blob: fabb141570416b434863889019acf09322634fac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.opensaml.DefaultBootstrap;
import org.opensaml.xml.ConfigurationException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
/** This class handles the communications with GSA. */
public final class GsaCommunicationHandler {
private static final Logger log
= Logger.getLogger(GsaCommunicationHandler.class.getName());
private final Adaptor adaptor;
private final Config config;
private final Journal journal;
private AdaptorContextImpl adaptorContext;
* Cron-style scheduler. Available for other uses, but necessary for
* scheduling {@link docIdFullPusher}. Tasks should execute quickly, to allow
* shutting down promptly.
private CronScheduler scheduler;
* Runnable to be called for doing a full push of {@code DocId}s. It only
* permits one invocation at a time. If multiple simultaneous invocations
* occur, all but the first will log a warning and return immediately.
private OneAtATimeRunnable docIdFullPusher;
* Runnable to be called for doing incremental feed pushes. It is only
* set if the Adaptor supports incremental updates. Otherwise, it's null.
private OneAtATimeRunnable docIdIncrementalPusher;
* Schedule identifier for {@link #sendDocIds}.
private Future<?> sendDocIdsFuture;
private HttpServerScope scope;
private SessionManager<HttpExchange> sessionManager;
* Executor for scheduling tasks in the future. These tasks <em>must</em>
* complete quickly, as the executor purposely is single-threaded.
* <p>The reason tasks must finish quickly is that the
* ScheduledExecutorService implementation provided by Java is a fixed-size
* thread pool. In addition, fixed-rate (as opposed to fixed-delay) events
* "pile up" when the runnable takes a long time to complete. Thus, using the
* scheduleExecutor for longer processing effectively requires a dedicated
* thread (because the pool is fixed-size) as well as runs into the event
* "pile up" issue.
private ScheduledExecutorService scheduleExecutor;
* Executor for performing work in the background. This executor is general
* purpose and is commonly used in conjunction with {@link #scheduleExecutor}.
private ExecutorService backgroundExecutor;
private DocIdCodec docIdCodec;
private DocIdSender docIdSender;
private HttpServerScope dashboardScope;
private Dashboard dashboard;
private SensitiveValueCodec secureValueCodec;
private KeyPair keyPair;
private AclTransform aclTransform;
* Used to stop startup prematurely. When greater than 0, start() should abort
* immediately because stop() is currently processing. This allows cancelling
* new start() calls before stop() is done processing.
private final AtomicInteger shutdownCount = new AtomicInteger();
private ShutdownWaiter waiter;
private final List<Filter> commonFilters = Arrays.asList(new Filter[] {
new AbortImmediatelyFilter(),
new LoggingFilter(),
new InternalErrorFilter(),
public GsaCommunicationHandler(Adaptor adaptor, Config config) {
this.adaptor = adaptor;
this.config = config;
journal = new Journal(config.isJournalReducedMem());
* Start services necessary for handling outgoing requests. {@code ""} is used
* for {@code contextPrefix} if the passed value is {@code null}.
public synchronized AdaptorContext setup(HttpServer server,
HttpServer dashboardServer, String contextPrefix) throws IOException,
InterruptedException {
if (this.scope != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already listening");
if (server == null || dashboardServer == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
if (contextPrefix == null) {
contextPrefix = "";
if (server instanceof HttpsServer
!= dashboardServer instanceof HttpsServer) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Both servers must be HttpServers or both HttpsServers");
boolean secure = server instanceof HttpsServer;
if (secure != config.isServerSecure()) {
config.setValue("", "" + secure);
keyPair = null;
try {
keyPair = getKeyPair(config.getServerKeyAlias());
} catch (IOException ex) {
// The exception is only fatal if we are in secure mode.
if (secure) {
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// The exception is only fatal if we are in secure mode.
if (secure) {
throw ex;
secureValueCodec = new SensitiveValueCodec(keyPair);
int port = server.getAddress().getPort();
if (port != config.getServerPort()) {
config.setValue("server.port", "" + port);
int dashboardPort = dashboardServer.getAddress().getPort();
if (dashboardPort != config.getServerDashboardPort()) {
config.setValue("server.dashboardPort", "" + dashboardPort);
scope = new HttpServerScope(server, contextPrefix);
waiter = new ShutdownWaiter();
sessionManager = new SessionManager<HttpExchange>(
new SessionManager.HttpExchangeClientStore("sessid_" + port, secure),
30 * 60 * 1000 /* session lifetime: 30 minutes */,
5 * 60 * 1000 /* max cleanup frequency: 5 minutes */);
URI baseUri = config.getServerBaseUri();
URI docUri;
try {
docUri = new URI(null, null, contextPrefix + config.getServerDocIdPath(),
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid prefix or docIdPath", ex);
docIdCodec = new DocIdCodec(baseUri.resolve(docUri), config.isDocIdUrl());
GsaFeedFileSender fileSender = new GsaFeedFileSender(
config.getGsaHostname(), config.isServerSecure(), // use secure bool?
aclTransform = createAclTransform();
GsaFeedFileMaker fileMaker = new GsaFeedFileMaker(docIdCodec, aclTransform,
= new DocIdSender(fileMaker, fileSender, journal, config, adaptor);
// Could be done during start(), but then we would have to save
// dashboardServer and contextPrefix.
dashboardScope = new HttpServerScope(dashboardServer, contextPrefix);
// We are about to start the Adaptor, so anything available through
// AdaptorContext or other means must be initialized at this point. Any
// reference to 'adaptor' before this point must be done very carefully to
// ensure it doesn't call the adaptor until after Adaptor.init() completes.
return adaptorContext = new AdaptorContextImpl();
* Start servicing incoming requests. This makes use of the
* previously-provided HttpServers and configuration.
public synchronized void start() {
// Since the Adaptor has been started, we can now issue other calls to it.
// Usages of 'adaptor' are completely safe after this point.
// Since we are white-listing particular keys for auto-update, things aren't
// ready enough to expose to adaptors.
/*if (adaptor instanceof ConfigModificationListener) {
(ConfigModificationListener) adaptor);
SamlServiceProvider samlServiceProvider = null;
if (config.isServerSecure()) {
SamlMetadata metadata = new SamlMetadata(config.getServerHostname(),
config.getServerPort(), config.getGsaHostname(),
config.getGsaSamlEntityId(), config.getServerSamlEntityId());
if (adaptorContext.authnAuthority != null) {
log.config("Adaptor-based authentication supported");
SamlIdentityProvider samlIdentityProvider = new SamlIdentityProvider(
adaptorContext.authnAuthority, metadata, keyPair);
} else {
log.config("Adaptor-based authentication not supported");
= new SamlServiceProvider(sessionManager, metadata, keyPair);
if (adaptorContext.authzAuthority != null) {
log.config("Adaptor-based authorization supported");
addFilters(scope.createContext("/saml-authz", new SamlBatchAuthzHandler(
adaptorContext.authzAuthority, docIdCodec, metadata)));
} else {
log.config("Adaptor-based authorization not supported");
scheduleExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("schedule")
Watchdog watchdog = new Watchdog(scheduleExecutor);
AsyncDocIdSender asyncDocIdSender = new AsyncDocIdSender(docIdSender,
config.getFeedMaxUrls() /* batch size */,
5 /* max latency */, TimeUnit.MINUTES,
2 * config.getFeedMaxUrls() /* queue size */);
// The cachedThreadPool implementation created here is considerably better
// than using ThreadPoolExecutor. ThreadPoolExecutor does not create threads
// as would be expected from a thread pool.
backgroundExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(
new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("background")
DocumentHandler docHandler = new DocumentHandler(
docIdCodec, docIdCodec, journal, adaptor, adaptorContext.authzAuthority,
samlServiceProvider, createTransformPipeline(), aclTransform,
config.isServerToUseCompression(), watchdog,
String handlerPath = config.getServerBaseUri().getPath()
+ config.getServerDocIdPath();
addFilters(scope.createContext(handlerPath, docHandler));
// Start communicating with other services. As a general rule, by this time
// we want all services we provide to be up and running. However, note that
// the adaptor may have started sending feeds as soon as we called init(),
// and that is "okay." In addition, the HttpServer we were provided may not
// have been started yet.
scheduler = new CronScheduler(scheduleExecutor);
docIdFullPusher = new OneAtATimeRunnable(
new PushRunnable(adaptorContext.fullExceptionHandler),
new AlreadyRunningRunnable());
sendDocIdsFuture = scheduler.schedule(
waiter.runnable(new BackgroundRunnable(docIdFullPusher)));
if (config.isAdaptorPushDocIdsOnStartup()) {"Pushing once at program start");
if (adaptorContext.pollingIncrementalLister != null) {
docIdIncrementalPusher = new OneAtATimeRunnable(
new IncrementalPushRunnable(adaptorContext.pollingIncrementalLister,
new AlreadyRunningRunnable());
waiter.runnable(new BackgroundRunnable(docIdIncrementalPusher)),
dashboard = new Dashboard(config, this, journal, sessionManager,
secureValueCodec, adaptor, adaptorContext.statusSources);
void tryToPutVersionIntoConfig() throws IOException {
try {
if ("GENERATE".equals(config.getGsaVersion())) { // is not set
GsaVersion ver = GsaVersion.get(config.getGsaHostname(),
config.overrideKey("gsa.version", "" + ver);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
// we're talking to an older GSA that cannot tell us its version.
log.log(Level.FINE, "gsa didn't provide version", fne);
config.setValue("gsa.version", "7.0.14-114");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
// we're talking to a GSA whose version we don't understand
log.log(Level.FINE, "gsa provided incomprehensible version", iae);
config.setValue("gsa.version", "7.0.14-114");
} // other IOException propagates out
private TransformPipeline createTransformPipeline() {
return createTransformPipeline(config.getTransformPipelineSpec());
static TransformPipeline createTransformPipeline(
List<Map<String, String>> pipelineConfig) {
List<DocumentTransform> elements = new LinkedList<DocumentTransform>();
List<String> names = new LinkedList<String>();
for (Map<String, String> element : pipelineConfig) {
final String name = element.get("name");
final String confPrefix = "transform.pipeline." + name + ".";
String factoryMethodName = element.get("factoryMethod");
if (factoryMethodName == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Missing " + confPrefix + "factoryMethod configuration setting");
int sepIndex = factoryMethodName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (sepIndex == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not separate method name from class "
+ "name");
String className = factoryMethodName.substring(0, sepIndex);
String methodName = factoryMethodName.substring(sepIndex + 1);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Split {0} into class {1} and method {2}",
new Object[] {factoryMethodName, className, methodName});
Class<?> klass;
try {
klass = Class.forName(className);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Could not load class for transform " + name, ex);
Method method;
try {
method = klass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, Map.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not find method " + methodName
+ " on class " + className, ex);
log.log(Level.FINE, "Found method {0}", new Object[] {method});
Object o;
try {
o = method.invoke(null, Collections.unmodifiableMap(element));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failure while running factory method "
+ factoryMethodName, ex);
if (!(o instanceof DocumentTransform)) {
throw new ClassCastException(o.getClass().getName()
+ " is not an instance of DocumentTransform");
DocumentTransform transform = (DocumentTransform) o;
// If we created an empty pipeline, then we don't need the pipeline at all.
return elements.size() > 0 ? new TransformPipeline(elements, names) : null;
private AclTransform createAclTransform() {
return createAclTransform(config.getValuesWithPrefix("transform.acl."));
static AclTransform createAclTransform(Map<String, String> aclConfigRaw) {
Map<Integer, String> aclConfig = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> me : aclConfigRaw.entrySet()) {
try {
aclConfig.put(Integer.parseInt(me.getKey()), me.getValue());
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// Don't insert into map.
log.log(Level.FINE, "Ignorning transform.acl.{0} because {0} is not an "
+ "integer", me.getKey());
List<AclTransform.Rule> rules = new LinkedList<AclTransform.Rule>();
for (String value : aclConfig.values()) {
String[] parts = value.split(";", 2);
if (parts.length != 2) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not find semicolon in acl transform: {0}",
AclTransform.MatchData search = parseAclTransformMatchData(parts[0]);
AclTransform.MatchData replace = parseAclTransformMatchData(parts[1]);
if (search == null || replace == null) {
"Could not parse acl transform rule: {0}", value);
if (replace.isGroup != null) {
"Replacement cannot change type. Failed in rule: {0}", value);
rules.add(new AclTransform.Rule(search, replace));
return new AclTransform(rules);
private static AclTransform.MatchData parseAclTransformMatchData(String s) {
String[] decls = s.split(",", -1);
if (decls.length == 1 && decls[0].trim().equals("")) {
// No declarations are required
return new AclTransform.MatchData(null, null, null, null);
Boolean isGroup = null;
String name = null;
String domain = null;
String namespace = null;
for (String decl : decls) {
String parts[] = decl.split("=", 2);
if (parts.length != 2) {
"Could not find \"=\" in \"{0}\" as part of \"{1}\"",
new Object[] {decl, s});
return null;
String key = parts[0].trim();
String value = parts[1];
if (key.equals("type")) {
if (value.equals("group")) {
isGroup = true;
} else if (value.equals("user")) {
isGroup = false;
} else {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown type \"{0}\" as part of \"{1}\"",
new Object[] {value, s});
return null;
} else if (key.equals("name")) {
name = value;
} else if (key.equals("domain")) {
domain = value;
} else if (key.equals("namespace")) {
namespace = value;
} else {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown key \"{0}\" as part of \"{1}\"",
new Object[] {key, s});
return null;
return new AclTransform.MatchData(isGroup, name, domain, namespace);
* Retrieve our default KeyPair from the default keystore. The key should have
* the same password as the keystore.
private static KeyPair getKeyPair(String alias) throws IOException {
final String keystoreKey = "";
final String keystorePasswordKey = "";
String keystore = System.getProperty(keystoreKey);
String keystoreType = System.getProperty("",
String keystorePassword = System.getProperty(keystorePasswordKey);
if (keystore == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("You must set " + keystoreKey);
if (keystorePassword == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("You must set " + keystorePasswordKey);
return getKeyPair(alias, keystore, keystoreType, keystorePassword);
static KeyPair getKeyPair(String alias, String keystoreFile,
String keystoreType, String keystorePasswordStr) throws IOException {
PrivateKey privateKey;
PublicKey publicKey;
try {
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType);
InputStream ksis = new FileInputStream(keystoreFile);
char[] keystorePassword = keystorePasswordStr == null ? null
: keystorePasswordStr.toCharArray();
try {
ks.load(ksis, keystorePassword);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} catch (CertificateException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
Key key = null;
try {
key = ks.getKey(alias, keystorePassword);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} catch (UnrecoverableKeyException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
if (key == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find key for alias '"
+ alias + "'");
privateKey = (PrivateKey) key;
publicKey = ks.getCertificate(alias).getPublicKey();
} catch (KeyStoreException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
return new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey);
// Useful as a separate method during testing.
static void bootstrapOpenSaml() {
try {
} catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
* Stops servicing incoming requests, allowing up to {@code maxDelay} seconds
* for things to shutdown. After called, no requests will be sent to the
* Adaptor.
* @return {@code true} if shutdown cleanly, {@code false} if requests may
* still be processing
public synchronized boolean stop(long time, TimeUnit unit) {
boolean clean = true;
if (adaptorContext != null) {
if (scope != null) {
scope = new HttpServerScope(
scope.getHttpServer(), scope.getContextPrefix());
if (scheduleExecutor != null) {
// Post-Adaptor.init() resources need to be stopped.
dashboardScope = new HttpServerScope(
dashboardScope.getHttpServer(), dashboardScope.getContextPrefix());
scheduleExecutor = null;
backgroundExecutor = null;
scheduler = null;
sendDocIdsFuture = null;
docIdIncrementalPusher = null;
dashboard = null;
// Clear references set by Adaptor via AdaptorContext.
docIdFullPusher = null;
docIdIncrementalPusher = null;
try {
clean = clean & waiter.shutdown(time, unit);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
clean = false;
waiter = new ShutdownWaiter();
return clean;
* Stop services necessary for handling outgoing requests. This call
* invalidates the {@link AdaptorContext} returned from {@link #setup}.
public synchronized void teardown() {
scope = null;
dashboardScope = null;
keyPair = null;
aclTransform = null;
waiter = null;
// Wait until after adaptor.destroy() to shutdown things accessible by
// AdaptorContext, so that the AdaptorContext is usable until the very
// end.
secureValueCodec = null;
sessionManager = null;
docIdCodec = null;
docIdSender = null;
adaptorContext = null;
* Ensure there is a push running right now. This schedules a new push if one
* is not already running. Returns {@code true} if it starts a new push, and
* {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean checkAndScheduleImmediatePushOfDocIds() {
if (docIdFullPusher.isRunning()) {
return false;
// This check-then-execute permits a race between checking and starting the
// runnable, but it shouldn't be a major issue since the caller wanted a
// push to start right now, and one "just started."
return true;
* Perform an push of incremental changes. This works only for adaptors that
* support incremental polling (implements {@link PollingIncrementalLister}.
public synchronized boolean checkAndScheduleIncrementalPushOfDocIds() {
if (docIdIncrementalPusher == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"This adaptor does not support incremental push");
if (docIdIncrementalPusher.isRunning()) {
return false;
// This permits a race between checking and starting the runnable, but it
// shouldn't be a major issue since the caller wanted a push to start right
// now, and one "just started."
return true;
boolean isAdaptorIncremental() {
if (adaptorContext == null || adaptorContext.mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can only be used after init()");
return adaptorContext.pollingIncrementalLister != null;
boolean ensureLatestConfigLoaded() {
try {
return config.ensureLatestConfigLoaded();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while trying to reload configuration",
return false;
synchronized void rescheduleFullListing(String schedule) {
if (sendDocIdsFuture == null) {
try {
scheduler.reschedule(sendDocIdsFuture, schedule);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Invalid schedule pattern", ex);
/** The adaptor instance being used. */
public Adaptor getAdaptor() {
return adaptor;
HttpContext addFilters(HttpContext context) {
return context;
* Runnable that calls {@link DocIdSender#pushDocIds}.
private class PushRunnable implements Runnable {
private final ExceptionHandler handler;
public PushRunnable(ExceptionHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
* Runnable that performs incremental feed push.
private class IncrementalPushRunnable implements Runnable {
private final ExceptionHandler handler;
private final PollingIncrementalLister incrementalLister;
public IncrementalPushRunnable(PollingIncrementalLister incrementalLister,
ExceptionHandler handler) {
this.incrementalLister = incrementalLister;
this.handler = handler;
public void run() {
try {
incrementalLister, handler);
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception during incremental polling", ex);
* Runnable that logs an error that {@link PushRunnable} is already executing.
private class AlreadyRunningRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
log.warning("Skipping scheduled push of docIds. The previous invocation "
+ "is still running.");
* Runnable that when invoked executes the delegate with {@link
* #backgroundExecutor} and then returns before completion. That implies that
* uses of this class must ensure they do not add an instance directly to
* {@link #backgroundExecutor}, otherwise an odd infinite loop will occur.
private class BackgroundRunnable implements Runnable {
private final Runnable delegate;
public BackgroundRunnable(Runnable delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void run() {
// Wrap with waiter.runnable() every time instead of in constructor to aid
// auditing the code for "ShutdownWaiter correctness."
* This class is thread-safe.
private class AdaptorContextImpl implements AdaptorContext {
private boolean mutable = true;
private ExceptionHandler fullExceptionHandler
= ExceptionHandlers.defaultHandler();
private ExceptionHandler incrExceptionHandler
= ExceptionHandlers.defaultHandler();
private final List<StatusSource> statusSources
= new ArrayList<StatusSource>();
private PollingIncrementalLister pollingIncrementalLister;
private AuthnAuthority authnAuthority;
private AuthzAuthority authzAuthority;
private synchronized void freeze() {
mutable = false;
public Config getConfig() {
return config;
public DocIdPusher getDocIdPusher() {
return docIdSender;
public DocIdEncoder getDocIdEncoder() {
return docIdCodec;
public synchronized void addStatusSource(StatusSource source) {
if (!mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("After init()");
public synchronized void setGetDocIdsFullErrorHandler(
ExceptionHandler handler) {
if (!mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("After init()");
if (handler == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
fullExceptionHandler = handler;
public synchronized ExceptionHandler getGetDocIdsFullErrorHandler() {
return fullExceptionHandler;
public synchronized void setGetDocIdsIncrementalErrorHandler(
ExceptionHandler handler) {
if (!mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("After init()");
if (handler == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
incrExceptionHandler = handler;
public synchronized ExceptionHandler getGetDocIdsIncrementalErrorHandler() {
return incrExceptionHandler;
public SensitiveValueDecoder getSensitiveValueDecoder() {
return secureValueCodec;
public synchronized HttpContext createHttpContext(String path,
HttpHandler handler) {
if (!mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("After init()");
return addFilters(scope.createContext(path, handler));
public Session getUserSession(HttpExchange ex, boolean create) {
Session session = sessionManager.getSession(ex, create);
if (session == null) {
return null;
final String wrappedSessionName = "wrapped-session";
Session nsSession;
synchronized (session) {
nsSession = (Session) session.getAttribute(wrappedSessionName);
if (nsSession == null) {
nsSession = new NamespacedSession(session, "adaptor-impl-");
session.setAttribute(wrappedSessionName, nsSession);
return nsSession;
public synchronized void setPollingIncrementalLister(
PollingIncrementalLister lister) {
if (!mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("After init()");
pollingIncrementalLister = lister;
public synchronized void setAuthnAuthority(AuthnAuthority authnAuthority) {
if (!mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("After init()");
this.authnAuthority = authnAuthority;
public synchronized void setAuthzAuthority(AuthzAuthority authzAuthority) {
if (!mutable) {
throw new IllegalStateException("After init()");
this.authzAuthority = authzAuthority;