "exactement une plage nécessaire"
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "ceci n'est pas une plage"
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "la lettre de motivation doit être au format courriel"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "échec de création du fichier de lettre de motivation"
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "in-reply-to aberrant : %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<options>] [<depuis> | <plage de révisions>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "deux répertoires de sortie ?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "commit inconnu %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "échec à résoudre '%s' comme une référence valide"
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "impossible de trouver la base de fusion exacte"
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
@@ -14263,279 +14697,275 @@
 "Ou vous pouvez spécifier le commit de base par --base=<id-du-commit-de-base> "
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "échec à trouver la base de fusion exacte"
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "le commit de base devrait être l'ancêtre de la liste de révisions"
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "le commit de base ne devrait pas faire partie de la liste de révisions"
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "impossible d'obtenir l'id du patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "échec d'inférence d'intervalles de différence d'intervalles"
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "utiliser [PATCH n/m] même avec un patch unique"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "utiliser [PATCH] même avec des patchs multiples"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "afficher les patchs sur la sortie standard"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "générer une lettre de motivation"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr ""
 "utiliser une séquence simple de nombres pour les nom des fichiers de sortie"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "sfx"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "utiliser <sfx> au lieu de '.patch'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "démarrer la numérotation des patchs à <n> au lieu de 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "marquer la série comme une Nième réédition"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "utiliser [RFC PATCH] au lieu de [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "utiliser [<préfixe>] au lieu de [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "stocker les fichiers résultats dans <répertoire>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "ne pas retirer/ajouter [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "ne pas imprimer les diffs binaires"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "écrire une empreinte à zéro dans l'entête From"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "ne pas inclure un patch correspondant à un commit amont"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr "afficher le format du patch au lieu du défaut (patch + stat)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "Communication"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "en-tête"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "ajouter l'en-tête de courriel"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "courriel"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "ajouter l'en-tête \"To:\""
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "ajouter l'en-tête \"Cc:\""
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "ident"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr ""
 "renseigner l'adresse From à <ident> (ou à l'ident du validateur si absent)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "id-message"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "répondre dans le premier message à <id-message>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "limite"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "attacher le patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "patch à l'intérieur"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr ""
 "activer l'enfilage de message, styles : shallow (superficiel), deep (profond)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "signature"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "ajouter une signature"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "commit-de-base"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "Ajouter un arbre prérequis à la série de patchs"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "ajouter une signature depuis un fichier"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "ne pas afficher les noms de fichiers des patchs"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher la barre de progression durant la phase de génération des patchs"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "rév"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher les modifications par rapport à <rév> dans la première page ou une "
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher les modifications par rapport à <refspec> dans la première page ou "
 "une rustine"
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "pourcentage par lequel la création est pondérée"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "ligne d'identification invalide : %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-n et -k sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc et -k sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-only n'a pas de sens"
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-status n'a pas de sens"
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "--check n'a pas de sens"
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "sortie standard, ou répertoire, lequel ?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--interdiff requiert --cover-letter ou une rustine unique"
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "Interdiff :"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Interdiff contre v%d :"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "--creation-factor requiert --range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--range-diff requiert --cover-letter ou une rustine unique"
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "Diff-intervalle :"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Diff-intervalle contre v%d :"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "lecture du fichier de signature '%s' impossible"
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Génération des patchs"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "échec de création des fichiers en sortie"
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<branche_amont> [<head> [<limite>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14664,7 +15094,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "ne pas afficher les URL distantes"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "exécutable"
@@ -14741,190 +15171,194 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "mbox vide : '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "le commutateur `m' a besoin d'une valeur"
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "le commutateur '%s' a besoin d'une valeur"
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de trouver la stratégie de fusion '%s'.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Les stratégies disponibles sont :"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Les stratégies personnalisées sont :"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "ne pas afficher un diffstat à la fin de la fusion"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "afficher un diffstat à la fin de la fusion"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(synonyme de --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr ""
 "ajouter (au plus <n>) éléments du journal court au message de validation de "
 "la fusion"
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "créer une validation unique au lieu de faire une fusion"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "effectuer une validation si la fusion réussit (défaut)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "éditer le message avant la validation"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "autoriser l'avance rapide (défaut)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "abandonner si l'avance rapide n'est pas possible"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "vérifier que le commit nommé a une signature GPG valide"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "stratégie"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "stratégie de fusion à utiliser"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "option=valeur"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "option pour la stratégie de fusion sélectionnée"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr ""
 "message de validation de la fusion (pour une fusion sans avance rapide)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "abandonner la fusion en cours"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "--abort mais laisser l'index et l'arbre de travail inchangés"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "continuer la fusion en cours"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "permettre la fusion d'historiques sans rapport"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "vérifier le crochet commit-msg"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "impossible de lancer le remisage."
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "échec du remisage"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "pas un objet valide : %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "read-tree a échoué"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (rien à compresser)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Validation compressée -- HEAD non mise à jour\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Pas de message de fusion -- pas de mise à jour de HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "'%s' ne pointe pas sur un commit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Mauvaise chaîne branch.%s.mergeoptions : %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "Impossible de gérer autre chose que la fusion de deux têtes."
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Options inconnue pour merge-recursive : -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible de lire depuis '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Pas de validation de la fusion ; utilisez 'git commit' pour terminer la "
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -14936,11 +15370,11 @@
 "branche de sujet.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Un message vide abandonne la validation.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
@@ -14949,70 +15383,74 @@
 "Les lignes commençant par '%c' seront ignorées, et un message vide\n"
 "abandonne la validation.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Message de validation vide."
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Merveilleux.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "La fusion automatique a échoué ; réglez les conflits et validez le "
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "Pas de branche courante."
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "Pas de branche distante pour la branche courante."
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "Pas de branche amont par défaut définie pour la branche courante."
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "Pas de branche de suivi pour %s depuis %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Mauvaise valeur '%s' dans l'environnement '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "pas possible de fusionner ceci dans %s : %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "pas possible de fusionner ceci"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort n'accepte pas d'argument"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Il n'y a pas de fusion à abandonner (MERGE_HEAD manquant)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--quit n'accepte pas d'argument"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue ne supporte aucun argument"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Il n'y a pas de fusion en cours (MERGE_HEAD manquant)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15020,7 +15458,7 @@
 "Vous n'avez pas terminé votre fusion (MERGE_HEAD existe).\n"
 "Veuillez valider vos modifications avant de pouvoir fusionner."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15028,94 +15466,98 @@
 "Vous n'avez pas terminé votre picorage (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD existe).\n"
 "Veuillez valider vos modifications avant de pouvoir fusionner."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Vous n'avez pas terminé votre picorage (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD existe)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas combiner --squash avec --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas combiner --squash avec --commit."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr ""
 "Pas de validation spécifiée et merge.defaultToUpstream n'est pas défini."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "La validation compressée vers une tête vide n'est pas encore supportée"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr "Une validation sans avance rapide n'a pas de sens dans une tête vide"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - pas possible de fusionner ceci"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr ""
 "Possible de fusionner exactement une seule validation dans une tête vide"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "refus de fusionner des historiques sans relation"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Déjà à jour."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Mise à jour %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Essai de fusion vraiment triviale dans l'index...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "Non.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Déjà à jour. Ouais !"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "Pas possible d'avancer rapidement, abandon."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Retour de l'arbre à l'original...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Essai de la stratégie de fusion %s...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Aucune stratégie de fusion n'a pris en charge la fusion.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "La fusion avec la stratégie %s a échoué.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "Utilisation de %s pour préparer la résolution à la main.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15249,23 +15691,39 @@
 msgstr "autoriser la création de plus d'un arbre"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr ""
 "répertoire objet contenant un ensemble de paires de fichiers paquet et "
 "d'index de paquet"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+"pendant le repaquetage, collecter les fichiers paquet de plus petite taille "
+"dans un lot plus grand que cette taille"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "trop d'arguments"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "l'option --batch-size ne sert que pour la sous-commande 'repack'"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "verbe non reconnu : %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "sous-commande non reconnue : %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -15356,53 +15814,53 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Renommage de %s en %s\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "le renommage de '%s' a échoué"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [<options>] <validation>..."
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les noms (pas de SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "utiliser seulement les étiquettes pour nommer les validations"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "utiliser seulement les références correspondant à <motif>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "ignorer les références correspondant à <motif>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher toutes les validations accessibles depuis toutes les références"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "lire depuis l'entrée standard"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "autoriser l'affichage des noms `non définis` (par défaut)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "déréférencer les étiquettes en entrée (usage interne)"
@@ -15549,7 +16007,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "le contenu de la note a été laissé dans %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir ou lire '%s'"
@@ -15783,7 +16241,7 @@
 "validez le résultat avec 'git notes merges --commit', ou abandonnez la "
 "fusion avec 'git notes merge --abort'.\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Impossible de résoudre '%s' comme une référence valide."
@@ -15818,7 +16276,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "utiliser les notes depuis <références-notes>"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "sous-commande inconnue : %s"
@@ -15837,129 +16295,129 @@
 "git pack-objects [options...] base-name [< <liste-références> | < <liste-"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "mauvais CRC d'objet empaqueté pour %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "objet empaqueté corrompu pour %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "delta récursif détecté pour l'objet %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "%u objets commandés, %<PRIu32> attendus"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "le fichier packet est invalide : %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "ouverture du fichier paquet pour réutilisation impossible : %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "impossible de rechercher (seek) dans le fichier paquet réutilisé"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "lecture du fichier de paquet réutilisé impossible"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr ""
 "désactivation de l'écriture en bitmap, les fichiers paquets sont scindés à "
 "cause de pack.packSizeLimit"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "Écriture des objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "échec du stat de %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "%<PRIu32> objets écrits, %<PRIu32> attendus"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr ""
 "désactivation de l'écriture en bitmap car certains objets ne sont pas "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "dépassement de décalage de base de delta pour %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "décalage de base de delta est hors limite pour %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Décompte des objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "impossible de récupérer la taille de %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser l'entête d'objet de %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "l'objet %s ne peut être lu"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr ""
 "objet %s longueur de l'objet inconsistante (%<PRIuMAX> contre %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "paquet sous-optimal - mémoire insuffisante"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "Compression par delta en utilisant jusqu'à %d fils d'exécution"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'empaqueter les objets joignables depuis l'étiquette %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Compression des objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "inconsistance dans le compte de delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15968,7 +16426,7 @@
 "ID d'objet de bord attendu, reçu des données illisibles :\n"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15977,248 +16435,252 @@
 "ID d'objet attendu, reçu des données illisibles :\n"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "valeur invalide pour --missing"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir l'index de paquet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "l'objet libre à %s n'a pas pu être examiné"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "impossible de forcer l'objet libre"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une révision"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "mauvaise révision '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "impossible d'ajouter les objets récents"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "version d'index non supportée %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "mauvaise version d'index '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "ne pas afficher la barre de progression"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "afficher la barre de progression"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "afficher la barre de progression durant la phase d'écrite des objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "similaire à --all-progress quand la barre de progression est affichée"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<version>[,<décalage>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr ""
 "écrire le fichier d'index du paquet dans le format d'index de version "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "taille maximum de chaque fichier paquet en sortie"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "ignorer les objets empruntés à un autre magasin d'objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "ignorer les objets empaquetés"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "limiter la fenêtre d'empaquetage par objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr ""
 "limiter la fenêtre d'empaquetage par mémoire en plus de la limite d'objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr ""
 "longueur maximum de la chaîne de delta autorisée dans le paquet résultant"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "réutiliser les deltas existants"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "réutiliser les objets existants"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "utiliser les objets OFS_DELTA"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr ""
 "utiliser des fils lors de la recherche pour une meilleure correspondance des "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "ne pas créer un paquet vide"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "lire les paramètres de révision depuis l'entrée standard"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "limiter les objets à ceux qui ne sont pas encore empaquetés"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "inclure les objets accessibles depuis toute référence"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "inclure les objets référencés par les éléments de reflog"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "inclure les objets référencés par l'index"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "afficher l'empaquetage sur la sortie standard"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr "inclure les objets d'étiquettes qui réfèrent à des objets à empaqueter"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "garder les objets inaccessibles"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "empaqueter les objets inaccessibles détachés"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "dépaqueter les objets inaccessibles plus récents que <heure>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "utiliser l'algorithme de joignabilité creuse"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "créer des paquets légers"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "créer des paquets permettant des récupérations superficielles"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "ignorer les paquets qui ont un fichier .keep"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "ignorer ce paquet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "niveau de compression du paquet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "ne pas cacher les validations par greffes"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr ""
 "utiliser un index en bitmap si disponible pour accélerer le décompte des "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "écrire un index en bitmap associé à l'index de paquet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr "écrire un index de bitmap si possible"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "gestion des objets manquants"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "ne pas empaqueter les objets dans les fichiers paquets prometteurs"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "respecter les îlots pendant la compression des deltas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "la profondeur %d de chaîne de delta est trop grande, forcée à %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "pack.deltaCacheLimit est trop grand, forcé à %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
 "--max-pack-size ne peut pas être utilisé pour construire un paquet à "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "la taille limite minimale d'un paquet est 1 MiB"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr "--thin ne peut pas être utilisé pour construire un paquet indexable"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable et --unpack-unreachable sont incompatibles"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "impossible d'utiliser --filter sans --stdout"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Énumération des objets"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -16273,44 +16735,44 @@
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git pull [<options>] [<dépôt> [<spécification-de-référence>...]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "contrôler la récupération récursive dans les sous-modules"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Options relatives à la fusion"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "incorporer les modifications en rebasant plutôt qu'en fusionnant"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "autoriser l'avance rapide"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "remiser avant et réappliquer après le rebasage automatiquement"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Options relatives au rapatriement"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "forcer l'écrasement de la branche locale"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "nombre de sous-modules tirés en parallèle"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Valeur invalide pour pull.ff : %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
@@ -16318,14 +16780,14 @@
 "Il n'y a pas de candidate sur laquelle rebaser parmi les références que vous "
 "venez de récupérer."
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
 "Il n'y a pas de candidate avec laquelle fusionner parmi les références que "
 "vous venez de récupérer."
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -16333,7 +16795,7 @@
 "Généralement, cela signifie que vous avez indiqué un spécificateur\n"
 "de référence joker qui n'a pas eu de correspondance sur le serveur distant."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -16345,44 +16807,44 @@
 "pour la branche actuelle, vous devez spécifier la branche avec la commande."
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Vous n'êtes actuellement sur aucune branche."
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Veuillez spécifier sur quelle branche vous souhaiter rebaser."
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Veuillez spécifier une branche avec laquelle fusionner."
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Référez-vous à git-pull(1) pour de plus amples détails."
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<distant>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<branche>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "Pas d'information de suivi distant pour la branche actuelle."
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr ""
 "Si vous souhaitez indiquer l'information de suivi distant pour cette "
 "branche, vous pouvez le faire avec :"
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -16392,34 +16854,34 @@
 "du serveur distant, mais cette référence n'a pas été récupérée."
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'accéder le commit %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "--verify-signatures est ignoré pour un rebasage"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "l'option --[no-]autostash n'est valide qu'avec --rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr ""
 "Mise à jour d'une branche non encore créée avec les changements ajoutés dans "
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "tirer avec un rebasage"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "veuillez les valider ou les remiser."
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -16430,7 +16892,7 @@
 "avance rapide de votre copie de travail\n"
 "depuis le commit %s."
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -16447,15 +16909,15 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "pour régénérer."
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "Impossible de fusionner de multiples branches sur une tête vide."
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "Impossible de rebaser sur de multiples branches."
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr ""
 "impossible de rebaser avec des modifications de sous-modules enregistrées "
@@ -16939,7 +17401,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "garder les validations vides"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "autoriser les validations avec des messages vides"
@@ -16959,7 +17421,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "signer les commits"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "afficher un diffstat de ce qui a changé en amont"
@@ -17067,7 +17529,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "la commande à lancer"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr "re-planifier automatiquement tout `exec` qui échoue"
@@ -17075,7 +17537,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "--[no-]rebase-cousins n'a aucun effet sans --rebase-merges"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s requiert un rebasage interactif"
@@ -17105,11 +17567,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "Impossible de stocker %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "impossible de déterminer la révision HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -17123,7 +17585,7 @@
 "et revenir à l'état antérieur à la commande, lancez \"git rebase --abort\"."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17142,7 +17604,7 @@
 "Résultat, git ne peut pas les rebaser."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17159,7 +17621,7 @@
 "    git rebase '<branche>'\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -17173,127 +17635,127 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branche> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "les commandes exec ne peut pas contenir de retour à la ligne"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "commande exec vide"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "rebaser sur la branche %s au lieu de la branche amont"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "permettre le lancement du crochet pre-rebase"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "être silencieux. implique --no-stat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "ne pas afficher un diffstat de ce qui a changé en amont"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "ajouter une ligne Signed-off-by à chaque message de validation"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "passé à 'git am'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "passé jusqu'à git-apply"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr "picorer tous les commits, même sans modifiant"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "continuer"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "sauter le patch courant et continuer"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "abandonner et extraire la branche d'origine"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "abandonne mais garde HEAD où il est"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "éditer la liste à faire lors d'un rebasage interactif"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "afficher le patch en cours d'application ou de fusion"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "utiliser des stratégies de fusion pour rebaser"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr "laisser l'utilisateur éditer la liste des commits à rebaser"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr "(DÉCONSEILLÉ) essayer de recréer les fusions au lieu de les ignorer"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "préserver les validations vides pendant le rebasage"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr "déplace les commits qui commencent par squash!/fixup! sous -i"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "remiser et réappliquer automatiquement avant et après"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr "ajouter les lignes exec après chaque commit de la liste éditable"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "autoriser les commits de rebasage avec des messages vides"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr "essayer de rebaser les fusions au lieu de les garder"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr "utiliser 'merge-base --fork-point' pour raffiner l'amont"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "utiliser la stratégie de fusion indiquée"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "option"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "passer les arguments jusqu'à la stratégie de fusion"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "rebaser tous les objets inatteignables depuis les racines"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -17301,32 +17763,32 @@
 "les support de rebase.useBuiltin a été supprimé !\n"
 "Voir son entrée dans 'git help config' pour plus de détails."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr "Il semble que 'git-am' soit en cours. Impossible de rebaser."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges est déconseillé. Utilisez --rebase-merges à la "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "Pas de rebasage en cours ?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "L'action --edit-todo peut seulement être utilisée lors d'un rebasage "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossible de lire HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -17334,21 +17796,16 @@
 "Vous devez éditer tous les conflits de fusion et\n"
 "les marquer comme résolus avec git add"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "Impossible de supprimer les changements de l'arbre de travail"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "Impossible de revenir à %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "impossible de supprimer '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -17370,172 +17827,176 @@
 "d'important ici.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "l'option `C' attend un valeur numérique"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "mode inconnu : %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy requiert --merge ou --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec requiert --exec ou --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
 "impossible de combiner les options am avec l'options interactive ou merge"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "impossible de combiner '--preserve-merges' avec '--rebase-merges'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
 "erreur : impossible de combiner '--preserve-merges' avec '--reschedule-"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "impossible de combiner '--rebase-merges' avec '--strategy-option'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "impossible de combiner '--rebase-merges' avec '--strategy'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "amont invalide '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "Impossible de créer un nouveau commit racine"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "'%s': exactement une base de fusion nécessaire"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "ne pointe pas sur une validation valide : '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "fatal : pas de branche ou commit '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "Référence inexistante : %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "Impossible de résoudre le commit HEAD vers un révision"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "Autoremisage impossible"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "réponse de remisage inattendue : '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossible de créer le répertoire pour '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "Autoremisage créé : %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "impossible de réinitialiser --hard"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD est maintenant à %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Veuillez les valider ou les remiser."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible d'analyser '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "Impossible de basculer vers %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD est à jour."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "La branche courante %s est à jour.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "HEAD est à jour, rebasage forcé."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "La branche courante %s est à jour, rebasage forcé.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "Le crochet pre-rebase a refusé de rebaser."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Changements vers %s :\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Changements de %s sur %s :\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Rembobinage préalable de head pour pouvoir rejouer votre travail par-"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossible de détacher HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "Avance rapide de %s sur %s.\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <répertoire-git>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17565,7 +18026,7 @@
 "Pour éliminer ce message et conserver le comportement par défaut,\n"
 "réglez « receive.denyCurrentBranch » à 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17585,11 +18046,11 @@
 "Pour éliminer ce message, réglez-le à 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "quiet"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Vous devez spécifier un répertoire."
@@ -18184,117 +18645,117 @@
 "--no-write-bitmap-index ou désactivez le paramètre pack.writebitmaps."
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "ne pas démarrer pack-objects pour ré-empaqueter les objects de prometteur"
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
 "repack : attente de lignes d'Id d'objets en hexa complet seulement depuis "
 "les objects de paquet."
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "impossible de terminer pack-objects  pour ré-empaqueter les objets de "
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "empaqueter tout dans un seul paquet"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "identique à -a et transformer les objets inaccessibles en suspens"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "supprimer les paquets redondants et lancer git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passer --no-reuse-delta à git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passer --no-reuse-object à git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "ne pas lancer git update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passer --local à git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "écrire un index en bitmap"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "passer --delta-islands à git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "date approximative"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "avec -A, ne pas suspendre les objets plus vieux que celui-ci"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "avec -a, repaquétiser les objets inaccessibles"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "taille de la fenêtre utilisée pour la compression des deltas"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "octets"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr ""
 "idem ci-dessus, mais limiter la taille mémoire au lieu du nombre d'éléments"
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "limite la profondeur maximale des deltas"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "limite le nombre maximal de fils"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "taille maximum de chaque fichier paquet"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "réempaqueter les objets dans des paquets marqués avec .keep"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "ne pas rempaqueter ce paquet"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "impossible de supprimer les paquets dans un dépôt d'objets précieux"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable et -A sont incompatibles"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "Rien de neuf à empaqueter."
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -18313,7 +18774,7 @@
 "ALERTE : aussi échoué.\n"
 "ALERTE : Veuillez les renommer manuellement dans %s :\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de la suppression de '%s'"
@@ -18725,24 +19186,24 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "Impossible d'écrire le nouveau fichier d'index."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr "impossible de combiner --exclude-promisor-objects et --missing"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "le filtrage d'objet exige --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "valeur invalide de 'sparse' '%s'"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list ne supporte l'affichage des notes"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "impossible de combiner --use-bitmap-index avec le filtrage d'objet"
@@ -18815,47 +19276,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "annuler le retour ou picorage"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "sauter le commit courant et continuer"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "ne pas valider automatiquement"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "éditer le message de validation"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "numéro-de-parent"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "sélectionner le parent principal"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "stratégie de fusion"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "option pour la stratégie de fusion"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "ajouter le nom de validation"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "préserver les validations vides initialement"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "garder les validations redondantes, vides"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "revert a échoué"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "le picorage a échoué"
@@ -19031,117 +19496,117 @@
 msgstr[0] "%s ignoré; impossible de gérer plus de %d référence"
 msgstr[1] "%s ignoré; impossible de gérer plus de %d références"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "aucune référence correspond à %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "afficher les branches de suivi distantes et les branches locales"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "afficher les branches de suivi distantes"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "couleur '*!+-' correspondant à la branche"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "afficher <n> validations de plus après l'ancêtre commun"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "synonyme de more=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "supprimer les chaînes de nommage"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "inclure la branche courante"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "nommer les validations avec leurs noms d'objet"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "afficher les bases possibles de fusion"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "afficher les références inaccessibles depuis toute autre référence"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "afficher les validations dans l'ordre topologique"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher seulement les validations qui ne sont pas sur la première branche"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "afficher les fusions accessibles depuis une seule pointe"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "tri topologique, maintenant l'ordre par date si possible"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<base>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr ""
 "afficher les <n> plus récents éléments de ref-log en commençant à la base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
 "--reflog est incompatible avec --all, --remotes, --independant et --merge-"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "aucune branche spécifiée, et HEAD est invalide"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "--reflog requiert un nom de branche"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "%d entrée seulement ne peut être montrée en même temps."
 msgstr[1] "%d entrées seulement ne peuvent être montrée en même temps."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "référence inexistante %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "impossible de gérer plus de %d révision."
 msgstr[1] "impossible de gérer plus de %d révisions."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une référence valide."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "impossible de trouver le commit %s (%s)"
@@ -19330,95 +19795,95 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "Aucune branche spécifiée"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour %s avec %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "message pour le remisage"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "\"git stash store\" exige un argument <commit>"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "Aucun changement sélectionné"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "Vous n'avez pas encore la validation initiale"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "Impossible de sauver l'état courant de l'index"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "Impossible de sauver les fichiers non-suivis"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "Impossible de sauver l'état courant de la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "Impossible d'enregistrer l'état de la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr ""
 "Impossible d'utiliser --patch et --include-untracked ou --all en même temps"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr "Vous avez sûrement oublié 'git add' ?"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "Pas de modifications locales à sauver"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "Impossible d'initialiser le remisage"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "Impossible de sauver l'état courant"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "Arbre de travail et état de l'index sauvegardés dans %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "Impossible de supprimer les changements de la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "conserver l'index"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "remiser une mode rustine"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "mode silencieux"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "inclure les fichiers non suivis dans la remise"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "inclure les fichiers ignorés"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'exécuter %s"
@@ -19441,7 +19906,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "ajouter devant chaque ligne le caractère de commentaire et un espace"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Nom de référence complet attendu, %s obtenu"
@@ -19455,7 +19920,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de supprimer un composant de l'URL '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "ancre alternative pour les chemins relatifs"
@@ -19463,8 +19928,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<chemin>] [<chemin>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "URL non trouvée pour le chemin de sous-module '%s' dans .gitmodules"
@@ -19483,7 +19948,7 @@
 "run_command a retourné un statut non-nul pour %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -19494,20 +19959,20 @@
 "modules inclus de %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr ""
 "Supprimer la sortie lors de l'entrée dans chaque commande de sous-module"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Parcourir récursivement les sous-modules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <commande>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
@@ -19516,60 +19981,60 @@
 "impossible de trouver la configuration '%s'. Ce dépôt est considéré comme "
 "son propre amont d'autorité."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Échec d'enregistrement de l'URL pour le chemin de sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Sous-module '%s' (%s) enregistré pour le chemin '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "attention : nous vous suggérons de spécifier une commande de mode de mise à "
 "jour pour le sous-module '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Échec d'enregistrement du mode de mise à jour pour le chemin de sous-module "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Supprimer la sortie lors de l'initialisation d'un sous-module"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<chemin>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Pas de mise en correspondance du sous-module trouvé dans .gitmodules pour le "
 "chemin '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de résoudre HEAD dans le sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "récursion impossible dans le sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "supprimer la sortie d'état du sous-module"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
@@ -19577,48 +20042,48 @@
 "Utiliser le commit stocké dans l'index au lieu de celui stocké dans la HEAD "
 "du sous-module"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "parcourir récursivement les sous-modules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<chemin>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper <nom> <chemin>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Synchronisation de l'URL sous-module pour '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "échec d'enregistrement de l'URL pour le chemin de sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "échec d'obtention du dépôt distant par défaut pour le sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de mise à jour du dépôt distant pour le sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr ""
 "Supprimer la sortie lors de la synchronisation de l'URL d'un sous-module"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<chemin>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
@@ -19628,7 +20093,7 @@
 "'rm -rf' si vous voulez vraiment le supprimer en incluant tout son "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
@@ -19637,84 +20102,84 @@
 "L'arbre de travail du sous-module '%s' contient des modifications locales ; "
 "utilisez '-f' pour les annuler"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Répertoire '%s' nettoyé\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l'arbre de travail du sous-module '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire vide du sous-module %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Sous-module '%s' (%s) non enregistré pour le chemin '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
 "Éliminer les arbres de travail des sous-modules même s'ils contiennent des "
 "modifications locales"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "Désenregistrer tous les sous-modules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<chemin>...]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr ""
 "Utilisez '--all' si vous voulez vraiment réinitialiser tous les sous-modules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "le sous-module '%s' ne peut pas ajouter d'alternative : %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr ""
 "La valeur '%s' pour submodule.alternateErrorStrategy n'est pas reconnue"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "La valeur '%s' pour submodule.alternateLocation n'est pas reconnue"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "emplacement où le sous-module sera cloné"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "nom du nouveau sous-module"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "URL depuis laquelle cloner le sous-module"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "profondeur de l'historique des clones superficiels"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "forcer l'affichage de la progression du clonage"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
@@ -19722,94 +20187,94 @@
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<chemin>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<dépôt>] [--name <nom>] [--depth <profondeur>]  --url <url> --path <chemin>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "Le clonage de '%s' dans le chemin de sous-module '%s' a échoué"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire de sous-module pour '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "mode de mise à jour '%s' invalide pour le chemin de sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Mode de mise à jour '%s'invalide configuré pour le chemin de sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "Le chemin de sous-module '%s' n'est pas initialisé"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "Vous voudriez sûrement utiliser 'update --init' ?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "Sous-module non fusionné %s non traité"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Sous-module '%s' non traité"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "Impossible de cloner '%s'. Réessai prévu"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "Impossible de cloner '%s' pour la seconde fois, abandon"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "chemin dans la copie de travail"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr ""
 "chemin dans la copie de travail, traversant les frontières de sous-modules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr "valeurs possibles : rebase, merge, checkout ou none"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr "Créer un clone superficiel tronqué au nombre de révisions spécifié"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "jobs parallèles"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr "spécifie si le clonage initial doit être aussi superficiel"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "ne pas afficher la progression du clonage"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<chemin>] [<chemin>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "valeur invalide pour la mise à jour du paramètre"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
@@ -19818,16 +20283,16 @@
 "la branche du sous-module %s est configurée pour hériter de la branche du "
 "superprojet, mais le superprojet n'est sur aucune branche"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de trouver une poignée de dépôt pour le sous-module '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "parcourir récursivement les sous-modules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper embed-git-dir [<options>] [<chemin>...]"
@@ -19857,7 +20322,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "veuillez vous assurer que le fichier .gitmodules est dans l'arbre de travail"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s ne gère pas --super-prefix"
@@ -19922,17 +20387,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <nométiquette>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "étiquette '%s' non trouvée."
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Étiquette '%s' supprimée (elle était sur %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19945,7 +20410,7 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Les lignes commençant par '%c' seront ignorées.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19960,15 +20425,15 @@
 "Les lignes commençant par '%c' seront gardées ; vous pouvez les retirer vous-"
 "même si vous le souhaitez.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "impossible de signer l'étiquette"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "impossible d'écrire le fichier d'étiquettes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -19983,139 +20448,139 @@
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "mauvais type d'objet."
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "pas de message pour l'étiquette ?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "Le message pour l'étiquette a été laissé dans %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "afficher les noms des étiquettes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "affiche <n> lignes de chaque message d'étiquette"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "supprimer des étiquettes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "vérifier des étiquettes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Options de création de l'étiquette"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "étiquette annotée, nécessite un message"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "message pour l'étiquette"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "forcer l'édition du message d'étiquetage"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "étiquette annotée et signée avec GPG"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "utiliser une autre clé pour signer l'étiquette"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "remplacer l'étiquette si elle existe"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "créer un reflog"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Options d'affichage des étiquettes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "afficher la liste des étiquettes sous forme de colonnes"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les étiquettes qui contiennent la validation"
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les étiquettes qui ne contiennent pas la validation"
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les étiquettes qui sont fusionnées"
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les étiquettes qui ne sont pas fusionnées"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les étiquettes de l'objet"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column et -n sont incompatibles"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "l'option -n est autorisée seulement en mode de liste"
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "l'option --contains est autorisée seulement en mode de liste"
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "l'option --contains est autorisée seulement en mode liste"
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "l'option --points-at est autorisée seulement en mode liste"
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
 "les options --merged et --no-merged ne sont autorisées qu'en mode liste"
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "une seule option -F ou -m est autorisée."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "trop de paramètres"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "'%s' n'est pas un nom d'étiquette valide."
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "l'étiquette '%s' existe déjà"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Étiquette '%s' mise à jour (elle était sur %s)\n"
@@ -20449,15 +20914,15 @@
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
 msgstr "interrompre le transfert après <n> secondes d'inactivité"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "afficher le contenu du commit"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "afficher les messages bruts de gpg"
@@ -20473,11 +20938,11 @@
 msgid "show statistics only"
 msgstr "afficher seulement les statistiques"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
 msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <étiquette>..."
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr "afficher le contenu de l'étiquette"
@@ -20509,7 +20974,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock <chemin>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "échec de la suppression de '%s'"
@@ -20588,129 +21053,129 @@
 "'%s' est un arbre de travail manquant mais déjà enregistré ;\n"
 "utilisez 'add -f' pour passer outre, ou 'prune' ou 'remove' pour corriger"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de créer le répertoire de '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "Préparation de l'arbre de travail (nouvelle branche '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "Préparation de l'arbre de travail (réinitialisation de la branche '%s' ; "
 "précédemment sur %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "Préparation de l'arbre de travail (extraction de '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "Préparation de l'arbre de travail (HEAD détachée %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr ""
 "extraire la <branche> même si elle est déjà extraite dans une autre copie de "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "créer une nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "créer ou réinitialiser une branche"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "remplissage de la nouvelle copie de travail"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "conserver le verrou sur le nouvel arbre de travail"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "régler le mode de suivi (voir git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr "essayer de nommer la nouvelle branche comme la branche amont"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B et --detach sont mutuellement exclusifs"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr ""
 "--[no-]track ne peut être utilisé qu'à la création d'une nouvelle branche"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "raison du verrouillage"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' n'est pas une copie de travail"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr ""
 "La copie de travail principale ne peut pas être verrouillée ou déverrouillée"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' est déjà verrouillé, car '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "'%s' est déjà verrouillé"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "'%s' n'est pas verrouillé"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
 "les arbres de travail contenant des sous-modules ne peuvent pas être "
 "déplacés ou supprimés"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
 "forcer le déplacement même si l'arbre de travail est sale ou verrouillé"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' est un arbre de travail principal"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "impossible de trouver le nom de la destination à partir de '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "la cible '%s' existe déjà"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20720,7 +21185,7 @@
 "verrouillage : %s\n"
 "utilisez 'move -f -f' pour outrepasser ou déverrouiller avant"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20728,37 +21193,37 @@
 "impossible de déplacer un arbre de travail verrouillé;\n"
 "utilisez 'move -f -f' pour outrepasser ou déverrouiller avant"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr "la validation a échoué, impossible de déplacer l'arbre de travail : %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "échec au déplacement de '%s' vers '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "échec du lancement de 'git status' sur '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr "'%s' est sale, utilisez --force pour le supprimer"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr "impossible de lancer 'git status' sur '%s', code %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
 "forcer la suppression même si l'arbre de travail est sale ou verrouillé"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20768,7 +21233,7 @@
 "verrouillage : %s\n"
 "utilisez 'move -f -f' pour outrepasser ou déverrouiller avant"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20776,7 +21241,7 @@
 "impossible de supprimer un arbre de travail verrouillé;\n"
 "utilisez 'move -f -f' pour outrepasser ou déverrouiller avant"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20853,53 +21318,55 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
 "'git help -a' et 'git help -g' listent les sous-commandes disponibles et\n"
 "quelques concepts. Voir 'git help <commande>' ou 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"pour en lire plus à propos d'une commande spécifique ou d'un concept."
+"pour en lire plus à propos d'une commande spécifique ou d'un concept.\n"
+"Voir 'git help git' pour un survol du système."
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "aucun répertoire fourni pour --git-dir\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "aucun espace de nom fournit pour --namespace\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "aucun répertoire fourni pour --work-tree\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "aucun préfixe fourni pour --super-prefix\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "-c requiert une chaîne de configuration\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "aucun répertoire fourni pour -C\n"
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "option inconnue : %s\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr "lors de l'expansion de l'alias '%s' : '%s'"
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
@@ -20908,39 +21375,39 @@
 "l'alias '%s' modifie les variables d'environnement.\n"
 "Vous pouvez utiliser '!git' dans l'alias pour le faire"
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr "alias vide pour %s"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "alias recursif : %s"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "échec d'écriture sur la sortie standard"
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "échec inconnu d'écriture sur la sortie standard"
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "échec de fermeture de la sortie standard"
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr "boucle d'alias détectée : l'expansion de '%s' ne finit jamais : %s"
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "impossible d'utiliser %s comme une fonction intégrée"
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:856
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
@@ -20949,13 +21416,13 @@
 "usage : %s\n"
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr ""
 "l'expansion de l'alias '%s' a échoué : '%s' n'est pas une commande git\n"
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "échec au lancement de la commande '%s' : %s\n"
@@ -21137,19 +21604,19 @@
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "sans action (rétrocompatibilité)"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "être plus verbeux"
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "être plus silencieux"
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "utiliser <n> chiffres pour afficher les SHA-1s"
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr "comment éliminer les espaces et les commentaires # du message"
@@ -21166,6 +21633,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 "met à jour l'index avec les résolutions de conflit réutilisées si possible"
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "HEAD détachée sur "
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "HEAD détachée depuis "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Ajouter le contenu de fichiers dans l'index"
@@ -21613,218 +22088,226 @@
 msgstr "Réinitialiser la HEAD courante à l'état spécifié"
 #: command-list.h:156
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "restaurer les fichiers l'arbre de travail"
+#: command-list.h:157
 msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr "Inverser des commits existants"
-#: command-list.h:157
+#: command-list.h:158
 msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr "Afficher les objets commit dans l'ordre chronologique inverse"
-#: command-list.h:158
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr "Analyser et préparer les paramètres"
-#: command-list.h:159
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Supprimer des fichiers de la copie de travail et de l'index"
-#: command-list.h:160
+#: command-list.h:161
 msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr "Envoyer un ensemble de patchs comme courriels"
-#: command-list.h:161
+#: command-list.h:162
 msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr "Pousser les objets sur un autre dépôt via le protocole Git"
-#: command-list.h:162
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr "shell de login restreint pour un accès SSH vers Git seulement"
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr "Résumer la sortie de 'git log'"
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "Afficher différents types d'objets"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "Afficher les branches et leurs commits"
-#: command-list.h:166
+#: command-list.h:167
 msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr "Afficher l'index de l'archive empaquetée"
-#: command-list.h:167
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "Lister les références du dépôt local"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr "Le code d'initialisation i18n pour les scripts shell"
-#: command-list.h:169
+#: command-list.h:170
 msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr "Le code d'initialisation commun aux scripts shell Git"
-#: command-list.h:170
+#: command-list.h:171
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr "Remiser les modifications d'un répertoire de travail sale"
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "Ajouter le contenu de fichiers à l'index"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "Afficher l'état de la copie de travail"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "Retirer les espaces inutiles"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "Initialiser, mettre à jour et inspecter les sous-modules"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr "Opération Bidirectionnelles entre un dépôt Subversion et Git"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Basculer de branche"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "Lire, modifier et supprimer les références symboliques"
-#: command-list.h:177
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr ""
 "Créer, lister, supprimer ou vérifier un objet d'étiquette signé avec GPG"
-#: command-list.h:178
+#: command-list.h:180
 msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr "Créer un fichier temporaire avec le contenu d'un blob"
-#: command-list.h:179
+#: command-list.h:181
 msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr "Dépaqueter les objets depuis une archive empaquetée"
-#: command-list.h:180
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "Enregistrer le contenu d'un fichier de l'arbre de travail dans l'index"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr ""
 "Mettre à jour le nom d'objet stocké dans une référence en toute sécurité"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr ""
 "Mettre à jour le fichier d'informations auxiliaires pour aider les serveurs "
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "Renvoyer une archive dans git-archive"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "Renvoyer des objets empaquetés dans git-fetch-pack"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "Afficher un variable logique de Git"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "Vérifier la signature GPG de commits"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "Valider des fichiers d'archive Git empaquetés"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "Vérifier la signature GPG d'étiquettes"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Interface web de Git"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "Afficher les journaux avec la différence que chaque commit introduit"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "Gère de arbres de travail multiples"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "Créer un objet arbre depuis l'index courant"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "Définition des attributs par chemin"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "interface en ligne de commande et conventions de Git"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "Tutoriel du cœur de Git pour les développeurs"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "Git pour les utilisateurs de CVS"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "Bidouillage de la sortie diff"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr "Un ensemble minimal utile des commandes de Git pour tous les jours"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "Un glossaire Git"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "Crochets utilisés par Git"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Spécifie les fichiers non-suivis à ignorer intentionnellement"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "Définition des propriétés de sous-module"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Espaces de nom de Git"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Disposition d'un dépôt Git"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "Spécification des révisions et portées pour Git"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "Une introduction pratique à Git : deuxième partie"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "Une introduction pratique à Git"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Un aperçu des flux de travail recommandés avec Git"
@@ -22245,12 +22728,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "Référez-vous à git-${cmd}(1) pour de plus amples détails."
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "Autoremisage appliqué."
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "Impossible de stocker $stash_sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "Rebasage ($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -22289,7 +22781,7 @@
 "Vous pouvez réordonner ces lignes ; elles sont exécutées de haut en bas.\n"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -22308,83 +22800,83 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1 n'est pas un commit qui peut être picorer"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "Nom de commit invalide : $sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr "Impossible de sauver le sha1 du remplaçant du commit en cours"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Avance rapide sur $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Avance rapide impossible sur $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "Impossible de déplacer HEAD sur $first_parent"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "Refus d'écraser un commit de fusion: $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "Erreur lors de la réapplication de la fusion $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "Impossible de picorer $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "Ceci est le ${n}ième message de validation :"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Le message de validation ${n} sera ignoré :"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "Ceci est la combinaison de $count commit."
 msgstr[1] "Ceci est la combinaison de $count commits."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "Impossible d'écrire $fixup_msg"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "Ceci est la combinaison de 2 commits."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "Impossible d'appliquer $sha1... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -22401,31 +22893,31 @@
 "problème avant de pouvoir reformuler le message du commit."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "Arrêté à $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "'$squash_style' impossible avec le commit précédent"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "Exécution : $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "L'exécution a échoué : $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "et a mis à jour l'index ou la copie de travail"
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -22436,7 +22928,7 @@
 "git rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -22451,25 +22943,25 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "Commande inconnue : $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "Veuillez corriger ceci en utilisant 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "Rebasage et mise à jour de $head_name avec succès."
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossible de supprimer CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -22500,12 +22992,12 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr ""
 "Erreur lors de la recherche de l'identité de l'auteur pour corriger le commit"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
@@ -22513,40 +23005,40 @@
 "Vous avez des modifications non validées dans votre copie de travail.\n"
 "Veuillez les valider d'abord, puis relancer 'git rebase --continue'."
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "impossible de valider les modifications indexées."
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "Impossible de lancer l'éditeur"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "Impossible d'extraire $switch_to"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "Pas de HEAD ?"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "Impossible de créer un répertoire temporaire $state_dir"
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "Impossible de marquer comme interactif"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] "Rebasage de $shortrevisions sur $shortonto ($todocount commande)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebasage de $shortrevisions sur $shortonto ($todocount commandes)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "Impossible d'initialiser les commits réécrits"
@@ -22618,81 +23110,81 @@
 msgstr "Impossible de déterminer le chemin absolu du répertoire git"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%12s %s12s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "indexé"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "non-indexé"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "binaire"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "rien"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "inchangé"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d chemin ajouté\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d chemins ajoutés\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d chemin mis à jour\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d chemins mis à jour\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d chemin inversé\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d chemins inversés\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d chemin touché\n"
 msgstr[1] "%d chemins touchés\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Mise à jour"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "Inverser"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "note : %s n'est plus suivi à présent.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "Ajouter un fichier non-suivi"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "Aucun Fichier non suivi.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
@@ -22700,7 +23192,7 @@
 "Si le patch s'applique proprement, la section éditée sera\n"
 "immédiatement marquée comme indexée."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
@@ -22708,7 +23200,7 @@
 "Si le patch s'applique proprement, la section éditée sera\n"
 "immédiatement marquée comme remisée."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
@@ -22716,7 +23208,8 @@
 "Si le patch s'applique proprement, la section éditée sera\n"
 "immédiatement marquée comme desindexée."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
@@ -22724,7 +23217,8 @@
 "Si le patch s'applique proprement, la section éditée sera\n"
 "immédiatement marquée comme appliquée."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
@@ -22732,17 +23226,17 @@
 "Si le patch s'applique proprement, la section éditée sera\n"
 "immédiatement marquée comme éliminée."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier d'édition de section en écriture : %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Mode d'édition manuelle de section -- voir ci-dessous pour un guide rapide.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22756,7 +23250,7 @@
 "Les lignes commençant par %s seront éliminées.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
@@ -22766,7 +23260,7 @@
 "l'éditer à nouveau. Si toutes les lignes de la section sont supprimées,\n"
 "alors l'édition sera abandonnée et la section conservée.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr "échec de l'ouverture du fichier d'édition de section en lecture : %s"
@@ -22777,14 +23271,14 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Votre section éditée ne s'applique pas. L'éditer à nouveau (\"no\" "
 "l'élimine !) [y|n] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -22798,7 +23292,7 @@
 "a - indexer cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
 "d - ne pas indexer cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -22812,7 +23306,7 @@
 "a - remiser cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
 "d - ne pas remiser cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -22826,7 +23320,7 @@
 "a - désindexer cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
 "d - ne pas désindexer cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -22840,7 +23334,7 @@
 "a - appliquer cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
 "d - ne pas appliquer cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -22854,7 +23348,7 @@
 "a - supprimer cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
 "d - ne pas supprimer cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -22868,7 +23362,7 @@
 "a - éliminer cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
 "d - ne pas éliminer cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -22882,7 +23376,21 @@
 "a - appliquer cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
 "d - ne pas appliquer cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - appliquer cette section à l'arbre de travail\n"
+"n - ne pas appliquer cette section\n"
+"q - quitter ; ne pas appliquer cette section ni les autres restantes\n"
+"a - appliquer cette section et toutes les suivantes de ce fichier\n"
+"d - ne pas appliquer cette section ni les suivantes de ce fichier"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -22904,218 +23412,234 @@
 "e - éditer manuellement la section actuelle\n"
 "? - afficher l'aide\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr "Les sections sélectionnées ne s'applique pas à l'index !\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "Les appliquer quand même à l'arbre de travail ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "Rien n'a été appliqué.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "fichier non-fusionné ignoré : %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "Seuls des fichiers binaires ont changé.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "Aucune modification.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "Mise à jour par patch"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Indexer le changement de mode [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Indexer la suppression [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Indexer cette section [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Remiser le changement de mode [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Remiser la suppression [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Remiser cette section [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Désindexer le changement de mode [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Désindexer la suppression [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Désindexer cette section [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Appliquer le changement de mode à l'index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Appliquer la suppression à l'index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Appliquer cette section à l'index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Abandonner le changement de mode dans l'arbre [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Abandonner la suppression dans l'arbre [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Abandonner cette section dans l'arbre [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Abandonner le changement de mode dans l'index et l'arbre [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Abandonner la suppression de l'index et de l'arbre [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Supprimer la section dans l'index et l'arbre de travail [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Appliquer le changement de mode dans l'index et l'arbre de travail [y,n,q,a,d"
 "%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Appliquer la suppression dans l'index et l'arbre de travail [y,n,q,a,d"
 "%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Appliquer la section à l'index et l'arbre de travail [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+"Appliquer le changement de mode dans l'arbre de travail [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Appliquer la suppression dans l'arbre de travail [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Appliquer la section à l'arbre de travail [y,n,q,a,d%s,?] ? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr "Aucune autre section à atteindre\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
 msgstr "aller à quelle section (<ret> pour voir plus) ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr "aller à quelle section ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Nombre invalide : '%s'\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Désolé, %d seule section disponible.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Désolé, Seulement %d sections disponibles.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr "aucune autre section à rechercher\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr "rechercher la regex ? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "Regex de recherche malformée %s : %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr "Aucune section ne correspond au motif donné\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr "Pas de section précédente\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr "Pas de section suivante\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Désolé, impossible de découper cette section\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Découpée en %d section.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Découpée en %d sections.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Désolé, impossible d'éditer cette section\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "Réviser la différence"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -23133,18 +23657,19 @@
 "diff          - visualiser les diff entre HEAD et l'index\n"
 "add untracked - ajouter les fichiers non-suivis aux modifications à indexer\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "-- manquant"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "mode de --patch inconnu : %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "argument invalide %s, -- attendu"
@@ -23158,31 +23683,31 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "le décalage de temps local est plus grand ou égal à 24 heures\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "l'éditeur est sorti en erreur, abandon total"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' contient une version intermédiaire du courriel que vous composiez.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "'' contient le courriel composé.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-aliases est incompatible avec d'autres options\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "Lancement de git format-patch impossible à l'extérieur d'un dépôt\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
@@ -23190,39 +23715,39 @@
 "`batch-size` et `relogin` doivent être spécifiés ensembles (via la ligne de "
 "commande ou des options de configuration)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Champ de --suppress-cc inconnu : '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Paramètre de --confirm inconnu : '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
 "attention : les guillemets ne sont pas supportés dans alias sendmail : %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "attention : `:include:` n'est pas supporté : %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
 "attention : les redirections `/file` ou `|pipe` ne sont pas supportées : %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "attention : ligne sendmail non reconnue : %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -23237,12 +23762,12 @@
 "    * en indiquant \"./%s\" si vous désignez un fichier, ou\n"
 "    * en fournissant l'option --format-patch pour une plage.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "Échec à l'ouverture du répertoire %s : %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -23251,7 +23776,7 @@
 "fatal : %s : %s\n"
 "attention : aucun patch envoyé\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -23261,17 +23786,17 @@
 "Aucun fichier patch spécifié !\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "Ligne de sujet non trouvée dans %s ?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir %s en écriture : %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -23285,27 +23810,27 @@
 "Effacez le corps si vous ne souhaitez pas envoyer un résumé.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "Échec à l'ouverture de %s : %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "Échec à l'ouverture de : %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "Le courriel de résumé étant vide, il a été ignoré\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir utiliser <%s> [y/N] ? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
@@ -23313,11 +23838,11 @@
 "Les fichiers suivants sont 8bit mais ne déclarent pas de champs Content-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Quel encodage 8bit doit être déclaré [UTF8] ? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -23330,22 +23855,22 @@
 "a un sujet modèle '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Passez --force is vous souhaitez "
 "vraiment envoyer.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "À qui les courriels doivent-ils être envoyés (s'il y en a) ?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "fatal : l'alias '%s' se développe en lui-même\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr ""
 "Message-ID à utiliser comme In-Reply-To pour le premier courriel (s'il y en "
 "a) ? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "erreur : impossible d'extraire une adresse valide depuis : %s\n"
@@ -23353,16 +23878,16 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr "Que faire de cette adresse ? ([q]uitter|[d]élaisser|[e]diter): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "le chemin vers la CA \"%s\" n'existe pas"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -23389,130 +23914,130 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr "Envoyer ce courriel ? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll) : "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Une réponse est nécessaire"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "Le serveur SMTP nécessaire n'est pas défini correctement."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "Le serveur ne supporte pas STARTTLS ! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "échec de STARTTLS ! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
 "Impossible d'initialiser SMTP. Vérifiez la configuration et utilisez --smtp-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "échec de l'envoi de %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Envoi simulé de %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "%s envoyé\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Simulation OK. Le journal indique :\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "OK. Le journal indique :\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Résultat : "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Résultat : OK\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Ajout de cc: %s depuis la ligne '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Ajout de to: %s depuis la ligne '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(non-mbox) Ajout de cc: %s depuis la ligne '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(corps) Ajout de cc: %s depuis la ligne '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) Impossible d'exécuter '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) Ajout de %s : %s depuis : '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) échec de la fermeture du pipe vers '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "impossible d'envoyer un message comme 7bit"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "codage de transfert invalide"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "impossible d'ouvrir %s :%s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "%s : le patch contient une ligne plus longue que 998 caractères"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "%s sauté avec un suffix de sauvegarde '%s'.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Souhaitez-vous réellement envoyer %s ?[y|N] : "
diff --git a/po/git.pot b/po/git.pot
index 14c6327..d799696 100644
--- a/po/git.pot
+++ b/po/git.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 20:12+0800\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -18,71 +18,78 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr ""
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
@@ -94,92 +101,92 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -190,527 +197,527 @@
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr ""
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr ""
@@ -751,98 +758,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr ""
@@ -886,7 +893,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -974,12 +981,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr ""
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1017,37 +1024,37 @@
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr ""
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr ""
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1166,12 +1173,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1186,8 +1193,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1196,60 +1203,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr ""
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1258,8 +1269,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1269,7 +1280,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1281,215 +1292,270 @@
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
 "variable i18n.commitencoding to the encoding your project uses.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1498,7 +1564,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1508,294 +1574,294 @@
 "This might be due to circular includes."
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1951,19 +2017,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr ""
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr ""
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr ""
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr ""
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2171,7 +2237,7 @@
 msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2236,523 +2302,523 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5357
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -2854,32 +2920,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2898,7 +2964,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2939,154 +3005,130 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr ""
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr ""
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3096,18 +3138,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr ""
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3177,7 +3219,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr ""
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3301,7 +3343,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3333,6 +3375,11 @@
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr ""
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr ""
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3358,8 +3405,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3382,90 +3429,90 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3476,108 +3523,108 @@
 "which will accept this suggestion.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
 "in tree."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
 "left in tree."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
 "in tree at %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
 "left in tree at %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
 "\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3585,310 +3632,323 @@
 "getting a majority of the files."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
 "implicit directory rename(s) putting the following path(s) there: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
 "implicit directory renames tried to put these paths there: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
 ">%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
 "moving it to %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
 "in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
 "%s; moving it to %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
 "was renamed in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
-#, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
-msgstr ""
 #: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
-msgid "Adding %s"
+msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 #: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
+msgid "Adding %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
+#, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 "  %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr ""
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -3954,16 +4014,16 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr ""
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr ""
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4214,24 +4274,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4342,11 +4407,10 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4400,12 +4464,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4465,19 +4529,19 @@
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4486,19 +4550,19 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr ""
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4526,97 +4590,98 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4642,267 +4707,251 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
 msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
 msgstr ""
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5217,8 +5266,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5252,20 +5301,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr ""
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr ""
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5331,74 +5380,79 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
 "and commit the result with 'git commit'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5406,70 +5460,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -5486,15 +5540,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5509,7 +5563,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5523,305 +5577,346 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -5833,27 +5928,27 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -5863,11 +5958,11 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -5878,76 +5973,76 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -5955,31 +6050,31 @@
 "You can run \"git stash pop\" or \"git stash drop\" at any time.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -5992,105 +6087,105 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
 "Or you can abort the rebase with 'git rebase --abort'.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr ""
@@ -6295,194 +6390,199 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6502,13 +6602,65 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
 "running \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
 msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6542,7 +6694,7 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr ""
@@ -6581,18 +6733,18 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -6600,16 +6752,16 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6768,15 +6920,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr ""
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6819,7 +6966,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6872,71 +7019,71 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
 "Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6952,7 +7099,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr ""
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7132,7 +7279,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
+msgid "Updating files"
 msgstr ""
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
@@ -7171,32 +7318,32 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7215,390 +7362,394 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
-msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:231
-msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
 #: wt-status.c:243
+msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -7606,92 +7757,92 @@
 "new files yourself (see 'git help status')."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
@@ -7705,7 +7856,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7753,8 +7904,8 @@
 msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7763,7 +7914,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7918,7 +8069,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7927,7 +8078,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7964,42 +8115,38 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr ""
@@ -8007,41 +8154,42 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
 "already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8049,184 +8197,188 @@
 "You might run `git rm` on a file to accept \"deleted by them\" for it."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
 "Use \"git am --abort\" to remove it."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr ""
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr ""
@@ -8437,79 +8589,84 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr ""
@@ -8521,133 +8678,150 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr ""
@@ -8659,18 +8833,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr ""
@@ -8702,147 +8876,147 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
 "         '%s', but not yet merged to HEAD."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
 "         '%s', even though it is merged to HEAD."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
 "If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D %s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -8850,213 +9024,215 @@
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be stripped.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9075,83 +9251,83 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr ""
@@ -9179,8 +9355,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr ""
@@ -9270,9 +9446,9 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr ""
@@ -9284,146 +9460,169 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -9438,7 +9637,7 @@
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -9455,181 +9654,231 @@
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
 "Please use -- (and optionally --no-guess) to disambiguate"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
-msgid "style"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -9646,6 +9895,68 @@
 "checkout.defaultRemote=origin in your config."
 msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -9676,7 +9987,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -9685,7 +10001,7 @@
 "           - (empty) select nothing\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -9698,38 +10014,38 @@
 "           - (empty) finish selecting\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -9740,401 +10056,405 @@
 "?                   - help for prompt selection"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
+msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr ""
@@ -10181,7 +10501,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -10209,13 +10529,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr ""
@@ -10223,8 +10543,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr ""
@@ -10261,111 +10581,114 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -10375,7 +10698,7 @@
 "and try again.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -10385,14 +10708,14 @@
 "and try again.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
 "with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -10400,377 +10723,393 @@
 "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr ""
@@ -10778,7 +11117,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -10883,7 +11222,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr ""
@@ -10927,7 +11266,7 @@
 msgid "show origin of config (file, standard input, blob, command line)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr ""
@@ -11204,7 +11543,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr ""
@@ -11375,350 +11714,406 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
 " 'git remote prune %s' to remove any old, conflicting branches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -11785,7 +12180,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr ""
@@ -11951,7 +12346,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12036,7 +12431,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12069,7 +12464,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12135,7 +12530,7 @@
 "gc is already running on machine '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> (use --force if not)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -12158,258 +12553,258 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12424,10 +12819,6 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12538,12 +12929,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12557,290 +12948,285 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr ""
@@ -12933,87 +13319,87 @@
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13025,384 +13411,380 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
 "Or you could specify base commit by --base=<base-commit-id> manually"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -13523,7 +13905,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr ""
@@ -13596,361 +13978,373 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
 "the commit.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
-msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/merge.c:1366
+msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14081,20 +14475,32 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
@@ -14184,52 +14590,52 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14369,7 +14775,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14590,7 +14996,7 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr ""
@@ -14624,7 +15030,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14639,369 +15045,373 @@
 "git pack-objects [<options>...] <base-name> [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
 " %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
 " %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15055,61 +15465,61 @@
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -15117,74 +15527,74 @@
 "for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
 "from the remote, but no such ref was fetched."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -15192,7 +15602,7 @@
 "commit %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -15203,15 +15613,15 @@
 "to recover."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15612,7 +16022,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15632,7 +16042,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15740,7 +16150,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15748,7 +16158,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15778,11 +16188,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -15791,7 +16201,7 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -15803,7 +16213,7 @@
 "As a result, git cannot rebase them."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -15814,7 +16224,7 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -15823,174 +16233,169 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -16003,167 +16408,171 @@
 "valuable there.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not parse '%s'"
-msgstr ""
 #: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
-msgid "could not switch to %s"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
-msgid "HEAD is up to date."
+msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
+msgid "could not switch to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
+msgid "HEAD is up to date."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
+#, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -16180,7 +16589,7 @@
 "'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to 'refuse'."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -16192,11 +16601,11 @@
 "To squelch this message, you can set it to 'refuse'."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr ""
@@ -16759,111 +17168,111 @@
 "--no-write-bitmap-index or disable the pack.writebitmaps configuration."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -16875,7 +17284,7 @@
 "WARNING: Please rename them in %s manually:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17266,24 +17675,24 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17350,47 +17759,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
-msgid "don't automatically commit"
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/revert.c:107
+msgid "don't automatically commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17545,113 +17958,113 @@
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17827,94 +18240,94 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17935,7 +18348,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17949,7 +18362,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17957,8 +18370,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr ""
@@ -17975,7 +18388,7 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -17983,312 +18396,312 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
 "authoritative upstream."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
 "really want to remove it including all of its history)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
 "the superproject is not on any branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18317,7 +18730,7 @@
 msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18376,17 +18789,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -18395,7 +18808,7 @@
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -18405,15 +18818,15 @@
 "want to.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -18422,138 +18835,138 @@
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18857,15 +19270,15 @@
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18881,11 +19294,11 @@
 msgid "show statistics only"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18917,7 +19330,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -18986,175 +19399,175 @@
 "use 'add -f' to override, or 'prune' or 'remove' to clear"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -19219,101 +19632,102 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
 "You can use '!git' in the alias to do this"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:856
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -19487,19 +19901,19 @@
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr ""
@@ -19515,6 +19929,14 @@
 msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
 msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr ""
@@ -19940,214 +20362,222 @@
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:156
-msgid "Revert some existing commits"
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:157
-msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
+msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:158
-msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
+msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:159
-msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
+msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:160
-msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
+msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:161
-msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
+msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:162
-msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
+msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:163
-msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
+msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:164
-msgid "Show various types of objects"
+msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:165
-msgid "Show branches and their commits"
+msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:166
-msgid "Show packed archive index"
+msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:167
-msgid "List references in a local repository"
+msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:168
-msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
+msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:169
-msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
+msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:170
-msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
+msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:171
-msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
+msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:172
-msgid "Show the working tree status"
+msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:173
-msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
+msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:174
-msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
+msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:175
-msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
+msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:176
-msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
+msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:177
-msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
+msgid "Switch branches"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:178
-msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
+msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:179
-msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
+msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:180
-msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
+msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:181
-msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
+msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:182
-msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
+msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:183
-msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
+msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:184
-msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
+msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:185
-msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
+msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:186
-msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
+msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:187
-msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
+msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:188
-msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
+msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:189
-msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
+msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:190
-msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
+msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:191
-msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
+msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:192
-msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
+msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:193
-msgid "Defining attributes per path"
+msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:194
-msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
+msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:195
-msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
+msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:196
-msgid "Git for CVS users"
+msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:197
-msgid "Tweaking diff output"
+msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:198
-msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
+msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:199
-msgid "A Git Glossary"
+msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:200
-msgid "Hooks used by Git"
+msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:201
-msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
+msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:202
-msgid "Defining submodule properties"
+msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:203
-msgid "Git namespaces"
+msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:204
-msgid "Git Repository Layout"
+msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:205
-msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
+msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:206
-msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
+msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:207
-msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
+msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:208
+msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
+msgstr ""
+#: command-list.h:209
+msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
+msgstr ""
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20533,12 +20963,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr ""
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr ""
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
@@ -20559,7 +20998,7 @@
 "These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.\n"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -20571,83 +21010,83 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -20657,31 +21096,31 @@
 "you are able to reword the commit."
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -20689,7 +21128,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -20699,25 +21138,25 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -20735,50 +21174,50 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr ""
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20840,120 +21279,122 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -20963,14 +21404,14 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
 "aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -20981,12 +21422,12 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -20995,7 +21436,7 @@
 "d - do not stage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -21004,7 +21445,7 @@
 "d - do not stash this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -21013,7 +21454,7 @@
 "d - do not unstage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -21022,7 +21463,7 @@
 "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -21031,7 +21472,7 @@
 "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -21040,7 +21481,7 @@
 "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -21049,7 +21490,16 @@
 "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -21062,211 +21512,226 @@
 "? - print help\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr ""
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
 msgstr[1] ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -21277,18 +21742,19 @@
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr ""
@@ -21301,66 +21767,66 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -21370,36 +21836,36 @@
 "    * Giving --format-patch option if you mean a range.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
 "warning: no patches were sent\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -21408,37 +21874,37 @@
 "Clear the body content if you don't wish to send a summary.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -21447,20 +21913,20 @@
 "want to send.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -21468,16 +21934,16 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -21494,128 +21960,128 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po
index 0a28453..30ec99c 100644
--- a/po/it.po
+++ b/po/it.po
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-03 21:37+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 20:12+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-11 11:48+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Alessandro Menti <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Italian <>\n"
 "Language: it\n"
@@ -20,51 +20,51 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.04.1\n"
+"X-Generator: Lokalize 19.04.3\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%ssuggerimento: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Il cherry picking non è possibile perché ci sono file di cui non è stato "
 "eseguito il merge."
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Il commit non è possibile perché ci sono file di cui non è stato eseguito il "
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Il merge non è possibile perché ci sono file di cui non è stato eseguito il "
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Il pull non è possibile perché ci sono file di cui non è stato eseguito il "
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Il revert non è possibile perché ci sono file di cui non è stato eseguito il "
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Impossibile eseguire il %s perché ci sono file di cui non è stato eseguito "
 "il merge."
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -72,35 +72,42 @@
 "Correggili nell'albero di lavoro, quindi usa 'git add/rm <file>...' come "
 "appropriato per risolverli ed esegui un commit."
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Esco a causa di un conflitto non risolto."
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Il merge non è stato concluso (esiste MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Esegui il commit delle modifiche prima di eseguire il merge."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Esco a causa di un merge non terminato."
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
 "Nota: eseguo il checkout di '%s'.\n"
@@ -110,13 +117,20 @@
 "sperimentali ed eseguirne il commit, e puoi scartare qualunque commit "
 "in questo stato senza che ciò abbia alcuna influenza sugli altri branch "
-"un nuovo checkout.\n"
+"su un branch.\n"
 "Se vuoi creare un nuovo branch per mantenere i commit creati, puoi farlo\n"
-"(ora o in seguito) rieseguendo il checkout con il parametro -b. Ad esempio:\n"
+"(ora o in seguito) usando l'opzione -c con il comando switch. Ad esempio:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <nome-nuovo-branch>\n"
+"  git switch -c <nome nuovo branch>\n"
+"Oppure puoi annullare quest'operazione con:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Disattiva questo consiglio impostando la variabile di configurazione\n"
+"advice.detachedHead a false\n"
 #: alias.c:50
@@ -127,95 +141,95 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr "virgolette non chiuse"
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "opzione spazi bianchi '%s' non riconosciuta"
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "opzione ignora spazi bianchi '%s' non riconosciuta"
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject e --3way non possono essere usati insieme."
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached e --3way non possono essere usati insieme."
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way al di fuori di un repository"
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index al di fuori di un repository"
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached al di fuori di un repository"
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "Impossibile preparare l'espressione regolare timestamp %s"
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "regexec ha restituito %d per l'input: %s"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare il nome del file nella patch alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: git-diff errato - atteso /dev/null, ricevuto %s alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: git-diff errato - nuovo nome del file inconsistente alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: git-diff errato - vecchio nome del file inconsistente alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: git-diff errato - atteso /dev/null alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
-msgstr "modalità non valida alla riga %d: %s"
+msgstr "modo non valido alla riga %d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "righe di intestazione %d e %d inconsistenti"
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recount: riga inattesa: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "frammento di patch senza intestazione alla riga %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -230,110 +244,110 @@
 "l'intestazione git diff non riporta le informazioni sul file una volta "
 "rimossi %d componenti iniziali del percorso (riga %d)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr "l'intestazione git diff non riporta le informazioni sul file (riga %d)"
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
-msgstr "il nuovo file dipende da contenuti precedenti"
+msgstr "il nuovo file dipende da vecchi contenuti"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "il file eliminato ha ancora dei contenuti"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "patch corrotta alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
-msgstr "il nuovo file %s dipende da contenuti precedenti"
+msgstr "il nuovo file %s dipende da vecchi contenuti"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "il file eliminato %s ha ancora dei contenuti"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** attenzione: il file %s diventa vuoto ma non è eliminato"
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "patch binaria corrotta alla riga %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "patch binaria non riconosciuta alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "patch con soli contenuti garbage alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il collegamento simbolico %s"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire o leggere %s"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "inizio della riga non valido: '%c'"
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] "Applicazione frammento %d riuscita alla riga %d (offset: %d riga)."
 msgstr[1] "Applicazione frammento %d riuscita alla riga %d (offset: %d righe)."
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "Contesto ridotto a (%ld/%ld) per applicare il frammento alla riga %d"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
 msgstr ""
-"durante la ricerca per:\n"
+"durante la ricerca di:\n"
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "dati della patch binaria mancanti per '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile applicare una patch binaria al contrario senza l'hunk contrario "
 "per '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile applicare una patch binaria a '%s' senza la riga d'indice "
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
@@ -341,434 +355,434 @@
 "la patch si applica a '%s' (%s), che non corrisponde ai contenuti correnti "
 "del file."
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
-msgstr "la patch si applica a un file vuoto '%s' ma non è vuoto"
+msgstr "la patch si applica a un file vuoto '%s' ma il file non è vuoto"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere la postimmagine %s necessaria per '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "la patch binaria non si applica correttamente a '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "la patch binaria su '%s' crea risultati non corretti (atteso %s, ricevuto %s)"
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "patch non riuscita: %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il checkout di '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "lettura di %s non riuscita"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "lettura di '%s' oltre un collegamento simbolico"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "il percorso %s è stato rinominato/eliminato"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s: non esiste nell'indice"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s: non corrisponde all'indice"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "dal repository manca il blob necessario per ripiegare sul merge a tre vie."
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Ripiego sul merge a tre vie...\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere i contenuti correnti di '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Ripiego sul merge a tre vie non riuscito...\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Patch applicata a '%s' con conflitti.\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Patch '%s' applicata correttamente.\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "la rimozione della patch lascia contenuti del file"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s: tipo errato"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s ha il tipo %o, atteso %o"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
-msgstr "percorso non valido: %s"
+msgstr "percorso '%s' non valido"
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s: esiste già nell'indice"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s: esiste già nella directory di lavoro"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
-msgstr ""
-"la nuova modalità (%o) di %s non corrisponde alla vecchia modalità (%o)"
+msgstr "il nuovo modo (%o) di %s non corrisponde al vecchio modo (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
-msgstr ""
-"la nuova modalità (%o) di %s non corrisponde alla vecchia modalità (%o) di %s"
+msgstr "il nuovo modo (%o) di %s non corrisponde al vecchio modo (%o) di %s"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "il file interessato '%s' si trova oltre un collegamento simbolico"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s: la patch non si applica correttamente"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Controllo della patch %s in corso..."
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "le informazioni SHA1 per il sottomodulo %s sono mancanti o inutili"
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
-msgstr "modifica modalità per %s che non è nell'HEAD corrente"
+msgstr "modifica modo per %s che non è nell'HEAD corrente"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "le informazioni SHA1 sono mancanti o inutili (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "make_cache_entry non riuscito per il percorso '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiungere %s all'indice temporaneo"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere l'indice temporaneo in %s"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "impossibile rimuovere %s dall'indice"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "patch corrotta per il sottomodulo %s"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire lo stat del file appena creato '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr "impossibile creare l'archivio di backup per il file appena creato %s"
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiungere la voce della cache per %s"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "scrittura in '%s' non riuscita"
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "chiusura del file '%s' in corso"
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
-msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file '%s' in modalità %o"
+msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file '%s' con modo %o"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Patch %s applicata correttamente."
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "errore interno"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "Applicazione della patch %%s con %d frammento respinto..."
 msgstr[1] "Applicazione della patch %%s con %d frammenti respinti..."
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "nome file .rej troncato a %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire %s"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "Frammento %d applicato correttamente."
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "Frammento %d respinto."
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Patch '%s' ignorata."
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "input non riconosciuto"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il file index"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire la patch '%s': %s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "%d errore di spazi bianchi soppresso"
 msgstr[1] "%d errori di spazi bianchi soppressi"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d riga aggiunge errori di spazi bianchi."
 msgstr[1] "%d righe aggiungono errori di spazi bianchi."
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d riga applicata dopo la correzione di errori di spazi bianchi."
 msgstr[1] "%d righe applicate dopo la correzione di errori di spazi bianchi."
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Impossibile scrivere il nuovo file index"
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "percorso"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "non applicare le modifiche corrispondenti al percorso specificato"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "applica le modifiche corrispondenti al percorso specificato"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "num"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "rimuovi <num> barre iniziali dai percorsi diff tradizionali"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "ignora le aggiunte create dalla patch"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
-msgstr "invece di applicare la patch, mostra l'output di diffstat per l'input"
+msgstr ""
+"invece di applicare la patch, visualizza l'output di diffstat per l'input"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
-msgstr "mostra il numero di righe aggiunte ed eliminate in notazione decimale"
+msgstr ""
+"visualizza il numero di righe aggiunte ed eliminate in notazione decimale"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
-msgstr "invece di applicare la patch, mostra un riassunto per l'input"
+msgstr "invece di applicare la patch, visualizza un riassunto per l'input"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "invece di applicare la patch, verifica se può essere applicata"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "assicura che la patch sia applicabile all'indice corrente"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "contrassegna i nuovi file con `git add --intent-to-add`"
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "applica una patch senza modificare l'albero di lavoro"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr ""
 "accetta una patch che apporta modifiche al di fuori dell'area di lavoro"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "applica anche la patch (da usare con --stat/--summary/--check)"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "prova un merge a tre vie se la patch non si applica correttamente"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr "compila un index temporaneo basato sulle informazioni indice incluse"
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "i percorsi sono separati con un carattere NUL"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
-msgstr "assicura almeno <n> righe di contesto corrispondente"
+msgstr "assicura che almeno <n> righe di contesto corrispondano"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "azione"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr "rileva righe nuove o modificate che hanno errori di spazi bianchi"
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "ignora modifiche agli spazi bianchi durante la ricerca dei contesti"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "applica la patch in maniera inversa"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "non aspettare almeno una riga di contesto"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "lascia i frammenti respinti nei file *.rej corrispondenti"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "consenti la sovrapposizione dei frammenti"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "visualizza ulteriori dettagli"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr ""
 "tollera carattere fine riga rilevato erroneamente come mancante alla fine "
 "del file"
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr ""
 "non fare affidamento sul numero di righe nelle intestazioni dei frammenti"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "radice"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
-msgstr "anteponi <root> a tutti i nomi file"
+msgstr "anteponi <radice> a tutti i nomi file"
 #: archive.c:14
 msgid "git archive [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
@@ -809,98 +823,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "%s non è un oggetto albero valido"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "la directory di lavoro corrente non è tracciata"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "fmt"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "formato archivio"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "prefisso"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "anteponi <prefisso> a ogni nome percorso nell'archivio"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "file"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "scrivi l'archivio in questo file"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "leggi il file .gitattributes nella directory di lavoro"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "elenca i file archiviati sullo standard error"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "salva solamente"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "comprimi più velocemente"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "comprimi meglio"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "elenca i formati archivio supportati"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "repository"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "recupera l'archivio dal repository remoto <repository>"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "comando"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "percorso al comando remoto git-upload-archive"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Opzione --remote inattesa"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "L'opzione --exec può essere usata solo con --remote"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Opzione --output inattesa"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Formato archivio '%s' sconosciuto"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Argomento non supportato per il formato '%s': -%d"
@@ -913,7 +927,7 @@
 #: archive-tar.c:260 archive-zip.c:363
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported file mode: 0%o (SHA1: %s)"
-msgstr "modalità file non supportata: 0%o (SHA1: %s)"
+msgstr "modo file non supportato: 0%o (SHA1: %s)"
 #: archive-tar.c:287 archive-zip.c:353
 #, c-format
@@ -944,7 +958,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "percorso troppo lungo (%d caratteri, SHA1: %s): %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "errore deflate (%d)"
@@ -970,7 +984,7 @@
 "Use '\\!' for literal leading exclamation."
 msgstr ""
 "I pattern negativi sono ignorati negli attributi git\n"
-"Usare '\\!' per specificare un punto esclamativo iniziale letteralmente."
+"Usa '\\!' per specificare letteralmente un punto esclamativo iniziale."
 #: bisect.c:468
 #, c-format
@@ -1046,12 +1060,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "è richiesta una revisione %s"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile creare il file '%s'"
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il file '%s'"
@@ -1093,41 +1107,41 @@
 msgstr[1] ""
 "Bisezione in corso: %d revisioni rimanenti da testare dopo questa %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents e --reverse non sono compatibili."
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "impossibile usare --contents con il nome oggetto del commit finale"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
 "le opzioni --reverse e --first-parent se usate insieme richiedono che sia "
 "specificato l'ultimo commit"
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "impostazione percorso revisioni non riuscita"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
 "le opzioni --reverse e --first-parent se usate insieme richiedono che sia "
 "specificato un intervallo nella catena del primo commit genitore"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "il percorso %s in %s non esiste"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il blob %s per il percorso %s"
@@ -1269,12 +1283,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "Punto di branch non valido: '%s'."
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "Il checkout di '%s' è già stato eseguito in '%s'"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "L'HEAD dell'albero di lavoro %s non è aggiornato"
@@ -1289,8 +1303,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "intestazione non riconosciuta: %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire '%s'"
@@ -1299,60 +1313,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "Dal repository mancano questi commit richiesti come prerequisito:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "è necessario un repository per verificare un bundle"
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
-msgstr[0] "Il bundle contiene questo ref:"
-msgstr[1] "Il bundle contiene questi %d ref:"
+msgstr[0] "Il bundle contiene questo riferimento:"
+msgstr[1] "Il bundle contiene questi %d riferimenti:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
-msgstr "Il bundle registra una cronologia completa."
+msgstr "Nel bundle è registrata una cronologia completa."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
-msgstr[0] "Il bundle richiede questo ref:"
-msgstr[1] "Il bundle richiede questi %d ref:"
+msgstr[0] "Il bundle richiede questo riferimento:"
+msgstr[1] "Il bundle richiede questi %d riferimenti:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "impossibile duplicare il descrittore bundle"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "Impossibile avviare pack-objects"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "comando pack-objects morto"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "comando rev-list morto"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
-msgstr "il ref '%s' è escluso dalle opzioni di rev-list"
+msgstr "il riferimento '%s' è escluso dalle opzioni di rev-list"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento non riconosciuto: %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Mi rifiuto di creare un bundle vuoto."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile creare '%s'"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "comando index-pack morto"
@@ -1361,8 +1379,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "valore colore non valido: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare %s"
@@ -1372,7 +1390,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s non è un commit!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1386,33 +1404,33 @@
 "Il supporto per <GIT_DIR>/info/graft è deprecato\n"
 "e sarà rimosso in una versione futura di Git.\n"
-"Usare \"git replace --convert-graft-file\"\n"
+"Usa \"git replace --convert-graft-file\"\n"
 "per convertire i graft in ref sostitutivi.\n"
-"Per disabilitare questo messaggio, eseguire\n"
+"Per disabilitare questo messaggio, esegui\n"
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "Il commit %s ha una firma GPG non affidabile, presumibilmente di %s."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "Il commit %s ha una firma GPG non valida presumibilmente di %s."
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "Il commit %s non ha una firma GPG."
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "Il commit %s ha una firma GPG valida di %s\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1423,86 +1441,108 @@
 "la variabile di configurazione i18n.commitencoding alla codifica usata\n"
 "dal tuo progetto.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr "il file grafo dei commit %s è troppo piccolo"
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr "la firma del grafo dei commit %X non corrisponde alla firma %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "la versione del grafo dei commit %X non corrisponde alla versione %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr ""
 "la versione hash del grafo dei commit %X non corrisponde alla versione %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
 "voce blocco grafo dei commit mancante nella tabella di ricerca; il file "
 "potrebbe non essere completo"
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr "offset blocco grafo dei commit improprio %08x%08x"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr "l'ID del blocco grafo dei commit %08x compare più volte"
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "il grafo dei commit non ha un blocco grafi di base"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "la catena del grafo dei commit non corrisponde"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr "catena grafo dei commit non valida: la riga '%s' non è un hash"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "impossibile trovare tutti i file grafo dei commit"
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr ""
+"posizione commit non valida. Il grafo dei commit è probabilmente corrotto"
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare il commit %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "impossibile recuperare il tipo dell'oggetto %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Caricamento commit noti nel grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Espansione dei commit raggiungibili nel grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "Rimozione dei contrassegni commit nel grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr "Calcolo numeri generazione del grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] "Ricerca dei commit per il grafo dei commit in %d pack in corso"
 msgstr[1] "Ricerca dei commit per il grafo dei commit in %d pack in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "errore durante l'aggiunta del pack %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "errore durante l'apertura dell'indice per %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
@@ -1511,98 +1551,132 @@
 msgstr[1] ""
 "Ricerca dei commit per il grafo dei commit da %d riferimenti in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr ""
 "Ricerca dei commit per il grafo dei commit fra gli oggetti nei pack in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Conteggio commit distinti nel grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr ""
-"il formato del grafo dei commit non può essere usato per scrivere %d commit"
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "Ricerca degli archi aggiuntivi nel grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "troppi commit da scrivere nel grafo"
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "impossibile scrivere il numero esatto degli ID grafo di base"
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile creare le prime directory di %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "impossibile creare '%s'"
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "Scrittura in %d passaggio del grafo dei commit in corso"
 msgstr[1] "Scrittura in %d passaggi del grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "impossibile aprire il file catena grafo dei commit"
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "impossibile ridenominare il file di base grafo dei commit"
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "impossibile ridenominare il file temporaneo grafo dei commit"
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "Scansione dei commit sottoposti a merge in corso"
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "ID commit duplicato inatteso: %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "Merge del grafo dei commit in corso"
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr ""
+"il formato del grafo dei commit non può essere usato per scrivere %d commit"
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "troppi commit da scrivere nel grafo"
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr ""
 "il file del grafo dei commit ha un checksum non corretto e probabilmente è "
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr "il grafo dei commit ha un ordine OID non corretto: %s seguito da %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
 "il grafo dei commit ha un valore fanout non corretto: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il commit %s nel grafo dei commit"
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Verifica dei commit nel grafo dei commit in corso"
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile analizzare il commit %s dal database oggetti per il grafo dei "
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr ""
 "l'OID dell'albero radice per il commit %s nel grafo dei commit è %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr "l'elenco genitori nel grafo dei commit per il commit %s è troppo lungo"
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr "il genitore nel grafo dei commit per %s è %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr ""
 "l'elenco genitori nel grafo dei commit per il commit %s è finito prima del "
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
@@ -1610,7 +1684,7 @@
 "il grafo dei commit ha un numero generazione zero per il commit %s ma non "
 "pari a zero per gli altri"
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
@@ -1618,12 +1692,12 @@
 "il grafo dei commit ha un numero generazione non pari a zero per il commit "
 "%s ma pari a zero per gli altri"
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr "il numero generazione nel grafo dei commit per il commit %s è %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1633,7 +1707,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "memoria esaurita"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1648,309 +1722,309 @@
 "Ciò può essere dovuto a delle inclusioni circolari."
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile espandere il percorso di inclusione '%s'"
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "le inclusioni configurazione relative devono provenire da file"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr ""
 "i condizionali di inclusione configurazione relativi devono provenire da file"
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "la chiave non contiene una sezione: %s"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "la chiave non contiene un nome variabile: %s"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "chiave non valida: %s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "chiave non valida (nuova riga): %s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "parametro configurazione fittizio: %s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "formato fittizio in %s"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "riga configurazione %d errata nel blob %s"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "riga configurazione %d errata nel file %s"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "riga configurazione %d errata nello standard input"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "riga configurazione %d errata nel blob sottomodulo %s"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "riga configurazione %d errata nella riga di comando %s"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "riga configurazione %d errata in %s"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "fuori intervallo"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "unità non valida"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "valore configurazione numerico '%s' errato per '%s': %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "valore configurazione numerico '%s' errato per '%s' nel blob %s: %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr "valore configurazione numerico '%s' errato per '%s' nel file %s: %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valore configurazione numerico '%s' errato per '%s' nello standard input: %s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valore configurazione numerico '%s' errato per '%s' nel blob sottomodulo %s: "
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "valore configurazione numerico '%s' errato per '%s' nella riga di comando "
 "%s: %s"
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "valore configurazione numerico '%s' errato per '%s' in %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "espansione directory utente in '%s' non riuscita"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "'%s' per '%s' non è un timestamp valido"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "lunghezza abbreviazione fuori intervallo: %d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "livello compressione zlib %d non valido"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "core.commentChar dovrebbe essere composto da un solo carattere"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "modalità non valida per la creazione di un oggetto: %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "valore malformato per %s"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valore malformato per %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr "dev'essere nothing, matching, simple, upstream o current"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "livello compressione pack %d non valido"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile caricare l'oggetto blob configurazione '%s'"
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "il riferimento '%s' non punta ad un blob"
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere il blob configurazione '%s'"
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "analisi di %s non riuscita"
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare la configurazione a riga di comando"
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr ""
 "si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante la lettura dei file di "
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s non valido: '%s'"
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
 "valore core.untrackedCache '%s' non valido; utilizzerò il valore predefinito "
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr ""
 "il valore splitIndex.maxPercentChange '%d' dovrebbe essere compreso fra 0 e "
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare '%s' dalla configurazione a riga di comando"
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "variabile configurazione '%s' errata nel file '%s' alla riga %d"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "nome sezione '%s' non valido"
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s ha più valori"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "scrittura del nuovo file di configurazione %s non riuscita"
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "impossibile bloccare il file di configurazione %s"
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "apertura di %s in corso"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "pattern non valido: %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "file di configurazione %s non valido"
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "fstat di %s non riuscita"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire mmap su '%s'"
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "esecuzione chmod su %s non riuscita"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file di configurazione %s"
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile impostare '%s' a '%s'"
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile eliminare l'impostazione di '%s'"
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "nome sezione non valido: %s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
-msgstr "valore mancante per %s"
+msgstr "valore mancante per '%s'"
 #: connect.c:61
 msgid "the remote end hung up upon initial contact"
@@ -2013,7 +2087,7 @@
 #: connect.c:441
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ls-refs response: %s"
-msgstr "responso ls-refs non valido: %s"
+msgstr "risposta ls-refs non valida: %s"
 #: connect.c:445
 msgid "expected flush after ref listing"
@@ -2031,7 +2105,7 @@
 #: connect.c:635 connect.c:698
 #, c-format
 msgid "Looking up %s ... "
-msgstr "Risoluzione di %s in corso..."
+msgstr "Risoluzione di %s in corso... "
 #: connect.c:639
 #, c-format
@@ -2046,7 +2120,7 @@
 "Connecting to %s (port %s) ... "
 msgstr ""
-"Connessione a %s (porta %s) in corso..."
+"Connessione a %s (porta %s) in corso... "
 #: connect.c:665 connect.c:742
 #, c-format
@@ -2114,19 +2188,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire fork"
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Controllo connessione in corso"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile eseguire 'git-rev-list'"
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire 'git-rev-list'"
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "scrittura nella rev-list non riuscita"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "chiusura standard input della rev-list non riuscita"
@@ -2349,7 +2423,7 @@
 "l'espressione regolare dell'isola tratta dalla configurazione ha troppi "
 "gruppi cattura (massimo=%d)"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "Contrassegnate %d isole, fatto.\n"
@@ -2428,36 +2502,36 @@
 "Trovati errori nella variabile di configurazione 'diff.dirstat':\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "processo esterno diff morto, mi fermo a %s"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
 "le opzioni --name-only, --name-status, --check e -s sono mutuamente esclusive"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "le opzioni -G, -S e --find-object sono mutuamente esclusive"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow richiede esattamente uno specificatore percorso"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "valore non valido per --stat: %s"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "%s richiede un valore numerico"
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2466,42 +2540,42 @@
 "Analisi del parametro dell'opzione --dirstat/-X non riuscita:\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "classe modifica '%c' sconosciuta in --diff-filter=%s"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "valore sconosciuto dopo ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere '%s'"
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr "%s richiede il formato <n>/<m>"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "%s richiede un carattere, ricevuto '%s'"
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento --color-moved errato: %s"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "modo non valido '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
@@ -2509,151 +2583,151 @@
 "l'opzione diff-algorithm accetta i valori \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience"
 "\" e \"histogram\""
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "argomento non valido per %s"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "analisi del parametro dell'opzione --submodule non riuscita: '%s'"
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento --word-diff errato: %s"
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "Opzioni formato output diff"
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "genera patch"
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "non visualizzare l'output del diff"
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "<n>"
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "genera diff con <n> righe di contesto"
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "genera il diff in formato grezzo"
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "sinonimo di '-p --raw'"
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "sinonimo di '-p --stat'"
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "--stat leggibile da una macchina"
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "emetti in output solo l'ultima riga di --stat"
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "<parametro1,parametro2>..."
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr ""
 "emetti in output la distribuzione del numero di modifiche relativo a ogni "
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "sinonimo di --dirstat=cumulative"
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "sinonimo di --dirstat=files,parametro1,parametro2..."
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "avvisa se le modifiche introducono marcatori conflitto o errori spazi bianchi"
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr ""
 "riassunto conciso (ad es. elementi creati, ridenominati e modifiche modi)"
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "visualizza solo i nomi dei file modificati"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "visualizza solo i nomi e lo stato dei file modificati"
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
 msgstr "<ampiezza>[,<ampiezza nome>[,<numero>]]"
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "genera diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "<ampiezza>"
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "genera il diffstat con un'ampiezza specificata"
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "genera il diffstat con un'ampiezza nomi specificata"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "genera il diffstat con un'ampiezza grafo specificata"
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "<numero>"
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "genera il diffstat con righe limitate"
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "genera riassunto conciso nel diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "stampa in output un diff binario che può essere applicato"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr "visualizza i nomi oggetto pre e post immagine nelle righe \"indice\""
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "visualizza diff colorato"
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr "<tipo>"
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
@@ -2661,7 +2735,7 @@
 "evidenzia gli errori di spazi bianchi nelle righe 'contesto', 'vecchie' o "
 "'nuove' nel diff"
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2669,92 +2743,91 @@
 "non rimuovere i nomi percorso e usare caratteri NUL come terminatori campo "
 "in --raw o --numstat"
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr "<prefisso>"
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "visualizza il prefisso sorgente specificato invece di \"a/\""
-#: diff.c:5357
-#, fuzzy
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
-msgstr "visualizza il prefisso sorgente specificato invece di \"b/\""
+msgstr "visualizza il prefisso destinazione specificato invece di \"b/\""
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "anteponi un prefisso aggiuntivo ad ogni riga dell'output"
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "non visualizzare alcun prefisso sorgente o destinazione"
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza il contesto tra gli hunk del diff fino al numero di righe "
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "<carattere>"
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "specifica il carattere che indica una nuova riga al posto di '+'"
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "specifica il carattere che indica una vecchia riga al posto di '-'"
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr "specifica il carattere che indica un contesto al posto di ' '"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "Opzioni rinominazione diff"
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr ""
 "spezza modifiche di riscrittura completa in coppie eliminazione/creazione"
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "rileva le ridenominazioni"
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "ometti la preimmagine per le eliminazioni"
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "rileva le copie"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr "usa file non modificati come sorgente per trovare copie"
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "disabilita rilevamento ridenominazione"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "usa blob vuoti come sorgente ridenominazione"
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr ""
 "continua a elencare la cronologia di un file al di là delle ridenominazioni"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
@@ -2762,159 +2835,159 @@
 "impedisci il rilevamento ridenominazione/copia se il numero delle "
 "destinazioni ridenominazione/copia eccede il limite specificato"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "Opzioni algoritmo diff"
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "produci il diff più piccolo possibile"
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "ignora gli spazi bianchi durante il confronto delle righe"
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "ignora le modifiche al numero degli spazi bianchi"
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "ignora modifiche agli spazi bianchi a fine riga"
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "ignora carattere ritorno a capo a fine riga"
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "ignora modifiche che riguardano solo righe vuote"
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr ""
 "euristica per spostare i limiti degli hunk nel diff per una lettura agevole"
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "genera il diff usando l'algoritmo \"patience diff\""
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "genera il diff usando l'algoritmo \"histogram diff\""
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "<algoritmo>"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "seleziona un algoritmo diff"
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "<testo>"
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "genera il diff usando l'algoritmo \"anchored diff\""
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "<modalità>"
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza il diff parola per parola usando <modalità> per delimitare le "
 "parole modificate"
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr "<espressione regolare>"
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "usa <espressione regolare> per decidere cosa costituisce una parola"
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr ""
 "equivalente di --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<espressione regolare>"
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "le righe di codice spostate sono colorate in modo diverso"
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr "modo in cui sono ignorati gli spazi bianchi in --color-moved"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "Altre opzioni diff"
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
 "se eseguito da una sottodirectory, escludi le modifiche esterne ad essa e "
 "visualizza i percorsi relativi"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "tratta tutti i file come se fossero di testo"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "scambia i due input, genera un diff al contrario"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr "esci con codice 1 se ci sono differenze, con 0 altrimenti"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "disabilita l'intero output del programma"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "consenti l'esecuzione di un helper diff esterno"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr ""
 "esegui filtri di conversione in testo esterni quando si confrontano file "
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "<quando>"
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr "ignora le modifiche ai sottomoduli durante la generazione del diff"
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "<formato>"
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
-msgstr "specifica come verranno visualizzare le differenze nei sottomoduli"
+msgstr "specifica come verranno visualizzate le differenze nei sottomoduli"
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "nascondi le voci 'git add -N' nell'indice"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "tratta le voci 'git add -N' come reali nell'indice"
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "<stringa>"
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2922,7 +2995,7 @@
 "cerca differenze che modificano il numero di occorrenze della stringa "
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2930,24 +3003,24 @@
 "cerca differenze che modificano il numero di occorrenze dell'espressione "
 "regolare specificata"
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr "visualizza tutte le modifiche nel changeset con -S o -G"
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr ""
 "tratta la <stringa> nell'opzione -S come un'espressione regolare POSIX estesa"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr "controlla l'ordine con cui i file appariranno nell'output"
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr "<ID oggetto>"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2955,34 +3028,34 @@
 "cerca differenze che modificano il numero di occorrenze dell'oggetto "
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "seleziona file in base al tipo diff"
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "<file>"
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "Salva l'output in un file specifico"
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "il rilevamento ridenominazione non esatta è stato omesso per la presenza di "
 "troppi file."
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "trovate solo copie dai percorsi modificati per la presenza di troppi file."
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -3088,32 +3161,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc richiede multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "riga shallow non valida: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "riga unshallow non valida: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "oggetto non trovato: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "errore nell'oggetto: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "nessuno shallow trovato: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "attesi shallow/unshallow, ricevuto %s"
@@ -3132,7 +3205,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "smetto di provare"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "fatto"
@@ -3175,155 +3248,131 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "errore nel demultiplexer della banda laterale"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "Il server non supporta client shallow"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "Il server supporta multi_ack_detailes"
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "Il server supporta no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "Il server supporta multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "Il server supporta side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "Il server supporta side-band"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Il server supporta allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Il server supporta allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "Il server supporta ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "Il server supporta filter"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "La versione del server è %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "Il server supporta %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "Il server non supporta client shallow"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "Il server non supporta --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "Il server non supporta --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "Il server non supporta --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "nessun commit in comune"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: recupero non riuscito."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "Il server non supporta le richieste shallow"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "Il server supporta filter"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere la richiesta sul remoto"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "errore durante la lettura dell'intestazione di sezione '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "atteso '%s', ricevuto '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr "riga di conferma inattesa: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "errore durante l'elaborazione degli ack: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr "ci si attendeva che il packfile fosse inviato dopo 'ready'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr ""
 "ci si attendeva che nessun'altra sezione fosse inviata in assenza di 'ready'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "errore durante l'elaborazione delle informazioni shallow: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "atteso wanted-ref, ricevuto '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "wanted-ref inatteso: '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "errore durante l'elaborazione dei riferimenti desiderati: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "nessun head remoto corrispondente"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "il remoto non ha inviato tutti gli oggetti necessari"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "riferimento remoto non esistente: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "Il server non consente richieste per l'oggetto non pubblicizzato %s"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg non è riuscito a firmare i dati"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "impossibile creare il file temporaneo"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "scrittura della firma separata in '%s' non riuscita"
@@ -3333,18 +3382,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "ignoro il colore non valido '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "'%s': impossibile leggere %s"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "stat di '%s' non riuscito"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "'%s': lettura troppo breve"
@@ -3414,7 +3463,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Questi sono i comandi Git comuni usati in varie situazioni:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "tipo elenco comandi non supportato: '%s'"
@@ -3535,13 +3584,13 @@
 #: ident.c:379
 msgid "no email was given and auto-detection is disabled"
 msgstr ""
-"nessun indirizzo email specificato e rilevamento automatico disabilitato"
+"nessun indirizzo e-mail specificato e rilevamento automatico disabilitato"
 #: ident.c:384
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to auto-detect email address (got '%s')"
 msgstr ""
-"impossibile rilevare automaticamente l'indirizzo email (ho ricavato '%s')"
+"impossibile rilevare automaticamente l'indirizzo e-mail (ho ricavato '%s')"
 #: ident.c:401
 msgid "no name was given and auto-detection is disabled"
@@ -3562,7 +3611,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "il nome è composto solo da caratteri non consentiti: %s"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "formato data non valido: %s"
@@ -3592,7 +3641,12 @@
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:84
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "il supporto per i filtri sparse:percorso è stato rimosso"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "specificatore filtro '%s' non valido"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
@@ -3627,8 +3681,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "lettura della cache non riuscita"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il nuovo file index"
@@ -3653,93 +3707,93 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "errore durante la costruzione degli alberi"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "creazione del percorso '%s' non riuscita%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Rimuovo %s per fare spazio alla sottodirectory\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": forse si tratta di un conflitto D/F?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "mi rifiuto di perdere un file non tracciato in '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'oggetto %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "atteso blob per %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "apertura di '%s' non riuscita: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "creazione del collegamento simbolico '%s' non riuscita: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "non so che fare con %06o %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Merge del sottomodulo %s non riuscito (checkout non eseguito)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Merge del sottomodulo %s non riuscito (commit non presenti)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr ""
 "Merge del sottomodulo %s non riuscito (i commit non seguono la base del "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Eseguo il fast forward del sottomodulo %s al seguente commit:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Eseguo il fast forward del sottomodulo %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Merge del sottomodulo %s non riuscito (merge dopo i commit non trovato)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Merge del sottomodulo %s non riuscito (non fast forward)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Trovata possibile risoluzione merge per il sottomodulo:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3756,32 +3810,32 @@
 "per accettare questo suggerimento.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "Merge del sottomodulo %s non riuscito (più merge trovati)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Esecuzione del merge interno non riuscita"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere %s al database"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "Merge automatico di %s in corso"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr ""
 "Errore: mi rifiuto di perdere il file non tracciato %s; scrivo invece in %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3790,7 +3844,7 @@
 "CONFLITTO (%s/eliminazione): %s eliminato in %s e %s in %s. Versione %s di "
 "%s lasciata nell'albero."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3799,7 +3853,7 @@
 "CONFLITTO (%s/eliminazione): %s eliminato in %s e %s come %s in %s. Versione "
 "%s di %s lasciata nell'albero."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3808,7 +3862,7 @@
 "CONFLITTO (%s/eliminazione): %s eliminato in %s e %s in %s. Versione %s di "
 "%s lasciata nell'albero in %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3817,43 +3871,43 @@
 "CONFLITTO (%s/eliminazione): %s eliminato in %s e %s come %s in %s. Versione "
 "%s di %s lasciata nell'albero in %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "ridenominazione"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "rinominato"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "Mi rifiuto di perdere un file sporco in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr ""
 "Mi rifiuto di perdere un file non tracciato in %s, benché sia d'ostacolo."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLITTO (ridenominazione/aggiunta): elemento ridenominato %s->%s in %s. %s "
 "aggiunto in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s è una directory in %s; la aggiungo come %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Mi rifiuto di perdere un file non tracciato in %s; lo aggiungo come %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -3862,18 +3916,18 @@
 "CONFLITTO (ridenominazione/ridenominazione): file ridenominato \"%s\"->\"%s"
 "\" nel branch \"%s\", ridenominato \"%s\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (lasciato irrisolto)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLITTO (ridenominazione/ridenominazione): file ridenominato %s->%s in %s. "
 "Ridenominato %s->%s in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3884,7 +3938,7 @@
 "perché la directory %s è stata ridenominata in più directory diverse e "
 "nessuna directory di destinazione contiene la maggior parte dei file."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -3894,7 +3948,7 @@
 "%s è d'ostacolo alle seguenti ridenominazioni directory che spostano in tale "
 "posizione i seguenti percorsi: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -3904,7 +3958,7 @@
 "un percorso in %s; delle ridenominazioni directory implicite hanno tentato "
 "di spostare in tale posizione i seguenti percorsi: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -3913,7 +3967,7 @@
 "CONFLITTO (ridenominazione/ridenominazione): directory ridenominata %s->%s "
 "in %s. Directory ridenominata %s->%s in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
@@ -3922,52 +3976,52 @@
 "ATTENZIONE: evito di applicare la ridenominazione %s -> %s a %s perché %s "
 "stesso è stato ridenominato."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'oggetto %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "l'oggetto %s non è un blob"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "modifica"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "modificato"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "contenuto"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "aggiunta/aggiunta"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "Omesso %s (elemento sottoposto a merge uguale a quello esistente)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "sottomodulo"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "CONFLITTO (%s): conflitto di merge in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Lo aggiungo come %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -3976,7 +4030,7 @@
 "Percorso aggiornato: %s aggiunto in %s in una directory ridenominata in %s; "
 "lo sposto in %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -3985,7 +4039,7 @@
 "CONFLITTO (posizione file): %s aggiunto in %s in una directory ridenominata "
 "in %s, il che suggerisce che forse dovrebbe essere spostato in %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -3994,7 +4048,7 @@
 "Percorso aggiornato: %s ridenominato in %s in %s in una directory "
 "ridenominata in %s; lo sposto in %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -4004,37 +4058,37 @@
 "ridenominata in %s, il che suggerisce che forse dovrebbe essere spostato in "
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Rimozione di %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "file/directory"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "directory/file"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 "CONFLITTO (%s): una directory denominata %s esiste già in %s. Aggiungo %s "
 "come %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Aggiunta %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "CONFLITTO (aggiungi/aggiungi): conflitto di merge in %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -4043,176 +4097,189 @@
 "Le tue modifiche locali ai seguenti file sarebbero sovrascritte dal merge:\n"
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Già aggiornato!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "merge degli alberi %s e %s non riuscito"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Merge in corso:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "trovato %u antenato comune:"
 msgstr[1] "trovati %u antenati comuni:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "il merge non ha restituito alcun commit"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile analizzare l'oggetto '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Impossibile scrivere l'indice."
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "il file multi-pack-index %s è troppo piccolo"
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr "la firma del multi-pack-index 0x%08x non corrisponde alla firma 0x%08x"
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "versione %d multi-pack-index non riconosciuta"
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "la versione dell'hash %u non corrisponde"
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "offset blocco non valido (troppo grande)"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr "l'ID blocco finale multi-pack-index compare prima di quanto previsto"
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "dal multi-pack-index manca il blocco richiesto pack-name"
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "dal multi-pack-index manca il blocco richiesto fanout OID"
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "dal multi-pack-index manca il blocco richiesto lookup OID"
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "dal multi-pack-index manca il blocco richiesto offset oggetti"
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr "nomi pack multi-pack-index in disordine: '%s' appare prima di '%s'"
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr "pack-int-id non valido: %u (%u pack totali)"
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr ""
 "nel multi-pack-index è salvato un offset a 64 bit, ma off_t è troppo piccolo"
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr "errore durante la preparazione del packfile dal multi-pack-index"
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "aggiunta del packfile '%s' non riuscita"
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "apertura del pack-index '%s' non riuscita"
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "ricerca dell'oggetto %d nel packfile non riuscita"
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "non ho visto il file pack %s da scartare"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "pulizia del multi-pack-index %s non riuscita"
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "Ricerca di file pack referenziati in corso"
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
 msgstr ""
 "fanout oid in disordine: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr "Verifica ordine OID in MIDX in corso"
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr "lookup oid in disordine: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "Ordinamento degli oggetti nel packfile in corso"
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "Verifica offset oggetti in corso"
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "caricamento voce pack per oid[%d] = %s non riuscito"
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "caricamento pack-index per il packfile %s non riuscito"
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr "offset oggetto non corretto per oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "impossibile avviare pack-objects"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "impossibile finire pack-objects"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile creare il thread lazy_dir: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile creare il thread lazy_name: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile bloccare il thread lazy_name: %s"
@@ -4284,17 +4351,17 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "hash non corrispondente: %s"
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "offset collocato prima della fine del packfile (.idx corrotto?)"
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr ""
 "offset collocato prima dell'inizio dell'indice pack per %s (indice corrotto?)"
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4556,24 +4623,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il formato --pretty"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "impossibile avviare `log`"
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'output di `log`"
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il commit '%s'"
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "impossibile analizzare l'header Git '%.*s'"
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "generazione del diff non riuscita"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il registro di '%s'"
@@ -4690,11 +4762,10 @@
 msgstr "voci stage non ordinate per '%s'"
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "file indice corrotto"
@@ -4748,12 +4819,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "indice corrotto, atteso %s in %s, presente %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile chiudere '%s'"
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire lo stat di '%s'"
@@ -4838,7 +4909,7 @@
 msgstr[0] "Rebase di %s su %s (%d comando)"
 msgstr[1] "Rebase di %s su %s (%d comandi)"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -4847,7 +4918,7 @@
 "Non eliminare alcuna riga. Usa esplicitamente 'drop' per rimuovere un "
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -4855,7 +4926,7 @@
 "Rimuovendo una riga da qui IL COMMIT CORRISPONDENTE ANDRÀ PERDUTO.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4869,7 +4940,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -4879,12 +4950,12 @@
 "Ciò nonostante, se rimuovi tutto, il rebase sarà annullato.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "Nota che i commit vuoti sono commentati"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere '%s'"
@@ -4922,97 +4993,98 @@
 "I comportamenti possibili sono ignore, warn, error.\n"
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "%s non punta a un oggetto valido!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "ignoro il riferimento simbolico pendente %s"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "ignoro il riferimento rotto %s"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire '%s' in scrittura: %s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il riferimento '%s'"
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "il riferimento '%s' esiste già"
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "ID oggetto inatteso durante la scrittura di '%s'"
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere su '%s'"
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire '%s' in scrittura"
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "ID oggetto inatteso durante l'eliminazione di '%s'"
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "il registro per il riferimento %s ha delle voci mancanti dopo %s"
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "il registro per il riferimento %s è terminato inaspettatamente a %s"
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "il registro per %s è vuoto"
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "mi rifiuto di aggiornare il riferimento con il nome non valido '%s'"
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "update_ref per il riferimento '%s' non riuscita: %s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "aggiornamenti multipli per il riferimento '%s' non consentiti"
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "aggiornamenti riferimento vietati nell'ambiente quarantena"
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' esiste già; impossibile creare '%s'"
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "impossibile gestire '%s' e '%s' contemporaneamente"
@@ -5038,141 +5110,141 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "specificatore riferimento '%s' non valido"
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "sparito"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "dopo %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "prima di %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "dopo %d, prima di %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "formato atteso: %%(color:<colore>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "colore non riconosciuto: %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Atteso valore intero: refname:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Atteso valore intero: refname:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento %%(%s) non riconosciuto: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) non accetta argomenti"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento %%(objectsize) non riconosciuto: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) non accetta argomenti"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) non accetta argomenti"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) non accetta argomenti"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento %%(trailers) sconosciuto: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "atteso valore positivo in contents:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento %%(contents) non riconosciuto: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "atteso valore positivo in objectname:short=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento %%(objectname) non riconosciuto: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "formato atteso: %%(align:<ampiezza>,<posizione>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "valore non riconosciuto: position:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "valore non riconosciuto: width:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento %%(align) non riconosciuto: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "attesa ampiezza positiva con l'atom %%(align)"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "argomento %%(if) non riconosciuto: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nome campo malformato: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "nome campo sconosciuto: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
@@ -5180,127 +5252,111 @@
 "non è un repository git, ma il campo '%.*s' richiede l'accesso ai dati "
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(if) usato senza un atomo %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(then) usato senza un atomo %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(then) usato più di una volta"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(then) usato dopo %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(else) usato senza un atomo %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(else) usato senza un atomo %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(else) usato più di una volta"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(end) usato senza l'atomo corrispondente"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "stringa di formato %s malformata"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(nessun branch, eseguo il rebase di %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "nessun branch, eseguo il rebase di %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(nessun branch, eseguo il rebase dell'HEAD scollegato %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "nessun branch, eseguo il rebase dell'HEAD scollegato %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(nessun branch, bisezione avviata su %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "nessun branch, bisezione avviata su %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD scollegato su %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "nessun branch"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD scollegato da %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(nessun branch)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "oggetto %s mancante per %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "parse_object_buffer non riuscito su %s per %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "oggetto malformato in '%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "ignoro il riferimento con il nome malformato %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "formato: atomo %%(end) mancante"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "l'opzione `%s' non è compatibile con --merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "l'opzione `%s' non è compatibile con --no-merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "nome dell'oggetto %s malformato"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "l'opzione `%s' deve puntare ad un commit"
@@ -5552,11 +5608,11 @@
 msgid_plural ""
 "Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commits, and can be fast-forwarded.\n"
 msgstr[0] ""
-"Il tuo branch è indietro rispetto a '%s' di %d commit e ne posso eseguire il "
-"fast forward.\n"
+"Il tuo branch, rispetto a '%s', è indietro di %d commit e ne posso eseguire "
+"il fast forward.\n"
 msgstr[1] ""
-"Il tuo branch è indietro rispetto a '%s' di %d commit e ne posso eseguire il "
-"fast forward.\n"
+"Il tuo branch, rispetto a '%s', è indietro di %d commit e ne posso eseguire "
+"il fast forward.\n"
 #: remote.c:2051
 msgid "  (use \"git pull\" to update your local branch)\n"
@@ -5659,8 +5715,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "Salvata preimmagine di '%s'"
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile creare la directory '%s'"
@@ -5694,20 +5750,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire la directory cache rr"
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "sembra che il tuo branch corrente sia rotto"
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "il tuo branch corrente '%s' non ha ancora commit"
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "--first-parent non è compatibile con --bisect"
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr "-L non supporta ancora formati diff oltre a -p e -s"
@@ -5779,24 +5835,29 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile eliminare '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "impossibile rimuovere '%s'"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "revert"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "cherry-pick"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "azione sconosciuta: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -5804,7 +5865,7 @@
 "dopo aver risolto i conflitti, contrassegna i percorsi corretti\n"
 "con 'git add <path>' o 'git rm <path>'"
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -5814,44 +5875,44 @@
 "con 'git add <path>' o 'git rm <path>' ed esegui\n"
 "il commit del risultato con 'git commit'"
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile bloccare '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il carattere di fine riga in '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "finalizzazione di '%s' non riuscita"
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "le tue modifiche locali sarebbero sovrascritte da %s."
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "esegui il commit delle modifiche o lo stash per procedere."
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: fast forward"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "Modalità pulizia non valida: %s"
@@ -5859,70 +5920,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: impossibile scrivere il nuovo file indice"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiornare l'albero cache"
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere il commit HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "nessuna chiave presente in '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile rimuovere gli apici dal valore di '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire '%s' in lettura"
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' già specificato"
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' già specificato"
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' già specificato"
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "variabile '%s' sconosciuta"
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' mancante"
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' mancante"
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' mancante"
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "formato data '%s' non valido in '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -5952,15 +6013,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "scrittura commit radice in corso"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "hook 'prepare-commit-msg' non riuscito"
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5974,20 +6035,20 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Il tuo nome e l'indirizzo email sono stati configurati "
+"Il tuo nome e l'indirizzo e-mail sono stati configurati automaticamente "
 "il tuo nome utente ed il nome host. Per favore, verifica che siano esatti.\n"
 "È possibile eliminare questo messaggio impostandoli esplicitamente.\n"
 "Esegui il seguente comando e segui le istruzioni fornite nel tuo editor\n"
 "per modificare il file di configurazione:\n"
 "    git config --global --edit\n"
-"Dopo questa operazione, puoi ripristinare l'identità usata in questo "
+"Dopo questa operazione, puoi ripristinare l'identità usata in questo commit "
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -6000,322 +6061,365 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Il tuo nome e l'indirizzo email sono stati configurati "
+"Il tuo nome e l'indirizzo e-mail sono stati configurati automaticamente "
 "il tuo nome utente ed il nome host. Per favore, verifica che siano esatti.\n"
 "È possibile eliminare questo messaggio impostandoli esplicitamente:\n"
 "    git config --global \"Il tuo nome\"\n"
 "    git config --global\n"
-"Dopo questa operazione, puoi ripristinare l'identità usata in questo "
+"Dopo questa operazione, puoi ripristinare l'identità usata in questo commit "
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare il commit appena creato"
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il commit appena creato"
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere HEAD dopo la creazione del commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "HEAD scollegato"
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (commit radice)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "L'HEAD %s non è un commit!"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il commit HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare l'autore del commit"
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "git write-tree non è riuscito a scrivere un albero"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il messaggio di commit da '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "scrittura dell'oggetto del commit non riuscita"
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il commit %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il commit genitore %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "comando sconosciuto: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Questa è una combinazione di %d commit."
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "è necessaria un'HEAD per il fixup"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il messaggio di commit dell'HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Questo è il primo messaggio di commit:"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il messaggio di commit di %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Questo è il messaggio di commit numero %d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Il messaggio di commit numero %d sarà saltato:"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "il file indice non è stato sottoposto a merge."
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il fixup sul commit radice"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "il commit %s è un merge ma non è stata specificata l'opzione -m."
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "il commit %s non ha il genitore %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "impossibile ottenere il messaggio di commit per %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: impossibile analizzare il commit genitore %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile ridenominare '%s' in '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "non è stato possibile eseguire il revert di %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "non è stato possibile applicare %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: lettura dell'indice non riuscita"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: aggiornamento dell'indice non riuscito"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s non accetta argomenti: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "argomenti mancanti per %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "riga %d non valida: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire '%s' senza un commit precedente"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "impossibile leggere '%s'."
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "annullo un'operazione di cherry-pick in corso"
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "annullo un'operazione di revert in corso"
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "correggi la situazione usando 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "foglio istruzioni inutilizzabile: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "nessun commit analizzato."
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire un cherry-pick durante un revert."
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire un revert durante un cherry-pick."
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "valore non valido per %s: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "squash-onto inutilizzabile"
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "foglio opzioni malformati: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "è stato passato un insieme di commit vuoto"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr "è già in corso un'operazione di cherry-pick o di revert"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "un'operazione di revert è già in corso"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "prova \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | -- abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "prova \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "un'operazione di cherry-pick è già in corso"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "prova \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile creare la directory sequencer '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile bloccare HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "nessuna operazione di cherry-pick o revert in corso"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile interrompere l'operazione da un branch che deve essere ancora "
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere '%s': %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "fine del file inattesa"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
 "il file '%s' in cui è stato salvato l'HEAD prima del cherry pick è corrotto"
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr ""
 "Sembra che tu abbia spostato l'HEAD. Non eseguo il rewind, controlla l'HEAD!"
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "nessun revert in corso"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "nessun cherry-pick in corso"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "salto del commit non riuscito"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "non c'è nulla da saltare"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"hai già eseguito il commit?\n"
+"prova \"git %s --continue\""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiornare %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile copiare '%s' in '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6334,27 +6438,27 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "Impossibile applicare %s... %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il merge di %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile copiare '%s' in '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'indice"
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6369,11 +6473,11 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "e sono state apportate modifiche all'indice e/o all'albero di lavoro\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6390,76 +6494,76 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "nome etichetta illecito: '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "scrittura commit radice falso in corso"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "scrittura squash-onto in corso"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare l'albero di %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere l'indice"
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il merge senza una revisione corrente"
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "non c'è nulla di cui eseguire il merge: '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr "il merge octopus non può essere eseguito su un [nuovo commit radice]"
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile ottenere il messaggio di commit per '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "non è stato nemmeno possibile tentare di eseguire il merge di '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "merge: impossibile scrivere il nuovo file indice"
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Stash automatico applicato.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "impossibile memorizzare %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6470,31 +6574,31 @@
 "Le tue modifiche sono al sicuro nello stash.\n"
 "Puoi eseguire \"git stash pop\" o \"git stash drop\" in qualunque momento.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il checkout di %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "%s: non è un OID valido"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile scollegare l'HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Fermato a HEAD\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Fermato a %s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6516,49 +6620,49 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Fermato a %s... %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "comando %d sconosciuto"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere 'onto'"
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiornare l'HEAD a %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile eseguire il rebase: ci sono delle modifiche non in staging."
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "impossibile modificare un commit inesistente"
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "file non valido: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "contenuti non validi: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6569,42 +6673,42 @@
 "di lavoro. Eseguine prima il commit e quindi esegui nuovamente 'git rebase\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file: '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile rimuovere CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il commit delle modifiche in staging."
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s: impossibile eseguire il cherry pick di un %s"
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: revisione non valida"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il revert come commit iniziale"
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: opzioni non gestite"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: errore durante la preparazione delle revisioni"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
@@ -6614,15 +6718,15 @@
 "eseguire 'git rebase --continue'.\n"
 "Oppure puoi interrompere il rebase con 'git rebase --abort'.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "nulla da fare"
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "impossibile saltare i comandi pick non necessari"
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "lo script è già stato riordinato."
@@ -6851,196 +6955,201 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "il repository di riferimento '%s' è un graft"
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "riga non valida durante l'analisi dei riferimenti degli alternati: %s"
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "tento di eseguire mmap %<PRIuMAX> al di sopra del limite %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "mmap non riuscita"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "l'oggetto %s è vuoto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "oggetto sciolto '%s' corrotto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "dati inutilizzabili presenti alla fine dell'oggetto sciolto '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "tipo oggetto non valido"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "impossibile decomprimere l'intestazione %s con --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "impossibile decomprimere l'intestazione %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare l'intestazione %s con --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare l'intestazione %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "lettura dell'oggetto %s non riuscita"
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "%s sostitutivo non trovato per %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'oggetto sciolto %s (salvato in %s) è corrotto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'oggetto archiviato %s (salvato in %s) è corrotto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile impostare i permessi a '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "errore di scrittura del file"
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "errore durante la chiusura del file oggetto sciolto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
 "permessi non sufficienti per l'aggiunta di un oggetto al database repository "
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "impossibile creare il file temporaneo"
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file oggetto sciolto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "impossibile comprimere con deflate il nuovo oggetto %s (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "deflateEnd non riuscita sull'oggetto %s (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "sono confuso dall'origine dati oggetto non stabile per %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "utime() di %s non riuscita"
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'oggetto per %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "commit corrotto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "tag corrotto"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "errore di lettura durante l'indicizzazione di %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "lettura troppo breve durante l'indicizzazione di %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "%s: inserimento del record nel database non riuscito"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "%s: tipo di file non supportato"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "%s non è un oggetto valido"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s non è un oggetto '%s' valido"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "mancata corrispondenza per %s (atteso %s)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire mmap su %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile decomprimere l'intestazione di %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare l'intestazione di %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile decomprimere i contenuti di %s"
@@ -7060,7 +7169,7 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
@@ -7071,13 +7180,65 @@
 "semplicemente 40 caratteri esadecimali. Questi riferimenti\n"
 "potrebbero essere creati per errore. Ad esempio:\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "dove \"$br\" è vuoto per qualche motivo e quindi viene creato un\n"
 "riferimento con 40 caratteri esadecimali. Esamina tali\n"
 "riferimenti ed eliminali se necessario. Disabilita questo\n"
 "messaggio eseguendo \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte"
+msgstr[1] "%u byte"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte/s"
+msgstr[1] "%u byte/s"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr ""
@@ -7113,7 +7274,7 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "la voce sottomodulo '%s' (%s) è un %s, non un commit"
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Impossibile risolvere HEAD come riferimento valido."
@@ -7154,7 +7315,7 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare il sottomodulo '%s'."
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
@@ -7162,12 +7323,12 @@
 "relocate_gitdir non è supportata per il sottomodulo '%s' con più di un "
 "albero di lavoro"
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile ricercare il nome per il sottomodulo '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7178,16 +7339,16 @@
 "'%s' a\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire l'azione ricorsivamente nel sottomodulo '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "impossibile avviare ls-files in .."
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree ha restituito il valore di ritorno inatteso %d"
@@ -7361,15 +7522,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "push di tutti i sottomoduli richiesti non riuscito"
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "operazione non supportata dal protocollo"
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "riga non valida durante l'analisi dei riferimenti degli alternati: %s"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "scrittura completa verso l'helper remoto non riuscita"
@@ -7414,7 +7570,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "errore durante l'esecuzione di fast-import"
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il riferimento %s"
@@ -7469,26 +7625,26 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "l'helper %s non supporta 'push-option'"
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr ""
 "l'helper remoto non supporta il push; è necessario uno specificatore "
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "l'helper %s non supporta 'force'"
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "errore durante l'esecuzione di fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7497,47 +7653,47 @@
 "Nessun riferimento in comune e nessuno specificato; non eseguo nulla.\n"
 "Forse dovresti specificare un branch come 'master'.\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "risposta malformata nell'elenco riferimenti: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "read(%s) non riuscita"
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "write(%s) non riuscita"
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "thread %s non riuscito"
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "join non riuscita per il thread %s: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile avviare il thread per la copia dei dati: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "wait non riuscita per il processo %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "processo %s non riuscito"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "impossibile avviare il thread per la copia dei dati"
@@ -7553,7 +7709,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "nome file vuoto nella voce dell'albero"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "file alber troppo corto"
@@ -7655,7 +7811,7 @@
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
 msgstr ""
 "I seguenti file non tracciati presenti nell'albero di lavoro sarebbero "
-"eliminati con il merge:\n"
+"eliminati dal merge:\n"
 "%%sSpostali o eliminali prima di eseguire il merge."
 #: unpack-trees.c:139
@@ -7665,7 +7821,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "I seguenti file non tracciati presenti nell'albero di lavoro sarebbero "
-"eliminati con il merge:\n"
+"eliminati dal merge:\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:142
@@ -7717,7 +7873,7 @@
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
 msgstr ""
 "I seguenti file non tracciati presenti nell'albero di lavoro sarebbero "
-"sovrascritti con il merge:\n"
+"sovrascritti dal merge:\n"
 "%%sSpostali o eliminali prima di eseguire il merge."
 #: unpack-trees.c:157
@@ -7727,7 +7883,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "I seguenti file non tracciati presenti nell'albero di lavoro sarebbero "
-"sovrascritti con il merge:\n"
+"sovrascritti dal merge:\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:160
@@ -7803,8 +7959,8 @@
 msgstr "Interrompo l'operazione\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "Checkout dei file in corso"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "Aggiornamento dei file in corso"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -7846,35 +8002,35 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "parte percorso '..' non valida"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "lettura di '%s' non riuscita"
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' nell'albero di lavoro principale non è la directory del repository"
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
 "il file '%s' non contiene il percorso assoluto alla posizione dell'albero di "
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "'%s' non esiste"
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "'%s' non è un file .git, codice d'errore %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' non punta a '%s'"
@@ -7893,167 +8049,173 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "impossibile ottenere la directory di lavoro corrente"
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Percorsi non sottoposti a merge:"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (usa \"git reset %s <file>...\" per rimuovere gli elementi dall'area di "
+"  (usa \"git restore --staged <file>...\" per rimuovere gli elementi "
+"dall'area di staging)"
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (usa \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" per rimuovere gli "
+"elementi dall'area di staging)"
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git rm --cached <file>...\" per rimuovere gli elementi dall'area di "
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git add <file>...\" per contrassegnare il conflitto come risolto)"
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git add/rm <file>...\" come appropriato per contrassegnare il "
 "conflitto come risolto)"
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git rm <file>...\" per contrassegnare il conflitto come risolto)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Modifiche di cui verrà eseguito il commit:"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Modifiche non nell'area di staging per il commit:"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git add <file>...\" per aggiornare gli elementi di cui sarà "
 "eseguito il commit)"
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git add/rm <file>...\" per aggiornare gli elementi di cui sarà "
 "eseguito il commit)"
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (usa \"git checkout -- <file>...\" per scartare le modifiche nella "
-"directory di lavoro)"
+"  (usa \"git restore <file>...\" per scartare le modifiche nella directory "
+"di lavoro)"
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (esegui il commit o scarta il contenuto non tracciato o modificato nei "
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git %s <file>...\" per includere l'elemento fra quelli di cui verrà "
 "eseguito il commit)"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "entrambi eliminati:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "aggiunto da noi:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "eliminato da loro:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "aggiunto da loro:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "eliminato da noi:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "entrambi aggiunti:"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "entrambi modificati:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "nuovo file:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "copiato:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "eliminato:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "modificato:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "rinominato:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "modifica tipo:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "sconosciuto:"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "non sottoposto a merge:"
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "nuovi commit, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "contenuto modificato, "
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "contenuto non tracciato, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "Lo stash attualmente ha %d voce"
 msgstr[1] "Lo stash attualmente ha %d voci"
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Sottomoduli modificati ma non aggiornati:"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Modifiche ai sottomoduli di cui verrà eseguito il commit:"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -8061,111 +8223,123 @@
 "Non modificare o rimuovere la riga soprastante.\n"
 "Tutto ciò che si trova al di sotto di essa sarà ignorato."
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sono stati necessari %.2f secondi per calcolare il numero di commit\n"
+"precedenti/successivi nel branch.\n"
+"Puoi usare '--no-ahead-behind' per evitare il calcolo.\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Hai dei percorsi non sottoposti a merge."
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (risolvi i conflitti ed esegui \"git commit\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git merge --abort\" per interrompere il merge)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Tutti i conflitti sono stati risolti ma il merge è ancora in corso."
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git commit\" per terminare il merge)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Sei nel bel mezzo di una sessione am."
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "La patch corrente è vuota."
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (risolvi i conflitti e quindi esegui \"git am --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git am --skip\" per saltare questa patch)"
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git am --abort\" per ripristinare il branch originario)"
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "git-rebase-todo è mancante."
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "Nessun comando eseguito."
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "Ultimo comando eseguito (%d comando eseguito):"
 msgstr[1] "Ultimi comandi eseguiti (%d comandi eseguiti):"
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (vedi di più nel file %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "Nessun comando rimanente."
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Prossimo comando da eseguire (%d comando rimanente):"
 msgstr[1] "Prossimi comandi da eseguire (%d comandi rimanenti):"
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git rebase --edit-todo\" per visualizzare e modificare le "
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai eseguendo il rebase del branch '%s' su '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai eseguendo un rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (risolvi i conflitti e quindi esegui \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git rebase --skip\" per saltare questa patch)"
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git rebase --abort\" per eseguire il checkout del branch originario)"
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (tutti i conflitti sono stati risolti: esegui \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
@@ -8173,145 +8347,137 @@
 "Attualmente stai dividendo un commit durante il rebase del branch '%s' su "
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai dividendo un commit durante un rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (Una volta che la tua directory di lavoro è pulita, esegui \"git rebase --"
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "Attualmente stai modificando un commit durante il rebase del branch '%s' su "
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai modificando un commit durante un rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git commit --amend\" per correggere il commit corrente)"
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git rebase --continue\" una volta soddisfatto delle tue modifiche)"
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr "Cherry-pick in corso."
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai eseguendo il cherry-pick del commit %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (risolvi i conflitti ed esegui \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (esegui \"git cherry-pick --continue\" per continuare)"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (tutti i conflitti sono stati risolti: esegui \"git cherry-pick --continue"
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (usa \"git cherry-pick --abort\" per annullare l'operazione di cherry-pick)"
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr "Revert in corso."
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai eseguendo il revert del commit %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (risolvi i conflitti ed esegui \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (esegui \"git revert --continue\" per continuare)"
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (tutti i conflitti sono stati risolti: esegui \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git revert --abort\" per annullare l'operazione di revert)"
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai eseguendo una bisezione partendo dal branch '%s'."
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Attualmente stai eseguendo una bisezione."
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (usa \"git bisect reset\" per tornare al branch originario)"
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "Sul branch "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebase interattivo in corso su "
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebase in corso su "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "HEAD scollegato su "
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "HEAD scollegato da "
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Attualmente non sei su alcun branch."
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Commit iniziale"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "Non ci sono ancora commit"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "File non tracciati"
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "File ignorati"
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8323,31 +8489,31 @@
 "ma devi stare attento a non dimenticarti di aggiungere\n"
 "autonomamente i file nuovi (vedi 'git help status')."
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "File non tracciati non elencati%s"
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (usa l'opzione -u per visualizzare i file non tracciati)"
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Nessuna modifica"
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
 "nessuna modifica aggiunta al commit (usa \"git add\" e/o \"git commit -a\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "nessuna modifica aggiunta al commit\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
@@ -8356,68 +8522,68 @@
 "non è stato aggiunto nulla al commit ma sono presenti file non tracciati "
 "(usa \"git add\" per tracciarli)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr ""
 "non è stato aggiunto nulla al commit ma sono presenti file non tracciati\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "non c'è nulla di cui eseguire il commit (crea/copia dei file e usa \"git add"
 "\" per tracciarli)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "non c'è nulla di cui eseguire il commit\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "non c'è nulla di cui eseguire il commit (usa -u per visualizzare i file non "
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "non c'è nulla di cui eseguire il commit, l'albero di lavoro è pulito\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "Non ci sono ancora commit su"
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (nessun branch)"
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "differente"
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "indietro "
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "avanti "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire %s: ci sono delle modifiche non in staging."
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
 "inoltre, l'indice contiene modifiche di cui non è stato eseguito il commit."
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
@@ -8433,7 +8599,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "stato diff inatteso %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "aggiornamento dei file non riuscito"
@@ -8481,8 +8647,8 @@
 msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
 msgstr "I seguenti percorsi sono ignorati da uno dei file .gitignore:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "test controllato"
@@ -8491,7 +8657,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "scelta interattiva"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "seleziona gli hunk in modalità interattiva"
@@ -8662,7 +8828,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Rilevamento del formato della patch non riuscito."
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "creazione della directory '%s' non riuscita"
@@ -8671,7 +8837,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Divisione delle patch non riuscita."
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file indice"
@@ -8712,17 +8878,17 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare il commit %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "Dal repository mancano i blob necessari per ripiegare sul merge a tre vie."
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr ""
 "Utilizzo le informazioni dell'indice per ricostruire un albero di base..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8730,30 +8896,24 @@
 "Hai modificato manualmente la patch?\n"
 "Non può essere applicata ai blob registrati nel suo indice."
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "Ripiego sul patching della base e sul merge a tre vie..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Merge delle modifiche non riuscito."
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "applicazione a una cronologia vuota"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "impossibile riprendere l'attività: %s non esiste."
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr ""
-"impossibile eseguire l'attività in modalità interattiva con lo standard "
-"input non collegato a un terminale."
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Il corpo del commit è:"
@@ -8761,36 +8921,37 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr ""
 "Applico? Sì [y]/No [n]/Modifica [e]/[V]isualizza patch/[A]ccetta tutto:"
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "Indice sporco: impossibile applicare le patch (elemento sporco: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Applicazione in corso: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Nessuna modifica -- patch già applicata."
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "Patch non riuscita a %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
 "Usa 'git am --show-current-patch' per visualizzare la patch non riuscita"
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8800,7 +8961,7 @@
 "Se non rimane nulla da aggiungere all'area di staging, forse qualcos'altro\n"
 "ha già introdotto le stesse modifiche; potresti voler saltare questa patch."
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8813,17 +8974,17 @@
 "Potresti eseguire `git rm` su un file per accettarne la risoluzione "
 "\"eliminato da loro\"."
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "Impossibile analizzare l'oggetto '%s'."
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "pulizia dell'indice non riuscita"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -8832,148 +8993,148 @@
 "Non ritorno indietro a ORIG_HEAD"
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Valore non valido per --patch-format: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<opzioni>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<opzioni>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "esegui in modalità interattiva"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "opzione storica -- non esegue nulla"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "consenti il ripiego sul merge a tre vie se necessario"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "non visualizzare messaggi"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "aggiungi una riga Signed-off-by al messaggio di commit"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "converti codifica in UTF-8 (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "fornisci l'argomento -k a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "fornisci l'argomento -b a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "fornisci l'argomento -m a git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "fornisci a git-mailsplit l'argomento --keep-cr per il formato mbox"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr ""
 "non fornire l'argomento --keep-cr a git-mailsplit indipendentemente dal "
 "valore di am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "rimuovi tutte le righe prima di una riga \"taglia qui\""
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "passa l'argomento a git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "formato"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "il formato delle patch"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr ""
 "esegui l'override del messaggio d'errore quando si verifica un errore legato "
 "alle patch"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr ""
 "continua l'applicazione delle patch dopo la risoluzione di un conflitto"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "sinonimi di --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "salta la patch corrente"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr "ripristina il branch originario e interrompi l'operazione di patching."
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr "interrompi l'operazione di patching ma mantieni HEAD dov'è."
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "visualizza la patch in fase di applicazione."
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "menti sulla data del commit"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "usa il timestamp corrente come data autore"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "ID chiave"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "firma i commit con GPG"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(a uso interno per git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -8981,18 +9142,18 @@
 "L'opzione -b/--binary non esegue nulla da molto tempo e\n"
 "sarà rimossa. Non usarla più."
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "lettura dell'indice non riuscita"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr ""
 "la directory di rebase precedente %s esiste ancora ma è stata specificata "
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -9001,10 +9162,16 @@
 "Trovata directory smarrita %s.\n"
 "Usa \"git am --abort\" per eliminarla."
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "Operazione di risoluzione non in corso, non riprendiamo."
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr ""
+"la modalità interattiva richiede che le patch siano fornite sulla riga di "
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [<opzioni>] [<patch>...]"
@@ -9240,80 +9407,85 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "head non valida - riferimento simbolico strano"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "riferimento non valido: '%s'"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "esegui 'git bisect next'"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "scrivi i termini in .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "pulisci lo stato bisezione"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "controlla se le revisioni attese sono presenti"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "reimposta lo stato della bisezione"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "scrivi lo stato della bisezione in BISECT_LOG"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "controlla e imposta i termini in uno stato bisezione"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr ""
 "controlla se esistono termini per revisioni non funzionanti o funzionanti"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "stampa i termini della bisezione"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "inizia la sessione di bisezione"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "aggiorna BISECT_HEAD anziché eseguire il checkout del commit corrente"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "non registrare le operazioni eseguite per BISECT_WRITE"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms richiede due argomenti"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state non richiede argomenti"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "--bisect-reset richiede o nessun argomento o un commit"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-write richiede o quattro o cinque argomenti"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--check-and-set-terms richiede tre argomenti"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-next-check richiede due o tre argomenti"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--bisect-terms richiede zero o un argomento"
@@ -9325,151 +9497,168 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "le <opzioni revisione> sono documentate in git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "atteso colore: %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "deve terminare con un colore"
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "colore '%s' non valido in color.blame.repeatedLines"
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "valore non valido per blame.coloring"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "impossibile trovare la revisione %s da ignorare"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza le voci blame incrementalmente, a mano a mano che le troviamo"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza un hash SHA-1 vuoto per i commit limite (impostazione "
 "predefinita: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Non gestire i commit radice come commit limite (impostazione predefinita: "
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Visualizza le statistiche sul costo dell'operazione"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Forza l'indicazione d'avanzamento dell'operazione"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Visualizza il punteggio di output per le voci blame"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza il nome file originario (impostazione predefinita: automatico)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza il numero di riga originario (impostazione predefinita: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza l'output in un formato progettato per l'utilizzo da parte di una "
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza il formato porcelain con le informazioni sul commit per ogni riga"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Usa la stessa modalità di output di git-annotate (impostazione predefinita: "
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Visualizza il timestamp grezzo (impostazione predefinita: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Visualizza l'hash SHA1 del commit in forma lunga (impostazione predefinita: "
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Non visualizzare il nome autore e il timestamp (impostazione predefinita: "
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
-"Visualizza l'indirizzo email dell'autore invece del nome (impostazione "
+"Visualizza l'indirizzo e-mail dell'autore invece del nome (impostazione "
 "predefinita: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Ignora le differenze relative agli spazi bianchi"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "revisione"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "Ignora <revisione> durante l'esecuzione del blame"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "Ignora le revisioni specificate in <file>"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr "colora in modo differente i metadati ridondanti della riga precedente"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr "colora le righe in base all'età"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "Usa un'euristica sperimentale per migliorare i diff"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Usa cicli extra per trovare una corrispondenza migliore"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "Usa le revisioni salvate in <file> anziché richiamare git-rev-list"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Usa i contenuti di <file> come immagine finale"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "punteggio"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "Trova copie delle righe all'interno e fra file"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "Trova righe spostate all'interno e fra file"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Elabora solo l'intervallo righe n,m, contandole da 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr ""
 "--progress non può essere usato con --incremental o con i formati porcelain"
@@ -9482,18 +9671,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "4 anni, 11 giorni fa"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "il file %s ha solo %lu riga"
 msgstr[1] "il file %s ha solo %lu righe"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "Eseguo il blame sulle righe"
@@ -9525,7 +9714,7 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [<opzioni>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9534,7 +9723,7 @@
 "elimino il branch '%s' di cui è stato eseguito il merge in\n"
 "         '%s', ma di cui non è ancora stato eseguito il merge in HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9543,12 +9732,12 @@
 "non elimino il branch '%s' di cui non è ancora stato eseguito il merge in\n"
 "         '%s', benché ne sia stato eseguito il merge in HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto commit per '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -9557,129 +9746,129 @@
 "Il branch '%s' non è stato sottoposto completamente a un merge.\n"
 "Se sei sicuro di volerlo eliminare, esegui 'git branch -D %s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Aggiornamento del file di configurazione non riuscito"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "impossibile usare -a con -d"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossibile trovare l'oggetto commit per HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Impossibile eliminare il branch '%s' di cui è stato eseguito il checkout in "
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "branch remoto tracciato '%s' non trovato."
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "branch '%s' non trovato."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Errore durante l'eliminazione del branch remoto tracciato '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Errore durante l'eliminazione del branch '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
-msgstr "Eliminato branch remoto tracciato %s (era %s).\n"
+msgstr "Branch remoto tracciato %s eliminato (era %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
-msgstr "Eliminato branch %s (era %s).\n"
+msgstr "Branch %s eliminato (era %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare la stringa di formato"
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "HEAD (%s) punta a un oggetto non in refs/heads/"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "Rebase del branch %s in corso in %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "Bisezione del branch %s in corso in %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile copiare il branch corrente quando non si è su alcun branch."
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
-"impossibile rinominare il branch corrente quando non si è su alcun branch."
+"impossibile ridenominare il branch corrente quando non si è su alcun branch."
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Nome branch non valido: '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Ridenominazione del branch non riuscita"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Copia del branch non riuscita"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Creata copia del branch mal denominato '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "Branch mal denominato '%s' rinominato"
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "Branch rinominato in %s, ma HEAD non è aggiornato!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "Il branch è stato rinominato, ma l'aggiornamento del file di configurazione "
 "non è riuscito"
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr ""
 "Il branch è stato copiato, ma l'aggiornamento del file di configurazione non "
 "è riuscito"
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9690,186 +9879,186 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Le righe che iniziano con '%c' saranno omesse.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Opzioni generiche"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza l'hash e l'oggetto, usa l'opzione due volte per il branch upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "non visualizzare i messaggi informativi"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "imposta la modalità tracking (vedi git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "non usare"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "modifica le informazioni sull'upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Rimuovi le informazioni sull'upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "usa l'output colorato"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "agisci sui branch remoti tracciati"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "stampa solo i branch che contengono i commit"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "stampa solo i branch che non contengono i commit"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Azioni specifiche di git-branch:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "elenca sia i branch remoti tracciati sia quelli locali"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "elimina il branch completamente sottoposto a merge"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "elimina il branch (anche se non è stato sottoposto a merge)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "sposta/rinomina un branch e il suo registro dei riferimenti"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "sposta/rinomina un branch anche se la destinazione esiste"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "copia un branch e il suo registro dei riferimenti"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "copia un branch anche se la destinazione esiste"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "elenca i nomi dei branch"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "visualizza il nome del branch corrente"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "crea il registro dei riferimenti del branch"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "modifica la descrizione del branch"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "forza la creazione, spostamento/ridenominazione, eliminazione"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "stampa solo i branch sottoposti a merge"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "stampa solo i branch non sottoposti a merge"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "elenca i branch in colonne"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "oggetto"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "stampa solo i branch dell'oggetto"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr ""
 "l'ordinamento e il filtraggio non fanno differenza tra maiuscole e minuscole"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "formato da usare per l'output"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD non trovato fra i riferimenti/head!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column e --verbose non sono compatibili"
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "nome branch richiesto"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossibile fornire una descrizione per l'HEAD scollegato"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "impossibile modificare la descrizione per più di un branch"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Non esiste ancora nessun commit sul branch '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "Non esiste alcun branch denominato '%s'."
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "sono presenti troppi branch per consentire un'operazione di copia"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr ""
 "sono presenti troppi argomenti per consentire un'operazione di "
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "sono presenti troppi argomenti per consentire l'impostazione del nuovo "
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
@@ -9877,38 +10066,41 @@
 "impossibile impostare l'upstream di HEAD a %s quando non punta ad alcun "
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "branch '%s' non esistente"
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "il branch '%s' non esiste"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "sono presenti troppi argomenti per rimuovere le informazioni sull'upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile rimuovere le informazioni sull'upstream di HEAD quando non punta "
 "ad alcun branch."
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "Il branch '%s' non ha informazioni sull'upstream"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
 msgstr ""
-"le opzioni -a e -r per 'git branch' non hanno senso con il nome di un branch"
+"Le opzioni di 'git branch' -a e -r non richiedono un nome branch.\n"
+"Forse volevi usare: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9929,7 +10121,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Per decomprimere un bundle è necessario un repository."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -9937,7 +10129,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <tipo> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<percorso>] <oggetto>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -9945,75 +10137,75 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "può essere specificata solo un'opzione batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<tipo> può essere uno fra blob, tree, commit, tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "visualizza tipo oggetto"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "visualizza dimensioni oggetto"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "esci con codice d'uscita zero se non si sono verificati errori"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "stampa il contenuto dell'oggetto con un formato leggibile"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "esegui textconv sul contenuto dell'oggetto (per gli oggetti blob)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "esegui i filtri sul contenuto dell'oggetto (per gli oggetti blob)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "blob"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "usa un percorso specifico per --textconv/--filters"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "consenti a -s e -t di funzionare con oggetti malformati/corrotti"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "esegui il buffering dell'output di --batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza le informazioni e il contenuto degli oggetti forniti nello "
 "standard input"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "visualizza le informazioni degli oggetti forniti nello standard input"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr ""
 "segui i collegamenti simbolici entro l'albero (usato con --batch o --batch-"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "visualizza tutti gli oggetti con --batch o --batch-check"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "non ordinare l'output di --batch-all-objects"
@@ -10041,8 +10233,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "termina i record di input e output con un carattere NUL"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "non visualizzare l'avanzamento dell'operazione"
@@ -10132,9 +10324,9 @@
 msgstr "scrivi il contenuto in file temporanei"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "stringa"
@@ -10146,93 +10338,116 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "copia i file dalla fase specificata"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<opzioni>] <branch>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<opzioni>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [<opzioni>] <branch>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [<opzioni>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "il percorso '%s' non ha la nostra versione"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "il percorso '%s' non ha la loro versione"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "il percorso '%s' non ha tutte le versioni necessarie"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "il percorso '%s' non ha le versioni necessarie"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "percorso '%s': impossibile eseguire il merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere il risultato del merge per '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "'%s' non può essere usato con i percorsi in fase di aggiornamento"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "'%s' non può essere usato con %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile aggiornare dei percorsi e passare al branch '%s' "
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "il percorso '%s' non è stato sottoposto a merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "Ricreato %d conflitto di merge"
 msgstr[1] "Ricreati %d conflitti di merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "Aggiornato %d percorso da %s"
 msgstr[1] "Aggiornati %d percorsi da %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "Aggiornato %d percorso dall'indice"
 msgstr[1] "Aggiornati %d percorsi dall'indice"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "'%s' non può essere usato con i percorsi in fase di aggiornamento"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' non può essere usato con %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossibile aggiornare dei percorsi e passare al branch '%s' "
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "né '%s' né '%s' sono stati specificati"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "'%s' dev'essere usato quando '%s' non è specificato"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' o '%s' non possono essere usati con %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "il percorso '%s' non è stato sottoposto a merge"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "prima devi risolvere l'indice corrente"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -10241,55 +10456,55 @@
 "impossibile continuare con modifiche in stage nei file seguenti:\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr "le modifiche in stage nei seguenti file potrebbero andare perdute: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Impossibile esaminare il registro dei riferimenti per '%s': %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD si trova ora a"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiornare HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Ripristina il branch '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Si è già su '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Si è passati al branch '%s' e lo si è reimpostato\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Si è passati a un nuovo branch '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Si è passati al branch '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " ...e altri %d.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10312,7 +10527,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10339,24 +10554,28 @@
 " git branch <nome del nuovo branch> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "errore interno durante la visita delle revisioni"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "La precedente posizione di HEAD era"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Sei su un branch che deve ancora essere creato"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "atteso solo un riferimento"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "atteso solo un riferimento, %d specificati."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10365,156 +10584,212 @@
 "'%s' potrebbe essere sia un file locale, sia un branch da tracciare.\n"
 "Usa -- (e facoltativamente --no-guess) per rimuovere l'ambiguità"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "riferimento non valido: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "il riferimento non è un albero: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "atteso branch, ricevuto tag '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "atteso branch, ricevuto branch remoto '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "atteso branch, ricevuto '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "atteso branch, ricevuto commit '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossibile cambiare branch durante un merge\n"
+"Considera l'uso di \"git merge --quit\" o di \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossibile cambiare branch nel bel mezzo di una sessione am\n"
+"Considera l'uso di \"git am --quit\" o di \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossibile cambiare branch durante un rebase\n"
+"Considera l'uso di \"git rebase --quit\" o di \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossibile cambiare branch durante un cherry-pick\n"
+"Considera l'uso di \"git cherry-pick --quit\" o di \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"impossibile cambiare branch durante un revert\n"
+"Considera l'uso di \"git revert --quit\" o di \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "stai cambiando branch durante una bisezione"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "i percorsi non possono essere usati passando da un branch a un altro"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "'%s' non può essere usato passando da un branch a un altro"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' non può essere usato con '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "'%s' non accetta l'argomento <punto di partenza>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile cambiare branch per passare a '%s' che non è un commit"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "argomento branch o commit mancante"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "crea un nuovo branch ed eseguine il checkout"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/send-pack.c:174
+msgid "force progress reporting"
+msgstr "forza l'indicazione d'avanzamento dell'operazione"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "crea/reimposta un branch ed eseguine il checkout"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "crea il registro dei riferimenti per il nuovo branch"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "scollega l'HEAD al commit specificato"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "imposta le informazioni sull'upstream per il nuovo branch"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "nuovo branch"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "nuovo branch senza genitore"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr ""
-"esegui il checkout della nostra versione per i file non sottoposti a merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr ""
-"esegui il checkout della loro versione per i file non sottoposti a merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "esegui forzatamente il checkout (scarta le modifiche locali)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
 msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
 msgstr "esegui un merge a tre vie con il nuovo branch"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "aggiorna i file ignorati (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
 msgid "style"
 msgstr "stile"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
 msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
 msgstr "stile conflitti (merge o diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "non limitare gli specificatori percorso solo alle voci sparse"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "scollega l'HEAD al commit specificato"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "non indovinare 'git checkout <branch inesistente>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "imposta le informazioni sull'upstream per il nuovo branch"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "esegui forzatamente il checkout (scarta le modifiche locali)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "nuovo branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "nuovo branch senza genitore"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "aggiorna i file ignorati (impostazione predefinita)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
 msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
 msgstr ""
 "non controllare se un altro albero di lavoro contiene il riferimento "
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
-#: builtin/send-pack.c:174
-msgid "force progress reporting"
-msgstr "forza l'indicazione d'avanzamento dell'operazione"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr ""
+"esegui il checkout della nostra versione per i file non sottoposti a merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "usa modalità overlay (impostazione predefinita)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr ""
+"esegui il checkout della loro versione per i file non sottoposti a merge"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "non limitare gli specificatori percorso solo alle voci sparse"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "le opzioni -b, -B e --orphan sono mutuamente esclusive"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "le opzioni -p e --overlay sono mutualmente esclusive"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track richiede il nome di un branch"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "nome del branch mancante; prova con -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "impossibile risolvere %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "devi specificare il percorso/i percorsi da ripristinare"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "specificatore percorso non valido"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr ""
 "'%s' non è un commit e non si può creare un branch '%s' che parta da esso"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach non accetta un percorso '%s' come argomento"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -10522,7 +10797,7 @@
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force e --merge sono incompatibili quando\n"
 "si esegue il checkout dell'indice."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10553,6 +10828,68 @@
 "rispetto a un particolare remoto, ad es. 'origin', potresti voler\n"
 "impostare checkout.defaultRemote=origin nel tuo file di configurazione."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "crea un nuovo branch ed eseguine il checkout"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "crea/reimposta un branch ed eseguine il checkout"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "crea il registro dei riferimenti per il nuovo branch"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr "prevedi 'git checkout <branch inesistente>' (impostazione predefinita)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "usa modalità overlay (impostazione predefinita)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "crea un nuovo branch e passa a quest'ultimo"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "crea/reimposta un branch e passa a quest'ultimo"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "prevedi 'git switch <branch inesistente>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "scarta le modifiche locali"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr "albero da cui eseguire il checkout"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "ripristina l'indice"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "ripristina l'albero di lavoro (impostazione predefinita)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "ignora voci non sottoposte a merge"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "usa modalità overlay"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -10585,7 +10922,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "eliminazione di %s non riuscita"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "impossibile eseguire l'lstat di %s\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10598,7 +10940,7 @@
 "pippo      - seleziona un elemento basandoti su un prefisso univoco\n"
 "           - (vuoto) non selezionare niente\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10619,38 +10961,38 @@
 "*          - seleziona tutti gli elementi\n"
 "           - (vuoto) termina il processo di selezione\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Eh (%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Immetti i pattern da ignorare>> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "ATTENZIONE: Impossibile trovare elementi corrispondenti a %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Seleziona gli elementi da eliminare"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Eliminare %s [y/N]? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Ciao.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10669,64 +11011,64 @@
 "help                - visualizza questa schermata\n"
 "?                   - guida al prompt di selezione"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Comandi ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Cosa faccio ora"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Eliminerei il seguente elemento:"
 msgstr[1] "Eliminerei i seguenti elementi:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "Non ci sono più file da ripulire, esco."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "non stampare i nomi dei file eliminati"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "forza l'operazione"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "pulizia interattiva"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "rimuovi intere directory"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "pattern"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "aggiungi <pattern> alle regole usate per ignorare i file"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "elimina anche i file ignorati"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "elimina solo i file ignorati"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "-x e -X non possono essere usati insieme"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
@@ -10734,7 +11076,7 @@
 "clean.requireForce è impostato a true e né -i, né -n, né -f sono stati "
 "specificati; mi rifiuto di eseguire la pulizia"
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
@@ -10742,158 +11084,164 @@
 "clean.requireForce è true per impostazione predefinita e né -i, né -n, né -f "
 "sono stati specificati; mi rifiuto di eseguire la pulizia"
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<opzioni>] [--] <repository> [<directory>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "non creare un checkout"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "crea un repository spoglio"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "crea un repository mirror (implica che sia spoglio)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "per clonare da un repository locale"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "non usare i collegamenti reali locali, copia sempre i file"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "imposta il repository come condiviso"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "specificatore percorso"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "inizializza sottomoduli durante la clonazione"
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "numero di sottomoduli clonati in parallelo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "directory modelli"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "directory da cui saranno recuperati i modelli"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "repository di riferimento"
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "usa --reference solo durante la clonazione"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "nome"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "usa <nome> anziché 'origin' per tracciare l'upstream"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "esegui il checkout di <branch> anziché dell'HEAD del remoto"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "percorso al comando remoto git-upload-pack"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "profondità"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "crea un clone shallow con questa profondità"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "tempo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "crea un clone shallow a partire dall'istante specificato"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "revisione"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr ""
 "aumenta la profondità della cronologia del clone shallow fino alla revisione "
 "specificata esclusa"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "clona solo un branch, HEAD o quello specificato con --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr "non clonare alcun tag e fai sì che i fetch successivi non li seguano"
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "tutti i sottomoduli clonati saranno shallow"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr "directory Git"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "separa la directory Git dall'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "chiave=valore"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "imposta la configurazione nel nuovo repository"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "specifica del server"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr "opzione da trasmettere"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "usa solo indirizzi IPv4"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "usa solo indirizzi IPv6"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr ""
+"tutti i sottomoduli clonati useranno il loro rispettivo branch remoto "
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -10901,149 +11249,149 @@
 "Non è stato possibile indovinare alcun nome directory.\n"
 "Specifica una directory tramite la riga di comando"
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "informazione: Impossibile aggiungere un alternato a '%s': %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "apertura di '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s esiste e non è una directory"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "stat di %s non riuscito\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "impossibile avviare l'iteratore su '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "unlink di '%s' non riuscito"
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "creazione del collegamento '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "copia del file in '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "iterazione su '%s' non riuscita"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "fatto.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Clone completato con successo, ma il checkout non è riuscito.\n"
 "Puoi esaminare gli elementi di cui è stato eseguito il checkout\n"
 "con 'git status' e riprovare ad eseguire il checkout con\n"
-"'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "Impossibile trovare il branch remoto %s da clonare."
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiornare %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "l'HEAD remoto fa riferimento a un riferimento inesistente, impossibile "
 "eseguire il checkout.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il checkout dell'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere i parametri nel file di configurazione"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il repack per pulire l'area di lavoro"
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire l'unlink del file alternates temporaneo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Troppi argomenti."
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Devi specificare un repository da clonare."
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "le opzioni --bare e --origin %s non sono compatibili."
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "le opzioni --bare e --separate-git-dir non sono compatibili."
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "il repository '%s' non esiste"
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "la profondità %s non è un numero positivo"
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr ""
 "il percorso di destinazione '%s' esiste già e non è una directory vuota."
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "l'albero di lavoro '%s' esiste già."
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile creare le prime directory di '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile creare la directory dell'albero di lavoro '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Clone nel repository spoglio '%s' in corso...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Clone in '%s' in corso...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
@@ -11051,36 +11399,36 @@
 "il clone --recursive non è compatibile né con --reference né con --reference-"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "L'opzione --depth è ignorata nei cloni locali; usa file://."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "L'opzione --shallow-since è ignorata nei cloni locali; usa file://."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "L'opzione --shallow-exclude è ignorata nei cloni locali; usa file://."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "L'opzione --filter è ignorata nei cloni locali; usa file://."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "il repository sorgente è shallow, ignoro l'opzione --local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "l'opzione --local è ignorata"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "Il branch remoto %s non è stato trovato nell'upstream %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Sembra che tu abbia clonato un repository vuoto."
@@ -11129,7 +11477,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "genitore duplicato %s ignorato"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "%s non è un nome oggetto valido"
@@ -11157,13 +11505,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "ID di un oggetto commit genitore"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "messaggio"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "messaggio di commit"
@@ -11171,8 +11519,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "leggi il messaggio di log del commit da un file"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "firma il commit con GPG"
@@ -11219,80 +11567,86 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "Altrimenti, usa 'git reset'\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr "Altrimenti, usa 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Se vuoi ignorare questo commit, usa:\n"
+"e quindi usa:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
-"Quindi il comando \"git cherry-pick --continue\" farà riprendere\n"
-"il cherry picking per i commit rimanenti.\n"
+"per riprendere l'esecuzione il cherry-pick per i commit rimanenti.\n"
+"Se vuoi saltare questo commit, usa:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "decompressione dell'oggetto HEAD dell'albero non riuscita"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "impossibile creare l'indice temporaneo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "aggiunta interattiva non riuscita"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiornare l'indice temporaneo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare l'albero cache principale"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file new_index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire un commit parziale durante un merge."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire un commit parziale durante un cherry-pick."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'indice"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file indice temporaneo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "dal commit '%s' manca l'intestazione autore"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "il commit '%s' ha una riga autore malformata"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "parametro --author malformato"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -11300,38 +11654,38 @@
 "impossibile selezionare un carattere commento non usato\n"
 "nel messaggio di commit corrente"
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare il commit %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(lettura del messaggio di log dallo standard input)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il log dallo standard input"
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il file di log '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il modello di commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11346,7 +11700,7 @@
 "e riprova.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11361,7 +11715,7 @@
 "e riprova.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11370,7 +11724,7 @@
 "Immetti il messaggio di commit per le modifiche. Le righe che iniziano\n"
 "con '%c' saranno ignorate e un messaggio vuoto interromperà il commit.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11381,149 +11735,149 @@
 "con '%c' saranno mantenute; puoi rimuoverle autonomamente se lo desideri.\n"
 "Un messaggio vuoto interromperà il commit.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sAutore:           %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sData:             %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sEsecutore commit: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "Impossibile leggere l'indice"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Errore durante la costruzione degli alberi"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Fornisci il messaggio usando l'opzione -m o -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
-"--author '%s' non è nel formato 'Nome <email>' e non corrisponde ad alcun "
+"--author '%s' non è nel formato 'Nome <e-mail>' e non corrisponde ad alcun "
 "autore esistente"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Modo non valido ignorato: '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Modo file non tracciati non valido: '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "--long e -z non sono compatibili"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "L'uso di entrambe le opzioni --reset-author e --author non ha senso"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "Non c'è nulla da modificare."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Sei nel bel mezzo di un merge - impossibile eseguire l'amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Sei nel bel mezzo di un cherry-pick - impossibile eseguire l'amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Le opzioni --squash e --fixup non possono essere usate insieme"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Solo una delle opzioni -c/-C/-F/--fixup può essere usata."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "L'opzione -m non può essere combinata con -c/-C/-F."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr "L'opzione --reset-author può essere usata solo con -C, -c o --amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
 "Può essere usata solo una delle opzioni --include/--only/--all/--"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr ""
 "Non specificare un percorso con le opzioni --include/--only non ha senso."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "i percorsi '%s ...' non hanno senso con -a"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "visualizza concisamente lo stato"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "visualizza le informazioni sul branch"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "visualizza le informazioni sullo stash"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "calcola tutti i valori dopo/prima di"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "versione"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "output leggibile da una macchina"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "visualizza lo stato in forma lunga (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "termina le voci con NUL"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "modo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza file non tracciati, modalità facoltative: all, normal, no. "
 "(Impostazione predefinita: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
@@ -11531,11 +11885,11 @@
 "visualizza file ignorati, modalità facoltative: traditional, matching, no. "
 "(Impostazione predefinita: traditional)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "quando"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
@@ -11543,240 +11897,256 @@
 "ignora modifiche ai sottomoduli, opzione facoltativa \"quando\": all, dirty, "
 "untracked. (Impostazione predefinita: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "elenca i file non tracciati in colonne"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "non rilevare le ridenominazioni"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr ""
 "rileva le ridenominazioni, imposta facoltativamente l'indice di similarità"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr ""
 "Combinazione di argomenti sui file ignorati e non tracciati non supportata"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr ""
 "ometti di visualizzare il riepilogo dopo un commit completato con successo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "visualizza il diff nel modello del messaggio di commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Opzioni messaggio di commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "leggi il messaggio da un file"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "autore"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "sovrascrivi l'autore per il commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "data"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "sovrascrivi la data per il commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "riusa il messaggio del commit specificato per poi modificarlo"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "riusa il messaggio del commit specificato"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "usa il messaggio in formato autosquash per correggere il commit specificato"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "usa il messaggio in formato autosquash per eseguire lo squash del commit "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr "il commit ora ha me come autore (opzione usata con -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "aggiungi Signed-off-by:"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "usa il file modello specificato"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "forza la modifica del commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "includi lo stato nel modello del messaggio di commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Opzioni contenuto commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "esegui il commit di tutti i file modificati"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "aggiungi i file specificati all'indice per il commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "aggiungi i file in modalità interattiva"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "aggiungi le modifiche in modalità interattiva"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "esegui il commit solo dei file specificati"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "ignora gli hook pre-commit e commit-msg"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "visualizza gli elementi di cui sarebbe eseguito il commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "modifica il commit precedente"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "ignora l'hook post-rewrite"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "accetta di registrare una modifica vuota"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "accetta di registrare una modifica con un messaggio vuoto"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "File MERGE_HEAD corrotto (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il messaggio di commit: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Interrompo il commit a causa di un messaggio di commit vuoto.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "Interrompo il commit; non hai modificato il messaggio.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "Il repository è stato aggiornato, ma non è stato\n"
 "possibile scrivere il file new_index. Verifica che il\n"
 "disco non sia pieno e che la quota non sia stata\n"
-"superata, quindi esegui \"git reset HEAD\" per procedere\n"
-"al ripristino."
+"superata, quindi esegui \"git restore --staged :/\" per\n"
+"procedere al ripristino."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir <directory oggetti>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <directory oggetti>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <directory oggetti>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
+msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <directory oggetti>] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <directory oggetti>] [--append] [--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <directory oggetti>] [--append|--split] "
+"[--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <opzioni split>"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "directory"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "La directory oggetti in cui memorizzare il grafo"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr "se il grafo dei commit è diviso, verifica solo l'ultimo file"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile aprire il grafo dei commit '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "inizia la visita da tutti i riferimenti"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr ""
 "esamina i pack-index elencati sullo standard input alla ricerca di commit"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr "inizia la visita ai commit elencati sullo standard input"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr "includi tutti i commit già presenti nel file commit-graph"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "consenti la scrittura di un file grafo dei commit incrementale"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr "numero massimo di commit in un grafo dei commit diviso non di base"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr "rapporto massimo fra due livelli di un grafo dei commit diviso"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr "usa al più un'opzione fra --reachable, --stdin-commits o --stdin-packs"
@@ -11784,7 +12154,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<opzioni>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "argomento --type non riconosciuto: %s"
@@ -11893,7 +12263,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Tipo"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "al valore è assegnato questo tipo"
@@ -11940,7 +12310,7 @@
 "visualizza l'origine del file di configurazione (file, standard input, blob, "
 "riga di comando)"
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "valore"
@@ -12237,7 +12607,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "non considerare i tag corrispondenti al <pattern>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "visualizza l'oggetto commit abbreviato come fallback"
@@ -12417,160 +12787,199 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "nessun <comando> specificato per --extcmd=<comando>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <opzioni> <variabile d'ambiente>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "tipo"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr ""
+"impostazione predefinita su cui ripiegheranno le chiamate git_env_*(...)"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr ""
+"non visualizzare messaggi, usa solo il valore di git_env_*() come codice "
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+"l'opzione `--default' richiede un valore booleano con `--type=bool`, non `%s`"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
+"l'opzione `--default' richiede un valore unsigned long con `--type=ulong`, "
+"non `%s`"
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [opzioni-elenco-rev]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "visualizza l'avanzamento dopo <n> oggetti"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "seleziona la gestione dei tag firmati"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "seleziona la gestione dei tag che contrassegnano oggetti filtrati"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr ""
+"seleziona la gestione dei messaggi di commit in una codifica alternativa"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Esegui il dump dei contrassegni in questo file"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Importa i contrassegni da questo file"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "Usa un tagger falso se i tag non ne hanno uno"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Visualizza in output l'albero completo per ogni commit"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Usa la funzionalità \"fatto\" per terminare il flusso"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Ometti l'output dei dati dei blob"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "specificatore riferimento"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Applica lo specificatore riferimento ai riferimenti esportati"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "rendi anonimo l'output"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
 "Fai riferimento ai genitori non nel flusso fast-export tramite l'ID oggetto"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "Visualizza gli ID oggetto originari dei blob/commit"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<opzioni>] [<repository> [<specificatore riferimento>...]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<opzioni>] <gruppo>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<opzioni>] [(<repository> | <gruppo>)...]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<opzioni>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "esegui il fetch da tutti i remoti"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "aggiungi i dati a .git/FETCH_HEAD anziché sovrascriverli"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "percorso in cui caricare il pack sul remoto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "forza la sovrascrittura del riferimento locale"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "esegui il fetch da più remoti"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "esegui il fetch di tutti i tag e degli oggetti associati"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "non eseguire il fetch di alcun tag (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "numero di sottomoduli recuperati in parallelo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr ""
 "elimina i branch che ne tracciano uno remoto ma non più presenti sul remoto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
 "elimina i tag locali non più presenti sul remoto e sovrascrivi i tag "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "a richiesta"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "controlla il recupero ricorsivo dei sottomoduli"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "mantieni il pack scaricato"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "consenti l'aggiornamento del riferimento HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "aumenta la profondità della cronologia di un clone shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr ""
 "aumenta la profondità della cronologia di un clone shallow in base al tempo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "converti in un repository completo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "anteponi questo prefisso all'output del percorso del sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
@@ -12578,97 +12987,128 @@
 "impostazione predefinita per il recupero ricorsivo dei sottomoduli (a "
 "priorità minore rispetto ai file di configurazione)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "accetta i riferimenti che aggiornano .git/shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "mappa riferimenti"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "specifica la mappa dei riferimenti per il fetch"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr "segnala che abbiamo solo oggetti raggiungibili da quest'oggetto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "esegui 'gc --auto' dopo il fetch"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "controlla aggiornamenti forzati su tutti i branch aggiornati"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossibile trovare l'HEAD del riferimento remoto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "il valore dell'opzione fetch.output contiene il valore non valido %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "oggetto %s non trovato"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[aggiornato]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[rifiutato]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il fetch nel branch corrente"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[tag aggiornato]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiornare il riferimento locale"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "sovrascriverebbe il tag esistente"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[nuovo tag]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[nuovo branch]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[nuovo riferimento]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "aggiornamento forzato"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
-msgstr "non fast-forward"
+msgstr "non fast forward"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"Il fetch normalmente indica quali branch siano stati sottoposti ad\n"
+"aggiornamento forzato, ma tale controllo è stato disabilitato. Per\n"
+"riabilitarlo, usa l'opzione '--show-forced-updates' o esegui 'git config\n"
+"fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sono stati richiesti %.2f secondi per controllare la presenza di eventuali\n"
+"aggiornamenti forzati. Puoi usare '--no-show-forced-updates' o eseguire\n"
+"'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' per omettere questo controllo.\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s non ha inviato tutti gli oggetti necessari\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr "%s rifiutato perché non è consentito aggiornare radici shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Da %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12678,52 +13118,52 @@
 " 'git remote prune %s' per rimuovere ogni branch vecchio in conflitto"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s diventerà pendente)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s è diventato pendente)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[eliminato]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(nessuno)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr ""
 "Mi rifiuto di eseguire il fetch nel branch corrente %s di un repository non "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "L'opzione \"%s\" con il valore \"%s\" non è valida per %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "L'opzione \"%s\" è ignorata per %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Recupero di %s in corso\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "Impossibile recuperare %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12731,7 +13171,7 @@
 "--filter può essere usato solo con il remoto configurato nelle estensioni."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -12739,45 +13179,45 @@
 "Non è stato specificato alcun repository remoto. Specifica un URL o il\n"
 "nome di un remoto da cui dovranno essere recuperate le nuove revisioni."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Devi specificare il nome di un tag."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Le profondità negative in --deepen non sono supportate"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "le opzioni --deepen e --depth sono mutualmente esclusive"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "--depth e --unshallow non possono essere usati insieme."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "--unshallow su un repository completo non ha senso"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all non richiede un repository come argomento"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all non ha senso con degli specificatori riferimento"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "Remoto o gruppo remoti non esistente: %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr ""
 "Recuperare un gruppo e specificare gli specificatori riferimento non ha senso"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12850,7 +13290,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "visualizza solo <n> riferimenti corrispondenti"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "rispetta le stringhe di formato per i colori"
@@ -13018,7 +13458,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "Controllo collegamento %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "%s non valido"
@@ -13103,7 +13543,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "visualizza nomi dettagliati per gli oggetti raggiungibili"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Controllo oggetti in corso"
@@ -13136,7 +13576,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire lo stat di '%s'"
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere '%s'"
@@ -13214,7 +13654,7 @@
 "gc è già in esecuzione sul computer '%s' con PID %<PRIuMAX> (usa --force se "
 "non lo è)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -13240,263 +13680,263 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "non vi è supporto per i thread, ignoro %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il tree (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire grep su un oggetto di tipo %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "switch '%c' richiede un valore numerico"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "cerca nell'index anziché nell'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "la ricerca nei contenuti non è gestita da Git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "cerca sia nei file tracciati sia in quelli non tracciati"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "ignora i file specificati in '.gitignore'"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "cerca ricorsivamente in ogni sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "visualizza le righe non corrispondenti"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "ricerca corrispondenze senza differenze maiuscole/minuscole"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "cerca corrispondenze ai pattern solo a inizio/fine parola"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "elabora i file binari come testuali"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "non cercare corrispondenze ai pattern nei file binari"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "elabora i file binari con filtri di conversione in testo"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "cerca nelle sottodirectory (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "scendi al più di <profondità> livelli"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "usa espressioni regolari POSIX estese"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "usa espressioni regolari POSIX di base (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "interpreta i pattern come stringhe fisse"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "usa espressioni regolari compatibili con Perl"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "visualizza numeri di riga"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "visualizza il numero di colonna della prima corrispondenza"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "non visualizzare i nomi file"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "visualizza i nomi file"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "visualizza i nomi file relativi alla directory di primo livello"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "visualizza solo i nomi file anziché le righe corrispondenti"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "sinonimo di --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "visualizza solo i nomi dei file non corrispondenti"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "stampa NUL dopo i nomi file"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "visualizza solo le parti corrispondenti di una riga"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "visualizza il numero di corrispondenze anziché le righe corrispondenti"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "evidenzia corrispondenze"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "stampa una riga vuota fra le corrispondenze in file differenti"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza il nome file solo una volta prima delle corrispondenze nello "
 "stesso file"
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "visualizza <n> righe di contesto prima e dopo le corrispondenze"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "visualizza <n> righe di contesto prima delle corrispondenze"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "visualizza <n> righe di contesto dopo le corrispondenze"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "usa <n> thread di lavoro"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "scorciatoia per -C NUM"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "visualizza una riga con il nome funzione prima delle corrispondenze"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "visualizza la funzione circostante"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "leggi le corrispondenze da un file"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "cerca corrispondenze con <pattern>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "combina i pattern specificati con -e"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr ""
 "segnala una corrispondenza con il codice di uscita senza emettere output"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza solo le corrispondenze nei file in cui vi sono corrispondenze per "
 "tutti i pattern"
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "visualizza l'albero di analisi per l'espressione grep"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "pager"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "visualizza i file corrispondenti nel pager"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "consenti"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "nessun pattern specificato"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index o --untracked non possono essere usate con le revisioni"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere la revisione %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "combinazione di opzioni non valida, ignoro --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "non vi è supporto per i thread, ignoro --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "specificato numero non valido di thread (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager funziona solo sull'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "opzione non supportata con --recurse-submodules"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached o --untracked non possono essere usate con --no-index"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard non può essere usata per i contenuti tracciati"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "sono specificati sia --cached sia degli alberi"
@@ -13513,10 +13953,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "tipo"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "tipo oggetto"
@@ -13633,12 +14069,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "nessun visualizzatore info ha gestito la richiesta"
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' è un alias di '%s'"
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "stringa alias.%s non valida: %s"
@@ -13652,290 +14088,285 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "Vedi 'git help config' per maggiori informazioni"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "tipo oggetto non corrispondente in %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "non si è ricevuto l'oggetto atteso %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "oggetto %s: atteso tipo %s, trovato %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "impossibile riempire %d byte"
 msgstr[1] "impossibile riempire %d byte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "EOF prematuro"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "errore di lettura in input"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "usati più byte di quelli disponibili"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "pack troppo largo per la definizione corrente di off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "il pack supera la dimensione massima consentita"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "impossibile creare '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire il file pack '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "la firma del pack non coincide"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "versione pack %<PRIu32> non supportata"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "il pack ha un oggetto danneggiato all'offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "inflate ha restituito il codice %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "overflow del valore dell'offset base del delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "l'offset base del delta è fuori dall'intervallo consentito"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "tipo oggetto %d sconosciuto"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire pread sul file pack"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "fine del file pack prematura, %<PRIuMAX> byte mancante"
 msgstr[1] "fine del file pack prematura, %<PRIuMAX> byte mancanti"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "inconsistenza grave di inflate"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere le informazioni sull'oggetto esistente: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "non è possibile leggere l'oggetto %s esistente"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "oggetto blob %s non valido"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "errore fsck nell'oggetto sottoposto a pack"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "Non tutti gli oggetti figlio di %s sono raggiungibili"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "applicazione del delta non riuscita"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Ricezione degli oggetti"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Indicizzazione degli oggetti"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "il pack è corrotto (SHA1 non corrisponde)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire fstat sul file pack"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "il pack ha dati inutili alla fine"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "confusione oltre ogni follia in parse_pack_objects()"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Risoluzione dei delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile creare il thread: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "confusione oltre ogni follia"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "completato con %d oggetto locale"
-msgstr[1] "completato con %d oggetto locali"
+msgstr[1] "completato con %d oggetti locali"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "Checksum in coda inatteso per %s (disco corrotto?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "pack ha %d delta irrisolto"
 msgstr[1] "pack ha %d delta irrisolti"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire deflate sull'oggetto aggiunto alla fine (%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "l'oggetto locale %s è corrotto"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "il nome del file pack '%s' non termina con '.pack'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file %s '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile chiudere il file %s scritto '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "errore nella chiusura del file pack"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "impossibile archiviare il file pack"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "impossibile archiviare index file"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32> non valida"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file pack '%s' esistente"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file pack idx esistente per '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "non delta: %d oggetto"
 msgstr[1] "non delta: %d oggetti"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "lunghezza della catena = %d: %lu oggetto"
 msgstr[1] "lunghezza della catena = %d: %lu oggetti"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "impossibile tornare alla directory di lavoro corrente"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "%s errato"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin non può essere usato senza --stdin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin richiede un repository Git"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "--verify senza un nome del file pack specificato"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "errore fsck negli oggetti sottoposti a pack"
@@ -14030,17 +14461,17 @@
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "specifica che il repository Git deve essere condiviso con più utenti"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "impossibile creare la directory %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "impossibile modificare la directory corrente in %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
@@ -14049,12 +14480,12 @@
 "%s (o --work-tree=<directory>) non consentito senza specificare %s (o --git-"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile accedere all'albero di lavoro '%s'"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -14062,59 +14493,59 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<valore>])...] [<file>...]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "modifica i file sul posto"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "rimuovi spazi dalle stringhe finali vuote"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "dove collocare la nuova stringa finale"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "azione da eseguire se la stringa finale esiste già"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "azione da eseguire se la stringa finale è mancante"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "emetti in output solo le stringhe finali"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "non applicare le regole di configurazione"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "unisci i valori resi contigui dagli spazi bianchi"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "imposta le opzioni di analisi"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "non trattare la sequenza --- in modo speciale"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "stringa finale"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "stringa/e finale/i da aggiungere"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer con --only-input non ha senso"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "nessun file di input specificato per la modifica sul posto"
@@ -14126,113 +14557,113 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<opzioni>] <oggetto>..."
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "opzione --decorate non valida: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "visualizza sorgente"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "Usa il file mappatura e-mail"
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "decora solo i riferimenti corrispondenti a <pattern>"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "non decorare i riferimenti corrispondenti a <pattern>"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "opzioni decorazione"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Elabora l'intervallo righe n,m nel file, contandole da 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Output finale: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: file non valido"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'oggetto %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "tipo sconosciuto: %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "format.headers non ha alcun valore"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "il nome della directory di output è troppo lungo"
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire il file patch %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "è necessario specificare esattamente un intervallo"
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "il valore non è un intervallo"
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
-msgstr "la lettera di accompagnamento dev'essere in formato email"
+msgstr "la lettera di accompagnamento dev'essere in formato e-mail"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "creazione del file lettera di accompagnamento non riuscita"
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "valore in-reply-to folle: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<opzioni>] [<da> | <intervallo revisioni>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "due directory di output?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "commit %s sconosciuto"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "impossibile risolvere '%s' come riferimento valido"
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare esattamente la base del merge"
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
@@ -14244,282 +14675,278 @@
 "In alternativa puoi specificare manualmente il commit di base con\n"
 "--base=<ID commit di base>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare esattamente la base del merge"
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "il commit di base dovrebbe essere l'antenato dell'elenco revisioni"
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "il commit di base non dovrebbe essere nell'elenco revisioni"
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "impossibile ottenere l'ID della patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "inferenza degli intervalli range-diff non riuscita"
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "usa [PATCH n/m] anche con una singola patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "usa [PATCH] anche con più patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "stampa le patch sullo standard output"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "genera una lettera di accompagnamento"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "usa una sequenza numerica semplice per i nomi file di output"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "suff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "usa <suff> anziché '.patch'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "inizia a numerare le patch da <n> anziché da 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "contrassegna la serie come l'n-esima versione revisionata"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Usa [RFC PATCH] anziché [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Usa [<prefisso>] anziché [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "salva i file risultanti in <dir>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "non eliminare/aggiungere [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "non mandare in output diff binari"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "manda in output un hash costituito da soli zeri nell'intestazione From"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "non includere una patch corrispondente a un commit upstream"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza il formato della patch anziché l'impostazione predefinita (patch "
 "+ stat)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "Messaggistica"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "intestazione"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
-msgstr "aggiungi intestazione email"
+msgstr "aggiungi intestazione e-mail"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
-msgstr "email"
+msgstr "e-mail"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "aggiungi intestazione A:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "aggiungi intestazione Cc:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "identità"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr ""
 "imposta l'indirizzo Da a <identità> (o all'identità di chi ha creato il "
 "commit se assente)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "ID messaggio"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "rendi la prima e-mail una risposta a <ID messaggio>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "delimitatore"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "allega la patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "includi la patch nel messaggio"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr ""
 "abilita il raggruppamento messaggi per conversazione, stili: superficiale, "
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "firma"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "aggiungi una firma"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "commit di base"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr ""
 "aggiungi le informazioni prerequisito per l'albero alla serie delle patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "aggiungi una firma da file"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "non stampare i nomi file delle patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "visualizza l'avanzamento dell'operazione di generazione patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "revisione"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza le modifiche rispetto a <revisione> nella lettera di "
 "accompagnamento o in una patch singola"
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza le modifiche rispetto a <specificatore revisione> nella lettera "
 "di accompagnamento o in una patch singola"
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "percentuale in base a cui viene pesata la creazione"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "riga ident non valida: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "le opzioni -n e -k sono mutuamente esclusive"
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "le opzioni --subject-prefix/--rfc e -k sono mutuamente esclusive"
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-only non ha senso"
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-status non ha senso"
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "--check non ha senso"
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "standard output, o directory, quale dei due?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--interdiff richiede --cover-letter o una singola patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "Interdiff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Interdiff rispetto alla versione %d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "--creation-factor richiede --range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--range-diff richiede --cover-letter o una singola patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "Range-diff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Range-diff rispetto alla versione %d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere il file firma '%s'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Generazione delle patch in corso"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "creazione dei file di output non riuscita"
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limite>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14651,7 +15078,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "non stampare l'URL del remoto"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "eseguibile"
@@ -14727,188 +15154,192 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "mbox vuota: '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<opzioni>] [<commit>...]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "lo switch 'm' richiede un valore"
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "l'opzione `%s' richiede un valore"
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Non è stato possibile trovare la strategia di merge '%s'.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Le strategie disponibili sono:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Le strategie personalizzate disponibili sono:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "non visualizzare un diffstat al termine del merge"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "visualizza un diffstat al termine del merge"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(sinonimo di --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr ""
 "aggiungi (al più <n>) voci dal registro breve al messaggio di commit del "
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "crea un singolo commit anziché eseguire un merge"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "esegui un commit se il merge ha successo (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "modifica il messaggio prima di eseguire il commit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
-msgstr "consenti fast-forward (impostazione predefinita)"
+msgstr "consenti fast forward (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
-msgstr "interrompi se il fast-forward non è possibile"
+msgstr "interrompi se il fast forward non è possibile"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "verifica che il commit specificato abbia una firma GPG valida"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "strategia"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "strategia di merge da usare"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "opzione=valore"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "opzione per la strategia di merge selezionata"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
-msgstr "messaggio di commit del merge (per un merge non fast-forward)"
+msgstr "messaggio di commit del merge (per un merge non fast forward)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "interrompi il merge attualmente in corso"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "esegui --abort ma mantieni immutati l'indice e l'albero di lavoro"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "continua il merge attualmente in corso"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "consenti di unire cronologie non correlate"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "verifica hook commit-msg"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "non è stato possibile eseguire stash."
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "esecuzione di stash non riuscita"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "non è un oggetto valido: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "read-tree non riuscito"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (nulla di cui eseguire lo squash)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Commit di squash -- non aggiorno HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Nessun messaggio di merge -- HEAD non viene aggiornato\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "'%s' non punta ad un commit"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Stringa branch.%s.mergeoptions errata: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "Non gestisco nulla che non sia il merge di due head."
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Opzione sconosciuta per merge-recursive: -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "impossibile scrivere %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "Non è stato possibile leggere da '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Non eseguo il commit del merge; usa 'git commit' per completare il merge.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -14919,11 +15350,11 @@
 "aggiornato in un topic branch.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Un messaggio vuoto interromperà il commit.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
@@ -14932,70 +15363,74 @@
 "Le righe che iniziano con '%c' saranno ignorate e un messaggio vuoto\n"
 "interromperà il commit.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Messaggio di commit vuoto."
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Splendido.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Merge automatico fallito; risolvi i conflitti ed esegui il commit\n"
 "del risultato.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "Nessun branch corrente."
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "Nessun remote per il branch corrente."
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "Nessun upstream di default definito per il branch corrente."
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "Nessun branch che tracci un remoto per %s da %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Valore errato '%s' nell'ambiente '%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "non è qualcosa di cui possiamo eseguire il merge in %s: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "non è qualcosa di cui possiamo eseguire il merge"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort non richiede argomenti"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Non c'è nessun merge da interrompere (MERGE_HEAD mancante)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--quit non richiede argomenti"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue non richiede argomenti"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Non c'è nessun merge in corso (MERGE_HEAD mancante)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15003,7 +15438,7 @@
 "Non hai concluso il merge (MERGE_HEAD esiste).\n"
 "Esegui il commit delle modifiche prima di eseguire il merge."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -15011,92 +15446,96 @@
 "Non hai concluso il cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD esiste).\n"
 "Esegui il commit delle modifiche prima di eseguire il merge."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Il cherry-pick non è stato concluso (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD esiste)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "Non è possibile combinare --squash con --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "Non è possibile combinare --squash con --commit."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr "Nessun commit specificato e merge.defaultToUpstream non impostato."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "Lo squash di un commit in un'head vuota non è ancora supportato"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr "Un commit non fast forward non ha senso in un'head vuota"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - non è qualcosa per cui possiamo eseguire il merge"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "Si può eseguire solo il merge di uno e un solo commit in un'head vuota"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "mi rifiuto di eseguire il merge di cronologie non correlate"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Già aggiornato."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Aggiornamento di %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Provo con un merge veramente banale dentro l'indice...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "No.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Già aggiornato. Oh sì!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
-msgstr "Fast-forward non possibile, stop."
+msgstr "Fast forward non possibile, interrompo l'operazione."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Ripristino l'albero in uno stato pulito...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Tentativo con la strategia di merge %s...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Nessuna strategia di merge ha gestito il merge.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "Merge con la strategia %s fallito.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "Uso %s per preparare una risoluzione manuale.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -15233,22 +15672,38 @@
 msgstr "consenti la creazione di più di un albero"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<directory>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<directory>] (write|verify|expire|repack "
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr ""
 "directory oggetti contenente un insieme di coppie packfile e pack-index"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+"durante il repack, raccogli i file pack di dimensioni più piccole in un "
+"gruppo più grande di queste dimensioni"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "troppi argomenti"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "l'opzione --batch-size è consentita solo per il sottocomando 'repack'"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "verbo non riconosciuto: %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "sottocomando sconosciuto: %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -15339,52 +15794,52 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Rinominazione di %s in %s in corso\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "rinomina di '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opzioni>] <commit>..."
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opzioni>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<opzioni>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "stampa solo i nomi (non lo SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "usa solo tag per denominare i commit"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "usa solo i riferimenti corrispondenti a <pattern>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "ignora i riferimenti corrispondenti a <pattern>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr "elenca tutti i commit raggiungibili da tutti i riferimenti"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "leggi dallo standard input"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "consenti di stampare nomi `non definito` (impostazione predefinita)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "dereferenzia tag nell'input (uso interno)"
@@ -15532,7 +15987,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "i contenuti della nota sono stati lasciati in %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "non è stato possibile aprire o leggere '%s'"
@@ -15770,7 +16225,7 @@
 "esegui il commit del risultato con 'git notes merge --commit' o interrompi "
 "il merge con 'git notes merge --abort'.\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Risoluzione di '%s' come riferimento valido non riuscita."
@@ -15804,7 +16259,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "usa le note in <riferimento note>"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "sottocomando sconosciuto: %s"
@@ -15823,129 +16278,129 @@
 "git pack-objects [<opzioni>...] <nome base> [< <elenco riferimenti> | < "
 "<elenco oggetti>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "CRC oggetto sottoposto a pack %s errato"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "oggetto sottoposto a pack %s corrotto"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "rilevato delta ricorsivo per l'oggetto %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "%u oggetti ordinati, attesi %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "packfile non valido: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire il packfile per il suo riuso: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire seek nel packfile riusato"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere dal packfile riusato"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr ""
 "disabilito la scrittura delle bitmap, i pack sono divisi a causa "
 "dell'impostazione pack.packSizeLimit"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "Scrittura degli oggetti in corso"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "stat di %s non riuscito"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "scritti %<PRIu32> oggetti quando me ne attendevo %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr ""
 "disabilito la scrittura delle bitmap perché alcuni oggetti non saranno "
 "sottoposti a pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "overflow dell'offset base del delta nel pack per %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "offset base del delta fuori dall'intervallo consentito per %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Conteggio degli oggetti in corso"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile recuperare le dimensioni di %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare l'intestazione oggetto di %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "impossibile leggere l'oggetto %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr ""
 "oggetto %s: lunghezza oggetto inconsistente (%<PRIuMAX> contro %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "pack subottimo - memoria esaurita"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "Compressione delta in corso, uso fino a %d thread"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire il pack degli oggetti raggiungibili dal tag %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Compressione oggetti in corso"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "inconsistenza con il numero dei delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15954,7 +16409,7 @@
 "atteso ID oggetto arco, ricevuti dati errati:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15963,247 +16418,251 @@
 "atteso ID oggetto, ricevuti dati errati:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "valore non valido per --missing"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "impossibile aprire l'indice pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "impossibile esaminare l'oggetto sciolto %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "impossibile forzare l'oggetto sciolto"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' non è una revisione"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "revisione '%s' errata"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "impossibile aggiungere gli oggetti recenti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "versione %s di index non supportata"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "versione '%s' di index errata"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "non visualizzare la barra di avanzamento"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "visualizza la barra di avanzamento"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza la barra di avanzamento durante la fase di scrittura oggetti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "simile a --all-progress quando è visualizzata la barra di avanzamento"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<versione>[,<offset>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr "scrivi il file indice pack usando la versione formato idx specificata"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "dimensione massima di ogni file pack in output"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "ignora gli oggetti presi in prestito dallo store oggetti alternativo"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "ignora gli oggetti sottoposti a pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "limita la finestra di pack al numero di oggetti specificato"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr ""
 "limita la finestra di pack alla memoria specificata in aggiunta al limite "
 "sugli oggetti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr "lunghezza massima della catena di delta consentita nel pack risultante"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "riusa i delta esistenti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "riusa gli oggetti esistenti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "usa oggetti OFS_DELTA"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr ""
 "usa più thread durante la ricerca delle migliori corrispondenze per i delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "non creare un output pack vuoto"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "leggi gli argomenti revisione dallo standard input"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "limita gli oggetti a quelli non ancora sottoposti a pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "includi gli oggetti raggiungibili da qualunque riferimento"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "includi gli oggetti referenziati da voci del log riferimenti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "includi gli oggetti referenziati dall'indice"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "invia il pack in output sullo standard output"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr ""
 "includi gli oggetti tag che fanno riferimento agli oggetti da sottoporre a "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "mantieni gli oggetti non raggiungibili"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "esegui il pack degli oggetti non raggiungibili sciolti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "decomprimi gli oggetti non raggiungibili più recenti di <tempo>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "usa l'algoritmo di raggiungibilità sparse"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "crea pack thin"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "crea pack adatti per fetch shallow"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "ignora i pack che hanno un file .keep che li accompagna"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "ignora questo pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "livello compressione pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "non nascondere i commit innestati"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr ""
 "usa un indice bitmap se disponibile per velocizzare il conteggio degli "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "scrivi un indice bitmap insieme all'indice pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr "scrivi un indice bitmap se possibile"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "azione da eseguire sugli oggetti mancanti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "non eseguire il pack degli oggetti nei file pack promettenti"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "rispetta le isole durante la compressione delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "la profondità della catena dei delta (%d) è troppo elevata, forzo %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "il valore pack.deltaCacheLimit è troppo elevato, forzo %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
 "--max-pack-size non può essere usato per generare un pack da trasferire"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "il limite minimo delle dimensioni dei pack è 1 MiB"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr "--thin non può essere usato per generare un pack indicizzabile"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable e --unpack-unreachable non sono compatibili"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "impossibile usare --filter senza --stdout"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Enumerazione degli oggetti in corso"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -16260,44 +16719,44 @@
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git pull [<opzioni>] [<repository> [<specificatore riferimento>...]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "controlla il recupero ricorsivo dei sottomoduli"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Opzioni relative al merge"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "incorpora le modifiche eseguendo un rebase anziché un merge"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
-msgstr "consenti fast-forward"
+msgstr "consenti fast forward"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "esegui stash/stash pop automaticamente prima e dopo il rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Opzioni relative al fetch"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "forza la sovrascrittura del branch locale"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "numero di sottomoduli recuperati in parallelo"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Valore non valido per pull.ff: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
@@ -16305,14 +16764,14 @@
 "Non ci sono candidati in base ai quali eseguire il rebase fra i riferimenti "
 "appena recuperati."
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
 "Non ci sono candidati in base ai quali eseguire il merge fra i riferimenti "
 "appena recuperati."
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -16320,7 +16779,7 @@
 "In generale, questo significa che hai fornito uno specificatore\n"
 "riferimento che non aveva corrispondenze nel remoto."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -16332,44 +16791,44 @@
 "configurato come predefinito per il branch corrente, devi\n"
 "specificare un branch sulla riga di comando."
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Attualmente non sei su un branch."
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Specifica il branch in base a cui vuoi effettuare il rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Specifica il branch in base a cui vuoi effettuare il merge."
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Vedi git-pull(1) per ulteriori dettagli."
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<remoto>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<branch>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "Non ci sono informazioni di tracciamento per il branch corrente."
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr ""
 "Se vuoi impostare le informazioni di tracciamento per questo branch puoi "
 "farlo con:"
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -16379,32 +16838,32 @@
 "il merge con il riferimento '%s' del remoto, ma un tale\n"
 "riferimento non è stato recuperato."
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "impossibile accedere al commit %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "ignoro --verify-signature per il rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "l'opzione --[no-]autostash option è valida solo con --rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr "Aggiorno un branch non nato con le modifiche aggiunte all'indice."
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "pull con rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "eseguine il commit o lo stash."
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -16413,10 +16872,10 @@
 msgstr ""
 "il fetch ha aggiornato l'head del\n"
 "branch corrente.\n"
-"Eseguo il fast-forward dell'albero\n"
+"Eseguo il fast forward dell'albero\n"
 "di lavoro dal commit %s."
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -16426,7 +16885,7 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "to recover."
 msgstr ""
-"Impossibile eseguire il fast-forward dell'albero\n"
+"Impossibile eseguire il fast forward dell'albero\n"
 "di lavoro.\n"
 "Dopo esserti assicurato di aver salvato tutto ciò\n"
 "che è importante dall'output di\n"
@@ -16435,15 +16894,15 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "per eseguire il ripristino."
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il merge di più branch in un head vuoto."
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il rebase su più branch."
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile eseguire il rebase se ci sono delle modifiche registrate "
@@ -16559,7 +17018,7 @@
 "attuale è rimasto indietro rispetto alla sua controparte remota.\n"
 "Integra le modifiche remote (ad es. con 'git pull ...') prima di\n"
 "eseguire nuovamente il push.\n"
-"Vedi la 'Nota sui fast-forward' in 'git push --help' per ulteriori\n"
+"Vedi la 'Nota sui fast forward' in 'git push --help' per ulteriori\n"
 #: builtin/push.c:282
@@ -16574,7 +17033,7 @@
 "alla sua controparte remota. Esegui il checkout di questo branch e\n"
 "integra le modifiche remote (ad es. con 'git pull ...') prima di\n"
 "eseguire nuovamente il push.\n"
-"Vedi la 'Nota sui fast-forward' in 'git push --help' per ulteriori\n"
+"Vedi la 'Nota sui fast forward' in 'git push --help' per ulteriori\n"
 #: builtin/push.c:288
@@ -16590,7 +17049,7 @@
 "da un altro repository allo stesso riferimento. Potresti voler integrare\n"
 "le modifiche remote (ad es. con 'git pull ...') prima di eseguire\n"
 "nuovamente il push.\n"
-"Vedi la 'Nota sui fast-forward' in 'git push --help' per ulteriori\n"
+"Vedi la 'Nota sui fast forward' in 'git push --help' per ulteriori\n"
 #: builtin/push.c:295
@@ -16924,7 +17383,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "mantieni i commit vuoti"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "consenti commit con messaggi vuoti"
@@ -16944,7 +17403,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "firma i commit"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "visualizza un diffstat delle modifiche upstream"
@@ -17052,7 +17511,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "il comando da eseguire"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr "schedula nuovamente le operazioni `exec` non riuscite automaticamente"
@@ -17060,7 +17519,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "--[no-]rebase-cousins non ha effetto senza --rebase-merges"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s richiede un rebase interattivo"
@@ -17090,11 +17549,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "Impossibile memorizzare %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "impossibile determinare la revisione HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -17110,7 +17569,7 @@
 "Per interrompere l'operazione e tornare allo stato precedente\n"
 "il \"git rebase\", esegui \"git rebase --abort\"."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17129,7 +17588,7 @@
 "Di conseguenza, Git non può eseguirne il rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -17146,7 +17605,7 @@
 "    git rebase '<branch>'\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -17160,131 +17619,131 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "i comandi exec non possono contenere caratteri di fine riga"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "comando exec vuoto"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "esegui il rebase sul branch specificato anziché su quello upstream"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "consenti l'esecuzione dell'hook pre-rebase"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "sii silenzioso. implica --no-stat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "non visualizzare un diffstat delle modifiche upstream"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "aggiungi una riga Signed-off-by: a ogni commit"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "passato a 'git am'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "passato a 'git apply'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr "esegui il cherry-pick di tutti i commit, anche se non modificati"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "continua"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "salta la patch corrente e continua"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "interrompi ed esegui il checkout del branch originario"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "interrompi ma mantieni l'HEAD dov'è"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "modifica l'elenco todo durante un rebase interattivo"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza il file patch che sta per essere applicato o sottoposto a merge"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "usa le strategie di merge per eseguire il rebase"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr ""
 "consenti all'utente di modificare l'elenco dei commit di cui eseguire il "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr "(DEPRECATO) prova a ricreare i merge anziché ignorarli"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "mantieni i commit vuoti durante il rebase"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr "sposta i commit che iniziano con squash!/fixup! in -i"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "esegui stash/stash pop automaticamente prima e dopo"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr "aggiungi righe exec dopo ogni commit della lista modificabile"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "consenti il rebase di commit con messaggi vuoti"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr "prova ad eseguire il rebase dei merge anziché saltarli"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr ""
 "usa 'merge-base --fork-point' per ridefinire più precisamente l'upstream"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "usa la strategia di merge specificata"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "opzione"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "passa l'argomento alla strategia di merge"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "esegui il rebase di tutti i commit raggiungibili fino a quelli radice"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -17292,29 +17751,29 @@
 "il supporto per rebase.useBuiltin è stato rimosso!\n"
 "Vedi la voce relativa in 'git help config' per i dettagli."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr "Sembra che 'git am' sia in corso. Impossibile eseguire il rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr "git rebase --preserve-merges è deprecato. Usa --rebase-merges."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "Nessun rebase in corso?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "L'azione --edit-todo può essere usata solo durante un rebase interattivo."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossibile leggere l'HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -17323,21 +17782,16 @@
 "quindi contrassegnarli come risolti usando\n"
 "git add"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "impossibile scartare le modifiche all'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "impossibile ritornare a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "impossibile rimuovere '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -17358,171 +17812,175 @@
 "ed eseguimi di nuovo. Mi fermo nel caso in cui tu abbia ancora\n"
 "salvato qualcosa di importante lì.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "l'opzione `C` richiede un valore numerico"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "Modo sconosciuto: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy richiede --merge o --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec richiede --exec o --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr "non è possibile combinare le opzioni am con quelle interactive o merge"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "impossibile combinare '--preserve-merges' con '--rebase-merges'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
 "errore: impossibile combinare '--preserve-merges' con '--reschedule-failed-"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "impossibile combinare '--rebase-merges' con '--strategy-option'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "impossibile combinare '--rebase-merges' con '--strategy'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "upstream non valido: '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "Impossibile creare il nuovo commit radice"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "'%s': è necessario specificare esattamente una base per il merge"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' non punta a un commit valido"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "errore fatale: branch/commit '%s' inesistente"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "Riferimento non esistente: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "Impossibile risolvere HEAD come revisione"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "Impossibile eseguire lo stash automatico"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "Risposta stash non attesa: '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "Impossibile creare la directory '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "Stash automatico creato: %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire reset --hard"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD ora si trova a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Eseguine il commit o lo stash."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile analizzare '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "impossibile passare a %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD è aggiornato."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "Il branch corrente %s è aggiornato.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "HEAD è aggiornato, forzo il rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "Il branch corrente %s è aggiornato, forzo il rebase.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "L'hook pre-rebase ha rifiutato di consentire il rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Modifiche a %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Modifiche da %s a %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Per prima cosa, ripristino l'head per riapplicare le tue modifiche su di "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Impossibile scollegare l'HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
-msgstr "Fast-forward da %s a %s eseguito.\n"
+msgstr "Fast forward da %s a %s eseguito.\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <directory Git>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17555,7 +18013,7 @@
 "il comportamento predefinito, imposta la variabile di\n"
 "configurazione 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' a 'refuse'."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17578,11 +18036,11 @@
 "Per non visualizzare più questo messaggio, puoi impostarla a\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "non visualizzare messaggi"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Devi specificare una directory."
@@ -17932,7 +18390,7 @@
 #: builtin/remote.c:1042
 msgid "fast-forwardable"
-msgstr "fast-forward possibile"
+msgstr "fast forward possibile"
 #: builtin/remote.c:1045
 msgid "local out of date"
@@ -18177,118 +18635,118 @@
 "Usa --no-write-bitmap-index o disabilita l'opzione di configurazione\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile avviare pack-objects per eseguire il repack degli oggetti "
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
 "repack: Da pack-objects mi attendevo solo righe con gli ID completi "
 "esadecimali degli oggetti."
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "impossibile portare a termine pack-objects per eseguire il repack degli "
 "oggetti promettenti"
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "esegui il pack di tutto in un singolo pack"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "come -a e rendi sciolti gli oggetti non raggiungibili"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "rimuovi i pack ridondanti ed esegui git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "fornisci l'opzione --no-reuse-delta a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "fornisci l'opzione --no-reuse-object a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "non eseguire git-update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "fornisci l'opzione --local a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "scrivi l'indice bitmap"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "fornisci l'opzione --delta-islands a git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "data approssimativa"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "con -A, non rendere sciolti gli oggetti meno recenti di questa data"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "con -a, esegui il repack degli oggetti non raggiungibili"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "dimensione della finestra usata per la compressione delta"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "byte"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr ""
 "come sopra, ma limita le dimensioni della memoria invece del numero di voci"
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "limita la profondità massima dei delta"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "limita il numero massimo di thread"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "dimensione massima di ogni file pack"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "esegui il repack degli oggetti nei pack contrassegnati con .keep"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "non eseguire il repack di questo pack"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "impossibile eliminare i pack in un repository 'oggetti preziosi'"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable e -A non sono compatibili"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "Non ci sono oggetti nuovi di cui eseguire il pack."
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -18308,7 +18766,7 @@
 "AVVISO: non è riuscito. Ridenominali manualmente\n"
 "AVVISO: entro %s:\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "eliminazione di '%s' non riuscita"
@@ -18716,24 +19174,24 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "Impossibile scrivere il nuovo file indice."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr "impossibile combinare --exclude-promisor-objects e --missing"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "il filtraggio oggetti richiede --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "valore sparse non valido: '%s'"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list non supporta la visualizzazione delle note"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "impossibile combinare --use-bitmap-index con il filtraggio oggetti"
@@ -18808,47 +19266,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "annulla la sequenza revert o cherry-pick"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "salta il commit corrente e continua"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "non eseguire il commit automaticamente"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "modifica il messaggio di commit"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "numero-genitore"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "seleziona il genitore mainline"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "strategia di merge"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "opzione per la strategia di merge"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "aggiungi il nome del commit alla fine"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "mantieni i commit inizialmente vuoti"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "mantieni i commit ridondanti e vuoti"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "revert non riuscito"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "cherry-pick non riuscito"
@@ -18986,7 +19448,7 @@
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:270
 msgid "Show the email address of each author"
-msgstr "Visualizza l'indirizzo email di ogni autore"
+msgstr "Visualizza l'indirizzo e-mail di ogni autore"
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:271
 msgid "<w>[,<i1>[,<i2>]]"
@@ -19024,116 +19486,116 @@
 msgstr[0] "ignoro %s; non posso gestire più di %d riferimento"
 msgstr[1] "ignoro %s; non posso gestire più di %d riferimenti"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "nessun riferimento corrispondente a %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "visualizza i branch che ne tracciano uno remoto e quelli locali"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "visualizza i branch che ne tracciano uno remoto"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "colore '*!+-' corrispondente al branch"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "visualizza <n> commit ulteriori rispetto all'antenato comune"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "sinonimo di more=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "non visualizzare le stringhe di denominazione"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "includi il branch corrente"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "denomina i commit con i loro nomi oggetto"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "visualizza le basi merge possibili"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "visualizza i riferimenti non raggiungibili da nessun altro"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "visualizza i commit in ordine topologico"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "visualizza solo i commit non sul primo branch"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "visualizza i merge raggiungibili solo dall'ultimo commit di un branch"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr ""
 "esegui un ordinamento topologico mantenendo l'ordine delle date ove possibile"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<base>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr ""
 "visualizza le <n> voci più recenti del log dei riferimenti partendo da base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
 "--reflog non è compatibile con --all, --remotes, --independent o --merge-base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "nessun branch fornito e l'HEAD non è valido"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "l'opzione --reflog richiede il nome di un branch"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "può essere visualizzata solo %d voce per volta."
 msgstr[1] "possono essere visualizzate solo %d voci per volta."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "riferimento non esistente: %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "impossibile gestire più di %d revisione."
 msgstr[1] "impossibile gestire più di %d revisioni."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "'%s' non è un riferimento valido."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "impossibile trovare il commit %s (%s)"
@@ -19321,95 +19783,95 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "Nome del branch non specificato"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare %s con %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "messaggio di stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "\"git stash store\" richiede un argomento <commit>"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "Nessuna modifica selezionata"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "Non hai ancora un commit iniziale"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "Impossibile salvare lo stato corrente di index"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "Impossibile salvare i file non tracciati"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "Impossibile salvare lo stato corrente dell'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "Impossibile registrare lo stato dell'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr ""
 "Impossibile usare --patch e --include-untracked o --all allo stesso tempo"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr "Ti sei scordato di eseguire 'git add'?"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "Nessuna modifica locale da salvare"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "Impossibile inizializzare stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "Impossibile salvare lo stato attuale"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "Directory di lavoro e stato indice salvati: %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere le modifiche all'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "mantieni l'indice"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "esegui lo stash in modalità patch"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "modalità silenziosa"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "includi i file non tracciati nello stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "includi i file ignorati"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "impossibile eseguire %s"
@@ -19430,7 +19892,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "anteponi il carattere commento e uno spazio a ogni riga"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Atteso nome riferimento completo, ricevuto %s"
@@ -19444,7 +19906,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "impossibile rimuovere un componente dall'URL '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "ancoraggio alternativo per i percorsi relativi"
@@ -19452,8 +19914,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<percorso>] [<percorso>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "Nessun URL trovato in .gitmodules per il percorso del sottomodulo '%s'"
@@ -19472,7 +19934,7 @@
 "run_command ha restituito un codice diverso da zero per %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -19483,19 +19945,19 @@
 "nei sottomoduli innestati di %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr "Non visualizzare l'output dei comandi eseguiti in ogni sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Esegui ricorsivamente sui sottomoduli innestati"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <comando>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
@@ -19504,374 +19966,396 @@
 "impossibile trovare la configurazione '%s'. Assumo che questo repository sia "
 "il proprio repository autoritativo upstream."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Registrazione dell'URL per il percorso sottomodulo '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Sottomodulo '%s' (%s) registrato per il percorso '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "avviso: suggerita modalità comando aggiornamento per il sottomodulo '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Registrazione della modalità aggiornamento per il percorso sottomodulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Non visualizzare l'output dell'inizializzazione del sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<opzioni>] [<percorso>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mapping sottomodulo per il percorso '%s' non trovato in .gitmodules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "impossibile risolvere il riferimento HEAD nel sottomodulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "ricorsione nel sottomodulo '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non visualizzare l'output dello stato del sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
 msgstr ""
+"Usa il commit salvato nell'indice anziché quello salvato nell'HEAD del "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "esegui ricorsivamente sui sottomoduli innestati"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
+"git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<percorso>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git submodule--helper name <percorso>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sincronizzazione URL sottomodulo per '%s' in corso\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "registrazione dell'URL per il percorso sottomodulo '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "recupero del remoto predefinito per il sottomodulo '%s' non riuscito"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "aggiornamento del remoto per il sottomodulo '%s' non riuscito"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr ""
+"Non visualizzare l'output della sincronizzazione dell'URL del sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<percorso>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
 "really want to remove it including all of its history)"
 msgstr ""
+"L'albero di lavoro del sottomodulo ('%s') contiene una directory .git (usa "
+"'rm -rf' se vuoi veramente rimuoverla, inclusa l'intera sua cronologia)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
 msgstr ""
+"L'albero di lavoro del sottomodulo ('%s') contiene modifiche locali; usa '-"
+"f' per scartarle"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Directory '%s' ripulita\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere l'albero di lavoro del sottomodulo '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "impossibile creare la directory vuota del sottomodulo %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
-msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimossa registrazione sottomodulo '%s' (%s) per il percorso '%s'\n"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
-msgid "Unregister all submodules"
+msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
+"Rimuovi gli alberi di lavoro dei sottomoduli anche se contengono modifiche "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
+msgid "Unregister all submodules"
+msgstr "Annulla la registrazione di tutti i sottomoduli"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
+"git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<percorso>...]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usa '--all' se vuoi veramente deinizializzare tutti i sottomoduli"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "non è possibile aggiungere un alternato per il sottomodulo '%s': %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valore '%s' per submodule.alternateErrorStrategy non riconosciuto"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Valore '%s' per submodule.alternateLocation non riconosciuto"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "percorso in cui sarà clonato il nuovo sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nome del nuovo sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "URL da cui clonare il sottomodulo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "profondità per i cloni shallow"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "forza l'indicazione d'avanzamento della clonazione"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
 msgstr ""
+"git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<percorso>] [--quiet] [--reference "
+"<repository>] [--name <nome>] [--depth <profondità>] --url <URL> --path "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
+#, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "clone di '%s' nel percorso del sottomodulo ('%s') non riuscito"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
+#, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "impossibile recuperare la directory del sottomodulo per '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
+#, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
+"Modalità aggiornamento '%s' non valida per il percorso del sottomodulo ('%s')"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
+#, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
+"È stata configurata una modalità aggiornamento '%s' non valida per il "
+"percorso del sottomodulo ('%s')"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Percorso del sottomodulo ('%s') non inizializzato"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Potresti voler usare 'update --init'."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ignoro il sottomodulo %s non sottoposto a merge"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
+#, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ignoro il sottomodulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
+#, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Clone di '%s' non riuscito. Nuovo tentativo programmato"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr ""
+"Clone di '%s' non riuscito per la seconda volta, interrompo l'operazione"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "percorso nell'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr ""
+"percorso nell'albero di lavoro attraverso i confini dei sottomoduli innestati"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rebase, merge, checkout o none"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crea un clone shallow limitato al numero di revisioni specificato"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
-msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "processi da eseguire in parallelo"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
-msgid "don't print cloning progress"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
+msgstr "determina se il clone iniziale sarà shallow come raccomandato"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
+msgid "don't print cloning progress"
+msgstr "non stampare l'indicazione di avanzamento della clonazione"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
+"git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<percorso>] [<percorso>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "valore parametro aggiornamento errato"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
 "the superproject is not on any branch"
 msgstr ""
+"Il branch del sottomodulo (%s) è configurato in modo da ereditare il branch "
+"dal progetto al livello superiore, ma questo non è su alcun branch"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
+#, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "impossibile recuperare un handle repository per il sottomodulo '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "esegui ricorsivamente sui sottomoduli"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<opzioni>] [<percorso>...]"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2156
 msgid "check if it is safe to write to the .gitmodules file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "controlla se è sicuro scrivere sul file .gitmodules"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2159
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "unset the config in the .gitmodules file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rimuovi la configurazione nel file .gitmodules"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2164
 msgid "git submodule--helper config <name> [<value>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git submodule--helper config <nome> [<valore>]"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2165
 msgid "git submodule--helper config --unset <name>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git submodule--helper config --unset <nome>"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2166
 msgid "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2185
 #, sh-format
 msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "assicurati che il file .gitmodules sia nell'albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s non supporta --super-prefix"
 #: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2241
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid submodule--helper subcommand"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'%s' non è un sottocomando submodule--helper valido"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:8
 msgid "git symbolic-ref [<options>] <name> [<ref>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git symbolic-ref [<opzioni>] <nome> [<riferimento>]"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:9
 msgid "git symbolic-ref -d [-q] <name>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git symbolic-ref -d [-q] <nome>"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:40
 msgid "suppress error message for non-symbolic (detached) refs"
 msgstr ""
+"non visualizzare messaggi d'errore se ci sono riferimenti non simbolici "
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:41
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "delete symbolic ref"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "elimina riferimento simbolico"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:42
 msgid "shorten ref output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "abbrevia il riferimento nell'output"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:43 builtin/update-ref.c:363
 msgid "reason"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "motivo"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:43 builtin/update-ref.c:363
 msgid "reason of the update"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "motivo dell'aggiornamento"
 #: builtin/tag.c:25
 msgid ""
 "git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>]\n"
 "\t\t<tagname> [<head>]"
 msgstr ""
+"git tag [-a | -s | -u <ID chiave>] [-f] [-m <messaggio> | -F <file>]\n"
+"\t\t<nome tag> [<head>]"
 #: builtin/tag.c:27
 msgid "git tag -d <tagname>..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git tag -d <nome tag>..."
 #: builtin/tag.c:28
 msgid ""
@@ -19879,32 +20363,39 @@
 "points-at <object>]\n"
 "\t\t[--format=<format>] [--[no-]merged [<commit>]] [<pattern>...]"
 msgstr ""
+"git tag -l [-n[<numero>]] [--contains <commit>] [--no-contains <commit>] [--"
+"points-at <oggetto>]\n"
+"\t\t[--format=<formato>] [--[no-]merged [<commit>]] [<pattern>...]"
 #: builtin/tag.c:30
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<formato>] <nome tag>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "tag '%s' non trovato."
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Tag '%s' eliminato (era %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
+#, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Write a message for tag:\n"
 "  %s\n"
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Scrivi un messaggio per il tag:\n"
+"  %s\n"
+"Le righe che iniziano con '%c' saranno ignorate.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
+#, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Write a message for tag:\n"
@@ -19912,16 +20403,21 @@
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you "
 "want to.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Scrivi un messaggio per il tag:\n"
+"  %s\n"
+"Le righe che iniziano con '%c' saranno mantenute; puoi rimuoverle "
+"autonomamente se lo desideri.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "impossibile firmare il tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
-msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file di tag"
+msgstr "impossibile scrivere il file tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -19929,536 +20425,561 @@
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
 msgstr ""
+"Hai creato un tag innestato. L'oggetto a cui si riferisce il tuo nuovo\n"
+"tag è già un tag. Se intendevi aggiungere un tag all'oggetto a cui\n"
+"punta, usa:\n"
+"\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
-msgstr "tipo di oggetto errato."
+msgstr "tipo oggetto errato."
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "nessun messaggio per il tag?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "Il messaggio del tag è stato lasciato in %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "elenca i nomi dei tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stampa le prime <n> righe di ogni messaggio tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "elimina tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "verifica tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opzioni creazione tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "tag annotato, richiede un messaggio"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "messaggio tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "forza modifica del messaggio tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "tag annotato e firmato con GPG"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
-msgstr "impossibile firmare il tag"
+msgstr "usa un'altra chiave per firmare il tag"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "sostituisci il tag se esiste"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
-msgid "Tag listing options"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
-msgid "show tag list in columns"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
-msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
-msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "crea un registro riferimenti"
 #: builtin/tag.c:423
-msgid "print only tags that are merged"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Tag listing options"
+msgstr "Opzioni elenco tag"
 #: builtin/tag.c:424
+msgid "show tag list in columns"
+msgstr "visualizza l'elenco dei tag in colonne"
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
+msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
+msgstr "stampa solo i tag che contengono il commit"
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
+msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
+msgstr "stampa solo i tag che non contengono i commit"
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
+msgid "print only tags that are merged"
+msgstr "stampa solo i tag sottoposti a merge"
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stampa solo i tag non sottoposti a merge"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stampa solo i tag dell'oggetto"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column e -n non sono compatibili"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
-msgstr "l'opzione -n è consentita solo con -l."
+msgstr "l'opzione -n è consentita solo in modalità elenco"
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
-msgstr "l'opzione --contains è consentita solo con -l."
+msgstr "l'opzione --contains è consentita solo in modalità elenco"
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
-msgstr "l'opzione --contains è consentita solo con -l."
+msgstr "l'opzione --no-contains è consentita solo in modalità elenco"
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
-msgstr "l'opzione --points-at è consentita solo con -l."
+msgstr "l'opzione --points-at è consentita solo in modalità elenco"
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
+"le opzioni --merged e --no-merged sono consentite solo in modalità elenco"
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "è consentita una sola opzione tra -F e -m."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "troppi parametri"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "'%s' non è un nome tag valido."
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "il tag '%s' esiste già"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Tag '%s' aggiornato (era %s)\n"
 #: builtin/unpack-objects.c:500
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Unpacking objects"
-msgstr "Indicizzazione degli oggetti"
+msgstr "Decompressione degli oggetti in corso"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:83
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory %s"
-msgstr "creazione della directory '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "creazione della directory %s non riuscita"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:99
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to create file %s"
-msgstr "creazione del link '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "creazione del file %s non riuscita"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:107
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete file %s"
-msgstr "creazione del link '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "eliminazione del file %s non riuscita"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:114 builtin/update-index.c:220
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete directory %s"
-msgstr "creazione della directory '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "eliminazione della directory %s non riuscita"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:139
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "Testing mtime in '%s' "
-msgstr "chiusura del file '%s'"
+msgstr "Test di mtime in '%s' in corso "
 #: builtin/update-index.c:153
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new file"
 msgstr ""
+"le informazioni stat della directory non cambiano dopo l'aggiunta di un "
+"nuovo file"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:166
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new directory"
 msgstr ""
+"le informazioni stat della directory non cambiano dopo l'aggiunta di una "
+"nuova directory"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:179
 msgid "directory stat info changes after updating a file"
 msgstr ""
+"le informazioni stat della directory cambiano dopo l'aggiornamento di un file"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:190
 msgid "directory stat info changes after adding a file inside subdirectory"
 msgstr ""
+"le informazioni stat della directory cambiano dopo l'aggiunta di un file in "
+"una sottodirectory"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:201
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a file"
 msgstr ""
+"le informazioni stat della directory non cambiano dopo l'eliminazione di un "
 #: builtin/update-index.c:214
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a directory"
 msgstr ""
+"le informazioni stat della directory non cambiano dopo l'eliminazione di una "
 #: builtin/update-index.c:221
 msgid " OK"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr " OK"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:589
 msgid "git update-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git update-index [<opzioni>] [--] [<file>...]"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:971
 msgid "continue refresh even when index needs update"
 msgstr ""
+"continua l'aggiornamento anche nel caso in cui l'indice richieda di essere "
 #: builtin/update-index.c:974
 msgid "refresh: ignore submodules"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aggiornamento: ignora i sottomoduli"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:977
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "do not ignore new files"
-msgstr "impossibile archiviare index file"
+msgstr "non ignorare i nuovi file"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:979
 msgid "let files replace directories and vice-versa"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "consenti che dei file sostituiscano delle directory e viceversa"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:981
 msgid "notice files missing from worktree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nota se dei file mancano dall'albero di lavoro"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:983
 msgid "refresh even if index contains unmerged entries"
 msgstr ""
+"esegui l'aggiornamento anche se l'indice contiene delle voci non sottoposte "
+"a merge"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:986
 msgid "refresh stat information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aggiorna le informazioni stat"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:990
 msgid "like --refresh, but ignore assume-unchanged setting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "come --refresh, ma ignora l'impostazione assume-unchanged"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:994
 msgid "<mode>,<object>,<path>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<modo>,<oggetto>,<percorso>"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:995
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "add the specified entry to the index"
-msgstr "Aggiunge il contenuto del file a index"
+msgstr "aggiunge la voce specificata all'indice"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1005
 msgid "mark files as \"not changing\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "contrassegna i file come \"non saranno modificati\""
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1008
 msgid "clear assumed-unchanged bit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "reimposta a zero il bit \"non saranno modificati\""
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1011
 msgid "mark files as \"index-only\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "contrassegna i file come \"solamente da indicizzare\""
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1014
 msgid "clear skip-worktree bit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "reimposta a zero il bit \"solamente da indicizzare\""
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1017
 msgid "add to index only; do not add content to object database"
 msgstr ""
+"aggiungi solo all'indice; non aggiungere il contenuto al database oggetti"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1019
 msgid "remove named paths even if present in worktree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rimuovi i percorsi specificati anche se presenti nell'albero di lavoro"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1021
 msgid "with --stdin: input lines are terminated by null bytes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "con --stdin: le righe di input sono terminate da byte NULL"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1023
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "read list of paths to be updated from standard input"
-msgstr "(lettura del messaggio di log dallo standard input)\n"
+msgstr "leggi l'elenco dei percorsi da aggiornare dallo standard input"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1027
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "add entries from standard input to the index"
-msgstr "non è stato possibile leggere il log dallo standard input"
+msgstr "aggiungi le voci specificate sullo standard input all'indice"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1031
 msgid "repopulate stages #2 and #3 for the listed paths"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ripopola le fasi 2 e 3 per i percorsi elencati"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1035
 msgid "only update entries that differ from HEAD"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aggiorna solo le voci differenti rispetto all'HEAD"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1039
 msgid "ignore files missing from worktree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ignora i file mancanti nell'albero di lavoro"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1042
 msgid "report actions to standard output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stampa le azioni sullo standard output"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1044
 msgid "(for porcelains) forget saved unresolved conflicts"
 msgstr ""
+"(per i comandi ad alto livello) dimentica i conflitti non risolti salvati"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1048
 msgid "write index in this format"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "scrivi l'indice in questo formato"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1050
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "enable or disable split index"
-msgstr "Impossibile scrivere index."
+msgstr "abilita o disabilita l'indice suddiviso"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1052
 msgid "enable/disable untracked cache"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "abilita/disabilita la cache non tracciata"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1054
 msgid "test if the filesystem supports untracked cache"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "verifica se il filesystem supporta la cache non tracciata"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1056
 msgid "enable untracked cache without testing the filesystem"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "abilita la cache non tracciata senza testare il filesystem"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1058
 msgid "write out the index even if is not flagged as changed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "scrivi l'indice anche se non è stato contrassegnato come modificato"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1060
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "enable or disable file system monitor"
-msgstr "impossibile gestire il tipo di file %d"
+msgstr "abilita o disabilita il monitor del filesystem"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1062
 msgid "mark files as fsmonitor valid"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "contrassegna i file come validi rispetto al monitor del filesystem"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1065
 msgid "clear fsmonitor valid bit"
 msgstr ""
+"reimposta a zero il bit \"file validi rispetto al monitor del filesystem\""
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1168
 msgid ""
 "core.splitIndex is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want to "
 "enable split index"
 msgstr ""
+"core.splitIndex è impostato a false; rimuovilo o modificalo se vuoi "
+"veramente abilitare l'indice suddiviso"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1177
 msgid ""
 "core.splitIndex is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want to "
 "disable split index"
 msgstr ""
+"core.splitIndex è impostato a true; rimuovilo o modificalo se vuoi veramente "
+"disabilitare l'indice suddiviso"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1188
 msgid ""
 "core.untrackedCache is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want "
 "to disable the untracked cache"
 msgstr ""
+"core.untrackedCache è impostato a true; rimuovilo o modificalo se vuoi "
+"veramente disabilitare la cache non tracciata"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1192
 msgid "Untracked cache disabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cache non tracciata disabilitata"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1200
 msgid ""
 "core.untrackedCache is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want "
 "to enable the untracked cache"
 msgstr ""
+"core.untrackedCache è impostato a false; rimuovilo o modificalo se vuoi "
+"veramente abilitare la cache non tracciata"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1204
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "Untracked cache enabled for '%s'"
-msgstr "make_cache_entry non riuscito per il path '%s'"
+msgstr "Cache non tracciata abilitata per '%s'"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1212
 msgid "core.fsmonitor is unset; set it if you really want to enable fsmonitor"
 msgstr ""
+"core.fsmonitor non è impostato; impostalo se vuoi veramente abilitare il "
+"monitor del filesystem"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1216
 msgid "fsmonitor enabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "monitor filesystem abilitato"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1219
 msgid ""
 "core.fsmonitor is set; remove it if you really want to disable fsmonitor"
 msgstr ""
+"core.fsmonitor è impostato; rimuovi tale impostazione se vuoi veramente "
+"disabilitare il monitor del filesystem"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:1223
 msgid "fsmonitor disabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "monitor filesystem disabilitato"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:10
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>] -d <refname> [<old-val>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git update-ref [<opzioni>] -d <nome riferimento> [<vecchio valore>]"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:11
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>]    <refname> <new-val> [<old-val>]"
 msgstr ""
+"git update-ref [<opzioni>]    <nome riferimento> <nuovo valore> [<vecchio "
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:12
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>] --stdin [-z]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git update-ref [<opzioni>] --stdin [-z]"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:364
 msgid "delete the reference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "elimina il riferimento"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:366
 msgid "update <refname> not the one it points to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aggiorna <nome riferimento>, non ciò a cui punta"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:367
 msgid "stdin has NUL-terminated arguments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "lo standard input ha argomenti terminati da NUL"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:368
 msgid "read updates from stdin"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "leggi aggiornamenti dallo standard input"
 #: builtin/update-server-info.c:7
 msgid "git update-server-info [--force]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git update-server-info [--force]"
 #: builtin/update-server-info.c:15
 msgid "update the info files from scratch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "aggiorna i file informazioni partendo da zero"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:11
 msgid "git upload-pack [<options>] <dir>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git upload-pack [<opzioni>] <directory>"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:23 t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:17
 msgid "quit after a single request/response exchange"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "esci dopo un solo scambio richiesta/risposta"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:25
 msgid "exit immediately after initial ref advertisement"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "esci subito dopo l'annuncio iniziale del riferimento"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:27
 msgid "do not try <directory>/.git/ if <directory> is no Git directory"
 msgstr ""
+"non provare a utilizzare <directory>/.git/ se <directory> non è una "
+"directory Git"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:29
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "interrompi il trasferimento dopo <n> secondi di inattività"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
-#, fuzzy
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
-msgstr "Commit iniziale su "
+msgstr "stampa i contenuti del commit"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stampa l'output grezzo dello stato di GPG"
 #: builtin/verify-pack.c:55
 msgid "git verify-pack [-v | --verbose] [-s | --stat-only] <pack>..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git verify-pack [-v | --verbose] [-s | --stat-only] <pack>..."
 #: builtin/verify-pack.c:65
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "verbose"
 msgstr "dettagliato"
 #: builtin/verify-pack.c:67
 msgid "show statistics only"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "visualizza solo le statistiche"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<formato>] <tag>..."
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stampa i contenuti del tag"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:18
 msgid "git worktree add [<options>] <path> [<commit-ish>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git worktree add [<opzioni>] <percorso> [<espressione commit>]"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:19
 msgid "git worktree list [<options>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git worktree list [<opzioni>]"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:20
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "git worktree lock [<options>] <path>"
-msgstr "git apply [opzioni] [<patch>...]"
+msgstr "git worktree lock [<opzioni>] <percorso>"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:21
 msgid "git worktree move <worktree> <new-path>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git worktree move <albero di lavoro> <nuovo percorso>"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:22
 msgid "git worktree prune [<options>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git worktree prune [<opzioni>]"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:23
 msgid "git worktree remove [<options>] <worktree>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git worktree remove [<opzioni>] <albero di lavoro>"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:24
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git worktree unlock <percorso>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
-msgstr "apertura di '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "eliminazione di '%s' non riuscita"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: not a valid directory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuovo worktrees/%s: non è una directory valida"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:86
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: gitdir file does not exist"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuovo worktrees/%s: il file gitdir non esiste"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:91 builtin/worktree.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: unable to read gitdir file (%s)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuovo worktrees/%s: impossibile leggere il file gitdir (%s)"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:110
 #, c-format
@@ -20466,34 +20987,36 @@
 "Removing worktrees/%s: short read (expected %<PRIuMAX> bytes, read "
 msgstr ""
+"Rimuovo worktrees/%s: letti meno dati del previsto (attesi %<PRIuMAX>byte, "
+"%<PRIuMAX> letti)"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:118
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: invalid gitdir file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuovo worktrees/%s: file gitdir non valido"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: gitdir file points to non-existent location"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuovo worktrees/%s: il file gitdir punta a un percorso non esistente"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:166
 msgid "report pruned working trees"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "segnala gli alberi di lavoro eliminati"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:168
 msgid "expire working trees older than <time>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "fai scadere gli alberi di lavoro più vecchi di <tempo>"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:235
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "'%s' already exists"
-msgstr "%s esiste già"
+msgstr "'%s' esiste già"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:252
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "unable to re-add worktree '%s'"
-msgstr "impossibile leggere il tree (%s)"
+msgstr "impossibile aggiungere nuovamente l'albero di lavoro '%s'"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:257
 #, c-format
@@ -20501,6 +21024,9 @@
 "'%s' is a missing but locked worktree;\n"
 "use 'add -f -f' to override, or 'unlock' and 'prune' or 'remove' to clear"
 msgstr ""
+"'%s' è un albero di lavoro mancante ma bloccato;\n"
+"usa 'add -f -f' per eseguire l'override, o 'unlock' e 'prune' o 'remove' per "
 #: builtin/worktree.c:259
 #, c-format
@@ -20508,198 +21034,218 @@
 "'%s' is a missing but already registered worktree;\n"
 "use 'add -f' to override, or 'prune' or 'remove' to clear"
 msgstr ""
+"'%s' è un albero di lavoro mancante ma già registrato;\n"
+"usa 'add -f' per eseguire l'override, o 'prune' o 'remove' per rimuoverlo"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
+#, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile creare la directory '%s'"
+msgstr "impossibile creare la directory di '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
+#, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
-msgstr "Errore nella rimozione del branch '%s'"
+msgstr "Preparazione dell'albero di lavoro in corso (nuovo branch '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr ""
+"Preparazione dell'albero di lavoro in corso (reimposto il branch '%s'; era a "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Preparazione dell'albero di lavoro in corso (checkout di '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
-msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "create a new branch"
-msgstr "[nuovo branch]"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "create or reset a branch"
-msgstr "Elenca, crea o elimina branch"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
-msgid "populate the new working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Preparazione dell'albero di lavoro in corso (HEAD scollegato %s)"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:498
-msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
+msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr ""
+"esegui il checkout di <branch> anche se tale operazione è stata eseguita in "
+"un altro albero di lavoro"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:501
-msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "create a new branch"
+msgstr "crea un nuovo branch"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
-msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
-msgstr ""
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
+msgid "create or reset a branch"
+msgstr "crea o reimposta un branch"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
+msgid "populate the new working tree"
+msgstr "popola il nuovo albero di lavoro"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
+msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
+msgstr "mantieni bloccato il nuovo albero di lavoro"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
+msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
+msgstr "imposta la modalità tracking (vedi git-branch(1))"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:512
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
-msgstr "-A e -u sono reciprocamente incompatibili"
+msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr ""
+"tenta di cercare una corrispondenza fra il nome del nuovo branch e un branch "
+"remoto da tracciare"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
+msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
+msgstr "le opzioni -b, -B e --detach sono mutualmente esclusive"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr ""
+"l'opzione --[no-]track può essere usata solo se viene creato un nuovo branch"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "motivo di blocco"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
+#, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
-msgstr "'%s' non è un commit"
+msgstr "'%s' non è un albero di lavoro"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non è possibile bloccare o sbloccare l'albero di lavoro principale"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'%s' è già bloccato per questo motivo: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
+#, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
-msgstr "il tag '%s' esiste già"
+msgstr "'%s' è già bloccato"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
+#, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
-msgstr "'%s' non è un commit"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
-msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'%s' non è bloccato"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:771
-msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
+msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
+"gli alberi di lavoro contenenti sottomoduli non possono essere spostati o "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
+msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
+msgstr "forza lo spostamento anche se l'albero di lavoro è sporco o bloccato"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'%s' è un albero di lavoro principale"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
+#, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile leggere da '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
-#, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "target '%s' already exists"
-msgstr "il tag '%s' esiste già"
+msgstr "impossibile determinare il nome destinazione da '%s'"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
+msgid "target '%s' already exists"
+msgstr "la destinazione '%s' esiste già"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
+#, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile spostare un albero di lavoro bloccato, motivazione blocco: %s\n"
+"usa 'move -f -f' per eseguirne l'override o sbloccalo prima di eseguire "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile spostare un albero di lavoro bloccato;\n"
+"usa 'move -f -f' per eseguirne l'override o sbloccalo prima di eseguire "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "validazione non riuscita, impossibile spostare l'albero di lavoro: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
-msgstr "impossibile spostare %s in %s"
+msgstr "spostamento di '%s' in '%s' non riuscito"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
-msgstr "stat di '%s' non riuscito"
+msgstr "esecuzione di 'git status' su '%s' non riuscita"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'%s' è sporco, usa --force per eliminarlo"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
-msgstr "stat di '%s' non riuscito"
+msgstr "esecuzione di 'git status' su '%s' non riuscita, codice %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "forza la rimozione anche se l'albero di lavoro è sporco o bloccato"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile rimuovere un albero di lavoro bloccato, motivazione blocco: %s\n"
+"usa 'remove -f -f' per eseguirne l'override o sbloccalo prima di eseguire "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile rimuovere un albero di lavoro bloccato;\n"
+"usa 'remove -f -f' per eseguirne l'override o sbloccalo prima di eseguire "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "validazione non riuscita, impossibile rimuovere l'albero di lavoro: %s"
 #: builtin/write-tree.c:15
 msgid "git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<prefix>/]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<prefisso>/]"
 #: builtin/write-tree.c:28
 msgid "<prefix>/"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<prefisso>/"
 #: builtin/write-tree.c:29
 msgid "write tree object for a subdirectory <prefix>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "scrivi l'oggetto albero per una sottodirectory <prefisso>"
 #: builtin/write-tree.c:31
 msgid "only useful for debugging"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "utile solo per il debug"
 #: credential-cache--daemon.c:223
 #, c-format
@@ -20709,29 +21255,32 @@
 "\tchmod 0700 %s"
 msgstr ""
+"I permessi sulla directory del socket sono troppo laschi; altri\n"
+"utenti potrebbero essere in grado di leggere le credenziali nella\n"
+"cache. Valuta di eseguire:\n"
+"\tchmod 0700 %s"
 #: credential-cache--daemon.c:272
 msgid "print debugging messages to stderr"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "stampa i messaggi di debug sullo standard error"
 #: t/helper/test-reach.c:152
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is not marked reachable"
-msgstr "il path '%s' non ha la nostra versione"
+msgstr "il commit %s non è contrassegnato come raggiungibile"
 #: t/helper/test-reach.c:162
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "too many commits marked reachable"
-msgstr "troppi commit da scrivere nel grafo"
+msgstr "troppi commit contrassegnati come raggiungibili"
 #: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:7
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "test-tool serve-v2 [<options>]"
-msgstr "git apply [opzioni] [<patch>...]"
+msgstr "test-tool serve-v2 [<opzioni>]"
 #: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:19
 msgid "exit immediately after advertising capabilities"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "esci subito dopo aver annunciato le funzionalità"
 #: git.c:27
 msgid ""
@@ -20742,146 +21291,165 @@
 "           [--git-dir=<path>] [--work-tree=<path>] [--namespace=<name>]\n"
 "           <command> [<args>]"
 msgstr ""
+"git [--version] [--help] [-C <percorso>] [-c <nome>=<valore>]\n"
+"           [--exec-path[=<percorso>]] [--html-path] [--man-path] [--info-"
+"           [-p | --paginate | -P | --no-pager] [--no-replace-objects] [--"
+"           [--git-dir=<percorso>] [--work-tree=<percorso>] [--"
+"           <comando> [<argomenti>]"
 #: git.c:34
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
+"'git help -a' e 'git help -g' elencano i sottocomandi disponibili e\n"
+"alcune guide concettuali. Vedi 'git help <comando>' o 'git help <concetto>'\n"
+"per leggere ulteriori informazioni su un sottocomando o su un concetto\n"
+"Vedi 'git help git' per una panoramica del sistema."
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nessuna directory specificata per --git-dir\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nessuno spazio dei nomi specificato per --namespace\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nessuna directory specificata per --work-tree\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nessun prefisso specificato per --super-prefix\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-c: attesa stringa di configurazione\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nessuna directory specificata per -C\n"
-#: git.c:313
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: git.c:314
+#, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
-msgstr "sconosciuto:    %s"
+msgstr "opzione sconosciuta: %s\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "durante l'espansione dell'alias '%s': '%s'"
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
 "You can use '!git' in the alias to do this"
 msgstr ""
+"l'alias '%s' modifica le variabili d'ambiente.\n"
+"Puoi usare '!git' nell'alias per farlo"
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "alias vuoto per %s"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "alias ricorsivo: %s"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "errore di scrittura sullo standard output"
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "errore di scrittura sconosciuto sullo standard output"
-#: git.c:463
-#, fuzzy
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
-msgstr "riga configurazione %d errata nello standard input"
+msgstr "chiusura dello standard output non riuscita"
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rilevato ciclo alias: l'espansione di '%s' non termina:%s"
-#: git.c:847
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: git.c:843
+#, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
-msgstr "impossibile usare %s come file di esclusione"
+msgstr "impossibile gestire %s come comando incorporato"
-#: git.c:860
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: git.c:856
+#, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "uso: %s"
+msgstr ""
+"uso: %s\n"
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "espansione dell'alias '%s' non riuscita; '%s' non è un comando Git\n"
-#: git.c:892
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#: git.c:888
+#, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
-msgstr "esecuzione di '%s' non riuscita: %s"
+msgstr "esecuzione del comando '%s' non riuscita: %s\n"
 #: http.c:378
 #, c-format
 msgid "negative value for http.postbuffer; defaulting to %d"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "valore negativo per http.postbuffer; uso l'impostazione predefinita %d"
 #: http.c:399
 msgid "Delegation control is not supported with cURL < 7.22.0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il controllo delegazione non è supportato con cURL < 7.22.0"
 #: http.c:408
 msgid "Public key pinning not supported with cURL < 7.44.0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il pinning delle chiavi pubbliche non è supportato con cURL < 7.44.0"
 #: http.c:876
 msgid "CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE not supported with cURL < 7.44.0"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE non è supportato con cURL < 7.44.0"
 #: http.c:949
 msgid "Protocol restrictions not supported with cURL < 7.19.4"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Le restrizioni protocollo non sono supportate con cURL < 7.19.4"
 #: http.c:1085
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unsupported SSL backend '%s'. Supported SSL backends:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Backend SSL '%s' non supportato. Backend SSL supportati:"
 #: http.c:1092
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not set SSL backend to '%s': cURL was built without SSL backends"
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile impostare il backend SSL a '%s': cURL è stato compilato senza "
+"backend SSL"
 #: http.c:1096
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "Could not set SSL backend to '%s': already set"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile rimuovere il branch %s"
+msgstr "Impossibile impostare il backend SSL a '%s': già impostato"
 #: http.c:1965
 #, c-format
@@ -20890,150 +21458,156 @@
 "  asked for: %s\n"
 "   redirect: %s"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile aggiornare l'URL di base dalla redirezione:\n"
+"  richiesta: %s\n"
+"   redirect: %s"
 #: remote-curl.c:157
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "invalid quoting in push-option value: '%s'"
-msgstr "Valore di %s errato: '%s'"
+msgstr "virgolette non valide nel valore push-option: '%s'"
 #: remote-curl.c:254
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "%sinfo/refs not valid: is this a git repository?"
-msgstr "'%s' non riconosciuto come repository Git"
+msgstr "%sinfo/refs non valido: è un repository Git?"
 #: remote-curl.c:355
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "invalid server response; expected service, got flush packet"
-msgstr "git archive: attesi ACK/NAK, ricevuto pacchetto di flush"
+msgstr ""
+"risposta del server non valida; atteso servizio, ricevuto pacchetto flush"
 #: remote-curl.c:386
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "invalid server response; got '%s'"
-msgstr "responso ls-refs non valido: %s"
+msgstr "risposta del server non valida; ricevuto '%s'"
 #: remote-curl.c:446
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' not found"
-msgstr "branch '%s' non trovato."
+msgstr "repository '%s' non trovato"
 #: remote-curl.c:450
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "Authentication failed for '%s'"
-msgstr "valore mancante per %s"
+msgstr "Autenticazione non riuscita per '%s'"
 #: remote-curl.c:454
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "unable to access '%s': %s"
-msgstr "impossibile accedere a '%s'"
+msgstr "impossibile accedere a '%s': %s"
 #: remote-curl.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "redirecting to %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "redirezione a %s in corso"
 #: remote-curl.c:584
 msgid "shouldn't have EOF when not gentle on EOF"
 msgstr ""
+"non dovrebbe esserci un pacchetto fine file se non si è accomodanti con "
+"questi ultimi"
 #: remote-curl.c:664
 msgid "unable to rewind rpc post data - try increasing http.postBuffer"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile ritornare a un punto precedente dei dati POST RPC - prova ad "
+"aumentare il valore di http.postBuffer"
 #: remote-curl.c:724
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "RPC failed; %s"
-msgstr "non riuscito: %d"
+msgstr "RPC non riuscita; %s"
 #: remote-curl.c:764
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "cannot handle pushes this big"
-msgstr "impossibile usare %s come file di esclusione"
+msgstr "impossibile gestire push così grandi"
 #: remote-curl.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib deflate error %d"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile eseguire il deflate della richiesta; errore deflate zlib %d"
 #: remote-curl.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib end error %d"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "impossibile eseguire il deflate della richiesta; errore fine zlib %d"
 #: remote-curl.c:1014
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "dumb http transport does not support shallow capabilities"
-msgstr "Il server non supporta client shallow"
+msgstr "il trasporto http stupido non supporta le funzionalità shallow"
 #: remote-curl.c:1028
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "fetch failed."
-msgstr "esecuzione di stash non riuscita"
+msgstr "recupero non riuscito."
 #: remote-curl.c:1076
 msgid "cannot fetch by sha1 over smart http"
 msgstr ""
+"impossibile recuperare i dati in base allo SHA1 con il trasporto HTTP "
 #: remote-curl.c:1120 remote-curl.c:1126
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '%s'"
-msgstr "errore protocollo: atteso SHA1 shallow, ricevuto '%s'"
+msgstr "errore protocollo: atteso SHA/riferimento, ricevuto '%s'"
 #: remote-curl.c:1138 remote-curl.c:1252
-#, fuzzy, c-format
+#, c-format
 msgid "http transport does not support %s"
-msgstr "la variante SSH 'simple' non supporta -4"
+msgstr "il trasporto HTTP non supporta %s"
 #: remote-curl.c:1174
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "git-http-push failed"
-msgstr "esecuzione di stash non riuscita"
+msgstr "git-http-push non riuscito"
 #: remote-curl.c:1360
 msgid "remote-curl: usage: git remote-curl <remote> [<url>]"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "remote-curl: uso: git remote-curl <remoto> [<URL>]"
 #: remote-curl.c:1392
 msgid "remote-curl: error reading command stream from git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "remote-curl: errore durante la lettura del flusso dei comandi da Git"
 #: remote-curl.c:1399
 msgid "remote-curl: fetch attempted without a local repo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "remote-curl: tentato un fetch senza un repository locale"
 #: remote-curl.c:1439
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-curl: unknown command '%s' from git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "remote-curl: ricevuto comando sconosciuto '%s' da Git"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.h:61
 msgid "args"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "argomenti"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.h:62
 msgid "object filtering"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "filtraggio oggetti"
 #: parse-options.h:170
 msgid "expiry-date"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "data-scadenza"
 #: parse-options.h:184
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "no-op (retrocompatibilità)"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
-msgstr "più dettagliato"
+msgstr "visualizza più dettagli"
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
-msgstr "meno dettagliato"
+msgstr "visualizza meno dettagli"
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
-msgstr "usare <n> cifre per mostrare gli hash SHA-1"
+msgstr "usa <n> cifre per mostrare gli hash SHA-1"
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr "come rimuovere gli spazi e i #commenti dal messaggio"
@@ -21048,40 +21622,50 @@
 #: rerere.h:44
 msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
 msgstr ""
+"aggiorna l'indice con la tecnica di risoluzione conflitti riutilizzata se "
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "HEAD scollegato su "
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "HEAD scollegato da "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
-msgstr "Aggiunge il contenuto del file a index"
+msgstr "Aggiunge i contenuti del file all'indice"
 #: command-list.h:51
 msgid "Apply a series of patches from a mailbox"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Applica una serie di patch da una casella di posta"
 #: command-list.h:52
 msgid "Annotate file lines with commit information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Annota le righe dei file con le informazioni sui commit"
 #: command-list.h:53
 msgid "Apply a patch to files and/or to the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Applica una patch ai file e/o all'indice"
 #: command-list.h:54
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Import a GNU Arch repository into Git"
-msgstr "Clona un repository in una nuova directory"
+msgstr "Importa un repository GNU Arch in Git"
 #: command-list.h:55
 msgid "Create an archive of files from a named tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crea un archivio di file da un albero con nome"
 #: command-list.h:56
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug"
-msgstr "Cerca mediante ricerca binaria la modifica che ha introdotto un bug"
+msgstr "Usa la ricerca binaria per trovare il commit che ha introdotto un bug"
 #: command-list.h:57
 msgid "Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file"
 msgstr ""
+"Visualizza quali revisione e autore hanno modificato ogni singola riga di un "
+"file per ultimi"
 #: command-list.h:58
 msgid "List, create, or delete branches"
@@ -21089,51 +21673,54 @@
 #: command-list.h:59
 msgid "Move objects and refs by archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sposta oggetti e riferimenti in base a un archivio"
 #: command-list.h:60
 msgid "Provide content or type and size information for repository objects"
 msgstr ""
+"Fornisci informazioni sul contenuto o sul tipo e sulle dimensioni per gli "
+"oggetti di un repository"
 #: command-list.h:61
 msgid "Display gitattributes information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza le informazioni sugli attributi Git"
 #: command-list.h:62
 msgid "Debug gitignore / exclude files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esegui il debug dei file gitignore/escludi file"
 #: command-list.h:63
 msgid "Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza i nomi canonici e gli indirizzi e-mail dei contatti"
 #: command-list.h:64
 msgid "Switch branches or restore working tree files"
 msgstr ""
+"Passa da un branch a un altro o ripristina i file nell'albero di lavoro"
 #: command-list.h:65
 msgid "Copy files from the index to the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Copia dei file dall'indice all'albero di lavoro"
 #: command-list.h:66
 msgid "Ensures that a reference name is well formed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Si assicura che un nome riferimento sia ben formato"
 #: command-list.h:67
 msgid "Find commits yet to be applied to upstream"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Trova commit che devono essere ancora applicati upstream"
 #: command-list.h:68
 msgid "Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Applica le modifiche introdotte da alcuni commit esistenti"
 #: command-list.h:69
 msgid "Graphical alternative to git-commit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Alternativa grafica a git-commit"
 #: command-list.h:70
 msgid "Remove untracked files from the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuove i file non tracciati dall'albero di lavoro"
 #: command-list.h:71
 msgid "Clone a repository into a new directory"
@@ -21141,209 +21728,209 @@
 #: command-list.h:72
 msgid "Display data in columns"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza i dati in colonne"
 #: command-list.h:73
 msgid "Record changes to the repository"
-msgstr "Registra modifiche nel repository"
+msgstr "Registra modifiche al repository"
 #: command-list.h:74
 msgid "Write and verify Git commit-graph files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Scrive e verifica i file grafo dei commit di Git"
 #: command-list.h:75
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Create a new commit object"
-msgstr "scrittura dell'oggetto di commit non riuscita"
+msgstr "Crea un nuovo oggetto commit"
 #: command-list.h:76
 msgid "Get and set repository or global options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ottiene e imposta le opzioni a livello di repository o globali"
 #: command-list.h:77
 msgid "Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption"
 msgstr ""
+"Conta il numero di oggetti non in un pack e la loro occupazione di spazio su "
 #: command-list.h:78
 msgid "Retrieve and store user credentials"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Recupera e salva credenziali utente"
 #: command-list.h:79
 msgid "Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Helper per salvare temporaneamente password in memoria"
 #: command-list.h:80
 msgid "Helper to store credentials on disk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Helper per salvare credenziali su disco"
 #: command-list.h:81
 msgid "Export a single commit to a CVS checkout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esporta un singolo commit in un checkout CVS"
 #: command-list.h:82
 msgid "Salvage your data out of another SCM people love to hate"
 msgstr ""
+"Recupera i dati da un sistema di controllo di versione che le persone "
+"adorano odiare"
 #: command-list.h:83
 msgid "A CVS server emulator for Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un emulatore di server CVS per Git"
 #: command-list.h:84
 msgid "A really simple server for Git repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un server veramente semplice per repository Git"
 #: command-list.h:85
 msgid "Give an object a human readable name based on an available ref"
 msgstr ""
+"Attribuisce un nome leggibile a un oggetto basandosi su un riferimento "
 #: command-list.h:86
 msgid "Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc"
 msgstr ""
+"Visualizza le modifiche fra commit, un commit e l'albero di lavoro, ecc."
 #: command-list.h:87
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Compares files in the working tree and the index"
-msgstr "git %s: lettura di index non riuscita"
+msgstr "Confronta file nell'albero di lavoro e nell'indice"
 #: command-list.h:88
 msgid "Compare a tree to the working tree or index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Confronta un albero con l'albero di lavoro o l'indice"
 #: command-list.h:89
 msgid "Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects"
 msgstr ""
+"Confronta il contenuto e i mode dei blob trovati tramite due oggetti albero"
 #: command-list.h:90
 msgid "Show changes using common diff tools"
 msgstr ""
+"Visualizza le modifiche usando tool comuni per la visualizzazione dei diff"
 #: command-list.h:91
 msgid "Git data exporter"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esportatore di dati Git"
 #: command-list.h:92
 msgid "Backend for fast Git data importers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Backend per importatori di dati Git veloci"
 #: command-list.h:93
 msgid "Download objects and refs from another repository"
-msgstr "Scarica oggetti e ref da un altro repository"
+msgstr "Scarica oggetti e riferimenti da un altro repository"
 #: command-list.h:94
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Receive missing objects from another repository"
-msgstr "Scarica oggetti e ref da un altro repository"
+msgstr "Riceve oggetti mancanti da un altro repository"
 #: command-list.h:95
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Rewrite branches"
-msgstr "  Branch remoto:%s"
+msgstr "Riscrive branch"
 #: command-list.h:96
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Produce a merge commit message"
-msgstr "non è stato possibile leggere il messaggio di commit: %s"
+msgstr "Genera un messaggio di commit del merge"
 #: command-list.h:97
 msgid "Output information on each ref"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza in output le informazioni su ogni riferimento"
 #: command-list.h:98
 msgid "Prepare patches for e-mail submission"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prepara patch per il loro invio tramite e-mail"
 #: command-list.h:99
 msgid "Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Verifica la connessione e la validità degli oggetti nel database"
 #: command-list.h:100
 msgid "Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ripulisce file non necessari e ottimizza il repository locale"
 #: command-list.h:101
 msgid "Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Estrae l'ID del commit da un archivio creato usando git-archive"
 #: command-list.h:102
 msgid "Print lines matching a pattern"
-msgstr "Stampa le righe corrispondenti ad un modello"
+msgstr "Stampa le righe corrispondenti a un'espressione regolare"
 #: command-list.h:103
 msgid "A portable graphical interface to Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un'interfaccia grafica portabile per Git"
 #: command-list.h:104
 msgid "Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Calcola l'ID oggetto e crea facoltativamente un blob da un file"
 #: command-list.h:105
 msgid "Display help information about Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza una guida a Git"
 #: command-list.h:106
 msgid "Server side implementation of Git over HTTP"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Implementazione lato server di Git su HTTP"
 #: command-list.h:107
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP"
-msgstr "Scarica oggetti e ref da un altro repository"
+msgstr "Scarica dati da un repository Git remoto tramite HTTP"
 #: command-list.h:108
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository"
-msgstr "Scarica oggetti e ref da un altro repository"
+msgstr "Esegue il push di oggetti su un altro repository tramite HTTP/DAV"
 #: command-list.h:109
 msgid "Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Invia un insieme di patch dallo standard input a una cartella IMAP"
 #: command-list.h:110
 msgid "Build pack index file for an existing packed archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Genera il file indice pack per un archivio esistente sottoposto a pack"
 #: command-list.h:111
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one"
-msgstr "Crea un repository git vuoto o reinizializza uno esistente"
+msgstr "Crea un repository Git vuoto o ne reinizializza uno esistente"
 #: command-list.h:112
 msgid "Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sfoglia istantaneamente il tuo repository di lavoro su gitweb"
 #: command-list.h:113
 msgid "Add or parse structured information in commit messages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aggiunge o analizza informazioni strutturate nei messaggi di commit"
 #: command-list.h:114
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "The Git repository browser"
-msgstr "%s%s repository Git in %s%s\n"
+msgstr "Il browser per i repository Git"
 #: command-list.h:115
 msgid "Show commit logs"
-msgstr "Mostra log del commit"
+msgstr "Visualizza i log dei commit"
 #: command-list.h:116
 msgid "Show information about files in the index and the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza informazioni sui file nell'indice e nell'albero di lavoro"
 #: command-list.h:117
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "List references in a remote repository"
-msgstr "%s reset non è consentito in un repository spoglio"
+msgstr "Elenca i riferimenti in un repository remoto"
 #: command-list.h:118
 msgid "List the contents of a tree object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Elenca i contenuti di un oggetto albero"
 #: command-list.h:119
 msgid "Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message"
 msgstr ""
+"Estrae la patch e le informazioni sull'autore da un singolo messaggio e-mail"
 #: command-list.h:120
 msgid "Simple UNIX mbox splitter program"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Un semplice programma per suddividere i file UNIX mbox"
 #: command-list.h:121
 msgid "Join two or more development histories together"
@@ -21351,367 +21938,367 @@
 #: command-list.h:122
 msgid "Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Trova il maggior numero possibile di antenati comuni per un merge"
 #: command-list.h:123
 msgid "Run a three-way file merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esegue un merge a tre vie su file"
 #: command-list.h:124
 msgid "Run a merge for files needing merging"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esegue un merge per i file che lo richiedono"
 #: command-list.h:125
 msgid "The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il programma helper standard da usare con git-merge-index"
 #: command-list.h:126
 msgid "Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts"
 msgstr ""
+"Esegue gli strumenti di risoluzione conflitti di merge per risolvere i "
+"conflitti di merge"
 #: command-list.h:127
 msgid "Show three-way merge without touching index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Visualizza un merge a tre vie senza modificare l'indice"
 #: command-list.h:128
 msgid "Write and verify multi-pack-indexes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Scrive e verifica indici multi-pack"
 #: command-list.h:129
 msgid "Creates a tag object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crea un oggetto tag"
 #: command-list.h:130
 msgid "Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Genera un oggetto albero da testo in formato ls-tree"
 #: command-list.h:131
 msgid "Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink"
-msgstr "Sposta o rinomina un file, una directory o un link simbolico"
+msgstr "Sposta o rinomina un file, una directory o un collegamento simbolico"
 #: command-list.h:132
 msgid "Find symbolic names for given revs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Trova i nomi simbolici per le revisioni date"
 #: command-list.h:133
 msgid "Add or inspect object notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aggiunge o esamina le note agli oggetti"
 #: command-list.h:134
 msgid "Import from and submit to Perforce repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importa dati da, o invia dati a, repository Perforce"
 #: command-list.h:135
 msgid "Create a packed archive of objects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crea un archivio di oggetti sottoposto a pack"
 #: command-list.h:136
 msgid "Find redundant pack files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Trova file pack ridondanti"
 #: command-list.h:137
 msgid "Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esegue il pack di head e tag per un accesso efficiente al repository"
 #: command-list.h:138
 msgid "Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
 msgstr ""
+"Routine che aiutano ad analizzare i parametri di accesso ai repository remoti"
 #: command-list.h:139
 msgid "Compute unique ID for a patch"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Calcola l'ID univoco per una patch"
 #: command-list.h:140
 msgid "Prune all unreachable objects from the object database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Elimina tutti gli oggetti non raggiungibili dal database oggetti"
 #: command-list.h:141
 msgid "Remove extra objects that are already in pack files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuove gli oggetti aggiuntivi già presenti nei file pack"
 #: command-list.h:142
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch"
-msgstr "Combina fetche + merge da un altro repository o un branch locale"
+msgstr ""
+"Esegue il fetch e l'integrazione con un altro repository o un branch locale"
 #: command-list.h:143
 msgid "Update remote refs along with associated objects"
-msgstr "Aggiorna i ref remoti insieme agli oggetti associati"
+msgstr "Aggiorna i riferimenti remoti insieme agli oggetti associati"
 #: command-list.h:144
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch"
-msgstr "Nessun upstream di default definito per il branch corrente."
+msgstr "Applica un insieme di patch quilt sul branch corrente"
 #: command-list.h:145
 msgid "Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Compara due intervalli di commit (ad es. due versioni di un branch)"
 #: command-list.h:146
 msgid "Reads tree information into the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Legge le informazioni su un albero dall'indice"
 #: command-list.h:147
 msgid "Reapply commits on top of another base tip"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Riapplica dei commit dopo l'ultimo commit di un branch"
 #: command-list.h:148
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Receive what is pushed into the repository"
-msgstr "Registra modifiche nel repository"
+msgstr "Riceve quanto sottoposto a push nel repository"
 #: command-list.h:149
 msgid "Manage reflog information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gestisce le informazioni del registro dei riferimenti"
 #: command-list.h:150
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Manage set of tracked repositories"
-msgstr "Registra modifiche nel repository"
+msgstr "Gestisce l'insieme dei repository tracciati"
 #: command-list.h:151
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Pack unpacked objects in a repository"
-msgstr "--cached al di fuori di un repository"
+msgstr "Esegue il pack degli oggetti non sottoposti a pack in un repository"
 #: command-list.h:152
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Create, list, delete refs to replace objects"
-msgstr "Crea, elenca, elimina o verifica un oggetto tag firmato con GPG"
+msgstr "Crea, elenca, elimina i riferimenti per sostituire oggetti"
 #: command-list.h:153
 msgid "Generates a summary of pending changes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Genera un riassunto delle modifiche in sospeso"
 #: command-list.h:154
 msgid "Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Riusa la risoluzione registrata dei merge che hanno generato conflitti"
 #: command-list.h:155
 msgid "Reset current HEAD to the specified state"
 msgstr "Ripristina l'HEAD corrente allo stato specificato"
 #: command-list.h:156
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Revert some existing commits"
-msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il revert come commit iniziale"
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "Ripristina i file nell'albero di lavoro"
 #: command-list.h:157
-msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Revert some existing commits"
+msgstr "Esegue il revert di alcuni commit esistenti"
 #: command-list.h:158
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
-msgstr "troppi parametri"
+msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
+msgstr "Elenca gli oggetti commit in ordine cronologico inverso"
 #: command-list.h:159
-msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
+msgstr "Sceglie e altera i parametri"
 #: command-list.h:160
-msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
+msgstr "Rimuove file dall'albero di lavoro e dall'indice"
 #: command-list.h:161
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
-msgstr "Scarica oggetti e ref da un altro repository"
+msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
+msgstr "Invia un insieme di patch come e-mail"
 #: command-list.h:162
-msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
+msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr ""
+"Esegue il push di oggetti su un altro repository tramite il protocollo Git"
 #: command-list.h:163
-msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
+msgstr "Shell di login limitata per concedere accesso SSH solo per Git"
 #: command-list.h:164
-msgid "Show various types of objects"
-msgstr "Mostra vari tipi di oggetti"
+msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
+msgstr "Riassume l'output di 'git log'"
 #: command-list.h:165
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Show branches and their commits"
-msgstr "nessuna modifica aggiunta al commit%s\n"
+msgid "Show various types of objects"
+msgstr "Visualizza vari tipi di oggetti"
 #: command-list.h:166
-msgid "Show packed archive index"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Show branches and their commits"
+msgstr "Visualizza i branch e i loro commit"
 #: command-list.h:167
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "List references in a local repository"
-msgstr "il repository di riferimento '%s' non è una directory locale."
+msgid "Show packed archive index"
+msgstr "Visualizza l'indice di un archivio sottoposto a pack"
 #: command-list.h:168
-msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "List references in a local repository"
+msgstr "Elenca i riferimenti in un repository locale"
 #: command-list.h:169
-msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
+msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr ""
+"Codice di inizializzazione dell'internazionalizzazione di Git per gli script "
 #: command-list.h:170
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
-msgstr "%s: esiste già nella directory di lavoro"
+msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
+msgstr "Codice comune di inizializzazione di Git per gli script shell"
 #: command-list.h:171
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
-msgstr "Aggiunge il contenuto del file a index"
+msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
+msgstr "Mette da parte le modifiche in una directory di lavoro sporca"
 #: command-list.h:172
-msgid "Show the working tree status"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
+msgstr "Aggiunge i contenuti dei file all'area di staging"
 #: command-list.h:173
-msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Show the working tree status"
+msgstr "Visualizza lo stato dell'albero di lavoro"
 #: command-list.h:174
-msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
+msgstr "Rimuove spazi bianchi non necessari"
 #: command-list.h:175
-msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
+msgstr "Inizializza, aggiorna o esamina sottomoduli"
 #: command-list.h:176
-msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
+msgstr "Operatività bidirezionale tra un repository Subversion e Git"
 #: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Passa da un branch a un altro"
+#: command-list.h:178
+msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
+msgstr "Legge, modifica ed elimina riferimenti simbolici"
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr "Crea, elenca, elimina o verifica un oggetto tag firmato con GPG"
-#: command-list.h:178
-msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
-msgstr ""
-#: command-list.h:179
-msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:180
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
-msgstr "Aggiunge il contenuto del file a index"
+msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
+msgstr "Crea un file temporaneo con i contenuti di un blob"
 #: command-list.h:181
-msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
+msgstr "Decomprime gli oggetti da un archivio sottoposto a pack"
 #: command-list.h:182
-msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
+msgstr "Registra i contenuti dei file dell'albero di lavoro nell'indice"
 #: command-list.h:183
-msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
+msgstr "Aggiorna in modo sicuro il nome oggetto salvato in un riferimento"
 #: command-list.h:184
-msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
+msgstr "Aggiorna il file informazioni aggiuntive per aiutare i server stupidi"
 #: command-list.h:185
-msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
+msgstr "Reinvia l'archivio a git-archive"
 #: command-list.h:186
-msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
+msgstr "Reinvia gli oggetti sottoposti a pack a git-fetch-pack"
 #: command-list.h:187
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
-msgstr "non è stato possibile creare il file del repository '%s'"
+msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
+msgstr "Visualizza una variabile logica di Git"
 #: command-list.h:188
-msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
+msgstr "Verifica la firma GPG dei commit"
 #: command-list.h:189
-msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
+msgstr "Convalida i file archivio sottoposti a pack di Git"
 #: command-list.h:190
-msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
+msgstr "Verifica la firma GPG dei tag"
 #: command-list.h:191
-msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
+msgstr "Interfaccia Web per Git (frontend Web ai repository Git)"
 #: command-list.h:192
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
-msgstr "assicura che la patch sia applicabile all'attuale index"
+msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
+msgstr ""
+"Visualizza i registri insieme alle differenze introdotte da ciascun commit"
 #: command-list.h:193
-msgid "Defining attributes per path"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
+msgstr "Gestisce alberi di lavoro multipli"
 #: command-list.h:194
-msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
+msgstr "Crea un oggetto albero dall'indice corrente"
 #: command-list.h:195
-msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Defining attributes per path"
+msgstr "Definizione di attributi per percorso"
 #: command-list.h:196
-msgid "Git for CVS users"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
+msgstr "Interfaccia a riga di comando di Git e convenzioni"
 #: command-list.h:197
-msgid "Tweaking diff output"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
+msgstr "Un tutorial Git di base per gli sviluppatori"
 #: command-list.h:198
-msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git for CVS users"
+msgstr "Git per utenti CVS"
 #: command-list.h:199
-msgid "A Git Glossary"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Tweaking diff output"
+msgstr "Messa a punto dell'output di diff"
 #: command-list.h:200
-msgid "Hooks used by Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
+msgstr "Un insieme di comandi utile e minimale per l'uso quotidiano di Git"
 #: command-list.h:201
-msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A Git Glossary"
+msgstr "Un glossario di Git"
 #: command-list.h:202
-msgid "Defining submodule properties"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Hooks used by Git"
+msgstr "Hook usati da Git"
 #: command-list.h:203
-msgid "Git namespaces"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
+msgstr "Specifica i file intenzionalmente non tracciati da ignorare"
 #: command-list.h:204
-msgid "Git Repository Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Defining submodule properties"
+msgstr "Definizione proprietà sottomodulo"
 #: command-list.h:205
-msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git namespaces"
+msgstr "Spazi dei nomi Git"
 #: command-list.h:206
-msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git Repository Layout"
+msgstr "Struttura repository Git"
 #: command-list.h:207
-msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
+msgstr "Come specificare revisioni e intervalli in Git"
 #: command-list.h:208
+msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
+msgstr "Un tutorial introduttivo per Git: seconda parte"
+#: command-list.h:209
+msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
+msgstr "Un tutorial introduttivo per Git"
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Una panoramica dei flussi di lavoro raccomandati in Git"
 msgid "You need to start by \"git bisect start\""
@@ -21727,22 +22314,22 @@
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Bad rev input: $arg"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Revisione fornita non valida: $arg"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Bad rev input: $bisected_head"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Revisione fornita non valida: $bisected_head"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Bad rev input: $rev"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Revisione fornita non valida: $rev"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "'git bisect $TERM_BAD' can take only one argument."
-msgstr "'git bisect bad' può prendere un solo argomento."
+msgstr "'git bisect $TERM_BAD' richiede un solo argomento."
 msgid "No logfile given"
@@ -21751,20 +22338,20 @@
 #, sh-format
 msgid "cannot read $file for replaying"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "impossibile leggere $file per rieseguire i comandi contenuti"
 msgid "?? what are you talking about?"
-msgstr "?? di cosa si sta parlando?"
+msgstr "?? di cosa stai parlando?"
 msgid "bisect run failed: no command provided."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "esecuzione di bisect non riuscita: nessun comando fornito."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "running $command"
-msgstr "sto eseguendo $command"
+msgstr "esecuzione di $command in corso"
 #, sh-format
@@ -21772,12 +22359,12 @@
 "bisect run failed:\n"
 "exit code $res from '$command' is < 0 or >= 128"
 msgstr ""
-"bisect run non riuscito:\n"
+"esecuzione di bisect non riuscita:\n"
 "il codice di uscita $res da '$command' è < 0 oppure >= 128"
 msgid "bisect run cannot continue any more"
-msgstr "bisect run non può più proseguire"
+msgstr "l'esecuzione di bisect non può più proseguire"
 #, sh-format
@@ -21785,80 +22372,80 @@
 "bisect run failed:\n"
 "'bisect_state $state' exited with error code $res"
 msgstr ""
-"bisect run non riuscito:\n"
-"bisect_state $state è uscito con il codice di errore $res"
+"esecuzione di bisect non riuscita:\n"
+"'bisect_state $state' è uscito con il codice di errore $res"
 msgid "bisect run success"
-msgstr "bisect run eseguito con successo"
+msgstr "esecuzione di bisect completata con successo"
 msgid "We are not bisecting."
-msgstr "Non stiamo eseguendo un bisect."
+msgstr "Non stiamo eseguendo una bisezione."
-#, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 "Error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by "
-msgstr "Le tue modifiche locali verranno sovrascritte da revert."
+msgstr ""
+"Errore: le tue modifiche locali ai seguenti file sarebbero sovrascritte dal "
 msgid "Automated merge did not work."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il merge automatico non ha funzionato."
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Should not be doing an octopus."
-msgstr "non è stato possibile redirigere l'output"
+msgstr "Non dovrebbe essere eseguito un merge octopus."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to find common commit with $pretty_name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile trovare un commit comune con $pretty_name"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Already up to date with $pretty_name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Già aggiornato rispetto a $pretty_name"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding to: $pretty_name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eseguo il fast forward a: $pretty_name"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Trying simple merge with $pretty_name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Provo un merge semplice con $pretty_name"
 msgid "Simple merge did not work, trying automatic merge."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il merge semplice non ha funzionato, provo il merge automatico."
 msgid "Cannot remove temporary index (can't happen)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere l'indice temporaneo (non può succedere)"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot update $ref_stash with $w_commit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare $ref_stash con $w_commit"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "error: unknown option for 'stash push': $option"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "errore: opzione sconosciuta per 'stash push': $option"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state $stash_msg"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Directory di lavoro e stato indice salvati: $stash_msg"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "unknown option: $opt"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "opzione sconosciuta: $opt"
 #, sh-format
@@ -21866,7 +22453,7 @@
 msgstr "Troppe revisioni specificate: $REV"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "$reference is not a valid reference"
 msgstr "$reference non è un riferimento valido"
@@ -21878,11 +22465,11 @@
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$args' is not a stash reference"
-msgstr "'$args' non è un referimento a uno stash"
+msgstr "'$args' non è un riferimento a uno stash"
 msgid "unable to refresh index"
-msgstr "impossibile aggiornare index"
+msgstr "impossibile aggiornare l'indice"
 msgid "Cannot apply a stash in the middle of a merge"
@@ -21894,16 +22481,16 @@
 msgid "Could not save index tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile salvare l'albero indice"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not restore untracked files from stash entry"
-msgstr "non è stato possibile leggere il log dallo standard input"
+msgstr ""
+"Non è stato possibile ripristinare i file non tracciati dalla voce stash"
 msgid "Cannot unstage modified files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non è stato possibile rimuovere i file modificati dall'area di staging"
 #, sh-format
@@ -21922,26 +22509,28 @@
 msgid "Relative path can only be used from the toplevel of the working tree"
 msgstr ""
+"Il percorso relativo può essere usato solo dal primo livello dell'albero di "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "repo URL: '$repo' must be absolute or begin with ./|../"
-msgstr "repo URL: '$repo' deve essere assoluto o iniziare con ./|../"
+msgstr "URL repository:: '$repo' deve essere assoluto o iniziare con ./|../"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index"
-msgstr "'$sm_path' esiste già in index"
+msgstr "'$sm_path' esiste già nell'indice"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index and is not a submodule"
-msgstr "'$sm_path' esiste già in index"
+msgstr "'$sm_path' esiste già nell'indice e non è un sottomodulo"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' does not have a commit checked out"
-msgstr "il percorso '%s' non ha la loro versione"
+msgstr "'$sm_path' non ha un commit di cui è stato eseguito il checkout"
 #, sh-format
@@ -21950,24 +22539,26 @@
 "Use -f if you really want to add it."
 msgstr ""
-"Il seguente path è ignorato da uno dei tuoi file .gitignore:\n"
+"Il seguente percorso è ignorato da uno dei tuoi file .gitignore:\n"
 "Usa -f se vuoi davvero aggiungerlo."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Adding existing repo at '$sm_path' to the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aggiunta del repository esistente in '$sm_path' all'indice"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists and is not a valid git repo"
-msgstr "'$sm_path' esiste già e non è un repository git valido"
+msgstr "'$sm_path' esiste già e non è un repository Git valido"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "A git directory for '$sm_name' is found locally with remote(s):"
 msgstr ""
+"È stata trovata localmente una directory Git per '$sm_name' con i seguenti "
 #, sh-format
@@ -21979,36 +22570,44 @@
 "or you are unsure what this means choose another name with the '--name' "
 msgstr ""
+"Se vuoi riusare questa directory Git locale anziché clonarla nuovamente da\n"
+"  $realrepo\n"
+"usa l'opzione '--force'. Se la directory Git locale non è il repository\n"
+"corretto, o se non sei sicuro di ciò che questo voglia dire, scegli un "
+"nome con l'opzione '--name'."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Reactivating local git directory for submodule '$sm_name'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Riattivo la directory Git locale per il sottomodulo '$sm_name'."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to checkout submodule '$sm_path'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il checkout del sottomodulo '$sm_path'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to add submodule '$sm_path'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aggiunta del sottomodulo '$sm_path' non riuscita"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to register submodule '$sm_path'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Registrazione del sottomodulo '$sm_path' non riuscita"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to find current revision in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile trovare la revisione corrente nel percorso del sottomodulo "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$sm_path'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il fetch nel percorso del sottomodulo '$sm_path'"
 #, sh-format
@@ -22016,6 +22615,8 @@
 "Unable to find current ${remote_name}/${branch} revision in submodule path "
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile trovare la revisione corrente per ${remote_name}/${branch} nel "
+"percorso del sottomodulo '$sm_path'"
 #, sh-format
@@ -22023,6 +22624,8 @@
 "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$displaypath'; trying to directly fetch "
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire il fetch nel percorso del sottomodulo '$displaypath'; "
+"provo a recuperare direttamente $sha1:"
 #, sh-format
@@ -22030,56 +22633,65 @@
 "Fetched in submodule path '$displaypath', but it did not contain $sha1. "
 "Direct fetching of that commit failed."
 msgstr ""
+"Fetch eseguito nel percorso del sottomodulo '$displaypath', ma non conteneva "
+"$sha1. Fetch diretto di tale commit non riuscito."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to checkout '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire il checkout di '$sha1' nel percorso del sottomodulo "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': checked out '$sha1'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Percorso del sottomodulo '$displaypath': eseguito checkout di '$sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to rebase '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire il rebase di '$sha1' nel percorso del sottomodulo "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': rebased into '$sha1'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Percorso del sottomodulo '$displaypath': eseguito rebase su '$sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to merge '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire il merge di '$sha1' nel percorso del sottomodulo "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': merged in '$sha1'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Percorso del sottomodulo '$displaypath': eseguito merge in '$sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution of '$command $sha1' failed in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr ""
+"Esecuzione di '$command $sha1' non riuscita nel percorso del sottomodulo "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': '$command $sha1'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Percorso del sottomodulo '$displaypath': '$command $sha1'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to recurse into submodule path '$displaypath'"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ricorsione nel percorso del sottomodulo '$displaypath' non riuscita"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "The --cached option cannot be used with the --files option"
-msgstr "--cached non può essere usata con --files"
+msgstr "L'opzione --cached non può essere usata con l'opzione --files"
 #, sh-format
@@ -22087,31 +22699,41 @@
 msgstr "modalità $mod_dst inattesa"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commit $sha1_src"
-msgstr "  Attenzione: $name non contiene commit $sha1_src"
+msgstr "  Attenzione: $display_name non contiene il commit $sha1_src"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commit $sha1_dst"
-msgstr "  Attenzione: $name non contiene commit $sha1_dst"
+msgstr "  Attenzione: $display_name non contiene il commit $sha1_dst"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commits $sha1_src and $sha1_dst"
-msgstr "  Attenzione: $name non contiene commit $sha1_src e $sha1_dst"
+msgstr ""
+"  Attenzione: $display_name non contiene i commit $sha1_src e $sha1_dst"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vedi git-${cmd}(1) per ulteriori dettagli."
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "Stash automatico applicato."
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "Impossibile memorizzare $stash_sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rebase in corso ($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -22131,8 +22753,29 @@
 "These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"p, pick <commit> = usa il commit\n"
+"r, reword <commit> = usa il commit, ma modifica il messaggio di commit\n"
+"e, edit <commit> = usa il commit, ma fermati per modificarlo\n"
+"s, squash <commit> = usa il commit, ma fondilo con il commit precedente\n"
+"f, fixup <commit> = come \"squash\", ma scarta il messaggio di log di "
+"                    commit\n"
+"x, exec <comando> = esegui il comando (il resto della riga) usando la shell\n"
+"d, drop <commit> = elimina il commit\n"
+"l, label <etichetta> = etichetta l'HEAD corrente con un nome\n"
+"t, reset <etichetta> = reimposta HEAD a un'etichetta\n"
+"m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <etichetta> [# <oneline>]\n"
+".       crea un commit di merge usando il messaggio del commit di merge\n"
+".       originale (o la oneline se non è stato specificato un commit di "
+".       originale). Usa -c <commit> per riformulare il messaggio di commit.\n"
+"Queste righe possono essere riordinate; saranno eseguite dalla prima "
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -22143,84 +22786,93 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 msgstr ""
+"È possibile modificare il commit ora con\n"
+"\tgit commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n"
+"Quando sei soddisfatto delle modifiche, esegui\n"
+"\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "$sha1: non è un commit che possa essere scelto"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
-msgstr "commit non valido: %s"
+msgstr "Nome commit non valido: $sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile scrivere lo SHA1 del commit che dovrebbe sostituire quello "
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
-msgstr ""
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
-msgstr ""
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
-msgstr ""
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
-msgstr ""
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
-msgstr ""
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
-msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile aprire %s"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fast forward a $sha1"
 #, sh-format
-msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il fast forward a $sha1"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
+msgstr "Impossibile spostare l'HEAD a $first_parent"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
+msgstr "Mi rifiuto di eseguire lo squash di un merge: $sha1"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
+msgstr "Errore durante la riesecuzione del merge di $sha1"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
+msgstr "Impossibile scegliere $sha1"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
+msgstr "Questo è il messaggio di commit numero ${n}:"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
+msgstr "Il messaggio di commit numero ${n} sarà saltato:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[0] "Questa è una combinazione di $count commit."
+msgstr[1] "Questa è una combinazione di $count commit."
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
-msgstr "Impossibile sovrascrivere"
+msgstr "Impossibile scrivere $fixup_msg"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Questa è una combinazione di 2 commit."
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
-msgstr "non è stato possibile applicare %s... %s"
+msgstr "Impossibile applicare $sha1... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -22229,40 +22881,48 @@
 "you are able to reword the commit."
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile modificare il commit dopo la scelta di $sha1... $rest\n"
+"Molto probabilmente questo è dovuto a un messaggio di commit vuoto, oppure\n"
+"l'esecuzione dell'hook di pre-commit non è riuscita. In quest'ultimo caso,\n"
+"potrebbe essere necessario risolvere il problema evidenziato per essere in\n"
+"grado di modificare il messaggio di commit."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Fermato a $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire '$squash_style' senza un commit precedente"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eseguo $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esecuzione non riuscita: $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "e sono state apportate modifiche all'indice e/o all'albero di lavoro"
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 msgstr ""
+"Puoi correggere il problema e quindi eseguire\n"
+"\tgit rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -22271,27 +22931,31 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 msgstr ""
+"Esecuzione riuscita: $rest\n"
+"ma sono state mantenute modifiche all'indice e/o all'albero di lavoro\n"
+"Esegui il commit o lo stash delle modifiche, quindi esegui\n"
+"\tgit rebase --continue"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
-msgstr "Sottocomando sconosciuto: %s"
+msgstr "Comando sconosciuto: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Correggi la situazione usando 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rebase e aggiornamento di $head_name eseguiti con successo."
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile risolvere il commit HEAD\n"
+msgstr "impossibile rimuovere CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -22308,233 +22972,272 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Hai modifiche in staging nell'albero di lavoro.\n"
+"Se queste modifiche devono essere sottoposte a squash nel commit\n"
+"precedente, esegui:\n"
+"  git commit --amend $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n"
+"Se devono essere incluse in un nuovo commit, esegui:\n"
+"  git commit $gpg_sign_opt_quoted\n"
+"In entrambi i casi, una volta finito, continua con:\n"
+"  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr ""
+"Errore durante la ricerca dell'identità dell'autore per la modifica del "
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
 msgstr ""
+"Ci sono modifiche di cui non è stato eseguito il commit nel tuo albero\n"
+"di lavoro. Eseguine prima il commit e quindi esegui nuovamente 'git rebase\n"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
-msgstr "non è stato possibile leggere il messaggio di commit: %s"
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il commit delle modifiche in staging."
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile eliminare %s"
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire l'editor"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile creare la directory '%s'"
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il checkout di $switch_to"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nessun'HEAD?"
-#, fuzzy, sh-format
+#, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile creare la directory '%s'"
+msgstr "Impossibile creare la directory temporanea $state_dir"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile leggere index"
+msgstr "Impossibile contrassegnare come interattivo"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[0] "Rebase di $shortrevisions su $shortonto ($todocount comando)"
+msgstr[1] "Rebase di $shortrevisions su $shortonto ($todocount comandi)"
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile analizzare il commit %s\n"
+msgstr "Impossibile inizializzare i commit riscritti"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "usage: $dashless $USAGE"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "uso: $dashless $USAGE"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot chdir to $cdup, the toplevel of the working tree"
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile modificare la directory corrente in $cdup, il primo livello "
+"dell'albero di lavoro"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "fatal: $program_name cannot be used without a working tree."
 msgstr ""
+"errore fatale: $program_name non può essere usato senza un albero di lavoro."
-#, fuzzy
 msgid "Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
-msgstr "Impossibile eseguire il rebase su branch multipli"
+msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire il rebase: ci sono delle modifiche non in staging."
 msgid "Cannot rewrite branches: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile riscrivere i branch: ci sono delle modifiche non in staging."
 msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire un pull seguito da un rebase: ci sono delle modifiche "
+"non in staging."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot $action: You have unstaged changes."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire $action: ci sono delle modifiche non in staging."
 msgid "Cannot rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire un rebase:: l'indice contiene modifiche di cui non è "
+"stato eseguito il commit."
 msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire un pull seguito da un rebase: l'indice contiene "
+"modifiche di cui non è stato eseguito il commit."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot $action: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile eseguire $action: l'indice contiene modifiche di cui non è stato "
+"eseguito il commit."
 msgid "Additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
+"Inoltre, l'indice contiene modifiche di cui non è stato eseguito il commit."
 msgid "You need to run this command from the toplevel of the working tree."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Devi eseguire questo comando dal primo livello dell'albero di lavoro."
 msgid "Unable to determine absolute path of git directory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Impossibile determinare il percorso assoluto della directory Git"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%20s %32s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nell'area di staging"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rimosso dall'area di staging"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "binario"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "non fare nulla"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
-msgstr "Nessuna modifica"
+msgstr "non modificato"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
+#, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
-msgstr[0] "aggiunto da loro:"
-msgstr[1] "aggiunto da loro:"
+msgstr[0] "aggiunto %d percorso\n"
+msgstr[1] "aggiunti %d percorsi\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[0] "aggiornato %d percorso\n"
+msgstr[1] "aggiornati %d percorsi\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[0] "ripristinato %d percorso\n"
+msgstr[1] "ripristinati %d percorsi\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[0] "eseguito touch su %d percorso\n"
+msgstr[1] "eseguito touch su %d percorsi\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
-msgstr "aggiornato"
+msgstr "Aggiorna"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esegui il revert"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "nota: %s ora non è tracciato.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aggiungi file non tracciati"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nessun file non tracciato.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
 msgstr ""
+"Se la patch viene applicata senza problemi, l'hunk modificato sarà\n"
+"contrassegnato immediatamente per l'aggiunta all'area di staging."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
 msgstr ""
+"Se la patch viene applicata senza problemi, l'hunk modificato sarà\n"
+"contrassegnato immediatamente per lo stash."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
 msgstr ""
+"Se la patch viene applicata senza problemi, l'hunk modificato sarà\n"
+"contrassegnato immediatamente per la rimozione dall'area di staging."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
 msgstr ""
+"Se la patch viene applicata senza problemi, l'hunk modificato sarà\n"
+"contrassegnato immediatamente per l'applicazione."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
 msgstr ""
+"Se la patch viene applicata senza problemi, l'hunk modificato sarà\n"
+"contrassegnato immediatamente per la rimozione."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
+#, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
-msgstr "copia del file in '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "apertura del file di modifica hunk in scrittura non riuscita: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Modalità manuale modifica hunt - vedi la fine del file per una guida "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22542,19 +23245,26 @@
 "To remove '%s' lines, delete them.\n"
 "Lines starting with %s will be removed.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Per rimuovere '%s' righe, rendile righe ' ' (contesto).\n"
+"Per rimuovere '%s' righe, eliminale.\n"
+"Le righe che iniziano con %s saranno rimosse.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
 "aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Se non può essere applicata senza problemi, ti sarà data la possibilità\n"
+"di modificarla di nuovo. Se tutte le righe dell'hunk saranno state\n"
+"rimosse, la modifica sarà interrotta e l'hunk non sarà modificato.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
+#, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
-msgstr "impossibile aprire o leggere %s"
+msgstr "apertura del file di modifica hunk in lettura non riuscita: %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate [y/n]
 #. The program will only accept that input
@@ -22562,12 +23272,14 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
+"L'hunk modificato non può essere applicato senza problemi. Modificarlo di "
+"nuovo (se rispondi \"no\", sarà eliminato!) [y/n]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -22575,8 +23287,16 @@
 "a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not stage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
+"y - aggiungi quest'hunk all'area di staging\n"
+"n - non aggiungere quest'hunk all'area di staging\n"
+"q - esci; non aggiungere né quest'hunk né quelli rimanenti all'area di "
+"a - aggiungi quest'hunk e tutti quelli successivi nel file all'area di "
+"d - non aggiungere né quest'hunk né quelli successivi nel file all'area di "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -22584,8 +23304,13 @@
 "a - stash this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not stash this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
+"y - esegui lo stash di quest'hunk\n"
+"n - non eseguire lo stash di quest'hunk\n"
+"q - esci; non eseguire lo stash di quest'hunk né di quelli rimanenti\n"
+"a - esegui lo stash di quest'hunk e di tutti quelli successivi nel file\n"
+"d - non eseguire lo stash né di quest'hunk né di quelli successivi nel file"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -22593,8 +23318,16 @@
 "a - unstage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not unstage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
+"y - rimuovi quest'hunk dall'area di staging\n"
+"n - non rimuovere quest'hunk dall'area di staging\n"
+"q - esci; non rimuovere né quest'hunk né quelli rimanenti dall'area di "
+"a - rimuovi quest'hunk e tutti quelli successivi nel file dall'area di "
+"d - non rimuovere né quest'hunk né quelli successivi nel file dall'area di "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -22602,8 +23335,13 @@
 "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
+"y - applica quest'hunk all'indice\n"
+"n - non applicare quest'hunk all'indice\n"
+"q - esci; non applicare né quest'hunk né quelli rimanenti\n"
+"a - applica quest'hunk e tutti quelli successivi nel file\n"
+"d - non applicare né quest'hunk né quelli successivi nel file"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -22611,8 +23349,13 @@
 "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
+"y - rimuovi quest'hunk dall'albero di lavoro\n"
+"n - non rimuovere quest'hunk dall'albero di lavoro\n"
+"q - esci; non rimuovere né quest'hunk né quelli rimanenti\n"
+"a - rimuovi quest'hunk e tutti quelli successivi nel file\n"
+"d - non rimuovere né quest'hunk né quelli successivi nel file"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -22620,8 +23363,13 @@
 "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
+"y - rimuovi quest'hunk dall'indice e dall'albero di lavoro\n"
+"n - non rimuovere quest'hunk dall'indice e dall'albero di lavoro\n"
+"q - esci; non rimuovere né quest'hunk né quelli rimanenti\n"
+"a - rimuovi quest'hunk e tutti quelli successivi nel file\n"
+"d - non rimuovere né quest'hunk né quelli successivi nel file"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -22629,8 +23377,27 @@
 "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
+"y - applica quest'hunk all'indice e all'albero di lavoro\n"
+"n - non applicare quest'hunk all'indice e all'albero di lavoro\n"
+"q - esci; non applicare né quest'hunk né quelli rimanenti\n"
+"a - applica quest'hunk e tutti quelli successivi nel file\n"
+"d - non applicare né quest'hunk né quelli successivi nel file"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - applica quest'hunk all'albero di lavoro\n"
+"n - non applicare quest'hunk all'albero di lavoro\n"
+"q - esci; non applicare né quest'hunk né quelli rimanenti\n"
+"a - applica quest'hunk e tutti quelli successivi nel file\n"
+"d - non applicare né quest'hunk né quelli successivi nel file"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -22642,216 +23409,246 @@
 "e - manually edit the current hunk\n"
 "? - print help\n"
 msgstr ""
+"g - seleziona un hunk a cui andare\n"
+"/ - cerca un hunk corrispondente all'espressione regolare data\n"
+"j - non decidere in merito a quest'hunk, vai al successivo hunk per cui non "
+"è stata presa una decisione\n"
+"J - non decidere in merito a quest'hunk, vai all'hunk successivo\n"
+"k - non decidere in merito a quest'hunk, vai al precedente hunk per cui non "
+"è stata presa una decisione\n"
+"K - non decidere in merito a quest'hunk, vai all'hunk precedente\n"
+"s - suddividi l'hunk corrente in hunk più piccoli\n"
+"e - modifica manualmente l'hunk corrente\n"
+"? - stampa una guida\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gli hunk selezionati non si applicano senza problemi all'indice!\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vuoi comunque applicarli all'albero di lavoro? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Non è stato applicato nulla.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ignoro ciò che non è stato sottoposto a merge: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
-msgstr " 0 file modificati\n"
+msgstr "Sono stati modificati solo file binari.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
-msgstr "Nessuna modifica"
+msgstr "Nessuna modifica.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
-msgstr "[tag aggiornata]"
+msgstr "Aggiornamento patch"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modifica modo stage [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eliminazione stage [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eseguire lo stage di quest'hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modifica modo stash [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eliminazione stash [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eseguire lo stash di quest'hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimozione modifica modo dall'area di staging [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimozione eliminazione dall'area di staging [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rimuovere quest'hunk dall'area di staging [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Applicare la modifica modo all'indice [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Applicare l'eliminazione all'indice [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Applicare quest'hunk all'indice [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Scartare le modifiche modo dall'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Scartare l'eliminazione dall'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Scartare quest'hunk dall'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
+"Scartare la modifica modo dall'indice e dall'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d"
+"%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
+"Scartare l'eliminazione dall'indice e dall'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
+"Scartare quest'hunk dall'indice e dall'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
+"Applicare la modifica modo all'indice e all'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d"
+"%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
+"Applicare l'eliminazione all'indice e all'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr ""
+"Applicare quest'hunk all'indice e all'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Applicare la modifica modo all'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Applicare l'eliminazione all'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Applicare quest'hunk all'albero di lavoro [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nessun altro hunk a cui andare\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a quale hunk desideri andare (premi <Invio> per vederne altri)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a quale hunk desideri andare? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
-msgstr "%s non valido: '%s'"
+msgstr "Numero non valido: '%s'\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[0] "Mi dispiace, è disponibile solo %d hunk.\n"
+msgstr[1] "Mi dispiace, sono disponibili solo %d hunk.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nessun altro hunk in cui ricercare\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "cercare un'espressione regolare? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
-msgstr "applica le modifiche corrispondenti al path specificato"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
-msgid "No previous hunk\n"
-msgstr ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
-msgid "No next hunk\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Espressione regolare di ricerca %s malformata: %s\n"
 #: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
-msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
+msgstr "Nessun hunk corrisponde al pattern fornito\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
+msgid "No previous hunk\n"
+msgstr "Nessun hunk precedente\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
+msgid "No next hunk\n"
+msgstr "Nessun hunk successivo\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
+msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
+msgstr "Mi dispiace, non posso suddividere quest'hunk\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
-msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr[0] "Suddiviso in %d hunk.\n"
+msgstr[1] "Suddiviso in %d hunk.\n"
 #: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
+msgstr "Mi dispiace, non posso modificare quest'hunk\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rivedi diff"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -22861,93 +23658,106 @@
 "add untracked - add contents of untracked files to the staged set of "
 msgstr ""
+"status        - visualizza i percorsi con modifiche\n"
+"update        - aggiunge lo stato dell'albero di lavoro all'insieme delle\n"
+"                modifiche nell'area di staging\n"
+"revert        - ripristina l'insieme delle modifiche nell'area di staging\n"
+"                alla versione HEAD\n"
+"patch         - seleziona e aggiorna gli hunk in modo selettivo\n"
+"diff          - visualizza le differenze fra HEAD e l'indice\n"
+"add untracked - aggiunge i contenuti dei file non tracciati all'insieme di\n"
+"                modifiche nell'area di staging\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "-- mancante"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
+#, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
-msgstr "sconosciuto:    %s"
+msgstr "modalità --patch sconosciuta: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "argomento %s non valido, atteso --"
 #: git-send-email.perl:138
 msgid "local zone differs from GMT by a non-minute interval\n"
 msgstr ""
+"il fuso orario locale differisce da GMT di un intervallo non multiplo di un "
 #: git-send-email.perl:145 git-send-email.perl:151
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "l'offset del fuso orario locale è maggiore o uguale a 24 ore\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "l'editor non è terminato regolarmente, interrompo tutte le operazioni"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"'%s' contiene una versione intermedia dell'e-mail che stavi componendo.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "'' contiene l'e-mail composta.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
-msgstr "--patch non è compatibile con tutte le altre opzioni"
+msgstr "--dump-aliases non è compatibile con altre opzioni\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
-msgstr "--cached al di fuori di un repository"
+msgstr "Impossibile eseguire git format-patch al di fuori di un repository\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
 msgstr ""
+"`batch-size` e `relogin` devono essere specificati insieme (sulla riga di "
+"comando o tramite un'opzione di configurazione)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Campo --suppress-cc sconosciuto: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
-msgstr "Commit %s sconosciuto"
+msgstr "Impostazione --confirm sconosciuta: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "attenzione: non sono supportati alias sendmail con virgolette: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "attenzione: `:include:` non supportato: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "attenzione: redirezioni `/file` o `|pipe` non supportate: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "attenzione: riga sendmail non riconosciuta: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -22956,38 +23766,49 @@
 "    * Saying \"./%s\" if you mean a file; or\n"
 "    * Giving --format-patch option if you mean a range.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Il file '%s' esiste ma tale stringa potrebbe corrispondere\n"
+"anche all'intervallo di commit per cui generare delle patch.\n"
+"Specifica qual è il caso corretto...\n"
+"    * ...usando \"./%s\" se intendi riferirti al file, o...\n"
+"    * ...fornendo l'opzione --format-patch se ti riferisci\n"
+"      a un intervallo.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
-msgstr "apertura di '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "opendir di %s non riuscita: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
 "warning: no patches were sent\n"
 msgstr ""
+"errore fatale: %s: %s\n"
+"attenzione: non è stata inviata alcuna patch\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
-msgstr "Nome del branch non specificato"
+msgstr ""
+"Nessun file patch specificato!\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Riga oggetto assente in %s?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile aprire '%s' per la scrittura"
+msgstr "Apertura di %s in scrittura non riuscita: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -22995,38 +23816,45 @@
 "Clear the body content if you don't wish to send a summary.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Le righe che iniziano con \"GIT:\" saranno rimosse.\n"
+"Valuta di includere un diffstat globale o un sommario per\n"
+"la patch che stai scrivendo.\n"
+"Rimuovi il corpo se non vuoi inviare un sommario.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
-msgstr "apertura di '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "Apertura di %s non riuscita: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
-msgstr "apertura di '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "Apertura di non riuscita: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "E-mail riassuntiva vuota, la ometto\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usare <%s> [y/N]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
 msgstr ""
+"I seguenti file sono codificati a 8 bit ma non dichiarano un Content-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Che codifica a 8 bit devo dichiarare [UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -23034,38 +23862,47 @@
 "has the template subject '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Pass --force if you really "
 "want to send.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"Mi rifiuto di eseguire l'invio perché la patch\n"
+"ha come oggetto nel modello '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Fornisci l'opzione --"
+"force se vuoi veramente procedere con l'invio.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr ""
+"A chi dovranno essere inviate le e-mail (se devono essere inviate a "
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "errore fatale: l'alias '%s' si espande in se stesso\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr ""
+"Message-ID da usare nell'intestazione In-Reply-To per la prima e-mail (se "
+"dev'essere usato)? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "errore: impossibile estrarre un indirizzo valido da %s\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr ""
+"Cosa devo fare con quest'indirizzo? (Esci [q]|scarta [d]|modifica [e]): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
+#, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
-msgstr "il repository '%s' non esiste"
+msgstr "Il percorso CA \"%s\" non esiste"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -23078,136 +23915,247 @@
 "    run 'git config --global sendemail.confirm auto'.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"    L'elenco Cc di cui sopra è stato espanso aggiungendo\n"
+"    indirizzi aggiuntivi trovati nel messaggio di commit della\n"
+"    patch. Per impostazione predefinita send-email richiede\n"
+"    come procedere prima dell'invio ogniqualvolta si verifichi\n"
+"    tale evenienza. Questo comportamento è controllato\n"
+"    dall'impostazione di configurazione sendemail.confirm.\n"
+"    Per ulteriori informazioni, esegui 'git send-email --help'.\n"
+"    Per mantenere il comportamento corrente, ma non\n"
+"    visualizzare più questo messaggio, esegui 'git config\n"
+"    --global sendemail.confirm auto'.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr ""
+"Inviare quest'e-mail? (Sì [y]|[n]o|modifica [e]|esci [q]|invia tutte [a]): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "È richiesta una risposta alla richiesta di invio e-mail"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il server SMTP richiesto non è definito in modo adeguato."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Il server non supporta STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "STARTTLS non riuscito! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
+"Impossibile inizializzare SMTP in modo adeguato. Controlla la configurazione "
+"e usa --smtp-debug."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
-msgstr "stat di %s non riuscito\n"
+msgstr "Invio di %s non riuscito\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Test invio %s riuscito\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
+#, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
-msgstr "Rimozione di %s\n"
+msgstr "%s inviato\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esecuzione di prova riuscita. Il registro è il seguente:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Operazione riuscita. Il registro è il seguente:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Risultato: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Risultato: OK\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
+#, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
-msgstr "impossibile aprire il file pack '%s'"
+msgstr "impossibile aprire il file %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(mbox) Aggiungo cc: %s dalla riga '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(mbox) Aggiungo to: %s dalla riga '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(non mbox) Aggiungo cc: %s dalla riga '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(corpo) Aggiungo cc: %s dalla riga '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
+#, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
-msgstr "Non è stato possibile impostare '%s'"
+msgstr "(%s) Impossibile eseguire '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "(%s) Aggiungo %s: %s da: '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
+#, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
-msgstr "copia del file in '%s' non riuscita"
+msgstr "(%s) chiusura della pipe a '%s' non riuscita"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "impossibile inviare il messaggio con codifica a 7 bit"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
-#, fuzzy
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
-msgstr "riferimento non valido: %s"
+msgstr "codifica di trasferimento non valida"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
-#, fuzzy, perl-format
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
+#, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
-msgstr "impossibile spostare %s in %s"
+msgstr "impossibile aprire %s: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "%s: la patch contiene una riga più lunga di 998 caratteri"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Salto %s con il suffisso di backup '%s'.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
-msgstr "Inviare %s? [y|N]:"
+msgstr "Inviare %s? [y|N]: "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update, but that "
+#~ "check has been disabled."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Il fetch normalmente indica quali branch siano stati sottoposti ad "
+#~ "aggiornamento forzato, ma tale controllo è stato disabilitato."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' to avoid this check.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "o eseguire 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' per omettere "
+#~ "questo\n"
+#~ "controllo.\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "log.mailmap is not set; its implicit value will change in an\n"
+#~ "upcoming release. To squelch this message and preserve current\n"
+#~ "behaviour, set the log.mailmap configuration value to false.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To squelch this message and adopt the new behaviour now, set the\n"
+#~ "log.mailmap configuration value to true.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "See 'git help config' and search for 'log.mailmap' for further "
+#~ "information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "log.mailmap non è impostato; il suo valore implicito sarà modificato\n"
+#~ "in una prossima versione. Per eliminare questo messaggio e mantenere\n"
+#~ "il comportamento attuale, imposta il valore di configurazione\n"
+#~ "log.mailmap a false.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Per eliminare questo messaggio e adottare il nuovo comportamento ora,\n"
+#~ "imposta il valore di configurazione log.mailmap a true.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Vedi 'git help config' e cerca 'log.mailmap' per ulteriori informazioni."
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta multi_ack_detailes"
+#~ msgid "Server supports no-done"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta no-done"
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta multi_ack"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta side-band-64k"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta side-band"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
+#~ msgstr "Il server supporta ofs-delta"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD scollegato su %s)"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD scollegato da %s)"
+#~ msgid "Checking out files"
+#~ msgstr "Checkout dei file in corso"
+#~ msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "impossibile eseguire l'attività in modalità interattiva con lo standard "
+#~ "input non collegato a un terminale."
+#~ msgid "failed to open '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "apertura di '%s' non riuscita"
+#~ msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
+#~ msgstr "stat di %s non riuscito\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
+#~ "the remaining commits.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Se vuoi ignorare questo commit, usa:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Quindi il comando \"git cherry-pick --continue\" farà riprendere\n"
+#~ "il cherry picking per i commit rimanenti.\n"
+#~ msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+#~ msgstr "verbo non riconosciuto: %s"
 #~ msgid "hash version %X does not match version %X"
 #~ msgstr "la versione dell'hash %X non corrisponde alla versione %X"
@@ -23297,14 +24245,6 @@
 #~ msgid "No such remote: %s"
 #~ msgstr "Remote non esistente: %s"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Applied autostash."
-#~ msgstr "Patch %s applicata correttamente."
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
-#~ msgstr "Impossibile inizializzare stash"
 #~ msgid " %d file changed"
 #~ msgid_plural " %d files changed"
 #~ msgstr[0] " %d file modificato"
diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po
index 653628f..a77b462 100644
--- a/po/ru.po
+++ b/po/ru.po
@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
 # Translators:
-# Dimitriy Ryazantcev <>, 2014-2018
+# Dimitriy Ryazantcev <>, 2014-2019
 # insolor, 2014
 # insolor, 2014
+# Чук Таблицоменделеев <>, 2019
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git Russian Localization Project\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-08-21 08:28+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-28 15:57+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-21 17:28+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Dimitriy Ryazantcev <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russian (\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -20,59 +21,59 @@
 "Language: ru\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
-#: advice.c:97
+#: advice.c:103
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%sподсказка: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:150
+#: advice.c:156
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Невозможно выполнить копирование коммита в текущую ветку, так как у вас имеются не слитые файлы."
-#: advice.c:152
+#: advice.c:158
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Невозможно закоммитить, так как у вас имеются не слитые файлы."
-#: advice.c:154
+#: advice.c:160
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Невозможно выполнить слияние, так как у вас имеются не слитые файлы."
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Невозможно выполнить получение, так как у вас имеются не слитые файлы."
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Невозможно обратить изменения, так как у вас имеются не слитые файлы."
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "Невозможно выполнить %s, так как у вас имеются не слитые файлы."
-#: advice.c:168
+#: advice.c:174
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
 msgstr "Исправьте их в рабочем каталоге, затем запустите «git add/rm <файл>»,\nчтобы пометить исправление и сделайте коммит."
-#: advice.c:176
+#: advice.c:182
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Выход из-за неразрешенного конфликта."
-#: advice.c:181 builtin/merge.c:1286
+#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Вы не завершили слияние (присутствует файл MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: advice.c:183
+#: advice.c:189
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Перед слиянием, выполните коммит ваших изменений."
-#: advice.c:184
+#: advice.c:190
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Выход из-за незавершенного слияния."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
@@ -88,92 +89,100 @@
 msgstr "Примечание: переход на «%s».\n\nВы сейчас в состоянии «отделённого HEAD». Вы можете осмотреться, сделать\nэкспериментальные изменения и закоммитить их, также вы можете отменить\nизменения любых коммитов в этом состоянии не затрагивая любые ветки и\nне переходя на них.\n\nЕсли вы хотите создать новую ветку и сохранить свои коммиты, то вы\nможете сделать это (сейчас или позже) вызвав команду checkout снова,\nно с параметром -b. Например:\n\n  git checkout -b <имя-новой-ветки>\n\n"
-#: apply.c:59
+#: alias.c:50
+msgid "cmdline ends with \\"
+msgstr "командная строка заканчивается символом \\"
+#: alias.c:51
+msgid "unclosed quote"
+msgstr "пропущена закрывающая кавычка"
+#: apply.c:63
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "неопознанная опция для пробелов «%s»"
-#: apply.c:75
+#: apply.c:79
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "неопознанная опция для игнорирования пробелов «%s»"
-#: apply.c:125
+#: apply.c:129
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject и --3way нельзя использовать одновременно."
-#: apply.c:127
+#: apply.c:131
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached и --3way нельзя использовать одновременно."
-#: apply.c:130
+#: apply.c:134
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way вне репозитория"
-#: apply.c:141
+#: apply.c:145
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index вне репозитория"
-#: apply.c:144
+#: apply.c:148
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached вне репозитория"
-#: apply.c:826
+#: apply.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось подготовить регулярное выражение для метки времени %s"
-#: apply.c:835
+#: apply.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "regexec возвратил %d для ввода: %s"
-#: apply.c:909
+#: apply.c:912
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "не удалось найти имя файла в строке патча %d"
-#: apply.c:947
+#: apply.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: плохой git-diff — ожидалось /dev/null, получено %s на строке %d"
-#: apply.c:953
+#: apply.c:956
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: плохой git-diff — не согласующееся новое имя файла на строке %d"
-#: apply.c:954
+#: apply.c:957
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: плохой git-diff — не согласующееся старое имя файла на строке %d"
-#: apply.c:959
+#: apply.c:962
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: плохой git-diff  — ожидалось /dev/null на строке %d"
-#: apply.c:988
+#: apply.c:991
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "недопустимый режим %d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1306
+#: apply.c:1310
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "противоречивые строки заголовка %d и %d"
-#: apply.c:1478
+#: apply.c:1482
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recount: не ожидаемая строка: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1547
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "фрагмент изменений без заголовка на строке %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1567
+#: apply.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname"
@@ -186,70 +195,70 @@
 msgstr[2] "заголовок git diff не нашел информацию об имени файла при удалении %d ведущих компонент пути к файлу (строка %d)"
 msgstr[3] "заголовок git diff не нашел информацию об имени файла при удалении %d ведущих компонент пути к файлу (строка %d)"
-#: apply.c:1580
+#: apply.c:1584
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr "заголовок git diff не содержит информации об имени файла (строка %d)"
-#: apply.c:1768
+#: apply.c:1772
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "новый файл зависит от старого содержимого"
-#: apply.c:1770
+#: apply.c:1774
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "удаленный файл все еще имеет содержимое"
-#: apply.c:1804
+#: apply.c:1808
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "патч поврежден на строке %d"
-#: apply.c:1841
+#: apply.c:1845
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "новый файл %s зависит от старого содержимого"
-#: apply.c:1843
+#: apply.c:1847
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "удаленный файл %s все еще имеет содержимое"
-#: apply.c:1846
+#: apply.c:1850
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** предупреждение: файл %s становится пустым, но не удаляется"
-#: apply.c:1993
+#: apply.c:1997
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "поврежденный двоичный патч на строке %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2030
+#: apply.c:2034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "неопознанный двоичный патч на строке %d"
-#: apply.c:2190
+#: apply.c:2196
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "патч с мусором на строке %d"
-#: apply.c:2276
+#: apply.c:2282
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать символьную ссылку %s"
-#: apply.c:2280
+#: apply.c:2286
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть или прочесть %s"
-#: apply.c:2939
+#: apply.c:2945
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "неправильное начало строки: «%c»"
-#: apply.c:3060
+#: apply.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
@@ -258,257 +267,258 @@
 msgstr[2] "Часть #%d успешно применена на %d (со сдвигом в %d строк)."
 msgstr[3] "Часть #%d успешно применена на %d (со сдвигом в %d строк)."
-#: apply.c:3072
+#: apply.c:3078
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "Контекст сужен до (%ld/%ld), чтобы применить фрагмент на %d строке"
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
 msgstr "при поиске:\n%.*s"
-#: apply.c:3100
+#: apply.c:3106
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "пропущены данные двоичного патча для «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3108
+#: apply.c:3114
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr "невозможно выполнить reverse-apply для двоичного патча, без обращения изменений блока «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3154
+#: apply.c:3161
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr "невозможно применить двоичный патч «%s» без строки с указанной полной версией индекса"
-#: apply.c:3164
+#: apply.c:3171
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
 msgstr "патч применятся к файлу «%s» (%s), но его текущее содержимое не соотвествует ожидаемому."
-#: apply.c:3172
+#: apply.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "патч применяется к пустому файлу «%s», но файл не пустой"
-#: apply.c:3190
+#: apply.c:3197
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать необходимую посылку %s для «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3203
+#: apply.c:3210
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось применить двоичный патч к «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3209
+#: apply.c:3216
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr "после применения двоичного патча для «%s» был получен неправильный результат (ожидалось %s, получено %s)"
-#: apply.c:3230
+#: apply.c:3237
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "ошибка применения изменений: %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3352
+#: apply.c:3360
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "не удалось переключить состояние на %s"
-#: apply.c:3404 apply.c:3415 apply.c:3461 setup.c:278
+#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать %s"
-#: apply.c:3412
+#: apply.c:3420
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "чтение из «%s» за символической ссылкой"
-#: apply.c:3441 apply.c:3681
+#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "путь %s был переименован/удален"
-#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3696
+#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s: нет в индексе"
-#: apply.c:3533 apply.c:3704
+#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s: не совпадает с индексом"
-#: apply.c:3568
+#: apply.c:3579
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr "в репозитории отсутствует необходимый двоичный объект для отката к трёхходовому слиянию."
-#: apply.c:3571
+#: apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Откат к трёхходовому слиянию…\n"
-#: apply.c:3587 apply.c:3591
+#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать текущее содержимое «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3603
+#: apply.c:3614
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Не удалось откатиться к трёхходовому слиянию…\n"
-#: apply.c:3617
+#: apply.c:3628
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Патч применен к «%s» с конфликтами.\n"
-#: apply.c:3622
+#: apply.c:3633
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Патч применен к «%s» без ошибок.\n"
-#: apply.c:3648
+#: apply.c:3659
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "патч удаления не удалил содержимое файла"
-#: apply.c:3721
+#: apply.c:3732
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s: неправильный тип"
-#: apply.c:3723
+#: apply.c:3734
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s имеет тип %o, а ожидался %o"
-#: apply.c:3874 apply.c:3876
+#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "неправильный путь «%s»"
-#: apply.c:3932
+#: apply.c:3943
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s: уже содержится в индексе"
-#: apply.c:3935
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s: уже содержится в рабочем каталоге"
-#: apply.c:3955
+#: apply.c:3966
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "новый режим доступа (%o) для %s не соответствует старому режиму доступа (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3960
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr "новый режим доступа (%o) для %s не соответствует старому режиму доступа (%o) для %s"
-#: apply.c:3980
+#: apply.c:3991
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "затронутый файл «%s» находится за символической ссылкой"
-#: apply.c:3984
+#: apply.c:3995
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s: не удалось применить патч"
-#: apply.c:3999
+#: apply.c:4010
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Проверка патча %s…"
-#: apply.c:4091
+#: apply.c:4102
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "информация об sha1 отсутствует или бесполезна для подмодуля %s"
-#: apply.c:4098
+#: apply.c:4109
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "изменен режим для %s, который не находится в текущем HEAD"
-#: apply.c:4101
+#: apply.c:4112
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "информация об sha1 отсутствует или бесполезна (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4106 builtin/checkout.c:237 builtin/reset.c:140
+#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "сбой make_cache_entry для пути «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4110
+#: apply.c:4121
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "не удалось добавить %s во временный индекс"
-#: apply.c:4120
+#: apply.c:4131
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "не удалось записать временный индкекс в %s"
-#: apply.c:4258
+#: apply.c:4269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить %s из индекса"
-#: apply.c:4292
+#: apply.c:4303
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "поврежденный патч для подмодуля %s"
-#: apply.c:4298
+#: apply.c:4309
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat для созданного файла «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4306
+#: apply.c:4317
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать вспомогательный файл для созданного файла %s"
-#: apply.c:4312 apply.c:4457
+#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать запись в кэше для %s"
-#: apply.c:4355
+#: apply.c:4366
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось записать в «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4359
+#: apply.c:4370
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "закрытие файла «%s»"
-#: apply.c:4429
+#: apply.c:4440
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "не удалось записать файл «%s» с режимом доступа %o"
-#: apply.c:4527
+#: apply.c:4538
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Патч %s применен без ошибок."
-#: apply.c:4535
+#: apply.c:4546
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "внутренняя ошибка"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4549
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
@@ -517,45 +527,45 @@
 msgstr[2] "Применение патча %%s с %d отказами…"
 msgstr[3] "Применение патча %%s с %d отказами…"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4560
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "усечение имени .rej файла до %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4557 builtin/fetch.c:780 builtin/fetch.c:1048
+#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть %s"
-#: apply.c:4571
+#: apply.c:4582
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "Блок №%d применен без ошибок."
-#: apply.c:4575
+#: apply.c:4586
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "Блок №%d отклонен."
-#: apply.c:4685
+#: apply.c:4696
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Патч «%s» пропущен."
-#: apply.c:4693
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "не распознанный ввод"
-#: apply.c:4712
+#: apply.c:4724
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать файл индекса"
-#: apply.c:4849
+#: apply.c:4879
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть патч «%s»: %s"
-#: apply.c:4876
+#: apply.c:4906
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
@@ -564,7 +574,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "пропущено %d ошибок в пробельных символах"
 msgstr[3] "пропущено %d ошибок в пробельных символах"
-#: apply.c:4882 apply.c:4897
+#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
@@ -573,7 +583,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%d строк добавили ошибки в пробельных символах."
 msgstr[3] "%d строк добавили ошибки в пробельных символах."
-#: apply.c:4890
+#: apply.c:4920
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
@@ -582,140 +592,140 @@
 msgstr[2] "%d строк добавлено после исправления ошибок в пробелах."
 msgstr[3] "%d строки добавлено после исправления ошибок в пробелах."
-#: apply.c:4906 builtin/add.c:539 builtin/mv.c:300 builtin/rm.c:389
+#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Не удалось записать новый файл индекса"
-#: apply.c:4933 apply.c:4936 builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/am.c:2257
-#: builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/merge.c:260
-#: builtin/pull.c:198 builtin/submodule--helper.c:406
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1355 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1358
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1729 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1732
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1952 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
+#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
+#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "путь"
-#: apply.c:4934
+#: apply.c:4964
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "не применять изменения по указанному пути"
-#: apply.c:4937
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "применять изменения по указанному пути"
-#: apply.c:4939 builtin/am.c:2263
+#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "количество"
-#: apply.c:4940
+#: apply.c:4970
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "удалить <количество> ведущих косых черт из традиционных путей списка изменений"
-#: apply.c:4943
+#: apply.c:4973
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "игнорировать добавления, сделанные этим патчем"
-#: apply.c:4945
+#: apply.c:4975
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr "вместо применения патча вывести статистику добавлений и удалений для ввода"
-#: apply.c:4949
+#: apply.c:4979
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr "показать количество добавленных и удаленных строк в десятичном представлении"
-#: apply.c:4951
+#: apply.c:4981
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
-msgstr "вместо применения патча вывести статистику изменений для ввода"
+msgstr "вместо применения патча вывести сводку изменений для ввода"
-#: apply.c:4953
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "вместо применения патча проверить подходит ли он"
-#: apply.c:4955
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "проверить, что патч применяется к текущему индексу"
-#: apply.c:4957
+#: apply.c:4987
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "помечать новые файлы с «git add --intent-to-add»"
-#: apply.c:4959
+#: apply.c:4989
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "применить патч, не изменяя рабочий каталог"
-#: apply.c:4961
+#: apply.c:4991
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "принять патч, который затрагивает файлы за рабочим каталогом"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "а также применить патч (используйте с --stat/--summary/--check)"
-#: apply.c:4966
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "попытаться сделать трехходовое слияние, если патч не применяется"
-#: apply.c:4968
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr "построить временный индекс, основанный на встроенной информации об индексе"
-#: apply.c:4971 builtin/checkout-index.c:168 builtin/ls-files.c:516
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "пути, отделённые НУЛЕВЫМ символом"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "удостовериться, что по крайней мере <n> строк контекста совпадают"
-#: apply.c:4974 builtin/am.c:2242 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3205
+#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "действие"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:5005
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr "определять новые или модифицированные строки, у которых есть ошибки в пробельных символах"
-#: apply.c:4978 apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "игнорировать изменения в пробельных символах при поиске контекста"
-#: apply.c:4984
+#: apply.c:5014
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "применить патч с обращением изменений"
-#: apply.c:4986
+#: apply.c:5016
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "не ожидать как минимум одной строки контекста"
-#: apply.c:4988
+#: apply.c:5018
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "оставить отклоненные блоки изменений в соответствующих *.rej файлах"
-#: apply.c:4990
+#: apply.c:5020
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "разрешить перекрывающиеся блоки изменений"
-#: apply.c:4991 builtin/add.c:290 builtin/check-ignore.c:21
-#: builtin/commit.c:1301 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:671
-#: builtin/log.c:1914 builtin/mv.c:122 builtin/read-tree.c:124
+#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "быть многословнее"
-#: apply.c:4993
+#: apply.c:5023
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr "разрешить некорректно определенные пропущенные пустые строки в конце файла"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:5026
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "не доверять количеству строк из заголовка блока изменений"
-#: apply.c:4998 builtin/am.c:2251
+#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "корень"
-#: apply.c:4999
+#: apply.c:5029
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "добавить <корень> спереди ко всем именам файлов"
@@ -737,200 +747,224 @@
 msgid "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] --list"
 msgstr "git archive --remote <репозиторий> [--exec <команда>] --list"
-#: archive.c:363 builtin/add.c:176 builtin/add.c:515 builtin/rm.c:298
+#: archive.c:372 builtin/add.c:177 builtin/add.c:516 builtin/rm.c:299
 #, c-format
 msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any files"
 msgstr "спецификатор пути «%s» не соответствует ни одному файлу"
-#: archive.c:446
+#: archive.c:396
+#, c-format
+msgid "no such ref: %.*s"
+msgstr "нет такой ссылки: %.*s"
+#: archive.c:401
+#, c-format
+msgid "not a valid object name: %s"
+msgstr "недопустимое имя объекта: %s"
+#: archive.c:414
+#, c-format
+msgid "not a tree object: %s"
+msgstr "недействительный объект дерева: %s"
+#: archive.c:424
+msgid "current working directory is untracked"
+msgstr "текущий рабочий каталог не отслеживается"
+#: archive.c:455
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "формат"
-#: archive.c:446
+#: archive.c:455
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "формат архива"
-#: archive.c:447 builtin/log.c:1473
+#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "префикс"
-#: archive.c:448
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "добавлять префикс перед каждым путем файла в архиве"
-#: archive.c:449 builtin/blame.c:816 builtin/blame.c:817 builtin/config.c:126
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1013 builtin/fast-export.c:1015 builtin/grep.c:873
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:104 builtin/ls-files.c:552 builtin/ls-files.c:555
-#: builtin/notes.c:407 builtin/notes.c:570 builtin/read-tree.c:119
-#: parse-options.h:165
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
+#: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "файл"
-#: archive.c:450 builtin/archive.c:89
+#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "запись архива в этот файл"
-#: archive.c:452
+#: archive.c:461
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "читать .gitattributes в рабочем каталоге"
-#: archive.c:453
+#: archive.c:462
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "отчет об архивированных файлах в stderr"
-#: archive.c:454
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "только хранение"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "сжимать быстрее"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:472
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "сжимать лучше"
-#: archive.c:466
+#: archive.c:475
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "перечислить поддерживаемые форматы архивов"
-#: archive.c:468 builtin/archive.c:90 builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:114
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1738
+#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "репозиторий"
-#: archive.c:469 builtin/archive.c:91
+#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "получить архив из внешнего <репозитория>"
-#: archive.c:470 builtin/archive.c:92 builtin/difftool.c:714
-#: builtin/notes.c:491
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "команда"
-#: archive.c:471 builtin/archive.c:93
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "путь к команде git-upload-archive на машине с внешним репозиторием"
-#: archive.c:478
+#: archive.c:487
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Неожиданная опция --remote"
-#: archive.c:480
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "Опция --exec может использоваться только вместе с --remote"
-#: archive.c:482
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Неожиданная опция --output"
-#: archive.c:504
+#: archive.c:513
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Неизвестный формат архива «%s»"
-#: archive.c:511
+#: archive.c:520
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Аргумент не поддерживается для формата «%s»: -%d"
-#: archive-tar.c:125 archive-zip.c:344
+#: archive-tar.c:125 archive-zip.c:345
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot stream blob %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать поток двоичного объекта %s"
-#: archive-tar.c:260 archive-zip.c:361
+#: archive-tar.c:260 archive-zip.c:363
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported file mode: 0%o (SHA1: %s)"
 msgstr "неподдерживаемый режим доступа к файлу: 0%o (SHA1: %s)"
-#: archive-tar.c:287 archive-zip.c:352
+#: archive-tar.c:287 archive-zip.c:353
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать %s"
-#: archive-tar.c:458
+#: archive-tar.c:459
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to start '%s' filter"
 msgstr "не удалось запустить фильтр «%s»"
-#: archive-tar.c:461
+#: archive-tar.c:462
 msgid "unable to redirect descriptor"
 msgstr "не удалось перенаправить дескриптор"
-#: archive-tar.c:468
+#: archive-tar.c:469
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' filter reported error"
 msgstr "фильтр «%s» сообщил об ошибке"
-#: archive-zip.c:313
+#: archive-zip.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "path is not valid UTF-8: %s"
 msgstr "путь не является действительным UTF-8: %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:317
+#: archive-zip.c:318
 #, c-format
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "путь слишком длинный (%d символов, SHA1: %s): %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:470 builtin/pack-objects.c:216 builtin/pack-objects.c:219
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "ошибка сжатия (%d)"
-#: archive-zip.c:605
+#: archive-zip.c:609
 #, c-format
 msgid "timestamp too large for this system: %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "отметка времени слишком большая для этой системы: %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: attr.c:218
+#: attr.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.*s is not a valid attribute name"
 msgstr "%.*s не является допустимым именем атрибута"
-#: attr.c:415
+#: attr.c:368
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s not allowed: %s:%d"
+msgstr "%s не разрешено: %s:%d"
+#: attr.c:408
 msgid ""
 "Negative patterns are ignored in git attributes\n"
 "Use '\\!' for literal leading exclamation."
 msgstr "Отрицающие шаблоны в атрибутах git игнорируются.\nИспользуйте «\\!» для буквального использования символа в значении «восклицательный знак»."
-#: bisect.c:467
+#: bisect.c:468
 #, c-format
 msgid "Badly quoted content in file '%s': %s"
 msgstr "Плохое содержимое файла «%s»: %s"
-#: bisect.c:675
+#: bisect.c:678
 #, c-format
 msgid "We cannot bisect more!\n"
 msgstr "Невозможно продолжить бинарный поиск!\n"
-#: bisect.c:729
+#: bisect.c:733
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid commit name %s"
 msgstr "Недопустимое имя коммита %s"
-#: bisect.c:753
+#: bisect.c:758
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The merge base %s is bad.\n"
 "This means the bug has been fixed between %s and [%s].\n"
 msgstr "База слияния %s является плохим коммитом.\nЭто значит, что ошибка была исправлена где-то между %s и [%s].\n"
-#: bisect.c:758
+#: bisect.c:763
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The merge base %s is new.\n"
 "The property has changed between %s and [%s].\n"
 msgstr "База слияния %s является новой.\nСвойство было изменено где-то между %s и [%s].\n"
-#: bisect.c:763
+#: bisect.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The merge base %s is %s.\n"
 "This means the first '%s' commit is between %s and [%s].\n"
 msgstr "База слияния %s является %s.\nЭто значит, что «%s» коммит находится где-то между %s и [%s].\n"
-#: bisect.c:771
+#: bisect.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Some %s revs are not ancestors of the %s rev.\n"
@@ -938,7 +972,7 @@
 "Maybe you mistook %s and %s revs?\n"
 msgstr "Несколько %s коммитов не являются предками %s коммита.\nВ этом случае git bisect не может работать правильно.\nВозможно, вы перепутали редакции %s и %s местами?\n"
-#: bisect.c:784
+#: bisect.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the merge base between %s and [%s] must be skipped.\n"
@@ -946,43 +980,43 @@
 "We continue anyway."
 msgstr "База слияния между %s и [%s] должно быть пропущена.\nПоэтому мы не можем быть уверены, что первый %s коммит находится между %s и %s.\nНо все же продолжаем поиск."
-#: bisect.c:817
+#: bisect.c:822
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bisecting: a merge base must be tested\n"
 msgstr "Бинарный поиск: база слияния должна быть проверена\n"
-#: bisect.c:857
+#: bisect.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "нужно указать %s редакцию"
-#: bisect.c:876 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:237
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать файл «%s»"
-#: bisect.c:927 builtin/merge.c:137
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать файл «%s»"
-#: bisect.c:957
+#: bisect.c:958
 msgid "reading bisect refs failed"
 msgstr "сбой при чтении ссылок двоичного поиска"
-#: bisect.c:976
+#: bisect.c:977
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s was both %s and %s\n"
 msgstr "%s была одновременно и %s и %s\n"
-#: bisect.c:984
+#: bisect.c:985
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No testable commit found.\n"
 "Maybe you started with bad path parameters?\n"
 msgstr "Тестируемый коммит не найден.\nВозможно, вы начали поиск с указанием неправильного параметра пути?\n"
-#: bisect.c:1003
+#: bisect.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "(roughly %d step)"
 msgid_plural "(roughly %d steps)"
@@ -993,7 +1027,7 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: the last %s will be replaced with "(roughly %d
 #. steps)" translation.
-#: bisect.c:1009
+#: bisect.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bisecting: %d revision left to test after this %s\n"
 msgid_plural "Bisecting: %d revisions left to test after this %s\n"
@@ -1002,42 +1036,42 @@
 msgstr[2] "Бинарный поиск: %d редакций осталось проверить после этой %s\n"
 msgstr[3] "Бинарный поиск: %d редакций осталось проверить после этой %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1786
+#: blame.c:1794
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents и --reverse не очень сочетаются."
-#: blame.c:1800
+#: blame.c:1808
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать --contents с указанием финального имени объекта"
-#: blame.c:1821
+#: blame.c:1829
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr "при --reverse и --first-parent вместе нужно указывать конкретный последний коммит"
-#: blame.c:1830 bundle.c:162 ref-filter.c:2154 sequencer.c:1874
-#: sequencer.c:3772 builtin/commit.c:994 builtin/log.c:372 builtin/log.c:926
-#: builtin/log.c:1381 builtin/log.c:1713 builtin/log.c:1963
-#: builtin/merge.c:404 builtin/pack-objects.c:3032 builtin/pack-objects.c:3047
+#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
+#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
+#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094
+#: builtin/merge.c:415 builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "сбой инициализации прохода по редакциям"
-#: blame.c:1848
+#: blame.c:1856
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr "при указании --reverse и --first-parent вместе, требуется также указать диапазон по цепочке первого родителя"
-#: blame.c:1859
+#: blame.c:1867
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "нет такого пути %s в %s"
-#: blame.c:1870
+#: blame.c:1878
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "невозможно прочитать объект %s для пути %s"
-#: branch.c:54
+#: branch.c:53
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -1046,86 +1080,86 @@
 "\"git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s\"."
 msgstr "\nПосле исправления причины ошибки,\nвы можете исправить информацию об отслеживаемой\nвнешней ветке, с помощью команды\n«git branch --set-upstream-to=%s%s%s»."
-#: branch.c:68
+#: branch.c:67
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not setting branch %s as its own upstream."
 msgstr "Не устанавливаю ветку %s, так так она принадлежит вышестоящему репозиторию."
-#: branch.c:94
+#: branch.c:93
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s' by rebasing."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает внешнюю ветку «%s» из «%s» перемещением."
-#: branch.c:95
+#: branch.c:94
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote branch '%s' from '%s'."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает внешнюю ветку «%s» из «%s»."
-#: branch.c:99
+#: branch.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s' by rebasing."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает локальную ветку «%s» перемещением."
-#: branch.c:100
+#: branch.c:99
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает локальную ветку «%s»."
-#: branch.c:105
+#: branch.c:104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s' by rebasing."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает внешнюю ссылку «%s» перемещением."
-#: branch.c:106
+#: branch.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track remote ref '%s'."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает внешнюю ссылку «%s»."
-#: branch.c:110
+#: branch.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s' by rebasing."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает локальную ссылку «%s» перемещением."
-#: branch.c:111
+#: branch.c:110
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' set up to track local ref '%s'."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» отслеживает локальную ссылку «%s»."
-#: branch.c:120
+#: branch.c:119
 msgid "Unable to write upstream branch configuration"
 msgstr "Не удалось записать настройки вышестоящей ветки"
-#: branch.c:157
+#: branch.c:156
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not tracking: ambiguous information for ref %s"
 msgstr "Не отслеживается: неоднозначная информация для ссылки %s"
-#: branch.c:190
+#: branch.c:189
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid branch name."
 msgstr "«%s» не является действительным именем ветки."
-#: branch.c:209
+#: branch.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "A branch named '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "Ветка с именем «%s» уже существует."
-#: branch.c:214
+#: branch.c:213
 msgid "Cannot force update the current branch."
 msgstr "Не удалось принудительно обновить текущую ветку."
-#: branch.c:234
+#: branch.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot setup tracking information; starting point '%s' is not a branch."
 msgstr "Не удалось настроить информацию отслеживания; стартовая точка «%s» не является веткой."
-#: branch.c:236
+#: branch.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "the requested upstream branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "запрошенная ветка вышестоящего репозитория «%s» не существует"
-#: branch.c:238
+#: branch.c:237
 msgid ""
 "If you are planning on basing your work on an upstream\n"
@@ -1152,12 +1186,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "Недопустимая точка ветки: «%s»."
-#: branch.c:360
+#: branch.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "«%s» уже находится на «%s»"
-#: branch.c:383
+#: branch.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "HEAD рабочего каталога %s не обновлён"
@@ -1172,16 +1206,17 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "неопознанный заголовок: %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 sequencer.c:2092 sequencer.c:2578 builtin/commit.c:768
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
+#: builtin/commit.c:788
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s»"
-#: bundle.c:141
+#: bundle.c:143
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "В репозитории отсутствуют необходимые коммиты:"
-#: bundle.c:192
+#: bundle.c:194
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
@@ -1190,11 +1225,11 @@
 msgstr[2] "Пакет содержит эти %d ссылок:"
 msgstr[3] "Пакет содержит эти %d ссылок:"
-#: bundle.c:199
+#: bundle.c:201
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "Пакет содержит полную историю."
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
@@ -1203,38 +1238,42 @@
 msgstr[2] "Пакет требует эти %d ссылок:"
 msgstr[3] "Пакет требует эти %d ссылок:"
-#: bundle.c:260
+#: bundle.c:269
+msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
+msgstr "не удалось дублировать дескриптор пакета"
+#: bundle.c:276
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "Не удалось создать объекты пакета"
-#: bundle.c:271
+#: bundle.c:287
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "критическая ошибка pack-objects"
-#: bundle.c:313
+#: bundle.c:329
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "критическая ошибка rev-list"
-#: bundle.c:362
+#: bundle.c:378
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "ссылка «%s» исключена в соответствии с опциями rev-list"
-#: bundle.c:453 builtin/log.c:187 builtin/log.c:1618 builtin/shortlog.c:304
+#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "неопознанный аргумент: %s"
-#: bundle.c:461
+#: bundle.c:465
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Отклонение создания пустого пакета."
-#: bundle.c:473
+#: bundle.c:475
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать «%s»"
-#: bundle.c:501
+#: bundle.c:500
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "критическая ошибка index-pack"
@@ -1243,19 +1282,18 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "недопустимое значение цвета: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:48 sequencer.c:2384 builtin/am.c:422 builtin/am.c:466
-#: builtin/am.c:1438 builtin/am.c:2072 builtin/replace.c:376
-#: builtin/replace.c:448
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать %s"
-#: commit.c:50
+#: commit.c:52
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s не является коммитом!"
-#: commit.c:191
+#: commit.c:193
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1267,82 +1305,228 @@
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
 msgstr "Поддержка <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts устарела и будет удалена в следующих версиях Git.\n\nИспользуйте «git replace --convert-graft-file» для  конвертации сращений (grafts) на ссылки замены.\n\nЧтобы скрыть это сообщение запустите «git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false»"
-#: commit.c:1629
+#: commit.c:1128
+#, c-format
+msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
+msgstr "Коммит %s содержит не доверенную GPG подпись, предположительно от %s."
+#: commit.c:1131
+#, c-format
+msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
+msgstr "Коммит %s содержит плохую GPG подпись, предположительно от %s."
+#: commit.c:1134
+#, c-format
+msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
+msgstr "Коммит %s не содержит GPG подпись."
+#: commit.c:1137
+#, c-format
+msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
+msgstr "Коммит %s содержит действительную GPG подпись, от %s.\n"
+#: commit.c:1391
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
 "variable i18n.commitencoding to the encoding your project uses.\n"
 msgstr "Предупреждение: сообщение коммита не соответствует UTF-8.\nВозможно, вы захотите исправить его после исправления сообщения\nили настроить опцию i18n.commitencoding и указать кодировку\nсообщений, которую использует ваш проект.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:83
-#, c-format
-msgid "graph file %s is too small"
-msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:105
+msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
+msgstr "файл commit-graph слишком маленький"
-#: commit-graph.c:90
+#: commit-graph.c:170
 #, c-format
-msgid "graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
+msgstr "подпись commit-graph файла %X не соотвествует подписи %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:97
+#: commit-graph.c:177
 #, c-format
-msgid "graph version %X does not match version %X"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
+msgstr "версия commit-graph файла %X не соотвествует версии %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:104
+#: commit-graph.c:184
 #, c-format
-msgid "hash version %X does not match version %X"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
+msgstr "версия хеш-суммы commit-graph файла %X не соответствует версии %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:128
+#: commit-graph.c:207
+msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
+msgstr "не найдена таблица расположения частей в файле commit-graph; возможно файл повреждён"
+#: commit-graph.c:218
 #, c-format
-msgid "improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
+msgstr "некорректное смещение части в commit-graph файле %08x%08x"
-#: commit-graph.c:164
+#: commit-graph.c:255
 #, c-format
-msgid "chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
+msgstr "часть файла commit-graph с идентификатором %08x появляется несколько раз"
-#: commit-graph.c:261
+#: commit-graph.c:390
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "не удалось найти коммит %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:565 builtin/pack-objects.c:2571
+#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "не удалось получить тип объекта %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:730
+#: commit-graph.c:765
+msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
+msgstr "Загрузка известных коммитов на граф коммитов"
+#: commit-graph.c:781
+msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
+msgstr "Расширение достижимых коммитов на граф коммитов"
+#: commit-graph.c:793
+msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
+msgstr "Очистка пометок коммитов на графе коммитов"
+#: commit-graph.c:813
+msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
+msgstr "Вычисление номеров поколений на графе коммитов"
+#: commit-graph.c:930
+#, c-format
+msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
+msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
+msgstr[0] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов в %d пакете"
+msgstr[1] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов в %d пакетах"
+msgstr[2] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов в %d пакетах"
+msgstr[3] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов в %d пакетах"
+#: commit-graph.c:943
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ошибка добавления пакета %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:732
+#: commit-graph.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ошибка открытия индекса для %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:773
+#: commit-graph.c:959
+#, c-format
+msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
+msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
+msgstr[0] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов по %d ссылке"
+msgstr[1] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов по %d ссылкам"
+msgstr[2] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов по %d ссылкам"
+msgstr[3] "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов по %d ссылкам"
+#: commit-graph.c:991
+msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
+msgstr "Поиск коммитов для графа коммитов среди упакованных объектов"
+#: commit-graph.c:1004
+msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
+msgstr "Вычисление количества отдельных коммитов на графе коммитов"
+#: commit-graph.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
 msgstr "программе форматирования графа коммитов не удалось записать %d коммитов"
-#: commit-graph.c:800
+#: commit-graph.c:1026
+msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
+msgstr "Поиск дополнительных ребер на графе коммитов"
+#: commit-graph.c:1050
 msgid "too many commits to write graph"
 msgstr "слишком много коммитов для записи графа"
-#: commit-graph.c:806
+#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать родительские каталоги для %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:904
-msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
-msgstr ""
+#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#, c-format
+msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
+msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
+msgstr[0] "Запись графа коммитов в %d проход"
+msgstr[1] "Запись графа коммитов в %d прохода"
+msgstr[2] "Запись графа коммитов в %d проходов"
+msgstr[3] "Запись графа коммитов в %d прохода"
-#: compat/obstack.c:405 compat/obstack.c:407
+#: commit-graph.c:1162
+msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
+msgstr "файл commit-graph содержит неправильную контрольную сумму и скорее всего поврежден"
+#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
+msgstr "файл commit-graph содержит неправильный порядок OID: %s, а затем %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
+msgstr "файл commit-graph содержит неправильное значение fanout: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
+#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
+msgstr "не удалось разобрать коммит %s из файла commit-graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1206
+msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
+msgstr "Проверка коммитов на графе коммитов"
+#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
+msgstr "не удалось разобрать коммит %s из базы объектов файла commit-graph"
+#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#, c-format
+msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
+msgstr " в файле commit-graph OID корня дерева для коммита %s является %s != %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
+msgstr "слишком большой список родителей файле commit-graph для коммита %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
+msgstr "в файле commit-graph родитель для %s является %s != %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
+msgstr "в файле commit-graph список родителей для коммита %s закончился слишком рано"
+#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero "
+msgstr "в файле commit-graph содержится нулевой номер поколения для коммита %s, но ненулевой в остальных случаях"
+#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero "
+msgstr "в файле commit-graph содержится ненулевой номер поколения для коммита %s, но нулевой в остальных случаях"
+#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
+msgstr "в файле commit-graph номер поколения для коммита %s является %u != %u"
+#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
+msgstr "в файле commit-graph дата коммита %s является %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
+#: compat/obstack.c:406 compat/obstack.c:408
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "память исчерпана"
@@ -1353,7 +1537,7 @@
-"Do you have circular includes?"
+"This might be due to circular includes."
 msgstr ""
 #: config.c:139
@@ -1379,7 +1563,7 @@
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2206
+#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "недействительный ключ: %s"
@@ -1501,149 +1685,149 @@
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "недопустимый режим создания объекта: %s"
-#: config.c:1403
+#: config.c:1395
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1429
+#: config.c:1421
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1430
+#: config.c:1422
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1489 builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "неправильный уровень сжатия пакета %d"
-#: config.c:1610
+#: config.c:1604
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1613
+#: config.c:1607
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1630
+#: config.c:1624
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1660
+#: config.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:1700
+#: config.c:1710
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать конфигурацию из командной строки"
-#: config.c:2032
+#: config.c:2059
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr "произошла неизвестная ошибка при чтении файлов конфигурации"
-#: config.c:2202
+#: config.c:2229
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "Недействительный %s: «%s»"
-#: config.c:2245
+#: config.c:2272
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr "неизвестное значение «%s» для core.untrackedCache; использую стандартное значение «keep»"
-#: config.c:2271
+#: config.c:2298
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr "значение «%d» для splitIndex.maxPercentChange должно быть от 0 до 100"
-#: config.c:2296
+#: config.c:2344
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать «%s» в конфигурации из командной строки"
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2346
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "неправильная переменная конфигурации «%s» в файле «%s» на строке %d"
-#: config.c:2379
+#: config.c:2427
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2411
+#: config.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s имеет несколько значений"
-#: config.c:2440
+#: config.c:2488
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2691 config.c:3015
+#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2702
+#: config.c:2751
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2737 builtin/config.c:324
+#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2762
+#: config.c:2811
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2775 config.c:3028
+#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении fstat на файле %s"
-#: config.c:2786
+#: config.c:2835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2795 config.c:3033
+#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2880 config.c:3130
+#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:2914
+#: config.c:2963
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось установить «%s» в «%s»"
-#: config.c:2916 builtin/remote.c:781
+#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось сбросить значение для «%s»"
-#: config.c:3006
+#: config.c:3055
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: config.c:3173
+#: config.c:3222
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1692,57 +1876,52 @@
 msgid "repository on the other end cannot be shallow"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:310 fetch-pack.c:183 builtin/archive.c:63
-#, c-format
-msgid "remote error: %s"
-msgstr "ошибка внешнего репозитория: %s"
-#: connect.c:316
+#: connect.c:313
 msgid "invalid packet"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:336
+#: connect.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "protocol error: unexpected '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:444
+#: connect.c:441
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ls-refs response: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:448
+#: connect.c:445
 msgid "expected flush after ref listing"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:547
+#: connect.c:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "protocol '%s' is not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:598
+#: connect.c:595
 msgid "unable to set SO_KEEPALIVE on socket"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:638 connect.c:701
+#: connect.c:635 connect.c:698
 #, c-format
 msgid "Looking up %s ... "
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:642
+#: connect.c:639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to look up %s (port %s) (%s)"
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: this is the end of "Looking up %s ... "
-#: connect.c:646 connect.c:717
+#: connect.c:643 connect.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to %s (port %s) ... "
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:668 connect.c:745
+#: connect.c:665 connect.c:742
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "unable to connect to %s:\n"
@@ -1750,52 +1929,52 @@
 msgstr ""
 #. TRANSLATORS: this is the end of "Connecting to %s (port %s) ... "
-#: connect.c:674 connect.c:751
+#: connect.c:671 connect.c:748
 msgid "done."
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:705
+#: connect.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to look up %s (%s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:711
+#: connect.c:708
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown port %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:848 connect.c:1174
+#: connect.c:845 connect.c:1171
 #, c-format
 msgid "strange hostname '%s' blocked"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:850
+#: connect.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "strange port '%s' blocked"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:860
+#: connect.c:857
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot start proxy %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:927
+#: connect.c:924
 msgid "no path specified; see 'git help pull' for valid url syntax"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:1122
+#: connect.c:1119
 msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support -4"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:1134
+#: connect.c:1131
 msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support -6"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:1151
+#: connect.c:1148
 msgid "ssh variant 'simple' does not support setting port"
 msgstr ""
-#: connect.c:1262
+#: connect.c:1260
 #, c-format
 msgid "strange pathname '%s' blocked"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1804,106 +1983,106 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr ""
-#: connected.c:68 builtin/fsck.c:203 builtin/prune.c:146
+#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Проверка соединения"
-#: connected.c:80
+#: connected.c:97
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "Не удалось запустить «git rev-list»"
-#: connected.c:100
+#: connected.c:117
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "сбой записи в rev-list"
-#: connected.c:107
+#: connected.c:124
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "сбой закрытия стандартного ввода у rev-list"
-#: convert.c:194
+#: convert.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal crlf_action %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:207
+#: convert.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "CRLF would be replaced by LF in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:209
+#: convert.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CRLF will be replaced by LF in %s.\n"
 "The file will have its original line endings in your working directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:217
+#: convert.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid "LF would be replaced by CRLF in %s"
 msgstr "LF будет заменен на CRLF в %s"
-#: convert.c:219
+#: convert.c:218
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "LF will be replaced by CRLF in %s.\n"
 "The file will have its original line endings in your working directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:280
+#: convert.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "BOM is prohibited in '%s' if encoded as %s"
 msgstr "BOM запрещен в «%s», если кодируется как %s"
-#: convert.c:287
+#: convert.c:286
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file '%s' contains a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%s as "
 msgstr "Файл «%s» содержит маркер последовательности байтов (BOM). Используйте UTF-%s как кодировку рабочего каталога."
-#: convert.c:305
+#: convert.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "BOM is required in '%s' if encoded as %s"
 msgstr "BOM требуется в «%s», если кодируется как %s"
-#: convert.c:307
+#: convert.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file '%s' is missing a byte order mark (BOM). Please use UTF-%sBE or "
 "UTF-%sLE (depending on the byte order) as working-tree-encoding."
 msgstr "Файл «%s» не содержит маркер последовательности байтов (BOM).  Используйте UTF-%sBE или UTF-%sLE (в зависимости от порядка байтов) как кодировку рабочего каталога."
-#: convert.c:425 convert.c:496
+#: convert.c:424 convert.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to encode '%s' from %s to %s"
 msgstr "не удалось перекодировать «%s» из %s в %s"
-#: convert.c:468
+#: convert.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "encoding '%s' from %s to %s and back is not the same"
 msgstr "перекодирование «%s» из %s в %s и обратно не одно и то же"
-#: convert.c:674
+#: convert.c:673
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fork to run external filter '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:694
+#: convert.c:693
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot feed the input to external filter '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:701
+#: convert.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "external filter '%s' failed %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:736 convert.c:739
+#: convert.c:735 convert.c:738
 #, c-format
 msgid "read from external filter '%s' failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:742 convert.c:796
+#: convert.c:741 convert.c:796
 #, c-format
 msgid "external filter '%s' failed"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1927,21 +2106,21 @@
 msgid "true/false are no valid working-tree-encodings"
 msgstr "true/false не является допустимым значением для working-tree-encoding"
-#: convert.c:1402 convert.c:1436
+#: convert.c:1398 convert.c:1432
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: clean filter '%s' failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: convert.c:1480
+#: convert.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: smudge filter %s failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: date.c:116
+#: date.c:137
 msgid "in the future"
 msgstr "в будущем"
-#: date.c:122
+#: date.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> second ago"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> seconds ago"
@@ -1950,7 +2129,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%<PRIuMAX> секунд назад"
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> секунды назад"
-#: date.c:129
+#: date.c:150
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> minute ago"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> minutes ago"
@@ -1959,7 +2138,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%<PRIuMAX> минут назад"
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> минуты назад"
-#: date.c:136
+#: date.c:157
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> hour ago"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> hours ago"
@@ -1968,7 +2147,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%<PRIuMAX> часов назад"
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> часа назад"
-#: date.c:143
+#: date.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> day ago"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> days ago"
@@ -1977,7 +2156,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%<PRIuMAX> дней назад"
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> дня назад"
-#: date.c:149
+#: date.c:170
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> week ago"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> weeks ago"
@@ -1986,7 +2165,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%<PRIuMAX> недель назад"
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> недели назад"
-#: date.c:156
+#: date.c:177
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> month ago"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> months ago"
@@ -1995,7 +2174,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%<PRIuMAX> месяцев назад"
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> месяца назад"
-#: date.c:167
+#: date.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> year"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> years"
@@ -2005,7 +2184,7 @@
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> года"
 #. TRANSLATORS: "%s" is "<n> years"
-#: date.c:170
+#: date.c:191
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s, %<PRIuMAX> month ago"
 msgid_plural "%s, %<PRIuMAX> months ago"
@@ -2014,7 +2193,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "%s, %<PRIuMAX> месяцев назад"
 msgstr[3] "%s, %<PRIuMAX> месяца назад"
-#: date.c:175 date.c:180
+#: date.c:196 date.c:201
 #, c-format
 msgid "%<PRIuMAX> year ago"
 msgid_plural "%<PRIuMAX> years ago"
@@ -2023,141 +2202,649 @@
 msgstr[2] "%<PRIuMAX> лет назад"
 msgstr[3] "%<PRIuMAX> года назад"
+#: delta-islands.c:272
+msgid "Propagating island marks"
+msgstr ""
+#: delta-islands.c:290
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad tree object %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: delta-islands.c:334
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to load island regex for '%s': %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: delta-islands.c:390
+#, c-format
+msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)"
+msgstr ""
+#: delta-islands.c:466
+#, c-format
+msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
+msgstr ""
 #: diffcore-order.c:24
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read orderfile '%s'"
 msgstr "сбой чтения orderfile «%s»"
-#: diffcore-rename.c:536
+#: diffcore-rename.c:544
 msgid "Performing inexact rename detection"
 msgstr "Выполняется неточное определение переименования"
-#: diff.c:108
-#, c-format
-msgid "option '%s' requires a value"
-msgstr "параметр «%s» требует указания значения"
+#: diff-no-index.c:238
+msgid "git diff --no-index [<options>] <path> <path>"
+msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:158
+#: diff-no-index.c:263
+msgid ""
+"Not a git repository. Use --no-index to compare two paths outside a working "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Failed to parse dirstat cut-off percentage '%s'\n"
 msgstr "  Сбой разбора величины среза (cut-off) у dirstat «%s»\n"
-#: diff.c:163
+#: diff.c:160
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Unknown dirstat parameter '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Неизвестный параметр dirstat: «%s»\n"
-#: diff.c:291
+#: diff.c:296
 msgid ""
 "color moved setting must be one of 'no', 'default', 'blocks', 'zebra', "
 "'dimmed-zebra', 'plain'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:316
+#: diff.c:324
 #, c-format
-msgid "ignoring unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:323
 msgid ""
-"color-moved-ws: allow-indentation-change cannot be combined with other white"
-" space modes"
+"unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s', possible values are 'ignore-space-change',"
+" 'ignore-space-at-eol', 'ignore-all-space', 'allow-indentation-change'"
 msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:394
+#: diff.c:332
+msgid ""
+"color-moved-ws: allow-indentation-change cannot be combined with other "
+"whitespace modes"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:405
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown value for 'diff.submodule' config variable: '%s'"
 msgstr "Неизвестное значения для переменной «diff.submodule»: «%s»"
-#: diff.c:454
+#: diff.c:465
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Found errors in 'diff.dirstat' config variable:\n"
 msgstr "Найдены ошибки в переменной «diff.dirstat»:\n%s"
-#: diff.c:4096
+#: diff.c:4210
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "критическая ошибка при внешнем сравнении, останов на %s"
-#: diff.c:4427
+#: diff.c:4555
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--name-only, --name-status, --check и -s нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: diff.c:4430
+#: diff.c:4558
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-G, -S и --find-object нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: diff.c:4508
+#: diff.c:4636
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow требует ровно одного спецификатора пути"
-#: diff.c:4674
+#: diff.c:4684
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4721
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
 msgstr "Сбой разбора параметра опции --dirstat/-X :\n%s"
-#: diff.c:4688
+#: diff.c:4806
 #, c-format
-msgid "Failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
-msgstr "Сбой разбора параметра опции --submodule: «%s»"
+msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
+msgstr ""
-#: diff.c:5766
+#: diff.c:4830
+#, c-format
+msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4844
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4912
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4933
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4952
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:4992
+msgid "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and \"histogram\""
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid argument to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5186
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5242
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5265
+msgid "Diff output format options"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+msgid "generate patch"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+msgid "suppress diff output"
+msgstr "не выводить список изменений"
+#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+msgid "<n>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5281
+msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5284
+msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5288
+msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5292
+msgid "machine friendly --stat"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5295
+msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+msgid "<param1,param2>..."
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5298
+msgid ""
+"output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5302
+msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5306
+msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5310
+msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5313
+msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
+msgstr "краткая сводка изменений, вроде созданий, переименований или изменений режима доступа"
+#: diff.c:5316
+msgid "show only names of changed files"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5319
+msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5321
+msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5322
+msgid "generate diffstat"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+msgid "<width>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5325
+msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5328
+msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5331
+msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5333
+msgid "<count>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5334
+msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5337
+msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
+msgstr "генерация компактной сводки изменений в diffstat"
+#: diff.c:5340
+msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5343
+msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5345
+msgid "show colored diff"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5346
+msgid "<kind>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5347
+msgid ""
+"highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5350
+msgid ""
+"do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+msgid "<prefix>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5354
+msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5357
+msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5360
+msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5363
+msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5366
+msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+msgid "<char>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5371
+msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5376
+msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5381
+msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5384
+msgid "Diff rename options"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5385
+msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5386
+msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5390
+msgid "detect renames"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5394
+msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5397
+msgid "detect copies"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5401
+msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5403
+msgid "disable rename detection"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5406
+msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5408
+msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5411
+msgid ""
+"prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
+"given limit"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5413
+msgid "Diff algorithm options"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5415
+msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5418
+msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5421
+msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5424
+msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5427
+msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5430
+msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5433
+msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5436
+msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5440
+msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5442
+msgid "<algorithm>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5443
+msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5445
+msgid "<text>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5446
+msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+msgid "<mode>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5449
+msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+msgid "<regex>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5452
+msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5455
+msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5458
+msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5461
+msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5464
+msgid "Other diff options"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5466
+msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5470
+msgid "treat all files as text"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5472
+msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5474
+msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5476
+msgid "disable all output of the program"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5478
+msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5480
+msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5482
+msgid "<when>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5483
+msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5486
+msgid "<format>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5487
+msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5491
+msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5494
+msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5496
+msgid "<string>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5497
+msgid ""
+"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5500
+msgid ""
+"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5503
+msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5506
+msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5509
+msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5510
+msgid "<object-id>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5511
+msgid ""
+"look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5513
+msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5514
+msgid "select files by diff type"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5516
+msgid "<file>"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:5517
+msgid "Output to a specific file"
+msgstr ""
+#: diff.c:6150
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr "неточное определение переименования было пропущено из-за слишком большого количества файлов."
-#: diff.c:5769
+#: diff.c:6153
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr "найдены только копии из измененных путей из-за слишком большого количества файлов."
-#: diff.c:5772
+#: diff.c:6156
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
 msgstr "возможно вы захотите установить переменную %s в как минимум значение %d и повторить вызов команды."
-#: dir.c:569
+#: dir.c:537
 #, c-format
 msgid "pathspec '%s' did not match any file(s) known to git"
 msgstr ""
-#: dir.c:958
+#: dir.c:926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot use %s as an exclude file"
 msgstr ""
-#: dir.c:1873
+#: dir.c:1843
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open directory '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть каталог «%s»"
-#: dir.c:2115
+#: dir.c:2085
 msgid "failed to get kernel name and information"
 msgstr "не удалось получить имя ядра и информацию"
-#: dir.c:2239
+#: dir.c:2209
 msgid "untracked cache is disabled on this system or location"
 msgstr ""
-#: dir.c:3037
+#: dir.c:3013
 #, c-format
 msgid "index file corrupt in repo %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: dir.c:3082 dir.c:3087
+#: dir.c:3058 dir.c:3063
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directories for %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать каталоги для %s"
-#: dir.c:3116
+#: dir.c:3092
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not migrate git directory from '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось переместить каталог git с «%s» в «%s»"
-#: editor.c:61
+#: editor.c:73
 #, c-format
 msgid "hint: Waiting for your editor to close the file...%c"
 msgstr "подсказка: Ожидание, пока вы закроете редактор с файлом…%c"
@@ -2166,7 +2853,7 @@
 msgid "Filtering content"
 msgstr "Фильтруется содержимое"
-#: entry.c:437
+#: entry.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat file '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat для файла «%s»"
@@ -2181,7 +2868,7 @@
 msgid "could not set GIT_DIR to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: exec-cmd.c:361
+#: exec-cmd.c:363
 #, c-format
 msgid "too many args to run %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -2190,244 +2877,264 @@
 msgid "Remote with no URL"
 msgstr "Внешний репозиторий без URL"
-#: fetch-pack.c:152
+#: fetch-pack.c:151
 msgid "git fetch-pack: expected shallow list"
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: ожидается передача списка для получение части"
-#: fetch-pack.c:164
+#: fetch-pack.c:154
+msgid "git fetch-pack: expected a flush packet after shallow list"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:165
 msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got a flush packet"
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: ожидается ACK/NAK, а получен пустой пакет"
-#: fetch-pack.c:184
+#: fetch-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "git fetch-pack: expected ACK/NAK, got '%s'"
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: ожидается ACK/NAK, а получено «%s»"
-#: fetch-pack.c:254
+#: fetch-pack.c:196
+msgid "unable to write to remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:258
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc требует multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:342 fetch-pack.c:1257
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "неправильная строка частичного получения: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:348 fetch-pack.c:1263
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "неправильная строка полного получения: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:350 fetch-pack.c:1265
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "объект не найден: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:353 fetch-pack.c:1268
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "ошибка в объекте: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:355 fetch-pack.c:1270
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "частичный клон не найден: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:358 fetch-pack.c:1273
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "ожидалось shallow/unshallow, а получено %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:399
+#: fetch-pack.c:417
 #, c-format
 msgid "got %s %d %s"
 msgstr "получено %s %d %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:416
+#: fetch-pack.c:434
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid commit %s"
 msgstr "недопустимый коммит %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:447
+#: fetch-pack.c:465
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "останавливаю дальнейшие попытки"
-#: fetch-pack.c:459 progress.c:229
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "готово"
-#: fetch-pack.c:471
+#: fetch-pack.c:489
 #, c-format
 msgid "got %s (%d) %s"
 msgstr "получено %s (%d) %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:517
+#: fetch-pack.c:535
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marking %s as complete"
 msgstr "Помечаю %s как завершенный"
-#: fetch-pack.c:764
+#: fetch-pack.c:744
 #, c-format
 msgid "already have %s (%s)"
 msgstr "уже есть %s (%s)"
-#: fetch-pack.c:803
+#: fetch-pack.c:783
 msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "fetch-pack: не удалось запустить программу разбора данных"
-#: fetch-pack.c:811
+#: fetch-pack.c:791
 msgid "protocol error: bad pack header"
 msgstr "ошибка протокола: неправильный заголовок потока"
-#: fetch-pack.c:879
+#: fetch-pack.c:859
 #, c-format
 msgid "fetch-pack: unable to fork off %s"
 msgstr "fetch-pack: не удалось запустить программу %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:895
+#: fetch-pack.c:875
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s failed"
 msgstr "%s завершен с ошибкой"
-#: fetch-pack.c:897
+#: fetch-pack.c:877
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "произошла  ошибка в  программе разбора данных"
-#: fetch-pack.c:926
+#: fetch-pack.c:906
 msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
 msgstr "Сервер не поддерживает клиентов с частичным клонированием"
-#: fetch-pack.c:930
+#: fetch-pack.c:910
 msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:933
+#: fetch-pack.c:913
 msgid "Server supports no-done"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:939
+#: fetch-pack.c:919
 msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:943
+#: fetch-pack.c:923
 msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:947
+#: fetch-pack.c:927
 msgid "Server supports side-band"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает side-band"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951
+#: fetch-pack.c:931
 msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:955
+#: fetch-pack.c:935
 msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:945
 msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971 fetch-pack.c:1150
+#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
 msgid "Server supports filter"
 msgstr "Сервер поддерживает фильтрацию"
-#: fetch-pack.c:979
+#: fetch-pack.c:959
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "Версия сервера %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:985
+#: fetch-pack.c:965
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "Сервер не поддерживает --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:989
+#: fetch-pack.c:969
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "Сервер не поддерживает --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:991
+#: fetch-pack.c:971
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "Сервер не поддерживает --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1004
+#: fetch-pack.c:988
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "не общих коммитов"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1016 fetch-pack.c:1393
+#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: ошибка при получении данных."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1145
+#: fetch-pack.c:1138
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "Сервер не поддерживает частичные запросы"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1191
+#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+msgid "unable to write request to remote"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:1189
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1197
+#: fetch-pack.c:1195
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1236
+#: fetch-pack.c:1234
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1241
+#: fetch-pack.c:1239
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1278
+#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
+msgstr ""
+#: fetch-pack.c:1293
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1294
+#: fetch-pack.c:1340
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1304
+#: fetch-pack.c:1345
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1308
+#: fetch-pack.c:1350
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1603
+#: fetch-pack.c:1676
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "нет соотвествующего внешнего указателя на ветку"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1621 builtin/clone.c:664
+#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "внешний репозиторий прислал не все необходимые объекты"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1647
+#: fetch-pack.c:1726
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "нет такой внешней ссылки %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1650
+#: fetch-pack.c:1729
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "Сервер не поддерживает запрос необъявленного объекта %s"
-#: gpg-interface.c:253
+#: gpg-interface.c:318
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg не удалось подписать данные"
-#: gpg-interface.c:279
+#: gpg-interface.c:344
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "не удалось создать временный файл"
-#: gpg-interface.c:282
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "сбой записи отсоединенной подписи в «%s»"
@@ -2437,18 +3144,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "игнорирую недопустимый цвет «%.*s» в log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2115
+#: grep.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "«%s»: не удалось прочесть %s"
-#: grep.c:2132 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:410 builtin/diff.c:81
-#: builtin/rm.c:134
+#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat «%s»"
-#: grep.c:2143
+#: grep.c:2141
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "«%s»: слишком мало данных прочитано"
@@ -2505,60 +3212,72 @@
 msgid "Low-level Commands / Internal Helpers"
 msgstr "Низкоуровневые команды / Внутренние вспомогательные"
-#: help.c:293
+#: help.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "available git commands in '%s'"
 msgstr "доступные команды git в «%s»"
-#: help.c:300
+#: help.c:305
 msgid "git commands available from elsewhere on your $PATH"
 msgstr "команды git, доступные в других местах вашего $PATH"
-#: help.c:309
+#: help.c:314
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Стандартные команды Git используемые в различных ситуациях:"
-#: help.c:358 git.c:90
+#: help.c:363 git.c:97
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "неподдерживаемый тип списка команд «%s»"
-#: help.c:405
+#: help.c:403
 msgid "The common Git guides are:"
 msgstr "Основные руководства Git:"
-#: help.c:552
+#: help.c:512
+msgid "See 'git help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand"
+msgstr "Запустите «git help <команда>», чтобы прочесть о конкретной подкоманде"
+#: help.c:517
+msgid "External commands"
+msgstr ""
+#: help.c:532
+msgid "Command aliases"
+msgstr ""
+#: help.c:596
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' appears to be a git command, but we were not\n"
 "able to execute it. Maybe git-%s is broken?"
 msgstr "«%s» похоже на команду git, но нам не удалось ее запустить. Возможно, git-%s  не работает?"
-#: help.c:611
+#: help.c:655
 msgid "Uh oh. Your system reports no Git commands at all."
 msgstr "Ой-ёй! Ваша система не сообщает ни о каких командах Git вообще."
-#: help.c:633
+#: help.c:677
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: You called a Git command named '%s', which does not exist."
 msgstr "Внимание: Вы запустили не существующую команду Git «%s»."
-#: help.c:638
+#: help.c:682
 #, c-format
 msgid "Continuing under the assumption that you meant '%s'."
 msgstr "Продолжаю, предполагая, что вы имели в виду «%s»."
-#: help.c:643
+#: help.c:687
 #, c-format
 msgid "Continuing in %0.1f seconds, assuming that you meant '%s'."
 msgstr "Продолжу через %0.1f секунд, предполагая, что вы имели в виду «%s»."
-#: help.c:651
+#: help.c:695
 #, c-format
 msgid "git: '%s' is not a git command. See 'git --help'."
 msgstr "git: «%s» не является командой git. Смотрите «git --help»."
-#: help.c:655
+#: help.c:699
 msgid ""
 "The most similar command is"
@@ -2570,16 +3289,16 @@
 msgstr[2] "\nСамые похожие команды:"
 msgstr[3] "\nСамые похожие команды:"
-#: help.c:670
+#: help.c:714
 msgid "git version [<options>]"
 msgstr "git version [<options>]"
-#: help.c:738
+#: help.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: %s - %s"
 msgstr "%s: %s — %s"
-#: help.c:742
+#: help.c:786
 msgid ""
 "Did you mean this?"
@@ -2591,7 +3310,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "\nВозможно, вы имели в виду что-то из этого?"
 msgstr[3] "\nВозможно, вы имели в виду что-то из этого?"
-#: ident.c:342
+#: ident.c:349
 msgid ""
 "*** Please tell me who you are.\n"
@@ -2606,44 +3325,67 @@
 msgstr "\n*** Пожалуйста, скажите мне кто вы есть.\n\nЗапустите\n\n  git config --global \"\"\n  git config --global \"Ваше Имя\"\n\nдля указания идентификационных данных аккаунта по умолчанию.\nПропустите параметр --global для указания данных только для этого репозитория.\n\n"
-#: ident.c:366
+#: ident.c:379
 msgid "no email was given and auto-detection is disabled"
 msgstr "адрес электронной почты не указан и автоопределение отключено"
-#: ident.c:371
+#: ident.c:384
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to auto-detect email address (got '%s')"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить автоопределение адреса электронной почты (получено «%s»)"
-#: ident.c:381
+#: ident.c:401
 msgid "no name was given and auto-detection is disabled"
 msgstr "имя не указано и автоопределение отключено"
-#: ident.c:387
+#: ident.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to auto-detect name (got '%s')"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить автоопределение имени (получено «%s»)"
-#: ident.c:395
+#: ident.c:415
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty ident name (for <%s>) not allowed"
 msgstr "пустое имя идентификатора (для <%s>) не разрешено"
-#: ident.c:401
+#: ident.c:421
 #, c-format
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "имя состоит только из неразрешенных симоволов: %s"
-#: ident.c:416 builtin/commit.c:600
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "неправильный формат даты: %s"
+#: list-objects.c:129
+#, c-format
+msgid "entry '%s' in tree %s has tree mode, but is not a tree"
+msgstr ""
+#: list-objects.c:142
+#, c-format
+msgid "entry '%s' in tree %s has blob mode, but is not a blob"
+msgstr ""
+#: list-objects.c:378
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to load root tree for commit %s"
+msgstr ""
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:36
 msgid "multiple filter-specs cannot be combined"
 msgstr "невозможно объединять фильтрацию с помощью нескольких спецификаций"
-#: list-objects-filter-options.c:126
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:58
+msgid "expected 'tree:<depth>'"
+msgstr ""
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:84
+msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
+msgstr ""
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "нельзя изменить внешний репозиторий при частичном клонировании"
@@ -2664,117 +3406,118 @@
 msgid "Unable to create '%s.lock': %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось создать «%s.lock»: %s"
-#: merge.c:40
+#: merge.c:41
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "сбой чтения кэша"
-#: merge.c:105 builtin/am.c:1946 builtin/am.c:1980 builtin/checkout.c:380
-#: builtin/checkout.c:608 builtin/clone.c:763
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
+#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "не удалось записать новый файл индекса"
-#: merge-recursive.c:303
+#: merge-recursive.c:322
 msgid "(bad commit)\n"
 msgstr "(плохой коммит)\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:325
+#: merge-recursive.c:345
 #, c-format
 msgid "add_cacheinfo failed for path '%s'; merge aborting."
 msgstr "сбой add_cacheinfo для пути «%s»; отмена слияния."
-#: merge-recursive.c:333
+#: merge-recursive.c:354
 #, c-format
 msgid "add_cacheinfo failed to refresh for path '%s'; merge aborting."
 msgstr "сбой обновления add_cacheinfo для пути «%s»; отмена слияния."
-#: merge-recursive.c:415
+#: merge-recursive.c:437
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "ошибка при построении деревьев"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886
+#: merge-recursive.c:861
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать путь «%s»%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:897
+#: merge-recursive.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Удаление %s, чтобы освободить место для подкаталогов\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:911 merge-recursive.c:930
+#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": возможно, конфликт каталогов/файлов?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:920
+#: merge-recursive.c:895
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "отказ потери неотслеживаемого файла в «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:962 builtin/cat-file.c:39
+#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "невозможно прочитать объект %s «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:964
+#: merge-recursive.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "ожидается двоичный объект для %s «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:988
+#: merge-recursive.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s»: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:999
+#: merge-recursive.c:974
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать символьную ссылку «%s»: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1004
+#: merge-recursive.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "не понятно, что делать с %06o %s «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1191
+#: merge-recursive.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Не удалось слить подмодуль %s (состояние не забрано)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1198
+#: merge-recursive.c:1182
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Не удалось слить подмодуль %s (нет коммитов)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1205
+#: merge-recursive.c:1189
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr "Не удалось слить подмодуль %s (у коммитов другая база слияния)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1213 merge-recursive.c:1225
+#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Перемотка вперед подмодуля %s до указанного коммита:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1216 merge-recursive.c:1228
+#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Перемотка вперед подмодуля %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1250
+#: merge-recursive.c:1235
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr "Не удалось слить подмодуль %s (нет указанных коммитов для слияния)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1254
+#: merge-recursive.c:1239
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Не удалось слить подмодуль %s (нельзя сделать перемотку вперед)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1255
+#: merge-recursive.c:1240
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Найдено возможное разрешение слиятия для подмодуля:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1258
+#: merge-recursive.c:1243
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -2785,109 +3528,108 @@
 "which will accept this suggestion.\n"
 msgstr "Если оно верное, то просто добавьте его в индекс, например так:\n\n  git update-index --cacheinfo 160000 %s \"%s\"\n\nтем самым принимая это предположение.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1267
+#: merge-recursive.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "Не удалось слить подмодуль %s (найдено несколько слияний)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1326
+#: merge-recursive.c:1325
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Не удалось запустить внутреннее слияние"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1331
+#: merge-recursive.c:1330
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "Не удалось добавить %s в базу данных"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1363
+#: merge-recursive.c:1362
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "Автослияние %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1434
+#: merge-recursive.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr "Ошибка: Отказ потери неотслеживаемого файла %s; запись в %s взамен."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1501
+#: merge-recursive.c:1457
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
 "in tree."
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/удаление): %s удалено в %s и %s в %s. Версия %s из %s оставлена в дереве."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1506
+#: merge-recursive.c:1462
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
 "left in tree."
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/удаление): %s удалено в %s и от %s до %s в %s. Версия %s из %s оставлена в дереве."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1513
+#: merge-recursive.c:1469
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
 "in tree at %s."
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/удаление): %s удалено в %s и %s в %s. Версия %s из %s оставлена в дереве на %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1518
+#: merge-recursive.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
 "left in tree at %s."
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (%s/удаление): %s удалено в %s и от %s до %s в %s. Версия %s из %s оставлена в дереве на %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1552
+#: merge-recursive.c:1509
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "переименование"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1552
+#: merge-recursive.c:1509
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "переименовано"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1606 merge-recursive.c:1762 merge-recursive.c:2394
-#: merge-recursive.c:3129
+#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
-msgstr "Отказ потери измененного файла %s"
+msgstr "Отказ потери изменённого файла %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1620
+#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#, c-format
+msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
+msgstr "Отказ потери неотслеживаемого файла %s, даже с учетом его наличия."
+#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#, c-format
+msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s — это каталог в %s, добавляем как %s вместо этого"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1625
+#: merge-recursive.c:1692
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Отказ потери неотслеживаемого файла %s; добавление как %s взамен."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1651
+#: merge-recursive.c:1711
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename "
 "\"%s\"->\"%s\" in \"%s\"%s"
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (переименование/переименование): Переименование «%s»→«%s» в ветке «%s» и переименование «%s»→«%s» в ветке «%s»%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1656
+#: merge-recursive.c:1716
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (оставлено неразрешенным)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1720
+#: merge-recursive.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (переименование/переименование): Переименование «%s»→«%s» в ветке «%s» и переименование «%s»→«%s» в ветке «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1759
-#, c-format
-msgid "Renaming %s to %s and %s to %s instead"
-msgstr "Переименовываю %s в %s и %s в %s вместо этого"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1771
-#, c-format
-msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
-msgstr "Отказ потери неотслеживаемого файла %s, даже с учетом его наличия."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1977
+#: merge-recursive.c:2030
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -2895,134 +3637,157 @@
 "getting a majority of the files."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2009
+#: merge-recursive.c:2062
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
 "implicit directory rename(s) putting the following path(s) there: %s."
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2019
+#: merge-recursive.c:2072
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
 "implicit directory renames tried to put these paths there: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2111
+#: merge-recursive.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory "
 "%s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2356
+#: merge-recursive.c:2408
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:2762
-#, c-format
-msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s. %s added in %s"
-msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (переименование/добавление): Переименование «%s»→«%s» в ветке «%s» и добавление «%s» в ветке «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2777
-#, c-format
-msgid "Adding merged %s"
-msgstr "Добавление слитого %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2784 merge-recursive.c:3132
-#, c-format
-msgid "Adding as %s instead"
-msgstr "Добавление вместо этого как %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2941
+#: merge-recursive.c:2929
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "невозможно прочитать объект «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2944
+#: merge-recursive.c:2932
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "объект %s не является двоичным объектом"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3013
+#: merge-recursive.c:2996
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "изменение"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3013
+#: merge-recursive.c:2996
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "изменено"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3024
+#: merge-recursive.c:3008
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "содержимое"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3031
+#: merge-recursive.c:3012
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "добавление/добавление"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3076
+#: merge-recursive.c:3035
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "Пропуск %s (слиты одинаковые изменения как существующие)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3098
+#: merge-recursive.c:3057
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "подмодуль"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3099
+#: merge-recursive.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (%s): Конфликт слияния в %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3221
+#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#, c-format
+msgid "Adding as %s instead"
+msgstr "Добавление вместо этого как %s"
+#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
+"moving it to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed"
+" in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in"
+" %s; moving it to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
+"was renamed in %s, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to %s."
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3294
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Удаление %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3247
+#: merge-recursive.c:3317
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "файл/каталог"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3253
+#: merge-recursive.c:3322
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "каталог/файл"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3260
+#: merge-recursive.c:3329
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr "КОНФЛИКТ (%s): Уже существует каталог с именем «%s» в «%s». Добавление «%s» как «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3269
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Добавление %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3303
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#, c-format
+msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: merge-recursive.c:3385
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 "  %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3314
+#: merge-recursive.c:3396
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Уже обновлено!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3323
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "сбой слияния деревьев «%s» и «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3422
+#: merge-recursive.c:3504
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Слияние:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3435
+#: merge-recursive.c:3517
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
@@ -3031,41 +3796,180 @@
 msgstr[2] "найдено %u общих предков:"
 msgstr[3] "найдено %u общих предков:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3474
+#: merge-recursive.c:3556
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "слияние не вернуло коммит"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3540
+#: merge-recursive.c:3622
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось разобрать объект «%s»"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556 builtin/merge.c:689 builtin/merge.c:846
+#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Не удается записать индекс."
-#: notes-merge.c:274
+#: midx.c:66
+#, c-format
+msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:82
+#, c-format
+msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:87
+#, c-format
+msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:92
+#, c-format
+msgid "hash version %u does not match"
+msgstr "версия хеш-суммы %u не соответсвует"
+#: midx.c:106
+msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:130
+msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:143
+msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:145
+msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:147
+msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:149
+msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:163
+#, c-format
+msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:208
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:258
+msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:286
+msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:457
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:463
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:557
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:993
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1048
+msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1063
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1067
+msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1076
+#, c-format
+msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1095
+msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1101
+msgid "Verifying object offsets"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1117
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1123
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: midx.c:1132
+#, c-format
+msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
+msgstr ""
+#: name-hash.c:531
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: name-hash.c:553
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: name-hash.c:559
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: notes-merge.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your previous notes merge (%s exists).\n"
 "Please, use 'git notes merge --commit' or 'git notes merge --abort' to commit/abort the previous merge before you start a new notes merge."
 msgstr "Вы не закончили предыдущее слияние заметок (%s существует).\nЗапустите «git notes merge --commit» или «git notes merge --abort» для коммита или отмены предыдущего слияния и запуска нового слияния заметок."
-#: notes-merge.c:281
+#: notes-merge.c:284
 #, c-format
 msgid "You have not concluded your notes merge (%s exists)."
 msgstr "Вы не закончили предыдущее слияние заметок (%s существует)."
-#: notes-utils.c:45
+#: notes-utils.c:46
 msgid "Cannot commit uninitialized/unreferenced notes tree"
 msgstr "Нельзя закоммитить неинициализированное или не имеющее ссылок дерево заметок"
-#: notes-utils.c:104
+#: notes-utils.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad notes.rewriteMode value: '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправильное значение notes.rewriteMode: «%s»"
-#: notes-utils.c:114
+#: notes-utils.c:115
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to rewrite notes in %s (outside of refs/notes/)"
 msgstr "Отказ в перезаписи заметок в %s (за пределами refs/notes/)"
@@ -3073,7 +3977,7 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s is the name of
 #. the environment variable, the second %s is
 #. its value.
-#: notes-utils.c:144
+#: notes-utils.c:145
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad %s value: '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправильное значение переменной %s: «%s»"
@@ -3083,358 +3987,706 @@
 msgid "invalid object type \"%s\""
 msgstr ""
-#: object.c:173
+#: object.c:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is a %s, not a %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: object.c:233
+#: object.c:234
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s has unknown type id %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: object.c:246
+#: object.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать объект: %s"
-#: object.c:266 object.c:277
+#: object.c:267 object.c:278
 #, c-format
-msgid "sha1 mismatch %s"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "hash mismatch %s"
+msgstr "несоответствие хеш-суммы %s"
-#: packfile.c:563
+#: packfile.c:617
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "сдвиг до конца файла пакета (возможно, повреждён файл .idx?)"
-#: packfile.c:1745
+#: packfile.c:1868
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr "сдвиг до начала индекса пакета для %s (повреждён индекс?)"
-#: packfile.c:1749
+#: packfile.c:1872
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr "сдвиг за пределами индекса пакета для %s (обрезан индекс?)"
-#: parse-options.c:672
+#: parse-options.c:38
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s requires a value"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:73
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s is incompatible with %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:78
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s : incompatible with something else"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:92 parse-options.c:96 parse-options.c:319
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s takes no value"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s isn't available"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:219
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s expects a non-negative integer value with an optional k/m/g suffix"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:389
+#, c-format
+msgid "ambiguous option: %s (could be --%s%s or --%s%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:423 parse-options.c:431
+#, c-format
+msgid "did you mean `--%s` (with two dashes ?)"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:859
+#, c-format
+msgid "unknown option `%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:861
+#, c-format
+msgid "unknown switch `%c'"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:863
+#, c-format
+msgid "unknown non-ascii option in string: `%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options.c:887
 msgid "..."
 msgstr "…"
-#: parse-options.c:691
+#: parse-options.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "usage: %s"
 msgstr "использование: %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: the colon here should align with the
 #. one in "usage: %s" translation.
-#: parse-options.c:697
+#: parse-options.c:912
 #, c-format
 msgid "   or: %s"
 msgstr "          или: %s"
-#: parse-options.c:700
+#: parse-options.c:915
 #, c-format
 msgid "    %s"
 msgstr "            %s"
-#: parse-options.c:739
+#: parse-options.c:954
 msgid "-NUM"
 msgstr "-КОЛИЧЕСТВО"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:44
+#: parse-options.c:968
+#, c-format
+msgid "alias of --%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options-cb.c:20 parse-options-cb.c:24
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `%s' expects a numerical value"
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options-cb.c:41
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed expiration date '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: parse-options-cb.c:112
+#: parse-options-cb.c:54
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `%s' expects \"always\", \"auto\", or \"never\""
+msgstr ""
+#: parse-options-cb.c:130 parse-options-cb.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправильное имя объекта «%s»"
-#: path.c:892
+#: path.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not make %s writable by group"
 msgstr "Не удалось предоставить доступ к %s на запись"
-#: pathspec.c:129
+#: pathspec.c:128
 msgid "Escape character '\\' not allowed as last character in attr value"
 msgstr "Управляющий символ «\\» не разрешен как последний символ в значении attr"
-#: pathspec.c:147
+#: pathspec.c:146
 msgid "Only one 'attr:' specification is allowed."
 msgstr "Разрешен только один спецификатор «attr:»."
-#: pathspec.c:150
+#: pathspec.c:149
 msgid "attr spec must not be empty"
 msgstr "спецификатор attr не должен быть пустой"
-#: pathspec.c:193
+#: pathspec.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid attribute name %s"
 msgstr "недопустимое имя атрибута %s"
-#: pathspec.c:258
+#: pathspec.c:257
 msgid "global 'glob' and 'noglob' pathspec settings are incompatible"
 msgstr "глобальные опции спецификаторов пути «glob» и «noglob» нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: pathspec.c:265
+#: pathspec.c:264
 msgid ""
 "global 'literal' pathspec setting is incompatible with all other global "
 "pathspec settings"
 msgstr "глобальная опция спецификатора пути «literal» не совместима с другими глобальными спецификаторами доступа"
-#: pathspec.c:305
+#: pathspec.c:304
 msgid "invalid parameter for pathspec magic 'prefix'"
 msgstr "неправильный параметр для магического слова «prefix» в спецификаторе пути "
-#: pathspec.c:326
+#: pathspec.c:325
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid pathspec magic '%.*s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "неправильное магическое слово «%.*s» в спецификаторе пути «%s»"
-#: pathspec.c:331
+#: pathspec.c:330
 #, c-format
 msgid "Missing ')' at the end of pathspec magic in '%s'"
 msgstr "Пропущено «)» в конце магического слова спецификатора пути «%s»"
-#: pathspec.c:369
+#: pathspec.c:368
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unimplemented pathspec magic '%c' in '%s'"
 msgstr "Нереализованное магическое слово «%c» спецификатора пути «%s»"
-#: pathspec.c:428
+#: pathspec.c:427
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: 'literal' and 'glob' are incompatible"
 msgstr "%s: «literal» и «glob» не совместимы"
-#: pathspec.c:441
+#: pathspec.c:440
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: '%s' is outside repository"
 msgstr "%s: «%s» вне репозитория"
-#: pathspec.c:515
+#: pathspec.c:514
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' (mnemonic: '%c')"
 msgstr "«%s» (мнемоника: «%c»)"
-#: pathspec.c:525
+#: pathspec.c:524
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: pathspec magic not supported by this command: %s"
 msgstr "%s: магические слова в спецификаторе пути не поддерживаются командой: %s"
-#: pathspec.c:592
+#: pathspec.c:591
 #, c-format
 msgid "pathspec '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "спецификатор пути «%s» находится за символической ссылкой"
-#: pkt-line.c:104
+#: pkt-line.c:92
+msgid "unable to write flush packet"
+msgstr ""
+#: pkt-line.c:99
+msgid "unable to write delim packet"
+msgstr ""
+#: pkt-line.c:106
 msgid "flush packet write failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:142 pkt-line.c:228
+#: pkt-line.c:146 pkt-line.c:232
 msgid "protocol error: impossibly long line"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:158 pkt-line.c:160
+#: pkt-line.c:162 pkt-line.c:164
 msgid "packet write with format failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:192
+#: pkt-line.c:196
 msgid "packet write failed - data exceeds max packet size"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:199 pkt-line.c:206
+#: pkt-line.c:203 pkt-line.c:210
 msgid "packet write failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:291
+#: pkt-line.c:295
 msgid "read error"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:299
+#: pkt-line.c:303
 msgid "the remote end hung up unexpectedly"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:327
+#: pkt-line.c:331
 #, c-format
 msgid "protocol error: bad line length character: %.4s"
 msgstr ""
-#: pkt-line.c:337 pkt-line.c:342
+#: pkt-line.c:341 pkt-line.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "protocol error: bad line length %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: pretty.c:962
+#: pkt-line.c:362
+#, c-format
+msgid "remote error: %s"
+msgstr "ошибка внешнего репозитория: %s"
+#: preload-index.c:119
+msgid "Refreshing index"
+msgstr ""
+#: preload-index.c:138
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create threaded lstat: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: pretty.c:966
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать формат для --pretty"
-#: range-diff.c:48
+#: range-diff.c:56
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:51
+#: range-diff.c:59
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:66 sequencer.c:4540
+#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать коммит «%s»"
-#: range-diff.c:196
+#: range-diff.c:224
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr ""
-#: range-diff.c:421 range-diff.c:423
+#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: read-cache.c:1579
+#: read-cache.c:680
+#, c-format
+msgid "will not add file alias '%s' ('%s' already exists in index)"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:696
+msgid "cannot create an empty blob in the object database"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:718
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: can only add regular files, symbolic links or git-directories"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:723
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not have a commit checked out"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:775
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to index file '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:794
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to add '%s' to index"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:805
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to stat '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' appears as both a file and as a directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1499
+msgid "Refresh index"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1613
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "index.version set, but the value is invalid.\n"
 "Using version %i"
 msgstr "index.version указан, но значение недействительное.\nИспользую версию %i"
-#: read-cache.c:1589
+#: read-cache.c:1623
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GIT_INDEX_VERSION set, but the value is invalid.\n"
 "Using version %i"
 msgstr "GIT_INDEX_VERSION указан, но значение недействительное.\nИспользую версию %i"
-#: read-cache.c:2580 sequencer.c:4503 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1083
+#: read-cache.c:1679
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad signature 0x%08x"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1682
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad index version %d"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1691
+msgid "bad index file sha1 signature"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1721
+#, c-format
+msgid "index uses %.4s extension, which we do not understand"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1723
+#, c-format
+msgid "ignoring %.4s extension"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1760
+#, c-format
+msgid "unknown index entry format 0x%08x"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1776
+#, c-format
+msgid "malformed name field in the index, near path '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1833
+msgid "unordered stage entries in index"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1836
+#, c-format
+msgid "multiple stage entries for merged file '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1839
+#, c-format
+msgid "unordered stage entries for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
+#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
+#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
+#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+msgid "index file corrupt"
+msgstr "файл индекса поврежден"
+#: read-cache.c:2087
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create load_cache_entries thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2100
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to join load_cache_entries thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2133
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: index file open failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2137
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: cannot stat the open index"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2141
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: index file smaller than expected"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2145
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: unable to map index file"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2187
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create load_index_extensions thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2214
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to join load_index_extensions thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2246
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not freshen shared index '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2293
+#, c-format
+msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось закрыть «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:2653 sequencer.c:2113 sequencer.c:3374
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat для «%s»"
-#: read-cache.c:2666
+#: read-cache.c:3105
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open git dir: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть каталог git: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2678
+#: read-cache.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unlink: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось отсоединить: %s"
+#: read-cache.c:3142
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot fix permission bits on '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: read-cache.c:3291
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: cannot drop to stage #0"
+msgstr ""
+#: rebase-interactive.c:26
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"unrecognized setting %s for option rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Ignoring."
+msgstr "нераспознанная настройка %s для опции rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Игнорирую."
+#: rebase-interactive.c:35
+msgid ""
+"p, pick <commit> = use commit\n"
+"r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message\n"
+"e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending\n"
+"s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit\n"
+"f, fixup <commit> = like \"squash\", but discard this commit's log message\n"
+"x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell\n"
+"b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue')\n"
+"d, drop <commit> = remove commit\n"
+"l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name\n"
+"t, reset <label> = reset HEAD to a label\n"
+"m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]\n"
+".       create a merge commit using the original merge commit's\n"
+".       message (or the oneline, if no original merge commit was\n"
+".       specified). Use -c <commit> to reword the commit message.\n"
+"These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.\n"
+msgstr "\nКоманды:\np, pick <коммит> = использовать коммит\nr, reword <коммит> = использовать коммит, но изменить сообщение коммита\ne, edit <коммит> = использовать коммит, но остановиться для исправления\ns, squash <коммит> = использовать коммит, но объединить с предыдущим коммитом\nf, fixup <коммит> = как «squash», но пропустить сообщение коммита\nx, exec <команда> = выполнить команду (остаток строки) с помощью командной оболочки\nb, break = остановиться здесь (продолжить с помощью «git rebase --continue»)\nd, drop <коммит> = удалить коммит\nl, label <метка> = дать имя текущему HEAD\nt, reset <метка> = сбросить HEAD к указанной метке\nm, merge [-C <коммит> | -c <коммит>] <метка> [# <строка>]\n. создать слияние используя сообщение коммита оригинального\n. слияния (или использовать указанную строку, если оригинальное\n. слияние не указано). Используйте -c <коммит> чтобы изменить\n. сообщение коммита.\n\nЭти строки можно перемещать; они будут выполнены сверху вниз.\n"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:56
+#, c-format
+msgid "Rebase %s onto %s (%d command)"
+msgid_plural "Rebase %s onto %s (%d commands)"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+msgid ""
+"Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
+msgstr "\nНе удаляйте строки. Используйте «drop», чтобы явно удалить коммит.\n"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+msgid ""
+"If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
+msgstr "\nЕсли вы удалите строку здесь, то УКАЗАННЫЙ КОММИТ БУДЕТ УТЕРЯН.\n"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+msgid ""
+"You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
+"To continue rebase after editing, run:\n"
+"    git rebase --continue\n"
+msgstr "\nВы сейчас редактируете файл со списком дел для интерактивного перемещения.\nДля продолжения перемещения, после редактирования файла запустите:\n    git rebase --continue\n\n"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+msgid ""
+"However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
+msgstr "\nНо если вы удалите все, то процесс перемещения будет будет прерван.\n\n"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
+msgstr "Заметьте, что пустые коммиты закомментированны"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
+#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not write '%s'"
+msgstr "не удалось записать «%s»"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:108
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: rebase-interactive.c:173
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Warning: some commits may have been dropped accidentally.\n"
+"Dropped commits (newer to older):\n"
+msgstr "Внимание: некоторые коммиты могли быть отброшены по ошибке.\nОтброшенные коммиты (от новых к старым):\n"
+#: rebase-interactive.c:180
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"To avoid this message, use \"drop\" to explicitly remove a commit.\n"
+"Use 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' to change the level of warnings.\n"
+"The possible behaviours are: ignore, warn, error.\n"
+msgstr "Чтобы избежать этого сообщения, используйте «drop» чтобы явно удалить коммит.\n\nИспользуйте опцию «git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck» для изменения количества предупреждений.\nВозможные значения: ignore, warn, error.\n\n"
 #: refs.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:579
+#: refs.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:581 ref-filter.c:2067
+#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "игнорирую неправильную ссылку %s"
-#: refs.c:685
+#: refs.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s» для записи: %s"
-#: refs.c:695 refs.c:746
+#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:701
+#: refs.c:750
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:706
+#: refs.c:755
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:714 sequencer.c:385 sequencer.c:2366 sequencer.c:2492
-#: sequencer.c:2506 sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:4501 sequencer.c:4564
-#: wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
+#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось записать в «%s»"
-#: refs.c:741 sequencer.c:4499 sequencer.c:4558 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395
-#: builtin/am.c:780
+#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:993
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s» для записи"
-#: refs.c:748
+#: refs.c:797
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:879
+#: refs.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:885
+#: refs.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:943
+#: refs.c:993
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1035
+#: refs.c:1085
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1111
+#: refs.c:1161
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1853
+#: refs.c:1942
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1885
+#: refs.c:1974
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "обновление ссылок запрещено в изолированном окружении"
-#: refs.c:1981 refs.c:2011
+#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs.c:1987 refs.c:2022
+#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr ""
-#: refs/files-backend.c:1191
+#: refs/files-backend.c:1234
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not remove reference %s"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить ссылки %s"
-#: refs/files-backend.c:1205 refs/packed-backend.c:1532
+#: refs/files-backend.c:1248 refs/packed-backend.c:1532
 #: refs/packed-backend.c:1542
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not delete reference %s: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить ссылку %s: %s"
-#: refs/files-backend.c:1208 refs/packed-backend.c:1545
+#: refs/files-backend.c:1251 refs/packed-backend.c:1545
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not delete references: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить ссылки: %s"
@@ -3444,329 +4696,463 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:38 wt-status.c:1850
+#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "исчез"
-#: ref-filter.c:39
+#: ref-filter.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "впереди %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:41
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "позади %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:42
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "впереди %d, позади %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:137
+#: ref-filter.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "ожидаемый формат: %%(color:<color>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:139
+#: ref-filter.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "неопознанный цвет: %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:161
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Ожидается целочисленное значение refname:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:165
+#: ref-filter.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Ожидается целочисленное значение refname:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:167
+#: ref-filter.c:168
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "неопознанный аргумент %%(%s): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:222
+#: ref-filter.c:223
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:234
+#: ref-filter.c:245
 #, c-format
-msgid "%%(objectsize) does not take arguments"
+msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: ref-filter.c:246
+#: ref-filter.c:253
+#, c-format
+msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#: ref-filter.c:265
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "параметр %%(body) не принимает аргументы"
-#: ref-filter.c:255
+#: ref-filter.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "параметр %%(subject) не принимает аргументы"
-#: ref-filter.c:275
+#: ref-filter.c:296
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "неизвестный аргумент для %%(trailers): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:304
+#: ref-filter.c:325
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "положительное значение ожидает contents:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:306
+#: ref-filter.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "неопознанный аргумент %%(contents): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:321
+#: ref-filter.c:342
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "ожидается положительное значение objectname:short=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "неопознанный аргумент %%(objectname): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:355
+#: ref-filter.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "ожидаемый формат: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:367
+#: ref-filter.c:388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "неопознанная позиция:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:374
+#: ref-filter.c:395
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "неопознанная ширина:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:383
+#: ref-filter.c:404
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "неопознанный аргумент %%(align): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:391
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "ожидается положительная ширина с указанием частицы %%(align)"
-#: ref-filter.c:409
+#: ref-filter.c:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "неопознанный аргумент %%(if): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:505
+#: ref-filter.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "неправильное имя поля: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:532
+#: ref-filter.c:558
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "неизвестное имя поля: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:656
+#: ref-filter.c:562
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
+msgstr ""
+#: ref-filter.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(if) использована без частицы %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:719
+#: ref-filter.c:749
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(then) использована без частицы %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:721
+#: ref-filter.c:751
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(then) использована более одного раза"
-#: ref-filter.c:723
+#: ref-filter.c:753
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(then) использована после %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(else) использована без частицы %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:783
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(else) использована без частицы %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:755
+#: ref-filter.c:785
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(else) использована более одного раза"
-#: ref-filter.c:770
+#: ref-filter.c:800
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "формат: частица %%(end) использована без соответствующей частицы"
-#: ref-filter.c:827
+#: ref-filter.c:857
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "неправильная строка формата %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1416
+#: ref-filter.c:1453
 #, c-format
 msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
 msgstr "(нет ветки, перемещение %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1419
+#: ref-filter.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "(нет ветки перемещение отделённого HEAD %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1422
+#: ref-filter.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
 msgstr "(нет ветки, двоичный поиск начат на %s)"
 #. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
 #. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1430
+#: ref-filter.c:1467
 #, c-format
 msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
 msgstr "(HEAD отделён на %s)"
 #. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
 #. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1437
+#: ref-filter.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
 msgstr "(HEAD отделён начиная с %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1441
+#: ref-filter.c:1478
 msgid "(no branch)"
 msgstr "(нет ветки)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1475 ref-filter.c:1623
+#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "не найден объект %s для %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1483
+#: ref-filter.c:1522
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении parse_object_buffer на %s для %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1980
+#: ref-filter.c:1888
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "Повреждённый объект «%s»"
-#: ref-filter.c:2062
+#: ref-filter.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "игнорирую ссылку с неправильным именем %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2340
+#: ref-filter.c:2263
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "format: пропущена частица %%(end)"
-#: ref-filter.c:2444
+#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
+msgstr ""
+#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
+msgstr ""
+#: ref-filter.c:2376
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "неправильное имя объекта %s"
-#: remote.c:606
+#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:363
+#, c-format
+msgid "config remote shorthand cannot begin with '/': %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:410
+msgid "more than one receivepack given, using the first"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:418
+msgid "more than one uploadpack given, using the first"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot fetch both %s and %s to %s"
 msgstr "Нельзя извлечь одновременно %s и %s в %s"
-#: remote.c:610
+#: remote.c:612
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s usually tracks %s, not %s"
 msgstr "%s обычно отслеживает %s, а не %s"
-#: remote.c:614
+#: remote.c:616
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s tracks both %s and %s"
 msgstr "%s отслеживает и %s и %s"
-#: remote.c:622
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Внутренняя ошибка"
+#: remote.c:684
+#, c-format
+msgid "key '%s' of pattern had no '*'"
+msgstr ""
-#: remote.c:1536 remote.c:1637
+#: remote.c:694
+#, c-format
+msgid "value '%s' of pattern has no '*'"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1000
+#, c-format
+msgid "src refspec %s does not match any"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1005
+#, c-format
+msgid "src refspec %s matches more than one"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: "matches '%s'%" is the <dst> part of "git push
+#. <remote> <src>:<dst>" push, and "being pushed ('%s')" is
+#. the <src>.
+#: remote.c:1020
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The destination you provided is not a full refname (i.e.,\n"
+"starting with \"refs/\"). We tried to guess what you meant by:\n"
+"- Looking for a ref that matches '%s' on the remote side.\n"
+"- Checking if the <src> being pushed ('%s')\n"
+"  is a ref in \"refs/{heads,tags}/\". If so we add a corresponding\n"
+"  refs/{heads,tags}/ prefix on the remote side.\n"
+"Neither worked, so we gave up. You must fully qualify the ref."
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1040
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The <src> part of the refspec is a commit object.\n"
+"Did you mean to create a new branch by pushing to\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1045
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The <src> part of the refspec is a tag object.\n"
+"Did you mean to create a new tag by pushing to\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1050
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The <src> part of the refspec is a tree object.\n"
+"Did you mean to tag a new tree by pushing to\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1055
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The <src> part of the refspec is a blob object.\n"
+"Did you mean to tag a new blob by pushing to\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1091
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s cannot be resolved to branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1102
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to delete '%s': remote ref does not exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid "dst refspec %s matches more than one"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1121
+#, c-format
+msgid "dst ref %s receives from more than one src"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1624 remote.c:1725
 msgid "HEAD does not point to a branch"
 msgstr "HEAD не указывает на ветку"
-#: remote.c:1545
+#: remote.c:1633
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch: '%s'"
 msgstr "нет такой ветки: «%s»"
-#: remote.c:1548
+#: remote.c:1636
 #, c-format
 msgid "no upstream configured for branch '%s'"
 msgstr "вышестоящая ветка не настроена для ветки «%s»"
-#: remote.c:1554
+#: remote.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "upstream branch '%s' not stored as a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr "вышестоящая ветка «%s» не сохранена как отслеживаемая ветка"
-#: remote.c:1569
+#: remote.c:1657
 #, c-format
 msgid "push destination '%s' on remote '%s' has no local tracking branch"
 msgstr "назначение для отправки «%s» на внешнем сервере «%s» не имеет локальной отслеживаемой ветки"
-#: remote.c:1581
+#: remote.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' has no remote for pushing"
 msgstr "ветка «%s» не имеет внешнего сервера для отправки"
-#: remote.c:1591
+#: remote.c:1679
 #, c-format
 msgid "push refspecs for '%s' do not include '%s'"
 msgstr "спецификаторы пути для отправки «%s» не включают в себя «%s»"
-#: remote.c:1604
+#: remote.c:1692
 msgid "push has no destination (push.default is 'nothing')"
 msgstr "отправка не имеет точки назначения (push.default выставлен в «nothing»)"
-#: remote.c:1626
+#: remote.c:1714
 msgid "cannot resolve 'simple' push to a single destination"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить «simple» отправку в единственную точку назначения"
-#: remote.c:1951
+#: remote.c:1840
+#, c-format
+msgid "couldn't find remote ref %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:1853
+#, c-format
+msgid "* Ignoring funny ref '%s' locally"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote.c:2016
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is based on '%s', but the upstream is gone.\n"
 msgstr "Ваша ветка базируется на «%s», но вышестоящий репозиторий исчез.\n"
-#: remote.c:1955
+#: remote.c:2020
 msgid "  (use \"git branch --unset-upstream\" to fixup)\n"
 msgstr "(для исправления запустите «git branch --unset-upstream»)\n"
-#: remote.c:1958
+#: remote.c:2023
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is up to date with '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Ваша ветка обновлена в соответствии с «%s».\n"
-#: remote.c:1962
+#: remote.c:2027
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch and '%s' refer to different commits.\n"
 msgstr "Ваша ветка и «%s» указывают на разные коммиты.\n"
-#: remote.c:1965
+#: remote.c:2030
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"%s\" for details)\n"
 msgstr "  (используйте «%s» для просмотра описания)\n"
-#: remote.c:1969
+#: remote.c:2034
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commit.\n"
 msgid_plural "Your branch is ahead of '%s' by %d commits.\n"
@@ -3775,11 +5161,11 @@
 msgstr[2] "Ваша ветка опережает «%s» на %d коммитов.\n"
 msgstr[3] "Ваша ветка опережает «%s» на %d коммитов.\n"
-#: remote.c:1975
+#: remote.c:2040
 msgid "  (use \"git push\" to publish your local commits)\n"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git push», чтобы опубликовать ваши локальные коммиты)\n"
-#: remote.c:1978
+#: remote.c:2043
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your branch is behind '%s' by %d commit, and can be fast-forwarded.\n"
 msgid_plural ""
@@ -3789,11 +5175,11 @@
 msgstr[2] "Ваша ветка отстает от «%s» на %d коммитов и может быть перемотана вперед.\n"
 msgstr[3] "Ваша ветка отстает от «%s» на %d коммитов и может быть перемотана вперед.\n"
-#: remote.c:1986
+#: remote.c:2051
 msgid "  (use \"git pull\" to update your local branch)\n"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git pull», чтобы обновить вашу локальную ветку)\n"
-#: remote.c:1989
+#: remote.c:2054
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your branch and '%s' have diverged,\n"
@@ -3806,198 +5192,340 @@
 msgstr[2] "Ваша ветка и «%s» разделились\nи теперь имеют %d и %d разных коммитов в каждой соответственно.\n"
 msgstr[3] "Ваша ветка и «%s» разделились\nи теперь имеют %d и %d разных коммитов в каждой соответственно.\n"
-#: remote.c:1999
+#: remote.c:2064
 msgid "  (use \"git pull\" to merge the remote branch into yours)\n"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git pull», чтобы слить внешнюю ветку в вашу)\n"
-#: replace-object.c:20
+#: remote.c:2247
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot parse expected object name '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: replace-object.c:21
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad replace ref name: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: replace-object.c:29
+#: replace-object.c:30
 #, c-format
 msgid "duplicate replace ref: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: replace-object.c:72
+#: replace-object.c:73
 #, c-format
 msgid "replace depth too high for object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: revision.c:2305
+#: rerere.c:217 rerere.c:226 rerere.c:229
+msgid "corrupt MERGE_RR"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:264 rerere.c:269
+msgid "unable to write rerere record"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:495
+#, c-format
+msgid "there were errors while writing '%s' (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:498
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to flush '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:503 rerere.c:1039
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse conflict hunks in '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:684
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed utime() on '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:694
+#, c-format
+msgid "writing '%s' failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:714
+#, c-format
+msgid "Staged '%s' using previous resolution."
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:753
+#, c-format
+msgid "Recorded resolution for '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:788
+#, c-format
+msgid "Resolved '%s' using previous resolution."
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:803
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot unlink stray '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:807
+#, c-format
+msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
+msgstr "не удалось создать каталог «%s»"
+#: rerere.c:1057
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to update conflicted state in '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:1068 rerere.c:1075
+#, c-format
+msgid "no remembered resolution for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:1077
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot unlink '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:1087
+#, c-format
+msgid "Updated preimage for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:1096
+#, c-format
+msgid "Forgot resolution for '%s'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: rerere.c:1199
+msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: revision.c:2476
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "похоже, ваша текущая ветка повреждена"
-#: revision.c:2308
+#: revision.c:2479
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "ваша текущая ветка «%s» еще не содержит ни одного коммита"
-#: revision.c:2505
+#: revision.c:2679
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "опцию --first-parent нельзя использовать одновременно с --bisect"
-#: run-command.c:728
+#: revision.c:2683
+msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
+msgstr ""
+#: run-command.c:763
 msgid "open /dev/null failed"
 msgstr "сбой открытия /dev/null"
-#: run-command.c:1271
+#: run-command.c:1269
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot create async thread: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: run-command.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The '%s' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable.\n"
 "You can disable this warning with `git config advice.ignoredHook false`."
 msgstr "Перехватчик «%s» был проигнорирован, так как он не установлен как исполняемый.\nВы можете отключить это предупреждение с помощью команды «git config advice.ignoredHook false»."
-#: send-pack.c:142
+#: send-pack.c:141
 msgid "unexpected flush packet while reading remote unpack status"
 msgstr "неожиданный пустой пакет при чтении статуса внешней распаковки"
-#: send-pack.c:144
+#: send-pack.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse remote unpack status: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать статус внешней распаковки: %s"
-#: send-pack.c:146
+#: send-pack.c:145
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote unpack failed: %s"
 msgstr "сбой при внешней распаковке %s"
-#: send-pack.c:309
+#: send-pack.c:306
 msgid "failed to sign the push certificate"
 msgstr "сбой подписания сертификата отправки"
-#: send-pack.c:422
+#: send-pack.c:420
 msgid "the receiving end does not support --signed push"
 msgstr "принимающая сторона не поддерживает отправку с опцией --signed"
-#: send-pack.c:424
+#: send-pack.c:422
 msgid ""
 "not sending a push certificate since the receiving end does not support "
 "--signed push"
 msgstr "не отправляем сертификат для отправки, так как принимающая сторона не поддерживает отправку с опцией --signed"
-#: send-pack.c:436
+#: send-pack.c:434
 msgid "the receiving end does not support --atomic push"
 msgstr "принимающая сторона не поддерживает отправку с опцией --atomic"
-#: send-pack.c:441
+#: send-pack.c:439
 msgid "the receiving end does not support push options"
 msgstr "принимающая сторона не поддерживает отправку с опциями"
-#: sequencer.c:177
+#: sequencer.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid commit message cleanup mode '%s'"
 msgstr "неправильный режим очистки сообщения коммита «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:278
+#: sequencer.c:292
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:304
+#: sequencer.c:318
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "обратить изменения"
-#: sequencer.c:306
+#: sequencer.c:320
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "копировать коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:308
+#: sequencer.c:322
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:310
+#: sequencer.c:324
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:367
+#: sequencer.c:382
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
 msgstr "после разрешения конфликтов, пометьте исправленные пути\nс помощью «git add <пути>» или «git rm <пути>»"
-#: sequencer.c:370
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
 "and commit the result with 'git commit'"
 msgstr "после разрешения конфликтов, пометьте исправленные пути\nс помощью «git add <пути>» или «git rm <пути>»\nи сделайте коммит с помощью «git commit»"
-#: sequencer.c:383 sequencer.c:2488
+#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось заблокировать «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:390
+#: sequencer.c:405
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось записать eol в «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:395 sequencer.c:2371 sequencer.c:2494 sequencer.c:2508
-#: sequencer.c:2741
+#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось завершить «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:418 sequencer.c:816 sequencer.c:1505 sequencer.c:2391
-#: sequencer.c:2723 sequencer.c:2827 builtin/am.c:260 builtin/commit.c:740
-#: builtin/merge.c:1081
+#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
+#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
+#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:444
+#: sequencer.c:459
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "ваши локальные изменения будут перезаписаны %s."
-#: sequencer.c:448
+#: sequencer.c:463
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "для продолжения закоммитьте ваши изменения или спрячьте их."
-#: sequencer.c:477
+#: sequencer.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: перемотка вперед"
+#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
+msgstr "Неправильное значение режима очистки %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:566
+#: sequencer.c:629
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: Не удалось записать файл индекса"
-#: sequencer.c:582
+#: sequencer.c:646
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить дерево кэша"
-#: sequencer.c:595
+#: sequencer.c:660
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "не удалось распознать HEAD коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:723
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not parse '%s' (looking for '%s'"
-msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:731
-#, c-format
-msgid "bad quoting on %s value in '%s'"
-msgstr ""
 #: sequencer.c:740
 #, c-format
-msgid "could not parse '%s' (looking for '%s')"
+msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:747
+#: sequencer.c:751
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
+msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s» для чтения"
+#: sequencer.c:798
+msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:803
+msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:808
+msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:812
+#, c-format
+msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:817
+msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:819
+msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:821
+msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:881
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:761
+#: sequencer.c:898
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -4014,15 +5542,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr "у вас имеются проиндексированные изменения в рабочем каталоге. Если эти изменения должны быть объеденены с предыдущим коммитом, то запустите:\n\n  git commit --amend %s\n\nЕсли же они должны быть помещены в новый коммит, то запустите:\n\n  git commit %s\n\nВ любом случае, после того как вы закончите, продолжить перемещение можно выполнив:\n\n  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:830
+#: sequencer.c:992
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "запись коневого коммита"
-#: sequencer.c:1055
+#: sequencer.c:1213
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "ошибка при вызове перехватчика «prepare-commit-msg»"
-#: sequencer.c:1062
+#: sequencer.c:1220
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -4037,7 +5565,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
 msgstr "Ваше имя или электронная почта настроены автоматически на основании вашего\nимени пользователя и имени машины. Пожалуйста, проверьте, что они \nопределены правильно.\nВы можете отключить это уведомление установив их напрямую. Запустите следующую\nкоманду и следуйте инструкциям вашего текстового редактора, для\nредактирования вашего файла конфигурации:\n\n    git config --global --edit\n\nПосле этого, изменить авторство этой коммита можно будет с помощью команды:\n\n    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1075
+#: sequencer.c:1233
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -4051,304 +5579,305 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
 msgstr "Ваше имя или электронная почта настроены автоматически на основании вашего\nимени пользователя и имени машины. Пожалуйста, проверьте, что они \nопределены правильно.\nВы можете отключить это уведомление установив их напрямую:\n\n    git config --global \"Ваше Имя\"\n    git config --global\n\nПосле этого, изменить авторство этой коммита можно будет с помощью команды:\n\n    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1115
+#: sequencer.c:1275
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "нельзя запросить новосозданный коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:1117
+#: sequencer.c:1277
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "нельзя разобрать новосозданный коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:1163
+#: sequencer.c:1323
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "не удалось найти HEAD после создания коммита"
-#: sequencer.c:1165
+#: sequencer.c:1325
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "отделённый HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1169
+#: sequencer.c:1329
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (корневой коммит)"
-#: sequencer.c:1190
+#: sequencer.c:1350
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1192
+#: sequencer.c:1352
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s не является коммитом!"
-#: sequencer.c:1196 builtin/commit.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать HEAD коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:1247 sequencer.c:1845
+#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать автора коммита"
-#: sequencer.c:1257 builtin/am.c:1632 builtin/merge.c:675
+#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "git write-tree не удалось записать дерево"
-#: sequencer.c:1274 sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать сообщение коммита из «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:1296 builtin/am.c:1653 builtin/commit.c:1631
-#: builtin/merge.c:855 builtin/merge.c:880
+#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650
+#: builtin/merge.c:882 builtin/merge.c:906
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "сбой записи объекта коммита"
-#: sequencer.c:1356
+#: sequencer.c:1523
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать коммит %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1361
+#: sequencer.c:1528
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать родительский коммит %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1457 sequencer.c:1565
+#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "неизвестная команда: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1512 sequencer.c:1537
+#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Это объединение %d коммитов."
-#: sequencer.c:1522 sequencer.c:4520
+#: sequencer.c:1669
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "нужен HEAD для исправления"
-#: sequencer.c:1524 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1526
+#: sequencer.c:1673
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать сообщение коммита текущего HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1532
+#: sequencer.c:1679
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось записать «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:1539
+#: sequencer.c:1686
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Это 1-е сообщение коммита:"
-#: sequencer.c:1547
+#: sequencer.c:1694
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать сообщение коммита для %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1554
+#: sequencer.c:1701
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Это сообщение коммита номер #%d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1560
+#: sequencer.c:1707
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Сообщение коммита номер #%d будет пропущено:"
-#: sequencer.c:1643
+#: sequencer.c:1795
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "ваш индекс не слит."
-#: sequencer.c:1650
+#: sequencer.c:1802
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "нельзя исправить корневой коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1821
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "коммит %s — это коммит-слияние, но опция -m не указана."
-#: sequencer.c:1677
+#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "у коммита %s нет предка %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1681
-#, c-format
-msgid "mainline was specified but commit %s is not a merge."
-msgstr "основная ветка указана, но коммит %s не является слиянием."
-#: sequencer.c:1687
+#: sequencer.c:1843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "не удалось получить сообщение коммита для %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1706
+#: sequencer.c:1862
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: не удалось разобрать родительский коммит для %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1771
+#: sequencer.c:1927
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось переименовать «%s» в «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:1826
+#: sequencer.c:1982
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "не удалось обратить изменения коммита %s… %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1827
+#: sequencer.c:1983
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "не удалось применить коммит %s… %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1885
+#: sequencer.c:2042
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: сбой чтения индекса"
-#: sequencer.c:1892
+#: sequencer.c:2049
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: сбой обновления индекса"
-#: sequencer.c:1972
+#: sequencer.c:2118
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "параметр %s не принимает аргументы: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:1981
+#: sequencer.c:2127
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "пропущены аргументы для %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2040
+#: sequencer.c:2164
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:2226
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "неправильная строка %d: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2048
+#: sequencer.c:2237
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "нельзя выполнить «%s» без указания предыдущего коммита"
-#: sequencer.c:2096 sequencer.c:4277 sequencer.c:4333
+#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать «%s»."
-#: sequencer.c:2119
+#: sequencer.c:2360
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "пожалуйста исправьте это с помощью «git rebase --edit-todo»."
-#: sequencer.c:2121
+#: sequencer.c:2362
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "непригодная для использования карта с инструкциями: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2126
+#: sequencer.c:2367
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "коммиты не разобраны."
-#: sequencer.c:2137
+#: sequencer.c:2378
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "нельзя скопировать коммит во время процесса обращения коммита."
-#: sequencer.c:2139
+#: sequencer.c:2380
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "нельзя обратить изменения коммита во время копирования коммита."
-#: sequencer.c:2209
+#: sequencer.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "неправильное значение %s: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2285
+#: sequencer.c:2549
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "непригодный для использования уплотнить-над"
-#: sequencer.c:2301
+#: sequencer.c:2565
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "испорченная карта с опциями: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2335 sequencer.c:3775
+#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "передан пустой набор коммитов"
-#: sequencer.c:2343
+#: sequencer.c:2656
 msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
 msgstr "копирование или обращение изменений коммита уже выполняются"
-#: sequencer.c:2344
+#: sequencer.c:2657
 msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
 msgstr "попробуйте «git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)»"
-#: sequencer.c:2347
+#: sequencer.c:2660
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать каталог для указателя следования коммитов «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2361
+#: sequencer.c:2674
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "не удалось заблокировать HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2416 sequencer.c:3543
+#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "копирование или обращение изменений коммита уже выполняются"
-#: sequencer.c:2418
+#: sequencer.c:2731
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "не удалось определить HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2420 sequencer.c:2455
+#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "нельзя отменить изменения с ветки, которая еще не создана"
-#: sequencer.c:2441 builtin/grep.c:721
+#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2443
+#: sequencer.c:2756
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать «%s»: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2444
+#: sequencer.c:2757
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "неожиданный конец файла"
-#: sequencer.c:2450
+#: sequencer.c:2763
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "сохраненный файл с HEAD перед копированием коммита «%s» поврежден"
-#: sequencer.c:2461
+#: sequencer.c:2774
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr "Похоже, что вы переместили HEAD. Перемотка не выполняется, проверьте свой указатель HEAD!"
-#: sequencer.c:2565 sequencer.c:3461
+#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2603 sequencer.c:3441
+#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2618
+#: sequencer.c:2958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2626
+#: sequencer.c:2966
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -4360,26 +5889,27 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2636
+#: sequencer.c:2976
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2643
+#: sequencer.c:2983
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2654 sequencer.c:2658 builtin/difftool.c:640
+#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось скопировать «%s» в «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2680 sequencer.c:3095
+#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1580 builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать индекс"
-#: sequencer.c:2685
+#: sequencer.c:3028
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -4389,11 +5919,11 @@
 msgstr "ошибка выполнения: %s\n%sВы можете исправить ошибку, а затем запустить\n\n  git rebase --continue\n\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2691
+#: sequencer.c:3034
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "и были сделаны изменения в индексе и/или в рабочем каталоге\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2697
+#: sequencer.c:3040
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -4404,81 +5934,76 @@
 msgstr "успешное выполнение: %s\nно остались изменения в индексе и/или в рабочем каталоге\nСделайте коммит или спрячьте ваши изменения, а затем выполните\n\n  git rebase --continue\n\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2758
+#: sequencer.c:3101
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2810
+#: sequencer.c:3155
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "запись поддельного корневого коммита"
-#: sequencer.c:2815
+#: sequencer.c:3160
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "запить уплотнить-над"
-#: sequencer.c:2850
+#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "не удалось найти дерево для %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2868
+#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "не удалось записать индекс"
-#: sequencer.c:2895
+#: sequencer.c:3243
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось распознать «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2921
+#: sequencer.c:3271
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "нельзя слить без текущей редакции"
-#: sequencer.c:2943
+#: sequencer.c:3293
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2952
+#: sequencer.c:3302
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2964
+#: sequencer.c:3314
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:2979
+#: sequencer.c:3329
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось получить сообщение коммита для «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:2989 sequencer.c:3015
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not write '%s'"
-msgstr "не удалось записать «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3127
+#: sequencer.c:3478
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "не удалось даже попытаться слить «%.*s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3143
+#: sequencer.c:3494
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "слияние: Не удалось записать файл индекса"
-#: sequencer.c:3211
+#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Применены автоматически спрятанные изменения.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3223
+#: sequencer.c:3574
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "не удалось сохранить %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3226
+#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -4486,7 +6011,31 @@
 "You can run \"git stash pop\" or \"git stash drop\" at any time.\n"
 msgstr "Применение автоматически спрятанных изменений вызвало конфликты.\nВаши изменения спрятаны и в безопасности.\nВы можете выполнить «git stash pop» или «git stash drop» в любой момент.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3257
+#: sequencer.c:3638
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not checkout %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:3652
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:3657
+msgid "could not detach HEAD"
+msgstr "не удалось отделить HEAD"
+#: sequencer.c:3672
+#, c-format
+msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:3674
+#, c-format
+msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:3682
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -4499,125 +6048,104 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3325
+#: sequencer.c:3759
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Остановлено на %s …  %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3404
+#: sequencer.c:3837
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "неизвестная команда %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3449
+#: sequencer.c:3882
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3454 sequencer.c:4517
+#: sequencer.c:3887
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать «onto»"
-#: sequencer.c:3468
+#: sequencer.c:3901
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить HEAD на %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3554
+#: sequencer.c:3991
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить перемещение коммитов: У вас есть непроиндексированные изменения."
-#: sequencer.c:3563
+#: sequencer.c:4000
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "не удалось исправить несуществующий коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:3565
+#: sequencer.c:4002
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "недопустимый файл: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3567
+#: sequencer.c:4004
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "недопустимое содержимое: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:3570
+#: sequencer.c:4007
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
 msgstr "\nУ вас имеются незакоммиченные изменения в рабочем каталоге. Сделайте коммит, а затем запустите «git rebase --continue» снова."
-#: sequencer.c:3595 sequencer.c:3633
+#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sequencer.c:3648
+#: sequencer.c:4096
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3655
+#: sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "не удалось закоммитить проиндексированные изменения."
-#: sequencer.c:3752
+#: sequencer.c:4204
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s: не удалось скопировать коммит %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3756
+#: sequencer.c:4208
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: плохая редакция"
-#: sequencer.c:3791
+#: sequencer.c:4243
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "нельзя возвратить изначальный коммит"
-#: sequencer.c:4238
+#: sequencer.c:4686
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: не обработанные опции"
-#: sequencer.c:4241
+#: sequencer.c:4689
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: ошибка при обновлении редакций"
-#: sequencer.c:4281 sequencer.c:4337
-#, c-format
-msgid "unusable todo list: '%s'"
-msgstr "непригодный для использования список дел: «%s»"
-#: sequencer.c:4396
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"unrecognized setting %s for option rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Ignoring."
-msgstr "нераспознанная настройка %s для опции rebase.missingCommitsCheck. Игнорирую."
-#: sequencer.c:4466
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"Warning: some commits may have been dropped accidentally.\n"
-"Dropped commits (newer to older):\n"
-msgstr "Внимание: некоторые коммиты могли быть отброшены по ошибке.\nОтброшенные коммиты (от новых к старым):\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4473
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"To avoid this message, use \"drop\" to explicitly remove a commit.\n"
-"Use 'git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck' to change the level of warnings.\n"
-"The possible behaviours are: ignore, warn, error.\n"
-msgstr "Для избежания этого сообщения, используйте «drop» чтобы явно удалить коммит.\n\nИспользуйте опцию «git config rebase.missingCommitsCheck» для изменения количества предупреждений.\nВозможные значения: ignore, warn, error.\n\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4486
-#, c-format
+#: sequencer.c:4847
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --continue'.\n"
 "Or you can abort the rebase with 'git rebase --abort'.\n"
 msgstr "Вы можете исправить это с помощью «git rebase --edit-todo», а потом запустив «git rebase --continue».\nИли вы можете прервать процесс перемещения, выполнив «git rebase --abort»\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4660
+#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+msgid "nothing to do"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:4990
+msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
+msgstr ""
+#: sequencer.c:5073
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "сценарий уже был перестроен."
@@ -4626,14 +6154,14 @@
 msgid "'%s' is outside repository"
 msgstr "«%s» вне репозитория"
-#: setup.c:172
+#: setup.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s: no such path in the working tree.\n"
 "Use 'git <command> -- <path>...' to specify paths that do not exist locally."
 msgstr "%s: нет такого пути в рабочем каталоге.\nИспользуйте «git <команда> -- <путь>…» для указания путей, которые не существуют локально."
-#: setup.c:185
+#: setup.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "ambiguous argument '%s': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.\n"
@@ -4641,12 +6169,12 @@
 "'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
 msgstr "неоднозначный аргумент «%s»: неизвестная редакция или не путь в рабочем каталоге.\nИспользуйте «--» для отделения путей от редакций, вот так:\n«git <команда> [<редакция>…] -- [<файл>…]»"
-#: setup.c:234
+#: setup.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "option '%s' must come before non-option arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: setup.c:253
+#: setup.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "ambiguous argument '%s': both revision and filename\n"
@@ -4654,376 +6182,376 @@
 "'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'"
 msgstr "неоднозначный аргумент «%s»: является одновременно и редакцией и именем файла.\nИспользуйте «--» для отделения путей от редакций, вот так:\n«git <команда> [<редакция>…] -- [<файл>…]»"
-#: setup.c:389
+#: setup.c:390
 msgid "unable to set up work tree using invalid config"
 msgstr ""
-#: setup.c:393
+#: setup.c:394
 msgid "this operation must be run in a work tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: setup.c:503
+#: setup.c:540
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expected git repo version <= %d, found %d"
 msgstr "Ожидаемая версия git репозитория <= %d, а обнаружена %d"
-#: setup.c:511
+#: setup.c:548
 msgid "unknown repository extensions found:"
 msgstr "обнаружены неизвестные расширения репозитория:"
-#: setup.c:530
+#: setup.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening '%s'"
 msgstr "ошибка открытия «%s»"
-#: setup.c:532
+#: setup.c:569
 #, c-format
 msgid "too large to be a .git file: '%s'"
 msgstr "файл слишком большой как для .git файла: «%s»"
-#: setup.c:534
+#: setup.c:571
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading %s"
 msgstr "ошибка чтения %s"
-#: setup.c:536
+#: setup.c:573
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid gitfile format: %s"
 msgstr "неправильный формат файла gitfile: %s"
-#: setup.c:538
+#: setup.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "no path in gitfile: %s"
 msgstr "нет пути в gitfile: %s"
-#: setup.c:540
+#: setup.c:577
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a git repository: %s"
 msgstr "не является репозиторием git: %s"
-#: setup.c:639
+#: setup.c:676
 #, c-format
 msgid "'$%s' too big"
 msgstr "«$%s» слишком большой"
-#: setup.c:653
+#: setup.c:690
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a git repository: '%s'"
 msgstr "не является репозиторием git: «%s»"
-#: setup.c:682 setup.c:684 setup.c:715
+#: setup.c:719 setup.c:721 setup.c:752
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить chdir в «%s»"
-#: setup.c:687 setup.c:743 setup.c:753 setup.c:792 setup.c:800 setup.c:815
+#: setup.c:724 setup.c:780 setup.c:790 setup.c:829 setup.c:837
 msgid "cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "не удалось вернуться в cwd"
-#: setup.c:813
-#, c-format
-msgid "not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): %s"
-msgstr "не найден git репозиторий (или один из родительских каталогов): %s"
-#: setup.c:824
+#: setup.c:851
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%*s%s%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat для «%*s%s%s»"
-#: setup.c:1054
+#: setup.c:1083
 msgid "Unable to read current working directory"
 msgstr "Не удалось прочитать текущий рабочий каталог"
-#: setup.c:1066 setup.c:1072
+#: setup.c:1092 setup.c:1098
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot change to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось изменить на «%s»"
-#: setup.c:1085
+#: setup.c:1103
+#, c-format
+msgid "not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): %s"
+msgstr "не найден git репозиторий (или один из родительских каталогов): %s"
+#: setup.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point %s)\n"
 "Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set)."
 msgstr "не найден git репозиторий (или один из его каталогов вплоть до точки монтирования %s)\nОстанавливаю поиск на границе файловой системы (так как GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM не установлен)."
-#: setup.c:1168
+#: setup.c:1220
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "problem with core.sharedRepository filemode value (0%.3o).\n"
 "The owner of files must always have read and write permissions."
 msgstr ""
-#: setup.c:1211
+#: setup.c:1264
 msgid "open /dev/null or dup failed"
 msgstr "сбой открытия /dev/null или дублирования дескриптора"
-#: setup.c:1226
+#: setup.c:1279
 msgid "fork failed"
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении fork"
-#: setup.c:1231
+#: setup.c:1284
 msgid "setsid failed"
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении setsid"
-#: sha1-file.c:381
+#: sha1-file.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "object directory %s does not exist; check .git/objects/info/alternates"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:432
+#: sha1-file.c:504
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to normalize alternate object path: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:503
+#: sha1-file.c:576
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: ignoring alternate object stores, nesting too deep"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:510
+#: sha1-file.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to normalize object directory: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:565
+#: sha1-file.c:626
 msgid "unable to fdopen alternates lockfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:583
+#: sha1-file.c:644
 msgid "unable to read alternates file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:590
+#: sha1-file.c:651
 msgid "unable to move new alternates file into place"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:625
+#: sha1-file.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "путь «%s» не существует"
-#: sha1-file.c:651
+#: sha1-file.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' as a linked checkout is not supported yet."
 msgstr "ссылаемый репозиторий «%s» как связанное состояние, пока не поддерживается."
-#: sha1-file.c:657
+#: sha1-file.c:718
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is not a local repository."
 msgstr "ссылаемый репозиторий «%s» не является локальным."
-#: sha1-file.c:663
+#: sha1-file.c:724
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is shallow"
 msgstr "ссылаемый репозиторий «%s» является частичным"
-#: sha1-file.c:671
+#: sha1-file.c:732
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "ссылаемый репозиторий «%s» является сращенным"
-#: sha1-file.c:781
+#: sha1-file.c:846
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:806
+#: sha1-file.c:871
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:973
+#: sha1-file.c:1035
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1093 sha1-file.c:2206
+#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1095 sha1-file.c:2210
+#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1137
+#: sha1-file.c:1203
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1219
+#: sha1-file.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1222
+#: sha1-file.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1228
+#: sha1-file.c:1296
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1231
+#: sha1-file.c:1299
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1422
+#: sha1-file.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1426
+#: sha1-file.c:1494
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1430
+#: sha1-file.c:1498
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1434
+#: sha1-file.c:1502
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1536
+#: sha1-file.c:1604
 #, c-format
-msgid "unable to write sha1 filename %s"
+msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1543
+#: sha1-file.c:1611
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1550
+#: sha1-file.c:1618
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1569
-msgid "error when closing sha1 file"
+#: sha1-file.c:1637
+msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1635
+#: sha1-file.c:1702
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1704
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1661
-msgid "unable to write sha1 file"
+#: sha1-file.c:1728
+msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1667
+#: sha1-file.c:1734
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1671
+#: sha1-file.c:1738
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1675
+#: sha1-file.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1685 builtin/pack-objects.c:899
+#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1760
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 #, c-format
-msgid "cannot read sha1_file for %s"
+msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1805
+#: sha1-file.c:1867
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1813
+#: sha1-file.c:1875
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1906
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1909
+#: sha1-file.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1980 sha1-file.c:1989
+#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:1995
+#: sha1-file.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2019
+#: sha1-file.c:2089
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2021
+#: sha1-file.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s не является действительным объектом «%s»"
-#: sha1-file.c:2048 builtin/index-pack.c:158
+#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2217 sha1-file.c:2269
+#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
 #, c-format
-msgid "sha1 mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
+msgstr "несоответствие хеш-суммы %s (ожидается %s)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2241
+#: sha1-file.c:2332
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2246
+#: sha1-file.c:2337
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2252
+#: sha1-file.c:2343
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-file.c:2263
+#: sha1-file.c:2354
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: sha1-name.c:444
+#: sha1-name.c:490
 #, c-format
 msgid "short SHA1 %s is ambiguous"
 msgstr "сокращённый SHA1 идентификатор %s неоднозначен"
-#: sha1-name.c:455
+#: sha1-name.c:501
 msgid "The candidates are:"
 msgstr "Возможно, вы имели в виду:"
-#: sha1-name.c:699
+#: sha1-name.c:800
 msgid ""
 "Git normally never creates a ref that ends with 40 hex characters\n"
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
@@ -5036,96 +6564,90 @@
 "running \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
 msgstr "Обычно Git не создает ссылки, оканчивающиеся на 40 шестнадцатеричных\nсимволов, потому, что они будут игнорироваться, когда вы просто\nукажете это 40-символьное шестнадцатеричное число. Такие ссылки\nмогли быть созданы по ошибке. Например, с помощью:\n\n  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse …)\n\n, если «$br» оказался пустым, то ссылка с 40-символьным\nшестнадцатеричным числом будет создана. Пожалуйста, просмотрите эти\nссылки и, возможно, удалите их. Вы можете отключить это сообщение\nзапустив «git config advice.objectNameWarning false»"
-#: submodule.c:97 submodule.c:131
+#: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr "Не удалось изменить не слитый .gitmodules, сначала разрешите конфликты"
-#: submodule.c:101 submodule.c:135
+#: submodule.c:118 submodule.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find section in .gitmodules where path=%s"
 msgstr "Не удалось найти раздел в .gitmodules, где путь равен %s"
-#: submodule.c:109
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not update .gitmodules entry %s"
-msgstr " Не удалось обновить .gitmodules запись %s"
-#: submodule.c:142
+#: submodule.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove .gitmodules entry for %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось удалить запись в .gitmodules для %s"
-#: submodule.c:153
+#: submodule.c:165
 msgid "staging updated .gitmodules failed"
 msgstr "сбой индексирования обновленного .gitmodules"
-#: submodule.c:315
+#: submodule.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "in unpopulated submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "в пустом подмодуле «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:346
+#: submodule.c:358
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pathspec '%s' is in submodule '%.*s'"
 msgstr "Спецификатор пути «%s» в подмодуле «%.*s»"
-#: submodule.c:839
+#: submodule.c:910
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "запись подмодуля «%s» (%s) является %s, а не является коммитом"
-#: submodule.c:1071 builtin/branch.c:662 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1888
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Не удалось определить HEAD как действительную ссылку."
-#: submodule.c:1377
+#: submodule.c:1481
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not access submodule '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: submodule.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' not recognized as a git repository"
 msgstr "«%s» не распознан как репозиторий git"
-#: submodule.c:1515
+#: submodule.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not start 'git status' in submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось запустить «git status» в подмодуле «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1528
+#: submodule.c:1802
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not run 'git status' in submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось запустить «git status» в подмодуле «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1543
+#: submodule.c:1817
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not unset core.worktree setting in submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:1633
+#: submodule.c:1907
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' has dirty index"
 msgstr "подмодуль «%s» имеет изменённый индекс"
-#: submodule.c:1685
+#: submodule.c:1959
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr ""
-#: submodule.c:1734
+#: submodule.c:2008
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
 msgstr "relocate_gitdir для подмодуля «%s» с указанием более одного рабочего дерева не поддерживается"
-#: submodule.c:1746 submodule.c:1802
+#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось запросить имя подмодуля «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1750 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1406
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1416
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
-msgstr "не удалось создать каталог «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1753
+#: submodule.c:2027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -5133,34 +6655,44 @@
 msgstr "Перемещение каталога git для «%s%s» из\n«%s» в\n«%s»\n"
-#: submodule.c:1837
+#: submodule.c:2111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось рекурсивно зайти в подмодуль «%s»"
-#: submodule.c:1881
+#: submodule.c:2155
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat ls-files в .."
-#: submodule.c:1920
+#: submodule.c:2194
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree вернул неожиданный код %d"
-#: submodule-config.c:231
+#: submodule-config.c:232
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring suspicious submodule name: %s"
 msgstr "игнорирую подозрительный подмодуль с именем: %s"
-#: submodule-config.c:295
+#: submodule-config.c:299
 msgid "negative values not allowed for submodule.fetchjobs"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать отрицательные значения для submodule.fetchjobs"
-#: submodule-config.c:468
+#: submodule-config.c:397
+#, c-format
+msgid "ignoring '%s' which may be interpreted as a command-line option: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: submodule-config.c:486
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s"
 msgstr "неправильное значение %s"
+#: submodule-config.c:755
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not update .gitmodules entry %s"
+msgstr " Не удалось обновить .gitmodules запись %s"
 #: trailer.c:238
 #, c-format
 msgid "running trailer command '%s' failed"
@@ -5172,7 +6704,7 @@
 msgid "unknown value '%s' for key '%s'"
 msgstr "неизвестное значение «%s» для ключа «%s»"
-#: trailer.c:539 trailer.c:544 builtin/remote.c:294
+#: trailer.c:539 trailer.c:544 builtin/remote.c:295
 #, c-format
 msgid "more than one %s"
 msgstr "больше одного %s"
@@ -5191,26 +6723,26 @@
 msgid "could not read from stdin"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать из стандартного ввода"
-#: trailer.c:1008 builtin/am.c:47
+#: trailer.c:1011 wrapper.c:701
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat %s"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat для %s"
-#: trailer.c:1010
+#: trailer.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s is not a regular file"
 msgstr "файл %s не является обычным файлом"
-#: trailer.c:1012
+#: trailer.c:1015
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s is not writable by user"
 msgstr "файл %s не доступен на запись пользователю"
-#: trailer.c:1024
+#: trailer.c:1027
 msgid "could not open temporary file"
 msgstr "не удалось создать временный файл"
-#: trailer.c:1064
+#: trailer.c:1067
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename temporary file to %s"
 msgstr "не удалось переименовать временный файл в %s"
@@ -5230,36 +6762,44 @@
 msgid "transport: invalid depth option '%s'"
 msgstr "транспорт: неправильный параметр глубины «%s»"
-#: transport.c:586
+#: transport.c:259
+msgid "see protocol.version in 'git help config' for more details"
+msgstr ""
+#: transport.c:260
+msgid "server options require protocol version 2 or later"
+msgstr ""
+#: transport.c:625
 msgid "could not parse transport.color.* config"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать опцию transport.color.*"
-#: transport.c:659
+#: transport.c:698
 msgid "support for protocol v2 not implemented yet"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:785
+#: transport.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value for config '%s': %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:851
+#: transport.c:891
 #, c-format
 msgid "transport '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:903
+#: transport.c:945
 msgid "git-over-rsync is no longer supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:998
+#: transport.c:1040
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following submodule paths contain changes that can\n"
 "not be found on any remote:\n"
 msgstr "Подмодули по указанным путям содержат изменения, которые не найдены ни на одном из внешних репозиториев:\n"
-#: transport.c:1002
+#: transport.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -5275,19 +6815,19 @@
 msgstr "\nПопробуйте выполнить\n\n\tgit push --recurse-submodules=on-demand\n\nили перейти в каталог с помощью команды cd и выполнить\n\n\tgit push\n\nдля их отправки на внешний репозиторий.\n"
-#: transport.c:1010
+#: transport.c:1052
 msgid "Aborting."
 msgstr "Прерываю."
-#: transport.c:1148
+#: transport.c:1193
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:1270 transport-helper.c:643
+#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport.c:1352
+#: transport.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5296,162 +6836,162 @@
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:132
+#: transport-helper.c:134
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find remote helper for '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:148 transport-helper.c:557
+#: transport-helper.c:150 transport-helper.c:559
 msgid "can't dup helper output fd"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:199
+#: transport-helper.c:201
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "unknown mandatory capability %s; this remote helper probably needs newer "
 "version of Git"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:205
+#: transport-helper.c:207
 msgid "this remote helper should implement refspec capability"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:272 transport-helper.c:412
+#: transport-helper.c:274 transport-helper.c:414
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s unexpectedly said: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:401
+#: transport-helper.c:403
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s also locked %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:479
+#: transport-helper.c:481
 msgid "couldn't run fast-import"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:502
+#: transport-helper.c:504
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:531 transport-helper.c:1091
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:576
+#: transport-helper.c:578
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown response to connect: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:598
+#: transport-helper.c:600
 msgid "setting remote service path not supported by protocol"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:600
+#: transport-helper.c:602
 msgid "invalid remote service path"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:646
+#: transport-helper.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't connect to subservice %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:713
+#: transport-helper.c:720
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected ok/error, helper said '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:766
+#: transport-helper.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper reported unexpected status of %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:827
+#: transport-helper.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support dry-run"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:830
+#: transport-helper.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support --signed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:833
+#: transport-helper.c:840
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support --signed=if-asked"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:840
+#: transport-helper.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:932
+#: transport-helper.c:939
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:937
+#: transport-helper.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:984
+#: transport-helper.c:991
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:989
+#: transport-helper.c:996
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1014
+#: transport-helper.c:1021
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
 "Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1077
+#: transport-helper.c:1085
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1230
+#: transport-helper.c:1238
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1257
+#: transport-helper.c:1265
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1306
+#: transport-helper.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1310
+#: transport-helper.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1329 transport-helper.c:1333
+#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1370
+#: transport-helper.c:1378
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1374
+#: transport-helper.c:1382
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: transport-helper.c:1392 transport-helper.c:1401
+#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5467,185 +7007,192 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "пустое имя файла в записи дерева"
-#: tree-walk.c:115
+#: tree-walk.c:116
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "слишком  короткий файл дерева"
-#: unpack-trees.c:112
+#: unpack-trees.c:111
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
 "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches."
 msgstr "Ваши локальные изменения в указанных файлах будут перезаписаны при переключении на состояние:\n%%sСделайте коммит или спрячьте ваши изменения перед переключением веток."
-#: unpack-trees.c:114
+#: unpack-trees.c:113
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
 msgstr "Ваши локальные изменения в указанных файлах будут перезаписаны при переключении на состояние:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:117
+#: unpack-trees.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you merge."
 msgstr "Ваши локальные изменения в указанных файлах будут перезаписаны при слиянии:\n%%sСделайте коммит или спрячьте ваши изменения перед слиянием веток."
-#: unpack-trees.c:119
+#: unpack-trees.c:118
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 msgstr "Ваши локальные изменения в указанных файлах будут перезаписаны при слиянии:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:122
+#: unpack-trees.c:121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
 "%%sPlease commit your changes or stash them before you %s."
 msgstr "Ваши локальные изменения в указанных файлах будут перезаписаны при %s:\n%%sСделайте коммит или спрячьте ваши изменения перед %s."
-#: unpack-trees.c:124
+#: unpack-trees.c:123
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
 msgstr "Ваши локальные изменения в указанных файлах будут перезаписаны при %s:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:129
+#: unpack-trees.c:128
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Updating the following directories would lose untracked files in them:\n"
 msgstr "Обновление указанных каталогов приведет к потере неотслеживаемых файлов в них:\n%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:133
+#: unpack-trees.c:132
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches."
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут удалены при переключении на состояние:\n%%sПереместите эти файлы или удалите их перед переключением веток."
-#: unpack-trees.c:135
+#: unpack-trees.c:134
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by checkout:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут удалены при переключении на состояние:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:138
+#: unpack-trees.c:137
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут удалены при слиянии:\n%%sПереместите эти файлы или удалите их перед переключением веток."
-#: unpack-trees.c:140
+#: unpack-trees.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by merge:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут удалены при слиянии:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:143
+#: unpack-trees.c:142
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by %s:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you %s."
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут удалены при %s:\n%%sПереместите эти файлы или удалите их перед %s."
-#: unpack-trees.c:145
+#: unpack-trees.c:144
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be removed by %s:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут удалены при %s:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:151
+#: unpack-trees.c:150
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you switch branches."
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут перезаписаны при переключении на состояние:\n%%sПереместите эти файлы или удалите их перед переключением веток."
-#: unpack-trees.c:153
+#: unpack-trees.c:152
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут перезаписаны при переключении на состояние:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:156
+#: unpack-trees.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you merge."
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут перезаписаны при слиянии:\n%%sПереместите эти файлы или удалите их перед переключением веток."
-#: unpack-trees.c:158
+#: unpack-trees.c:157
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут перезаписаны при слиянии:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:161
+#: unpack-trees.c:160
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
 "%%sPlease move or remove them before you %s."
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут перезаписаны при %s:\n%%sПереместите эти файлы или удалите их перед %s."
-#: unpack-trees.c:163
+#: unpack-trees.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by %s:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные неотслеживаемые файлы в рабочем каталоге будут перезаписаны при %s:\n%%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:171
+#: unpack-trees.c:170
 #, c-format
 msgid "Entry '%s' overlaps with '%s'.  Cannot bind."
 msgstr "Запись «%s» частично совпадает с «%s».  Не удалось назначить соответствие."
-#: unpack-trees.c:174
+#: unpack-trees.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot update sparse checkout: the following entries are not up to date:\n"
 msgstr "Не удалось обновить частичное состояние: следующие элементы не последней версии:\n%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:176
+#: unpack-trees.c:175
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following working tree files would be overwritten by sparse checkout update:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные файлы из рабочего каталога будут перезаписаны при обновлении частичного состояния:\n%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:178
+#: unpack-trees.c:177
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The following working tree files would be removed by sparse checkout update:\n"
 msgstr "Указанные файлы из рабочего каталога будут удалены при обновлении частичного состояния:\n%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:180
+#: unpack-trees.c:179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot update submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Не удолось обновить подмодуль:\n%s"
-#: unpack-trees.c:254
+#: unpack-trees.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting\n"
 msgstr "Прерываю\n"
-#: unpack-trees.c:336
+#: unpack-trees.c:318
 msgid "Checking out files"
 msgstr "Распаковка файлов"
+#: unpack-trees.c:350
+msgid ""
+"the following paths have collided (e.g. case-sensitive paths\n"
+"on a case-insensitive filesystem) and only one from the same\n"
+"colliding group is in the working tree:\n"
+msgstr ""
 #: urlmatch.c:163
 msgid "invalid URL scheme name or missing '://' suffix"
 msgstr "Неправильная имя URL схемы или пропущен суффикс «://»"
@@ -5675,32 +7222,32 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "неправильная часть пути «..»"
-#: worktree.c:245 builtin/am.c:2147
+#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать «%s»"
-#: worktree.c:291
+#: worktree.c:301
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:302
+#: worktree.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:314
+#: worktree.c:324
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "«%s» не существует"
-#: worktree.c:320
+#: worktree.c:330
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: worktree.c:328
+#: worktree.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
@@ -5710,12 +7257,6 @@
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading and writing"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s» для чтения и записи"
-#: wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:321 builtin/am.c:771
-#: builtin/am.c:863 builtin/merge.c:1078
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
-msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s» для чтения"
 #: wrapper.c:424 wrapper.c:624
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access '%s'"
@@ -5725,135 +7266,135 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "не удалось получить текущий рабочий каталог"
-#: wt-status.c:154
+#: wt-status.c:156
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Не слитые пути:"
-#: wt-status.c:181 wt-status.c:208
+#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git reset %s <файл>…», чтобы убрать из индекса)"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
+#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git rm --cached <файл>…», чтобы убрать из индекса)"
-#: wt-status.c:187
+#: wt-status.c:189
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git add <файл>…», чтобы пометить разрешение конфликта)"
-#: wt-status.c:189 wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git add/rm <файл>…», чтобы пометить выбранное разрешение конфликта)"
-#: wt-status.c:191
+#: wt-status.c:193
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git rm <файл>…», чтобы пометить разрешение конфликта)"
-#: wt-status.c:202 wt-status.c:1015
+#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Изменения, которые будут включены в коммит:"
-#: wt-status.c:220 wt-status.c:1024
+#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Изменения, которые не в индексе для коммита:"
-#: wt-status.c:224
+#: wt-status.c:226
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git add <файл>…», чтобы добавить файл в индекс)"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:228
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git add/rm <файл>…», чтобы добавить или удалить файл из индекса)"
-#: wt-status.c:227
+#: wt-status.c:229
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working "
 msgstr "  (используйте «git checkout -- <файл>…», чтобы отменить изменения\n   в рабочем каталоге)"
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:231
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr "  (сделайте коммит или отмените изменения в неотслеживаемом или измененном содержимом в подмодулях)"
-#: wt-status.c:241
+#: wt-status.c:243
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git %s <файл>…», чтобы добавить в то, что будет включено в коммит)"
-#: wt-status.c:256
+#: wt-status.c:258
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "оба удалены:"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:260
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "добавлено нами:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:262
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "удалено ими:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:264
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "добавлено ими:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:266
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "удалено нами:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "оба добавлены:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "оба изменены:"
-#: wt-status.c:278
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "новый файл:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:282
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "скопировано:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:284
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "удалено:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:286
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "изменено:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:288
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "переименовано:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "изменен тип:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "неизвестно:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "не слитые:"
-#: wt-status.c:372
+#: wt-status.c:374
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "новые коммиты, "
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:376
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "изменено содержимое, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:378
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "неотслеживаемое содержимое, "
-#: wt-status.c:853
+#: wt-status.c:896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
@@ -5862,69 +7403,69 @@
 msgstr[2] "У вас сейчас спрятано %d записей"
 msgstr[3] "У вас сейчас спрятаны %d записи"
-#: wt-status.c:885
+#: wt-status.c:928
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Измененные, но не обновленные подмодули:"
-#: wt-status.c:887
+#: wt-status.c:930
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Изменения в подмодулях, которые будут закоммичены:"
-#: wt-status.c:969
+#: wt-status.c:1012
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
 msgstr "Не изменяйте или удаляйте строку выше этой.\nВсё, что ниже — будет проигнорировано."
-#: wt-status.c:1084
+#: wt-status.c:1119
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "У вас есть не слитые пути."
-#: wt-status.c:1087
+#: wt-status.c:1122
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (разрешите конфликты, затем запустите «git commit»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1089
+#: wt-status.c:1124
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git merge --abort», чтобы остановить операцию слияния)"
-#: wt-status.c:1094
+#: wt-status.c:1128
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Все конфликты исправлены, но вы все еще в процессе слияния."
-#: wt-status.c:1097
+#: wt-status.c:1131
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git commit», чтобы завершить слияние)"
-#: wt-status.c:1107
+#: wt-status.c:1140
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Вы в процессе сессии am."
-#: wt-status.c:1110
+#: wt-status.c:1143
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "Текущий патч пустой."
-#: wt-status.c:1114
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (разрешите конфликты, затем запустите «git am --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1116
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git am --skip», чтобы пропустить этот патч)"
-#: wt-status.c:1118
+#: wt-status.c:1151
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git am --abort», чтобы восстановить оригинальную ветку)"
-#: wt-status.c:1250
+#: wt-status.c:1284
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "git-rebase-todo отсутствует."
-#: wt-status.c:1252
+#: wt-status.c:1286
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "Команды не выполнены."
-#: wt-status.c:1255
+#: wt-status.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
@@ -5933,16 +7474,16 @@
 msgstr[2] "Последняя команда выполнена (%d команд выполнено):"
 msgstr[3] "Последняя команда выполнена (%d команд выполнено):"
-#: wt-status.c:1266
+#: wt-status.c:1300
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (смотрите дополнительно в файле %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1271
+#: wt-status.c:1305
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "Команд больше не осталось."
-#: wt-status.c:1274
+#: wt-status.c:1308
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
@@ -5951,154 +7492,170 @@
 msgstr[2] "Следующая команда для выполнения (%d команд осталось):"
 msgstr[3] "Следующая команда для выполнения (%d команд осталось):"
-#: wt-status.c:1282
+#: wt-status.c:1316
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git rebase --edit-todo», чтобы просмотреть и изменить)"
-#: wt-status.c:1295
+#: wt-status.c:1328
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас перемещаете ветку «%s» над «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас перемещаете ветку."
-#: wt-status.c:1314
+#: wt-status.c:1346
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (разрешите конфликты, затем запустите «git rebase --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1348
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git rebase --skip», чтобы пропустить этот патч)"
-#: wt-status.c:1318
+#: wt-status.c:1350
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git rebase --abort», чтобы перейти на оригинальную ветку)"
-#: wt-status.c:1324
+#: wt-status.c:1357
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (все конфликты разрешены: запустите «git rebase --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1361
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас разделяете коммит при перемещении ветки  «%s» над «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1366
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас разделяете коммит при перемещении ветки."
-#: wt-status.c:1336
+#: wt-status.c:1369
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "(Как только ваш рабочий каталог будет чистый, запустите «git rebase --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1340
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас редактируете коммит при перемещении ветки  «%s» над «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1345
+#: wt-status.c:1378
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас редактируете коммит при перемещении ветки."
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1381
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git commit --amend», чтобы исправить текущий коммит)"
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1383
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git rebase --continue», когда будете довольны изменениями)"
-#: wt-status.c:1360
+#: wt-status.c:1394
+msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Вы копируете коммит %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1365
+#: wt-status.c:1404
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (разрешите конфликты, затем запустите «git cherry-pick --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1368
+#: wt-status.c:1407
+msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:1410
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (все конфликты разрешены: запустите «git cherry-pick --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1370
+#: wt-status.c:1412
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git cherry-pick --abort», чтобы отменить копирования коммита)"
-#: wt-status.c:1379
+#: wt-status.c:1422
+msgid "Revert currently in progress."
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:1425
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас обращаете изменения коммита %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1384
+#: wt-status.c:1431
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (разрешите конфликты, затем запустите «git revert --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1387
+#: wt-status.c:1434
+msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
+msgstr ""
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (все конфликты разрешены: запустите «git revert --continue»)"
-#: wt-status.c:1389
+#: wt-status.c:1439
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git revert --abort», чтобы отменить операцию обращения изменений коммита)"
-#: wt-status.c:1400
+#: wt-status.c:1449
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас в процессе двоичного поиска, начатого с ветки «%s»."
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1453
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас в процессе двоичного поиска."
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (используйте «git bisect reset», чтобы вернуться на исходную ветку)"
-#: wt-status.c:1604
+#: wt-status.c:1665
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "На ветке "
-#: wt-status.c:1610
+#: wt-status.c:1672
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "интерактивное перемещение в процессе; над "
-#: wt-status.c:1612
+#: wt-status.c:1674
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "перемещение в процессе; над "
-#: wt-status.c:1617
+#: wt-status.c:1679
 msgid "HEAD detached at "
 msgstr "HEAD отделён на "
-#: wt-status.c:1619
+#: wt-status.c:1681
 msgid "HEAD detached from "
 msgstr "HEAD отделён начиная с "
-#: wt-status.c:1622
+#: wt-status.c:1684
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Сейчас ни на одной из веток"
-#: wt-status.c:1642
+#: wt-status.c:1701
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Начальный коммит"
-#: wt-status.c:1643
+#: wt-status.c:1702
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "Еще нет коммитов"
-#: wt-status.c:1657
+#: wt-status.c:1716
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Неотслеживаемые файлы"
-#: wt-status.c:1659
+#: wt-status.c:1718
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Игнорируемые файлы"
-#: wt-status.c:1663
+#: wt-status.c:1722
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -6106,221 +7663,216 @@
 "new files yourself (see 'git help status')."
 msgstr "%.2f секунды занял вывод списка неотслеживаемых файлов. «status -uno» возможно может ускорить это, но будьте внимательны, и не забудьте добавить новые файлы вручную (смотрите «git help status» для подробностей)."
-#: wt-status.c:1669
+#: wt-status.c:1728
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Неотслеживаемые файлы не показаны%s"
-#: wt-status.c:1671
+#: wt-status.c:1730
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr "(используйте опцию «-u», чтобы показать неотслеживаемые файлы)"
-#: wt-status.c:1677
+#: wt-status.c:1736
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Нет изменений"
-#: wt-status.c:1682
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr "нет изменений добавленных для коммита\n(используйте «git add» и/или «git commit -a»)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1685
+#: wt-status.c:1744
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "нет изменений добавленных для коммита\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1688
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
 msgstr "ничего не добавлено в коммит, но есть неотслеживаемые файлы (используйте «git add», чтобы отслеживать их)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1691
+#: wt-status.c:1750
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr "ничего не добавлено в коммит, но есть неотслеживаемые файлы\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1694
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr "нечего коммитить (создайте/скопируйте файлы, затем запустите «git add», чтобы отслеживать их)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1697 wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "нечего коммитить\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1700
+#: wt-status.c:1759
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr "нечего коммитить (используйте опцию «-u», чтобы показать неотслеживаемые файлы)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1704
+#: wt-status.c:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "нечего коммитить, нет изменений в рабочем каталоге\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1817
+#: wt-status.c:1876
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "Еще нет коммитов в"
-#: wt-status.c:1821
+#: wt-status.c:1880
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (нет ветки)"
-#: wt-status.c:1852
+#: wt-status.c:1911
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "отличается"
-#: wt-status.c:1854 wt-status.c:1862
+#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "позади"
-#: wt-status.c:1857 wt-status.c:1860
+#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "впереди "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2376
+#: wt-status.c:2443
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить %s: У вас есть непроиндексированные изменения."
-#: wt-status.c:2382
+#: wt-status.c:2449
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "к тому же, в вашем индексе есть незакоммиченные изменения."
-#: wt-status.c:2384
+#: wt-status.c:2451
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить %s: В вашем индексе есть незакоммиченные изменения."
-#: compat/precompose_utf8.c:58 builtin/clone.c:443
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
-msgstr "сбой отсоединения «%s»"
-#: builtin/add.c:24
+#: builtin/add.c:25
 msgid "git add [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
 msgstr "git add [<опции>] [--] <спецификатор-пути>…"
-#: builtin/add.c:83
+#: builtin/add.c:84
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
-msgstr "неожиданный статус различий %c"
+msgstr "неожиданный статус утилиты сравнения %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:88 builtin/commit.c:279
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "сбой при обновлении файлов"
-#: builtin/add.c:98
+#: builtin/add.c:99
 #, c-format
 msgid "remove '%s'\n"
 msgstr "удалить «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:173
+#: builtin/add.c:174
 msgid "Unstaged changes after refreshing the index:"
 msgstr "Непроиндексированные изменения после обновления индекса:"
-#: builtin/add.c:233 builtin/rev-parse.c:893
+#: builtin/add.c:234 builtin/rev-parse.c:896
 msgid "Could not read the index"
 msgstr "Не удалось прочитать индекс"
-#: builtin/add.c:244
+#: builtin/add.c:245
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open '%s' for writing."
 msgstr "Не удалось открыть «%s» для записи."
-#: builtin/add.c:248
+#: builtin/add.c:249
 msgid "Could not write patch"
 msgstr "Не удалось записать патч"
-#: builtin/add.c:251
+#: builtin/add.c:252
 msgid "editing patch failed"
 msgstr "сбой при редактировании патча"
-#: builtin/add.c:254
+#: builtin/add.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить stat для «%s»"
-#: builtin/add.c:256
+#: builtin/add.c:257
 msgid "Empty patch. Aborted."
 msgstr "Пустой патч. Операция прервана."
-#: builtin/add.c:261
+#: builtin/add.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось применить «%s»"
-#: builtin/add.c:269
+#: builtin/add.c:270
 msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
 msgstr "Следующие пути игнорируются одним из ваших файлов .gitignore:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:289 builtin/clean.c:906 builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/mv.c:123
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:212 builtin/push.c:557
-#: builtin/remote.c:1344 builtin/rm.c:240 builtin/send-pack.c:165
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "пробный запуск"
-#: builtin/add.c:292
+#: builtin/add.c:293
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "интерактивный выбор"
-#: builtin/add.c:293 builtin/checkout.c:1144 builtin/reset.c:302
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "интерактивный выбор блоков"
-#: builtin/add.c:294
-msgid "edit current diff and apply"
-msgstr "отредактировать текущий файл различий и применить его"
 #: builtin/add.c:295
+msgid "edit current diff and apply"
+msgstr "отредактировать текущий файл списка изменений и применить его"
+#: builtin/add.c:296
 msgid "allow adding otherwise ignored files"
 msgstr "разрешить добавление игнорируемых иначе файлов"
-#: builtin/add.c:296
+#: builtin/add.c:297
 msgid "update tracked files"
 msgstr "обновить отслеживаемые файлы"
-#: builtin/add.c:297
+#: builtin/add.c:298
 msgid "renormalize EOL of tracked files (implies -u)"
 msgstr "перенормализировать концы строк (EOL) отслеживаемых файлов (подразумевает -u)"
-#: builtin/add.c:298
+#: builtin/add.c:299
 msgid "record only the fact that the path will be added later"
 msgstr "записать только факт, что путь будет добавлен позже"
-#: builtin/add.c:299
+#: builtin/add.c:300
 msgid "add changes from all tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "добавить изменения из всех отслеживаемых и неотслеживаемых файлов"
-#: builtin/add.c:302
+#: builtin/add.c:303
 msgid "ignore paths removed in the working tree (same as --no-all)"
 msgstr "игнорировать пути удаленные из рабочего каталога (тоже, что и --no-all)"
-#: builtin/add.c:304
+#: builtin/add.c:305
 msgid "don't add, only refresh the index"
 msgstr "не добавлять, только обновить индекс"
-#: builtin/add.c:305
+#: builtin/add.c:306
 msgid "just skip files which cannot be added because of errors"
 msgstr "пропускать файлы, которые не могут быть добавлены из-за ошибок"
-#: builtin/add.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:307
 msgid "check if - even missing - files are ignored in dry run"
 msgstr "удостовериться, что даже недостающие файлы будут проигнорированы при  пробном запуске"
-#: builtin/add.c:308 builtin/update-index.c:973
+#: builtin/add.c:309 builtin/update-index.c:1001
 msgid "override the executable bit of the listed files"
 msgstr "переопределить бит выполнения на указанных файлах"
-#: builtin/add.c:310
+#: builtin/add.c:311
 msgid "warn when adding an embedded repository"
 msgstr "предупреждать при добавлении встроенного git репозитория"
-#: builtin/add.c:325
+#: builtin/add.c:326
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You've added another git repository inside your current repository.\n"
@@ -6338,12 +7890,12 @@
 "See \"git help submodule\" for more information."
 msgstr "Вы добавили другой репозиторий git внутри текущего репозитория\nКлоны внешнего репозитория не будут содержать внутренний\nрепозиторий и не будут знать как его получить.\nЕсли вы хотели добавить подмодуль, то запустите:\n\n\tgit submodule add <url> %s\n\nЕсли бы добавили этот путь по ошибке, то вы можете удалить его\nиз индекса с помощью:\n\n\tgit rm --cached %s\n\nДля дополнительной информации смотрите «git help submodule»."
-#: builtin/add.c:353
+#: builtin/add.c:354
 #, c-format
 msgid "adding embedded git repository: %s"
 msgstr "добавление встроенного git репозитория: %s"
-#: builtin/add.c:371
+#: builtin/add.c:372
 #, c-format
 msgid "Use -f if you really want to add them.\n"
 msgstr "Используйте -f, если вы действительно хотите добавить их.\n"
@@ -6352,383 +7904,382 @@
 msgid "adding files failed"
 msgstr "ошибка при добавлении файлов"
-#: builtin/add.c:417
+#: builtin/add.c:419
 msgid "-A and -u are mutually incompatible"
 msgstr "-A и -u нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/add.c:424
+#: builtin/add.c:426
 msgid "Option --ignore-missing can only be used together with --dry-run"
 msgstr "Опция --ignore-missing может использоваться только вместе с --dry-run"
-#: builtin/add.c:428
+#: builtin/add.c:430
 #, c-format
 msgid "--chmod param '%s' must be either -x or +x"
 msgstr "параметр --chmod «%s» должен быть -x или +x"
-#: builtin/add.c:443
+#: builtin/add.c:445
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nothing specified, nothing added.\n"
 msgstr "Ничего не указано, ничего не добавлено.\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:444
+#: builtin/add.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Maybe you wanted to say 'git add .'?\n"
 msgstr "Возможно, вы имели в виду «git add .»?\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:449 builtin/check-ignore.c:177 builtin/checkout.c:282
-#: builtin/checkout.c:485 builtin/clean.c:953 builtin/commit.c:338
-#: builtin/diff-tree.c:115 builtin/grep.c:492 builtin/mv.c:144
-#: builtin/reset.c:241 builtin/rm.c:270 builtin/submodule--helper.c:329
-msgid "index file corrupt"
-msgstr "файл индекса поврежден"
-#: builtin/am.c:415
+#: builtin/am.c:348
 msgid "could not parse author script"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать сценарий авторства"
-#: builtin/am.c:499
+#: builtin/am.c:432
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' was deleted by the applypatch-msg hook"
 msgstr "«%s» был удален перехватчиком applypatch-msg"
-#: builtin/am.c:540
+#: builtin/am.c:474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Malformed input line: '%s'."
 msgstr "Неправильная строка ввода: «%s»."
-#: builtin/am.c:577
+#: builtin/am.c:512
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to copy notes from '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось скопировать заметку из «%s» в «%s»"
-#: builtin/am.c:603
+#: builtin/am.c:538
 msgid "fseek failed"
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении fseek"
-#: builtin/am.c:791
+#: builtin/am.c:726
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse patch '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать патч «%s»"
-#: builtin/am.c:856
+#: builtin/am.c:791
 msgid "Only one StGIT patch series can be applied at once"
 msgstr "Только серия патчей StGIT может быть применена за раз"
-#: builtin/am.c:904
+#: builtin/am.c:839
 msgid "invalid timestamp"
 msgstr "недопустимая метка даты/времени"
-#: builtin/am.c:909 builtin/am.c:921
+#: builtin/am.c:844 builtin/am.c:856
 msgid "invalid Date line"
 msgstr "недопустимая строка даты"
-#: builtin/am.c:916
+#: builtin/am.c:851
 msgid "invalid timezone offset"
 msgstr "недопустимое смещение часового пояса"
-#: builtin/am.c:1009
+#: builtin/am.c:944
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Сбой определения формата патча."
-#: builtin/am.c:1014 builtin/clone.c:408
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать каталог «%s»"
-#: builtin/am.c:1019
+#: builtin/am.c:954
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Не удалось разделить патчи на части."
-#: builtin/am.c:1149 builtin/commit.c:364
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "не удалось записать индекс"
-#: builtin/am.c:1163
+#: builtin/am.c:1098
 #, c-format
 msgid "When you have resolved this problem, run \"%s --continue\"."
 msgstr "Когда вы устраните эту проблему, запустите «%s --continue»."
-#: builtin/am.c:1164
+#: builtin/am.c:1099
 #, c-format
 msgid "If you prefer to skip this patch, run \"%s --skip\" instead."
 msgstr "Если вы хотите пропустить этот патч, то запустите «%s --skip»."
-#: builtin/am.c:1165
+#: builtin/am.c:1100
 #, c-format
 msgid "To restore the original branch and stop patching, run \"%s --abort\"."
 msgstr "Чтобы вернуться на предыдущую ветку и остановить применение изменений, запустите «%s --abort»."
-#: builtin/am.c:1272
+#: builtin/am.c:1183
+msgid ""
+"Patch sent with format=flowed; space at the end of lines might be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/am.c:1211
 msgid "Patch is empty."
 msgstr "Патч пустой."
-#: builtin/am.c:1338
+#: builtin/am.c:1277
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %.*s"
 msgstr "неправильная строка идентификации: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1360
+#: builtin/am.c:1299
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать коммит %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1556
+#: builtin/am.c:1495
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr "В репозитории отсутствуют двоичные объекты, необходимые для отката к трехходовому слиянию."
-#: builtin/am.c:1558
+#: builtin/am.c:1497
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr "Использую индекс для реконструкции базового дерева…"
-#: builtin/am.c:1577
+#: builtin/am.c:1516
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
 msgstr "Вы вручную изменяли патч?\nОн не накладывается без ошибок на двоичные объекты, записанные в его заголовке."
-#: builtin/am.c:1583
+#: builtin/am.c:1522
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "Откат к применению изменений к базовому коммиту с помощью трехходового слияния…"
-#: builtin/am.c:1608
+#: builtin/am.c:1548
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось слить изменения."
-#: builtin/am.c:1640
+#: builtin/am.c:1580
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "применение к пустой истории"
-#: builtin/am.c:1686 builtin/am.c:1690
+#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "нельзя продолжнить: %s не существует "
-#: builtin/am.c:1706
+#: builtin/am.c:1647
 msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
 msgstr "не удалось использовать интерактивное поведение, без stdin подключенного к терминалу."
-#: builtin/am.c:1711
+#: builtin/am.c:1652
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Тело коммита:"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y], [n], [e], [v] and [a]
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1721
+#: builtin/am.c:1662
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr "Применить? [y] - да/[n] - нет/[e] - редактировать/[v] - просмотреть патч/[a] - применить всё: "
-#: builtin/am.c:1771
+#: builtin/am.c:1712
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
-msgstr "Индекс не пустой: нельзя применять патчи (в индексе: %s)"
+msgstr "Индекс изменён: нельзя применять патчи (изменено: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1811 builtin/am.c:1879
+#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Применение: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1828
+#: builtin/am.c:1769
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Нет изменений — Патч уже применен."
-#: builtin/am.c:1834
+#: builtin/am.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "Ошибка применения изменений на %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1838
+#: builtin/am.c:1779
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:1882
+#: builtin/am.c:1823
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
 "already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch."
 msgstr "Нет изменений — возможно, вы забыли вызвать «git add»?\nЕсли ничего не осталось для индексации, то, скорее всего, что-то другое уже сделало те же изменения; возможно, вам следует пропустить этот патч."
-#: builtin/am.c:1889
+#: builtin/am.c:1830
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as such.\n"
 "You might run `git rm` on a file to accept \"deleted by them\" for it."
 msgstr "У вас есть не слитые пути в индексе.\nВы должны выполнить «git add» для каждого файла с разрешенными конфликтами, чтобы пометить их таковыми.\nВы можете запустить «git rm» с именем файла, чтобы пометить его как «удалено ими»."
-#: builtin/am.c:1996 builtin/am.c:2000 builtin/am.c:2012 builtin/reset.c:324
-#: builtin/reset.c:332
+#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "Не удалось разобрать объект «%s»."
-#: builtin/am.c:2048
+#: builtin/am.c:1989
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "не удалось очистить индекс"
-#: builtin/am.c:2083
+#: builtin/am.c:2033
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
 msgstr "Похоже, что вы переместили HEAD с момента последней ошибки выполнения «am».\nПеремотка на ORIG_HEAD не выполняется"
-#: builtin/am.c:2174
+#: builtin/am.c:2130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Неправильное значение для --patch-format: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2210
+#: builtin/am.c:2166
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<опции>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)…]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/am.c:2167
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<опции>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2217
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "запустить в интерактивном режиме"
-#: builtin/am.c:2219
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "историческая опция — ничего не делает"
-#: builtin/am.c:2221
+#: builtin/am.c:2177
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "разрешить откатиться к трехходовому слиянию, если нужно"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/init-db.c:485 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "тихий режим"
-#: builtin/am.c:2224
+#: builtin/am.c:2180
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "добавить строку Signed-off-by к сообщению коммита"
-#: builtin/am.c:2227
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "перекодировать в utf8 (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "передать флаг -k в git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "передать флаг -b в git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2233
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "передать флаг -m в git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2235
+#: builtin/am.c:2191
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "передать флаг --keep-cr в git-mailsplit для формата mbox"
-#: builtin/am.c:2238
+#: builtin/am.c:2194
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr "не передавать --keep-cr флаг в git-mailsplit вне зависимости от am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2241
+#: builtin/am.c:2197
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "обрезать все до строки обрезки"
-#: builtin/am.c:2243 builtin/am.c:2246 builtin/am.c:2249 builtin/am.c:2252
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/am.c:2258 builtin/am.c:2261 builtin/am.c:2264
-#: builtin/am.c:2270
+#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
+#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
+#: builtin/am.c:2226
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "передать его в git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2260 builtin/commit.c:1332 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:670
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:673 builtin/grep.c:857 builtin/merge.c:237
-#: builtin/pull.c:150 builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/repack.c:308
-#: builtin/repack.c:312 builtin/repack.c:314 builtin/show-branch.c:650
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:170 builtin/tag.c:384 parse-options.h:144
-#: parse-options.h:146 parse-options.h:258
+#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
+#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
+#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2266 builtin/branch.c:643 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:543 builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "формат"
-#: builtin/am.c:2267
+#: builtin/am.c:2223
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "формат, в котором находятся патчи"
-#: builtin/am.c:2273
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "переопределить сообщение об ошибке, если не удалось наложить изменения"
-#: builtin/am.c:2275
+#: builtin/am.c:2231
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "продолжить применение изменений после разрешения конфиликта"
-#: builtin/am.c:2278
+#: builtin/am.c:2234
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "синоним для --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2281
+#: builtin/am.c:2237
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "пропустить текущий патч"
-#: builtin/am.c:2284
+#: builtin/am.c:2240
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr "восстановить оригинальную ветку и отменить операцию применения изменений."
-#: builtin/am.c:2287
+#: builtin/am.c:2243
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2290
+#: builtin/am.c:2246
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/am.c:2294
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "соврать о дате коммитера"
-#: builtin/am.c:2296
+#: builtin/am.c:2252
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "использовать текущее время как время авторства"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298 builtin/commit.c:1468 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:183 builtin/revert.c:113 builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
+#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "key-id"
-#: builtin/am.c:2299
+#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "подписать коммиты с помощью GPG"
-#: builtin/am.c:2302
+#: builtin/am.c:2258
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(внутреннее использование для git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2320
+#: builtin/am.c:2276
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
 msgstr "Опция -b/--binary уже долгое время ничего не делает и будет удалена с следующих версиях Git. Пожалуйста, не используйте ее."
-#: builtin/am.c:2327
+#: builtin/am.c:2283
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "сбой чтения индекса"
-#: builtin/am.c:2342
+#: builtin/am.c:2298
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr "предыдущий каталог перемещения %s еще существует, но передан mbox."
-#: builtin/am.c:2366
+#: builtin/am.c:2322
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
 "Use \"git am --abort\" to remove it."
 msgstr "Найден забытый каталог %s.\nИспользуйте «git am --abort», чтобы удалить его."
-#: builtin/am.c:2372
+#: builtin/am.c:2328
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "Операция разрешения конфликтов не в процессе выполнения, не продолжаем."
@@ -6749,221 +8300,410 @@
 msgid "git archive: Remote with no URL"
 msgstr "git archive: внешний репозиторий без URL"
-#: builtin/archive.c:58
+#: builtin/archive.c:61
 msgid "git archive: expected ACK/NAK, got a flush packet"
 msgstr "git archive: ожидается ACK/NAK, получен пакет сброса буфера"
-#: builtin/archive.c:61
+#: builtin/archive.c:64
 #, c-format
 msgid "git archive: NACK %s"
 msgstr "git archive: NACK %s"
-#: builtin/archive.c:64
+#: builtin/archive.c:65
 msgid "git archive: protocol error"
 msgstr "git archive: ошибка протокола"
-#: builtin/archive.c:68
+#: builtin/archive.c:69
 msgid "git archive: expected a flush"
 msgstr "git archive: ожидался сброс буфера"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:12
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:22
 msgid "git bisect--helper --next-all [--no-checkout]"
 msgstr "git bisect--helper --next-all [--no-checkout]"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:13
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:23
 msgid "git bisect--helper --write-terms <bad_term> <good_term>"
 msgstr "git bisect--helper --write-terms <плохое-определение> <хорошее-определение>"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:14
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:24
 msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-clean-state"
 msgstr "git bisect--helper --bisect-clean-state"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:46
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:25
+msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-reset [<commit>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:26
+msgid ""
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-write [--no-log] <state> <revision> <good_term> "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:27
+msgid ""
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-check-and-set-terms <command> <good_term> "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:28
+msgid "git bisect--helper --bisect-next-check <good_term> <bad_term> [<term>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:29
+msgid ""
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-terms [--term-good | --term-old | --term-bad | "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:30
+msgid ""
+"git bisect--helper --bisect-start [--term-{old,good}=<term> "
+"--term-{new,bad}=<term>][--no-checkout] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:86
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid term"
 msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым определением"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:50
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't use the builtin command '%s' as a term"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать встроенную команду «%s» как определение"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:60
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't change the meaning of the term '%s'"
 msgstr "нельзя изменить значение определения «%s»"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:71
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:111
 msgid "please use two different terms"
 msgstr "используйте два разных определения"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:78
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:118
 msgid "could not open the file BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть файл BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:120
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:155
+#, c-format
+msgid "We are not bisecting.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:163
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a valid commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:174
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"could not check out original HEAD '%s'. Try 'git bisect reset <commit>'."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:215
+#, c-format
+msgid "Bad bisect_write argument: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:220
+#, c-format
+msgid "couldn't get the oid of the rev '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:232
+#, c-format
+msgid "couldn't open the file '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:258
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid command: you're currently in a %s/%s bisect"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:285
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You need to give me at least one %s and %s revision.\n"
+"You can use \"git bisect %s\" and \"git bisect %s\" for that."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:289
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You need to start by \"git bisect start\".\n"
+"You then need to give me at least one %s and %s revision.\n"
+"You can use \"git bisect %s\" and \"git bisect %s\" for that."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:321
+#, c-format
+msgid "bisecting only with a %s commit"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [Y] and [n] in your
+#. translation. The program will only accept English input
+#. at this point.
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:329
+msgid "Are you sure [Y/n]? "
+msgstr "Вы уверены [Y - да/n - нет]? "
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:376
+msgid "no terms defined"
+msgstr "определения не заданы"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:379
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Your current terms are %s for the old state\n"
+"and %s for the new state.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:389
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"invalid argument %s for 'git bisect terms'.\n"
+"Supported options are: --term-good|--term-old and --term-bad|--term-new."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:475
+#, c-format
+msgid "unrecognized option: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:479
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' does not appear to be a valid revision"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:511
+msgid "bad HEAD - I need a HEAD"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:526
+#, c-format
+msgid "checking out '%s' failed. Try 'git bisect start <valid-branch>'."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:547
+msgid "won't bisect on cg-seek'ed tree"
+msgstr "нельзя выполнить двоичный поиск на дереве после cg-seek"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:550
+msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "выполнить «git bisect next»"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:122
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "записать определения в .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:124
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "очистить состояние двоичного поиска"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:126
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "проверить ожидаемые редакции"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:128
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+msgid "reset the bisection state"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+msgid "print out the bisect terms"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+msgid "start the bisect session"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "обновить BISECT_HEAD вместо перехода на текущий коммит"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:143
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms требует указания двух параметров"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:147
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state не требует указания параметров"
-#: builtin/blame.c:31
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/blame.c:32
 msgid "git blame [<options>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <file>"
 msgstr "git blame [<опции>] [<опции-редакции>] [<редакция>] [--] <файл>"
-#: builtin/blame.c:36
+#: builtin/blame.c:37
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "<опции-rev-list> документированы в git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:406
+#: builtin/blame.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "ожидается цвет: %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:413
+#: builtin/blame.c:414
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "должно заканчиваться на цвет"
-#: builtin/blame.c:700
+#: builtin/blame.c:701
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:718
+#: builtin/blame.c:719
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:789
+#: builtin/blame.c:794
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr "Показать записи авторства постепенно, в процессе нахождения"
-#: builtin/blame.c:790
+#: builtin/blame.c:795
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Не показывать SHA-1 для коммитов, не входящих в границы запроса (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:791
+#: builtin/blame.c:796
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Не воспринимать корневые коммиты как граничные (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:792
+#: builtin/blame.c:797
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Показать статистику расходов на выполнение запроса"
-#: builtin/blame.c:793
+#: builtin/blame.c:798
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Принудительно выводить прогресс выполнения"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:799
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Показать оценку для записей авторства"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:800
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "Показать оригинальное имя файла (По умолчанию: автоматически)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:801
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Показать оригинальные номера строк (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:802
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Показать в формате для программного разбора"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:803
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr "Показать в машиночитаемом формате, с построчной информацией о коммите"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:804
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Использовать такой же формат вывода, как и git-annotate (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:805
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Показать необработанные временные метки (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:806
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Показать длинный SHA1 идентификатор коммита (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:807
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Не показывать имя автора и временные метки (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:808
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Показать почту автора вместо имени (По умолчанию: отключено)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:809
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Игнорировать различия в пробелах"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:810
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:811
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/blame.c:813
+#: builtin/blame.c:818
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
-msgstr "Использовать эксперементальную эвристику, чтобы улучшить файлы различий"
+msgstr "Использовать эксперементальную эвристику, чтобы улучшить файлы списка изменений"
-#: builtin/blame.c:815
+#: builtin/blame.c:820
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Потратить больше времени, для нахождения лучших совпадений"
-#: builtin/blame.c:816
+#: builtin/blame.c:821
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "Использовать редакции из <файла> вместо вызова git-rev-list"
-#: builtin/blame.c:817
+#: builtin/blame.c:822
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Использовать содержимое <файла> как финальный снимок"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818 builtin/blame.c:819
+#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "мин-длина"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "Найти копирование строк в пределах и между файлами"
-#: builtin/blame.c:819
+#: builtin/blame.c:824
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "Найти перемещения строк в пределах и между файлами"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:825
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "начало,конец"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:825
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Обработать только строки в диапазоне начало,конец, начиная с 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:869
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr "--progress нельзя использовать одновременно с --incremental или машиночитаемым (porcelain) форматом"
@@ -6974,11 +8714,11 @@
 #. among various forms of relative timestamps, but
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:920
+#: builtin/blame.c:927
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "4 года и 11 месяцев назад"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1007
+#: builtin/blame.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
@@ -6987,170 +8727,179 @@
 msgstr[2] "файл %s содержит только %lu строк"
 msgstr[3] "файл %s содержит только %lu строки"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1053
+#: builtin/blame.c:1077
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "Просмотр авторов строк"
-#: builtin/branch.c:28
+#: builtin/branch.c:29
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]"
 msgstr "git branch [<опции>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:29
+#: builtin/branch.c:30
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-l] [-f] <branch-name> [<start-point>]"
 msgstr "git branch [<опции>] [-l] [-f] <имя-ветки> [<точка-начала>]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:30
+#: builtin/branch.c:31
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r] (-d | -D) <branch-name>..."
 msgstr "git branch [<опции>] [-r] (-d | -D) <имя-ветки>…"
-#: builtin/branch.c:31
+#: builtin/branch.c:32
 msgid "git branch [<options>] (-m | -M) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>"
 msgstr "git branch [<опции>] (-m | -M) [<старая-ветка>] <новая-ветка>"
-#: builtin/branch.c:32
+#: builtin/branch.c:33
 msgid "git branch [<options>] (-c | -C) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>"
 msgstr "git branch [<опции>] (-c | -C) [<старая-ветка>] <новая-ветка>"
-#: builtin/branch.c:33
+#: builtin/branch.c:34
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]"
 msgstr "git branch [<опции>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:34
+#: builtin/branch.c:35
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [<опции>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:143
+#: builtin/branch.c:151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
 "         '%s', but not yet merged to HEAD."
 msgstr "удаление ветки «%s», которая была слита с\n         «%s», но не слита с HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:147
+#: builtin/branch.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
 "         '%s', even though it is merged to HEAD."
 msgstr "не удаление ветки «%s», которая еще не слита с\n         «%s», хотя уже слита с HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:161
+#: builtin/branch.c:169
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось найти объект коммита для «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:165
+#: builtin/branch.c:173
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
 "If you are sure you want to delete it, run 'git branch -D %s'."
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» не слита полностью.\nЕсли вы уверены, что хотите ее удалить, запустите «git branch -D %s»."
-#: builtin/branch.c:178
+#: builtin/branch.c:186
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Не удалось обновить файл конфигурации"
-#: builtin/branch.c:209
+#: builtin/branch.c:217
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать одновременно ключи -a и -d"
-#: builtin/branch.c:215
+#: builtin/branch.c:223
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "Не удалось найти объект коммита для HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:229
+#: builtin/branch.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "Нельзя удалить ветку «%s» т.к. она активна на «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:244
+#: builtin/branch.c:252
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "внешняя отслеживаемая ветка «%s» не найдена."
-#: builtin/branch.c:245
+#: builtin/branch.c:253
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "ветка «%s» не найдена."
-#: builtin/branch.c:260
+#: builtin/branch.c:268
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Ошибка удаления внешней отслеживаемой ветки «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:261
+#: builtin/branch.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Ошибка удаления ветки «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:276
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Внешняя отслеживаемая ветка %s удалена (была %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Ветка %s удалена (была %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:413 builtin/tag.c:59
+#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать строку формата"
-#: builtin/branch.c:450
+#: builtin/branch.c:452
+msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#, c-format
+msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/branch.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "Производится перемещение ветки %s на %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:454
+#: builtin/branch.c:477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "Производится двоичный поиск в ветке %s на %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:471
+#: builtin/branch.c:494
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "невозможно скопировать текущую ветку, если вы не находитесь ни на одной из веток."
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:496
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "невозможно переименовать текущую ветку, если вы не находитесь ни на одной из них."
-#: builtin/branch.c:484
+#: builtin/branch.c:507
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Недействительное имя ветки: «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:511
+#: builtin/branch.c:534
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Сбой переименования ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:513
+#: builtin/branch.c:536
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Сбой копирования ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:517
+#: builtin/branch.c:540
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Создана копия неправильно названной ветки «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:520
+#: builtin/branch.c:543
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "Переименована неправильно названная ветка «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:526
+#: builtin/branch.c:549
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "Ветка переименована в %s, но HEAD не обновлен!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:535
+#: builtin/branch.c:558
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Ветка переименована, но произошел сбой обновления файла конфигурации"
-#: builtin/branch.c:537
+#: builtin/branch.c:560
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Ветка скопирована, но произошел сбой обновления файла конфигурации"
-#: builtin/branch.c:553
+#: builtin/branch.c:576
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -7158,223 +8907,213 @@
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be stripped.\n"
 msgstr "Измените описание для ветки:\n  %s\nСтроки, начинающиеся с «%c» будут вырезаны.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:594
+#: builtin/branch.c:610
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Общие параметры"
-#: builtin/branch.c:596
+#: builtin/branch.c:612
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
-msgstr "показывать хэш-сумму и тему, укажите дважды для вышестоящей ветки"
+msgstr "показывать хеш-сумму и тему, укажите дважды для вышестоящей ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:597
+#: builtin/branch.c:613
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "не выводить информационные сообщения"
-#: builtin/branch.c:598
+#: builtin/branch.c:614
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "установить режим отслеживания вышестоящей ветки (см. git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:600
+#: builtin/branch.c:616
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "не используйте"
-#: builtin/branch.c:602
+#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "вышестоящая"
-#: builtin/branch.c:602
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "изменить информацию о вышестоящей ветке"
-#: builtin/branch.c:603
+#: builtin/branch.c:619
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Убрать информацию о вышестоящей ветке"
-#: builtin/branch.c:604
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "использовать цветной вывод"
-#: builtin/branch.c:605
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "выполнить действия на отслеживаемых внешних ветках"
-#: builtin/branch.c:607 builtin/branch.c:609
+#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "вывод только веток, которые содержат коммит"
-#: builtin/branch.c:608 builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "вывод только веток, которые не содержат коммит"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Специфичные для git-branch действия:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:630
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "показать список и отслеживаемых и локальных веток"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:632
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "удалить полностью слитую ветку"
-#: builtin/branch.c:617
+#: builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "удалить ветку (даже никуда не слитую)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "переместить/переименовать ветки и ее журнал ссылок"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:635
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "переместить/переименовать ветку, даже если целевое имя уже существует"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:636
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "скопировать ветку и её журнал ссылок"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "скопировать ветку, даже если целевое имя уже существует"
-#: builtin/branch.c:622
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "показать список имен веток"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623
+#: builtin/branch.c:639
+msgid "show current branch name"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "создать журнал ссылок ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:626
-msgid "deprecated synonym for --create-reflog"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/branch.c:631
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "изменить описание ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "принудительное создание, перемещение или удаление ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "вывод только слитых веток"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "вывод только не слитых веток"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "показать список веток по столбцам"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636 builtin/for-each-ref.c:40 builtin/ls-remote.c:70
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
-msgid "key"
-msgstr "ключ"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637 builtin/for-each-ref.c:41 builtin/ls-remote.c:71
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
-msgid "field name to sort on"
-msgstr "имя поля, по которому выполнить сортировку"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639 builtin/for-each-ref.c:43 builtin/notes.c:410
-#: builtin/notes.c:413 builtin/notes.c:573 builtin/notes.c:576
-#: builtin/tag.c:416
+#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
+#: builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "объект"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "вывод только веток, определенного объекта"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642 builtin/for-each-ref.c:49 builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "сортировка и фильтрация не зависят от регистра"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
 #: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "использовать формат для вывода"
-#: builtin/branch.c:666 builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD не найден в refs/heads!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:689
+#: builtin/branch.c:700
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column и --verbose нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/branch.c:709 builtin/branch.c:761 builtin/branch.c:770
+#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "требуется имя ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:737
+#: builtin/branch.c:745
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "Нельзя дать описание отделённому HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:742
+#: builtin/branch.c:750
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "нельзя изменить описание более одной ветки за раз"
-#: builtin/branch.c:749
+#: builtin/branch.c:757
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Еще нет коммита на ветке «%s»."
-#: builtin/branch.c:752
+#: builtin/branch.c:760
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "Нет ветки с именем «%s»."
-#: builtin/branch.c:767
+#: builtin/branch.c:775
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "слишком много веток для операции копирования"
-#: builtin/branch.c:776
+#: builtin/branch.c:784
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "слишком много аргументов для операции переименования"
-#: builtin/branch.c:781
+#: builtin/branch.c:789
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "слишком много аргументов для указания новой вышестоящей ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:785
+#: builtin/branch.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr "невозможно установить вышестоящий репозиторий для HEAD на %s, так как он не указывает ни на одну ветку."
-#: builtin/branch.c:788 builtin/branch.c:810 builtin/branch.c:826
+#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "нет такой ветки «%s»"
-#: builtin/branch.c:792
+#: builtin/branch.c:800
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "ветка «%s» не существует"
-#: builtin/branch.c:804
+#: builtin/branch.c:813
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "слишком много аргументов для сброса указания вышестоящей ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:808
+#: builtin/branch.c:817
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr "невозможно убрать вышестоящий репозиторий для HEAD, так как он не указывает ни на одну ветку."
-#: builtin/branch.c:814
+#: builtin/branch.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "Ветка «%s» не имеет информации о вышестоящей ветке"
-#: builtin/branch.c:829
+#: builtin/branch.c:833
 msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
 msgstr "параметры -a и -r для «git branch» не имеют смысла с указанием имени ветки"
-#: builtin/branch.c:832
+#: builtin/branch.c:836
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -7393,139 +9132,144 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Требуется репозиторий для распаковки."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:577
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | "
 "-p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
 msgstr "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -p | <тип> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<путь>] <объект>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:578
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | "
 msgstr "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --filters]"
 #: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<тип> может быть одним из: blob, tree, commit, tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "показать тип объекта"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:617
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "показать размер объекта"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:619
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "выйти с нулевым кодом возврата, если нет ошибки"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:620
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "структурированный вывод содержимого объекта"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:622
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "запустить texconv на содержимом двоичных объектов "
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:624
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "запуск фильтров на содержимом двоичных объектов "
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:625
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "двоичный объект"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:626
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "использовать определенный путь для --textconv/--filters"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:628
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "разрешить -s и -t работать с повреждёнными объектами"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:629
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "буфферировать вывод --batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:631
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "показать информацию и содержимое объектов, переданных из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "показать информацию об объектах, переданных из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr "переходить по символьным ссылкам внутри дерева (используется с опциями --batch и --batch-check)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "показать все объекты с опциями --batch или --batch-check"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/check-attr.c:12
+#: builtin/check-attr.c:13
 msgid "git check-attr [-a | --all | <attr>...] [--] <pathname>..."
 msgstr "git check-attr [-a | --all | <атрибут>…] [--] <путь>…"
-#: builtin/check-attr.c:13
+#: builtin/check-attr.c:14
 msgid "git check-attr --stdin [-z] [-a | --all | <attr>...]"
 msgstr "git check-attr --stdin [-z] [-a | --all | <атрибут>…]"
-#: builtin/check-attr.c:20
+#: builtin/check-attr.c:21
 msgid "report all attributes set on file"
 msgstr "вывести все атрибуты установленные для файла"
-#: builtin/check-attr.c:21
+#: builtin/check-attr.c:22
 msgid "use .gitattributes only from the index"
 msgstr "использовать только .gitattributes из индекса"
-#: builtin/check-attr.c:22 builtin/check-ignore.c:24 builtin/hash-object.c:101
+#: builtin/check-attr.c:23 builtin/check-ignore.c:25 builtin/hash-object.c:102
 msgid "read file names from stdin"
 msgstr "прочитать имена файлов из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/check-attr.c:24 builtin/check-ignore.c:26
+#: builtin/check-attr.c:25 builtin/check-ignore.c:27
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "окончание ввода и вывода записей по НУЛЕВОМУ символу"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:20 builtin/checkout.c:1120 builtin/gc.c:503
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:499
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "не выводить прогресс выполнения"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:28
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:29
 msgid "show non-matching input paths"
 msgstr "показать не совпадающие введенные пути"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:30
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:31
 msgid "ignore index when checking"
 msgstr "игнорировать индекс при проверке"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:159
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:160
 msgid "cannot specify pathnames with --stdin"
 msgstr "нельзя указывать пути вместе с параметром --stdin"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:162
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:163
 msgid "-z only makes sense with --stdin"
 msgstr "-z имеет смысл только вместе с параметром --stdin"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:164
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:165
 msgid "no path specified"
 msgstr "не указан путь"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:168
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:169
 msgid "--quiet is only valid with a single pathname"
 msgstr "--quiet можно использовать только при указании одного пути"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:170
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:171
 msgid "cannot have both --quiet and --verbose"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать одновременно --quiet и --verbose"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:173
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:174
 msgid "--non-matching is only valid with --verbose"
 msgstr "--non-matching можно использовать только вместе с --verbose"
@@ -7546,164 +9290,203 @@
 msgid "no contacts specified"
 msgstr "не указаны контакты"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:128
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:131
 msgid "git checkout-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]"
 msgstr "git checkout-index [<опции>] [--] [<файл>…]"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:143
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:148
 msgid "stage should be between 1 and 3 or all"
 msgstr "индекс должен быть между 1 и 3 или all"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:159
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:164
 msgid "check out all files in the index"
 msgstr "переключиться на состояние всех файлов из индекса"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:160
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:165
 msgid "force overwrite of existing files"
 msgstr "принудительная перезапись существующих файлов"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:162
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:167
 msgid "no warning for existing files and files not in index"
 msgstr "не выводить предупреждения для существующих и непроиндексированных файлов"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:164
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:169
 msgid "don't checkout new files"
 msgstr "не создавать новые файлы"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:166
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:171
 msgid "update stat information in the index file"
 msgstr "обновить статистику доступа в файле индекса"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:170
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:175
 msgid "read list of paths from the standard input"
 msgstr "прочитать список путей из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:172
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:177
 msgid "write the content to temporary files"
 msgstr "записать содержимое во временные файлы"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1361 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1364
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1736
-#: builtin/worktree.c:610
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
+#: builtin/worktree.c:672
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "строка"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:174
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:179
 msgid "when creating files, prepend <string>"
 msgstr "добавить спереди <строку> при создании файлов"
-#: builtin/checkout-index.c:176
+#: builtin/checkout-index.c:181
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "копировать файлы из указанного индекса"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:29
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<опции>] <ветка>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:30
+#: builtin/checkout.c:33
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<опции>] [<ветка>] -- <файл>…"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:138 builtin/checkout.c:171
+#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "путь «%s» не имеет нашей версии"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:140 builtin/checkout.c:173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "путь «%s» не имеет их версии"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:156
+#: builtin/checkout.c:169
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "путь «%s» не имеет всех необходимых версий"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:200
+#: builtin/checkout.c:219
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "путь «%s» не имеет необходимых версий"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:217
+#: builtin/checkout.c:237
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "путь «%s»: не удалось слить"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:233
+#: builtin/checkout.c:253
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось добавить результат слияния «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:255 builtin/checkout.c:258 builtin/checkout.c:261
-#: builtin/checkout.c:264
+#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
+#: builtin/checkout.c:340
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
 msgstr "«%s» нельзя использовать при обновлении путей"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:267 builtin/checkout.c:270
+#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
 msgstr "«%s» нельзя использовать одновременно с %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:273
+#: builtin/checkout.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
 msgstr "Нельзя обновлять пути и переключаться на ветку «%s» одновременно."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:342 builtin/checkout.c:349
+#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
 msgstr "путь «%s» не слит"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:508
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#, c-format
+msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
+msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
+msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#, c-format
+msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
+msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+msgstr[2] ""
+msgstr[3] ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:695
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "сначала нужно разрешить конфликты в вашем текущем индексе"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:645
+#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#, c-format
+msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:848
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Не удалось создать журнал ссылок для «%s»: %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:686
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD сейчас на"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:690 builtin/clone.c:692
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:694
+#: builtin/checkout.c:898
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Сброс ветки «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:697
+#: builtin/checkout.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Уже на «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:905
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Переключение и сброс ветки «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:703 builtin/checkout.c:1052
+#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Переключено на новую ветку «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:705
+#: builtin/checkout.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Переключено на ветку «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:756
+#: builtin/checkout.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " … и еще %d.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:762
+#: builtin/checkout.c:966
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -7720,7 +9503,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "Предупреждение: вы оставляете позади %d коммитов не соединенные ни с одной из ваших веток:\n\n%s\n"
 msgstr[3] "Предупреждение: вы оставляете позади %d коммитов не соединенные ни с одной из ваших веток:\n\n%s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:781
+#: builtin/checkout.c:985
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -7739,166 +9522,181 @@
 msgstr[2] "Если вы хотите сохранить их с помощью создания новой ветки, то сейчас самое время\nсделать это с помощью:\n\n git branch <имя-новой-ветки> %s\n"
 msgstr[3] "Если вы хотите сохранить их с помощью создания новой ветки, то сейчас самое время\nсделать это с помощью:\n\n git branch <имя-новой-ветки> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:813
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "внутренняя ошибка при хождении по редакциям"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:817
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "Предыдущая позиция HEAD была"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:845 builtin/checkout.c:1047
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Вы находитесь на еще не созданной ветке"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:952
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "ожидается только одна ссылка, а передано %d."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:993 builtin/worktree.c:240 builtin/worktree.c:389
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
+"Please use -- (and optionally --no-guess) to disambiguate"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "неправильная ссылка: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1022
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "в дереве нет такой ссылки: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1061
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать пути при переключении веток"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1064 builtin/checkout.c:1068
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать «%s» при переключении веток"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1072 builtin/checkout.c:1075 builtin/checkout.c:1080
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1083
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "«%s» нельзя использовать одновременно с «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1088
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Нельзя переключить ветку на не коммит «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1121 builtin/checkout.c:1123 builtin/clone.c:119
-#: builtin/remote.c:168 builtin/remote.c:170 builtin/worktree.c:433
-#: builtin/worktree.c:435
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
+#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
+#: builtin/worktree.c:494
 msgid "branch"
 msgstr "ветка"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1122
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
 msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
 msgstr "создать и переключиться на новую ветку"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1124
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
 msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
 msgstr "создать/сбросить и перключиться на новую ветку"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1125
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
 msgid "create reflog for new branch"
 msgstr "создать журнал ссылок для новой ветки"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1126 builtin/worktree.c:437
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
 msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
 msgstr "отсоединить HEAD на указанном коммите"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1127
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
 msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
 msgstr "установить информацию о вышестоящей ветке для новой ветки"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1129
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
 msgid "new-branch"
 msgstr "новая-ветка"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1129
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
 msgid "new unparented branch"
 msgstr "новая ветка без родителей"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1131
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
 msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
 msgstr "переключиться на нашу версию для не слитых файлов"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1134
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
 msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
 msgstr "переключиться на их версию для не слитых файлов"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1136
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
 msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
 msgstr "принудительное переключение на состояние (отбрасывает все локальные изменения)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1138
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
 msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
 msgstr "выполнить трехходовое слияние с новой веткой"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1140 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
 msgid "update ignored files (default)"
 msgstr "обновить игнорируемые файлы (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1142 builtin/log.c:1510 parse-options.h:264
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
 msgid "style"
 msgstr "стиль"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1143
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
 msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
 msgstr "стиль конфликтов слияния (merge или diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1146
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
 msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
 msgstr "не ограничивать спецификаторы пути только частичными записями"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1148
-msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "пересмотр «git checkout <нет-такой-ветки>»"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
+msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1150
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
 msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
 msgstr "не проверять, что другое дерево уже содержит указанную ссылку"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1154 builtin/clone.c:86 builtin/fetch.c:138
-#: builtin/merge.c:270 builtin/pull.c:128 builtin/push.c:572
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
+#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "принудительно выводить прогресс"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1184
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B и --orphan нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1201
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track требует имя ветки"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1206
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "пропущено имя ветки; попробуйте -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1243
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "недопустимый спецификатор пути"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1250
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr "«%s» не является коммитом, поэтому невозможно создать из него ветку «%s»"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1254
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach не принимает путь «%s» как аргумент"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1258
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
 msgstr "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge нельзя использовать одновременно при применении состояния индекса."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -7915,37 +9713,37 @@
 "checkout.defaultRemote=origin in your config."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clean.c:27
+#: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
 msgstr "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <шаблон>] [-x | -X] [--] <пути>…"
-#: builtin/clean.c:31
+#: builtin/clean.c:32
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s\n"
 msgstr "Удаление %s\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:32
+#: builtin/clean.c:33
 #, c-format
 msgid "Would remove %s\n"
 msgstr "Будет удалено %s\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:33
+#: builtin/clean.c:34
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping repository %s\n"
 msgstr "Пропуск репозитория %s\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:34
+#: builtin/clean.c:35
 #, c-format
 msgid "Would skip repository %s\n"
 msgstr "Будет пропущен репозиторий %s\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:35
+#: builtin/clean.c:36
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "сбой удаления %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:297 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -7954,7 +9752,7 @@
 "           - (empty) select nothing\n"
 msgstr "Справка по выделению:\n1          - выбрать указанный элемент\nfoo        - выбрать элемент с указанным префиксом\n           - (пусто) не выбирать ничего\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:301 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -7967,38 +9765,38 @@
 "           - (empty) finish selecting\n"
 msgstr "Справка по выделению:\n1          - выбрать один элемент\n3-5        - выбрать диапазон элементов\n2-3,6-9    - выбрать несколько диапазонов\nfoo        - выбрать элемент с указанным префиксом\n-…       - убрать выделение с указанных элементов\n*          - выбрать все элементы\n           - (пусто) завершить выделение\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:517 git-add--interactive.perl:554
+#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
 #: git-add--interactive.perl:559
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Хм (%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:659
+#: builtin/clean.c:661
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Шаблоны игнорирования ввода>> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:696
+#: builtin/clean.c:698
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Не удалось найти элементы соответствующие: %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:717
+#: builtin/clean.c:719
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Укажите элементы для удаления"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:758
+#: builtin/clean.c:760
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Удалить %s [y - да/N - нет]? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:783 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "До свидания.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:791
+#: builtin/clean.c:793
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -8009,15 +9807,15 @@
 "?                   - help for prompt selection"
 msgstr "clean               - начать очистку\nfilter by pattern   - исключить удаление элементов\nselect by numbers   - исключить удаление элементов по номерам\nask each            - запрашивать подтверждение на удаление каждого элемента (как «rm -i»)\nquit                - прекратить очистку\nhelp                - этот экран\n?                   - справка по выделению"
-#: builtin/clean.c:818 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Команды ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:819 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Что теперь"
-#: builtin/clean.c:827
+#: builtin/clean.c:829
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Удалить следующие элементы:"
@@ -8025,372 +9823,387 @@
 msgstr[2] "Удалить следующие элементы:"
 msgstr[3] "Удалить следующие элементы:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:843
+#: builtin/clean.c:845
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "Больше нет файлов для очистки, выходим."
-#: builtin/clean.c:905
+#: builtin/clean.c:907
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "не выводить имена удаляемых файлов"
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:909
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "принудительно"
-#: builtin/clean.c:908
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "интерактивная очистка"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:912
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "удалить каталоги полностью"
-#: builtin/clean.c:911 builtin/describe.c:545 builtin/describe.c:547
-#: builtin/grep.c:875 builtin/log.c:161 builtin/log.c:163
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:549 builtin/name-rev.c:415 builtin/name-rev.c:417
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:177
+#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "шаблон"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:914
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "добавить <шаблон> в правила игнорирования"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "также удалить игнорируемые файлы"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:917
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "удалить только игнорируемые файлы"
-#: builtin/clean.c:933
+#: builtin/clean.c:935
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать одновременно -x и -X"
-#: builtin/clean.c:937
+#: builtin/clean.c:939
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to"
 " clean"
 msgstr "clean.requireForce установлен как true и ни одна из опций -i, -n или -f не указана; отказ очистки"
-#: builtin/clean.c:940
+#: builtin/clean.c:942
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
 msgstr "clean.requireForce установлен по умолчанию как true и ни одна из опций -i, -n или -f не указана; отказ очистки"
-#: builtin/clone.c:43
+#: builtin/clone.c:44
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<опции>] [--] <репозиторий> [<каталог>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:88
+#: builtin/clone.c:90
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "не переключать рабочую копию на HEAD"
-#: builtin/clone.c:89 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/init-db.c:480
+#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "создать голый репозиторий"
-#: builtin/clone.c:93
+#: builtin/clone.c:95
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "создать зеркало репозитория (включает в себя и параметр bare)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:97
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "для клонирования из локального репозитория"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:99
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "не использовать жесткие ссылки, всегда копировать файлы"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:101
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "настроить как общедоступный репозиторий"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101 builtin/clone.c:105
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "спецификатор-пути"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101 builtin/clone.c:105
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "инициализировать подмодули в клоне"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "количество подмодулей, которые будут клонированы парралельно"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:477
+#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "каталог-шаблонов"
-#: builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/init-db.c:478
+#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "каталог, шаблоны из которого будут использованы"
-#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1739
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "ссылаемый репозиторий"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1741
+#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "используйте --reference только при клонировании"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:44
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3194 builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "имя"
-#: builtin/clone.c:118
+#: builtin/clone.c:117
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "использовать <имя> вместо «origin» для отслеживания вышестоящего репозитория"
-#: builtin/clone.c:120
+#: builtin/clone.c:119
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "переключиться на <ветку>, вместо HEAD внешнего репозитория"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122
+#: builtin/clone.c:121
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "путь к git-upload-pack на внешнем репозитории"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:139 builtin/grep.c:814
-#: builtin/pull.c:216
+#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
+#: builtin/pull.c:225
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "глубина"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124
+#: builtin/clone.c:123
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "сделать частичный клон указанной глубины"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:141 builtin/pack-objects.c:3185
-#: parse-options.h:154
+#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "время"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126
+#: builtin/clone.c:125
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "сделать частичный клон до определенного времени"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166
+#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "редакция"
-#: builtin/clone.c:128 builtin/fetch.c:144
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr "углубить историю частичного клона исключая редакцию"
-#: builtin/clone.c:130
+#: builtin/clone.c:129
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "клонировать только одну ветку, HEAD или --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:132
+#: builtin/clone.c:131
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr "не клонировать метки, а также настроить, чтобы не клонировались и в дальнейшем"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134
+#: builtin/clone.c:133
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "все склонированные подмодули будут частичными клонами"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr "каталог-git"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "разместить каталог git отдельно от рабочей копии"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "ключ=значение"
-#: builtin/clone.c:138
+#: builtin/clone.c:137
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "установить параметры внутри нового репозитория"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:229
-#: builtin/push.c:583
+#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
+msgid "server-specific"
+msgstr "зависит-от-сервера"
+#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
+msgid "option to transmit"
+msgstr "передаваемые опции"
+#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "использовать только IPv4 адреса"
-#: builtin/clone.c:141 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/pull.c:232
-#: builtin/push.c:585
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "использовать только IPv6 адреса"
-#: builtin/clone.c:279
+#: builtin/clone.c:280
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
 msgstr "Имя каталога не может быть угадано.\nУкажите имя каталога с помощью параметра командной строки"
-#: builtin/clone.c:332
+#: builtin/clone.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "информация: Не удалось добавить альтернативу для «%s»: %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:404
+#: builtin/clone.c:405
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:412
+#: builtin/clone.c:413
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s уже существует и не является каталогом"
-#: builtin/clone.c:426
+#: builtin/clone.c:427
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:448
+#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
+msgstr "сбой отсоединения «%s»"
+#: builtin/clone.c:449
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать ссылку «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:452
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось копировать файл в «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:478
+#: builtin/clone.c:479
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "готово.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:492
+#: builtin/clone.c:493
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
 "and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
 msgstr "Клонирование прошло успешно, но во время переключения состояния произошла ошибка.\nС помощь команды «git status» вы можете просмотреть, какие файлы были обновлены,\nа с помощью «git checkout -f HEAD» можно повторить попытку переключения на ветку \n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:569
+#: builtin/clone.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "Не удалось найти внешнюю ветку %s для клонирования."
-#: builtin/clone.c:680
+#: builtin/clone.c:689
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:730
+#: builtin/clone.c:739
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr "внешний HEAD ссылается на несуществующую ссылку, нельзя переключиться на такую версию.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:760
+#: builtin/clone.c:770
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "не удалось переключиться на версию в рабочем каталоге"
-#: builtin/clone.c:805
+#: builtin/clone.c:815
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "не удалось записать параметры в файл конфигурации"
-#: builtin/clone.c:868
+#: builtin/clone.c:878
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить перепаковку для очистки"
-#: builtin/clone.c:870
+#: builtin/clone.c:880
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "не удалось отсоединить временные альтернативные файлы"
-#: builtin/clone.c:910 builtin/receive-pack.c:1935
+#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Слишком много аргументов."
-#: builtin/clone.c:914
+#: builtin/clone.c:924
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Вы должны указать репозиторий для клонирования."
-#: builtin/clone.c:927
+#: builtin/clone.c:937
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "--bare и --origin %s нельзя использовать одновременно."
-#: builtin/clone.c:930
+#: builtin/clone.c:940
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "--bare и --separate-git-dir нельзя использовать одновременно."
-#: builtin/clone.c:943
+#: builtin/clone.c:953
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "репозиторий «%s» не существует"
-#: builtin/clone.c:949 builtin/fetch.c:1512
+#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "глубина %s не является положительным числом"
-#: builtin/clone.c:959
+#: builtin/clone.c:969
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "целевой путь «%s» уже существует и не является пустым каталогом."
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "рабочий каталог «%s» уже существует."
-#: builtin/clone.c:984 builtin/clone.c:1005 builtin/difftool.c:271
-#: builtin/worktree.c:246 builtin/worktree.c:276
+#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать родительские каталоги для «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:989
+#: builtin/clone.c:999
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать рабочий каталог «%s»"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1009
+#: builtin/clone.c:1019
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Клонирование в голый репозиторий «%s»…\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1011
+#: builtin/clone.c:1021
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Клонирование в «%s»…\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1035
+#: builtin/clone.c:1045
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-"
 msgstr "клонирование с параметром --recursive нельзя использовать одновременно ни с --reference, ни с --reference-if-able"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1096
+#: builtin/clone.c:1106
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--depth игнорируется на локальных клонах; вместо этого используйте file://."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1098
+#: builtin/clone.c:1108
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--shallow-since игнорируется на локальных клонах; используйте file:// вместо этого."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1100
+#: builtin/clone.c:1110
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--shallow-exclude игнорируется на локальных клонах; используйте file:// вместо этого."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1102
+#: builtin/clone.c:1112
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1105
+#: builtin/clone.c:1115
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "исходный репозиторий является частичным, --local игнорируется"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1120
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local игнорируется"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1180 builtin/clone.c:1188
+#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "Внешняя ветка %s не найдена в вышестоящем репозитории %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1191
+#: builtin/clone.c:1208
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Похоже, что вы клонировали пустой репозиторий."
@@ -8426,22 +10239,88 @@
 msgid "--command must be the first argument"
 msgstr "параметр --command должен быть первым"
-#: builtin/commit.c:38
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:18
+msgid ""
+"git commit-tree [(-p <parent>)...] [-S[<keyid>]] [(-m <message>)...] [(-F "
+"<file>)...] <tree>"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:31
+#, c-format
+msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#, c-format
+msgid "not a valid object name %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:93
+#, c-format
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to open '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:96
+#, c-format
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to read '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:98
+#, c-format
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to close '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:111
+msgid "parent"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:112
+msgid "id of a parent commit object"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
+msgid "message"
+msgstr "сообщение"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+msgid "commit message"
+msgstr "сообщение коммита"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:118
+msgid "read commit log message from file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
+#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+msgid "GPG sign commit"
+msgstr "подписать коммит с помощью GPG"
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:133
+msgid "must give exactly one tree"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:140
+msgid "git commit-tree: failed to read"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/commit.c:41
 msgid "git commit [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
 msgstr "git commit [<опции>] [--] <спецификатор-пути>…"
-#: builtin/commit.c:43
+#: builtin/commit.c:46
 msgid "git status [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
 msgstr "git status [<опции>] [--] <спецификатор-пути>…"
-#: builtin/commit.c:48
+#: builtin/commit.c:51
 msgid ""
 "You asked to amend the most recent commit, but doing so would make\n"
 "it empty. You can repeat your command with --allow-empty, or you can\n"
 "remove the commit entirely with \"git reset HEAD^\".\n"
 msgstr "Вы попросили исправить последний коммит, но делая это вы сделаете\nпустой коммит. Вы можете повторить эту команду с опцией --allow-empty\nили вы можете удалить коммит полностью с помощью команды \n«git reset HEAD^».\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:53
+#: builtin/commit.c:56
 msgid ""
 "The previous cherry-pick is now empty, possibly due to conflict resolution.\n"
 "If you wish to commit it anyway, use:\n"
@@ -8450,11 +10329,11 @@
 msgstr "Копируемый коммит теперь пуст, возможно после разрешения конфликтов.\nЕсли вы все равно хотите сделать пустой коммит, используйте:\n\n    git commit --allow-empty\n\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:60
+#: builtin/commit.c:63
 msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
 msgstr "В противном случае, используйте «git reset»\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:63
+#: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
@@ -8464,98 +10343,98 @@
 "the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr "Если вы хотите пропустит этот коммит, используйте команду:\n\n    git reset\n\nПосле этого «git cherry-pick --continue» продолжит копирование оставшихся коммитов.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:306
+#: builtin/commit.c:312
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "сбой распаковки объекта дерева HEAD"
-#: builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/commit.c:353
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "не удалось создать временный индекс"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:359
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "сбой интерактивного добавления"
-#: builtin/commit.c:366
+#: builtin/commit.c:373
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить временный индекс"
-#: builtin/commit.c:368
+#: builtin/commit.c:375
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Сбой при обновлении основного кэша дерева"
-#: builtin/commit.c:393 builtin/commit.c:416 builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "не удалось записать файл new_index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:445
+#: builtin/commit.c:452
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "нельзя создать частичный коммит во время слияния."
-#: builtin/commit.c:447
+#: builtin/commit.c:454
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "нельзя создать частичный коммит во время копирования коммита."
-#: builtin/commit.c:455
+#: builtin/commit.c:462
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать индекс"
-#: builtin/commit.c:474
+#: builtin/commit.c:481
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "не удалось записать временный файл индекса"
-#: builtin/commit.c:571
+#: builtin/commit.c:579
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "у коммита «%s» отсутствует автор в заголовке"
-#: builtin/commit.c:573
+#: builtin/commit.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "у коммита «%s» строка автора в неправильном формате"
-#: builtin/commit.c:592
+#: builtin/commit.c:600
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "параметр --author в неправильном формате"
-#: builtin/commit.c:644
+#: builtin/commit.c:653
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
 msgstr "нельзя выбрать символ комментария, который\nне используется в текущем сообщении коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:681 builtin/commit.c:714 builtin/commit.c:1042
+#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "не удалось запросить коммит %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:693 builtin/shortlog.c:317
+#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(чтение файла журнала из стандартного ввода)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:695
+#: builtin/commit.c:705
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать файл журнала из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/commit.c:699
+#: builtin/commit.c:709
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать файл журнала «%s»"
-#: builtin/commit.c:728 builtin/commit.c:736
+#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:733
+#: builtin/commit.c:747
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:787
+#: builtin/commit.c:807
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "не удалось записать шаблон описания коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:805
+#: builtin/commit.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -8565,7 +10444,7 @@
 "and try again.\n"
 msgstr "\nПохоже, что вы пытаетесь закоммитить слияние.\nЕсли это ошибка, пожалуйста удалите файл\n\t%s\nи попробуйте снова.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:810
+#: builtin/commit.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -8575,14 +10454,14 @@
 "and try again.\n"
 msgstr "\nПохоже, что вы пытаетесь закоммитить при копировании коммита.\nЕсли это не так, то удалите файл\n\t%s\nи попробуйте снова.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:823
+#: builtin/commit.c:844
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
 "with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите сообщение коммита для ваших изменений. Строки,\nначинающиеся с «%c» будут проигнорированы, а пустое сообщение\nотменяет процесс коммита.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:852
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -8590,345 +10469,320 @@
 "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите сообщение коммита для ваших изменений. Строки,\nначинающиеся с «%c» будут оставлены; вы можете удалить их вручную,\nесли хотите. Пустое сообщение отменяет процесс коммита.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:848
+#: builtin/commit.c:869
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sАвтор:     %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:856
+#: builtin/commit.c:877
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sДата:      %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:863
+#: builtin/commit.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sКоммитер:  %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:880
+#: builtin/commit.c:902
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "Не удалось прочитать индекс"
-#: builtin/commit.c:946
+#: builtin/commit.c:969
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Ошибка при построении деревьев"
-#: builtin/commit.c:960 builtin/tag.c:258
+#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, укажите сообщение, при указании опций -m или -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1004
+#: builtin/commit.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr "--author «%s» не в формате «Имя <почта>» и не совпадает с существующим автором"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1018
+#: builtin/commit.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Недопустимый режим показа игнорируемых файлов «%s»"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1032 builtin/commit.c:1269
+#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Неправильный режим неотслеживаемых файлов «%s»"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1070
+#: builtin/commit.c:1097
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "--long и -z нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1103
+#: builtin/commit.c:1130
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "Указание одновременно опций --reset-author и --author не имеет смысла"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1112
+#: builtin/commit.c:1139
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "Нечего исправлять."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1115
+#: builtin/commit.c:1142
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Вы в процессе слияния —  сейчас нельзя исправлять."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1117
+#: builtin/commit.c:1144
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Вы в процессе копирования коммита —  сейчас нельзя исправлять."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1120
+#: builtin/commit.c:1147
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Опции --squash и --fixup не могут использоваться одновременно"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1157
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Может использоваться только одна из опций -c/-C/-F/--fixup."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1132
+#: builtin/commit.c:1159
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1140
+#: builtin/commit.c:1167
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr "--reset-author может использоваться только одновременно с опциями -C, -c или --amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1184
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr "Может использоваться только одна из опций --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1186
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "Указание путей каталогов с опциями --include/--only не имеет смысла."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1173 builtin/tag.c:544
+#: builtin/commit.c:1192
 #, c-format
-msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
-msgstr "Неправильное значение режима очистки %s"
+msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1178
-msgid "Paths with -a does not make sense."
-msgstr "С опцией -a указание пути не имеет смысла."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1303 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "кратко показать статус"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1305 builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "показать информацию о версии"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1307
+#: builtin/commit.c:1323
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "показать информацию о спрятанном"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1309 builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1311
+#: builtin/commit.c:1327
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "версия"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1311 builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/push.c:558
-#: builtin/worktree.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:643
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "машиночитаемый вывод"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1314 builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "показать статус в длинном формате (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/commit.c:1491
+#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "завершать записи НУЛЕВЫМ байтом"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1323 builtin/commit.c:1494
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1007 builtin/fast-export.c:1010 builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
+#: parse-options.h:331
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "режим"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1320 builtin/commit.c:1494
+#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr "показать неотслеживаемые файлы, опциональные режимы: all (все), normal (как обычно), no (нет). (По умолчанию: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1324
+#: builtin/commit.c:1340
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
 msgstr "показывать игнорируемые файлы, с опциональным режимом: traditional (традиционный), matching (только совпадающие), no (не показывать). (По умолчанию: traditional)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1326 parse-options.h:167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "когда"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
-msgstr "игнорировать изменения в подмодулях, опционально когда: all (всегда), dirty (измененные), untracked (неотслеживаемые). (По умолчанию: all)"
+msgstr "игнорировать изменения в подмодулях, опционально когда: all (всегда), dirty (изменённые), untracked (неотслеживаемые). (По умолчанию: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1329
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "показать неотслеживаемые файлы по столбцам"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330
+#: builtin/commit.c:1346
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "не определять переименования"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1332
+#: builtin/commit.c:1348
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "определять переименования, опционально устанавливать рейтинг сходства"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1352
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr "Неподдерживаемая комбинация аргументов отображения игнорируемых и неотслеживаемых файлов"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1450
+#: builtin/commit.c:1473
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
-msgstr "не выводить сводку после успешного коммита"
+msgstr "не выводить сводку изменений после успешного коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1451
+#: builtin/commit.c:1474
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "добавить список изменений в шаблон сообщения коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1453
+#: builtin/commit.c:1476
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Опции сообщения коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1454 builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/tag.c:395
+#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "прочитать сообщение из файла"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1455
+#: builtin/commit.c:1478
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "автор"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1455
+#: builtin/commit.c:1478
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "подменить автора коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1456 builtin/gc.c:504
+#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "дата"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1456
+#: builtin/commit.c:1479
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "подменить дату коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1457 builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/notes.c:404
-#: builtin/notes.c:567 builtin/tag.c:393
-msgid "message"
-msgstr "сообщение"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1457
-msgid "commit message"
-msgstr "сообщение коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1458 builtin/commit.c:1459 builtin/commit.c:1460
-#: builtin/commit.c:1461 parse-options.h:270 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "коммит"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1458
+#: builtin/commit.c:1481
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "использовать и отредактировать сообщение от указанного коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1459
+#: builtin/commit.c:1482
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "использовать сообщение указанного коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1460
+#: builtin/commit.c:1483
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr "использовать форматированное сообщение автоуплотнения для исправления указанного коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1461
+#: builtin/commit.c:1484
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr "использовать форматированное сообщение автоуплотнения для уплотнения указанного коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1462
+#: builtin/commit.c:1485
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr "коммит теперь за моим авторством (используется с -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1463 builtin/log.c:1457 builtin/merge.c:274
-#: builtin/pull.c:154 builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
+#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "добавить Signed-off-by:"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1464
+#: builtin/commit.c:1487
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "использовать указанный файл шаблона"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1465
+#: builtin/commit.c:1488
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "принудительно редактировать коммит"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1466
-msgid "default"
-msgstr "по-умолчанию"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1466 builtin/tag.c:399
-msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
-msgstr "как удалять пробелы и #комментарии из сообщения коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1467
+#: builtin/commit.c:1490
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "включить статус файлов в шаблон сообщения коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1469 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/pull.c:184
-#: builtin/revert.c:114
-msgid "GPG sign commit"
-msgstr "подписать коммит с помощью GPG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1472
+#: builtin/commit.c:1495
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Опции содержимого коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "закоммитить все измененные файлы"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "добавить указанные файлы в индекс для коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1475
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "интерактивное добавление файлов"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "интерактивное добавление изменений"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477
+#: builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "закоммитить только указанные файлы"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "пропустить перехватчик pre-commit и commit-msg"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "показать, что будет закоммичено"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1492
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "исправить предыдущий коммит"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1493
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "пропустить перехватчик post-rewrite"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "разрешить запись пустого коммита"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "разрешить запись изменений с пустым сообщением"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1573
+#: builtin/commit.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Файл MERGE_HEAD поврежден (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1580
+#: builtin/commit.c:1603
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1599
+#: builtin/commit.c:1622
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть сообщение коммита: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1610
+#: builtin/commit.c:1629
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Отмена коммита из-за пустого сообщения коммита.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1615
+#: builtin/commit.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "Отмена коммита; вы не изменили сообщение.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1650
+#: builtin/commit.c:1668
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
@@ -8953,236 +10807,245 @@
 msgstr "git commit-graph write [--object-dir <каталог-объектов>] [--append] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:48 builtin/commit-graph.c:77
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:131 builtin/commit-graph.c:184 builtin/fetch.c:150
-#: builtin/log.c:1477
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
+#: builtin/log.c:1561
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "каталог"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:49 builtin/commit-graph.c:78
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:132 builtin/commit-graph.c:185
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Каталог объектов для сохранения графа"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:134
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
+msgstr "Не удалось открыть файл commit-graph «%s»"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "начать со всех ссылок"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:136
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "искать коммиты в pack-indexes, перечисленных на стандартном вводе"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:138
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "начать с коммитов, перечисленных на стандартном вводе"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:140
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "включить все коммиты, которые уже есть в файле commit-graph"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:149
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "используйте что-то одно из --reachable, --stdin-commits и --stdin-packs"
-#: builtin/config.c:10
+#: builtin/config.c:11
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<опции>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:101
+#: builtin/config.c:103
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:113
+#: builtin/config.c:115
 msgid "only one type at a time"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:122
+#: builtin/config.c:124
 msgid "Config file location"
 msgstr "Размещение файла конфигурации"
-#: builtin/config.c:123
+#: builtin/config.c:125
 msgid "use global config file"
 msgstr "использовать глобальный файл конфигурации"
-#: builtin/config.c:124
+#: builtin/config.c:126
 msgid "use system config file"
 msgstr "использовать системный файл конфигурации"
-#: builtin/config.c:125
+#: builtin/config.c:127
 msgid "use repository config file"
 msgstr "использовать файл конфигурации репозитория"
-#: builtin/config.c:126
+#: builtin/config.c:128
+msgid "use per-worktree config file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/config.c:129
 msgid "use given config file"
 msgstr "использовать указанный файл конфигурации"
-#: builtin/config.c:127
+#: builtin/config.c:130
 msgid "blob-id"
 msgstr "идент-двоичн-объекта"
-#: builtin/config.c:127
+#: builtin/config.c:130
 msgid "read config from given blob object"
 msgstr "прочитать настройки из указанного двоичного объекта"
-#: builtin/config.c:128
+#: builtin/config.c:131
 msgid "Action"
 msgstr "Действие"
-#: builtin/config.c:129
+#: builtin/config.c:132
 msgid "get value: name [value-regex]"
 msgstr "получить значение: имя [шаблон-значений]"
-#: builtin/config.c:130
+#: builtin/config.c:133
 msgid "get all values: key [value-regex]"
 msgstr "получить все значения: ключ [шаблон-значений]"
-#: builtin/config.c:131
+#: builtin/config.c:134
 msgid "get values for regexp: name-regex [value-regex]"
 msgstr "получить значения по шаблону: шаблон-имен [шаблон-значений]"
-#: builtin/config.c:132
+#: builtin/config.c:135
 msgid "get value specific for the URL: section[.var] URL"
 msgstr "получить значение, специфичное для URL: раздел[.переменная] URL"
-#: builtin/config.c:133
+#: builtin/config.c:136
 msgid "replace all matching variables: name value [value_regex]"
 msgstr "заменить все соответствующие переменные: имя значение [шаблон-значений]"
-#: builtin/config.c:134
+#: builtin/config.c:137
 msgid "add a new variable: name value"
 msgstr "добавить новую переменную: имя значение"
-#: builtin/config.c:135
+#: builtin/config.c:138
 msgid "remove a variable: name [value-regex]"
 msgstr "удалить переменную: имя [шаблон-значений]"
-#: builtin/config.c:136
+#: builtin/config.c:139
 msgid "remove all matches: name [value-regex]"
 msgstr "удалить все совпадающие: имя [шаблон-значений]"
-#: builtin/config.c:137
+#: builtin/config.c:140
 msgid "rename section: old-name new-name"
 msgstr "переименовать раздел: старое-имя новое-имя"
-#: builtin/config.c:138
+#: builtin/config.c:141
 msgid "remove a section: name"
 msgstr "удалить раздел: имя"
-#: builtin/config.c:139
+#: builtin/config.c:142
 msgid "list all"
 msgstr "показать весь список"
-#: builtin/config.c:140
+#: builtin/config.c:143
 msgid "open an editor"
 msgstr "открыть в редакторе"
-#: builtin/config.c:141
+#: builtin/config.c:144
 msgid "find the color configured: slot [default]"
 msgstr "найти настроенный цвет: раздел [по-умолчанию]"
-#: builtin/config.c:142
+#: builtin/config.c:145
 msgid "find the color setting: slot [stdout-is-tty]"
 msgstr "проверить, существует ли настроенный цвет: раздел [stdout-есть-tty]"
-#: builtin/config.c:143
+#: builtin/config.c:146
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Тип"
-#: builtin/config.c:144
+#: builtin/config.c:147
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:145
+#: builtin/config.c:148
 msgid "value is \"true\" or \"false\""
 msgstr "значение — это «true» (правда) или «false» (ложь)"
-#: builtin/config.c:146
+#: builtin/config.c:149
 msgid "value is decimal number"
 msgstr "значение — это десятичное число"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:150
 msgid "value is --bool or --int"
 msgstr "значение — это --bool или --int"
-#: builtin/config.c:148
+#: builtin/config.c:151
 msgid "value is a path (file or directory name)"
 msgstr "значение — это путь (к файлу или каталогу)"
-#: builtin/config.c:149
+#: builtin/config.c:152
 msgid "value is an expiry date"
 msgstr "значение - это дата окончания срока действия"
-#: builtin/config.c:150
+#: builtin/config.c:153
 msgid "Other"
 msgstr "Другое"
-#: builtin/config.c:151
+#: builtin/config.c:154
 msgid "terminate values with NUL byte"
 msgstr "завершать значения НУЛЕВЫМ байтом"
-#: builtin/config.c:152
+#: builtin/config.c:155
 msgid "show variable names only"
 msgstr "показывать только имена переменных"
-#: builtin/config.c:153
+#: builtin/config.c:156
 msgid "respect include directives on lookup"
 msgstr "учитывать директивы include (включения файлов) при запросе"
-#: builtin/config.c:154
+#: builtin/config.c:157
 msgid "show origin of config (file, standard input, blob, command line)"
 msgstr "показать источник настройки (файл, стандартный ввод, двоичный объект, командная строка)"
-#: builtin/config.c:155
+#: builtin/config.c:158
 msgid "value"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:155
+#: builtin/config.c:158
 msgid "with --get, use default value when missing entry"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:168
+#: builtin/config.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrong number of arguments, should be %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:170
+#: builtin/config.c:174
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrong number of arguments, should be from %d to %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:304
+#: builtin/config.c:308
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key pattern: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:340
+#: builtin/config.c:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to format default config value: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:397
+#: builtin/config.c:401
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot parse color '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:439
+#: builtin/config.c:443
 msgid "unable to parse default color value"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать значение цвета по умолчанию"
-#: builtin/config.c:492 builtin/config.c:724
+#: builtin/config.c:496 builtin/config.c:742
 msgid "not in a git directory"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:495
+#: builtin/config.c:499
 msgid "writing to stdin is not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:498
+#: builtin/config.c:502
 msgid "writing config blobs is not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:583
+#: builtin/config.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "# This is Git's per-user configuration file.\n"
@@ -9192,74 +11055,81 @@
 "#\temail = %s\n"
 msgstr "# Это файл конфигурации пользователя Git.\n[user]\n# Пожалуйста, адаптируйте и раскомментируйте следующие строки:\n#\tuser = %s\n#\temail = %s\n"
-#: builtin/config.c:606
+#: builtin/config.c:611
 msgid "only one config file at a time"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:611
+#: builtin/config.c:616
 msgid "--local can only be used inside a git repository"
 msgstr "--local можно использовать только внутри git репозитория"
-#: builtin/config.c:614
+#: builtin/config.c:619
 msgid "--blob can only be used inside a git repository"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:633
+#: builtin/config.c:638
 msgid "$HOME not set"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:670
-msgid "--get-color and variable type are incoherent"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:675
-msgid "only one action at a time"
+#: builtin/config.c:658
+msgid ""
+"--worktree cannot be used with multiple working trees unless the config\n"
+"extension worktreeConfig is enabled. Please read \"CONFIGURATION FILE\"\n"
+"section in \"git help worktree\" for details"
 msgstr ""
 #: builtin/config.c:688
+msgid "--get-color and variable type are incoherent"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/config.c:693
+msgid "only one action at a time"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/config.c:706
 msgid "--name-only is only applicable to --list or --get-regexp"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:694
+#: builtin/config.c:712
 msgid ""
 "--show-origin is only applicable to --get, --get-all, --get-regexp, and "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:700
+#: builtin/config.c:718
 msgid "--default is only applicable to --get"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:713
+#: builtin/config.c:731
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read config file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:716
+#: builtin/config.c:734
 msgid "error processing config file(s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:726
+#: builtin/config.c:744
 msgid "editing stdin is not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:728
+#: builtin/config.c:746
 msgid "editing blobs is not supported"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/config.c:742
+#: builtin/config.c:760
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create configuration file %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать файл конфигурации %s"
-#: builtin/config.c:755
+#: builtin/config.c:773
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot overwrite multiple values with a single value\n"
 "       Use a regexp, --add or --replace-all to change %s."
 msgstr "нельзя перезаписать несколько значений одним\n       Используйте регулярные выражения, параметры --add или --replace-all, чтобы изменить %s."
-#: builtin/config.c:829 builtin/config.c:840
+#: builtin/config.c:847 builtin/config.c:858
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such section: %s"
 msgstr ""
@@ -9272,194 +11142,194 @@
 msgid "print sizes in human readable format"
 msgstr "вывод размеров в удобочитаемом для человека виде"
-#: builtin/describe.c:26
+#: builtin/describe.c:27
 msgid "git describe [<options>] [<commit-ish>...]"
 msgstr "git describe [<опции>] [<указатель-коммита>…]"
-#: builtin/describe.c:27
+#: builtin/describe.c:28
 msgid "git describe [<options>] --dirty"
 msgstr "git describe [<опции>] --dirty"
-#: builtin/describe.c:62
+#: builtin/describe.c:63
 msgid "head"
 msgstr "указатель на ветку"
-#: builtin/describe.c:62
+#: builtin/describe.c:63
 msgid "lightweight"
 msgstr "легковесный"
-#: builtin/describe.c:62
+#: builtin/describe.c:63
 msgid "annotated"
 msgstr "аннотированный"
-#: builtin/describe.c:272
+#: builtin/describe.c:273
 #, c-format
 msgid "annotated tag %s not available"
 msgstr "аннотированная метка %s не доступна"
-#: builtin/describe.c:276
+#: builtin/describe.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "annotated tag %s has no embedded name"
 msgstr "аннотированная метка %s не содержит встроенного названия"
-#: builtin/describe.c:278
+#: builtin/describe.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' is really '%s' here"
 msgstr "метка «%s» уже здесь «%s»"
-#: builtin/describe.c:322
+#: builtin/describe.c:323
 #, c-format
 msgid "no tag exactly matches '%s'"
 msgstr "нет меток, точно соответствующих «%s»"
-#: builtin/describe.c:324
+#: builtin/describe.c:325
 #, c-format
 msgid "No exact match on refs or tags, searching to describe\n"
 msgstr "Нет точных совпадений по ссылкам или тегам, ищу описания\n"
-#: builtin/describe.c:378
+#: builtin/describe.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "finished search at %s\n"
 msgstr "поиск окончен на %s\n"
-#: builtin/describe.c:404
+#: builtin/describe.c:405
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No annotated tags can describe '%s'.\n"
 "However, there were unannotated tags: try --tags."
 msgstr "Нет аннотированных меток, которые могут описать «%s».\nНо имеются неаннотированные метки: попробуйте добавить параметр --tags."
-#: builtin/describe.c:408
+#: builtin/describe.c:409
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No tags can describe '%s'.\n"
 "Try --always, or create some tags."
 msgstr "Нет меток, которые могут описать «%s….\nПопробуйте добавить параметр --always или создать какие-нибудь метки."
-#: builtin/describe.c:438
+#: builtin/describe.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "traversed %lu commits\n"
 msgstr "посещено %lu коммитов\n"
-#: builtin/describe.c:441
+#: builtin/describe.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "more than %i tags found; listed %i most recent\n"
 "gave up search at %s\n"
 msgstr "более %i меток найдено; показано последние %i\nостановлен поиск после %s\n"
-#: builtin/describe.c:509
+#: builtin/describe.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "describe %s\n"
 msgstr "описать %s\n"
-#: builtin/describe.c:512 builtin/log.c:508
+#: builtin/describe.c:513
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "Недопустимое имя объекта %s"
-#: builtin/describe.c:520
+#: builtin/describe.c:521
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is neither a commit nor blob"
 msgstr "%s не является коммитом или двоичным объектом"
-#: builtin/describe.c:534
+#: builtin/describe.c:535
 msgid "find the tag that comes after the commit"
 msgstr "поиск метки, которая идет после коммита"
-#: builtin/describe.c:535
+#: builtin/describe.c:536
 msgid "debug search strategy on stderr"
 msgstr "вывод отладочной информации стратегии поиска на стандартный вывод"
-#: builtin/describe.c:536
+#: builtin/describe.c:537
 msgid "use any ref"
 msgstr "использовать любую ссылку"
-#: builtin/describe.c:537
+#: builtin/describe.c:538
 msgid "use any tag, even unannotated"
 msgstr "использовать любую метку, даже неаннотированную"
-#: builtin/describe.c:538
+#: builtin/describe.c:539
 msgid "always use long format"
 msgstr "всегда использовать длинный формат вывода"
-#: builtin/describe.c:539
+#: builtin/describe.c:540
 msgid "only follow first parent"
 msgstr "следовать только за первым родителем"
-#: builtin/describe.c:542
+#: builtin/describe.c:543
 msgid "only output exact matches"
 msgstr "выводить только точные совпадения"
-#: builtin/describe.c:544
+#: builtin/describe.c:545
 msgid "consider <n> most recent tags (default: 10)"
 msgstr "рассматривать последние <n> меток (по умолчанию: 10)"
-#: builtin/describe.c:546
+#: builtin/describe.c:547
 msgid "only consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "рассматривать только метки по <шаблону>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/describe.c:549
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "не учитывать метки, которые соответствуют <шаблону>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:550 builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "если не найдено, показать сокращенный номер редакции коммита"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/describe.c:554
+#: builtin/describe.c:552 builtin/describe.c:555
 msgid "mark"
 msgstr "пометка"
-#: builtin/describe.c:552
+#: builtin/describe.c:553
 msgid "append <mark> on dirty working tree (default: \"-dirty\")"
-msgstr "добавить <пометку> при измененном рабочем каталоге (по умолчанию: «-dirty»)"
+msgstr "добавить <пометку> при изменённом рабочем каталоге (по умолчанию: «-dirty»)"
-#: builtin/describe.c:555
+#: builtin/describe.c:556
 msgid "append <mark> on broken working tree (default: \"-broken\")"
 msgstr "добавить <пометку> на повреждённое рабочее дерево (по умолчанию: «-broken»)"
-#: builtin/describe.c:573
+#: builtin/describe.c:574
 msgid "--long is incompatible with --abbrev=0"
 msgstr "--long несовместимо с --abbrev=0"
-#: builtin/describe.c:602
+#: builtin/describe.c:603
 msgid "No names found, cannot describe anything."
 msgstr "Имена не найдены, не могу ничего описать."
-#: builtin/describe.c:652
+#: builtin/describe.c:654
 msgid "--dirty is incompatible with commit-ishes"
 msgstr "--dirty несовместимо с указанием указателей коммитов"
-#: builtin/describe.c:654
+#: builtin/describe.c:656
 msgid "--broken is incompatible with commit-ishes"
 msgstr "--broken несовместимо с указанием указателей коммитов"
-#: builtin/diff.c:83
+#: builtin/diff.c:84
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': not a regular file or symlink"
 msgstr "«%s»: не является обычным файлом или символьной ссылкой"
-#: builtin/diff.c:234
+#: builtin/diff.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid option: %s"
 msgstr "неправильный параметр: %s"
-#: builtin/diff.c:363
+#: builtin/diff.c:350
 msgid "Not a git repository"
 msgstr "Не найден git репозиторий"
-#: builtin/diff.c:407
+#: builtin/diff.c:394
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid object '%s' given."
 msgstr "передан неправильный объект «%s»."
-#: builtin/diff.c:416
+#: builtin/diff.c:403
 #, c-format
 msgid "more than two blobs given: '%s'"
 msgstr "передано больше двух двоичных объектов: «%s»"
-#: builtin/diff.c:421
+#: builtin/diff.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "unhandled object '%s' given."
 msgstr "передан необработанный объект «%s»."
@@ -9468,93 +11338,109 @@
 msgid "git difftool [<options>] [<commit> [<commit>]] [--] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git difftool [<опции>] [<коммит> [<коммит>]] [--] [<путь>…]"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:260
+#: builtin/difftool.c:253
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed: %d"
 msgstr "сбой: %d"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:302
+#: builtin/difftool.c:295
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read symlink %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать символьную ссылку %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:304
+#: builtin/difftool.c:297
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read symlink file %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать файл символьной ссылки %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:312
+#: builtin/difftool.c:305
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s for symlink %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать объект %s для символьной ссылки %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:413
+#: builtin/difftool.c:406
 msgid ""
 "combined diff formats('-c' and '--cc') are not supported in\n"
 "directory diff mode('-d' and '--dir-diff')."
-msgstr "комбинированные форматы различий файлов(«-c» и «--cc») не поддерживаются в режиме сравнения каталогов(«-d» и «--dir-diff»)."
+msgstr "комбинированные форматы файлов списка изменений(«-c» и «--cc») не поддерживаются в режиме сравнения каталогов(«-d» и «--dir-diff»)."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: builtin/difftool.c:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "both files modified: '%s' and '%s'."
 msgstr "оба файла изменены: «%s» и «%s»."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:635
+#: builtin/difftool.c:628
 msgid "working tree file has been left."
 msgstr "рабочий каталог был покинут."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:646
+#: builtin/difftool.c:639
 #, c-format
 msgid "temporary files exist in '%s'."
 msgstr "временные файлы уже находятся в «%s»."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:647
+#: builtin/difftool.c:640
 msgid "you may want to cleanup or recover these."
 msgstr "возможно вы хотите их удалить или восстановить."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:696
+#: builtin/difftool.c:689
 msgid "use `diff.guitool` instead of `diff.tool`"
 msgstr "использовать «diff.guitool» вместо «diff.tool»"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:698
+#: builtin/difftool.c:691
 msgid "perform a full-directory diff"
 msgstr "выполнить пофайловое сравнение всего каталога"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:700
+#: builtin/difftool.c:693
 msgid "do not prompt before launching a diff tool"
 msgstr "не спрашивать перед запуском утилиты сравнения"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:705
+#: builtin/difftool.c:698
 msgid "use symlinks in dir-diff mode"
 msgstr "использовать символьные ссылки в режиме сравнения каталога"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:706
+#: builtin/difftool.c:699
 msgid "tool"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: builtin/difftool.c:700
 msgid "use the specified diff tool"
 msgstr "использовать указанную утилиту сравнения"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:709
+#: builtin/difftool.c:702
 msgid "print a list of diff tools that may be used with `--tool`"
 msgstr "вывести список утилит, которые можно использовать с параметром «--tool»"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:712
+#: builtin/difftool.c:705
 msgid ""
 "make 'git-difftool' exit when an invoked diff tool returns a non - zero exit"
 " code"
 msgstr "выходить из «git-difftool», если вызванная утилита сравнения вернула не нулевой код возврата"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:715
+#: builtin/difftool.c:708
 msgid "specify a custom command for viewing diffs"
-msgstr "использовать особую команду для просмотра различий"
+msgstr "использовать особую команду для просмотра изменений"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:739
+#: builtin/difftool.c:709
+msgid "passed to `diff`"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/difftool.c:724
+msgid "difftool requires worktree or --no-index"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/difftool.c:731
+msgid "--dir-diff is incompatible with --no-index"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/difftool.c:734
+msgid "--gui, --tool and --extcmd are mutually exclusive"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/difftool.c:742
 msgid "no <tool> given for --tool=<tool>"
 msgstr "не передана <утилита> для --tool=<утилита>"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:746
+#: builtin/difftool.c:749
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "не передана <команда> для --extcmd=<команда>"
@@ -9562,364 +11448,373 @@
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [опции-rev-list]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1006
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "показать прогресс после <n> объектов"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1008
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "выбор обработки подписанных меток"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1011
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "выбор обработки меток, которыми помечены отфильтрованные объекты"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1014
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Записать пометки в этот файл"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1016
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Импортировать пометки из этого файла"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1018
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "Подделать автора метки, если у метки он отсутствует"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1020
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Вывести полное дерево для каждого коммита"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1022
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Использовать пометку завершения в конце потока"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1023
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Пропустить вывод данных двоичных объектов"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1024
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "спецификатор ссылки"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1025
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Применить спецификатор ссылки к экспортируемым ссылкам"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1026
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "сделать вывод анонимным"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:27
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:28
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<опции>] [<репозиторий> [<спецификатор-ссылки>…]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:29
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<опции>] <группа>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<опции>] [(<репозиторий> | <группа>)…]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<опции>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:112 builtin/pull.c:193
+#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "извлечь со всех внешних репозиториев"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:114 builtin/pull.c:196
+#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "дописать к .git/FETCH_HEAD вместо перезаписи"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:116 builtin/pull.c:199
+#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "путь к программе упаковки пакета на машине с внешним репозиторием"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:201
-msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
-msgstr "принудительная перезапись локальной ветки"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119
+#: builtin/fetch.c:122
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "извлечь с нескольких внешних репозиториев"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:121 builtin/pull.c:203
+#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "извлечь все метки и связанные объекты"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:123
+#: builtin/fetch.c:126
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "не извлекать все метки (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:125
+#: builtin/fetch.c:128
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "количество подмодулей, которые будут скачаны парралельно"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr "почистить отслеживаемые внешние ветки, которых уже нет на внешнем репозитории"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:129
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/pull.c:131
+#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "по требованию"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:131
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "управление рекурсивным извлечением подмодулей"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:135 builtin/pull.c:214
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "оставить загруженный пакет данных"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:137
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "разрешить обновление ссылки HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/pull.c:217
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "улугубить историю частичного клона"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:142
+#: builtin/fetch.c:145
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "углубить историю частичного клона основываясь на времени"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:220
+#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "преобразовать в полный репозиторий"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/fetch.c:154
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "присоединять это спереди к выводу путей подмодуля"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
 msgstr "настроить по умолчанию рекурсивное извлечение подмодулей (более низкий приоритет, чем файлы конфигурации)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:158 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "принимать ссылки, которые обновляют .git/shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "соответствие-ссылок"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:160 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "указать соответствие ссылок при извлечении"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/ls-remote.c:77 builtin/push.c:582
-#: builtin/send-pack.c:172
-msgid "server-specific"
-msgstr "зависит-от-сервера"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/ls-remote.c:77 builtin/push.c:582
-#: builtin/send-pack.c:173
-msgid "option to transmit"
-msgstr "передаваемые опции"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:167
+#: builtin/fetch.c:170
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:418
+#: builtin/fetch.c:469
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "Не удалось найти ссылку HEAD на внешнем репозитории"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:552
+#: builtin/fetch.c:608
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "опция fetch.output содержит неправильное значение для %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:645
+#: builtin/fetch.c:705
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "объект %s не найден"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:649
+#: builtin/fetch.c:709
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[актуально]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:662 builtin/fetch.c:744
+#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[отклонено]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:663
+#: builtin/fetch.c:723
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "нельзя извлечь текущую ветку"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:672
+#: builtin/fetch.c:733
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[обновление метки]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:673 builtin/fetch.c:708 builtin/fetch.c:724
-#: builtin/fetch.c:739
+#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
+#: builtin/fetch.c:796
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить локальную ссылку"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:694
+#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+msgid "would clobber existing tag"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fetch.c:760
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[новая метка]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:697
+#: builtin/fetch.c:763
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[новая ветка]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:700
+#: builtin/fetch.c:766
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[новая ссылка]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:739
+#: builtin/fetch.c:796
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "принудительное обновление"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:744
+#: builtin/fetch.c:801
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "без перемотки вперед"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:790
+#: builtin/fetch.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s не отправил все необходимые объекты\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:811
+#: builtin/fetch.c:868
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr "%s отклонено из-за того, что частичные корни не разрешено обновлять"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:900 builtin/fetch.c:1011
+#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Из %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:911
+#: builtin/fetch.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
 " 'git remote prune %s' to remove any old, conflicting branches"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить некоторые локальные ссылки; попробуйте запустить «git remote prune %s», чтобы почистить старые, конфликтующие ветки"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:981
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s будет висящей веткой)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:982
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s стала висящей веткой)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1014
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[удалено]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1015 builtin/remote.c:1035
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(нет)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1038
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr "Отказ получения в текущую ветку %s не голого репозитория"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1057
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "Неправильное значение «%2$s» для параметра «%1$s» для %3$s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1060
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "Параметр «%s» игнорируется для %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1339
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Извлечение из %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1341 builtin/remote.c:99
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось извлечь %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1387 builtin/fetch.c:1555
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
 msgid ""
-"--filter can only be used with the remote configured in core.partialClone"
+"--filter can only be used with the remote configured in "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1410
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
 msgstr "Не указан внешний репозиторий. Укажите URL или имя внешнего репозитория из которого должны извлекаться новые редакции."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1447
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Вам нужно указать имя метки."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1496
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Отрицательная грубина для --deepen не поддерживается"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1498
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--deepen и --depth нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1503
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать одновременно --depth и --unshallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1505
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "--unshallow не имеет смысла на полном репозитории"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1521
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all не принимает имя репозитория как аргумент"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1523
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all не имеет смысла при указании спецификаторов ссылок"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "Нет такого внешнего репозитория или группы: %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1539
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr "Получение группы и указание спецификаций ссылок не имеет смысла"
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:17
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+msgid ""
+"--filter can only be used with the remote configured in "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:18
 msgid ""
 "git fmt-merge-msg [-m <message>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <file>]"
 msgstr "git fmt-merge-msg [-m <сообщение>] [--log[=<n>] | --no-log] [--file <файл>]"
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:672
 msgid "populate log with at most <n> entries from shortlog"
 msgstr "отправить в журнал <n> записей из короткого журнала"
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:675
 msgid "alias for --log (deprecated)"
 msgstr "сокращение для --log (устаревшее)"
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:677
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:678
 msgid "text"
 msgstr "текст"
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:678
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:679
 msgid "use <text> as start of message"
 msgstr "использовать <текст> как начальное сообщение"
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:679
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:680
 msgid "file to read from"
 msgstr "файл для чтения"
@@ -9959,90 +11854,271 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "показать только <n> совпадающих ссылок"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "использовать цвета из формата"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:43
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:42
 msgid "print only refs which points at the given object"
 msgstr "вывод только ссылок, которые указывают на переданный объект"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:45
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:44
 msgid "print only refs that are merged"
 msgstr "вывод только слитых ссылок"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:46
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:45
 msgid "print only refs that are not merged"
 msgstr "вывод только не слитых ссылок"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:47
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:46
 msgid "print only refs which contain the commit"
 msgstr "вывод только ссылок, которые содержат коммит"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:48
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:47
 msgid "print only refs which don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "вывод только ссылок, которые не содержат коммит"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:574
+#: builtin/fsck.c:88 builtin/fsck.c:160 builtin/fsck.c:161
+msgid "unknown"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: e.g. error in tree 01bfda: <more explanation>
+#: builtin/fsck.c:120 builtin/fsck.c:136
+#, c-format
+msgid "error in %s %s: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#. TRANSLATORS: e.g. warning in tree 01bfda: <more explanation>
+#: builtin/fsck.c:131
+#, c-format
+msgid "warning in %s %s: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:157 builtin/fsck.c:159
+#, c-format
+msgid "broken link from %7s %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:168
+msgid "wrong object type in link"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:184
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"broken link from %7s %s\n"
+"              to %7s %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:295
+#, c-format
+msgid "missing %s %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:321
+#, c-format
+msgid "unreachable %s %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:340
+#, c-format
+msgid "dangling %s %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:349
+msgid "could not create lost-found"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:360
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not finish '%s'"
+msgstr "не удалось закончить '%s'"
+#: builtin/fsck.c:377
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:415
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking connectivity (%d objects)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:434
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking %s %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:438
+msgid "broken links"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "root %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:455
+#, c-format
+msgid "tagged %s %s (%s) in %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:484
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: object corrupt or missing"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:509
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: invalid reflog entry %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:523
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking reflog %s->%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:557
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: invalid sha1 pointer %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:564
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: not a commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:619
+msgid "notice: No default references"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:634
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: object corrupt or missing: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:647
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: object could not be parsed: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:667
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad sha1 file: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:682
+msgid "Checking object directory"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:685
 msgid "Checking object directories"
 msgstr "Проверка каталогов объектов"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:666
+#: builtin/fsck.c:700
+#, c-format
+msgid "Checking %s link"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid %s"
+msgstr "неправильный %s"
+#: builtin/fsck.c:712
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s points to something strange (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:718
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: detached HEAD points at nothing"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:722
+#, c-format
+msgid "notice: %s points to an unborn branch (%s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:734
+msgid "Checking cache tree"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:739
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: invalid sha1 pointer in cache-tree"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:750
+msgid "non-tree in cache-tree"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:781
 msgid "git fsck [<options>] [<object>...]"
 msgstr "git fsck [<опции>] [<объект>…]"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:672
+#: builtin/fsck.c:787
 msgid "show unreachable objects"
 msgstr "показать недоступные объекты"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:673
+#: builtin/fsck.c:788
 msgid "show dangling objects"
 msgstr "показать объекты, на которые нет ссылок"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:674
+#: builtin/fsck.c:789
 msgid "report tags"
 msgstr "вывести отчет по меткам"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:675
+#: builtin/fsck.c:790
 msgid "report root nodes"
 msgstr "вывести отчет по корневым узлам"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:676
+#: builtin/fsck.c:791
 msgid "make index objects head nodes"
 msgstr "воспринимать объекты в индексе как корневые узлы"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:677
+#: builtin/fsck.c:792
 msgid "make reflogs head nodes (default)"
 msgstr "создать корневые узлы журналов ссылок (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:678
+#: builtin/fsck.c:793
 msgid "also consider packs and alternate objects"
 msgstr "также проверять пакеты и альтернативные объекты"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:679
+#: builtin/fsck.c:794
 msgid "check only connectivity"
 msgstr "только проверить соединение"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:680
+#: builtin/fsck.c:795
 msgid "enable more strict checking"
 msgstr "использовать более строгую проверку"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:682
+#: builtin/fsck.c:797
 msgid "write dangling objects in .git/lost-found"
 msgstr "записать объекты на которые нет ссылок в .git/lost-found"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:683 builtin/prune.c:110
+#: builtin/fsck.c:798 builtin/prune.c:132
 msgid "show progress"
 msgstr "показать прогресс выполнения"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:684
+#: builtin/fsck.c:799
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "показать подробные имена для недоступных объектов"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:750
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Проверка объектов"
+#: builtin/fsck.c:887
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: object missing"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/fsck.c:899
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid parameter: expected sha1, got '%s'"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/gc.c:34
 msgid "git gc [<options>]"
 msgstr "git gc [<опции>]"
@@ -10052,12 +12128,22 @@
 msgid "Failed to fstat %s: %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить fstat %s: %s"
-#: builtin/gc.c:455
+#: builtin/gc.c:126
 #, c-format
-msgid "Can't stat %s"
-msgstr "Не удалось выполнить stat для %s"
+msgid "failed to parse '%s' value '%s'"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/gc.c:464
+#: builtin/gc.c:476 builtin/init-db.c:55
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
+msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat для «%s»"
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot read '%s'"
+msgstr "не удалось прочитать «%s»"
+#: builtin/gc.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The last gc run reported the following. Please correct the root cause\n"
@@ -10067,73 +12153,73 @@
 msgstr "Последний запуск gc сообщил следующее. Пожалуйста, исправьте ошибку и удалите %s.\nАвтоматическая очистка репозитория не будет производиться, пока этот файл не удалён.\n\n%s"
-#: builtin/gc.c:505
+#: builtin/gc.c:540
 msgid "prune unreferenced objects"
 msgstr "почистить объекты, на которые нет ссылок"
-#: builtin/gc.c:507
+#: builtin/gc.c:542
 msgid "be more thorough (increased runtime)"
 msgstr "проверять более внимательно (занимает больше времени)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:508
+#: builtin/gc.c:543
 msgid "enable auto-gc mode"
 msgstr "включить режим auto-gc"
-#: builtin/gc.c:511
+#: builtin/gc.c:546
 msgid "force running gc even if there may be another gc running"
 msgstr "принудительно запустить gc, даже есть другая копия gc уже запущена"
-#: builtin/gc.c:514
+#: builtin/gc.c:549
 msgid "repack all other packs except the largest pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/gc.c:531
+#: builtin/gc.c:566
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse gc.logexpiry value %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/gc.c:542
+#: builtin/gc.c:577
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse prune expiry value %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/gc.c:562
+#: builtin/gc.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto packing the repository in background for optimum performance.\n"
 msgstr "Автоматическая упаковка репозитория в фоне, для оптимальной производительности.\n"
-#: builtin/gc.c:564
+#: builtin/gc.c:599
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto packing the repository for optimum performance.\n"
 msgstr "Автоматическая упаковка репозитория, для оптимальной производительности.\n"
-#: builtin/gc.c:565
+#: builtin/gc.c:600
 #, c-format
 msgid "See \"git help gc\" for manual housekeeping.\n"
 msgstr "Смотрите «git help gc» руководства по ручной очистке.\n"
-#: builtin/gc.c:601
+#: builtin/gc.c:640
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "gc is already running on machine '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX> (use --force if not)"
 msgstr "gc уже запущен на этом компьютере «%s» pid %<PRIuMAX> (если нет, используйте --force)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:652
+#: builtin/gc.c:693
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove "
 msgstr "Имеется слишком много объектов, на которые нет ссылок; запустите «git prune» для их удаления."
-#: builtin/grep.c:28
+#: builtin/grep.c:29
 msgid "git grep [<options>] [-e] <pattern> [<rev>...] [[--] <path>...]"
 msgstr "git grep [<опции>] [-e] <шаблон> [<редакция>…] [[--] <путь>…]"
-#: builtin/grep.c:226
+#: builtin/grep.c:225
 #, c-format
 msgid "grep: failed to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "grep: сбой создания потока: %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:284
+#: builtin/grep.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d) for %s"
 msgstr "указано недопустимое количество потоков (%d) для %s"
@@ -10141,289 +12227,297 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s is the configuration
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:293 builtin/index-pack.c:1536 builtin/index-pack.c:1728
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2639
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "нет поддержки потоков, игнорирование %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:461 builtin/grep.c:582 builtin/grep.c:623
+#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать дерево (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:638
+#: builtin/grep.c:646
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить grep из объекта типа %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:704
+#: builtin/grep.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "параметр «%c» ожидает числовое значение"
-#: builtin/grep.c:791
+#: builtin/grep.c:811
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "искать в индексе, а не в рабочем каталоге"
-#: builtin/grep.c:793
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "искать в содержимом не управляемым git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:795
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "искать и в отслеживаемых, и в неотслеживаемых файлах"
-#: builtin/grep.c:797
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "игнорировать файлы указанные в «.gitignore»"
-#: builtin/grep.c:799
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "рекурсивный поиск по всем подмодулям"
-#: builtin/grep.c:802
+#: builtin/grep.c:822
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "искать в несовпадающих строках"
-#: builtin/grep.c:804
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "без учета регистра"
-#: builtin/grep.c:806
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "искать совпадения шаблона только на границах слов"
-#: builtin/grep.c:808
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "обработка двоичных файлов как текста"
-#: builtin/grep.c:810
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "не искать совпадения шаблона в двоичных файлах"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:833
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "обрабатываться двоичные файлы с помощью фильтров textconv"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
+msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "на глубине максиму <глубина> уровней"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:841
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "использовать расширенные регулярные выражения POSIX"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:844
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "использовать базовые регулярные выражения POSIX (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:825
+#: builtin/grep.c:847
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "интерпретировать шаблоны как фиксированные строки"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:850
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "использовать Perl-совместимые регулярные выражения"
-#: builtin/grep.c:831
+#: builtin/grep.c:853
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "вывести номера строк"
-#: builtin/grep.c:832
+#: builtin/grep.c:854
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "не выводить имена файлов"
-#: builtin/grep.c:834
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "выводить имена файлов"
-#: builtin/grep.c:836
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "выводить имена файлов относительно каталога репозитория"
-#: builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "выводить только имена файлов, а не совпадающие строки"
-#: builtin/grep.c:840
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "синоним для --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:843
+#: builtin/grep.c:865
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "выводить только несовпадающие имена файлов"
-#: builtin/grep.c:845
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "выводить двоичный НОЛЬ после списка имен файлов"
-#: builtin/grep.c:848
+#: builtin/grep.c:870
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "выводить количество совпадений, а не совпадающие строки"
-#: builtin/grep.c:851
+#: builtin/grep.c:873
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "подсвечивать совпадения"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "выводить пустую строку после совпадений из разных файлов"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr "выводить имя файла только раз на несколько совпадений в одном файле"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:880
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "показать <n> строк контекста перед и после совпадения"
-#: builtin/grep.c:861
+#: builtin/grep.c:883
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "показать <n> строк контекста перед совпадением"
-#: builtin/grep.c:863
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "показать <n> строк контекста после совпадения"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "использовать <кол> рабочих потоков"
-#: builtin/grep.c:866
+#: builtin/grep.c:888
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "тоже, что и -C КОЛИЧЕСТВО"
-#: builtin/grep.c:869
+#: builtin/grep.c:891
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "показать строку с именем функции перед совпадением"
-#: builtin/grep.c:871
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "показать окружающую функцию"
-#: builtin/grep.c:874
+#: builtin/grep.c:896
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "прочитать шаблоны из файла"
-#: builtin/grep.c:876
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "поиск соответствий с <шаблоном>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:878
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "объединить шаблоны указанные с помощью -e"
-#: builtin/grep.c:890
+#: builtin/grep.c:912
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr "ничего не выводить, указать на совпадение с помощью кода выхода"
-#: builtin/grep.c:892
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr "показать только совпадения из файлов в которых совпадают все шаблоны"
-#: builtin/grep.c:894
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "показать дерево разбора для выражения поиска"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:920
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "пейджер"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:920
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "показать совпадающие файлы с помощью программы-пейджера"
-#: builtin/grep.c:902
+#: builtin/grep.c:924
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "разрешить вызов grep(1) (игнорируется в этой сборке)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:966
+#: builtin/grep.c:988
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1002
+#: builtin/grep.c:1024
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index или --untracked нельзя использовать одновременно с указанием ревизии"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1009
+#: builtin/grep.c:1032
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось определить редакцию: %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1044 builtin/index-pack.c:1532 builtin/pack-objects.c:2635
+#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
+msgstr "нет поддержки потоков, игнорирование --threads"
+#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "указано неправильное количество потоков (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1049 builtin/pack-objects.c:3289
-msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
-msgstr "нет поддержки потоков, игнорирование --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1073
+#: builtin/grep.c:1092
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager работает только в рабочем каталоге"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1096
+#: builtin/grep.c:1115
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1102
+#: builtin/grep.c:1121
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1108
+#: builtin/grep.c:1127
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/grep.c:1116
+#: builtin/grep.c:1135
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:84
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:85
 msgid ""
 "git hash-object [-t <type>] [-w] [--path=<file> | --no-filters] [--stdin] "
 "[--] <file>..."
 msgstr "git hash-object [-t <тип>] [-w] [--path=<файл> | --no-filters] [--stdin] [--] <файл>…"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:85
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:86
 msgid "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:97
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "type"
 msgstr "тип"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:97
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "тип объекта"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:99
 msgid "write the object into the object database"
 msgstr "запись объекта в базу данных объектов"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:100
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:101
 msgid "read the object from stdin"
 msgstr "прочитать объект из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:102
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:103
 msgid "store file as is without filters"
 msgstr "сохранить файл без использования фильтров"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:103
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:104
 msgid ""
 "just hash any random garbage to create corrupt objects for debugging Git"
-msgstr "хэшировать любой мусор и создавать поврежденные объекты для отладки Git"
+msgstr "хешировать любой мусор и создавать поврежденные объекты для отладки Git"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:104
+#: builtin/hash-object.c:105
 msgid "process file as it were from this path"
 msgstr "обработать файл так, будто он находится по указанному пути"
@@ -10463,86 +12557,91 @@
 msgid "git help [--all] [--guides] [--man | --web | --info] [<command>]"
 msgstr "git help [--all] [--guides] [--man | --web | --info] [<команда>]"
-#: builtin/help.c:73
+#: builtin/help.c:77
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized help format '%s'"
 msgstr "неопознанный формат руководства «%s»"
-#: builtin/help.c:100
+#: builtin/help.c:104
 msgid "Failed to start emacsclient."
 msgstr "Сбой при запуске emacsclient."
-#: builtin/help.c:113
+#: builtin/help.c:117
 msgid "Failed to parse emacsclient version."
 msgstr "Сбой при определении версии emacsclient."
-#: builtin/help.c:121
+#: builtin/help.c:125
 #, c-format
 msgid "emacsclient version '%d' too old (< 22)."
 msgstr "версия emacsclient «%d» слишком старая (< 22)."
-#: builtin/help.c:139 builtin/help.c:161 builtin/help.c:171 builtin/help.c:179
+#: builtin/help.c:143 builtin/help.c:165 builtin/help.c:175 builtin/help.c:183
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to exec '%s'"
 msgstr "сбой при запуске «%s»"
-#: builtin/help.c:217
+#: builtin/help.c:221
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s': path for unsupported man viewer.\n"
 "Please consider using 'man.<tool>.cmd' instead."
 msgstr "«%s»: путь для неподдерживаемой программы просмотра man.\nВместо этого используйте «man.<программа>.cmd»."
-#: builtin/help.c:229
+#: builtin/help.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s': cmd for supported man viewer.\n"
 "Please consider using 'man.<tool>.path' instead."
 msgstr "«%s»: команда для неподдерживаемой программы просмотра man.\nВместо этого используйте «man.<программа>.path»."
-#: builtin/help.c:346
+#: builtin/help.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unknown man viewer."
 msgstr "«%s»: неизвестная программа просмотра man."
-#: builtin/help.c:363
+#: builtin/help.c:367
 msgid "no man viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "программа просмотра man не обработала запрос"
-#: builtin/help.c:371
+#: builtin/help.c:375
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "программа просмотра info не обработала запрос"
-#: builtin/help.c:418
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "«%s» — это сокращение для «%s»"
-#: builtin/help.c:445 builtin/help.c:475
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#, c-format
+msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/help.c:477 builtin/help.c:507
 #, c-format
 msgid "usage: %s%s"
 msgstr "использование: %s%s"
-#: builtin/help.c:459
+#: builtin/help.c:491
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "несоответствие типа объекта на %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:228
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "ожидаемый объект не получен на %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:231
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "объект %s: ожидаемый тип %s, получен %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:273
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
@@ -10551,73 +12650,73 @@
 msgstr[2] "не удалось заполнить %d байтов"
 msgstr[3] "не удалось заполнить %d байтов"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:283
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "неожиданный конец файла"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:284
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "ошибка чтения ввода"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:296
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "использовано больше байт, чем было доступно"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:303 builtin/pack-objects.c:590
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "пакет слишком большой для текущего определения off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "размер пакета превышает максимальный допустимый"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:321
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть файл пакета «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:341
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "несоответствие подписи пакета"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:343
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "версия пакета %<PRIu32> не поддерживается"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:361
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "пакет содержит плохой объект по смещению %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:482
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "программа сжатия вернула %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "переполнение значения смещения у базового объекта дельты"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:539
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "смещение базовой дельты вышло за допустимые пределы"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:547
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "неизвестный тип объекта %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:578
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить pread для файла пакета"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
@@ -10626,93 +12725,88 @@
 msgstr[2] "преждевременное окончание файла пакета, %<PRIuMAX> байтов отсутствует"
 msgstr[3] "преждевременное окончание файла пакета, %<PRIuMAX> байтов отсутствует"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:606
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "серьезное несоответствие при распаковке"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:751 builtin/index-pack.c:757 builtin/index-pack.c:780
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:819 builtin/index-pack.c:828
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgstr "НАЙДЕНА КОЛЛИЗИЯ SHA1 С %s !"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:754 builtin/pack-objects.c:143
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:203 builtin/pack-objects.c:297
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:817
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать информацию существующего объекта %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать существующий объект %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:839
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "неправильный файл двоичного объекта %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:842 builtin/index-pack.c:861
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:858
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid %s"
-msgstr "неправильный %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:863
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "Не все дочерние объекты %s достижимы"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:935 builtin/index-pack.c:966
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "сбой при применении дельты"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1136
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Получение объектов"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1136
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Индексирование объектов"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1170
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "пакет поврежден (несоответствие SHA1)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1175
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить fstat для файла пакета"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1178
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "файл пакета содержит мусор в конце"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1190
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "безумная путаница в parse_pack_objects()"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1213
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Определение изменений"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1224 builtin/pack-objects.c:2410
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать поток: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1266
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "безумная путаница"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1272
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
@@ -10721,12 +12815,12 @@
 msgstr[2] "завершено с %d локальными объектами"
 msgstr[3] "завершено с %d локальными объектами"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1284
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "Неожиданная контрольная сумма в конце %s (диск поврежден?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1288
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
@@ -10735,59 +12829,59 @@
 msgstr[2] "пакет содержит %d неразрешенных дельт"
 msgstr[3] "пакет содержит %d неразрешенных дельт"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1312
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "нельзя сжать присоединенный объект (%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1389
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "локальный объект %s поврежден"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1403
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "имя пакета «%s» не оканчивается на «.pack»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1428
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1436
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1460
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "ошибка при закрытии файла пакета"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1474
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "не удалось сохранить файл пакета"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1482
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "не удалось сохранить файл индекса"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1526 builtin/pack-objects.c:2648
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "плохой pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось открыть существующий файл пакета «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1597
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось открыть существующий файл индекса для «%s»"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1645
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
@@ -10796,7 +12890,7 @@
 msgstr[2] "не дельты: %d объектов"
 msgstr[3] "не дельты: %d объектов"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1652
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
@@ -10805,37 +12899,32 @@
 msgstr[2] "длина цепочки = %d: %lu объектов"
 msgstr[3] "длина цепочки = %d: %lu объектов"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "Не удалось вернуться в текущий рабочий каталог"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1740 builtin/index-pack.c:1743
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1759 builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "плохой %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin нельзя использовать без --stdin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1781
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "опция --stdin требует наличия репозитория git"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1787
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "--verify без указания имени файла пакета"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1837 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/init-db.c:55
-#, c-format
-msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
-msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat для «%s»"
 #: builtin/init-db.c:61
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot stat template '%s'"
@@ -10876,73 +12965,73 @@
 msgid "not copying templates from '%s': %s"
 msgstr "не копирую шаблоны из «%s»: %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:329
+#: builtin/init-db.c:334
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to handle file type %d"
 msgstr "не удается обработать файл типа %d"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:332
+#: builtin/init-db.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to move %s to %s"
 msgstr "не удается переместить файл %s в %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:349 builtin/init-db.c:352
+#: builtin/init-db.c:354 builtin/init-db.c:357
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s already exists"
 msgstr "%s уже существует"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:405
+#: builtin/init-db.c:413
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reinitialized existing shared Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "Переинициализирован существующий общий репозиторий Git в %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:406
+#: builtin/init-db.c:414
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reinitialized existing Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "Переинициализирован существующий репозиторий Git в %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:410
+#: builtin/init-db.c:418
 #, c-format
 msgid "Initialized empty shared Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "Инициализирован пустой общий репозиторий Git в %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:411
+#: builtin/init-db.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "Initialized empty Git repository in %s%s\n"
 msgstr "Инициализирован пустой репозиторий Git в %s%s\n"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:459
+#: builtin/init-db.c:468
 msgid ""
 "git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<template-directory>] "
 "[--shared[=<permissions>]] [<directory>]"
 msgstr "git init [-q | --quiet] [--bare] [--template=<каталог-шаблонов>] [--shared[=<права-доступа>]] [<каталог>]"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:482
+#: builtin/init-db.c:491
 msgid "permissions"
 msgstr "права-доступа"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:483
+#: builtin/init-db.c:492
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "укажите, если репозиторий git будет использоваться несколькими пользователями"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:517 builtin/init-db.c:522
+#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить mkdir %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526
+#: builtin/init-db.c:535
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить chdir в %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:547
+#: builtin/init-db.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
 msgstr "%s (или --work-tree=<каталог>) нельзя использовать без указания %s (или --git-dir=<каталог>)"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:575
+#: builtin/init-db.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось получить доступ к рабочему каталогу «%s»"
@@ -10953,505 +13042,555 @@
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
 msgstr "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer <ключ>[(=|:)<значение>])…] [<файл>…]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:92
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "редактировать файлы на месте"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:93
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "удалять пустые завершители"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "где поместить новый завершитель"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "действие, если завершитель уже существует"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "действие, если завершитель не существует"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "вывести только завершители"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "не применять правила из файла конфигурации"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "объединить значения разделенные пробелом"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "указание опций разбора"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+msgid "do not treat --- specially"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "завершитель"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "завершители для добавления"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:117
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer одновременно с --only-input не имеет смысла"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:127
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "ничего не передано, для редактирования файлов на месте"
-#: builtin/log.c:51
+#: builtin/log.c:55
 msgid "git log [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>...]"
 msgstr "git log [<опции>] [<диапазон-редакций>] [[--] <путь>…]"
-#: builtin/log.c:52
+#: builtin/log.c:56
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<опции>] <объект>…"
-#: builtin/log.c:96
+#: builtin/log.c:104
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "неправильный параметр для --decorate: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:157
-msgid "suppress diff output"
-msgstr "не выводить различия"
-#: builtin/log.c:158
+#: builtin/log.c:168
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "показать источник"
-#: builtin/log.c:159
+#: builtin/log.c:169
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "Использовать файл соответствия почтовых адресов"
-#: builtin/log.c:161
+#: builtin/log.c:171
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "декорировать только ссылки соответствующие <шаблону>"
-#: builtin/log.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "не декорировать ссылки соответствующие <шаблону>"
-#: builtin/log.c:164
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "опции формата вывода ссылок"
-#: builtin/log.c:167
+#: builtin/log.c:177
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Обработать диапазон строк n,m из файла, начиная с 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:265
+#: builtin/log.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Финальный вывод: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:516
+#: builtin/log.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: плохой файл"
-#: builtin/log.c:531 builtin/log.c:625
+#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
 #, c-format
-msgid "Could not read object %s"
-msgstr "Не удалось прочитать объект %s"
+msgid "could not read object %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:649
+#: builtin/log.c:663
 #, c-format
-msgid "Unknown type: %d"
-msgstr "Неизвестный тип объекта: %d"
+msgid "unknown type: %d"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:770
+#: builtin/log.c:784
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "в format.headers не указано значение"
-#: builtin/log.c:871
+#: builtin/log.c:885
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "слишком длинное имя выходного каталога"
-#: builtin/log.c:887
+#: builtin/log.c:901
 #, c-format
-msgid "Cannot open patch file %s"
-msgstr "Ну удалось открыть файл изменений %s"
+msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:904
-msgid "Need exactly one range."
-msgstr "Нужен только один диапазон."
+#: builtin/log.c:918
+msgid "need exactly one range"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:914
-msgid "Not a range."
-msgstr "Не является диапазоном."
+#: builtin/log.c:928
+msgid "not a range"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1020
-msgid "Cover letter needs email format"
-msgstr "Сопроводительное письмо должно быть в формате электронной почты"
+#: builtin/log.c:1051
+msgid "cover letter needs email format"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1101
+#: builtin/log.c:1057
+msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "ошибка в поле in-reply-to: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1128
+#: builtin/log.c:1163
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<опции>] [<начиная-с> | <диапазон-редакций>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1178
-msgid "Two output directories?"
-msgstr "Два выходных каталога?"
+#: builtin/log.c:1221
+msgid "two output directories?"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1285 builtin/log.c:1945 builtin/log.c:1947 builtin/log.c:1959
+#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
 #, c-format
-msgid "Unknown commit %s"
-msgstr "Неизвестный коммит %s"
+msgid "unknown commit %s"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1295 builtin/notes.c:889 builtin/tag.c:524
+#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
-msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
-msgstr "Не удалось разрешить «%s» как ссылку."
+msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1300
-msgid "Could not find exact merge base."
-msgstr "Не удалось найти точную базу слияния."
+#: builtin/log.c:1347
+msgid "could not find exact merge base"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1304
+#: builtin/log.c:1351
 msgid ""
-"Failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
+"failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
-"Or you could specify base commit by --base=<base-commit-id> manually."
-msgstr "Не удалось получить вышестоящую ветку. Если вы хотите записать базовый коммит автомитически, то используйте git branch --set-upstream-to для отслеживания внешней ветки.\nИли же вы можете указать базовый коммит указанием --base=<идентификатор-базового-коммита> вручную."
+"Or you could specify base commit by --base=<base-commit-id> manually"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1324
-msgid "Failed to find exact merge base"
-msgstr "Не удалось найти точную базу слияния"
+#: builtin/log.c:1371
+msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1335
+#: builtin/log.c:1382
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "базовый коммит должен быть предком списка редакций"
-#: builtin/log.c:1339
+#: builtin/log.c:1386
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "базовый коммит не должен быть в списке редакций"
-#: builtin/log.c:1392
+#: builtin/log.c:1439
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "не удалось получить идентификатор патча"
-#: builtin/log.c:1452
+#: builtin/log.c:1491
+msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1536
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "выводить [PATCH n/m] даже когда один патч"
-#: builtin/log.c:1455
+#: builtin/log.c:1539
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "выводить [PATCH] даже когда несколько патчей"
-#: builtin/log.c:1459
+#: builtin/log.c:1543
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "выводить патчи на стандартный вывод"
-#: builtin/log.c:1461
+#: builtin/log.c:1545
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "создать сопроводительное письмо"
-#: builtin/log.c:1463
+#: builtin/log.c:1547
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "использовать простую последовательность чисел для имен выходных файлов"
-#: builtin/log.c:1464
+#: builtin/log.c:1548
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "суффикс"
-#: builtin/log.c:1465
+#: builtin/log.c:1549
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "использовать суффикс <суффикс> вместо «.patch»"
-#: builtin/log.c:1467
+#: builtin/log.c:1551
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "начать нумерацию патчей с <n>, а не с 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1469
+#: builtin/log.c:1553
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "пометить серию как энную попытку"
-#: builtin/log.c:1471
+#: builtin/log.c:1555
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Использовать [RFC PATCH] вместо [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1474
+#: builtin/log.c:1558
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Использовать [<префикс>] вместо [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1477
+#: builtin/log.c:1561
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "сохранить результирующие файлы в <каталог>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1480
+#: builtin/log.c:1564
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "не обрезать/добавлять [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1483
+#: builtin/log.c:1567
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
-msgstr "не выводить двоичные различия"
+msgstr "не выводить двоичные изменения"
-#: builtin/log.c:1485
+#: builtin/log.c:1569
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
-msgstr "выводить нулевую хэш-сумму в заголовке From"
+msgstr "выводить нулевую хеш-сумму в заголовке From"
-#: builtin/log.c:1487
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "не включать патч, если коммит уже есть в вышестоящей ветке"
-#: builtin/log.c:1489
+#: builtin/log.c:1573
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr "выводить в формате патча, а не в стандартном (патч + статистика)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1575
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "Передача сообщений"
-#: builtin/log.c:1492
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "заголовок"
-#: builtin/log.c:1493
+#: builtin/log.c:1577
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "добавить заголовок сообщения"
-#: builtin/log.c:1494 builtin/log.c:1496
+#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "почта"
-#: builtin/log.c:1494
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "добавить заголовок To:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1496
+#: builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "добавить заголовок Cc:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1498
+#: builtin/log.c:1582
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "идентификатор"
-#: builtin/log.c:1499
+#: builtin/log.c:1583
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr "установить адрес отправителя на <идентификатор> (или на идентификатор коммитера, если отсутствует)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1501
+#: builtin/log.c:1585
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "идентификатор-сообщения"
-#: builtin/log.c:1502
+#: builtin/log.c:1586
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "сделать первое письмо ответом на <идентификатор-сообщения>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1503 builtin/log.c:1506
+#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "вложение"
-#: builtin/log.c:1504
+#: builtin/log.c:1588
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "приложить патч"
-#: builtin/log.c:1507
+#: builtin/log.c:1591
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "включить патч в текст письма"
-#: builtin/log.c:1511
+#: builtin/log.c:1595
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr "включить в письмах иерархичность, стили: shallow (частичную), deep (глубокую)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1513
+#: builtin/log.c:1597
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "подпись"
-#: builtin/log.c:1514
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "добавить подпись"
-#: builtin/log.c:1515
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "базовый коммит"
-#: builtin/log.c:1516
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "добавить информацию о требовании дерева к серии патчей"
-#: builtin/log.c:1518
+#: builtin/log.c:1602
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "добавить подпись из файла"
-#: builtin/log.c:1519
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "не выводить имена файлов патчей"
-#: builtin/log.c:1521
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "показать прогресс выполнения во создания патчей"
-#: builtin/log.c:1596
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1607
+msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1610
+msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1612
+msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "неправильная строка идентификации: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1611
+#: builtin/log.c:1702
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1613
+#: builtin/log.c:1704
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1621
+#: builtin/log.c:1712
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-only не имеет смысла"
-#: builtin/log.c:1623
+#: builtin/log.c:1714
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-status не имеет смысла"
-#: builtin/log.c:1625
+#: builtin/log.c:1716
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "--check не имеет смысла"
-#: builtin/log.c:1657
+#: builtin/log.c:1748
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "стандартный вывод или каталог?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1659
-#, c-format
-msgid "Could not create directory '%s'"
-msgstr "Не удалось создать каталог «%s»"
+#: builtin/log.c:1837
+msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1752
+#: builtin/log.c:1841
+msgid "Interdiff:"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#, c-format
+msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1848
+msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1852
+msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
+msgid "Range-diff:"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#, c-format
+msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/log.c:1872
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать файл подписи «%s»"
-#: builtin/log.c:1785
+#: builtin/log.c:1908
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Создание патчей"
-#: builtin/log.c:1829
-msgid "Failed to create output files"
-msgstr "Сбой при создании выходных файлов"
+#: builtin/log.c:1952
+msgid "failed to create output files"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/log.c:1880
+#: builtin/log.c:2011
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
-msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<вышестоящая-ветка> [<голова> [<ограничение>]]]"
+msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<вышестоящая-ветка> [<редакция> [<ограничение>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1934
+#: builtin/log.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> "
 msgstr "Не удалось найти отслеживаемую внешнюю ветку, укажите <вышестоящую-ветку> вручную.\n"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:469
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:470
 msgid "git ls-files [<options>] [<file>...]"
 msgstr "git ls-files [<опции>] [<файл>…]"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:518
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:526
 msgid "identify the file status with tags"
 msgstr "выводить имена файлов с метками"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:520
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:528
 msgid "use lowercase letters for 'assume unchanged' files"
 msgstr "использовать символы в нижнем регистре для «предположительно без изменений» файлов"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:522
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:530
 msgid "use lowercase letters for 'fsmonitor clean' files"
 msgstr "использовать символы нижнего регистра для файлов «fsmonitor clean»"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:532
 msgid "show cached files in the output (default)"
 msgstr "показывать кэшированные файлы при выводе (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:526
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:534
 msgid "show deleted files in the output"
 msgstr "показывать удаленные файлы при выводе"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:528
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:536
 msgid "show modified files in the output"
 msgstr "показывать измененные файлы при выводе"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:530
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:538
 msgid "show other files in the output"
 msgstr "показывать другие файлы при выводе"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:532
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:540
 msgid "show ignored files in the output"
 msgstr "показывать игнорируемые файлы при выводе"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:535
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:543
 msgid "show staged contents' object name in the output"
 msgstr "показывать имя индексированного объекта на выводе"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:537
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:545
 msgid "show files on the filesystem that need to be removed"
 msgstr "показывать файлы в файловой системе, которые должны быть удалены"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:539
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:547
 msgid "show 'other' directories' names only"
 msgstr "показывать только имена у «других» каталогов"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:541
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:549
 msgid "show line endings of files"
 msgstr "показать концы строк файлов"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:543
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:551
 msgid "don't show empty directories"
 msgstr "не показывать пустые каталоги"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:546
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:554
 msgid "show unmerged files in the output"
 msgstr "показывать не слитые файлы на выводе"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:548
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:556
 msgid "show resolve-undo information"
 msgstr "показывать информации о разрешении конфликтов и отмене"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:550
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:558
 msgid "skip files matching pattern"
 msgstr "пропустить файлы, соответствующие шаблону"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:553
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:561
 msgid "exclude patterns are read from <file>"
 msgstr "прочитать шаблоны исключения из <файл>"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:556
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:564
 msgid "read additional per-directory exclude patterns in <file>"
 msgstr "прочитать дополнительные покаталожные шаблоны исключения из <файл>"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:558
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:566
 msgid "add the standard git exclusions"
 msgstr "добавить стандартные исключения git"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:561
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:570
 msgid "make the output relative to the project top directory"
 msgstr "выводить пути относительно корневого каталога проекта"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:564
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:573
 msgid "recurse through submodules"
 msgstr "рекурсивно по подмодулям"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:566
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:575
 msgid "if any <file> is not in the index, treat this as an error"
 msgstr "если какой-либо <файл> не в индексе, считать это ошибкой"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:567
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:576
 msgid "tree-ish"
 msgstr "указатель-дерева"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:568
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:577
 msgid "pretend that paths removed since <tree-ish> are still present"
 msgstr "притвориться, что пути удалены, т.к. <указатель-дерева> еще существует"
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:570
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:579
 msgid "show debugging data"
 msgstr "показать отладочную информацию"
@@ -11466,7 +13605,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "не выводить URL внешних репозиториев"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "запуск"
@@ -11490,11 +13629,11 @@
 msgid "take url.<base>.insteadOf into account"
 msgstr "учитывать url.<база>.insteadOf"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:73
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:72
 msgid "exit with exit code 2 if no matching refs are found"
 msgstr "выходить с кодом 2, если соответствующие ссылки не найдены"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:75
 msgid "show underlying ref in addition to the object pointed by it"
 msgstr "показать также внутреннюю ссылку в дополнение к объекту, на который она указывает"
@@ -11539,409 +13678,402 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "пустой mbox: «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge.c:51
+#: builtin/merge.c:54
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<опции>] [<коммит>…]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:52
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:53
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:110
+#: builtin/merge.c:116
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "при указании параметра «m» требуется указать значение"
-#: builtin/merge.c:176
+#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/merge.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Не удалось найти стратегию слияния «%s».\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:177
+#: builtin/merge.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Доступные стратегии:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:182
+#: builtin/merge.c:191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Доступные пользовательские стратегии:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:232 builtin/pull.c:142
+#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "не выводить статистику изменений после окончания слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:235 builtin/pull.c:145
+#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "вывести статистику изменений после окончания слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:236 builtin/pull.c:148
+#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(синоним для --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:238 builtin/pull.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr "добавить (максимум <n>) записей из короткого журнала в сообщение коммита у слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:241 builtin/pull.c:157
+#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "создать один коммит, вместо выполнения слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:243 builtin/pull.c:160
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "сделать коммит, если слияние прошло успешно (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:163
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "отредактировать сообщение перед выполнением коммита"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246
+#: builtin/merge.c:257
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "разрешить перемотку вперед (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:169
+#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "отменить выполнение слияния, если перемотка вперед невозможна"
-#: builtin/merge.c:252 builtin/pull.c:172
+#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "проверить, что указанный коммит имеет верную электронную подпись GPG"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/notes.c:779 builtin/pull.c:176
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "стратегия"
-#: builtin/merge.c:254 builtin/pull.c:177
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "используемая стратегия слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:180
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "опция=значение"
-#: builtin/merge.c:256 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "опции для выбранной стратегии слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:258
+#: builtin/merge.c:269
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr "сообщение коммита для слияния (для слияния без перемотки вперед)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265
+#: builtin/merge.c:276
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "отменить выполнение происходящего слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "продолжить выполнение происходящего слияния"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:188
+#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "разрешить слияние несвязанных историй изменений"
-#: builtin/merge.c:275
+#: builtin/merge.c:286
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "проверить перехватчик commit-msg"
-#: builtin/merge.c:300
+#: builtin/merge.c:311
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stash."
-#: builtin/merge.c:305
+#: builtin/merge.c:316
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении stash"
-#: builtin/merge.c:310
+#: builtin/merge.c:321
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "неправильный объект: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:332 builtin/merge.c:349
+#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении read-tree"
-#: builtin/merge.c:379
+#: builtin/merge.c:390
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (нечего уплотнять)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:401
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Уплотнение коммита — не обновляя HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:440
+#: builtin/merge.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Нет сообщения слияния — не обновляем HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:491
+#: builtin/merge.c:502
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "«%s» не указывает на коммит"
-#: builtin/merge.c:578
+#: builtin/merge.c:589
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Неправильная строка branch.%s.mergeoptions: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:699
+#: builtin/merge.c:712
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "Не обрабатываю ничего, кроме слияния двух указателей на ветки."
-#: builtin/merge.c:713
+#: builtin/merge.c:726
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Неизвестный параметр merge-recursive: -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:728
+#: builtin/merge.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "не удалось записать %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:779
+#: builtin/merge.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось прочесть из «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge.c:788
+#: builtin/merge.c:802
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Не выполняю коммит слияния; используйте «git commit» для завершения слияния.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:794
-#, c-format
+#: builtin/merge.c:808
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/merge.c:813
+msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
 "the commit.\n"
-msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите сообщение коммита, для объяснения, зачем нужно\nэто слияние, особенно, если это слияние обновленной вышестоящей\nветки в тематическую ветку.\n\nСтроки, начинающиеся с «%c» будут проигнорированы, а пустое\nсообщение отменяет процесс коммита.\n"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/merge.c:830
+#: builtin/merge.c:857
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Пустое сообщение коммита."
-#: builtin/merge.c:849
+#: builtin/merge.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Прекрасно.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:902
+#: builtin/merge.c:936
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr "Не удалось провести автоматическое слияние; исправьте конфликты и сделайте коммит результата.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:941
+#: builtin/merge.c:975
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "Нет текущей ветки."
-#: builtin/merge.c:943
+#: builtin/merge.c:977
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "У текущей ветки нет внешнего репозитория."
-#: builtin/merge.c:945
+#: builtin/merge.c:979
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "Для текущей ветки не указана вышестоящая ветка по умолчанию."
-#: builtin/merge.c:950
+#: builtin/merge.c:984
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "Не указана внешняя отслеживаемая ветка для %s на %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1007
+#: builtin/merge.c:1041
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Плохое значение «%s» в переменной окружения «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1110
+#: builtin/merge.c:1144
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "не является тем, что можно слить в %s: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1178
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "не является тем, что можно слить"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1247
+#: builtin/merge.c:1281
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "опция --abort не принимает аргументы"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1251
+#: builtin/merge.c:1285
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Нет слияния, которое можно отменить (отсутствует файл MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1263
+#: builtin/merge.c:1297
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "опция --continue не принимает аргументы"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1267
+#: builtin/merge.c:1301
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Сейчас не происходит слияние (отсутствует файл MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1283
+#: builtin/merge.c:1317
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
 msgstr "Вы не завершили слияние (присутствует файл MERGE_HEAD).\nВыполните коммит ваших изменений, перед слиянием."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1290
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
 msgstr "Вы не завершили копирование коммита (присутствует файл CHERRY_PICK_HEAD).\nПожалуйста, закоммитьте ваши изменения, перед слиянием."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1293
+#: builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Вы не завершили копирование коммита (присутствует файл CHERRY_PICK_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1302
+#: builtin/merge.c:1341
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "Нельзя использовать одновременно --squash и --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1310
+#: builtin/merge.c:1349
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr "Коммит не указан и параметр merge.defaultToUpstream не установлен."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "Уплотнение коммита в пустую ветку еще не поддерживается"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1329
+#: builtin/merge.c:1368
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr "Коммит, не являющийся перемоткой вперед, нет смысла делать в пустую ветку."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1334
+#: builtin/merge.c:1373
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s не является тем, что можно слить"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1336
+#: builtin/merge.c:1375
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "Можно только один коммит в пустую ветку."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1370
-#, c-format
-msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
-msgstr "Коммит %s содержит не доверенную GPG подпись, предположительно от %s."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
-#, c-format
-msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
-msgstr "Коммит %s содержит плохую GPG подпись, предположительно от %s."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1376
-#, c-format
-msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
-msgstr "Коммит %s не содержит GPG подпись."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1379
-#, c-format
-msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
-msgstr "Коммит %s содержит действительную GPG подпись, от %s.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1438
+#: builtin/merge.c:1454
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "отказ слияния несвязанных историй изменений"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1447
+#: builtin/merge.c:1463
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Уже обновлено."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1457
+#: builtin/merge.c:1473
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Обновление %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1498
+#: builtin/merge.c:1515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Попытка тривиального слияния в индексе…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1505
+#: builtin/merge.c:1522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "Не вышло.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1530
+#: builtin/merge.c:1547
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Уже обновлено. Круто!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1536
+#: builtin/merge.c:1553
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "Перемотка вперед невозможна, отмена."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1559 builtin/merge.c:1638
+#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Перемотка дерева к исходному состоянию…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1563
+#: builtin/merge.c:1580
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Попытка слияния с помощью стратегии %s…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1629
+#: builtin/merge.c:1646
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Ни одна стратегия слияния не обработала слияние.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1631
+#: builtin/merge.c:1648
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "Сбой при слиянии с помощью стратегии %s.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1640
+#: builtin/merge.c:1657
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "Использую %s для подготовки ручного разрешения конфликтов.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1652
+#: builtin/merge.c:1669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr "Автоматическое слияние прошло успешно; как и запрашивали, остановлено перед выполнением коммита\n"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:31
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:32
 msgid "git merge-base [-a | --all] <commit> <commit>..."
 msgstr "git merge-base [-a | --all] <коммит> <коммит>…"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:32
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:33
 msgid "git merge-base [-a | --all] --octopus <commit>..."
 msgstr "git merge-base [-a | --all] --octopus <коммит>…"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:33
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:34
 msgid "git merge-base --independent <commit>..."
 msgstr "git merge-base --independent <коммит>…"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:34
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:35
 msgid "git merge-base --is-ancestor <commit> <commit>"
 msgstr "git merge-base --is-ancestor <коммит> <коммит>"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:35
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:36
 msgid "git merge-base --fork-point <ref> [<commit>]"
 msgstr "git merge-base --fork-point <ссылка> [<коммит>]"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:221
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:153
 msgid "output all common ancestors"
 msgstr "вывести всех общих предков"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:223
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:155
 msgid "find ancestors for a single n-way merge"
 msgstr "вывести предков для одного многоходового слияния"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:225
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:157
 msgid "list revs not reachable from others"
 msgstr "вывести список редаций, которые не достижимы из друг друга"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:227
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:159
 msgid "is the first one ancestor of the other?"
 msgstr "является первым предком второго указанного коммита?"
-#: builtin/merge-base.c:229
+#: builtin/merge-base.c:161
 msgid "find where <commit> forked from reflog of <ref>"
 msgstr "найти журнале ссылок <ссылка> где именно <коммит> разветвился"
@@ -11951,49 +14083,49 @@
 "<orig-file> <file2>"
 msgstr "git merge-file [<опции>] [-L имя1 [-L orig [-L имя2]]] <файл1> <ориг-файл> <файл2>"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:33
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:35
 msgid "send results to standard output"
 msgstr "вывести результат на стандартный вывод"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:34
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:36
 msgid "use a diff3 based merge"
 msgstr "использовать diff3 слияние"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:35
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:37
 msgid "for conflicts, use our version"
 msgstr "при возникновении конфликтов, использовать нашу версию"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:37
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:39
 msgid "for conflicts, use their version"
 msgstr "при возникновении конфликтов, использовать их версию"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:39
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:41
 msgid "for conflicts, use a union version"
 msgstr "при возникновении конфликтов, использовать обе версии"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:42
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:44
 msgid "for conflicts, use this marker size"
 msgstr "при возникновении конфликтов, использовать этот размер маркера"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:43
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:45
 msgid "do not warn about conflicts"
 msgstr "не предупреждать о конфликтах"
-#: builtin/merge-file.c:45
+#: builtin/merge-file.c:47
 msgid "set labels for file1/orig-file/file2"
 msgstr "установить метки для файл1/ориг-файл/файл2"
-#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:45
+#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:46
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option %s"
 msgstr "неизвестная опция %s"
-#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:51
+#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:52
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать объект «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:55
+#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:56
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d base. Ignoring %s."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d bases. Ignoring %s."
@@ -12002,16 +14134,16 @@
 msgstr[2] "невозможно обработать больше %d баз. Игнорирую %s."
 msgstr[3] "невозможно обработать больше %d базы. Игнорирую %s."
-#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:63
+#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:64
 msgid "not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "не обрабатываю ничего, кроме слияния двух указателей на ветки."
-#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:69 builtin/merge-recursive.c:71
+#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:70 builtin/merge-recursive.c:72
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve ref '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось распознать ссылку «%s»"
-#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:77
+#: builtin/merge-recursive.c:78
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merging %s with %s\n"
 msgstr "Слияние %s и %s\n"
@@ -12024,7 +14156,7 @@
 msgid "input is NUL terminated"
 msgstr "ввод отделённый НУЛЕВЫМИ символами"
-#: builtin/mktree.c:155 builtin/write-tree.c:25
+#: builtin/mktree.c:155 builtin/write-tree.c:26
 msgid "allow missing objects"
 msgstr "допустить отсутствие объектов"
@@ -12032,94 +14164,111 @@
 msgid "allow creation of more than one tree"
 msgstr "допустить создание более одного дерева"
-#: builtin/mv.c:17
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
+msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+msgid "too many arguments"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#, c-format
+msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
 msgstr "git mv [<опции>] <источник>… <назначение>"
-#: builtin/mv.c:82
+#: builtin/mv.c:83
 #, c-format
 msgid "Directory %s is in index and no submodule?"
 msgstr "Каталог %s в индексе и не является подмодулем?"
-#: builtin/mv.c:84
+#: builtin/mv.c:85
 msgid "Please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed"
 msgstr "Чтобы продолжить, проиндексируйте или спрячьте ваши изменения в файле .gitmodules"
-#: builtin/mv.c:102
+#: builtin/mv.c:103
 #, c-format
 msgid "%.*s is in index"
 msgstr "%.*s в индесе"
-#: builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/mv.c:125
 msgid "force move/rename even if target exists"
 msgstr "принудительно перемещать/переименовать, даже если цель существует"
-#: builtin/mv.c:126
+#: builtin/mv.c:127
 msgid "skip move/rename errors"
 msgstr "пропускать ошибки при перемещении/переименовании"
-#: builtin/mv.c:168
+#: builtin/mv.c:169
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination '%s' is not a directory"
 msgstr "целевой путь «%s» не является каталогом"
-#: builtin/mv.c:179
+#: builtin/mv.c:180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking rename of '%s' to '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Проверка переименования из «%s» в «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:183
+#: builtin/mv.c:184
 msgid "bad source"
 msgstr "плохой источник"
-#: builtin/mv.c:186
+#: builtin/mv.c:187
 msgid "can not move directory into itself"
 msgstr "нельзя переместить каталог в самого себя"
-#: builtin/mv.c:189
+#: builtin/mv.c:190
 msgid "cannot move directory over file"
 msgstr "нельзя переместить каталог в файл"
-#: builtin/mv.c:198
+#: builtin/mv.c:199
 msgid "source directory is empty"
 msgstr "исходный каталог пуст"
-#: builtin/mv.c:223
+#: builtin/mv.c:224
 msgid "not under version control"
 msgstr "не под версионным контролем"
-#: builtin/mv.c:226
+#: builtin/mv.c:227
 msgid "destination exists"
 msgstr "целевой путь уже существует"
-#: builtin/mv.c:234
+#: builtin/mv.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "overwriting '%s'"
 msgstr "перезапись «%s»"
-#: builtin/mv.c:237
+#: builtin/mv.c:238
 msgid "Cannot overwrite"
 msgstr "Не удалось перезаписать"
-#: builtin/mv.c:240
+#: builtin/mv.c:241
 msgid "multiple sources for the same target"
 msgstr "несколько источников для одного целевого пути"
-#: builtin/mv.c:242
+#: builtin/mv.c:243
 msgid "destination directory does not exist"
 msgstr "целевой каталог не существует"
-#: builtin/mv.c:249
+#: builtin/mv.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s, source=%s, destination=%s"
 msgstr "%s, откуда=%s, куда=%s"
-#: builtin/mv.c:270
+#: builtin/mv.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Переименование %s в %s\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:276 builtin/remote.c:716 builtin/repack.c:494
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "сбой при переименовании «%s»"
@@ -12136,35 +14285,35 @@
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<опции>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:413
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "выводить только имена (без SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "использовать только метки для именования коммитов"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "использовать только ссылки, соответствующие <шаблону> "
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "игнорировать ссылки, соответствующие <шаблону>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr "вывести список всех коммитов, достижимых со всех ссылок"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:421
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "прочитать из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "разрешить вывод «undefined», если не найдено (по умолчанию)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:428
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "разыменовывать введенные метки (для внутреннего использования)"
@@ -12304,224 +14453,219 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "содержимое заметки осталось в %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:236 builtin/tag.c:508
-#, c-format
-msgid "cannot read '%s'"
-msgstr "не удалось прочитать «%s»"
-#: builtin/notes.c:238 builtin/tag.c:511
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть или прочитать «%s»"
-#: builtin/notes.c:257 builtin/notes.c:308 builtin/notes.c:310
-#: builtin/notes.c:378 builtin/notes.c:433 builtin/notes.c:519
-#: builtin/notes.c:524 builtin/notes.c:602 builtin/notes.c:664
+#: builtin/notes.c:263 builtin/notes.c:313 builtin/notes.c:315
+#: builtin/notes.c:383 builtin/notes.c:438 builtin/notes.c:526
+#: builtin/notes.c:531 builtin/notes.c:610 builtin/notes.c:672
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "не удалось разрешить «%s» как ссылку."
-#: builtin/notes.c:260
+#: builtin/notes.c:265
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object '%s'."
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать объект «%s»."
-#: builtin/notes.c:264
+#: builtin/notes.c:268
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read note data from non-blob object '%s'."
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать данные заметки из недвоичного объекта «%s»."
-#: builtin/notes.c:304
+#: builtin/notes.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed input line: '%s'."
 msgstr "неправильная введенная строка: «%s»."
-#: builtin/notes.c:319
+#: builtin/notes.c:324
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy notes from '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось скопировать заметку из «%s» в «%s»"
 #. TRANSLATORS: the first %s will be replaced by a git
 #. notes command: 'add', 'merge', 'remove', etc.
-#: builtin/notes.c:351
+#: builtin/notes.c:356
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to %s notes in %s (outside of refs/notes/)"
 msgstr "отказ в перезаписи %s заметок в %s (за пределами refs/notes/)"
-#: builtin/notes.c:371 builtin/notes.c:426 builtin/notes.c:502
-#: builtin/notes.c:514 builtin/notes.c:590 builtin/notes.c:657
-#: builtin/notes.c:807 builtin/notes.c:954 builtin/notes.c:975
+#: builtin/notes.c:376 builtin/notes.c:431 builtin/notes.c:509
+#: builtin/notes.c:521 builtin/notes.c:598 builtin/notes.c:665
+#: builtin/notes.c:815 builtin/notes.c:963 builtin/notes.c:985
 msgid "too many parameters"
 msgstr "передано слишком много параметров"
-#: builtin/notes.c:384 builtin/notes.c:670
+#: builtin/notes.c:389 builtin/notes.c:678
 #, c-format
 msgid "no note found for object %s."
 msgstr "не найдена заметка для объекта %s."
-#: builtin/notes.c:405 builtin/notes.c:568
+#: builtin/notes.c:410 builtin/notes.c:576
 msgid "note contents as a string"
 msgstr "текстовое содержимое заметки"
-#: builtin/notes.c:408 builtin/notes.c:571
+#: builtin/notes.c:413 builtin/notes.c:579
 msgid "note contents in a file"
 msgstr "содержимое заметки в файле"
-#: builtin/notes.c:411 builtin/notes.c:574
+#: builtin/notes.c:416 builtin/notes.c:582
 msgid "reuse and edit specified note object"
 msgstr "использовать и отредактировать указанный объект заметки"
-#: builtin/notes.c:414 builtin/notes.c:577
+#: builtin/notes.c:419 builtin/notes.c:585
 msgid "reuse specified note object"
 msgstr "использовать указанный объект заметки"
-#: builtin/notes.c:417 builtin/notes.c:580
+#: builtin/notes.c:422 builtin/notes.c:588
 msgid "allow storing empty note"
 msgstr "разрешить сохранение пустой заметки"
-#: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:489
+#: builtin/notes.c:423 builtin/notes.c:496
 msgid "replace existing notes"
 msgstr "заменить существующие заметки"
-#: builtin/notes.c:443
+#: builtin/notes.c:448
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot add notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite "
 "existing notes"
 msgstr "Не удалось добавить заметку. Найдена существующая заметка у объекта %s. Используйте параметр «-f» для перезаписи существующих заметок."
-#: builtin/notes.c:458 builtin/notes.c:537
+#: builtin/notes.c:463 builtin/notes.c:544
 #, c-format
 msgid "Overwriting existing notes for object %s\n"
 msgstr "Перезапись существующих заметок у объекта %s\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:469 builtin/notes.c:629 builtin/notes.c:894
+#: builtin/notes.c:475 builtin/notes.c:637 builtin/notes.c:902
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing note for object %s\n"
 msgstr "Удаление заметки у объекта %s\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:490
+#: builtin/notes.c:497
 msgid "read objects from stdin"
 msgstr "прочитать объекты из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/notes.c:492
+#: builtin/notes.c:499
 msgid "load rewriting config for <command> (implies --stdin)"
 msgstr "загрузить настройки перезаписи для команды <команда> (включает в себя --stdin)"
-#: builtin/notes.c:510
+#: builtin/notes.c:517
 msgid "too few parameters"
 msgstr "передано слишком мало параметров"
-#: builtin/notes.c:531
+#: builtin/notes.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot copy notes. Found existing notes for object %s. Use '-f' to overwrite"
 " existing notes"
 msgstr "Не удалось скопировать заметку. Найдена существующая заметка у объекта %s. Используйте параметр «-f» для перезаписи существующих заметок."
-#: builtin/notes.c:543
+#: builtin/notes.c:550
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing notes on source object %s. Cannot copy."
 msgstr "нет заметок у исходного объекта %s. Нельзя скопировать."
-#: builtin/notes.c:595
+#: builtin/notes.c:603
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The -m/-F/-c/-C options have been deprecated for the 'edit' subcommand.\n"
 "Please use 'git notes add -f -m/-F/-c/-C' instead.\n"
 msgstr "Опции -m/-F/-c/-C для подкоманды «edit» устарели.\nИспользуйте вместо них «git notes add -f -m/-F/-c/-C».\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:690
+#: builtin/notes.c:698
 msgid "failed to delete ref NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить ссылку NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL"
-#: builtin/notes.c:692
+#: builtin/notes.c:700
 msgid "failed to delete ref NOTES_MERGE_REF"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить ссылку NOTES_MERGE_REF"
-#: builtin/notes.c:694
+#: builtin/notes.c:702
 msgid "failed to remove 'git notes merge' worktree"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить рабочий каталог «git notes merge»"
-#: builtin/notes.c:714
+#: builtin/notes.c:722
 msgid "failed to read ref NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать ссылку NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL"
-#: builtin/notes.c:716
+#: builtin/notes.c:724
 msgid "could not find commit from NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL."
 msgstr "не удалось найти коммит из NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL."
-#: builtin/notes.c:718
+#: builtin/notes.c:726
 msgid "could not parse commit from NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL."
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать коммит из NOTES_MERGE_PARTIAL."
-#: builtin/notes.c:731
+#: builtin/notes.c:739
 msgid "failed to resolve NOTES_MERGE_REF"
 msgstr "не удалось разрешить NOTES_MERGE_REF"
-#: builtin/notes.c:734
+#: builtin/notes.c:742
 msgid "failed to finalize notes merge"
 msgstr "не удалось завершить слиние заметок"
-#: builtin/notes.c:760
+#: builtin/notes.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown notes merge strategy %s"
 msgstr "неизвестная стратегия слияния заметок %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:776
+#: builtin/notes.c:784
 msgid "General options"
 msgstr "Общие опции"
-#: builtin/notes.c:778
+#: builtin/notes.c:786
 msgid "Merge options"
 msgstr "Опции слияния"
-#: builtin/notes.c:780
+#: builtin/notes.c:788
 msgid ""
 "resolve notes conflicts using the given strategy "
 msgstr "разрешить конфликты заметок с помощью указанной стратегии (manual/ours/theirs/union/cat_sort_uniq)"
-#: builtin/notes.c:782
+#: builtin/notes.c:790
 msgid "Committing unmerged notes"
 msgstr "Коммит не слитых заметок"
-#: builtin/notes.c:784
+#: builtin/notes.c:792
 msgid "finalize notes merge by committing unmerged notes"
 msgstr "завершить слияние заметок коммитом не слитых заметок"
-#: builtin/notes.c:786
+#: builtin/notes.c:794
 msgid "Aborting notes merge resolution"
 msgstr "Отмена разрешения слияния заметок"
-#: builtin/notes.c:788
+#: builtin/notes.c:796
 msgid "abort notes merge"
 msgstr "отменить слияние заметок"
-#: builtin/notes.c:799
+#: builtin/notes.c:807
 msgid "cannot mix --commit, --abort or -s/--strategy"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать одновременно --commit, --abort и -s/--strategy"
-#: builtin/notes.c:804
+#: builtin/notes.c:812
 msgid "must specify a notes ref to merge"
 msgstr "вы должны указать ссылку заметки для слияния"
-#: builtin/notes.c:828
+#: builtin/notes.c:836
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown -s/--strategy: %s"
 msgstr "неизвестный параметр для -s/--strategy: %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:865
+#: builtin/notes.c:873
 #, c-format
 msgid "a notes merge into %s is already in-progress at %s"
 msgstr "слияние заметок в %s уже выполняется на %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:868
+#: builtin/notes.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to store link to current notes ref (%s)"
 msgstr "не удалось сохранить адрес текущей ссылки на заметку (%s)"
-#: builtin/notes.c:870
+#: builtin/notes.c:878
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Automatic notes merge failed. Fix conflicts in %s and commit the result with"
@@ -12529,418 +14673,431 @@
 msgstr "Не удалось автоматически слить заметки. Исправьте конфликты в %s и закоммитьте результат с помощью «git notes merge --commit», или прервите процесс слияния с помощью «git notes merge --abort».\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:892
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#, c-format
+msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
+msgstr "Не удалось разрешить «%s» как ссылку."
+#: builtin/notes.c:900
 #, c-format
 msgid "Object %s has no note\n"
 msgstr "У объекта %s нет заметки\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:904
+#: builtin/notes.c:912
 msgid "attempt to remove non-existent note is not an error"
 msgstr "попытка удаления несуществующей заметки не является ошибкой"
-#: builtin/notes.c:907
+#: builtin/notes.c:915
 msgid "read object names from the standard input"
 msgstr "прочитать имена объектов из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/notes.c:945 builtin/prune.c:108 builtin/worktree.c:151
+#: builtin/notes.c:954 builtin/prune.c:130 builtin/worktree.c:165
 msgid "do not remove, show only"
 msgstr "не удалять, только показать список"
-#: builtin/notes.c:946
+#: builtin/notes.c:955
 msgid "report pruned notes"
 msgstr "вывести список удаленных заметок"
-#: builtin/notes.c:988
+#: builtin/notes.c:998
 msgid "notes-ref"
 msgstr "ссылка-на-заметку"
-#: builtin/notes.c:989
+#: builtin/notes.c:999
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "использовать заметку из <ссылка-на-заметку>"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1024
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "неизвестная подкоманда: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:48
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:52
 msgid ""
 "git pack-objects --stdout [<options>...] [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
 msgstr "git pack-objects --stdout [<опции>…] [< <список-ссылок> | < <список-объектов>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:49
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:53
 msgid ""
 "git pack-objects [<options>...] <base-name> [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
 msgstr "git pack-objects [<опции>…] <имя-базы> [< <список-ссылок> | < <список-объектов>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:425
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:556
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:756
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:769
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:773
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:788
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:816
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr "отключение записи битовых карт, так как карты были разбиты на части из-за pack.packSizeLimit"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:829
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "Запись объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:891 builtin/update-index.c:88
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить stat %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:944
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr "отключение записи битовых карт, так как некоторые объекты не были упакованы"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1489
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1498
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1771
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Подсчет объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1913
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "не удалось получить размер %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1928
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "не удалось разобрать заголовок объекта %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1995 builtin/pack-objects.c:2011
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2021
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1998 builtin/pack-objects.c:2025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
 #, c-format
-msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%lu vs %lu)"
+msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2035
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2369
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "При сжатии изменений используется до %d потоков"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2505
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Сжатие объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2595
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2674
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
 " %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2680
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
 " %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "недопустимое значение для --missing"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2819 builtin/pack-objects.c:2927
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2935
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3022
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3045
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3095
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "неподдерживаемая версия индекса %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3099
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "плохая версия индекса «%s»"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3130
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "не выводить прогресс выполнения"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3132
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "показать прогресс выполнения"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3134
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "показать прогресс выполнения во время записи объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3137
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "похоже на --all-progress при включенном прогрессе выполнения"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3138
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3139
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr "записать файл индекса пакета в указанной версии формата"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3142
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "максимальный размер каждого выходного файла пакета"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3144
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "игнорировать чужие объекты, взятые из альтернативного хранилища объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3146
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "игнорировать упакованные объекты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "ограничить окно пакета по количеству объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3150
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr "дополнительно к количеству объектов ограничить окно пакета по памяти"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3152
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr "максимальная разрешенная длина цепочки дельт в результирующем пакете"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3154
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "использовать повторно существующие дельты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3156
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "использовать повторно существующие объекты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3158
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "использовать объекты OFS_DELTA"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3160
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr "использовать многопоточность при поиске лучших совпадений дельт"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3162
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "не создавать пустые выходные пакеты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3164
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "прочитать аргументы редакций из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3166
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "ограничиться объектами, которые еще не упакованы"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3169
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "включить объекты, которые достижимы по любой из ссылок"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3172
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "включить объекты, на которые ссылаются записи журнала ссылок"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3175
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "включить объекты, на которые ссылается индекс"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3178
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "вывести пакет на  стандартный вывод"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3180
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr "включить объекты меток, которые ссылаются на упаковываемые объекты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3182
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "сохранять ссылки на недоступные объекты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3184
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "паковать недостижимые объекты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3186
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "распаковать недоступные объекты, которые новее, чем <время>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3189
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "создавать тонкие пакеты"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3191
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "создавать пакеты, подходящие для частичных извлечений"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3193
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "игнорировать пакеты, рядом с которыми лежит .keep файл"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3195
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "игнорировать этот пакет"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3197
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "уровень сжатия пакета"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3199
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "не скрывать коммиты сращениями"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3201
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr "по возможности использовать индекс в битовых картах, для ускорения подсчета объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3203
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "запись индекса в битовых картах вместе с индексом пакета"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "обработка отсутствующих объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3209
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "не упаковывать объекты в promisor файлы пакетов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3233
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
-msgstr "глубина цепочки различий %d слишком большая, использую принудительно %d"
+msgstr "глубина цепочки изменений %d слишком большая, использую принудительно %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3238
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "лисит pack.deltaCacheLimit слишком высокий, использую принудительно %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3310
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Перечисление объектов"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3385
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr "Всего %<PRIu32> (изменения %<PRIu32>), повторно использовано %<PRIu32> (изменения %<PRIu32>)"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:7
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:8
 msgid "git pack-refs [<options>]"
 msgstr "git pack-refs [<опции>]"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:15
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:16
 msgid "pack everything"
 msgstr "паковать всё"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:16
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:17
 msgid "prune loose refs (default)"
 msgstr "почистить слабые ссылки (по умолчанию)"
@@ -12954,84 +15111,88 @@
 #: builtin/prune.c:12
 msgid "git prune [-n] [-v] [--progress] [--expire <time>] [--] [<head>...]"
-msgstr "git prune [-n] [-v] [--progress] [--expire <время>] [--] [<ветка>…]"
+msgstr "git prune [-n] [-v] [--progress] [--expire <время>] [--] [<редакция>…]"
-#: builtin/prune.c:109
+#: builtin/prune.c:131
 msgid "report pruned objects"
 msgstr "вывести список удаленных объектов"
-#: builtin/prune.c:112
+#: builtin/prune.c:134
 msgid "expire objects older than <time>"
 msgstr "удалить объекты старее чем <дата-окончания>"
-#: builtin/prune.c:114
+#: builtin/prune.c:136
 msgid "limit traversal to objects outside promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "ограничить обход объектами вне promisor файлов пакетов"
-#: builtin/prune.c:128
+#: builtin/prune.c:150
 msgid "cannot prune in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "нельзя почистить неиспользуемые объекты в precious-objects репозитории"
-#: builtin/pull.c:59 builtin/pull.c:61
+#: builtin/pull.c:66 builtin/pull.c:68
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "Неправильное значение %s: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:81
+#: builtin/pull.c:88
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git pull [<опции>] [<репозиторий> [<спецификатор-ссылки>…]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:132
+#: builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "управление рекурсивным извлечением подмодулей"
-#: builtin/pull.c:136
+#: builtin/pull.c:144
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Опции, связанные со слиянием"
-#: builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/pull.c:147
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "забрать изменения с помощью перемещения, а не слияния"
-#: builtin/pull.c:166 builtin/rebase--helper.c:23 builtin/revert.c:122
+#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "разрешить перемотку вперед"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175
+#: builtin/pull.c:184
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "автоматически выполнять stash/stash pop до и после перемещения"
-#: builtin/pull.c:191
+#: builtin/pull.c:200
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Опции, связанные с извлечением изменений"
-#: builtin/pull.c:209
+#: builtin/pull.c:210
+msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
+msgstr "принудительная перезапись локальной ветки"
+#: builtin/pull.c:218
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "количество подмодулей, которые будут получены парралельно"
-#: builtin/pull.c:304
+#: builtin/pull.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Неправильное значение для pull.ff: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:420
+#: builtin/pull.c:430
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
 msgstr "Нет претендентов для перемещения среди ссылок, которые вы только что получили."
-#: builtin/pull.c:422
+#: builtin/pull.c:432
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr "Нет претендентов для слияния среди ссылок, которые вы только что получили."
-#: builtin/pull.c:423
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
 msgstr "Обычно это означает, что вы передали спецификацию ссылки с помощью шаблона и этот шаблон ни с чем не совпал на внешнем репозитории."
-#: builtin/pull.c:426
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -13039,69 +15200,74 @@
 "for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line."
 msgstr "Вы попросили получить изменения со внешнего репозитория «%s», но не указали ветку. Так как это не репозиторий по умолчанию для  вашей текущей ветки, вы должны указать ветку в командной строке."
-#: builtin/pull.c:431
+#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас ни на одной из веток."
-#: builtin/pull.c:433 builtin/pull.c:448
+#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, укажите на какую ветку вы хотите переместить изменения."
-#: builtin/pull.c:435 builtin/pull.c:450
+#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Пожалуйста, укажите с какой веткой вы хотите слить изменения."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436 builtin/pull.c:451
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Для дополнительной информации, смотрите git-pull(1)."
-#: builtin/pull.c:438 builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/pull.c:453
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<внешний-репозиторий>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:438 builtin/pull.c:453 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<ветка>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:446
+#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "У текущей ветки нет информации об отслеживании."
-#: builtin/pull.c:455
+#: builtin/pull.c:465
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr "Если вы хотите указать информацию о отслеживаемой ветке, выполните:"
-#: builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
 "from the remote, but no such ref was fetched."
 msgstr "Ваша конфигурация указывает, что нужно слить изменения со ссылкой\n«%s» из внешнего репозитория, но такая ссылка не была получена."
-#: builtin/pull.c:829
+#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to access commit %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/pull.c:854
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "игнорирование --verify-signatures при перемещении"
-#: builtin/pull.c:877
+#: builtin/pull.c:909
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "--[no-]autostash можно использовать только вместе с --rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:885
+#: builtin/pull.c:917
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr "Обновление еще не начавшейся ветки с изменениями, добавленными в индекс."
-#: builtin/pull.c:888
+#: builtin/pull.c:921
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "получение с перемещением"
-#: builtin/pull.c:889
+#: builtin/pull.c:922
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "сделайте коммит или спрячьте их."
-#: builtin/pull.c:914
+#: builtin/pull.c:947
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -13109,7 +15275,7 @@
 "commit %s."
 msgstr "извлечение обновило указатель на вашу текущую ветку.\nперемотка вашего рабочего каталога\nс коммита %s."
-#: builtin/pull.c:919
+#: builtin/pull.c:953
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -13120,15 +15286,15 @@
 "to recover."
 msgstr "Не удалось перемотать вперёд изменения в вашем рабочем каталоге.\nПосле того, как вы убедитесь, что вы сохранили всё необходимое из вывода\n$ git diff %s\n, запустите\n$ git reset --hard\nдля восстановления исходного состояния."
-#: builtin/pull.c:934
+#: builtin/pull.c:968
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "Нельзя слить несколько веток в пустой указатель на ветку."
-#: builtin/pull.c:938
+#: builtin/pull.c:972
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "Невозможно переместить над несколькими ветками."
-#: builtin/pull.c:945
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr "невозможно выполнить перемещение с записанными локальными изменениями в подмодулях"
@@ -13144,13 +15310,13 @@
 msgid "--delete only accepts plain target ref names"
 msgstr "опция --delete принимает только простые целевые имена ссылок"
-#: builtin/push.c:165
+#: builtin/push.c:167
 msgid ""
 "To choose either option permanently, see push.default in 'git help config'."
 msgstr "\nЧтобы выбрать любую из опций на постоянной основе, смотрите push.default в «git help config»."
-#: builtin/push.c:168
+#: builtin/push.c:170
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The upstream branch of your current branch does not match\n"
@@ -13161,11 +15327,11 @@
 "To push to the branch of the same name on the remote, use\n"
-"    git push %s %s\n"
+"    git push %s HEAD\n"
-msgstr "Имя вышестоящей ветки и вашей текущей ветки различаются. Чтобы отправить изменения в вышестоящую ветку на внешнем репозитории, используйте:\n\n    git push %s HEAD:%s\n\nЧтобы отправить изменения в ветку с таким же именем на внешнем репозитории, используйте:\n\n    git push %s %s\n%s"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/push.c:183
+#: builtin/push.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are not currently on a branch.\n"
@@ -13175,7 +15341,7 @@
 "    git push %s HEAD:<name-of-remote-branch>\n"
 msgstr "Вы сейчас не находитесь ни на одной из веток.\nЧтобы отправить историю, ведущую к текущему (отделённый HEAD) состоянию, используйте\n\n    git push %s HEAD:<имя-внешней-ветки>\n"
-#: builtin/push.c:197
+#: builtin/push.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The current branch %s has no upstream branch.\n"
@@ -13184,13 +15350,13 @@
 "    git push --set-upstream %s %s\n"
 msgstr "Текущая ветка %s не имеет вышестоящей ветки.\nЧтобы отправить текущую ветку и установить внешнюю ветку как вышестоящую для этой ветки, используйте\n\n    git push --set-upstream %s %s\n"
-#: builtin/push.c:205
+#: builtin/push.c:207
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The current branch %s has multiple upstream branches, refusing to push."
 msgstr "Ваша текущая ветка %s имеет несколько вышестоящих веток, отказ в отправке изменений."
-#: builtin/push.c:208
+#: builtin/push.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are pushing to remote '%s', which is not the upstream of\n"
@@ -13198,11 +15364,11 @@
 "to update which remote branch."
 msgstr "Вы сейчас отправляете изменения на внешний репозиторий «%s», который не является вышестоящим для вашей текущей ветки «%s», без указания того, что отправлять и в какую внешнюю ветку."
-#: builtin/push.c:267
+#: builtin/push.c:269
 msgid "You didn't specify any refspecs to push, and push.default is \"nothing\"."
 msgstr "Вы не указали спецификацию ссылки для отправки, а push.default указан как «nothing»."
-#: builtin/push.c:274
+#: builtin/push.c:276
 msgid ""
 "Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind\n"
 "its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.\n"
@@ -13210,7 +15376,7 @@
 "See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details."
 msgstr "Обновления были отклонены, так как верхушка вашей текущей ветки\nпозади ее внешней части. Заберите и слейте внешние изменения \n(например, с помощью «git pull …») перед повторной попыткой отправки\nизменений.\nДля дополнительной информации, смотрите «Note about fast-forwards»\nв «git push --help»."
-#: builtin/push.c:280
+#: builtin/push.c:282
 msgid ""
 "Updates were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behind its remote\n"
 "counterpart. Check out this branch and integrate the remote changes\n"
@@ -13218,7 +15384,7 @@
 "See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details."
 msgstr "Обновления были отклонены, так как верхушка отправляемой ветки\nпозади ее внешней части. Переключитесь на ветку и заберите внешние\nизменения (например, с помощью «git pull …») перед повторной\nпопыткой отправки изменений.\nДля дополнительной информации, смотрите «Note about fast-forwards»\nв «git push --help»."
-#: builtin/push.c:286
+#: builtin/push.c:288
 msgid ""
 "Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do\n"
 "not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing\n"
@@ -13227,33 +15393,33 @@
 "See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details."
 msgstr "Обновления были отклонены, так как внешний репозиторий содержит\nизменения, которых у вас нет в вашем локальном репозитории.\nОбычно, это связанно с тем, что кто-то уже отправил изменения в \nто же место. Перед повторной отправкой ваших изменений, вам нужно\nзабрать и слить изменения из внешнего репозитория себе\n(например, с помощью «git pull …»).\nДля дополнительной информации, смотрите «Note about fast-forwards»\nв «git push --help»."
-#: builtin/push.c:293
+#: builtin/push.c:295
 msgid "Updates were rejected because the tag already exists in the remote."
 msgstr "Обновления были отклонены, так как метка уже существует во внешнем репозитории."
-#: builtin/push.c:296
+#: builtin/push.c:298
 msgid ""
 "You cannot update a remote ref that points at a non-commit object,\n"
 "or update a remote ref to make it point at a non-commit object,\n"
 "without using the '--force' option.\n"
 msgstr "Вы не можете обновить внешнюю ссылку, которая указывает на объект, не являющийся коммитом или обновить внешнюю ссылку так, чтобы она указывала на объект, не являющийся коммитом, без указания опции «--force».\n"
-#: builtin/push.c:357
+#: builtin/push.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pushing to %s\n"
 msgstr "Отправка в %s\n"
-#: builtin/push.c:361
+#: builtin/push.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to push some refs to '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось отправить некоторые ссылки в «%s»"
-#: builtin/push.c:395
+#: builtin/push.c:398
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad repository '%s'"
 msgstr "плохой репозитория «%s»"
-#: builtin/push.c:396
+#: builtin/push.c:399
 msgid ""
 "No configured push destination.\n"
 "Either specify the URL from the command-line or configure a remote repository using\n"
@@ -13265,104 +15431,104 @@
 "    git push <name>\n"
 msgstr "Не настроена точка назначения для отправки.\nЛибо укажите URL с помощью командной строки, либо настройте внешний репозиторий с помощью\n\n    git remote add <имя> <адрес>\n\nа затем отправьте изменения с помощью имени внешнего репозитория\n\n    git push <имя>\n"
-#: builtin/push.c:551
+#: builtin/push.c:554
 msgid "repository"
 msgstr "репозиторий"
-#: builtin/push.c:552 builtin/send-pack.c:164
+#: builtin/push.c:555 builtin/send-pack.c:164
 msgid "push all refs"
 msgstr "отправить все ссылки"
-#: builtin/push.c:553 builtin/send-pack.c:166
+#: builtin/push.c:556 builtin/send-pack.c:166
 msgid "mirror all refs"
 msgstr "сделать зеркало всех ссылок"
-#: builtin/push.c:555
+#: builtin/push.c:558
 msgid "delete refs"
 msgstr "удалить ссылки"
-#: builtin/push.c:556
+#: builtin/push.c:559
 msgid "push tags (can't be used with --all or --mirror)"
 msgstr "отправить метки (нельзя использовать вместе с --all или --mirror)"
-#: builtin/push.c:559 builtin/send-pack.c:167
+#: builtin/push.c:562 builtin/send-pack.c:167
 msgid "force updates"
 msgstr "принудительное обновление"
-#: builtin/push.c:561 builtin/send-pack.c:181
+#: builtin/push.c:564 builtin/send-pack.c:181
 msgid "<refname>:<expect>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/push.c:562 builtin/send-pack.c:182
+#: builtin/push.c:565 builtin/send-pack.c:182
 msgid "require old value of ref to be at this value"
 msgstr "требовать, чтобы старое значение ссылки было ожидаемым"
-#: builtin/push.c:565
+#: builtin/push.c:568
 msgid "control recursive pushing of submodules"
 msgstr "управление рекурсивной отправкой подмодулей"
-#: builtin/push.c:567 builtin/send-pack.c:175
+#: builtin/push.c:570 builtin/send-pack.c:175
 msgid "use thin pack"
 msgstr "использовать тонкие пакеты"
-#: builtin/push.c:568 builtin/push.c:569 builtin/send-pack.c:161
+#: builtin/push.c:571 builtin/push.c:572 builtin/send-pack.c:161
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:162
 msgid "receive pack program"
 msgstr "путь к программе упаковки на сервере"
-#: builtin/push.c:570
+#: builtin/push.c:573
 msgid "set upstream for git pull/status"
 msgstr "установить вышестоящую ветку для git pull/status"
-#: builtin/push.c:573
+#: builtin/push.c:576
 msgid "prune locally removed refs"
 msgstr "почистить локально удаленные ссылки"
-#: builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/push.c:578
 msgid "bypass pre-push hook"
 msgstr "пропустить перехватчик pre-push"
-#: builtin/push.c:576
+#: builtin/push.c:579
 msgid "push missing but relevant tags"
 msgstr "отправить пропущенные, но нужные метки"
-#: builtin/push.c:579 builtin/send-pack.c:169
+#: builtin/push.c:582 builtin/send-pack.c:169
 msgid "GPG sign the push"
 msgstr "подписать отправку с помощью GPG"
-#: builtin/push.c:581 builtin/send-pack.c:176
+#: builtin/push.c:584 builtin/send-pack.c:176
 msgid "request atomic transaction on remote side"
 msgstr "запросить выполнение атомарной транзакции на внешней стороне"
-#: builtin/push.c:599
+#: builtin/push.c:602
 msgid "--delete is incompatible with --all, --mirror and --tags"
 msgstr "--delete несовместимо с  --all, --mirror и --tags"
-#: builtin/push.c:601
+#: builtin/push.c:604
 msgid "--delete doesn't make sense without any refs"
 msgstr "--delete не имеет смысла без указания ссылок"
-#: builtin/push.c:604
+#: builtin/push.c:607
 msgid "--all and --tags are incompatible"
 msgstr "--all и --tags нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/push.c:606
+#: builtin/push.c:609
 msgid "--all can't be combined with refspecs"
 msgstr "--all нельзя использовать вместе со спецификаторами ссылок"
-#: builtin/push.c:610
+#: builtin/push.c:613
 msgid "--mirror and --tags are incompatible"
 msgstr "--mirror и --tags нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/push.c:612
+#: builtin/push.c:615
 msgid "--mirror can't be combined with refspecs"
 msgstr "--mirror нельзя использовать вместе со спецификаторами ссылок"
-#: builtin/push.c:615
+#: builtin/push.c:618
 msgid "--all and --mirror are incompatible"
 msgstr "--all и --mirror нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/push.c:634
+#: builtin/push.c:637
 msgid "push options must not have new line characters"
 msgstr "опции для отправки не должны содержать символы перевода строк"
@@ -13378,163 +15544,708 @@
 msgid "git range-diff [<options>] <base> <old-tip> <new-tip>"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:26
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:21
 msgid "Percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:28
-msgid "color both diff and diff-between-diffs"
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:23
+msgid "use simple diff colors"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:75 builtin/range-diff.c:79
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:46 builtin/range-diff.c:50
 #, c-format
 msgid "no .. in range: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:89
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:60
 msgid "single arg format must be symmetric range"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/range-diff.c:104
+#: builtin/range-diff.c:75
 msgid "need two commit ranges"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:40
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:41
 msgid ""
 "git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<prefix>)"
 " [-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] "
 "[--index-output=<file>] (--empty | <tree-ish1> [<tree-ish2> [<tree-ish3>]])"
 msgstr "git read-tree [(-m [--trivial] [--aggressive] | --reset | --prefix=<префикс>) [-u [--exclude-per-directory=<gitignore>] | -i]] [--no-sparse-checkout] [--index-output=<файл>] (--empty | <указатель-дерева-1> [<указатель-дерева-2> [<указатель-дерева-3>]])"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:120
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:124
 msgid "write resulting index to <file>"
 msgstr "записать результирующий индекс в <файл>"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:123
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:127
 msgid "only empty the index"
 msgstr "просто очистить индекс"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:125
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:129
 msgid "Merging"
 msgstr "Слияние"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:127
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:131
 msgid "perform a merge in addition to a read"
 msgstr "выполнить слияние в дополнение к чтению"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:129
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:133
 msgid "3-way merge if no file level merging required"
 msgstr "трехходовое слияние, если не требуется слияние на уровне файлов"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:131
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:135
 msgid "3-way merge in presence of adds and removes"
 msgstr "трехходовое слияние в случае присутствия добавлений или удалений файлов"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:133
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:137
 msgid "same as -m, but discard unmerged entries"
 msgstr "тоже, что и -m, но отменяет изменения не слитых записей"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:134
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:138
 msgid "<subdirectory>/"
 msgstr "<подкаталог>/"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:135
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:139
 msgid "read the tree into the index under <subdirectory>/"
 msgstr "прочитать дерево в индекс в <подкаталог>/"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:138
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:142
 msgid "update working tree with merge result"
 msgstr "обновить рабочий каталог результатом слияния"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:140
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:144
 msgid "gitignore"
 msgstr "gitignore"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:141
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:145
 msgid "allow explicitly ignored files to be overwritten"
 msgstr "разрешить перезапись явно игнорируемых файлов"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:144
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:148
 msgid "don't check the working tree after merging"
 msgstr "не проверять рабочий каталог после слияния"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:145
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:149
 msgid "don't update the index or the work tree"
 msgstr "не обновлять индекс или рабочий каталог"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:147
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:151
 msgid "skip applying sparse checkout filter"
 msgstr "пропустить применение фильтра частичного переключения на состояние"
-#: builtin/read-tree.c:149
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:153
 msgid "debug unpack-trees"
 msgstr "отладка unpack-trees"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:8
-msgid "git rebase--helper [<options>]"
-msgstr "git rebase--helper [<опции>]"
+#: builtin/read-tree.c:157
+msgid "suppress feedback messages"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:24
+#: builtin/rebase.c:32
+msgid ""
+"git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:34
+msgid ""
+"git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:36
+msgid "git rebase --continue | --abort | --skip | --edit-todo"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:158 builtin/rebase.c:182 builtin/rebase.c:209
+#, c-format
+msgid "unusable todo list: '%s'"
+msgstr "непригодный для использования список дел: «%s»"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:167 builtin/rebase.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:217
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not write '%s'."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:252
+msgid "no HEAD?"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:279
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not create temporary %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:285
+msgid "could not mark as interactive"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:343
+msgid "could not generate todo list"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:382
+msgid "a base commit must be provided with --upstream or --onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:437
+msgid "git rebase--interactive [<options>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:449
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "оставить пустые коммиты"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:26 builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "разрешить коммиты с пустыми сообщениями"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:27
+#: builtin/rebase.c:452
 msgid "rebase merge commits"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:29
+#: builtin/rebase.c:454
 msgid "keep original branch points of cousins"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:30
+#: builtin/rebase.c:456
+msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup!"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:457
+msgid "sign commits"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:461
 msgid "continue rebase"
 msgstr "продолжить перемещение"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:32
-msgid "abort rebase"
-msgstr "остановить перемещение"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:463
+msgid "skip commit"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:35
-msgid "make rebase script"
-msgstr "создать сценарий перемещения"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:464
+msgid "edit the todo list"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:37
+#: builtin/rebase.c:466
+msgid "show the current patch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:469
 msgid "shorten commit ids in the todo list"
 msgstr "вывести короткие идентификаторы коммитов в списке действий"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:39
+#: builtin/rebase.c:471
 msgid "expand commit ids in the todo list"
 msgstr "вывести полные идентификаторы коммитов в списке действий"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:41
+#: builtin/rebase.c:473
 msgid "check the todo list"
 msgstr "проверить список дел"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:43
-msgid "skip unnecessary picks"
-msgstr "пропустить ненужные команды pick"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:45
+#: builtin/rebase.c:475
 msgid "rearrange fixup/squash lines"
 msgstr "переставить строки fixup/squash"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:47
+#: builtin/rebase.c:477
 msgid "insert exec commands in todo list"
 msgstr "вставить команды исполнения коммитов в списке действий"
-#: builtin/rebase--helper.c:68
+#: builtin/rebase.c:478
+msgid "onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:481
+msgid "restrict-revision"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:481
+msgid "restrict revision"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:483
+msgid "squash-onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:484
+msgid "squash onto"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:486
+msgid "the upstream commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:488
+msgid "head-name"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:488
+msgid "head name"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:493
+msgid "rebase strategy"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:494
+msgid "strategy-opts"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:495
+msgid "strategy options"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:496
+msgid "switch-to"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:497
+msgid "the branch or commit to checkout"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:498
+msgid "onto-name"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:498
+msgid "onto name"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:499
+msgid "cmd"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:499
+msgid "the command to run"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:518
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "--[no-]rebase-cousins не имеет смысла без указания --rebase-merges"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:586
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not get 'onto': '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:601
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid orig-head: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:626
+#, c-format
+msgid "ignoring invalid allow_rerere_autoupdate: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:702
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not read '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:720
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot store %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+msgid ""
+"Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
+"\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
+"You can instead skip this commit: run \"git rebase --skip\".\n"
+"To abort and get back to the state before \"git rebase\", run \"git rebase --abort\"."
+msgstr "Разрешите все конфликты вручную, пометьте их разрешёнными с помощью «git add/rm <конфликтующие-файлы>», а затем запустите «git rebase --continue».\nЕсли вы хотите пропустить этот коммит, то запустите «git rebase --skip».\nЧтобы вернуться на состояние до «git rebase», запустите «git rebase --abort»."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"git encountered an error while preparing the patches to replay\n"
+"these revisions:\n"
+"    %s\n"
+"As a result, git cannot rebase them."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Please specify which branch you want to rebase against.\n"
+"See git-rebase(1) for details.\n"
+"    git rebase '<branch>'\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
+"    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+msgid "empty exec command"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+msgid "passed to 'git am'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+msgid "continue"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+msgid "skip current patch and continue"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+msgid "use the given merge strategy"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+msgid "option"
+msgstr "опция"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+msgid ""
+"the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
+"See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
+msgstr "Похоже, что выполняется «git am». Невозможно выполнить перемещение."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+msgid ""
+"git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+msgid "No rebase in progress?"
+msgstr "Нет перемещения в процессе?"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
+msgstr "Действие --edit-todo может использоваться только при интерактивном перемещении."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
+msgstr "Не удалось прочитать HEAD"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+msgid ""
+"You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
+"mark them as resolved using git add"
+msgstr "Вы должны отредактировать все\nконфликты слияния, а потом пометить\nих как разрешенные с помощью git add"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not move back to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "не удалось удалить «%s»"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
+"I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase.  If that is the\n"
+"case, please try\n"
+"If that is not the case, please\n"
+"and run me again.  I am stopping in case you still have something\n"
+"valuable there.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+msgid ""
+"error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+msgid "Could not create new root commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#, c-format
+msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#, c-format
+msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#, c-format
+msgid "No such ref: %s"
+msgstr "Нет такой ссылки: %s"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+msgid "Cannot autostash"
+msgstr "Не удалось автоматически спрятать изменения"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#, c-format
+msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+msgid "could not reset --hard"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#, c-format
+msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
+msgstr "HEAD сейчас на %s"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+msgid "Please commit or stash them."
+msgstr "Сделайте коммит или спрячьте их."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not switch to %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+msgid "HEAD is up to date."
+msgstr "HEAD уже в актуальном состоянии."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#, c-format
+msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
+msgstr "HEAD уже в актуальном состоянии, принудительное перемещение."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#, c-format
+msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
+msgstr "Перехватчик pre-rebase отказал в перемещении."
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#, c-format
+msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#, c-format
+msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#, c-format
+msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#, c-format
+msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <каталог-git>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:830
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -13551,7 +16262,7 @@
 "'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to 'refuse'."
 msgstr "По умолчанию, обновлять текущую ветку в репозитории с рабочей\nкопией (не голом) запрещено, так как это сделает состояние индекса\nи рабочего каталога противоречивым, и вам прийдется выполнить\n«git reset --hard», чтобы состояние рабочего каталога снова\nсоответствовало HEAD.\n\nВы можете установить значение опции «receive.denyCurrentBranch»\nв «ignore» или «warn» во внешнем репозитории, чтобы разрешить\nотправку в его текущую ветку; но это не рекомендуется, если только\nвы не намерены обновить его рабочий каталог способом подобным\nвышеописанному.\n\nЧтобы пропустить это сообщение и все равно оставить поведение\nпо умолчанию, установите значение опции «receive.denyCurrentBranch»\nв «refuse»."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:850
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -13563,189 +16274,235 @@
 "To squelch this message, you can set it to 'refuse'."
 msgstr "По умолчанию, удаление текущей ветки запрещено, так как последующий\n«git clone» не сможет получить никаких файлов, что приведет к путанице.\n\nВы можете установить значение опции «receive.denyDeleteCurrent»\nв «warn» или «ignore», во внешнем репозитории,  чтобы разрешить\nудаление текущей ветки с или без предупреждающего сообщения.\n\nЧтобы пропустить это сообщение, вы можете установить значение опции\nв «refuse»."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1923
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "тихий режим"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1937
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Вы должны указать каталог."
-#: builtin/reflog.c:536 builtin/reflog.c:541
+#: builtin/reflog.c:17
+msgid ""
+"git reflog expire [--expire=<time>] [--expire-unreachable=<time>] "
+"[--rewrite] [--updateref] [--stale-fix] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] [--all]"
+" <refs>..."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:22
+msgid ""
+"git reflog delete [--rewrite] [--updateref] [--dry-run | -n] [--verbose] "
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:25
+msgid "git reflog exists <ref>"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:567 builtin/reflog.c:572
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "«%s» не является допустимой меткой даты/времени"
-#: builtin/remote.c:15
+#: builtin/reflog.c:605
+#, c-format
+msgid "Marking reachable objects..."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:643
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s points nowhere!"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:695
+msgid "no reflog specified to delete"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:704
+#, c-format
+msgid "not a reflog: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:709
+#, c-format
+msgid "no reflog for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:755
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref format: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reflog.c:764
+msgid "git reflog [ show | expire | delete | exists ]"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/remote.c:16
 msgid "git remote [-v | --verbose]"
 msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose]"
-#: builtin/remote.c:16
+#: builtin/remote.c:17
 msgid ""
 "git remote add [-t <branch>] [-m <master>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] "
 "[--mirror=<fetch|push>] <name> <url>"
 msgstr "git remote add [-t <ветка>] [-m <мастер-ветка>] [-f] [--tags | --no-tags] [--mirror=<fetch|push>] <имя> <адрес>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:17 builtin/remote.c:37
+#: builtin/remote.c:18 builtin/remote.c:38
 msgid "git remote rename <old> <new>"
 msgstr "git remote rename <старое-название> <новое-название>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:18 builtin/remote.c:42
+#: builtin/remote.c:19 builtin/remote.c:43
 msgid "git remote remove <name>"
 msgstr "git remote remove <имя>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:19 builtin/remote.c:47
+#: builtin/remote.c:20 builtin/remote.c:48
 msgid "git remote set-head <name> (-a | --auto | -d | --delete | <branch>)"
 msgstr "git remote set-head <имя> (-a | --auto | -d | --delete | <ветка>)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:20
+#: builtin/remote.c:21
 msgid "git remote [-v | --verbose] show [-n] <name>"
 msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose] show [-n] <имя>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:21
+#: builtin/remote.c:22
 msgid "git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] <name>"
 msgstr "git remote prune [-n | --dry-run] <имя>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:22
+#: builtin/remote.c:23
 msgid ""
 "git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<group> | <remote>)...]"
 msgstr "git remote [-v | --verbose] update [-p | --prune] [(<группа> | <имя-внешнего-репозитория>)…]"
-#: builtin/remote.c:23
+#: builtin/remote.c:24
 msgid "git remote set-branches [--add] <name> <branch>..."
 msgstr "git remote set-branches [--add] <имя> <ветка>…"
-#: builtin/remote.c:24 builtin/remote.c:73
+#: builtin/remote.c:25 builtin/remote.c:74
 msgid "git remote get-url [--push] [--all] <name>"
 msgstr "git remote get-url [--push] [--all] <имя>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:25 builtin/remote.c:78
+#: builtin/remote.c:26 builtin/remote.c:79
 msgid "git remote set-url [--push] <name> <newurl> [<oldurl>]"
 msgstr "git remote set-url [--push] <имя> <новый-url> [<старый-url>]"
-#: builtin/remote.c:26 builtin/remote.c:79
+#: builtin/remote.c:27 builtin/remote.c:80
 msgid "git remote set-url --add <name> <newurl>"
 msgstr "git remote set-url --add <имя> <новый-url>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:27 builtin/remote.c:80
+#: builtin/remote.c:28 builtin/remote.c:81
 msgid "git remote set-url --delete <name> <url>"
 msgstr "git remote set-url --delete <имя> <url>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:32
+#: builtin/remote.c:33
 msgid "git remote add [<options>] <name> <url>"
 msgstr "git remote add [<опции>] <имя> <url>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:52
+#: builtin/remote.c:53
 msgid "git remote set-branches <name> <branch>..."
 msgstr "git remote set-branches <имя> <ветка>…"
-#: builtin/remote.c:53
+#: builtin/remote.c:54
 msgid "git remote set-branches --add <name> <branch>..."
 msgstr "git remote set-branches --add <имя> <ветка>…"
-#: builtin/remote.c:58
+#: builtin/remote.c:59
 msgid "git remote show [<options>] <name>"
 msgstr "git remote show [<опции>] <имя>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:63
+#: builtin/remote.c:64
 msgid "git remote prune [<options>] <name>"
 msgstr "git remote prune [<опции>] <имя>"
-#: builtin/remote.c:68
+#: builtin/remote.c:69
 msgid "git remote update [<options>] [<group> | <remote>]..."
 msgstr "git remote update [<опции>] [<группа> | <имя-внешнего-репозитория>]…"
-#: builtin/remote.c:97
+#: builtin/remote.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s"
 msgstr "Обновление %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:129
+#: builtin/remote.c:130
 msgid ""
 "--mirror is dangerous and deprecated; please\n"
 "\t use --mirror=fetch or --mirror=push instead"
 msgstr "ключ --mirror небезопасен и не рекомендуется к использованию;\nиспользуйте вместо него --mirror=fetch или --mirror=push"
-#: builtin/remote.c:146
+#: builtin/remote.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown mirror argument: %s"
 msgstr "неизвестный аргумент для mirror: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:162
+#: builtin/remote.c:163
 msgid "fetch the remote branches"
 msgstr "извлечь внешние ветки"
-#: builtin/remote.c:164
+#: builtin/remote.c:165
 msgid "import all tags and associated objects when fetching"
 msgstr "импортировать все метки и ассоциированные объекты при извлечении"
-#: builtin/remote.c:167
+#: builtin/remote.c:168
 msgid "or do not fetch any tag at all (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "или не извлекать метки вообще (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:170
 msgid "branch(es) to track"
 msgstr "отслеживаемые ветки"
-#: builtin/remote.c:170
+#: builtin/remote.c:171
 msgid "master branch"
 msgstr "мастер ветка"
-#: builtin/remote.c:171
-msgid "push|fetch"
-msgstr "push|fetch"
-#: builtin/remote.c:172
+#: builtin/remote.c:173
 msgid "set up remote as a mirror to push to or fetch from"
 msgstr "настроить внешний репозиторий как зеркало для отправки или извлечения изменений"
-#: builtin/remote.c:184
+#: builtin/remote.c:185
 msgid "specifying a master branch makes no sense with --mirror"
 msgstr "указание мастер ветки не имеет смысла с параметром --mirror"
-#: builtin/remote.c:186
+#: builtin/remote.c:187
 msgid "specifying branches to track makes sense only with fetch mirrors"
 msgstr "указание отслеживаемых веток имеет смысл только при зеркальном извлечении"
-#: builtin/remote.c:193 builtin/remote.c:635
+#: builtin/remote.c:194 builtin/remote.c:636
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote %s already exists."
 msgstr "внешний репозиторий %s уже существует"
-#: builtin/remote.c:197 builtin/remote.c:639
+#: builtin/remote.c:198 builtin/remote.c:640
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid remote name"
 msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым именем внешнего репозитория."
-#: builtin/remote.c:237
+#: builtin/remote.c:238
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not setup master '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось настроить мастер ветку «%s»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:343
+#: builtin/remote.c:344
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not get fetch map for refspec %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось извлечь карту для спецификатора ссылки %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:442 builtin/remote.c:450
+#: builtin/remote.c:443 builtin/remote.c:451
 msgid "(matching)"
 msgstr "(соответствующая)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:454
+#: builtin/remote.c:455
 msgid "(delete)"
 msgstr "(удаленная)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:628 builtin/remote.c:764 builtin/remote.c:863
+#: builtin/remote.c:629 builtin/remote.c:765 builtin/remote.c:864
 #, c-format
-msgid "No such remote: %s"
-msgstr "Нет такого внешнего репозитория: %s"
+msgid "No such remote: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/remote.c:645
+#: builtin/remote.c:646
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not rename config section '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось переименовать секцию конфигурации с «%s» на «%s»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:665
+#: builtin/remote.c:666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Not updating non-default fetch refspec\n"
@@ -13753,17 +16510,17 @@
 "\tPlease update the configuration manually if necessary."
 msgstr "Не обновляю нестандартную спецификатор ссылки для извлечения\n\t%s\n\tПожалуйста, если требуется, обновите конфигурацию вручную."
-#: builtin/remote.c:701
+#: builtin/remote.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleting '%s' failed"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить «%s»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:735
+#: builtin/remote.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "creating '%s' failed"
 msgstr "не удалось создать «%s»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:801
+#: builtin/remote.c:802
 msgid ""
 "Note: A branch outside the refs/remotes/ hierarchy was not removed;\n"
 "to delete it, use:"
@@ -13775,148 +16532,148 @@
 msgstr[2] "Примечание: Некоторые ветки вне иерархии refs/remotes/ не будут удалены;\nчтобы удалить их, используйте:"
 msgstr[3] "Примечание: Некоторые ветки вне иерархии refs/remotes/ не будут удалены;\nчтобы удалить их, используйте:"
-#: builtin/remote.c:815
+#: builtin/remote.c:816
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove config section '%s'"
 msgstr "Не удалось удалить секцию файла конфигурации «%s»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:916
+#: builtin/remote.c:917
 #, c-format
 msgid " new (next fetch will store in remotes/%s)"
 msgstr " новая (следующее извлечение сохранит ее в remotes/%s)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:919
+#: builtin/remote.c:920
 msgid " tracked"
 msgstr " отслеживается"
-#: builtin/remote.c:921
+#: builtin/remote.c:922
 msgid " stale (use 'git remote prune' to remove)"
 msgstr " недействительна (используйте «git remote prune», чтобы удалить)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:923
+#: builtin/remote.c:924
 msgid " ???"
 msgstr " ???"
-#: builtin/remote.c:964
+#: builtin/remote.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid branch.%s.merge; cannot rebase onto > 1 branch"
 msgstr "неправильный параметр конфигурации branch.%s.merge; невозможно переместить более чем над 1 веткой"
-#: builtin/remote.c:973
+#: builtin/remote.c:974
 #, c-format
 msgid "rebases interactively onto remote %s"
 msgstr "перемещается интерактивно над внешней веткой %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:975
+#: builtin/remote.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "rebases interactively (with merges) onto remote %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/remote.c:978
+#: builtin/remote.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "rebases onto remote %s"
 msgstr "перемещается над внешней веткой %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:982
+#: builtin/remote.c:983
 #, c-format
 msgid " merges with remote %s"
 msgstr " будет слита с внешней веткой %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:985
+#: builtin/remote.c:986
 #, c-format
 msgid "merges with remote %s"
 msgstr "будет слита с внешней веткой %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:988
+#: builtin/remote.c:989
 #, c-format
 msgid "%-*s    and with remote %s\n"
 msgstr "%-*s    и с внешней веткой %s\n"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1031
+#: builtin/remote.c:1032
 msgid "create"
 msgstr "создана"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1034
+#: builtin/remote.c:1035
 msgid "delete"
 msgstr "удалена"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1038
+#: builtin/remote.c:1039
 msgid "up to date"
 msgstr "уже актуальна"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1041
+#: builtin/remote.c:1042
 msgid "fast-forwardable"
 msgstr "возможна перемотка вперед"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1044
+#: builtin/remote.c:1045
 msgid "local out of date"
 msgstr "локальная ветка устарела"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1051
+#: builtin/remote.c:1052
 #, c-format
 msgid "    %-*s forces to %-*s (%s)"
 msgstr "    %-*s будет принудительно отправлена в %-*s (%s)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1054
+#: builtin/remote.c:1055
 #, c-format
 msgid "    %-*s pushes to %-*s (%s)"
 msgstr "    %-*s будет отправлена в %-*s (%s)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1058
+#: builtin/remote.c:1059
 #, c-format
 msgid "    %-*s forces to %s"
 msgstr "    %-*s будет принудительно отправлена в %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1061
+#: builtin/remote.c:1062
 #, c-format
 msgid "    %-*s pushes to %s"
 msgstr "    %-*s будет отправлена в %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1129
+#: builtin/remote.c:1130
 msgid "do not query remotes"
 msgstr "не опрашивать внешние репозитории"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1156
+#: builtin/remote.c:1157
 #, c-format
 msgid "* remote %s"
 msgstr "* внешний репозиторий %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1157
+#: builtin/remote.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Fetch URL: %s"
 msgstr "  URL для извлечения: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1158 builtin/remote.c:1174 builtin/remote.c:1313
+#: builtin/remote.c:1159 builtin/remote.c:1175 builtin/remote.c:1314
 msgid "(no URL)"
 msgstr "(нет URL)"
 #. TRANSLATORS: the colon ':' should align
 #. with the one in " Fetch URL: %s"
 #. translation.
-#: builtin/remote.c:1172 builtin/remote.c:1174
+#: builtin/remote.c:1173 builtin/remote.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Push  URL: %s"
 msgstr "    URL для отправки: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1176 builtin/remote.c:1178 builtin/remote.c:1180
+#: builtin/remote.c:1177 builtin/remote.c:1179 builtin/remote.c:1181
 #, c-format
 msgid "  HEAD branch: %s"
 msgstr "  HEAD ветка: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1176
+#: builtin/remote.c:1177
 msgid "(not queried)"
 msgstr "(не запрашивался)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1178
+#: builtin/remote.c:1179
 msgid "(unknown)"
 msgstr "(неизвестно)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1182
+#: builtin/remote.c:1183
 #, c-format
 msgid "  HEAD branch (remote HEAD is ambiguous, may be one of the following):\n"
 msgstr "  HEAD ветка (HEAD внешнего репозитория неоднозначный, может быть одним из):\n"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1194
+#: builtin/remote.c:1195
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Remote branch:%s"
 msgid_plural "  Remote branches:%s"
@@ -13925,11 +16682,11 @@
 msgstr[2] "  Внешние ветки:%s"
 msgstr[3] "  Внешние ветки:%s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1197 builtin/remote.c:1223
+#: builtin/remote.c:1198 builtin/remote.c:1224
 msgid " (status not queried)"
 msgstr " (статус не запрашивался)"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1206
+#: builtin/remote.c:1207
 msgid "  Local branch configured for 'git pull':"
 msgid_plural "  Local branches configured for 'git pull':"
 msgstr[0] "  Локальная ветка, настроенная для «git pull»:"
@@ -13937,11 +16694,11 @@
 msgstr[2] "  Локальные ветки, настроенные для «git pull»:"
 msgstr[3] "  Локальные ветки, настроенные для «git pull»:"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1214
+#: builtin/remote.c:1215
 msgid "  Local refs will be mirrored by 'git push'"
 msgstr " Локальные ссылки, зеркалируемые с помощью «git push»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1220
+#: builtin/remote.c:1221
 #, c-format
 msgid "  Local ref configured for 'git push'%s:"
 msgid_plural "  Local refs configured for 'git push'%s:"
@@ -13950,231 +16707,263 @@
 msgstr[2] "  Локальные ссылки, настроенные для «git push»%s:"
 msgstr[3] "  Локальные ссылки, настроенные для «git push»%s:"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1241
+#: builtin/remote.c:1242
 msgid "set refs/remotes/<name>/HEAD according to remote"
 msgstr "установить refs/remotes/<имя>/HEAD в зависимости от внешнего репозитория"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1243
+#: builtin/remote.c:1244
 msgid "delete refs/remotes/<name>/HEAD"
 msgstr "удалить refs/remotes/<имя>/HEAD"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1258
+#: builtin/remote.c:1259
 msgid "Cannot determine remote HEAD"
 msgstr "Не удалось определить внешний HEAD"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1260
+#: builtin/remote.c:1261
 msgid "Multiple remote HEAD branches. Please choose one explicitly with:"
 msgstr "Несколько внешних HEAD веток. Укажите явно одну из них:"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1270
+#: builtin/remote.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not delete %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось удалить %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1278
+#: builtin/remote.c:1279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid ref: %s"
 msgstr "Недопустимая ссылка: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1280
+#: builtin/remote.c:1281
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not setup %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось настроить %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1298
+#: builtin/remote.c:1299
 #, c-format
 msgid " %s will become dangling!"
 msgstr " %s будет висящей веткой!"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1299
+#: builtin/remote.c:1300
 #, c-format
 msgid " %s has become dangling!"
 msgstr " %s стала висящей веткой!"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1309
+#: builtin/remote.c:1310
 #, c-format
 msgid "Pruning %s"
 msgstr "Очистка %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1310
+#: builtin/remote.c:1311
 #, c-format
 msgid "URL: %s"
 msgstr "URL: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1326
+#: builtin/remote.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid " * [would prune] %s"
 msgstr " * [будет удалена] %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1329
+#: builtin/remote.c:1330
 #, c-format
 msgid " * [pruned] %s"
 msgstr " * [удалена] %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1374
+#: builtin/remote.c:1375
 msgid "prune remotes after fetching"
 msgstr "почистить внешние репозитории после извлечения"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1437 builtin/remote.c:1491 builtin/remote.c:1559
+#: builtin/remote.c:1438 builtin/remote.c:1492 builtin/remote.c:1560
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote '%s'"
 msgstr "Нет такого внешнего репозитория «%s»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1453
+#: builtin/remote.c:1454
 msgid "add branch"
 msgstr "добавить ветку"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1460
+#: builtin/remote.c:1461
 msgid "no remote specified"
 msgstr "не указан внешний репозиторий"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1477
+#: builtin/remote.c:1478
 msgid "query push URLs rather than fetch URLs"
 msgstr "запросить URL отправки, вместо URL извлечения"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1479
+#: builtin/remote.c:1480
 msgid "return all URLs"
 msgstr "вернуть все URL"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1507
+#: builtin/remote.c:1508
 #, c-format
 msgid "no URLs configured for remote '%s'"
 msgstr "URL не настроены для внешнего репозитория «%s»"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1533
+#: builtin/remote.c:1534
 msgid "manipulate push URLs"
 msgstr "управление URL отправки"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1535
+#: builtin/remote.c:1536
 msgid "add URL"
 msgstr "добавить URL"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1537
+#: builtin/remote.c:1538
 msgid "delete URLs"
 msgstr "удалить URL"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1544
+#: builtin/remote.c:1545
 msgid "--add --delete doesn't make sense"
 msgstr "--add нельзя использовать одновременно с --delete"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1583
+#: builtin/remote.c:1584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid old URL pattern: %s"
 msgstr "Неправильный шаблон старого URL: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1591
+#: builtin/remote.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such URL found: %s"
 msgstr "Не найдены совпадения URL: %s"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1593
+#: builtin/remote.c:1594
 msgid "Will not delete all non-push URLs"
 msgstr "Нельзя удалить все URL не-отправки"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1609
+#: builtin/remote.c:1610
 msgid "be verbose; must be placed before a subcommand"
 msgstr "быть многословнее; должно стоять перед подкомандой"
-#: builtin/remote.c:1640
+#: builtin/remote.c:1641
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "Неизвестная подкоманда: %s"
-#: builtin/repack.c:20
+#: builtin/repack.c:22
 msgid "git repack [<options>]"
 msgstr "git repack [<опции>]"
-#: builtin/repack.c:25
+#: builtin/repack.c:27
 msgid ""
 "Incremental repacks are incompatible with bitmap indexes.  Use\n"
 "--no-write-bitmap-index or disable the pack.writebitmaps configuration."
 msgstr "Инкрементальные перепаковки не совместимы с индексами в битовых картах.  Используйте опцию --no-write-bitmap-index или отключите параметр конфигурации pack.writebitmaps."
-#: builtin/repack.c:287
+#: builtin/repack.c:200
+msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/repack.c:256
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/repack.c:294
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "упаковать всё в один пакет"
-#: builtin/repack.c:289
+#: builtin/repack.c:296
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "тоже, что и -a, но дополнительно отбросить недостижимые объекты"
-#: builtin/repack.c:292
+#: builtin/repack.c:299
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "удалите лишние пакеты и запустите git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:301
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "передать опцию --no-reuse-delta в git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "передать опцию --no-reuse-object в git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:298
+#: builtin/repack.c:305
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "не запускать git-update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "передать опцию --local в git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "запись индекса в битовых картах"
-#: builtin/repack.c:304
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
+msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/repack.c:313
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "примерная-дата"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "с опцией -A, не отбрасывать объекты старее, чем указано"
-#: builtin/repack.c:307
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "с параметром -a, перепаковать недоступные объекты"
-#: builtin/repack.c:309
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "размер окна, используемый для компрессии дельт"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310 builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "количество-байт"
-#: builtin/repack.c:311
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr "тоже, что и выше, но ограничить размер памяти, а не количество записей"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:322
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "ограничение на максимальную глубину дельт"
-#: builtin/repack.c:315
+#: builtin/repack.c:324
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "ограничение на максимальное количество потоков"
-#: builtin/repack.c:317
+#: builtin/repack.c:326
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "максимальный размер каждого из файлов пакета"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319
+#: builtin/repack.c:328
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "переупаковать объекты в пакеты, помеченные файлом .keep"
-#: builtin/repack.c:321
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/repack.c:331
+#: builtin/repack.c:340
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "нельзя удалять пакеты в precious-objects репозитории"
-#: builtin/repack.c:335
+#: builtin/repack.c:344
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable и -A нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/repack.c:510 builtin/worktree.c:139
+#: builtin/repack.c:423
+msgid "Nothing new to pack."
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
+"WARNING: prefixing old- to their name, in order to\n"
+"WARNING: replace them with the new version of the\n"
+"WARNING: file.  But the operation failed, and the\n"
+"WARNING: attempt to rename them back to their\n"
+"WARNING: original names also failed.\n"
+"WARNING: Please rename them in %s manually:\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/repack.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "сбой удаления «%s»"
@@ -14203,39 +16992,34 @@
 msgid "git replace [--format=<format>] [-l [<pattern>]]"
 msgstr "git replace [--format=<формат>] [-l [<шаблон>]]"
-#: builtin/replace.c:57 builtin/replace.c:203 builtin/replace.c:206
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:86
+#: builtin/replace.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "invalid replace format '%s'\n"
 "valid formats are 'short', 'medium' and 'long'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:121
+#: builtin/replace.c:125
 #, c-format
 msgid "replace ref '%s' not found"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:137
+#: builtin/replace.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted replace ref '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:149
+#: builtin/replace.c:153
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref name"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:154
+#: builtin/replace.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid "replace ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:174
+#: builtin/replace.c:178
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Objects must be of the same type.\n"
@@ -14243,178 +17027,183 @@
 "while '%s' points to a replacement object of type '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:225
+#: builtin/replace.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s for writing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:238
+#: builtin/replace.c:242
 msgid "cat-file reported failure"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:254
+#: builtin/replace.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s for reading"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:268
+#: builtin/replace.c:272
 msgid "unable to spawn mktree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:272
+#: builtin/replace.c:276
 msgid "unable to read from mktree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:281
+#: builtin/replace.c:285
 msgid "mktree reported failure"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:285
+#: builtin/replace.c:289
 msgid "mktree did not return an object name"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:294
+#: builtin/replace.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to fstat %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:299
+#: builtin/replace.c:303
 msgid "unable to write object to database"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:318 builtin/replace.c:371 builtin/replace.c:415
-#: builtin/replace.c:445
+#: builtin/replace.c:322 builtin/replace.c:377 builtin/replace.c:422
+#: builtin/replace.c:452
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:322
+#: builtin/replace.c:326
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get object type for %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:338
+#: builtin/replace.c:342
 msgid "editing object file failed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:347
+#: builtin/replace.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "new object is the same as the old one: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:407
+#: builtin/replace.c:383
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse %s as a commit"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/replace.c:414
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad mergetag in commit '%s'"
 msgstr "плохая метка слияния в коммите «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:409
+#: builtin/replace.c:416
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed mergetag in commit '%s'"
 msgstr "повреждённая метка слияния в коммите «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:421
+#: builtin/replace.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "original commit '%s' contains mergetag '%s' that is discarded; use --edit "
 "instead of --graft"
 msgstr "оригинальный коммит «%s» содержит метку слияния «%s», которая была отброшена; используйте --edit вместо --graft"
-#: builtin/replace.c:460
+#: builtin/replace.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "the original commit '%s' has a gpg signature"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:461
+#: builtin/replace.c:468
 msgid "the signature will be removed in the replacement commit!"
 msgstr "подпись будет удалена в замененном коммите!"
-#: builtin/replace.c:471
+#: builtin/replace.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write replacement commit for: '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось записать замену для коммита: «%s»"
-#: builtin/replace.c:479
+#: builtin/replace.c:486
 #, c-format
 msgid "graft for '%s' unnecessary"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:482
+#: builtin/replace.c:490
 #, c-format
 msgid "new commit is the same as the old one: '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:514
+#: builtin/replace.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not convert the following graft(s):\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:535
+#: builtin/replace.c:546
 msgid "list replace refs"
 msgstr "вывести список заменяемых ссылок"
-#: builtin/replace.c:536
+#: builtin/replace.c:547
 msgid "delete replace refs"
 msgstr "удаление заменяемых ссылок"
-#: builtin/replace.c:537
+#: builtin/replace.c:548
 msgid "edit existing object"
 msgstr "изменение существующего объекта"
-#: builtin/replace.c:538
+#: builtin/replace.c:549
 msgid "change a commit's parents"
 msgstr "изменение родителя коммита"
-#: builtin/replace.c:539
+#: builtin/replace.c:550
 msgid "convert existing graft file"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:540
+#: builtin/replace.c:551
 msgid "replace the ref if it exists"
 msgstr "замена ссылки, если она существует"
-#: builtin/replace.c:542
+#: builtin/replace.c:553
 msgid "do not pretty-print contents for --edit"
 msgstr "не делать структурированный вывод содержимого для --edit"
-#: builtin/replace.c:543
+#: builtin/replace.c:554
 msgid "use this format"
 msgstr "использовать этот формат"
-#: builtin/replace.c:556
+#: builtin/replace.c:567
 msgid "--format cannot be used when not listing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:564
+#: builtin/replace.c:575
 msgid "-f only makes sense when writing a replacement"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:568
+#: builtin/replace.c:579
 msgid "--raw only makes sense with --edit"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:574
+#: builtin/replace.c:585
 msgid "-d needs at least one argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:580
+#: builtin/replace.c:591
 msgid "bad number of arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:586
+#: builtin/replace.c:597
 msgid "-e needs exactly one argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:592
+#: builtin/replace.c:603
 msgid "-g needs at least one argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:598
+#: builtin/replace.c:609
 msgid "--convert-graft-file takes no argument"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/replace.c:604
+#: builtin/replace.c:615
 msgid "only one pattern can be given with -l"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14422,173 +17211,187 @@
 msgid "git rerere [clear | forget <path>... | status | remaining | diff | gc]"
 msgstr "git rerere [clear | forget <путь>… | status | remaining | diff | gc]"
-#: builtin/rerere.c:59
+#: builtin/rerere.c:60
 msgid "register clean resolutions in index"
 msgstr "записать чистые разрешения конфликтов в индекс"
-#: builtin/reset.c:29
+#: builtin/rerere.c:79
+msgid "'git rerere forget' without paths is deprecated"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/rerere.c:113
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to generate diff for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reset.c:32
 msgid ""
 "git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<commit>]"
 msgstr "git reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard | --merge | --keep] [-q] [<коммит>]"
-#: builtin/reset.c:30
+#: builtin/reset.c:33
 msgid "git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] <paths>..."
 msgstr "git reset [-q] [<указатель-дерева>] [--] <пути>…"
-#: builtin/reset.c:31
+#: builtin/reset.c:34
 msgid "git reset --patch [<tree-ish>] [--] [<paths>...]"
 msgstr "git reset --patch [<указатель-дерева>] [--] [<пути>…]"
-#: builtin/reset.c:37
+#: builtin/reset.c:40
 msgid "mixed"
 msgstr "смешанный"
-#: builtin/reset.c:37
+#: builtin/reset.c:40
 msgid "soft"
 msgstr "мягкий"
-#: builtin/reset.c:37
+#: builtin/reset.c:40
 msgid "hard"
 msgstr "жесткий"
-#: builtin/reset.c:37
+#: builtin/reset.c:40
 msgid "merge"
 msgstr "слиянием"
-#: builtin/reset.c:37
+#: builtin/reset.c:40
 msgid "keep"
 msgstr "оставлением"
-#: builtin/reset.c:78
+#: builtin/reset.c:81
 msgid "You do not have a valid HEAD."
 msgstr "У вас нет верного HEAD."
-#: builtin/reset.c:80
+#: builtin/reset.c:83
 msgid "Failed to find tree of HEAD."
 msgstr "Не удалось найти дерево у HEAD."
-#: builtin/reset.c:86
+#: builtin/reset.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to find tree of %s."
 msgstr "Не удалось найти дерево у %s."
-#: builtin/reset.c:111
-#, c-format
-msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
-msgstr "HEAD сейчас на %s"
-#: builtin/reset.c:189
+#: builtin/reset.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot do a %s reset in the middle of a merge."
 msgstr "Нельзя выполнить сброс в режиме «%s» во время слияния."
-#: builtin/reset.c:289
+#: builtin/reset.c:293 builtin/stash.c:514 builtin/stash.c:589
+#: builtin/stash.c:613
 msgid "be quiet, only report errors"
 msgstr "тихий режим, выводить только ошибки"
-#: builtin/reset.c:291
+#: builtin/reset.c:295
 msgid "reset HEAD and index"
 msgstr "сбросить HEAD и индекс"
-#: builtin/reset.c:292
+#: builtin/reset.c:296
 msgid "reset only HEAD"
 msgstr "сбросить только HEAD"
-#: builtin/reset.c:294 builtin/reset.c:296
+#: builtin/reset.c:298 builtin/reset.c:300
 msgid "reset HEAD, index and working tree"
 msgstr "сбросить HEAD, индекс и рабочий каталог"
-#: builtin/reset.c:298
+#: builtin/reset.c:302
 msgid "reset HEAD but keep local changes"
 msgstr "сбросить HEAD, но оставить локальные изменения"
-#: builtin/reset.c:304
+#: builtin/reset.c:308
 msgid "record only the fact that removed paths will be added later"
 msgstr "записать только факт того, что удаленные пути будут добавлены позже"
-#: builtin/reset.c:321
+#: builtin/reset.c:326
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid revision."
 msgstr "Не удалось распознать «%s» как действительную редакцию."
-#: builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/reset.c:334
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid tree."
 msgstr "Не удалось распознать «%s» как действительное дерево."
-#: builtin/reset.c:338
+#: builtin/reset.c:343
 msgid "--patch is incompatible with --{hard,mixed,soft}"
 msgstr "--patch нельзя использовать одновременно с --{hard,mixed,soft}"
-#: builtin/reset.c:347
+#: builtin/reset.c:353
 msgid "--mixed with paths is deprecated; use 'git reset -- <paths>' instead."
 msgstr "использование опции --mixed с путями устарело; используйте «git reset -- <пути>» instead."
-#: builtin/reset.c:349
+#: builtin/reset.c:355
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot do %s reset with paths."
 msgstr "Нельзя выполнить сброс в режиме «%s» вместе с указанием пути."
-#: builtin/reset.c:359
+#: builtin/reset.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s reset is not allowed in a bare repository"
 msgstr "сброс «%s» разрешен только с голым репозиторием"
-#: builtin/reset.c:363
+#: builtin/reset.c:374
 msgid "-N can only be used with --mixed"
 msgstr "-N можно использовать вместе с --mixed"
-#: builtin/reset.c:380
+#: builtin/reset.c:395
 msgid "Unstaged changes after reset:"
 msgstr "Непроиндексированные изменения после сброса:"
-#: builtin/reset.c:386
+#: builtin/reset.c:398
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to enumerate unstaged changes after reset.  You can\n"
+"use '--quiet' to avoid this.  Set the config setting reset.quiet to true\n"
+"to make this the default.\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/reset.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not reset index file to revision '%s'."
 msgstr "Не удалось сбросить файл индекса на редакцию «%s»."
-#: builtin/reset.c:390
+#: builtin/reset.c:412
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "Не удалось записать новый файл индекса."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:399
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:457
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "фильтрация объектов требует указания параметра --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:460
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "недопустимое частичное значение «%s»"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:501
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list не поддерживает отображение заметок"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:504
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "нельзя использовать --use-bitmap-index одновременно с фильтрацией объектов"
-#: builtin/rev-parse.c:406
+#: builtin/rev-parse.c:408
 msgid "git rev-parse --parseopt [<options>] -- [<args>...]"
 msgstr "git rev-parse --parseopt [<опции>] -- [<аргументы>…]"
-#: builtin/rev-parse.c:411
+#: builtin/rev-parse.c:413
 msgid "keep the `--` passed as an arg"
 msgstr "передавать далее «--» как аргумент"
-#: builtin/rev-parse.c:413
+#: builtin/rev-parse.c:415
 msgid "stop parsing after the first non-option argument"
 msgstr "остановить разбор после первого аргумента не являющегося опцией"
-#: builtin/rev-parse.c:416
+#: builtin/rev-parse.c:418
 msgid "output in stuck long form"
 msgstr "выводить аргументы в длинном формате"
-#: builtin/rev-parse.c:549
+#: builtin/rev-parse.c:551
 msgid ""
 "git rev-parse --parseopt [<options>] -- [<args>...]\n"
 "   or: git rev-parse --sq-quote [<arg>...]\n"
@@ -14613,76 +17416,77 @@
 msgid "git cherry-pick <subcommand>"
 msgstr "git cherry-pick <подкоманда>"
-#: builtin/revert.c:91
+#: builtin/revert.c:72
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `%s' expects a number greater than zero"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/revert.c:92
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: %s cannot be used with %s"
 msgstr "%s: %s нельзя использовать одновременно с %s"
-#: builtin/revert.c:100
+#: builtin/revert.c:102
 msgid "end revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "конец последовательности копирования или обращения изменений коммитов"
-#: builtin/revert.c:101
+#: builtin/revert.c:103
 msgid "resume revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "продолжить последовательность копирования или обращения изменений коммитов"
-#: builtin/revert.c:102
+#: builtin/revert.c:104
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "отмена последовательности копирования или обращения изменений коммитов"
-#: builtin/revert.c:103
+#: builtin/revert.c:106
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "не коммитить автоматически"
-#: builtin/revert.c:104
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "изменить сообщение коммита"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "номер-родителя"
-#: builtin/revert.c:108
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "выбор основного родителя"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:113
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "стратегия слияния"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
-msgid "option"
-msgstr "опция"
-#: builtin/revert.c:112
+#: builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "опция для стратегии слияния"
-#: builtin/revert.c:121
+#: builtin/revert.c:124
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "добавить имя коммита"
-#: builtin/revert.c:123
+#: builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "сохранить изначально пустые коммиты"
-#: builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "оставить избыточные, пустые коммиты"
-#: builtin/revert.c:219
+#: builtin/revert.c:227
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "сбой обращения изменений коммита"
-#: builtin/revert.c:232
+#: builtin/revert.c:240
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "сбой при копировании коммита"
-#: builtin/rm.c:18
+#: builtin/rm.c:19
 msgid "git rm [<options>] [--] <file>..."
 msgstr "git rm [<опции>] [--] <файл>…"
-#: builtin/rm.c:206
+#: builtin/rm.c:207
 msgid ""
 "the following file has staged content different from both the\n"
 "file and the HEAD:"
@@ -14694,13 +17498,13 @@
 msgstr[2] "следующие файлы содержат проиндексированные изменения отличающиеся и от файла, и от HEAD:"
 msgstr[3] "следующие файлы содержат проиндексированные изменения отличающиеся и от файла, и от HEAD:"
-#: builtin/rm.c:211
+#: builtin/rm.c:212
 msgid ""
 "(use -f to force removal)"
 msgstr "\n(используйте опцию «-f» для принудительного удаления)"
-#: builtin/rm.c:215
+#: builtin/rm.c:216
 msgid "the following file has changes staged in the index:"
 msgid_plural "the following files have changes staged in the index:"
 msgstr[0] "следующие файлы содержат проиндексированные изменения в индексе:"
@@ -14708,13 +17512,13 @@
 msgstr[2] "следующие файлы содержат проиндексированные изменения в индексе:"
 msgstr[3] "следующие файлы содержат проиндексированные изменения в индексе:"
-#: builtin/rm.c:219 builtin/rm.c:228
+#: builtin/rm.c:220 builtin/rm.c:229
 msgid ""
 "(use --cached to keep the file, or -f to force removal)"
 msgstr "\n(используйте опцию «--cached» для оставления файла, или «-f» для принудительного удаления)"
-#: builtin/rm.c:225
+#: builtin/rm.c:226
 msgid "the following file has local modifications:"
 msgid_plural "the following files have local modifications:"
 msgstr[0] "следующие файлы содержат локальные изменения:"
@@ -14722,45 +17526,40 @@
 msgstr[2] "следующие файлы содержат локальные изменения:"
 msgstr[3] "следующие файлы содержат локальные изменения:"
-#: builtin/rm.c:241
+#: builtin/rm.c:242
 msgid "do not list removed files"
 msgstr "не выводить список удаленных файлов"
-#: builtin/rm.c:242
+#: builtin/rm.c:243
 msgid "only remove from the index"
 msgstr "удалить только из индекса"
-#: builtin/rm.c:243
+#: builtin/rm.c:244
 msgid "override the up-to-date check"
 msgstr "пропустить проверку актуальности"
-#: builtin/rm.c:244
+#: builtin/rm.c:245
 msgid "allow recursive removal"
 msgstr "разрешить рекурсивное удаление"
-#: builtin/rm.c:246
+#: builtin/rm.c:247
 msgid "exit with a zero status even if nothing matched"
 msgstr "выход с нулевым кодом возврата, даже если ничего не найдено"
-#: builtin/rm.c:288
+#: builtin/rm.c:289
 msgid "please stage your changes to .gitmodules or stash them to proceed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/rm.c:306
+#: builtin/rm.c:307
 #, c-format
 msgid "not removing '%s' recursively without -r"
 msgstr "не удаляю рекурсивно «%s» без указания опции -r"
-#: builtin/rm.c:345
+#: builtin/rm.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "git rm: unable to remove %s"
 msgstr "git rm: не удалось удалить %s"
-#: builtin/rm.c:368
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "не удалось удалить «%s»"
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:20
 msgid ""
 "git send-pack [--all | --mirror] [--dry-run] [--force] [--receive-pack=<git-receive-pack>] [--verbose] [--thin] [--atomic] [<host>:]<directory> [<ref>...]\n"
@@ -14783,18 +17582,6 @@
 msgid "print status from remote helper"
 msgstr "вывести статус от скрипта внешнего сервера"
-#: builtin/serve.c:7
-msgid "git serve [<options>]"
-msgstr "git serve [<опции>]"
-#: builtin/serve.c:17 builtin/upload-pack.c:23
-msgid "quit after a single request/response exchange"
-msgstr "выход после обмена одним запросом/ответом"
-#: builtin/serve.c:19
-msgid "exit immediately after advertising capabilities"
-msgstr ""
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:14
 msgid "git shortlog [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>...]"
 msgstr "git shortlog [<опции>] [<диапазон-редакций>] [[--] <путь>…]"
@@ -14827,7 +17614,7 @@
 msgid "Linewrap output"
 msgstr "Перенос строк на выводе"
-#: builtin/shortlog.c:299
+#: builtin/shortlog.c:301
 msgid "too many arguments given outside repository"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14857,85 +17644,85 @@
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "нет совпадающих записей с %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "показать список и отслеживаемых внешних и локальных веток"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "показать список отслеживаемых внешних веток"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "окрашивать «*!+-» в соответствии с веткой"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "показать <n> коммитов после общего предка"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "синоним для more=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "не выводить именованные строки"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "включить в вывод текущую ветку"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "именовать коммиты их именами объектов"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "вывести возможные базы слияния"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "вывести ссылки, недоступные из любых других ссылок"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "вывести коммиты в топологическом порядке"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "вывести только коммиты, отсутствующие в первой ветке"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "вывести слияния, достижимые только из одной из верхушек"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "топологическая сортировка, с сохранением порядка дат, если возможно"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<база>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "показать <n> последних записей в журнале ссылок, начиная с базы"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-"
 msgstr "--reflog несовместимо с --all, --remotes, --independent и --merge-base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "не указаны ветки и HEAD не действительный"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "параметр --reflog требует указания имени одной ветки"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
@@ -14944,12 +17731,12 @@
 msgstr[2] "только %d записей могут быть показаны одновременно."
 msgstr[3] "только %d записи могут быть показаны одновременно."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "нет такой ссылки %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:829
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
@@ -14958,58 +17745,279 @@
 msgstr[2] "невозможно обработать больше %d редакций."
 msgstr[3] "невозможно обработать больше %d редакции."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:833
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "«%s» не является допустимой ссылкой на коммит."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "не удалось найти коммит %s (%s)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:11
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:12
 msgid ""
 "git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | "
 "--hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<pattern>...]"
 msgstr "git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<шаблон>…]"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:12
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:13
 msgid "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<pattern>]"
 msgstr "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<шаблон>]"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:160
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:162
 msgid "only show tags (can be combined with heads)"
 msgstr "вывести только метки (можно использовать одновременно с --heads)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:161
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:163
 msgid "only show heads (can be combined with tags)"
 msgstr "вывести только головы (можно использовать одновременно с --tags)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:162
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:164
 msgid "stricter reference checking, requires exact ref path"
 msgstr "более строгая проверка ссылок, требует точный путь ссылки"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:165 builtin/show-ref.c:167
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:167 builtin/show-ref.c:169
 msgid "show the HEAD reference, even if it would be filtered out"
 msgstr "вывести ссылку HEAD, даже если она будет отфильтрована"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:169
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:171
 msgid "dereference tags into object IDs"
 msgstr "разыменовать метки в идентификаторы объектов"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:171
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:173
 msgid "only show SHA1 hash using <n> digits"
-msgstr "использовать <n> цифр для вывода SHA-1"
+msgstr "использовать <n> символов для вывода SHA-1 хеш-суммы"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:175
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:177
 msgid "do not print results to stdout (useful with --verify)"
 msgstr "не печатать результат на стандартный вывод (полезно с опцией «--verify»)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:177
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "show refs from stdin that aren't in local repository"
 msgstr "вывести ссылки со стандартного ввода, которых нет в локальном репозитории"
+#: builtin/stash.c:22 builtin/stash.c:37
+msgid "git stash list [<options>]"
+msgstr "git stash list [<опции>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:23 builtin/stash.c:42
+msgid "git stash show [<options>] [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git stash show [<опциии>] [<спрятанные-изменения>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:24 builtin/stash.c:47
+msgid "git stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<спрятанные-изменения>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:25
+msgid "git stash ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git stash ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<спрятанные-изменения>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:26 builtin/stash.c:62
+msgid "git stash branch <branchname> [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git stash branch <имя-ветки> [<спрятанные-изменения>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:27 builtin/stash.c:67
+msgid "git stash clear"
+msgstr "git stash clear"
+#: builtin/stash.c:28 builtin/stash.c:77
+msgid ""
+"git stash [push [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n"
+"          [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-m|--message <message>]\n"
+"          [--] [<pathspec>...]]"
+msgstr "git stash [push [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n          [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [-m|--message <сообщение>]\n          [--] [<спецификатор-пути>…]]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:31 builtin/stash.c:84
+msgid ""
+"git stash save [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n"
+"          [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [<message>]"
+msgstr "git stash save [-p|--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]\n          [-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [<сообщение>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:52
+msgid "git stash pop [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git stash pop [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<спрятанные-изменения>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:57
+msgid "git stash apply [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
+msgstr "git stash apply [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<спрятанные-изменения>]"
+#: builtin/stash.c:72
+msgid "git stash store [-m|--message <message>] [-q|--quiet] <commit>"
+msgstr "git stash store [-m|--message <сообщение>] [-q|--quiet] <коммит>"
+#: builtin/stash.c:127
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a stash-like commit"
+msgstr "«%s» не является коммитом со спрятанными изменениями"
+#: builtin/stash.c:147
+#, c-format
+msgid "Too many revisions specified:%s"
+msgstr "Передано слишком много редакций:%s"
+#: builtin/stash.c:161
+msgid "No stash entries found."
+msgstr "Не найдены спрятанные изменения."
+#: builtin/stash.c:175
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s is not a valid reference"
+msgstr "%s не является допустимой ссылкой на коммит"
+#: builtin/stash.c:224
+msgid "git stash clear with parameters is unimplemented"
+msgstr "git stash очистка с параметрами не реализована"
+#: builtin/stash.c:403
+msgid "cannot apply a stash in the middle of a merge"
+msgstr "нельзя применить спрятанные изменения во время выполнения слияния"
+#: builtin/stash.c:414
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not generate diff %s^!."
+msgstr "не удалось сгенерировать список изменений %s^!."
+#: builtin/stash.c:421
+msgid "conflicts in index.Try without --index."
+msgstr "конфликты в индексе. Попробуйте без --index."
+#: builtin/stash.c:427
+msgid "could not save index tree"
+msgstr "не удалось сохранить дерево индекса"
+#: builtin/stash.c:434
+msgid "could not restore untracked files from stash"
+msgstr "невозможно восстановить неотслеживаемые файлы из спрятанных файлов"
+#: builtin/stash.c:448
+#, c-format
+msgid "Merging %s with %s"
+msgstr "Слияние %s и %s"
+#: builtin/stash.c:458
+msgid "Index was not unstashed."
+msgstr "Индекс не был извлечён из спрятанных изменений."
+#: builtin/stash.c:516 builtin/stash.c:615
+msgid "attempt to recreate the index"
+msgstr "попытка пересоздания индекса"
+#: builtin/stash.c:549
+#, c-format
+msgid "Dropped %s (%s)"
+msgstr "Отброшено %s (%s)"
+#: builtin/stash.c:552
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s: Could not drop stash entry"
+msgstr "%s: Не удалось отбросить запись из спрятанных изменений"
+#: builtin/stash.c:577
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' is not a stash reference"
+msgstr "«%s» не является ссылкой на спрятанные изменения"
+#: builtin/stash.c:627
+msgid "The stash entry is kept in case you need it again."
+msgstr "Спрятанные изменения сохранены, на случай если они снова вам понадобятся."
+#: builtin/stash.c:650
+msgid "No branch name specified"
+msgstr "Не указано имя ветки"
+#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
+msgstr "Не удолось обновить %s с %s"
+#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+msgid "stash message"
+msgstr "описание спрятанных изменений"
+#: builtin/stash.c:817
+msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
+msgstr "«git stash store» требует указания одного аргумента <коммит>"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+msgid "No changes selected"
+msgstr "Изменения не выбраны"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
+msgstr "У вас еще нет начального коммита"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
+msgstr "Не удалось сохранить текущее состояние индекса"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
+msgstr "Невозможно сохранить неотслеживаемые файлы"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
+msgstr "Не удалось сохранить текущее состояние рабочего каталога"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
+msgstr "Не удалось записать состояние рабочего каталога"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
+msgstr "Нельзя использовать --patch и --include-untracked или --all одновременно"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
+msgstr "Возможно, вы забыли выполнить «git add»?"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+msgid "No local changes to save"
+msgstr "Нет локальных изменений для сохранения"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
+msgstr "Не удалось инициализировать спрятанные изменения"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+msgid "Cannot save the current status"
+msgstr "Не удалось сохранить текущий статус"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#, c-format
+msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
+msgstr "Рабочий каталог и состояние индекса сохранены %s"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
+msgstr "Не удалось удалить изменения рабочего каталога"
+#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+msgid "keep index"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+msgid "stash in patch mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+msgid "quiet mode"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+msgid "include untracked files in stash"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+msgid "include ignore files"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not exec %s"
+msgstr ""
 #: builtin/stripspace.c:18
 msgid "git stripspace [-s | --strip-comments]"
 msgstr "git stripspace [-s | --strip-comments]"
@@ -15018,366 +18026,401 @@
 msgid "git stripspace [-c | --comment-lines]"
 msgstr "git stripspace [-c | --comment-lines]"
-#: builtin/stripspace.c:36
+#: builtin/stripspace.c:37
 msgid "skip and remove all lines starting with comment character"
 msgstr "пропустить и удалить все строки, начинающиеся с символа комметария"
-#: builtin/stripspace.c:39
+#: builtin/stripspace.c:40
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "добавить перед каждой строкой символ комметария и пробел"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:37 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1833
-#, c-format
-msgid "No such ref: %s"
-msgstr "Нет такой ссылки: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:44 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1842
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Ожидалось полное имя ссылки, а получено %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:61
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:62
 msgid "submodule--helper print-default-remote takes no arguments"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:99
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось обрезать один компонент url «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:407 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1356
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "альтернативный символ для относительных путей"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:412
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:413
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<путь>] [<путь>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:469 builtin/submodule--helper.c:606
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "URL для подмодуля по пути «%s» не найден в .gitmodules"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:521
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Entering '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:524
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status for %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:545
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"run_command returned non-zero status whilerecursing in the nested submodules of %s\n"
+"run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested submodules of %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:561
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1040
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:568
-msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] <command>"
-msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] <команда>"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:644
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"could not lookup configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
+"could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
 "authoritative upstream."
-msgstr "не удалось запросить конфигурацию «%s». Предполагаю, что этот репозиторий имеет свой собственный вышестоящий репозиторий."
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:655
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Сбой регистрации адреса для пути подмодуля «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:659
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Подмодуль «%s» (%s) зарегистрирован по пути «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr "внимание: предполагаемый режим обновления для подмодуля «%s»\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:676
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Сбой регистрации режима обновления для пути подмодуля «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:698
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Не выводить информацию о инициализации подмодуля"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:703
-msgid "git submodule--helper init [<path>]"
-msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<путь>]"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
+msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:775 builtin/submodule--helper.c:901
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr "не найдено соответствие подмодулей в .gitmodules для пути «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:814
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось найти HEAD ссылку внутри подмодуля «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:841 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1010
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось перейти вглубь подмодуля «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:865 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1176
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "Не выводить статус подмодуля"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
 msgstr "Использовать коммит хранящийся в индексе вместо коммита хранящегося в HEAD подмодуля"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:867
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "проходить вглубь вложенных подмодулей"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:872
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<путь>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:896
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name <путь>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:960
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:966
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:980
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:991
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1038
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1045
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<путь>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
 "really want to remove it including all of its history)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1111
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1119
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1132
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1148
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1177
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1178
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1183
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<путь>…]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1197
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr "Используйте «--all», если вы действительно хотите деинициализировать все подмодули"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1290 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1293
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "подмодулю «%s» не удалось добавить альтернативу: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1329
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr "Значение «%s» для параметра submodule.alternateErrorStrategy не рапознано"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1336
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "Значение «%s» для параметра submodule.alternateLocation не рапознано"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1359
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "куда должен быть склонирован новый подмодуль"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1362
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "имя нового подмодуля"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1365
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "url откуда должен был склонирован новый подмодуль"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "глубина для частичного клона"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1751
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "принудительно выводить прогресс клонирования"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<путь>] [--quiet] [--reference <репозиторий>] [--name <имя>] [--depth <глубина>] --url <url> --path <путь>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1412
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "не удалось клонировать «%s» в подмодуль по пути «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1426
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось получить каталог для подмодуля «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1492
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#, c-format
+msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "Подмодуль по пути «%s» не инициализирован"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1496
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "Возможно, вы хотели использовать «update --init»?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1525
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "Пропуск не слитого подмодуля %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1554
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Пропуск подмодуля «%s»"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1689
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "Не удалось клонировать «%s». Запланирована повторная попытка"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1700
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "Не удалось клонировать «%s» со второй попытки, отмена"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1730 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1953
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "путь в рабочем каталоге"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1733
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr "путь в рабочем каталоге, в пределах границ подмодуля"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1737
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr "rebase, merge, checkout или none"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1743
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr "Создать частичный клон, ограниченный указанным количеством редакций"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1746
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "параллельные задачи"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1748
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr "должен ли изначальный процесс клонирования следовать рекомендации о частичности"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1749
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "вы выводить прогресс клонирования"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1756
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<путь>] [<путь>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1769
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "плохое значение для параметра update"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1837
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
 "the superproject is not on any branch"
 msgstr "Ветка подмодуля (%s) настроена на наследование ветки из родительского проекта, но он не находится ни на одной ветке"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1954
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "рекурсивно по подмодулям"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1960
-msgid "git submodule--helper embed-git-dir [<path>...]"
-msgstr "git submodule--helper embed-git-dir [<путь>…]"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
+msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<опции>] [<путь>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2071
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2156
+msgid "check if it is safe to write to the .gitmodules file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2159
+msgid "unset the config in the .gitmodules file"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2164
+msgid "git submodule--helper config <name> [<value>]"
+msgstr "git submodule--helper config <имя> [<значение>]"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2165
+msgid "git submodule--helper config --unset <name>"
+msgstr "git submodule--helper config --unset <имя>"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2166
+msgid "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable"
+msgstr "git submodule--helper config --check-writeable"
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2185
+#, sh-format
+msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s не поддерживает параметр --super-prefix"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2077
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2241
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid submodule--helper subcommand"
 msgstr "«%s» не является подкомандой submodule--helper"
@@ -15412,35 +18455,35 @@
 #: builtin/tag.c:25
 msgid ""
-"git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>] <tagname> "
-msgstr "git tag [-a | -s | -u <идентификатор-ключа>] [-f] [-m <сообщение> | -F <файл>] <имя-метки> [<редакция>]"
+"git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <msg> | -F <file>]\n"
+"\t\t<tagname> [<head>]"
+msgstr "git tag [-a | -s | -u <key-id>] [-f] [-m <сообщение> | -F <файл>]\n\t\t<имя-метка> [<редакция>]"
-#: builtin/tag.c:26
+#: builtin/tag.c:27
 msgid "git tag -d <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -d <имя-метки>…"
-#: builtin/tag.c:27
+#: builtin/tag.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git tag -l [-n[<num>]] [--contains <commit>] [--no-contains <commit>] [--points-at <object>]\n"
 "\t\t[--format=<format>] [--[no-]merged [<commit>]] [<pattern>...]"
 msgstr "git tag -l [-n[<количество>]] [--contains <коммит>] [--no-contains <коммит>] [--points-at <объект>]\n\t\t[--format=<формат>] [--[no-]merged [<коммит>]] [<шаблон>…]"
-#: builtin/tag.c:29
+#: builtin/tag.c:30
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<формат>] <имя-метки>…"
-#: builtin/tag.c:87
+#: builtin/tag.c:88
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "метка  «%s» не найдена."
-#: builtin/tag.c:103
+#: builtin/tag.c:104
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Метка «%s» удалена (была %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:133
+#: builtin/tag.c:134
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -15449,7 +18492,7 @@
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored.\n"
 msgstr "\nВведите сообщение для метки:\n  %s\nСтроки, начинающиеся с «%c» будут проигнорированы.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:137
+#: builtin/tag.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -15458,146 +18501,155 @@
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be kept; you may remove them yourself if you want to.\n"
 msgstr "\nВведите сообщение для метки:\n  %s\nСтроки, начинающиеся с «%c» будут оставлены; вы можете удалить их вручную, если хотите.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:191
+#: builtin/tag.c:192
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "не удалось подписать метку"
-#: builtin/tag.c:193
+#: builtin/tag.c:194
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "не удалось записать файл метки"
-#: builtin/tag.c:218
+#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
+"already a tag. If you meant to tag the object that it points to, use:\n"
+"\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/tag.c:226
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "неправильный тип объекта"
-#: builtin/tag.c:267
+#: builtin/tag.c:278
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "нет описания метки?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:274
+#: builtin/tag.c:285
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "Сообщение метки было оставлено в %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:383
+#: builtin/tag.c:396
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "список названий меток"
-#: builtin/tag.c:385
+#: builtin/tag.c:398
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "печатать <n> строк описания от каждой метки"
-#: builtin/tag.c:387
+#: builtin/tag.c:400
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "удалить метки"
-#: builtin/tag.c:388
+#: builtin/tag.c:401
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "проверить метки"
-#: builtin/tag.c:390
+#: builtin/tag.c:403
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Настройки создания метки"
-#: builtin/tag.c:392
+#: builtin/tag.c:405
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "для аннотированной метки нужно сообщение"
-#: builtin/tag.c:394
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "описание метки"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/tag.c:397
+#: builtin/tag.c:410
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "аннотированная и подписанная с помощью GPG метка"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "использовать другой ключ для подписания метки"
-#: builtin/tag.c:402
+#: builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "замена метки, если она существует"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "создать журнал ссылок"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:417
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Настройки вывода списка меток"
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "показать список меток по столбцам"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407 builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "вывод только меток, которые содержат коммит"
-#: builtin/tag.c:408 builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "вывод только меток, которые не содержат коммит"
-#: builtin/tag.c:411
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "вывод только слитых меток"
-#: builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "вывод только не слитых меток"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "вывод только меток, определенного объекта"
-#: builtin/tag.c:461
+#: builtin/tag.c:472
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column и -n нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/tag.c:483
+#: builtin/tag.c:494
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "опцию -n можно использовать только в режиме списка"
-#: builtin/tag.c:485
+#: builtin/tag.c:496
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "опцию --contains можно использовать только в режиме списка"
-#: builtin/tag.c:487
+#: builtin/tag.c:498
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "опцию --no-contains можно использовать только в режиме списка"
-#: builtin/tag.c:489
+#: builtin/tag.c:500
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "опцию --points-at можно использовать только в режиме списка"
-#: builtin/tag.c:491
+#: builtin/tag.c:502
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "опции --merged и --no-merged можно использовать только в режиме списка"
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:513
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "-F и -m нельзя использовать одновременно."
-#: builtin/tag.c:521
+#: builtin/tag.c:532
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "передано слишком много параметров"
-#: builtin/tag.c:527
+#: builtin/tag.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым именем метки."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:543
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "метка «%s» уже существует"
-#: builtin/tag.c:563
+#: builtin/tag.c:574
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Метка «%s» обновлена (была %s)\n"
@@ -15606,242 +18658,242 @@
 msgid "Unpacking objects"
 msgstr "Распаковка объектов"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:82
+#: builtin/update-index.c:83
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать каталог %s"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:98
+#: builtin/update-index.c:99
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create file %s"
 msgstr "не удалось создать файл %s"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:106
+#: builtin/update-index.c:107
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete file %s"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить файл %s"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:113 builtin/update-index.c:219
+#: builtin/update-index.c:114 builtin/update-index.c:220
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete directory %s"
 msgstr "не удалось удалить каталог %s"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:138
+#: builtin/update-index.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid "Testing mtime in '%s' "
 msgstr "Проверка mtime в «%s» "
-#: builtin/update-index.c:152
+#: builtin/update-index.c:153
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new file"
 msgstr "информация статистики каталога не изменяется после добавления нового файла"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:165
+#: builtin/update-index.c:166
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after adding a new directory"
 msgstr "информация статистики каталога не изменяется после добавления нового каталога"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:178
+#: builtin/update-index.c:179
 msgid "directory stat info changes after updating a file"
 msgstr "информация статистики каталога изменяется после добавления нового файла"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:189
+#: builtin/update-index.c:190
 msgid "directory stat info changes after adding a file inside subdirectory"
 msgstr "информация статистики каталога изменяется после добавления нового файла внутри подкаталога"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:200
+#: builtin/update-index.c:201
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a file"
 msgstr "информация статистики каталога не изменяется после удаления файла"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:213
+#: builtin/update-index.c:214
 msgid "directory stat info does not change after deleting a directory"
 msgstr "информация статистики каталога не изменяется после удаления каталога"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:220
+#: builtin/update-index.c:221
 msgid " OK"
 msgstr " OK"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:588
+#: builtin/update-index.c:589
 msgid "git update-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]"
 msgstr "git update-index [<опции>] [--] [<файл>…]"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:944
+#: builtin/update-index.c:971
 msgid "continue refresh even when index needs update"
 msgstr "продолжить обновление, даже если индекс требует обновления"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:947
+#: builtin/update-index.c:974
 msgid "refresh: ignore submodules"
 msgstr "обновление: игнорировать подмодули"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:950
+#: builtin/update-index.c:977
 msgid "do not ignore new files"
 msgstr "не игнорировать новые файлы"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:952
+#: builtin/update-index.c:979
 msgid "let files replace directories and vice-versa"
 msgstr "разрешить файлам заменять каталоги и наоборот"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:954
+#: builtin/update-index.c:981
 msgid "notice files missing from worktree"
 msgstr "замечать файлы отсутствующие в рабочем каталоге"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:956
+#: builtin/update-index.c:983
 msgid "refresh even if index contains unmerged entries"
 msgstr "обновить, даже если в индексе имеются не слитые записи"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:959
+#: builtin/update-index.c:986
 msgid "refresh stat information"
 msgstr "обновить информацию о статусе файлов"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:963
+#: builtin/update-index.c:990
 msgid "like --refresh, but ignore assume-unchanged setting"
 msgstr "как --refresh, но игнорировать настройку assume-unchanged"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:967
+#: builtin/update-index.c:994
 msgid "<mode>,<object>,<path>"
 msgstr "<режим доступа>,<объект>,<путь>"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:968
+#: builtin/update-index.c:995
 msgid "add the specified entry to the index"
 msgstr "добавить указанную запись в индекс"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:977
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1005
 msgid "mark files as \"not changing\""
 msgstr "пометить файлы как «не измененные»"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:980
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1008
 msgid "clear assumed-unchanged bit"
 msgstr "убрать пометку assumed-unchanged"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:983
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1011
 msgid "mark files as \"index-only\""
 msgstr "пометить файлы как «только в индексе»"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:986
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1014
 msgid "clear skip-worktree bit"
 msgstr "убрать пометку skip-worktree"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:989
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1017
 msgid "add to index only; do not add content to object database"
 msgstr "только добавить в индекс; не добавлять содержимое в базу данных объектов"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:991
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1019
 msgid "remove named paths even if present in worktree"
 msgstr "удалить указанные пути, даже если они существуют в рабочем каталоге"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:993
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1021
 msgid "with --stdin: input lines are terminated by null bytes"
 msgstr "с опцией --stdin: строки на вводе отделяются НУЛЕВЫМ байтом"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:995
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1023
 msgid "read list of paths to be updated from standard input"
 msgstr "прочитать список обновляемых путей из стандартного ввода"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:999
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1027
 msgid "add entries from standard input to the index"
 msgstr "добавить записи из стандартного ввода в индекс"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1003
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1031
 msgid "repopulate stages #2 and #3 for the listed paths"
 msgstr "заново заполнить индекс #2 и #3 для указанных путей"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1007
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1035
 msgid "only update entries that differ from HEAD"
 msgstr "обновить только записи, которые отличаются от HEAD"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1011
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1039
 msgid "ignore files missing from worktree"
 msgstr "игнорировать файлы, отсутствующие в рабочем каталоге"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1014
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1042
 msgid "report actions to standard output"
 msgstr "вывести выполняемые действия на стандартный вывод"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1016
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1044
 msgid "(for porcelains) forget saved unresolved conflicts"
 msgstr "(для машинной обработки) забыть сохраненные неразрешенные конфликты"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1020
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1048
 msgid "write index in this format"
 msgstr "записать индекс в указанном формате"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1022
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1050
 msgid "enable or disable split index"
 msgstr "разрешить или запретить раздельный индекс"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1024
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1052
 msgid "enable/disable untracked cache"
 msgstr "включить/отключить кэш неотслеживаемых файлов"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1026
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1054
 msgid "test if the filesystem supports untracked cache"
 msgstr "проверить, что файловая система поддерживает кэш неотслеживаемых файлов"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1028
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1056
 msgid "enable untracked cache without testing the filesystem"
 msgstr "включить кэш неотслеживаемых файлов без проверки файловой системы"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1030
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1058
 msgid "write out the index even if is not flagged as changed"
 msgstr "записать индекс, даже если он не помечен как измененный"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1032
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1060
 msgid "enable or disable file system monitor"
 msgstr "включить или выключить мониторинг файловой системы"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1034
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1062
 msgid "mark files as fsmonitor valid"
 msgstr "пометить файл как действительный в мониторе файловой системы"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1037
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1065
 msgid "clear fsmonitor valid bit"
 msgstr "снять пометку действительности мониторе файловой системы"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1136
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1168
 msgid ""
 "core.splitIndex is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want to "
 "enable split index"
 msgstr "параметр  core.splitIndex установлен в false; удалите или измените его, если вы действительно хотите включить разделенный индекс"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1145
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1177
 msgid ""
 "core.splitIndex is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want to "
 "disable split index"
 msgstr "параметр  core.splitIndex установлен в true; удалите или измените его, если вы действительно хотите отключить разделенный индекс"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1156
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1188
 msgid ""
 "core.untrackedCache is set to true; remove or change it, if you really want "
 "to disable the untracked cache"
 msgstr "параметр core.untrackedCache установлен true; удалите или измените его, если вы действительно хотите удалить кэш неотслеживаемых файлов"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1160
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1192
 msgid "Untracked cache disabled"
 msgstr "Кэш неотслеживаемых файлов отключен"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1168
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1200
 msgid ""
 "core.untrackedCache is set to false; remove or change it, if you really want"
 " to enable the untracked cache"
 msgstr "параметр core.untrackedCache установлен false; удалите или измените его, если вы действительно хотите включить кэш неотслеживаемых файлов"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1172
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked cache enabled for '%s'"
 msgstr "Кэш неотслеживаемых файлов включен для «%s»"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1180
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1212
 msgid "core.fsmonitor is unset; set it if you really want to enable fsmonitor"
 msgstr "параметр core.fsmonitor не установлен; установите его если вы действительно хотите включить мониторинг файловой системы"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1184
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1216
 msgid "fsmonitor enabled"
 msgstr "мониторинг файловой системы включён"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1187
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1219
 msgid ""
 "core.fsmonitor is set; remove it if you really want to disable fsmonitor"
 msgstr "параметр core.fsmonitor установлен; удалите его если вы действительно хотите выключить мониторинг файловой системы"
-#: builtin/update-index.c:1191
+#: builtin/update-index.c:1223
 msgid "fsmonitor disabled"
 msgstr "мониторинг файловой системы выключён"
@@ -15885,6 +18937,10 @@
 msgid "git upload-pack [<options>] <dir>"
 msgstr "git upload-pack [<опции>] <каталог>"
+#: builtin/upload-pack.c:23 t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:17
+msgid "quit after a single request/response exchange"
+msgstr "выход после обмена одним запросом/ответом"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:25
 msgid "exit immediately after initial ref advertisement"
 msgstr "выходить сразу после начального объявления списка ссылок"
@@ -15929,262 +18985,293 @@
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr "вывести содержимое метки"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:17
+#: builtin/worktree.c:18
 msgid "git worktree add [<options>] <path> [<commit-ish>]"
 msgstr "git worktree add [<опции>] <путь> [<указатель-коммита>]"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:18
+#: builtin/worktree.c:19
 msgid "git worktree list [<options>]"
 msgstr "git worktree list [<опции>]"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:19
+#: builtin/worktree.c:20
 msgid "git worktree lock [<options>] <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree lock [<опции>] <путь>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:20
+#: builtin/worktree.c:21
 msgid "git worktree move <worktree> <new-path>"
 msgstr "git worktree move <рабочий-каталог> <новый-путь>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:21
+#: builtin/worktree.c:22
 msgid "git worktree prune [<options>]"
 msgstr "git worktree prune [<опции>]"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:22
+#: builtin/worktree.c:23
 msgid "git worktree remove [<options>] <worktree>"
 msgstr "git worktree remove [<опции>] <рабочий-каталог>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:23
+#: builtin/worktree.c:24
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock <путь>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:58
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
+msgstr "не удалось удалить «%s»"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:80
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: not a valid directory"
 msgstr "Удаление рабочих каталогов/%s: не является каталогом"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:64
+#: builtin/worktree.c:86
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: gitdir file does not exist"
 msgstr "Удаление рабочих каталогов/%s: файл gitdir не существует"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:69 builtin/worktree.c:78
+#: builtin/worktree.c:91 builtin/worktree.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: unable to read gitdir file (%s)"
 msgstr "Удаление рабочих каталогов/%s: не удалось прочитать файл gitdir (%s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:88
+#: builtin/worktree.c:110
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Removing worktrees/%s: short read (expected %<PRIuMAX> bytes, read "
 msgstr "Удаление рабочего каталога/%s: прочитано мало данных (ожидалось %<PRIuMAX> байт, прочитано %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:96
+#: builtin/worktree.c:118
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: invalid gitdir file"
 msgstr "Удаление рабочих каталогов/%s: недействительный файл gitdir"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:105
+#: builtin/worktree.c:127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing worktrees/%s: gitdir file points to non-existent location"
 msgstr "Удаление рабочих каталогов/%s: gitdir указывает на несуществующее расположение"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:152
+#: builtin/worktree.c:166
 msgid "report pruned working trees"
 msgstr "вывести список удаленных рабочих каталогов"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:154
+#: builtin/worktree.c:168
 msgid "expire working trees older than <time>"
 msgstr "удалить рабочие каталоги старее чем <дата-окончания>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:229
+#: builtin/worktree.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' already exists"
 msgstr "«%s» уже существует"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:260
+#: builtin/worktree.c:252
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to re-add worktree '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/worktree.c:257
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"'%s' is a missing but locked worktree;\n"
+"use 'add -f -f' to override, or 'unlock' and 'prune' or 'remove' to clear"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/worktree.c:259
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"'%s' is a missing but already registered worktree;\n"
+"use 'add -f' to override, or 'prune' or 'remove' to clear"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/worktree.c:302
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "не удалось создать каталог «%s»"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:373 builtin/worktree.c:379
+#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:375
+#: builtin/worktree.c:434
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:384
+#: builtin/worktree.c:443
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:390
+#: builtin/worktree.c:449
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:431
+#: builtin/worktree.c:490
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr "переключиться на <ветка> даже если она уже активна в другом рабочесм каталоге"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:493
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "создать новую ветку"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:436
+#: builtin/worktree.c:495
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "создать или перейти на ветку"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:497
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "наполнить новый рабочий каталог"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:439
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "держать рабочий каталог заблокированным"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:441
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "настроить режим отслеживания ветки (смотрите git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:444
+#: builtin/worktree.c:504
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr "пытаться найти соответствие имени новой ветки с именем внешней ветки"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:452
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B и --detach нельзя использовать одновременно"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:511
+#: builtin/worktree.c:573
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr "--[no-]track можно использовать только когда вы создаёте новую ветку"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:611
+#: builtin/worktree.c:673
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "причина блокировки"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:623 builtin/worktree.c:656 builtin/worktree.c:710
-#: builtin/worktree.c:850
+#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
+#: builtin/worktree.c:919
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "«%s» не является рабочим каталогом"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:625 builtin/worktree.c:658
+#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "Главный рабочий каталог не может быть заблокирован или разблокирован"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:630
+#: builtin/worktree.c:692
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "«%s» уже заблокирован, причина: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:632
+#: builtin/worktree.c:694
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "«%s» уже заблокирован"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:660
+#: builtin/worktree.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "«%s» не заблокирован"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685
+#: builtin/worktree.c:763
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:712 builtin/worktree.c:852
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:717
+#: builtin/worktree.c:799
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:723
+#: builtin/worktree.c:805
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:730
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
-msgid "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s"
+msgid ""
+"cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
+"use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:732
-msgid "cannot move a locked working tree"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+msgid ""
+"cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
+"use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:735
+#: builtin/worktree.c:818
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:740
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:788
+#: builtin/worktree.c:871
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:792
+#: builtin/worktree.c:875
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:797
+#: builtin/worktree.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:808 builtin/worktree.c:822
+#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
+msgstr ""
+#: builtin/worktree.c:926
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
-msgstr "не удалось удалить «%s»"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:834
-msgid "force removing even if the worktree is dirty"
+msgid ""
+"cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
+"use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:856
-#, c-format
-msgid "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s"
+#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+msgid ""
+"cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
+"use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:858
-msgid "cannot remove a locked working tree"
-msgstr ""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:861
+#: builtin/worktree.c:931
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/write-tree.c:14
+#: builtin/write-tree.c:15
 msgid "git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<prefix>/]"
 msgstr "git write-tree [--missing-ok] [--prefix=<префикс>/]"
-#: builtin/write-tree.c:27
+#: builtin/write-tree.c:28
 msgid "<prefix>/"
 msgstr "<префикс>/"
-#: builtin/write-tree.c:28
+#: builtin/write-tree.c:29
 msgid "write tree object for a subdirectory <prefix>"
 msgstr "вывести объект дерева для подкаталога с <префикс>"
-#: builtin/write-tree.c:30
+#: builtin/write-tree.c:31
 msgid "only useful for debugging"
 msgstr "используется только при отладке"
-#: credential-cache--daemon.c:222
+#: credential-cache--daemon.c:223
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The permissions on your socket directory are too loose; other\n"
@@ -16193,10 +19280,27 @@
 "\tchmod 0700 %s"
 msgstr "Права доступа к вашему каталогу сокетов слишком свободны; друге пользователи могуи читать ваши закэшированные пароли доступа. Обдумайте запуск команды:\n\n\tchmod 0700 %s"
-#: credential-cache--daemon.c:271
+#: credential-cache--daemon.c:272
 msgid "print debugging messages to stderr"
 msgstr "вывод отладочных сообщений на stderr"
+#: t/helper/test-reach.c:152
+#, c-format
+msgid "commit %s is not marked reachable"
+msgstr ""
+#: t/helper/test-reach.c:162
+msgid "too many commits marked reachable"
+msgstr ""
+#: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:7
+msgid "test-tool serve-v2 [<options>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:19
+msgid "exit immediately after advertising capabilities"
+msgstr ""
 #: git.c:27
 msgid ""
 "git [--version] [--help] [-C <path>] [-c <name>=<value>]\n"
@@ -16213,65 +19317,139 @@
 "to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
 msgstr "«git help -а» и «git help -g» выводит список доступных подкоманд и\nнекоторые руководства по темам. Запустите «git help <команда>» или\n«git help <термин>», чтобы прочесть о конкретных подкоманде или теме."
-#: git.c:173
+#: git.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:187
+#: git.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:201
+#: git.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:215
+#: git.c:227
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:237
+#: git.c:249
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:275
+#: git.c:287
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:300
+#: git.c:313
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:770
+#: git.c:359
+#, c-format
+msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:368
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
+"You can use '!git' in the alias to do this"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:376
+#, c-format
+msgid "empty alias for %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:379
+#, c-format
+msgid "recursive alias: %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:459
+msgid "write failure on standard output"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:461
+msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:463
+msgid "close failed on standard output"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:797
+#, c-format
+msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:847
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:860
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"usage: %s\n"
+msgstr ""
+#: git.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git.c:782
+#: git.c:892
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: http.c:348
+#: http.c:378
 #, c-format
 msgid "negative value for http.postbuffer; defaulting to %d"
 msgstr "отрицательное значение http.postbuffer; использую стандартное значение %d"
-#: http.c:369
+#: http.c:399
 msgid "Delegation control is not supported with cURL < 7.22.0"
 msgstr "Делегация проверки полномочий не поддерживается с cURL < 7.22.0"
-#: http.c:378
+#: http.c:408
 msgid "Public key pinning not supported with cURL < 7.44.0"
 msgstr "Public key pinning не поддерживается с cURL < 7.44.0"
-#: http.c:1854
+#: http.c:876
+msgid "CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE not supported with cURL < 7.44.0"
+msgstr ""
+#: http.c:949
+msgid "Protocol restrictions not supported with cURL < 7.19.4"
+msgstr ""
+#: http.c:1085
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unsupported SSL backend '%s'. Supported SSL backends:"
+msgstr ""
+#: http.c:1092
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not set SSL backend to '%s': cURL was built without SSL backends"
+msgstr ""
+#: http.c:1096
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not set SSL backend to '%s': already set"
+msgstr ""
+#: http.c:1965
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "unable to update url base from redirection:\n"
@@ -16279,94 +19457,214 @@
 "   redirect: %s"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить базовый url из переадресации:\n  запрошено: %s\n   переадресовано: %s"
-#: remote-curl.c:401
+#: remote-curl.c:157
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid quoting in push-option value: '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:254
+#, c-format
+msgid "%sinfo/refs not valid: is this a git repository?"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:355
+msgid "invalid server response; expected service, got flush packet"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:386
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid server response; got '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:446
+#, c-format
+msgid "repository '%s' not found"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:450
+#, c-format
+msgid "Authentication failed for '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:454
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to access '%s': %s"
+msgstr "«%s» недоступно: %s"
+#: remote-curl.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "redirecting to %s"
 msgstr "переадресация на %s"
-#: list-objects-filter-options.h:59
+#: remote-curl.c:584
+msgid "shouldn't have EOF when not gentle on EOF"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:664
+msgid "unable to rewind rpc post data - try increasing http.postBuffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:724
+#, c-format
+msgid "RPC failed; %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:764
+msgid "cannot handle pushes this big"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:879
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib deflate error %d"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:883
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot deflate request; zlib end error %d"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1014
+msgid "dumb http transport does not support shallow capabilities"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1028
+msgid "fetch failed."
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1076
+msgid "cannot fetch by sha1 over smart http"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1120 remote-curl.c:1126
+#, c-format
+msgid "protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '%s'"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1138 remote-curl.c:1252
+#, c-format
+msgid "http transport does not support %s"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1174
+msgid "git-http-push failed"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1360
+msgid "remote-curl: usage: git remote-curl <remote> [<url>]"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1392
+msgid "remote-curl: error reading command stream from git"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1399
+msgid "remote-curl: fetch attempted without a local repo"
+msgstr ""
+#: remote-curl.c:1439
+#, c-format
+msgid "remote-curl: unknown command '%s' from git"
+msgstr ""
+#: list-objects-filter-options.h:61
 msgid "args"
 msgstr "аргументы"
-#: list-objects-filter-options.h:60
+#: list-objects-filter-options.h:62
 msgid "object filtering"
 msgstr "фильтрация объектов"
-#: parse-options.h:157
+#: parse-options.h:170
 msgid "expiry-date"
 msgstr "дата-окончания"
-#: parse-options.h:172
+#: parse-options.h:184
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "ничего не делает (оставлено для обратной совместимости)"
-#: parse-options.h:251
+#: parse-options.h:304
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "быть многословнее"
-#: parse-options.h:253
+#: parse-options.h:306
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "тихий режим"
-#: parse-options.h:259
+#: parse-options.h:312
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "использовать <n> цифр для вывода SHA-1"
+#: parse-options.h:331
+msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
+msgstr "как удалять пробелы и #комментарии из сообщения коммита"
+#: ref-filter.h:101
+msgid "key"
+msgstr "ключ"
+#: ref-filter.h:101
+msgid "field name to sort on"
+msgstr "имя поля, по которому выполнить сортировку"
+#: rerere.h:44
+msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
+msgstr "обновить индекс с помощью переиспользования разрешения конфликта, если возможно"
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Добавление содержимого файла в индекс"
 #: command-list.h:51
 msgid "Apply a series of patches from a mailbox"
-msgstr "Применить серию патчей из почтового сообщения"
+msgstr "Применение серии патчей из почтового сообщения"
 #: command-list.h:52
 msgid "Annotate file lines with commit information"
-msgstr "Аннотировать строки файла информацией о коммитах"
+msgstr "Аннотирование строк файла информацией о коммитах"
 #: command-list.h:53
 msgid "Apply a patch to files and/or to the index"
-msgstr "Применить патч к файлам и/или индексу"
+msgstr "Применение патча к файлам и/или индексу"
 #: command-list.h:54
-msgid "Import an Arch repository into Git"
-msgstr "Импортировать репозиторий Arch в Git"
+msgid "Import a GNU Arch repository into Git"
+msgstr "Импортирование GNU Arch репозитория в Git"
 #: command-list.h:55
 msgid "Create an archive of files from a named tree"
-msgstr "Сделать архив файлов из указанного дерева"
+msgstr "Создание архива файлов из указанного дерева"
 #: command-list.h:56
 msgid "Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug"
-msgstr "Выполнить двоичный поиск изменения, которое вносит ошибку"
+msgstr "Выполнение двоичного поиска коммита, который вносит ошибку"
 #: command-list.h:57
 msgid "Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Показ редакции и автора последнего изменившего каждую строку файла"
 #: command-list.h:58
 msgid "List, create, or delete branches"
-msgstr "Вывод списка веток,  их создание или удаление"
+msgstr "Вывод списка, создание или удаление веток"
 #: command-list.h:59
 msgid "Move objects and refs by archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Перемещение объектов и ссылок по архиву"
 #: command-list.h:60
 msgid "Provide content or type and size information for repository objects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод содержимого или типа и информации о размере для объектов репозитория"
 #: command-list.h:61
 msgid "Display gitattributes information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод информации из gitattributes"
 #: command-list.h:62
 msgid "Debug gitignore / exclude files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отладка файлов gitignore / exclude"
 #: command-list.h:63
 msgid "Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод каноничных имён и адресов электронной почты контактов"
 #: command-list.h:64
 msgid "Switch branches or restore working tree files"
@@ -16374,27 +19672,27 @@
 #: command-list.h:65
 msgid "Copy files from the index to the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Копирование файлов из индекса в рабочий каталог"
 #: command-list.h:66
 msgid "Ensures that a reference name is well formed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Удостовериться, что имя ссылки правильно сформировано"
 #: command-list.h:67
 msgid "Find commits yet to be applied to upstream"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Поиск коммитов которые еще не применены вышестоящим репозиторием"
 #: command-list.h:68
 msgid "Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Применение изменений, сделанных в каком-то существующем коммите"
 #: command-list.h:69
 msgid "Graphical alternative to git-commit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Графическая альтернатива для git-commit"
 #: command-list.h:70
 msgid "Remove untracked files from the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Удаление неотслеживаемых файлов из рабочего каталога"
 #: command-list.h:71
 msgid "Clone a repository into a new directory"
@@ -16402,59 +19700,59 @@
 #: command-list.h:72
 msgid "Display data in columns"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод данных по колонкам"
 #: command-list.h:73
 msgid "Record changes to the repository"
 msgstr "Запись изменений в репозиторий"
 #: command-list.h:74
-msgid "Write and verify Git commit graph files"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Write and verify Git commit-graph files"
+msgstr "Запись и проверка commit-graph файлов Git"
 #: command-list.h:75
 msgid "Create a new commit object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Создание нового объекта коммита"
 #: command-list.h:76
 msgid "Get and set repository or global options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Получение и установка глобальных опций или опций репозитория"
 #: command-list.h:77
 msgid "Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подсчет количества неупакованных объектов и их потребления диска"
 #: command-list.h:78
 msgid "Retrieve and store user credentials"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Получение и сохранение учетных записей пользователя"
 #: command-list.h:79
 msgid "Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Помощник для временного хранения паролей в памяти"
 #: command-list.h:80
 msgid "Helper to store credentials on disk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Помощник для хранения учетных записей на диске"
 #: command-list.h:81
 msgid "Export a single commit to a CVS checkout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Экспорт единственного коммита в виде рабочей копии CVS"
 #: command-list.h:82
 msgid "Salvage your data out of another SCM people love to hate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Спасение ваших данных из другой СКВ которую люди любят ненавидеть"
 #: command-list.h:83
 msgid "A CVS server emulator for Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Эмулятор сервера CVS для Git"
 #: command-list.h:84
 msgid "A really simple server for Git repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Очень простой сервер для Git репозиториев"
 #: command-list.h:85
 msgid "Give an object a human readable name based on an available ref"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Присвоение объекту удобочитаемое имя на основе доступной ссылки"
 #: command-list.h:86
 msgid "Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc"
@@ -16462,27 +19760,27 @@
 #: command-list.h:87
 msgid "Compares files in the working tree and the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сравнение седержимого файлов в рабочем каталоге с файлами в индексе"
 #: command-list.h:88
 msgid "Compare a tree to the working tree or index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сравнение дерева файлов с рабочим каталогом или индексом"
 #: command-list.h:89
 msgid "Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Сравнение содержимого и режима двоичных объектов, найденных по двум объектам дерева"
 #: command-list.h:90
 msgid "Show changes using common diff tools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Показ изменений с помощью распространенных утилит сравнения"
 #: command-list.h:91
 msgid "Git data exporter"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Экспорт данных Git"
 #: command-list.h:92
 msgid "Backend for fast Git data importers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Внутренний интерфейс для быстрого импорта данных Git"
 #: command-list.h:93
 msgid "Download objects and refs from another repository"
@@ -16490,35 +19788,35 @@
 #: command-list.h:94
 msgid "Receive missing objects from another repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Получение недостающих объектов из другого репозитория"
 #: command-list.h:95
 msgid "Rewrite branches"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Перезапись веток"
 #: command-list.h:96
 msgid "Produce a merge commit message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Создание сообщения коммита для слияния"
 #: command-list.h:97
 msgid "Output information on each ref"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод информации о каждой ссылке"
 #: command-list.h:98
 msgid "Prepare patches for e-mail submission"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Подготовка патчей для отправки по электронной почте"
 #: command-list.h:99
 msgid "Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Проверка связности и валидности объектов в базе данных"
 #: command-list.h:100
 msgid "Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Очистка ненужных файлов и оптимизация локального репозитория"
 #: command-list.h:101
 msgid "Extract commit ID from an archive created using git-archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Извлечение идентификатора коммита из архива, созданного с помощью git-archive"
 #: command-list.h:102
 msgid "Print lines matching a pattern"
@@ -16526,35 +19824,35 @@
 #: command-list.h:103
 msgid "A portable graphical interface to Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Портативный графический интерфейс для Git"
 #: command-list.h:104
 msgid "Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вычисление идентификатора объекта и возможное создание двоичного объекта из файла"
 #: command-list.h:105
 msgid "Display help information about Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отображение справочной информации о Git"
 #: command-list.h:106
 msgid "Server side implementation of Git over HTTP"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Серверная реализация протокола Git над HTTP"
 #: command-list.h:107
 msgid "Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Загрузка из внешнего репозитория Git с помощью HTTP"
 #: command-list.h:108
 msgid "Push objects over HTTP/DAV to another repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отправка объектов в другой репозиторий с помощью HTTP/DAV"
 #: command-list.h:109
 msgid "Send a collection of patches from stdin to an IMAP folder"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Отправка коллекции патчей из стандартного ввода в папку IMAP"
 #: command-list.h:110
 msgid "Build pack index file for an existing packed archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Построение файла индекса для существующего упакованного архива"
 #: command-list.h:111
 msgid "Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one"
@@ -16562,15 +19860,15 @@
 #: command-list.h:112
 msgid "Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Мгновенный просмотр вашего рабочего репозитория в gitweb"
 #: command-list.h:113
-msgid "add or parse structured information in commit messages"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Add or parse structured information in commit messages"
+msgstr "Добавление или разбор структурированной информации в сообщениях коммита"
 #: command-list.h:114
 msgid "The Git repository browser"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Браузер репозитория Git"
 #: command-list.h:115
 msgid "Show commit logs"
@@ -16578,23 +19876,23 @@
 #: command-list.h:116
 msgid "Show information about files in the index and the working tree"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод информации о файлах в индексе и в рабочем каталоге"
 #: command-list.h:117
 msgid "List references in a remote repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод списка ссылок во внешнем репозитории"
 #: command-list.h:118
 msgid "List the contents of a tree object"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод содержимого объекта дерева"
 #: command-list.h:119
 msgid "Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Извлекает патч и авторство из одного сообщения электронной почты"
 #: command-list.h:120
 msgid "Simple UNIX mbox splitter program"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Простая программа UNIX для разбора файла mbox"
 #: command-list.h:121
 msgid "Join two or more development histories together"
@@ -16602,352 +19900,352 @@
 #: command-list.h:122
 msgid "Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Поиск подходящих общих предков для возможного слияния"
 #: command-list.h:123
 msgid "Run a three-way file merge"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Запуск трёхходового слияния файлов"
 #: command-list.h:124
 msgid "Run a merge for files needing merging"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Запуск слияния для файлов, которые требуют слияния"
 #: command-list.h:125
 msgid "The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Стандартная программа-помощник для использования совместно с git-merge-index"
 #: command-list.h:126
 msgid "Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Запуск инструментов разрешения конфликтов слияния"
 #: command-list.h:127
 msgid "Show three-way merge without touching index"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Вывод трёхходового слияние без затрагивания индекса"
 #: command-list.h:128
-msgid "Creates a tag object"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Write and verify multi-pack-indexes"
+msgstr "Запись и проверка файлов multi-pack-index"
 #: command-list.h:129
-msgid "Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Creates a tag object"
+msgstr "Создание объектов меток"
 #: command-list.h:130
+msgid "Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text"
+msgstr "Построение объекта дерева из текста формата ls-tree"
+#: command-list.h:131
 msgid "Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink"
 msgstr "Перемещение или переименование файла, каталога или символьной ссылки"
-#: command-list.h:131
-msgid "Find symbolic names for given revs"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:132
-msgid "Add or inspect object notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Find symbolic names for given revs"
+msgstr "Поиск символьных имён для указанных редакций"
 #: command-list.h:133
-msgid "Import from and submit to Perforce repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Add or inspect object notes"
+msgstr "Добавление или просмотр заметок объекта"
 #: command-list.h:134
-msgid "Create a packed archive of objects"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Import from and submit to Perforce repositories"
+msgstr "Импорт и отправка в репозитории Perforce"
 #: command-list.h:135
-msgid "Find redundant pack files"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Create a packed archive of objects"
+msgstr "Создание упакованного архива объектов"
 #: command-list.h:136
-msgid "Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Find redundant pack files"
+msgstr "Поиск избыточных файлов пакетов"
 #: command-list.h:137
-msgid "Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access"
+msgstr "Упаковка указателей на ветки и меток для эффективного доступа к репозиторию"
 #: command-list.h:138
-msgid "Compute unique ID for a patch"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters"
+msgstr "Подпрограммы для помощи разбора параметров доступа внешнего репозитория"
 #: command-list.h:139
-msgid "Prune all unreachable objects from the object database"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Compute unique ID for a patch"
+msgstr "Вычисление уникального идентификатора для патча"
 #: command-list.h:140
-msgid "Remove extra objects that are already in pack files"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Prune all unreachable objects from the object database"
+msgstr "Очистка всех недостижимых объектов из базы данных объектов"
 #: command-list.h:141
+msgid "Remove extra objects that are already in pack files"
+msgstr "Удаление дополнительных объектов, которые уже содержатся в файлах пакетов"
+#: command-list.h:142
 msgid "Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch"
 msgstr "Извлечение изменений и объединение с другим репозиторием или локальной веткой"
-#: command-list.h:142
+#: command-list.h:143
 msgid "Update remote refs along with associated objects"
 msgstr "Обновление внешних ссылок и связанных объектов"
-#: command-list.h:143
-msgid "Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:144
-msgid "Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch)"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch"
+msgstr "Применение упорядоченного списка патчей над текущей веткой"
 #: command-list.h:145
-msgid "Reads tree information into the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Compare two commit ranges (e.g. two versions of a branch)"
+msgstr "Сравнение двух диапазонов коммитов (например двух версий ветки)"
 #: command-list.h:146
-msgid "Reapply commits on top of another base tip"
-msgstr "Повторно применить коммиты над верхушкой другой ветки"
+msgid "Reads tree information into the index"
+msgstr "Чтение информации о дереве в индекс"
 #: command-list.h:147
-msgid "Receive what is pushed into the repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Reapply commits on top of another base tip"
+msgstr "Повторное применение коммитов над верхушкой другой ветки"
 #: command-list.h:148
-msgid "Manage reflog information"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Receive what is pushed into the repository"
+msgstr "Получение того, что было отправлено в репозиторий"
 #: command-list.h:149
-msgid "Manage set of tracked repositories"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Manage reflog information"
+msgstr "Управление информацией журнала ссылок"
 #: command-list.h:150
-msgid "Pack unpacked objects in a repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Manage set of tracked repositories"
+msgstr "Управление набором отслеживаемых репозиториев"
 #: command-list.h:151
-msgid "Create, list, delete refs to replace objects"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Pack unpacked objects in a repository"
+msgstr "Упаковка неупакованных объектов в репозитории"
 #: command-list.h:152
-msgid "Generates a summary of pending changes"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Create, list, delete refs to replace objects"
+msgstr "Создание, вывод списка, удаление ссылок для замены объектов"
 #: command-list.h:153
-msgid "Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Generates a summary of pending changes"
+msgstr "Генерация сводки предстоящих изменений"
 #: command-list.h:154
+msgid "Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges"
+msgstr "Повторное использование записанных разрешений конфликтов при слияниях"
+#: command-list.h:155
 msgid "Reset current HEAD to the specified state"
 msgstr "Сброс текущего состояния HEAD на указанное состояние"
-#: command-list.h:155
-msgid "Revert some existing commits"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:156
-msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Revert some existing commits"
+msgstr "Обращение изменений существующих коммитов"
 #: command-list.h:157
-msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
+msgstr "Вывод списка объектов коммита в обратном хронологическом порядке"
 #: command-list.h:158
+msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
+msgstr "Разбор и обработка параметров"
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Удаление файлов из рабочего каталога и индекса"
-#: command-list.h:159
-msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:160
-msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
+msgstr "Отправка коллекции патчей на электронную почту"
 #: command-list.h:161
-msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
+msgstr "Отправка объектов в другой репозиторий с помощью протокола Git"
 #: command-list.h:162
-msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
+msgstr "Ограниченная оболочка входа в систему для доступа Git через SSH"
 #: command-list.h:163
+msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
+msgstr "Обобщение вывода «git log»"
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "Вывод различных типов объектов"
-#: command-list.h:164
-msgid "Show branches and their commits"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:165
-msgid "Show packed archive index"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Show branches and their commits"
+msgstr "Вывод веток и их коммитов"
 #: command-list.h:166
-msgid "List references in a local repository"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Show packed archive index"
+msgstr "Вывод индекса упакованного архива"
 #: command-list.h:167
-msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "List references in a local repository"
+msgstr "Вывод ссылок в локальном репозитории"
 #: command-list.h:168
-msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
+msgstr "Код настройки интернационализации для сценариев оболочки Git"
 #: command-list.h:169
-msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
+msgstr "Общий код настройки для сценариев оболочки Git"
 #: command-list.h:170
-msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
+msgstr "Спрятать изменения в изменённом рабочем каталоге"
 #: command-list.h:171
+msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
+msgstr "Добавление содержимого файлов в индекс"
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "Вывод состояния рабочего каталога"
-#: command-list.h:172
-msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:173
-msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
+msgstr "Удаление ненужных пробелов"
 #: command-list.h:174
-msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
+msgstr "Инициализация, обновление или просмотр подмодулей"
 #: command-list.h:175
-msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
+msgstr "Двухсторонние операции между репозиториями Subversion и Git"
 #: command-list.h:176
-msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
-msgstr "Создание метки, вывод списка, удаление или проверка метки, подписанной с помощью GPG"
+msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
+msgstr "Чтение, изменение и удаление символических ссылок"
 #: command-list.h:177
-msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
+msgstr "Создание, вывод списка, удаление или проверка метки, подписанной с помощью GPG"
 #: command-list.h:178
-msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
+msgstr "Создание временного файла с содержимым двоичного объекта"
 #: command-list.h:179
-msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
+msgstr "Распаковка объектов из упакованного архива"
 #: command-list.h:180
-msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
+msgstr "Регистрация содержимого файла из рабочего каталога в индекс"
 #: command-list.h:181
-msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
+msgstr "Безопасное обновление имени объекта хранящегося в ссылке"
 #: command-list.h:182
-msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
+msgstr "Обновление файла со вспомогательной информацией для глупых серверов"
 #: command-list.h:183
-msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
+msgstr "Отправка архива обратно в git-archive"
 #: command-list.h:184
-msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
+msgstr "Отправка упакованных объектов обратно в git-fetch-pack"
 #: command-list.h:185
-msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
+msgstr "Вывод логической переменной Git"
 #: command-list.h:186
-msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
+msgstr "Проверка подписи GPG коммитов"
 #: command-list.h:187
-msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
+msgstr "Проверка файлов упакованных архивов Git"
 #: command-list.h:188
-msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
+msgstr "Проверка подписи GPG меток"
 #: command-list.h:189
-msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
+msgstr "Веб интерфейс Git (веб-интерфейс для Git репозиториев)"
 #: command-list.h:190
-msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
+msgstr "Вывод журнала с изменениями, которые вводил каждый из коммитов"
 #: command-list.h:191
-msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
+msgstr "Управление несколькими рабочими каталогами"
 #: command-list.h:192
+msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
+msgstr "Создание объекта дерева из текущего индекса"
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "Определение атрибутов для путей файлов или каталогов"
-#: command-list.h:193
-msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:194
-msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
+msgstr "Интерфейс коммандной строки Git и соглашения"
 #: command-list.h:195
-msgid "Git for CVS users"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
+msgstr "Учебник по ядру Git для разработчиков"
 #: command-list.h:196
-msgid "Tweaking diff output"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git for CVS users"
+msgstr "Git для пользователей CVS"
 #: command-list.h:197
-msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Tweaking diff output"
+msgstr "Подстройка вывода списка изменений"
 #: command-list.h:198
-msgid "A Git Glossary"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
+msgstr "Полезный минимум команд для каждодневного использования Git"
 #: command-list.h:199
-msgid "Hooks used by Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A Git Glossary"
+msgstr "Глоссарий Git"
 #: command-list.h:200
+msgid "Hooks used by Git"
+msgstr "Перехватчики используемые Git"
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Указание специально игнорируемых файлов"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "Определение свойств подмодулей"
-#: command-list.h:202
-msgid "Git namespaces"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:203
-msgid "Git Repository Layout"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "Git namespaces"
+msgstr "Пространства имён Git"
 #: command-list.h:204
+msgid "Git Repository Layout"
+msgstr "Содержимое репозитория Git"
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "Указание редакций и диапазонов для Git"
-#: command-list.h:205
-msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
-msgstr ""
 #: command-list.h:206
-msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
-msgstr ""
+msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
+msgstr "Обучающее введение в Git: часть вторая"
 #: command-list.h:207
+msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
+msgstr "Обучающее введение в Git"
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Обзор рекомендуемых последовательностей выполняемых действий с Git"
-#: rerere.h:40
-msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
-msgstr "обновить индекс с помощью переиспользования разрешения конфликта, если возможно"
 msgid "You need to start by \"git bisect start\""
 msgstr "Вам нужно начать с помощью «git bisect start»"
@@ -16959,161 +20257,73 @@
 msgid "Do you want me to do it for you [Y/n]? "
 msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите, чтобы я сделал это [Y - да/n - нет]? "
-#, sh-format
-msgid "unrecognised option: '$arg'"
-msgstr "неопознанная опция: «$arg»"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "'$arg' does not appear to be a valid revision"
-msgstr "«$arg» не похоже на действительную редакцию"
-msgid "Bad HEAD - I need a HEAD"
-msgstr "Плохой указатель HEAD — Необходим указатель HEAD"
-#, sh-format
-msgid ""
-"Checking out '$start_head' failed. Try 'git bisect reset <valid-branch>'."
-msgstr "Сбой перехода на «$start_head». Попробуйте выполнить «git bisect reset <существующая-ветка>»."
-msgid "won't bisect on cg-seek'ed tree"
-msgstr "нельзя выполнить двоичный поиск на дереве после cg-seek"
-msgid "Bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
-msgstr "Плохой указатель HEAD — странная символьная ссылка"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Bad bisect_write argument: $state"
-msgstr "Плохой аргумент bisect_write: $state"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Bad rev input: $arg"
 msgstr "Плохой ввод номера редакции: $arg"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Bad rev input: $bisected_head"
 msgstr "Плохой ввод номера редакции: $bisected_head"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Bad rev input: $rev"
 msgstr "Плохой ввод номера редакции: $rev"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'git bisect $TERM_BAD' can take only one argument."
 msgstr "«git bisect $TERM_BAD» может принимать только один аргумент."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Warning: bisecting only with a $TERM_BAD commit."
-msgstr "Предупреждение: попытка двоичного поиска с указанием только $TERM_BAD коммита."
-#. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [Y] and [n] in your
-#. translation. The program will only accept English input
-#. at this point.
-msgid "Are you sure [Y/n]? "
-msgstr "Вы уверены [Y - да/n - нет]? "
-#, sh-format
-msgid ""
-"You need to give me at least one $bad_syn and one $good_syn revision.\n"
-"(You can use \"git bisect $bad_syn\" and \"git bisect $good_syn\" for that.)"
-msgstr "Вам нужно передать мне как минимум одну $bad_syn и одну $good_syn редакцию.\n(Для этого вы можете использовать команды «git bisect $bad_syn» и «git bisect $good_syn».)"
-#, sh-format
-msgid ""
-"You need to start by \"git bisect start\".\n"
-"You then need to give me at least one $good_syn and one $bad_syn revision.\n"
-"(You can use \"git bisect $bad_syn\" and \"git bisect $good_syn\" for that.)"
-msgstr "Для начала нужно запустить «git bisect start».\nПосле этого, вам нужно передать мне как минимум одну $good_syn и одну $bad_syn редакцию.\n(Для этого вы можете использовать команды «git bisect $good_syn» и «git bisect $good_syn».)"
-msgid "We are not bisecting."
-msgstr "Вы сейчас не в процессе бинарного поиска."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "'$invalid' is not a valid commit"
-msgstr "«$invalid» не является действительным коммитом"
-#, sh-format
-msgid ""
-"Could not check out original HEAD '$branch'.\n"
-"Try 'git bisect reset <commit>'."
-msgstr "Не удалось перейти на оригинальную ветку HEAD «$branch».\nПопробуйте запустить «git bisect reset <коммит>»."
 msgid "No logfile given"
 msgstr "Не передан файл журнала"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "cannot read $file for replaying"
 msgstr "не удалось прочитать $file для повтора изменений"
 msgid "?? what are you talking about?"
 msgstr "?? вы о чем?"
 msgid "bisect run failed: no command provided."
 msgstr "сбой при выполнении двоичного поиска: не передана команда."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "running $command"
 msgstr "запускаю $command"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "bisect run failed:\n"
 "exit code $res from '$command' is < 0 or >= 128"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить двоичный поиск:\nкод завершения $res от «$command» оказался < 0 или >= 128"
 msgid "bisect run cannot continue any more"
 msgstr "bisect run больше не может продолжать"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "bisect run failed:\n"
 "'bisect_state $state' exited with error code $res"
 msgstr "не удалось выполнить двоичный поиск:\n«bisect_state $state» завершился с кодом ошибки $res"
 msgid "bisect run success"
 msgstr "bisect run выполнен успешно"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Invalid command: you're currently in a $TERM_BAD/$TERM_GOOD bisect."
-msgstr "Недопустимая команда: вы сейчас находитесь на $TERM_BAD/$TERM_GOOD двоичном поиске."
-msgid "no terms defined"
-msgstr "определения не заданы"
-#, sh-format
-msgid ""
-"invalid argument $arg for 'git bisect terms'.\n"
-"Supported options are: --term-good|--term-old and --term-bad|--term-new."
-msgstr "недопустимый аргумент $arg для «git bisect terms».\nПоддерживаемые параметры: --term-good|--term-old и --term-bad|--term-new."
+msgid "We are not bisecting."
+msgstr "Вы сейчас не в процессе бинарного поиска."
 msgid ""
@@ -17153,321 +20363,113 @@
 msgid "Simple merge did not work, trying automatic merge."
 msgstr "Простое слияние не удалось, попытка автоматического слияния."
-msgid ""
-"Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
-"\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
-"You can instead skip this commit: run \"git rebase --skip\".\n"
-"To abort and get back to the state before \"git rebase\", run \"git rebase --abort\"."
-msgstr "Разрешите все конфликты вручную, пометьте их разрешёнными с помощью «git add/rm <конфликтующие-файлы>», а затем запустите «git rebase --continue».\nЕсли вы хотите пропустить этот коммит, то запустите «git rebase --skip».\nЧтобы вернуться на состояние до «git rebase», запустите «git rebase --abort»."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Could not move back to $head_name"
-msgstr "Не удалось перейти назад на $head_name"
-msgid "Applied autostash."
-msgstr "Применены автоматически спрятанные изменения."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
-msgstr "Не удалось сохранить $stash_sha1"
-msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
-msgstr "Перехватчик pre-rebase отказал в перемещении."
-msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
-msgstr "Похоже, что выполняется «git am». Невозможно выполнить перемещение."
-msgid "No rebase in progress?"
-msgstr "Нет перемещения в процессе?"
-msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
-msgstr "Действие --edit-todo может использоваться только при интерактивном перемещении."
-msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
-msgstr "Не удалось прочитать HEAD"
-msgid ""
-"You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
-"mark them as resolved using git add"
-msgstr "Вы должны отредактировать все\nконфликты слияния, а потом пометить\nих как разрешенные с помощью git add"
-#, sh-format
-msgid ""
-"It seems that there is already a $state_dir_base directory, and\n"
-"I wonder if you are in the middle of another rebase.  If that is the\n"
-"case, please try\n"
-"If that is not the case, please\n"
-"and run me again.  I am stopping in case you still have something\n"
-"valuable there."
-msgstr "Похоже, каталог $state_dir_base уже существует и я предполагаю, что вы в процессе другого перемещения.  Если это так, попробуйте\n\t$cmd_live_rebase\nЕсли нет\n\t$cmd_clear_stale_rebase\nи запустите меня снова.  Я останавливаюсь, чтобы вы не потеряли что-то важное."
-msgid "error: cannot combine '--signoff' with '--preserve-merges'"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "error: cannot combine '--preserve_merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "error: cannot combine '--rebase_merges' with '--strategy-option'"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "error: cannot combine '--rebase_merges' with '--strategy'"
-msgstr ""
-#, sh-format
-msgid "invalid upstream '$upstream_name'"
-msgstr "недействительная вышестоящая ветка «$upstream_name»"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "$onto_name: there are more than one merge bases"
-msgstr "$onto_name: имеется больше одной базы слияния"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "$onto_name: there is no merge base"
-msgstr "$onto_name: нет базы слияния"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Does not point to a valid commit: $onto_name"
-msgstr "Не указывает на действительный коммит: $onto_name"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '$branch_name'"
-msgstr "критическая ошибка: нет такой ветки/коммита «$branch_name»"
-msgid "Cannot autostash"
-msgstr "Не удалось автоматически спрятать изменения"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Created autostash: $stash_abbrev"
-msgstr "Изменения автоматически спрятаны: $stash_abbrev"
-msgid "Please commit or stash them."
-msgstr "Сделайте коммит или спрячьте их."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "HEAD is up to date."
-msgstr "HEAD уже в актуальном состоянии."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Current branch $branch_name is up to date."
-msgstr "Текущая ветка $branch_name уже в актуальном состоянии."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
-msgstr "HEAD уже в актуальном состоянии, принудительное перемещение."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Current branch $branch_name is up to date, rebase forced."
-msgstr "Текущая ветка $branch_name уже в актуальном состоянии, принудительное перемещение."
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Changes from $mb to $onto:"
-msgstr "Изменения от $mb до $onto:"
-msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it..."
-msgstr "Сначала перематываем указатель текущего коммита, чтобы применить ваши изменения поверх него…"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Fast-forwarded $branch_name to $onto_name."
-msgstr "Перемотана вперед $branch_name до $onto_name."
-msgid "git stash clear with parameters is unimplemented"
-msgstr "git stash очистка с параметрами не реализована"
-msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
-msgstr "У вас еще нет начального коммита"
-msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
-msgstr "Не удалось сохранить текущее состояние индекса"
-msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
-msgstr "Невозможно сохранить неотслеживаемые файлы"
-msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
-msgstr "Не удалось сохранить текущее состояние рабочего каталога"
-msgid "No changes selected"
-msgstr "Изменения не выбраны"
 msgid "Cannot remove temporary index (can't happen)"
 msgstr "Не удалось удалить временный индекс (не должно случаться)"
-msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
-msgstr "Не удалось записать состояние рабочего каталога"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot update $ref_stash with $w_commit"
 msgstr "Не удалось обновить $ref_stash с помощью $w_commit"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "error: unknown option for 'stash push': $option"
 msgstr "ошибка: неизвестный параметр для «stash push»: $option"
-msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
-msgstr "Нельзя использовать --patch и --include-untracked или --all одновременно"
-msgid "No local changes to save"
-msgstr "Нет локальных изменений для сохранения"
-msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
-msgstr "Не удалось инициализировать спрятанные изменения"
-msgid "Cannot save the current status"
-msgstr "Не удалось сохранить текущий статус"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state $stash_msg"
 msgstr "Рабочий каталог и состояние индекса сохранены $stash_msg"
-msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
-msgstr "Не удалось удалить изменения рабочего каталога"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "unknown option: $opt"
 msgstr "неизвестная опция: $opt"
-msgid "No stash entries found."
-msgstr "Не найдены спрятанные изменения."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Too many revisions specified: $REV"
 msgstr "Передано слишком много редакций: $REV"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$reference is not a valid reference"
 msgstr "$reference не является действительной ссылкой"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$args' is not a stash-like commit"
 msgstr "«$args» не похоже на коммит со спрятанными изменениями"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$args' is not a stash reference"
 msgstr "«$args» не является ссылкой на спрятанные изменения"
 msgid "unable to refresh index"
 msgstr "не удалось обновить индекс"
 msgid "Cannot apply a stash in the middle of a merge"
 msgstr "Нельзя применить спрятанные изменения во время выполнения слияния"
 msgid "Conflicts in index. Try without --index."
 msgstr "Конфликты в индексе. Попробуйте без --index."
 msgid "Could not save index tree"
 msgstr "Не удалось сохранить дерево индекса"
 msgid "Could not restore untracked files from stash entry"
 msgstr "Невозможно восстановить неотслеживаемые файлы из спрятанных изменений"
 msgid "Cannot unstage modified files"
 msgstr "Невозможно убрать из индекса измененные файлы"
-msgid "Index was not unstashed."
-msgstr "Индекс не был извлечён из спрятанных изменений."
-msgid "The stash entry is kept in case you need it again."
-msgstr "Спрятанные изменения сохранены, на случай если они снова вам понадобятся."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Dropped ${REV} ($s)"
 msgstr "Отброшено ${REV} ($s)"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "${REV}: Could not drop stash entry"
 msgstr "${REV}: Не удалось отбросить запись из спрятанных изменений"
-msgid "No branch name specified"
-msgstr "Не указано имя ветки"
 msgid "(To restore them type \"git stash apply\")"
 msgstr "(Чтобы восстановить их, наберите «git stash apply»)"
 msgid "Relative path can only be used from the toplevel of the working tree"
 msgstr "Относительный путь можно использовать только находясь на вершине рабочего каталога"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "repo URL: '$repo' must be absolute or begin with ./|../"
 msgstr "URL репозитория: «$repo» должен быть абсолютным или начинаться с ./|../"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index"
 msgstr "«$sm_path» уже содержится в индексе"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists in the index and is not a submodule"
 msgstr "«$sm_path» уже содержится в индексе и не является подмодулем"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "'$sm_path' does not have a commit checked out"
+msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "The following path is ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
@@ -17475,22 +20477,22 @@
 "Use -f if you really want to add it."
 msgstr "Следующие пути игнорируются одним из ваших файлов .gitignore:\n$sm_path\nИспользуйте опцию -f, если вы действительно хотите его добавить."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Adding existing repo at '$sm_path' to the index"
 msgstr "Добавляю существующий репозиторий из «$sm_path» в индекс"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "'$sm_path' already exists and is not a valid git repo"
 msgstr "«$sm_path» уже существует и не является действительным репозиторием git"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "A git directory for '$sm_name' is found locally with remote(s):"
 msgstr "Каталог git для «$sm_name» найден локально на внешних репозиториях:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to reuse this local git directory instead of cloning again from\n"
@@ -17499,120 +20501,122 @@
 "or you are unsure what this means choose another name with the '--name' option."
 msgstr "Если вы хотите повторно использовать локальный каталог git вместо повторного клонирования из\n  $realrepo\nто используйте параметр «--force». Если же локальный каталог git не является нужным репозиторием или если вы не уверены, что это значит, то укажите другое имя для подмодуля с помощью параметра «--name»."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Reactivating local git directory for submodule '$sm_name'."
 msgstr "Восстановление локального каталога git для подмодуля «$sm_name»."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to checkout submodule '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "Не удалось переключиться на состояние у подмодуля «$sm_path»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to add submodule '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "Сбой добавления подмодуля «$sm_path»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to register submodule '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "Не удалось зарегистрировать подмодуль «$sm_path»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to find current revision in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "Не удалось найти текущую редакцию для подмодуля по пути «$displaypath»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$sm_path'"
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить извлечение для подмодуля по пути «$sm_path»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Unable to find current ${remote_name}/${branch} revision in submodule path "
 msgstr "Не удалось найти текущую редакцию ${remote_name}/${branch} для подмодуля по пути «$sm_path»"
 #, sh-format
-msgid "Unable to fetch in submodule path '$displaypath'"
-msgstr "Не удалось выполнить извлечение для подмодуля по пути «$displaypath»"
+msgid ""
+"Unable to fetch in submodule path '$displaypath'; trying to directly fetch "
+msgstr ""
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Fetched in submodule path '$displaypath', but it did not contain $sha1. "
 "Direct fetching of that commit failed."
 msgstr "Получен по пути подмодуля «$displaypath», но не содержит $sha1. Сбой при прямом получении коммита."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to checkout '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "Не удалось переключиться на состояние «$sha1» для подмодуля по пути «$displaypath»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': checked out '$sha1'"
 msgstr "Подмодуль по пути «$displaypath»: забрано состояние «$sha1»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to rebase '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "Не удалось переместить «$sha1» для подмодуля по пути «$displaypath»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': rebased into '$sha1'"
 msgstr "Подмодуль по пути «$displaypath»: перемещен над «$sha1»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unable to merge '$sha1' in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить слияние с «$sha1» для подмодуля по пути «$displaypath»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': merged in '$sha1'"
 msgstr "Подмодуль по пути «$displaypath»: слито с «$sha1»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution of '$command $sha1' failed in submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "Сбой выполнения «$command $sha1» для подмодуля по пути «$displaypath»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Submodule path '$displaypath': '$command $sha1'"
 msgstr "Подмодуль по пути «$displaypath»: «$command $sha1»"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Failed to recurse into submodule path '$displaypath'"
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить рекурсивно для подмодуля по пути «$displaypath»"
 msgid "The --cached option cannot be used with the --files option"
 msgstr "Опцию --cached нельзя использовать одновременно с опцией --files"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "unexpected mode $mod_dst"
 msgstr "неизвестный режим $mod_dst"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commit $sha1_src"
 msgstr "  Предупреждение: $display_name не содержит коммит $sha1_src"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commit $sha1_dst"
 msgstr "  Предупреждение: $display_name не содержит коммит $sha1_dst"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "  Warn: $display_name doesn't contain commits $sha1_src and $sha1_dst"
 msgstr "  Предупреждение: $display_name не содержит коммиты $sha1_src и $sha1_dst"
@@ -17622,100 +20626,6 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "Для дополнительной информации, смотрите git-${cmd}(1)."
-msgid ""
-"p, pick <commit> = use commit\n"
-"r, reword <commit> = use commit, but edit the commit message\n"
-"e, edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending\n"
-"s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit\n"
-"f, fixup <commit> = like \"squash\", but discard this commit's log message\n"
-"x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell\n"
-"d, drop <commit> = remove commit\n"
-"l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name\n"
-"t, reset <label> = reset HEAD to a label\n"
-"m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] <label> [# <oneline>]\n"
-".       create a merge commit using the original merge commit's\n"
-".       message (or the oneline, if no original merge commit was\n"
-".       specified). Use -c <commit> to reword the commit message.\n"
-"These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.\n"
-msgstr ""
-msgid ""
-"Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
-msgstr "\nНе удаляйте строки. Используйте «drop», чтобы явно удалить коммит.\n"
-msgid ""
-"If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
-msgstr "\nЕсли вы удалите строку здесь, то УКАЗАННЫЙ КОММИТ БУДЕТ УТЕРЯН.\n"
-msgid "could not detach HEAD"
-msgstr "не удалось отделить HEAD"
-msgid ""
-"You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
-"To continue rebase after editing, run:\n"
-"    git rebase --continue\n"
-msgstr "\nВы сейчас редактируете файл со списком дел для интерактивного перемещения.\nДля продолжения перемещения, после редактирования файла запустите:\n    git rebase --continue\n\n"
-msgid "Could not execute editor"
-msgstr "Не удалось запустить редактор"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
-msgstr "Не удалось перейти на версию $switch_to"
-msgid "No HEAD?"
-msgstr "Нет указателя HEAD?"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
-msgstr "Не удалось создать временный каталог $state_dir"
-msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
-msgstr "Не удалось пометить как интерактивный"
-#, sh-format
-msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
-msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
-msgstr[0] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команда)"
-msgstr[1] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команды)"
-msgstr[2] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команд)"
-msgstr[3] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команд)"
-msgid ""
-"\tHowever, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
-msgstr ""
-msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
-msgstr "Заметьте, что пустые коммиты закомментированны"
-msgid "Could not generate todo list"
-msgstr "Не удалось сгенерировать список дел"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
@@ -17740,7 +20650,7 @@
 ".       specified). Use -c <commit> to reword the commit message.\n"
 "These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.\n"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "\nКоманды:\np, pick <коммит> = использовать коммит\nr, reword <коммит> = использовать коммит, но изменить сообщение коммита\ne, edit <коммит> = использовать коммит, но остановиться для исправления\ns, squash <коммит> = использовать коммит, но объединить с предыдущим коммитом\nf, fixup <коммит> = как «squash», но пропустить сообщение коммита\nx, exec <команда> = выполнить команду (остаток строки) с помощью командной оболочки\nd, drop <коммит> = удалить коммит\nl, label <метка> = дать имя текущему HEAD\nt, reset <метка> = сбросить HEAD к указанной метке\nm, merge [-C <коммит> | -c <коммит>] <метка> [# <строка>]\n. создать слияние используя сообщение коммита оригинального\n. слияния (или использовать указанную строку, если оригинальное\n. слияние не указано). Используйте -c <коммит> чтобы изменить\n. сообщение коммита.\n\nЭти строки можно перемещать; они будут выполнены сверху вниз.\n"
 #, sh-format
@@ -17839,7 +20749,7 @@
 "This is most likely due to an empty commit message, or the pre-commit hook\n"
 "failed. If the pre-commit hook failed, you may need to resolve the issue before\n"
 "you are able to reword the commit."
-msgstr "Не удолось исправить коммит после успешного перехода на $sha1… $rest\nЭто произошло, скорее всего, из-за пустого сообщения коммита или из-за перехватчика перед коммитом. Если же это произошло из-за перехватчика перед коммитом, то вам нужно решить с ним проблему и повторить попытку снова."
+msgstr "Не удалось исправить коммит после успешного перехода на $sha1… $rest\nЭто произошло, скорее всего, из-за пустого сообщения коммита или из-за перехватчика перед коммитом. Если же это произошло из-за перехватчика перед коммитом, то вам нужно решить с ним проблему и повторить попытку снова."
 #, sh-format
@@ -17933,12 +20843,36 @@
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось закоммитить проиндексированные изменения."
-msgid ""
-"However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
-msgstr "\nНо если вы удалите все, то процесс перемещения будет будет прерван.\n\n"
+msgid "Could not execute editor"
+msgstr "Не удалось запустить редактор"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
+msgstr "Не удалось перейти на версию $switch_to"
+msgid "No HEAD?"
+msgstr "Нет указателя HEAD?"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
+msgstr "Не удалось создать временный каталог $state_dir"
+msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
+msgstr "Не удалось пометить как интерактивный"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
+msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
+msgstr[0] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команда)"
+msgstr[1] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команды)"
+msgstr[2] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команд)"
+msgstr[3] "Перемещение $shortrevisions над $shortonto ($todocount команд)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
@@ -17949,55 +20883,55 @@
 msgid "usage: $dashless $USAGE"
 msgstr "использование: $dashless $USAGE"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot chdir to $cdup, the toplevel of the working tree"
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить chdir в $cdup, вершину рабочего каталога"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "fatal: $program_name cannot be used without a working tree."
 msgstr "критическая ошибка: $program_name нельзя использовать не имея рабочего каталога."
 msgid "Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить перемещение коммитов: У вас есть непроиндексированные изменения."
 msgid "Cannot rewrite branches: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить перезапись веток: У вас есть непроиндексированные изменения."
 msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось получить с перемещением: У вас есть непроиндексированные изменения."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot $action: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить $action: У вас есть непроиндексированные изменения."
 msgid "Cannot rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить перемещение коммитов: В вашем индексе есть незакоммиченные изменения."
 msgid "Cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось получить с перемещением: В вашем индексе есть незакоммиченные изменения."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot $action: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить $action: В вашем индексе есть незакоммиченные изменения."
 msgid "Additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "К тому же, в вашем индексе есть незакоммиченные изменения."
 msgid "You need to run this command from the toplevel of the working tree."
 msgstr "Вам нужно запускать эту команду находясь на вершине рабочего каталога."
 msgid "Unable to determine absolute path of git directory"
 msgstr "Не удалось определить абсолютный путь к каталогу git"
@@ -18449,7 +21383,7 @@
 "patch         - pick hunks and update selectively\n"
 "diff          - view diff between HEAD and index\n"
 "add untracked - add contents of untracked files to the staged set of changes\n"
-msgstr "status        - показать пути с изменениями\nupdate        - добавить состояние рабочего каталога индекс\nrevert        - вернуть проиндексированный набор изменений к HEAD версии\npatch         - выбрать и выборочно обновить блоки\ndiff          - просмотреть различия между HEAD и индексом\nadd untracked - добавить содержимое неотслеживаемых файлов в индекс\n"
+msgstr "status        - показать пути с изменениями\nupdate        - добавить состояние рабочего каталога индекс\nrevert        - вернуть проиндексированный набор изменений к HEAD версии\npatch         - выбрать и выборочно обновить блоки\ndiff          - просмотреть изменения между HEAD и индексом\nadd untracked - добавить содержимое неотслеживаемых файлов в индекс\n"
 #: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
 #: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
@@ -18467,73 +21401,73 @@
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "недопустимый аргумент %s, ожидается --"
-#: git-send-email.perl:130
+#: git-send-email.perl:138
 msgid "local zone differs from GMT by a non-minute interval\n"
 msgstr "локальный часовой пояс отличается от GMT на не минутный интервал\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:137 git-send-email.perl:143
+#: git-send-email.perl:145 git-send-email.perl:151
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "локальный сдвиг времени больше или равен 24 часа\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:211 git-send-email.perl:217
+#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "редактор был завершен с ошибкой, отменяю всё"
-#: git-send-email.perl:294
+#: git-send-email.perl:302
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr "«%s» содержит промежуточную версию письма, которое вы готовите.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:299
+#: git-send-email.perl:307
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "«» содержит подготовленное письмо.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:317
+#: git-send-email.perl:326
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-aliases не совместимо с другими опциями\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:383 git-send-email.perl:638
+#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "Нельзя запускать git format-patch вне репозитория\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:386
+#: git-send-email.perl:398
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: git-send-email.perl:456
+#: git-send-email.perl:470
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Неизвестное поле --suppress-cc: «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:485
+#: git-send-email.perl:501
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Неизвестный параметр --confirm: «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:513
+#: git-send-email.perl:529
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "предупреждение: сокращение для sendmail с кавычками не поддерживается: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:515
+#: git-send-email.perl:531
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "предупреждение: «:include:» не поддерживается: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:517
+#: git-send-email.perl:533
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "предупреждение: перенаправление «/file» или «|pipe» не поддерживается: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:522
+#: git-send-email.perl:538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "предупреждение: строка sendmail не распознана: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:604
+#: git-send-email.perl:622
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -18543,75 +21477,75 @@
 "    * Giving --format-patch option if you mean a range.\n"
 msgstr "Файл «%s» существует, но это также может быть и\nдиапазоном коммитов для которых нужно сделать патчи. \nУстраните неоднозначность…\n\n    * Указав \"./%s\" если вы имеете в виду имя файла; или\n    * Передав опцию --format-patch если вы имеете в виду диапазон коммитов.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:625
+#: git-send-email.perl:643
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось выполнить opendir %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:649
+#: git-send-email.perl:667
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
 "warning: no patches were sent\n"
 msgstr "критическая ошибка: %s: %s\nпредупреждение: патчи не были отправлены\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:660
+#: git-send-email.perl:678
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
 msgstr "\nФайл с патчем не указан!\n\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:673
+#: git-send-email.perl:691
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "Нет строки с темой в %s?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:683
+#: git-send-email.perl:701
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось открыть для записи %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:694
+#: git-send-email.perl:712
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
 "for the patch you are writing.\n"
 "Clear the body content if you don't wish to send a summary.\n"
-msgstr "Строки, начинающиеся с «GIT:» будут удалены.\nВозможно будет полезно включить статистику добавлений\nи удалений или таблицу содержимого в патч, который вы пишете.\n\nОчистите содержимое, если вы не хотите отправлять письмо с краткой информацией.\n"
+msgstr "Строки, начинающиеся с «GIT:» будут удалены.\nВозможно будет полезно включить статистику добавлений\nи удалений или таблицу содержимого к создаваемому патчу.\n\nОчистите содержимое, если вы не хотите отправлять письмо со сводкой изменений.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:718
+#: git-send-email.perl:736
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось открыть %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:735
+#: git-send-email.perl:753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "Не удалось открыть %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:778
+#: git-send-email.perl:796
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
-msgstr "Письмо с краткой информацией пустое, попускаю его\n"
+msgstr "Письмо со сводкой изменений пустое, попускаю его\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:813
+#: git-send-email.perl:831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите использовать <%s> [y/N]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:868
+#: git-send-email.perl:886
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
 msgstr "Следующие файлы 8 битные, но не содержат Content-Transfer-Encoding.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:873
+#: git-send-email.perl:891
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Какую 8 битную кодировку нужно указать [UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:881
+#: git-send-email.perl:899
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -18619,20 +21553,20 @@
 "has the template subject '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. Pass --force if you really want to send.\n"
 msgstr "Отказываюсь отправить, т.к. патч\n\t%s\nсодержит шаблонный заголовок «*** SUBJECT HERE ***». Укажите параметр --force, если вы  действительно хотите отправить его.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:900
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "Кому должны быть отправлены письма (если нужно)?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:936
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "критическая ошибка: сокращение «%s» раскрывается само в себя\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:930
+#: git-send-email.perl:948
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr "Message-ID который нужно использовать в поле In-Reply-To для первого письма (если нужно)? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:988 git-send-email.perl:996
+#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "ошибка: не удалось выделить действительный адрес из: %s\n"
@@ -18640,16 +21574,16 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1000
+#: git-send-email.perl:1018
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr "Что нужно сделать с этим адресом? ([q] - выход|[d] - отбросить|[e] - редактировать): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1317
+#: git-send-email.perl:1335
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "путь CA «%s» не существует"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1400
+#: git-send-email.perl:1418
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -18666,128 +21600,128 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1415
+#: git-send-email.perl:1433
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr "Отправить это письмо? ([y] - да|[n] - нет|[e] - изменить|[q] - выход|[a] - все): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1436
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Отправка этого ответа на письмо обязательна"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1446
+#: git-send-email.perl:1464
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "Требуемый SMTP сервер не был правильно объявлен."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1493
+#: git-send-email.perl:1511
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "Сервер не поддерживает STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1498 git-send-email.perl:1502
+#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "Ошибка STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1529
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr "Не удалось инициализировать SMTP. Проверьте ваши настройки и попробуйте запустить в параметром --smtp-debug."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "Не удалось отправить %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1532
+#: git-send-email.perl:1550
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Имитация отправки %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1532
+#: git-send-email.perl:1550
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Отправлено %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1534
+#: git-send-email.perl:1552
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Имитация OK. Журнал содержит:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1534
+#: git-send-email.perl:1552
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "OK. Журнал содержит:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1546
+#: git-send-email.perl:1564
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Результат: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1549
+#: git-send-email.perl:1567
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Результат: OK\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1585
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть файл %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1614 git-send-email.perl:1634
+#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Добавление cc: %s со строки «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1620
+#: git-send-email.perl:1638
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Добавление to: %s со строки «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1673
+#: git-send-email.perl:1691
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(non-mbox) Добавление cc: %s со строки «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1698
+#: git-send-email.perl:1726
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(body) Добавление cc: %s со строки «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1809
+#: git-send-email.perl:1837
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) Не удалось выполнить «%s»"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1816
+#: git-send-email.perl:1844
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) Добавление %s: %s из: «%s»\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1820
+#: git-send-email.perl:1848
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) не удалось закрыть поток к «%s»"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1850
+#: git-send-email.perl:1878
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "не удалось отправить сообщение в 7 битной кодировке"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1858
+#: git-send-email.perl:1886
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "недопустимая кодировка передачи"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1899 git-send-email.perl:1951 git-send-email.perl:1961
+#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "не удалось открыть %s: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1902
+#: git-send-email.perl:1930
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "%s: патч содержит строку длиннее чем 998 символов"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1919
+#: git-send-email.perl:1947
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Пропускаю %s с окончанием резервной копии «%s».\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1923
+#: git-send-email.perl:1951
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Вы действительно хотите отправить %s? [y - да|N - нет]: "
diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po
index aa6f834..4ad206d 100644
--- a/po/sv.po
+++ b/po/sv.po
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: git 2.22.0\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: git 2.23.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-14 17:09+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-05-14 15:44+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-30 09:59+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-07-31 12:40+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Peter Krefting <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Swedish <>\n"
 "Language: sv\n"
@@ -16,49 +16,49 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.2\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%stips: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Du kan inte utföra en cherry-pick eftersom du har filer som inte slagits "
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Du kan inte utföra en incheckning eftersom du har filer som inte slagits "
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Du kan inte utföra en sammanslagning eftersom du har filer som inte slagits "
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Du kan inte utföra en \"pull\" eftersom du har filer som inte slagits samman."
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Du kan inte utföra en \"revert\" eftersom du har filer som inte slagits "
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Du kan inte utföra en \"%s\" eftersom du har filer som inte slagits samman."
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -66,49 +66,63 @@
 "Rätta dem i din arbetskatalog och använd sedan \"git add/rm <fil>\"\n"
 "som lämpligt för att ange lösning och checka in."
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Avslutar på grund av olöst konflikgt."
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Du har inte avslutat sammanslagningen (MERGE_HEAD finns)."
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Checka in dina ändringar innan du utför sammanslagningen."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Avslutar på grund av ofullbordad sammanslagning."
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
 "Observera: checkar ut \"%s\".\n"
 "Du har nu ett \"frånkopplat HEAD\". Du kan se dig omkring, experimentera\n"
 "med ändringar och checka in dem, och du kan kasta incheckningar du gör\n"
-"i det här läget utan att det påverkar grenar genom att checka ut på\n"
+"i det här läget utan att det påverkar grenar genom att växla tillbaka\n"
+"till en gren.\n"
 "Om du vill skapa en ny gren för att behålla ändringarna du skapar, kan\n"
-"du göra det (nu eller senare) genom att använda checkout-kommandot igen\n"
-"med -b. Till exempel:\n"
+"du göra det (nu eller senare) genom att använda switch-kommandot med -c.\n"
-"  git checkout -b <namn-på-ny-gren>\n"
+"  git switch -c <namn-på-ny-gren>\n"
+"Eller gör den här ändringen ogjord med:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Stäng av den här hjälptexten genom att sätta konfigurationsvariabeln\n"
+"advice.detachedHead till false\n"
 #: alias.c:50
@@ -119,92 +133,92 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr "citat ej stängt"
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "okänt alternativ för whitespace: \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "okänt alternativ för ignore-whitespace: \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject och --3way kan inte användas samtidigt."
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached och --3way kan inte användas samtidigt."
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way utanför arkiv"
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index utanför arkiv"
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached utanför arkiv"
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "Kan inte förbereda reguljärt uttryck för tidsstämpeln %s"
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "regexec returnerade %d för indata: %s"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "kan inte hitta filnamn i patchen på rad %d"
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: dålig git-diff - förväntade /dev/null, fick %s på rad %d"
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: dålig git-diff - motsägande nytt filnamn på rad %d"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: dålig git-diff - motsägande gammalt filnamn på rad %d"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: dålig git-diff - förväntade /dev/null på rad %d"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "ogiltigt läge på rad %d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "huvudet är inkonsekvent mellan rad %d och %d"
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recount: förväntade rad: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "patch-fragment utan huvud på rad %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -220,82 +234,82 @@
 "tas bort (rad %d)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr "git-diff-huvudet saknar filnamnsinformation (rad %d)"
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "ny fil beror på gammalt innehåll"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "borttagen fil har fortfarande innehåll"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "trasig patch på rad %d"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "nya filen %s beror på gammalt innehåll"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "borttagna filen %s har fortfarande innehåll"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** varning: filen %s blir tom men har inte tagits bort"
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "trasig binärpatch på rad %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "binärpatchen på rad %d känns inte igen"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "patch med bara skräp på rad %d"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa symboliska länken %s"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna eller läsa %s"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "felaktig inledning på rad: \"%c\""
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] "Stycke %d lyckades på %d (offset %d rad)."
 msgstr[1] "Stycke %d lyckades på %d (offset %d rader)."
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "Sammanhang reducerat till (%ld/%ld) för att tillämpa fragment vid %d"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -304,25 +318,25 @@
 "vid sökning efter:\n"
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "saknar binära patchdata för \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "kan inte applicera en binärpatch baklänges utan den omvända patchen för \"%s"
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr ""
 "kan inte applicera binärpatch på \"%s\" utan den fullständiga indexraden"
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
@@ -330,426 +344,426 @@
 "patchen appliceras på \"%s\" (%s), som inte motsvarar det nuvarande "
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "patchen appliceras på en tom \"%s\", men den är inte tom"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "nödvändig efterbild %s för \"%s\" kan inte läsas"
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "binärpatchen kan inte tillämpas på \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr "binärpatchen på \"%s\" ger felaktigt resultat (förväntade %s, fick %s)"
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "patch misslyckades: %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "kan inte checka ut %s"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa %s"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "läser från \"%s\" som är på andra sidan av en symbolisk länk"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "sökvägen %s har ändrat namn/tagits bort"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s: finns inte i indexet"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s: motsvarar inte indexet"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "arkivet saknar objekt som behövs för att falla tillbaka på 3-"
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Faller tillbaka på trevägssammanslagning...\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa aktuellt innehåll i \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Misslyckades falla tillbaka på trevägssammanslagning...\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Applicerade patchen på \"%s\" med konflikter.\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Tillämpade patchen på  \"%s\" rent.\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "patch för borttagning lämnar kvar filinnehåll"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s: fel typ"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s har typen %o, förväntade %o"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
-msgstr "ogiltig sökväg ”%s”"
+msgstr "ogiltig sökväg \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s: finns redan i indexet"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s: finns redan i arbetskatalogen"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "nytt läge (%o) för %s motsvarar inte gammalt läge (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr "nytt läge (%o) för %s motsvarar inte gammalt läge (%o) för %s"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "den berörda filen \"%s\" är på andra sidan av en symbolisk länk"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s: patchen kan inte tillämpas"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Kontrollerar patchen %s..."
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "sha1-informationen saknas eller är oanvändbar för undermodulen %s"
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "nytt läge för %s, som inte finns i nuvarande HEAD"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "sha1-informationen saknas eller är oanvändbar (%s)."
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "make_cache_entry misslyckades för sökvägen \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "kunde inte lägga till %s till temporärt index"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva temporärt index till %s"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "kan inte ta bort %s från indexet"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "trasig patch för undermodulen %s"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte ta status på nyligen skapade filen \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr "kan inte skapa säkerhetsminne för nyligen skapade filen %s"
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "kan inte lägga till cachepost för %s"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades skriva till \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "stänger filen \"%s\""
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "kan inte skriva filen \"%s\" läge %o"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Tillämpade patchen %s rent."
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "internt fel"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "Tillämpade patchen %%s med %d refuserad..."
 msgstr[1] "Tillämpade patchen %%s med %d refuserade..."
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "trunkerar .rej-filnamnet till %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:869 builtin/fetch.c:1161
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "kan inte öppna %s"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "Stycke %d tillämpades rent."
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "Refuserar stycke %d."
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Ignorerar patch \"%s\"."
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "indata känns inte igen"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa indexfilen"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "kan inte öppna patchen \"%s\": %s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "undertryckte %d fel i blanksteg"
 msgstr[1] "undertryckte %d fel i blanksteg"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d rad lägger till fel i blanksteg."
 msgstr[1] "%d rader lägger till fel i blanksteg."
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d rad applicerade efter att ha rättat fel i blanksteg."
 msgstr[1] "%d rader applicerade efter att ha rättat fel i blanksteg."
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Kunde inte skriva ny indexfil"
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "sökväg"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "tillämpa inte ändringar som motsvarar given sökväg"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "tillämpa ändringar som motsvarar given sökväg"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "antal"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "ta bort <antal> inledande snedstreck från traditionella diff-sökvägar"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "ignorera tillägg gjorda av patchen"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr "istället för att tillämpa patchen, skriv ut diffstat för indata"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr "visa antal tillagda och borttagna rader decimalt"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr "istället för att tillämpa patchen, skriv ut en summering av indata"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "istället för att tillämpa patchen, se om patchen kan tillämpas"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "se till att patchen kan tillämpas på aktuellt index"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "markera nya filer med \"git add --intent-to-add\""
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "tillämpa en patch utan att röra arbetskatalogen"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "godta en patch som rör filer utanför arbetskatalogen"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "tillämpa också patchen (använd med --stat/--summary/--check)"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "försök en trevägssammanslagning om patchen inte kan tillämpas"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr "bygg ett temporärt index baserat på inbyggd indexinformation"
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "sökvägar avdelas med NUL-tecken"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "se till att åtminstone <n> rader sammanhang är lika"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "åtgärd"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr "detektera nya eller ändrade rader som har fel i blanktecken"
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "ignorera ändringar i blanktecken för sammanhang"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "tillämpa patchen baklänges"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "förvänta inte minst en rad sammanhang"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "lämna refuserade stycken i motsvarande *.rej-filer"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "tillåt överlappande stycken"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2085 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "var pratsam"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr "tolerera felaktigt detekterade saknade nyradstecken vid filslut"
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "lite inte på antalet linjer i styckehuvuden"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "rot"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "lägg till <rot> i alla filnamn"
@@ -792,98 +806,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "inte ett trädobjekt: %s"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "aktuell arbetskatalog är inte spårad"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "fmt"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "arkivformat"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1597
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "prefix"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "lägg till prefix till varje sökväg i arkivet"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
-#: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:176
+#: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "fil"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "skriv arkivet till filen"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "läs .gitattributes i arbetskatalogen"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "rapportera arkiverade filer på standard fel"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "endast spara"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "komprimera snabbare"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "komprimera bättre"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "visa understödda arkivformat"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "arkiv"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "hämta arkivet från fjärrarkivet <arkiv>"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:713
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "kommando"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "sökväg till kommandot git-upload-archive på fjärren"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "Oväntad flagga --remote"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "Flaggan --exec kan endast användas tillsammans med --remote"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Oväntad flagga --output"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Okänt arkivformat \"%s\""
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Argumentet stöd inte för formatet \"%s\": -%d"
@@ -1030,12 +1044,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "en %s-revision behövs"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa filen \"%s\""
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa filen \"%s\""
@@ -1075,41 +1089,41 @@
 msgstr[0] "Bisect: %d revision kvar att testa efter denna %s\n"
 msgstr[1] "Bisect: %d revisioner kvar att testa efter denna %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents och --reverse fungerar inte så bra tillsammans."
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "kan inte använda --contents med namn på slutgiltigt incheckningsobjekt"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse och --first-parent tillsammans kräver att du anger senaste "
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:404 builtin/log.c:980
+#: builtin/log.c:1468 builtin/log.c:1844 builtin/log.c:2134 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3142 builtin/pack-objects.c:3157
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa revisionstraversering"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
 "--reverse --first-parent tillsammans kräver ett intervall på första-förälder-"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "sökvägen %s i %s finns inte"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa objektet %s för sökvägen %s"
@@ -1196,7 +1210,7 @@
 #: branch.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "A branch named '%s' already exists."
-msgstr "Det finns redan en gren som heter ”%s”."
+msgstr "Det finns redan en gren som heter \"%s\"."
 #: branch.c:213
 msgid "Cannot force update the current branch."
@@ -1245,14 +1259,14 @@
 #: branch.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
-msgstr "Avgreningspunkten är inte giltig: ”%s”."
+msgstr "Avgreningspunkten är inte giltig: \"%s\"."
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är redan utcheckad på \"%s\""
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "HEAD i arbetskatalogen %s har inte uppdaterats"
@@ -1267,8 +1281,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "okänt huvud: %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna \"%s\""
@@ -1277,60 +1291,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "Arkivet saknar dessa nödvändiga incheckningar:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "behöver ett arkiv för att verifiera ett paket (bundle)."
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Paketet (bundlen) innehåller denna referens:"
 msgstr[1] "Paketet (bundlen) innehåller dessa %d referenser:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "Paketet (bundlen) beskriver en komplett historik."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Paketet (bundlen) kräver denna referens:"
 msgstr[1] "Paketet (bundlen) kräver dessa %d referenser:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "kan inte duplicera pakethandtag"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "Kunde inte starta pack-objects"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "pack-objects misslyckades"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "rev-list dog"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "referensen \"%s\" exkluderas av argumenten till rev-list"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:212 builtin/log.c:1749 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt argument: %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Vägrar skapa ett tomt paket (bundle)."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte skapa \"%s\""
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "index-pack dog"
@@ -1339,8 +1357,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "felaktigt färgvärde: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka %s"
@@ -1350,7 +1368,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s är inte en incheckning!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1370,29 +1388,29 @@
 "Slå av detta meddelande genom att skriva\n"
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Incheckningen %s har en obetrodd GPG-signatur som påstås vara gjord av %s."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Incheckningen %s har en felaktig GPG-signatur som påstås vara gjord av %s."
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "Incheckning %s har inte någon GPG-signatur."
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "Incheckningen %s har en korrekt GPG-signatur av %s\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1402,177 +1420,232 @@
 "Uppdatera det efter att ha rättat meddelandet, eller ändra variabeln\n"
 "i18n.commitencoding till den teckenkodning som används i ditt projekt.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr "incheckningsgraffilen %s är för liten"
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafens signatur %X stämmer inte med signaturen %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafens version %X stämmer inte med versionen %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafens hashversion %X stämmer inte med versionen %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
 "incheckningsgrafen saknar post i styckeuppslagningstabell; filen kan vara "
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr "felaktigt offset för stycke %08x%08x i incheckningsgraffilen"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafens stycke-id %08x förekommer flera gånger"
-#: commit-graph.c:388
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "incheckningsgrafen har inga bas-graf-stycken"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "incheckningsgrafens kedja stämmer inte"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr "ogiltig incheckingsgrafkedja: rad \"%s\" är inte ett hash-värde"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "kan inte hitta alla incheckingsgraffiler"
+#: commit-graph.c:553 commit-graph.c:613
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr "ogiltig incheckningsposition. incheckningsgrafen är troligtvis trasig"
+#: commit-graph.c:574
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte hitta incheckningen %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:730 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1001 builtin/pack-objects.c:2651
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte hämta typ för objektet %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:763
+#: commit-graph.c:1033
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Läser in kända incheckningar i incheckningsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:779
+#: commit-graph.c:1050
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Expanderar nåbara incheckningar i incheckningsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:791
+#: commit-graph.c:1069
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "Rensar incheckningsmärken i incheckningsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:811
+#: commit-graph.c:1088
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr "Beräknar generationsvärden för incheckningsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:928
+#: commit-graph.c:1162
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] "Söker incheckningar för incheckingsgraf i %d paket"
 msgstr[1] "Söker incheckningar för incheckingsgraf i %d paket"
-#: commit-graph.c:941
+#: commit-graph.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "fel vid tillägg av paketet %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1179
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "fel vid öppning av indexet för %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:957
+#: commit-graph.c:1203
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] "Söker incheckningar för incheckingsgraf från %d referens"
 msgstr[1] "Söker incheckningar för incheckingsgraf från %d referenser"
-#: commit-graph.c:989
+#: commit-graph.c:1237
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr "Söker incheckningar för incheckingsgraf i packade objekt"
-#: commit-graph.c:1002
+#: commit-graph.c:1252
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Räknar olika incheckningar i incheckningsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:1015
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr "formatet på incheckningsgrafen kan inte visa %d incheckningar"
-#: commit-graph.c:1024
+#: commit-graph.c:1283
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "Söker ytterligare kanter i incheckingsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:1048
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "för många incheckningar för att skriva graf"
+#: commit-graph.c:1331
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "kunde inte skriva korrekt antal bas-graf-id:n"
-#: commit-graph.c:1055 midx.c:805
+#: commit-graph.c:1364 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa inledande kataloger för %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1095
+#: commit-graph.c:1376 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:251
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "kunde inte skapa \"%s\""
+#: commit-graph.c:1436
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "Skriver ut incheckningsgraf i %d pass"
 msgstr[1] "Skriver ut incheckningsgraf i %d pass"
-#: commit-graph.c:1160
+#: commit-graph.c:1477
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "Kunde inte öppna incheckningsgrafkedjefilen"
+#: commit-graph.c:1489
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "kunde inte byta namn på bas-incheckingsgraffilen"
+#: commit-graph.c:1509
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "kunde inte byta namn på temporär incheckningsgraffil"
+#: commit-graph.c:1620
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "Söker sammanslagna incheckningar"
+#: commit-graph.c:1631
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "oväntat duplicerat inchecknings-id %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1656
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "Slår ihop incheckningsgraf"
+#: commit-graph.c:1842
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "formatet på incheckningsgrafen kan inte visa %d incheckningar"
+#: commit-graph.c:1853
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "för många incheckningar för att skriva graf"
+#: commit-graph.c:1943
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr ""
 "filen med incheckningsgraf har felaktig checksumma och är troligtvis trasig"
-#: commit-graph.c:1170
+#: commit-graph.c:1953
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafen har felaktig OID-ordning: %s så %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1180 commit-graph.c:1195
+#: commit-graph.c:1963 commit-graph.c:1978
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
 "incheckningsgrafen har felaktig utbredningsvärde: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1187
+#: commit-graph.c:1970
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka incheckning %s från incheckningsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:1204
+#: commit-graph.c:1987
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Bekräftar incheckningar i incheckningsgrafen"
-#: commit-graph.c:1217
+#: commit-graph.c:2000
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
 "misslyckades tolka incheckning %s från objektdatabasen för incheckningsgraf"
-#: commit-graph.c:1224
+#: commit-graph.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr "rot-trädets OID för incheckningen %s i incheckningsgrafen är %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1234
+#: commit-graph.c:2017
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafens föräldralista för incheckningen %s är för lång"
-#: commit-graph.c:1240
+#: commit-graph.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafens förälder för %s är %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1253
+#: commit-graph.c:2039
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr ""
 "incheckningsgrafens föräldralista för incheckningen %s avslutas för tidigt"
-#: commit-graph.c:1258
+#: commit-graph.c:2044
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
@@ -1580,7 +1653,7 @@
 "incheckningsgrafen har generationsnummer noll för incheckningen %s, men icke-"
 "noll på annan plats"
-#: commit-graph.c:1262
+#: commit-graph.c:2048
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
@@ -1588,12 +1661,12 @@
 "incheckningsgrafen har generationsnummer skilt från noll för incheckningen "
 "%s, men noll på annan plats"
-#: commit-graph.c:1277
+#: commit-graph.c:2063
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr "incheckningsgrafens generation för incheckningen %s är %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1283
+#: commit-graph.c:2069
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
@@ -1604,7 +1677,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "minnet slut"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1619,302 +1692,302 @@
 "Det kan bero på cirkulära inkluderingar."
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte expandera inkluderingssökväg \"%s\""
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "relativa konfigureringsinkluderingar måste komma från filer"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr "relativa konfigureringsinkluderingsvillkor måste komma från filer"
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:375
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "nyckeln innehåller inte ett stycke: %s"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "nyckeln innehåller inte variabelnamn: %s"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:405 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "felaktig nyckel: %s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "ogiltig nyckel (nyradstecken): %s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:447 config.c:459
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "falsk konfigureringsparameter: %s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:494
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt format i %s"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "felaktig konfigurationsfil rad %d i blob:en %s"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "felaktig konfigurationsfil rad %d i filen %s"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:828
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "felaktig konfigurationsfil rad %d i standard in"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:832
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "felaktig konfigurationsfil rad %d i undermoduls-blob:en %s"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:836
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "felaktig konfigurationsfil rad %d i kommandoraden %s"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:840
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "felaktig konfigurationsfil rad %d i %s"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:977
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "utanför intervallet"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:977
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "ogiltig enhet"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:978
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt numeriskt konfigurationsvärde \"%s\" för \"%s\": %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "felaktigt numeriskt konfigurationsvärde \"%s\" för \"%s\" i blob:en %s: %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1000
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "felaktigt numeriskt konfigurationsvärde \"%s\" för \"%s\" i filen %s: %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "felaktigt numeriskt konfigurationsvärde \"%s\" för \"%s\" i standard in: %s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1006
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "felaktigt numeriskt konfigurationsvärde \"%s\" för \"%s\" i undermodul-blob:"
 "en %s: %s"
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1009
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "felaktigt numeriskt konfigurationsvärde \"%s\" för \"%s\" i kommandoraden "
 "%s: %s"
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1012
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt numeriskt konfigurationsvärde \"%s\" för \"%s\" i %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1107
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades expandera användarkatalog i: \"%s\""
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1116
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "\"%s\" för \"%s\" är inte en giltig tidsstämpel"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1207
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "förkortningslängd utanför intervallet: %d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1221 config.c:1232
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "felaktigt zlib-komprimeringsgrad %d"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1324
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "core.commentChar kan bara vara ett tecken"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1357
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt läge för skapande av objekt: %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1429
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "felformat värde för %s"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1455
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "felformat värde för %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1456
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr "måste vara en av nothing, matching, simple, upstream eller current"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1517 builtin/pack-objects.c:3399
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "felaktig paketkomprimeringsgrad %d"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa konfigurerings-blobobjektet \"%s\""
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1641
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "referensen \"%s\" pekar inte på en blob"
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte slå upp konfigurerings-bloben \"%s\""
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1688
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka %s"
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1744
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "kan inte tolka kommandoradskonfiguration"
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2093
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr "okänt fel uppstod vid läsning av konfigurationsfilerna"
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2263
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "Felaktigt %s: \"%s\""
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
 "okänt värde \"%s\" för core.untrackedCache; använder standardvärdet \"keep\""
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2332
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr "värdet \"%d\" för splitIndex.maxPercentage borde vara mellan 0 och 100"
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2378
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka värdet \"%s\" från kommandoradskonfiguration"
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2380
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "felaktig konfigurationsvariabel \"%s\" i filen \"%s\" på rad %d"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2461
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "felaktigt sektionsnamn \"%s\""
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2493
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s har flera värden"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2522
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "kan inte skriva nya konfigurationsfilen \"%s\""
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2774 config.c:3098
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte låsa konfigurationsfilen %s"
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2785
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "öppnar %s"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2820 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "ogiltigt mönster: %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2845
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "ogiltig konfigurationsfil: \"%s\""
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2858 config.c:3111
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "fstat misslyckades på %s"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2869
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte utföra mmap på \"%s\""
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2878 config.c:3116
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "chmod misslyckades på %s"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2963 config.c:3213
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva konfigurationsfilen %s"
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2997
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte ställa in \"%s\" till \"%s\""
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:2999 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte ta bort inställning för \"%s\""
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3089
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt namn på stycke: %s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3256
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "värde saknas för \"%s\""
@@ -2080,19 +2153,19 @@
 # Vague original, not networking-related, but rather related to the actual
 # objects in the database.
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Kontrollerar konnektivitet"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte köra \"git rev-list\""
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva till rev-list"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "kunde inte stänga rev-list:s standard in"
@@ -2311,7 +2384,7 @@
 msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)"
 msgstr "ö-regex från konfiguration har för många fångstgrupper (max=%d)"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "Markerade %d öar, klar.\n"
@@ -2387,35 +2460,35 @@
 "Hittade fel i konfigurationsvariabeln \"diff.dirstat\":\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "extern diff dog, stannar vid %s"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--name-only, --name-status, -check och -s är ömsesidigt uteslutande"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-G, -S och --find-object är ömsesidigt uteslutande"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow kräver exakt en sökvägsangivelse"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "ogiltigt värde för --stat: %s"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5216
-#: parse-options.c:200
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
+#: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "%s förväntar ett numeriskt värde"
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2424,42 +2497,42 @@
 "Misslyckades tolka argument till flaggan --dirstat/-X;\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "okänd ändringsklass \"%c\" i --diff-filter=%s"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "okänt värde efter ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte slå upp \"%s\""
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr "%s förväntar formen <n>/<m>"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "%s förväntar ett tecken, fick \"%s\""
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt argument till --color-moved: %s"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "ogiltigt läge %s\" i --color-moved-ws"
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
@@ -2467,149 +2540,149 @@
 "flaggan diff-algorithm godtar\"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" och "
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "ogiltigt argument för %s"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades tolka argument till flaggan --submodule: \"%s\""
-#: diff.c:5240
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt argument --word-diff: %s"
-#: diff.c:5263
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "Formatflaggor för diff-utdata"
-#: diff.c:5265 diff.c:5271
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "skapar patch"
-#: diff.c:5268 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "undertryck diff-utdata"
-#: diff.c:5273 diff.c:5387 diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "<n>"
-#: diff.c:5274 diff.c:5277
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "skapa diffar med <n> rader sammanhang"
-#: diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "generera diff i råformat"
-#: diff.c:5282
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "synonym till \"-p --raw\""
-#: diff.c:5286
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "synonym till \"-p --stat\""
-#: diff.c:5290
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "maskinläsbar --stat"
-#: diff.c:5293
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "skriv bara ut den sista raden för --stat"
-#: diff.c:5295 diff.c:5303
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "<param1,param2>..."
-#: diff.c:5296
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr ""
 "skriv ut distributionen av relativa mängder ändringar för varje underkatalog"
-#: diff.c:5300
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "synonym för --dirstat=cumulative"
-#: diff.c:5304
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "synonym för --dirstat=filer,param1,param2..."
-#: diff.c:5308
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr "varna om ändringar introducerar konfliktmarkörer eller blankstegsfel"
-#: diff.c:5311
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr "kortfattad summering såsom skapade, namnbyten och ändrade lägen"
-#: diff.c:5314
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "visa endast namnen på ändrade filer"
-#: diff.c:5317
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "visa endast namn och status för ändrade filer"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
 msgstr "<bredd>[,<namn-bredd>[,<antal>]]"
-#: diff.c:5320
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "skapa diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5322 diff.c:5325 diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "<bredd>"
-#: diff.c:5323
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "generera en diffstat med given bredd"
-#: diff.c:5326
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "generera en diffstat med given namnbredd"
-#: diff.c:5329
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "generera en diffstat med given grafbredd"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "<antal>"
-#: diff.c:5332
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "generera diffstat med begränsade rader"
-#: diff.c:5335
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "skapa kompakt översikt i diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5338
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "skapa en binärdiff som kan appliceras"
-#: diff.c:5341
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr ""
 "visa fullständiga objektnamn i \"index\"-rader för läget både före och efter"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "visa färgad diff"
-#: diff.c:5344
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr "<typ>"
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
@@ -2617,7 +2690,7 @@
 "ljusmarkera blankstegsfel i \"context\" (sammanhang), \"old\" (gamla) eller "
 "\"new\" (nya) rader i diffen"
-#: diff.c:5348
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2625,87 +2698,87 @@
 "skriv inte om sökvägsnamn och använd NUL-tecken som fältseparerare i --raw "
 "eller --numstat"
-#: diff.c:5351 diff.c:5354 diff.c:5357 diff.c:5463
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr "<prefix>"
-#: diff.c:5352
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "visa givet källprefix istället för \"a/\""
-#: diff.c:5355
-msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"b/\""
-msgstr "visa givet källprefix istället för \"b/\""
+#: diff.c:5362
+msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
+msgstr "visa givet målprefix istället för \"b/\""
-#: diff.c:5358
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "lägg till ytterligare prefix på alla rader i utdata"
-#: diff.c:5361
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "visa inte käll- eller målprefix"
-#: diff.c:5364
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr "visa sammnhang mellan diff-stycken upp till angivet antal rader"
-#: diff.c:5368 diff.c:5373 diff.c:5378
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "<tecken>"
-#: diff.c:5369
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "ange tecken för att ange ny rad istället för \"+\""
-#: diff.c:5374
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "ange tecken för att ange gammal rad istället för \"-\""
-#: diff.c:5379
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr "ange tecken för att ange sammanhang istället för \" \""
-#: diff.c:5382
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "Diff-namnbytesflaggor"
-#: diff.c:5383
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr "dela upp kompletta omskrivningar till ta bort och skapa-par"
-#: diff.c:5388
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "detektera namnändringar"
-#: diff.c:5392
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "ta bort för-version för borttagningar"
-#: diff.c:5395
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "detektera kopior"
-#: diff.c:5399
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr "använd oförändrade som källa för att hitta kopior"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "inaktivera detektering av namnbyten"
-#: diff.c:5404
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "använd tomma blob:ar som namnändringskälla"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr "fortsätt lista historiken för en fil bortom namnändringar"
-#: diff.c:5409
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
@@ -2713,159 +2786,159 @@
 "förhindra namnbyte/kopie-detektering om antalet namnbyten/kopior överskriver "
 "given gräns"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "Alternativ för diff-algoritm"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "skapa minsta möjliga diff"
-#: diff.c:5416
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "ignorera blanktecken vid radjämförelse"
-#: diff.c:5419
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "ignorera ändringar i antal blanktecken vid radjämförelse"
-#: diff.c:5422
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "ignorera blanktecken vid radslut"
-#: diff.c:5425
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "ignorera CR-tecken vid radslut"
-#: diff.c:5428
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "ignorera ändringar i rader som är helt blanka"
-#: diff.c:5431
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr "heuristik för att flytta diff-gränser för lättare läsning"
-#: diff.c:5434
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "skapa diffar med algoritmen \"patience diff\""
-#: diff.c:5438
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "skapa diffar med algoritmen \"histogram diff\""
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "<algoritm>"
-#: diff.c:5441
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "välj en diff-algoritm"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "<text>"
-#: diff.c:5444
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "skapa diffar med algoritmen \"anchored diff\""
-#: diff.c:5446 diff.c:5455 diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "<läge>"
-#: diff.c:5447
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr "visa orddiff, där <läge> avgränsar ändrade ord"
-#: diff.c:5449 diff.c:5452 diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr "<reguttr>"
-#: diff.c:5450
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "använd <reguttr> för att bestämma vad som är ett ord"
-#: diff.c:5453
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr "motsvarar --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<reguttr>"
-#: diff.c:5456
-msgid "move lines of code are colored differently"
+#: diff.c:5463
+msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "flyttade kodrader färgas på annat sätt"
-#: diff.c:5459
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr "hur blanktecken ignoreras i --color-moved"
-#: diff.c:5462
-msgid "Diff other options"
+#: diff.c:5469
+msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "Andra diff-flaggor"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
 "vid start från underkatalog, uteslut ändringar utanför och visa relativa "
-#: diff.c:5468
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "hantera alla filer som text"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "växla två indatafiler, vänd diffen"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr "avsluta med 1 vid ändringar, annars 0"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "slå av alla utdata från programmet"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "tillåt köra en extern diff-hjälpare"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr "kör externt textkonverteringsfiler när binärfiler jämförs"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "<när>"
-#: diff.c:5481
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr "ignorera ändringar i undermoduler när diffen skapas"
-#: diff.c:5484
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "<format>"
-#: diff.c:5485
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr "ange hur ändringar i undermoduler visas"
-#: diff.c:5489
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "dölj \"git add -N\"-poster från indexet"
-#: diff.c:5492
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "tolka \"git add -N\"-poster som äkta i indexet"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "<sträng>"
-#: diff.c:5495
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr "se efter ändringar som ändrar antalet förekomster av angiven sträng"
-#: diff.c:5498
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2873,54 +2946,54 @@
 "se efter ändringar som ändrar antalet förekomster av angivet reguljärt "
-#: diff.c:5501
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr "visa alla ändringar i ändringsuppsättningen med -S eller -G"
-#: diff.c:5504
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr "tolka <sträng> i -S som utökade POSIX-reguljära uttryck"
-#: diff.c:5507
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr "styr ordningen i vilken filer visas i utdata"
-#: diff.c:5508
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr "<objekt-id>"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr "se efter ändringar som ändrar antalet förekomster av angivet objekt"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5512
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "välj filter efter diff-typ"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "<fil>"
-#: diff.c:5515
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "Skriv utdata till en specifik fil"
-#: diff.c:6148
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "onöjaktig namnbytesdetektering utfördes inte på grund av för många filer."
-#: diff.c:6151
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr "hittade bara kopior från ändrade sökvägar på grund av för många filer."
-#: diff.c:6154
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -3021,34 +3094,34 @@
 #: fetch-pack.c:258
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "--stateless-rpc kräver ”multi_ack_detailed”"
+msgstr "--stateless-rpc kräver \"multi_ack_detailed\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "ogiltig \"shallow\"-rad: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "ogiltig \"unshallow\"-rad: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "objektet hittades inte: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "fel i objekt: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "ingen \"shallow\" hittades: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "förväntade shallow/unshallow, fick %s"
@@ -3067,7 +3140,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "ger upp"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "klart"
@@ -3108,155 +3181,131 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "fel i sidbands-avmultiplexare"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "Servern stöder inte klienter med grunda arkiv"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"multi_ack_detailed\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"no-done\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"multi_ack\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"side-band-64k\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"side-band\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"allow-tip-sha1-in-want\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"allow-reachable-sha1-in-want\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "Servern stöder \"ofs-delta\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "Servern stöder filter"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "Serverversionen är %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "Servern stöder %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "Servern stöder inte klienter med grunda arkiv"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "Servern stöder inte --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "Servern stöder inte --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "Servern stöder inte --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "inga gemensamma incheckningar"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-patch: hämtning misslyckades."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "Servern stöder inte grunda förfrågningar"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "Servern stöder filter"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva anrop till fjärren"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "fel vid läsning av styckehuvudet \"%s\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "förväntade \"%s\", tog emot \"%s\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr "förväntade bekräftelserad: \"%s\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "fel vid hantering av bekräftelser: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr "väntade att paketfil skulle sändas efter \"ready\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr ""
 "väntade inte att några ytterligare sektioner skulle sändas efter \"ready\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "fel vid hantering av grund (\"shallow\") info: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "förväntade wanted-ref, fick %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "oväntad wanted-ref: \"%s\""
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "fel vid hantering av önskade referenser: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "inget motsvarande fjärrhuvud"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "fjärren sände inte alla nödvändiga objekt"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "ingen sådan fjärreferens: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "Servern tillåter inte förfrågan om ej tillkännagivet objekt %s"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg misslyckades signera data"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa temporära fil"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades skriva fristående signatur till \"%s\""
@@ -3266,18 +3315,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "ignorera felaktig färg \"%.*s\" i log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "\"%s\" kunde inte läsa %s"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:414 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades ta status på \"%s\""
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "\"%s\": kort läsning"
@@ -3347,7 +3396,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Dessa vanliga Git-kommandon används i olika situationer:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "okänd kommandolisttyp \"%s\""
@@ -3389,13 +3438,13 @@
 #: help.c:682
 #, c-format
 msgid "Continuing under the assumption that you meant '%s'."
-msgstr "Fortsätter under förutsättningen att du menade ”%s”."
+msgstr "Fortsätter under förutsättningen att du menade \"%s\"."
 #: help.c:687
 #, c-format
 msgid "Continuing in %0.1f seconds, assuming that you meant '%s'."
 msgstr ""
-"Fortsätter om %0.1f sekunder, under förutsättningen att du menade ”%s”."
+"Fortsätter om %0.1f sekunder, under förutsättningen att du menade \"%s\"."
 #: help.c:695
 #, c-format
@@ -3493,7 +3542,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "namnet består enbart av ej tillåtna tecken: %s"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt datumformat: %s"
@@ -3521,7 +3570,16 @@
 msgid "expected 'tree:<depth>'"
 msgstr "förväntade \"tree:<djup>\""
-#: list-objects-filter-options.c:156
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:84
+msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
+msgstr "sparse:sökväg-filter stöds inte längre"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "felaktig filterspecifikation: \"%s\""
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "kan inte ändra kontraktsfjärr för delvis kloning"
@@ -3554,8 +3612,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa cachen"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:776
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva ny indexfil"
@@ -3581,94 +3639,94 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "fel vid byggande av träd"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa sökvägen \"%s\"%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Tar bort %s för att göra plats för underkatalog\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": kanske en K/F-konflikt?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "vägrar förlora ospårad fil vid \"%s\""
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa objektet %s: \"%s\""
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "blob förväntades för %s \"%s\""
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades öppna \"%s\": %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa symboliska länken \"%s\": %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "vet inte hur %06o %s \"%s\" skall hanteras"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Misslyckades slå ihop undermodulen %s (ej utcheckad)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Misslyckades slå ihop undermodulen %s (incheckningar saknas)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr ""
 "Misslyckades slå ihop undermodulen %s (incheckningar följer inte "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Snabbspolar undermodulen %s till följande incheckning:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Snabbspolar undermodulen %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Misslyckades slå ihop undermodulen %s (sammanslagning efter incheckningar "
 "hittades inte)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Misslyckades slå ihop undermodulen %s (ej snabbspolning)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Hittade en möjlig lösning av sammanslagning för undermodulen:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3685,32 +3743,32 @@
 "vilket godtar lösningen.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Misslyckades slå ihop undermodulen %s (flera sammanslagningar hittades)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Misslyckades exekvera intern sammanslagning"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "Kunde inte lägga till %s till databasen"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "Slår ihop %s automatiskt"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr "Fel: Vägrar förlora ospårad fil vid %s; skriver till %s istället."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3719,7 +3777,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/radera): %s raderad i %s och %s i %s. Versionen %s av %s lämnad "
 "i trädet."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3728,7 +3786,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/radera): %s raderad i %s och %s till %s i %s. Versionen %s av "
 "%s lämnad i trädet."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3737,7 +3795,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/radera): %s raderad i %s och %s i %s. Versionen %s av %s lämnad "
 "i trädet vid %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3746,40 +3804,40 @@
 "KONFLIKT (%s/radera): %s raderad i %s och %s till %s i %s. Versionen %s av "
 "%s lämnad i trädet vid %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "namnbyte"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "namnbytt"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3093
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "Vägrar förlora lortig fil vid \"%s\""
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr "Vägrar förlora ospårad fil vid %s, trots att den är i vägen."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr "KONFLIKT (namnbyte/tillägg): Namnbyte %s->%s i %s. Lade till %s i %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s är en katalog i %s lägger till som %s istället"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Vägrar förlora ospårad fil vid %s; lägger till som %s istället"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -3788,17 +3846,17 @@
 "KONFLIKT (namnbyte/namnbyte): Namnbyte \"%s\"->\"%s\" på grenen \"%s\" "
 "namnbyte \"%s\"->\"%s\" i \"%s\"%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (lämnad olöst)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "KONFLIKT (namnbyte/namnbyte): Namnbyte %s->%s i %s. Namnbyte %s->%s i %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3809,7 +3867,7 @@
 "katalogen %s bytte namn till flera andra kataloger, utan att någon "
 "destination fick en majoritet av filerna."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -3818,7 +3876,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (implicit nämnändrad kat): Befintlig fil/kat vid %s är i vägen för "
 "implicit namnändrad(e) katalog(er) som lägger dit följande sökväg(ar): %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -3827,7 +3885,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (implicit namnändrad kat): Kan inte koppla mer än en sökväg till "
 "%s; implicita katalognamnändringar försökte lägga följande sökvägar där: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -3836,7 +3894,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (namnbyte/namnbyte): Namnbytt katalog %s->%s i %s. Namnbytt katalog "
 "%s->%s i %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
@@ -3845,52 +3903,52 @@
 "VARNING: Undviker att applicera namnändring %s -> %s på %s, då %s själv har "
 "bytt namn."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2937
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa objektet %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2940
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "objektet %s är inte en blob"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3004
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "ändra"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3004
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "ändrad"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3016
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "innehåll"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3020
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "tillägg/tillägg"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3043
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "Hoppade över %s (sammanslagen samma som befintlig)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3065
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "undermodul"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "KONFLIKT (%s): Sammanslagningskonflikt i %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3096
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Lägger till som %s istället"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3178
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -3899,7 +3957,7 @@
 "Uppdaterad sökväg: %s lade till %s inuti en katalog som bytte namn i %s; "
 "flyttar den till %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3181
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -3908,7 +3966,7 @@
 "KONFLIKT (filplacering): %s lade till %s inuti en katalog som bytte namn i "
 "%s, föreslår att den bör flyttas till%s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3185
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -3917,7 +3975,7 @@
 "Uppdaterad sökväg: %s bytte namn till %s i %s, inuti en katalog som bytte "
 "namn i %s; flyttar den till %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3188
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -3926,36 +3984,36 @@
 "KONFLIKT (filplacering): %s bytte namn till %s i %s, inuti en katalog som "
 "bytte namn i %s; flyttar den till %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3302
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Tar bort %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3325
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "fil/katalog"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3330
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "katalog/fil"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3337
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 "KONFLIKT (%s): Det finns en katalog med namnet %s i %s. Lägger till %s som %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3346
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Lägger till %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3355
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "KONFLIKT (tillägg/tillägg): Sammanslagningskonflikt i %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3393
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -3965,175 +4023,188 @@
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3404
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Redan à jour!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3413
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "sammanslagning av träden %s och %s misslyckades"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3512
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Slår ihop:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3525
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "hittade %u gemensam förfader:"
 msgstr[1] "hittade %u gemensamma förfäder:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3564
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "sammanslagningen returnerade ingen incheckning"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3630
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte tolka objektet \"%s\""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3646 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Kunde inte skriva indexet."
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "multi-pack-indexfilen %s är för liten"
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr "multi-pack-indexsignaturen 0x%08x stämmer inte med signaturen 0x%08x"
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "multi-pack-indexversionen %d stöds inte"
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "hash-versionen %u stämmer inte"
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "felaktigt offset för stycke (för stort)"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr "avslutande multi-pack-index-stycke-ID förekommer tidigare än förväntat"
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index saknar krävd paketnamn-stycke"
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index saknar krävt OID-utbredningsstycke"
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index saknar krävt OID-uppslagnignsstycke"
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index saknar krävt objekt-offsetstycke"
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index-paketnamn i fel ordning: \"%s\" före \"%s\""
-#: midx.c:209
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u paket totalt)"
-#: midx.c:250
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index skriver 64-bitars offset, men off_t är för liten"
-#: midx.c:275
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr "fel när paketfiler från multi-pack-index skulle förberedas"
-#: midx.c:443
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa paketfilen \"%s\""
-#: midx.c:449
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades öppna paketindexet \"%s\""
-#: midx.c:543
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "misslyckades hitta objekt %d i paketfilen"
-#: midx.c:979
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "såg inte paketfilen %s som skulle kastas"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades städa multi-pack-index på %s"
-#: midx.c:1034
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "Ser efter refererade packfiler"
-#: midx.c:1049
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
 msgstr ""
 "oid-utbredning i fel ordning: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1053
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr "Bekräftar OID-ordning i MIDX"
-#: midx.c:1062
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr "oid-uppslagning i fel ordning: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1081
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "Sorterar objekt efter packfil"
-#: midx.c:1087
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "Bekräftar offset för objekt"
-#: midx.c:1103
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa paketpost för oid[%d] = %s"
-#: midx.c:1109
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa paketindex för paketfil %s"
-#: midx.c:1118
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr "felaktigt objekt-offset för oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "kunde inte starta pack-objects"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "kunde inte avsluta pack-objects"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa lazy_dir-tråd: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa lazy_name-tråd: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades utföra join på lazy_name-tråd: %s"
@@ -4203,16 +4274,16 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "hashvärde stämmer inte överens %s"
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "offset före slutet av packfilen (trasig .idx?)"
-#: packfile.c:1880
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr "offset före slutet av packindex för %s (trasigt index?)"
-#: packfile.c:1884
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr "offset borton slutet av packindex för %s (trunkerat index?)"
@@ -4232,7 +4303,7 @@
 msgid "%s : incompatible with something else"
 msgstr "%s: inkompatibelt med något annat"
-#: parse-options.c:92 parse-options.c:96 parse-options.c:287
+#: parse-options.c:92 parse-options.c:96 parse-options.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s takes no value"
 msgstr "%s tar inget värde"
@@ -4242,41 +4313,41 @@
 msgid "%s isn't available"
 msgstr "%s är inte tillgängligt"
-#: parse-options.c:216
+#: parse-options.c:219
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a non-negative integer value with an optional k/m/g suffix"
 msgstr "%s förväntar ett icke-negativt heltalsvärde, med valfritt k/m/g-suffix"
-#: parse-options.c:356
+#: parse-options.c:389
 #, c-format
 msgid "ambiguous option: %s (could be --%s%s or --%s%s)"
 msgstr "tvetydig flagga: %s (kan vara --%s%s eller --%s%s)"
-#: parse-options.c:390 parse-options.c:398
+#: parse-options.c:423 parse-options.c:431
 #, c-format
 msgid "did you mean `--%s` (with two dashes ?)"
 msgstr "menade du \"--%s\" (med två bindestreck?)"
-#: parse-options.c:733
+#: parse-options.c:859
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option `%s'"
 msgstr "okänd flagga \"%s\""
-#: parse-options.c:735
+#: parse-options.c:861
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown switch `%c'"
 msgstr "okänd flagga \"%c\""
-#: parse-options.c:737
+#: parse-options.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown non-ascii option in string: `%s'"
 msgstr "okänd icke-ascii-flagga i strängen: \"%s\""
-#: parse-options.c:759
+#: parse-options.c:887
 msgid "..."
 msgstr "..."
-#: parse-options.c:778
+#: parse-options.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "usage: %s"
 msgstr "användning: %s"
@@ -4284,37 +4355,42 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: the colon here should align with the
 #. one in "usage: %s" translation.
-#: parse-options.c:784
+#: parse-options.c:912
 #, c-format
 msgid "   or: %s"
 msgstr "     eller: %s"
-#: parse-options.c:787
+#: parse-options.c:915
 #, c-format
 msgid "    %s"
 msgstr "    %s"
-#: parse-options.c:826
+#: parse-options.c:954
 msgid "-NUM"
 msgstr "-TAL"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:21
+#: parse-options.c:968
+#, c-format
+msgid "alias of --%s"
+msgstr "alias för --%s"
+#: parse-options-cb.c:20 parse-options-cb.c:24
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "flaggan \"%s\" antar ett numeriskt värde"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:38
+#: parse-options-cb.c:41
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed expiration date '%s'"
-msgstr "trasigt utlöpsdatum: ”%s”"
+msgstr "trasigt utlöpsdatum: \"%s\""
-#: parse-options-cb.c:51
+#: parse-options-cb.c:54
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' expects \"always\", \"auto\", or \"never\""
 msgstr ""
 "flaggan \"%s\" antar \"always\" (alltid), \"auto\" eller \"never\" (aldrig)"
-#: parse-options-cb.c:127 parse-options-cb.c:144
+#: parse-options-cb.c:130 parse-options-cb.c:147
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name '%s'"
 msgstr "felformat objektnamn \"%s\""
@@ -4371,7 +4447,7 @@
 #: pathspec.c:368
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unimplemented pathspec magic '%c' in '%s'"
-msgstr "Ej implementerat sökvägsuttryckmagi ”%c” i ”%s”"
+msgstr "Ej implementerat sökvägsuttryckmagi \"%c\" i \"%s\""
 #: pathspec.c:427
 #, c-format
@@ -4462,24 +4538,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka format för --pretty"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "kunde inte starta \"log\""
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa utdata från \"log\""
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka incheckningen \"%s\""
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "kunde inte tolka git-huvudet \"%.*s\""
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa diff"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka loggen för \"%s\""
@@ -4595,11 +4676,10 @@
 msgstr "osorterade köposter för \"%s\""
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "indexfilen trasig"
@@ -4653,32 +4733,32 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "trasigt index, förväntade %s i %s, fick %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2988 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte stänga \"%s\""
-#: read-cache.c:3091 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte ta status på \"%s\""
-#: read-cache.c:3104
+#: read-cache.c:3105
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open git dir: %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna git-katalog: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:3116
+#: read-cache.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unlink: %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades ta bort länken: %s"
-#: read-cache.c:3141
+#: read-cache.c:3142
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fix permission bits on '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte rätta behörighetsbitar på \"%s\""
-#: read-cache.c:3290
+#: read-cache.c:3291
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot drop to stage #0"
 msgstr "%s: kan inte återgå till kö 0"
@@ -4741,7 +4821,7 @@
 msgstr[0] "Ombasera %s på %s (%d kommando)"
 msgstr[1] "Ombasera %s på %s (%d kommandon)"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -4750,7 +4830,7 @@
 "Ta inte bort rader. Använd \"drop\" för att specifikt förkasta en "
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -4758,7 +4838,7 @@
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4772,7 +4852,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -4782,12 +4862,12 @@
 "Ombaseringen kommer dock att avbrytas om du tar bort allting.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "Observera att tomma incheckningar är utkommenterade"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva \"%s\""
@@ -4826,97 +4906,98 @@
 "\" (fel).\n"
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "\"%s\" pekar inte på ett giltigt objekt!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "ignorerar dinglande symbolisk referens %s"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "ignorerar trasig referens %s"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna \"%s\" för skrivning: %s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte läsa referensen \"%s\""
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "referensen \"%s\" finns redan"
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "oväntat objekt-id vid skrivning \"%s\""
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva till \"%s\""
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna \"%s\" för skrivning"
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "oväntat objekt-id vid borttagning \"%s\""
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "loggen för referensen %s har lucka efter %s"
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "loggen för referensen %s slutade oväntat på %s"
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "loggen för %s är tom"
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "vägrar uppdatera referens med trasigt namn \"%s\""
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "update_ref misslyckades för referensen \"%s\": %s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "flera uppdateringar för referensen \"%s\" tillåts inte"
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "referensuppdateringar förbjudna i karantänmiljö"
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "\"%s\" finns; kan inte skapa \"%s\""
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "kan inte hantera \"%s\" och \"%s\" samtidigt"
@@ -4942,268 +5023,252 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "felaktig referensspecifikation: \"%s\""
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1907
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "försvunnen"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "före %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "bakom %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "före %d, bakom %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "förväntat format: %%(color:<color>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "okänd färg: %%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Heltalsvärde förväntades refname:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Heltalsvärde förväntades refname:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt %%(%s)-argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) tar inte argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt %%(objectsize)-argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) tar inte argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) tar inte argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) tar inte argument"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt %%(trailers)-argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "positivt värde förväntat contents:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt %%(contents)-argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "positivt värde förväntat objectname:short=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt %%(objectname)-argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "förväntat format: %%(align:<bredd>,<position>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "okänd position:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "okänd bredd:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt %%(align)-argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "positiv bredd förväntad med atomen %%(align)"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "okänt %%(if)-argument: %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "felformat fältnamn: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "okänt fältnamn: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr ""
 "inte ett git-arkiv, men fältet \"%.*s\" kräver tillgång till objektdata"
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(if) använd utan en %%(then)-atom"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(then) använd utan en %%(if)-atom"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(then) använd mer än en gång"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(then) använd efter %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(else) använd utan en %%(if)-atom"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(else) använd utan en %%(then)-atom"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(else) använd mer än en gång"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(end) använd utan motsvarande atom"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "felformad formatsträng %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(ingen gren, ombaserar %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "ingen gren, ombaserar %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(ingen gren, ombaserar frånkopplat HEAD %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "ingen gren, ombaserar frånkopplat HEAD %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(ingen gren, \"bisect\" startad på %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "ingen gren, \"bisect\" startad på %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD frånkopplat vid %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "ingen gren"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD frånkopplat från %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(ingen gren)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "objektet %s saknas för %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "parse_object_buffer misslyckades på %s för %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "felformat objekt vid \"%s\""
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "ignorerar referens med trasigt namn %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "format: atomen %%(end) saknas"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "flaggan \"%s\" är inkompatibel med --merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "flaggan \"%s\" är inkompatibel med --no-merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "felformat objektnamn %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "flaggan \"%s\" måste peka på en incheckning"
@@ -5545,8 +5610,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "Sparade förhandsbild för \"%s\""
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1790
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa katalogen \"%s\""
@@ -5580,20 +5645,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "kan inte uppdatera katalogen rr-cache"
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "din nuvarande gren verkar vara trasig"
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "din nuvarande gren \"%s\" innehåller ännu inte några incheckningar"
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "--first-parent är inkompatibelt med --bisect"
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr "-L stöder ännu inte andra diff-format än -p och -s"
@@ -5663,24 +5728,29 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte ta bort \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "kunde inte ta bort \"%s\""
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "revert"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "cherry-pick"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "okänd funktion: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -5688,7 +5758,7 @@
 "efter att ha löst konflikterna, markera de rättade sökvägarna\n"
 "med \"git add <sökvägar>\" eller \"git rm <sökvägar>\""
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -5698,44 +5768,44 @@
 "med \"git add <sökvägar>\" eller \"git rm <sökvägar>\"\n"
 "och checka in resultatet med \"git commit\""
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte låsa \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva radslut till \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades färdigställa \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "dina lokala ändringar skulle skrivas över av %s."
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "checka in dina ändringar eller använd \"stash\" för att fortsätta."
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: snabbspola"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "Felaktigt städningsläge %s"
@@ -5743,70 +5813,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: Kunde inte skriva ny indexfil"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "kan inte uppdatera cacheträd"
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "kunde inte bestämma HEAD:s incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "ingen nyckel i  \"%.*s\""
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte ta bort citering av värdet \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna \"%s\" för läsning"
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "\"GIT_AUTHOR_NAME\" har redan angivits"
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "\"GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL\" har redan angivits"
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "\"GIT_AUTHOR_DATE\" har redan angivits"
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "okänd variabel \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "\"GIT_AUTHOR_NAME\" saknas"
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "\"GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL\" saknas"
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "\"GIT_AUTHOR_DATE\" saknas"
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "ogiltigt datumformat \"%s\" i \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -5835,15 +5905,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "skriver rotincheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "kroken \"prepare-commit-msg\" misslyckades"
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5870,7 +5940,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5895,307 +5965,350 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "kunde inte slå upp en precis skapad incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka en precis skapad incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "kunde inte bestämma HEAD efter att ha skapat incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "frånkopplad HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (rotincheckning)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s är inte en incheckning!"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka HEAD:s incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka incheckningens författare"
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "git write-tree misslyckades skriva ett träd"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa incheckningsmeddelande från \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva incheckningsobjekt"
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka incheckningen %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka föräldraincheckningen %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "okänt kommando: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Det här är en kombination av %d incheckningar."
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "behöver en HEAD-incheckning att rätta"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa HEAD:s incheckningsmeddelande"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte skriva \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Det här är 1:a incheckningsmeddelandet:"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa incheckningsmeddelande för %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Det här är incheckningsmeddelande %d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Incheckningsmeddelande %d kommer hoppas över:"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "din indexfil har inte slagits ihop."
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "kan inte göra \"fixup\" på rotincheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "incheckning %s är en sammanslagning, men flaggan -m angavs inte."
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "incheckning %s har inte förälder %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "kan inte hämta incheckningsmeddelande för %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: kan inte tolka föräldraincheckningen %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte byta namn på \"%s\" till \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte ångra %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte tillämpa %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: misslyckades läsa indexet"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: misslyckades uppdatera indexet"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s tar inte argument: \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "argument saknas för %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka \"%.*s\""
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "ogiltig rad %d: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "kan inte utföra \"%s\" utan en föregående incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa \"%s\"."
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "avbryter pågående \"cherry-pick\""
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "avbryter pågående \"revert\""
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "rätta det med \"git rebase --edit-todo\"."
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
-msgstr "oanvändbart manus: ”%s”"
+msgstr "oanvändbart manus: \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "inga incheckningar lästes."
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "kan inte utföra \"cherry-pick\" under en \"revert\"."
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "kan inte utföra \"revert\" under en \"cherry-pick\"."
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "felaktigt värde för %s: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "oanvändbar squash-onto"
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
-msgstr "trasigt manus: ”%s”"
+msgstr "trasigt manus: \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "den angivna uppsättningen incheckningar är tom"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr "en \"cherry-pick\" eller \"revert\" pågår redan"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "en \"revert\" pågår redan"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "testa \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "testa \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "en \"cherry-pick\" pågår redan"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "testa \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa \"sequencer\"-katalogen \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "kunde inte låsa HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "ingen \"cherry-pick\" eller \"revert\" pågår"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "kan inte bestämma HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "kan inte avbryta från en gren som ännu inte är född"
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte öppna \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa \"%s\": %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "oväntat filslut"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "sparad HEAD-fil från före \"cherry-pick\", \"%s\", är trasig"
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr ""
 "Du verkar ha flyttat HEAD.\n"
 "Spolar inte tillbaka, kontrollera HEAD!"
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "ingen \"revers\" pågår"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "ingen \"cherry-pick\" pågår"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "kunde inte hoppa över incheckningen"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "ingenting att hoppa över"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"har du redan checkat in?\n"
+"testa \"git %s --continue\""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte uppdatera %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte kopiera in \"%s\" till \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6214,27 +6327,27 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "Kunde inte tillämpa %s... %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "Kunde inte slå ihop %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:639
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte kopiera in \"%s\" till \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa indexet"
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6249,11 +6362,11 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "och gjorde ändringar till indexet och/eller arbetskatalogen\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6270,76 +6383,76 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "ogiltigt etikettnamn: \"%.*s\""
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "skriver fejkad rotincheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "skriver squash-onto"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte hitta trädet för %s."
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva indexet"
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte upplösa \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "kan inte slå ihop utan en aktuell incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "kan inte tolka \"%.*s\""
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "inget att slå samman: \"%.*s\""
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr "\"octopus\"-sammanslagning kan inte köras ovanpå en [ny rot]"
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa incheckningsmeddelande för \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte ens försöka slå ihop \"%.*s\""
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "sammanslagning: Kunde inte skriva ny indexfil"
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Tillämpade autostash.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "kan inte spara %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6350,31 +6463,31 @@
 "Dina ändringar är säkra i stashen.\n"
 "Du kan när som helst använda \"git stash pop\" eller \"git stash drop\".\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte checka ut %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "%s: inte ett giltigt OID"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "kunde inte koppla från HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Stoppade på HEAD\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Stoppade på %s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6395,48 +6508,48 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Stoppade på %s... %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "okänt kommando %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa \"onto\""
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte uppdatera HEAD till %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "kan inte ombasera: Du har oköade ändringar."
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "kan inte lägga till incheckning som inte finns"
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "ogiltig fil: \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "ogiltigt innehåll: \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6446,42 +6559,42 @@
 "Du har ändringar i arbetskatalogen som inte checkats in. Checka in dem\n"
 "först och kör sedan \"git rebase --continue\" igen."
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva fil: \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "kunde inte ta bort CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "kunde inte checka in köade ändringar."
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
-msgstr "%s: kan inte göra \"cherry-pick\" på typen ”%s”"
+msgstr "%s: kan inte göra \"cherry-pick\" på typen \"%s\""
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: felaktig revision"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "kan inte ångra som första incheckning"
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: flaggor som inte stöds"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: fel när revisioner skulle förberedas"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
@@ -6491,15 +6604,15 @@
 "Avbryt ombaseringen med \"git rebase --abort\".\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "inget att göra"
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "kunde inte hoppa över onödiga \"pick\"-kommandon"
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "skriptet har redan omordnats."
@@ -6719,215 +6832,220 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "referensarkivet \"%s\" är ympat"
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "felaktig rad vid tolkning av alternativa referenser: %s"
+#: sha1-file.c:943
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "försök att utföra \"mmap\" på %<PRIuMAX> över gränsen %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:968
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "mmap misslyckades"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1132
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "objektfilen %s är tom"
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1256 sha1-file.c:2395
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "trasigt löst objekt \"%s\""
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1258 sha1-file.c:2399
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "skräp i slutet av löst objekt \"%s\""
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1300
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "felaktig objekttyp"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "kan inte packa upp %s-huvud med --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "kan inte packa upp %s-huvudet"
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1393
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "kan inte tolka %s-huvud med --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1396
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "kan inte tolka %s-huvud"
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1587
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa objektet %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1591
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "ersättningen %s hittades inte för %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "löst objekt %s (lagrat i %s) är trasigt"
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1599
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "packat objekt %s (lagrat i %s) är trasigt"
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva filen %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1709
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte sätta behörigheten till \"%s\""
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1716
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "fel vid skrivning av fil"
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1735
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "fel vid stängning av fil för löst objekt"
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1800
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
 "otillräcklig behörighet för att lägga till objekt till arkivdatabasen %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1802
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "kan inte skapa temporär fil"
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1826
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva fil för löst objekt"
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1832
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "kan inte utföra \"deflate\" på nytt objekt %s (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1836
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "\"deflateend\" på objektet %s misslyckades (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "förvirrad av instabil objektkälldata för %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1850 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "\"utime()\" misslyckades på %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1925
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa objekt för %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1965
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "trasik incheckning"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1973
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "trasig tagg"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2072
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "läsfel vid indexering av %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2075
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "för lite lästes vid indexering av %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2148 sha1-file.c:2157
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "%s: misslyckades lägga in i databasen"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2163
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "%s: filtypen stöds ej"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2187
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "%s är inte ett giltigt objekt"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2189
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s är inte ett giltigt \"%s\"-objekt"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2216 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "kan inte öppna %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2406 sha1-file.c:2458
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "hash stämmer inte för %s (förväntade %s)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2430
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "kan inte utföra \"mmap\" för %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2435
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "kan inte packa upp huvud för %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2441
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "kan inte tolka huvud för %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2452
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "kan inte tolka innehåll i %s"
-#: sha1-name.c:487
+#: sha1-name.c:490
 #, c-format
 msgid "short SHA1 %s is ambiguous"
 msgstr "kort SHA1 %s är tvetydig"
-#: sha1-name.c:498
+#: sha1-name.c:501
 msgid "The candidates are:"
 msgstr "Kandidaterna är:"
-#: sha1-name.c:794
+#: sha1-name.c:800
 msgid ""
 "Git normally never creates a ref that ends with 40 hex characters\n"
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
@@ -6937,12 +7055,64 @@
 "tecken, då detta ignoreras när du anger 40-hex enbart. Dessa\n"
 "referenser kan skapas av misstag. Till exempel, för\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "där \"$br\" på något sätt blivit tomt och en 40-hex-referens skapats.\n"
 "Undersök referenserna och ta kanske bort dem. Stäng av meddelandet\n"
 "genom att köra \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u,%2.2u GiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u,%2.2u GiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u,%2.2u MiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u,%2.2u MiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u,%2.2u KiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u,%2.2u KiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte"
+msgstr[1] "%u bytes"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte/s"
+msgstr[1] "%u bytes/s"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6978,7 +7148,7 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "undermodulposten \"%s\" (%s) är en %s, inte en incheckning"
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Misslyckades slå upp HEAD som giltig referens."
@@ -7017,7 +7187,7 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "Undermoduler \"%s\" kunde inte uppdateras."
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
@@ -7025,12 +7195,12 @@
 "relocate_gitdir för undermodulen \"%s\", som har mer än en arbetskatalog, "
 "stöds ej"
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte slå upp namnet för undermodulen \"%s\""
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7041,16 +7211,16 @@
 "\"%s\" till\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte rekursera in i undermodulen \"%s\""
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "kunde inte starta ls-files i .."
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree returnerade en oväntad returkod %d"
@@ -7146,7 +7316,7 @@
 #: transport.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "transport: invalid depth option '%s'"
-msgstr "transport: ogiltig flagga för depth: ”%s”"
+msgstr "transport: ogiltig flagga för depth: \"%s\""
 #: transport.c:259
 msgid "see protocol.version in 'git help config' for more details"
@@ -7222,15 +7392,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "kunde inte sända alla nödvändiga undermoduler"
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "funktionen stöds inte av protokollet"
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "felaktig rad vid tolkning av alternativa referenser: %s"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "komplett skrivning till fjärrhjälpare misslyckades"
@@ -7277,7 +7442,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "fel när fast-import kördes"
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa referensen %s"
@@ -7330,24 +7495,24 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "hjälparen %s stöder inte \"push-option\""
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr "fjärrhjälparen stöder inte push; referensspecifikation krävs"
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "hjälparen %s stöder inte \"force\""
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "kunde inte köra fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "fel vid körning av fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7356,47 +7521,47 @@
 "Inga gemensamma referenser och inga angavs; gör inget.\n"
 "Du kanske borde ange en gren såsom \"master\".\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "felformat svar i referenslistan: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "läs(%s) misslyckades"
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "skriv(%s) misslyckades"
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "%s-tråden misslyckades"
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "%s-tråden misslyckades ansluta: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "kan inte starta tråd för kopiering av data: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "processen %s misslyckades vänta"
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "processen %s misslyckades"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "kan inte skapa tråd för kopiering av data"
@@ -7412,7 +7577,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "tomt filnamn i trädpost"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "trädfil för kort"
@@ -7649,8 +7814,8 @@
 msgstr "Avbryter\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "Checkar ut filer"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "Uppdaterar filer"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -7691,32 +7856,32 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "felaktigt \"..\"-sökvägssegment"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa \"%s\""
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr "\"%s\" i huvudarbetskatalogen är inte arkivkatalogen"
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr "filen \"%s\" innehåller inte absolut sökväg till arbetskatalogen"
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "\"%s\" finns inte"
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är inte en .git-fil, felkod %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "\"%s\" pekar inte tillbaka till \"%s\""
@@ -7735,155 +7900,161 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "kan inte hämta aktuell arbetskatalog"
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Ej sammanslagna sökvägar:"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
-msgstr "  (använd \"git reset %s <fil>...\" för att ta bort från kö)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr "  (använd \"git restore --staged <fil>...\" för att ta bort från kö)"
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (använd \"git restore --source=%s --staged <fil>...\" för att ta bort från "
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git rm --cached <fil>...\" för att ta bort från kö)"
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git add <fil>...\" för att ange lösning)"
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git add/rm <fil>...\" som lämpligt för att ange lösning)"
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git rm <fil>...\" för att ange lösning)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Ändringar att checka in:"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Ändringar ej i incheckningskön:"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (använd \"git add <fil>...\" för att uppdatera vad som skall checkas in)"
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (använd \"git add/rm <fil>...\" för att uppdatera vad som skall checkas in)"
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (använd \"git checkout -- <fil>...\" för att förkasta ändringar i "
+"  (använd \"git restore <fil>...\" för att förkasta ändringar i "
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (checka in eller förkasta ospårat eller ändrat innehåll i undermoduler)"
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (använd \"git %s <fil>...\" för att ta med i det som skall checkas in)"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "borttaget av bägge:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "tillagt av oss:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "borttaget av dem:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "tillagt av dem:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "borttaget av oss:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "tillagt av bägge:"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "ändrat av bägge:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "ny fil:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "kopierad:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "borttagen:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "ändrad:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "namnbytt:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "typbyte:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "okänd:"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "osammanslagen:"
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "nya incheckningar, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "ändrat innehåll, "
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "ospårat innehåll, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "Stashen innehåller just nu %d post"
 msgstr[1] "Stashen innehåller just nu %d poster"
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Undermoduler ändrade men inte uppdaterade:"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Undermodulers ändringar att checka in:"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -7891,107 +8062,118 @@
 "Raden ovan får inte ändras eller tas bort.\n"
 "Allt under den kommer tas bort."
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Det tog %.2f sekunder att räkna före/bakom-värden.\n"
+"Du kan använda \"--no-ahead-behind\" för undvika detta.\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Du har ej sammanslagna sökvägar."
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (rätta konflikter och kör \"git commit\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git merge --abort\" för att avbryta sammanslagningen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Alla konflikter har rättats men du är fortfarande i en sammanslagning."
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git commit\" för att slutföra sammanslagningen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Du är i mitten av en körning av \"git am\"."
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "Aktuell patch är tom."
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (rätta konflikter och kör sedan \"git am --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git am --skip\" för att hoppa över patchen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git am --abort\" för att återställa ursprungsgrenen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1282
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "git-rebase-todo saknas."
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "Inga kommandon utförda."
-#: wt-status.c:1287
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "Sista kommandot utfört (%d kommando utfört):"
 msgstr[1] "Sista kommandot utfört (%d kommandon utfört):"
-#: wt-status.c:1298
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (se fler i filen %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1303
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "Inga kommandon återstår."
-#: wt-status.c:1306
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Nästa kommando att utföra (%d kommando återstår):"
 msgstr[1] "Följande kommandon att utföra (%d kommandon återstår):"
-#: wt-status.c:1314
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git rebase --edit-todo\" för att visa och redigera)"
-#: wt-status.c:1326
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Du håller på att ombasera grenen \"%s\" ovanpå \"%s\"."
-#: wt-status.c:1331
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Du håller på med en ombasering."
-#: wt-status.c:1344
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (rätta konflikter och kör sedan \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git rebase --skip\" för att hoppa över patchen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git rebase --abort\" för att checka ut ursprungsgrenen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1355
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (alla konflikter rättade: kör \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1359
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
@@ -7999,142 +8181,134 @@
 "Du håller på att dela upp en incheckning medan du ombaserar grenen \"%s\" "
 "ovanpå \"%s\"."
-#: wt-status.c:1364
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Du håller på att dela upp en incheckning i en ombasering."
-#: wt-status.c:1367
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (Så fort din arbetskatalog är ren, kör \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1371
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "Du håller på att redigera en incheckning medan du ombaserar grenen \"%s\" "
 "ovanpå \"%s\"."
-#: wt-status.c:1376
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Du håller på att redigera en incheckning under en ombasering."
-#: wt-status.c:1379
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (använd \"git commit --amend\" för att lägga till på aktuell incheckning)"
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git rebase --continue\" när du är nöjd med dina ändringar)"
-#: wt-status.c:1392
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr "Cherry-pick pågår."
-#: wt-status.c:1395
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Du håller på med en \"cherry-pick\" av incheckningen %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1402
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (rätta konflikter och kör sedan \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1405
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (kör \"git cherry-pick --continue\" för att fortsätta)"
-#: wt-status.c:1408
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (alla konflikter rättade: kör \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (använd \"git cherry-pick --abort\" för att avbryta \"cherry-pick\"-"
-#: wt-status.c:1420
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr "Ångring pågår."
-#: wt-status.c:1423
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Du håller på med att ångra incheckningen %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1429
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (rätta konflikter och kör sedan \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1432
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (kör \"git revert --continue\" för att fortsätta)"
-#: wt-status.c:1435
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (alla konflikter rättade: kör \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr "  (använd \"git revert --abort\" för att avbryta ångrandet)"
-#: wt-status.c:1447
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "Du håller på med en \"bisect\", startad från grenen \"%s\"."
-#: wt-status.c:1451
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Du håller på med en \"bisect\"."
-#: wt-status.c:1454
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (använd \"git bisect reset\" för att komma tillbaka till ursprungsgrenen)"
-#: wt-status.c:1663
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "På grenen "
-#: wt-status.c:1670
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "interaktiv ombasering pågår; ovanpå "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "ombasering pågår; ovanpå "
-#: wt-status.c:1677
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "HEAD frånkopplad vid "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "HEAD frånkopplad från "
-#: wt-status.c:1682
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Inte på någon gren för närvarande."
-#: wt-status.c:1699
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Första incheckning"
-#: wt-status.c:1700
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "Inga incheckningar ännu"
-#: wt-status.c:1714
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Ospårade filer"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Ignorerade filer"
-#: wt-status.c:1720
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8146,32 +8320,32 @@
 "lägga till nya filer själv (se \"git help status\")."
 # %s är nästa sträng eller tom.
-#: wt-status.c:1726
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Ospårade filer visas ej%s"
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (använd flaggan -u för att visa ospårade filer)"
-#: wt-status.c:1734
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Inga ändringar"
-#: wt-status.c:1739
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
 "inga ändringar att checka in (använd \"git add\" och/eller \"git commit -a"
-#: wt-status.c:1742
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "inga ändringar att checka in\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1745
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
@@ -8180,62 +8354,62 @@
 "inget köat för incheckning, men ospårade filer finns (spåra med \"git add"
-#: wt-status.c:1748
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr "inget köat för incheckning, men ospårade filer finns\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1751
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr "inget att checka in (skapa/kopiera filer och spåra med \"git add\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1754 wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "inget att checka in\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1757
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr "inget att checka in (använd -u för att visa ospårade filer)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "inget att checka in, arbetskatalogen ren\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1874
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "Inga incheckningar ännu på "
-#: wt-status.c:1878
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (ingen gren)"
-#: wt-status.c:1909
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "olika"
-#: wt-status.c:1911 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "efter "
-#: wt-status.c:1914 wt-status.c:1917
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "före "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2441
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "kan inte %s: Du har oköade ändringar."
-#: wt-status.c:2447
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "dessutom innehåller dit index ändringar som inte har checkats in."
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "kan inte %s: Ditt index innehåller ändringar som inte checkats in."
@@ -8249,7 +8423,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "diff-status %c förväntades inte"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "misslyckades uppdatera filer"
@@ -8297,8 +8471,8 @@
 msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
 msgstr "Följande sökvägar ignoreras av en av dina .gitignore-filer:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "testkörning"
@@ -8307,7 +8481,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "plocka interaktivt"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "välj stycken interaktivt"
@@ -8388,7 +8562,7 @@
 "\tgit rm --cached %s\n"
-"Se ”git help submodule” för ytterligare information."
+"Se \"git help submodule\" för ytterligare information."
 #: builtin/add.c:354
 #, c-format
@@ -8475,7 +8649,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Misslyckades detektera patchformat."
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa katalogen \"%s\""
@@ -8484,7 +8658,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Misslyckades dela patchar."
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "kan inte skriva indexfil"
@@ -8523,17 +8697,17 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka incheckningen %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr ""
 "Arkivet saknar objekt som behövs för att falla tillbaka på 3-"
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr "Använder indexinfo för att återskapa ett basträd..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8541,30 +8715,25 @@
 "Har du handredigerat din patch?\n"
 "Den kan inte tillämpas på blobbar som antecknats i dess index."
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr ""
 "Faller tillbaka på att patcha grundversionen och trevägssammanslagning..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Misslyckades slå ihop ändringarna."
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "tillämpar på en tom historik"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "kan inte återuppta: %s finns inte."
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr ""
-"kan inte vara interaktiv om standard in inte är ansluten till en terminal."
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Incheckningskroppen är:"
@@ -8572,35 +8741,36 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr "Tillämpa? Y=ja/N=nej/E=redigera/V=visa patch/A=godta alla: "
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "Smutsigt index: kan inte tillämpa patchar (smutsiga: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Tillämpar: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Inga ändringar -- Patchen har redan tillämpats."
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "Patch misslyckades på %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr ""
 "Använd \"git am --show-current-patch\" för att se patchen som misslyckades"
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8610,7 +8780,7 @@
 "Om det inte är något kvar att köa kan det hända att något annat redan\n"
 "introducerat samma ändringar; kanske du bör hoppa över patchen."
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8618,21 +8788,21 @@
 "You might run `git rm` on a file to accept \"deleted by them\" for it."
 msgstr ""
 "Du har fortfarande ej sammanslagna sökvägar i indexet.\n"
-"Du bör köra ”git add” på filer med lösta konflikter för att ange dem som "
+"Du bör köra \"git add\" på filer med lösta konflikter för att ange dem som "
-"Du kan köra ”git rm” för att godta ”borttagen av dem” för den."
+"Du kan köra \"git rm\" för att godta \"borttagen av dem\" för den."
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
-msgstr "Kan inte tolka objektet ”%s”."
+msgstr "Kan inte tolka objektet \"%s\"."
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "misslyckades städa upp indexet"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -8640,143 +8810,143 @@
 "Du verkar ha flyttat HEAD sedan \"am\" sist misslyckades.\n"
 "Återställer inte till ORIG_HEAD"
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Felaktigt värde för --patch-format: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<flaggor>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<flaggor>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "kör interaktivt"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "historisk flagga -- no-op"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "tillåt falla tillbaka på trevägssammanslagning om nödvändigt"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "var tyst"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "lägg till \"Signed-off-by\"-rad i incheckningsmeddelandet"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "koda om till utf8 (standard)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "sänd flaggan -k till git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "sänd flaggan -b till git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "sänd flaggan -m till git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "sänd flaggan --keep-cr till git-mailsplit för mbox-formatet"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr "sänd inte flaggan --keep-cr till git-mailsplit oberoende av am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "ta bort allting före en saxlinje"
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "sänd det genom git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:171 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:140 parse-options.h:161 parse-options.h:303
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:318 builtin/repack.c:322 builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "format"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "format för patch(ar)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "överstyr felmeddelanden när patchfel uppstår"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "fortsätt applicera patchar efter att ha löst en konflikt"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "synonymer till --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "hoppa över den aktuella grenen"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr "återställ originalgrenen och avbryt patchningen."
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr "avbryt patchningen men behåll HEAD där det är."
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "visa patchen som tillämpas."
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "ljug om incheckningsdatum"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "använd nuvarande tidsstämpel för författardatum"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "nyckel-id"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "GPG-signera incheckningar"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(används internt av git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -8784,16 +8954,16 @@
 "Flaggan -b/--binary har varit utan funktion länge, och\n"
 "kommer tas bort. Vi ber dig att inte använda den längre."
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "misslyckades läsa indexet"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr "tidigare rebase-katalog %s finns fortfarande, men mbox angavs."
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -8802,10 +8972,14 @@
 "Kvarbliven katalog %s hittades.\n"
 "Använd \"git am --abort\" för att ta bort den."
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "Lösningsoperation pågår inte, vi återupptar inte."
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr "interaktivt läge kräver patchar på kommandoraden"
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [<flaggor>] [<patch>...]"
@@ -9026,7 +9200,7 @@
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "checking out '%s' failed. Try 'git bisect start <valid-branch>'."
-msgstr "misslyckades checka ut ”%s”. Försök ”git bisect reset <giltig_gren>”."
+msgstr "misslyckades checka ut \"%s\". Försök \"git bisect reset <giltig_gren>\"."
 # cogito-relaterat
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:547
@@ -9037,79 +9211,84 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "felaktigt HEAD - konstig symbolisk referens"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "ogiltig referens: \"%s\""
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "utför 'git bisect next'"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "skriv termerna i .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "städar upp bisect-tillstånd"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "kontrollera för förväntade versioner"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "återställ bisect-tillstånd"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "skriver bisect-tillståndet i BISECT_LOG"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "visa och ange termer för bisect-tillstånd"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr "se efter om termer för rätt och fel finns"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "skriv ut termer för bisect"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "påbörja bisect-körningen"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "uppdatera BISECT_HEAD istället för att checka ut aktuell incheckning"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "ingen logg för BISECT_WRITE"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms kräver två argument"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state tar inga argument"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "--bisect-reset kräver antingen inget argument eller en incheckning"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-write kräver antingen 4 eller 5 argument"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--check-and-set-terms kräver tre argument"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-next-check kräver 2 eller 3 argument"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--bisect-terms kräver noll eller ett argument"
@@ -9121,133 +9300,150 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "<rev-flaggor> dokumenteras i git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "förväntade en färg: %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "måste sluta med en färg"
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "felaktig färg \"%s\" i color.blame.repeatedLines"
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "ogiltigt värde för blame.coloring"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "kan inte hitta revision %s att ignorera"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr "Visa klandringsposter när vi hittar dem, interaktivt"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Visa blank SHA-1 för gränsincheckningar (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Behandla inte rotincheckningar som gränser (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Visa statistik över arbetskostnad"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Tvinga förloppsrapportering"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Visa utdatapoäng för klandringsposter"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "Visa originalfilnamn (Standard: auto)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Visa ursprungligt radnummer (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Visa i ett format avsett för maskinkonsumtion"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr "Visa porslinsformat med per-rad-incheckningsinformation"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Använd samma utdataläge som git-annotate (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Visa rå tidsstämpel (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Visa lång inchecknings-SHA1 (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Undertryck författarnamn och tidsstämpel (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Visa författarens e-post istället för namn (Standard: av)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Ignorera ändringar i blanksteg"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1646
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "rev"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "ignorera <rev> vid klandren"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "ignorera revisioner från <fil>"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr "färglägg redundant metadata från tidigare rader annorlunda"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr "färglägg rader efter ålder"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "Använd en experimentell algoritm för att förbättra diffar"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Slösa extra cykler med att hitta bättre träff"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "Använd revisioner från <fil> istället för att anropa git-rev-list"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Använd <fil>s innehåll som slutgiltig bild"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "poäng"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "Hitta kopierade rader inuti och mellan filer"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "Hitta flyttade rader inuti och mellan filer"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Behandla endast radintervallet n,m, med början på 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr "--progress kan inte användas med --incremental eller porslinsformat"
@@ -9259,18 +9455,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "4 år, 11 månader sedan"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "filen %s har bara %lu rad"
 msgstr[1] "filen %s har bara %lu rader"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "Klandra rader"
@@ -9302,7 +9498,7 @@
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 msgstr "git branch [<flaggor>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9311,7 +9507,7 @@
 "tar bort grenen \"%s\" som har slagits ihop med\n"
 "         \"%s\", men ännu inte slagits ihop med HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9320,12 +9516,12 @@
 "tar inte bort grenen \"%s\" som inte har slagits ihop med\n"
 "         \"%s\", trots att den har slagits ihop med HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte slå upp incheckningsobjekt för \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -9334,122 +9530,122 @@
 "Grenen \"%s\" har inte slagits samman i sin helhet.\n"
 "Om du är säker på att du vill ta bort den, kör \"git branch -D %s\"."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Misslyckades uppdatera konfigurationsfil"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "kan inte ange -a med -d"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "Kunde inte slå upp incheckningsobjekt för HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "Kan inte ta bort grenen \"%s\" som är utcheckad på \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "fjärrspårande grenen \"%s\" hittades inte."
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "grenen \"%s\" hittades inte."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Fel vid borttagning av fjärrspårande grenen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Fel vid borttagning av grenen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Tog bort fjärrspårande grenen %s (var %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Tog bort grenen %s (var %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "kan inte tolka formatsträng"
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "kunde inte slå upp HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "HEAD (%s) pekar utenför refs/heads/"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "Grenen %s ombaseras på %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "Grenen %s är i en \"bisect\" på %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "kunde inte kopiera aktuell gren när du inte befinner dig på någon."
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr ""
 "kunde inte byta namn på aktuell gren när du inte befinner dig på någon."
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Felaktigt namn på gren: \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Misslyckades byta namn på gren"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Misslyckades kopiera gren"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Skapade kopia av felaktigt namngiven gren \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "Bytte bort namn på en felaktigt namngiven gren \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "Grenen namnbytt till %s, men HEAD har inte uppdaterats!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Grenen namnbytt, men misslyckades uppdatera konfigurationsfilen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Grenen kopierades, men misslyckades uppdatera konfigurationsfilen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9460,217 +9656,219 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Rader som inleds med \"%c\" ignoreras.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Allmänna flaggor"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr "visa hash och ärenderad, ange två gånger för uppströmsgren"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "undertryck informationsmeddelanden"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "ställ in spårningsläge (se git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "använd ej"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "uppströms"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "ändra uppströmsinformationen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Ta bort uppströmsinformationen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "använd färgad utdata"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "arbeta på fjärrspårande grenar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "visa endast grenar som innehåller incheckningen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "visa endast grenar som inte innehåller incheckningen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Specifika git-branch-åtgärder:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "visa både fjärrspårande och lokala grenar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "ta bort helt sammanslagen gren"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "ta bort gren (även om inte helt sammanslagen)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "flytta/ta bort en gren och dess reflogg"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "flytta/ta bort en gren, även om målet finns"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "kopiera en gren och dess reflogg"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "kopiera en gren, även om målet finns"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "lista namn på grenar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "visa namn på aktuell gren"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "skapa grenens reflogg"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "redigera beskrivning för grenen"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "tvinga skapande, flytt/namnändring, borttagande"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "visa endast sammanslagna grenar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "visa endast ej sammanslagna grenar"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "visa grenar i spalter"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "objekt"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "visa endast grenar för objektet"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "sortering och filtrering skiljer gemener och VERSALER"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
 #: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "format att använda för utdata"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:751
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD hittades inte under refs/heads!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column och --verbose är inkompatibla"
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "grennamn krävs"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "Kan inte beskriva frånkopplad HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "kan inte redigera beskrivning för mer än en gren"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Inga incheckningar på grenen \"%s\" ännu."
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "Ingen gren vid namnet \"%s\"."
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "för många grenar för kopiering"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "för många flaggor för namnbyte"
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "för många flaggor för att byta uppström"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
 "kunde inte sätta uppström för HEAD till %s när det inte pekar mot någon gren."
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "okänd gren \"%s\""
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "grenen \"%s\" finns inte"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "för många flaggor för att ta bort uppström"
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr ""
 "kunde inte ta bort uppström för HEAD när det inte pekar mot någon gren."
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "Grenen \"%s\" har ingen uppströmsinformation"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
 msgstr ""
-"flaggorna -a och -r på \"git branch\" kan inte anges tillsammans med ett "
+"Flaggorna -a och -r på \"git branch\" tar inte ett namn på gren.\n"
+"Menade du att använda: -a|-r --list <mönster>?"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9691,7 +9889,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Behöver ett arkiv för att packa upp ett paket (bundle)."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -9699,7 +9897,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <typ> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<sökväg>] <objekt>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -9707,72 +9905,72 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "endast en buntflagga kan anges"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<typ> kan vara en av: blob, tree, commit, tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "visa objekttyp"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "visa objektstorlek"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "avsluta med noll när det inte uppstått något fel"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "visa objektets innehåll snyggt"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "för blob-objekt, kör filter på objektets innehåll"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "för blob-objekt, kör filger på objektets innehåll"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "blob"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "använd specifik sökväg för --textconv/--filters"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "låter -s och -t att fungera med trasiga/sönderskrivna objekt"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "buffra utdata från --batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "visa information och innehåll för objekt som listas på standard in"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "visa information för objekt som listas på standard in"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr ""
 "följ symboliska länkar i trädet (använd med --batch eller --batch-check)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "visa alla objekt med --batch eller --batch-check"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "ordna inte --batch-all-objects output"
@@ -9800,8 +9998,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "avsluta in- och utdataposter med NUL-tecken"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "undertryck förloppsrapportering"
@@ -9891,9 +10089,9 @@
 msgstr "skriv innehåll till temporära filer"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "sträng"
@@ -9905,91 +10103,114 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "kopiera ut filer från namngiven etapp"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<flaggor>] <gren>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<flaggor>] [<gren>] -- <fil>..."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [<flaggor>] [<gren>]"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [<flaggor>] [--source=<gren>] <fil>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "sökvägen \"%s\" har inte vår version"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "sökvägen \"%s\" har inte deras version"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "sökvägen \"%s\" innehåller inte alla nödvändiga versioner"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "sökvägen \"%s\" innehåller inte nödvändiga versioner"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "sökväg \"%s\": kan inte slå ihop"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte lägga till sammanslagningsresultat för \"%s\""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte användas vid uppdatering av sökvägar"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte användas med %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr "Kan inte uppdatera sökvägar och växla till grenen \"%s\" samtidigt."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "sökvägen \"%s\" har inte slagits ihop"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "Återskapade %d sammanslagningskonflikt"
 msgstr[1] "Återskapade %d sammanslagningskonflikter"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "Uppdaterade %d sökväg från %s"
 msgstr[1] "Uppdaterade %d sökvägar från %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "Uppdaterade %d sökväg från indexet"
 msgstr[1] "Uppdaterade %d sökvägar från indexet"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte användas vid uppdatering av sökvägar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte användas med %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr "Kan inte uppdatera sökvägar och växla till grenen \"%s\" samtidigt."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "varken \"%s\" eller \"%s\" har angivits"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "\"%s\" måste användas när \"%s\" inte anges"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "\"%s\" eller \"%s\" kan inte användas med %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "sökvägen \"%s\" har inte slagits ihop"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "du måste lösa ditt befintliga index först"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -9998,55 +10219,55 @@
 "kan inte fortsätta med köade ändringar i följande filer:\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr "köade ändringar i följande filer kan gå förlorade: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Kan inte skapa referenslogg för \"%s\": %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD är nu på"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:704
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "kan inte uppdatera HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Återställ gren \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Redan på \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Växlade till och nollställde grenen \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Växlade till en ny gren \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Växlade till grenen \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " ... och %d till.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10069,7 +10290,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10096,24 +10317,28 @@
 " git branch <nytt_grennamn> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "internt fel vid genomgång av revisioner (revision walk)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "Tidigare position för HEAD var"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Du är på en gren som ännu inte är född"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "endast en referens förväntades"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "endast en referens förväntades, %d gavs."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10122,152 +10347,208 @@
 "\"%s\" kan vara både en lokal fil och en spårande gren.\n"
 "Använd -- (och möjligen --no-guess) för att göra otvetydig"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "felaktig referens: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "referensen är inte ett träd: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "förväntade gren, fick taggen \"%s\""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "förväntade gren, fick fjärrgrenen \"%s\""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "förväntade gren, fick \"%s\""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "förväntade gren, fick incheckningen \"%s\""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"kan inte växla gren vid sammanslagning\n"
+"Överväg \"git merge --quit\" eller \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"kan inte växla gren mitt i en \"am\"-körning\n"
+"Överväg \"git am --quit\" eller \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"kan inte växla gren vid ombasering\n"
+"Överväg \"git rebase --quit\" eller \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"kan inte växla gren i en \"cherry-pick\"\n"
+"Överväg \"git cherry-pick --quit\" eller \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"kan inte växla gren i en \"revert\"\n"
+"Överväg \"git revert --quit\" eller \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "då växlar grenar medan du gör en \"bisect\""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "sökvägar kan inte användas vid byte av gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte användas vid byte av gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte användas med \"%s\""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte ta <startpunkt>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Kan inte växla gren till icke-incheckningen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:121
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "saknar gren- eller incheckingsargument"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "skapa och checka ut en ny gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "skapa/nollställ och checka ut en gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "skapa reflogg för ny gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "koppla från HEAD vid namngiven incheckning"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "sätt uppströmsinformation för ny gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "ny-gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "ny gren utan förälder"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "checka ut vår version för ej sammanslagna filer"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "checka ut deras version för ej sammanslagna filer"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "tvinga utcheckning (kasta bort lokala ändringar)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr "utför en 3-vägssammanslagning för den nya grenen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "uppdatera ignorerade filer (standard)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:309
-msgid "style"
-msgstr "stil"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr "konfliktstil (merge eller diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "begränsa inte sökvägar till endast glesa poster"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "försök inte vara förutspå \"git checkout <gren-saknas>\""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr ""
-"kontrollera inte om en annan arbetskatalog håller den angivna referensen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "tvinga förloppsrapportering"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "använd överläggsläge (standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
+msgstr "utför en 3-vägssammanslagning för den nya grenen"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1634 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr "stil"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr "konfliktstil (merge eller diff3)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "koppla från HEAD vid namngiven incheckning"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "sätt uppströmsinformation för ny gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "tvinga utcheckning (kasta bort lokala ändringar)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "ny-gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "ny gren utan förälder"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "uppdatera ignorerade filer (standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr ""
+"kontrollera inte om en annan arbetskatalog håller den angivna referensen"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "checka ut vår version för ej sammanslagna filer"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "checka ut deras version för ej sammanslagna filer"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "begränsa inte sökvägar till endast glesa poster"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B och --orphan är ömsesidigt uteslutande"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-p och --overlay är ömsesidigt uteslutande"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track behöver ett namn på en gren"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "grennamn saknas; försök med -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "kunde inte upplösa %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "du måste ange katalog(er) att återställa"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "felaktig sökvägsangivelse"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
-msgstr "”%s” är inte en incheckning och grenen ”%s” kan inte skapas från den"
+msgstr "\"%s\" är inte en incheckning och grenen \"%s\" kan inte skapas från den"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach tar inte en sökväg som argument \"%s\""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -10275,7 +10556,7 @@
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force och --merge är inkompatibla när\n"
 "du checkar ut från indexet."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10304,6 +10585,68 @@
 "föredra en fjärr, t.ex fjärren \"origin\" kan du ställa in\n"
 "checkout.defaultRemote=origin i din konfiguration."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "skapa och checka ut en ny gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "skapa/nollställ och checka ut en gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "skapa reflogg för ny gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr "förutspå \"git checkout <gren-saknas>\" (förval)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "använd överläggsläge (standard)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "skapa och växla till en ny gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "skapa/nollställ och växla till en gren"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "förutspå \"git checkout <gren-saknas>\""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "kasta bort lokala ändringar"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "where the checkout from"
+msgstr "källa till utcheckning"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "återställ indexet"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "återställ arbetskatalogen (förval)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "ignorera ej sammanslagna poster"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "använd överläggsläge"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -10336,7 +10679,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades ta bort %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "kunde inte ta status (\"lstat\") på %s\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10349,7 +10697,7 @@
 "foo        - markera post baserad på unikt prefix\n"
 "           - (tomt) markera ingenting\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10370,38 +10718,38 @@
 "*          - välj alla poster\n"
 "           - (tomt) avsluta markering\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Vadå (%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Ange ignoreringsmönster>>"
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "VARNING: Hittar inte poster som motsvarar: %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Välj poster att ta bort"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Ta bort %s [Y=ja / N=nej]? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Hej då.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10419,64 +10767,64 @@
 "help                - denna skärm\n"
 "?                   - hjälp för kommandoval"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Kommandon ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Vad nu"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Skulle ta bort följande post:"
 msgstr[1] "Skulle ta bort följande poster:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "Inga fler filer att städa, avslutar."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "skriv inte ut namn på borttagna filer"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "tvinga"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "städa interaktivt"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "ta bort hela kataloger"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:178
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:186 builtin/log.c:188
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "mönster"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "lägg till <mönster> till ignoreringsregler"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "ta även bort ignorerade filer"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "ta endast bort ignorerade filer"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "-x och -X kan inte användas samtidigt"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
@@ -10484,7 +10832,7 @@
 "clean.requireForce satt till true, men varken -i, -n eller -f angavs; vägrar "
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
@@ -10492,39 +10840,39 @@
 "clean.requireForce har standardvärdet true och varken -i, -n eller -f "
 "angavs; vägrar städa"
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<flaggor>] [--] <arkiv> [<kat>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "skapa inte någon utcheckning"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "skapa ett naket (\"bare\") arkiv"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "skapa ett spegelarkiv (implicerar \"bare\")"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "för att klona från ett lokalt arkiv"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "skapa inte lokala hårda länkar, kopiera alltid"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "skapa som ett delat arkiv"
-#: builtin/clone.c:103 builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "sökvägsangivelse"
-#: builtin/clone.c:103 builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "initiera undermoduler i klonen"
@@ -10540,18 +10888,18 @@
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "katalog att använda mallar från"
-#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "referensarkiv"
-#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "använd --reference endast under kloningen"
 #: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3308 builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "namn"
@@ -10567,8 +10915,8 @@
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "sökväg till git-upload-pack på fjärren"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "djup"
@@ -10576,7 +10924,7 @@
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "skapa en grund klon på detta djup"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3297
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "tid"
@@ -10584,12 +10932,12 @@
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "skapa en grund klon från en angiven tidpunkt"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "revision"
-#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr "fördjupa historik för grund klon, exkludera revisionen"
@@ -10621,29 +10969,33 @@
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "ställ in konfiguration i det nya arkivet"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "serverspecifik"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr ""
 "inget att checka in\n"
 "flagga att sända"
-#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "använd endast IPv4-adresser"
-#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "använd endast IPv6-adresser"
-#: builtin/clone.c:283
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr "klonade undermoduler kommer använda sin fjärrspårningsgren"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -10651,183 +11003,183 @@
 "Kunde inte gissa katalognamn.\n"
 "Ange en katalog på kommandoraden"
-#: builtin/clone.c:336
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "info: Kan inte skapa alternativ för \"%s\": %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:408
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "misslyckades öppna \"%s\""
-#: builtin/clone.c:416
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s finns och är ingen katalog"
-#: builtin/clone.c:430
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "misslyckades ta status på %s\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "misslyckades starta iterator över \"%s\""
-#: builtin/clone.c:447
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades ta bort länken \"%s\""
-#: builtin/clone.c:452
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa länken \"%s\""
-#: builtin/clone.c:456
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades kopiera filen till \"%s\""
-#: builtin/clone.c:482
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "misslyckades iterera över \"%s\""
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "klart.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Klonen lyckades, men utcheckningen misslyckades.\n"
 "Du kan inspektera det som checkades ut med \"git status\"\n"
-"och försöka checka ut igen med \"git checkout -f HEAD\"\n"
+"och försöka med \"git restore -source=HEAD :/\"\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:573
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "Kunde inte hitta fjärrgrenen %s för att klona."
-#: builtin/clone.c:692
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "kan inte uppdatera %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:742
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "HEAD hos fjärren pekar på en obefintlig referens, kan inte checka ut.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:773
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "kunde inte checka ut arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:818
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva parametrar till konfigurationsfilen"
-#: builtin/clone.c:881
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "kan inte packa om för att städa upp"
-#: builtin/clone.c:883
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "kunde inte ta bort temporär \"alternates\"-fil"
-#: builtin/clone.c:923 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "För många argument."
-#: builtin/clone.c:927
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Du måste ange ett arkiv att klona."
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "flaggorna --bare och --origin %s är inkompatibla."
-#: builtin/clone.c:943
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "flaggorna --bare och --separate-git-dir är inkompatibla."
-#: builtin/clone.c:956
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "arkivet \"%s\" finns inte"
-#: builtin/clone.c:962 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1653
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "djupet %s är inte ett positivt tal"
-#: builtin/clone.c:972
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "destinationssökvägen \"%s\" finns redan och är inte en tom katalog."
-#: builtin/clone.c:982
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "arbetsträdet \"%s\" finns redan."
-#: builtin/clone.c:997 builtin/clone.c:1018 builtin/difftool.c:270
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa inledande kataloger för \"%s\""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1002
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa arbetskatalogen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/clone.c:1022
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Klonar till ett naket arkiv \"%s\"...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1024
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Klonar till \"%s\"...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1048
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
 msgstr ""
 "clone --recursive är inte kompatibel med --reference och --reference-if-able"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1109
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--depth ignoreras i lokala kloningar; använd file:// istället."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1111
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--shallow-since ignoreras i lokala kloningar; använd file:// istället."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1113
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--shallow-exclude ignoreras i lokala kloningar; använd file:// istället."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--filter ignoreras i lokala kloningar; använd file:// istället."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1118
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "källarkivet är grunt, ignorerar --local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1123
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local ignoreras"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1200 builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "Fjärrgrenen %s hittades inte i uppströmsarkivet %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1211
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Du verkar ha klonat ett tomt arkiv."
@@ -10876,7 +11228,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "duplicerad förälder %s ignorerades"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:542
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "objektnamnet är inte giltigt: %s"
@@ -10904,13 +11256,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "id på ett förälderincheckningsobjekt"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "meddelande"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "incheckningsmeddelande"
@@ -10918,8 +11270,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "läs incheckningsloggmeddelande från fil"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "GPG-signera incheckning"
@@ -10964,80 +11316,86 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "Använd annars \"git reset\"\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr "Använd annars \"git cherry-pick --skip\"\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Om du vill hoppa över incheckningen, använd:\n"
+"och sedan:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
-"\"git cherry-pick --continue\" kommer därefter att återuppta\n"
-"cherry-pick för återstående incheckningar.\n"
+"för att fortsätta \"cherry-pick\" med resterande incheckningar.\n"
+"Om du vill hoppa över den här incheckningen, använd:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "misslyckades packa upp HEAD:s trädobjekt"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa temporär indexfil"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "interaktiv tilläggning misslyckades"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "kan inte uppdatera temporärt index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Misslyckades uppdatera huvud-cacheträdet"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva filen new_index"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "kan inte utföra en delvis incheckning under en sammanslagning."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "kan inte utföra en delvis incheckning under en cherry-pick."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa indexet"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva temporär indexfil"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "incheckningen \"%s\" saknar författarhuvud"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "incheckningen \"%s\" har felformaterat författarhuvud"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "felformad \"--author\"-flagga"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -11045,38 +11403,38 @@
 "kunde inte välja ett kommentarstecken som inte använts\n"
 "i det befintliga incheckningsmeddelandet"
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte slå upp incheckningen %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(läser loggmeddelande från standard in)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa logg från standard in"
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa loggfilen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva incheckningsmall"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11091,7 +11449,7 @@
 "och försöker igen.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11106,7 +11464,7 @@
 "och försöker igen.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11116,7 +11474,7 @@
 "med \"%c\" kommer ignoreras, och ett tomt meddelande avbryter "
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11127,144 +11485,144 @@
 "med \"%c\" kommer behållas; du kan själv ta bort dem om du vill.\n"
 "Ett tomt meddelande avbryter incheckningen.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sFörfattare: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sDatum:      %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sIncheckare: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "Kan inte läsa indexet"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Fel vid byggande av träd"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Ange meddelandet en av flaggorna -m eller -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
 "--author '%s' är inte 'Namn <epost>' och matchar ingen befintlig författare"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Ogiltigt ignorerat läge \"%s\""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Ogiltigt läge för ospårade filer: \"%s\""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "--long och -z är inkompatibla"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "Kan inte använda både --reset-author och --author"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "Du har inget att utöka."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Du är i mitten av en sammanslagning -- kan inte utöka."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "Du är i mitten av en cherry-pick -- kan inte utöka."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Flaggorna --squash och --fixup kan inte användas samtidigt"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Endast en av -c/-C/-F/--fixup kan användas."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "Flaggan -m kan inte kombineras med -c/-C/-F."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr "--reset-author kan endast användas med -C, -c eller --amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
 "Endast en av --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch kan användas."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "Du måste ange sökvägar tillsammans med --include/--only."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "sökvägarna \"%s ...\" med -a ger ingen mening"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "visa koncis status"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "visa information om gren"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "visa information om stash"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "beräkna fullständiga före-/efter-värden"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "version"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "maskinläsbar utdata"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "visa status i långt format (standard)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "terminera poster med NUL"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "läge"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr "visa ospårade filer, valfria lägen: all, normal, no. (Standard: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
@@ -11272,11 +11630,11 @@
 "visa ignorerade filer, valfria lägen: traditional, matching, no (Standard: "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:178
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "när"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
@@ -11284,235 +11642,252 @@
 "ignorera ändringar i undermoduler, valfritt när: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "visa ospårade filer i spalter"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "detektera inte namnändringar"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "detektera namnändringar, möjligen sätt likhetsindex"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr "Kombinationen av argument för ignorerade och ospårade filer stöds ej"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "undertryck sammanfattning efter framgångsrik incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "visa diff i mallen för incheckningsmeddelandet"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Alternativ för incheckningsmeddelande"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "läs meddelande från fil"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "författare"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "överstyr författare för incheckningen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "datum"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "överstyr datum för incheckningen"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:315 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "återanvänd och redigera meddelande från angiven incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "återanvänd meddelande från angiven incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "använd autosquash-formaterat meddelande för att fixa angiven incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "använd autosquash-formaterat meddelande för att slå ihop med angiven "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr "jag är nu författare av incheckningen (används med -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1581 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "lägg till Signed-off-by:"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "använd angiven mallfil"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "tvinga redigering av incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "inkludera status i mallen för incheckningsmeddelandet"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Alternativ för incheckningens innehåll"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "checka in alla ändrade filer"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "lägg till angivna filer till indexet för incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "lägg till filer interaktivt"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "lägg till ändringar interaktivt"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "checka endast in angivna filer"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "förbigå pre-commit- och commit-msg-krokar"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "visa vad som skulle checkas in"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "lägg till föregående incheckning"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "förbigå post-rewrite-krok"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "ok att registrera en tom ändring"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "ok att registrera en ändring med tomt meddelande"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Trasig MERGE_HEAD-fil (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa incheckningsmeddelande: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Avbryter på grund av tomt incheckningsmeddelande.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "Avbryter incheckning; meddelandet inte redigerat.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "arkivet har uppdaterats, men kunde inte skriva filen\n"
 "new_index. Kontrollera att disken inte är full och\n"
 "att kvoten inte har överskridits, och kör sedan\n"
-"\"git reset HEAD\" för att återställa."
+"\"git restore --staged :/\" för att återställa."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objkat>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objkat>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objkat>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
+msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objkat>] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
 msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objkat>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objkat>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <delnings-flaggor>"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "kat"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "Objektkatalogen där grafen skall lagras"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr "om inchecknignsgrafen är delad, kontrollera bara spetsfilen"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte öppna incheckningsgrafen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "starta traversering vid alla referenser"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr "sök paketindex listade på standard in efter incheckningar"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr "börja gå genom incheckningar listade på standard in"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr "ta med alla incheckningar redan i filen commit-graph"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "tillåt skriva en inkrementell incheckningsgraffil"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+"maximalt antal incheckningar i en delad incheckingsgraf som inte är bad"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr "maximalt förhållande mellan två nivåer av en delad incheckningsgraf"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr "använd som mest en av --reachable, --stdin-commit och --stdin-packs"
@@ -11520,7 +11895,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<flaggor>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "okänt argument för --type, %s"
@@ -11625,7 +12000,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Typ"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "värdet har givits denna typ"
@@ -11669,7 +12044,7 @@
 msgid "show origin of config (file, standard input, blob, command line)"
 msgstr "visa konfigurationskälla (fil, standard in, blob, kommandorad)"
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "värde"
@@ -11964,7 +12339,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "överväg inte taggar som motsvarar <mönster>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "visa förkortade incheckningsobjekt som standard"
@@ -12025,32 +12400,32 @@
 msgid "unhandled object '%s' given."
 msgstr "ej hanterat objekt \"%s\" angavs."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:31
+#: builtin/difftool.c:30
 msgid "git difftool [<options>] [<commit> [<commit>]] [--] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
 "git difftool [<flaggor>] [<incheckning> [<incheckning>]] [--] [<sökväg>...]"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:259
+#: builtin/difftool.c:253
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed: %d"
 msgstr "misslyckades: %d"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:301
+#: builtin/difftool.c:295
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read symlink %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa symboliska länken %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:303
+#: builtin/difftool.c:297
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read symlink file %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa symbolisk länk-fil %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:311
+#: builtin/difftool.c:305
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s for symlink %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa objektet %s för symboliska länken %s"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:412
+#: builtin/difftool.c:406
 msgid ""
 "combined diff formats('-c' and '--cc') are not supported in\n"
 "directory diff mode('-d' and '--dir-diff')."
@@ -12058,53 +12433,53 @@
 "kombinerade diff-format (\"-c\" och \"--cc\") stöds inte i\n"
 "katalogdiffläge (\"-d\" och \"--dir-diff\")."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:632
+#: builtin/difftool.c:626
 #, c-format
 msgid "both files modified: '%s' and '%s'."
 msgstr "bägge filerna ändrade: \"%s\" och \"%s\"."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:634
+#: builtin/difftool.c:628
 msgid "working tree file has been left."
 msgstr "filen i arbetskatalogen lämnades kvar."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:645
+#: builtin/difftool.c:639
 #, c-format
 msgid "temporary files exist in '%s'."
 msgstr "temporära filer finns i \"%s\"."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:646
+#: builtin/difftool.c:640
 msgid "you may want to cleanup or recover these."
 msgstr "du kanske vill städa eller rädda dem."
-#: builtin/difftool.c:695
+#: builtin/difftool.c:689
 msgid "use `diff.guitool` instead of `diff.tool`"
 msgstr "använd \"diff.guitool\" istället för \"diff.tool\""
-#: builtin/difftool.c:697
+#: builtin/difftool.c:691
 msgid "perform a full-directory diff"
 msgstr "utför diff för hela katalogen"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:699
+#: builtin/difftool.c:693
 msgid "do not prompt before launching a diff tool"
 msgstr "fråga inte vid start av diff-verktyg"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:704
+#: builtin/difftool.c:698
 msgid "use symlinks in dir-diff mode"
 msgstr "använd symboliska länkar i katalogdiffläge"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:705
+#: builtin/difftool.c:699
 msgid "tool"
 msgstr "verktyg"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:706
+#: builtin/difftool.c:700
 msgid "use the specified diff tool"
 msgstr "använd angivet diff-verktyg"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:708
+#: builtin/difftool.c:702
 msgid "print a list of diff tools that may be used with `--tool`"
-msgstr "visa en lista över diff-verktyg som kan användas med ”--tool”"
+msgstr "visa en lista över diff-verktyg som kan användas med \"--tool\""
-#: builtin/difftool.c:711
+#: builtin/difftool.c:705
 msgid ""
 "make 'git-difftool' exit when an invoked diff tool returns a non - zero exit "
@@ -12112,176 +12487,220 @@
 "låt \"git-difftool\" avbryta när ett anropat diff-verktyg ger returvärde "
 "skilt från noll"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:714
+#: builtin/difftool.c:708
 msgid "specify a custom command for viewing diffs"
 msgstr "ange eget kommando för att visa diffar"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:715
+#: builtin/difftool.c:709
 msgid "passed to `diff`"
 msgstr "sändes till \"diff\""
-#: builtin/difftool.c:730
+#: builtin/difftool.c:724
 msgid "difftool requires worktree or --no-index"
 msgstr "difftool kräver en arbetskatalog eller --no-index"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:744
+#: builtin/difftool.c:731
+msgid "--dir-diff is incompatible with --no-index"
+msgstr "--dir-diff är inkompatibelt med --no-index"
+#: builtin/difftool.c:734
+msgid "--gui, --tool and --extcmd are mutually exclusive"
+msgstr "--gui, --tool och --extcmd är ömsesidigt uteslutande"
+#: builtin/difftool.c:742
 msgid "no <tool> given for --tool=<tool>"
 msgstr "inget <verktyg> angavs för --tool=<verktyg>"
-#: builtin/difftool.c:751
+#: builtin/difftool.c:749
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "inget <kommando> angavs för --extcmd=<kommando>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <flaggor> <miljövariabel>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "typ"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr "standard för git_env_*(...) att falla tillbaka på"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr "var tyst, använd bara git_env_*() som resultatvärde"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+"flaggan \"--default\" förväntar ett sanningsvärde med \"--type=bool\", inte "
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
+"flaggan \"--default\" förväntar ett teckenlöst långt värde med \"--type=ulong"
+"\", inte \"%s\""
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [rev-list-flaggor]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "visa förlopp efter <n> objekt"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "välj hantering av signerade taggar"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "välj hantering av taggar som har taggfiltrerade objekt"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
-msgid "Dump marks to this file"
-msgstr "Dump märken till filen"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr "välj hantering av incheckningsmeddelanden i alternativ teckenkodning"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
+msgid "Dump marks to this file"
+msgstr "Dumpa märken till filen"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Importera märken från filen"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "Fejka taggare när taggen saknar en"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Skriv ut hela trädet för varje incheckning"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Använd done-funktionen för att avsluta strömmen"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Hoppa över skrivning av blob-data"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1649
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "referensspecifikation"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Applicera referensspecifikation på exporterade referenser"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "anonymisera utdata"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr "Referera föräldrar som inte finns i fast-export-ström med objekt-id"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "Visa ursprungliga objekt-ID för blobbar/incheckningar"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<flaggor>] [<arkiv> [<refspec>...]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<flaggor>] <grupp>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<flaggor>] [(<arkiv> | <grupp>)...]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<flaggor>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "hämta från alla fjärrar"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "lägg till i .git/FETCH_HEAD istället för att skriva över"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "sökväg till upload pack på fjärren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "tvinga överskrivning av lokal referens"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "hämta från flera fjärrar"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "hämta alla taggar och associerade objekt"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "hämta inte alla taggar (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "antal undermoduler som hämtas parallellt"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr "rensa fjärrspårande grenar ej längre på fjärren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr ""
 "rensa lokala taggar inte längre på fjärren och skriv över ändrade taggar"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "on-demand"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "styr rekursiv hämtning av undermoduler"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "behåll hämtade paket"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "tillåt uppdatering av HEAD-referens"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "fördjupa historik för grund klon"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "fördjupa historik för grund klon baserad på tid"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "konvertera till komplett arkiv"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "lägg till i början av undermodulens sökvägsutdata"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
@@ -12289,97 +12708,105 @@
 "standard för rekursiv hämtning av undermoduler (lägre prioritet än "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "tar emot referenser som uppdaterar .git/shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "referenskarta"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "ange referenskarta för \"fetch\""
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr "rapportera att vi bara har objekt nåbara från detta objektet"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "kör \"gc --auto\" efter hämtning"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "se efter tvingade uppdateringar i alla uppdaterade grenar"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "Kunde inte hitta fjärr-referensen HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "konfigurationen för fetch.output innehåller ogiltigt värde %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "objektet %s hittades inte"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[àjour]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[refuserad]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "kan inte hämta i aktuell gren"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[uppdaterad tagg]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "kunde inte uppdatera lokal ref"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "skulle skriva över befintlig tagg"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[ny tagg]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[ny gren]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[ny ref]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "tvingad uppdatering"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "ej snabbspolad"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s sände inte alla nödvändiga objekt\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:900
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr "avvisa %s då grunda rötter inte kan uppdateras"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:991 builtin/fetch.c:1124
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Från %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1002
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12388,50 +12815,81 @@
 "vissa lokala referenser kunde inte uppdateras; testa att köra\n"
 " \"git remote prune %s\" för att ta bort gamla grenar som står i konflikt"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1008
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update, but that check "
+"has been disabled."
+msgstr ""
+"Hämtning visar vanligtvis vilka grenar som har en tvingad uppdatering, men "
+"det testet har slagits av."
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1009
+msgid ""
+"To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates' flag or run 'git config fetch."
+"showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"För att slå på igen, använd flaggan \"--show-forced-updates\" eller kör "
+"\"git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true\"."
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use '--no-show-forced-"
+msgstr ""
+"Det tog %.2f sekunder att se efter tvingade uppdateringar. Du kan använda "
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1013
+msgid ""
+"or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"eller kör \"git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false\" för undvika testet.\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1094
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s kommer bli dinglande)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1095
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s har blivit dinglande)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[borttagen]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1128 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(ingen)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1151
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr "Vägrar hämta till aktuell gren %s i ett icke-naket arkiv"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1170
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "Flaggan \"%s\" och värdet \"%s\" är inte giltigt för %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1173
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "Flaggan \"%s\" ignoreras för %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1477
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Hämtar %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1479 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "Kunde inte hämta %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1525
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12439,7 +12897,7 @@
 "--filter kan endast användas med fjärren konfigurerad i extensions."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1549
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -12447,44 +12905,44 @@
 "Inget fjärrarkiv angavs. Ange antingen en URL eller namnet på ett\n"
 "fjärrarkiv som nya incheckningar skall hämtas från."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1586
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Du måste ange namnet på en tagg."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Negativa djup stöds inte i --deepen"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1639
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--deepen och --depth är ömsesidigt uteslutande"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "--depth och --unshallow kan inte användas samtidigt"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "--unshallow kan inte användas på ett komplett arkiv"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1662
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all tar inte namnet på ett arkiv som argument"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1664
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all kan inte anges med referensspecifikationer"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "Fjärren eller fjärrgruppen finns inte: %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr "Kan inte hämta från grupp och ange referensspecifikationer"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1696
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12555,7 +13013,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "visa endast <n> träffade refs"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "använd formatfärger"
@@ -12725,7 +13183,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "Kontrollerar %s-länk"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "ogiltigt %s"
@@ -12812,7 +13270,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "visa ordrika namn för nåbara objekt"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Kontrollerar objekt"
@@ -12845,7 +13303,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte ta status på \"%s\""
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa \"%s\""
@@ -12918,7 +13376,7 @@
 "gc körs redan på maskinen \"%s\" pid %<PRIuMAX> (använd --force om så inte "
 "är fallet)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -12943,258 +13401,258 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2722
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "trådstöd saknas, ignorerar %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa träd (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte \"grep\" från objekt av typen %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "flaggan \"%c\" antar ett numeriskt värde"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "sök i indexet istället för i arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "sök i innehåll som inte hanteras av git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "sök i både spårade och ospårade filer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "ignorera filer angivna i \".gitignore\""
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "sök varje undermodul rekursivt"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "visa rader som inte träffas"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "skiftlägesokänslig sökning"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "matcha endast mönster vid ordgränser"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "hantera binärfiler som text"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "träffa inte mönster i binärfiler"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "hantera binärfiler med textconv-filter"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "sök i underkataloger (standard)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "gå som mest ned <djup> nivåer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "använd utökade POSIX-reguljära uttryck"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "använd grundläggande POSIX-reguljära uttryck (standard)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "tolka mönster som fixerade strängar"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "använd Perlkompatibla reguljära uttryck"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "visa radnummer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "visa kolumnnummer för första träff"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "visa inte filnamn"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "visa filnamn"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "visa filnamn relativa till toppkatalogen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "visa endast filnamn istället för träffade rader"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "synonym för --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "visa endast namn på filer utan träffar"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "skriv NUL efter filnamn"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "visa endast träffade delar av rader"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "visa antal träffar istället för träffade rader"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "ljusmarkera träffar"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "skriv tomma rader mellan träffar från olika filer"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr "visa filnamn endast en gång ovanför träffar från samma fil"
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "visa <n> rader sammanhang före och efter träffar"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "visa <n> rader sammanhang före träffar"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "visa <n> rader sammanhang efter träffar"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "använd <n> jobbtrådar"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "genväg för -C NUM"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "visa en rad med funktionsnamnet före träffen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "visa den omkringliggande funktionen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "läs mönster från fil"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "träffa <mönster>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "kombinera mönster som anges med -e"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr "ange träff med slutstatuskod utan utdata"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr "visa endast träffar från filer som träffar alla mönster"
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "visa analysträd för grep-uttryck"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "bläddrare"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "visa träffade filer i filbläddraren"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "tillåt anropa grep(1) (ignoreras av detta bygge)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "inget mönster angavs"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index och --untracked kan inte användas med revisioner"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "kan inte slå upp revision: %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "ogiltig kombination av flaggor, ignorerar --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3405
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "trådstöd saknas, ignorerar --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2719
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "felaktigt antal trådar angivet (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager fungerar endast i arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "flaggan stöds inte med --recurse-submodules"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached och --untracked kan inte användas med --no-index"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard kan inte användas för spårat innehåll"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "både --cached och träd angavs"
@@ -13211,10 +13669,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "typ"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "objekttyp"
@@ -13279,7 +13733,7 @@
 #: builtin/help.c:77
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized help format '%s'"
-msgstr "okänt hjälpformat: ”%s”"
+msgstr "okänt hjälpformat: \"%s\""
 #: builtin/help.c:104
 msgid "Failed to start emacsclient."
@@ -13330,12 +13784,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "ingen info-visare hanterade förfrågan"
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är ett alias för \"%s\""
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "felaktig alias.%s-sträng: %s"
@@ -13349,290 +13803,285 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "\"git help config\" för mer information"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "objekttyp stämmer inte överens vid %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "emottog inte det förväntade objektet %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "objektet %s: förväntad typ %s, såg %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "kan inte fylla %d byte"
 msgstr[1] "kan inte fylla %d byte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "tidigt filslut"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "indataläsfel"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "använde fler byte än tillgängligt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "paket för stort för nuvarande definition av off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "paket är större än tillåten maximal storlek"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "kunde inte skapa \"%s\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte öppna paketfilen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "paketsignatur stämmer inte överens"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "paketversion %<PRIu32> stöds ej"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "paketet har felaktigt objekt vid index %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "inflate returnerade %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "indexvärdespill för deltabasobjekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "deltabasindex utanför gränsen"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "okänd objekttyp %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "kan inte utföra \"pread\" på paketfil"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "för tidigt slut på paketfilen, %<PRIuMAX> byte saknas"
 msgstr[1] "för tidigt slut på paketfilen, %<PRIuMAX> byte saknas"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "allvarlig inflate-inkonsekvens"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
 #: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa information om befintligt objekt %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "kan inte läsa befintligt objekt %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "ogiltigt blob-objekt %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "fsck-fel i packat objekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "Inte alla barnobjekt för %s kan nås"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "misslyckades tillämpa delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Tar emot objekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Skapar index för objekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "paketet är trasigt (SHA1 stämmer inte)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "kan inte utföra \"fstat\" på paketfil"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "paket har skräp i slutet"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "förvirrad bortom vanvett i parse_pack_objects()"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Analyserar delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2491
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa tråd: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "förvirrad bortom vanvett"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "slutfördes med %d lokalt objekt"
 msgstr[1] "slutfördes med %d lokala objekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "Oväntad svanschecksumma för %s (trasig disk?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "paketet har %d oanalyserat delta"
 msgstr[1] "paketet har %d oanalyserade delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "kunde inte utföra \"deflate\" på tillagt objekt (%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "lokalt objekt %s är trasigt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "paketfilnamnet \"%s\" slutar inte med \".pack\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte ta skriva %s-fil \"%s\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte stänga skriven %s-fil \"%s\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "fel vid stängning av paketfil"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "kan inte spara paketfil"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "kan inte spara indexfil"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2730
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "felaktig pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "Kan inte öppna befintlig paketfil \"%s\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "Kan inte öppna befintlig paket-idx-fil för \"%s\""
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "icke-delta: %d objekt"
 msgstr[1] "icke-delta: %d objekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "kedjelängd = %d: %lu objekt"
 msgstr[1] "kedjelängd = %d: %lu objekt"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "Kan inte gå tillbaka till arbetskatalogen (cwd)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "felaktig %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin kan inte användas med --stdin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin kräver ett git-arkiv"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "--verify angavs utan paketfilnamn"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "fsck-fel i packat objekt"
@@ -13727,17 +14176,17 @@
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "ange att git-arkivet skall delas bland flera användare"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "kan inte skapa katalogen (mkdir) %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "kan inte byta katalog (chdir) till %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
@@ -13746,12 +14195,12 @@
 "%s (eller --work-tree=<katalog>) inte tillåtet utan att ange %s (eller --git-"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "Kan inte komma åt arbetskatalogen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -13759,59 +14208,59 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<symbol>[(=|:)<värde>])...] [<fil>...]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "redigera filer på plats"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "ta bort tomma släprader"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "var nya släprader skall placeras"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "att göra om släprader redan finns"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "att göra om släprader saknas"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "visa endast släprader"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "använd inte regler från konfigurationen"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "slå ihop värden avdelade med blanksteg"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "välj tolkningsalternativ"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "tolka inte --- speciellt"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "släprad"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "släprad(er) att lägga till"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer med --only-input ger ingen mening"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "ingen indatafil angiven för redigering på plats"
@@ -13823,113 +14272,133 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<flaggor>] <objekt>..."
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "ogiltig flagga för --decorate: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:160
+msgid ""
+"log.mailmap is not set; its implicit value will change in an\n"
+"upcoming release. To squelch this message and preserve current\n"
+"behaviour, set the log.mailmap configuration value to false.\n"
+"To squelch this message and adopt the new behaviour now, set the\n"
+"log.mailmap configuration value to true.\n"
+"See 'git help config' and search for 'log.mailmap' for further information."
+msgstr ""
+"log.mailmap har inte satts: förvalet kommer ändras i en kommande\n"
+"version. För att dölja det här meddelandet och behålla nuvarande\n"
+"beteende, sätt konfigurationsvariabeln log.mailmap till false.\n"
+"För att dölja det här meddelandet och använda det nya beteendet,\n"
+"sätt konfigurationsvariabeln log.mailmap till true.\n"
+"Se \"git help config\" och sök efter \"log.mailmap\" för mer information."
+#: builtin/log.c:183
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "visa källkod"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:184
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "Använd e-postmappningsfil"
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:186
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "dekorera endast referenser som motsvarar <mönster>"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:188
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "dekorera inte referenser som motsvarar <mönster>"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:189
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "dekoreringsflaggor"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:192
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Behandla radintervallet n,m i filen, med början på 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:297
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Slututdata: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: felaktig fil"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:566 builtin/log.c:660
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa objektet %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:685
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "okänd typ: %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:808
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "format.headers utan värde"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:925
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "namnet på utdatakatalogen är för långt"
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "kan inte öppna patchfilen %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:958
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "behöver precis ett intervall"
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:968
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "inte ett intervall"
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1091
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "omslagsbrevet behöver e-postformat"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1097
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa fil för omslagsbrev"
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "tokigt in-reply-to: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1203
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<flaggor>] [<sedan> | <revisionsintervall>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1261
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "två utdatakataloger?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1372 builtin/log.c:2116 builtin/log.c:2118 builtin/log.c:2130
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "okänd incheckning %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1382 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "misslyckades slå upp \"%s\" som en giltig referens"
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1387
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "kunde inte hitta exakt sammanslagningsbas"
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1391
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
@@ -13939,271 +14408,267 @@
 "använd git branch --set-upstream-to för att spåra en fjärrgren.\n"
 "Eller så kan du ange basincheckning med --base=<bas-inchecknings-id> manuellt"
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1411
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "kunde inte hitta exakt sammanslagningsbas"
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1422
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "basincheckningen bör vara förfader till revisionslistan"
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1426
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "basincheckningen bör inte vara i revisionslistan"
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1479
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "kan inte hämta patch-id"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1531
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "misslyckades räkna ut intervall range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "använd [PATCH n/m] även för en ensam patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1579
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "använd [PATCH] även för flera patchar"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1583
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "skriv patcharna på standard ut"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1585
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "generera ett följebrev"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "använd enkel nummersekvens för utdatafilnamn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1588
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "sfx"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1589
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "använd <sfx> istället för \".patch\""
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1591
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "börja numrera patchar på <n> istället för 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1593
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "markera serien som N:te försök"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1595
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Använd  [RFC PATCH] istället för [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Använd [<prefix>] istället för [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "spara filerna i <katalog>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1604
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "ta inte bort eller lägg till [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1607
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "skriv inte binära diffar"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "använd hashvärde med nollor i From-huvud"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "ta inte med patchar som motsvarar en uppströmsincheckning"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr "visa patchformat istället för standard (patch + stat)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1615
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "E-post"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1616
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "huvud"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1617
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "lägg till e-posthuvud"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1618 builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "epost"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "lägg till mottagarhuvud (\"To:\")"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "lägg till kopiehuvud (\"Cc:\")"
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "ident"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr "sätt Från-adress till <ident> (eller incheckare om ident saknas)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "meddelande-id"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "gör det första brevet ett svar till <meddelande-id>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1627 builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "gräns"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "bifoga patchen"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1631
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "gör patchen ett inline-objekt"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr "aktivera brevtrådning, typer: shallow, deep"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1637
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "signatur"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1638
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "lägg till signatur"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1639
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "basincheckning"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1640
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "lägg till förhandskrävd trädinfo i patchserien"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1642
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "lägg till signatur från fil"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1643
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "visa inte filnamn för patchar"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1645
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "visa förloppsindikator medan patchar skapas"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "rev"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1647
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr "visa ändringar mot <rev> i omslagsbrev eller ensam patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1650
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr "visa ändringar mot <refspec> i omslagsbrev eller ensam patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1652
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "procent som skapelse vägs med"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "ogiltig ident-rad: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1742
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-n och -k kan inte användas samtidigt"
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1744
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc och -k kan inte användas samtidigt"
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1752
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "kan inte använda --name-only"
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1754
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "kan inte använda --name-status"
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1756
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "kan inte använda --check"
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1788
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "standard ut, eller katalog, vilken skall det vara?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1877
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--interdiff kräver --cover-letter eller ensam patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1881
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "Interdiff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1882
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Interdiff mot v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1888
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "--creation-factor kräver --range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1892
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--range-diff kräver --cover-letter eller ensam patch"
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1900
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "Intervall-diff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1901
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Intervall-diff mot v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1912
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte läsa signaturfil \"%s\""
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1948
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Skapar patchar"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1992
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "misslyckades skapa utdatafiler"
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2051
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<uppström> [<huvud> [<gräns>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2105
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14327,7 +14792,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "visa inte fjärr-URL"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "exec"
@@ -14398,190 +14863,194 @@
 #: builtin/mailsplit.c:241
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
-msgstr "tom mbox: ”%s”"
+msgstr "tom mbox: \"%s\""
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<flaggor>] [<incheckning>...]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "flaggan \"m\" behöver ett värde"
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "flaggan \"%s\" behöver ett värde"
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Kunde inte hitta sammanslagningsstrategin \"%s\".\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Tillgängliga strategier är:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Tillgängliga skräddarsydda strategier är:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "visa inte en diffstat när sammanslagningen är färdig"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "visa en diffstat när sammanslagningen är färdig"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(synonym till --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr ""
 "lägg till (som mest <n>) poster från shortlog till incheckningsmeddelandet"
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "skapa en ensam incheckning istället för en sammanslagning"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "utför en incheckning om sammanslagningen lyckades (standard)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "redigera meddelande innan incheckning"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "tillåt snabbspolning (standard)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "avbryt om snabbspolning inte är möjlig"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "bekräfta att den namngivna incheckningen har en giltig GPG-signatur"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "strategi"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "sammanslagningsstrategi att använda"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "alternativ=värde"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "alternativ för vald sammanslagningsstrategi"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr "incheckningsmeddelande för (icke snabbspolande) sammanslagning"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "avbryt den pågående sammanslagningen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "--abort men lämna index och arbetskatalog ensamma"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "fortsätt den pågående sammanslagningen"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "tillåt sammanslagning av orelaterade historier"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "bekräfta commit-msg-krok"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "kunde köra stash."
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "stash misslyckades"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "inte ett giltigt objekt: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "read-tree misslyckades"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (inget att platta till)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Tillplattningsincheckning -- uppdaterar inte HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Inget sammanslagningsmeddelande -- uppdaterar inte HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "\"%s\" verkar inte peka på en incheckning"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Felaktig branch.%s.mergeoptions-sträng: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "Hanterar inte något annat än en sammanslagning av två huvuden."
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Felaktig flagga för merge-recursive: -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte läsa från \"%s\""
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Checkar inte in sammanslagningen; använd \"git commit\" för att slutföra "
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -14592,11 +15061,11 @@
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Ett tomt meddelande avbryter incheckningen.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
@@ -14605,69 +15074,73 @@
 "Rader som inleds med \"%c\" kommer ignoreras, och ett tomt meddelande\n"
 "avbryter incheckningen.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Tomt incheckningsmeddelande."
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Underbart.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Kunde inte slå ihop automatiskt; fixa konflikter och checka in resultatet.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "Inte på någon gren."
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "Ingen fjärr för aktuell gren."
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "Ingen standarduppström angiven för aktuell gren."
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "Ingen fjärrspårande gren för %s från %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Felaktigt värde \"%s\" i miljövariabeln \"%s\""
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "inte något vi kan slå ihop med %s: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "inte något vi kan slå ihop"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort tar inga argument"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Ingen sammanslagning att avbryta (MERGE_HEAD saknas)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--quit tar inga argument"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue tar inga argument"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Ingen sammanslagning pågår (MERGE_HEAD saknas)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -14675,7 +15148,7 @@
 "Du har inte avslutat sammanslagningen (MERGE_HEAD finns).\n"
 "Checka in dina ändringar innan du slår ihop."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -14683,92 +15156,96 @@
 "Du har inte avslutat din \"cherry-pick\" (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD finns).\n"
 "Checka in dina ändringar innan du slår ihop."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Du har inte avslutat din \"cherry-pick\" (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD finns)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "Du kan inte kombinera --squash med --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "Du kan inte kombinera --squash med --commit."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr "Ingen incheckning angiven och merge.defaultToUpstream är ej satt."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "Stöder inte en tillplattningsincheckning på ett tomt huvud ännu"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr "Icke-snabbspolad incheckning kan inte användas med ett tomt huvud"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - inte något vi kan slå ihop"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "Kan endast slå ihop en enda incheckning i ett tomt huvud"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "vägrar slå samman orelaterad historik"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Redan à jour."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Uppdaterar %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Försöker riktigt enkel sammanslagning i indexet...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "Nej.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Redan à jour. Toppen!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "Kan inte snabbspola, avbryter."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Återspolar trädet till orört...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Försöker sammanslagningsstrategin %s...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Ingen sammanslagningsstrategi hanterade sammanslagningen.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "Sammanslagning med strategin %s misslyckades.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "Använder %s för att förbereda lösning för hand.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14878,7 +15355,7 @@
 #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:70 builtin/merge-recursive.c:72
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve ref '%s'"
-msgstr "kunde inte bestämma referensen ”%s”"
+msgstr "kunde inte bestämma referensen \"%s\""
 #: builtin/merge-recursive.c:78
 #, c-format
@@ -14902,21 +15379,37 @@
 msgstr "tillåt skapa mer än ett träd"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<kat>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<kat>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr "objektkatalog med uppsättning av par med paketfiler och pack-index"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+"vid ompackning, samla mindre paketfiler i en bunt som är större än denna "
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "för många argument"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "flaggan --batch-size används bara i underkommandot \"repack\""
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "okänt verb: %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "okänt underkommando: %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -15006,52 +15499,52 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Byter namn på %s till %s\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:520
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "misslyckades byta namn på \"%s\""
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [<flaggor>] <incheckning>..."
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<flaggor>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<flaggor>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "skriv endast namn (ingen SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "använd endast taggar för att namnge incheckningar"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "använd endast referenser som motsvarar <mönster>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "ignorera referenser som motsvarar <mönster>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr "lista alla incheckningar som kan nås alla referenser"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "läs från standard in"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "tillåt att skriva \"odefinierade\" namn (standard)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "avreferera taggar i indata (används internt)"
@@ -15198,7 +15691,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "anteckningens innehåll har lämnats kvar i %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna eller läsa \"%s\""
@@ -15432,7 +15925,7 @@
 "%s och checka in resultatet med \"git notes merge --commit\", eller avbryt "
 "sammanslagningen med \"git notes merge --abort\".\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Kunde inte slå upp \"%s\" som en giltig referens."
@@ -15466,7 +15959,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "använd anteckningar från <anteckningsref>"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "okänt underkommando: %s"
@@ -15544,64 +16037,64 @@
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr "inaktiverar skrivning av bitkarta då några objekt inte packas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1591
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "deltabasoffset utanför gränsen i pack för %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "deltabasoffset utanför gränsvärden för %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1869
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Räknar objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1999
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "kan inte hämta storlek på %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka objekthuvud för %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2084 builtin/pack-objects.c:2100
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2110
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "objektet %s kunde inte läsas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2087 builtin/pack-objects.c:2114
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr "objektet %s har inkonsistent objektlängd (%<PRIuMAX> mot %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2124
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "icke-optimalt pack - minnet slut"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2450
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "Deltakomprimering använder upp till %d trådar"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2582
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "kan inte packa objekt nåbara från taggen %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2669
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Komprimerar objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "deltaräknaren är inkonsekvent"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2756
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15610,7 +16103,7 @@
 "förväntade kant-objekt-id, fick skräp:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15619,253 +16112,253 @@
 "förväntade objekt-id, fick skräp:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2860
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "ogiltigt värde för --missing"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2919 builtin/pack-objects.c:3027
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
-msgstr "kan inte öppna paketfilen"
+msgstr "kan inte öppna paketfilen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2950
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "lösa objekt på %s kunde inte underökas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3035
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "kan inte tvinga lösa objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3127
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "inte en referens \"%s\""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3130
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "felaktig revision \"%s\""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
-msgstr "kan inte lägga till nya objekt"
+msgstr "kan inte lägga till nya objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3208
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "indexversionen %s stöds ej"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3212
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "felaktig indexversion \"%s\""
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "visa inte förloppsindikator"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "visa förloppsindikator"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3246
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "visa förloppsindikator under objektskrivningsfasen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "som --all-progress när förloppsindikatorn visas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<version>[,<offset>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3251
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr "skriv paketindexfilen i angiven indexformatversion"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "maximal storlek på varje utdatapaketfil"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "ignorera lånade objekt från alternativa objektlager"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "ignorera packade objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "begränsa paketfönster efter objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr "begränsa paketfönster efter minne förutom objektgräns"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr "maximal längd på deltakedja tillåten i slutligt paket"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "återanvänd befintliga delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "återanvänd befintliga objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "använd OFS_DELTA-objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr "använd trådar vid sökning efter bästa deltaträffar"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "försök inte skapa tom paketutdata"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "läs revisionsargument från standard in"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "begränsa objekt till dem som ännu inte packats"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3281
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "inkludera objekt som kan nås från någon referens"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "inkludera objekt som refereras från referensloggposter"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "inkludera objekt som refereras från indexet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "skriv paket på standard ut"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr "inkludera taggobjekt som refererar objekt som skall packas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "behåll onåbara objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "packa lösa onåbara objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "packa upp onåbara objekt nyare än <tid>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "använd gles-nåbarhetsalgoritmen"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "skapa tunna paket"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "skapa packfiler lämpade för grunda hämtningar"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "ignorera paket som har tillhörande .keep-fil"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "ignorera detta paket"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "komprimeringsgrad för paket"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "göm inte incheckningar med ympningar (\"grafts\")"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr "använd bitkartindex om tillgängligt för att räkna objekt snabbare"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "använd bitkartindex tillsammans med packindexet"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3320
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "hantering av saknade objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "packa inte objekt i kontraktspackfiler"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3325
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "respektera öar under deltakomprimering"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3350
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "deltakedjedjupet %d är för djupt, påtvingar %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3355
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "pack.deltaCacheLimit är för högt, påtvingar %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
 "--max-pack-size kan inte användas för att bygga ett paket som skall överföras"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3411
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "minsta packstorlek är 1 MiB"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr "--thin kan inte användas för att bygga ett indexerbart paket"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3419
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable och -unpack-unreachable kan inte användas samtidigt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3425
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "kan inte använda --filter utan --stdout"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3486
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Räknar upp objekt"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3516
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr ""
 "Totalt %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), återanvände %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:7
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:8
 msgid "git pack-refs [<options>]"
 msgstr "git pack-refs [<flaggor>]"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:15
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:16
 msgid "pack everything"
 msgstr "packa allt"
-#: builtin/pack-refs.c:16
+#: builtin/pack-refs.c:17
 msgid "prune loose refs (default)"
 msgstr "ta bort lösa referenser (standard)"
@@ -15906,44 +16399,44 @@
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git pull [<flaggor>] [<arkiv> [<refspec>...]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "styrning för rekursiv hämtning av undermoduler"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Alternativ gällande sammanslagning"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "inlemma ändringar genom ombasering i stället för sammanslagning"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "tillåt snabbspolning"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "utför automatiskt stash/stash pop före och efter ombasering"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Alternativ gällande hämtningar"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "tvinga överskrivning av lokal gren"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "antal undermoduler som hämtas parallellt"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Felaktigt värde för pull.ff: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
@@ -15951,14 +16444,14 @@
 "Det finns ingen kandidat för ombasering bland referenserna du precis har "
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
 "Det finns ingen kandidat för sammanslagning bland referenserna du precis har "
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -15966,7 +16459,7 @@
 "Det betyder vanligtvis att du använt en jokertecken-refspec som inte\n"
 "motsvarade något i fjärränden."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -15977,42 +16470,42 @@
 "gren. Eftersom det inte är den fjärr som är konfigurerad som\n"
 "standard för aktuell gren måste du ange en gren på kommandoraden."
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Du är inte på någon gren för närvarande."
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Ange vilken gren du vill ombasera mot."
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Ange vilken gren du vill slå samman med."
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Se git-pull(1) för detaljer."
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<fjärr>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<gren>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "Det finns ingen spårningsinformation för aktuell gren."
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr "Om du vill ange spårningsinformation för grenen kan du göra det med:"
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -16021,32 +16514,32 @@
 "Dina inställningar anger sammanslagning med referensen \"%s\"\n"
 "från fjärren, men någon sådan referens togs inte emot."
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte komma åt incheckningen %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "ignorera --verify-signatures för ombasering"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "--[no-]autostash är endast giltig med --rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr "Uppdaterar en ofödd gren med ändringar som lagts till i indexet."
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "pull med ombasering"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "checka in eller använd \"stash\" på dem."
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -16057,7 +16550,7 @@
 "snabbspolar din arbetskatalog från\n"
 "incheckningen %s."
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -16074,15 +16567,15 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "för att återgå."
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "Kan inte slå ihop flera grenar i ett tomt huvud."
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "Kan inte ombasera ovanpå flera grenar."
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr "kan inte ombasera med lokalt lagrade ändringar i undermoful"
@@ -16542,7 +17035,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "behåll tomma incheckningar"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "tillåt incheckningar med tomt meddelande"
@@ -16562,7 +17055,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "signera incheckningar"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "vis diffstat för vad som ändrats uppströms"
@@ -16670,7 +17163,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "kommando att köra"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr "kör automatiskt alla \"exec\" som misslyckas på nytt"
@@ -16678,7 +17171,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "--[no-]rebase-cousins har ingen effekt utan --rebase-merges"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s kräver en interaktiv ombasering"
@@ -16708,11 +17201,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "Kan inte spara %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "kunde inte bestämma HEAD-revision"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -16726,7 +17219,7 @@
 "För att avbryta och återgå till där du var före ombaseringen, kör \"git "
 "rebase --abort\"."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16745,7 +17238,7 @@
 "Därför kan inte git ombasera dessa."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16762,7 +17255,7 @@
 "    git rebase '<gren>'\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -16775,128 +17268,128 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<gren> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "exec-kommandon kan inte innehålla nyradstecken"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "tomt exec-kommando"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "ombasera mot given grenen istället för uppström"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "tillåt pre-rebase-krok att köra"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "var tyst. implicerar --no-stat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "visa inte en diffstat för vad som ändrats uppströms"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "lägg \"Signed-off-by:\"-rad till varje incheckning"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "sänds till \"git am\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "sänds till \"git apply\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr "utför cherry-pick på alla incheckningar, även om oändrad"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "fortsätt"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "hoppa över nuvarande patch och fortsätt"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "avbryt och checka ut ursprungsgrenen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "avbryt men behåll HEAD där det är"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "redigera attgöra-listan under interaktiv ombasering."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "visa patchen som tillämpas eller slås samman"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "använd sammanslagningsstrategier för sammanslagning"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr "låt användaren redigera listan över incheckningar att ombasera"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr ""
 "(AVRÅDS) försök återskapa sammanslagningar istället för att ignorera dem"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "behåll tomma incheckningar under ombasering"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr "flytta incheckningar som börjar med squash!/fixup! under -i"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "utför automatiskt stash/stash pop före och efter"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr "lägg till exec-rader efter varje incheckning i den redigerbara listan"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "tillåt ombasering av incheckningar med tomt meddelande"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr "försök ombasera sammanslagningar istället för att ignorera dem"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr "använd \"merge-base --fork-point\" för att förfina uppström"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "använd angiven sammanslagningsstrategi"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "alternativ"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "sänd flaggan till sammanslagningsstrategin"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "ombasera alla nåbara incheckningar upp till roten/rötterna"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -16904,29 +17397,29 @@
 "stödet för rebase.useBuiltin har tagits bort!\n"
 "Se posten för det i \"git help config\" för detaljer."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr "Det verkar som en \"git am\" körs. Kan inte ombasera."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges avråds från. Använd --rebase-merges istället."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "Ingen ombasering pågår?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr "Åtgärden --edit-todo kan endast användas under interaktiv ombasering."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "Kan inte läsa HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -16934,21 +17427,16 @@
 "Du måste redigera alla sammanslagningskonflikter och\n"
 "därefter markera dem som lösta med git add"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "kunde inte kasta ändringar i arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte flytta tillbaka till %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "kunde inte ta bort \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -16969,172 +17457,176 @@
 "och kör programmet igen. Jag avslutar ifall du fortfarande har\n"
 "något av värde där.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "flaggan \"C\" förväntar ett numeriskt värde"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "Okänt läge: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy kräver --merge eller --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec kräver --exec eller --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
 "kan inte kombinera am-flaggor med varken interaktiv- eller "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "kan inte kombinera \"--preserve-merges\" med \"--rebase-merges\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
 "fel: kan inte kombinera \"--preserve-merges\" med \"--reschedule-failed-exec"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "kan inte kombinera \"--rebase-merges\" med \"--strategy-option\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "kan inte kombinera \"--rebase-merges\" med \"--strategy\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
-msgstr "felaktig uppström ”%s”"
+msgstr "felaktig uppström \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa ny rotincheckning"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "\"%s\": behöver precis en sammanslagningsbas"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Pekar inte på en giltig incheckning: \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "ödesdigert: ingen sådan gren/incheckning: \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "Ingen sådan referens: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "Kunde inte bestämma HEAD:s incheckning"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "Kan inte utföra \"autostash\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "Oväntat svar från stash: \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "Kunde inte skapa katalog för \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "Skapade autostash: %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "kunde inte utföra \"reset --hard\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD är nu på %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Checka in eller använd \"stash\" på dem."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte tolka \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte växla till %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD är à jour."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "Aktuell gren %s är à jour.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "HEAD är à jour, ombasering framtvingad."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "Aktuell gren %s är à jour, ombasering framtvingad.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "Kroken pre-rebase vägrade ombaseringen."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Ändringar till %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Ändringar från %s till %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Först, spolar tillbaka huvudet för att spela av ditt arbete ovanpå det...\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Kunde inte koppla från HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "Snabbspolade %s till %s.\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <git-katalog>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17164,7 +17656,7 @@
 "För att undvika detta meddelande och fortfarande behålla det\n"
 "normala beteendet, sätt \"receive.denyCurrentBranch\" till \"refuse\"."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17185,11 +17677,11 @@
 "För att undvika detta meddelande kan du sätta det till \"refuse\"."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "tyst"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Du måste ange en katalog."
@@ -17772,112 +18264,112 @@
 "Använd --no-write-bitmap-index eller inaktivera inställningen\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:201
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr "kunde inte starta pack-objects för att packa om kontraktsobjekt"
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:240 builtin/repack.c:418
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
 "repack: Förväntar kompletta hex-objekt-ID-rader endast från pack-objects."
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:257
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr "kunde inte avsluta pack-objects för att packa om kontraktsobjekt"
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "packa allt i ett enda paket"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:297
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "samma som -a, och gör onåbara objekt lösa"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "ta bort överflödiga paket, och kör git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "sänd --no-reuse-delta till git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "sänd --no-reuse-object till git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "kör inte git-update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:309
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "sänd --local till git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:311
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "skriv bitkartindex"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:313
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "sänd --delta-islands till git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "cirkadatum"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "med -A, lös inte upp objekt äldre än detta"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:317
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "med -a, packa om onåbara objekt"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "storlek på fönster använt för deltakomprimering"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:320 builtin/repack.c:326
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "byte"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:321
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr "samma som ovan, men begränsa minnesstorleken istället för postantal"
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:323
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "begränsa maximalt deltadjup"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:325
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "begränsar maximalt antal trådar"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:327
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "maximal storlek på varje paketfil"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:329
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "packa om objekt i paket märkta med .keep"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:331
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "packa inte om detta paket"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:341
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "kan inte ta bort paket i ett \"precious-objects\"-arkiv"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:345
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable och -A kan inte användas samtidigt"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:427
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "Inget nytt att packa."
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:488
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -17896,7 +18388,7 @@
 "VARNING: namnet misslyckades också.\n"
 "VARNING: Byt namn på dem i %s manuellt:\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades ta bort \"%s\""
@@ -18303,24 +18795,24 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "Kunde inte skriva ny indexfil."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr "kan inte kombinera --exclude-promisor-objects och --missing"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "objektfiltrering kräver --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "ogiltigt värde för sparse: \"%s\""
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list stöder inte visning av anteckningar"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "kan inte kombinera --use-bitmap-index med objektfiltrering"
@@ -18393,47 +18885,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "avbryt revert- eller cherry-pick-sekvens"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "hoppa över nuvarande incheckning och fortsätt"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "checka inte in automatiskt"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "redigera incheckningsmeddelandet"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "nummer-på-förälder"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "välj förälder för huvudlinje"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "sammanslagningsstrategi"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "alternativ för sammanslagningsstrategi"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "lägg till incheckningsnamn"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "behåll incheckningar som börjar som tomma"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "behåll redundanta, tomma incheckningar"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "\"revert\" misslyckades"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "\"cherry-pick\" misslyckades"
@@ -18603,120 +19099,120 @@
 msgstr[0] "ignorerar %s; kan inte hantera mer än %d referens"
 msgstr[1] "ignorerar %s; kan inte hantera mer än %d referenser"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "inga motsvarande referenser med %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "visa fjärrspårande och lokala grenar"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "visa fjärrspårande grenar"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "färga \"*!+-\" enligt grenen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "visa <n> ytterligare incheckningar efter gemensam anfader"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "synonym till more=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "undertyck namnsträngar"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "inkludera aktuell gren"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "namnge incheckningar med deras objektnamn"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "visa möjliga sammanslagningsbaser"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "visa referenser som inte kan nås från någon annan referens"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "visa incheckningar i topologisk ordning"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "visa endast incheckningar inte på den första grenen"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "visa sammanslagningar som endast kan nås från en spets"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "sortera topologiskt, behåll datumordning när möjligt"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<bas>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "visa <n> nyaste refloggposter med början på bas"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
 "--reflog är inkompatibel med --all, --remotes, --independent eller --merge-"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "inga grenar angavs, och HEAD är inte giltigt"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "--reflog behöver ett namn på en gren"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "maximalt %d poster kan visas samtidigt."
 msgstr[1] "maximalt %d poster kan visas samtidigt."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "ingen sådan referens %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "kan inte hantera mer än %d revision."
 msgstr[1] "kan inte hantera mer än %d revisioner."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "\"%s\" är inte en giltig referens."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "hittar inte incheckning %s (%s)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:11
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:12
 msgid ""
 "git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --"
 "hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<pattern>...]"
@@ -18724,39 +19220,39 @@
 "git show-ref [-q | --quiet] [--verify] [--head] [-d | --dereference] [-s | --"
 "hash[=<n>]] [--abbrev[=<n>]] [--tags] [--heads] [--] [<mönster>...]"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:12
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:13
 msgid "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<pattern>]"
 msgstr "git show-ref --exclude-existing[=<mönster>]"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:161
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:162
 msgid "only show tags (can be combined with heads)"
 msgstr "visa endast taggar (kan kombineras med huvuden)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:162
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:163
 msgid "only show heads (can be combined with tags)"
 msgstr "visa endast huvuden (kan kombineras med taggar)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:163
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:164
 msgid "stricter reference checking, requires exact ref path"
 msgstr "striktare referenskontroll, kräver exakt referenssökväg"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:166 builtin/show-ref.c:168
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:167 builtin/show-ref.c:169
 msgid "show the HEAD reference, even if it would be filtered out"
 msgstr "visa HEAD-refrens, även när den skulle filtreras ut"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:170
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:171
 msgid "dereference tags into object IDs"
 msgstr "avreferera taggar till objekt-id"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:172
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:173
 msgid "only show SHA1 hash using <n> digits"
 msgstr "visa SHA1-hash endast med <n> siffror"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:176
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:177
 msgid "do not print results to stdout (useful with --verify)"
 msgstr "visa inte resultat på standard ut (användbart med --verify)"
-#: builtin/show-ref.c:178
+#: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "show refs from stdin that aren't in local repository"
 msgstr "visa referenser från standard in som inte finns i lokalt arkiv"
@@ -18826,7 +19322,7 @@
 #: builtin/stash.c:161
 msgid "No stash entries found."
-msgstr "Inga ”stash”-poster hittades."
+msgstr "Inga \"stash\"-poster hittades."
 #: builtin/stash.c:175
 #, c-format
@@ -18894,94 +19390,94 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "Inget grennamn angavs"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "Kan inte uppdatera %s med %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "\"stash\"-meddelande"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "\"git stash store\" kräver ett <incheckning>-argument"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "Inga ändringar valda"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "Du har inte den första incheckningen ännu"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "Kan inte spara aktuellt tillstånd för indexet"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "Kan inte spara ospårade filer"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "Kan inte spara aktuellt tillstånd för arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "Kan inte registrera tillstånd för arbetskatalog"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr "Kan inte använda --patch och --include-untracked eller --all samtidigt"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr "Glömde du använda \"git add\"?"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "Inga lokala ändringar att spara"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "Kan inte initiera \"stash\""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "Kan inte spara aktuell status"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "Sparade arbetskatalogen och indexstatus %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "Kan inte ta bort ändringar i arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "behåll indexet"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "\"stash\" i \"patch\"-läge"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "tyst läge"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "ta med ospårade filer i \"stash\""
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "ta med ignorerade filer"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte köra %s"
@@ -19002,7 +19498,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "lägg in kommentarstecken och blanksteg först på varje rad"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Förväntade fullt referensnamn, fick %s"
@@ -19016,7 +19512,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "kan inte ta bort en komponent från url:en \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "alternativa ankare för relativa sökvägar"
@@ -19024,8 +19520,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<sökväg>] [<sökväg>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "Hittade ingen url för undermodulsökvägen \"%s\" i .gitmodules"
@@ -19044,7 +19540,7 @@
 "run_command returnerade icke-nollstatus för %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -19055,19 +19551,19 @@
 "undermoduler för %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr "Dölj utdata från för varje undermodulskommando som startas"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Rekursera in i nästlade undermoduler"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] [<kommando>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
@@ -19076,54 +19572,54 @@
 "kunde inte slå upp konfigurationen \"%s\". Antar att arkivet är sin eget "
 "officiella uppström."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Misslyckades registrera url för undermodulsökväg \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Undermodulen \"%s\" (%s) registrerad för sökvägen \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr "varning: kommandouppdateringsläge föreslogs för undermodulen \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Misslyckades registrera uppdateringsläge för undermodulsökväg \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Dölj utdata från initiering av undermodul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<flaggor>] [<sökväg>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr "hittade ingen undermodulmappning i .gitmodules för sökvägen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte bestämma HEAD:s incheckning i undermodulen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades rekursera in i undermodulen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "Hindra statusutskrift för undermodul"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
@@ -19131,47 +19627,47 @@
 "Visa incheckning från indexet istället för den som lagrats i undermodulens "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "rekursera in i nästlade undermoduler"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quitet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<sökväg>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name <sökväg>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Synkroniserar undermodul-url för \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades registrera url för undermodulsökväg \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades hämta standardfjärr för undermodulsökväg \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades uppdatera fjärr för undermodulsökväg \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr "Dölj utdata från synkroniering av undermodul-url"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<sökväg>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
@@ -19180,7 +19676,7 @@
 "Undermodulsarbetskatalogen \"%s\" innehåller en .git-katalog (använd \"rm -rf"
 "\" om du verkligen vill ta bort den och all dess historik)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
@@ -19189,81 +19685,81 @@
 "Undermodulens arbetskatalog \"%s\" har lokala ändringar; \"-f\" kastar bort "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Rensade katalogen \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort undermodulens arbetskatalog \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa tom undermodulskatalog %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Undermodulen \"%s\" (%s) registrerad för sökvägen \"%s\"\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr ""
 "Ta bort undermodulers arbetskataloger även om de innehåller lokala ändringar"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "Avregistrera alla undermoduler"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<sökväg>...]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr "Använd \"--all\" om du verkligen vill avinitiera alla undermoduler"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "undermodulen \"%s\" kan inte lägga till alternativ: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr "Värdet \"%s\" i submodule.alternateErrorStrategy förstås inte"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "Värdet \"%s\" i submodule.alternateLocation förstås inte"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "var den nya undermodulen skall klonas till"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "namn på den nya undermodulen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "URL att klona undermodulen från"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "djup för grunda kloner"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "tvinga kloningsförlopp"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
@@ -19271,93 +19767,93 @@
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<sökväg>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<arkvi>] [--name <namn>] [--depth <djup>] --url <url> --path <sökväg>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
-msgstr "misslyckades klona \"%s\" till undermodulsökvägen ”%s”"
+msgstr "misslyckades klona \"%s\" till undermodulsökvägen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte få tag i undermodulkatalog för \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Ogiltigt uppdateringsläge \"%s\" för undermodulsökväg \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Ogiltigt uppdateringsläge \"%s\" konfigurerat för undermodulsökväg \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "Undermodulsökvägen \"%s\" har inte initierats"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "Kanske menade du att använda \"update --init\"?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "Hoppar över ej sammanslagen undermodul %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Hoppar över undermodulen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "Misslyckades klona \"%s\". Nytt försök planlagt"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "Misslyckades klona \"%s\" för andra gången, avbryter"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "sökväg inuti arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr "sökväg inuti arbetskatalogen, genom nästlade undermodulgränser"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr "rebase, merge, checkout eller none"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr "Skapa en grund klon trunkerad till angivet antal revisioner"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "parallella jobb"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr "om den första klonen skall följa rekommendation för grund kloning"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "skriv inte klonförlopp"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<sökväg>] [<sökväg>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "felaktigt värde för parametern update"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
@@ -19366,16 +19862,16 @@
 "Undermodulens (%s) gren inställd på att ärva gren från huvudprojektet, men "
 "huvudprojektet är inte på någon gren"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte få tag i arkivhandtag för undermodulen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "rekursera ner i undermoduler"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dir [<flaggor>] [<sökväg>...]"
@@ -19404,7 +19900,7 @@
 msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
 msgstr "se till att .gitmodules finns i arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s stöder inte --super-prefix"
@@ -19469,17 +19965,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <taggnamn>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "taggen \"%s\" hittades inte."
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Tog bort tagg \"%s\" (var %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19492,7 +19988,7 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Rader som inleds med \"%c\" ignoreras.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19507,159 +20003,159 @@
 "Rader som inleds med \"%c\" kommer behållas; du kan själv ta bort dem om\n"
 "du vill.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "kunde inte signera taggen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "kunde inte skriva tagg-filen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new is\n"
+"You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
 "already a tag. If you meant to tag the object that it points to, use:\n"
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
 msgstr ""
-"Du har skapat en nästlad tagg. Objektet som refereras av din nya är\n"
+"Du har skapat en nästlad tagg. Objektet som refereras av din nya tagg är\n"
 "redan en tagg. Om du skulle tagga objektet den pekar på, använd:\n"
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "felaktig objekttyp."
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "inget taggmeddelande?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "Taggmeddelandet har lämnats i %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "lista taggnamn"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "visa <n> rader från varje taggmeddelande"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "ta bort taggar"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "verifiera taggar"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Alternativ för att skapa taggar"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "annoterad tagg, behöver meddelande"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "taggmeddelande"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "tvinga redigering av incheckningsmeddelande"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "annoterad och GPG-signerad tagg"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "använd annan nyckel för att signera taggen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "ersätt taggen om den finns"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "skapa en reflog"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Alternativ för listning av taggar"
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "lista taggar i spalter"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "visa endast taggar som innehåller incheckningen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "visa endast taggar som inte innehåller incheckningen"
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "visa endast taggar som slagits samman"
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "visa endast taggar som ej slagits samman"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "visa endast taggar för objektet"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column och -n är inkompatibla"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Flaggan -n är endast tillåten i listläge"
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Flaggan --contains är endast tillåten i listläge"
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Flaggan --no-contains är endast tillåten i listläge"
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Flaggan --points-at är endast tillåten i listläge"
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "Flaggorna --merged och --no-merged är endast tillåtna i listläge"
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "endast en av flaggorna -F eller -m tillåts."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "för många parametrar"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "\"%s\" är inte ett giltigt taggnamn."
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "taggen \"%s\" finns redan"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Uppdaterad tagg \"%s\" (var %s)\n"
@@ -19979,11 +20475,11 @@
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <incheckning>..."
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "visa innehåll för incheckning"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:70 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "visa råa gpg-statusdata"
@@ -20035,7 +20531,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock <sökväg>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades ta bort \"%s\""
@@ -20112,121 +20608,121 @@
 "använd \"add -f\" för att överstyra, eller \"prune\" eller \"remove\" för "
 "att rensa"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte skapa katalogen \"%s\""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "Förbereder arbetskatalog (ny gren \"%s\")"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr "Förbereder arbetskatalog (återställer gren \"%s\"; var på %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "Förbereder arbetskatalog (checkar ut \"%s\")"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "Förbereder arbetskatalog (frånkopplat HEAD %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr ""
 "checka ut <gren> även om den redan är utcheckad i en annan arbetskatalog"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "skapa en ny gren"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "skapa eller återställ en gren"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "befolka den nya arbetskatalogen"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "låt arbetskatalogen förbli låst"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "ställ in spårningsläge (se git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr "försök matcha namn på ny gren mot en fjärrspårande gren"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b, -B och --detach är ömsesidigt uteslutande"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr "--[no-]track kan endast användas när ny gran skapas"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "orsak till lås"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är inte en arbetskatalog"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "Huvudarbetskatalogen kan inte låsas eller låsas upp"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är redan låst, orsak: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är redan låst"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är inte låst"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr "arbetskataloger med undermoduler kan inte flyttas eller tas bort"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "tvinga flyttning även om arbetskatalogen är smutsig eller låst"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är inte en huvudarbetskatalog"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "kunde inte lista ut målnamn från \"%s\""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "målet \"%s\" finns redan"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20235,7 +20731,7 @@
 "kan inte flytta en låst arbetskatalog, orsak till lås: %s\n"
 "använd \"move -f -f\" för att överstyra, eller lås upp först"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20243,36 +20739,36 @@
 "kan inte flytta en låst arbetskatalog;\n"
 "använd \"move -f -f\" för att överstyra, eller lås upp först"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr "kontroll misslyckades, kan inte flytta arbetskatalog: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades flytta \"%s\" till \"%s\""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "misslyckades köra \"git status\" på \"%s\""
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr "\"%s\" är smutsigt, använd --force för att ta bort det"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr "misslyckades köra \"git status\" på \"%s\", kod %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "tvinga ta bort även om arbetskatalogen är smutsig eller låst"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20281,7 +20777,7 @@
 "kan inte ta bort en låst arbetskatalog, orsak till låset: %s\n"
 "använd \"remove -f -f\" för att överstyra, eller lås upp först"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20289,7 +20785,7 @@
 "kan inte ta bort en låst arbetskatalog;\n"
 "använd \"remove -f -f\" för att överstyra, eller lås upp först"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr "kontroll misslyckades, kan inte ta bort arbetskatalog: %s"
@@ -20365,53 +20861,55 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
 "\"git help -a\" och \"git help -g\" visar tillgängliga underkommandon och\n"
 "några konceptvägledningar. Se \"git help <kommando>\" eller \"git help\n"
-"<koncept>\" för att läsa mer om specifika underkommandon och koncept."
+"<koncept>\" för att läsa mer om specifika underkommandon och koncept.\n"
+"See \"git help git\" för en översikt över systemet."
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "ingen katalog angavs för --git-dir\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "ingen namnrymd angavs för --namespace\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "ingen katalog angavs för --work-tree\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "inget prefix angavs för --super-prefix\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "-c förväntar en konfigurationssträng\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "ingen katalog angavs för -C\n"
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "okänd flagga: %s\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr "vid expandering av aliaset \"%s\": \"%s\""
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
@@ -20420,39 +20918,39 @@
 "aliaset \"%s\" ändrar miljövariabler.\n"
 "Du kan använda \"!git\" i aliaset för att göra det"
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr "tomt alias för %s"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "rekursivt alias: %s"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "skrivfel på standard ut"
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "okänt skrivfel på standard ut"
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "stäng misslyckades på standard ut"
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:796
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr "alias-slinga detekterades: expansionen av \"%s\" avslutas aldrig:%s"
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "kan inte hantera %s som inbyggd"
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:859
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
@@ -20461,13 +20959,13 @@
 "användning: %s\n"
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr ""
 "expandering av alias \"%s\" misslyckades; \"%s\" är inte ett git-kommando\n"
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:891
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "misslyckades köra kommandot \"%s\": %s\n"
@@ -20599,7 +21097,7 @@
 #: remote-curl.c:1120 remote-curl.c:1126
 #, c-format
-msgid "protocol error: expected sha/ref, got %s'"
+msgid "protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "protokollfel: förväntade sha/ref, fick \"%s\""
 #: remote-curl.c:1138 remote-curl.c:1252
@@ -20628,35 +21126,35 @@
 msgid "remote-curl: unknown command '%s' from git"
 msgstr "remote-curl: okänt kommando \"%s\" från git"
-#: list-objects-filter-options.h:63
+#: list-objects-filter-options.h:61
 msgid "args"
 msgstr "argument"
-#: list-objects-filter-options.h:64
+#: list-objects-filter-options.h:62
 msgid "object filtering"
 msgstr "objektfiltrering"
-#: parse-options.h:169
+#: parse-options.h:170
 msgid "expiry-date"
 msgstr "giltig-till"
-#: parse-options.h:183
+#: parse-options.h:184
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "ingen funktion (bakåtkompatibilitet)"
-#: parse-options.h:296
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "var mer pratsam"
-#: parse-options.h:298
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "var mer tyst"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "använd <n> siffror för att visa SHA-1:or"
-#: parse-options.h:323
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr "hur blanksteg och #kommentarer skall tas bort från meddelande"
@@ -20672,6 +21170,14 @@
 msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
 msgstr "uppdatera indexet med återanvänd konfliktlösning om möjligt"
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "HEAD frånkopplad vid "
+#: wt-status.h:69
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "HEAD frånkopplad från "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Lägg filinnehåll till indexet"
@@ -20715,7 +21221,7 @@
 #: command-list.h:60
 msgid "Provide content or type and size information for repository objects"
 msgstr ""
-"Visa innehåller eller typ- och storleksinformation för objekt i arkivet."
+"Visa innehåller eller typ- och storleksinformation för objekt i arkivet"
 #: command-list.h:61
 msgid "Display gitattributes information"
@@ -21100,214 +21606,222 @@
 msgstr "Återställ aktuell HEAD till angivet tillstånd"
 #: command-list.h:156
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "Återställ filer i arbetskatalogen"
+#: command-list.h:157
 msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr "Återställ några befintliga incheckningar"
-#: command-list.h:157
+#: command-list.h:158
 msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr "Visa incheckningsobjekt i omvänd kronologisk ordning"
-#: command-list.h:158
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr "Plocka ut och massera parametrar"
-#: command-list.h:159
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Ta bort filer från arbetskatalogen och från indexet"
-#: command-list.h:160
+#: command-list.h:161
 msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr "Sänd en uppsättning patchar som e-post"
-#: command-list.h:161
+#: command-list.h:162
 msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr "Sänd objekt över Git-protokollet till annat arkiv"
-#: command-list.h:162
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr "Begränsat inloggningsskal för SSH-åtkomst till bara Git"
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr "Summera \"git log\"-utdata"
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "Visa olika sorters objekt"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "Visa grenar och deras incheckningar"
-#: command-list.h:166
+#: command-list.h:167
 msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr "Skapa packat arkivindex"
-#: command-list.h:167
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "Visa referenser i ett lokalt arkiv"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr "Git:s i18n-startkod för skalskript"
-#: command-list.h:169
+#: command-list.h:170
 msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr "Gemensam skriptstartkod för Git"
-#: command-list.h:170
+#: command-list.h:171
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr "Spara undan ändringar i en lortig arbetskatalog"
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "Lägg filinnehållet till indexet"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "Visa status för arbetskatalogen"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "Ta bort onödiga blanksteg"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "Initiera, uppdatera eller inspektera undermoduler"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr "Dubbelriktad verkan mellan ett Subversion-arkiv och Git"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Byt gren"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "Läs, modifiera eller ta bort symbolisk referens"
-#: command-list.h:177
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr "Skapa, visa, ta bort eller verifiera GPG-signerat taggobjekt"
-#: command-list.h:178
+#: command-list.h:180
 msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr "Skapar temporära filer med innehållet från en blob"
-#: command-list.h:179
+#: command-list.h:181
 msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr "Packa upp objekt från ett pakat arkiv"
-#: command-list.h:180
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "Registrera filinnehållet från arbetskatalogen i indexet"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr "Uppdatera objektnamnet i en referens på ett säkert sätt"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr "Uppdatera tilläggsinfofil för att hjälpa dumma servrar"
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "Sänd arkivet tillbaka till git-archive"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "Sänd packade objekt tillbaka till git-fetch-pack"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "Visa en logisk Git-variabel"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "Kontrollera GPG-signaturer för incheckningar"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "Bekräfta packade Git-arkivfiler"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "Kontrollera GPG-signaturer i taggar"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Git-webbgränssnitt (webbframända för Git-arkiv)"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "Visa loggar med differenser varje incheckning introducerar"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "Hantera ytterligare arbetskataloger"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "Skapa ett trädobjekt från aktuellt index"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "Definierar attribut per sökväg"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "Gits kommandoradsgränssnitt och -konventioner"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "Grundläggande Git-handledning för utvecklare"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "Git för CVS-användare"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "Justrea diff-utdata"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr "Ett användbart minsta uppsättning kommandon för vardags-Git"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "En Git-ordlista"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "Krokar som används av Git"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Ange avsiktligen ospårade filer att ignorera"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "Ange egenskaper för undermoduler"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Git-namnrymder"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Gits arkivlayout"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "Ange versioner och intervall i Git"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "Introduktion till Git: del två"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "Introduktion till Git"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Översikt över rekommenderade arbetsflöden med Git"
@@ -21718,12 +22232,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "Se git-${cmd}(1) för detaljer."
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "Tillämpade autostash."
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "Kan inte spara $stash_sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "Ombaserar ($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -21764,7 +22287,7 @@
 "Du kan byta ordning på raderna; de utförs uppifrån och ned.\n"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -21783,83 +22306,83 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1: inte en incheckning som kan väljas"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "Felaktigt incheckningsnamn: $sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr "Kan inte skriva ersättnings-sha1 för aktuell incheckning"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Snabbspolade till $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Kan inte snabbspola till $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "Kan inte flytta HEAD till $first_parent"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "Vägrar utföra \"squash\" på en sammanslagning: $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "Fel när sammanslagningen $sha1 skulle göras om"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "Kunde inte välja $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "Det här är incheckningsmeddelande ${n}:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Incheckningsmeddelande ${n} kommer hoppas över:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "Det här är en kombination av $count incheckning."
 msgstr[1] "Det här är en kombination av $count incheckningar."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "Kan inte skriva $fixup_msg"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "Det här är en kombination av 2 incheckningar."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "Kunde inte tillämpa $sha1... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -21873,31 +22396,31 @@
 "pre-commit-kroken misslyckades. Om pre-commit-kroken misslyckades kanske\n"
 "du måste lösa problemet innan du kan skriva om incheckningsmeddelandet."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "Stoppade på $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "Kan inte utföra \"$squash_style\" utan en föregående incheckning"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "Kör: $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "Körning misslyckades: $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "och gjorde ändringar till indexet och/eller arbetskatalogen"
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -21908,7 +22431,7 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -21923,25 +22446,25 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "Okänt kommando: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "Rätta det med \"git rebase --edit-todo\"."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "Lyckades ombasera och uppdatera $head_name."
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "Kunde inte ta bort CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -21972,11 +22495,11 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr "Fel vid försök att hitta författaridentitet för att utöka incheckning"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
@@ -21984,40 +22507,40 @@
 "Du har ändringar i arbetskatalogen som inte checkats in. Checka in dem\n"
 "först och kör sedan \"git rebase --continue\" igen."
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "Kunde inte checka in köade ändringar."
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "Kunde inte starta textredigerare"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "Kunde inte checka ut $switch_to"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "Inget HEAD?"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "Kunde inte skapa temporär $state_dir"
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "Kunde inte markera som interaktiv"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] "Ombasera $shortrevisions på $shortonto ($todocount incheckning)"
 msgstr[1] "Ombasera $shortrevisions på $shortonto ($todocount incheckningar)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "Kunde inte initiera omskrivna incheckningar"
@@ -22082,81 +22605,81 @@
 msgstr "Kunde inte bestämma absolut sökväg till git-katalogen"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%12s %12s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "köad"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "ej köad"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "binär"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "ingenting"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "oändrad"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "lade till %d sökväg\n"
 msgstr[1] "lade till %d sökvägar\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "uppdaterade %d sökväg\n"
 msgstr[1] "uppdaterade %d sökvägar\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "återställde %d sökväg\n"
 msgstr[1] "återställde %d sökvägar\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "rörde %d sökväg\n"
 msgstr[1] "rörde %d sökvägar\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Uppdatera"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "Återställ"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "observera: %s spåras inte längre.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "Lägg till ospårad"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "Inga ospårade filer.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
@@ -22164,7 +22687,7 @@
 "Om patchen kan appliceras rent kommer det redigerade stycket att\n"
 "köas omedelbart."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
@@ -22172,7 +22695,7 @@
 "Om patchen kan appliceras rent kommer det redigerade stycket att\n"
 "läggas till i \"stash\" omedelbart."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
@@ -22180,7 +22703,8 @@
 "Om patchen kan appliceras rent kommer det redigerade stycket att\n"
 "tas bort från kön omedelbart."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
@@ -22188,7 +22712,8 @@
 "Om patchen kan appliceras rent kommer det redigerade stycket att\n"
 "markeras för applicering omedelbart."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
@@ -22196,16 +22721,16 @@
 "Om patchen kan appliceras rent kommer det redigerade stycket att\n"
 "markeras för kasta omedelbart."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades öppna styckeredigeringsfil för skrivning: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr "Manuellt styckeredigeringsläge -- se nederst för snabbguide.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22219,7 +22744,7 @@
 "Rader som börjar med %s kommer att tas bort.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
@@ -22229,7 +22754,7 @@
 "redigera den igen. Om alla rader i ett stycke tas bort avbryts\n"
 "redigeringen och stycket lämnas oförändrat.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr "misslyckades öppna styckesredigeringsfil för läsning: %s"
@@ -22240,14 +22765,14 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Ditt redigerade stycke kan inte appliceras. Redigera igen (\"nej\" kastar!) "
 "[y/n]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -22261,7 +22786,7 @@
 "a - köa stycket och alla följande i filen\n"
 "d - köa inte stycket eller något av de följande i filen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -22275,7 +22800,7 @@
 "a - \"stash\":a stycket och alla följande i filen\n"
 "d - \"stash\":a inte stycket eller något av de följande i filen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -22289,7 +22814,7 @@
 "a - ta bort stycket och alla följande i filen från kön\n"
 "d - ta inte bort stycket eller något av de följande i filen från kön"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -22303,7 +22828,7 @@
 "a - applicera stycket och alla följande i filen\n"
 "d - applicera inte stycket eller något av de följande i filen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -22317,7 +22842,7 @@
 "a - förkasta stycket och alla följande i filen\n"
 "d - förkasta inte stycket eller något av de följande i filen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -22331,7 +22856,7 @@
 "a - förkasta stycket och alla följande i filen\n"
 "d - förkasta inte stycket eller något av de följande i filen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -22345,7 +22870,21 @@
 "a - applicera stycket och alla följande i filen\n"
 "d - applicera inte stycket eller något av de följande i filen"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - applicera stycket på arbetskatalogen\n"
+"n - applicera inte stycket på arbetskatalogen\n"
+"q - avsluta; applicera inte stycket eller något av de följande\n"
+"a - applicera stycket och alla följande i filen\n"
+"d - applicera inte stycket eller något av de följande i filen"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -22367,211 +22906,226 @@
 "e - redigera aktuellt stycke manuellt\n"
 "? - visa hjälp\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr "Markerade stycken kan inte appliceras på indexet!\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "Applicera dem på arbetskatalogen trots det? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "Ingenting applicerades.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "ignorerar ej sammanslagen: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "Endast binära filer ändrade.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "Inga ändringar.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "Uppdatera patch"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Köa ändrat läge [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Köa borttagning [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Köa stycket [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Stash:a ändrat läge [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Stash:a borttagning [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Stash:a stycket [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Ta bort ändrat läge från kön [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Ta bort borttagning från kön [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Ta bort stycket från kön [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Applicera ändrat läge på indexet [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Applicera borttagning på indexet [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Applicera stycket på indexet [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Kasta ändrat läge från arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Kasta borttagning från arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Kasta stycket från arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Kasta ändrat läge från indexet och arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Kasta borttagning från indexet och arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Kasta stycket från indexet och arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Applicera ändrat läge på indexet och arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Applicera borttagning på indexet och arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Applicera stycket på indexet och arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Applicera ändrat läge på arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Applicera borttagning på arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Applicera stycket på arbetskatalogen [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr "Inga andra stycken att gå till\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
 msgstr "gå till vilket stycke (<ret> för att se fler)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr "gå till vilket stycke? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Ogiltigt siffervärde: \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Beklagar, det finns bara %d stycke.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Beklagar, det finns bara %d stycken.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr "Inga andra stycken att söka efter\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr "sök efter reguljärt uttryck? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "Felaktigt format på reguljärt sökuttryck %s: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr "Inga stycken motsvarar givet mönster\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr "Inget föregående stycke\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr "Inget följande stycke\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Beklagar, kan inte dela stycket\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] "Dela i %d stycke.\n"
 msgstr[1] "Dela i %d stycken.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr "Beklagar, kan inte redigera stycket\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "Granska diff"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -22588,18 +23142,19 @@
 "diff          - visa diff mellan HEAD och index\n"
 "add untracked - lägg till innehåll i ospårade filer till köade ändringar\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "saknad --"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "okänt läge för --patch: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "felaktigt argument %s, förväntar --"
@@ -22612,31 +23167,31 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "lokal tidszonförskjutning större än eller lika med 24 timmar\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "textredigeringsprogrammet avslutades med fel, avbryter allting"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "\"%s\" innehåller en mellanliggande version av e-postbrevet du skrev.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "\"\" innehåller det skrivna brevet.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-alias är inkompatibelt med andra flaggor\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "Kan inte köra git format-patch från utanför arkivet\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
@@ -22644,37 +23199,37 @@
 "\"batch-size\" och \"relogin\" måste anges tillsammans (via kommandorad "
 "eller konfigurationsflagga)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Okänt fält i --suppress-cc: \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Okänd inställning i --confirm: \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "varning: sendmail-alias med citationstecken stöds inte. %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "varning: \":include:\" stöds inte: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "varning: omdirigering til \"/fil\" eller \"|rör\" stöds inte: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "varning: sendmail-raden känns inte igen: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -22689,12 +23244,12 @@
 "    * Säga \"./%s\" om du menar en fil; eller\n"
 "    * Ange flaggan --format-patch om du menar ett intervall.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "Misslyckades utföra opendir %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -22703,7 +23258,7 @@
 "ödesdigert: %s: %s\n"
 "varning: inga patchar har sänts\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -22713,17 +23268,17 @@
 "Inga patchfiler angavs!\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "Ingen ärenderad i %s?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "Kunde inte öppna för skrivning %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -22737,38 +23292,38 @@
 "Rensa brevkroppen om du inte vill sända någon sammanfattning.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "Misslyckades öppna %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "Misslyckades öppna %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "Sammanfattande brev tomt, hoppar över\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill använda <%s> [Y=ja, N=nej]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
 msgstr ""
 "Följande filer är åttabitars, men anger inte en Content-Transfer-Encoding.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Vilken åttabitarsteckenkodning skall jag ange [UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -22781,21 +23336,21 @@
 "har mallärendet \"*** SUBJECT HERE ***\". Använd --force om du verkligen "
 "vill sända.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "Till vem skall breven sändas (om någon)?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "ödesdigert: aliaset \"%s\" expanderar till sig själv\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr ""
 "Message-ID att använda som In-Reply-To för det första brevet (om något)? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "fel: kunde inte få fram en giltig adress från: %s\n"
@@ -22803,16 +23358,16 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr "Vad vill du göra med adressen? (q=avsluta, d=kasta, e=redigera): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "CA-sökvägen \"%s\" finns inte"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -22839,124 +23394,124 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr "Sända brevet? (y=ja, n=nej, e=redigera, q=avsluta, a=alla): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Svar krävs på frågan \"Sända brevet?\""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "Nödvändig SMTP-server har inte angivits korrekt."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "Servern stöder inte SMARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "STARTTLS misslyckades! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
 "Kan inte initiera SMTP korrekt. Kontrollera inställningarna och använd --"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "Misslyckades sända %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Test-Sände %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Sände %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Test-OK. Loggen säger:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "OK. Loggen säger:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Resultat: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Resultat: OK\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "kan inte öppna filen %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Lägger till cc: %s från raden \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Lägger till to: %s från raden \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(icke-mbox) Lägger till cc: %s från raden \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(kropp) Lägger till cc: %s från raden \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) Kunde inte köra \"%s\""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) Lägger till %s: %s från: \"%s\"\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) misslyckades stänga röret till \"%s\""
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "kan inte sända brev som sjubitars"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "ogiltig överföringskondning"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "kunde inte öppna %s: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "%s: patchen innehåller en rad längre än 998 tecken"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -22964,11 +23519,72 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Vill du verkligen sända %s? [y=ja, n=nej]: "
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"multi_ack_detailed\""
+#~ msgid "Server supports no-done"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"no-done\""
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"multi_ack\""
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"side-band-64k\""
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"side-band\""
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"allow-tip-sha1-in-want\""
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"allow-reachable-sha1-in-want\""
+#~ msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
+#~ msgstr "Servern stöder \"ofs-delta\""
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD frånkopplat vid %s)"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD frånkopplat från %s)"
+#~ msgid "Checking out files"
+#~ msgstr "Checkar ut filer"
+#~ msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "kan inte vara interaktiv om standard in inte är ansluten till en terminal."
+#~ msgid "failed to open '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "misslyckades öppna \"%s\""
+#~ msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
+#~ msgstr "misslyckades ta status på %s\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
+#~ "the remaining commits.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Om du vill hoppa över incheckningen, använd:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "\"git cherry-pick --continue\" kommer därefter att återuppta\n"
+#~ "cherry-pick för återstående incheckningar.\n"
+#~ msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+#~ msgstr "okänt verb: %s"
 #~ msgid "hash version %X does not match version %X"
 #~ msgstr "hash-versionen %X stämmer inte med versionen %X"
@@ -23073,9 +23689,6 @@
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Först, spolar tillbaka huvudet för att spela av ditt arbete ovanpå det..."
-#~ msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires an interactive rebase"
-#~ msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec kräver en interaktiv ombasering"
 #~ msgid "ignoring unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "ignorerar okänt läge för color-mode-ws \"%s\""
@@ -23146,12 +23759,6 @@
 #~ msgid "cannot remove a locked working tree"
 #~ msgstr "kan inte ta bort en låst arbetskatalog"
-#~ msgid "Applied autostash."
-#~ msgstr "Tillämpade autostash."
-#~ msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
-#~ msgstr "Kan inte spara $stash_sha1"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "\n"
 #~ "\tHowever, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po
index 4951db3..b8aa93a 100644
--- a/po/vi.po
+++ b/po/vi.po
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: git v2.22.0 round 3\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: git v2.23.0-rc2\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-04 08:07+0700\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 20:12+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-11 07:08+0700\n"
 "Last-Translator: Trần Ngọc Quân <>\n"
 "Language-Team: Vietnamese <>\n"
 "Language: vi\n"
@@ -22,45 +22,45 @@
 "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
 "X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%sgợi ý: %.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Cherry-picking là không thể thực hiện bởi vì bạn có những tập tin chưa được "
 "hòa trộn."
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Commit là không thể thực hiện bởi vì bạn có những tập tin chưa được hòa trộn."
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Merge là không thể thực hiện bởi vì bạn có những tập tin chưa được hòa trộn."
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Pull là không thể thực hiện bởi vì bạn có những tập tin chưa được hòa trộn."
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
 "Revert là không thể thực hiện bởi vì bạn có những tập tin chưa được hòa trộn."
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr ""
-"Việc này không thể thực hiện với %s bởi vì bạn có những tập tin chưa được hòa "
+"Việc này không thể thực hiện với %s bởi vì bạn có những tập tin chưa được "
+"hòa trộn."
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -68,49 +68,62 @@
 "Sửa chúng trong cây làm việc, và sau đó dùng lệnh “git add/rm <tập-tin>”\n"
 "dành riêng cho việc đánh dấu cần giải quyết và tạo lần chuyển giao."
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "Thoát ra bởi vì xung đột không thể giải quyết."
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Bạn chưa kết thúc việc hòa trộn (MERGE_HEAD vẫn tồn tại)."
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "Vui lòng chuyển giao các thay đổi trước khi hòa trộn."
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "Thoát ra bởi vì việc hòa trộn không hoàn tất."
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
-"Chú ý: đang lấy ra “%s”.\n"
+"Chú ý: đang chuyển sang “%s”.\n"
 "Bạn đang ở tình trạng “detached HEAD”. Bạn có thể xem qua, tạo các thay\n"
 "đổi thử nghiệm và chuyển giao chúng, bạn có thể loại bỏ bất kỳ lần chuyển\n"
-"giao nào trong tình trạng này mà không cần đụng chậm đến bất kỳ nhánh nào\n"
-"bằng cách thực hiện lần lấy ra khác nữa.\n"
+"giao nào trong tình trạng này mà không cần đụng chạm đến bất kỳ nhánh nào\n"
+"bằng cách chuyển trở lại một nhánh.\n"
 "Nếu bạn muốn tạo một nhánh mới để giữ lại các lần chuyển giao bạn tạo,\n"
-"bạn có thể làm thế (ngay bây giờ hay sau này) bằng cách chạy lệnh checkout\n"
-"lần nữa với tùy chọn -b. Ví dụ:\n"
+"bạn có thể làm thế (ngay bây giờ hay sau này) bằng cách dùng tùy chọn\n"
+"dòng lệnh -b. Ví dụ:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <tên-nhánh-mới>\n"
+"  git checkout -c <tên-nhánh-mới>\n"
+"Hoàn lại thao tác này bằng:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Tắt hướng dẫn này bằng cách đặt biến advice.detachedHead thành false\n"
 #: alias.c:50
@@ -119,97 +132,97 @@
 #: alias.c:51
 msgid "unclosed quote"
-msgstr "chưa đóng trích dẫn"
+msgstr "chưa có dấu nháy đóng"
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "không nhận ra tùy chọn về khoảng trắng “%s”"
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "không nhận ra tùy chọn bỏ qua khoảng trắng “%s”"
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject và --3way không thể dùng cùng nhau."
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached và --3way không thể dùng cùng nhau."
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way ở ngoài một kho chứa"
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index ở ngoài một kho chứa"
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached ở ngoài một kho chứa"
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Không thể chuẩn bị biểu thức chính qui dấu vết thời gian (timestamp regexp) "
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "thi hành biểu thức chính quy trả về %d cho đầu vào: %s"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "không thể tìm thấy tên tập tin trong miếng vá tại dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr ""
 "git apply: git-diff sai - cần /dev/null, nhưng lại nhận được %s trên dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: git-diff sai - tên tập tin mới không nhất quán trên dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: git-diff sai - tên tập tin cũ không nhất quán trên dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply: git-diff sai - cần “/dev/null” trên dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "chế độ không hợp lệ trên dòng %d: %s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "phần đầu mâu thuẫn dòng %d và %d"
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "chi tiết: dòng không cần: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "miếng vá phân mảnh mà không có phần đầu tại dòng %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -221,81 +234,81 @@
 "phần đầu diff cho git  thiếu thông tin tên tập tin khi gỡ bỏ đi %d trong "
 "thành phần dẫn đầu tên của đường dẫn (dòng %d)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr "phần đầu diff cho git thiếu thông tin tên tập tin (dòng %d)"
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "tập tin mới phụ thuộc vào nội dung cũ"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "tập tin đã xóa vẫn còn nội dung"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "miếng vá hỏng tại dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "tập tin mới %s phụ thuộc vào nội dung cũ"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "tập tin đã xóa %s vẫn còn nội dung"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** cảnh báo: tập tin %s trở nên trống rỗng nhưng không bị xóa"
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "miếng vá định dạng nhị phân sai hỏng tại dòng %d: %.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "miếng vá định dạng nhị phân không được nhận ra tại dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "vá chỉ với “rác” tại dòng %d"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc liên kết mềm %s"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "không thể mở hay đọc %s"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "sai khởi đầu dòng: “%c”"
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] "Khối dữ liệu #%d thành công tại %d (offset %d dòng)."
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "Nội dung bị giảm xuống còn (%ld/%ld) để áp dụng mảnh dữ liệu tại %d"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -304,459 +317,459 @@
 "trong khi đang tìm kiếm cho:\n"
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "thiếu dữ liệu của miếng vá định dạng nhị phân cho “%s”"
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr ""
-"không thể reverse-apply một miếng vá nhị phân mà không đảo ngược hunk thành "
+"không thể reverse-apply một miếng vá nhị phân mà không đảo ngược khúc thành "
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr ""
 "không thể áp dụng miếng vá nhị phân thành “%s” mà không có dòng chỉ mục đầy "
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
 msgstr ""
 "miếng vá áp dụng cho “%s” (%s), cái mà không khớp với các nội dung hiện tại."
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "miếng vá áp dụng cho một “%s” trống rỗng nhưng nó lại không trống"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "không thể đọc postimage %s cần thiết cho “%s”"
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "miếng vá định dạng nhị phân không được áp dụng cho “%s”"
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr ""
 "vá nhị phân cho “%s” tạo ra kết quả không chính xác (mong chờ %s, lại nhận "
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi vá: %s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "không thể lấy ra %s"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đọc %s"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "đọc từ “%s” vượt ra ngoài liên kết mềm"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "đường dẫn %s đã bị xóa hoặc đổi tên"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s: không tồn tại trong bảng mục lục"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s: không khớp trong mục lục"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr "kho thiếu đối tượng blob cần thiết để trở về trên “3-way merge”."
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Đang trở lại hòa trộn “3-đường”…\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc nội dung hiện hành của “%s”"
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi quay trở lại để hòa trộn kiểu “three-way”…\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "Đã áp dụng miếng vá %s với các xung đột.\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "Đã áp dụng miếng vá %s một cách sạch sẽ.\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "loại bỏ miếng vá để lại nội dung tập tin"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s: sai kiểu"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s có kiểu %o, cần %o"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "đường dẫn không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s: đã có từ trước trong bảng mục lục"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s: đã sẵn có trong thư mục đang làm việc"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "chế độ mới (%o) của %s không khớp với chế độ cũ (%o)"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr "chế độ mới (%o) của %s không khớp với chế độ cũ (%o) của %s"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "tập tin chịu tác động “%s” vượt ra ngoài liên kết mềm"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s: miếng vá không được áp dụng"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "Đang kiểm tra miếng vá %s…"
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "thông tin sha1 thiếu hoặc không dùng được cho mô-đun %s"
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "thay đổi chế độ cho %s, cái mà không phải là HEAD hiện tại"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "thông tin sha1 còn thiếu hay không dùng được(%s)."
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "make_cache_entry gặp lỗi đối với đường dẫn “%s”"
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "không thể thêm %s vào chỉ mục tạm thời"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
-msgstr "không thểghi mục lục tạm vào %s"
+msgstr "không thể ghi mục lục tạm vào %s"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "không thể gỡ bỏ %s từ mục lục"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "miếng vá sai hỏng cho mô-đun-con %s"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
-msgstr "không thể lấy thống kề về tập tin %s mới hơn đã được tạo"
+msgstr "không thể lấy thống kê về tập tin %s mới hơn đã được tạo"
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr "không thể tạo “kho lưu đằng sau” cho tập tin được tạo mới hơn %s"
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "không thể thêm mục nhớ đệm cho %s"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi ghi vào “%s”"
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "đang đóng tập tin “%s”"
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "không thể ghi vào tập tin “%s” chế độ %o"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "Đã áp dụng miếng vá %s một cách sạch sẽ."
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "lỗi nội bộ"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "Đang áp dụng miếng vá %%s với %d lần từ chối…"
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "đang cắt ngắn tên tập tin .rej thành %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "không mở được “%s”"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "Khối nhớ #%d được áp dụng gọn gàng."
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "Đoạn dữ liệu #%d bị từ chối."
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "Bỏ qua đường dẫn “%s”."
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "không thừa nhận đầu vào"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "không thể đọc tập tin lưu bảng mục lục"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "không thể mở miếng vá “%s”: %s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "đã chấm dứt %d lỗi khoảng trắng"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d dòng thêm khoảng trắng lỗi."
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d dòng được áp dụng sau khi sửa các lỗi khoảng trắng."
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "Không thể ghi tập tin lưu bảng mục lục mới"
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "đường-dẫn"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "không áp dụng các thay đổi khớp với đường dẫn đã cho"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "áp dụng các thay đổi khớp với đường dẫn đã cho"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "số"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "gỡ bỏ <số> dấu gạch chéo dẫn đầu từ đường dẫn diff cổ điển"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "lờ đi phần bổ xung được tạo ra bởi miếng vá"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr ""
 "thay vì áp dụng một miếng vá, kết xuất kết quả từ lệnh diffstat cho đầu ra"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị số lượng các dòng được thêm vào và xóa đi theo ký hiệu thập phân"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr "thay vì áp dụng một miếng vá, kết xuất kết quả cho đầu vào"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "thay vì áp dụng miếng vá, hãy xem xem miếng vá có thích hợp không"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "hãy chắc chắn là miếng vá thích hợp với bảng mục lục hiện hành"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "đánh dấu các tập tin mới với “git add --intent-to-add”"
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "áp dụng một miếng vá mà không động chạm đến cây làm việc"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "chấp nhận một miếng vá mà không động chạm đến cây làm việc"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr ""
 "đồng thời áp dụng miếng vá (dùng với tùy chọn --stat/--summary/--check)"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "thử hòa trộn kiểu three-way nếu việc vá không thể thực hiện được"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr ""
 "xây dựng bảng mục lục tạm thời trên cơ sở thông tin bảng mục lục được nhúng"
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "các đường dẫn bị ngăn cách bởi ký tự NULL"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "đảm bảo rằng có ít nhất <n> dòng nội dung khớp"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "hành động"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr "tìm thấy một dòng mới hoặc bị sửa đổi mà nó có lỗi do khoảng trắng"
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "lờ đi sự thay đổi do khoảng trắng gây ra khi quét nội dung"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "áp dụng miếng vá theo chiều ngược"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "đừng hy vọng có ít nhất một dòng nội dung"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "để lại khối dữ liệu bị từ chối trong các tập tin *.rej tương ứng"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "cho phép chồng khối nhớ"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "chi tiết"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr ""
 "đã dò tìm thấy dung sai không chính xác thiếu dòng mới tại cuối tập tin"
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "không tin số lượng dòng trong phần đầu khối dữ liệu"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "gốc"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "treo thêm <root> vào tất cả các tên tập tin"
 #: archive.c:14
 msgid "git archive [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
-msgstr "git archive [<các-tùy-chọn>] <tree-ish> [<đường-dẫn>…]"
+msgstr "git archive [<các tùy chọn>] <tree-ish> [</đường/dẫn>…]"
 #: archive.c:15
 msgid "git archive --list"
@@ -766,8 +779,8 @@
 msgid ""
 "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
-"git archive --remote <kho> [--exec <lệnh>] [<các-tùy-chọn>] <tree-ish> "
+"git archive --remote <kho> [--exec <lệnh>] [<các tùy chọn>] <tree-ish> [</"
 #: archive.c:17
 msgid "git archive --remote <repo> [--exec <cmd>] --list"
@@ -793,98 +806,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "không phải là đối tượng cây: “%s”"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "thư mục làm việc hiện hành chưa được theo dõi"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "định_dạng"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "định dạng lưu trữ"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "tiền_tố"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "nối thêm tiền tố vào từng đường dẫn tập tin trong kho lưu"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "tập_tin"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "ghi kho lưu vào tập tin này"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "đọc .gitattributes trong thư mục làm việc"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "liệt kê các tập tin được lưu trữ vào stderr (đầu ra lỗi tiêu chuẩn)"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "chỉ lưu (không nén)"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "nén nhanh hơn"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "nén nhỏ hơn"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "liệt kê các kiểu nén được hỗ trợ"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "kho"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "nhận kho nén từ kho chứa <kho> trên máy chủ"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "lệnh"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "đường dẫn đến lệnh git-upload-pack trên máy chủ"
-#: archive.c:487
-msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
-msgstr "Gặp tùy chọn --remote không cần"
 #: archive.c:489
+msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
+msgstr "Gặp tùy chọn không cần --remote"
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "Tùy chọn --exec chỉ có thể được dùng cùng với --remote"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "Gặp tùy chọn không cần --output"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "Không hiểu định dạng “%s”"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "Tham số không được hỗ trợ cho định dạng “%s”: -%d"
@@ -928,7 +941,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "đường dẫn quá dài (%d ký tự, SHA1: %s): %s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "lỗi giải nén (%d)"
@@ -1031,12 +1044,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "cần một điểm xét duyệt %s"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tạo tập tin “%s”"
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc tập tin “%s”"
@@ -1074,40 +1087,40 @@
 msgid_plural "Bisecting: %d revisions left to test after this %s\n"
 msgstr[0] "Bisecting: còn %d điểm xét duyệt để kiểm sau %s này\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "tùy chọn--contents và --reverse không được trộn vào nhau."
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "không thể dùng --contents với tên đối tượng chuyển giao cuối cùng"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr ""
-"--reverse và --first-parent cùng nhau cần chỉ định lần chuyển giao cuối"
+"cùng sử dụng --reverse và --first-parent cần chỉ định lần chuyển giao cuối"
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "cài đặt việc di chuyển qua các điểm xét duyệt gặp lỗi"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr ""
-"--reverse --first-parent cùng nhau yêu cầu vùng cùng với chuỗi cha-mẹ-đầu-"
+"cùng sử dụng --reverse --first-parent yêu cầu vùng cùng với chuỗi cha-mẹ-đầu-"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "không có đường dẫn %s trong “%s”"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc blob %s cho đường dẫn “%s”"
@@ -1243,12 +1256,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "Nhánh không hợp lệ: “%s”."
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "“%s” đã được lấy ra tại “%s” rồi"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "HEAD của cây làm việc %s chưa được cập nhật"
@@ -1263,8 +1276,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "phần đầu không được thừa nhận: %s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể mở “%s”"
@@ -1273,58 +1286,62 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "Kho chứa thiếu những lần chuyển giao tiên quyết này:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "cần một kho chứa để thẩm tra một bundle"
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Bó dữ liệu chứa %d tham chiếu:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "Lệnh bundle ghi lại toàn bộ lịch sử."
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "Lệnh bundle yêu cầu %d tham chiếu này:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "không thể nhân đôi bộ mô tả bundle"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "Không thể sản sinh đối tượng gói"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "đối tượng gói đã chết"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "rev-list đã chết"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "th.chiếu “%s” bị loại trừ bởi các tùy chọn rev-list"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số không được thừa nhận: %s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "Từ chối tạo một bó dữ liệu trống rỗng."
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tạo “%s”"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "mục lục gói đã chết"
@@ -1333,8 +1350,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "giá trị màu không hợp lệ: %.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích cú pháp %s"
@@ -1344,7 +1361,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s không phải là một lần chuyển giao!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1364,28 +1381,28 @@
 "Tắt lời nhắn này bằng cách chạy\n"
 "\"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\""
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr ""
 "Lần chuyển giao %s có một chữ ký GPG không đáng tin, được cho là bởi %s."
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "Lần chuyển giao %s có một chữ ký GPG sai, được cho là bởi %s."
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "Lần chuyển giao %s không có chữ ký GPG."
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "Lần chuyển giao %s có một chữ ký GPG tốt bởi %s\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1395,215 +1412,278 @@
 "Bạn có lẽ muốn tu bổ nó sau khi sửa lời chú thích, hoặc là đặt biến\n"
 "cấu hình i18n.commitencoding thành bảng mã mà dự án của bạn muốn dùng.\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
-msgstr "tập tin đồ thị các lần chuyển giao quá nhỏ"
+msgstr "tập tin đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao quá nhỏ"
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
-msgstr "chữ ký đồ thị lần chuyển giao %X không khớp chữ ký %X"
+msgstr "chữ ký đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao %X không khớp chữ ký %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
-msgstr "phiên bản đồ đồ thị lần chuyển giao %X không khớp phiên bản %X"
+msgstr "phiên bản đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao %X không khớp phiên bản %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
-msgstr "phiên bản đồ thị lần chuyển giao %X không khớp phiên bản %X"
+msgstr "phiên bản đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao %X không khớp phiên bản %X"
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr ""
-"mục tin bảng tìm kiếm mảnh còn thiếu; tập tin có thể sẽ không hoàn thiện"
+"bảng tìm kiếm mảnh đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao còn thiếu; tập tin có thể sẽ "
+"không hoàn thiện"
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
-msgstr "bù mảnh không đúng chỗ %08x%08x"
+msgstr "bù mảnh đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao không đúng chỗ %08x%08x"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
-msgstr "mã mảnh đồ thị lần chuyển giao %08x xuất hiện nhiều lần"
+msgstr "mã mảnh đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao %08x xuất hiện nhiều lần"
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao có không có mảnh các đồ họa cơ sở"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "móc xích đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao không khớp"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr ""
+"móc xích đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao không hợp lệ: dòng '%s' không phải là "
+"một mã băm"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "không thể tìm thấy tất cả các tập tin đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao"
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr ""
+"vị trí lần chuyển giao không hợp lệ. đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao có vẻ như đã "
+"bị hỏng"
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "không thể tìm thấy lần chuyển giao %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "không thể lấy kiểu của đối tượng “%s”"
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Đang tải các lần chuyển giao chưa biết trong đồ thị lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr ""
 "Mở rộng các lần chuyển giao có thể tiếp cận được trong trong đồ thị lần "
 "chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "Đang dọn dẹp các đánh dấu lần chuyển giao trong đồ thị lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
-msgstr "Đang tính toán số tạo sơ đồ các lần chuyển giao"
+msgstr "Đang tính toán số tạo đồ thị các lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] ""
 "Đang tìm các lần chuyển giao cho đồ thị lần chuyển giao trong %d gói"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi thêm gói %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi mở mục lục cho “%s”"
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] ""
 "Đang tìm các lần chuyển giao cho đồ thị lần chuyển giao từ %d tham chiếu"
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr ""
 "Đang tìm các lần chuyển giao cho đồ thị lần chuyển giao trong số các đối "
 "tượng đã đóng gói"
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Đang đếm các lần chuyển giao khác nhau trong đồ thị lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr "định dạng đồ họa các lần chuyển giao không thể ghi %d lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "Đang tìm các cạnh mở tộng trong đồ thị lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "có quá nhiều lần chuyển giao để ghi đồ thị"
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi ghi số đúng của mã đồ họa cơ sở"
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "không thể tạo các thư mục dẫn đầu của “%s”"
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "không thể tạo “%s”"
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "Đang ghi ra đồ thị các lần chuyển giao trong lần %d"
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "không thể mở tập tin mắt xích đồ thị chuyển giao"
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đổi tên tập tin đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao"
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đổi tên tập tin đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao tạm thời"
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "Đang quét các lần chuyển giao đã hòa trộn"
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "gặp mã số tích lần chuyển giao bị trùng lặp “%s”"
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "Đang hòa trộn đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao"
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "định dạng đồ họa các lần chuyển giao không thể ghi %d lần chuyển giao"
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "có quá nhiều lần chuyển giao để ghi đồ thị"
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr ""
-"tập tin sơ đồ chuyển giao có tổng kiểm không đúng và có vẻ như là đã hỏng"
+"tập tin đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao có tổng kiểm không đúng và có vẻ như là "
+"đã hỏng"
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
-msgstr "đồ thị lần chuyển giao có thứ tự OID không đúng: %s sau %s"
+msgstr "đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao có thứ tự OID không đúng: %s sau %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr ""
-"đồ thị lần chuyển giao có giá trị fanout không đúng: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
+"đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao có giá trị fanout không đúng: fanout[%d] = %u != "
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
-msgstr "gặp lỗi khi phân tích lần chuyển giao từ %s đồ thị lần chuyển giao"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi phân tích lần chuyển giao từ %s đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "Đang thẩm tra các lần chuyển giao trong đồ thị lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr ""
 "gặp lỗi khi phân tích lần chuyển giao %s từ cơ sở dữ liệu đối tượng cho đồ "
 "thị lần chuyển giao"
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr ""
-"OID cây gốc cho lần chuyển giao %s trong đồ thị lần chuyển giao là %s != %s"
+"OID cây gốc cho lần chuyển giao %s trong đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao là %s != "
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr ""
-"danh sách cha mẹ đồ thị lần chuyển giao cho lần chuyển giao %s là quá dài"
+"danh sách cha mẹ đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao cho lần chuyển giao %s là quá dài"
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
-msgstr "cha mẹ đồ thị lần chuyển giao cho %s là %s != %s"
+msgstr "cha mẹ đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao cho %s là %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr ""
-"danh sách cha mẹ đồ thị lần chuyển giao cho lần chuyển giao %s bị chấm dứt "
-"quá sớm"
+"danh sách cha mẹ đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao cho lần chuyển giao %s bị chấm "
+"dứt quá sớm"
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
 msgstr ""
-"đồ thị lần chuyển giao có con số không lần tạo cho lần chuyển giao %s, nhưng "
-"không phải số không ở chỗ khác"
+"đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao có con số không lần tạo cho lần chuyển giao %s, "
+"nhưng không phải số không ở chỗ khác"
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
 msgstr ""
-"đồ thị lần chuyển giao có con số không phải không lần tạo cho lần chuyển "
+"đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao có con số không phải không lần tạo cho lần chuyển "
 "giao %s, nhưng số không ở chỗ khác"
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
-msgstr "tạo đồ thị lần chuyển giao cho lần chuyển giao %s là %u != %u"
+msgstr "tạo đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao cho lần chuyển giao %s là %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr ""
-"ngày chuyển giao cho lần chuyển giao %s trong đồ thị lần chuyển giao là "
+"ngày chuyển giao cho lần chuyển giao %s trong đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao là "
 "%<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 #: compat/obstack.c:406 compat/obstack.c:408
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "hết bộ nhớ"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1618,297 +1698,297 @@
 "Nguyên nhân có thể là gồm quẩn vòng."
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể khai triển đường dẫn “%s”"
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "các bao gồm cấu hình liên quan phải đến từ các tập tin"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr "các điều kiện bao gồm cấu hình liên quan phải đến từ các tập tin"
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "khóa không chứa một phần: %s"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "khóa không chứa bất kỳ một tên biến nào: %s"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "khóa không đúng: %s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "khóa không hợp lệ (dòng mới): %s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "tham số cấu hình không có thực: %s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "định dạng không có thực trong %s"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "tập tin cấu hình sai tại dòng %d trong blob %s"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "cấu hình sai tại dòng %d trong tập tin %s"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "cấu hình sai tại dòng %d trong đầu vào tiêu chuẩn"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "cấu hình sai tại dòng %d trong blob-mô-đun-con %s"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "cấu hình sai tại dòng %d trong dòng lệnh %s"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "cấu hình sai tại dòng %d trong %s"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "nằm ngoài phạm vi"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "đơn vị không hợp lệ"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "sai giá trị bằng số của cấu hình “%s” cho “%s”: %s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "sai giá trị bằng số của cấu hình “%s” cho “%s” trong blob %s: %s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr "sai giá trị bằng số của cấu hình “%s” cho “%s” trong tập tin %s: %s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "sai giá trị bằng số của cấu hình “%s” cho “%s” trong đầu vào tiêu chuẩn: %s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "sai giá trị bằng số của cấu hình “%s” cho “%s” trong submodule-blob %s: %s"
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr "sai giá trị bằng số của cấu hình “%s” cho “%s” trong dòng lệnh %s: %s"
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "sai giá trị bằng số của cấu hình “%s” cho “%s” trong %s: %s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi mở rộng thư mục người dùng trong: “%s”"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "“%s” dành cho “%s” không phải là dấu vết thời gian hợp lệ"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "chiều dài abbrev nằm ngoài phạm vi: %d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "mức nén zlib %d là sai"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "core.commentChar chỉ được có một ký tự"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "chế độ không hợp lệ đối với việc tạo đối tượng: %s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "giá trị cho %s sai dạng"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "giá trị cho %s sai dạng: %s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr "phải là một trong số nothing, matching, simple, upstream hay current"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "mức nén gói %d không hợp lệ"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tải đối tượng blob cấu hình “%s”"
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "tham chiếu “%s” không chỉ đến một blob nào cả"
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải điểm xét duyệt “%s”"
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi phân tích cú pháp %s"
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích cấu hình dòng lệnh"
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr "đã có lỗi chưa biết xảy ra trong khi đọc các tập tin cấu hình"
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s không hợp lệ: “%s”"
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr ""
 "không hiểu giá trị core.untrackedCache “%s”; dùng giá trị mặc định “keep”"
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr "giá trị splitIndex.maxPercentChange “%d” phải nằm giữa 0 và 100"
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích “%s” từ cấu hình dòng lệnh"
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "sai biến cấu hình “%s” trong tập tin “%s” tại dòng %d"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "tên của phần không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s có đa giá trị"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi ghi tập tin cấu hình “%s”"
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "không thể khóa tập tin cấu hình %s"
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "đang mở “%s”"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "mẫu không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "tập tin cấu hình “%s” không hợp lệ"
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "fstat trên %s gặp lỗi"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể mmap “%s”"
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "chmod trên %s gặp lỗi"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin cấu hình “%s”"
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đặt “%s” thành “%s”"
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể thôi đặt “%s”"
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "tên của phần không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "thiếu giá trị cho cho “%s”"
@@ -2072,19 +2152,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "không thể rẽ nhánh tiến trình con"
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "Đang kiểm tra kết nối"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "Không thể chạy “git rev-list”"
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi ghi vào rev-list"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đóng đầu vào chuẩn stdin của rev-list"
@@ -2294,7 +2374,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "biểu thức chính quy island từ cấu hình có quá nhiều nhóm chụp (tối đa=%d)"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "Đã đánh dấu %d island, xong.\n"
@@ -2310,7 +2390,7 @@
 #: diff-no-index.c:238
 msgid "git diff --no-index [<options>] <path> <path>"
-msgstr "git diff --no-index [<các-tùy-chọn>] <đường-dẫn> <đường-dẫn>"
+msgstr "git diff --no-index [<các tùy chọn>] </đường/dẫn> </đường/dẫn>"
 #: diff-no-index.c:263
 msgid ""
@@ -2370,35 +2450,35 @@
 "Tìm thấy các lỗi trong biến cấu hình “diff.dirstat”:\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "phần mềm diff ở bên ngoài đã chết, dừng tại %s"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--name-only, --name-status, --check và -s loại từ lẫn nhau"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn -G, -S, và --find-object loại từ lẫn nhau"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow cần chính xác một đặc tả đường dẫn"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "giá trị --stat không hợp lệ: “%s”"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "tùy chọn “%s” cần một giá trị bằng số"
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2407,42 +2487,42 @@
 "Gặp lỗi khi phân tích đối số tùy chọn --dirstat/-X:\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "không hiểu lớp thay đổi “%c” trong --diff-filter=%s"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "không hiểu giá trị sau ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải “%s”"
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr "%s cần dạng <n>/<m>"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "%s cần một ký tự, nhưng lại nhận được “%s”"
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số --color-moved sai: %s"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "chế độ “%s” không hợp lệ trong --color-moved-ws"
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
@@ -2450,150 +2530,150 @@
 "tùy chọn  diff-algorithm chấp nhận \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" và "
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "tham số cho %s không hợp lệ"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi phân tích đối số tùy chọn --submodule: “%s”"
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số --word-diff sai: %s"
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn định dạng khi xuất các khác biệt"
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "tạo miếng vá"
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "chặn mọi kết xuất từ diff"
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "<n>"
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "tạo khác biệt với <n> dòng ngữ cảnh"
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "tạo khác biệt ở định dạng thô"
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "đồng nghĩa với “-p --raw”"
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "đồng nghĩa với “-p --stat”"
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "--stat thuận tiện cho máy đọc"
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "chỉ xuất những dòng cuối của --stat"
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "<tham_số_1,tham_số_2>…"
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr "đầu ra phân phối của số lượng thay đổi tương đối cho mỗi thư mục con"
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "đồng nghĩa với --dirstat=cumulative"
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "đồng nghĩa với --dirstat=files,param1,param2…"
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr ""
 "cảnh báo nếu các thay đổi đưa ra các bộ tạo xung đột hay lỗi khoảng trắng"
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr "tổng hợp dạng xúc tích như là tạo, đổi tên và các thay đổi chế độ"
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị tên của các tập tin đổi"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị tên tập tin và tình trạng của các tập tin bị thay đổi"
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
-msgstr "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
+msgstr "<rộng>[,<name-width>[,<số-lượng>]]"
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "tạo diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "<rộng>"
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "tạo diffstat với độ rộng đã cho"
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "tạo diffstat với tên độ rộng đã cho"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "tạo diffstat với độ rộng đồ thị đã cho"
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "<số_lượng>"
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "tạo diffstat với các dòng bị giới hạn"
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "tạo tổng hợp xúc tích trong diffstat"
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "xuất ra một khác biệt dạng nhị phân cái mà có thể được áp dụng"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị đầy đủ các tên đối tượng pre- và post-image trên các dòng \"mục lục"
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "hiển thị thay đổi được tô màu"
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
-msgstr "<kind>"
+msgstr "<kiểu>"
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
@@ -2601,7 +2681,7 @@
 "tô sang các lỗi về khoảng trắng trong các dòng “context”, “old” và “new” "
 "trong khác biệt"
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2609,89 +2689,89 @@
 "không munge tên đường dẫn và sử dụng NUL làm bộ phân tách trường đầu ra "
 "trong --raw hay --numstat"
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
-msgstr "<tiền tố>"
+msgstr "<tiền_tố>"
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "hiển thị tiền tố nguồn đã cho thay cho \"a/\""
-#: diff.c:5357
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
 msgstr "hiển thị tiền tố đích đã cho thay cho \"b/\""
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "treo vào trước một tiền tố bổ sung cho mỗi dòng kết xuất"
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "đừng hiển thị bất kỳ tiền tố nguồn hay đích"
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị ngữ cảnh giữa các khúc khác biệt khi đạt đến số lượng dòng đã chỉ "
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "<ký_tự>"
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "chỉ định một ký tự để biểu thị một dòng được thêm mới thay cho “+”"
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "chỉ định một ký tự để biểu thị một dòng đã cũ thay cho “-”"
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr "chỉ định một ký tự để biểu thị một ngữ cảnh thay cho “”"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "Tùy chọn khác biệt đổi tên"
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr "ngắt các thay đổi ghi lại hoàn thiện thành cặp của xóa và tạo"
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "dò tìm các tên thay đổi"
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "bỏ qua preimage (tiền ảnh??) cho các việc xóa"
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "dò bản sao"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr "dùng các tập tin không bị chỉnh sửa như là nguồn để tìm các bản sao"
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "tắt dò tìm đổi tên"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "dung các blob trống rống như là nguồn đổi tên"
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr "tiếp tục liệt kê lịch sử của một tập tin ngoài đổi tên"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
@@ -2699,156 +2779,156 @@
 "ngăn cản dò tìm đổi tên/bản sao nếu số lượng của đích đổi tên/bản sao vượt "
 "quá giới hạn đưa ra"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "Tùy chọn thuật toán khác biệt"
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "sản sinh khác biệt ít nhất có thể"
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "lờ đi sự thay đổi do khoảng trắng gây ra khi so sánh các dòng"
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "lờ đi sự thay đổi do số lượng khoảng trắng gây ra"
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "lờ đi sự thay đổi do khoảng trắng gây ra khi ở cuối dòng EOL"
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "bỏ qua ký tự về đầu dòng tại cuối dòng"
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "bỏ qua các thay đổi cho toàn bộ các dòng là trống"
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr "heuristic để dịch hạn biên của khối khác biệt cho dễ đọc"
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "tạo khác biệt sử dung thuật toán \"patience diff\""
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "tạo khác biệt sử dung thuật toán \"histogram diff\""
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "<thuật toán>"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "chọn một thuật toán khác biệt"
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "<văn bản>"
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "tạo khác biệt sử dung thuật toán \"anchored diff\""
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "<chế độ>"
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị khác biệt từ, sử dung <chế độ> để bỏ giới hạn các từ bị thay đổi"
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr "<regex>"
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "dùng <regex> để quyết định từ là cái gì"
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr "tương đương với --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "các dòng di chuyển của mã mà được tô màu khác nhau"
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr "bỏ qua khoảng trắng như thế nào trong --color-moved"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn khác biệt khác"
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr ""
 "khi chạy từ thư mục con, thự thi các thay đổi bên ngoài và hiển thị các "
 "đường dẫn liên quan"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "coi mọi tập tin là dạng văn bản thường"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "tráo đổi hai đầu vào, đảo ngược khác biệt"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr "thoát với mã 1 nếu không có khác biệt gì, 0 nếu ngược lại"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "tắt mọi kết xuất của chương trình"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "cho phép mộ bộ hỗ trợ xuất khác biệt ở bên ngoài được phép thực thi"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr ""
 "chạy các bộ lọc văn bản thông thường bên ngoài khi so sánh các tập tin nhị "
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "<khi>"
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr "bỏ qua các thay đổi trong mô-đun-con trong khi tạo khác biệt"
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "<định dạng>"
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr "chi định khác biệt bao nhiêu trong các mô đun con được hiển thị"
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "ẩn các mục “git add -N” từ bảng mục lục"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "coi các mục “git add -N” như là có thật trong bảng mục lục"
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "<chuỗi>"
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2856,7 +2936,7 @@
 "tìm các khác biệt cái mà thay đổi số lượng xảy ra của các phát sinh của "
 "chuỗi được chỉ ra"
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2864,23 +2944,23 @@
 "tìm các khác biệt cái mà thay đổi số lượng xảy ra của các phát sinh của biểu "
 "thức chính quy được chỉ ra"
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr "hiển thị tất cả các thay đổi trong một bộ các thay đổi với -S hay -G"
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr "coi <chuỗi> trong -S như là biểu thức chính qui POSIX có mở rộng"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr "điều khiển thứ tự xuát hiện các tập tin trong kết xuất"
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr "<mã-số-đối-tượng>"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
@@ -2888,33 +2968,33 @@
 "tìm các khác biệt cái mà thay đổi số lượng xảy ra của các phát sinh của đối "
 "tượng được chỉ ra"
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)…[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "chọn các tập tin theo kiểu khác biệt"
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "<tập_tin>"
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "Xuất ra một tập tin cụ thể"
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "nhận thấy đổi tên không chính xác đã bị bỏ qua bởi có quá nhiều tập tin."
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr ""
 "chỉ tìm thấy các bản sao từ đường dẫn đã sửa đổi bởi vì có quá nhiều tập tin."
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -3018,32 +3098,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc cần multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "dòng shallow không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "dòng unshallow không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "không tìm thấy đối tượng: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "lỗi trong đối tượng: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "không tìm shallow nào: %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "cần shallow/unshallow, nhưng lại nhận được %s"
@@ -3062,7 +3142,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "chịu thua"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "xong"
@@ -3103,155 +3183,131 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "có lỗi trong sideband demultiplexer"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "Máy chủ không hỗ trợ máy khách shallow"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ side-band"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ bộ lọc"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "Phiên bản máy chủ là %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "Máy chủ không hỗ trợ máy khách shallow"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "Máy chủ không hỗ trợ --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "Máy chủ không hỗ trợ --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "Máy chủ không hỗ trợ --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "không có lần chuyển giao chung nào"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack: fetch gặp lỗi."
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "Máy chủ không hỗ trợ yêu cầu shallow"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ bộ lọc"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "không thể ghi các yêu cầu lên máy phục vụ"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đọc phần đầu của đoạn %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "cần “%s”, nhưng lại nhận “%s”"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp dòng không được thừa nhận: “%s”"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi xử lý tín hiệu trả lời: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr "cần tập tin gói để gửi sau “ready”"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr "không cần thêm phần nào để gửi sau “ready”"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "lỗi xử lý thông tin shallow: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "cần wanted-ref, nhưng lại nhận được “%s”"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "không cần wanted-ref: “%s”"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "lỗi khi xử lý wanted refs: %d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "không khớp phần đầu máy chủ"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "máy chủ đã không gửi tất cả các đối tượng cần thiết"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "không có máy chủ tham chiếu nào như %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr ""
 "Máy phục vụ không cho phép yêu cầu cho đối tượng không được báo trước %s"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg gặp lỗi khi ký dữ liệu"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "không thể tạo tập tin tạm thời"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi ghi chữ ký đính kèm vào “%s”"
@@ -3261,18 +3317,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "bỏ qua màu không hợp lệ “%.*s” trong log.graphColors"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "“%s”: không thể đọc %s"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi lấy thống kê về “%s”"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "“%s”: đọc ngắn"
@@ -3342,7 +3398,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "Có các lệnh Git chung được sử dụng trong các tình huống khác nhau:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "không hỗ trợ liệt kê lệnh kiểu “%s”"
@@ -3409,7 +3465,7 @@
 #: help.c:714
 msgid "git version [<options>]"
-msgstr "git version [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git version [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: help.c:782
 #, c-format
@@ -3481,7 +3537,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "tên chỉ được phép bao gồm các ký tự sau: %s"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "ngày tháng không hợp lệ: %s"
@@ -3513,6 +3569,11 @@
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr "việc hỗ trợ bộ lọc sparse:đường/dẫn đã bị bỏ"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "đặc tả bộ lọc không hợp lệ “%s”"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "không thể thay đổi nhân bản từng phần máy chủ promisor"
@@ -3545,8 +3606,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đọc bộ nhớ đệm"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin lưu bảng mục lục mới"
@@ -3571,94 +3632,94 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi xây dựng cây"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tạo đường dẫn “%s”%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "Gỡ bỏ %s để tạo chỗ (room) cho thư mục con\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ": có lẽ là một xung đột D/F?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "từ chối đóng tập tin không được theo dõi tại “%s”"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc đối tượng %s “%s”"
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "mong đợi đối tượng blob cho %s “%s”"
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi mở “%s”: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tạo liên kết mềm (symlink) “%s”: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "không hiểu phải làm gì với %06o %s “%s”"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi hòa trộn mô-đun-con “%s” (không lấy ra được)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi hòa trộn mô-đun-con “%s” (lần chuyển giao không hiện diện)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr ""
 "Gặp lỗi khi hòa trộn mô-đun-con “%s” (lần chuyển giao không theo sau nền-hòa-"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "Chuyển-tiếp-nhanh mô-đun-con “%s” đến lần chuyển giao sau đây:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "Chuyển-tiếp-nhanh mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr ""
 "Gặp lỗi khi hòa trộn mô-đun-con “%s” (không tìm thấy các lần chuyển giao "
 "theo sau hòa trộn)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi hòa trộn mô-đun-con “%s” (không chuyển tiếp nhanh được)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "Tìm thấy một giải pháp hòa trộn có thể cho mô-đun-con:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3675,33 +3736,33 @@
 "cái mà sẽ chấp nhận gợi ý này.\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi hòa trộn mô-đun-con “%s” (thấy nhiều hòa trộn đa trùng)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi thực hiện trộn nội bộ"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "Không thể thêm %s vào cơ sở dữ liệu"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "Tự-động-hòa-trộn %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr ""
 "Lỗi: từ chối đóng tập tin không được theo dõi tại “%s”; thay vào đó ghi vào "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3710,7 +3771,7 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (%s/xóa): %s bị xóa trong %s và %s trong %s. Phiên bản %s của %s "
 "còn lại trong cây (tree)."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3719,7 +3780,7 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (%s/xóa): %s bị xóa trong %s và %s đến %s trong %s. Phiên bản %s "
 "của %s còn lại trong cây (tree)."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3728,7 +3789,7 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (%s/xóa): %s bị xóa trong %s và %s trong %s. Phiên bản %s của %s "
 "còn lại trong cây (tree) tại %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3737,45 +3798,45 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (%s/xóa): %s bị xóa trong %s và %s đến %s trong %s. Phiên bản %s "
 "của %s còn lại trong cây (tree) tại %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "đổi tên"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "đã đổi tên"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "Từ chối đóng tập tin không được theo dõi tại “%s”"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr ""
 "Từ chối đóng tập tin không được theo dõi tại “%s”, ngay cả khi nó ở trên "
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "XUNG ĐỘT (đổi-tên/thêm): Đổi tên %s->%s trong %s. %s được thêm trong %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s là một thư mục trong %s thay vào đó thêm vào như là %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr ""
 "Từ chối đóng tập tin không được theo dõi tại “%s”; thay vào đó đang thêm "
 "thành %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -3784,17 +3845,17 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (đổi-tên/đổi-tên): Đổi tên \"%s\"->\"%s\" trong nhánh \"%s\" đổi "
 "tên \"%s\"->\"%s\" trong \"%s\"%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr " (cần giải quyết)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "XUNG ĐỘT (đổi-tên/đổi-tên): Đổi tên %s->%s trong %s. Đổi tên %s->%s trong %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3805,7 +3866,7 @@
 "vì thư mục %s đã bị đổi tên thành nhiều thư mục khác, với không đích đến "
 "nhận một phần nhiều của các tập tin."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -3814,7 +3875,7 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT: (ngầm đổi tên thư mục): Tập tin/thư mục đã sẵn có tại %s theo cách "
 "của các đổi tên thư mục ngầm đặt (các) đường dẫn sau ở đây: %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -3823,7 +3884,7 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT: (ngầm đổi tên thư mục): Không thể ánh xạ một đường dẫn thành %s; "
 "các đổi tên thư mục ngầm cố đặt các đường dẫn ở đây: %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -3832,7 +3893,7 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (đổi-tên/đổi-tên): Đổi tên thư mục %s->%s trong %s. Đổi tên thư mục "
 "%s->%s trong %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
@@ -3841,52 +3902,52 @@
 "CẢNH BÁO: tránh áp dụng %s -> %s đổi thên thành %s, bởi vì bản thân %s cũng "
 "bị đổi tên."
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc đối tượng %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "đối tượng %s không phải là một blob"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "sửa đổi"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "đã sửa"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "nội dung"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "thêm/thêm"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "Đã bỏ qua %s (đã có sẵn lần hòa trộn này)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "mô-đun-con"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "XUNG ĐỘT (%s): Xung đột hòa trộn trong %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "Thay vào đó thêm vào %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -3895,7 +3956,7 @@
 "Đường dẫn đã được cập nhật: %s được thêm vào trong %s bên trong một thư mục "
 "đã được đổi tên trong %s; di chuyển nó đến %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -3904,7 +3965,7 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (vị trí tệp): %s được thêm vào trong %s trong một thư mục đã được "
 "đổi tên thành %s, đoán là nó nên được di chuyển đến %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -3913,7 +3974,7 @@
 "Đường dẫn đã được cập nhật: %s được đổi tên thành %s trong %s, bên trong một "
 "thư mục đã được đổi tên trong %s; di chuyển nó đến %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -3922,37 +3983,37 @@
 "XUNG ĐỘT (vị trí tệp): %s được đổi tên thành %s trong %s, bên trong một thư "
 "mục đã được đổi tên thành %s, đoán là nó nên được di chuyển đến %s."
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "Đang xóa %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "tập-tin/thư-mục"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "thư-mục/tập-tin"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr ""
 "XUNG ĐỘT (%s): Ở đây không có thư mục nào có tên %s trong %s. Thêm %s như là "
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "Thêm \"%s\""
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "XUNG ĐỘT (thêm/thêm): Xung đột hòa trộn trong %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -3962,174 +4023,187 @@
 "hòa trộn:\n"
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "Đã cập nhật rồi!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "hòa trộn các cây %s và %s gặp lỗi"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "Đang trộn:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "tìm thấy %u tổ tiên chung:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "hòa trộn không trả về lần chuyển giao nào"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể phân tích đối tượng “%s”"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "Không thể ghi bảng mục lục."
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "tập tin đồ thị multi-pack-index %s quá nhỏ"
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr "chữ ký multi-pack-index 0x%08x không khớp chữ ký 0x%08x"
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "không nhận ra phiên bản %d của multi-pack-index"
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "phiên bản băm “%u” không khớp"
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "khoảng bù đoạn không hợp lệ (quá lớn)"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr "mã mảnh kết thúc multi-pack-index xuất hiện sớm hơn bình thường"
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index thiếu mảnh pack-name cần thiết"
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index thiếu mảnh OID fanout cần thiết"
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index thiếu mảnh OID lookup cần thiết"
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index thiếu mảnh các khoảng bù đối tượng cần thiết"
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr "các tên gói multi-pack-index không đúng thứ tự: “%s” trước “%s”"
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr "pack-int-id sai: %u (%u các gói tổng)"
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index lưu trữ một khoảng bù 64-bít, nhưng off_t là quá nhỏ"
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr "lỗi chuẩn bị tập tin gói từ multi-pack-index"
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi thêm tập tin gói “%s”"
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi mở pack-index “%s”"
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi phân bổ đối tượng “%d” trong tập tin gói"
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "đã không thấy tập tin gói %s để mà xóa"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi xóa multi-pack-index tại %s"
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "Đang khóa cho các gói bị tham chiếu"
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
 msgstr "fanout cũ sai thứ tự: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr "Thẩm tra thứ tự OID trong MIDX"
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr "lookup cũ sai thứ tự: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "Đang sắp xếp các đối tượng theo tập tin gói"
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "Đang thẩm tra các khoảng bù đối tượng"
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tải mục gói cho oid[%d] = %s"
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tải pack-index cho tập tin gói %s"
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr ""
 "khoảng bù đối tượng không đúng cho oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê về các đối tượng gói"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "không thể hoàn thiện các đối tượng gói"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "không thể tạo tuyến lazy_dir: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "không thể tạo tuyến lazy_name: %s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "không thể gia nhập tuyến lazy_name: %s"
@@ -4201,16 +4275,16 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "mã băm không khớp %s"
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "vị trí tương đối trước điểm kết thúc của tập tin gói (.idx hỏng à?)"
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr "vị trí tương đối nằm trước chỉ mục gói cho %s (mục lục bị hỏng à?)"
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -4466,24 +4540,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích định dạng --pretty"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê về “log“"
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "không thể đọc kết xuất “log”"
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích lần chuyển giao “%s”"
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "không thể phân tích cú pháp phần đầu git “%.*s”"
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tạo khác biệt"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích nhật ký cho “%s”"
@@ -4600,11 +4679,10 @@
 msgstr "các mục tin stage không đúng thứ tự cho “%s”"
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "tập tin ghi bảng mục lục bị hỏng"
@@ -4658,12 +4736,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "mục lục bị hỏng, cần %s trong %s, nhưng lại nhận được %s"
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đóng “%s”"
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê về “%s”"
@@ -4747,7 +4825,7 @@
 msgid_plural "Rebase %s onto %s (%d commands)"
 msgstr[0] "Cải tổ %s vào %s (%d lệnh )"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -4756,7 +4834,7 @@
 "Đừng xóa bất kỳ dòng nào. Dùng “drop” một cách rõ ràng để xóa bỏ một lần "
 "chuyển giao.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -4764,7 +4842,7 @@
 "Nếu bạn xóa bỏ một dòng ở đây thì LẦN CHUYỂN GIAO ĐÓ SẼ MẤT.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4778,7 +4856,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -4788,12 +4866,12 @@
 "Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn xóa bỏ mọi thứ, việc cải tổ sẽ bị bãi bỏ.\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "Chú ý rằng lần chuyển giao trống rỗng là ghi chú"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể ghi “%s”"
@@ -4830,97 +4908,98 @@
 "Cánh ứng xử có thể là: ignore, warn, error.\n"
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "“%s” không chỉ đến một lần chuyển giao hợp lệ nào cả!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "đang lờ đi tham chiếu mềm thừa %s"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "đang lờ đi tham chiếu hỏng %s"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "không thể mở “%s” để ghi: %s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc tham chiếu “%s”"
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "tham chiếu “%s” đã có từ trước rồi"
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "không cần ID đối tượng khi ghi “%s”"
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể ghi vào “%s”"
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "không thể mở “%s” để ghi"
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp ID đối tượng không cần khi xóa “%s”"
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "nhật ký cho tham chiếu %s có khoảng trống sau %s"
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "nhật ký cho tham chiếu %s kết thúc bất ngờ trên %s"
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "nhật ký cho %s trống rỗng"
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "từ chối cập nhật tham chiếu với tên sai “%s”"
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "update_ref bị lỗi cho ref “%s”: %s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "không cho phép đa cập nhật cho tham chiếu “%s”"
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "cập nhật tham chiếu bị cấm trong môi trường kiểm tra"
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "“%s” sẵn có; không thể tạo “%s”"
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "không thể xử lý “%s” và “%s” cùng một lúc"
@@ -4946,141 +5025,141 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "refspec không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "đã ra đi"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "phía trước %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "đằng sau %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "trước %d, sau %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "cần định dạng: %%(color:<color>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "không nhận ra màu: %%(màu:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Giá trị nguyên cần tên tham chiếu:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "Giá trị nguyên cần tên tham chiếu:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số không được thừa nhận %%(%s): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) không nhận các đối số"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "tham số không được thừa nhận %%(objectname): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) không nhận các đối số"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) không nhận các đối số"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) không nhận các đối số"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "không hiểu tham số %%(trailers): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "cần nội dung mang giá trị dương:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số không được thừa nhận %%(contents): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "cần nội dung mang giá trị dương:shot=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số không được thừa nhận %%(objectname): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "cần định dạng: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "vị trí không được thừa nhận:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "chiều rộng không được thừa nhận:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số không được thừa nhận %%(align): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "cần giá trị độ rộng dương với nguyên tử %%(align)"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "đối số không được thừa nhận %%(if): %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "tên trường dị hình: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "không hiểu tên trường: %.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
@@ -5088,127 +5167,111 @@
 "không phải là một kho git, nhưng trường “%.*s” yêu cầu truy cập vào dữ liệu "
 "đối tượng"
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(if) được dùng mà không có nguyên tử %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(then) được dùng mà không có nguyên tử %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(then) được dùng nhiều hơn một lần"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(then) được dùng sau %%(else)"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(else) được dùng mà không có nguyên tử %%(if)"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(else) được dùng mà không có nguyên tử %%(then)"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(else) được dùng nhiều hơn một lần"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "định dạng: nguyên tử %%(end) được dùng mà không có nguyên tử tương ứng"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "chuỗi định dạng dị hình %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(không nhánh, đang cải tổ %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "không nhánh, đang cải tổ %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(không nhánh, đang cải tổ HEAD %s đã tách rời)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "không nhánh, đang cải tổ HEAD %s đã tách rời"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(không nhánh, di chuyển nửa bước được bắt đầu tại %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "không nhánh, di chuyển nửa bước được bắt đầu tại %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD được tách rời tại %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "không nhánh"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(HEAD được tách rời từ %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(không nhánh)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "thiếu đối tượng %s cho %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "parse_object_buffer gặp lỗi trên %s cho %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "đối tượng dị hình tại “%s”"
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "đang lờ đi tham chiếu với tên hỏng %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "định dạng: thiếu nguyên tử %%(end)"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "tùy chọn “%s” là xung khắc với tùy chọn --merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "tùy chọn “%s” là xung khắc với tùy chọn --no-merged"
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "tên đối tượng dị hình %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "tùy chọn “%s” phải chỉ đến một lần chuyển giao"
@@ -5552,8 +5615,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "Preimage đã được ghi lại cho “%s”"
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tạo thư mục “%s”"
@@ -5587,20 +5650,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "không thể mở thư mục rr-cache"
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "nhánh hiện tại của bạn có vẻ như bị hỏng"
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "nhánh hiện tại của bạn “%s” không có một lần chuyển giao nào cả"
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "--first-parent xung khắc với --bisect"
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr "-L vẫn chưa hỗ trợ định dạng khác biệt nào ngoài -p và -s"
@@ -5671,79 +5734,84 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể xóa bỏ “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "không thể gỡ bỏ “%s”"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "hoàn nguyên"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "cherry-pick"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "không nhận ra thao tác: %d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
 msgstr ""
 "sau khi giải quyết các xung đột, đánh dấu đường dẫn đã sửa\n"
-"với lệnh “git add <đường_dẫn>” hoặc “git rm <đường_dẫn>”"
+"với lệnh “git add </các/đường/dẫn>” hoặc “git rm </các/đường/dẫn>”"
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
 "and commit the result with 'git commit'"
 msgstr ""
 "sau khi giải quyết các xung đột, đánh dấu đường dẫn đã sửa\n"
-"với lệnh “git add <đường_dẫn>” hoặc “git rm <đường_dẫn>”\n"
+"với lệnh “git add </các/đường/dẫn>” hoặc “git rm </các/đường/dẫn>”\n"
 "và chuyển giao kết quả bằng lệnh “git commit”"
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể khóa “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể ghi eol vào “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi hoàn thành “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "các thay đổi nội bộ của bạn có thể bị ghi đè bởi lệnh %s."
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "chuyển giao các thay đổi của bạn hay tạm cất (stash) chúng để xử lý."
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s: chuyển-tiếp-nhanh"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "Chế độ dọn dẹp không hợp lệ %s"
@@ -5751,70 +5819,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s: Không thể ghi tập tin lưu bảng mục lục mới"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "không thể cập nhật cây bộ nhớ đệm"
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải lần chuyển giao HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "không có khóa hiện diện trong “%.*s”"
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể giải trích dẫn giá trị của “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "không thể mở “%s” để đọc"
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "“GIT_AUTHOR_NAME” đã sẵn đưa ra rồi"
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "“GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL” đã sẵn đưa ra rồi"
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "“GIT_AUTHOR_DATE” đã sẵn đưa ra rồi"
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "không hiểu biến “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "thiếu “GIT_AUTHOR_NAME”"
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "thiếu “GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL”"
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "thiếu “GIT_AUTHOR_DATE”"
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "định dạng ngày tháng không hợp lệ “%s” trong “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -5843,15 +5911,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "ghi chuyển giao gốc"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "móc “prepare-commit-msg” bị lỗi"
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5882,7 +5950,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5910,308 +5978,351 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "không thể tìm thấy lần chuyển giao mới hơn đã được tạo"
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr ""
 "không thể phân tích cú pháp của đối tượng chuyển giao mới hơn đã được tạo"
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải HEAD sau khi tạo lần chuyển giao"
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "đã rời khỏi HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr " (root-commit)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s không phải là một lần chuyển giao!"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích commit (lần chuyển giao) HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích tác giả của lần chuyển giao"
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "lệnh git write-tree gặp lỗi khi ghi một cây"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc phần chú thích (message) từ “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi ghi đối tượng chuyển giao"
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích lần chuyển giao %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích lần chuyển giao cha mẹ “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "không hiểu câu lệnh %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "Đây là tổ hợp của %d lần chuyển giao."
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "cần một HEAD để sửa"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể đọc HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "không thể đọc phần chú thích (message) của HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể ghi “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "Đây là chú thích cho lần chuyển giao thứ nhất:"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc phần chú thích (message) của %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "Đây là chú thích cho lần chuyển giao thứ #%d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Chú thích cho lần chuyển giao thứ #%d sẽ bị bỏ qua:"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "tập tin lưu mục lục của bạn không được hòa trộn."
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "không thể sửa chữa lần chuyển giao gốc"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao %s là một lần hòa trộn nhưng không đưa ra tùy chọn -m."
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao %s không có cha mẹ %d"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "không thể lấy ghi chú lần chuyển giao cho %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s: không thể phân tích lần chuyển giao mẹ của %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đổi tên “%s” thành “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "không thể hoàn nguyên %s… %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "không thể áp dụng miếng vá %s… %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s: gặp lỗi đọc bảng mục lục"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s: gặp lỗi khi làm tươi mới bảng mục lục"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s không nhận các đối số: “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "thiếu đối số cho %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích cú pháp “%.*s”"
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "dòng không hợp lệ %d: %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "không thể “%s” thể mà không có lần chuyển giao kế trước"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "không thể đọc “%s”."
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "đang hủy bỏ thao tác cherry pick đang thực hiện"
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "đang hủy bỏ các thao tác hoàn nguyên đang thực hiện"
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "vui lòng sửa lỗi này bằng cách dùng “git rebase --edit-todo”."
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "bảng chỉ thị không thể dùng được: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "không có lần chuyển giao nào được phân tích."
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "không thể cherry-pick trong khi hoàn nguyên."
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "không thể thực hiện việc hoàn nguyên trong khi đang cherry-pick."
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "giá trị cho %s không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "squash-onto không dùng được"
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "bảng tùy chọn dị hình: “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao trống rỗng đặt là hợp quy cách"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr "có một thao tác “cherry-pick” hoặc “revert” đang được thực hiện"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "có thao tác hoàn nguyên đang được thực hiện"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "hãy thử \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "hãy thử \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "có thao tác “cherry-pick” đang được thực hiện"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "hãy thử \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tạo thư mục xếp dãy “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể khóa HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "không cherry-pick hay hoàn nguyên trong tiến trình"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "không thể hủy bỏ từ một nhánh mà nó còn chưa được tạo ra"
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "không mở được “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc “%s”: %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "gặp kết thúc tập tin đột xuất"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "tập tin HEAD “pre-cherry-pick” đã lưu “%s” bị hỏng"
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr ""
 "Bạn có lẽ đã có HEAD đã bị di chuyển đi, Không thể tua, kiểm tra HEAD của "
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "không có tiến trình hoàn nguyên nào"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "không có cherry-pick đang được thực hiện"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi bỏ qua đối tượng chuyển giao"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "ở đây không có gì để mà bỏ qua cả"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"bạn đã sẵn sàng chuyển giao chưa?\n"
+"thử \"git %s --continue\""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "không thể cập nhật %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể đọc HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể chép “%s” sang “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6230,27 +6341,27 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "Không thể áp dụng %s… %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "Không hòa trộn %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể chép “%s” sang “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "không thể đọc bảng mục lục"
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6265,11 +6376,11 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "và tạo các thay đổi bảng mục lục và/hay cây làm việc\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6286,76 +6397,76 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "tên nhãn dị hình: “%.*s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "ghi lần chuyển giao gốc giả"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "đang ghi squash-onto"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tìm cây của %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "không thể ghi bảng mục lục"
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "không thể hòa trộn mà không có một điểm xét duyệt hiện tại"
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích “%.*s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "chẳng có gì để hòa trộn: “%.*s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr "hòa trộn octopus không thể được thực thi trên đỉnh của một [new root]"
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể lấy chú thích của lần chuyển giao của “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "không thể ngay cả khi thử hòa trộn “%.*s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "merge: Không thể ghi tập tin lưu bảng mục lục mới"
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "Đã áp dụng autostash.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "không thử lưu “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6367,31 +6478,31 @@
 "Bạn có thể chạy lệnh \"git stash pop\" hay \"git stash drop\" bất kỳ lúc "
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "không thể lấy ra %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "%s không phải là một OID hợp lệ"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể tách rời HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Dừng lại ở HEAD\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "Dừng lại ở %s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6412,48 +6523,48 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Dừng lại ở %s…  %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "không hiểu câu lệnh %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "không thể đọc orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc “onto”."
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "không thể cập nhật HEAD thành %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "không thể cải tổ: Bạn có các thay đổi chưa được đưa lên bệ phóng."
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "không thể tu bỏ một lần chuyển giao không tồn tại"
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "tập tin không hợp lệ: “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "nội dung không hợp lệ: “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6463,42 +6574,42 @@
 "Bạn có các thay đổi chưa chuyển giao trong thư mục làm việc. Vui lòng\n"
 "chuyển giao chúng trước và sau đó chạy lệnh “git rebase --continue” lần nữa."
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin: “%s”"
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể xóa bỏ CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "không thể chuyển giao các thay đổi đã đưa lên bệ phóng."
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s: không thể cherry-pick một %s"
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s: điểm xét duyệt sai"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "không thể hoàn nguyên một lần chuyển giao khởi tạo"
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script: các tùy chọn được không xử lý"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script: lỗi chuẩn bị điểm hiệu chỉnh"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
@@ -6508,15 +6619,15 @@
 "Hoặc là bạn có thể bãi bỏ việc cải tổ bằng “git rebase --abort”.\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "không có gì để làm"
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "không thể bỏ qua các lệnh cậy (pick) không cần thiết"
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "văn lệnh đã sẵn được sắp đặt rồi."
@@ -6737,195 +6848,200 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "kho tham chiếu “%s” bị cấy ghép"
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "dòng không hợp lệ trong khi phân tích các tham chiếu thay thế: %s"
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "đang cố để mmap %<PRIuMAX> vượt quá giới hạn %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "mmap gặp lỗi"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "tập tin đối tượng %s trống rỗng"
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "đối tượng mất hỏng “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp rác tại cuối của đối tượng bị mất “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "kiểu đối tượng không hợp lệ"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "không thể giải nén phần đầu gói %s với --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "không thể giải gói phần đầu %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích phần đầu gói %s với --allow-unknown-type"
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích phần đầu của “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đọc đối tượng “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "c%s thay thế không được tìm thấy cho %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "đối tượng mất %s (được lưu trong %s) bị hỏng"
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "đối tượng đã đóng gói %s (được lưu trong %s) bị hỏng"
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đặt quyền thành “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "lỗi ghi tập tin"
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi trong khi đóng tập tin đối tượng"
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr ""
 "không đủ thẩm quyền để thêm một đối tượng vào cơ sở dữ liệu kho chứa %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "không thể tạo tập tin tạm thời"
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin đối tượng đã mất"
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "không thể xả nén đối tượng mới %s (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "deflateEnd trên đối tượng %s gặp lỗi (%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "chưa rõ ràng baowir dữ liệu nguồn đối tượng không ổn định cho %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi utime() trên “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc đối tượng cho %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao sai hỏng"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "thẻ sai hỏng"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi đọc khi đánh mục lục %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "không đọc ngắn khi đánh mục lục %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "%s: gặp lỗi khi thêm vào cơ sở dữ liệu"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "%s: kiểu tập tin không được hỗ trợ"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "%s không phải là một đối tượng hợp lệ"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s không phải là một đối tượng “%s” hợp lệ"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "không thể mở %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "mã băm không khớp cho %s (cần %s)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "không thể mmap %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "không thể giải gói phần đầu của “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích phần đầu của “%s”"
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "không thể giải gói nội dung của “%s”"
@@ -6945,7 +7061,7 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
@@ -6955,7 +7071,7 @@
 "bởi vì nó sẽ bị bỏ qua khi bạn chỉ định 40-hex. Những tham chiếu này\n"
 "có lẽ được tạo ra bởi một sai sót nào đó. Ví dụ,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse …)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "với \"$br\" không hiểu lý do vì sao trống rỗng và một tham chiếu 40-hex được "
 "tạo ra.\n"
@@ -6963,6 +7079,56 @@
 "bằng cách chạy lệnh \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB/giây"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB/giây"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB/giây"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u byte/giây"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
 msgstr ""
@@ -6999,7 +7165,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "mục tin mô-đun-con “%s” (%s) là một %s, không phải là một lần chuyển giao"
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi phân giải HEAD như là một tham chiếu hợp lệ."
@@ -7038,7 +7204,7 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "Mô-đun-con “%s” không thể được cập nhật."
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
@@ -7046,12 +7212,12 @@
 "relocate_gitdir cho mô-đun-con “%s” với nhiều hơn một cây làm việc là chưa "
 "được hỗ trợ"
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tìm kiếm tên cho mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7062,16 +7228,16 @@
 "“%s” sang\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đệ quy vào trong mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê về ls-files trong .."
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree trả về mã không như mong đợi %d"
@@ -7245,15 +7411,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đẩy dữ liệu của tất cả các mô-đun-con cần thiết"
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "thao tác không được gia thức hỗ trợ"
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "dòng không hợp lệ trong khi phân tích các tham chiếu thay thế: %s"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "ghi đầy đủ lên bộ hỗ trợ máy chủ gặp lỗi"
@@ -7298,7 +7459,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi trong khi chạy fast-import"
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc tham chiếu %s"
@@ -7351,24 +7512,24 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "helper %s không hỗ trợ “push-option”"
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr "remote-helper không hỗ trợ push; cần đặc tả tham chiếu"
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "helper %s không hỗ trợ “force”"
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "không thể chạy fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi trong khi chạy fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7378,47 +7539,47 @@
 "Tuy nhiên bạn nên chỉ định một nhánh như “master” chẳng hạn.\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "đáp ứng sai dạng trong danh sách tham chiếu: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "read(%s) gặp lỗi"
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "write(%s) gặp lỗi"
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "tuyến trình %s gặp lỗi"
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "tuyến trình %s gặp lỗi khi gia nhập: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "không thể khởi chạy tuyến trình để sao chép dữ liệu: %s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "xử lý %s gặp lỗi khi đợi"
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "xử lý %s gặp lỗi"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "không thể khởi chạy tuyến trình cho việc chép dữ liệu"
@@ -7434,7 +7595,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "tên tập tin trống rỗng trong mục tin cây"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "tập tin cây quá ngắn"
@@ -7681,8 +7842,8 @@
 msgstr "Bãi bỏ\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "Đang lấy ra các tập tin"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "Đang cập nhật các tập tin"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -7723,33 +7884,33 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "đoạn đường dẫn “..” không hợp lệ"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đọc “%s”"
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr "“%s” tại cây làm việc chình không phải là thư mục kho"
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr ""
 "tập tin “%s” không chứa đường dẫn tuyệt đối đến vị trí cây làm việc hiện"
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "\"%s\" không tồn tại"
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "“%s” không phải là tập tin .git, mã lỗi %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "“%s” không chỉ ngược đến “%s”"
@@ -7768,156 +7929,162 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "không thể lấy thư mục làm việc hiện hành"
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "Những đường dẫn chưa được hòa trộn:"
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
-msgstr "  (dùng \"git reset %s <tập-tin>…\" để bỏ ra khỏi bệ phóng)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr "  (dùng \"git restore --staged <tập-tin>…\" để bỏ ra khỏi bệ phóng)"
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr ""
+"  (dùng \"git restore --source=%s --staged <tập-tin>…\" để bỏ ra khỏi bệ "
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git rm --cached <tập-tin>…\" để bỏ ra khỏi bệ phóng)"
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git add <tập-tin>…\" để đánh dấu là cần giải quyết)"
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (dùng \"git add/rm <tập-tin>…\" như là một cách thích hợp để đánh dấu là "
 "cần được giải quyết)"
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git rm <tập-tin>…\" để đánh dấu là cần giải quyết)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Những thay đổi sẽ được chuyển giao:"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "Các thay đổi chưa được đặt lên bệ phóng để chuyển giao:"
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git add <tập-tin>…\" để cập nhật những gì sẽ chuyển giao)"
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (dùng \"git add/rm <tập-tin>…\" để cập nhật những gì sẽ được chuyển giao)"
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
 msgstr ""
-"  (dùng \"git checkout -- <tập-tin>…\" để loại bỏ các thay đổi trong thư mục "
-"làm việc)"
+"  (dùng \"git restore <tập-tin>…\" để loại bỏ các thay đổi trong thư mục làm "
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (chuyển giao hoặc là loại bỏ các nội dung chưa được theo dõi hay đã sửa "
 "chữa trong mô-đun-con)"
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (dùng \"git %s <tập-tin>…\" để thêm vào những gì cần được chuyển giao)"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "bị xóa bởi cả hai:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "được thêm vào bởi chúng ta:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "bị xóa đi bởi họ:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "được thêm vào bởi họ:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "bị xóa bởi chúng ta:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "được thêm vào bởi cả hai:"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "bị sửa bởi cả hai:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "tập tin mới:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "đã chép:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "đã xóa:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "đã sửa:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "đã đổi tên:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "đổi-kiểu:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "không hiểu:"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "chưa hòa trộn:"
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao mới, "
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "nội dung bị sửa đổi, "
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "nội dung chưa được theo dõi, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "Bạn hiện nay ở trong phần cất đi đang có %d mục"
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "Những mô-đun-con đã bị thay đổi nhưng chưa được cập nhật:"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "Những mô-đun-con thay đổi đã được chuyển giao:"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -7925,109 +8092,120 @@
 "Không sửa hay xóa bỏ đường ở trên.\n"
 "Mọi thứ phía dưới sẽ được xóa bỏ."
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Nó cần %.2f giây để tính toán giá trị của trước/sau của nhánh.\n"
+"Bạn có thể dùng '--no-ahead-behind' tránh phải điều này.\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "Bạn có những đường dẫn chưa được hòa trộn."
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (sửa các xung đột rồi chạy \"git commit\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git merge --abort\" để bãi bỏ việc hòa trộn)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "Tất cả các xung đột đã được giải quyết nhưng bạn vẫn đang hòa trộn."
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git commit\" để hoàn tất việc hòa trộn)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "Bạn đang ở giữa của một phiên “am”."
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "Miếng vá hiện tại bị trống rỗng."
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (sửa các xung đột và sau đó chạy lệnh \"git am --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git am --skip\" để bỏ qua miếng vá này)"
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git am --abort\" để phục hồi lại nhánh nguyên thủy)"
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "thiếu git-rebase-todo."
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "Không thực hiện lệnh nào."
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "Lệnh thực hiện cuối (%d lệnh được thực thi):"
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (xem thêm trong %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "Không có lệnh nào còn lại."
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
 msgstr[0] "Lệnh cần làm kế tiếp (%d lệnh còn lại):"
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (dùng lệnh \"git rebase --edit-todo\" để xem và sửa)"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "Bạn hiện nay đang thực hiện việc “rebase” nhánh “%s” trên “%s”."
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "Bạn hiện nay đang thực hiện việc “rebase” (“cải tổ”)."
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (sửa các xung đột và sau đó chạy lệnh “cải tổ” \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (dùng lệnh “cải tổ” \"git rebase --skip\" để bỏ qua lần vá này)"
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (dùng lệnh “cải tổ” \"git rebase --abort\" để check-out nhánh nguyên thủy)"
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (khi tất cả các xung đột đã sửa xong: chạy lệnh “cải tổ” \"git rebase --"
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
@@ -8035,150 +8213,142 @@
 "Bạn hiện nay đang thực hiện việc chia tách một lần chuyển giao trong khi "
 "đang “rebase” nhánh “%s” trên “%s”."
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Bạn hiện tại đang cắt đôi một lần chuyển giao trong khi đang thực hiện việc "
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (Một khi thư mục làm việc của bạn đã gọn gàng, chạy lệnh “cải tổ” \"git "
 "rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "Bạn hiện nay đang thực hiện việc sửa chữa một lần chuyển giao trong khi đang "
 "rebase nhánh “%s” trên “%s”."
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "Bạn hiện đang sửa một lần chuyển giao trong khi bạn thực hiện rebase."
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git commit --amend\" để “tu bổ” lần chuyển giao hiện tại)"
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr ""
 "  (chạy lệnh “cải tổ” \"git rebase --continue\" một khi bạn cảm thấy hài "
 "lòng về những thay đổi của mình)"
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr "Cherry-pick hiện tại đang được thực hiện."
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "Bạn hiện nay đang thực hiện việc cherry-pick lần chuyển giao %s."
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (sửa các xung đột và sau đó chạy lệnh \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (chạy lệnh \"git cherry-pick --continue\" để tiếp tục)"
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (khi tất cả các xung đột đã sửa xong: chạy lệnh \"git cherry-pick --"
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git cherry-pick --abort\" để hủy bỏ thao tác cherry-pick)"
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr "Hoàn nguyên hiện tại đang thực hiện."
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "Bạn hiện nay đang thực hiện thao tác hoàn nguyên lần chuyển giao “%s”."
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (sửa các xung đột và sau đó chạy lệnh \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (chạy lệnh \"git revert --continue\" để tiếp tục)"
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr ""
 "  (khi tất cả các xung đột đã sửa xong: chạy lệnh \"git revert --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git revert --abort\" để hủy bỏ thao tác hoàn nguyên)"
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr ""
 "Bạn hiện nay đang thực hiện thao tác di chuyển nửa bước (bisect), bắt đầu từ "
 "nhánh “%s”."
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "Bạn hiện tại đang thực hiện việc bisect (di chuyển nửa bước)."
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (dùng \"git bisect reset\" để quay trở lại nhánh nguyên thủy)"
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "Trên nhánh "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebase ở chế độ tương tác đang được thực hiện; lên trên "
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "rebase đang được thực hiện: lên trên "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "HEAD được tách rời tại "
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "HEAD được tách rời từ "
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "Hiện tại chẳng ở nhánh nào cả."
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "Lần chuyển giao khởi tạo"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "Vẫn chưa chuyển giao"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "Những tập tin chưa được theo dõi"
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "Những tập tin bị lờ đi"
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8190,32 +8360,32 @@
 "có lẽ làm nó nhanh hơn, nhưng bạn phải cẩn thận đừng quên mình phải\n"
 "tự thêm các tập tin mới (xem “git help status”.."
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "Những tập tin chưa được theo dõi không được liệt kê ra %s"
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr " (dùng tùy chọn -u để hiển thị các tập tin chưa được theo dõi)"
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "Không có thay đổi nào"
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr ""
 "không có thay đổi nào được thêm vào để chuyển giao (dùng \"git add\" và/hoặc "
 "\"git commit -a\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "không có thay đổi nào được thêm vào để chuyển giao\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
@@ -8224,68 +8394,68 @@
 "không có gì được thêm vào lần chuyển giao nhưng có những tập tin chưa được "
 "theo dõi hiện diện (dùng \"git add\" để đưa vào theo dõi)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr ""
 "không có gì được thêm vào lần chuyển giao nhưng có những tập tin chưa được "
 "theo dõi hiện diện\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "không có gì để chuyển giao (tạo/sao-chép các tập tin và dùng \"git add\" để "
 "đưa vào theo dõi)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "không có gì để chuyển giao\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr ""
 "không có gì để chuyển giao (dùng -u xem các tập tin chưa được theo dõi)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "không có gì để chuyển giao, thư mục làm việc sạch sẽ\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "Vẫn không thực hiện lệnh chuyển giao nào "
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD (không nhánh)"
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "khác"
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "đằng sau "
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "phía trước "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "không thể %s: Bạn có các thay đổi chưa được đưa lên bệ phóng."
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
 "thêm vào đó, bảng mục lục của bạn có chứa các thay đổi chưa được chuyển giao."
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr ""
@@ -8293,14 +8463,14 @@
 #: builtin/add.c:25
 msgid "git add [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
-msgstr "git add [<các-tùy-chọn>] [--]  <pathspec>…"
+msgstr "git add [<các tùy chọn>] [--]  <pathspec>…"
 #: builtin/add.c:84
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "trạng thái lệnh diff không như mong đợi %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "cập nhật tập tin gặp lỗi"
@@ -8351,8 +8521,8 @@
 "Các đường dẫn theo sau đây sẽ bị lờ đi bởi một trong các tập tin .gitignore "
 "của bạn:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "chạy thử"
@@ -8361,7 +8531,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "sửa bằng cách tương tác"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "chọn “hunks” theo kiểu tương tác"
@@ -8533,7 +8703,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "Dò tìm định dạng miếng vá gặp lỗi."
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "tạo thư mục \"%s\" gặp lỗi"
@@ -8542,7 +8712,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi chia nhỏ các miếng vá."
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin lưu mục lục"
@@ -8582,16 +8752,16 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích lần chuyển giao “%s”"
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr "Kho thiếu đối tượng blob cần thiết để trở về trên “3-way merge”."
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr ""
 "Sử dụng thông tin trong bảng mục lục để cấu trúc lại một cây (tree) cơ sở…"
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8599,29 +8769,24 @@
 "Bạn đã sửa miếng vá của mình bằng cách thủ công à?\n"
 "Nó không thể áp dụng các blob đã được ghi lại trong bảng mục lục của nó."
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "Đang trở lại để vá cơ sở và “hòa trộn 3-đường”…"
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi trộn vào các thay đổi."
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "áp dụng vào một lịch sử trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "không thể phục hồi: %s không tồn tại."
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr ""
-"không thể được tương tác mà không có stdin kết nối với một thiết bị cuối."
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "Thân của lần chuyển giao là:"
@@ -8629,36 +8794,37 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr ""
 "Áp dụng? đồng ý [y]/khô[n]g/chỉnh sửa [e]/hiển thị miếng [v]á/chấp nhận tất "
 "cả [a]: "
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "Bảng mục lục bẩn: không thể áp dụng các miếng vá (bẩn: %s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "Áp dụng: %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "Không thay đổi gì cả -- Miếng vá đã được áp dụng rồi."
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi vá tại %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr "Dùng “git am --show-current-patch” để xem miếng vá bị lỗi"
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8669,7 +8835,7 @@
 "đã sẵn được đưa vào với cùng nội dung thay đổi; bạn có lẽ muốn bỏ qua miếng "
 "vá này."
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8682,17 +8848,17 @@
 "Bạn có lẽ muốn chạy “git rm“ trên một tập tin để chấp nhận \"được xóa bởi họ"
 "\" cho nó."
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "Không thể phân tích đối tượng “%s”."
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi dọn bảng mục lục"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
@@ -8700,144 +8866,144 @@
 "Bạn có lẽ đã có HEAD đã bị di chuyển đi kể từ lần “am” thất bại cuối cùng.\n"
 "Không thể chuyển tới ORIG_HEAD"
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "Giá trị không hợp lệ cho --patch-format: %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
-msgstr "git am [<các-tùy-chọn>] [(<mbox>|<Maildir>)…]"
+msgstr "git am [<các tùy chọn>] [(<mbox>|<Maildir>)…]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-msgstr "git am [<các-tùy-chọn>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
+msgstr "git am [<các tùy chọn>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "chạy kiểu tương tác"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "tùy chọn lịch sử -- không-toán-tử"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "cho phép quay trở lại để hòa trộn kiểu “3way” nếu cần"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "im lặng"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "thêm dòng Signed-off-by cho ghi chú của lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "chuyển mã thành utf8 (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "chuyển cờ -k cho git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "chuyển cờ -b cho git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "chuyển cờ -m cho git-mailinfo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "chuyển cờ --keep-cr cho git-mailsplit với định dạng mbox"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr ""
 "đừng chuyển cờ --keep-cr cho git-mailsplit không phụ thuộc vào am.keepcr"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "cắt mọi thứ trước dòng scissors"
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "chuyển nó qua git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "định dạng"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "định dạng (các) miếng vá theo"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "đè lên các lời nhắn lỗi khi xảy ra lỗi vá nghiêm trọng"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "tiếp tục áp dụng các miếng vá sau khi giải quyết xung đột"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "đồng nghĩa với --continue"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "bỏ qua miếng vá hiện hành"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr "phục hồi lại nhánh gốc và loại bỏ thao tác vá."
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr "bỏ qua thao tác vá nhưng vẫn giữ HEAD chỉ đến nó."
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "hiển thị miếng vá đã được áp dụng rồi."
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "nói dối về ngày chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "dùng dấu thời gian hiện tại cho ngày tác giả"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "mã-số-khóa"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "Các lần chuyển giao ký-GPG"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(dùng nội bộ cho git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -8845,16 +9011,16 @@
 "Tùy chọn -b/--binary đã không dùng từ lâu rồi, và\n"
 "nó sẽ được bỏ đi. Xin đừng sử dụng nó thêm nữa."
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi đọc bảng mục lục"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr "thư mục rebase trước %s không sẵn có nhưng mbox lại đưa ra."
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -8863,13 +9029,17 @@
 "Tìm thấy thư mục lạc %s.\n"
 "Dùng \"git am --abort\" để loại bỏ nó đi."
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "Thao tác phân giải không được tiến hành, chúng ta không phục hồi lại."
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr "chế độ tương tác yêu cầu có các miếng vá trên dòng lênh"
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
-msgstr "git apply [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<miếng-vá>…]"
+msgstr "git apply [<các tùy chọn>] [<miếng-vá>…]"
 #: builtin/archive.c:17
 #, c-format
@@ -8951,7 +9121,7 @@
 "=<term>][--no-checkout] [<bad> [<good>...]] [--] [<paths>...]"
 msgstr ""
 "git bisect--helper --bisect-start [--term-{old,good}=<term> --term-{new,bad}"
-"=<term>][--no-checkout] [<sai> [<đúng>…]] [--] [<đường/dẫn>…]"
+"=<term>][--no-checkout] [<sai> [<đúng>…]] [--] [</các/đường/dẫn>…]"
 #: builtin/bisect--helper.c:86
 #, c-format
@@ -9096,221 +9266,243 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "sai HEAD - tham chiếu mềm kỳ lạ"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "refspec không hợp lệ: “%s”"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "thực hiện “git bisect next”"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "ghi thời kỳ vào .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "dọn dẹp tình trạng di chuyển nửa bước"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "kiểm tra cho điểm xem xét cần dùng"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "đặt lại trạng di chuyển nửa bước"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "ghi ra tình trạng di chuyển nửa bước trong BISECT_LOG"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "kiểm tra và đặt thời điểm trong di chuyển nửa bước"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr "kiểm tra xem các thời điểm xấu/tốt có tồn tại không"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "in ra các thời điểm di chuyển nửa bước"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "bắt đầu phiên di chuyển nửa bước"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr ""
 "cập nhật BISECT_HEAD thay vì lấy ra (checking out) lần chuyển giao hiện hành"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "không có nhật ký cho BISECT_WRITE"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms cần hai tham số"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state không nhận đối số"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr ""
 "--bisect-reset requires không nhận đối số cũng không nhận lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-write cần 4 hoặc 5 tham số"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--check-and-set-terms cần 3 tham số"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-next-check cần 2 hoặc 3 tham số"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--bisect-terms cần 0 hoặc 1 tham số"
 #: builtin/blame.c:32
 msgid "git blame [<options>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <file>"
-msgstr "git blame [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <tập-tin>"
+msgstr "git blame [<các tùy chọn>] [<rev-opts>] [<rev>] [--] <tập-tin>"
 #: builtin/blame.c:37
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "<rev-opts> được mô tả trong tài liệu git-rev-list(1)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "cần một màu: %s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "phải kết thúc bằng một màu"
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "màu không hợp lệ “%s” trong color.blame.repeatedLines"
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "màu không hợp lệ cho blame.coloring"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "không thể tìm thấy điểm xét duyệt %s để mà bỏ qua"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr "Hiển thị các mục “blame” như là chúng ta thấy chúng, tăng dần"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr ""
 "Hiển thị SHA-1 trắng cho những lần chuyển giao biên giới (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Không coi các lần chuyển giao gốc là giới hạn (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "Hiển thị thống kê công sức làm việc"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "Ép buộc báo cáo tiến triển công việc"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "Hiển thị kết xuất điểm số có các mục tin “blame”"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "Hiển thị tên tập tin gốc (Mặc định: auto)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Hiển thị số dòng gốc (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "Hiển thị ở định dạng đã thiết kế cho sự tiêu dùng bằng máy"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr "Hiển thị định dạng “porcelain” với thông tin chuyển giao mỗi dòng"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Dùng cùng chế độ xuất ra với git-annotate (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Hiển thị dấu vết thời gian dạng thô (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Hiển thị SHA1 của lần chuyển giao dạng dài (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Không hiển thị tên tác giả và dấu vết thời gian (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr "Hiển thị thư điện tử của tác giả thay vì tên (Mặc định: off)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "Bỏ qua các khác biệt do khoảng trắng gây ra"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "rev"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "bỏ qua <rev> khi blame"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "Bỏ qua các điểm xét duyệt từ <tập tin>"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr "siêu dữ liệu dư thừa màu từ dòng trước khác hẳn"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr "các dòng màu theo tuổi"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "Dùng một phỏng đoán thử nghiệm để tăng cường các diff"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "Tiêu thụ thêm năng tài nguyên máy móc để tìm kiếm tốt hơn nữa"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr ""
 "Sử dụng điểm xét duyệt (revision) từ <tập tin> thay vì gọi “git-rev-list”"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "Sử dụng nội dung của <tập tin> như là ảnh cuối cùng"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "điểm số"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "Tìm các bản sao chép dòng trong và ngang qua tập tin"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "Tìm các di chuyển dòng trong và ngang qua tập tin"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Xử lý chỉ dòng vùng n,m, tính từ 1"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr ""
 "--progress không được dùng cùng với --incremental hay các định dạng porcelain"
@@ -9323,49 +9515,49 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "4 năm, 11 tháng trước"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "tập tin %s chỉ có %lu dòng"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "Các dòng blame"
 #: builtin/branch.c:29
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]"
-msgstr "git branch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]"
+msgstr "git branch [<các tùy chọn>] [-r | -a] [--merged | --no-merged]"
 #: builtin/branch.c:30
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-l] [-f] <branch-name> [<start-point>]"
-msgstr "git branch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [-l] [-f] <tên-nhánh> [<điểm-đầu>]"
+msgstr "git branch [<các tùy chọn>] [-l] [-f] <tên-nhánh> [<điểm-đầu>]"
 #: builtin/branch.c:31
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r] (-d | -D) <branch-name>..."
-msgstr "git branch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [-r] (-d | -D) <tên-nhánh> …"
+msgstr "git branch [<các tùy chọn>] [-r] (-d | -D) <tên-nhánh> …"
 #: builtin/branch.c:32
 msgid "git branch [<options>] (-m | -M) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>"
-msgstr "git branch [<các-tùy-chọn>] (-m | -M) [<nhánh-cũ>] <nhánh-mới>"
+msgstr "git branch [<các tùy chọn>] (-m | -M) [<nhánh-cũ>] <nhánh-mới>"
 #: builtin/branch.c:33
 msgid "git branch [<options>] (-c | -C) [<old-branch>] <new-branch>"
-msgstr "git branch [<các-tùy-chọn>] (-c | -C) [<nhánh-cũ>] <nhánh-mới>"
+msgstr "git branch [<các tùy chọn>] (-c | -C) [<nhánh-cũ>] <nhánh-mới>"
 #: builtin/branch.c:34
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]"
-msgstr "git branch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]"
+msgstr "git branch [<các tùy chọn>] [-r | -a] [--points-at]"
 #: builtin/branch.c:35
 msgid "git branch [<options>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-msgstr "git branch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
+msgstr "git branch [<các tùy chọn>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9374,7 +9566,7 @@
 "đang xóa nhánh “%s” mà nó lại đã được hòa trộn vào\n"
 "         “%s”, nhưng vẫn chưa được hòa trộn vào HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9383,12 +9575,12 @@
 "không xóa nhánh “%s” cái mà chưa được hòa trộn vào\n"
 "         “%s”, cho dù là nó đã được hòa trộn vào HEAD."
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể tìm kiếm đối tượng chuyển giao cho “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -9397,121 +9589,121 @@
 "Nhánh “%s” không được trộn một cách đầy đủ.\n"
 "Nếu bạn thực sự muốn xóa nó, thì chạy lệnh “git branch -D %s”."
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Cập nhật tập tin cấu hình gặp lỗi"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "không thể dùng tùy chọn -a với -d"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "Không thể tìm kiếm đối tượng chuyển giao cho HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể xóa nhánh “%s” đã được lấy ra tại “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "không tìm thấy nhánh theo dõi máy chủ “%s”."
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "không tìm thấy nhánh “%s”."
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi đang xóa nhánh theo dõi máy chủ “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi xóa bỏ nhánh “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Đã xóa nhánh theo dõi máy chủ \"%s\" (từng là %s).\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "Nhánh “%s” đã bị xóa (từng là %s)\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích chuỗi định dạng"
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải HEAD"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "HEAD (%s) chỉ bên ngoài của refs/heads/"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "Nhánh %s đang được cải tổ lại tại %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "Nhánh %s đang được di chuyển phân đôi (bisect) tại %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "không thể sao chép nhánh hiện hành trong khi nó chẳng ở đâu cả."
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "không thể đổi tên nhánh hiện hành trong khi nó chẳng ở đâu cả."
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "Tên nhánh không hợp lệ: “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi đổi tên nhánh"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi sao chép nhánh"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "Đã tạo một bản sao của nhánh khuyết danh “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "Đã đổi tên nhánh khuyết danh “%s” đi"
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "Nhánh bị đổi tên thành %s, nhưng HEAD lại không được cập nhật!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Nhánh bị đổi tên, nhưng cập nhật tập tin cấu hình gặp lỗi"
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "Nhánh đã được sao chép, nhưng cập nhật tập tin cấu hình gặp lỗi"
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9522,180 +9714,180 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Những dòng được bắt đầu bằng “%c” sẽ được cắt bỏ.\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "Tùy chọn chung"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr "hiển thị mã băm và chủ đề, đưa ra hai lần cho nhánh thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "không xuất các thông tin"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "cài đặt chế độ theo dõi (xem git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "không dùng"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "thay đổi thông tin thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "Bỏ đặt thông tin thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "tô màu kết xuất"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "thao tác trên nhánh “remote-tracking”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những nhánh mà nó chứa lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những nhánh mà nó không chứa lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "Hành động git-branch:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "liệt kê cả nhánh “remote-tracking” và nội bộ"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "xóa một toàn bộ nhánh đã hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "xóa nhánh (cho dù là chưa được hòa trộn)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "di chuyển hay đổi tên một nhánh và reflog của nó"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "di chuyển hoặc đổi tên một nhánh ngay cả khi đích đã có sẵn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "sao chép một nhánh và reflog của nó"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "sao chép một nhánh ngay cả khi đích đã có sẵn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "liệt kê các tên nhánh"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "hiển thị nhánh hiện hành"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "tạo reflog của nhánh"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "sửa mô tả cho nhánh"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "buộc tạo, di chuyển/đổi tên, xóa"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những nhánh mà nó được hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những nhánh mà nó không được hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "liệt kê các nhánh trong các cột"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "đối tượng"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị các nhánh của đối tượng"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "sắp xếp và lọc là phân biệt HOA thường"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "định dạng sẽ dùng cho đầu ra"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "Không tìm thấy HEAD ở dưới refs/heads!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "tùy chọn --column và --verbose xung khắc nhau"
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "cần chỉ ra tên nhánh"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "Không thể đưa ra mô tả HEAD đã tách rời"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "không thể sửa mô tả cho nhiều hơn một nhánh"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "Vẫn chưa chuyển giao trên nhánh “%s”."
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "Không có nhánh nào có tên “%s”."
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "quá nhiều nhánh dành cho thao tác sao chép"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "quá nhiều tham số cho thao tác đổi tên"
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "quá nhiều tham số để đặt thượng nguồn mới"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
@@ -9703,36 +9895,39 @@
 "không thể đặt thượng nguồn của HEAD thành %s khi mà nó chẳng chỉ đến nhánh "
 "nào cả."
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "không có nhánh nào như thế “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "chưa có nhánh “%s”"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "quá nhiều tham số để bỏ đặt thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr "không thể bỏ đặt thượng nguồn của HEAD không chỉ đến một nhánh nào cả."
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "Nhánh “%s” không có thông tin thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
 msgstr ""
-"hai tùy chọn -a và -r áp dụng cho lệnh “git branch” không hợp lý đối với tên "
+"Hai tùy chọn -a và -r áp dụng cho lệnh “git branch” không nhận một tên "
+"Có phải ý bạn là dùng: -a|-r --list <mẫu>?"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9753,7 +9948,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "Cần một kho chứa để có thể giải nén một bundle."
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -9761,7 +9956,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <kiểu> | --textconv) | --filters) [--path=<đường/dẫn>] <đối_tượng>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -9769,72 +9964,72 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "chỉ một tùy chọn batch được chỉ ra"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<kiểu> là một trong số: blob, tree, commit hoặc tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "hiển thị kiểu đối tượng"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "hiển thị kích thước đối tượng"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "thoát với 0 khi không có lỗi"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "in nội dung đối tượng dạng dễ đọc"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "với đối tượng blob, chạy lệnh textconv trên nội dung của đối tượng"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "với đối tượng blob, chạy lệnh filters trên nội dung của đối tượng"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "blob"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "dùng một đường dẫn rõ ràng cho --textconv/--filters"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "cho phép -s và -t để làm việc với các đối tượng sai/hỏng"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "đệm kết xuất --batch"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị thông tin và nội dung của các đối tượng lấy từ đầu vào tiêu chuẩn"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "hiển thị các thông tin về đối tượng fed  từ đầu vào tiêu chuẩn"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr "theo liên kết mềm trong-cây (được dùng với --batch hay --batch-check)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "hiển thị mọi đối tượng với --batch hay --batch-check"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "đừng sắp xếp đầu ra --batch-all-objects"
@@ -9862,8 +10057,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "chấm dứt các bản ghi vào và ra bằng ký tự NULL"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "chặn các báo cáo tiến trình hoạt động"
@@ -9901,7 +10096,7 @@
 #: builtin/check-mailmap.c:9
 msgid "git check-mailmap [<options>] <contact>..."
-msgstr "git check-mailmap [<các-tùy-chọn>] <danh-bạ>…"
+msgstr "git check-mailmap [<các tùy chọn>] <danh-bạ>…"
 #: builtin/check-mailmap.c:14
 msgid "also read contacts from stdin"
@@ -9918,7 +10113,7 @@
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:131
 msgid "git checkout-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]"
-msgstr "git checkout-index [<các-tùy-chọn>] [--] [<tập-tin>…]"
+msgstr "git checkout-index [<các tùy chọn>] [--] [<tập-tin>…]"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:148
 msgid "stage should be between 1 and 3 or all"
@@ -9954,9 +10149,9 @@
 msgstr "ghi nội dung vào tập tin tạm"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "chuỗi"
@@ -9968,89 +10163,112 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "sao chép ra các tập tin từ bệ phóng có tên"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
-msgstr "git checkout [<các-tùy-chọn>] <nhánh>"
+msgstr "git checkout [<các tùy chọn>] <nhánh>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
-msgstr "git checkout [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<nhánh>] -- <tập-tin>…"
+msgstr "git checkout [<các tùy chọn>] [<nhánh>] -- <tập-tin>…"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [<các tùy chọn>] [<nhánh>]"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [<các tùy chọn>] [--source=<nhánh>] <tập tin>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "đường dẫn “%s” không có các phiên bản của chúng ta"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "đường dẫn “%s” không có các phiên bản của chúng"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "đường dẫn “%s” không có tất cả các phiên bản cần thiết"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "đường dẫn “%s” không có các phiên bản cần thiết"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "đường dẫn “%s”: không thể hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể thêm kết quả hòa trộn cho “%s”"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "không được dùng “%s” với các đường dẫn cập nhật"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "không được dùng “%s” với %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr ""
-"Không thể cập nhật các đường dẫn và chuyển đến nhánh “%s” cùng một lúc."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "đường dẫn “%s” không được hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "Đã tạo lại %d xung đột hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "Đã cập nhật đường dẫn %d từ %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "Đã cập nhật đường dẫn %d từ mục lục"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "không được dùng “%s” với các đường dẫn cập nhật"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "không được dùng “%s” với %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr ""
+"Không thể cập nhật các đường dẫn và chuyển đến nhánh “%s” cùng một lúc."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "không chỉ định '%s' không '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "phải có “%s” khi không chỉ định “%s”"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' hay '%s' không thể được sử dụng với %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "đường dẫn “%s” không được hòa trộn"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "bạn cần phải giải quyết bảng mục lục hiện tại của bạn trước đã"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -10060,56 +10278,56 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr ""
 "các thay đổi đã đưa lên bệ phóng trong các tập tin sau đây có thể bị mất: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "Không thể thực hiện reflog cho “%s”: %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD hiện giờ tại"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "không thể cập nhật HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Đặt lại nhánh “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Đã sẵn sàng trên “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Đã chuyển tới và đặt lại nhánh “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Đã chuyển đến nhánh mới “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Đã chuyển đến nhánh “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " … và nhiều hơn %d.\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10128,7 +10346,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10149,24 +10367,28 @@
 " git branch <tên_nhánh_mới> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "lỗi nội bộ trong khi di chuyển qua các điểm xét duyệt"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "Vị trí trước kia của HEAD là"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "Bạn tại nhánh mà nó chưa hề được sinh ra"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "chỉ cần một tham chiếu"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "chỉ cần một tham chiếu, nhưng lại đưa ra %d."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10175,155 +10397,213 @@
 "“%s” không thể là cả tập tin nội bộ và một nhánh theo dõi.\n"
 "Vui long dùng -- (và tùy chọn thêm --no-guess) để tránh lẫn lộn"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "tham chiếu không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "tham chiếu không phải là một cây:%s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "cần một nhánh, nhưng lại nhận được thẻ “%s”"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "cần một nhánh, nhưng lại nhận được nhánh máy phục vụ “%s”"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "cần một nhánh, nhưng lại nhận được “%s”"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "cần một nhánh, nhưng lại nhận được “%s”"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"không thể chuyển nhánh trong khi đang hòa trộn\n"
+"Cân nhắc dung \"git merge --quit\" hoặc \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"không thể chuyển nhanh ở giữa một phiên am\n"
+"Cân nhắc dùng \"git am --quit\" hoặc \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"không thể chuyển nhánh trong khi cải tổ\n"
+"Cân nhắc dùng \"git rebase --quit\" hay \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"không thể chuyển nhánh trong khi  cherry-picking\n"
+"Cân nhắc dùng \"git cherry-pick --quit\" hay \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"không thể chuyển nhánh trong khi hoàn nguyên\n"
+"Cân nhắc dùng \"git revert --quit\" hoặc \"git worktree add\"."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr ""
+"bạn hiện tại đang thực hiện việc chuyển nhánh trong khi đang di chuyển nửa "
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "các đường dẫn không thể dùng cùng với các nhánh chuyển"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "“%s” không thể được sử dụng với các nhánh chuyển"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "“%s” không thể được dùng với “%s”"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "“%s” không thể nhận <điểm-đầu>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể chuyển nhánh đến một thứ không phải là lần chuyển giao “%s”"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "nhánh"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "thiếu tham số là nhánh hoặc lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "tạo và checkout một nhánh mới"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "tạo/đặt_lại và checkout một nhánh"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "tạo reflog cho nhánh mới"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "rời bỏ HEAD tại lần chuyển giao theo tên"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "đặt thông tin thượng nguồn cho nhánh mới"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "nhánh-mới"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "nhánh không cha mới"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr ""
-"lấy ra (checkout) phiên bản của chúng ta cho các tập tin chưa được hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr ""
-"lấy ra (checkout) phiên bản của chúng họ cho các tập tin chưa được hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "ép buộc lấy ra (bỏ đi những thay đổi nội bộ)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr "thực hiện hòa trộn kiểu 3-way với nhánh mới"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "cập nhật các tập tin bị bỏ qua (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
-msgid "style"
-msgstr "kiểu"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr "xung đột kiểu (hòa trộn hoặc diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "không giới hạn đặc tả đường dẫn thành chỉ các mục thưa thớt"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "đừng gợi ý thứ hai \"git checkout <không-nhánh-nào-như-vậy>\""
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr "không kiểm tra nếu cây làm việc khác đang giữ tham chiếu đã cho"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "ép buộc báo cáo tiến triển công việc"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "dùng chế độ che phủ (mặc định)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
+msgstr "thực hiện hòa trộn kiểu 3-way với nhánh mới"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr "kiểu"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr "xung đột kiểu (hòa trộn hoặc diff3)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "rời bỏ HEAD tại lần chuyển giao theo tên"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "đặt thông tin thượng nguồn cho nhánh mới"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "ép buộc lấy ra (bỏ đi những thay đổi nội bộ)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "nhánh-mới"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "nhánh không cha mới"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "cập nhật các tập tin bị bỏ qua (mặc định)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr "không kiểm tra nếu cây làm việc khác đang giữ tham chiếu đã cho"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr ""
+"lấy ra (checkout) phiên bản của chúng ta cho các tập tin chưa được hòa trộn"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr ""
+"lấy ra (checkout) phiên bản của chúng họ cho các tập tin chưa được hòa trộn"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "không giới hạn đặc tả đường dẫn thành chỉ các mục thưa thớt"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn -b, -B và --orphan loại từ lẫn nhau"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-p và --overlay loại từ lẫn nhau"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track cần tên một nhánh"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "thiếu tên nhánh; hãy thử -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "không thể phân giải “%s”"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "bạn phải chỉ định các thư mục muốn hồi phục"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "đường dẫn đã cho không hợp lệ"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr ""
 "“%s” không phải là một lần chuyển giao và một nhánh'%s” không thể được tạo "
 "từ đó"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout: --detach không nhận một đối số đường dẫn “%s”"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
@@ -10331,7 +10611,7 @@
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force và --merge là xung khắc với nhau khi\n"
 "checkout bảng mục lục (index)."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10361,11 +10641,74 @@
 "chưa rõ ràng, ví dụ máy chủ “origin”, cân nhắc cài đặt\n"
 "checkout.defaultRemote=origin trong cấu hình của bạn."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "nhánh"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "tạo và checkout một nhánh mới"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "tạo/đặt_lại và checkout một nhánh"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "tạo reflog cho nhánh mới"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr "đoán thứ hai 'git checkout <không-nhánh-nào-như-vậy>' (mặc định)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "dùng chế độ che phủ (mặc định)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "tạo và chuyển đến một nhánh mới"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "tạo/đặt_lại và chuyển đến một nhánh"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "gợi ý thứ hai \"git checkout <không-nhánh-nào-như-vậy>\""
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "vứt bỏ các sửa đổi địa phương"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr "lấy ra từ tree-ish nào"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "phục hồi bảng mục lục"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "phục hồi cây làm việc (mặc định)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "bỏ qua những thứ chưa hòa trộn: %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "dùng chế độ che phủ"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
 msgstr ""
-"git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <mẫu>] [-x | -X] [--] <đường-dẫn>…"
+"git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <mẫu>] [-x | -X] [--] </các/đường/"
 #: builtin/clean.c:32
 #, c-format
@@ -10392,7 +10735,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi gỡ bỏ %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê đầy đủ của %s\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10405,7 +10753,7 @@
 "foo        - chọn mục trên cơ sở tiền tố duy nhất\n"
 "           - (để trống) không chọn gì cả\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10426,38 +10774,38 @@
 "*          - chọn tất\n"
 "           - (để trống) kết thúc việc chọn\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "Hả (%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "Mẫu để lọc các tập tin đầu vào cần lờ đi>> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "CẢNH BÁO: Không tìm thấy các mục được khớp bởi: %s"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "Chọn mục muốn xóa"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Xóa bỏ “%s” [y/N]? "
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "Tạm biệt.\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10475,63 +10823,63 @@
 "help                - hiển thị chính trợ giúp này\n"
 "?                   - trợ giúp dành cho chọn bằng cách nhắc"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** Lệnh ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "Giờ thì sao"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "Có muốn gỡ bỏ (các) mục sau đây không:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "Không còn tập-tin nào để dọn dẹp, đang thoát ra."
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "không hiển thị tên của các tập tin đã gỡ bỏ"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "ép buộc"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "dọn bằng kiểu tương tác"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "gỡ bỏ toàn bộ thư mục"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "mẫu"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "thêm <mẫu> vào trong qui tắc bỏ qua"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "đồng thời gỡ bỏ cả các tập tin bị bỏ qua"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "chỉ gỡ bỏ những tập tin bị bỏ qua"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "-x và -X không thể dùng cùng nhau"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
@@ -10539,7 +10887,7 @@
 "clean.requireForce được đặt thành true và không đưa ra tùy chọn -i, -n mà "
 "cũng không -f; từ chối lệnh dọn dẹp (clean)"
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
@@ -10547,158 +10895,162 @@
 "clean.requireForce mặc định được đặt là true và không đưa ra tùy chọn -i, -n "
 "mà cũng không -f; từ chối lệnh dọn dẹp (clean)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
-msgstr "git clone [<các-tùy-chọn>] [--] <kho> [<t.mục>]"
+msgstr "git clone [<các tùy chọn>] [--] <kho> [<t.mục>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "không tạo một checkout"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "tạo kho thuần"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "tạo kho bản sao (ý là kho thuần)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "để nhân bản từ kho nội bộ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "không sử dụng liên kết cứng nội bộ, luôn sao chép"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "cài đặt đây là kho chia sẻ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "đặc-tả-đường-dẫn"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "khởi tạo mô-đun-con trong bản sao"
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "số lượng mô-đun-con được nhân bản đồng thời"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "thư-mục-mẫu"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "thư mục mà tại đó các mẫu sẽ được dùng"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "kho tham chiếu"
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "chỉ dùng --reference khi nhân bản"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "tên"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "dùng <tên> thay cho “origin” để theo dõi thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "lấy ra <nhánh> thay cho HEAD của máy chủ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "đường dẫn đến git-upload-pack trên máy chủ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "độ-sâu"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "tạo bản sao không đầy đủ cho mức sâu đã cho"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "thời-gian"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "tạo bản sao không đầy đủ từ thời điểm đã cho"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "điểm xét duyệt"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr "làm sâu hơn lịch sử của bản sao shallow, bằng điểm xét duyệt loại trừ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "chỉ nhân bản một nhánh, HEAD hoặc --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr ""
 "đứng có nhân bản bất kỳ nhánh nào, và làm cho những lần lấy về sau không "
 "theo chúng nữa"
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "mọi mô-đun-con nhân bản sẽ là shallow (nông)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr "gitdir"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "không dùng chung thư mục dành riêng cho git và thư mục làm việc"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "khóa=giá_trị"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "đặt cấu hình bên trong một kho chứa mới"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "đặc-tả-máy-phục-vụ"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr "tùy chọn để chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "chỉ dùng địa chỉ IPv4"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "chỉ dùng địa chỉ IPv6"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr "mọi mô-đun-con nhân bản sẽ dung nhánh theo dõi máy chủ của chúng"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -10706,145 +11058,145 @@
 "Không đoán được thư mục tên là gì.\n"
 "Vui lòng chỉ định tên một thư mục trên dòng lệnh"
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "thông tin: không thể thêm thay thế cho “%s”: %s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "gặp lỗi khi mở “%s”"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s có tồn tại nhưng lại không phải là một thư mục"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "gặp lỗi khi lấy thông tin thống kê về %s\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi bắt đầu lặp qua “%s”"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi bỏ liên kết (unlink) “%s”"
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tạo được liên kết mềm %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi sao chép tập tin và “%s”"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi lặp qua “%s”"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "hoàn tất.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Việc nhân bản thành công, nhưng checkout gặp lỗi.\n"
 "Bạn kiểm tra kỹ xem cái gì được lấy ra bằng lệnh “git status”\n"
-"và thử lấy ra với lệnh “git checkout -f HEAD”\n"
+"và thử lấy ra với lệnh 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "Không tìm thấy nhánh máy chủ %s để nhân bản (clone)."
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "không thể cập nhật %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr "refers HEAD máy chủ  chỉ đến ref không tồn tại, không thể lấy ra.\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "không thể lấy ra (checkout) cây làm việc"
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "không thể ghi các tham số vào tập tin cấu hình"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "không thể đóng gói để dọn dẹp"
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "không thể bỏ liên kết tập tin thay thế tạm thời"
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "Có quá nhiều đối số."
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "Bạn phải chỉ định một kho để mà nhân bản (clone)."
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "tùy chọn --bare và --origin %s xung khắc nhau."
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "tùy chọn --bare và --separate-git-dir xung khắc nhau."
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "kho chứa “%s” chưa tồn tại"
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "độ sâu %s không phải là một số nguyên dương"
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "đường dẫn đích “%s” đã có từ trước và không phải là một thư mục rỗng."
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "cây làm việc “%s” đã sẵn tồn tại rồi."
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tạo các thư mục dẫn đầu của “%s”"
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tạo cây thư mục làm việc dir “%s”"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Đang nhân bản thành kho chứa bare “%s”…\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "Đang nhân bản thành “%s”…\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
@@ -10852,47 +11204,47 @@
 "nhân bản --recursive không tương thích với cả hai --reference và --reference-"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--depth bị lờ đi khi nhân bản nội bộ; hãy sử dụng file:// để thay thế."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--shallow-since bị lờ đi khi nhân bản nội bộ; hãy sử dụng file:// để thay "
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--shallow-exclude bị lờ đi khi nhân bản nội bộ; hãy sử dụng file:// để thay "
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--filter bị lờ đi khi nhân bản nội bộ; hãy sử dụng file:// để thay thế."
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "kho nguồn là nông, nên bỏ qua --local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local bị lờ đi"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "Nhánh máy chủ %s không tìm thấy trong thượng nguồn %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "Bạn hình như là đã nhân bản một kho trống rỗng."
 #: builtin/column.c:10
 msgid "git column [<options>]"
-msgstr "git column [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git column [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/column.c:27
 msgid "lookup config vars"
@@ -10935,7 +11287,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "cha mẹ bị trùng lặp %s đã bị bỏ qua"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "không phải là tên đối tượng hợp lệ “%s”"
@@ -10963,13 +11315,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "mã số của đối tượng chuyển giao cha mẹ"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "chú thích"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "chú thích của lần chuyển giao"
@@ -10977,8 +11329,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "đọc chú thích nhật ký lần chuyển giao từ tập tin"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "Ký lần chuyển giao dùng GPG"
@@ -10992,11 +11344,11 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:41
 msgid "git commit [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
-msgstr "git commit [<các-tùy-chọn>] [--] <pathspec>…"
+msgstr "git commit [<các tùy chọn>] [--] <pathspec>…"
 #: builtin/commit.c:46
 msgid "git status [<options>] [--] <pathspec>..."
-msgstr "git status [<các-tùy-chọn>] [--] <pathspec>…"
+msgstr "git status [<các tùy chọn>] [--] <pathspec>…"
 #: builtin/commit.c:51
 msgid ""
@@ -11027,82 +11379,88 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "Nếu không được thì dùng lệnh \"git reset\"\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr "Nếu không được thì dùng lệnh \"git cherry-pick --skip\"\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
+"và sau đó dùng:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"để lại tiếp tục cherry-picking các lần chuyển giao còn lại.\n"
 "Nếu bạn muốn bỏ qua lần chuyển giao này thì dùng:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Thế thì \"git cherry-pick --continue\" sẽ phục hồi lại việc cherry-pick\n"
-"những lần chuyển giao còn lại.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tháo dỡ HEAD đối tượng cây"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "không thể tạo bảng mục lục tạm thời"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi thêm bằng cách tương"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "không thể cập nhật bảng mục lục tạm thời"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi cập nhật cây bộ nhớ đệm"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin lưu bảng mục lục mới (new_index)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr ""
 "không thể thực hiện việc chuyển giao cục bộ trong khi đang được hòa trộn."
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr ""
 "không thể thực hiện việc chuyển giao bộ phận trong khi đang cherry-pick."
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "không đọc được bảng mục lục"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "không thể ghi tập tin lưu bảng mục lục tạm thời"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao “%s” thiếu phần tác giả ở đầu"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao “%s” có phần tác giả ở đầu dị dạng"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "đối số cho --author bị dị hình"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
@@ -11110,38 +11468,38 @@
 "không thể chọn một ký tự ghi chú cái mà không được dùng\n"
 "trong phần ghi chú hiện tại"
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "không thể tìm kiếm commit (lần chuyển giao) %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(đang đọc thông điệp nhật ký từ đầu vào tiêu chuẩn)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "không thể đọc nhật ký từ đầu vào tiêu chuẩn"
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "không đọc được tệp nhật ký “%s”"
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "không thể đọc SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "không thể đọc MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "không thể ghi mẫu chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11156,7 +11514,7 @@
 "và thử lại.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11171,7 +11529,7 @@
 "và thử lại.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11182,7 +11540,7 @@
 "bắt đầu bằng “%c” sẽ được bỏ qua, nếu phần chú thích rỗng sẽ hủy bỏ lần "
 "chuyển giao.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11194,152 +11552,152 @@
 "bắt đầu bằng “%c” sẽ được bỏ qua; bạn có thể xóa chúng đi nếu muốn thế.\n"
 "Phần chú thích này nếu trống rỗng sẽ hủy bỏ lần chuyển giao.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sTác giả:           %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%sNgày tháng:        %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%sNgười chuyển giao: %.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "Không đọc được bảng mục lục"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi xây dựng cây"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "Xin hãy cung cấp lời chú giải hoặc là dùng tùy chọn -m hoặc là -F.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr ""
 "--author “%s” không phải là “Họ và tên <thư điện tửl>” và không khớp bất kỳ "
 "tác giả nào sẵn có"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Chế độ bỏ qua không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "Chế độ cho các tập tin chưa được theo dõi không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "hai tùy chọn -long và -z không tương thích với nhau"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "Sử dụng cả hai tùy chọn --reset-author và --author không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "Không có gì để mà “tu bổ” cả."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr ""
 "Bạn đang ở giữa của quá trình hòa trộn -- không thể thực hiện việc “tu bổ”."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr ""
 "Bạn đang ở giữa của quá trình cherry-pick -- không thể thực hiện việc “tu "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn --squash và --fixup không thể sử dụng cùng với nhau"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "Chỉ được dùng một trong số tùy chọn trong số -c/-C/-F/--fixup."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "Tùy chọn -m không thể được tổ hợp cùng với -c/-C/-F."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr ""
 "--reset-author chỉ có thể được sử dụng với tùy chọn -C, -c hay --amend."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr ""
 "Chỉ một trong các tùy chọn --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch được "
 "sử dụng."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "Không đường dẫn với các tùy chọn --include/--only không hợp lý."
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "các đường dẫn “%s …” với tùy chọn -a không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "hiển thị trạng thái ở dạng súc tích"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "hiển thị thông tin nhánh"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "hiển thị thông tin về tạm cất"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "tính đầy đủ giá trị trước/sau"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "phiên bản"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "kết xuất dạng máy-có-thể-đọc"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "hiển thị trạng thái ở định dạng dài (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "chấm dứt các mục bằng NUL"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "chế độ"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị các tập tin chưa được theo dõi  dấu vết, các chế độ tùy chọn:  all, "
 "normal, no. (Mặc định: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
@@ -11347,11 +11705,11 @@
 "hiển thị các tập tin bị bỏ qua, các chế độ tùy chọn: traditional, matching, "
 "no. (Mặc định: traditional)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "khi"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
@@ -11359,252 +11717,273 @@
 "bỏ qua các thay đổi trong mô-đun-con, tùy chọn khi: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Mặc định: all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "hiển thị danh sách các tập-tin chưa được theo dõi trong các cột"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "không dò tìm các tên thay đổi"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "dò các tên thay đổi, tùy ý đặt mục lục tương tự"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr ""
 "Không hỗ trỡ tổ hợp các tham số các tập tin bị bỏ qua và không được theo dõi"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "không hiển thị tổng kết sau khi chuyển giao thành công"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "hiển thị sự khác biệt trong mẫu tin nhắn chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn ghi chú commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "đọc chú thích từ tập tin"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "tác giả"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "ghi đè tác giả cho commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "ngày tháng"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "ghi đè ngày tháng cho lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "lần_chuyển_giao"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "dùng lại các ghi chú từ lần chuyển giao đã cho nhưng có cho sửa chữa"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "dùng lại các ghi chú từ lần chuyển giao đã cho"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "dùng ghi chú có định dạng autosquash để sửa chữa lần chuyển giao đã chỉ ra"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr ""
 "dùng lời nhắn có định dạng tự động nén để nén lại các lần chuyển giao đã chỉ "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr ""
 "lần chuyển giao nhận tôi là tác giả (được dùng với tùy chọn -C/-c/--amend)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "(nên dùng) thêm dòng Signed-off-by:"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "sử dụng tập tin mẫu đã cho"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "ép buộc sửa lần commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "bao gồm các trạng thái trong mẫu ghi chú chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "Các tùy nội dung ghi chú commit"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "chuyển giao tất cả các tập tin có thay đổi"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "thêm các tập tin đã chỉ ra vào bảng mục lục để chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "thêm các tập-tin bằng tương tác"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "thêm các thay đổi bằng tương tác"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "chỉ chuyển giao các tập tin đã chỉ ra"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "vòng qua móc (hook) pre-commit và commit-msg"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "hiển thị xem cái gì có thể được chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "“tu bổ” (amend) lần commit trước"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "vòng qua móc (hook) post-rewrite"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "ok để ghi lại một thay đổi trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "ok để ghi các thay đổi với lời nhắn trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "Tập tin MERGE_HEAD sai hỏng (%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "không thể đọc MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc phần chú thích (message) của lần chuyển giao: %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "Bãi bỏ việc chuyển giao bởi vì phần chú thích của nó trống rỗng.\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Đang bỏ qua việc chuyển giao; bạn đã không biên soạn phần chú thích "
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
 "kho chứa đã được cập nhật, nhưng không thể ghi vào\n"
 "tập tin new_index (bảng mục lục mới). Hãy kiểm tra xem đĩa\n"
 "có bị đầy quá hay quota (hạn nghạch đĩa cứng) bị vượt quá,\n"
-"và sau đó \"git reset HEAD\" để khắc phục."
+"và sau đó \"git restore --staged :/\" để khắc phục."
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
-msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
 msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph verify [--object-dir </thư/mục/đối/tượng>] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
+msgid ""
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
+msgstr ""
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir </thư/mục/đối/tượng>] [--append|--"
+"split] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <các tùy chọn chia tách>"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "tmục"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "Thư mục đối tượng để lưu đồ thị"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr ""
+"nếu đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao bị chia cắt, thì chỉ thẩm tra tập tin đỉnh"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể mở đồ thị chuyển giao “%s”"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "bắt đầu di chuyển tại mọi tham chiếu"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr ""
 "quét dó các mục lục gói được liệt kê bởi đầu vào tiêu chuẩn cho các lần "
 "chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr ""
 "bắt đầu di chuyển tại các lần chuyển giao được liệt kê bởi đầu vào tiêu chuẩn"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr ""
-"bao gồm mọi lần chuyển giao đã sẵn có trongười tập tin đồ thị lần chuyển giao"
+"bao gồm mọi lần chuyển giao đã sẵn có trongười tập tin đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "cho phép ghi một tập tin đồ họa các lần chuyển giao lớn lên"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr ""
+"số lượng tối đa của các lần chuyển giao trong một đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao "
+"chia cắt không-cơ-sở"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr "tỷ lệ tối đa giữa hai mức của một đồ-thị-các-lần-chuyển-giao chia cắt"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr ""
 "không thể sử dụng hơn một --reachable, --stdin-commits, hay --stdin-packs"
 #: builtin/config.c:11
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
-msgstr "git config [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git config [<các tùy chọn>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "đối số không được thừa nhận --type, %s"
@@ -11709,7 +12088,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "Kiểu"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "giá trị được đưa kiểu này"
@@ -11755,7 +12134,7 @@
 "hiển thị nguyên gốc của cấu hình (tập tin, đầu vào tiêu chuẩn, blob, dòng "
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "giá trị"
@@ -11915,11 +12294,11 @@
 #: builtin/describe.c:27
 msgid "git describe [<options>] [<commit-ish>...]"
-msgstr "git describe [<các-tùy-chọn>] <commit-ish>*"
+msgstr "git describe [<các tùy chọn>] <commit-ish>*"
 #: builtin/describe.c:28
 msgid "git describe [<options>] --dirty"
-msgstr "git describe [<các-tùy-chọn>] --dirty"
+msgstr "git describe [<các tùy chọn>] --dirty"
 #: builtin/describe.c:63
 msgid "head"
@@ -12050,7 +12429,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "không coi rằng các thẻ khớp với <mẫu>"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "hiển thị đối tượng chuyển giao vắn tắt như là fallback"
@@ -12114,8 +12493,8 @@
 #: builtin/difftool.c:30
 msgid "git difftool [<options>] [<commit> [<commit>]] [--] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
-"git difftool [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<lần_chuyển_giao> [<lần_chuyển_giao>]] [--] "
+"git difftool [<các tùy chọn>] [<lần_chuyển_giao> [<lần_chuyển_giao>]] [--] </"
 #: builtin/difftool.c:253
 #, c-format
@@ -12227,159 +12606,195 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "chưa đưa ra <lệnh> cho --extcmd=<lệnh>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <các tùy chọn> <env-var>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "kiểu"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr "mặc định cho git_env_*(...) để quay về"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr "im lặng chỉ khi dung giá trị git_env_*() làm mã thoát"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr ""
+"tùy chọn `--default' cần một giá trị logic với `--type=bool`, không phải `%s`"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr ""
+"tùy chọn `--default' cần một giá trị số nguyên dài không dấu với `--"
+"type=ulong`, không phải `%s`"
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "hiển thị tiến triển sau <n> đối tượng"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "chọn điều khiển của thẻ đã ký"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "chọn sự xử lý của các thẻ, cái mà đánh thẻ các đối tượng được lọc ra"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr ""
+"chọn bộ xử lý cho các ghi chú của lần chuyển giao theo một bộ mã thay thế"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "Đổ các đánh dấu này vào tập-tin"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "Nhập vào đánh dấu từ tập tin này"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "Làm giả một cái thẻ khi thẻ bị thiếu một cái"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "Xuất ra toàn bộ cây cho mỗi lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "Sử dụng tính năng done để chấm dứt luồng dữ liệu"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "Bỏ qua kết xuất của dữ liệu blob"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "refspec"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "Áp dụng refspec cho refs đã xuất"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "kết xuất anonymize"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr ""
 "Các cha mẹ tham chiếu cái mà k trong luồng dữ liệu fast-export bởi mã id đối "
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "Hiển thị các mã id nguyên gốc của blobs/commits"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
-msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
-msgstr "git fetch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<kho-chứa> [<refspec>…]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
-msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
-msgstr "git fetch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<nhóm>"
 #: builtin/fetch.c:30
-msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
-msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<các-tùy-chọn>] [(<kho> | <nhóm>)…]"
+msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
+msgstr "git fetch [<các tùy chọn>] [<kho-chứa> [<refspec>…]]"
 #: builtin/fetch.c:31
-msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
-msgstr "git fetch --all [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
+msgstr "git fetch [<các tùy chọn>] [<nhóm>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
+msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
+msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<các tùy chọn>] [(<kho> | <nhóm>)…]"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
+msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
+msgstr "git fetch --all [<các tùy chọn>]"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "lấy về từ tất cả các máy chủ"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "nối thêm vào .git/FETCH_HEAD thay vì ghi đè lên nó"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "đường dẫn đến gói tải lên trên máy chủ cuối"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "ép buộc ghi đè lên tham chiếu nội bộ"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "lấy từ nhiều máy chủ cùng lúc"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "lấy tất cả các thẻ cùng với các đối tượng liên quan đến nó"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "không lấy tất cả các thẻ (--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "số lượng mô-đun-con được lấy đồng thời"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr ""
 "cắt cụt (prune) các nhánh “remote-tracking” không còn tồn tại trên máy chủ "
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr "cắt xém các thẻ nội bộ không còn ở máy chủ và xóa các thẻ đã thay đổi"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "khi-cần"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "điều khiển việc lấy về đệ quy trong các mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "giữ lại gói đã tải về"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "cho phép cập nhật th.chiếu HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "làm sâu hơn lịch sử của bản sao"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "làm sâu hơn lịch sử của kho bản sao shallow dựa trên thời gian"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "chuyển đổi hoàn toàn sang kho git"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "soạn sẵn cái này cho kết xuất đường dẫn mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
@@ -12387,98 +12802,129 @@
 "mặc định cho việc lấy đệ quy các mô-đun-con (có mức ưu tiên thấp hơn các tập "
 "tin cấu hình config)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "chấp nhận tham chiếu cập nhật .git/shallow"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "refmap"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "chỉ ra refmap cần lấy về"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr ""
 "báo cáo rằng chúng ta chỉ có các đối tượng tiếp cận được từ đối tượng này"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "chạy 'gc --auto' sau khi lấy về"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "kiểm cho các-cập-nhật-bắt-buộc trên mọi nhánh đã cập nhật"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "Không thể tìm thấy máy chủ cho tham chiếu HEAD"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "phần cấu hình fetch.output có chứa giá-trị không hợp lệ %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "không tìm thấy đối tượng %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[đã cập nhật]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[Bị từ chối]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "không thể fetch (lấy) về nhánh hiện hành"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[cập nhật thẻ]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "không thể cập nhật tham chiếu nội bộ"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "nên xóa chồng các thẻ có sẵn"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[thẻ mới]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[nhánh mới]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[ref (tham chiếu) mới]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "cưỡng bức cập nhật"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "không-phải-chuyển-tiếp-nhanh"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"Việc lấy về thường chỉ ra các nhánh buộc phải cập nhật,\n"
+"nhưng lựa chọn bị tắt. Để kích hoạt lại, sử dụng cờ\n"
+"'--show-forced-updates' hoặc chạy 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Việc này cần %.2f giây để kiểm tra các cập nhật ép buộc. Bạn có thể dùng\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' hoặc chạy 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+"để tránh kiểm tra này.\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s đã không gửi tất cả các đối tượng cần thiết\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr "từ chối %s bởi vì các gốc nông thì không được phép cập nhật"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "Từ %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12487,52 +12933,52 @@
 "một số tham chiếu nội bộ không thể được cập nhật; hãy thử chạy\n"
 " “git remote prune %s” để bỏ đi những nhánh cũ, hay bị xung đột"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s sẽ trở thành không đầu (không được quản lý))"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s đã trở thành không đầu (không được quản lý))"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[đã xóa]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(không)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr ""
 "Từ chối việc lấy vào trong nhánh hiện tại %s của một kho chứa không phải kho "
 "trần (bare)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "Tùy chọn \"%s\" có giá trị \"%s\" là không hợp lệ cho %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "Tùy chọn \"%s\" bị bỏ qua với %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "Đang lấy “%s” về\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "Không thể lấy“%s” về"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12540,7 +12986,7 @@
 "--filter chỉ có thể được dùng với máy chủ được cấu hình bằng extensions."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
@@ -12548,44 +12994,44 @@
 "Chưa chỉ ra kho chứa máy chủ.  Xin hãy chỉ định hoặc là URL hoặc\n"
 "tên máy chủ từ cái mà những điểm xét duyệt mới có thể được fetch (lấy về)."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "Bạn phải định rõ tên thẻ."
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "Mức sâu là số âm trong --deepen là không được hỗ trợ"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn--deepen và --depth loại từ lẫn nhau"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "tùy chọn --depth và --unshallow không thể sử dụng cùng với nhau"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "--unshallow trên kho hoàn chỉnh là không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "lệnh lấy về \"fetch --all\" không lấy đối số kho chứa"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "lệnh lấy về \"fetch --all\" không hợp lý với refspecs"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "Không có nhóm máy chủ hay máy chủ như thế: %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr "Việc lấy về cả một nhóm và chỉ định refspecs không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12622,7 +13068,7 @@
 #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:10
 msgid "git for-each-ref [<options>] [<pattern>]"
-msgstr "git for-each-ref [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<mẫu>]"
+msgstr "git for-each-ref [<các tùy chọn>] [<mẫu>]"
 #: builtin/for-each-ref.c:11
 msgid "git for-each-ref [--points-at <object>]"
@@ -12658,7 +13104,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "hiển thị chỉ <n> tham chiếu khớp"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "các màu định dạng lưu tâm"
@@ -12826,7 +13272,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "Đang lấy liên kết %s"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "%s không hợp lệ"
@@ -12861,7 +13307,7 @@
 #: builtin/fsck.c:781
 msgid "git fsck [<options>] [<object>...]"
-msgstr "git fsck [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<đối-tượng>…]"
+msgstr "git fsck [<các tùy chọn>] [<đối-tượng>…]"
 #: builtin/fsck.c:787
 msgid "show unreachable objects"
@@ -12911,7 +13357,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "hiển thị tên chi tiết cho các đối tượng đọc được"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "Đang kiểm tra các đối tượng"
@@ -12927,7 +13373,7 @@
 #: builtin/gc.c:34
 msgid "git gc [<options>]"
-msgstr "git gc [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git gc [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/gc.c:90
 #, c-format
@@ -12944,7 +13390,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê về “%s”"
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc “%s”"
@@ -13019,7 +13465,7 @@
 "gc đang được thực hiện trên máy “%s” pid %<PRIuMAX> (dùng --force nếu không "
 "phải thế)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr ""
@@ -13028,7 +13474,7 @@
 #: builtin/grep.c:29
 msgid "git grep [<options>] [-e] <pattern> [<rev>...] [[--] <path>...]"
-msgstr "git grep [<các-tùy-chọn>] [-e] <mẫu> [<rev>…] [[--] <đường-dẫn>…]"
+msgstr "git grep [<các tùy chọn>] [-e] <mẫu> [<rev>…] [[--] </đường/dẫn>…]"
 #: builtin/grep.c:225
 #, c-format
@@ -13044,259 +13490,259 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "không hỗ trợ đa tuyến, bỏ qua %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "không thể đọc cây (%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "không thể thực hiện lệnh grep (lọc tìm) từ đối tượng thuộc kiểu %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "chuyển đến “%c” cần một giá trị bằng số"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "tìm trong bảng mục lục thay vì trong cây làm việc"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "tìm trong nội dung không được quản lý bởi git"
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "tìm kiếm các tập tin được và chưa được theo dõi dấu vết"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "các tập tin bị bỏ qua được chỉ định thông qua “.gitignore”"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "tìm kiếm đệ quy trong từng mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "hiển thị những dòng không khớp với mẫu"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "phân biệt HOA/thường"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "chỉ khớp mẫu tại đường ranh giới từ"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "xử lý tập tin nhị phân như là dạng văn bản thường"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "không khớp mẫu trong các tập tin nhị phân"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "xử lý tập tin nhị phân với các bộ lọc “textconv”"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "tìm kiếm trong thư mục con (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "hạ xuống ít nhất là mức <sâu>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "dùng biểu thức chính qui POSIX có mở rộng"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "sử dụng biểu thức chính quy kiểu POSIX (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "diễn dịch các mẫu như là chuỗi cố định"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "sử dụng biểu thức chính quy tương thích Perl"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "hiển thị số của dòng"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "hiển thị số cột của khớp với mẫu đầu tiên"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "không hiển thị tên tập tin"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "hiển thị các tên tập tin"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "hiển thị tên tập tin tương đối với thư mục đỉnh (top)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị tên tập tin thay vì những dòng khớp với mẫu"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "đồng nghĩa với --files-with-matches"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị tên cho những tập tin không khớp với mẫu"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "thêm NUL vào sau tên tập tin"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những phần khớp với mẫu của một dòng"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "hiển thị số lượng khớp thay vì những dòng khớp với mẫu"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "tô sáng phần khớp mẫu"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "hiển thị dòng trống giữa các lần khớp từ các tập tin khác biệt"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị tên tập tin một lần phía trên các lần khớp từ cùng một tập tin"
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "hiển thị <n> dòng nội dung phía trước và sau các lần khớp"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "hiển thị <n> dòng nội dung trước khớp"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "hiển thị <n> dòng nội dung sau khớp"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "dùng <n> tuyến trình làm việc"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "dạng viết tắt của -C SỐ"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "hiển thị dòng vói tên hàm trước các lần khớp"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "hiển thị hàm bao quanh"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "đọc mẫu từ tập-tin"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "match <mẫu>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "tổ hợp mẫu được chỉ ra với tùy chọn -e"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr "đưa ra gợi ý với trạng thái thoát mà không có kết xuất"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những cái khớp từ tập tin mà nó khớp toàn bộ các mẫu"
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "hiển thị cây phân tích cú pháp cho biểu thức “grep” (tìm kiếm)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "dàn trang"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "hiển thị các tập tin khớp trong trang giấy"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "cho phép gọi grep(1) (bị bỏ qua bởi lần dịch này)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "chưa chỉ ra mẫu"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index hay --untracked không được sử dụng cùng với revs"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải điểm xét duyệt: %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "tổ hợp tùy chọn không hợp lệ, bỏ qua --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "không hỗ trợ đa tuyến, bỏ qua --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "số tuyến chỉ ra không hợp lệ (%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager chỉ làm việc trên cây-làm-việc"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "tùy chọn không được hỗ trợ với --recurse-submodules"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached hay --untracked không được sử dụng với --no-index"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard không thể sử dụng cho nội dung lưu dấu vết"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "cả hai --cached và các cây phải được chỉ ra"
@@ -13313,10 +13759,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "kiểu"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "kiểu đối tượng"
@@ -13431,12 +13873,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "không có trình xem trợ giúp dạng info tiếp hợp với yêu cầu"
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "“%s” được đặt bí danh thành “%s”"
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "chuỗi alias.%s sai: %s"
@@ -13450,284 +13892,279 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "Chạy lệnh “git help config” để có thêm thông tin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "kiểu đối tượng không khớp tại %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "không thể lấy về đối tượng cần %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "đối tượng %s: cần kiểu %s nhưng lại nhận được %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "không thể điền thêm vào %d byte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "gặp kết thúc tập tin EOF quá sớm"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "lỗi đọc ở đầu vào"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "sử dụng nhiều hơn số lượng byte mà nó sẵn có"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "gói quá lớn so với định nghĩa hiện tại của kiểu off_t"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "gói đã vượt quá cỡ tối đa được phép"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "không thể tạo “%s”"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể mở packfile “%s”"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "chữ ký cho gói không khớp"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "không hỗ trợ phiên bản gói %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "gói có đối tượng sai tại khoảng bù %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "xả nén trả về %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "tràn giá trị khoảng bù cho đối tượng delta cơ sở"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "khoảng bù cơ sở cho delta nằm ngoài phạm vi"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "không hiểu kiểu đối tượng %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "không thể chạy hàm pread cho tập tin gói"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "tập tin gói bị kết thúc sớm, thiếu %<PRIuMAX> byte"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "sự mâu thuẫn xả nén nghiêm trọng"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgstr "SỰ VA CHẠM SHA1 ĐÃ XẢY RA VỚI %s!"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc thông tin đối tượng sẵn có %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc đối tượng đã tồn tại %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "đối tượng blob không hợp lệ %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "lỗi fsck trong đối tượng đóng gói"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "Không phải tất cả các đối tượng con của %s là có thể với tới được"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi áp dụng delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "Đang nhận về các đối tượng"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "Các đối tượng bảng mục lục"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "gói bị sai hỏng (SHA1 không khớp)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê packfile"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "pack có phần thừa ở cuối"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "lộn xộn hơn cả điên rồ khi chạy hàm parse_pack_objects()"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "Đang phân giải các delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "không thể tạo tuyến: %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "lộn xộn hơn cả điên rồ"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "đầy đủ với %d đối tượng nội bộ"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "Gặp tổng kiểm tra tail không cần cho %s (đĩa hỏng?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "gói có %d delta chưa được giải quyết"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "không thể xả nén đối tượng nối thêm (%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "đối tượng nội bộ %s bị hỏng"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "tên tập tin tập tin gói “%s” không được kết thúc bằng đuôi “.pack”"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể ghi %s tập tin “%s”"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đóng tập tin được ghi %s “%s”"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi trong khi đóng tập tin gói"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "không thể lưu tập tin gói"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "không thể lưu trữ tập tin ghi mục lục"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "sai pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể mở tập tin gói đã sẵn có “%s”"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể mở tập tin idx của gói cho “%s”"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "không delta: %d đối tượng"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "chiều dài xích = %d: %lu đối tượng"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "Không thể quay lại cwd"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "%s sai"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin không thể được dùng mà không có --stdin"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin cần một kho git"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "dùng tùy chọn --verify mà không đưa ra tên packfile"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "lỗi fsck trong các đối tượng gói"
@@ -13822,17 +14259,17 @@
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "chỉ ra cái mà kho git được chia sẻ giữa nhiều người dùng"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "không thể mkdir (tạo thư mục): %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "không thể chdir (chuyển đổi thư mục) sang %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
@@ -13841,12 +14278,12 @@
 "%s (hoặc --work-tree=<thư-mục>) không cho phép không chỉ định %s (hoặc --git-"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể truy cập cây (tree) làm việc “%s”"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -13854,177 +14291,177 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<thẻ>[(=|:)<giá-trị>])…] [<tập-tin>…]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "sửa các tập tin tại chỗ"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "bộ dò vết cắt bỏ phần trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "đặt phần đuôi mới ở đâu"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "thao tác khi đã có phần đuôi"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "thao tác khi thiếu phần đuôi"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "chỉ xuất phần đuôi"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "đừng áp dụng các quy tắc cấu hình"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "nối các giá trị khoảng-trắng-liên-tiếp"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "đặt các tùy chọn phân tích cú pháp"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "không coi --- là đặc biệt"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "bộ dò vết"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "bộ dò vết cần thêm"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer cùng với --only-input không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "không đưa ra tập tin đầu vào để sửa tại-chỗ"
 #: builtin/log.c:55
 msgid "git log [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>...]"
-msgstr "git log [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<vùng-xem-xét>] [[--] <đường-dẫn>…]"
+msgstr "git log [<các tùy chọn>] [<vùng-xem-xét>] [[--] </đường/dẫn>…]"
 #: builtin/log.c:56
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
-msgstr "git show [<các-tùy-chọn>] <đối-tượng>…"
+msgstr "git show [<các tùy chọn>] <đối-tượng>…"
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "tùy chọn--decorate không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "hiển thị mã nguồn"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "Sử dụng tập tin ánh xạ thư"
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "chỉ tô sáng các tham chiếu khớp với <mẫu>"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "không tô sáng các tham chiếu khớp với <mẫu>"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "các tùy chọn trang trí"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "Xử lý chỉ dòng vùng n,m trong tập tin, tính từ 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "Kết xuất cuối cùng: %d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: sai tập tin"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "không thể đọc đối tượng %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "không nhận ra kiểu: %d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "format.headers không có giá trị cụ thể"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "tên của thư mục kết xuất quá dài"
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "không thể mở tập tin miếng vá: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "cần chính xác một vùng"
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "không phải là một vùng"
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "“cover letter” cần cho định dạng thư"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tạo các tập tin cover-letter"
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "in-reply-to điên rồ: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
-msgstr "git format-patch [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<kể-từ> | <vùng-xem-xét>]"
+msgstr "git format-patch [<các tùy chọn>] [<kể-từ> | <vùng-xem-xét>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "hai thư mục kết xuất?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "không hiểu lần chuyển giao %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi phân giải “%s” như là một tham chiếu hợp lệ"
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "không tìm thấy nền hòa trộn chính xác"
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
@@ -14035,275 +14472,271 @@
 "nhánh máy chủ. Hoặc là bạn có thể chỉ định lần chuyển giao nền bằng\n"
 "\"--base=<base-commit-id>\" một cách thủ công"
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tìm nền hòa trộn chính xác"
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao nền không là tổ tiên của danh sách điểm xét duyệt"
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "lần chuyển giao nền không được trong danh sách điểm xét duyệt"
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "không thể lấy mã miếng vá"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi suy luận range-diff (vùng khác biệt)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "dùng [PATCH n/m] ngay cả với miếng vá đơn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "dùng [VÁ] ngay cả với các miếng vá phức tạp"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "hiển thị miếng vá ra đầu ra chuẩn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "tạo bì thư"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "sử dụng chỗi dãy số dạng đơn giản cho tên tập-tin xuất ra"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "sfx"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "sử dụng <sfx> thay cho “.patch”"
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "bắt đầu đánh số miếng vá từ <n> thay vì 1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "đánh dấu chuỗi nối tiếp dạng thứ-N re-roll"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Dùng [RFC VÁ] thay cho [VÁ]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "Dùng [<tiền-tố>] thay cho [VÁ]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "lưu các tập tin kết quả trong <t.mục>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "không strip/add [VÁ]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "không kết xuất diff (những khác biệt) nhị phân"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "xuất mọi mã băm all-zero trong phần đầu From"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "không bao gồm miếng vá khớp với một lần chuyển giao thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr "hiển thị định dạng miếng vá thay vì mặc định (miếng vá + thống kê)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "Lời nhắn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "đầu đề thư"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "thêm đầu đề thư"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "thư điện tử"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "thêm To: đầu đề thư"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "thêm Cc: đầu đề thư"
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "thụt lề"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr ""
 "đặt “Địa chỉ gửi” thành <thụ lề> (hoặc thụt lề người commit nếu bỏ quên)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "message-id"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "dùng thư đầu tiên để trả lời <message-id>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "ranh giới"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "đính kèm miếng vá"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "dùng miếng vá làm nội dung"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr "cho phép luồng lời nhắn, kiểu: “shallow”, “deep”"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "chữ ký"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "thêm chữ ký"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "lần_chuyển_giao_nền"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "add trước hết đòi hỏi thông tin cây tới sê-ri miếng vá"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "thêm chữ ký từ một tập tin"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "không hiển thị các tên tập tin của miếng vá"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "hiển thị bộ đo tiến triển trong khi tạo các miếng vá"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "rev"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị các thay đổi dựa trên <rev> trong các chữ bao bọc hoặc miếng vá đơn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr ""
 "hiển thị các thay đổi dựa trên <refspec> trong các chữ bao bọc hoặc miếng vá "
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "tỷ lệ phần trăm theo cái tạo là weighted"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "dòng thụt lề không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-n và  -k loại từ lẫn nhau"
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc và -k xung khắc nhau"
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-only không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-status không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "--check không hợp lý"
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "đầu ra chuẩn, hay thư mục, chọn cái nào?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--interdiff cần --cover-letter hoặc vá đơn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "Interdiff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Interdiff dựa trên v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "--creation-factor yêu cầu --range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--range-diff yêu cầu --cover-letter hoặc miếng vá đơn"
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "Range-diff:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "Range-diff dựa trên v%d:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể đọc tập tin chữ ký “%s”"
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "Đang tạo các miếng vá"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tạo các tập tin kết xuất"
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<thượng-nguồn> [<đầu> [<giới-hạn>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14313,7 +14746,7 @@
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:470
 msgid "git ls-files [<options>] [<file>...]"
-msgstr "git ls-files [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<tập-tin>…]"
+msgstr "git ls-files [<các tùy chọn>] [<tập-tin>…]"
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:526
 msgid "identify the file status with tags"
@@ -14432,7 +14865,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "không hiển thị URL máy chủ"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "thực thi"
@@ -14466,7 +14899,7 @@
 #: builtin/ls-tree.c:30
 msgid "git ls-tree [<options>] <tree-ish> [<path>...]"
-msgstr "git ls-tree [<các-tùy-chọn>] <tree-ish> [<đường-dẫn>…]"
+msgstr "git ls-tree [<các tùy chọn>] <tree-ish> [</đường/dẫn>…]"
 #: builtin/ls-tree.c:128
 msgid "only show trees"
@@ -14505,189 +14938,193 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "mbox trống rỗng: “%s”"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
-msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
-msgstr "git merge [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<commit>…]"
 #: builtin/merge.c:55
+msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
+msgstr "git merge [<các tùy chọn>] [<commit>…]"
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "switch “m” yêu cầu một giá trị"
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "tùy chọn “%s” yêu cầu một giá trị"
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Không tìm thấy chiến lược hòa trộn “%s”.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "Các chiến lược sẵn sàng là:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "Các chiến lược tùy chỉnh sẵn sàng là:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "không hiển thị thống kê khác biệt tại cuối của lần hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "hiển thị thống kê khác biệt tại cuối của hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(đồng nghĩa với --stat)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr "thêm (ít nhất <n>) mục từ shortlog cho ghi chú chuyển giao hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "tạo một lần chuyển giao đưon thay vì thực hiện việc hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "thực hiện chuyển giao nếu hòa trộn thành công (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "sửa chú thích trước khi chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "cho phép chuyển-tiếp-nhanh (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "bỏ qua nếu chuyển-tiếp-nhanh không thể được"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "thẩm tra xem lần chuyển giao có tên đó có chữ ký GPG hợp lệ hay không"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "chiến lược"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "chiến lược hòa trộn sẽ dùng"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "tùy_chọn=giá_trị"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "tùy chọn cho chiến lược hòa trộn đã chọn"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr ""
 "hòa trộn ghi chú của lần chuyển giao (dành cho hòa trộn không-chuyển-tiếp-"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "bãi bỏ quá trình hòa trộn hiện tại đang thực hiện"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "--abort nhưng để lại bảng mục lục và cây làm việc"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "tiếp tục quá trình hòa trộn hiện tại đang thực hiện"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "cho phép hòa trộn lịch sử không liên quan"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "thẩm tra móc (hook) commit-msg"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "không thể chạy stash."
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "lệnh tạm cất gặp lỗi"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "không phải là một đối tượng hợp lệ: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "read-tree gặp lỗi"
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (không có gì để squash)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Squash commit -- không cập nhật HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "Không có lời chú thích hòa trộn -- nên không cập nhật HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "“%s” không chỉ đến một lần chuyển giao nào cả"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "Chuỗi branch.%s.mergeoptions sai: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "Không cầm nắm gì ngoài hai head hòa trộn."
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "Không hiểu tùy chọn cho merge-recursive: -X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "không thể ghi %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể đọc từ “%s”"
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Vẫn chưa hòa trộn các lần chuyển giao; sử dụng lệnh “git commit” để hoàn tất "
 "việc hòa trộn.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -14699,11 +15136,11 @@
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "Nếu phần chú thích rỗng sẽ hủy bỏ lần chuyển giao.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
@@ -14712,71 +15149,75 @@
 "Những dòng được bắt đầu bằng “%c” sẽ được bỏ qua, và nếu phần chú\n"
 "thích rỗng sẽ hủy bỏ lần chuyển giao.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "Chú thích của lần commit (chuyển giao) bị trống rỗng."
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "Tuyệt vời.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Việc tự động hòa trộn gặp lỗi; hãy sửa các xung đột sau đó chuyển giao kết "
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "Không phải nhánh hiện hành."
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "Không có máy chủ cho nhánh hiện hành."
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "Không có thượng nguồn mặc định được định nghĩa cho nhánh hiện hành."
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "Không nhánh mạng theo dõi cho %s từ %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "Giá trị sai “%s” trong biến môi trường “%s”"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "không phải là một thứ gì đó mà chúng tôi có thể hòa trộn trong %s: %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "không phải là thứ gì đó mà chúng tôi có thể hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort không nhận các đối số"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr ""
 "Ở đây không có lần hòa trộn nào được hủy bỏ giữa chừng cả (thiếu MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--quit không nhận các đối số"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue không nhận đối số"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "Ở đây không có lần hòa trộn nào đang được xử lý cả (thiếu MERGE_HEAD)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -14784,7 +15225,7 @@
 "Bạn chưa kết thúc việc hòa trộn (MERGE_HEAD vẫn tồn tại).\n"
 "Hãy chuyển giao các thay đổi trước khi bạn có thể hòa trộn."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -14792,94 +15233,98 @@
 "Bạn chưa kết thúc việc cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD vẫn tồn tại).\n"
 "Hãy chuyển giao các thay đổi trước khi bạn có thể hòa trộn."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "Bạn chưa kết thúc việc cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD vẫn tồn tại)."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
 msgstr "Bạn không thể kết hợp --squash với --no-ff."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "Bạn không thể kết hợp --squash với --commit."
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr "Không chỉ ra lần chuyển giao và merge.defaultToUpstream chưa được đặt."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "Squash commit vào một head trống rỗng vẫn chưa được hỗ trợ"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr ""
 "Chuyển giao không-chuyển-tiếp-nhanh không hợp lý ở trong một head trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - không phải là thứ gì đó mà chúng tôi có thể hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr ""
 "Không thể hòa trộn một cách đúng đắn một lần chuyển giao vào một head rỗng"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "từ chối hòa trộn lịch sử không liên quan"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "Đã cập nhật rồi."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "Đang cập nhật %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "Đang thử hòa trộn kiểu “trivial in-index”…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "Không.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "Đã cập nhật rồi. Yeeah!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "Thực hiện lệnh chuyển-tiếp-nhanh là không thể được, đang bỏ qua."
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "Đang tua lại cây thành thời xa xưa…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "Đang thử chiến lược hòa trộn %s…\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "Không có chiến lược hòa trộn nào được nắm giữ (handle) sự hòa trộn.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "Hòa trộn với chiến lược %s gặp lỗi.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "Sử dụng %s để chuẩn bị giải quyết bằng tay.\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr ""
@@ -14931,7 +15376,7 @@
 "git merge-file [<options>] [-L <name1> [-L <orig> [-L <name2>]]] <file1> "
 "<orig-file> <file2>"
 msgstr ""
-"git merge-file [<các-tùy-chọn>] [-L <tên1> [-L <gốc> [-L <tên2>]]] <tập-"
+"git merge-file [<các tùy chọn>] [-L <tên1> [-L <gốc> [-L <tên2>]]] <tập-"
 "tin1> <tập-tin-gốc> <tập-tin2>"
 #: builtin/merge-file.c:35
@@ -15013,25 +15458,41 @@
 msgstr "cho phép tạo nhiều hơn một cây"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<thư/mục>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<thư/mục>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr "thư mục đối tượng có chứa một bộ các tập tin gói và cặp pack-index"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr ""
+"trong suốt quá trình đóng gói lại, gom các tập tin gói có kích cỡ nhỏ hơn "
+"vào một bó cái mà lớn hơn kích thước này"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "có quá nhiều đối số"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "tùy chọn --batch-size chỉ cho lệnh con 'repack'"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "verb không được thừa nhận: %s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "không hiểu câu lệnh con: %s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
-msgstr "git mv [<các-tùy-chọn>] <nguồn>… <đích>"
+msgstr "git mv [<các tùy chọn>] <nguồn>… <đích>"
 #: builtin/mv.c:83
 #, c-format
@@ -15117,53 +15578,53 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "Đổi tên %s thành %s\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đổi tên “%s”"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
-msgstr "git name-rev [<các-tùy-chọn>] <commit>…"
+msgstr "git name-rev [<các tùy chọn>] <commit>…"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
-msgstr "git name-rev [<các-tùy-chọn>] --all"
+msgstr "git name-rev [<các tùy chọn>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
-msgstr "git name-rev [<các-tùy-chọn>] --stdin"
+msgstr "git name-rev [<các tùy chọn>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị tên (không SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "chỉ dùng các thẻ để đặt tên cho các lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "chỉ sử dụng các tham chiếu khớp với <mẫu>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "bỏ qua các tham chiếu khớp với <mẫu>"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr ""
 "liệt kê tất cả các lần chuyển giao có thể đọc được từ tất cả các tham chiếu"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "đọc từ đầu vào tiêu chuẩn"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "cho phép in các tên “chưa định nghĩa” (mặc định)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "bãi bỏ tham chiếu các thẻ trong đầu vào (dùng nội bộ)"
@@ -15231,11 +15692,11 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:49
 msgid "git notes add [<options>] [<object>]"
-msgstr "git notes add [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<đối-tượng>]"
+msgstr "git notes add [<các tùy chọn>] [<đối-tượng>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:54
 msgid "git notes copy [<options>] <from-object> <to-object>"
-msgstr "git notes copy [<các-tùy-chọn>] <từ-đối-tượng> <đến-đối-tượng>"
+msgstr "git notes copy [<các tùy chọn>] <từ-đối-tượng> <đến-đối-tượng>"
 #: builtin/notes.c:55
 msgid "git notes copy --stdin [<from-object> <to-object>]..."
@@ -15243,7 +15704,7 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:60
 msgid "git notes append [<options>] [<object>]"
-msgstr "git notes append [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<đối-tượng>]"
+msgstr "git notes append [<các tùy chọn>] [<đối-tượng>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:65
 msgid "git notes edit [<object>]"
@@ -15255,15 +15716,15 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:75
 msgid "git notes merge [<options>] <notes-ref>"
-msgstr "git notes merge [<các-tùy-chọn>] <notes-ref>"
+msgstr "git notes merge [<các tùy chọn>] <notes-ref>"
 #: builtin/notes.c:76
 msgid "git notes merge --commit [<options>]"
-msgstr "git notes merge --commit [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git notes merge --commit [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:77
 msgid "git notes merge --abort [<options>]"
-msgstr "git notes merge --abort [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git notes merge --abort [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:82
 msgid "git notes remove [<object>]"
@@ -15271,7 +15732,7 @@
 #: builtin/notes.c:87
 msgid "git notes prune [<options>]"
-msgstr "git notes prune [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git notes prune [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/notes.c:92
 msgid "git notes get-ref"
@@ -15309,7 +15770,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "nội dung ghi chú còn lại %s"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể mở hay đọc “%s”"
@@ -15543,7 +16004,7 @@
 "chuyển giao kết quả bằng “git notes merge --commit”, hoặc bãi bỏ việc hòa "
 "trộn bằng “git notes merge --abort”.\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi phân giải “%s” như là một tham chiếu hợp lệ."
@@ -15577,7 +16038,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "dùng “notes” từ <notes-ref>"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "không hiểu câu lệnh con: %s"
@@ -15586,136 +16047,136 @@
 msgid ""
 "git pack-objects --stdout [<options>...] [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
 msgstr ""
-"git pack-objects --stdout [các-tùy-chọn…] [< <danh-sách-tham-chiếu> | < "
+"git pack-objects --stdout [các tùy chọn…] [< <danh-sách-tham-chiếu> | < "
 #: builtin/pack-objects.c:53
 msgid ""
 "git pack-objects [<options>...] <base-name> [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
 msgstr ""
-"git pack-objects [các-tùy-chọn…] <base-name> [< <danh-sách-ref> | < <danh-"
+"git pack-objects [các tùy chọn…] <base-name> [< <danh-sách-ref> | < <danh-"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "CRC của đối tượng gói sai với %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "đối tượng đã đóng gói sai hỏng cho %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "dò thấy delta đệ quy cho đối tượng %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "đã sắp xếp %u đối tượng, cần %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "tập tin gói không hợp lệ: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "không thể mở tập tin gói để dùng lại: %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "không thể di chuyển vị trí đọc trong tập tin gói dùng lại"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "không thể đọc từ tập tin gói dùng lại"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr "tắt ghi bitmap, các gói bị chia nhỏ bởi vì pack.packSizeLimit"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "Đang ghi lại các đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi lấy thông tin thống kê về %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "đã ghi %<PRIu32> đối tượng trong khi cần %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr "tắt ghi bitmap, như vậy một số đối tượng sẽ không được đóng gói"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "khoảng bù cơ sở cho delta bị tràn trong gói cho %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "khoảng bù cơ sở cho delta nằm ngoài phạm cho %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "Đang đếm các đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "không thể lấy kích cỡ của %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích phần đầu đối tượng của “%s”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "không thể đọc đối tượng %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr ""
 "đối tượng %s không nhất quán về chiều dài đối tượng (%<PRIuMAX> so với "
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "suboptimal pack - hết bộ nhớ"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "Nén delta dùng tới %d tuyến trình"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "không thể đóng gói các đối tượng tiếp cận được từ thẻ “%s”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "Đang nén các đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "mâu thuẫn với số lượng delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15724,7 +16185,7 @@
 "cần ID đối tượng cạnh, nhận được rác:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15733,247 +16194,251 @@
 "cần ID đối tượng, nhận được rác:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "giá trị cho --missing không hợp lệ"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "không thể mở mục lục của gói"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "đối tượng mất tại %s không thể đã kiểm tra"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "không thể buộc mất đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "không phải một rev “%s”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "điểm xem xét sai “%s”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "không thể thêm các đối tượng mới dùng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "phiên bản mục lục không được hỗ trợ %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "phiên bản mục lục sai “%s”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "không hiển thị bộ đo tiến trình"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "hiển thị bộ đo tiến trình"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "hiển thị bộ đo tiến triển trong suốt pha ghi đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "tương tự --all-progress khi bộ đo tiến trình được xuất hiện"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<phiên bản>[,offset]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr "ghi tập tin bảng mục lục gói (pack) ở phiên bản định dạng idx đã cho"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "kcíh thước tối đa cho tập tin gói được tạo"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "bỏ qua các đối tượng vay mượn từ kho đối tượng thay thế"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "bỏ qua các đối tượng đóng gói"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "giới hạn cửa sổ đóng gói theo đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr "giới hạn cửa sổ đóng gói theo bộ nhớ cộng thêm với giới hạn đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr "độ dài tối đa của chuỗi móc xích “delta” được phép trong gói kết quả"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "dùng lại các delta sẵn có"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "dùng lại các đối tượng sẵn có"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "dùng các đối tượng OFS_DELTA"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr "sử dụng các tuyến trình khi tìm kiếm cho các mẫu khớp delta tốt nhất"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "không thể tạo kết xuất gói trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "đọc tham số “revision” từ thiết bị nhập chuẩn"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "giới hạn các đối tượng thành những cái mà chúng vẫn chưa được đóng gói"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "bao gồm các đối tượng có thể đọc được từ bất kỳ tham chiếu nào"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "bao gồm các đối tượng được tham chiếu bởi các mục reflog"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "bao gồm các đối tượng được tham chiếu bởi mục lục"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "xuất gói ra đầu ra tiêu chuẩn"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr "bao gồm các đối tượng tham chiếu đến các đối tượng được đóng gói"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "giữ lại các đối tượng không thể đọc được"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "pack mất các đối tượng không thể đọc được"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr ""
 "xả nén (gỡ khỏi gói) các đối tượng không thể đọc được mới hơn <thời-gian>"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "dung thuật toán “sparse reachability”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "tạo gói nhẹ"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "tạo gói để phù hợp cho lấy về nông (shallow)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "bỏ qua các gói mà nó có tập tin .keep đi kèm"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "bỏ qua gói này"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "mức nén gói"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "không ẩn các lần chuyển giao bởi “grafts”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr "dùng mục lục ánh xạ nếu có thể được để nâng cao tốc độ đếm đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "ghi một mục lục ánh xạ cùng với mục lục gói"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr "ghi mục lục ánh xạ nếu được"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "xử lý cho thiếu đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "không thể đóng gói các đối tượng trong các tập tin gói hứa hẹn"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "tôn trọng island trong suốt quá trình nén “delta”"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "mức sau xích delta %d là quá sâu, buộc dùng %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "pack.deltaCacheLimit là quá cao, ép dùng %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr ""
 "--max-pack-size không thể được sử dụng để xây dựng một gói để vận chuyển"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "giới hạn kích thước tối thiểu của gói là 1 MiB"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr "--thin không thể được dùng để xây dựng gói đánh mục lục được"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable và --unpack-unreachable xung khắc nhau"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "không thể dùng tùy chọn --filter mà không có --stdout"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "Đánh số các đối tượng"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr "Tổng %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), dùng lại %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 #: builtin/pack-refs.c:8
 msgid "git pack-refs [<options>]"
-msgstr "git pack-refs [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git pack-refs [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/pack-refs.c:16
 msgid "pack everything"
@@ -16018,46 +16483,46 @@
 #: builtin/pull.c:88
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
-msgstr "git pull [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<kho-chứa> [<refspec>…]]"
+msgstr "git pull [<các tùy chọn>] [<kho-chứa> [<refspec>…]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "điều khiển việc lấy về đệ quy của các mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn liên quan đến hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "các thay đổi hợp nhất bằng cải tổ thay vì hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "cho phép chuyển-tiếp-nhanh"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "tự động stash/stash pop tước và sau tu bổ (rebase)"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn liên quan đến lệnh lấy về"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "ép buộc ghi đè lên nhánh nội bộ"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "số lượng mô-đun-con được đẩy lên đồng thời"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "Giá trị không hợp lệ cho pull.ff: %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
@@ -16065,14 +16530,14 @@
 "Ở đây không có ứng cử nào để cải tổ lại trong số các tham chiếu mà bạn vừa "
 "lấy về."
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr ""
 "Ở đây không có ứng cử nào để hòa trộn trong số các tham chiếu mà bạn vừa lấy "
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
@@ -16081,7 +16546,7 @@
 "đại diện mà nó lại không khớp trên điểm cuối máy phục vụ."
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -16093,43 +16558,43 @@
 "theo mặc định cho nhánh hiện tại của bạn, bạn phải chỉ định\n"
 "một nhánh trên dòng lệnh."
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "Hiện tại bạn chẳng ở nhánh nào cả."
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "Vui lòng chỉ định nhánh nào bạn muốn cải tổ lại."
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "Vui lòng chỉ định nhánh nào bạn muốn hòa trộn vào."
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "Xem git-pull(1) để biết thêm chi tiết."
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<máy chủ>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<nhánh>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "Ở đây không có thông tin theo dõi cho nhánh hiện hành."
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr ""
 "Nếu bạn muốn theo dõi thông tin cho nhánh này bạn có thể thực hiện bằng lệnh:"
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -16138,34 +16603,34 @@
 "Các đặc tả cấu hình của bạn để hòa trộn với tham chiếu “%s”\n"
 "từ máy dịch vụ, nhưng không có nhánh nào như thế được lấy về."
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "không thể truy cập lần chuyển giao “%s”"
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "bỏ qua --verify-signatures khi rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "tùy chọn --[no-]autostash chỉ hợp lệ khi dùng với --rebase."
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr ""
 "Đang cập nhật một nhánh chưa được sinh ra với các thay đổi được thêm vào "
 "bảng mục lục."
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "pull với rebase"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "xin hãy chuyển giao hoặc tạm cất (stash) chúng."
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -16176,7 +16641,7 @@
 "đang chuyển-tiếp-nhanh cây làm việc của bạn từ\n"
 "lần chuyển giaot %s."
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -16194,22 +16659,22 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
 "để khôi phục lại."
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "Không thể hòa trộn nhiều nhánh vào trong một head trống rỗng."
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "Không thể thực hiện lệnh rebase (cải tổ) trên nhiều nhánh."
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr ""
 "không thể cải tổ với các thay đổi mô-đun-con được ghi lại một cách cục bộ"
 #: builtin/push.c:19
 msgid "git push [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
-msgstr "git push [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<kho-chứa> [<refspec>…]]"
+msgstr "git push [<các tùy chọn>] [<kho-chứa> [<refspec>…]]"
 #: builtin/push.c:111
 msgid "tag shorthand without <tag>"
@@ -16504,15 +16969,15 @@
 #: builtin/range-diff.c:8
 msgid "git range-diff [<options>] <old-base>..<old-tip> <new-base>..<new-tip>"
 msgstr ""
-"git range-diff [<các-tùy-chọn>] <old-base>..<old-tip> <new-base>..<new-tip>"
+"git range-diff [<các tùy chọn>] <old-base>..<old-tip> <new-base>..<new-tip>"
 #: builtin/range-diff.c:9
 msgid "git range-diff [<options>] <old-tip>...<new-tip>"
-msgstr "git range-diff [<các-tùy-chọn>] <old-tip>…<new-tip>"
+msgstr "git range-diff [<các tùy chọn>] <old-tip>…<new-tip>"
 #: builtin/range-diff.c:10
 msgid "git range-diff [<options>] <base> <old-tip> <new-tip>"
-msgstr "git range-diff [<các-tùy-chọn>] <base> <old-tip> <new-tip>"
+msgstr "git range-diff [<các tùy chọn>] <base> <old-tip> <new-tip>"
 #: builtin/range-diff.c:21
 msgid "Percentage by which creation is weighted"
@@ -16620,14 +17085,14 @@
 "git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] [<upstream>] "
 msgstr ""
-"git rebase [-i] [các-tùy-chọn] [--exec <lệnh>] [--onto <newbase>] "
+"git rebase [-i] [các tùy chọn] [--exec <lệnh>] [--onto <newbase>] "
 "[<upstream>] [<nhánh>]"
 #: builtin/rebase.c:34
 msgid ""
 "git rebase [-i] [options] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>]"
 msgstr ""
-"git rebase [-i] [các-tùy-chọn] [--exec <lệnh>] [--onto <newbase>] --root "
+"git rebase [-i] [các tùy chọn] [--exec <lệnh>] [--onto <newbase>] --root "
 #: builtin/rebase.c:36
@@ -16673,7 +17138,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "giữ lại các lần chuyển giao rỗng"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "chấp nhận chuyển giao mà không ghi chú gì"
@@ -16693,7 +17158,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "ký các lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "hiển thị một diffstat của những thay đổi thượng nguồn"
@@ -16801,7 +17266,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "lệnh muốn chạy"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr "lập lịch lại một cách tự động bất kỳ “exec“ bị lỗi"
@@ -16809,7 +17274,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "--[no-]rebase-cousins không có tác dụng khi không có --rebase-merges"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s cần một cải tổ kiểu tương tác"
@@ -16839,11 +17304,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "Không thể lưu “%s”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "không thể dò tìm điểm xét duyệt HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -16858,7 +17323,7 @@
 "Để bãi bỏ và quay trở lại trạng thái trước \"git rebase\", chạy \"git rebase "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16877,7 +17342,7 @@
 "Kết quả là git không thể cải tổ lại chúng."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16894,7 +17359,7 @@
 "    git rebase “<nhánh>”\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -16908,128 +17373,128 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<nhánh> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "các lệnh thực thi không thể chứa các ký tự dòng mới"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "lệnh thực thi trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "cải tổ vào nhánh đã cho thay cho thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "cho phép móc (hook) pre-rebase được chạy"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "hãy im lặng. ý là --no-stat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "đừng hiển thị diffstat của những thay đổi thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "thêm dòng Signed-off-by: cho từng lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "chuyển cho “git am”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "chuyển cho “git apply”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr ""
 "cherry-pick tất cả các lần chuyển giao, ngay cả khi không có thay đổi gì"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "tiếp tục"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "bỏ qua miếng vá hiện hành và tiếp tục"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "bãi bỏ và lấy ra nhánh nguyên thủy"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "bãi bỏ nhưng vẫn vẫn giữ HEAD chỉ đến nó"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "sửa danh sách cần làm trong quá trình “rebase” (cải tổ) tương tác"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "hiển thị miếng vá đã được áp dụng hay hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "dùng chiến lược hòa trộn để cải tổ"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr "để người dùng sửa danh sách các lần chuyển giao muốn cải tổ"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr "(ĐÃ LẠC HẬU) hay thử tạo lại các hòa trộn thay vì bỏ qua chúng"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "ngăn cấm các lần chuyển giao trống rỗng trong suốt quá trình cải tổ"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr "di chuyển các lần chuyển giao mà bắt đầu bằng squash!/fixup! dưới -i"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "tự động stash/stash pop trước và sau"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr "thêm các dòng thực thi sau từng lần chuyển giao của danh sách sửa được"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "chấp nhận cải tổ các chuyển giao mà không ghi chú gì"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr "cố thử cải tổ các hòa trộn thay vì bỏ qua chúng"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr "dùng “merge-base --fork-point” để định nghĩa lại thượng nguồn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "dùng chiến lược hòa trộn đã cho"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "tùy chọn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "chuyển thao số đến chiến lược hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "cải tổ tất các các lần chuyển giao cho đến root"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -17037,33 +17502,33 @@
 "việc hỗ trợ rebase.useBuiltin đã bị xóa!\n"
 "Xem mục tin của nó trong “ git help config” để biết chi tiết."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Hình như đang trong quá trình thực hiện lệnh “git-am”. Không thể rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges đã lạc hậu. Hãy dùng --rebase-merges để thay "
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "Không có tiến trình rebase nào phải không?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr ""
 "Hành động “--edit-todo” chỉ có thể dùng trong quá trình “rebase” (sửa lịch "
 "sử) tương tác."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "Không thể đọc HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -17071,21 +17536,16 @@
 "Bạn phải sửa tất cả các lần hòa trộn xung đột và sau\n"
 "đó đánh dấu chúng là cần xử lý sử dụng lệnh git add"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "không thể loại bỏ các thay đổi cây-làm-việc"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "không thể quay trở lại %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "không thể gỡ bỏ “%s”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -17106,169 +17566,173 @@
 "và chạy TÔI lần nữa. TÔI dừng lại trong trường hợp bạn vẫn\n"
 "có một số thứ quý giá ở đây.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "tùy chọn “%c” cần một giá trị bằng số"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "Không hiểu chế độ: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy cần --merge hay --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec cần --exec hay --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr ""
 "không thể tổ hợp các tùy chọn am với các tùy chọn tương tác hay hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "không thể kết hợp “--preserve-merges” với “--rebase-merges”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr "không thể kết hợp “--preserve-merges” với “--reschedule-failed-exec”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "không thể kết hợp “--rebase-merges” với “--strategy-option”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "không thể kết hợp “--rebase-merges” với “--strategy”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "thượng nguồn không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "Không thể tạo lần chuyển giao gốc mới"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "“%s”: cần chính xác một cơ sở hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "Không chỉ đến một lần chuyển giao không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "nghiêm trọng: không có nhánh/lần chuyển giao “%s” như thế"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "Không có tham chiếu nào như thế: %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "Không thể phân giải lần chuyển giao HEAD đến một điểm xét duyệt"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "Không thể autostash"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "Gặp đáp ứng stash không cần: “%s”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "Không thể tạo thư mục cho “%s”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "Đã tạo autostash: %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "không thể reset --hard"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD hiện giờ tại %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "Xin hãy chuyển giao hoặc tạm cất (stash) chúng."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân tích cú pháp “%s”"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "không thể chuyển đến %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD đã cập nhật."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "Nhánh hiện tại %s đã được cập nhật rồi.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "HEAD hiện đã được cập nhật rồi, bị ép buộc rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "Nhánh hiện tại %s đã được cập nhật rồi, lệnh rebase ép buộc.\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "Móc (hook) pre-rebase từ chối rebase."
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Thay đổi thành %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "Thay đổi từ %s thành %s:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Trước tiên, di chuyển head để xem lại các công việc trên đỉnh của nó…\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "Không thể tách rời HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "Chuyển-tiếp-nhanh %s đến %s.\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <thư-mục-git>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17298,7 +17762,7 @@
 "Để chấm dứt lời nhắn này và vẫn giữ cách ứng xử mặc định, hãy đặt\n"
 "biến cấu hình “receive.denyCurrentBranch” thành “refuse”."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17319,11 +17783,11 @@
 "Để chấm dứt lời nhắn này, bạn hãy đặt nó thành “refuse”."
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "im lặng"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "Bạn phải chỉ định thư mục."
@@ -17447,7 +17911,7 @@
 #: builtin/remote.c:33
 msgid "git remote add [<options>] <name> <url>"
-msgstr "git remote add [<các-tùy-chọn>] <tên> <url>"
+msgstr "git remote add [<các tùy chọn>] <tên> <url>"
 #: builtin/remote.c:53
 msgid "git remote set-branches <name> <branch>..."
@@ -17459,15 +17923,15 @@
 #: builtin/remote.c:59
 msgid "git remote show [<options>] <name>"
-msgstr "git remote show [<các-tùy-chọn>] <tên>"
+msgstr "git remote show [<các tùy chọn>] <tên>"
 #: builtin/remote.c:64
 msgid "git remote prune [<options>] <name>"
-msgstr "git remote prune [<các-tùy-chọn>] <tên>"
+msgstr "git remote prune [<các tùy chọn>] <tên>"
 #: builtin/remote.c:69
 msgid "git remote update [<options>] [<group> | <remote>]..."
-msgstr "git remote update [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<nhóm> | <máy-chủ>]…"
+msgstr "git remote update [<các tùy chọn>] [<nhóm> | <máy-chủ>]…"
 #: builtin/remote.c:98
 #, c-format
@@ -17891,7 +18355,7 @@
 #: builtin/repack.c:22
 msgid "git repack [<options>]"
-msgstr "git repack [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git repack [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/repack.c:27
 msgid ""
@@ -17901,115 +18365,115 @@
 "Gia tăng repack là không tương thích với chỉ mục bitmap. Dùng\n"
 "--no-write-bitmap-index hay tắt cấu hình pack.writebitmaps."
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr ""
 "không thể lấy thông tin thống kê pack-objects để mà đóng gói lại các đối "
 "tượng hứa hẹn"
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr ""
 "repack: Đang chỉ cần các dòng ID đối tượng dạng thập lục phân đầy dủ từ pack-"
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr "không thể hoàn tất pack-objects để đóng gói các đối tượng hứa hẹn"
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "đóng gói mọi thứ trong một gói đơn"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "giống với -a, và chỉnh sửa các đối tượng không đọc được thiếu sót"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "xóa bỏ các gói dư thừa, và chạy git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "chuyển --no-reuse-delta cho git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "chuyển --no-reuse-object cho git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "không chạy git-update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "chuyển --local cho git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "ghi mục lục ánh xạ"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "chuyển --delta-islands cho git-pack-objects"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "ngày ước tính"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "với -A, các đối tượng cũ hơn khoảng thời gian này thì không bị mất"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "với -a, đóng gói lại các đối tượng không thể đọc được"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "kích thước cửa sổ được dùng cho nén “delta”"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "byte"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr "giống như trên, nhưng giới hạn kích thước bộ nhớ hay vì số lượng"
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "giới hạn độ sâu tối đa của “delta”"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "giới hạn số lượng tối đa tuyến trình"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "kích thước tối đa cho từng tập tin gói"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "đóng gói lại các đối tượng trong các gói đã đánh dấu bằng .keep"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "đừng đóng gói lại gói này"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "không thể xóa các gói trong một kho đối_tượng_vĩ_đại"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable và -A xung khắc nhau"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "Không có gì mới để mà đóng gói."
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -18028,7 +18492,7 @@
 "CẢNH BÁO: nguyên gốc của nó cũng gặp lỗi.\n"
 "CẢNH BÁO: Vui lòng đổi tên chúng trong %s bằng tay:\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi gỡ bỏ “%s”"
@@ -18113,7 +18577,7 @@
 #: builtin/replace.c:272
 msgid "unable to spawn mktree"
-msgstr "không thể spawn mktree"
+msgstr "không thể sinh tiến trình con mktree"
 #: builtin/replace.c:276
 msgid "unable to read from mktree"
@@ -18307,11 +18771,11 @@
 #: builtin/reset.c:33
 msgid "git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] <paths>..."
-msgstr "git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] <đường-dẫn>…"
+msgstr "git reset [-q] [<tree-ish>] [--] </các/đường/dẫn>…"
 #: builtin/reset.c:34
 msgid "git reset --patch [<tree-ish>] [--] [<paths>...]"
-msgstr "git reset --patch [<tree-ish>] [--] [<các-đường-dẫn>…]"
+msgstr "git reset --patch [<tree-ish>] [--] [</các/đường/dẫn>…]"
 #: builtin/reset.c:40
 msgid "mixed"
@@ -18394,7 +18858,7 @@
 msgid "--mixed with paths is deprecated; use 'git reset -- <paths>' instead."
 msgstr ""
 "--mixed với các đường dẫn không còn dùng nữa; hãy thay thế bằng lệnh “git "
-"reset -- <đường_dẫn>”."
+"reset -- </các/đường/dẫn>”."
 #: builtin/reset.c:355
 #, c-format
@@ -18437,30 +18901,30 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "Không thể ghi tập tin lưu bảng mục lục mới."
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr "không thể tổ hợp --exclude-promisor-objects và --missing"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "lọc đối tượng yêu cầu --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "giá trị sparse không hợp lệ “%s”"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list không hỗ trợ hiển thị các ghi chú"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "không thể tổ hợp --use-bitmap-index với lọc đối tượng"
 #: builtin/rev-parse.c:408
 msgid "git rev-parse --parseopt [<options>] -- [<args>...]"
-msgstr "git rev-parse --parseopt [<các-tùy-chọn>] -- [<các tham số>…]"
+msgstr "git rev-parse --parseopt [<các tùy chọn>] -- [<các tham số>…]"
 #: builtin/rev-parse.c:413
 msgid "keep the `--` passed as an arg"
@@ -18482,15 +18946,15 @@
 "Run \"git rev-parse --parseopt -h\" for more information on the first usage."
 msgstr ""
-"git rev-parse --parseopt [<các-tùy-chọn>] -- [<các đối số>…]\n"
+"git rev-parse --parseopt [<các tùy chọn>] -- [<các đối số>…]\n"
 "   hoặc: git rev-parse --sq-quote [<đ.số>…]\n"
-"   hoặc: git rev-parse [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<đ.số>…]\n"
+"   hoặc: git rev-parse [<các tùy chọn>] [<đ.số>…]\n"
 "Chạy lệnh \"git rev-parse --parseopt -h\" để có thêm thông tin về cách dùng."
 #: builtin/revert.c:24
 msgid "git revert [<options>] <commit-ish>..."
-msgstr "git revert [<các-tùy-chọn>] <commit-ish>…"
+msgstr "git revert [<các tùy chọn>] <commit-ish>…"
 #: builtin/revert.c:25
 msgid "git revert <subcommand>"
@@ -18498,7 +18962,7 @@
 #: builtin/revert.c:30
 msgid "git cherry-pick [<options>] <commit-ish>..."
-msgstr "git cherry-pick [<các-tùy-chọn>] <commit-ish>…"
+msgstr "git cherry-pick [<các tùy chọn>] <commit-ish>…"
 #: builtin/revert.c:31
 msgid "git cherry-pick <subcommand>"
@@ -18526,53 +18990,57 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "không cherry-pick hay hoàn nguyên liên tiếp nhau"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "bỏ qua lần chuyển giao hiện tại và tiếp tục"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "đừng chuyển giao một cách tự động"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "sửa lại chú thích cho lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "số-cha-mẹ"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "chọn cha mẹ luồng chính"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "chiến lược hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "tùy chọn cho chiến lược hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "nối thêm tên lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "cấm khởi tạo lần chuyển giao trống rỗng"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "giữ lại các lần chuyển giao dư thừa, rỗng"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "hoàn nguyên gặp lỗi"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "cherry-pick gặp lỗi"
 #: builtin/rm.c:19
 msgid "git rm [<options>] [--] <file>..."
-msgstr "git rm [<các-tùy-chọn>] [--] <tập-tin>…"
+msgstr "git rm [<các tùy chọn>] [--] <tập-tin>…"
 #: builtin/rm.c:207
 msgid ""
@@ -18676,11 +19144,11 @@
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:14
 msgid "git shortlog [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>...]"
-msgstr "git shortlog [<các-tùy-chọn>] [<vùng-xét-duyệt>] [[--] [<đường/dẫn>…]]"
+msgstr "git shortlog [<các tùy chọn>] [<vùng-xét-duyệt>] [[--] [<đường/dẫn>…]]"
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:15
 msgid "git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<options>]"
-msgstr "git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:264
 msgid "Group by committer rather than author"
@@ -18732,113 +19200,113 @@
 msgid_plural "ignoring %s; cannot handle more than %d refs"
 msgstr[0] "đang bỏ qua %s; không thể xử lý nhiều hơn %d tham chiếu"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "không tham chiếu nào khớp với %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "hiển thị các nhánh remote-tracking và nội bộ"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "hiển thị các nhánh remote-tracking"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "màu “*!+-” tương ứng với nhánh"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "hiển thị thêm <n> lần chuyển giao sau cha mẹ chung"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "đồng nghĩa với more=-1"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "chặn các chuỗi đặt tên"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "bao gồm nhánh hiện hành"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "đặt tên các lần chuyển giao bằng các tên của đối tượng của chúng"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "hiển thị mọi cơ sở có thể dùng để hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "hiển thị các tham chiếu không thể được đọc bởi bất kỳ tham chiếu khác"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "hiển thị các lần chuyển giao theo thứ tự tôpô"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị các lần chuyển giao không nằm trên nhánh đầu tiên"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "hiển thị các lần hòa trộn có thể đọc được chỉ từ một đầu mút"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "sắp xếp hình thái học, bảo trì thứ tự ngày nếu có thể"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<cơ_sở>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "hiển thị <n> các mục “ref-log” gần nhất kể từ nền (base)"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr ""
 "--reflog là không tương thích với các tùy chọn --all, --remotes, --"
 "independent hay --merge-base"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "chưa đưa ra nhánh, và HEAD không hợp lệ"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "--reflog cần tên một nhánh"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "chỉ có thể hiển thị cùng lúc %d hạng mục."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "không có tham chiếu nào như thế %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "không thể xử lý nhiều hơn %d điểm xét duyệt."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "“%s” không phải tham chiếu hợp lệ."
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "không thể tìm thấy lần chuyển giao %s (%s)"
@@ -18893,11 +19361,11 @@
 #: builtin/stash.c:22 builtin/stash.c:37
 msgid "git stash list [<options>]"
-msgstr "git stash list [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git stash list [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/stash.c:23 builtin/stash.c:42
 msgid "git stash show [<options>] [<stash>]"
-msgstr "git stash show [<các-tùy-chọn>] <stash>"
+msgstr "git stash show [<các tùy chọn>] <stash>"
 #: builtin/stash.c:24 builtin/stash.c:47
 msgid "git stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]"
@@ -19026,94 +19494,94 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "Chưa chỉ ra tên của nhánh"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "Không thể cập nhật %s với %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "phần chú thích cho stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "\"git stash store\" cần một đối số <lần chuyển giao>"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "Chưa có thay đổi nào được chọn"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "Bạn chưa còn có lần chuyển giao khởi tạo"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "Không thể ghi lại trạng thái bảng mục lục hiện hành"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "Không thể ghi lại các tập tin chưa theo dõi"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "Không thể ghi lại trạng thái cây-làm-việc hiện hành"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "Không thể ghi lại trạng thái cây làm việc hiện hành"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr "Không thể dùng --patch và --include-untracked hay --all cùng một lúc"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr "Có lẽ bạn đã quên “git add ” phải không?"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "Không có thay đổi nội bộ nào được ghi lại"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "Không thể khởi tạo stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "Không thể ghi lại trạng thái hiện hành"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "Đã ghi lại thư mục làm việc và trạng thái mục lục %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "Không thể gỡ bỏ các thay đổi cây-làm-việc"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "giữ nguyên bảng mục lục"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "cất đi ở chế độ miếng vá"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "chế độ im lặng"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "bao gồm các tập tin không được theo dõi trong stash"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "bao gồm các tập tin bị bỏ qua"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "không thể thực thi %s"
@@ -19134,7 +19602,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "treo trước ký tự ghi chú và ký tự khoảng trắng cho từng dòng"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "Cần tên tham chiếu dạng đầy đủ, nhưng lại nhận được %s"
@@ -19148,7 +19616,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể cắt bỏ một thành phần ra khỏi “%s” url"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "điểm neo thay thế cho các đường dẫn tương đối"
@@ -19156,8 +19624,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=</đường/dẫn>] [</đường/dẫn>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "Không tìm thấy url cho đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s” trong .gitmodules"
@@ -19176,7 +19644,7 @@
 "run_command trả về trạng thái khác không cho %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -19187,19 +19655,19 @@
 "con lồng nhau của %s\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr "Chặn kết xuất của từng lệnh mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "Đệ quy vào trong các mô-đun-con lồng nhau"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--]  <lệnh>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
@@ -19208,56 +19676,56 @@
 "không thể tìm thấy cấu hình “%s”. Coi rằng đây là kho thượng nguồn có quyền "
 "sở hữu chính nó."
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi đăng ký url cho đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Mô-đun-con “%s” (%s) được đăng ký cho đường dẫn “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr "cảnh báo: chế độ lệnh cập nhật được gợi ý cho mô-đun-con “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi đăng ký chế độ cập nhật cho đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "Chặn kết xuất cho khởi tạo một mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<các tùy chọn>] [</đường/dẫn>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "không tìm thấy ánh xạ (mapping) mô-đun-con trong .gitmodules cho đường dẫn "
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phân giải tham chiếu HEAD bên trong mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đệ quy vào trong mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "Chặn két xuất tình trạng mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
@@ -19265,48 +19733,48 @@
 "Dùng lần chuyển giao lưu trong mục lục thay cho cái được lưu trong HEAD mô-"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "đệ quy vào trong mô-đun-con lồng nhau"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [</đường/dẫn>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name </đường/dẫn>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Url mô-đun-con đồng bộ hóa cho “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đăng ký url cho đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi lấy máy chủ mặc định cho mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi cập nhật cho mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr "Chặn kết xuất cho đồng bộ url mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [</đường/dẫn>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
@@ -19315,7 +19783,7 @@
 "Cây làm việc mô-đun-con “%s” có chứa thư mục .git (dùng “rm -rf” nếu bạn "
 "thực sự muốn gỡ bỏ nó cùng với toàn bộ lịch sử của chúng)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
@@ -19324,80 +19792,80 @@
 "Cây làm việc mô-đun-con “%s” chứa các thay đổi nội bộ; hãy dùng “-f” để loại "
 "bỏ chúng đi"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Đã xóa thư mục “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Không thể gỡ bỏ cây làm việc mô-đun-con “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "không thể tạo thư mục mô-đun-con rỗng “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Mô-đun-con “%s” (%s) được đăng ký cho đường dẫn “%s”\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr "Gỡ bỏ cây làm việc của mô-đun-con ngay cả khi nó có thay đổi nội bộ"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "Bỏ đăng ký tất cả các trong mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--]  [</đường/dẫn>…]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr "Dùng “--all” nếu bạn thực sự muốn hủy khởi tạo mọi mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "mô-đun-con “%s” không thể thêm thay thế: %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr "Giá trị “%s” cho submodule.alternateErrorStrategy không được thừa nhận"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "Giá trị “%s” cho submodule.alternateLocation không được thừa nhận"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "nhân bản mô-đun-con mới vào chỗ nào"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "tên của mô-đun-con mới"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "url nơi mà nhân bản mô-đun-con từ đó"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "chiều sâu lịch sử khi tạo bản sao"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "ép buộc tiến trình nhân bản"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
@@ -19405,95 +19873,95 @@
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=</đường/dẫn>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<kho>] [--name <tên>] [--depth <sâu>] [--url <url>] [</đường/dẫn>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "việc sao “%s” vào đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s” gặp lỗi"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể lấy thư mục mô-đun-con cho “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "Chế độ cập nhật “%s” không hợp lệ cho đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr ""
 "Chế độ cập nhật “%s” không hợp lệ được cấu hình cho đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "Đường dẫn mô-đun-con “%s” chưa được khởi tạo"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "Có lẽ bạn là bạn muốn dùng \"update --init\" phải không?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "Bỏ qua các mô-đun-con chưa được hòa trộn %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "Bỏ qua mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi nhân bản “%s”. Thử lại lịch trình"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi nhân bản “%s” lần thứ hai nên bãi bỏ"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "đường dẫn đến cây làm việc"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr "đường dẫn đến cây làm việc, chéo biên giới mô-đun-con lồng nhau"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr "rebase, merge, checkout hoặc không làm gì cả"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr ""
 "Tạo một bản sao nông được cắt ngắn thành số lượng điểm xét duyệt đã cho"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "công việc đồng thời"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr "nhân bản lần đầu có nên theo khuyến nghị là nông hay không"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "đừng in tiến trình nhân bản"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=</đường/dẫn>] [</đường/dẫn>…]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "giá trị cho  tham số cập nhật bị sai"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
@@ -19502,16 +19970,16 @@
 "Nhánh mô-đun-con (%s) được cấu hình kế thừa nhánh từ siêu dự án, nhưng siêu "
 "dự án lại không trên bất kỳ nhánh nào"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể lấy thẻ quản kho cho mô-đun-con “%s”"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "đệ quy vào trong mô-đun-con"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<các tùy chọn>] [</đường/dẫn>…]"
@@ -19540,7 +20008,7 @@
 msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
 msgstr "hãy đảm bảo rằng tập tin .gitmodules có trong cây làm việc"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s không hỗ trợ --super-prefix"
@@ -19552,7 +20020,7 @@
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:8
 msgid "git symbolic-ref [<options>] <name> [<ref>]"
-msgstr "git symbolic-ref [<các-tùy-chọn>] <tên> [<t.chiếu>]"
+msgstr "git symbolic-ref [<các tùy chọn>] <tên> [<t.chiếu>]"
 #: builtin/symbolic-ref.c:9
 msgid "git symbolic-ref -d [-q] <name>"
@@ -19604,17 +20072,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<định_dạng>]  <tên-thẻ>…"
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "không tìm thấy tìm thấy thẻ “%s”."
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Thẻ đã bị xóa “%s” (từng là %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19627,7 +20095,7 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "Những dòng được bắt đầu bằng “%c” sẽ được bỏ qua.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19642,15 +20110,15 @@
 "Những dòng được bắt đầu bằng “%c” sẽ được giữ lại; bạn có thể xóa chúng đi "
 "nếu muốn.\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "không thể ký thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "không thể ghi vào tập tin lưu thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -19663,139 +20131,139 @@
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "kiểu đối tượng sai."
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "không có chú thích gì cho cho thẻ à?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "Nội dung ghi chú còn lại %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "chỉ liệt kê tên các thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "hiển thị <n> dòng cho mỗi ghi chú"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "xóa thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "thẩm tra thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "Tùy chọn tạo thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "để chú giải cho thẻ, cần một lời ghi chú"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "phần chú thích cho thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "ép buộc sửa thẻ lần commit"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "thẻ chú giải và ký kiểu GPG"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "dùng kháo khác để ký thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "thay thế nếu thẻ đó đã có trước"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "tạo một reflog"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn liệt kê thẻ"
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "hiển thị danh sách thẻ trong các cột"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những nhánh mà nó chứa lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những thẻ mà nó không chứa lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những thẻ mà nó được hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị những thẻ mà nó không được hòa trộn"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị các thẻ của đối tượng"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column và -n xung khắc nhau"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "tùy chọn -n chỉ cho phép dùng trong chế độ liệt kê"
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "tùy chọn --contains chỉ cho phép dùng trong chế độ liệt kê"
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "tùy chọn --no-contains chỉ cho phép dùng trong chế độ liệt kê"
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "tùy chọn --points-at chỉ cho phép dùng trong chế độ liệt kê"
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr ""
 "tùy chọn --merged và --no-merged chỉ cho phép dùng trong chế độ liệt kê"
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "chỉ có một tùy chọn -F hoặc -m là được phép."
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "quá nhiều đối số"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "“%s” không phải thẻ hợp lệ."
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "thẻ “%s” đã tồn tại rồi"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "Đã cập nhật thẻ “%s” (trước là %s)\n"
@@ -19861,7 +20329,7 @@
 #: builtin/update-index.c:589
 msgid "git update-index [<options>] [--] [<file>...]"
-msgstr "git update-index [<các-tùy-chọn>] [--] [<tập-tin>…]"
+msgstr "git update-index [<các tùy chọn>] [--] [<tập-tin>…]"
 #: builtin/update-index.c:971
 msgid "continue refresh even when index needs update"
@@ -20063,15 +20531,15 @@
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:10
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>] -d <refname> [<old-val>]"
-msgstr "git update-ref [<các-tùy-chọn>] -d <refname> [<biến-cũ>]"
+msgstr "git update-ref [<các tùy chọn>] -d <refname> [<biến-cũ>]"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:11
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>]    <refname> <new-val> [<old-val>]"
-msgstr "git update-ref [<các-tùy-chọn>]    <refname> <biến-mới> [<biến-cũ>]"
+msgstr "git update-ref [<các tùy chọn>]    <refname> <biến-mới> [<biến-cũ>]"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:12
 msgid "git update-ref [<options>] --stdin [-z]"
-msgstr "git update-ref [<các-tùy-chọn>] --stdin [-z]"
+msgstr "git update-ref [<các tùy chọn>] --stdin [-z]"
 #: builtin/update-ref.c:364
 msgid "delete the reference"
@@ -20099,7 +20567,7 @@
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:11
 msgid "git upload-pack [<options>] <dir>"
-msgstr "git upload-pack [<các-tùy-chọn>] </đường/dẫn>"
+msgstr "git upload-pack [<các tùy chọn>] </đường/dẫn>"
 #: builtin/upload-pack.c:23 t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:17
 msgid "quit after a single request/response exchange"
@@ -20117,15 +20585,15 @@
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
 msgstr "ngắt truyền thông sau <n> giây không hoạt động"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <lần_chuyển_giao>…"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "hiển thị nội dung của lần chuyển giao"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "in kết xuất trạng thái gpg dạng thô"
@@ -20141,25 +20609,25 @@
 msgid "show statistics only"
 msgstr "chỉ hiển thị thống kê"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
 msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<định_dạng>] <thẻ>…"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr "hiển thị nội dung của thẻ"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:18
 msgid "git worktree add [<options>] <path> [<commit-ish>]"
-msgstr "git worktree add [<các-tùy-chọn>] <đường-dẫn> [<commit-ish>]"
+msgstr "git worktree add [<các tùy chọn>] </đường/dẫn> [<commit-ish>]"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:19
 msgid "git worktree list [<options>]"
-msgstr "git worktree list [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git worktree list [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:20
 msgid "git worktree lock [<options>] <path>"
-msgstr "git worktree lock [<các-tùy-chọn>] </đường/dẫn>"
+msgstr "git worktree lock [<các tùy chọn>] </đường/dẫn>"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:21
 msgid "git worktree move <worktree> <new-path>"
@@ -20167,17 +20635,17 @@
 #: builtin/worktree.c:22
 msgid "git worktree prune [<options>]"
-msgstr "git worktree prune [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "git worktree prune [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:23
 msgid "git worktree remove [<options>] <worktree>"
-msgstr "git worktree remove [<các-tùy-chọn>] <worktree>"
+msgstr "git worktree remove [<các tùy chọn>] <worktree>"
 #: builtin/worktree.c:24
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock </đường/dẫn>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi xóa “%s”"
@@ -20250,120 +20718,120 @@
 "“%s” bị mất nhưng cây làm việc đã được đăng ký;\n"
 "dùng “add -f” để ghi đè, hoặc “prune” hay “remove” để xóa"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể tạo thư mục của “%s”"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "Đang chuẩn bị cây làm việc (nhánh mới “%s”)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr "Đang chuẩn bị cây làm việc (đang cài đặt nhánh “%s”, trước đây tại %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "Đang chuẩn bị cây làm việc (đang lấy ra “%s”)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "Đang chuẩn bị cây làm việc (HEAD đã tách rời “%s”)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr "lấy ra <nhánh> ngay cả khi nó đã được lấy ra ở cây làm việc khác"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "tạo nhánh mới"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "tạo hay đặt lại một nhánh"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "di chuyển cây làm việc mới"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "giữ cây làm việc mới bị khóa"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "cài đặt chế độ theo dõi (xem git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr "có khớp tên tên nhánh mới với một nhánh theo dõi máy chủ"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "Các tùy chọn -b, -B, và --detach loại từ lẫn nhau"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr "--[no-]track chỉ có thể được dùng nếu một nhánh mới được tạo"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "lý do khóa"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "%s không phải là cây làm việc"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "Cây thư mục làm việc chính không thể khóa hay bỏ khóa được"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "“%s” đã được khóa rồi, lý do: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "“%s” đã được khóa rồi"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "“%s” chưa bị khóa"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr "cây làm việc có chứa mô-đun-con không thể di chuyển hay xóa bỏ"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "ép buộc ngay cả khi cây làm việc đang bẩn hay bị khóa"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "“%s” là cây làm việc chính"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "không thể phác họa ra tên đích đến “%s”"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "đích “%s” đã tồn tại rồi"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20372,7 +20840,7 @@
 "không thể di chuyển một cây-làm-việc bị khóa, khóa vì: %s\n"
 "dùng “move -f -f” để ghi đè hoặc mở khóa trước đã"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20380,36 +20848,36 @@
 "không thể di chuyển một cây-làm-việc bị khóa;\n"
 "dùng “move -f -f” để ghi đè hoặc mở khóa trước đã"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr "thẩm tra gặp lỗi, không thể di chuyển một cây-làm-việc: %s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi chuyển “%s” sang “%s”"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi chạy “git status” vào “%s”"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr "“%s” đang bẩn, hãy dùng --force để xóa nó"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi chạy “git status” trong “%s”, mã %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "ép buộc di chuyển thậm chí cả khi cây làm việc đang bẩn hay bị khóa"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20418,7 +20886,7 @@
 "không thể xóa bỏ một cây-làm-việc bị khóa, khóa vì: %s\n"
 "dùng “remove -f -f” để ghi đè hoặc mở khóa trước đã"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20426,7 +20894,7 @@
 "không thể xóa bỏ một cây-làm-việc bị khóa;\n"
 "dùng “remove -f -f” để ghi đè hoặc mở khóa trước đã"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr "thẩm tra gặp lỗi, không thể gỡ bỏ một cây-làm-việc: %s"
@@ -20475,7 +20943,7 @@
 #: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:7
 msgid "test-tool serve-v2 [<options>]"
-msgstr "test-tool serve-v2 [<các-tùy-chọn>]"
+msgstr "test-tool serve-v2 [<các tùy chọn>]"
 #: t/helper/test-serve-v2.c:19
 msgid "exit immediately after advertising capabilities"
@@ -20503,53 +20971,55 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
 "“git help -a” và “git help -g” liệt kê các câu lệnh con sẵn có và một số\n"
 "hướng dẫn về khái niệm. Xem “git help <lệnh>” hay “git help <khái-niệm>”\n"
-"để xem các đặc tả cho lệnh hay khái niệm cụ thể."
+"để xem các đặc tả cho lệnh hay khái niệm cụ thể.\n"
+"Xem 'git help git' để biết tổng quan của hệ thống."
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "chưa chỉ ra thư mục cho --git-dir\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "chưa đưa ra không gian làm việc cho --namespace\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "chưa đưa ra cây làm việc cho --work-tree\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "chưa đưa ra tiền tố cho --super-prefix\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "-c cần một chuỗi cấu hình\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "chưa đưa ra thư mục cho -C\n"
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "không hiểu tùy chọn: %s\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr "trong khi triển khai bí danh “%s”: “%s”"
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
@@ -20558,40 +21028,40 @@
 "bí danh “%s” thay đổi biến môi trường.\n"
 "Bạn có thể sử dụng “!git” trong đặt bí danh để làm việc này"
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr "làm trống bí danh cho %s"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "đệ quy các bí danh: %s"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "lỗi ghi nghiêm trong trên đầu ra tiêu chuẩn"
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "lỗi nghiêm trọng chưa biết khi ghi ra đầu ra tiêu chuẩn"
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi đóng đầu ra tiêu chuẩn"
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr ""
 "dò tìm thấy các bí danh quẩn tròn: biểu thức của “%s” không có điểm kết:%s"
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "không thể xử lý %s như là một phần bổ sung"
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:856
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
@@ -20600,12 +21070,12 @@
 "cách dùng: %s\n"
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi khai triển bí danh “%s”; “%s” không phải là lệnh git\n"
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "gặp lỗi khi chạy lệnh “%s”: %s\n"
@@ -20788,19 +21258,19 @@
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "no-op (tương thích ngược)"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "chi tiết hơn nữa"
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "im lặng hơn nữa"
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "sử dụng <n> chữ số để hiển thị SHA-1s"
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr "làm thế nào để cắt bỏ khoảng trắng và #ghichú từ mẩu tin nhắn"
@@ -20816,6 +21286,14 @@
 msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
 msgstr "cập nhật bảng mục lục với phân giải xung đột dùng lại nếu được"
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "HEAD được tách rời tại "
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "HEAD được tách rời từ "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "Thêm nội dung tập tin vào bảng mục lục"
@@ -21257,214 +21735,222 @@
 msgstr "Đặt lại HEAD hiện hành thành trạng thái đã cho"
 #: command-list.h:156
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "Hoàn nguyên các tập tin cây làm việc"
+#: command-list.h:157
 msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr "Hoàn lại một số lần chuyển giao sẵn có"
-#: command-list.h:157
+#: command-list.h:158
 msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr "Liệt kê các đối tượng chuyển giao theo thứ tự tôpô đảo ngược"
-#: command-list.h:158
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr "Cậy ra và xử lý các tham số"
-#: command-list.h:159
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "Gỡ bỏ các tập tin từ cây làm việc và từ bảng mục lục"
-#: command-list.h:160
+#: command-list.h:161
 msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr "Gửi một tập hợp của các miếng vá ở dạng thư điện tử"
-#: command-list.h:161
+#: command-list.h:162
 msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr "Đẩy các đối tượng lên thông qua giao thức Git đến kho chứa khác"
-#: command-list.h:162
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr "Hệ vỏ đăng nhập có hạn chế cho truy cập SSH chỉ-Git"
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr "Kết xuất “git log” dạng tóm tắt"
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "Hiển thị các kiểu khác nhau của các đối tượng"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "Hiển thị những nhánh và các lần chuyển giao của chúng"
-#: command-list.h:166
+#: command-list.h:167
 msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr "Hiển thị các muc lục kho nén đã đóng gói"
-#: command-list.h:167
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "Liệt kê các tham chiếu trong một kho nội bộ"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr "Nã cài đặt quốc tế hóa của Git cho văn lệnh hệ vỏ"
-#: command-list.h:169
+#: command-list.h:170
 msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr "Mã cài đặt văn lệnh hệ vỏ Git chung"
-#: command-list.h:170
+#: command-list.h:171
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr "Tạm cất đi các thay đổi trong một thư mục làm việc bẩn"
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "Thêm nội dung tập tin vào vùng bệ phóng"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "Hiển thị trạng thái cây làm việc"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "Xóa bỏ các khoảng trắng không cần thiết"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "Khởi tạo, cập nhật hay điều tra các mô-đun-con"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr "Thao tác hai hướng giữ hai kho Subversion và Git"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "Các nhánh chuyển"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "Đọc, sửa và xóa tham chiếu mềm"
-#: command-list.h:177
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr "Tạo, liệt kê, xóa hay xác thực một đối tượng thẻ được ký bằng GPG"
-#: command-list.h:178
+#: command-list.h:180
 msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr "Tạo một tập tin tạm với nội dung của blob"
-#: command-list.h:179
+#: command-list.h:181
 msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr "Gỡ các đối tượng khỏi một kho lưu đã đóng gói"
-#: command-list.h:180
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "Đăng ký nội dung tập tin từ cây làm việc đến bảng mục lục"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr "Cập nhật tên đối tượng được lưu trong một tham chiếu một cách an toàn"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr "Cập nhật tập tin thông tin phụ trợ để giúp đỡ các dịch vụ dumb"
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "Gửi trở lại kho lưu đến git-archive"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "Gửi trở lại các đối tượng đã đóng gói cho git-fetch-pack"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "Hiển thị một biến Git luận lý"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "Kiểm tra ký lần chuyển giao dùng GPG"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "Kiểm tra lại các tập tin kho (lưu trữ, nén) Git đã được đóng gói"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "Kiểm tra chữ ký GPG của các thẻ"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Giao diện Git trên nền web (ứng dụng web chạy trên kho Git)"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "Hiển thị các nhật ký với từng lần chuyển giao khác nhau đưa ra"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "Quản lý nhiều cây làm việc"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "Tạo một đối tượng cây từ đầu vào tiêu chuẩn stdin hiện tại"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "Định nghĩa các thuộc tính cho mỗi đường dẫn"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "Giao diện dòng lệnh Git và quy ước"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "Hướng dẫn Git cơ bản cho nhà phát triển"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "Git dành cho những người dùng CVS"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "Chỉnh kết xuất diff"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr "Một tập hợp lệnh hữu dụng tối thiểu để dùng Git hàng ngày"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "Thuật ngữ chuyên môn Git"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "Các móc được sử dụng bởi Git"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "Chỉ định các tập tin không cần theo dõi"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "Định nghĩa thuộc tính mô-đun-con"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Không gian tên Git"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Bố cục kho Git"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "Chỉ định điểm xét duyệt và vùng cho Git"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "Hướng dẫn cách dùng Git: phần hai"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "Hướng dẫn cách dùng Git"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Tổng quan về luồng công việc khuyến nghị nên dùng với Git"
@@ -21885,12 +22371,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "Xem git-${cmd}(1) để biết thêm chi tiết."
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "Đã áp dụng autostash."
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "Không thể lưu $stash_sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "Đang rebase ($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -21933,7 +22428,7 @@
 "Những dòng này có thể đảo ngược thứ tự; chúng chạy từ trên đỉnh xuống dưới "
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -21952,82 +22447,82 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1: không phải là lần chuyển giao mà có thể lấy ra được"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "Tên lần chuyển giao không hợp lệ: $sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr "Không thể ghi lại sha1 thay thế của lần chuyển giao"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Chuyển-tiếp-nhanh đến $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "Không thể chuyển-tiếp-nhanh đến $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "Không thể di chuyển HEAD đến $first_parent"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "Từ chối squash lần hòa trộn: $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi hoàn lại bước hòa trộn $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "Không thể lấy ra $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "Đây là chú thích cho lần chuyển giao thứ #${n}:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "Chú thích cho lần chuyển giao thứ #${n} sẽ bị bỏ qua:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "Đây là tổ hợp của $count lần chuyển giao."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "Không thể $fixup_msg"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "Đây là tổ hợp của 2 lần chuyển giao."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "Không thể áp dụng $sha1… $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -22043,31 +22538,31 @@
 "trước khi bạn có thể làm việc lại với lần chuyển giao."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "Bị dừng tại $sha1_abbrev… $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "Không “$squash_style” thể mà không có lần chuyển giao kế trước"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "Thực thi: $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "Thực thi gặp lỗi: $rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "và tạo các thay đổi bảng mục lục và/hay cây làm việc"
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -22078,7 +22573,7 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -22093,25 +22588,25 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "Lệnh chưa biết: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "Vui lòng sửa lỗi này bằng cách dùng “git rebase --edit-todo”."
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "Cài tổ và cập nhật $head_name một cách thành công."
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "Không thể xóa bỏ CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -22142,11 +22637,11 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr "Lỗi khi cố tìm định danh của tác giả để tu bổ lần chuyển giao"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
@@ -22155,39 +22650,39 @@
 "Vui lòng chuyển giao chúng và sau đó chạy lệnh “git rebase --continue” lần "
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "Không thể chuyển giao các thay đổi đã đưa lên bệ phóng."
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "Không thể thực thi trình biên soạn"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "Không thể checkout $switch_to"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "Không HEAD?"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "Không thể tạo thư mục tạm thời $state_dir"
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "Không thể đánh dấu là tương tác"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] "Cải tổ $shortrevisions vào $shortonto (các lệnh $todocount)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "Không thể khởi tạo các lần chuyển giao ghi lại"
@@ -22258,126 +22753,128 @@
 msgstr "Không thể dò tìm đường dẫn tuyệt đối của thư mục git"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%12s %12s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "đã đưa lên bệ phóng"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "chưa đưa lên bệ phóng"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "nhị phân"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "không có gì"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "không thay đổi"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "đã thêm %d đường dẫn\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "đã cập nhật %d đường dẫn\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "đã hoàn nguyên %d đường dẫn\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "%d đường dẫn đã touch (chạm)\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "Cập nhật"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "Hoàn nguyên"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "chú ý: %s giờ đã bỏ theo dõi.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "Thêm các cái chưa được theo dõi"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "Không có tập tin nào chưa được theo dõi.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
 msgstr ""
-"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, hunk đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
+"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, khúc đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
 "được đánh dấu để chuyển lên bệ phóng."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
 msgstr ""
-"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, hunk đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
+"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, khúc đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
 "được đánh dấu để tạm cất."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
 msgstr ""
-"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, hunk đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
+"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, khúc đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
 "được đánh dấu để bỏ chuyển lên bệ phóng."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
 msgstr ""
-"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, hunk đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
+"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, khúc đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
 "được đánh dấu để áp dụng."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
 msgstr ""
-"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, hunk đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
+"Nếu miếng vá được áp dụng sạch sẽ, khúc đã sửa sẽ ngay lập tức\n"
 "được đánh dấu để loại bỏ."
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
-msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tập tin sửa hunk để ghi: %s"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi tập tin sửa khúc để ghi: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
-msgstr "Chế độ sửa hunk bằng tay -- xem ở đáy để có hướng dẫn sử dụng nhanh.\n"
+msgstr "Chế độ sửa khúc bằng tay -- xem ở đáy để có hướng dẫn sử dụng nhanh.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22391,20 +22888,20 @@
 "Những dòng bắt đầu bằng %s sẽ bị loại bỏ.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
 "aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Nếu miếng vá không được áp dụng sạch sẽ, bạn sẽ có một cơ hội\n"
-"để sửa lần nữa. Nếu mọi dòng của hunk bị xóa bỏ, thế thì những\n"
-"sửa dổi sẽ bị loại bỏ, và hunk vẫn giữ nguyên.\n"
+"để sửa lần nữa. Nếu mọi dòng của khúc bị xóa bỏ, thế thì những\n"
+"sửa dổi sẽ bị loại bỏ, và khúc vẫn giữ nguyên.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
-msgstr "gặp lỗi khi mở tập tin hunk để đọc: %s"
+msgstr "gặp lỗi khi mở tập tin khúc để đọc: %s"
 #. TRANSLATORS: do not translate [y/n]
 #. The program will only accept that input
@@ -22412,14 +22909,14 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr ""
 "Hunk đã sửa của bạn không được áp dụng. Sửa lại lần nữa (nói \"n\" để loại "
 "bỏ!) [y/n]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -22427,14 +22924,14 @@
 "a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not stage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-"y - đưa lên bệ phóng hunk này\n"
-"n - đừng đưa lên bệ phóng hunk này\n"
-"q - thoát; đừng đưa lên bệ phóng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
-"a - đưa lên bệ phóng hunk này và tất cả các hunk sau này trong tập tin\n"
-"d - đừng đưa lên bệ phóng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại trong tập "
+"y - đưa lên bệ phóng khúc này\n"
+"n - đừng đưa lên bệ phóng khúc này\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng đưa lên bệ phóng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
+"a - đưa lên bệ phóng khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng đưa lên bệ phóng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại trong tập "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -22442,13 +22939,13 @@
 "a - stash this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not stash this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-"y - tạm cất hunk này\n"
-"n - đừng tạm cất hunk này\n"
-"q - thoát; đừng tạm cất hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
-"a - tạm cất hunk này và tất cả các hunk sau này trong tập tin\n"
-"d - đừng tạm cất hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại trong tập tin"
+"y - tạm cất khúc này\n"
+"n - đừng tạm cất khúc này\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng tạm cất khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
+"a - tạm cất khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng tạm cất khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại trong tập tin"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -22456,15 +22953,15 @@
 "a - unstage this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not unstage this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-"y - đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng hunk này\n"
-"n - đừng đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng hunk này\n"
-"q - thoát; đừng đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn "
+"y - đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng khúc này\n"
+"n - đừng đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng khúc này\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn "
-"a - đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng hunk này và tất cả các hunk sau này trong tập tin\n"
-"d - đừng đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại trong "
+"a - đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng đưa ra khỏi bệ phóng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại trong "
 "tập tin"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -22472,13 +22969,13 @@
 "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-"y - áp dụng hunk này vào mục lục\n"
-"n - đừng áp dụng hunk này vào mục lục\n"
-"q - thoát; đừng áp dụng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
-"a - áp dụng hunk này và tất cả các hunk sau này trong tập tin\n"
-"d - đừng áp dụng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
+"y - áp dụng khúc này vào mục lục\n"
+"n - đừng áp dụng khúc này vào mục lục\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng áp dụng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
+"a - áp dụng khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng áp dụng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -22486,13 +22983,13 @@
 "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-"y - loại bỏ hunk này khỏi cây làm việc\n"
-"n - đừng loại bỏ hunk khỏi cây làm việc\n"
-"q - thoát; đừng loại bỏ hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
-"a - loại bỏ hunk này và tất cả các hunk sau này trong tập tin\n"
-"d - đừng loại bỏ hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
+"y - loại bỏ khúc này khỏi cây làm việc\n"
+"n - đừng loại bỏ khúc khỏi cây làm việc\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng loại bỏ khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
+"a - loại bỏ khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng loại bỏ khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -22500,13 +22997,13 @@
 "a - discard this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not discard this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-"y - loại bỏ hunk này khỏi mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
-"n - đừng loại bỏ hunk khỏi mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
-"q - thoát; đừng loại bỏ hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
-"a - loại bỏ hunk này và tất cả các hunk sau này trong tập tin\n"
-"d - đừng loại bỏ hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
+"y - loại bỏ khúc này khỏi mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
+"n - đừng loại bỏ khúc khỏi mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng loại bỏ khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
+"a - loại bỏ khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng loại bỏ khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -22514,13 +23011,27 @@
 "a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
 "d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
 msgstr ""
-"y - áp dụng hunk này vào mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
-"n - đừng áp dụng hunk vào mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
-"q - thoát; đừng áp dụng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
-"a - áp dụng hunk này và tất cả các hunk sau này trong tập tin\n"
-"d - đừng áp dụng hunk này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
+"y - áp dụng khúc này vào mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
+"n - đừng áp dụng khúc vào mục lục và cây làm việc\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng áp dụng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
+"a - áp dụng khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng áp dụng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - áp dụng khúc này vào cây làm việc\n"
+"n - đừng áp dụng khúc vào cây làm việc\n"
+"q - thoát; đừng áp dụng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào còn lại\n"
+"a - áp dụng khúc này và tất cả các khúc sau này trong tập tin\n"
+"d - đừng áp dụng khúc này cũng như bất kỳ cái nào sau này trong tập tin"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -22532,219 +23043,234 @@
 "e - manually edit the current hunk\n"
 "? - print help\n"
 msgstr ""
-"g - chọn một hunk muốn tới\n"
-"/ - tìm một hunk khớp với biểu thức chính quy đưa ra\n"
-"j - để lại hunk này là chưa quyết định, xem hunk chưa quyết định kế\n"
-"J - để lại hunk này là chưa quyết định, xem hunk kế\n"
-"k - để lại hunk này là chưa quyết định, xem hunk chưa quyết định kế trước\n"
-"K - để lại hunk này là chưa quyết định, xem hunk kế trước\n"
-"s - chia hunk hiện tại thành các hunk nhỏ hơn\n"
-"e - sửa bằng tay hunk hiện hành\n"
+"g - chọn một khúc muốn tới\n"
+"/ - tìm một khúc khớp với biểu thức chính quy đưa ra\n"
+"j - để lại khúc này là chưa quyết định, xem khúc chưa quyết định kế\n"
+"J - để lại khúc này là chưa quyết định, xem khúc kế\n"
+"k - để lại khúc này là chưa quyết định, xem khúc chưa quyết định kế trước\n"
+"K - để lại khúc này là chưa quyết định, xem khúc kế trước\n"
+"s - chia khúc hiện tại thành các khúc nhỏ hơn\n"
+"e - sửa bằng tay khúc hiện hành\n"
 "? - in trợ giúp\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
-msgstr "Các hunk đã chọn không được áp dụng vào bảng mục lục!\n"
+msgstr "Các khúc đã chọn không được áp dụng vào bảng mục lục!\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "Vẫn áp dụng chúng cho cây làm việc? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "Đã không áp dụng gì cả.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "bỏ qua những thứ chưa hòa trộn: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "Chỉ có các tập tin nhị phân là thay đổi.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "Không có thay đổi nào.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "Cập nhật miếng vá"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Thay đổi chế độ bệ phóng [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Xóa khỏi bệ phóng [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Đưa lên bệ phóng hunk này [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Đưa lên bệ phóng khúc này [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Thay đổi chế độ tạm cất đi [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Xóa tạm cất [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Tạm cất hunk này [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Tạm cất khúc này [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Thay đổi chế độ bỏ ra khỏi bệ phóng [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Xóa bỏ việc bỏ ra khỏi bệ phóng [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Bỏ ra khỏi bệ phóng hunk này [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Bỏ ra khỏi bệ phóng khúc này [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Áp dụng thay đổi chế độ cho mục lục [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Áp dụng việc xóa vào mục lục [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Áo dụng hunk này vào mục lục [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Áo dụng khúc này vào mục lục [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Loại bỏ các thay đổi chế độ từ cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Loại bỏ việc xóa khỏi cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Loại bỏ hunk này khỏi cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Loại bỏ khúc này khỏi cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Loại bỏ thay đổi chế độ từ mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Loại bỏ việc xóa khỏi mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Loại bỏ hunk này khỏi mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Loại bỏ khúc này khỏi mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Áp dụng thay đổi chế độ cho mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "Áp dụng việc xóa vào mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "Áp dụng hunk này vào mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Áp dụng khúc này vào mục lục và cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Áp dụng thay đổi chế độ cho cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Áp dụng việc xóa cho cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "Áp dụng khúc này vào cây làm việc [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
-msgstr "Không còn hunk nào để mà nhảy đến\n"
+msgstr "Không còn khúc nào để mà nhảy đến\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
-msgstr "nhảy đến hunk nào (<ret> để xem thêm)? "
+msgstr "nhảy đến khúc nào (<ret> để xem thêm)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
-msgstr "nhảy đến hunk nào? "
+msgstr "nhảy đến khúc nào? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Số không hợp lệ: “%s”\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
-msgstr[0] "Rất tiếc, chỉ có sẵn %d hunk..\n"
+msgstr[0] "Rất tiếc, chỉ có sẵn %d khúc.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
-msgstr "Không còn hunk nào để mà tìm kiếm\n"
+msgstr "Không còn khúc nào để mà tìm kiếm\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
-msgstr "tìm kiếm cho regex? "
+msgstr "tìm kiếm cho biểu thức chính quy? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "Định dạng tìm kiếm của biểu thức chính quy không đúng %s: %s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
-msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
-msgstr "Không thấy hunk nào khớp mẫu đã cho\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
-msgid "No previous hunk\n"
-msgstr "Không có hunk kế trước\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
-msgid "No next hunk\n"
-msgstr "Không có hunk kế tiếp\n"
 #: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
-msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
-msgstr "Rất tiếc, không thể chia nhỏ hunk này\n"
+msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
+msgstr "Không thấy khúc nào khớp mẫu đã cho\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
+msgid "No previous hunk\n"
+msgstr "Không có khúc kế trước\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
+msgid "No next hunk\n"
+msgstr "Không có khúc kế tiếp\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
+msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
+msgstr "Rất tiếc, không thể chia nhỏ khúc này\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
-msgstr[0] "Chi nhỏ thành %d hunks.\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
-msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
-msgstr "Rất tiếc, không thể sửa hunk này\n"
+msgstr[0] "Chi nhỏ thành %d khúc.\n"
 #: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
+msgstr "Rất tiếc, không thể sửa khúc này\n"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "Xem xét lại diff"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -22759,23 +23285,24 @@
 "đặt lên bệ phóng\n"
 "revert        - hoàn nguyên tập hợp các thay đổi đã đặt lên bệ phóng trở lại "
 "phiên bản HEAD\n"
-"patch         - cậy các hunk và cập nhật có lựa chọn\n"
+"patch         - cậy các khúc và cập nhật có lựa chọn\n"
 "diff\t      - xem khác biệt giữa HEAD và mục lục\n"
 "add untracked - thêm nội dung các các tập tin chưa theo dõi và tập hợp các "
 "thay đổi đã đặt lên bệ phóng\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "thiếu --"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "không hiểu chế độ --patch: %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "đối số không hợp lệ %s, cần --"
@@ -22788,30 +23315,30 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "khoảng bù thời gian nội bộ lớn hơn hoặc bằng 24 giờ\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "trình soạn thảo thoát không sạch sẽ, bãi bỏ mọi thứ"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr "“%s” có chưa một phiên bản trung gian của thư bạn đã soạn.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "“” chứa thư điện tử đã soạn thảo.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-aliases xung khắc với các tùy chọn khác\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "Không thể chạy git format-patch ở ngoài một kho chứa\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
@@ -22819,37 +23346,37 @@
 "“batch-size” và “relogin” phải được chỉ định cùng với nhau (thông qua dòng "
 "lệnh hoặc tùy chọn cấu hình)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Không hiểu trường --suppress-cc: “%s”\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "Không hiểu cài đặt --confirm: “%s”\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "cảnh báo: bí danh sendmail với dấu trích dẫn không được hỗ trợ: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "cảnh báo: “:include:“ không được hỗ trợ: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "cảnh báo: chuyển hướng “/file“ hay “|pipe“ không được hỗ trợ: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "cảnh báo: dòng sendmail không nhận ra được: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -22864,12 +23391,12 @@
 "    * Nói \"./%s\" nếu ý bạn là một tập tin; hoặc\n"
 "    * Đưa ra tùy chọn --format-patch nếu ý bạn là chuẩn bị.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi mở thư mục “%s”: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -22878,7 +23405,7 @@
 "nghiêm trọng: %s: %s\n"
 "cảnh báo: không có miếng vá nào được gửi đi\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -22888,17 +23415,17 @@
 "Chưa chỉ định các tập tin miếng vá!\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "Không có dòng chủ đề trong %s?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi mở “%s” để ghi: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -22912,27 +23439,27 @@
 "Xóa nội dung phần thân nếu bạn không muốn gửi tóm tắt.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi mở “%s”: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi mở %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "Thư tổng thể là trống rỗng, nên bỏ qua nó\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "Bạn có chắc muốn dùng <%s> [y/N]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
@@ -22940,11 +23467,11 @@
 "Các trường sau đây là 8bit, nhưng không khai báo một Content-Transfer-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "Bảng mã 8bit nào tôi nên khai báo [UTF-8]? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -22957,20 +23484,20 @@
 "có chủ đề ở dạng mẫu “*** SUBJECT HERE ***”. Dùng --force nếu bạn thực sự "
 "muốn gửi.\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "Tới người mà thư được gửi (nếu có)?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "nghiêm trọng: bí danh “%s” được khai triển thành chính nó\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr "Message-ID được dùng như là In-Reply-To cho thư đầu tiên (nếu có)? "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "lỗi: không thể rút trích một địa chỉ hợp lệ từ: %s\n"
@@ -22978,16 +23505,16 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr "Làm gì với địa chỉ này? (thoát[q]|xóa[d]|sửa[e]): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "Đường dẫn CA “%s” không tồn tại"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -23014,134 +23541,228 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr "Gửi thư này chứ? ([y]có|[n]không|[e]sửa|[q]thoát|[a]tất): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "Gửi thư này trả lời yêu cầu"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "Máy phục vụ SMTP chưa được định nghĩa một cách thích hợp."
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "Máy chủ không hỗ trợ STARTTLS! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "STARTTLS gặp lỗi! %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr ""
 "Không thể khởi tạo SMTP một cách đúng đắn. Kiểm tra cấu hình và dùng --smtp-"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "Gặp lỗi khi gửi %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Thử gửi %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "Gửi %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "Dry-OK. Nhật ký nói rằng:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "OK. Nhật ký nói rằng:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "Kết quả: "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "Kết quả: Tốt\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "không thể mở tập tin “%s”"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Thêm cc: %s từ dòng “%s”\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) Đang thêm to: %s từ dòng “%s”\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(non-mbox) Thêm cc: %s từ dòng “%s”\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(body) Thêm cc: %s từ dòng “%s”\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) Không thể thực thi “%s”"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) Đang thêm %s: %s từ: “%s”\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) gặp lỗi khi đóng đường ống đến “%s”"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "không thể lấy gửi thư dạng 7 bít"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "bảng mã truyền không hợp lệ"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "không thể mở %s: %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "%s: miếng vá có chứa dòng dài hơn 998 ký tự"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "Bỏ qua %s với hậu tố sao lưu dự phòng “%s”.\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "Bạn có thực sự muốn gửi %s? [y|N](có/KHÔNG): "
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update, but that "
+#~ "check has been disabled."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Lấy về bình thường cho biết các các nhánh nào buộc phải cập nhật, nhưng "
+#~ "việc kiểm tra đã bị vô hiệu hóa."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' to avoid this check.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "hoặc chạy 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' để tránh kiểm tra "
+#~ "này.\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "log.mailmap is not set; its implicit value will change in an\n"
+#~ "upcoming release. To squelch this message and preserve current\n"
+#~ "behaviour, set the log.mailmap configuration value to false.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "To squelch this message and adopt the new behaviour now, set the\n"
+#~ "log.mailmap configuration value to true.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "See 'git help config' and search for 'log.mailmap' for further "
+#~ "information."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "log.mailmap không được đặt; giá trị ngầm của nó sẽ thay đổi trong một\n"
+#~ "phát hành sắp tới. Để chấm dứt thông báo này và duy trì hành xử\n"
+#~ "hiện tại, đặt giá trị cấu hình log.mailmap thành false.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Để làm chấm dứt thông báo này và áp cách hành xử mới, hãy đặt\n"
+#~ "giá trị cấu hình log.mailmap true.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Xem 'git help config ' và tìm kiếm ' log.mailmap ' để biết thêm thông tin."
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ multi_ack_detailed"
+#~ msgid "Server supports no-done"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ no-done"
+#~ msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ multi_ack"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ side-band-64k"
+#~ msgid "Server supports side-band"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ side-band"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
+#~ msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
+#~ msgstr "Máy chủ hỗ trợ ofs-delta"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD được tách rời tại %s)"
+#~ msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
+#~ msgstr "(HEAD được tách rời từ %s)"
+#~ msgid "Checking out files"
+#~ msgstr "Đang lấy ra các tập tin"
+#~ msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "không thể được tương tác mà không có stdin kết nối với một thiết bị cuối."
+#~ msgid "failed to open '%s'"
+#~ msgstr "gặp lỗi khi mở “%s”"
+#~ msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
+#~ msgstr "gặp lỗi khi lấy thông tin thống kê về %s\n"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
+#~ "the remaining commits.\n"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Nếu bạn muốn bỏ qua lần chuyển giao này thì dùng:\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "    git reset\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Thế thì \"git cherry-pick --continue\" sẽ phục hồi lại việc cherry-pick\n"
+#~ "những lần chuyển giao còn lại.\n"
+#~ msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
+#~ msgstr "verb không được thừa nhận: %s"
 #~ msgid "hash version %X does not match version %X"
 #~ msgstr "phiên bản băm “%X” không có phiên bản khớp %X"
@@ -23248,10 +23869,6 @@
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Trước tiên, di chuyển head để xem lại các công việc trên đỉnh của nó…"
-#, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires an interactive rebase"
-#~ msgstr "%s cần một cải tổ kiểu tương tác"
 #~ msgid "ignoring unknown color-moved-ws mode '%s'"
 #~ msgstr "bỏ qua chế độ color-moved-ws chưa biết “%s”"
@@ -23324,12 +23941,6 @@
 #~ msgid "cannot remove a locked working tree"
 #~ msgstr "không thể gỡ bỏ một cây-làm-việc bị khóa"
-#~ msgid "Applied autostash."
-#~ msgstr "Đã áp dụng autostash."
-#~ msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
-#~ msgstr "Không thể lưu $stash_sha1"
 #~ msgid ""
 #~ "\n"
 #~ "\tHowever, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po
index 075c5c5..c6bdb3e 100644
--- a/po/zh_CN.po
+++ b/po/zh_CN.po
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Git\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Git Mailing List <>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-06-04 08:24+0800\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-04 09:04+0800\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-08-10 20:12+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-08-13 21:16+0800\n"
 "Last-Translator: Jiang Xin <>\n"
 "Language-Team: GitHub <>\n"
 "Language: zh_CN\n"
@@ -149,37 +149,37 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: advice.c:103
+#: advice.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "%shint: %.*s%s\n"
 msgstr "%s提示:%.*s%s\n"
-#: advice.c:156
+#: advice.c:162
 msgid "Cherry-picking is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "无法拣选,因为您有未合并的文件。"
-#: advice.c:158
+#: advice.c:164
 msgid "Committing is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "无法提交,因为您有未合并的文件。"
-#: advice.c:160
+#: advice.c:166
 msgid "Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "无法合并,因为您有未合并的文件。"
-#: advice.c:162
+#: advice.c:168
 msgid "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "无法拉取,因为您有未合并的文件。"
-#: advice.c:164
+#: advice.c:170
 msgid "Reverting is not possible because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "无法回退,因为您有未合并的文件。"
-#: advice.c:166
+#: advice.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "It is not possible to %s because you have unmerged files."
 msgstr "无法 %s,因为您有未合并的文件。"
-#: advice.c:174
+#: advice.c:180
 msgid ""
 "Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'\n"
 "as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit."
@@ -187,47 +187,59 @@
 "请在工作区改正文件,然后酌情使用 'git add/rm <文件>' 命令标记\n"
-#: advice.c:182
+#: advice.c:188
 msgid "Exiting because of an unresolved conflict."
 msgstr "因为存在未解决的冲突而退出。"
-#: advice.c:187 builtin/merge.c:1320
+#: advice.c:193 builtin/merge.c:1327
 msgid "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "您尚未结束您的合并(存在 MERGE_HEAD)。"
-#: advice.c:189
+#: advice.c:195
 msgid "Please, commit your changes before merging."
 msgstr "请在合并前先提交您的修改。"
-#: advice.c:190
+#: advice.c:196
 msgid "Exiting because of unfinished merge."
 msgstr "因为存在未完成的合并而退出。"
-#: advice.c:196
+#: advice.c:202
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
-"Note: checking out '%s'.\n"
+"Note: switching to '%s'.\n"
 "You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental\n"
 "changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this\n"
-"state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.\n"
+"state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.\n"
 "If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may\n"
-"do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:\n"
+"do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>\n"
+"  git switch -c <new-branch-name>\n"
+"Or undo this operation with:\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to "
 msgstr ""
-"注意:正在检出 '%s'。\n"
+"注意:正在切换到 '%s'。\n"
-"参数 -b 来实现(现在或稍后)。例如:\n"
+"如果您想要通过创建分支来保留在此状态下所做的提交,您可以通过在 switch 命令\n"
+"中添加参数 -c 来实现(现在或稍后)。例如:\n"
-"  git checkout -b <新分支名>\n"
+"  git switch -c <新分支名>\n"
+"  git switch -\n"
+"通过将配置变量 advice.detachedHead 设置为 false 来关闭此建议\n"
 #: alias.c:50
@@ -238,92 +250,92 @@
 msgid "unclosed quote"
 msgstr "未关闭的引号"
-#: apply.c:63
+#: apply.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace option '%s'"
 msgstr "未能识别的空白字符选项 '%s'"
-#: apply.c:79
+#: apply.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized whitespace ignore option '%s'"
 msgstr "未能识别的空白字符忽略选项 '%s'"
-#: apply.c:129
+#: apply.c:135
 msgid "--reject and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--reject 和 --3way 不能同时使用。"
-#: apply.c:131
+#: apply.c:137
 msgid "--cached and --3way cannot be used together."
 msgstr "--cached 和 --3way 不能同时使用。"
-#: apply.c:134
+#: apply.c:140
 msgid "--3way outside a repository"
 msgstr "--3way 在一个仓库之外"
-#: apply.c:145
+#: apply.c:151
 msgid "--index outside a repository"
 msgstr "--index 在一个仓库之外"
-#: apply.c:148
+#: apply.c:154
 msgid "--cached outside a repository"
 msgstr "--cached 在一个仓库之外"
-#: apply.c:829
+#: apply.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot prepare timestamp regexp %s"
 msgstr "无法准备时间戳正则表达式 %s"
-#: apply.c:838
+#: apply.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "regexec returned %d for input: %s"
 msgstr "regexec 返回 %d,输入为:%s"
-#: apply.c:912
+#: apply.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to find filename in patch at line %d"
 msgstr "不能在补丁的第 %d 行找到文件名"
-#: apply.c:950
+#: apply.c:922
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null, got %s on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 应为 /dev/null,但在第 %2$d 行得到 %1$s"
-#: apply.c:956
+#: apply.c:928
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent new filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上新文件名不一致"
-#: apply.c:957
+#: apply.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - inconsistent old filename on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行上旧文件名不一致"
-#: apply.c:962
+#: apply.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid "git apply: bad git-diff - expected /dev/null on line %d"
 msgstr "git apply:错误的 git-diff - 第 %d 行处应为 /dev/null"
-#: apply.c:991
+#: apply.c:963
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode on line %d: %s"
 msgstr "第 %d 行包含无效文件模式:%s"
-#: apply.c:1310
+#: apply.c:1282
 #, c-format
 msgid "inconsistent header lines %d and %d"
 msgstr "不一致的文件头,%d 行和 %d 行"
-#: apply.c:1482
+#: apply.c:1460
 #, c-format
 msgid "recount: unexpected line: %.*s"
 msgstr "recount:意外的行:%.*s"
-#: apply.c:1551
+#: apply.c:1529
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch fragment without header at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "第 %d 行的补丁片段没有头信息:%.*s"
-#: apply.c:1571
+#: apply.c:1551
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "git diff header lacks filename information when removing %d leading pathname "
@@ -334,82 +346,82 @@
 msgstr[0] "当移除 %d 个前导路径后 git diff 头缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
 msgstr[1] "当移除 %d 个前导路径后 git diff 头缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
-#: apply.c:1584
+#: apply.c:1564
 #, c-format
 msgid "git diff header lacks filename information (line %d)"
 msgstr "git diff 的头信息中缺乏文件名信息(第 %d 行)"
-#: apply.c:1772
+#: apply.c:1752
 msgid "new file depends on old contents"
 msgstr "新文件依赖旧内容"
-#: apply.c:1774
+#: apply.c:1754
 msgid "deleted file still has contents"
 msgstr "删除的文件仍有内容"
-#: apply.c:1808
+#: apply.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch at line %d"
 msgstr "补丁在第 %d 行损坏"
-#: apply.c:1845
+#: apply.c:1825
 #, c-format
 msgid "new file %s depends on old contents"
 msgstr "新文件 %s 依赖旧内容"
-#: apply.c:1847
+#: apply.c:1827
 #, c-format
 msgid "deleted file %s still has contents"
 msgstr "删除的文件 %s 仍有内容"
-#: apply.c:1850
+#: apply.c:1830
 #, c-format
 msgid "** warning: file %s becomes empty but is not deleted"
 msgstr "** 警告:文件 %s 成为空文件但并未删除"
-#: apply.c:1997
+#: apply.c:1977
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt binary patch at line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "二进制补丁在第 %d 行损坏:%.*s"
-#: apply.c:2034
+#: apply.c:2014
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized binary patch at line %d"
 msgstr "未能识别的二进制补丁位于第 %d 行"
-#: apply.c:2196
+#: apply.c:2176
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch with only garbage at line %d"
 msgstr "补丁文件的第 %d 行只有垃圾数据"
-#: apply.c:2282
+#: apply.c:2262
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read symlink %s"
 msgstr "无法读取符号链接 %s"
-#: apply.c:2286
+#: apply.c:2266
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open or read %s"
 msgstr "不能打开或读取 %s"
-#: apply.c:2945
+#: apply.c:2925
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid start of line: '%c'"
 msgstr "无效的行首字符:'%c'"
-#: apply.c:3066
+#: apply.c:3046
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d line)."
 msgid_plural "Hunk #%d succeeded at %d (offset %d lines)."
 msgstr[0] "块 #%d 成功应用于 %d(偏移 %d 行)"
 msgstr[1] "块 #%d 成功应用于 %d(偏移 %d 行)"
-#: apply.c:3078
+#: apply.c:3058
 #, c-format
 msgid "Context reduced to (%ld/%ld) to apply fragment at %d"
 msgstr "上下文减少到(%ld/%ld)以在第 %d 行应用补丁片段"
-#: apply.c:3084
+#: apply.c:3064
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "while searching for:\n"
@@ -418,445 +430,445 @@
-#: apply.c:3106
+#: apply.c:3086
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing binary patch data for '%s'"
 msgstr "缺失 '%s' 的二进制补丁数据"
-#: apply.c:3114
+#: apply.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot reverse-apply a binary patch without the reverse hunk to '%s'"
 msgstr "不能反向应用一个缺少到 '%s' 的反向数据块的二进制补丁"
-#: apply.c:3161
+#: apply.c:3141
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot apply binary patch to '%s' without full index line"
 msgstr "不能在 '%s' 上应用没有完整索引行的二进制补丁"
-#: apply.c:3171
+#: apply.c:3151
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "the patch applies to '%s' (%s), which does not match the current contents."
 msgstr "补丁应用到 '%s'(%s),但是和当前内容不匹配。"
-#: apply.c:3179
+#: apply.c:3159
 #, c-format
 msgid "the patch applies to an empty '%s' but it is not empty"
 msgstr "补丁应用到空文件 '%s',但其并非空文件"
-#: apply.c:3197
+#: apply.c:3177
 #, c-format
 msgid "the necessary postimage %s for '%s' cannot be read"
 msgstr "无法读取 '%2$s' 必需的目标文件 %1$s"
-#: apply.c:3210
+#: apply.c:3190
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch does not apply to '%s'"
 msgstr "二进制补丁未应用到 '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3216
+#: apply.c:3196
 #, c-format
 msgid "binary patch to '%s' creates incorrect result (expecting %s, got %s)"
 msgstr "到 '%s' 的二进制补丁产生了不正确的结果(应为 %s,却为 %s)"
-#: apply.c:3237
+#: apply.c:3217
 #, c-format
 msgid "patch failed: %s:%ld"
 msgstr "打补丁失败:%s:%ld"
-#: apply.c:3360
+#: apply.c:3340
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot checkout %s"
 msgstr "不能检出 %s"
-#: apply.c:3412 apply.c:3423 apply.c:3469 midx.c:59 setup.c:279
+#: apply.c:3392 apply.c:3403 apply.c:3449 midx.c:62 setup.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read %s"
 msgstr "无法读取 %s"
-#: apply.c:3420
+#: apply.c:3400
 #, c-format
 msgid "reading from '%s' beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "读取位于符号链接中的 '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3449 apply.c:3692
+#: apply.c:3429 apply.c:3672
 #, c-format
 msgid "path %s has been renamed/deleted"
 msgstr "路径 %s 已经被重命名/删除"
-#: apply.c:3535 apply.c:3707
+#: apply.c:3515 apply.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not exist in index"
 msgstr "%s:不存在于索引中"
-#: apply.c:3544 apply.c:3715
+#: apply.c:3524 apply.c:3695
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: does not match index"
 msgstr "%s:和索引不匹配"
-#: apply.c:3579
+#: apply.c:3559
 msgid "repository lacks the necessary blob to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr "仓库缺乏必要的数据对象以进行三方合并。"
-#: apply.c:3582
+#: apply.c:3562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Falling back to three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "回落到三方合并...\n"
-#: apply.c:3598 apply.c:3602
+#: apply.c:3578 apply.c:3582
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read the current contents of '%s'"
 msgstr "无法读取 '%s' 的当前内容"
-#: apply.c:3614
+#: apply.c:3594
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to fall back on three-way merge...\n"
 msgstr "无法回落到三方合并...\n"
-#: apply.c:3628
+#: apply.c:3608
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' with conflicts.\n"
 msgstr "应用补丁到 '%s' 存在冲突。\n"
-#: apply.c:3633
+#: apply.c:3613
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch to '%s' cleanly.\n"
 msgstr "成功应用补丁到 '%s'。\n"
-#: apply.c:3659
+#: apply.c:3639
 msgid "removal patch leaves file contents"
 msgstr "移除补丁仍留下了文件内容"
-#: apply.c:3732
+#: apply.c:3712
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: wrong type"
 msgstr "%s:错误类型"
-#: apply.c:3734
+#: apply.c:3714
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has type %o, expected %o"
 msgstr "%s 的类型是 %o,应为 %o"
-#: apply.c:3885 apply.c:3887 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
+#: apply.c:3865 apply.c:3867 read-cache.c:830 read-cache.c:856
 #: read-cache.c:1309
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid path '%s'"
 msgstr "无效路径 '%s'"
-#: apply.c:3943
+#: apply.c:3923
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in index"
 msgstr "%s:已经存在于索引中"
-#: apply.c:3946
+#: apply.c:3926
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: already exists in working directory"
 msgstr "%s:已经存在于工作区中"
-#: apply.c:3966
+#: apply.c:3946
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o)"
 msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和旧模式(%3$o)不匹配"
-#: apply.c:3971
+#: apply.c:3951
 #, c-format
 msgid "new mode (%o) of %s does not match old mode (%o) of %s"
 msgstr "%2$s 的新模式(%1$o)和 %4$s 的旧模式(%3$o)不匹配"
-#: apply.c:3991
+#: apply.c:3971
 #, c-format
 msgid "affected file '%s' is beyond a symbolic link"
 msgstr "受影响的文件 '%s' 位于符号链接中"
-#: apply.c:3995
+#: apply.c:3975
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: patch does not apply"
 msgstr "%s:补丁未应用"
-#: apply.c:4010
+#: apply.c:3990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Checking patch %s..."
 msgstr "正在检查补丁 %s..."
-#: apply.c:4102
+#: apply.c:4082
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless for submodule %s"
 msgstr "子模组 %s 的 sha1 信息缺失或无效"
-#: apply.c:4109
+#: apply.c:4089
 #, c-format
 msgid "mode change for %s, which is not in current HEAD"
 msgstr "%s 的模式变更,但它不在当前 HEAD 中"
-#: apply.c:4112
+#: apply.c:4092
 #, c-format
 msgid "sha1 information is lacking or useless (%s)."
 msgstr "sha1 信息缺失或无效(%s)。"
-#: apply.c:4117 builtin/checkout.c:257 builtin/reset.c:143
+#: apply.c:4097 builtin/checkout.c:278 builtin/reset.c:143
 #, c-format
 msgid "make_cache_entry failed for path '%s'"
 msgstr "对路径 '%s' 的 make_cache_entry 操作失败"
-#: apply.c:4121
+#: apply.c:4101
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not add %s to temporary index"
 msgstr "不能在临时索引中添加 %s"
-#: apply.c:4131
+#: apply.c:4111
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write temporary index to %s"
 msgstr "不能把临时索引写入到 %s"
-#: apply.c:4269
+#: apply.c:4249
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to remove %s from index"
 msgstr "不能从索引中移除 %s"
-#: apply.c:4303
+#: apply.c:4283
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt patch for submodule %s"
 msgstr "子模组 %s 损坏的补丁"
-#: apply.c:4309
+#: apply.c:4289
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to stat newly created file '%s'"
 msgstr "不能对新建文件 '%s' 调用 stat"
-#: apply.c:4317
+#: apply.c:4297
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create backing store for newly created file %s"
 msgstr "不能为新建文件 %s 创建后端存储"
-#: apply.c:4323 apply.c:4468
+#: apply.c:4303 apply.c:4448
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to add cache entry for %s"
 msgstr "无法为 %s 添加缓存条目"
-#: apply.c:4366
+#: apply.c:4346
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write to '%s'"
 msgstr "写入 '%s' 失败"
-#: apply.c:4370
+#: apply.c:4350
 #, c-format
 msgid "closing file '%s'"
 msgstr "关闭文件 '%s'"
-#: apply.c:4440
+#: apply.c:4420
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file '%s' mode %o"
 msgstr "不能写文件 '%s' 权限 %o"
-#: apply.c:4538
+#: apply.c:4518
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied patch %s cleanly."
 msgstr "成功应用补丁 %s。"
-#: apply.c:4546
+#: apply.c:4526
 msgid "internal error"
 msgstr "内部错误"
-#: apply.c:4549
+#: apply.c:4529
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying patch %%s with %d reject..."
 msgid_plural "Applying patch %%s with %d rejects..."
 msgstr[0] "应用 %%s 个补丁,其中 %d 个被拒绝..."
 msgstr[1] "应用 %%s 个补丁,其中 %d 个被拒绝..."
-#: apply.c:4560
+#: apply.c:4540
 #, c-format
 msgid "truncating .rej filename to %.*s.rej"
 msgstr "截短 .rej 文件名为 %.*s.rej"
-#: apply.c:4568 builtin/fetch.c:837 builtin/fetch.c:1118
+#: apply.c:4548 builtin/fetch.c:878 builtin/fetch.c:1168
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open %s"
 msgstr "不能打开 %s"
-#: apply.c:4582
+#: apply.c:4562
 #, c-format
 msgid "Hunk #%d applied cleanly."
 msgstr "第 #%d 个片段成功应用。"
-#: apply.c:4586
+#: apply.c:4566
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rejected hunk #%d."
 msgstr "拒绝第 #%d 个片段。"
-#: apply.c:4696
+#: apply.c:4676
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped patch '%s'."
 msgstr "略过补丁 '%s'。"
-#: apply.c:4704
+#: apply.c:4684
 msgid "unrecognized input"
 msgstr "未能识别的输入"
-#: apply.c:4724
+#: apply.c:4704
 msgid "unable to read index file"
 msgstr "无法读取索引文件"
-#: apply.c:4879
+#: apply.c:4859
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't open patch '%s': %s"
 msgstr "不能打开补丁 '%s':%s"
-#: apply.c:4906
+#: apply.c:4886
 #, c-format
 msgid "squelched %d whitespace error"
 msgid_plural "squelched %d whitespace errors"
 msgstr[0] "抑制下仍有 %d 个空白字符误用"
 msgstr[1] "抑制下仍有 %d 个空白字符误用"
-#: apply.c:4912 apply.c:4927
+#: apply.c:4892 apply.c:4907
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line adds whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines add whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "%d 行新增了空白字符误用。"
 msgstr[1] "%d 行新增了空白字符误用。"
-#: apply.c:4920
+#: apply.c:4900
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d line applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgid_plural "%d lines applied after fixing whitespace errors."
 msgstr[0] "修复空白错误后,应用了 %d 行。"
 msgstr[1] "修复空白错误后,应用了 %d 行。"
-#: apply.c:4936 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
+#: apply.c:4916 builtin/add.c:540 builtin/mv.c:301 builtin/rm.c:390
 msgid "Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "无法写入新索引文件"
-#: apply.c:4963 apply.c:4966 builtin/am.c:2210 builtin/am.c:2213
-#: builtin/clone.c:120 builtin/fetch.c:118 builtin/merge.c:271
-#: builtin/pull.c:207 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1366 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1369
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1849 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1852
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2091 git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: apply.c:4943 apply.c:4946 builtin/am.c:2208 builtin/am.c:2211
+#: builtin/clone.c:123 builtin/fetch.c:128 builtin/merge.c:273
+#: builtin/pull.c:208 builtin/submodule--helper.c:407
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092 git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "path"
 msgstr "路径"
-#: apply.c:4964
+#: apply.c:4944
 msgid "don't apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "不要应用与给出路径向匹配的变更"
-#: apply.c:4967
+#: apply.c:4947
 msgid "apply changes matching the given path"
 msgstr "应用与给出路径向匹配的变更"
-#: apply.c:4969 builtin/am.c:2219
+#: apply.c:4949 builtin/am.c:2217
 msgid "num"
 msgstr "数字"
-#: apply.c:4970
+#: apply.c:4950
 msgid "remove <num> leading slashes from traditional diff paths"
 msgstr "从传统的 diff 路径中移除指定数量的前导斜线"
-#: apply.c:4973
+#: apply.c:4953
 msgid "ignore additions made by the patch"
 msgstr "忽略补丁中的添加的文件"
-#: apply.c:4975
+#: apply.c:4955
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output diffstat for the input"
 msgstr "不应用补丁,而是显示输入的差异统计(diffstat)"
-#: apply.c:4979
+#: apply.c:4959
 msgid "show number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation"
 msgstr "以十进制数显示添加和删除的行数"
-#: apply.c:4981
+#: apply.c:4961
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, output a summary for the input"
 msgstr "不应用补丁,而是显示输入的概要"
-#: apply.c:4983
+#: apply.c:4963
 msgid "instead of applying the patch, see if the patch is applicable"
 msgstr "不应用补丁,而是查看补丁是否可应用"
-#: apply.c:4985
+#: apply.c:4965
 msgid "make sure the patch is applicable to the current index"
 msgstr "确认补丁可以应用到当前索引"
-#: apply.c:4987
+#: apply.c:4967
 msgid "mark new files with `git add --intent-to-add`"
 msgstr "使用命令 `git add --intent-to-add` 标记新增文件"
-#: apply.c:4989
+#: apply.c:4969
 msgid "apply a patch without touching the working tree"
 msgstr "应用补丁而不修改工作区"
-#: apply.c:4991
+#: apply.c:4971
 msgid "accept a patch that touches outside the working area"
 msgstr "接受修改工作区之外文件的补丁"
-#: apply.c:4994
+#: apply.c:4974
 msgid "also apply the patch (use with --stat/--summary/--check)"
 msgstr "还应用此补丁(与 --stat/--summary/--check 选项同时使用)"
-#: apply.c:4996
+#: apply.c:4976
 msgid "attempt three-way merge if a patch does not apply"
 msgstr "如果一个补丁不能应用则尝试三方合并"
-#: apply.c:4998
+#: apply.c:4978
 msgid "build a temporary index based on embedded index information"
 msgstr "创建一个临时索引基于嵌入的索引信息"
-#: apply.c:5001 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
+#: apply.c:4981 builtin/checkout-index.c:173 builtin/ls-files.c:524
 msgid "paths are separated with NUL character"
 msgstr "路径以 NUL 字符分隔"
-#: apply.c:5003
+#: apply.c:4983
 msgid "ensure at least <n> lines of context match"
 msgstr "确保至少匹配 <n> 行上下文"
-#: apply.c:5004 builtin/am.c:2198 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:97
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: apply.c:4984 builtin/am.c:2196 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100 builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3330 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "action"
 msgstr "动作"
-#: apply.c:5005
+#: apply.c:4985
 msgid "detect new or modified lines that have whitespace errors"
 msgstr "检查新增和修改的行中间的空白字符滥用"
-#: apply.c:5008 apply.c:5011
+#: apply.c:4988 apply.c:4991
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace when finding context"
 msgstr "查找上下文时忽略空白字符的变更"
-#: apply.c:5014
+#: apply.c:4994
 msgid "apply the patch in reverse"
 msgstr "反向应用补丁"
-#: apply.c:5016
+#: apply.c:4996
 msgid "don't expect at least one line of context"
 msgstr "无需至少一行上下文"
-#: apply.c:5018
+#: apply.c:4998
 msgid "leave the rejected hunks in corresponding *.rej files"
 msgstr "将拒绝的补丁片段保存在对应的 *.rej 文件中"
-#: apply.c:5020
+#: apply.c:5000
 msgid "allow overlapping hunks"
 msgstr "允许重叠的补丁片段"
-#: apply.c:5021 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
-#: builtin/commit.c:1317 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
-#: builtin/log.c:2045 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
+#: apply.c:5001 builtin/add.c:291 builtin/check-ignore.c:22
+#: builtin/commit.c:1337 builtin/count-objects.c:98 builtin/fsck.c:786
+#: builtin/log.c:2068 builtin/mv.c:123 builtin/read-tree.c:128
 msgid "be verbose"
 msgstr "冗长输出"
-#: apply.c:5023
+#: apply.c:5003
 msgid "tolerate incorrectly detected missing new-line at the end of file"
 msgstr "允许不正确的文件末尾换行符"
-#: apply.c:5026
+#: apply.c:5006
 msgid "do not trust the line counts in the hunk headers"
 msgstr "不信任补丁片段的头信息中的行号"
-#: apply.c:5028 builtin/am.c:2207
+#: apply.c:5008 builtin/am.c:2205
 msgid "root"
 msgstr "根目录"
-#: apply.c:5029
+#: apply.c:5009
 msgid "prepend <root> to all filenames"
 msgstr "为所有文件名前添加 <根目录>"
@@ -898,98 +910,98 @@
 msgid "not a tree object: %s"
 msgstr "不是一个树对象:%s"
-#: archive.c:424
+#: archive.c:426
 msgid "current working directory is untracked"
 msgstr "当前工作目录未被跟踪"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "fmt"
 msgstr "格式"
-#: archive.c:455
+#: archive.c:457
 msgid "archive format"
 msgstr "归档格式"
-#: archive.c:456 builtin/log.c:1557
+#: archive.c:458 builtin/log.c:1580
 msgid "prefix"
 msgstr "前缀"
-#: archive.c:457
+#: archive.c:459
 msgid "prepend prefix to each pathname in the archive"
 msgstr "为归档中每个路径名加上前缀"
-#: archive.c:458 builtin/blame.c:821 builtin/blame.c:822
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1091
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1093 builtin/grep.c:895 builtin/hash-object.c:105
+#: archive.c:460 builtin/blame.c:862 builtin/blame.c:874 builtin/blame.c:875
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:117 builtin/config.c:129 builtin/fast-export.c:1134
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1136 builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/hash-object.c:105
 #: builtin/ls-files.c:560 builtin/ls-files.c:563 builtin/notes.c:412
 #: builtin/notes.c:578 builtin/read-tree.c:123 parse-options.h:177
 msgid "file"
 msgstr "文件"
-#: archive.c:459 builtin/archive.c:90
+#: archive.c:461 builtin/archive.c:90
 msgid "write the archive to this file"
 msgstr "归档写入此文件"
-#: archive.c:461
+#: archive.c:463
 msgid "read .gitattributes in working directory"
 msgstr "读取工作区中的 .gitattributes"
-#: archive.c:462
+#: archive.c:464
 msgid "report archived files on stderr"
 msgstr "在标准错误上报告归档文件"
-#: archive.c:463
+#: archive.c:465
 msgid "store only"
 msgstr "只存储"
-#: archive.c:464
+#: archive.c:466
 msgid "compress faster"
 msgstr "压缩速度更快"
-#: archive.c:472
+#: archive.c:474
 msgid "compress better"
 msgstr "压缩效果更好"
-#: archive.c:475
+#: archive.c:477
 msgid "list supported archive formats"
 msgstr "列出支持的归档格式"
-#: archive.c:477 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:110 builtin/clone.c:113
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1378 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
+#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:91 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/clone.c:116
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
 msgid "repo"
 msgstr "仓库"
-#: archive.c:478 builtin/archive.c:92
+#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:92
 msgid "retrieve the archive from remote repository <repo>"
 msgstr "从远程仓库(<仓库>)提取归档文件"
-#: archive.c:479 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
+#: archive.c:481 builtin/archive.c:93 builtin/difftool.c:707
 #: builtin/notes.c:498
 msgid "command"
 msgstr "命令"
-#: archive.c:480 builtin/archive.c:94
+#: archive.c:482 builtin/archive.c:94
 msgid "path to the remote git-upload-archive command"
 msgstr "远程 git-upload-archive 命令的路径"
-#: archive.c:487
+#: archive.c:489
 msgid "Unexpected option --remote"
 msgstr "未知参数 --remote"
-#: archive.c:489
+#: archive.c:491
 msgid "Option --exec can only be used together with --remote"
 msgstr "选项 --exec 只能和 --remote 同时使用"
-#: archive.c:491
+#: archive.c:493
 msgid "Unexpected option --output"
 msgstr "未知参数 --output"
-#: archive.c:513
+#: archive.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown archive format '%s'"
 msgstr "未知归档格式 '%s'"
-#: archive.c:520
+#: archive.c:522
 #, c-format
 msgid "Argument not supported for format '%s': -%d"
 msgstr "参数不支持此格式 '%s':-%d"
@@ -1033,7 +1045,7 @@
 msgid "path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s"
 msgstr "路径太长(%d 字符,SHA1:%s):%s"
-#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:226 builtin/pack-objects.c:229
+#: archive-zip.c:474 builtin/pack-objects.c:230 builtin/pack-objects.c:233
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflate error (%d)"
 msgstr "压缩错误 (%d)"
@@ -1135,12 +1147,12 @@
 msgid "a %s revision is needed"
 msgstr "需要一个 %s 版本"
-#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:248
+#: bisect.c:884 builtin/notes.c:177 builtin/tag.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create file '%s'"
 msgstr "不能创建文件 '%s'"
-#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:146
+#: bisect.c:928 builtin/merge.c:148
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read file '%s'"
 msgstr "不能读取文件 '%s'"
@@ -1180,37 +1192,37 @@
 msgstr[0] "二分查找中:在此之后,还剩 %d 个版本待测试 %s\n"
 msgstr[1] "二分查找中:在此之后,还剩 %d 个版本待测试 %s\n"
-#: blame.c:1794
+#: blame.c:2697
 msgid "--contents and --reverse do not blend well."
 msgstr "--contents 和 --reverse 不能混用。"
-#: blame.c:1808
+#: blame.c:2711
 msgid "cannot use --contents with final commit object name"
 msgstr "不能将 --contents 和最终的提交对象名共用"
-#: blame.c:1829
+#: blame.c:2732
 msgid "--reverse and --first-parent together require specified latest commit"
 msgstr "--reverse 和 --first-parent 共用,需要指定最新的提交"
-#: blame.c:1838 bundle.c:164 ref-filter.c:2077 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2030
-#: sequencer.c:4224 builtin/commit.c:1017 builtin/log.c:382 builtin/log.c:940
-#: builtin/log.c:1428 builtin/log.c:1804 builtin/log.c:2094 builtin/merge.c:415
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3140 builtin/pack-objects.c:3155
+#: blame.c:2741 bundle.c:167 ref-filter.c:2196 remote.c:1938 sequencer.c:2033
+#: sequencer.c:4348 builtin/commit.c:1020 builtin/log.c:387 builtin/log.c:963
+#: builtin/log.c:1451 builtin/log.c:1827 builtin/log.c:2117 builtin/merge.c:411
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3148 builtin/pack-objects.c:3163
 #: builtin/shortlog.c:192
 msgid "revision walk setup failed"
 msgstr "版本遍历设置失败"
-#: blame.c:1856
+#: blame.c:2759
 msgid ""
 "--reverse --first-parent together require range along first-parent chain"
 msgstr "--reverse 和 --first-parent 共用,需要第一祖先链上的提交范围"
-#: blame.c:1867
+#: blame.c:2770
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such path %s in %s"
 msgstr "在 %2$s 中无此路径 %1$s"
-#: blame.c:1878
+#: blame.c:2781
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read blob %s for path %s"
 msgstr "不能为路径 %2$s 读取数据对象 %1$s"
@@ -1338,12 +1350,12 @@
 msgid "Not a valid branch point: '%s'."
 msgstr "无效的分支点:'%s'。"
-#: branch.c:359
+#: branch.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' 已经检出到 '%s'"
-#: branch.c:382
+#: branch.c:387
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD of working tree %s is not updated"
 msgstr "工作区 %s 的 HEAD 指向没有被更新"
@@ -1358,8 +1370,8 @@
 msgid "unrecognized header: %s%s (%d)"
 msgstr "未能识别的包头:%s%s (%d)"
-#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2281 sequencer.c:2916
-#: builtin/commit.c:788
+#: bundle.c:90 rerere.c:480 rerere.c:690 sequencer.c:2283 sequencer.c:3024
+#: builtin/commit.c:791
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s'"
 msgstr "不能打开 '%s'"
@@ -1368,60 +1380,64 @@
 msgid "Repository lacks these prerequisite commits:"
 msgstr "仓库中缺少这些必备的提交:"
-#: bundle.c:194
+#: bundle.c:146
+msgid "need a repository to verify a bundle"
+msgstr "需要一个仓库来校验一个包"
+#: bundle.c:197
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle contains this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle contains these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "这个包中含有这个引用:"
 msgstr[1] "这个包中含有 %d 个引用:"
-#: bundle.c:201
+#: bundle.c:204
 msgid "The bundle records a complete history."
 msgstr "这个包记录一个完整历史。"
-#: bundle.c:203
+#: bundle.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "The bundle requires this ref:"
 msgid_plural "The bundle requires these %d refs:"
 msgstr[0] "这个包需要这个引用:"
 msgstr[1] "这个包需要 %d 个引用:"
-#: bundle.c:269
+#: bundle.c:272
 msgid "unable to dup bundle descriptor"
 msgstr "无法复制 bundle 描述符"
-#: bundle.c:276
+#: bundle.c:279
 msgid "Could not spawn pack-objects"
 msgstr "不能生成 pack-objects 进程"
-#: bundle.c:287
+#: bundle.c:290
 msgid "pack-objects died"
 msgstr "pack-objects 终止"
-#: bundle.c:329
+#: bundle.c:332
 msgid "rev-list died"
 msgstr "rev-list 终止"
-#: bundle.c:378
+#: bundle.c:381
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' is excluded by the rev-list options"
 msgstr "引用 '%s' 被 rev-list 选项排除"
-#: bundle.c:457 builtin/log.c:197 builtin/log.c:1709 builtin/shortlog.c:306
+#: bundle.c:460 builtin/log.c:202 builtin/log.c:1732 builtin/shortlog.c:306
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized argument: %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的参数:%s"
-#: bundle.c:465
+#: bundle.c:468
 msgid "Refusing to create empty bundle."
 msgstr "不能创建空包。"
-#: bundle.c:475
+#: bundle.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "不能创建 '%s'"
-#: bundle.c:500
+#: bundle.c:503
 msgid "index-pack died"
 msgstr "index-pack 终止"
@@ -1430,8 +1446,8 @@
 msgid "invalid color value: %.*s"
 msgstr "无效的颜色值:%.*s"
-#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2697 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
-#: builtin/am.c:1377 builtin/am.c:2022 builtin/replace.c:455
+#: commit.c:50 sequencer.c:2727 builtin/am.c:355 builtin/am.c:399
+#: builtin/am.c:1378 builtin/am.c:2020 builtin/replace.c:455
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse %s"
 msgstr "不能解析 %s"
@@ -1441,7 +1457,7 @@
 msgid "%s %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "%s %s 不是一个提交!"
-#: commit.c:193
+#: commit.c:192
 msgid ""
 "Support for <GIT_DIR>/info/grafts is deprecated\n"
 "and will be removed in a future Git version.\n"
@@ -1461,27 +1477,27 @@
 "设置 \"git config advice.graftFileDeprecated false\"\n"
-#: commit.c:1128
+#: commit.c:1127
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has an untrusted GPG signature, allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "提交 %s 有一个非可信的声称来自 %s 的 GPG 签名。"
-#: commit.c:1131
+#: commit.c:1130
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a bad GPG signature allegedly by %s."
 msgstr "提交 %s 有一个错误的声称来自 %s 的 GPG 签名。"
-#: commit.c:1134
+#: commit.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s does not have a GPG signature."
 msgstr "提交 %s 没有 GPG 签名。"
-#: commit.c:1137
+#: commit.c:1136
 #, c-format
 msgid "Commit %s has a good GPG signature by %s\n"
 msgstr "提交 %s 有一个来自 %s 的好的 GPG 签名。\n"
-#: commit.c:1391
+#: commit.c:1390
 msgid ""
 "Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8.\n"
 "You may want to amend it after fixing the message, or set the config\n"
@@ -1491,188 +1507,243 @@
 "您可以通过修补提交来改正提交说明,或者将配置变量 i18n.commitencoding\n"
-#: commit-graph.c:105
+#: commit-graph.c:127
 msgid "commit-graph file is too small"
 msgstr "提交图形文件太小"
-#: commit-graph.c:170
+#: commit-graph.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph signature %X does not match signature %X"
 msgstr "提交图形签名 %X 和签名 %X 不匹配"
-#: commit-graph.c:177
+#: commit-graph.c:199
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "提交图形版本 %X 和版本 %X 不匹配"
-#: commit-graph.c:184
+#: commit-graph.c:206
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph hash version %X does not match version %X"
 msgstr "提交图形哈希版本 %X 和版本 %X 不匹配"
-#: commit-graph.c:207
+#: commit-graph.c:229
 msgid "commit-graph chunk lookup table entry missing; file may be incomplete"
 msgstr "提交图形块查找表条目丢失,文件可能不完整"
-#: commit-graph.c:218
+#: commit-graph.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph improper chunk offset %08x%08x"
 msgstr "提交图形不正确的块偏移 %08x%08x"
-#: commit-graph.c:255
+#: commit-graph.c:283
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph chunk id %08x appears multiple times"
 msgstr "提交图形块 id %08x 出现了多次"
-#: commit-graph.c:390
+#: commit-graph.c:347
+msgid "commit-graph has no base graphs chunk"
+msgstr "提交图形没有基础图形块"
+#: commit-graph.c:357
+msgid "commit-graph chain does not match"
+msgstr "提交图形链不匹配"
+#: commit-graph.c:404
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid commit-graph chain: line '%s' not a hash"
+msgstr "无效的提交图形链:行 '%s' 不是一个哈希值"
+#: commit-graph.c:430
+msgid "unable to find all commit-graph files"
+msgstr "无法找到所有提交图形文件"
+#: commit-graph.c:554 commit-graph.c:614
+msgid "invalid commit position. commit-graph is likely corrupt"
+msgstr "无效的提交位置。提交图形可能已损坏"
+#: commit-graph.c:575
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not find commit %s"
 msgstr "无法找到提交 %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:732 builtin/pack-objects.c:2649
+#: commit-graph.c:1002 builtin/pack-objects.c:2657
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get type of object %s"
 msgstr "无法获得对象 %s 类型"
-#: commit-graph.c:765
+#: commit-graph.c:1034
 msgid "Loading known commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "正在加载提交图中的已知提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:781
+#: commit-graph.c:1051
 msgid "Expanding reachable commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "正在扩展提交图中的可达提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:793
+#: commit-graph.c:1070
 msgid "Clearing commit marks in commit graph"
 msgstr "正在清除提交图中的提交标记"
-#: commit-graph.c:813
+#: commit-graph.c:1089
 msgid "Computing commit graph generation numbers"
 msgstr "正在计算提交图世代数字"
-#: commit-graph.c:930
+#: commit-graph.c:1163
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph in %d pack"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph in %d packs"
 msgstr[0] "正在 %d 个包中查找提交图的提交"
 msgstr[1] "正在 %d 个包中查找提交图的提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:943
+#: commit-graph.c:1176
 #, c-format
 msgid "error adding pack %s"
 msgstr "添加包 %s 出错"
-#: commit-graph.c:945
+#: commit-graph.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "error opening index for %s"
 msgstr "为 %s 打开索引出错"
-#: commit-graph.c:959
+#: commit-graph.c:1204
 #, c-format
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph from %d ref"
 msgid_plural "Finding commits for commit graph from %d refs"
 msgstr[0] "正在从 %d 个引用中查找提交图的提交"
 msgstr[1] "正在从 %d 个引用中查找提交图的提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:991
+#: commit-graph.c:1238
 msgid "Finding commits for commit graph among packed objects"
 msgstr "正在打包对象中查找提交图的提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:1004
+#: commit-graph.c:1253
 msgid "Counting distinct commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "正在计算提交图中不同的提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:1017
-#, c-format
-msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
-msgstr "提交图格式不能写入 %d 个提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:1026
+#: commit-graph.c:1284
 msgid "Finding extra edges in commit graph"
 msgstr "正在查找提交图中额外的边"
-#: commit-graph.c:1050
-msgid "too many commits to write graph"
-msgstr "提交太多不能画图"
+#: commit-graph.c:1332
+msgid "failed to write correct number of base graph ids"
+msgstr "无法写入正确数量的基础图形 ID"
-#: commit-graph.c:1057 midx.c:819
+#: commit-graph.c:1365 midx.c:811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create leading directories of %s"
 msgstr "不能为 %s 创建先导目录"
-#: commit-graph.c:1097
+#: commit-graph.c:1377 builtin/index-pack.c:306 builtin/repack.c:240
+#, c-format
+msgid "unable to create '%s'"
+msgstr "不能创建 '%s'"
+#: commit-graph.c:1437
 #, c-format
 msgid "Writing out commit graph in %d pass"
 msgid_plural "Writing out commit graph in %d passes"
 msgstr[0] "正在用 %d 步写出提交图"
 msgstr[1] "正在用 %d 步写出提交图"
-#: commit-graph.c:1162
+#: commit-graph.c:1478
+msgid "unable to open commit-graph chain file"
+msgstr "无法打开提交图形链文件"
+#: commit-graph.c:1490
+msgid "failed to rename base commit-graph file"
+msgstr "无法重命名基础提交图形文件"
+#: commit-graph.c:1510
+msgid "failed to rename temporary commit-graph file"
+msgstr "无法重命名临时提交图形文件"
+#: commit-graph.c:1621
+msgid "Scanning merged commits"
+msgstr "正在扫描合并提交"
+#: commit-graph.c:1632
+#, c-format
+msgid "unexpected duplicate commit id %s"
+msgstr "意外的重复提交 ID %s"
+#: commit-graph.c:1657
+msgid "Merging commit-graph"
+msgstr "正在合并提交图形"
+#: commit-graph.c:1844
+#, c-format
+msgid "the commit graph format cannot write %d commits"
+msgstr "提交图格式不能写入 %d 个提交"
+#: commit-graph.c:1855
+msgid "too many commits to write graph"
+msgstr "提交太多不能画图"
+#: commit-graph.c:1945
 msgid "the commit-graph file has incorrect checksum and is likely corrupt"
 msgstr "提交图文件的校验码错误,可能已经损坏"
-#: commit-graph.c:1172
+#: commit-graph.c:1955
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect OID order: %s then %s"
 msgstr "提交图形的对象 ID 顺序不正确:%s 然后 %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1182 commit-graph.c:1197
+#: commit-graph.c:1965 commit-graph.c:1980
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph has incorrect fanout value: fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
 msgstr "提交图形有不正确的扇出值:fanout[%d] = %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1189
+#: commit-graph.c:1972
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from commit-graph"
 msgstr "无法从提交图形中解析提交 %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1206
+#: commit-graph.c:1989
 msgid "Verifying commits in commit graph"
 msgstr "正在校验提交图中的提交"
-#: commit-graph.c:1219
+#: commit-graph.c:2002
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse commit %s from object database for commit-graph"
 msgstr "无法从提交图形的对象库中解析提交 %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1226
+#: commit-graph.c:2009
 #, c-format
 msgid "root tree OID for commit %s in commit-graph is %s != %s"
 msgstr "提交图形中的提交 %s 的根树对象 ID 是 %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1236
+#: commit-graph.c:2019
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s is too long"
 msgstr "提交 %s 的提交图形父提交列表太长了"
-#: commit-graph.c:1242
+#: commit-graph.c:2028
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent for %s is %s != %s"
 msgstr "%s 的提交图形父提交是 %s != %s"
-#: commit-graph.c:1255
+#: commit-graph.c:2041
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph parent list for commit %s terminates early"
 msgstr "提交 %s 的提交图形父提交列表过早终止"
-#: commit-graph.c:1260
+#: commit-graph.c:2046
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has generation number zero for commit %s, but non-zero elsewhere"
 msgstr "提交图形中提交 %s 的世代号是零,但其它地方非零"
-#: commit-graph.c:1264
+#: commit-graph.c:2050
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "commit-graph has non-zero generation number for commit %s, but zero elsewhere"
 msgstr "提交图形中提交 %s 的世代号非零,但其它地方是零"
-#: commit-graph.c:1279
+#: commit-graph.c:2065
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit-graph generation for commit %s is %u != %u"
 msgstr "提交图形中的提交 %s 的世代号是 %u != %u"
-#: commit-graph.c:1285
+#: commit-graph.c:2071
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit date for commit %s in commit-graph is %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "提交图形中提交 %s 的提交日期是 %<PRIuMAX> != %<PRIuMAX>"
@@ -1681,7 +1752,7 @@
 msgid "memory exhausted"
 msgstr "内存耗尽"
-#: config.c:123
+#: config.c:124
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "exceeded maximum include depth (%d) while including\n"
@@ -1696,294 +1767,294 @@
-#: config.c:139
+#: config.c:140
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not expand include path '%s'"
 msgstr "无法扩展包含路径 '%s'"
-#: config.c:150
+#: config.c:151
 msgid "relative config includes must come from files"
 msgstr "相对路径的配置文件引用必须来自于文件"
-#: config.c:190
+#: config.c:197
 msgid "relative config include conditionals must come from files"
 msgstr "相对路径的配置文件条件引用必须来自于文件"
-#: config.c:348
+#: config.c:376
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain a section: %s"
 msgstr "键名没有包含一个小节名称:%s"
-#: config.c:354
+#: config.c:382
 #, c-format
 msgid "key does not contain variable name: %s"
 msgstr "键名没有包含变量名:%s"
-#: config.c:378 sequencer.c:2459
+#: config.c:406 sequencer.c:2463
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key: %s"
 msgstr "无效键名:%s"
-#: config.c:384
+#: config.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid key (newline): %s"
 msgstr "无效键名(有换行符):%s"
-#: config.c:420 config.c:432
+#: config.c:448 config.c:460
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus config parameter: %s"
 msgstr "伪配置参数:%s"
-#: config.c:467
+#: config.c:495
 #, c-format
 msgid "bogus format in %s"
 msgstr "%s 中格式错误"
-#: config.c:793
+#: config.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in blob %s"
 msgstr "数据对象 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
-#: config.c:797
+#: config.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in file %s"
 msgstr "文件 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
-#: config.c:801
+#: config.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in standard input"
 msgstr "标准输入中错误的配置行 %d"
-#: config.c:805
+#: config.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in submodule-blob %s"
 msgstr "子模组数据对象 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
-#: config.c:809
+#: config.c:837
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in command line %s"
 msgstr "命令行 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
-#: config.c:813
+#: config.c:841
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config line %d in %s"
 msgstr "在 %2$s 中错误的配置行 %1$d"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "out of range"
 msgstr "超出范围"
-#: config.c:952
+#: config.c:978
 msgid "invalid unit"
 msgstr "无效的单位"
-#: config.c:958
+#: config.c:979
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s': %s"
 msgstr "配置变量 '%2$s' 的数字取值 '%1$s' 设置错误:%3$s"
-#: config.c:963
+#: config.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "数据对象 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
-#: config.c:966
+#: config.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in file %s: %s"
 msgstr "文件 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
-#: config.c:969
+#: config.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in standard input: %s"
 msgstr "标准输入中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%3$s"
-#: config.c:972
+#: config.c:1007
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in submodule-blob %s: %s"
 msgstr "子模组数据 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
-#: config.c:975
+#: config.c:1010
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in command line %s: %s"
 msgstr "命令行 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
-#: config.c:978
+#: config.c:1013
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad numeric config value '%s' for '%s' in %s: %s"
 msgstr "在 %3$s 中配置变量 '%2$s' 错误的取值 '%1$s':%4$s"
-#: config.c:1073
+#: config.c:1108
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to expand user dir in: '%s'"
 msgstr "无法扩展用户目录:'%s'"
-#: config.c:1082
+#: config.c:1117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' for '%s' is not a valid timestamp"
 msgstr "'%2$s' 的值 '%1$s' 不是一个有效的时间戳"
-#: config.c:1173
+#: config.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "abbrev length out of range: %d"
 msgstr "缩写长度超出范围:%d"
-#: config.c:1187 config.c:1198
+#: config.c:1222 config.c:1233
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad zlib compression level %d"
 msgstr "错误的 zlib 压缩级别 %d"
-#: config.c:1290
+#: config.c:1325
 msgid "core.commentChar should only be one character"
 msgstr "core.commentChar 应该是一个字符"
-#: config.c:1323
+#: config.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode for object creation: %s"
 msgstr "无效的对象创建模式:%s"
-#: config.c:1395
+#: config.c:1430
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s"
 msgstr "%s 的取值格式错误"
-#: config.c:1421
+#: config.c:1456
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "%s 的取值格式错误:%s"
-#: config.c:1422
+#: config.c:1457
 msgid "must be one of nothing, matching, simple, upstream or current"
 msgstr "必须是其中之一:nothing、matching、simple、upstream 或 current"
-#: config.c:1483 builtin/pack-objects.c:3397
+#: config.c:1518 builtin/pack-objects.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack compression level %d"
 msgstr "错误的打包压缩级别 %d"
-#: config.c:1604
+#: config.c:1639
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to load config blob object '%s'"
 msgstr "无法从数据对象 '%s' 加载配置"
-#: config.c:1607
+#: config.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference '%s' does not point to a blob"
 msgstr "引用 '%s' 没有指向一个数据对象"
-#: config.c:1624
+#: config.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve config blob '%s'"
 msgstr "不能解析配置对象 '%s'"
-#: config.c:1654
+#: config.c:1689
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse %s"
 msgstr "解析 %s 失败"
-#: config.c:1710
+#: config.c:1745
 msgid "unable to parse command-line config"
 msgstr "无法解析命令行中的配置"
-#: config.c:2059
+#: config.c:2094
 msgid "unknown error occurred while reading the configuration files"
 msgstr "在读取配置文件时遇到未知错误"
-#: config.c:2229
+#: config.c:2264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid %s: '%s'"
 msgstr "无效 %s:'%s'"
-#: config.c:2272
+#: config.c:2307
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown core.untrackedCache value '%s'; using 'keep' default value"
 msgstr "未知的 core.untrackedCache 取值 '%s',使用默认值 'keep'"
-#: config.c:2298
+#: config.c:2333
 #, c-format
 msgid "splitIndex.maxPercentChange value '%d' should be between 0 and 100"
 msgstr "splitIndex.maxPercentChange 的取值 '%d' 应该介于 0 和 100 之间"
-#: config.c:2344
+#: config.c:2379
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%s' from command-line config"
 msgstr "无法解析命令行配置中的 '%s'"
-#: config.c:2346
+#: config.c:2381
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad config variable '%s' in file '%s' at line %d"
 msgstr "在文件 '%2$s' 的第 %3$d 行发现错误的配置变量 '%1$s'"
-#: config.c:2427
+#: config.c:2462
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name '%s'"
 msgstr "无效的小节名称 '%s'"
-#: config.c:2459
+#: config.c:2494
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s has multiple values"
 msgstr "%s 有多个取值"
-#: config.c:2488
+#: config.c:2523
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to write new configuration file %s"
 msgstr "写入新的配置文件 %s 失败"
-#: config.c:2740 config.c:3064
+#: config.c:2775 config.c:3099
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock config file %s"
 msgstr "不能锁定配置文件 %s"
-#: config.c:2751
+#: config.c:2786
 #, c-format
 msgid "opening %s"
 msgstr "打开 %s"
-#: config.c:2786 builtin/config.c:328
+#: config.c:2821 builtin/config.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid pattern: %s"
 msgstr "无效模式:%s"
-#: config.c:2811
+#: config.c:2846
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid config file %s"
 msgstr "无效的配置文件 %s"
-#: config.c:2824 config.c:3077
+#: config.c:2859 config.c:3112
 #, c-format
 msgid "fstat on %s failed"
 msgstr "对 %s 调用 fstat 失败"
-#: config.c:2835
+#: config.c:2870
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap '%s'"
 msgstr "不能 mmap '%s'"
-#: config.c:2844 config.c:3082
+#: config.c:2879 config.c:3117
 #, c-format
 msgid "chmod on %s failed"
 msgstr "对 %s 调用 chmod 失败"
-#: config.c:2929 config.c:3179
+#: config.c:2964 config.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write config file %s"
 msgstr "不能写入配置文件 %s"
-#: config.c:2963
+#: config.c:2998
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not set '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "不能设置 '%s' 为 '%s'"
-#: config.c:2965 builtin/remote.c:782
+#: config.c:3000 builtin/remote.c:782
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not unset '%s'"
 msgstr "不能取消设置 '%s'"
-#: config.c:3055
+#: config.c:3090
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid section name: %s"
 msgstr "无效的小节名称:%s"
-#: config.c:3222
+#: config.c:3257
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing value for '%s'"
 msgstr "%s 的取值缺失"
@@ -2146,19 +2217,19 @@
 msgid "unable to fork"
 msgstr "无法 fork"
-#: connected.c:85 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
+#: connected.c:86 builtin/fsck.c:221 builtin/prune.c:43
 msgid "Checking connectivity"
 msgstr "正在检查连通性"
-#: connected.c:97
+#: connected.c:98
 msgid "Could not run 'git rev-list'"
 msgstr "不能执行 'git rev-list'"
-#: connected.c:117
+#: connected.c:118
 msgid "failed write to rev-list"
 msgstr "写入 rev-list 失败"
-#: connected.c:124
+#: connected.c:125
 msgid "failed to close rev-list's stdin"
 msgstr "关闭 rev-list 的标准输入失败"
@@ -2372,7 +2443,7 @@
 msgid "island regex from config has too many capture groups (max=%d)"
 msgstr "来自 config 的数据岛正则表达式有太多的捕获组(最多 %d 个)"
-#: delta-islands.c:466
+#: delta-islands.c:467
 #, c-format
 msgid "Marked %d islands, done.\n"
 msgstr "已标记 %d 个数据岛,结束。\n"
@@ -2445,35 +2516,35 @@
 "发现配置变量 'diff.dirstat' 中的错误:\n"
-#: diff.c:4210
+#: diff.c:4215
 #, c-format
 msgid "external diff died, stopping at %s"
 msgstr "外部 diff 退出,停止在 %s"
-#: diff.c:4555
+#: diff.c:4560
 msgid "--name-only, --name-status, --check and -s are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--name-only、--name-status、--check 和 -s 是互斥的"
-#: diff.c:4558
+#: diff.c:4563
 msgid "-G, -S and --find-object are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-G、-S 和 --find-object 是互斥的"
-#: diff.c:4636
+#: diff.c:4641
 msgid "--follow requires exactly one pathspec"
 msgstr "--follow 明确要求只跟一个路径规格"
-#: diff.c:4684
+#: diff.c:4689
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --stat value: %s"
 msgstr "无效的 --stat 值:%s"
-#: diff.c:4689 diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:5217
+#: diff.c:4694 diff.c:4699 diff.c:4704 diff.c:4709 diff.c:5222
 #: parse-options.c:199 parse-options.c:203
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "%s 期望一个数字值"
-#: diff.c:4721
+#: diff.c:4726
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Failed to parse --dirstat/-X option parameter:\n"
@@ -2482,195 +2553,195 @@
 "无法解析 --dirstat/-X 选项的参数:\n"
-#: diff.c:4806
+#: diff.c:4811
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown change class '%c' in --diff-filter=%s"
 msgstr "--diff-filter=%2$s 中未知的变更类 '%1$c'"
-#: diff.c:4830
+#: diff.c:4835
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown value after ws-error-highlight=%.*s"
 msgstr "ws-error-highlight=%.*s 之后未知的值"
-#: diff.c:4844
+#: diff.c:4849
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "不能解析 '%s'"
-#: diff.c:4894 diff.c:4900
+#: diff.c:4899 diff.c:4905
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects <n>/<m> form"
 msgstr "%s 期望 <n>/<m> 格式"
-#: diff.c:4912
+#: diff.c:4917
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s expects a character, got '%s'"
 msgstr "%s 期望一个字符,得到 '%s'"
-#: diff.c:4933
+#: diff.c:4938
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --color-moved argument: %s"
 msgstr "坏的 --color-moved 参数:%s"
-#: diff.c:4952
+#: diff.c:4957
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid mode '%s' in --color-moved-ws"
 msgstr "--color-moved-ws 中的无效模式 '%s' "
-#: diff.c:4992
+#: diff.c:4997
 msgid ""
 "option diff-algorithm accepts \"myers\", \"minimal\", \"patience\" and "
 msgstr ""
 "diff-algorithm 选项有 \"myers\"、\"minimal\"、\"patience\" 和 \"histogram\""
-#: diff.c:5028 diff.c:5048
+#: diff.c:5033 diff.c:5053
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid argument to %s"
 msgstr "%s 的参数无效"
-#: diff.c:5186
+#: diff.c:5191
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to parse --submodule option parameter: '%s'"
 msgstr "无法解析 --submodule 选项的参数:'%s'"
-#: diff.c:5242
+#: diff.c:5247
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad --word-diff argument: %s"
 msgstr "坏的 --word-diff 参数:%s"
-#: diff.c:5265
+#: diff.c:5270
 msgid "Diff output format options"
 msgstr "差异输出格式化选项"
-#: diff.c:5267 diff.c:5273
+#: diff.c:5272 diff.c:5278
 msgid "generate patch"
 msgstr "生成补丁"
-#: diff.c:5270 builtin/log.c:167
+#: diff.c:5275 builtin/log.c:172
 msgid "suppress diff output"
 msgstr "不显示差异输出"
-#: diff.c:5275 diff.c:5389 diff.c:5396
+#: diff.c:5280 diff.c:5394 diff.c:5401
 msgid "<n>"
 msgstr "<n>"
-#: diff.c:5276 diff.c:5279
+#: diff.c:5281 diff.c:5284
 msgid "generate diffs with <n> lines context"
 msgstr "生成含 <n> 行上下文的差异"
-#: diff.c:5281
+#: diff.c:5286
 msgid "generate the diff in raw format"
 msgstr "生成原始格式的差异"
-#: diff.c:5284
+#: diff.c:5289
 msgid "synonym for '-p --raw'"
 msgstr "和 '-p --raw' 同义"
-#: diff.c:5288
+#: diff.c:5293
 msgid "synonym for '-p --stat'"
 msgstr "和 '-p --stat' 同义"
-#: diff.c:5292
+#: diff.c:5297
 msgid "machine friendly --stat"
 msgstr "机器友好的 --stat"
-#: diff.c:5295
+#: diff.c:5300
 msgid "output only the last line of --stat"
 msgstr "只输出 --stat 的最后一行"
-#: diff.c:5297 diff.c:5305
+#: diff.c:5302 diff.c:5310
 msgid "<param1,param2>..."
 msgstr "<参数1,参数2>..."
-#: diff.c:5298
+#: diff.c:5303
 msgid ""
 "output the distribution of relative amount of changes for each sub-directory"
 msgstr "输出每个子目录相对变更的分布"
-#: diff.c:5302
+#: diff.c:5307
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=cumulative"
 msgstr "和 --dirstat=cumulative 同义"
-#: diff.c:5306
+#: diff.c:5311
 msgid "synonym for --dirstat=files,param1,param2..."
 msgstr "是 --dirstat=files,param1,param2... 的同义词"
-#: diff.c:5310
+#: diff.c:5315
 msgid "warn if changes introduce conflict markers or whitespace errors"
 msgstr "如果变更中引入冲突定界符或空白错误,给出警告"
-#: diff.c:5313
+#: diff.c:5318
 msgid "condensed summary such as creations, renames and mode changes"
 msgstr "精简摘要,例如创建、重命名和模式变更"
-#: diff.c:5316
+#: diff.c:5321
 msgid "show only names of changed files"
 msgstr "只显示变更文件的文件名"
-#: diff.c:5319
+#: diff.c:5324
 msgid "show only names and status of changed files"
 msgstr "只显示变更文件的文件名和状态"
-#: diff.c:5321
+#: diff.c:5326
 msgid "<width>[,<name-width>[,<count>]]"
 msgstr "<宽度>[,<文件名宽度>[,<次数>]]"
-#: diff.c:5322
+#: diff.c:5327
 msgid "generate diffstat"
 msgstr "生成差异统计(diffstat)"
-#: diff.c:5324 diff.c:5327 diff.c:5330
+#: diff.c:5329 diff.c:5332 diff.c:5335
 msgid "<width>"
 msgstr "<宽度>"
-#: diff.c:5325
+#: diff.c:5330
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given width"
 msgstr "使用给定的长度生成差异统计"
-#: diff.c:5328
+#: diff.c:5333
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given name width"
 msgstr "使用给定的文件名长度生成差异统计"
-#: diff.c:5331
+#: diff.c:5336
 msgid "generate diffstat with a given graph width"
 msgstr "使用给定的图形长度生成差异统计"
-#: diff.c:5333
+#: diff.c:5338
 msgid "<count>"
 msgstr "<次数>"
-#: diff.c:5334
+#: diff.c:5339
 msgid "generate diffstat with limited lines"
 msgstr "生成有限行数的差异统计"
-#: diff.c:5337
+#: diff.c:5342
 msgid "generate compact summary in diffstat"
 msgstr "生成差异统计的简洁摘要"
-#: diff.c:5340
+#: diff.c:5345
 msgid "output a binary diff that can be applied"
 msgstr "输出一个可以应用的二进制差异"
-#: diff.c:5343
+#: diff.c:5348
 msgid "show full pre- and post-image object names on the \"index\" lines"
 msgstr "在 \"index\" 行显示完整的前后对象名称"
-#: diff.c:5345
+#: diff.c:5350
 msgid "show colored diff"
 msgstr "显示带颜色的差异"
-#: diff.c:5346
+#: diff.c:5351
 msgid "<kind>"
 msgstr "<类型>"
-#: diff.c:5347
+#: diff.c:5352
 msgid ""
 "highlight whitespace errors in the 'context', 'old' or 'new' lines in the "
 msgstr "对于差异中的上下文、旧的和新的行,加亮显示错误的空白字符"
-#: diff.c:5350
+#: diff.c:5355
 msgid ""
 "do not munge pathnames and use NULs as output field terminators in --raw or "
@@ -2678,295 +2749,295 @@
 "在 --raw 或者 --numstat 中,不对路径字符转码并使用 NUL 字符做为输出字段的分隔"
-#: diff.c:5353 diff.c:5356 diff.c:5359 diff.c:5465
+#: diff.c:5358 diff.c:5361 diff.c:5364 diff.c:5470
 msgid "<prefix>"
 msgstr "<前缀>"
-#: diff.c:5354
+#: diff.c:5359
 msgid "show the given source prefix instead of \"a/\""
 msgstr "显示给定的源前缀取代 \"a/\""
-#: diff.c:5357
+#: diff.c:5362
 msgid "show the given destination prefix instead of \"b/\""
 msgstr "显示给定的目标前缀取代 \"b/\""
-#: diff.c:5360
+#: diff.c:5365
 msgid "prepend an additional prefix to every line of output"
 msgstr "输出的每一行附加前缀"
-#: diff.c:5363
+#: diff.c:5368
 msgid "do not show any source or destination prefix"
 msgstr "不显示任何源和目标前缀"
-#: diff.c:5366
+#: diff.c:5371
 msgid "show context between diff hunks up to the specified number of lines"
 msgstr "显示指定行数的差异块间的上下文"
-#: diff.c:5370 diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380
+#: diff.c:5375 diff.c:5380 diff.c:5385
 msgid "<char>"
 msgstr "<字符>"
-#: diff.c:5371
+#: diff.c:5376
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a new line instead of '+'"
 msgstr "指定一个字符取代 '+' 来表示新的一行"
-#: diff.c:5376
+#: diff.c:5381
 msgid "specify the character to indicate an old line instead of '-'"
 msgstr "指定一个字符取代 '-' 来表示旧的一行"
-#: diff.c:5381
+#: diff.c:5386
 msgid "specify the character to indicate a context instead of ' '"
 msgstr "指定一个字符取代 ' ' 来表示一行上下文"
-#: diff.c:5384
+#: diff.c:5389
 msgid "Diff rename options"
 msgstr "差异重命名选项"
-#: diff.c:5385
+#: diff.c:5390
 msgid "<n>[/<m>]"
 msgstr "<n>[/<m>]"
-#: diff.c:5386
+#: diff.c:5391
 msgid "break complete rewrite changes into pairs of delete and create"
 msgstr "将完全重写的变更打破为成对的删除和创建"
-#: diff.c:5390
+#: diff.c:5395
 msgid "detect renames"
 msgstr "检测重命名"
-#: diff.c:5394
+#: diff.c:5399
 msgid "omit the preimage for deletes"
 msgstr "省略删除操作的差异输出"
-#: diff.c:5397
+#: diff.c:5402
 msgid "detect copies"
 msgstr "检测拷贝"
-#: diff.c:5401
+#: diff.c:5406
 msgid "use unmodified files as source to find copies"
 msgstr "使用未修改的文件做为发现拷贝的源"
-#: diff.c:5403
+#: diff.c:5408
 msgid "disable rename detection"
 msgstr "禁用重命名探测"
-#: diff.c:5406
+#: diff.c:5411
 msgid "use empty blobs as rename source"
 msgstr "使用空的数据对象做为重命名的源"
-#: diff.c:5408
+#: diff.c:5413
 msgid "continue listing the history of a file beyond renames"
 msgstr "继续列出文件重命名以外的历史记录"
-#: diff.c:5411
+#: diff.c:5416
 msgid ""
 "prevent rename/copy detection if the number of rename/copy targets exceeds "
 "given limit"
 msgstr "如果重命名/拷贝目标超过给定的限制,禁止重命名/拷贝检测"
-#: diff.c:5413
+#: diff.c:5418
 msgid "Diff algorithm options"
 msgstr "差异算法选项"
-#: diff.c:5415
+#: diff.c:5420
 msgid "produce the smallest possible diff"
 msgstr "生成尽可能小的差异"
-#: diff.c:5418
+#: diff.c:5423
 msgid "ignore whitespace when comparing lines"
 msgstr "行比较时忽略空白字符"
-#: diff.c:5421
+#: diff.c:5426
 msgid "ignore changes in amount of whitespace"
 msgstr "忽略空白字符的变更"
-#: diff.c:5424
+#: diff.c:5429
 msgid "ignore changes in whitespace at EOL"
 msgstr "忽略行尾的空白字符变更"
-#: diff.c:5427
+#: diff.c:5432
 msgid "ignore carrier-return at the end of line"
 msgstr "忽略行尾的回车符(CR)"
-#: diff.c:5430
+#: diff.c:5435
 msgid "ignore changes whose lines are all blank"
 msgstr "忽略整行都是空白的变更"
-#: diff.c:5433
+#: diff.c:5438
 msgid "heuristic to shift diff hunk boundaries for easy reading"
 msgstr "启发式转换差异边界以便阅读"
-#: diff.c:5436
+#: diff.c:5441
 msgid "generate diff using the \"patience diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "使用 \"patience diff\" 算法生成差异"
-#: diff.c:5440
+#: diff.c:5445
 msgid "generate diff using the \"histogram diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "使用 \"histogram diff\" 算法生成差异"
-#: diff.c:5442
+#: diff.c:5447
 msgid "<algorithm>"
 msgstr "<算法>"
-#: diff.c:5443
+#: diff.c:5448
 msgid "choose a diff algorithm"
 msgstr "选择一个差异算法"
-#: diff.c:5445
+#: diff.c:5450
 msgid "<text>"
 msgstr "<文本>"
-#: diff.c:5446
+#: diff.c:5451
 msgid "generate diff using the \"anchored diff\" algorithm"
 msgstr "使用 \"anchored diff\" 算法生成差异"
-#: diff.c:5448 diff.c:5457 diff.c:5460
+#: diff.c:5453 diff.c:5462 diff.c:5465
 msgid "<mode>"
 msgstr "<模式>"
-#: diff.c:5449
+#: diff.c:5454
 msgid "show word diff, using <mode> to delimit changed words"
 msgstr "显示单词差异,使用 <模式> 分隔变更的单词"
-#: diff.c:5451 diff.c:5454 diff.c:5499
+#: diff.c:5456 diff.c:5459 diff.c:5504
 msgid "<regex>"
 msgstr "<正则>"
-#: diff.c:5452
+#: diff.c:5457
 msgid "use <regex> to decide what a word is"
 msgstr "使用 <正则表达式> 确定何为一个词"
-#: diff.c:5455
+#: diff.c:5460
 msgid "equivalent to --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<regex>"
 msgstr "相当于 --word-diff=color --word-diff-regex=<正则>"
-#: diff.c:5458
+#: diff.c:5463
 msgid "moved lines of code are colored differently"
 msgstr "移动的代码行用不同方式着色"
-#: diff.c:5461
+#: diff.c:5466
 msgid "how white spaces are ignored in --color-moved"
 msgstr "在 --color-moved 下如何忽略空白字符"
-#: diff.c:5464
+#: diff.c:5469
 msgid "Other diff options"
 msgstr "其它差异选项"
-#: diff.c:5466
+#: diff.c:5471
 msgid "when run from subdir, exclude changes outside and show relative paths"
 msgstr "当从子目录运行,排除目录之外的变更并显示相对路径"
-#: diff.c:5470
+#: diff.c:5475
 msgid "treat all files as text"
 msgstr "把所有文件当做文本处理"
-#: diff.c:5472
+#: diff.c:5477
 msgid "swap two inputs, reverse the diff"
 msgstr "交换两个输入,反转差异"
-#: diff.c:5474
+#: diff.c:5479
 msgid "exit with 1 if there were differences, 0 otherwise"
 msgstr "有差异时退出码为 1,否则为 0"
-#: diff.c:5476
+#: diff.c:5481
 msgid "disable all output of the program"
 msgstr "禁用本程序的所有输出"
-#: diff.c:5478
+#: diff.c:5483
 msgid "allow an external diff helper to be executed"
 msgstr "允许执行一个外置的差异助手"
-#: diff.c:5480
+#: diff.c:5485
 msgid "run external text conversion filters when comparing binary files"
 msgstr "当比较二进制文件时,运行外部的文本转换过滤器"
-#: diff.c:5482
+#: diff.c:5487
 msgid "<when>"
 msgstr "<何时>"
-#: diff.c:5483
+#: diff.c:5488
 msgid "ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation"
 msgstr "在生成差异时,忽略子模组的更改"
-#: diff.c:5486
+#: diff.c:5491
 msgid "<format>"
 msgstr "<格式>"
-#: diff.c:5487
+#: diff.c:5492
 msgid "specify how differences in submodules are shown"
 msgstr "指定子模组的差异如何显示"
-#: diff.c:5491
+#: diff.c:5496
 msgid "hide 'git add -N' entries from the index"
 msgstr "隐藏索引中 'git add -N' 条目"
-#: diff.c:5494
+#: diff.c:5499
 msgid "treat 'git add -N' entries as real in the index"
 msgstr "将索引中 'git add -N' 条目当做真实的"
-#: diff.c:5496
+#: diff.c:5501
 msgid "<string>"
 msgstr "<字符串>"
-#: diff.c:5497
+#: diff.c:5502
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr "查找改变了指定字符串出现次数的差异"
-#: diff.c:5500
+#: diff.c:5505
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr "查找改变指定正则匹配出现次数的差异"
-#: diff.c:5503
+#: diff.c:5508
 msgid "show all changes in the changeset with -S or -G"
 msgstr "显示使用 -S 或 -G 的变更集的所有变更"
-#: diff.c:5506
+#: diff.c:5511
 msgid "treat <string> in -S as extended POSIX regular expression"
 msgstr "将 -S 的 <string> 当做扩展的 POSIX 正则表达式"
-#: diff.c:5509
+#: diff.c:5514
 msgid "control the order in which files appear in the output"
 msgstr "控制输出中的文件显示顺序"
-#: diff.c:5510
+#: diff.c:5515
 msgid "<object-id>"
 msgstr "<对象 ID>"
-#: diff.c:5511
+#: diff.c:5516
 msgid ""
 "look for differences that change the number of occurrences of the specified "
 msgstr "查找改变指定对象出现次数的差异"
-#: diff.c:5513
+#: diff.c:5518
 msgid "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
 msgstr "[(A|C|D|M|R|T|U|X|B)...[*]]"
-#: diff.c:5514
+#: diff.c:5519
 msgid "select files by diff type"
 msgstr "通过差异类型选择文件"
-#: diff.c:5516
+#: diff.c:5521
 msgid "<file>"
 msgstr "<文件>"
-#: diff.c:5517
+#: diff.c:5522
 msgid "Output to a specific file"
 msgstr "输出到一个指定的文件"
-#: diff.c:6150
+#: diff.c:6177
 msgid "inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files."
 msgstr "因为文件太多,略过不严格的重命名检查。"
-#: diff.c:6153
+#: diff.c:6180
 msgid "only found copies from modified paths due to too many files."
 msgstr "因为文件太多,只在修改的路径中查找拷贝。"
-#: diff.c:6156
+#: diff.c:6183
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you may want to set your %s variable to at least %d and retry the command."
@@ -3068,32 +3139,32 @@
 msgid "--stateless-rpc requires multi_ack_detailed"
 msgstr "--stateless-rpc 需要 multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1271
+#: fetch-pack.c:360 fetch-pack.c:1284
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid shallow line: %s"
 msgstr "无效的 shallow 信息:%s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1277
+#: fetch-pack.c:366 fetch-pack.c:1290
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid unshallow line: %s"
 msgstr "无效的 unshallow 信息:%s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1279
+#: fetch-pack.c:368 fetch-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "object not found: %s"
 msgstr "对象未找到:%s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1282
+#: fetch-pack.c:371 fetch-pack.c:1295
 #, c-format
 msgid "error in object: %s"
 msgstr "对象中出错:%s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1284
+#: fetch-pack.c:373 fetch-pack.c:1297
 #, c-format
 msgid "no shallow found: %s"
 msgstr "未发现 shallow:%s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1288
+#: fetch-pack.c:376 fetch-pack.c:1301
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected shallow/unshallow, got %s"
 msgstr "应为 shallow/unshallow,却得到 %s"
@@ -3112,7 +3183,7 @@
 msgid "giving up"
 msgstr "放弃"
-#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:284
+#: fetch-pack.c:477 progress.c:277
 msgid "done"
 msgstr "完成"
@@ -3153,154 +3224,130 @@
 msgid "error in sideband demultiplexer"
 msgstr "sideband 多路输出出错"
-#: fetch-pack.c:906
-msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
-msgstr "服务器不支持 shalllow 客户端"
-#: fetch-pack.c:910
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack_detailed"
-msgstr "服务器支持 multi_ack_detailed"
-#: fetch-pack.c:913
-msgid "Server supports no-done"
-msgstr "服务器支持 no-done"
-#: fetch-pack.c:919
-msgid "Server supports multi_ack"
-msgstr "服务器支持 multi_ack"
-#: fetch-pack.c:923
-msgid "Server supports side-band-64k"
-msgstr "服务器支持 side-band-64k"
-#: fetch-pack.c:927
-msgid "Server supports side-band"
-msgstr "服务器支持 side-band"
-#: fetch-pack.c:931
-msgid "Server supports allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "服务器支持 allow-tip-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:935
-msgid "Server supports allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-msgstr "服务器支持 allow-reachable-sha1-in-want"
-#: fetch-pack.c:945
-msgid "Server supports ofs-delta"
-msgstr "服务器支持 ofs-delta"
-#: fetch-pack.c:951 fetch-pack.c:1144
-msgid "Server supports filter"
-msgstr "服务器支持 filter"
-#: fetch-pack.c:959
+#: fetch-pack.c:908
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server version is %.*s"
 msgstr "服务器版本 %.*s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:965
+#: fetch-pack.c:913 fetch-pack.c:919 fetch-pack.c:922 fetch-pack.c:928
+#: fetch-pack.c:932 fetch-pack.c:936 fetch-pack.c:940 fetch-pack.c:944
+#: fetch-pack.c:948 fetch-pack.c:952 fetch-pack.c:956 fetch-pack.c:960
+#: fetch-pack.c:966 fetch-pack.c:972 fetch-pack.c:977 fetch-pack.c:982
+#, c-format
+msgid "Server supports %s"
+msgstr "服务器支持 %s"
+#: fetch-pack.c:915
+msgid "Server does not support shallow clients"
+msgstr "服务器不支持 shalllow 客户端"
+#: fetch-pack.c:975
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-since"
 msgstr "服务器不支持 --shallow-since"
-#: fetch-pack.c:969
+#: fetch-pack.c:980
 msgid "Server does not support --shallow-exclude"
 msgstr "服务器不支持 --shallow-exclude"
-#: fetch-pack.c:971
+#: fetch-pack.c:984
 msgid "Server does not support --deepen"
 msgstr "服务器不支持 --deepen"
-#: fetch-pack.c:988
+#: fetch-pack.c:1001
 msgid "no common commits"
 msgstr "没有共同的提交"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1000 fetch-pack.c:1449
+#: fetch-pack.c:1013 fetch-pack.c:1462
 msgid "git fetch-pack: fetch failed."
 msgstr "git fetch-pack:获取失败。"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1138
+#: fetch-pack.c:1151
 msgid "Server does not support shallow requests"
 msgstr "服务器不支持 shalllow 请求"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1171
+#: fetch-pack.c:1157
+msgid "Server supports filter"
+msgstr "服务器支持 filter"
+#: fetch-pack.c:1184
 msgid "unable to write request to remote"
 msgstr "无法将请求写到远程"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1189
+#: fetch-pack.c:1202
 #, c-format
 msgid "error reading section header '%s'"
 msgstr "读取节标题 '%s' 出错"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1195
+#: fetch-pack.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected '%s', received '%s'"
 msgstr "预期 '%s',得到 '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1234
+#: fetch-pack.c:1247
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected acknowledgment line: '%s'"
 msgstr "意外的确认行:'%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1239
+#: fetch-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing acks: %d"
 msgstr "处理 ack 出错:%d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1249
+#: fetch-pack.c:1262
 msgid "expected packfile to be sent after 'ready'"
 msgstr "预期在 'ready' 之后发送 packfile"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1251
+#: fetch-pack.c:1264
 msgid "expected no other sections to be sent after no 'ready'"
 msgstr "在没有 'ready' 不应该发送其它小节"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1293
+#: fetch-pack.c:1306
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing shallow info: %d"
 msgstr "处理浅克隆信息出错:%d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1340
+#: fetch-pack.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected wanted-ref, got '%s'"
 msgstr "预期 wanted-ref,得到 '%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1345
+#: fetch-pack.c:1358
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected wanted-ref: '%s'"
 msgstr "意外的 wanted-ref:'%s'"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1350
+#: fetch-pack.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "error processing wanted refs: %d"
 msgstr "处理要获取的引用出错:%d"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1676
+#: fetch-pack.c:1689
 msgid "no matching remote head"
 msgstr "没有匹配的远程分支"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1699 builtin/clone.c:673
+#: fetch-pack.c:1712 builtin/clone.c:686
 msgid "remote did not send all necessary objects"
 msgstr "远程没有发送所有必需的对象"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1726
+#: fetch-pack.c:1739
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such remote ref %s"
 msgstr "没有这样的远程引用 %s"
-#: fetch-pack.c:1729
+#: fetch-pack.c:1742
 #, c-format
 msgid "Server does not allow request for unadvertised object %s"
 msgstr "服务器不允许请求未公开的对象 %s"
-#: gpg-interface.c:318
+#: gpg-interface.c:321
 msgid "gpg failed to sign the data"
 msgstr "gpg 无法为数据签名"
-#: gpg-interface.c:344
+#: gpg-interface.c:347
 msgid "could not create temporary file"
 msgstr "不能创建临时文件"
-#: gpg-interface.c:347
+#: gpg-interface.c:350
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed writing detached signature to '%s'"
 msgstr "无法将分离式签名写入 '%s'"
@@ -3310,18 +3357,18 @@
 msgid "ignore invalid color '%.*s' in log.graphColors"
 msgstr "忽略 log.graphColors 中无效的颜色 '%.*s'"
-#: grep.c:2113
+#: grep.c:2117
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': unable to read %s"
 msgstr "'%s':无法读取 %s"
-#: grep.c:2130 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:411 builtin/diff.c:82
+#: grep.c:2134 setup.c:164 builtin/clone.c:409 builtin/diff.c:82
 #: builtin/rm.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat '%s'"
 msgstr "对 '%s' 调用 stat 失败"
-#: grep.c:2141
+#: grep.c:2145
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': short read"
 msgstr "'%s':读取不完整"
@@ -3391,7 +3438,7 @@
 msgid "These are common Git commands used in various situations:"
 msgstr "这些是各种场合常见的 Git 命令:"
-#: help.c:363 git.c:97
+#: help.c:363 git.c:98
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported command listing type '%s'"
 msgstr "不支持的命令列表类型 '%s'"
@@ -3535,7 +3582,7 @@
 msgid "name consists only of disallowed characters: %s"
 msgstr "姓名中仅包含禁用字符:%s"
-#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:608
+#: ident.c:436 builtin/commit.c:611
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format: %s"
 msgstr "无效的日期格式:%s"
@@ -3567,6 +3614,11 @@
 msgid "sparse:path filters support has been dropped"
 msgstr "sparse:path 过滤器支持已被删除"
+#: list-objects-filter-options.c:94
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid filter-spec '%s'"
+msgstr "无效的过滤器表达式 '%s'"
 #: list-objects-filter-options.c:158
 msgid "cannot change partial clone promisor remote"
 msgstr "无法修改部分克隆的 promisor 远程仓库"
@@ -3598,8 +3650,8 @@
 msgid "failed to read the cache"
 msgstr "读取缓存失败"
-#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1887 builtin/am.c:1921
-#: builtin/checkout.c:461 builtin/checkout.c:811 builtin/clone.c:773
+#: merge.c:107 rerere.c:720 builtin/am.c:1885 builtin/am.c:1919
+#: builtin/checkout.c:536 builtin/checkout.c:796 builtin/clone.c:786
 #: builtin/stash.c:264
 msgid "unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "无法写新的索引文件"
@@ -3622,90 +3674,90 @@
 msgid "error building trees"
 msgstr "创建树出错"
-#: merge-recursive.c:861
+#: merge-recursive.c:863
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create path '%s'%s"
 msgstr "创建路径 '%s'%s 失败"
-#: merge-recursive.c:872
+#: merge-recursive.c:874
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s to make room for subdirectory\n"
 msgstr "删除 %s 以便为子目录留出空间\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:886 merge-recursive.c:905
+#: merge-recursive.c:888 merge-recursive.c:907
 msgid ": perhaps a D/F conflict?"
 msgstr ":可能是一个目录/文件冲突?"
-#: merge-recursive.c:895
+#: merge-recursive.c:897
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to lose untracked file at '%s'"
 msgstr "拒绝丢弃 '%s' 中的未跟踪文件"
-#: merge-recursive.c:936 builtin/cat-file.c:40
+#: merge-recursive.c:938 builtin/cat-file.c:40
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s '%s'"
 msgstr "不能读取对象 %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:939
+#: merge-recursive.c:941
 #, c-format
 msgid "blob expected for %s '%s'"
 msgstr "%s '%s' 应为数据对象"
-#: merge-recursive.c:963
+#: merge-recursive.c:965
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open '%s': %s"
 msgstr "打开 '%s' 失败:%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:974
+#: merge-recursive.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to symlink '%s': %s"
 msgstr "创建符号链接 '%s' 失败:%s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:979
+#: merge-recursive.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "do not know what to do with %06o %s '%s'"
 msgstr "不知道如何处理 %06o %s '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1175
+#: merge-recursive.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not checked out)"
 msgstr "无法合并子模组 %s (没有检出)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1182
+#: merge-recursive.c:1184
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits not present)"
 msgstr "无法合并子模组 %s(提交不存在)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1189
+#: merge-recursive.c:1191
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (commits don't follow merge-base)"
 msgstr "无法合并子模组 %s (提交未跟随合并基线)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1197 merge-recursive.c:1209
+#: merge-recursive.c:1199 merge-recursive.c:1211
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s to the following commit:"
 msgstr "子模组 %s 快进到如下提交:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1200 merge-recursive.c:1212
+#: merge-recursive.c:1202 merge-recursive.c:1214
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarding submodule %s"
 msgstr "快进子模组 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1235
+#: merge-recursive.c:1237
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (merge following commits not found)"
 msgstr "无法合并子模组 %s (没发现合并跟随的提交)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1239
+#: merge-recursive.c:1241
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (not fast-forward)"
 msgstr "无法合并子模组 %s(非快进)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1240
+#: merge-recursive.c:1242
 msgid "Found a possible merge resolution for the submodule:\n"
 msgstr "找到子模组的一个可能的合并方案:\n"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1243
+#: merge-recursive.c:1245
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If this is correct simply add it to the index for example\n"
@@ -3721,31 +3773,31 @@
-#: merge-recursive.c:1252
+#: merge-recursive.c:1254
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to merge submodule %s (multiple merges found)"
 msgstr "无法合并子模组 %s (发现多个合并)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1325
+#: merge-recursive.c:1327
 msgid "Failed to execute internal merge"
 msgstr "无法执行内部合并"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1330
+#: merge-recursive.c:1332
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add %s to database"
 msgstr "不能添加 %s 至对象库"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1362
+#: merge-recursive.c:1364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Auto-merging %s"
 msgstr "自动合并 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1385
+#: merge-recursive.c:1387
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error: Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; writing to %s instead."
 msgstr "错误:拒绝丢失未跟踪文件 '%s',而是写入 %s。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1457
+#: merge-recursive.c:1459
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3754,7 +3806,7 @@
 "冲突(%1$s/删除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被删除,在 %5$s 中被 %4$s。%7$s 的 %6$s 版"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1462
+#: merge-recursive.c:1464
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3763,7 +3815,7 @@
 "冲突(%1$s/删除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被删除,在 %6$s 中的 %5$s 被 %4$s。%8$s 的 "
 "%7$s 版本被保留。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1469
+#: merge-recursive.c:1471
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s in %s. Version %s of %s left "
@@ -3772,7 +3824,7 @@
 "冲突(%1$s/删除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被删除,在 %5$s 中被 %4$s。%7$s 的 %6$s 版"
 "本保留在 %8$s 中。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1474
+#: merge-recursive.c:1476
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (%s/delete): %s deleted in %s and %s to %s in %s. Version %s of %s "
@@ -3781,40 +3833,40 @@
 "冲突(%1$s/删除):%2$s 在 %3$s 中被删除,在 %6$s 中的 %5$s 被 %4$s。%8$s 的 "
 "%7$s 版本保留在 %9$s 中。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "rename"
 msgstr "重命名"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1509
+#: merge-recursive.c:1511
 msgid "renamed"
 msgstr "重命名"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1589 merge-recursive.c:2445 merge-recursive.c:3085
+#: merge-recursive.c:1591 merge-recursive.c:2450 merge-recursive.c:3094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose dirty file at %s"
 msgstr "拒绝丢失脏文件 '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1599
+#: merge-recursive.c:1601
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s, even though it's in the way."
 msgstr "拒绝在 '%s' 处失去未跟踪文件,即使它存在于重命名中。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1657
+#: merge-recursive.c:1659
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/add): Rename %s->%s in %s.  Added %s in %s"
 msgstr "冲突(重命名/添加):在 %3$s 中重命名 %1$s->%2$s。在 %5$s 中添加 %4$s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1687
+#: merge-recursive.c:1690
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is a directory in %s adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "%s 是 %s 中的一个目录而以 %s 为名被添加"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1692
+#: merge-recursive.c:1695
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to lose untracked file at %s; adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "拒绝丢失未跟踪文件 '%s',而是添加为 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1711
+#: merge-recursive.c:1714
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename \"%s\"->\"%s\" in branch \"%s\" rename \"%s"
@@ -3823,18 +3875,18 @@
 "冲突(重命名/重命名):在分支 \"%3$s\" 中重命名 \"%1$s\"->\"%2$s\",在分支 "
 "\"%6$s\" 中重命名 \"%4$s\"->\"%5$s\"%7$s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1716
+#: merge-recursive.c:1719
 msgid " (left unresolved)"
 msgstr "(留下未解决)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:1825
+#: merge-recursive.c:1828
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename %s->%s in %s. Rename %s->%s in %s"
 msgstr ""
 "冲突(重命名/重命名):在 %3$s 中重命名 %1$s->%2$s,在 %6$s 中重命名 %4$s->"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2030
+#: merge-recursive.c:2035
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (directory rename split): Unclear where to place %s because "
@@ -3844,7 +3896,7 @@
 "冲突(分割的目录重命名):不清楚 %s 应该放在哪里,因为目录 %s 被重命名到多个"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2062
+#: merge-recursive.c:2067
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Existing file/dir at %s in the way of "
@@ -3853,7 +3905,7 @@
 "冲突(隐式目录重命名):处于隐式目录重命名的现存文件/目录 %s,将以下路径放"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2072
+#: merge-recursive.c:2077
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (implicit dir rename): Cannot map more than one path to %s; "
@@ -3862,7 +3914,7 @@
 "冲突(隐式目录重命名):无法映射一个以上路径到 %s,隐式目录重命名尝试将这些路"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2164
+#: merge-recursive.c:2169
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (rename/rename): Rename directory %s->%s in %s. Rename directory %s-"
@@ -3871,59 +3923,59 @@
 "冲突(重命名/重命名):在 %3$s 中重命名目录 %1$s->%2$s,在 %6$s 中重命名目录 "
-#: merge-recursive.c:2408
+#: merge-recursive.c:2413
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Avoiding applying %s -> %s rename to %s, because %s itself was "
 msgstr "警告:避免应用 %s -> %s 的重命名到 %s,因为 %s 本身已被重命名。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2929
+#: merge-recursive.c:2938
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object %s"
 msgstr "不能读取对象 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2932
+#: merge-recursive.c:2941
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s is not a blob"
 msgstr "对象 %s 不是一个数据对象"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modify"
 msgstr "修改"
-#: merge-recursive.c:2996
+#: merge-recursive.c:3005
 msgid "modified"
 msgstr "修改"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3008
+#: merge-recursive.c:3017
 msgid "content"
 msgstr "内容"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3012
+#: merge-recursive.c:3021
 msgid "add/add"
 msgstr "添加/添加"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3035
+#: merge-recursive.c:3044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipped %s (merged same as existing)"
 msgstr "略过 %s(已经做过相同合并)"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3057
+#: merge-recursive.c:3066
 msgid "submodule"
 msgstr "子模组"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3058
+#: merge-recursive.c:3067
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "冲突(%s):合并冲突于 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3088
+#: merge-recursive.c:3097
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding as %s instead"
 msgstr "而是以 %s 为名添加"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3170
+#: merge-recursive.c:3179
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed in %s; "
@@ -3931,7 +3983,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "路径已更新:%s 添加到 %s,位于一个被重命名到 %s 的目录中,将其移动到 %s。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3173
+#: merge-recursive.c:3182
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s added in %s inside a directory that was renamed "
@@ -3940,7 +3992,7 @@
 "冲突(文件位置):%s 添加到 %s,位于一个被重命名为 %s 的目录中,建议将其移动"
 "到 %s。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3177
+#: merge-recursive.c:3186
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Path updated: %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that was renamed in "
@@ -3949,7 +4001,7 @@
 "路径已更新:%1$s 重命名为 %3$s 中的 %2$s,而该目录被重命名到 %4$s 中,将其移"
 "动到 %5$s。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3180
+#: merge-recursive.c:3189
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "CONFLICT (file location): %s renamed to %s in %s, inside a directory that "
@@ -3958,35 +4010,35 @@
 "冲突(文件位置):%1$s 重命名为 %3$s 中的 %2$s,而该目录被重命名到 %4$s 中,"
 "建议将其移动到 %5$s。"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3294
+#: merge-recursive.c:3303
 #, c-format
 msgid "Removing %s"
 msgstr "删除 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3317
+#: merge-recursive.c:3326
 msgid "file/directory"
 msgstr "文件/目录"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3322
+#: merge-recursive.c:3331
 msgid "directory/file"
 msgstr "目录/文件"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3329
+#: merge-recursive.c:3338
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (%s): There is a directory with name %s in %s. Adding %s as %s"
 msgstr "冲突(%1$s):在 %3$s 中有一个名为 %2$s 的目录。以 %5$s 为名添加 %4$s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3338
+#: merge-recursive.c:3347
 #, c-format
 msgid "Adding %s"
 msgstr "添加 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3347
+#: merge-recursive.c:3356
 #, c-format
 msgid "CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in %s"
 msgstr "冲突(add/add):合并冲突于 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3385
+#: merge-recursive.c:3394
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:\n"
@@ -3995,174 +4047,187 @@
 "  %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3396
+#: merge-recursive.c:3405
 msgid "Already up to date!"
 msgstr "已经是最新的!"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3405
+#: merge-recursive.c:3414
 #, c-format
 msgid "merging of trees %s and %s failed"
 msgstr "无法合并树 %s 和 %s"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3504
+#: merge-recursive.c:3513
 msgid "Merging:"
 msgstr "合并:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3517
+#: merge-recursive.c:3526
 #, c-format
 msgid "found %u common ancestor:"
 msgid_plural "found %u common ancestors:"
 msgstr[0] "发现 %u 个共同祖先:"
 msgstr[1] "发现 %u 个共同祖先:"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3556
+#: merge-recursive.c:3565
 msgid "merge returned no commit"
 msgstr "合并未返回提交"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3622
+#: merge-recursive.c:3631
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'"
 msgstr "不能解析对象 '%s'"
-#: merge-recursive.c:3638 builtin/merge.c:702 builtin/merge.c:873
+#: merge-recursive.c:3647 builtin/merge.c:698 builtin/merge.c:869
 msgid "Unable to write index."
 msgstr "不能写入索引。"
-#: midx.c:66
+#: midx.c:69
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index file %s is too small"
 msgstr "多包索引文件 %s 太小"
-#: midx.c:82
+#: midx.c:85
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index signature 0x%08x does not match signature 0x%08x"
 msgstr "多包索引签名 0x%08x 和签名 0x%08x 不匹配"
-#: midx.c:87
+#: midx.c:90
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index version %d not recognized"
 msgstr "multi-pack-index 版本 %d 不能被识别"
-#: midx.c:92
+#: midx.c:95
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash version %u does not match"
 msgstr "散列版本 %u 不匹配"
-#: midx.c:106
+#: midx.c:109
 msgid "invalid chunk offset (too large)"
 msgstr "无效的块偏移(太大)"
-#: midx.c:130
+#: midx.c:133
 msgid "terminating multi-pack-index chunk id appears earlier than expected"
 msgstr "终止多包索引块 id 出现时间早于预期"
-#: midx.c:143
+#: midx.c:146
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required pack-name chunk"
 msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的包名块"
-#: midx.c:145
+#: midx.c:148
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID fanout chunk"
 msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的对象 ID 扇出块"
-#: midx.c:147
+#: midx.c:150
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required OID lookup chunk"
 msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的对象 ID 查询块"
-#: midx.c:149
+#: midx.c:152
 msgid "multi-pack-index missing required object offsets chunk"
 msgstr "多包索引缺少必需的对象偏移块"
-#: midx.c:163
+#: midx.c:166
 #, c-format
 msgid "multi-pack-index pack names out of order: '%s' before '%s'"
 msgstr "多包索引包名无序:'%s' 在 '%s' 之前"
-#: midx.c:208
+#: midx.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack-int-id: %u (%u total packs)"
 msgstr "错的 pack-int-id:%u(共有 %u 个包)"
-#: midx.c:258
+#: midx.c:261
 msgid "multi-pack-index stores a 64-bit offset, but off_t is too small"
 msgstr "多包索引存储一个64位偏移,但是 off_t 太小"
-#: midx.c:286
+#: midx.c:289
 msgid "error preparing packfile from multi-pack-index"
 msgstr "从多包索引准备 packfile 出错"
-#: midx.c:457
+#: midx.c:470
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to add packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "添加包文件 '%s' 失败"
-#: midx.c:463
+#: midx.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to open pack-index '%s'"
 msgstr "打开包索引 '%s' 失败"
-#: midx.c:557
+#: midx.c:536
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to locate object %d in packfile"
 msgstr "在包文件中定位对象 %d 失败"
-#: midx.c:993
+#: midx.c:865
+#, c-format
+msgid "did not see pack-file %s to drop"
+msgstr "没有看到要丢弃的包文件 %s"
+#: midx.c:1036
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to clear multi-pack-index at %s"
 msgstr "清理位于 %s 的多包索引失败"
-#: midx.c:1048
+#: midx.c:1091
 msgid "Looking for referenced packfiles"
 msgstr "正在查找引用的包文件"
-#: midx.c:1063
+#: midx.c:1106
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "oid fanout out of order: fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
 msgstr "对象 ID 扇出无序:fanout[%d] = %<PRIx32> > %<PRIx32> = fanout[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1067
+#: midx.c:1110
 msgid "Verifying OID order in MIDX"
 msgstr "正在校验 MIDX 中的对象 ID 顺序"
-#: midx.c:1076
+#: midx.c:1119
 #, c-format
 msgid "oid lookup out of order: oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
 msgstr "对象 ID 查询无序:oid[%d] = %s >= %s = oid[%d]"
-#: midx.c:1095
+#: midx.c:1138
 msgid "Sorting objects by packfile"
 msgstr "通过包文件为对象排序"
-#: midx.c:1101
+#: midx.c:1144
 msgid "Verifying object offsets"
 msgstr "校验对象偏移"
-#: midx.c:1117
+#: midx.c:1160
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack entry for oid[%d] = %s"
 msgstr "为 oid[%d] = %s 加载包条目失败"
-#: midx.c:1123
+#: midx.c:1166
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to load pack-index for packfile %s"
 msgstr "为包文件 %s 加载包索引失败"
-#: midx.c:1132
+#: midx.c:1175
 #, c-format
 msgid "incorrect object offset for oid[%d] = %s: %<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
 msgstr "oid[%d] = %s 错误的对象偏移:%<PRIx64> != %<PRIx64>"
-#: name-hash.c:531
+#: midx.c:1350
+msgid "could not start pack-objects"
+msgstr "不能开始 pack-objects"
+#: midx.c:1369
+msgid "could not finish pack-objects"
+msgstr "不能结束 pack-objects"
+#: name-hash.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_dir thread: %s"
 msgstr "不能创建 lazy_dir 线程:%s"
-#: name-hash.c:553
+#: name-hash.c:554
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "不能创建 lazy_name 线程:%s"
-#: name-hash.c:559
+#: name-hash.c:560
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to join lazy_name thread: %s"
 msgstr "不能加入 lasy_name 线程:%s"
@@ -4231,16 +4296,16 @@
 msgid "hash mismatch %s"
 msgstr "哈希值与 %s 不匹配"
-#: packfile.c:617
+#: packfile.c:648
 msgid "offset before end of packfile (broken .idx?)"
 msgstr "偏移量在包文件结束之前(损坏的 .idx?)"
-#: packfile.c:1868
+#: packfile.c:1899
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset before start of pack index for %s (corrupt index?)"
 msgstr "偏移量在 %s 的包索引开始之前(损坏的索引?)"
-#: packfile.c:1872
+#: packfile.c:1903
 #, c-format
 msgid "offset beyond end of pack index for %s (truncated index?)"
 msgstr "偏移量越过了 %s 的包索引的结尾(被截断的索引?)"
@@ -4492,24 +4557,29 @@
 msgid "unable to parse --pretty format"
 msgstr "不能解析 --pretty 格式"
-#: range-diff.c:56
+#: range-diff.c:70
 msgid "could not start `log`"
 msgstr "不能启动 `log`"
-#: range-diff.c:59
+#: range-diff.c:72
 msgid "could not read `log` output"
 msgstr "不能读取 `log` 的输出"
-#: range-diff.c:74 sequencer.c:4897
+#: range-diff.c:91 sequencer.c:5021
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit '%s'"
 msgstr "不能解析提交 '%s'"
-#: range-diff.c:224
+#: range-diff.c:117
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not parse git header '%.*s'"
+msgstr "无法解析 git 头 '%.*s'"
+#: range-diff.c:274
 msgid "failed to generate diff"
 msgstr "生成 diff 失败"
-#: range-diff.c:455 range-diff.c:457
+#: range-diff.c:506 range-diff.c:508
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse log for '%s'"
 msgstr "不能解析 '%s' 的日志"
@@ -4625,11 +4695,10 @@
 msgstr "'%s' 的未排序暂存条目"
 #: read-cache.c:1946 read-cache.c:2234 rerere.c:565 rerere.c:599 rerere.c:1111
-#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:358
-#: builtin/checkout.c:672 builtin/checkout.c:1060 builtin/clean.c:955
-#: builtin/commit.c:344 builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:498
-#: builtin/mv.c:145 builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
+#: builtin/add.c:460 builtin/check-ignore.c:178 builtin/checkout.c:467
+#: builtin/checkout.c:651 builtin/clean.c:956 builtin/commit.c:347
+#: builtin/diff-tree.c:120 builtin/grep.c:499 builtin/mv.c:145
+#: builtin/reset.c:245 builtin/rm.c:271 builtin/submodule--helper.c:330
 msgid "index file corrupt"
 msgstr "索引文件损坏"
@@ -4683,12 +4752,12 @@
 msgid "broken index, expect %s in %s, got %s"
 msgstr "损坏的索引,期望在 %2$s 中的 %1$s,得到 %3$s"
-#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1117
+#: read-cache.c:2989 wrapper.c:658 builtin/merge.c:1114
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not close '%s'"
 msgstr "不能关闭 '%s'"
-#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2354 sequencer.c:3807
+#: read-cache.c:3092 sequencer.c:2358 sequencer.c:3928
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not stat '%s'"
 msgstr "不能对 '%s' 调用 stat"
@@ -4766,7 +4835,7 @@
 msgstr[0] "变基 %s 到 %s(%d 个提交)"
 msgstr[1] "变基 %s 到 %s(%d 个提交)"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:65
+#: rebase-interactive.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Do not remove any line. Use 'drop' explicitly to remove a commit.\n"
@@ -4774,7 +4843,7 @@
 "不要删除任意一行。使用 'drop' 显式地删除一个提交。\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:68
+#: rebase-interactive.c:68
 msgid ""
 "If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.\n"
@@ -4782,7 +4851,7 @@
-#: rebase-interactive.c:74
+#: rebase-interactive.c:74
 msgid ""
 "You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.\n"
@@ -4796,7 +4865,7 @@
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:79
+#: rebase-interactive.c:79
 msgid ""
 "However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.\n"
@@ -4806,12 +4875,12 @@
-#: rebase-interactive.c:85
+#: rebase-interactive.c:85
 msgid "Note that empty commits are commented out"
 msgstr "注意空提交已被注释掉"
-#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3339
-#: sequencer.c:3365 sequencer.c:4996 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
+#: rebase-interactive.c:105 rerere.c:485 rerere.c:692 sequencer.c:3447
+#: sequencer.c:3473 sequencer.c:5120 builtin/fsck.c:356 builtin/rebase.c:235
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write '%s'"
 msgstr "不能写入 '%s'"
@@ -4846,97 +4915,98 @@
-#: refs.c:192
+#: refs.c:262
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not point to a valid object!"
 msgstr "%s 没有指向一个有效的对象!"
-#: refs.c:597
+#: refs.c:667
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring dangling symref %s"
 msgstr "忽略悬空符号引用 %s"
-#: refs.c:599 ref-filter.c:1982
+#: refs.c:669 ref-filter.c:2092
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring broken ref %s"
 msgstr "忽略损坏的引用 %s"
-#: refs.c:734
+#: refs.c:804
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing: %s"
 msgstr "无法为写入打开 '%s':%s"
-#: refs.c:744 refs.c:795
+#: refs.c:814 refs.c:865
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref '%s'"
 msgstr "无法读取引用 '%s'"
-#: refs.c:750
+#: refs.c:820
 #, c-format
 msgid "ref '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "引用 '%s' 已经存在"
-#: refs.c:755
+#: refs.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when writing '%s'"
 msgstr "写入 '%s' 时意外的对象 ID"
-#: refs.c:763 sequencer.c:400 sequencer.c:2679 sequencer.c:2805
-#: sequencer.c:2819 sequencer.c:3076 sequencer.c:4913 wrapper.c:656
+#: refs.c:833 sequencer.c:403 sequencer.c:2709 sequencer.c:2913
+#: sequencer.c:2927 sequencer.c:3184 sequencer.c:5037 wrapper.c:656
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write to '%s'"
 msgstr "不能写入 '%s'"
-#: refs.c:790 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715 builtin/rebase.c:993
+#: refs.c:860 wrapper.c:225 wrapper.c:395 builtin/am.c:715
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1003
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for writing"
 msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行写入"
-#: refs.c:797
+#: refs.c:867
 #, c-format
 msgid "unexpected object ID when deleting '%s'"
 msgstr "删除 '%s' 时意外的对象 ID"
-#: refs.c:928
+#: refs.c:998
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s has gap after %s"
 msgstr "引用 %s 的日志在 %s 之后有缺口"
-#: refs.c:934
+#: refs.c:1004
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for ref %s unexpectedly ended on %s"
 msgstr "引用 %s 的日志意外终止于 %s "
-#: refs.c:993
+#: refs.c:1063
 #, c-format
 msgid "log for %s is empty"
 msgstr "%s 的日志为空"
-#: refs.c:1085
+#: refs.c:1155
 #, c-format
 msgid "refusing to update ref with bad name '%s'"
 msgstr "拒绝更新有错误名称 '%s' 的引用"
-#: refs.c:1161
+#: refs.c:1231
 #, c-format
 msgid "update_ref failed for ref '%s': %s"
 msgstr "对引用 '%s' 执行 update_ref 失败:%s"
-#: refs.c:1942
+#: refs.c:2012
 #, c-format
 msgid "multiple updates for ref '%s' not allowed"
 msgstr "不允许对引用 '%s' 多次更新"
-#: refs.c:1974
+#: refs.c:2044
 msgid "ref updates forbidden inside quarantine environment"
 msgstr "在隔离环境中禁止更新引用"
-#: refs.c:2070 refs.c:2100
+#: refs.c:2140 refs.c:2170
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' exists; cannot create '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' 已存在,无法创建 '%s'"
-#: refs.c:2076 refs.c:2111
+#: refs.c:2146 refs.c:2181
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot process '%s' and '%s' at the same time"
 msgstr "无法同时处理 '%s' 和 '%s'"
@@ -4962,267 +5032,251 @@
 msgid "invalid refspec '%s'"
 msgstr "无效的引用表达式:'%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:39 wt-status.c:1909
+#: ref-filter.c:42 wt-status.c:1934
 msgid "gone"
 msgstr "丢失"
-#: ref-filter.c:40
+#: ref-filter.c:43
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d"
 msgstr "领先 %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:41
+#: ref-filter.c:44
 #, c-format
 msgid "behind %d"
 msgstr "落后 %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:42
+#: ref-filter.c:45
 #, c-format
 msgid "ahead %d, behind %d"
 msgstr "领先 %d,落后 %d"
-#: ref-filter.c:138
+#: ref-filter.c:162
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(color:<color>)"
 msgstr "期望的格式:%%(color:<颜色>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:140
+#: ref-filter.c:164
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized color: %%(color:%s)"
 msgstr "未能识别的颜色:%%(color:%s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:162
+#: ref-filter.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:lstrip=%s"
 msgstr "期望整数值 refname:lstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:166
+#: ref-filter.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "Integer value expected refname:rstrip=%s"
 msgstr "期望整数值 refname:rstrip=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:168
+#: ref-filter.c:192
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(%s) argument: %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的 %%(%s) 参数:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:223
+#: ref-filter.c:247
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(objecttype) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(objecttype) 不带参数"
-#: ref-filter.c:245
+#: ref-filter.c:269
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectsize) argument: %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的 %%(objectsize) 参数:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:253
+#: ref-filter.c:277
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(deltabase) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(deltabase) 不带参数"
-#: ref-filter.c:265
+#: ref-filter.c:289
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(body) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(body) 不带参数"
-#: ref-filter.c:274
+#: ref-filter.c:298
 #, c-format
 msgid "%%(subject) does not take arguments"
 msgstr "%%(subject) 不带参数"
-#: ref-filter.c:296
+#: ref-filter.c:320
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown %%(trailers) argument: %s"
 msgstr "未知的 %%(trailers) 参数:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:325
+#: ref-filter.c:349
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected contents:lines=%s"
 msgstr "期望一个正数 contents:lines=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:327
+#: ref-filter.c:351
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(contents) argument: %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的 %%(contents) 参数:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:342
+#: ref-filter.c:366
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive value expected objectname:short=%s"
 msgstr "期望一个正数 objectname:short=%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:346
+#: ref-filter.c:370
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(objectname) argument: %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的 %%(objectname) 参数:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:376
+#: ref-filter.c:400
 #, c-format
 msgid "expected format: %%(align:<width>,<position>)"
 msgstr "期望的格式:%%(align:<宽度>,<位置>)"
-#: ref-filter.c:388
+#: ref-filter.c:412
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized position:%s"
 msgstr "未能识别的位置:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:395
+#: ref-filter.c:419
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized width:%s"
 msgstr "未能识别的宽度:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:404
+#: ref-filter.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(align) argument: %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的 %%(align) 参数:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:412
+#: ref-filter.c:436
 #, c-format
 msgid "positive width expected with the %%(align) atom"
 msgstr "元素 %%(align) 需要一个正数的宽度"
-#: ref-filter.c:430
+#: ref-filter.c:454
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized %%(if) argument: %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的 %%(if) 参数:%s"
-#: ref-filter.c:531
+#: ref-filter.c:556
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "格式错误的字段名:%.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:558
+#: ref-filter.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown field name: %.*s"
 msgstr "未知的字段名:%.*s"
-#: ref-filter.c:562
+#: ref-filter.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not a git repository, but the field '%.*s' requires access to object data"
 msgstr "不是一个 git 仓库,但是字段 '%.*s' 需要访问对象数据"
-#: ref-filter.c:686
+#: ref-filter.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(if) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(if) 元素而没有 %%(then) 元素"
-#: ref-filter.c:749
+#: ref-filter.c:774
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(then) 元素而没有 %%(if) 元素"
-#: ref-filter.c:751
+#: ref-filter.c:776
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "格式:%%(then) 元素用了多次"
-#: ref-filter.c:753
+#: ref-filter.c:778
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(then) atom used after %%(else)"
 msgstr "格式:%%(then) 元素用在了 %%(else) 之后"
-#: ref-filter.c:781
+#: ref-filter.c:806
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without an %%(if) atom"
 msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(else) 元素而没有 %%(if) 元素"
-#: ref-filter.c:783
+#: ref-filter.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used without a %%(then) atom"
 msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(else) 元素而没有 %%(then) 元素"
-#: ref-filter.c:785
+#: ref-filter.c:810
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(else) atom used more than once"
 msgstr "格式:%%(else) 元素用了多次"
-#: ref-filter.c:800
+#: ref-filter.c:825
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom used without corresponding atom"
 msgstr "格式:使用了 %%(end) 元素却没有它的对应元素"
-#: ref-filter.c:857
+#: ref-filter.c:882
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed format string %s"
 msgstr "错误的格式化字符串 %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1453
+#: ref-filter.c:1485
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing %s)"
-msgstr "(非分支,正变基 %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing %s"
+msgstr "非分支,正变基 %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1456
+#: ref-filter.c:1488
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s)"
-msgstr "(非分支,正变基分离头指针 %s)"
+msgid "no branch, rebasing detached HEAD %s"
+msgstr "非分支,正变基分离头指针 %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1459
+#: ref-filter.c:1491
 #, c-format
-msgid "(no branch, bisect started on %s)"
-msgstr "(非分支,二分查找开始于 %s)"
+msgid "no branch, bisect started on %s"
+msgstr "非分支,二分查找开始于 %s"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached at " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1467
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached at %s)"
-msgstr "(头指针分离于 %s)"
+#: ref-filter.c:1501
+msgid "no branch"
+msgstr "非分支"
-#. TRANSLATORS: make sure this matches "HEAD
-#. detached from " in wt-status.c
-#: ref-filter.c:1474
-#, c-format
-msgid "(HEAD detached from %s)"
-msgstr "(头指针分离自 %s)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1478
-msgid "(no branch)"
-msgstr "(非分支)"
-#: ref-filter.c:1512 ref-filter.c:1669
+#: ref-filter.c:1537 ref-filter.c:1743
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing object %s for %s"
 msgstr "缺失 %2$s 的对象 %1$s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1522
+#: ref-filter.c:1547
 #, c-format
 msgid "parse_object_buffer failed on %s for %s"
 msgstr "parse_object_buffer 失败于 %2$s 的 %1$s"
-#: ref-filter.c:1888
+#: ref-filter.c:1998
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object at '%s'"
 msgstr "格式错误的对象 '%s'"
-#: ref-filter.c:1977
+#: ref-filter.c:2087
 #, c-format
 msgid "ignoring ref with broken name %s"
 msgstr "忽略带有错误名称 %s 的引用"
-#: ref-filter.c:2263
+#: ref-filter.c:2382
 #, c-format
 msgid "format: %%(end) atom missing"
 msgstr "格式:缺少 %%(end) 元素"
-#: ref-filter.c:2363
+#: ref-filter.c:2482
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --merged"
 msgstr "选项 `%s' 和 --merged 不兼容"
-#: ref-filter.c:2366
+#: ref-filter.c:2485
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' is incompatible with --no-merged"
 msgstr "选项 `%s' 和 --no-merged 不兼容"
-#: ref-filter.c:2376
+#: ref-filter.c:2495
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed object name %s"
 msgstr "格式错误的对象名 %s"
-#: ref-filter.c:2381
+#: ref-filter.c:2500
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' must point to a commit"
 msgstr "选项 `%s' 必须指向一个提交"
@@ -5559,8 +5613,8 @@
 msgid "Recorded preimage for '%s'"
 msgstr "为 '%s' 记录 preimage"
-#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2024 builtin/log.c:1750
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1417 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1427
+#: rerere.c:881 submodule.c:2023 builtin/log.c:1773
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1418 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1428
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "不能创建目录 '%s'"
@@ -5594,20 +5648,20 @@
 msgid "unable to open rr-cache directory"
 msgstr "不能打开 rr-cache 目录"
-#: revision.c:2476
+#: revision.c:2507
 msgid "your current branch appears to be broken"
 msgstr "您的当前分支好像被损坏"
-#: revision.c:2479
+#: revision.c:2510
 #, c-format
 msgid "your current branch '%s' does not have any commits yet"
 msgstr "您的当前分支 '%s' 尚无任何提交"
-#: revision.c:2679
+#: revision.c:2710
 msgid "--first-parent is incompatible with --bisect"
 msgstr "--first-parent 与 --bisect 不兼容"
-#: revision.c:2683
+#: revision.c:2714
 msgid "-L does not yet support diff formats besides -p and -s"
 msgstr "-L 尚不支持 -p 和 -s 之外的差异格式"
@@ -5675,24 +5729,29 @@
 msgid "could not delete '%s'"
 msgstr "无法删除 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:318
+#: sequencer.c:311 builtin/rebase.c:759 builtin/rebase.c:1645 builtin/rm.c:369
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not remove '%s'"
+msgstr "无法删除 '%s'"
+#: sequencer.c:321
 msgid "revert"
 msgstr "还原"
-#: sequencer.c:320
+#: sequencer.c:323
 msgid "cherry-pick"
 msgstr "拣选"
-#: sequencer.c:322
+#: sequencer.c:325
 msgid "rebase -i"
 msgstr "rebase -i"
-#: sequencer.c:324
+#: sequencer.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown action: %d"
 msgstr "未知动作:%d"
-#: sequencer.c:382
+#: sequencer.c:385
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'"
@@ -5700,7 +5759,7 @@
 "冲突解决完毕后,用 'git add <路径>' 或 'git rm <路径>'\n"
-#: sequencer.c:385
+#: sequencer.c:388
 msgid ""
 "after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths\n"
 "with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'\n"
@@ -5709,44 +5768,44 @@
 "冲突解决完毕后,用 'git add <路径>' 或 'git rm <路径>'\n"
 "对修正后的文件做标记,然后用 'git commit' 提交"
-#: sequencer.c:398 sequencer.c:2801
+#: sequencer.c:401 sequencer.c:2909
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lock '%s'"
 msgstr "不能锁定 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:405
+#: sequencer.c:408
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write eol to '%s'"
 msgstr "不能将换行符写入 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:410 sequencer.c:2684 sequencer.c:2807 sequencer.c:2821
-#: sequencer.c:3084
+#: sequencer.c:413 sequencer.c:2714 sequencer.c:2915 sequencer.c:2929
+#: sequencer.c:3192
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to finalize '%s'"
 msgstr "无法完成 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:433 sequencer.c:978 sequencer.c:1652 sequencer.c:2704
-#: sequencer.c:3066 sequencer.c:3175 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:760
-#: builtin/merge.c:1115 builtin/rebase.c:567
+#: sequencer.c:436 sequencer.c:981 sequencer.c:1655 sequencer.c:2734
+#: sequencer.c:3174 sequencer.c:3283 builtin/am.c:245 builtin/commit.c:763
+#: builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:567
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'"
 msgstr "不能读取 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:459
+#: sequencer.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "your local changes would be overwritten by %s."
 msgstr "您的本地修改将被%s覆盖。"
-#: sequencer.c:463
+#: sequencer.c:466
 msgid "commit your changes or stash them to proceed."
 msgstr "提交您的修改或贮藏后再继续。"
-#: sequencer.c:495
+#: sequencer.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: fast-forward"
 msgstr "%s:快进"
-#: sequencer.c:534 builtin/tag.c:555
+#: sequencer.c:537 builtin/tag.c:565
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid cleanup mode %s"
 msgstr "无效的清理模式 %s"
@@ -5754,70 +5813,70 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: %s will be "revert", "cherry-pick" or
 #. "rebase -i".
-#: sequencer.c:629
+#: sequencer.c:632
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "%s:无法写入新索引文件"
-#: sequencer.c:646
+#: sequencer.c:649
 msgid "unable to update cache tree"
 msgstr "不能更新缓存树"
-#: sequencer.c:660
+#: sequencer.c:663
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD commit"
 msgstr "不能解析 HEAD 提交"
-#: sequencer.c:740
+#: sequencer.c:743
 #, c-format
 msgid "no key present in '%.*s'"
 msgstr "在 '%.*s' 中没有 key"
-#: sequencer.c:751
+#: sequencer.c:754
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to dequote value of '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为 '%s' 的值去引号"
-#: sequencer.c:788 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
-#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1112 builtin/rebase.c:1035
+#: sequencer.c:791 wrapper.c:227 wrapper.c:397 builtin/am.c:706
+#: builtin/am.c:798 builtin/merge.c:1109 builtin/rebase.c:1045
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open '%s' for reading"
 msgstr "无法打开 '%s' 进行读取"
-#: sequencer.c:798
+#: sequencer.c:801
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' already given"
 msgstr "已经给出 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
-#: sequencer.c:803
+#: sequencer.c:806
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL' already given"
 msgstr "已经给出 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
-#: sequencer.c:808
+#: sequencer.c:811
 msgid "'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE' already given"
 msgstr "已经给出 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
-#: sequencer.c:812
+#: sequencer.c:815
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown variable '%s'"
 msgstr "未知变量 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:817
+#: sequencer.c:820
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
 msgstr "缺少 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'"
-#: sequencer.c:819
+#: sequencer.c:822
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
 msgstr "缺少 'GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'"
-#: sequencer.c:821
+#: sequencer.c:824
 msgid "missing 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
 msgstr "缺少 'GIT_AUTHOR_DATE'"
-#: sequencer.c:881
+#: sequencer.c:884
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"
 msgstr "'%2$s' 中无效的日期格式 '%1$s'"
-#: sequencer.c:898
+#: sequencer.c:901
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
@@ -5846,15 +5905,15 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:992
+#: sequencer.c:995
 msgid "writing root commit"
 msgstr "写根提交"
-#: sequencer.c:1213
+#: sequencer.c:1216
 msgid "'prepare-commit-msg' hook failed"
 msgstr "'prepare-commit-msg' 钩子失败"
-#: sequencer.c:1220
+#: sequencer.c:1223
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5878,7 +5937,7 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1233
+#: sequencer.c:1236
 msgid ""
 "Your name and email address were configured automatically based\n"
 "on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate.\n"
@@ -5901,306 +5960,349 @@
 "    git commit --amend --reset-author\n"
-#: sequencer.c:1275
+#: sequencer.c:1278
 msgid "couldn't look up newly created commit"
 msgstr "无法找到新创建的提交"
-#: sequencer.c:1277
+#: sequencer.c:1280
 msgid "could not parse newly created commit"
 msgstr "不能解析新创建的提交"
-#: sequencer.c:1323
+#: sequencer.c:1326
 msgid "unable to resolve HEAD after creating commit"
 msgstr "创建提交后,不能解析 HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1325
+#: sequencer.c:1328
 msgid "detached HEAD"
 msgstr "分离头指针"
 #  译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
-#: sequencer.c:1329
+#: sequencer.c:1332
 msgid " (root-commit)"
 msgstr "(根提交)"
-#: sequencer.c:1350
+#: sequencer.c:1353
 msgid "could not parse HEAD"
 msgstr "不能解析 HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1352
+#: sequencer.c:1355
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD %s is not a commit!"
 msgstr "HEAD %s 不是一个提交!"
-#: sequencer.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1551
+#: sequencer.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1571
 msgid "could not parse HEAD commit"
 msgstr "不能解析 HEAD 提交"
-#: sequencer.c:1408 sequencer.c:2001
+#: sequencer.c:1411 sequencer.c:2004
 msgid "unable to parse commit author"
 msgstr "不能解析提交作者"
-#: sequencer.c:1418 builtin/am.c:1572 builtin/merge.c:688
+#: sequencer.c:1421 builtin/am.c:1573 builtin/merge.c:684
 msgid "git write-tree failed to write a tree"
 msgstr "git write-tree 无法写入树对象"
-#: sequencer.c:1435 sequencer.c:1496
+#: sequencer.c:1438 sequencer.c:1499
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read commit message from '%s'"
 msgstr "不能从 '%s' 读取提交说明"
-#: sequencer.c:1462 builtin/am.c:1594 builtin/commit.c:1650 builtin/merge.c:882
-#: builtin/merge.c:906
+#: sequencer.c:1465 builtin/am.c:1595 builtin/commit.c:1670 builtin/merge.c:878
+#: builtin/merge.c:903
 msgid "failed to write commit object"
 msgstr "写提交对象失败"
-#: sequencer.c:1523
+#: sequencer.c:1526
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse commit %s"
 msgstr "不能解析提交 %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1528
+#: sequencer.c:1531
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "不能解析父提交 %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1602 sequencer.c:1712
+#: sequencer.c:1605 sequencer.c:1715
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command: %d"
 msgstr "未知命令:%d"
-#: sequencer.c:1659 sequencer.c:1684
+#: sequencer.c:1662 sequencer.c:1687
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is a combination of %d commits."
 msgstr "这是一个 %d 个提交的组合。"
-#: sequencer.c:1669
+#: sequencer.c:1672
 msgid "need a HEAD to fixup"
 msgstr "需要一个 HEAD 来修复"
-#: sequencer.c:1671 sequencer.c:3111
+#: sequencer.c:1674 sequencer.c:3219
 msgid "could not read HEAD"
 msgstr "不能读取 HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:1673
+#: sequencer.c:1676
 msgid "could not read HEAD's commit message"
 msgstr "不能读取 HEAD 的提交说明"
-#: sequencer.c:1679
+#: sequencer.c:1682
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write '%s'"
 msgstr "不能写 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1686
+#: sequencer.c:1689
 msgid "This is the 1st commit message:"
 msgstr "这是第一个提交说明:"
-#: sequencer.c:1694
+#: sequencer.c:1697
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message of %s"
 msgstr "不能读取 %s 的提交说明"
-#: sequencer.c:1701
+#: sequencer.c:1704
 #, c-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #%d:"
 msgstr "这是提交说明 #%d:"
-#: sequencer.c:1707
+#: sequencer.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "The commit message #%d will be skipped:"
 msgstr "提交说明 #%d 将被跳过:"
-#: sequencer.c:1795
+#: sequencer.c:1798
 msgid "your index file is unmerged."
 msgstr "您的索引文件未完成合并。"
-#: sequencer.c:1802
+#: sequencer.c:1805
 msgid "cannot fixup root commit"
 msgstr "不能修复根提交"
-#: sequencer.c:1821
+#: sequencer.c:1824
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s is a merge but no -m option was given."
 msgstr "提交 %s 是一个合并提交但未提供 -m 选项。"
-#: sequencer.c:1829 sequencer.c:1837
+#: sequencer.c:1832 sequencer.c:1840
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit %s does not have parent %d"
 msgstr "提交 %s 没有第 %d 个父提交"
-#: sequencer.c:1843
+#: sequencer.c:1846
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot get commit message for %s"
 msgstr "不能得到 %s 的提交说明"
 #. TRANSLATORS: The first %s will be a "todo" command like
 #. "revert" or "pick", the second %s a SHA1.
-#: sequencer.c:1862
+#: sequencer.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: cannot parse parent commit %s"
 msgstr "%s:不能解析父提交 %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1927
+#: sequencer.c:1930
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not rename '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "不能将 '%s' 重命名为 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:1982
+#: sequencer.c:1985
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not revert %s... %s"
 msgstr "不能还原 %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:1983
+#: sequencer.c:1986
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not apply %s... %s"
 msgstr "不能应用 %s... %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2042
+#: sequencer.c:2045
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to read the index"
 msgstr "git %s:无法读取索引"
-#: sequencer.c:2049
+#: sequencer.c:2052
 #, c-format
 msgid "git %s: failed to refresh the index"
 msgstr "git %s:无法刷新索引"
-#: sequencer.c:2118
+#: sequencer.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s does not accept arguments: '%s'"
 msgstr "%s 不接受参数:'%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2127
+#: sequencer.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "missing arguments for %s"
 msgstr "缺少 %s 的参数"
-#: sequencer.c:2164
+#: sequencer.c:2174
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "无法解析 '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2226
+#: sequencer.c:2228
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid line %d: %.*s"
 msgstr "无效行 %d:%.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2237
+#: sequencer.c:2239
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot '%s' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "没有父提交的情况下不能 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2285 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
+#: sequencer.c:2287 builtin/rebase.c:153 builtin/rebase.c:178
 #: builtin/rebase.c:204 builtin/rebase.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read '%s'."
 msgstr "不能读取 '%s'。"
-#: sequencer.c:2360
+#: sequencer.c:2323
+msgid "cancelling a cherry picking in progress"
+msgstr "正在取消一个进行中的拣选"
+#: sequencer.c:2330
+msgid "cancelling a revert in progress"
+msgstr "正在取消一个进行中的还原"
+#: sequencer.c:2364
 msgid "please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "请用 'git rebase --edit-todo' 来修改。"
-#: sequencer.c:2362
+#: sequencer.c:2366
 #, c-format
 msgid "unusable instruction sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "不可用的指令清单:'%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2367
+#: sequencer.c:2371
 msgid "no commits parsed."
 msgstr "没有解析提交。"
-#: sequencer.c:2378
+#: sequencer.c:2382
 msgid "cannot cherry-pick during a revert."
 msgstr "不能在回退中执行拣选。"
-#: sequencer.c:2380
+#: sequencer.c:2384
 msgid "cannot revert during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "不能在拣选中执行回退。"
-#: sequencer.c:2462
+#: sequencer.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid value for %s: %s"
 msgstr "%s 的值无效:%s"
-#: sequencer.c:2549
+#: sequencer.c:2553
 msgid "unusable squash-onto"
 msgstr "不可用的 squash-onto"
-#: sequencer.c:2565
+#: sequencer.c:2569
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed options sheet: '%s'"
 msgstr "格式错误的选项清单:'%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2648 sequencer.c:4227
+#: sequencer.c:2652 sequencer.c:4351
 msgid "empty commit set passed"
 msgstr "提供了空的提交集"
-#: sequencer.c:2656
-msgid "a cherry-pick or revert is already in progress"
-msgstr "一个拣选或还原操作已在进行"
+#: sequencer.c:2668
+msgid "revert is already in progress"
+msgstr "一个还原操作已在进行"
-#: sequencer.c:2657
-msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
-msgstr "尝试 \"git cherry-pick (--continue | --quit | --abort)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2670
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "尝试 \"git revert (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
-#: sequencer.c:2660
+#: sequencer.c:2673
+msgid "cherry-pick is already in progress"
+msgstr "拣选操作已在进行"
+#: sequencer.c:2675
+#, c-format
+msgid "try \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+msgstr "尝试 \"git cherry-pick (--continue | %s--abort | --quit)\""
+#: sequencer.c:2689
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create sequencer directory '%s'"
 msgstr "不能创建序列目录 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2674
+#: sequencer.c:2704
 msgid "could not lock HEAD"
 msgstr "不能锁定 HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2729 sequencer.c:3979
+#: sequencer.c:2764 sequencer.c:4103
 msgid "no cherry-pick or revert in progress"
 msgstr "拣选或还原操作并未进行"
-#: sequencer.c:2731
+#: sequencer.c:2766 sequencer.c:2777
 msgid "cannot resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "不能解析 HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2733 sequencer.c:2768
+#: sequencer.c:2768 sequencer.c:2812
 msgid "cannot abort from a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "不能从尚未建立的分支终止"
-#: sequencer.c:2754 builtin/grep.c:732
+#: sequencer.c:2798 builtin/grep.c:734
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open '%s'"
 msgstr "不能打开 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2756
+#: sequencer.c:2800
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s': %s"
 msgstr "不能读取 '%s':%s"
-#: sequencer.c:2757
+#: sequencer.c:2801
 msgid "unexpected end of file"
 msgstr "意外的文件结束"
-#: sequencer.c:2763
+#: sequencer.c:2807
 #, c-format
 msgid "stored pre-cherry-pick HEAD file '%s' is corrupt"
 msgstr "保存拣选提交前的 HEAD 文件 '%s' 损坏"
-#: sequencer.c:2774
+#: sequencer.c:2818
 msgid "You seem to have moved HEAD. Not rewinding, check your HEAD!"
 msgstr "您好像移动了 HEAD。未能回退,检查您的 HEAD!"
-#: sequencer.c:2903 sequencer.c:3894
+#: sequencer.c:2859
+msgid "no revert in progress"
+msgstr "没有正在进行的还原"
+#: sequencer.c:2867
+msgid "no cherry-pick in progress"
+msgstr "没有正在进行的拣选"
+#: sequencer.c:2877
+msgid "failed to skip the commit"
+msgstr "无法跳过这个提交"
+#: sequencer.c:2884
+msgid "there is nothing to skip"
+msgstr "没有要跳过的"
+#: sequencer.c:2887
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"have you committed already?\n"
+"try \"git %s --continue\""
+msgstr ""
+"试试 \"git %s --continue\""
+#: sequencer.c:3011 sequencer.c:4015
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update %s"
 msgstr "不能更新 %s"
-#: sequencer.c:2941 sequencer.c:3874
+#: sequencer.c:3049 sequencer.c:3995
 msgid "cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "不能读取 HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:2958
+#: sequencer.c:3066
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "无法拷贝 '%s' 至 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:2966
+#: sequencer.c:3074
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -6219,28 +6321,28 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:2976
+#: sequencer.c:3084
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not apply %s... %.*s"
 msgstr "不能应用 %s... %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2983
+#: sequencer.c:3091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not merge %.*s"
 msgstr "不能合并 %.*s"
-#: sequencer.c:2997 sequencer.c:3001 builtin/difftool.c:633
+#: sequencer.c:3105 sequencer.c:3109 builtin/difftool.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not copy '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "不能拷贝 '%s' 至 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3023 sequencer.c:3446 builtin/rebase.c:839 builtin/rebase.c:1580
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1940 builtin/rebase.c:1995
+#: sequencer.c:3131 sequencer.c:3558 builtin/rebase.c:849 builtin/rebase.c:1582
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1953 builtin/rebase.c:2008
 msgid "could not read index"
 msgstr "不能读取索引"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: sequencer.c:3028
+#: sequencer.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution failed: %s\n"
@@ -6255,11 +6357,11 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3034
+#: sequencer.c:3142
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree\n"
 msgstr "并且修改索引和/或工作区\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3040
+#: sequencer.c:3148
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "execution succeeded: %s\n"
@@ -6276,76 +6378,76 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3101
+#: sequencer.c:3209
 #, c-format
 msgid "illegal label name: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "非法的标签名称:'%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3155
+#: sequencer.c:3263
 msgid "writing fake root commit"
 msgstr "写伪根提交"
-#: sequencer.c:3160
+#: sequencer.c:3268
 msgid "writing squash-onto"
 msgstr "写入 squash-onto"
-#: sequencer.c:3198 builtin/rebase.c:844 builtin/rebase.c:850
+#: sequencer.c:3306 builtin/rebase.c:854 builtin/rebase.c:860
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to find tree of %s"
 msgstr "无法找到 %s 指向的树。"
-#: sequencer.c:3216 builtin/rebase.c:863
+#: sequencer.c:3324 builtin/rebase.c:873
 msgid "could not write index"
 msgstr "不能写入索引"
-#: sequencer.c:3243
+#: sequencer.c:3351
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve '%s'"
 msgstr "无法解析 '%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3271
+#: sequencer.c:3379
 msgid "cannot merge without a current revision"
 msgstr "没有当前版本不能合并"
-#: sequencer.c:3293
+#: sequencer.c:3401
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse '%.*s'"
 msgstr "无法解析 '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3302
+#: sequencer.c:3410
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to merge: '%.*s'"
 msgstr "无可用合并:'%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3314
+#: sequencer.c:3422
 msgid "octopus merge cannot be executed on top of a [new root]"
 msgstr "章鱼合并不能在一个新的根提交上执行"
-#: sequencer.c:3329
+#: sequencer.c:3437
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get commit message of '%s'"
 msgstr "不能获取 '%s' 的提交说明"
-#: sequencer.c:3478
+#: sequencer.c:3590
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not even attempt to merge '%.*s'"
 msgstr "甚至不能尝试合并 '%.*s'"
-#: sequencer.c:3494
+#: sequencer.c:3606
 msgid "merge: Unable to write new index file"
 msgstr "合并:无法写入新索引文件"
-#: sequencer.c:3562 builtin/rebase.c:711
+#: sequencer.c:3675 builtin/rebase.c:711
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applied autostash.\n"
 msgstr "已应用 autostash。\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3574
+#: sequencer.c:3687
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot store %s"
 msgstr "不能存储 %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3577 builtin/rebase.c:727
+#: sequencer.c:3690 builtin/rebase.c:727
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.\n"
@@ -6356,31 +6458,31 @@
 "您可以在任何时候运行 \"git stash pop\" 或 \"git stash drop\"。\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3638
+#: sequencer.c:3751
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not checkout %s"
 msgstr "不能检出 %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3652
+#: sequencer.c:3765
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: not a valid OID"
 msgstr "%s:不是一个有效的对象 ID"
-#: sequencer.c:3657
+#: sequencer.c:3770
 msgid "could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "不能分离头指针"
-#: sequencer.c:3672
+#: sequencer.c:3785
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at HEAD\n"
 msgstr "停止在 HEAD\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3674
+#: sequencer.c:3787
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s\n"
 msgstr "停止在 %s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3682
+#: sequencer.c:3795
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not execute the todo command\n"
@@ -6400,48 +6502,48 @@
 "    git rebase --edit-todo\n"
 "    git rebase --continue\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3759
+#: sequencer.c:3877
 #, c-format
 msgid "Stopped at %s...  %.*s\n"
 msgstr "停止在 %s... %.*s\n"
-#: sequencer.c:3837
+#: sequencer.c:3958
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown command %d"
 msgstr "未知命令 %d"
-#: sequencer.c:3882
+#: sequencer.c:4003
 msgid "could not read orig-head"
 msgstr "不能读取 orig-head"
-#: sequencer.c:3887
+#: sequencer.c:4008
 msgid "could not read 'onto'"
 msgstr "不能读取 'onto'"
-#: sequencer.c:3901
+#: sequencer.c:4022
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not update HEAD to %s"
 msgstr "不能更新 HEAD 为 %s"
-#: sequencer.c:3991
+#: sequencer.c:4115
 msgid "cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "不能变基:您有未暂存的变更。"
-#: sequencer.c:4000
+#: sequencer.c:4124
 msgid "cannot amend non-existing commit"
 msgstr "不能修补不存在的提交"
-#: sequencer.c:4002
+#: sequencer.c:4126
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid file: '%s'"
 msgstr "无效文件:'%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4004
+#: sequencer.c:4128
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid contents: '%s'"
 msgstr "无效内容:'%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4007
+#: sequencer.c:4131
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them\n"
@@ -6450,42 +6552,42 @@
 "您的工作区中有未提交的变更。请先提交然后再次运行 'git rebase --continue'。"
-#: sequencer.c:4043 sequencer.c:4081
+#: sequencer.c:4167 sequencer.c:4205
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not write file: '%s'"
 msgstr "不能写入文件:'%s'"
-#: sequencer.c:4096
+#: sequencer.c:4220
 msgid "could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "不能删除 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
-#: sequencer.c:4103
+#: sequencer.c:4227
 msgid "could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "不能提交暂存的修改。"
-#: sequencer.c:4204
+#: sequencer.c:4328
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: can't cherry-pick a %s"
 msgstr "%s:不能拣选一个%s"
-#: sequencer.c:4208
+#: sequencer.c:4332
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: bad revision"
 msgstr "%s:错误的版本"
-#: sequencer.c:4243
+#: sequencer.c:4367
 msgid "can't revert as initial commit"
 msgstr "不能作为初始提交回退"
-#: sequencer.c:4686
+#: sequencer.c:4810
 msgid "make_script: unhandled options"
 msgstr "make_script:有未能处理的选项"
-#: sequencer.c:4689
+#: sequencer.c:4813
 msgid "make_script: error preparing revisions"
 msgstr "make_script:准备版本时错误"
-#: sequencer.c:4847
+#: sequencer.c:4971
 msgid ""
 "You can fix this with 'git rebase --edit-todo' and then run 'git rebase --"
@@ -6494,15 +6596,15 @@
 "您可以用 'git rebase --edit-todo' 修正,然后执行 'git rebase --continue'。\n"
 "或者您可以用 'git rebase --abort' 终止变基。\n"
-#: sequencer.c:4959 sequencer.c:4976
+#: sequencer.c:5083 sequencer.c:5100
 msgid "nothing to do"
 msgstr "无事可做"
-#: sequencer.c:4990
+#: sequencer.c:5114
 msgid "could not skip unnecessary pick commands"
 msgstr "无法跳过不必要的拣选"
-#: sequencer.c:5073
+#: sequencer.c:5197
 msgid "the script was already rearranged."
 msgstr "脚本已经重新编排。"
@@ -6719,194 +6821,199 @@
 msgid "reference repository '%s' is grafted"
 msgstr "参考仓库 '%s' 已被移植"
-#: sha1-file.c:846
+#: sha1-file.c:792
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
+msgstr "解析备用引用时无效的行:%s"
+#: sha1-file.c:944
 #, c-format
 msgid "attempting to mmap %<PRIuMAX> over limit %<PRIuMAX>"
 msgstr "尝试 mmap %<PRIuMAX>,超过了最大值 %<PRIuMAX>"
-#: sha1-file.c:871
+#: sha1-file.c:969
 msgid "mmap failed"
 msgstr "mmap 失败"
-#: sha1-file.c:1035
+#: sha1-file.c:1133
 #, c-format
 msgid "object file %s is empty"
 msgstr "对象文件 %s 为空"
-#: sha1-file.c:1159 sha1-file.c:2297
+#: sha1-file.c:1257 sha1-file.c:2396
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "损坏的松散对象 '%s'"
-#: sha1-file.c:1161 sha1-file.c:2301
+#: sha1-file.c:1259 sha1-file.c:2400
 #, c-format
 msgid "garbage at end of loose object '%s'"
 msgstr "松散对象 '%s' 后面有垃圾数据"
-#: sha1-file.c:1203
+#: sha1-file.c:1301
 msgid "invalid object type"
 msgstr "无效的对象类型"
-#: sha1-file.c:1287
+#: sha1-file.c:1385
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "无法用 --allow-unknown-type 参数解开 %s 头信息"
-#: sha1-file.c:1290
+#: sha1-file.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack %s header"
 msgstr "无法解开 %s 头部"
-#: sha1-file.c:1296
+#: sha1-file.c:1394
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header with --allow-unknown-type"
 msgstr "无法用 --allow-unknown-type 参数解析 %s 头信息"
-#: sha1-file.c:1299
+#: sha1-file.c:1397
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse %s header"
 msgstr "无法解析 %s 头部"
-#: sha1-file.c:1490
+#: sha1-file.c:1588
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read object %s"
 msgstr "读取对象 %s 失败"
-#: sha1-file.c:1494
+#: sha1-file.c:1592
 #, c-format
 msgid "replacement %s not found for %s"
 msgstr "找不到 %2$s 的替代 %1$s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1498
+#: sha1-file.c:1596
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "松散对象 %s(保存在 %s)已损坏"
-#: sha1-file.c:1502
+#: sha1-file.c:1600
 #, c-format
 msgid "packed object %s (stored in %s) is corrupt"
 msgstr "打包对象 %s(保存在 %s)已损坏"
-#: sha1-file.c:1604
+#: sha1-file.c:1703
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write file %s"
 msgstr "无法写文件 %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1611
+#: sha1-file.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to set permission to '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为 '%s' 设置权限"
-#: sha1-file.c:1618
+#: sha1-file.c:1717
 msgid "file write error"
 msgstr "文件写错误"
-#: sha1-file.c:1637
+#: sha1-file.c:1736
 msgid "error when closing loose object file"
 msgstr "关闭松散对象文件时出错"
-#: sha1-file.c:1702
+#: sha1-file.c:1801
 #, c-format
 msgid "insufficient permission for adding an object to repository database %s"
 msgstr "权限不足,无法在仓库对象库 %s 中添加对象"
-#: sha1-file.c:1704
+#: sha1-file.c:1803
 msgid "unable to create temporary file"
 msgstr "无法创建临时文件"
-#: sha1-file.c:1728
+#: sha1-file.c:1827
 msgid "unable to write loose object file"
 msgstr "不能写松散对象文件"
-#: sha1-file.c:1734
+#: sha1-file.c:1833
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate new object %s (%d)"
 msgstr "不能压缩新对象 %s(%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1738
+#: sha1-file.c:1837
 #, c-format
 msgid "deflateEnd on object %s failed (%d)"
 msgstr "在对象 %s 上调用 deflateEnd 失败(%d)"
-#: sha1-file.c:1742
+#: sha1-file.c:1841
 #, c-format
 msgid "confused by unstable object source data for %s"
 msgstr "被 %s 的不稳定对象源数据搞糊涂了"
-#: sha1-file.c:1752 builtin/pack-objects.c:920
+#: sha1-file.c:1851 builtin/pack-objects.c:925
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed utime() on %s"
 msgstr "在 %s 上调用 utime() 失败"
-#: sha1-file.c:1827
+#: sha1-file.c:1926
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read object for %s"
 msgstr "不能读取对象 %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:1867
+#: sha1-file.c:1966
 msgid "corrupt commit"
 msgstr "损坏的提交"
-#: sha1-file.c:1875
+#: sha1-file.c:1974
 msgid "corrupt tag"
 msgstr "损坏的标签"
-#: sha1-file.c:1974
+#: sha1-file.c:2073
 #, c-format
 msgid "read error while indexing %s"
 msgstr "索引 %s 时读取错误"
-#: sha1-file.c:1977
+#: sha1-file.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "short read while indexing %s"
 msgstr "索引 %s 时读入不完整"
-#: sha1-file.c:2050 sha1-file.c:2059
+#: sha1-file.c:2149 sha1-file.c:2158
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: failed to insert into database"
 msgstr "%s:插入数据库失败"
-#: sha1-file.c:2065
+#: sha1-file.c:2164
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s: unsupported file type"
 msgstr "%s:不支持的文件类型"
-#: sha1-file.c:2089
+#: sha1-file.c:2188
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid object"
 msgstr "%s 不是一个有效的对象"
-#: sha1-file.c:2091
+#: sha1-file.c:2190
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s is not a valid '%s' object"
 msgstr "%s 不是一个有效的 '%s' 对象"
-#: sha1-file.c:2118 builtin/index-pack.c:154
+#: sha1-file.c:2217 builtin/index-pack.c:155
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open %s"
 msgstr "不能打开 %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2308 sha1-file.c:2360
+#: sha1-file.c:2407 sha1-file.c:2459
 #, c-format
 msgid "hash mismatch for %s (expected %s)"
 msgstr "%s 的哈希值不匹配(预期 %s)"
-#: sha1-file.c:2332
+#: sha1-file.c:2431
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to mmap %s"
 msgstr "不能 mmap %s"
-#: sha1-file.c:2337
+#: sha1-file.c:2436
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack header of %s"
 msgstr "无法解压缩 %s 的头部"
-#: sha1-file.c:2343
+#: sha1-file.c:2442
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse header of %s"
 msgstr "无法解析 %s 的头部"
-#: sha1-file.c:2354
+#: sha1-file.c:2453
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to unpack contents of %s"
 msgstr "无法解压缩 %s 的内容"
@@ -6926,20 +7033,72 @@
 "because it will be ignored when you just specify 40-hex. These refs\n"
 "may be created by mistake. For example,\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
 "where \"$br\" is somehow empty and a 40-hex ref is created. Please\n"
 "examine these refs and maybe delete them. Turn this message off by\n"
 "running \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\""
 msgstr ""
-"Git 通常不会创建一个以40位十六进制字符命名的引用,因为当你提供40位\n"
+"Git 通常不会创建一个以40个十六进制字符结尾的引用,因为当您只提供40\n"
-"  git checkout -b $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
+"  git switch -c $br $(git rev-parse ...)\n"
-"当 \"$br\" 空白时一个40位十六进制的引用将被创建。请检查这些引用,\n"
-"可能需要删除它们。用 \"git config advice.objectNameWarning false\"\n"
+"当 \"$br\" 某种原因空白时,一个40位十六进制的引用将被创建。请检查这些\n"
+"引用,可能需要删除它们。运行 \"git config advice.objectNameWarning\n"
+"false\" 命令关闭本消息通知。"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:821
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 gibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u GiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte
+#: strbuf.c:831
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 mebibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:833
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u MiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte
+#: strbuf.c:840
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 kibibyte/second
+#: strbuf.c:842
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+msgstr "%u.%2.2u KiB/s"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte
+#: strbuf.c:848
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes"
+msgstr[0] "%u 字节"
+msgstr[1] "%u 字节"
+#. TRANSLATORS: IEC 80000-13:2008 byte/second
+#: strbuf.c:850
+#, c-format
+msgid "%u byte/s"
+msgid_plural "%u bytes/s"
+msgstr[0] "%u 字节/秒"
+msgstr[1] "%u 字节/秒"
 #: submodule.c:114 submodule.c:143
 msgid "Cannot change unmerged .gitmodules, resolve merge conflicts first"
@@ -6974,7 +7133,7 @@
 msgid "submodule entry '%s' (%s) is a %s, not a commit"
 msgstr "子模组条目 '%s'(%s)是一个 %s,不是一个提交"
-#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:672 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1988
+#: submodule.c:1147 builtin/branch.c:680 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1989
 msgid "Failed to resolve HEAD as a valid ref."
 msgstr "无法将 HEAD 解析为有效引用。"
@@ -7013,18 +7172,18 @@
 msgid "Submodule '%s' could not be updated."
 msgstr "子模组 '%s' 无法被更新。"
-#: submodule.c:2008
+#: submodule.c:2007
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "relocate_gitdir for submodule '%s' with more than one worktree not supported"
 msgstr "不支持对有多个工作区的子模组 '%s' 执行 relocate_gitdir"
-#: submodule.c:2020 submodule.c:2076
+#: submodule.c:2019 submodule.c:2074
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup name for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "不能查询子模组 '%s' 的名称"
-#: submodule.c:2027
+#: submodule.c:2026
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Migrating git directory of '%s%s' from\n"
@@ -7035,16 +7194,16 @@
 "'%s' 迁移至\n"
-#: submodule.c:2111
+#: submodule.c:2109
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "无法递归进子模组路径 '%s'"
-#: submodule.c:2155
+#: submodule.c:2153
 msgid "could not start ls-files in .."
 msgstr "无法在 .. 中启动 ls-files"
-#: submodule.c:2194
+#: submodule.c:2192
 #, c-format
 msgid "ls-tree returned unexpected return code %d"
 msgstr "ls-tree 返回未知返回值 %d"
@@ -7214,15 +7373,10 @@
 msgid "failed to push all needed submodules"
 msgstr "不能推送全部需要的子模组"
-#: transport.c:1326 transport-helper.c:645
+#: transport.c:1340 transport-helper.c:645
 msgid "operation not supported by protocol"
 msgstr "协议不支持该操作"
-#: transport.c:1430
-#, c-format
-msgid "invalid line while parsing alternate refs: %s"
-msgstr "解析备用引用时无效的行:%s"
 #: transport-helper.c:51 transport-helper.c:80
 msgid "full write to remote helper failed"
 msgstr "完整写入远程助手失败"
@@ -7265,7 +7419,7 @@
 msgid "error while running fast-import"
 msgstr "执行 fast-import 出错"
-#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1099
+#: transport-helper.c:533 transport-helper.c:1105
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read ref %s"
 msgstr "无法读取引用 %s"
@@ -7318,24 +7472,24 @@
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'push-option'"
 msgstr "助手 %s 不支持 'push-option'"
-#: transport-helper.c:939
+#: transport-helper.c:945
 msgid "remote-helper doesn't support push; refspec needed"
 msgstr "remote-heper 不支持 push,需要引用表达式"
-#: transport-helper.c:944
+#: transport-helper.c:950
 #, c-format
 msgid "helper %s does not support 'force'"
 msgstr "助手 %s 不支持 'force'"
-#: transport-helper.c:991
+#: transport-helper.c:997
 msgid "couldn't run fast-export"
 msgstr "无法执行 fast-export"
-#: transport-helper.c:996
+#: transport-helper.c:1002
 msgid "error while running fast-export"
 msgstr "执行 fast-export 时出错"
-#: transport-helper.c:1021
+#: transport-helper.c:1027
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.\n"
@@ -7344,47 +7498,47 @@
 "可能您应该指定一个分支如 'master'。\n"
-#: transport-helper.c:1085
+#: transport-helper.c:1091
 #, c-format
 msgid "malformed response in ref list: %s"
 msgstr "引用列表中格式错误的响应:%s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1238
+#: transport-helper.c:1244
 #, c-format
 msgid "read(%s) failed"
 msgstr "读取(%s)失败"
-#: transport-helper.c:1265
+#: transport-helper.c:1271
 #, c-format
 msgid "write(%s) failed"
 msgstr "写(%s)失败"
-#: transport-helper.c:1314
+#: transport-helper.c:1320
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed"
 msgstr "%s 线程失败"
-#: transport-helper.c:1318
+#: transport-helper.c:1324
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s thread failed to join: %s"
 msgstr "%s 线程等待失败:%s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1337 transport-helper.c:1341
+#: transport-helper.c:1343 transport-helper.c:1347
 #, c-format
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data: %s"
 msgstr "不能启动线程来拷贝数据:%s"
-#: transport-helper.c:1378
+#: transport-helper.c:1384
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed to wait"
 msgstr "%s 进程等待失败"
-#: transport-helper.c:1382
+#: transport-helper.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s process failed"
 msgstr "%s 进程失败"
-#: transport-helper.c:1400 transport-helper.c:1409
+#: transport-helper.c:1406 transport-helper.c:1415
 msgid "can't start thread for copying data"
 msgstr "不能启动线程来拷贝数据"
@@ -7400,7 +7554,7 @@
 msgid "empty filename in tree entry"
 msgstr "树对象条目中空的文件名"
-#: tree-walk.c:116
+#: tree-walk.c:118
 msgid "too-short tree file"
 msgstr "太短的树文件"
@@ -7623,11 +7777,11 @@
 #: unpack-trees.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting\n"
-msgstr "终止中\n"
+msgstr "正在终止\n"
 #: unpack-trees.c:318
-msgid "Checking out files"
-msgstr "正在检出文件"
+msgid "Updating files"
+msgstr "正在更新文件"
 #: unpack-trees.c:350
 msgid ""
@@ -7667,32 +7821,32 @@
 msgid "invalid '..' path segment"
 msgstr "无效的 '..' 路径片段"
-#: worktree.c:255 builtin/am.c:2097
+#: worktree.c:258 builtin/am.c:2095
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to read '%s'"
 msgstr "读取 '%s' 失败"
-#: worktree.c:301
+#: worktree.c:304
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' at main working tree is not the repository directory"
 msgstr "在主工作区的 '%s' 不是仓库目录"
-#: worktree.c:312
+#: worktree.c:315
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' file does not contain absolute path to the working tree location"
 msgstr "文件 '%s' 不包含工作区的绝对路径"
-#: worktree.c:324
+#: worktree.c:327
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "'%s' 不存在"
-#: worktree.c:330
+#: worktree.c:333
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a .git file, error code %d"
 msgstr "'%s' 不是一个 .git 文件,错误码 %d"
-#: worktree.c:338
+#: worktree.c:341
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point back to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' 没有指回到 '%s'"
@@ -7711,162 +7865,167 @@
 msgid "unable to get current working directory"
 msgstr "不能获取当前工作目录"
-#: wt-status.c:156
+#: wt-status.c:158
 msgid "Unmerged paths:"
 msgstr "未合并的路径:"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:183 wt-status.c:210
-#, c-format
-msgid "  (use \"git reset %s <file>...\" to unstage)"
-msgstr "  (使用 \"git reset %s <文件>...\" 以取消暂存)"
+#: wt-status.c:187 wt-status.c:219
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr "  (使用 \"git restore --staged <文件>...\" 以取消暂存)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:185 wt-status.c:212
+#: wt-status.c:190 wt-status.c:222
+#, c-format
+msgid "  (use \"git restore --source=%s --staged <file>...\" to unstage)"
+msgstr "  (使用 \"git restore --source=%s --staged <文件>...\" 以取消暂存)"
+#  译者:注意保持前导空格
+#: wt-status.c:193 wt-status.c:225
 msgid "  (use \"git rm --cached <file>...\" to unstage)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git rm --cached <文件>...\" 以取消暂存)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:189
+#: wt-status.c:197
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git add <文件>...\" 标记解决方案)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:191 wt-status.c:195
+#: wt-status.c:199 wt-status.c:203
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" as appropriate to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (酌情使用 \"git add/rm <文件>...\" 标记解决方案)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:193
+#: wt-status.c:201
 msgid "  (use \"git rm <file>...\" to mark resolution)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git rm <文件>...\" 标记解决方案)"
-#: wt-status.c:204 wt-status.c:1064
+#: wt-status.c:211 wt-status.c:1074
 msgid "Changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "要提交的变更:"
-#: wt-status.c:222 wt-status.c:1073
+#: wt-status.c:234 wt-status.c:1083
 msgid "Changes not staged for commit:"
 msgstr "尚未暂存以备提交的变更:"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:226
+#: wt-status.c:238
 msgid "  (use \"git add <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git add <文件>...\" 更新要提交的内容)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:228
+#: wt-status.c:240
 msgid "  (use \"git add/rm <file>...\" to update what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git add/rm <文件>...\" 更新要提交的内容)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:229
+#: wt-status.c:241
 msgid ""
-"  (use \"git checkout -- <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
-msgstr "  (使用 \"git checkout -- <文件>...\" 丢弃工作区的改动)"
+"  (use \"git restore <file>...\" to discard changes in working directory)"
+msgstr "  (使用 \"git restore <文件>...\" 丢弃工作区的改动)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:231
+#: wt-status.c:243
 msgid "  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)"
 msgstr "  (提交或丢弃子模组中未跟踪或修改的内容)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:243
+#: wt-status.c:254
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (use \"git %s <file>...\" to include in what will be committed)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git %s <文件>...\" 以包含要提交的内容)"
-#: wt-status.c:258
+#: wt-status.c:268
 msgid "both deleted:"
 msgstr "双方删除:"
-#: wt-status.c:260
+#: wt-status.c:270
 msgid "added by us:"
 msgstr "由我们添加:"
-#: wt-status.c:262
+#: wt-status.c:272
 msgid "deleted by them:"
 msgstr "由他们删除:"
-#: wt-status.c:264
+#: wt-status.c:274
 msgid "added by them:"
 msgstr "由他们添加:"
-#: wt-status.c:266
+#: wt-status.c:276
 msgid "deleted by us:"
 msgstr "由我们删除:"
-#: wt-status.c:268
+#: wt-status.c:278
 msgid "both added:"
 msgstr "双方添加:"
-#: wt-status.c:270
+#: wt-status.c:280
 msgid "both modified:"
 msgstr "双方修改:"
-#: wt-status.c:280
+#: wt-status.c:290
 msgid "new file:"
 msgstr "新文件:"
-#: wt-status.c:282
+#: wt-status.c:292
 msgid "copied:"
 msgstr "拷贝:"
-#: wt-status.c:284
+#: wt-status.c:294
 msgid "deleted:"
 msgstr "删除:"
-#: wt-status.c:286
+#: wt-status.c:296
 msgid "modified:"
 msgstr "修改:"
-#: wt-status.c:288
+#: wt-status.c:298
 msgid "renamed:"
 msgstr "重命名:"
-#: wt-status.c:290
+#: wt-status.c:300
 msgid "typechange:"
 msgstr "类型变更:"
-#: wt-status.c:292
+#: wt-status.c:302
 msgid "unknown:"
 msgstr "未知:"
-#: wt-status.c:294
+#: wt-status.c:304
 msgid "unmerged:"
 msgstr "未合并:"
 #  译者:末尾两个字节可能被删减,如果翻译为中文标点会出现半个汉字
-#: wt-status.c:374
+#: wt-status.c:384
 msgid "new commits, "
 msgstr "新提交, "
 #  译者:末尾两个字节可能被删减,如果翻译为中文标点会出现半个汉字
-#: wt-status.c:376
+#: wt-status.c:386
 msgid "modified content, "
 msgstr "修改的内容, "
 #  译者:末尾两个字节可能被删减,如果翻译为中文标点会出现半个汉字
-#: wt-status.c:378
+#: wt-status.c:388
 msgid "untracked content, "
 msgstr "未跟踪的内容, "
-#: wt-status.c:896
+#: wt-status.c:906
 #, c-format
 msgid "Your stash currently has %d entry"
 msgid_plural "Your stash currently has %d entries"
 msgstr[0] "您的贮藏区当前有 %d 条记录"
 msgstr[1] "您的贮藏区当前有 %d 条记录"
-#: wt-status.c:928
+#: wt-status.c:938
 msgid "Submodules changed but not updated:"
 msgstr "子模组已修改但尚未更新:"
-#: wt-status.c:930
+#: wt-status.c:940
 msgid "Submodule changes to be committed:"
 msgstr "要提交的子模组变更:"
-#: wt-status.c:1012
+#: wt-status.c:1022
 msgid ""
 "Do not modify or remove the line above.\n"
 "Everything below it will be ignored."
@@ -7874,77 +8033,88 @@
-#: wt-status.c:1119
+#: wt-status.c:1114
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to compute the branch ahead/behind values.\n"
+"You can use '--no-ahead-behind' to avoid this.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"花了 %.2f 秒才计算出分支的领先/落后范围。\n"
+"为避免,您可以使用 '--no-ahead-behind'。\n"
+#: wt-status.c:1144
 msgid "You have unmerged paths."
 msgstr "您有尚未合并的路径。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1122
+#: wt-status.c:1147
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git commit\")"
 msgstr "  (解决冲突并运行 \"git commit\")"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1124
+#: wt-status.c:1149
 msgid "  (use \"git merge --abort\" to abort the merge)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git merge --abort\" 终止合并)"
-#: wt-status.c:1128
+#: wt-status.c:1153
 msgid "All conflicts fixed but you are still merging."
 msgstr "所有冲突已解决但您仍处于合并中。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1131
+#: wt-status.c:1156
 msgid "  (use \"git commit\" to conclude merge)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git commit\" 结束合并)"
-#: wt-status.c:1140
+#: wt-status.c:1165
 msgid "You are in the middle of an am session."
 msgstr "您正处于 am 操作过程中。"
-#: wt-status.c:1143
+#: wt-status.c:1168
 msgid "The current patch is empty."
 msgstr "当前的补丁为空。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1147
+#: wt-status.c:1172
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git am --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (解决冲突,然后运行 \"git am --continue\")"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1149
+#: wt-status.c:1174
 msgid "  (use \"git am --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git am --skip\" 跳过此补丁)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1151
+#: wt-status.c:1176
 msgid "  (use \"git am --abort\" to restore the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git am --abort\" 恢复原有分支)"
-#: wt-status.c:1284
+#: wt-status.c:1309
 msgid "git-rebase-todo is missing."
 msgstr "git-rebase-todo 丢失。"
-#: wt-status.c:1286
+#: wt-status.c:1311
 msgid "No commands done."
 msgstr "没有命令被执行。"
-#: wt-status.c:1289
+#: wt-status.c:1314
 #, c-format
 msgid "Last command done (%d command done):"
 msgid_plural "Last commands done (%d commands done):"
 msgstr[0] "最后一条命令已完成(%d 条命令被执行):"
 msgstr[1] "最后的命令已完成(%d 条命令被执行):"
-#: wt-status.c:1300
+#: wt-status.c:1325
 #, c-format
 msgid "  (see more in file %s)"
 msgstr "  (更多参见文件 %s)"
-#: wt-status.c:1305
+#: wt-status.c:1330
 msgid "No commands remaining."
 msgstr "未剩下任何命令。"
-#: wt-status.c:1308
+#: wt-status.c:1333
 #, c-format
 msgid "Next command to do (%d remaining command):"
 msgid_plural "Next commands to do (%d remaining commands):"
@@ -7952,187 +8122,179 @@
 msgstr[1] "接下来要执行的命令(剩余 %d 条命令):"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1316
+#: wt-status.c:1341
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --edit-todo\" to view and edit)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git rebase --edit-todo\" 来查看和编辑)"
-#: wt-status.c:1328
+#: wt-status.c:1353
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "您在执行将分支 '%s' 变基到 '%s' 的操作。"
-#: wt-status.c:1333
+#: wt-status.c:1358
 msgid "You are currently rebasing."
 msgstr "您在执行变基操作。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1346
+#: wt-status.c:1371
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and then run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (解决冲突,然后运行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1348
+#: wt-status.c:1373
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --skip\" to skip this patch)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git rebase --skip\" 跳过此补丁)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1350
+#: wt-status.c:1375
 msgid "  (use \"git rebase --abort\" to check out the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git rebase --abort\" 以检出原有分支)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1357
+#: wt-status.c:1382
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (所有冲突已解决:运行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1361
+#: wt-status.c:1386
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You are currently splitting a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "您在执行将分支 '%s' 变基到 '%s' 的操作时拆分提交。"
-#: wt-status.c:1366
+#: wt-status.c:1391
 msgid "You are currently splitting a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "您在执行变基操作时拆分提交。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1369
+#: wt-status.c:1394
 msgid "  (Once your working directory is clean, run \"git rebase --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (一旦您工作目录提交干净后,运行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1373
+#: wt-status.c:1398
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch '%s' on '%s'."
 msgstr "您在执行将分支 '%s' 变基到 '%s' 的操作时编辑提交。"
-#: wt-status.c:1378
+#: wt-status.c:1403
 msgid "You are currently editing a commit during a rebase."
 msgstr "您在执行变基操作时编辑提交。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1381
+#: wt-status.c:1406
 msgid "  (use \"git commit --amend\" to amend the current commit)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git commit --amend\" 修补当前提交)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1383
+#: wt-status.c:1408
 msgid ""
 "  (use \"git rebase --continue\" once you are satisfied with your changes)"
 msgstr "  (当您对您的修改满意后执行 \"git rebase --continue\")"
-#: wt-status.c:1394
+#: wt-status.c:1419
 msgid "Cherry-pick currently in progress."
 msgstr "拣选操作正在进行中。"
-#: wt-status.c:1397
+#: wt-status.c:1422
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently cherry-picking commit %s."
 msgstr "您在执行拣选提交 %s 的操作。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1404
+#: wt-status.c:1429
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (解决冲突并运行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1407
+#: wt-status.c:1432
 msgid "  (run \"git cherry-pick --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (执行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\" 以继续)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1410
+#: wt-status.c:1435
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (所有冲突已解决:运行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1412
+#: wt-status.c:1437
 msgid "  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git cherry-pick --abort\" 以取消拣选操作)"
-#: wt-status.c:1422
+#: wt-status.c:1447
 msgid "Revert currently in progress."
 msgstr "还原操作正在行中。"
-#: wt-status.c:1425
+#: wt-status.c:1450
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently reverting commit %s."
 msgstr "您在执行反转提交 %s 的操作。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1431
+#: wt-status.c:1456
 msgid "  (fix conflicts and run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (解决冲突并执行 \"git revert --continue\")"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1434
+#: wt-status.c:1459
 msgid "  (run \"git revert --continue\" to continue)"
 msgstr "  (执行 \"git revert --continue\" 以继续)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1437
+#: wt-status.c:1462
 msgid "  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"
 msgstr "  (所有冲突已解决:执行 \"git revert --continue\")"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1439
+#: wt-status.c:1464
 msgid "  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git revert --abort\" 以取消反转提交操作)"
-#: wt-status.c:1449
+#: wt-status.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "You are currently bisecting, started from branch '%s'."
 msgstr "您在执行从分支 '%s' 开始的二分查找操作。"
-#: wt-status.c:1453
+#: wt-status.c:1478
 msgid "You are currently bisecting."
 msgstr "您在执行二分查找操作。"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1456
+#: wt-status.c:1481
 msgid "  (use \"git bisect reset\" to get back to the original branch)"
 msgstr "  (使用 \"git bisect reset\" 以回到原有分支)"
-#: wt-status.c:1665
+#: wt-status.c:1690
 msgid "On branch "
 msgstr "位于分支 "
-#: wt-status.c:1672
+#: wt-status.c:1697
 msgid "interactive rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "交互式变基操作正在进行中;至 "
-#: wt-status.c:1674
+#: wt-status.c:1699
 msgid "rebase in progress; onto "
 msgstr "变基操作正在进行中;至 "
-#: wt-status.c:1679
-msgid "HEAD detached at "
-msgstr "头指针分离于 "
-#: wt-status.c:1681
-msgid "HEAD detached from "
-msgstr "头指针分离自 "
-#: wt-status.c:1684
+#: wt-status.c:1709
 msgid "Not currently on any branch."
 msgstr "当前不在任何分支上。"
-#: wt-status.c:1701
+#: wt-status.c:1726
 msgid "Initial commit"
 msgstr "初始提交"
-#: wt-status.c:1702
+#: wt-status.c:1727
 msgid "No commits yet"
 msgstr "尚无提交"
-#: wt-status.c:1716
+#: wt-status.c:1741
 msgid "Untracked files"
 msgstr "未跟踪的文件"
-#: wt-status.c:1718
+#: wt-status.c:1743
 msgid "Ignored files"
 msgstr "忽略的文件"
-#: wt-status.c:1722
+#: wt-status.c:1747
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It took %.2f seconds to enumerate untracked files. 'status -uno'\n"
@@ -8142,97 +8304,97 @@
 "耗费了 %.2f 秒以枚举未跟踪的文件。'status -uno' 也许能提高速度,\n"
 "但您需要小心不要忘了添加新文件(参见 'git help status')。"
-#: wt-status.c:1728
+#: wt-status.c:1753
 #, c-format
 msgid "Untracked files not listed%s"
 msgstr "未跟踪的文件没有列出%s"
 #  译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1730
+#: wt-status.c:1755
 msgid " (use -u option to show untracked files)"
 msgstr "(使用 -u 参数显示未跟踪的文件)"
-#: wt-status.c:1736
+#: wt-status.c:1761
 msgid "No changes"
 msgstr "没有修改"
-#: wt-status.c:1741
+#: wt-status.c:1766
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit (use \"git add\" and/or \"git commit -a\")\n"
 msgstr "修改尚未加入提交(使用 \"git add\" 和/或 \"git commit -a\")\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1744
+#: wt-status.c:1769
 #, c-format
 msgid "no changes added to commit\n"
 msgstr "修改尚未加入提交\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1747
+#: wt-status.c:1772
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use \"git add\" to "
 msgstr "提交为空,但是存在尚未跟踪的文件(使用 \"git add\" 建立跟踪)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1750
+#: wt-status.c:1775
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing added to commit but untracked files present\n"
 msgstr "提交为空,但是存在尚未跟踪的文件\n"
 #  译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1753
+#: wt-status.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (create/copy files and use \"git add\" to track)\n"
 msgstr "无文件要提交(创建/拷贝文件并使用 \"git add\" 建立跟踪)\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1756 wt-status.c:1761
+#: wt-status.c:1781 wt-status.c:1786
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit\n"
 msgstr "无文件要提交\n"
 #  译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1759
+#: wt-status.c:1784
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)\n"
 msgstr "无文件要提交(使用 -u 显示未跟踪的文件)\n"
 #  译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
-#: wt-status.c:1763
+#: wt-status.c:1788
 #, c-format
 msgid "nothing to commit, working tree clean\n"
 msgstr "无文件要提交,干净的工作区\n"
-#: wt-status.c:1876
+#: wt-status.c:1901
 msgid "No commits yet on "
 msgstr "尚无提交在 "
-#: wt-status.c:1880
+#: wt-status.c:1905
 msgid "HEAD (no branch)"
 msgstr "HEAD(非分支)"
-#: wt-status.c:1911
+#: wt-status.c:1936
 msgid "different"
 msgstr "不同"
 #  译者:注意保持句尾空格
-#: wt-status.c:1913 wt-status.c:1921
+#: wt-status.c:1938 wt-status.c:1946
 msgid "behind "
 msgstr "落后 "
-#: wt-status.c:1916 wt-status.c:1919
+#: wt-status.c:1941 wt-status.c:1944
 msgid "ahead "
 msgstr "领先 "
 #. TRANSLATORS: the action is e.g. "pull with rebase"
-#: wt-status.c:2443
+#: wt-status.c:2466
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: You have unstaged changes."
 msgstr "不能%s:您有未暂存的变更。"
-#: wt-status.c:2449
+#: wt-status.c:2472
 msgid "additionally, your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "另外,您的索引中包含未提交的变更。"
-#: wt-status.c:2451
+#: wt-status.c:2474
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot %s: Your index contains uncommitted changes."
 msgstr "不能%s:您的索引中包含未提交的变更。"
@@ -8246,7 +8408,7 @@
 msgid "unexpected diff status %c"
 msgstr "意外的差异状态 %c"
-#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:285
+#: builtin/add.c:89 builtin/commit.c:288
 msgid "updating files failed"
 msgstr "更新文件失败"
@@ -8294,8 +8456,8 @@
 msgid "The following paths are ignored by one of your .gitignore files:\n"
 msgstr "下列路径根据您的一个 .gitignore 文件而被忽略:\n"
-#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:908 builtin/fetch.c:137 builtin/mv.c:124
-#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:221 builtin/push.c:560
+#: builtin/add.c:290 builtin/clean.c:909 builtin/fetch.c:147 builtin/mv.c:124
+#: builtin/prune-packed.c:56 builtin/pull.c:222 builtin/push.c:560
 #: builtin/remote.c:1345 builtin/rm.c:241 builtin/send-pack.c:165
 msgid "dry run"
 msgstr "演习"
@@ -8304,7 +8466,7 @@
 msgid "interactive picking"
 msgstr "交互式拣选"
-#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1379 builtin/reset.c:306
+#: builtin/add.c:294 builtin/checkout.c:1480 builtin/reset.c:306
 msgid "select hunks interactively"
 msgstr "交互式挑选数据块"
@@ -8470,7 +8632,7 @@
 msgid "Patch format detection failed."
 msgstr "补丁格式探测失败。"
-#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:409
+#: builtin/am.c:949 builtin/clone.c:407
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create directory '%s'"
 msgstr "创建目录 '%s' 失败"
@@ -8479,7 +8641,7 @@
 msgid "Failed to split patches."
 msgstr "拆分补丁失败。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:371
+#: builtin/am.c:1084 builtin/commit.c:374
 msgid "unable to write index file"
 msgstr "无法写入索引文件"
@@ -8516,15 +8678,15 @@
 msgid "unable to parse commit %s"
 msgstr "不能解析提交 %s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1495
+#: builtin/am.c:1496
 msgid "Repository lacks necessary blobs to fall back on 3-way merge."
 msgstr "仓库缺乏必要的数据对象以进行三方合并。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1497
+#: builtin/am.c:1498
 msgid "Using index info to reconstruct a base tree..."
 msgstr "使用索引来重建一个(三方合并的)基础目录树..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1516
+#: builtin/am.c:1517
 msgid ""
 "Did you hand edit your patch?\n"
 "It does not apply to blobs recorded in its index."
@@ -8532,28 +8694,24 @@
-#: builtin/am.c:1522
+#: builtin/am.c:1523
 msgid "Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge..."
 msgstr "回落到基础版本上打补丁及进行三方合并..."
-#: builtin/am.c:1548
+#: builtin/am.c:1549
 msgid "Failed to merge in the changes."
 msgstr "无法合并变更。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1580
+#: builtin/am.c:1581
 msgid "applying to an empty history"
 msgstr "正应用到一个空历史上"
-#: builtin/am.c:1627 builtin/am.c:1631
+#: builtin/am.c:1628 builtin/am.c:1632
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot resume: %s does not exist."
 msgstr "无法继续:%s 不存在。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1647
-msgid "cannot be interactive without stdin connected to a terminal."
-msgstr "标准输入没有和终端关联,不能进行交互式操作。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1652
+#: builtin/am.c:1650
 msgid "Commit Body is:"
 msgstr "提交内容为:"
@@ -8562,34 +8720,35 @@
 #. in your translation. The program will only accept English
 #. input at this point.
-#: builtin/am.c:1662
+#: builtin/am.c:1660
+#, c-format
 msgid "Apply? [y]es/[n]o/[e]dit/[v]iew patch/[a]ccept all: "
 msgstr "应用?是[y]/否[n]/编辑[e]/查看补丁[v]/应用所有[a]:"
-#: builtin/am.c:1712
+#: builtin/am.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "Dirty index: cannot apply patches (dirty: %s)"
 msgstr "脏索引:不能应用补丁(脏文件:%s)"
-#: builtin/am.c:1752 builtin/am.c:1820
+#: builtin/am.c:1750 builtin/am.c:1818
 #, c-format
 msgid "Applying: %.*s"
 msgstr "应用:%.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1769
+#: builtin/am.c:1767
 msgid "No changes -- Patch already applied."
 msgstr "没有变更 —— 补丁已经应用过。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1775
+#: builtin/am.c:1773
 #, c-format
 msgid "Patch failed at %s %.*s"
 msgstr "打补丁失败于 %s %.*s"
-#: builtin/am.c:1779
+#: builtin/am.c:1777
 msgid "Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch"
 msgstr "用 'git am --show-current-patch' 命令查看失败的补丁"
-#: builtin/am.c:1823
+#: builtin/am.c:1821
 msgid ""
 "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?\n"
 "If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else\n"
@@ -8599,7 +8758,7 @@
-#: builtin/am.c:1830
+#: builtin/am.c:1828
 msgid ""
 "You still have unmerged paths in your index.\n"
 "You should 'git add' each file with resolved conflicts to mark them as "
@@ -8610,159 +8769,159 @@
 "您应该对已经冲突解决的每一个文件执行 'git add' 来标记已经完成。 \n"
 "你可以对 \"由他们删除\" 的文件执行 `git rm` 命令。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1937 builtin/am.c:1941 builtin/am.c:1953 builtin/reset.c:329
+#: builtin/am.c:1935 builtin/am.c:1939 builtin/am.c:1951 builtin/reset.c:329
 #: builtin/reset.c:337
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not parse object '%s'."
 msgstr "不能解析对象 '%s'。"
-#: builtin/am.c:1989
+#: builtin/am.c:1987
 msgid "failed to clean index"
 msgstr "清空索引失败"
-#: builtin/am.c:2033
+#: builtin/am.c:2031
 msgid ""
 "You seem to have moved HEAD since the last 'am' failure.\n"
 "Not rewinding to ORIG_HEAD"
 msgstr "您好像在上一次 'am' 失败后移动了 HEAD。未回退至 ORIG_HEAD"
-#: builtin/am.c:2130
+#: builtin/am.c:2128
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for --patch-format: %s"
 msgstr "无效的 --patch-format 值:%s"
-#: builtin/am.c:2166
+#: builtin/am.c:2164
 msgid "git am [<options>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
 msgstr "git am [<选项>] [(<mbox> | <Maildir>)...]"
-#: builtin/am.c:2167
+#: builtin/am.c:2165
 msgid "git am [<options>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
 msgstr "git am [<选项>] (--continue | --skip | --abort)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2173
+#: builtin/am.c:2171
 msgid "run interactively"
 msgstr "以交互式方式运行"
-#: builtin/am.c:2175
+#: builtin/am.c:2173
 msgid "historical option -- no-op"
 msgstr "老的参数 —— 无作用"
-#: builtin/am.c:2177
+#: builtin/am.c:2175
 msgid "allow fall back on 3way merging if needed"
 msgstr "如果必要,允许使用三方合并。"
-#: builtin/am.c:2178 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
-#: builtin/repack.c:306 builtin/stash.c:805
+#: builtin/am.c:2176 builtin/init-db.c:494 builtin/prune-packed.c:58
+#: builtin/repack.c:296 builtin/stash.c:806
 msgid "be quiet"
 msgstr "静默模式"
-#: builtin/am.c:2180
+#: builtin/am.c:2178
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by line to the commit message"
 msgstr "在提交说明中添加一个 Signed-off-by 签名"
-#: builtin/am.c:2183
+#: builtin/am.c:2181
 msgid "recode into utf8 (default)"
 msgstr "使用 utf8 字符集(默认)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2185
+#: builtin/am.c:2183
 msgid "pass -k flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "向 git-mailinfo 传递 -k 参数"
-#: builtin/am.c:2187
+#: builtin/am.c:2185
 msgid "pass -b flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "向 git-mailinfo 传递 -b 参数"
-#: builtin/am.c:2189
+#: builtin/am.c:2187
 msgid "pass -m flag to git-mailinfo"
 msgstr "向 git-mailinfo 传递 -m 参数"
-#: builtin/am.c:2191
+#: builtin/am.c:2189
 msgid "pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit for mbox format"
 msgstr "针对 mbox 格式,向 git-mailsplit 传递 --keep-cr 参数"
-#: builtin/am.c:2194
+#: builtin/am.c:2192
 msgid "do not pass --keep-cr flag to git-mailsplit independent of am.keepcr"
 msgstr "不向 git-mailsplit 传递 --keep-cr 参数,覆盖 am.keepcr 的设置"
-#: builtin/am.c:2197
+#: builtin/am.c:2195
 msgid "strip everything before a scissors line"
 msgstr "丢弃裁切线前的所有内容"
-#: builtin/am.c:2199 builtin/am.c:2202 builtin/am.c:2205 builtin/am.c:2208
-#: builtin/am.c:2211 builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/am.c:2217 builtin/am.c:2220
-#: builtin/am.c:2226
+#: builtin/am.c:2197 builtin/am.c:2200 builtin/am.c:2203 builtin/am.c:2206
+#: builtin/am.c:2209 builtin/am.c:2212 builtin/am.c:2215 builtin/am.c:2218
+#: builtin/am.c:2224
 msgid "pass it through git-apply"
 msgstr "传递给 git-apply"
-#: builtin/am.c:2216 builtin/commit.c:1348 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
-#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:879 builtin/merge.c:247
-#: builtin/pull.c:158 builtin/pull.c:217 builtin/rebase.c:1412
-#: builtin/repack.c:317 builtin/repack.c:321 builtin/repack.c:323
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:651 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:397
-#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:311
+#: builtin/am.c:2214 builtin/commit.c:1368 builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:671
+#: builtin/fmt-merge-msg.c:674 builtin/grep.c:881 builtin/merge.c:249
+#: builtin/pull.c:159 builtin/pull.c:218 builtin/rebase.c:1418
+#: builtin/repack.c:307 builtin/repack.c:311 builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:650 builtin/show-ref.c:172 builtin/tag.c:403
+#: parse-options.h:141 parse-options.h:162 parse-options.h:312
 msgid "n"
 msgstr "n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2222 builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
-#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:431 builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/am.c:2220 builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38
+#: builtin/replace.c:554 builtin/tag.c:437 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format"
 msgstr "格式"
-#: builtin/am.c:2223
+#: builtin/am.c:2221
 msgid "format the patch(es) are in"
 msgstr "补丁的格式"
-#: builtin/am.c:2229
+#: builtin/am.c:2227
 msgid "override error message when patch failure occurs"
 msgstr "打补丁失败时显示的错误信息"
-#: builtin/am.c:2231
+#: builtin/am.c:2229
 msgid "continue applying patches after resolving a conflict"
 msgstr "冲突解决后继续应用补丁"
-#: builtin/am.c:2234
+#: builtin/am.c:2232
 msgid "synonyms for --continue"
 msgstr "和 --continue 同义"
-#: builtin/am.c:2237
+#: builtin/am.c:2235
 msgid "skip the current patch"
 msgstr "跳过当前补丁"
-#: builtin/am.c:2240
+#: builtin/am.c:2238
 msgid "restore the original branch and abort the patching operation."
 msgstr "恢复原始分支并终止打补丁操作。"
-#: builtin/am.c:2243
+#: builtin/am.c:2241
 msgid "abort the patching operation but keep HEAD where it is."
 msgstr "终止补丁操作但保持 HEAD 不变。"
-#: builtin/am.c:2246
+#: builtin/am.c:2244
 msgid "show the patch being applied."
 msgstr "显示正在应用的补丁。"
-#: builtin/am.c:2250
+#: builtin/am.c:2248
 msgid "lie about committer date"
 msgstr "将作者日期作为提交日期"
-#: builtin/am.c:2252
+#: builtin/am.c:2250
 msgid "use current timestamp for author date"
 msgstr "用当前时间作为作者日期"
-#: builtin/am.c:2254 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1491
-#: builtin/merge.c:282 builtin/pull.c:192 builtin/rebase.c:489
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1453 builtin/revert.c:116 builtin/tag.c:412
+#: builtin/am.c:2252 builtin/commit-tree.c:120 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/merge.c:286 builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/rebase.c:489
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1459 builtin/revert.c:117 builtin/tag.c:418
 msgid "key-id"
 msgstr "key-id"
-#: builtin/am.c:2255 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1454
+#: builtin/am.c:2253 builtin/rebase.c:490 builtin/rebase.c:1460
 msgid "GPG-sign commits"
 msgstr "使用 GPG 签名提交"
-#: builtin/am.c:2258
+#: builtin/am.c:2256
 msgid "(internal use for git-rebase)"
 msgstr "(内部使用,用于 git-rebase)"
-#: builtin/am.c:2276
+#: builtin/am.c:2274
 msgid ""
 "The -b/--binary option has been a no-op for long time, and\n"
 "it will be removed. Please do not use it anymore."
@@ -8770,16 +8929,16 @@
 "参数 -b/--binary 已经很长时间不做任何实质操作了,并且将被移除。\n"
-#: builtin/am.c:2283
+#: builtin/am.c:2281
 msgid "failed to read the index"
 msgstr "读取索引失败"
-#: builtin/am.c:2298
+#: builtin/am.c:2296
 #, c-format
 msgid "previous rebase directory %s still exists but mbox given."
 msgstr "之前的变基目录 %s 仍然存在,但却提供了 mbox。"
-#: builtin/am.c:2322
+#: builtin/am.c:2320
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Stray %s directory found.\n"
@@ -8788,10 +8947,14 @@
 "发现了错误的 %s 目录。\n"
 "使用 \"git am --abort\" 删除它。"
-#: builtin/am.c:2328
+#: builtin/am.c:2326
 msgid "Resolve operation not in progress, we are not resuming."
 msgstr "解决操作未进行,我们不会继续。"
+#: builtin/am.c:2336
+msgid "interactive mode requires patches on the command line"
+msgstr "交互式模式需要命令行上提供补丁"
 #: builtin/apply.c:8
 msgid "git apply [<options>] [<patch>...]"
 msgstr "git apply [<选项>] [<补丁>...]"
@@ -9017,79 +9180,84 @@
 msgid "bad HEAD - strange symbolic ref"
 msgstr "坏的 HEAD - 奇怪的符号引用"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:627
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:574
+#, c-format
+msgid "invalid ref: '%s'"
+msgstr "无效的引用:'%s'"
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:630
 msgid "perform 'git bisect next'"
 msgstr "执行 'git bisect next'"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:629
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:632
 msgid "write the terms to .git/BISECT_TERMS"
 msgstr "将术语写入 .git/BISECT_TERMS"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:631
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:634
 msgid "cleanup the bisection state"
 msgstr "清除二分查找状态"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:633
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:636
 msgid "check for expected revs"
 msgstr "检查预期的版本"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:635
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:638
 msgid "reset the bisection state"
 msgstr "清除二分查找状态"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:637
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:640
 msgid "write out the bisection state in BISECT_LOG"
 msgstr "将二分查找的状态写入 BISECT_LOG"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:639
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:642
 msgid "check and set terms in a bisection state"
 msgstr "在一个二分查找状态中检查和设置术语"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:641
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:644
 msgid "check whether bad or good terms exist"
 msgstr "检查坏的或好的术语是否存在"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:643
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:646
 msgid "print out the bisect terms"
 msgstr "打印二分查找术语"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:645
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:648
 msgid "start the bisect session"
 msgstr "启动二分查找过程"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:647
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:650
 msgid "update BISECT_HEAD instead of checking out the current commit"
 msgstr "更新 BISECT_HEAD 而非检出当前提交"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:649
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:652
 msgid "no log for BISECT_WRITE"
 msgstr "BISECT_WRITE 无日志"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:666
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:669
 msgid "--write-terms requires two arguments"
 msgstr "--write-terms 需要两个参数"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:670
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:673
 msgid "--bisect-clean-state requires no arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-clean-state 不带参数"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:677
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:680
 msgid "--bisect-reset requires either no argument or a commit"
 msgstr "--bisect-reset 无需参数或者需要一个提交"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:681
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:684
 msgid "--bisect-write requires either 4 or 5 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-write 需要 4 或 5 个参数"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:687
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:690
 msgid "--check-and-set-terms requires 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--check-and-set-terms 需要 3 个参数"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:693
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:696
 msgid "--bisect-next-check requires 2 or 3 arguments"
 msgstr "--bisect-next-check 需要 2 或 3 个参数"
-#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:699
+#: builtin/bisect--helper.c:702
 msgid "--bisect-terms requires 0 or 1 argument"
 msgstr "--bisect-terms 需要 0 或 1 个参数"
@@ -9101,133 +9269,150 @@
 msgid "<rev-opts> are documented in git-rev-list(1)"
 msgstr "<版本选项> 的文档记录在 git-rev-list(1) 中"
-#: builtin/blame.c:407
+#: builtin/blame.c:410
 #, c-format
 msgid "expecting a color: %s"
 msgstr "期望一个颜色:%s"
-#: builtin/blame.c:414
+#: builtin/blame.c:417
 msgid "must end with a color"
 msgstr "必须以一个颜色结尾"
-#: builtin/blame.c:701
+#: builtin/blame.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid color '%s' in color.blame.repeatedLines"
 msgstr "设置 color.blame.repeatedLines 中的无效颜色 '%s'"
-#: builtin/blame.c:719
+#: builtin/blame.c:748
 msgid "invalid value for blame.coloring"
 msgstr "设置 blame.coloring 中的无效取值"
-#: builtin/blame.c:794
+#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#, c-format
+msgid "cannot find revision %s to ignore"
+msgstr "不能找到要忽略的版本 %s"
+#: builtin/blame.c:845
 msgid "Show blame entries as we find them, incrementally"
 msgstr "增量式地显示发现的 blame 条目"
-#: builtin/blame.c:795
+#: builtin/blame.c:846
 msgid "Show blank SHA-1 for boundary commits (Default: off)"
 msgstr "边界提交显示空的 SHA-1(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:796
+#: builtin/blame.c:847
 msgid "Do not treat root commits as boundaries (Default: off)"
 msgstr "不把根提交作为边界(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:797
+#: builtin/blame.c:848
 msgid "Show work cost statistics"
 msgstr "显示命令消耗统计"
-#: builtin/blame.c:798
+#: builtin/blame.c:849
 msgid "Force progress reporting"
 msgstr "强制进度显示"
-#: builtin/blame.c:799
+#: builtin/blame.c:850
 msgid "Show output score for blame entries"
 msgstr "显示判断 blame 条目位移的得分诊断信息"
-#: builtin/blame.c:800
+#: builtin/blame.c:851
 msgid "Show original filename (Default: auto)"
 msgstr "显示原始文件名(默认:自动)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:801
+#: builtin/blame.c:852
 msgid "Show original linenumber (Default: off)"
 msgstr "显示原始的行号(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:802
+#: builtin/blame.c:853
 msgid "Show in a format designed for machine consumption"
 msgstr "显示为一个适合机器读取的格式"
-#: builtin/blame.c:803
+#: builtin/blame.c:854
 msgid "Show porcelain format with per-line commit information"
 msgstr "为每一行显示机器适用的提交信息"
-#: builtin/blame.c:804
+#: builtin/blame.c:855
 msgid "Use the same output mode as git-annotate (Default: off)"
 msgstr "使用和 git-annotate 相同的输出模式(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:805
+#: builtin/blame.c:856
 msgid "Show raw timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "显示原始时间戳(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:806
+#: builtin/blame.c:857
 msgid "Show long commit SHA1 (Default: off)"
 msgstr "显示长的 SHA1 提交号(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:807
+#: builtin/blame.c:858
 msgid "Suppress author name and timestamp (Default: off)"
 msgstr "隐藏作者名字和时间戳(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:808
+#: builtin/blame.c:859
 msgid "Show author email instead of name (Default: off)"
 msgstr "显示作者的邮箱而不是名字(默认:关闭)"
-#: builtin/blame.c:809
+#: builtin/blame.c:860
 msgid "Ignore whitespace differences"
 msgstr "忽略空白差异"
-#: builtin/blame.c:810
+#: builtin/blame.c:861 builtin/log.c:1629
+msgid "rev"
+msgstr "版本"
+#: builtin/blame.c:861
+msgid "Ignore <rev> when blaming"
+msgstr "在执行 blame 操作时忽略 <版本>"
+#: builtin/blame.c:862
+msgid "Ignore revisions from <file>"
+msgstr "忽略来自 <文件> 中的版本"
+#: builtin/blame.c:863
 msgid "color redundant metadata from previous line differently"
 msgstr "使用颜色间隔输出与前一行不同的重复元信息"
-#: builtin/blame.c:811
+#: builtin/blame.c:864
 msgid "color lines by age"
 msgstr "依据时间着色"
-#: builtin/blame.c:818
+#: builtin/blame.c:871
 msgid "Use an experimental heuristic to improve diffs"
 msgstr "使用一个试验性的启发式算法改进差异显示"
-#: builtin/blame.c:820
+#: builtin/blame.c:873
 msgid "Spend extra cycles to find better match"
 msgstr "花费额外的循环来找到更好的匹配"
-#: builtin/blame.c:821
+#: builtin/blame.c:874
 msgid "Use revisions from <file> instead of calling git-rev-list"
 msgstr "使用来自 <文件> 的修订集而不是调用 git-rev-list"
-#: builtin/blame.c:822
+#: builtin/blame.c:875
 msgid "Use <file>'s contents as the final image"
 msgstr "使用 <文件> 的内容作为最终的图片"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823 builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:876 builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "score"
 msgstr "得分"
-#: builtin/blame.c:823
+#: builtin/blame.c:876
 msgid "Find line copies within and across files"
 msgstr "找到文件内及跨文件的行拷贝"
-#: builtin/blame.c:824
+#: builtin/blame.c:877
 msgid "Find line movements within and across files"
 msgstr "找到文件内及跨文件的行移动"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "n,m"
 msgstr "n,m"
-#: builtin/blame.c:825
+#: builtin/blame.c:878
 msgid "Process only line range n,m, counting from 1"
 msgstr "只处理行范围在 n 和 m 之间的,从 1 开始"
-#: builtin/blame.c:876
+#: builtin/blame.c:929
 msgid "--progress can't be used with --incremental or porcelain formats"
 msgstr "--progress 不能和 --incremental 或 --porcelain 同时使用"
@@ -9239,18 +9424,18 @@
 #. your language may need more or fewer display
 #. columns.
-#: builtin/blame.c:927
+#: builtin/blame.c:980
 msgid "4 years, 11 months ago"
 msgstr "4 年 11 个月前"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1031
+#: builtin/blame.c:1087
 #, c-format
 msgid "file %s has only %lu line"
 msgid_plural "file %s has only %lu lines"
 msgstr[0] "文件 %s 只有 %lu 行"
 msgstr[1] "文件 %s 只有 %lu 行"
-#: builtin/blame.c:1077
+#: builtin/blame.c:1133
 msgid "Blaming lines"
 msgstr "追踪代码行"
@@ -9283,7 +9468,7 @@
 msgstr "git branch [<选项>] [-r | -a] [--format]"
 #  译者:保持原换行格式,在输出时 %s 的替代内容会让字符串变长
-#: builtin/branch.c:151
+#: builtin/branch.c:154
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "deleting branch '%s' that has been merged to\n"
@@ -9293,7 +9478,7 @@
 "         '%s',但未合并到 HEAD。"
 #  译者:保持原换行格式,在输出时 %s 的替代内容会让字符串变长
-#: builtin/branch.c:155
+#: builtin/branch.c:158
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "not deleting branch '%s' that is not yet merged to\n"
@@ -9302,12 +9487,12 @@
 "并未删除分支 '%s', 虽然它已经合并到 HEAD,\n"
 "         然而却尚未被合并到分支 '%s' 。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:169
+#: builtin/branch.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for '%s'"
 msgstr "无法查询 '%s' 指向的提交对象"
-#: builtin/branch.c:173
+#: builtin/branch.c:176
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The branch '%s' is not fully merged.\n"
@@ -9316,121 +9501,121 @@
 "分支 '%s' 没有完全合并。\n"
 "如果您确认要删除它,执行 'git branch -D %s'。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:186
+#: builtin/branch.c:189
 msgid "Update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "更新配置文件失败"
-#: builtin/branch.c:217
+#: builtin/branch.c:220
 msgid "cannot use -a with -d"
 msgstr "不能将 -a 和 -d 同时使用"
-#: builtin/branch.c:223
+#: builtin/branch.c:226
 msgid "Couldn't look up commit object for HEAD"
 msgstr "无法查询 HEAD 指向的提交对象"
-#: builtin/branch.c:237
+#: builtin/branch.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot delete branch '%s' checked out at '%s'"
 msgstr "无法删除检出于 '%2$s' 的分支 '%1$s'。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:252
+#: builtin/branch.c:255
 #, c-format
 msgid "remote-tracking branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "未能找到远程跟踪分支 '%s'。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:253
+#: builtin/branch.c:256
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' not found."
 msgstr "分支 '%s' 未发现。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:268
+#: builtin/branch.c:271
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting remote-tracking branch '%s'"
 msgstr "无法删除远程跟踪分支 '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:269
+#: builtin/branch.c:272
 #, c-format
 msgid "Error deleting branch '%s'"
 msgstr "无法删除分支 '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:276
+#: builtin/branch.c:279
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted remote-tracking branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "已删除远程跟踪分支 %s(曾为 %s)。\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:277
+#: builtin/branch.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted branch %s (was %s).\n"
 msgstr "已删除分支 %s(曾为 %s)。\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:421 builtin/tag.c:60
+#: builtin/branch.c:429 builtin/tag.c:61
 msgid "unable to parse format string"
 msgstr "不能解析格式化字符串"
-#: builtin/branch.c:452
+#: builtin/branch.c:460
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD"
 msgstr "不能解析 HEAD 提交"
-#: builtin/branch.c:458
+#: builtin/branch.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD (%s) points outside of refs/heads/"
 msgstr "HEAD (%s) 指向 refs/heads/ 之外"
-#: builtin/branch.c:473
+#: builtin/branch.c:481
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being rebased at %s"
 msgstr "分支 %s 正被变基到 %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:477
+#: builtin/branch.c:485
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch %s is being bisected at %s"
 msgstr "分支 %s 正被二分查找于 %s"
-#: builtin/branch.c:494
+#: builtin/branch.c:502
 msgid "cannot copy the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "无法拷贝当前分支因为不处于任何分支上。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:496
+#: builtin/branch.c:504
 msgid "cannot rename the current branch while not on any."
 msgstr "无法重命名当前分支因为不处于任何分支上。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:507
+#: builtin/branch.c:515
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid branch name: '%s'"
 msgstr "无效的分支名:'%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:534
+#: builtin/branch.c:542
 msgid "Branch rename failed"
 msgstr "分支重命名失败"
-#: builtin/branch.c:536
+#: builtin/branch.c:544
 msgid "Branch copy failed"
 msgstr "分支拷贝失败"
-#: builtin/branch.c:540
+#: builtin/branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created a copy of a misnamed branch '%s'"
 msgstr "已为错误命名的分支 '%s' 创建了一个副本"
-#: builtin/branch.c:543
+#: builtin/branch.c:551
 #, c-format
 msgid "Renamed a misnamed branch '%s' away"
 msgstr "已将错误命名的分支 '%s' 重命名"
-#: builtin/branch.c:549
+#: builtin/branch.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch renamed to %s, but HEAD is not updated!"
 msgstr "分支重命名为 %s,但 HEAD 没有更新!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:558
+#: builtin/branch.c:566
 msgid "Branch is renamed, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "分支被重命名,但更新配置文件失败"
-#: builtin/branch.c:560
+#: builtin/branch.c:568
 msgid "Branch is copied, but update of config-file failed"
 msgstr "分支已拷贝,但更新配置文件失败"
-#: builtin/branch.c:576
+#: builtin/branch.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please edit the description for the branch\n"
@@ -9441,213 +9626,217 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "以 '%c' 开头的行将被过滤。\n"
-#: builtin/branch.c:610
+#: builtin/branch.c:618
 msgid "Generic options"
 msgstr "通用选项"
-#: builtin/branch.c:612
+#: builtin/branch.c:620
 msgid "show hash and subject, give twice for upstream branch"
 msgstr "显示哈希值和主题,若参数出现两次则显示上游分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:613
+#: builtin/branch.c:621
 msgid "suppress informational messages"
 msgstr "不显示信息"
-#: builtin/branch.c:614
+#: builtin/branch.c:622
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-pull(1))"
 msgstr "设置跟踪模式(参见 git-pull(1))"
-#: builtin/branch.c:616
+#: builtin/branch.c:624
 msgid "do not use"
 msgstr "不要使用"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618 builtin/rebase.c:485
+#: builtin/branch.c:626 builtin/rebase.c:485
 msgid "upstream"
 msgstr "上游"
-#: builtin/branch.c:618
+#: builtin/branch.c:626
 msgid "change the upstream info"
 msgstr "改变上游信息"
-#: builtin/branch.c:619
+#: builtin/branch.c:627
 msgid "Unset the upstream info"
 msgstr "取消上游信息的设置"
-#: builtin/branch.c:620
+#: builtin/branch.c:628
 msgid "use colored output"
 msgstr "使用彩色输出"
-#: builtin/branch.c:621
+#: builtin/branch.c:629
 msgid "act on remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "作用于远程跟踪分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:623 builtin/branch.c:625
+#: builtin/branch.c:631 builtin/branch.c:633
 msgid "print only branches that contain the commit"
 msgstr "只打印包含该提交的分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:624 builtin/branch.c:626
+#: builtin/branch.c:632 builtin/branch.c:634
 msgid "print only branches that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "只打印不包含该提交的分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:629
+#: builtin/branch.c:637
 msgid "Specific git-branch actions:"
 msgstr "具体的 git-branch 动作:"
-#: builtin/branch.c:630
+#: builtin/branch.c:638
 msgid "list both remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "列出远程跟踪及本地分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:632
+#: builtin/branch.c:640
 msgid "delete fully merged branch"
 msgstr "删除完全合并的分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:633
+#: builtin/branch.c:641
 msgid "delete branch (even if not merged)"
 msgstr "删除分支(即使没有合并)"
-#: builtin/branch.c:634
+#: builtin/branch.c:642
 msgid "move/rename a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "移动/重命名一个分支,以及它的引用日志"
-#: builtin/branch.c:635
+#: builtin/branch.c:643
 msgid "move/rename a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "移动/重命名一个分支,即使目标已存在"
-#: builtin/branch.c:636
+#: builtin/branch.c:644
 msgid "copy a branch and its reflog"
 msgstr "拷贝一个分支和它的引用日志"
-#: builtin/branch.c:637
+#: builtin/branch.c:645
 msgid "copy a branch, even if target exists"
 msgstr "拷贝一个分支,即使目标已存在"
-#: builtin/branch.c:638
+#: builtin/branch.c:646
 msgid "list branch names"
 msgstr "列出分支名"
-#: builtin/branch.c:639
+#: builtin/branch.c:647
 msgid "show current branch name"
 msgstr "显示当前分支名"
-#: builtin/branch.c:640
+#: builtin/branch.c:648
 msgid "create the branch's reflog"
 msgstr "创建分支的引用日志"
-#: builtin/branch.c:642
+#: builtin/branch.c:650
 msgid "edit the description for the branch"
 msgstr "标记分支的描述"
-#: builtin/branch.c:643
+#: builtin/branch.c:651
 msgid "force creation, move/rename, deletion"
 msgstr "强制创建、移动/重命名、删除"
-#: builtin/branch.c:644
+#: builtin/branch.c:652
 msgid "print only branches that are merged"
 msgstr "只打印已经合并的分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:645
+#: builtin/branch.c:653
 msgid "print only branches that are not merged"
 msgstr "只打印尚未合并的分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:646
+#: builtin/branch.c:654
 msgid "list branches in columns"
 msgstr "以列的方式显示分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:649 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
+#: builtin/branch.c:657 builtin/for-each-ref.c:42 builtin/notes.c:415
 #: builtin/notes.c:418 builtin/notes.c:581 builtin/notes.c:584
-#: builtin/tag.c:427
+#: builtin/tag.c:433
 msgid "object"
 msgstr "对象"
-#: builtin/branch.c:650
+#: builtin/branch.c:658
 msgid "print only branches of the object"
 msgstr "只打印指向该对象的分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:652 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:434
+#: builtin/branch.c:660 builtin/for-each-ref.c:48 builtin/tag.c:440
 msgid "sorting and filtering are case insensitive"
 msgstr "排序和过滤属于大小写不敏感"
-#: builtin/branch.c:653 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:432
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:39
+#: builtin/branch.c:661 builtin/for-each-ref.c:38 builtin/tag.c:438
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:38
 msgid "format to use for the output"
 msgstr "输出格式"
-#: builtin/branch.c:676 builtin/clone.c:748
+#: builtin/branch.c:684 builtin/clone.c:761
 msgid "HEAD not found below refs/heads!"
 msgstr "HEAD 没有位于 /refs/heads 之下!"
-#: builtin/branch.c:700
+#: builtin/branch.c:708
 msgid "--column and --verbose are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column 和 --verbose 不兼容"
-#: builtin/branch.c:715 builtin/branch.c:769 builtin/branch.c:778
+#: builtin/branch.c:723 builtin/branch.c:777 builtin/branch.c:786
 msgid "branch name required"
 msgstr "必须提供分支名"
-#: builtin/branch.c:745
+#: builtin/branch.c:753
 msgid "Cannot give description to detached HEAD"
 msgstr "不能向分离头指针提供描述"
-#: builtin/branch.c:750
+#: builtin/branch.c:758
 msgid "cannot edit description of more than one branch"
 msgstr "不能为一个以上的分支编辑描述"
-#: builtin/branch.c:757
+#: builtin/branch.c:765
 #, c-format
 msgid "No commit on branch '%s' yet."
 msgstr "分支 '%s' 尚无提交。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:760
+#: builtin/branch.c:768
 #, c-format
 msgid "No branch named '%s'."
 msgstr "没有分支 '%s'。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:775
+#: builtin/branch.c:783
 msgid "too many branches for a copy operation"
 msgstr "为拷贝操作提供了太多的分支名"
-#: builtin/branch.c:784
+#: builtin/branch.c:792
 msgid "too many arguments for a rename operation"
 msgstr "为重命名操作提供了太多的参数"
-#: builtin/branch.c:789
+#: builtin/branch.c:797
 msgid "too many arguments to set new upstream"
 msgstr "为设置新上游提供了太多的参数"
-#: builtin/branch.c:793
+#: builtin/branch.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not set upstream of HEAD to %s when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr "无法设置 HEAD 的上游为 %s,因为 HEAD 没有指向任何分支。"
-#: builtin/branch.c:796 builtin/branch.c:819
+#: builtin/branch.c:804 builtin/branch.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such branch '%s'"
 msgstr "没有此分支 '%s'"
-#: builtin/branch.c:800
+#: builtin/branch.c:808
 #, c-format
 msgid "branch '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "分支 '%s' 不存在"
-#: builtin/branch.c:813
+#: builtin/branch.c:821
 msgid "too many arguments to unset upstream"
 msgstr "为取消上游设置操作提供了太多的参数"
-#: builtin/branch.c:817
+#: builtin/branch.c:825
 msgid "could not unset upstream of HEAD when it does not point to any branch."
 msgstr "无法取消 HEAD 的上游设置因为它没有指向一个分支"
-#: builtin/branch.c:823
+#: builtin/branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "Branch '%s' has no upstream information"
 msgstr "分支 '%s' 没有上游信息"
-#: builtin/branch.c:833
-msgid "-a and -r options to 'git branch' do not make sense with a branch name"
-msgstr "'git branch' 的 -a 和 -r 选项带一个分支名参数没有意义"
+#: builtin/branch.c:841
+msgid ""
+"The -a, and -r, options to 'git branch' do not take a branch name.\n"
+"Did you mean to use: -a|-r --list <pattern>?"
+msgstr ""
+"'git branch' 的 -a 和 -r 选项不带一个分支名。\n"
+"您是否想要使用:-a|-r --list <模式>?"
-#: builtin/branch.c:836
+#: builtin/branch.c:845
 msgid ""
 "the '--set-upstream' option is no longer supported. Please use '--track' or "
 "'--set-upstream-to' instead."
@@ -9667,7 +9856,7 @@
 msgid "Need a repository to unbundle."
 msgstr "需要一个仓库来解包。"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:593
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <type> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<path>] <object>"
@@ -9675,7 +9864,7 @@
 "git cat-file (-t [--allow-unknown-type] | -s [--allow-unknown-type] | -e | -"
 "p | <类型> | --textconv | --filters) [--path=<路径>] <对象>"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:594
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:595
 msgid ""
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
@@ -9683,71 +9872,71 @@
 "git cat-file (--batch | --batch-check) [--follow-symlinks] [--textconv | --"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:615
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:616
 msgid "only one batch option may be specified"
 msgstr "只能指定一个批处理选项"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:633
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
 msgid "<type> can be one of: blob, tree, commit, tag"
 msgstr "<类型> 可以是其中之一:blob、tree、commit、tag"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:634
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
 msgid "show object type"
 msgstr "显示对象类型"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:635
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:636
 msgid "show object size"
 msgstr "显示对象大小"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:637
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
 msgid "exit with zero when there's no error"
 msgstr "当没有错误时退出并返回零"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:638
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:639
 msgid "pretty-print object's content"
 msgstr "美观地打印对象的内容"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:640
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:641
 msgid "for blob objects, run textconv on object's content"
 msgstr "对于数据对象,对其内容做文本转换"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:642
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
 msgid "for blob objects, run filters on object's content"
 msgstr "对于数据对象,对其内容做过滤"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:643
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
 msgid "blob"
 msgstr "数据对象"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:644
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:645
 msgid "use a specific path for --textconv/--filters"
 msgstr "对于 --textconv/--filters 使用一个特定的路径"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:646
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
 msgid "allow -s and -t to work with broken/corrupt objects"
 msgstr "允许 -s 和 -t 对损坏的对象生效"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:647
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:648
 msgid "buffer --batch output"
 msgstr "缓冲 --batch 的输出"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:649
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:650
 msgid "show info and content of objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "显示从标准输入提供的对象的信息和内容"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:653
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:654
 msgid "show info about objects fed from the standard input"
 msgstr "显示从标准输入提供的对象的信息"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:657
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:658
 msgid "follow in-tree symlinks (used with --batch or --batch-check)"
 msgstr "跟随树内符号链接(和 --batch 或 --batch-check 共用)"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:659
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:660
 msgid "show all objects with --batch or --batch-check"
 msgstr "使用 --batch 或 --batch-check 参数显示所有对象"
-#: builtin/cat-file.c:661
+#: builtin/cat-file.c:662
 msgid "do not order --batch-all-objects output"
 msgstr "不要对 --batch-all-objects 的输出排序"
@@ -9775,8 +9964,8 @@
 msgid "terminate input and output records by a NUL character"
 msgstr "输入和输出的记录使用 NUL 字符终结"
-#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/gc.c:538
-#: builtin/worktree.c:499
+#: builtin/check-ignore.c:21 builtin/checkout.c:1433 builtin/gc.c:538
+#: builtin/worktree.c:507
 msgid "suppress progress reporting"
 msgstr "不显示进度报告"
@@ -9866,9 +10055,9 @@
 msgstr "将内容写入临时文件"
 #: builtin/checkout-index.c:178 builtin/column.c:31
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1372 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1375
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1383 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1856
-#: builtin/worktree.c:672
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/worktree.c:680
 msgid "string"
 msgstr "字符串"
@@ -9880,91 +10069,114 @@
 msgid "copy out the files from named stage"
 msgstr "从指定暂存区中拷出文件"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:32
+#: builtin/checkout.c:31
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] <branch>"
 msgstr "git checkout [<选项>] <分支>"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:33
+#: builtin/checkout.c:32
 msgid "git checkout [<options>] [<branch>] -- <file>..."
 msgstr "git checkout [<选项>] [<分支>] -- <文件>..."
-#: builtin/checkout.c:151 builtin/checkout.c:190
+#: builtin/checkout.c:37
+msgid "git switch [<options>] [<branch>]"
+msgstr "git switch [<选项>] [<分支>]"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:42
+msgid "git restore [<options>] [--source=<branch>] <file>..."
+msgstr "git restore [<选项>] [--source=<分支>] <文件>..."
+#: builtin/checkout.c:172 builtin/checkout.c:211
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have our version"
 msgstr "路径 '%s' 没有我们的版本"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:153 builtin/checkout.c:192
+#: builtin/checkout.c:174 builtin/checkout.c:213
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have their version"
 msgstr "路径 '%s' 没有他们的版本"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:169
+#: builtin/checkout.c:190
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have all necessary versions"
 msgstr "路径 '%s' 没有全部必需的版本"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:219
+#: builtin/checkout.c:240
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s' does not have necessary versions"
 msgstr "路径 '%s' 没有必需的版本"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:237
+#: builtin/checkout.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "path '%s': cannot merge"
 msgstr "path '%s':无法合并"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:253
+#: builtin/checkout.c:274
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unable to add merge result for '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为 '%s' 添加合并结果"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:331 builtin/checkout.c:334 builtin/checkout.c:337
-#: builtin/checkout.c:340
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
-msgstr "'%s' 不能在更新路径时使用"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:343 builtin/checkout.c:346
-#, c-format
-msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
-msgstr "'%s' 不能和 %s 同时使用"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:349
-#, c-format
-msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
-msgstr "不能同时更新路径并切换到分支'%s'。"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:396 builtin/checkout.c:403
-#, c-format
-msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
-msgstr "路径 '%s' 未合并"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:374
 #, c-format
 msgid "Recreated %d merge conflict"
 msgid_plural "Recreated %d merge conflicts"
 msgstr[0] "重新创建了 %d 个合并冲突"
 msgstr[1] "重新创建了 %d 个合并冲突"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:379
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from %s"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from %s"
 msgstr[0] "从 %2$s 更新了 %1$d 个路径"
 msgstr[1] "从 %2$s 更新了 %1$d 个路径"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:454
+#: builtin/checkout.c:386
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated %d path from the index"
 msgid_plural "Updated %d paths from the index"
 msgstr[0] "从索引区更新了 %d 个路径"
 msgstr[1] "从索引区更新了 %d 个路径"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:695
+#: builtin/checkout.c:409 builtin/checkout.c:412 builtin/checkout.c:415
+#: builtin/checkout.c:419
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with updating paths"
+msgstr "'%s' 不能在更新路径时使用"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:422 builtin/checkout.c:425
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' 不能和 %s 同时使用"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:429
+#, c-format
+msgid "Cannot update paths and switch to branch '%s' at the same time."
+msgstr "不能同时更新路径并切换到分支'%s'。"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:433
+#, c-format
+msgid "neither '%s' or '%s' is specified"
+msgstr "'%s' 或 '%s' 都没有指定"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:437
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' must be used when '%s' is not specified"
+msgstr "未指定 '%2$s' 时,必须使用 '%1$s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:442 builtin/checkout.c:447
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' or '%s' cannot be used with %s"
+msgstr "'%s' 或 '%s' 不能和 %s 一起使用"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:506 builtin/checkout.c:513
+#, c-format
+msgid "path '%s' is unmerged"
+msgstr "路径 '%s' 未合并"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:679
 msgid "you need to resolve your current index first"
 msgstr "您需要先解决当前索引的冲突"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:744
+#: builtin/checkout.c:729
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot continue with staged changes in the following files:\n"
@@ -9973,56 +10185,56 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:751
+#: builtin/checkout.c:736
 #, c-format
 msgid "staged changes in the following files may be lost: %s"
 msgstr "下列文件暂存的修改可能会丢失:%s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:848
+#: builtin/checkout.c:833
 #, c-format
 msgid "Can not do reflog for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "不能对 '%s' 执行 reflog 操作:%s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:890
+#: builtin/checkout.c:875
 msgid "HEAD is now at"
 msgstr "HEAD 目前位于"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:894 builtin/clone.c:701
+#: builtin/checkout.c:879 builtin/clone.c:714
 msgid "unable to update HEAD"
 msgstr "不能更新 HEAD"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:898
+#: builtin/checkout.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "Reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "重置分支 '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:901
+#: builtin/checkout.c:886
 #, c-format
 msgid "Already on '%s'\n"
 msgstr "已经位于 '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:905
+#: builtin/checkout.c:890
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to and reset branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "切换并重置分支 '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:907 builtin/checkout.c:1283
+#: builtin/checkout.c:892 builtin/checkout.c:1289
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to a new branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "切换到一个新分支 '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:909
+#: builtin/checkout.c:894
 #, c-format
 msgid "Switched to branch '%s'\n"
 msgstr "切换到分支 '%s'\n"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: builtin/checkout.c:960
+#: builtin/checkout.c:945
 #, c-format
 msgid " ... and %d more.\n"
 msgstr " ... 及其它 %d 个。\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:966
+#: builtin/checkout.c:951
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Warning: you are leaving %d commit behind, not connected to\n"
@@ -10043,7 +10255,7 @@
-#: builtin/checkout.c:985
+#: builtin/checkout.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you want to keep it by creating a new branch, this may be a good time\n"
@@ -10070,24 +10282,28 @@
 " git branch <新分支名> %s\n"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1017
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1005
 msgid "internal error in revision walk"
 msgstr "在版本遍历时遇到内部错误"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1021
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1009
 msgid "Previous HEAD position was"
 msgstr "之前的 HEAD 位置是"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1052 builtin/checkout.c:1278
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1049 builtin/checkout.c:1284
 msgid "You are on a branch yet to be born"
 msgstr "您位于一个尚未初始化的分支"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1173
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1176
+msgid "only one reference expected"
+msgstr "预期只有一个引用"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1193
 #, c-format
 msgid "only one reference expected, %d given."
 msgstr "应只有一个引用,却给出了 %d 个"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1209
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1230
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' could be both a local file and a tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10096,158 +10312,214 @@
 "'%s' 既可以是一个本地文件,也可以是一个跟踪分支。\n"
 "请使用 --(和可选的 --no-guess)来消除歧义"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1222 builtin/worktree.c:290 builtin/worktree.c:448
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1243 builtin/worktree.c:291 builtin/worktree.c:456
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid reference: %s"
 msgstr "无效引用:%s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1251
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1256 builtin/checkout.c:1618
 #, c-format
 msgid "reference is not a tree: %s"
 msgstr "引用不是一个树:%s"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1292
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got tag '%s'"
+msgstr "期望一个分支,得到标签 '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1305
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got remote branch '%s'"
+msgstr "期望一个分支,得到远程分支 '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1306 builtin/checkout.c:1314
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got '%s'"
+msgstr "期望一个分支,得到 '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1309
+#, c-format
+msgid "a branch is expected, got commit '%s'"
+msgstr "期望一个分支,得到提交 '%s'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1325
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while merging\n"
+"Consider \"git merge --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"考虑使用 \"git merge --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1329
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch in the middle of an am session\n"
+"Consider \"git am --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"不能在一个 am 会话期间切换分支\n"
+"考虑使用 \"git am --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1333
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while rebasing\n"
+"Consider \"git rebase --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"考虑使用 \"git rebase --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1337
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while cherry-picking\n"
+"Consider \"git cherry-pick --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"考虑使用 \"git cherry-pick --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1341
+msgid ""
+"cannot switch branch while reverting\n"
+"Consider \"git revert --quit\" or \"git worktree add\"."
+msgstr ""
+"考虑使用 \"git revert --quit\" 或 \"git worktree add\"。"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1345
+msgid "you are switching branch while bisecting"
+msgstr "您在执行二分查找时切换分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1352
 msgid "paths cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "路径不能和切换分支同时使用"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1295 builtin/checkout.c:1299 builtin/checkout.c:1303
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1355 builtin/checkout.c:1359 builtin/checkout.c:1363
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with switching branches"
 msgstr "'%s' 不能和切换分支同时使用"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1307 builtin/checkout.c:1310 builtin/checkout.c:1315
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1318
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1367 builtin/checkout.c:1370 builtin/checkout.c:1373
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1378 builtin/checkout.c:1383
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' cannot be used with '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' 不能和 '%s' 同时使用"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1323
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1380
+#, c-format
+msgid "'%s' cannot take <start-point>"
+msgstr "'%s' 不带 <起始点>"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot switch branch to a non-commit '%s'"
 msgstr "不能切换分支到一个非提交 '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1356 builtin/checkout.c:1358 builtin/clone.c:118
-#: builtin/remote.c:169 builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:492
-#: builtin/worktree.c:494
-msgid "branch"
-msgstr "分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1395
+msgid "missing branch or commit argument"
+msgstr "缺少分支或提交参数"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1357
-msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
-msgstr "创建并检出一个新的分支"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1359
-msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
-msgstr "创建/重置并检出一个分支"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1360
-msgid "create reflog for new branch"
-msgstr "为新的分支创建引用日志"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1361 builtin/worktree.c:496
-msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
-msgstr "HEAD 从指定的提交分离"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1362
-msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
-msgstr "为新的分支设置上游信息"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new-branch"
-msgstr "新分支"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1364
-msgid "new unparented branch"
-msgstr "新的没有父提交的分支"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1366
-msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "对尚未合并的文件检出我们的版本"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1369
-msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
-msgstr "对尚未合并的文件检出他们的版本"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1371
-msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
-msgstr "强制检出(丢弃本地修改)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1373
-msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
-msgstr "和新的分支执行三方合并"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1375 builtin/merge.c:284
-msgid "update ignored files (default)"
-msgstr "更新忽略的文件(默认)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1377 builtin/log.c:1594 parse-options.h:317
-msgid "style"
-msgstr "风格"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1378
-msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
-msgstr "冲突输出风格(merge 或 diff3)"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1381
-msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
-msgstr "对路径不做稀疏检出的限制"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1383
-msgid "do not second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>'"
-msgstr "不要二次猜测 'git checkout <无此分支>'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1385
-msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
-msgstr "不检查指定的引用是否被其他工作区所占用"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1389 builtin/clone.c:88 builtin/fetch.c:141
-#: builtin/merge.c:281 builtin/pull.c:136 builtin/push.c:575
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1437 builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/fetch.c:151
+#: builtin/merge.c:285 builtin/pull.c:137 builtin/push.c:575
 #: builtin/send-pack.c:174
 msgid "force progress reporting"
 msgstr "强制显示进度报告"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1390
-msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
-msgstr "使用叠加模式(默认)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1438
+msgid "perform a 3-way merge with the new branch"
+msgstr "和新的分支执行三方合并"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1422
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1439 builtin/log.c:1617 parse-options.h:318
+msgid "style"
+msgstr "风格"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1440
+msgid "conflict style (merge or diff3)"
+msgstr "冲突输出风格(merge 或 diff3)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1452 builtin/worktree.c:504
+msgid "detach HEAD at named commit"
+msgstr "HEAD 从指定的提交分离"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1453
+msgid "set upstream info for new branch"
+msgstr "为新的分支设置上游信息"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1455
+msgid "force checkout (throw away local modifications)"
+msgstr "强制检出(丢弃本地修改)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new-branch"
+msgstr "新分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1457
+msgid "new unparented branch"
+msgstr "新的没有父提交的分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1459 builtin/merge.c:288
+msgid "update ignored files (default)"
+msgstr "更新忽略的文件(默认)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1462
+msgid "do not check if another worktree is holding the given ref"
+msgstr "不检查指定的引用是否被其他工作区所占用"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1475
+msgid "checkout our version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "对尚未合并的文件检出我们的版本"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1478
+msgid "checkout their version for unmerged files"
+msgstr "对尚未合并的文件检出他们的版本"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1482
+msgid "do not limit pathspecs to sparse entries only"
+msgstr "对路径不做稀疏检出的限制"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1533
 msgid "-b, -B and --orphan are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b、-B 和 --orphan 是互斥的"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1425
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1536
 msgid "-p and --overlay are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-p 和 --overlay 互斥"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1442
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1573
 msgid "--track needs a branch name"
 msgstr "--track 需要一个分支名"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1447
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1578
 msgid "missing branch name; try -b"
 msgstr "缺少分支名,尝试 -b"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1484
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1611
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not resolve %s"
+msgstr "无法解析 %s"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1623
+msgid "you must specify path(s) to restore"
+msgstr "您必须指定一个要恢复的路径"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1631
 msgid "invalid path specification"
 msgstr "无效的路径规格"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1491
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1638
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a commit and a branch '%s' cannot be created from it"
 msgstr "'%s' 不是一个提交,不能基于它创建分支 '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1495
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "git checkout: --detach does not take a path argument '%s'"
 msgstr "git checkout:--detach 不能接收路径参数 '%s'"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1499
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1646
 msgid ""
 "git checkout: --ours/--theirs, --force and --merge are incompatible when\n"
 "checking out of the index."
 msgstr ""
 "git checkout:在从索引检出时,--ours/--theirs、--force 和 --merge 不兼容。"
-#: builtin/checkout.c:1519
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1666
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' matched more than one remote tracking branch.\n"
@@ -10275,6 +10547,68 @@
 "如果您总是喜欢使用模糊的简短分支名 <name>,而不喜欢如 'origin' 的远程\n"
 "仓库名,可以在配置中设置 checkout.defaultRemote=origin。"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1691 builtin/checkout.c:1693 builtin/checkout.c:1733
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1735 builtin/clone.c:121 builtin/remote.c:169
+#: builtin/remote.c:171 builtin/worktree.c:500 builtin/worktree.c:502
+msgid "branch"
+msgstr "分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1692
+msgid "create and checkout a new branch"
+msgstr "创建并检出一个新的分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1694
+msgid "create/reset and checkout a branch"
+msgstr "创建/重置并检出一个分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1695
+msgid "create reflog for new branch"
+msgstr "为新的分支创建引用日志"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1697
+msgid "second guess 'git checkout <no-such-branch>' (default)"
+msgstr "二次猜测 'git checkout <无此分支>'(默认)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1698
+msgid "use overlay mode (default)"
+msgstr "使用叠加模式(默认)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1734
+msgid "create and switch to a new branch"
+msgstr "创建并切换一个新分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1736
+msgid "create/reset and switch to a branch"
+msgstr "创建/重置并切换一个分支"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1738
+msgid "second guess 'git switch <no-such-branch>'"
+msgstr "二次猜测 'git switch <无此分支>'"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1740
+msgid "throw away local modifications"
+msgstr "丢弃本地修改"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1772
+msgid "which tree-ish to checkout from"
+msgstr "要检出哪一个树"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1774
+msgid "restore the index"
+msgstr "恢复索引"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1776
+msgid "restore the working tree (default)"
+msgstr "恢复工作区(默认)"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1778
+msgid "ignore unmerged entries"
+msgstr "忽略未合并条目"
+#: builtin/checkout.c:1779
+msgid "use overlay mode"
+msgstr "使用叠加模式"
 #: builtin/clean.c:28
 msgid ""
 "git clean [-d] [-f] [-i] [-n] [-q] [-e <pattern>] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>..."
@@ -10306,7 +10640,12 @@
 msgid "failed to remove %s"
 msgstr "删除 %s 失败"
-#: builtin/clean.c:299 git-add--interactive.perl:579
+#: builtin/clean.c:37
+#, c-format
+msgid "could not lstat %s\n"
+msgstr "不能对 %s 调用 lstat\n"
+#: builtin/clean.c:300 git-add--interactive.perl:593
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10319,7 +10658,7 @@
 "foo        - 通过唯一前缀选择一个选项\n"
 "           - (空)什么也不选择\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:303 git-add--interactive.perl:588
+#: builtin/clean.c:304 git-add--interactive.perl:602
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Prompt help:\n"
@@ -10340,38 +10679,38 @@
 "*          - 选择所有选项\n"
 "           - (空)结束选择\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:519 git-add--interactive.perl:554
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:559
+#: builtin/clean.c:520 git-add--interactive.perl:568
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:573
 #, c-format, perl-format
 msgid "Huh (%s)?\n"
 msgstr "嗯(%s)?\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:661
+#: builtin/clean.c:662
 #, c-format
 msgid "Input ignore patterns>> "
 msgstr "输入模版以排除条目>> "
-#: builtin/clean.c:698
+#: builtin/clean.c:699
 #, c-format
 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find items matched by: %s"
 msgstr "警告:无法找到和 %s 匹配的条目"
-#: builtin/clean.c:719
+#: builtin/clean.c:720
 msgid "Select items to delete"
 msgstr "选择要删除的条目"
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to keep [y/N] as is
-#: builtin/clean.c:760
+#: builtin/clean.c:761
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remove %s [y/N]? "
 msgstr "删除 %s [y/N]?"
-#: builtin/clean.c:785 git-add--interactive.perl:1717
+#: builtin/clean.c:786 git-add--interactive.perl:1763
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bye.\n"
 msgstr "再见。\n"
-#: builtin/clean.c:793
+#: builtin/clean.c:794
 msgid ""
 "clean               - start cleaning\n"
 "filter by pattern   - exclude items from deletion\n"
@@ -10389,227 +10728,231 @@
 "help                - 显示本帮助\n"
 "?                   - 显示如何在提示符下选择的帮助"
-#: builtin/clean.c:820 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1849
 msgid "*** Commands ***"
 msgstr "*** 命令 ***"
-#: builtin/clean.c:821 git-add--interactive.perl:1790
+#: builtin/clean.c:822 git-add--interactive.perl:1846
 msgid "What now"
 msgstr "请选择"
-#: builtin/clean.c:829
+#: builtin/clean.c:830
 msgid "Would remove the following item:"
 msgid_plural "Would remove the following items:"
 msgstr[0] "将删除如下条目:"
 msgstr[1] "将删除如下条目:"
-#: builtin/clean.c:845
+#: builtin/clean.c:846
 msgid "No more files to clean, exiting."
 msgstr "没有要清理的文件,退出。"
-#: builtin/clean.c:907
+#: builtin/clean.c:908
 msgid "do not print names of files removed"
 msgstr "不打印删除文件的名称"
-#: builtin/clean.c:909
+#: builtin/clean.c:910
 msgid "force"
 msgstr "强制"
-#: builtin/clean.c:910
+#: builtin/clean.c:911
 msgid "interactive cleaning"
 msgstr "交互式清除"
-#: builtin/clean.c:912
+#: builtin/clean.c:913
 msgid "remove whole directories"
 msgstr "删除整个目录"
-#: builtin/clean.c:913 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
-#: builtin/grep.c:897 builtin/log.c:171 builtin/log.c:173
-#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:417 builtin/name-rev.c:419
+#: builtin/clean.c:914 builtin/describe.c:546 builtin/describe.c:548
+#: builtin/grep.c:899 builtin/log.c:176 builtin/log.c:178
+#: builtin/ls-files.c:557 builtin/name-rev.c:413 builtin/name-rev.c:415
 #: builtin/show-ref.c:179
 msgid "pattern"
 msgstr "模式"
-#: builtin/clean.c:914
+#: builtin/clean.c:915
 msgid "add <pattern> to ignore rules"
 msgstr "添加 <模式> 到忽略规则"
-#: builtin/clean.c:915
+#: builtin/clean.c:916
 msgid "remove ignored files, too"
 msgstr "也删除忽略的文件"
-#: builtin/clean.c:917
+#: builtin/clean.c:918
 msgid "remove only ignored files"
 msgstr "只删除忽略的文件"
-#: builtin/clean.c:935
+#: builtin/clean.c:936
 msgid "-x and -X cannot be used together"
 msgstr "-x 和 -X 不能同时使用"
-#: builtin/clean.c:939
+#: builtin/clean.c:940
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce set to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; refusing to "
 msgstr ""
 "clean.requireForce 设置为 true 且未提供 -i、-n 或 -f 选项,拒绝执行清理动作"
-#: builtin/clean.c:942
+#: builtin/clean.c:943
 msgid ""
 "clean.requireForce defaults to true and neither -i, -n, nor -f given; "
 "refusing to clean"
 msgstr ""
 "clean.requireForce 默认为 true 且未提供 -i、-n 或 -f 选项,拒绝执行清理动作"
-#: builtin/clone.c:44
+#: builtin/clone.c:46
 msgid "git clone [<options>] [--] <repo> [<dir>]"
 msgstr "git clone [<选项>] [--] <仓库> [<路径>]"
-#: builtin/clone.c:90
+#: builtin/clone.c:93
 msgid "don't create a checkout"
 msgstr "不创建一个检出"
-#: builtin/clone.c:91 builtin/clone.c:93 builtin/init-db.c:489
+#: builtin/clone.c:94 builtin/clone.c:96 builtin/init-db.c:489
 msgid "create a bare repository"
 msgstr "创建一个纯仓库"
-#: builtin/clone.c:95
+#: builtin/clone.c:98
 msgid "create a mirror repository (implies bare)"
 msgstr "创建一个镜像仓库(也是纯仓库)"
-#: builtin/clone.c:97
+#: builtin/clone.c:100
 msgid "to clone from a local repository"
 msgstr "从本地仓库克隆"
-#: builtin/clone.c:99
+#: builtin/clone.c:102
 msgid "don't use local hardlinks, always copy"
 msgstr "不使用本地硬链接,始终复制"
-#: builtin/clone.c:101
+#: builtin/clone.c:104
 msgid "setup as shared repository"
 msgstr "设置为共享仓库"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "pathspec"
 msgstr "路径规格"
-#: builtin/clone.c:104
+#: builtin/clone.c:107
 msgid "initialize submodules in the clone"
 msgstr "在克隆时初始化子模组"
-#: builtin/clone.c:107
+#: builtin/clone.c:110
 msgid "number of submodules cloned in parallel"
 msgstr "并发克隆的子模组的数量"
-#: builtin/clone.c:108 builtin/init-db.c:486
+#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/init-db.c:486
 msgid "template-directory"
 msgstr "模板目录"
-#: builtin/clone.c:109 builtin/init-db.c:487
+#: builtin/clone.c:112 builtin/init-db.c:487
 msgid "directory from which templates will be used"
 msgstr "模板目录将被使用"
-#: builtin/clone.c:111 builtin/clone.c:113 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1379
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1859
+#: builtin/clone.c:114 builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1380
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1860
 msgid "reference repository"
 msgstr "参考仓库"
-#: builtin/clone.c:115 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1381
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1861
+#: builtin/clone.c:118 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1382
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1862
 msgid "use --reference only while cloning"
 msgstr "仅在克隆时参考 --reference 指向的本地仓库"
-#: builtin/clone.c:116 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3306 builtin/repack.c:329
+#: builtin/clone.c:119 builtin/column.c:27 builtin/merge-file.c:46
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3314 builtin/repack.c:319
 msgid "name"
 msgstr "名称"
-#: builtin/clone.c:117
+#: builtin/clone.c:120
 msgid "use <name> instead of 'origin' to track upstream"
 msgstr "使用 <名称> 而不是 'origin' 去跟踪上游"
-#: builtin/clone.c:119
+#: builtin/clone.c:122
 msgid "checkout <branch> instead of the remote's HEAD"
 msgstr "检出 <分支> 而不是远程 HEAD"
-#: builtin/clone.c:121
+#: builtin/clone.c:124
 msgid "path to git-upload-pack on the remote"
 msgstr "远程 git-upload-pack 路径"
-#: builtin/clone.c:122 builtin/fetch.c:142 builtin/grep.c:836
-#: builtin/pull.c:225
+#: builtin/clone.c:125 builtin/fetch.c:152 builtin/grep.c:838
+#: builtin/pull.c:226
 msgid "depth"
 msgstr "深度"
-#: builtin/clone.c:123
+#: builtin/clone.c:126
 msgid "create a shallow clone of that depth"
 msgstr "创建一个指定深度的浅克隆"
-#: builtin/clone.c:124 builtin/fetch.c:144 builtin/pack-objects.c:3295
+#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:154 builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
 msgid "time"
 msgstr "时间"
-#: builtin/clone.c:125
+#: builtin/clone.c:128
 msgid "create a shallow clone since a specific time"
 msgstr "从一个特定时间创建一个浅克隆"
-#: builtin/clone.c:126 builtin/fetch.c:146 builtin/fetch.c:169
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1389
+#: builtin/clone.c:129 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/fetch.c:179
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1395
 msgid "revision"
 msgstr "版本"
-#: builtin/clone.c:127 builtin/fetch.c:147
+#: builtin/clone.c:130 builtin/fetch.c:157
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone, excluding rev"
 msgstr "深化浅克隆的历史,除了特定版本"
-#: builtin/clone.c:129
+#: builtin/clone.c:132
 msgid "clone only one branch, HEAD or --branch"
 msgstr "只克隆一个分支、HEAD 或 --branch"
-#: builtin/clone.c:131
+#: builtin/clone.c:134
 msgid "don't clone any tags, and make later fetches not to follow them"
 msgstr "不要克隆任何标签,并且后续获取操作也不下载它们"
-#: builtin/clone.c:133
+#: builtin/clone.c:136
 msgid "any cloned submodules will be shallow"
 msgstr "子模组将以浅下载模式克隆"
-#: builtin/clone.c:134 builtin/init-db.c:495
+#: builtin/clone.c:137 builtin/init-db.c:495
 msgid "gitdir"
 msgstr "git目录"
-#: builtin/clone.c:135 builtin/init-db.c:496
+#: builtin/clone.c:138 builtin/init-db.c:496
 msgid "separate git dir from working tree"
 msgstr "git目录和工作区分离"
-#: builtin/clone.c:136
+#: builtin/clone.c:139
 msgid "key=value"
 msgstr "key=value"
-#: builtin/clone.c:137
+#: builtin/clone.c:140
 msgid "set config inside the new repository"
 msgstr "在新仓库中设置配置信息"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:172
 msgid "server-specific"
 msgstr "server-specific"
-#: builtin/clone.c:139 builtin/fetch.c:164 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
+#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:174 builtin/ls-remote.c:76
 #: builtin/push.c:585 builtin/send-pack.c:173
 msgid "option to transmit"
 msgstr "传输选项"
-#: builtin/clone.c:140 builtin/fetch.c:165 builtin/pull.c:238
+#: builtin/clone.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:175 builtin/pull.c:239
 #: builtin/push.c:586
 msgid "use IPv4 addresses only"
 msgstr "只使用 IPv4 地址"
-#: builtin/clone.c:142 builtin/fetch.c:167 builtin/pull.c:241
+#: builtin/clone.c:145 builtin/fetch.c:177 builtin/pull.c:242
 #: builtin/push.c:588
 msgid "use IPv6 addresses only"
 msgstr "只使用 IPv6 地址"
-#: builtin/clone.c:280
+#: builtin/clone.c:149
+msgid "any cloned submodules will use their remote-tracking branch"
+msgstr "任何克隆的子模组将使用它们的远程跟踪分支"
+#: builtin/clone.c:285
 msgid ""
 "No directory name could be guessed.\n"
 "Please specify a directory on the command line"
@@ -10617,180 +10960,180 @@
-#: builtin/clone.c:333
+#: builtin/clone.c:338
 #, c-format
 msgid "info: Could not add alternate for '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "info: 不能为 '%s' 添加一个备用:%s\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:405
-#, c-format
-msgid "failed to open '%s'"
-msgstr "打开 '%s' 失败"
-#: builtin/clone.c:413
+#: builtin/clone.c:411
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s exists and is not a directory"
 msgstr "%s 存在且不是一个目录"
-#: builtin/clone.c:427
+#: builtin/clone.c:428
 #, c-format
-msgid "failed to stat %s\n"
-msgstr "对 %s 调用 stat 失败\n"
+msgid "failed to start iterator over '%s'"
+msgstr "无法在 '%s' 上启动迭代器"
-#: builtin/clone.c:444
+#: builtin/clone.c:453
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to unlink '%s'"
 msgstr "删除 '%s' 失败"
-#: builtin/clone.c:449
+#: builtin/clone.c:458
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to create link '%s'"
 msgstr "创建链接 '%s' 失败"
-#: builtin/clone.c:453
+#: builtin/clone.c:462
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to copy file to '%s'"
 msgstr "拷贝文件至 '%s' 失败"
-#: builtin/clone.c:479
+#: builtin/clone.c:467
+#, c-format
+msgid "failed to iterate over '%s'"
+msgstr "无法在 '%s' 上迭代"
+#: builtin/clone.c:492
 #, c-format
 msgid "done.\n"
 msgstr "完成。\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:493
+#: builtin/clone.c:506
 msgid ""
 "Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.\n"
 "You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'\n"
-"and retry the checkout with 'git checkout -f HEAD'\n"
+"and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'\n"
 msgstr ""
 "您可以通过 'git status' 检查哪些已被检出,然后使用命令\n"
-"'git checkout -f HEAD' 重试\n"
+"'git restore --source=HEAD :/' 重试\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:570
+#: builtin/clone.c:583
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find remote branch %s to clone."
 msgstr "不能发现要克隆的远程分支 %s。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:689
+#: builtin/clone.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to update %s"
 msgstr "不能更新 %s"
-#: builtin/clone.c:739
+#: builtin/clone.c:752
 msgid "remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.\n"
 msgstr "远程 HEAD 指向一个不存在的引用,无法检出。\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:770
+#: builtin/clone.c:783
 msgid "unable to checkout working tree"
 msgstr "不能检出工作区"
-#: builtin/clone.c:815
+#: builtin/clone.c:833
 msgid "unable to write parameters to config file"
 msgstr "无法将参数写入配置文件"
-#: builtin/clone.c:878
+#: builtin/clone.c:896
 msgid "cannot repack to clean up"
 msgstr "无法执行 repack 来清理"
-#: builtin/clone.c:880
+#: builtin/clone.c:898
 msgid "cannot unlink temporary alternates file"
 msgstr "无法删除临时的 alternates 文件"
-#: builtin/clone.c:920 builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
+#: builtin/clone.c:938 builtin/receive-pack.c:1950
 msgid "Too many arguments."
 msgstr "太多参数。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:924
+#: builtin/clone.c:942
 msgid "You must specify a repository to clone."
 msgstr "您必须指定一个仓库来克隆。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:937
+#: builtin/clone.c:955
 #, c-format
 msgid "--bare and --origin %s options are incompatible."
 msgstr "--bare 和 --origin %s 选项不兼容。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:940
+#: builtin/clone.c:958
 msgid "--bare and --separate-git-dir are incompatible."
 msgstr "--bare 和 --separate-git-dir 选项不兼容。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:953
+#: builtin/clone.c:971
 #, c-format
 msgid "repository '%s' does not exist"
 msgstr "仓库 '%s' 不存在"
-#: builtin/clone.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1610
+#: builtin/clone.c:977 builtin/fetch.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "depth %s is not a positive number"
 msgstr "深度 %s 不是一个正数"
-#: builtin/clone.c:969
+#: builtin/clone.c:987
 #, c-format
 msgid "destination path '%s' already exists and is not an empty directory."
 msgstr "目标路径 '%s' 已经存在,并且不是一个空目录。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:979
+#: builtin/clone.c:997
 #, c-format
 msgid "working tree '%s' already exists."
 msgstr "工作区 '%s' 已经存在。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:994 builtin/clone.c:1015 builtin/difftool.c:264
-#: builtin/worktree.c:296 builtin/worktree.c:328
+#: builtin/clone.c:1012 builtin/clone.c:1033 builtin/difftool.c:264
+#: builtin/worktree.c:303 builtin/worktree.c:335
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create leading directories of '%s'"
 msgstr "不能为 '%s' 创建先导目录"
-#: builtin/clone.c:999
+#: builtin/clone.c:1017
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create work tree dir '%s'"
 msgstr "不能创建工作区目录 '%s'"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1019
+#: builtin/clone.c:1037
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into bare repository '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "克隆到纯仓库 '%s'...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1021
+#: builtin/clone.c:1039
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cloning into '%s'...\n"
 msgstr "正克隆到 '%s'...\n"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1045
+#: builtin/clone.c:1063
 msgid ""
 "clone --recursive is not compatible with both --reference and --reference-if-"
 msgstr "clone --recursive 和 --reference 以及 --reference-if-able 不兼容"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1106
+#: builtin/clone.c:1124
 msgid "--depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--depth 在本地克隆时被忽略,请改用 file:// 协议。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1108
+#: builtin/clone.c:1126
 msgid "--shallow-since is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--shallow-since 在本地克隆时被忽略,请改用 file:// 协议。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1110
+#: builtin/clone.c:1128
 msgid "--shallow-exclude is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--shallow-exclude 在本地克隆时被忽略,请改用 file:// 协议。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1112
+#: builtin/clone.c:1130
 msgid "--filter is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead."
 msgstr "--filter 在本地克隆时被忽略,请改用 file:// 协议。"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1115
+#: builtin/clone.c:1133
 msgid "source repository is shallow, ignoring --local"
 msgstr "源仓库是浅克隆,忽略 --local"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1120
+#: builtin/clone.c:1138
 msgid "--local is ignored"
 msgstr "--local 被忽略"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1197 builtin/clone.c:1205
+#: builtin/clone.c:1215 builtin/clone.c:1223
 #, c-format
 msgid "Remote branch %s not found in upstream %s"
 msgstr "远程分支 %s 在上游 %s 未发现"
-#: builtin/clone.c:1208
+#: builtin/clone.c:1226
 msgid "You appear to have cloned an empty repository."
 msgstr "您似乎克隆了一个空仓库。"
@@ -10839,7 +11182,7 @@
 msgid "duplicate parent %s ignored"
 msgstr "忽略重复的父提交 %s"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:520
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:56 builtin/commit-tree.c:136 builtin/log.c:525
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object name %s"
 msgstr "不是一个有效的对象名 %s"
@@ -10867,13 +11210,13 @@
 msgid "id of a parent commit object"
 msgstr "父提交对象 ID"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1480 builtin/merge.c:268
-#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1473
-#: builtin/tag.c:406
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:114 builtin/commit.c:1500 builtin/merge.c:270
+#: builtin/notes.c:409 builtin/notes.c:575 builtin/stash.c:1460
+#: builtin/tag.c:412
 msgid "message"
 msgstr "说明"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1480
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:115 builtin/commit.c:1500
 msgid "commit message"
 msgstr "提交说明"
@@ -10881,8 +11224,8 @@
 msgid "read commit log message from file"
 msgstr "从文件中读取提交说明"
-#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1492 builtin/merge.c:283
-#: builtin/pull.c:193 builtin/revert.c:117
+#: builtin/commit-tree.c:121 builtin/commit.c:1512 builtin/merge.c:287
+#: builtin/pull.c:194 builtin/revert.c:118
 msgid "GPG sign commit"
 msgstr "GPG 提交签名"
@@ -10926,117 +11269,122 @@
 #: builtin/commit.c:63
-msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git reset'\n"
-msgstr "否则,请使用命令 'git reset'\n"
+msgid "Otherwise, please use 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
+msgstr "否则,请使用 'git cherry-pick --skip'\n"
 #: builtin/commit.c:66
 msgid ""
+"and then use:\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
+"to resume cherry-picking the remaining commits.\n"
 "If you wish to skip this commit, use:\n"
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-"Then \"git cherry-pick --continue\" will resume cherry-picking\n"
-"the remaining commits.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"    git reset\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --continue\n"
-"然后执行 \"git cherry-pick --continue\" 继续对其余提交执行拣选\n"
+"    git cherry-pick --skip\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:312
+#: builtin/commit.c:315
 msgid "failed to unpack HEAD tree object"
 msgstr "解包 HEAD 树对象失败"
-#: builtin/commit.c:353
+#: builtin/commit.c:356
 msgid "unable to create temporary index"
 msgstr "不能创建临时索引"
-#: builtin/commit.c:359
+#: builtin/commit.c:362
 msgid "interactive add failed"
 msgstr "交互式添加失败"
-#: builtin/commit.c:373
+#: builtin/commit.c:376
 msgid "unable to update temporary index"
 msgstr "无法更新临时索引"
-#: builtin/commit.c:375
+#: builtin/commit.c:378
 msgid "Failed to update main cache tree"
 msgstr "不能更新树的主缓存"
-#: builtin/commit.c:400 builtin/commit.c:423 builtin/commit.c:469
+#: builtin/commit.c:403 builtin/commit.c:426 builtin/commit.c:472
 msgid "unable to write new_index file"
 msgstr "无法写 new_index 文件"
-#: builtin/commit.c:452
+#: builtin/commit.c:455
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a merge."
 msgstr "在合并过程中不能做部分提交。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:454
+#: builtin/commit.c:457
 msgid "cannot do a partial commit during a cherry-pick."
 msgstr "在拣选过程中不能做部分提交。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:462
+#: builtin/commit.c:465
 msgid "cannot read the index"
 msgstr "无法读取索引"
-#: builtin/commit.c:481
+#: builtin/commit.c:484
 msgid "unable to write temporary index file"
 msgstr "无法写临时索引文件"
-#: builtin/commit.c:579
+#: builtin/commit.c:582
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' lacks author header"
 msgstr "提交 '%s' 缺少作者信息"
-#: builtin/commit.c:581
+#: builtin/commit.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "commit '%s' has malformed author line"
 msgstr "提交 '%s' 有格式错误的作者信息"
-#: builtin/commit.c:600
+#: builtin/commit.c:603
 msgid "malformed --author parameter"
 msgstr "格式错误的 --author 参数"
-#: builtin/commit.c:653
+#: builtin/commit.c:656
 msgid ""
 "unable to select a comment character that is not used\n"
 "in the current commit message"
 msgstr "无法选择一个未被当前提交说明使用的注释字符"
-#: builtin/commit.c:691 builtin/commit.c:724 builtin/commit.c:1069
+#: builtin/commit.c:694 builtin/commit.c:727 builtin/commit.c:1072
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not lookup commit %s"
 msgstr "不能查询提交 %s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:703 builtin/shortlog.c:319
+#: builtin/commit.c:706 builtin/shortlog.c:319
 #, c-format
 msgid "(reading log message from standard input)\n"
 msgstr "(正从标准输入中读取日志信息)\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:705
+#: builtin/commit.c:708
 msgid "could not read log from standard input"
 msgstr "不能从标准输入中读取日志信息"
-#: builtin/commit.c:709
+#: builtin/commit.c:712
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read log file '%s'"
 msgstr "不能读取日志文件 '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:740 builtin/commit.c:756
+#: builtin/commit.c:743 builtin/commit.c:759
 msgid "could not read SQUASH_MSG"
 msgstr "不能读取 SQUASH_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:747
+#: builtin/commit.c:750
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MSG"
 msgstr "不能读取 MERGE_MSG"
-#: builtin/commit.c:807
+#: builtin/commit.c:810
 msgid "could not write commit template"
 msgstr "不能写提交模版"
-#: builtin/commit.c:826
+#: builtin/commit.c:829
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11050,7 +11398,7 @@
-#: builtin/commit.c:831
+#: builtin/commit.c:834
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -11064,7 +11412,7 @@
-#: builtin/commit.c:844
+#: builtin/commit.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11073,7 +11421,7 @@
 "请为您的变更输入提交说明。以 '%c' 开始的行将被忽略,而一个空的提交\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:852
+#: builtin/commit.c:855
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\n"
@@ -11084,385 +11432,399 @@
 #  译者:为保证在输出中对齐,注意调整句中空格!
-#: builtin/commit.c:869
+#: builtin/commit.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sAuthor:    %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%s作者:  %.*s <%.*s>"
 #  译者:为保证在输出中对齐,注意调整句中空格!
-#: builtin/commit.c:877
+#: builtin/commit.c:880
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sDate:      %s"
 msgstr "%s日期:  %s"
 #  译者:为保证在输出中对齐,注意调整句中空格!
-#: builtin/commit.c:884
+#: builtin/commit.c:887
 #, c-format
 msgid "%sCommitter: %.*s <%.*s>"
 msgstr "%s提交者:%.*s <%.*s>"
-#: builtin/commit.c:902
+#: builtin/commit.c:905
 msgid "Cannot read index"
 msgstr "无法读取索引"
-#: builtin/commit.c:969
+#: builtin/commit.c:972
 msgid "Error building trees"
 msgstr "无法创建树对象"
-#: builtin/commit.c:983 builtin/tag.c:269
+#: builtin/commit.c:986 builtin/tag.c:275
 #, c-format
 msgid "Please supply the message using either -m or -F option.\n"
 msgstr "请使用 -m 或 -F 选项提供提交说明。\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1027
+#: builtin/commit.c:1030
 #, c-format
 msgid "--author '%s' is not 'Name <email>' and matches no existing author"
 msgstr "--author '%s' 不是 '姓名 <邮箱>' 格式,且未能在现有作者中找到匹配"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1041
+#: builtin/commit.c:1044
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid ignored mode '%s'"
 msgstr "无效的忽略模式 '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1059 builtin/commit.c:1284
+#: builtin/commit.c:1062 builtin/commit.c:1304
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid untracked files mode '%s'"
 msgstr "无效的未追踪文件参数 '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1097
+#: builtin/commit.c:1102
 msgid "--long and -z are incompatible"
 msgstr "--long 和 -z 选项不兼容"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1130
+#: builtin/commit.c:1146
 msgid "Using both --reset-author and --author does not make sense"
 msgstr "同时使用 --reset-author 和 --author 没有意义"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1139
+#: builtin/commit.c:1155
 msgid "You have nothing to amend."
 msgstr "您没有可修补的提交。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1142
+#: builtin/commit.c:1158
 msgid "You are in the middle of a merge -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "您正处于一个合并过程中 -- 无法修补提交。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1144
+#: builtin/commit.c:1160
 msgid "You are in the middle of a cherry-pick -- cannot amend."
 msgstr "您正处于一个拣选过程中 -- 无法修补提交。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1147
+#: builtin/commit.c:1163
 msgid "Options --squash and --fixup cannot be used together"
 msgstr "选项 --squash 和 --fixup 不能同时使用"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1157
+#: builtin/commit.c:1173
 msgid "Only one of -c/-C/-F/--fixup can be used."
 msgstr "只能用一个 -c/-C/-F/--fixup 选项。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1159
+#: builtin/commit.c:1175
 msgid "Option -m cannot be combined with -c/-C/-F."
 msgstr "选项 -m 不能和 -c/-C/-F 同时使用。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1167
+#: builtin/commit.c:1183
 msgid "--reset-author can be used only with -C, -c or --amend."
 msgstr "--reset-author 只能和 -C、-c 或 --amend 同时使用。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1184
+#: builtin/commit.c:1200
 msgid "Only one of --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch can be used."
 msgstr "只能用一个 --include/--only/--all/--interactive/--patch 选项。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1186
+#: builtin/commit.c:1202
 msgid "No paths with --include/--only does not make sense."
 msgstr "参数 --include/--only 不跟路径没有意义。"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1192
+#: builtin/commit.c:1208
 #, c-format
 msgid "paths '%s ...' with -a does not make sense"
 msgstr "路径  '%s ...' 和 -a 选项同时使用没有意义"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1319 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1523
 msgid "show status concisely"
 msgstr "以简洁的格式显示状态"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1321 builtin/commit.c:1505
+#: builtin/commit.c:1341 builtin/commit.c:1525
 msgid "show branch information"
 msgstr "显示分支信息"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1323
+#: builtin/commit.c:1343
 msgid "show stash information"
 msgstr "显示贮藏区信息"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1325 builtin/commit.c:1507
+#: builtin/commit.c:1345 builtin/commit.c:1527
 msgid "compute full ahead/behind values"
 msgstr "计算完整的领先/落后值"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347
 msgid "version"
 msgstr "版本"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1327 builtin/commit.c:1509 builtin/push.c:561
-#: builtin/worktree.c:643
+#: builtin/commit.c:1347 builtin/commit.c:1529 builtin/push.c:561
+#: builtin/worktree.c:651
 msgid "machine-readable output"
 msgstr "机器可读的输出"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1330 builtin/commit.c:1511
+#: builtin/commit.c:1350 builtin/commit.c:1531
 msgid "show status in long format (default)"
 msgstr "以长格式显示状态(默认)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1333 builtin/commit.c:1514
+#: builtin/commit.c:1353 builtin/commit.c:1534
 msgid "terminate entries with NUL"
 msgstr "条目以 NUL 字符结尾"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1335 builtin/commit.c:1339 builtin/commit.c:1517
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1085 builtin/fast-export.c:1088 builtin/rebase.c:1465
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: builtin/commit.c:1355 builtin/commit.c:1359 builtin/commit.c:1537
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1125 builtin/fast-export.c:1128
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1131 builtin/rebase.c:1471 parse-options.h:332
 msgid "mode"
 msgstr "模式"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1336 builtin/commit.c:1517
+#: builtin/commit.c:1356 builtin/commit.c:1537
 msgid "show untracked files, optional modes: all, normal, no. (Default: all)"
 msgstr "显示未跟踪的文件,“模式”的可选参数:all、normal、no。(默认:all)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1340
+#: builtin/commit.c:1360
 msgid ""
 "show ignored files, optional modes: traditional, matching, no. (Default: "
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1342 parse-options.h:179
+#: builtin/commit.c:1362 parse-options.h:179
 msgid "when"
 msgstr "何时"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1343
+#: builtin/commit.c:1363
 msgid ""
 "ignore changes to submodules, optional when: all, dirty, untracked. "
 "(Default: all)"
 msgstr ""
-#: builtin/commit.c:1345
+#: builtin/commit.c:1365
 msgid "list untracked files in columns"
 msgstr "以列的方式显示未跟踪的文件"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1346
+#: builtin/commit.c:1366
 msgid "do not detect renames"
 msgstr "不检测重命名"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1348
+#: builtin/commit.c:1368
 msgid "detect renames, optionally set similarity index"
 msgstr "检测重命名,可以设置索引相似度"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1368
+#: builtin/commit.c:1388
 msgid "Unsupported combination of ignored and untracked-files arguments"
 msgstr "不支持已忽略和未跟踪文件参数的组合"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1473
+#: builtin/commit.c:1493
 msgid "suppress summary after successful commit"
 msgstr "提交成功后不显示概述信息"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1474
+#: builtin/commit.c:1494
 msgid "show diff in commit message template"
 msgstr "在提交说明模板里显示差异"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1476
+#: builtin/commit.c:1496
 msgid "Commit message options"
 msgstr "提交说明选项"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1477 builtin/merge.c:272 builtin/tag.c:408
+#: builtin/commit.c:1497 builtin/merge.c:274 builtin/tag.c:414
 msgid "read message from file"
 msgstr "从文件中读取提交说明"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "author"
 msgstr "作者"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1478
+#: builtin/commit.c:1498
 msgid "override author for commit"
 msgstr "提交时覆盖作者"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479 builtin/gc.c:539
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499 builtin/gc.c:539
 msgid "date"
 msgstr "日期"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1479
+#: builtin/commit.c:1499
 msgid "override date for commit"
 msgstr "提交时覆盖日期"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481 builtin/commit.c:1482 builtin/commit.c:1483
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484 parse-options.h:323 ref-filter.h:92
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501 builtin/commit.c:1502 builtin/commit.c:1503
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504 parse-options.h:324 ref-filter.h:92
 msgid "commit"
 msgstr "提交"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1481
+#: builtin/commit.c:1501
 msgid "reuse and edit message from specified commit"
 msgstr "重用并编辑指定提交的提交说明"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1482
+#: builtin/commit.c:1502
 msgid "reuse message from specified commit"
 msgstr "重用指定提交的提交说明"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1483
+#: builtin/commit.c:1503
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to fixup specified commit"
 msgstr "使用 autosquash 格式的提交说明用以修正指定的提交"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1484
+#: builtin/commit.c:1504
 msgid "use autosquash formatted message to squash specified commit"
 msgstr "使用 autosquash 格式的提交说明用以压缩至指定的提交"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1485
+#: builtin/commit.c:1505
 msgid "the commit is authored by me now (used with -C/-c/--amend)"
 msgstr "现在将该提交的作者改为我(和 -C/-c/--amend 参数共用)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1486 builtin/log.c:1541 builtin/merge.c:285
-#: builtin/pull.c:162 builtin/revert.c:109
+#: builtin/commit.c:1506 builtin/log.c:1564 builtin/merge.c:289
+#: builtin/pull.c:163 builtin/revert.c:110
 msgid "add Signed-off-by:"
 msgstr "添加 Signed-off-by: 签名"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1487
+#: builtin/commit.c:1507
 msgid "use specified template file"
 msgstr "使用指定的模板文件"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1488
+#: builtin/commit.c:1508
 msgid "force edit of commit"
 msgstr "强制编辑提交"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1490
+#: builtin/commit.c:1510
 msgid "include status in commit message template"
 msgstr "在提交说明模板里包含状态信息"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1495
+#: builtin/commit.c:1515
 msgid "Commit contents options"
 msgstr "提交内容选项"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1496
+#: builtin/commit.c:1516
 msgid "commit all changed files"
 msgstr "提交所有改动的文件"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1497
+#: builtin/commit.c:1517
 msgid "add specified files to index for commit"
 msgstr "添加指定的文件到索引区等待提交"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1498
+#: builtin/commit.c:1518
 msgid "interactively add files"
 msgstr "交互式添加文件"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1499
+#: builtin/commit.c:1519
 msgid "interactively add changes"
 msgstr "交互式添加变更"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1500
+#: builtin/commit.c:1520
 msgid "commit only specified files"
 msgstr "只提交指定的文件"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1501
+#: builtin/commit.c:1521
 msgid "bypass pre-commit and commit-msg hooks"
 msgstr "绕过 pre-commit 和 commit-msg 钩子"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1502
+#: builtin/commit.c:1522
 msgid "show what would be committed"
 msgstr "显示将要提交的内容"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1515
+#: builtin/commit.c:1535
 msgid "amend previous commit"
 msgstr "修改先前的提交"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1516
+#: builtin/commit.c:1536
 msgid "bypass post-rewrite hook"
 msgstr "绕过 post-rewrite 钩子"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1521
+#: builtin/commit.c:1541
 msgid "ok to record an empty change"
 msgstr "允许一个空提交"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1523
+#: builtin/commit.c:1543
 msgid "ok to record a change with an empty message"
 msgstr "允许空的提交说明"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1596
+#: builtin/commit.c:1616
 #, c-format
 msgid "Corrupt MERGE_HEAD file (%s)"
 msgstr "损坏的 MERGE_HEAD 文件(%s)"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1603
+#: builtin/commit.c:1623
 msgid "could not read MERGE_MODE"
 msgstr "不能读取 MERGE_MODE"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1622
+#: builtin/commit.c:1642
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read commit message: %s"
 msgstr "不能读取提交说明:%s"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1629
+#: builtin/commit.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit due to empty commit message.\n"
 msgstr "终止提交因为提交说明为空。\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1634
+#: builtin/commit.c:1654
 #, c-format
 msgid "Aborting commit; you did not edit the message.\n"
 msgstr "终止提交;您未更改来自模版的提交说明。\n"
-#: builtin/commit.c:1668
+#: builtin/commit.c:1688
 msgid ""
 "repository has been updated, but unable to write\n"
 "new_index file. Check that disk is not full and quota is\n"
-"not exceeded, and then \"git reset HEAD\" to recover."
+"not exceeded, and then \"git restore --staged :/\" to recover."
 msgstr ""
-"仓库已更新,但无法写 new_index 文件。检查是否磁盘已满\n"
-"或磁盘配额已耗尽,然后执行 \"git reset HEAD\" 恢复。"
+"仓库已更新,但无法写 new_index 文件。检查是否磁盘已满或\n"
+"磁盘配额已耗尽,然后执行 \"git restore --staged :/\" 恢复。"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:10
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11
 msgid "git commit-graph [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph [--object-dir <对象目录>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:11 builtin/commit-graph.c:23
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:24
 msgid "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <objdir>]"
 msgstr "git commit-graph read [--object-dir <对象目录>]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:12 builtin/commit-graph.c:18
-msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>]"
-msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <对象目录>]"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:19
+msgid "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <objdir>] [--shallow]"
+msgstr "git commit-graph verify [--object-dir <对象目录>] [--shallow]"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:13 builtin/commit-graph.c:28
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:14 builtin/commit-graph.c:29
 msgid ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
-msgstr ""
-"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <对象目录>] [--append] [--reachable|--"
+"git commit-graph write [--object-dir <objdir>] [--append|--split] [--"
+"reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
+msgstr "git commit-graph write [--object-dir <对象目录>] [--append|--split] [--reachable|--stdin-packs|--stdin-commits] <split options>"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:51 builtin/commit-graph.c:89
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:147 builtin/commit-graph.c:205 builtin/fetch.c:153
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:54 builtin/commit-graph.c:100
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:161 builtin/commit-graph.c:237 builtin/fetch.c:163
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "dir"
 msgstr "目录"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:52 builtin/commit-graph.c:90
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:148 builtin/commit-graph.c:206
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:55 builtin/commit-graph.c:101
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:162 builtin/commit-graph.c:238
 msgid "The object directory to store the graph"
 msgstr "保存图形的对象目录"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:68 builtin/commit-graph.c:105
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:57
+msgid "if the commit-graph is split, only verify the tip file"
+msgstr "如果提交图形被拆分,只验证头一个文件"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:73 builtin/commit-graph.c:116
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not open commit-graph '%s'"
 msgstr "无法打开提交图形 '%s'"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:150
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:164
 msgid "start walk at all refs"
 msgstr "开始遍历所有引用"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:152
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:166
 msgid "scan pack-indexes listed by stdin for commits"
 msgstr "从标准输入中的包索引文件列表中扫描提交"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:154
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:168
 msgid "start walk at commits listed by stdin"
 msgstr "从标准输入中的提交开始扫描"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:156
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:170
 msgid "include all commits already in the commit-graph file"
 msgstr "包含 commit-graph 文件中已有所有提交"
-#: builtin/commit-graph.c:165
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:172
+msgid "allow writing an incremental commit-graph file"
+msgstr "允许写一个增量提交图形文件"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:174 builtin/commit-graph.c:178
+msgid "maximum number of commits in a non-base split commit-graph"
+msgstr "在非基本拆分提交图形中的最大提交数"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:176
+msgid "maximum ratio between two levels of a split commit-graph"
+msgstr "一个拆分提交图形的两个级别之间的最大比率"
+#: builtin/commit-graph.c:191
 msgid "use at most one of --reachable, --stdin-commits, or --stdin-packs"
 msgstr "不能同时使用 --reachable、--stdin-commits 或 --stdin-packs"
@@ -11470,7 +11832,7 @@
 msgid "git config [<options>]"
 msgstr "git config [<选项>]"
-#: builtin/config.c:103
+#: builtin/config.c:103 builtin/env--helper.c:23
 #, c-format
 msgid "unrecognized --type argument, %s"
 msgstr "未能识别的 --type 参数,%s"
@@ -11575,7 +11937,7 @@
 msgid "Type"
 msgstr "类型"
-#: builtin/config.c:147
+#: builtin/config.c:147 builtin/env--helper.c:38
 msgid "value is given this type"
 msgstr "取值为该类型"
@@ -11619,7 +11981,7 @@
 msgid "show origin of config (file, standard input, blob, command line)"
 msgstr "显示配置的来源(文件、标准输入、数据对象,或命令行)"
-#: builtin/config.c:158
+#: builtin/config.c:158 builtin/env--helper.c:40
 msgid "value"
 msgstr "取值"
@@ -11911,7 +12273,7 @@
 msgid "do not consider tags matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "不考虑匹配 <模式> 的标签"
-#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:426
+#: builtin/describe.c:551 builtin/name-rev.c:422
 msgid "show abbreviated commit object as fallback"
 msgstr "显示简写的提交号作为后备"
@@ -12084,252 +12446,313 @@
 msgid "no <cmd> given for --extcmd=<cmd>"
 msgstr "没有为 --extcmd=<命令> 参数提供 <命令>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:6
+msgid "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <options> <env-var>"
+msgstr "git env--helper --type=[bool|ulong] <选项> <环境变量>"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:37 builtin/hash-object.c:98
+msgid "type"
+msgstr "类型"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:41
+msgid "default for git_env_*(...) to fall back on"
+msgstr "git_env_*(...) 的默认值"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:43
+msgid "be quiet only use git_env_*() value as exit code"
+msgstr "安静模式,只使用 git_env_*() 的值作为退出码"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:62
+#, c-format
+msgid "option `--default' expects a boolean value with `--type=bool`, not `%s`"
+msgstr "选项 `--default' 和 `type=bool` 期望一个布尔值,不是 `%s`"
+#: builtin/env--helper.c:77
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"option `--default' expects an unsigned long value with `--type=ulong`, not `"
+msgstr "选项 `--default' 和 `type=ulong` 期望一个无符号长整型,不是 `%s`"
 #: builtin/fast-export.c:29
 msgid "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
 msgstr "git fast-export [rev-list-opts]"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1084
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1124
 msgid "show progress after <n> objects"
 msgstr "在 <n> 个对象之后显示进度"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1086
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1126
 msgid "select handling of signed tags"
 msgstr "选择如何处理签名标签"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1089
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1129
 msgid "select handling of tags that tag filtered objects"
 msgstr "选择当标签指向被过滤对象时该标签的处理方式"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1092
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1132
+msgid "select handling of commit messages in an alternate encoding"
+msgstr "选择使用备用编码处理提交说明"
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1135
 msgid "Dump marks to this file"
 msgstr "把标记存储到这个文件"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1094
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1137
 msgid "Import marks from this file"
 msgstr "从这个文件导入标记"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1096
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1139
 msgid "Fake a tagger when tags lack one"
 msgstr "当标签缺少标记者字段时,假装提供一个"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1098
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1141
 msgid "Output full tree for each commit"
 msgstr "每次提交都输出整个树"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1100
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1143
 msgid "Use the done feature to terminate the stream"
 msgstr "使用 done 功能来终止流"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1101
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1144
 msgid "Skip output of blob data"
 msgstr "跳过数据对象的输出"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1102 builtin/log.c:1609
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1145 builtin/log.c:1632
 msgid "refspec"
 msgstr "引用规格"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1103
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1146
 msgid "Apply refspec to exported refs"
 msgstr "对导出的引用应用引用规格"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1104
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1147
 msgid "anonymize output"
 msgstr "匿名输出"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1106
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1149
 msgid "Reference parents which are not in fast-export stream by object id"
 msgstr "引用父对象 ID 不在 fast-export 流中"
-#: builtin/fast-export.c:1108
+#: builtin/fast-export.c:1151
 msgid "Show original object ids of blobs/commits"
 msgstr "显示数据对象/提交的原始对象 ID"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:28
+#: builtin/fetch.c:30
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git fetch [<选项>] [<仓库> [<引用规格>...]]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:29
+#: builtin/fetch.c:31
 msgid "git fetch [<options>] <group>"
 msgstr "git fetch [<选项>] <组>"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:30
+#: builtin/fetch.c:32
 msgid "git fetch --multiple [<options>] [(<repository> | <group>)...]"
 msgstr "git fetch --multiple [<选项>] [(<仓库> | <组>)...]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:31
+#: builtin/fetch.c:33
 msgid "git fetch --all [<options>]"
 msgstr "git fetch --all [<选项>]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:115 builtin/pull.c:202
+#: builtin/fetch.c:125 builtin/pull.c:203
 msgid "fetch from all remotes"
 msgstr "从所有的远程抓取"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:117 builtin/pull.c:205
+#: builtin/fetch.c:127 builtin/pull.c:206
 msgid "append to .git/FETCH_HEAD instead of overwriting"
 msgstr "追加到 .git/FETCH_HEAD 而不是覆盖它"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:119 builtin/pull.c:208
+#: builtin/fetch.c:129 builtin/pull.c:209
 msgid "path to upload pack on remote end"
 msgstr "上传包到远程的路径"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:120
+#: builtin/fetch.c:130
 msgid "force overwrite of local reference"
 msgstr "强制覆盖本地引用"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:122
+#: builtin/fetch.c:132
 msgid "fetch from multiple remotes"
 msgstr "从多个远程抓取"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:124 builtin/pull.c:212
+#: builtin/fetch.c:134 builtin/pull.c:213
 msgid "fetch all tags and associated objects"
 msgstr "抓取所有的标签和关联对象"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:126
+#: builtin/fetch.c:136
 msgid "do not fetch all tags (--no-tags)"
 msgstr "不抓取任何标签(--no-tags)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:128
+#: builtin/fetch.c:138
 msgid "number of submodules fetched in parallel"
 msgstr "子模组获取的并发数"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:130 builtin/pull.c:215
+#: builtin/fetch.c:140 builtin/pull.c:216
 msgid "prune remote-tracking branches no longer on remote"
 msgstr "清除远程已经不存在的分支的跟踪分支"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:132
+#: builtin/fetch.c:142
 msgid "prune local tags no longer on remote and clobber changed tags"
 msgstr "清除远程不存在的本地标签,并且替换变更标签"
 #  译者:可选值,不能翻译
-#: builtin/fetch.c:133 builtin/fetch.c:156 builtin/pull.c:139
+#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:166 builtin/pull.c:140
 msgid "on-demand"
 msgstr "on-demand"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:134
+#: builtin/fetch.c:144
 msgid "control recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "控制子模组的递归抓取"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:138 builtin/pull.c:223
+#: builtin/fetch.c:148 builtin/pull.c:224
 msgid "keep downloaded pack"
 msgstr "保持下载包"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:140
+#: builtin/fetch.c:150
 msgid "allow updating of HEAD ref"
 msgstr "允许更新 HEAD 引用"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:143 builtin/fetch.c:149 builtin/pull.c:226
+#: builtin/fetch.c:153 builtin/fetch.c:159 builtin/pull.c:227
 msgid "deepen history of shallow clone"
 msgstr "深化浅克隆的历史"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:145
+#: builtin/fetch.c:155
 msgid "deepen history of shallow repository based on time"
 msgstr "基于时间来深化浅克隆的历史"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:151 builtin/pull.c:229
+#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:230
 msgid "convert to a complete repository"
 msgstr "转换为一个完整的仓库"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:154
+#: builtin/fetch.c:164
 msgid "prepend this to submodule path output"
 msgstr "在子模组路径输出的前面加上此目录"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:157
+#: builtin/fetch.c:167
 msgid ""
 "default for recursive fetching of submodules (lower priority than config "
 msgstr "递归获取子模组的缺省值(比配置文件优先级低)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:161 builtin/pull.c:232
+#: builtin/fetch.c:171 builtin/pull.c:233
 msgid "accept refs that update .git/shallow"
 msgstr "接受更新 .git/shallow 的引用"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:162 builtin/pull.c:234
+#: builtin/fetch.c:172 builtin/pull.c:235
 msgid "refmap"
 msgstr "引用映射"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:163 builtin/pull.c:235
+#: builtin/fetch.c:173 builtin/pull.c:236
 msgid "specify fetch refmap"
 msgstr "指定获取操作的引用映射"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:170
+#: builtin/fetch.c:180
 msgid "report that we have only objects reachable from this object"
 msgstr "报告我们只拥有从该对象开始可达的对象"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:469
+#: builtin/fetch.c:183
+msgid "run 'gc --auto' after fetching"
+msgstr "获取后执行 'gc --auto'"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:185 builtin/pull.c:245
+msgid "check for forced-updates on all updated branches"
+msgstr "在所有更新分支上检查强制更新"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:491
 msgid "Couldn't find remote ref HEAD"
 msgstr "无法发现远程 HEAD 引用"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:608
+#: builtin/fetch.c:630
 #, c-format
 msgid "configuration fetch.output contains invalid value %s"
 msgstr "配置变量 fetch.output 包含无效值 %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:705
+#: builtin/fetch.c:728
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s not found"
 msgstr "对象 %s 未发现"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:709
+#: builtin/fetch.c:732
 msgid "[up to date]"
 msgstr "[最新]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:722 builtin/fetch.c:738 builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:745 builtin/fetch.c:761 builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "[rejected]"
 msgstr "[已拒绝]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:723
+#: builtin/fetch.c:746
 msgid "can't fetch in current branch"
 msgstr "当前分支下不能执行获取操作"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:733
+#: builtin/fetch.c:756
 msgid "[tag update]"
 msgstr "[标签更新]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:734 builtin/fetch.c:771 builtin/fetch.c:784
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:757 builtin/fetch.c:794 builtin/fetch.c:816
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "unable to update local ref"
 msgstr "不能更新本地引用"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:738
+#: builtin/fetch.c:761
 msgid "would clobber existing tag"
 msgstr "会破坏现有的标签"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:760
+#: builtin/fetch.c:783
 msgid "[new tag]"
 msgstr "[新标签]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:763
+#: builtin/fetch.c:786
 msgid "[new branch]"
 msgstr "[新分支]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:766
+#: builtin/fetch.c:789
 msgid "[new ref]"
 msgstr "[新引用]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:796
+#: builtin/fetch.c:828
 msgid "forced update"
 msgstr "强制更新"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:801
+#: builtin/fetch.c:833
 msgid "non-fast-forward"
 msgstr "非快进"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:847
+#: builtin/fetch.c:854
+msgid ""
+"Fetch normally indicates which branches had a forced update,\n"
+"but that check has been disabled. To re-enable, use '--show-forced-updates'\n"
+"flag or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'."
+msgstr ""
+"要重新启用,请使用 '--show-forced-updates' 选项或运行\n"
+"'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates true'。"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:858
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"It took %.2f seconds to check forced updates. You can use\n"
+"'--no-show-forced-updates' or run 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates "
+" to avoid this check.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"花了 %.2f 秒来检查强制更新。您可以使用 '--no-show-forced-updates'\n"
+"或运行 'git config fetch.showForcedUpdates false' 以避免此项检查。\n"
+#: builtin/fetch.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s did not send all necessary objects\n"
 msgstr "%s 未发送所有必需的对象\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:868
+#: builtin/fetch.c:909
 #, c-format
 msgid "reject %s because shallow roots are not allowed to be updated"
 msgstr "拒绝 %s 因为浅克隆不允许被更新"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:959 builtin/fetch.c:1081
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1000 builtin/fetch.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "From %.*s\n"
 msgstr "来自 %.*s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:970
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1011
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "some local refs could not be updated; try running\n"
@@ -12339,100 +12762,100 @@
 " 'git remote prune %s' 来删除旧的、有冲突的分支"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1051
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1101
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s will become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s 将成为悬空状态)"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1052
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1102
 #, c-format
 msgid "   (%s has become dangling)"
 msgstr "   (%s 已成为悬空状态)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1084
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1134
 msgid "[deleted]"
 msgstr "[已删除]"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1085 builtin/remote.c:1036
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1135 builtin/remote.c:1036
 msgid "(none)"
 msgstr "(无)"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1108
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Refusing to fetch into current branch %s of non-bare repository"
 msgstr "拒绝获取到非纯仓库的当前分支 %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1127
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1177
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" value \"%s\" is not valid for %s"
 msgstr "选项 \"%s\" 的值 \"%s\" 对于 %s 是无效的"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1130
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1180
 #, c-format
 msgid "Option \"%s\" is ignored for %s\n"
 msgstr "选项 \"%s\" 为 %s 所忽略\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1434
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1484
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fetching %s\n"
 msgstr "正在获取 %s\n"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1436 builtin/remote.c:100
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1486 builtin/remote.c:100
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not fetch %s"
 msgstr "不能获取 %s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1482
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1532
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
 msgstr "只可以将 --filter 用于在 extensions.partialClone 中配置的远程仓库"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1506
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1556
 msgid ""
 "No remote repository specified.  Please, specify either a URL or a\n"
 "remote name from which new revisions should be fetched."
 msgstr "未指定远程仓库。请通过一个 URL 或远程仓库名指定,用以获取新提交。"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1543
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1593
 msgid "You need to specify a tag name."
 msgstr "您需要指定一个标签名称。"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1594
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1644
 msgid "Negative depth in --deepen is not supported"
 msgstr "--deepen 不支持负数深度"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1596
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1646
 msgid "--deepen and --depth are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--deepen 和 --depth 是互斥的"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1601
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1651
 msgid "--depth and --unshallow cannot be used together"
 msgstr "--depth 和 --unshallow 不能同时使用"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1603
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
 msgid "--unshallow on a complete repository does not make sense"
 msgstr "对于一个完整的仓库,参数 --unshallow 没有意义"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1619
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1669
 msgid "fetch --all does not take a repository argument"
 msgstr "fetch --all 不能带一个仓库参数"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1621
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1671
 msgid "fetch --all does not make sense with refspecs"
 msgstr "fetch --all 带引用规格没有任何意义"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1630
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1680
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such remote or remote group: %s"
 msgstr "没有这样的远程或远程组:%s"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1637
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1687
 msgid "Fetching a group and specifying refspecs does not make sense"
 msgstr "获取组并指定引用规格没有意义"
-#: builtin/fetch.c:1653
+#: builtin/fetch.c:1703
 msgid ""
 "--filter can only be used with the remote configured in extensions."
@@ -12499,7 +12922,7 @@
 msgid "show only <n> matched refs"
 msgstr "只显示 <n> 个匹配的引用"
-#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:433
+#: builtin/for-each-ref.c:39 builtin/tag.c:439
 msgid "respect format colors"
 msgstr "遵照格式中的颜色输出"
@@ -12667,7 +13090,7 @@
 msgid "Checking %s link"
 msgstr "正在检查 %s 链接"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:841
+#: builtin/fsck.c:705 builtin/index-pack.c:842
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid %s"
 msgstr "无效的 %s"
@@ -12752,7 +13175,7 @@
 msgid "show verbose names for reachable objects"
 msgstr "显示可达对象的详细名称"
-#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:224
+#: builtin/fsck.c:859 builtin/index-pack.c:225
 msgid "Checking objects"
 msgstr "正在检查对象"
@@ -12785,7 +13208,7 @@
 msgid "cannot stat '%s'"
 msgstr "不能对 '%s' 调用 stat"
-#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:519
+#: builtin/gc.c:485 builtin/notes.c:240 builtin/tag.c:529
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read '%s'"
 msgstr "不能读取 '%s'"
@@ -12856,7 +13279,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "已经有一个 gc 正运行在机器 '%s' pid %<PRIuMAX>(如果不是,使用 --force)"
-#: builtin/gc.c:693
+#: builtin/gc.c:695
 msgid ""
 "There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them."
 msgstr "有太多不可达的松散对象,运行 'git prune' 删除它们。"
@@ -12879,259 +13302,259 @@
 #. variable for tweaking threads, currently
 #. grep.threads
-#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1514 builtin/index-pack.c:1705
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2720
+#: builtin/grep.c:287 builtin/index-pack.c:1534 builtin/index-pack.c:1727
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
 #, c-format
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring %s"
 msgstr "没有线程支持,忽略 %s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:466 builtin/grep.c:590 builtin/grep.c:631
+#: builtin/grep.c:467 builtin/grep.c:591 builtin/grep.c:633
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read tree (%s)"
 msgstr "无法读取树(%s)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:646
+#: builtin/grep.c:648
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to grep from object of type %s"
 msgstr "无法抓取来自于 %s 类型的对象"
-#: builtin/grep.c:712
+#: builtin/grep.c:714
 #, c-format
 msgid "switch `%c' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "开关 `%c' 期望一个数字值"
-#: builtin/grep.c:811
+#: builtin/grep.c:813
 msgid "search in index instead of in the work tree"
 msgstr "在索引区搜索而不是在工作区"
-#: builtin/grep.c:813
+#: builtin/grep.c:815
 msgid "find in contents not managed by git"
 msgstr "在未被 git 管理的内容中查找"
 #  译者:中文字符串拼接,可删除前导空格
-#: builtin/grep.c:815
+#: builtin/grep.c:817
 msgid "search in both tracked and untracked files"
 msgstr "在跟踪和未跟踪的文件中搜索"
-#: builtin/grep.c:817
+#: builtin/grep.c:819
 msgid "ignore files specified via '.gitignore'"
 msgstr "忽略 '.gitignore' 包含的文件"
-#: builtin/grep.c:819
+#: builtin/grep.c:821
 msgid "recursively search in each submodule"
 msgstr "在每一个子模组中递归搜索"
-#: builtin/grep.c:822
+#: builtin/grep.c:824
 msgid "show non-matching lines"
 msgstr "显示未匹配的行"
-#: builtin/grep.c:824
+#: builtin/grep.c:826
 msgid "case insensitive matching"
 msgstr "不区分大小写匹配"
-#: builtin/grep.c:826
+#: builtin/grep.c:828
 msgid "match patterns only at word boundaries"
 msgstr "只在单词边界匹配模式"
-#: builtin/grep.c:828
+#: builtin/grep.c:830
 msgid "process binary files as text"
 msgstr "把二进制文件当做文本处理"
-#: builtin/grep.c:830
+#: builtin/grep.c:832
 msgid "don't match patterns in binary files"
 msgstr "不在二进制文件中匹配模式"
-#: builtin/grep.c:833
+#: builtin/grep.c:835
 msgid "process binary files with textconv filters"
 msgstr "用 textconv 过滤器处理二进制文件"
-#: builtin/grep.c:835
+#: builtin/grep.c:837
 msgid "search in subdirectories (default)"
 msgstr "在子目录中寻找(默认)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:837
+#: builtin/grep.c:839
 msgid "descend at most <depth> levels"
 msgstr "最多以指定的深度向下寻找"
-#: builtin/grep.c:841
+#: builtin/grep.c:843
 msgid "use extended POSIX regular expressions"
 msgstr "使用扩展的 POSIX 正则表达式"
-#: builtin/grep.c:844
+#: builtin/grep.c:846
 msgid "use basic POSIX regular expressions (default)"
 msgstr "使用基本的 POSIX 正则表达式(默认)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:847
+#: builtin/grep.c:849
 msgid "interpret patterns as fixed strings"
 msgstr "把模式解析为固定的字符串"
-#: builtin/grep.c:850
+#: builtin/grep.c:852
 msgid "use Perl-compatible regular expressions"
 msgstr "使用 Perl 兼容的正则表达式"
-#: builtin/grep.c:853
+#: builtin/grep.c:855
 msgid "show line numbers"
 msgstr "显示行号"
-#: builtin/grep.c:854
+#: builtin/grep.c:856
 msgid "show column number of first match"
 msgstr "显示第一个匹配的列号"
-#: builtin/grep.c:855
+#: builtin/grep.c:857
 msgid "don't show filenames"
 msgstr "不显示文件名"
-#: builtin/grep.c:856
+#: builtin/grep.c:858
 msgid "show filenames"
 msgstr "显示文件名"
-#: builtin/grep.c:858
+#: builtin/grep.c:860
 msgid "show filenames relative to top directory"
 msgstr "显示相对于顶级目录的文件名"
-#: builtin/grep.c:860
+#: builtin/grep.c:862
 msgid "show only filenames instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "只显示文件名而不显示匹配的行"
-#: builtin/grep.c:862
+#: builtin/grep.c:864
 msgid "synonym for --files-with-matches"
 msgstr "和 --files-with-matches 同义"
-#: builtin/grep.c:865
+#: builtin/grep.c:867
 msgid "show only the names of files without match"
 msgstr "只显示未匹配的文件名"
-#: builtin/grep.c:867
+#: builtin/grep.c:869
 msgid "print NUL after filenames"
 msgstr "在文件名后输出 NUL 字符"
-#: builtin/grep.c:870
+#: builtin/grep.c:872
 msgid "show only matching parts of a line"
 msgstr "只显示行中的匹配的部分"
-#: builtin/grep.c:872
+#: builtin/grep.c:874
 msgid "show the number of matches instead of matching lines"
 msgstr "显示总匹配行数,而不显示匹配的行"
-#: builtin/grep.c:873
+#: builtin/grep.c:875
 msgid "highlight matches"
 msgstr "高亮显示匹配项"
-#: builtin/grep.c:875
+#: builtin/grep.c:877
 msgid "print empty line between matches from different files"
 msgstr "在不同文件的匹配项之间打印空行"
-#: builtin/grep.c:877
+#: builtin/grep.c:879
 msgid "show filename only once above matches from same file"
 msgstr "只在同一文件的匹配项的上面显示一次文件名"
-#: builtin/grep.c:880
+#: builtin/grep.c:882
 msgid "show <n> context lines before and after matches"
 msgstr "显示匹配项前后的 <n> 行上下文"
-#: builtin/grep.c:883
+#: builtin/grep.c:885
 msgid "show <n> context lines before matches"
 msgstr "显示匹配项前 <n> 行上下文"
-#: builtin/grep.c:885
+#: builtin/grep.c:887
 msgid "show <n> context lines after matches"
 msgstr "显示匹配项后 <n> 行上下文"
-#: builtin/grep.c:887
+#: builtin/grep.c:889
 msgid "use <n> worker threads"
 msgstr "使用 <n> 个工作线程"
-#: builtin/grep.c:888
+#: builtin/grep.c:890
 msgid "shortcut for -C NUM"
 msgstr "快捷键 -C 数字"
-#: builtin/grep.c:891
+#: builtin/grep.c:893
 msgid "show a line with the function name before matches"
 msgstr "在匹配的前面显示一行函数名"
-#: builtin/grep.c:893
+#: builtin/grep.c:895
 msgid "show the surrounding function"
 msgstr "显示所在函数的前后内容"
-#: builtin/grep.c:896
+#: builtin/grep.c:898
 msgid "read patterns from file"
 msgstr "从文件读取模式"
-#: builtin/grep.c:898
+#: builtin/grep.c:900
 msgid "match <pattern>"
 msgstr "匹配 <模式>"
-#: builtin/grep.c:900
+#: builtin/grep.c:902
 msgid "combine patterns specified with -e"
 msgstr "组合用 -e 参数设定的模式"
-#: builtin/grep.c:912
+#: builtin/grep.c:914
 msgid "indicate hit with exit status without output"
 msgstr "不输出,而用退出码标识命中状态"
-#: builtin/grep.c:914
+#: builtin/grep.c:916
 msgid "show only matches from files that match all patterns"
 msgstr "只显示匹配所有模式的文件中的匹配"
-#: builtin/grep.c:916
+#: builtin/grep.c:918
 msgid "show parse tree for grep expression"
 msgstr "显示 grep 表达式的解析树"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "pager"
 msgstr "分页"
-#: builtin/grep.c:920
+#: builtin/grep.c:922
 msgid "show matching files in the pager"
 msgstr "分页显示匹配的文件"
-#: builtin/grep.c:924
+#: builtin/grep.c:926
 msgid "allow calling of grep(1) (ignored by this build)"
 msgstr "允许调用 grep(1)(本次构建忽略)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:988
+#: builtin/grep.c:990
 msgid "no pattern given"
 msgstr "未提供匹配模式"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1024
+#: builtin/grep.c:1026
 msgid "--no-index or --untracked cannot be used with revs"
 msgstr "--no-index 或 --untracked 不能和版本同时使用"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1032
+#: builtin/grep.c:1034
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to resolve revision: %s"
 msgstr "不能解析版本:%s"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1063
+#: builtin/grep.c:1065
 msgid "invalid option combination, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "无效的选项组合,忽略 --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1066 builtin/pack-objects.c:3403
+#: builtin/grep.c:1068 builtin/pack-objects.c:3416
 msgid "no threads support, ignoring --threads"
 msgstr "没有线程支持,忽略 --threads"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1069 builtin/index-pack.c:1511 builtin/pack-objects.c:2717
+#: builtin/grep.c:1071 builtin/index-pack.c:1531 builtin/pack-objects.c:2725
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid number of threads specified (%d)"
 msgstr "指定的线程数无效(%d)"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1092
+#: builtin/grep.c:1094
 msgid "--open-files-in-pager only works on the worktree"
 msgstr "--open-files-in-pager 仅用于工作区"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1115
+#: builtin/grep.c:1117
 msgid "option not supported with --recurse-submodules"
 msgstr "选项不支持和 --recurse-submodules 共用"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1121
+#: builtin/grep.c:1123
 msgid "--cached or --untracked cannot be used with --no-index"
 msgstr "--cached 或 --untracked 不能与 --no-index 同时使用"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1127
+#: builtin/grep.c:1129
 msgid "--[no-]exclude-standard cannot be used for tracked contents"
 msgstr "--[no-]exclude-standard 不能用于已跟踪内容"
-#: builtin/grep.c:1135
+#: builtin/grep.c:1137
 msgid "both --cached and trees are given"
 msgstr "同时给出了 --cached 和树对象"
@@ -13148,10 +13571,6 @@
 msgstr "git hash-object  --stdin-paths"
 #: builtin/hash-object.c:98
-msgid "type"
-msgstr "类型"
-#: builtin/hash-object.c:98
 msgid "object type"
 msgstr "对象类型"
@@ -13266,12 +13685,12 @@
 msgid "no info viewer handled the request"
 msgstr "没有 info 查看器处理此请求"
-#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:335
+#: builtin/help.c:434 builtin/help.c:445 git.c:336
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is aliased to '%s'"
 msgstr "'%s' 是 '%s' 的别名"
-#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:364
+#: builtin/help.c:448 git.c:365
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad alias.%s string: %s"
 msgstr "坏的 alias.%s 字符串:%s"
@@ -13285,290 +13704,285 @@
 msgid "'git help config' for more information"
 msgstr "'git help config' 获取更多信息"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:184
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:185
 #, c-format
 msgid "object type mismatch at %s"
 msgstr "%s 的对象类型不匹配"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:204
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid "did not receive expected object %s"
 msgstr "未能获取预期的对象 %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:207
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:208
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s: expected type %s, found %s"
 msgstr "对象 %s:应为类型 %s,却是 %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:257
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:258
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot fill %d byte"
 msgid_plural "cannot fill %d bytes"
 msgstr[0] "无法填充 %d 字节"
 msgstr[1] "无法填充 %d 字节"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
 msgid "early EOF"
 msgstr "过早的文件结束符(EOF)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:268
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:269
 msgid "read error on input"
 msgstr "输入上的读错误"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:280
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:281
 msgid "used more bytes than were available"
 msgstr "用掉了超过可用的字节"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:287 builtin/pack-objects.c:600
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:288 builtin/pack-objects.c:604
 msgid "pack too large for current definition of off_t"
 msgstr "包太大超过了当前 off_t 的定义"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:290 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:291 builtin/unpack-objects.c:94
 msgid "pack exceeds maximum allowed size"
 msgstr "包超过了最大允许值"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:305 builtin/repack.c:250
-#, c-format
-msgid "unable to create '%s'"
-msgstr "不能创建 '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:311
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:312
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open packfile '%s'"
 msgstr "无法打开包文件 '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:325
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:326
 msgid "pack signature mismatch"
 msgstr "包签名不匹配"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:327
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:328
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack version %<PRIu32> unsupported"
 msgstr "不支持包版本 %<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:345
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:346
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has bad object at offset %<PRIuMAX>: %s"
 msgstr "包中有错误的对象位于偏移量 %<PRIuMAX>:%s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:465
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:466
 #, c-format
 msgid "inflate returned %d"
 msgstr "解压缩返回 %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:514
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:515
 msgid "offset value overflow for delta base object"
 msgstr "偏移值覆盖了 delta 基准对象"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:522
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:523
 msgid "delta base offset is out of bound"
 msgstr "delta 基准偏移越界"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:530
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:531
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown object type %d"
 msgstr "未知对象类型 %d"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:561
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:562
 msgid "cannot pread pack file"
 msgstr "无法读取包文件"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:563
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:564
 #, c-format
 msgid "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> byte missing"
 msgid_plural "premature end of pack file, %<PRIuMAX> bytes missing"
 msgstr[0] "包文件过早结束,缺少 %<PRIuMAX> 字节"
 msgstr[1] "包文件过早结束,缺少 %<PRIuMAX> 字节"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:589
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:590
 msgid "serious inflate inconsistency"
 msgstr "解压缩严重的不一致"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:734 builtin/index-pack.c:740 builtin/index-pack.c:763
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:802 builtin/index-pack.c:811
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:735 builtin/index-pack.c:741 builtin/index-pack.c:764
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:803 builtin/index-pack.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgstr "发现 %s 出现 SHA1 冲突!"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:737 builtin/pack-objects.c:153
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:213 builtin/pack-objects.c:307
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:738 builtin/pack-objects.c:157
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:217 builtin/pack-objects.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read %s"
 msgstr "不能读 %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:800
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:801
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object info %s"
 msgstr "不能读取现存对象信息 %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:808
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:809
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot read existing object %s"
 msgstr "不能读取现存对象 %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:822
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:823
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid blob object %s"
 msgstr "无效的数据对象 %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:825 builtin/index-pack.c:844
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:826 builtin/index-pack.c:845
 msgid "fsck error in packed object"
 msgstr "对打包对象 fsck 检查出错"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:846
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:847
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not all child objects of %s are reachable"
 msgstr "%s 的所有子对象并非都可达"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:918 builtin/index-pack.c:949
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:919 builtin/index-pack.c:950
 msgid "failed to apply delta"
 msgstr "应用 delta 失败"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Receiving objects"
 msgstr "接收对象中"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1117
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1118
 msgid "Indexing objects"
 msgstr "索引对象中"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1151
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1152
 msgid "pack is corrupted (SHA1 mismatch)"
 msgstr "包冲突(SHA1 不匹配)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1156
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1157
 msgid "cannot fstat packfile"
 msgstr "不能对包文件调用 fstat"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1159
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1160
 msgid "pack has junk at the end"
 msgstr "包的结尾有垃圾数据"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1171
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1172
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity in parse_pack_objects()"
 msgstr "parse_pack_objects() 中遇到不可理喻的问题"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1194
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1195
 msgid "Resolving deltas"
 msgstr "处理 delta 中"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1204 builtin/pack-objects.c:2489
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1205 builtin/pack-objects.c:2497
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to create thread: %s"
 msgstr "不能创建线程:%s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1245
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1246
 msgid "confusion beyond insanity"
 msgstr "不可理喻"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1251
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1252
 #, c-format
 msgid "completed with %d local object"
 msgid_plural "completed with %d local objects"
 msgstr[0] "完成 %d 个本地对象"
 msgstr[1] "完成 %d 个本地对象"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1263
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1264
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected tail checksum for %s (disk corruption?)"
 msgstr "对 %s 的尾部校验出现意外(磁盘损坏?)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1267
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1268
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack has %d unresolved delta"
 msgid_plural "pack has %d unresolved deltas"
 msgstr[0] "包有 %d 个未解决的 delta"
 msgstr[1] "包有 %d 个未解决的 delta"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1291
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1292
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to deflate appended object (%d)"
 msgstr "不能压缩附加对象(%d)"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1368
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1388
 #, c-format
 msgid "local object %s is corrupt"
 msgstr "本地对象 %s 已损坏"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1382
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1402
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile name '%s' does not end with '.pack'"
 msgstr "包文件名 '%s' 没有以 '.pack' 结尾"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1407
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1427
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot write %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "无法写入 %s 文件 '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1415
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1435
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot close written %s file '%s'"
 msgstr "无法关闭已写入的 %s 文件 '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1439
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1459
 msgid "error while closing pack file"
 msgstr "关闭包文件时出错"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1453
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1473
 msgid "cannot store pack file"
 msgstr "无法存储包文件"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1461
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1481
 msgid "cannot store index file"
 msgstr "无法存储索引文件"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1505 builtin/pack-objects.c:2728
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1525 builtin/pack-objects.c:2736
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "坏的 pack.indexversion=%<PRIu32>"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1573
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1593
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack file '%s'"
 msgstr "无法打开现存包文件 '%s'"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1575
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1595
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot open existing pack idx file for '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为 %s 打开包索引文件"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1623
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1643
 #, c-format
 msgid "non delta: %d object"
 msgid_plural "non delta: %d objects"
 msgstr[0] "非 delta:%d 个对象"
 msgstr[1] "非 delta:%d 个对象"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1630
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1650
 #, c-format
 msgid "chain length = %d: %lu object"
 msgid_plural "chain length = %d: %lu objects"
 msgstr[0] "链长 = %d: %lu 对象"
 msgstr[1] "链长 = %d: %lu 对象"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1667
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1689
 msgid "Cannot come back to cwd"
 msgstr "无法返回当前工作目录"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1716 builtin/index-pack.c:1719
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1735 builtin/index-pack.c:1739
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1738 builtin/index-pack.c:1741
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757 builtin/index-pack.c:1761
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad %s"
 msgstr "错误选项 %s"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1755
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1777
 msgid "--fix-thin cannot be used without --stdin"
 msgstr "--fix-thin 不能和 --stdin 同时使用"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1757
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1779
 msgid "--stdin requires a git repository"
 msgstr "--stdin 需要一个 git 仓库"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1763
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1785
 msgid "--verify with no packfile name given"
 msgstr "--verify 没有提供包文件名参数"
-#: builtin/index-pack.c:1811 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
+#: builtin/index-pack.c:1833 builtin/unpack-objects.c:580
 msgid "fsck error in pack objects"
 msgstr "在打包对象中 fsck 检查出错"
@@ -13663,29 +14077,29 @@
 msgid "specify that the git repository is to be shared amongst several users"
 msgstr "指定 git 仓库是多个用户之间共享的"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:526 builtin/init-db.c:531
+#: builtin/init-db.c:529 builtin/init-db.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot mkdir %s"
 msgstr "不能创建目录 %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:535
+#: builtin/init-db.c:538
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot chdir to %s"
 msgstr "不能切换目录到 %s"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:556
+#: builtin/init-db.c:559
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%s (or --work-tree=<directory>) not allowed without specifying %s (or --git-"
 msgstr "不允许 %s(或 --work-tree=<目录>)而没有指定 %s(或 --git-dir=<目录>)"
-#: builtin/init-db.c:584
+#: builtin/init-db.c:587
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot access work tree '%s'"
 msgstr "不能访问工作区 '%s'"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:15
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:16
 msgid ""
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer "
 "<token>[(=|:)<value>])...] [<file>...]"
@@ -13693,59 +14107,59 @@
 "git interpret-trailers [--in-place] [--trim-empty] [(--trailer <键>[(=|:)<值"
 ">])...] [<文件>...]"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:94
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
 msgid "edit files in place"
 msgstr "在原位编辑文件"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:95
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:96
 msgid "trim empty trailers"
 msgstr "删除空的尾部署名"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:98
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:99
 msgid "where to place the new trailer"
 msgstr "在哪里放置新的尾部署名"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:100
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:101
 msgid "action if trailer already exists"
 msgstr "当尾部署名已经存在时所采取的动作"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:102
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:103
 msgid "action if trailer is missing"
 msgstr "当尾部署名缺失时所采取的动作"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:104
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
 msgid "output only the trailers"
 msgstr "只输出尾部署名"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:105
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
 msgid "do not apply config rules"
 msgstr "不要应用配置规则"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:106
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
 msgid "join whitespace-continued values"
 msgstr "连接空白折行的值"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:107
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:108
 msgid "set parsing options"
 msgstr "设置解析选项"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:109
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
 msgid "do not treat --- specially"
 msgstr "不要对 --- 特殊处理"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:110
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
 msgid "trailer"
 msgstr "尾部署名"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:111
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:112
 msgid "trailer(s) to add"
 msgstr "要添加的尾部署名"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:120
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:123
 msgid "--trailer with --only-input does not make sense"
 msgstr "--trailer 和 --only-input 同时使用没有意义"
-#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:130
+#: builtin/interpret-trailers.c:133
 msgid "no input file given for in-place editing"
 msgstr "没有给出要原位编辑的文件"
@@ -13757,113 +14171,113 @@
 msgid "git show [<options>] <object>..."
 msgstr "git show [<选项>] <对象>..."
-#: builtin/log.c:104
+#: builtin/log.c:109
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid --decorate option: %s"
 msgstr "无效的 --decorate 选项:%s"
-#: builtin/log.c:168
+#: builtin/log.c:173
 msgid "show source"
 msgstr "显示源"
-#: builtin/log.c:169
+#: builtin/log.c:174
 msgid "Use mail map file"
 msgstr "使用邮件映射文件"
-#: builtin/log.c:171
+#: builtin/log.c:176
 msgid "only decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "只修饰与 <模式> 匹配的引用"
-#: builtin/log.c:173
+#: builtin/log.c:178
 msgid "do not decorate refs that match <pattern>"
 msgstr "不修饰和 <模式> 匹配的引用"
-#: builtin/log.c:174
+#: builtin/log.c:179
 msgid "decorate options"
 msgstr "修饰选项"
-#: builtin/log.c:177
+#: builtin/log.c:182
 msgid "Process line range n,m in file, counting from 1"
 msgstr "处理文件中第 n 到 m 之间的行,从 1 开始"
-#: builtin/log.c:275
+#: builtin/log.c:280
 #, c-format
 msgid "Final output: %d %s\n"
 msgstr "最终输出:%d %s\n"
-#: builtin/log.c:529
+#: builtin/log.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "git show %s: bad file"
 msgstr "git show %s: 损坏的文件"
-#: builtin/log.c:544 builtin/log.c:638
+#: builtin/log.c:549 builtin/log.c:643
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not read object %s"
 msgstr "不能读取对象 %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:663
+#: builtin/log.c:668
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown type: %d"
 msgstr "未知类型:%d"
-#: builtin/log.c:784
+#: builtin/log.c:791
 msgid "format.headers without value"
 msgstr "format.headers 没有值"
-#: builtin/log.c:885
+#: builtin/log.c:908
 msgid "name of output directory is too long"
 msgstr "输出目录名太长"
-#: builtin/log.c:901
+#: builtin/log.c:924
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot open patch file %s"
 msgstr "无法打开补丁文件 %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:918
+#: builtin/log.c:941
 msgid "need exactly one range"
 msgstr "只需要一个范围"
-#: builtin/log.c:928
+#: builtin/log.c:951
 msgid "not a range"
 msgstr "不是一个范围"
-#: builtin/log.c:1051
+#: builtin/log.c:1074
 msgid "cover letter needs email format"
 msgstr "附函需要邮件地址格式"
-#: builtin/log.c:1057
+#: builtin/log.c:1080
 msgid "failed to create cover-letter file"
 msgstr "无法创建附函文件"
-#: builtin/log.c:1136
+#: builtin/log.c:1159
 #, c-format
 msgid "insane in-reply-to: %s"
 msgstr "不正常的 in-reply-to:%s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1163
+#: builtin/log.c:1186
 msgid "git format-patch [<options>] [<since> | <revision-range>]"
 msgstr "git format-patch [<选项>] [<从> | <版本范围>]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1221
+#: builtin/log.c:1244
 msgid "two output directories?"
 msgstr "两个输出目录?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1332 builtin/log.c:2076 builtin/log.c:2078 builtin/log.c:2090
+#: builtin/log.c:1355 builtin/log.c:2099 builtin/log.c:2101 builtin/log.c:2113
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown commit %s"
 msgstr "未知提交 %s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1342 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
+#: builtin/log.c:1365 builtin/replace.c:58 builtin/replace.c:207
 #: builtin/replace.c:210
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref"
 msgstr "无法将 '%s' 解析为一个有效引用"
-#: builtin/log.c:1347
+#: builtin/log.c:1370
 msgid "could not find exact merge base"
 msgstr "不能找到准确的合并基线"
-#: builtin/log.c:1351
+#: builtin/log.c:1374
 msgid ""
 "failed to get upstream, if you want to record base commit automatically,\n"
 "please use git branch --set-upstream-to to track a remote branch.\n"
@@ -13873,271 +14287,267 @@
 "git branch --set-upstream-to 来跟踪一个远程分支。或者你可以通过\n"
 "参数 --base=<基线提交> 手动指定一个基线提交"
-#: builtin/log.c:1371
+#: builtin/log.c:1394
 msgid "failed to find exact merge base"
 msgstr "无法找到准确的合并基线"
-#: builtin/log.c:1382
+#: builtin/log.c:1405
 msgid "base commit should be the ancestor of revision list"
 msgstr "基线提交应该是版本列表的祖先"
-#: builtin/log.c:1386
+#: builtin/log.c:1409
 msgid "base commit shouldn't be in revision list"
 msgstr "基线提交不应该出现在版本列表中"
-#: builtin/log.c:1439
+#: builtin/log.c:1462
 msgid "cannot get patch id"
 msgstr "无法得到补丁 id"
-#: builtin/log.c:1491
+#: builtin/log.c:1514
 msgid "failed to infer range-diff ranges"
 msgstr "无法推断 range-diff 范围"
-#: builtin/log.c:1536
+#: builtin/log.c:1559
 msgid "use [PATCH n/m] even with a single patch"
 msgstr "使用 [PATCH n/m],即使只有一个补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1539
+#: builtin/log.c:1562
 msgid "use [PATCH] even with multiple patches"
 msgstr "使用 [PATCH],即使有多个补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1543
+#: builtin/log.c:1566
 msgid "print patches to standard out"
 msgstr "打印补丁到标准输出"
-#: builtin/log.c:1545
+#: builtin/log.c:1568
 msgid "generate a cover letter"
 msgstr "生成一封附函"
-#: builtin/log.c:1547
+#: builtin/log.c:1570
 msgid "use simple number sequence for output file names"
 msgstr "使用简单的数字序列作为输出文件名"
-#: builtin/log.c:1548
+#: builtin/log.c:1571
 msgid "sfx"
 msgstr "后缀"
-#: builtin/log.c:1549
+#: builtin/log.c:1572
 msgid "use <sfx> instead of '.patch'"
 msgstr "使用 <后缀> 代替 '.patch'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1551
+#: builtin/log.c:1574
 msgid "start numbering patches at <n> instead of 1"
 msgstr "补丁以 <n> 开始编号,而不是1"
-#: builtin/log.c:1553
+#: builtin/log.c:1576
 msgid "mark the series as Nth re-roll"
 msgstr "标记补丁系列是第几次重制"
-#: builtin/log.c:1555
+#: builtin/log.c:1578
 msgid "Use [RFC PATCH] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "使用 [RFC PATCH] 代替 [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1558
+#: builtin/log.c:1581
 msgid "Use [<prefix>] instead of [PATCH]"
 msgstr "使用 [<前缀>] 代替 [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1561
+#: builtin/log.c:1584
 msgid "store resulting files in <dir>"
 msgstr "把结果文件存储在 <目录>"
-#: builtin/log.c:1564
+#: builtin/log.c:1587
 msgid "don't strip/add [PATCH]"
 msgstr "不删除/添加 [PATCH]"
-#: builtin/log.c:1567
+#: builtin/log.c:1590
 msgid "don't output binary diffs"
 msgstr "不输出二进制差异"
-#: builtin/log.c:1569
+#: builtin/log.c:1592
 msgid "output all-zero hash in From header"
 msgstr "在 From 头信息中输出全为零的哈希值"
-#: builtin/log.c:1571
+#: builtin/log.c:1594
 msgid "don't include a patch matching a commit upstream"
 msgstr "不包含已在上游提交中的补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1573
+#: builtin/log.c:1596
 msgid "show patch format instead of default (patch + stat)"
 msgstr "显示纯补丁格式而非默认的(补丁+状态)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1575
+#: builtin/log.c:1598
 msgid "Messaging"
 msgstr "邮件发送"
-#: builtin/log.c:1576
+#: builtin/log.c:1599
 msgid "header"
 msgstr "header"
-#: builtin/log.c:1577
+#: builtin/log.c:1600
 msgid "add email header"
 msgstr "添加邮件头"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578 builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1601 builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "email"
 msgstr "邮件地址"
-#: builtin/log.c:1578
+#: builtin/log.c:1601
 msgid "add To: header"
 msgstr "添加收件人"
-#: builtin/log.c:1580
+#: builtin/log.c:1603
 msgid "add Cc: header"
 msgstr "添加抄送"
-#: builtin/log.c:1582
+#: builtin/log.c:1605
 msgid "ident"
 msgstr "标识"
-#: builtin/log.c:1583
+#: builtin/log.c:1606
 msgid "set From address to <ident> (or committer ident if absent)"
 msgstr "将 From 地址设置为 <标识>(如若不提供,则用提交者 ID 做为地址)"
-#: builtin/log.c:1585
+#: builtin/log.c:1608
 msgid "message-id"
 msgstr "邮件标识"
-#: builtin/log.c:1586
+#: builtin/log.c:1609
 msgid "make first mail a reply to <message-id>"
 msgstr "使第一封邮件作为对 <邮件标识> 的回复"
-#: builtin/log.c:1587 builtin/log.c:1590
+#: builtin/log.c:1610 builtin/log.c:1613
 msgid "boundary"
 msgstr "边界"
-#: builtin/log.c:1588
+#: builtin/log.c:1611
 msgid "attach the patch"
 msgstr "附件方式添加补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1591
+#: builtin/log.c:1614
 msgid "inline the patch"
 msgstr "内联显示补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1595
+#: builtin/log.c:1618
 msgid "enable message threading, styles: shallow, deep"
 msgstr "启用邮件线索,风格:浅,深"
-#: builtin/log.c:1597
+#: builtin/log.c:1620
 msgid "signature"
 msgstr "签名"
-#: builtin/log.c:1598
+#: builtin/log.c:1621
 msgid "add a signature"
 msgstr "添加一个签名"
-#: builtin/log.c:1599
+#: builtin/log.c:1622
 msgid "base-commit"
 msgstr "基线提交"
-#: builtin/log.c:1600
+#: builtin/log.c:1623
 msgid "add prerequisite tree info to the patch series"
 msgstr "为补丁列表添加前置树信息"
-#: builtin/log.c:1602
+#: builtin/log.c:1625
 msgid "add a signature from a file"
 msgstr "从文件添加一个签名"
-#: builtin/log.c:1603
+#: builtin/log.c:1626
 msgid "don't print the patch filenames"
 msgstr "不要打印补丁文件名"
-#: builtin/log.c:1605
+#: builtin/log.c:1628
 msgid "show progress while generating patches"
 msgstr "在生成补丁时显示进度"
-#: builtin/log.c:1606
-msgid "rev"
-msgstr "版本"
-#: builtin/log.c:1607
+#: builtin/log.c:1630
 msgid "show changes against <rev> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr "在附函或单个补丁中显示和 <rev> 的差异"
-#: builtin/log.c:1610
+#: builtin/log.c:1633
 msgid "show changes against <refspec> in cover letter or single patch"
 msgstr "在附函或单个补丁中显示和 <refspec> 的差异"
-#: builtin/log.c:1612
+#: builtin/log.c:1635
 msgid "percentage by which creation is weighted"
 msgstr "创建权重的百分比"
-#: builtin/log.c:1687
+#: builtin/log.c:1710
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid ident line: %s"
 msgstr "包含无效的身份标识:%s"
-#: builtin/log.c:1702
+#: builtin/log.c:1725
 msgid "-n and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-n 和 -k 互斥"
-#: builtin/log.c:1704
+#: builtin/log.c:1727
 msgid "--subject-prefix/--rfc and -k are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "--subject-prefix/--rfc 和 -k 互斥"
-#: builtin/log.c:1712
+#: builtin/log.c:1735
 msgid "--name-only does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-only 无意义"
-#: builtin/log.c:1714
+#: builtin/log.c:1737
 msgid "--name-status does not make sense"
 msgstr "--name-status 无意义"
-#: builtin/log.c:1716
+#: builtin/log.c:1739
 msgid "--check does not make sense"
 msgstr "--check 无意义"
-#: builtin/log.c:1748
+#: builtin/log.c:1771
 msgid "standard output, or directory, which one?"
 msgstr "标准输出或目录,哪一个?"
-#: builtin/log.c:1837
+#: builtin/log.c:1860
 msgid "--interdiff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--interdiff 需要 --cover-letter 或单一补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1841
+#: builtin/log.c:1864
 msgid "Interdiff:"
 msgstr "版本间差异:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1842
+#: builtin/log.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "Interdiff against v%d:"
 msgstr "对 v%d 的版本差异:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1848
+#: builtin/log.c:1871
 msgid "--creation-factor requires --range-diff"
 msgstr "--creation-factor 需要 --range-diff"
-#: builtin/log.c:1852
+#: builtin/log.c:1875
 msgid "--range-diff requires --cover-letter or single patch"
 msgstr "--range-diff 需要 --cover-letter 或单一补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1860
+#: builtin/log.c:1883
 msgid "Range-diff:"
 msgstr "范围差异:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1861
+#: builtin/log.c:1884
 #, c-format
 msgid "Range-diff against v%d:"
 msgstr "对 v%d 的范围差异:"
-#: builtin/log.c:1872
+#: builtin/log.c:1895
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to read signature file '%s'"
 msgstr "无法读取签名文件 '%s'"
-#: builtin/log.c:1908
+#: builtin/log.c:1931
 msgid "Generating patches"
 msgstr "生成补丁"
-#: builtin/log.c:1952
+#: builtin/log.c:1975
 msgid "failed to create output files"
 msgstr "无法创建输出文件"
-#: builtin/log.c:2011
+#: builtin/log.c:2034
 msgid "git cherry [-v] [<upstream> [<head> [<limit>]]]"
 msgstr "git cherry [-v] [<上游> [<头> [<限制>]]]"
-#: builtin/log.c:2065
+#: builtin/log.c:2088
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not find a tracked remote branch, please specify <upstream> manually.\n"
@@ -14261,7 +14671,7 @@
 msgid "do not print remote URL"
 msgstr "不打印远程 URL"
-#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1458
+#: builtin/ls-remote.c:60 builtin/ls-remote.c:62 builtin/rebase.c:1464
 msgid "exec"
 msgstr "exec"
@@ -14334,186 +14744,191 @@
 msgid "empty mbox: '%s'"
 msgstr "空的 mbox:'%s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:54
+#: builtin/merge.c:55
 msgid "git merge [<options>] [<commit>...]"
 msgstr "git merge [<选项>] [<提交>...]"
-#: builtin/merge.c:55
+#: builtin/merge.c:56
 msgid "git merge --abort"
 msgstr "git merge --abort"
-#: builtin/merge.c:56
+#: builtin/merge.c:57
 msgid "git merge --continue"
 msgstr "git merge --continue"
-#: builtin/merge.c:116
+#: builtin/merge.c:118
 msgid "switch `m' requires a value"
 msgstr "开关 `m' 需要一个值"
-#: builtin/merge.c:139
+#: builtin/merge.c:141
 #, c-format
 msgid "option `%s' requires a value"
 msgstr "选项 `%s' 需要一个值"
-#: builtin/merge.c:185
+#: builtin/merge.c:187
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not find merge strategy '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "不能找到合并策略 '%s'。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:188
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available strategies are:"
 msgstr "可用的策略有:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:191
+#: builtin/merge.c:193
 #, c-format
 msgid "Available custom strategies are:"
 msgstr "可用的自定义策略有:"
-#: builtin/merge.c:242 builtin/pull.c:150
+#: builtin/merge.c:244 builtin/pull.c:151
 msgid "do not show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "在合并的最后不显示差异统计"
-#: builtin/merge.c:245 builtin/pull.c:153
+#: builtin/merge.c:247 builtin/pull.c:154
 msgid "show a diffstat at the end of the merge"
 msgstr "在合并的最后显示差异统计"
-#: builtin/merge.c:246 builtin/pull.c:156
+#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:157
 msgid "(synonym to --stat)"
 msgstr "(和 --stat 同义)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:248 builtin/pull.c:159
+#: builtin/merge.c:250 builtin/pull.c:160
 msgid "add (at most <n>) entries from shortlog to merge commit message"
 msgstr "在合并提交信息中添加(最多 <n> 条)精简提交记录"
-#: builtin/merge.c:251 builtin/pull.c:165
+#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:166
 msgid "create a single commit instead of doing a merge"
 msgstr "创建一个单独的提交而不是做一次合并"
-#: builtin/merge.c:253 builtin/pull.c:168
+#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:169
 msgid "perform a commit if the merge succeeds (default)"
 msgstr "如果合并成功,执行一次提交(默认)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:255 builtin/pull.c:171
+#: builtin/merge.c:257 builtin/pull.c:172
 msgid "edit message before committing"
 msgstr "在提交前编辑提交说明"
-#: builtin/merge.c:257
+#: builtin/merge.c:259
 msgid "allow fast-forward (default)"
 msgstr "允许快进(默认)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:259 builtin/pull.c:178
+#: builtin/merge.c:261 builtin/pull.c:179
 msgid "abort if fast-forward is not possible"
 msgstr "如果不能快进就放弃合并"
-#: builtin/merge.c:263 builtin/pull.c:181
+#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:182
 msgid "verify that the named commit has a valid GPG signature"
 msgstr "验证指定的提交是否包含一个有效的 GPG 签名"
-#: builtin/merge.c:264 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:185
-#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1471 builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/notes.c:787 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/rebase.c:492 builtin/rebase.c:1477 builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "strategy"
 msgstr "策略"
-#: builtin/merge.c:265 builtin/pull.c:186
+#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:187
 msgid "merge strategy to use"
 msgstr "要使用的合并策略"
-#: builtin/merge.c:266 builtin/pull.c:189
+#: builtin/merge.c:268 builtin/pull.c:190
 msgid "option=value"
 msgstr "option=value"
-#: builtin/merge.c:267 builtin/pull.c:190
+#: builtin/merge.c:269 builtin/pull.c:191
 msgid "option for selected merge strategy"
 msgstr "所选的合并策略的选项"
-#: builtin/merge.c:269
+#: builtin/merge.c:271
 msgid "merge commit message (for a non-fast-forward merge)"
 msgstr "合并的提交说明(针对非快进式合并)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:276
+#: builtin/merge.c:278
 msgid "abort the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "放弃当前正在进行的合并"
-#: builtin/merge.c:278
+#: builtin/merge.c:280
+msgid "--abort but leave index and working tree alone"
+msgstr "--abort,但是保留索引和工作区"
+#: builtin/merge.c:282
 msgid "continue the current in-progress merge"
 msgstr "继续当前正在进行的合并"
-#: builtin/merge.c:280 builtin/pull.c:197
+#: builtin/merge.c:284 builtin/pull.c:198
 msgid "allow merging unrelated histories"
 msgstr "允许合并不相关的历史"
-#: builtin/merge.c:286
+#: builtin/merge.c:290
 msgid "verify commit-msg hook"
 msgstr "校验 commit-msg 钩子"
-#: builtin/merge.c:311
+#: builtin/merge.c:307
 msgid "could not run stash."
 msgstr "不能运行贮藏。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:316
+#: builtin/merge.c:312
 msgid "stash failed"
 msgstr "贮藏失败"
-#: builtin/merge.c:321
+#: builtin/merge.c:317
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a valid object: %s"
 msgstr "不是一个有效对象:%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:343 builtin/merge.c:360
+#: builtin/merge.c:339 builtin/merge.c:356
 msgid "read-tree failed"
 msgstr "读取树失败"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: builtin/merge.c:390
+#: builtin/merge.c:386
 msgid " (nothing to squash)"
 msgstr " (无可压缩)"
-#: builtin/merge.c:401
+#: builtin/merge.c:397
 #, c-format
 msgid "Squash commit -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "压缩提交 -- 未更新 HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:451
+#: builtin/merge.c:447
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge message -- not updating HEAD\n"
 msgstr "无合并信息 -- 未更新 HEAD\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:502
+#: builtin/merge.c:498
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' does not point to a commit"
 msgstr "'%s' 没有指向一个提交"
-#: builtin/merge.c:589
+#: builtin/merge.c:585
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad branch.%s.mergeoptions string: %s"
 msgstr "坏的 branch.%s.mergeoptions 字符串:%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:712
+#: builtin/merge.c:708
 msgid "Not handling anything other than two heads merge."
 msgstr "未处理两个头合并之外的任何操作。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:726
+#: builtin/merge.c:722
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown option for merge-recursive: -X%s"
 msgstr "merge-recursive 的未知选项:-X%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:741
+#: builtin/merge.c:737
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to write %s"
 msgstr "不能写 %s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:793
+#: builtin/merge.c:789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not read from '%s'"
 msgstr "不能从 '%s' 读取"
-#: builtin/merge.c:802
+#: builtin/merge.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "Not committing merge; use 'git commit' to complete the merge.\n"
 msgstr "未提交合并,使用 'git commit' 完成此次合并。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:808
+#: builtin/merge.c:804
 msgid ""
 "Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,\n"
 "especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.\n"
@@ -14523,79 +14938,83 @@
-#: builtin/merge.c:813
+#: builtin/merge.c:809
 msgid "An empty message aborts the commit.\n"
 msgstr "空的提交说明会终止提交。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:816
+#: builtin/merge.c:812
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Lines starting with '%c' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts\n"
 "the commit.\n"
 msgstr "以 '%c' 开始的行将被忽略,而空的提交说明将终止提交。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:857
+#: builtin/merge.c:853
 msgid "Empty commit message."
 msgstr "空提交信息。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:876
+#: builtin/merge.c:872
 #, c-format
 msgid "Wonderful.\n"
 msgstr "太棒了。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:936
+#: builtin/merge.c:933
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.\n"
 msgstr "自动合并失败,修正冲突然后提交修正的结果。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:975
+#: builtin/merge.c:972
 msgid "No current branch."
 msgstr "没有当前分支。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:977
+#: builtin/merge.c:974
 msgid "No remote for the current branch."
 msgstr "当前分支没有对应的远程仓库。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:979
+#: builtin/merge.c:976
 msgid "No default upstream defined for the current branch."
 msgstr "当前分支没有定义默认的上游分支。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:984
+#: builtin/merge.c:981
 #, c-format
 msgid "No remote-tracking branch for %s from %s"
 msgstr "对于 %s 没有来自 %s 的远程跟踪分支"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1041
+#: builtin/merge.c:1038
 #, c-format
 msgid "Bad value '%s' in environment '%s'"
 msgstr "环境 '%2$s' 中存在坏的取值 '%1$s'"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1144
+#: builtin/merge.c:1141
 #, c-format
 msgid "not something we can merge in %s: %s"
 msgstr "不能在 %s 中合并:%s"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1178
+#: builtin/merge.c:1175
 msgid "not something we can merge"
 msgstr "不能合并"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1281
+#: builtin/merge.c:1278
 msgid "--abort expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--abort 不带参数"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1285
+#: builtin/merge.c:1282
 msgid "There is no merge to abort (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "没有要终止的合并(MERGE_HEAD 丢失)。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1297
+#: builtin/merge.c:1291
+msgid "--quit expects no arguments"
+msgstr "--quit 不带参数"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1304
 msgid "--continue expects no arguments"
 msgstr "--continue 不带参数"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1301
+#: builtin/merge.c:1308
 msgid "There is no merge in progress (MERGE_HEAD missing)."
 msgstr "没有进行中的合并(MERGE_HEAD 丢失)。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1317
+#: builtin/merge.c:1324
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -14603,7 +15022,7 @@
 "您尚未结束您的合并(存在 MERGE_HEAD)。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1324
+#: builtin/merge.c:1331
 msgid ""
 "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists).\n"
 "Please, commit your changes before you merge."
@@ -14611,92 +15030,96 @@
 "您尚未结束您的拣选(存在 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD)。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1327
+#: builtin/merge.c:1334
 msgid "You have not concluded your cherry-pick (CHERRY_PICK_HEAD exists)."
 msgstr "您尚未结束您的拣选(存在 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD)。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1341
+#: builtin/merge.c:1348
 msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --no-ff."
-msgstr "您不能将 --squash 与 --no-ff 同时使用。"
+msgstr "您不能将 --squash 和 --no-ff 组合使用。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1349
+#: builtin/merge.c:1350
+msgid "You cannot combine --squash with --commit."
+msgstr "您不能将 --squash 和 --commit 组合使用。"
+#: builtin/merge.c:1366
 msgid "No commit specified and merge.defaultToUpstream not set."
 msgstr "未指定提交并且 merge.defaultToUpstream 未设置。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1366
+#: builtin/merge.c:1383
 msgid "Squash commit into empty head not supported yet"
 msgstr "尚不支持到空分支的压缩提交"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1368
+#: builtin/merge.c:1385
 msgid "Non-fast-forward commit does not make sense into an empty head"
 msgstr "到空分支的非快进式提交没有意义"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1373
+#: builtin/merge.c:1390
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s - not something we can merge"
 msgstr "%s - 不能被合并"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1375
+#: builtin/merge.c:1392
 msgid "Can merge only exactly one commit into empty head"
 msgstr "只能将一个提交合并到空分支上"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1454
+#: builtin/merge.c:1471
 msgid "refusing to merge unrelated histories"
 msgstr "拒绝合并无关的历史"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1463
+#: builtin/merge.c:1480
 msgid "Already up to date."
 msgstr "已经是最新的。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1473
+#: builtin/merge.c:1490
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updating %s..%s\n"
 msgstr "更新 %s..%s\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1515
+#: builtin/merge.c:1532
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying really trivial in-index merge...\n"
 msgstr "尝试非常小的索引内合并...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1522
+#: builtin/merge.c:1539
 #, c-format
 msgid "Nope.\n"
 msgstr "无。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1547
+#: builtin/merge.c:1564
 msgid "Already up to date. Yeeah!"
 msgstr "已经是最新的。耶!"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1553
+#: builtin/merge.c:1570
 msgid "Not possible to fast-forward, aborting."
 msgstr "无法快进,终止。"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1576 builtin/merge.c:1655
+#: builtin/merge.c:1593 builtin/merge.c:1658
 #, c-format
 msgid "Rewinding the tree to pristine...\n"
 msgstr "将树回滚至原始状态...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1580
+#: builtin/merge.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "Trying merge strategy %s...\n"
 msgstr "尝试合并策略 %s...\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1646
+#: builtin/merge.c:1649
 #, c-format
 msgid "No merge strategy handled the merge.\n"
 msgstr "没有合并策略处理此合并。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1648
+#: builtin/merge.c:1651
 #, c-format
 msgid "Merge with strategy %s failed.\n"
 msgstr "使用策略 %s 合并失败。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1657
+#: builtin/merge.c:1660
 #, c-format
 msgid "Using the %s to prepare resolving by hand.\n"
 msgstr "使用 %s 以准备手工解决。\n"
-#: builtin/merge.c:1669
+#: builtin/merge.c:1672
 #, c-format
 msgid "Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested\n"
 msgstr "自动合并进展顺利,按要求在提交前停止\n"
@@ -14829,21 +15252,35 @@
 msgstr "允许创建一个以上的树"
 #: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:9
-msgid "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify)"
-msgstr "git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<目录>] (write|verify)"
+msgid ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<dir>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
+msgstr ""
+"git multi-pack-index [--object-dir=<目录>] (write|verify|expire|repack --"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:22
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:23
 msgid "object directory containing set of packfile and pack-index pairs"
 msgstr "包含成对包文件和包索引的对象目录"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:40 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:25
+msgid ""
+"during repack, collect pack-files of smaller size into a batch that is "
+"larger than this size"
+msgstr "在 repack 期间,将较小尺寸的包文件收集到大于此大小的批次中"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:43 builtin/prune-packed.c:67
 msgid "too many arguments"
 msgstr "太多参数"
-#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:51
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:52
+msgid "--batch-size option is only for 'repack' subcommand"
+msgstr "--batch-size 选项仅用于 'repack' 子命令"
+#: builtin/multi-pack-index.c:61
 #, c-format
-msgid "unrecognized verb: %s"
-msgstr "未能识别的动作:%s"
+msgid "unrecognized subcommand: %s"
+msgstr "未识别的子命令:%s"
 #: builtin/mv.c:18
 msgid "git mv [<options>] <source>... <destination>"
@@ -14932,52 +15369,52 @@
 msgid "Renaming %s to %s\n"
 msgstr "重命名 %s 至 %s\n"
-#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:516
+#: builtin/mv.c:277 builtin/remote.c:717 builtin/repack.c:510
 #, c-format
 msgid "renaming '%s' failed"
 msgstr "重命名 '%s' 失败"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:355
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:352
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git name-rev [<选项>] <提交>..."
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:356
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:353
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --all"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<选项>] --all"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:357
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:354
 msgid "git name-rev [<options>] --stdin"
 msgstr "git name-rev [<选项>] --stdin"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:415
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:411
 msgid "print only names (no SHA-1)"
 msgstr "只打印名称(无 SHA-1)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:412
 msgid "only use tags to name the commits"
 msgstr "只使用标签来命名提交"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:414
 msgid "only use refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "只使用和 <模式> 相匹配的引用"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:416
 msgid "ignore refs matching <pattern>"
 msgstr "忽略和 <模式> 相匹配的引用"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:422
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:418
 msgid "list all commits reachable from all refs"
 msgstr "列出可以从所有引用访问的提交"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:423
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:419
 msgid "read from stdin"
 msgstr "从标准输入读取"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:424
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:420
 msgid "allow to print `undefined` names (default)"
 msgstr "允许打印 `未定义` 的名称(默认)"
-#: builtin/name-rev.c:430
+#: builtin/name-rev.c:426
 msgid "dereference tags in the input (internal use)"
 msgstr "反向解析输入中的标签(内部使用)"
@@ -15121,7 +15558,7 @@
 msgid "the note contents have been left in %s"
 msgstr "注解内容被留在 %s 中"
-#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:522
+#: builtin/notes.c:242 builtin/tag.c:532
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not open or read '%s'"
 msgstr "不能打开或读取 '%s'"
@@ -15346,7 +15783,7 @@
 "自动合并说明失败。修改 %s 中的冲突并且使用命令 'git notes merge --commit' 提"
 "交结果,或者使用命令 'git notes merge --abort' 终止合并。\n"
-#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:535
+#: builtin/notes.c:897 builtin/tag.c:545
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to resolve '%s' as a valid ref."
 msgstr "无法解析 '%s' 为一个有效引用。"
@@ -15380,7 +15817,7 @@
 msgid "use notes from <notes-ref>"
 msgstr "从 <注解引用> 使用注解"
-#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1611
+#: builtin/notes.c:1034 builtin/stash.c:1598
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown subcommand: %s"
 msgstr "未知子命令:%s"
@@ -15395,124 +15832,124 @@
 "git pack-objects [<options>...] <base-name> [< <ref-list> | < <object-list>]"
 msgstr "git pack-objects [<选项>...] <前缀名称> [< <引用列表> | < <对象列表>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:424
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:428
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad packed object CRC for %s"
 msgstr "%s 错的包对象 CRC"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:435
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid "corrupt packed object for %s"
 msgstr "%s 损坏的包对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:566
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:570
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive delta detected for object %s"
 msgstr "发现对象 %s 递归 delta"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:777
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:781
 #, c-format
 msgid "ordered %u objects, expected %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "排序了 %u 个对象,预期 %<PRIu32> 个"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:790
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
 #, c-format
 msgid "packfile is invalid: %s"
 msgstr "无效的包文件:%s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:794
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to open packfile for reuse: %s"
 msgstr "无法为重用打开包文件:%s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:798
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:802
 msgid "unable to seek in reused packfile"
 msgstr "无法在重用的包文件中查找"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:809
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:813
 msgid "unable to read from reused packfile"
 msgstr "无法读取索引文件"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:837
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:841
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, packs are split due to pack.packSizeLimit"
 msgstr "禁用 bitmap 写入,因为 pack.packSizeLimit 设置使得包被切分为多个"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:850
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:854
 msgid "Writing objects"
 msgstr "写入对象中"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:912 builtin/update-index.c:89
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:917 builtin/update-index.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to stat %s"
 msgstr "对 %s 调用 stat 失败"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:965
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "wrote %<PRIu32> objects while expecting %<PRIu32>"
 msgstr "写入 %<PRIu32> 个对象而预期 %<PRIu32> 个"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1161
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1166
 msgid "disabling bitmap writing, as some objects are not being packed"
 msgstr "禁用 bitmap 写入,因为一些对象将不会被打包"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1589
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1597
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset overflow in pack for %s"
 msgstr "%s 压缩中 delta 基准偏移越界"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1598
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1606
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta base offset out of bound for %s"
 msgstr "%s 的 delta 基准偏移越界"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1867
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1875
 msgid "Counting objects"
 msgstr "对象计数中"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:1997
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2005
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to get size of %s"
 msgstr "不能得到 %s 的大小"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2012
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2020
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to parse object header of %s"
 msgstr "无法解析对象 %s 头信息"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2082 builtin/pack-objects.c:2098
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2108
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2090 builtin/pack-objects.c:2106
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2116
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s cannot be read"
 msgstr "对象 %s 无法读取"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2085 builtin/pack-objects.c:2112
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2093 builtin/pack-objects.c:2120
 #, c-format
 msgid "object %s inconsistent object length (%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
 msgstr "对象 %s 不一致的对象长度(%<PRIuMAX> vs %<PRIuMAX>)"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2122
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2130
 msgid "suboptimal pack - out of memory"
 msgstr "次优(suboptimal)打包 - 内存不足"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2448
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2456
 #, c-format
 msgid "Delta compression using up to %d threads"
 msgstr "使用 %d 个线程进行压缩"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2580
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2588
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to pack objects reachable from tag %s"
 msgstr "无法为标签 %s 压缩对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2667
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2675
 msgid "Compressing objects"
 msgstr "压缩对象中"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2673
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2681
 msgid "inconsistency with delta count"
 msgstr "不一致的差异计数"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2754
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2762
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected edge object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15521,7 +15958,7 @@
 "预期边界对象(edge object)ID,却得到垃圾数据:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2760
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2768
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "expected object ID, got garbage:\n"
@@ -15530,238 +15967,242 @@
 "预期对象 ID,却得到垃圾数据:\n"
 " %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2858
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2866
 msgid "invalid value for --missing"
 msgstr "选项 --missing 的值无效"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2917 builtin/pack-objects.c:3025
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2925 builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
 msgid "cannot open pack index"
 msgstr "无法打开包文件索引"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2948
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:2956
 #, c-format
 msgid "loose object at %s could not be examined"
 msgstr "无法检查 %s 处的松散对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3033
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3041
 msgid "unable to force loose object"
 msgstr "无法强制松散对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3125
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3133
 #, c-format
 msgid "not a rev '%s'"
 msgstr "不是一个版本 '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3128
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3136
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad revision '%s'"
 msgstr "坏的版本 '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3153
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3161
 msgid "unable to add recent objects"
 msgstr "无法添加最近的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3206
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3214
 #, c-format
 msgid "unsupported index version %s"
 msgstr "不支持的索引版本 %s"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3210
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3218
 #, c-format
 msgid "bad index version '%s'"
 msgstr "坏的索引版本 '%s'"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3240
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
 msgid "do not show progress meter"
 msgstr "不显示进度表"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3242
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3250
 msgid "show progress meter"
 msgstr "显示进度表"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3244
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
 msgid "show progress meter during object writing phase"
 msgstr "在对象写入阶段显示进度表"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3247
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3255
 msgid "similar to --all-progress when progress meter is shown"
 msgstr "当进度表显示时类似于 --all-progress"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3248
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
 msgid "<version>[,<offset>]"
 msgstr "<版本>[,<偏移>]"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3249
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3257
 msgid "write the pack index file in the specified idx format version"
 msgstr "用指定的 idx 格式版本来写包索引文件"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3252
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
 msgid "maximum size of each output pack file"
 msgstr "每个输出包的最大尺寸"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3254
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
 msgid "ignore borrowed objects from alternate object store"
 msgstr "忽略从备用对象存储里借用对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3256
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
 msgid "ignore packed objects"
 msgstr "忽略包对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3258
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
 msgid "limit pack window by objects"
 msgstr "限制打包窗口的对象数"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3260
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
 msgid "limit pack window by memory in addition to object limit"
 msgstr "除对象数量限制外设置打包窗口的内存限制"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3262
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
 msgid "maximum length of delta chain allowed in the resulting pack"
 msgstr "打包允许的 delta 链的最大长度"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3264
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
 msgid "reuse existing deltas"
 msgstr "重用已存在的 deltas"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3266
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
 msgid "reuse existing objects"
 msgstr "重用已存在的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3268
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
 msgid "use OFS_DELTA objects"
 msgstr "使用 OFS_DELTA 对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3270
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3278
 msgid "use threads when searching for best delta matches"
 msgstr "使用线程查询最佳 delta 匹配"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3272
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3280
 msgid "do not create an empty pack output"
 msgstr "不创建空的包输出"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3274
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
 msgid "read revision arguments from standard input"
 msgstr "从标准输入读取版本号参数"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3276
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3284
 msgid "limit the objects to those that are not yet packed"
 msgstr "限制那些尚未打包的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3279
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3287
 msgid "include objects reachable from any reference"
 msgstr "包括可以从任何引用访问到的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3282
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
 msgid "include objects referred by reflog entries"
 msgstr "包括被引用日志引用到的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3285
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3293
 msgid "include objects referred to by the index"
 msgstr "包括被索引引用到的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3288
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
 msgid "output pack to stdout"
 msgstr "输出包到标准输出"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3290
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3298
 msgid "include tag objects that refer to objects to be packed"
 msgstr "包括那些引用了待打包对象的标签对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3292
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3300
 msgid "keep unreachable objects"
 msgstr "维持不可达的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3294
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3302
 msgid "pack loose unreachable objects"
 msgstr "打包松散的不可达对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3296
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3304
 msgid "unpack unreachable objects newer than <time>"
 msgstr "将比给定 <时间> 新的无法访问的对象解包"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3299
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
 msgid "use the sparse reachability algorithm"
 msgstr "使用稀疏可达性算法"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3301
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
 msgid "create thin packs"
 msgstr "创建精简包"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3303
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
 msgid "create packs suitable for shallow fetches"
 msgstr "创建适合浅克隆仓库获取的包"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3305
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
 msgid "ignore packs that have companion .keep file"
 msgstr "忽略配有 .keep 文件的包"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3307
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
 msgid "ignore this pack"
 msgstr "忽略该 pack"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3309
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3317
 msgid "pack compression level"
 msgstr "打包压缩级别"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3311
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3319
 msgid "do not hide commits by grafts"
 msgstr "显示被移植隐藏的提交"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3313
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
 msgid "use a bitmap index if available to speed up counting objects"
 msgstr "使用 bitmap 索引(如果有的话)以提高对象计数时的速度"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3315
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
 msgid "write a bitmap index together with the pack index"
 msgstr "在建立包索引的同时创建 bitmap 索引"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3318
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3327
+msgid "write a bitmap index if possible"
+msgstr "如果可能,写 bitmap 索引"
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3331
 msgid "handling for missing objects"
 msgstr "处理丢失的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3321
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3334
 msgid "do not pack objects in promisor packfiles"
 msgstr "不要打包 promisor 包文件中的对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3323
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3336
 msgid "respect islands during delta compression"
 msgstr "在增量压缩时参考数据岛"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3348
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3361
 #, c-format
 msgid "delta chain depth %d is too deep, forcing %d"
 msgstr "增量链深度 %d 太深了,强制为 %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3353
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3366
 #, c-format
 msgid "pack.deltaCacheLimit is too high, forcing %d"
 msgstr "配置 pack.deltaCacheLimit 太高了,强制为 %d"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3407
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3420
 msgid "--max-pack-size cannot be used to build a pack for transfer"
 msgstr "不能使用 --max-pack-size 来构建传输用的包文件"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3409
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3422
 msgid "minimum pack size limit is 1 MiB"
 msgstr "最小的包文件大小是 1 MiB"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3414
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3427
 msgid "--thin cannot be used to build an indexable pack"
 msgstr "--thin 不能用于创建一个可索引包"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3417
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3430
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and --unpack-unreachable are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable 和 --unpack-unreachable 不兼容"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3423
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3436
 msgid "cannot use --filter without --stdout"
 msgstr "不能在没有 --stdout 的情况下使用 --filter"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3484
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3497
 msgid "Enumerating objects"
 msgstr "枚举对象"
-#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3514
+#: builtin/pack-objects.c:3527
 #, c-format
 msgid "Total %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>), reused %<PRIu32> (delta %<PRIu32>)"
 msgstr "总共 %<PRIu32> (差异 %<PRIu32>),复用 %<PRIu32> (差异 %<PRIu32>)"
@@ -15815,61 +16256,61 @@
 msgid "git pull [<options>] [<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
 msgstr "git pull [<选项>] [<仓库> [<引用规格>...]]"
-#: builtin/pull.c:140
+#: builtin/pull.c:141
 msgid "control for recursive fetching of submodules"
 msgstr "控制子模组的递归获取"
-#: builtin/pull.c:144
+#: builtin/pull.c:145
 msgid "Options related to merging"
 msgstr "和合并相关的选项"
-#: builtin/pull.c:147
+#: builtin/pull.c:148
 msgid "incorporate changes by rebasing rather than merging"
 msgstr "使用变基操作取代合并操作以合入修改"
-#: builtin/pull.c:175 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:125
+#: builtin/pull.c:176 builtin/rebase.c:447 builtin/revert.c:126
 msgid "allow fast-forward"
 msgstr "允许快进式"
-#: builtin/pull.c:184
+#: builtin/pull.c:185
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after rebase"
 msgstr "变基操作前后执行自动贮藏和弹出贮藏"
-#: builtin/pull.c:200
+#: builtin/pull.c:201
 msgid "Options related to fetching"
 msgstr "和获取相关的参数"
-#: builtin/pull.c:210
+#: builtin/pull.c:211
 msgid "force overwrite of local branch"
 msgstr "强制覆盖本地分支"
-#: builtin/pull.c:218
+#: builtin/pull.c:219
 msgid "number of submodules pulled in parallel"
 msgstr "并发拉取的子模组的数量"
-#: builtin/pull.c:313
+#: builtin/pull.c:316
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid value for pull.ff: %s"
 msgstr "pull.ff 的取值无效:%s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:430
+#: builtin/pull.c:433
 msgid ""
 "There is no candidate for rebasing against among the refs that you just "
 msgstr "在您刚刚获取到的引用中没有变基操作的候选。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:432
+#: builtin/pull.c:435
 msgid ""
 "There are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetched."
 msgstr "在您刚刚获取到的引用中没有合并操作的候选。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:433
+#: builtin/pull.c:436
 msgid ""
 "Generally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had no\n"
 "matches on the remote end."
 msgstr "通常这意味着您提供了一个通配符引用规格但未能和远端匹配。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:436
+#: builtin/pull.c:439
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You asked to pull from the remote '%s', but did not specify\n"
@@ -15879,42 +16320,42 @@
 "您要求从远程 '%s' 拉取,但是未指定一个分支。因为这不是当前\n"
-#: builtin/pull.c:441 builtin/rebase.c:1321
+#: builtin/pull.c:444 builtin/rebase.c:1326
 msgid "You are not currently on a branch."
 msgstr "您当前不在一个分支上。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:443 builtin/pull.c:458
+#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to rebase against."
 msgstr "请指定您要变基到哪一个分支。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:445 builtin/pull.c:460
+#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463
 msgid "Please specify which branch you want to merge with."
 msgstr "请指定您要合并哪一个分支。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:446 builtin/pull.c:461
+#: builtin/pull.c:449 builtin/pull.c:464
 msgid "See git-pull(1) for details."
 msgstr "详见 git-pull(1)。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:454 builtin/pull.c:463
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1327
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:457 builtin/pull.c:466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1332
 msgid "<remote>"
 msgstr "<远程>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:448 builtin/pull.c:463 builtin/pull.c:468
+#: builtin/pull.c:451 builtin/pull.c:466 builtin/pull.c:471
 msgid "<branch>"
 msgstr "<分支>"
-#: builtin/pull.c:456 builtin/rebase.c:1319
+#: builtin/pull.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1324
 msgid "There is no tracking information for the current branch."
 msgstr "当前分支没有跟踪信息。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:465
+#: builtin/pull.c:468
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:"
 msgstr "如果您想要为此分支创建跟踪信息,您可以执行:"
-#: builtin/pull.c:470
+#: builtin/pull.c:473
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref '%s'\n"
@@ -15923,32 +16364,32 @@
 "您的配置中指定要合并远程的引用 '%s',\n"
-#: builtin/pull.c:574
+#: builtin/pull.c:581
 #, c-format
 msgid "unable to access commit %s"
 msgstr "无法访问提交 %s"
-#: builtin/pull.c:854
+#: builtin/pull.c:861
 msgid "ignoring --verify-signatures for rebase"
 msgstr "为变基操作忽略 --verify-signatures"
-#: builtin/pull.c:909
+#: builtin/pull.c:916
 msgid "--[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase."
 msgstr "--[no-]autostash 选项只在使用 --rebase 时有效。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:917
+#: builtin/pull.c:924
 msgid "Updating an unborn branch with changes added to the index."
 msgstr "更新尚未诞生的分支,变更添加至索引。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:921
+#: builtin/pull.c:928
 msgid "pull with rebase"
 msgstr "变基式拉取"
-#: builtin/pull.c:922
+#: builtin/pull.c:929
 msgid "please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "请提交或贮藏它们。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:947
+#: builtin/pull.c:954
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "fetch updated the current branch head.\n"
@@ -15958,7 +16399,7 @@
 "fetch 更新了当前的分支。快进您的工作区\n"
 "至提交 %s。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:953
+#: builtin/pull.c:960
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Cannot fast-forward your working tree.\n"
@@ -15975,15 +16416,15 @@
 "$ git reset --hard\n"
-#: builtin/pull.c:968
+#: builtin/pull.c:975
 msgid "Cannot merge multiple branches into empty head."
 msgstr "无法将多个分支合并到空分支。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:972
+#: builtin/pull.c:979
 msgid "Cannot rebase onto multiple branches."
 msgstr "无法变基到多个分支。"
-#: builtin/pull.c:979
+#: builtin/pull.c:986
 msgid "cannot rebase with locally recorded submodule modifications"
 msgstr "本地子模组中有修改,无法变基"
@@ -16430,7 +16871,7 @@
 msgid "keep empty commits"
 msgstr "保持空提交"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:127
+#: builtin/rebase.c:451 builtin/revert.c:128
 msgid "allow commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "允许提交说明为空"
@@ -16450,7 +16891,7 @@
 msgid "sign commits"
 msgstr "签名提交"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1397
+#: builtin/rebase.c:459 builtin/rebase.c:1403
 msgid "display a diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "显示上游变化的差异统计"
@@ -16558,7 +16999,7 @@
 msgid "the command to run"
 msgstr "要执行的命令"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1480
+#: builtin/rebase.c:502 builtin/rebase.c:1486
 msgid "automatically re-schedule any `exec` that fails"
 msgstr "自动重新安排任何失败的 `exec`"
@@ -16566,7 +17007,7 @@
 msgid "--[no-]rebase-cousins has no effect without --rebase-merges"
 msgstr "不使用 --rebase-merges,则 --[no-]rebase-cousins 没有效果"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:534 builtin/rebase.c:1787
+#: builtin/rebase.c:534
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s requires an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "%s 需要交互式变基"
@@ -16596,11 +17037,11 @@
 msgid "Cannot store %s"
 msgstr "不能存储 %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:817
+#: builtin/rebase.c:827
 msgid "could not determine HEAD revision"
 msgstr "不能确定 HEAD 版本"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:940
+#: builtin/rebase.c:950
 msgid ""
 "Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with\n"
 "\"git add/rm <conflicted_files>\", then run \"git rebase --continue\".\n"
@@ -16613,7 +17054,7 @@
 "\"git rebase --skip\" 命令跳过这个提交。如果想要终止执行并回到\n"
 "\"git rebase\" 执行之前的状态,执行 \"git rebase --abort\"。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1021
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1031
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16631,7 +17072,7 @@
 "因此 git 无法对其变基。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1313
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1318
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -16648,7 +17089,7 @@
 "    git rebase '<branch>'\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1329
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1334
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:\n"
@@ -16661,128 +17102,128 @@
 "    git branch --set-upstream-to=%s/<branch> %s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1359
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1364
 msgid "exec commands cannot contain newlines"
 msgstr "exec 命令不能包含换行符"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1363
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1368
 msgid "empty exec command"
 msgstr "空的 exec 命令"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1390
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1396
 msgid "rebase onto given branch instead of upstream"
 msgstr "变基到给定的分支而非上游"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1392
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1398
 msgid "allow pre-rebase hook to run"
 msgstr "允许执行 pre-rebase 钩子"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1394
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
 msgid "be quiet. implies --no-stat"
 msgstr "安静。暗示 --no-stat"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1400
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1406
 msgid "do not show diffstat of what changed upstream"
 msgstr "不显示上游变化的差异统计"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1403
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1409
 msgid "add a Signed-off-by: line to each commit"
 msgstr "为每一个提交添加一个 Signed-off-by: 签名"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1405 builtin/rebase.c:1409 builtin/rebase.c:1411
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1411 builtin/rebase.c:1415 builtin/rebase.c:1417
 msgid "passed to 'git am'"
 msgstr "传递给 'git am'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1413 builtin/rebase.c:1415
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1419 builtin/rebase.c:1421
 msgid "passed to 'git apply'"
 msgstr "传递给 'git apply'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1417 builtin/rebase.c:1420
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1423 builtin/rebase.c:1426
 msgid "cherry-pick all commits, even if unchanged"
 msgstr "拣选所有提交,即使未修改"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1422
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1428
 msgid "continue"
 msgstr "继续"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1425
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
 msgid "skip current patch and continue"
 msgstr "跳过当前补丁并继续"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1427
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1433
 msgid "abort and check out the original branch"
 msgstr "终止并检出原有分支"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1430
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1436
 msgid "abort but keep HEAD where it is"
 msgstr "终止但保持 HEAD 不变"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1431
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
 msgid "edit the todo list during an interactive rebase"
 msgstr "在交互式变基中编辑待办列表"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1434
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1440
 msgid "show the patch file being applied or merged"
 msgstr "显示正在应用或合并的补丁文件"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1437
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1443
 msgid "use merging strategies to rebase"
 msgstr "使用合并策略进行变基"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1441
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1447
 msgid "let the user edit the list of commits to rebase"
 msgstr "让用户编辑要变基的提交列表"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1445
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
 msgid "(DEPRECATED) try to recreate merges instead of ignoring them"
 msgstr "(已弃用)尝试重建合并提交而非忽略它们"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1449
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1455
 msgid "preserve empty commits during rebase"
 msgstr "变基时保留空提交"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1451
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
 msgid "move commits that begin with squash!/fixup! under -i"
 msgstr "在 -i 交互模式下,移动以 squash!/fixup! 开头的提交"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1457
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
 msgid "automatically stash/stash pop before and after"
 msgstr "在操作前后执行自动贮藏和弹出贮藏"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1459
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1465
 msgid "add exec lines after each commit of the editable list"
 msgstr "可编辑列表的每一个提交下面增加一行 exec"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1463
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
 msgid "allow rebasing commits with empty messages"
 msgstr "允许针对空提交说明的提交变基"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1466
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1472
 msgid "try to rebase merges instead of skipping them"
 msgstr "尝试对合并提交变基而不是忽略它们"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1469
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1475
 msgid "use 'merge-base --fork-point' to refine upstream"
 msgstr "使用 'merge-base --fork-point' 来优化上游"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1471
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
 msgid "use the given merge strategy"
 msgstr "使用给定的合并策略"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1473 builtin/revert.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1479 builtin/revert.c:115
 msgid "option"
 msgstr "选项"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1474
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1480
 msgid "pass the argument through to the merge strategy"
 msgstr "将参数传递给合并策略"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1477
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1483
 msgid "rebase all reachable commits up to the root(s)"
 msgstr "将所有可达的提交变基到根提交"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1498
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1500
 msgid ""
 "the rebase.useBuiltin support has been removed!\n"
 "See its entry in 'git help config' for details."
@@ -16790,28 +17231,28 @@
 "对 rebase.useBuiltin 的支持已被删除!\n"
 "详见 'git help config' 中的条目。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1504
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1506
 msgid "It looks like 'git am' is in progress. Cannot rebase."
 msgstr "看起来 'git-am' 正在执行中。无法变基。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1545
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1547
 msgid ""
 "git rebase --preserve-merges is deprecated. Use --rebase-merges instead."
 msgstr "git rebase --preserve-merges 被弃用。用 --rebase-merges 代替。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1549
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1551
 msgid "No rebase in progress?"
 msgstr "没有正在进行的变基?"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1553
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1555
 msgid "The --edit-todo action can only be used during interactive rebase."
 msgstr "动作 --edit-todo 只能用在交互式变基过程中。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1576
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1578
 msgid "Cannot read HEAD"
 msgstr "不能读取 HEAD"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1588
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1590
 msgid ""
 "You must edit all merge conflicts and then\n"
 "mark them as resolved using git add"
@@ -16819,21 +17260,16 @@
 "您必须编辑所有的合并冲突,然后通过 git add\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1607
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1609
 msgid "could not discard worktree changes"
 msgstr "无法丢弃工作区变更"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1626
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1628
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not move back to %s"
 msgstr "无法移回 %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1637 builtin/rm.c:369
-#, c-format
-msgid "could not remove '%s'"
-msgstr "无法删除 '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1663
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1673
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "It seems that there is already a %s directory, and\n"
@@ -16852,168 +17288,172 @@
 "然后再重新执行。 为避免丢失重要数据,我已经停止当前操作。\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1684
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1694
 msgid "switch `C' expects a numerical value"
 msgstr "开关 `C' 期望一个数字值"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1725
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1735
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unknown mode: %s"
 msgstr "未知模式:%s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1747
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1757
 msgid "--strategy requires --merge or --interactive"
 msgstr "--strategy 需要 --merge 或 --interactive"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1796
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1797
+msgid "--reschedule-failed-exec requires --exec or --interactive"
+msgstr "--reschedule-failed-exec 需要 --exec 或 --interactive"
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1809
 msgid "cannot combine am options with either interactive or merge options"
 msgstr "不能将 am 选项与交互或合并选项同时使用"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1815
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
 msgid "cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--rebase-merges'"
 msgstr "不能将 '--preserve-merges' 和 '--rebase-merges' 同时使用"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1819
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1832
 msgid ""
 "error: cannot combine '--preserve-merges' with '--reschedule-failed-exec'"
 msgstr ""
 "错误:不能将 '--preserve-merges' 和 '--reschedule-failed-exec' 同时使用"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1825
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1838
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy-option'"
 msgstr "不能将 '--rebase-merges' 和 '--strategy-option' 同时使用"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1828
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1841
 msgid "cannot combine '--rebase-merges' with '--strategy'"
 msgstr "不能将 '--rebase-merges' 和 '--strategy' 同时使用"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1852
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1865
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid upstream '%s'"
 msgstr "无效的上游 '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1858
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1871
 msgid "Could not create new root commit"
 msgstr "不能创建新的根提交"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1876
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1889
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s': need exactly one merge base"
 msgstr "'%s':只需要一个合并基线"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1883
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1896
 #, c-format
 msgid "Does not point to a valid commit '%s'"
 msgstr "没有指向一个有效的提交 '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1908
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1921
 #, c-format
 msgid "fatal: no such branch/commit '%s'"
 msgstr "致命错误:无此分支/提交 '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1916 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1933
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1929 builtin/submodule--helper.c:38
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1934
 #, c-format
 msgid "No such ref: %s"
 msgstr "没有这样的引用:%s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1927
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1940
 msgid "Could not resolve HEAD to a revision"
 msgstr "无法将 HEAD 解析为一个版本"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1968
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1981
 msgid "Cannot autostash"
 msgstr "无法 autostash"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1971
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1984
 #, c-format
 msgid "Unexpected stash response: '%s'"
 msgstr "意外的 stash 响应:'%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1977
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1990
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not create directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "不能为 '%s' 创建目录"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1980
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1993
 #, c-format
 msgid "Created autostash: %s\n"
 msgstr "创建了 autostash:%s\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1983
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1996
 msgid "could not reset --hard"
 msgstr "无法 reset --hard"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:1984 builtin/reset.c:114
+#: builtin/rebase.c:1997 builtin/reset.c:114
 #, c-format
 msgid "HEAD is now at %s"
 msgstr "HEAD 现在位于 %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2000
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2013
 msgid "Please commit or stash them."
 msgstr "请提交或贮藏修改。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2027
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not parse '%s'"
 msgstr "无法解析 '%s'"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2040
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not switch to %s"
 msgstr "无法切换到 %s"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2051
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2064
 msgid "HEAD is up to date."
 msgstr "HEAD 是最新的。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2053
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2066
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date.\n"
 msgstr "当前分支 %s 是最新的。\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2061
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2074
 msgid "HEAD is up to date, rebase forced."
 msgstr "HEAD 是最新的,强制变基。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2063
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2076
 #, c-format
 msgid "Current branch %s is up to date, rebase forced.\n"
 msgstr "当前分支 %s 是最新的,强制变基。\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2071
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2084
 msgid "The pre-rebase hook refused to rebase."
 msgstr "pre-rebase 钩子拒绝了变基操作。"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2078
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2091
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes to %s:\n"
 msgstr "到 %s 的变更:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2081
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2094
 #, c-format
 msgid "Changes from %s to %s:\n"
 msgstr "从 %s 到 %s 的变更:\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2106
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2119
 #, c-format
 msgid "First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...\n"
 msgstr "首先,回退头指针以便在其上重放您的工作...\n"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2115
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2128
 msgid "Could not detach HEAD"
 msgstr "无法分离头指针"
-#: builtin/rebase.c:2124
+#: builtin/rebase.c:2137
 #, c-format
 msgid "Fast-forwarded %s to %s.\n"
 msgstr "快进 %s 到 %s。\n"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:33
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:32
 msgid "git receive-pack <git-dir>"
 msgstr "git receive-pack <仓库目录>"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:833
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:832
 msgid ""
 "By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository\n"
 "is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent\n"
@@ -17039,7 +17479,7 @@
 "若要屏蔽此信息且保持默认行为,设置 'receive.denyCurrentBranch'\n"
 "配置变量为 'refuse'。"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:853
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:852
 msgid ""
 "By default, deleting the current branch is denied, because the next\n"
 "'git clone' won't result in any file checked out, causing confusion.\n"
@@ -17058,11 +17498,11 @@
 "若要屏蔽此信息,您可以设置它为 'refuse'。"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1940
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1938
 msgid "quiet"
 msgstr "静默模式"
-#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1954
+#: builtin/receive-pack.c:1952
 msgid "You must specify a directory."
 msgstr "您必须指定一个目录。"
@@ -17643,111 +18083,111 @@
 "增量 repack 和 bitmap 索引不兼容。  使用 --no-write-bitmap-index\n"
 "或禁用 pack.writebitmaps 配置。"
-#: builtin/repack.c:200
+#: builtin/repack.c:190
 msgid "could not start pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr "无法开始 pack-objects 来重新打包 promisor 对象"
-#: builtin/repack.c:239 builtin/repack.c:414
+#: builtin/repack.c:229 builtin/repack.c:408
 msgid "repack: Expecting full hex object ID lines only from pack-objects."
 msgstr "repack:期望来自 pack-objects 的完整十六进制对象 ID。"
-#: builtin/repack.c:256
+#: builtin/repack.c:246
 msgid "could not finish pack-objects to repack promisor objects"
 msgstr "无法完成 pack-objects 来重新打包 promisor 对象"
-#: builtin/repack.c:294
+#: builtin/repack.c:284
 msgid "pack everything in a single pack"
 msgstr "所有内容打包到一个包文件中"
-#: builtin/repack.c:296
+#: builtin/repack.c:286
 msgid "same as -a, and turn unreachable objects loose"
 msgstr "和 -a 相同,并将不可达的对象设为松散对象"
-#: builtin/repack.c:299
+#: builtin/repack.c:289
 msgid "remove redundant packs, and run git-prune-packed"
 msgstr "删除多余的包,运行 git-prune-packed"
-#: builtin/repack.c:301
+#: builtin/repack.c:291
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-delta to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 传递参数 --no-reuse-delta"
-#: builtin/repack.c:303
+#: builtin/repack.c:293
 msgid "pass --no-reuse-object to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 传递参数 --no-reuse-object"
-#: builtin/repack.c:305
+#: builtin/repack.c:295
 msgid "do not run git-update-server-info"
 msgstr "不运行 git-update-server-info"
-#: builtin/repack.c:308
+#: builtin/repack.c:298
 msgid "pass --local to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 传递参数 --local"
-#: builtin/repack.c:310
+#: builtin/repack.c:300
 msgid "write bitmap index"
 msgstr "写 bitmap 索引"
-#: builtin/repack.c:312
+#: builtin/repack.c:302
 msgid "pass --delta-islands to git-pack-objects"
 msgstr "向 git-pack-objects 传递参数 --delta-islands"
-#: builtin/repack.c:313
+#: builtin/repack.c:303
 msgid "approxidate"
 msgstr "近似日期"
-#: builtin/repack.c:314
+#: builtin/repack.c:304
 msgid "with -A, do not loosen objects older than this"
 msgstr "使用 -A,不要将早于给定时间的对象过期"
-#: builtin/repack.c:316
+#: builtin/repack.c:306
 msgid "with -a, repack unreachable objects"
 msgstr "使用 -a ,重新对不可达对象打包"
-#: builtin/repack.c:318
+#: builtin/repack.c:308
 msgid "size of the window used for delta compression"
 msgstr "用于增量压缩的窗口值"
-#: builtin/repack.c:319 builtin/repack.c:325
+#: builtin/repack.c:309 builtin/repack.c:315
 msgid "bytes"
 msgstr "字节"
-#: builtin/repack.c:320
+#: builtin/repack.c:310
 msgid "same as the above, but limit memory size instead of entries count"
 msgstr "和上面的相似,但限制内存大小而非条目数"
-#: builtin/repack.c:322
+#: builtin/repack.c:312
 msgid "limits the maximum delta depth"
 msgstr "限制最大增量深度"
-#: builtin/repack.c:324
+#: builtin/repack.c:314
 msgid "limits the maximum number of threads"
 msgstr "限制最大线程数"
-#: builtin/repack.c:326
+#: builtin/repack.c:316
 msgid "maximum size of each packfile"
 msgstr "每个包文件的最大尺寸"
-#: builtin/repack.c:328
+#: builtin/repack.c:318
 msgid "repack objects in packs marked with .keep"
 msgstr "对标记为 .keep 的包中的对象重新打包"
-#: builtin/repack.c:330
+#: builtin/repack.c:320
 msgid "do not repack this pack"
 msgstr "不要对该包文件重新打包"
-#: builtin/repack.c:340
+#: builtin/repack.c:330
 msgid "cannot delete packs in a precious-objects repo"
 msgstr "不能删除珍品仓库中的打包文件"
-#: builtin/repack.c:344
+#: builtin/repack.c:334
 msgid "--keep-unreachable and -A are incompatible"
 msgstr "--keep-unreachable 和 -A 不兼容"
-#: builtin/repack.c:423
+#: builtin/repack.c:417
 msgid "Nothing new to pack."
 msgstr "没有新的要打包。"
-#: builtin/repack.c:484
+#: builtin/repack.c:478
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "WARNING: Some packs in use have been renamed by\n"
@@ -17763,7 +18203,7 @@
 "警告:请手动将 %s 下的这些文件重命名:\n"
-#: builtin/repack.c:532
+#: builtin/repack.c:526
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to remove '%s'"
 msgstr "删除 '%s' 失败"
@@ -18167,24 +18607,24 @@
 msgid "Could not write new index file."
 msgstr "不能写入新的索引文件。"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:405
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:412
 msgid "cannot combine --exclude-promisor-objects and --missing"
 msgstr "不能同时使用 --exclude-promisor-objects 和 --missing 选项"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:466
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:473
 msgid "object filtering requires --objects"
 msgstr "对象过滤需要 --objects"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:469
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:476
 #, c-format
 msgid "invalid sparse value '%s'"
 msgstr "无效的稀疏值 '%s'"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:510
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:527
 msgid "rev-list does not support display of notes"
 msgstr "rev-list 不支持显示注解"
-#: builtin/rev-list.c:513
+#: builtin/rev-list.c:530
 msgid "cannot combine --use-bitmap-index with object filtering"
 msgstr "不能将 --use-bitmap-index 和对象过滤组合使用"
@@ -18256,47 +18696,51 @@
 msgid "cancel revert or cherry-pick sequence"
 msgstr "取消反转或拣选操作"
-#: builtin/revert.c:106
+#: builtin/revert.c:105
+msgid "skip current commit and continue"
+msgstr "跳过当前提交并继续"
+#: builtin/revert.c:107
 msgid "don't automatically commit"
 msgstr "不要自动提交"
-#: builtin/revert.c:107
+#: builtin/revert.c:108
 msgid "edit the commit message"
 msgstr "编辑提交说明"
-#: builtin/revert.c:110
+#: builtin/revert.c:111
 msgid "parent-number"
 msgstr "父编号"
-#: builtin/revert.c:111
+#: builtin/revert.c:112
 msgid "select mainline parent"
 msgstr "选择主干父提交编号"
-#: builtin/revert.c:113
+#: builtin/revert.c:114
 msgid "merge strategy"
 msgstr "合并策略"
-#: builtin/revert.c:115
+#: builtin/revert.c:116
 msgid "option for merge strategy"
 msgstr "合并策略的选项"
-#: builtin/revert.c:124
+#: builtin/revert.c:125
 msgid "append commit name"
 msgstr "追加提交名称"
-#: builtin/revert.c:126
+#: builtin/revert.c:127
 msgid "preserve initially empty commits"
 msgstr "保留初始化的空提交"
-#: builtin/revert.c:128
+#: builtin/revert.c:129
 msgid "keep redundant, empty commits"
 msgstr "保持多余的、空的提交"
-#: builtin/revert.c:227
+#: builtin/revert.c:232
 msgid "revert failed"
 msgstr "还原失败"
-#: builtin/revert.c:240
+#: builtin/revert.c:245
 msgid "cherry-pick failed"
 msgstr "拣选失败"
@@ -18462,113 +18906,113 @@
 msgstr[0] "忽略 %s,无法处理 %d 个以上的引用"
 msgstr[1] "忽略 %s,无法处理 %d 个以上的引用"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:549
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "no matching refs with %s"
 msgstr "没有和 %s 匹配的引用"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:646
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:645
 msgid "show remote-tracking and local branches"
 msgstr "显示远程跟踪的和本地的分支"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:648
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:647
 msgid "show remote-tracking branches"
 msgstr "显示远程跟踪的分支"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:650
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:649
 msgid "color '*!+-' corresponding to the branch"
 msgstr "着色 '*!+-' 到相应的分支"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:652
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:651
 msgid "show <n> more commits after the common ancestor"
 msgstr "显示共同祖先后的 <n> 个提交"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:653
 msgid "synonym to more=-1"
 msgstr "和 more=-1 同义"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:655
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:654
 msgid "suppress naming strings"
 msgstr "不显示字符串命名"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:657
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:656
 msgid "include the current branch"
 msgstr "包括当前分支"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:659
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:658
 msgid "name commits with their object names"
 msgstr "以对象名字命名提交"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:661
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:660
 msgid "show possible merge bases"
 msgstr "显示可能合并的基线"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:663
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:662
 msgid "show refs unreachable from any other ref"
 msgstr "显示没有任何引用的的引用"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:665
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:664
 msgid "show commits in topological order"
 msgstr "以拓扑顺序显示提交"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:668
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:667
 msgid "show only commits not on the first branch"
 msgstr "只显示不在第一个分支上的提交"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:670
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:669
 msgid "show merges reachable from only one tip"
 msgstr "显示仅一个分支可访问的合并提交"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:672
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:671
 msgid "topologically sort, maintaining date order where possible"
 msgstr "拓扑方式排序,并尽可能地保持日期顺序"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:674
 msgid "<n>[,<base>]"
 msgstr "<n>[,<base>]"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:676
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:675
 msgid "show <n> most recent ref-log entries starting at base"
 msgstr "显示从起始点开始的 <n> 条最近的引用日志记录"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:712
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:711
 msgid ""
 "--reflog is incompatible with --all, --remotes, --independent or --merge-base"
 msgstr "--reflog 和 --all、--remotes、--independent 或 --merge-base 不兼容"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:736
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:735
 msgid "no branches given, and HEAD is not valid"
 msgstr "未提供分支,且 HEAD 无效"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:739
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:738
 msgid "--reflog option needs one branch name"
 msgstr "选项 --reflog 需要一个分支名"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:742
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:741
 #, c-format
 msgid "only %d entry can be shown at one time."
 msgid_plural "only %d entries can be shown at one time."
 msgstr[0] "一次只能显示 %d 个条目。"
 msgstr[1] "一次只能显示 %d 个条目。"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:746
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:745
 #, c-format
 msgid "no such ref %s"
 msgstr "无此引用 %s"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:832
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle more than %d rev."
 msgid_plural "cannot handle more than %d revs."
 msgstr[0] "不能处理 %d 个以上的版本。"
 msgstr[1] "不能处理 %d 个以上的版本。"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:836
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:835
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid ref."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是一个有效的引用。"
-#: builtin/show-branch.c:839
+#: builtin/show-branch.c:838
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot find commit %s (%s)"
 msgstr "不能找到提交 %s(%s)"
@@ -18751,94 +19195,94 @@
 msgid "No branch name specified"
 msgstr "未指定分支名"
-#: builtin/stash.c:789 builtin/stash.c:826
+#: builtin/stash.c:790 builtin/stash.c:827
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cannot update %s with %s"
 msgstr "无法用 %2$s 更新 %1$s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:807 builtin/stash.c:1474 builtin/stash.c:1510
+#: builtin/stash.c:808 builtin/stash.c:1461 builtin/stash.c:1497
 msgid "stash message"
 msgstr "贮藏说明"
-#: builtin/stash.c:817
+#: builtin/stash.c:818
 msgid "\"git stash store\" requires one <commit> argument"
 msgstr "\"git stash store\" 需要一个 <提交> 参数"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1039
+#: builtin/stash.c:1040
 msgid "No changes selected"
 msgstr "没有选择变更"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1135
+#: builtin/stash.c:1136
 msgid "You do not have the initial commit yet"
 msgstr "您尚未建立初始提交"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1162
+#: builtin/stash.c:1163
 msgid "Cannot save the current index state"
 msgstr "无法保存当前索引状态"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1171
+#: builtin/stash.c:1172
 msgid "Cannot save the untracked files"
 msgstr "无法保存未跟踪文件"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1182 builtin/stash.c:1191
+#: builtin/stash.c:1183 builtin/stash.c:1192
 msgid "Cannot save the current worktree state"
 msgstr "无法保存当前工作区状态"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1219
+#: builtin/stash.c:1220
 msgid "Cannot record working tree state"
 msgstr "不能记录工作区状态"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1268
+#: builtin/stash.c:1269
 msgid "Can't use --patch and --include-untracked or --all at the same time"
 msgstr "不能同时使用参数 --patch 和 --include-untracked 或 --all"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1284
+#: builtin/stash.c:1285
 msgid "Did you forget to 'git add'?"
 msgstr "您是否忘了执行 'git add'?"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1299
+#: builtin/stash.c:1300
 msgid "No local changes to save"
 msgstr "没有要保存的本地修改"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1306
+#: builtin/stash.c:1307
 msgid "Cannot initialize stash"
 msgstr "无法初始化贮藏"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1321
+#: builtin/stash.c:1322
 msgid "Cannot save the current status"
 msgstr "无法保存当前状态"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1326
+#: builtin/stash.c:1327
 #, c-format
 msgid "Saved working directory and index state %s"
 msgstr "保存工作目录和索引状态 %s"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1430
+#: builtin/stash.c:1417
 msgid "Cannot remove worktree changes"
 msgstr "无法删除工作区变更"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1465 builtin/stash.c:1501
+#: builtin/stash.c:1452 builtin/stash.c:1488
 msgid "keep index"
 msgstr "保持索引"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1467 builtin/stash.c:1503
+#: builtin/stash.c:1454 builtin/stash.c:1490
 msgid "stash in patch mode"
 msgstr "以补丁模式贮藏"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1468 builtin/stash.c:1504
+#: builtin/stash.c:1455 builtin/stash.c:1491
 msgid "quiet mode"
 msgstr "静默模式"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1470 builtin/stash.c:1506
+#: builtin/stash.c:1457 builtin/stash.c:1493
 msgid "include untracked files in stash"
 msgstr "贮藏中包含未跟踪文件"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1472 builtin/stash.c:1508
+#: builtin/stash.c:1459 builtin/stash.c:1495
 msgid "include ignore files"
 msgstr "包含忽略的文件"
-#: builtin/stash.c:1568
+#: builtin/stash.c:1555
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not exec %s"
 msgstr "不能执行 %s"
@@ -18859,7 +19303,7 @@
 msgid "prepend comment character and space to each line"
 msgstr "为每一行的行首添加注释符和空格"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1942
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:45 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1943
 #, c-format
 msgid "Expecting a full ref name, got %s"
 msgstr "期望一个完整的引用名称,却得到 %s"
@@ -18873,7 +19317,7 @@
 msgid "cannot strip one component off url '%s'"
 msgstr "无法从 url '%s' 剥离一个组件"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1367
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:408 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1368
 msgid "alternative anchor for relative paths"
 msgstr "相对路径的替代锚记(anchor)"
@@ -18881,8 +19325,8 @@
 msgid "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper list [--prefix=<路径>] [<路径>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:627
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:650
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:470 builtin/submodule--helper.c:628
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:651
 #, c-format
 msgid "No url found for submodule path '%s' in .gitmodules"
 msgstr "在 .gitmodules 中未找到子模组 '%s' 的 url"
@@ -18901,7 +19345,7 @@
 "对 %s 执行 run_command 返回非零值。\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:546
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:547
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "run_command returned non-zero status while recursing in the nested "
@@ -18911,119 +19355,119 @@
 "在递归 %s 的子模组执行 run_command 时返回非零值。\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:562
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:563
 msgid "Suppress output of entering each submodule command"
 msgstr "阻止进入每一个子模组命令的输出"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:564 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1049
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:565 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1050
 msgid "Recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "递归进入嵌套子模组中"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:569
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:570
 msgid "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <command>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper foreach [--quiet] [--recursive] [--] <命令>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:596
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:597
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "could not look up configuration '%s'. Assuming this repository is its own "
 "authoritative upstream."
 msgstr "无法找到配置 '%s'。假定这个仓库是其自身的官方上游。"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:664
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:665
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为子模组 '%s' 注册 url"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:668
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:669
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) registered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "子模组 '%s'(%s)已对路径 '%s' 注册\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:678
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:679
 #, c-format
 msgid "warning: command update mode suggested for submodule '%s'\n"
 msgstr "警告:建议子模组 '%s' 使用命令更新模式\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:686
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to register update mode for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为子模组 '%s' 注册更新模式"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:707
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:708
 msgid "Suppress output for initializing a submodule"
 msgstr "阻止子模组初始化的输出"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:712
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:713
 msgid "git submodule--helper init [<options>] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper init [<选项>] [<路径>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:784 builtin/submodule--helper.c:910
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:785 builtin/submodule--helper.c:911
 #, c-format
 msgid "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path '%s'"
 msgstr "在 .gitmodules 中没有发现路径 '%s' 的子模组映射"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:823
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:824
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not resolve HEAD ref inside the submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "无法解析子模组 '%s' 的 HEAD 引用"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1019
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1020
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to recurse into submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "递归子模组 '%s' 失败"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:874 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1185
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
 msgid "Suppress submodule status output"
 msgstr "阻止子模组状态输出"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:875
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
 msgid ""
 "Use commit stored in the index instead of the one stored in the submodule "
 msgstr "使用存储在索引中的提交,而非存储在子模组 HEAD 中的提交"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:877
 msgid "recurse into nested submodules"
 msgstr "递归进入嵌套子模组中"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:881
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:882
 msgid "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule status [--quiet] [--cached] [--recursive] [<路径>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:905
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:906
 msgid "git submodule--helper name <path>"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper name <路径>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:969
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:970
 #, c-format
 msgid "Synchronizing submodule url for '%s'\n"
 msgstr "为 '%s' 同步子模组 url\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:975
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:976
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to register url for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为子模组路径 '%s' 注册 url"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:989
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:990
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to get the default remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "无法得到子模组 '%s' 的默认远程关联"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1000
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1001
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to update remote for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "无法为子模组 '%s' 更新远程关联"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1047
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1048
 msgid "Suppress output of synchronizing submodule url"
 msgstr "阻止子模组 url 同步的输出"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1054
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1055
 msgid "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<path>]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper sync [--quiet] [--recursive] [<路径>]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1108
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1109
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains a .git directory (use 'rm -rf' if you "
@@ -19032,87 +19476,87 @@
 "子模组工作区 '%s' 包含一个 .git 目录(如果您确需删除它及其全部历史,使用 'rm "
 "-rf' 命令)"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1120
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1121
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule work tree '%s' contains local modifications; use '-f' to discard "
 msgstr "子模组工作区 '%s' 包含本地修改;使用 '-f' 丢弃它们"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1128
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1129
 #, c-format
 msgid "Cleared directory '%s'\n"
 msgstr "已清除目录 '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1130
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1131
 #, c-format
 msgid "Could not remove submodule work tree '%s'\n"
 msgstr "无法移除子模组工作区 '%s'\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1141
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1142
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create empty submodule directory %s"
 msgstr "不能创建空的子模组目录 %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1157
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1158
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule '%s' (%s) unregistered for path '%s'\n"
 msgstr "子模组 '%s'(%s)未对路径 '%s' 注册\n"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1186
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
 msgid "Remove submodule working trees even if they contain local changes"
 msgstr "删除子模组工作区,即使包含本地修改"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1187
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1188
 msgid "Unregister all submodules"
 msgstr "将所有子模组取消注册"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1192
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1193
 msgid ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<path>...]]"
 msgstr ""
 "git submodule deinit [--quiet] [-f | --force] [--all | [--] [<路径>...]]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1206
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1207
 msgid "Use '--all' if you really want to deinitialize all submodules"
 msgstr "如果您确实想要对所有子模组执行取消初始化,请使用 '--all'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1301 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1304
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1302 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1305
 #, c-format
 msgid "submodule '%s' cannot add alternate: %s"
 msgstr "子模组 '%s' 不能添加仓库备选:%s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1340
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1341
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateErrorStrategy is not recognized"
 msgstr "不能识别 submodule.alternateErrorStrategy 的取值 '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1347
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1348
 #, c-format
 msgid "Value '%s' for submodule.alternateLocation is not recognized"
 msgstr "不能识别 submodule.alternateLocaion 的取值 '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1370
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1371
 msgid "where the new submodule will be cloned to"
 msgstr "新的子模组将要克隆的路径"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1373
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1374
 msgid "name of the new submodule"
 msgstr "新子模组的名称"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1376
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1377
 msgid "url where to clone the submodule from"
 msgstr "克隆子模组的 url 地址"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1384
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1385
 msgid "depth for shallow clones"
 msgstr "浅克隆的深度"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1387 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1871
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1388 builtin/submodule--helper.c:1872
 msgid "force cloning progress"
 msgstr "强制显示克隆进度"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1392
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1393
 msgid ""
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<path>] [--quiet] [--reference "
 "<repository>] [--name <name>] [--depth <depth>] --url <url> --path <path>"
@@ -19120,108 +19564,108 @@
 "git submodule--helper clone [--prefix=<路径>] [--quiet] [--reference <仓库>] "
 "[--name <名字>] [--depth <深度>] --url <url> --path <路径>"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1423
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1424
 #, c-format
 msgid "clone of '%s' into submodule path '%s' failed"
 msgstr "无法克隆 '%s' 到子模组路径 '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1437
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1438
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get submodule directory for '%s'"
 msgstr "无法得到 '%s' 的子模组目录"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1473
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1474
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "子模组 '%2$s' 的更新模式 '%1$s' 无效"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1477
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1478
 #, c-format
 msgid "Invalid update mode '%s' configured for submodule path '%s'"
 msgstr "为子模组 '%2$s' 配置的更新模式 '%1$s' 无效"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1570
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1571
 #, c-format
 msgid "Submodule path '%s' not initialized"
 msgstr "子模组 '%s' 尚未初始化"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1574
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1575
 msgid "Maybe you want to use 'update --init'?"
 msgstr "也许您想要执行 'update --init'?"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1604
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1605
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping unmerged submodule %s"
 msgstr "略过未合并的子模组 %s"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1633
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1634
 #, c-format
 msgid "Skipping submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "略过子模组 '%s'"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1777
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1778
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s'. Retry scheduled"
 msgstr "克隆 '%s' 失败。按计划重试"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1788
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1789
 #, c-format
 msgid "Failed to clone '%s' a second time, aborting"
 msgstr "第二次尝试克隆 '%s' 失败,退出"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1850 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2092
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1851 builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
 msgid "path into the working tree"
 msgstr "到工作区的路径"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1853
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1854
 msgid "path into the working tree, across nested submodule boundaries"
 msgstr "工作区中的路径,递归嵌套子模组"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1857
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1858
 msgid "rebase, merge, checkout or none"
 msgstr "rebase、merge、checkout 或 none"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1863
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1864
 msgid "Create a shallow clone truncated to the specified number of revisions"
 msgstr "创建一个指定深度的浅克隆"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1866
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1867
 msgid "parallel jobs"
 msgstr "并发任务"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1868
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
 msgid "whether the initial clone should follow the shallow recommendation"
 msgstr "初始克隆是否应该遵守推荐的浅克隆选项"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1869
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1870
 msgid "don't print cloning progress"
 msgstr "不要输出克隆进度"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1876
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1877
 msgid "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<path>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper update_clone [--prefix=<路径>] [<路径>...]"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1889
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1890
 msgid "bad value for update parameter"
 msgstr "update 参数取值错误"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1937
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:1938
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Submodule (%s) branch configured to inherit branch from superproject, but "
 "the superproject is not on any branch"
 msgstr "子模组(%s)的分支配置为继承上级项目的分支,但是上级项目不在任何分支上"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2060
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2061
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not get a repository handle for submodule '%s'"
 msgstr "无法获得子模组 '%s' 的仓库句柄"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2093
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2094
 msgid "recurse into submodules"
 msgstr "在子模组中递归"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2099
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2100
 msgid "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<options>] [<path>...]"
 msgstr "git submodule--helper absorb-git-dirs [<选项>] [<路径>...]"
@@ -19250,7 +19694,7 @@
 msgid "please make sure that the .gitmodules file is in the working tree"
 msgstr "请确认 .gitmodules 文件在工作区里"
-#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:433 git.c:685
+#: builtin/submodule--helper.c:2235 git.c:434 git.c:684
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s doesn't support --super-prefix"
 msgstr "%s 不支持 --super-prefix"
@@ -19314,17 +19758,17 @@
 msgid "git tag -v [--format=<format>] <tagname>..."
 msgstr "git tag -v [--format=<格式>] <标签名>..."
-#: builtin/tag.c:88
+#: builtin/tag.c:89
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' not found."
 msgstr "未发现标签 '%s'。"
-#: builtin/tag.c:104
+#: builtin/tag.c:105
 #, c-format
 msgid "Deleted tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "已删除标签 '%s'(曾为 %s)\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:134
+#: builtin/tag.c:135
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19337,7 +19781,7 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "以 '%c' 开头的行将被忽略。\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:138
+#: builtin/tag.c:139
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
@@ -19351,15 +19795,15 @@
 "  %s\n"
 "以 '%c' 开头的行将被保留,如果您愿意也可以删除它们。\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:192
+#: builtin/tag.c:198
 msgid "unable to sign the tag"
 msgstr "无法签署标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:194
+#: builtin/tag.c:200
 msgid "unable to write tag file"
 msgstr "无法写标签文件"
-#: builtin/tag.c:210
+#: builtin/tag.c:216
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "You have created a nested tag. The object referred to by your new tag is\n"
@@ -19372,138 +19816,138 @@
 "\tgit tag -f %s %s^{}"
-#: builtin/tag.c:226
+#: builtin/tag.c:232
 msgid "bad object type."
 msgstr "坏的对象类型。"
-#: builtin/tag.c:278
+#: builtin/tag.c:284
 msgid "no tag message?"
 msgstr "无标签说明?"
-#: builtin/tag.c:285
+#: builtin/tag.c:291
 #, c-format
 msgid "The tag message has been left in %s\n"
 msgstr "标签说明被保留在 %s\n"
-#: builtin/tag.c:396
+#: builtin/tag.c:402
 msgid "list tag names"
 msgstr "列出标签名称"
-#: builtin/tag.c:398
+#: builtin/tag.c:404
 msgid "print <n> lines of each tag message"
 msgstr "每个标签信息打印 <n> 行"
-#: builtin/tag.c:400
+#: builtin/tag.c:406
 msgid "delete tags"
 msgstr "删除标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:401
+#: builtin/tag.c:407
 msgid "verify tags"
 msgstr "验证标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:403
+#: builtin/tag.c:409
 msgid "Tag creation options"
 msgstr "标签创建选项"
-#: builtin/tag.c:405
+#: builtin/tag.c:411
 msgid "annotated tag, needs a message"
 msgstr "附注标签,需要一个说明"
-#: builtin/tag.c:407
+#: builtin/tag.c:413
 msgid "tag message"
 msgstr "标签说明"
-#: builtin/tag.c:409
+#: builtin/tag.c:415
 msgid "force edit of tag message"
 msgstr "强制编辑标签说明"
-#: builtin/tag.c:410
+#: builtin/tag.c:416
 msgid "annotated and GPG-signed tag"
 msgstr "附注并附加 GPG 签名的标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:413
+#: builtin/tag.c:419
 msgid "use another key to sign the tag"
 msgstr "使用另外的私钥签名该标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:414
+#: builtin/tag.c:420
 msgid "replace the tag if exists"
 msgstr "如果存在,替换现有的标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:415 builtin/update-ref.c:369
+#: builtin/tag.c:421 builtin/update-ref.c:369
 msgid "create a reflog"
 msgstr "创建引用日志"
-#: builtin/tag.c:417
+#: builtin/tag.c:423
 msgid "Tag listing options"
 msgstr "标签列表选项"
-#: builtin/tag.c:418
+#: builtin/tag.c:424
 msgid "show tag list in columns"
 msgstr "以列的方式显示标签列表"
-#: builtin/tag.c:419 builtin/tag.c:421
+#: builtin/tag.c:425 builtin/tag.c:427
 msgid "print only tags that contain the commit"
 msgstr "只打印包含该提交的标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:420 builtin/tag.c:422
+#: builtin/tag.c:426 builtin/tag.c:428
 msgid "print only tags that don't contain the commit"
 msgstr "只打印不包含该提交的标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:423
+#: builtin/tag.c:429
 msgid "print only tags that are merged"
 msgstr "只打印已经合并的标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:424
+#: builtin/tag.c:430
 msgid "print only tags that are not merged"
 msgstr "只打印尚未合并的标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:428
+#: builtin/tag.c:434
 msgid "print only tags of the object"
 msgstr "只打印指向该对象的标签"
-#: builtin/tag.c:472
+#: builtin/tag.c:482
 msgid "--column and -n are incompatible"
 msgstr "--column 和 -n 不兼容"
-#: builtin/tag.c:494
+#: builtin/tag.c:504
 msgid "-n option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "-n 选项只允许用在列表显示模式"
-#: builtin/tag.c:496
+#: builtin/tag.c:506
 msgid "--contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "--contains 选项只允许用在列表显示模式"
-#: builtin/tag.c:498
+#: builtin/tag.c:508
 msgid "--no-contains option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "--no-contains 选项只允许用在列表显示模式"
-#: builtin/tag.c:500
+#: builtin/tag.c:510
 msgid "--points-at option is only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "--points-at 选项只允许用在列表显示模式"
-#: builtin/tag.c:502
+#: builtin/tag.c:512
 msgid "--merged and --no-merged options are only allowed in list mode"
 msgstr "--merged 和 --no-merged 选项只允许用在列表显示模式"
-#: builtin/tag.c:513
+#: builtin/tag.c:523
 msgid "only one -F or -m option is allowed."
 msgstr "只允许一个 -F 或 -m 选项。"
-#: builtin/tag.c:532
+#: builtin/tag.c:542
 msgid "too many params"
 msgstr "太多参数"
-#: builtin/tag.c:538
+#: builtin/tag.c:548
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a valid tag name."
 msgstr "'%s' 不是一个有效的标签名称。"
-#: builtin/tag.c:543
+#: builtin/tag.c:553
 #, c-format
 msgid "tag '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "标签 '%s' 已存在"
-#: builtin/tag.c:574
+#: builtin/tag.c:584
 #, c-format
 msgid "Updated tag '%s' (was %s)\n"
 msgstr "已更新标签 '%s'(曾为 %s)\n"
@@ -19813,15 +20257,15 @@
 msgid "interrupt transfer after <n> seconds of inactivity"
 msgstr "不活动 <n> 秒钟后终止传输"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:20
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:19
 msgid "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <commit>..."
 msgstr "git verify-commit [-v | --verbose] <提交>..."
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:76
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:68
 msgid "print commit contents"
 msgstr "打印提交内容"
-#: builtin/verify-commit.c:77 builtin/verify-tag.c:38
+#: builtin/verify-commit.c:69 builtin/verify-tag.c:37
 msgid "print raw gpg status output"
 msgstr "打印原始 gpg 状态输出"
@@ -19837,11 +20281,11 @@
 msgid "show statistics only"
 msgstr "只显示统计"
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:19
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:18
 msgid "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<format>] <tag>..."
 msgstr "git verify-tag [-v | --verbose] [--format=<格式>] <标签>..."
-#: builtin/verify-tag.c:37
+#: builtin/verify-tag.c:36
 msgid "print tag contents"
 msgstr "打印标签内容"
@@ -19873,7 +20317,7 @@
 msgid "git worktree unlock <path>"
 msgstr "git worktree unlock <路径>"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:891
+#: builtin/worktree.c:61 builtin/worktree.c:899
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to delete '%s'"
 msgstr "删除 '%s' 失败"
@@ -19946,120 +20390,120 @@
 "'%s' 是一个丢失但已经注册的工作区,使用\n"
 "'add -f' 覆盖,或 'prune' 或 'remove' 清除"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:302
+#: builtin/worktree.c:309
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not create directory of '%s'"
 msgstr "不能创建目录 '%s'"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:432 builtin/worktree.c:438
+#: builtin/worktree.c:440 builtin/worktree.c:446
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (new branch '%s')"
 msgstr "准备工作区(新分支 '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:434
+#: builtin/worktree.c:442
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (resetting branch '%s'; was at %s)"
 msgstr "准备工作区(重置分支 '%s',之前为 %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:443
+#: builtin/worktree.c:451
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (checking out '%s')"
 msgstr "准备工作区(检出 '%s')"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:449
+#: builtin/worktree.c:457
 #, c-format
 msgid "Preparing worktree (detached HEAD %s)"
 msgstr "准备工作区(分离头指针 %s)"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:490
+#: builtin/worktree.c:498
 msgid "checkout <branch> even if already checked out in other worktree"
 msgstr "检出 <分支>,即使已经被检出到其它工作区"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:493
+#: builtin/worktree.c:501
 msgid "create a new branch"
 msgstr "创建一个新分支"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:495
+#: builtin/worktree.c:503
 msgid "create or reset a branch"
 msgstr "创建或重置一个分支"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:497
+#: builtin/worktree.c:505
 msgid "populate the new working tree"
 msgstr "生成新的工作区"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:498
+#: builtin/worktree.c:506
 msgid "keep the new working tree locked"
 msgstr "锁定新工作区"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:501
+#: builtin/worktree.c:509
 msgid "set up tracking mode (see git-branch(1))"
 msgstr "设置跟踪模式(参见 git-branch(1))"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:504
+#: builtin/worktree.c:512
 msgid "try to match the new branch name with a remote-tracking branch"
 msgstr "尝试为新分支名匹配一个远程跟踪分支"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:512
+#: builtin/worktree.c:520
 msgid "-b, -B, and --detach are mutually exclusive"
 msgstr "-b、-B 和 --detach 是互斥的"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:573
+#: builtin/worktree.c:581
 msgid "--[no-]track can only be used if a new branch is created"
 msgstr "只能在创建新分支时使用选项 --[no-]track "
-#: builtin/worktree.c:673
+#: builtin/worktree.c:681
 msgid "reason for locking"
 msgstr "锁定原因"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:685 builtin/worktree.c:718 builtin/worktree.c:792
-#: builtin/worktree.c:919
+#: builtin/worktree.c:693 builtin/worktree.c:726 builtin/worktree.c:800
+#: builtin/worktree.c:927
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not a working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' 不是一个工作区"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:687 builtin/worktree.c:720
+#: builtin/worktree.c:695 builtin/worktree.c:728
 msgid "The main working tree cannot be locked or unlocked"
 msgstr "主工作区无法被加锁或解锁"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:692
+#: builtin/worktree.c:700
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked, reason: %s"
 msgstr "'%s' 已被锁定,原因:%s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:694
+#: builtin/worktree.c:702
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is already locked"
 msgstr "'%s' 已被锁定"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:722
+#: builtin/worktree.c:730
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is not locked"
 msgstr "'%s' 未被锁定"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:763
+#: builtin/worktree.c:771
 msgid "working trees containing submodules cannot be moved or removed"
 msgstr "不能移动或删除包含子模组的工作区"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:771
+#: builtin/worktree.c:779
 msgid "force move even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "强制移动,即使工作区是脏的或已锁定"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:794 builtin/worktree.c:921
+#: builtin/worktree.c:802 builtin/worktree.c:929
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is a main working tree"
 msgstr "'%s' 是一个主工作区"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:799
+#: builtin/worktree.c:807
 #, c-format
 msgid "could not figure out destination name from '%s'"
 msgstr "无法从 '%s' 算出目标名称"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:805
+#: builtin/worktree.c:813
 #, c-format
 msgid "target '%s' already exists"
 msgstr "目标 '%s' 已存在"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:813
+#: builtin/worktree.c:821
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20068,7 +20512,7 @@
 "使用 'move -f -f' 覆盖或先解锁"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:815
+#: builtin/worktree.c:823
 msgid ""
 "cannot move a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'move -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20076,36 +20520,36 @@
 "使用 'move -f -f' 覆盖或先解锁"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:818
+#: builtin/worktree.c:826
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot move working tree: %s"
 msgstr "验证失败,无法移动工作区:%s"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:823
+#: builtin/worktree.c:831
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to move '%s' to '%s'"
 msgstr "移动 '%s' 到 '%s' 失败"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:871
+#: builtin/worktree.c:879
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s'"
 msgstr "在 '%s' 中执行 'git status' 失败"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:875
+#: builtin/worktree.c:883
 #, c-format
 msgid "'%s' is dirty, use --force to delete it"
 msgstr "'%s' 是脏的,使用 --force 删除"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:880
+#: builtin/worktree.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run 'git status' on '%s', code %d"
 msgstr "在 '%s' 中执行 'git status' 失败,退出码 %d"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:903
+#: builtin/worktree.c:911
 msgid "force removal even if worktree is dirty or locked"
 msgstr "强制删除,即使工作区是脏的或已锁定"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:926
+#: builtin/worktree.c:934
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree, lock reason: %s\n"
@@ -20114,7 +20558,7 @@
 "使用 'remove -f -f' 覆盖或先解锁"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:928
+#: builtin/worktree.c:936
 msgid ""
 "cannot remove a locked working tree;\n"
 "use 'remove -f -f' to override or unlock first"
@@ -20122,7 +20566,7 @@
 "使用 'remove -f -f' 覆盖或先解锁"
-#: builtin/worktree.c:931
+#: builtin/worktree.c:939
 #, c-format
 msgid "validation failed, cannot remove working tree: %s"
 msgstr "验证失败,无法删除工作区:%s"
@@ -20197,53 +20641,55 @@
 msgid ""
 "'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some\n"
 "concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>'\n"
-"to read about a specific subcommand or concept."
+"to read about a specific subcommand or concept.\n"
+"See 'git help git' for an overview of the system."
 msgstr ""
 "命令 'git help -a' 和 'git help -g' 显示可用的子命令和一些概念帮助。\n"
 "查看 'git help <命令>' 或 'git help <概念>' 以获取给定子命令或概念的\n"
+"有关系统的概述,查看 'git help git'。"
-#: git.c:185
+#: git.c:186
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --git-dir\n"
 msgstr "没有为 --git-dir 提供目录\n"
-#: git.c:199
+#: git.c:200
 #, c-format
 msgid "no namespace given for --namespace\n"
 msgstr "没有为 --namespace 提供命名空间\n"
-#: git.c:213
+#: git.c:214
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for --work-tree\n"
 msgstr "没有为 --work-tree 提供目录\n"
-#: git.c:227
+#: git.c:228
 #, c-format
 msgid "no prefix given for --super-prefix\n"
 msgstr "没有为 --super-prefix 提供前缀\n"
-#: git.c:249
+#: git.c:250
 #, c-format
 msgid "-c expects a configuration string\n"
 msgstr "应为 -c 提供一个配置字符串\n"
-#: git.c:287
+#: git.c:288
 #, c-format
 msgid "no directory given for -C\n"
 msgstr "没有为 -C 提供目录\n"
-#: git.c:313
+#: git.c:314
 #, c-format
 msgid "unknown option: %s\n"
 msgstr "未知选项:%s\n"
-#: git.c:359
+#: git.c:360
 #, c-format
 msgid "while expanding alias '%s': '%s'"
 msgstr "在扩展别名 '%s' 时:'%s'"
-#: git.c:368
+#: git.c:369
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "alias '%s' changes environment variables.\n"
@@ -20252,39 +20698,39 @@
 "别名 '%s' 修改环境变量。您可以使用在别名中\n"
 "使用 '!git'"
-#: git.c:376
+#: git.c:377
 #, c-format
 msgid "empty alias for %s"
 msgstr "%s 的空别名"
-#: git.c:379
+#: git.c:380
 #, c-format
 msgid "recursive alias: %s"
 msgstr "递归的别名:%s"
-#: git.c:459
+#: git.c:460
 msgid "write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "在标准输出写入失败"
-#: git.c:461
+#: git.c:462
 msgid "unknown write failure on standard output"
 msgstr "到标准输出的未知写入错误"
-#: git.c:463
+#: git.c:464
 msgid "close failed on standard output"
 msgstr "标准输出关闭失败"
-#: git.c:797
+#: git.c:793
 #, c-format
 msgid "alias loop detected: expansion of '%s' does not terminate:%s"
 msgstr "检测到别名循环:'%s'的扩展未终止:%s"
-#: git.c:847
+#: git.c:843
 #, c-format
 msgid "cannot handle %s as a builtin"
 msgstr "不能作为内置命令处理 %s"
-#: git.c:860
+#: git.c:856
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "usage: %s\n"
@@ -20293,12 +20739,12 @@
-#: git.c:880
+#: git.c:876
 #, c-format
 msgid "expansion of alias '%s' failed; '%s' is not a git command\n"
 msgstr "展开别名命令 '%s' 失败,'%s' 不是一个 git 命令\n"
-#: git.c:892
+#: git.c:888
 #, c-format
 msgid "failed to run command '%s': %s\n"
 msgstr "运行命令 '%s' 失败:%s\n"
@@ -20475,19 +20921,19 @@
 msgid "no-op (backward compatibility)"
 msgstr "空操作(向后兼容)"
-#: parse-options.h:304
+#: parse-options.h:305
 msgid "be more verbose"
 msgstr "更加详细"
-#: parse-options.h:306
+#: parse-options.h:307
 msgid "be more quiet"
 msgstr "更加安静"
-#: parse-options.h:312
+#: parse-options.h:313
 msgid "use <n> digits to display SHA-1s"
 msgstr "用 <n> 位数字显示 SHA-1 哈希值"
-#: parse-options.h:331
+#: parse-options.h:332
 msgid "how to strip spaces and #comments from message"
 msgstr "设置如何删除提交说明里的空格和#注释"
@@ -20503,6 +20949,14 @@
 msgid "update the index with reused conflict resolution if possible"
 msgstr "如果可能,重用冲突解决更新索引"
+#: wt-status.h:67
+msgid "HEAD detached at "
+msgstr "头指针分离于 "
+#: wt-status.h:68
+msgid "HEAD detached from "
+msgstr "头指针分离自 "
 #: command-list.h:50
 msgid "Add file contents to the index"
 msgstr "添加文件内容至索引"
@@ -20929,214 +21383,222 @@
 msgstr "重置当前 HEAD 到指定状态"
 #: command-list.h:156
+msgid "Restore working tree files"
+msgstr "恢复工作区文件"
+#: command-list.h:157
 msgid "Revert some existing commits"
 msgstr "回退一些现存提交"
-#: command-list.h:157
+#: command-list.h:158
 msgid "Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order"
 msgstr "按时间顺序列出提交对象"
-#: command-list.h:158
+#: command-list.h:159
 msgid "Pick out and massage parameters"
 msgstr "选出并处理参数"
-#: command-list.h:159
+#: command-list.h:160
 msgid "Remove files from the working tree and from the index"
 msgstr "从工作区和索引中删除文件"
-#: command-list.h:160
+#: command-list.h:161
 msgid "Send a collection of patches as emails"
 msgstr "通过电子邮件发送一组补丁"
-#: command-list.h:161
+#: command-list.h:162
 msgid "Push objects over Git protocol to another repository"
 msgstr "使用 Git 协议推送对象到另一个仓库"
-#: command-list.h:162
+#: command-list.h:163
 msgid "Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access"
 msgstr "只允许 Git SSH 访问的受限登录shell"
-#: command-list.h:163
+#: command-list.h:164
 msgid "Summarize 'git log' output"
 msgstr "'git log' 输出摘要"
-#: command-list.h:164
+#: command-list.h:165
 msgid "Show various types of objects"
 msgstr "显示各种类型的对象"
-#: command-list.h:165
+#: command-list.h:166
 msgid "Show branches and their commits"
 msgstr "显示分支和提交"
-#: command-list.h:166
+#: command-list.h:167
 msgid "Show packed archive index"
 msgstr "显示打包归档索引"
-#: command-list.h:167
+#: command-list.h:168
 msgid "List references in a local repository"
 msgstr "显示本地仓库中的引用"
-#: command-list.h:168
+#: command-list.h:169
 msgid "Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts"
 msgstr "为 shell 脚本准备的 Git 国际化设置代码"
-#: command-list.h:169
+#: command-list.h:170
 msgid "Common Git shell script setup code"
 msgstr "常用的 Git shell 脚本设置代码"
-#: command-list.h:170
+#: command-list.h:171
 msgid "Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away"
 msgstr "贮藏脏工作区中的修改"
-#: command-list.h:171
+#: command-list.h:172
 msgid "Add file contents to the staging area"
 msgstr "将文件内容添加到索引"
-#: command-list.h:172
+#: command-list.h:173
 msgid "Show the working tree status"
 msgstr "显示工作区状态"
-#: command-list.h:173
+#: command-list.h:174
 msgid "Remove unnecessary whitespace"
 msgstr "删除不必要的空白字符"
-#: command-list.h:174
+#: command-list.h:175
 msgid "Initialize, update or inspect submodules"
 msgstr "初始化、更新或检查子模组"
-#: command-list.h:175
+#: command-list.h:176
 msgid "Bidirectional operation between a Subversion repository and Git"
 msgstr "Subersion 仓库和 Git 之间的双向操作"
-#: command-list.h:176
+#: command-list.h:177
+msgid "Switch branches"
+msgstr "切换分支"
+#: command-list.h:178
 msgid "Read, modify and delete symbolic refs"
 msgstr "读取、修改和删除符号引用"
-#: command-list.h:177
+#: command-list.h:179
 msgid "Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with GPG"
 msgstr "创建、列出、删除或校验一个 GPG 签名的标签对象"
-#: command-list.h:178
+#: command-list.h:180
 msgid "Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents"
 msgstr "用 blob 数据对象的内容创建一个临时文件"
-#: command-list.h:179
+#: command-list.h:181
 msgid "Unpack objects from a packed archive"
 msgstr "从打包文件中解压缩对象"
-#: command-list.h:180
+#: command-list.h:182
 msgid "Register file contents in the working tree to the index"
 msgstr "将工作区的文件内容注册到索引"
-#: command-list.h:181
+#: command-list.h:183
 msgid "Update the object name stored in a ref safely"
 msgstr "安全地更新存储于引用中的对象名称"
-#: command-list.h:182
+#: command-list.h:184
 msgid "Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers"
 msgstr "更新辅助信息文件以帮助哑协议服务"
-#: command-list.h:183
+#: command-list.h:185
 msgid "Send archive back to git-archive"
 msgstr "将存档发送回 git-archive"
-#: command-list.h:184
+#: command-list.h:186
 msgid "Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack"
 msgstr "将对象压缩包发送回 git-fetch-pack"
-#: command-list.h:185
+#: command-list.h:187
 msgid "Show a Git logical variable"
 msgstr "显示一个Git逻辑变量"
-#: command-list.h:186
+#: command-list.h:188
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of commits"
 msgstr "检查 GPG 提交签名"
-#: command-list.h:187
+#: command-list.h:189
 msgid "Validate packed Git archive files"
 msgstr "校验打包的Git存仓文件"
-#: command-list.h:188
+#: command-list.h:190
 msgid "Check the GPG signature of tags"
 msgstr "检查标签的 GPG 签名"
-#: command-list.h:189
+#: command-list.h:191
 msgid "Git web interface (web frontend to Git repositories)"
 msgstr "Git web 界面(Git 仓库的 web 前端)"
-#: command-list.h:190
+#: command-list.h:192
 msgid "Show logs with difference each commit introduces"
 msgstr "显示每一个提交引入的差异日志"
-#: command-list.h:191
+#: command-list.h:193
 msgid "Manage multiple working trees"
 msgstr "管理多个工作区"
-#: command-list.h:192
+#: command-list.h:194
 msgid "Create a tree object from the current index"
 msgstr "从当前索引创建一个树对象"
-#: command-list.h:193
+#: command-list.h:195
 msgid "Defining attributes per path"
 msgstr "定义路径的属性"
-#: command-list.h:194
+#: command-list.h:196
 msgid "Git command-line interface and conventions"
 msgstr "Git 命令行界面和约定"
-#: command-list.h:195
+#: command-list.h:197
 msgid "A Git core tutorial for developers"
 msgstr "面向开发人员的 Git 核心教程"
-#: command-list.h:196
+#: command-list.h:198
 msgid "Git for CVS users"
 msgstr "适合 CVS 用户的 Git 帮助"
-#: command-list.h:197
+#: command-list.h:199
 msgid "Tweaking diff output"
 msgstr "调整差异输出"
-#: command-list.h:198
+#: command-list.h:200
 msgid "A useful minimum set of commands for Everyday Git"
 msgstr "每一天 Git 的一组有用的最小命令集合"
-#: command-list.h:199
+#: command-list.h:201
 msgid "A Git Glossary"
 msgstr "Git 词汇表"
-#: command-list.h:200
+#: command-list.h:202
 msgid "Hooks used by Git"
 msgstr "Git 使用的钩子"
-#: command-list.h:201
+#: command-list.h:203
 msgid "Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore"
 msgstr "忽略指定的未跟踪文件"
-#: command-list.h:202
+#: command-list.h:204
 msgid "Defining submodule properties"
 msgstr "定义子模组属性"
-#: command-list.h:203
+#: command-list.h:205
 msgid "Git namespaces"
 msgstr "Git 名字空间"
-#: command-list.h:204
+#: command-list.h:206
 msgid "Git Repository Layout"
 msgstr "Git 仓库布局"
-#: command-list.h:205
+#: command-list.h:207
 msgid "Specifying revisions and ranges for Git"
 msgstr "指定 Git 的版本和版本范围"
-#: command-list.h:206
+#: command-list.h:208
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git: part two"
 msgstr "一个 Git 教程:第二部分"
-#: command-list.h:207
+#: command-list.h:209
 msgid "A tutorial introduction to Git"
 msgstr "一个 Git 教程"
-#: command-list.h:208
+#: command-list.h:210
 msgid "An overview of recommended workflows with Git"
 msgstr "Git 推荐的工作流概览"
@@ -21538,12 +22000,21 @@
 msgid "See git-${cmd}(1) for details."
 msgstr "详见 git-${cmd}(1)。"
+msgid "Applied autostash."
+msgstr "已应用 autostash。"
+#, sh-format
+msgid "Cannot store $stash_sha1"
+msgstr "不能存储 $stash_sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebasing ($new_count/$total)"
 msgstr "变基中($new_count/$total)"
 msgid ""
@@ -21581,7 +22052,7 @@
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You can amend the commit now, with\n"
@@ -21600,83 +22071,83 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "$sha1: not a commit that can be picked"
 msgstr "$sha1:不是一个可以被拣选的提交"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Invalid commit name: $sha1"
 msgstr "无效的提交名:$sha1"
 msgid "Cannot write current commit's replacement sha1"
 msgstr "不能写入当前提交的替代 sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "快进到 $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot fast-forward to $sha1"
 msgstr "不能快进到 $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot move HEAD to $first_parent"
 msgstr "不能移动 HEAD 到 $first_parent"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Refusing to squash a merge: $sha1"
 msgstr "拒绝压缩一个合并:$sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Error redoing merge $sha1"
 msgstr "无法重做合并 $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not pick $sha1"
 msgstr "不能拣选 $sha1"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is the commit message #${n}:"
 msgstr "这是提交说明 #${n}:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "The commit message #${n} will be skipped:"
 msgstr "提交说明 #${n} 将被跳过:"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "This is a combination of $count commit."
 msgid_plural "This is a combination of $count commits."
 msgstr[0] "这是一个 $count 个提交的组合。"
 msgstr[1] "这是一个 $count 个提交的组合。"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot write $fixup_msg"
 msgstr "不能写入 $fixup_msg"
 msgid "This is a combination of 2 commits."
 msgstr "这是一个 2 个提交的组合。"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
 msgstr "不能应用 $sha1... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest\n"
@@ -21689,32 +22160,32 @@
 "这通常是因为空的提交说明,或者 pre-commit 钩子执行失败。如果是 pre-commit\n"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Stopped at $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 msgstr "停止在 $sha1_abbrev... $rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Cannot '$squash_style' without a previous commit"
 msgstr "没有父提交的情况下不能 '$squash_style'"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Executing: $rest"
 msgstr "执行:$rest"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Execution failed: $rest"
 msgstr "执行失败:$rest"
 msgid "and made changes to the index and/or the working tree"
 msgstr "并且修改索引和/或工作区"
 #  译者:注意保持前导空格
 msgid ""
 "You can fix the problem, and then run\n"
@@ -21725,7 +22196,7 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #. TRANSLATORS: after these lines is a command to be issued by the user
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "Execution succeeded: $rest\n"
@@ -21739,25 +22210,25 @@
 "\tgit rebase --continue"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
 msgstr "未知命令:$command $sha1 $rest"
 msgid "Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
 msgstr "要修改请使用命令 'git rebase --edit-todo'。"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Successfully rebased and updated $head_name."
 msgstr "成功变基并更新 $head_name。"
 msgid "Could not remove CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 msgstr "不能删除 CHERRY_PICK_HEAD"
 #, sh-format
 msgid ""
 "You have staged changes in your working tree.\n"
@@ -21786,51 +22257,51 @@
 "  git rebase --continue\n"
 msgid "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
 msgstr "在修补提交中查找作者信息时遇到错误"
 msgid ""
 "You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please commit them\n"
 "first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
 msgstr ""
 "您的工作区中有未提交的变更。请先提交然后再次运行 'git rebase --continue'。"
 msgid "Could not commit staged changes."
 msgstr "不能提交暂存的修改。"
 msgid "Could not execute editor"
 msgstr "无法运行编辑器"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not checkout $switch_to"
 msgstr "不能检出 $switch_to"
 msgid "No HEAD?"
 msgstr "没有 HEAD?"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Could not create temporary $state_dir"
 msgstr "不能创建临时 $state_dir"
 msgid "Could not mark as interactive"
 msgstr "不能标记为交互式"
 #, sh-format
 msgid "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount command)"
 msgid_plural "Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto ($todocount commands)"
 msgstr[0] "变基 $shortrevisions 到 $shortonto($todocount 个提交)"
 msgstr[1] "变基 $shortrevisions 到 $shortonto($todocount 个提交)"
 msgid "Could not init rewritten commits"
 msgstr "不能对重写提交进行初始化"
@@ -21892,120 +22363,122 @@
 msgstr "不能确定 git 目录的绝对路径"
 #. TRANSLATORS: you can adjust this to align "git add -i" status menu
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:196
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:210
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%12s %12s %s"
 msgstr "%12s %12s %s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "staged"
 msgstr "缓存"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:197
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:211
 msgid "unstaged"
 msgstr "未缓存"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:253 git-add--interactive.perl:278
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:267 git-add--interactive.perl:292
 msgid "binary"
 msgstr "二进制"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:262 git-add--interactive.perl:316
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:276 git-add--interactive.perl:330
 msgid "nothing"
 msgstr "无"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:298 git-add--interactive.perl:313
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:312 git-add--interactive.perl:327
 msgid "unchanged"
 msgstr "没有修改"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:609
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:623
 #, perl-format
 msgid "added %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "added %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "增加了 %d 个路径\n"
 msgstr[1] "增加了 %d 个路径\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:612
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:626
 #, perl-format
 msgid "updated %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "updated %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "更新了 %d 个路径\n"
 msgstr[1] "更新了 %d 个路径\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:615
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:629
 #, perl-format
 msgid "reverted %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "reverted %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "还原了 %d 个路径\n"
 msgstr[1] "还原了 %d 个路径\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:618
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:632
 #, perl-format
 msgid "touched %d path\n"
 msgid_plural "touched %d paths\n"
 msgstr[0] "触碰了 %d 个路径\n"
 msgstr[1] "触碰了 %d 个路径\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:627
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:641
 msgid "Update"
 msgstr "更新"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:639
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:653
 msgid "Revert"
 msgstr "还原"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:662
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:676
 #, perl-format
 msgid "note: %s is untracked now.\n"
 msgstr "说明:%s 现已成为未跟踪的。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:673
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:687
 msgid "Add untracked"
 msgstr "添加未跟踪的"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:679
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:693
 msgid "No untracked files.\n"
 msgstr "没有未跟踪的文件。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1033
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1051
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for staging."
 msgstr "如果补丁能干净地应用,编辑块将立即标记为暂存。"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1036
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1054
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for stashing."
 msgstr "如果补丁能干净地应用,编辑块将立即标记为贮藏。"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1039
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1057
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for unstaging."
 msgstr "如果补丁能干净地应用,编辑块将立即标记为未暂存。"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1042 git-add--interactive.perl:1051
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1060 git-add--interactive.perl:1069
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1075
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for applying."
 msgstr "如果补丁能干净地应用,编辑块将立即标记为应用。"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1045 git-add--interactive.perl:1048
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1063 git-add--interactive.perl:1066
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1072
 msgid ""
 "If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be\n"
 "marked for discarding."
 msgstr "如果补丁能干净地应用,编辑块将立即标记为丢弃。"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1085
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1109
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for writing: %s"
 msgstr "为写入打开块编辑文件失败:%s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1086
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1110
 msgid "Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide.\n"
 msgstr "手动块编辑模式 -- 查看底部的快速指南。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1092
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1116
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
@@ -22019,7 +22492,7 @@
 "以 %s 开始的行将被删除。\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: 'it' refers to the patch mentioned in the previous messages.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1100
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1124
 msgid ""
 "If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given an opportunity to\n"
 "edit again.  If all lines of the hunk are removed, then the edit is\n"
@@ -22028,7 +22501,7 @@
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1114
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1138
 #, perl-format
 msgid "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: %s"
 msgstr "无法读取块编辑文件:%s"
@@ -22039,12 +22512,12 @@
 #. Consider translating (saying "no" discards!) as
 #. (saying "n" for "no" discards!) if the translation
 #. of the word "no" does not start with n.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1213
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1237
 msgid ""
 "Your edited hunk does not apply. Edit again (saying \"no\" discards!) [y/n]? "
 msgstr "您的编辑块不能被应用。重新编辑(选择 \"no\" 丢弃!) [y/n]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1222
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
 msgid ""
 "y - stage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stage this hunk\n"
@@ -22058,7 +22531,7 @@
 "a - 暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
 "d - 不暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1228
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
 msgid ""
 "y - stash this hunk\n"
 "n - do not stash this hunk\n"
@@ -22072,7 +22545,7 @@
 "a - 贮藏该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
 "d - 不贮藏该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1234
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
 msgid ""
 "y - unstage this hunk\n"
 "n - do not unstage this hunk\n"
@@ -22086,7 +22559,7 @@
 "a - 不暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
 "d - 不要不暂存该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1240
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1264
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index\n"
@@ -22100,7 +22573,7 @@
 "a - 应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
 "d - 不要应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1246
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1270 git-add--interactive.perl:1288
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from worktree\n"
@@ -22114,7 +22587,7 @@
 "a - 丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
 "d - 不要丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1252
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1276
 msgid ""
 "y - discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not discard this hunk from index and worktree\n"
@@ -22128,7 +22601,7 @@
 "a - 丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
 "d - 不要丢弃该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1258
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1282
 msgid ""
 "y - apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
 "n - do not apply this hunk to index and worktree\n"
@@ -22142,7 +22615,21 @@
 "a - 应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
 "d - 不要应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1273
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1294
+msgid ""
+"y - apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"n - do not apply this hunk to worktree\n"
+"q - quit; do not apply this hunk or any of the remaining ones\n"
+"a - apply this hunk and all later hunks in the file\n"
+"d - do not apply this hunk or any of the later hunks in the file"
+msgstr ""
+"y - 在工作区中应用该块\n"
+"n - 不要在工作区中应用该块\n"
+"q - 退出。不要应用该块及后面的全部块\n"
+"a - 应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块\n"
+"d - 不要应用该块和本文件中后面的全部块"
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1309
 msgid ""
 "g - select a hunk to go to\n"
 "/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex\n"
@@ -22164,211 +22651,226 @@
 "e - 手动编辑当前块\n"
 "? - 显示帮助\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1304
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1340
 msgid "The selected hunks do not apply to the index!\n"
 msgstr "选中的块不能应用到索引!\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1305
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1341
 msgid "Apply them to the worktree anyway? "
 msgstr "无论如何都要应用到工作区么?"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1308
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1344
 msgid "Nothing was applied.\n"
 msgstr "未应用。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1319
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1355
 #, perl-format
 msgid "ignoring unmerged: %s\n"
 msgstr "忽略未合入的:%s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1328
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1364
 msgid "Only binary files changed.\n"
 msgstr "只有二进制文件被修改。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1330
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1366
 msgid "No changes.\n"
 msgstr "没有修改。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1338
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1374
 msgid "Patch update"
 msgstr "补丁更新"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1390
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1426
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "暂存模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1391
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1427
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "暂存删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1392
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1428
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "暂存该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1395
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1431
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "贮藏模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1396
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1432
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "贮藏删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1397
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1433
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Stash this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "贮藏该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1400
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1436
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage mode change [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "取消暂存模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1401
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1437
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage deletion [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "取消暂存删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1402
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1438
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unstage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "取消暂存该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1405
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1441
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "将模式变更应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1406
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1442
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "将删除应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "将删除操作应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1407
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1443
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "将该块应用到索引 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1410
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1446 git-add--interactive.perl:1461
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "从工作区中丢弃模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1411
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1447 git-add--interactive.perl:1462
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "从工作区中丢弃删除动作 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1412
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1448 git-add--interactive.perl:1463
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "从工作区中丢弃该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1415
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1451
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard mode change from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "从索引和工作区中丢弃模式变更 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1416
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1452
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard deletion from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "从索引和工作区中丢弃删除 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1417
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1453
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Discard this hunk from index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "从索引和工作区中丢弃该块 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1420
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1456
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply mode change to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "将模式变更应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1421
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1457
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply deletion to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-msgstr "将删除应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "将删除操作应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1422
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1458
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Apply this hunk to index and worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
 msgstr "将该块应用到索引和工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1522
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1466
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply mode change to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "将模式变更应用到工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1467
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply deletion to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "将删除操作应用到工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1468
+#, perl-format
+msgid "Apply this hunk to worktree [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+msgstr "将该块应用到工作区 [y,n,q,a,d%s,?]? "
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1568
 msgid "No other hunks to goto\n"
 msgstr "没有其它可供跳转的块\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1529
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
 msgid "go to which hunk (<ret> to see more)? "
 msgstr "跳转到哪个块(<回车> 查看更多)? "
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1531
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1577
 msgid "go to which hunk? "
 msgstr "跳转到哪个块?"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1540
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1586
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Invalid number: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "无效数字:'%s'\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1545
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1591
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sorry, only %d hunk available.\n"
 msgid_plural "Sorry, only %d hunks available.\n"
 msgstr[0] "对不起,只有 %d 个可用块。\n"
 msgstr[1] "对不起,只有 %d 个可用块。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1571
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1617
 msgid "No other hunks to search\n"
 msgstr "没有其它可供查找的块\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1575
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1621
 msgid "search for regex? "
 msgstr "使用正则表达式搜索?"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1588
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1634
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Malformed search regexp %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "错误的正则表达式 %s:%s\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1598
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
 msgid "No hunk matches the given pattern\n"
 msgstr "没有和给定模式相匹配的快\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1610 git-add--interactive.perl:1632
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1656 git-add--interactive.perl:1678
 msgid "No previous hunk\n"
 msgstr "没有前一个块\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1619 git-add--interactive.perl:1638
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1665 git-add--interactive.perl:1684
 msgid "No next hunk\n"
 msgstr "没有下一个块\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1644
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1690
 msgid "Sorry, cannot split this hunk\n"
 msgstr "对不起,不能拆分这个块\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1650
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1696
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Split into %d hunk.\n"
 msgid_plural "Split into %d hunks.\n"
 msgstr[0] "拆分为 %d 块。\n"
 msgstr[1] "拆分为 %d 块。\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1660
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
 msgid "Sorry, cannot edit this hunk\n"
 msgstr "对不起,不能编辑这个块\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1706
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1752
 msgid "Review diff"
 msgstr "检视 diff"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please do not translate the command names
 #. 'status', 'update', 'revert', etc.
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1725
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1771
 msgid ""
 "status        - show paths with changes\n"
 "update        - add working tree state to the staged set of changes\n"
@@ -22385,18 +22887,19 @@
 "diff          - 显示 HEAD 和索引间差异\n"
 "add untracked - 添加未跟踪文件的内容至暂存列表\n"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1742 git-add--interactive.perl:1747
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1750 git-add--interactive.perl:1757
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1761 git-add--interactive.perl:1767
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1788 git-add--interactive.perl:1793
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1796 git-add--interactive.perl:1803
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1806 git-add--interactive.perl:1813
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1817 git-add--interactive.perl:1823
 msgid "missing --"
 msgstr "缺失 --"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1763
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1819
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unknown --patch mode: %s"
 msgstr "未知的 --patch 模式:%s"
-#: git-add--interactive.perl:1769 git-add--interactive.perl:1775
+#: git-add--interactive.perl:1825 git-add--interactive.perl:1831
 #, perl-format
 msgid "invalid argument %s, expecting --"
 msgstr "无效的参数 %s,期望是 --"
@@ -22409,66 +22912,66 @@
 msgid "local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"
 msgstr "本地时间偏移量大于等于 24 小时\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:219 git-send-email.perl:225
+#: git-send-email.perl:223 git-send-email.perl:229
 msgid "the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything"
 msgstr "编辑器非正常退出,终止所有操作"
-#: git-send-email.perl:302
+#: git-send-email.perl:310
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "'%s' contains an intermediate version of the email you were composing.\n"
 msgstr "'%s' 包含您正在编写的一个中间版本的邮件。\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:307
+#: git-send-email.perl:315
 #, perl-format
 msgid "'' contains the composed email.\n"
 msgstr "'' 包含编辑的邮件。\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:326
+#: git-send-email.perl:408
 msgid "--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n"
 msgstr "--dump-aliases 和其它选项不兼容\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:395 git-send-email.perl:656
+#: git-send-email.perl:481 git-send-email.perl:683
 msgid "Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n"
 msgstr "不能在仓库之外运行 git format-patch\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:398
+#: git-send-email.perl:484
 msgid ""
 "`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together (via command-line or "
 "configuration option)\n"
 msgstr "`batch-size` 和 `relogin` 必须同时定义(通过命令行或者配置选项)\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:470
+#: git-send-email.perl:497
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "未知的 --suppress-cc 字段:'%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:501
+#: git-send-email.perl:528
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "未知的 --confirm 设置:'%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:529
+#: git-send-email.perl:556
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "警告:不支持带引号的 sendmail 别名:%s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:531
+#: git-send-email.perl:558
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "警告:不支持 `:include:`:%s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:533
+#: git-send-email.perl:560
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"
 msgstr "警告:不支持 `/file` 或 `|pipe` 重定向:%s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:538
+#: git-send-email.perl:565
 #, perl-format
 msgid "warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"
 msgstr "警告:不能识别的 sendmail 行:%s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:622
+#: git-send-email.perl:649
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "File '%s' exists but it could also be the range of commits\n"
@@ -22483,12 +22986,12 @@
 "    * 如果含义为一个文件,使用 \"./%s\",或者\n"
 "    * 如果含义为一个范围,使用 --format-patch 选项。\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:643
+#: git-send-email.perl:670
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to opendir %s: %s"
 msgstr "无法打开目录 %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:667
+#: git-send-email.perl:694
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "fatal: %s: %s\n"
@@ -22497,7 +23000,7 @@
-#: git-send-email.perl:678
+#: git-send-email.perl:705
 msgid ""
 "No patch files specified!\n"
@@ -22507,17 +23010,17 @@
-#: git-send-email.perl:691
+#: git-send-email.perl:718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "No subject line in %s?"
 msgstr "在 %s 中没有标题行?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:701
+#: git-send-email.perl:728
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open for writing %s: %s"
 msgstr "为写入打开 %s 失败: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:712
+#: git-send-email.perl:739
 msgid ""
 "Lines beginning in \"GIT:\" will be removed.\n"
 "Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents\n"
@@ -22530,37 +23033,37 @@
-#: git-send-email.perl:736
+#: git-send-email.perl:763
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s: %s"
 msgstr "无法打开 %s: %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:753
+#: git-send-email.perl:780
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to open %s"
 msgstr "无法打开 %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:796
+#: git-send-email.perl:823
 msgid "Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"
 msgstr "摘要邮件为空,跳过\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:831
+#: git-send-email.perl:858
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "
 msgstr "您确认要使用 <%s> [y/N]?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:886
+#: git-send-email.perl:913
 msgid ""
 "The following files are 8bit, but do not declare a Content-Transfer-"
 msgstr "如下文件含 8bit 内容,但没有声明一个 Content-Transfer-Encoding。\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:891
+#: git-send-email.perl:918
 msgid "Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "
 msgstr "要声明 8bit 为什么样的编码格式 [UTF-8]?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:899
+#: git-send-email.perl:926
 #, perl-format
 msgid ""
 "Refusing to send because the patch\n"
@@ -22572,20 +23075,20 @@
 "包含模版标题 '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'。如果确实想要发送,使用参数 --force。\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:918
+#: git-send-email.perl:945
 msgid "To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"
 msgstr "邮件将要发送给谁?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:936
+#: git-send-email.perl:963
 #, perl-format
 msgid "fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"
 msgstr "致命错误:别名 '%s' 扩展为它自己\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:948
+#: git-send-email.perl:975
 msgid "Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "
 msgstr "Message-ID 被用作第一封邮件的 In-Reply-To ?"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1006 git-send-email.perl:1014
+#: git-send-email.perl:1033 git-send-email.perl:1041
 #, perl-format
 msgid "error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"
 msgstr "错误:不能从 %s 中提取一个有效的邮件地址\n"
@@ -22593,16 +23096,16 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1018
+#: git-send-email.perl:1045
 msgid "What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "
 msgstr "如何处理这个地址?([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit):"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1335
+#: git-send-email.perl:1362
 #, perl-format
 msgid "CA path \"%s\" does not exist"
 msgstr "CA 路径 \"%s\" 不存在"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1418
+#: git-send-email.perl:1445
 msgid ""
 "    The Cc list above has been expanded by additional\n"
 "    addresses found in the patch commit message. By default\n"
@@ -22627,128 +23130,128 @@
 #. TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [y] [n] [e] [q] [a] in your
 #. translation. The program will only accept English input
 #. at this point.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1433
+#: git-send-email.perl:1460
 msgid "Send this email? ([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
 msgstr "发送这封邮件?([y]es|[n]o|[e]dit|[q]uit|[a]ll): "
-#: git-send-email.perl:1436
+#: git-send-email.perl:1463
 msgid "Send this email reply required"
 msgstr "发送要求的邮件回复"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1464
+#: git-send-email.perl:1491
 msgid "The required SMTP server is not properly defined."
 msgstr "要求的 SMTP 服务器未被正确定义。"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1511
+#: git-send-email.perl:1538
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"
 msgstr "服务器不支持 STARTTLS!%s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1516 git-send-email.perl:1520
+#: git-send-email.perl:1543 git-send-email.perl:1547
 #, perl-format
 msgid "STARTTLS failed! %s"
 msgstr "STARTTLS 失败!%s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1529
+#: git-send-email.perl:1556
 msgid "Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."
 msgstr "无法正确地初始化 SMTP。检查配置并使用 --smtp-debug。"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1547
+#: git-send-email.perl:1574
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Failed to send %s\n"
 msgstr "无法发送 %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Dry-Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "演习发送 %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1550
+#: git-send-email.perl:1577
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Sent %s\n"
 msgstr "正发送 %s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "Dry-OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "演习成功。日志说:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1552
+#: git-send-email.perl:1579
 msgid "OK. Log says:\n"
 msgstr "OK。日志说:\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1564
+#: git-send-email.perl:1591
 msgid "Result: "
 msgstr "结果:"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1567
+#: git-send-email.perl:1594
 msgid "Result: OK\n"
 msgstr "结果:OK\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1585
+#: git-send-email.perl:1612
 #, perl-format
 msgid "can't open file %s"
 msgstr "无法打开文件 %s"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1632 git-send-email.perl:1652
+#: git-send-email.perl:1659 git-send-email.perl:1679
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) 添加 cc:%s 自行 '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1638
+#: git-send-email.perl:1665
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(mbox) 添加 to:%s 自行 '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1691
+#: git-send-email.perl:1718
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(non-mbox) 添加 cc:%s 自行 '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1726
+#: git-send-email.perl:1753
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(body) 添加 cc: %s 自行 '%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1837
+#: git-send-email.perl:1864
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Could not execute '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) 不能执行 '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1844
+#: git-send-email.perl:1871
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"
 msgstr "(%s) 添加 %s: %s 自:'%s'\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1848
+#: git-send-email.perl:1875
 #, perl-format
 msgid "(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"
 msgstr "(%s) 无法关闭管道至 '%s'"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1878
+#: git-send-email.perl:1905
 msgid "cannot send message as 7bit"
 msgstr "不能以 7bit 形式发送信息"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1886
+#: git-send-email.perl:1913
 msgid "invalid transfer encoding"
 msgstr "无效的传送编码"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1927 git-send-email.perl:1979 git-send-email.perl:1989
+#: git-send-email.perl:1954 git-send-email.perl:2006 git-send-email.perl:2016
 #, perl-format
 msgid "unable to open %s: %s\n"
 msgstr "不能打开 %s:%s\n"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1930
+#: git-send-email.perl:1957
 #, perl-format
 msgid "%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"
 msgstr "%s:补丁包含一个超过 998 字符的行"
-#: git-send-email.perl:1947
+#: git-send-email.perl:1974
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"
 msgstr "略过 %s 含备份后缀 '%s'。\n"
 #. TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is.
-#: git-send-email.perl:1951
+#: git-send-email.perl:1978
 #, perl-format
 msgid "Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "
 msgstr "您真的要发送 %s?[y|N]:"
diff --git a/pretty.c b/pretty.c
index e4ed14e..b32f036 100644
--- a/pretty.c
+++ b/pretty.c
@@ -1239,11 +1239,9 @@
 		strbuf_addstr(sb, get_revision_mark(NULL, commit));
 		return 1;
 	case 'd':
-		load_ref_decorations(NULL, DECORATE_SHORT_REFS);
 		format_decorations(sb, commit, c->auto_color);
 		return 1;
 	case 'D':
-		load_ref_decorations(NULL, DECORATE_SHORT_REFS);
 		format_decorations_extended(sb, commit, c->auto_color, "", ", ", "");
 		return 1;
 	case 'S':		/* tag/branch like --source */
diff --git a/progress.c b/progress.c
index 277db8a..0063559 100644
--- a/progress.c
+++ b/progress.c
@@ -45,6 +45,19 @@
 static volatile sig_atomic_t progress_update;
+ * These are only intended for testing the progress output, i.e. exclusively
+ * for 'test-tool progress'.
+ */
+int progress_testing;
+uint64_t progress_test_ns = 0;
+void progress_test_force_update(void); /* To silence -Wmissing-prototypes */
+void progress_test_force_update(void)
+	progress_update = 1;
 static void progress_interval(int signum)
 	progress_update = 1;
@@ -55,6 +68,9 @@
 	struct sigaction sa;
 	struct itimerval v;
+	if (progress_testing)
+		return;
 	progress_update = 0;
 	memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
@@ -72,6 +88,10 @@
 static void clear_progress_signal(void)
 	struct itimerval v = {{0,},};
+	if (progress_testing)
+		return;
 	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &v, NULL);
 	signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
 	progress_update = 0;
@@ -88,6 +108,7 @@
 	const char *tp;
 	struct strbuf *counters_sb = &progress->counters_sb;
 	int show_update = 0;
+	int last_count_len = counters_sb->len;
 	if (progress->delay && (!progress_update || --progress->delay))
@@ -115,21 +136,27 @@
 	if (show_update) {
 		if (is_foreground_fd(fileno(stderr)) || done) {
 			const char *eol = done ? done : "\r";
+			size_t clear_len = counters_sb->len < last_count_len ?
+					last_count_len - counters_sb->len + 1 :
+					0;
+			/* The "+ 2" accounts for the ": ". */
+			size_t progress_line_len = progress->title_len +
+						counters_sb->len + 2;
+			int cols = term_columns();
-			term_clear_line();
 			if (progress->split) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "  %s%s", counters_sb->buf,
-					eol);
-			} else if (!done &&
-				   /* The "+ 2" accounts for the ": ". */
-				   term_columns() < progress->title_len +
-						    counters_sb->len + 2) {
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n  %s%s",
-					progress->title, counters_sb->buf, eol);
+				fprintf(stderr, "  %s%*s", counters_sb->buf,
+					(int) clear_len, eol);
+			} else if (!done && cols < progress_line_len) {
+				clear_len = progress->title_len + 1 < cols ?
+					    cols - progress->title_len - 1 : 0;
+				fprintf(stderr, "%s:%*s\n  %s%s",
+					progress->title, (int) clear_len, "",
+					counters_sb->buf, eol);
 				progress->split = 1;
 			} else {
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s%s", progress->title,
-					counters_sb->buf, eol);
+				fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s%*s", progress->title,
+					counters_sb->buf, (int) clear_len, eol);
@@ -147,6 +174,14 @@
 	strbuf_humanise_rate(buf, rate * 1024);
+static uint64_t progress_getnanotime(struct progress *progress)
+	if (progress_testing)
+		return progress->start_ns + progress_test_ns;
+	else
+		return getnanotime();
 void display_throughput(struct progress *progress, uint64_t total)
 	struct throughput *tp;
@@ -157,7 +192,7 @@
 	tp = progress->throughput;
-	now_ns = getnanotime();
+	now_ns = progress_getnanotime(progress);
 	if (!tp) {
 		progress->throughput = tp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*tp));
@@ -289,7 +324,7 @@
 		struct throughput *tp = progress->throughput;
 		if (tp) {
-			uint64_t now_ns = getnanotime();
+			uint64_t now_ns = progress_getnanotime(progress);
 			unsigned int misecs, rate;
 			misecs = ((now_ns - progress->start_ns) * 4398) >> 32;
 			rate = tp->curr_total / (misecs ? misecs : 1);
diff --git a/promisor-remote.c b/promisor-remote.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bd5b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/promisor-remote.c
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "object-store.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "transport.h"
+static char *repository_format_partial_clone;
+static const char *core_partial_clone_filter_default;
+void set_repository_format_partial_clone(char *partial_clone)
+	repository_format_partial_clone = xstrdup_or_null(partial_clone);
+static int fetch_refs(const char *remote_name, struct ref *ref)
+	struct remote *remote;
+	struct transport *transport;
+	int original_fetch_if_missing = fetch_if_missing;
+	int res;
+	fetch_if_missing = 0;
+	remote = remote_get(remote_name);
+	if (!remote->url[0])
+		die(_("Remote with no URL"));
+	transport = transport_get(remote, remote->url[0]);
+	transport_set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_FROM_PROMISOR, "1");
+	transport_set_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_NO_DEPENDENTS, "1");
+	res = transport_fetch_refs(transport, ref);
+	fetch_if_missing = original_fetch_if_missing;
+	return res;
+static int fetch_objects(const char *remote_name,
+			 const struct object_id *oids,
+			 int oid_nr)
+	struct ref *ref = NULL;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < oid_nr; i++) {
+		struct ref *new_ref = alloc_ref(oid_to_hex(&oids[i]));
+		oidcpy(&new_ref->old_oid, &oids[i]);
+		new_ref->exact_oid = 1;
+		new_ref->next = ref;
+		ref = new_ref;
+	}
+	return fetch_refs(remote_name, ref);
+static struct promisor_remote *promisors;
+static struct promisor_remote **promisors_tail = &promisors;
+static struct promisor_remote *promisor_remote_new(const char *remote_name)
+	struct promisor_remote *r;
+	if (*remote_name == '/') {
+		warning(_("promisor remote name cannot begin with '/': %s"),
+			remote_name);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	FLEX_ALLOC_STR(r, name, remote_name);
+	*promisors_tail = r;
+	promisors_tail = &r->next;
+	return r;
+static struct promisor_remote *promisor_remote_lookup(const char *remote_name,
+						      struct promisor_remote **previous)
+	struct promisor_remote *r, *p;
+	for (p = NULL, r = promisors; r; p = r, r = r->next)
+		if (!strcmp(r->name, remote_name)) {
+			if (previous)
+				*previous = p;
+			return r;
+		}
+	return NULL;
+static void promisor_remote_move_to_tail(struct promisor_remote *r,
+					 struct promisor_remote *previous)
+	if (r->next == NULL)
+		return;
+	if (previous)
+		previous->next = r->next;
+	else
+		promisors = r->next ? r->next : r;
+	r->next = NULL;
+	*promisors_tail = r;
+	promisors_tail = &r->next;
+static int promisor_remote_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *data)
+	const char *name;
+	int namelen;
+	const char *subkey;
+	if (!strcmp(var, "core.partialclonefilter"))
+		return git_config_string(&core_partial_clone_filter_default,
+					 var, value);
+	if (parse_config_key(var, "remote", &name, &namelen, &subkey) < 0)
+		return 0;
+	if (!strcmp(subkey, "promisor")) {
+		char *remote_name;
+		if (!git_config_bool(var, value))
+			return 0;
+		remote_name = xmemdupz(name, namelen);
+		if (!promisor_remote_lookup(remote_name, NULL))
+			promisor_remote_new(remote_name);
+		free(remote_name);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (!strcmp(subkey, "partialclonefilter")) {
+		struct promisor_remote *r;
+		char *remote_name = xmemdupz(name, namelen);
+		r = promisor_remote_lookup(remote_name, NULL);
+		if (!r)
+			r = promisor_remote_new(remote_name);
+		free(remote_name);
+		if (!r)
+			return 0;
+		return git_config_string(&r->partial_clone_filter, var, value);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int initialized;
+static void promisor_remote_init(void)
+	if (initialized)
+		return;
+	initialized = 1;
+	git_config(promisor_remote_config, NULL);
+	if (repository_format_partial_clone) {
+		struct promisor_remote *o, *previous;
+		o = promisor_remote_lookup(repository_format_partial_clone,
+					   &previous);
+		if (o)
+			promisor_remote_move_to_tail(o, previous);
+		else
+			promisor_remote_new(repository_format_partial_clone);
+	}
+static void promisor_remote_clear(void)
+	while (promisors) {
+		struct promisor_remote *r = promisors;
+		promisors = promisors->next;
+		free(r);
+	}
+	promisors_tail = &promisors;
+void promisor_remote_reinit(void)
+	initialized = 0;
+	promisor_remote_clear();
+	promisor_remote_init();
+struct promisor_remote *promisor_remote_find(const char *remote_name)
+	promisor_remote_init();
+	if (!remote_name)
+		return promisors;
+	return promisor_remote_lookup(remote_name, NULL);
+int has_promisor_remote(void)
+	return !!promisor_remote_find(NULL);
+static int remove_fetched_oids(struct repository *repo,
+			       struct object_id **oids,
+			       int oid_nr, int to_free)
+	int i, remaining_nr = 0;
+	int *remaining = xcalloc(oid_nr, sizeof(*remaining));
+	struct object_id *old_oids = *oids;
+	struct object_id *new_oids;
+	for (i = 0; i < oid_nr; i++)
+		if (oid_object_info_extended(repo, &old_oids[i], NULL,
+			remaining[i] = 1;
+			remaining_nr++;
+		}
+	if (remaining_nr) {
+		int j = 0;
+		new_oids = xcalloc(remaining_nr, sizeof(*new_oids));
+		for (i = 0; i < oid_nr; i++)
+			if (remaining[i])
+				oidcpy(&new_oids[j++], &old_oids[i]);
+		*oids = new_oids;
+		if (to_free)
+			free(old_oids);
+	}
+	free(remaining);
+	return remaining_nr;
+int promisor_remote_get_direct(struct repository *repo,
+			       const struct object_id *oids,
+			       int oid_nr)
+	struct promisor_remote *r;
+	struct object_id *remaining_oids = (struct object_id *)oids;
+	int remaining_nr = oid_nr;
+	int to_free = 0;
+	int res = -1;
+	promisor_remote_init();
+	for (r = promisors; r; r = r->next) {
+		if (fetch_objects(r->name, remaining_oids, remaining_nr) < 0) {
+			if (remaining_nr == 1)
+				continue;
+			remaining_nr = remove_fetched_oids(repo, &remaining_oids,
+							 remaining_nr, to_free);
+			if (remaining_nr) {
+				to_free = 1;
+				continue;
+			}
+		}
+		res = 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (to_free)
+		free(remaining_oids);
+	return res;
diff --git a/promisor-remote.h b/promisor-remote.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..737bac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/promisor-remote.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "repository.h"
+struct object_id;
+ * Promisor remote linked list
+ *
+ * Information in its fields come from remote.XXX config entries or
+ * from extensions.partialclone or core.partialclonefilter.
+ */
+struct promisor_remote {
+	struct promisor_remote *next;
+	const char *partial_clone_filter;
+	const char name[FLEX_ARRAY];
+void promisor_remote_reinit(void);
+struct promisor_remote *promisor_remote_find(const char *remote_name);
+int has_promisor_remote(void);
+int promisor_remote_get_direct(struct repository *repo,
+			       const struct object_id *oids,
+			       int oid_nr);
+ * This should be used only once from setup.c to set the value we got
+ * from the extensions.partialclone config option.
+ */
+void set_repository_format_partial_clone(char *partial_clone);
+#endif /* PROMISOR_REMOTE_H */
diff --git a/quote.c b/quote.c
index 7f2aa6f..24a58ba 100644
--- a/quote.c
+++ b/quote.c
@@ -48,6 +48,12 @@
 	static const char ok_punct[] = "+,-./:=@_^";
 	const char *p;
+	/* Avoid losing a zero-length string by adding '' */
+	if (!*src) {
+		strbuf_addstr(dst, "''");
+		return;
+	}
 	for (p = src; *p; p++) {
 		if (!isalpha(*p) && !isdigit(*p) && !strchr(ok_punct, *p)) {
 			sq_quote_buf(dst, src);
@@ -84,12 +90,28 @@
+ * Legacy function to append each argv value, quoted as necessasry,
+ * with whitespace before each value.  This results in a leading
+ * space in the result.
+ */
 void sq_quote_argv_pretty(struct strbuf *dst, const char **argv)
+	if (argv[0])
+		strbuf_addch(dst, ' ');
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(dst, argv);
+ * Append each argv value, quoted as necessary, with whitespace between them.
+ */
+void sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(struct strbuf *dst, const char **argv)
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; argv[i]; i++) {
-		strbuf_addch(dst, ' ');
+		if (i > 0)
+			strbuf_addch(dst, ' ');
 		sq_quote_buf_pretty(dst, argv[i]);
diff --git a/quote.h b/quote.h
index fb08dc0..ca8ee31 100644
--- a/quote.h
+++ b/quote.h
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 void sq_quote_buf_pretty(struct strbuf *, const char *src);
 void sq_quote_argv_pretty(struct strbuf *, const char **argv);
+void sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(struct strbuf *dst, const char **argv);
 /* This unwraps what sq_quote() produces in place, but returns
  * NULL if the input does not look like what sq_quote would have
diff --git a/range-diff.c b/range-diff.c
index 48b0e1b..7fed5a3 100644
--- a/range-diff.c
+++ b/range-diff.c
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include "commit.h"
 #include "pretty.h"
 #include "userdiff.h"
+#include "apply.h"
 struct patch_util {
 	/* For the search for an exact match */
@@ -24,6 +25,17 @@
 	struct object_id oid;
+static size_t find_end_of_line(char *buffer, unsigned long size)
+	char *eol = memchr(buffer, '\n', size);
+	if (!eol)
+		return size;
+	*eol = '\0';
+	return eol + 1 - buffer;
  * Reads the patches into a string list, with the `util` field being populated
  * as struct object_id (will need to be free()d).
@@ -31,13 +43,16 @@
 static int read_patches(const char *range, struct string_list *list)
 	struct child_process cp = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
-	FILE *in;
-	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT, line = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT, contents = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct patch_util *util = NULL;
 	int in_header = 1;
+	char *line, *current_filename = NULL;
+	int offset, len;
+	size_t size;
 	argv_array_pushl(&cp.args, "log", "--no-color", "-p", "--no-merges",
 			"--reverse", "--date-order", "--decorate=no",
+			"--no-prefix",
 			 * Choose indicators that are not used anywhere
 			 * else in diffs, but still look reasonable
@@ -54,17 +69,20 @@
 	if (start_command(&cp))
 		return error_errno(_("could not start `log`"));
-	in = fdopen(cp.out, "r");
-	if (!in) {
+	if (strbuf_read(&contents, cp.out, 0) < 0) {
 		error_errno(_("could not read `log` output"));
 		return -1;
-	while (strbuf_getline(&line, in) != EOF) {
+	line = contents.buf;
+	size = contents.len;
+	for (offset = 0; size > 0; offset += len, size -= len, line += len) {
 		const char *p;
-		if (skip_prefix(line.buf, "commit ", &p)) {
+		len = find_end_of_line(line, size);
+		line[len - 1] = '\0';
+		if (skip_prefix(line, "commit ", &p)) {
 			if (util) {
 				string_list_append(list, buf.buf)->util = util;
@@ -75,8 +93,7 @@
 				string_list_clear(list, 1);
-				strbuf_release(&line);
-				fclose(in);
+				strbuf_release(&contents);
 				return -1;
@@ -85,61 +102,95 @@
-		if (starts_with(line.buf, "diff --git")) {
+		if (starts_with(line, "diff --git")) {
+			struct patch patch = { 0 };
+			struct strbuf root = STRBUF_INIT;
+			int linenr = 0;
 			in_header = 0;
 			strbuf_addch(&buf, '\n');
 			if (!util->diff_offset)
 				util->diff_offset = buf.len;
-			strbuf_addch(&buf, ' ');
-			strbuf_addbuf(&buf, &line);
+			line[len - 1] = '\n';
+			len = parse_git_diff_header(&root, &linenr, 0, line,
+						    len, size, &patch);
+			if (len < 0)
+				die(_("could not parse git header '%.*s'"), (int)len, line);
+			strbuf_addstr(&buf, " ## ");
+			if (patch.is_new > 0)
+				strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s (new)", patch.new_name);
+			else if (patch.is_delete > 0)
+				strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s (deleted)", patch.old_name);
+			else if (patch.is_rename)
+				strbuf_addf(&buf, "%s => %s", patch.old_name, patch.new_name);
+			else
+				strbuf_addstr(&buf, patch.new_name);
+			free(current_filename);
+			if (patch.is_delete > 0)
+				current_filename = xstrdup(patch.old_name);
+			else
+				current_filename = xstrdup(patch.new_name);
+			if (patch.new_mode && patch.old_mode &&
+			    patch.old_mode != patch.new_mode)
+				strbuf_addf(&buf, " (mode change %06o => %06o)",
+					    patch.old_mode, patch.new_mode);
+			strbuf_addstr(&buf, " ##");
 		} else if (in_header) {
-			if (starts_with(line.buf, "Author: ")) {
-				strbuf_addbuf(&buf, &line);
+			if (starts_with(line, "Author: ")) {
+				strbuf_addstr(&buf, " ## Metadata ##\n");
+				strbuf_addstr(&buf, line);
 				strbuf_addstr(&buf, "\n\n");
-			} else if (starts_with(line.buf, "    ")) {
-				strbuf_rtrim(&line);
-				strbuf_addbuf(&buf, &line);
+				strbuf_addstr(&buf, " ## Commit message ##\n");
+			} else if (starts_with(line, "    ")) {
+				p = line + len - 2;
+				while (isspace(*p) && p >= line)
+					p--;
+				strbuf_add(&buf, line, p - line + 1);
 				strbuf_addch(&buf, '\n');
-		} else if (starts_with(line.buf, "@@ "))
+		} else if (skip_prefix(line, "@@ ", &p)) {
+			p = strstr(p, "@@");
 			strbuf_addstr(&buf, "@@");
-		else if (!line.buf[0] || starts_with(line.buf, "index "))
+			if (current_filename && p[2])
+				strbuf_addf(&buf, " %s:", current_filename);
+			if (p)
+				strbuf_addstr(&buf, p + 2);
+		} else if (!line[0])
 			 * A completely blank (not ' \n', which is context)
 			 * line is not valid in a diff.  We skip it
 			 * silently, because this neatly handles the blank
 			 * separator line between commits in git-log
 			 * output.
-			 *
-			 * We also want to ignore the diff's `index` lines
-			 * because they contain exact blob hashes in which
-			 * we are not interested.
-		else if (line.buf[0] == '>') {
+		else if (line[0] == '>') {
 			strbuf_addch(&buf, '+');
-			strbuf_add(&buf, line.buf + 1, line.len - 1);
-		} else if (line.buf[0] == '<') {
+			strbuf_addstr(&buf, line + 1);
+		} else if (line[0] == '<') {
 			strbuf_addch(&buf, '-');
-			strbuf_add(&buf, line.buf + 1, line.len - 1);
-		} else if (line.buf[0] == '#') {
+			strbuf_addstr(&buf, line + 1);
+		} else if (line[0] == '#') {
 			strbuf_addch(&buf, ' ');
-			strbuf_add(&buf, line.buf + 1, line.len - 1);
+			strbuf_addstr(&buf, line + 1);
 		} else {
 			strbuf_addch(&buf, ' ');
-			strbuf_addbuf(&buf, &line);
+			strbuf_addstr(&buf, line);
 		strbuf_addch(&buf, '\n');
-	fclose(in);
-	strbuf_release(&line);
+	strbuf_release(&contents);
 	if (util)
 		string_list_append(list, buf.buf)->util = util;
+	free(current_filename);
 	if (finish_command(&cp))
 		return -1;
@@ -148,7 +199,7 @@
 static int patch_util_cmp(const void *dummy, const struct patch_util *a,
-		     const struct patch_util *b, const char *keydata)
+			  const struct patch_util *b, const char *keydata)
 	return strcmp(a->diff, keydata ? keydata : b->diff);
@@ -167,8 +218,8 @@
 		util->i = i;
 		util->patch = a->items[i].string;
 		util->diff = util->patch + util->diff_offset;
-		hashmap_entry_init(util, strhash(util->diff));
-		hashmap_add(&map, util);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&util->e, strhash(util->diff));
+		hashmap_add(&map, &util->e);
 	/* Now try to find exact matches in b */
@@ -178,8 +229,8 @@
 		util->i = i;
 		util->patch = b->items[i].string;
 		util->diff = util->patch + util->diff_offset;
-		hashmap_entry_init(util, strhash(util->diff));
-		other = hashmap_remove(&map, util, NULL);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&util->e, strhash(util->diff));
+		other = hashmap_remove_entry(&map, util, e, NULL);
 		if (other) {
 			if (other->matching >= 0)
 				BUG("already assigned!");
@@ -189,7 +240,7 @@
-	hashmap_free(&map, 0);
+	hashmap_free(&map);
 static void diffsize_consume(void *data, char *line, unsigned long len)
@@ -354,8 +405,9 @@
 	fwrite(buf->buf, buf->len, 1, diffopt->file);
-static struct userdiff_driver no_func_name = {
-	.funcname = { "$^", 0 }
+static struct userdiff_driver section_headers = {
+	.funcname = { "^ ## (.*) ##$\n"
+		      "^.?@@ (.*)$", REG_EXTENDED }
 static struct diff_filespec *get_filespec(const char *name, const char *p)
@@ -367,13 +419,13 @@
 	spec->size = strlen(p);
 	spec->should_munmap = 0;
 	spec->is_stdin = 1;
-	spec->driver = &no_func_name;
+	spec->driver = &section_headers;
 	return spec;
 static void patch_diff(const char *a, const char *b,
-			      struct diff_options *diffopt)
+		       struct diff_options *diffopt)
 		   get_filespec("a", a), get_filespec("b", b));
@@ -469,6 +521,7 @@
 			opts.output_format = DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH;
 		opts.flags.suppress_diff_headers = 1;
 		opts.flags.dual_color_diffed_diffs = dual_color;
+		opts.flags.suppress_hunk_header_line_count = 1;
 		opts.output_prefix = output_prefix_cb;
 		strbuf_addstr(&indent, "    ");
 		opts.output_prefix_data = &indent;
diff --git a/read-cache.c b/read-cache.c
index 7a07286..133f790 100644
--- a/read-cache.c
+++ b/read-cache.c
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@
 	if (istate->cache_nr > 0 &&
 		strcmp(ce->name, istate->cache[istate->cache_nr - 1]->name) > 0)
-		pos = -istate->cache_nr - 1;
+		pos = index_pos_to_insert_pos(istate->cache_nr);
 		pos = index_name_stage_pos(istate, ce->name, ce_namelen(ce), ce_stage(ce));
@@ -1472,6 +1472,27 @@
 	printf(fmt, name);
+int repo_refresh_and_write_index(struct repository *repo,
+				 unsigned int refresh_flags,
+				 unsigned int write_flags,
+				 int gentle,
+				 const struct pathspec *pathspec,
+				 char *seen, const char *header_msg)
+	struct lock_file lock_file = LOCK_INIT;
+	int fd, ret = 0;
+	fd = repo_hold_locked_index(repo, &lock_file, 0);
+	if (!gentle && fd < 0)
+		return -1;
+	if (refresh_index(repo->index, refresh_flags, pathspec, seen, header_msg))
+		ret = 1;
+	if (0 <= fd && write_locked_index(repo->index, &lock_file, COMMIT_LOCK | write_flags))
+		ret = -1;
+	return ret;
 int refresh_index(struct index_state *istate, unsigned int flags,
 		  const struct pathspec *pathspec,
 		  char *seen, const char *header_msg)
@@ -1894,7 +1915,7 @@
 	 * Account for potential alignment differences.
-	per_entry += align_padding_size(sizeof(struct cache_entry), -sizeof(struct ondisk_cache_entry));
+	per_entry += align_padding_size(per_entry, 0);
 	return ondisk_size + entries * per_entry;
@@ -2140,7 +2161,7 @@
 	if (mmap_size < sizeof(struct cache_header) + the_hash_algo->rawsz)
 		die(_("%s: index file smaller than expected"), path);
-	mmap = xmmap(NULL, mmap_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
+	mmap = xmmap_gently(NULL, mmap_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
 	if (mmap == MAP_FAILED)
 		die_errno(_("%s: unable to map index file"), path);
diff --git a/ref-filter.c b/ref-filter.c
index f27cfc8..6867e33 100644
--- a/ref-filter.c
+++ b/ref-filter.c
@@ -79,17 +79,20 @@
 } oi, oi_deref;
 struct ref_to_worktree_entry {
-	struct hashmap_entry ent; /* must be the first member! */
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	struct worktree *wt; /* key is wt->head_ref */
 static int ref_to_worktree_map_cmpfnc(const void *unused_lookupdata,
-				      const void *existing_hashmap_entry_to_test,
-				      const void *key,
+				      const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+				      const struct hashmap_entry *kptr,
 				      const void *keydata_aka_refname)
-	const struct ref_to_worktree_entry *e = existing_hashmap_entry_to_test;
-	const struct ref_to_worktree_entry *k = key;
+	const struct ref_to_worktree_entry *e, *k;
+	e = container_of(eptr, const struct ref_to_worktree_entry, ent);
+	k = container_of(kptr, const struct ref_to_worktree_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(e->wt->head_ref,
 		keydata_aka_refname ? keydata_aka_refname : k->wt->head_ref);
@@ -1028,7 +1031,7 @@
 		if (!strncmp(cp, " <", 2))
 			return xmemdupz(buf, cp - buf);
-	return "";
+	return xstrdup("");
 static const char *copy_email(const char *buf)
@@ -1036,10 +1039,10 @@
 	const char *email = strchr(buf, '<');
 	const char *eoemail;
 	if (!email)
-		return "";
+		return xstrdup("");
 	eoemail = strchr(email, '>');
 	if (!eoemail)
-		return "";
+		return xstrdup("");
 	return xmemdupz(email, eoemail + 1 - email);
@@ -1565,9 +1568,10 @@
 			struct ref_to_worktree_entry *entry;
 			entry = xmalloc(sizeof(*entry));
 			entry->wt = worktrees[i];
-			hashmap_entry_init(entry, strhash(worktrees[i]->head_ref));
+			hashmap_entry_init(&entry->ent,
+					strhash(worktrees[i]->head_ref));
-			hashmap_add(map, entry);
+			hashmap_add(map, &entry->ent);
@@ -1584,18 +1588,20 @@
 static char *get_worktree_path(const struct used_atom *atom, const struct ref_array_item *ref)
-	struct hashmap_entry entry;
+	struct hashmap_entry entry, *e;
 	struct ref_to_worktree_entry *lookup_result;
 	hashmap_entry_init(&entry, strhash(ref->refname));
-	lookup_result = hashmap_get(&(, &entry, ref->refname);
+	e = hashmap_get(&(, &entry, ref->refname);
-	if (lookup_result)
-		return xstrdup(lookup_result->wt->path);
-	else
+	if (!e)
 		return xstrdup("");
+	lookup_result = container_of(e, struct ref_to_worktree_entry, ent);
+	return xstrdup(lookup_result->wt->path);
@@ -1766,7 +1772,7 @@
 	 * If it is a tag object, see if we use a value that derefs
 	 * the object, and if we do grab the object it refers to.
-	oi_deref.oid = ((struct tag *)obj)->tagged->oid;
+	oi_deref.oid = *get_tagged_oid((struct tag *)obj);
 	 * NEEDSWORK: This derefs tag only once, which
@@ -1997,7 +2003,7 @@
 	if (!obj)
 		die(_("malformed object at '%s'"), refname);
 	if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG)
-		tagged_oid = &((struct tag *)obj)->tagged->oid;
+		tagged_oid = get_tagged_oid((struct tag *)obj);
 	if (tagged_oid && oid_array_lookup(points_at, tagged_oid) >= 0)
 		return tagged_oid;
 	return NULL;
@@ -2166,7 +2172,8 @@
 	used_atom_cnt = 0;
 	if (ref_to_worktree_map.worktrees) {
-		hashmap_free(&(, 1);
+		hashmap_free_entries(&(,
+					struct ref_to_worktree_entry, ent);
 		ref_to_worktree_map.worktrees = NULL;
diff --git a/refs.c b/refs.c
index cd297ee..1ab0bb5 100644
--- a/refs.c
+++ b/refs.c
@@ -1772,7 +1772,7 @@
 struct ref_store_hash_entry
-	struct hashmap_entry ent; /* must be the first member! */
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	struct ref_store *refs;
@@ -1781,11 +1781,16 @@
 static int ref_store_hash_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			      const void *entry, const void *entry_or_key,
+			      const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			      const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			      const void *keydata)
-	const struct ref_store_hash_entry *e1 = entry, *e2 = entry_or_key;
-	const char *name = keydata ? keydata : e2->name;
+	const struct ref_store_hash_entry *e1, *e2;
+	const char *name;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct ref_store_hash_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct ref_store_hash_entry, ent);
+	name = keydata ? keydata : e2->name;
 	return strcmp(e1->name, name);
@@ -1796,7 +1801,7 @@
 	struct ref_store_hash_entry *entry;
 	FLEX_ALLOC_STR(entry, name, name);
-	hashmap_entry_init(entry, strhash(name));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&entry->ent, strhash(name));
 	entry->refs = refs;
 	return entry;
@@ -1815,12 +1820,15 @@
 					      const char *name)
 	struct ref_store_hash_entry *entry;
+	unsigned int hash;
 	if (!map->tablesize)
 		/* It's initialized on demand in register_ref_store(). */
 		return NULL;
-	entry = hashmap_get_from_hash(map, strhash(name), name);
+	hash = strhash(name);
+	entry = hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(map, hash, name,
+					struct ref_store_hash_entry, ent);
 	return entry ? entry->refs : NULL;
@@ -1863,10 +1871,13 @@
 				   struct ref_store *refs,
 				   const char *name)
+	struct ref_store_hash_entry *entry;
 	if (!map->tablesize)
 		hashmap_init(map, ref_store_hash_cmp, NULL, 0);
-	if (hashmap_put(map, alloc_ref_store_hash_entry(name, refs)))
+	entry = alloc_ref_store_hash_entry(name, refs);
+	if (hashmap_put(map, &entry->ent))
 		BUG("%s ref_store '%s' initialized twice", type, name);
diff --git a/refs/files-backend.c b/refs/files-backend.c
index 63e55e6..d60767a 100644
--- a/refs/files-backend.c
+++ b/refs/files-backend.c
@@ -2143,13 +2143,24 @@
 static struct ref_iterator *reflog_iterator_begin(struct ref_store *ref_store,
 						  const char *gitdir)
-	struct files_reflog_iterator *iter = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*iter));
-	struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator = &iter->base;
+	struct dir_iterator *diter;
+	struct files_reflog_iterator *iter;
+	struct ref_iterator *ref_iterator;
 	struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
-	base_ref_iterator_init(ref_iterator, &files_reflog_iterator_vtable, 0);
 	strbuf_addf(&sb, "%s/logs", gitdir);
-	iter->dir_iterator = dir_iterator_begin(sb.buf);
+	diter = dir_iterator_begin(sb.buf, 0);
+	if (!diter) {
+		strbuf_release(&sb);
+		return empty_ref_iterator_begin();
+	}
+	iter = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*iter));
+	ref_iterator = &iter->base;
+	base_ref_iterator_init(ref_iterator, &files_reflog_iterator_vtable, 0);
+	iter->dir_iterator = diter;
 	iter->ref_store = ref_store;
diff --git a/refs/packed-backend.c b/refs/packed-backend.c
index c01c7f5..4458a0f 100644
--- a/refs/packed-backend.c
+++ b/refs/packed-backend.c
@@ -1012,14 +1012,23 @@
-	 * Now that we hold the `packed-refs` lock, make sure that our
-	 * snapshot matches the current version of the file. Normally
-	 * `get_snapshot()` does that for us, but that function
-	 * assumes that when the file is locked, any existing snapshot
-	 * is still valid. We've just locked the file, but it might
-	 * have changed the moment *before* we locked it.
+	 * There is a stat-validity problem might cause `update-ref -d`
+	 * lost the newly commit of a ref, because a new `packed-refs`
+	 * file might has the same on-disk file attributes such as
+	 * timestamp, file size and inode value, but has a changed
+	 * ref value.
+	 *
+	 * This could happen with a very small chance when
+	 * `update-ref -d` is called and at the same time another
+	 * `pack-refs --all` process is running.
+	 *
+	 * Now that we hold the `packed-refs` lock, it is important
+	 * to make sure we could read the latest version of
+	 * `packed-refs` file no matter we have just mmap it or not.
+	 * So what need to do is clear the snapshot if we hold it
+	 * already.
-	validate_snapshot(refs);
+	clear_snapshot(refs);
 	 * Now make sure that the packed-refs file as it exists in the
diff --git a/remote-curl.c b/remote-curl.c
index 051f266..350d92a 100644
--- a/remote-curl.c
+++ b/remote-curl.c
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 		push_cert : 2,
 		deepen_relative : 1,
 		from_promisor : 1,
-		no_dependents : 1;
+		no_dependents : 1,
+		atomic : 1;
 static struct options options;
 static struct string_list cas_options = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
@@ -148,6 +149,14 @@
 			return -1;
 		return 0;
+	} else if (!strcmp(name, "atomic")) {
+		if (!strcmp(value, "true"))
+			options.atomic = 1;
+		else if (!strcmp(value, "false"))
+			options.atomic = 0;
+		else
+			return -1;
+		return 0;
 	} else if (!strcmp(name, "push-option")) {
 		if (*value != '"')
 			string_list_append(&options.push_options, value);
@@ -1154,7 +1163,7 @@
-static int push_dav(int nr_spec, char **specs)
+static int push_dav(int nr_spec, const char **specs)
 	struct child_process child = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
 	size_t i;
@@ -1175,7 +1184,7 @@
 	return 0;
-static int push_git(struct discovery *heads, int nr_spec, char **specs)
+static int push_git(struct discovery *heads, int nr_spec, const char **specs)
 	struct rpc_state rpc;
 	int i, err;
@@ -1196,6 +1205,8 @@
 		argv_array_push(&args, "--signed=yes");
 	else if (options.push_cert == SEND_PACK_PUSH_CERT_IF_ASKED)
 		argv_array_push(&args, "--signed=if-asked");
+	if (options.atomic)
+		argv_array_push(&args, "--atomic");
 	if (options.verbosity == 0)
 		argv_array_push(&args, "--quiet");
 	else if (options.verbosity > 1)
@@ -1225,7 +1236,7 @@
 	return err;
-static int push(int nr_spec, char **specs)
+static int push(int nr_spec, const char **specs)
 	struct discovery *heads = discover_refs("git-receive-pack", 1);
 	int ret;
@@ -1240,14 +1251,12 @@
 static void parse_push(struct strbuf *buf)
-	char **specs = NULL;
-	int alloc_spec = 0, nr_spec = 0, i, ret;
+	struct argv_array specs = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
+	int ret;
 	do {
-		if (starts_with(buf->buf, "push ")) {
-			ALLOC_GROW(specs, nr_spec + 1, alloc_spec);
-			specs[nr_spec++] = xstrdup(buf->buf + 5);
-		}
+		if (starts_with(buf->buf, "push "))
+			argv_array_push(&specs, buf->buf + 5);
 			die(_("http transport does not support %s"), buf->buf);
@@ -1258,7 +1267,7 @@
 	} while (1);
-	ret = push(nr_spec, specs);
+	ret = push(specs.argc, specs.argv);
@@ -1266,9 +1275,7 @@
 		exit(128); /* error already reported */
-	for (i = 0; i < nr_spec; i++)
-		free(specs[i]);
-	free(specs);
+	argv_array_clear(&specs);
 static int stateless_connect(const char *service_name)
diff --git a/remote.c b/remote.c
index e50f760..5c4666b 100644
--- a/remote.c
+++ b/remote.c
@@ -111,14 +111,16 @@
 static int remotes_hash_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			    const void *entry,
-			    const void *entry_or_key,
+			    const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			    const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			    const void *keydata)
-	const struct remote *a = entry;
-	const struct remote *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct remote *a, *b;
 	const struct remotes_hash_key *key = keydata;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct remote, ent);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct remote, ent);
 	if (key)
 		return strncmp(a->name, key->str, key->len) || a->name[key->len];
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@
 	struct remote *ret, *replaced;
 	struct remotes_hash_key lookup;
-	struct hashmap_entry lookup_entry;
+	struct hashmap_entry lookup_entry, *e;
 	if (!len)
 		len = strlen(name);
@@ -145,8 +147,9 @@
 	lookup.len = len;
 	hashmap_entry_init(&lookup_entry, memhash(name, len));
-	if ((ret = hashmap_get(&remotes_hash, &lookup_entry, &lookup)) != NULL)
-		return ret;
+	e = hashmap_get(&remotes_hash, &lookup_entry, &lookup);
+	if (e)
+		return container_of(e, struct remote, ent);
 	ret = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct remote));
 	ret->prune = -1;  /* unspecified */
@@ -158,8 +161,8 @@
 	ALLOC_GROW(remotes, remotes_nr + 1, remotes_alloc);
 	remotes[remotes_nr++] = ret;
-	hashmap_entry_init(ret, lookup_entry.hash);
-	replaced = hashmap_put(&remotes_hash, ret);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&ret->ent, lookup_entry.hash);
+	replaced = hashmap_put_entry(&remotes_hash, ret, ent);
 	assert(replaced == NULL);  /* no previous entry overwritten */
 	return ret;
diff --git a/remote.h b/remote.h
index 83e8856..0e1d2b2 100644
--- a/remote.h
+++ b/remote.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 struct remote {
-	struct hashmap_entry ent;  /* must be first */
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	const char *name;
 	int origin, configured_in_repo;
diff --git a/repo-settings.c b/repo-settings.c
index 3fed31e..a703e40 100644
--- a/repo-settings.c
+++ b/repo-settings.c
@@ -49,10 +49,14 @@
 		UPDATE_DEFAULT_BOOL(r->settings.index_version, 4);
 		UPDATE_DEFAULT_BOOL(r->settings.core_untracked_cache, UNTRACKED_CACHE_WRITE);
+	if (!repo_config_get_bool(r, "fetch.writecommitgraph", &value))
+		r->settings.fetch_write_commit_graph = value;
 	if (!repo_config_get_bool(r, "feature.experimental", &value) && value) {
 		UPDATE_DEFAULT_BOOL(r->settings.pack_use_sparse, 1);
 		UPDATE_DEFAULT_BOOL(r->settings.fetch_negotiation_algorithm, FETCH_NEGOTIATION_SKIPPING);
+		UPDATE_DEFAULT_BOOL(r->settings.fetch_write_commit_graph, 1);
+	UPDATE_DEFAULT_BOOL(r->settings.fetch_write_commit_graph, 0);
 	/* Hack for test programs like test-dump-untracked-cache */
 	if (ignore_untracked_cache_config)
diff --git a/repository.h b/repository.h
index 4da275e..fe42197 100644
--- a/repository.h
+++ b/repository.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 	int core_commit_graph;
 	int gc_write_commit_graph;
+	int fetch_write_commit_graph;
 	int index_version;
 	enum untracked_cache_setting core_untracked_cache;
@@ -124,6 +125,9 @@
 	/* A unique-id for tracing purposes. */
 	int trace2_repo_id;
+	/* True if commit-graph has been disabled within this process. */
+	int commit_graph_disabled;
 	/* Configurations */
 	/* Indicate if a repository has a different 'commondir' from 'gitdir' */
diff --git a/rerere.c b/rerere.c
index 17abb47..3e51fdf 100644
--- a/rerere.c
+++ b/rerere.c
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 static const char *rerere_id_hex(const struct rerere_id *id)
-	return sha1_to_hex(id->collection->hash);
+	return hash_to_hex(id->collection->hash);
 static void fit_variant(struct rerere_dir *rr_dir, int variant)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 static void scan_rerere_dir(struct rerere_dir *rr_dir)
 	struct dirent *de;
-	DIR *dir = opendir(git_path("rr-cache/%s", sha1_to_hex(rr_dir->hash)));
+	DIR *dir = opendir(git_path("rr-cache/%s", hash_to_hex(rr_dir->hash)));
 	if (!dir)
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@
 	return id;
-static struct rerere_id *new_rerere_id(unsigned char *sha1)
+static struct rerere_id *new_rerere_id(unsigned char *hash)
-	return new_rerere_id_hex(sha1_to_hex(sha1));
+	return new_rerere_id_hex(hash_to_hex(hash));
diff --git a/revision.c b/revision.c
index 0741229..0e39b2b 100644
--- a/revision.c
+++ b/revision.c
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "commit-graph.h"
 #include "prio-queue.h"
 #include "hashmap.h"
+#include "utf8.h"
 volatile show_early_output_fn_t show_early_output;
@@ -107,30 +108,34 @@
 static int path_and_oids_cmp(const void *hashmap_cmp_fn_data,
-			     const struct path_and_oids_entry *e1,
-			     const struct path_and_oids_entry *e2,
+			     const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			     const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			     const void *keydata)
+	const struct path_and_oids_entry *e1, *e2;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct path_and_oids_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct path_and_oids_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(e1->path, e2->path);
 static void paths_and_oids_init(struct hashmap *map)
-	hashmap_init(map, (hashmap_cmp_fn) path_and_oids_cmp, NULL, 0);
+	hashmap_init(map, path_and_oids_cmp, NULL, 0);
 static void paths_and_oids_clear(struct hashmap *map)
 	struct hashmap_iter iter;
 	struct path_and_oids_entry *entry;
-	hashmap_iter_init(map, &iter);
-	while ((entry = (struct path_and_oids_entry *)hashmap_iter_next(&iter))) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(map, &iter, entry, ent /* member name */) {
-	hashmap_free(map, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(map, struct path_and_oids_entry, ent);
 static void paths_and_oids_insert(struct hashmap *map,
@@ -141,18 +146,19 @@
 	struct path_and_oids_entry key;
 	struct path_and_oids_entry *entry;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, hash);
 	/* use a shallow copy for the lookup */
 	key.path = (char *)path;
 	oidset_init(&key.trees, 0);
-	if (!(entry = (struct path_and_oids_entry *)hashmap_get(map, &key, NULL))) {
+	entry = hashmap_get_entry(map, &key, ent, NULL);
+	if (!entry) {
 		entry = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct path_and_oids_entry));
-		hashmap_entry_init(entry, hash);
+		hashmap_entry_init(&entry->ent, hash);
 		entry->path = xstrdup(key.path);
 		oidset_init(&entry->trees, 16);
-		hashmap_put(map, entry);
+		hashmap_put(map, &entry->ent);
 	oidset_insert(&entry->trees, oid);
@@ -235,8 +241,7 @@
 		add_children_by_path(r, tree, &map);
-	hashmap_iter_init(&map, &map_iter);
-	while ((entry = hashmap_iter_next(&map_iter)))
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&map, &map_iter, entry, ent /* member name */)
 		mark_trees_uninteresting_sparse(r, &entry->trees);
@@ -404,9 +409,7 @@
 		struct tag *tag = (struct tag *) object;
 		if (revs->tag_objects && !(flags & UNINTERESTING))
 			add_pending_object(revs, object, tag->tag);
-		if (!tag->tagged)
-			die("bad tag");
-		object = parse_object(revs->repo, &tag->tagged->oid);
+		object = parse_object(revs->repo, get_tagged_oid(tag));
 		if (!object) {
 			if (revs->ignore_missing_links || (flags & UNINTERESTING))
 				return NULL;
@@ -2063,7 +2066,6 @@
 		revs->simplify_by_decoration = 1;
 		revs->limited = 1;
 		revs->prune = 1;
-		load_ref_decorations(NULL, DECORATE_SHORT_REFS);
 	} else if (!strcmp(arg, "--date-order")) {
 		revs->sort_order = REV_SORT_BY_COMMIT_DATE;
 		revs->topo_order = 1;
@@ -2523,6 +2525,7 @@
 	int i, flags, left, seen_dashdash, got_rev_arg = 0, revarg_opt;
 	struct argv_array prune_data = ARGV_ARRAY_INIT;
 	const char *submodule = NULL;
+	int seen_end_of_options = 0;
 	if (opt)
 		submodule = opt->submodule;
@@ -2552,7 +2555,7 @@
 	for (left = i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
 		const char *arg = argv[i];
-		if (*arg == '-') {
+		if (!seen_end_of_options && *arg == '-') {
 			int opts;
 			opts = handle_revision_pseudo_opt(submodule,
@@ -2574,6 +2577,11 @@
+			if (!strcmp(arg, "--end-of-options")) {
+				seen_end_of_options = 1;
+				continue;
+			}
 			opts = handle_revision_opt(revs, argc - i, argv + i,
 						   &left, argv, opt);
 			if (opts > 0) {
@@ -2684,6 +2692,8 @@
+	if (!is_encoding_utf8(get_log_output_encoding()))
+		revs->grep_filter.ignore_locale = 1;
 	if (revs->reverse && revs->reflog_info)
diff --git a/send-pack.c b/send-pack.c
index 6dc16c3..34c77cb 100644
--- a/send-pack.c
+++ b/send-pack.c
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 static void feed_object(const struct object_id *oid, FILE *fh, int negative)
-	if (negative && !has_object_file(oid))
+	if (negative &&
+	    !has_object_file_with_flags(oid, OBJECT_INFO_SKIP_FETCH_OBJECT))
 	if (negative)
diff --git a/sequencer.c b/sequencer.c
index 34ebf8e..9d5964f 100644
--- a/sequencer.c
+++ b/sequencer.c
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
 			      struct replay_opts *opts)
 	struct merge_options o;
-	struct tree *result, *next_tree, *base_tree, *head_tree;
+	struct tree *next_tree, *base_tree, *head_tree;
 	int clean;
 	char **xopt;
 	struct lock_file index_lock = LOCK_INIT;
@@ -613,11 +613,10 @@
 	clean = merge_trees(&o,
-			    next_tree, base_tree, &result);
+			    next_tree, base_tree);
 	if (is_rebase_i(opts) && clean <= 0)
 		fputs(o.obuf.buf, stdout);
-	diff_warn_rename_limit("merge.renamelimit", o.needed_rename_limit, 0);
 	if (clean < 0) {
 		return clean;
@@ -869,34 +868,6 @@
 	return NULL;
-/* Read author-script and return an ident line (author <email> timestamp) */
-static const char *read_author_ident(struct strbuf *buf)
-	struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
-	char *name, *email, *date;
-	if (read_author_script(rebase_path_author_script(),
-			       &name, &email, &date, 0))
-		return NULL;
-	/* validate date since fmt_ident() will die() on bad value */
-	if (parse_date(date, &out)){
-		warning(_("invalid date format '%s' in '%s'"),
-			date, rebase_path_author_script());
-		strbuf_release(&out);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	strbuf_reset(&out);
-	strbuf_addstr(&out, fmt_ident(name, email, WANT_AUTHOR_IDENT, date, 0));
-	strbuf_swap(buf, &out);
-	strbuf_release(&out);
-	free(name);
-	free(email);
-	free(date);
-	return buf->buf;
 static const char staged_changes_advice[] =
 N_("you have staged changes in your working tree\n"
 "If these changes are meant to be squashed into the previous commit, run:\n"
@@ -954,47 +925,6 @@
 	struct child_process cmd = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
-	if ((flags & CREATE_ROOT_COMMIT) && !(flags & AMEND_MSG)) {
-		struct strbuf msg = STRBUF_INIT, script = STRBUF_INIT;
-		const char *author = NULL;
-		struct object_id root_commit, *cache_tree_oid;
-		int res = 0;
-		if (is_rebase_i(opts)) {
-			author = read_author_ident(&script);
-			if (!author) {
-				strbuf_release(&script);
-				return -1;
-			}
-		}
-		if (!defmsg)
-			BUG("root commit without message");
-		if (!(cache_tree_oid = get_cache_tree_oid(r->index)))
-			res = -1;
-		if (!res)
-			res = strbuf_read_file(&msg, defmsg, 0);
-		if (res <= 0)
-			res = error_errno(_("could not read '%s'"), defmsg);
-		else
-			res = commit_tree(msg.buf, msg.len, cache_tree_oid,
-					  NULL, &root_commit, author,
-					  opts->gpg_sign);
-		strbuf_release(&msg);
-		strbuf_release(&script);
-		if (!res) {
-			update_ref(NULL, "CHERRY_PICK_HEAD", &root_commit, NULL,
-			res = update_ref(NULL, "HEAD", &root_commit, NULL, 0,
-		}
-		return res < 0 ? error(_("writing root commit")) : 0;
-	}
 	cmd.git_cmd = 1;
 	if (is_rebase_i(opts) && read_env_script(&cmd.env_array)) {
@@ -1378,7 +1308,7 @@
 			 struct object_id *oid)
 	struct object_id tree;
-	struct commit *current_head;
+	struct commit *current_head = NULL;
 	struct commit_list *parents = NULL;
 	struct commit_extra_header *extra = NULL;
 	struct strbuf err = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -1413,7 +1343,8 @@
 		parents = copy_commit_list(current_head->parents);
 		extra = read_commit_extra_headers(current_head, exclude_gpgsig);
-	} else if (current_head) {
+	} else if (current_head &&
+		   (!(flags & CREATE_ROOT_COMMIT) || (flags & AMEND_MSG))) {
 		commit_list_insert(current_head, &parents);
@@ -1490,8 +1421,7 @@
 	int res = 1;
-	if (!(flags & EDIT_MSG) && !(flags & VERIFY_MSG) &&
-	    !(flags & CREATE_ROOT_COMMIT)) {
+	if (!(flags & EDIT_MSG) && !(flags & VERIFY_MSG)) {
 		struct object_id oid;
 		struct strbuf sb = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -1775,7 +1705,7 @@
 			  enum todo_command command,
 			  struct commit *commit,
 			  struct replay_opts *opts,
-			  int final_fixup)
+			  int final_fixup, int *check_todo)
 	unsigned int flags = opts->edit ? EDIT_MSG : 0;
 	const char *msg_file = opts->edit ? NULL : git_path_merge_msg(r);
@@ -1785,7 +1715,7 @@
 	char *author = NULL;
 	struct commit_message msg = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
 	struct strbuf msgbuf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	int res, unborn = 0, allow;
+	int res, unborn = 0, reword = 0, allow;
 	if (opts->no_commit) {
@@ -1855,7 +1785,7 @@
 		if (res || command != TODO_REWORD)
 			goto leave;
+		reword = 1;
 		msg_file = NULL;
 		goto fast_forward_edit;
@@ -1913,7 +1843,7 @@
 	if (command == TODO_REWORD)
-		flags |= EDIT_MSG | VERIFY_MSG;
+		reword = 1;
 	else if (is_fixup(command)) {
 		if (update_squash_messages(r, command, commit, opts))
 			return -1;
@@ -1997,13 +1927,21 @@
 	} else if (allow)
 		flags |= ALLOW_EMPTY;
 	if (!opts->no_commit) {
 		if (author || command == TODO_REVERT || (flags & AMEND_MSG))
 			res = do_commit(r, msg_file, author, opts, flags);
 			res = error(_("unable to parse commit author"));
+		*check_todo = !!(flags & EDIT_MSG);
+		if (!res && reword) {
+			res = run_git_commit(r, NULL, opts, EDIT_MSG |
+					     VERIFY_MSG | AMEND_MSG |
+					     (flags & ALLOW_EMPTY));
+			*check_todo = 1;
+		}
 	if (!res && final_fixup) {
@@ -3364,6 +3302,9 @@
 	struct commit *head_commit, *merge_commit, *i;
 	struct commit_list *bases, *j, *reversed = NULL;
 	struct commit_list *to_merge = NULL, **tail = &to_merge;
+	const char *strategy = !opts->xopts_nr &&
+		(!opts->strategy || !strcmp(opts->strategy, "recursive")) ?
+		NULL : opts->strategy;
 	struct merge_options o;
 	int merge_arg_len, oneline_offset, can_fast_forward, ret, k;
 	static struct lock_file lock;
@@ -3516,7 +3457,7 @@
 		goto leave_merge;
-	if (to_merge->next) {
+	if (strategy || to_merge->next) {
 		/* Octopus merge */
 		struct child_process cmd = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
@@ -3530,7 +3471,14 @@
 		cmd.git_cmd = 1;
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "merge");
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "-s");
-		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "octopus");
+		if (!strategy)
+			argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "octopus");
+		else {
+			argv_array_push(&cmd.args, strategy);
+			for (k = 0; k < opts->xopts_nr; k++)
+				argv_array_pushf(&cmd.args,
+						 "-X%s", opts->xopts[k]);
+		}
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--no-edit");
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--no-ff");
 		argv_array_push(&cmd.args, "--no-log");
@@ -3568,7 +3516,7 @@
 		goto leave_merge;
-	write_message(oid_to_hex(&merge_commit->object.oid), GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ,
+	write_message(oid_to_hex(&merge_commit->object.oid), the_hash_algo->hexsz,
 		      git_path_merge_head(r), 0);
 	write_message("no-ff", 5, git_path_merge_mode(r), 0);
@@ -3818,6 +3766,7 @@
 	while (todo_list->current < todo_list->nr) {
 		struct todo_item *item = todo_list->items + todo_list->current;
 		const char *arg = todo_item_get_arg(todo_list, item);
+		int check_todo = 0;
 		if (save_todo(todo_list, opts))
 			return -1;
@@ -3856,7 +3805,8 @@
 					command_to_string(item->command), NULL),
 			res = do_pick_commit(r, item->command, item->commit,
-					opts, is_final_fixup(todo_list));
+					     opts, is_final_fixup(todo_list),
+					     &check_todo);
 			if (is_rebase_i(opts) && res < 0) {
 				/* Reschedule */
@@ -3913,7 +3863,6 @@
 		} else if (item->command == TODO_EXEC) {
 			char *end_of_arg = (char *)(arg + item->arg_len);
 			int saved = *end_of_arg;
-			struct stat st;
 			if (!opts->verbose)
@@ -3924,17 +3873,8 @@
 			if (res) {
 				if (opts->reschedule_failed_exec)
 					reschedule = 1;
-			} else if (stat(get_todo_path(opts), &st))
-				res = error_errno(_("could not stat '%s'"),
-						  get_todo_path(opts));
-			else if (match_stat_data(&todo_list->stat, &st)) {
-				/* Reread the todo file if it has changed. */
-				todo_list_release(todo_list);
-				if (read_populate_todo(r, todo_list, opts))
-					res = -1; /* message was printed */
-				/* `current` will be incremented below */
-				todo_list->current = -1;
+			check_todo = 1;
 		} else if (item->command == TODO_LABEL) {
 			if ((res = do_label(r, arg, item->arg_len)))
 				reschedule = 1;
@@ -3970,6 +3910,20 @@
 							arg, item->arg_len,
 							opts, res, 0);
+		} else if (check_todo && !res) {
+			struct stat st;
+			if (stat(get_todo_path(opts), &st)) {
+				res = error_errno(_("could not stat '%s'"),
+						  get_todo_path(opts));
+			} else if (match_stat_data(&todo_list->stat, &st)) {
+				/* Reread the todo file if it has changed. */
+				todo_list_release(todo_list);
+				if (read_populate_todo(r, todo_list, opts))
+					res = -1; /* message was printed */
+				/* `current` will be incremented below */
+				todo_list->current = -1;
+			}
@@ -4296,9 +4250,12 @@
 		       struct commit *cmit,
 		       struct replay_opts *opts)
+	int check_todo;
 	setenv(GIT_REFLOG_ACTION, action_name(opts), 0);
 	return do_pick_commit(r, opts->action == REPLAY_PICK ?
-		TODO_PICK : TODO_REVERT, cmit, opts, 0);
+			      TODO_PICK : TODO_REVERT, cmit, opts, 0,
+			      &check_todo);
 int sequencer_pick_revisions(struct repository *r,
@@ -4440,9 +4397,14 @@
 	char label[FLEX_ARRAY];
-static int labels_cmp(const void *fndata, const struct labels_entry *a,
-		      const struct labels_entry *b, const void *key)
+static int labels_cmp(const void *fndata, const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+		      const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key, const void *key)
+	const struct labels_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct labels_entry, entry);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct labels_entry, entry);
 	return key ? strcmp(a->label, key) : strcmp(a->label, b->label);
@@ -4487,7 +4449,7 @@
 		char *p;
-		strbuf_grow(&state->buf, GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ);
+		strbuf_grow(&state->buf, GIT_MAX_HEXSZ);
 		label = p = state->buf.buf;
 		find_unique_abbrev_r(p, oid, default_abbrev);
@@ -4500,7 +4462,7 @@
 			size_t i = strlen(p) + 1;
 			oid_to_hex_r(p, oid);
-			for (; i < GIT_SHA1_HEXSZ; i++) {
+			for (; i < the_hash_algo->hexsz; i++) {
 				char save = p[i];
 				p[i] = '\0';
 				if (!hashmap_get_from_hash(&state->labels,
@@ -4538,8 +4500,8 @@
 	FLEX_ALLOC_STR(labels_entry, label, label);
-	hashmap_entry_init(labels_entry, strihash(label));
-	hashmap_add(&state->labels, labels_entry);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&labels_entry->entry, strihash(label));
+	hashmap_add(&state->labels, &labels_entry->entry);
 	FLEX_ALLOC_STR(string_entry, string, label);
 	oidcpy(&string_entry->entry.oid, oid);
@@ -4554,6 +4516,7 @@
 	int keep_empty = flags & TODO_LIST_KEEP_EMPTY;
 	int rebase_cousins = flags & TODO_LIST_REBASE_COUSINS;
+	int root_with_onto = flags & TODO_LIST_ROOT_WITH_ONTO;
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT, oneline = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct strbuf label = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct commit_list *commits = NULL, **tail = &commits, *iter;
@@ -4573,7 +4536,7 @@
 	oidmap_init(&commit2todo, 0);
 	oidmap_init(&state.commit2label, 0);
-	hashmap_init(&state.labels, (hashmap_cmp_fn) labels_cmp, NULL, 0);
+	hashmap_init(&state.labels, labels_cmp, NULL, 0);
 	strbuf_init(&state.buf, 32);
 	if (revs-> && (revs->cmdline.rev[0].flags & BOTTOM)) {
@@ -4720,7 +4683,8 @@
 		if (!commit)
 			strbuf_addf(out, "%s %s\n", cmd_reset,
-				    rebase_cousins ? "onto" : "[new root]");
+				    rebase_cousins || root_with_onto ?
+				    "onto" : "[new root]");
 		else {
 			const char *to = NULL;
@@ -4767,7 +4731,7 @@
 	oidmap_free(&commit2todo, 1);
 	oidmap_free(&state.commit2label, 1);
-	hashmap_free(&state.labels, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&state.labels, struct labels_entry, entry);
 	return 0;
@@ -5138,9 +5102,15 @@
 static int subject2item_cmp(const void *fndata,
-			    const struct subject2item_entry *a,
-			    const struct subject2item_entry *b, const void *key)
+			    const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			    const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
+			    const void *key)
+	const struct subject2item_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct subject2item_entry, entry);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct subject2item_entry, entry);
 	return key ? strcmp(a->subject, key) : strcmp(a->subject, b->subject);
@@ -5173,8 +5143,7 @@
 	 * In that case, last[i] will indicate the index of the latest item to
 	 * be moved to appear after the i'th.
-	hashmap_init(&subject2item, (hashmap_cmp_fn) subject2item_cmp,
-		     NULL, todo_list->nr);
+	hashmap_init(&subject2item, subject2item_cmp, NULL, todo_list->nr);
 	ALLOC_ARRAY(next, todo_list->nr);
 	ALLOC_ARRAY(tail, todo_list->nr);
 	ALLOC_ARRAY(subjects, todo_list->nr);
@@ -5217,8 +5186,11 @@
-			if ((entry = hashmap_get_from_hash(&subject2item,
-							   strhash(p), p)))
+			entry = hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(&subject2item,
+						strhash(p), p,
+						struct subject2item_entry,
+						entry);
+			if (entry)
 				/* found by title */
 				i2 = entry->i;
 			else if (!strchr(p, ' ') &&
@@ -5252,8 +5224,9 @@
 						strhash(subject), subject)) {
 			FLEX_ALLOC_MEM(entry, subject, subject, subject_len);
 			entry->i = i;
-			hashmap_entry_init(entry, strhash(entry->subject));
-			hashmap_put(&subject2item, entry);
+			hashmap_entry_init(&entry->entry,
+					strhash(entry->subject));
+			hashmap_put(&subject2item, &entry->entry);
@@ -5287,7 +5260,7 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < todo_list->nr; i++)
-	hashmap_free(&subject2item, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&subject2item, struct subject2item_entry, entry);
diff --git a/sequencer.h b/sequencer.h
index 6704acb..574260f 100644
--- a/sequencer.h
+++ b/sequencer.h
@@ -143,6 +143,12 @@
+ * When generating a script that rebases merges with `--root` *and* with
+ * `--onto`, we do not want to re-generate the root commits.
+ */
+#define TODO_LIST_ROOT_WITH_ONTO (1U << 6)
 int sequencer_make_script(struct repository *r, struct strbuf *out, int argc,
 			  const char **argv, unsigned flags);
diff --git a/setup.c b/setup.c
index 8dcb463..e2a479a 100644
--- a/setup.c
+++ b/setup.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include "dir.h"
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "chdir-notify.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
 static int inside_git_dir = -1;
 static int inside_work_tree = -1;
@@ -478,7 +479,7 @@
 	repository_format_precious_objects = candidate->precious_objects;
-	repository_format_partial_clone = xstrdup_or_null(candidate->partial_clone);
+	set_repository_format_partial_clone(candidate->partial_clone);
 	repository_format_worktree_config = candidate->worktree_config;
 	string_list_clear(&candidate->unknown_extensions, 0);
@@ -797,7 +798,7 @@
 	inside_git_dir = 0;
 	inside_work_tree = 1;
-	if (offset == cwd->len)
+	if (offset >= cwd->len)
 		return NULL;
 	/* Make "offset" point past the '/' (already the case for root dirs) */
@@ -919,7 +920,7 @@
 	const char *env_ceiling_dirs = getenv(CEILING_DIRECTORIES_ENVIRONMENT);
 	struct string_list ceiling_dirs = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
 	const char *gitdirenv;
-	int ceil_offset = -1, min_offset = has_dos_drive_prefix(dir->buf) ? 3 : 1;
+	int ceil_offset = -1, min_offset = offset_1st_component(dir->buf);
 	dev_t current_device = 0;
 	int one_filesystem = 1;
@@ -947,6 +948,12 @@
 	if (ceil_offset < 0)
 		ceil_offset = min_offset - 2;
+	if (min_offset && min_offset == dir->len &&
+	    !is_dir_sep(dir->buf[min_offset - 1])) {
+		strbuf_addch(dir, '/');
+		min_offset++;
+	}
 	 * Test in the following order (relative to the dir):
 	 * - .git (file containing "gitdir: <path>")
diff --git a/sha1-file.c b/sha1-file.c
index 84fd02f..188de57 100644
--- a/sha1-file.c
+++ b/sha1-file.c
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 #include "mergesort.h"
 #include "quote.h"
 #include "packfile.h"
-#include "fetch-object.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
 /* The maximum size for an object header. */
 #define MAX_HEADER_LEN 32
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
 	"\x6f\xe1\x41\xf7\x74\x91\x20\xa3\x03\x72" \
-const unsigned char null_sha1[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ];
 const struct object_id null_oid;
 static const struct object_id empty_tree_oid = {
@@ -799,6 +798,7 @@
+	strbuf_release(&line);
 struct alternate_refs_data {
@@ -951,12 +951,8 @@
 	ret = mmap(start, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
-	if (ret == MAP_FAILED) {
-		if (!length)
-			return NULL;
-		release_pack_memory(length);
-		ret = mmap(start, length, prot, flags, fd, offset);
-	}
+	if (ret == MAP_FAILED && !length)
+		ret = NULL;
 	return ret;
@@ -1474,16 +1470,17 @@
 		/* Check if it is a missing object */
-		if (fetch_if_missing && repository_format_partial_clone &&
+		if (fetch_if_missing && has_promisor_remote() &&
 		    !already_retried && r == the_repository &&
 		    !(flags & OBJECT_INFO_SKIP_FETCH_OBJECT)) {
-			 * TODO Investigate having fetch_object() return
-			 * TODO error/success and stopping the music here.
-			 * TODO Pass a repository struct through fetch_object,
-			 * such that arbitrary repositories work.
+			 * TODO Investigate checking promisor_remote_get_direct()
+			 * TODO return value and stopping on error here.
+			 * TODO Pass a repository struct through
+			 * promisor_remote_get_direct(), such that arbitrary
+			 * repositories work.
-			fetch_objects(repository_format_partial_clone, real, 1);
+			promisor_remote_get_direct(r, real, 1);
 			already_retried = 1;
diff --git a/sha1-lookup.c b/sha1-lookup.c
index 796ab68..2918584 100644
--- a/sha1-lookup.c
+++ b/sha1-lookup.c
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
  * The sha1 of element i (between 0 and nr - 1) should be returned
  * by "fn(i, table)".
-int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *sha1, void *table, size_t nr,
+int sha1_pos(const unsigned char *hash, void *table, size_t nr,
 	     sha1_access_fn fn)
 	size_t hi = nr;
@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@
 	if (nr != 1) {
 		size_t lov, hiv, miv, ofs;
-		for (ofs = 0; ofs < 18; ofs += 2) {
+		for (ofs = 0; ofs < the_hash_algo->rawsz - 2; ofs += 2) {
 			lov = take2(fn(0, table) + ofs);
 			hiv = take2(fn(nr - 1, table) + ofs);
-			miv = take2(sha1 + ofs);
+			miv = take2(hash + ofs);
 			if (miv < lov)
 				return -1;
 			if (hiv < miv)
-				return -1 - nr;
+				return index_pos_to_insert_pos(nr);
 			if (lov != hiv) {
 				 * At this point miv could be equal
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 	do {
 		int cmp;
-		cmp = hashcmp(fn(mi, table), sha1);
+		cmp = hashcmp(fn(mi, table), hash);
 		if (!cmp)
 			return mi;
 		if (cmp > 0)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 			lo = mi + 1;
 		mi = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
 	} while (lo < hi);
-	return -lo-1;
+	return index_pos_to_insert_pos(lo);
 int bsearch_hash(const unsigned char *sha1, const uint32_t *fanout_nbo,
diff --git a/sha1-name.c b/sha1-name.c
index 2989e27..200eb37 100644
--- a/sha1-name.c
+++ b/sha1-name.c
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@
 	return collect_ambiguous(oid, data);
-static struct repository *sort_ambiguous_repo;
-static int sort_ambiguous(const void *a, const void *b)
+static int sort_ambiguous(const void *a, const void *b, void *ctx)
+	struct repository *sort_ambiguous_repo = ctx;
 	int a_type = oid_object_info(sort_ambiguous_repo, a, NULL);
 	int b_type = oid_object_info(sort_ambiguous_repo, b, NULL);
 	int a_type_sort;
@@ -434,10 +434,7 @@
 static void sort_ambiguous_oid_array(struct repository *r, struct oid_array *a)
-	/* mutex will be needed if this code is to be made thread safe */
-	sort_ambiguous_repo = r;
-	QSORT(a->oid, a->nr, sort_ambiguous);
-	sort_ambiguous_repo = NULL;
+	QSORT_S(a->oid, a->nr, sort_ambiguous, r);
 static enum get_oid_result get_short_oid(struct repository *r,
@@ -1163,13 +1160,22 @@
 	if (has_suffix) {
-		int num = 0;
+		unsigned int num = 0;
 		int len1 = cp - name;
-		while (cp < name + len)
-			num = num * 10 + *cp++ - '0';
+		while (cp < name + len) {
+			unsigned int digit = *cp++ - '0';
+			if (unsigned_mult_overflows(num, 10))
+				return MISSING_OBJECT;
+			num *= 10;
+			if (unsigned_add_overflows(num, digit))
+				return MISSING_OBJECT;
+			num += digit;
+		}
 		if (!num && len1 == len - 1)
 			num = 1;
+		else if (num > INT_MAX)
+			return MISSING_OBJECT;
 		if (has_suffix == '^')
 			return get_parent(r, name, len1, oid, num);
 		/* else if (has_suffix == '~') -- goes without saying */
@@ -1289,7 +1295,7 @@
 struct grab_nth_branch_switch_cbdata {
 	int remaining;
-	struct strbuf buf;
+	struct strbuf *sb;
 static int grab_nth_branch_switch(struct object_id *ooid, struct object_id *noid,
@@ -1307,8 +1313,8 @@
 		return 0;
 	if (--(cb->remaining) == 0) {
 		len = target - match;
-		strbuf_reset(&cb->buf);
-		strbuf_add(&cb->buf, match, len);
+		strbuf_reset(cb->sb);
+		strbuf_add(cb->sb, match, len);
 		return 1; /* we are done */
 	return 0;
@@ -1341,18 +1347,15 @@
 	if (nth <= 0)
 		return -1;
 	cb.remaining = nth;
-	strbuf_init(&cb.buf, 20);
+ = buf;
 	retval = refs_for_each_reflog_ent_reverse(get_main_ref_store(r),
 			"HEAD", grab_nth_branch_switch, &cb);
 	if (0 < retval) {
-		strbuf_reset(buf);
-		strbuf_addbuf(buf, &cb.buf);
 		retval = brace - name + 1;
 	} else
 		retval = 0;
-	strbuf_release(&cb.buf);
 	return retval;
diff --git a/shallow.c b/shallow.c
index 5fa2b15..7fd04af 100644
--- a/shallow.c
+++ b/shallow.c
@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@
 #include "diff.h"
 #include "revision.h"
 #include "commit-slab.h"
-#include "revision.h"
 #include "list-objects.h"
-#include "commit-slab.h"
-#include "repository.h"
 #include "commit-reach.h"
 void set_alternate_shallow_file(struct repository *r, const char *path, int override)
@@ -156,6 +153,8 @@
 	for (i = 0; i < depths.slab_count; i++) {
 		int j;
+		if (!depths.slab[i])
+			continue;
 		for (j = 0; j < depths.slab_size; j++)
diff --git a/compat/qsort.c b/stable-qsort.c
similarity index 88%
rename from compat/qsort.c
rename to stable-qsort.c
index 7d071af..6cbaf39 100644
--- a/compat/qsort.c
+++ b/stable-qsort.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#include "../git-compat-util.h"
+#include "git-compat-util.h"
  * A merge sort implementation, simplified from the qsort implementation
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
 	memcpy(b, t, (n - n2) * s);
-void git_qsort(void *b, size_t n, size_t s,
-	       int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
+void git_stable_qsort(void *b, size_t n, size_t s,
+		      int (*cmp)(const void *, const void *))
 	const size_t size = st_mult(n, s);
 	char buf[1024];
diff --git a/strbuf.c b/strbuf.c
index d30f916..aa48d17 100644
--- a/strbuf.c
+++ b/strbuf.c
@@ -774,8 +774,10 @@
-static int is_rfc3986_reserved(char ch)
+int is_rfc3986_reserved_or_unreserved(char ch)
+	if (is_rfc3986_unreserved(ch))
+		return 1;
 	switch (ch) {
 		case '!': case '*': case '\'': case '(': case ')': case ';':
 		case ':': case '@': case '&': case '=': case '+': case '$':
@@ -785,20 +787,19 @@
 	return 0;
-static int is_rfc3986_unreserved(char ch)
+int is_rfc3986_unreserved(char ch)
 	return isalnum(ch) ||
 		ch == '-' || ch == '_' || ch == '.' || ch == '~';
 static void strbuf_add_urlencode(struct strbuf *sb, const char *s, size_t len,
-				 int reserved)
+				 char_predicate allow_unencoded_fn)
 	strbuf_grow(sb, len);
 	while (len--) {
 		char ch = *s++;
-		if (is_rfc3986_unreserved(ch) ||
-		    (!reserved && is_rfc3986_reserved(ch)))
+		if (allow_unencoded_fn(ch))
 			strbuf_addch(sb, ch);
 			strbuf_addf(sb, "%%%02x", (unsigned char)ch);
@@ -806,9 +807,9 @@
 void strbuf_addstr_urlencode(struct strbuf *sb, const char *s,
-			     int reserved)
+			     char_predicate allow_unencoded_fn)
-	strbuf_add_urlencode(sb, s, strlen(s), reserved);
+	strbuf_add_urlencode(sb, s, strlen(s), allow_unencoded_fn);
 static void strbuf_humanise(struct strbuf *buf, off_t bytes,
diff --git a/strbuf.h b/strbuf.h
index f62278a..84cf969 100644
--- a/strbuf.h
+++ b/strbuf.h
@@ -672,8 +672,13 @@
 int strbuf_check_branch_ref(struct strbuf *sb, const char *name);
+typedef int (*char_predicate)(char ch);
+int is_rfc3986_unreserved(char ch);
+int is_rfc3986_reserved_or_unreserved(char ch);
 void strbuf_addstr_urlencode(struct strbuf *sb, const char *name,
-			     int reserved);
+			     char_predicate allow_unencoded_fn);
 __attribute__((format (printf,1,2)))
 int printf_ln(const char *fmt, ...);
diff --git a/sub-process.c b/sub-process.c
index 3f4af93..1b1af9d 100644
--- a/sub-process.c
+++ b/sub-process.c
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
 #include "pkt-line.h"
 int cmd2process_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-		    const void *entry,
-		    const void *entry_or_key,
+		    const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+		    const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 		    const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct subprocess_entry *e1 = entry;
-	const struct subprocess_entry *e2 = entry_or_key;
+	const struct subprocess_entry *e1, *e2;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct subprocess_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct subprocess_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(e1->cmd, e2->cmd);
@@ -20,9 +22,9 @@
 	struct subprocess_entry key;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, strhash(cmd));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, strhash(cmd));
 	key.cmd = cmd;
-	return hashmap_get(hashmap, &key, NULL);
+	return hashmap_get_entry(hashmap, &key, ent, NULL);
 int subprocess_read_status(int fd, struct strbuf *status)
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@
 	kill(entry->, SIGTERM);
-	hashmap_remove(hashmap, entry, NULL);
+	hashmap_remove(hashmap, &entry->ent, NULL);
 static void subprocess_exit_handler(struct child_process *process)
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@
 		return err;
-	hashmap_entry_init(entry, strhash(cmd));
+	hashmap_entry_init(&entry->ent, strhash(cmd));
 	err = startfn(entry);
 	if (err) {
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@
 		return err;
-	hashmap_add(hashmap, entry);
+	hashmap_add(hashmap, &entry->ent);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/sub-process.h b/sub-process.h
index 5c182fa..e85f21f 100644
--- a/sub-process.h
+++ b/sub-process.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 /* Members should not be accessed directly. */
 struct subprocess_entry {
-	struct hashmap_entry ent; /* must be the first member! */
+	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	const char *cmd;
 	struct child_process process;
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 /* Function to test two subprocess hashmap entries for equality. */
 int cmd2process_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-		    const void *e1,
-		    const void *e2,
+		    const struct hashmap_entry *e,
+		    const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 		    const void *unused_keydata);
diff --git a/submodule-config.c b/submodule-config.c
index 4264ee2..401a9b2 100644
--- a/submodule-config.c
+++ b/submodule-config.c
@@ -38,24 +38,28 @@
 static int config_path_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			   const void *entry,
-			   const void *entry_or_key,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			   const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct submodule_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct submodule_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct submodule_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct submodule_entry, ent);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct submodule_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(a->config->path, b->config->path) ||
 	       !oideq(&a->config->gitmodules_oid, &b->config->gitmodules_oid);
 static int config_name_cmp(const void *unused_cmp_data,
-			   const void *entry,
-			   const void *entry_or_key,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			   const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			   const void *unused_keydata)
-	const struct submodule_entry *a = entry;
-	const struct submodule_entry *b = entry_or_key;
+	const struct submodule_entry *a, *b;
+	a = container_of(eptr, const struct submodule_entry, ent);
+	b = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct submodule_entry, ent);
 	return strcmp(a->config->name, b->config->name) ||
 	       !oideq(&a->config->gitmodules_oid, &b->config->gitmodules_oid);
@@ -95,12 +99,12 @@
 	 * allocation of struct submodule entries. Each is allocated by
 	 * their .gitmodules blob sha1 and submodule name.
-	hashmap_iter_init(&cache->for_name, &iter);
-	while ((entry = hashmap_iter_next(&iter)))
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&cache->for_name, &iter, entry,
+				ent /* member name */)
-	hashmap_free(&cache->for_path, 1);
-	hashmap_free(&cache->for_name, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&cache->for_path, struct submodule_entry, ent);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&cache->for_name, struct submodule_entry, ent);
 	cache->initialized = 0;
 	cache->gitmodules_read = 0;
@@ -123,9 +127,9 @@
 	unsigned int hash = hash_oid_string(&submodule->gitmodules_oid,
 	struct submodule_entry *e = xmalloc(sizeof(*e));
-	hashmap_entry_init(e, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&e->ent, hash);
 	e->config = submodule;
-	hashmap_put(&cache->for_path, e);
+	hashmap_put(&cache->for_path, &e->ent);
 static void cache_remove_path(struct submodule_cache *cache,
@@ -135,9 +139,9 @@
 	struct submodule_entry e;
 	struct submodule_entry *removed;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&e, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&e.ent, hash);
 	e.config = submodule;
-	removed = hashmap_remove(&cache->for_path, &e, NULL);
+	removed = hashmap_remove_entry(&cache->for_path, &e, ent, NULL);
@@ -147,9 +151,9 @@
 	unsigned int hash = hash_oid_string(&submodule->gitmodules_oid,
 	struct submodule_entry *e = xmalloc(sizeof(*e));
-	hashmap_entry_init(e, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&e->ent, hash);
 	e->config = submodule;
-	hashmap_add(&cache->for_name, e);
+	hashmap_add(&cache->for_name, &e->ent);
 static const struct submodule *cache_lookup_path(struct submodule_cache *cache,
@@ -163,10 +167,10 @@
 	oidcpy(&key_config.gitmodules_oid, gitmodules_oid);
 	key_config.path = path;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, hash);
 	key.config = &key_config;
-	entry = hashmap_get(&cache->for_path, &key, NULL);
+	entry = hashmap_get_entry(&cache->for_path, &key, ent, NULL);
 	if (entry)
 		return entry->config;
 	return NULL;
@@ -183,10 +187,10 @@
 	oidcpy(&key_config.gitmodules_oid, gitmodules_oid); = name;
-	hashmap_entry_init(&key, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&key.ent, hash);
 	key.config = &key_config;
-	entry = hashmap_get(&cache->for_name, &key, NULL);
+	entry = hashmap_get_entry(&cache->for_name, &key, ent, NULL);
 	if (entry)
 		return entry->config;
 	return NULL;
@@ -550,7 +554,9 @@
 		struct hashmap_iter iter;
 		struct submodule_entry *entry;
-		entry = hashmap_iter_first(&cache->for_name, &iter);
+		entry = hashmap_iter_first_entry(&cache->for_name, &iter,
+						struct submodule_entry,
+						ent /* member name */);
 		if (!entry)
 			return NULL;
 		return entry->config;
diff --git a/t/README b/t/README
index 9747971..60d5b77 100644
--- a/t/README
+++ b/t/README
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
 could be enabled by running the test suite with correct GIT_TEST_
 environment set.
-GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS<non-empty?> fails all prerequisites. This is
+GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS=<boolean> fails all prerequisites. This is
 useful for discovering issues with the tests where say a later test
 implicitly depends on an optional earlier test.
@@ -343,11 +343,11 @@
 refactor to deal with it. The "SYMLINKS" prerequisite is currently
 excluded as so much relies on it, but this might change in the future.
-GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=<non-empty?> turns all strings marked for
-translation into gibberish if non-empty (think "test -n"). Used for
-spotting those tests that need to be marked with a C_LOCALE_OUTPUT
-prerequisite when adding more strings for translation. See "Testing
-marked strings" in po/README for details.
+GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=<boolean> turns all strings marked for
+translation into gibberish if true. Used for spotting those tests that
+need to be marked with a C_LOCALE_OUTPUT prerequisite when adding more
+strings for translation. See "Testing marked strings" in po/README for
 GIT_TEST_SPLIT_INDEX=<boolean> forces split-index mode on the whole
 test suite. Accept any boolean values that are accepted by git-config.
diff --git a/t/helper/.gitignore b/t/helper/.gitignore
index 2bad28a..48c7bb0bb 100644
--- a/t/helper/.gitignore
+++ b/t/helper/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/t/helper/test-date.c b/t/helper/test-date.c
index 585347e..099eff4 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-date.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-date.c
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
 "  test-tool date is64bit\n"
 "  test-tool date time_t-is64bit\n";
-static void show_relative_dates(const char **argv, struct timeval *now)
+static void show_relative_dates(const char **argv)
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	for (; *argv; argv++) {
 		time_t t = atoi(*argv);
-		show_date_relative(t, now, &buf);
+		show_date_relative(t, &buf);
 		printf("%s -> %s\n", *argv, buf.buf);
@@ -74,20 +74,20 @@
-static void parse_approxidate(const char **argv, struct timeval *now)
+static void parse_approxidate(const char **argv)
 	for (; *argv; argv++) {
 		timestamp_t t;
-		t = approxidate_relative(*argv, now);
+		t = approxidate_relative(*argv);
 		printf("%s -> %s\n", *argv, show_date(t, 0, DATE_MODE(ISO8601)));
-static void parse_approx_timestamp(const char **argv, struct timeval *now)
+static void parse_approx_timestamp(const char **argv)
 	for (; *argv; argv++) {
 		timestamp_t t;
-		t = approxidate_relative(*argv, now);
+		t = approxidate_relative(*argv);
 		printf("%s -> %"PRItime"\n", *argv, t);
@@ -103,22 +103,13 @@
 int cmd__date(int argc, const char **argv)
-	struct timeval now;
 	const char *x;
-	x = getenv("GIT_TEST_DATE_NOW");
-	if (x) {
-		now.tv_sec = atoi(x);
-		now.tv_usec = 0;
-	}
-	else
-		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
 	if (!*argv)
 	if (!strcmp(*argv, "relative"))
-		show_relative_dates(argv+1, &now);
+		show_relative_dates(argv+1);
 	else if (!strcmp(*argv, "human"))
 	else if (skip_prefix(*argv, "show:", &x))
@@ -126,9 +117,9 @@
 	else if (!strcmp(*argv, "parse"))
 	else if (!strcmp(*argv, "approxidate"))
-		parse_approxidate(argv+1, &now);
+		parse_approxidate(argv+1);
 	else if (!strcmp(*argv, "timestamp"))
-		parse_approx_timestamp(argv+1, &now);
+		parse_approx_timestamp(argv+1);
 	else if (!strcmp(*argv, "getnanos"))
 	else if (!strcmp(*argv, "is64bit"))
diff --git a/t/helper/test-dir-iterator.c b/t/helper/test-dir-iterator.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659b6bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/helper/test-dir-iterator.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include "test-tool.h"
+#include "git-compat-util.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
+#include "iterator.h"
+#include "dir-iterator.h"
+static const char *error_name(int error_number)
+	switch (error_number) {
+	case ENOENT: return "ENOENT";
+	case ENOTDIR: return "ENOTDIR";
+	default: return "ESOMETHINGELSE";
+	}
+ * usage:
+ * tool-test dir-iterator [--follow-symlinks] [--pedantic] directory_path
+ */
+int cmd__dir_iterator(int argc, const char **argv)
+	struct dir_iterator *diter;
+	unsigned int flags = 0;
+	int iter_status;
+	for (++argv, --argc; *argv && starts_with(*argv, "--"); ++argv, --argc) {
+		if (strcmp(*argv, "--follow-symlinks") == 0)
+		else if (strcmp(*argv, "--pedantic") == 0)
+		else
+			die("invalid option '%s'", *argv);
+	}
+	if (!*argv || argc != 1)
+		die("dir-iterator needs exactly one non-option argument");
+	diter = dir_iterator_begin(*argv, flags);
+	if (!diter) {
+		printf("dir_iterator_begin failure: %s\n", error_name(errno));
+		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	}
+	while ((iter_status = dir_iterator_advance(diter)) == ITER_OK) {
+		if (S_ISDIR(diter->st.st_mode))
+			printf("[d] ");
+		else if (S_ISREG(diter->st.st_mode))
+			printf("[f] ");
+		else if (S_ISLNK(diter->st.st_mode))
+			printf("[s] ");
+		else
+			printf("[?] ");
+		printf("(%s) [%s] %s\n", diter->relative_path, diter->basename,
+		       diter->path.buf);
+	}
+	if (iter_status != ITER_DONE) {
+		printf("dir_iterator_advance failure\n");
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/t/helper/test-hashmap.c b/t/helper/test-hashmap.c
index aaf17b0..f387062 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-hashmap.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-hashmap.c
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 struct test_entry
+	int padding; /* hashmap entry no longer needs to be the first member */
 	struct hashmap_entry ent;
 	/* key and value as two \0-terminated strings */
 	char key[FLEX_ARRAY];
@@ -16,15 +17,17 @@
 static int test_entry_cmp(const void *cmp_data,
-			  const void *entry,
-			  const void *entry_or_key,
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *eptr,
+			  const struct hashmap_entry *entry_or_key,
 			  const void *keydata)
 	const int ignore_case = cmp_data ? *((int *)cmp_data) : 0;
-	const struct test_entry *e1 = entry;
-	const struct test_entry *e2 = entry_or_key;
+	const struct test_entry *e1, *e2;
 	const char *key = keydata;
+	e1 = container_of(eptr, const struct test_entry, ent);
+	e2 = container_of(entry_or_key, const struct test_entry, ent);
 	if (ignore_case)
 		return strcasecmp(e1->key, key ? key : e2->key);
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@
 	size_t klen = strlen(key);
 	size_t vlen = strlen(value);
 	struct test_entry *entry = xmalloc(st_add4(sizeof(*entry), klen, vlen, 2));
-	hashmap_entry_init(entry, hash);
+	hashmap_entry_init(&entry->ent, hash);
 	memcpy(entry->key, key, klen + 1);
 	memcpy(entry->key + klen + 1, value, vlen + 1);
 	return entry;
@@ -103,11 +106,11 @@
 			/* add entries */
 			for (i = 0; i < TEST_SIZE; i++) {
-				hashmap_entry_init(entries[i], hashes[i]);
-				hashmap_add(&map, entries[i]);
+				hashmap_entry_init(&entries[i]->ent, hashes[i]);
+				hashmap_add(&map, &entries[i]->ent);
-			hashmap_free(&map, 0);
+			hashmap_free(&map);
 	} else {
 		/* test map lookups */
@@ -116,8 +119,8 @@
 		/* fill the map (sparsely if specified) */
 		j = (method & TEST_SPARSE) ? TEST_SIZE / 10 : TEST_SIZE;
 		for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
-			hashmap_entry_init(entries[i], hashes[i]);
-			hashmap_add(&map, entries[i]);
+			hashmap_entry_init(&entries[i]->ent, hashes[i]);
+			hashmap_add(&map, &entries[i]->ent);
 		for (j = 0; j < rounds; j++) {
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@
-		hashmap_free(&map, 0);
+		hashmap_free(&map);
@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@
 			entry = alloc_test_entry(hash, p1, p2);
 			/* add to hashmap */
-			hashmap_add(&map, entry);
+			hashmap_add(&map, &entry->ent);
 		} else if (!strcmp("put", cmd) && p1 && p2) {
@@ -187,43 +190,44 @@
 			entry = alloc_test_entry(hash, p1, p2);
 			/* add / replace entry */
-			entry = hashmap_put(&map, entry);
+			entry = hashmap_put_entry(&map, entry, ent);
 			/* print and free replaced entry, if any */
 			puts(entry ? get_value(entry) : "NULL");
 		} else if (!strcmp("get", cmd) && p1) {
 			/* lookup entry in hashmap */
-			entry = hashmap_get_from_hash(&map, hash, p1);
+			entry = hashmap_get_entry_from_hash(&map, hash, p1,
+							struct test_entry, ent);
 			/* print result */
 			if (!entry)
-			while (entry) {
+			hashmap_for_each_entry_from(&map, entry, ent)
-				entry = hashmap_get_next(&map, entry);
-			}
 		} else if (!strcmp("remove", cmd) && p1) {
 			/* setup static key */
 			struct hashmap_entry key;
+			struct hashmap_entry *rm;
 			hashmap_entry_init(&key, hash);
 			/* remove entry from hashmap */
-			entry = hashmap_remove(&map, &key, p1);
+			rm = hashmap_remove(&map, &key, p1);
+			entry = rm ? container_of(rm, struct test_entry, ent)
+					: NULL;
 			/* print result and free entry*/
 			puts(entry ? get_value(entry) : "NULL");
 		} else if (!strcmp("iterate", cmd)) {
 			struct hashmap_iter iter;
-			hashmap_iter_init(&map, &iter);
-			while ((entry = hashmap_iter_next(&iter)))
+			hashmap_for_each_entry(&map, &iter, entry,
+						ent /* member name */)
 				printf("%s %s\n", entry->key, get_value(entry));
 		} else if (!strcmp("size", cmd)) {
@@ -258,6 +262,6 @@
-	hashmap_free(&map, 1);
+	hashmap_free_entries(&map, struct test_entry, ent);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/t/helper/test-lazy-init-name-hash.c b/t/helper/test-lazy-init-name-hash.c
index b99a370..cd1b4c9 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-lazy-init-name-hash.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-lazy-init-name-hash.c
@@ -41,17 +41,13 @@
 			die("non-threaded code path used");
-	dir = hashmap_iter_first(&the_index.dir_hash, &iter_dir);
-	while (dir) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&the_index.dir_hash, &iter_dir, dir,
+				ent /* member name */)
 		printf("dir %08x %7d %s\n", dir->ent.hash, dir->nr, dir->name);
-		dir = hashmap_iter_next(&iter_dir);
-	}
-	ce = hashmap_iter_first(&the_index.name_hash, &iter_cache);
-	while (ce) {
+	hashmap_for_each_entry(&the_index.name_hash, &iter_cache, ce,
+				ent /* member name */)
 		printf("name %08x %s\n", ce->ent.hash, ce->name);
-		ce = hashmap_iter_next(&iter_cache);
-	}
diff --git a/t/helper/test-progress.c b/t/helper/test-progress.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b96cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/helper/test-progress.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ * A test helper to exercise the progress display.
+ *
+ * Reads instructions from standard input, one instruction per line:
+ *
+ *   "progress <items>" - Call display_progress() with the given item count
+ *                        as parameter.
+ *   "throughput <bytes> <millis> - Call display_throughput() with the given
+ *                                  byte count as parameter.  The 'millis'
+ *                                  specify the time elapsed since the
+ *                                  start_progress() call.
+ *   "update" - Set the 'progress_update' flag.
+ *
+ * See '' for examples.
+ */
+#include "test-tool.h"
+#include "gettext.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
+#include "progress.h"
+#include "strbuf.h"
+ * These are defined in 'progress.c', but are not exposed in 'progress.h',
+ * because they are exclusively for testing.
+ */
+extern int progress_testing;
+extern uint64_t progress_test_ns;
+void progress_test_force_update(void);
+int cmd__progress(int argc, const char **argv)
+	int total = 0;
+	const char *title;
+	struct strbuf line = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct progress *progress;
+	const char *usage[] = {
+		"test-tool progress [--total=<n>] <progress-title>",
+	};
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_INTEGER(0, "total", &total, "total number of items"),
+		OPT_END(),
+	};
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL, options, usage, 0);
+	if (argc != 1)
+		die("need a title for the progress output");
+	title = argv[0];
+	progress_testing = 1;
+	progress = start_progress(title, total);
+	while (strbuf_getline(&line, stdin) != EOF) {
+		char *end;
+		if (skip_prefix(line.buf, "progress ", (const char **) &end)) {
+			uint64_t item_count = strtoull(end, &end, 10);
+			if (*end != '\0')
+				die("invalid input: '%s'\n", line.buf);
+			display_progress(progress, item_count);
+		} else if (skip_prefix(line.buf, "throughput ",
+				       (const char **) &end)) {
+			uint64_t byte_count, test_ms;
+			byte_count = strtoull(end, &end, 10);
+			if (*end != ' ')
+				die("invalid input: '%s'\n", line.buf);
+			test_ms = strtoull(end + 1, &end, 10);
+			if (*end != '\0')
+				die("invalid input: '%s'\n", line.buf);
+			progress_test_ns = test_ms * 1000 * 1000;
+			display_throughput(progress, byte_count);
+		} else if (!strcmp(line.buf, "update"))
+			progress_test_force_update();
+		else
+			die("invalid input: '%s'\n", line.buf);
+	}
+	stop_progress(&progress);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/t/helper/test-read-cache.c b/t/helper/test-read-cache.c
index 7e79b55..244977a 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-read-cache.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-read-cache.c
@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
 int cmd__read_cache(int argc, const char **argv)
-	int i, cnt = 1, namelen;
+	int i, cnt = 1;
 	const char *name = NULL;
 	if (argc > 1 && skip_prefix(argv[1], "--print-and-refresh=", &name)) {
-		namelen = strlen(name);
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
 			refresh_index(&the_index, REFRESH_QUIET,
 				      NULL, NULL, NULL);
-			pos = index_name_pos(&the_index, name, namelen);
+			pos = index_name_pos(&the_index, name, strlen(name));
 			if (pos < 0)
 				die("%s not in index", name);
 			printf("%s is%s up to date\n", name,
diff --git a/t/helper/test-run-command.c b/t/helper/test-run-command.c
index 2cc93bb..ead6dc6 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-run-command.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-run-command.c
@@ -10,9 +10,14 @@
 #include "test-tool.h"
 #include "git-compat-util.h"
+#include "cache.h"
 #include "run-command.h"
 #include "argv-array.h"
 #include "strbuf.h"
+#include "parse-options.h"
+#include "string-list.h"
+#include "thread-utils.h"
+#include "wildmatch.h"
 #include <string.h>
 #include <errno.h>
@@ -50,11 +55,159 @@
 	return 1;
+struct testsuite {
+	struct string_list tests, failed;
+	int next;
+	int quiet, immediate, verbose, verbose_log, trace, write_junit_xml;
+	{ STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP, STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+static int next_test(struct child_process *cp, struct strbuf *err, void *cb,
+		     void **task_cb)
+	struct testsuite *suite = cb;
+	const char *test;
+	if (suite->next >= suite->
+		return 0;
+	test = suite->tests.items[suite->next++].string;
+	argv_array_pushl(&cp->args, "sh", test, NULL);
+	if (suite->quiet)
+		argv_array_push(&cp->args, "--quiet");
+	if (suite->immediate)
+		argv_array_push(&cp->args, "-i");
+	if (suite->verbose)
+		argv_array_push(&cp->args, "-v");
+	if (suite->verbose_log)
+		argv_array_push(&cp->args, "-V");
+	if (suite->trace)
+		argv_array_push(&cp->args, "-x");
+	if (suite->write_junit_xml)
+		argv_array_push(&cp->args, "--write-junit-xml");
+	strbuf_addf(err, "Output of '%s':\n", test);
+	*task_cb = (void *)test;
+	return 1;
+static int test_finished(int result, struct strbuf *err, void *cb,
+			 void *task_cb)
+	struct testsuite *suite = cb;
+	const char *name = (const char *)task_cb;
+	if (result)
+		string_list_append(&suite->failed, name);
+	strbuf_addf(err, "%s: '%s'\n", result ? "FAIL" : "SUCCESS", name);
+	return 0;
+static int test_failed(struct strbuf *out, void *cb, void *task_cb)
+	struct testsuite *suite = cb;
+	const char *name = (const char *)task_cb;
+	string_list_append(&suite->failed, name);
+	strbuf_addf(out, "FAILED TO START: '%s'\n", name);
+	return 0;
+static const char * const testsuite_usage[] = {
+	"test-run-command testsuite [<options>] [<pattern>...]",
+static int testsuite(int argc, const char **argv)
+	struct testsuite suite = TESTSUITE_INIT;
+	int max_jobs = 1, i, ret;
+	DIR *dir;
+	struct dirent *d;
+	struct option options[] = {
+		OPT_BOOL('i', "immediate", &suite.immediate,
+			 "stop at first failed test case(s)"),
+		OPT_INTEGER('j', "jobs", &max_jobs, "run <N> jobs in parallel"),
+		OPT_BOOL('q', "quiet", &suite.quiet, "be terse"),
+		OPT_BOOL('v', "verbose", &suite.verbose, "be verbose"),
+		OPT_BOOL('V', "verbose-log", &suite.verbose_log,
+			 "be verbose, redirected to a file"),
+		OPT_BOOL('x', "trace", &suite.trace, "trace shell commands"),
+		OPT_BOOL(0, "write-junit-xml", &suite.write_junit_xml,
+			 "write JUnit-style XML files"),
+		OPT_END()
+	};
+	memset(&suite, 0, sizeof(suite));
+	suite.tests.strdup_strings = suite.failed.strdup_strings = 1;
+	argc = parse_options(argc, argv, NULL, options,
+			testsuite_usage, PARSE_OPT_STOP_AT_NON_OPTION);
+	if (max_jobs <= 0)
+		max_jobs = online_cpus();
+	dir = opendir(".");
+	if (!dir)
+		die("Could not open the current directory");
+	while ((d = readdir(dir))) {
+		const char *p = d->d_name;
+		if (*p != 't' || !isdigit(p[1]) || !isdigit(p[2]) ||
+		    !isdigit(p[3]) || !isdigit(p[4]) || p[5] != '-' ||
+		    !ends_with(p, ".sh"))
+			continue;
+		/* No pattern: match all */
+		if (!argc) {
+			string_list_append(&suite.tests, p);
+			continue;
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+			if (!wildmatch(argv[i], p, 0)) {
+				string_list_append(&suite.tests, p);
+				break;
+			}
+	}
+	closedir(dir);
+	if (!
+		die("No tests match!");
+	if (max_jobs >
+		max_jobs =;
+	fprintf(stderr, "Running %d tests (%d at a time)\n",
+, max_jobs);
+	ret = run_processes_parallel(max_jobs, next_test, test_failed,
+				     test_finished, &suite);
+	if ( > 0) {
+		ret = 1;
+		fprintf(stderr, "%d tests failed:\n\n",;
+		for (i = 0; i <; i++)
+			fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", suite.failed.items[i].string);
+	}
+	string_list_clear(&suite.tests, 0);
+	string_list_clear(&suite.failed, 0);
+	return !!ret;
 int cmd__run_command(int argc, const char **argv)
 	struct child_process proc = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
 	int jobs;
+	if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "testsuite"))
+		exit(testsuite(argc - 1, argv + 1));
 	if (argc < 3)
 		return 1;
 	while (!strcmp(argv[1], "env")) {
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.c b/t/helper/test-tool.c
index 1eac252..19ee26d 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.c
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.c
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 	{ "ctype", cmd__ctype },
 	{ "date", cmd__date },
 	{ "delta", cmd__delta },
+	{ "dir-iterator", cmd__dir_iterator },
 	{ "drop-caches", cmd__drop_caches },
 	{ "dump-cache-tree", cmd__dump_cache_tree },
 	{ "dump-fsmonitor", cmd__dump_fsmonitor },
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
 	{ "path-utils", cmd__path_utils },
 	{ "pkt-line", cmd__pkt_line },
 	{ "prio-queue", cmd__prio_queue },
+	{ "progress", cmd__progress },
 	{ "reach", cmd__reach },
 	{ "read-cache", cmd__read_cache },
 	{ "read-midx", cmd__read_midx },
diff --git a/t/helper/test-tool.h b/t/helper/test-tool.h
index c7a46dc..c2aa56e 100644
--- a/t/helper/test-tool.h
+++ b/t/helper/test-tool.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 int cmd__ctype(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__date(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__delta(int argc, const char **argv);
+int cmd__dir_iterator(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__drop_caches(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__dump_cache_tree(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__dump_fsmonitor(int argc, const char **argv);
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
 int cmd__path_utils(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__pkt_line(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__prio_queue(int argc, const char **argv);
+int cmd__progress(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__reach(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__read_cache(int argc, const char **argv);
 int cmd__read_midx(int argc, const char **argv);
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7b34071..fb8f887 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
 #	test_done
-test_tristate GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON
-if test "$GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON" = false
+if ! git env--helper --type=bool --default=true --exit-code GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON
 	skip_all="git-daemon testing disabled (unset GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON to enable)"
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
 if test_have_prereq !PIPE
-	test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON "file system does not support FIFOs"
+	test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON "file system does not support FIFOs"
 test_set_port LIB_GIT_DAEMON_PORT
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@
 		kill "$GIT_DAEMON_PID"
 		wait "$GIT_DAEMON_PID"
-		test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON \
+		test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON \
 			"git daemon failed to start"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c1271d6..bc0b9c7 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -69,14 +69,12 @@
 maybe_start_httpd () {
-	test_tristate GIT_SVN_TEST_HTTPD
-	true)
+	if git env--helper --type=bool --default=false --exit-code GIT_TEST_SVN_HTTPD
+	then
-		;;
-	esac
+	fi
 convert_to_rev_db () {
@@ -106,8 +104,7 @@
 require_svnserve () {
-	test_tristate GIT_TEST_SVNSERVE
-	if ! test "$GIT_TEST_SVNSERVE" = true
+	if ! git env--helper --type=bool --default=false --exit-code GIT_TEST_SVNSERVE
 		skip_all='skipping svnserve test. (set $GIT_TEST_SVNSERVE to enable)'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b3cc62b..0d98575 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -41,15 +41,14 @@
-test_tristate GIT_TEST_HTTPD
-if test "$GIT_TEST_HTTPD" = false
+if ! git env--helper --type=bool --default=true --exit-code GIT_TEST_HTTPD
 	skip_all="Network testing disabled (unset GIT_TEST_HTTPD to enable)"
 if ! test_have_prereq NOT_ROOT; then
-	test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
+	test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
 		"Cannot run httpd tests as root"
@@ -95,7 +94,7 @@
 if ! test -x "$LIB_HTTPD_PATH"
-	test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_HTTPD "no web server found at '$LIB_HTTPD_PATH'"
+	test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_HTTPD "no web server found at '$LIB_HTTPD_PATH'"
@@ -107,19 +106,19 @@
 		if ! test $HTTPD_VERSION -ge 2
-			test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
+			test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
 				"at least Apache version 2 is required"
 		if ! test -d "$DEFAULT_HTTPD_MODULE_PATH"
-			test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
+			test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
 				"Apache module directory not found"
-	test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
+	test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_HTTPD \
 		"Could not identify web server at '$LIB_HTTPD_PATH'"
@@ -184,7 +183,7 @@
 	if test $? -ne 0
 		cat "$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH"/error.log >&4 2>/dev/null
-		test_skip_or_die $GIT_TEST_HTTPD "web server setup failed"
+		test_skip_or_die GIT_TEST_HTTPD "web server setup failed"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7ea30e5..6d87961 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 	rm -f "$1"
 	echo 'rebase -i script before editing:'
 	cat "$1".tmp
-	action=pick
+	action=\&
 	for line in $FAKE_LINES; do
 		case $line in
-		pick|p|squash|s|fixup|f|edit|e|reword|r|drop|d)
+		pick|p|squash|s|fixup|f|edit|e|reword|r|drop|d|label|l|reset|r|merge|m)
 			echo "$line" | sed 's/_/ /g' >> "$1";;
@@ -58,11 +58,12 @@
+			test \& != "$action" || action=pick
 			echo "$action XXXXXXX False commit" >> "$1"
-			sed -n "${line}s/^pick/$action/p" < "$1".tmp >> "$1"
-			action=pick;;
+			sed -n "${line}s/^[a-z][a-z]*/$action/p" < "$1".tmp >> "$1"
+			action=\&;;
 	echo 'rebase -i script after editing:'
diff --git a/t/perf/ b/t/perf/
similarity index 100%
rename from t/perf/
rename to t/perf/
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 31de7e9..4d3f7ba 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -25,16 +25,14 @@
 	echo "$x"
-# This test is an experiment to check whether any Git users are using
-# Shells that don't support the "local" keyword. "local" is not
+# Check whether the shell supports the "local" keyword. "local" is not
 # POSIX-standard, but it is very widely supported by POSIX-compliant
-# shells, and if it doesn't cause problems for people, we would like
-# to be able to use it in Git code.
+# shells, and we rely on it within Git's test framework.
-# For now, this is the only test that requires "local". If your shell
-# fails this test, you can ignore the failure, but please report the
-# problem to the Git mailing list <>, as it might
-# convince us to continue avoiding the use of "local".
+# If your shell fails this test, the results of other tests may be
+# unreliable. You may wish to report the problem to the Git mailing
+# list <>, as it could cause us to reconsider
+# relying on "local".
 test_expect_success 'verify that the running shell supports "local"' '
 	x="notlocal" &&
 	echo "local" >expected1 &&
@@ -276,23 +274,23 @@
 test_expect_success C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'test --verbose' '
 	test_must_fail run_sub_test_lib_test \
-		test-verbose "test verbose" --verbose <<-\EOF &&
+		t1234-verbose "test verbose" --verbose <<-\EOF &&
 	test_expect_success "passing test" true
 	test_expect_success "test with output" "echo foo"
 	test_expect_success "failing test" false
-	mv test-verbose/out test-verbose/out+ &&
-	grep -v "^Initialized empty" test-verbose/out+ >test-verbose/out &&
-	check_sub_test_lib_test test-verbose <<-\EOF
-	> expecting success: true
+	mv t1234-verbose/out t1234-verbose/out+ &&
+	grep -v "^Initialized empty" t1234-verbose/out+ >t1234-verbose/out &&
+	check_sub_test_lib_test t1234-verbose <<-\EOF
+	> expecting success of 1234.1 '\''passing test'\'': true
 	> ok 1 - passing test
 	> Z
-	> expecting success: echo foo
+	> expecting success of 1234.2 '\''test with output'\'': echo foo
 	> foo
 	> ok 2 - test with output
 	> Z
-	> expecting success: false
+	> expecting success of 1234.3 '\''failing test'\'': false
 	> not ok 3 - failing test
 	> #	false
 	> Z
@@ -303,17 +301,17 @@
 test_expect_success 'test --verbose-only' '
 	test_must_fail run_sub_test_lib_test \
-		test-verbose-only-2 "test verbose-only=2" \
+		t2345-verbose-only-2 "test verbose-only=2" \
 		--verbose-only=2 <<-\EOF &&
 	test_expect_success "passing test" true
 	test_expect_success "test with output" "echo foo"
 	test_expect_success "failing test" false
-	check_sub_test_lib_test test-verbose-only-2 <<-\EOF
+	check_sub_test_lib_test t2345-verbose-only-2 <<-\EOF
 	> ok 1 - passing test
 	> Z
-	> expecting success: echo foo
+	> expecting success of 2345.2 '\''test with output'\'': echo foo
 	> foo
 	> ok 2 - test with output
 	> Z
@@ -393,6 +391,44 @@
+test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS entire suite' "
+	(
+		GIT_SKIP_TESTS='git' && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
+		run_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-entire-suite \
+			'GIT_SKIP_TESTS entire suite' <<-\\EOF &&
+		for i in 1 2 3
+		do
+			test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+		done
+		test_done
+		EOF
+		check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-entire-suite <<-\\EOF
+		> 1..0 # SKIP skip all tests in git
+		EOF
+	)
+test_expect_success 'GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite' "
+	(
+		GIT_SKIP_TESTS='notgit' && export GIT_SKIP_TESTS &&
+		run_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-unmatched-suite \
+			'GIT_SKIP_TESTS does not skip unmatched suite' <<-\\EOF &&
+		for i in 1 2 3
+		do
+			test_expect_success \"passing test #\$i\" 'true'
+		done
+		test_done
+		EOF
+		check_sub_test_lib_test git-skip-tests-unmatched-suite <<-\\EOF
+		> ok 1 - passing test #1
+		> ok 2 - passing test #2
+		> ok 3 - passing test #3
+		> # passed all 3 test(s)
+		> 1..3
+		EOF
+	)
 test_expect_success '--run basic' "
 	run_sub_test_lib_test run-basic \
 		'--run basic' --run='1 3 5' <<-\\EOF &&
@@ -726,7 +762,7 @@
 test_expect_success DONTHAVEIT 'unmet prerequisite causes test to be skipped' '
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS" -a $haveit$donthaveit != yesyes
+if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a $haveit$donthaveit != yesyes
 	say "bug in test framework: prerequisite tags do not work reliably"
 	exit 1
@@ -747,7 +783,7 @@
 test_expect_success DONTHAVEIT,HAVEIT 'unmet prerequisites causes test to be skipped' '
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS" -a $haveit$donthaveit$donthaveiteither != yesyesyes
+if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a $haveit$donthaveit$donthaveiteither != yesyesyes
 	say "bug in test framework: multiple prerequisite tags do not work reliably"
 	exit 1
@@ -763,7 +799,7 @@
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS" -a "$havetrue$donthavetrue" != yesyes
+if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a "$havetrue$donthavetrue" != yesyes
 	say 'bug in test framework: lazy prerequisites do not work'
 	exit 1
@@ -779,7 +815,7 @@
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS" -a "$nothavefalse$havefalse" != yesyes
+if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a "$nothavefalse$havefalse" != yesyes
 	say 'bug in test framework: negative lazy prerequisites do not work'
 	exit 1
@@ -790,7 +826,7 @@
 	test_when_finished clean=yes
-if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS" -a $clean != yes
+if test -z "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS_INTERNAL" -a $clean != yes
 	say "bug in test framework: basic cleanup command does not work reliably"
 	exit 1
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9c96b3e..5343ffd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -170,31 +170,45 @@
 test_expect_success 'iterate' '
+	test-tool hashmap >actual.raw <<-\EOF &&
+	put key1 value1
+	put key2 value2
+	put fooBarFrotz value3
+	iterate
-test_hashmap "put key1 value1
-put key2 value2
-put fooBarFrotz value3
-iterate" "NULL
-key2 value2
-key1 value1
-fooBarFrotz value3"
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	fooBarFrotz value3
+	key1 value1
+	key2 value2
+	sort <actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'iterate (case insensitive)' '
+	test-tool hashmap ignorecase >actual.raw <<-\EOF &&
+	put key1 value1
+	put key2 value2
+	put fooBarFrotz value3
+	iterate
-test_hashmap "put key1 value1
-put key2 value2
-put fooBarFrotz value3
-iterate" "NULL
-fooBarFrotz value3
-key2 value2
-key1 value1" ignorecase
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	fooBarFrotz value3
+	key1 value1
+	key2 value2
+	sort <actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'grow / shrink' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a070e64..2694c81 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -37,4 +37,11 @@
 #	test_i18ngrep "^fatal: alias loop detected: expansion of" output
+test_expect_success 'run-command formats empty args properly' '
+    GIT_TRACE=1 git frotz a "" b " " c 2>&1 |
+    sed -ne "/run_command:/s/.*trace: run_command: //p" >actual &&
+    echo "git-frotz a '\'''\'' b '\'' '\'' c" >expect &&
+    test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index bbe719e..31f8276 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -86,17 +86,25 @@
 test_expect_success 'iterate' '
+	test-tool oidmap >actual.raw <<-\EOF &&
+	put one 1
+	put two 2
+	put three 3
+	iterate
-test_oidmap "put one 1
-put two 2
-put three 3
-iterate" "NULL
-$(git rev-parse two) 2
-$(git rev-parse one) 1
-$(git rev-parse three) 3"
+	# sort "expect" too so we do not rely on the order of particular oids
+	sort >expect <<-EOF &&
+	$(git rev-parse one) 1
+	$(git rev-parse two) 2
+	$(git rev-parse three) 3
+	sort <actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1ecf6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+test_description='test env--helper'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'env--helper usage' '
+	test_must_fail git env--helper &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=ulong &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool --default &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool --default= &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --defaultxyz
+test_expect_success 'env--helper bad default values' '
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool --default=1xyz MISSING &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=ulong --default=1xyz MISSING
+test_expect_success 'env--helper --type=bool' '
+	# Test various --default bool values
+	echo true >expected &&
+	git env--helper --type=bool --default=1 MISSING >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git env--helper --type=bool --default=yes MISSING >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git env--helper --type=bool --default=true MISSING >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	echo false >expected &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool --default=0 MISSING >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool --default=no MISSING >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool --default=false MISSING >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	# No output with --exit-code
+	git env--helper --type=bool --default=true --exit-code MISSING >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=bool --default=false --exit-code MISSING >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err &&
+	# Existing variable
+	EXISTS=true git env--helper --type=bool --default=false --exit-code EXISTS >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err &&
+	test_must_fail \
+		env EXISTS=false \
+		git env--helper --type=bool --default=true --exit-code EXISTS >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err
+test_expect_success 'env--helper --type=ulong' '
+	echo 1234567890 >expected &&
+	git env--helper --type=ulong --default=1234567890 MISSING >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_cmp expected actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err &&
+	echo 0 >expected &&
+	test_must_fail git env--helper --type=ulong --default=0 MISSING >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git env--helper --type=ulong --default=1234567890 --exit-code MISSING >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err &&
+	EXISTS=1234567890 git env--helper --type=ulong --default=0 EXISTS --exit-code >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err &&
+	echo 1234567890 >expected &&
+	EXISTS=1234567890 git env--helper --type=ulong --default=0 EXISTS >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
+	test_cmp expected actual.out &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual.err
+test_expect_success 'env--helper reads config thanks to trace2' '
+	mkdir home &&
+	git config -f home/.gitconfig include.path cycle &&
+	git config -f home/cycle include.path .gitconfig &&
+	test_must_fail \
+		env HOME="$(pwd)/home" GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=false \
+		git config -l 2>err &&
+	grep "exceeded maximum include depth" err &&
+	test_must_fail \
+		env HOME="$(pwd)/home" GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=true \
+		git -C cycle env--helper --type=bool --default=0 --exit-code GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON 2>err &&
+	grep "# GETTEXT POISON #" err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e10f5f7..c954c70 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -390,6 +390,9 @@
 		test_cmp_exclude_clean expected.log debug.log &&
+		# Make sure that the file appears dirty, so checkout below has to
+		# run the configured filter.
+		touch test.r &&
 		filter_git checkout --quiet --no-progress empty-branch &&
 		cat >expected.log <<-EOF &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3587e45..959b6da 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
-	tr '\015\000abcdef0123456789' QN00000000000000000 <"$2" >"$exp" &&
-	tr '\015\000abcdef0123456789' QN00000000000000000 <"$3" >"$act" &&
+	tr '\015\000abcdef0123456789' QN00000000000000000 <"$2" |
+		sed -e "s/0000*/$ZERO_OID/" >"$exp" &&
+	tr '\015\000abcdef0123456789' QN00000000000000000 <"$3" |
+		sed -e "s/0000*/$ZERO_OID/" >"$act" &&
 	test_cmp "$exp" "$act" &&
 	rm "$exp" "$act"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1090e65..7aa0945 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 	printf "$text" | write_utf16 >test.utf16.raw &&
 	printf "$text" | write_utf32 >test.utf32.raw &&
 	printf "\377\376"                         >test.utf16lebom.raw &&
-	printf "$text" | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-32LE >>test.utf16lebom.raw &&
+	printf "$text" | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16LE >>test.utf16lebom.raw &&
 	# Line ending tests
 	printf "one\ntwo\nthree\n" >lf.utf8.raw &&
@@ -280,4 +280,43 @@
 	git reset
+# $1: checkout encoding
+# $2: test string
+# $3: binary test string in checkout encoding
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other () {
+	encoding="$1"
+	orig_string="$2"
+	expect_bytes="$3"
+	test_expect_success "Commit UTF-8, checkout $encoding" '
+		test_when_finished "git checkout HEAD -- .gitattributes" &&
+		test_ext="commit_utf8_checkout_$encoding" &&
+		test_file="test.$test_ext" &&
+		# Commit as UTF-8
+		echo "*.$test_ext text working-tree-encoding=UTF-8" >.gitattributes &&
+		printf "$orig_string" >$test_file &&
+		git add $test_file &&
+		git commit -m "Test data" &&
+		# Checkout in tested encoding
+		rm $test_file &&
+		echo "*.$test_ext text working-tree-encoding=$encoding" >.gitattributes &&
+		git checkout HEAD -- $test_file &&
+		# Test
+		printf $expect_bytes >$test_file.raw &&
+		test_cmp_bin $test_file.raw $test_file
+	'
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-8"        "Test Тест" "\124\145\163\164\040\320\242\320\265\321\201\321\202"
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16LE"     "Test Тест" "\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\000\042\004\065\004\101\004\102\004"
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16BE"     "Test Тест" "\000\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\004\042\004\065\004\101\004\102"
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16LE-BOM" "Test Тест" "\377\376\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\000\042\004\065\004\101\004\102\004"
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16BE-BOM" "Test Тест" "\376\377\000\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\004\042\004\065\004\101\004\102"
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-32LE"     "Test Тест" "\124\000\000\000\145\000\000\000\163\000\000\000\164\000\000\000\040\000\000\000\042\004\000\000\065\004\000\000\101\004\000\000\102\004\000\000"
+test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-32BE"     "Test Тест" "\000\000\000\124\000\000\000\145\000\000\000\163\000\000\000\164\000\000\000\040\000\000\004\042\000\000\004\065\000\000\004\101\000\000\004\102"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index cebc77f..705a136 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -399,4 +399,11 @@
 		test-tool parse-options --ye
+test_expect_success '--end-of-options treats remainder as args' '
+	test-tool parse-options \
+	    --expect="verbose: -1" \
+	    --expect="arg 00: --verbose" \
+	    --end-of-options --verbose
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 192c94e..608673f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -131,4 +131,24 @@
 	git merge topic
+test_expect_success CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS 'checkout with no pathspec and a case insensitive fs' '
+	git init repo &&
+	(
+		cd repo &&
+		>Gitweb &&
+		git add Gitweb &&
+		git commit -m "add Gitweb" &&
+		git checkout --orphan todo &&
+		git reset --hard &&
+		mkdir -p gitweb/subdir &&
+		>gitweb/subdir/file &&
+		git add gitweb &&
+		git commit -m "add gitweb/subdir/file" &&
+		git checkout master
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ebc4956..17c9c0f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -210,4 +210,23 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success MINGW 'can spawn .bat with argv[0] containing spaces' '
+	bat="$TRASH_DIRECTORY/bat with spaces in name.bat" &&
+	# Every .bat invocation will log its arguments to file "out"
+	rm -f out &&
+	echo "echo %* >>out" >"$bat" &&
+	# Ask git to invoke .bat; clone will fail due to fake SSH helper
+	test_must_fail env GIT_SSH="$bat" git clone myhost:src ssh-clone &&
+	# Spawning .bat can fail if there are two quoted cmd.exe arguments.
+	# .bat itself is first (due to spaces in name), so just one more is
+	# needed to verify. GIT_SSH will invoke .bat multiple times:
+	# 1) -G myhost
+	# 2) myhost "git-upload-pack src"
+	# First invocation will always succeed. Test the second one.
+	grep "git-upload-pack" out
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92910e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+test_description='Test the dir-iterator functionality'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	mkdir -p dir &&
+	mkdir -p dir/a/b/c/ &&
+	>dir/b &&
+	>dir/c &&
+	mkdir -p dir/d/e/d/ &&
+	>dir/a/b/c/d &&
+	>dir/a/e &&
+	>dir/d/e/d/a &&
+	mkdir -p dir2/a/b/c/ &&
+	>dir2/a/b/c/d
+test_expect_success 'dir-iterator should iterate through all files' '
+	cat >expected-iteration-sorted-output <<-EOF &&
+	[d] (a) [a] ./dir/a
+	[d] (a/b) [b] ./dir/a/b
+	[d] (a/b/c) [c] ./dir/a/b/c
+	[d] (d) [d] ./dir/d
+	[d] (d/e) [e] ./dir/d/e
+	[d] (d/e/d) [d] ./dir/d/e/d
+	[f] (a/b/c/d) [d] ./dir/a/b/c/d
+	[f] (a/e) [e] ./dir/a/e
+	[f] (b) [b] ./dir/b
+	[f] (c) [c] ./dir/c
+	[f] (d/e/d/a) [a] ./dir/d/e/d/a
+	test-tool dir-iterator ./dir >out &&
+	sort out >./actual-iteration-sorted-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-iteration-sorted-output actual-iteration-sorted-output
+test_expect_success 'dir-iterator should list files in the correct order' '
+	cat >expected-pre-order-output <<-EOF &&
+	[d] (a) [a] ./dir2/a
+	[d] (a/b) [b] ./dir2/a/b
+	[d] (a/b/c) [c] ./dir2/a/b/c
+	[f] (a/b/c/d) [d] ./dir2/a/b/c/d
+	test-tool dir-iterator ./dir2 >actual-pre-order-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-pre-order-output actual-pre-order-output
+test_expect_success 'begin should fail upon inexistent paths' '
+	test_must_fail test-tool dir-iterator ./inexistent-path \
+		>actual-inexistent-path-output &&
+	echo "dir_iterator_begin failure: ENOENT" >expected-inexistent-path-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-inexistent-path-output actual-inexistent-path-output
+test_expect_success 'begin should fail upon non directory paths' '
+	test_must_fail test-tool dir-iterator ./dir/b >actual-non-dir-output &&
+	echo "dir_iterator_begin failure: ENOTDIR" >expected-non-dir-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-non-dir-output actual-non-dir-output
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM,SANITY 'advance should not fail on errors by default' '
+	cat >expected-no-permissions-output <<-EOF &&
+	[d] (a) [a] ./dir3/a
+	mkdir -p dir3/a &&
+	>dir3/a/b &&
+	chmod 0 dir3/a &&
+	test-tool dir-iterator ./dir3 >actual-no-permissions-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-no-permissions-output actual-no-permissions-output &&
+	chmod 755 dir3/a &&
+	rm -rf dir3
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM,SANITY 'advance should fail on errors, w/ pedantic flag' '
+	cat >expected-no-permissions-pedantic-output <<-EOF &&
+	[d] (a) [a] ./dir3/a
+	dir_iterator_advance failure
+	mkdir -p dir3/a &&
+	>dir3/a/b &&
+	chmod 0 dir3/a &&
+	test_must_fail test-tool dir-iterator --pedantic ./dir3 \
+		>actual-no-permissions-pedantic-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-no-permissions-pedantic-output \
+		actual-no-permissions-pedantic-output &&
+	chmod 755 dir3/a &&
+	rm -rf dir3
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'setup dirs with symlinks' '
+	mkdir -p dir4/a &&
+	mkdir -p dir4/b/c &&
+	>dir4/a/d &&
+	ln -s d dir4/a/e &&
+	ln -s ../b dir4/a/f &&
+	mkdir -p dir5/a/b &&
+	mkdir -p dir5/a/c &&
+	ln -s ../c dir5/a/b/d &&
+	ln -s ../ dir5/a/b/e &&
+	ln -s ../../ dir5/a/b/f
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'dir-iterator should not follow symlinks by default' '
+	cat >expected-no-follow-sorted-output <<-EOF &&
+	[d] (a) [a] ./dir4/a
+	[d] (b) [b] ./dir4/b
+	[d] (b/c) [c] ./dir4/b/c
+	[f] (a/d) [d] ./dir4/a/d
+	[s] (a/e) [e] ./dir4/a/e
+	[s] (a/f) [f] ./dir4/a/f
+	test-tool dir-iterator ./dir4 >out &&
+	sort out >actual-no-follow-sorted-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-no-follow-sorted-output actual-no-follow-sorted-output
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'dir-iterator should follow symlinks w/ follow flag' '
+	cat >expected-follow-sorted-output <<-EOF &&
+	[d] (a) [a] ./dir4/a
+	[d] (a/f) [f] ./dir4/a/f
+	[d] (a/f/c) [c] ./dir4/a/f/c
+	[d] (b) [b] ./dir4/b
+	[d] (b/c) [c] ./dir4/b/c
+	[f] (a/d) [d] ./dir4/a/d
+	[f] (a/e) [e] ./dir4/a/e
+	test-tool dir-iterator --follow-symlinks ./dir4 >out &&
+	sort out >actual-follow-sorted-output &&
+	test_cmp expected-follow-sorted-output actual-follow-sorted-output
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 504334e..ce9a4a5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 test_expect_success PERL 'commit -p with shrinking cache-tree' '
-	mkdir -p deep/subdir &&
-	echo content >deep/subdir/file &&
+	mkdir -p deep/very-long-subdir &&
+	echo content >deep/very-long-subdir/file &&
 	git add deep &&
 	git commit -m add &&
 	git rm -r deep &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a06269f..f9fa16a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 test_description='Gettext Shell poison'
 . ./
@@ -31,4 +31,9 @@
     test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success "gettext: invalid GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON value doesn't infinitely loop" "
+	test_must_fail env GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=xyz git version 2>error &&
+	grep \"fatal: bad numeric config value 'xyz' for 'GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON': invalid unit\" error
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2c3ad6e..6ee8ee3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -130,11 +130,11 @@
 		d0|main|start||_T_ABS_|||_EXE_ trace2 004child test-tool trace2 004child test-tool trace2 001return 0
 		d0|main|cmd_name|||||trace2 (trace2)
-		d0|main|child_start||_T_ABS_|||[ch0] class:? argv: test-tool trace2 004child test-tool trace2 001return 0
+		d0|main|child_start||_T_ABS_|||[ch0] class:? argv:[test-tool trace2 004child test-tool trace2 001return 0]
 		d1|main|start||_T_ABS_|||_EXE_ trace2 004child test-tool trace2 001return 0
 		d1|main|cmd_name|||||trace2 (trace2/trace2)
-		d1|main|child_start||_T_ABS_|||[ch0] class:? argv: test-tool trace2 001return 0
+		d1|main|child_start||_T_ABS_|||[ch0] class:? argv:[test-tool trace2 001return 0]
 		d2|main|start||_T_ABS_|||_EXE_ trace2 001return 0
 		d2|main|cmd_name|||||trace2 (trace2/trace2/trace2)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ff5b9cc..7065a1b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -265,4 +265,23 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'discard traces when there are too many files' '
+	mkdir trace_target_dir &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -r trace_target_dir" &&
+	(
+		export GIT_TRACE2_MAX_FILES &&
+		cd trace_target_dir &&
+		test_seq $GIT_TRACE2_MAX_FILES >../expected_filenames.txt &&
+		xargs touch <../expected_filenames.txt &&
+		cd .. &&
+		GIT_TRACE2_EVENT="$(pwd)/trace_target_dir" test-tool trace2 001return 0
+	) &&
+	echo git-trace2-discard >>expected_filenames.txt &&
+	ls trace_target_dir >ls_output.txt &&
+	test_cmp expected_filenames.txt ls_output.txt &&
+	head -n1 trace_target_dir/git-trace2-discard | grep \"event\":\"version\" &&
+	head -n2 trace_target_dir/git-trace2-discard | tail -n1 | grep \"event\":\"too_many_files\"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 181ffa4..a3988bd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'extensions.partialclone without filter' '
 	test_create_repo server &&
 	git clone --filter="blob:none" "file://$(pwd)/server" client &&
-	git -C client config --unset core.partialclonefilter &&
+	git -C client config --unset remote.origin.partialclonefilter &&
 	git -C client fetch origin
@@ -166,8 +166,9 @@
 	# associated packfile contains the object
 	ls repo/.git/objects/pack/pack-*.promisor >promisorlist &&
 	test_line_count = 1 promisorlist &&
-	IDX=$(cat promisorlist | sed "s/promisor$/idx/") &&
-	git verify-pack --verbose "$IDX" | grep "$HASH"
+	IDX=$(sed "s/promisor$/idx/" promisorlist) &&
+	git verify-pack --verbose "$IDX" >out &&
+	grep "$HASH" out
 test_expect_success 'fetching of missing objects works with ref-in-want enabled' '
@@ -182,8 +183,55 @@
 	grep "git< fetch=.*ref-in-want" trace
+test_expect_success 'fetching of missing objects from another promisor remote' '
+	git clone "file://$(pwd)/server" server2 &&
+	test_commit -C server2 bar &&
+	git -C server2 repack -a -d --write-bitmap-index &&
+	HASH2=$(git -C server2 rev-parse bar) &&
+	git -C repo remote add server2 "file://$(pwd)/server2" &&
+	git -C repo config remote.server2.promisor true &&
+	git -C repo cat-file -p "$HASH2" &&
+	git -C repo fetch server2 &&
+	rm -rf repo/.git/objects/* &&
+	git -C repo cat-file -p "$HASH2" &&
+	# Ensure that the .promisor file is written, and check that its
+	# associated packfile contains the object
+	ls repo/.git/objects/pack/pack-*.promisor >promisorlist &&
+	test_line_count = 1 promisorlist &&
+	IDX=$(sed "s/promisor$/idx/" promisorlist) &&
+	git verify-pack --verbose "$IDX" >out &&
+	grep "$HASH2" out
+test_expect_success 'fetching of missing objects configures a promisor remote' '
+	git clone "file://$(pwd)/server" server3 &&
+	test_commit -C server3 baz &&
+	git -C server3 repack -a -d --write-bitmap-index &&
+	HASH3=$(git -C server3 rev-parse baz) &&
+	git -C server3 config uploadpack.allowfilter 1 &&
+	rm repo/.git/objects/pack/pack-*.promisor &&
+	git -C repo remote add server3 "file://$(pwd)/server3" &&
+	git -C repo fetch --filter="blob:none" server3 $HASH3 &&
+	test_cmp_config -C repo true remote.server3.promisor &&
+	# Ensure that the .promisor file is written, and check that its
+	# associated packfile contains the object
+	ls repo/.git/objects/pack/pack-*.promisor >promisorlist &&
+	test_line_count = 1 promisorlist &&
+	IDX=$(sed "s/promisor$/idx/" promisorlist) &&
+	git verify-pack --verbose "$IDX" >out &&
+	grep "$HASH3" out
 test_expect_success 'fetching of missing blobs works' '
-	rm -rf server repo &&
+	rm -rf server server2 repo &&
+	rm -rf server server3 repo &&
 	test_create_repo server &&
 	test_commit -C server foo &&
 	git -C server repack -a -d --write-bitmap-index &&
@@ -381,6 +429,19 @@
+test_expect_success 'single promisor remote can be re-initialized gracefully' '
+	# ensure one promisor is in the promisors list
+	rm -rf repo &&
+	test_create_repo repo &&
+	test_create_repo other &&
+	git -C repo remote add foo "file://$(pwd)/other" &&
+	git -C repo config true &&
+	git -C repo config extensions.partialclone foo &&
+	# reinitialize the promisors list
+	git -C repo fetch --filter=blob:none foo
 test_expect_success 'gc repacks promisor objects separately from non-promisor objects' '
 	rm -rf repo &&
 	test_create_repo repo &&
@@ -492,6 +553,20 @@
 	! grep "$TREE_HASH" out
+test_expect_success 'do not fetch when checking existence of tree we construct ourselves' '
+	rm -rf repo &&
+	test_create_repo repo &&
+	test_commit -C repo base &&
+	test_commit -C repo side1 &&
+	git -C repo checkout base &&
+	test_commit -C repo side2 &&
+	git -C repo config core.repositoryformatversion 1 &&
+	git -C repo config extensions.partialclone "arbitrary string" &&
+	git -C repo cherry-pick side1
@@ -514,8 +589,12 @@
 	# associated packfile contains the object
 	ls repo/.git/objects/pack/pack-*.promisor >promisorlist &&
 	test_line_count = 1 promisorlist &&
-	IDX=$(cat promisorlist | sed "s/promisor$/idx/") &&
-	git verify-pack --verbose "$IDX" | grep "$HASH"
+	IDX=$(sed "s/promisor$/idx/" promisorlist) &&
+	git verify-pack --verbose "$IDX" >out &&
+	grep "$HASH" out
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..24ccbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+test_description='progress display'
+. ./
+show_cr () {
+	tr '\015' Q | sed -e "s/Q/<CR>\\$LF/g"
+test_expect_success 'simple progress display' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Working hard: 1<CR>
+	Working hard: 2<CR>
+	Working hard: 5<CR>
+	Working hard: 5, done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	update
+	progress 1
+	update
+	progress 2
+	progress 3
+	progress 4
+	update
+	progress 5
+	test-tool progress "Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'progress display with total' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Working hard:  33% (1/3)<CR>
+	Working hard:  66% (2/3)<CR>
+	Working hard: 100% (3/3)<CR>
+	Working hard: 100% (3/3), done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	progress 1
+	progress 2
+	progress 3
+	test-tool progress --total=3 "Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'progress display breaks long lines #1' '
+	sed -e "s/Z$//" >expect <<\EOF &&
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6:   0% (100/100000)<CR>
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6:   1% (1000/100000)<CR>
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6:                   Z
+   10% (10000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000), done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	progress 100
+	progress 1000
+	progress 10000
+	progress 100000
+	test-tool progress --total=100000 \
+		"Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6" \
+		<in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'progress display breaks long lines #2' '
+	# Note: we dont need that many spaces after the title to cover up
+	# the last line before breaking the progress line.
+	sed -e "s/Z$//" >expect <<\EOF &&
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6:   0% (1/100000)<CR>
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6:   0% (2/100000)<CR>
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6:                   Z
+   10% (10000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000), done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	update
+	progress 1
+	update
+	progress 2
+	progress 10000
+	progress 100000
+	test-tool progress --total=100000 \
+		"Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6" \
+		<in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'progress display breaks long lines #3 - even the first is too long' '
+	# Note: we dont actually need any spaces at the end of the title
+	# line, because there is no previous progress line to cover up.
+	sed -e "s/Z$//" >expect <<\EOF &&
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6:                   Z
+   25% (25000/100000)<CR>
+   50% (50000/100000)<CR>
+   75% (75000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000), done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	progress 25000
+	progress 50000
+	progress 75000
+	progress 100000
+	test-tool progress --total=100000 \
+		"Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6" \
+		<in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'progress display breaks long lines #4 - title line matches terminal width' '
+	cat >expect <<\EOF &&
+Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7.........:
+   25% (25000/100000)<CR>
+   50% (50000/100000)<CR>
+   75% (75000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000)<CR>
+  100% (100000/100000), done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	progress 25000
+	progress 50000
+	progress 75000
+	progress 100000
+	test-tool progress --total=100000 \
+		"Working hard.......2.........3.........4.........5.........6.........7........." \
+		<in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+# Progress counter goes backwards, this should not happen in practice.
+test_expect_success 'progress shortens - crazy caller' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Working hard:  10% (100/1000)<CR>
+	Working hard:  20% (200/1000)<CR>
+	Working hard:   0% (1/1000)  <CR>
+	Working hard: 100% (1000/1000)<CR>
+	Working hard: 100% (1000/1000), done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	progress 100
+	progress 200
+	progress 1
+	progress 1000
+	test-tool progress --total=1000 "Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'progress display with throughput' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Working hard: 10<CR>
+	Working hard: 20, 200.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 30, 300.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 40, 400.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 40, 400.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s, done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	throughput 102400 1000
+	update
+	progress 10
+	throughput 204800 2000
+	update
+	progress 20
+	throughput 307200 3000
+	update
+	progress 30
+	throughput 409600 4000
+	update
+	progress 40
+	test-tool progress "Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'progress display with throughput and total' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Working hard:  25% (10/40)<CR>
+	Working hard:  50% (20/40), 200.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard:  75% (30/40), 300.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 100% (40/40), 400.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 100% (40/40), 400.00 KiB | 100.00 KiB/s, done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	throughput 102400 1000
+	progress 10
+	throughput 204800 2000
+	progress 20
+	throughput 307200 3000
+	progress 30
+	throughput 409600 4000
+	progress 40
+	test-tool progress --total=40 "Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'cover up after throughput shortens' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Working hard: 1<CR>
+	Working hard: 2, 800.00 KiB | 400.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 3, 1.17 MiB | 400.00 KiB/s  <CR>
+	Working hard: 4, 1.56 MiB | 400.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 4, 1.56 MiB | 400.00 KiB/s, done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	throughput 409600 1000
+	update
+	progress 1
+	throughput 819200 2000
+	update
+	progress 2
+	throughput 1228800 3000
+	update
+	progress 3
+	throughput 1638400 4000
+	update
+	progress 4
+	test-tool progress "Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
+test_expect_success 'cover up after throughput shortens a lot' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Working hard: 1<CR>
+	Working hard: 2, 1000.00 KiB | 1000.00 KiB/s<CR>
+	Working hard: 3, 3.00 MiB | 1.50 MiB/s      <CR>
+	Working hard: 3, 3.00 MiB | 1024.00 KiB/s, done.
+	cat >in <<-\EOF &&
+	throughput 1 1000
+	update
+	progress 1
+	throughput 1024000 2000
+	update
+	progress 2
+	throughput 3145728 3000
+	update
+	progress 3
+	test-tool progress "Working hard" <in 2>stderr &&
+	show_cr <stderr >out &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect out
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7099d33..64b340f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,22 +9,19 @@
 test_blob_does_not_exist() {
-	test_expect_success SHA1 'blob does not exist in database' "
+	test_expect_success 'blob does not exist in database' "
 		test_must_fail git cat-file blob $1
 test_blob_exists() {
-	test_expect_success SHA1 'blob exists in database' "
+	test_expect_success 'blob exists in database' "
 		git cat-file blob $1
 hello_content="Hello World"
 example_content="This is an example"
 setup_repo() {
 	echo_without_newline "$hello_content" > hello
@@ -44,7 +41,16 @@
 	rm -rf $test_repo
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	setup_repo &&
+	test_oid_cache <<-EOF
+	hello sha1:5e1c309dae7f45e0f39b1bf3ac3cd9db12e7d689
+	hello sha256:1e3b6c04d2eeb2b3e45c8a330445404c0b7cc7b257e2b097167d26f5230090c4
+	example sha1:ddd3f836d3e3fbb7ae289aa9ae83536f76956399
+	example sha256:b44fe1fe65589848253737db859bd490453510719d7424daab03daf0767b85ae
 # Argument checking
@@ -73,23 +79,23 @@
-test_expect_success SHA1 'hash a file' '
-	test $hello_sha1 = $(git hash-object hello)
+test_expect_success 'hash a file' '
+	test "$(test_oid hello)" = $(git hash-object hello)
-test_blob_does_not_exist $hello_sha1
+test_blob_does_not_exist "$(test_oid hello)"
-test_expect_success SHA1 'hash from stdin' '
-	test $example_sha1 = $(git hash-object --stdin < example)
+test_expect_success 'hash from stdin' '
+	test "$(test_oid example)" = $(git hash-object --stdin < example)
-test_blob_does_not_exist $example_sha1
+test_blob_does_not_exist "$(test_oid example)"
-test_expect_success SHA1 'hash a file and write to database' '
-	test $hello_sha1 = $(git hash-object -w hello)
+test_expect_success 'hash a file and write to database' '
+	test "$(test_oid hello)" = $(git hash-object -w hello)
-test_blob_exists $hello_sha1
+test_blob_exists "$(test_oid hello)"
 test_expect_success 'git hash-object --stdin file1 <file0 first operates on file0, then file1' '
 	echo foo > file1 &&
@@ -161,11 +167,11 @@
 for args in "-w --stdin" "--stdin -w"; do
-	test_expect_success SHA1 "hash from stdin and write to database ($args)" '
-		test $example_sha1 = $(git hash-object $args < example)
+	test_expect_success "hash from stdin and write to database ($args)" '
+		test "$(test_oid example)" = $(git hash-object $args < example)
-	test_blob_exists $example_sha1
+	test_blob_exists "$(test_oid example)"
@@ -173,22 +179,22 @@
+oids="$(test_oid hello)
+$(test_oid example)"
-test_expect_success SHA1 "hash two files with names on stdin" '
-	test "$sha1s" = "$(echo_without_newline "$filenames" | git hash-object --stdin-paths)"
+test_expect_success "hash two files with names on stdin" '
+	test "$oids" = "$(echo_without_newline "$filenames" | git hash-object --stdin-paths)"
 for args in "-w --stdin-paths" "--stdin-paths -w"; do
-	test_expect_success SHA1 "hash two files with names on stdin and write to database ($args)" '
-		test "$sha1s" = "$(echo_without_newline "$filenames" | git hash-object $args)"
+	test_expect_success "hash two files with names on stdin and write to database ($args)" '
+		test "$oids" = "$(echo_without_newline "$filenames" | git hash-object $args)"
-	test_blob_exists $hello_sha1
-	test_blob_exists $example_sha1
+	test_blob_exists "$(test_oid hello)"
+	test_blob_exists "$(test_oid example)"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 428177c..983a0a1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1294,26 +1294,25 @@
 	GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="" git -c config --list
 test_expect_success 'detect bogus GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS' '
 	cat >expect <<-\EOF && one
 	env.two two
-	GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="${sq}${sq} ${sq}env.two=two${sq}" \
+	GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="${SQ}${SQ} ${SQ}env.two=two${SQ}" \
 		git config --get-regexp "env.*" >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
- one${sq}
+ one${SQ}
 	env.two two
-	GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="${sq}${sq}\\$sq$sq$sq ${sq}env.two=two${sq}" \
+	GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="${SQ}${SQ}\\$SQ$SQ$SQ ${SQ}env.two=two${SQ}" \
 		git config --get-regexp "env.*" >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual &&
 	test_must_fail env \
-		GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="${sq}${sq}\\$sq ${sq}env.two=two${sq}" \
+		GIT_CONFIG_PARAMETERS="${SQ}${SQ}\\$SQ ${SQ}env.two=two${SQ}" \
 		git config --get-regexp "env.*"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9571e36..d20b4d1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -349,20 +349,13 @@
 test_expect_success 'include cycles are detected' '
-	cat >.gitconfig <<-\EOF &&
-	[test]value = gitconfig
-	[include]path = cycle
-	cat >cycle <<-\EOF &&
-	[test]value = cycle
-	[include]path = .gitconfig
-	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
-	gitconfig
-	cycle
-	test_must_fail git config --get-all test.value 2>stderr &&
-	test_i18ngrep "exceeded maximum include depth" stderr
+	git init --bare cycle &&
+	git -C cycle config include.path cycle &&
+	git config -f cycle/cycle include.path config &&
+	test_must_fail \
+		git -C cycle config --get-all test.value 2>stderr &&
+	grep "exceeded maximum include depth" stderr
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d0a2727..7b4e1a6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@
 test_expect_success 'find value_list for a key from a configset' '
-	cat >except <<-\EOF &&
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	lama
+	ball
-	lama
-	ball
-	test-tool config configset_get_value case.baz config2 .git/config >actual &&
+	test-tool config configset_get_value_multi case.baz config2 .git/config >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 413642a..3a0de0d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -89,4 +89,14 @@
 	test_with_config "["
+test_expect_success 'early config and onbranch' '
+	echo "[broken" >broken &&
+	test_with_config "[includeif \"onbranch:master\"]path=../broken"
+test_expect_success 'onbranch config outside of git repo' '
+	test_config_global includeIf.onbranch:master.path non-existent &&
+	nongit git help
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 970c5c3..2d142e5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
 	test_cmp unchanged actual
 # Test adding and deleting D/F-conflicting references in a single
 # transaction.
 df_test() {
@@ -93,7 +91,7 @@
 	fi &&
 	cat >expected-err <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$addname$Q: $Q$delref$Q exists; cannot create $Q$addref$Q
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$addname$SQ: $SQ$delref$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$addref$SQ
 	$pack &&
 	if $add_del
@@ -123,7 +121,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/1l &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c e" false "b c/x d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c/x$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c/x$SQ"
@@ -131,7 +129,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/1p &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c e" true "b c/x d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c/x$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c/x$SQ"
@@ -139,7 +137,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/2l &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c e" false "b c/x/y d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c/x/y$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c/x/y$SQ"
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/2p &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c e" true "b c/x/y d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c/x/y$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c/x/y$SQ"
@@ -155,7 +153,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/3l &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c/x e" false "b c d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c/x$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c/x$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c$SQ"
@@ -163,7 +161,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/3p &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c/x e" true "b c d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c/x$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c/x$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c$SQ"
@@ -171,7 +169,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/4l &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c/x/y e" false "b c d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c/x/y$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c/x/y$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c$SQ"
@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/4p &&
 	test_update_rejected "a c/x/y e" true "b c d" \
-		"$Q$prefix/c/x/y$Q exists; cannot create $Q$prefix/c$Q"
+		"$SQ$prefix/c/x/y$SQ exists; cannot create $SQ$prefix/c$SQ"
@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/5 &&
 	test_update_rejected "a e" false "b c c/x d" \
-		"cannot process $Q$prefix/c$Q and $Q$prefix/c/x$Q at the same time"
+		"cannot process $SQ$prefix/c$SQ and $SQ$prefix/c/x$SQ at the same time"
@@ -334,7 +332,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'missing old value blocks update' '
 	prefix=refs/missing-update &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/foo $E $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -345,7 +343,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/incorrect-update &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: is at $C but expected $D
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: is at $C but expected $D
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/foo $E $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -356,7 +354,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/existing-create &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: reference already exists
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: reference already exists
 	printf "%s\n" "create $prefix/foo $E" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -367,7 +365,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/incorrect-delete &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: is at $C but expected $D
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: is at $C but expected $D
 	printf "%s\n" "delete $prefix/foo $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -378,7 +376,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/missing-indirect-update &&
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/symref $E $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -390,7 +388,7 @@
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: is at $C but expected $D
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: is at $C but expected $D
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/symref $E $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -402,7 +400,7 @@
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: reference already exists
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: reference already exists
 	printf "%s\n" "create $prefix/symref $E" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -414,7 +412,7 @@
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: is at $C but expected $D
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: is at $C but expected $D
 	printf "%s\n" "delete $prefix/symref $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -425,7 +423,7 @@
 	prefix=refs/missing-noderef-update &&
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: reference is missing but expected $D
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: reference is missing but expected $D
 	printf "%s\n" "option no-deref" "update $prefix/symref $E $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -437,7 +435,7 @@
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: is at $C but expected $D
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: is at $C but expected $D
 	printf "%s\n" "option no-deref" "update $prefix/symref $E $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -449,7 +447,7 @@
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: reference already exists
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: reference already exists
 	printf "%s\n" "option no-deref" "create $prefix/symref $E" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -461,7 +459,7 @@
 	git symbolic-ref $prefix/symref $prefix/foo &&
 	git update-ref $prefix/foo $C &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: is at $C but expected $D
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: is at $C but expected $D
 	printf "%s\n" "option no-deref" "delete $prefix/symref $D" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -474,13 +472,13 @@
 	: >.git/$prefix/foo/bar/baz.lock &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/$prefix/foo/bar/baz.lock" &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: there is a non-empty directory $Q.git/$prefix/foo$Q blocking reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: there is a non-empty directory $SQ.git/$prefix/foo$SQ blocking reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/foo $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
 	test_cmp expected output.err &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/foo $D $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -493,13 +491,13 @@
 	echo "gobbledigook" >.git/$prefix/foo &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/$prefix/foo" &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q: reference broken
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: reference broken
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/foo $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
 	test_cmp expected output.err &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/foo$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q: reference broken
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: reference broken
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/foo $D $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -513,13 +511,13 @@
 	: >.git/$prefix/foo/bar/baz.lock &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/$prefix/foo/bar/baz.lock" &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: there is a non-empty directory $Q.git/$prefix/foo$Q blocking reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: there is a non-empty directory $SQ.git/$prefix/foo$SQ blocking reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/symref $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
 	test_cmp expected output.err &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/symref $D $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -532,13 +530,13 @@
 	echo "gobbledigook" >.git/$prefix/foo &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/$prefix/foo" &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q: reference broken
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: reference broken
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/symref $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
 	test_cmp expected output.err &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: cannot lock ref $Q$prefix/symref$Q: unable to resolve reference $Q$prefix/foo$Q: reference broken
+	fatal: cannot lock ref $SQ$prefix/symref$SQ: unable to resolve reference $SQ$prefix/foo$SQ: reference broken
 	printf "%s\n" "update $prefix/symref $D $C" |
 	test_must_fail git update-ref --stdin 2>output.err &&
@@ -614,7 +612,7 @@
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/packed-refs.lock" &&
 	test_must_fail git update-ref -d $prefix/foo >out 2>err &&
 	git for-each-ref $prefix >actual &&
-	test_i18ngrep "Unable to create $Q.*packed-refs.lock$Q: " err &&
+	test_i18ngrep "Unable to create $SQ.*packed-refs.lock$SQ: " err &&
 	test_cmp unchanged actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 79f731d..82950c0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -30,14 +30,13 @@
 corrupt () {
-	aa=${1%??????????????????????????????????????} zz=${1#??}
-	mv .git/objects/$aa/$zz .git/$aa$zz
+	mv .git/objects/$(test_oid_to_path $1) .git/$1
 recover () {
-	aa=${1%??????????????????????????????????????} zz=${1#??}
+	aa=$(echo $1 | cut -c 1-2)
 	mkdir -p .git/objects/$aa
-	mv .git/$aa$zz .git/objects/$aa/$zz
+	mv .git/$1 .git/objects/$(test_oid_to_path $1)
 check_dont_have () {
@@ -55,6 +54,7 @@
 test_expect_success setup '
+	test_oid_init &&
 	mkdir -p A/B &&
 	echo rat >C &&
 	echo ox >A/D &&
@@ -313,12 +313,12 @@
 # Each line is 114 characters, so we need 75 to still have a few before the
 # last 8K. The 89-character padding on the final entry lines up our
 # newline exactly.
-test_expect_success 'parsing reverse reflogs at BUFSIZ boundaries' '
+test_expect_success SHA1 'parsing reverse reflogs at BUFSIZ boundaries' '
 	git checkout -b reflogskip &&
-	z38=00000000000000000000000000000000000000 &&
+	zf=$(test_oid zero_2) &&
 	ident="abc <xyz> 0000000001 +0000" &&
 	for i in $(test_seq 1 75); do
-		printf "$z38%02d $z38%02d %s\t" $i $(($i+1)) "$ident" &&
+		printf "$zf%02d $zf%02d %s\t" $i $(($i+1)) "$ident" &&
 		if test $i = 75; then
 			for j in $(test_seq 1 89); do
 				printf X
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
 		printf "\n"
 	done >.git/logs/refs/heads/reflogskip &&
 	git rev-parse reflogskip@{73} >actual &&
-	echo ${z38}03 >expect &&
+	echo ${zf}03 >expect &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index feb1efd..1181a9f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@
 	git log -g --format="%gd %gs" "$@"
 test_expect_success 'set up expected reflog' '
 	cat >expect.all <<-EOF
-	HEAD@{0} commit (merge): Merge branch ${sq}master${sq} into side
+	HEAD@{0} commit (merge): Merge branch ${SQ}master${SQ} into side
 	HEAD@{1} commit: three
 	HEAD@{2} checkout: moving from master to side
 	HEAD@{3} commit: two
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0f268a3..50d28e6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 . ./
 test_expect_success setup '
+	test_oid_init &&
 	git config 0 &&
 	git config i18n.commitencoding ISO-8859-1 &&
 	test_commit A fileA one &&
@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@
 test_expect_success 'object with bad sha1' '
 	sha=$(echo blob | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
-	old=$(echo $sha | sed "s+^..+&/+") &&
-	new=$(dirname $old)/ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff &&
+	old=$(test_oid_to_path "$sha") &&
+	new=$(dirname $old)/$(test_oid ff_2) &&
 	sha="$(dirname $new)$(basename $new)" &&
 	mv .git/objects/$old .git/objects/$new &&
 	test_when_finished "remove_object $sha" &&
@@ -69,7 +70,6 @@
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "$sha.*corrupt" out
@@ -77,17 +77,15 @@
 	git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} >.git/refs/heads/invalid &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/invalid" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "not a commit" out
 test_expect_success 'HEAD link pointing at a funny object' '
 	test_when_finished "mv .git/SAVED_HEAD .git/HEAD" &&
 	mv .git/HEAD .git/SAVED_HEAD &&
-	echo 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 >.git/HEAD &&
+	echo $ZERO_OID >.git/HEAD &&
 	# avoid corrupt/broken HEAD from interfering with repo discovery
 	test_must_fail env GIT_DIR=.git git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "detached HEAD points" out
@@ -97,7 +95,6 @@
 	echo "ref: refs/funny/place" >.git/HEAD &&
 	# avoid corrupt/broken HEAD from interfering with repo discovery
 	test_must_fail env GIT_DIR=.git git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "HEAD points to something strange" out
@@ -156,7 +153,6 @@
 	git update-ref refs/heads/bogus "$new" &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error in commit $new" out
@@ -168,7 +164,6 @@
 	git update-ref refs/heads/bogus "$new" &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error in commit $new.* - bad name" out
@@ -180,7 +175,6 @@
 	git update-ref refs/heads/bogus "$new" &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error in commit $new.* - missing email" out
@@ -192,7 +186,6 @@
 	git update-ref refs/heads/bogus "$new" &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error in commit $new" out
@@ -206,7 +199,6 @@
 	git update-ref refs/heads/bogus "$new" &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error in commit $new.*integer overflow" out
@@ -218,7 +210,6 @@
 	git update-ref refs/heads/bogus "$new" &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error in commit $new.*unterminated header: NUL at offset" out
@@ -244,10 +235,16 @@
 test_expect_success 'unparseable tree object' '
+	test_oid_cache <<-\EOF &&
+	junk sha1:twenty-bytes-of-junk
+	junk sha256:twenty-bytes-of-junk-twelve-more
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/wrong" &&
 	test_when_finished "remove_object \$tree_sha1" &&
 	test_when_finished "remove_object \$commit_sha1" &&
-	tree_sha1=$(printf "100644 \0twenty-bytes-of-junk" | git hash-object -t tree --stdin -w --literally) &&
+	junk=$(test_oid junk) &&
+	tree_sha1=$(printf "100644 \0$junk" | git hash-object -t tree --stdin -w --literally) &&
 	commit_sha1=$(git commit-tree $tree_sha1) &&
 	git update-ref refs/heads/wrong $commit_sha1 &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck 2>out &&
@@ -275,8 +272,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'tag pointing to nonexistent' '
-	cat >invalid-tag <<-\EOF &&
-	object ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
+	badoid=$(test_oid deadbeef) &&
+	cat >invalid-tag <<-EOF &&
+	object $badoid
 	type commit
 	tag invalid
 	tagger T A Gger <> 1234567890 -0000
@@ -289,7 +287,6 @@
 	echo $tag >.git/refs/tags/invalid &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/tags/invalid" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck --tags >out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "broken link" out
@@ -370,7 +367,6 @@
 	echo $tag >.git/refs/tags/wrong &&
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/tags/wrong" &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck --tags 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error in tag $tag.*unterminated header: NUL at offset" out
@@ -386,8 +382,8 @@
 test_expect_success 'rev-list --verify-objects with bad sha1' '
 	sha=$(echo blob | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
-	old=$(echo $sha | sed "s+^..+&/+") &&
-	new=$(dirname $old)/ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff &&
+	old=$(test_oid_to_path $sha) &&
+	new=$(dirname $old)/$(test_oid ff_2) &&
 	sha="$(dirname $new)$(basename $new)" &&
 	mv .git/objects/$old .git/objects/$new &&
 	test_when_finished "remove_object $sha" &&
@@ -401,8 +397,7 @@
 	test_when_finished "git update-ref -d refs/heads/bogus" &&
 	test_might_fail git rev-list --verify-objects refs/heads/bogus >/dev/null 2>out &&
-	cat out &&
-	test_i18ngrep -q "error: hash mismatch 63ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" out
+	test_i18ngrep -q "error: hash mismatch $(dirname $new)$(test_oid ff_2)" out
 test_expect_success 'force fsck to ignore double author' '
@@ -417,16 +412,14 @@
+_bzoid=$(printf $ZERO_OID | sed -e 's/00/\\0/g')
 test_expect_success 'fsck notices blob entry pointing to null sha1' '
 	(git init null-blob &&
 	 cd null-blob &&
-	 sha=$(printf "100644 file$_bz$_bz20" |
+	 sha=$(printf "100644 file$_bz$_bzoid" |
 	       git hash-object -w --stdin -t tree) &&
 	  git fsck 2>out &&
-	  cat out &&
 	  test_i18ngrep "warning.*null sha1" out
@@ -434,10 +427,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'fsck notices submodule entry pointing to null sha1' '
 	(git init null-commit &&
 	 cd null-commit &&
-	 sha=$(printf "160000 submodule$_bz$_bz20" |
+	 sha=$(printf "160000 submodule$_bz$_bzoid" |
 	       git hash-object -w --stdin -t tree) &&
 	  git fsck 2>out &&
-	  cat out &&
 	  test_i18ngrep "warning.*null sha1" out
@@ -458,7 +450,6 @@
 			printf "$mode $type %s\t%s" "$value" "$path" >bad &&
 			bad_tree=$(git mktree <bad) &&
 			git fsck 2>out &&
-			cat out &&
 			test_i18ngrep "warning.*tree $bad_tree" out
 	done <<-\EOF
@@ -586,7 +577,7 @@
 		# its type. That lets us see that --connectivity-only is
 		# not actually looking at the contents, but leaves it
 		# free to examine the type if it chooses.
-		empty=.git/objects/e6/9de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 &&
+		empty=.git/objects/$(test_oid_to_path $EMPTY_BLOB) &&
 		blob=$(echo unrelated | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
 		mv -f $(sha1_file $blob) $empty &&
@@ -631,10 +622,12 @@
 test_expect_success 'alternate objects are correctly blamed' '
 	test_when_finished "rm -rf alt.git .git/objects/info/alternates" &&
+	name=$(test_oid numeric) &&
+	path=$(test_oid_to_path "$name") &&
 	git init --bare alt.git &&
 	echo "../../alt.git/objects" >.git/objects/info/alternates &&
-	mkdir alt.git/objects/12 &&
-	>alt.git/objects/12/34567890123456789012345678901234567890 &&
+	mkdir alt.git/objects/$(dirname $path) &&
+	>alt.git/objects/$(dirname $path)/$(basename $path) &&
 	test_must_fail git fsck >out 2>&1 &&
 	test_i18ngrep alt.git out
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4ee009d..624d0a5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,10 +8,9 @@
 test_did_you_mean ()
-	sq="'" &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: Path '$2$3' $4, but not ${5:-$sq$3$sq}.
-	Did you mean '$1:$2$3'${2:+ aka $sq$1:./$3$sq}?
+	fatal: Path '$2$3' $4, but not ${5:-$SQ$3$SQ}.
+	Did you mean '$1:$2$3'${2:+ aka $SQ$1:./$3$SQ}?
 	test_cmp expected error
@@ -215,4 +214,12 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'reject Nth parent if N is too high' '
+	test_must_fail git rev-parse HEAD^100000000000000000000000000000000
+test_expect_success 'reject Nth ancestor if N is too high' '
+	test_must_fail git rev-parse HEAD~100000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fa3e499..8b4cf8a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
 full_name () {
 	(cd clone &&
 	 git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name "$@")
@@ -129,7 +127,7 @@
 	git branch -t new my-side@{u} &&
 	git merge -s ours new@{u} &&
 	git show -s --pretty=tformat:%s >actual &&
-	echo "Merge remote-tracking branch ${sq}origin/side${sq}" >expect &&
+	echo "Merge remote-tracking branch ${SQ}origin/side${SQ}" >expect &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -156,7 +154,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'branch@{u} error message when no upstream' '
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: no upstream configured for branch ${sq}non-tracking${sq}
+	fatal: no upstream configured for branch ${SQ}non-tracking${SQ}
 	error_message non-tracking@{u} &&
 	test_i18ncmp expect error
@@ -164,7 +162,7 @@
 test_expect_success '@{u} error message when no upstream' '
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: no upstream configured for branch ${sq}master${sq}
+	fatal: no upstream configured for branch ${SQ}master${SQ}
 	test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify @{u} 2>actual &&
 	test_i18ncmp expect actual
@@ -172,7 +170,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'branch@{u} error message with misspelt branch' '
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: no such branch: ${sq}no-such-branch${sq}
+	fatal: no such branch: ${SQ}no-such-branch${SQ}
 	error_message no-such-branch@{u} &&
 	test_i18ncmp expect error
@@ -189,7 +187,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'branch@{u} error message if upstream branch not fetched' '
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-	fatal: upstream branch ${sq}refs/heads/side${sq} not stored as a remote-tracking branch
+	fatal: upstream branch ${SQ}refs/heads/side${SQ} not stored as a remote-tracking branch
 	error_message bad-upstream@{u} &&
 	test_i18ncmp expect error
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4f2f84f..12a5568 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -20,6 +20,22 @@
 	test-tool chmtime =-5 "$1"
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	test_oid_cache <<-EOF
+	own_v3 sha1:8299b0bcd1ac364e5f1d7768efb62fa2da79a339
+	own_v3 sha256:38a6d2925e3eceec33ad7b34cbff4e0086caa0daf28f31e51f5bd94b4a7af86b
+	base_v3 sha1:39d890139ee5356c7ef572216cebcd27aa41f9df
+	base_v3 sha256:c9baeadf905112bf6c17aefbd7d02267afd70ded613c30cafed2d40cb506e1ed
+	own_v4 sha1:432ef4b63f32193984f339431fd50ca796493569
+	own_v4 sha256:6738ac6319c25b694afa7bcc313deb182d1a59b68bf7a47b4296de83478c0420
+	base_v4 sha1:508851a7f0dfa8691e9f69c7f055865389012491
+	base_v4 sha256:3177d4adfdd4b6904f7e921d91d715a471c0dde7cf6a4bba574927f02b699508
 test_expect_success 'enable split index' '
 	git config splitIndex.maxPercentChange 100 &&
 	git update-index --split-index &&
@@ -29,11 +45,11 @@
 	# NEEDSWORK: Stop hard-coding checksums.
 	if test "$indexversion" = "4"
-		own=432ef4b63f32193984f339431fd50ca796493569
-		base=508851a7f0dfa8691e9f69c7f055865389012491
+		own=$(test_oid own_v4)
+		base=$(test_oid base_v4)
-		own=8299b0bcd1ac364e5f1d7768efb62fa2da79a339
-		base=39d890139ee5356c7ef572216cebcd27aa41f9df
+		own=$(test_oid own_v3)
+		base=$(test_oid base_v3)
 	fi &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
@@ -99,17 +115,18 @@
 test_expect_success 'modify original file, base index untouched' '
 	echo modified | create_non_racy_file one &&
+	file1_blob=$(git hash-object one) &&
 	git update-index one &&
 	git ls-files --stage >ls-files.actual &&
 	cat >ls-files.expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 2e0996000b7e9019eabcad29391bf0f5c7702f0b 0	one
+	100644 $file1_blob 0	one
 	test_cmp ls-files.expect ls-files.actual &&
 	test-tool dump-split-index .git/index | sed "/^own/d" >actual &&
 	q_to_tab >expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 2e0996000b7e9019eabcad29391bf0f5c7702f0b 0Q
+	100644 $file1_blob 0Q
 	replacements: 0
@@ -121,7 +138,7 @@
 	git update-index --add two &&
 	git ls-files --stage >ls-files.actual &&
 	cat >ls-files.expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 2e0996000b7e9019eabcad29391bf0f5c7702f0b 0	one
+	100644 $file1_blob 0	one
 	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	two
 	test_cmp ls-files.expect ls-files.actual &&
@@ -129,7 +146,7 @@
 	test-tool dump-split-index .git/index | sed "/^own/d" >actual &&
 	q_to_tab >expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 2e0996000b7e9019eabcad29391bf0f5c7702f0b 0Q
+	100644 $file1_blob 0Q
 	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	two
 	replacements: 0
@@ -141,14 +158,14 @@
 	git update-index --force-remove two &&
 	git ls-files --stage >ls-files.actual &&
 	cat >ls-files.expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 2e0996000b7e9019eabcad29391bf0f5c7702f0b 0	one
+	100644 $file1_blob 0	one
 	test_cmp ls-files.expect ls-files.actual &&
 	test-tool dump-split-index .git/index | sed "/^own/d" >actual &&
 	q_to_tab >expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 2e0996000b7e9019eabcad29391bf0f5c7702f0b 0Q
+	100644 $file1_blob 0Q
 	replacements: 0
@@ -237,9 +254,9 @@
 	git update-index --add three &&
 	git ls-files --stage >ls-files.actual &&
 	cat >ls-files.expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0	one
-	100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0	three
-	100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0	two
+	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	one
+	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	three
+	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	two
 	test_cmp ls-files.expect ls-files.actual &&
 	BASE=$(test-tool dump-split-index .git/index | grep "^base") &&
@@ -257,8 +274,8 @@
 	git update-index --force-remove three &&
 	git ls-files --stage >ls-files.actual &&
 	cat >ls-files.expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0	one
-	100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0	two
+	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	one
+	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	two
 	test_cmp ls-files.expect ls-files.actual &&
 	test-tool dump-split-index .git/index | sed "/^own/d" >actual &&
@@ -285,7 +302,7 @@
 	test-tool dump-split-index .git/index | sed "/^own/d" >actual &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0	four
+	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	four
@@ -309,7 +326,7 @@
 	test-tool dump-split-index .git/index | sed "/^own/d" >actual &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-	100644 e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 0	six
+	100644 $EMPTY_BLOB 0	six
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index fc3eb43..6844afa 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -78,4 +78,15 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'checkout HEAD adds deleted intent-to-add file back to index' '
+	echo "nonempty" >nonempty &&
+	>empty &&
+	git add nonempty empty &&
+	git commit -m "create files to be deleted" &&
+	git rm --cached nonempty empty &&
+	git add -N nonempty empty &&
+	git checkout HEAD nonempty empty &&
+	git diff --cached --exit-code
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2650df1..21c3f84 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -95,4 +95,15 @@
+test_expect_success 'restore --staged adds deleted intent-to-add file back to index' '
+	echo "nonempty" >nonempty &&
+	>empty &&
+	git add nonempty empty &&
+	git commit -m "create files to be deleted" &&
+	git rm --cached nonempty empty &&
+	git add -N nonempty empty &&
+	git restore --staged nonempty empty &&
+	git diff --cached --exit-code
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 68e54d5..5bbe8dc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -247,12 +247,14 @@
 test_expect_success '"diff HEAD" includes ita as new files' '
 	git reset --hard &&
 	echo new >new-ita &&
+	oid=$(git hash-object new-ita) &&
+	oid=$(git rev-parse --short $oid) &&
 	git add -N new-ita &&
 	git diff HEAD >actual &&
-	cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
 	diff --git a/new-ita b/new-ita
 	new file mode 100644
-	index 0000000..3e75765
+	index 0000000..$oid
 	--- /dev/null
 	+++ b/new-ita
 	@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 209b4c7..2ec69a8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
 . ./
 test_expect_success 'prepare' '
 	: >never-mind-me &&
 	git add never-mind-me &&
@@ -44,9 +40,9 @@
 		cd top/sub &&
 		for f in ../y*
-			echo "error: pathspec $sq$f$sq did not match any file(s) known to git"
+			echo "error: pathspec $SQ$f$SQ did not match any file(s) known to git"
 		done >expect.err &&
-		echo "Did you forget to ${sq}git add${sq}?" >>expect.err &&
+		echo "Did you forget to ${SQ}git add${SQ}?" >>expect.err &&
 		ls ../x* >expect.out &&
 		test_must_fail git ls-files -c --error-unmatch ../[xy]* >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
 		test_cmp expect.out actual.out &&
@@ -59,9 +55,9 @@
 		cd top/sub &&
 		for f in ../x*
-			echo "error: pathspec $sq$f$sq did not match any file(s) known to git"
+			echo "error: pathspec $SQ$f$SQ did not match any file(s) known to git"
 		done >expect.err &&
-		echo "Did you forget to ${sq}git add${sq}?" >>expect.err &&
+		echo "Did you forget to ${SQ}git add${SQ}?" >>expect.err &&
 		ls ../y* >expect.out &&
 		test_must_fail git ls-files -o --error-unmatch ../[xy]* >actual.out 2>actual.err &&
 		test_cmp expect.out actual.out &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ff641b3..2170758 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -452,6 +452,34 @@
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'dir in working tree with symlink ancestor does not produce d/f conflict' '
+	git init sym &&
+	(
+		cd sym &&
+		ln -s . foo &&
+		mkdir bar &&
+		>bar/file &&
+		git add foo bar/file &&
+		git commit -m "foo symlink" &&
+		git checkout -b branch1 &&
+		git commit --allow-empty -m "empty commit" &&
+		git checkout master &&
+		git rm foo &&
+		mkdir foo &&
+		>foo/bar &&
+		git add foo/bar &&
+		git commit -m "replace foo symlink with real foo dir and foo/bar file" &&
+		git checkout branch1 &&
+		git cherry-pick master &&
+		test_path_is_dir foo &&
+		test_path_is_file foo/bar
+	)
 test_expect_success 'reset and 3-way merge' '
 	git reset --hard "$c2" &&
@@ -667,15 +695,22 @@
 test_expect_success 'merge-recursive remembers the names of all base trees' '
 	git reset --hard HEAD &&
+	# make the index match $c1 so that merge-recursive below does not
+	# fail early
+	git diff --binary HEAD $c1 -- | git apply --cached &&
 	# more trees than static slots used by oid_to_hex()
 	for commit in $c0 $c2 $c4 $c5 $c6 $c7
 		git rev-parse "$commit^{tree}"
 	done >trees &&
-	# ignore the return code -- it only fails because the input is weird
+	# ignore the return code; it only fails because the input is weird...
 	test_must_fail git -c merge.verbosity=5 merge-recursive $(cat trees) -- $c1 $c3 >out &&
+	# ...but make sure it fails in the expected way
+	test_i18ngrep CONFLICT.*rename/rename out &&
 	# merge-recursive prints in reverse order, but we do not care
 	sort <trees >expect &&
 	sed -n "s/^virtual //p" out | sort >actual &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0ea4fc4..40251c9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -192,10 +192,10 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual &&
 	git branch --verbose --merged topic >actual &&
-	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
-	  master c77a0a9 second on master
-	* topic  2c939f4 [ahead 1] foo
-	  zzz    c77a0a9 second on master
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	  master $(git rev-parse --short master) second on master
+	* topic  $(git rev-parse --short topic ) [ahead 1] foo
+	  zzz    $(git rev-parse --short zzz   ) second on master
 	test_i18ncmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 048feaf..0579cd9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -8,17 +8,124 @@
 # harm than good.  We need some real history.
 test_expect_success 'setup' '
-	git fast-import < "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3206/history.export
+	git fast-import < "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3206/history.export &&
+	test_oid_cache <<-EOF
+	# topic
+	t1 sha1:4de457d
+	t2 sha1:fccce22
+	t3 sha1:147e64e
+	t4 sha1:a63e992
+	t1 sha256:b89f8b9
+	t2 sha256:5f12aad
+	t3 sha256:ea8b273
+	t4 sha256:14b7336
+	# unmodified
+	u1 sha1:35b9b25
+	u2 sha1:de345ab
+	u3 sha1:9af6654
+	u4 sha1:2901f77
+	u1 sha256:e3731be
+	u2 sha256:14fadf8
+	u3 sha256:736c4bc
+	u4 sha256:673e77d
+	# reordered
+	r1 sha1:aca177a
+	r2 sha1:14ad629
+	r3 sha1:ee58208
+	r4 sha1:307b27a
+	r1 sha256:f59d3aa
+	r2 sha256:fb261a8
+	r3 sha256:cb2649b
+	r4 sha256:958577e
+	# removed (deleted)
+	d1 sha1:7657159
+	d2 sha1:43d84d3
+	d3 sha1:a740396
+	d1 sha256:e312513
+	d2 sha256:eb19258
+	d3 sha256:1ccb3c1
+	# added
+	a1 sha1:2716022
+	a2 sha1:b62accd
+	a3 sha1:df46cfa
+	a4 sha1:3e64548
+	a5 sha1:12b4063
+	a1 sha256:d724f4d
+	a2 sha256:1de7762
+	a3 sha256:e159431
+	a4 sha256:b3e483c
+	a5 sha256:90866a7
+	# rebased
+	b1 sha1:cc9c443
+	b2 sha1:c5d9641
+	b3 sha1:28cc2b6
+	b4 sha1:5628ab7
+	b5 sha1:a31b12e
+	b1 sha256:a1a8717
+	b2 sha256:20a5862
+	b3 sha256:587172a
+	b4 sha256:2721c5d
+	b5 sha256:7b57864
+	# changed
+	c1 sha1:a4b3333
+	c2 sha1:f51d370
+	c3 sha1:0559556
+	c4 sha1:d966c5c
+	c1 sha256:f8c2b9d
+	c2 sha256:3fb6318
+	c3 sha256:168ab68
+	c4 sha256:3526539
+	# changed-message
+	m1 sha1:f686024
+	m2 sha1:4ab067d
+	m3 sha1:b9cb956
+	m4 sha1:8add5f1
+	m1 sha256:31e6281
+	m2 sha256:a06bf1b
+	m3 sha256:82dc654
+	m4 sha256:48470c5
+	# renamed
+	n1 sha1:f258d75
+	n2 sha1:017b62d
+	n3 sha1:3ce7af6
+	n4 sha1:1e6226b
+	n1 sha256:ad52114
+	n2 sha256:3b54c8f
+	n3 sha256:3b0a644
+	n4 sha256:e461653
+	# added and removed
+	s1 sha1:096b1ba
+	s2 sha1:d92e698
+	s3 sha1:9a1db4d
+	s4 sha1:fea3b5c
+	s1 sha256:a7f9134
+	s2 sha256:b4c2580
+	s3 sha256:1d62aa2
+	s4 sha256:48160e8
+	# Empty delimiter (included so lines match neatly)
+	__ sha1:-------
+	__ sha256:-------
 test_expect_success 'simple A..B A..C (unmodified)' '
 	git range-diff --no-color master..topic master..unmodified \
 		>actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  35b9b25 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 = 2:  de345ab s/4/A/
-	3:  147e64e = 3:  9af6654 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 = 4:  2901f77 s/12/B/
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid u1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 2:  $(test_oid u2) s/4/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) = 3:  $(test_oid u3) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 4:  $(test_oid u4) s/12/B/
 	test_cmp expected actual
@@ -38,10 +145,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'trivial reordering' '
 	git range-diff --no-color master topic reordered >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  aca177a s/5/A/
-	3:  147e64e = 2:  14ad629 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 = 3:  ee58208 s/12/B/
-	2:  fccce22 = 4:  307b27a s/4/A/
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid r1) s/5/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) = 2:  $(test_oid r2) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 3:  $(test_oid r3) s/12/B/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 4:  $(test_oid r4) s/4/A/
 	test_cmp expected actual
@@ -49,10 +156,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'removed a commit' '
 	git range-diff --no-color master topic removed >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  7657159 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 < -:  ------- s/4/A/
-	3:  147e64e = 2:  43d84d3 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 = 3:  a740396 s/12/B/
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid d1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) < -:  $(test_oid __) s/4/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) = 2:  $(test_oid d2) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 3:  $(test_oid d3) s/12/B/
 	test_cmp expected actual
@@ -60,11 +167,11 @@
 test_expect_success 'added a commit' '
 	git range-diff --no-color master topic added >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  2716022 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 = 2:  b62accd s/4/A/
-	-:  ------- > 3:  df46cfa s/6/A/
-	3:  147e64e = 4:  3e64548 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 = 5:  12b4063 s/12/B/
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid a1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 2:  $(test_oid a2) s/4/A/
+	-:  $(test_oid __) > 3:  $(test_oid a3) s/6/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) = 4:  $(test_oid a4) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 5:  $(test_oid a5) s/12/B/
 	test_cmp expected actual
@@ -72,10 +179,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'new base, A B C' '
 	git range-diff --no-color master topic rebased >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  cc9c443 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 = 2:  c5d9641 s/4/A/
-	3:  147e64e = 3:  28cc2b6 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 = 4:  5628ab7 s/12/B/
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid b1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 2:  $(test_oid b2) s/4/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) = 3:  $(test_oid b3) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 4:  $(test_oid b4) s/12/B/
 	test_cmp expected actual
@@ -84,11 +191,11 @@
 	# this syntax includes the commits from master!
 	git range-diff --no-color topic...rebased >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	-:  ------- > 1:  a31b12e unrelated
-	1:  4de457d = 2:  cc9c443 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 = 3:  c5d9641 s/4/A/
-	3:  147e64e = 4:  28cc2b6 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 = 5:  5628ab7 s/12/B/
+	-:  $(test_oid __) > 1:  $(test_oid b5) unrelated
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 2:  $(test_oid b1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 3:  $(test_oid b2) s/4/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) = 4:  $(test_oid b3) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 5:  $(test_oid b4) s/12/B/
 	test_cmp expected actual
@@ -96,10 +203,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'changed commit' '
 	git range-diff --no-color topic...changed >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  a4b3333 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 = 2:  f51d370 s/4/A/
-	3:  147e64e ! 3:  0559556 s/11/B/
-	    @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid c1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 2:  $(test_oid c2) s/4/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) ! 3:  $(test_oid c3) s/11/B/
+	    @@ file: A
@@ -108,9 +215,9 @@
-	4:  a63e992 ! 4:  d966c5c s/12/B/
-	    @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-	     @@
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) ! 4:  $(test_oid c4) s/12/B/
+	    @@ file
+	     @@ file: A
 	    - B
@@ -125,10 +232,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'changed commit with --no-patch diff option' '
 	git range-diff --no-color --no-patch topic...changed >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  a4b3333 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 = 2:  f51d370 s/4/A/
-	3:  147e64e ! 3:  0559556 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 ! 4:  d966c5c s/12/B/
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid c1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 2:  $(test_oid c2) s/4/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) ! 3:  $(test_oid c3) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) ! 4:  $(test_oid c4) s/12/B/
 	test_cmp expected actual
@@ -136,16 +243,16 @@
 test_expect_success 'changed commit with --stat diff option' '
 	git range-diff --no-color --stat topic...changed >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  a4b3333 s/5/A/
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid c1) s/5/A/
 	     a => b | 0
 	     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-	2:  fccce22 = 2:  f51d370 s/4/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 2:  $(test_oid c2) s/4/A/
 	     a => b | 0
 	     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-	3:  147e64e ! 3:  0559556 s/11/B/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) ! 3:  $(test_oid c3) s/11/B/
 	     a => b | 0
 	     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-	4:  a63e992 ! 4:  d966c5c s/12/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) ! 4:  $(test_oid c4) s/12/B/
 	     a => b | 0
 	     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -155,10 +262,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'changed commit with sm config' '
 	git range-diff --no-color --submodule=log topic...changed >actual &&
 	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  a4b3333 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 = 2:  f51d370 s/4/A/
-	3:  147e64e ! 3:  0559556 s/11/B/
-	    @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid c1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) = 2:  $(test_oid c2) s/4/A/
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) ! 3:  $(test_oid c3) s/11/B/
+	    @@ file: A
@@ -167,9 +274,9 @@
-	4:  a63e992 ! 4:  d966c5c s/12/B/
-	    @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-	     @@
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) ! 4:  $(test_oid c4) s/12/B/
+	    @@ file
+	     @@ file: A
 	    - B
@@ -181,6 +288,132 @@
 	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'renamed file' '
+	git range-diff --no-color --submodule=log topic...renamed-file >actual &&
+	sed s/Z/\ /g >expected <<-EOF &&
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid n1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) ! 2:  $(test_oid n2) s/4/A/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    ZAuthor: Thomas Rast <>
+	    Z
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
+	    -    s/4/A/
+	    +    s/4/A/ + rename file
+	    Z
+	    - ## file ##
+	    + ## file => renamed-file ##
+	    Z@@
+	    Z 1
+	    Z 2
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) ! 3:  $(test_oid n3) s/11/B/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
+	    Z    s/11/B/
+	    Z
+	    - ## file ##
+	    -@@ file: A
+	    + ## renamed-file ##
+	    +@@ renamed-file: A
+	    Z 8
+	    Z 9
+	    Z 10
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) ! 4:  $(test_oid n4) s/12/B/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
+	    Z    s/12/B/
+	    Z
+	    - ## file ##
+	    -@@ file: A
+	    + ## renamed-file ##
+	    +@@ renamed-file: A
+	    Z 9
+	    Z 10
+	    Z B
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'file with mode only change' '
+	git range-diff --no-color --submodule=log topic...mode-only-change >actual &&
+	sed s/Z/\ /g >expected <<-EOF &&
+	1:  fccce22 ! 1:  4d39cb3 s/4/A/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    ZAuthor: Thomas Rast <>
+	    Z
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
+	    -    s/4/A/
+	    +    s/4/A/ + add other-file
+	    Z
+	    Z ## file ##
+	    Z@@
+	    @@ file
+	    Z A
+	    Z 6
+	    Z 7
+	    +
+	    + ## other-file (new) ##
+	2:  147e64e ! 2:  26c107f s/11/B/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    ZAuthor: Thomas Rast <>
+	    Z
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
+	    -    s/11/B/
+	    +    s/11/B/ + mode change other-file
+	    Z
+	    Z ## file ##
+	    Z@@ file: A
+	    @@ file: A
+	    Z 12
+	    Z 13
+	    Z 14
+	    +
+	    + ## other-file (mode change 100644 => 100755) ##
+	3:  a63e992 = 3:  4c1e0f5 s/12/B/
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'file added and later removed' '
+	git range-diff --no-color --submodule=log topic...added-removed >actual &&
+	sed s/Z/\ /g >expected <<-EOF &&
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid s1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) ! 2:  $(test_oid s2) s/4/A/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    ZAuthor: Thomas Rast <>
+	    Z
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
+	    -    s/4/A/
+	    +    s/4/A/ + new-file
+	    Z
+	    Z ## file ##
+	    Z@@
+	    @@ file
+	    Z A
+	    Z 6
+	    Z 7
+	    +
+	    + ## new-file (new) ##
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) ! 3:  $(test_oid s3) s/11/B/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    ZAuthor: Thomas Rast <>
+	    Z
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
+	    -    s/11/B/
+	    +    s/11/B/ + remove file
+	    Z
+	    Z ## file ##
+	    Z@@ file: A
+	    @@ file: A
+	    Z 12
+	    Z 13
+	    Z 14
+	    +
+	    + ## new-file (deleted) ##
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 4:  $(test_oid s4) s/12/B/
+	test_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'no commits on one side' '
 	git commit --amend -m "new message" &&
 	git range-diff master HEAD@{1} HEAD
@@ -189,38 +422,38 @@
 test_expect_success 'changed message' '
 	git range-diff --no-color topic...changed-message >actual &&
 	sed s/Z/\ /g >expected <<-EOF &&
-	1:  4de457d = 1:  f686024 s/5/A/
-	2:  fccce22 ! 2:  4ab067d s/4/A/
-	    @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
-	    Z
+	1:  $(test_oid t1) = 1:  $(test_oid m1) s/5/A/
+	2:  $(test_oid t2) ! 2:  $(test_oid m2) s/4/A/
+	    @@ Metadata
+	    Z ## Commit message ##
 	    Z    s/4/A/
 	    +    Also a silly comment here!
-	    Z diff --git a/file b/file
-	    Z --- a/file
-	    Z +++ b/file
-	3:  147e64e = 3:  b9cb956 s/11/B/
-	4:  a63e992 = 4:  8add5f1 s/12/B/
+	    Z ## file ##
+	    Z@@
+	    Z 1
+	3:  $(test_oid t3) = 3:  $(test_oid m3) s/11/B/
+	4:  $(test_oid t4) = 4:  $(test_oid m4) s/12/B/
 	test_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'dual-coloring' '
-	sed -e "s|^:||" >expect <<-\EOF &&
-	:<YELLOW>1:  a4b3333 = 1:  f686024 s/5/A/<RESET>
-	:<RED>2:  f51d370 <RESET><YELLOW>!<RESET><GREEN> 2:  4ab067d<RESET><YELLOW> s/4/A/<RESET>
-	:    <REVERSE><CYAN>@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@<RESET>
-	:     <RESET>
+	sed -e "s|^:||" >expect <<-EOF &&
+	:<YELLOW>1:  $(test_oid c1) = 1:  $(test_oid m1) s/5/A/<RESET>
+	:<RED>2:  $(test_oid c2) <RESET><YELLOW>!<RESET><GREEN> 2:  $(test_oid m2)<RESET><YELLOW> s/4/A/<RESET>
+	:    <REVERSE><CYAN>@@<RESET> <RESET>Metadata<RESET>
+	:      ## Commit message ##<RESET>
 	:         s/4/A/<RESET>
 	:     <RESET>
 	:    <REVERSE><GREEN>+<RESET><BOLD>    Also a silly comment here!<RESET>
-	:      diff --git a/file b/file<RESET>
-	:      --- a/file<RESET>
-	:      +++ b/file<RESET>
-	:<RED>3:  0559556 <RESET><YELLOW>!<RESET><GREEN> 3:  b9cb956<RESET><YELLOW> s/11/B/<RESET>
-	:    <REVERSE><CYAN>@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@<RESET>
+	:      ## file ##<RESET>
+	:    <CYAN> @@<RESET>
+	:      1<RESET>
+	:<RED>3:  $(test_oid c3) <RESET><YELLOW>!<RESET><GREEN> 3:  $(test_oid m3)<RESET><YELLOW> s/11/B/<RESET>
 	:      9<RESET>
 	:      10<RESET>
 	:    <RED> -11<RESET>
@@ -229,9 +462,9 @@
 	:      12<RESET>
 	:      13<RESET>
 	:      14<RESET>
-	:<RED>4:  d966c5c <RESET><YELLOW>!<RESET><GREEN> 4:  8add5f1<RESET><YELLOW> s/12/B/<RESET>
-	:    <REVERSE><CYAN>@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@<RESET>
-	:    <CYAN> @@<RESET>
+	:<RED>4:  $(test_oid c4) <RESET><YELLOW>!<RESET><GREEN> 4:  $(test_oid m4)<RESET><YELLOW> s/12/B/<RESET>
+	:    <CYAN> @@ file: A<RESET>
 	:      9<RESET>
 	:      10<RESET>
@@ -268,4 +501,8 @@
 	grep "> 1: .* new message" 0001-*
+test_expect_success 'range-diff overrides diff.noprefix internally' '
+	git -c diff.noprefix=true range-diff HEAD^...
diff --git a/t/t3206/history.export b/t/t3206/history.export
index b8ffff0..4c808e5 100644
--- a/t/t3206/history.export
+++ b/t/t3206/history.export
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
-reset refs/heads/removed
-commit refs/heads/removed
+reset refs/heads/renamed-file
+commit refs/heads/renamed-file
 mark :2
 author Thomas Rast <> 1374424921 +0200
 committer Thomas Rast <> 1374484724 +0200
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
-commit refs/heads/topic
+commit refs/heads/mode-only-change
 mark :4
 author Thomas Rast <> 1374485014 +0200
 committer Thomas Rast <> 1374485014 +0200
@@ -599,6 +599,111 @@
 from :46
 M 100644 :28 file
-reset refs/heads/removed
-from :47
+commit refs/heads/added-removed
+mark :48
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485014 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574151 +0100
+data 7
+from :2
+M 100644 :3 file
+mark :49
+data 0
+commit refs/heads/added-removed
+mark :50
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485024 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574177 +0100
+data 18
+s/4/A/ + new-file
+from :48
+M 100644 :5 file
+M 100644 :49 new-file
+commit refs/heads/added-removed
+mark :51
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485036 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574177 +0100
+data 22
+s/11/B/ + remove file
+from :50
+M 100644 :7 file
+D new-file
+commit refs/heads/added-removed
+mark :52
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485044 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574177 +0100
+data 8
+from :51
+M 100644 :9 file
+commit refs/heads/renamed-file
+mark :53
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485014 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574309 +0100
+data 7
+from :2
+M 100644 :3 file
+commit refs/heads/renamed-file
+mark :54
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485024 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574312 +0100
+data 21
+s/4/A/ + rename file
+from :53
+D file
+M 100644 :5 renamed-file
+commit refs/heads/renamed-file
+mark :55
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485036 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574319 +0100
+data 8
+from :54
+M 100644 :7 renamed-file
+commit refs/heads/renamed-file
+mark :56
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485044 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1556574319 +0100
+data 8
+from :55
+M 100644 :9 renamed-file
+commit refs/heads/mode-only-change
+mark :57
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485024 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1570473767 +0100
+data 24
+s/4/A/ + add other-file
+from :4
+M 100644 :5 file
+M 100644 :49 other-file
+commit refs/heads/mode-only-change
+mark :58
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485036 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1570473768 +0100
+data 33
+s/11/B/ + mode change other-file
+from :57
+M 100644 :7 file
+M 100755 :49 other-file
+commit refs/heads/mode-only-change
+mark :59
+author Thomas Rast <> 1374485044 +0200
+committer Thomas Gummerer <> 1570473768 +0100
+data 8
+from :58
+M 100644 :9 file
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 704bbc6..d3fa298 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -66,8 +66,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'create reflog entry' '
+	ref=$(git rev-parse --short refs/notes/commits) &&
 	cat <<-EOF >expect &&
-		a1d8fa6 refs/notes/commits@{0}: notes: Notes added by '\''git notes add'\''
+		$ref refs/notes/commits@{0}: notes: Notes added by '\''git notes add'\''
 	git reflog show refs/notes/commits >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -134,8 +135,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'show notes' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 7a4ca6ee52a974a66cbaa78e33214535dff1d691
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:14:13 2005 -0700
@@ -152,8 +154,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'show multi-line notes' '
 	test_commit 3rd &&
 	MSG="b3${LF}c3c3c3c3${LF}d3d3d3" git notes add &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect-multiline <<-EOF &&
-		commit d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
@@ -174,8 +177,9 @@
 	test_commit 4th &&
 	echo "xyzzy" >note5 &&
 	git notes add -F note5 &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect-F <<-EOF &&
-		commit 0f7aa3ec6325aeb88b910453bb3eb37c49d75c11
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
@@ -198,10 +202,13 @@
 test_expect_success 'git log --pretty=raw does not show notes' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	tree=$(git rev-parse HEAD^{tree}) &&
+	parent=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 0f7aa3ec6325aeb88b910453bb3eb37c49d75c11
-		tree 05ac65288c4c4b3b709a020ae94b2ece2f2201ae
-		parent d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+		commit $commit
+		tree $tree
+		parent $parent
 		author A U Thor <> 1112912173 -0700
 		committer C O Mitter <> 1112912173 -0700
@@ -291,8 +298,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'show -m notes' '
 	test_commit 5th &&
 	git notes add -m spam -m "foo${LF}bar${LF}baz" &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect-m <<-EOF &&
-		commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
@@ -313,8 +321,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'remove note with add -f -F /dev/null' '
 	git notes add -f -F /dev/null &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect-rm-F <<-EOF &&
-		commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
@@ -356,14 +365,16 @@
 test_expect_success 'remove note with "git notes remove"' '
 	git notes remove HEAD^ &&
 	git notes remove &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	parent=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect-rm-remove <<-EOF &&
-		commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
-		commit 0f7aa3ec6325aeb88b910453bb3eb37c49d75c11
+		commit $parent
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:16:13 2005 -0700
@@ -459,9 +470,11 @@
 test_expect_success 'list notes with "git notes list"' '
-	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		c9c6af7f78bc47490dbf3e822cf2f3c24d4b9061 7a4ca6ee52a974a66cbaa78e33214535dff1d691
-		c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3 d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+	commit_2=$(git rev-parse 2nd) &&
+	commit_3=$(git rev-parse 3rd) &&
+	sort -t" " -k2 >expect <<-EOF &&
+		$(git rev-parse refs/notes/commits:$commit_2) $commit_2
+		$(git rev-parse refs/notes/commits:$commit_3) $commit_3
 	git notes list >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -474,7 +487,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'list specific note with "git notes list <object>"' '
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3
+		$(git rev-parse refs/notes/commits:$commit_3)
 	git notes list HEAD^^ >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -498,10 +511,11 @@
 test_expect_success '"git notes list" does not expand to "git notes list HEAD"' '
-	cat >expect_list <<-EOF &&
-		c9c6af7f78bc47490dbf3e822cf2f3c24d4b9061 7a4ca6ee52a974a66cbaa78e33214535dff1d691
-		4b6ad22357cc8a1296720574b8d2fbc22fab0671 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
-		c18dc024e14f08d18d14eea0d747ff692d66d6a3 d07d62e5208f22eb5695e7eb47667dc8b9860290
+	commit_5=$(git rev-parse 5th) &&
+	sort -t" " -k2 >expect_list <<-EOF &&
+		$(git rev-parse refs/notes/commits:$commit_2) $commit_2
+		$(git rev-parse refs/notes/commits:$commit_3) $commit_3
+		$(git rev-parse refs/notes/commits:$commit_5) $commit_5
 	git notes list >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect_list actual
@@ -531,8 +545,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'create other note on a different notes ref (setup)' '
 	test_commit 6th &&
 	GIT_NOTES_REF="refs/notes/other" git notes add -m "other note" &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect-not-other <<-EOF &&
-		commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
@@ -569,8 +584,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'Show all notes when notes.displayRef=refs/notes/*' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	parent=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect-both <<-EOF &&
-		commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
@@ -582,7 +599,7 @@
 		Notes (other):
 		${indent}other note
-		commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+		commit $parent
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
@@ -616,8 +633,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'notes.displayRef respects order' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect-both-reversed <<-EOF &&
-		commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
@@ -642,14 +660,16 @@
 test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_DISPLAY_REF overrides config' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	parent=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect-none <<-EOF &&
-		commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
-		commit 7f9ad8836c775acb134c0a055fc55fb4cd1ba361
+		commit $parent
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:17:13 2005 -0700
@@ -666,8 +686,9 @@
 test_expect_success '--no-standard-notes' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect-commits <<-EOF &&
-		commit 2c125331118caba0ff8238b7f4958ac6e93fe39c
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:18:13 2005 -0700
@@ -712,8 +733,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes add -C"' '
+	test_commit 7th &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit fb01e0ca8c33b6cc0c6451dde747f97df567cb5c
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:19:13 2005 -0700
@@ -722,7 +745,6 @@
 		${indent}order test
-	test_commit 7th &&
 	git notes add -C $(git notes list HEAD^) &&
 	git log -1 >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -744,8 +766,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'create note from blob with "git notes add -C" reuses blob id' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 9a4c31c7f722b5d517e92c64e932dd751e1413bf
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:20:13 2005 -0700
@@ -762,8 +785,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes add -c"' '
+	test_commit 9th &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 2e0db4bc649e174d667a1cde19e725cf897a5bd2
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:21:13 2005 -0700
@@ -772,7 +797,6 @@
 		${indent}yet another note
-	test_commit 9th &&
 	MSG="yet another note" git notes add -c $(git notes list HEAD^^) &&
 	git log -1 >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -785,8 +809,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'append to note from other note with "git notes append -C"' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 2e0db4bc649e174d667a1cde19e725cf897a5bd2
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:21:13 2005 -0700
@@ -803,8 +828,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'create note from other note with "git notes append -c"' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 7c3b87ab368f81e11b1ea87b2ab99a71ccd25406
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:22:13 2005 -0700
@@ -819,8 +845,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'append to note from other note with "git notes append -c"' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 7c3b87ab368f81e11b1ea87b2ab99a71ccd25406
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:22:13 2005 -0700
@@ -837,8 +864,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'copy note with "git notes copy"' '
+	test_commit 11th &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit a446fff8777efdc6eb8f4b7c8a5ff699484df0d5
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:23:13 2005 -0700
@@ -849,7 +878,6 @@
 		${indent}yet another note
-	test_commit 11th &&
 	git notes copy HEAD^ HEAD &&
 	git log -1 >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual &&
@@ -864,8 +892,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'allow overwrite with "git notes copy -f"' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit a446fff8777efdc6eb8f4b7c8a5ff699484df0d5
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:23:13 2005 -0700
@@ -889,8 +918,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'git notes copy --stdin' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	parent=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit e871aa61182b1d95d0a6fb75445d891722863b6b
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:25:13 2005 -0700
@@ -901,7 +932,7 @@
 		${indent}yet another note
-		commit 65e263ded02ae4e8839bc151095113737579dc12
+		commit $parent
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:24:13 2005 -0700
@@ -922,21 +953,23 @@
 test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (unconfigured)' '
+	test_commit 14th &&
+	test_commit 15th &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	parent=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
-		commit 07c85d77059393ed0154b8c96906547a59dfcddd
+		commit $parent
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:26:13 2005 -0700
-	test_commit 14th &&
-	test_commit 15th &&
 	(echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~3) $(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	echo $(git rev-parse HEAD~2) $(git rev-parse HEAD)) |
 	git notes copy --for-rewrite=foo &&
@@ -945,8 +978,10 @@
 test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (enabled)' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	parent=$(git rev-parse HEAD^) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
@@ -957,7 +992,7 @@
 		${indent}yet another note
-		commit 07c85d77059393ed0154b8c96906547a59dfcddd
+		commit $parent
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:26:13 2005 -0700
@@ -986,8 +1021,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (overwrite)' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
@@ -1015,8 +1051,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (append)' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
@@ -1037,8 +1074,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'git notes copy --for-rewrite (append two to one)' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
@@ -1075,8 +1113,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_MODE works' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
@@ -1095,8 +1134,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF works' '
+	commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
-		commit 4acf42e847e7fffbbf89ee365c20ac7caf40de89
+		commit $commit
 		Author: A U Thor <>
 		Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:27:13 2005 -0700
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 54460be..831f83d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -35,15 +35,10 @@
 	git ls-tree -r --name-only refs/notes/commits |
 	while read path
-		case "$path" in
-		??/??????????????????????????????????????)
-			: true
-			;;
-		*)
+		echo $path | grep "^../[0-9a-f]*$" || {
 			echo "Invalid path \"$path\"" &&
-			return 1
-			;;
-		esac
+			return 1;
+		}
@@ -77,15 +72,10 @@
 	git ls-tree -r --name-only refs/notes/commits |
 	while read path
-		case "$path" in
-		????????????????????????????????????????)
-			: true
-			;;
-		*)
+		echo $path | grep -v "^../.*" || {
 			echo "Invalid path \"$path\"" &&
-			return 1
-			;;
-		esac
+			return 1;
+		}
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6174808..8f4102f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -11,23 +11,26 @@
 	test_tick &&
 	git commit -m 1st &&
 	git notes add -m "Note #1" &&
+	first=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	: > file2 &&
 	git add file2 &&
 	test_tick &&
 	git commit -m 2nd &&
 	git notes add -m "Note #2" &&
+	second=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	: > file3 &&
 	git add file3 &&
 	test_tick &&
 	git commit -m 3rd &&
-	COMMIT_FILE=.git/objects/5e/e1c35e83ea47cd3cc4f8cbee0568915fbbbd29 &&
+	third=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	COMMIT_FILE=$(echo $third | sed "s!^..!.git/objects/&/!") &&
 	test -f $COMMIT_FILE &&
 	test-tool chmtime =+0 $COMMIT_FILE &&
 	git notes add -m "Note #3"
 cat > expect <<END_OF_LOG
-commit 5ee1c35e83ea47cd3cc4f8cbee0568915fbbbd29
+commit $third
 Author: A U Thor <>
 Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:15:13 2005 -0700
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@
     Note #3
-commit 08341ad9e94faa089d60fd3f523affb25c6da189
+commit $second
 Author: A U Thor <>
 Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:14:13 2005 -0700
@@ -45,7 +48,7 @@
     Note #2
-commit ab5f302035f2e7aaf04265f08b42034c23256e1f
+commit $first
 Author: A U Thor <>
 Date:   Thu Apr 7 15:13:13 2005 -0700
@@ -70,16 +73,16 @@
 test_expect_success 'verify that commits are gone' '
-	test_must_fail git cat-file -p 5ee1c35e83ea47cd3cc4f8cbee0568915fbbbd29 &&
-	git cat-file -p 08341ad9e94faa089d60fd3f523affb25c6da189 &&
-	git cat-file -p ab5f302035f2e7aaf04265f08b42034c23256e1f
+	test_must_fail git cat-file -p $third &&
+	git cat-file -p $second &&
+	git cat-file -p $first
 test_expect_success 'verify that notes are still present' '
-	git notes show 5ee1c35e83ea47cd3cc4f8cbee0568915fbbbd29 &&
-	git notes show 08341ad9e94faa089d60fd3f523affb25c6da189 &&
-	git notes show ab5f302035f2e7aaf04265f08b42034c23256e1f
+	git notes show $third &&
+	git notes show $second &&
+	git notes show $first
 test_expect_success 'prune -n does not remove notes' '
@@ -90,13 +93,10 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
-cat > expect <<EOF
 test_expect_success 'prune -n lists prunable notes' '
+	echo $third >expect &&
 	git notes prune -n > actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'verify that notes are gone' '
-	test_must_fail git notes show 5ee1c35e83ea47cd3cc4f8cbee0568915fbbbd29 &&
-	git notes show 08341ad9e94faa089d60fd3f523affb25c6da189 &&
-	git notes show ab5f302035f2e7aaf04265f08b42034c23256e1f
+	test_must_fail git notes show $third &&
+	git notes show $second &&
+	git notes show $first
 test_expect_success 'remove some commits' '
@@ -121,21 +121,18 @@
 	git gc --prune=now
-cat > expect <<EOF
 test_expect_success 'prune -v notes' '
+	echo $second >expect &&
 	git notes prune -v > actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'verify that notes are gone' '
-	test_must_fail git notes show 5ee1c35e83ea47cd3cc4f8cbee0568915fbbbd29 &&
-	test_must_fail git notes show 08341ad9e94faa089d60fd3f523affb25c6da189 &&
-	git notes show ab5f302035f2e7aaf04265f08b42034c23256e1f
+	test_must_fail git notes show $third &&
+	test_must_fail git notes show $second &&
+	git notes show $first
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 93516ef..37151a3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
 test_expect_success 'Add a few hundred commits w/notes to trigger fanout (x -> y)' '
 	git update-ref refs/notes/y refs/notes/x &&
 	git config core.notesRef refs/notes/y &&
-	i=5 &&
-	while test $i -lt $num
+	test_commit_bulk --start=6 --id=commit $((num - 5)) &&
+	i=0 &&
+	while test $i -lt $((num - 5))
-		i=$(($i + 1)) &&
-		test_commit "commit$i" >/dev/null &&
-		git notes add -m "notes for commit$i" || return 1
+		git notes add -m "notes for commit$i" HEAD~$i || return 1
+		i=$((i + 1))
 	done &&
 	test "$(git rev-parse refs/notes/y)" != "$(git rev-parse refs/notes/x)" &&
 	# Expected number of commits and notes
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 80b23fd..ab18ac5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -295,12 +295,48 @@
 		echo two >>init.t &&
 		git commit -a -m two &&
 		git tag two &&
-		test_must_fail git rebase --onto init HEAD^ &&
+		test_must_fail git rebase -f --onto init HEAD^ &&
 		GIT_TRACE=1 git rebase --show-current-patch >/dev/null 2>stderr &&
 		grep "show.*$(git rev-parse two)" stderr
+test_expect_success 'rebase --am and .gitattributes' '
+	test_create_repo attributes &&
+	(
+		cd attributes &&
+		test_commit init &&
+		git config filter.test.clean "sed -e '\''s/smudged/clean/g'\''" &&
+		git config filter.test.smudge "sed -e '\''s/clean/smudged/g'\''" &&
+		test_commit second &&
+		git checkout -b test HEAD^ &&
+		echo "*.txt filter=test" >.gitattributes &&
+		git add .gitattributes &&
+		test_commit third &&
+		echo "This text is smudged." >a.txt &&
+		git add a.txt &&
+		test_commit fourth &&
+		git checkout -b removal HEAD^ &&
+		git rm .gitattributes &&
+		git add -u &&
+		test_commit fifth &&
+		git cherry-pick test &&
+		git checkout test &&
+		git rebase master &&
+		grep "smudged" a.txt &&
+		git checkout removal &&
+		git reset --hard &&
+		git rebase master &&
+		grep "clean" a.txt
+	)
 test_expect_success ' and --show-current-patch' '
 	test_create_repo conflict-merge &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 461dd53..d2dfbe4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -29,9 +29,6 @@
-# WARNING: Modifications to the initial repository can change the SHA ID used
-# in the expect2 file for the 'stop on conflicting pick' test.
 test_expect_success 'setup' '
 	test_commit A file1 &&
 	test_commit B file1 &&
@@ -155,8 +152,6 @@
 	test_i18ncmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'rebase -x with newline in command fails' '
 	test_when_finished "git rebase --abort ||:" &&
 	test_must_fail env git rebase -x "a${LF}b" @ 2>actual &&
@@ -233,25 +228,28 @@
 	set_fake_editor &&
 	FAKE_LINES="2 1" git rebase -i HEAD~2 &&
 	test H = $(git cat-file commit HEAD^ | sed -ne \$p) &&
-	test G = $(git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -ne \$p)
+	test G = $(git cat-file commit HEAD | sed -ne \$p) &&
+	blob1=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD^:file1) &&
+	blob2=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD:file1) &&
+	commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
 test_expect_success 'stop on conflicting pick' '
-	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
 	diff --git a/file1 b/file1
-	index f70f10e..fd79235 100644
+	index $blob1..$blob2 100644
 	--- a/file1
 	+++ b/file1
 	@@ -1 +1 @@
-	cat >expect2 <<-\EOF &&
+	cat >expect2 <<-EOF &&
 	<<<<<<< HEAD
-	>>>>>>> 5d18e54... G
+	>>>>>>> $commit... G
 	git tag new-branch1 &&
 	set_fake_editor &&
@@ -1003,7 +1001,7 @@
 	git checkout B &&
 	set_fake_editor &&
 	test_must_fail env FAKE_LINES="2" git rebase -i --root &&
-	git cat-file commit HEAD | grep "^tree 4b825dc642cb" &&
+	git cat-file commit HEAD | grep "^tree $EMPTY_TREE" &&
 	git rebase --abort
@@ -1016,9 +1014,9 @@
 	test 0 = $(git cat-file commit HEAD | grep -c ^parent\ )
-test_expect_success 'rebase -i --root reword root commit' '
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --root reword original root commit' '
 	test_when_finished "test_might_fail git rebase --abort" &&
-	git checkout -b reword-root-branch master &&
+	git checkout -b reword-original-root-branch master &&
 	set_fake_editor &&
 	FAKE_LINES="reword 1 2" FAKE_COMMIT_MESSAGE="A changed" \
 	git rebase -i --root &&
@@ -1026,6 +1024,16 @@
 	test -z "$(git show -s --format=%p HEAD^)"
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --root reword new root commit' '
+	test_when_finished "test_might_fail git rebase --abort" &&
+	git checkout -b reword-now-root-branch master &&
+	set_fake_editor &&
+	FAKE_LINES="reword 3 1" FAKE_COMMIT_MESSAGE="C changed" \
+	git rebase -i --root &&
+	git show HEAD^ | grep "C changed" &&
+	test -z "$(git show -s --format=%p HEAD^)"
 test_expect_success 'rebase -i --root when root has untracked file conflict' '
 	test_when_finished "reset_rebase" &&
 	git checkout -b failing-root-pick A &&
@@ -1054,11 +1062,11 @@
 test_expect_success C_LOCALE_OUTPUT 'rebase --edit-todo does not work on non-interactive rebase' '
-	git checkout reword-root-branch &&
+	git checkout reword-original-root-branch &&
 	git reset --hard &&
 	git checkout conflict-branch &&
 	set_fake_editor &&
-	test_must_fail git rebase --onto HEAD~2 HEAD~ &&
+	test_must_fail git rebase -f --onto HEAD~2 HEAD~ &&
 	test_must_fail git rebase --edit-todo &&
 	git rebase --abort
@@ -1161,7 +1169,7 @@
 	test_expect_code 1 grep  "	emp" error
-test_expect_success 'short SHA-1 setup' '
+test_expect_success SHA1 'short SHA-1 setup' '
 	test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
 	git checkout --orphan collide &&
 	git rm -rf . &&
@@ -1173,7 +1181,7 @@
-test_expect_success 'short SHA-1 collide' '
+test_expect_success SHA1 'short SHA-1 collide' '
 	test_when_finished "reset_rebase && git checkout master" &&
 	git checkout collide &&
@@ -1419,7 +1427,6 @@
 test_expect_success 'rebase -i --gpg-sign=<key-id>' '
 	test_when_finished "test_might_fail git rebase --abort" &&
 	set_fake_editor &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ddf2f64..9c25484 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -99,7 +99,64 @@
 	git checkout side &&
 	git reset --hard K &&
+	set_fake_editor &&
 	test_must_fail git rebase -i --onto master...side J
+test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base --onto incompatible' '
+	test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base --onto master...
+test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base --root incompatible' '
+	test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base --root
+test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base master from topic' '
+	git reset --hard &&
+	git checkout topic &&
+	git reset --hard G &&
+	git rebase --keep-base master &&
+	git rev-parse C >base.expect &&
+	git merge-base master HEAD >base.actual &&
+	test_cmp base.expect base.actual &&
+	git rev-parse HEAD~2 >actual &&
+	git rev-parse C^0 >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'rebase --keep-base master from side' '
+	git reset --hard &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git reset --hard K &&
+	test_must_fail git rebase --keep-base master
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --keep-base master from topic' '
+	git reset --hard &&
+	git checkout topic &&
+	git reset --hard G &&
+	set_fake_editor &&
+	EXPECT_COUNT=2 git rebase -i --keep-base master &&
+	git rev-parse C >base.expect &&
+	git merge-base master HEAD >base.actual &&
+	test_cmp base.expect base.actual &&
+	git rev-parse HEAD~2 >actual &&
+	git rev-parse C^0 >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'rebase -i --keep-base master from side' '
+	git reset --hard &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git reset --hard K &&
+	set_fake_editor &&
+	test_must_fail git rebase -i --keep-base master
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4eff14d..7a2da97 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -120,6 +120,20 @@
 	git rebase --continue
+test_expect_success 'rebase -r passes merge strategy options correctly' '
+	rm -fr .git/rebase-* &&
+	git reset --hard commit-new-file-F3-on-topic-branch &&
+	test_commit merge-theirs &&
+	git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
+	test_commit some-other-commit &&
+	test_tick &&
+	git merge --no-ff merge-theirs &&
+	FAKE_LINES="1 3 edit 4 5 7 8 9" git rebase -i -f -r -m \
+		-s recursive --strategy-option=theirs HEAD~2 &&
+	test_commit force-change-ours &&
+	git rebase --continue
 test_expect_success '--skip after failed fixup cleans commit message' '
 	test_when_finished "test_might_fail git rebase --abort" &&
 	git checkout -b with-conflicting-fixup &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b8f4d03..5f7e73c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 create_expected_success_am () {
 	cat >expected <<-EOF
 	$(grep "^Created autostash: [0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*\$" actual)
-	HEAD is now at $(git rev-parse --short feature-branch) third commit
 	First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
 	Applying: second commit
 	Applying: third commit
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@
 create_expected_success_interactive () {
 	q_to_cr >expected <<-EOF
 	$(grep "^Created autostash: [0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*\$" actual)
-	HEAD is now at $(git rev-parse --short feature-branch) third commit
 	Applied autostash.
 	Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/rebased-feature-branch.
@@ -57,7 +55,6 @@
 create_expected_failure_am () {
 	cat >expected <<-EOF
 	$(grep "^Created autostash: [0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*\$" actual)
-	HEAD is now at $(git rev-parse --short feature-branch) third commit
 	First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
 	Applying: second commit
 	Applying: third commit
@@ -70,7 +67,6 @@
 create_expected_failure_interactive () {
 	cat >expected <<-EOF
 	$(grep "^Created autostash: [0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*\$" actual)
-	HEAD is now at $(git rev-parse --short feature-branch) third commit
 	Applying autostash resulted in conflicts.
 	Your changes are safe in the stash.
 	You can run "git stash pop" or "git stash drop" at any time.
@@ -306,4 +302,12 @@
 	test unchanged-branch = "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
+test_expect_success 'never change active branch' '
+	git checkout -b not-the-feature-branch unrelated-onto-branch &&
+	test_when_finished "git reset --hard && git checkout master" &&
+	echo changed >file0 &&
+	git rebase --autostash not-the-feature-branch feature-branch &&
+	test_cmp_rev not-the-feature-branch unrelated-onto-branch
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7274dca..b847064 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -31,6 +31,16 @@
 test_run_rebase success -i
 test_have_prereq !REBASE_P || test_run_rebase success -p
+test_expect_success 'setup branches and remote tracking' '
+	git tag -l >tags &&
+	for tag in $(cat tags)
+	do
+		git branch branch-$tag $tag || return 1
+	done &&
+	git remote add origin "file://$PWD" &&
+	git fetch origin
 test_run_rebase () {
@@ -57,6 +67,7 @@
 test_run_rebase success ''
+test_run_rebase success --fork-point
 test_run_rebase success -m
 test_run_rebase success -i
 test_have_prereq !REBASE_P || test_run_rebase failure -p
@@ -64,6 +75,23 @@
 test_run_rebase () {
+	test_expect_$result "rebase $* -f rewrites even if remote upstream is an ancestor" "
+		reset_rebase &&
+		git rebase $* -f branch-b branch-e &&
+		! test_cmp_rev branch-e origin/branch-e &&
+		test_cmp_rev branch-b HEAD~2 &&
+		test_linear_range 'd e' branch-b..
+	"
+test_run_rebase success ''
+test_run_rebase success --fork-point
+test_run_rebase success -m
+test_run_rebase success -i
+test_have_prereq !REBASE_P || test_run_rebase success -p
+test_run_rebase () {
+	result=$1
+	shift
 	test_expect_$result "rebase $* fast-forwards from ancestor of upstream" "
 		reset_rebase &&
 		git rebase $* e b &&
@@ -71,6 +99,7 @@
 test_run_rebase success ''
+test_run_rebase success --fork-point
 test_run_rebase success -m
 test_run_rebase success -i
 test_have_prereq !REBASE_P || test_run_rebase success -p
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a5868ea..50e7960 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -76,14 +76,4 @@
 	test_must_fail git rebase --preserve-merges --rebase-merges A
-test_expect_success '--rebase-merges incompatible with --strategy' '
-	git checkout B^0 &&
-	test_must_fail git rebase --rebase-merges -s resolve A
-test_expect_success '--rebase-merges incompatible with --strategy-option' '
-	git checkout B^0 &&
-	test_must_fail git rebase --rebase-merges -Xignore-space-change A
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d864052..bec48e6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -11,113 +11,99 @@
 	git log --pretty=format:%s -1 "$1"
+# There are a few bugs in the rebase with regards to the subtree strategy, and
+# this test script tries to document them.  First, the following commit history
+# is generated (the onelines are shown, time flows from left to right):
+# master1 - master2 - master3
+#                             \
+# README ---------------------- Add subproject master - master4 - files_subtree/master5
+# Where the merge moves the files master[123].t into the subdirectory
+# files_subtree/ and master4 as well as files_subtree/master5 add files to that
+# directory directly.
+# Then, in subsequent test cases, `git filter-branch` is used to distill just
+# the commits that touch files_subtree/. To give it a final pre-rebase touch,
+# an empty commit is added on top. The pre-rebase commit history looks like
+# this:
+# Add subproject master - master4 - files_subtree/master5 - Empty commit
+# where the root commit adds three files: master1.t, master2.t and master3.t.
+# This commit history is then rebased onto `master3` with the
+# `-Xsubtree=files_subtree` option in three different ways:
+# 1. using `--preserve-merges`
+# 2. using `--preserve-merges` and --keep-empty
+# 3. without specifying a rebase backend
 test_expect_success 'setup' '
 	test_commit README &&
-	mkdir files &&
-	(
-		cd files &&
-		git init &&
-		test_commit master1 &&
-		test_commit master2 &&
-		test_commit master3
-	) &&
-	git fetch files master &&
-	git branch files-master FETCH_HEAD &&
-	git read-tree --prefix=files_subtree files-master &&
-	git checkout -- files_subtree &&
-	tree=$(git write-tree) &&
-	head=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
-	rev=$(git rev-parse --verify files-master^0) &&
-	commit=$(git commit-tree -p $head -p $rev -m "Add subproject master" $tree) &&
-	git update-ref HEAD $commit &&
-	(
-		cd files_subtree &&
-		test_commit master4
-	) &&
-	test_commit files_subtree/master5
+	git init files &&
+	test_commit -C files master1 &&
+	test_commit -C files master2 &&
+	test_commit -C files master3 &&
+	: perform subtree merge into files_subtree/ &&
+	git fetch files refs/heads/master:refs/heads/files-master &&
+	git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories \
+		files-master &&
+	git read-tree --prefix=files_subtree -u files-master &&
+	git commit -m "Add subproject master" &&
+	: add two extra commits to rebase &&
+	test_commit -C files_subtree master4 &&
+	test_commit files_subtree/master5 &&
+	git checkout -b to-rebase &&
+	git fast-export --no-data HEAD -- files_subtree/ |
+		sed -e "s%\([0-9a-f]\{40\} \)files_subtree/%\1%" |
+		git fast-import --force --quiet &&
+	git reset --hard &&
+	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty
 # FAILURE: Does not preserve master4.
-test_expect_failure REBASE_P \
-	'Rebase -Xsubtree --preserve-merges --onto commit 4' '
+test_expect_failure REBASE_P 'Rebase -Xsubtree --preserve-merges --onto commit' '
 	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-preserve-merges-4 master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
+	git checkout -b rebase-preserve-merges to-rebase &&
 	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --preserve-merges --onto files-master master &&
-	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "files_subtree/master4"
-# FAILURE: Does not preserve master5.
-test_expect_failure REBASE_P \
-	'Rebase -Xsubtree --preserve-merges --onto commit 5' '
-	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-preserve-merges-5 master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
-	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --preserve-merges --onto files-master master &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "master4" &&
 	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD)" = "files_subtree/master5"
 # FAILURE: Does not preserve master4.
-test_expect_failure REBASE_P \
-	'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto commit 4' '
+test_expect_failure REBASE_P 'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto commit' '
 	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-keep-empty-4 master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
+	git checkout -b rebase-keep-empty to-rebase &&
 	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto files-master master &&
-	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "files_subtree/master4"
-# FAILURE: Does not preserve master5.
-test_expect_failure REBASE_P \
-	'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto commit 5' '
-	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-keep-empty-5 master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
-	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto files-master master &&
-	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "files_subtree/master5"
-# FAILURE: Does not preserve Empty.
-test_expect_failure REBASE_P \
-	'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto empty commit' '
-	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-keep-empty-empty master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
-	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --keep-empty --preserve-merges --onto files-master master &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "master4" &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "files_subtree/master5" &&
 	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD)" = "Empty commit"
-# FAILURE: fatal: Could not parse object
-test_expect_failure 'Rebase -Xsubtree --onto commit 4' '
+test_expect_success 'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --onto commit' '
 	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-onto-4 master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
-	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --onto files-master master &&
-	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "files_subtree/master4"
+	git checkout -b rebase-onto to-rebase &&
+	test_must_fail git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --keep-empty --onto files-master master &&
+	: first pick results in no changes &&
+	git rebase --continue &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "master4" &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "files_subtree/master5" &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD)" = "Empty commit"
-# FAILURE: fatal: Could not parse object
-test_expect_failure 'Rebase -Xsubtree --onto commit 5' '
+test_expect_success 'Rebase -Xsubtree --keep-empty --rebase-merges --onto commit' '
 	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-onto-5 master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
-	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --onto files-master master &&
-	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "files_subtree/master5"
-# FAILURE: fatal: Could not parse object
-test_expect_failure 'Rebase -Xsubtree --onto empty commit' '
-	reset_rebase &&
-	git checkout -b rebase-onto-empty master &&
-	git filter-branch --prune-empty -f --subdirectory-filter files_subtree &&
-	git commit -m "Empty commit" --allow-empty &&
-	git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --onto files-master master &&
+	git checkout -b rebase-merges-onto to-rebase &&
+	test_must_fail git rebase -Xsubtree=files_subtree --keep-empty --rebase-merges --onto files-master --root &&
+	: first pick results in no changes &&
+	git rebase --continue &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~2)" = "master4" &&
+	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD~)" = "files_subtree/master5" &&
 	verbose test "$(commit_message HEAD)" = "Empty commit"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 76f6d30..8739cb6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -3,9 +3,15 @@
 test_description='rebase should reread the todo file if an exec modifies it'
 . ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	test_commit first file &&
+	test_commit second file &&
+	test_commit third file
 test_expect_success 'rebase exec modifies rebase-todo' '
-	test_commit initial &&
 	todo=.git/rebase-merge/git-rebase-todo &&
 	git rebase HEAD -x "echo exec touch F >>$todo" &&
 	test -e F
@@ -33,4 +39,17 @@
 	git rebase HEAD -x "./ 5 6"
+test_expect_success 'todo is re-read after reword and squash' '
+	write_script <<-\EOS &&
+	GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="echo \"exec echo $(cat file) >>actual\" >>" \
+		git rebase --edit-todo
+	test_write_lines first third >expected &&
+	set_fake_editor &&
+	GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR="$EDITOR" FAKE_LINES="reword 1 squash 2 fixup 3" \
+		GIT_EDITOR=./ git rebase -i --root third &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7b6c484..9efcf48 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -37,20 +37,27 @@
 	test_commit A &&
 	git checkout -b first &&
 	test_commit B &&
+	b=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
 	git checkout master &&
 	test_commit C &&
+	c=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
 	test_commit D &&
+	d=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
 	git merge --no-commit B &&
 	test_tick &&
 	git commit -m E &&
 	git tag -m E E &&
+	e=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
 	git checkout -b second C &&
 	test_commit F &&
+	f=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
 	test_commit G &&
+	g=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
 	git checkout master &&
 	git merge --no-commit G &&
 	test_tick &&
 	git commit -m H &&
+	h=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
 	git tag -m H H &&
 	git checkout A &&
 	test_commit conflicting-G G.t
@@ -93,24 +100,24 @@
 test_expect_success 'generate correct todo list' '
-	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
 	label onto
 	reset onto
-	pick d9df450 B
+	pick $b B
 	label E
 	reset onto
-	pick 5dee784 C
+	pick $c C
 	label branch-point
-	pick ca2c861 F
-	pick 088b00a G
+	pick $f F
+	pick $g G
 	label H
 	reset branch-point # C
-	pick 12bd07b D
-	merge -C 2051b56 E # E
-	merge -C 233d48a H # H
+	pick $d D
+	merge -C $e E # E
+	merge -C $h H # H
@@ -151,7 +158,6 @@
 	test_path_is_file .git/rebase-merge/patch
 test_expect_success 'failed `merge <branch>` does not crash' '
 	test_when_finished "test_might_fail git rebase --abort" &&
 	git checkout conflicting-G &&
@@ -441,4 +447,25 @@
 	test_path_is_missing .git/MERGE_HEAD
+test_expect_success '--rebase-merges with strategies' '
+	git checkout -b with-a-strategy F &&
+	test_tick &&
+	git merge -m "Merge conflicting-G" conflicting-G &&
+	: first, test with a merge strategy option &&
+	git rebase -ir -Xtheirs G &&
+	echo conflicting-G >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect G.t &&
+	: now, try with a merge strategy other than recursive &&
+	git reset --hard @{1} &&
+	write_script git-merge-override <<-\EOF &&
+	echo overridden$1 >>G.t
+	git add G.t
+	PATH="$PWD:$PATH" git rebase -ir -s override -Xxopt G &&
+	test_write_lines G overridden--xopt >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect G.t
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..78851b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Denton Liu
+test_description='git rebase --fork-point test'
+. ./
+# A---B---D---E    (master)
+#      \
+#       C*---F---G (side)
+# C was formerly part of master but master was rewound to remove C
+test_expect_success setup '
+	test_commit A &&
+	test_commit B &&
+	test_commit C &&
+	git branch -t side &&
+	git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
+	test_commit D &&
+	test_commit E &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	test_commit F &&
+	test_commit G
+test_rebase () {
+	expected="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	test_expect_success "git rebase $*" "
+		git checkout master &&
+		git reset --hard E &&
+		git checkout side &&
+		git reset --hard G &&
+		git rebase $* &&
+		test_write_lines $expected >expect &&
+		git log --pretty=%s >actual &&
+		test_cmp expect actual
+	"
+test_rebase 'G F E D B A'
+test_rebase 'G F D B A' --onto D
+test_rebase 'G F B A' --keep-base
+test_rebase 'G F C E D B A' --no-fork-point
+test_rebase 'G F C D B A' --no-fork-point --onto D
+test_rebase 'G F C B A' --no-fork-point --keep-base
+test_rebase 'G F E D B A' --fork-point refs/heads/master
+test_rebase 'G F D B A' --fork-point --onto D refs/heads/master
+test_rebase 'G F B A' --fork-point --keep-base refs/heads/master
+test_rebase 'G F C E D B A' refs/heads/master
+test_rebase 'G F C D B A' --onto D refs/heads/master
+test_rebase 'G F C B A' --keep-base refs/heads/master
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..034ffc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Denton Liu
+test_description='ensure rebase fast-forwards commits when possible'
+. ./
+test_expect_success setup '
+	test_commit A &&
+	test_commit B &&
+	test_commit C &&
+	test_commit D &&
+	git checkout -t -b side
+test_rebase_same_head () {
+	status_n="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	what_n="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	cmp_n="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	status_f="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	what_f="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	cmp_f="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	test_rebase_same_head_ $status_n $what_n $cmp_n "" "$*" &&
+	test_rebase_same_head_ $status_f $what_f $cmp_f " --no-ff" "$*"
+test_rebase_same_head_ () {
+	status="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	what="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	cmp="$1" &&
+	shift &&
+	flag="$1"
+	shift &&
+	test_expect_$status "git rebase$flag $* with $changes is $what with $cmp HEAD" "
+		oldhead=\$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+		test_when_finished 'git reset --hard \$oldhead' &&
+		git rebase$flag $* >stdout &&
+		if test $what = work
+		then
+			# Must check this case first, for 'is up to
+			# date, rebase forced[...]rewinding head' cases
+			test_i18ngrep 'rewinding head' stdout
+		elif test $what = noop
+		then
+			test_i18ngrep 'is up to date' stdout &&
+			test_i18ngrep ! 'rebase forced' stdout
+		elif test $what = noop-force
+		then
+			test_i18ngrep 'is up to date, rebase forced' stdout
+		fi &&
+		newhead=\$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+		if test $cmp = same
+		then
+			test_cmp_rev \$oldhead \$newhead
+		elif test $cmp = diff
+		then
+			! test_cmp_rev \$oldhead \$newhead
+		fi
+	"
+changes='no changes'
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force diff --onto B B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force diff --onto B... B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --onto master... master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --keep-base
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --no-fork-point
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --keep-base --no-fork-point
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B... B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --onto master... master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --keep-base --keep-base master
+test_expect_success 'add work same to side' '
+	test_commit E
+changes='our changes'
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force diff --onto B B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force diff --onto B... B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --onto master... master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --keep-base
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --no-fork-point
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force same --keep-base --no-fork-point
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto B... B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --onto master... master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work same --fork-point --keep-base master
+test_expect_success 'add work same to upstream' '
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_commit F &&
+	git checkout side
+changes='our and their changes'
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force diff --onto B B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success noop-force diff --onto B... B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --onto master... master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --keep-base master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --keep-base
+test_rebase_same_head failure work same success work diff --fork-point --onto B B
+test_rebase_same_head failure work same success work diff --fork-point --onto B... B
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --onto master... master
+test_rebase_same_head success noop same success work diff --fork-point --keep-base master
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 127dd00..9d5adbc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -16,7 +16,11 @@
 	git add file1 &&
 	test_tick &&
 	git commit -m "second" &&
-	git tag second
+	git tag second &&
+	test_oid_cache <<-EOF
+	cp_ff sha1:1df192cd8bc58a2b275d842cede4d221ad9000d1
+	cp_ff sha256:e70d6b7fc064bddb516b8d512c9057094b96ce6ff08e12080acc4fe7f1d60a1d
 test_expect_success 'cherry-pick using --ff fast forwards' '
@@ -102,7 +106,7 @@
 	git add file2 &&
 	git commit --amend -m "file2" &&
 	git cherry-pick --ff first &&
-	test "$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "1df192cd8bc58a2b275d842cede4d221ad9000d1"
+	test "$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" = "$(test_oid cp_ff)"
 test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --ff on unborn branch' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 85ae7dc..8c8cca5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -240,18 +240,33 @@
 test_expect_success 'choking "git rm" should not let it die with cruft' '
+	test_oid_init &&
 	git reset -q --hard &&
 	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/index.lock && git reset -q --hard" &&
 	i=0 &&
+	hash=$(test_oid deadbeef) &&
 	while test $i -lt 12000
-		echo "100644 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 0	some-file-$i"
+		echo "100644 $hash 0	some-file-$i"
 		i=$(( $i + 1 ))
 	done | git update-index --index-info &&
 	git rm -n "some-file-*" | : &&
 	test_path_is_missing .git/index.lock
+test_expect_success 'Resolving by removal is not a warning-worthy event' '
+	git reset -q --hard &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -f .git/index.lock msg && git reset -q --hard" &&
+	blob=$(echo blob | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
+	for stage in 1 2 3
+	do
+		echo "100644 $blob $stage	blob"
+	done | git update-index --index-info &&
+	git rm blob >msg 2>&1 &&
+	test_i18ngrep ! "needs merge" msg &&
+	test_must_fail git ls-files -s --error-unmatch blob
 test_expect_success 'rm removes subdirectories recursively' '
 	mkdir -p dir/subdir/subsubdir &&
 	echo content >dir/subdir/subsubdir/file &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 69991a3..d50e165 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
 	git commit -am "clear local changes" &&
 	git apply patch &&
 	printf "%s\n" s y y | git add -p file 2>error |
-		sed -n -e "s/^Stage this hunk[^@]*\(@@ .*\)/\1/" \
+		sed -n -e "s/^([1-2]\/[1-2]) Stage this hunk[^@]*\(@@ .*\)/\1/" \
 		       -e "/^[-+@ \\\\]"/p  >output &&
 	test_must_be_empty error &&
 	git diff --cached >diff &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8eb4794..64dcc5e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 # first create a commit, so we have a valid object/type
 # for the tag.
 test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	test_oid_init &&
 	echo Hello >A &&
 	git update-index --add A &&
 	git commit -m "Initial commit" &&
@@ -69,28 +70,28 @@
 #  4. type line label check
 cat >tag.sig <<EOF
-object 779e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895
+object $head
 xxxx tag
 tag mytag
 tagger . <> 0 +0000
-check_verify_failure '"type" line label check' '^error: char47: .*"\\ntype "$'
+check_verify_failure '"type" line label check' '^error: char.*: .*"\\ntype "$'
 #  5. type line eol check
-echo "object 779e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895" >tag.sig
+echo "object $head" >tag.sig
 printf "type tagsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss" >>tag.sig
-check_verify_failure '"type" line eol check' '^error: char48: .*"\\n"$'
+check_verify_failure '"type" line eol check' '^error: char.*: .*"\\n"$'
 #  6. tag line label check #1
 cat >tag.sig <<EOF
-object 779e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895
+object $head
 type tag
 xxx mytag
 tagger . <> 0 +0000
@@ -98,37 +99,37 @@
 check_verify_failure '"tag" line label check #1' \
-	'^error: char57: no "tag " found$'
+	'^error: char.*: no "tag " found$'
 #  7. tag line label check #2
 cat >tag.sig <<EOF
-object 779e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895
+object $head
 type taggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
 check_verify_failure '"tag" line label check #2' \
-	'^error: char87: no "tag " found$'
+	'^error: char.*: no "tag " found$'
 #  8. type line type-name length check
 cat >tag.sig <<EOF
-object 779e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895
+object $head
 type taggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
 tag mytag
 check_verify_failure '"type" line type-name length check' \
-	'^error: char53: type too long$'
+	'^error: char.*: type too long$'
 #  9. verify object (SHA1/type) check
 cat >tag.sig <<EOF
-object 779e9b33986b1c2670fff52c5067603117b3e895
+object $(test_oid deadbeef)
 type tagggg
 tag mytag
 tagger . <> 0 +0000
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'verify tag-name check' \
-	'^error: char67: could not verify tag name$'
+	'^error: char.*: could not verify tag name$'
 # 11. tagger line label check #1
@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@
 check_verify_failure '"tagger" line label check #1' \
-	'^error: char70: could not find "tagger "$'
+	'^error: char.*: could not find "tagger "$'
 # 12. tagger line label check #2
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@
 check_verify_failure '"tagger" line label check #2' \
-	'^error: char70: could not find "tagger "$'
+	'^error: char.*: could not find "tagger "$'
 # 13. disallow missing tag author name
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'disallow missing tag author name' \
-	'^error: char77: missing tagger name$'
+	'^error: char.*: missing tagger name$'
 # 14. disallow missing tag author name
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'disallow malformed tagger' \
-	'^error: char77: malformed tagger field$'
+	'^error: char.*: malformed tagger field$'
 # 15. allow empty tag email
@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'disallow spaces in tag email' \
-	'^error: char77: malformed tagger field$'
+	'^error: char.*: malformed tagger field$'
 # 17. disallow missing tag timestamp
@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'disallow missing tag timestamp' \
-	'^error: char107: missing tag timestamp$'
+	'^error: char.*: missing tag timestamp$'
 # 18. detect invalid tag timestamp1
@@ -266,7 +267,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timestamp1' \
-	'^error: char107: missing tag timestamp$'
+	'^error: char.*: missing tag timestamp$'
 # 19. detect invalid tag timestamp2
@@ -280,7 +281,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timestamp2' \
-	'^error: char111: malformed tag timestamp$'
+	'^error: char.*: malformed tag timestamp$'
 # 20. detect invalid tag timezone1
@@ -294,7 +295,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timezone1' \
-	'^error: char118: malformed tag timezone$'
+	'^error: char.*: malformed tag timezone$'
 # 21. detect invalid tag timezone2
@@ -308,7 +309,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timezone2' \
-	'^error: char118: malformed tag timezone$'
+	'^error: char.*: malformed tag timezone$'
 # 22. detect invalid tag timezone3
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'detect invalid tag timezone3' \
-	'^error: char118: malformed tag timezone$'
+	'^error: char.*: malformed tag timezone$'
 # 23. detect invalid header entry
@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@
 check_verify_failure 'detect invalid header entry' \
-	'^error: char124: trailing garbage in tag header$'
+	'^error: char.*: trailing garbage in tag header$'
 # 24. create valid tag
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b22e671..580bfbd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@
 . ./
+diff_cmp () {
+	for i in "$1" "$2"
+	do
+		sed -e 's/^index 0000000\.\.[0-9a-f]*/index 0000000..1234567/' \
+		-e 's/^index [0-9a-f]*\.\.[0-9a-f]*/index 1234567..89abcde/' \
+		-e 's/^index [0-9a-f]*,[0-9a-f]*\.\.[0-9a-f]*/index 1234567,7654321..89abcde/' \
+		"$i" >"$" || return 1
+	done &&
+	test_cmp "$" "$" &&
+	rm -f "$" "$"
 test_expect_success 'stash some dirty working directory' '
 	echo 1 >file &&
 	git add file &&
@@ -36,7 +48,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'parents of stash' '
 	test $(git rev-parse stash^) = $(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
 	git diff stash^2..stash >output &&
-	test_cmp expect output
+	diff_cmp expect output
 test_expect_success 'applying bogus stash does nothing' '
@@ -210,13 +222,13 @@
 	test refs/heads/stashbranch = $(git symbolic-ref HEAD) &&
 	test $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git rev-parse master^) &&
 	git diff --cached >output &&
-	test_cmp expect output &&
+	diff_cmp expect output &&
 	git diff >output &&
-	test_cmp expect1 output &&
+	diff_cmp expect1 output &&
 	git add file &&
 	git commit -m alternate\ second &&
 	git diff master..stashbranch >output &&
-	test_cmp output expect2 &&
+	diff_cmp output expect2 &&
 	test 0 = $(git stash list | wc -l)
@@ -577,7 +589,7 @@
 	git stash show -p ${STASH_ID} >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	diff_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'stash show - no stashes on stack, stash-like argument' '
@@ -609,7 +621,7 @@
 	git stash show -p ${STASH_ID} >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	diff_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'stash show --patience shows diff' '
@@ -627,7 +639,7 @@
 	git stash show --patience ${STASH_ID} >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	diff_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'drop: fail early if specified stash is not a stash ref' '
@@ -791,7 +803,7 @@
 	git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD &&
 	test "$(git rev-parse stash^)" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&
 	git diff stash^..stash >output &&
-	test_cmp expect output
+	diff_cmp expect output
 test_expect_success 'store called with invalid commit' '
@@ -847,7 +859,7 @@
 	git stash list --format=%gd -p >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
+	diff_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'stash list --cc shows combined diff' '
@@ -864,7 +876,7 @@
 	git stash list --format=%gd -p --cc >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
+	diff_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'stash is not confused by partial renames' '
@@ -1234,4 +1246,27 @@
+test_expect_success 'stash --keep-index with file deleted in index does not resurrect it on disk' '
+	test_commit to-remove to-remove &&
+	git rm to-remove &&
+	git stash --keep-index &&
+	test_path_is_missing to-remove
+test_expect_success 'stash apply should succeed with unmodified file' '
+	echo base >file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit -m base &&
+	# now stash a modification
+	echo modified >file &&
+	git stash &&
+	# make the file stat dirty
+	cp file other &&
+	mv other file &&
+	git stash apply
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d7219d6..b93d1d7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-test_description='stash apply can handle submodules'
+test_description='stash can handle submodules'
 . ./
@@ -21,4 +21,44 @@
 test_submodule_switch "git_stash"
+setup_basic () {
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf main sub" &&
+	git init sub &&
+	(
+		cd sub &&
+		test_commit sub_file
+	) &&
+	git init main &&
+	(
+		cd main &&
+		git submodule add ../sub &&
+		test_commit main_file
+	)
+test_expect_success 'stash push with submodule.recurse=true preserves dirty submodule worktree' '
+	setup_basic &&
+	(
+		cd main &&
+		git config submodule.recurse true &&
+		echo "x" >main_file.t &&
+		echo "y" >sub/sub_file.t &&
+		git stash push &&
+		test_must_fail git -C sub diff --quiet
+	)
+test_expect_success 'stash push and pop with submodule.recurse=true preserves dirty submodule worktree' '
+	setup_basic &&
+	(
+		cd main &&
+		git config submodule.recurse true &&
+		echo "x" >main_file.t &&
+		echo "y" >sub/sub_file.t &&
+		git stash push &&
+		git stash pop &&
+		test_must_fail git -C sub diff --quiet
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b2b366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2019 Johannes E Schindelin
+test_description='Test git stash in a worktree'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	test_commit initial &&
+	git worktree add wt &&
+	test_commit -C wt in-worktree
+test_expect_success 'apply in subdirectory' '
+	mkdir wt/subdir &&
+	(
+		cd wt/subdir &&
+		echo modified >../initial.t &&
+		git stash &&
+		git stash apply >out
+	) &&
+	grep "\.\.\/initial\.t" wt/subdir/out
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 8de36b7..e5116a7 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'git diff-files --no-patch --patch-with-raw shows the patch and raw data' '
 	git diff-files --no-patch --patch-with-raw >actual &&
-	grep -q "^:100644 100755 .* 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 M	path0\$" actual &&
+	grep -q "^:100644 100755 .* $ZERO_OID M	path0\$" actual &&
 	tail -n +4 actual >actual-patch &&
 	compare_diff_patch expected actual-patch
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3a6c21e..cbcdd10 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,123 +7,272 @@
 . ./
-cat >.test-plain-OA <<\EOF
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ccba72ad3888a3520b39efcf780b9ee64167535d A	AA
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 7e426fb079479fd67f6d81f984e4ec649a44bc25 A	AN
-:100644 000000 bcc68ef997017466d5c9094bcf7692295f588c9a 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DD
-:000000 040000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6d50f65d3bdab91c63444294d38f08aeff328e42 A	DF
-:100644 000000 141c1f1642328e4bc46a7d801a71da392e66791e 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DM
-:100644 000000 35abde1506ddf806572ff4d407bd06885d0f8ee9 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1d41122ebdd7a640f29d3c9cc4f9d70094374762 A	LL
-:100644 100644 03f24c8c4700babccfd28b654e7e8eac402ad6cd 103d9f89b50b9aad03054b579be5e7aa665f2d57 M	MD
-:100644 100644 b258508afb7ceb449981bd9d63d2d3e971bf8d34 b431b272d829ff3aa4d1a5085f4394ab4d3305b6 M	MM
-:100644 100644 bd084b0c27c7b6cc34f11d6d0509a29be3caf970 a716d58de4a570e0038f5c307bd8db34daea021f M	MN
-:100644 100644 40c959f984c8b89a2b02520d17f00d717f024397 2ac547ae9614a00d1b28275de608131f7a0e259f M	SS
-:100644 100644 4ac13458899ab908ef3b1128fa378daefc88d356 4c86f9a85fbc5e6804ee2e17a797538fbe785bca M	TT
-:040000 040000 7d670fdcdb9929f6c7dac196ff78689cd1c566a1 5e5f22072bb39f6e12cf663a57cb634c76eefb49 M	Z
+test_oid_cache <<\EOF
+aa_1 sha1:ccba72ad3888a3520b39efcf780b9ee64167535d
+aa_1 sha256:9febfbf18197819b2735c45291f138525d2476d59470f98239647544586ba403
+aa_2 sha1:6aa2b5335b16431a0ef71e5c0a28be69183cf6a2
+aa_2 sha256:6eaa3437de83f145a4aaa6ba355303075ade547b128ec6a2cd00a81ff7ce7a56
+an_1 sha1:7e426fb079479fd67f6d81f984e4ec649a44bc25
+an_1 sha256:8f92a0bec99e399a38e3bd0e1bf19fbf121e0160efb29b857df79d439f1c4536
+dd_1 sha1:bcc68ef997017466d5c9094bcf7692295f588c9a
+dd_1 sha256:07e17428b00639b85485d2b01083d219e2f3e3ba8579e9ca44e9cc8dd554d952
+df_1 sha1:6d50f65d3bdab91c63444294d38f08aeff328e42
+df_1 sha256:e367cecc27e9bf5451b1c65828cb21938d36a5f8e39c1b03ad6509cc36bb8e9d
+df_2 sha1:71420ab81e254145d26d6fc0cddee64c1acd4787
+df_2 sha256:0f0a86d10347ff6921d03a3c954679f3f1d14fa3d5cd82f57b32c09755f3a47d
+dfd1 sha1:68a6d8b91da11045cf4aa3a5ab9f2a781c701249
+dfd1 sha256:f3bd3265b02b6978ce86490d8ad026c573639c974b3de1d9faf30d8d5a77d3d5
+dm_1 sha1:141c1f1642328e4bc46a7d801a71da392e66791e
+dm_1 sha256:c89f8656e7b94e21ee5fbaf0e2149bbf783c51edbe2ce110349cac13059ee7ed
+dm_2 sha1:3c4d8de5fbad08572bab8e10eef8dbb264cf0231
+dm_2 sha256:83a572e37e0c94086294dae2cecc43d9131afd6f6c906e495c78972230b54988
+dn_1 sha1:35abde1506ddf806572ff4d407bd06885d0f8ee9
+dn_1 sha256:775d5852582070e620be63327bfa515fab8f71c7ac3e4f0c3cd6267b4377ba28
+ll_2 sha1:1d41122ebdd7a640f29d3c9cc4f9d70094374762
+ll_2 sha256:7917b4948a883cfed0a77d3d5a625dc8577d6ddcc3c6c3bbc56c4d4226a2246d
+md_1 sha1:03f24c8c4700babccfd28b654e7e8eac402ad6cd
+md_1 sha256:fc9f30369b978595ad685ba11ca9a17de0af16d79cd4b629975f4f1590033902
+md_2 sha1:103d9f89b50b9aad03054b579be5e7aa665f2d57
+md_2 sha256:fc78ec75275628762fe520479a6b2398dec295ce7aabcb1d15e5963c7b4e9317
+mm_1 sha1:b258508afb7ceb449981bd9d63d2d3e971bf8d34
+mm_1 sha256:a4b7847d228e900e3000285e240c20fd96f9dd41ce1445305f6eada126d4a04a
+mm_2 sha1:b431b272d829ff3aa4d1a5085f4394ab4d3305b6
+mm_2 sha256:3f8b83ea36aacf689bcf1a1290a9a8ed341564d32682ea6f76fea9a979186782
+mm_3 sha1:19989d4559aae417fedee240ccf2ba315ea4dc2b
+mm_3 sha256:71b3bfc5747ac033fff9ea0ab39ee453a3af2969890e75d6ef547b87544e2681
+mn_1 sha1:bd084b0c27c7b6cc34f11d6d0509a29be3caf970
+mn_1 sha256:47a67450583d7a329eb01a7c4ba644945af72c0ed2c7c95eb5a00d6e46d4d483
+mn_2 sha1:a716d58de4a570e0038f5c307bd8db34daea021f
+mn_2 sha256:f95104c1ebe27acb84bac25a7be98c71f6b8d3054b21f357a5be0c524ad97e08
+nm_1 sha1:c8f25781e8f1792e3e40b74225e20553041b5226
+nm_1 sha256:09baddc7afaa62e62e152c23c9c3ab94bf15a3894031e227e9be7fe68e1f4e49
+nm_2 sha1:cdb9a8c3da571502ac30225e9c17beccb8387983
+nm_2 sha256:58b5227956ac2d2a08d0efa513c0ae37430948b16791ea3869a1308dbf05536d
+na_1 sha1:15885881ea69115351c09b38371f0348a3fb8c67
+na_1 sha256:18e4fdd1670cd7968ee23d35bfd29e5418d56fb190c840094c1c57ceee0aad8f
+nd_1 sha1:a4e179e4291e5536a5e1c82e091052772d2c5a93
+nd_1 sha256:07dac9b01d00956ea0c65bd993d7de4864aeef2ed3cbb1255d9f1d949fcd6df6
+ss_1 sha1:40c959f984c8b89a2b02520d17f00d717f024397
+ss_1 sha256:50fc1b5df74d9910db2f9270993484235f15b69b75b01bcfb53e059289d14af9
+ss_2 sha1:2ac547ae9614a00d1b28275de608131f7a0e259f
+ss_2 sha256:a90f02e6044f1497d13db587d22ab12f90150a7d1e084afcf96065fab35ae2bc
+tt_1 sha1:4ac13458899ab908ef3b1128fa378daefc88d356
+tt_1 sha256:c53113c7dd5060e86b5b251428bd058f6726f66273c6a24bff1c61a04f498dd3
+tt_2 sha1:4c86f9a85fbc5e6804ee2e17a797538fbe785bca
+tt_2 sha256:0775f2a296129a7cf2862b46bc0e88c14d593f2773a3e3fb1c5193db6f5a7e77
+tt_3 sha1:c4e4a12231b9fa79a0053cb6077fcb21bb5b135a
+tt_3 sha256:47860f93cdd211f96443e0560f21c57ab6c2f4b0ac27ff03651a352e53fe8484
+z__1 sha1:7d670fdcdb9929f6c7dac196ff78689cd1c566a1
+z__1 sha256:44d0f37aff5e51cfcfdd1134c93a6419bcca7b9964f792ffcd5f9b4fcba1ee63
+z__2 sha1:5e5f22072bb39f6e12cf663a57cb634c76eefb49
+z__2 sha256:d29de162113190fed104eb5f010820cef4e315f89b9326e8497f7219fb737894
+z__3 sha1:1ba523955d5160681af65cb776411f574c1e8155
+z__3 sha256:07422d772b07794ab4369a5648e617719f89c2d2212cbeab05d97214b6471636
+zaa1 sha1:8acb8e9750e3f644bf323fcf3d338849db106c77
+zaa1 sha256:e79b029282c8abec2d9f3f7faceaf2a1405e02d1f368e66450ae66cf5b68d1f4
+zaa2 sha1:6c0b99286d0bce551ac4a7b3dff8b706edff3715
+zaa2 sha256:c82bd78c3e69ea1796e6b1a7a3ba45bb106c50e819296475b862123d3f5cc5a0
+zan1 sha1:087494262084cefee7ed484d20c8dc0580791272
+zan1 sha256:4b159eb3804d05599023dd074f771d06d02870f4ab24a7165add8ac3d703b8d3
+zdd1 sha1:879007efae624d2b1307214b24a956f0a8d686a8
+zdd1 sha256:eecfdd4d8092dd0363fb6d4548b54c6afc8982c3ed9b34e393f1d6a921d8eaa3
+zdm1 sha1:9b541b2275c06e3a7b13f28badf5294e2ae63df4
+zdm1 sha256:ab136e88e19a843c4bf7713d2090d5a2186ba16a6a80dacc12eeddd256a8e556
+zdm2 sha1:d77371d15817fcaa57eeec27f770c505ba974ec1
+zdm2 sha256:1c1a5f57363f46a15d95ce8527b3c2c158d88d16853b4acbf81bd20fd2c89a46
+zdn1 sha1:beb5d38c55283d280685ea21a0e50cfcc0ca064a
+zdn1 sha256:0f0eca66183617b0aa5ad74b256540329f841470922ca6760263c996d825eb18
+zmd1 sha1:d41fda41b7ec4de46b43cb7ea42a45001ae393d5
+zmd1 sha256:1ed32d481852eddf31a0ce12652a0ad14bf5b7a842667b5dbb0b50f35bf1c80a
+zmd2 sha1:a79ac3be9377639e1c7d1edf1ae1b3a5f0ccd8a9
+zmd2 sha256:b238da211b404f8917df2d9c6f7030535e904b2186131007a3c292ec6902f933
+zmm1 sha1:4ca22bae2527d3d9e1676498a0fba3b355bd1278
+zmm1 sha256:072b1d85b5f34fabc99dfa46008c5418df68302d3e317430006f49b32d244226
+zmm2 sha1:61422ba9c2c873416061a88cd40a59a35b576474
+zmm2 sha256:81dd5d2b3c5cda16fef552256aed4e2ea0802a8450a08f308a92142112ff6dda
+zmm3 sha1:697aad7715a1e7306ca76290a3dd4208fbaeddfa
+zmm3 sha256:8b10fab49e9be3414aa5e9a93d0e46f9569053440138a7c19a5eb5536d8e95bf
+zmn1 sha1:b16d7b25b869f2beb124efa53467d8a1550ad694
+zmn1 sha256:609e4f75d1295e844c826feeba213acb0b6cfc609adfe8ff705b19e3829ae3e9
+zmn2 sha1:a5c544c21cfcb07eb80a4d89a5b7d1570002edfd
+zmn2 sha256:d6d03edf2dc1a3b267a8205de5f41a2ff4b03def8c7ae02052b543fb09d589fc
+zna1 sha1:d12979c22fff69c59ca9409e7a8fe3ee25eaee80
+zna1 sha256:b37b80e789e8ea32aa323f004628f02013f632124b0282c7fe00a127d3c64c3c
+znd1 sha1:a18393c636b98e9bd7296b8b437ea4992b72440c
+znd1 sha256:af92a22eee8c38410a0c9d2b5135a10aeb052cbc7cf675541ed9a67bfcaf7cf9
+znm1 sha1:3fdbe17fd013303a2e981e1ca1c6cd6e72789087
+znm1 sha256:f75aeaa0c11e76918e381c105f0752932c6150e941fec565d24fa31098a13dc1
+znm2 sha1:7e09d6a3a14bd630913e8c75693cea32157b606d
+znm2 sha256:938d73cfbaa1c902a84fb5b3afd9736aa0590367fb9bd59c6c4d072ce70fcd6d
-cat >.test-recursive-OA <<\EOF
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ccba72ad3888a3520b39efcf780b9ee64167535d A	AA
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 7e426fb079479fd67f6d81f984e4ec649a44bc25 A	AN
-:100644 000000 bcc68ef997017466d5c9094bcf7692295f588c9a 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DD
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 68a6d8b91da11045cf4aa3a5ab9f2a781c701249 A	DF/DF
-:100644 000000 141c1f1642328e4bc46a7d801a71da392e66791e 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DM
-:100644 000000 35abde1506ddf806572ff4d407bd06885d0f8ee9 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1d41122ebdd7a640f29d3c9cc4f9d70094374762 A	LL
-:100644 100644 03f24c8c4700babccfd28b654e7e8eac402ad6cd 103d9f89b50b9aad03054b579be5e7aa665f2d57 M	MD
-:100644 100644 b258508afb7ceb449981bd9d63d2d3e971bf8d34 b431b272d829ff3aa4d1a5085f4394ab4d3305b6 M	MM
-:100644 100644 bd084b0c27c7b6cc34f11d6d0509a29be3caf970 a716d58de4a570e0038f5c307bd8db34daea021f M	MN
-:100644 100644 40c959f984c8b89a2b02520d17f00d717f024397 2ac547ae9614a00d1b28275de608131f7a0e259f M	SS
-:100644 100644 4ac13458899ab908ef3b1128fa378daefc88d356 4c86f9a85fbc5e6804ee2e17a797538fbe785bca M	TT
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 8acb8e9750e3f644bf323fcf3d338849db106c77 A	Z/AA
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 087494262084cefee7ed484d20c8dc0580791272 A	Z/AN
-:100644 000000 879007efae624d2b1307214b24a956f0a8d686a8 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/DD
-:100644 000000 9b541b2275c06e3a7b13f28badf5294e2ae63df4 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/DM
-:100644 000000 beb5d38c55283d280685ea21a0e50cfcc0ca064a 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/DN
-:100644 100644 d41fda41b7ec4de46b43cb7ea42a45001ae393d5 a79ac3be9377639e1c7d1edf1ae1b3a5f0ccd8a9 M	Z/MD
-:100644 100644 4ca22bae2527d3d9e1676498a0fba3b355bd1278 61422ba9c2c873416061a88cd40a59a35b576474 M	Z/MM
-:100644 100644 b16d7b25b869f2beb124efa53467d8a1550ad694 a5c544c21cfcb07eb80a4d89a5b7d1570002edfd M	Z/MN
+cat >.test-plain-OA <<EOF
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid aa_1) A	AA
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid an_1) A	AN
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DD
+:000000 040000 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid df_1) A	DF
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dm_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DM
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dn_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid ll_2) A	LL
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid md_1) $(test_oid md_2) M	MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mm_1) $(test_oid mm_2) M	MM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mn_1) $(test_oid mn_2) M	MN
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid ss_1) $(test_oid ss_2) M	SS
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid tt_1) $(test_oid tt_2) M	TT
+:040000 040000 $(test_oid z__1) $(test_oid z__2) M	Z
-cat >.test-plain-OB <<\EOF
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6aa2b5335b16431a0ef71e5c0a28be69183cf6a2 A	AA
-:100644 000000 bcc68ef997017466d5c9094bcf7692295f588c9a 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DD
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 71420ab81e254145d26d6fc0cddee64c1acd4787 A	DF
-:100644 100644 141c1f1642328e4bc46a7d801a71da392e66791e 3c4d8de5fbad08572bab8e10eef8dbb264cf0231 M	DM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1d41122ebdd7a640f29d3c9cc4f9d70094374762 A	LL
-:100644 000000 03f24c8c4700babccfd28b654e7e8eac402ad6cd 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	MD
-:100644 100644 b258508afb7ceb449981bd9d63d2d3e971bf8d34 19989d4559aae417fedee240ccf2ba315ea4dc2b M	MM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 15885881ea69115351c09b38371f0348a3fb8c67 A	NA
-:100644 000000 a4e179e4291e5536a5e1c82e091052772d2c5a93 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	ND
-:100644 100644 c8f25781e8f1792e3e40b74225e20553041b5226 cdb9a8c3da571502ac30225e9c17beccb8387983 M	NM
-:100644 100644 40c959f984c8b89a2b02520d17f00d717f024397 2ac547ae9614a00d1b28275de608131f7a0e259f M	SS
-:100644 100644 4ac13458899ab908ef3b1128fa378daefc88d356 c4e4a12231b9fa79a0053cb6077fcb21bb5b135a M	TT
-:040000 040000 7d670fdcdb9929f6c7dac196ff78689cd1c566a1 1ba523955d5160681af65cb776411f574c1e8155 M	Z
+cat >.test-recursive-OA <<EOF
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid aa_1) A	AA
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid an_1) A	AN
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DD
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid dfd1) A	DF/DF
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dm_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DM
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dn_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid ll_2) A	LL
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid md_1) $(test_oid md_2) M	MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mm_1) $(test_oid mm_2) M	MM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mn_1) $(test_oid mn_2) M	MN
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid ss_1) $(test_oid ss_2) M	SS
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid tt_1) $(test_oid tt_2) M	TT
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid zaa1) A	Z/AA
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid zan1) A	Z/AN
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid zdd1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/DD
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid zdm1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/DM
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid zdn1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/DN
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zmd1) $(test_oid zmd2) M	Z/MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zmm1) $(test_oid zmm2) M	Z/MM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zmn1) $(test_oid zmn2) M	Z/MN
-cat >.test-recursive-OB <<\EOF
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6aa2b5335b16431a0ef71e5c0a28be69183cf6a2 A	AA
-:100644 000000 bcc68ef997017466d5c9094bcf7692295f588c9a 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DD
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 71420ab81e254145d26d6fc0cddee64c1acd4787 A	DF
-:100644 100644 141c1f1642328e4bc46a7d801a71da392e66791e 3c4d8de5fbad08572bab8e10eef8dbb264cf0231 M	DM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1d41122ebdd7a640f29d3c9cc4f9d70094374762 A	LL
-:100644 000000 03f24c8c4700babccfd28b654e7e8eac402ad6cd 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	MD
-:100644 100644 b258508afb7ceb449981bd9d63d2d3e971bf8d34 19989d4559aae417fedee240ccf2ba315ea4dc2b M	MM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 15885881ea69115351c09b38371f0348a3fb8c67 A	NA
-:100644 000000 a4e179e4291e5536a5e1c82e091052772d2c5a93 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	ND
-:100644 100644 c8f25781e8f1792e3e40b74225e20553041b5226 cdb9a8c3da571502ac30225e9c17beccb8387983 M	NM
-:100644 100644 40c959f984c8b89a2b02520d17f00d717f024397 2ac547ae9614a00d1b28275de608131f7a0e259f M	SS
-:100644 100644 4ac13458899ab908ef3b1128fa378daefc88d356 c4e4a12231b9fa79a0053cb6077fcb21bb5b135a M	TT
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 6c0b99286d0bce551ac4a7b3dff8b706edff3715 A	Z/AA
-:100644 000000 879007efae624d2b1307214b24a956f0a8d686a8 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/DD
-:100644 100644 9b541b2275c06e3a7b13f28badf5294e2ae63df4 d77371d15817fcaa57eeec27f770c505ba974ec1 M	Z/DM
-:100644 000000 d41fda41b7ec4de46b43cb7ea42a45001ae393d5 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/MD
-:100644 100644 4ca22bae2527d3d9e1676498a0fba3b355bd1278 697aad7715a1e7306ca76290a3dd4208fbaeddfa M	Z/MM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 d12979c22fff69c59ca9409e7a8fe3ee25eaee80 A	Z/NA
-:100644 000000 a18393c636b98e9bd7296b8b437ea4992b72440c 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/ND
-:100644 100644 3fdbe17fd013303a2e981e1ca1c6cd6e72789087 7e09d6a3a14bd630913e8c75693cea32157b606d M	Z/NM
+cat >.test-plain-OB <<EOF
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid aa_2) A	AA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DD
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid df_2) A	DF
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid dm_1) $(test_oid dm_2) M	DM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid ll_2) A	LL
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid md_1) $(test_oid zero) D	MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mm_1) $(test_oid mm_3) M	MM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid na_1) A	NA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid nd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	ND
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid nm_1) $(test_oid nm_2) M	NM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid ss_1) $(test_oid ss_2) M	SS
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid tt_1) $(test_oid tt_3) M	TT
+:040000 040000 $(test_oid z__1) $(test_oid z__3) M	Z
-cat >.test-plain-AB <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 ccba72ad3888a3520b39efcf780b9ee64167535d 6aa2b5335b16431a0ef71e5c0a28be69183cf6a2 M	AA
-:100644 000000 7e426fb079479fd67f6d81f984e4ec649a44bc25 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	AN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 71420ab81e254145d26d6fc0cddee64c1acd4787 A	DF
-:040000 000000 6d50f65d3bdab91c63444294d38f08aeff328e42 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DF
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3c4d8de5fbad08572bab8e10eef8dbb264cf0231 A	DM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 35abde1506ddf806572ff4d407bd06885d0f8ee9 A	DN
-:100644 000000 103d9f89b50b9aad03054b579be5e7aa665f2d57 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	MD
-:100644 100644 b431b272d829ff3aa4d1a5085f4394ab4d3305b6 19989d4559aae417fedee240ccf2ba315ea4dc2b M	MM
-:100644 100644 a716d58de4a570e0038f5c307bd8db34daea021f bd084b0c27c7b6cc34f11d6d0509a29be3caf970 M	MN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 15885881ea69115351c09b38371f0348a3fb8c67 A	NA
-:100644 000000 a4e179e4291e5536a5e1c82e091052772d2c5a93 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	ND
-:100644 100644 c8f25781e8f1792e3e40b74225e20553041b5226 cdb9a8c3da571502ac30225e9c17beccb8387983 M	NM
-:100644 100644 4c86f9a85fbc5e6804ee2e17a797538fbe785bca c4e4a12231b9fa79a0053cb6077fcb21bb5b135a M	TT
-:040000 040000 5e5f22072bb39f6e12cf663a57cb634c76eefb49 1ba523955d5160681af65cb776411f574c1e8155 M	Z
+cat >.test-recursive-OB <<EOF
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid aa_2) A	AA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DD
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid df_2) A	DF
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid dm_1) $(test_oid dm_2) M	DM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid ll_2) A	LL
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid md_1) $(test_oid zero) D	MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mm_1) $(test_oid mm_3) M	MM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid na_1) A	NA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid nd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	ND
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid nm_1) $(test_oid nm_2) M	NM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid ss_1) $(test_oid ss_2) M	SS
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid tt_1) $(test_oid tt_3) M	TT
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid zaa2) A	Z/AA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid zdd1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/DD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zdm1) $(test_oid zdm2) M	Z/DM
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid zmd1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zmm1) $(test_oid zmm3) M	Z/MM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid zna1) A	Z/NA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid znd1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/ND
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid znm1) $(test_oid znm2) M	Z/NM
-cat >.test-recursive-AB <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 ccba72ad3888a3520b39efcf780b9ee64167535d 6aa2b5335b16431a0ef71e5c0a28be69183cf6a2 M	AA
-:100644 000000 7e426fb079479fd67f6d81f984e4ec649a44bc25 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	AN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 71420ab81e254145d26d6fc0cddee64c1acd4787 A	DF
-:100644 000000 68a6d8b91da11045cf4aa3a5ab9f2a781c701249 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	DF/DF
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3c4d8de5fbad08572bab8e10eef8dbb264cf0231 A	DM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 35abde1506ddf806572ff4d407bd06885d0f8ee9 A	DN
-:100644 000000 103d9f89b50b9aad03054b579be5e7aa665f2d57 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	MD
-:100644 100644 b431b272d829ff3aa4d1a5085f4394ab4d3305b6 19989d4559aae417fedee240ccf2ba315ea4dc2b M	MM
-:100644 100644 a716d58de4a570e0038f5c307bd8db34daea021f bd084b0c27c7b6cc34f11d6d0509a29be3caf970 M	MN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 15885881ea69115351c09b38371f0348a3fb8c67 A	NA
-:100644 000000 a4e179e4291e5536a5e1c82e091052772d2c5a93 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	ND
-:100644 100644 c8f25781e8f1792e3e40b74225e20553041b5226 cdb9a8c3da571502ac30225e9c17beccb8387983 M	NM
-:100644 100644 4c86f9a85fbc5e6804ee2e17a797538fbe785bca c4e4a12231b9fa79a0053cb6077fcb21bb5b135a M	TT
-:100644 100644 8acb8e9750e3f644bf323fcf3d338849db106c77 6c0b99286d0bce551ac4a7b3dff8b706edff3715 M	Z/AA
-:100644 000000 087494262084cefee7ed484d20c8dc0580791272 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/AN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 d77371d15817fcaa57eeec27f770c505ba974ec1 A	Z/DM
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 beb5d38c55283d280685ea21a0e50cfcc0ca064a A	Z/DN
-:100644 000000 a79ac3be9377639e1c7d1edf1ae1b3a5f0ccd8a9 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/MD
-:100644 100644 61422ba9c2c873416061a88cd40a59a35b576474 697aad7715a1e7306ca76290a3dd4208fbaeddfa M	Z/MM
-:100644 100644 a5c544c21cfcb07eb80a4d89a5b7d1570002edfd b16d7b25b869f2beb124efa53467d8a1550ad694 M	Z/MN
-:000000 100644 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 d12979c22fff69c59ca9409e7a8fe3ee25eaee80 A	Z/NA
-:100644 000000 a18393c636b98e9bd7296b8b437ea4992b72440c 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D	Z/ND
-:100644 100644 3fdbe17fd013303a2e981e1ca1c6cd6e72789087 7e09d6a3a14bd630913e8c75693cea32157b606d M	Z/NM
+cat >.test-plain-AB <<EOF
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid aa_1) $(test_oid aa_2) M	AA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid an_1) $(test_oid zero) D	AN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid df_2) A	DF
+:040000 000000 $(test_oid df_1) $(test_oid zero) D	DF
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid dm_2) A	DM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid dn_1) A	DN
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid md_2) $(test_oid zero) D	MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mm_2) $(test_oid mm_3) M	MM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mn_2) $(test_oid mn_1) M	MN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid na_1) A	NA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid nd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	ND
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid nm_1) $(test_oid nm_2) M	NM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid tt_2) $(test_oid tt_3) M	TT
+:040000 040000 $(test_oid z__2) $(test_oid z__3) M	Z
+cat >.test-recursive-AB <<EOF
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid aa_1) $(test_oid aa_2) M	AA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid an_1) $(test_oid zero) D	AN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid df_2) A	DF
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid dfd1) $(test_oid zero) D	DF/DF
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid dm_2) A	DM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid dn_1) A	DN
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid md_2) $(test_oid zero) D	MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mm_2) $(test_oid mm_3) M	MM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid mn_2) $(test_oid mn_1) M	MN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid na_1) A	NA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid nd_1) $(test_oid zero) D	ND
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid nm_1) $(test_oid nm_2) M	NM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid tt_2) $(test_oid tt_3) M	TT
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zaa1) $(test_oid zaa2) M	Z/AA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid zan1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/AN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid zdm2) A	Z/DM
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid zdn1) A	Z/DN
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid zmd2) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/MD
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zmm2) $(test_oid zmm3) M	Z/MM
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid zmn2) $(test_oid zmn1) M	Z/MN
+:000000 100644 $(test_oid zero) $(test_oid zna1) A	Z/NA
+:100644 000000 $(test_oid znd1) $(test_oid zero) D	Z/ND
+:100644 100644 $(test_oid znm1) $(test_oid znm2) M	Z/NM
 cmp_diff_files_output () {
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3641fd8..b63bdf0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
     'cat "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/diff-lib/COPYING >COPYING &&
      echo frotz >rezrov &&
     git update-index --add COPYING rezrov &&
+    orig=$(git hash-object COPYING) &&
     tree=$(git write-tree) &&
     echo $tree'
@@ -22,6 +23,8 @@
     'sed -e 's/HOWEVER/However/' <COPYING >COPYING.1 &&
     sed -e 's/GPL/G.P.L/g' <COPYING >COPYING.2 &&
     rm -f COPYING &&
+    c1=$(git hash-object COPYING.1) &&
+    c2=$(git hash-object COPYING.2) &&
     git update-index --add --remove COPYING COPYING.?'
 # tree has COPYING and rezrov.  work tree has COPYING.1 and COPYING.2,
@@ -31,11 +34,11 @@
 git diff-index -z -C $tree >current
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 0603b3238a076dc6c8022aedc6648fa523a17178 C1234
+cat >expected <<EOF
+:100644 100644 $orig $c1 C1234
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 06c67961bbaed34a127f76d261f4c0bf73eda471 R1234
+:100644 100644 $orig $c2 R1234
@@ -57,10 +60,10 @@
 # about rezrov.
 git diff-index -z -C $tree >current
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 06c67961bbaed34a127f76d261f4c0bf73eda471 M
+cat >expected <<EOF
+:100644 100644 $orig $c2 M
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 0603b3238a076dc6c8022aedc6648fa523a17178 C1234
+:100644 100644 $orig $c1 C1234
@@ -82,8 +85,8 @@
      git update-index --add --remove COPYING COPYING.1'
 git diff-index -z -C --find-copies-harder $tree >current
-cat >expected <<\EOF
-:100644 100644 6ff87c4664981e4397625791c8ea3bbb5f2279a3 0603b3238a076dc6c8022aedc6648fa523a17178 C1234
+cat >expected <<EOF
+:100644 100644 $orig $c1 C1234
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a9054d2..5ac94b3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
 . ./
 test_expect_success setup '
 	GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2006-06-26 00:00:00 +0000" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ca7debf..b896999 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 test_expect_success setup '
 	for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do echo "$i"; done >file &&
 	cat file >elif &&
 	git add file elif &&
@@ -34,7 +33,8 @@
 	git commit -m "Side changes #3 with \\n backslash-n in it." &&
 	git checkout master &&
-	git diff-tree -p C2 | git apply --index &&
+	git diff-tree -p C2 >patch &&
+	git apply --index <patch &&
 	test_tick &&
 	git commit -m "Master accepts moral equivalent of #2" &&
@@ -59,33 +59,28 @@
 	git checkout master
-test_expect_success "format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream" '
+test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream' '
 	git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch0 &&
-	cnt=$(grep "^From " patch0 | wc -l) &&
-	test $cnt = 3
+	grep "^From " patch0 >from0 &&
+	test_line_count = 3 from0
-test_expect_success "format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream" '
+test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream' '
 	git format-patch --stdout \
 		--ignore-if-in-upstream master..side >patch1 &&
-	cnt=$(grep "^From " patch1 | wc -l) &&
-	test $cnt = 2
+	grep "^From " patch1 >from1 &&
+	test_line_count = 2 from1
-test_expect_success "format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream handles tags" '
+test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream handles tags' '
 	git tag -a v1 -m tag side &&
 	git tag -a v2 -m tag master &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --ignore-if-in-upstream v2..v1 >patch1 &&
-	cnt=$(grep "^From " patch1 | wc -l) &&
-	test $cnt = 2
+	grep "^From " patch1 >from1 &&
+	test_line_count = 2 from1
 test_expect_success "format-patch doesn't consider merge commits" '
 	git checkout -b slave master &&
 	echo "Another line" >>file &&
 	test_tick &&
@@ -96,148 +91,138 @@
 	git checkout -b merger master &&
 	test_tick &&
 	git merge --no-ff slave &&
-	cnt=$(git format-patch -3 --stdout | grep "^From " | wc -l) &&
-	test $cnt = 3
+	git format-patch -3 --stdout >patch &&
+	grep "^From " patch >from &&
+	test_line_count = 3 from
-test_expect_success "format-patch result applies" '
+test_expect_success 'format-patch result applies' '
 	git checkout -b rebuild-0 master &&
 	git am -3 patch0 &&
-	cnt=$(git rev-list master.. | wc -l) &&
-	test $cnt = 2
+	git rev-list master.. >list &&
+	test_line_count = 2 list
-test_expect_success "format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream result applies" '
+test_expect_success 'format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream result applies' '
 	git checkout -b rebuild-1 master &&
 	git am -3 patch1 &&
-	cnt=$(git rev-list master.. | wc -l) &&
-	test $cnt = 2
+	git rev-list master.. >list &&
+	test_line_count = 2 list
 test_expect_success 'commit did not screw up the log message' '
-	git cat-file commit side | grep "^Side .* with .* backslash-n"
+	git cat-file commit side >actual &&
+	grep "^Side .* with .* backslash-n" actual
 test_expect_success 'format-patch did not screw up the log message' '
 	grep "^Subject: .*Side changes #3 with .* backslash-n" patch0 &&
 	grep "^Subject: .*Side changes #3 with .* backslash-n" patch1
 test_expect_success 'replay did not screw up the log message' '
-	git cat-file commit rebuild-1 | grep "^Side .* with .* backslash-n"
+	git cat-file commit rebuild-1 >actual &&
+	grep "^Side .* with .* backslash-n" actual
 test_expect_success 'extra headers' '
 	git config format.headers "To: R E Cipient <>
 " &&
 	git config --add format.headers "Cc: S E Cipient <>
 " &&
-	git format-patch --stdout master..side > patch2 &&
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch2 > hdrs2 &&
+	git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch2 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch2 >hdrs2 &&
 	grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs2 &&
 	grep "^Cc: S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs2
 test_expect_success 'extra headers without newlines' '
 	git config --replace-all format.headers "To: R E Cipient <>" &&
 	git config --add format.headers "Cc: S E Cipient <>" &&
 	git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch3 &&
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch3 > hdrs3 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch3 >hdrs3 &&
 	grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs3 &&
 	grep "^Cc: S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs3
 test_expect_success 'extra headers with multiple To:s' '
 	git config --replace-all format.headers "To: R E Cipient <>" &&
 	git config --add format.headers "To: S E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --stdout master..side > patch4 &&
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch4 > hdrs4 &&
+	git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch4 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch4 >hdrs4 &&
 	grep "^To: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs4 &&
 	grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs4
 test_expect_success 'additional command line cc (ascii)' '
 	git config --replace-all format.headers "Cc: R E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --cc="S E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch5 &&
-	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" patch5 &&
-	grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" patch5
+	git format-patch --cc="S E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch5 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch5 >hdrs5 &&
+	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs5 &&
+	grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs5
 test_expect_failure 'additional command line cc (rfc822)' '
 	git config --replace-all format.headers "Cc: R E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --cc="S. E. Cipient <>" --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch5 &&
-	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" patch5 &&
-	grep "^ *\"S. E. Cipient\" <>\$" patch5
+	git format-patch --cc="S. E. Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch5 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch5 >hdrs5 &&
+	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs5 &&
+	grep "^ *\"S. E. Cipient\" <>\$" hdrs5
 test_expect_success 'command line headers' '
 	git config --unset-all format.headers &&
-	git format-patch --add-header="Cc: R E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch6 &&
-	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>\$" patch6
+	git format-patch --add-header="Cc: R E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch6 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch6 >hdrs6 &&
+	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs6
 test_expect_success 'configuration headers and command line headers' '
 	git config --replace-all format.headers "Cc: R E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --add-header="Cc: S E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch7 &&
-	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" patch7 &&
-	grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" patch7
+	git format-patch --add-header="Cc: S E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch7 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch7 >hdrs7 &&
+	grep "^Cc: R E Cipient <>,\$" hdrs7 &&
+	grep "^ *S E Cipient <>\$" hdrs7
 test_expect_success 'command line To: header (ascii)' '
 	git config --unset-all format.headers &&
-	git format-patch --to="R E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch8 &&
-	grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" patch8
+	git format-patch --to="R E Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch8 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch8 >hdrs8 &&
+	grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs8
 test_expect_failure 'command line To: header (rfc822)' '
-	git format-patch --to="R. E. Cipient <>" --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch8 &&
-	grep "^To: \"R. E. Cipient\" <>\$" patch8
+	git format-patch --to="R. E. Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch8 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch8 >hdrs8 &&
+	grep "^To: \"R. E. Cipient\" <>\$" hdrs8
 test_expect_failure 'command line To: header (rfc2047)' '
-	git format-patch --to="R Ä Cipient <>" --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch8 &&
-	grep "^To: =?UTF-8?q?R=20=C3=84=20Cipient?= <>\$" patch8
+	git format-patch --to="R Ä Cipient <>" --stdout master..side >patch8 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch8 >hdrs8 &&
+	grep "^To: =?UTF-8?q?R=20=C3=84=20Cipient?= <>\$" hdrs8
 test_expect_success 'configuration To: header (ascii)' '
 	git config "R E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch9 &&
-	grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" patch9
+	git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch9 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch9 >hdrs9 &&
+	grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs9
 test_expect_failure 'configuration To: header (rfc822)' '
 	git config "R. E. Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch9 &&
-	grep "^To: \"R. E. Cipient\" <>\$" patch9
+	git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch9 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch9 >hdrs9 &&
+	grep "^To: \"R. E. Cipient\" <>\$" hdrs9
 test_expect_failure 'configuration To: header (rfc2047)' '
 	git config "R Ä Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --stdout master..side | sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch9 &&
-	grep "^To: =?UTF-8?q?R=20=C3=84=20Cipient?= <>\$" patch9
+	git format-patch --stdout master..side >patch9 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch9 >hdrs9 &&
+	grep "^To: =?UTF-8?q?R=20=C3=84=20Cipient?= <>\$" hdrs9
 # check_patch <patch>: Verify that <patch> looks like a half-sane
@@ -249,89 +234,79 @@
 test_expect_success 'format.from=false' '
-	git -c format.from=false format-patch --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch &&
+	git -c format.from=false format-patch --stdout master..side >patch &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
 	check_patch patch &&
-	! grep "^From: C O Mitter <>\$" patch
+	! grep "^From: C O Mitter <>\$" hdrs
 test_expect_success 'format.from=true' '
-	git -c format.from=true format-patch --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch &&
-	check_patch patch &&
-	grep "^From: C O Mitter <>\$" patch
+	git -c format.from=true format-patch --stdout master..side >patch &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
+	check_patch hdrs &&
+	grep "^From: C O Mitter <>\$" hdrs
 test_expect_success 'format.from with address' '
-	git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch &&
-	check_patch patch &&
-	grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" patch
+	git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --stdout master..side >patch &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
+	check_patch hdrs &&
+	grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" hdrs
 test_expect_success '--no-from overrides format.from' '
-	git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --no-from --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch &&
-	check_patch patch &&
-	! grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" patch
+	git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --no-from --stdout master..side >patch &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
+	check_patch hdrs &&
+	! grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" hdrs
 test_expect_success '--from overrides format.from' '
-	git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --from --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch &&
-	check_patch patch &&
-	! grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" patch
+	git -c format.from="F R Om <>" format-patch --from --stdout master..side >patch &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch >hdrs &&
+	check_patch hdrs &&
+	! grep "^From: F R Om <>\$" hdrs
 test_expect_success '--no-to overrides' '
 	git config --replace-all \
 		"R E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --no-to --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch10 &&
-	check_patch patch10 &&
-	! grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" patch10
+	git format-patch --no-to --stdout master..side >patch10 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch10 >hdrs10 &&
+	check_patch hdrs10 &&
+	! grep "^To: R E Cipient <>\$" hdrs10
 test_expect_success '--no-to and --to replaces' '
 	git config --replace-all \
 		"Someone <someone@out.there>" &&
 	git format-patch --no-to --to="Someone Else <else@out.there>" \
-		--stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch11 &&
-	check_patch patch11 &&
-	! grep "^To: Someone <someone@out.there>\$" patch11 &&
-	grep "^To: Someone Else <else@out.there>\$" patch11
+		--stdout master..side >patch11 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch11 >hdrs11 &&
+	check_patch hdrs11 &&
+	! grep "^To: Someone <someone@out.there>\$" hdrs11 &&
+	grep "^To: Someone Else <else@out.there>\$" hdrs11
 test_expect_success '--no-cc overrides' '
 	git config --replace-all \
 		"C E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --no-cc --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch12 &&
-	check_patch patch12 &&
-	! grep "^Cc: C E Cipient <>\$" patch12
+	git format-patch --no-cc --stdout master..side >patch12 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch12 >hdrs12 &&
+	check_patch hdrs12 &&
+	! grep "^Cc: C E Cipient <>\$" hdrs12
 test_expect_success '--no-add-header overrides config.headers' '
 	git config --replace-all format.headers \
 		"Header1: B E Cipient <>" &&
-	git format-patch --no-add-header --stdout master..side |
-	sed -e "/^\$/q" >patch13 &&
-	check_patch patch13 &&
-	! grep "^Header1: B E Cipient <>\$" patch13
+	git format-patch --no-add-header --stdout master..side >patch13 &&
+	sed -e "/^\$/q" patch13 >hdrs13 &&
+	check_patch hdrs13 &&
+	! grep "^Header1: B E Cipient <>\$" hdrs13
 test_expect_success 'multiple files' '
 	rm -rf patches/ &&
 	git checkout side &&
 	git format-patch -o patches/ master &&
@@ -357,7 +332,7 @@
 check_threading () {
 	expect="$1" &&
 	shift &&
-	(git format-patch --stdout "$@"; echo $? > status.out) |
+	git format-patch --stdout "$@" >patch &&
 	# Prints everything between the Message-ID and In-Reply-To,
 	# and replaces all Message-ID-lookalikes by a sequence number
 	perl -ne '
@@ -372,12 +347,11 @@
 		print "---\n" if /^From /i;
-	' > actual &&
-	test 0 = "$(cat status.out)" &&
+	' <patch >actual &&
 	test_cmp "$expect" actual
-cat >> <<EOF
+cat >> <<EOF
@@ -388,7 +362,7 @@
 	check_threading master
-cat > expect.thread <<EOF
+cat >expect.thread <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
@@ -405,7 +379,7 @@
 	check_threading expect.thread --thread master
-cat > <<EOF
+cat > <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
 In-Reply-To: <1>
@@ -425,7 +399,7 @@
 		--thread master
-cat > expect.cover-letter <<EOF
+cat >expect.cover-letter <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
@@ -446,7 +420,7 @@
 	check_threading expect.cover-letter --cover-letter --thread master
-cat > <<EOF
+cat > <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
 In-Reply-To: <1>
@@ -478,7 +452,7 @@
 		--in-reply-to="<test.message>" --thread=shallow master
-cat > expect.deep <<EOF
+cat >expect.deep <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
@@ -496,7 +470,7 @@
 	check_threading expect.deep --thread=deep master
-cat > expect.deep-irt <<EOF
+cat >expect.deep-irt <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
 In-Reply-To: <1>
@@ -519,7 +493,7 @@
 		--in-reply-to="<test.message>" master
-cat > expect.deep-cl <<EOF
+cat >expect.deep-cl <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
@@ -543,7 +517,7 @@
 	check_threading expect.deep-cl --cover-letter --thread=deep master
-cat > expect.deep-cl-irt <<EOF
+cat >expect.deep-cl-irt <<EOF
 Message-Id: <0>
 In-Reply-To: <1>
@@ -594,7 +568,6 @@
 test_expect_success 'excessive subject' '
 	rm -rf patches/ &&
 	git checkout side &&
 	before=$(git hash-object file) &&
@@ -622,10 +595,9 @@
 	! grep "file => foo .* 0 *\$" 0000-cover-letter.patch &&
 	git format-patch --cover-letter -1 -M &&
 	grep "file => foo .* 0 *\$" 0000-cover-letter.patch
-cat > expect << EOF
+cat >expect <<EOF
   This is an excessively long subject line for a message due to the
     habit some projects have of not having a short, one-line subject at
     the start of the commit message, but rather sticking a whole
@@ -636,14 +608,12 @@
 test_expect_success 'shortlog of cover-letter wraps overly-long onelines' '
 	git format-patch --cover-letter -2 &&
-	sed -e "1,/A U Thor/d" -e "/^\$/q" < 0000-cover-letter.patch > output &&
+	sed -e "1,/A U Thor/d" -e "/^\$/q" 0000-cover-letter.patch >output &&
 	test_cmp expect output
-cat > expect << EOF
+cat >expect <<EOF
 index $before..$after 100644
 --- a/file
 +++ b/file
@@ -656,16 +626,14 @@
 test_expect_success 'format-patch respects -U' '
 	git format-patch -U4 -2 &&
 	sed -e "1,/^diff/d" -e "/^+5/q" \
 		<0001-This-is-an-excessively-long-subject-line-for-a-messa.patch \
 		>output &&
 	test_cmp expect output
-cat > expect << EOF
+cat >expect <<EOF
 diff --git a/file b/file
 index $before..$after 100644
@@ -679,11 +647,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'format-patch -p suppresses stat' '
 	git format-patch -p -2 &&
-	sed -e "1,/^\$/d" -e "/^+5/q" < 0001-This-is-an-excessively-long-subject-line-for-a-messa.patch > output &&
+	sed -e "1,/^\$/d" -e "/^+5/q" 0001-This-is-an-excessively-long-subject-line-for-a-messa.patch >output &&
 	test_cmp expect output
 test_expect_success 'format-patch from a subdirectory (1)' '
@@ -736,7 +702,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --in-reply-to' '
-	git format-patch -1 --stdout --in-reply-to "" > patch8 &&
+	git format-patch -1 --stdout --in-reply-to "" >patch8 &&
 	grep "^In-Reply-To: <>" patch8 &&
 	grep "^References: <>" patch8
@@ -827,21 +793,24 @@
 	! grep "this is note 2" out
-echo "fatal: --name-only does not make sense" >
-echo "fatal: --name-status does not make sense" >
-echo "fatal: --check does not make sense" > expect.check
+echo "fatal: --name-only does not make sense" >
+echo "fatal: --name-status does not make sense" >
+echo "fatal: --check does not make sense" >expect.check
 test_expect_success 'options no longer allowed for format-patch' '
-	test_must_fail git format-patch --name-only 2> output &&
+	test_must_fail git format-patch --name-only 2>output &&
 	test_i18ncmp output &&
-	test_must_fail git format-patch --name-status 2> output &&
+	test_must_fail git format-patch --name-status 2>output &&
 	test_i18ncmp output &&
-	test_must_fail git format-patch --check 2> output &&
-	test_i18ncmp expect.check output'
+	test_must_fail git format-patch --check 2>output &&
+	test_i18ncmp expect.check output
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --numstat should produce a patch' '
-	git format-patch --numstat --stdout master..side > output &&
-	test 5 = $(grep "^diff --git a/" output | wc -l)'
+	git format-patch --numstat --stdout master..side >output &&
+	grep "^diff --git a/" output >diff &&
+	test_line_count = 5 diff
 test_expect_success 'format-patch -- <path>' '
 	git format-patch master..side -- file 2>error &&
@@ -852,20 +821,25 @@
 	git format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream HEAD
-git_version="$(git --version | sed "s/.* //")"
+test_expect_success 'get git version' '
+	git_version=$(git --version) &&
+	git_version=${git_version##* }
 signature() {
 	printf "%s\n%s\n\n" "-- " "${1:-$git_version}"
 test_expect_success 'format-patch default signature' '
-	git format-patch --stdout -1 | tail -n 3 >output &&
+	git format-patch --stdout -1 >patch &&
+	tail -n 3 patch >output &&
 	signature >expect &&
 	test_cmp expect output
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --signature' '
-	git format-patch --stdout --signature="my sig" -1 | tail -n 3 >output &&
+	git format-patch --stdout --signature="my sig" -1 >patch &&
+	tail -n 3 patch >output &&
 	signature "my sig" >expect &&
 	test_cmp expect output
@@ -897,8 +871,8 @@
 	git config --unset-all format.signature &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --signature="my sig" --cover-letter \
 		-1 >output &&
-	grep "my sig" output &&
-	test 2 = $(grep "my sig" output | wc -l)
+	grep "my sig" output >sig &&
+	test_line_count = 2 sig
 test_expect_success 'format.signature="" suppresses signatures' '
@@ -935,7 +909,7 @@
 test_expect_success '--signature-file=file works' '
 	git format-patch --stdout --signature-file=mail-signature -1 >output &&
 	check_patch output &&
-	sed -e "1,/^-- \$/d" <output >actual &&
+	sed -e "1,/^-- \$/d" output >actual &&
 		cat mail-signature && echo
 	} >expect &&
@@ -946,7 +920,7 @@
 	test_config format.signaturefile mail-signature &&
 	git format-patch --stdout -1 >output &&
 	check_patch output &&
-	sed -e "1,/^-- \$/d" <output >actual &&
+	sed -e "1,/^-- \$/d" output >actual &&
 		cat mail-signature && echo
 	} >expect &&
@@ -968,7 +942,7 @@
 	git format-patch --stdout \
 			--signature-file=other-mail-signature -1 >output &&
 	check_patch output &&
-	sed -e "1,/^-- \$/d" <output >actual &&
+	sed -e "1,/^-- \$/d" output >actual &&
 		cat other-mail-signature && echo
 	} >expect &&
@@ -1037,7 +1011,7 @@
 	git add file &&
 	git commit -m "$M512" &&
 	git format-patch --stdout -1 >patch &&
-	sed -n "/^Subject/p; /^ /p; /^$/q" <patch >subject &&
+	sed -n "/^Subject/p; /^ /p; /^$/q" patch >subject &&
 	test_cmp expect subject
@@ -1076,7 +1050,7 @@
 	git add file &&
 	git commit -m "$M512" &&
 	git format-patch --stdout -1 >patch &&
-	sed -n "/^Subject/p; /^ /p; /^$/q" <patch >subject &&
+	sed -n "/^Subject/p; /^ /p; /^$/q" patch >subject &&
 	test_cmp expect subject
@@ -1085,7 +1059,7 @@
 	git add file &&
 	GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=$1 git commit -m author-check &&
 	git format-patch --stdout -1 >patch &&
-	sed -n "/^From: /p; /^ /p; /^$/q" <patch >actual &&
+	sed -n "/^From: /p; /^ /p; /^$/q" patch >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1205,7 +1179,7 @@
 	From: A U Thor <>
-	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^---$/q" <patch >patch.head &&
+	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^---$/q" patch >patch.head &&
 	test_cmp expect patch.head
@@ -1217,7 +1191,7 @@
 	From: A U Thor <>
-	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^---$/q" <patch >patch.head &&
+	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^---$/q" patch >patch.head &&
 	test_cmp expect patch.head
@@ -1227,7 +1201,7 @@
 	From: A U Thor <>
-	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^---$/q" <patch >patch.head &&
+	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^---$/q" patch >patch.head &&
 	test_cmp expect patch.head
@@ -1242,7 +1216,7 @@
 	From: éxötìc <>
-	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^Content-Type/p; /^---$/q" <patch >patch.head &&
+	sed -ne "/^From:/p; /^$/p; /^Content-Type/p; /^---$/q" patch >patch.head &&
 	test_cmp expect patch.head
@@ -1256,283 +1230,283 @@
 test_expect_success 'signoff: commit with no body' '
 	append_signoff </dev/null >actual &&
-	cat <<\EOF | sed "s/EOL$//" >expected &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] EOL
-9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	cat <<-\EOF | sed "s/EOL$//" >expect &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] EOL
+	8:
+	9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: commit with only subject' '
 	echo subject | append_signoff >actual &&
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: commit with only subject that does not end with NL' '
 	printf subject | append_signoff >actual &&
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: no existing signoffs' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	body
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: no existing signoffs and no trailing NL' '
 	printf "subject\n\nbody" | append_signoff >actual &&
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: some random signoff' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
+	body
-Signed-off-by: my@house
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-11:Signed-off-by: my@house
-12:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	Signed-off-by: my@house
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	11:Signed-off-by: my@house
+	12:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: misc conforming footer elements' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
+	body
-Signed-off-by: my@house
-(cherry picked from commit da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709)
-Tested-by: Some One <>
-Bug: 1234
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-11:Signed-off-by: my@house
-15:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	Signed-off-by: my@house
+	(cherry picked from commit da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709)
+	Tested-by: Some One <>
+	Bug: 1234
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	11:Signed-off-by: my@house
+	15:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: some random signoff-alike' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
-Fooled-by-me: my@house
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-12:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	body
+	Fooled-by-me: my@house
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	11:
+	12:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: not really a signoff' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
-I want to mention about Signed-off-by: here.
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-9:I want to mention about Signed-off-by: here.
-11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	I want to mention about Signed-off-by: here.
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	9:I want to mention about Signed-off-by: here.
+	10:
+	11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: not really a signoff (2)' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
-My unfortunate
-Signed-off-by: example happens to be wrapped here.
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-10:Signed-off-by: example happens to be wrapped here.
-11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	My unfortunate
+	Signed-off-by: example happens to be wrapped here.
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:Signed-off-by: example happens to be wrapped here.
+	11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: valid S-o-b paragraph in the middle' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
-Signed-off-by: my@house
-Signed-off-by: your@house
+	Signed-off-by: my@house
+	Signed-off-by: your@house
-A lot of houses.
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-9:Signed-off-by: my@house
-10:Signed-off-by: your@house
-14:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	A lot of houses.
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	9:Signed-off-by: my@house
+	10:Signed-off-by: your@house
+	11:
+	13:
+	14:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: the same signoff at the end' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
+	body
-Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: the same signoff at the end, no trailing NL' '
 	printf "subject\n\nSigned-off-by: C O Mitter <>" |
 		append_signoff >actual &&
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	9:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: the same signoff NOT at the end' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
+	body
-Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-Signed-off-by: my@house
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-12:Signed-off-by: my@house
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	Signed-off-by: my@house
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	12:Signed-off-by: my@house
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: tolerate garbage in conforming footer' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
+	body
-Tested-by: my@house
-Some Trash
-Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-13:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	Tested-by: my@house
+	Some Trash
+	Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	13:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: respect trailer config' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
-Myfooter: x
-Some Trash
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-12:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	Myfooter: x
+	Some Trash
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	11:
+	12:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual &&
 	test_config trailer.Myfooter.ifexists add &&
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
-Myfooter: x
-Some Trash
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	Myfooter: x
+	Some Trash
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	11:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'signoff: footer begins with non-signoff without @ sign' '
-	append_signoff <<\EOF >actual &&
+	append_signoff <<-\EOF >actual &&
+	subject
+	body
-Reviewed-id: Noone
-Tested-by: my@house
-Change-id: Ideadbeef
-Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-Bug: 1234
-	cat >expected <<\EOF &&
-4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
-14:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	Reviewed-id: Noone
+	Tested-by: my@house
+	Change-id: Ideadbeef
+	Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	Bug: 1234
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	4:Subject: [PATCH] subject
+	8:
+	10:
+	14:Signed-off-by: C O Mitter <>
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'format patch ignores color.ui' '
@@ -1547,42 +1521,42 @@
 	git checkout rebuild-1 &&
 	test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master >actual &&
-	grep hello actual >/dev/null
+	grep hello actual
 test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (2)' '
 	git checkout rebuild-1 &&
 	test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter rebuild-1~2..rebuild-1 >actual &&
-	grep hello actual >/dev/null
+	grep hello actual
 test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (3)' '
 	git checkout rebuild-1 &&
 	test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter ^master rebuild-1 >actual &&
-	grep hello actual >/dev/null
+	grep hello actual
 test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (4)' '
 	git checkout rebuild-1 &&
 	test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter master.. >actual &&
-	grep hello actual >/dev/null
+	grep hello actual
 test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (5)' '
 	git checkout rebuild-1 &&
 	test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter -2 HEAD >actual &&
-	grep hello actual >/dev/null
+	grep hello actual
 test_expect_success 'cover letter using branch description (6)' '
 	git checkout rebuild-1 &&
 	test_config branch.rebuild-1.description hello &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --cover-letter -2 >actual &&
-	grep hello actual >/dev/null
+	grep hello actual
 test_expect_success 'cover letter with nothing' '
@@ -1632,11 +1606,39 @@
 	test_cmp from filtered
+test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with no leading directories' '
+	rm -fr patches &&
+	git format-patch -o patches master..side &&
+	count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+	ls patches >list &&
+	test_line_count = $count list
+test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with leading existing directories' '
+	rm -rf existing-dir &&
+	mkdir existing-dir &&
+	git format-patch -o existing-dir/patches master..side &&
+	count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+	ls existing-dir/patches >list &&
+	test_line_count = $count list
+test_expect_success 'format-patch -o with leading non-existing directories' '
+	rm -rf non-existing-dir &&
+	git format-patch -o non-existing-dir/patches master..side &&
+	count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+	test_path_is_dir non-existing-dir &&
+	ls non-existing-dir/patches >list &&
+	test_line_count = $count list
 test_expect_success 'format-patch format.outputDirectory option' '
 	test_config format.outputDirectory patches &&
 	rm -fr patches &&
 	git format-patch master..side &&
-	test $(git rev-list master..side | wc -l) -eq $(ls patches | wc -l)
+	count=$(git rev-list --count master..side) &&
+	ls patches >list &&
+	test_line_count = $count list
 test_expect_success 'format-patch -o overrides format.outputDirectory' '
@@ -1649,20 +1651,41 @@
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --base' '
 	git checkout patchid &&
-	git format-patch --stdout --base=HEAD~3 -1 | tail -n 7 >actual1 &&
-	git format-patch --stdout --base=HEAD~3 HEAD~.. | tail -n 7 >actual2 &&
-	echo >expected &&
-	echo "base-commit: $(git rev-parse HEAD~3)" >>expected &&
-	echo "prerequisite-patch-id: $(git show --patch HEAD~2 | git patch-id --stable | awk "{print \$1}")" >>expected &&
-	echo "prerequisite-patch-id: $(git show --patch HEAD~1 | git patch-id --stable | awk "{print \$1}")" >>expected &&
-	signature >> expected &&
-	test_cmp expected actual1 &&
-	test_cmp expected actual2 &&
+	git format-patch --stdout --base=HEAD~3 -1 >patch &&
+	tail -n 7 patch >actual1 &&
+	git format-patch --stdout --base=HEAD~3 HEAD~.. >patch &&
+	tail -n 7 patch >actual2 &&
+	echo >expect &&
+	git rev-parse HEAD~3 >commit-id-base &&
+	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >>expect &&
+	git show --patch HEAD~2 >patch &&
+	git patch-id --stable <patch > &&
+	awk "{print \"prerequisite-patch-id:\", \$1}" < >>expect &&
+	git show --patch HEAD~1 >patch &&
+	git patch-id --stable <patch > &&
+	awk "{print \"prerequisite-patch-id:\", \$1}" < >>expect &&
+	signature >>expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual1 &&
+	test_cmp expect actual2 &&
 	echo >fail &&
-	echo "base-commit: $(git rev-parse HEAD~3)" >>fail &&
-	echo "prerequisite-patch-id: $(git show --patch HEAD~2 | git patch-id --unstable | awk "{print \$1}")" >>fail &&
-	echo "prerequisite-patch-id: $(git show --patch HEAD~1 | git patch-id --unstable | awk "{print \$1}")" >>fail &&
-	signature >> fail &&
+	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >>fail &&
+	git show --patch HEAD~2 >patch &&
+	git patch-id --unstable <patch > &&
+	awk "{print \"prerequisite-patch-id:\", \$1}" < >>fail &&
+	git show --patch HEAD~1 >patch &&
+	git patch-id --unstable <patch > &&
+	awk "{print \"prerequisite-patch-id:\", \$1}" < >>fail &&
+	signature >>fail &&
 	! test_cmp fail actual1 &&
 	! test_cmp fail actual2
@@ -1672,8 +1695,9 @@
 	test_must_fail git format-patch --base=HEAD~1 -2 &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --base=HEAD~2 -2 >patch &&
 	grep "^base-commit:" patch >actual &&
-	echo "base-commit: $(git rev-parse HEAD~2)" >expected &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	git rev-parse HEAD~2 >commit-id-base &&
+	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --base errors out when base commit is not ancestor of revision list' '
@@ -1699,8 +1723,8 @@
 	test_must_fail git format-patch --base=$(cat commit-id-Z) -3 &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --base=$(cat commit-id-base) -3 >patch &&
 	grep "^base-commit:" patch >actual &&
-	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >expected &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --base=auto' '
@@ -1711,8 +1735,9 @@
 	test_commit N2 &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --base=auto -2 >patch &&
 	grep "^base-commit:" patch >actual &&
-	echo "base-commit: $(git rev-parse upstream)" >expected &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	git rev-parse upstream >commit-id-base &&
+	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'format-patch errors out when history involves criss-cross' '
@@ -1748,8 +1773,9 @@
 	git config format.useAutoBase true &&
 	git format-patch --stdout -1 >patch &&
 	grep "^base-commit:" patch >actual &&
-	echo "base-commit: $(git rev-parse upstream)" >expected &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	git rev-parse upstream >commit-id-base &&
+	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --base overrides format.useAutoBase' '
@@ -1757,8 +1783,9 @@
 	git config format.useAutoBase true &&
 	git format-patch --stdout --base=HEAD~1 -1 >patch &&
 	grep "^base-commit:" patch >actual &&
-	echo "base-commit: $(git rev-parse HEAD~1)" >expected &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
+	git rev-parse HEAD~1 >commit-id-base &&
+	echo "base-commit: $(cat commit-id-base)" >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'format-patch --base with --attach' '
@@ -1833,7 +1860,7 @@
 	git format-patch --cover-letter --interdiff=boop~2 -1 boop &&
 	test_i18ngrep "^Interdiff:$" 0000-cover-letter.patch &&
 	test_i18ngrep ! "^Interdiff:$" 0001-fleep.patch &&
-	sed "1,/^@@ /d; /^-- $/q" <0000-cover-letter.patch >actual &&
+	sed "1,/^@@ /d; /^-- $/q" 0000-cover-letter.patch >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
@@ -1849,7 +1876,7 @@
 	git format-patch --interdiff=boop~2 -1 boop &&
 	test_i18ngrep "^Interdiff:$" 0001-fleep.patch &&
-	sed "1,/^  @@ /d; /^$/q" <0001-fleep.patch >actual &&
+	sed "1,/^  @@ /d; /^$/q" 0001-fleep.patch >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ab4670d..6b087df 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -2008,4 +2008,26 @@
 	test_cmp expected actual
+# Note that the "6" in the expected hunk header below is funny, since we only
+# show 5 lines (the missing one was blank and thus ignored). This is how
+# --ignore-blank-lines behaves even without --function-context, and this test
+# is just checking the interaction of the two features. Don't take it as an
+# endorsement of that output.
+test_expect_success 'combine --ignore-blank-lines with --function-context' '
+	test_write_lines 1 "" 2 3 4 5 >a &&
+	test_write_lines 1    2 3 4   >b &&
+	test_must_fail git diff --no-index \
+		--ignore-blank-lines --function-context a b >actual.raw &&
+	sed -n "/@@/,\$p" <actual.raw >actual &&
+	cat <<-\EOF >expect &&
+	@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
+	 1
+	 2
+	 3
+	 4
+	-5
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 9261d6d..6f5ef00 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+	dts
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-labels b/t/t4018/dts-labels
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b21ef87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-labels
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/ {
+	label_1: node1@ff00 {
+		label2: RIGHT {
+			vendor,some-property;
+			ChangeMe = <0x45-30>;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-node-unitless b/t/t4018/dts-node-unitless
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5287d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-node-unitless
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/ {
+	label_1: node1 {
+		RIGHT {
+			prop-array = <1>, <4>;
+			ChangeMe = <0xffeedd00>;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-nodes b/t/t4018/dts-nodes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a4334b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-nodes
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/ {
+	label_1: node1@ff00 {
+		RIGHT@deadf00,4000 {
+			#size-cells = <1>;
+			ChangeMe = <0xffeedd00>;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-nodes-boolean-prop b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-boolean-prop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc6b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-boolean-prop
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+/ {
+	label_1: node1@ff00 {
+		RIGHT@deadf00,4000 {
+			boolean-prop1;
+			ChangeMe;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-nodes-comment1 b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-comment1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559dfce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-comment1
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/ {
+	label_1: node1@ff00 {
+		RIGHT@deadf00,4000 /* &a comment */ {
+			#size-cells = <1>;
+			ChangeMe = <0xffeedd00>;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-nodes-comment2 b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-comment2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e9718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-comment2
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/ {
+	label_1: node1@ff00 {
+		RIGHT@deadf00,4000 { /* a trailing comment */ 
+			#size-cells = <1>;
+			ChangeMe = <0xffeedd00>;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-nodes-multiline-prop b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-multiline-prop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..072d58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-nodes-multiline-prop
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+/ {
+	label_1: node1@ff00 {
+		RIGHT@deadf00,4000 {
+			multilineprop = <3>,
+					<4>,
+					<5>,
+					<6>,
+					<7>;
+			ChangeMe = <0xffeedd00>;
+		};
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-reference b/t/t4018/dts-reference
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f0c87d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-reference
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+&label_1 {
+	TEST = <455>;
+	vendor,some-property;
+	ChangeMe = <0x45-30>;
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-root b/t/t4018/dts-root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4353b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-root
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+/ { RIGHT /* Technically just supposed to be a slash and brace */
+	#size-cells = <1>;
+	ChangeMe = <0xffeedd00>;
diff --git a/t/t4018/dts-root-comment b/t/t4018/dts-root-comment
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..333a625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4018/dts-root-comment
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/ { RIGHT /* Technically just supposed to be a slash and brace */
+	#size-cells = <1>;
+	/* This comment should be ignored */
+	some-property = <40+2>;
+	ChangeMe = <0xffeedd00>;
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 912df91..9a93c2a 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@
 test_language_driver cpp
 test_language_driver csharp
 test_language_driver css
+test_language_driver dts
 test_language_driver fortran
 test_language_driver html
 test_language_driver java
diff --git a/t/t4034/dts/expect b/t/t4034/dts/expect
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560fc99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4034/dts/expect
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+<BOLD>diff --git a/pre b/post<RESET>
+<BOLD>index b6a9051..7803aee 100644<RESET>
+<BOLD>--- a/pre<RESET>
+<BOLD>+++ b/post<RESET>
+<CYAN>@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@<RESET>
+/ {<RESET>
+	<RED>this_handle<RESET><GREEN>HANDLE_2<RESET>: <RED>node<RESET><GREEN>new-node<RESET>@<RED>f00<RESET><GREEN>eeda<RESET> {
+		compatible = "<RED>mydev<RESET><GREEN>vendor,compat<RESET>";
+		string-prop = <RED>start<RESET><GREEN>end<RESET>: "hello <RED>world!<RESET><GREEN>world?<RESET>" <RED>end<RESET><GREEN>start<RESET>: ;
+		<RED>#size-cells<RESET><GREEN>#address-cells<RESET> = <<RED>0+0<RESET><GREEN>0+40<RESET>>;
+		reg = <<RED>0xf00<RESET><GREEN>0xeeda<RESET>>;
+		prop = <<GREEN>(<RESET>1<GREEN>)<RESET>>;
+		prop = <<GREEN>(<RESET>-1e10<GREEN>)<RESET>>;
+		prop = <(!<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(~<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>*<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>&<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>*<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>/<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>%<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3+4<RESET><GREEN>1+2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3-4<RESET><GREEN>1-2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = /bits/ <RED>64<RESET><GREEN>32<RESET> <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET><<<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>>><RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>&<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>^<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>|<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>&&<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>3<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>||<RED>4<RESET><GREEN>2<RESET>)>;
+		prop = <(<RED>4?5<RESET><GREEN>1?2<RESET>:3)>;
+		list = <&<RED>this_handle<RESET><GREEN>HANDLE_2<RESET>>, <0 0 0 <RED>0<RESET><GREEN>1<RESET>>;
+	};<RESET>
+	&<RED>phandle<RESET><GREEN>phandle2<RESET> {
+		<RED>pre-phandle<RESET><GREEN>prop_handle<RESET> = <&<RED>this_handle<RESET><GREEN>HANDLE_2<RESET>>;
+	};<RESET>
diff --git a/t/t4034/dts/post b/t/t4034/dts/post
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7803aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4034/dts/post
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/ {
+	HANDLE_2: new-node@eeda {
+		compatible = "vendor,compat";
+		string-prop = end: "hello world?" start: ;
+		#address-cells = <0+40>;
+		reg = <0xeeda>;
+		prop = <(1)>;
+		prop = <(-1e10)>;
+		prop = <(!1)>;
+		prop = <(~1)>;
+		prop = <(1*2)>;
+		prop = <(1&2)>;
+		prop = <(1*2)>;
+		prop = <(1/2)>;
+		prop = <(1%2)>;
+		prop = <(1+2)>;
+		prop = <(1-2)>;
+		prop = /bits/ 32 <(1<<2)>;
+		prop = <(1>>2)>;
+		prop = <(1&2)>;
+		prop = <(1^2)>;
+		prop = <(1|2)>;
+		prop = <(1&&2)>;
+		prop = <(1||2)>;
+		prop = <(1?2:3)>;
+		list = <&HANDLE_2>, <0 0 0 1>;
+	};
+	&phandle2 {
+		prop_handle = <&HANDLE_2>;
+	};
diff --git a/t/t4034/dts/pre b/t/t4034/dts/pre
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a9051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t4034/dts/pre
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/ {
+	this_handle: node@f00 {
+		compatible = "mydev";
+		string-prop = start: "hello world!" end: ;
+		#size-cells = <0+0>;
+		reg = <0xf00>;
+		prop = <1>;
+		prop = <-1e10>;
+		prop = <(!3)>;
+		prop = <(~3)>;
+		prop = <(3*4)>;
+		prop = <(3&4)>;
+		prop = <(3*4)>;
+		prop = <(3/4)>;
+		prop = <(3%4)>;
+		prop = <(3+4)>;
+		prop = <(3-4)>;
+		prop = /bits/ 64 <(3<<4)>;
+		prop = <(3>>4)>;
+		prop = <(3&4)>;
+		prop = <(3^4)>;
+		prop = <(3|4)>;
+		prop = <(3&&4)>;
+		prop = <(3||4)>;
+		prop = <(4?5:3)>;
+		list = <&this_handle>, <0 0 0 0>;
+	};
+	&phandle {
+		pre-phandle = <&this_handle>;
+	};
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d4afe12..b9d876e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
 test_expect_success FUNNYNAMES '--combined-all-paths and --raw -and -z and funny names' '
 	printf "aaf8087c3cbd4db8e185a2d074cf27c53cfb75d7\0::100644 100644 100644 f00c965d8307308469e537302baa73048488f162 088bd5d92c2a8e0203ca8e7e4c2a5c692f6ae3f7 333b9c62519f285e1854830ade0fe1ef1d40ee1b RR\0file\twith\ttabs\0i\tam\ttabbed\0fickle\tnaming\0" >expect &&
 	git diff-tree -c -M --raw --combined-all-paths -z HEAD >actual &&
-	test_cmp -a expect actual
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success FUNNYNAMES '--combined-all-paths and --cc and funny names' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 90c8fb2..4831ad3 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -75,6 +75,37 @@
 	! grep "want $(cat hash-b)" trace
+test_expect_success 'when fetching missing objects, diff skips GITLINKs' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf sub server client trace" &&
+	test_create_repo sub &&
+	test_commit -C sub first &&
+	test_create_repo server &&
+	echo a >server/a &&
+	git -C server add a &&
+	git -C server submodule add "file://$(pwd)/sub" &&
+	git -C server commit -m x &&
+	test_commit -C server/sub second &&
+	echo another-a >server/a &&
+	git -C server add a sub &&
+	git -C server commit -m x &&
+	test_config -C server uploadpack.allowfilter 1 &&
+	test_config -C server uploadpack.allowanysha1inwant 1 &&
+	git clone --bare --filter=blob:limit=0 "file://$(pwd)/server" client &&
+	echo a | git hash-object --stdin >hash-old-a &&
+	echo another-a | git hash-object --stdin >hash-new-a &&
+	# Ensure that a and another-a are fetched, and check (by successful
+	# execution of the diff) that no invalid OIDs are sent.
+	GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/trace" git -C client diff HEAD^ HEAD &&
+	grep "want $(cat hash-old-a)" trace &&
+	grep "want $(cat hash-new-a)" trace
 test_expect_success 'diff with rename detection batches blobs' '
 	test_when_finished "rm -rf server client trace" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 3f7f750..4f1e24e 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1061,4 +1061,56 @@
 	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'am and .gitattibutes' '
+	test_create_repo attributes &&
+	(
+		cd attributes &&
+		test_commit init &&
+		git config filter.test.clean "sed -e '\''s/smudged/clean/g'\''" &&
+		git config filter.test.smudge "sed -e '\''s/clean/smudged/g'\''" &&
+		test_commit second &&
+		git checkout -b test HEAD^ &&
+		echo "*.txt filter=test conflict-marker-size=10" >.gitattributes &&
+		git add .gitattributes &&
+		test_commit third &&
+		echo "This text is smudged." >a.txt &&
+		git add a.txt &&
+		test_commit fourth &&
+		git checkout -b removal HEAD^ &&
+		git rm .gitattributes &&
+		git add -u &&
+		test_commit fifth &&
+		git cherry-pick test &&
+		git checkout -b conflict third &&
+		echo "This text is different." >a.txt &&
+		git add a.txt &&
+		test_commit sixth &&
+		git checkout test &&
+		git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD >patches &&
+		git reset --hard master &&
+		git am patches &&
+		grep "smudged" a.txt &&
+		git checkout removal &&
+		git reset --hard &&
+		git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD >patches &&
+		git reset --hard master &&
+		git am patches &&
+		grep "clean" a.txt &&
+		git checkout conflict &&
+		git reset --hard &&
+		git format-patch --stdout master..HEAD >patches &&
+		git reset --hard fourth &&
+		test_must_fail git am -3 patches &&
+		grep "<<<<<<<<<<" a.txt
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c202093..e803ba4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -837,6 +837,21 @@
 	test_cmp expect.decorate actual
+test_expect_success 'decorate-refs-exclude and simplify-by-decoration' '
+	cat >expect.decorate <<-\EOF &&
+	Merge-tag-reach (HEAD -> master)
+	reach (tag: reach, reach)
+	seventh (tag: seventh)
+	Merge-branch-tangle
+	Merge-branch-side-early-part-into-tangle (tangle)
+	tangle-a (tag: tangle-a)
+	git log -n6 --decorate=short --pretty="tformat:%f%d" \
+		--decorate-refs-exclude="*octopus*" \
+		--simplify-by-decoration >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.decorate actual
 test_expect_success 'log.decorate config parsing' '
 	git log --oneline --decorate=full >expect.full &&
 	git log --oneline --decorate=short >expect.short &&
@@ -1707,4 +1722,11 @@
 	test_must_fail git log --exclude-promisor-objects source-a
+test_expect_success 'log --end-of-options' '
+       git update-ref refs/heads/--source HEAD &&
+       git log --end-of-options --source >actual &&
+       git log >expect &&
+       test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 43b1522..918ada6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -442,6 +442,34 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'log.mailmap=false disables mailmap' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Author: CTO <cto@coompany.xx>
+	Author: claus <me@company.xx>
+	Author: santa <me@company.xx>
+	Author: nick2 <nick2@company.xx>
+	Author: nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
+	Author: nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
+	Author: A U Thor <>
+	git -c log.mailmap=False log | grep Author > actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '--no-use-mailmap disables mailmap' '
+	cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+	Author: CTO <cto@coompany.xx>
+	Author: claus <me@company.xx>
+	Author: santa <me@company.xx>
+	Author: nick2 <nick2@company.xx>
+	Author: nick2 <bugs@company.xx>
+	Author: nick1 <bugs@company.xx>
+	Author: A U Thor <>
+	git log --no-use-mailmap | grep Author > actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 cat >expect <<\EOF
 Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
 Author: Santa Claus <santa.claus@northpole.xx>
@@ -461,6 +489,11 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'log.mailmap is true by default these days' '
+	git log --author Santa | grep Author >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
 test_expect_success 'Only grep replaced author with --use-mailmap' '
 	git log --use-mailmap --author "<cto@coompany.xx>" >actual &&
 	test_must_be_empty actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7c51943..6e61f57 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 test_description='test log with i18n features'
-. ./
+. ./
 # two forms of é
 utf8_e=$(printf '\303\251')
 latin1_e=$(printf '\351')
+# invalid UTF-8
+invalid_e=$(printf '\303\50)') # ")" at end to close opening "("
 test_expect_success 'create commits in different encodings' '
 	test_tick &&
 	cat >msg <<-EOF &&
@@ -48,9 +51,43 @@
 	test_must_be_empty actual
-test_expect_success 'log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1)' '
+test_expect_success !MINGW 'log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1)' '
 	git log --encoding=ISO-8859-1 --format=%s --grep=$utf8_e >actual &&
 	test_must_be_empty actual
+for engine in fixed basic extended perl
+	prereq=
+	if test $engine = "perl"
+	then
+		prereq="PCRE"
+	else
+		prereq=""
+	fi
+	force_regex=
+	if test $engine != "fixed"
+	then
+	    force_regex=.*
+	fi
+	test_expect_success !MINGW,GETTEXT_LOCALE,$prereq "-c grep.patternType=$engine log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale)" "
+		cat >expect <<-\EOF &&
+		latin1
+		utf8
+		EOF
+		LC_ALL=\"$is_IS_locale\" git -c grep.patternType=$engine log --encoding=ISO-8859-1 --format=%s --grep=\"$force_regex$latin1_e\" >actual &&
+		test_cmp expect actual
+	"
+	test_expect_success !MINGW,GETTEXT_LOCALE,$prereq "-c grep.patternType=$engine log --grep does not find non-reencoded values (latin1 + locale)" "
+		LC_ALL=\"$is_IS_locale\" git -c grep.patternType=$engine log --encoding=ISO-8859-1 --format=%s --grep=\"$force_regex$utf8_e\" >actual &&
+		test_must_be_empty actual
+	"
+	test_expect_success !MINGW,GETTEXT_LOCALE,$prereq "-c grep.patternType=$engine log --grep does not die on invalid UTF-8 value (latin1 + locale + invalid needle)" "
+		LC_ALL=\"$is_IS_locale\" git -c grep.patternType=$engine log --encoding=ISO-8859-1 --format=%s --grep=\"$force_regex$invalid_e\" >actual &&
+		test_must_be_empty actual
+	"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1db7bd0..8319163 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -132,4 +132,86 @@
 	test_must_fail git log -L1,24:b.c --raw
+test_expect_success 'setup for checking fancy rename following' '
+	git checkout --orphan moves-start &&
+	git reset --hard &&
+	printf "%s\n"    12 13 14 15      b c d e   >file-1 &&
+	printf "%s\n"    22 23 24 25      B C D E   >file-2 &&
+	git add file-1 file-2 &&
+	test_tick &&
+	git commit -m "Add file-1 and file-2" &&
+	oid_add_f1_f2=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	git checkout -b moves-main &&
+	printf "%s\n" 11 12 13 14 15      b c d e   >file-1 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify file-1 on main" &&
+	oid_mod_f1_main=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	printf "%s\n" 21 22 23 24 25      B C D E   >file-2 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify file-2 on main #1" &&
+	oid_mod_f2_main_1=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	git mv file-1 renamed-1 &&
+	git commit -m "Rename file-1 to renamed-1 on main" &&
+	printf "%s\n" 11 12 13 14 15      b c d e f >renamed-1 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify renamed-1 on main" &&
+	oid_mod_r1_main=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	printf "%s\n" 21 22 23 24 25      B C D E F >file-2 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify file-2 on main #2" &&
+	oid_mod_f2_main_2=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	git checkout -b moves-side moves-start &&
+	printf "%s\n"    12 13 14 15 16   b c d e   >file-1 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify file-1 on side #1" &&
+	oid_mod_f1_side_1=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	printf "%s\n"    22 23 24 25 26   B C D E   >file-2 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify file-2 on side" &&
+	oid_mod_f2_side=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	git mv file-2 renamed-2 &&
+	git commit -m "Rename file-2 to renamed-2 on side" &&
+	printf "%s\n"    12 13 14 15 16 a b c d e   >file-1 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify file-1 on side #2" &&
+	oid_mod_f1_side_2=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	printf "%s\n"    22 23 24 25 26 A B C D E   >renamed-2 &&
+	git commit -a -m "Modify renamed-2 on side" &&
+	oid_mod_r2_side=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) &&
+	git checkout moves-main &&
+	git merge moves-side &&
+	oid_merge=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+test_expect_success 'fancy rename following #1' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	$oid_merge Merge branch '\''moves-side'\'' into moves-main
+	$oid_mod_f1_side_2 Modify file-1 on side #2
+	$oid_mod_f1_side_1 Modify file-1 on side #1
+	$oid_mod_r1_main Modify renamed-1 on main
+	$oid_mod_f1_main Modify file-1 on main
+	$oid_add_f1_f2 Add file-1 and file-2
+	git log -L1:renamed-1 --oneline --no-patch >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'fancy rename following #2' '
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	$oid_merge Merge branch '\''moves-side'\'' into moves-main
+	$oid_mod_r2_side Modify renamed-2 on side
+	$oid_mod_f2_side Modify file-2 on side
+	$oid_mod_f2_main_2 Modify file-2 on main #2
+	$oid_mod_f2_main_1 Modify file-2 on main #1
+	$oid_add_f1_f2 Add file-1 and file-2
+	git log -L1:renamed-2 --oneline --no-patch >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index dab96c8..3ae8e51 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -5,6 +5,25 @@
 . ./
 test_expect_success 'set up merge history' '
+	test_commit initial &&
+	for i in 1 2 3 4 ; do
+		git checkout master -b $i || return $?
+		# Make tag name different from branch name, to avoid
+		# ambiguity error when calling checkout.
+		test_commit $i $i $i tag$i || return $?
+	done &&
+	git checkout 1 -b merge &&
+	test_merge octopus-merge 1 2 3 4 &&
+	test_commit after-merge &&
+	git checkout 1 -b L &&
+	test_commit left &&
+	git checkout 4 -b crossover &&
+	test_commit after-4 &&
+	git checkout initial -b more-L &&
+	test_commit after-initial
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with tricky octopus merge, no color' '
 	cat >expect.uncolored <<-\EOF &&
 	* left
 	| *---.   octopus-merge
@@ -19,6 +38,13 @@
 	* initial
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s left octopus-merge >actual.raw &&
+	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with tricky octopus merge with colors' '
+	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
 	cat >expect.colors <<-\EOF &&
 	* left
@@ -33,33 +59,11 @@
 	* initial
-	test_commit initial &&
-	for i in 1 2 3 4 ; do
-		git checkout master -b $i || return $?
-		# Make tag name different from branch name, to avoid
-		# ambiguity error when calling checkout.
-		test_commit $i $i $i tag$i || return $?
-	done &&
-	git checkout 1 -b merge &&
-	test_tick &&
-	git merge -m octopus-merge 1 2 3 4 &&
-	git checkout 1 -b L &&
-	test_commit left
-test_expect_success 'log --graph with tricky octopus merge with colors' '
-	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
-	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s --all >actual.colors.raw &&
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s left octopus-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
 	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
 	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
-test_expect_success 'log --graph with tricky octopus merge, no color' '
-	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s --all >actual.raw &&
-	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
 # Repeat the previous two tests with "normal" octopus merge (i.e.,
 # without the first parent skewing to the "left" branch column).
@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@
 	* initial
-	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s merge >actual.raw &&
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s octopus-merge >actual.raw &&
 	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
 	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
@@ -95,8 +99,283 @@
 	* initial
 	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
-	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s merge >actual.colors.raw &&
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s octopus-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
 	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
 	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with normal octopus merge and child, no color' '
+	cat >expect.uncolored <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-merge
+	*---.   octopus-merge
+	|\ \ \
+	| | | * 4
+	| | * | 3
+	| | |/
+	| * | 2
+	| |/
+	* | 1
+	|/
+	* initial
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-merge >actual.raw &&
+	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
+test_expect_failure 'log --graph with normal octopus and child merge with colors' '
+	cat >expect.colors <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-merge
+	* initial
+	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
+	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
+	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with tricky octopus merge and its child, no color' '
+	cat >expect.uncolored <<-\EOF &&
+	* left
+	| * after-merge
+	| *---.   octopus-merge
+	| |\ \ \
+	|/ / / /
+	| | | * 4
+	| | * | 3
+	| | |/
+	| * | 2
+	| |/
+	* | 1
+	|/
+	* initial
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s left after-merge >actual.raw &&
+	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
+test_expect_failure 'log --graph with tricky octopus merge and its child with colors' '
+	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
+	cat >expect.colors <<-\EOF &&
+	* left
+	<RED>|<RESET> * after-merge
+	<RED>|<RESET> * <CYAN>|<RESET> 2
+	* <CYAN>|<RESET> 1
+	* initial
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s left after-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
+	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
+	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with crossover in octopus merge, no color' '
+	cat >expect.uncolored <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-4
+	| *---.   octopus-merge
+	| |\ \ \
+	| |_|_|/
+	|/| | |
+	* | | | 4
+	| | | * 3
+	| |_|/
+	|/| |
+	| | * 2
+	| |/
+	|/|
+	| * 1
+	|/
+	* initial
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-4 octopus-merge >actual.raw &&
+	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
+test_expect_failure 'log --graph with crossover in octopus merge with colors' '
+	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
+	cat >expect.colors <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-4
+	<RED>|<RESET> *<BLUE>-<RESET><BLUE>-<RESET><RED>-<RESET><RED>.<RESET>   octopus-merge
+	* initial
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-4 octopus-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
+	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
+	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with crossover in octopus merge and its child, no color' '
+	cat >expect.uncolored <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-4
+	| * after-merge
+	| *---.   octopus-merge
+	| |\ \ \
+	| |_|_|/
+	|/| | |
+	* | | | 4
+	| | | * 3
+	| |_|/
+	|/| |
+	| | * 2
+	| |/
+	|/|
+	| * 1
+	|/
+	* initial
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-4 after-merge >actual.raw &&
+	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
+test_expect_failure 'log --graph with crossover in octopus merge and its child with colors' '
+	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
+	cat >expect.colors <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-4
+	<RED>|<RESET> * after-merge
+	<CYAN>|<RESET> * 1
+	* initial
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-4 after-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
+	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
+	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus tip, no color' '
+	cat >expect.uncolored <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-initial
+	| *---.   octopus-merge
+	| |\ \ \
+	| | | | * 4
+	| |_|_|/
+	|/| | |
+	| | | * 3
+	| |_|/
+	|/| |
+	| | * 2
+	| |/
+	|/|
+	| * 1
+	|/
+	* initial
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-initial octopus-merge >actual.raw &&
+	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus tip with colors' '
+	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
+	cat >expect.colors <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-initial
+	<RED>|<RESET> * 1
+	* initial
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-initial octopus-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
+	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
+	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
+test_expect_success 'log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus child, no color' '
+	cat >expect.uncolored <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-initial
+	| * after-merge
+	| *---.   octopus-merge
+	| |\ \ \
+	| | | | * 4
+	| |_|_|/
+	|/| | |
+	| | | * 3
+	| |_|/
+	|/| |
+	| | * 2
+	| |/
+	|/|
+	| * 1
+	|/
+	* initial
+	git log --color=never --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-initial after-merge >actual.raw &&
+	sed "s/ *\$//" actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect.uncolored actual
+test_expect_failure 'log --graph with unrelated commit and octopus child with colors' '
+	test_config log.graphColors red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan &&
+	cat >expect.colors <<-\EOF &&
+	* after-initial
+	<RED>|<RESET> * after-merge
+	<RED>|<RESET> * 1
+	* initial
+	git log --color=always --graph --date-order --pretty=tformat:%s after-initial after-merge >actual.colors.raw &&
+	test_decode_color <actual.colors.raw | sed "s/ *\$//" >actual.colors &&
+	test_cmp expect.colors actual.colors
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 602bfd9..37655a2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -94,6 +94,13 @@
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+	test_oid_cache <<-EOF
+	obj sha1:19f9c8273ec45a8938e6999cb59b3ff66739902a
+	obj sha256:3c666f798798601571f5cec0adb57ce4aba8546875e7693177e0535f34d2c49b
 test_expect_success \
     'populate workdir' \
     'mkdir a &&
@@ -369,11 +376,10 @@
 test_expect_success LONG_IS_64BIT 'set up repository with huge blob' '
-	obj_d=19 &&
-	obj_f=f9c8273ec45a8938e6999cb59b3ff66739902a &&
-	obj=${obj_d}${obj_f} &&
-	mkdir -p .git/objects/$obj_d &&
-	cp "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t5000/$obj .git/objects/$obj_d/$obj_f &&
+	obj=$(test_oid obj) &&
+	path=$(test_oid_to_path $obj) &&
+	mkdir -p .git/objects/$(dirname $path) &&
+	cp "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t5000/huge-object .git/objects/$path &&
 	rm -f .git/index &&
 	git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644,$obj,huge &&
 	git commit -m huge
diff --git a/t/t5000/19f9c8273ec45a8938e6999cb59b3ff66739902a b/t/t5000/huge-object
similarity index 100%
rename from t/t5000/19f9c8273ec45a8938e6999cb59b3ff66739902a
rename to t/t5000/huge-object
Binary files differ
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 271eb5a..3e7b23c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -204,4 +204,23 @@
 	grep $size big.lst
+build_tree() {
+	perl -e '
+		my $hash = $ARGV[0];
+		foreach my $order (2..6) {
+			$first = 10 ** $order;
+			foreach my $i (-13..-9) {
+				my $name = "a" x ($first + $i);
+				print "100644 blob $hash\t$name\n"
+			}
+		}
+	' "$1"
+test_expect_success 'tar archive with long paths' '
+	blob=$(echo foo | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
+	tree=$(build_tree $blob | git mktree) &&
+	git archive -o long_paths.tar $tree
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a26c8ba..6640329 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -21,15 +21,9 @@
 test_expect_success 'setup repo with moderate-sized history' '
-	for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
-	do
-		test_commit $i
-	done &&
+	test_commit_bulk --id=file 100 &&
 	git checkout -b other HEAD~5 &&
-	for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
-	do
-		test_commit side-$i
-	done &&
+	test_commit_bulk --id=side 10 &&
 	git checkout master &&
 	bitmaptip=$(git rev-parse master) &&
 	blob=$(echo tagged-blob | git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
@@ -106,10 +100,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'setup further non-bitmapped commits' '
-	for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
-	do
-		test_commit further-$i
-	done
+	test_commit_bulk --id=further 10
 rev_list_tests 'partial bitmap'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 22cb9d6..d42b3ef 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -23,11 +23,10 @@
 	test_path_is_missing info/commit-graph
-test_expect_success 'close with correct error on bad input' '
+test_expect_success 'exit with correct error on bad input to --stdin-packs' '
 	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
 	echo doesnotexist >in &&
-	{ git commit-graph write --stdin-packs <in 2>stderr; ret=$?; } &&
-	test "$ret" = 1 &&
+	test_expect_code 1 git commit-graph write --stdin-packs <in 2>stderr &&
 	test_i18ngrep "error adding pack" stderr
@@ -41,6 +40,15 @@
 	git repack
+test_expect_success 'exit with correct error on bad input to --stdin-commits' '
+	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
+	echo HEAD | test_expect_code 1 git commit-graph write --stdin-commits 2>stderr &&
+	test_i18ngrep "invalid commit object id" stderr &&
+	# valid tree OID, but not a commit OID
+	git rev-parse HEAD^{tree} | test_expect_code 1 git commit-graph write --stdin-commits 2>stderr &&
+	test_i18ngrep "invalid commit object id" stderr
 graph_git_two_modes() {
 	git -c core.commitGraph=true $1 >output
 	git -c core.commitGraph=false $1 >expect
@@ -116,6 +124,42 @@
 	git repack
+test_expect_success 'commit-graph write progress off for redirected stderr' '
+	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
+	git commit-graph write 2>err &&
+	test_line_count = 0 err
+test_expect_success 'commit-graph write force progress on for stderr' '
+	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
+	git commit-graph write --progress 2>err &&
+	test_file_not_empty err
+test_expect_success 'commit-graph write with the --no-progress option' '
+	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
+	git commit-graph write --no-progress 2>err &&
+	test_line_count = 0 err
+test_expect_success 'commit-graph verify progress off for redirected stderr' '
+	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
+	git commit-graph verify 2>err &&
+	test_line_count = 0 err
+test_expect_success 'commit-graph verify force progress on for stderr' '
+	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
+	git commit-graph verify --progress 2>err &&
+	test_file_not_empty err
+test_expect_success 'commit-graph verify with the --no-progress option' '
+	cd "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/full" &&
+	git commit-graph verify --no-progress 2>err &&
+	test_line_count = 0 err
 # Current graph structure:
 #   __M3___
@@ -577,4 +621,47 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'corrupt commit-graph write (broken parent)' '
+	rm -rf repo &&
+	git init repo &&
+	(
+		cd repo &&
+		empty="$(git mktree </dev/null)" &&
+		cat >broken <<-EOF &&
+		tree $empty
+		parent 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+		author whatever <> 1234 -0000
+		committer whatever <> 1234 -0000
+		broken commit
+		EOF
+		broken="$(git hash-object -w -t commit --literally broken)" &&
+		git commit-tree -p "$broken" -m "good commit" "$empty" >good &&
+		test_must_fail git commit-graph write --stdin-commits \
+			<good 2>test_err &&
+		test_i18ngrep "unable to parse commit" test_err
+	)
+test_expect_success 'corrupt commit-graph write (missing tree)' '
+	rm -rf repo &&
+	git init repo &&
+	(
+		cd repo &&
+		tree="$(git mktree </dev/null)" &&
+		cat >broken <<-EOF &&
+		parent 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+		author whatever <> 1234 -0000
+		committer whatever <> 1234 -0000
+		broken commit
+		EOF
+		broken="$(git hash-object -w -t commit --literally broken)" &&
+		git commit-tree -p "$broken" -m "good" "$tree" >good &&
+		test_must_fail git commit-graph write --stdin-commits \
+			<good 2>test_err &&
+		test_i18ngrep "unable to get tree for" test_err
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 19aa40d..115aabd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -320,7 +320,9 @@
 	git merge commits/3 commits/4 &&
 	git branch merge/octopus &&
 	git commit-graph write --reachable --split &&
-	git commit-graph verify &&
+	git commit-graph verify --progress 2>err &&
+	test_line_count = 3 err &&
+	test_i18ngrep ! warning err &&
 	test_line_count = 3 $graphdir/commit-graph-chain
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 1c71c0e..6b97923 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -708,13 +708,22 @@
 	# file with scheme
 	for p in file
-		test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/$r" '
+		test_expect_success !MINGW "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/$r" '
 			check_prot_path $p://$h/$r $p "/$r"
+		test_expect_success MINGW "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/$r" '
+			check_prot_path $p://$h/$r $p "//$h/$r"
+		'
+		test_expect_success MINGW "fetch-pack --diag-url $p:///$r" '
+			check_prot_path $p:///$r $p "/$r"
+		'
 		# No "/~" -> "~" conversion for file
-		test_expect_success "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/~$r" '
+		test_expect_success !MINGW "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/~$r" '
 			check_prot_path $p://$h/~$r $p "/~$r"
+		test_expect_success MINGW "fetch-pack --diag-url $p://$h/~$r" '
+			check_prot_path $p://$h/~$r $p "//$h/~$r"
+		'
 	# file without scheme
 	for h in nohost nohost:12 [::1] [::1]:23 [ [:aa
@@ -783,6 +792,44 @@
+# A few subtle things about the request in this test:
+#  - the server must have commit-graphs present and enabled
+#  - the history is such that our want/have share a common ancestor ("base"
+#    here)
+#  - we send only a single have, which is fewer than a normal client would
+#    send. This ensures that we don't parse "base" up front with
+#    parse_object(), but rather traverse to it as a parent while deciding if we
+#    can stop the "have" negotiation, and call parse_commit(). The former
+#    sees the actual object data and so always loads the three oid, whereas the
+#    latter will try to load it lazily.
+#  - we must use protocol v2, because it handles the "have" negotiation before
+#    processing the shallow directives
+test_expect_success 'shallow since with commit graph and already-seen commit' '
+	test_create_repo shallow-since-graph &&
+	(
+	cd shallow-since-graph &&
+	test_commit base &&
+	test_commit master &&
+	git checkout -b other HEAD^ &&
+	test_commit other &&
+	git commit-graph write --reachable &&
+	git config core.commitGraph true &&
+	GIT_PROTOCOL=version=2 git upload-pack . <<-EOF >/dev/null
+	0012command=fetch
+	00010013deepen-since 1
+	0032want $(git rev-parse other)
+	0032have $(git rev-parse master)
+	0000
+	)
 test_expect_success 'shallow clone exclude tag two' '
 	test_create_repo shallow-exclude &&
@@ -920,4 +967,7 @@
 	fetch_filter_blob_limit_zero "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/server" "$HTTPD_URL/smart/server"
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 139f710..ecabbe1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -570,6 +570,19 @@
+test_expect_success 'fetch.writeCommitGraph' '
+	git clone three write &&
+	(
+		cd three &&
+		test_commit new
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd write &&
+		git -c fetch.writeCommitGraph fetch origin &&
+		test_path_is_file .git/objects/info/commit-graphs/commit-graph-chain
+	)
 # configured prune tests
 set_config_tristate () {
@@ -902,6 +915,29 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success '--no-show-forced-updates' '
+	mkdir forced-updates &&
+	(
+		cd forced-updates &&
+		git init &&
+		test_commit 1 &&
+		test_commit 2
+	) &&
+	git clone forced-updates forced-update-clone &&
+	git clone forced-updates no-forced-update-clone &&
+	git -C forced-updates reset --hard HEAD~1 &&
+	(
+		cd forced-update-clone &&
+		git fetch --show-forced-updates origin 2>output &&
+		test_i18ngrep "(forced update)" output
+	) &&
+	(
+		cd no-forced-update-clone &&
+		git fetch --no-show-forced-updates origin 2>output &&
+		test_i18ngrep ! "(forced update)" output
+	)
 setup_negotiation_tip () {
@@ -978,27 +1014,7 @@
-test_expect_success '--no-show-forced-updates' '
-	mkdir forced-updates &&
-	(
-		cd forced-updates &&
-		git init &&
-		test_commit 1 &&
-		test_commit 2
-	) &&
-	git clone forced-updates forced-update-clone &&
-	git clone forced-updates no-forced-update-clone &&
-	git -C forced-updates reset --hard HEAD~1 &&
-	(
-		cd forced-update-clone &&
-		git fetch --show-forced-updates origin 2>output &&
-		test_i18ngrep "(forced update)" output
-	) &&
-	(
-		cd no-forced-update-clone &&
-		git fetch --no-show-forced-updates origin 2>output &&
-		! test_i18ngrep "(forced update)" output
-	)
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e3c4a48..43e1d8d 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -267,8 +267,7 @@
 test_lazy_prereq GIT_DAEMON '
-	test_tristate GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON &&
-	test "$GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON" != false
+	git env--helper --type=bool --default=true --exit-code GIT_TEST_GIT_DAEMON
 # This test spawns a daemon, so run it only if the user would be OK with
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5426d4b..de8e2f1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -183,4 +183,15 @@
 	test_cmp expect test8/output
+test_expect_success 'parallel' '
+	git remote add one ./bogus1 &&
+	git remote add two ./bogus2 &&
+	test_must_fail env GIT_TRACE="$PWD/trace" \
+		git fetch --jobs=2 --multiple one two 2>err &&
+	grep "preparing to run up to 2 tasks" trace &&
+	test_i18ngrep "could not fetch .one.*128" err &&
+	test_i18ngrep "could not fetch .two.*128" err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e55d847..961eb35 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
 . ./
 test_expect_success setup '
 	GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2006-06-26 00:00:00 +0000" &&
 	GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2006-06-26 00:00:00 +0000" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c05a661..e4edd56 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -265,4 +265,14 @@
+test_expect_success 'push to mirrored repository with refspec fails' '
+	mk_repo_pair &&
+	(
+		cd master &&
+		echo one >foo && git add foo && git commit -m one &&
+		git config --add remote.up.mirror true &&
+		test_must_fail git push up master
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 66f0b64..97a6772 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -255,4 +255,7 @@
 	git -C client fsck
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2e4802e..4c97078 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -177,6 +177,91 @@
 	 test $HEAD = $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD))
+test_expect_success 'push --atomic also prevents branch creation, reports collateral' '
+	# Setup upstream repo - empty for now
+	d=$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/atomic-branches.git &&
+	git init --bare "$d" &&
+	test_config -C "$d" http.receivepack true &&
+	up="$HTTPD_URL"/smart/atomic-branches.git &&
+	# Tell "$up" about three branches for now
+	test_commit atomic1 &&
+	test_commit atomic2 &&
+	git branch collateral &&
+	git branch other &&
+	git push "$up" master collateral other &&
+	# collateral is a valid push, but should be failed by atomic push
+	git checkout collateral &&
+	test_commit collateral1 &&
+	# Make master incompatible with upstream to provoke atomic
+	git checkout master &&
+	git reset --hard HEAD^ &&
+	# Add a new branch which should be failed by atomic push. This is a
+	# regression case.
+	git branch atomic &&
+	# --atomic should cause entire push to be rejected
+	test_must_fail git push --atomic "$up" master atomic collateral 2>output &&
+	# the new branch should not have been created upstream
+	test_must_fail git -C "$d" show-ref --verify refs/heads/atomic &&
+	# upstream should still reflect atomic2, the last thing we pushed
+	# successfully
+	git rev-parse atomic2 >expected &&
+	# on master...
+	git -C "$d" rev-parse refs/heads/master >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	# ...and collateral.
+	git -C "$d" rev-parse refs/heads/collateral >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	# the failed refs should be indicated to the user
+	grep "^ ! .*rejected.* master -> master" output &&
+	# the collateral failure refs should be indicated to the user
+	grep "^ ! .*rejected.* atomic -> atomic .*atomic push failed" output &&
+	grep "^ ! .*rejected.* collateral -> collateral .*atomic push failed" output
+test_expect_success 'push --atomic fails on server-side errors' '
+	# Use previously set up repository
+	d=$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/atomic-branches.git &&
+	test_config -C "$d" http.receivepack true &&
+	up="$HTTPD_URL"/smart/atomic-branches.git &&
+	# break ref updates for other on the remote site
+	mkdir "$d/refs/heads/other.lock" &&
+	# add the new commit to other
+	git branch -f other collateral &&
+	# --atomic should cause entire push to be rejected
+	test_must_fail git push --atomic "$up" atomic other 2>output  &&
+	# the new branch should not have been created upstream
+	test_must_fail git -C "$d" show-ref --verify refs/heads/atomic &&
+	# upstream should still reflect atomic2, the last thing we pushed
+	# successfully
+	git rev-parse atomic2 >expected &&
+	# other.
+	git -C "$d" rev-parse refs/heads/other >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	# the new branch should not have been created upstream
+	test_must_fail git -C "$d" show-ref --verify refs/heads/atomic &&
+	# the failed refs should be indicated to the user
+	grep "^ ! .*rejected.* other -> other .*atomic transaction failed" output &&
+	# the collateral failure refs should be indicated to the user
+	grep "^ ! .*rejected.* atomic -> atomic .*atomic transaction failed" output
 test_expect_success 'push --all can push to empty repo' '
 	d=$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/empty-all.git &&
 	git init --bare "$d" &&
@@ -213,7 +298,7 @@
 	cd "$ROOT_PATH"/test_repo_clone &&
 	test_commit noisy &&
 	test_terminal git push >output 2>&1 &&
-	test_i18ngrep "Writing objects" output
+	test_i18ngrep "^Writing objects" output
 test_expect_success TTY 'push --quiet silences status and progress' '
@@ -228,7 +313,7 @@
 	test_commit no-progress &&
 	test_terminal git push --no-progress >output 2>&1 &&
 	test_i18ngrep "^To http" output &&
-	test_i18ngrep ! "Writing objects" output
+	test_i18ngrep ! "^Writing objects" output
 test_expect_success 'push --progress shows progress to non-tty' '
@@ -236,7 +321,7 @@
 	test_commit progress &&
 	git push --progress >output 2>&1 &&
 	test_i18ngrep "^To http" output &&
-	test_i18ngrep "Writing objects" output
+	test_i18ngrep "^Writing objects" output
 test_expect_success 'http push gives sane defaults to reflog' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 6d1d59c..04b34c4 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -278,4 +278,7 @@
 	test_cmp expect "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/upstream.git/hooks/pre-receive.push_options
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..81975ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+test_description='"git fetch/pull --set-upstream" basic tests.'
+. ./
+check_config () {
+	printf "%s\n" "$2" "$3" >"expect.$1" &&
+	{
+		git config "branch.$1.remote" && git config "branch.$1.merge"
+	} >"actual.$1" &&
+	test_cmp "expect.$1" "actual.$1"
+check_config_missing () {
+	test_expect_code 1 git config "branch.$1.remote" &&
+	test_expect_code 1 git config "branch.$1.merge"
+clear_config () {
+	for branch in "$@"; do
+		test_might_fail git config --unset-all "branch.$branch.remote"
+		test_might_fail git config --unset-all "branch.$branch.merge"
+	done
+ensure_fresh_upstream () {
+	rm -rf parent && git init --bare parent
+test_expect_success 'setup bare parent fetch' '
+	ensure_fresh_upstream &&
+	git remote add upstream parent
+test_expect_success 'setup commit on master and other fetch' '
+	test_commit one &&
+	git push upstream master &&
+	git checkout -b other &&
+	test_commit two &&
+	git push upstream other
+# tests for fetch --set-upstream
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream does not set upstream w/o branch' '
+	clear_config master other &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	git fetch --set-upstream upstream &&
+	check_config_missing master &&
+	check_config_missing other
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream upstream master sets branch master but not other' '
+	clear_config master other &&
+	git fetch --set-upstream upstream master &&
+	check_config master upstream refs/heads/master &&
+	check_config_missing other
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream upstream other sets branch other' '
+	clear_config master other &&
+	git fetch --set-upstream upstream other &&
+	check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+	check_config_missing other
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream master:other does not set the branch other2' '
+	clear_config other2 &&
+	git fetch --set-upstream upstream master:other2 &&
+	check_config_missing other2
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream fails with invalid url' '
+	# master explicitly not cleared, we check that it is not touched from previous value
+	clear_config other other2 &&
+	test_must_fail git fetch --set-upstream &&
+	check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+	check_config_missing other &&
+	check_config_missing other2
+test_expect_success 'fetch --set-upstream with valid URL sets upstream to URL' '
+	clear_config other other2 &&
+	url="file://'"$PWD"'" &&
+	git fetch --set-upstream "$url" &&
+	check_config master "$url" HEAD &&
+	check_config_missing other &&
+	check_config_missing other2
+# tests for pull --set-upstream
+test_expect_success 'setup bare parent pull' '
+	git remote rm upstream &&
+	ensure_fresh_upstream &&
+	git remote add upstream parent
+test_expect_success 'setup commit on master and other pull' '
+	test_commit three &&
+	git push --tags upstream master &&
+	test_commit four &&
+	git push upstream other
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream master sets branch master but not other' '
+	clear_config master other &&
+	git pull --set-upstream upstream master &&
+	check_config master upstream refs/heads/master &&
+	check_config_missing other
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream master:other2 does not set the branch other2' '
+	clear_config other2 &&
+	git pull --set-upstream upstream master:other2 &&
+	check_config_missing other2
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream other sets branch master' '
+	clear_config master other &&
+	git pull --set-upstream upstream other &&
+	check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+	check_config_missing other
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream tag does not set the tag' '
+	clear_config three &&
+	git pull --tags --set-upstream upstream three &&
+	check_config_missing three
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream fails with invalid url' '
+	# master explicitly not cleared, we check that it is not touched from previous value
+	clear_config other other2 three &&
+	test_must_fail git pull --set-upstream &&
+	check_config master upstream refs/heads/other &&
+	check_config_missing other &&
+	check_config_missing other2 &&
+	check_config_missing three
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream HEAD sets branch HEAD' '
+	clear_config master other &&
+	git pull --set-upstream upstream HEAD &&
+	check_config master upstream HEAD &&
+	git checkout other &&
+	git pull --set-upstream upstream HEAD &&
+	check_config other upstream HEAD
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream upstream with more than one branch does nothing' '
+	clear_config master three &&
+	git pull --set-upstream upstream master three &&
+	check_config_missing master &&
+	check_config_missing three
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream with valid URL sets upstream to URL' '
+	clear_config master other other2 &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	url="file://'"$PWD"'" &&
+	git pull --set-upstream "$url" &&
+	check_config master "$url" HEAD &&
+	check_config_missing other &&
+	check_config_missing other2
+test_expect_success 'pull --set-upstream with valid URL and branch sets branch' '
+	clear_config master other other2 &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	url="file://'"$PWD"'" &&
+	git pull --set-upstream "$url" master &&
+	check_config master "$url" refs/heads/master &&
+	check_config_missing other &&
+	check_config_missing other2
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 37d7680..ad8c411 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -434,7 +434,6 @@
 	expect_ssh "-v -P 123" myhost src
 test_expect_success 'single quoted plink.exe in GIT_SSH_COMMAND' '
 	copy_ssh_wrapper_as "$TRASH_DIRECTORY/plink.exe" &&
@@ -654,7 +653,8 @@
 	git -C client fsck &&
 	# Ensure that unneeded blobs are not inadvertently fetched.
-	test_config -C client extensions.partialclone "not a remote" &&
+	test_config -C client remote.origin.promisor "false" &&
+	git -C client config --unset remote.origin.partialclonefilter &&
 	test_must_fail git -C client cat-file -e "$HASH1" &&
 	# But this blob was fetched, because clone performs an initial checkout
@@ -739,4 +739,7 @@
 	partial_clone "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/server" "$HTTPD_URL/smart/server"
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 4320082..4894237 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -221,4 +221,137 @@
 	( cd C && git fsck )
+test_expect_success 'setup repo with garbage in objects/*' '
+	git init S &&
+	(
+		cd S &&
+		test_commit A &&
+		cd .git/objects &&
+		>.some-hidden-file &&
+		>some-file &&
+		mkdir .some-hidden-dir &&
+		>.some-hidden-dir/some-file &&
+		>.some-hidden-dir/.some-dot-file &&
+		mkdir some-dir &&
+		>some-dir/some-file &&
+		>some-dir/.some-dot-file
+	)
+test_expect_success 'clone a repo with garbage in objects/*' '
+	for option in --local --no-hardlinks --shared --dissociate
+	do
+		git clone $option S S$option || return 1 &&
+		git -C S$option fsck || return 1
+	done &&
+	find S-* -name "*some*" | sort >actual &&
+	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir/.some-dot-file
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir/some-file
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/.some-hidden-file
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/some-dir
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/some-dir/.some-dot-file
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/some-dir/some-file
+	S--dissociate/.git/objects/some-file
+	S--local/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir
+	S--local/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir/.some-dot-file
+	S--local/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir/some-file
+	S--local/.git/objects/.some-hidden-file
+	S--local/.git/objects/some-dir
+	S--local/.git/objects/some-dir/.some-dot-file
+	S--local/.git/objects/some-dir/some-file
+	S--local/.git/objects/some-file
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir/.some-dot-file
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/.some-hidden-dir/some-file
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/.some-hidden-file
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/some-dir
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/some-dir/.some-dot-file
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/some-dir/some-file
+	S--no-hardlinks/.git/objects/some-file
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'setup repo with manually symlinked or unknown files at objects/' '
+	git init T &&
+	(
+		cd T &&
+		git config 0 &&
+		test_commit A &&
+		git gc &&
+		test_commit B &&
+		cd .git/objects &&
+		mv pack packs &&
+		ln -s packs pack &&
+		find ?? -type d >loose-dirs &&
+		last_loose=$(tail -n 1 loose-dirs) &&
+		mv $last_loose a-loose-dir &&
+		ln -s a-loose-dir $last_loose &&
+		first_loose=$(head -n 1 loose-dirs) &&
+		rm -f loose-dirs &&
+		cd $first_loose &&
+		obj=$(ls *) &&
+		mv $obj ../an-object &&
+		ln -s ../an-object $obj &&
+		cd ../ &&
+		find . -type f | sort >../../../T.objects-files.raw &&
+		find . -type l | sort >../../../T.objects-symlinks.raw &&
+		echo unknown_content >unknown_file
+	) &&
+	git -C T fsck &&
+	git -C T rev-list --all --objects >T.objects
+test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'clone repo with symlinked or unknown files at objects/' '
+	for option in --local --no-hardlinks --shared --dissociate
+	do
+		git clone $option T T$option || return 1 &&
+		git -C T$option fsck || return 1 &&
+		git -C T$option rev-list --all --objects >T$option.objects &&
+		test_cmp T.objects T$option.objects &&
+		(
+			cd T$option/.git/objects &&
+			find . -type f | sort >../../../T$option.objects-files.raw &&
+			find . -type l | sort >../../../T$option.objects-symlinks.raw
+		)
+	done &&
+	for raw in $(ls T*.raw)
+	do
+		sed -e "s!/../!/Y/!; s![0-9a-f]\{38,\}!Z!" -e "/commit-graph/d" \
+		    -e "/multi-pack-index/d" <$raw >$ || return 1
+	done &&
+	cat >expected-files <<-EOF &&
+	./Y/Z
+	./Y/Z
+	./a-loose-dir/Z
+	./an-object
+	./Y/Z
+	./info/packs
+	./pack/pack-Z.idx
+	./pack/pack-Z.pack
+	./packs/pack-Z.idx
+	./packs/pack-Z.pack
+	./unknown_file
+	for option in --local --no-hardlinks --dissociate
+	do
+		test_cmp expected-files T$ || return 1 &&
+		test_must_be_empty T$ || return 1
+	done &&
+	echo ./info/alternates >expected-files &&
+	test_cmp expected-files T--shared.objects-files.raw &&
+	test_must_be_empty T--shared.objects-symlinks.raw
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2a0fb15..b7a3fdf 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -83,4 +83,15 @@
 	test_path_is_missing fail.bundle.lock
+test_expect_success 'fetch SHA-1 from bundle' '
+	test_create_repo foo &&
+	test_commit -C foo x &&
+	git -C foo bundle create tip.bundle -1 master &&
+	git -C foo rev-parse HEAD >hash &&
+	# Exercise to ensure that fetching a SHA-1 from a bundle works with no
+	# errors
+	git fetch --no-tags foo/tip.bundle "$(cat hash)"
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b91ef54..79f7b65 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 	test_cmp expect_1.oids observed.oids &&
 	test "$(git -C pc1 config --local core.repositoryformatversion)" = "1" &&
-	test "$(git -C pc1 config --local extensions.partialclone)" = "origin" &&
-	test "$(git -C pc1 config --local core.partialclonefilter)" = "blob:none"
+	test "$(git -C pc1 config --local remote.origin.promisor)" = "true" &&
+	test "$(git -C pc1 config --local remote.origin.partialclonefilter)" = "blob:none"
 # checkout master to force dynamic object fetch of blobs at HEAD.
@@ -208,6 +208,25 @@
 	test_cmp unique_types.expected unique_types.observed
+test_expect_success 'implicitly construct combine: filter with repeated flags' '
+	GIT_TRACE=$(pwd)/trace git clone --bare \
+		--filter=blob:none --filter=tree:1 \
+		"file://$(pwd)/srv.bare" pc2 &&
+	grep "trace:.* git pack-objects .*--filter=combine:blob:none+tree:1" \
+		trace &&
+	git -C pc2 rev-list --objects --missing=allow-any HEAD >objects &&
+	# We should have gotten some root trees.
+	grep " $" objects &&
+	# Should not have gotten any non-root trees or blobs.
+	! grep " ." objects &&
+	xargs -n 1 git -C pc2 cat-file -t <objects >types &&
+	sort -u types >unique_types.actual &&
+	test_write_lines commit tree >unique_types.expected &&
+	test_cmp unique_types.expected unique_types.actual
 test_expect_success 'partial clone fetches blobs pointed to by refs even if normally filtered out' '
 	rm -rf src dst &&
 	git init src &&
@@ -241,6 +260,42 @@
 	! grep "?$(cat blob)" missing_after
+test_expect_success 'setup src repo for sparse filter' '
+	git init sparse-src &&
+	git -C sparse-src config --local uploadpack.allowfilter 1 &&
+	git -C sparse-src config --local uploadpack.allowanysha1inwant 1 &&
+	test_commit -C sparse-src one &&
+	test_commit -C sparse-src two &&
+	echo /one.t >sparse-src/only-one &&
+	git -C sparse-src add . &&
+	git -C sparse-src commit -m "add sparse checkout files"
+test_expect_success 'partial clone with sparse filter succeeds' '
+	rm -rf dst.git &&
+	git clone --no-local --bare \
+		  --filter=sparse:oid=master:only-one \
+		  sparse-src dst.git &&
+	(
+		cd dst.git &&
+		git rev-list --objects --missing=print HEAD >out &&
+		grep "^$(git rev-parse HEAD:one.t)" out &&
+		grep "^?$(git rev-parse HEAD:two.t)" out
+	)
+test_expect_success 'partial clone with unresolvable sparse filter fails cleanly' '
+	rm -rf dst.git &&
+	test_must_fail git clone --no-local --bare \
+				 --filter=sparse:oid=master:no-such-name \
+				 sparse-src dst.git 2>err &&
+	test_i18ngrep "unable to access sparse blob in .master:no-such-name" err &&
+	test_must_fail git clone --no-local --bare \
+				 --filter=sparse:oid=master \
+				 sparse-src dst.git 2>err &&
+	test_i18ngrep "unable to parse sparse filter data in" err
@@ -417,4 +472,7 @@
 	! test -e "$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH/one-time-sed"
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7c9511c..2571eb9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -292,4 +292,7 @@
 	grep "git< version 1" log
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5b33f62..ae9175c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -499,10 +499,7 @@
 	# Add extra commits to the client so that the whole fetch takes more
 	# than 1 request (due to negotiation)
-	for i in $(test_seq 1 32)
-	do
-		test_commit -C client c$i
-	done &&
+	test_commit_bulk -C client --id=c 32 &&
 	git -C server checkout -b newbranch base &&
 	test_commit -C server client_wants &&
@@ -634,6 +631,19 @@
 	grep "git< version 2" log
+test_expect_success 'fetch with http:// by hash without tag following with protocol v2 does not list refs' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f log" &&
+	test_commit -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" two_a &&
+	git -C "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/http_parent" rev-parse two_a >two_a_hash &&
+	GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/log" git -C http_child -c protocol.version=2 \
+		fetch --no-tags origin $(cat two_a_hash) &&
+	grep "fetch< version 2" log &&
+	! grep "fetch> command=ls-refs" log
 test_expect_success 'fetch from namespaced repo respects namespaces' '
 	test_when_finished "rm -f log" &&
@@ -711,10 +721,7 @@
 	# Create many commits to extend the negotiation phase across multiple
 	# requests, so that the server does not send "ready" in the first
 	# request.
-	for i in $(test_seq 1 32)
-	do
-		test_commit -C http_child c$i
-	done &&
+	test_commit_bulk -C http_child --id=c 32 &&
 	# After the acknowledgments section, pretend that a DELIM
 	# (0001) was sent instead of a FLUSH (0000).
@@ -729,4 +736,7 @@
 	test_i18ngrep "expected no other sections to be sent after no .ready." err
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0951d1b..3a2c143 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -157,106 +157,6 @@
-test_expect_success 'setup repos for change-while-negotiating test' '
-	(
-		git init "$REPO" &&
-		cd "$REPO" &&
-		>.git/git-daemon-export-ok &&
-		test_commit m1 &&
-		git tag -d m1 &&
-		# Local repo with many commits (so that negotiation will take
-		# more than 1 request/response pair)
-		git clone "$LIB_HTTPD_PORT/smart/repo" "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" &&
-		cd "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" &&
-		git checkout -b side &&
-		for i in $(test_seq 1 33); do test_commit s$i; done &&
-		# Add novel commits to upstream
-		git checkout master &&
-		cd "$REPO" &&
-		test_commit m2 &&
-		test_commit m3 &&
-		git tag -d m2 m3
-	) &&
-	git -C "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" remote set-url origin "$LIB_HTTPD_PORT/one_time_sed/repo" &&
-	git -C "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" config protocol.version 2
-inconsistency () {
-	# Simulate that the server initially reports $2 as the ref
-	# corresponding to $1, and after that, $1 as the ref corresponding to
-	# $1. This corresponds to the real-life situation where the server's
-	# repository appears to change during negotiation, for example, when
-	# different servers in a load-balancing arrangement serve (stateless)
-	# RPCs during a single negotiation.
-	printf "s/%s/%s/" \
-	       $(git -C "$REPO" rev-parse $1 | tr -d "\n") \
-	       $(git -C "$REPO" rev-parse $2 | tr -d "\n") \
-	       >"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH/one-time-sed"
-test_expect_success 'server is initially ahead - no ref in want' '
-	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant false &&
-	rm -rf local &&
-	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
-	inconsistency master 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 &&
-	test_must_fail git -C local fetch 2>err &&
-	test_i18ngrep "fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref" err
-test_expect_success 'server is initially ahead - ref in want' '
-	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant true &&
-	rm -rf local &&
-	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
-	inconsistency master 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 &&
-	git -C local fetch &&
-	git -C "$REPO" rev-parse --verify master >expected &&
-	git -C local rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/master >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'server is initially behind - no ref in want' '
-	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant false &&
-	rm -rf local &&
-	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
-	inconsistency master "master^" &&
-	git -C local fetch &&
-	git -C "$REPO" rev-parse --verify "master^" >expected &&
-	git -C local rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/master >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'server is initially behind - ref in want' '
-	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant true &&
-	rm -rf local &&
-	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
-	inconsistency master "master^" &&
-	git -C local fetch &&
-	git -C "$REPO" rev-parse --verify "master" >expected &&
-	git -C local rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/master >actual &&
-	test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success 'server loses a ref - ref in want' '
-	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant true &&
-	rm -rf local &&
-	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
-	echo "s/master/raster/" >"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH/one-time-sed" &&
-	test_must_fail git -C local fetch 2>err &&
-	test_i18ngrep "fatal: remote error: unknown ref refs/heads/raster" err
@@ -287,7 +187,7 @@
 		git clone "file://$REPO" "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" &&
 		cd "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" &&
 		git checkout -b side &&
-		for i in $(test_seq 1 33); do test_commit s$i; done &&
+		test_commit_bulk --id=s 33 &&
 		# Add novel commits to upstream
 		git checkout master &&
@@ -372,4 +272,108 @@
 	grep "want-ref refs/heads/o/bar" log
+test_expect_success 'setup repos for change-while-negotiating test' '
+	(
+		git init "$REPO" &&
+		cd "$REPO" &&
+		>.git/git-daemon-export-ok &&
+		test_commit m1 &&
+		git tag -d m1 &&
+		# Local repo with many commits (so that negotiation will take
+		# more than 1 request/response pair)
+		rm -rf "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" &&
+		git clone "$LIB_HTTPD_PORT/smart/repo" "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" &&
+		cd "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" &&
+		git checkout -b side &&
+		test_commit_bulk --id=s 33 &&
+		# Add novel commits to upstream
+		git checkout master &&
+		cd "$REPO" &&
+		test_commit m2 &&
+		test_commit m3 &&
+		git tag -d m2 m3
+	) &&
+	git -C "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" remote set-url origin "$LIB_HTTPD_PORT/one_time_sed/repo" &&
+	git -C "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" config protocol.version 2
+inconsistency () {
+	# Simulate that the server initially reports $2 as the ref
+	# corresponding to $1, and after that, $1 as the ref corresponding to
+	# $1. This corresponds to the real-life situation where the server's
+	# repository appears to change during negotiation, for example, when
+	# different servers in a load-balancing arrangement serve (stateless)
+	# RPCs during a single negotiation.
+	printf "s/%s/%s/" \
+	       $(git -C "$REPO" rev-parse $1 | tr -d "\n") \
+	       $(git -C "$REPO" rev-parse $2 | tr -d "\n") \
+	       >"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH/one-time-sed"
+test_expect_success 'server is initially ahead - no ref in want' '
+	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant false &&
+	rm -rf local &&
+	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
+	inconsistency master 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 &&
+	test_must_fail git -C local fetch 2>err &&
+	test_i18ngrep "fatal: remote error: upload-pack: not our ref" err
+test_expect_success 'server is initially ahead - ref in want' '
+	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant true &&
+	rm -rf local &&
+	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
+	inconsistency master 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 &&
+	git -C local fetch &&
+	git -C "$REPO" rev-parse --verify master >expected &&
+	git -C local rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/master >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'server is initially behind - no ref in want' '
+	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant false &&
+	rm -rf local &&
+	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
+	inconsistency master "master^" &&
+	git -C local fetch &&
+	git -C "$REPO" rev-parse --verify "master^" >expected &&
+	git -C local rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/master >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'server is initially behind - ref in want' '
+	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant true &&
+	rm -rf local &&
+	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
+	inconsistency master "master^" &&
+	git -C local fetch &&
+	git -C "$REPO" rev-parse --verify "master" >expected &&
+	git -C local rev-parse --verify refs/remotes/origin/master >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'server loses a ref - ref in want' '
+	git -C "$REPO" config uploadpack.allowRefInWant true &&
+	rm -rf local &&
+	cp -r "$LOCAL_PRISTINE" local &&
+	echo "s/master/raster/" >"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH/one-time-sed" &&
+	test_must_fail git -C local fetch 2>err &&
+	test_i18ngrep "fatal: remote error: unknown ref refs/heads/raster" err
+# DO NOT add non-httpd-specific tests here, because the last part of this
+# test script is only executed when httpd is available and enabled.
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2d6c4a2..121e5c6 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -247,7 +247,6 @@
 test_expect_success 'proper failure checks for fetching' '
 	(cd local &&
 	test_must_fail env GIT_REMOTE_TESTGIT_FAILURE=1 git fetch 2>error &&
-	cat error &&
 	test_i18ngrep -q "error while running fast-import" error
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 52a9e38..b8cf823 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -140,4 +140,12 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'rev-list --end-of-options' '
+	git update-ref refs/heads/--output=yikes HEAD &&
+	git rev-list --end-of-options --output=yikes >actual &&
+	test_path_is_missing yikes &&
+	git rev-list HEAD >expect &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index da113d9..cfb74d0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -501,9 +501,8 @@
 test_expect_success 'oneline with empty message' '
-	git commit -m "dummy" --allow-empty &&
-	git commit -m "dummy" --allow-empty &&
-	git filter-branch --msg-filter "sed -e s/dummy//" HEAD^^.. &&
+	git commit --allow-empty --cleanup=verbatim -m "$LF" &&
+	git commit --allow-empty --allow-empty-message &&
 	git rev-list --oneline HEAD >test.txt &&
 	test_line_count = 5 test.txt &&
 	git rev-list --oneline --graph HEAD >testg.txt &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 49a394b..bdc42e9 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -615,6 +615,7 @@
 	git add missing/MISSING &&
 	git commit -m "6(broken): Added file that will be deleted" &&
 	git tag BROKEN_HASH6 &&
+	deleted=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD:missing) &&
 	add_line_into_file "7(broken): second line on a broken branch" hello2 &&
 	git tag BROKEN_HASH7 &&
 	add_line_into_file "8(broken): third line on a broken branch" hello2 &&
@@ -622,12 +623,12 @@
 	git rm missing/MISSING &&
 	git commit -m "9(broken): Remove missing file" &&
 	git tag BROKEN_HASH9 &&
-	rm .git/objects/39/f7e61a724187ab767d2e08442d9b6b9dab587d
+	rm .git/objects/$(test_oid_to_path $deleted)
 echo "" > expected.ok
 cat > expected.missing-tree.default <<EOF
-fatal: unable to read tree 39f7e61a724187ab767d2e08442d9b6b9dab587d
+fatal: unable to read tree $deleted
 test_expect_success 'bisect fails if tree is broken on start commit' '
@@ -713,12 +714,12 @@
 cat > expected.bisect-log <<EOF
-# bad: [32a594a3fdac2d57cf6d02987e30eec68511498c] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
-# good: [7b7f204a749c3125d5224ed61ea2ae1187ad046f] Add <2: A new day for git> into <hello>.
-git bisect start '32a594a3fdac2d57cf6d02987e30eec68511498c' '7b7f204a749c3125d5224ed61ea2ae1187ad046f'
-# good: [3de952f2416b6084f557ec417709eac740c6818c] Add <3: Another new day for git> into <hello>.
-git bisect good 3de952f2416b6084f557ec417709eac740c6818c
-# first bad commit: [32a594a3fdac2d57cf6d02987e30eec68511498c] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
+# bad: [$HASH4] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
+# good: [$HASH2] Add <2: A new day for git> into <hello>.
+git bisect start '$HASH4' '$HASH2'
+# good: [$HASH3] Add <3: Another new day for git> into <hello>.
+git bisect good $HASH3
+# first bad commit: [$HASH4] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
 test_expect_success 'bisect log: successful result' '
@@ -731,14 +732,14 @@
 cat > expected.bisect-skip-log <<EOF
-# bad: [32a594a3fdac2d57cf6d02987e30eec68511498c] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
-# good: [7b7f204a749c3125d5224ed61ea2ae1187ad046f] Add <2: A new day for git> into <hello>.
-git bisect start '32a594a3fdac2d57cf6d02987e30eec68511498c' '7b7f204a749c3125d5224ed61ea2ae1187ad046f'
-# skip: [3de952f2416b6084f557ec417709eac740c6818c] Add <3: Another new day for git> into <hello>.
-git bisect skip 3de952f2416b6084f557ec417709eac740c6818c
+# bad: [$HASH4] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
+# good: [$HASH2] Add <2: A new day for git> into <hello>.
+git bisect start '$HASH4' '$HASH2'
+# skip: [$HASH3] Add <3: Another new day for git> into <hello>.
+git bisect skip $HASH3
 # only skipped commits left to test
-# possible first bad commit: [32a594a3fdac2d57cf6d02987e30eec68511498c] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
-# possible first bad commit: [3de952f2416b6084f557ec417709eac740c6818c] Add <3: Another new day for git> into <hello>.
+# possible first bad commit: [$HASH4] Add <4: Ciao for now> into <hello>.
+# possible first bad commit: [$HASH3] Add <3: Another new day for git> into <hello>.
 test_expect_success 'bisect log: only skip commits left' '
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d23b948..7fddcc8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -1562,6 +1562,7 @@
 		cd nested_conflicts &&
 		git clean -f &&
+		MASTER=$(git rev-parse --short master) &&
 		git checkout L2^0 &&
 		# Merge must fail; there is a conflict
@@ -1582,7 +1583,7 @@
 		git cat-file -p R1:a >theirs &&
 		test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
 			-L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
-			-L "merged common ancestors"  \
+			-L "$MASTER"  \
 			-L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
 			ours  \
 			base  \
@@ -1594,7 +1595,7 @@
 		git cat-file -p R1:b >theirs &&
 		test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
 			-L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
-			-L "merged common ancestors"  \
+			-L "$MASTER"  \
 			-L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
 			ours  \
 			base  \
@@ -1732,6 +1733,7 @@
 		cd virtual_merge_base_has_nested_conflicts &&
+		MASTER=$(git rev-parse --short master) &&
 		git checkout L3^0 &&
 		# Merge must fail; there is a conflict
@@ -1760,7 +1762,7 @@
 		cp left merged-once &&
 		test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
 			-L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
-			-L "merged common ancestors"  \
+			-L "$MASTER"  \
 			-L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
 			merged-once \
 			base        \
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index febf63f..ad1922b 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	advance h
-script='s/^..\(b.\) *[0-9a-f]* \(.*\)$/\1 \2/p'
+t6040_script='s/^..\(b.\) *[0-9a-f]* \(.*\)$/\1 \2/p'
 cat >expect <<\EOF
 b1 [ahead 1, behind 1] d
 b2 [ahead 1, behind 1] d
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 		cd test &&
 		git branch -v
 	) |
-	sed -n -e "$script" >actual &&
+	sed -n -e "$t6040_script" >actual &&
 	test_i18ncmp expect actual
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 		cd test &&
 		git branch -vv
 	) |
-	sed -n -e "$script" >actual &&
+	sed -n -e "$t6040_script" >actual &&
 	test_i18ncmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 50b7543..c966147 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -4403,4 +4403,115 @@
+# Testcase 13e, directory rename in virtual merge base
+# This testcase has a slightly different setup than all the above cases, in
+# order to include a recursive case:
+#      A   C
+#      o - o
+#     / \ / \
+#  O o   X   ?
+#     \ / \ /
+#      o   o
+#      B   D
+#   Commit O: a/{z,y}
+#   Commit A: b/{z,y}
+#   Commit B: a/{z,y,x}
+#   Commit C: b/{z,y,x}
+#   Commit D: b/{z,y}, a/x
+#   Expected: b/{z,y,x}  (sort of; see below for why this might not be expected)
+#   NOTES: 'X' represents a virtual merge base.  With the default of
+#          directory rename detection yielding conflicts, merging A and B
+#          results in a conflict complaining about whether 'x' should be
+#          under 'a/' or 'b/'.  However, when creating the virtual merge
+#          base 'X', since virtual merge bases need to be written out as a
+#          tree, we cannot have a conflict, so some resolution has to be
+#          picked.
+#          In choosing the right resolution, it's worth noting here that
+#          commits C & D are merges of A & B that choose different
+#          locations for 'x' (i.e. they resolve the conflict differently),
+#          and so it would be nice when merging C & D if git could detect
+#          this difference of opinion and report a conflict.  But the only
+#          way to do so that I can think of would be to have the virtual
+#          merge base place 'x' in some directory other than either 'a/' or
+#          'b/', which seems a little weird -- especially since it'd result
+#          in a rename/rename(1to2) conflict with a source path that never
+#          existed in any version.
+#          So, for now, when directory rename detection is set to
+#          'conflict' just avoid doing directory rename detection at all in
+#          the recursive case.  This will not allow us to detect a conflict
+#          in the outer merge for this special kind of setup, but it at
+#          least avoids hitting a BUG().
+test_expect_success '13e-setup: directory rename detection in recursive case' '
+	test_create_repo 13e &&
+	(
+		cd 13e &&
+		mkdir a &&
+		echo z >a/z &&
+		echo y >a/y &&
+		git add a &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m "O" &&
+		git branch O &&
+		git branch A &&
+		git branch B &&
+		git checkout A &&
+		git mv a/ b/ &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m "A" &&
+		git checkout B &&
+		echo x >a/x &&
+		git add a &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m "B" &&
+		git branch C A &&
+		git branch D B &&
+		git checkout C &&
+		test_must_fail git -c merge.directoryRenames=conflict merge B &&
+		git add b/x &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m "C" &&
+		git checkout D &&
+		test_must_fail git -c merge.directoryRenames=conflict merge A &&
+		git add b/x &&
+		mkdir a &&
+		git mv b/x a/x &&
+		test_tick &&
+		git commit -m "D"
+	)
+test_expect_success '13e-check: directory rename detection in recursive case' '
+	(
+		cd 13e &&
+		git checkout --quiet D^0 &&
+		git -c merge.directoryRenames=conflict merge -s recursive C^0 >out 2>err &&
+		test_i18ngrep ! CONFLICT out &&
+		test_i18ngrep ! BUG: err &&
+		test_i18ngrep ! core.dumped err &&
+		test_must_be_empty err &&
+		git ls-files >paths &&
+		! grep a/x paths &&
+		grep b/x paths
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..860542a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+test_description='recursive merge diff3 style conflict markers'
+. ./
+# Setup:
+#          L1
+#            \
+#             ?
+#            /
+#          R1
+# Where:
+#   L1 and R1 both have a file named 'content' but have no common history
+test_expect_success 'setup no merge base' '
+	test_create_repo no_merge_base &&
+	(
+		cd no_merge_base &&
+		git checkout -b L &&
+		test_commit A content A &&
+		git checkout --orphan R &&
+		test_commit B content B
+	)
+test_expect_success 'check no merge base' '
+	(
+		cd no_merge_base &&
+		git checkout L^0 &&
+		test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge --allow-unrelated-histories -s recursive R^0 &&
+		grep "|||||| empty tree" content
+	)
+# Setup:
+#          L1
+#         /  \
+#   master    ?
+#         \  /
+#          R1
+# Where:
+#   L1 and R1 have modified the same file ('content') in conflicting ways
+test_expect_success 'setup unique merge base' '
+	test_create_repo unique_merge_base &&
+	(
+		cd unique_merge_base &&
+		test_commit base content "1
+" &&
+		git branch L &&
+		git branch R &&
+		git checkout L &&
+		test_commit L content "1
+7" &&
+		git checkout R &&
+		git rm content &&
+		test_commit R renamed "1
+	)
+test_expect_success 'check unique merge base' '
+	(
+		cd unique_merge_base &&
+		git checkout L^0 &&
+		MASTER=$(git rev-parse --short master) &&
+		test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge -s recursive R^0 &&
+		grep "|||||| $MASTER:content" renamed
+	)
+# Setup:
+#          L1---L2--L3
+#         /  \ /      \
+#   master    X1       ?
+#         \  / \      /
+#          R1---R2--R3
+# Where:
+#   commits L1 and R1 have modified the same file in non-conflicting ways
+#   X1 is an auto-generated merge-base used when merging L1 and R1
+#   commits L2 and R2 are merges of R1 and L1 into L1 and R1, respectively
+#   commits L3 and R3 both modify 'content' in conflicting ways
+test_expect_success 'setup multiple merge bases' '
+	test_create_repo multiple_merge_bases &&
+	(
+		cd multiple_merge_bases &&
+		test_commit initial content "1
+5" &&
+		git branch L &&
+		git branch R &&
+		# Create L1
+		git checkout L &&
+		test_commit L1 content "0
+5" &&
+		# Create R1
+		git checkout R &&
+		test_commit R1 content "1
+6" &&
+		# Create L2
+		git checkout L &&
+		git merge R1 &&
+		# Create R2
+		git checkout R &&
+		git merge L1 &&
+		# Create L3
+		git checkout L &&
+		test_commit L3 content "0
+A" &&
+		# Create R3
+		git checkout R &&
+		git rm content &&
+		test_commit R3 renamed "0
+	)
+test_expect_success 'check multiple merge bases' '
+	(
+		cd multiple_merge_bases &&
+		git checkout L^0 &&
+		test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge -s recursive R^0 &&
+		grep "|||||| merged common ancestors:content" renamed
+	)
+test_expect_success 'rebase describes fake ancestor base' '
+	test_create_repo rebase &&
+	(
+		cd rebase &&
+		test_commit base file &&
+		test_commit master file &&
+		git checkout -b side HEAD^ &&
+		test_commit side file &&
+		test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 rebase master &&
+		grep "||||||| constructed merge base" file
+	)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index acd7f5a..de0e5a5 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -278,7 +278,19 @@
 	test_line_count = 2 actual &&
 	# Make sure no other trees were considered besides the root.
-	! grep "Skipping contents of tree [^.]" filter_trace
+	! grep "Skipping contents of tree [^.]" filter_trace &&
+	# Try this again with "combine:". If both sub-filters are skipping
+	# trees, the composite filter should also skip trees. This is not
+	# important unless the user does combine:tree:X+tree:Y or another filter
+	# besides "tree:" is implemented in the future which can skip trees.
+	GIT_TRACE=1 git -C r3 rev-list \
+		--objects --filter=combine:tree:1+tree:3 HEAD 2>filter_trace &&
+	# Only skip the dir1/ tree, which is shared between the two commits.
+	grep "Skipping contents of tree " filter_trace >actual &&
+	test_write_lines "Skipping contents of tree dir1/..." >expected &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
 # Test tree:# filters.
@@ -330,6 +342,148 @@
 	test_line_count = 10 actual
+test_expect_success 'combine:... for a simple combination' '
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects --filter=combine:tree:2+blob:none HEAD \
+		>actual &&
+	expect_has HEAD "" &&
+	expect_has HEAD~1 "" &&
+	expect_has HEAD dir1 &&
+	# There are also 2 commit objects
+	test_line_count = 5 actual &&
+	cp actual expected &&
+	# Try again using repeated --filter - this is equivalent to a manual
+	# combine with "combine:...+..."
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects --filter=combine:tree:2 \
+		--filter=blob:none HEAD >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'combine:... with URL encoding' '
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
+		--filter=combine:tree%3a2+blob:%6Eon%65 HEAD >actual &&
+	expect_has HEAD "" &&
+	expect_has HEAD~1 "" &&
+	expect_has HEAD dir1 &&
+	# There are also 2 commit objects
+	test_line_count = 5 actual
+expect_invalid_filter_spec () {
+	spec="$1" &&
+	err="$2" &&
+	test_must_fail git -C r3 rev-list --objects --filter="$spec" HEAD \
+		>actual 2>actual_stderr &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual &&
+	test_i18ngrep "$err" actual_stderr
+test_expect_success 'combine:... while URL-encoding things that should not be' '
+	expect_invalid_filter_spec combine%3Atree:2+blob:none \
+		"invalid filter-spec"
+test_expect_success 'combine: with nothing after the :' '
+	expect_invalid_filter_spec combine: "expected something after combine:"
+test_expect_success 'parse error in first sub-filter in combine:' '
+	expect_invalid_filter_spec combine:tree:asdf+blob:none \
+		"expected .tree:<depth>."
+test_expect_success 'combine:... with non-encoded reserved chars' '
+	expect_invalid_filter_spec combine:tree:2+sparse:@xyz \
+		"must escape char in sub-filter-spec: .@." &&
+	expect_invalid_filter_spec combine:tree:2+sparse:\` \
+		"must escape char in sub-filter-spec: .\`." &&
+	expect_invalid_filter_spec combine:tree:2+sparse:~abc \
+		"must escape char in sub-filter-spec: .\~."
+test_expect_success 'validate err msg for "combine:<valid-filter>+"' '
+	expect_invalid_filter_spec combine:tree:2+ "expected .tree:<depth>."
+test_expect_success 'combine:... with edge-case hex digits: Ff Aa 0 9' '
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects --filter="combine:tree:2+bl%6Fb:n%6fne" \
+		HEAD >actual &&
+	test_line_count = 5 actual &&
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects --filter="combine:tree%3A2+blob%3anone" \
+		HEAD >actual &&
+	test_line_count = 5 actual &&
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects --filter="combine:tree:%30" HEAD >actual &&
+	test_line_count = 2 actual &&
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects --filter="combine:tree:%39+blob:none" \
+		HEAD >actual &&
+	test_line_count = 5 actual
+test_expect_success 'add sparse pattern blobs whose paths have reserved chars' '
+	cp r3/pattern r3/pattern1+renamed% &&
+	cp r3/pattern "r3/p;at%ter+n" &&
+	cp r3/pattern r3/^~pattern &&
+	git -C r3 add pattern1+renamed% "p;at%ter+n" ^~pattern &&
+	git -C r3 commit -m "add sparse pattern files with reserved chars"
+test_expect_success 'combine:... with more than two sub-filters' '
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
+		--filter=combine:tree:3+blob:limit=40+sparse:oid=master:pattern \
+		HEAD >actual &&
+	expect_has HEAD "" &&
+	expect_has HEAD~1 "" &&
+	expect_has HEAD~2 "" &&
+	expect_has HEAD dir1 &&
+	expect_has HEAD dir1/sparse1 &&
+	expect_has HEAD dir1/sparse2 &&
+	# Should also have 3 commits
+	test_line_count = 9 actual &&
+	# Try again, this time making sure the last sub-filter is only
+	# URL-decoded once.
+	cp actual expect &&
+	git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
+		--filter=combine:tree:3+blob:limit=40+sparse:oid=master:pattern1%2brenamed%25 \
+		HEAD >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual &&
+	# Use the same composite filter again, but with a pattern file name that
+	# requires encoding multiple characters, and use implicit filter
+	# combining.
+	test_when_finished "rm -f trace1" &&
+	GIT_TRACE=$(pwd)/trace1 git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
+		--filter=tree:3 --filter=blob:limit=40 \
+		--filter=sparse:oid="master:p;at%ter+n" \
+		HEAD >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual &&
+	grep "Add to combine filter-spec: sparse:oid=master:p%3bat%25ter%2bn" \
+		trace1 &&
+	# Repeat the above test, but this time, the characters to encode are in
+	# the LHS of the combined filter.
+	test_when_finished "rm -f trace2" &&
+	GIT_TRACE=$(pwd)/trace2 git -C r3 rev-list --objects \
+		--filter=sparse:oid=master:^~pattern \
+		--filter=tree:3 --filter=blob:limit=40 \
+		HEAD >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual &&
+	grep "Add to combine filter-spec: sparse:oid=master:%5e%7epattern" \
+		trace2
 # Test provisional omit collection logic with a repo that has objects appearing
 # at multiple depths - first deeper than the filter's threshold, then shallow.
@@ -373,6 +527,37 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'setup r5' '
+	git init r5 &&
+	mkdir -p r5/subdir &&
+	echo 1     >r5/short-root          &&
+	echo 12345 >r5/long-root           &&
+	echo a     >r5/subdir/short-subdir &&
+	echo abcde >r5/subdir/long-subdir  &&
+	git -C r5 add short-root long-root subdir &&
+	git -C r5 commit -m "commit msg"
+test_expect_success 'verify collecting omits in combined: filter' '
+	# Note that this test guards against the naive implementation of simply
+	# giving both filters the same "omits" set and expecting it to
+	# automatically merge them.
+	git -C r5 rev-list --objects --quiet --filter-print-omitted \
+		--filter=combine:tree:2+blob:limit=3 HEAD >actual &&
+	# Expect 0 trees/commits, 3 blobs omitted (all blobs except short-root)
+	omitted_1=$(echo 12345 | git hash-object --stdin) &&
+	omitted_2=$(echo a     | git hash-object --stdin) &&
+	omitted_3=$(echo abcde | git hash-object --stdin) &&
+	grep ~$omitted_1 actual &&
+	grep ~$omitted_2 actual &&
+	grep ~$omitted_3 actual &&
+	test_line_count = 3 actual
 # Test tree:<depth> where a tree is iterated to twice - once where a subentry is
 # too deep to be included, and again where the blob inside it is shallow enough
 # to be included. This makes sure we don't use LOFR_MARK_SEEN incorrectly (we
@@ -441,11 +626,4 @@
 	grep "blob:limit=1024" trace
-test_expect_success 'expand tree depth limit in protocol' '
-	GIT_TRACE_PACKET="$(pwd)/tree_trace" git -c protocol.version=2 clone \
-		--filter=tree:0k "file://$(pwd)/r2" tree &&
-	! grep "tree:0k" tree_trace &&
-	grep "tree:0" tree_trace
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 2b883d8..45047d0 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -424,4 +424,19 @@
 	test_must_fail git describe $ZERO_OID
+test_expect_success 'name-rev a rev shortly after epoch' '
+	test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+	git checkout --orphan no-timestamp-underflow &&
+	# Any date closer to epoch than the CUTOFF_DATE_SLOP constant
+	# in builtin/name-rev.c.
+	GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="@1234 +0000" \
+	git commit -m "committer date shortly after epoch" &&
+	old_commit_oid=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+	echo "$old_commit_oid no-timestamp-underflow" >expect &&
+	git name-rev $old_commit_oid >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 93f23cf..8a72b4c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -66,12 +66,7 @@
 	git commit -a -m "Right #5" &&
 	git checkout -b long &&
-	i=0 &&
-	while test $i -lt 30
-	do
-		test_commit $i one &&
-		i=$(($i+1))
-	done &&
+	test_commit_bulk --start=0 --message=%s --filename=one 30 &&
 	git show-branch &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ab69aa1..9c910ce 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -526,6 +526,25 @@
 	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'create tag without tagger' '
+	git tag -a -m "Broken tag" taggerless &&
+	git tag -f taggerless $(git cat-file tag taggerless |
+		sed -e "/^tagger /d" |
+		git hash-object --stdin -w -t tag)
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless type 'commit'
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless tag 'taggerless'
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless tagger ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless taggername ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless taggeremail ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless taggerdate ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless committer ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless committername ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless committeremail ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless committerdate ''
+test_atom refs/tags/taggerless subject 'Broken tag'
 test_expect_success 'an unusual tag with an incomplete line' '
 	git tag -m "bogo" bogo &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
similarity index 100%
rename from t/
rename to t/
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2d87c49..0000000
--- a/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-test_description='git grep in binary files'
-. ./
-nul_match () {
-	matches=$1
-	flags=$2
-	pattern=$3
-	pattern_human=$(echo "$pattern" | sed 's/Q/<NUL>/g')
-	if test "$matches" = 1
-	then
-		test_expect_success "git grep -f f $flags '$pattern_human' a" "
-			printf '$pattern' | q_to_nul >f &&
-			git grep -f f $flags a
-		"
-	elif test "$matches" = 0
-	then
-		test_expect_success "git grep -f f $flags '$pattern_human' a" "
-			printf '$pattern' | q_to_nul >f &&
-			test_must_fail git grep -f f $flags a
-		"
-	elif test "$matches" = T1
-	then
-		test_expect_failure "git grep -f f $flags '$pattern_human' a" "
-			printf '$pattern' | q_to_nul >f &&
-			git grep -f f $flags a
-		"
-	elif test "$matches" = T0
-	then
-		test_expect_failure "git grep -f f $flags '$pattern_human' a" "
-			printf '$pattern' | q_to_nul >f &&
-			test_must_fail git grep -f f $flags a
-		"
-	else
-		test_expect_success "PANIC: Test framework error. Unknown matches value $matches" 'false'
-	fi
-test_expect_success 'setup' "
-	echo 'binaryQfileQm[*]cQ*æQð' | q_to_nul >a &&
-	git add a &&
-	git commit -m.
-test_expect_success 'git grep ina a' '
-	echo Binary file a matches >expect &&
-	git grep ina a >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'git grep -ah ina a' '
-	git grep -ah ina a >actual &&
-	test_cmp a actual
-test_expect_success 'git grep -I ina a' '
-	test_must_fail git grep -I ina a >actual &&
-	test_must_be_empty actual
-test_expect_success 'git grep -c ina a' '
-	echo a:1 >expect &&
-	git grep -c ina a >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'git grep -l ina a' '
-	echo a >expect &&
-	git grep -l ina a >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'git grep -L bar a' '
-	echo a >expect &&
-	git grep -L bar a >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'git grep -q ina a' '
-	git grep -q ina a >actual &&
-	test_must_be_empty actual
-test_expect_success 'git grep -F ile a' '
-	git grep -F ile a
-test_expect_success 'git grep -Fi iLE a' '
-	git grep -Fi iLE a
-# This test actually passes on platforms where regexec() supports the
-test_expect_success 'git grep ile a' '
-	git grep ile a
-test_expect_failure 'git grep .fi a' '
-	git grep .fi a
-nul_match 1 '-F' 'yQf'
-nul_match 0 '-F' 'yQx'
-nul_match 1 '-Fi' 'YQf'
-nul_match 0 '-Fi' 'YQx'
-nul_match 1 '' 'yQf'
-nul_match 0 '' 'yQx'
-nul_match 1 '' 'æQð'
-nul_match 1 '-F' 'eQm[*]c'
-nul_match 1 '-Fi' 'EQM[*]C'
-# Regex patterns that would match but shouldn't with -F
-nul_match 0 '-F' 'yQ[f]'
-nul_match 0 '-F' '[y]Qf'
-nul_match 0 '-Fi' 'YQ[F]'
-nul_match 0 '-Fi' '[Y]QF'
-nul_match 0 '-F' 'æQ[ð]'
-nul_match 0 '-F' '[æ]Qð'
-nul_match 0 '-Fi' 'ÆQ[Ð]'
-nul_match 0 '-Fi' '[Æ]QÐ'
-# kwset is disabled on -i & non-ASCII. No way to match non-ASCII \0
-# patterns case-insensitively.
-nul_match T1 '-i' 'ÆQÐ'
-# \0 implicitly disables regexes. This is an undocumented internal
-# limitation.
-nul_match T1 '' 'yQ[f]'
-nul_match T1 '' '[y]Qf'
-nul_match T1 '-i' 'YQ[F]'
-nul_match T1 '-i' '[Y]Qf'
-nul_match T1 '' 'æQ[ð]'
-nul_match T1 '' '[æ]Qð'
-nul_match T1 '-i' 'ÆQ[Ð]'
-# ... because of \0 implicitly disabling regexes regexes that
-# should/shouldn't match don't do the right thing.
-nul_match T1 '' 'eQm.*cQ'
-nul_match T1 '-i' 'EQM.*cQ'
-nul_match T0 '' 'eQm[*]c'
-nul_match T0 '-i' 'EQM[*]C'
-# Due to the REG_STARTEND extension when kwset() is disabled on -i &
-# non-ASCII the string will be matched in its entirety, but the
-# pattern will be cut off at the first \0.
-nul_match 0 '-i' 'NOMATCHQð'
-nul_match T0 '-i' '[Æ]QNOMATCH'
-nul_match T0 '-i' '[æ]QNOMATCH'
-# Matches, but for the wrong reasons, just stops at [æ]
-nul_match 1 '-i' '[Æ]Qð'
-nul_match 1 '-i' '[æ]Qð'
-# Ensure that the matcher doesn't regress to something that stops at
-# \0
-nul_match 0 '-F' 'yQ[f]'
-nul_match 0 '-Fi' 'YQ[F]'
-nul_match 0 '' 'yQNOMATCH'
-nul_match 0 '' 'QNOMATCH'
-nul_match 0 '-i' 'YQNOMATCH'
-nul_match 0 '-i' 'QNOMATCH'
-nul_match 0 '-F' 'æQ[ð]'
-nul_match 0 '-Fi' 'ÆQ[Ð]'
-nul_match 0 '' 'yQNÓMATCH'
-nul_match 0 '' 'QNÓMATCH'
-nul_match 0 '-i' 'YQNÓMATCH'
-nul_match 0 '-i' 'QNÓMATCH'
-test_expect_success 'grep respects binary diff attribute' '
-	echo text >t &&
-	git add t &&
-	echo t:text >expect &&
-	git grep text t >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual &&
-	echo "t -diff" >.gitattributes &&
-	echo "Binary file t matches" >expect &&
-	git grep text t >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'grep --cached respects binary diff attribute' '
-	git grep --cached text t >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'grep --cached respects binary diff attribute (2)' '
-	git add .gitattributes &&
-	rm .gitattributes &&
-	git grep --cached text t >actual &&
-	test_when_finished "git rm --cached .gitattributes" &&
-	test_when_finished "git checkout .gitattributes" &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'grep revision respects binary diff attribute' '
-	git commit -m new &&
-	echo "Binary file HEAD:t matches" >expect &&
-	git grep text HEAD -- t >actual &&
-	test_when_finished "git reset HEAD^" &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'grep respects not-binary diff attribute' '
-	echo binQary | q_to_nul >b &&
-	git add b &&
-	echo "Binary file b matches" >expect &&
-	git grep bin b >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual &&
-	echo "b diff" >.gitattributes &&
-	echo "b:binQary" >expect &&
-	git grep bin b >actual.raw &&
-	nul_to_q <actual.raw >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-cat >nul_to_q_textconv <<'EOF'
-"$PERL_PATH" -pe 'y/\000/Q/' < "$1"
-chmod +x nul_to_q_textconv
-test_expect_success 'setup textconv filters' '
-	echo a diff=foo >.gitattributes &&
-	git config "\"$(pwd)\""/nul_to_q_textconv
-test_expect_success 'grep does not honor textconv' '
-	test_must_fail git grep Qfile
-test_expect_success 'grep --textconv honors textconv' '
-	echo "a:binaryQfileQm[*]cQ*æQð" >expect &&
-	git grep --textconv Qfile >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_success 'grep --no-textconv does not honor textconv' '
-	test_must_fail git grep --no-textconv Qfile
-test_expect_success 'grep --textconv blob honors textconv' '
-	echo "HEAD:a:binaryQfileQm[*]cQ*æQð" >expect &&
-	git grep --textconv Qfile HEAD:a >actual &&
-	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 5990299..b696bae 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'checkout to detach HEAD' '
 	git config advice.detachedHead true &&
 	git checkout -f renamer && git clean -f &&
-	GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON= git checkout renamer^ 2>messages &&
+	GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON=false git checkout renamer^ 2>messages &&
 	grep "HEAD is now at 7329388" messages &&
 	test_line_count -gt 1 messages &&
 	H=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7b36954..6e6d24c 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
 		cd docs &&
 		git clean -n ../src |
+		grep part3 |
 		sed -n -e "s|^Would remove ||p"
 	) &&
 	verbose test "$would_clean" = ../src/part3.c
@@ -129,6 +130,7 @@
 		cd docs &&
 		git clean -n "$(pwd)/../src" |
+		grep part3 |
 		sed -n -e "s|^Would remove ||p"
 	) &&
 	verbose test "$would_clean" = ../src/part3.c
@@ -547,7 +549,7 @@
 	test_path_is_missing strange_bare
-test_expect_success 'giving path in nested git work tree will remove it' '
+test_expect_success 'giving path in nested git work tree will NOT remove it' '
 	rm -fr repo &&
 	mkdir repo &&
@@ -559,7 +561,7 @@
 	git clean -f -d repo/bar/baz &&
 	test_path_is_file repo/.git/HEAD &&
 	test_path_is_dir repo/bar/ &&
-	test_path_is_missing repo/bar/baz
+	test_path_is_file repo/bar/baz/
 test_expect_success 'giving path to nested .git will not remove it' '
@@ -577,7 +579,7 @@
 	test_path_is_dir untracked/
-test_expect_success 'giving path to nested .git/ will remove contents' '
+test_expect_success 'giving path to nested .git/ will NOT remove contents' '
 	rm -fr repo untracked &&
 	mkdir repo untracked &&
@@ -587,7 +589,7 @@
 	) &&
 	git clean -f -d repo/.git/ &&
 	test_path_is_dir repo/.git &&
-	test_dir_is_empty repo/.git &&
+	test_path_is_file repo/.git/HEAD &&
 	test_path_is_dir untracked/
@@ -669,4 +671,70 @@
 	test_path_is_missing foo/b/bb
+test_expect_success 'git clean -d skips nested repo containing ignored files' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf nested-repo-with-ignored-file" &&
+	git init nested-repo-with-ignored-file &&
+	(
+		cd nested-repo-with-ignored-file &&
+		>file &&
+		git add file &&
+		git commit -m Initial &&
+		# This file is ignored by a .gitignore rule in the outer repo
+		# added in the previous test.
+		>ignoreme
+	) &&
+	git clean -fd &&
+	test_path_is_file nested-repo-with-ignored-file/.git/index &&
+	test_path_is_file nested-repo-with-ignored-file/ignoreme &&
+	test_path_is_file nested-repo-with-ignored-file/file
+test_expect_success 'git clean handles being told what to clean' '
+	mkdir -p d1 d2 &&
+	touch d1/ut d2/ut &&
+	git clean -f */ut &&
+	test_path_is_missing d1/ut &&
+	test_path_is_missing d2/ut
+test_expect_success 'git clean handles being told what to clean, with -d' '
+	mkdir -p d1 d2 &&
+	touch d1/ut d2/ut &&
+	git clean -ffd */ut &&
+	test_path_is_missing d1/ut &&
+	test_path_is_missing d2/ut
+test_expect_success 'git clean works if a glob is passed without -d' '
+	mkdir -p d1 d2 &&
+	touch d1/ut d2/ut &&
+	git clean -f "*ut" &&
+	test_path_is_missing d1/ut &&
+	test_path_is_missing d2/ut
+test_expect_success 'git clean works if a glob is passed with -d' '
+	mkdir -p d1 d2 &&
+	touch d1/ut d2/ut &&
+	git clean -ffd "*ut" &&
+	test_path_is_missing d1/ut &&
+	test_path_is_missing d2/ut
+test_expect_success MINGW 'handle clean & core.longpaths = false nicely' '
+	test_config core.longpaths false &&
+	a50=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa &&
+	mkdir -p $a50$a50/$a50$a50/$a50$a50 &&
+	: >"$a50$a50/test.txt" 2>"$a50$a50/$a50$a50/$a50$a50/test.txt" &&
+	# create a temporary outside the working tree to hide from "git clean"
+	test_must_fail git clean -xdf 2>.git/err &&
+	# grepping for a strerror string is unportable but it is OK here with
+	# MINGW prereq
+	test_i18ngrep "too long" .git/err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a208cb2..691b5fc 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -527,7 +527,6 @@
 	test_must_fail git config submodule.example.url &&
 	git submodule update init 2> update.out &&
-	cat update.out &&
 	test_i18ngrep "not initialized" update.out &&
 	test_must_fail git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir init/.git &&
@@ -545,7 +544,6 @@
 		cd sub &&
 		git submodule update ../init 2>update.out &&
-		cat update.out &&
 		test_i18ngrep "not initialized" update.out &&
 		test_must_fail git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir ../init/.git &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c973278..df34c99 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -158,7 +158,6 @@
 	test_i18ncmp expect2 actual2
 test_expect_success 'submodule update does not fetch already present commits' '
 	(cd submodule &&
 	  echo line3 >> file &&
@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@
 	) &&
 	(cd super/submodule &&
 	  head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
-	  echo "Submodule path ${apos}submodule$apos: checked out $apos$head$apos" > ../../expected &&
+	  echo "Submodule path ${SQ}submodule$SQ: checked out $SQ$head$SQ" > ../../expected &&
 	  git reset --hard HEAD~1
 	) &&
 	(cd super &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index c4b370e..fd25f78 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'ensure submodule branch is unset' '
 	(cd super &&
-		test_must_fail grep branch .gitmodules
+		! grep branch .gitmodules
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'test submodule set-branch --default' '
 	(cd super &&
 		git submodule set-branch --default submodule &&
-		test_must_fail grep branch .gitmodules &&
+		! grep branch .gitmodules &&
 		git submodule update --remote &&
 		cat <<-\EOF >expect &&
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'test submodule set-branch -d' '
 	(cd super &&
 		git submodule set-branch -d submodule &&
-		test_must_fail grep branch .gitmodules &&
+		! grep branch .gitmodules &&
 		git submodule update --remote &&
 		cat <<-\EOF >expect &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b348545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+test_description='pre-commit and pre-merge-commit hooks'
+. ./
+HOOKDIR="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks"
+# Prepare sample scripts that write their $0 to actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'sample script setup' '
+	mkdir -p "$HOOKDIR" &&
+	write_script "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" <<-\EOF &&
+	echo $0 >>actual_hooks
+	exit 0
+	write_script "$HOOKDIR/fail.sample" <<-\EOF &&
+	echo $0 >>actual_hooks
+	exit 1
+	write_script "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" <<-\EOF &&
+	echo $0 >>actual_hooks
+	exit 1
+	chmod -x "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" &&
+	write_script "$HOOKDIR/require-prefix.sample" <<-\EOF &&
+	echo $0 >>actual_hooks
+	test $GIT_PREFIX = "success/"
+	write_script "$HOOKDIR/check-author.sample" <<-\EOF
+	echo $0 >>actual_hooks
+	test "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" = "New Author" &&
+	test "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = ""
+test_expect_success 'root commit' '
+	echo "root" >file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit -m "zeroth" &&
+	git checkout -b side &&
+	echo "foo" >foo &&
+	git add foo &&
+	git commit -m "make it non-ff" &&
+	git branch side-orig side &&
+	git checkout master
+test_expect_success 'setup conflicting branches' '
+	test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+	git checkout -b conflicting-a master &&
+	echo a >conflicting &&
+	git add conflicting &&
+	git commit -m conflicting-a &&
+	git checkout -b conflicting-b master &&
+	echo b >conflicting &&
+	git add conflicting &&
+	git commit -m conflicting-b
+test_expect_success 'with no hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f actual_hooks" &&
+	echo "foo" >file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit -m "first" &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'with no hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f actual_hooks" &&
+	git branch -f side side-orig &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git merge -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success '--no-verify with no hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f actual_hooks" &&
+	echo "bar" >file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit --no-verify -m "bar" &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success '--no-verify with no hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f actual_hooks" &&
+	git branch -f side side-orig &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'with succeeding hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PRECOMMIT\" expected_hooks actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "$PRECOMMIT" >expected_hooks &&
+	echo "more" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit -m "more" &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'with succeeding hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" expected_hooks actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
+	echo "$PREMERGE" >expected_hooks &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git merge -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'automatic merge fails; both hooks are available' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" \"$PRECOMMIT\"" &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -f expected_hooks actual_hooks" &&
+	test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	git checkout conflicting-a &&
+	test_must_fail git merge -m "merge conflicting-b" conflicting-b &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks &&
+	echo "$PRECOMMIT" >expected_hooks &&
+	echo a+b >conflicting &&
+	git add conflicting &&
+	git commit -m "resolve conflict" &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
+test_expect_success '--no-verify with succeeding hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PRECOMMIT\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "even more" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit --no-verify -m "even more" &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success '--no-verify with succeeding hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/success.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
+	git branch -f side side-orig &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'with failing hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PRECOMMIT\" expected_hooks actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/fail.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "$PRECOMMIT" >expected_hooks &&
+	echo "another" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	test_must_fail git commit -m "another" &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
+test_expect_success '--no-verify with failing hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PRECOMMIT\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/fail.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "stuff" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit --no-verify -m "stuff" &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'with failing hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" expected_hooks actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/fail.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
+	echo "$PREMERGE" >expected_hooks &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	test_must_fail git merge -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
+test_expect_success '--no-verify with failing hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/fail.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
+	git branch -f side side-orig &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'with non-executable hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PRECOMMIT\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "content" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit -m "content" &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM '--no-verify with non-executable hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PRECOMMIT\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "more content" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	git commit --no-verify -m "more content" &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'with non-executable hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
+	git branch -f side side-orig &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git merge -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success POSIXPERM '--no-verify with non-executable hook (merge)' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PREMERGE\" actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/non-exec.sample" "$PREMERGE" &&
+	git branch -f side side-orig &&
+	git checkout side &&
+	git merge --no-verify -m "merge master" master &&
+	git checkout master &&
+	test_path_is_missing actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'with hook requiring GIT_PREFIX' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$PRECOMMIT\" expected_hooks actual_hooks success" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/require-prefix.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "$PRECOMMIT" >expected_hooks &&
+	echo "more content" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	mkdir success &&
+	(
+		cd success &&
+		git commit -m "hook requires GIT_PREFIX = success/"
+	) &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'with failing hook requiring GIT_PREFIX' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -rf \"$PRECOMMIT\" expected_hooks actual_hooks fail" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/require-prefix.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	echo "$PRECOMMIT" >expected_hooks &&
+	echo "more content" >>file &&
+	git add file &&
+	mkdir fail &&
+	(
+		cd fail &&
+		test_must_fail git commit -m "hook must fail"
+	) &&
+	git checkout -- file &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
+test_expect_success 'check the author in hook' '
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"$PRECOMMIT\" expected_hooks actual_hooks" &&
+	cp "$HOOKDIR/check-author.sample" "$PRECOMMIT" &&
+	cat >expected_hooks <<-EOF &&
+	test_must_fail git commit --allow-empty -m "by a.u.thor" &&
+	(
+		GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="New Author" &&
+		git commit --allow-empty -m "by via env" &&
+		git show -s
+	) &&
+	git commit --author="New Author <>" \
+		--allow-empty -m "by via command line" &&
+	git show -s &&
+	test_cmp expected_hooks actual_hooks
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
deleted file mode 100755
index 984889b..0000000
--- a/t/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-test_description='pre-commit hook'
-. ./
-test_expect_success 'with no hook' '
-	echo "foo" > file &&
-	git add file &&
-	git commit -m "first"
-test_expect_success '--no-verify with no hook' '
-	echo "bar" > file &&
-	git add file &&
-	git commit --no-verify -m "bar"
-# now install hook that always succeeds
-HOOKDIR="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)/hooks"
-mkdir -p "$HOOKDIR"
-cat > "$HOOK" <<EOF
-exit 0
-chmod +x "$HOOK"
-test_expect_success 'with succeeding hook' '
-	echo "more" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	git commit -m "more"
-test_expect_success '--no-verify with succeeding hook' '
-	echo "even more" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	git commit --no-verify -m "even more"
-# now a hook that fails
-cat > "$HOOK" <<EOF
-exit 1
-test_expect_success 'with failing hook' '
-	echo "another" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	test_must_fail git commit -m "another"
-test_expect_success '--no-verify with failing hook' '
-	echo "stuff" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	git commit --no-verify -m "stuff"
-chmod -x "$HOOK"
-test_expect_success POSIXPERM 'with non-executable hook' '
-	echo "content" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	git commit -m "content"
-test_expect_success POSIXPERM '--no-verify with non-executable hook' '
-	echo "more content" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	git commit --no-verify -m "more content"
-chmod +x "$HOOK"
-# a hook that checks $GIT_PREFIX and succeeds inside the
-# success/ subdirectory only
-cat > "$HOOK" <<EOF
-test \$GIT_PREFIX = success/
-test_expect_success 'with hook requiring GIT_PREFIX' '
-	echo "more content" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	mkdir success &&
-	(
-		cd success &&
-		git commit -m "hook requires GIT_PREFIX = success/"
-	) &&
-	rmdir success
-test_expect_success 'with failing hook requiring GIT_PREFIX' '
-	echo "more content" >> file &&
-	git add file &&
-	mkdir fail &&
-	(
-		cd fail &&
-		test_must_fail git commit -m "hook must fail"
-	) &&
-	rmdir fail &&
-	git checkout -- file
-test_expect_success 'check the author in hook' '
-	write_script "$HOOK" <<-\EOF &&
-	test "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" = "New Author" &&
-	test "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = ""
-	test_must_fail git commit --allow-empty -m "by a.u.thor" &&
-	(
-		GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="New Author" &&
-		git commit --allow-empty -m "by via env" &&
-		git show -s
-	) &&
-	git commit --author="New Author <>" \
-		--allow-empty -m "by via command line" &&
-	git show -s
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index ba8bd1b..94f85cd 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -241,13 +241,7 @@
 			git add b &&
 			git rebase --continue
 		) &&
-		if test "$mode" = -p # reword amended after pick
-		then
-			n=18
-		else
-			n=17
-		fi &&
-		git log --pretty=%s -g -n$n HEAD@{1} >actual &&
+		git log --pretty=%s -g -n18 HEAD@{1} >actual &&
 		test_cmp "$TEST_DIRECTORY/t7505/expected-rebase${mode:--i}" actual
diff --git a/t/t7505/expected-rebase-i b/t/t7505/expected-rebase-i
index c514bdb..93bada5 100644
--- a/t/t7505/expected-rebase-i
+++ b/t/t7505/expected-rebase-i
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 message [fixup rebase-9]
 message (no editor) [fixup rebase-8]
 message (no editor) [squash rebase-7]
-message [reword rebase-6]
+HEAD [reword rebase-6]
+message (no editor) [reword rebase-6]
 message [squash rebase-5]
 message (no editor) [fixup rebase-4]
 message (no editor) [pick rebase-3]
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index e01c285..66d7a62 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -733,6 +733,7 @@
 On branch cherry_branch
 You are currently cherry-picking commit $TO_CHERRY_PICK.
   (fix conflicts and run "git cherry-pick --continue")
+  (use "git cherry-pick --skip" to skip this patch)
   (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)
 Unmerged paths:
@@ -757,6 +758,7 @@
 On branch cherry_branch
 You are currently cherry-picking commit $TO_CHERRY_PICK.
   (all conflicts fixed: run "git cherry-pick --continue")
+  (use "git cherry-pick --skip" to skip this patch)
   (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)
 Changes to be committed:
@@ -778,6 +780,7 @@
 On branch cherry_branch
 Cherry-pick currently in progress.
   (run "git cherry-pick --continue" to continue)
+  (use "git cherry-pick --skip" to skip this patch)
   (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)
 nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)
@@ -835,6 +838,7 @@
 On branch master
 You are currently reverting commit $TO_REVERT.
   (fix conflicts and run "git revert --continue")
+  (use "git revert --skip" to skip this patch)
   (use "git revert --abort" to cancel the revert operation)
 Unmerged paths:
@@ -855,6 +859,7 @@
 On branch master
 You are currently reverting commit $TO_REVERT.
   (all conflicts fixed: run "git revert --continue")
+  (use "git revert --skip" to skip this patch)
   (use "git revert --abort" to cancel the revert operation)
 Changes to be committed:
@@ -887,6 +892,7 @@
 On branch master
 Revert currently in progress.
   (run "git revert --continue" to continue)
+  (use "git revert --skip" to skip this patch)
   (use "git revert --abort" to cancel the revert operation)
 nothing to commit (use -u to show untracked files)
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 81a375f..d8df990 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -354,4 +354,21 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+# Test staging/unstaging files that appear at the end of the index.  Test
+# file names begin with 'z' so that they are sorted to the end of the index.
+test_expect_success 'status succeeds after staging/unstaging ' '
+	test_create_repo fsmonitor-stage-unstage &&
+	(
+		cd fsmonitor-stage-unstage &&
+		test_commit initial &&
+		git update-index --fsmonitor &&
+		removed=$(test_seq 1 100 | sed "s/^/z/") &&
+		touch $removed &&
+		git add $removed &&
+		git config core.fsmonitor "$TEST_DIRECTORY/t7519/fsmonitor-env" &&
+		FSMONITOR_LIST="$removed" git restore -S $removed &&
+		FSMONITOR_LIST="$removed" git status
+	)
diff --git a/t/t7519/fsmonitor-env b/t/t7519/fsmonitor-env
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f1f7ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/t7519/fsmonitor-env
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# An test hook script to integrate with git to test fsmonitor.
+# The hook is passed a version (currently 1) and a time in nanoseconds
+# formatted as a string and outputs to stdout all files that have been
+# modified since the given time. Paths must be relative to the root of
+# the working tree and separated by a single NUL.
+#echo "$0 $*" >&2
+if test "$#" -ne 2
+	echo "$0: exactly 2 arguments expected" >&2
+	exit 2
+if test "$1" != 1
+	echo "Unsupported core.fsmonitor hook version." >&2
+	exit 1
+printf '%s\n' $FSMONITOR_LIST
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0e9af83..4e855bc2 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -243,10 +243,23 @@
 	pack=$(ls bare.git/objects/pack/*.pack) &&
 	test_path_is_file "$pack" &&
 	keep=${pack%.pack}.keep &&
+	test_when_finished "rm -f \"\$keep\"" &&
 	>"$keep" &&
-	git -C bare.git repack -ad &&
+	git -C bare.git repack -ad 2>stderr &&
+	test_must_be_empty stderr &&
 	find bare.git/objects/pack/ -type f -name "*.bitmap" >actual &&
 	test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_success 'auto-bitmaps do not complain if unavailable' '
+	test_config -C bare.git pack.packSizeLimit 1M &&
+	blob=$(test-tool genrandom big $((1024*1024)) |
+	       git -C bare.git hash-object -w --stdin) &&
+	git -C bare.git update-ref refs/tags/big $blob &&
+	git -C bare.git repack -ad 2>stderr &&
+	test_must_be_empty stderr &&
+	find bare.git/objects/pack -type f -name "*.bitmap" >actual &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 0c685d3..531eb59 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -53,4 +53,32 @@
 	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: setup invalid UTF-8 data' '
+	printf "\\200\\n" >invalid-0x80 &&
+	echo "ævar" >expected &&
+	cat expected >>invalid-0x80 &&
+	git add invalid-0x80
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data' '
+	git grep -h "var" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git grep -h "(*NO_JIT)var" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data' '
+	git grep -h "æ" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	git grep -h "(*NO_JIT)æ" invalid-0x80 &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success GETTEXT_LOCALE,LIBPCRE2 'PCRE v2: grep non-ASCII from invalid UTF-8 data with -i' '
+	test_might_fail git grep -hi "Æ" invalid-0x80 >actual &&
+	test_cmp expected actual &&
+	test_must_fail git grep -hi "(*NO_JIT)Æ" invalid-0x80 &&
+	test_cmp expected actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index a11366b..946f91f 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -408,4 +408,25 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+reset_and_clean () {
+	git reset --hard &&
+	git clean -fd &&
+	git submodule foreach --recursive 'git reset --hard' &&
+	git submodule foreach --recursive 'git clean -fd'
+test_expect_success 'grep --recurse-submodules without --cached considers worktree modifications' '
+	reset_and_clean &&
+	echo "A modified line in submodule" >>submodule/a &&
+	echo "submodule/a:A modified line in submodule" >expect &&
+	git grep --recurse-submodules "A modified line in submodule" >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'grep --recurse-submodules with --cached ignores worktree modifications' '
+	reset_and_clean &&
+	echo "A modified line in submodule" >>submodule/a &&
+	test_must_fail git grep --recurse-submodules --cached "A modified line in submodule" >actual 2>&1 &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90ebb64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+test_description='git grep in binary files'
+. ./
+test_expect_success 'setup' "
+	echo 'binaryQfileQm[*]cQ*æQð' | q_to_nul >a &&
+	git add a &&
+	git commit -m.
+test_expect_success 'git grep ina a' '
+	echo Binary file a matches >expect &&
+	git grep ina a >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git grep -ah ina a' '
+	git grep -ah ina a >actual &&
+	test_cmp a actual
+test_expect_success 'git grep -I ina a' '
+	test_must_fail git grep -I ina a >actual &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_success 'git grep -c ina a' '
+	echo a:1 >expect &&
+	git grep -c ina a >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git grep -l ina a' '
+	echo a >expect &&
+	git grep -l ina a >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git grep -L bar a' '
+	echo a >expect &&
+	git grep -L bar a >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'git grep -q ina a' '
+	git grep -q ina a >actual &&
+	test_must_be_empty actual
+test_expect_success 'git grep -F ile a' '
+	git grep -F ile a
+test_expect_success 'git grep -Fi iLE a' '
+	git grep -Fi iLE a
+# This test actually passes on platforms where regexec() supports the
+test_expect_success 'git grep ile a' '
+	git grep ile a
+test_expect_failure 'git grep .fi a' '
+	git grep .fi a
+test_expect_success 'grep respects binary diff attribute' '
+	echo text >t &&
+	git add t &&
+	echo t:text >expect &&
+	git grep text t >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual &&
+	echo "t -diff" >.gitattributes &&
+	echo "Binary file t matches" >expect &&
+	git grep text t >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'grep --cached respects binary diff attribute' '
+	git grep --cached text t >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'grep --cached respects binary diff attribute (2)' '
+	git add .gitattributes &&
+	rm .gitattributes &&
+	git grep --cached text t >actual &&
+	test_when_finished "git rm --cached .gitattributes" &&
+	test_when_finished "git checkout .gitattributes" &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'grep revision respects binary diff attribute' '
+	git commit -m new &&
+	echo "Binary file HEAD:t matches" >expect &&
+	git grep text HEAD -- t >actual &&
+	test_when_finished "git reset HEAD^" &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'grep respects not-binary diff attribute' '
+	echo binQary | q_to_nul >b &&
+	git add b &&
+	echo "Binary file b matches" >expect &&
+	git grep bin b >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual &&
+	echo "b diff" >.gitattributes &&
+	echo "b:binQary" >expect &&
+	git grep bin b >actual.raw &&
+	nul_to_q <actual.raw >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+cat >nul_to_q_textconv <<'EOF'
+"$PERL_PATH" -pe 'y/\000/Q/' < "$1"
+chmod +x nul_to_q_textconv
+test_expect_success 'setup textconv filters' '
+	echo a diff=foo >.gitattributes &&
+	git config "\"$(pwd)\""/nul_to_q_textconv
+test_expect_success 'grep does not honor textconv' '
+	test_must_fail git grep Qfile
+test_expect_success 'grep --textconv honors textconv' '
+	echo "a:binaryQfileQm[*]cQ*æQð" >expect &&
+	git grep --textconv Qfile >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'grep --no-textconv does not honor textconv' '
+	test_must_fail git grep --no-textconv Qfile
+test_expect_success 'grep --textconv blob honors textconv' '
+	echo "HEAD:a:binaryQfileQm[*]cQ*æQð" >expect &&
+	git grep --textconv Qfile HEAD:a >actual &&
+	test_cmp expect actual
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..60bab29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+test_description='git grep with a binary pattern files'
+. ./
+nul_match_internal () {
+	matches=$1
+	prereqs=$2
+	lc_all=$3
+	extra_flags=$4
+	flags=$5
+	pattern=$6
+	pattern_human=$(echo "$pattern" | sed 's/Q/<NUL>/g')
+	if test "$matches" = 1
+	then
+		test_expect_success $prereqs "LC_ALL='$lc_all' git grep $extra_flags -f f $flags '$pattern_human' a" "
+			printf '$pattern' | q_to_nul >f &&
+			LC_ALL='$lc_all' git grep $extra_flags -f f $flags a
+		"
+	elif test "$matches" = 0
+	then
+		test_expect_success $prereqs "LC_ALL='$lc_all' git grep $extra_flags -f f $flags '$pattern_human' a" "
+			>stderr &&
+			printf '$pattern' | q_to_nul >f &&
+			test_must_fail env LC_ALL=\"$lc_all\" git grep $extra_flags -f f $flags a 2>stderr &&
+			test_i18ngrep ! 'This is only supported with -P under PCRE v2' stderr
+		"
+	elif test "$matches" = P
+	then
+		test_expect_success $prereqs "error, PCRE v2 only: LC_ALL='$lc_all' git grep -f f $flags '$pattern_human' a" "
+			>stderr &&
+			printf '$pattern' | q_to_nul >f &&
+			test_must_fail env LC_ALL=\"$lc_all\" git grep -f f $flags a 2>stderr &&
+			test_i18ngrep 'This is only supported with -P under PCRE v2' stderr
+		"
+	else
+		test_expect_success "PANIC: Test framework error. Unknown matches value $matches" 'false'
+	fi
+nul_match () {
+	matches=$1
+	matches_pcre2=$2
+	matches_pcre2_locale=$3
+	flags=$4
+	pattern=$5
+	pattern_human=$(echo "$pattern" | sed 's/Q/<NUL>/g')
+	nul_match_internal "$matches" "" "C" "" "$flags" "$pattern"
+	nul_match_internal "$matches_pcre2" "LIBPCRE2" "C" "-P" "$flags" "$pattern"
+	nul_match_internal "$matches_pcre2_locale" "LIBPCRE2,GETTEXT_LOCALE" "$is_IS_locale" "-P" "$flags" "$pattern"
+test_expect_success 'setup' "
+	echo 'binaryQfileQm[*]cQ*æQð' | q_to_nul >a &&
+	git add a &&
+	git commit -m.
+# Simple fixed-string matching that can use kwset (no -i && non-ASCII)
+nul_match P P P '-F' 'yQf'
+nul_match P P P '-F' 'yQx'
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' 'YQf'
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' 'YQx'
+nul_match P P 1 '' 'yQf'
+nul_match P P 0 '' 'yQx'
+nul_match P P 1 '' 'æQð'
+nul_match P P P '-F' 'eQm[*]c'
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' 'EQM[*]C'
+# Regex patterns that would match but shouldn't with -F
+nul_match P P P '-F' 'yQ[f]'
+nul_match P P P '-F' '[y]Qf'
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' 'YQ[F]'
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' '[Y]QF'
+nul_match P P P '-F' 'æQ[ð]'
+nul_match P P P '-F' '[æ]Qð'
+# The -F kwset codepath can't handle -i && non-ASCII...
+nul_match P 1 1 '-i' '[æ]Qð'
+# ...PCRE v2 only matches non-ASCII with -i casefolding under UTF-8
+# semantics
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' 'ÆQ[Ð]'
+nul_match P 0 1 '-i'  'ÆQ[Ð]'
+nul_match P 0 1 '-i'  '[Æ]QÐ'
+nul_match P 0 1 '-i' '[Æ]Qð'
+nul_match P 0 1 '-i' 'ÆQÐ'
+# \0 in regexes can only work with -P & PCRE v2
+nul_match P P 1 '' 'yQ[f]'
+nul_match P P 1 '' '[y]Qf'
+nul_match P P 1 '-i' 'YQ[F]'
+nul_match P P 1 '-i' '[Y]Qf'
+nul_match P P 1 '' 'æQ[ð]'
+nul_match P P 1 '' '[æ]Qð'
+nul_match P P 1 '-i' 'ÆQ[Ð]'
+nul_match P P 1 '' 'eQm.*cQ'
+nul_match P P 1 '-i' 'EQM.*cQ'
+nul_match P P 0 '' 'eQm[*]c'
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' 'EQM[*]C'
+# Assert that we're using REG_STARTEND and the pattern doesn't match
+# just because it's cut off at the first \0.
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' 'NOMATCHQð'
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' '[Æ]QNOMATCH'
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' '[æ]QNOMATCH'
+# Ensure that the matcher doesn't regress to something that stops at
+# \0
+nul_match P P P '-F' 'yQ[f]'
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' 'YQ[F]'
+nul_match P P 0 '' 'yQNOMATCH'
+nul_match P P 0 '' 'QNOMATCH'
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' 'YQNOMATCH'
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' 'QNOMATCH'
+nul_match P P P '-F' 'æQ[ð]'
+nul_match P P P '-Fi' 'ÆQ[Ð]'
+nul_match P P 1 '-i' 'ÆQ[Ð]'
+nul_match P P 0 '' 'yQNÓMATCH'
+nul_match P P 0 '' 'QNÓMATCH'
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' 'YQNÓMATCH'
+nul_match P P 0 '-i' 'QNÓMATCH'
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 141b7fa..e707fb8 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -85,6 +85,36 @@
 	An annotated tag that annotates a blob.
+	tag to-be-deleted
+	from :3
+	data <<EOF
+	Another annotated tag that annotates a blob.
+	reset refs/tags/to-be-deleted
+	from 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	tag nested
+	mark :6
+	from :4
+	data <<EOF
+	Tag of our lovely commit
+	reset refs/tags/nested
+	from 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+	tag nested
+	mark :7
+	from :6
+	data <<EOF
+	Tag of tag of our lovely commit
+	alias
+	mark :8
+	to :5
 	git fast-import --export-marks=marks.out <input &&
 	git whatchanged master
@@ -157,12 +187,19 @@
 	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'A: verify tag deletion is successful' '
+	test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify refs/tags/to-be-deleted
 test_expect_success 'A: verify marks output' '
 	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
 	:2 $(git rev-parse --verify master:file2)
 	:3 $(git rev-parse --verify master:file3)
 	:4 $(git rev-parse --verify master:file4)
 	:5 $(git rev-parse --verify master^0)
+	:6 $(git cat-file tag nested | grep object | cut -d" " -f 2)
+	:7 $(git rev-parse --verify nested)
+	:8 $(git rev-parse --verify master^0)
 	test_cmp expect marks.out
@@ -2781,7 +2818,6 @@
 	M 100644 :403x hello.c
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "space after mark" err
@@ -2798,7 +2834,6 @@
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "nvalid dataref" err
@@ -2812,7 +2847,6 @@
 	M 100644 ${sha1}x hello.c
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "space after SHA1" err
@@ -2828,7 +2862,6 @@
 	N :202x :302
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "space after mark" err
@@ -2844,7 +2877,6 @@
 	note blob
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "nvalid dataref" err
@@ -2858,7 +2890,6 @@
 	N ${sha1}x :302
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "space after SHA1" err
@@ -2874,7 +2905,6 @@
 	N :202 :302x
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
@@ -2908,7 +2938,6 @@
 	# now evaluate the error
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
@@ -2928,7 +2957,6 @@
 	merge :303x
 	M 100644 :403 hello.c
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
@@ -2944,7 +2972,6 @@
 	tag S
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
@@ -2955,7 +2982,6 @@
 	test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
 	cat-blob :403x
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "after mark" err
@@ -2966,7 +2992,6 @@
 	test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
 	ls :302x hello.c
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "space after mark" err
@@ -2975,7 +3000,6 @@
 	test_must_fail git fast-import --import-marks=marks <<-EOF 2>err &&
 	ls ${sha1}x hello.c
-	cat err &&
 	test_i18ngrep "space after tree-ish" err
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index b4004e0..2e4e214 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -53,6 +53,33 @@
+test_expect_success 'fast-export ^muss^{commit} muss' '
+	git fast-export --tag-of-filtered-object=rewrite ^muss^{commit} muss >actual &&
+	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
+	tag muss
+	from $(git rev-parse --verify muss^{commit})
+	$(git cat-file tag muss | grep tagger)
+	data 9
+	valentin
+	test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'fast-export --mark-tags ^muss^{commit} muss' '
+	git fast-export --mark-tags --tag-of-filtered-object=rewrite ^muss^{commit} muss >actual &&
+	cat >expected <<-EOF &&
+	tag muss
+	mark :1
+	from $(git rev-parse --verify muss^{commit})
+	$(git cat-file tag muss | grep tagger)
+	data 9
+	valentin
+	test_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'fast-export master~2..master' '
 	git fast-export master~2..master >actual &&
@@ -513,10 +540,41 @@
 # NEEDSWORK: not just check return status, but validate the output
+# Note that these tests DO NOTHING other than print a warning that
+# they are ommitting the one tag we asked them to export (because the
+# tags resolve to a tree).  They exist just to make sure we do not
+# abort but instead just warn.
 test_expect_success 'tree_tag-obj'    'git fast-export tree_tag-obj'
 test_expect_success 'tag-obj_tag'     'git fast-export tag-obj_tag'
 test_expect_success 'tag-obj_tag-obj' 'git fast-export tag-obj_tag-obj'
+test_expect_success 'handling tags of blobs' '
+	git tag -a -m "Tag of a blob" blobtag $(git rev-parse master:file) &&
+	git fast-export blobtag >actual &&
+	cat >expect <<-EOF &&
+	blob
+	mark :1
+	data 9
+	die Luft
+	tag blobtag
+	from :1
+	data 14
+	Tag of a blob
+	test_cmp expect actual
+test_expect_success 'handling nested tags' '
+	git tag -a -m "This is a nested tag" nested muss &&
+	git fast-export --mark-tags nested >output &&
+	grep "^from $ZERO_OID$" output &&
+	grep "^tag nested$" output >tag_lines &&
+	test_line_count = 2 tag_lines
 test_expect_success 'directory becomes symlink'        '
 	git init dirtosymlink &&
 	git init result &&
@@ -567,17 +625,15 @@
 test_expect_success 'test bidirectionality' '
-	>marks-cur &&
-	>marks-new &&
 	git init marks-test &&
-	git fast-export --export-marks=marks-cur --import-marks=marks-cur --branches | \
-	git --git-dir=marks-test/.git fast-import --export-marks=marks-new --import-marks=marks-new &&
+	git fast-export --export-marks=marks-cur --import-marks-if-exists=marks-cur --branches | \
+	git --git-dir=marks-test/.git fast-import --export-marks=marks-new --import-marks-if-exists=marks-new &&
 	(cd marks-test &&
 	git reset --hard &&
 	echo Wohlauf > file &&
 	git commit -a -m "back in time") &&
-	git --git-dir=marks-test/.git fast-export --export-marks=marks-new --import-marks=marks-new --branches | \
-	git fast-import --export-marks=marks-cur --import-marks=marks-cur
+	git --git-dir=marks-test/.git fast-export --export-marks=marks-new --import-marks-if-exists=marks-new --branches | \
+	git fast-import --export-marks=marks-cur --import-marks-if-exists=marks-cur
 cat > expected << EOF
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 43cf313..54f8ce1 100755
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
 # (2) A test makes sure that common subcommands are included in the
 #     completion for "git <TAB>", and a plumbing is excluded.  "add",
-#     "filter-branch" and "ls-files" are listed for this.
+#     "rebase" and "ls-files" are listed for this.
-GIT_TESTING_ALL_COMMAND_LIST='add checkout check-attr filter-branch ls-files'
-GIT_TESTING_PORCELAIN_COMMAND_LIST='add checkout filter-branch'
+GIT_TESTING_ALL_COMMAND_LIST='add checkout check-attr rebase ls-files'
 . "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash"
@@ -1392,12 +1392,12 @@
 	# built-in
 	grep -q "^add \$" out &&
 	# script
-	grep -q "^filter-branch \$" out &&
+	grep -q "^rebase \$" out &&
 	# plumbing
 	! grep -q "^ls-files \$" out &&
-	run_completion "git f" &&
-	! grep -q -v "^f" out
+	run_completion "git r" &&
+	! grep -q -v "^r" out
 test_expect_success 'double dash "git" itself' '
@@ -1698,6 +1698,69 @@
+test_expect_success 'git config - section' '
+	test_completion "git config br" <<-\EOF
+	branch.Z
+	browser.Z
+test_expect_success 'git config - variable name' '
+	test_completion "git config log.d" <<-\EOF
+ Z
+	log.decorate Z
+test_expect_success 'git config - value' '
+	test_completion "git config color.pager " <<-\EOF
+	false Z
+	true Z
+test_expect_success 'git -c - section' '
+	test_completion "git -c br" <<-\EOF
+	branch.Z
+	browser.Z
+test_expect_success 'git -c - variable name' '
+	test_completion "git -c log.d" <<-\EOF
+	log.decorate=Z
+test_expect_success 'git -c - value' '
+	test_completion "git -c color.pager=" <<-\EOF
+	false Z
+	true Z
+test_expect_success 'git clone --config= - section' '
+	test_completion "git clone --config=br" <<-\EOF
+	branch.Z
+	browser.Z
+test_expect_success 'git clone --config= - variable name' '
+	test_completion "git clone --config=log.d" <<-\EOF
+	log.decorate=Z
+test_expect_success 'git clone --config= - value' '
+	test_completion "git clone --config=color.pager=" <<-\EOF
+	false Z
+	true Z
 test_expect_success 'sourcing the completion script clears cached commands' '
 	__git_compute_all_commands &&
 	verbose test -n "$__git_all_commands" &&
@@ -1706,7 +1769,7 @@
 test_expect_success 'sourcing the completion script clears cached merge strategies' '
 	__git_compute_merge_strategies &&
 	verbose test -n "$__git_merge_strategies" &&
 	. "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash" &&
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index 7308f67..b299ecc 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -228,9 +228,134 @@
 # can be a tag pointing to the commit-to-merge.
 test_merge () {
+	label="$1" &&
+	shift &&
 	test_tick &&
-	git merge -m "$1" "$2" &&
-	git tag "$1"
+	git merge -m "$label" "$@" &&
+	git tag "$label"
+# Efficiently create <nr> commits, each with a unique number (from 1 to <nr>
+# by default) in the commit message.
+# Usage: test_commit_bulk [options] <nr>
+#   -C <dir>:
+#	Run all git commands in directory <dir>
+#   --ref=<n>:
+#	ref on which to create commits (default: HEAD)
+#   --start=<n>:
+#	number commit messages from <n> (default: 1)
+#   --message=<msg>:
+#	use <msg> as the commit mesasge (default: "commit %s")
+#   --filename=<fn>:
+#	modify <fn> in each commit (default: %s.t)
+#   --contents=<string>:
+#	place <string> in each file (default: "content %s")
+#   --id=<string>:
+#	shorthand to use <string> and %s in message, filename, and contents
+# The message, filename, and contents strings are evaluated by printf, with the
+# first "%s" replaced by the current commit number. So you can do:
+#   test_commit_bulk --filename=file --contents="modification %s"
+# to have every commit touch the same file, but with unique content.
+test_commit_bulk () {
+	tmpfile=.bulk-commit.input
+	indir=.
+	ref=HEAD
+	n=1
+	message='commit %s'
+	filename='%s.t'
+	contents='content %s'
+	while test $# -gt 0
+	do
+		case "$1" in
+		-C)
+			indir=$2
+			shift
+			;;
+		--ref=*)
+			ref=${1#--*=}
+			;;
+		--start=*)
+			n=${1#--*=}
+			;;
+		--message=*)
+			message=${1#--*=}
+			;;
+		--filename=*)
+			filename=${1#--*=}
+			;;
+		--contents=*)
+			contents=${1#--*=}
+			;;
+		--id=*)
+			message="${1#--*=} %s"
+			filename="${1#--*=}-%s.t"
+			contents="${1#--*=} %s"
+			;;
+		-*)
+			BUG "invalid test_commit_bulk option: $1"
+			;;
+		*)
+			break
+			;;
+		esac
+		shift
+	done
+	total=$1
+	add_from=
+	if git -C "$indir" rev-parse --verify "$ref"
+	then
+		add_from=t
+	fi
+	while test "$total" -gt 0
+	do
+		test_tick &&
+		echo "commit $ref"
+		printf 'author %s <%s> %s\n' \
+		printf 'committer %s <%s> %s\n' \
+		echo "data <<EOF"
+		printf "$message\n" $n
+		echo "EOF"
+		if test -n "$add_from"
+		then
+			echo "from $ref^0"
+			add_from=
+		fi
+		printf "M 644 inline $filename\n" $n
+		echo "data <<EOF"
+		printf "$contents\n" $n
+		echo "EOF"
+		echo
+		n=$((n + 1))
+		total=$((total - 1))
+	done >"$tmpfile"
+	git -C "$indir" \
+	    -c fastimport.unpacklimit=0 \
+	    fast-import <"$tmpfile" || return 1
+	# This will be left in place on failure, which may aid debugging.
+	rm -f "$tmpfile"
+	# If we updated HEAD, then be nice and update the index and working
+	# tree, too.
+	if test "$ref" = "HEAD"
+	then
+		git -C "$indir" checkout -f HEAD || return 1
+	fi
 # This function helps systems where core.filemode=false is set.
@@ -309,7 +434,7 @@
 test_set_prereq () {
-	if test -n "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS"
 		case "$1" in
 		# The "!" case is handled below with
@@ -457,7 +582,7 @@
 	export test_prereq
 	if ! test_skip "$@"
-		say >&3 "checking known breakage: $2"
+		say >&3 "checking known breakage of $TEST_NUMBER.$test_count '$1': $2"
 		if test_run_ "$2" expecting_failure
 			test_known_broken_ok_ "$1"
@@ -477,7 +602,7 @@
 	export test_prereq
 	if ! test_skip "$@"
-		say >&3 "expecting success: $2"
+		say >&3 "expecting success of $TEST_NUMBER.$test_count '$1': $2"
 		if test_run_ "$2"
 			test_ok_ "$1"
@@ -1050,62 +1175,20 @@
 	command "$PERL_PATH" "$@" 2>&7
 } 7>&2 2>&4
-# Is the value one of the various ways to spell a boolean true/false?
-test_normalize_bool () {
-	git -c magic.variable="$1" config --bool magic.variable 2>/dev/null
-# Given a variable $1, normalize the value of it to one of "true",
-# "false", or "auto" and store the result to it.
-#     test_tristate GIT_TEST_HTTPD
-# A variable set to an empty string is set to 'false'.
-# A variable set to 'false' or 'auto' keeps its value.
-# Anything else is set to 'true'.
-# An unset variable defaults to 'auto'.
-# The last rule is to allow people to set the variable to an empty
-# string and export it to decline testing the particular feature
-# for versions both before and after this change.  We used to treat
-# both unset and empty variable as a signal for "do not test" and
-# took any non-empty string as "please test".
-test_tristate () {
-	if eval "test x\"\${$1+isset}\" = xisset"
-	then
-		# explicitly set
-		eval "
-			case \"\$$1\" in
-			'')	$1=false ;;
-			auto)	;;
-			*)	$1=\$(test_normalize_bool \$$1 || echo true) ;;
-			esac
-		"
-	else
-		eval "$1=auto"
-	fi
 # Exit the test suite, either by skipping all remaining tests or by
-# exiting with an error. If "$1" is "auto", we then we assume we were
-# opportunistically trying to set up some tests and we skip. If it is
-# "true", then we report a failure.
+# exiting with an error. If our prerequisite variable $1 falls back
+# on a default assume we were opportunistically trying to set up some
+# tests and we skip. If it is explicitly "true", then we report a failure.
 # The error/skip message should be given by $2.
 test_skip_or_die () {
-	case "$1" in
-	auto)
+	if ! git env--helper --type=bool --default=false --exit-code $1
+	then
-		;;
-	true)
-		error "$2"
-		;;
-	*)
-		error "BUG: test tristate is '$1' (real error: $2)"
-	esac
+	fi
+	error "$2"
 # The following mingw_* functions obey POSIX shell syntax, but are actually
@@ -1349,6 +1432,13 @@
 	eval "printf '%s' \"\${$var}\""
+# Insert a slash into an object ID so it can be used to reference a location
+# under ".git/objects".  For example, "deadbeef..." becomes "de/adbeef..".
+test_oid_to_path () {
+	local basename=${1#??}
+	echo "${1%$basename}/$basename"
 # Choose a port number based on the test script's number and store it in
 # the given variable name, unless that variable already contains a number.
 test_set_port () {
diff --git a/t/ b/t/
index d1ba337..e06fa02 100644
--- a/t/
+++ b/t/
@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@
 TEST_NAME="$(basename "$0" .sh)"
@@ -507,6 +509,9 @@
+# Single quote
 # UTF-8 ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER, which HFS+ ignores
 # when case-folding filenames
 u200c=$(printf '\342\200\214')
@@ -567,6 +572,7 @@
 error () {
 	say_color error "error: $*"
+	finalize_junit_xml
 	exit 1
@@ -695,7 +701,7 @@
 	say_color error "not ok $test_count - $1"
 	printf '%s\n' "$*" | sed -e 's/^/#	/'
-	test "$immediate" = "" || { GIT_EXIT_OK=t; exit 1; }
+	test "$immediate" = "" || { finalize_junit_xml; GIT_EXIT_OK=t; exit 1; }
 test_known_broken_ok_ () {
@@ -1063,6 +1069,25 @@
+finalize_junit_xml () {
+	if test -n "$write_junit_xml" && test -n "$junit_xml_path"
+	then
+		test -n "$junit_have_testcase" || {
+			junit_start=$(test-tool date getnanos)
+			write_junit_xml_testcase "all tests skipped"
+		}
+		# adjust the overall time
+		junit_time=$(test-tool date getnanos $junit_suite_start)
+		sed "s/<testsuite [^>]*/& time=\"$junit_time\"/" \
+			<"$junit_xml_path" >"$"
+		mv "$" "$junit_xml_path"
+		write_junit_xml "  </testsuite>" "</testsuites>"
+		write_junit_xml=
+	fi
 test_atexit_handler () {
 	# In a succeeding test script 'test_atexit_handler' is invoked
@@ -1085,21 +1110,7 @@
 	# removed, so the commands can access pidfiles and socket files.
-	if test -n "$write_junit_xml" && test -n "$junit_xml_path"
-	then
-		test -n "$junit_have_testcase" || {
-			junit_start=$(test-tool date getnanos)
-			write_junit_xml_testcase "all tests skipped"
-		}
-		# adjust the overall time
-		junit_time=$(test-tool date getnanos $junit_suite_start)
-		sed "s/<testsuite [^>]*/& time=\"$junit_time\"/" \
-			<"$junit_xml_path" >"$"
-		mv "$" "$junit_xml_path"
-		write_junit_xml "  </testsuite>" "</testsuites>"
-	fi
+	finalize_junit_xml
 	if test -z "$HARNESS_ACTIVE"
@@ -1388,6 +1399,25 @@
+# The GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS code hooks into test_set_prereq(), and
+# thus needs to be set up really early, and set an internal variable
+# for convenience so the hot test_set_prereq() codepath doesn't need
+# to call "git env--helper". Only do that work if needed by seeing if
+# GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS is set at all.
+if test -n "$GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS"
+	if git env--helper --type=bool --default=0 --exit-code GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS
+	then
+		test_set_prereq FAIL_PREREQS
+	fi
+	test_lazy_prereq FAIL_PREREQS '
+		git env--helper --type=bool --default=0 --exit-code GIT_TEST_FAIL_PREREQS
+	'
 # Fix some commands on Windows
 uname_s=$(uname -s)
 case $uname_s in
@@ -1442,11 +1472,9 @@
-# Can we rely on git's output in the C locale?
-	test_set_prereq C_LOCALE_OUTPUT
+test_lazy_prereq C_LOCALE_OUTPUT '
+	! git env--helper --type=bool --default=0 --exit-code GIT_TEST_GETTEXT_POISON
@@ -1606,7 +1634,3 @@
 test_lazy_prereq REBASE_P '
-test_lazy_prereq FAIL_PREREQS '
diff --git a/tag.c b/tag.c
index 5db870e..bfa0e31 100644
--- a/tag.c
+++ b/tag.c
@@ -212,3 +212,10 @@
 	return ret;
+struct object_id *get_tagged_oid(struct tag *tag)
+	if (!tag->tagged)
+		die("bad tag");
+	return &tag->tagged->oid;
diff --git a/tag.h b/tag.h
index 03265fb..3ce8e72 100644
--- a/tag.h
+++ b/tag.h
@@ -19,5 +19,6 @@
 struct object *deref_tag_noverify(struct object *);
 int gpg_verify_tag(const struct object_id *oid,
 		   const char *name_to_report, unsigned flags);
+struct object_id *get_tagged_oid(struct tag *tag);
 #endif /* TAG_H */
diff --git a/templates/hooks--pre-merge-commit.sample b/templates/hooks--pre-merge-commit.sample
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..399eab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/hooks--pre-merge-commit.sample
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
+# Called by "git merge" with no arguments.  The hook should
+# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message to
+# stderr if it wants to stop the merge commit.
+# To enable this hook, rename this file to "pre-merge-commit".
+. git-sh-setup
+test -x "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-commit" &&
+        exec "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-commit"
diff --git a/trace.c b/trace.c
index fa4a2e7..b3ef0e6 100644
--- a/trace.c
+++ b/trace.c
@@ -88,8 +88,6 @@
 	if (!trace_want(key))
 		return 0;
-	set_try_to_free_routine(NULL);	/* is never reset */
 	/* unit tests may want to disable additional trace output */
 	if (trace_want(&trace_bare))
 		return 1;
diff --git a/trace2/tr2_dst.c b/trace2/tr2_dst.c
index 5dda0ca..ae052a0 100644
--- a/trace2/tr2_dst.c
+++ b/trace2/tr2_dst.c
@@ -8,6 +8,19 @@
+ * Sentinel file used to detect when we should discard new traces to avoid
+ * writing too many trace files to a directory.
+ */
+#define DISCARD_SENTINEL_NAME "git-trace2-discard"
+ * When set to zero, disables directory file count checks. Otherwise, controls
+ * how many files we can write to a directory before entering discard mode.
+ * This can be overridden via the TR2_SYSENV_MAX_FILES setting.
+ */
+static int tr2env_max_files = 0;
 static int tr2_dst_want_warning(void)
 	static int tr2env_dst_debug = -1;
@@ -32,9 +45,75 @@
 	dst->need_close = 0;
+ * Check to make sure we're not overloading the target directory with too many
+ * files. First get the threshold (if present) from the config or envvar. If
+ * it's zero or unset, disable this check. Next check for the presence of a
+ * sentinel file, then check file count.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if tracing should proceed as normal. Returns 1 if the sentinel file
+ * already exists, which means tracing should be disabled. Returns -1 if there
+ * are too many files but there was no sentinel file, which means we have
+ * created and should write traces to the sentinel file.
+ *
+ * We expect that some trace processing system is gradually collecting files
+ * from the target directory; after it removes the sentinel file we'll start
+ * writing traces again.
+ */
+static int tr2_dst_too_many_files(struct tr2_dst *dst, const char *tgt_prefix)
+	int file_count = 0, max_files = 0, ret = 0;
+	const char *max_files_var;
+	DIR *dirp;
+	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT, sentinel_path = STRBUF_INIT;
+	struct stat statbuf;
+	/* Get the config or envvar and decide if we should continue this check */
+	max_files_var = tr2_sysenv_get(TR2_SYSENV_MAX_FILES);
+	if (max_files_var && *max_files_var && ((max_files = atoi(max_files_var)) >= 0))
+		tr2env_max_files = max_files;
+	if (!tr2env_max_files) {
+		ret = 0;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	strbuf_addstr(&path, tgt_prefix);
+	if (!is_dir_sep(path.buf[path.len - 1])) {
+		strbuf_addch(&path, '/');
+	}
+	/* check sentinel */
+	strbuf_addbuf(&sentinel_path, &path);
+	strbuf_addstr(&sentinel_path, DISCARD_SENTINEL_NAME);
+	if (!stat(sentinel_path.buf, &statbuf)) {
+		ret = 1;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	/* check file count */
+	dirp = opendir(path.buf);
+	while (file_count < tr2env_max_files && dirp && readdir(dirp))
+		file_count++;
+	if (dirp)
+		closedir(dirp);
+	if (file_count >= tr2env_max_files) {
+		dst->too_many_files = 1;
+		dst->fd = open(sentinel_path.buf, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666);
+		ret = -1;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}
+	strbuf_release(&path);
+	strbuf_release(&sentinel_path);
+	return ret;
 static int tr2_dst_try_auto_path(struct tr2_dst *dst, const char *tgt_prefix)
-	int fd;
+	int too_many_files;
 	const char *last_slash, *sid = tr2_sid_get();
 	struct strbuf path = STRBUF_INIT;
 	size_t base_path_len;
@@ -50,18 +129,29 @@
 	strbuf_addstr(&path, sid);
 	base_path_len = path.len;
-	for (attempt_count = 0; attempt_count < MAX_AUTO_ATTEMPTS; attempt_count++) {
-		if (attempt_count > 0) {
-			strbuf_setlen(&path, base_path_len);
-			strbuf_addf(&path, ".%d", attempt_count);
-		}
+	too_many_files = tr2_dst_too_many_files(dst, tgt_prefix);
+	if (!too_many_files) {
+		for (attempt_count = 0; attempt_count < MAX_AUTO_ATTEMPTS; attempt_count++) {
+			if (attempt_count > 0) {
+				strbuf_setlen(&path, base_path_len);
+				strbuf_addf(&path, ".%d", attempt_count);
+			}
-		fd = open(path.buf, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666);
-		if (fd != -1)
-			break;
+			dst->fd = open(path.buf, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666);
+			if (dst->fd != -1)
+				break;
+		}
+	} else if (too_many_files == 1) {
+		strbuf_release(&path);
+		if (tr2_dst_want_warning())
+			warning("trace2: not opening %s trace file due to too "
+				"many files in target directory %s",
+				tr2_sysenv_display_name(dst->sysenv_var),
+				tgt_prefix);
+		return 0;
-	if (fd == -1) {
+	if (dst->fd == -1) {
 		if (tr2_dst_want_warning())
 			warning("trace2: could not open '%.*s' for '%s' tracing: %s",
 				(int) base_path_len, path.buf,
@@ -75,7 +165,6 @@
-	dst->fd = fd;
 	dst->need_close = 1;
 	dst->initialized = 1;
@@ -215,13 +304,8 @@
 static void tr2_dst_malformed_warning(struct tr2_dst *dst,
 				      const char *tgt_value)
-	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-	strbuf_addf(&buf, "trace2: unknown value for '%s': '%s'",
-		    tr2_sysenv_display_name(dst->sysenv_var), tgt_value);
-	warning("%s", buf.buf);
-	strbuf_release(&buf);
+	warning("trace2: unknown value for '%s': '%s'",
+		tr2_sysenv_display_name(dst->sysenv_var), tgt_value);
 int tr2_dst_get_trace_fd(struct tr2_dst *dst)
diff --git a/trace2/tr2_dst.h b/trace2/tr2_dst.h
index 3adf3ba..b1a8c14 100644
--- a/trace2/tr2_dst.h
+++ b/trace2/tr2_dst.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 	int fd;
 	unsigned int initialized : 1;
 	unsigned int need_close : 1;
+	unsigned int too_many_files : 1;
diff --git a/trace2/tr2_sysenv.c b/trace2/tr2_sysenv.c
index 5958cfc..3c3792e 100644
--- a/trace2/tr2_sysenv.c
+++ b/trace2/tr2_sysenv.c
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
 				       "trace2.perftarget" },
 				       "trace2.perfbrief" },
+				       "trace2.maxfiles" },
 /* clang-format on */
diff --git a/trace2/tr2_sysenv.h b/trace2/tr2_sysenv.h
index 8dd82a7..d4364a7 100644
--- a/trace2/tr2_sysenv.h
+++ b/trace2/tr2_sysenv.h
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
diff --git a/trace2/tr2_tgt_event.c b/trace2/tr2_tgt_event.c
index c2852d1..6353e8a 100644
--- a/trace2/tr2_tgt_event.c
+++ b/trace2/tr2_tgt_event.c
@@ -10,16 +10,17 @@
 #include "trace2/tr2_tgt.h"
 #include "trace2/tr2_tls.h"
-static struct tr2_dst tr2dst_event = { TR2_SYSENV_EVENT, 0, 0, 0 };
+static struct tr2_dst tr2dst_event = { TR2_SYSENV_EVENT, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- * The version number of the JSON data generated by the EVENT target
- * in this source file.  Update this if you make a significant change
- * to the JSON fields or message structure.  You probably do not need
- * to update this if you just add another call to one of the existing
- * TRACE2 API methods.
+ * The version number of the JSON data generated by the EVENT target in this
+ * source file. The version should be incremented if new event types are added,
+ * if existing fields are removed, or if there are significant changes in
+ * interpretation of existing events or fields. Smaller changes, such as adding
+ * a new field to an existing event, do not require an increment to the EVENT
+ * format version.
-#define TR2_EVENT_VERSION "1"
+#define TR2_EVENT_VERSION "2"
  * Region nesting limit for messages written to the event target.
@@ -107,6 +108,19 @@
 		jw_object_intmax(jw, "repo", repo->trace2_repo_id);
+static void fn_too_many_files_fl(const char *file, int line)
+	const char *event_name = "too_many_files";
+	struct json_writer jw = JSON_WRITER_INIT;
+	jw_object_begin(&jw, 0);
+	event_fmt_prepare(event_name, file, line, NULL, &jw);
+	jw_end(&jw);
+	tr2_dst_write_line(&tr2dst_event, &jw.json);
+	jw_release(&jw);
 static void fn_version_fl(const char *file, int line)
 	const char *event_name = "version";
@@ -120,6 +134,9 @@
 	tr2_dst_write_line(&tr2dst_event, &jw.json);
+	if (tr2dst_event.too_many_files)
+		fn_too_many_files_fl(file, line);
 static void fn_start_fl(const char *file, int line,
@@ -205,11 +222,6 @@
-	if (fmt && *fmt) {
-		jw_object_string(jw, field_name, fmt);
-		return;
-	}
 static void fn_error_va_fl(const char *file, int line, const char *fmt,
diff --git a/trace2/tr2_tgt_normal.c b/trace2/tr2_tgt_normal.c
index 00b116d..31b602c 100644
--- a/trace2/tr2_tgt_normal.c
+++ b/trace2/tr2_tgt_normal.c
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 #include "trace2/tr2_tgt.h"
 #include "trace2/tr2_tls.h"
-static struct tr2_dst tr2dst_normal = { TR2_SYSENV_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0 };
+static struct tr2_dst tr2dst_normal = { TR2_SYSENV_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  * Use the TR2_SYSENV_NORMAL_BRIEF setting to omit the "<time> <file>:<line>"
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
 	strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "start ");
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
 	normal_io_write_fl(file, line, &buf_payload);
@@ -135,11 +135,6 @@
-	if (fmt && *fmt) {
-		strbuf_addstr(buf, fmt);
-		return;
-	}
 static void fn_error_va_fl(const char *file, int line, const char *fmt,
@@ -147,8 +142,11 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
-	strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "error ");
-	maybe_append_string_va(&buf_payload, fmt, ap);
+	strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "error");
+	if (fmt && *fmt) {
+		strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ' ');
+		maybe_append_string_va(&buf_payload, fmt, ap);
+	}
 	normal_io_write_fl(file, line, &buf_payload);
@@ -188,8 +186,8 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
-	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "alias %s ->", alias);
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "alias %s -> ", alias);
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
 	normal_io_write_fl(file, line, &buf_payload);
@@ -200,12 +198,12 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
-	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "child_start[%d] ", cmd->trace2_child_id);
+	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "child_start[%d]", cmd->trace2_child_id);
 	if (cmd->dir) {
-		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, " cd");
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, " cd ");
 		sq_quote_buf_pretty(&buf_payload, cmd->dir);
-		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "; ");
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, ";");
@@ -213,9 +211,10 @@
 	 * See trace_add_env() in run-command.c as used by original trace.c
+	strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ' ');
 	if (cmd->git_cmd)
-		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "git");
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, cmd->argv);
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "git ");
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, cmd->argv);
 	normal_io_write_fl(file, line, &buf_payload);
@@ -240,9 +239,11 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
 	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "exec[%d] ", exec_id);
-	if (exe)
+	if (exe) {
 		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, exe);
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+		strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ' ');
+	}
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
 	normal_io_write_fl(file, line, &buf_payload);
diff --git a/trace2/tr2_tgt_perf.c b/trace2/tr2_tgt_perf.c
index ea0cbbe..ffac802 100644
--- a/trace2/tr2_tgt_perf.c
+++ b/trace2/tr2_tgt_perf.c
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 #include "trace2/tr2_tgt.h"
 #include "trace2/tr2_tls.h"
-static struct tr2_dst tr2dst_perf = { TR2_SYSENV_PERF, 0, 0, 0 };
+static struct tr2_dst tr2dst_perf = { TR2_SYSENV_PERF, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  * Use TR2_SYSENV_PERF_BRIEF to omit the "<time> <file>:<line>"
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 static int tr2env_perf_be_brief;
-#define TR2FMT_PERF_FL_WIDTH (50)
+#define TR2FMT_PERF_FL_WIDTH (28)
 #define TR2_DOTS_BUFFER_SIZE (100)
 #define TR2_INDENT (2)
@@ -79,17 +79,36 @@
 	if (!tr2env_perf_be_brief) {
 		struct tr2_tbuf tb_now;
+		size_t fl_end_col;
 		strbuf_addstr(buf, tb_now.buf);
 		strbuf_addch(buf, ' ');
-		if (file && *file)
-			strbuf_addf(buf, "%s:%d ", file, line);
-		while (buf->len < TR2FMT_PERF_FL_WIDTH)
+		fl_end_col = buf->len + TR2FMT_PERF_FL_WIDTH;
+		if (file && *file) {
+			struct strbuf buf_fl = STRBUF_INIT;
+			strbuf_addf(&buf_fl, "%s:%d", file, line);
+			if (buf_fl.len <= TR2FMT_PERF_FL_WIDTH)
+				strbuf_addbuf(buf, &buf_fl);
+			else {
+				size_t avail = TR2FMT_PERF_FL_WIDTH - 3;
+				strbuf_addstr(buf, "...");
+				strbuf_add(buf,
+					   &buf_fl.buf[buf_fl.len - avail],
+					   avail);
+			}
+			strbuf_release(&buf_fl);
+		}
+		while (buf->len < fl_end_col)
 			strbuf_addch(buf, ' ');
-		strbuf_addstr(buf, "| ");
+		strbuf_addstr(buf, " | ");
 	strbuf_addf(buf, "d%d | ", tr2_sid_depth());
@@ -102,7 +121,7 @@
 		strbuf_addf(buf, "r%d ", repo->trace2_repo_id);
 	while (buf->len < len)
 		strbuf_addch(buf, ' ');
-	strbuf_addstr(buf, "| ");
+	strbuf_addstr(buf, " | ");
 	if (p_us_elapsed_absolute)
 		strbuf_addf(buf, "%9.6f | ",
@@ -116,8 +135,8 @@
 		strbuf_addf(buf, "%9s | ", " ");
-	strbuf_addf(buf, "%-*s | ", TR2FMT_PERF_CATEGORY_WIDTH,
-		    (category ? category : ""));
+	strbuf_addf(buf, "%-*.*s | ", TR2FMT_PERF_CATEGORY_WIDTH,
+		    TR2FMT_PERF_CATEGORY_WIDTH, (category ? category : ""));
 	if (ctx->nr_open_regions > 0) {
 		int len_indent = TR2_INDENT_LENGTH(ctx);
@@ -165,7 +184,7 @@
 	const char *event_name = "start";
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
 	perf_io_write_fl(file, line, event_name, NULL, &us_elapsed_absolute,
 			 NULL, NULL, &buf_payload);
@@ -220,11 +239,6 @@
-	if (fmt && *fmt) {
-		strbuf_addstr(buf, fmt);
-		return;
-	}
 static void fn_error_va_fl(const char *file, int line, const char *fmt,
@@ -285,8 +299,9 @@
 	const char *event_name = "alias";
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
-	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "alias:%s argv:", alias);
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "alias:%s argv:[", alias);
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+	strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ']');
 	perf_io_write_fl(file, line, event_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
@@ -315,10 +330,14 @@
 		sq_quote_buf_pretty(&buf_payload, cmd->dir);
-	strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, " argv:");
-	if (cmd->git_cmd)
-		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, " git");
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, cmd->argv);
+	strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, " argv:[");
+	if (cmd->git_cmd) {
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "git");
+		if (cmd->argv[0])
+			strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ' ');
+	}
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, cmd->argv);
+	strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ']');
 	perf_io_write_fl(file, line, event_name, NULL, &us_elapsed_absolute,
 			 NULL, NULL, &buf_payload);
@@ -369,10 +388,14 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
 	strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "id:%d ", exec_id);
-	strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "argv:");
-	if (exe)
-		strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, " %s", exe);
-	sq_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+	strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, "argv:[");
+	if (exe) {
+		strbuf_addstr(&buf_payload, exe);
+		if (argv[0])
+			strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ' ');
+	}
+	sq_append_quote_argv_pretty(&buf_payload, argv);
+	strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ']');
 	perf_io_write_fl(file, line, event_name, NULL, &us_elapsed_absolute,
 			 NULL, NULL, &buf_payload);
@@ -433,8 +456,11 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
 	if (label)
-		strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "label:%s ", label);
-	maybe_append_string_va(&buf_payload, fmt, ap);
+		strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "label:%s", label);
+	if (fmt && *fmt) {
+		strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ' ');
+		maybe_append_string_va(&buf_payload, fmt, ap);
+	}
 	perf_io_write_fl(file, line, event_name, repo, &us_elapsed_absolute,
 			 NULL, category, &buf_payload);
@@ -450,8 +476,11 @@
 	struct strbuf buf_payload = STRBUF_INIT;
 	if (label)
-		strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "label:%s ", label);
-	maybe_append_string_va(&buf_payload, fmt, ap);
+		strbuf_addf(&buf_payload, "label:%s", label);
+	if (fmt && *fmt) {
+		strbuf_addch(&buf_payload, ' ' );
+		maybe_append_string_va(&buf_payload, fmt, ap);
+	}
 	perf_io_write_fl(file, line, event_name, repo, &us_elapsed_absolute,
 			 &us_elapsed_region, category, &buf_payload);
diff --git a/transport-helper.c b/transport-helper.c
index c7e17ec..a9d6902 100644
--- a/transport-helper.c
+++ b/transport-helper.c
@@ -33,6 +33,16 @@
 		check_connectivity : 1,
 		no_disconnect_req : 1,
 		no_private_update : 1;
+	/*
+	 * As an optimization, the transport code may invoke fetch before
+	 * get_refs_list. If this happens, and if the transport helper doesn't
+	 * support connect or stateless_connect, we need to invoke
+	 * get_refs_list ourselves if we haven't already done so. Keep track of
+	 * whether we have invoked get_refs_list.
+	 */
+	unsigned get_refs_list_called : 1;
 	char *export_marks;
 	char *import_marks;
 	/* These go from remote name (as in "list") to private name */
@@ -652,17 +662,25 @@
 	return 0;
+static struct ref *get_refs_list_using_list(struct transport *transport,
+					    int for_push);
 static int fetch(struct transport *transport,
 		 int nr_heads, struct ref **to_fetch)
 	struct helper_data *data = transport->data;
 	int i, count;
+	get_helper(transport);
 	if (process_connect(transport, 0)) {
 		return transport->vtable->fetch(transport, nr_heads, to_fetch);
+	if (!data->get_refs_list_called)
+		get_refs_list_using_list(transport, 0);
 	count = 0;
 	for (i = 0; i < nr_heads; i++)
 		if (!(to_fetch[i]->status & REF_STATUS_UPTODATE))
@@ -682,13 +700,9 @@
 		set_helper_option(transport, "update-shallow", "true");
 	if (data->transport_options.filter_options.choice) {
-		struct strbuf expanded_filter_spec = STRBUF_INIT;
-		expand_list_objects_filter_spec(
-			&data->transport_options.filter_options,
-			&expanded_filter_spec);
-		set_helper_option(transport, "filter",
-				  expanded_filter_spec.buf);
-		strbuf_release(&expanded_filter_spec);
+		const char *spec = expand_list_objects_filter_spec(
+			&data->transport_options.filter_options);
+		set_helper_option(transport, "filter", spec);
 	if (data->transport_options.negotiation_tips)
@@ -840,6 +854,10 @@
 			die(_("helper %s does not support --signed=if-asked"), name);
+		if (set_helper_option(transport, TRANS_OPT_ATOMIC, "true") != 0)
+			die(_("helper %s does not support --atomic"), name);
 		struct string_list_item *item;
 		for_each_string_list_item(item, transport->push_options)
@@ -853,6 +871,7 @@
 	int force_all = flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_FORCE;
 	int mirror = flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_MIRROR;
+	int atomic = flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_ATOMIC;
 	struct helper_data *data = transport->data;
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
 	struct ref *ref;
@@ -872,6 +891,11 @@
+			if (atomic) {
+				string_list_clear(&cas_options, 0);
+				return 0;
+			} else
+				continue;
@@ -1053,6 +1077,19 @@
 static struct ref *get_refs_list(struct transport *transport, int for_push,
 				 const struct argv_array *ref_prefixes)
+	get_helper(transport);
+	if (process_connect(transport, for_push)) {
+		do_take_over(transport);
+		return transport->vtable->get_refs_list(transport, for_push, ref_prefixes);
+	}
+	return get_refs_list_using_list(transport, for_push);
+static struct ref *get_refs_list_using_list(struct transport *transport,
+					    int for_push)
 	struct helper_data *data = transport->data;
 	struct child_process *helper;
 	struct ref *ret = NULL;
@@ -1060,13 +1097,9 @@
 	struct ref *posn;
 	struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
+	data->get_refs_list_called = 1;
 	helper = get_helper(transport);
-	if (process_connect(transport, for_push)) {
-		do_take_over(transport);
-		return transport->vtable->get_refs_list(transport, for_push, ref_prefixes);
-	}
 	if (data->push && for_push)
 		write_str_in_full(helper->in, "list for-push\n");
@@ -1113,7 +1146,6 @@
 static struct transport_vtable vtable = {
-	0,
diff --git a/transport-internal.h b/transport-internal.h
index 004bee5..1cde625 100644
--- a/transport-internal.h
+++ b/transport-internal.h
@@ -7,12 +7,6 @@
 struct transport_vtable {
-	 * This transport supports the fetch() function being called
-	 * without get_refs_list() first being called.
-	 */
-	unsigned fetch_without_list : 1;
-	/**
 	 * Returns 0 if successful, positive if the option is not
 	 * recognized or is inapplicable, and negative if the option
 	 * is applicable but the value is invalid.
diff --git a/transport.c b/transport.c
index 2def5a0..83379a0 100644
--- a/transport.c
+++ b/transport.c
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
 struct bundle_transport_data {
 	int fd;
 	struct bundle_header header;
+	unsigned get_refs_from_bundle_called : 1;
 static struct ref *get_refs_from_bundle(struct transport *transport,
@@ -135,6 +136,8 @@
 	if (for_push)
 		return NULL;
+	data->get_refs_from_bundle_called = 1;
 	if (data->fd > 0)
 	data->fd = read_bundle_header(transport->url, &data->header);
@@ -154,6 +157,9 @@
 			       int nr_heads, struct ref **to_fetch)
 	struct bundle_transport_data *data = transport->data;
+	if (!data->get_refs_from_bundle_called)
+		get_refs_from_bundle(transport, 0, NULL);
 	return unbundle(the_repository, &data->header, data->fd,
 			transport->progress ? BUNDLE_VERBOSE : 0);
@@ -224,6 +230,7 @@
 		opts->no_dependents = !!value;
 		return 0;
 	} else if (!strcmp(name, TRANS_OPT_LIST_OBJECTS_FILTER)) {
+		list_objects_filter_die_if_populated(&opts->filter_options);
 		parse_list_objects_filter(&opts->filter_options, value);
 		return 0;
@@ -742,7 +749,6 @@
 static struct transport_vtable taken_over_vtable = {
-	1,
@@ -892,7 +898,6 @@
 static struct transport_vtable bundle_vtable = {
-	0,
@@ -902,7 +907,6 @@
 static struct transport_vtable builtin_smart_vtable = {
-	1,
@@ -1141,8 +1145,10 @@
 		refspec_ref_prefixes(rs, &ref_prefixes);
+		trace2_region_enter("transport_push", "get_refs_list", r);
 		remote_refs = transport->vtable->get_refs_list(transport, 1,
+		trace2_region_leave("transport_push", "get_refs_list", r);
@@ -1178,6 +1184,7 @@
 			struct ref *ref = remote_refs;
 			struct oid_array commits = OID_ARRAY_INIT;
+			trace2_region_enter("transport_push", "push_submodules", r);
 			for (; ref; ref = ref->next)
 				if (!is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid))
@@ -1190,9 +1197,11 @@
 						      pretend)) {
+				trace2_region_leave("transport_push", "push_submodules", r);
 				die(_("failed to push all needed submodules"));
+			trace2_region_leave("transport_push", "push_submodules", r);
@@ -1203,6 +1212,7 @@
 			struct string_list needs_pushing = STRING_LIST_INIT_DUP;
 			struct oid_array commits = OID_ARRAY_INIT;
+			trace2_region_enter("transport_push", "check_submodules", r);
 			for (; ref; ref = ref->next)
 				if (!is_null_oid(&ref->new_oid))
@@ -1213,19 +1223,37 @@
 						     &needs_pushing)) {
+				trace2_region_leave("transport_push", "check_submodules", r);
 			string_list_clear(&needs_pushing, 0);
+			trace2_region_leave("transport_push", "check_submodules", r);
+			trace2_region_enter("transport_push", "push_refs", r);
 			push_ret = transport->vtable->push_refs(transport, remote_refs, flags);
-		else
+			trace2_region_leave("transport_push", "push_refs", r);
+		} else
 			push_ret = 0;
 		err = push_had_errors(remote_refs);
 		ret = push_ret | err;
+		if ((flags & TRANSPORT_PUSH_ATOMIC) && err) {
+			struct ref *it;
+			for (it = remote_refs; it; it = it->next)
+				switch (it->status) {
+				case REF_STATUS_NONE:
+				case REF_STATUS_OK:
+					break;
+				default:
+					break;
+				}
+		}
 		if (!quiet || err)
 			transport_print_push_status(transport->url, remote_refs,
 					verbose | porcelain, porcelain,
@@ -1271,15 +1299,6 @@
 	struct ref **heads = NULL;
 	struct ref *rm;
-	if (!transport->vtable->fetch_without_list)
-		/*
-		 * Some transports (e.g. the built-in bundle transport and the
-		 * transport helper interface) do not work when fetching is
-		 * done immediately after transport creation. List the remote
-		 * refs anyway (if not already listed) as a workaround.
-		 */
-		transport_get_remote_refs(transport, NULL);
 	for (rm = refs; rm; rm = rm->next) {
 		if (rm->peer_ref &&
diff --git a/transport.h b/transport.h
index 0b5f780..e0131da 100644
--- a/transport.h
+++ b/transport.h
@@ -208,6 +208,9 @@
 /* Filter objects for partial clone and fetch */
+/* Request atomic (all-or-nothing) updates when pushing */
+#define TRANS_OPT_ATOMIC "atomic"
  * Returns 0 if the option was used, non-zero otherwise. Prints a
  * message to stderr if the option is not used.
diff --git a/tree-walk.c b/tree-walk.c
index c20b62f..bea819d 100644
--- a/tree-walk.c
+++ b/tree-walk.c
@@ -170,40 +170,61 @@
 void setup_traverse_info(struct traverse_info *info, const char *base)
-	int pathlen = strlen(base);
+	size_t pathlen = strlen(base);
 	static struct traverse_info dummy;
 	memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
 	if (pathlen && base[pathlen-1] == '/')
 	info->pathlen = pathlen ? pathlen + 1 : 0;
-	info->name.path = base;
-	info->name.pathlen = pathlen;
-	if (pathlen) {
-		hashcpy(info->name.oid.hash, (const unsigned char *)base + pathlen + 1);
+	info->name = base;
+	info->namelen = pathlen;
+	if (pathlen)
 		info->prev = &dummy;
-	}
-char *make_traverse_path(char *path, const struct traverse_info *info, const struct name_entry *n)
+char *make_traverse_path(char *path, size_t pathlen,
+			 const struct traverse_info *info,
+			 const char *name, size_t namelen)
-	int len = tree_entry_len(n);
-	int pathlen = info->pathlen;
+	/* Always points to the end of the name we're about to add */
+	size_t pos = st_add(info->pathlen, namelen);
-	path[pathlen + len] = 0;
+	if (pos >= pathlen)
+		BUG("too small buffer passed to make_traverse_path");
+	path[pos] = 0;
 	for (;;) {
-		memcpy(path + pathlen, n->path, len);
-		if (!pathlen)
+		if (pos < namelen)
+			BUG("traverse_info pathlen does not match strings");
+		pos -= namelen;
+		memcpy(path + pos, name, namelen);
+		if (!pos)
-		path[--pathlen] = '/';
-		n = &info->name;
-		len = tree_entry_len(n);
+		path[--pos] = '/';
+		if (!info)
+			BUG("traverse_info ran out of list items");
+		name = info->name;
+		namelen = info->namelen;
 		info = info->prev;
-		pathlen -= len;
 	return path;
+void strbuf_make_traverse_path(struct strbuf *out,
+			       const struct traverse_info *info,
+			       const char *name, size_t namelen)
+	size_t len = traverse_path_len(info, namelen);
+	strbuf_grow(out, len);
+	make_traverse_path(out->buf + out->len, out->alloc - out->len,
+			   info, name, namelen);
+	strbuf_setlen(out, out->len + len);
 struct tree_desc_skip {
 	struct tree_desc_skip *prev;
 	const void *ptr;
@@ -400,13 +421,12 @@
 		tx[i].d = t[i];
 	if (info->prev) {
-		strbuf_grow(&base, info->pathlen);
-		make_traverse_path(base.buf, info->prev, &info->name);
-		base.buf[info->pathlen-1] = '/';
-		strbuf_setlen(&base, info->pathlen);
-		traverse_path = xstrndup(base.buf, info->pathlen);
+		strbuf_make_traverse_path(&base, info->prev,
+					  info->name, info->namelen);
+		strbuf_addch(&base, '/');
+		traverse_path = xstrndup(base.buf, base.len);
 	} else {
-		traverse_path = xstrndup(info->name.path, info->pathlen);
+		traverse_path = xstrndup(info->name, info->pathlen);
 	info->traverse_path = traverse_path;
 	for (;;) {
diff --git a/tree-walk.h b/tree-walk.h
index 2a5db29..abe2caf 100644
--- a/tree-walk.h
+++ b/tree-walk.h
@@ -58,8 +58,11 @@
 struct traverse_info {
 	const char *traverse_path;
 	struct traverse_info *prev;
-	struct name_entry name;
-	int pathlen;
+	const char *name;
+	size_t namelen;
+	unsigned mode;
+	size_t pathlen;
 	struct pathspec *pathspec;
 	unsigned long df_conflicts;
@@ -69,12 +72,17 @@
 int get_tree_entry(struct repository *, const struct object_id *, const char *, struct object_id *, unsigned short *);
-char *make_traverse_path(char *path, const struct traverse_info *info, const struct name_entry *n);
+char *make_traverse_path(char *path, size_t pathlen, const struct traverse_info *info,
+			 const char *name, size_t namelen);
+void strbuf_make_traverse_path(struct strbuf *out,
+			       const struct traverse_info *info,
+			       const char *name, size_t namelen);
 void setup_traverse_info(struct traverse_info *info, const char *base);
-static inline int traverse_path_len(const struct traverse_info *info, const struct name_entry *n)
+static inline size_t traverse_path_len(const struct traverse_info *info,
+				       size_t namelen)
-	return info->pathlen + tree_entry_len(n);
+	return st_add(info->pathlen, namelen);
 /* in general, positive means "kind of interesting" */
diff --git a/tree.c b/tree.c
index 4720945..1466bcc 100644
--- a/tree.c
+++ b/tree.c
@@ -244,19 +244,7 @@
 struct tree *parse_tree_indirect(const struct object_id *oid)
-	struct object *obj = parse_object(the_repository, oid);
-	do {
-		if (!obj)
-			return NULL;
-		if (obj->type == OBJ_TREE)
-			return (struct tree *) obj;
-		else if (obj->type == OBJ_COMMIT)
-			obj = &(get_commit_tree(((struct commit *)obj))->object);
-		else if (obj->type == OBJ_TAG)
-			obj = ((struct tag *) obj)->tagged;
-		else
-			return NULL;
-		if (!obj->parsed)
-			parse_object(the_repository, &obj->oid);
-	} while (1);
+	struct repository *r = the_repository;
+	struct object *obj = parse_object(r, oid);
+	return (struct tree *)repo_peel_to_type(r, NULL, 0, obj, OBJ_TREE);
diff --git a/unpack-trees.c b/unpack-trees.c
index 62276d4..33ea781 100644
--- a/unpack-trees.c
+++ b/unpack-trees.c
@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
 #include "refs.h"
 #include "attr.h"
 #include "split-index.h"
-#include "dir.h"
 #include "submodule.h"
 #include "submodule-config.h"
 #include "fsmonitor.h"
 #include "object-store.h"
-#include "fetch-object.h"
+#include "promisor-remote.h"
  * Error messages expected by scripts out of plumbing commands such as
@@ -400,7 +399,7 @@
 		load_gitmodules_file(index, &state);
-	if (repository_format_partial_clone && o->update && !o->dry_run) {
+	if (has_promisor_remote() && o->update && !o->dry_run) {
 		 * Prefetch the objects that are to be checked out in the loop
 		 * below.
@@ -419,8 +418,8 @@
 			oid_array_append(&to_fetch, &ce->oid);
 		if (
-			fetch_objects(repository_format_partial_clone,
-				      to_fetch.oid,;
+			promisor_remote_get_direct(the_repository,
+						   to_fetch.oid,;
 	for (i = 0; i < index->cache_nr; i++) {
@@ -632,7 +631,7 @@
 	return ret;
-static int find_cache_pos(struct traverse_info *, const struct name_entry *);
+static int find_cache_pos(struct traverse_info *, const char *p, size_t len);
 static void restore_cache_bottom(struct traverse_info *info, int bottom)
@@ -651,7 +650,7 @@
 	if (o->diff_index_cached)
 		return 0;
 	ret = o->cache_bottom;
-	pos = find_cache_pos(info->prev, &info->name);
+	pos = find_cache_pos(info->prev, info->name, info->namelen);
 	if (pos < -1)
 		o->cache_bottom = -2 - pos;
@@ -686,21 +685,19 @@
 				      struct traverse_info *info)
 	struct unpack_trees_options *o = info->data;
-	int len = traverse_path_len(info, names);
-	char *name = xmalloc(len + 1 /* slash */ + 1 /* NUL */);
+	struct strbuf name = STRBUF_INIT;
 	int pos;
-	make_traverse_path(name, info, names);
-	name[len++] = '/';
-	name[len] = '\0';
-	pos = index_name_pos(o->src_index, name, len);
+	strbuf_make_traverse_path(&name, info, names->path, names->pathlen);
+	strbuf_addch(&name, '/');
+	pos = index_name_pos(o->src_index, name.buf, name.len);
 	if (pos >= 0)
 		BUG("This is a directory and should not exist in index");
 	pos = -pos - 1;
-	if (!starts_with(o->src_index->cache[pos]->name, name) ||
-	    (pos > 0 && starts_with(o->src_index->cache[pos-1]->name, name)))
+	if (!starts_with(o->src_index->cache[pos]->name, name.buf) ||
+	    (pos > 0 && starts_with(o->src_index->cache[pos-1]->name, name.buf)))
 		BUG("pos must point at the first entry in this directory");
-	free(name);
+	strbuf_release(&name);
 	return pos;
@@ -811,8 +808,10 @@
 	newinfo = *info;
 	newinfo.prev = info;
 	newinfo.pathspec = info->pathspec;
- = *p;
-	newinfo.pathlen += tree_entry_len(p) + 1;
+ = p->path;
+	newinfo.namelen = p->pathlen;
+	newinfo.mode = p->mode;
+	newinfo.pathlen = st_add3(newinfo.pathlen, tree_entry_len(p), 1);
 	newinfo.df_conflicts |= df_conflicts;
@@ -863,14 +862,18 @@
  * itself - the caller needs to do the final check for the cache
  * entry having more data at the end!
-static int do_compare_entry_piecewise(const struct cache_entry *ce, const struct traverse_info *info, const struct name_entry *n)
+static int do_compare_entry_piecewise(const struct cache_entry *ce,
+				      const struct traverse_info *info,
+				      const char *name, size_t namelen,
+				      unsigned mode)
-	int len, pathlen, ce_len;
+	int pathlen, ce_len;
 	const char *ce_name;
 	if (info->prev) {
 		int cmp = do_compare_entry_piecewise(ce, info->prev,
-						     &info->name);
+						     info->name, info->namelen,
+						     info->mode);
 		if (cmp)
 			return cmp;
@@ -884,15 +887,15 @@
 	ce_len -= pathlen;
 	ce_name = ce->name + pathlen;
-	len = tree_entry_len(n);
-	return df_name_compare(ce_name, ce_len, S_IFREG, n->path, len, n->mode);
+	return df_name_compare(ce_name, ce_len, S_IFREG, name, namelen, mode);
 static int do_compare_entry(const struct cache_entry *ce,
 			    const struct traverse_info *info,
-			    const struct name_entry *n)
+			    const char *name, size_t namelen,
+			    unsigned mode)
-	int len, pathlen, ce_len;
+	int pathlen, ce_len;
 	const char *ce_name;
 	int cmp;
@@ -902,7 +905,7 @@
 	 * it is quicker to use the precomputed version.
 	if (!info->traverse_path)
-		return do_compare_entry_piecewise(ce, info, n);
+		return do_compare_entry_piecewise(ce, info, name, namelen, mode);
 	cmp = strncmp(ce->name, info->traverse_path, info->pathlen);
 	if (cmp)
@@ -917,13 +920,12 @@
 	ce_len -= pathlen;
 	ce_name = ce->name + pathlen;
-	len = tree_entry_len(n);
-	return df_name_compare(ce_name, ce_len, S_IFREG, n->path, len, n->mode);
+	return df_name_compare(ce_name, ce_len, S_IFREG, name, namelen, mode);
 static int compare_entry(const struct cache_entry *ce, const struct traverse_info *info, const struct name_entry *n)
-	int cmp = do_compare_entry(ce, info, n);
+	int cmp = do_compare_entry(ce, info, n->path, n->pathlen, n->mode);
 	if (cmp)
 		return cmp;
@@ -931,7 +933,7 @@
 	 * Even if the beginning compared identically, the ce should
 	 * compare as bigger than a directory leading up to it!
-	return ce_namelen(ce) > traverse_path_len(info, n);
+	return ce_namelen(ce) > traverse_path_len(info, tree_entry_len(n));
 static int ce_in_traverse_path(const struct cache_entry *ce,
@@ -939,7 +941,8 @@
 	if (!info->prev)
 		return 1;
-	if (do_compare_entry(ce, info->prev, &info->name))
+	if (do_compare_entry(ce, info->prev,
+			     info->name, info->namelen, info->mode))
 		return 0;
 	 * If ce (blob) is the same name as the path (which is a tree
@@ -954,7 +957,7 @@
 	struct index_state *istate,
 	int is_transient)
-	int len = traverse_path_len(info, n);
+	size_t len = traverse_path_len(info, tree_entry_len(n));
 	struct cache_entry *ce =
 		is_transient ?
 		make_empty_transient_cache_entry(len) :
@@ -964,7 +967,8 @@
 	ce->ce_flags = create_ce_flags(stage);
 	ce->ce_namelen = len;
 	oidcpy(&ce->oid, &n->oid);
-	make_traverse_path(ce->name, info, n);
+	/* len+1 because the cache_entry allocates space for NUL */
+	make_traverse_path(ce->name, len + 1, info, n->path, n->pathlen);
 	return ce;
@@ -1057,13 +1061,12 @@
  * the directory.
 static int find_cache_pos(struct traverse_info *info,
-			  const struct name_entry *p)
+			  const char *p, size_t p_len)
 	int pos;
 	struct unpack_trees_options *o = info->data;
 	struct index_state *index = o->src_index;
 	int pfxlen = info->pathlen;
-	int p_len = tree_entry_len(p);
 	for (pos = o->cache_bottom; pos < index->cache_nr; pos++) {
 		const struct cache_entry *ce = index->cache[pos];
@@ -1099,7 +1102,7 @@
 			ce_len = ce_slash - ce_name;
 			ce_len = ce_namelen(ce) - pfxlen;
-		cmp = name_compare(p->path, p_len, ce_name, ce_len);
+		cmp = name_compare(p, p_len, ce_name, ce_len);
 		 * Exact match; if we have a directory we need to
 		 * delay returning it.
@@ -1114,7 +1117,7 @@
 		 * E.g.  ce_name == "t-i", and p->path == "t"; we may
 		 * have "t/a" in the index.
-		if (p_len < ce_len && !memcmp(ce_name, p->path, p_len) &&
+		if (p_len < ce_len && !memcmp(ce_name, p, p_len) &&
 		    ce_name[p_len] < '/')
 			continue; /* keep looking */
@@ -1125,7 +1128,7 @@
 static struct cache_entry *find_cache_entry(struct traverse_info *info,
 					    const struct name_entry *p)
-	int pos = find_cache_pos(info, p);
+	int pos = find_cache_pos(info, p->path, p->pathlen);
 	struct unpack_trees_options *o = info->data;
 	if (0 <= pos)
@@ -1138,10 +1141,10 @@
 	if (info->prev) {
-		if (*info->prev->name.path)
+		if (*info->prev->name)
-	printf("%s", info->name.path);
+	printf("%s", info->name);
 static void debug_name_entry(int i, struct name_entry *n)
@@ -1265,7 +1268,8 @@
 			    struct cache_entry **cache, int nr,
 			    struct strbuf *prefix,
 			    int select_mask, int clear_mask,
-			    struct exclude_list *el, int defval);
+			    struct pattern_list *pl,
+			    enum pattern_match_result default_match);
 /* Whole directory matching */
 static int clear_ce_flags_dir(struct index_state *istate,
@@ -1273,19 +1277,21 @@
 			      struct strbuf *prefix,
 			      char *basename,
 			      int select_mask, int clear_mask,
-			      struct exclude_list *el, int defval)
+			      struct pattern_list *pl,
+			      enum pattern_match_result default_match)
 	struct cache_entry **cache_end;
 	int dtype = DT_DIR;
-	int ret = is_excluded_from_list(prefix->buf, prefix->len,
-					basename, &dtype, el, istate);
 	int rc;
+	enum pattern_match_result ret;
+	ret = path_matches_pattern_list(prefix->buf, prefix->len,
+					basename, &dtype, pl, istate);
 	strbuf_addch(prefix, '/');
 	/* If undecided, use matching result of parent dir in defval */
-	if (ret < 0)
-		ret = defval;
+	if (ret == UNDECIDED)
+		ret = default_match;
 	for (cache_end = cache; cache_end != cache + nr; cache_end++) {
 		struct cache_entry *ce = *cache_end;
@@ -1294,23 +1300,23 @@
-	 * TODO: check el, if there are no patterns that may conflict
+	 * TODO: check pl, if there are no patterns that may conflict
 	 * with ret (iow, we know in advance the incl/excl
 	 * decision for the entire directory), clear flag here without
 	 * calling clear_ce_flags_1(). That function will call
-	 * the expensive is_excluded_from_list() on every entry.
+	 * the expensive path_matches_pattern_list() on every entry.
 	rc = clear_ce_flags_1(istate, cache, cache_end - cache,
 			      select_mask, clear_mask,
-			      el, ret);
+			      pl, ret);
 	strbuf_setlen(prefix, prefix->len - 1);
 	return rc;
  * Traverse the index, find every entry that matches according to
- * o->el. Do "ce_flags &= ~clear_mask" on those entries. Return the
+ * o->pl. Do "ce_flags &= ~clear_mask" on those entries. Return the
  * number of traversed entries.
  * If select_mask is non-zero, only entries whose ce_flags has on of
@@ -1327,7 +1333,8 @@
 			    struct cache_entry **cache, int nr,
 			    struct strbuf *prefix,
 			    int select_mask, int clear_mask,
-			    struct exclude_list *el, int defval)
+			    struct pattern_list *pl,
+			    enum pattern_match_result default_match)
 	struct cache_entry **cache_end = cache + nr;
@@ -1338,7 +1345,8 @@
 	while(cache != cache_end) {
 		struct cache_entry *ce = *cache;
 		const char *name, *slash;
-		int len, dtype, ret;
+		int len, dtype;
+		enum pattern_match_result ret;
 		if (select_mask && !(ce->ce_flags & select_mask)) {
@@ -1362,7 +1370,7 @@
 						       prefix->buf + prefix->len - len,
 						       select_mask, clear_mask,
-						       el, defval);
+						       pl, default_match);
 			/* clear_c_f_dir eats a whole dir already? */
 			if (processed) {
@@ -1374,18 +1382,20 @@
 			strbuf_addch(prefix, '/');
 			cache += clear_ce_flags_1(istate, cache, cache_end - cache,
-						  select_mask, clear_mask, el, defval);
+						  select_mask, clear_mask, pl,
+						  default_match);
 			strbuf_setlen(prefix, prefix->len - len - 1);
 		/* Non-directory */
 		dtype = ce_to_dtype(ce);
-		ret = is_excluded_from_list(ce->name, ce_namelen(ce),
-					    name, &dtype, el, istate);
-		if (ret < 0)
-			ret = defval;
-		if (ret > 0)
+		ret = path_matches_pattern_list(ce->name,
+						ce_namelen(ce),
+						name, &dtype, pl, istate);
+		if (ret == UNDECIDED)
+			ret = default_match;
+		if (ret == MATCHED)
 			ce->ce_flags &= ~clear_mask;
@@ -1394,7 +1404,7 @@
 static int clear_ce_flags(struct index_state *istate,
 			  int select_mask, int clear_mask,
-			  struct exclude_list *el)
+			  struct pattern_list *pl)
 	static struct strbuf prefix = STRBUF_INIT;
@@ -1405,13 +1415,13 @@
 				select_mask, clear_mask,
-				el, 0);
+				pl, 0);
  * Set/Clear CE_NEW_SKIP_WORKTREE according to $GIT_DIR/info/sparse-checkout
-static void mark_new_skip_worktree(struct exclude_list *el,
+static void mark_new_skip_worktree(struct pattern_list *pl,
 				   struct index_state *istate,
 				   int select_flag, int skip_wt_flag)
@@ -1437,7 +1447,7 @@
 	 * 2. Widen worktree according to sparse-checkout file.
 	 * Matched entries will have skip_wt_flag cleared (i.e. "in")
-	clear_ce_flags(istate, select_flag, skip_wt_flag, el);
+	clear_ce_flags(istate, select_flag, skip_wt_flag, pl);
 static int verify_absent(const struct cache_entry *,
@@ -1453,21 +1463,21 @@
 	int i, ret;
 	static struct cache_entry *dfc;
-	struct exclude_list el;
+	struct pattern_list pl;
 	if (len > MAX_UNPACK_TREES)
 		die("unpack_trees takes at most %d trees", MAX_UNPACK_TREES);
-	memset(&el, 0, sizeof(el));
+	memset(&pl, 0, sizeof(pl));
 	if (!core_apply_sparse_checkout || !o->update)
 		o->skip_sparse_checkout = 1;
 	if (!o->skip_sparse_checkout) {
 		char *sparse = git_pathdup("info/sparse-checkout");
-		if (add_excludes_from_file_to_list(sparse, "", 0, &el, NULL) < 0)
+		if (add_patterns_from_file_to_list(sparse, "", 0, &pl, NULL) < 0)
 			o->skip_sparse_checkout = 1;
-			o->el = &el;
+			o->pl = &pl;
@@ -1498,7 +1508,7 @@
 	 * Sparse checkout loop #1: set NEW_SKIP_WORKTREE on existing entries
 	if (!o->skip_sparse_checkout)
-		mark_new_skip_worktree(o->el, o->src_index, 0, CE_NEW_SKIP_WORKTREE);
+		mark_new_skip_worktree(o->pl, o->src_index, 0, CE_NEW_SKIP_WORKTREE);
 	if (!dfc)
 		dfc = xcalloc(1, cache_entry_size(0));
@@ -1563,7 +1573,7 @@
 		 * If the will have NEW_SKIP_WORKTREE, also set CE_SKIP_WORKTREE
 		 * so apply_sparse_checkout() won't attempt to remove it from worktree
-		mark_new_skip_worktree(o->el, &o->result, CE_ADDED, CE_SKIP_WORKTREE | CE_NEW_SKIP_WORKTREE);
+		mark_new_skip_worktree(o->pl, &o->result, CE_ADDED, CE_SKIP_WORKTREE | CE_NEW_SKIP_WORKTREE);
 		ret = 0;
 		for (i = 0; i < o->result.cache_nr; i++) {
@@ -1631,7 +1641,7 @@
-	clear_exclude_list(&el);
+	clear_pattern_list(&pl);
 	return ret;
diff --git a/unpack-trees.h b/unpack-trees.h
index d344d7d..f2eee0c 100644
--- a/unpack-trees.h
+++ b/unpack-trees.h
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 struct cache_entry;
 struct unpack_trees_options;
-struct exclude_list;
+struct pattern_list;
 typedef int (*merge_fn_t)(const struct cache_entry * const *src,
 		struct unpack_trees_options *options);
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 	struct index_state *src_index;
 	struct index_state result;
-	struct exclude_list *el; /* for internal use */
+	struct pattern_list *pl; /* for internal use */
 int unpack_trees(unsigned n, struct tree_desc *t,
diff --git a/upload-pack.c b/upload-pack.c
index 222cd3a..a00d7ec 100644
--- a/upload-pack.c
+++ b/upload-pack.c
@@ -140,18 +140,17 @@
 		argv_array_push(&pack_objects.args, "--delta-base-offset");
 	if (use_include_tag)
 		argv_array_push(&pack_objects.args, "--include-tag");
-	if (filter_options.filter_spec) {
-		struct strbuf expanded_filter_spec = STRBUF_INIT;
-		expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&filter_options,
-						&expanded_filter_spec);
+	if (filter_options.choice) {
+		const char *spec =
+			expand_list_objects_filter_spec(&filter_options);
 		if (pack_objects.use_shell) {
 			struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
-			sq_quote_buf(&buf, expanded_filter_spec.buf);
+			sq_quote_buf(&buf, spec);
 			argv_array_pushf(&pack_objects.args, "--filter=%s", buf.buf);
 		} else {
 			argv_array_pushf(&pack_objects.args, "--filter=%s",
-					 expanded_filter_spec.buf);
+					 spec);
@@ -722,7 +721,7 @@
 	struct commit_list *result;
-	close_commit_graph(the_repository->objects);
+	disable_commit_graph(the_repository);
 	result = get_shallow_commits_by_rev_list(ac, av, SHALLOW, NOT_SHALLOW);
 	send_shallow(writer, result);
@@ -884,6 +883,7 @@
 		if (skip_prefix(reader->line, "filter ", &arg)) {
 			if (!filter_capability_requested)
 				die("git upload-pack: filtering capability not negotiated");
+			list_objects_filter_die_if_populated(&filter_options);
 			parse_list_objects_filter(&filter_options, arg);
@@ -1305,6 +1305,7 @@
 		if (allow_filter && skip_prefix(arg, "filter ", &p)) {
+			list_objects_filter_die_if_populated(&filter_options);
 			parse_list_objects_filter(&filter_options, p);
diff --git a/url.c b/url.c
index 1b8ef78..e34e5e7 100644
--- a/url.c
+++ b/url.c
@@ -86,6 +86,12 @@
 	return url_decode_internal(&url, len, NULL, &out, 0);
+char *url_percent_decode(const char *encoded)
+	struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
+	return url_decode_internal(&encoded, strlen(encoded), NULL, &out, 0);
 char *url_decode_parameter_name(const char **query)
 	struct strbuf out = STRBUF_INIT;
diff --git a/url.h b/url.h
index 00b7d58..2a27c34 100644
--- a/url.h
+++ b/url.h
@@ -7,6 +7,14 @@
 int is_urlschemechar(int first_flag, int ch);
 char *url_decode(const char *url);
 char *url_decode_mem(const char *url, int len);
+ * Similar to the url_decode_{,mem} methods above, but doesn't assume there
+ * is a scheme followed by a : at the start of the string. Instead, %-sequences
+ * before any : are also parsed.
+ */
+char *url_percent_decode(const char *encoded);
 char *url_decode_parameter_name(const char **query);
 char *url_decode_parameter_value(const char **query);
diff --git a/userdiff.c b/userdiff.c
index e74a6d4..e187d35 100644
--- a/userdiff.c
+++ b/userdiff.c
@@ -23,6 +23,15 @@
+	 "!;\n"
+	 "!=\n"
+	 /* lines beginning with a word optionally preceded by '&' or the root */
+	 "^[ \t]*((/[ \t]*\\{|&?[a-zA-Z_]).*)",
+	 /* -- */
+	 /* Property names and math operators */
+	 "[a-zA-Z0-9,._+?#-]+"
+	 "|[-+*/%&^|!~]|>>|<<|&&|\\|\\|"),
 	 "!^([C*]|[ \t]*!)\n"
 	 "!^[ \t]*MODULE[ \t]+PROCEDURE[ \t]\n"
diff --git a/utf8.c b/utf8.c
index 3b42fad..5c8f151 100644
--- a/utf8.c
+++ b/utf8.c
@@ -95,13 +95,11 @@
 		return -1;
 	/* binary search in table of non-spacing characters */
-	if (bisearch(ch, zero_width, sizeof(zero_width)
-				/ sizeof(struct interval) - 1))
+	if (bisearch(ch, zero_width, ARRAY_SIZE(zero_width) - 1))
 		return 0;
 	/* binary search in table of double width characters */
-	if (bisearch(ch, double_width, sizeof(double_width)
-				/ sizeof(struct interval) - 1))
+	if (bisearch(ch, double_width, ARRAY_SIZE(double_width) - 1))
 		return 2;
 	return 1;
diff --git a/wrapper.c b/wrapper.c
index 1e45ab7..e1eaef2 100644
--- a/wrapper.c
+++ b/wrapper.c
@@ -4,12 +4,6 @@
 #include "cache.h"
 #include "config.h"
-static void do_nothing(size_t size)
-static void (*try_to_free_routine)(size_t size) = do_nothing;
 static int memory_limit_check(size_t size, int gentle)
 	static size_t limit = 0;
@@ -30,24 +24,11 @@
 	return 0;
-try_to_free_t set_try_to_free_routine(try_to_free_t routine)
-	try_to_free_t old = try_to_free_routine;
-	if (!routine)
-		routine = do_nothing;
-	try_to_free_routine = routine;
-	return old;
 char *xstrdup(const char *str)
 	char *ret = strdup(str);
-	if (!ret) {
-		try_to_free_routine(strlen(str) + 1);
-		ret = strdup(str);
-		if (!ret)
-			die("Out of memory, strdup failed");
-	}
+	if (!ret)
+		die("Out of memory, strdup failed");
 	return ret;
@@ -61,19 +42,13 @@
 	if (!ret && !size)
 		ret = malloc(1);
 	if (!ret) {
-		try_to_free_routine(size);
-		ret = malloc(size);
-		if (!ret && !size)
-			ret = malloc(1);
-		if (!ret) {
-			if (!gentle)
-				die("Out of memory, malloc failed (tried to allocate %lu bytes)",
-				    (unsigned long)size);
-			else {
-				error("Out of memory, malloc failed (tried to allocate %lu bytes)",
-				      (unsigned long)size);
-				return NULL;
-			}
+		if (!gentle)
+			die("Out of memory, malloc failed (tried to allocate %lu bytes)",
+			    (unsigned long)size);
+		else {
+			error("Out of memory, malloc failed (tried to allocate %lu bytes)",
+			      (unsigned long)size);
+			return NULL;
@@ -138,14 +113,8 @@
 	ret = realloc(ptr, size);
 	if (!ret && !size)
 		ret = realloc(ptr, 1);
-	if (!ret) {
-		try_to_free_routine(size);
-		ret = realloc(ptr, size);
-		if (!ret && !size)
-			ret = realloc(ptr, 1);
-		if (!ret)
-			die("Out of memory, realloc failed");
-	}
+	if (!ret)
+		die("Out of memory, realloc failed");
 	return ret;
@@ -160,14 +129,8 @@
 	ret = calloc(nmemb, size);
 	if (!ret && (!nmemb || !size))
 		ret = calloc(1, 1);
-	if (!ret) {
-		try_to_free_routine(nmemb * size);
-		ret = calloc(nmemb, size);
-		if (!ret && (!nmemb || !size))
-			ret = calloc(1, 1);
-		if (!ret)
-			die("Out of memory, calloc failed");
-	}
+	if (!ret)
+		die("Out of memory, calloc failed");
 	return ret;
@@ -478,7 +441,9 @@
-	static const int num_letters = 62;
+	static const int num_letters = ARRAY_SIZE(letters) - 1;
+	static const char x_pattern[] = "XXXXXX";
+	static const int num_x = ARRAY_SIZE(x_pattern) - 1;
 	uint64_t value;
 	struct timeval tv;
 	char *filename_template;
@@ -487,12 +452,12 @@
 	len = strlen(pattern);
-	if (len < 6 + suffix_len) {
+	if (len < num_x + suffix_len) {
 		errno = EINVAL;
 		return -1;
-	if (strncmp(&pattern[len - 6 - suffix_len], "XXXXXX", 6)) {
+	if (strncmp(&pattern[len - num_x - suffix_len], x_pattern, num_x)) {
 		errno = EINVAL;
 		return -1;
@@ -503,16 +468,15 @@
 	gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
 	value = ((uint64_t)tv.tv_usec << 16) ^ tv.tv_sec ^ getpid();
-	filename_template = &pattern[len - 6 - suffix_len];
+	filename_template = &pattern[len - num_x - suffix_len];
 	for (count = 0; count < TMP_MAX; ++count) {
 		uint64_t v = value;
+		int i;
 		/* Fill in the random bits. */
-		filename_template[0] = letters[v % num_letters]; v /= num_letters;
-		filename_template[1] = letters[v % num_letters]; v /= num_letters;
-		filename_template[2] = letters[v % num_letters]; v /= num_letters;
-		filename_template[3] = letters[v % num_letters]; v /= num_letters;
-		filename_template[4] = letters[v % num_letters]; v /= num_letters;
-		filename_template[5] = letters[v % num_letters]; v /= num_letters;
+		for (i = 0; i < num_x; i++) {
+			filename_template[i] = letters[v % num_letters];
+			v /= num_letters;
+		}
 		fd = open(pattern, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, mode);
 		if (fd >= 0)
diff --git a/wt-status.c b/wt-status.c
index 9f6c65a..cc6f945 100644
--- a/wt-status.c
+++ b/wt-status.c
@@ -1434,6 +1434,8 @@
 			status_printf_ln(s, color,
 				_("  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git cherry-pick --continue\")"));
 		status_printf_ln(s, color,
+			_("  (use \"git cherry-pick --skip\" to skip this patch)"));
+		status_printf_ln(s, color,
 			_("  (use \"git cherry-pick --abort\" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)"));
@@ -1461,6 +1463,8 @@
 			status_printf_ln(s, color,
 				_("  (all conflicts fixed: run \"git revert --continue\")"));
 		status_printf_ln(s, color,
+			_("  (use \"git revert --skip\" to skip this patch)"));
+		status_printf_ln(s, color,
 			_("  (use \"git revert --abort\" to cancel the revert operation)"));
@@ -2025,7 +2029,7 @@
 	char eol = s->null_termination ? '\0' : '\n';
 	fprintf(s->fp, "# branch.oid %s%c",
-			(s->is_initial ? "(initial)" : sha1_to_hex(s->sha1_commit)),
+			(s->is_initial ? "(initial)" : oid_to_hex(&s->oid_commit)),
 	if (!s->branch)
diff --git a/wt-status.h b/wt-status.h
index b0cfdc8..71c3f25 100644
--- a/wt-status.h
+++ b/wt-status.h
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #ifndef STATUS_H
 #define STATUS_H
-#include <stdio.h>
 #include "string-list.h"
 #include "color.h"
 #include "pathspec.h"
@@ -117,7 +116,7 @@
 	int rename_limit;
 	enum wt_status_format status_format;
 	struct wt_status_state state;
-	unsigned char sha1_commit[GIT_MAX_RAWSZ]; /* when not Initial */
+	struct object_id oid_commit; /* when not Initial */
 	/* These are computed during processing of the individual sections */
 	int committable;
diff --git a/xdiff/xdiffi.c b/xdiff/xdiffi.c
index 1f1f4a3..bd03513 100644
--- a/xdiff/xdiffi.c
+++ b/xdiff/xdiffi.c
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
  * Basically considers a "box" (off1, off2, lim1, lim2) and scan from both
  * the forward diagonal starting from (off1, off2) and the backward diagonal
  * starting from (lim1, lim2). If the K values on the same diagonal crosses
- * returns the furthest point of reach. We might end up having to expensive
- * cases using this algorithm is full, so a little bit of heuristic is needed
- * to cut the search and to return a suboptimal point.
+ * returns the furthest point of reach. We might encounter expensive edge cases
+ * using this algorithm, so a little bit of heuristic is needed to cut the
+ * search and to return a suboptimal point.
 static long xdl_split(unsigned long const *ha1, long off1, long lim1,
 		      unsigned long const *ha2, long off2, long lim2,
@@ -63,11 +63,13 @@
 		int got_snake = 0;
-		 * We need to extent the diagonal "domain" by one. If the next
+		 * We need to extend the diagonal "domain" by one. If the next
 		 * values exits the box boundaries we need to change it in the
-		 * opposite direction because (max - min) must be a power of two.
+		 * opposite direction because (max - min) must be a power of
+		 * two.
+		 *
 		 * Also we initialize the external K value to -1 so that we can
-		 * avoid extra conditions check inside the core loop.
+		 * avoid extra conditions in the check inside the core loop.
 		if (fmin > dmin)
 			kvdf[--fmin - 1] = -1;
@@ -98,11 +100,13 @@
-		 * We need to extent the diagonal "domain" by one. If the next
+		 * We need to extend the diagonal "domain" by one. If the next
 		 * values exits the box boundaries we need to change it in the
-		 * opposite direction because (max - min) must be a power of two.
+		 * opposite direction because (max - min) must be a power of
+		 * two.
+		 *
 		 * Also we initialize the external K value to -1 so that we can
-		 * avoid extra conditions check inside the core loop.
+		 * avoid extra conditions in the check inside the core loop.
 		if (bmin > dmin)
 			kvdb[--bmin - 1] = XDL_LINE_MAX;
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@
 		 * If the edit cost is above the heuristic trigger and if
 		 * we got a good snake, we sample current diagonals to see
-		 * if some of the, have reached an "interesting" path. Our
+		 * if some of them have reached an "interesting" path. Our
 		 * measure is a function of the distance from the diagonal
 		 * corner (i1 + i2) penalized with the distance from the
 		 * mid diagonal itself. If this value is above the current
@@ -196,8 +200,9 @@
-		 * Enough is enough. We spent too much time here and now we collect
-		 * the furthest reaching path using the (i1 + i2) measure.
+		 * Enough is enough. We spent too much time here and now we
+		 * collect the furthest reaching path using the (i1 + i2)
+		 * measure.
 		if (ec >= xenv->mxcost) {
 			long fbest, fbest1, bbest, bbest1;
@@ -244,9 +249,9 @@
- * Rule: "Divide et Impera". Recursively split the box in sub-boxes by calling
- * the box splitting function. Note that the real job (marking changed lines)
- * is done in the two boundary reaching checks.
+ * Rule: "Divide et Impera" (divide & conquer). Recursively split the box in
+ * sub-boxes by calling the box splitting function. Note that the real job
+ * (marking changed lines) is done in the two boundary reaching checks.
 int xdl_recs_cmp(diffdata_t *dd1, long off1, long lim1,
 		 diffdata_t *dd2, long off2, long lim2,
@@ -323,7 +328,9 @@
-	 * Allocate and setup K vectors to be used by the differential algorithm.
+	 * Allocate and setup K vectors to be used by the differential
+	 * algorithm.
+	 *
 	 * One is to store the forward path and one to store the backward path.
 	ndiags = xe->xdf1.nreff + xe->xdf2.nreff + 3;
@@ -394,8 +401,8 @@
  * If a line is indented more than this, get_indent() just returns this value.
  * This avoids having to do absurd amounts of work for data that are not
- * human-readable text, and also ensures that the output of get_indent fits within
- * an int.
+ * human-readable text, and also ensures that the output of get_indent fits
+ * within an int.
 #define MAX_INDENT 200
@@ -429,9 +436,9 @@
- * If more than this number of consecutive blank rows are found, just return this
- * value. This avoids requiring O(N^2) work for pathological cases, and also
- * ensures that the output of score_split fits in an int.
+ * If more than this number of consecutive blank rows are found, just return
+ * this value. This avoids requiring O(N^2) work for pathological cases, and
+ * also ensures that the output of score_split fits in an int.
 #define MAX_BLANKS 20
@@ -443,8 +450,8 @@
 	int end_of_file;
-	 * How much is the line immediately following the split indented (or -1 if
-	 * the line is blank):
+	 * How much is the line immediately following the split indented (or -1
+	 * if the line is blank):
 	int indent;
@@ -454,8 +461,8 @@
 	int pre_blank;
-	 * How much is the nearest non-blank line above the split indented (or -1
-	 * if there is no such line)?
+	 * How much is the nearest non-blank line above the split indented (or
+	 * -1 if there is no such line)?
 	int pre_indent;
@@ -581,13 +588,13 @@
  * Compute a badness score for the hypothetical split whose measurements are
- * stored in m. The weight factors were determined empirically using the tools and
- * corpus described in
+ * stored in m. The weight factors were determined empirically using the tools
+ * and corpus described in
- * Also see that project if you want to improve the weights based on, for example,
- * a larger or more diverse corpus.
+ * Also see that project if you want to improve the weights based on, for
+ * example, a larger or more diverse corpus.
 static void score_add_split(const struct split_measurement *m, struct split_score *s)
@@ -809,13 +816,16 @@
 	group_init(xdfo, &go);
 	while (1) {
-		/* If the group is empty in the to-be-compacted file, skip it: */
+		/*
+		 * If the group is empty in the to-be-compacted file, skip it:
+		 */
 		if (g.end == g.start)
 			goto next;
 		 * Now shift the change up and then down as far as possible in
-		 * each direction. If it bumps into any other changes, merge them.
+		 * each direction. If it bumps into any other changes, merge
+		 * them.
 		do {
 			groupsize = g.end - g.start;
@@ -858,17 +868,17 @@
 		 * If the group can be shifted, then we can possibly use this
 		 * freedom to produce a more intuitive diff.
-		 * The group is currently shifted as far down as possible, so the
-		 * heuristics below only have to handle upwards shifts.
+		 * The group is currently shifted as far down as possible, so
+		 * the heuristics below only have to handle upwards shifts.
 		if (g.end == earliest_end) {
 			/* no shifting was possible */
 		} else if (end_matching_other != -1) {
-			 * Move the possibly merged group of changes back to line
-			 * up with the last group of changes from the other file
-			 * that it can align with.
+			 * Move the possibly merged group of changes back to
+			 * line up with the last group of changes from the
+			 * other file that it can align with.
 			while (go.end == go.start) {
 				if (group_slide_up(xdf, &g, flags))
@@ -879,14 +889,15 @@
 		} else if (flags & XDF_INDENT_HEURISTIC) {
 			 * Indent heuristic: a group of pure add/delete lines
-			 * implies two splits, one between the end of the "before"
-			 * context and the start of the group, and another between
-			 * the end of the group and the beginning of the "after"
-			 * context. Some splits are aesthetically better and some
-			 * are worse. We compute a badness "score" for each split,
-			 * and add the scores for the two splits to define a
-			 * "score" for each position that the group can be shifted
-			 * to. Then we pick the shift with the lowest score.
+			 * implies two splits, one between the end of the
+			 * "before" context and the start of the group, and
+			 * another between the end of the group and the
+			 * beginning of the "after" context. Some splits are
+			 * aesthetically better and some are worse. We compute
+			 * a badness "score" for each split, and add the scores
+			 * for the two splits to define a "score" for each
+			 * position that the group can be shifted to. Then we
+			 * pick the shift with the lowest score.
 			long shift, best_shift = -1;
 			struct split_score best_score;
diff --git a/xdiff/xemit.c b/xdiff/xemit.c
index 7778dc2..30713ae 100644
--- a/xdiff/xemit.c
+++ b/xdiff/xemit.c
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
 			if (fs1 < 0)
 				fs1 = 0;
 			if (fs1 < s1) {
-				s2 -= s1 - fs1;
+				s2 = XDL_MAX(s2 - (s1 - fs1), 0);
 				s1 = fs1;
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 			if (fe1 < 0)
 				fe1 = xe->xdf1.nrec;
 			if (fe1 > e1) {
-				e2 += fe1 - e1;
+				e2 = XDL_MIN(e2 + (fe1 - e1), xe->xdf2.nrec);
 				e1 = fe1;
diff --git a/xdiff/xhistogram.c b/xdiff/xhistogram.c
index ec85f59..c7b35a9 100644
--- a/xdiff/xhistogram.c
+++ b/xdiff/xhistogram.c
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@
 #include "xinclude.h"
-#include "xtypes.h"
-#include "xdiff.h"
diff --git a/xdiff/xpatience.c b/xdiff/xpatience.c
index f3573d9..3c5601b 100644
--- a/xdiff/xpatience.c
+++ b/xdiff/xpatience.c
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
 #include "xinclude.h"
-#include "xtypes.h"
-#include "xdiff.h"
  * The basic idea of patience diff is to find lines that are unique in
diff --git a/xdiff/xutils.c b/xdiff/xutils.c
index 963e1c5..cfa6e22 100644
--- a/xdiff/xutils.c
+++ b/xdiff/xutils.c
@@ -20,13 +20,9 @@
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <assert.h>
 #include "xinclude.h"
 long xdl_bogosqrt(long n) {
 	long i;