Edited wiki page AdaptorsInRelationToConnectors through web user interface.
diff --git a/AdaptorsInRelationToConnectors.wiki b/AdaptorsInRelationToConnectors.wiki
index 2ac3b1e..2899f8d 100644
--- a/AdaptorsInRelationToConnectors.wiki
+++ b/AdaptorsInRelationToConnectors.wiki
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
 = Connector Concerns =
 This process is the opposite of connectors. Connectors push all data and do not allow the GSA to re-query data as needed. This means that
-# the connector must have its own crawler to notice updates,
-# the connector needs to keep track of the GSA’s state and the repository’s state, and
-# if an error occurs on the GSA (due to load or some other intermittent issue) then there is no avenue for the GSA to re-obtain the file for indexing.
+ # the connector must have its own crawler to notice updates,
+ # the connector needs to keep track of the GSA’s state and the repository’s state, and
+ # if an error occurs on the GSA (due to load or some other intermittent issue) then there is no avenue for the GSA to re-obtain the file for indexing.
 Each of these three items causes an issue.