blob: 19b073c50ac132e9c2753e3a59773c2d7b287c6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
class SiteDataClient {
/** SharePoint's namespace. */
private static final String XMLNS
= "";
private static final Logger log
= Logger.getLogger(SiteDataClient.class.getName());
* The JAXBContext is expensive to initialize, so we share a copy between
* instances.
private static final JAXBContext jaxbContext;
* XML Schema of requests and responses. Used to validate responses match
* expectations.
private static final Schema schema;
static {
try {
jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(
} catch (JAXBException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize JAXBContext", ex);
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
Document doc = dbf.newDocumentBuilder()
String schemaNs = XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI;
Node schemaNode = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(schemaNs, "schema").item(0);
schema = SchemaFactory.newInstance(schemaNs).newSchema(
new DOMSource(schemaNode));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize Schema", ex);
} catch (SAXException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize Schema", ex);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize Schema", ex);
private final CheckedExceptionSiteDataSoap siteData;
private final boolean xmlValidation;
public SiteDataClient(SiteDataSoap siteDataSoap, boolean xmlValidation) {
if (siteDataSoap == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
siteDataSoap = LoggingWSHandler.create(SiteDataSoap.class, siteDataSoap);
this.siteData = new CheckedExceptionSiteDataSoapAdapter(siteDataSoap);
this.xmlValidation = xmlValidation;
public long getSiteAndWeb(String strUrl, Holder<String> strSite,
Holder<String> strWeb) throws IOException {
Holder<Long> getSiteAndWebResult = new Holder<Long>();
siteData.getSiteAndWeb(strUrl, getSiteAndWebResult, strSite, strWeb);
return getSiteAndWebResult.value;
public boolean getUrlSegments(String strURL, Holder<String> strListID,
Holder<String> strItemID) throws IOException {
Holder<Boolean> getURLSegmentsResult = new Holder<Boolean>();
// The returned web is not useful because we already know the web containing
// the URL. We don't have a use for the returned bucket.
siteData.getURLSegments(strURL, getURLSegmentsResult, null, null,
strListID, strItemID);
return getURLSegmentsResult.value;
public VirtualServer getContentVirtualServer() throws IOException {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentVirtualServer");
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.VIRTUAL_SERVER, null, null, null, true,
false, null, result);
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<VirtualServer>",
"<VirtualServer xmlns='" + XMLNS + "'>");
VirtualServer vs = jaxbParse(xml, VirtualServer.class);
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentVirtualServer", vs);
return vs;
public ContentDatabase getContentContentDatabase(String id,
boolean retrieveChildItems) throws IOException {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentContentDatabase", id);
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.CONTENT_DATABASE, id, null, null,
retrieveChildItems, false, null, result);
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<ContentDatabase>",
"<ContentDatabase xmlns='" + XMLNS + "'>");
ContentDatabase cd = jaxbParse(xml, ContentDatabase.class);
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentContentDatabase", cd);
return cd;
public Site getContentSite() throws IOException {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentSite");
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
final boolean retrieveChildItems = true;
// When ObjectType is SITE_COLLECTION, retrieveChildItems is the only
// input value consulted.
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.SITE_COLLECTION, null, null, null,
retrieveChildItems, false, null, result);
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<Site>", "<Site xmlns='" + XMLNS + "'>");
Site site = jaxbParse(xml, Site.class);
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentSite", site);
return site;
public Web getContentWeb() throws IOException {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentWeb");
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.SITE, null, null, null, true, false, null,
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<Web>", "<Web xmlns='" + XMLNS + "'>");
Web web = jaxbParse(xml, Web.class);
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentWeb", web);
return web;
public getContentList(String id)
throws IOException {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentList", id);
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.LIST, id, null, null, false, false, null,
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<List>", "<List xmlns='" + XMLNS + "'>"); list = jaxbParse(xml,;
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentList", list);
return list;
public ItemData getContentItem(String listId, String itemId)
throws IOException {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentItem",
new Object[] {listId, itemId});
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.LIST_ITEM, listId, "", itemId, false,
false, null, result);
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<Item>", "<ItemData xmlns='" + XMLNS + "'>");
xml = xml.replace("</Item>", "</ItemData>");
ItemData data = jaxbParse(xml, ItemData.class);
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentItem", data);
return data;
public Paginator<ItemData> getContentFolderChildren(final String guid,
final String url) {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentFolderChildren",
new Object[] {guid, url});
final Holder<String> lastItemIdOnPage = new Holder<String>("");
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentFolderChildren");
return new Paginator<ItemData>() {
public ItemData next() throws IOException {
if (lastItemIdOnPage.value == null) {
return null;
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.FOLDER, guid, url, null, true, false,
lastItemIdOnPage, result);
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<Folder>", "<Folder xmlns='" + XMLNS + "'>");
return jaxbParse(xml, ItemData.class);
public Item getContentListItemAttachments(String listId, String itemId)
throws IOException {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getContentListItemAttachments",
new Object[] {listId, itemId});
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
siteData.getContent(ObjectType.LIST_ITEM_ATTACHMENTS, listId, "",
itemId, true, false, null, result);
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<Item ", "<Item xmlns='" + XMLNS + "' ");
Item item = jaxbParse(xml, Item.class);
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getContentListItemAttachments", item);
return item;
* Get a paginator that allows looping over all the changes since {@code
* startChangeId}. If next() throws an XmlProcessingException, it is
* guaranteed to be after state has been updated so that a subsequent call
* to next() will provide the next page and not repeat the erroring page.
public CursorPaginator<SPContentDatabase, String>
getChangesContentDatabase(final String contentDatabaseGuid,
String startChangeId, final boolean isSp2007) {
log.entering("SiteDataClient", "getChangesContentDatabase",
new Object[] {contentDatabaseGuid, startChangeId});
final Holder<String> lastChangeId = new Holder<String>(startChangeId);
final Holder<String> lastLastChangeId = new Holder<String>();
final Holder<String> currentChangeId = new Holder<String>();
final Holder<Boolean> moreChanges = new Holder<Boolean>(true);
log.exiting("SiteDataClient", "getChangesContentDatabase");
return new CursorPaginator<SPContentDatabase, String>() {
public SPContentDatabase next() throws IOException {
if (!moreChanges.value) {
return null;
lastLastChangeId.value = lastChangeId.value;
Holder<String> result = new Holder<String>();
// In SP 2007, the timeout is a number of seconds. In SP2010 and above,
// the timeout is n * 60, where n is the number of items you want
// returned. However, asking for more than 10 items seems
// to lose results. If timeout is less than 60 in SP 2010 / 2013,
// then it causes an infinite loop.
int timeout = isSp2007 ? 15 : 10 * 60;
siteData.getChanges(ObjectType.CONTENT_DATABASE, contentDatabaseGuid,
lastChangeId, currentChangeId, timeout, result, moreChanges);
// XmlProcessingExceptions fine after this point.
String xml = result.value;
xml = xml.replace("<SPContentDatabase ",
"<SPContentDatabase xmlns='" + XMLNS + "' ");
return jaxbParse(xml, SPContentDatabase.class);
public String getCursor() {
return lastChangeId.value;
<T> T jaxbParse(String xml, Class<T> klass)
throws XmlProcessingException {
if (xml.contains("&#31;")) {
// Unit separator is sometimes present in ows_MetaInfo of the response
// XML, but it prevents the XML from being parsed. Since we don't actually
// care about MetaInfo we strip it out.
xml = xml.replace("&#31;", "");
Source source = new StreamSource(new StringReader(xml));
try {
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
if (xmlValidation) {
return unmarshaller.unmarshal(source, klass).getValue();
} catch (JAXBException ex) {
throw new XmlProcessingException(ex, xml);
* Container exception for wrapping xml processing exceptions in IOExceptions.
public static class XmlProcessingException extends IOException {
public XmlProcessingException(JAXBException cause, String xml) {
super("Error when parsing xml: " + xml, cause);
* Container exception for wrapping WebServiceExceptions in a checked
* exception.
public static class WebServiceIOException extends IOException {
public WebServiceIOException(WebServiceException cause) {
* An object that can be paged through.
* @param <E> element type returned by {@link #next}
public interface Paginator<E> {
* Get the next page of the series. If an exception is thrown, the state of
* the paginator is undefined.
* @return the next page of data, or {@code null} if no more pages available
public E next() throws IOException;
* An object that can be paged through, but also provide a cursor for learning
* its current position.
* @param <E> element type returned by {@link #next}
* @param <C> cursor type
public interface CursorPaginator<E, C> extends Paginator<E> {
* Provides a cursor for the current position. The intent is that you could
* get a cursor (even in the event of {@link #next} throwing an exception)
* and use it to create a query that would continue without repeating
* results.
public C getCursor();
public static Service createSiteDataService() {
return Service.create(
new QName(XMLNS, "SiteData"));
* A subset of SiteDataSoap that throws WebServiceIOExceptions instead of the
* WebServiceException (which is a RuntimeException).
private static interface CheckedExceptionSiteDataSoap {
public void getSiteAndWeb(String strUrl, Holder<Long> getSiteAndWebResult,
Holder<String> strSite, Holder<String> strWeb)
throws WebServiceIOException;
public void getURLSegments(String strURL,
Holder<Boolean> getURLSegmentsResult, Holder<String> strWebID,
Holder<String> strBucketID, Holder<String> strListID,
Holder<String> strItemID) throws WebServiceIOException;
public void getContent(ObjectType objectType, String objectId,
String folderUrl, String itemId, boolean retrieveChildItems,
boolean securityOnly, Holder<String> lastItemIdOnPage,
Holder<String> getContentResult) throws WebServiceIOException;
public void getChanges(ObjectType objectType, String contentDatabaseId,
Holder<String> lastChangeId, Holder<String> currentChangeId,
Integer timeout, Holder<String> getChangesResult,
Holder<Boolean> moreChanges) throws WebServiceIOException;
private static class CheckedExceptionSiteDataSoapAdapter
implements CheckedExceptionSiteDataSoap {
private final SiteDataSoap siteData;
public CheckedExceptionSiteDataSoapAdapter(SiteDataSoap siteData) {
this.siteData = siteData;
public void getSiteAndWeb(String strUrl, Holder<Long> getSiteAndWebResult,
Holder<String> strSite, Holder<String> strWeb)
throws WebServiceIOException {
try {
siteData.getSiteAndWeb(strUrl, getSiteAndWebResult, strSite, strWeb);
} catch (WebServiceException ex) {
throw new WebServiceIOException(ex);
public void getURLSegments(String strURL,
Holder<Boolean> getURLSegmentsResult, Holder<String> strWebID,
Holder<String> strBucketID, Holder<String> strListID,
Holder<String> strItemID) throws WebServiceIOException {
try {
siteData.getURLSegments(strURL, getURLSegmentsResult, strWebID,
strBucketID, strListID, strItemID);
} catch (WebServiceException ex) {
throw new WebServiceIOException(ex);
public void getContent(ObjectType objectType, String objectId,
String folderUrl, String itemId, boolean retrieveChildItems,
boolean securityOnly, Holder<String> lastItemIdOnPage,
Holder<String> getContentResult) throws WebServiceIOException {
try {
siteData.getContent(objectType, objectId, folderUrl, itemId,
retrieveChildItems, securityOnly, lastItemIdOnPage,
} catch (WebServiceException ex) {
throw new WebServiceIOException(ex);
public void getChanges(ObjectType objectType, String contentDatabaseId,
Holder<String> lastChangeId, Holder<String> currentChangeId,
Integer timeout, Holder<String> getChangesResult,
Holder<Boolean> moreChanges) throws WebServiceIOException {
try {
siteData.getChanges(objectType, contentDatabaseId, lastChangeId,
currentChangeId, timeout, getChangesResult, moreChanges);
} catch (WebServiceException ex) {
throw new WebServiceIOException(ex);