blob: 7bb85f8a2396d400edef7fc2cb330c5c4d90dd38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package gocmd provides helers for invoking Go tooling.
package gocmd
import (
var (
// ErrBuildConstraint is returned when the Go command returns this error.
ErrBuildConstraint error = errors.New("build constraints exclude all Go files")
// ModTidy tidies go.mod file in the specified directory
func ModTidy(dir string) error {
log.Printf("[%s] running go mod tidy", dir)
c := execv.Command("go", "mod", "tidy")
c.Dir = dir
c.Env = []string{
fmt.Sprintf("PATH=%s", os.Getenv("PATH")), // TODO(deklerk): Why do we need to do this? Doesn't seem to be necessary in other exec.Commands.
fmt.Sprintf("HOME=%s", os.Getenv("HOME")), // TODO(deklerk): Why do we need to do this? Doesn't seem to be necessary in other exec.Commands.
return c.Run()
// ListModName finds a modules name for a given directory.
func ListModName(dir string) (string, error) {
modC := execv.Command("go", "list", "-m")
modC.Dir = dir
mod, err := modC.Output()
return string(mod), err
// ListModDirName finds the directory in which the module resides. Returns
// ErrBuildConstraint if all files in a module are constrained.
func ListModDirName(dir string) (string, error) {
var out []byte
var err error
c := execv.Command("go", "list", "-f", "'{{.Module.Dir}}'")
c.Dir = dir
if out, err = c.Output(); err != nil {
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if strings.Contains(string(ee.Stderr), "build constraints exclude all Go files") {
return "", ErrBuildConstraint
return "", err
return strings.Trim(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "'"), nil
// Build attempts to build all packages recursively from the given directory.
func Build(dir string) error {
log.Println("building generated code")
c := execv.Command("go", "build", "./...")
c.Dir = dir
if _, err := c.Output(); err != nil {
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
log.Printf("Error Output: %s", ee.Stderr)
return err
return nil
// Vet runs linters on all .go files recursively from the given directory.
func Vet(dir string) error {
log.Println("vetting generated code")
c := execv.Command("goimports", "-w", ".")
c.Dir = dir
if err := c.Run(); err != nil {
return err
c = execv.Command("gofmt", "-s", "-d", "-w", "-l", ".")
c.Dir = dir
return c.Run()
// CurrentMod returns the module name of the provided directory.
func CurrentMod(dir string) (string, error) {
log.Println("detecting current module")
c := execv.Command("go", "list", "-m")
c.Dir = dir
var out []byte
var err error
if out, err = c.Output(); err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), nil