blob: bd3225f2aff6f9363003791ba89c82196f56b040 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bigtable
import (
longrunning ""
btapb ""
type mockTableAdminClock struct {
createTableReq *btapb.CreateTableRequest
updateTableReq *btapb.UpdateTableRequest
createTableResp *btapb.Table
updateTableError error
func (c *mockTableAdminClock) CreateTable(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.CreateTableRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*btapb.Table, error) {
c.createTableReq = in
return c.createTableResp, nil
func (c *mockTableAdminClock) UpdateTable(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.UpdateTableRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*longrunning.Operation, error) {
c.updateTableReq = in
return &longrunning.Operation{
Done: true,
Result: &longrunning.Operation_Response{
Response: &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: "google.bigtable.admin.v2.Table"},
}, c.updateTableError
func setupTableClient(t *testing.T, ac btapb.BigtableTableAdminClient) *AdminClient {
ctx := context.Background()
c, err := NewAdminClient(ctx, "my-cool-project", "my-cool-instance")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewAdminClient failed: %v", err)
c.tClient = ac
return c
func TestTableAdmin_CreateTableFromConf_DeletionProtection_Protected(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
deletionProtection := Protected
err := c.CreateTableFromConf(context.Background(), &TableConf{TableID: "My-table", DeletionProtection: deletionProtection})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateTableFromConf failed: %v", err)
createTableReq := mock.createTableReq
if !cmp.Equal(createTableReq.TableId, "My-table") {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table ID: %v, expected %v", createTableReq.TableId, "My-table")
if !cmp.Equal(createTableReq.Table.DeletionProtection, true) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table deletion protection: %v, expected %v", createTableReq.Table.DeletionProtection, true)
func TestTableAdmin_CreateTableFromConf_DeletionProtection_Unprotected(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
deletionProtection := Unprotected
err := c.CreateTableFromConf(context.Background(), &TableConf{TableID: "My-table", DeletionProtection: deletionProtection})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateTableFromConf failed: %v", err)
createTableReq := mock.createTableReq
if !cmp.Equal(createTableReq.TableId, "My-table") {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table ID: %v, expected %v", createTableReq.TableId, "My-table")
if !cmp.Equal(createTableReq.Table.DeletionProtection, false) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table deletion protection: %v, expected %v", createTableReq.Table.DeletionProtection, false)
func TestTableAdmin_CreateTableFromConf_ChangeStream_Valid(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
changeStreamRetention, err := time.ParseDuration("24h")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ChangeStreamRetention not valid: %v", err)
err = c.CreateTableFromConf(context.Background(), &TableConf{TableID: "My-table", ChangeStreamRetention: changeStreamRetention})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateTableFromConf failed: %v", err)
createTableReq := mock.createTableReq
if !cmp.Equal(createTableReq.TableId, "My-table") {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table ID: %v, expected %v", createTableReq.TableId, "My-table")
if !cmp.Equal(createTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig.RetentionPeriod.Seconds, int64(changeStreamRetention.Seconds())) {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table change stream retention: %v, expected %v", createTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig.RetentionPeriod.Seconds, changeStreamRetention.Seconds())
func TestTableAdmin_CreateTableFromConf_ChangeStream_Disable(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
changeStreamRetention := time.Duration(0)
err := c.CreateTableFromConf(context.Background(), &TableConf{TableID: "My-table", ChangeStreamRetention: changeStreamRetention})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateTableFromConf failed: %v", err)
createTableReq := mock.createTableReq
if !cmp.Equal(createTableReq.TableId, "My-table") {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table ID: %v, expected %v", createTableReq.TableId, "My-table")
if createTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected table change stream retention: %v should be empty", createTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig)
func TestTableAdmin_UpdateTableWithDeletionProtection(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
deletionProtection := Protected
// Check if the deletion protection updates correctly
err := c.UpdateTableWithDeletionProtection(context.Background(), "My-table", deletionProtection)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateTableWithDeletionProtection failed: %v", err)
updateTableReq := mock.updateTableReq
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.Table.Name, "projects/my-cool-project/instances/my-cool-instance/tables/My-table") {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, TableID: %v", updateTableReq.Table.Name)
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.Table.DeletionProtection, true) {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, TableID: %v", updateTableReq.Table.Name)
if !cmp.Equal(len(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths), 1) {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, UpdateMask has length of %d, expected 1", len(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths))
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths[0], "deletion_protection") {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, TableID: %v", updateTableReq.Table.Name)
func TestTableAdmin_UpdateTable_WithError(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{updateTableError: errors.New("update table failure error")}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
deletionProtection := Protected
// Check if the update fails when update table returns an error
err := c.UpdateTableWithDeletionProtection(context.Background(), "My-table", deletionProtection)
if fmt.Sprint(err) != "error from update: update table failure error" {
t.Fatalf("UpdateTable updated by mistake: %v", err)
func TestTableAdmin_UpdateTable_TableID_NotProvided(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
deletionProtection := Protected
// Check if the update fails when TableID is not provided
err := c.UpdateTableWithDeletionProtection(context.Background(), "", deletionProtection)
if fmt.Sprint(err) != "TableID is required" {
t.Fatalf("UpdateTable failed: %v", err)
func TestTableAdmin_UpdateTableWithChangeStreamRetention(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
changeStreamRetention, err := time.ParseDuration("24h")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ChangeStreamRetention not valid: %v", err)
err = c.UpdateTableWithChangeStream(context.Background(), "My-table", changeStreamRetention)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateTableWithChangeStream failed: %v", err)
updateTableReq := mock.updateTableReq
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.Table.Name, "projects/my-cool-project/instances/my-cool-instance/tables/My-table") {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, TableID: %v", updateTableReq.Table.Name)
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig.RetentionPeriod.Seconds, int64(changeStreamRetention.Seconds())) {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, ChangeStreamConfig: %v", updateTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig)
if !cmp.Equal(len(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths), 1) {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, UpdateMask has length of %d, expected 1", len(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths))
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths[0], "change_stream_config.retention_period") {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, UpdateMask: %v", updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths[0])
func TestTableAdmin_UpdateTableDisableChangeStream(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockTableAdminClock{}
c := setupTableClient(t, mock)
err := c.UpdateTableDisableChangeStream(context.Background(), "My-table")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateTableDisableChangeStream failed: %v", err)
updateTableReq := mock.updateTableReq
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.Table.Name, "projects/my-cool-project/instances/my-cool-instance/tables/My-table") {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, TableID: %v", updateTableReq.Table.Name)
if updateTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig != nil {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, ChangeStreamConfig: %v should be empty", updateTableReq.Table.ChangeStreamConfig)
if !cmp.Equal(len(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths), 1) {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, UpdateMask has length of %d, expected 1", len(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths))
if !cmp.Equal(updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths[0], "change_stream_config") {
t.Errorf("UpdateTableRequest does not match, UpdateMask: %v", updateTableReq.UpdateMask.Paths[0])
type mockAdminClock struct {
createInstanceReq *btapb.CreateInstanceRequest
createClusterReq *btapb.CreateClusterRequest
partialUpdateClusterReq *btapb.PartialUpdateClusterRequest
getClusterResp *btapb.Cluster
func (c *mockAdminClock) PartialUpdateCluster(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.PartialUpdateClusterRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*longrunning.Operation, error) {
c.partialUpdateClusterReq = in
return &longrunning.Operation{
Done: true,
Result: &longrunning.Operation_Response{},
}, nil
func (c *mockAdminClock) CreateInstance(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.CreateInstanceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*longrunning.Operation, error) {
c.createInstanceReq = in
return &longrunning.Operation{
Done: true,
Result: &longrunning.Operation_Response{
Response: &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: "google.bigtable.admin.v2.Instance"},
}, nil
func (c *mockAdminClock) CreateCluster(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.CreateClusterRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*longrunning.Operation, error) {
c.createClusterReq = in
return &longrunning.Operation{
Done: true,
Result: &longrunning.Operation_Response{
Response: &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: "google.bigtable.admin.v2.Cluster"},
}, nil
func (c *mockAdminClock) PartialUpdateInstance(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.PartialUpdateInstanceRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*longrunning.Operation, error) {
return &longrunning.Operation{
Done: true,
Result: &longrunning.Operation_Response{},
}, nil
func (c *mockAdminClock) GetCluster(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.GetClusterRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*btapb.Cluster, error) {
return c.getClusterResp, nil
func (c *mockAdminClock) ListClusters(
ctx context.Context, in *btapb.ListClustersRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) (*btapb.ListClustersResponse, error) {
return &btapb.ListClustersResponse{Clusters: []*btapb.Cluster{c.getClusterResp}}, nil
func setupClient(t *testing.T, ac btapb.BigtableInstanceAdminClient) *InstanceAdminClient {
ctx := context.Background()
c, err := NewInstanceAdminClient(ctx, "my-cool-project")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewInstanceAdminClient failed: %v", err)
c.iClient = ac
return c
func TestInstanceAdmin_GetCluster(t *testing.T) {
tcs := []struct {
cluster *btapb.Cluster
wantConfig *AutoscalingConfig
desc string
desc: "when autoscaling is not enabled",
cluster: &btapb.Cluster{
Name: ".../mycluster",
Location: ".../us-central1-a",
State: btapb.Cluster_READY,
DefaultStorageType: btapb.StorageType_SSD,
wantConfig: nil,
desc: "when autoscaling is enabled",
cluster: &btapb.Cluster{
Name: ".../mycluster",
Location: ".../us-central1-a",
State: btapb.Cluster_READY,
DefaultStorageType: btapb.StorageType_SSD,
Config: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_{
ClusterConfig: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig{
ClusterAutoscalingConfig: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterAutoscalingConfig{
AutoscalingLimits: &btapb.AutoscalingLimits{
MinServeNodes: 1,
MaxServeNodes: 2,
AutoscalingTargets: &btapb.AutoscalingTargets{
CpuUtilizationPercent: 10,
StorageUtilizationGibPerNode: 3000,
wantConfig: &AutoscalingConfig{MinNodes: 1, MaxNodes: 2, CPUTargetPercent: 10, StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000},
for _, tc := range tcs {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
c := setupClient(t, &mockAdminClock{getClusterResp: tc.cluster})
info, err := c.GetCluster(context.Background(), "myinst", "mycluster")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("GetCluster failed: %v", err)
if gotConfig := info.AutoscalingConfig; !cmp.Equal(gotConfig, tc.wantConfig) {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling config = %v, got = %v", tc.wantConfig, gotConfig)
func TestInstanceAdmin_Clusters(t *testing.T) {
tcs := []struct {
cluster *btapb.Cluster
wantConfig *AutoscalingConfig
desc string
desc: "when autoscaling is not enabled",
cluster: &btapb.Cluster{
Name: ".../mycluster",
Location: ".../us-central1-a",
State: btapb.Cluster_READY,
DefaultStorageType: btapb.StorageType_SSD,
wantConfig: nil,
desc: "when autoscaling is enabled",
cluster: &btapb.Cluster{
Name: ".../mycluster",
Location: ".../us-central1-a",
State: btapb.Cluster_READY,
DefaultStorageType: btapb.StorageType_SSD,
Config: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_{
ClusterConfig: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig{
ClusterAutoscalingConfig: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterAutoscalingConfig{
AutoscalingLimits: &btapb.AutoscalingLimits{
MinServeNodes: 1,
MaxServeNodes: 2,
AutoscalingTargets: &btapb.AutoscalingTargets{
CpuUtilizationPercent: 10,
StorageUtilizationGibPerNode: 3000,
wantConfig: &AutoscalingConfig{MinNodes: 1, MaxNodes: 2, CPUTargetPercent: 10, StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000},
for _, tc := range tcs {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
c := setupClient(t, &mockAdminClock{getClusterResp: tc.cluster})
infos, err := c.Clusters(context.Background(), "myinst")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Clusters failed: %v", err)
if len(infos) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Clusters len: want = 1, got = %v", len(infos))
info := infos[0]
if gotConfig := info.AutoscalingConfig; !cmp.Equal(gotConfig, tc.wantConfig) {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling config = %v, got = %v", tc.wantConfig, gotConfig)
func TestInstanceAdmin_SetAutoscaling(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{}
c := setupClient(t, mock)
err := c.SetAutoscaling(context.Background(), "myinst", "mycluster", AutoscalingConfig{
MinNodes: 1,
MaxNodes: 2,
CPUTargetPercent: 10,
StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("SetAutoscaling failed: %v", err)
wantMask := []string{"cluster_config.cluster_autoscaling_config"}
if gotMask := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.UpdateMask.Paths; !cmp.Equal(wantMask, gotMask) {
t.Fatalf("want update mask = %v, got = %v", wantMask, gotMask)
wantName := "projects/my-cool-project/instances/myinst/clusters/mycluster"
if gotName := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.Cluster.Name; gotName != wantName {
t.Fatalf("want name = %v, got = %v", wantName, gotName)
cc := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.Cluster.Config.(*btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_)
gotConfig := cc.ClusterConfig.ClusterAutoscalingConfig
wantMin := int32(1)
if gotMin := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MinServeNodes; wantMin != gotMin {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling min nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMin, gotMin)
wantMax := int32(2)
if gotMax := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MaxServeNodes; wantMax != gotMax {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling max nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMax, gotMax)
wantCPU := int32(10)
if gotCPU := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.CpuUtilizationPercent; wantCPU != gotCPU {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling cpu = %v, got = %v", wantCPU, gotCPU)
wantStorage := int32(3000)
if gotStorage := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.StorageUtilizationGibPerNode; wantStorage != gotStorage {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling storage = %v, got = %v", wantStorage, gotStorage)
func TestInstanceAdmin_UpdateCluster_RemovingAutoscaling(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{}
c := setupClient(t, mock)
err := c.UpdateCluster(context.Background(), "myinst", "mycluster", 1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateCluster failed: %v", err)
wantMask := []string{"serve_nodes", "cluster_config.cluster_autoscaling_config"}
if gotMask := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.UpdateMask.Paths; !cmp.Equal(wantMask, gotMask) {
t.Fatalf("want update mask = %v, got = %v", wantMask, gotMask)
if gotConfig := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.Cluster.Config; gotConfig != nil {
t.Fatalf("want config = nil, got = %v", gotConfig)
func TestInstanceAdmin_CreateInstance_WithAutoscaling(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{}
c := setupClient(t, mock)
err := c.CreateInstance(context.Background(), &InstanceConf{
InstanceId: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
InstanceType: PRODUCTION,
ClusterId: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
StorageType: SSD,
AutoscalingConfig: &AutoscalingConfig{MinNodes: 1, MaxNodes: 2, CPUTargetPercent: 10, StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateInstance failed: %v", err)
mycc := mock.createInstanceReq.Clusters["mycluster"]
cc := mycc.Config.(*btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_)
gotConfig := cc.ClusterConfig.ClusterAutoscalingConfig
wantMin := int32(1)
if gotMin := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MinServeNodes; wantMin != gotMin {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling min nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMin, gotMin)
wantMax := int32(2)
if gotMax := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MaxServeNodes; wantMax != gotMax {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling max nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMax, gotMax)
wantCPU := int32(10)
if gotCPU := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.CpuUtilizationPercent; wantCPU != gotCPU {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling cpu = %v, got = %v", wantCPU, gotCPU)
err = c.CreateInstance(context.Background(), &InstanceConf{
InstanceId: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
InstanceType: PRODUCTION,
ClusterId: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
StorageType: SSD,
NumNodes: 1,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateInstance failed: %v", err)
// omitting autoscaling config results in a nil config in the request
mycc = mock.createInstanceReq.Clusters["mycluster"]
if cc := mycc.GetClusterConfig(); cc != nil {
t.Fatalf("want config = nil, got = %v", gotConfig)
func TestInstanceAdmin_CreateInstanceWithClusters_WithAutoscaling(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{}
c := setupClient(t, mock)
err := c.CreateInstanceWithClusters(context.Background(), &InstanceWithClustersConfig{
InstanceID: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
InstanceType: PRODUCTION,
Clusters: []ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
StorageType: SSD,
AutoscalingConfig: &AutoscalingConfig{MinNodes: 1, MaxNodes: 2, CPUTargetPercent: 10, StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateInstanceWithClusters failed: %v", err)
mycc := mock.createInstanceReq.Clusters["mycluster"]
cc := mycc.Config.(*btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_)
gotConfig := cc.ClusterConfig.ClusterAutoscalingConfig
wantMin := int32(1)
if gotMin := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MinServeNodes; wantMin != gotMin {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling min nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMin, gotMin)
wantMax := int32(2)
if gotMax := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MaxServeNodes; wantMax != gotMax {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling max nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMax, gotMax)
wantCPU := int32(10)
if gotCPU := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.CpuUtilizationPercent; wantCPU != gotCPU {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling cpu = %v, got = %v", wantCPU, gotCPU)
func TestInstanceAdmin_CreateCluster_WithAutoscaling(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{}
c := setupClient(t, mock)
err := c.CreateCluster(context.Background(), &ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
StorageType: SSD,
AutoscalingConfig: &AutoscalingConfig{MinNodes: 1, MaxNodes: 2, CPUTargetPercent: 10, StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateCluster failed: %v", err)
cc := mock.createClusterReq.Cluster.Config.(*btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_)
gotConfig := cc.ClusterConfig.ClusterAutoscalingConfig
wantMin := int32(1)
if gotMin := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MinServeNodes; wantMin != gotMin {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling min nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMin, gotMin)
wantMax := int32(2)
if gotMax := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MaxServeNodes; wantMax != gotMax {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling max nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMax, gotMax)
wantCPU := int32(10)
if gotCPU := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.CpuUtilizationPercent; wantCPU != gotCPU {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling cpu = %v, got = %v", wantCPU, gotCPU)
wantStorage := int32(3000)
if gotStorage := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.StorageUtilizationGibPerNode; wantStorage != gotStorage {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling storage = %v, got = %v", wantStorage, gotStorage)
err = c.CreateCluster(context.Background(), &ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
StorageType: SSD,
NumNodes: 1,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CreateCluster failed: %v", err)
// omitting autoscaling config results in a nil config in the request
if cc := mock.createClusterReq.Cluster.GetClusterConfig(); cc != nil {
t.Fatalf("want config = nil, got = %v", gotConfig)
func TestInstanceAdmin_UpdateInstanceWithClusters_IgnoresInvalidClusters(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{}
c := setupClient(t, mock)
err := c.UpdateInstanceWithClusters(context.Background(), &InstanceWithClustersConfig{
InstanceID: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
Clusters: []ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
// Cluster has no autoscaling or num nodes
// It should be ignored
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateInstanceWithClusters failed: %v", err)
if mock.partialUpdateClusterReq != nil {
t.Fatalf("PartialUpdateCluster should not have been called, got = %v",
func TestInstanceAdmin_UpdateInstanceWithClusters_WithAutoscaling(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{}
c := setupClient(t, mock)
err := c.UpdateInstanceWithClusters(context.Background(), &InstanceWithClustersConfig{
InstanceID: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
Clusters: []ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
AutoscalingConfig: &AutoscalingConfig{MinNodes: 1, MaxNodes: 2, CPUTargetPercent: 10, StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateInstanceWithClusters failed: %v", err)
cc := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.Cluster.Config.(*btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_)
gotConfig := cc.ClusterConfig.ClusterAutoscalingConfig
wantMin := int32(1)
if gotMin := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MinServeNodes; wantMin != gotMin {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling min nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMin, gotMin)
wantMax := int32(2)
if gotMax := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MaxServeNodes; wantMax != gotMax {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling max nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMax, gotMax)
wantCPU := int32(10)
if gotCPU := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.CpuUtilizationPercent; wantCPU != gotCPU {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling cpu = %v, got = %v", wantCPU, gotCPU)
wantStorage := int32(3000)
if gotStorage := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.StorageUtilizationGibPerNode; wantStorage != gotStorage {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling storage = %v, got = %v", wantStorage, gotStorage)
err = c.UpdateInstanceWithClusters(context.Background(), &InstanceWithClustersConfig{
InstanceID: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
Clusters: []ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
NumNodes: 1,
// no autoscaling config
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateInstanceWithClusters failed: %v", err)
got := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.Cluster.Config
if got != nil {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling config = nil, got = %v", gotConfig)
func TestInstanceAdmin_UpdateInstanceAndSyncClusters_WithAutoscaling(t *testing.T) {
mock := &mockAdminClock{
getClusterResp: &btapb.Cluster{
Name: ".../mycluster",
Location: ".../us-central1-a",
State: btapb.Cluster_READY,
DefaultStorageType: btapb.StorageType_SSD,
Config: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_{
ClusterConfig: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig{
ClusterAutoscalingConfig: &btapb.Cluster_ClusterAutoscalingConfig{
AutoscalingLimits: &btapb.AutoscalingLimits{
MinServeNodes: 1,
MaxServeNodes: 2,
AutoscalingTargets: &btapb.AutoscalingTargets{
CpuUtilizationPercent: 10,
StorageUtilizationGibPerNode: 3000,
c := setupClient(t, mock)
_, err := UpdateInstanceAndSyncClusters(context.Background(), c, &InstanceWithClustersConfig{
InstanceID: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
Clusters: []ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
AutoscalingConfig: &AutoscalingConfig{MinNodes: 1, MaxNodes: 2, CPUTargetPercent: 10, StorageUtilizationPerNode: 3000},
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateInstanceAndSyncClusters failed: %v", err)
cc := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.Cluster.Config.(*btapb.Cluster_ClusterConfig_)
gotConfig := cc.ClusterConfig.ClusterAutoscalingConfig
wantMin := int32(1)
if gotMin := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MinServeNodes; wantMin != gotMin {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling min nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMin, gotMin)
wantMax := int32(2)
if gotMax := gotConfig.AutoscalingLimits.MaxServeNodes; wantMax != gotMax {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling max nodes = %v, got = %v", wantMax, gotMax)
wantCPU := int32(10)
if gotCPU := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.CpuUtilizationPercent; wantCPU != gotCPU {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling cpu = %v, got = %v", wantCPU, gotCPU)
wantStorage := int32(3000)
if gotStorage := gotConfig.AutoscalingTargets.StorageUtilizationGibPerNode; wantStorage != gotStorage {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling storage = %v, got = %v", wantStorage, gotStorage)
_, err = UpdateInstanceAndSyncClusters(context.Background(), c, &InstanceWithClustersConfig{
InstanceID: "myinst",
DisplayName: "myinst",
Clusters: []ClusterConfig{
ClusterID: "mycluster",
Zone: "us-central1-a",
NumNodes: 1,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("UpdateInstanceAndSyncClusters failed: %v", err)
got := mock.partialUpdateClusterReq.Cluster.Config
if got != nil {
t.Fatalf("want autoscaling config = nil, got = %v", gotConfig)