blob: abb36ec19b41c92475a7358d919c41860b4f420f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package firestore
import (
firestorepb ""
// A CollectionGroupRef is a reference to a group of collections sharing the
// same ID.
type CollectionGroupRef struct {
c *Client
// Use the methods of Query on a CollectionGroupRef to create and run queries.
func newCollectionGroupRef(c *Client, dbPath, collectionID string) *CollectionGroupRef {
return &CollectionGroupRef{
c: c,
Query: Query{
c: c,
collectionID: collectionID,
path: dbPath,
parentPath: dbPath + "/documents",
allDescendants: true,
// GetPartitionedQueries returns a slice of Query objects, each containing a
// partition of a collection group. partitionCount must be a positive value and
// the number of returned partitions may be less than the requested number if
// providing the desired number would result in partitions with very few documents.
// If a Collection Group Query would return a large number of documents, this
// can help to subdivide the query to smaller working units that can be distributed.
// If the goal is to run the queries across processes or workers, it may be useful to use
// `Query.Serialize` and `Query.Deserialize` to serialize the query.
func (cgr CollectionGroupRef) GetPartitionedQueries(ctx context.Context, partitionCount int) ([]Query, error) {
qp, err := cgr.getPartitions(ctx, partitionCount)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
queries := make([]Query, len(qp))
for i, part := range qp {
queries[i] = part.toQuery()
return queries, nil
// getPartitions returns a slice of queryPartition objects, describing a start
// and end range to query a subsection of the collection group. partitionCount
// must be a positive value and the number of returned partitions may be less
// than the requested number if providing the desired number would result in
// partitions with very few documents.
func (cgr CollectionGroupRef) getPartitions(ctx context.Context, partitionCount int) ([]queryPartition, error) {
orderedQuery := cgr.query().OrderBy(DocumentID, Asc)
if partitionCount <= 0 {
return nil, errors.New("a positive partitionCount must be provided")
} else if partitionCount == 1 {
return []queryPartition{{CollectionGroupQuery: orderedQuery}}, nil
db := cgr.c.path()
ctx = withResourceHeader(ctx, db)
// CollectionGroup Queries need to be ordered by __name__ ASC.
query, err := orderedQuery.toProto()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
structuredQuery := &firestorepb.PartitionQueryRequest_StructuredQuery{
StructuredQuery: query,
// Uses default PageSize
pbr := &firestorepb.PartitionQueryRequest{
Parent: db + "/documents",
PartitionCount: int64(partitionCount),
QueryType: structuredQuery,
cursorReferences := make([]*firestorepb.Value, 0, partitionCount)
iter := cgr.c.c.PartitionQuery(ctx, pbr)
for {
cursor, err := iter.Next()
if err == iterator.Done {
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("GetPartitions: %w", err)
cursorReferences = append(cursorReferences, cursor.GetValues()...)
// From Proto documentation:
// To obtain a complete result set ordered with respect to the results of the
// query supplied to PartitionQuery, the results sets should be merged:
// cursor A, cursor B, cursor M, cursor Q, cursor U, cursor W
// Once we have exhausted the pages, the cursor values need to be sorted in
// lexicographical order by segment (areas between '/').
queryPartitions := make([]queryPartition, 0, len(cursorReferences))
previousCursor := ""
for _, cursor := range cursorReferences {
cursorRef := cursor.GetReferenceValue()
// remove the root path from the reference, as queries take cursors
// relative to a collection
cursorRef = cursorRef[len(orderedQuery.path)+1:]
qp := queryPartition{
CollectionGroupQuery: orderedQuery,
StartAt: previousCursor,
EndBefore: cursorRef,
queryPartitions = append(queryPartitions, qp)
previousCursor = cursorRef
// In the case there were no partitions, we still add a single partition to
// the result, that covers the complete range.
lastPart := queryPartition{CollectionGroupQuery: orderedQuery}
if len(cursorReferences) > 0 {
cursorRef := cursorReferences[len(cursorReferences)-1].GetReferenceValue()
lastPart.StartAt = cursorRef[len(orderedQuery.path)+1:]
queryPartitions = append(queryPartitions, lastPart)
return queryPartitions, nil
// queryPartition provides a Collection Group Reference and start and end split
// points allowing for a section of a collection group to be queried. This is
// used by GetPartitions which, given a CollectionGroupReference returns smaller
// sub-queries or partitions
type queryPartition struct {
// CollectionGroupQuery is an ordered query on a CollectionGroupReference.
// This query must be ordered Asc on __name__.
// Example: client.CollectionGroup("collectionID").query().OrderBy(DocumentID, Asc)
CollectionGroupQuery Query
// StartAt is a document reference value, relative to the collection, not
// a complete parent path.
// Example: "documents/collectionName/documentName"
StartAt string
// EndBefore is a document reference value, relative to the collection, not
// a complete parent path.
// Example: "documents/collectionName/documentName"
EndBefore string
// toQuery converts a queryPartition object to a Query object
func (qp queryPartition) toQuery() Query {
q := *qp.CollectionGroupQuery.query()
// Remove the leading path before calling StartAt, EndBefore
if qp.StartAt != "" {
q = q.StartAt(qp.StartAt)
if qp.EndBefore != "" {
q = q.EndBefore(qp.EndBefore)
return q