blob: 6da0e4ecddd343e914ad7fcef34ebb002d42c3b6 [file] [log] [blame]
#summary frequently asked questions with answers
= Developer FAQ =
* How should one handle repository being unavailable during init()?
init() will error if the SP server is unavailable, but the
GsaCommunicationHandler will retry init() using exponential backoff
(starting at a second and maxes at an hour) until it is interrupted,
shutdown, or successful.
* How do I get a reference to the DocIdPusher?
Use AdaptorContext.getDocIdPusher() that you get in init.
* How do I feed document that has changed?
Send a Record for that DocId with crawl-immediately being true.
* How do I feed a document that has been deleted?
Tell the GSA to crawl the document, which will result in 404, which will result in a deltion. If you'd like you can set delete to be true in Record, but that's not necessary.
* Can I represent multiple ACLs for same document?
Consider: some/path/Folder and some/path/Folder/File
some/path/Folder (sent via retriever)<br>
generated/inherit_file/some/path/Folder (sent via pushNamedResources)<br>
generated/inherit_folder/some/path/Folder (sent via pushNamedResources)<br>
some/path/Folder/File inherits from generated/inherit_file/some/path/Folder (sent via retriever)<br>
To send using pushNamedResources, create the other ACLs and then spawn a new thread that calls pushNamedResources.
* I'm getting interruption exception, what am I doing wrong?
The adaptor has 30 seconds to start sending content, and 3 minutes to complete sending content. The config values are adaptor.docContentTimeoutSecs and adaptor.docHeaderTimeoutSecs.