blob: ce68ed88c394e962bb1c8c1ed3f9ea361af219ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Package analytics provides access to the Google Analytics API.
// See
// Usage example:
// import ""
// ...
// analyticsService, err := analytics.New(oauthHttpClient)
package analytics
import (
// Always reference these packages, just in case the auto-generated code
// below doesn't.
var _ = bytes.NewBuffer
var _ = strconv.Itoa
var _ = fmt.Sprintf
var _ = json.NewDecoder
var _ = io.Copy
var _ = url.Parse
var _ = googleapi.Version
var _ = errors.New
var _ = strings.Replace
const apiId = "analytics:v3"
const apiName = "analytics"
const apiVersion = "v3"
const basePath = ""
// OAuth2 scopes used by this API.
const (
// View and manage your Google Analytics data
AnalyticsScope = ""
// View your Google Analytics data
AnalyticsReadonlyScope = ""
func New(client *http.Client) (*Service, error) {
if client == nil {
return nil, errors.New("client is nil")
s := &Service{client: client}
s.Data = NewDataService(s)
s.Management = NewManagementService(s)
return s, nil
type Service struct {
client *http.Client
Data *DataService
Management *ManagementService
func NewDataService(s *Service) *DataService {
rs := &DataService{s: s}
rs.Ga = NewDataGaService(s)
rs.Mcf = NewDataMcfService(s)
return rs
type DataService struct {
s *Service
Ga *DataGaService
Mcf *DataMcfService
func NewDataGaService(s *Service) *DataGaService {
rs := &DataGaService{s: s}
return rs
type DataGaService struct {
s *Service
func NewDataMcfService(s *Service) *DataMcfService {
rs := &DataMcfService{s: s}
return rs
type DataMcfService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementService(s *Service) *ManagementService {
rs := &ManagementService{s: s}
rs.Accounts = NewManagementAccountsService(s)
rs.CustomDataSources = NewManagementCustomDataSourcesService(s)
rs.DailyUploads = NewManagementDailyUploadsService(s)
rs.Experiments = NewManagementExperimentsService(s)
rs.Goals = NewManagementGoalsService(s)
rs.Profiles = NewManagementProfilesService(s)
rs.Segments = NewManagementSegmentsService(s)
rs.Webproperties = NewManagementWebpropertiesService(s)
return rs
type ManagementService struct {
s *Service
Accounts *ManagementAccountsService
CustomDataSources *ManagementCustomDataSourcesService
DailyUploads *ManagementDailyUploadsService
Experiments *ManagementExperimentsService
Goals *ManagementGoalsService
Profiles *ManagementProfilesService
Segments *ManagementSegmentsService
Webproperties *ManagementWebpropertiesService
func NewManagementAccountsService(s *Service) *ManagementAccountsService {
rs := &ManagementAccountsService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementAccountsService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementCustomDataSourcesService(s *Service) *ManagementCustomDataSourcesService {
rs := &ManagementCustomDataSourcesService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementCustomDataSourcesService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementDailyUploadsService(s *Service) *ManagementDailyUploadsService {
rs := &ManagementDailyUploadsService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementDailyUploadsService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementExperimentsService(s *Service) *ManagementExperimentsService {
rs := &ManagementExperimentsService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementExperimentsService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementGoalsService(s *Service) *ManagementGoalsService {
rs := &ManagementGoalsService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementGoalsService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementProfilesService(s *Service) *ManagementProfilesService {
rs := &ManagementProfilesService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementProfilesService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementSegmentsService(s *Service) *ManagementSegmentsService {
rs := &ManagementSegmentsService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementSegmentsService struct {
s *Service
func NewManagementWebpropertiesService(s *Service) *ManagementWebpropertiesService {
rs := &ManagementWebpropertiesService{s: s}
return rs
type ManagementWebpropertiesService struct {
s *Service
type Account struct {
// ChildLink: Child link for an account entry. Points to the list of web
// properties for this account.
ChildLink *AccountChildLink `json:"childLink,omitempty"`
// Created: Time the account was created.
Created string `json:"created,omitempty"`
// Id: Account ID.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for Analytics account.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Name: Account name.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this account.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// Updated: Time the account was last modified.
Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty"`
type AccountChildLink struct {
// Href: Link to the list of web properties for this account.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Type of the child link. Its value is "analytics#webproperties".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type Accounts struct {
// Items: A list of accounts.
Items []*Account `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of entries the response can contain,
// regardless of the actual number of entries returned. Its value ranges
// from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise
// specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Next link for this account collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Previous link for this account collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the entries, which is 1 by default
// or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of results in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type CustomDataSource struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this custom data source belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// ChildLink: Child link for this custom data source. Points to the list
// of daily uploads for this custom data source.
ChildLink *CustomDataSourceChildLink `json:"childLink,omitempty"`
// Created: Time this custom data source was created.
Created string `json:"created,omitempty"`
// Description: Description of custom data source.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Id: Custom data source ID.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for Analytics custom data source.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Name: Name of this custom data source.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ParentLink: Parent link for this custom data source. Points to the
// web property to which this custom data source belongs.
ParentLink *CustomDataSourceParentLink `json:"parentLink,omitempty"`
// ProfilesLinked: IDs of profiles linked to the custom data source.
ProfilesLinked []string `json:"profilesLinked,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this Analytics custom data source.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// Updated: Time this custom data source was last modified.
Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web property ID of the form UA-XXXXX-YY to which this
// custom data source belongs.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
type CustomDataSourceChildLink struct {
// Href: Link to the list of daily uploads for this custom data source.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Value is "analytics#dailyUploads".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type CustomDataSourceParentLink struct {
// Href: Link to the web property to which this custom data source
// belongs.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Value is "analytics#webproperty".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type CustomDataSources struct {
// Items: Collection of custom data sources.
Items []*CustomDataSource `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of resources the response can
// contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its
// value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or
// otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this custom data source collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this custom data source
// collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by
// default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of results in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type DailyUpload struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this daily upload belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// AppendCount: Number of appends for this date.
AppendCount int64 `json:"appendCount,omitempty"`
// CreatedTime: Time this daily upload was created.
CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime,omitempty"`
// CustomDataSourceId: Custom data source ID to which this daily upload
// belongs.
CustomDataSourceId string `json:"customDataSourceId,omitempty"`
// Date: Date associated with daily upload.
Date string `json:"date,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for Analytics daily upload.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// ModifiedTime: Time this daily upload was last modified.
ModifiedTime string `json:"modifiedTime,omitempty"`
// ParentLink: Parent link for a daily upload. Points to the custom data
// source to which this daily upload belongs.
ParentLink *DailyUploadParentLink `json:"parentLink,omitempty"`
// RecentChanges: Change log for last 10 changes in chronological order.
RecentChanges []*DailyUploadRecentChanges `json:"recentChanges,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this daily upload.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web property ID of the form UA-XXXXX-YY to which this
// daily upload belongs.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
type DailyUploadParentLink struct {
// Href: Link to the custom data source to which this daily upload
// belongs.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Value is "analytics#customDataSource".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type DailyUploadRecentChanges struct {
// Change: The type of change: APPEND, RESET, or DELETE.
Change string `json:"change,omitempty"`
// Time: The time when the change occurred.
Time string `json:"time,omitempty"`
type DailyUploadAppend struct {
// AccountId: Account Id to which this daily upload append belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// AppendNumber: Append number.
AppendNumber int64 `json:"appendNumber,omitempty"`
// CustomDataSourceId: Custom data source Id to which this daily upload
// append belongs.
CustomDataSourceId string `json:"customDataSourceId,omitempty"`
// Date: Date associated with daily upload append.
Date string `json:"date,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for Analytics daily upload append.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
NextAppendLink string `json:"nextAppendLink,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web property Id of the form UA-XXXXX-YY to which this
// daily upload append belongs.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
type DailyUploads struct {
// Items: A collection of daily uploads.
Items []*DailyUpload `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of resources the response can
// contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its
// value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or
// otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type. Value is analytics#dailyUploads.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this daily upload collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this daily upload collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by
// default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of results in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type Experiment struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this experiment belongs. This field is
// read-only.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// Created: Time the experiment was created. This field is read-only.
Created string `json:"created,omitempty"`
// Description: Notes about this experiment.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// EditableInGaUi: If true, the end user will be able to edit the
// experiment via the Google Analytics user interface.
EditableInGaUi interface{} `json:"editableInGaUi,omitempty"`
// EndTime: The ending time of the experiment (the time the status
// changed from RUNNING to ENDED). This field is present only if the
// experiment has ended. This field is read-only.
EndTime string `json:"endTime,omitempty"`
// Id: Experiment ID. Required for patch and update. Disallowed for
// create.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// InternalWebPropertyId: Internal ID for the web property to which this
// experiment belongs. This field is read-only.
InternalWebPropertyId string `json:"internalWebPropertyId,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for an Analytics experiment. This field is
// read-only.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// MinimumExperimentLengthInDays: Specifies the minimum length of the
// experiment. Can be changed for a running experiment. This field may
// not be changed for an experiments whose status is ENDED.
MinimumExperimentLengthInDays int64 `json:"minimumExperimentLengthInDays,omitempty"`
// Name: Experiment name. This field may not be changed for an
// experiment whose status is ENDED. This field is required when
// creating an experiment.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ObjectiveMetric: The metric that the experiment is optimizing. Valid
// values: "ga:goal(n)Completions", "ga:bounces", "ga:pageviews",
// "ga:timeOnSite", "ga:transactions", "ga:transactionRevenue". This
// field is required if status is "RUNNING" and servingFramework is one
// of "REDIRECT" or "API".
ObjectiveMetric string `json:"objectiveMetric,omitempty"`
// OptimizationType: Whether the objectiveMetric should be minimized or
// maximized. Possible values: "MAXIMUM", "MINIMUM". Optional--defaults
// to "MAXIMUM". Cannot be specified without objectiveMetric. Cannot be
// modified when status is "RUNNING" or "ENDED".
OptimizationType string `json:"optimizationType,omitempty"`
// ParentLink: Parent link for an experiment. Points to the profile to
// which this experiment belongs.
ParentLink *ExperimentParentLink `json:"parentLink,omitempty"`
// ProfileId: Profile ID to which this experiment belongs. This field is
// read-only.
ProfileId string `json:"profileId,omitempty"`
// ReasonExperimentEnded: Why the experiment ended. Possible values:
// "ENDED_WITH_NO_WINNER" means that the experiment didn't expire but no
// winner was projected to be found. If the experiment status is changed
// via the API to ENDED this field is set to STOPPED_BY_USER. This field
// is read-only.
ReasonExperimentEnded string `json:"reasonExperimentEnded,omitempty"`
// RewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal: Boolean specifying whether variations
// URLS are rewritten to match those of the original. This field may not
// be changed for an experiments whose status is ENDED.
RewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal bool `json:"rewriteVariationUrlsAsOriginal,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this experiment. This field is read-only.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// ServingFramework: The framework used to serve the experiment
// variations and evaluate the results. One of:
// - REDIRECT: Google
// Analytics redirects traffic to different variation pages, reports the
// chosen variation and evaluates the results.
// - API: Google Analytics
// chooses and reports the variation to serve and evaluates the results;
// the caller is responsible for serving the selected variation.
// -
// EXTERNAL: The variations will be served externally and the chosen
// variation reported to Google Analytics. The caller is responsible for
// serving the selected variation and evaluating the results.
ServingFramework interface{} `json:"servingFramework,omitempty"`
// Snippet: The snippet of code to include on the control page(s). This
// field is read-only.
Snippet string `json:"snippet,omitempty"`
// StartTime: The starting time of the experiment (the time the status
// changed from READY_TO_RUN to RUNNING). This field is present only if
// the experiment has started. This field is read-only.
StartTime string `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
// Status: Experiment status. Possible values: "DRAFT", "READY_TO_RUN",
// "RUNNING", "ENDED". Experiments can be created in the "DRAFT",
// "READY_TO_RUN" or "RUNNING" state. This field is required when
// creating an experiment.
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
// TrafficCoverage: A floating-point number between 0 and 1. Specifies
// the fraction of the traffic that participates in the experiment. Can
// be changed for a running experiment. This field may not be changed
// for an experiments whose status is ENDED.
TrafficCoverage float64 `json:"trafficCoverage,omitempty"`
// Updated: Time the experiment was last modified. This field is
// read-only.
Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty"`
// Variations: Array of variations. The first variation in the array is
// the original. The number of variations may not change once an
// experiment is in the RUNNING state. At least two variations are
// required before status can be set to RUNNING.
Variations []*ExperimentVariations `json:"variations,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web property ID to which this experiment belongs. The
// web property ID is of the form UA-XXXXX-YY. This field is read-only.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
// WinnerConfidenceLevel: A floating-point number between 0 and 1.
// Specifies the necessary confidence level to choose a winner. This
// field may not be changed for an experiments whose status is ENDED.
WinnerConfidenceLevel float64 `json:"winnerConfidenceLevel,omitempty"`
// WinnerFound: Boolean specifying whether a winner has been found for
// this experiment. This field is read-only.
WinnerFound bool `json:"winnerFound,omitempty"`
type ExperimentParentLink struct {
// Href: Link to the profile to which this experiment belongs. This
// field is read-only.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Value is "analytics#profile". This field is read-only.
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type ExperimentVariations struct {
// Name: The name of the variation. This field is required when creating
// an experiment. This field may not be changed for an experiment whose
// status is ENDED.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Status: Status of the variation. Possible values: "ACTIVE",
// "INACTIVE". INACTIVE variations are not served. This field may not be
// changed for an experiment whose status is ENDED.
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
// Url: The URL of the variation. This field may not be changed for an
// experiment whose status is RUNNING or ENDED.
Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
// Weight: Weight that this variation should receive. Only present if
// the experiment is running. This field is read-only.
Weight float64 `json:"weight,omitempty"`
// Won: True if the experiment has ended and this variation performed
// (statistically) significantly better than the original. This field is
// read-only.
Won bool `json:"won,omitempty"`
type Experiments struct {
// Items: A list of experiments.
Items []*Experiment `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of resources the response can
// contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its
// value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or
// otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this experiment collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this experiment collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by
// default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of resources in the result.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type GaData struct {
// ColumnHeaders: Column headers that list dimension names followed by
// the metric names. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as
// specified in the request.
ColumnHeaders []*GaDataColumnHeaders `json:"columnHeaders,omitempty"`
// ContainsSampledData: Determines if Analytics data contains samples.
ContainsSampledData bool `json:"containsSampledData,omitempty"`
// Id: Unique ID for this data response.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of rows the response can contain,
// regardless of the actual number of rows returned. Its value ranges
// from 1 to 10,000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise
// specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this Analytics data query.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this Analytics data query.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// ProfileInfo: Information for the profile, for which the Analytics
// data was requested.
ProfileInfo *GaDataProfileInfo `json:"profileInfo,omitempty"`
// Query: Analytics data request query parameters.
Query *GaDataQuery `json:"query,omitempty"`
// Rows: Analytics data rows, where each row contains a list of
// dimension values followed by the metric values. The order of
// dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.
Rows [][]string `json:"rows,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link to this page.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of rows for the query, regardless of
// the number of rows in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// TotalsForAllResults: Total values for the requested metrics over all
// the results, not just the results returned in this response. The
// order of the metric totals is same as the metric order specified in
// the request.
TotalsForAllResults *GaDataTotalsForAllResults `json:"totalsForAllResults,omitempty"`
type GaDataColumnHeaders struct {
// ColumnType: Column Type. Either DIMENSION or METRIC.
ColumnType string `json:"columnType,omitempty"`
// DataType: Data type. Dimension column headers have only STRING as the
// data type. Metric column headers have data types for metric values
DataType string `json:"dataType,omitempty"`
// Name: Column name.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
type GaDataProfileInfo struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this profile belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// InternalWebPropertyId: Internal ID for the web property to which this
// profile belongs.
InternalWebPropertyId string `json:"internalWebPropertyId,omitempty"`
// ProfileId: Profile ID.
ProfileId string `json:"profileId,omitempty"`
// ProfileName: Profile name.
ProfileName string `json:"profileName,omitempty"`
// TableId: Table ID for profile.
TableId string `json:"tableId,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web Property ID to which this profile belongs.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
type GaDataQuery struct {
// Dimensions: List of analytics dimensions.
Dimensions string `json:"dimensions,omitempty"`
// EndDate: End date.
EndDate string `json:"end-date,omitempty"`
// Filters: Comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters.
Filters string `json:"filters,omitempty"`
// Ids: Unique table ID.
Ids string `json:"ids,omitempty"`
// MaxResults: Maximum results per page.
MaxResults int64 `json:"max-results,omitempty"`
// Metrics: List of analytics metrics.
Metrics []string `json:"metrics,omitempty"`
// Segment: Analytics advanced segment.
Segment string `json:"segment,omitempty"`
// Sort: List of dimensions or metrics based on which Analytics data is
// sorted.
Sort []string `json:"sort,omitempty"`
// StartDate: Start date.
StartDate string `json:"start-date,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: Start index.
StartIndex int64 `json:"start-index,omitempty"`
type GaDataTotalsForAllResults struct {
type Goal struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this goal belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// Active: Determines whether this goal is active.
Active bool `json:"active,omitempty"`
// Created: Time this goal was created.
Created string `json:"created,omitempty"`
// EventDetails: Details for the goal of the type EVENT.
EventDetails *GoalEventDetails `json:"eventDetails,omitempty"`
// Id: Goal ID.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// InternalWebPropertyId: Internal ID for the web property to which this
// goal belongs.
InternalWebPropertyId string `json:"internalWebPropertyId,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for an Analytics goal.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Name: Goal name.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ParentLink: Parent link for a goal. Points to the profile to which
// this goal belongs.
ParentLink *GoalParentLink `json:"parentLink,omitempty"`
// ProfileId: Profile ID to which this goal belongs.
ProfileId string `json:"profileId,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this goal.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// Type: Goal type. Possible values are URL_DESTINATION,
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Updated: Time this goal was last modified.
Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty"`
// UrlDestinationDetails: Details for the goal of the type
UrlDestinationDetails *GoalUrlDestinationDetails `json:"urlDestinationDetails,omitempty"`
// Value: Goal value.
Value float64 `json:"value,omitempty"`
// VisitNumPagesDetails: Details for the goal of the type
VisitNumPagesDetails *GoalVisitNumPagesDetails `json:"visitNumPagesDetails,omitempty"`
// VisitTimeOnSiteDetails: Details for the goal of the type
VisitTimeOnSiteDetails *GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails `json:"visitTimeOnSiteDetails,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web property ID to which this goal belongs. The web
// property ID is of the form UA-XXXXX-YY.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
type GoalEventDetails struct {
// EventConditions: List of event conditions.
EventConditions []*GoalEventDetailsEventConditions `json:"eventConditions,omitempty"`
// UseEventValue: Determines if the event value should be used as the
// value for this goal.
UseEventValue bool `json:"useEventValue,omitempty"`
type GoalEventDetailsEventConditions struct {
// ComparisonType: Type of comparison. Possible values are LESS_THAN,
ComparisonType string `json:"comparisonType,omitempty"`
// ComparisonValue: Value used for this comparison.
ComparisonValue int64 `json:"comparisonValue,omitempty,string"`
// Expression: Expression used for this match.
Expression string `json:"expression,omitempty"`
// MatchType: Type of the match to be performed. Possible values are
MatchType string `json:"matchType,omitempty"`
// Type: Type of this event condition. Possible values are CATEGORY,
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type GoalParentLink struct {
// Href: Link to the profile to which this goal belongs.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Value is "analytics#profile".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type GoalUrlDestinationDetails struct {
// CaseSensitive: Determines if the goal URL must exactly match the
// capitalization of visited URLs.
CaseSensitive bool `json:"caseSensitive,omitempty"`
// FirstStepRequired: Determines if the first step in this goal is
// required.
FirstStepRequired bool `json:"firstStepRequired,omitempty"`
// MatchType: Match type for the goal URL. Possible values are HEAD,
MatchType string `json:"matchType,omitempty"`
// Steps: List of steps configured for this goal funnel.
Steps []*GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps `json:"steps,omitempty"`
// Url: URL for this goal.
Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
type GoalUrlDestinationDetailsSteps struct {
// Name: Step name.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Number: Step number.
Number int64 `json:"number,omitempty"`
// Url: URL for this step.
Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
type GoalVisitNumPagesDetails struct {
// ComparisonType: Type of comparison. Possible values are LESS_THAN,
ComparisonType string `json:"comparisonType,omitempty"`
// ComparisonValue: Value used for this comparison.
ComparisonValue int64 `json:"comparisonValue,omitempty,string"`
type GoalVisitTimeOnSiteDetails struct {
// ComparisonType: Type of comparison. Possible values are LESS_THAN or
ComparisonType string `json:"comparisonType,omitempty"`
// ComparisonValue: Value used for this comparison.
ComparisonValue int64 `json:"comparisonValue,omitempty,string"`
type Goals struct {
// Items: A list of goals.
Items []*Goal `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of resources the response can
// contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its
// value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or
// otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this goal collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this goal collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by
// default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of resources in the result.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type McfData struct {
// ColumnHeaders: Column headers that list dimension names followed by
// the metric names. The order of dimensions and metrics is same as
// specified in the request.
ColumnHeaders []*McfDataColumnHeaders `json:"columnHeaders,omitempty"`
// ContainsSampledData: Determines if the Analytics data contains
// sampled data.
ContainsSampledData bool `json:"containsSampledData,omitempty"`
// Id: Unique ID for this data response.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of rows the response can contain,
// regardless of the actual number of rows returned. Its value ranges
// from 1 to 10,000 with a value of 1000 by default, or otherwise
// specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this Analytics data query.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this Analytics data query.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// ProfileInfo: Information for the profile, for which the Analytics
// data was requested.
ProfileInfo *McfDataProfileInfo `json:"profileInfo,omitempty"`
// Query: Analytics data request query parameters.
Query *McfDataQuery `json:"query,omitempty"`
// Rows: Analytics data rows, where each row contains a list of
// dimension values followed by the metric values. The order of
// dimensions and metrics is same as specified in the request.
Rows [][]*McfDataRowsItem `json:"rows,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link to this page.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of rows for the query, regardless of
// the number of rows in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// TotalsForAllResults: Total values for the requested metrics over all
// the results, not just the results returned in this response. The
// order of the metric totals is same as the metric order specified in
// the request.
TotalsForAllResults *McfDataTotalsForAllResults `json:"totalsForAllResults,omitempty"`
type McfDataColumnHeaders struct {
// ColumnType: Column Type. Either DIMENSION or METRIC.
ColumnType string `json:"columnType,omitempty"`
// DataType: Data type. Dimension and metric values data types such as
DataType string `json:"dataType,omitempty"`
// Name: Column name.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
type McfDataProfileInfo struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this profile belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// InternalWebPropertyId: Internal ID for the web property to which this
// profile belongs.
InternalWebPropertyId string `json:"internalWebPropertyId,omitempty"`
// ProfileId: Profile ID.
ProfileId string `json:"profileId,omitempty"`
// ProfileName: Profile name.
ProfileName string `json:"profileName,omitempty"`
// TableId: Table ID for profile.
TableId string `json:"tableId,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web Property ID to which this profile belongs.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
type McfDataQuery struct {
// Dimensions: List of analytics dimensions.
Dimensions string `json:"dimensions,omitempty"`
// EndDate: End date.
EndDate string `json:"end-date,omitempty"`
// Filters: Comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters.
Filters string `json:"filters,omitempty"`
// Ids: Unique table ID.
Ids string `json:"ids,omitempty"`
// MaxResults: Maximum results per page.
MaxResults int64 `json:"max-results,omitempty"`
// Metrics: List of analytics metrics.
Metrics []string `json:"metrics,omitempty"`
// Segment: Analytics advanced segment.
Segment string `json:"segment,omitempty"`
// Sort: List of dimensions or metrics based on which Analytics data is
// sorted.
Sort []string `json:"sort,omitempty"`
// StartDate: Start date.
StartDate string `json:"start-date,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: Start index.
StartIndex int64 `json:"start-index,omitempty"`
type McfDataRowsItem struct {
// ConversionPathValue: A conversion path dimension value, containing a
// list of interactions with their attributes.
ConversionPathValue []*McfDataRowsItemConversionPathValue `json:"conversionPathValue,omitempty"`
// PrimitiveValue: A primitive dimension value. A primitive metric
// value.
PrimitiveValue string `json:"primitiveValue,omitempty"`
type McfDataRowsItemConversionPathValue struct {
// InteractionType: Type of an interaction on conversion path. Such as
InteractionType string `json:"interactionType,omitempty"`
// NodeValue: Node value of an interaction on conversion path. Such as
// source, medium etc.
NodeValue string `json:"nodeValue,omitempty"`
type McfDataTotalsForAllResults struct {
type Profile struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this profile belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// ChildLink: Child link for this profile. Points to the list of goals
// for this profile.
ChildLink *ProfileChildLink `json:"childLink,omitempty"`
// Created: Time this profile was created.
Created string `json:"created,omitempty"`
// Currency: The currency type associated with this profile.
Currency string `json:"currency,omitempty"`
// DefaultPage: Default page for this profile.
DefaultPage string `json:"defaultPage,omitempty"`
// ECommerceTracking: Indicates whether ecommerce tracking is enabled
// for this profile.
ECommerceTracking bool `json:"eCommerceTracking,omitempty"`
// ExcludeQueryParameters: The query parameters that are excluded from
// this profile.
ExcludeQueryParameters string `json:"excludeQueryParameters,omitempty"`
// Id: Profile ID.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// InternalWebPropertyId: Internal ID for the web property to which this
// profile belongs.
InternalWebPropertyId string `json:"internalWebPropertyId,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for Analytics profile.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Name: Name of this profile.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ParentLink: Parent link for this profile. Points to the web property
// to which this profile belongs.
ParentLink *ProfileParentLink `json:"parentLink,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this profile.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// SiteSearchCategoryParameters: Site search category parameters for
// this profile.
SiteSearchCategoryParameters string `json:"siteSearchCategoryParameters,omitempty"`
// SiteSearchQueryParameters: The site search query parameters for this
// profile.
SiteSearchQueryParameters string `json:"siteSearchQueryParameters,omitempty"`
// Timezone: Time zone for which this profile has been configured.
Timezone string `json:"timezone,omitempty"`
// Type: Profile type. Supported types: WEB or APP.
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Updated: Time this profile was last modified.
Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty"`
// WebPropertyId: Web property ID of the form UA-XXXXX-YY to which this
// profile belongs.
WebPropertyId string `json:"webPropertyId,omitempty"`
// WebsiteUrl: Website URL for this profile.
WebsiteUrl string `json:"websiteUrl,omitempty"`
type ProfileChildLink struct {
// Href: Link to the list of goals for this profile.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Value is "analytics#goals".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type ProfileParentLink struct {
// Href: Link to the web property to which this profile belongs.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Value is "analytics#webproperty".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type Profiles struct {
// Items: A list of profiles.
Items []*Profile `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of resources the response can
// contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its
// value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or
// otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this profile collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this profile collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by
// default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of results in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type Segment struct {
// Created: Time the advanced segment was created.
Created string `json:"created,omitempty"`
// Definition: Advanced segment definition.
Definition string `json:"definition,omitempty"`
// Id: Advanced segment ID.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for Analytics advanced segment.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Name: Advanced segment name.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// SegmentId: Segment ID. Can be used with the 'segment' parameter in
// Data Feed.
SegmentId string `json:"segmentId,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this advanced segment.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// Updated: Time the advanced segment was last modified.
Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty"`
type Segments struct {
// Items: A list of advanced segments.
Items []*Segment `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of resources the response can
// contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its
// value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or
// otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type for advanced segments.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this advanced segment collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this advanced segment
// collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by
// default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of results in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type Webproperties struct {
// Items: A list of web properties.
Items []*Webproperty `json:"items,omitempty"`
// ItemsPerPage: The maximum number of resources the response can
// contain, regardless of the actual number of resources returned. Its
// value ranges from 1 to 1000 with a value of 1000 by default, or
// otherwise specified by the max-results query parameter.
ItemsPerPage int64 `json:"itemsPerPage,omitempty"`
// Kind: Collection type.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// NextLink: Link to next page for this web property collection.
NextLink string `json:"nextLink,omitempty"`
// PreviousLink: Link to previous page for this web property collection.
PreviousLink string `json:"previousLink,omitempty"`
// StartIndex: The starting index of the resources, which is 1 by
// default or otherwise specified by the start-index query parameter.
StartIndex int64 `json:"startIndex,omitempty"`
// TotalResults: The total number of results for the query, regardless
// of the number of results in the response.
TotalResults int64 `json:"totalResults,omitempty"`
// Username: Email ID of the authenticated user
Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
type Webproperty struct {
// AccountId: Account ID to which this web property belongs.
AccountId string `json:"accountId,omitempty"`
// ChildLink: Child link for this web property. Points to the list of
// profiles for this web property.
ChildLink *WebpropertyChildLink `json:"childLink,omitempty"`
// Created: Time this web property was created.
Created string `json:"created,omitempty"`
// Id: Web property ID of the form UA-XXXXX-YY.
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
// IndustryVertical: The industry vertical/category selected for this
// web property.
IndustryVertical string `json:"industryVertical,omitempty"`
// InternalWebPropertyId: Internal ID for this web property.
InternalWebPropertyId string `json:"internalWebPropertyId,omitempty"`
// Kind: Resource type for Analytics WebProperty.
Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
// Level: Level for this web property. Possible values are STANDARD or
Level string `json:"level,omitempty"`
// Name: Name of this web property.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// ParentLink: Parent link for this web property. Points to the account
// to which this web property belongs.
ParentLink *WebpropertyParentLink `json:"parentLink,omitempty"`
// ProfileCount: Profile count for this web property.
ProfileCount int64 `json:"profileCount,omitempty"`
// SelfLink: Link for this web property.
SelfLink string `json:"selfLink,omitempty"`
// Updated: Time this web property was last modified.
Updated string `json:"updated,omitempty"`
// WebsiteUrl: Website url for this web property.
WebsiteUrl string `json:"websiteUrl,omitempty"`
type WebpropertyChildLink struct {
// Href: Link to the list of profiles for this web property.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Type of the parent link. Its value is "analytics#profiles".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type WebpropertyParentLink struct {
// Href: Link to the account for this web property.
Href string `json:"href,omitempty"`
// Type: Type of the parent link. Its value is "analytics#account".
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
// method id "":
type DataGaGetCall struct {
s *Service
ids string
startDate string
endDate string
metrics string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Get: Returns Analytics data for a profile.
func (r *DataGaService) Get(ids string, startDate string, endDate string, metrics string) *DataGaGetCall {
c := &DataGaGetCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.ids = ids
c.startDate = startDate
c.endDate = endDate
c.metrics = metrics
return c
// Dimensions sets the optional parameter "dimensions": A
// comma-separated list of Analytics dimensions. E.g.,
// 'ga:browser,ga:city'.
func (c *DataGaGetCall) Dimensions(dimensions string) *DataGaGetCall {
c.opt_["dimensions"] = dimensions
return c
// Filters sets the optional parameter "filters": A comma-separated list
// of dimension or metric filters to be applied to Analytics data.
func (c *DataGaGetCall) Filters(filters string) *DataGaGetCall {
c.opt_["filters"] = filters
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of entries to include in this feed.
func (c *DataGaGetCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *DataGaGetCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// Segment sets the optional parameter "segment": An Analytics advanced
// segment to be applied to data.
func (c *DataGaGetCall) Segment(segment string) *DataGaGetCall {
c.opt_["segment"] = segment
return c
// Sort sets the optional parameter "sort": A comma-separated list of
// dimensions or metrics that determine the sort order for Analytics
// data.
func (c *DataGaGetCall) Sort(sort string) *DataGaGetCall {
c.opt_["sort"] = sort
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination
// mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *DataGaGetCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *DataGaGetCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *DataGaGetCall) Do() (*GaData, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
params.Set("end-date", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.endDate))
params.Set("ids", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.ids))
params.Set("metrics", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.metrics))
params.Set("start-date", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.startDate))
if v, ok := c.opt_["dimensions"]; ok {
params.Set("dimensions", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["filters"]; ok {
params.Set("filters", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["segment"]; ok {
params.Set("segment", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["sort"]; ok {
params.Set("sort", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "data/ga")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(GaData)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Returns Analytics data for a profile.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "ids",
// "start-date",
// "end-date",
// "metrics"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "dimensions": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of Analytics dimensions. E.g., 'ga:browser,ga:city'.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "(ga:.+)?",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "end-date": {
// "description": "End date for fetching Analytics data. All requests should specify an end date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "filters": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters to be applied to Analytics data.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "ga:.+",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "ids": {
// "description": "Unique table ID for retrieving Analytics data. Table ID is of the form ga:XXXX, where XXXX is the Analytics profile ID.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "ga:[0-9]+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of entries to include in this feed.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "metrics": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of Analytics metrics. E.g., 'ga:visits,ga:pageviews'. At least one metric must be specified.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "ga:.+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "segment": {
// "description": "An Analytics advanced segment to be applied to data.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "sort": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of dimensions or metrics that determine the sort order for Analytics data.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "(-)?ga:.+",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "start-date": {
// "description": "Start date for fetching Analytics data. All requests should specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// }
// },
// "path": "data/ga",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "GaData"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type DataMcfGetCall struct {
s *Service
ids string
startDate string
endDate string
metrics string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Get: Returns Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels data for a profile.
func (r *DataMcfService) Get(ids string, startDate string, endDate string, metrics string) *DataMcfGetCall {
c := &DataMcfGetCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.ids = ids
c.startDate = startDate
c.endDate = endDate
c.metrics = metrics
return c
// Dimensions sets the optional parameter "dimensions": A
// comma-separated list of Multi-Channel Funnels dimensions. E.g.,
// 'mcf:source,mcf:medium'.
func (c *DataMcfGetCall) Dimensions(dimensions string) *DataMcfGetCall {
c.opt_["dimensions"] = dimensions
return c
// Filters sets the optional parameter "filters": A comma-separated list
// of dimension or metric filters to be applied to the Analytics data.
func (c *DataMcfGetCall) Filters(filters string) *DataMcfGetCall {
c.opt_["filters"] = filters
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of entries to include in this feed.
func (c *DataMcfGetCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *DataMcfGetCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// Sort sets the optional parameter "sort": A comma-separated list of
// dimensions or metrics that determine the sort order for the Analytics
// data.
func (c *DataMcfGetCall) Sort(sort string) *DataMcfGetCall {
c.opt_["sort"] = sort
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination
// mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *DataMcfGetCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *DataMcfGetCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *DataMcfGetCall) Do() (*McfData, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
params.Set("end-date", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.endDate))
params.Set("ids", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.ids))
params.Set("metrics", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.metrics))
params.Set("start-date", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.startDate))
if v, ok := c.opt_["dimensions"]; ok {
params.Set("dimensions", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["filters"]; ok {
params.Set("filters", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["sort"]; ok {
params.Set("sort", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "data/mcf")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(McfData)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Returns Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels data for a profile.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "ids",
// "start-date",
// "end-date",
// "metrics"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "dimensions": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of Multi-Channel Funnels dimensions. E.g., 'mcf:source,mcf:medium'.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "(mcf:.+)?",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "end-date": {
// "description": "End date for fetching Analytics data. All requests should specify an end date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "filters": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of dimension or metric filters to be applied to the Analytics data.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "mcf:.+",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "ids": {
// "description": "Unique table ID for retrieving Analytics data. Table ID is of the form ga:XXXX, where XXXX is the Analytics profile ID.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "ga:[0-9]+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of entries to include in this feed.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "metrics": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of Multi-Channel Funnels metrics. E.g., 'mcf:totalConversions,mcf:totalConversionValue'. At least one metric must be specified.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "mcf:.+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "sort": {
// "description": "A comma-separated list of dimensions or metrics that determine the sort order for the Analytics data.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "(-)?mcf:.+",
// "type": "string"
// },
// "start-date": {
// "description": "Start date for fetching Analytics data. All requests should specify a start date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// }
// },
// "path": "data/mcf",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "McfData"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementAccountsListCall struct {
s *Service
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: Lists all accounts to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementAccountsService) List() *ManagementAccountsListCall {
c := &ManagementAccountsListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of accounts to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementAccountsListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementAccountsListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first account to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination
// mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementAccountsListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementAccountsListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementAccountsListCall) Do() (*Accounts, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Accounts)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Lists all accounts to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameters": {
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of accounts to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first account to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Accounts"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: List custom data sources to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementCustomDataSourcesService) List(accountId string, webPropertyId string) *ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall {
c := &ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of custom data sources to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": A 1-based index
// of the first custom data source to retrieve. Use this parameter as a
// pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementCustomDataSourcesListCall) Do() (*CustomDataSources, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(CustomDataSources)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "List custom data sources to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account Id for the custom data sources to retrieve.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "\\d+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of custom data sources to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "A 1-based index of the first custom data source to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property Id for the custom data sources to retrieve.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "UA-(\\d+)-(\\d+)",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "CustomDataSources"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementDailyUploadsDeleteCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
customDataSourceId string
date string
type_ string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Delete: Delete uploaded data for the given date.
func (r *ManagementDailyUploadsService) Delete(accountId string, webPropertyId string, customDataSourceId string, date string, type_ string) *ManagementDailyUploadsDeleteCall {
c := &ManagementDailyUploadsDeleteCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.customDataSourceId = customDataSourceId = date
c.type_ = type_
return c
func (c *ManagementDailyUploadsDeleteCall) Do() error {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
params.Set("type", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.type_))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads/{date}")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("DELETE", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{customDataSourceId}", url.QueryEscape(c.customDataSourceId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{date}", url.QueryEscape(, 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// {
// "description": "Delete uploaded data for the given date.",
// "httpMethod": "DELETE",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "customDataSourceId",
// "date",
// "type"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account Id associated with daily upload delete.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "[0-9]+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "customDataSourceId": {
// "description": "Custom data source Id associated with daily upload delete.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "date": {
// "description": "Date for which data is to be deleted. Date should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "type": {
// "description": "Type of data for this delete.",
// "enum": [
// "cost"
// ],
// "enumDescriptions": [
// "Value for specifying cost data upload."
// ],
// "location": "query",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property Id associated with daily upload delete.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "UA-[0-9]+-[0-9]+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads/{date}",
// "scopes": [
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementDailyUploadsListCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
customDataSourceId string
startDate string
endDate string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: List daily uploads to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementDailyUploadsService) List(accountId string, webPropertyId string, customDataSourceId string, startDate string, endDate string) *ManagementDailyUploadsListCall {
c := &ManagementDailyUploadsListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.customDataSourceId = customDataSourceId
c.startDate = startDate
c.endDate = endDate
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of custom data sources to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementDailyUploadsListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementDailyUploadsListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": A 1-based index
// of the first daily upload to retrieve. Use this parameter as a
// pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementDailyUploadsListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementDailyUploadsListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementDailyUploadsListCall) Do() (*DailyUploads, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
params.Set("end-date", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.endDate))
params.Set("start-date", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.startDate))
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{customDataSourceId}", url.QueryEscape(c.customDataSourceId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(DailyUploads)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "List daily uploads to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "customDataSourceId",
// "start-date",
// "end-date"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account Id for the daily uploads to retrieve.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "\\d+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "customDataSourceId": {
// "description": "Custom data source Id for daily uploads to retrieve.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": ".{22}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "end-date": {
// "description": "End date of the form YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of custom data sources to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "start-date": {
// "description": "Start date of the form YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "query",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "A 1-based index of the first daily upload to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property Id for the daily uploads to retrieve.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "UA-(\\d+)-(\\d+)",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "DailyUploads"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
customDataSourceId string
date string
appendNumber int64
type_ string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
media_ io.Reader
// Upload: Update/Overwrite data for a custom data source.
func (r *ManagementDailyUploadsService) Upload(accountId string, webPropertyId string, customDataSourceId string, date string, appendNumber int64, type_ string) *ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall {
c := &ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.customDataSourceId = customDataSourceId = date
c.appendNumber = appendNumber
c.type_ = type_
return c
// Reset sets the optional parameter "reset": Reset/Overwrite all
// previous appends for this date and start over with this file as the
// first upload.
func (c *ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall) Reset(reset bool) *ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall {
c.opt_["reset"] = reset
return c
func (c *ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall) Media(r io.Reader) *ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall {
c.media_ = r
return c
func (c *ManagementDailyUploadsUploadCall) Do() (*DailyUploadAppend, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
params.Set("appendNumber", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.appendNumber))
params.Set("type", fmt.Sprintf("%v", c.type_))
if v, ok := c.opt_["reset"]; ok {
params.Set("reset", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads/{date}/uploads")
if c.media_ != nil {
urls = strings.Replace(urls, "", "", 1)
params.Set("uploadType", "multipart")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
body = new(bytes.Buffer)
ctype := "application/json"
contentLength_, hasMedia_ := googleapi.ConditionallyIncludeMedia(c.media_, &body, &ctype)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{customDataSourceId}", url.QueryEscape(c.customDataSourceId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{date}", url.QueryEscape(, 1)
if hasMedia_ {
req.ContentLength = contentLength_
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ctype)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(DailyUploadAppend)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Update/Overwrite data for a custom data source.",
// "httpMethod": "POST",
// "id": "",
// "mediaUpload": {
// "accept": [
// "application/octet-stream"
// ],
// "maxSize": "5MB",
// "protocols": {
// "resumable": {
// "multipart": true,
// "path": "/resumable/upload/analytics/v3/management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads/{date}/uploads"
// },
// "simple": {
// "multipart": true,
// "path": "/upload/analytics/v3/management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads/{date}/uploads"
// }
// }
// },
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "customDataSourceId",
// "date",
// "appendNumber",
// "type"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account Id associated with daily upload.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "\\d+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "appendNumber": {
// "description": "Append number for this upload indexed from 1.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "maximum": "20",
// "minimum": "1",
// "required": true,
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "customDataSourceId": {
// "description": "Custom data source Id to which the data being uploaded belongs.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "date": {
// "description": "Date for which data is uploaded. Date should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "reset": {
// "default": "false",
// "description": "Reset/Overwrite all previous appends for this date and start over with this file as the first upload.",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "boolean"
// },
// "type": {
// "description": "Type of data for this upload.",
// "enum": [
// "cost"
// ],
// "enumDescriptions": [
// "Value for specifying cost data upload."
// ],
// "location": "query",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property Id associated with daily upload.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "UA-\\d+-\\d+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/customDataSources/{customDataSourceId}/dailyUploads/{date}/uploads",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "DailyUploadAppend"
// },
// "scopes": [
// ""
// ],
// "supportsMediaUpload": true
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementExperimentsDeleteCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
profileId string
experimentId string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Delete: Delete an experiment.
func (r *ManagementExperimentsService) Delete(accountId string, webPropertyId string, profileId string, experimentId string) *ManagementExperimentsDeleteCall {
c := &ManagementExperimentsDeleteCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.profileId = profileId
c.experimentId = experimentId
return c
func (c *ManagementExperimentsDeleteCall) Do() error {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("DELETE", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{profileId}", url.QueryEscape(c.profileId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{experimentId}", url.QueryEscape(c.experimentId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// {
// "description": "Delete an experiment.",
// "httpMethod": "DELETE",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "profileId",
// "experimentId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID to which the experiment belongs",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "experimentId": {
// "description": "ID of the experiment to delete",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "profileId": {
// "description": "Profile ID to which the experiment belongs",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID to which the experiment belongs",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}",
// "scopes": [
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementExperimentsGetCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
profileId string
experimentId string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Get: Returns an experiment to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementExperimentsService) Get(accountId string, webPropertyId string, profileId string, experimentId string) *ManagementExperimentsGetCall {
c := &ManagementExperimentsGetCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.profileId = profileId
c.experimentId = experimentId
return c
func (c *ManagementExperimentsGetCall) Do() (*Experiment, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{profileId}", url.QueryEscape(c.profileId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{experimentId}", url.QueryEscape(c.experimentId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Experiment)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Returns an experiment to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "profileId",
// "experimentId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID to retrieve the experiment for.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "experimentId": {
// "description": "Experiment ID to retrieve the experiment for.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "profileId": {
// "description": "Profile ID to retrieve the experiment for.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID to retrieve the experiment for.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Experiment"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementExperimentsInsertCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
profileId string
experiment *Experiment
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Insert: Create a new experiment.
func (r *ManagementExperimentsService) Insert(accountId string, webPropertyId string, profileId string, experiment *Experiment) *ManagementExperimentsInsertCall {
c := &ManagementExperimentsInsertCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.profileId = profileId
c.experiment = experiment
return c
func (c *ManagementExperimentsInsertCall) Do() (*Experiment, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.experiment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctype := "application/json"
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{profileId}", url.QueryEscape(c.profileId), 1)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ctype)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Experiment)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Create a new experiment.",
// "httpMethod": "POST",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "profileId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID to create the experiment for.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "profileId": {
// "description": "Profile ID to create the experiment for.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID to create the experiment for.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments",
// "request": {
// "$ref": "Experiment"
// },
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Experiment"
// },
// "scopes": [
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementExperimentsListCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
profileId string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: Lists experiments to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementExperimentsService) List(accountId string, webPropertyId string, profileId string) *ManagementExperimentsListCall {
c := &ManagementExperimentsListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.profileId = profileId
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of experiments to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementExperimentsListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementExperimentsListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first experiment to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination
// mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementExperimentsListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementExperimentsListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementExperimentsListCall) Do() (*Experiments, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{profileId}", url.QueryEscape(c.profileId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Experiments)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Lists experiments to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "profileId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID to retrieve experiments for.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "\\d+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of experiments to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "profileId": {
// "description": "Profile ID to retrieve experiments for.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "\\d+",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first experiment to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID to retrieve experiments for.",
// "location": "path",
// "pattern": "UA-(\\d+)-(\\d+)",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Experiments"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementExperimentsPatchCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
profileId string
experimentId string
experiment *Experiment
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Patch: Update an existing experiment. This method supports patch
// semantics.
func (r *ManagementExperimentsService) Patch(accountId string, webPropertyId string, profileId string, experimentId string, experiment *Experiment) *ManagementExperimentsPatchCall {
c := &ManagementExperimentsPatchCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.profileId = profileId
c.experimentId = experimentId
c.experiment = experiment
return c
func (c *ManagementExperimentsPatchCall) Do() (*Experiment, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.experiment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctype := "application/json"
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("PATCH", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{profileId}", url.QueryEscape(c.profileId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{experimentId}", url.QueryEscape(c.experimentId), 1)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ctype)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Experiment)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Update an existing experiment. This method supports patch semantics.",
// "httpMethod": "PATCH",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "profileId",
// "experimentId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "experimentId": {
// "description": "Experiment ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "profileId": {
// "description": "Profile ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}",
// "request": {
// "$ref": "Experiment"
// },
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Experiment"
// },
// "scopes": [
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementExperimentsUpdateCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
profileId string
experimentId string
experiment *Experiment
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// Update: Update an existing experiment.
func (r *ManagementExperimentsService) Update(accountId string, webPropertyId string, profileId string, experimentId string, experiment *Experiment) *ManagementExperimentsUpdateCall {
c := &ManagementExperimentsUpdateCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.profileId = profileId
c.experimentId = experimentId
c.experiment = experiment
return c
func (c *ManagementExperimentsUpdateCall) Do() (*Experiment, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
body, err := googleapi.WithoutDataWrapper.JSONReader(c.experiment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctype := "application/json"
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("PUT", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{profileId}", url.QueryEscape(c.profileId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{experimentId}", url.QueryEscape(c.experimentId), 1)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", ctype)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Experiment)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Update an existing experiment.",
// "httpMethod": "PUT",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "profileId",
// "experimentId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "experimentId": {
// "description": "Experiment ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "profileId": {
// "description": "Profile ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID of the experiment to update.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/experiments/{experimentId}",
// "request": {
// "$ref": "Experiment"
// },
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Experiment"
// },
// "scopes": [
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementGoalsListCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
profileId string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: Lists goals to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementGoalsService) List(accountId string, webPropertyId string, profileId string) *ManagementGoalsListCall {
c := &ManagementGoalsListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
c.profileId = profileId
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of goals to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementGoalsListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementGoalsListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first goal to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism
// along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementGoalsListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementGoalsListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementGoalsListCall) Do() (*Goals, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/goals")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{profileId}", url.QueryEscape(c.profileId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Goals)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Lists goals to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId",
// "profileId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID to retrieve goals for. Can either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts that user has access to.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of goals to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "profileId": {
// "description": "Profile ID to retrieve goals for. Can either be a specific profile ID or '~all', which refers to all the profiles that user has access to.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first goal to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID to retrieve goals for. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties that user has access to.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles/{profileId}/goals",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Goals"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementProfilesListCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
webPropertyId string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: Lists profiles to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementProfilesService) List(accountId string, webPropertyId string) *ManagementProfilesListCall {
c := &ManagementProfilesListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
c.webPropertyId = webPropertyId
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of profiles to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementProfilesListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementProfilesListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination
// mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementProfilesListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementProfilesListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementProfilesListCall) Do() (*Profiles, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{webPropertyId}", url.QueryEscape(c.webPropertyId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Profiles)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Lists profiles to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId",
// "webPropertyId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID for the profiles to retrieve. Can either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts to which the user has access.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of profiles to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "webPropertyId": {
// "description": "Web property ID for the profiles to retrieve. Can either be a specific web property ID or '~all', which refers to all the web properties to which the user has access.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties/{webPropertyId}/profiles",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Profiles"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementSegmentsListCall struct {
s *Service
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: Lists advanced segments to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementSegmentsService) List() *ManagementSegmentsListCall {
c := &ManagementSegmentsListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of advanced segments to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementSegmentsListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementSegmentsListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first advanced segment to retrieve. Use this parameter as a
// pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementSegmentsListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementSegmentsListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementSegmentsListCall) Do() (*Segments, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/segments")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Segments)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Lists advanced segments to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameters": {
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of advanced segments to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first advanced segment to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/segments",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Segments"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }
// method id "":
type ManagementWebpropertiesListCall struct {
s *Service
accountId string
opt_ map[string]interface{}
// List: Lists web properties to which the user has access.
func (r *ManagementWebpropertiesService) List(accountId string) *ManagementWebpropertiesListCall {
c := &ManagementWebpropertiesListCall{s: r.s, opt_: make(map[string]interface{})}
c.accountId = accountId
return c
// MaxResults sets the optional parameter "max-results": The maximum
// number of web properties to include in this response.
func (c *ManagementWebpropertiesListCall) MaxResults(maxResults int64) *ManagementWebpropertiesListCall {
c.opt_["max-results"] = maxResults
return c
// StartIndex sets the optional parameter "start-index": An index of the
// first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination
// mechanism along with the max-results parameter.
func (c *ManagementWebpropertiesListCall) StartIndex(startIndex int64) *ManagementWebpropertiesListCall {
c.opt_["start-index"] = startIndex
return c
func (c *ManagementWebpropertiesListCall) Do() (*Webproperties, error) {
var body io.Reader = nil
params := make(url.Values)
params.Set("alt", "json")
if v, ok := c.opt_["max-results"]; ok {
params.Set("max-results", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
if v, ok := c.opt_["start-index"]; ok {
params.Set("start-index", fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
urls := googleapi.ResolveRelative("", "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties")
urls += "?" + params.Encode()
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", urls, body)
req.URL.Path = strings.Replace(req.URL.Path, "{accountId}", url.QueryEscape(c.accountId), 1)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "google-api-go-client/0.5")
res, err := c.s.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer res.Body.Close()
if err := googleapi.CheckResponse(res); err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := new(Webproperties)
if err := json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(ret); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
// {
// "description": "Lists web properties to which the user has access.",
// "httpMethod": "GET",
// "id": "",
// "parameterOrder": [
// "accountId"
// ],
// "parameters": {
// "accountId": {
// "description": "Account ID to retrieve web properties for. Can either be a specific account ID or '~all', which refers to all the accounts that user has access to.",
// "location": "path",
// "required": true,
// "type": "string"
// },
// "max-results": {
// "description": "The maximum number of web properties to include in this response.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "type": "integer"
// },
// "start-index": {
// "description": "An index of the first entity to retrieve. Use this parameter as a pagination mechanism along with the max-results parameter.",
// "format": "int32",
// "location": "query",
// "minimum": "1",
// "type": "integer"
// }
// },
// "path": "management/accounts/{accountId}/webproperties",
// "response": {
// "$ref": "Webproperties"
// },
// "scopes": [
// "",
// ""
// ]
// }