blob: f39734f905115c3d85db1121b9fd6a400b7a6c2d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package spansql
// This file holds SQL methods for rendering the types in types.go
// as the SQL dialect that this package parses.
import (
func (ct CreateTable) SQL() string {
str := "CREATE TABLE " + ct.Name + " (\n"
for _, c := range ct.Columns {
str += " " + c.SQL() + ",\n"
str += ") PRIMARY KEY("
for i, c := range ct.PrimaryKey {
if i > 0 {
str += ", "
str += c.SQL()
str += ")"
if il := ct.Interleave; il != nil {
str += ",\n INTERLEAVE IN PARENT " + il.Parent + " ON DELETE " + il.OnDelete.SQL()
return str
func (ci CreateIndex) SQL() string {
str := "CREATE"
if ci.Unique {
str += " UNIQUE"
if ci.NullFiltered {
str += " INDEX " + ci.Name + " ON " + ci.Table + "("
for i, c := range ci.Columns {
if i > 0 {
str += ", "
str += c.SQL()
str += ")"
if len(ci.Storing) > 0 {
str += " STORING ("
str += strings.Join(ci.Storing, ", ")
str += ")"
if ci.Interleave != "" {
str += ", INTERLEAVE IN " + ci.Interleave
return str
func (dt DropTable) SQL() string {
return "DROP TABLE " + dt.Name
func (di DropIndex) SQL() string {
return "DROP INDEX " + di.Name
func (at AlterTable) SQL() string {
return "ALTER TABLE " + at.Name + " " + at.Alteration.SQL()
func (ac AddColumn) SQL() string {
return "ADD COLUMN " + ac.Def.SQL()
func (dc DropColumn) SQL() string {
return "DROP COLUMN " + dc.Name
func (sod SetOnDelete) SQL() string {
return "SET ON DELETE " + sod.Action.SQL()
func (od OnDelete) SQL() string {
switch od {
case NoActionOnDelete:
return "NO ACTION"
case CascadeOnDelete:
return "CASCADE"
panic("unknown OnDelete")
// TODO func (ac AlterColumn) SQL() string { }
func (d *Delete) SQL() string {
return "DELETE FROM " + d.Table + " WHERE " + d.Where.SQL()
func (cd ColumnDef) SQL() string {
str := cd.Name + " " + cd.Type.SQL()
if cd.NotNull {
str += " NOT NULL"
if cd.Type.Base == Timestamp && cd.AllowCommitTimestamp != nil {
if *cd.AllowCommitTimestamp {
str += " OPTIONS (allow_commit_timestamp = true)"
} else {
str += " OPTIONS (allow_commit_timestamp = null)"
return str
func (t Type) SQL() string {
str := t.Base.SQL()
if t.Base == String || t.Base == Bytes {
str += "("
if t.Len == MaxLen {
str += "MAX"
} else {
str += strconv.FormatInt(t.Len, 10)
str += ")"
if t.Array {
str = "ARRAY<" + str + ">"
return str
func (tb TypeBase) SQL() string {
switch tb {
case Bool:
return "BOOL"
case Int64:
return "INT64"
case Float64:
return "FLOAT64"
case String:
return "STRING"
case Bytes:
return "BYTES"
case Date:
return "DATE"
case Timestamp:
return "TIMESTAMP"
panic("unknown TypeBase")
func (kp KeyPart) SQL() string {
str := kp.Column
if kp.Desc {
str += " DESC"
return str
func (q Query) SQL() string {
str := q.Select.SQL()
if len(q.Order) > 0 {
str += " ORDER BY "
for i, o := range q.Order {
if i > 0 {
str += ", "
str += o.SQL()
if q.Limit != nil {
str += " LIMIT " + q.Limit.SQL()
return str
func (sel Select) SQL() string {
str := "SELECT "
if sel.Distinct {
str += "DISTINCT "
for i, e := range sel.List {
if i > 0 {
str += ", "
str += e.SQL()
if len(sel.From) > 0 {
str += " FROM "
for i, f := range sel.From {
if i > 0 {
str += ", "
str += f.Table
if sel.Where != nil {
str += " WHERE " + sel.Where.SQL()
return str
func (o Order) SQL() string {
str := o.Expr.SQL()
if o.Desc {
str += " DESC"
return str
func (lo LogicalOp) SQL() string {
switch lo.Op {
panic("unknown LogicalOp")
case And:
return lo.LHS.SQL() + " AND " + lo.RHS.SQL()
case Or:
return lo.LHS.SQL() + " OR " + lo.RHS.SQL()
case Not:
return "NOT " + lo.RHS.SQL()
var compOps = map[ComparisonOperator]string{
Lt: "<",
Le: "<=",
Gt: ">",
Ge: ">=",
Eq: "=",
Ne: "!=",
Like: "LIKE",
NotLike: "NOT LIKE",
Between: "BETWEEN",
NotBetween: "NOT BETWEEN",
func (co ComparisonOp) SQL() string {
op, ok := compOps[co.Op]
if !ok {
panic("unknown ComparisonOp")
s := co.LHS.SQL() + " " + op + " " + co.RHS.SQL()
if co.Op == Between || co.Op == NotBetween {
s += " AND " + co.RHS2.SQL()
return s
func (io IsOp) SQL() string {
str := io.LHS.SQL() + " IS "
if io.Neg {
str += "NOT "
str += io.RHS.SQL()
return str
func (f Func) SQL() string {
str := f.Name + "("
for i, e := range f.Args {
if i > 0 {
str += ", "
str += e.SQL()
str += ")"
return str
func (p Paren) SQL() string { return "(" + p.Expr.SQL() + ")" }
func (id ID) SQL() string {
// TODO: If there are non-letters/numbers/underscores then this also needs quoting.
if IsKeyword(string(id)) {
// TODO: Escaping may be needed here.
return "`" + string(id) + "`"
return string(id)
func (p Param) SQL() string { return "@" + string(p) }
func (b BoolLiteral) SQL() string {
if b {
return "TRUE"
return "FALSE"
func (n NullLiteral) SQL() string { return "NULL" }
func (StarExpr) SQL() string { return "*" }
func (il IntegerLiteral) SQL() string { return strconv.Itoa(int(il)) }
func (fl FloatLiteral) SQL() string { return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(fl), 'g', -1, 64) }
// TODO: provide correct string quote method and use it.
func (sl StringLiteral) SQL() string { return strconv.Quote(string(sl)) }
func (bl BytesLiteral) SQL() string { return "B" + strconv.Quote(string(bl)) }