blob: 43ffb19dc66e71ccb4b604feadf825bd511b2b33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package bigquery
import (
bq ""
// Construct a RowIterator.
func newRowIterator(ctx context.Context, src *rowSource, pf pageFetcher) *RowIterator {
it := &RowIterator{
ctx: ctx,
src: src,
pf: pf,
it.pageInfo, it.nextFunc = iterator.NewPageInfo(
func() int { return len(it.rows) },
func() interface{} { r := it.rows; it.rows = nil; return r })
return it
// A RowIterator provides access to the result of a BigQuery lookup.
type RowIterator struct {
ctx context.Context
src *rowSource
pageInfo *iterator.PageInfo
nextFunc func() error
pf pageFetcher
// StartIndex can be set before the first call to Next. If PageInfo().Token
// is also set, StartIndex is ignored.
StartIndex uint64
// The schema of the table. Available after the first call to Next.
Schema Schema
// The total number of rows in the result. Available after the first call to Next.
// May be zero just after rows were inserted.
TotalRows uint64
rows [][]Value
structLoader structLoader // used to populate a pointer to a struct
// SourceJob returns an instance of a Job if the RowIterator is backed by a query,
// or a nil.
func (ri *RowIterator) SourceJob() *Job {
if ri.src == nil {
return nil
if ri.src.j == nil {
return nil
return &Job{
c: ri.src.j.c,
projectID: ri.src.j.projectID,
location: ri.src.j.location,
jobID: ri.src.j.jobID,
// We declare a function signature for fetching results. The primary reason
// for this is to enable us to swap out the fetch function with alternate
// implementations (e.g. to enable testing).
type pageFetcher func(ctx context.Context, _ *rowSource, _ Schema, startIndex uint64, pageSize int64, pageToken string) (*fetchPageResult, error)
// Next loads the next row into dst. Its return value is iterator.Done if there
// are no more results. Once Next returns iterator.Done, all subsequent calls
// will return iterator.Done.
// dst may implement ValueLoader, or may be a *[]Value, *map[string]Value, or struct pointer.
// If dst is a *[]Value, it will be set to new []Value whose i'th element
// will be populated with the i'th column of the row.
// If dst is a *map[string]Value, a new map will be created if dst is nil. Then
// for each schema column name, the map key of that name will be set to the column's
// value. STRUCT types (RECORD types or nested schemas) become nested maps.
// If dst is pointer to a struct, each column in the schema will be matched
// with an exported field of the struct that has the same name, ignoring case.
// Unmatched schema columns and struct fields will be ignored.
// Each BigQuery column type corresponds to one or more Go types; a matching struct
// field must be of the correct type. The correspondences are:
// STRING string
// BOOL bool
// INTEGER int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32
// FLOAT float32, float64
// BYTES []byte
// TIMESTAMP time.Time
// DATE civil.Date
// TIME civil.Time
// DATETIME civil.DateTime
// NUMERIC *big.Rat
// BIGNUMERIC *big.Rat
// The big.Rat type supports numbers of arbitrary size and precision.
// See
// for more on NUMERIC.
// A repeated field corresponds to a slice or array of the element type. A STRUCT
// type (RECORD or nested schema) corresponds to a nested struct or struct pointer.
// All calls to Next on the same iterator must use the same struct type.
// It is an error to attempt to read a BigQuery NULL value into a struct field,
// unless the field is of type []byte or is one of the special Null types: NullInt64,
// NullFloat64, NullBool, NullString, NullTimestamp, NullDate, NullTime or
// NullDateTime. You can also use a *[]Value or *map[string]Value to read from a
// table with NULLs.
func (it *RowIterator) Next(dst interface{}) error {
var vl ValueLoader
switch dst := dst.(type) {
case ValueLoader:
vl = dst
case *[]Value:
vl = (*valueList)(dst)
case *map[string]Value:
vl = (*valueMap)(dst)
if !isStructPtr(dst) {
return fmt.Errorf("bigquery: cannot convert %T to ValueLoader (need pointer to []Value, map[string]Value, or struct)", dst)
if err := it.nextFunc(); err != nil {
return err
row := it.rows[0]
it.rows = it.rows[1:]
if vl == nil {
// This can only happen if dst is a pointer to a struct. We couldn't
// set vl above because we need the schema.
if err := it.structLoader.set(dst, it.Schema); err != nil {
return err
vl = &it.structLoader
return vl.Load(row, it.Schema)
func isStructPtr(x interface{}) bool {
t := reflect.TypeOf(x)
return t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct
// PageInfo supports pagination. See the package for details.
func (it *RowIterator) PageInfo() *iterator.PageInfo { return it.pageInfo }
func (it *RowIterator) fetch(pageSize int, pageToken string) (string, error) {
res, err :=, it.src, it.Schema, it.StartIndex, int64(pageSize), pageToken)
if err != nil {
return "", err
it.rows = append(it.rows, res.rows...)
if it.Schema == nil {
it.Schema = res.schema
it.TotalRows = res.totalRows
return res.pageToken, nil
// rowSource represents one of the multiple sources of data for a row iterator.
// Rows can be read directly from a BigQuery table or from a job reference.
// If a job is present, that's treated as the authoritative source.
// rowSource can also cache results for special situations, primarily for the
// fast execution query path which can return status, rows, and schema all at
// once. Our cache data expectations are as follows:
// - We can only cache data from the start of a source.
// - We need to cache schema, rows, and next page token to effective service
// a request from cache.
// - cache references are destroyed as soon as they're interrogated. We don't
// want to retain the data unnecessarily, and we expect that the backend
// can always provide them if needed.
type rowSource struct {
j *Job
t *Table
cachedRows []*bq.TableRow
cachedSchema *bq.TableSchema
cachedNextToken string
// fetchPageResult represents a page of rows returned from the backend.
type fetchPageResult struct {
pageToken string
rows [][]Value
totalRows uint64
schema Schema
// fetchPage is our generalized fetch mechanism. It interrogates from cache, and
// then dispatches to either the appropriate job or table-based backend mechanism
// as needed.
func fetchPage(ctx context.Context, src *rowSource, schema Schema, startIndex uint64, pageSize int64, pageToken string) (*fetchPageResult, error) {
result, err := fetchCachedPage(ctx, src, schema, startIndex, pageSize, pageToken)
if err != nil {
if err != errNoCacheData {
// This likely means something more severe, like a problem with schema.
return nil, err
// If we failed to fetch data from cache, invoke the appropriate service method.
if src.j != nil {
return fetchJobResultPage(ctx, src, schema, startIndex, pageSize, pageToken)
return fetchTableResultPage(ctx, src, schema, startIndex, pageSize, pageToken)
return result, nil
func fetchTableResultPage(ctx context.Context, src *rowSource, schema Schema, startIndex uint64, pageSize int64, pageToken string) (*fetchPageResult, error) {
// Fetch the table schema in the background, if necessary.
errc := make(chan error, 1)
if schema != nil {
errc <- nil
} else {
go func() {
var bqt *bq.Table
err := runWithRetry(ctx, func() (err error) {
bqt, err = src.t.c.bqs.Tables.Get(src.t.ProjectID, src.t.DatasetID, src.t.TableID).
return err
if err == nil && bqt.Schema != nil {
schema = bqToSchema(bqt.Schema)
errc <- err
call := src.t.c.bqs.Tabledata.List(src.t.ProjectID, src.t.DatasetID, src.t.TableID)
if pageToken != "" {
} else {
if pageSize > 0 {
var res *bq.TableDataList
err := runWithRetry(ctx, func() (err error) {
res, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = <-errc
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rows, err := convertRows(res.Rows, schema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &fetchPageResult{
pageToken: res.PageToken,
rows: rows,
totalRows: uint64(res.TotalRows),
schema: schema,
}, nil
func fetchJobResultPage(ctx context.Context, src *rowSource, schema Schema, startIndex uint64, pageSize int64, pageToken string) (*fetchPageResult, error) {
// reduce data transfered by leveraging api projections
projectedFields := []googleapi.Field{"rows", "pageToken", "totalRows"}
call := src.j.c.bqs.Jobs.GetQueryResults(src.j.projectID, src.j.jobID).Location(src.j.location)
if schema == nil {
// only project schema if we weren't supplied one.
projectedFields = append(projectedFields, "schema")
call = call.Fields(projectedFields...)
if pageToken != "" {
} else {
if pageSize > 0 {
var res *bq.GetQueryResultsResponse
err := runWithRetry(ctx, func() (err error) {
res, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Populate schema in the rowsource if it's missing
if schema == nil {
schema = bqToSchema(res.Schema)
rows, err := convertRows(res.Rows, schema)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &fetchPageResult{
pageToken: res.PageToken,
rows: rows,
totalRows: uint64(res.TotalRows),
schema: schema,
}, nil
var errNoCacheData = errors.New("no rows in rowSource cache")
// fetchCachedPage attempts to service the first page of results. For the jobs path specifically, we have an
// opportunity to fetch rows before the iterator is constructed, and thus serve that data as the first request
// without an unnecessary network round trip.
func fetchCachedPage(ctx context.Context, src *rowSource, schema Schema, startIndex uint64, pageSize int64, pageToken string) (*fetchPageResult, error) {
// we have no cached data
if src.cachedRows == nil {
return nil, errNoCacheData
// we have no schema for decoding. convert from the cached representation if available.
if schema == nil {
if src.cachedSchema == nil {
// We can't progress with no schema, destroy references and return a miss.
src.cachedRows = nil
src.cachedNextToken = ""
return nil, errNoCacheData
schema = bqToSchema(src.cachedSchema)
// Only serve from cache where we're confident we know someone's asking for the first page
// without having to align data.
// Future consideration: we could service pagesizes smaller than the cache if we're willing to handle generation
// of pageTokens for the cache.
if pageToken == "" &&
startIndex == 0 &&
(pageSize == 0 || pageSize == int64(len(src.cachedRows))) {
converted, err := convertRows(src.cachedRows, schema)
if err != nil {
// destroy cache references and return error
src.cachedRows = nil
src.cachedSchema = nil
src.cachedNextToken = ""
return nil, err
result := &fetchPageResult{
pageToken: src.cachedNextToken,
rows: converted,
schema: schema,
totalRows: uint64(len(converted)),
// clear cache references and return response.
src.cachedRows = nil
src.cachedSchema = nil
src.cachedNextToken = ""
return result, nil
// All other cases are invalid. Destroy any cache references on the way out the door.
src.cachedRows = nil
src.cachedSchema = nil
src.cachedNextToken = ""
return nil, errNoCacheData