blob: 1d11394c0dbd7c0d95af9c7df763453e88e23e2d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Package spansql contains types and a parser for the Cloud Spanner SQL dialect.
To parse, use one of the Parse functions (ParseDDL, ParseDDLStmt, ParseQuery, etc.).
package spansql
This file is structured as follows:
- There are several exported ParseFoo functions that accept an input string
and return a type defined in types.go. This is the principal API of this package.
These functions are implemented as wrappers around the lower-level functions,
with additional checks to ensure things such as input exhaustion.
- The token and parser types are defined. These constitute the lexical token
and parser machinery. is the main way that other functions get
the next token, with parser.back providing a single token rewind, and
parser.sniff, and parser.expect providing lookahead helpers.
- The parseFoo methods are defined, matching the SQL grammar. Each consumes its
namesake production from the parser. There are also some fooParser helper vars
defined that abbreviate the parsing of some of the regular productions.
import (
const debug = false
func debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if !debug {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "spansql debug: "+format+"\n", args...)
// ParseDDL parses a DDL file.
// The provided filename is used for error reporting and will
// appear in the returned structure.
func ParseDDL(filename, s string) (*DDL, error) {
p := newParser(filename, s)
ddl := &DDL{
Filename: filename,
for {
if p.done {
stmt, err := p.parseDDLStmt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ddl.List = append(ddl.List, stmt)
tok :=
if tok.err == eof {
} else if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
if tok.value == ";" {
} else {
return nil, p.errorf("unexpected token %q", tok.value)
if p.Rem() != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing contents %q", p.Rem())
// Handle comments.
for _, com := range p.comments {
c := &Comment{
Marker: com.marker,
Isolated: com.isolated,
Start: com.start,
End: com.end,
Text: com.text,
// Strip common whitespace prefix and any whitespace suffix.
// TODO: This is a bodgy implementation of Longest Common Prefix,
// and also doesn't do tabs vs. spaces well.
var prefix string
for i, line := range c.Text {
line = strings.TrimRight(line, " \b\t")
c.Text[i] = line
trim := len(line) - len(strings.TrimLeft(line, " \b\t"))
if i == 0 {
prefix = line[:trim]
} else {
// Check how much of prefix is in common.
for !strings.HasPrefix(line, prefix) {
prefix = prefix[:len(prefix)-1]
if prefix == "" {
if prefix != "" {
for i, line := range c.Text {
c.Text[i] = strings.TrimPrefix(line, prefix)
ddl.Comments = append(ddl.Comments, c)
return ddl, nil
// ParseDDLStmt parses a single DDL statement.
func ParseDDLStmt(s string) (DDLStmt, error) {
p := newParser("-", s)
stmt, err := p.parseDDLStmt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if p.Rem() != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing contents %q", p.Rem())
return stmt, nil
// ParseDMLStmt parses a single DML statement.
func ParseDMLStmt(s string) (DMLStmt, error) {
p := newParser("-", s)
stmt, err := p.parseDMLStmt()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if p.Rem() != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing contents %q", p.Rem())
return stmt, nil
// ParseQuery parses a query string.
func ParseQuery(s string) (Query, error) {
p := newParser("-", s)
q, err := p.parseQuery()
if err != nil {
return Query{}, err
if p.Rem() != "" {
return Query{}, fmt.Errorf("unexpected trailing query contents %q", p.Rem())
return q, nil
type token struct {
value string
err *parseError
line, offset int
typ tokenType
float64 float64
string string // unquoted form for stringToken/bytesToken/quotedID
// int64Token is parsed as a number only when it is known to be a literal.
// This permits correct handling of operators preceding such a token,
// which cannot be identified as part of the int64 until later.
int64Base int
type tokenType int
const (
unknownToken tokenType = iota
func (t *token) String() string {
if t.err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("parse error: %v", t.err)
return strconv.Quote(t.value)
type parseError struct {
message string
filename string
line int // 1-based line number
offset int // 0-based byte offset from start of input
func (pe *parseError) Error() string {
if pe == nil {
return "<nil>"
if pe.line == 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:1.%d: %v", pe.filename, pe.offset, pe.message)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: %v", pe.filename, pe.line, pe.message)
var eof = &parseError{message: "EOF"}
type parser struct {
s string // Remaining input.
done bool // Whether the parsing is finished (success or error).
backed bool // Whether back() was called.
cur token
filename string
line, offset int // updated by places that shrink s
comments []comment // accumulated during parse
type comment struct {
marker string // "#" or "--" or "/*"
isolated bool // if it starts on its own line
start, end Position
text []string
// Pos reports the position of the current token.
func (p *parser) Pos() Position { return Position{Line: p.cur.line, Offset: p.cur.offset} }
func newParser(filename, s string) *parser {
return &parser{
s: s,
cur: token{line: 1},
filename: filename,
line: 1,
// Rem returns the unparsed remainder, ignoring space.
func (p *parser) Rem() string {
rem := p.s
if p.backed {
rem = p.cur.value + rem
i := 0
for ; i < len(rem); i++ {
if !isSpace(rem[i]) {
return rem[i:]
func (p *parser) String() string {
if p.backed {
return fmt.Sprintf("next tok: %s (rem: %q)", &p.cur, p.s)
return fmt.Sprintf("rem: %q", p.s)
func (p *parser) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) *parseError {
pe := &parseError{
message: fmt.Sprintf(format, args...),
filename: p.filename,
line: p.cur.line,
offset: p.cur.offset,
p.cur.err = pe
p.done = true
return pe
func isInitialIdentifierChar(c byte) bool {
switch {
case 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z':
return true
case 'a' <= c && c <= 'z':
return true
case c == '_':
return true
return false
func isIdentifierChar(c byte) bool {
// This doesn't apply the restriction that an identifier cannot start with [0-9],
// nor does it check against reserved keywords.
switch {
case 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z':
return true
case 'a' <= c && c <= 'z':
return true
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
return true
case c == '_':
return true
return false
func isHexDigit(c byte) bool {
return '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F'
func isOctalDigit(c byte) bool {
return '0' <= c && c <= '7'
func (p *parser) consumeNumber() {
{ decimal_value | hex_value }
(float64_value is not formally specified)
float64_value :=
i, neg, base := 0, false, 10
float, e, dot := false, false, false
if p.s[i] == '-' {
neg = true
} else if p.s[i] == '+' {
// This isn't in the formal grammar, but is mentioned informally.
if strings.HasPrefix(p.s[i:], "0x") || strings.HasPrefix(p.s[i:], "0X") {
base = 16
i += 2
d0 := i
for i < len(p.s) {
switch c := p.s[i]; {
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
case base == 16 && 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
case base == 16 && 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
case base == 10 && (c == 'e' || c == 'E'):
if e {
p.errorf("bad token %q", p.s[:i])
// Switch to consuming float.
float, e = true, true
if i < len(p.s) && (p.s[i] == '+' || p.s[i] == '-') {
case base == 10 && c == '.':
if dot || e { // any dot must come before E
p.errorf("bad token %q", p.s[:i])
// Switch to consuming float.
float, dot = true, true
break digitLoop
if d0 == i {
p.errorf("no digits in numeric literal")
sign := ""
if neg {
sign = "-"
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[:i], p.s[i:]
p.offset += i
var err error
if float {
p.cur.typ = float64Token
p.cur.float64, err = strconv.ParseFloat(sign+p.cur.value[d0:], 64)
} else {
p.cur.typ = int64Token
p.cur.value = sign + p.cur.value[d0:]
p.cur.int64Base = base
// This is parsed on demand.
if err != nil {
p.errorf("bad numeric literal %q: %v", p.cur.value, err)
func (p *parser) consumeString() {
delim := p.stringDelimiter()
if p.cur.err != nil {
p.cur.string, p.cur.err = p.consumeStringContent(delim, false, true, "string literal")
p.cur.typ = stringToken
func (p *parser) consumeRawString() {
p.s = p.s[1:] // consume 'R'
delim := p.stringDelimiter()
if p.cur.err != nil {
p.cur.string, p.cur.err = p.consumeStringContent(delim, true, true, "raw string literal")
p.cur.typ = stringToken
func (p *parser) consumeBytes() {
p.s = p.s[1:] // consume 'B'
delim := p.stringDelimiter()
if p.cur.err != nil {
p.cur.string, p.cur.err = p.consumeStringContent(delim, false, false, "bytes literal")
p.cur.typ = bytesToken
func (p *parser) consumeRawBytes() {
p.s = p.s[2:] // consume 'RB'
delim := p.stringDelimiter()
if p.cur.err != nil {
p.cur.string, p.cur.err = p.consumeStringContent(delim, true, false, "raw bytes literal")
p.cur.typ = bytesToken
// stringDelimiter returns the opening string delimiter.
func (p *parser) stringDelimiter() string {
c := p.s[0]
if c != '"' && c != '\'' {
p.errorf("invalid string literal")
return ""
// Look for triple.
if len(p.s) >= 3 && p.s[1] == c && p.s[2] == c {
return p.s[:3]
return p.s[:1]
// consumeStringContent consumes a string-like literal, including its delimiters.
// - delim is the opening/closing delimiter.
// - raw is true if consuming a raw string.
// - unicode is true if unicode escape sequence (\uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX) are permitted.
// - name identifies the name of the consuming token.
// It is designed for consuming string, bytes literals, and also backquoted identifiers.
func (p *parser) consumeStringContent(delim string, raw, unicode bool, name string) (string, *parseError) {
if len(delim) == 3 {
name = "triple-quoted " + name
i := len(delim)
var content []byte
for i < len(p.s) {
if strings.HasPrefix(p.s[i:], delim) {
i += len(delim)
p.s = p.s[i:]
p.offset += i
return string(content), nil
if p.s[i] == '\\' {
if i >= len(p.s) {
return "", p.errorf("unclosed %s", name)
if raw {
content = append(content, '\\', p.s[i])
switch p.s[i] {
case 'a':
content = append(content, '\a')
case 'b':
content = append(content, '\b')
case 'f':
content = append(content, '\f')
case 'n':
content = append(content, '\n')
case 'r':
content = append(content, '\r')
case 't':
content = append(content, '\t')
case 'v':
content = append(content, '\v')
case '\\':
content = append(content, '\\')
case '?':
content = append(content, '?')
case '"':
content = append(content, '"')
case '\'':
content = append(content, '\'')
case '`':
content = append(content, '`')
case 'x', 'X':
if !(i+1 < len(p.s) && isHexDigit(p.s[i]) && isHexDigit(p.s[i+1])) {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: hex escape sequence must be followed by 2 hex digits")
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(p.s[i:i+2], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: invalid hex digits: %q: %v", p.s[i:i+2], err)
content = append(content, byte(c))
i += 2
case 'u', 'U':
t := p.s[i]
if !unicode {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: \\%c", t)
size := 4
if t == 'U' {
size = 8
if i+size-1 >= len(p.s) {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: \\%c escape sequence must be followed by %d hex digits", t, size)
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
if !isHexDigit(p.s[i+j]) {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: \\%c escape sequence must be followed by %d hex digits", t, size)
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(p.s[i:i+size], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: invalid \\%c digits: %q: %v", t, p.s[i:i+size], err)
if 0xD800 <= c && c <= 0xDFFF || 0x10FFFF < c {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: invalid codepoint: %x", c)
var buf [utf8.UTFMax]byte
n := utf8.EncodeRune(buf[:], rune(c))
content = append(content, buf[:n]...)
i += size
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
if !(i+2 < len(p.s) && isOctalDigit(p.s[i+1]) && isOctalDigit(p.s[i+2])) {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: octal escape sequence must be followed by 3 octal digits")
c, err := strconv.ParseUint(p.s[i:i+3], 8, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: invalid octal digits: %q: %v", p.s[i:i+3], err)
if c >= 256 {
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: octal digits overflow: %q (%d)", p.s[i:i+3], c)
content = append(content, byte(c))
i += 3
return "", p.errorf("illegal escape sequence: \\%c", p.s[i])
if p.s[i] == '\n' {
if len(delim) != 3 { // newline is only allowed inside triple-quoted.
return "", p.errorf("newline forbidden in %s", name)
content = append(content, p.s[i])
return "", p.errorf("unclosed %s", name)
var operators = map[string]bool{
// Arithmetic operators.
"-": true, // both unary and binary
"~": true,
"*": true,
"/": true,
"||": true,
"+": true,
"<<": true,
">>": true,
"&": true,
"^": true,
"|": true,
// Comparison operators.
"<": true,
"<=": true,
">": true,
">=": true,
"=": true,
"!=": true,
"<>": true,
func isSpace(c byte) bool {
// Per, informally,
// whitespace is defined as "space, backspace, tab, newline".
switch c {
case ' ', '\b', '\t', '\n':
return true
return false
// skipSpace skips past any space or comments.
func (p *parser) skipSpace() bool {
initLine := p.line
// If we start capturing a comment in this method,
// this is set to its comment value. Multi-line comments
// are only joined during a single skipSpace invocation.
var com *comment
i := 0
for i < len(p.s) {
if isSpace(p.s[i]) {
if p.s[i] == '\n' {
// Comments.
marker, term := "", ""
if p.s[i] == '#' {
marker, term = "#", "\n"
} else if i+1 < len(p.s) && p.s[i] == '-' && p.s[i+1] == '-' {
marker, term = "--", "\n"
} else if i+1 < len(p.s) && p.s[i] == '/' && p.s[i+1] == '*' {
marker, term = "/*", "*/"
if term == "" {
// Search for the terminator, starting after the marker.
ti := strings.Index(p.s[i+len(marker):], term)
if ti < 0 {
p.errorf("unterminated comment")
return false
ti += len(marker) // make ti relative to p.s[i:]
if com != nil && (com.end.Line+1 < p.line || com.marker != marker) {
// There's a previous comment, but there's an
// intervening blank line, or the marker changed.
// Terminate the previous comment.
com = nil
if com == nil {
// New comment.
p.comments = append(p.comments, comment{
marker: marker,
isolated: (p.line != initLine) || p.line == 1,
start: Position{
Line: p.line,
Offset: p.offset + i,
com = &p.comments[len(p.comments)-1]
textLines := strings.Split(p.s[i+len(marker):i+ti], "\n")
com.text = append(com.text, textLines...)
com.end = Position{
Line: p.line + len(textLines) - 1,
Offset: p.offset + i + ti,
p.line = com.end.Line
if term == "\n" {
i += ti + len(term)
// A non-isolated comment is always complete and doesn't get
// combined with any future comment.
if !com.isolated {
com = nil
p.s = p.s[i:]
p.offset += i
if p.s == "" {
p.done = true
return i > 0
// advance moves the parser to the next token, which will be available in p.cur.
func (p *parser) advance() {
prevID := p.cur.typ == quotedID || p.cur.typ == unquotedID
if p.done {
// If the previous token was an identifier (quoted or unquoted),
// the next token being a dot means this is a path expression (not a number).
if prevID && p.s[0] == '.' {
p.cur.err = nil
p.cur.line, p.cur.offset = p.line, p.offset
p.cur.typ = unknownToken
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[:1], p.s[1:]
p.cur.err = nil
p.cur.line, p.cur.offset = p.line, p.offset
p.cur.typ = unknownToken
// TODO: struct literals
switch p.s[0] {
case ',', ';', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', '*', '+', '-':
// Single character symbol.
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[:1], p.s[1:]
// String literal prefix.
case 'B', 'b', 'R', 'r', '"', '\'':
// "B", "b", "BR", "Rb" etc are valid string literal prefix, however "BB", "rR" etc are not.
raw, bytes := false, false
for i := 0; i < 4 && i < len(p.s); i++ {
switch {
case !raw && (p.s[i] == 'R' || p.s[i] == 'r'):
raw = true
case !bytes && (p.s[i] == 'B' || p.s[i] == 'b'):
bytes = true
case p.s[i] == '"' || p.s[i] == '\'':
switch {
case raw && bytes:
case raw:
case bytes:
case '`':
// Quoted identifier.
p.cur.string, p.cur.err = p.consumeStringContent("`", false, true, "quoted identifier")
p.cur.typ = quotedID
if p.s[0] == '@' || isInitialIdentifierChar(p.s[0]) {
// Start consuming identifier.
i := 1
for i < len(p.s) && isIdentifierChar(p.s[i]) {
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[:i], p.s[i:]
p.cur.typ = unquotedID
p.offset += i
if len(p.s) >= 2 && p.s[0] == '.' && ('0' <= p.s[1] && p.s[1] <= '9') {
// dot followed by a digit.
if '0' <= p.s[0] && p.s[0] <= '9' {
// Look for operator (two or one bytes).
for i := 2; i >= 1; i-- {
if i <= len(p.s) && operators[p.s[:i]] {
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[:i], p.s[i:]
p.offset += i
p.errorf("unexpected byte %#x", p.s[0])
// back steps the parser back one token. It cannot be called twice in succession.
func (p *parser) back() {
if p.backed {
panic("parser backed up twice")
p.done = false
p.backed = true
// If an error was being recovered, we wish to ignore the error.
// Don't do that for eof since that'll be returned next.
if p.cur.err != eof {
p.cur.err = nil
// next returns the next token.
func (p *parser) next() *token {
if p.backed || p.done {
p.backed = false
return &p.cur
if p.done && p.cur.err == nil {
p.cur.value = ""
p.cur.err = eof
debugf("parser·next(): returning [%v] [err: %v] @l%d,o%d", p.cur.value, p.cur.err, p.cur.line, p.cur.offset)
return &p.cur
// caseEqual reports whether the token is valid, not a quoted identifier, and
// equal to the provided string under a case insensitive comparison.
// Use this (or sniff/eat/expect) instead of comparing a string directly for keywords, etc.
func (t *token) caseEqual(x string) bool {
return t.err == nil && t.typ != quotedID && strings.EqualFold(t.value, x)
// sniff reports whether the next N tokens are as specified.
func (p *parser) sniff(want ...string) bool {
// Store current parser state and restore on the way out.
orig := *p
defer func() { *p = orig }()
for _, w := range want {
if ! {
return false
return true
// sniffTokenType reports whether the next token type is as specified.
func (p *parser) sniffTokenType(want tokenType) bool {
orig := *p
defer func() { *p = orig }()
if == want {
return true
return false
// eat reports whether the next N tokens are as specified,
// then consumes them.
func (p *parser) eat(want ...string) bool {
// Store current parser state so we can restore if we get a failure.
orig := *p
for _, w := range want {
if ! {
// Mismatch.
*p = orig
return false
return true
func (p *parser) expect(want ...string) *parseError {
for _, w := range want {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return tok.err
if !tok.caseEqual(w) {
return p.errorf("got %q while expecting %q", tok.value, w)
return nil
func (p *parser) parseDDLStmt() (DDLStmt, *parseError) {
debugf("parseDDLStmt: %v", p)
{ create_database | create_table | create_index | alter_table | drop_table | drop_index }
// TODO: support create_database
if p.sniff("CREATE", "TABLE") {
ct, err := p.parseCreateTable()
return ct, err
} else if p.sniff("CREATE") {
// The only other statement starting with CREATE is CREATE INDEX,
// which can have UNIQUE or NULL_FILTERED as the token after CREATE.
ci, err := p.parseCreateIndex()
return ci, err
} else if p.sniff("ALTER", "TABLE") {
a, err := p.parseAlterTable()
return a, err
} else if"DROP") {
pos := p.Pos()
// These statements are simple.
// DROP TABLE table_name
// DROP INDEX index_name
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
switch {
return nil, p.errorf("got %q, want TABLE or INDEX", tok.value)
case tok.caseEqual("TABLE"):
name, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &DropTable{Name: name, Position: pos}, nil
case tok.caseEqual("INDEX"):
name, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &DropIndex{Name: name, Position: pos}, nil
} else if p.sniff("ALTER", "DATABASE") {
a, err := p.parseAlterDatabase()
return a, err
return nil, p.errorf("unknown DDL statement")
func (p *parser) parseCreateTable() (*CreateTable, *parseError) {
debugf("parseCreateTable: %v", p)
CREATE TABLE table_name(
[column_def, ...] [ table_constraint, ...] )
primary_key [, cluster]
PRIMARY KEY ( [key_part, ...] )
if err := p.expect("CREATE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := p.Pos()
if err := p.expect("TABLE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
tname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct := &CreateTable{Name: tname, Position: pos}
err = p.parseCommaList("(", ")", func(p *parser) *parseError {
if p.sniffTableConstraint() {
tc, err := p.parseTableConstraint()
if err != nil {
return err
ct.Constraints = append(ct.Constraints, tc)
return nil
cd, err := p.parseColumnDef()
if err != nil {
return err
ct.Columns = append(ct.Columns, cd)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.expect("PRIMARY"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.expect("KEY"); err != nil {
return nil, err
ct.PrimaryKey, err = p.parseKeyPartList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if",", "INTERLEAVE") {
if err := p.expect("IN"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.expect("PARENT"); err != nil {
return nil, err
pname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct.Interleave = &Interleave{
Parent: pname,
OnDelete: NoActionOnDelete,
// The ON DELETE clause is optional; it defaults to NoActionOnDelete.
if"ON", "DELETE") {
od, err := p.parseOnDelete()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct.Interleave.OnDelete = od
if",", "ROW", "DELETION", "POLICY") {
rdp, err := p.parseRowDeletionPolicy()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ct.RowDeletionPolicy = &rdp
return ct, nil
func (p *parser) sniffTableConstraint() bool {
// Unfortunately the Cloud Spanner grammar is LL(3) because
// could be the start of a declaration of a column called "CONSTRAINT" of boolean type,
// or it could be the start of a foreign key constraint called "BOOL".
// We have to sniff up to the third token to see what production it is.
// If we have "FOREIGN" and "KEY" (or "CHECK"), this is an unnamed table constraint.
// If we have "CONSTRAINT", an identifier and "FOREIGN" (or "CHECK"), this is a table constraint.
// Otherwise, this is a column definition.
if p.sniff("FOREIGN", "KEY") || p.sniff("CHECK") {
return true
// Store parser state, and peek ahead.
// Restore on the way out.
orig := *p
defer func() { *p = orig }()
return false
if _, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName(); err != nil {
return false
return p.sniff("FOREIGN") || p.sniff("CHECK")
func (p *parser) parseCreateIndex() (*CreateIndex, *parseError) {
debugf("parseCreateIndex: %v", p)
ON table_name ( key_part [, ...] ) [ storing_clause ] [ , interleave_clause ]
STORING ( column_name [, ...] )
INTERLEAVE IN table_name
var unique, nullFiltered bool
if err := p.expect("CREATE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := p.Pos()
if"UNIQUE") {
unique = true
nullFiltered = true
if err := p.expect("INDEX"); err != nil {
return nil, err
iname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.expect("ON"); err != nil {
return nil, err
tname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ci := &CreateIndex{
Name: iname,
Table: tname,
Unique: unique,
NullFiltered: nullFiltered,
Position: pos,
ci.Columns, err = p.parseKeyPartList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if"STORING") {
ci.Storing, err = p.parseColumnNameList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if",", "INTERLEAVE", "IN") {
ci.Interleave, err = p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ci, nil
func (p *parser) parseAlterTable() (*AlterTable, *parseError) {
debugf("parseAlterTable: %v", p)
ALTER TABLE table_name { table_alteration | table_column_alteration }
{ ADD [ COLUMN ] column_def
| DROP [ COLUMN ] column_name
| ADD table_constraint
| DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name
ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name { { scalar_type | array_type } [NOT NULL] | SET options_def }
if err := p.expect("ALTER"); err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := p.Pos()
if err := p.expect("TABLE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
tname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a := &AlterTable{Name: tname, Position: pos}
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
switch {
return nil, p.errorf("got %q, expected ADD or DROP or SET or ALTER", tok.value)
case tok.caseEqual("ADD"):
if p.sniff("CONSTRAINT") || p.sniff("FOREIGN") || p.sniff("CHECK") {
tc, err := p.parseTableConstraint()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = AddConstraint{Constraint: tc}
return a, nil
rdp, err := p.parseRowDeletionPolicy()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = AddRowDeletionPolicy{RowDeletionPolicy: rdp}
return a, nil
// TODO: "COLUMN" is optional.
if err := p.expect("COLUMN"); err != nil {
return nil, err
cd, err := p.parseColumnDef()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = AddColumn{Def: cd}
return a, nil
case tok.caseEqual("DROP"):
name, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = DropConstraint{Name: name}
return a, nil
a.Alteration = DropRowDeletionPolicy{}
return a, nil
// TODO: "COLUMN" is optional.
if err := p.expect("COLUMN"); err != nil {
return nil, err
name, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = DropColumn{Name: name}
return a, nil
case tok.caseEqual("SET"):
if err := p.expect("ON"); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.expect("DELETE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
od, err := p.parseOnDelete()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = SetOnDelete{Action: od}
return a, nil
case tok.caseEqual("ALTER"):
// TODO: "COLUMN" is optional.
if err := p.expect("COLUMN"); err != nil {
return nil, err
name, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ca, err := p.parseColumnAlteration()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = AlterColumn{
Name: name,
Alteration: ca,
return a, nil
case tok.caseEqual("REPLACE"):
rdp, err := p.parseRowDeletionPolicy()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = ReplaceRowDeletionPolicy{RowDeletionPolicy: rdp}
return a, nil
return a, nil
func (p *parser) parseAlterDatabase() (*AlterDatabase, *parseError) {
debugf("parseAlterDatabase: %v", p)
ALTER DATABASE database_id
where database_id is:
and action is:
SET OPTIONS ( optimizer_version = { 1 ... 2 | null },
version_retention_period = { 'duration' | null } )
if err := p.expect("ALTER"); err != nil {
return nil, err
pos := p.Pos()
if err := p.expect("DATABASE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
// This is not 100% correct as database identifiers have slightly more
// restrictions than table names, but the restrictions are currently not
// applied in the spansql parser.
// TODO: Apply restrictions for all identifiers.
dbname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a := &AlterDatabase{Name: dbname, Position: pos}
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
switch {
return nil, p.errorf("got %q, expected SET", tok.value)
case tok.caseEqual("SET"):
options, err := p.parseDatabaseOptions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
a.Alteration = SetDatabaseOptions{Options: options}
return a, nil
func (p *parser) parseDMLStmt() (DMLStmt, *parseError) {
debugf("parseDMLStmt: %v", p)
DELETE [FROM] target_name [[AS] alias]
WHERE condition
UPDATE target_name [[AS] alias]
SET update_item [, ...]
WHERE condition
update_item: path_expression = expression | path_expression = DEFAULT
TODO: Insert.
if"DELETE") {"FROM") // optional
tname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: parse alias.
if err := p.expect("WHERE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
where, err := p.parseBoolExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Delete{
Table: tname,
Where: where,
}, nil
if"UPDATE") {
tname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u := &Update{
Table: tname,
// TODO: parse alias.
if err := p.expect("SET"); err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
ui, err := p.parseUpdateItem()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u.Items = append(u.Items, ui)
if",") {
if err := p.expect("WHERE"); err != nil {
return nil, err
where, err := p.parseBoolExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
u.Where = where
return u, nil
return nil, p.errorf("unknown DML statement")
func (p *parser) parseUpdateItem() (UpdateItem, *parseError) {
col, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return UpdateItem{}, err
ui := UpdateItem{
Column: col,
if err := p.expect("="); err != nil {
return UpdateItem{}, err
if"DEFAULT") {
return ui, nil
ui.Value, err = p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return UpdateItem{}, err
return ui, nil
func (p *parser) parseColumnDef() (ColumnDef, *parseError) {
debugf("parseColumnDef: %v", p)
column_name {scalar_type | array_type} [NOT NULL] [AS ( expression ) STORED] [options_def]
name, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return ColumnDef{}, err
cd := ColumnDef{Name: name, Position: p.Pos()}
cd.Type, err = p.parseType()
if err != nil {
return ColumnDef{}, err
if"NOT", "NULL") {
cd.NotNull = true
if"AS", "(") {
cd.Generated, err = p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return ColumnDef{}, err
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return ColumnDef{}, err
if err := p.expect("STORED"); err != nil {
return ColumnDef{}, err
if p.sniff("OPTIONS") {
cd.Options, err = p.parseColumnOptions()
if err != nil {
return ColumnDef{}, err
return cd, nil
func (p *parser) parseColumnAlteration() (ColumnAlteration, *parseError) {
debugf("parseColumnAlteration: %v", p)
{ data_type } [ NOT NULL ] | SET [ options_def ]
if"SET") {
co, err := p.parseColumnOptions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return SetColumnOptions{Options: co}, nil
typ, err := p.parseType()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sct := SetColumnType{Type: typ}
if"NOT", "NULL") {
sct.NotNull = true
return sct, nil
func (p *parser) parseColumnOptions() (ColumnOptions, *parseError) {
debugf("parseColumnOptions: %v", p)
OPTIONS (allow_commit_timestamp = { true | null })
if err := p.expect("OPTIONS"); err != nil {
return ColumnOptions{}, err
if err := p.expect("("); err != nil {
return ColumnOptions{}, err
// TODO: Figure out if column options are case insensitive.
// We ignore case for the key (because it is easier) but not the value.
var co ColumnOptions
if"allow_commit_timestamp", "=") {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return ColumnOptions{}, tok.err
allowCommitTimestamp := new(bool)
switch tok.value {
case "true":
*allowCommitTimestamp = true
case "null":
*allowCommitTimestamp = false
return ColumnOptions{}, p.errorf("got %q, want true or null", tok.value)
co.AllowCommitTimestamp = allowCommitTimestamp
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return ColumnOptions{}, err
return co, nil
func (p *parser) parseDatabaseOptions() (DatabaseOptions, *parseError) {
debugf("parseDatabaseOptions: %v", p)
OPTIONS (enable_key_visualizer = { true | null },
optimizer_version = { 1 ... 2 | null },
version_retention_period = { 'duration' | null })
if err := p.expect("OPTIONS"); err != nil {
return DatabaseOptions{}, err
if err := p.expect("("); err != nil {
return DatabaseOptions{}, err
// We ignore case for the key (because it is easier) but not the value.
var opts DatabaseOptions
for {
if"enable_key_visualizer", "=") {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return DatabaseOptions{}, tok.err
enableKeyVisualizer := new(bool)
switch tok.value {
case "true":
*enableKeyVisualizer = true
case "null":
*enableKeyVisualizer = false
return DatabaseOptions{}, p.errorf("invalid enable_key_visualizer_value: %v", tok.value)
opts.EnableKeyVisualizer = enableKeyVisualizer
} else if"optimizer_version", "=") {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return DatabaseOptions{}, tok.err
optimizerVersion := new(int)
if tok.value == "null" {
*optimizerVersion = 0
} else {
if tok.typ != int64Token {
return DatabaseOptions{}, p.errorf("invalid optimizer_version value: %v", tok.value)
version, err := strconv.Atoi(tok.value)
if err != nil {
return DatabaseOptions{}, p.errorf("invalid optimizer_version value: %v", tok.value)
optimizerVersion = &version
opts.OptimizerVersion = optimizerVersion
} else if"version_retention_period", "=") {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return DatabaseOptions{}, tok.err
retentionPeriod := new(string)
if tok.value == "null" {
*retentionPeriod = ""
} else {
if tok.typ != stringToken {
return DatabaseOptions{}, p.errorf("invalid version_retention_period: %v", tok.value)
retentionPeriod = &tok.string
opts.VersionRetentionPeriod = retentionPeriod
} else {
tok :=
return DatabaseOptions{}, p.errorf("unknown database option: %v", tok.value)
if p.sniff(")") {
if !",") {
return DatabaseOptions{}, p.errorf("missing ',' in options list")
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return DatabaseOptions{}, err
return opts, nil
func (p *parser) parseKeyPartList() ([]KeyPart, *parseError) {
var list []KeyPart
err := p.parseCommaList("(", ")", func(p *parser) *parseError {
kp, err := p.parseKeyPart()
if err != nil {
return err
list = append(list, kp)
return nil
return list, err
func (p *parser) parseKeyPart() (KeyPart, *parseError) {
debugf("parseKeyPart: %v", p)
column_name [{ ASC | DESC }]
name, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return KeyPart{}, err
kp := KeyPart{Column: name}
if"ASC") {
// OK.
} else if"DESC") {
kp.Desc = true
return kp, nil
func (p *parser) parseTableConstraint() (TableConstraint, *parseError) {
debugf("parseTableConstraint: %v", p)
[ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ]
{ check | foreign_key }
pos := p.Pos()
// Named constraint.
cname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return TableConstraint{}, err
c, err := p.parseConstraint()
if err != nil {
return TableConstraint{}, err
return TableConstraint{
Name: cname,
Constraint: c,
Position: pos,
}, nil
// Unnamed constraint.
c, err := p.parseConstraint()
if err != nil {
return TableConstraint{}, err
return TableConstraint{
Constraint: c,
Position: c.Pos(),
}, nil
func (p *parser) parseConstraint() (Constraint, *parseError) {
if p.sniff("FOREIGN") {
fk, err := p.parseForeignKey()
return fk, err
c, err := p.parseCheck()
return c, err
func (p *parser) parseForeignKey() (ForeignKey, *parseError) {
debugf("parseForeignKey: %v", p)
FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES ref_table ( ref_column [, ... ] )
if err := p.expect("FOREIGN"); err != nil {
return ForeignKey{}, err
fk := ForeignKey{Position: p.Pos()}
if err := p.expect("KEY"); err != nil {
return ForeignKey{}, err
var err *parseError
fk.Columns, err = p.parseColumnNameList()
if err != nil {
return ForeignKey{}, err
if err := p.expect("REFERENCES"); err != nil {
return ForeignKey{}, err
fk.RefTable, err = p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return ForeignKey{}, err
fk.RefColumns, err = p.parseColumnNameList()
if err != nil {
return ForeignKey{}, err
return fk, nil
func (p *parser) parseCheck() (Check, *parseError) {
debugf("parseCheck: %v", p)
CHECK ( expression )
if err := p.expect("CHECK"); err != nil {
return Check{}, err
c := Check{Position: p.Pos()}
if err := p.expect("("); err != nil {
return Check{}, err
var err *parseError
c.Expr, err = p.parseBoolExpr()
if err != nil {
return Check{}, err
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return Check{}, err
return c, nil
func (p *parser) parseColumnNameList() ([]ID, *parseError) {
var list []ID
err := p.parseCommaList("(", ")", func(p *parser) *parseError {
n, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return err
list = append(list, n)
return nil
return list, err
var baseTypes = map[string]TypeBase{
"BOOL": Bool,
"INT64": Int64,
"FLOAT64": Float64,
"NUMERIC": Numeric,
"STRING": String,
"BYTES": Bytes,
"DATE": Date,
"TIMESTAMP": Timestamp,
func (p *parser) parseType() (Type, *parseError) {
debugf("parseType: %v", p)
ARRAY< scalar_type >
{ BOOL | INT64 | FLOAT64 | NUMERIC | STRING( length ) | BYTES( length ) | DATE | TIMESTAMP }
{ int64_value | MAX }
var t Type
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return Type{}, tok.err
if tok.caseEqual("ARRAY") {
t.Array = true
if err := p.expect("<"); err != nil {
return Type{}, err
tok =
if tok.err != nil {
return Type{}, tok.err
base, ok := baseTypes[strings.ToUpper(tok.value)] // baseTypes is keyed by upper case strings.
if !ok {
return Type{}, p.errorf("got %q, want scalar type", tok.value)
t.Base = base
if t.Base == String || t.Base == Bytes {
if err := p.expect("("); err != nil {
return Type{}, err
tok =
if tok.err != nil {
return Type{}, tok.err
if tok.caseEqual("MAX") {
t.Len = MaxLen
} else if tok.typ == int64Token {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, tok.int64Base, 64)
if err != nil {
return Type{}, p.errorf("%v", err)
t.Len = n
} else {
return Type{}, p.errorf("got %q, want MAX or int64", tok.value)
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return Type{}, err
if t.Array {
if err := p.expect(">"); err != nil {
return Type{}, err
return t, nil
func (p *parser) parseQuery() (Query, *parseError) {
debugf("parseQuery: %v", p)
[ table_hint_expr ][ join_hint_expr ]
{ select | ( query_expr ) | query_expr set_op query_expr }
[ ORDER BY expression [{ ASC | DESC }] [, ...] ]
[ LIMIT count [ OFFSET skip_rows ] ]
// TODO: sub-selects, etc.
if err := p.expect("SELECT"); err != nil {
return Query{}, err
sel, err := p.parseSelect()
if err != nil {
return Query{}, err
q := Query{Select: sel}
if"ORDER", "BY") {
for {
o, err := p.parseOrder()
if err != nil {
return Query{}, err
q.Order = append(q.Order, o)
if !",") {
if"LIMIT") {
// "only literal or parameter values"
lim, err := p.parseLiteralOrParam()
if err != nil {
return Query{}, err
q.Limit = lim
if"OFFSET") {
off, err := p.parseLiteralOrParam()
if err != nil {
return Query{}, err
q.Offset = off
return q, nil
func (p *parser) parseSelect() (Select, *parseError) {
debugf("parseSelect: %v", p)
{ [ expression. ]* | expression [ [ AS ] alias ] } [, ...]
[ FROM from_item [ tablesample_type ] [, ...] ]
[ WHERE bool_expression ]
[ GROUP BY expression [, ...] ]
[ HAVING bool_expression ]
if err := p.expect("SELECT"); err != nil {
return Select{}, err
var sel Select
if"ALL") {
// Nothing to do; this is the default.
} else if"DISTINCT") {
sel.Distinct = true
// Read expressions for the SELECT list.
list, aliases, err := p.parseSelectList()
if err != nil {
return Select{}, err
sel.List, sel.ListAliases = list, aliases
if"FROM") {
padTS := func() {
for len(sel.TableSamples) < len(sel.From) {
sel.TableSamples = append(sel.TableSamples, nil)
for {
from, err := p.parseSelectFrom()
if err != nil {
return Select{}, err
sel.From = append(sel.From, from)
if p.sniff("TABLESAMPLE") {
ts, err := p.parseTableSample()
if err != nil {
return Select{}, err
sel.TableSamples[len(sel.TableSamples)-1] = &ts
if",") {
if sel.TableSamples != nil {
if"WHERE") {
where, err := p.parseBoolExpr()
if err != nil {
return Select{}, err
sel.Where = where
if"GROUP", "BY") {
list, err := p.parseExprList()
if err != nil {
return Select{}, err
sel.GroupBy = list
return sel, nil
func (p *parser) parseSelectList() ([]Expr, []ID, *parseError) {
var list []Expr
var aliases []ID // Only set if any aliases are seen.
padAliases := func() {
for len(aliases) < len(list) {
aliases = append(aliases, "")
for {
expr, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
list = append(list, expr)
// TODO: The "AS" keyword is optional.
if"AS") {
alias, err := p.parseAlias()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
aliases[len(aliases)-1] = alias
if",") {
if aliases != nil {
return list, aliases, nil
func (p *parser) parseSelectFromTable() (SelectFrom, *parseError) {
if"UNNEST") {
if err := p.expect("("); err != nil {
return nil, err
e, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return nil, err
sfu := SelectFromUnnest{Expr: e}
if"AS") { // TODO: The "AS" keyword is optional.
alias, err := p.parseAlias()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sfu.Alias = alias
// TODO: hint, offset
return sfu, nil
// A join starts with a from_item, so that can't be detected in advance.
// TODO: Support subquery, field_path, array_path, WITH.
// TODO: Verify associativity of multile joins.
tname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sf := SelectFromTable{Table: tname}
if"@") {
hints, err := p.parseHints(map[string]string{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sf.Hints = hints
// TODO: The "AS" keyword is optional.
if"AS") {
alias, err := p.parseAlias()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sf.Alias = alias
return sf, nil
func (p *parser) parseSelectFromJoin(lhs SelectFrom) (SelectFrom, *parseError) {
// Look ahead to see if this is a join.
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, nil
var hashJoin bool // Special case for "HASH JOIN" syntax.
if tok.caseEqual("HASH") {
hashJoin = true
tok =
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
var jt JoinType
if tok.caseEqual("JOIN") {
// This is implicitly an inner join.
jt = InnerJoin
} else if j, ok := joinKeywords[tok.value]; ok {
jt = j
switch jt {
case FullJoin, LeftJoin, RightJoin:
// These join types are implicitly "outer" joins,
// so the "OUTER" keyword is optional."OUTER")
if err := p.expect("JOIN"); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
// Not a join
return nil, nil
sfj := SelectFromJoin{
Type: jt,
LHS: lhs,
var hints map[string]string
if hashJoin {
hints = map[string]string{}
if"@") {
h, err := p.parseHints(hints)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hints = h
sfj.Hints = hints
rhs, err := p.parseSelectFromTable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sfj.RHS = rhs
if"ON") {
sfj.On, err = p.parseBoolExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if"USING") {
if sfj.On != nil {
return nil, p.errorf("join may not have both ON and USING clauses")
sfj.Using, err = p.parseColumnNameList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sfj, nil
func (p *parser) parseSelectFrom() (SelectFrom, *parseError) {
debugf("parseSelectFrom: %v", p)
from_item: {
table_name [ table_hint_expr ] [ [ AS ] alias ] |
join |
( query_expr ) [ table_hint_expr ] [ [ AS ] alias ] |
field_path |
{ UNNEST( array_expression ) | UNNEST( array_path ) | array_path }
[ table_hint_expr ] [ [ AS ] alias ] [ WITH OFFSET [ [ AS ] alias ] ] |
with_query_name [ table_hint_expr ] [ [ AS ] alias ]
from_item [ join_type ] [ join_method ] JOIN [ join_hint_expr ] from_item
[ ON bool_expression | USING ( join_column [, ...] ) ]
leftHandSide, err := p.parseSelectFromTable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Lets keep consuming joins until we no longer find more joins
for {
sfj, err := p.parseSelectFromJoin(leftHandSide)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if sfj == nil {
// There was no join to consume
leftHandSide = sfj
return leftHandSide, nil
var joinKeywords = map[string]JoinType{
"INNER": InnerJoin,
"CROSS": CrossJoin,
"FULL": FullJoin,
"LEFT": LeftJoin,
"RIGHT": RightJoin,
func (p *parser) parseTableSample() (TableSample, *parseError) {
var ts TableSample
if err := p.expect("TABLESAMPLE"); err != nil {
return ts, err
tok :=
switch {
case tok.err != nil:
return ts, tok.err
case tok.caseEqual("BERNOULLI"):
ts.Method = Bernoulli
case tok.caseEqual("RESERVOIR"):
ts.Method = Reservoir
return ts, p.errorf("got %q, want BERNOULLI or RESERVOIR", tok.value)
if err := p.expect("("); err != nil {
return ts, err
// The docs say "numeric_value_expression" here,
// but that doesn't appear to be defined anywhere.
size, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return ts, err
ts.Size = size
tok =
switch {
case tok.err != nil:
return ts, tok.err
case tok.caseEqual("PERCENT"):
ts.SizeType = PercentTableSample
case tok.caseEqual("ROWS"):
ts.SizeType = RowsTableSample
return ts, p.errorf("got %q, want PERCENT or ROWS", tok.value)
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return ts, err
return ts, nil
func (p *parser) parseOrder() (Order, *parseError) {
expression [{ ASC | DESC }]
expr, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return Order{}, err
o := Order{Expr: expr}
if"ASC") {
// OK.
} else if"DESC") {
o.Desc = true
return o, nil
func (p *parser) parseLiteralOrParam() (LiteralOrParam, *parseError) {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
if tok.typ == int64Token {
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, tok.int64Base, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, p.errorf("%v", err)
return IntegerLiteral(n), nil
// TODO: check character sets.
if strings.HasPrefix(tok.value, "@") {
return Param(tok.value[1:]), nil
return nil, p.errorf("got %q, want literal or parameter", tok.value)
func (p *parser) parseExprList() ([]Expr, *parseError) {
var list []Expr
for {
expr, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
list = append(list, expr)
if",") {
return list, nil
func (p *parser) parseParenExprList() ([]Expr, *parseError) {
var list []Expr
err := p.parseCommaList("(", ")", func(p *parser) *parseError {
e, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return err
list = append(list, e)
return nil
return list, err
Cloud Spanner expressions are not formally specified.
The set of operators and their precedence is listed in
parseExpr works as a classical recursive descent parser, splitting
precedence levels into separate methods, where the call stack is in
ascending order of precedence:
parseArithOp: |, ^, &, << and >>, + and -, * and / and ||
parseUnaryArithOp: - and ~
func (p *parser) parseExpr() (Expr, *parseError) {
debugf("parseExpr: %v", p)
return orParser.parse(p)
// binOpParser is a generic meta-parser for binary operations.
// It assumes the operation is left associative.
type binOpParser struct {
LHS, RHS func(*parser) (Expr, *parseError)
Op string
ArgCheck func(Expr) error
Combiner func(lhs, rhs Expr) Expr
func (bin binOpParser) parse(p *parser) (Expr, *parseError) {
expr, err := bin.LHS(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
if ! {
rhs, err := bin.RHS(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bin.ArgCheck != nil {
if err := bin.ArgCheck(expr); err != nil {
return nil, p.errorf("%v", err)
if err := bin.ArgCheck(rhs); err != nil {
return nil, p.errorf("%v", err)
expr = bin.Combiner(expr, rhs)
return expr, nil
// Break initialisation loop.
func init() { orParser = orParserShim }
var (
boolExprCheck = func(expr Expr) error {
if _, ok := expr.(BoolExpr); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("got %T, want a boolean expression", expr)
return nil
orParser binOpParser
orParserShim = binOpParser{
LHS: andParser.parse,
RHS: andParser.parse,
Op: "OR",
ArgCheck: boolExprCheck,
Combiner: func(lhs, rhs Expr) Expr {
return LogicalOp{LHS: lhs.(BoolExpr), Op: Or, RHS: rhs.(BoolExpr)}
andParser = binOpParser{
LHS: (*parser).parseLogicalNot,
RHS: (*parser).parseLogicalNot,
Op: "AND",
ArgCheck: boolExprCheck,
Combiner: func(lhs, rhs Expr) Expr {
return LogicalOp{LHS: lhs.(BoolExpr), Op: And, RHS: rhs.(BoolExpr)}
bitOrParser = newBinArithParser("|", BitOr, bitXorParser.parse)
bitXorParser = newBinArithParser("^", BitXor, bitAndParser.parse)
bitAndParser = newBinArithParser("&", BitAnd, bitShrParser.parse)
bitShrParser = newBinArithParser(">>", BitShr, bitShlParser.parse)
bitShlParser = newBinArithParser("<<", BitShl, subParser.parse)
subParser = newBinArithParser("-", Sub, addParser.parse)
addParser = newBinArithParser("+", Add, concatParser.parse)
concatParser = newBinArithParser("||", Concat, divParser.parse)
divParser = newBinArithParser("/", Div, mulParser.parse)
mulParser = newBinArithParser("*", Mul, (*parser).parseUnaryArithOp)
func newBinArithParser(opStr string, op ArithOperator, nextPrec func(*parser) (Expr, *parseError)) binOpParser {
return binOpParser{
LHS: nextPrec,
RHS: nextPrec,
Op: opStr,
// TODO: ArgCheck? numeric inputs only, except for ||.
Combiner: func(lhs, rhs Expr) Expr {
return ArithOp{LHS: lhs, Op: op, RHS: rhs}
func (p *parser) parseLogicalNot() (Expr, *parseError) {
if !"NOT") {
return p.parseIsOp()
be, err := p.parseBoolExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return LogicalOp{Op: Not, RHS: be}, nil
func (p *parser) parseIsOp() (Expr, *parseError) {
debugf("parseIsOp: %v", p)
expr, err := p.parseInOp()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !"IS") {
return expr, nil
isOp := IsOp{LHS: expr}
if"NOT") {
isOp.Neg = true
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
switch {
case tok.caseEqual("NULL"):
isOp.RHS = Null
case tok.caseEqual("TRUE"):
isOp.RHS = True
case tok.caseEqual("FALSE"):
isOp.RHS = False
return nil, p.errorf("got %q, want NULL or TRUE or FALSE", tok.value)
return isOp, nil
func (p *parser) parseInOp() (Expr, *parseError) {
debugf("parseInOp: %v", p)
expr, err := p.parseComparisonOp()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inOp := InOp{LHS: expr}
if"NOT", "IN") {
inOp.Neg = true
} else if"IN") {
// Okay.
} else {
return expr, nil
if"UNNEST") {
inOp.Unnest = true
inOp.RHS, err = p.parseParenExprList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return inOp, nil
var symbolicOperators = map[string]ComparisonOperator{
"<": Lt,
"<=": Le,
">": Gt,
">=": Ge,
"=": Eq,
"!=": Ne,
"<>": Ne,
func (p *parser) parseComparisonOp() (Expr, *parseError) {
debugf("parseComparisonOp: %v", p)
expr, err := p.parseArithOp()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
// There's a need for two token lookahead.
var op ComparisonOperator
var rhs2 bool
if"NOT", "LIKE") {
op = NotLike
} else if"NOT", "BETWEEN") {
op, rhs2 = NotBetween, true
} else if"LIKE") {
op = Like
} else if"BETWEEN") {
op, rhs2 = Between, true
} else {
// Check for a symbolic operator.
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
var ok bool
op, ok = symbolicOperators[tok.value]
if !ok {
rhs, err := p.parseArithOp()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
co := ComparisonOp{LHS: expr, Op: op, RHS: rhs}
if rhs2 {
if err := p.expect("AND"); err != nil {
return nil, err
rhs2, err := p.parseArithOp()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
co.RHS2 = rhs2
expr = co
return expr, nil
func (p *parser) parseArithOp() (Expr, *parseError) {
return bitOrParser.parse(p)
var unaryArithOperators = map[string]ArithOperator{
"-": Neg,
"~": BitNot,
"+": Plus,
func (p *parser) parseUnaryArithOp() (Expr, *parseError) {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
op := tok.value
if op == "-" || op == "+" {
// If the next token is a numeric token, combine and parse as a literal.
ntok :=
if ntok.err == nil {
switch ntok.typ {
case int64Token:
comb := op + ntok.value
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(comb, ntok.int64Base, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, p.errorf("%v", err)
return IntegerLiteral(n), nil
case float64Token:
f := ntok.float64
if op == "-" {
f = -f
return FloatLiteral(f), nil
// It is not possible for the p.back() lower down to fire
// because - and + are in unaryArithOperators.
if op, ok := unaryArithOperators[op]; ok {
e, err := p.parseLit()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ArithOp{Op: op, RHS: e}, nil
return p.parseLit()
func (p *parser) parseLit() (Expr, *parseError) {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
switch tok.typ {
case int64Token:
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, tok.int64Base, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, p.errorf("%v", err)
return IntegerLiteral(n), nil
case float64Token:
return FloatLiteral(tok.float64), nil
case stringToken:
return StringLiteral(tok.string), nil
case bytesToken:
return BytesLiteral(tok.string), nil
// Handle parenthesized expressions.
if tok.value == "(" {
e, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := p.expect(")"); err != nil {
return nil, err
return Paren{Expr: e}, nil
// If the literal was an identifier, and there's an open paren next,
// this is a function invocation.
// The `funcs` map is keyed by upper case strings.
if name := strings.ToUpper(tok.value); funcs[name] && p.sniff("(") {
list, err := p.parseParenExprList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return Func{
Name: name,
Args: list,
}, nil
// Handle some reserved keywords and special tokens that become specific values.
switch {
case tok.caseEqual("TRUE"):
return True, nil
case tok.caseEqual("FALSE"):
return False, nil
case tok.caseEqual("NULL"):
return Null, nil
case tok.value == "*":
return Star, nil
// TODO: Check IsKeyWord(tok.value), and return a good error?
// Handle typed literals.
switch {
case tok.caseEqual("ARRAY") || tok.value == "[":
return p.parseArrayLit()
case tok.caseEqual("DATE"):
if p.sniffTokenType(stringToken) {
return p.parseDateLit()
case tok.caseEqual("TIMESTAMP"):
if p.sniffTokenType(stringToken) {
return p.parseTimestampLit()
// TODO: struct literals
// Try a parameter.
// TODO: check character sets.
if strings.HasPrefix(tok.value, "@") {
return Param(tok.value[1:]), nil
// Only thing left is a path expression or standalone identifier.
pe, err := p.parsePathExp()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(pe) == 1 {
return pe[0], nil // identifier
return pe, nil
func (p *parser) parseArrayLit() (Array, *parseError) {
// ARRAY keyword is optional.
// TODO: If it is present, consume any <T> after it."ARRAY")
var arr Array
err := p.parseCommaList("[", "]", func(p *parser) *parseError {
e, err := p.parseLit()
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Do type consistency checking here?
arr = append(arr, e)
return nil
return arr, err
// TODO: There should be exported Parse{Date,Timestamp}Literal package-level funcs
// to support spannertest coercing plain string literals when used in a typed context.
// Those should wrap parseDateLit and parseTimestampLit below.
func (p *parser) parseDateLit() (DateLiteral, *parseError) {
if err := p.expect("DATE"); err != nil {
return DateLiteral{}, err
s, err := p.parseStringLit()
if err != nil {
return DateLiteral{}, err
d, perr := civil.ParseDate(string(s))
if perr != nil {
return DateLiteral{}, p.errorf("bad date literal %q: %v", s, perr)
// TODO: Enforce valid range.
return DateLiteral(d), nil
// TODO: A manual parser is probably better than this.
// There are a lot of variations that this does not handle.
var timestampFormats = []string{
// 'YYYY-[M]M-[D]D [[H]H:[M]M:[S]S[.DDDDDD] [timezone]]'
"2006-01-02 15:04:05",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05 -07:00",
"2006-01-02 15:04:05.000000 -07:00",
var defaultLocation = func() *time.Location {
// The docs say "America/Los_Angeles" is the default.
// Use that if we can load it, but fall back on UTC if we don't have timezone data.
loc, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
if err == nil {
return loc
return time.UTC
func (p *parser) parseTimestampLit() (TimestampLiteral, *parseError) {
if err := p.expect("TIMESTAMP"); err != nil {
return TimestampLiteral{}, err
s, err := p.parseStringLit()
if err != nil {
return TimestampLiteral{}, err
for _, format := range timestampFormats {
t, err := time.ParseInLocation(format, string(s), defaultLocation)
if err == nil {
// TODO: Enforce valid range.
return TimestampLiteral(t), nil
return TimestampLiteral{}, p.errorf("invalid timestamp literal %q", s)
func (p *parser) parseStringLit() (StringLiteral, *parseError) {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return "", tok.err
if tok.typ != stringToken {
return "", p.errorf("got %q, want string literal", tok.value)
return StringLiteral(tok.string), nil
func (p *parser) parsePathExp() (PathExp, *parseError) {
var pe PathExp
for {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
switch tok.typ {
case quotedID:
pe = append(pe, ID(tok.string))
case unquotedID:
pe = append(pe, ID(tok.value))
// TODO: Is this correct?
return nil, p.errorf("expected identifer")
if !".") {
return pe, nil
func (p *parser) parseBoolExpr() (BoolExpr, *parseError) {
expr, err := p.parseExpr()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
be, ok := expr.(BoolExpr)
if !ok {
return nil, p.errorf("got non-bool expression %T", expr)
return be, nil
func (p *parser) parseAlias() (ID, *parseError) {
// The docs don't specify what lexical token is valid for an alias,
// but it seems likely that it is an identifier.
return p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
func (p *parser) parseHints(hints map[string]string) (map[string]string, *parseError) {
if hints == nil {
hints = map[string]string{}
if err := p.expect("{"); err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
if p.sniff("}") {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
k := tok.value
if err := p.expect("="); err != nil {
return nil, err
tok =
if tok.err != nil {
return nil, tok.err
v := tok.value
hints[k] = v
if !",") {
if err := p.expect("}"); err != nil {
return nil, err
return hints, nil
func (p *parser) parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName() (ID, *parseError) {
table_name and column_name and index_name:
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return "", tok.err
switch tok.typ {
case quotedID:
return ID(tok.string), nil
case unquotedID:
// TODO: enforce restrictions
return ID(tok.value), nil
return "", p.errorf("expected identifier")
func (p *parser) parseOnDelete() (OnDelete, *parseError) {
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return 0, tok.err
if tok.caseEqual("CASCADE") {
return CascadeOnDelete, nil
if !tok.caseEqual("NO") {
return 0, p.errorf("got %q, want NO or CASCADE", tok.value)
if err := p.expect("ACTION"); err != nil {
return 0, err
return NoActionOnDelete, nil
func (p *parser) parseRowDeletionPolicy() (RowDeletionPolicy, *parseError) {
if err := p.expect("(", "OLDER_THAN", "("); err != nil {
return RowDeletionPolicy{}, err
cname, err := p.parseTableOrIndexOrColumnName()
if err != nil {
return RowDeletionPolicy{}, err
if err := p.expect(",", "INTERVAL"); err != nil {
return RowDeletionPolicy{}, err
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return RowDeletionPolicy{}, tok.err
if tok.typ != int64Token {
return RowDeletionPolicy{}, p.errorf("got %q, expected int64 token", tok.value)
n, serr := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, tok.int64Base, 64)
if serr != nil {
return RowDeletionPolicy{}, p.errorf("%v", serr)
if err := p.expect("DAY", ")", ")"); err != nil {
return RowDeletionPolicy{}, err
return RowDeletionPolicy{
Column: cname,
NumDays: n,
}, nil
// parseCommaList parses a comma-separated list enclosed by bra and ket,
// delegating to f for the individual element parsing.
// Only invoke this with symbols as bra/ket; they are matched literally, not case insensitively.
func (p *parser) parseCommaList(bra, ket string, f func(*parser) *parseError) *parseError {
if err := p.expect(bra); err != nil {
return err
for {
if {
return nil
err := f(p)
if err != nil {
return err
// ket or "," should be next.
tok :=
if tok.err != nil {
return err
if tok.value == ket {
return nil
} else if tok.value == "," {
} else {
return p.errorf(`got %q, want %q or ","`, tok.value, ket)