blob: 97e6fbe57ccfafacabeadcfc343a8209135a5dbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
pb ""
var (
key1 = &pb.Key{
Path: []*pb.Key_PathElement{
Kind: "Gopher",
IdType: &pb.Key_PathElement_Id{Id: 6},
key2 = &pb.Key{
Path: []*pb.Key_PathElement{
Kind: "Gopher",
IdType: &pb.Key_PathElement_Id{Id: 6},
Kind: "Gopher",
IdType: &pb.Key_PathElement_Id{Id: 8},
countAlias = "count"
type fakeClient struct {
queryFn func(*pb.RunQueryRequest) (*pb.RunQueryResponse, error)
commitFn func(*pb.CommitRequest) (*pb.CommitResponse, error)
aggQueryFn func(*pb.RunAggregationQueryRequest) (*pb.RunAggregationQueryResponse, error)
func (c *fakeClient) RunQuery(_ context.Context, req *pb.RunQueryRequest, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*pb.RunQueryResponse, error) {
return c.queryFn(req)
func (c *fakeClient) Commit(_ context.Context, req *pb.CommitRequest, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*pb.CommitResponse, error) {
return c.commitFn(req)
func (c *fakeClient) RunAggregationQuery(_ context.Context, req *pb.RunAggregationQueryRequest, _ ...grpc.CallOption) (*pb.RunAggregationQueryResponse, error) {
return c.aggQueryFn(req)
func fakeRunQuery(in *pb.RunQueryRequest) (*pb.RunQueryResponse, error) {
expectedIn := &pb.RunQueryRequest{
QueryType: &pb.RunQueryRequest_Query{Query: &pb.Query{
Kind: []*pb.KindExpression{{Name: "Gopher"}},
if !proto.Equal(in, expectedIn) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported argument: got %v want %v", in, expectedIn)
return &pb.RunQueryResponse{
Batch: &pb.QueryResultBatch{
MoreResults: pb.QueryResultBatch_NO_MORE_RESULTS,
EntityResultType: pb.EntityResult_FULL,
EntityResults: []*pb.EntityResult{
Entity: &pb.Entity{
Key: key1,
Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
"Name": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "George"}},
"Height": {ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 32}},
Entity: &pb.Entity{
Key: key2,
Properties: map[string]*pb.Value{
"Name": {ValueType: &pb.Value_StringValue{StringValue: "Rufus"}},
// No height for Rufus.
}, nil
func fakeRunAggregationQuery(req *pb.RunAggregationQueryRequest) (*pb.RunAggregationQueryResponse, error) {
expectedIn := &pb.RunAggregationQueryRequest{
QueryType: &pb.RunAggregationQueryRequest_AggregationQuery{
AggregationQuery: &pb.AggregationQuery{
QueryType: &pb.AggregationQuery_NestedQuery{
NestedQuery: &pb.Query{
Kind: []*pb.KindExpression{{Name: "Gopher"}},
Aggregations: []*pb.AggregationQuery_Aggregation{
Operator: &pb.AggregationQuery_Aggregation_Count_{},
Alias: countAlias,
if !proto.Equal(req, expectedIn) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported argument: got %v want %v", req, expectedIn)
return &pb.RunAggregationQueryResponse{
Batch: &pb.AggregationResultBatch{
AggregationResults: []*pb.AggregationResult{
AggregateProperties: map[string]*pb.Value{
"count": {
ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 1},
}, nil
type StructThatImplementsPLS struct{}
func (StructThatImplementsPLS) Load(p []Property) error { return nil }
func (StructThatImplementsPLS) Save() ([]Property, error) { return nil, nil }
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = StructThatImplementsPLS{}
type StructPtrThatImplementsPLS struct{}
func (*StructPtrThatImplementsPLS) Load(p []Property) error { return nil }
func (*StructPtrThatImplementsPLS) Save() ([]Property, error) { return nil, nil }
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = &StructPtrThatImplementsPLS{}
type PropertyMap map[string]Property
func (m PropertyMap) Load(props []Property) error {
for _, p := range props {
m[p.Name] = p
return nil
func (m PropertyMap) Save() ([]Property, error) {
props := make([]Property, 0, len(m))
for _, p := range m {
props = append(props, p)
return props, nil
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = PropertyMap{}
type Gopher struct {
Name string
Height int
// typeOfEmptyInterface is the type of interface{}, but we can't use
// reflect.TypeOf((interface{})(nil)) directly because TypeOf takes an
// interface{}.
var typeOfEmptyInterface = reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem()
func TestCheckMultiArg(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
v interface{}
mat multiArgType
elemType reflect.Type
// Invalid cases.
{nil, multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
{Gopher{}, multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
{&Gopher{}, multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
{PropertyList{}, multiArgTypeInvalid, nil}, // This is a special case.
{PropertyMap{}, multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
{[]*PropertyList(nil), multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
{[]*PropertyMap(nil), multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
{[]**Gopher(nil), multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
{[]*interface{}(nil), multiArgTypeInvalid, nil},
// Valid cases.
for _, tc := range testCases {
mat, elemType := checkMultiArg(reflect.ValueOf(tc.v))
if mat != tc.mat || elemType != tc.elemType {
t.Errorf("checkMultiArg(%T): got %v, %v want %v, %v",
tc.v, mat, elemType, tc.mat, tc.elemType)
func TestSimpleQuery(t *testing.T) {
struct1 := Gopher{Name: "George", Height: 32}
struct2 := Gopher{Name: "Rufus"}
pList1 := PropertyList{
Name: "Height",
Value: int64(32),
Name: "Name",
Value: "George",
pList2 := PropertyList{
Name: "Name",
Value: "Rufus",
pMap1 := PropertyMap{
"Name": Property{
Name: "Name",
Value: "George",
"Height": Property{
Name: "Height",
Value: int64(32),
pMap2 := PropertyMap{
"Name": Property{
Name: "Name",
Value: "Rufus",
testCases := []struct {
dst interface{}
want interface{}
// The destination must have type *[]P, *[]S or *[]*S, for some non-interface
// type P such that *P implements PropertyLoadSaver, or for some struct type S.
{new([]Gopher), &[]Gopher{struct1, struct2}},
{new([]*Gopher), &[]*Gopher{&struct1, &struct2}},
{new([]PropertyList), &[]PropertyList{pList1, pList2}},
{new([]PropertyMap), &[]PropertyMap{pMap1, pMap2}},
// Any other destination type is invalid.
{0, nil},
{Gopher{}, nil},
{PropertyList{}, nil},
{PropertyMap{}, nil},
{[]int{}, nil},
{[]Gopher{}, nil},
{[]PropertyList{}, nil},
{new(int), nil},
{new(Gopher), nil},
{new(PropertyList), nil}, // This is a special case.
{new(PropertyMap), nil},
{new([]int), nil},
{new([]map[int]int), nil},
{new([]map[string]Property), nil},
{new([]map[string]interface{}), nil},
{new([]*int), nil},
{new([]*map[int]int), nil},
{new([]*map[string]Property), nil},
{new([]*map[string]interface{}), nil},
{new([]**Gopher), nil},
{new([]*PropertyList), nil},
{new([]*PropertyMap), nil},
for _, tc := range testCases {
nCall := 0
client := &Client{
client: &fakeClient{
queryFn: func(req *pb.RunQueryRequest) (*pb.RunQueryResponse, error) {
return fakeRunQuery(req)
ctx := context.Background()
var (
expectedErr error
expectedNCall int
if tc.want == nil {
expectedErr = ErrInvalidEntityType
} else {
expectedNCall = 1
keys, err := client.GetAll(ctx, NewQuery("Gopher"), tc.dst)
if err != expectedErr {
t.Errorf("dst type %T: got error %v, want %v", tc.dst, err, expectedErr)
if nCall != expectedNCall {
t.Errorf("dst type %T: Context.Call was called an incorrect number of times: got %d want %d", tc.dst, nCall, expectedNCall)
if err != nil {
key1 := IDKey("Gopher", 6, nil)
expectedKeys := []*Key{
IDKey("Gopher", 8, key1),
if l1, l2 := len(keys), len(expectedKeys); l1 != l2 {
t.Errorf("dst type %T: got %d keys, want %d keys", tc.dst, l1, l2)
for i, key := range keys {
if !keysEqual(key, expectedKeys[i]) {
t.Errorf("dst type %T: got key #%d %v, want %v", tc.dst, i, key, expectedKeys[i])
// Make sure we sort any PropertyList items (the order is not deterministic).
if pLists, ok := tc.dst.(*[]PropertyList); ok {
for _, p := range *pLists {
if !testutil.Equal(tc.dst, tc.want) {
t.Errorf("dst type %T: Entities\ngot %+v\nwant %+v", tc.dst, tc.dst, tc.want)
// keysEqual is like (*Key).Equal, but ignores the App ID.
func keysEqual(a, b *Key) bool {
for a != nil && b != nil {
if a.Kind != b.Kind || a.Name != b.Name || a.ID != b.ID {
return false
a, b = a.Parent, b.Parent
return a == b
func TestQueriesAreImmutable(t *testing.T) {
// Test that deriving q2 from q1 does not modify q1.
q0 := NewQuery("foo")
q1 := NewQuery("foo")
q2 := q1.Offset(2)
if !testutil.Equal(q0, q1, cmp.AllowUnexported(Query{})) {
t.Errorf("q0 and q1 were not equal")
if testutil.Equal(q1, q2, cmp.AllowUnexported(Query{})) {
t.Errorf("q1 and q2 were equal")
// Test that deriving from q4 twice does not conflict, even though
// q4 has a long list of order clauses. This tests that the arrays
// backed by a query's slice of orders are not shared.
f := func() *Query {
q := NewQuery("bar")
// 47 is an ugly number that is unlikely to be near a re-allocation
// point in repeated append calls. For example, it's not near a power
// of 2 or a multiple of 10.
for i := 0; i < 47; i++ {
q = q.Order(fmt.Sprintf("x%d", i))
return q
q3 := f().Order("y")
q4 := f()
q5 := q4.Order("y")
q6 := q4.Order("z")
if !testutil.Equal(q3, q5, cmp.AllowUnexported(Query{})) {
t.Errorf("q3 and q5 were not equal")
if testutil.Equal(q5, q6, cmp.AllowUnexported(Query{})) {
t.Errorf("q5 and q6 were equal")
type testFilterCase struct {
filterStr string
fieldName string
operator string
wantOp operator
wantFieldName string
var (
// Quoted and interesting field names.
// Supported ops both filters.
filterTestCases = []testFilterCase{
{"x<", "x", "<", lessThan, "x"},
{"x <", "x", "<", lessThan, "x"},
{"x <", "x", "<", lessThan, "x"},
{" x < ", "x", "<", lessThan, "x"},
{"x <=", "x", "<=", lessEq, "x"},
{"x =", "x", "=", equal, "x"},
{"x >=", "x", ">=", greaterEq, "x"},
{"x >", "x", ">", greaterThan, "x"},
{"in >", "in", ">", greaterThan, "in"},
{"in>", "in", ">", greaterThan, "in"},
{"x!=", "x", "!=", notEqual, "x"},
{"x !=", "x", "!=", notEqual, "x"},
{" x != ", "x", "!=", notEqual, "x"},
{"x > y =", "x > y", "=", equal, "x > y"},
{"` x ` =", " x ", "=", equal, " x "},
{`" x " =`, " x ", "=", equal, " x "},
{`" \"x " =`, ` "x `, "=", equal, ` "x `},
// Supported in FilterField only.
filterFieldTestCases = []testFilterCase{
{"x in", "x", "in", in, "x"},
{"x not-in", "x", "not-in", notIn, "x"},
{"ins in", "ins", "in", in, "ins"},
{"in not-in", "in", "not-in", notIn, "in"},
// Operators not supported in either filter method
filterUnsupported = []testFilterCase{
{filterStr: "x IN", fieldName: "x", operator: "IN", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x NOT-IN", fieldName: "x", operator: "NOT-IN", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x EQ", fieldName: "x", operator: "EQ", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x lt", fieldName: "x", operator: "lt", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x <>", fieldName: "x", operator: "<>", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x >>", fieldName: "x", operator: ">>", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x ==", fieldName: "x", operator: "==", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x =<", fieldName: "x", operator: "=<", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x =>", fieldName: "x", operator: "=>", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x !", fieldName: "x", operator: "!", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x ", fieldName: "x", operator: "", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "x", fieldName: "x", operator: "", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: `" x =`, fieldName: `" x`, operator: "=", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: `" x ="`, fieldName: `" x `, operator: `="`, wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
{filterStr: "` x \" =", fieldName: "` x \"", operator: "=", wantOp: "", wantFieldName: ""},
type pfToProtoTestCase struct {
pf PropertyFilter
wantErrMsg string
func TestPropertyFilterToProto(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []pfToProtoTestCase{
{PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "=", Value: 4}, ""},
{PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x ", Operator: "=", Value: 4}, ""},
{PropertyFilter{FieldName: "", Operator: "=", Value: 4}, "datastore: empty query filter field name"},
{PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "==", Value: 4}, "datastore: invalid operator \"==\" in filter"},
{PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "==", Value: struct{ x string }{x: "sample"}}, "datastore: bad query filter value type: invalid Value type struct { x string }"},
successFilterFieldTestCases := append(filterTestCases, filterFieldTestCases...)
for _, sfftc := range successFilterFieldTestCases {
testCases = append(testCases, pfToProtoTestCase{
PropertyFilter{FieldName: sfftc.fieldName, Operator: sfftc.operator, Value: 4}, "",
for _, tc := range testCases {
_, err :=
gotErrMsg := ""
if err != nil {
gotErrMsg = err.Error()
if gotErrMsg != tc.wantErrMsg {
t.Errorf("PropertyFilter proto conversion error: \nwant %v,\ngot %v", tc.wantErrMsg, gotErrMsg)
func TestCompositeFilterToProto(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
cf CompositeFilter
wantErrMsg string
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "=", Value: 4},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "y", Operator: "<", Value: 3},
}, ""},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "=", Value: 4},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "y", Operator: "<", Value: 3},
}, ""},
// Fail when inner filter is malformed
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "==", Value: 4},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "y", Operator: "<", Value: 3},
}, "datastore: invalid operator \"==\" in filter"},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "==", Value: 4},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "y", Operator: "<", Value: 3},
}, "datastore: invalid operator \"==\" in filter"},
for _, tc := range testCases {
_, gotErr :=
gotErrMsg := ""
if gotErr != nil {
gotErrMsg = gotErr.Error()
if gotErrMsg != tc.wantErrMsg {
t.Errorf("CompositeFilter proto conversion error: \nwant %v,\ngot %v", tc.wantErrMsg, gotErrMsg)
func TestFilterEntity(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
ef EntityFilter
wantErrMsg string
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "x", Operator: "==", Value: 4},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "y", Operator: "<", Value: 3},
}, "datastore: invalid operator \"==\" in filter"},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "`x", Operator: "=", Value: 4},
PropertyFilter{FieldName: "y", Operator: "<", Value: 3},
}, "datastore: invalid syntax for quoted field name \"`x\""},
for _, tc := range testCases {
q := NewQuery("foo").FilterEntity(tc.ef)
gotErrMsg := ""
if q.err != nil {
gotErrMsg = q.err.Error()
if gotErrMsg != tc.wantErrMsg {
t.Errorf("FilterEntity error: \nwant %v,\ngot %v", tc.wantErrMsg, gotErrMsg)
func TestFilterParser(t *testing.T) {
// Success cases
for _, tc := range filterTestCases {
q := NewQuery("foo").Filter(tc.filterStr, 42)
if q.err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q: error=%v", tc.filterStr, q.err)
if len(q.filter) != 1 {
t.Errorf("%q: len=%d, want %d", tc.filterStr, len(q.filter), 1)
got, want := q.filter[0], PropertyFilter{tc.wantFieldName, string(tc.wantOp), 42}
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%q: got %v, want %v", tc.filterStr, got, want)
// Failure cases
failureTestCases := append(filterFieldTestCases, filterUnsupported...)
for _, tc := range failureTestCases {
q := NewQuery("foo").Filter(tc.filterStr, 42)
if q.err == nil {
t.Errorf("%q: should have thrown error", tc.filterStr)
func TestFilterField(t *testing.T) {
successTestCases := append(filterTestCases, filterFieldTestCases...)
for _, tc := range successTestCases {
q := NewQuery("foo").FilterField(tc.fieldName, tc.operator, 42)
if q.err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q %q: error: %v", tc.fieldName, tc.operator, q.err)
if len(q.filter) != 1 {
t.Errorf("%q: len=%d, want %d", tc.fieldName, len(q.filter), 1)
got, want := q.filter[0], PropertyFilter{tc.fieldName, string(tc.wantOp), 42}
if got != want {
t.Errorf("%q %q: got %v, want %v", tc.fieldName, tc.operator, got, want)
for _, tc := range filterUnsupported {
q := NewQuery("foo").Filter(tc.filterStr, 42)
if q.err == nil {
t.Errorf("%q: should have thrown error", tc.filterStr)
func TestUnquote(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
input string
want string
{`" x "`, ` x `},
{`"\" \\\"x \""`, `" \"x "`},
for _, tc := range testCases {
got, err := unquote(tc.input)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error parsing field name: %v", err)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("field name parsing error: \nwant %v,\ngot %v", tc.want, got)
func TestNamespaceQuery(t *testing.T) {
gotNamespace := make(chan string, 1)
ctx := context.Background()
client := &Client{
client: &fakeClient{
queryFn: func(req *pb.RunQueryRequest) (*pb.RunQueryResponse, error) {
if part := req.PartitionId; part != nil {
gotNamespace <- part.NamespaceId
} else {
gotNamespace <- ""
return nil, errors.New("not implemented")
var gs []Gopher
// Ignore errors for the rest of this test.
client.GetAll(ctx, NewQuery("gopher"), &gs)
if got, want := <-gotNamespace, ""; got != want {
t.Errorf("GetAll: got namespace %q, want %q", got, want)
client.Count(ctx, NewQuery("gopher"))
if got, want := <-gotNamespace, ""; got != want {
t.Errorf("Count: got namespace %q, want %q", got, want)
const ns = "not_default"
client.GetAll(ctx, NewQuery("gopher").Namespace(ns), &gs)
if got, want := <-gotNamespace, ns; got != want {
t.Errorf("GetAll: got namespace %q, want %q", got, want)
client.Count(ctx, NewQuery("gopher").Namespace(ns))
if got, want := <-gotNamespace, ns; got != want {
t.Errorf("Count: got namespace %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestReadOptions(t *testing.T) {
tid := []byte{1}
for _, test := range []struct {
q *Query
want *pb.ReadOptions
q: NewQuery(""),
want: nil,
q: NewQuery("").Transaction(nil),
want: nil,
q: NewQuery("").Transaction(&Transaction{id: tid}),
want: &pb.ReadOptions{
ConsistencyType: &pb.ReadOptions_Transaction{
Transaction: tid,
q: NewQuery("").EventualConsistency(),
want: &pb.ReadOptions{
ConsistencyType: &pb.ReadOptions_ReadConsistency_{
ReadConsistency: pb.ReadOptions_EVENTUAL,
} {
req := &pb.RunQueryRequest{}
if err := test.q.toRunQueryRequest(req); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%+v: got %v, want no error", test.q, err)
// Test errors.
for _, q := range []*Query{
NewQuery("").Transaction(&Transaction{id: nil, state: transactionStateExpired}),
NewQuery("").Transaction(&Transaction{id: tid, state: transactionStateInProgress}).EventualConsistency(),
} {
req := &pb.RunQueryRequest{}
if err := q.toRunQueryRequest(req); err == nil {
t.Errorf("%+v: got nil, wanted error", q)
func TestInvalidFilters(t *testing.T) {
client := &Client{
client: &fakeClient{
queryFn: func(req *pb.RunQueryRequest) (*pb.RunQueryResponse, error) {
return fakeRunQuery(req)
// Used for an invalid type
type MyType int
var v MyType = 1
for _, q := range []*Query{
NewQuery("SomeKey").Filter("", 0),
NewQuery("SomeKey").Filter("fld=", v),
} {
if _, err := client.Count(context.Background(), q); err == nil {
t.Errorf("%+v: got nil, wanted error", q)
func TestRunErr(t *testing.T) {
client := &Client{
client: &fakeClient{
queryFn: func(req *pb.RunQueryRequest) (*pb.RunQueryResponse, error) {
fmt.Printf("received next request")
return fakeRunQuery(req)
type Gopher struct {
A int
ctx := context.Background()
q := NewQuery("Gopher").Filter("", 2)
it := client.Run(ctx, q)
var g1 Gopher
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
t.Errorf("Cursor panic")
func TestAggregationQuery(t *testing.T) {
client := &Client{
client: &fakeClient{
aggQueryFn: func(req *pb.RunAggregationQueryRequest) (*pb.RunAggregationQueryResponse, error) {
return fakeRunAggregationQuery(req)
q := NewQuery("Gopher")
aq := q.NewAggregationQuery()
res, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(context.Background(), aq)
if err != nil {
count, ok := res[countAlias]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s key does not exist in return aggregation result", countAlias)
want := &pb.Value{
ValueType: &pb.Value_IntegerValue{IntegerValue: 1},
cv := count.(*pb.Value)
if !proto.Equal(want, cv) {
t.Errorf("want: %v\ngot: %v\n", want, cv)
func TestAggregationQueryIsNil(t *testing.T) {
client := &Client{
client: &fakeClient{
aggQueryFn: func(req *pb.RunAggregationQueryRequest) (*pb.RunAggregationQueryResponse, error) {
return fakeRunAggregationQuery(req)
var q Query
aq := q.NewAggregationQuery()
_, err := client.RunAggregationQuery(context.Background(), aq)
if err == nil {
q2 := NewQuery("Gopher")
aq2 := q2.NewAggregationQuery()
_, err = client.RunAggregationQuery(context.Background(), aq2)
if err == nil {
aq3 := q2.NewAggregationQuery().WithCount("")
_, err = client.RunAggregationQuery(context.Background(), aq3)
if err == nil {
func TestValidateReadOptions(t *testing.T) {
eventualInTxnErr := errors.New("datastore: cannot use EventualConsistency query in a transaction")
for _, test := range []struct {
desc string
eventual bool
trans *Transaction
wantErr error
desc: "EventualConsistency query in a transaction",
eventual: true,
trans: &Transaction{
id: []byte("test id"),
state: transactionStateInProgress,
wantErr: eventualInTxnErr,
desc: "Expired transaction in non-eventual query",
trans: &Transaction{
id: nil,
state: transactionStateExpired,
wantErr: errExpiredTransaction,
desc: "Expired transaction in eventual query",
trans: &Transaction{
id: nil,
state: transactionStateExpired,
eventual: true,
wantErr: eventualInTxnErr,
desc: "No transaction in non-eventual query",
desc: "No transaction in eventual query",
eventual: true,
} {
gotErr := validateReadOptions(test.eventual, test.trans)
gotErrMsg := ""
if gotErr != nil {
gotErrMsg = gotErr.Error()
wantErrMsg := ""
if test.wantErr != nil {
wantErrMsg = test.wantErr.Error()
if gotErrMsg != wantErrMsg {
t.Errorf("%q: got: %v, want: %v", test.desc, gotErr, test.wantErr)