blob: ad66a30817357e727e9005417d9edbebb7013492 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/timerqueue_types.h>
struct hrtimer_clock_base;
* Return values for the callback function
enum hrtimer_restart {
HRTIMER_NORESTART, /* Timer is not restarted */
HRTIMER_RESTART, /* Timer must be restarted */
* struct hrtimer - the basic hrtimer structure
* @node: timerqueue node, which also manages node.expires,
* the absolute expiry time in the hrtimers internal
* representation. The time is related to the clock on
* which the timer is based. Is setup by adding
* slack to the _softexpires value. For non range timers
* identical to _softexpires.
* @_softexpires: the absolute earliest expiry time of the hrtimer.
* The time which was given as expiry time when the timer
* was armed.
* @function: timer expiry callback function
* @base: pointer to the timer base (per cpu and per clock)
* @state: state information (See bit values above)
* @is_rel: Set if the timer was armed relative
* @is_soft: Set if hrtimer will be expired in soft interrupt context.
* @is_hard: Set if hrtimer will be expired in hard interrupt context
* even on RT.
* The hrtimer structure must be initialized by hrtimer_init()
struct hrtimer {
struct timerqueue_node node;
ktime_t _softexpires;
enum hrtimer_restart (*function)(struct hrtimer *);
struct hrtimer_clock_base *base;
u8 state;
u8 is_rel;
u8 is_soft;
u8 is_hard;