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+#Considerations when developing and reviewing source code
+= Introduction =
+Considerations when developing and reviewing source code.
+= Philosophy =
+# Don't introduce code provisionally. Only insert code that is being used for a purpose. Corollary: Develop using vertical slices, instead of horizontal slices. 
+# Each CL does one thing. Don't insert refactorings into functional changes and vice-versa.
+# Aim for small CLs. 
+# Don't send out "try-things-out" CLs.
+# Make CLs direct. eg. no unneccesary indirection eg. put the String constant in instead of having unnecessary finals declared.
+# Prefer plain/idiomatic/obvious over clever.
+# Name things!     
+## make specific exception classes
+## don't use "abstract" in class name
+## don't use "impl" in class name
+## name sub-blocks of code by converting to methods
+= Explicitly check these properties of the code =
+# Is the code thread safe? Read your code and check whether your code behaves well when multiple methods of an instance are executing simultaneously. Avoid settors to make classes immutable.
+# Was equals considered? 
+# Was hashCode considered?
+# Were exceptions considered? Are exceptions scoped precisely and accurately?
+# Was toString considered? toString is helpful for testing and debugging.
+# Does the code call exit? Don't call exit as it makes code un-libifable and means shutdown sequenceing is not understood.
+# Please provide sufficient tests.
+# BufferedImage is TYPE_INT_RGB
+# Gui use done with SwingUtilities.invokeLater () so that SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() 
+# Usually if a class uses Random, it is parameterizable on Random
+# Was use of System.out and System.err considered? It's not a good 
+# Watch out for autoboxing and varargs producing undesireable behaviour.
+# Consider public and final modifiers on classes and methods.
+# Add javadoc