blob: 41e202f73d1883d270bd3378c15ad4c35eae53bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package auth
import (
const (
// Parameter keys for AuthCodeURL method to support PKCE.
codeChallengeKey = "code_challenge"
codeChallengeMethodKey = "code_challenge_method"
// Parameter key for Exchange method to support PKCE.
codeVerifierKey = "code_verifier"
defaultExpiryDelta = 10 * time.Second
var (
defaultGrantType = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"
defaultHeader = &jwt.Header{Algorithm: jwt.HeaderAlgRSA256, Type: jwt.HeaderType}
// for testing
timeNow = time.Now
// TokenProvider specifies an interface for anything that can return a token.
type TokenProvider interface {
// Token returns a Token or an error.
// The Token returned must be safe to use
// concurrently.
// The returned Token must not be modified.
// The context provided must be sent along to any requests that are made in
// the implementing code.
Token(context.Context) (*Token, error)
// Token holds the credential token used to authorized requests. All fields are
// considered read-only.
type Token struct {
// Value is the token used to authorize requests. It is usually an access
// token but may be other types of tokens such as ID tokens in some flows.
Value string
// Type is the type of token Value is. If uninitialized, it should be
// assumed to be a "Bearer" token.
Type string
// Expiry is the time the token is set to expire.
Expiry time.Time
// Metadata may include, but is not limited to, the body of the token
// response returned by the server.
Metadata map[string]interface{} // TODO(codyoss): maybe make a method to flatten metadata to avoid []string for url.Values
// IsValid reports that a [Token] is non-nil, has a [Token.Value], and has not
// expired. A token is considered expired if [Token.Expiry] has passed or will
// pass in the next 10 seconds.
func (t *Token) IsValid() bool {
return t.isValidWithEarlyExpiry(defaultExpiryDelta)
func (t *Token) isValidWithEarlyExpiry(earlyExpiry time.Duration) bool {
if t == nil || t.Value == "" {
return false
if t.Expiry.IsZero() {
return true
return !t.Expiry.Round(0).Add(-earlyExpiry).Before(timeNow())
// CachedTokenProviderOptions provided options for configuring a
// CachedTokenProvider.
type CachedTokenProviderOptions struct {
// DisableAutoRefresh makes the TokenProvider always return the same token,
// even if it is expired.
DisableAutoRefresh bool
// ExpireEarly configures the amount of time before a token expires, that it
// should be refreshed. If unset, the default value is 10 seconds.
ExpireEarly time.Duration
func (ctpo *CachedTokenProviderOptions) autoRefresh() bool {
if ctpo == nil {
return true
return !ctpo.DisableAutoRefresh
func (ctpo *CachedTokenProviderOptions) expireEarly() time.Duration {
if ctpo == nil {
return defaultExpiryDelta
return ctpo.ExpireEarly
// NewCachedTokenProvider wraps a [TokenProvider] to cache the tokens returned
// by the underlying provider. By default it will refresh tokens ten seconds
// before they expire, but this time can be configured with the optional
// options.
func NewCachedTokenProvider(tp TokenProvider, opts *CachedTokenProviderOptions) TokenProvider {
if ctp, ok := tp.(*cachedTokenProvider); ok {
return ctp
return &cachedTokenProvider{
tp: tp,
autoRefresh: opts.autoRefresh(),
expireEarly: opts.expireEarly(),
type cachedTokenProvider struct {
tp TokenProvider
autoRefresh bool
expireEarly time.Duration
mu sync.Mutex
cachedToken *Token
func (c *cachedTokenProvider) Token(ctx context.Context) (*Token, error) {
if c.cachedToken.IsValid() || !c.autoRefresh {
return c.cachedToken, nil
t, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.cachedToken = t
return t, nil
// Error is a error associated with retrieving a [Token]. It can hold useful
// additional details for debugging.
type Error struct {
// Response is the HTTP response associated with error. The body will always
// be already closed and consumed.
Response *http.Response
// Body is the HTTP response body.
Body []byte
// Err is the underlying wrapped error.
Err error
// code returned in the token response
code string
// description returned in the token response
description string
// uri returned in the token response
uri string
func (r *Error) Error() string {
if r.code != "" {
s := fmt.Sprintf("auth: %q", r.code)
if r.description != "" {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %q", r.description)
if r.uri != "" {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %q", r.uri)
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("auth: cannot fetch token: %v\nResponse: %s", r.Response.StatusCode, r.Body)
// Temporary returns true if the error is considered temporary and may be able
// to be retried.
func (e *Error) Temporary() bool {
if e.Response == nil {
return false
sc := e.Response.StatusCode
return sc == http.StatusInternalServerError || sc == http.StatusServiceUnavailable || sc == http.StatusRequestTimeout || sc == http.StatusTooManyRequests
func (e *Error) Unwrap() error {
return e.Err
// Style describes how the token endpoint wants to receive the ClientID and
// ClientSecret.
type Style int
const (
// StyleUnknown means the value has not been initiated. Sending this in
// a request will cause the token exchange to fail.
StyleUnknown Style = iota
// StyleInParams sends client info in the body of a POST request.
// StyleInHeader sends client info using Basic Authorization header.
// Options2LO is the configuration settings for doing a 2-legged JWT OAuth2 flow.
type Options2LO struct {
// Email is the OAuth2 client ID. This value is set as the "iss" in the
// JWT.
Email string
// PrivateKey contains the contents of an RSA private key or the
// contents of a PEM file that contains a private key. It is used to sign
// the JWT created.
PrivateKey []byte
// TokenURL is th URL the JWT is sent to. Required.
TokenURL string
// PrivateKeyID is the ID of the key used to sign the JWT. It is used as the
// "kid" in the JWT header. Optional.
PrivateKeyID string
// Subject is the used for to impersonate a user. It is used as the "sub" in
// the JWT.m Optional.
Subject string
// Scopes specifies requested permissions for the token. Optional.
Scopes []string
// Expires specifies the lifetime of the token. Optional.
Expires time.Duration
// Audience specifies the "aud" in the JWT. Optional.
Audience string
// PrivateClaims allows specifying any custom claims for the JWT. Optional.
PrivateClaims map[string]interface{}
// Client is the client to be used to make the underlying token requests.
// Optional.
Client *http.Client
// UseIDToken requests that the token returned be an ID token if one is
// returned from the server. Optional.
UseIDToken bool
func (o *Options2LO) client() *http.Client {
if o.Client != nil {
return o.Client
return internal.CloneDefaultClient()
func (o *Options2LO) validate() error {
if o == nil {
return errors.New("auth: options must be provided")
if o.Email == "" {
return errors.New("auth: email must be provided")
if len(o.PrivateKey) == 0 {
return errors.New("auth: private key must be provided")
if o.TokenURL == "" {
return errors.New("auth: token URL must be provided")
return nil
// New2LOTokenProvider returns a [TokenProvider] from the provided options.
func New2LOTokenProvider(opts *Options2LO) (TokenProvider, error) {
if err := opts.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return tokenProvider2LO{opts: opts, Client: opts.client()}, nil
type tokenProvider2LO struct {
opts *Options2LO
Client *http.Client
func (tp tokenProvider2LO) Token(ctx context.Context) (*Token, error) {
pk, err := internal.ParseKey(tp.opts.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
claimSet := &jwt.Claims{
Iss: tp.opts.Email,
Scope: strings.Join(tp.opts.Scopes, " "),
Aud: tp.opts.TokenURL,
AdditionalClaims: tp.opts.PrivateClaims,
Sub: tp.opts.Subject,
if t := tp.opts.Expires; t > 0 {
claimSet.Exp = time.Now().Add(t).Unix()
if aud := tp.opts.Audience; aud != "" {
claimSet.Aud = aud
h := *defaultHeader
h.KeyID = tp.opts.PrivateKeyID
payload, err := jwt.EncodeJWS(&h, claimSet, pk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v := url.Values{}
v.Set("grant_type", defaultGrantType)
v.Set("assertion", payload)
resp, err := tp.Client.PostForm(tp.opts.TokenURL, v)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auth: cannot fetch token: %w", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := internal.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auth: cannot fetch token: %w", err)
if c := resp.StatusCode; c < http.StatusOK || c >= http.StatusMultipleChoices {
return nil, &Error{
Response: resp,
Body: body,
// tokenRes is the JSON response body.
var tokenRes struct {
AccessToken string `json:"access_token"`
TokenType string `json:"token_type"`
IDToken string `json:"id_token"`
ExpiresIn int64 `json:"expires_in"`
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &tokenRes); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auth: cannot fetch token: %w", err)
token := &Token{
Value: tokenRes.AccessToken,
Type: tokenRes.TokenType,
token.Metadata = make(map[string]interface{})
json.Unmarshal(body, &token.Metadata) // no error checks for optional fields
if secs := tokenRes.ExpiresIn; secs > 0 {
token.Expiry = time.Now().Add(time.Duration(secs) * time.Second)
if v := tokenRes.IDToken; v != "" {
// decode returned id token to get expiry
claimSet, err := jwt.DecodeJWS(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auth: error decoding JWT token: %w", err)
token.Expiry = time.Unix(claimSet.Exp, 0)
if tp.opts.UseIDToken {
if tokenRes.IDToken == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("auth: response doesn't have JWT token")
token.Value = tokenRes.IDToken
return token, nil