blob: e63b4523fb581acde354912514f2026850051a36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse
* Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.xtext.scoping.IScope;
import org.junit.*;
* Tests for <code>{@link ProtobufScopeProvider#scope_OptionField_target(OptionField, EReference)}</code>.
* @author (Alex Ruiz)
public class ProtobufScopeProvider_scope_OptionField_target_with_MessageOptionField_Test {
@Rule public XtextRule xtext = overrideRuntimeModuleWith(integrationTestModule());
@Inject private EReference reference;
@Inject private ProtobufScopeProvider scopeProvider;
// syntax = "proto2";
// import 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto';
// message Type {
// optional double code = 1;
// optional string name = 2;
// }
// extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
// optional Type type = 1000;
// }
// option (type).code = 68;
@Test public void should_provide_message_fields_for_first_field_in_custom_option() {
CustomOption option = xtext.find("type", ")", CustomOption.class);
MessageOptionField codeOptionField = (MessageOptionField) option.getFields().get(0);
IScope scope = scopeProvider.scope_OptionField_target(codeOptionField, reference);
Message typeMessage = xtext.find("Type", " {", Message.class);
assertThat(descriptionsIn(scope), containAllFieldsIn(typeMessage));
// syntax = "proto2";
// import 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto';
// message Code {
// optional double number = 1;
// }
// message Type {
// optional Code code = 1;
// optional string name = 2;
// }
// extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
// optional Type type = 1000;
// }
// option (type).code.number = 68;
@Test public void should_provide_message_fields_for_field_in_custom_option() {
CustomOption option = xtext.find("type", ")", CustomOption.class);
MessageOptionField numberOptionField = (MessageOptionField) option.getFields().get(1);
IScope scope = scopeProvider.scope_OptionField_target(numberOptionField, reference);
Message codeMessage = xtext.find("Code", " {", Message.class);
assertThat(descriptionsIn(scope), containAllFieldsIn(codeMessage));
// syntax = "proto2";
// import 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto';
// extend google.protobuf.FileOptions {
// optional group Type = 1000 {
// optional double code = 1001;
// optional string name = 1002;
// }
// }
// option (type).code = 68;
@Test public void should_provide_group_fields_for_first_field_in_custom_option() {
CustomOption option = xtext.find("type", ")", CustomOption.class, IGNORE_CASE);
MessageOptionField codeOptionField = (MessageOptionField) option.getFields().get(0);
IScope scope = scopeProvider.scope_OptionField_target(codeOptionField, reference);
Group groupMessage = xtext.find("Type", " =", Group.class);
assertThat(descriptionsIn(scope), containAllFieldsIn(groupMessage));
// syntax = "proto2";
// import 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto';
// message Type {
// optional double code = 1;
// optional string name = 2;
// }
// extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// optional Type type = 1000;
// }
// message Person {
// optional boolean active = 1 [(type).code = 68];
// }
@Test public void should_provide_message_fields_for_first_field_in_field_custom_option() {
CustomFieldOption option = xtext.find("type", ")", CustomFieldOption.class);
MessageOptionField codeOptionField = (MessageOptionField) option.getFields().get(0);
IScope scope = scopeProvider.scope_OptionField_target(codeOptionField, reference);
Message typeMessage = xtext.find("Type", " {", Message.class);
assertThat(descriptionsIn(scope), containAllFieldsIn(typeMessage));
// syntax = "proto2";
// import 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto';
// message Code {
// optional double number = 1;
// }
// message Type {
// optional Code code = 1;
// optional string name = 2;
// }
// extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// optional Type type = 1000;
// }
// message Person {
// optional boolean active = 1 [(type).code.number = 68];
// }
@Test public void should_provide_message_fields_for_field_in_field_custom_option() {
CustomFieldOption option = xtext.find("type", ")", CustomFieldOption.class);
MessageOptionField numberOptionField = (MessageOptionField) option.getFields().get(1);
IScope scope = scopeProvider.scope_OptionField_target(numberOptionField, reference);
Message codeMessage = xtext.find("Code", " {", Message.class);
assertThat(descriptionsIn(scope), containAllFieldsIn(codeMessage));
// syntax = "proto2";
// import 'google/protobuf/descriptor.proto';
// extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
// optional group Type = 1000 {
// optional double code = 1001;
// optional string name = 1002;
// }
// }
// message Person {
// optional boolean active = 1 [(type).code = 68];
// }
@Test public void should_provide_group_fields_for_first_field_in_field_custom_option() {
CustomFieldOption option = xtext.find("type", ")", CustomFieldOption.class, IGNORE_CASE);
MessageOptionField codeOptionField = (MessageOptionField) option.getFields().get(0);
IScope scope = scopeProvider.scope_OptionField_target(codeOptionField, reference);
Group groupMessage = xtext.find("Type", " =", Group.class);
assertThat(descriptionsIn(scope), containAllFieldsIn(groupMessage));