blob: e3a8ebae87987f1cb338e40b142ce0f3e475164e [file] [log] [blame]
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package testutil
import (
// TestIteratorNext tests the Next method of a standard client iterator (see
// This function assumes that an iterator has already been created, and that
// the underlying sequence to be iterated over already exists. want should be a
// slice that contains the elements of this sequence. It must contain at least
// one element.
// done is the special error value that signals that the iterator has provided all the items.
// next is a function that returns the result of calling Next on the iterator. It can usually be
// defined as
// func() (interface{}, error) { return iter.Next() }
// TestIteratorNext checks that the iterator returns all the elements of want
// in order, followed by (zero, done). It also confirms that subsequent calls
// to next also return (zero, done).
// On success, TestIteratorNext returns ("", true). On failure, it returns a
// suitable error message and false.
func TestIteratorNext(want interface{}, done error, next func() (interface{}, error)) (string, bool) {
wVal := reflect.ValueOf(want)
if wVal.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return "'want' must be a slice", false
for i := 0; i < wVal.Len(); i++ {
got, err := next()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("#%d: got %v, expected an item", i, err), false
w := wVal.Index(i).Interface()
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, w) {
return fmt.Sprintf("#%d: got %+v, want %+v", i, got, w), false
// We now should see (<zero value of item type>, done), no matter how many
// additional calls we make.
zero := reflect.Zero(wVal.Type().Elem()).Interface()
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
got, err := next()
if err != done {
return fmt.Sprintf("at end: got error %v, want done", err), false
// Since err == done, got should be zero.
if got != zero {
return fmt.Sprintf("got %+v with done, want zero %T", got, zero), false
return "", true
// PagingIterator describes the standard client iterator pattern with paging as best as possible in Go.
// See
type PagingIterator interface {
NextPageToken() string
// NextPage() ([]T, error)
// TestIteratorNextPageExact tests the NextPage method of a standard client
// iterator with paging (see PagingIterator).
// This function assumes that the underlying sequence to be iterated over
// already exists. want should be a slice that contains the elements of this
// sequence. It must contain at least three elements, in order to test
// non-trivial paging behavior.
// done is the special error value that signals that the iterator has provided all the items.
// defaultPageSize is the page size to use when the user has not called SetPageSize, or calls
// it with a value <= 0.
// newIter should return a new iterator each time it is called.
// nextPage should return the result of calling NextPage on the iterator. It can usually be
// defined as
// func(i testutil.PagingIterator) (interface{}, error) { return i.(*<iteratorType>).NextPage() }
// TestIteratorNextPageExact checks that the iterator returns all the elements
// of want in order, divided into pages of the exactly the right size. It
// confirms that if the last page is partial, done is returned along with it,
// and in any case, done is returned subsequently along with a zero-length
// slice.
// On success, TestIteratorNextPageExact returns ("", true). On failure, it returns a
// suitable error message and false.
func TestIteratorNextPageExact(want interface{}, done error, defaultPageSize int, newIter func() PagingIterator, nextPage func(PagingIterator) (interface{}, error)) (string, bool) {
wVal := reflect.ValueOf(want)
if wVal.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
return "'want' must be a slice", false
if wVal.Len() < 3 {
return "need at least 3 values for 'want' to effectively test paging", false
const doNotSetPageSize = -999
for _, pageSize := range []int{doNotSetPageSize, -7, 0, 1, 2, wVal.Len(), wVal.Len() + 10} {
adjustedPageSize := int(pageSize)
if pageSize <= 0 {
adjustedPageSize = int(defaultPageSize)
// Create the pages we expect to see.
var wantPages []interface{}
for i, j := 0, adjustedPageSize; i < wVal.Len(); i, j = j, j+adjustedPageSize {
if j > wVal.Len() {
j = wVal.Len()
wantPages = append(wantPages, wVal.Slice(i, j).Interface())
for _, usePageToken := range []bool{false, true} {
it := newIter()
if pageSize != doNotSetPageSize {
for i, wantPage := range wantPages {
gotPage, err := nextPage(it)
if err != nil && err != done {
return fmt.Sprintf("usePageToken %v, pageSize %d, #%d: got %v, expected a page",
usePageToken, pageSize, i, err), false
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotPage, wantPage) {
return fmt.Sprintf("usePageToken %v, pageSize %d, #%d:\ngot %v\nwant %+v",
usePageToken, pageSize, i, gotPage, wantPage), false
// If the last page is partial, NextPage must return done.
if reflect.ValueOf(gotPage).Len() < adjustedPageSize && err != done {
return fmt.Sprintf("usePageToken %v, pageSize %d, #%d: expected done on partial page, got %v",
usePageToken, pageSize, i, err), false
if usePageToken {
// Pretend that we are displaying a paginated listing on the web, and the next
// page may be served by a different process.
// Empty page token implies done, and vice versa.
if (it.NextPageToken() == "") != (err == done) {
return fmt.Sprintf("pageSize %d: next page token = %q and err = %v; expected empty page token iff done",
pageSize, it.NextPageToken(), err), false
if err == nil {
token := it.NextPageToken()
it = newIter()
// We now should see (<zero-length or nil slice>, done), no matter how many
// additional calls we make.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
gotPage, err := nextPage(it)
if err != done {
return fmt.Sprintf("usePageToken %v, pageSize %d, at end: got error %v, want done",
usePageToken, pageSize, err), false
pVal := reflect.ValueOf(gotPage)
if pVal.Kind() != reflect.Slice || pVal.Len() != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("usePageToken %v, pageSize %d, at end: got %+v with done, want zero-length slice",
usePageToken, pageSize, gotPage), false
return "", true