blob: 01aac0170b099227dd250bbea2eaf41fca175de9 [file] [log] [blame]
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package spannertest
import (
There's several ways to conceptualise SQL queries. The simplest, and what
we implement here, is a series of pipelines that transform the data, whether
pulling from a table (FROM tbl), filtering (WHERE expr), re-ordering (ORDER BY expr)
or other transformations.
The order of operations among those supported by Cloud Spanner is
FROM + JOIN + set ops [TODO: JOIN and set ops]
aggregation [TODO]
// rowIter represents some iteration over rows of data.
// It is returned by reads and queries.
type rowIter interface {
// Cols returns the metadata about the returned data.
Cols() []colInfo
// Next returns the next row.
// If done, it returns (nil, io.EOF).
Next() (row, error)
// nullIter is a rowIter that returns one empty row only.
// This is used for queries without a table.
type nullIter struct {
done bool
func (ni *nullIter) Cols() []colInfo { return nil }
func (ni *nullIter) Next() (row, error) {
if ni.done {
return nil, io.EOF
ni.done = true
return nil, nil
// tableIter is a rowIter that walks a table.
// It assumes the table is locked for the duration.
type tableIter struct {
t *table
rowIndex int // index of next row to return
func (ti *tableIter) Cols() []colInfo { return ti.t.cols }
func (ti *tableIter) Next() (row, error) {
if ti.rowIndex >= len(ti.t.rows) {
return nil, io.EOF
res := ti.t.rows[ti.rowIndex]
return res, nil
// rawIter is a rowIter with fixed data.
type rawIter struct {
// cols is the metadata about the returned data.
cols []colInfo
// rows holds the result data itself.
rows []row
func (raw *rawIter) Cols() []colInfo { return raw.cols }
func (raw *rawIter) Next() (row, error) {
if len(raw.rows) == 0 {
return nil, io.EOF
res := raw.rows[0]
raw.rows = raw.rows[1:]
return res, nil
func (raw *rawIter) add(src row, colIndexes []int) {
raw.rows = append(raw.rows, src.copyData(colIndexes))
func toRawIter(ri rowIter) (*rawIter, error) {
if raw, ok := ri.(*rawIter); ok {
return raw, nil
raw := &rawIter{cols: ri.Cols()}
for {
row, err := ri.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
raw.rows = append(raw.rows, row)
return raw, nil
// whereIter applies a WHERE clause.
type whereIter struct {
ri rowIter
ec evalContext
where spansql.BoolExpr
func (wi whereIter) Cols() []colInfo { return wi.ri.Cols() }
func (wi whereIter) Next() (row, error) {
for {
row, err := wi.ri.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = row
b, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !b {
return row, nil
// selIter applies a SELECT list.
type selIter struct {
ri rowIter
ec evalContext
cis []colInfo
list []spansql.Expr
func (si selIter) Cols() []colInfo { return si.cis }
func (si selIter) Next() (row, error) {
row, err := si.ri.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = row
selectStar := len(si.list) == 1 && si.list[0] == spansql.Star
if selectStar {
return row, nil
// distinctIter applies a DISTINCT filter.
type distinctIter struct {
ri rowIter
seen []row
func (di *distinctIter) Cols() []colInfo { return di.ri.Cols() }
func (di *distinctIter) Next() (row, error) {
// This is hilariously inefficient; O(N^2) in the number of returned rows.
// Some sort of hashing could be done to deduplicate instead.
// This also breaks on array/struct types.
for {
row, err := di.ri.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dupe := false
for _, prev := range di.seen {
if rowEqual(prev, row) {
dupe = true
if dupe {
di.seen = append(di.seen, row)
return row, nil
type queryParams map[string]interface{}
func (d *database) Query(q spansql.Query, params queryParams) (rowIter, error) {
// If there's an ORDER BY clause, extend the query to include the expressions we need
// so they get evaluated during evalSelect. TODO: Is this actually okay?
var aux []spansql.Expr
var desc []bool
for _, o := range q.Order {
aux = append(aux, o.Expr)
desc = append(desc, o.Desc)
q.Select.List = append(q.Select.List, aux...)
ri, err := d.evalSelect(q.Select, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Apply ORDER BY.
if len(q.Order) > 0 {
raw, err := toRawIter(ri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sort.Slice(raw.rows, func(one, two int) bool {
r1, r2 := raw.rows[one], raw.rows[two]
aux1, aux2 := r1[len(r1)-len(aux):], r2[len(r2)-len(aux):] // sort keys
for i := range aux1 {
cmp := compareVals(aux1[i], aux2[i])
if desc[i] {
cmp = -cmp
if cmp == 0 {
return cmp < 0
return false
// Remove ORDER BY values.
raw.cols = raw.cols[:len(raw.cols)-len(aux)]
for i, row := range raw.rows {
raw.rows[i] = row[:len(row)-len(aux)]
ri = raw
// Apply LIMIT.
// TODO: this can be an iter too.
if q.Limit != nil {
lim, err := evalLimit(q.Limit, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
raw, err := toRawIter(ri)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if n := int(lim); n < len(raw.rows) {
raw.rows = raw.rows[:n]
ri = raw
return ri, nil
// TODO: move evalSelect here.