blob: 1054a2a18a1ef425ab4a9c1768d9ad686c7ed688 [file] [log] [blame]
"clientLibrary": {
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"version": "1.13.6",
"language": "GO",
"apis": [
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"version": "v1"
"snippets": [
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_CreateDataset_sync",
"title": "automl CreateDataset Sample",
"description": "CreateDataset creates a dataset.",
"file": "Client/CreateDataset/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateDataset",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.CreateDatasetRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateDatasetOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateDataset",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
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"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_CreateModel_sync",
"title": "automl CreateModel Sample",
"description": "CreateModel creates a model.\nReturns a Model in the [response][google.longrunning.Operation.response]\nfield when it completes.\nWhen you create a model, several model evaluations are created for it: \na global evaluation, and one evaluation for each annotation spec.",
"file": "Client/CreateModel/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateModel",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.CreateModelRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateModelOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateModel",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_DeleteDataset_sync",
"title": "automl DeleteDataset Sample",
"description": "DeleteDataset deletes a dataset and all of its contents.\nReturns empty response in the\n[response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field when it completes,\nand `delete_details` in the\n[metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field.",
"file": "Client/DeleteDataset/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteDataset",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.DeleteDatasetRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteDatasetOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteDataset",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 56,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_DeleteModel_sync",
"title": "automl DeleteModel Sample",
"description": "DeleteModel deletes a model.\nReturns `google.protobuf.Empty` in the\n[response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field when it completes,\nand `delete_details` in the\n[metadata][google.longrunning.Operation.metadata] field.",
"file": "Client/DeleteModel/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteModel",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.DeleteModelRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteModelOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteModel",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 56,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_DeployModel_sync",
"title": "automl DeployModel Sample",
"description": "DeployModel deploys a model. If a model is already deployed, deploying it with the\nsame parameters has no effect. Deploying with different parametrs\n(as e.g. changing\n[node_number][])\nwill reset the deployment state without pausing the model's availability.\n\nOnly applicable for Text Classification, Image Object Detection , Tables, and Image Segmentation; all other domains manage\ndeployment automatically.\n\nReturns an empty response in the\n[response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field when it completes.",
"file": "Client/DeployModel/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeployModel",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.DeployModelRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeployModelOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeployModel",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 56,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_ExportData_sync",
"title": "automl ExportData Sample",
"description": "ExportData exports dataset's data to the provided output location.\nReturns an empty response in the\n[response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field when it completes.",
"file": "Client/ExportData/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ExportData",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.ExportDataRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "ExportDataOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ExportData",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 56,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_ExportModel_sync",
"title": "automl ExportModel Sample",
"description": "ExportModel exports a trained, \"export-able\", model to a user specified Google Cloud\nStorage location. A model is considered export-able if and only if it has\nan export format defined for it in\n[ModelExportOutputConfig][].\n\nReturns an empty response in the\n[response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field when it completes.",
"file": "Client/ExportModel/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ExportModel",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.ExportModelRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "ExportModelOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ExportModel",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
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"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_GetAnnotationSpec_sync",
"title": "automl GetAnnotationSpec Sample",
"description": "GetAnnotationSpec gets an annotation spec.",
"file": "Client/GetAnnotationSpec/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetAnnotationSpec",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.GetAnnotationSpecRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*automlpb.AnnotationSpec",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetAnnotationSpec",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
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"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_GetDataset_sync",
"title": "automl GetDataset Sample",
"description": "GetDataset gets a dataset.",
"file": "Client/GetDataset/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetDataset",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.GetDatasetRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*automlpb.Dataset",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetDataset",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_GetModel_sync",
"title": "automl GetModel Sample",
"description": "GetModel gets a model.",
"file": "Client/GetModel/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetModel",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.GetModelRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*automlpb.Model",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetModel",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_GetModelEvaluation_sync",
"title": "automl GetModelEvaluation Sample",
"description": "GetModelEvaluation gets a model evaluation.",
"file": "Client/GetModelEvaluation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetModelEvaluation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.GetModelEvaluationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*automlpb.ModelEvaluation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetModelEvaluation",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_ImportData_sync",
"title": "automl ImportData Sample",
"description": "ImportData imports data into a dataset.\nFor Tables this method can only be called on an empty Dataset.\n\nFor Tables: \n* A\n[schema_inference_version][]\nparameter must be explicitly set.\nReturns an empty response in the\n[response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field when it completes.",
"file": "Client/ImportData/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ImportData",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.ImportDataRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "ImportDataOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ImportData",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
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"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_ListDatasets_sync",
"title": "automl ListDatasets Sample",
"description": "ListDatasets lists datasets in a project.",
"file": "Client/ListDatasets/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListDatasets",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.ListDatasetsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DatasetIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListDatasets",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_ListModelEvaluations_sync",
"title": "automl ListModelEvaluations Sample",
"description": "ListModelEvaluations lists model evaluations.",
"file": "Client/ListModelEvaluations/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListModelEvaluations",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.ListModelEvaluationsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "ModelEvaluationIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListModelEvaluations",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_ListModels_sync",
"title": "automl ListModels Sample",
"description": "ListModels lists models.",
"file": "Client/ListModels/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListModels",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.ListModelsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "ModelIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListModels",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_UndeployModel_sync",
"title": "automl UndeployModel Sample",
"description": "UndeployModel undeploys a model. If the model is not deployed this method has no effect.\n\nOnly applicable for Text Classification, Image Object Detection and Tables;\nall other domains manage deployment automatically.\n\nReturns an empty response in the\n[response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field when it completes.",
"file": "Client/UndeployModel/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UndeployModel",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.UndeployModelRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "UndeployModelOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UndeployModel",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 56,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_UpdateDataset_sync",
"title": "automl UpdateDataset Sample",
"description": "UpdateDataset updates a dataset.",
"file": "Client/UpdateDataset/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UpdateDataset",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.UpdateDatasetRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*automlpb.Dataset",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UpdateDataset",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_AutoMl_UpdateModel_sync",
"title": "automl UpdateModel Sample",
"description": "UpdateModel updates a model.",
"file": "Client/UpdateModel/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UpdateModel",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.UpdateModelRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*automlpb.Model",
"client": {
"shortName": "Client",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UpdateModel",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "AutoMl",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_PredictionService_BatchPredict_sync",
"title": "automl BatchPredict Sample",
"description": "BatchPredict perform a batch prediction. Unlike the online [Predict][], batch\nprediction result won't be immediately available in the response. Instead,\na long running operation object is returned. User can poll the operation\nresult via [GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation]\nmethod. Once the operation is done, [BatchPredictResult][] is returned in\nthe [response][google.longrunning.Operation.response] field.\nAvailable for following ML scenarios: \n\n* AutoML Vision Classification\n* AutoML Vision Object Detection\n* AutoML Video Intelligence Classification\n* AutoML Video Intelligence Object Tracking * AutoML Natural Language Classification\n* AutoML Natural Language Entity Extraction\n* AutoML Natural Language Sentiment Analysis\n* AutoML Tables",
"file": "PredictionClient/BatchPredict/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "BatchPredict",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.BatchPredictRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "BatchPredictOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "PredictionClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "BatchPredict",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "PredictionService",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "automl_v1_generated_PredictionService_Predict_sync",
"title": "automl Predict Sample",
"description": "Predict perform an online prediction. The prediction result is directly\nreturned in the response.\nAvailable for following ML scenarios, and their expected request payloads: \n\nAutoML Vision Classification\n\n* An image in .JPEG, .GIF or .PNG format, image_bytes up to 30MB.\n\nAutoML Vision Object Detection\n\n* An image in .JPEG, .GIF or .PNG format, image_bytes up to 30MB.\n\nAutoML Natural Language Classification\n\n* A TextSnippet up to 60,000 characters, UTF-8 encoded or a document in\n.PDF, .TIF or .TIFF format with size upto 2MB.\n\nAutoML Natural Language Entity Extraction\n\n* A TextSnippet up to 10,000 characters, UTF-8 NFC encoded or a document\nin .PDF, .TIF or .TIFF format with size upto 20MB.\n\nAutoML Natural Language Sentiment Analysis\n\n* A TextSnippet up to 60,000 characters, UTF-8 encoded or a document in\n.PDF, .TIF or .TIFF format with size upto 2MB.\n\nAutoML Translation\n\n* A TextSnippet up to 25,000 characters, UTF-8 encoded.\n\nAutoML Tables\n\n* A row with column values matching\nthe columns of the model, up to 5MB. Not available for FORECASTING\n`prediction_type`.",
"file": "PredictionClient/Predict/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "Predict",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "automlpb.PredictRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*automlpb.PredictResponse",
"client": {
"shortName": "PredictionClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "Predict",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "PredictionService",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"