blob: b83a72e1a8a0fb67f130429bf804fba1702d67fc [file] [log] [blame]
<RCC version="1.0">
// The following is the manual step to make *qm files.
// - Edit source files
// % g4 edit *.cpp *.h *.ts
// - Update *ts file. tr() messages are stored in .ts
// % lupdate . -ts mozc_tool_ja.ts
// % lupdate . -ts mozc_tool_en.ts
// - open *.ts files with QT linguest and added translation
// - convert *.ts file to *.qm file
// % lrelease mozc_tool_ja.ts -qm mozc_tool_ja.qm
// % lrelease mozc_tool_en.ts -qm mozc_tool_en.qm
// copeid from QT_DIR/transliations/qt_ja_JP.qm which contains default TS