blob: 4f1ea12166ca71abf3b8dc9842f160cd63a1ec21 [file] [log] [blame]
"clientLibrary": {
"name": "",
"version": "1.9.6",
"language": "GO",
"apis": [
"id": "",
"version": "v3"
"snippets": [
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_CreateFolder_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager CreateFolder Sample",
"description": "CreateFolder creates a folder in the resource hierarchy.\nReturns an `Operation` which can be used to track the progress of the\nfolder creation workflow.\nUpon success, the `Operation.response` field will be populated with the\ncreated Folder.\n\nIn order to succeed, the addition of this new folder must not violate\nthe folder naming, height, or fanout constraints.\n\n+ The folder's `display_name` must be distinct from all other folders that\nshare its parent.\n+ The addition of the folder must not cause the active folder hierarchy\nto exceed a height of 10. Note, the full active + deleted folder hierarchy\nis allowed to reach a height of 20; this provides additional headroom when\nmoving folders that contain deleted folders.\n+ The addition of the folder must not cause the total number of folders\nunder its parent to exceed 300.\n\nIf the operation fails due to a folder constraint violation, some errors\nmay be returned by the `CreateFolder` request, with status code\n`FAILED_PRECONDITION` and an error description. Other folder constraint\nviolations will be communicated in the `Operation`, with the specific\n`PreconditionFailure` returned in the details list in the `Operation.error`\nfield.\n\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.create` permission on the\nidentified parent.",
"file": "FoldersClient/CreateFolder/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateFolder",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.CreateFolderRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateFolderOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateFolder",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_DeleteFolder_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager DeleteFolder Sample",
"description": "DeleteFolder requests deletion of a folder. The folder is moved into the\n[DELETE_REQUESTED][]\nstate immediately, and is deleted approximately 30 days later. This method\nmay only be called on an empty folder, where a folder is empty if it\ndoesn't contain any folders or projects in the\n[ACTIVE][] state. If\ncalled on a folder in\n[DELETE_REQUESTED][]\nstate the operation will result in a no-op success.\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.delete` permission on the\nidentified folder.",
"file": "FoldersClient/DeleteFolder/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteFolder",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.DeleteFolderRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteFolderOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteFolder",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_GetFolder_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetFolder Sample",
"description": "GetFolder retrieves a folder identified by the supplied resource name.\nValid folder resource names have the format `folders/{folder_id}`\n(for example, `folders/1234`).\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.get` permission on the\nidentified folder.",
"file": "FoldersClient/GetFolder/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetFolder",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.GetFolderRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*resourcemanagerpb.Folder",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetFolder",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_GetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "GetIamPolicy gets the access control policy for a folder. The returned policy may be\nempty if no such policy or resource exists. The `resource` field should\nbe the folder's resource name, for example: \"folders/1234\".\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.getIamPolicy` permission\non the identified folder.",
"file": "FoldersClient/GetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.GetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_GetOperation_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOperation Sample",
"description": "GetOperation is a utility method from google.longrunning.Operations.",
"file": "FoldersClient/GetOperation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "longrunningpb.GetOperationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*longrunningpb.Operation",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation",
"service": {
"shortName": "Operations",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations"
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_ListFolders_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager ListFolders Sample",
"description": "ListFolders lists the folders that are direct descendants of supplied parent resource.\n`list()` provides a strongly consistent view of the folders underneath\nthe specified parent resource.\n`list()` returns folders sorted based upon the (ascending) lexical ordering\nof their display_name.\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.list` permission on the\nidentified parent.",
"file": "FoldersClient/ListFolders/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListFolders",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.ListFoldersRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "FolderIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListFolders",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_MoveFolder_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager MoveFolder Sample",
"description": "MoveFolder moves a folder under a new resource parent.\nReturns an `Operation` which can be used to track the progress of the\nfolder move workflow.\nUpon success, the `Operation.response` field will be populated with the\nmoved folder.\nUpon failure, a `FolderOperationError` categorizing the failure cause will\nbe returned - if the failure occurs synchronously then the\n`FolderOperationError` will be returned in the `Status.details` field.\nIf it occurs asynchronously, then the FolderOperation will be returned\nin the `Operation.error` field.\nIn addition, the `Operation.metadata` field will be populated with a\n`FolderOperation` message as an aid to stateless clients.\nFolder moves will be rejected if they violate either the naming, height,\nor fanout constraints described in the\n[CreateFolder][]\ndocumentation. The caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.move`\npermission on the folder's current and proposed new parent.",
"file": "FoldersClient/MoveFolder/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "MoveFolder",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.MoveFolderRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "MoveFolderOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "MoveFolder",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_SearchFolders_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SearchFolders Sample",
"description": "SearchFolders search for folders that match specific filter criteria.\n`search()` provides an eventually consistent view of the folders a user has\naccess to which meet the specified filter criteria.\n\nThis will only return folders on which the caller has the\npermission `resourcemanager.folders.get`.",
"file": "FoldersClient/SearchFolders/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SearchFolders",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.SearchFoldersRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "FolderIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SearchFolders",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_SetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "SetIamPolicy sets the access control policy on a folder, replacing any existing policy.\nThe `resource` field should be the folder's resource name, for example: \n\"folders/1234\".\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.setIamPolicy` permission\non the identified folder.",
"file": "FoldersClient/SetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.SetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_TestIamPermissions_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager TestIamPermissions Sample",
"description": "TestIamPermissions returns permissions that a caller has on the specified folder.\nThe `resource` field should be the folder's resource name,\nfor example: \"folders/1234\".\n\nThere are no permissions required for making this API call.",
"file": "FoldersClient/TestIamPermissions/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.TestIamPermissionsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.TestIamPermissionsResponse",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_UndeleteFolder_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager UndeleteFolder Sample",
"description": "UndeleteFolder cancels the deletion request for a folder. This method may be called on a\nfolder in any state. If the folder is in the\n[ACTIVE][] state the\nresult will be a no-op success. In order to succeed, the folder's parent\nmust be in the\n[ACTIVE][] state. In\naddition, reintroducing the folder into the tree must not violate folder\nnaming, height, and fanout constraints described in the\n[CreateFolder][]\ndocumentation. The caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.undelete`\npermission on the identified folder.",
"file": "FoldersClient/UndeleteFolder/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UndeleteFolder",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.UndeleteFolderRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "UndeleteFolderOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UndeleteFolder",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Folders_UpdateFolder_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager UpdateFolder Sample",
"description": "UpdateFolder updates a folder, changing its `display_name`.\nChanges to the folder `display_name` will be rejected if they violate\neither the `display_name` formatting rules or the naming constraints\ndescribed in the\n[CreateFolder][]\ndocumentation.\n\nThe folder's `display_name` must start and end with a letter or digit,\nmay contain letters, digits, spaces, hyphens and underscores and can be\nbetween 3 and 30 characters. This is captured by the regular expression: \n`[\\p{L}\\p{N}][\\p{L}\\p{N}_- ]{1,28}[\\p{L}\\p{N}]`.\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.folders.update` permission on the\nidentified folder.\n\nIf the update fails due to the unique name constraint then a\n`PreconditionFailure` explaining this violation will be returned\nin the Status.details field.",
"file": "FoldersClient/UpdateFolder/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UpdateFolder",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.UpdateFolderRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "UpdateFolderOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "FoldersClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UpdateFolder",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Folders",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Organizations_GetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "GetIamPolicy gets the access control policy for an organization resource. The policy may\nbe empty if no such policy or resource exists. The `resource` field should\nbe the organization's resource name, for example: \"organizations/123\".\n\nAuthorization requires the IAM permission\n`resourcemanager.organizations.getIamPolicy` on the specified organization.",
"file": "OrganizationsClient/GetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.GetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "OrganizationsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Organizations",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Organizations_GetOperation_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOperation Sample",
"description": "GetOperation is a utility method from google.longrunning.Operations.",
"file": "OrganizationsClient/GetOperation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "longrunningpb.GetOperationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*longrunningpb.Operation",
"client": {
"shortName": "OrganizationsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation",
"service": {
"shortName": "Operations",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations"
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Organizations_GetOrganization_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOrganization Sample",
"description": "GetOrganization fetches an organization resource identified by the specified resource name.",
"file": "OrganizationsClient/GetOrganization/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOrganization",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.GetOrganizationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*resourcemanagerpb.Organization",
"client": {
"shortName": "OrganizationsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOrganization",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Organizations",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Organizations_SearchOrganizations_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SearchOrganizations Sample",
"description": "SearchOrganizations searches organization resources that are visible to the user and satisfy\nthe specified filter. This method returns organizations in an unspecified\norder. New organizations do not necessarily appear at the end of the\nresults, and may take a small amount of time to appear.\n\nSearch will only return organizations on which the user has the permission\n`resourcemanager.organizations.get`",
"file": "OrganizationsClient/SearchOrganizations/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SearchOrganizations",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.SearchOrganizationsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "OrganizationIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "OrganizationsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SearchOrganizations",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Organizations",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Organizations_SetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "SetIamPolicy sets the access control policy on an organization resource. Replaces any\nexisting policy. The `resource` field should be the organization's resource\nname, for example: \"organizations/123\".\n\nAuthorization requires the IAM permission\n`resourcemanager.organizations.setIamPolicy` on the specified organization.",
"file": "OrganizationsClient/SetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.SetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "OrganizationsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Organizations",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Organizations_TestIamPermissions_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager TestIamPermissions Sample",
"description": "TestIamPermissions returns the permissions that a caller has on the specified organization.\nThe `resource` field should be the organization's resource name,\nfor example: \"organizations/123\".\n\nThere are no permissions required for making this API call.",
"file": "OrganizationsClient/TestIamPermissions/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.TestIamPermissionsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.TestIamPermissionsResponse",
"client": {
"shortName": "OrganizationsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Organizations",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_CreateProject_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager CreateProject Sample",
"description": "CreateProject request that a new project be created. The result is an `Operation` which\ncan be used to track the creation process. This process usually takes a few\nseconds, but can sometimes take much longer. The tracking `Operation` is\nautomatically deleted after a few hours, so there is no need to call\n`DeleteOperation`.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/CreateProject/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateProject",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.CreateProjectRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateProjectOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateProject",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_DeleteProject_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager DeleteProject Sample",
"description": "DeleteProject marks the project identified by the specified\n`name` (for example, `projects/415104041262`) for deletion.\n\nThis method will only affect the project if it has a lifecycle state of\n[ACTIVE][].\n\nThis method changes the Project's lifecycle state from\n[ACTIVE][]\nto\n[DELETE_REQUESTED][].\nThe deletion starts at an unspecified time,\nat which point the Project is no longer accessible.\n\nUntil the deletion completes, you can check the lifecycle state\nchecked by retrieving the project with [GetProject]\n[],\nand the project remains visible to [ListProjects]\n[].\nHowever, you cannot update the project.\n\nAfter the deletion completes, the project is not retrievable by\nthe [GetProject]\n[],\n[ListProjects]\n[], and\n[SearchProjects][]\nmethods.\n\nThis method behaves idempotently, such that deleting a `DELETE_REQUESTED`\nproject will not cause an error, but also won't do anything.\n\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.projects.delete` permissions for this\nproject.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/DeleteProject/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteProject",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.DeleteProjectRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteProjectOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteProject",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_GetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "GetIamPolicy returns the IAM access control policy for the specified project, in the\nformat `projects/{ProjectIdOrNumber}` e.g. projects/123.\nPermission is denied if the policy or the resource do not exist.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/GetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.GetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_GetOperation_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOperation Sample",
"description": "GetOperation is a utility method from google.longrunning.Operations.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/GetOperation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "longrunningpb.GetOperationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*longrunningpb.Operation",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation",
"service": {
"shortName": "Operations",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations"
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_GetProject_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetProject Sample",
"description": "GetProject retrieves the project identified by the specified `name` (for example,\n`projects/415104041262`).\n\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.projects.get` permission\nfor this project.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/GetProject/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetProject",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.GetProjectRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*resourcemanagerpb.Project",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetProject",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_ListProjects_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager ListProjects Sample",
"description": "ListProjects lists projects that are direct children of the specified folder or\norganization resource. `list()` provides a strongly consistent view of the\nprojects underneath the specified parent resource. `list()` returns\nprojects sorted based upon the (ascending) lexical ordering of their\n`display_name`. The caller must have `resourcemanager.projects.list`\npermission on the identified parent.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/ListProjects/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListProjects",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.ListProjectsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "ProjectIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListProjects",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_MoveProject_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager MoveProject Sample",
"description": "MoveProject move a project to another place in your resource hierarchy, under a new\nresource parent.\n\nReturns an operation which can be used to track the process of the project\nmove workflow.\nUpon success, the `Operation.response` field will be populated with the\nmoved project.\n\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.projects.move` permission on the\nproject, on the project's current and proposed new parent.\n\nIf project has no current parent, or it currently does not have an\nassociated organization resource, you will also need the\n`resourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy` permission in the project.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/MoveProject/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "MoveProject",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.MoveProjectRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "MoveProjectOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "MoveProject",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_SearchProjects_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SearchProjects Sample",
"description": "SearchProjects search for projects that the caller has both `resourcemanager.projects.get`\npermission on, and also satisfy the specified query.\n\nThis method returns projects in an unspecified order.\n\nThis method is eventually consistent with project mutations; this means\nthat a newly created project may not appear in the results or recent\nupdates to an existing project may not be reflected in the results. To\nretrieve the latest state of a project, use the\n[GetProject][] method.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/SearchProjects/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SearchProjects",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.SearchProjectsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "ProjectIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SearchProjects",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_SetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "SetIamPolicy sets the IAM access control policy for the specified project, in the\nformat `projects/{ProjectIdOrNumber}` e.g. projects/123.\n\nCAUTION: This method will replace the existing policy, and cannot be used\nto append additional IAM settings.\n\nNote: Removing service accounts from policies or changing their roles can\nrender services completely inoperable. It is important to understand how\nthe service account is being used before removing or updating its roles.\n\nThe following constraints apply when using `setIamPolicy()`: \n\n+ Project does not support `allUsers` and `allAuthenticatedUsers` as\n`members` in a `Binding` of a `Policy`.\n\n+ The owner role can be granted to a `user`, `serviceAccount`, or a group\nthat is part of an organization. For example,\ could be added as an owner to a project in\nthe organization, but not the\norganization.\n\n+ Service accounts can be made owners of a project directly\nwithout any restrictions. However, to be added as an owner, a user must be\ninvited using the Cloud Platform console and must accept the invitation.\n\n+ A user cannot be granted the owner role using `setIamPolicy()`. The user\nmust be granted the owner role using the Cloud Platform Console and must\nexplicitly accept the invitation.\n\n+ Invitations to grant the owner role cannot be sent using\n`setIamPolicy()`;\nthey must be sent only using the Cloud Platform Console.\n\n+ If the project is not part of an organization, there must be at least\none owner who has accepted the Terms of Service (ToS) agreement in the\npolicy. Calling `setIamPolicy()` to remove the last ToS-accepted owner\nfrom the policy will fail. This restriction also applies to legacy\nprojects that no longer have owners who have accepted the ToS. Edits to\nIAM policies will be rejected until the lack of a ToS-accepting owner is\nrectified. If the project is part of an organization, you can remove all\nowners, potentially making the organization inaccessible.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/SetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.SetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_TestIamPermissions_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager TestIamPermissions Sample",
"description": "TestIamPermissions returns permissions that a caller has on the specified project, in the\nformat `projects/{ProjectIdOrNumber}` e.g. projects/123..",
"file": "ProjectsClient/TestIamPermissions/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.TestIamPermissionsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.TestIamPermissionsResponse",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_UndeleteProject_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager UndeleteProject Sample",
"description": "UndeleteProject restores the project identified by the specified\n`name` (for example, `projects/415104041262`).\nYou can only use this method for a project that has a lifecycle state of\n[DELETE_REQUESTED]\n[Projects.State.DELETE_REQUESTED].\nAfter deletion starts, the project cannot be restored.\n\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.projects.undelete` permission for\nthis project.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/UndeleteProject/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UndeleteProject",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.UndeleteProjectRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "UndeleteProjectOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UndeleteProject",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_Projects_UpdateProject_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager UpdateProject Sample",
"description": "UpdateProject updates the `display_name` and labels of the project identified by the\nspecified `name` (for example, `projects/415104041262`). Deleting all\nlabels requires an update mask for labels field.\n\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.projects.update` permission for this\nproject.",
"file": "ProjectsClient/UpdateProject/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UpdateProject",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.UpdateProjectRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "UpdateProjectOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "ProjectsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UpdateProject",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "Projects",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagBindings_CreateTagBinding_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager CreateTagBinding Sample",
"description": "CreateTagBinding creates a TagBinding between a TagValue and a Google Cloud resource.",
"file": "TagBindingsClient/CreateTagBinding/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateTagBinding",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.CreateTagBindingRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateTagBindingOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagBindingsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateTagBinding",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagBindings",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagBindings_DeleteTagBinding_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager DeleteTagBinding Sample",
"description": "DeleteTagBinding deletes a TagBinding.",
"file": "TagBindingsClient/DeleteTagBinding/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagBinding",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.DeleteTagBindingRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteTagBindingOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagBindingsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagBinding",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagBindings",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 56,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagBindings_GetOperation_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOperation Sample",
"description": "GetOperation is a utility method from google.longrunning.Operations.",
"file": "TagBindingsClient/GetOperation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "longrunningpb.GetOperationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*longrunningpb.Operation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagBindingsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation",
"service": {
"shortName": "Operations",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations"
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagBindings_ListEffectiveTags_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager ListEffectiveTags Sample",
"description": "ListEffectiveTags return a list of effective tags for the given Google Cloud resource, as\nspecified in `parent`.",
"file": "TagBindingsClient/ListEffectiveTags/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListEffectiveTags",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.ListEffectiveTagsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "EffectiveTagIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagBindingsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListEffectiveTags",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagBindings",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagBindings_ListTagBindings_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager ListTagBindings Sample",
"description": "ListTagBindings lists the TagBindings for the given Google Cloud resource, as specified\nwith `parent`.\n\nNOTE: The `parent` field is expected to be a full resource name: \nhttps: //",
"file": "TagBindingsClient/ListTagBindings/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListTagBindings",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.ListTagBindingsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "TagBindingIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagBindingsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListTagBindings",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagBindings",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagHolds_CreateTagHold_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager CreateTagHold Sample",
"description": "CreateTagHold creates a TagHold. Returns ALREADY_EXISTS if a TagHold with the same\nresource and origin exists under the same TagValue.",
"file": "TagHoldsClient/CreateTagHold/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateTagHold",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.CreateTagHoldRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateTagHoldOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagHoldsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateTagHold",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagHolds",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagHolds_DeleteTagHold_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager DeleteTagHold Sample",
"description": "DeleteTagHold deletes a TagHold.",
"file": "TagHoldsClient/DeleteTagHold/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagHold",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.DeleteTagHoldRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteTagHoldOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagHoldsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagHold",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagHolds",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 56,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagHolds_GetOperation_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOperation Sample",
"description": "GetOperation is a utility method from google.longrunning.Operations.",
"file": "TagHoldsClient/GetOperation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "longrunningpb.GetOperationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*longrunningpb.Operation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagHoldsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation",
"service": {
"shortName": "Operations",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations"
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagHolds_ListTagHolds_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager ListTagHolds Sample",
"description": "ListTagHolds lists TagHolds under a TagValue.",
"file": "TagHoldsClient/ListTagHolds/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListTagHolds",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.ListTagHoldsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "TagHoldIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagHoldsClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListTagHolds",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagHolds",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_CreateTagKey_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager CreateTagKey Sample",
"description": "CreateTagKey creates a new TagKey. If another request with the same parameters is\nsent while the original request is in process, the second request\nwill receive an error. A maximum of 1000 TagKeys can exist under a parent\nat any given time.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/CreateTagKey/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.CreateTagKeyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateTagKeyOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_DeleteTagKey_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager DeleteTagKey Sample",
"description": "DeleteTagKey deletes a TagKey. The TagKey cannot be deleted if it has any child\nTagValues.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/DeleteTagKey/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.DeleteTagKeyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteTagKeyOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_GetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "GetIamPolicy gets the access control policy for a TagKey. The returned policy may be\nempty if no such policy or resource exists. The `resource` field should\nbe the TagKey's resource name. For example, \"tagKeys/1234\".\nThe caller must have\n`` permission on\nthe specified TagKey.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/GetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.GetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_GetNamespacedTagKey_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetNamespacedTagKey Sample",
"description": "GetNamespacedTagKey retrieves a TagKey by its namespaced name.\nThis method will return `PERMISSION_DENIED` if the key does not exist\nor the user does not have permission to view it.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/GetNamespacedTagKey/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetNamespacedTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.GetNamespacedTagKeyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*resourcemanagerpb.TagKey",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetNamespacedTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_GetOperation_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOperation Sample",
"description": "GetOperation is a utility method from google.longrunning.Operations.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/GetOperation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "longrunningpb.GetOperationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*longrunningpb.Operation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation",
"service": {
"shortName": "Operations",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations"
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_GetTagKey_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetTagKey Sample",
"description": "GetTagKey retrieves a TagKey. This method will return `PERMISSION_DENIED` if the\nkey does not exist or the user does not have permission to view it.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/GetTagKey/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.GetTagKeyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*resourcemanagerpb.TagKey",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_ListTagKeys_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager ListTagKeys Sample",
"description": "ListTagKeys lists all TagKeys for a parent resource.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/ListTagKeys/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListTagKeys",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.ListTagKeysRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "TagKeyIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListTagKeys",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_SetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "SetIamPolicy sets the access control policy on a TagKey, replacing any existing\npolicy. The `resource` field should be the TagKey's resource name.\nFor example, \"tagKeys/1234\".\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.tagKeys.setIamPolicy` permission\non the identified tagValue.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/SetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.SetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_TestIamPermissions_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager TestIamPermissions Sample",
"description": "TestIamPermissions returns permissions that a caller has on the specified TagKey.\nThe `resource` field should be the TagKey's resource name.\nFor example, \"tagKeys/1234\".\n\nThere are no permissions required for making this API call.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/TestIamPermissions/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.TestIamPermissionsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.TestIamPermissionsResponse",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagKeys_UpdateTagKey_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager UpdateTagKey Sample",
"description": "UpdateTagKey updates the attributes of the TagKey resource.",
"file": "TagKeysClient/UpdateTagKey/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UpdateTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.UpdateTagKeyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "UpdateTagKeyOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagKeysClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UpdateTagKey",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagKeys",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_CreateTagValue_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager CreateTagValue Sample",
"description": "CreateTagValue creates a TagValue as a child of the specified TagKey. If a another\nrequest with the same parameters is sent while the original request is in\nprocess the second request will receive an error. A maximum of 1000\nTagValues can exist under a TagKey at any given time.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/CreateTagValue/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "CreateTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.CreateTagValueRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "CreateTagValueOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "CreateTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_DeleteTagValue_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager DeleteTagValue Sample",
"description": "DeleteTagValue deletes a TagValue. The TagValue cannot have any bindings when it is\ndeleted.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/DeleteTagValue/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.DeleteTagValueRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "DeleteTagValueOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "DeleteTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_GetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "GetIamPolicy gets the access control policy for a TagValue. The returned policy may be\nempty if no such policy or resource exists. The `resource` field should\nbe the TagValue's resource name. For example: `tagValues/1234`.\nThe caller must have the\n`` permission on\nthe identified TagValue to get the access control policy.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/GetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.GetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_GetNamespacedTagValue_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetNamespacedTagValue Sample",
"description": "GetNamespacedTagValue retrieves a TagValue by its namespaced name.\nThis method will return `PERMISSION_DENIED` if the value does not exist\nor the user does not have permission to view it.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/GetNamespacedTagValue/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetNamespacedTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.GetNamespacedTagValueRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*resourcemanagerpb.TagValue",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetNamespacedTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_GetOperation_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetOperation Sample",
"description": "GetOperation is a utility method from google.longrunning.Operations.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/GetOperation/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "longrunningpb.GetOperationRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*longrunningpb.Operation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetOperation",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation",
"service": {
"shortName": "Operations",
"fullName": "google.longrunning.Operations"
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_GetTagValue_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager GetTagValue Sample",
"description": "GetTagValue retrieves a TagValue. This method will return `PERMISSION_DENIED` if the\nvalue does not exist or the user does not have permission to view it.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/GetTagValue/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "GetTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.GetTagValueRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*resourcemanagerpb.TagValue",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "GetTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_ListTagValues_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager ListTagValues Sample",
"description": "ListTagValues lists all TagValues for a specific TagKey.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/ListTagValues/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "ListTagValues",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.ListTagValuesRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "TagValueIterator",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "ListTagValues",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 66,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_SetIamPolicy_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager SetIamPolicy Sample",
"description": "SetIamPolicy sets the access control policy on a TagValue, replacing any existing\npolicy. The `resource` field should be the TagValue's resource name.\nFor example: `tagValues/1234`.\nThe caller must have `resourcemanager.tagValues.setIamPolicy` permission\non the identified tagValue.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/SetIamPolicy/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.SetIamPolicyRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.Policy",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "SetIamPolicy",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_TestIamPermissions_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager TestIamPermissions Sample",
"description": "TestIamPermissions returns permissions that a caller has on the specified TagValue.\nThe `resource` field should be the TagValue's resource name. For example: \n`tagValues/1234`.\n\nThere are no permissions required for making this API call.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/TestIamPermissions/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "iampb.TestIamPermissionsRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "*iampb.TestIamPermissionsResponse",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "TestIamPermissions",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 53,
"type": "FULL"
"regionTag": "cloudresourcemanager_v3_generated_TagValues_UpdateTagValue_sync",
"title": "cloudresourcemanager UpdateTagValue Sample",
"description": "UpdateTagValue updates the attributes of the TagValue resource.",
"file": "TagValuesClient/UpdateTagValue/main.go",
"language": "GO",
"clientMethod": {
"shortName": "UpdateTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"parameters": [
"type": "context.Context",
"name": "ctx"
"type": "resourcemanagerpb.UpdateTagValueRequest",
"name": "req"
"type": "...gax.CallOption",
"name": "opts"
"resultType": "UpdateTagValueOperation",
"client": {
"shortName": "TagValuesClient",
"fullName": ""
"method": {
"shortName": "UpdateTagValue",
"fullName": "",
"service": {
"shortName": "TagValues",
"fullName": ""
"origin": "API_DEFINITION",
"segments": [
"start": 18,
"end": 58,
"type": "FULL"