deployment guide
diff --git a/src/overview.html b/src/overview.html
index 5bb7284..f19034f 100644
--- a/src/overview.html
+++ b/src/overview.html
@@ -1,5 +1,71 @@
-Active Directory Adaptor Deployment Guide
+<h3 id="adadaptor">Deployment of Active Directory Adaptor</h3>
-TODO: Write deployment guide
+<p>A single instance of Active Directory adaptor can acquire
+and resolve groups from multiple Active Directory servers.
+  <li>GSA 7.2 or higher
+  <li>Java JRE 1.6u27 or higher installed on computer that runs adaptor
+  <li>Active Directory Adaptor JAR executable
+  <li>Credentials for Active Directory servers to be read
+<h4>Configure GSA for Adaptor</h4>
+  <li>Add the IP address of the computer that hosts the adaptor to the <b>List
+    of Trusted IP Addresses</b> on the GSA.
+    <p>In the GSA's Admin Console, go to <b>Crawl and Index &gt; Feeds</b>,
+    and scroll down to <b>List of Trusted IP Addresses</b>. Add the IP address
+    for the adaptor to the list.
+<h4>Configure Adaptor</h4>
+  <li>Create a file named <code></code> in the
+  directory that contains the adaptor binary. The configuration can
+  be for multiple AD servers. The variable <code>ad.servers</code>
+  contains a list of server identifiers.
+  <p>
+  Here is an example configuration (bold items are example values to be
+  replaced):
+  <p>
+  Notice: <code>ad.defaultUser</code> can be overriden by providing particular
+  <code>user</code> for a particular server.<br>
+  Notice: <code>ad.defaultPassword</code> can be overriden by providing particular
+  <code>password</code> for a particular server.<br>
+  <li> Create file named <code></code> in the same directory
+  that contains adaptor binary:
+  <pre>
+  <li><p>Create a directory named logs in the same directory that contains
+  <li><p>Run the adaptor using:
+  <pre>java -jar adaptor-ad-YYYYMMDD-withlib.jar</pre>