CONTRIBUTING: improve readability (#500)

Make commit message style clearer.
diff --git a/ b/
index 23a732d..92feb70 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,13 +14,18 @@
     `git remote add fork`
 1. Make changes (see [Formatting](#formatting) and [Style](#style)), commit to
-   your fork. Commit messages should follow the
-   [Go project style]( (e.g.
-   `functions: add gophers codelab`).
+   your fork.
+   Commit messages should follow the
+   [Go project style]( For example:
+   ```
+   functions: add gophers codelab
+   ```
 1. Send a pull request with your changes.
-1. A maintainer will review the pull request and make comments. Prefer adding
-   additional commits over ammending and force-pushing since it can be difficult
-   to follow code reviews when the commit history changes.
+1. A maintainer will review the pull request and make comments.
+   Prefer adding additional commits over ammending and force-pushing since it can
+   be difficult to follow code reviews when the commit history changes.
    Commits will be squashed when they're merged.