blob: f02b65a956691209a84381e7fd37b5c435074aea [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package spannertest
// This file contains the implementation of the Spanner fake itself,
// namely the part behind the RPC interface.
// TODO: missing transactionality in a serious way!
import (
structpb ""
type database struct {
mu sync.Mutex
lastTS time.Time // last commit timestamp
tables map[spansql.ID]*table
indexes map[spansql.ID]struct{} // only record their existence
rwMu sync.Mutex // held by read-write transactions
type table struct {
mu sync.Mutex
// Information about the table columns.
// They are reordered on table creation so the primary key columns come first.
cols []colInfo
colIndex map[spansql.ID]int // col name to index
origIndex map[spansql.ID]int // original index of each column upon construction
pkCols int // number of primary key columns (may be 0)
pkDesc []bool // whether each primary key column is in descending order
// Rows are stored in primary key order.
rows []row
// colInfo represents information about a column in a table or result set.
type colInfo struct {
Name spansql.ID
Type spansql.Type
NotNull bool // only set for table columns
AggIndex int // Index+1 of SELECT list for which this is an aggregate value.
Alias spansql.PathExp // an alternate name for this column (result sets only)
// commitTimestampSentinel is a sentinel value for TIMESTAMP fields with allow_commit_timestamp=true.
// It is accepted, but never stored.
var commitTimestampSentinel = &struct{}{}
// transaction records information about a running transaction.
// This is not safe for concurrent use.
type transaction struct {
// readOnly is whether this transaction was constructed
// for read-only use, and should yield errors if used
// to perform a mutation.
readOnly bool
d *database
commitTimestamp time.Time // not set if readOnly
unlock func() // may be nil
func (d *database) NewReadOnlyTransaction() *transaction {
return &transaction{
readOnly: true,
func (d *database) NewTransaction() *transaction {
return &transaction{
d: d,
// Start starts the transaction and commits to a specific commit timestamp.
// This also locks out any other read-write transaction on this database
// until Commit/Rollback are called.
func (tx *transaction) Start() {
// Commit timestamps are only guaranteed to be unique
// when transactions write to overlapping sets of fields.
// This simulated database exceeds that guarantee.
// Grab rwMu for the duration of this transaction.
// Take it before so we don't hold that lock
// while waiting for d.rwMu, which is held for longer.
const tsRes = 1 * time.Microsecond
now := time.Now().UTC().Truncate(tsRes)
if !now.After(tx.d.lastTS) {
now = tx.d.lastTS.Add(tsRes)
tx.d.lastTS = now
tx.commitTimestamp = now
tx.unlock = tx.d.rwMu.Unlock
func (tx *transaction) checkMutable() error {
if tx.readOnly {
// TODO: is this the right status?
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "transaction is read-only")
return nil
func (tx *transaction) Commit() (time.Time, error) {
if tx.unlock != nil {
return tx.commitTimestamp, nil
func (tx *transaction) Rollback() {
if tx.unlock != nil {
// TODO: actually rollback
row represents a list of data elements.
The mapping between Spanner types and Go types internal to this package are:
BOOL bool
INT64 int64
FLOAT64 float64
STRING string
BYTES []byte
DATE civil.Date
TIMESTAMP time.Time (location set to UTC)
ARRAY<T> []interface{}
type row []interface{}
func (r row) copyDataElem(index int) interface{} {
v := r[index]
if is, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {
// Deep-copy array values.
v = append([]interface{}(nil), is...)
return v
// copyData returns a copy of the row.
func (r row) copyAllData() row {
dst := make(row, 0, len(r))
for i := range r {
dst = append(dst, r.copyDataElem(i))
return dst
// copyData returns a copy of a subset of a row.
func (r row) copyData(indexes []int) row {
if len(indexes) == 0 {
return nil
dst := make(row, 0, len(indexes))
for _, i := range indexes {
dst = append(dst, r.copyDataElem(i))
return dst
func (d *database) LastCommitTimestamp() time.Time {
return d.lastTS
func (d *database) GetDDL() []spansql.DDLStmt {
// This lacks fidelity, but captures the details we support.
var stmts []spansql.DDLStmt
for name, t := range d.tables {
ct := &spansql.CreateTable{
Name: name,
for i, col := range t.cols {
ct.Columns = append(ct.Columns, spansql.ColumnDef{
Name: col.Name,
Type: col.Type,
NotNull: col.NotNull,
// TODO: AllowCommitTimestamp
if i < t.pkCols {
ct.PrimaryKey = append(ct.PrimaryKey, spansql.KeyPart{
Column: col.Name,
Desc: t.pkDesc[i],
stmts = append(stmts, ct)
return stmts
func (d *database) ApplyDDL(stmt spansql.DDLStmt) *status.Status {
// Lazy init.
if d.tables == nil {
d.tables = make(map[spansql.ID]*table)
if d.indexes == nil {
d.indexes = make(map[spansql.ID]struct{})
switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
return status.Newf(codes.Unimplemented, "unhandled DDL statement type %T", stmt)
case *spansql.CreateTable:
if _, ok := d.tables[stmt.Name]; ok {
return status.Newf(codes.AlreadyExists, "table %s already exists", stmt.Name)
if len(stmt.PrimaryKey) == 0 {
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "table %s has no primary key", stmt.Name)
// TODO: check stmt.Interleave details.
// Record original column ordering.
orig := make(map[spansql.ID]int)
for i, col := range stmt.Columns {
orig[col.Name] = i
// Move primary keys first, preserving their order.
pk := make(map[spansql.ID]int)
var pkDesc []bool
for i, kp := range stmt.PrimaryKey {
pk[kp.Column] = -1000 + i
pkDesc = append(pkDesc, kp.Desc)
sort.SliceStable(stmt.Columns, func(i, j int) bool {
a, b := pk[stmt.Columns[i].Name], pk[stmt.Columns[j].Name]
return a < b
t := &table{
colIndex: make(map[spansql.ID]int),
origIndex: orig,
pkCols: len(pk),
pkDesc: pkDesc,
for _, cd := range stmt.Columns {
if st := t.addColumn(cd, true); st.Code() != codes.OK {
return st
for col := range pk {
if _, ok := t.colIndex[col]; !ok {
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "primary key column %q not in table", col)
d.tables[stmt.Name] = t
return nil
case *spansql.CreateIndex:
if _, ok := d.indexes[stmt.Name]; ok {
return status.Newf(codes.AlreadyExists, "index %s already exists", stmt.Name)
d.indexes[stmt.Name] = struct{}{}
return nil
case *spansql.DropTable:
if _, ok := d.tables[stmt.Name]; !ok {
return status.Newf(codes.NotFound, "no table named %s", stmt.Name)
// TODO: check for indexes on this table.
delete(d.tables, stmt.Name)
return nil
case *spansql.DropIndex:
if _, ok := d.indexes[stmt.Name]; !ok {
return status.Newf(codes.NotFound, "no index named %s", stmt.Name)
delete(d.indexes, stmt.Name)
return nil
case *spansql.AlterTable:
t, ok := d.tables[stmt.Name]
if !ok {
return status.Newf(codes.NotFound, "no table named %s", stmt.Name)
switch alt := stmt.Alteration.(type) {
return status.Newf(codes.Unimplemented, "unhandled DDL table alteration type %T", alt)
case spansql.AddColumn:
if st := t.addColumn(alt.Def, false); st.Code() != codes.OK {
return st
return nil
case spansql.DropColumn:
if st := t.dropColumn(alt.Name); st.Code() != codes.OK {
return st
return nil
case spansql.AlterColumn:
if st := t.alterColumn(alt); st.Code() != codes.OK {
return st
return nil
func (d *database) table(tbl spansql.ID) (*table, error) {
t, ok := d.tables[tbl]
if !ok {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "no table named %s", tbl)
return t, nil
// writeValues executes a write option (Insert, Update, etc.).
func (d *database) writeValues(tx *transaction, tbl spansql.ID, cols []spansql.ID, values []*structpb.ListValue, f func(t *table, colIndexes []int, r row) error) error {
if err := tx.checkMutable(); err != nil {
return err
t, err := d.table(tbl)
if err != nil {
return err
colIndexes, err := t.colIndexes(cols)
if err != nil {
return err
revIndex := make(map[int]int) // table index to col index
for j, i := range colIndexes {
revIndex[i] = j
for pki := 0; pki < t.pkCols; pki++ {
_, ok := revIndex[pki]
if !ok {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "primary key column %s not included in write", t.cols[pki].Name)
for _, vs := range values {
if len(vs.Values) != len(colIndexes) {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "row of %d values can't be written to %d columns", len(vs.Values), len(colIndexes))
r := make(row, len(t.cols))
for j, v := range vs.Values {
i := colIndexes[j]
x, err := valForType(v, t.cols[i].Type)
if err != nil {
return err
if x == commitTimestampSentinel {
x = tx.commitTimestamp
if x == nil && t.cols[i].NotNull {
return status.Errorf(codes.FailedPrecondition, "%s must not be NULL in table %s", t.cols[i].Name, tbl)
r[i] = x
// TODO: enforce that provided timestamp for commit_timestamp=true columns
// are not ahead of the transaction's commit timestamp.
if err := f(t, colIndexes, r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *database) Insert(tx *transaction, tbl spansql.ID, cols []spansql.ID, values []*structpb.ListValue) error {
return d.writeValues(tx, tbl, cols, values, func(t *table, colIndexes []int, r row) error {
pk := r[:t.pkCols]
rowNum, found := t.rowForPK(pk)
if found {
return status.Errorf(codes.AlreadyExists, "row already in table")
t.insertRow(rowNum, r)
return nil
func (d *database) Update(tx *transaction, tbl spansql.ID, cols []spansql.ID, values []*structpb.ListValue) error {
return d.writeValues(tx, tbl, cols, values, func(t *table, colIndexes []int, r row) error {
if t.pkCols == 0 {
return status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "cannot update table %s with no columns in primary key", tbl)
pk := r[:t.pkCols]
rowNum, found := t.rowForPK(pk)
if !found {
// TODO: is this the right way to return `NOT_FOUND`?
return status.Errorf(codes.NotFound, "row not in table")
for _, i := range colIndexes {
t.rows[rowNum][i] = r[i]
return nil
func (d *database) InsertOrUpdate(tx *transaction, tbl spansql.ID, cols []spansql.ID, values []*structpb.ListValue) error {
return d.writeValues(tx, tbl, cols, values, func(t *table, colIndexes []int, r row) error {
pk := r[:t.pkCols]
rowNum, found := t.rowForPK(pk)
if !found {
// New row; do an insert.
t.insertRow(rowNum, r)
} else {
// Existing row; do an update.
for _, i := range colIndexes {
t.rows[rowNum][i] = r[i]
return nil
// TODO: Replace
func (d *database) Delete(tx *transaction, table spansql.ID, keys []*structpb.ListValue, keyRanges keyRangeList, all bool) error {
if err := tx.checkMutable(); err != nil {
return err
t, err := d.table(table)
if err != nil {
return err
if all {
t.rows = nil
return nil
for _, key := range keys {
pk, err := t.primaryKey(key.Values)
if err != nil {
return err
// Not an error if the key does not exist.
rowNum, found := t.rowForPK(pk)
if found {
copy(t.rows[rowNum:], t.rows[rowNum+1:])
t.rows = t.rows[:len(t.rows)-1]
for _, r := range keyRanges {
r.startKey, err = t.primaryKeyPrefix(r.start.Values)
if err != nil {
return err
r.endKey, err = t.primaryKeyPrefix(r.end.Values)
if err != nil {
return err
startRow, endRow := t.findRange(r)
if n := endRow - startRow; n > 0 {
copy(t.rows[startRow:], t.rows[endRow:])
t.rows = t.rows[:len(t.rows)-n]
return nil
// readTable executes a read option (Read, ReadAll).
func (d *database) readTable(table spansql.ID, cols []spansql.ID, f func(*table, *rawIter, []int) error) (*rawIter, error) {
t, err := d.table(table)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
colIndexes, err := t.colIndexes(cols)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ri := &rawIter{}
for _, i := range colIndexes {
ri.cols = append(ri.cols, t.cols[i])
return ri, f(t, ri, colIndexes)
func (d *database) Read(tbl spansql.ID, cols []spansql.ID, keys []*structpb.ListValue, keyRanges keyRangeList, limit int64) (rowIter, error) {
// The real Cloud Spanner returns an error if the key set is empty by definition.
// That doesn't seem to be well-defined, but it is a common error to attempt a read with no keys,
// so catch that here and return a representative error.
if len(keys) == 0 && len(keyRanges) == 0 {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Unimplemented, "Cloud Spanner does not support reading no keys")
return d.readTable(tbl, cols, func(t *table, ri *rawIter, colIndexes []int) error {
// "If the same key is specified multiple times in the set (for
// example if two ranges, two keys, or a key and a range
// overlap), Cloud Spanner behaves as if the key were only
// specified once."
done := make(map[int]bool) // row numbers we've included in ri.
// Specific keys.
for _, key := range keys {
pk, err := t.primaryKey(key.Values)
if err != nil {
return err
// Not an error if the key does not exist.
rowNum, found := t.rowForPK(pk)
if !found {
if done[rowNum] {
done[rowNum] = true
ri.add(t.rows[rowNum], colIndexes)
if limit > 0 && len(ri.rows) >= int(limit) {
return nil
// Key ranges.
for _, r := range keyRanges {
var err error
r.startKey, err = t.primaryKeyPrefix(r.start.Values)
if err != nil {
return err
r.endKey, err = t.primaryKeyPrefix(r.end.Values)
if err != nil {
return err
startRow, endRow := t.findRange(r)
for rowNum := startRow; rowNum < endRow; rowNum++ {
if done[rowNum] {
done[rowNum] = true
ri.add(t.rows[rowNum], colIndexes)
if limit > 0 && len(ri.rows) >= int(limit) {
return nil
return nil
func (d *database) ReadAll(tbl spansql.ID, cols []spansql.ID, limit int64) (*rawIter, error) {
return d.readTable(tbl, cols, func(t *table, ri *rawIter, colIndexes []int) error {
for _, r := range t.rows {
ri.add(r, colIndexes)
if limit > 0 && len(ri.rows) >= int(limit) {
return nil
func (t *table) addColumn(cd spansql.ColumnDef, newTable bool) *status.Status {
if !newTable && cd.NotNull {
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "new non-key columns cannot be NOT NULL")
if len(t.rows) > 0 {
if cd.NotNull {
// TODO: what happens in this case?
return status.Newf(codes.Unimplemented, "can't add NOT NULL columns to non-empty tables yet")
for i := range t.rows {
t.rows[i] = append(t.rows[i], nil)
t.cols = append(t.cols, colInfo{
Name: cd.Name,
Type: cd.Type,
NotNull: cd.NotNull,
t.colIndex[cd.Name] = len(t.cols) - 1
if !newTable {
t.origIndex[cd.Name] = len(t.cols) - 1
return nil
func (t *table) dropColumn(name spansql.ID) *status.Status {
// Only permit dropping non-key columns that aren't part of a secondary index.
// We don't support indexes, so only check that it isn't part of the primary key.
ci, ok := t.colIndex[name]
if !ok {
// TODO: What's the right response code?
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "unknown column %q", name)
if ci < t.pkCols {
// TODO: What's the right response code?
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "can't drop primary key column %q", name)
// Remove from cols and colIndex, and renumber colIndex and origIndex.
t.cols = append(t.cols[:ci], t.cols[ci+1:]...)
delete(t.colIndex, name)
for i, col := range t.cols {
t.colIndex[col.Name] = i
pre := t.origIndex[name]
delete(t.origIndex, name)
for n, i := range t.origIndex {
if i > pre {
// Drop data.
for i := range t.rows {
t.rows[i] = append(t.rows[i][:ci], t.rows[i][ci+1:]...)
return nil
func (t *table) alterColumn(alt spansql.AlterColumn) *status.Status {
// Supported changes here are:
// Add NOT NULL to a non-key column, excluding ARRAY columns.
// Remove NOT NULL from a non-key column.
// Change a STRING column to a BYTES column or a BYTES column to a STRING column.
// Increase or decrease the length limit for a STRING or BYTES type (including to MAX).
// Enable or disable commit timestamps in value and primary key columns.
sct, ok := alt.Alteration.(spansql.SetColumnType)
if !ok {
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "unsupported ALTER COLUMN %s", alt.SQL())
ci, ok := t.colIndex[alt.Name]
if !ok {
// TODO: What's the right response code?
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "unknown column %q", alt.Name)
// TODO: check if the column isn't a primary key or array types.
t.cols[ci].NotNull = sct.NotNull
// Check and make type transformations.
oldT, newT := t.cols[ci].Type, sct.Type
stringOrBytes := func(bt spansql.TypeBase) bool { return bt == spansql.String || bt == spansql.Bytes }
// TODO: We don't track whether commit timestamps are permitted on a per-column basis, so that's ignored.
// Change between STRING and BYTES is fine, as is increasing/decreasing the length limit.
// TODO: This should permit array conversions too.
if stringOrBytes(oldT.Base) && stringOrBytes(newT.Base) && !oldT.Array && !newT.Array {
// TODO: Validate data; length limit changes should be rejected if they'd lead to data loss, for instance.
var conv func(x interface{}) interface{}
if oldT.Base == spansql.Bytes && newT.Base == spansql.String {
conv = func(x interface{}) interface{} { return string(x.([]byte)) }
} else if oldT.Base == spansql.String && newT.Base == spansql.Bytes {
conv = func(x interface{}) interface{} { return []byte(x.(string)) }
if conv != nil {
for _, row := range t.rows {
if row[ci] != nil { // NULL stays as NULL.
row[ci] = conv(row[ci])
t.cols[ci].Type = newT
return nil
// TODO: Support other alterations.
return status.Newf(codes.InvalidArgument, "unsupported ALTER COLUMN %s", alt.SQL())
func (t *table) insertRow(rowNum int, r row) {
t.rows = append(t.rows, nil)
copy(t.rows[rowNum+1:], t.rows[rowNum:])
t.rows[rowNum] = r
// findRange finds the rows included in the key range,
// reporting it as a half-open interval.
// r.startKey and r.endKey should be populated.
func (t *table) findRange(r *keyRange) (int, int) {
// startRow is the first row matching the range.
startRow := sort.Search(len(t.rows), func(i int) bool {
return rowCmp(r.startKey, t.rows[i][:t.pkCols], t.pkDesc) <= 0
if startRow == len(t.rows) {
return startRow, startRow
if !r.startClosed && rowCmp(r.startKey, t.rows[startRow][:t.pkCols], t.pkDesc) == 0 {
// endRow is one more than the last row matching the range.
endRow := sort.Search(len(t.rows), func(i int) bool {
return rowCmp(r.endKey, t.rows[i][:t.pkCols], t.pkDesc) < 0
if !r.endClosed && rowCmp(r.endKey, t.rows[endRow-1][:t.pkCols], t.pkDesc) == 0 {
return startRow, endRow
// colIndexes returns the indexes for the named columns.
func (t *table) colIndexes(cols []spansql.ID) ([]int, error) {
var is []int
for _, col := range cols {
i, ok := t.colIndex[col]
if !ok {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "column %s not in table", col)
is = append(is, i)
return is, nil
// primaryKey constructs the internal representation of a primary key.
// The list of given values must be in 1:1 correspondence with the primary key of the table.
func (t *table) primaryKey(values []*structpb.Value) ([]interface{}, error) {
if len(values) != t.pkCols {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "primary key length mismatch: got %d values, table has %d", len(values), t.pkCols)
return t.primaryKeyPrefix(values)
// primaryKeyPrefix constructs the internal representation of a primary key prefix.
func (t *table) primaryKeyPrefix(values []*structpb.Value) ([]interface{}, error) {
if len(values) > t.pkCols {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "primary key length too long: got %d values, table has %d", len(values), t.pkCols)
var pk []interface{}
for i, value := range values {
v, err := valForType(value, t.cols[i].Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pk = append(pk, v)
return pk, nil
// rowForPK returns the index of t.rows that holds the row for the given primary key, and true.
// If the given primary key isn't found, it returns the row that should hold it, and false.
func (t *table) rowForPK(pk []interface{}) (row int, found bool) {
if len(pk) != t.pkCols {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("primary key length mismatch: got %d values, table has %d", len(pk), t.pkCols))
i := sort.Search(len(t.rows), func(i int) bool {
return rowCmp(pk, t.rows[i][:t.pkCols], t.pkDesc) <= 0
if i == len(t.rows) {
return i, false
return i, rowEqual(pk, t.rows[i][:t.pkCols])
// rowCmp compares two rows, returning -1/0/+1.
// The desc arg indicates whether each column is in a descending order.
// This is used for primary key matching and so doesn't support array/struct types.
// a is permitted to be shorter than b.
func rowCmp(a, b []interface{}, desc []bool) int {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if cmp := compareVals(a[i], b[i]); cmp != 0 {
if desc[i] {
cmp = -cmp
return cmp
return 0
// rowEqual reports whether two rows are equal.
// This doesn't support array/struct types.
func rowEqual(a, b []interface{}) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if compareVals(a[i], b[i]) != 0 {
return false
return true
// valForType converts a value from its RPC form into its internal representation.
func valForType(v *structpb.Value, t spansql.Type) (interface{}, error) {
if _, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_NullValue); ok {
return nil, nil
if lv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_ListValue); ok && t.Array {
et := t // element type
et.Array = false
// Construct the non-nil slice for the list.
arr := make([]interface{}, 0, len(lv.ListValue.Values))
for _, v := range lv.ListValue.Values {
x, err := valForType(v, et)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arr = append(arr, x)
return arr, nil
switch t.Base {
case spansql.Bool:
bv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_BoolValue)
if ok {
return bv.BoolValue, nil
case spansql.Int64:
// The Spanner protocol encodes int64 as a decimal string.
sv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_StringValue)
if ok {
x, err := strconv.ParseInt(sv.StringValue, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad int64 string %q: %v", sv.StringValue, err)
return x, nil
case spansql.Float64:
nv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_NumberValue)
if ok {
return nv.NumberValue, nil
case spansql.String:
sv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_StringValue)
if ok {
return sv.StringValue, nil
case spansql.Bytes:
sv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_StringValue)
if ok {
// The Spanner protocol encodes BYTES in base64.
return base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(sv.StringValue)
case spansql.Date:
// The Spanner protocol encodes DATE in RFC 3339 date format.
sv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_StringValue)
if ok {
s := sv.StringValue
d, err := parseAsDate(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad DATE string %q: %v", s, err)
return d, nil
case spansql.Timestamp:
// The Spanner protocol encodes TIMESTAMP in RFC 3339 timestamp format with zone Z.
sv, ok := v.Kind.(*structpb.Value_StringValue)
if ok {
s := sv.StringValue
if strings.ToLower(s) == "spanner.commit_timestamp()" {
return commitTimestampSentinel, nil
t, err := parseAsTimestamp(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad TIMESTAMP string %q: %v", s, err)
return t, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported inserting value kind %T into column of type %s", v.Kind, t.SQL())
type keyRange struct {
start, end *structpb.ListValue
startClosed, endClosed bool
// These are populated during an operation
// when we know what table this keyRange applies to.
startKey, endKey []interface{}
func (r *keyRange) String() string {
var sb bytes.Buffer // TODO: Switch to strings.Builder when we drop support for Go 1.9.
if r.startClosed {
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%v,%v", r.startKey, r.endKey)
if r.endClosed {
} else {
return sb.String()
type keyRangeList []*keyRange
// Execute runs a DML statement.
// It returns the number of affected rows.
func (d *database) Execute(stmt spansql.DMLStmt, params queryParams) (int, error) { // TODO: return *status.Status instead?
switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
return 0, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "unhandled DML statement type %T", stmt)
case *spansql.Delete:
t, err := d.table(stmt.Table)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
n := 0
for i := 0; i < len(t.rows); {
ec := evalContext{
cols: t.cols,
row: t.rows[i],
params: params,
b, err := ec.evalBoolExpr(stmt.Where)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if b != nil && *b {
copy(t.rows[i:], t.rows[i+1:])
t.rows = t.rows[:len(t.rows)-1]
return n, nil
case *spansql.Update:
t, err := d.table(stmt.Table)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
ec := evalContext{
cols: t.cols,
params: params,
// Build parallel slices of destination column index and expressions to evaluate.
var dstIndex []int
var expr []spansql.Expr
for _, ui := range stmt.Items {
i, err := ec.resolveColumnIndex(ui.Column)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// TODO: Enforce "A column can appear only once in the SET clause.".
if i < t.pkCols {
return 0, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "cannot update primary key %s", ui.Column)
dstIndex = append(dstIndex, i)
expr = append(expr, ui.Value)
n := 0
values := make(row, len(stmt.Items)) // scratch space for new values
for i := 0; i < len(t.rows); i++ {
ec.row = t.rows[i]
b, err := ec.evalBoolExpr(stmt.Where)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if b != nil && *b {
// Compute every update item.
for j := range dstIndex {
if expr[j] == nil { // DEFAULT
values[j] = nil
v, err := ec.evalExpr(expr[j])
if err != nil {
return 0, err
values[j] = v
// Write them to the row.
for j, v := range values {
t.rows[i][dstIndex[j]] = v
return n, nil
func parseAsDate(s string) (civil.Date, error) { return civil.ParseDate(s) }
func parseAsTimestamp(s string) (time.Time, error) {
return time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z", s)